RGU:Union AGM Info Booklet - 2019

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monday 18th feb 2019

mon 18th february 2019 @ 4:30pm

what is an annual general meeting? It’s really just a big meeting of students, with a fancy title. The Annual General Meeting (or AGM) usually happens once a year, and is where your Student Presidents and Vice Presidents update you on what they have been working on since they were elected, tell you about their plans for the rest of the year, and go through details relating to how the Union is running. The reason we are a ‘students’ union, is because every student at RGU is automatically a member, which means you get to have a say on how your union is run! The AGM is a chance for RGU students to present their own ideas to us, to let us know about thoughts or frustrations that you may have about university life, vote on what you like, ask questions to the officers, and make all the big decisions on what your Union does.

what happens at an agm? First of all, we count how many students are there, because we need at least sixty for the votes to count. At the start, there will be a welcome from your Student Presidents, who will explain everything that is going to happen. After that, there will be a vote on a number of items, including approving the minutes of the last AGM, the annual accounts, and more. There will also be a debate on motions (these are explained later in this booklet), a chance to ask questions to your elected officers, as well as exclusive announcements on the up and coming plans for RGU:Union. You can find the full agenda for the meeting in this booklet.

amphitheatre, sir ian wood building

how do i vote? At the AGM, everyone will be given a voting card. The Chair will indicate during the meeting when you are required to vote for, against or to abstain for a particular issue/ motion. All you have to do is hold up your voting card whenever you are asked to vote. These will then be counted and a decision shall be made.

am i a voting member?

All currently enrolled students at RGU are automatically members of RGU:Union, unless you have asked not to be. As ordinary members, you are entitled to a vote at the AGM, bu t you will need to prove that you are a current student, so remember to bring your student card!

why should i go to the agm? The AGM is the most important event of the year, as it gives students the direct power to run their students’ union. Your elected officers work on your behalf throughout the year, but the AGM is where you can take control, have your voice heard and find out exclusive information on the plans of the Union. If you are involved with the union as a representative, society or sports club member, or anything else, then it’s super important that you go along to make sure you are happy with all the decisions being made. If there is something you’re not happy about or want to know more about, then you can ask your elected officers at the AGM. If none of that interests you, then there will also be free pizza!

mon 18th february 2019 @ 4:30pm

what is a motion?

A motion, very basically, is an idea. It is a line of text that asks for the union to do something to make a difference for students. If you think there is something the Union should be doing, and isn’t, then you have the power to submit a motion for a change you want to see. If it affects students, and if it is something we are able to do, then it can be proposed!

how do i submit a motion? Motions can be submitted through the RGU:Union website (www.rguunion.co.uk/agm). The motions should be submitted with the names of two people, someone to propose it, and someone to support it.

is there a deadline?

All motions must be submitted by Monday 11th Feb 2019 at Midday.

how do i write a motion? Your motion should be no more than one thousand words, and should have the following headings:

Title What is the motion about? This can sometimes be a pub or a catchphrase, but is more often than not a factual description.

what is the problem? Also known as ‘AGM Notes or Believes’, this is the place to explain the background of what you are asking. Try and clearly explain what the general issue, or topic is here.

why is it a problem? Also known as ‘AGM Further Notes or Further Believes’, this is where you go into a bit more detail as to why this affects RGU students, and why do you believe it is a problem or should be changed

what is the solution? Also known as ‘AGM resolves’, this is there you say what you would like RGU:Union to do. This could be to support, or lobby for something , or to ask for a specific change.

amphitheatre, sir ian wood building

example motion Title Take Action on Rent agm notes

The average rent price in Aberdeen is over ÂŁ1,000, well above the Scottish average. Rent in the North East is rising faster than anywhere else in Scotland.

agm further notes

RGU:Union should be taking action on rent to ensure that students’ are able to find safe, fair and affordable accommodation.

agm resolves

RGU should affiliate to the Living Rent Campaign to campaign for rent controls in Scotland. RGU:Union Executive should be mandated o work with the third sector to represent student tenants.

you can find a step by step guide to writing a motion on the union website

what happens once my motion has been accepted? After you submit your motion online, it shall be published on the website one week before the meeting. At the AGM, there shall be a motions discussion. When your motion is called, you will have the opportunity to speak for two minutes on why students should support your motion. Students would then be invited to argue against your motion, and there may be a small debate. It is also possible that students may want to change small parts of your motion in the form of amendments (see next page), which will get a separate debate and vote. After all the amendments have been voted on, and there have been arguments for and against the motion, the proposer will have the chance to sum up the motion, before it is put to a vote. If it passes, then the motion is endorsed by the AGM and becomes RGU:Union policy.

mon 18th february 2019 @ 4:30pm

what is an amendment?

Amendments are suggested changes to a motion. Once motions are published online, you have the chance to read over them and see if you agree or not. If there is a part of the motion that you would like to change, you can submit an amendment.

how do i submit an amendment? We ask that you submit your amendment through the website (www.rguunion.co.uk/agm) before the AGM. However, during the motion discussion at the AGM, the chair will ask if anyone would like to submit any last minute amendments during the meeting. You should write down your amendment on a piece of paper, and then take that to the Chair’s desk at the meeting. There will be a very short time to write and submit the amendment before it is discuss, therefore, it is better to submit the amendment before.

how do i write an amendment? Simply outline which motion you are discussing, highlight the specific change you would like to make, and the rational for the change. Changes could be to add, remove, change, or reword a point in the motion.

example amendment

motion Take Action on Rent amendment

Under ‘AGM Resolves’, Add “RGU:Union should look to further support students in finding safe, fair and affordable accommodation” as searching for accommodation is a key problem for students and many students don’t understand and get into difficulty in the private rented sector.

amphitheatre, sir ian wood building

what happens after i submit an amendment?

motions process Have any amendments been submitted beforehand?



Are there any amendments now?



The process is the same for amendments as it is for motions, where the proposer is invited to speak for one minute in favour of the amendment. Students may then speak for or against the amendment, before a summation and a vote on the amendment.

AMENDMENT Opening Proposer (1min) Argument against (1min) Argument for, against, for, against Closing Proposer (1min) Vote (50%+1 to pass)


Are there any other amendments?


motion Opening Proposer (1min) Argument against (1min) Argument for, against, for, against Closing Proposer (1min) Vote (50%+1 to pass)

if you have any questions about writing motions, or about the agm, contact

michael ife

president communication & democracy prescd@rguunion.co.uk

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