Monthly report october paul greene

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MONTHLY REPORT NAME: Paul Greene ELECTED POST: President (Communications & Democracy) DATE: 16/10/2014 Update and achievements from previous month Community • Kicked off ‘Wired’ for the new term and wrote for Radar and social media updates to get students engaged with Union activities. • Created a working group as part of the Student partnership Agreement with Eddie and Christine on building atmospheres on campus. • Organised student media info meetings – Radio, Mag & TV. • Meetings with AUSA on student coop conference, local housing issues and looking at other possible joint campaigns Engagement • Freshers week bus tours, ice breakers, freshers fayer and ‘Give it a go’ stands and other ways of meeting new students. • Attended a range of inductions to introduce students to the Union. Representation • Was involved in the appointment of ABS faculty officers, met others and attended some meetings with them. • Offered student representation on a range of university committees including Board of Govs, QAEC and Validation Panels for new courses. • Had a range of ad hoc meetings on behalf of students with Christine and other members of SPARG. Support • Liaised with a range of students with Stephen Fiddes who required advice on academic and non-academic issues. • Attended mental wellbeing society meetings and conducted their elections. • Provided other ad hoc support for societies as they start the new term – mostly in terms of promotion, new-start up guidance and issues with the University. Development • Contributed to setting up board of trustees and to the formal handover from SAMAG to the Trustee Board. • Attended meetings with Vinny and Michelle with regards to day-today running of Union issues. Mainly based around facilities, interns and the development of the Union’s strategic planning research

phase. Outline and plan, with timeline, for current month Organise media placement opportunities with Gray’s – Last Week Oct. Send students to coop conference and to National Demo for Free Education in London – November 19th Student representation on various University committees – Range throughout November. Organise student forums for this semester – by 24th Oct. Organise the AGM – Early November Plan 1st Semester Aberdeen Students Forum – Early November Support the up-coming student elections, and encourage people to run – 23rd Oct – 6th Nov Ad-hoc Comms including social Media, Wired, and student media support – On-going Personal objectives/Manifesto update Team objectives/progress update • • •

Future of City Centre presence/future Union building Transport issues Promoting student elections & encouraging folk to run

Campaign(s) proposal outline (Please remember to submit your completed campaign form.)

Future Training Course(s)/Conferences details (Please remember to submit your completed Training Course/ Conference form.) • • •

Governor Training in Edinburgh – Friday 14th Nov Times Higher Awards with Christine, and others – Nov 27 th NUS Scotland Campaigning Summit - TBC

Are there any points you would like raised at the next Executive Board (Please attach any relevant papers for circulation) All points included in agenda.

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