Exec board minutes 29 08 2014

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Minutes of Executive Board meeting 29th August, 2014 12 noon, Board Room, Kaim Cottage

1. Attendance: Members: Paul Greene (PG); Niamh Healy (NH); Edward Pollock (EP); Ally Lemon (AL); Lorna Stewart (LS); Steve Mills (SM). Staff: Michele Collie (MC); Stephen Fiddes (SF). Apologies: Deena Tissera; Vinny O’Donovan; Ally Lemon. Meeting is quorate. Action 2

Welcome & Introduction

. 3

Election of Chair (Exec. Board) and Vice-Chair


(Trustee Board) PG outlined that one of the sabs is now elected as chair, as they also hold the position of vice-chair of the Trustee Board. Votes for PG – 4 Votes for LS – 1

PG to put out Doodle polls to arrange the next 3 meetings

Votes for VOD – 0 The chair sets the agenda and sends emails to arrange meetings 4 .

Health and Safety MC renegotiated the H&S service agreement the Union has with the University (which includes reviewing policies, providing advice and support).It did cost £2000, but a £1000 saving has been made. SM – automatic doors on University Street are still an issue. The temperature in the Union office is a worry for the winter. More lighting is also needed for University Street. University Street needs to be improved in general. MC – sofas are coming up from the Union. SubTV is going to be installed on screens. PG – there will be a watercooler put in place. PG – screens, speakers and amps from the Union will be put in the Media Hub in RSE. The Law Clinic has asked to use the Media Hub once or twice a week. They will get a PC in there, which others can use. We’re getting 5 keys, 1 for each Sabb, 1 for each of the media groups (Radio, Radar, TV), 1 for MC. EP – would like a key to be kept somewhere for access to the Media Hub after working hours.

MC to chase up Estates regarding this.

PG to look into this.





regarding disabled access to Kaim Cottage. 5 .

Accounts & Finance MC - August accounts aren’t available as the yearend data is still being processed. In addition to what is in the budget, the NUS Extra Card will provide a source of income, as the Union gets £4 for each card sold. Media,



Teaching Reps






Programme are all new budgets. SM – Campaign and Initiatives budget should be highlighted at every exec. meeting. We should plan how we’re going to spend it in the month ahead. We will have £20,000 extra from the Freshers’ Week partnership and wristbands. PG – Go Green, RGU:Sport and the shop are separate from the accounts. 6







PG outlined 2 changes to the Constitutional Regulations that need to be approved by the exec (changes can be made by the exec. and approved by the Trustee Board). First change: 2.0 Trustee Regulations

Trustee Board has not been quorate so far, as we only have 1 elected student attend. Currently, for the meeting to be quorate, there needs to be 1 elected student, 1 appointed student, 1 university trustee, 1 sabbatical, 1 external trustee and 50% +1 of the current members. PG proposes changing this to just 1 “Student” rather than 1 elected and 1 appointed – 6 in favour, change approved. Second change: 5.0 of Election Regulations Elected officers can only be in position for 2 years. This is what the Education Act states. However, one can run for different roles. PG proposes “3.2 ordinary members may stand for a maximum of 2 years in any 1 position.” 6 in favour – approved. SM proposes changing the name and all references to the VP of Wellbeing and Equality to VP Wellbeing and Equal Opportunities. 6 in favour – approved. PG – these changes won’t take place until they are ratified by the Trustee Board. EP – can student trustees be in an elected position as well? PG – no, the Trustee Board needs to hold the exec to account. SM – VPs should start a month earlier, closer to elections. Will make proposal at next exec. board.

MC – incoming VPs could be invited to budget meetings.

PG to check where it sits in election regulations. 7 .

Freshers’ Week 2014 SM – location of Icebreaker not confirmed.





timetabling. NH would prefer RAG BBQ to be at Linksfield.

NH to check with Terry Knight about doing it at Linksfield. NH to send list of people

NH confirms there is not enough people with Food Hygiene training for the BBQ.

Changes: Wed 17th - Toga Party changed to Wed 24th Sun 21st - brand as Sport Sunday (with free hoody giveaway)

who are taking part to MC, so they can be put through the training.

Thu 18th – Pub crawl Mon 22nd – Beach visit Wed 24th – Freshers’ Team auction added Thu 25th – animal-themed party Welcome to the Jungle presents Neon Jungle The Treasure Hunt is scrapped

PG – exec. should come to Freshers’ Week training, if possible. And be allocated to different Freshers’ Teams.

The price of the Freshers’ Week bands was agreed at £25

15th – 17th: wristband pick-up from Union office. After that, pick-up from Campus. 8 .

AOB NH proposes sending 4 people instead of 2 to the RAG conference next time. LS proposes not travelling by bus to England for conferences etc from now on – agreed. NH proposes RGU and Aberdeen University hosting a joint RAG conference.

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