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OGs Back to School
from DialOGue 2019
Thank you to all those OGs and parents who come into the RGS to share their skills and experience and take part in a range of activities from lectures and debates to careers seminars, society talks and field days. Here is a selection.
Jack Matthias OG 2007 visited the RGS music department. Now a successful composer Jack took time to discuss composition, particularly the inclusion of electronic elements within his work.

Our Law seminar saw several familiar faces return to the School to share their knowledge and experience. (L-R Peter Dunscombe, Tom Lingard OG 1995, James Wareing OG 2014, Nick Bond OG 2004, Michael Mullin OG 2003.)

The Right Honourable Lord Justice Sales OG 1979 gave a talk to sixth formers from RGS and other local schools on starting out in the legal profession and an insight into some of his most interesting cases.

Nick Edwards OG 1969 returned to meet the Headmaster and senior prefects and share memories of his time at RGS. A keen sportsman Nick enjoyed lunch with the sports staff. (Pictured centre with RGS senior pupils.)

Paul Kerensa OG 1997 is always a welcome guest. This year he has given a talk on ‘Can we Trust the Bible?’ to the Christian Union, given a lower school assembly on the Ghost of Christmas Past and once again hosted the popular stand-up comedy night for the school’s charities.

Michael Kielstra OG 2018 delivered a well-received talk entitled Applying to Harvard: an Old Guildfordian’s experience and perspective.

Jack Emberton OG 2016 gave a talk to the Sceptics’ Society about his personal experience working in corporate jobs. Jack founded the Society when a pupil at RGS.

OGs Max Beech and Tom Phipps 2015 presented at Young Enterprise Finals about how their experience of YE in 2014 has impacted on their lives and careers to date.

Guy Westwood OG 2004 Lecturer in Classical Literature at Oxford and Lecturer in Classics at St Hugh’s College, presented at the RGS Scholarship Conference. Pictured centre with RGS boys.

Alex McCallion OG 2012 spoke at the innovation-themed TEDx Guildford this spring. Alex spoke about innovations in giving, in particular, Greater Change, a social enterprise he founded which helps people who are homeless to move on through financial and non-financial support.

Derek Thornton OG returned to take a look around the school.

James van Oppen OG 2008 and Ciaran O’Toole OG 2018 spoke about their experiences of working in medicine at the Careers in Medicine Seminar.

OGs Tony White 1996, Rob Waterhouse 2004, Alex Osborne 2016 and Oliver Woolcott 2014 held a very insightful Q&A at the Careers in Finance Seminar.

Dewi Eburne OG 2014 spoke at the Christian Union last December on ‘The Miracle of Christmas’.

David Reep OG 1998 with Roger Meadowcroft for a reminisce from Australia .

Keith and Derek Hayes OGs 1953 and 1945 sat in the Usher’s Chairs in Big School.

Alex Scott Fairley OG 1996 was treated to the house drama rehearsals on his return visit to perform with the Guildford Shakespeare Company.