Novemberdecember monthly report

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MONTHLY REPORT (Ref.001) NAME: STEVEN MILLS ELECTED POST: PRESIDENT (Education & Welfare) DATE: NOVEMBER - DECEMBER Update and achievements from previous month

COMMUNITY Student Accommodation and Allocation – Had a meeting with University staff about the Accommodation strategy, the refurbishment of woolmanhill and the review of room allocation for incoming students. Christmas – Tried to raise spirits and create a Christmas wonderland at RGU: Union. Restricted funds limited my imagination.

ENGAGEMENT World Aids Day – As part of the Sexual Health Campaign, I recognised World Aids Day by setting up a condom Pic’N’Mix stall outside for the week which was very successful. I also created an ‘AIDS’ wall which spelt the word in Condoms and invited students to take a condom from the wall and help eliminate AIDS (eventually the word would disappear). For LightUpScotland I got RGU to illuminate Riverside East and the Library in RED light only from 28th November to the 2nd December. Lastly, I promoted the #CondomWelfairy


AGM – Attended the 2nd AGM. I encouraged all Student Reps to go as part of their role, which turned out to be the majority of those attended. Introduced the Constitution through a very inspirational speech which obviously passed. Answered question put forward to the Sabbaticals. QEUC – Attended the Quality Enhancement University Committee and enforced my points raised in LISC and TALSC. Very positive meeting and received praise from staff for my contribution. Student Rep – Continuing strong communication with the Reps. Seen a major improvement in the use of comms channels such as moodle forum and Facebook. Faculty Officers also have their own emails now to engage with the demographic body. Student Affairs Forum – Small turn out due to time of year and

assessments etc. Was expected, but was held constitutionally. Sent out email with forms for reps to fill out instead. Student Partnership Programme (SPA) Met with Kirsty Campbell – As part of our ‘Representation’ theme, myself and Kirsty met to discuss where we currently stand and what we should plan to do. We have set ourselves objectives for the Academic year. Contextual Admissions Committee – Attended a meeting regarding enrolment which centred on widening access. There was discussions on MD20 (Students with a certain postcode) and MD40 (Students from certain schools). The outcome of the meeting decided that we will prioritise enrolment on MD20, MD40 from the 5 local schools we are working with for the ACEs programme and Care Leavers. SUPPORT Pledge2Listen – Managed to get lots of pledge cards signed, reportedly 1/3 of the total in Scotland. Currently awaiting results from the Buttle UK accreditation award. Student cases – Dealing with individual student issues. Students want to transfer accommodation; student’s having problems with courses or members of staff. Some student wellbeing issues. Organised Faculty Officer Induction DEVELOPMENT SUEI – DONE. Managed to get 20 non-involved students to attend as part of a focus group requirement. Had an interview with the Auditor. Student Leadership Programme – Met with Mr James Dunphry’s, Meesh and the other guy and started planning the SLP. I have now been tasked with coming up with modules and to launch a pilot for the programme in semester 2 for 25 lucky hopefuls. Student Nightline – Have all the information I need. Have the University’s backing. Short Life Working Group – the last meeting was a small win as the University have potentially offered space at Woolmanhill or to look at the market for a place to lease.

Outline and plan, with timeline, for current month Student Leadership Programme – Need to Liaise with Irina to develop online modules. I <3 my Lecturer – Launch this early to encourage more nominations and

to give semester 1 lecturers a better chance. Refreshers Week – Help anyway I can with this. Mental Health Week – Plan this alongside Paddy Maughn, Rachel Joyce, Heather Mitchell and Mental Health Agreement Group. Student Nightline – Organise a meeting to discuss further steps. Academic Societies – Encourage student reps to consider starting a Academic Society (Nursing, Business, Art etc) with Union Support. Increase student involvement, volunteering, peer to peer support. Student Involvement and Contribution Awards/ ECA/ Saltire – Ensure students are aware of recognition opportunities. Launch Student Involvement and Contribution Awards with Kirsty Campbell.

Personal objectives/Manifesto update

Feel like I have accomplished majority of my manifesto. I am hoping to make a large achievement or contribution to RGU in my year as Sabbatical.

Team objectives/progress update

Campaign(s) proposal outline (Please remember to submit your completed campaign form.) Pledge2Listen – More cards signed. Mental Health – Mental Health Week Sexual Health – SHAG week (February)

Future Training Course(s)/Conferences details (Please remember to submit your completed Training Course/ Conference form.)

Are there any points you would like raised at the next Executive Board (Please attach any relevant papers for circulation)

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