3 minute read
by RGS
Where do I go on my first day?
Your first day at school will be Wednesday 6th September 2023. You should come to Reception, at the entrance to the main school building, where you will be met by your Form Tutor and buddy.

If your parents bring you by car, on the first day they can use the main entrance and park in the car park. After the first day, please ask to be dropped off nearby (taking account of parking restrictions) and walk the rest of the way.
It may help to practise your journey and drop off/pick up during the summer. There are a number of entrances to the school site and on a normal day your parents cannot bring their cars into the school grounds.
Students are asked not to use the main school entrance, instead using other entry points around the school site. Your first day will include a form time to get to know your form tutor and form group, and your first lessons!

What should I bring to school on the first day?
You will need an easily recognisable bag (coloured, customised with a keyring, or with stripes etc.). We recommend a back pack containing:
• your pencil case containing writing pens in green, red and purple, a pencil, a rubber, a ruler, some colouring pencils, a glue stick and a small pair of scissors;
• a padlock for your locker with two keys or a combination code. Please make sure the loop is 40 to 60mm long so it will be sure to fit. One key is for you and the other is for your Form Tutor;
• on other days you may need your PE kit;
• You will need to bring your packed lunch or pay for your lunch. RGS operates on a biometric system which means you only need your fingerprint. Every pupil has a lunch account which will be topped up by your parents.
Who will I meet on my first day?
You will meet many people, but the most important people you will meet are your Form Tutor, Head of Second Year, Miss Carraro and Head of Lower School, Mrs Leck. You will meet your buddy on the first day.
Where do I go?
When you are not in lessons or assembly, your form room is your home and main base. Near your form room you will have a locker in which to store your books. At break times you can play in the playground or on Broadfield Lawn, use the library to complete some work or go to one of the many clubs and activities taking place.
What should I wear on the first day?
Your full school uniform
– be proud of it! Make sure everything you bring to school has your name on it. You are responsible for your belongings - your bag, your games kit, your pencil case, your watch and your books. Of course, you should respect other people’s belongings too.
What is the School Calendar?
This small book is full of information about our daily life at school and it tells you when special things are going to happen, such as sports fixtures, plays, concerts and trips. Read it carefully and don’t lose it!
What is a Buddy?
You will be assigned a buddy who is a student in your form group who will help you to learn all about the school. They are there to help so do ask them any questions you have.
What are Houses?
Everyone at RGS is in one of four Houses: Bird, Cranston, Hodgson or Williamson. Each House meets each week for an assembly. Throughout the year there are inter-House competitions and challenges, including the House Sports Day in the summer term.
Each week you will attend assemblies; these will be a mix of Church assembly in St Mary’s Church, House assemblies and an assembly with your year group. On those days when you do not have assembly you will spend time with your Form Tutor.
Where do I meet my parents after school?
School finishes at the normal time of 3.50pm. If your parents are going to meet you, please arrange with them to pick you up nearby (taking account of local parking restrictions).
Where shall I eat my lunch?
The Second Year go to lunch at 1.00pm, slightly earlier than the rest of the school. Whoever is teaching you will make sure you get there in plenty of time. For the rest of the school, their lunchtime begins at 1.10pm. Please note, eating is not permitted in classrooms or corridors. Lunch is served in the dining hall (PMH).
What is the Homework Planner?
All homework is also set on Microsoft Teams, so this is a great place to check what you have been ask to complete.