High School for Girls
RGHS 2011
School Vision The young ladies of Rustenburg High School for Girls are taught to lead courageously, explore their unique potential confidently and serve the world compassionately.
RGHS 2011
Contents 5 Leaders 19 Academic 55 Creative Expressions 65 Inter-house Events 71 Sport 84 Societies and Services 101 Rustenburg Old Girls’ Union Rebecca Berg (Grade 12)
Former Principals
Ms Alicia Bleby 1894 - 1911
Ms Jean DonaldsonWright 1912 - 1916
Ms Caroline Kemp 1916 - 1936
Ms Gwen Hazell 1937 - 1951
Ms Margaret Thomson 1952 - 1979
Ms Josephine McIntyre 1980 - 1991
Ms Mary van Blerk 1991 - 1999
Dr Elizabeth Fullard 1999 - 2006
Phone: (021) 686 4066 Fax: (021) 686 7114 E-mail: Address: Camp Ground Road, Rondebosch, 7700
RGHS 2011
2011 School Magazine credits Editor: Mr Adrian Skelly Sub-editor: Ms Louise Albertyn Pupil Editor: Chloe Kruger Fashion photographer: Ms Kristina Stojiljkovic Front cover: from left: Michelle (Yi-Tin) Yuan, Mbali Mahanjana, Jodi Walker, Samantha Culligan, Holly Deutschmann, Jessica Ehrenreich (image by Ms Kristina Stojiljkovic) Inside front cover: 2011 School Leaders: Angeliki Carvounes (Headgirl), Nicola Barrett (Deputy for Seniors), Karen Schuster (Deputy for Juniors) Sub-sections: (all images by Ms Kristina Stojiljkovic) Leaders: Camagu Mayosi Academic: Lauren Denny Creative Expressions: Gladys Kisela Inter-house Events: Siphokazi Mbatani Sport: Nikki Baguley Societies and Services: Kirsten Bennett Rustenburg Old Girls’ Union: Ms Meagan Rees (Matric 1999) and Ms Perdita Norval (Matric 1979) In-house photography: Mr Riaan Vosloo and the Photographic Society Group photographs: Prestige Photographic Services (021) 930 4883 Proof-reading: Ms Karin Evans and Tasmin Metelerkamp Design and layout: Ms Caryn Köhler of Wallflower (082 535 2774) Print Management: Darren Taljaard of 4mat communications (082 923 8648)
2011 School Magazine Committee At the beginning of this year, the theme of ‘school’ pervaded the popular media. The local press afforded much coverage to the 2010 National Senior Certificate examinations. At the same time, a film interpretation of John van der Ruit’s novel “Spud”, set in a South African high school, hit the movie circuit. On the radio could be heard Pink singing what became one of the summer anthems, “So if you’re too school for cool,” while the Style Network advocated the “collegiate look,” stripy cardigans and grey flannel. Schooling, in its broadest and most modern sense, became fashionable. Professional fashion photographer, Ms Kristina Stojiljkovic, was responsible for the fresh and youth-inspired image used for the double-spread front cover and for the internal cover pages of the sections. Special thanks must be extended to the two ‘models’ who were used for the Rustenburg Old Girls’ Union photo: current staff members Ms Meagan Rees (who matriculated from Rustenburg in 1999) and Ms Perdita Norval (who matriculated from Rustenburg in 1979) bravely revisited their schooldays by dressing in uniforms supplied by the Bug Boutique. A countless number of individuals contributed to this publication, far too many to mention. It would, however, be remiss not to acknowledge the kind affirmations of Mr de Villiers, Chairperson of the SGB, Ms Bekker and Ms Schnetler who encourage open-mindedness and forward-thinking, Ms Niddrie, who ensured that there was sufficient funding, or Ms Evans, who painstakingly proof-read each page. Mr Vosloo and his team had cameras ready at the drop of a hat! Chloe Kruger, pupil editor, responded to tasks beyond the call of duty (she even unmade her bed in Erinville so that her white sheets could provide photo backdrops). Ms Albertyn, sub-editor, displayed meticulous planning and remained unflappable. It was at the photo shoot in January when she slowly turned, while our schoolgirls were being positioned by the photographer, and whispered, “This is just like Spud, but for girls!”
RGHS 2011
RGHS 2011
From the Principal The media plays a critical role in the world today. It not only keeps us informed and connected, but it also helps to form and shape public opinion. With this in mind, schools approach the press with care. We want our school to be well-known, but not infamous. In education, the old saying “any press is good press,” simply does not ring true. Each year schools come under the spotlight when Matric results are released. The public, and indeed everyone associated with education, checks the results and makes inevitable comparisons. There is a desire to have the press tell us which school is best. This places a huge responsibility on the South African press as this question is not only a matter of statistics, but is a question of perspective and critical criteria used to make these judgments. While we enjoyed the accolade of being judged the top girls’ government school in South Africa in 2010 and third top school in the province in 2011, there is actually very little difference between the top ten schools along the critical criteria used for establishing these results. Although these ratings are useful, the value we attach to them should depend on what we look for honestly to rate ourselves. Our school prides itself on 100% Matric pass rate and on the fact that a significant number of students placed in the top ten in various subjects, achieve four or more distinctions. We are also proud that our examination results open the doors to so many tertiary institutions, including universities at home and abroad. Of equal importance however, but not measured by the existing criteria, is the care and time spent on helping all our girls reach their full potential in various spheres of involvement, not only academically. Once judged among the best, the challenge facing a school of our calibre is to maintain our reputation in the public eye. We must never grow complacent, but move towards greater excellence. With this in mind, we have indentified areas of growth creating a variety of structures to facilitate this. One area of growth is developing, encouraging and expanding individual leadership across all grades. Each grade undergoes leadership development (using outside facilitators) every year. More opportunities are being created for girls to hold responsible positions in the school and the Representative Council of Learners plays a significant role in giving a voice to the girls, as well as an opportunity to lead courageously. Another area of growth which needs our attention is staff development. We see this as important as it encourages staff to keep abreast with developments and thinking in their own subject areas, as well as in critical areas of education such as school management, pupil assessment and personal growth. Staff members are offered the opportunity to attend various courses, as well as to exchange ideas and best practices with colleagues from other schools such as our Afri-twin schools (one in Stroud, UK, and one in Khayelitsha). School governance has also been an area of growth at Rustenburg. The School Governing Body comprised of 12 elected members (parents, staff and pupils) has now broadened into sub-committees headed up by SGB members but including far more parents and staff. These committees include Human Resources and Policy, Finance and Administration, Campus Development and Maintenance,
Business Development and Sustainability, Sport Development and Extra Curricula, and Marketing and Communication. It is our hope that these defined areas will allow parents the opportunity to offer their expertise and ideas so that the continued development of the school as an institution of excellence is the responsibility of the whole Rustenburg family. One has to bear in mind that, whilst much attention is paid to school governance, school management and leadership is also a critical area of growth and development. Here, the Principal, Deputy Principal and School Management Team are responsible for the day-to-day running of the school, the curriculum and classroom practices, assessment and co-curricular practices, staff management and matters that are related to departmental directives. It is clear from all the above that the governance and management of a school of excellence is so much more than the Matric results. How are we then to measure and evaluate ourselves beyond the press release in January this year? We have embarked on the guideline instrument for internal evaluation of schools, “School in a Mirror”, under the auspices of IQAA, a process that has involved staff, pupils and parents alike, who have been asked the question “How do you rate Rustenburg?” Through various surveys and focus group discussions we have been able to ascertain how we see ourselves and to gauge our areas of strength and areas needing development. The final report gave us the opportunity to focus on different areas over the next few years to ensure continued growth and development and maintenance of excellent standards. Modern technology has assisted greatly in putting parents and pupils in the privileged position of being very well informed about the running of this school. Use of the school website, the newsletters (via email and hardcopy), and cell phones has enabled our school family to function using open communication. Whilst technology and the media have been positively influential in assisting a school like ours to attain status and credibility, we would be very remiss if we were not aware and concerned about the negative effects these can have. Our pupils can be greatly influenced by the media in their formative years (Grades 6 to 10). The emphasis placed on material worth, physical beauty and social standing is alarming! Social networking, the absence of privacy and the new realm of cyber-bullying have become a potentially harmful trend. We, as educators, have to ask ourselves how to encourage our girls to see the value and importance of face-to-face communication, how to look for and value the inner beauty in people, how to return to the “old” values of integrity and honour so that they can embrace the best of both worlds whilst having the good judgment not to compromise their values because it is trendy. Finally, we want to teach our girls to see that “South Africa is not the angry, corrupt, violent country that fills the front pages of newspapers and the lead-in on the seven o’clock news. It is the South Africa often unseen, yet powered by the remarkable lives of ordinary people. It is the citizens who keep the country together through millions of acts of daily kindness.” (Jonathan Jansen, Vice-Chancellor of the University of the Free State).
RGHS 2011
From the Deputy Principal Academic Matters The third consecutive year of the NSC examinations proved to be most successful, with outstanding results, once again, from our Matric learners. Our 100% pass rate was accompanied by 97,5% of our girls achieving Bachelors passes, thereby meeting the minimum requirements for university entrance. Our top achiever was Samantha Filby, with an aggregate of 90,83% and 8 subject distinctions. While 26% of our girls achieved four or more “A” symbols and 24 were placed in the top 10 positions in various subjects in the Western Cape (the highest number who have achieved this to date and almost double what has been achieved previously), a more accurate reflection of the excellent quality of our girls’ results can be seen if one looks at the grade averages of each individual subject, as this takes the performance of every single learner who takes that subject into account, not just those who are particularly gifted academically: all subject departments achieved subject averages of 60% or higher. Of these, nine had grade averages of above 70%, and six achieved 80% or more. This is testimony to the hard work of both the girls and their teachers. It is well-known that numerous research studies have identified the quality of the teacher in the classroom as the most important factor in academic success. Of course, achievement in Grade 12 requires much more than just hard work in the final year. Outstanding external examination results are built on a foundation of good habits and a strong work ethic, as well as skills that have been developed over number of years, rather than just in the final straight. Teachers at Rustenburg are keenly aware of this academic development process and the need to develop intellectual curiosity and critical thinking skills in their learners, while equipping them with the confidence, independence, skills and knowledge that will be vital to success at tertiary level. The pass rate of over 99% achieved in Grades 8 to 11 last year also bears testimony to the good work being done in the classroom at all levels in the school.
Staff Professional Development
Staff members have made use of opportunities to hone their skills, learn some new ones and develop both personally and professionally by attending a wide variety of courses, workshops, conferences and seminars over the past year. Educators and the administrative, cleaning and grounds staff have all benefitted from the provisions made in our annual budget, and in terms of the ETDP SETA payment from the compulsory skills levy, for this purpose. It is encouraging that so many of our staff are modelling the concept of life-long learning to our girls, giving up their free time, often over weekends, to attend these programmes. Ms Bekker and I had the opportunity to attend an international conference, where we learnt much about the latest theories and approaches to education, were enthused by exciting programmes that could be of benefit to Rustenburg and were challenged to use integrative thinking to develop creative models and strategies for our school.
RGHS 2011
Learner Leadership Programme
This year saw a few changes to the leadership programme, in an attempt to improve its efficacy as well as the girls’ experience. Group sizes were reduced by running each grade workshop over two days instead of one, and the process was taken off campus to minimise distractions and interruptions, while more experiential learning opportunities replaced some of the theory.
School Leaders in Canada for International Confederation of Principals
As part of Rustenburg’s focus on developing leadership, in August the School Governing Body kindly sent Ms Bekker and Ms Schnetler to Toronto, Canada, to join 2000 other school leaders from around the world at the tenth 2011 International Confederation of Principals (ICP). Ms Bekker and Ms Schnetler met and worked with school leaders from Australia, Ghana, Nigeria, Ireland, England and Japan. Over 2000 delegates, with links to education globally, shared ideas, networked and identified the common thread that unites them, a commitment to keeping the heart of the child as the driving force behind all they do. The convention was characterised by dynamic and passionate speakers who stressed the importance of producing global citizens with an awareness of the need to ensure just communities and how the way in which we serve our community relates to the rest of the world. It is encouraging to note that Rustenburg is on the right track in terms of international standards.
School Governing Body School Governing Body Chairperson: Mr Charles de Villiers
The SGB comprises of a committed group of parents, staff and learner representatives that is organised into seven subcommittees. Much of the work by the SGB this year has been in response to the vision that was developed over the past two years by members of the school. It is a contemporary vision that is suited to this season in the life of the school. It is relevant for the world in which it finds itself and sufficiently challenging so that the school can provide an environment suitable for the development of the future women leaders of South Africa. When we speak of leadership at RGHS, it is important to qualify what we mean. We are not speaking of a form of leadership that is confined to a minority of national or internationally influential individuals, but rather a form of leadership that permeates every facet of society and takes many forms. For instance, conscientious parents are leaders in their family, home and community, dedicated educators are leaders in the classrooms, diligent executives are leaders in commerce, and judges, lawyers, doctors, politicians, social workers and those providing essential services also have leadership responsibilities. So too are the opinion makers who work for the media. The leaders RGHS produces are those who are dedicated to excellence, are visionaries and are courageous, confident and caring women in whatever role they find themselves in the world. The SGB has been determined to put into action all that would be required to make this vision a reality. Through its various committees it has been, among other things, overseeing the development of business opportunities and fundraising opportunities as alternate sources of income. It has appointed a Campus Manager to develop and oversee a comprehensive campus maintenance and development plan. A substantial amount of work has already been done to the gardens, sports fields and to the accommodation of those members of staff who reside on campus. The school’s HR department and policies have been reviewed to ensure that all staff are professionally managed and cared for. An assessment was conducted to determine the staffing requirements for the administrative and educational needs of the school. An integrated plan was formulated together with the school’s architects to ensure that the school will have a campus and facilities fit for its purpose in the future. School policies have been updated and expanded to ensure good governance. A Marketing Manager has been appointed to attend to the needs of the school, such as media liaison and communications as well as to provide support for the school newsletters, website and production and circulation of the magazine (our hope being that this can be rolled out to our old girls). Underlying all of the above is the role of the Financial Committee that has the on-going responsibility to ensure that the school remains financially viable and is able to generate appropriate and sustainable levels of income to meet all operational needs, investments in its estate and campus development projects as well as provisions for contingencies. The SGB also arranged for the Independent Quality Assurance Agency (IQAA) to do an evaluation of RGHS. The IQAA guideline instrument for internal evaluation of schools was entitled School in a Mirror and was conducted by Ms Sue Gardener. Much of the assessment was done in collaboration with an internal evaluation team that was selected with a good balance of members from
various sections of the staff. The outcome of this assessment was a report presented as a narrative under each section of the various areas of operation. Strengths and areas of concern were accurately identified, and included in a final summary entitled “Major Strengths,” “Areas of Concern” and “Recommendations for Action.” These will be addressed to ensure that the school continues to provide a top-class education for its pupils. The recommendations for improvement have been made in light of the findings of the team. The IQAA report will be a valuable tool for future evaluations. An extract from general comments in Sue Gardener’s mentor report serves as a special compliment to our excellent staff and exemplary girls: “There is a strong sense of lived values in the school and a very tangible atmosphere of good manners and caring. My sense throughout the visit to the school was that the staff provides an excellent example of good manners, friendliness and respect at all levels and this is picked up by the girls. The selected girls that I interviewed exemplified their school. They all revealed natural good manners with a nice degree of thoughtfulness and formality, and a certain amount of humour once they relaxed.” There is much to celebrate at Rustenburg: the excellent record of academic achievement, the high quality of teaching, the cultural diversity and the confidence of the learners, just to name a few. The SGB considers it a privilege to serve as custodians of all that has been in the history of RGHS since its founding in 1894. We remain deeply committed to serving with humility and in the very best interests of the school in order to pass on to our successors a school that can offer its learners an opportunity to achieve all that they aspire.
New Marketing Manager
Ms Saranne Salmon joined the Rustenburg staff in March. She is well-known to those Rustenburg families who have ties with the junior school. Ms Salmon’s portfolio includes supervising the marketing and communication needs of the school, as well as providing assistance with the newsletter, school magazine, website, all promotional materials, public relations, advertising and press releases. Ms Salmon is a Rustybug in the truest sense of the word. She matriculated from Rustenburg in 1987 and taught at the junior school from 1993 – 2002. Ms Salmon is going to continue her part-time work at Rustenburg Junior. Her involvement with both schools will help to maintain strong ties between them.
New Campus Manager
This year the school welcomed Mr Myles Siebrits as the new Campus Manager. Mr Siebrits replaced Mr Mike Bircher who held the position since 1998. Mr Siebrits has distinguished himself in the area of campus development and estate management. He introduced and developed the Somerset College estate and later served as the Estate Manager of Silverhurst in Constantia. Mr Siebrits was responsible for founding the Estate Manager’s Association in the Western Cape. His wife, Ms Marion Siebrits, is the manageress of Starke Ayres in Rosebank.
RGHS 2011
2011 School Governing Body leaders: Mr Charles de Villiers
School Governing Body Chairman, Committee
Promote Vision and Mission, strengthen image and brand-building.
Chairperson Marketing and Communications
All communication: magazine, newsletter, mobi-site, DVD, website, prospectus, brochures Promotion of Rustenburg Old Girls’ Union
Ms Laura Bekker
Principal, Ex-officio member of the School Governing Body
Ms Susan Schnetler
Deputy Principal
The following parents contributed invaluably towards the success of the School Governing Body: Advocate Ronel Berg
Chairperson of the Human Resources and
School contracts and policies, SGB staff appointments, staff needs
Policy Committee
and development, leadership and skills training, assistance with disciplinary hearings and procedures
Mr Marius Ehrenreich
Committee Chairperson for Residences
Erinville boarding house, nutrition, welfare, facilities, budgeting. Needs of other residences: Erinville staff quarters, Principal’s house, Campus Manager’s house
Mr Wayne Hartmann
Committee Chairperson for Business
Financial strategy, campus development, finance, sponsorship,
Development and Sustainability
bursaries, fundraising Profit Centres: school shop, tuckshop, rental of facilities
Dr Muthama Muasya
Committee Chairperson for Sport
Sports management, develop sport participation, attendance at
Development and Extra-curricula
sporting events, coaching, sport targets and assessment, tours and national tournaments Societies and community / outreach projects
Mr John Muir
Committee Chairperson for Campus
Estate management and maintenance, security, landscaping,
Development and Maintenance
building projects, staff training and development, occupational safety, turf management, cleaning services, other estate service contracts
Mr Kenny van Aardt
Ms Mary-Jane Theron
Treasurer and Committee Chairperson of
Financial controls and reporting, audits, tax, salaries, fees
collection, budgets, procurement, insurance and leasing contracts
Hostel Parent Representative
Erinville boarding house, nutrition, welfare, facilities, budgeting. Needs of other residences: Erinville staff quarters, Principal’s house, Campus Manager’s house
The following staff members served on the School Governing Body: Ms Lynda Niddrie
School Bursar and Finance Committee
Financial controls and reporting, audits, tax, salaries, fees
collection, budgets, procurement, insurance and leasing contracts
Ms Bridget Cameron
Human Resources and Policy Committee Member
Ms Lindsay Kalis
Business Development and Sustainability Committee Member
RGHS 2011
School Management Team
School Management Team
Back row, from left: Ms Maureen Burchell (Timetable), Ms Elizabeth Sole (Music), Ms Brigid Ryan (Representative Council of Learners), Mr Adrian Skelly (School Magazine), Ms Bridget Cameron (Examinations), Ms Renée Fourie (School Administration) Front row, from left: Ms Susan Schnetler (Deputy Principal, Head of Academics), Ms Vivienne Williams (Sport Manager), Ms Laura Bekker (Principal)
Rustenburg hosts national South African Girls’ Schools Association Rustenburg hosted this year’s annual SAGSA conference in May. The South African Girls’ Schools Association (known as SAGSA) was formed in 1998 to provide a forum for those tasked with the education of girls. It provides an opportunity for principals and deputies of private and state schools (both junior and senior level) to share ideas pertinent to girls’ only education. Eighty three delegates from around the country attended the conference and were able to network, discuss and listen to informed speakers. The opening speaker was Jo-Ann Strauss, Miss South Africa 2000 now entrepreneur. Her address was followed by talks from Dr Helgo Schomer, Ms Nicci Hayes, Mr Clive Roos, Dr Tamara Boers, Dr Max Price, Rustenburg’s own Ms Vivienne Williams, Ms Vanessa Clark, Ms Ina Paarman, Ms Alex Pinnock and MEC Mr Donald Grant. The conference, hosted by Ms Bekker, raised topics such a cyberbullying, education law and the role of women in South Africa. After long sessions of mental stimulation, the delegates were wined and dined at Rustenburg Girls’ Junior School where the Music department provided entertainment.
RGHS 2011
Rustenburg Staff Principal
Ms Laura Bekker: BA, HDE
Deputy Principal
Ms Susan Schnetler: B.Soc.Sc., BA (Hons), HDE (PG) Sec
School Management Team
Ms Maureen Burchell: BSc, HDE Ms Bridget Cameron: BSc, MEd, HDE (PG) Sec Ms Renée Fourie: MA, HDE (PG) Sec Ms Brigid Ryan: BA (Hons), HDE (PG) Sec Mr Adrian Skelly: BA, HDE (PG) Sec Ms Elizabeth Sole: BMus, MA, TLD Ms Vivienne Williams (Sport Manager): Dip Diag Radiography, Dip Diag Ultrasound
Grade Heads
Ms Gillian Blackshaw: BA (MBK), HDE (PG) Sec Ms Dirkya Botha: MSc, HDE Ms Linda Mallon: BA, HDE Ms Anita Pretorius: BA, HDE Ms Gail Wallace: BA (Hons), STD
Academic Staff
Ms Louise Albertyn: BA, PGCE Mr Martin Altern: BSc Ms Louie Black: BA, HDE (PG) Sec Ms Norma Caesar: BA (Hons), MEd, HDE Ms Jackie Chambers: BA (Fine Art), HDE (Sec) Ms Judith Dernier: BA, BEd, BMus, LSRM, UPLM, UTLM Ms Shannon Dowdall: BA (Hons), HDE Ms Lindy Edmunds: BA, PGCE Ms Lorraine Gardiner: BSc, HDE Ms Olivia Gordon: BMus (Ed), PGCE Ms Maileen Jamey: BMus (Ed), PGCE Ms Lindsay Kalis: BA, PGCE Ms Helen Kleynhans: BSc, UED Ms Magaretha Langenhoven: BA (Hons). HDE Mr Dean Laufs: BEd Ms Louise Lawrence: BSc, HDE (Sec) Mr Gian Marneweck: BCom, PGCE Ms Anita Marshall: B Home Economics (Ed) Ms Michelle Meyer: BMus (Ed), HDE Ms Robyn Miller: BMus (Ed), PGCE Ms Perdita Norval: BA (Hons), HDE (PG) Sec Ms Zargielay Rabeh: BSc, BEd (Hons), HDE (PG) Sec Ms Meagan Rees: BA (Hons), PGCE Ms Tarin Scharneck: BEd (Arts) Ms Nontembeko Siyobi-Mgxwati: BA, HDE (PG) Sec Ms Zélia Quintal Simpson: HDE (Art), HDE (Speech and Drama) Ms Helene Swanson: BA, HOD Ms Anneke Terblanche: BEd (Hons) Mr Cedric van Dyk: BA (Hons), HDE (PG) Sec Ms Leanne van Rensburg: HDE (Sec) Mr Riaan Vosloo: BA (Fine Art), National Diploma (Graphic Design) Ms Dominique Williams: MA, HDE (PG) Sec
Computer Centre
Mr Graeme Broster: BSc (Hons), HDE (PG) Sec Ms Janine Myers: BTech (IT), HDE (Comm) Sec, FED (Comp) Sec
Media Centre Ms Marilyn Peters
Part-time Educators
Ms Karen Cronje: MA (Fine Art) Mr Chris Murison: BSc (Hons), MEd Ms Christine Steenekamp: HDE (Home Economics) Ms Ingrid Weideman: BA, HDE
Part-time Music Staff
Mr Christopher Carter Ms Lee Gelderbloem: BMus Perf (Jazz Piano), PDMP, Jazz Vocals Ms Maria Raynham: MMus, LMV, UTLM Ms Amy Ma: BMus Ed, PGCE Mr David West: LTCL, AMus TCL, ATCL Ms Tracy Wheeler: BBus Sci (Hons)
Administrative Staff Ms Nolundi Blayi Ms Denise Cowan Ms Mariana Gerber Ms Pat Hanger Ms Sue Hoffmann Ms Lynda Niddrie Ms Morag Rijs Mr Clement Schlosz Ms Jackie Weston Ms Lynne Young
Tuckshop and Catering Ms Michelle Haylett
Marketing Manager Ms Saranne Salmon
Erinville Superintendent Ms Pam van Dyk
Erinville Staff
Ms Aziza Abrahams Ms Cathy Bothma Ms Jaline Brown Ms Emily Coles Ms Karin Evans Ms Stephanie Faris Mr John Jackson Ms Thembakazi Mcinziba Ms Susan Mentoor Ms Jacoba Mentor Ms Sheila Stoffels Ms Elizabeth Theunissen Ms Nomawethu Tshona Ms Caitlin van Dyk Ms Lisa Williams
Campus Manager Mr Myles Siebrits
from top: Carolyn McDiarmid (Grade 9), Robyn van Bergen (Grade 9), Jessica Zietsman (Grade 9)
RGHS 2011
Campus Maintenance Supervisor Mr Stephen Nicholas
Campus Staff
Ms Venelia Fritz Ms Yolanda Wyngaard Ms Florrie Zingelwa Mr Gladwell Mnyimbane Mr Frank Parsons
Academic Staff
Fifth row, from left: Ms Anita Marshall, Ms Meagan Rees, Ms Dirkya Botha, Mr Graeme Broster, Mr Dean Laufs, Mr Gian Marneweck, Ms Louise Albertyn, Ms Lindy Edmunds, Ms Christine Steenekamp Fourth row, from left: Mr Cedric van Dyk, Ms Helene Swanson, Ms Helen Kleynhans, Ms Michelle Meyer, Ms Gail Wallace, Ms Lorraine Gardiner, Ms Linda Mallon, Ms Ingrid Weideman, Ms Jackie Chambers, Mr Chris Murison Third row, from left: Ms Jill Joubert, Ms Perdita Norval, Ms Zélia Quintal Simpson, Ms Judith Dernier, Ms Louise Lawrence, Mr Riaan Vosloo, Ms Lindsay Kalis, Mr Martin Altern, Ms Janine Myers, Ms Anita Pretorius, Ms Shannon Dowdall Second row, from left: Ms Tarin Scharneck, Ms Zargielay Rabeh, Ms Maileen Jamey, Ms Norma Caesar, Ms Louie Black, Ms Anneke Terblanche, Ms Olivia Gordon, Ms Leanne van Rensburg, Ms Robyn Miller Front row, from left: School Management Team: Ms Vivienne Williams, Ms Elizabeth Sole, Mr Adrian Skelly, Ms Renée Fourie, Ms Laura Bekker (Principal), Ms Susan Schnetler (Deputy Principal), Ms Brigid Ryan, Ms Bridget Cameron, Ms Maureen Burchell Absent: Ms Gillian Blackshaw, Ms Karen Cronje, Madame Dominique Williams
Ten years of service to Rustenburg Four years ago, Ms Laura Bekker initiated a new tradition at Founders’ Day. Those teachers who have offered ten years of service to Rustenburg are publicly thanked for their loyalty and dedication. This year, on 28 January, the school applauded the allegiance and expertise of Ms Bridget Cameron and Mr Adrian Skelly. Ms Cameron is Head of the Mathematics department, while Mr Skelly is Head of the English department. In 2007 the School Governing Body decided to extend the School Management Team. Both Ms Cameron and Mr Skelly applied and were successfully appointed. Their management portfolios, respectively, include overseeing all formal examinations and editorship of the annual school magazine.
RGHS 2011
Administrative Staff
Second row, from left: Ms Pat Hanger (Admissions Secretary), Mr Clement Schlosz (IT Technician), Ms Morag Rijs (Bursar), Ms Lynda Niddrie (Bursar), Ms Mariana Gerber (Data Capturing), Ms Marilyn Peters (Librarian) Front row, from left: Ms Nolundi Blayi (Sport Assistant), Ms Jackie Weston (Principal’s Personal Assistant), Ms Denise Cowan (Secretary), Ms Laura Bekker (Principal), Ms Linda Simmons (The ‘Bug Boutique’), Ms Michelle Haylett (Tuckshop), Ms Lynne Young (Laboratory Assistant)
Erinville Staff
Second row, from left: Ms Jaline Brown, Ms Sheila Stoffels, Ms Jacoba Mentor, Mr John Jackson, Ms Lisa Williams, Ms Elizabeth Theunissen Front row, from left: Ms Aziza Abrahams, Ms Stephanie Faris, Ms Pam van Dyk (Superintendent of Erinville), Ms Laura Bekker (Principal), Ms Karin Evans, Ms Cathy Bothma, Ms Susan Mentoor
Campus Staff
Second row, from left: Ms Yolanda Wyngaard, Mr William Teyisi, Ms Ruth Kabinda, Mr Victor Buso, Mr Gladwell Mnyimbane, Mr Ibrahim Allie, Ms Venelia Fritz Front row, from left: Ms Agnes Ndyanbo, Ms Zizi Sapepa, Mr Frank Parsons, Ms Laura Bekker (Principal), Mr Myles Siebrits (Campus Manager), Mr Stephen Nicholas (Campus Supervisor), Mr Stanley Mupengo
RGHS 2011
From the Headgirl Teacher-in-charge: Ms Susan Schnetler Headgirl: Angeliki Carvounes Deputy for Seniors: Nicola Barrett Deputy for Juniors: Karen Schuster
When I was in Grade 8, the headgirl had a certain presence and she seemed to portray an image of getting everything right. The Matrics seemed like a group of mature women in comparison to my mere thirteen-year-old self. I have grown immensely in my year as headgirl and have had the privilege of being surrounded by a student body and family who have helped me “get it right”. I regard the fact that I have been able to make new friends and meet people from different backgrounds as a success, together with winning the National Girls Schools’ Festival twice. My first experience of the National Girls’ School Festival, in Pretoria in 2009, was both frightening and taxing! I was a member of a young and inexperienced Debating team whose goal it was simply to try and win our first debate. We worked hard to win each of the rounds. In Stellenbosch in 2010, I felt more relaxed as I knew what to expect, but the competition was by no means any easier. The experience and training of the previous year paid off. Spending so much time working with the Debating team resulted in a close-knit circle of friends developing, and this dynamic of trust and camaraderie is what I came to treasure.
are planned for the prefects. After performing, the prefects have an opportunity to reflect on these activities and are able to draw lessons from their involvement. These lessons are aimed at helping the prefects in their year of leadership. The prefects also have the opportunity to learn the theoretical aspect of leadership. The benefits of this camp can be seen when looking at the effective leadership of the Prefect body. This was particularly illustrated by my deputies, Karen and Nicola. They were willing to listen to the problem and offer sound advice. One of Nicola’s strengths was her decisiveness in her decision-making. I also admired her ability to remain calm in a stressful situation. Karen had an equally admirable approach to a problem. Her actions always stemmed from compassion. As I reflect on my school career, I would like to be remembered as someone who was kind and who was consistent in all she did. I would also like to be remembered as someone who was hard-working and who did things to the best of her ability. I have been taught to look at situations from a broader perspective; the importance of becoming involved in extra-curricular activities and the importance of gaining knowledge from a wide variety of experiences and then being able to use this knowledge in everyday situations.
Attending the Eurasian Schools Debating Championships in Turkey is also a personal success and I thoroughly enjoyed being able to represent not only my school, but also my country, abroad. It was so enriching to engage with debaters intellectually from different overseas countries. Becoming Head of Interact has impacted me greatly as I recognise the importance of initiating and participating in outreach programmes. My role in Interact is something which I regard dearly and is something which I will remember with fond affection. My Greek heritage has influenced me as it has meant that I often ask my parents and my family for advice which meant that my family is involved in my activities. I also believe that it has made me aware of other cultures. Appreciation of and respect for other cultures is a vital characteristic of a successful headgirl. Coping with this responsibility is aided by my exposure to debating and public speaking. The skills of looking at the situation in an analytical way and of working in a team, are invaluable. I therefore encourage Rustybugs to become involved in extra-mural activities through which they are able to meet people from other grades and other friendship circles and this helps us to live a balanced life. If we place too much emphasis on any single aspect of life, we will not be able to perform as well in that single activity because there is no balance. Trying a wide range of activities also helps us to discover where our skills and talents lie.
School Prefects
Third row, from left: Catherine Paterson, Busiswa Arosi, Sydney Davis, Julia Kabat, Samantha Marchant, Darielle Kellermann, Meghan Goncalves Second row, from left: Maleekah Terblanche, Hannah MacMillan, Ameerah Allie, Tatum McGregor, Christi Vosloo, Kirsten Bennett, Roxanne Mentoor, Rose Jiang Front row, from left: Catherine Cogill, Nicola Barrett (Deputy for Seniors), Ms Laura Bekker (Principal), Angeliki Carvounes (Headgirl), Ms Susan Schnetler (Deputy Principal), Karen Schuster (Deputy for Juniors), Camagu Mayosi
The Prefects’ Camp takes place over a weekend after the prefects have been announced. A variety of indoor and outdoor activities
RGHS 2011
From the Representative Council of Learners Teacher-in-charge: Ms Brigid Ryan Chairperson: Camagu Mayosi Deputy: Kayley Gordon
The Rustenburg Representative Council of Learners is a unique body within the school. We strive to give the girls a voice and then work behind the scenes to address the concerns. The girls in this group have the respect of their grade, appreciation for the school’s traditions and an ability to marry expectations and realistic limitations. I joined the RCL in Grade 11 and I remember how nervous, yet elated I felt when I was selected. I had the privilege of being involved in the first Rustenburg Annual Games (RAG) Day last year. This event unified the school and the RCL members took on the responsibility of organising various stations. The 2011 RAG Day built on the success of the previous year and was characterised by enthusiastic support, flawless organisation and creative team uniforms. Classes rallied behind their teams and were seen cheering for their grade counterparts. The determined Matrics won the Inter-grade Competition, while the Overall Winner of the day was Innes. Michiel Vos did not walk away empty-handed as their support, dedication and boundless energy resulted in them earning the Spirit Award. With an updated board and plans for a renewed slot on website, the RCL now has a more visible presence in the school and decided to make RAG Day a tradition. A suggestion box and board are the main methods of communication between the RCL and the girls. We review these suggestions and they are forwarded to the School Management Team (SMT) for discussion. The issues range from aesthetic to academic and the recurring request for pants as part of the uniform! The position as head of RCL requires humility, the ability to remain calm under pressure and a healthy dose of realistic optimism. I was privileged to see this behaviour modelled by my sister, S’vuyile Mayosi (2010 Headgirl of Rustenburg High School for Girls), last year and having grown up in a family that places great emphasis on responsibility. Rustenburg High School for Girls helps to develop girls for such positions through a fair measure of expectation and responsibility. Being part of the School Governing Body has been an invaluable experience. It has been an eyeopener to see how finances are distributed, the energy and thought behind all decisions, and the genuine desire for an improved school for girls, parents and staff. I have grown immensely from the shy Grade 8 girl who first walked through the Kemp Hall doors. I developed an appreciation for the safety of an environment that would allow me to be vulnerable enough to follow my God-inspired aspiration of being a leader. I have learned to integrate pessimism and realism of the people I came to represent and I have found myself in a Matric group that displays radiance and a collective spirit of caring. When I leave the hall for the final time I hope to go on to study Medicine at UCT with the compassion, intellectual merit and work ethic that have carried me though my years at Rustenburg.
Representative Council of Learners
Second row, from left: Jaime Maher (Grade 10), Zakiyyah Sablay (Grade 8), Jessica Smith (Grade 8), Caitlin Grüning (Grade 9), Monique Hollis (Grade 9), Kate Vlok (Grade 10), Candice Barnes (Grade 11), Gladys Kisela (Grade 11), Gugulethu Hlophe (Grade 11), Azraah Hendricks (Grade 10), Samantha Culligan (Grade 10) Front row, from left: Sandisiwe Mdoda (Grade 8), Kayley Gordon (Grade 12, Vice-chairperson), Ms Laura Bekker (Principal), Camagu Mayosi (Grade 12, Chairperson), Ms Brigid Ryan (Teacherin-charge), Catherine Cogill (Grade 12), Neo Ramagaga (Grade 8)
RGHS 2011
From the Superintendent of Erinville Boarding House Erinville Superintendent: Ms Pam van Dyk
Running a boarding house at a leading girls’ high school in South Africa in the 21st century is definitely a challenge. We continually have to ask and attempt to answer the questions “Why do we have a boarding house?”, “What can boarding at Erinville add to the education of a student at Rustenburg?” and “What challenges do we face, running a boarding house in 2011?” Erinville serves the obvious need for accommodation for girls who live in outlying areas and who want to attend Rustenburg. The hostel enables their parents to provide what they regard as the best educational opportunity for their daughters by sending them to a traditional girls’ school with an excellent academic record, which offers a range of subjects, sports, music, the arts and extra-murals. In 2011 it is definitely the norm that both mothers and fathers work, or have careers. Mothers who used to be able to stay at home to transport and look after children now face the challenge of sometimes being the sole bread-winners or vital contributors to the family’s financial needs. To compete in the job market, they have to work long hours and cannot be seen to need endless time off work to attend to matters at home. Erinville provides a safe environment for pupils whose single parents or “working moms” can’t always be sure that their daughters are transported safely to and from school, or supervised properly until they get home. Now more than ever, there is a high demand for boarding at a school like Rustenburg, particularly “weekly boarding” which provides the best of both worlds, a safe place to live during the school week, and time at home with family and friends over the weekend. Apart from serving a social need, five years in Erinville teaches girls vital life skills. They learn self-discipline and independence. They learn to live in a multicultural community where they have to share, respect and consider others. They learn tolerance in a safe, controlled environment. Hostels are great levellers. Our girls learn that social and economic backgrounds are less important and that character plays a more significant role in social interaction.
Erinville forms an integral part of Rustenburg and adds to the ethos, tradition and character of the school. Although only 10% of the school pupils live in Erinville, the boarders contribute significantly in leadership positions (the Prefect Body, RCL, House Captains, Class Captains, Heads of clubs and societies), in sports teams, the choir and chamber choir, the different orchestras, drama productions and debating. In addition, many of them give service in the library, AVT, Habitat for Humanity and Interact. The challenge at Erinville is to provide a boarding house which is both a safe and happy place for pupils and staff to live and work. We want to keep the traditions and rules which are good, but develop new ones which meet the needs of teenagers and parents in the 21st century. A good example of this is the question of how to welcome, integrate and encourage a strong bond between the new Grade 8 boarders whilst having fun, yet avoiding the excesses associated with the traditional practice of “initiation.” This is a “work in progress” and every year the senior girls come up with better suggestions as to how we can improve. Another challenge is the rules and restrictions surrounding the Matric boarders, especially those who turn eighteen and who pass their driver’s test during the course of their Matric year. Some feel that they have “outgrown” the hostel and find it difficult to live under rules and restrictions that are not applied to the same extent at home. These are just some of the issues with which we are grappling. Added to this is the increased concern about the safety and security of our girls both on and off campus and the emotional well-being of the teenagers in our care. We employed the services of a company (Advanced Conflict Training) to assist us with our policies and procedures regarding safety and security at Erinville. They ran workshops with the Erinville staff and with the girls using the “Guided Discovery” method to teach us practical security and to incorporate safety into everyday life. We plan to run annual workshops of this nature as well as to employ the help of a mental health practitioner to talk to staff, parents and girls about the emotional development of adolescent girls, how to look after one’s emotional health and how to deal with symptoms of depression. Erinville, the staff, the girls and the lovely old building (which would require a separate report all on its own!) continue to provide me with the most rewarding and challenging job. I am very grateful for the increasing support and help I receive from the School Governing Body, the Campus Manager and the Maintenance Team, the parents on the Hostel Committee, the Principal and her deputy, the admininistration and bursar’s office at school, my excellent staff, the hostel Headgirl and deputy and the prefects and last, but not least, my husband, who provides sound, good advice, a shoulder when I need one and a strong male presence in this all female house.
In addition to providing the opportunity for girls to learn and develop leadership skills, Erinville provides the boarders with an extended family at school from whom they derive great support and with whom they forge life-long friendships.
RGHS 2011
Erinville Superintendent: Ms Pam van Dyk Headgirl of Erinville: Cara Mazetti Claassen Deputy Headgirl of Erinville: Catherine Paterson
The first year of boarding can be challenging. I had a wonderful mentor in my first year and I have fond memories of her tucking me into bed and waiting till I fell asleep whenever I was homesick. A less fond memory is my performance at a magic show for Miss Erinville and no one seemed convinced by my magical abilities! I still feel thoroughly embarrassed but, as with all things at hostel, there was a positive aspect as I still managed to gain the coveted title of First Princess. Erinville is lucky to have a remarkable 2011 Matric group. This group worked efficiently and with great enthusiasm to stage the 2010 Fancy Dress. Despite the challenges encountered by a large group with many ideas, we managed to raise over R24 000 and the evening was an enormous success. Our chosen theme was ‘Narnia’ and we transformed the Thomson Hall by turning it into an enchanting and snow-covered world on the other side of the closet or, in our case, the entrance. Inside the hall, the Grade 11s, dressed in white as fictitious fairies and nymphs, stood to greet the teachers and honoured guests, the Erinville Matric girls of 2010. As is the custom, the outgoing Headgirl of Erinville, Imbileni Shatiwa, delivered a farewell speech. It was so heartfelt and tender that it brought tears to many eyes. Ms Liz Puccini offered invaluable decor assistance and we are truly appreciative of her kindness and support. The Erinville Grade 11s of 2010 were excited when they could hand over the ‘D-comm’ (tuckshop) keys to the Grade 11 group of 2011. The boarding house is strengthened by girls’ willingness to take individual responsibility, strive for effective communication and live with genuine compassion. The greatest lesson that is learned through a life in hostel is to remain authentic. There is no time or space for facades so an honest appreciation for one another’s characters grows over the years. On a personal note, my career at Rustenburg has been a time of immense growth. A source of inspiration has been the teachers. The skills acquired in the process of learning have proved to be of great value in other spheres. I also made a few difficult decisions around leadership and hope that these decisions will show other girls in the school that they can serve a meaningful purpose without a specific title or badge. My development continued during the Global Young Leaders Conference in China in 2010. I had been nominated by a close friend and alumnus of the GYLC organisation, Joshua Miller, from Bishops, and in June of 2010 flew (crutches and all) to China where I attended workshops and seminars in three very different Chinese cities: Beijing, Hangzhou and Shanghai. I was privy to such important addresses as those delivered by the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs, as well as a representative of the World Wildlife Fund.
At the end of our 10 day tour, we participated in a conference about water privatisation in China. I was assigned the role of speaking publicly on behalf of the Chinese government. Earlier this year, I was part of a team which took part in the Eurasian Schools’ Debating Championships, held in Istanbul, Turkey. After many hours training beforehand, we performed well and, by the sixth round, we were the only undefeated team. We broke in second place behind Singapore and faced Germany in the octo-finals, only to lose to Greece in the semi-finals. We excelled as individual debaters and earned high praise for the standard of South African debating. Each of the South African speakers ranked in the Top 15 Speaker positions. I was ranked ninth. It must be noted that there were over 150 speakers involved in the tournament. I observed that the strongest teams were not those with the most talented individuals but rather the teams comprised of members who all felt they had a valid contribution to make and that all contributions carried equal weight. I also learned that girls make far better travellers! My carefully thought-out plans (true Virgo!) include completing an LLB in International Reconciliation and Justice at The University of Cape Town and participating in The Cape to Rio race before travelling around the world. After I leave Rustenburg, I hope to be remembered as someone who led with consistency and who lived up to the expectations of my hostel girls. Most importantly I hope to be remembered as someone who made an impact on the lives of my peers in a way that made them feel good about themselves.
Erinville Prefects
Second row, from left: Gina Botha, Michaela Peters, Toni Olsen, Mary-Ann Mowatt, Maxine Furlong Front row, from left: Catherine Paterson (Deputy), Ms Laura Bekker (Principal), Cara Mazetti Claassen (Headgirl), Ms Pam van Dyk (Superintendent of Erinville), Karen Schuster
RGHS 2011
From the Headgirl of Erinville
News from Erinville Boarding House Erinville Superintendent: Ms Pam van Dyk
Fancy Dress 2010
We said farewell to our 2010 Matrics in the traditional Erinville manner at our annual “Fancy Dress” dinner towards the end of last year. Not only is this event a much anticipated highlight of our Erinville calendar, a wonderful send-off for our Matrics and a superb evening, it is also a learning experience and team building exercise for the Grade 11s, who are the organisers. We entered a transformed Thomson Hall through a rack of fur coats into the icy, wintry world of Narnia. The decor was beautiful and the theme, as always, a wellkept secret, until all was revealed on the night.
Moulin Rouge was the theme for the Erinville Cabaret held in Term 2 this year. Parents and girls worked with much effort to decorate the Kemp Hall and guests dressed up accordingly in feathers and masks and “bling”. Bon Appetit catered by offering a wonderful French dinner which culminated in a chocolate fountain. Cara MazettiClaassen (Headgirl of Erinville) and Catherine Paterson (Deputy of Erinville) were our MCs for the night and introduced the entertainment provided by our own Erinville girls. The auction (which included items like half a pig, a tree, cases of wine and weekends away) was great fun. The evening was a not only a huge social success, but raised an amount of R28 000 towards the continued refurbishing of our Dining Room Quad.
Welcoming 2011 “New Pots” We welcomed our new boarders differently this year. 16 new boarders (affectionately nicknamed “New Pots”) and the Grade 12s came into the hostel before the other girls on Sat, 15 January. This enabled the new girls to settle in and get to know their mentors and each other in a quieter, calmer atmosphere. Highlights of this time included a supper outing to Borusso’s, a braai in the quad and a musical workshop hosted by Mr Myles Bing of Outloud Music. At the workshop girls explored the feelings of new beginnings at Erinville and Rustenburg as well as the challenges facing the Matrics at the end of their high school journey. The end result was a recording of a song they composed and performed. Other “Kodak Moments” of Term 1 included the Grade 8 introduction to a traditional Erinville midnight feast, an outing to Kirstenbosch, the “New Pots” impromptu concert and the “Miss Erinville” show.
Erinville Dance The Grade 11s organised a wonderful Hostel Dance in Term 3 to raise funds towards Fancy Dress. They chose a carnival theme and decorated the Thomson Hall with drapes, balloons and fairy lights. The evening opened with a fire-spinning demonstration and stalls with games. The guests enjoyed dancing and eating the cupcakes, popcorn and candyfloss provided. Erinville girls were permitted to invite up to 3 guests each, allowing them to bring a partner or a group of friends and to include day girls or friends from other schools.
RGHS 2011
RGHS 2011
Accounting and Economic Management Sciences Subject head: Mr Gian Marneweck Teachers: Ms Louise Lawrence, Ms Tarin Scharneck
Grade 8
The learners started the year with the girls learning about the exciting workings of the South African economy. In the third term Ms Scharneck introduced the basics of bookkeeping. Earlier in the year they also did a project entitled: “Reduce your carbon footprint.”
Grade 9
The highlight of the year was the Market Day which was held at the end of the first term. This was to teach the girls the importance of entrepreneurship and how to draw up basic business plans. While doing the Accounting section, they learned about retail businesses. In the third term, while learning about the factors of production, we studied the amazing marula tree. We also compared the South African economy to the economy of South Korea.
Grade 10
We did a project on Banking in South Africa in which we compared the big four banks and their services. This helped to make ours studies in class of credit cards, cheque books, loans, and investing in fixed deposits more real. We also had an opportunity to interview informal traders to find out how they run their businesses in comparison to established formal businesses. Later in the year, the girls learned about how businesses process and record salaries and wages, about income tax, medical aid, pension funds, and fringe benefits.
Grade 11
Some of the interesting things we studied included Partnerships, Sports Clubs, VAT calculations, inventory systems, as well as drawing up budgets. We did a project where we had to help a small business owner decide whether or not to trade-in one of her old vehicles to take advantage of a special offer.
Grade 12
Amongst other things, we learned about Companies, including shareholders, dividends, the JSE, boards, and corporate governance. We did a project where we investigated whether or not buying shares in Pick ‘n Pay was a good investment.
JSE Investment Challenge
This year we entered 6 teams, composed of Grade 10 and 11 learners, into the challenge. The aim of the competition is to expose school learners to the workings of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange using a simulated portfolio, and to encourage young people to think about taking up careers in the exciting world of finance.
RGHS 2011
Afrikaans Vakhoof: me. Helene Swanson Opvoeders: me. Louie Black, me. Norma Caesar, me. Marieta Langenhoven, me. Anita Pretorius
Die meisies van Rustenburg handhaaf ‘n uitstekende werketiek en positiewe houding teenoor Afrikaans, wat weerspieël word in die prysenswaardige uitslae wat die skool jaar na jaar in Afrikaans behaal. Die jaar 2010 was geen uitsondering nie. By ‘n spesiale geleentheid aan die begin van die jaar is Rustenburg High School deur die Wes-Kaap Onderwysdepartement aangewys as die beste openbare skool wat Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal betref. ‘n Sertifikaat is ook vir die vierde agtereenvolgende jaar in ontvangs geneem vir ‘n 100% slaagsyfer in Afrikaans. In die 2010-Nasionale Senior Sertifaat-eksamen het 32 uit die 149 leerders 80% en meer behaal terwyl die gemiddelde persentasie 73,9% was. Die puik uitslae kan natuurlik ook toegeskryf word aan die feit dat die vyf onderwysers verbonde aan die Afrikaans-departement toegewyd en baie ervare is. Rustenburg was in die bevoorregte posisie dat twee van die vyf onderwysers betrokke was by die nasien van die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat-eksamen in 2010. Me Swanson is aangestel as senior nasiener van die taalvraestel en me Pretorius het die skryfvraestel nagesien. Die graad 12’s vind baat hierby omdat hierdie ervaring en kennis aangewend word om hulle beter voor te berei vir die eindeksamen. Die LOK-simposium word jaarliks aangebied om onderwysers leiding te gee. Dit is vanjaar bygewoon deur vier lede van die Afrikaansdepartement, mee Caesar, Black, Pretorius en Swanson. Die fokus was op die aanbied van die nuwe voorgeskrewe gedigte en kortverhale deur van tegnologie gebruik te maak. Me Langenhoven van Klerksdorp is in die tweede kwartaal aangestel om me Terblanche wat bedank het, se plek te vul. Om leerlinge se entoesiasme aan te wakker en hulle meer bewus te maak van die taal, is ‘n Afrikaans-dag in Maart gehou. Leerlinge se kreatiewe werk is uitgestal en die verrigtinge by die saalbyeenkoms het in Afrikaans plaasgevind. Leerlinge het die geleentheid gehad om hulle rap-liedjies wat deur hulle self geskryf is, te sing. ‘n Paar graad 12-leerders het vir vermaak gesorg toe hulle onderhoude gevoer het met “tannie Evita” en “Jack Parow”. Derick Muller, ‘n skrywer van een van die graad 12-voorgeskrewe kortverhale het as gasspreker opgetree. Die skryfster, Dido, van nog ‘n voorgeskrewe kortverhaal het die graad 12’s vereer met ‘n besoek en hulle meer oor die agtergrond van “Baby” vertel.Sy is inderdaad ‘n kleurryke persoonlikheid en die meisies het behoorlik aan haar lippe gehang. In September 2010 het ‘n groep entoesiastiese graad 10-leerlinge vergesel deur mee Swanson en Terblanche weer eens die geleentheid gehad om vir ‘n naweek op ‘n bustoer na die Suid-Kaap te gaan waar hulle eerstehands kennis gemaak het met die milieu van die Langkloof, Oudtshoorn en die Knysna-bos soos hulle dit in die film, “Fiela se kind”, wat hulle as deel van die kurrikulum bestudeer het, waargeneem het. Die meisies het onder andere die ondervinding gehad om interaksie met olifante en volstruise te hê. Dit was ook ‘n onvergeetlike ervaring om met die John Benn-veerboot oor die strandmeer van Knysna te vaar waar die meisies die bekende Koppe, waar dele van die film verfilm is, kon sien. Hulle was ware ambassadeurs vir die skool, want hulle gedrag was onberispelik. Oral waar hulle gegaan het, is hulle lof toegeswaai vir hulle hoflikheid en positiewe gesindheid. Hierdie jaar het die Afrikaans-departement egter besluit om nie die toer te onderneem nie, maar het ‘n ander projek aangepak, wat baie tydrowend was, maar wat tog die moeite werd is omdat die skool daardeur baie blootstelling ontvang. Die Afrikaans-departement het 22 leerders se kreatiewe werk wat van hoogstaande gehalte is, ingeskryf vir die Nasionale Afrikaans-Ekspo vir leerders 2011. Die graad 8’s moes ‘n dagboekinskrywing oor ‘n Afrikanerheld doen, die graad 11’s het ‘n skryfstuk geskryf oor iemand wat ‘n verskil in die wêreld gemaak het en die graad 12’s kon ‘n visuele voorstelling van ‘n gedig doen. Daar kan met trots gesê word dat 14 van die inskrywings 80% of meer op provinsiale vlak behaal het en hierdie inskrywings word tans op nasionale vlak beoordeel.
RGHS 2011
Laastens is daar die Afrikaans-vereniging wat baie aktief daarby betrokke is om Afrikaans te bevorder deur onder andere die tydskrif, “Die Muggie”, een keer per jaar uit te gee. Dit bevat interessante artikels deur die leerlinge self geskryf. Hulle het ook ‘n pannekoekvekoping gehou terwyl Afrikaanse musiek gespeel is. Alhoewel dit baie harde werk en organisasie verg om te verseker dat die Afrikaans-departement die suksesse behaal waarvoor hy bekend is, is alles die moeite werd omdat dit ‘n deel vorm van die gebalanseerde ontwikkeling van die jong volwassenes by Rustenburg High School for Girls.
Mevrou Black tree af
Mevrou Louis Black het in die sestigerjare aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch en later aan Rhodes Universiteit gestudeer. Mev. Black se eerste onderwyspos was by Govan Comprehensive School in Glasgow, Skotland. Terug in Suid-Afrika het sy begin skoolhou by Victoria Meisieskool in Grahamstad waar sy oorgeneem het by mejuffrou Elise Livingstone. Soos die noodlot dit wou hê, het haar en mej. Livingstone se paaie weer jare later gekruis toe sy by Rustenburg Hoër Meisieskool begin onderwys gee het. Mevrou Black het nege jaar gelede aangesluit by die Rustenburgfamilie en verlaat die skool met baie mooi herinneringe. Sy sê dit was ‘n enorme voorreg om skool te hou saam met so baie professionele en passievolle onderwysers. Oor die jare het sy ook hegte vriendskapsbande gevorm. Mev. Black voel ook dat dit elke oggend ‘n plesier was om die kinders te sien en sy bewonder hulle vir die toewyding waarmee hulle so baie dinge in ‘n dag by Rustenburg doen. Sy vertrek met ‘n effens swaar hart, maar is so dankbaar dat sy nooit weer vir iemand die lydende vorm hoef te verduidelik nie! Een van mevrou Black se kollegas het die volgende oor haar te sê gehad: “Mev. Black hanteer die lewe se kronkelpaaie met ‘n kalmte en behendigheid wat ander haar beny en kry altyd weer dinge op koers. Sy’s ‘n natuurlike storieverteller en dis een van die dinge wat die mense in haar “hoekie” van die personeelkamer die meeste gaan mis. Haar kreatiwiteit in die klas was ‘n aanwins vir die Afrikaans-departement. Soortgelyke ervarings skop mens nie sommer agter elke bos uit nie.”
Consumer Studies and Technology Subject head: Ms Anita Marshall Part-time: Ms Christine Steenekamp
Many Grade 8s arrive at high school and are surprised by the subject called “Technology” which, at Rustenburg, seems very different to their primary school experiences of the Learning Area. There is a trend for junior schools to interpret the curriculum as a series of games, lighthearted activities or as a kind of crafts club. The Grade 8 theory component of Technology is very important and warrants serious study, yet this information is always made relevant and practically applicable. There is also a natural overlap with Technology and other disciplines, such as Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Geography. Even elements of History are incorporated. The Grade 9s study the development of sugar plantation in South Africa, and Grade 8s learn about the history of paper. One goal of the subject is to open the girls’ eyes to the possibilities of careers in Architecture and Engineering. There is a natural progression in the curriculum from Grade 8 to Grade 9. This year the Grade 9 girls were riveted when learning about the work of inventor Tesla in the 1890s who predicted that sound and light would one day be transmitted via airwaves. The Grade 9s soon discovered that in order to succeed in Technology, they needed to think logically, sequentially and methodically. To this end, they faced the challenge of formulating design briefs and addressing problems by pinpointing potential solutions. This is an important life skill. The Technology teachers are very proud to teach a subject which is up-to-date and in touch with contemporary happenings in the world. Theirs is a dynamic department. News items are frequently drawn upon to explain concepts: the pulley system that was used to rescue the Chilean miners, the shelter box which is now part of the mandatory rescue kit stocked in Australia and the USA, the water pump in Africa which turns a game into an opportunity for sustainable development. Technology, as a subject, does not continue into the Senior Phrase (FET, Grades 10 – 12). Instead, it is replaced by Consumer Studies, which consolidates the key concepts covered earlier and builds on these. The ultimate aim of Consumer Studies is to create intelligent, informed and aware consumers who fully understand their role in society. Parents might be surprised to discover that their daughters actually study South Africa’s consumer laws, including the process of taxation. The Consumer Studies girls tend to become fully immersed in the subject and become devoted to it because of the commitment it requires. It’s a subject which results in personal growth and development, adding credo to the maxim ‘Knowledge is power.’ The content of Consumer Studies is sequential. What is covered initially in Grade 10 is expanded upon in Grade 11 and explored in even greater detail in Grade 12. It is a significant misconception that Consumer Studies is all about cooking! This is only one aspect of the programme, which also includes Maslowe’s hierarchy of needs, advertising, the properties and particulars of textiles, clothing design, dietary diseases and everything to do with acquiring and maintaining property. Many of the girls do, however, enjoy the practical component of Consumer Studies as more and more media coverage (just consider the popular “Masterchef” series on television) is given to culinary arts and the incredible attention that is required for the proper preparation of food. Rustenburg’s Consumer Studies girls have even risen to the technical challenge of making sushi, which is no mean feat. They have also prepared chicken pies, with home-made pastry, Swiss rolls and lasagne. What has become apparent is that fewer and fewer modern children know how to prepare meals. One recently mentioned in passing, “Consumer Studies has taught me that cooking at home is cool!”
RGHS 2011
Dramatic Arts Subject head: Mr Adrian Skelly
There was cause for celebration in the Dramatic Arts department at the beginning of the year. Three actresses from the Matric Drama class of 2010 achieved over 90% overall in the final NSC examinations: Noxolo Mafu, Marija Djeri and Samantha Filby. Noxolo placed 8th in the subject of all those who wrote in the Western Cape, while Marija placed 10th. Over 80 Grade 7 girls auditioned to belong to the Dramatic Arts department and close to 60 were accepted, resulting in the largest intake of enthusiastic young actresses ever. The Grade 8 classes began their high school careers in Drama with a performance interpretation of Joanne Snow Duncanson’s poem “Two Mothers Remembered.” Later they applied the principles of Poor Theatre to Lord Byron’s “She Walks in Beauty.” The Grade 9s beat out the Elizabethan rhythms of iambic pentameter and performed a variety of Shakespearean sonnets in Term 1, and faced the “Shakespeare’s Women” performance project in Term 2. The classes were divided into casts and each assigned a well-known female character from one of Shakespeare’s plays, such as Titania from “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” Desdemona from “Othello,” Ophelia from “Hamlet,” and Lady Macbeth from “Macbeth.” The final shows were as a result of the Workshop Theatre process and combined elements of narration, mime, frantic exploration of the acting space and dramatic contrast. Much fun was had when the Grade 9s were challenged to build a makeshift version of The Globe Theatre using furniture and apparatus available in the Drama Room. The Grade 10s formally studied their first script, Athol Fugard’s “Master Harold . . . and the Boys,” and its corresponding genre, Theatre Realism. Picking up Fugard’s ballroom dancing motif, they performed interpretations of Theodore Roethke’s “My Pappa’s Waltz” before facing their greatest challenge yet: monologues, before an audience! Ms Peters of Rustenburg’s Media Centre helped the girls to select autobiographies so that they could immerse themselves fully in the ‘lives’ of others. This was Method Acting at its finest. The Grade 11s were divided into two casts and began work on their final productions to be staged before the Curriculum Advisor and panel of adjudicators next year. The groups are ‘War’ and ‘Babies.’ In June these shows-in-progress were shown to parents and a guest adjudicator from the Cape Academy of Dramatic Arts, and the feedback received proved invaluable. The focus for the Grade 12 class was the staging and creation of their own productions. Drawing inspiration from Samuel Beckett’s Absurdist play “Waiting for Godot,” the two casts selected ‘The Mind’ and ‘The Body’ as their themes. Their original plays were subsequently named “Mind over Matter” and “Fat Girl Slim.” Theirs was a very special year for the Grade 12 Drama class was the first ever at Rustenburg to study the subject formally since Grade 8. Their five years of Drama training paid dividends. There were also numerous excursions to see various productions which were staged in Cape Town during the course of the year: “The Maids” (Jean Genet), “Waiting for Godot” (Samuel Beckett), “The Taming of the Shrew” (Shakespeare), “Memory of how it feels” (Neo Muyanga), “Between You and Me” (Tara Louise Notcutt), and “Mummenschanz” (a Swiss pantomime troupe). The following Rustenburg learners successfully auditioned for roles in the SACS production, “The Unusual Suspects”: Amy Tanzer, Courtney Wallace, Bianca Ford, Cayleigh Stefano, Joycelyn Foster, Amy Kunz, Siphokazi Mbatani, Emma Bergh and Candice Kitching.
RGHS 2011
Rustenburg actress stars as Annie
Julia Holzberg, a Grade 8 Drama learner, received CATA (Cape Amateur Theatre Award) honours at a ceremony on 7 March for her lead role in the Artscape production, “Annie”.
Dramatic Arts Production Teacher-in-charge: Mr Adrian Skelly Assistant: Ms Carey Wallace Script: Who’s your Daddy? Cast: Georgia Carstens (Grade 12), Julia Holzberg (Grade 8), Hannah MacMillan (Grade 12), Catherine Paterson (Grade 12), Robyn Paterson (Grade 10), Kayla-Paige Raper (Grade 11), Keshia Samandan (Grade 9), Amy Tanzer (Grade 11)
“Who’s your Daddy?” was named Best Overall Production at the 2011 National Girls Schools’ Festival.
“Who’s your Daddy?” was the title of the original production written by Rustenburg’s young actresses to perform at the 2011 National Girls Schools’ Festival in the Eastern Cape. The workshop script grew as a result of the prerequisite that it must hold meaning and relevance to the all girls’ festival. The cast chose to set aside any stereotypical ‘issues’ associated with teenage girls and instead explored a theme which is less oft discussed openly: the complexity of the relationships which exist between daughters and their fathers. To add authenticity, it was decided not to have ‘superficial’ costumes made for the show; rather only clothing items borrowed from real-life fathers were worn. Sincerity and sentiment dominated rehearsals during which the girls shared their own feelings and experiences, and then drew on these to create authentic scenes, tableaux inspired by shaving and rugby scrums, and Physical Theatre routines. Various other prizes were given at the awards ceremony in East London’s Guild Theatre, but when it came to choosing the final accolade, Best Overall Production, Chief Adjudicator, Mr John van der Walt, announced that the judging panel felt, “It simply had to be Rustenburg.” It was noted that some audience members were moved to tears by the sincerity with which the Rustenburg actresses spoke about the influence of fathers on daughters.
RGHS 2011
The Alston le Roux Drama Cup
is awarded to the learner or learners who offered the greatest contribution to the development and promotion of Drama. In 2011 this was shared by Hannah MacMillan and Catherine Paterson. Hannah thrice represented the school in Drama by performing at various National Girls Schools Festivals: “Counting Sheep” (Runners-up 2008), “Miss Fortune and Miss Trust” (Winners 2009) and “Who’s your Daddy?” (Winners 2011). Catherine performed in the 2009 and 2011 shows, and also served as the Production Secretary of “Who’s your Daddy?”. Both performed at a number of Bishops Play Festivals and both received Full Colours for Drama.
English Subject head: Mr Adrian Skelly Teachers: Ms Louise Albertyn, Ms Lindsay Kalis, Ms Linda Mallon, Ms Meagan Rees, Ms Gail Wallace Part-time: Ms Karen Cronje, Ms Ingrid Weideman
Visit to Stroud High School in England
Ms Louise Albertyn visited Stroud Girls’ High School, United Kingdom, for a week in June. She was a member of the Afritwin group of educators sent from South Africa to facilitate the three-way partnership between Rustenburg, Stroud and Mfuleni High Schools. The visit was characterised by discussions with educators, classroom observations and acquiring new skills to ensure that our lesson remain rich in content and diversity. The Stroud English educators expressed appreciation for the depth of our girls’ creative responses in English tasks. A plan has been put in place to facilitate the swapping of writing between the three schools to develop the skill of constructive criticism as well as building relationships between the learners from all three schools. The importance of educating children with a global perspective cannot be underestimated.
De Beers English Olympiad
The theme this year was “Morals and Ethics.” Learners had to study a text entitled “Confession and Consequence.” This anthology contained excerpts from various plays with strong characters. Challenging discussions around what constitutes confession, and how serious consequences should be, dominated the meetings. In March the participants sat down to a three hour paper, and did Rustenburg proud, as a number of learners achieved silver and bronze certificates.
English Excursions
The opportunity of seeing “The Great Gatsby” performed in February at the Little Theatre was eagerly welcomed by the Matrics as it provided an opportunity for them to familiarise themselves with one of the set work texts. The audience journeyed into the 1920s era of lavish lifestyles and the seemingly futile pursuit of happiness. The play was full of quirky moments and the occasional harrowing scene left the audience squirming. One of the Matric girls, Kimberley Skead, said, “The production allowed us to experience a lighter and more comical side of English whilst still illustrating the themes of the story with a sense of underlying foreboding”. The Grade 9s also attended a performance of their set work, Romeo and Juliet, at the Little Theatre in March. The girls benefitted from seeing Shakespearean text alive on stage.
Budding Authors
Creative Writing Enrichment
Once again Rustenburg girls were invited to attend a specialised writing course presented by Ms Noeleen Sparkes. During these four afternoon sessions, Ms Sparkes skilfully guided the participants through a creative process that encouraged spirited, spontaneous and unique writing. Her wonderfully warm style provides a safe environment for hesitant writers to explore new techniques and unconventional topics.
Adéle Cloete Memorial Prize for English Literature
The Adéle Cloete Memorial Prize for English Literature, donated by her daughter, Caitlin, of the Matric class of 2006, was awarded for the first time in 2011 to the Grade 12 learner who achieved the highest result specifically in the Literature (“Othello,” “The Great Gatsby,” prescribed poetry) component of the curriculum. The first recipient of this prize was Nicola Steinhaus. Ms Cloete served as Head of the English department and a member of the School Management Team for many years before her untimely passing.
English Support Classes
The Grade 10 and Grade 11 English Support classes met with Ms Kalis on Mondays and Wednesdays to grapple with various texts, hold discussions on current topics and spend much time on examination answering techniques.
RGHS 2011
The renowned “English Alive” publication includes the best writing from South Africa’s High Schools. This year Rustenburg High submitted original, challenging and witty writing for the editor’s consideration and two girls were selected to have their poems and essays included. Gladys Kisela’s quirky and truly South African rendering “Mrs van Tonder in her pink pantoffels” will be seen in this year’s edition, as well as Hannah MacMillan’s powerful essay “Has anyone ever told you?” Gladys was invited to read her submission aloud at the official launch of the publication in August.
French Subject head: Madame Dominique Williams
2011 began with a great many Rustenburg learners studying this beautiful language. 2011 began with a great many Rustenburg learners studying this beautiful language. The Grade 8s were a little nervous as they began their studies of high school French, but soon became accustomed to the standard expected. After several exercises and facial muscle gymnastics, which would have done Professor Higgins in “Pgymalion” proud, the new learners got their tongues around French pronunciation and felt more confident communicating in French. The Grade 8 French girls also learned about a distinct French delicacy, the “macaron” (macaroon), which they had seen in a French patisserie in Newlands. These multi-coloured biscuits made everyone happy, and so we celebrated their first year in French with a special Macaroon Day. The Grade 9s studied French vocabulary about shops, food and clothing. This culminated with them setting up their own restaurants, French, of course. Different class members took on the roles of waiters, clients, owners and “maitre d’hôtel.” This practical application proved to be a success. Learners enjoyed the opportunity to use their “school French” in a real-life scenario. The Grade 9s celebrated their feat with a Baguette-and-Nutella Day. The Grade 10 girls marched into the Consumer Studies room and put into practice a French recipe for “une tarte au chocolat.” The girls soon realised that this challenge was easier said than done. It required concentration and effort to follow the instructions in French and concoct these delicious chocolate tarts. This proved to be just another example to the learners of how what is learnt during French lessons can and ought to be made directly applicable. French
should not remain on the pages of a book or only within examination question papers. The Grade 11s, with the end in sight, buckled down to serious work, but did take part in a competition run by the French Embassy for all South African schools. The topic required learners to create a cartoon strip about the 2012 Olympic Games. Learners were expected to combine visuals with wit and humour. Although Rustenburg did not win the prize, merely participating in the contest proved to be a valuable learning experience. Pierre de Coubertin would have been proud. The Grade 12s, although very busy in the final year with Literature, Comprehension and Grammar, did not forget the message which was shared with them in Grade 8, “French is a language to be enjoyed.” An appreciation of French as a language is integral to an understanding of French culture. The Grade 12s understood this during their French Farewell dinner, during which they sampled snails, quiche Lorraine, onion soup, Beef Bourguignon, and roast herbed chicken cooked according to a French recipe. And, if this cuisine was not sufficient, in true French style they also ate a green salad with vinaigrette dressing, before moving on to three homemade decadent desserts: chocolate mousse, crème brûlée and iced chocolate soufflé. This dinner was graciously hosted by the Pienaar family and proved to be a fitting conclusion to the girls’ five years of French at Rustenburg High School for Girls. Merci à toutes et à l’année prochaine!
RGHS 2011
Geography Subject head: Ms Brigid Ryan Teachers: Ms Gillian Blackshaw, Ms Susan Schnetler
Geography is a very popular choice as a subject at Rustenburg and we have three classes from Grade 10 to Grade 12. It is an exciting subject as it covers so much that happens on a daily basis, whether it is famine in Somalia, earthquakes in Japan or hurricanes in the Dominican Republic. Hardly a day goes by when there is not something in the news that relates directly to the topic that at least one class is studying. The world is our laboratory. The subject and the teachers instil a love of exploration in our learners and we often receive messages from past pupils who are discovering new and wonderful places around the world. This year Ms Schnetler came back from Laos (South East Asia) with “fair trade” coffee that the Grade 11s had been learning about in the Development section of work.
Geography prides itself in being a subject that embraces the environment in which we live. Our fieldtrips are an important part of our curriculum. The Grade 10s enjoyed a day exploring the Cape Peninsula and learning more about the rocks that have shaped the landscape. The Grade 11s had a wonderful day at Cape Point Nature Reserve where they hiked down to Diaz Beach and back up to Cape Maclear, observing the way in which the sea has sculpted the landscape and influenced the vegetation in the area.
Our results at the end of 2010 were excellent, as usual. 20 learners attained “A” symbols for Geography and 20 received “B” symbols. Jennifer de Villiers, the top Geography student at Rustenburg, was placed 7th in the Western Cape.
A large group of Grade12s travelled up to the Orange River for a few days of paddling in an area that has to be one of the most beautiful places in the world. The mighty river has carved its way through rocks that are millions of years old and which bear evidence of past glacial periods as well as ancient volcanoes, providing the perfect space in which to learn about the action of rivers in shaping the landscape.
Our team of Grade 11 learners, Petruné Beattie, Neda Isaacs and Magenta Graziani, who entered the GIS Olympiad at UWC, performed very well and kept up our winning streak. They returned laden with prizes for themselves and for the school.
We welcomed Ms Jill Bergman back into the Geography department for a short stretch while Ms Schnetler was in Canada attending an international conference. Ms Bergman has a daughter currently in Grade 12 and has taught at Rustenburg before.
RGHS 2011
German Subject head:: Ms Renée Fourie
The Grade 12s of 2010 achieved an average of 85,9% in the IEB National Senior Certificate examinations in German, with Carina Christelis placing fifth in the province. The 2011 Matrics enjoyed their new theme, ‘The Environment.’ All the classes benefitted from our subscription to a UK smart board grammar programme. The Grade 10s studied German cuisine, especially the cakes. German recipes were printed and the Grade 10s baked marble cakes, chocolate cake, a “Prinzregententorte”, a “Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte”, chocolate brownies and “Berliner” (doughnuts). All were baked from the recipes in German. Frau Fourie decided that the class had to try “Sauerkraut,” which was served with frankfurters and mustard. Ms Marshall was inspired by our enthusiasm and demonstrated Swiss Rösti to her Grade 10s, after which she had a platter of them delivered to our room. The “Kaffeeklatsch” proved our favourite adage: “Deutsch macht Spass!” (German is fun). The Grade 8s once again painted eggs to create the German “Ostereierbaum”. They did an investigation into the merits of German/Swiss chocolate versus chocolate from home and are hoping to find German key pals via the Internet. The Grade 9s practised touring in Germany by role-playing ordering breakfast in a restaurant. They too sent off for German pen-pals and are looking forward to going on exchange. The Grade 11s were very moved by a visit to the Holocaust Centre. Prescribed poetry and a short story prepared them for the issues of xenophobia and prejudice. Alexa Bessinger applied to go on the four week exchange to Germany in December with the FSA Youth-Exchange. Catherine Eames (Grade 12) was fortunate to have visited Germany in winter 2010 and had the pleasure of hosting Alina Winzen from Neuss near Düsseldorf during August this year. To go on the FSA Youth Exchange to Germany remains a goal for most of the learners, who hope to hone their speaking skills and live the life of their host families.
Alina Winzen visited from Germany The following is an excerpt from a letter sent to Ms Fourie from Alina Winzen once she had returned to Germany after her South African visit: “It was a totally new experience for me to be so far away from Germany. I couldn’t believe that I would stay four weeks in a foreign country. On the first days of my stay I noticed that there were some things which are really different than in Germany. Lefthand driving shocked me. It still lets my heartbeat stop for a few seconds. I was also surprised of the weather. Indeed I had already known that it was winter in South Africa, but that wasn’t a winter for me, in no way. The school system is totally different than in Germany. There are all girls’ schools in Germany, too. I hadn’t got a problem with that, but school uniforms? I was also confused about your timetable. In Germany I have some free lessons, in which I’m allowed to leave the school building and go to the city or I can do whatever I want. Especially we aren’t writing tests every week; it is really rare, that we are writing tests. There are just written exams and orals.”
RGHS 2011
History Subject head: Mr Cedric van Dyk Teachers: Ms Meagan Rees, Ms Tarin Scharneck
Grade 8
Ladies’ No. 1 Detective Agency, which was a hit last year, once again spurred our intrepid investigators to search for changes and similarities of teenage life across three generations in their families’ history. They unearthed fascinating visual and printed evidence to support their findings. Apart from helping the girls to develop essential research and essay writing skills, Ms Rees and Ms Scharneck challenged their classes to fuse their research and dramatic skills to script short historical role-plays. They were soon transformed into female child labourers protesting against the injustices of the Industrial Revolution in South Africa and Britain. There were also impromptu re-enactments of the Battle of Isandhlwana in Room 1.
Grade 9
Accompanied by their grade ensemble, Caitlin Grüning (piano), Pearl Jung (cello), Anja Muhr and Isabella Cupido (violin) and Ayesha Karowlay (drums), the grade 9s entered this year’s assembly with Bill Withers’ “Lean on me.” The posters in the foyer and the various presentations reflected this year’s focus on “Building a Youth Responsibilities’ culture at RGHS,” which explored the responsibilities and rights that our learners have, the challenges that they face and how we promote and uphold these rights and responsibilities. This soul searching assembly ended with their version of “Imagine.” We were also graced by Rustenburg Old Girl, Monique Hellenberg, who sang “Angels” and “God gave me a voice.” Confronting the truth about the painful impact of the Apartheid Laws on the people of South Africa was one of the goals of this year’s heritage research assignment. Many came to a greater personal understanding when they were confronted by the oral testimonies of their own family members.
Grade 10
“In the footsteps of the Cape Slaves: Slave Heritage Sites in Cape Town,” produced excellent research and strong arguments to validate the inclusion of so many historical sites as part of the Slave Heritage Walk. Conducting part of the walk with some of the researchers as guides provided a fresh addition to the annual heritage investigation at the Iziko Slave Lodge, which inspired their contribution to the Heritage Day assembly.
Grade 11
“What is my heritage and how has it influenced my life?” This research focus formed the foundation for the most of the year’s course and sparked the input for the Heritage assembly. It also challenged them on their visit to the Holocaust Centre and inspired the provocative poems and artworks entered in the Centre’s annual competition.
Grade 12
Hopefully, future History reports will still feature the Women’s Day Assembly as a Grade 12 History and isiXhosa classes’ highlight. The posters of the contribution made by numerous organisations in the endless struggle for women’s rights in our world echoed the national and international focus of the assembly. In line with growing tradition, Amy Walton and Qiniso van Damme both wrote songs in honour of the struggle of women. In the words of Amy’s song: “We will never forget We will never forget All the tears that you shed All the blood and the sweat That went into the hope That fought for the change That broke free from society’s patriarchal chains.”
Grade 12 learners excel in Holocaust and Human Rights Writing and Art Competition
Rustenburg’s Grade 12 History learners this year won most of the awards for the Senior section of this competition. The winners were announced at a special ceremony, held in conjunction with the premiere of the documentary “As seen through these eyes,” at the Holocaust Centre. Rustenburg’s winners were as follows: Art Section 1st prize: Catherine Paterson: “My Suitcase” (original stop motion film) 2nd prize: Cara Mazetti-Claassen: “Projections” (a model and three images) Writing Section 1st prize: Chelsea Kelly: “Dear Bystanders” (letter) Joint 2nd prize: Sapna Mesthrie: “Research Essay on the ZOB (Jewish Resistance Movement)” and Hannah MacMillan: “Polluted Blood and Pure” (poem) Certificate of Merit: Highly Commended Entry: Ameerah Allie: “In the lesion’s of my mother’s life” (short story)
RGHS 2011
Nicola de Cilliers wins National SADC Award
Nicola Cilliers (Grade 10 History) won second prize in the 2010 SADC (Southern African Development Community) Secondary Schools Essay Competition. Candidates were required to investigate the progress made by SADC members in achieving the 2015 goal of 50:50 representation and participation of women in political and decision-making positions at all levels of government. In addition, they had to identify the main challenges slowing down progress and suggest measures that states could introduce to achieve this goal. Nicola’s essay, which was judged the top regional entry for the Western Cape, was awarded second prize in the national round of the competition. Her essay can be found on the RGHS web-site. She received her certificate and prize (US$300) from the Minister of Basic Education, Ms Motshekga, at a ceremony in Pretoria on 22 September 2011.
isiXhosa Teachers: Ms Nontembeko Siyobi-Mgxwati (Terms 1 and 2), Ms Tembela Qingana (Term 3), Ms Monelwa Manjira-Mbona (Term 4)
Molweni. Simnandi isiXhosa. Eli candelo likuthaza abafundi ukuba bafunde isiXhosa kunye nenkcubeko. Abafundi basebenza nzima bebonakalisa umdla wokulithetha nokulifunda olu lwimi. Rustenburg currently offers isiXhosa First Additional Language as well as Second Additional Language to learners in Grades 8-12 and has continuously achieved excellent results. It is hoped that the current Matric class will surpass the standard set by last year’s Grade 12s. Salani kakuhle The Grade 12s of this year introduced the annual isiXhosa dinner hosted at Rustenburg. Last year marked the first-ever isiXhosa Dinner. The evening is a celebration of traditional Xhosa culture, with the Jabulani Choir performing traditional Xhosa songs. It is an evening about embracing our culture and teaching others.
This year’s Jabulani Evening was once again a great crowd pleaser. The audience which arrived at the Kemp Hall on the 6 May was certainly not disappointed. The audience’s enthusiasm was appropriate for the high standard of talent that was displayed. They were treated to various forms of entertainment including comedy skits, dance routines, singing groups and fashion displays. Once again, various schools were involved. These included Immaculata High School, Rondebosch Boys’ High School, Westerford High School and Wynberg Girls’ High School. The Rustenburg Matric girls presented a hiphop routine that was the highlight of the evening. Their performance was followed by a standing ovation, deafening applause and even a few “wolf whistles.” During interval, the Erinville Grade 11s ran a tuckshop to raise funds towards their farewell dinner for the Erinville boarding house Matrics. Almost everything was completely sold out within minutes. This incredible evening would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of the Jabulani Committee. Long after the entertainment was over, audience members still commented about the fantastic enthusiasm and spirit that was evident. This year’s Jabulani Evening will be a hard act to follow.
RGHS 2011
Life Orientation Subject head: Ms Shannon Dowdall Teachers: Ms Perdita Norval Part-time: Ms Ingrid Weidemanl
This year, the Life Orientation department has been fortunate to have had no changes in staffing which always contributes to positive outcomes regarding the curriculum. Academically, the project work has again been creative and of a high standard. Related to this, we would like to mention Jenny Robertson who was placed third in Life Orientation in the Western Cape NSC results of 2010. She went on to receive an Anglo-American bursary to study Engineering. We would also like to congratulate Kyra Francis who was awarded a prestigious Allan Gray scholarship to study in the field of commerce. According to statistics recently received from the University of Stellenbosch, a very high percentage of former Rustenburg girls are currently receiving bursaries at this institution. Project work in the curriculum was, where possible, linked to the “real world.” For example, the Grade 10s voluntary work formed a component of the project on citizenship education. This experience could have wide-ranging positive consequences, from becoming part of a positive altruistic life-style to sometimes contributing towards career decisions and often enhancing a curriculum vitae. The Grade 11s participated in a “mock” job interview based on research they did about tertiary study and careers. Most of them handled this with much aplomb. If it had been a real-life situation, they would have been appointed the jobs. Grade 12 project work involved stress management, the world of work and law. Grade 9 learners completed research relating to subjectchoice decisions and excellent Power Point presentations about human rights. The Grade 8 curriculum included work about study methods and beautiful T-shirt designs related to the South African Bill of Rights. The Physical Education component of Life Orientation, although not very strict on boot-camp style fitness, was fun and the majority of the learners were actively and positively involved. It was wonderful to see their enjoyment, laughter, the competition and unspoiled attitude to activities, which can range from original invented games to oldfashioned games involving skipping ropes, duster hockey, ingle-angle and dance. In addition to the formal curriculum, the girls were involved in a great many enrichment opportunities. For example, the Grade 10s completed a First Aid Level 1 course and the very successful Grade 11 leadership course at Back-to-Basics in Grabouw. Their positive, cooperative and energetic involvement at the camp was once again highly complimented by Inventure Camp Co-ordinators. UCT’s Theatre in Education Programmes were presented to the Grade 8s and 10s and covered cyber-bullying and depression. The Grade 9s attended an informative subject-choice meeting to which Ms Norval invited Mr Thando Tsotsobe from UCT’s Schools Admission’s Office. Ms Norval and Ms Weideman also attended an excellent workshop about subject choice. The meeting was co-ordinated by the Achieve Career Development coach, Ms Joanne Wood. This year also saw visits to tertiary institutions, Open Days, workshops and courses. These have included UCT, Stellenbosch University, CPUT, Red and Yellow School of Advertising, UWC, The Sports’ Science Institute, Girls in Engineering, SAWISE (Association of South African Women in Science and Engineering) Varsity College and City Varsity. The Grade 12s have had a fortnightly “career slot” during which representatives address them about admission to tertiary institutions. A number of Grade 10, 11 and 12 girls successfully completed the popular UCT Foundations of Philosophy Course. The Peer-tutoring Committee this year by incorporated administrative changes and service. It currently has approximately thirty tutors and thirty tutees in the programme. They also successfully ran a general knowledge quiz in Term 2 in order to raise funds to purchase teaching equipment for Vrygrond Primary School. As a department, we hope to continue to support the girls in meeting the challenges of the future and finding their place in a rapidly evolving world.
RGHS 2011
Bianca Ford awarded Yvonne Parfitt Bursary We would like to congratulate Bianca Ford on being awarded an Yvonne Parfitt Bursary for 2012. This bursary trust was set up by Mrs Yvonne Parfitt in 1957 to provide financial assistance to well-rounded candidates who achieve academically and who would benefit from financial assistance. The previous two candidates from Rustenburg to receive one of these bursaries were Paula Dickson in 2000 and Maike Felmore in 2009. Bianca plans to study towards a B.Com (Law) degree at Rhodes University.
Life Sciences Subject head: Ms Dirkya Botha Teachers: Ms Lorraine Gardiner, Ms Zargielay Rabeh Laboratory assistant: Ms Lynne Young
This year we continued with the integration of subjects like Geography, History, Physical Science, Latin, Mathematics and Consumer Studies. This is advantageous to learners as they can see how the world works together, in its entirety. All grades begin with the teaching of the cell and all its components, but in each grade this is taught in more detail. For example, while the Grade 10s learn about a normal cell, the Grade 11s learn about the smallest organism that only consists of one cell, like the bacterium, and all the diseases that it can cause. The Grade 12s learn about DNA and RNA, the building blocks of all life. During Terms 1 and 2, the learners dissected kidneys and hearts. They also did photosynthesis practicals to prove that starch is made by plants. The projects challenged the learners to research various diseases and genetic problems that can occur in humans. The human body is studied by the Grade 10s. The grade 11s study advanced animal and human biology. The Grade 12s learn about reproduction and the unique make-up of human beings. In the last part of the year all three grades learn about the environment, its problems as well as evolution through the ages. This inspired a few of our girls to such an extent that they decided to go and study at the Two Oceans Aquarium at the Waterfront. One of our Grade 11 pupils, Nicola Cathcart, completed a Young Biologist Course and achieved 91% in her examination. She also completed 140 hours of volunteer work at the Two Oceans Aquarium, where she received a Diamond Award, and has recently graduated to a Level One Volunteer. A few other girls have entered the same course.
Arbor Day Rustenburg celebrated Arbor Day on 21 July. Headgirl, Angeliki Carvounes, and other school leaders planted two Acacia Xanthophlea (Fever trees) on the meadows in front of the school. Fever trees were chosen specifically because they are indigenous, water-wise and have distinctive yellow-green bark. The first Arbor Day in South Africa was held in 1983.
Ms Gardiner’s Matric Life Sciences class purchased a tree Emma Bergman, a member of Ms Gardiner’s Matric Life Sciences class, helped to plant an indigenous yellowwood tree (Podocarpus falcatus) in front of the Music block. Ms Gardiner’s classes collected R3000 to purchase the tree as a gift to the school; their way of contributing positively towards Rustenburg’s legacy.
RGHS 2011
Subject head: Ms Bridget Cameron Teachers: Ms Lindy Edmunds, Ms Lorraine Gardiner, Ms Helen Kleynhans, Ms Louise Lawrence, Ms Michelle Meyer, Ms Leanne van Rensburg Part-time: Mr Chris Murison
Mathematics at Rustenburg is taught by a diverse team of teachers who work hard to maintain a good spirit by being enthusiastic and a little crazy to inspire our learners to see the unique insights which the subject offers. It is compulsory for learners in Grades 10 - 12 to take one of the two Mathematics courses: Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy. The majority of our girls select Mathematics. There is, however, one much smaller class of learners per grade which studies the more applied course, Mathematical Literacy. Mathematics is timetabled at the same time for each grade from Grade 9. The classes are streamed from Grade 9 to Grade 12. This works well at Rustenburg as the top set is challenged and encouraged to take on extra Mathematics, while the struggling learners are allowed to gain confidence in smaller groups. Support lessons are also offered to those who are on the borderline with the subject. There is no charge for this service, but learners who accept the lessons have to commit to them for a term. The peer tutoring system also assists those who need help. Each member of the Mathematics team teaches one class from each grade. This makes for much preparation, but it ensures that all of the teachers know what is important for each grade. The learners are required to write the same tests and assignments at the same time so the teachers all work closely together. The entire team meets every week to check that their pace and to discuss ideas and plans. In 2006 Geometry was taken out of the Mathematics curriculum. Along with Probability it was, however, tested in an optional Paper 3 examination. The results of this Paper 3 examination do not appear on the Matriculation National Senior Certificate. There are 40 Grade 12 learners writing this optional paper this year. This will change with the curriculum that is to be introduced in Grade 10 in 2012 when Geometry and Probability will be in the core curriculum. The reasons for this change include pressure from the universities to develop reasoning and for scientific studies. Advanced Program Mathematics was introduced at Rustenburg in Grade 10 in 2010. The entire top Grade 10 class is taught the course during ordinary Mathematics lessons. This year there are 8 learners taking the course in Grade 11. The course consists of a 1½ hour lesson per week taught after school. It is helpful for those learners who excel in Mathematics and who are thinking of continuing with the subject at university. The pace is fairly fast and the work is challenging,. It is a good preparation for tertiary study where even high achievers struggle because they have never had to work independently. Ms Cameron, Mr Murison and Ms Meyer teach this course. In addition, there are 12 Rustenburg learners completing AP Mathematics at Bishops. Those who complete this IEB certified course achieve a qualification that improves their chances of doing well at tertiary level. The school boasts a committed team of teachers who often, to the chagrin of their colleagues, talk passionately and enthusiastically about their subject in the staff room. The talents of this diverse team help to secure a high standard and caring support for all girls. Ms Kleynhans has had much experience in different schools and, in 2011, taught the top Grade 12 set. Ms Edmunds is the newest member of the team and teaches extra lessons to Grades 10 and 12. Ms Meyer is enhancing her own mathematical studies and offers extra lessons for the girls in Grade 12. In addition to their regular Mathematics classes, Ms Lawrence and Ms van Rensburg also
RGHS 2011
teach Mathematical Literacy. Ms van Rensburg gives extra lessons to the Grade 8 and 9 groups. Mr Murison’s expertise is training the girls for competitions. He has also coached and inspired incoming Mathematics teachers. At the Grade 8 and 9 level, he meets regularly with faster learners and offers them enriching Mathematical activities. Ms Cameron heads up the Mathematics team and is the provincial treasurer of the Association for Mathematics Education of SA (AMESA). There are Smartboards in 4 of the Mathematics classrooms and the other rooms have data projectors. The teachers have attended Smartboard courses and use the boards to enhance their lessons. They also use the Geometers sketchpad and Autograph computer programs. Mr Murison and Ms Kleynhans are Senior Markers for the NSC matriculation examinations, while Ms Meyer, Ms Lawrence and Ms Cameron have also marked for a number of years. This experience provides invaluable insight into the way that the emphasis in the Mathematics examination changes from year to year. Our girls excel at Mathematics due to a combination of factors: a dedicated team of good teachers prepares the learners well for the final examination and further study, the good work ethic of the school and the low absentee rate. There were 35 learners who achieved above 80% for Mathematics in the 2010 NSC examination. Kirsten Prest achieved the top mark (97%) in Mathematics for Rustenburg. There were 24 learners who achieved above 80% for Mathematical Literacy in the 2010 NSC examination. Elizabeth Ridgway achieved the top mark (98%) in Mathematical Literacy for Rustenburg.
Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy
Music Subject head: Ms Elizabeth Sole Teachers: Ms Judith Dernier, Ms Olivia Gordon, Ms Maileen Jamey, Ms Robyn Miller Part-time: Ms Rosemary Davis, Ms Lee Gelderbloem, Ms Amy Ma, Ms Maria Raynham, Mr Sinoxolo Sisiwe and Mr David West Part-time Administrative Assistant: Ms Sue Hoffmann
2011 has definitely been a Year of Firsts for the Music Department. Ms Robyn Miller inherited Ms Davis’ large contingent of saxophone and clarinet pupils, the directorship of the Jazz and Wind Bands, Jazz Combo, and Grade 9 subject music.
Ms Miller made her debut with the Jazz Band at the CT Big Band Jazz Festival at the Baxter Theatre, and accompanied some of our aspiring jazz musicians to the Standard Bank National Youth Jazz Festival in Grahamstown, where notably Gladys Kisela (saxophone) was selected to play in the National Schools’ Band. Fortunately, Ms Davis was appointed on a part-time basis to teach our brass players. We continue to offer subject and extra-curricular music tuition to over 160 pupils on a wide variety of instruments as well as voice, but realise there is a need to encourage more girls to play brass instruments. 2011 saw the 200th anniversary of the quintessential Romantic piano virtuoso, Franz Liszt, who was featured in our 2nd Piano Festival held at Charlies’ Hope. Our eminent guest was the Hungarian-born pianist, Dr Thomas Rajna, who introduced us to the music of Liszt and awarded the prizes to the talented group of participants from Bishops, Herschel, RBHS, RGHS and Westerford, including our young pianist, Caitlin Grüning. To top our list of firsts, was undoubtedly the The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace by Karl Jenkins. 2011 marks the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 disaster, and the work was one of two chosen for the Global Sing for Peace project in September, to which we submitted some video footage of our performances. The work was studied at a special weekend camp in Paarl, initiated by Ms Olivia Gordon, our orchestral director. Mr Gerhard de Jager was engaged to train the orchestra, and music staff member, Ms Judith Dernier, presented a workshop on the literary aspects of the work. Other highlights included the annual subject music outing to a CPO rehearsal, a Concerto Festival initiated by our string teacher, Mrs Maria Raynham, featuring soloists and orchestral players from both schools, a lively Hip Hop Music Workshop presented by specialist, Amanda Klotz, our two Music Spotlight concerts at which the majority of our pupils performed at all levels, the Annual Music concert showcasing all our Ensembles, the lunchtime Carol concert at St Paul’s, in aid of
the African Scholars’ Fund, and the Carol Service, involving over 500 Rustenburg girls, bringing gifts and monetary donations for needy children, the elderly and proper care of animals. The achievements of our young musicians continue to be at the forefront of musical education in Cape Town. Our 2010 Grade 12 FET subject music pupil, Samantha Filby, achieved first place in the Western Cape, as did Nicola Engel in the Music Accreditation Trinity Guildhall examination. Of our 2010 ABRSM Theory Grade 6 candidates, the distinctions achieved by Jenny Robertson and Laurie Scarborough earned them each a Hedy King Robinson international award of £45. Practical entrants showed their skills at the Cape Town Eisteddfod this year, with Gladys Kisela, Alexa Bessinger and the Keyboard Ensemble achieving prizes of R500 each and Alexandra Mould achieving four Gold Diplomas at the Kaapse Afrikaanse Eisteddfod. Three of our talented pupils participated in the Pieter Kooij Music Competition, Yohan Chun, Alexandra Mould and Hye In Shin with Yohan making it to the final nerve-racking round. We still hold the unofficial record for the largest number of ABRSM Theory entries in Grades 1-5. Our top achiever in the 2010 Trinity Guildhall examinations was Yohan Chun for Grade 8 piano (teacher Ms Judith Dernier), who received a Silver Medal for the highest mark in the Western Cape. Our attendance and participation by music staff and pupils in various public events, notably the Recorder Symposium, Franschhoek Chamber Music Festival, SAJE Conference, SBNYJF, Hugo Lambrechts’ Concerto Festival, International Chamber Music Festival, National Ensemble Competition, the NYO course in Johannesburg at which Sara Lambert and Ingrid Pienaar were selected for the NYO, the Cape Town and the Kaapse Afrikaanse Eisteddfods, dress rehearsals and public concerts, continue to be a priority for us. “What we ask of music, first and last, is that it communicate experience – experience of all kinds, vital and profound at its greatest, amusing or entertaining at another level.” (Roger Sessions)
RGHS 2011
The Armed Man:
A Mass for Peace by Karl Jenkins
The Annual choral event with the combined choirs, concert band and orchestras of RGHS, RBHS, SACS and Beau Soleil took place at the City Hall on 27 July and 29 July, were two unique and outstanding evenings of music. The Annual choral event with the combined choirs, concert band and orchestras of RGHS, RBHS, SACS and Beau Soleil took place at the City Hall on 27 July and 29 July, were two unique and outstanding evenings of music. After the first victorious performance, with messages of congratulation pouring in to the school’s office, the second performance was entirely sold out leaving at least 100 disappointed audience members unable to find seats. The concert opened with the Concert Band performing Vaughan Williams’ delightful English Folksong Suite, one of the great classics, originally written for the Band of the Royal Military School, Kneller Hall. This fine, polished performance by a well-balanced band was all the more poignant given the fact that Vaughan Williams had experienced the full horror of the First World War as a stretcher bearer. Yohan Chun was the soloist for the Mozart Piano Concerto No. 21 in C, K467. The second movement opened serenely by the orchestra and this mood was continued by the soloist who played with a beautiful tone throughout. With careful pedalling, the right hand ‘sang’ the melody and this movement was highly successful despite some uncertain entries by the woodwind. The third movement was flawless with crisp fingerwork and the left hand octaves well co-ordinated in their interaction with the orchestra. This was a highly successful debut by a gifted musician. After interval, the choral masterpiece The Armed Man received its Cape Town debut by a combined chorus and orchestra of primarily high school pupils. In April 2007, a combined choir consisting of the Salisbury Community Choir, UK, Pro Cantu, Voices of Cape Town and the UCT Choir with the CPO presented a performance of the work in the City Hall. The first movement was given a stirring and rhythmically precise rendition by piccolo, trumpet and percussion. It was gratifying to see Rustenburg girls holding their own in the brass and percussion sections of the orchestra, traditionally a male preserve. The two following movements reflected the Muslim and Christian Call to Prayer and Kyrie. The fact that this work was written before 9/11 shows how visionary Jenkins has been about healing
RGHS 2011
the vast divisions in the modern world. The Kyrie opened with Daniel Poulter’s fine solo followed by the choir singing a rich blend of styles moving the focus from the cathedral to the world at large. ‘Lord have mercy’ was smoothly homophonic, followed by clear entries in the contrapuntal ‘Christ, have mercy’ and a sinister reprise of ‘Lord have mercy’ with the addition of a Latin American rhythm. The unaccompanied male chorus sang the plainchant in ‘Save me From Bloody Men’ in an authentic ecclesiastical style. The Sanctus which followed was strangely menacing and unexpectedly earth bound, showing the awesome strength of violence, made tangible by the confident singing. The ‘Hymn Before Action’ built up to the cacophony of Charge! with its high sopranos and drums. Despite their very high tessitura the sopranos sang with a controlled tone. In ‘Angry Flames’ the soloists were able to provide descriptions of Hiroshima with heart-rending interjections by the choir and trumpet. Torches was a lament for the ageless violence of humankind, and here the clear diction of the choir impressed. ‘Agnus Dei’ was a moving plea to God for freedom from the violent impasse into which our world has fallen. The strings which accompanied the soprano in ‘Now the Guns Have Stopped’ sounded like a very good professional orchestra with perfectly shaped phrases and excellent intonation as they reestablished the slow and difficult return to sanity. In the Benedictus the choir sang with well-controlled dynamics especially in the soft section. There was confident part singing in the unaccompanied paean to peace which concluded the work. The whole evening set a new benchmark for school music performances in Cape Town and the performers, teachers and conductor, Alexander Fokkens, are to be congratulated on the superlative standard they achieved. This performance can certainly hold its own with the others to be held in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of 9/11, and it was all the more poignant in the aftermath of the hate-filled ranting and horrific killings in Norway in the week of the performances. (Review by Ms Rosemary Davis)
Academic RGHS 2011
Music Special Awards The Ivan Kilian The Janet Kirk Cup Elizabeth Sole Cup for service and dedication to the school’s Book Prize orchestra was awarded to Ingrid Pienaar. and Rosemary for Commitment, Dedication and Service Ingrid was the head of the Orchestra and has to Music was awarded to Carolyn Ryder. played in it as a violinist and subsequently Davis Prize She was a dedicated member of the Music violist for the past 5 years. She was also the Amy Walton was the recipient of both the Society committee for the past 3 years and held the position of head of the committee from August 2010 - August 2011. As a trumpeter, she was a member of the Jazz and Wind Bands and held the positions of head of the Jazz Band and deputy head of the Wind Band in her Grade 12 year. Carolyn was also a committed member of the Chamber Choir.
co-leader of Berocca G, a member of the String Ensemble and the deputy head of the Music Society Committee. Ingrid holds Full Colours for Music and received a merit certificate for the Grade 8 ABRSM viola examination. She was selected to play with the National Youth Orchestra in 2010 and 2011, and participated in the National Ensemble Competition in Stellenbosch with Berocca G for the past 3 years.
Matric Music Achievers
Elizabeth Sole Cup for Singing and the Rosemary Davis Prize for excellence in Jazz Performance. Amy was a dedicated member of the Chamber Choir for the past 5 years and held the position of deputy head in her Grade 12 year. She was the vocalist in the Jazz Combo for the past 2 years and performed at Jazz@V&A, the FACETS Competition and the National Ensemble Competition in Stellenbosch in 2011. She attended the Standard Bank National Youth Jazz Festival in Grahamstown for the past 2 years and sang in Amanda Tiffin’s Jazz Choir. Amy was also the vocalist in the RGHS Jazz Band at the Cape Town Big Band Jazz Festival held in the Baxter Concert Hall in May this year. She holds a certificate of distinction for the Trinity Guildhall Grade 7 singing examination and Half Colours for Music.
Sara Lambert Ingrid Pienaar Hye In Shin Sara (violin) was the recipient of the RGHS Ingrid (viola) was selected to play in the Hye In was the 2011 recipient of the Lisa Music Scholarship in 2007. She is the leader of the RGHS Orchestra, the String Ensemble, and Berocca G. As a member of Berocca G, she jointly achieved a R3000 Large Ensemble category prize at the International Ensemble Competition at the University of Stellenbosch in October 2010. She holds certificates from the ABRSM for Grades 7 and 8 in violin and has achieved numerous awards in the Cape Town and Kaapse Afrikaanse Eisteddfods. She was the joint soloist in the RBHS/RGHS Concerto Festival in March this year when she performed the second movement of Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante, K364 for violin and viola, with Ingrid Pienaar. In the June/July holiday this year, Sara attended the National Youth Orchestra course at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg and successfully auditioned as a member of the first violins in the National Youth Orchestra. Sara holds Full Colours for Music.
National Youth Orchestra in Durban in December 2010 and in the same year attended the International Chamber Music Festival in Stellenbosch. This year, she successfully auditioned for the National Youth Orchestra held at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg during the June/July holiday. She was the joint soloist in the RBHS/RGHS Concerto Festival in March this year when she performed the second movement of Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante, K364 for violin and viola, with Sara Lambert. Besides playing in the school’s Orchestra (of which she is the Head), Berocca G and the String Ensemble, she is also the Deputy Head of the active Music Society Committee at RGHS. As a member of Berocca G, she jointly achieved a R3000 Large Ensemble category prize at the International Ensemble Competition at the University of Stellenbosch in October 2010. Ingrid achieved a Merit for her Grade 8 ABRSM viola examination in 2010 and a distinction for the ABRSM Grade 6 Theory examination in June 2011. She has achieved numerous awards in the Cape Town and Kaapse Afrikaanse Eisteddfods, and is currently also studying the piano at an advanced level. Ingrid holds Full Colours for Music. RGHS 2011
Hellenberg Music Bursary. She plays the piano and the violin and has achieved a Merit for the Grade 8 ABRSM piano examination, a distinction for violin Grade 5 ABRSM and a distinction for the Grade 5 ABRSM theory examination. Hye In also achieved a Silver medal in the piano section at the Kaapse Afrikaanse Eisteddfod in 2010. She participated in the first round of the Pieter Kooij Music Competition in 2010 and 2011 and auditioned for the Liszt Piano Festival at RGHS. Hye In plays in the Orchestra and String Ensemble and sings in the General Choir at RGHS. This talented young lady plans to study Music in Germany after matriculating.
Academic Jazz Band
Third row, from left: Emily Shuttleworth, Cheryl Muchapondwa, Megan Denny, Amy Walton, Kate Vlok, Roxanne Christian, Marianne Schwellnus, Aphiwe Jikazana, Yohan Chun Second row, from left: Grace Thomson, Sibulele Mtsi, Nuraan Salie, Lauren Sanby, Roslyn Sanby, Jenna Adams, Neda Isaacs, Gladys Kisela, Alexa Bessinger Front row, from left: Nicola Cathcart, Robyn Smith, Carolyn Ryder (Head), Ms Robyn Miller, Megan Hand (Deputy), Azraa Parker, Joo-Young Kim
Wind Band
Fourth row, from left: Shifah Abrahams, Ashley Barnard, Ashleigh Forster, Catherine Smith, Roxanne Christian, Cheryl Muchapondwa, Emily Shuttleworth, Megan Frost, Roslyn Sanby Third row, from left: Ashleigh Joubert, Caitlin Gr端ning, Nuraan Salie, Lauren Sanby, Jenna Adams, Neda Isaacs, Jessica Meeser, Ayesha Korowlay, Sibulele Mtsi Second row, from left: Merlyn Doralingo, Emily Norris, Claire Denny, Grace Thomson, Samantha Pelteret, Sol-Jee Kim, Do Yeou Ku, Alexandra Mould, Azraa Parker Front row, from left: Alexa Bessinger, Ayanda Josie-Perez, Carolyn Ryder (Deputy), Ms Robyn Miller, Karen Schuster (Head), Jenna Bryden, Joo-Young Kim Absent: Bronwen Barratt
RGHS 2011
Chamber Choir
Third row, from left: Simone van der Merwe, Emma Bergh, Cheryl Muchapondwa, Lauren Davis, Adrienne Marais, Anja Mühr, Corné Odendaal, Shannah Brown, Courtney Wallace, Sakeenah Kerbelker, Isabella Cupido Third row, from left: Terusha Navsaria, Hannah Bridgens, Amber Stodel, Gladys Kisela, Kirsten Pienaar, Fraîche-Rosée Baloubéta, Joycelyn Foster, Grace Thomson, Tamsin Metelerkamp Second row, from left: Kim Petersen, Julia Holzberg, Jenna Bryden, Aimée George, Lynne Donson, Ashleigh Curtis, Alexa Bessinger, Rouzanna Coxson, Kelly Petersen Front row, from left: Carolyn Ryder, Lauren Sanby, Kim Cranfield, Ms Elizabeth Sole, Hannah MacMillan (Head), Ms Judith Dernier, Amy Walton (Deputy), Roslyn Sanby, Chloé-Joy Arendse
General Choir
Fifth row, from left: Ashley Barnard, Ellen-Anne Williams, Chelsea Samaai, Yi-Shin Yuan, Thandi Mettler, Marianne Schwellnus, Habi Doucouré, Annemieke Lourens, Catherine Smith, Hannah Abrahams-Crocker, Monique Hollis, Tara Dunlop, Roxanne Christian, Buhle-Bemvelo Zimba, Keabetsoe Nchodu, Kirsten Jaftha, Tracey-Ann Arendse, Abigail Wood, Julia Amputu, Zukhanye Vetezo, Stéphanie Lawrenson Fourth row, from left: Jehaan Obaray, Kayla Albertyn, Sibonani Memani, Katherine Werge, Mbali Mahanjana, Naomi-Lisa Kobbie, Michelle Ashwin, Nicole Mehnert, Dimakatso Nchodu, Caitlin Grüning, Shannon Pepper, Orissa Ramesar, Mary Mufford, Hillary Coetzee, Sinqobile Mkhontwana, Aleyah Dollie, Ashlynn Wessels, Cassandra Cranfield Third row, from left: Musa Makhoba, Terttu Newaka, Shakeela Banderker, Zahra Omarjee, Rebecca Norris, Claire Denny, Alice Hill-Woods, Kate James, Azraa Kannemeyer, Estine Everson, Maisie Williams-Sales, Tamsin Thom, Emma Thurling, Leanne Wiggins, Ulriche Jantjes, Genevieve Morris, Robyn Smith, Nicola Cilliers, Michelle Dandara, Haley-Anne Box, Eden Howard, Amy Stohrer, Yonela Katsha Second row, from left: Shameez Phillips, Laila Haffejee, Abigail Mallows, Sandisiwe Mdoda, Thania Koopman, Neo Ramagaga, Tumelo Moloto, Nabeelah Shaboodien, Aimée La Kay, Nikita Sofute, Michaela Peters, Catherine Eames, Callee Davis, Anna Sango, Samantha Langton, Tanri De Lange, Lindiwe Le Brasseur, Yejin Hur, Tracy Langley, Aaliyah Ahmed, Sonia Mataramvura, Mia Van Aardt, Riancha Schoombie, Lwethu Dube, Samantha McCrindle, Mosa Moloto Front row, from left: Keshia Chapman, Hye In Shin, Michaela Jantjies, Sibulele Mtsi, Lynn Robertson, Kim Mann, Ms Elizabeth Sole, Tatum McGregor (Head), Ms Maileen Jamey, Camagu Mayosi (Deputy), Nuraan Salie, Kayley Gordon, Shana-Lee Kruger, Maxine Furlong, Yusrah Adams
RGHS 2011
Academic Orchestra
Fifth row, from left: Aphiwe Jikazana, Marianne Schwellnus, Megan Denny, Christine Monterverdi, Roxanne Christian, Anja Mühr, Kate Vlok, Sydney Davis, Lauren Davis, Helen Dunnell, Tracey-Ann Arendse Fourth row, from left: Lauren Denny, Roslyn Sanby, Emily Shuttleworth, Shifah Abrahams, Rania Davids, Ashleigh Forster, Lauren Sanby, Jenna Adams, Ashley Barnard, Yeonju Kim, Lynne Donson Third row, from left: Grace Thomson, Brogan Poulton, Ayesha Korowlay, Julia Cooke, Isabella Cupido, Carolyn Ryder, Caitlin Grüning, Nichola Lawrenson, Gladys Kisela, Stéphanie Lawrenson, Yohan Chun Second row, from left: Azraa Parker, Joo-Young Kim, Amy Stöhrer, Hye In Shin, Jaime Newdigate, Sibulele Mtsi, Robyn Smith, Sol-Jee Kim, Alexandra Mould, Do Yeou Ku, Karen Schuster Front row, from left: Lindiwe Le Brasseur, Alexa Bessinger, Kirsten Barratt, Ingrid Pienaar (Head), Ms Olivia Gordon, Sara Lambert (Deputy) Nurain Mohamed, Jenna Bryden, Mosa Moloto Absent: Bronwen Barratt, Rebecca Haines, Seul Jung
String Ensemble
Third row, from left: Kirsten Holman, Mubeenah Gangraker, Rania Davids, Anja Mühr, Tracey-Ann Arendse, Stefni Handt, Isabella Cupido, Stéphanie Lawrenson Second row, from left: Kirsten Buchanan, Kirsten Barratt, Halinka Paarman, Sara Lambert, Ingrid Pienaar, Amy Stöhrer, Nurain Mohamed, Mosa Moloto Front row, from left: Lynne Donson, Melissa Wood, Christine Monteverdi, Helen Dunnell (Head), Hye In Shin, Marzia Gertse, Julia Cooke
RGHS 2011
Saxophone Ensemble
Berocca G
Recorder Ensemble
Clarinet Ensemble
Percussion Ensemble
Flute Ensemble
From left: Sibulele Mtsi, Aphiwe Jikazana, Claire Denny, Emma Bergh, Azraa Parker, Kate Vlok, Michelle Winter, Shifah Abrahams, Stéphanie Lawrenson, Roxanne Christian, Shannon Lorimer
From left: Catherine Smith, Alexandra Mould, Sibulele Mtsi, Rouzanna Coxson, Roxanne Christian
Back row, from left: Sydney Davis, Ayesha Korowlay, Lauren Davis, Cheryl Muchapondwa Front row, from left: Sol-Jee Kim, Emily Norris, Dacia Hassan, Neo Ramagaga, Caitlin Grüning, Jessica Meeser
RGHS 2011
Back row, from left: Ingrid Pienaar, Lauren Davis, Anja Mühr, Sara Lambert, Isabella Cupido, Caitlin Grüning Front row, from left: Nahyun Pak, Yohan Chun, Abigail Mallows, Alexandra Mould, Lynne Donson, Rania Davids Absent: Rouzanna Coxson
From left: Ashton Sims, Bronwen Barratt, Ashleigh Joubert, Ayanda JosiePerez, Stéphanie Pereira, Riancha Schoombie, Megan Frost, Jaime Newdigate
Back row, from left: Anastasia Stergiou, Ashleigh Foster, Lauren Denny, Sibonani Memani, Ashleigh Barnard, Raeesa Mathews, Nicola de Villiers Front row, from left: Do Yeou Ku, Karen Schuster, Sandisiwe Mdoda, JooYoung Kim, Sol-Jee Kim, Kauthar Firfirey
Music Small Ensembles Berocca G welcomed two new members to replace the Grade 12s who left in 2010, Isabella Cupido doubling Sara Lambert on first violin and Rouzanna Coxson playing alongside Alexandra Mould on recorder. Besides playing works requiring a larger ensemble, such as the Handel arias from Rinaldo and Rodelinda with Handel enthusiast, Lauren Davis as soloist, and Telemann’s Recorder Concerto in C, Sara Lambert, Anja Mühr, Ingrid Pienaar and Lynne Donson have been working as a String Quartet and have studied some new and challenging works by two SA composers, Johan Cloete and John Joubert. Having been successful as category winners in the National Ensemble Competition in Stellenbosch last year, Berocca G hopes to equal its success at the Competition in September this year. With a Gold Diploma at the Kaapse Afrikaanse Eisteddfod, they’re well on their way.
Music concert. Mr Sinoxolo Sisiwe continues to be a great inspiration to both groups. The String Ensemble has been active in participating in the Cape Town and the Kaapse Afrikaanse Eisteddfods (achieving Honours’ awards), in the Senior Music Spotlight concert, the FACETS Ensemble Competition, the Annual Music Concert, and in our String Concert in October. Many of the players formed part of the Jenkins Orchestra for The Armed Man performances in the City Hall, with the Head of the Ensemble, Helen Dunnell, playing a key role in assisting in the organization of the stage arrangements.
The Junior Flute Ensemble continues to be a training ground for our young developing flautists and is led enthusiastically by our flute teacher, Ms Gordon. They participated together with the newly formed Clarinet and Saxophone Ensembles directed by Ms Miller, in the Cape Town Eisteddfod, the Music Spotlight concerts and in the Annual Music concerts at RGHS. Both our Guitar and Keyboard Ensembles performed in the Cape Town Eisteddfod, at Huis Lückhoff and at the Annual Music concert. Fraîche-Rosée Baloubéta and Aaliyah Davids joined the Keyboard Ensemble this year after the loss of three advanced Grade12s in 2010. Despite losing some key players, the Ensemble achieved an Honours award at the Cape Town Eisteddfod and received a special prize of R500 as a category award winner. This is a developmental year for both Ensembles and we watch them grow and advance with interest.
Savuyisa Senior
From left: Stefni Handt, Samantha Marchant, Rebecca Norris, Amy Hand, Joo-Young Kim, Olivia Benetton, Caitlin Grüning, Robyn Paterson, Kirsty Schlemmer
The Jazz Combo has been in great demand this year, playing at an International Rotary function at Kelvin Grove, at the FACETS Competition at Sans Souci, at a new Festival, Jazz@V&A, entertaining the visiting principals over lunch at Erinville during the SAGSA Principals’ conference, at the Senior Music Spotlight concert, accompanying Carolyn Ryder and performing with Amy Walton at the Grade 12 Music Recitals and playing in the Annual Music concert. Yohan Chun (piano), Gladys Kisela (saxophone) and Amy Walton (vocals) had the added advantage of attending the SBNYJF in Grahamstown this year and earlier in the year the Combo had a workshop with jazz artists, Kesivan Naidoo and Bokani Dyer (Standard Bank Young Artist of the Year). They also participated for the first time in the National Ensemble Competition in Stellenbosch in September. Besides successfully performing in the Junior Music Spotlight concert and the Annual Music concert, the key players in the Percussion Ensemble did us proud in the Jenkins’ Orchestra, playing timpani, tubular bells, snare drum, triangle, congas, tambourine, wind chimes and other exotic combinations, without the assistance of any staff member. We acknowledge the dedicated work by Mr David West in the training of the percussionists in this demanding work.
Keyboard Ensemble
From left: Fraîche Rosée Baloubéta, Chloé-Joy Arendse, Rolivhuwa Madiba, Cheryl Muchapondwa Absent: Alexa Bessinger
Jazz Combo
Yohan Chun, Amy Walton, Glady Kisela, Nicola Cathcart, Cheryl Muchapondwa
Losing several key players in December 2010 and gaining only one new Grade 8 member this year, Catherine Smith, the Recorder Ensemble lost no time in restructuring the group and preparing items for its busy and challenging programme in 2011. It participated first in the 6th Recorder Symposium at RGHS in March, followed by the FACETS Ensemble Competition, the Junior Music Spotlight concert, the Kaapse Afrikaanse Eisteddfod (where they achieved a soughtafter Hoogste Lof) and the Annual Music concert. It is surprising to see how well the group has developed this year, despite the loss of the advanced players. We were sad to lose our enthusiastic Grade 12 tenor recorder player, Sibulele Mtsi in October, however. The members of Savuyisa Junior progressed to the Senior level this year and the new Junior group has finally been formed. Savuyisa Senior has had a busy year performing at several events, including the Grade 7 Open Day, the SAGSA Principal’s conference, the Jabulani Festival, the Grade 12 Art Awards’ evening and the Annual
RGHS 2011
Head of Physical Sciences: Ms Maureen Burchell Head of Natural Sciences: Mr Dean Laufs Ms Zargielay Rabeh Laboratory Assistant: Ms Lynne Young
Teachers: Mr Martin Altern, Ms Dirkya Botha,
Helen Dunnell entered the Royal Society of South Africa’s annual essay competition. The title of the essay was “Is the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Telescope Project Justified?” Helen was very convincing in the justification of her argument. A number of Grade 11s and 12s entered the SAASTE National Science Olympiad and bravely fought their way through 50 thoughtprovoking multiple-choice questions. Nicola Steinhaus, Samantha Marchant and Roshaan Solomons represented Rustenburg at the annual Minquiz at Wynberg Boys’ High School. Nicola received a Certificate of Excellence in the individual section. Samantha felt that it was good to compete against the different schools and to compare the different levels. Roshaan Solomons and Aneesa Solwa were invited to a function at Stellenbosch University, entitled “Engineering Role Models,” where they were introduced to various forms of engineering. Petruné Beattie and Saraah Davids attended the Girl-Eng Day at the University of Cape Town. Said Petruné, “I was enthused by their passion and decided that I wanted to study Geomatics.” Saraah found it inspiring to experience engineering and was encouraged to believe in her abilities.
RGHS 2011
Nishaad Kootbodien attended a Chemical Engineering workshop at UCT. She was given the task to prepare aspirin in the laboratory and to design a process whereby aspirin can be produced in bulk. She was inspired to take her interests further. Rustenburg was represented by five learners at the SAASTE debate and reached the finals, where they received special mention. Tuscany Botha said, “I walked away far more knowledgeable about the topics of DNA and Nanotechnology. The debate opened my eyes to the growing importance of Science in the world, and I was grateful for the opportunity afforded to me.” Carla du Toit spent a fascinating day with her e-mail friend at our Afri-twin school in the Cotswolds, England. Stroud High is a specialist Science and Mathematics school and Carla was enthusiastic about their laboratories and the depth of the syllabus. Nicola Cilliers won a bronze medal at the 2011 Science EXPO for her project on the pinhole camera.
Physical and Natural Sciences
Visual Arts and Design Subject head: Ms Jackie Chambers Teachers: Ms Zélia Quintal Simpson, Mr Riaan Vosloo Part-time: Ms Karen Cronje
2011 began with the birth of some exciting additions. Photography was added as a result of the overwhelming support from members of the school’s Photographic Society. There seemed to be a need to introduce Photography more formally as a genre of creative study under the umbrella of Visual Arts. Ms Jill Joubert joined the department whilst Ms Karen Cronje was on maternity leave. Ms Joubert, a teacher with much experience, inspired both the Art staff and learners alike. Ms Cronje welcomed her daughter, Lili, who is an absolute delight. Our 2010 Matric learners excelled in their NSC examinations. The average for Design was 74, 4% and the average for Visual Arts was 79, 9%. Morgan Strutt, in particular, deserves special mention, as her 99% for Design saw her achieving third position in the subject in the Western Cape. 2010 concluded with a series of exhibitions (Grades 10 – 12). The Sunday Argus newspaper, on 30 October 2010, featured a strong review about Rustenburg’s Matric exhibition. The learners were complimented for their “brave individualism,” which directly reflects the school’s vision. The young artists challenged both themselves and the viewers with highly conceptual and technical explorations. In Term 1 the Grade 10s enjoyed an outing to the Design Indaba Expo and the CTICC where they observed cutting-edge design, fashion and multimedia exhibitions of local creative thinkers. The Grade 10 Photography learners extended their knowledge when they participated in the intra-school Nokia/Rustenburg Competition. They stood the chance of winning a camera worth R2000 or a camera kit valued at R10 000. The Grade 11s visited the Gold Museum and the Iziko National Gallery where they explored the themes of cultural heritage, meaning and place. The Grade 11 Design girls made decorative centrepieces at the fundraising luncheon concerts for Breast Cancer Awareness, held at the CTICC. The funds raised went towards the mobile breast cancer units which service the rural areas of South Africa. Performers included breast cancer survivor, Ms Toni Rowland, Rustenburg Old Girl Ms Louise Carver, and musician Danny K. Rustenburg’s fourth Art and Design Seminar was held on 30 March. The day provided Matrics from Rustenburg and other high schools with valuable knowledge about artists and designers whose work forms part of the curriculum. Speakers included Mr Craig Native
Doyeou Ku (Grade 10)
Laylaa Jacobs (Grade 11)
(fashion designer), Mr Dave Southwood (photographer), Ms Reshada Crouse (painter), Mr Andy Horn (eco-architect), Ms Lien Botha and Mr Wim Botha (both visual artists) and Mr Simon Berndt (graphic designer). They all spoke meaningfully about the South African art and design scene. Their inspirational artworks gave insight into their important role within South African culture. The Grades 10 and 11 Design learners enjoyed a felt-making workshop presented on 4 March by Ms Natasha Smith and her daughter, Hannah-Rose Smith, who is in Grade 11 herself. The girls learnt about techniques such as wet felting and needle felting, both used by felt makers for hundreds of years. Each year the department recognises the efforts of its learners at the Art and Design Awards evening. This year the event was held on 25 August. Rustenburg Old Girl, Ms Alex van Tonder, who excelled as a learner in Ms Simpson’s Matric Art class of 2001, was invited as the guest speaker. She inspired the audience with her interesting career. Ms van Tonder, who is currently Senior Copywriter and Creative Group Head at the King James Group, has established herself as a strong force in the challenging creative world out there. King James has been named National Advertising Agency of the Year and Western Cape Agency of the Year. In Term 3, three learners were selected to participate in an Art competition entitled “Adopt a School,” which was run by Finesse Events for the Pebble Project Foundation. Work produced by the girls was exhibited and auctioned at a gala event on 29 October. Funds raised were for those underprivileged schools whose talented learners are not able to benefit from an Art department. The teachers of the department would like to thank Rustenburg’s creative and committed learners for making 2011 so enjoyable and fruitful. Credit also needs to go to the parents of Art girls who enthusiastically support their daughters’ talents.
Amy Steyl Award
2011 was the first year in which this honour was bestowed upon an Art / Design learner. The Amy Steyl Award is for the girl who has developed her creative individuality within Visual Arts / Design, and has inspired her peers with her integrity, humility and passion. The deserving recipient was Julia Kabat.
Marzia Gertse (Grade 11)
RGHS 2011
Mieke Loubser (Grade 11)
Grade 8 Leadership Head of Grade 8: Ms Gillian Blackshaw Grade 8 form teachers: Ms Louise Albertyn, Ms Gillian Blackshaw, Ms Lindy Edmunds, Ms Meagan Rees, Ms Helene Swanson Grade 8 RCL members: Sandiswe Mdoda, Neo Ramagaga, Zakiyyah Sablay, Jessica Smith
The first few weeks of 2011 proved to be a very busy and no doubt stressful time for this year’s Grade 8s. Adjusting to a new school environment, trying to find your way around a big building, meeting new teachers, and establishing new friendships is not easy. To make things even more bewildering, Orientation Day fell on a Saturday this year! However, at the end of the long first week of high school, it seemed that most of the Grade 8s were happy in their new school. This was evident on the first Friday of the term at the Grade 8 gala. The outfits were bright and original, the class spirit was great and, much the delight of Rustenburg’s Sport Manager Ms Vivienne Williams, the swimming was excellent. A5 won the gala, but all the Grade 8 classes had a wonderful time. After the gala, the Grade 8s had the opportunity to participate in a fun Sports Day organised by the prefects and the Sport department. Most of the Grade 8s participated and enjoyed games of tennis, waterpolo, touch rugby and cricket. This was followed by a braai for the Grade 8 girls, their parents and the staff. At the New Parents meeting on 9 February, mothers and fathers were informed of the various sporting, musical, cultural and leadership opportunities on offer at Rustenburg. Most Grade 8s have taken these opportunities and have become involved in many areas of school life. The following Grade 8s have lead the way on the sports field and were selected to represent various provincial teams: Haidee Davis (Central Hockey team), Megan Denny (Central Hockey team and Western Cape Cricket team), Georgina Firth (Central Hockey team), Rebecca Haines (Western Province Swimming), Tiana Hansraj (Western Province Swimming), Stephané Hornsby (Central Hockey team), Katherine Poluta (Central Hockey team and Western Province Tennis) and Chelsea van Rensburg (Western Province Swimming). Other notable achievements include: Anika Ebrahim danced on the Espresso television show on SABC 3 for Mandela Day performing hip hop, contemporary ballet, funk and jazz dances. Rebecca Haines finished in the Top 100 in the Harmony Gold South African Mathematics Olympiad. Julia Holzberg played the lead role in the musical “Annie” at the Artscape. Elle Mouton placed eighth out of eighty-one competitors in the Avril Kinsey classical guitar competition (13-18 year olds) at the Cape Town International Guitar Festival. Carla Scholtz played the lead role of Alice in “Alice in Cape Town,” a play
Emily Roberts (Grade 8)
Giavanna Mangiagalli (Grade 8)
RGHS 2011
put on by the Eoan Theatre Group at the Joseph Stone Theatre. The main leadership opportunities in Grade 8 include being form and viceform captains, captains of the various U14 sports teams and representing the grade on the RCL. Although there are not many leadership opportunities for the Grade 8s, there are many girls who have shown distinct leadership potential this year. This year’s Grade 8s are strong academically, lead by Tamsin Metelerkamp (92.2 %), Marianne Schwellnus and Emily Roberts who placed first, second and third respectively at the end of the second term when they completed their first formal examinations at high school. In the short time the Grade 8s have been at Rustenburg, they have participated and excelled in the classroom, on the sports fields, in the various music groups and societies. What has impressed me, as Head of Grade 8, most is the way in which the girls interact with each other. They have proved to be a very thoughtful, caring group of young ladies, who treat each other with respect. I have witnessed many kind words spoken, caring smiles and hugs given and a genuine kindness in their interaction with one another. To the Grade 8s of 2011, I encourage you to make the most of your time at high school, get involved in as many aspects of life at Rustenburg as possible and continue treating each other with kindness and respect.
Laura van Rensburg (Grade 8)
Julie Chandler (Grade 8)
Grade 9 Leadership Head of Grade 9: Ms Anita Pretorius Grade 9 form teachers: Ms Norma Caesar, Ms Marieta Langenhoven, Mr Dean Laufs, Mr Gian Marneweck, Ms Anita Pretorius Grade 8 RCL members: Samantha Culligan, Caitlin Grüning, Monique Hollis
“If opportunity does not knock, build a door.” (Milton Berle) The Grade 9s of 2011 had many opportunities, provided by Rustenburg, to develop their leadership skills, but several of them also chose to open their own doors. On 28-29 March a leadership course for Grade 9s was held at Rondebosch Boys’ High. The girls used this opportunity to express their ideas in groups. They found this an enriching exercise as they were not in the ‘comfort zone’ of peers that they knew and had to acquaint themselves with strangers. The group structure gave everyone the opportunity to lead. Soon thereafter, the Grade 9s held the annual Market Day on 1 April. They not only displayed their entrepreneurial skills, put their leadership skills to the test when they solved practical problems at their stalls. On 11 May the prefects organised a social evening of music and games for the Grade 9 girls. This proved to be more than just an enjoyable event. The young ones learnt that leaders also have another side, as the prefects could relax, not only reprimand and punish. The Grade 9s now appreciate that leaders are just ordinary people.
execution of daily tasks. For example, taking register in the morning and keeping record of returned reply slips. Three learners in Grade 9 were members of the RCL. They were Samantha Culligan, Caitlin Grüning and Monique Hollis. When interviewing them about their roles, they mentioned that these leadership positions improved their self-discipline because they had to lead by example. They also realised that being a leader meant hard work behind the scenes, such as preparing for the RAG Day event. Our young leaders enjoyed being involved in school activities and found that their loyalty to and pride in the school had increased. They also found it humbling when girls approached them for help. A number of Grade 9 girls also excelled on the sporting fields and several represented Western Province: • Ammaarah Gamieldien (Cricket) • Candice-Lee Uys, Abigail Mallows, Shannon Hochfelden, Samantha Culligan (Gymnastics) • Candice-Lee Uys (Hockey) • Rouzanna Coxon (Tennis) Tanri de Lange represented Western Province at the Hightgate Interprovincial Biathlon meeting in Oudtshoorn and found this to be a challenging experience. Further a field in Italy, Summer Thompson, Sarah Shamley and Amy Scott participated in an International Dance competition. They obtained the first prize for Outstanding Overall Performance. Anja Mühr also travelled overseas during the June holidays when she was invited to attend the prestigious Scout Jamboree in Sweden. Nuzaah Jacobs also had her moment of glory when she appeared in “Seventeen” magazine to showcase her style and fashion. Monique Hollis, our budding author, had her debut on “Hectic 99” (SABC2). She was interviewed about her writing talent. Many girls in Grade 9 have achieved academic success. They displayed a mature attitude towards their schoolwork and have also shown true compassion when needed. It is clear that they are preparing themselves thoroughly to be responsible citizens in the future.
During the course of the year, every one of the five Grade 9 classes elected a Form Captain and Deputy Form Captain. This was a valuable opportunity for our future leaders to practice their skills in
Stephanie Perreira (Grade 9)
Nicole Sourer (Grade 9)
Nicole Sourer (Grade 9)
RGHS 2011
Riancha Schoombie (Grade 9)
Grade 10 Leadership Head of Grade 8: Ms Linda Mallon Grade 10 form teachers: Ms Lindsay Kalis, Ms Linda Mallon, Ms Zargielay Rabeh, Ms Tarin Scharneck, Ms Zélia Quintal Simpson Grade10 RCL members: Azraa Hendricks, Jaimé Maher, Kate Vlok
The Grade 10s of 2011 have embraced the challenges of a new academic phase with energy and enthusiasm, and have involved themselves in a wide range of extra-mural activities. They have maintained a pleasing scholastic standard, which augurs well for their remaining years at Rustenburg. In the extra-curricular sphere, Lauren Denny, the grade’s top academic, excelled in various UCT Mathematics competitions, Nicola Cilliers won second prize in the 2010 SADC (Southern African Development Community) Secondary Schools Essay Competition, and Saeeda Bassardien had the unique opportunity of visiting the Material Science Research Unit at the iThemba Laboratories near Somerset West and meeting research fellows from the Georgia Technological Institute of Nanotechnology. Also in the science arena, Rebecca Furlong’s science project, “The Illuminating Chair,” was chosen to compete in the annual UCT Science Expo.
Haseena Solwa and Saeeda Bassardien as team members. Haseena, together with Nina Lawrenson, also completed a Philosophy Course run by UCT. Azraah Bux will serve as Head of Debating for 2011/2012. Robyn Paterson became a natural Drama winner when “Who’s your Daddy?” was chosen as Best Overall Production at the All Girls Schools’ Festival in the Eastern Cape.
Extramurally, the Grade 10s have been true representatives of the school’s diverse programme of activities. A number of girls participated in Habitat for Humanity’s campaign to build houses, inspired by their RCL representative and committee member, Jaime Maher. On the sporting front, Lauren Jansen, Emely Kohler and Sheraya Erickson played in the 1st Football team, as did Jessie Miller, one of the team’s top goal scorers.
Courtney Ravell travelled to Italy to dance in the Italia Grand Prix with her dance company, which placed first overall, and Nivea George graduated as an Indian Classical Dancer after eight years of hard work. Olivia Benetton successfully completed the 2011 Pick ‘n Pay Argus Cycle Tour, as well as the Bronze and Silver divisions of the President’s Award.
Leanne Biccari was a member of the 1st Tennis team, Jaime Gray played for the 1st Cricket team and Danielle Austin, Jessie Miller and Lauren Jansen were selected as Western Province Touch Rugby players. Gretchin Davids was selected as a member of the Western Province Under 16A Hockey team, and Tatum Beppo swam in the national swimming championships. The grade’s incumbent tennis star, Kiana Neethling, has continued to lead from the front with her selection to the South African Schools’ Tennis team, while Courtney Brown has made major strides by playing in a number of prestigious Squash tournaments. At the annual U16 Inter-provincial tournament, she was selected as the number one player, a singular achievement. From a cultural perspective, the grade has participated in Debating, with Sonia Mataramvura as Secretary of the Debating Committee and
Joo-Young Kim (Grade 10)
Paige de Chazal (Grade 10)
RGHS 2011
One of the most exciting ventures of 2011 has been Rustenburg’s inaugural participation in a Nation-Building Programme run by the internationallyrecognised Outward Bound Organisation. Fourteen Grade Tens were selected to participate in an activity in which they were twinned with fourteen pupils from Mfuleni High School. The girls really benefited from the experience, learning a great deal about themselves in the process. The Grade 10s of 2011 can be proud of their accomplishments.
Kirsten Jaftha (Grade 10)
Tarquin Vollenhoven (Grade 10)
Grade 11 Leadership Head of Grade 11: Ms Gail Wallace Grade 11 form teachers: Ms Lorraine Gardiner, Ms Helen Kleynhans, Ms Leanne van Rensburg, Mr Riaan Vosloo, Ms Gail Wallace Grade 11 RCL members: Candice Barnes, Gugulethu Hlophe, Gladys Kisela
Last year this grade showed that they were destined for an interesting journey through their last two years at school. This has certainly been made quite clear as they have tackled their Grade 11 year with enthusiasm and determination. The grade went off to the Back-to-Basics campsite in March where they were able to bond as a grade as they faced up to the challenges of water, mud and muscular torment. They came through the two and a half days of camp with flying colours and a very strong identity as a warring-and-winning grade, with leadership skills honed, ready to do battle with all the difficult issues that are traditionally associated with Grade 11. The year actually started with Hannah-Rose Smith, winner of the 2010 Ashley Award, being featured on “Carte Blanche”, along with Tamsyn Matheson, Jodi Naude and Cayla Scarborough, as their Care Pack project was shared with the country as a whole. Then Tuscany Botha was awarded the Ubuntu Prize at the annual Founder’s Day function. Judging from these young ladies’ efforts it is clear that the present Grade 11s are a caring group of girls. In December 2010, Petruné Beattie winged her way to Hungary on exchange, the first girl in her grade to do so. This year a number of our Grade 11s are following her lead by spreading their wings and
flying, quite literally. In the December holiday, Melissa Wood will be off to France, Chloe Kruger and Christine Monteverdi to Germany, Roxanne Pitt and Clarisse Beeby to the Netherlands and Kate Meeser, even further afield, to India. During the July holiday, Carla du Toit visited Stroud High School in England as part of the Afri-twin Project. During the July holiday, Marzia Gertse found herself in the Big Apple, having been chosen to represent South Africa at a multifaith leadership camp along with teenagers from the Middle East, Northern Ireland and the USA. Amy Scott was one of a team of 33 girls from across the Peninsula who were flown to Italy to participate in an international dance eisteddfod. This group came home triumphant, with three trophies as extra luggage. Laylaa Jacobs, Ju Eun Kim and Ruby Cornell were chosen to participate in the Pallet Project. Each girl had to paint a large canvas which was be exhibited and then auctioned off in aid of six different charities. Fraiche-Rosée Baloubeta, who takes Spatial Design as a subject at the Frank Joubert Art Centre, participated in the Brundibar Project where masks were designed and made and then displayed at Artscape. Our Grade 11 girls are also verbally talented and it was pleasing to note that the Rustenburg forum team for the annual inter-school competition had as its chairperson Chloe Kruger and as two of her team mates Nicola Cathcart and Nabeelah Shaboodien. Chloe also participated in a Model United Nations Debate, with Rustenburg class mate, Magenta Graziani, and learners from Oaklands High. On a completely different note, Nicola Cathcart, who qualified to participate in the Young Biologists’ Course at the local aquarium, graduated and is now a Level 1 volunteer with 140 hours to her credit. She will, no doubt, soon attain the second level. The stars are the limit for our present Grade 11 group. I look forward to following their progress in their final year at school.
Ubuntu Award recipient
Tuscany Botha was the recipient of the Ubuntu Award. This trophy, donated by the Matric class of 1956, is presented “to the girl who shows awareness of and concern for the plight and needs of others, and reacts compassionately and humanely to these needs.”
Mary Mufford (Grade 11)
Kayleigh Pereira (Grade 11)
Laylaa Jacobs (Grade 11)
RGHS 2011
Natalie Pinto (Grade 11)
Grade 12 Leadership Head of Grade 12: Ms Dirkya Botha Grade 12 form teachers: Ms Louie Black, Ms Dirkya Botha, Ms Jackie Chambers, Ms Louise Lawrence, Ms Michelle Meyer Grade12 RCL members: Catherine Cogill, Kayley Gordon, Camagu Mayosi
The Grade 12s began their year with a breakfast in the Thomson Hall where they enjoyed fruit, croissants, cheeses and jams. This marked only the start of their schedule of whirlwind events. Before they knew it, it was time for their last ever Inter-house Gala, Matric Dance, “40 Days,” and Preliminary examinations (August – September). Despite their demanding schedule of tests and assignments, some Matric girls still managed to find the time to succeed on the sport fields. Caitlin Gardiner became a member of the Senior National Swimming team. Nicola Barrett, Deputy for Seniors, represented Western Province in the Open Currie Cup Waterpolo tournament. Here she was named “Player of the Tournament,”as well as at the South African Schools Water Polo tournament. She Toured to New Zealand as a member of the u18 South African team and has now been selected to the U20 South African team and will be touring to Italy. Alexandra Fuller is ranked U19 Number 1 in Squash in South Africa. Alexandra was unbeaten in the Inter-provincial Squash Tournament and was selected as a member of the Western Province Senior Women’s Team which won the Kaplan Cup in East London. She was also ranked as the Number 1 player in the National Squash Tournament and travelled to Boston (USA) where she captained the Junior Women’s World Team and Individual Championships. Toinette Tobias, Carla Puccini, Kim Cranfield, Chloe-Joy Arendse and Aneeqah Fredericks played Touch Rugby for Western Province. Keren Dugmore played hockey for the U18 B Western Province team. Meghan Goncalves and Roshaan Solomon played hockey for the Western Province South Zone Team. Angeliki Carvounes, Headgirl, and Cara Mazetti-Claassen, Headgirl of Erinville, attended the Eurasian Schools Debating Championships in Istanbul, Turkey. They made the semi-finals, but were trumped by the team from Greece. Cara was ranked as the ninth Best Speaker and Angeliki as the Number 1 Best Speaker.
Hannah MacMillan (Grade 12)
Catherine Paterson (Grade 12)
RGHS 2011
Other Grade 12 girls also ensured that the Rustenburg flag was kept flying high. Hannah MacMillan’s essay, “Has anyone ever told you?” (see Creative Expressions section) was selected for national publication in the annual “English Alive” anthology. Hannah also drew to a close her acting career as a member of Rustenburg’s Dramatic Arts department when she performed in her third production at the National Girls School’s Festival. This year she was joined by fellow Grade 12s Catherine Paterson and Georgia Carstens in “Who’s your Daddy?” which was named Best Overall Production at East London’s Guild Theatre. Lauren Sanby placed in the Top 100 of the Pretoria Mathematics Olympiad. 40 Matric girls enlisted for the new “Big Sister” programme to serve as mentors to younger learners in Grades 8 – 11. This responsibility assisted the prefect body and bolstered school spirit. The girls ended their final year of school education in Term 4 with the Celebration of Excellence ceremony and Valedictory.
Ruth Powrie (Grade 12)
Academic E1: Ms Louise Lawrence
Third row, from left: Samantha Newdigate, Aphiwe Jikazana, Jennifer Hughes, Charissa Carter, Amy Walton, Sydney Davis, Darielle Kellermann, Busiswa Arosi, Cassandra Collett, Roshaan Solomon Second row, from left: Roxanne Mentoor, Kayley Gordon, Sarah Semaar, Carolyn Ryder, Roslyn Sanby, Stephanie Bartnicke, Toinette Tobias, Nehna Singh, Saar-rah Khan Front row, from left: Kirsten Scoble, Lesego Moeketsi, Yusrah Adams, Makaira Dullabh, Ms Louise Lawrence (Form Teacher), Rose Jiang, Linda Mtwana, Aneeqah Fredericks, Simone da Silva
E2: Ms Jackie Chambers
Third row, from left: Alexandra Bosman, Amy-Lee Loder, Kimberley Dale, Anna Sango, Qiniso van Damme, Julia Kabat, Adrienne Louw, Trinity Rudner, Samantha Marchant, ZoĂŤ Tobie, Skye Smith Second row, from left: Kimberly Fahrenfort, Shelby Guy, Tayla Orgill, Jenna Ziegler, Catherine Paterson, Rochelle Dunlop, Tamsyn Wilson, Michaela Peters, Kim Mann, Lynn Robertson, Sumayyah Shaikh Front row, from left: Sapna Mesthrie, Angeliki Carvounes, Michaela Jantjies, Azraa Dinaully, Ms Jackie Chambers (Form Teacher), Mary-Ann Mowatt, Gina Botha, Chloe Newlands, Shana-Lee Kruger
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E3: Ms Michelle Meyer
Third row, from left: Georgina Hamman, Alex Soule, Sasha Heynes, Helen Dunnell, Kimberly Skead, Ruth Powrie, Lusa Seeman, Jessica Fairfax, Emma Coutts, ChloĂŤ Zondagh, Nikki Baguley Second row, from left: Qaanita Jacobs, Caitrin Llewellyn, Caitlin Buddle, Amierah Paleker, Coleen Middleton, Nuraan Salie, Alexandra Fuller, Kirsten Bennett, Jordan Tame, Ameerah Allie, Kayley van Blerk Front row, from left: Maxine Furlong, Hye-In Shin, Keshia Chapman, Camagu Mayosi, Ms Michelle Meyer (Form Teacher), Kelebogile Seane, Merlyn Doralingo, Layinah Petersen, Sibulele Mtsi Absent: Tayla Damon
E4: Ms Dirkya Botha
Third row, from left: Lauren Jankielsohn, Emma Lovegrove, Emma Bannatyne, Alexa von Geusau, Nicola Steinhaus, Nicola Mayer, Sarah Gibson, Aneesa Solwa, Raheema Parker, Nicole Petersen, Serryn Prytz Second row, from left: Tatum McGregor, Christi Vosloo, Emily Hobbs, Sara Lambert, Xena Craig, Kim Blackhurst, Megan Hand, Rebecca Berg, Lauren Field, Amy Scholtz Front row, from left: MichĂŠ Slaai, Jamie April, Candice Cameron, Bridget Miller, Ms Dirkya Botha (Form Teacher and Grade Head), Maleekah Terblanche, Zaynab Dutton, Nabilah Samaai, Lushentha Hermanus Absent: Kelsey Nygaard, Carla Puccini
RGHS 2011
Academic E5: Ms Louie Black
Third row, from left: Meghan McIntosh, Kim Cranfield, Rachelle Théron, Georgia Carstens, Tessa Collington-O’Malley, Callee Davis, Toni Olsen, Samantha Langton, Gabi Slingers, Ingrid Pienaar, Meghan Goncalves Second row, from left: Chloé-Joy Arendse, Lauren Sanby, Kelly Hart-Davies, Alexandra Moult, Nicola Barrett, Tayla Hermanus, Catherine Eames, Jami Resandt, Cara Mazetti Claassen, Keren Dugmore, Emma Bergman Front row, from left: Mala Sukha, Catherine Cogill, Karen Schuster, Uma Patel, Ms Louie Black (Form Teacher), Amber Hanly, Justine Waison, Hannah MacMillan, Chelsea Kelly
From Primary to High
Third row, from left: Alexandra Moult, Aneesa Solwa, Sarah Gibson, Alexa von Geusau, Nicola Steinhaus, Nicola Barrett, Megan Hand, Meghan McIntosh, Emma Bannatyne Second row, from left: Makaira Dullabh, Caitrin Llewellyn, Lauren Sanby, Emma Coutts, Sara Lambert, Roslyn Sanby, Ameerah Allie, Amierah Paleker, Kimberly Fahrenfort Front row, from left: Sapna Mesthrie, Chloe Newlands, Hannah MacMillan, Ms Laura Bekker (Principal), Angeliki Carvounes (Headgirl), Ms Susan Schnetler (Deputy Principal), Justine Waison, Layinah Petersen, Azraa Dinaully
RGHS 2011
Matric Awards Ceremony Subject Prizes
Accounting: Helen Dunnell and Roshaan Solomon Afrikaans First Additional Language: Karen Schuster Afrikaans Progress Cup: Bianca Ford Marietjie le Roux Cup for Afrikaans Writing: Ingrid Pienaar Consumer Studies: Keren Dugmore Consumer Studies (Culinary Skills): Kirsten Bennett and Justine Waison Design: Julia Kabat Dramatic Arts: Catherine Paterson English Home Language (Naureen Parkes Memorial Prize): Nicola Steinhaus English Literature (Adèle Cloete Memorial Prize): Nicola Steinhaus Senior de Wet Prize (for English and Afrikaans): Chelsea Kelly French Second Additional Language: Angeliki Carvounes Helga van Heerden Cup (for Excellence in French): Ingrid Pienaar International Computer Driving Licence: Karen Schuster Geography: Roshaan Solomon Geography Research Prize: Roshaan Solomon German Second Additional Language: Nicola Steinhaus History: Catherine Paterson Sybil McGregor History Prize (for Research): Amy Walton isiXhosa First Additional Language: Linda Mtwana and Nomaswati Sopotela Life Orientation: Samantha Marchant Life Sciences: Nicola Steinhaus Mathematics: Lauren Sanby Special Award for Achievement in Mathematics Competitions: Lauren Sanby Pricewaterhouse Coopers Book Award (for Accounting and Mathematics): Roshaan Solomon Mathematical Literacy: Julia Kabat Music: Lauren Sanby Physical Sciences: Samantha Marchant Visual Arts: Catherine Paterson
Alexa von Geusau (Grade 12)
Grade 12 Academic Half Colours
Rebecca Berg, Emma Bergman, Kim Blackhurst, Kim Cranfield, Callee Davis, Lauren Jankielsohn, Junzhu Jiang, Aphiwe Jikazana, Sarah Lambert, Adrienne Louw, Hannah MacMillan, Cara Mazetti-Claassen, Chloe Newlands, Kelsey Nygaard, Uma Patel, Aneesa Solwa, Amy Walton
Grade 12 Academic Full Colours
Ameerah Allie, Angeliki Carvounes, Sydney Davis, Helen Dunnell, Chelsea Kelly, Samantha Marchant, Sapna Mesthrie, Catherine Paterson, Ingrid Pienaar, Lauren Sanby, Roslyn Sanby, Karen Schuster, Kimberly Skead, Roshaan Solomon, Nicola Steinhaus
Sustained Academic Achievement
For a consistent aggregate of 80% or above in all examinations in Grades 10, 11 and 12 Angeliki Carvounes, Helen Dunnell, Sapna Mesthrie, Catherine Paterson, Lauren Sanby, Karen Schuster, Roshaan Solomon, Nicola Steinhaus
Qiniso van Damme (Grade 12)
Grade 12 Academic Achievement
Fifth position: Helen Dunnell Fourth position: Lauren Sanby Third position: Karen Schuster Second position: Angeliki Carvounes Marchand Dux Prize for Outstanding Academic Achievement: Nicola Steinhaus
Ruth Powrie Grade 12
Sydney Davis (Grade 12) RGHS 2011
Nicola Mayer (Grade 12)
Matric Special Awards
The Lucia Jacobs Trophy is awarded for organisational skills and initiative. The 2011 recipient was Helen Dunnell who, in her final year of school, was able to get a new society up and running. She worked tireless to establish Public Speaking. Her efforts were wide-ranging and took her from negotiations with the principal, to running activities for her group at their weekly meetings. Helen left something of value behind which will have a positive spin-off for Rustenburg in the years to come. As a violinist, Helen was a committed member of the Orchestra for 5 years and the String Ensemble for 4 years. She performed at the Cape Town and Afrikaanse Eisteddfods, and assisted younger members in tuning their instruments and warming the group up. Helen was also one of the stage hands for the Jenkins’ rehearsals.
The Centenary Cup for allround excellence in service to the school, is awarded annually to a Grade 12 learner. The 2011 recipient was Karen Schuster, Deputy for Juniors. Karen’s involvement in and commitment to Rustenburg was extensive. She participated in three sporting codes (Running Club, social swimming, U19 B Hockey) and sat on the committees of Ignition, PAWS and ‘The Bug’ pupil magazine (Editor). In Music, Karen played in both the Wind Band (Head) and the Orchestra, for which she achieved Team Awards. Karen also received Academic Full Colours. Despite her numerous accomplishments, Karen remained humble, gentle and unassuming.
The Marchand Dux Prize for Outstanding Academic Achievement is awarded to the girl who placed first in Grade 12. In 2011 this was Nicola Steinhaus.
2011 Headgirl of Rustenburg, Angeliki Carvounes, was the recipient of the Dr Moll Honour Prize. This is regarded as the most prestigious accolade which the school can bestow. It is awarded annually to the Grade 12 girl who has best upheld the traditions of the school. Angeliki also received the Hope Award for excellence in debating and public speaking, as well as the Miller Cranko Award for service to the community. Angeliki was a member of Interact since Grade 8 and was later elected as Head of Interact, a position which she held with both determination and compassion. She was the driving force behind many of the society’s important projects.
The EMV Smit Cup for personal achievement, despite obstacles, is awarded to a Grade 12 learner. The 2011 recipient was Bianca Ford. Despite the gentleness of her approach, Bianca displayed enormous underlying strength. She was a warm, unassuming and loyal friend whose quiet steadfastness was a pillar to those with whom she was in daily contact. Bianca was unfailingly cheerful and friendly, and always courteous in her dealings with others. Her tenacity and willingness to take instruction helped her to achieve in a number of spheres at school.
2011 Headgirl of Erinville boarding house, Cara MazettiClaassen, was the recipient of two awards: the Preiss Floating Trophy for loyalty and service to the hostel, and the Kopsch Award for loyalty and enthusiasm in debating. The Kopsch Award acknowledges Cara’s contribution in 2011 both as an excellent debater and as dedicated and loyal Head of the Debating Society.
Nicola Barrett, Deputy for Seniors, was the first ever recipient of Rustenburg’s new Award for Excellence in Leadership, for the girl who displayed exemplary qualities in her role as a leader in the school.
RGHS 2011
Nicola Barrett (Deputy for Seniors), for her achievements in waterpolo, and Alexandra Fuller, for her achievements in squash, shared the Senior Sportswoman of the Year title. Nicola was also elected by her peers as the recipient of the Karin Wiese Trophy for overcoming great difficulty with dignity. She was a member of 1st team waterpolo at Rustenburg since 2009 and represented WP schools in the sport throughout her high school career. Nicola participated in the SA Schools’ Waterpolo Nationals where she captained the WP U19A team to a gold medal. Nicola was named as Player of the Tournament and a member of the Tournament Team. She was selected to represent South Africa as a member of the South African Junior Women’s Waterpolo team. Nicola participated in the ninth FINA World Junior Women’s Waterpolo Championships which took place in Trieste. She was also a member of 1st team hockey team for the past two years. Alexandra was a member of Rustenburg’s 1st team squash since Grade 8. She has represented WP schools throughout her high school career. In 2011 Alexandra was again selected to the U19 A WP schools squash team as the Number 1 player. She was also selected to represent SA at the World Junior Women’s Individual and Team Championships. She travelled, as captain of the team, to Harvard University in Boston. Alexandra is ranked Number 1 in South Africa at U19. She has also played for the school’s 1st team hockey and indoor hockey for the past 3 years.
RGHS 2011
Creative Expressions
Creative Expressions Top, from left: Laylaa Jacobs (Grade 11), Ella Potgieter (Grade 9) Bottom, from left: StĂŠphanie Pereira (Grade 9), Jessica Zietsman (Grade 9)
RGHS 2011
Creative Expressions
XL Girl experiences Epiphany
overheard, fell against her face. She was certain she could see ridicule and scorn as she scanned their sour and smug faces.
The day was like molasses: thick, hot and sweet with the heady smells of summer. The sun was a giant orb. It radiated warmth and sizzled the holiday-makers below. The intensity of light reduced the sea and sand to a haze, a blur. Next to the pig-pink flesh of a foreigner, raw and exposed, lay a local so lathered with lotion that her skin shone, otter-sleek, while the ice-cream men hollered and hollered intrusively. The beach seemed to throb and heave with exuberance.
“Who’s the fat girl?” “Is that a whale?” “She’s hideous!” She felt deeply that exclamation mark. It hurt so much that she could not even flinch. The enormity of their words engulfed and encased her fatness.
It had not been an easy decision that morning, but she had tentatively donned that bikini, as if it were a suit of armour, and now half submerged herself for safety, hidden like a hermit crab, just below the softly undulating waves. She wriggled her arms timidly, hesitant to draw undue attention to how white and swollen they were. They shook like fat, salty tentacles. Meekly, she uncurled her sausage fingers and drew them backwards and forwards through the cool water.
She continued to lie, bobbing thickly in the water, not knowing how much more she could possibly hide. But then, while the others continued with their taunts, it happened. Her head rolled off her body and plopped into the water. Her skull cracked open, allowing her mind to escape, liberating every thought of doubt and selfconsciousness into the sky. Her voice, mum for years, stretched all the way out to the sun and drew its strength and power into her mouth. Her legs seemed to grow, expanding downwards, reaching down to the core of the earth for sturdy anchorage. “I’m bursting,” she thought, as her body elongated and distorted and disintegrated. Nothing remained but her heart, a tight fist of purple flesh, bleeding and bruised, but floating serenely on the water.
From below, she might have been mistaken for a mermaid, or at least a dimpled goddess of the sea, for her thighs were locked permanently together in an embrace. Her bulbous toes clenched and she dug them deeply into the silent sand. “Am I as vast as this sea?” she wondered.
Her metamorphosis complete, she rose majestically, the droplets bouncing off her body like handfuls of diamonds. She gathered her heart and strode from the waves, decanting the poetry of her beauty with every pace. Her step was light as she crossed the sugar soft sand.
Her thoughts were interrupted by an awareness of the speech bubbles floating towards her from the beach. These words, she
Alexandra Bosman (Grade 12)
The fat girl lolled, wetly gleaming.
Scribble Scratch
“It’s us,” she said. No item of monetary value could make me happier than my little sister telling me, in the form of a drawing, that I meant the world to her.
Scribble scribble scribble. Scratch scratch scratch. Sentence after sentence, line after line. The blackboard squeaks and screams the sound of sharp white chalk against the dull green board. On, and on, and on paragraph after paragraph. And then it’s all over. You start to erase line after everlasting line, and then you leave a dot behind. And, just like the chalk, that dot screams at me to be freed.
Petruné Beattie (Grade 11)
The Pianist Her fingers were poised above the keys, black on white they bowed before her. Skin crawling with the expectation of a hidden crowd, though veiled by darkness, the whispering was unusually loud.
Nabeelah Shaboodien (Grade 11)
However her ears didn’t hear, the conversations all around, Her eyes didn’t see, the faces that needn’t be found.
This is just to say This is just to say: that my non-eared Physics book remains untouched. I didn’t bond any atoms, Ma’am, nor did I bond with Isaac. This is just to say: that if Physics and Facebook were faced off, having Albert on your team is, well, little to no advantage
Then, without warning, her performance began: she ended the noise, like death ends execution. This musician becomes a translator, interpreting the complex language of her composer.
Gladys Kisela (Grade 11)
And then as quick as the onslaught, his anger did subside, her hands touched and palms kissed as they arrived. However the reunion was bitter, she could taste his misery, tears trickled down her cheeks as she described such agony.
She threw herself at the piano His battle cry rang out She could feel the composer’s fury She could hear him shout -
The Gift She spent all afternoon drawing at her unsteady wooden table with her multi-coloured wax crayons, creating a yellow sun, purple grass and two stick figures holding hands. Her three-year-old fingers tried to colour inside the lines and painted both faces with radiant toothless smiles. She tiptoed into my room, hugged me tightly from behind and proudly displayed her drawing.
RGHS 2011
But as the composition came to an end, she allowed some happiness to filter into the sound. In this piece he would be remembered forever. She stood, and applause came from all around. Monique Hollis (Grade 9)
Creative RGHS 2011
Creative Expressions
Has anyone ever told you? The young man sighed. He and his recently grown out beard were being watched by the wary passengers. He rubbed his tired eyes and looked across the carriage at a little girl who was sitting with her mother. She was staring at him. He smiled at her reassuringly and horror came over her face. His smile faltered and he looked down at his watch: ten more minutes of uncomfortable avoidance. Steve Smith was an upright citizen. He paid his taxes, attended church and visited his parents once a week. It had taken him by surprise when he was approached by a local Christian organisation, asking whether he’d be willing to be a model of Christ for a series of paintings to be painted by a well-known artist. Honoured, he had taken up the commission, signed the contract and had grown out his hair and beard to the required lengths. It had been an incredibly interesting experience: As he travelled to and from his regular job each day, he truly began to understand and feel how Christ may possibly have felt in his own day, rejected and avoided by his own nation and people. It was remarkable to Steve that no-one had yet considered the real reason for his “unkempt” hair, his poor grooming habits. He arrived at the computer store where he worked as an information technology specialist and greeted his co-worker, Marvin, who soon noticed the dejection on Steve’s face. “Funny looks again?” asked Marvin. Steve nodded with a sad smile as he set up his workstation. Marvin shook his head, “You’d think that more people in this predominantly Christian society would make the connection.” The crisp morning turned into a lazy afternoon and at around three o’clock a middle aged woman with large spectacles and curly hair came into the shop. Marvin was running errands and so Steve was left to assist the customers. He put on a smile and politely asked if he could be of any assistance. “Yes” she answered, turning away from the new display, “I was wondering if you…” She trailed off as she caught sight of who had addressed her and the strangest look came over her face. Steve re-enforced his smile for his own sake. “You were saying, Madam?” “Oh, yes, I’m terribly sorry”. She shook her head and continued with her enquiry. She left the shop ten minutes later with a satisfied smile, pausing at the exit where the strange look crossed her face once more. She shook her head, closed the door and disappeared around the corner. Steve let out a deep sigh of relief, glad that the woman had not lost her wits. Five minutes later however the same woman entered the shop and Steve’s heart immediately sank. “I’m so sorry to bother you, Mr Smith” she said, nodding at his name tag, “but I couldn’t help but wonder…” she paused, looked at his long hair, his beard, his dark brown eyes and whispered with uncertain reverence, “has anyone ever told you that you look like Jesus Christ?” Steve looked at the wonder in this nameless woman’s eyes and tears came to his own as he realised that the look on her face, the one he could not name, had been recognition. Not of him, but of her God. It saddened Steve to think that of all the masses who claimed to know Christ, so few would recognise him, even if he stood right before their eyes. “No,” Steve answered, “no, you are the first.” Hannah MacMillan (Grade 12)
Left Page: Top, from left: Alex Faber (Grade 9), Amber Stodel (Grade 11), Lindsay Llewellyn (Grade 9), Caitlin Simpson (Grade 9) Third row, from left: Julia Kabat (Grade 12), Emma Coutts (Grade 12), Ella Potgieter (Grade 9), Catherine Paterson (Grade 12) Second row, from left: Hannah MacMillan (Grade 12), JuEun Kim (Grade 11), Julia Kabat (Grade 12), Emma MacArthur (Grade 9) Bottom row, from left: Amber Stodel (Grade 11), Nicole Sourer (Grade 9), Laylaa Jacobs (Grade 11), Julia Kabat (Grade 12) Right Page: from top: Hannah MacMillan (Grade 12), JuEun Kim (Grade 11), Amy Scott (Grade 11), Catherine Paterson (Grade 12)
RGHS 2011
Creative Left Page: Top, from left: Jessica Zietsman (Grade 9), Michaela McHugh (Grade 9), Catherine Paterson (Grade 12), Maxine Steyn (Grade 11) Third row, from left: Rowan Banks (Grade 9) , Adrienne Marais (Grade 11), Summer Thompson (Grade 9), Laylaa Jacobs (Grade 11) Second row, from left: Emma Van Zyl (Grade 10), Makaira Dullabh (Grade 12), Kelly Schlemmer (Grade 10), Dimakatso Nchodu (Grade 9) Bottom row, from left: Julia Kabat (Grade 12), Emma MacArthur (Grade 9), Joo-Young Kim (Grade 10), JuEun Kim (Grade 11) Right Page: from top: Amy Walton (Grade 12) , Amy Walton (Grade 12) , Sydney Davis (Grade 12)
RGHS 2011
Creative Expressions
The Problem The problem with school uniforms is that they are just too monotonous. I move around my room in a state of foggy blankness, gathering my uniform for the coming day. I lay it out and, staring at the garments, let the mixture of hollow resignation and tingling excitement overwhelm me. The dress, pale and exhausted from years of use, has folded itself up into a landscape of ridges and canyons. Five glossy buttons stand perfectly aligned, ready to post themselves through the slits opposite them. Closer inspection reveals faded ink stains which, like shooting stars, are scattered over the blue background, but are difficult to spot unless one knows where to search. The companion belt hangs over the edge of the bed, old and slightly wrinkled. Somehow it has faded to a different hue from the dress, so that the pair look oddly mismatched. My jersey lies silently besides the dress. I stop and run my fingers fondly over the wool. Quietly comforting and dependably navy, this is the one item in the heap that has been there since the beginning, witnessing my story from the time I entered the boarding house. I can see that it has had a full life: the neatly ribbed fibres on the left cuff have begun to unravel, leaving behind the prison of the tiny, flawless stitches that had held them. I remember the miniscule crackles the jersey makes as it passes over my skin. I wonder vaguely whether it will be offended if it knew I will shortly be replacing it with a newer, more exclusive version of itself and if this new one, with its terrifying title embroidered onto the chest, will offer the same faithful warmth that this one does. A pile of socks lies unobtrusively on my pillow, wafting bursts of soap powder through the air. Freshly washed, they lack the crisp whiteness that they boasted when I arrived at the school. I sort through them, reuniting those whose partners have survived the treacherous wash cycle and pairing up the newly widowed ones with an imperfect soulmate. My shoes stand together loyally on the corner of my duvet, eagerly anticipating an adventure. They are a little scuffed, but still have the matt sheen left behind by the previous polish. Almost completely smooth apart from the leather ripple above the toe, my attention is drawn to the scribble of shoelaces holding the cool, ebony cheeks together. A slightly stale odour rises from the blackness within them. It does not offend me. After all, I am the one who has left it there. I finally catch sight of my blazer hanging impressively over my chair. I wince. The jacket is a command, an expectation. Each shiny badge that hangs authoritatively from the navy lapels screams at me to add to their company. The fabric is coarse and heavy on the exterior and still feels crunchily new, but despite this, I love it. The inside is silky and snug, and feels uniquely tailored to my torso. The pride proclaimed by the bold shield on the front pocket and the elegant tricolour trimmings is infectious. My eyes snap back into focus and then became hazy again, and I realise that I am tired. I wedge myself comfortably into my bed and rest my head on the pillow. Arbitrary thoughts float across the back of my eyelids. The problem, I reconsider, is not that the uniforms are boring. The problem is that they are too quickly outgrown. Karen Schuster (Grade 12)
RGHS 2011
Creative Expressions
Mrs van Tonder in her pink pantoffels
herself. A trip to the beach will always bring with it feelings of self consciousness and a vicious inward attack. She is the girl who hates her body, even though she weighs only fifty-three kilograms. Bianca Ford (Grade 12)
Mrs van Tonder in her pink pantoffels sucked on a cheap cigarette as she stood on the steps of her trailer, gazing at the neighbourhood on wheels. She tightened her gown and adjusted one of the many rollers that curled her hair in preparation for what she liked to call her ‘chic’ look. That’s when she saw him. It wasn’t unexpected; she saw him every morning. But this morning, he was delectable. She waved shyly at her neighbour, Piet, and laughed coyly with an unsightly overbite. Lifting his Sharks cap off his head, Piet smiled and nodded at her, proudly baring his gold tooth. What a man! thought Mrs van Tonder. She admired his rugby ball physique that filled his sleeveless t-shirt and she eyed his masculine dirty jeans. Before she knew it, the legs of his jeans were moving... towards her! He strolled over to her and held his hat under his chin shyly as he greeted her. “More, Mevrou. I’ve seen you every morning and today... I just wanted to say...” He stood on his toes, puckering his lips in an unshaven face and eyes clamped shut like his trailer door at night. Click-CLACK. He felt the barrel of a shotgun cooling a circle through his old t-shirt on his spine. “Meneer. Dis my vrou.” Gladys Kisela (Grade 11)
Misconception She wakes up to a perfect summer day. A sense of excitement washes over her body. The sun streams in through the window bringing with it the gentle morning heat. After deciding that she will go to the beach today, she won’t eat any breakfast. She thinks that even the smallest apple will leave her pot bellied. Her stomach is empty as she fills a bottle with ice-cold water. She will sip this slowly throughout the morning wary of the bloated effect that too much water leaves the drinker. On her way out, she pauses at the fruit bowl to consider taking a fruit. She reluctantly puts a nectarine in her bag and slips out through the door. When she arrives at the beach, she feels good and is looking forward to bronzing under the glowing summer sun. The beach welcomes her with a gentle sea breeze and she breathes in the fresh air laced with salt. The air fills her with a sense of calm and contentment. As he walks down the beach, away from the crowds of people, she is conscious of her steps, convinced that the soft sand does little to muffle her echoing strides. She chooses a quiet spot that is close to the rolling water. Sitting on her towel, she watches the other women walking, swimming and laughing. She watches them, willing her body to magically mirror the image of theirs. She tentatively takes off her clothes, lingering half dressed for that moment longer. She is hesitant because removing her clothes means removing the shield that offers her a sense of comfort and disguises what she tries so hard to hide. Sitting in only her bikini, she feels vulnerable under the piercing glances of judgemental eyes. Her footprints emboss the sand as she walks towards the water. The sea ripples towards her, teasing her toes with cold splashes. A wave rises over her and conceals her body within a tomb of water, before passing over, in one fluid motion. She is left with a cold burn across her skin. When she leaves the water, she averts her eyes from peoples’ gazes. She turns eyes on herself instead. She notices every bump and bulge illuminated by the suns glare. She chides herself for the slightest ripple, convinced that it is amplified for the world to see. Insecurity is a relentless cloud that shadows her every day. She leaves the beach yet the feeling of self hate still lingers. She will always stand in front of the mirror and hate what she sees. Her mind will always conjure up images of cellulite and fat when she thinks about
At the beach Submerged in the ocean’s comforting blue, she was safe. Protected from the beach’s greedy and judgemental eyes, she consented for her stomach muscles to relax, releasing a voluminous substance to which, upon her order, they constantly acted as jailors to. A feeling of relief mingled with disgust overcame her as the ache of holding her stomach in dissipated to make way for the uncomfortable, yet familiar, thickness of her ever-expanding midriff. Her mountainous shoulders slumped forward then as she banished the oxygen from her lungs in a pitiful sigh. Her dense weight sunk to the ocean floor as her mind unwillingly hauled onto a brightly lit stage the blatant truth: she was fooling no one, not even herself. The azure blue reflection of the midday sky on the calm, glistening surface of the ocean was shattered and abolished, revealing its true black identity as the woman fought her way through its disarray of bubbles and tangled mess of seaweed to the supply of oxygen waiting above. She had lost herself for a second. She had allowed the other one to take control. Her oxygen deprived mind pieced together a broken memory of Dr Goldberg, her psychiatrist, as her gasping mouth and eager lungs enveloped the abundance of waiting oxygen. His weary eyes had glazed over with pity and sorrow, the wrinkles forming shallow gutters to carry away the tears that he would never cry for her, as he admitted that he could not fix her, he could not banish the other one. Schizophrenia would peck away at her sanity like a ravenous bird, leaving the other one with complete reign over her helpless body. She moved slowly, labouriously, without grace. Each lumbering step seemed to be an incredible effort. Her thighs, like the dappled trunks of two centurion oak trees, caused such immense friction against the wetted perimeter of the ocean encircling her legs that her face reddened with the obvious effort of forcing them forward. The ocean clamoured forth to prevent her reluctant departure from its depths, the broken ridges and ripples mirroring her pock-marked skin, her legs overwhelmed with cellulite. She pointedly stared at her wrinkled feet, surprised yet again at their enormity, as she navigated her way back to her towel. She knew that an unfortunate majority of the beach was watching her, expressions flushed with disbelief and body language awash with disgust. She was suddenly acutely aware of her tarmac-black bikini, the triangles bulging, barely managing to contain the excessive amount of voluptuous tissue that they had been burdened with keeping prisoner. She was about to assign voices to her bikini straps, intrigued as to what their tortured elastic would say after being stretched to their maximum carrying potential with every strained step, when a pale organism, gargantuan in size, finally managed to distract the devoted attention she had allowed her bikini. Sporting a pillar-box red Speedo, one size too large assumingly to divert the eyes from what existed beneath being hopelessly miniscule in comparison to the rest of his cellulite-clad exterior, the strange specimen flashed an overdone smile at her before returning his small eyes to his book, which unfortunately was upside down. She tried, unsuccessfully, to strangle the life from the laugh that seeped through the gaps in her teeth and the cracks in her lips, almost as dry as her love life. A blush was born in his round cheeks, quickly making a comfortable home in his entire face. “Hi”, he squeaked, nerves gripping his voice box like the unrelenting hand of a young child around the neck of a balloon. And so began their easy conversation. It flowed like a gentle stream, impacting like a cascading waterfall on the unprotected rocks miles below. Cassandra Collett (Grade 12)
RGHS 2011
Whisper was a delicate, doe-eyed beauty. Her presence was dreamy and whimsical. She moved like the shadows of small clouds as they flit over the earth in a wind. Whisper’s voice had a breathy radiance. It’s fluttering lilt lured men easily and so it was inevitable that Shout would become mesmerised by Whisper’s fragile loveliness.
The basket grows ever heavier as I walk, towing me towards the sunbaked earth. My muscles strain against it with every tread. This is a deadly tug of war, but with only one outcome. My burning limbs give in, just as I reach the washing line.
Shout led a life of hardship, of noise, of rage and fume. He flexed the arrogant brawn of his muscles and flaunted the deafening sound of his voice. His tread was both cavalier and brutally honest. Shout seemed always to reverberate with a turbulent throb of activity. Whisper was entranced. Shout wooed her with a grand, passionate commotion of music, flowers and a roar of flirtatious talk. Whisper responded with characteristic reticence, climbing safely inside the heart of her hush. She smiled quietly at the barks of Shout’s commitment. Soon she was blinded by his boisterous babbles. She loved him. They married quickly, he aggressively driving the process of making her his own. She, flimsy and slender in white, mouthed the words, “I do” which hung in the air for a while like translucent chiffon. Whisper became a part of Shout. Their honeymoon did not last long. Shout was impatient and quick to bellow. His high demands confused her and, to Whisper, his constant blare seemed tyrannical. She sickened and grew pale and brittle. Each day Shout seemed to swallow her whole. Indeed, after time the only evidence that seemed to remain of the true Whisper was the soft swell of life inside her belly. One day, whilst she was cleaning their home, Whisper wiped the dust from the rim of a mirror and was forced to rest her tired eyes on the reflected image. She was pale and wan, almost invisible. “What have I become?” Whisper murmured. Then, an uncontrollable scream, a sound unlike any that had passed her lips, erupted. Her features drew close, maniacal with fury. “What has Shout done to me?” She found him jeering downstairs, in front of the television. Those with kind hearts might describe the pandemonium that was unleashed that day as having a dance-like quality. Whisper and Shout’s thrust and parry had a rhythm. In truth, he bled his anger viciously onto her and watched as it coagulated, crushing her. Shout’s ire left him breathless and panting, sickeningly thrilled by his ability to subjugate poor Whisper. She watched as the last vestige of her essence floated up into his gaping, bullying mouth. “I am dead to all feeling,” she thought as the first crash of labour pains pounded upon her. Finally, when all was said and done, a baby girl was born. Few in the hospital noticed the mother as she tenderly cooed to her infant. Most paid attention instead to the braggart of a father, who bellowed with pride and boasted of his prowess. Shout was not present when a nurse, with a host of forms to complete, gently asked Whisper, “What will you call her?” “Silence,” Whisper said, “Her name will be Silence.” Alexandra Bosman (Grade 12)
Overhead, the broad, white cords slice the unending blue into rigid, controlled ranks. Their whiteness blinds me, defying me to continue. I gaze at the clammy clothes at my feet, twisted and leeching onto one another. They cling to what they know, unwilling to be wrenched out into the unforgiving intensity of the noonday sun. The inflexible ground pushes uncaringly into my unprotected feet. The soles become bruised as my weight pulls me deeper and deeper towards the earth’s centre. It is inconsiderate and unforgiving, insensitive to the pain it causes me. I sigh. It fills the space around me and clogs my vicinity. The stagnant air circulates in and out of my lungs, depriving me of energy. Everything around me glows with a vibrancy I feel too weary to imitate. Gleeful laughter cascades over the garden wall. It teases me, whispers playfully in my ear and then disappears from my grasp, leaving me alone and dissatisfied. A pegged shirt somehow catches the nonexistent wind. With every flicker it mocks me, gloating over my suffering. It is a cruel task master. It leers over me, its worthless minion. As I bend down to sink my hands once again into the pile, unforgiving heat rays sear my neck. I feel my skin cells shriveling under the pressure, becoming red and parched. Sweat pushes furiously from my pores. It travels feverishly across my skin, snaking from the nape of my neck to my lower back, where it gathers and pools. The world is transformed instantly as the clouds blanket that golden orb in the sky. A sepia filter is thrown over my vision. Colours dim and sounds diminish. A chloroform rag has been flung across the earth, dulling it and muffling its cries. I gaze at the rows of neatly hung clothes strung out above my head. They hang lifeless now, having been separated and cruelly stretched. Plastic pegs restrain them, holding them in rank. Limp and despondent, they release their trapped water drops to the parched ground. It oozes from the corners, hanging for a second before beginning its plummet downwards. The sight of my completed task does little to comfort me. The monotonous processions of navy and grey seem to reflect my own frustration. They are pulled into shape, stretched and squeezed until they fit the mould perfectly. They spend their lives in quite desperation, gazing at the outside world while always held back from joining it. Day after day, night after night, there is no hope for us. We are both trapped, forced into inescapable roles that drain us. My individuality seeps continually into the abyss as the water is sucked away by the bricks below. I pick up the empty basket and return dutifully to the house, just as is expected of me. Nicola Steinhaus (Grade 12)
All artworks by Anna Sango (Grade 12) RGHS 2011
Creative Expressions
When Whisper met Shout
Creative Creative Expressions
Hierdie dagboek behoort aan Olive Schreiner Liewe dagboek Vandag het ek Herbert Spencer se “First Principles” gelees. Dit was so indrukwekkend en ek stem saam met sy idees. Ek wens ander mense kon dieselfde dink. Hy glo nie in georganiseerde geloof nie. Ek dink dis my nuwe gunstelingboek. Ek verlang na my ouers … maar nie na hulle geloofsoortuigings nie – hulle het my nie in hierdie aspek vryheid gegee nie. Maar toe maar, ek is gelukkig hier in Cradock. Dis nie so sleg om ‘n huishoudster te wees nie – veral as dit vir my broer is. My asma begin al weer pla – ek haat dit! Nou dat ek “First Principles” gelees het, dink ek daaraan om ‘n boek te skryf. Ek het ‘n paar idees, maar nog niks konkreets nie.
Vandag het ek ‘n konsentrasiekamp in die Vrystaat besoek. Die verskriklike omstandighede in die kampe het my geweldig geskok. Ek het vandag ‘n meisie gesien wat vir vyf dae nie geëet het nie! Sy is net een van die duisende vroue en kinders wat in die barbaarse kampe leef. Kinders en vroue sterf elke dag en vandag het vyftig kinders gesterf! Die kinders is baie siek met masels, longontsteking en maagkoors. Ek het gesien dat daar nie genoeg tente is om die siek kinders te versorg nie. Ek het probeer om die kinders te help, maar daar is soveel van hulle en te min dokters. Ek dink dit is verskriklik dat die Britse regering dit aan die Boere doen. Ek belowe ek gaan nie ophou totdat ek die regering oortuig het om die mense te help nie.
Dit gaan goed met William se werk – hy’s besig om vir die regering te werk. Hy wil eendag Eerste Minister word. Ons sal sien wat gebeur! Gister moes ek poskantoor toe gaan om ‘n telegram vir my broer te stuur. Dit het my so gepla dat ons buurman se tuinier by ‘n aparte gedeelte in die poskantoor sy brief moes gaan pos. Ek verstaan nie hoekom daar so ‘n verdeling tussen die rassegroepe moet wees nie. Miskien as William eendag Eerste Minister word, sal ek hom aanmoedig om sulke diskriminasie te verwyder. Ja, ek hou van hierdie gedagte…. Olive
Woensdag, Maart Liewe Dagboek
Vandag het ek ook besluit om ‘n boek te skryf oor die lyding van die duisende vroue en kinders in die Anglo-Boere-oorlog. Ek glo dat medemenslikheid geen grense ken nie en dit is my plig om die mense te help. Ek glo as ek ‘n boek skryf, sal dit dokumentêre bewyse verskaf van die lyding van ons burgerlikes. Die boek se naam sal “The Brunt Of The War And Where It Fell” wees. Ek het ook vandag besluit om ‘n “Verligtingsfonds vir Vroue en Kinders” te stig. Ek is moeg en hartseer , maar ek weet die vroue en kinders het my nodig. Ek voel dit is my plig om hulle te help. Catia Dos Reis (Grade 8)
Stéphanie Lawrenson (Grade 8)
Nicola Mayer (Grade 12)
Laylaa Jacobs (Grade 11)
Maxine Steyn (Grade 11)
Sydney Davis (Grade 12)
Sarah Gibson (Grade 12)
Kimberly Fahrenfort (Grade 12)
RGHS 2011
Sarah Gibson (Grade 12)
RGHS 2011
Inter-House Events
Inter-house Events
Inter-house Drama Competition Teachers-in-charge: Ms Gail Wallace, Mr Riaan Vosloo
Cambridge (green): “Puss in Boots” Bleby (pink): “Rumpelstiltskin” Michiel Vos (red): “uTatomkhulu uJack and the Beans That Talk” Innes (blue): “Innes-ception” Marchand (yellow): “A Tribute to Roald Dahl”
Best Overall Play: “A Tribute to Roald Dahl” (Marchand) Best Director: Bianca Ford for “A Tribute to Roald Dahl” (Marchand) Best Actress: Kate Houliston as “Rumpelstiltskin” (Bleby) Best Supporting Actress: Robyn Paterson as “She Wolf” (Marchand) Best Script: “Utatomkhulu uJack and the Beans that talk” (Michiel Vos) Best Production Design (Staging, Set and Costumes): Hannah MacMillan, Cara Mazetti-Claassen, Ingrid Pienaar (Marchand) Best Producers: Zaynab Dutton (Innes), Aphiwe Jikazana (Michiel Vos)
Best Overall Play
The most prestigious award at the Inter-house Drama Competition this year went to “A Tribute to Roald Dahl” (Marchand). The judges described the show as, “a seamless and exceptional piece of theatre. The cues were tight, the actresses listened to each other and the story was told with a great sense of rhythm and pace.”
Best Supporting Actress
The judges were unanimous in their choice of Robyn Paterson (Grade 10) as Best Supporting Actress. Robyn acted as She-Wolf in the Marchand production. “Robyn’s strong and convincing performance did much to contribute to the overall sordid mood of the play. She maintained a pseudo-Russian accent, and was suitably conniving and menacing.”
Best Production Design
The Marchand production, “A Tribute to Roald Dahl,” was judged to have the most intelligent and meaningful use of costumes, theatrical make-up and set design. The judges were impressed with their particular attention to detail, including the exaggerated false eyelashes worn by the Marchand choral verse girls.
Best Script
The judges were impressed by the original script, entitled “uTatomkhulu uJack and the Beans That Talk,” written by Samantha Newdigate and Amy Walton on behalf of Michiel Vos. The judges said that the show was, “witty and incorporated an intelligent use of humour to engage the attention of the audience throughout.”
Best Actress
Said the judges, “Kate Houliston (Grade 11) of Bleby offered a remarkably adept, nuanced and polished performance as Rumpelstiltskin. Her strong characterisation carried the play forward. She was very brave to create such an exaggerated and deliberately melodramatic character, and maintained focus throughout.
RGHS 2011
Best Director
Bianca Ford (Marchand) was named Best Director for her interpretation of “A Tribute to Roald Dahl.” The judges felt that the manner in which she incorporated “theatrical elements was outstanding.” These included using cast members’ bodies to create tableaus and background scenery, the tremendous effort of the choral verse choir, as well as the musical and dance interludes.
Teacher-in-charge: Mr Cedric van Dyk Junior Forums adjudicators: Ms Renée Fourie, Ms Linda Mallon, Ms Anita Pretorius (Chief), Ms Meagan Rees Senior Forums adjudicators: Ms Louise Albertyn, Ms Louie Black, Ms Lindsay Kalis, Ms Gail Wallace (Chief)
It is very rare for a house to win this competition for two consecutive years. However, 2011 saw not only the winning house of the 2010 junior competition repeat this feat, but the winners of last year’s senior competition also emulated this achievement. In the junior section (Grades 8 and 9), the stalwarts of last year’s winning Bleby team, Michaela McHugh and Summer Thompson, teamed up with Aaliyah Vayej and Maxine Wilcox. Under the chairmanship of Tamsin Metelerkamp, they discussed the Chinese proverb, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime,” with enough width, originality and creativity to achieve the adjudicators’ unanimous verdict. In addition to winning the competition, Bleby members also won two of the speaker awards. The junior results were as follows: Bleby (225 points), Cambridge (188 points), Innes (176 points), Michiel Vos (130 points) and Marchand (125 points). The Junior Speaker Awards were as follows: Best Chairperson: Tamsin Metelerkamp (Bleby) First Best Speaker: Bronwen Barratt (Marchand) Second Best Speaker: Michaela McHugh (Bleby) Only seven points separated the top two teams in the Senior Section (Grades 10 to 12) of the competition. Magenta Graziani, Courtney Wallace and Nicole Petersen joined members of last year’s winning Innes team, Lauren Jankielsohn and Chloe Kruger. Under Chloe’s chairmanship, they successfully explored a wide variety of views and interpretations of the Albert Einstein quote, “Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding,” to take the honours for Innes. The senior results were as follows: Innes (232 points), Cambridge (225 points), Marchand (189 points), Michiel Vos (175 points) and Bleby (171 points). The Senior Speaker Awards were as follows: Best Chairperson: Chloe Kruger (Innes) First Best Speaker: Kimberley Dale (Cambridge) Second Best Speakers (shared): Nabeelah Shaboodien and Nicola Cathcart (both of Michiel Vos)
RGHS 2011
Inter-house Events
Inter-house Forum Discussions
Inter-house Events
Inter-house Gala Sport Manager: Ms Vivienne Williams Sport Assistant: Ms Nolundi Blayi
Overall winners: Marchand Spirit Cup winners: Cambridge House points:
Marchand (97 points) Innes (94 points) Michiel Vos (83 points) Cambridge (81 points) Bleby (51 points)
Marchand (yellow): ‘Sunlight Ladies’ Innes (blue): ‘Cops and Robbers’ Michiel Vos (red): ‘Ferrari Girls’ Cambridge (green): ‘Aliens’ Bleby (pink): ‘Candy Land’
Staff Swimming team: Ms Gillian Blackshaw, Mr Graeme Broster, Ms Jackie Chambers, Ms Linda Mallon, Ms Vivienne Williams Individual winners:
U19 Champion: Caitlin Gardiner U16 Champion: Tatum Beppo U14 Champion: Rebecca Haines
New Gala Records Rebecca Haines: U14 Individual Medley: 1:18:69 Rebecca Haines: U14 Freestyle: 31:88 Rebecca Haines: U14 Backstroke 50m: 35:47 Tatum Beppo: U16 Individual Medley: 1:21:55 Tatum Beppo: U16 Butterfly: 35:95 Rebecca Parsons: U16 Backstroke 50m: 35:63 Marchand U14 Medley Relay: 2:32:03 Marchand U19 Medley Relay: 2:29:00 The fact that so many new records were set at this year’s Inter-house Gala was attributed to the newly renovated 25m swimming pool. The pool at Rustenburg High School for Girls used to measure 33 yards.
Winners of the Spirit Cup Dressed as ‘Little Green Men’ from outer space, the House Captains, Alexandra Bosman and Chloe Newlands, celebrated after Cambridge was announced as winners of the Inter-house Gala Spirit Cup.
RGHS 2011
Teacher-in-charge: Ms Gail Wallace
The 2011 competition, held in February in the heat of summer, was contested by speakers from Michiel Vos, Cambridge, Bleby and Marchand. The theme for 2011 was “The Voice of the South African Teenager” and the prepared speeches were varied and interesting. Ms Michelle Coetzee, English educator at Groote Schuur High School, and Ms Anita Pretorius were assisted in their task as adjudicators of the junior section by Helen Dunnell and Nabeelah Shaboodien, two Rustenburg learners who participated, with great success, in the public speaking section of the 2010 National Girls’ Schools Festival. Ms Linnell Holland, Head of English at Groote Schuur High School, Ms Danielle Buise, currently completing her studies at UCT and formerly a finalist in the Western Province Public Speaking Competition, Ms Louise Albertyn and Ms Lindsay Kalis were in charge of the adjudication of the senior event. The Best Prepared Speeches of this year’s competition came from Amber Stodel of Michiel Vos in the senior section and from Caitlin Grüning of Marchand in the junior section. Saeeda Bassardien of Cambridge was declared the Best Senior Unprepared Speaker, while Robyn van Bergen of Marchand claimed this honour in the junior section. The Best Overall Senior Speaker for 2011 was Nicola Cathcart of Michiel Vos and the Best Junior was Caitlin Grüning of Marchand. An exciting development in Public Speaking at Rustenburg this year has been Helen Dunnell’s initiative in organising a public speaking meeting each week. There are a number of regulars and this group hopes to meet with like-minded learners from other schools later in the year to practise the skills they are acquiring.
RGHS 2011
Inter-house Events
Inter-house Public Speaking
Inter-house Events
Inter-house Cross Country Sport Manager: Ms Vivienne Williams Assistant: Ms Nolundi Blayi
670 learners completed the 3km race distance. The Inter-house Cross Country event took place in July. A new route, exactly 3000m, had been designed. This took girls off the school campus, through the Rygersdal Sport Complex, and then back onto the lower Hockey field. The marshalling on campus was supervised by Mr and Ms Mallon and members of Rustenburg staff. Marshalling on Rygersdal was overseen by Mr Siebrits and the campus staff. All girls, who completed the course, were awarded with one point for their house. The Top 10 runners in each grade were awarded additional points.
Inter-house Cross Country results: Winners: Marchand (268 points) Second place: Cambridge (226 points) Third place: Innes (209 points) Fourth place: Michel Vos (180 points) Fifth place: Bleby (176 points)
Inter-house Cross Country individual results:
Winner: Kristy Lanser (Grade 10) Second place: Charlotte Roseveare (Grade 11) Third place: Nicola de Villiers (Grade 11) Fourth place: Samantha McCrindle (Grade 8) Fifth place: Robyn Moore (Grade 11) Sixth place: Sarah Donde (Grade 9) Seventh place: Kelly Hart-Davies (Grade 12) Eighth place (tied): Kate Meeser (Grade 11) and Amy Scott (Grade 11) Tenth place: Yi-Jou (Elina) Chen (Grade 10)
Inter-house Cross Country class participation: 100% - Grade 8 (A3 Ms Gillian Blackshaw) 96,96% - Grade 8 (A4 Ms Meagan Rees) 96, 77% - Grade 12 (E4 Ms Dirkya Botha)
Inter-house Cross Country highest points scoring:
80 points – Grade 10 (C5 Ms Zargielay Rabeh) with 5 runners in the Top 10 73 points – Grade 8 (A3 Ms Gillian Blackshaw) with 5 runners in the Top 10 71 points – Grade 12 (E5 Ms Louie Black) with 4 runners in the Top 10
RGHS 2011
RGHS 2011
Sport Achievers
South African Sport Achievers
From left: Alexandra Fuller (Squash), Nicola Barrett (Waterpolo), Ms Gillian Blackshaw (Touch Rugby)
Western Province Sport Achievers
Rustenburg’s Sport Manager, Ms Vivienne Williams (Triathlon) was the SAIM 70.3 Age Group Winner
Back row, from left: Nikki Baguley (Indoor Netball), Meghan Goncalves (Hockey), Kate Houliston (Indoor Hockey), Caitlin Gardiner (Swimming), Kiana Neethling (Tennis), Alexa von Geusau (Waterpolo), Megan Denny (Cricket, Hockey), Courtney Brown (Squash), Nicola Barrett (Waterpolo) Third row, from left: Candice McConney (Squash), KatherineWerge (Touch Rugby), Georgina Firth (Hockey), Haidee Davis (Hockey), Kelsey Holmes (Boland Waterpolo), Amy Charnley (Touch Rugby), Alexandra Fuller (Squash), Neda Isaacs (Touch Rugby), Chelsea van Rensburg (Swimming), Ms Vivienne Williams (Triathlon, Duathlon) Second row, from left: Mr Clement Schlosz (Ten Pin Bowling), Carla Puccini (Touch Rugby), Candice Barnes (Waterpolo), Roshaan Solomon (Hockey), Mbali Mahanjana (Touch Rugby), Robyn Moore (Golf), Keren Dugmore (Hockey, Tennis), Caitrin Llewellyn (Golf), Iman Allie (Waterpolo) Front row, from left: Ms Gillian Blackshaw (Touch Rugby), Fatimah Khan (Indoor Hockey), Candice-Lee Uys (Hockey, Rhythmic Gymnastics), Stephane Hornsby (Hockey), Chloe-Joy Arendse (Touch Rugby), Gretchin Davids (Hockey), Danielle Austin (Touch Rugby), Samantha Culligan (Artistic, Tumbling Gymnastics), Shannon Hochfelden (Rhythmic Gymnastics), Michelle Winter (Squash), Tiana Hansraj (Swimming) Absent: Rouzanna Coxson (Tennis), Katherine Poluta (Hockey, Tennis)
RGHS 2011
Aquatics Teacher-in-charge: Ms Vivienne Williams Coach: Ms Robyn Powell Captain: Alexa von Geusau Vice-captain: Amy-Lee Loder
1st Swimming Team
Second row, from left: Rebecca Parsons, Nicola Barrett, Mieke Loubser, Kelsey Holmes, Haidee Davis Front row, from left: Tatum Beppo, Chelsea van Rensburg, Amy-Lee Loder (Vice-captain), Ms Vivienne Williams (Coach), Alexa von Geusau (Captain), Tanur Faber, Tiana Hansraj Absent: Tamar Rodrigues, Alex Faber, Caitlin Gardiner, Rebecca Haines
In January, Ms Robyn Powell joined the Sport department as an assistant coach to Ms Vivienne Williams. The start of the year also saw an influx of strong and keen Grade 8 swimmers joining Rustenburg. Rustenburg hosted the successful annual A-League Gala at the Newlands Pool on 16 February. The Rustenburg team placed fourth overall. We finished the season with the A team winning the Relay Gala at SACS on 3 March. Congratulations must go to Caitlin Gardiner and Rebecca Haines who qualified to swim at the National Level 3 Gala which was held in Durban. Caitlin won the bronze medal in the Girls 17 -18 age group for the 200m backstroke event. She went on to swim at Senior National level as well. Chelsea van Rensburg, Tiana Hansraj and Mieke Loubser qualified to swim at the National Level 2 Gala, which was held at Newlands in March. Chelsea and Tiana represented the Western Cape Schools team at this event.
U14 Swimmers win PGSGU Trophy On 1 March Rustenburg hosted the annual Peninsula Girls Schools’ Games Union (PGSGU) Gala. Rustenburg’s swimming team placed third. The highlight of the season was when the U14 team won their section and brought the U14 PGSGU trophy home. The four swimmers who were members of this team were: Tanur Faber, Rebecca Haines, Tiana Hansraj and Chelsea van Rensburg.
RGHS 2011
Cricket Teacher-in-charge: Ms Tarin Scharneck 1st Cricket Team Coach: Ms Amy Hughes 2nd Cricket Team Coach: Mr Sonwabile Mlumbi Captain: Chloe Newlands Vice-captain: Justine Waison
1st Cricket Team
Second row, from left: Ayesha Govender, Natalie Pinto, Candice McConney, Jaime Gray, Madison Tonkin, Emily Shuttleworth, Julia Cooke, Nurulain Mukudam Front row, from left: Courtney Pead, Cassandra Collett, Ms Amy Hughes (Coach), Chloe Newlands (Captain), Ms Tarin Scharneck (Teacher-in-charge), Justine Waison (Vice-captain), Samantha Pugh
The Cricket season began with an abundance of girls arriving for trials. Rustenburg entered an A and a B team into the Girls’ U19 League. Mr Sonwabile Mlumbi joined the Sport department as coach of the 2nd Cricket Team. Our first match of the season was against a determined Pinelands High School team. This match was played at Pinelands where we narrowly lost by 15 runs. In February we played a re-match against Pinelands. The match was played on home ground and, after two exciting innings, we lost by just 4 runs. During the season, the Rustenburg Cricket teams played matches against Spine Road High, Durbanville High, Bergvliet, President High School and Norman Henshilwood. Rustenburg A team played against Bergvliet. Bergvliet chose to bat first, scoring just 28 runs. Our opening batswomen, Chloe Newlands and Justine Waison, single-handedly reached the total set by scoring 22 and 7 runs respectively. In the final match of the season, Ammaarah Gamieldien took 3 wickets (on her debut match with the 1st team) and Rustenburg just failed to reach the total set by the strong opponents, losing by 30 runs. Special mention must be made of Candice McConney, our top wicket-taker. Candice took 5 wickets this season. Her achievement was closely followed by Ammaarah Gamieldien, with 3 wickets. Our captain, Chloe Newlands, ended the season as the top batswomen, scoring 44 runs, while Justine Waison scored 36 runs.
RGHS 2011
Cross Country and Running Club Teacher-in-charge: Ms Helen Kleynhans Coach: Jess Kavonic Cross Country and Running Club Captain: Emily Hobbs Running Club Vice-captain: Maxine Furlong
Cross Country
Back row, from left: Tamsin Metelerkamp, Robyn Moore, Christine Monteverdi, Kristi Lanser, Sarah Donde, Shannon Sissons, Isabella Meyer Front row, from left: Nicola de Villiers, Ms Helen Kleynhans (Teacher-in-charge), Emily Hobbs (Captain), Ms Jess Kavonic (Coach), Darielle Kellermann (Vice-captain) Absent: Yi-Jou (Elina) Chen, Charlotte Roseveare
Cross Country Rustenburg had a talented cross country team this year with runners, such as Kristi Lanser, who achieved a Top 4 position in every race, and Nicola de Villiers, who did almost as well. Kristi, Nicola and Shannon Sissons qualified for the WP Schools Championships which were held at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. Our team braved the cold, wet days to run races on varied terrain and always put in a good effort, consistently improving their times. League races took place at a different venue every Wednesday, and the season ended with fun runs at the Chrysalis Academy and at Tokai Plantation. For the first time this sport had an ‘outside’ coach, Ms Jess Kavonic, who trained the girls each Monday afternoon and encouraged and pushed them to improve their running. At the Inter-schools Cross Country event, Sarah Donde (U15) and Kristi Lanser (U16) placed third in their respective age-groups.
Running Club Running Club this year was a favourite for many girls and over 50 participated in this activity during Term 1. Running Club became a social running group of sorts. It helped many girls to improve their fitness and running techniques. Running Club welcomed girls of all fitness levels and this year we formed several groups based on how fit girls felt that they were. We took many interesting runs through Rondebosch and constantly found new routes.
RGHS 2011
Football Teacher-in-charge: Mr Dean Laufs Newlands
Coaches: Mr Ronnie Davis, Mr Mark Mayer Captain: Sydney Davis
2011 was a strong football season for Rustenburg. The team set a number of records this season en route to winning their league for a fourth year in a row, all the while remaining unbeaten and undrawn in the league for a second time in that span. Everyone on the first team performed brilliantly, and with enthusiasm and dedication. The team’s dominance was a tribute to the players, but especially the Matric class. In particular, six of these girls have played first team football since Grade 8: two defenders (Toinette Tobias, Rebecca Berg) three midfielders (Roshaan Soloman, Sydney Davis, Chloe Newlands) and one striker (Nicola Mayer). These girls have grown close and shared many memories, ranging from intense fitness practices in the rain to winning matches 14-0 (our highlight match of the season against St. Joseph’s). The 1st Football team has come a long way since 2007. It now has a new match kit, a beautifully grassed field and standard goalposts. Matrics Cara Mazetti-Claassen and Mary-Ann Mowatt joined the team this year. The 1st Football team set a single season scoring record already with 38 points in the first 4 games which included double digit victories over Modderdam (10-0), Peakview (11-0) and St. Joseph’s (14-0—a single game record)and the total is sure to increase by the end of the season. Three players scored multiple hat tricks this season: Roshaan Solomon, Nicola Mayer and Jessie Miller. Over this same period, they allowed in only a single goal. This is a feat for any defence, but was attributed to the mature defensive line of Toinette Tobias, Rebecca Berg, Sheraya Erickson and Candice McConney as well as the athletic ability of Grade 8 goalie, Jaime Newdigate. In addition to team records, a number of career records were won, including all-time scoring and all-time assist leader (Roshaan Solomon), all-time leader in clean sheets (Toinette Tobias), second all-time scoring (Nicola Mayer), second all-time assists (Sydney Davis), all-time career starts (Sydney Davis), who has started every game played. A number of single season records were also accomplished: most goals in a season and single game record (Nicola Mayer), most assists in a season as well as single game record (Sydney Davis).
RGHS 2011
Vice-captains: Nicola Mayer, Chloe
Hockey Teacher-in-charge: Ms Vivienne Williams Coach: Coach Colleen Matthews Captain: Keren Dugmore Vice-captain: Alexandra Fuller
1st Hockey Team
Back row, from left: Danielle Austin; Natalie Luyt; Kate Houliston; Meghan Goncalves; Toni Olsen; Rachelle Theron; Nicola Barrett, Samantha Newdigate Front row, from left: Gretchin Davids; Alexandra Fuller (vice-captain); Mrs Colleen Matthews (Coach); Keren Dugmore (Captain); Mrs V Williams (manager); Emma Bergman; Chloe Newlands
The 1st Hockey Team girls were fortunate to start the season off with an exciting tour to East London. The girls played remarkably well and placed fifth, after winning the last play-off match, which ended in nerve-racking penalty flicks. This was a significant improvement from last year. The girls were grateful for the opportunity to play, improve their skills and bond as a team. The first half of the season was busy, with seven matches being played in eight weeks. The girls, however, stood their ground, even during midyear examinations, and were unbeaten in the first four games. The top goal scorer was Alexandra Fuller with an impressive six goals in seven games. After a short break the girls were faced with the biggest challenge of the season, the Brothers Sport International Hockey Festival. Four different counties, including Netherlands, England, New South Wales and South Africa, participated in the tournament. The girls played seven full games in four days and showed determination by giving their utmost until the end (even when the end was early on a Sunday morning, after the Matric Dance the night before). The girls gained much experience and were once again prepared for the up-coming half of the season.
Congratulations goes to the following girls who represented Western Province Hockey: U14 Central Zonal team: Georgie Firth; Haidee Davis; Katherine Poluta; Stephane Hornsby and Megan Denny U16 WP A team: Gretchin Davids and Candice Uys U18 South Zonal team: Meghan Goncalves and Roshaan Solomon U 18 WP B team: Keren Dugmore Gretchin Davids was chosen for the South African U16 Hockey squad.
RGHS 2011
Indoor Hockey Teacher-in-charge: Mr Dean Laufs 1st team coach: Mr Brendon Solik 2nd team coach: Mr Ryan Flynn Captain: Keren Dugmore Vice-captain: Meghan Goncalves
1st Indoor Hockey Team
Second row, from left: Emma Bergman, Alexandra Fuller, Samantha Newdigate, Kate Houliston, Roshaan Solomon Front row, from left: Gretchin Davids, Mr Brendon Solik (Coach), Keren Dugmore (Captain), Mr Dean Laufs (Teacher-in-charge), Meghan Goncalves
The Indoor Hockey girls started their season in the first term of 2011 after working hard at their pre-season training in the fourth term of 2010. Unfortunately we were only able to field two teams, but this did not stop the girls from giving their all during every game, never forgetting the honour and privilege it was to play for the school. The season was busy. The girls played nine matches. Practices were filled with fitness drills, friendly games and, of course, laughter. This kept the girls’ spirits high. The 2nd team had a magnificent season, under the leadership of their coach, Ryan Flynn. They won six out of their nine games, drew two and only lost one. Fatimah Khan and Coleen Middleton were the top goal scorers for the season, with Amy Charnley close behind. As a result of their hard work and achievements, the 2nd team will be placed in a higher league next year. The 1st team this year moved up from the Second League to the Premier League. They ended fifth in the league, a considerable improvement from last year. After a great start to the season, with two wins to their name, Kate Houliston unfortunately picked up an injury leading to a shuffle in team positions. Nevertheless, the team did well to adapt and still managed to pocket four wins. The top goal scorers for the 1st team were Alexandra Fuller and Roshaan Solomon, closely followed by Meghan Goncalves and Emma Bergman. The season ended off on a high when the 1st team placed third at the PGSGU Inter-Schools Indoor Hockey Tournament. After losing their first two games, the girls lifted their heads and fought back to beat Springfield and played a very impressive match to draw with Herschel. According to their coach, Brendon Solik, who has coached at Rustenburg for the last three years, the team this year was the strongest team with whom he has worked. Congratulations must go to Candice Uys and Haidee Davis who represented Rustenburg at the PSI Indoor Hockey Tournament in the under-fifteen age group.
RGHS 2011
Netball Teacher-in-charge: Ms Nolundi Blayi Captain: Nikki Baguley Vice-Captain: Samantha Marchant
1st Netball Team
Second row, from left: Zukhanye Vetezo , Clarisse Beeby, Jamie-Leigh Cottle, Kim Cranfield, Mbali Mahanjana Front row, from left: Neda Isaacs, Samantha Marchant (Vice-captain), Ms Nolundi Blayi, Nikki Baguley (Captain), Samantha Pugh
The 2011 Netball season was a very successful one, despite certain challenges and obstacles. The 1st team started their season off with a friendly match against a visiting team from Kingsmead College (Gauteng). After a closely fought match, they lost 27-31. Rustenburg netball was moved to a different league this season. This resulted in many challenges, one of which meant we had a long way to travel to fulfil the fixtures. The teams performed very well in their new league. The 1st team and U19B team both placed first and made it to the play-offs. Both teams won these play-off matches which moved them to the top of the league. The U14B team tied 2nd with Reddam House, while the U14A and U16B teams placed 3rd respectively. In August, the U14A, U16A and U19A netball teams represented Rustenburg in the annual PGSGU tournament, which was hosted by Rustenburg. The teams played well. The U19A girls placed third, the U16A placed third and the U14A team placed fourth. Special mention must also be made of the social netball girls, for their dedication and commitment.
RGHS 2011
Squash Teacher-in-charge: Ms Louise Lawrence Coach: Coach Mark Reid Captain: Amy Loder Vice-captain: Alexandra Fuller
1st Squash Team
Back row, from left: Kate Meeser, Courtney Brown, Candice McConney Front row, from left: Ms Louise Lawrence, Alexandra Fuller, Coach Mark Reid
The season began with a few new players joining. Subsequently, we were able to maintain a 2nd team of mostly beginners. They were immediately thrown into playing games and did well to hold their own. Under the direction of Coach Mark Reid, the 1st team was able to develop new techniques. They were unbeaten this season in their weekly matches. Alexandra Fuller was Rustenburg’s Number 1 player and was also selected as a member of the South African Junior team. Alexandra captained this team at the World Junior Women’s Individual and Team Squash Championships which were held in Boston, USA. Rustenburg was again placed second in the Top Schools’ Squash tournament. Four of our players represented Western Province: Alexandra Fuller (U19 A), Candice McConney (U19 B), Courtney Brown (U16 A) and Michelle Winter (U14 A).
RGHS 2011
Tennis Teacher-in-charge: Ms Meagan Rees Captain: Meghan Goncalves Vice-captain: Christi Vosloo
1st Tennis Team
Second row, from left: Leanne Biccari, Kiana Neethling, Keren Dugmore Front row, from left: Meghan Goncalves (Captain), Ms Meagan Rees (Teacher-in-charge), Christi Vosloo (Vice-captain)
U15 A Tennis Team
Second row, from left: Georgina Firth, Nicola Starke Front row, from left: Kirstin Shaw, Ms Lorraine Gardiner (Teacher-in-charge), Katherine Poluta
Rustenburg entered five Senior Tennis teams and two Junior Tennis teams into the league this season.The girls had an enjoyable and successful season. All five Senior Teams were involved in Thursday practices. This was a great way for the girls to bond and to meet the other tennis players in the school. Matches took place on Tuesdays and Fridays. Our girls won most of their matches this season and did exceptionally well against many tough opponents. The season ended on a high note with the annual PGSGU Tennis Tournament, which was held at Sans Souci. Rustenburg was represented by our 1st couple, Keren Dugmore and Kiana Neethling. They placed third overall. Our 2nd couple, Christi Vosloo and Leanne Biccari, placed second overall. Together these girls finished in second place overall. It was a fun day, filled with healthy competition and tremendous spirit. Our U15 Rustenburg team were victorious. The 1st couple, Katherine Poluta and Georgina Firth, easily won their section, as did the 2nd couple, Kirstin Shaw and Nicola Starke. These four Rustenburg Grade 8 tennis players brought the Junior PGSGU Trophy back to Rustenburg. Three Rustenburg girls achieved WP Colours for tennis this year. Katherine Poluta represented WP schools at U15 level, Kiana Neethling at WP U17 schools and Keren Dugmore at U19 schools. These three girls have worked extremely hard and deserve to be praised for their successes. The girls continue to excel and produce a high standard of Tennis. This bodes well for the future of Tennis at Rustenburg.
RGHS 2011
Touch Rugby Teacher-in-charge and Coach: Ms Gillian Blackshaw Captain: Carla Puccini Vice-captain: Kim Cranfield
1st Touch Rugby Team
Second row, from left: Chloé-Joy Arendse, Mbali Mahanjana, Amy Charnley, Neda Isaacs, Danielle Austin Front row, from left: Aneeqah Fredericks, Kim Cranfield (Vice-captain), Ms Gillian Blackshaw (Teacher-in-charge and Coach), Carla Puccini (Captain), Katherine Werge
The 2010 / 2011 season was a very successful season filled with hard work and commitment. In the fourth term of 2010 Rustenburg entered three teams into the 2010 Spring High Schools’ League. The 2nd and 3rd teams were entered into the 2nd division. The 2nd team won all their games and finished at the top of their division and the 3rd team finished third. The 1st team won all of their games and won the league yet again. In September 2010 Danielle Austin, Amy Charnley, Neda Isaacs, Mbali Mahajana, Carla Puccini, Toinette Tobias and Katherine Werge were selected to play for the Western Province U17 Touch Rugby team in the Junior Inter-provincial Tournament that was held in Cape Town. Neda Isaacs was the captain of the team and Katherine Werge the vice-captain. The team played extremely well and won the tournament, beating Northern Gauteng 5-2 in the final. Danielle Austin also received a special award for scoring the most tries in the U17 girls’ division. Aneeqah Fredericks represented Western Cape in the same tournament and finished 4th overall. In 2011 team trials were held for the grade 9-12 girls. The Grade 8s and newcomers were given the opportunity to play social Touch Rugby where they could develop their skills and learn the rules of the game. Rustenburg was once again able to enter 3 teams into the schools’ league. The 1st and 2nd teams were entered into the 1st division and the 3rd team was entered into the 2nd division. The 1st team continued their unbeaten record and won the league easily. The 2nd team played extremely well, winning all of their games. They made it to the final where they played Rustenburg’s 1st team and lost their first game of the season. On 4 March Rustenburg entered its 1st and 2nd teams into a schools tournament held at Century City. Rustenburg’s 1st and 2nd teams played in separate pools. Both teams won all the matches in their pools. The 1st team won their semi-final against Vista 2-0. The 2nd team played against Milnerton in the other semi-final. At the end of the game the scores were tied 1-1. This meant the teams had to play a drop off (after each minute a player from each team leaves the field and play continues until a team scores). The game continued until there were 4 players on each side when Roshaan Solomon scored the winning try, taking them to the finals to play Rustenburg’s 1st team. In the finals, Rustenburg’s 1st team beat Rustenburg’s 2nd team 3-0. From 19 - 21 March, the Senior Inter-provincial Tournament was held in Durban. Ms Gillian Blackshaw and Kim Cranfield represented Western Province in the Ladies Team, which won the tournament, beating Gauteng 7-1 in the final. Aneeqah Fredericks and Ziyanah Fredericks represented Western Cape in the Ladies Team, which placed sixth. Carla Puccini and Neda Isaacs represented Western Province in the Mixed Team, which placed fourth in the tournament. Touch Rugby is a growing sport at Rustenburg and appeals to many learners. Proudly, it would seem that our 1st team’s unbeaten record is likely to continue for many further seasons.
RGHS 2011
Waterpolo Teacher-in-charge: Ms Vivienne Williams Coach: Mr Jo Wade Captain: Nicola Barrett Vice-captain: Alexa von Geusau
1st Waterpolo Team
Second row, from left: Emma Coutts, Kelsey Holmes, Samantha Marchant, Rachelle Theron, Alexandra Bosman, Jessica Fairfax, Cheyenne Röhm Front row, from left: Kelly Hart-Davies, Alexa von Geusau, Mr Jo Wade (Coach), Nicola Barrett (Captain), Ms Vivienne Williams, Candice Barnes, Emma Bannatyne
As they had been unbeaten, Rustenburg’s 1st Waterpolo team was confident at the beginning of 2011 and looked forward to a strong season ahead. In February, the 1st Waterpolo team went on tour and attended the St. Peter’s College Waterpolo Tournament in Gauteng. This experience built team confidence and resulted in valuable lessons being learned. The rigours were demanding: the team played Waterpolo for two days solid and unfortunately lost three games, but also drew one game and won four. Nicola Barrett was chosen as a member of the tournament team after playing in Gauteng. The girls returned to Cape Town feeling ‘bonded.’ This year the 1st Waterpolo team has consisted mainly of Grade 12 girls, but also three very committed Grade 11s. Each member of the team has contributed positively to its overall success. After defeating the previously unbeaten Waller Cup champions, Reddam House Constantia, with a score of 8-3, Rustenburg’s 1st Waterpolo team felt even more confident. This victory therefore held much value. The team placed second in the league, resulting in a semi-finals spot in the Waller Cup tournament of 2011. Here we played Reddam again, but sadly lost 4-7. Simply reaching the semi-final round was an achievement for Waterpolo at Rustenburg in itself. In February, the U16 A Waterpolo team went on tour and attended the Alexander Road Tournament in Port Elizabeth. This afforded many of the sport’s younger players a wonderful opportunity to gain experience and grow in skill. Five Rustenburg Waterpolo players were selected as Western Province Representatives: Iman Allie (U14 A), Candice Barnes (U 16 A), Alexa von Geusau (U19 B) and Nicola Barrett, who was chosen to captain the U19 A team. Kelsey Holmes represented Boland at U19 level. Nicola Barrett represented her country as a member of the South African Schools’ U18 Waterpolo team. She travelled to New Zealand in December 2010 and participated in the U18 Tri-Nations tournament.
RGHS 2011
Societies and Services
RGHS 2011
ICT Manager: Mr Graeme Broster ICDL Co-ordinator: Ms Janine Myers
“Any sufficiently advanced, smoothly functioning technology will have the appearance of magic.”
Technician: Mr Clement Schlosz
“Technology is everything invented after you were born, everything else is just stuff.” (Alan Kay)
(Arthur C. Clarke)
There were times when we created magic in the ICT department at Rustenburg in 2011, and times when we barely managed to make the stage at all. The year began on a low note, with an upgrade to the server during the holiday taking much longer than we were promised. This left us with little time to prepare for the start of the academic year and much frantic chaos as a result. As the year progressed, these upgrades began to bear fruit and, besides the occasional Eskom power failure, we have had a very stable and smoothly functioning infrastructure. The Computer Server Room was also upgraded with the creation of an IT office for the IT Manager and Technician to work. This allows the servers to remain in a locked and air-conditioned space which has added to the network’s stability.
“Any teacher that can be replaced by a computer deserves to be.”
The people in the know are saying that email has reached its zenith and that other communication forms, such as Twitter, Facebook and whatever social media are still to come, will replace it. We launched a Rustenburg Facebook page as well as a Rustenburg Twitter account in 2011 to try and expand the available streams of communication with which we tell the world what’s happening at our school. The aim is to share the news of Rustenburg’s many successes instantly, rather than well after the event or activity has transpired.
“Much education today is monumentally ineffective. We are giving young people cut flowers when we should be teaching them to grow their own plants.” (John W. Gardner)
(David Thornburg)
The IT department installed, this year, three new Smartboards in classrooms and two data projectors in two further classrooms. Two document cameras were also installed, as was a fibre optic connection running from Erinville boarding house to Charlie’s Hope. The intention was to ‘connect’ to the school network the tuckshop, music classrooms and the home of the School Campus Manager. New computers were purchased and the subsequent effect was that nearly every computer on the campus was replaced with a newer, faster machine. As always, technology is provided only as a tool that can aid and improve the quality of teaching and learning that takes place in the classroom.
2011 also saw the re-introduction of the Computer Monitresses, a group of trained learners who helped with the supervision of the Computer Laboratories at break and after school, and acted as a first line of support around the campus, and solving computer problems that arose in classrooms. Hopefully these girls have provided a valuable service to the school and have learned some practical skills in the process. We look forward to a growing team in 2012.
Computer Monitresses
Second row, from left: Gugulethu Hlope, Layla Kamedien, Michelle Madell, Mr Graeme Broster, Saira Ahmed, Onele Ngwendu, Caitrin Llywellen Front row, from left: Kim Cranfield, Zoë Tobie, Aisha Najjaar, Kate Gaskin Absent: Mary-Ann Mowatt, Bianca Ford, Ni-Shaat Chafeker
RGHS 2011
Societies and Societies Services
From the Computer Centre
Societies and Societies Services
From the Media Centre Librarian: Ms Marilyn Peters Head: Sapna Mesthrie Deputy: Roxanne Mentoor Committee: Catherine Eames, Michaela Peters, Toinette Tobias, Jordan Tame
Our year in the Media Centre has been a bumper one, despite the challenges of the last term of 2011, to which our fabulous team of monitresses rose admirably. They had to take over and manage the library issue-desk unsupervised whilst I was away getting a reformatted back! Before this desertion however, we had already put 830 new books on the shelves, which was a record for the library. Deep appreciation is owed to our outgoing committee led by Sapna Mesthrie and Roxanne Mentoor, assisted by Catherine Eames, Michaela Peters, Toinette Tobias and Jordan Tame, and to our treasured volunteers: Ms Michell (past teacher), Ms Paul and Ms Miller (past parents).
From the Media Centre Head Monitress, Sapna Mesthrie
The Media Centre is not only a library that offers a variety of services such as photocopying, binding and laminating, but it is an exciting place in which to work. The Media Centre has educational displays for each public holiday and current affairs and, this year, we held a water competition with a beautiful water feature as the prize. Working in the Media Centre for the past four years has been a wonderful experience. It has been a great way to serve our school and has become a second home to me. Ms Peters and all of the monitresses are a family on which I can rely. Girls who work in the Media Centre develop a good work ethic and there is always a sense of camaraderie. I am privileged to have been able to serve our school by working in the Media Centre.
Our ongoing involvement with Vrygrond Library has been extremely satisfying, and our monitresses’ regular visits to read with the children there, are always met with great excitement and enthusiasm. Once again, thanks to our fundraising efforts and especially our Civvies Day collection, it was possible to make a significant contribution to their 3 day December holiday camp in Hout Bay for 60 children. Other efforts ensure Tufcat and Equal Education continue to benefit from our book and magazine collection drives. Looking towards future development, I would like to share the following excerpt from Ms Mary Johnstone’s challenging and inspiring address to the Librarians’ Association in February 2011. “In our attempt to make our libraries/resource centres popular, in our attempts to attract visitors to our spaces in the hopes that we can lead them to learning, we need to be very careful that ironically we are not undermining our very purpose. If we were to be succinct surely we would argue that our purpose is to stimulate curiosity, to encourage the search from information to knowledge and wisdom so that people lead meaningful lives. I believe we need to think quite carefully about our learning spaces. I do believe they should be attractive but we need to take cognisance of the impact of constant noise and constant stimulation. We need to allow our pupils space, and time, and quietness in which to read and think. I have always believed the library should be the centre of the school, the palpable throb of the brain muscle. I believe we need to refocus on reading texts other than the computer, we need to work hard against instant gratification, we need to give space and silence back to our adolescents as we allow them to move beyond information to critical evaluation and knowledge. This will ensure we keep our humanity, our values, our manners.”
Vrygrond Library
Rose Jiang, Tuscany Botha, Alex Malinde, Michaela Peters and Rizqah Hendricks with the children they support at the Vrygond Library.
These are wise sentiments indeed. Our aim must continue to be unwavering: to produce life-long learners, discerning enquirers and honest digital citizens.
Media Centre Monitresses
Third row, from left: Sameera Mahomedy, Roslyn Sanby, Raheema Parker, Trinity Rudner, Carla du Toit, Tuscany Botha, Alexandra Malinde, Rizqah Hendricks Second row, from left: Zaynab Dutton, Bridget Miller, Rose Jiang, Rebecca Furlong, Jessica Stanton, Terusha Navsaria, Nurulain Mukadam, Alice Lee Front row, from left: Merlyn Doralingo, Michaela Peters, Toinette Tobias, Roxanne Mentoor, Ms Marilyn Peters (Librarian), Sapna Mesthrie, Jordan Tame, Catherine Eames, Najma Yusuf
RGHS 2011
Societies and Societies Services
Debating Teacher-in-charge: Mr Cedric van Dyk Coach: Coach Mathew Butler Adam (University of Cape Town) Head: Cara Mazetti-Claassen Deputy: Ameerah Allie Committee: Saeeda Bassardien, Angeliki Carvounes, Tessa Collington-O’Malley, Chelsea Kelly, Gabi Slingers, Haseena Solwa
The exceptional successes achieved in 2010 were always going to be “a hard act to follow,” but 2011 remained a very successful year: We maintained our participation in a variety of debating activities: warm-up friendly debates, the Rotary Debating League (Senior and Junior teams), the National Girls Schools’ Festival, the UN Debate, the Science Debate, the SACEE Forum Discussion Competition and the WP Championships.
Success at the Eurasian Schools Debating Championships
Two of our Senior Debaters, Angeliki Carvounes and Cara MazettiClaassen, took RGHS debating to new heights: the international arena. They both excelled in this year’s prestigious Eurasian School’s Debating Championships, in Turkey. In a competition which featured national teams from over fifty countries, their team won all six of the qualifying rounds, defeated Germany in the quarter-finals, but lost to the eventual winners, Greece, in the semi-finals. Apart from finishing third in the tournament, Cara was adjudged the 9th Best Speaker, while Angeliki was ranked the tournament’s Best Speaker.
Rotary League Debating
We entered both the junior and the senior competitions and had a number of enthusiastic junior debaters. Several of them were in Grade 8 and still needed to gain experience in this field. The team was represented by: Michaela McHugh, Orissa Ramesar, Katherine Harris, Aaliyah Vayesh. Although they only won one of their debates, they were narrowly defeated in most of the others. However, they acquired useful skills for next year’s competitions. The seniors were represented by Angeliki Carvounes, Cara Mazetti-Claassen, Azraa Bux, Nicola Cilliers, Saaeda Bassardien, Haseena Solwa and Nina Lawrenson. They were undefeated and won all four debates (Angeliki was voted Best Speaker for all four debates) in their group section and broke into the quarter-finals against Bishops. Angeliki Carvounes (adjudged Best Speaker), Cara Mazetti-Claassen and Azraa Bux successfully proposed that: “This house rejects the election of Julius Malema as ANCYL President.” In a tightly contested semi-final, the seniors’ run of success was halted by Westerford, who went on to win.
National Girls Schools’ Festival
The 2011 team comprised a mixture of experience, Angeliki Carvounes and Cara Mazetti-Claassen, and developing talent, Nicola Cilliers, Rebecca Furlong and Katherine Harris. We reached the final for the fourth time in a row but Pretoria Girls’ High School’s argument that: “This house believes that monarchies are outdated” was judged to be more convincing. Cara Mazetti-Claassen and Angeliki Carvounes both ranked in the top ten debaters of the tournament.
SACEE Forum Discussion Competition
This year’s team came very close to emulating the success of last year’s team when they came second to Herschel in the finals. Nikki Cathcart, Jenny Hughes (her third and final year in the team), Chelsea Kelly, Chloe Kruger and Nabeelah Shaboodien spoke very well on the topic: “The idea that any one part of the world belongs to certain people is false and dangerous.” Congratulations goes to Chloe Kruger who won the prize for being the Best Chairperson of the evening. We also received a prize of R1 200 for our school library for winning the first round of the competition.
Western Province Championships
The new senior team: Saeeda Bassardien, Azraa Bux, Robyn Fester, Sonia Mataramvura and Katherine Harris performed with determination and skill and won three of their six debates at the WP Provincial Championships. Robyn Fester, closely followed by Azraa Bux, were our Best Speakers at the competition. They all gained very valuable experience.
Science Debate
Under the guidance of Ms Pretorius and Mr Laufs, Rustenburg debuted in SAASTA’s e-Science Debating competition. Tuscany Botha, Saeeda Bassardien, Danielle Louw and Nabeelah Shaboodien’s produced convincing arguments on the following topics: “South Africa should have a national DNA data base to combat crime” and “Nanotechnology, smaller is better, and is essential for our future development.” They did us proud by achieving second spot. United Nations Debate at the Western Cape Legislative Chamber Chloe Kruger and Magenta Graziani, with Ms Pretorius at the helm, linked up with learners from our partner school, Oaklands Secondary, to form the Russian delegation that prepared, drafted and tabled the resolution: “The United Nations should control the security of the Internet”. Although they were not placed in the top three, they gained valuable experience and found the interaction with other 30 schools enriching.
Rustenburg Debaters excel in Turkey
Earlier this month a team of Western Province debaters took part in the prestigious Eurasian Schools Debating Championships held in Istanbul, Turkey. The team, represented by Angeliki Carvounes and Cara Mazetti Claassen from Rustenburg High School for Girls, Colin Bessaans from Westorford High School and Robert Grant and Ihsaan Bassier from Rondebosch Boys’ High School, was accompanied by UCT coaches Alex de Jager and Thomas Mclennan. The many hours of training and hard work preceding the tournament paid off because they performed phenomenally well to be the only undefeated team after six rounds in a competition, which included national teams from over fifty countries. They broke in second place behind Singapore and went on to win their quarter-final against Germany. The team lost to Greece in the semi-finals and placed third overall behind first placed Singapore and Greece (second). This was an exceptional achievement for a provincial team. In addition to this outstanding team performance, the speakers excelled individually earning praise and acknowledgement for the high standard of debating in South Africa. With more than 250 speakers in the competition, it was an exceptional achievement that all five WP speakers were ranked amongst the top 15 speakers of the Championships. Robert Grant ranked 15th, Ihsaan Bassier 14th, Cara Mazetti Claassen 9th and Colin Bessaans 8th . Angeliki Carvounes was ranked the best speaker in Eurasia. The speakers and their coaches deserve to feel proud of this outstanding achievement. All Rustybugs are exceptionally proud of Cara and Angeliki’s achievements. They have taken the high level of debating at Rustenburg High School into the international arena.
RGHS 2011
Societies and Societies Services
Matric Dance 2011 Teachers-in-charge: Ms Helene Swanson, Ms Zélia Quintal Simpson Head of Matric Dance Committee: Charlotte Roseveare Matric Dance Committee: Leila Amien, Clarisse Beeby, Nicola de Villiers, Marzia Gertse, Gugulethu Hlophe, Gladys Kisela, Chloe Kruger, Simbongile Ndlangisa, KaylaPaige Raper, Amber Stodel, Katherine Werge Theme: “Beyond Wonderland”
Matric Leaders
From left: Cara Mazetti-Claassen (Headgirl of Erinville), Kayley Gordon (Deputy of the Representative Council of Learners), Catherine Cogill (Matric Representative Council of Learners), Camagu Mayosi (Chairperson of the Representative Council of Learners), Angeliki Carvounes (Headgirl of Rustenburg), Nicola Barrett (Deputy for Seniors), Karen Schuster (Deputy for Juniors), Catherine Paterson (Deputy of Erinville)
School Leaders at the Matric Dance The learner-elected leaders of Rustenburg High School for Girls dazzled at the 2011 Matric Dance.
From left: Nicola Barrett (Deputy for Seniors), Angeliki Carvounes (Headgirl), Karen Schuster (Deputy for Juniors)
Matric Dance Committee
RGHS 2011
RGHS 2011
Societies and Societies Services
Interact Teacher-in-charge: Ms Dirkya Botha Head: Angeliki Carvounes Deputy: Julia Kabat Committee: Chryssa van der Merwe, Cheyenne Rohm, Lynn Robertson, Sameera Mahomedy, Petruné Beattie, Alexandra Mould
During Term 1, Interact hosted a Mothers-and-Daughters’ Tea. An ice-cream sale had been held to raise money to purchase necessary items for the tea.
This year’s theme was “Mardi Gras” and the main quad was transformed with brightly coloured table cloths and a mask. The girls and their mothers were entertained by Bishops group, “Simply Blue”, and various speakers. All enjoyed the finger food prepared by Bon Appetit. The event was a great success and Interact managed to raise over R10 000 in aid of a local old age home. Term 2 began with an Easter Egg drive. The marshmallow eggs were delivered to various homes in Cape Town. Later in the term, with the cold and wet winter weather upon us, Interact held a blanket drive. These blankets were delivered to Place of Hope, a women’s shelter, and Christine.
Habitat for Humanity Teacher-in-charge: Ms Lorraine Gardiner Head: Kirsten Bennett Deputy: Nicola Barrett Committee: Kimberley Skead, Magenta Graziani, Gladys Kisela, Kirsty Schlemmer, Ayesha Semaar, Jaime Maher
BRIC is a youth initiative which serves as a sub-section of the internationally recognised NGO, Habitat for Humanity.
The goal of Habitat for Humanity is to raise funds in order to combat the sub-standard housing problem in previously disadvantaged areas. Learners from Rustenburg, Bishops and Westerford all share this goal and, together, form BRIC. BRIC hosted smaller fundraising events leading up to Cyclathon. These included a Spur evening, a civvies day, cake sales, and a comedy evening. All the funds raised contributed towards the R91 000 which is required to build a house. At the Cyclathon held at the V&A Waterfront, each cyclist cycled for 20 minutes and eight stationery bikes were kept going for 25 hours. There were bikes allocated to each school, and there was also a bike on which members of the audience could cycle. Brilliant entertainment, such as Perfect Score, La Vi, The Brothers Streep, and others, helped to maintain spirit during the day. The Cyclathon was a huge success. Two houses can be built with the money raised this year. Hopefully, the success of the Cyclathon will only continue in the years to come, and the housing problem will improve. Although one house does not make a significant impact to the lack of housing in South Africa, each house certainly makes a difference to the family for which it is built.
RGHS 2011
Societies and Societies Services
Helen Keller Teacher-in-charge: Ms Gail Wallace Head: Lynn Robertson Deputy: Tatum McGregor
2011 has been a good year for the 32 girls who have been involved in visiting a number of residents at the Helen Keller Residence in Pinelands
and, judging from the response that they receive every year at the end-of-season party, they can be assured that the residents of this home have been similarly blessed by the ongoing contact with their young Rustybug friends. One group of girls runs a fortnightly Crossword Group for residents who can no longer read because of diminishing eyesight and, judging from the peals of laughter and the fierce competition amongst the participants, this activity is always a “hit.” Two of our Matric learners have, under the auspices of the same programme, visited residents at Huis Luckhoff for the past few years. The girls who participate in this programme would not be able to do this wonderful work without the assistance of the nine parents who provide the transport and we would like to pay tribute to these parents for their role during the course of the year. They are just as much a part of the success of this project, as it would not be able to function without them.
Hindu Society Teacher-in-charge: Ms Louise Lawrence Head: Nehna Singh Vice: Sapna Mesthrie Secretary: Aneeqah Fredericks
The Hindu Society was involved in many charity-based events, including collecting non-perishable goods for Somalians and assisting the local Community Chest Carnival at the India Stall. The society also hosted a series of Indian dance workshops. These dances were performed as part of Rustenburg’s Cultural Show.
PAWS Teacher-in-charge: Ms Dirkya Botha Head: Trinity Rudner Deputy: Skye Smith
PAWS is a society whose aim it is to raise funds for neglected and abused animals, as well as to create awareness about animal rights.
During this year, PAWS held a cake sale and a blanket and toy drive for the TEARS animal shelter. The PAWS committee joined forces with the Photographic Society to host a pet and wildlife photography competition. The competition was a great success and the photographs were a wonderful representation of the beauty of animals.
RGHS 2011
Societies and Societies Services
Afri-twin and Physics Enrichment Teacher-in-charge: Mr Dean Laufs Head: Sibulele Mtsi Deputy: Catherine Eames Committee: Annette Muthama, Lona Bam, Dacia Hassan, Robyn Paterson, Adrienne Soule, Danielle Austin, Anastasia Stergiou, Dakota Guy, Haseena Solwa, Kate Vlok, Sikelelwa Stemele Afri-twin is a well-established programme that provides a unique opportunity for schools in South Africa to become involved with a partner school in the United Kingdom. Teachers in these schools have the chance to share resources and teaching materials and to learn from each other’s teaching environments, and learners are able to create links with young people from vastly different backgrounds. Rustenburg has the privilege of being partnered with two schools: Mfuleni High School in Cape Town, and Stroud High School in Gloucestershire. Stroud is a girl’s school of approximately 700 learners and is situated in the most beautiful surroundings. It is a Science and Mathematics specialist school where these subjects are compulsory up to the girls’ final year. In 2010 the partnerships between these three schools were formalised with the DFID Global School Partnership programme and, in the same year, four teachers from Stroud visited Rustenburg for a week to learn from us and to take their experiences back to their classrooms. In 2011 it was time for Rustenburg’s reciprocal visit to Stroud. Mr Laufs and Ms Albertyn, together with Mr Mngqibisa from Mfuleni, made their way to Stroud (turning all the emails, telephone calls and months of planning into reality). The teachers at Stroud kindly hosted the South African educators in their homes and into their families for the week. The experience was tremendously fruitful and so much was learned during the time at Stroud. As Stroud is a Science and Mathematics specialist school, the differences in the curriculum and classroom environments were vast. However, it was very inspiring to see the results and the degree of learner involvement that the teachers at Stroud were able to obtain. Much time was spent in respective subject departments sharing materials and developing collaborative Science projects which learners from the three schools could work on together using Skype and email to communicate. Interest from learners at all three schools has reached new heights as a result of the recent exchanges. Rustenburg’s new, revitalised Afri-twin committee is full of young girls who are bursting with enthusiasm and have a range of new ideas to develop their relationship with their partner schools. Rustenburg’s new partnership with Mfuleni also holds promise. Besides working on building classroom links including the Grade 9 Market Day, Rustenburg is hoping to host regular football matches against Mfuleni’s girl’s team.
RGHS 2011
Societies and Societies Services
Mathematics Enrichment Teacher-in-charge: Ms Bridget Cameron
In a tough third round, comprising of just 5 questions in 4 hours, Lauren Denny, despite competing mainly against Grade 11 and 12s, achieved ninth place and a Silver Medal for the Harmony Gold Mathematics Olympiad. 2011 has been another busy and successful year in the Mathematics department. World Mathematics Day was celebrated on 1 March. The Mathematics staff marked this event by wearing special T-shirts designed by Mr Murison and Ms Meyer. The main activity on the day was the mass participation in an on-line international competition. Each correct answer contributed to the total of correct answers with the aim of breaking the previous year’s record. Rustenburg managed to contribute 16 782 of the 428 598 214 correct answers on that day. The girls had much fun competing at speed against learners from other countries. Pi Day was a highlight for Rustenburg girls. All the Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy classes were given activities relating to the number pi while being allowed to eat round food such as cup cakes, pizzas and doughnuts. A new competition was introduced this year. The girls were challenged to recite as many of the digits of pi from memory. Jessica Stanton (Grade 11) managed 146 digits, Kirsten Buchanan (Grade 8) 133 digits and Emily O’Ryan (Grade 8) recited 106 digits correctly. The pi song was sung with gusto by all the classes and the Grade 12s finished their Mathematics lesson by standing in a circle in the quad singing the song.
UCT Mathematics Competition
In the UCT Mathematics Competition, gold awards were achieved by Lauren Denny (Grade 10), Hyun Joo Park (Grade 11) and the pair Do Yeou Ku and YiShin Yuan (Grade 10).
The learners were invited to participate in Mathematics Relay competitions hosted by Wynberg Girls’ High School in March and by Wynberg Boys’ High School in July. Teams of four, together with Ms Kleynhans, Ms Meyer and Mr Murison, attended these events. Wynberg Boys’ also hosted a “Food For Thought” evening for Mathematics teachers which involved stimulating talks by fellow teachers (and good food.) We welcomed Mr Louis de Kock to the teaching team for 3 weeks in March and again in September when he taught Mathematical Literacy. He retired as Head of Gardens Commercial High School in 2010. There was fun and games in the staffroom with the three retired heads sitting together. Mr Murison retired from Rondebosch Boys’ High School in 1997 and Mr van Dyk retired from Cape Town High School in 2003. Rustenburg has excelled again in the more serious Mathematics competitions. Rustenburg was one of 138 schools which competed in the UCT Mathematics competition on campus on the evening of 14 April. 75 enthusiastic learners took part in this hour-long test. 5 girls in each grade wrote on their own and 10 wrote in pairs. Rustenburg was placed sixth overall. Gold awards were achieved by Lauren Denny (Grade 10), Hyun Joo Park (Grade 11) and the pair Do Yeou Ku and Yi-Shin Yuan (Grade 10). 37 others received merit certificates. Lauren also came first in the senior division of the 2011 UCT Invitational Mathematics Challenge. The Harmony Gold Mathematics Olympiad had 3 rounds. Of the167 girls who participated in the first round, 104 went through to the second round. Only the top 100 in the country are invited to participate in the third round. Rebecca Haines (Grade 8), Lauren Denny (Grade 10) and Lauren Sanby (Grade 12) made it into the third round. Hyun Joo Park (Grade 11) did well to come in the Top 100 in the Western Cape.
Pi song (sung to the tune of “Give a dog a bone”) Number pi, number pi It’s irrational and so am I With a 3.1415926 Pi Day is for lunatics Number pi, you’re so fun And 2πr better than one If you think that pi are round, beware! We all know that π r2 Number pi, sing out strong Fifty billion digits long And there’s still no evidence of any rule Transcendentalness is cool.
Palindrome I prefer pi
RGHS 2011
Harmony Gold Mathematics Olympiad
Rebecca Haines (Grade 8), Lauren Denny (Grade 10) and Lauren Sanby (Grade 12) made it into the third round of the Harmony Gold Mathematics Olympiad. Hyun Joo Park (Grade 11) did well to come in the Top 100 in the Western Cape.
Societies and Societies Services
International Exchanges “During time overseas, I was privileged to visit Istanbul, Turkey. Upon arrival, my host family helped me to become an integrated member of the community.
The experience was made all the more memorable by the unique culture and I find myself incorporating elements of it into my South African life. The need to navigate public transport demanded maturity, but the freedom I was given to explore, question and experience made the daunting aspects all the more rewarding. I constantly relive my visit and, as a result, I plan on going back next year to visit my host family and take pleasure in the summer life in Istanbul.” (Layinah Petersen) “The International Exchange programme provided the opportunity for me to visit Villa Marajoara, Sao Paulo. This visit was characterised by enchanting people and beautiful beaches. My time in Sao Paulo has definitely stirred up in me a love for the area. I hope to return to learn more about the hospitable nation and the interesting culture.” (Emma Coutts) “I had the unique opportunity to visit Sao Paulo, the largest city in Brazil, for approximately seven weeks. The experience of becoming part of a foreign community left a lasting impression on my personality and outlook. The highlight of my time in Sao Paulo would definitely be spending a week on an island off the coast of Rio de Janeiro and celebrating New Year with the locals. I will treasure my memories of a society that is a seamless combination of laid-back living and an infectious vitality.” (Miché Slaai) “No one speaks English in the small town of Kecskemét, Hungary so when I found myself there I had to become comfortable with basic Hungarian very quickly! My favourite part of the memorable experience was trip to Vienna with other exchange students. This introduction to people from all over the world led to friendships that continue to thrive. An added bonus of the exchange was the delicious and unique Hungarian cuisine. I hope to return to the area to continue my exploration.” (Petruné Beattie)
Visitors from Berlin This year Rustenburg played host to a number of visitors from overseas, two of which were Charlotte Franz (16) and Johanna Kligsohr (17) from Berlin in Germany. These girls spent six weeks in Cape Town as part of the Rotary Exchange programme. Charlotte particularly enjoyed the opportunity to view Cape Town from an airplane, while Johanna cited as a highlight the chance to touch and feed an African elephant. Both girls also went on safari in Mpumalanga where they spent a night in a traditional Zulu village. Once back in Cape Town, the girls enjoyed excursions to Robben Island and Table Mountain. Attending school in Germany, they felt, was very different to the classes they attended at Rustenburg.
RGHS 2011
Teacher-in-charge: Ms Michelle Meyer Head: Sydney Davis Beattie, Sheraya Erickson, Mosa Moloto
Deputy: Karen Schuster Committee: Emma Bergman, Jodi Naudé, Petruné
This year Rustenburg hosted the RCU camp in February, also attended by learners from Rondebosch Boys’ High School.
We were involved in Cape Town United and Schools United events, which included worship with other youth groups from all over Cape Town. Ignition also started a new movie evening initiative this year. We watched various films on an evening at the end of each term and shared the gospel. One enjoyable event was filling and handing out colourful Easter eggs to the girls at break before Easter. At the weekly meetings, the girls benefitted from the input of many guest speakers, who covered a range of relevant topics. Every term the Ignition committee prayerfully chooses a theme to follow. We are grateful to these girls, the speakers and worship leaders who have enriched the lives of the girls who attend the meetings.
Muslim Students’ Association Teacher-in-charge: Ms Zargielay Rabeh Head: Maleekha Terblanche Deputy: Amierah Paleker Committee: Saarah Davids, Laylaa Jacobs, Fatimah Zahrah Khan, Ayesha Semaar, Aaliya Badat
On 26 February the Muslim Students’ Association co-hosted a Fun Day with SACS, RBHS and Westerford.
Children from the Baitul-Ansaar orphanage were invited and treated to a day of fun and games. All the money raised from ticket sales was donated towards the upkeep of the orphanage. Later, committee members donated plates of delicious eats that were sold at school and thoroughly enjoyed by girls and teachers alike. The committee organised a talk by Wasfeeya Altalib, who spoke about faith and the history of Islam, and who proved to be very insightful and inspirational. At the beginning of Term 3 the girls listened to a speaker from an underprivileged school, as well as a Matric MSA committe member, Maleekah Terblanche, who spoke to the girls about the month of Ramadaan. Throughout the fast the girls of the MSA attended many iftaars, the breaking of the fast each day. They were invited to Herschel, RBHS, SACS, Westerford and Wynberg schools. The MSA also hosted its own iftaar which was enjoyed by all.
RGHS 2011
Muslim Students’ Association
Back row, from left: Maleekah Terblanche, Nurulain Mukudam, Ms Zargielay Rabeh, Fatimah Zarah Khan, Aneesah Wahab, Ayesha Semaar Front row, from left: Saarah Davids, Amierah Palekar, Ilhaam van der Schyff, Aaliya Badat Absent: Afeefa Emeran
Societies and Societies Services
‘Ignition’ (Christian Union)
Societies and Societies Services
Bon Appetit Teacher-in-charge: Ms Anita Marshall Head: Maxine Furlong Deputy: Stephanie Bartnicke
In Bon Appetit, learners offer their services to a worthy organisation for one year for free. By making this commitment, they are expected to attend twenty-five events that will take between 65 and 90 hours from their personal free time. They will work at times when most others enjoy themselves. Nobody knows how much time and effort goes into what the Bon Appetit girls do. They are expected to do every job well and their only compensation comes in the form of an occasional “Thank You.” There are not many sixteen and seventeen year olds that would accept this offer, besides the exceptional team of 18 learners who were entirely committed to Bon Appetit this year. Each of these girls was privileged to experience the powerful effect of what it can mean to a person to offer your services for free. They have grown into capable, skilled and talented young caterers. The reward they gained from this experience far outshone the tired backs and sore feet. They grew as people and developed into young leaders who can organise, oversee, set standards and do everything required in this job, from menial tasks such as cleaning up after an event, to dealing with the public in a professional manner. The committee of 2010 to 2011 will be remembered for their hard work and dedication to their tasks. They were the ‘can-do’ girls who never turned down a challenge with which they were confronted. They were also renowned for the fine quality of products they produced. A very big “Thank You” goes to every learner in the committee. Without their commitment and hard work, Bon Appetit would not be as accomplished.
Bon Appetit Master Members
Aneeqah Fredericks, Stephanie Bartnicke, Nehna Singh and Yusrah Adams received special Bon Appetit Master Member aprons this year. The aprons, awarded for exemplary commitment and service to the society, show off their membership of this new and exclusive group.
‘The Bug’ Teacher-in-charge: Ms Lindsay Kalis Pupil editors: Nicola de Villiers, Magenta Graziani This year the first edition of ‘The Bug,’ our student-run magazine, was released at the end of Term 2 after the mid-year exam stress. The magazine, which is produced by the girls with help from the English department, had “boys” as its theme. This edition was a success and readers enjoyed the interviews, theories and stories. To ensure that Rustenburg’s pupils would never grow out of their imaginations or stop believing in magic, our second edition had “fairytales” as its theme. We completed the year with a hoopla of a party to celebrate the greatness that is ‘The Bug’.
‘The Bug’
Back: Mieke Loubser Middle row, from left: Marche de Waal, Clarisse Beeby, Saeeda Bassardien, Haseena Solwa, Katherine Werge, Chloe Kruger, Terusha Navsaria Front row, from left: Nicola Cilliers, Magenta Graziana (Editor), Ms Lindsay Kalis (Teacher-in-charge), Nicola de Villiers (Editor), Jodi Walker
Rights for Rhinos Teacher-in-charge: Ms Michelle Meyer Two game rangers, Mr Paul Jennings and Mr Sbonisa Phakati, who had completed an epic 1700km walk from Musina to Cape Town along the N1 route to raise awareness and funds to combat rhino poaching, addressed learners and staff members of Rustenburg in July. The Rights for Rhinos campaign was initiated by Mr Paul Jennings, of the Umfolozi Game Reserve in KwaZulu Natal, who has many years of experience in rhino monitoring and anti-poaching. Those girls who went on the Umfolozi Trail this year offered a donation towards the Rights for Rhinos endeavour. The game rangers explained that black and white rhinos are being killed at a rate of one every twentyone hours. Their presentation in the Thomson Hall was filmed by a representative from the conservation television programme, “50/50.” The documentary feature about Rights for Rhinos, including the footage filmed at Rustenburg, appeared on SABC 2.
RGHS 2011
Teacher-in-charge: Mr Riaan Vosloo Head: Cara Mazetti-Claassen The team started the year off with a very productive first term. They continued their weekly crit-sessions with themes such as “music,” “portraits” and “night photography”. They photographed various event, including the Founders’ Day celebrations, the Mothers-and-Daughters Tea, the Inter-house Gala, Human Rights Day Assembly and many others. The committee also organised a talk by Josie Borain, the 1984 face of Calvin Klein and world-renowned photographer, which was enjoyed by the whole school. Term 2 started off with the committee taking pictures of the international delegates at the SAGSA conference, including Jo-Ann Strauss (Miss South Africa 2000). During Term 3, Rustenburg’s Photographic Society was selected to take part in a photography project sponsored by Nikon. The project aims to promote photography in schools and as a result, the school was lent over R60 000 worth of cameras and lenses. Part of the project was a competition whereby the girls could submit their own photographs and stood a chance of winning their very own Nikon camera.
Cultural Society Teacher-in-charge: Ms Zélia Quintal Simpson Head: Sapna Mesthrie Deputy: Gina Botha Committee: Michaela Peters, Haseena Solwa, Julia Kabat, Jennifer Yuan, Zukhanye Vetezo, Anna Sango, Hillary Coetzee, Rose Jiang The Cultural Society organises events which promote the diverse practices and traditions of the variety of girls at Rustenburg. One of these was the Cultural Show, held in March. This year it was entitled “Quixotic,” and focused on being “caught up in the romance of noble deeds and the pursuit of unreachable goals.” The event enabled other societies to showcase the cultural dress (including South African, Indian and Middle Eastern) of the different groups they represent. A new scene featured clothes designed by our Rustenburg learners. The show was a success and enjoyed by learners, teachers and parents alike. The proceeds were donated, in the form of hampers, to “Place of Hope”, a shelter for women situated in Athlone.
Art & Design Society Teacher-in-charge: Ms Zélia Quintal Simpson Head: Julia Kabat Deputy: Jordan Tame Committee: Samantha Marchant, Nomaswati Sopotela At the end of 2010, the Art and Design society created the Christmas tree for the annual Rustenburg Carol Service. The theme for this was buttons. The utmost dedication was required as over one thousand buttons were individually handthreaded onto the Christmas tree. In Term 2 of 2011 a flower competition was held. The flowers were intended for the speakers at the Art and Design Seminar. The winners were: Skye Scott (1st place), Julia Dark (2nd place) and Bianca Ford (3rd place). Each received Cavendish gift vouchers. Also in Term 2, the society was commissioned by interact to paint a mask for its tea function. This was inspired by the Mardi Gras theme. The mask was used as the backdrop for the photographs which were taken of mothers and their daughters.
RGHS 2011
Societies and Societies Services
Photographic Society
Societies and Societies Services
Peer Tutoring Teacher-in-charge: Ms Shannon Dowdall Head: Toinette Tobias Deputy: Darielle Kellerman Committee: Skye Scott, PetrunĂŠ Beattie, Rose Jiang Peer Tutoring is a service society which is aimed at helping girls in the school to achieve their academic potential. During the year, tutoring in all subjects offered at Rustenburg was provided at no cost. During Term 2, the committee hosted a General Knowledge competition to raise money to buy a projector for Vrygrond Primary. Each form class entered five class members who competed in elimination rounds leading up to the finals on the last day of the term. The Junior Section was won by B2 (the form class of Mr Gian Marneweck), while the Senior Prize went to D3 (the form class of Ms Lorraine Gardiner). The competition was a great success and the society, in conjunction with the Rustenburg Media Centre, was able to hand over a projector to Vrygrond. The girls who sacrificed their time and volunteered to tutor a younger student during the year showed true compassion and community spirit.
Umfolozi Teacher-in-charge: Ms Michelle Meyer The following learners enjoyed the Umfolozi Trail in KwaZulu-Natal: Candice Barnes, Amy Charnley, Hillary Coetzee, Nicola de Villiers, Kerry-Anne Grey, Rizqah Hendriks, Gugulethu Hlophe, Kelsey Holmes, Brittany-Amber Jacobs, Michele Madel, Natalie Pinto, Charlotte Roseveare, Simone van der Merwe, Katherine Werge
Audio-Visual Team Teacher-in-charge: Mr Graeme Broster Head: Catherine Eames Deputy: Cara Mazetti-Claassen Committee: Lynn Robertson, Alice Lee, Michelle Huggins, Azraah Hendricks, Laa’iqah Salie, Thenjiwe Mabuto The Audio-Visual Team (AVT) has had extremely busy year, with responsibilities ranging from helping out at the parent evenings and society functions, to making sure that weekly assemblies ran smoothly. During Term 2, the AVT assisted with both the SAGSA Conference and Jabulani evening by ensuring that all the sound and lighting needs were taken care of. The team also contributed to making the Jenkins Choir rehearsals a success by running the technical side of the combined rehearsals held at Rustenburg. Other events, including movie evenings, fashion shows and music concerts were also made possible because of the technical support of the AVT.
RGHS 2011
Award Leader: Ms Brigid Ryan The President’s Award for Youth Empowerment was introduced at Rustenburg in 2009 and has attracted new participants every year. The programme, which was started in the United Kingdom as the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, aims to motivate young people to become involved in balanced programme of voluntary selfdevelopment activities. Several Rustenburg girls have completed the Bronze level and are working towards earning the Silver. Melissa Wood (Grade 11) has excelled and has already set her sights on the final Gold. To complete the Gold level successfully, participants over the age of 16 are required to complete at least twelve months of involvement, including a Residential Project. The four areas of development are Service, Skills, Physical Recreation and an Adventurous Journey. Girls have acquired a variety of skills such as knitting, cooking, playing musical instruments and learning to umpire hockey. Service activities have included visits to old age homes, orphanages, Habitat for Humanity builds, Two Oceans Marathon water tables and painting a children’s home. The wide range of sport on offer at Rustenburg makes it easy for the girls to complete the Physical Recreation requirement. For their Adventurous Journey, girls have been on many exiting trips with their families or Youth Groups. At Bronze level, the Adventurous Journey entails being away for two days and one night, and involves hiking, cycling, horseback riding, canoeing or sailing. Melissa Wood and Monique Hollis (Grade 9) spent a day at St. George’s Grammar School where they participated in the Youth Dialogue. The purpose of this was for young people affiliated with the President’s Award from schools, correctional centres, community youth groups and residential youth facilities in the Western Cape to engage with each other and leading decision-makers. This event honoured the United Nation’s International Year of Youth Dialogue and Mutual Understanding. What is unique about the President’s Award as an endeavour is that it is about selfdevelopment so participants choose whatever spheres of development interest them the most and develop at their own pace. It is hoped that an ever-increasing number of Rustenburg ladies will make use of this opportunity.
Blood Donor Clinic Teacher-in-charge: Ms Perdita Norval Head: Kimberley Dale Deputy: Samantha Marchant Committee: Haseena Solwa, Charissa Carter, Lushentha Hermanus Four highly successful clinics were held this year, with June’s taking in the highest number of units to date. Thanks goes to the committee, headed by Kim Dale and Samantha Marchant, for all their hard work. Lushentha Hermanus, Charissa Carter and Aneesa Solwa helped greatly as part of the team. The new age for donors of 16 years also helped increase the number of donors. The new committee for 2011/2012 is Leila Amien , Brittany-Amber Jacobs, Onele Ngwendu, Kate Gaskin and Aisha Najaar. They will continue to do a fine job for this vital service.
RGHS 2011
Melissa Wood (Grade 11) was the first learner at Rustenburg High School for Girls to achieve her Silver Level President’s Award. Olivia Benetton also earned a Silver Level Award.
Societies and Societies Services
The President’s Award for Youth Empowerment
Societies and Societies Services
Music Society Teacher-in-charge: Ms Maileen Jamey Head: Carolyn Ryder
Music Society
Second row, from left: Megan Hand, Lauren Davis, Cheryl Muchapondwa, ChloĂŠ-Joy Arendse Front row, from left: Yohan Chun, Carolyn Ryder (Head), Ms Maileen Jamey, Ingrid Pienaar (Deputy), Lynne Donson
One of the main goals of the Music Society is to attract as many learners as possible to its meetings, which includes guest speakers, performances and various other fun activities. We aim to spread our passion for music, and expose and inspire learners to a wide a range of opportunities and careers available in music. Our year began with the annual Grade 8 Music Quiz, used to introduce our new members to the society and to help them interact with the Grades 9-12 Music learners, who also participated. Other events organised by the committee included the young and talented South African recorder player, Susan McAlpine, who was on her way to further her studies in Amsterdam, our very own Amy Walton (otherwise known as Headless Lucy) who showcased her vocal and song writing skills in a lunchtime performance, a lecture-demonstration by Jeremy Busby of Paul Bothner on the most recent version of Cubase, a retired engineer from Gauteng, Sid Jones, who is now learning the fine art of making and repairing wooden recorders, the Grade 8 subject Music pupils who presented their class projects and the Beau Soleil percussion duo, David West and Frank Mallows. The Music Society Committee also participated, to great acclaim, in the Cultural Show, modelling clothing from the various musical eras. Besides these activities, the committee is actively involved in the smooth-running of the Music Department’s concerts and other evening events. Our Fundraising Committee of music parents has expressed much praise and admiration for their highly efficient, helpful and organised qualities.
12 Club Teacher-in-charge: Mr Chris Murison
The Matric ladies of the reclusive 12 Club, along with their teacher-in-charge Mr Murison, have enjoyed many intellectual and stimulating discussions during the course of the year. The diverse spectrum of opinions held by members within the group produced some exceptionally profound, controversial and mentally challenging topics, and even better retorts! Topics ranged from serious situations, such as life as a teenage Mormon and the issues around abortion, to more light-hearted topics about witches, composers, dreams and even discussions about Freud, and the history of the mental asylum.
12 Club
Second row, from left: Samantha Newdigate, Helen Dunnell, Amy Walton, Sydney Davis, Ingrid Pienaar, Cara Mazetti Claassen Front row, from left: Camagu Mayosi, Hannah MacMillan, Ameerah Allie, Mr Chris Murison, Gabi Slingers, Christi Vosloo, Karen Schusterv
RGHS 2011
Ms Perdita Norval matriculated from Rustenburg in 1979 and now teaches Life Orientation at the school.
Ms Meagan Rees matriculated from Rustenburg in 1999 and now teaches English and History at the school.
RGHS 2011
Rustenburg Old Girls’ Union
Old Girls’ Old Girls’ Societies Union
117th Founders’ Day Celebrations ROGU President: Ms Averil Keller ROGU Vice-President: Ms Ruth Romburgh (Canning) Hon Treasurer: Ms Karin Evans (Memmel) Members: Ms Daphne Burger (Colburn), Ms Kathryn de Villiers, Ms Jane Hofmeyr (Albertyn), Ms June Watson (Tribelhorn) Ex Officio: Ms Laura Bekker (Principal of Rustenburg High), Ms Di Berry (Principal of Rustenburg Junior)
All in the family
Ms Gillian Blackshaw (third from left), a Geography teacher at Rustenburg, attended Founders’ Day with members of her extended family. From left: Ms Wendy Hurworth (Young) is Ms Gillian Blackshaw’s first cousin once removed. Next to her is Ms Jessie Blackshaw (Anderson), Ms Gillian Blackshaw’s mother, who is a Music teacher and Ms Hurworth’s cousin. On the far right stands Ms Mary Webster (Anderson), another Music teacher, sister of Ms Jessie Blackshaw and aunt of Ms Gillian Blackshaw. Ms Jessie Blackshaw taught Music at Rustenburg from 1966 to 1968 and remembers especially the annual Carol Services, which in those days still took place in the Kemp Hall quad. She recalls, “This is something which I really miss, singing under the stars, although sometimes it was unnerving accompanying the girls with rain falling on the piano keys.”
Rustenburg Matriarchs
In attendance at Founders’ Day were some of the respected former leaders of the school: Ms Josephine McIntyre (principal: 1980 – 1991), Ms Mary van Blerk (principal: 1991 – 1999), Dr Elizabeth Fullard (principal: 1999 – 2006) and Ms Marian Lennox (deputy principal: 1983 – 2005). All were in agreement that the school has changed immensely, yet appropriately, as it still “upholds the ethos and qualities of courtesy, confidence and excellence.”
President of Rustenburg Old Girls’ Union Ms Pam van Dyk, Erinville superintendent, remembers, “When I first met Averil Keller she was in pigtails in Grade 4 at Rustenburg Junior in 1966. We sat together in the same lunch group all the way to Matric in 1974. Not only is she a wellspoken, superbly organised and meticulous President of ROGU, but she has always been someone who has served her community. Averil’s commitment to Girl Guides, her church and to young children with barriers to learning, embodies those values we learned together at school all those years ago.”
Old Girl, Anne Fisher
Old Girl, Mae (Billie) Foster
Anne Fisher matriculated from Rustenburg in 1936 when she was seventeen years old. She went on to complete a Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in English, History and Psychology. Ms Fisher was a pupil of the school when Ms Caroline Kemp was its principal and remembers spending her first year at high school still on the junior school campus as the high school had only just opened.
Mae (affectionately known as ‘Billie’) Foster matriculated from Rustenburg in 1935 and has returned to attend the Founders’ Day celebrations every year since inception. She said that the buildings look very different and that the girls look “very young.” Ms Foster remembers being entertained by a colony of birds on the school grounds during lunch time, and that the principal at the time always seemed to be carrying an umbrella.
RGHS 2011
Founders’ Day Guest Speaker, Professor Cathi Albertyn The guest speaker for Founders’ Day was Professor Cathi Albertyn, from the Matric class of 1976, who has gone on to become an influential attorney, Professor of Law and Human Rights activist. Professor Albertyn completed her doctorate at Cambridge University in the UK, before returning to South Africa to secure women’s rights in the drafting of South Africa’s current constitution. She has since headed up the Gender Research Programme at Wits and worked on the executive boards of various nongovernmental organisations aimed at improving the lives of South African women.
Old Girls’ Girls’ Societies Union
Old Girls’ News
Rustenburg Old Girl, Caryl Becker
Rustenburg Old Girl, Sally Hutton
Rustenburg Old Girl, Nadia Nair
A school research project initially piqued Caryl Becker’s interest in the Olympic Games. After matriculating, she studied at Stellenbosch University and moved to the UK to accept a position at the Yorkshire County Cricket Club in Leeds. Caryl subsequently earned her Masters degree and is currently the Chief Physiotherapist of the British Olympic Association.
Sally Hutton was placed ninth in the Western Cape in her Matric exams in 1987. She completed her BA (cum laude) in 1990 and her LLB (magna cum laude) in 1992 at the University of Cape Town. During her studies, she received numerous scholarships and awards, including the Twamley Undergraduate Scholarship for the most outstanding academic performance, at the end of her university first year. She is now a partner in Webber Wentzel’s Private Equity Practice Group.
Nadia Nair matriculated in 2008 and is currently studying Medicine at Stellenbosch University. She was Rustenburg’s first ever recipient of both the Marian Lennox (2005) and Sally Michell (2007) Cups for all-round excellence. Nadia achieved 99% for Mathematics in her final Matric examinations. She is considering surgery as her field of speciality.
“My decision to become a physiotherapist stems from a Vocational Guidance lesson at Rustenburg. The teacher, Ms Knell, was asking the girls what they wanted to do when they left school. I panicked when it came to my turn. The girl ahead of me (Kim Stobbard) had said ‘Physiotherapist’ and all I could think of was to say the same, with as much confidence as I could muster. It was only much later that my mother explained to me what a physiotherapist was, and now I am a physiotherapist by profession. Every Olympic Games holds highlights for me. Last year I attended the Winter Games in Vancouver and, as someone who grew up in sunny South Africa, I was impressed by the majestic mountains covered by snow. Recently I have returned from Trabzon, Turkey, which hosted the European Youth Olympic Festival. This is an event for young athletes to experience what the Olympic Games is all about. I loved attending Rustenburg and have fond memories of when I was there. My advice to current Rustenburg girls is to appreciate learning. Even when they’re not aware they are formally ‘studying,’ at Rustenburg you learn how to communicate respectfully with your friends and your teachers. This helps to make you the kind of person that will help you to achieve your dreams.”
“At Rustenburg we were taught to strive for excellence, to be intellectually rigorous, independent and disciplined. All of these qualities have been greatly helpful in my career. I also remember having much fun. It’s important to maintain a sense of humour and to keep a healthy balance between work and play. After matriculating, I completed a BA (LLB) at UCT. I then won the Patrick and Margaret Flanagan Scholarship which allowed me to study at oxford where I read for a Master of Studies in Legal Research. I later also completed a LLM (Taxation) at wits. Local television programmes invariably focus on litigation (or courtwork). I specialise in mergers and acquisitions, mostly for private equity funds. I am responsible for all of the legal aspects relating to a deal and usually this entails managing a large team of lawyers from all disciplines. The deadlines are usually very tight and it’s important to work as a team in an organised and efficient manner. I strongly believe that we all have a duty to use our abilities and our education in a productive way throughout our lives, whatever that may be. An excellent education, such as the one Rustenburg provides, is a real privilege.”
RGHS 2011
“When considering a high school for me to attend, my parents immediately chose Rustenburg, because of its reputation as an excellent place of learning. Rustenburg was the only school that considered my application as my family lived outside of the historically ‘white areas.’ My application was accepted regardless of the neighbourhood in which I lived. At Rustenburg, my academic strengths were always Mathematics, Physical Science and Life sciences. I enjoyed how, in these subjects, a formulae could be applied with consistently effective results. One of the reasons I absolutely loved Mathematics was because of my teacher, Mr Murison. He taught in an unconventional, ‘fun’ way which made Mathematics a pleasure to study. I even procrastinated completing homework for other subjects just so that I could complete extra Mathematics exercises! I also enjoyed Dramatic Arts lessons during which we let go of inhibitions and portrayed the emotions of other characters, breaking the barriers of age, culture and gender. I learned valuable life skills at Rustenburg: a good work ethic, strong organisational skills, leadership and the ability to work within a group. All these have proved essential in my studies of Medicine.”
Old Girls’ Old Girls’ Societies Union
Old Girls’ News
Rustenburg Old Girl, Diane Lavis
Rustenburg Old Girl, Guinevere Kauffmann
Former Headgirl of Rustenburg, Diane Lavis studied Medicine at the University of Cape Town from 1990 to 1995. She also studied Psychiatry, both in Cape Town and England. Diane currently works in local HIV clinics where she is inspired by the courage, determination and honesty of the many HIV patients she counsels and treats. In 2008 Diane adopted a baby through Child Welfare.
Guinevere Kauffmann completed an undergraduate degree at UCT in 1990. She finished her PhD at the University of Cambridge (UK) in 1993. After being employed at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics and the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, she was appointed head of a research team at the institute in 2003. In 2007 Guinevere was awarded the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize from the German Science Foundation. This is the highest endowed German award for supporting research.
“I started at Rustenburg in Standard 8 (now Grade 10) when my parents moved from Johannesburg. They chose Rustenburg because they believed it was the best all girls’ school in Cape Town. I have many memories of my time at the school: not being allowed to roll down our socks, feeling proud of being captain of the 4th hockey team and planting trees on Arbor Day. Probably my most special memory is that of making a friend in the first two days of school. We’ve remained closest friends ever since. Currently I enjoy immeasurable work satisfaction as I work in HIV clinics in Cape Town. I see people change, during the course of a few months, from being severely ill, to being a normal body weight, healthy, able to work and taking care of their children. On a typical day I see between 10 and 25 patients, almost all HIV positive. I work with an amazing and dedicated team of doctors, counsellors, nurses, pharmacists and community health workers. My adopted son, Josh, is about to turn three. He has been a treat and a blessing, someone who challenges and delights me daily. My advice to young Rustybugs is to choose whatever your heart tells you.”
“I don’t think I was ever a Mathematics ‘prodigy’ in the sense of being born with a burning passion for numbers and patterns above all else, but I do think that everyone loves the subjects in which they achieve. My father is also a physicist and pushed me to excel in Mathematics at school. Having said this, for me answers to problems seem to come naturally. It’s possible to feel intuitively if a subject ‘fits.’ At Rustenburg I started reading ahead in my Mathematics textbooks on my own. I enjoyed staying ahead of the class and teaching myself new things. Being awarded the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize from the German Science Foundation gave me the freedom to start in a new direction of research and was a great boon to my career. Nowadays, much of my time at the Max Planck Institute is spent discussing with students and postdocs who work with me. As I have advanced, I’ve found myself spending less time doing calculations and programs, and more time supervising and helping others. It is a natural transition in science: as you get older, you spend more time concerned with the next generation and the future, instead of your own problems. I remember Rustenburg as a no-nonsense school. It was strict, but it produced girls with courage and backbone.”
RGHS 2011
Rustenburg Matric Class of 1951 On 7 September Rustenburg hosted a very special event: the 60th reunion of the Matric Class of 1951. The 22 women who attended were treated to a three course meal prepared by Bon Appetit. They all agreed that it was delicious. Many enjoyed second helpings of the girls’ homemade cheese cake! During lunch, the women had the opportunity to discuss fond memories of Rustenburg and swap pictures from years gone by. Stories were exchanged and laughter shared, as they reminisced about midnight feasts in Erinville Hostel, past teachers (and their nicknames) and even the mouse which once snuck into a classroom. The Old Girls agreed that while the school may have changed structurally, the Rustenburg girls were still as polite, friendly and fearless as they were in 1951. The sentimental occasion was organised by Ms Mary Anne Droomer, 1951 Headgirl, and Ms Jen Moaut, 1951 Headgirl of Erinville boarding house.
Old Girls’ Girls’ Societies Union
RGHS 2011
RGHS 2011
Sponsorship and Donations The school would like to thank the following families for their kind support: the Carvounes family, the Cilliers family, the Duckitt family, the Fester family, the Khan family
RGHS 2011
“Palmam Qui Meruit Ferat” (She who is worthy bears the palm)
RGHS 2011