April 2017
A monthly newsletter published by the Rental Housing Alliance Oregon
rha est. 1927
In this issue:
RHA Oregon Dinner Meeting …………… page 3 RHA Mark Your Calendar … ………… page 5 Fair Housing Rules…
page 8
Spring Checklist… … page 9 Legislative Info… …… page 10 Landlording 101… …… page 13 Spring Cleaning……… page 13 Service Animals……… page 14 OR Bill Summaries… … page 16
Full FED Service First Appearances evict@landlord-‐solutions.com Small Claims
RHA Dinner Meeting
Table of Contents
Wednesday, April 19, 2017 Speaker: Charles Kovas, Warren Allen LLP
HUD Offers Grant to Clean up Lead-Based Paint Hazards | page 7
Affiliate speaker: Mike Maier of Guild Mortgage
Basic Rules of Fair Housing | page 8 Spring Maintenance Checklist | page 9
When: Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at 6:00pm Location: The Monarch Hotel 12566 SE 93rd Ave Clackamas, OR 97015
Price: $32.00 per plate if registered by close of business April 14, 2017 $42.00 per plate if registered after close of business April 14, 2017 Plated Menu: AND
Chef’s dessert
Roasted pork loin with apple demi-glace. Accompanied by roasted garlic mashed potatoes and seasonal vegetable
Legislative Information | page 10 Landlording 101 | page 12 Get Your Properties Ready With Some Spring Cleaning | page 13 Service Animals: The ADA vs. The Fair Housing Act | page 14 2016 Tax Information | page 15 Oregon Legislative Bill Summaries | page 16
Sauteed breast of chicken topped with Garden salad white wine-mushroom sauce. Accompanied Rolls with butter by rice pilaf and seasonal vegetable OR
President’s Message | page 4 RHA Mark Your Calendar | page 5
Topic for the evening: Landlord tenant law
Choice of:
RHA Oregon Dinner | page 3
The Vendor Guide | page 18
You must register to attend Call 503-254-4723 to register or visit the website at: rhaoregon.org/store/category/events. If you register for a dinner meeting and do not show or do not cancel by the Friday before the dinner meeting you will be charged the full price.
Mark your calendar for the
RHA Oregon Annual Picnic August 9, 2017
President’s Message
April is Fair Housing Month. This is the time for us, as owners of rental properties, to review, reflect, and recommit to the idea that housing is for everyone, regardless of race, religion, or familial status. This seems like a no-brainer, doesn’t it? This is something we should all just expect, shouldn’t we? After all, we all want to do the right thing, don’t we?
President Ron Garcia, PH. (503)595-4747 President Elect Mark Passannante, PH. (503)294-0910 RHA Oregon President Ron Garcia
As a review, keep in mind: The federal, state and local laws are strict and unforgiving when it comes to restricting discrimination and granting protections to protected classes in order to create and maintain a safe and level basis for treating everyone equally and fairly. It is not enough to “allow” someone to rent a property. If a rental housing provider is found guilty of behaving in a way or saying anything that infringes upon the Fair Housing rights of a protected-class individual, the provider would be discriminatory by way of “disparate impact.” “Disparate impact” is when a facially neutral business or employer appears neutral, but is discriminatory in application or effect. According to the Oregon State Bar, the law “makes clear that housing discrimination is unlawful whether it is deliberate and intentional or has the effect – intentional or not – of having a greater or ‘disparate’ impact on people who are in a protected group.”
Vice President Phil Owen, PH. (503)244-7986 Treasurer Sandra Landis, PH. (503)659-8803 Secretary Lynne Whitney, PH. (503)284-5522 Past President John Sage, PH. (503)667-7971 RHA Oregon DIRECTORS Adam Kendall Abplanalp, PH. (503) 319-3103 Alan Carpenter, PH. (360)772-2197 Elizabeth Carpenter, PH. (503)314-6498 Jerad Goughnour, PH. (503)303-8545 Jim Herman, PH. (503)645-8287 Charles Kovas, PH. (503)255-8795 Nathan Lindquist, PH. (503)833-2787
If I show a vacant unit to an individual who walks with a cane, and I ask them to ‘watch their step’ as we navigate a walkway to the front door, I may have violated Fair Housing law. My awkward attempt at courtesy is no excuse for treating a handicapped individual any differently than I would anyone else.
Katie Poole-Hussa, PH. (971)352-6760
Like the old adage claims, “the ends don’t justify the means”; discrimination occurs whether or not the affected party was granted the right to rent or negatively affected by the discriminatory action.
AJ Shepard, PH. (360)772-6355
As we reflect on the notion that we have some control over what ‘type’ of people we rent to, we should consider that by its nature, this is a discriminating premise. What their source of income is; how many are in the household; what type of animal(s) they represent as companions; what relationship they have to one another; if they have been convicted of crimes not related to a person or property; whether they have prevailed in a lawsuit with a prior landlord; or what reasonable accommodations we may need to offer in order to function in this dwelling are simply not matters on the table for housing providers to consider when reviewing or approving renters. In Oregon, Fair Housing complaints are administered by the Bureau of Labor and Industry (BOLI) as part of their Civil Rights division. When a complaint is filed it is reviewed by a state investigator. BOLI has said they do not use “judicial prerogative” when reviewing complaints – meaning that they take each one as a viable concern without initially determining its validity. (continued on page 6) 4
Mihyun Pratt, PH. (503)969-5412 Rita Robinson, PH. (503)702-0255 Ami Stevens, PH. (503)407-3663
RHAOregon OFFICE Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm PH: (503)254-4723 Fax: (503)254-4821 10520 NE Weidler St. Portland, OR 97220
RHAOregon is committed to educating members to fair housing practices and policies. www.rhaoregon.org
RHA Mark Your Calendar DATE
Board Meeting
RHA Conference Annex
Dinner Meeting
The Monarch Hotel
New Member & Mentor Meeting
RHA Conference Annex
Board Meeting
RHA Conference Annex
Dinner Meeting
New Member & Mentor Meeting
RHA Conference Annex
See page 3
See May Update
If you register and DO NOT SHOW or DO NOT CANCEL by the Friday before the dinner meeting you will be charged the FULL price of the dinner. To purchase event tickets online visit: http://www.rhaoregon.org/store/category/events DATE
Screening Class
RHA Conference Annex
Screening Class
Fair Housing Class
RHA Conference Annex
Taught by: Louise Dix, Fair Housing Council OR
Managing the Tenancy
RHA Conference Annex
Taught by Katie Poole-Hussa of Acorn Property Management
Screening Class
Landlording 101
The Monarch Hotel
Screening Class
Terminating the Tenancy
Standard TV & Appliance
Screening Class
RHA Conference Annex
Screening Class
Terminating the Tenancy
RHA Conference Annex
Screening Class
Legislative Report & Strategy Report
RHA Conference Annex
Taught by Jim Straub of Acorn Property Management
Tenant Screening & Fair Housing
Standard TV & Appliance
Taught by Marcia Gohman of National Tenant Network
Screening Class
Taught by Mark Passannante, Attorney at Law See Page 12
Taught by Sam Johnson of Landlord Solutions 3600 SW Hall Blvd Beaverton, OR 97005
Taught by Sam Johnson of Landlord Solutions
11:00am Class Policy
Those with prior registration to the class will be seated first. Walk-ins will only be accommodated once the class has started and if space is available. Registered attendees who arrive 15 minutes after the start of class be aware that your chair may be filled. If you register for a class and then do not cancel at least 48 hours before the class and /or do not show you will be charged for the class.
Fair Housing Class
Managing the Tenancy
Taught by: Louise Dix, Fair Housing Council OR
Taught by: Katie Poole-Hussa of Acorn Property Management
An introduction and overview of federal, state and local fair housing laws. Including an in depth discussion on applying these laws to your rental housing business. 1 continuing education credit Members $35.00, Non-Members $45.00 Register by April 10th to save $5
We’ll discuss maintenance needs, how to schedule and perform property inspections, tenants’ unpaid charges, roommate changes, and more
1 continuing education credit
Members $25.00, Non-Members $35.00 Register by April 17th to save $5
Terminating the Tenancy
Taught by: Sam Johnson of Landlord Solutions Learn the process and procedures for
terminating your tenant’s tenancy. The most common forms used to do so and how to use them. 1 continuing education credit
Members $25.00, Non-Members $35.00 Register by April 21st to save $5 RENTAL ALLIANCE UPDATE APRIL 2017
President’s Message CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4
After an investigation is completed on a complaint, it proceeds to an administrative hearing. “In cases of discrimination in housing… remedies may include the rental, lease, or sale of real property, the provision of services, out-of-pocket expenses or benefits lost because of the discriminatory practice and compensation for emotional distress.” Once a complaint goes to court, the fines are rarely below $40,000, according to Chris Lynch, BOLI’s operations manager for this division. In an article for The Oregonian, investigators for BOLI shared, “Other potential acts of discrimination may sound like common sense or neighborly suggestions. For instance… some landlords have tried to steer families away from second-story apartments with balconies. Landlords thought they were protecting children -- and potentially themselves from future liability lawsuits -- but those decisions have to be left to parents”. These stories of discrimination can be frightening because of the consequences that may be levied on the property owners. They require on-going discussions and the fact is, that to be faithful to Fair Housing policies, our continued vigilance is essential. Yet, as we re-commit ourselves to Fair Housing, perhaps it’s also helpful to reflect on our own history. My wife’s family immigrated to the U.S. when she was 8 years old, and she was the eldest of 7 siblings. Her family of 9 rented an upstairs 4 bedroom flat in San Francisco. Whether it was or wasn’t under the threat of punishment or fines, or by written law or decree, or economically rewarding or not, years later, I can attest that I am very grateful this occurred. As her family found a new home in a new country, she remembers those days as happy times of her childhood. Today, after 33 years of marriage, I can’t imagine what my life would be without her in it, or how her life may have been affected if she had not been able to grow up in a safe home. So, how do I process all of this in my role as a Property Manager? It is a “fair” question! When my clients – the property owners - ask me who has rented their property, I tell them “they qualified for our guidelines”. As long as they pay the rent on time, don’t damage the property or violate the rental agreement, they will happily remain our tenants. It is just that simple. Ron Garcia Rental Housing Alliance Oregon President
HUD Offers Grants to Clean up Lead-Based Paint Hazards Funding to protect children from lead poisoning WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced that it is making grants available to help eliminate dangerous lead-based paint hazards from lower income homes in order to protect young children. Additionally, this funding will provide an opportunity for local communities to establish and support programs to control other housing-related health and safety hazards. Unsafe and unhealthy homes affect the health of millions of people of all income levels, geographic areas, and walks of life in the U.S. These homes affect the economy directly, through increased utilization of health care services, and indirectly, through lost wages and increased school days missed. The housing improvements communities make will help prevent injuries and illnesses, reduce associated health care and social services costs, reduce absentee rates for children in school and adults at work, and reduce stress; all of which help to improve the quality of life. HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (see link listed below) promotes local efforts to eliminate dangerous lead paint hazards and other housing-related health hazards from lower income homes, stimulate private sector investment in lead hazard control, support cutting-edge research on methods for assessing and controlling housing-related health and safety hazards, and educate the public about the dangers of hazards in the home. The grants to States, local governments and the private sector are being offered through HUD’s Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Program (see link listed below), and Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Program (see link listed below). In these grant programs, HUD is providing additional funding (healthy homes supplemental funds) to identify and remediate lead-based paint hazards. In homes where lead-based paint hazards are being controlled, other housing-related health hazards are being addressed. HUD expects to provide approximately 32 awards under these programs. This estimate assumes funding at the same level as Fiscal Year 2016. The actual number of awards made under this funding notice will depend on the amount of Congress appropriates in the Fiscal Year 2017 budget, the number of eligible applicants, and other factors. HUD requires prospective grantees to submit their applications electronically at www.grants.gov. Any changes to HUD-published funding notices will be made available to the public through a Federal Register publication and published on this government-wide portal. Applicants are urged to sign up for Grants.gov’s notification service to receive periodic updates or changes to these grant offerings. Links mentioned in article: https://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/healthy_homes https://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/administration/grants/fundsavail/2017lbphcnofa https://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/administration/grants/fundsavail/2017lhrdnofa HUD’s mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet at www.hud.gov and http://espanol.hud.gov.
506 SW Sixth Avenue, Suite 1111, Portland OR 97204 Phone: 503/223-8197 or 800/424-3247 (TTY) Fax: 503/223-3396 Website: www.FHCO.org Email: information@FHCO.org
The Basic Rule of Fair Housing
In most housing transactions, it is against the law to discriminate on the basis of any “protected class�. That means housing discrimination is illegal when a person is treated differently because they are a member of a protected group or class of people covered by fair housing laws.
Discriminatory Actions
Refusing to rent, sell, or finance Refusing to give information, discouraging from renting, or lying about availability Applying different rules, privileges, standards, and/or qualifications Making discriminating statement (spoken or published) Steering to certain housing Harassing, intimidating, threatening, or coercing Refusing to let a person with a disability make modifications necessary to use the dwelling Refusing to make reasonable changes in rules, policies, practices, or procedures so that a person with a disability can have equal use of the dwelling
Protected Classes In the entire U.S.: Physical or Mental Disability Race or Color National Origin or Ancestry Religion Sex Familial Status (the presence of children under 18 in the household, or pregnancy) In Oregon: Marital Status Source of Income Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity Domestic Violence Victims In Washington: Marital Status Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity Honorably Discharged Veterans / Military Status Domestic Violence Victims In some cities and counties: Age Occupation
Who must comply?
On-site managers Owners Property Manager Maintenance people Real Estate Agents Lenders Advertising Media Neighbors (In some circumstances) Zoning and permit departments
How is the law enforced?
Filing an agency complaint within one year, or a lawsuit within two years of the date of the discrimination.
HUD Complaint Hotline 1-800-877-0246 The work that provided the basis for this publication was supported by funding under a grant with the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development. The substance and findings of the work are dedicated to the public. The author and publisher are solely responsible for the accuracy of the statements and interpretations contained in this publication. Such interpretations do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Government.
Spring Maintenance Checklist by Katie Poole-Hussa of Acorn Property Management
In spring, focus on freshening up your rental property and protecting the dwelling against the season's strong winds and rains. Use this time of the year to thoroughly clean and care for your investment.
Outdoor Tasks:
____Clean gutters and downspouts. ____Inspect roof and chimney for cracks and damage. ____Wash the exterior of all windows. ____ Install missing screens on windows and doors. Repair as needed. ____ Fertilize the lawn. ____ Check decks for loose boards, railings, or stairs. ____ Professionally service heating and cooling units. ____ Check the foundation for cracking as well as for insect damage. ____ Remove foundation vent covers and spigot covers.
Indoor Tasks:
____ Test all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors ____ If the basement has a sump pump, test it by dumping a large bucket of water into the basin of the sump pump. This should activate the sump pump. If it does not switch on or if it's not pumping water, it may need to be serviced by a professional. Also, check for and remove any debris and make sure there are no leaks. ____ Assess the need for blind repair, cleaning or replacement. ____ Repair or replace broken or missing kitchen cupboard hardware. ____ Check the attic for signs of moisture and water stains. ____ Check walls for condensation and mildew. ____ Check electrical panel for rust, make sure circuit breakers are operating correctly. ____ Clean dryer vents. ____ Clean or replace furnace filters. ____ Check clothes washer hoses for cracks or swelling. ____ Check all faucets for leaks or slow drips. Detach and flush aerators. ____ Maintain clean drains by pouring one-half-cup baking soda followed by one-half-cup white vinegar into each. After 10 minutes, flush with boiling water.
Katie Poole–Hussa is a Licensed Property Manager, Continuing Education Provider, Chair of the Education Committee for the RHA Oregon, and General Manager of the Portland Oregon branch of Acorn Property Management, LLC. She can be reached with questions or comments at 971-352-6760 or Katie@AcornPM.net.
Legislative Information RHA members... Many of you have asked what more you can do to help with our fight in Salem. While our strategy toward a positive outcome seems to be working thus far, it is ALWAY helpful to have legislators hear from their constituents. Emails and phone calls both work! Here is how to find out who your Representative and Senator are and how to write to them: • Go to: https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/ • On the right side you will see “Find Your District and Legislators” This will allow you to access their email address and phone number. Here are the bills you want to ask them to oppose - all of which deal with rent control and prohibiting no-cause evictions: HB 2001 HB 2003 HB 2004 Here are some talking points but personalize - add anecdotes and facts about your situation - make it yours: Overall • The housing crisis is a supply vs. demand issue and RHAO is proud of the work it did at the 2016 legislature to help the state increase supply. • We also worked at the legislature to add stability for renters through restricted timing for, and increased notice of, rent increases. • Those changes affect how we do business, but we were willing to make them. We are not willing, however, to make changes that affect the safety of our tenants and the community they live in. • Our paramount concern as property owners and landlords is the safety of our tenants, their neighbors, and their communities.
• We end tenancies at the end of the contract – 1 year, 6 months, 3 month, 30-days….it all depends on the length of the contract. But when that contract has ended, either of the two parties to the contract can decide not to renew. • A 30-day notice of end of tenancy is only used for a contract that is shorter than a year. • There are three categories of reason for termination – and all are important: o For-cause - there are reasons explicitly stated in law for ending a tenancy i.e. failure to pay rent, criminal activity o Business (part of no-cause in law) – landlords selling a building, remodeling a structure, or moving into a unit themselves can lead to end of tenancy. o No-cause – there is never “no-cause” – we always have a reason that is legitimate – we don’t randomly decide to throw people out. We decide not to renew contracts with people who are not good neighbors. • Ending a tenancy for reasons other than non-payment of rent is extremely rare—landlords want to keep responsible tenants who live within rental policies and pay rent on time. Statewide, only 4% of rental units received an end of tenancy notice in the past 12 months. Relocation Costs • Requiring landlords to pay relocation costs puts them in a position of being required to always renew contracts – it takes away their choice. • Requiring landlords to pay relocation costs forces them to decide between the safety of the community and their bank account. • Should no-cause termination relocation costs be required, all rents and deposits will increase.
Rent Control • There is no place in the nation where rent control has proven successful in the long run. • Where in place, rent control has led to housing shortages (economists have shown that rent control diverts new investment in housing, leading to fewer units), diminution of quality of products, and long waiting periods. No-cause Termination of Tenancy • Rent control has led to erosion of city revenue as the • Efforts to end our right to terminate tenancies for property value base shrinks. reasons not explicitly stated in statute take away our • Rent control = deferred maintenance. ability to deal with tenants on a case-by-case basis and • Even Willamette Week agrees, noting San Francisco’s do what we perceive is right for our property and the “Nightmare scenario” and saying “rent control is a trap.” safety of others. (continued on page 11)
Portland Metro Real Estate Forecast For 2017 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10
Preemption on Local Governments • Portland to Gresham… Eugene to Springfield… Medford to Ashland. Having different rules on landlords that close to each other is not right. o It will result in investments in one city over another o It will result in migration of property ownership to select cities o It will cause increased homelessness in some cities Don’t Push Residential Units Out • RHAO has 1800 members, 80% of whom own 10 units or fewer. • The small neighborhood complex and the singlefamily residential home must continue to be an option for renting Oregonians o Space for the kids o A yard for the dogs • Residential units will be the first to be sold if landlording becomes more difficult.
Keep Us Informed
Moved? Hired or fired a manager? New email address or phone number? Keep the RHAO office up to date with your current information. Call the office with all changes: 503-254-4723
OUR MEMBERS MATTER! Even numbered months: 4th Thursday at 6pm Odd numbered months: 3rd Saturday at 11am Open to the public Mentoring for new and established members Learn more about RHA Oregon and what membership benefits are offered • Refreshments provided
www.fhco.org April is
• • • • •
RHA Conference Annex 10530 NE Weidler, Portland OR, 97220 www.rhaoregon.org
LANDLORDING 101 All Day Class Saturday April 22, 2017 9 - 5:00pm (includes lunch)
From the application process through terminating of tenancy, learn all the essentials of property management through Landlording 101 Book a framework of forms geared for Oregon law. This class is instructed by the venerable Mark Passannante, Attorney at Law, Past President of RHA Oregon and rental property owner himself from whom you will learn valuable and successful management methods.
Mark Passannante, Instructor
• Have legal rental questions? Ask now! • What should I have on my applicant screening criteria? • Do I really need a list of criteria? • Do I have to send out a denial to every applicant I screen? • Can my tenant deny me entry even when I have given proper 24-hour notice to enter? • Is charging a pet deposit on a service animal legal? • Is there a legal deadline for the Final Accounting Form? • How much of security deposit is enough? • How do I screen Section 8 applicants for income?
~ Six Continuing Education credits are available with this seminar ~ COST: $120 Members OR $170 Non-member Register by Monday April 17, 2017 and receive an early registration discount of $20 Place: Monarch Hotel 12566 SE 93rd Ave., Clackamas, OR 97015
Rental Housing Alliance Oregon
Pre-registration is required. If you register for a class and then do not cancel at least 48 hours before the class and/or do not show you will be charged the full price of the class.
Non-member payment must accompany registration form. NAME(S) PHONE
ADDRESS Form of payment: card.
CITY Account (members only)
Check OR Call RHA Oregon to register and pay by credit
TOTAL: $ 10520 NE Weidler, Portland, OR 97220 P: 503-254-4723 F: 503-254-4821 12
Get Your Properties Ready With Some Spring Cleaning by Mary Girsch-Bock of PropertyManager.com, a Service of AppFolio
Just a few weeks ago Punxsutawney Phil predicted six more weeks of winter; it’s no secret that some parts of the U.S. are currently experiencing record warm temperatures. In the Southwest, grass is already starting to appear, and bushes beginning to bloom. And though a lowly rodent’s prediction may end up being accurate, it’s never too early to start preparing for spring, no matter where your properties are located or what a groundhog says. Here’s a quick list of things you can begin today, no matter what the temperature is outside: • Check out your HVAC units. Nobody wants to find out that the units don’t work on the first 80 degree day of the year. Don’t assume that because they worked the last time they were used that the same holds true months later. Doing this now will also ensure that there is plenty of time to have them repaired and up and running before that heat wave hits. • Get up on a ladder and look at the roof and the gutters. This is particularly important if your region has seen a great deal of rain and/or snow this winter. Again, being pro-active can really pay off, particularly in repairing roofs prior to the spring rainy season. And while you’re up there, make sure that gutters are clean as well. • Prepare your open areas for spring landscaping by cleaning up debris left from the winter, such as dead and fallen branches and dead leaves. You’ll also want to take a look at your current landscape and arrange to have bushes and trees trimmed prior to any spring planting being done. • Create an inventory of any work that needs to be completed, and get bids from area contractors, so you’ll be ready to go once spring arrives. • Inspect roads, parking lots, and driveways for damage and make arrangements to repair any cracks or holes before spring arrives. This is particularly important for areas that are prone to snow, as salt and sand can accelerate road damage. • Create a spring cleaning event for your properties, encouraging residents to participate in the clean-up effort by getting rid of their old stuff. Later in the spring, you can also hold a community garage sale, where residents can sell their belongings.
some of that today. AppFolio provides web-based property management software that allows residential property managers to more effectively market, manage and grow their business. AppFolio’s software solution includes complete accounting functionality, integrated marketing, resident screening, online payments and property management. AppFolio is committed to industry education and is the provider of PropertyManager.com and GreenPropertyManagement.com -two online education resources for property managers. To learn more, please visit us at www.appfolio.com or call 866.648.1536.
Get Involved, Donate! Here are a few items that are needed:
Blankets, sleeping bags, tarps Scarves, socks, hats, gloves Towels of any size Backpacks, tote bags, other bags Shampoo, conditioner, soap Books and magazines Pet food, other pet supplies Over the counter medicines Adult coats and other functional adult clothing Sugar, creamer, peanut butter Lotions, deodorant, razors Cold weather gear First aid supplies You can bring donated items to our day center located at 1435 NE 81st Ave, Suite 100, Portland OR 97213 Mon-Fri 10am-3pm Or you can drop them off at the RHA Oregon office
Seasoned property managers know that there’s a lot of work that needs to be completed prior to the arrival of spring, but there’s no reason that you can’t get started on www.rhaoregon.org
Service Animals: The ADA Vs. The Fair Housing Act by Fair Housing Council of Oregon
I know this article is needed because we get these questions frequently: • “The Americans with Disability Act (ADA) says that service animals have to be trained or certified…” • The ADA was recently changed, how does that affect the need to accommodate disability-related animals in housing?” • “The ADA now only allows for the use of service dogs and, sometimes, miniature horses. Does that mean I can serve an eviction notice to those I’ve accommodated in the past with companion kitties?” And so it goes.
Folks, there’s a fundamental point that many are missing. The ADA is not the Fair Housing Act (FHA). The ADA has nothing to do with the FHA. Changes to the ADA have no effect on the FHA. In fact, to a great extent, the ADA has little to do with housing at all. Unfortunately, the ADA has been in the news a good deal and articles about it rarely delve into the fact that disability-related animals in housing is a different critter all together. The ADA addresses public accommodations in businesses, restaurants, and the like. The only place it touches the housing industry is where is speaks to 1) the accessibility needs of model homes and sales/rental offices and 2) the accessibility requirements of any publicly available places within a housing complex (for example, a community center available for anyone to rent for private functions). The FHA, on the other hand, deals with housing. The portion of this federal law that addresses disability as a protected class includes provisions for reasonable accommodations and modifications. The request for a disability-related animal despite a no-pets (or other pet-restricted) policy is, in fact, one of the more common reasonable accommodation requests we see. It’s not surprising given the range of services such animals can provide and knowing that an even broader array of medical conditions can benefit from such treatment is staggering. In housing, under the FHA, it doesn’t matter what you call them (service animals, companion animals, therapy animals, working animals, etc.); if the animal exists to serve the individual’s disability it is not legally a pet and may not be treated as such. That means no pet fees, pet deposits, or pet rent. You may not restrict such animals by breed or species in housing. You may not request or require proof of training or certification for such animals in housing. You may have assistance animal rules as long as they’re no more restrictive than any pet rules you may have. Now, as with any other accommodation/modification request, the disability-animal request must, too, be “reasonable1” and the resident is responsible for their animal. That means that you would be within your rights to respond to the service bird that shrieks at two in the morning, the companion cat that attacks other residents, or the seeing-eye-dog that soils the carpet. For a wealth of information on disability as a protected class visit http://www.FHCO.org/disability.htm. For service animal-specific information look to To determine what is reasonable in each unique situation, visit www.FHCO.org/disability.htm to study the reasons for denying a request. 1
http://www.FHCO.org/serviceanimals.htm which includes a memo from HUD on the new ADA regulations and what that means for service animals in housing under the FHA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. You can download and pass on our Reasonable Accommodation/Modification Guide for Perplexed Medical or Therapeutic Professionals at www.FHCO.org/pdfs/RAguide.pdf. Also, check out several related sample documents at http://www.FHCO.org/forms.htm. This article brought to you by the Fair Housing Council; a nonprofit serving the state of Oregon and SW Washington. Learn more and/or sign up for our free, periodic newsletter at FHCO.org. (continued on page 15) 14
Service Animals: The ADA Vs. The Fair Housing Act CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14
Qs about your rights and responsibilities under fair housing laws? Visit FHCO.org or call 1-800-424-3247 Ext. 2. Qs about this article? Want to schedule an in-office fair housing training program or speaker for corporate or association functions? Contact Jo Becker at jbecker@FHCO. org or 503/453-4016. Have property to promote? Advertise vacancies or for-sales free across the Portland/ Vancouver market at HousingConnections.org!
2016 Tax Information
The Rental Housing Alliance Oregon is a 501(c)(6) corporation. As such, we are allowed to lobby to influence legislation. A portion of the annual dues are utilized for lobbying activities on behalf of our members. Your membership dues payments may be tax deductible as a necessary trade or business expense. The portion of your dues utilized for lobbying activities is not deductible. Dues paid to the Rental Housing Alliance Oregon are not deductible as a charitable contribution but may be deductible as a business expense; however, the RHA Oregon estimates that 15% of the dues payment is not deductible as a business expense because of RHA Oregon’s lobbying activities on behalf of its members. The figure shown above represents the portion of your 2016 dues utilized for lobbying activities at both the state and local level. Please consult with your tax advisor regarding the proper treatment of your dues for income tax purposes.
High Priority Oregon Legislation 2017 Regular Session
HB 2001 - Bill Info, Summary: Repeals statewide prohibition on city and county ordinances regulating rents. Permits city or county to adopt rent stabilization program with certain restrictions. Imposes moratorium on rent increases greater than five percent for residential tenancies, with exceptions. Sunsets moratorium on July 1, 2018. Declares emergency, effective on passage. Status 1/17/17 H - Referred to Human Services and Housing. 1/9/17 H - First reading. Referred to Speaker’s desk. HB 2003 - Bill Info, Summary: Repeals prohibition on city or county ordinance or resolution controlling rent charged for rental of dwelling unit. Declares emergency, effective on passage. Status 1/17/17 H - Referred to Human Services and Housing. 1/9/17 H - First reading. Referred to Speaker’s desk. HB 2004 - Bill Info, Summary: Prohibits landlord from terminating month-to-month tenancy without cause except under certain circumstances with 90 days’ written notice and payment of relocation expenses. Provides exception for certain tenancies for occupancy of dwelling unit in building or on property occupied by landlord as primary residence. Makes violation defense against action for possession by landlord. Requires fixed term tenancy to become month-to-month tenancy upon reaching specific ending date, unless tenant elects to renew or terminate tenancy. Requires landlord to make tenant offer to renew fixed term tenancy. Repeals statewide prohibition on city and county ordinances controlling rents. Declares emergency, effective on passage. Status 3/2/17 H - Public Hearing held. 3/2/17 H - Public Hearing held. 1/17/17 H - Referred to Human Services and Housing. 1/9/17 H - First reading. Referred to Speaker’s desk. HB 2240 - Bill Info, Summary: Prohibits landlord from terminating month-to-month tenancy without cause. Allows landlord to terminate month-to-month tenancy without cause under certain circumstances or if landlord provides tenant with relocation assistance equal to three months’ rent. Requires landlord to provide 90 days’ written notice for tenancy renewal or termination under certain circumstances. Permits tenant to renew rental agreement if landlord did not invoke exception or terminate for cause. Declares emergency, effective on passage. Status 1/17/17 H - Referred to Human Services and Housing. 1/9/17 H - First reading. Referred to Speaker’s desk. HB 2650 - Bill Info, Summary: Prohibits landlord evaluating applicant for tenancy from considering criminal history prior to performing criminal background check. Status 1/17/17 H - Referred to Human Services and Housing. 1/9/17 H - First reading. Referred to Speaker’s desk. HB 2944 - Bill Info, Summary: Limits landlord assistance under Housing Choice Landlord Guarantee Program to damages awarded in a judgment following a hearing in which landlord proves amount of damages. Status 3/16/17 H - Work Session held. 2/23/17 H - Public Hearing held. 2/16/17 H - First reading. Referred to Speaker’s desk. 2/16/17 H - Referred to Human Services and Housing. (continued on page 17) 16
High Priority Oregon Legislation CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16
HB 3366 - Bill Info, Summary: Requires landlord to deposit and maintain security deposit in separate account from all other funds and inform tenant of financial institution in which security deposit is held. Requires landlord to pay tenant accrued interest with return of security deposit. Applies to security deposits paid on or after effective date of Act. Status 3/13/17 H - Referred to Human Services and Housing. 3/6/17 H - First reading. Referred to Speaker’s desk. SB 0259 - Bill Info, Summary: Limits landlord to charging single applicant screening charge for applicant applying to rent multiple dwelling units owned or managed by landlord. Requires landlord to refund applicant screening charge if applicant qualifies but is not offered to rent dwelling unit. Status 3/20/17 S - Public Hearing Scheduled. 1/17/17 S - Referred to Human Services. 1/9/17 S - Introduction and first reading. Referred to President’s desk. SB 0933 - Bill Info, Summary: Requires Real Estate Commissioner to adopt program to relieve pecuniary loss of landlord liable to tenant due to mismanagement by or dishonest conduct of real estate property manager. Permits landlord to claim reimbursement for pecuniary loss of tenant deposit due to mismanagement by or dishonest conduct of real estate property manager. Grants immunity to landlord and any person who gives information to commissioner relating to claim filed with commissioner. Establishes Tenant Deposit Security Fund. Requires real estate property managers to pay annual fee. Authorizes commissioner to determine amount of fee. Takes effect on 91st day after adjournment sine die. Status 3/3/17 S - Referred to Business and Transportation. 3/2/17 S - Introduction and first reading. Referred to President’s desk.
Chair: Phil Owen PH: 503-244-7986
Community Relations/Donations Chair: OPEN PH:
Dinner/Program Chair: AJ Shepard PH: 360-772-6355
Chair: Katie Poole-Hussa PH: 541-968-1703
Chair: Mark Passannante PH: 503-294-0910
Chair: Lynne Whitney PH: 503-284-5522
RHA Oregon LOBBYIST Cindy Robert PH: 503-260-3431
Chair: Phil Owen PH: 503-244-7986
Chair: Elizabeth Carpenter PH: 503-314-6498
RHA Oregon OFFICE TEAM Cari Pierce, Office Manager Cari@rhaoregon.org
Pam VanLoon, Bookkeeper Pamv@rhaoregon.org Menolly Walter, Member Services Rep. Menolly@rhaoregon.org Taylor Bair, Member Services Asst. Taylor@rhaoregon.org
Chair: Phil Owen PH: 503-244-7986
Government Relations Chair: Phil Owen PH: 503-244-7986
Gresham Liaison Jim Herman PH: 503-645-8287
Marketing Chair: OPEN PH:
Let the advertiser know that you received their contact information through the Rental Housing Alliance Oregon
Beutler Exchange Group, LLC P.503-748-1031, P.844-414-1031 Email: toija@beutlerexchangegroup.com www.BeutlerExchangeGroup.com Peregrine Private CapitalCorp P.503-241-4949 5000 Meadows Rd. #230, Lake Oswego, OR 97035 rs@peregrineprivatecapital.com Tryon Equities LLC & Rimrock Property Management Michael Templeton P.O. Box 775, Sherwood, OR 97140 Phone 503-713-7291 Email:mtempleton@tryonequities.ccom www.rimrockpropertymanagement.com
Balancing Point, Inc., Sandy Buhite-Landis P.503-659-8803 C.503-504-9466 8189 SE Clackamas Rd., Milwaukie 97267 Email: info@balancingpt.com The Cobalt Group Accounting and Business Consulting 1100 NE 28th Ave., Ste 100, Portland, OR 97232 P.503-239-8432 Email: info@thecobaltgrp.com
Portland Tax Co. Full Service Tax and Accounting P. 503-258-0700 F. 503-256-1527
Complete Screening Agency LLC Jacob Turner & Tiffany Webb P.800-827-3130 www.complete-screen.com Email: info@complete-screen.com
ADVERTISING / MARKETING From Here 2 There Helping solve business challenges to reach your goals. Ami Stevens, P.503-407-3663 Email: astevens@fromhere2there.com
National Tenant Network Marcia Gohman P.503-635-1118, F.503-635-9392 P.O. Box 21027, Keizer 97303 www.ntnonline.com
Rental Housing Journal P.503-221-1260 News for Ppty Managers & Owners www.thelandlordtimes.com
Azuma Leasing BJ Rosow, P.800-707-1188 P.512-236-9000, F.512-239-9009 2905 San Gabriel St. #218, Austin, TX 78705
G&C Distributing Company Tony Kavanagh, P.503-288-0221 1205 NE 33rd, Portland, OR 97232
RHA Oregon P.503-254-4723, F.503-254-4821 Fast,affordable tenant screening www.rhaoregon.org Email: info@rhaoregon.org
Benge Industries Parking Lot Maintenance Service Corey Wilkerson P.503-803-1950 Email: corey@bengeindustries.com Hal’s Construction, Inc. CCB#34434 Brian King, P.503-656-4999 20666 S HWY 213, Oregon City, OR 97045 www.halsconstruction.com Email: office@halsconstruction.com
Standard TV & Appliance Joe Mosee & Cathy Mosee P.503-619-0500, C.503-888-6927 3600 SW Hall Blvd, Beaverton 97005
Metro Area Smoke Free Housing Project P.503-718-6145 www.smokefreeoregon.com
Bittner & Hahs, P.C. Andy Hahs, P.503-228-5626 4949 SW Meadows Rd #260 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Broer & Passannante, P.S. Mark G Passannante, P.503-294-0910 1001 SW Fifth Ave, Ste. 1220, Portland, OR 97204 Warren Allen LLP Jeff Bennett. P.503-255-8795 850 NE 122nd Ave. Portland, 97230 Protecting landlords’ rights in Oregon and Washington for over 25 years Law Offices of Richard Schneider, LLC P.503-241-1215, www.rbsllc.com 2455 NW Marshall St #11 Portland 97210, Business formation - LLCs
Law Offices of
Richard B. Schneider, LLC • • • • 503.241.1215 www.rbsllc.com • 2455 NW Marshall St., Suite 11 | Portland, OR 97210 • information@rbsllc.com
Wills Living Trusts Asset Protection Planning Business Formation Probate and Trust Administration Financial Planning Assistance
RHA values our Affiliates, the goods and services provided to our membership, their participation in our Association and their continued support. RHA does not, however, warrant or guarantee the quality of goods and/or services provided by Affiliates. 18
Let the advertiser know that you received their contact information through the Rental Housing Alliance Oregon
Scott A. McKeown, P.C. Scott McKeown, P.503-224-1937 8700 SW 26th Ave Ste S. Portland, 97219 Email: scottmckeown@comcast.net
CCB# 15830 Crawlspace Waterproofing P.503-233-0825 Fully Staffed www.johnswaterproofing.com
Contract Furnishings Mart-Beaverton Garrett Anderson P. 503- 207-5230, 844-214-4220 6050 SW Arctic Dr., Beaverton, OR 97005 Email: garrett.anderson@cfmfloors.com Contract Furnishings Mart - Gresham Ross Williams P. 503-328-7260 3108 NE 181st Ave., Gresham 97230 www.cfmfloors.com
G&G Construction Inc. CCB# 162743 P.503-826-9404 Maintenance & Painting Specialists Email: gandgconstruction@me.com
The Floor Store Joe Billarreal, P.503-408-6488 5628 SE Woodstock Blvd, Portland, OR 97206 Email: joe@floorstoreportland.com
Americlean Inc., Since 1972 We are very good at what we do Frank Porter, P.503-771-0554 Email: info@iloveamericlean.com www.iloveamericlean.com Certified Carpet Services CCB#184070 Mark Sandstrom P.503-313-7963 Cleaning, restretching,repairs and flood service. Email: marksandstrom321@comcast.net O’Meara Carpet Cleaning P.503-538-1983, 503-620-5005 Cleaning, Pet Odor
Certified Carpet Services CCB#184070 Mark Sandstrom P.503-313-7963 Cleaning, restretching,repairs and flood service. Email: marksandstrom321@comcast.net Contract Furnishings Mart-Vancouver Jennifer Evans P.360-896-6150, 800-267-6150 11013 NE 39th St, Vancouver, WA 98682 www.cfmfloors.com Contract Furnishings Mart-Portland Roger Harms P.503-230-1250, 800-275-6722 915 SE Sandy Blvd, Portland 97214 www.cfmfloors.com Contract Furnishings Mart-Hillsboro Rebecca O’Neill P.503-716-4848 4865 NW 235th Ave, Hillsboro, OR 97124 www.cfmfloors.com Contract Furnishings Mart-Tigard Jim Plath P.503-542-8900, 800-935-1250 14190 SW 72nd Ave #110, Tigard, OR 97224 www.cfmfloors.com Contract Furnishings Mart-Clackamas Patrick VonPegert P.503-656-5277, 877-656-5232 15140 SE 82nd Dr., Clackamas, OR 97015 Email: info@cfmfloors.com
Anderson & Associates Credit Services, LLC P.503-293-5400, F.503-813-2159 P.O. Box 230286, Portland, 97281 Email: andersoncollectionagency@gmail.com
Hal’s Construction, Inc. CCB# 34434 Brian King, P.503-656-4999 20666 S HWY 213, Oregon City, OR 97045 www.halsconstruction.com Email: office@halsconstruction.com Metro Sidewalk Repair P. 503-875-7900 Concrete Water Proofing, Maintenance & repair and new structure installation
Goose Hollow Window Co Inc. CCB# 53631 Mary D. Mann, P.503-620-0898 Email: marymann@goosehwc.com Goosehwc.com Energy Trust Trade Ally
Oregon Ductless, Inc. CCB#204219 Aaron McNally, P. 503-410-1309 Sales and installation of ductless heat pumps Serving all Portland Metro areas Email: info@oregonductless.com www.oregonductless.com
Law Offices of Richard Schneider, LLC P.503-241-1215 2455 NW Marshall St #11 Portland, OR 97210 www.rbsllc.com Northwestern Mutual Financial & Retirement Planning Charlene Quaresma, P.503-421-5058 www.charlenequaresma.nm.com Email: charlene.quaresma@nm.com
Action Services Wally Lemke, P.503-244-1226 15 82nd Dr., #20 Gladstone, OR 97027 Your eviction & process Service Specialist Barrister Support Service P.503-246-8934 Evictions, 1st Appearance, Process Serving www.barristersupport.com IRC Property Management 50% discount for new property management clients P. 503-999-0477 Email: info@ricenterprises Landlord Solutions P.503-242-2312, F.503-242-1881 P.O. Box 7087, Portland, OR 97007 Online evictions & First Appearance www.landlord-solutions.com
American Commercial Mortgage Network Al Williams, P.206-264-1325 1366 91st Ave. NE Clyde Hill, WA 98004 Chase Commercial Term Lending Tom Barbour, P.503-598-3657 Steve Mozinski, P.503-598-3661 Email: steve.mozinski@chase.com Northwestern Mutual Financial & Retirement Planning Charlene Quaresma, P.503-421-5058 www.charlenequaresma.nm.com Email: charlene.quaresma@nm.com
On Electric P.503-288-2211 14865 SW 74th Ave., #170 Tigard, OR 97224
Vince Kingston Mortgage Loan Officer NMLS #291740 Eagle Home Mortgage P. 971-221-8525 direct Email: vince@vincekingston.com
Rental Housing Maint Service CCB# 163427 Gary Indra, P.503-678-2136 Fully Licensed to do it all Email: garyindra@rentalrepairs.com
Squires Electric Joe Squires, P. 503-252-1609 657 SE Yamhill St., Portland, OR 97214 www.SquiresElectric.com
Energy Trust of Oregon Existing Multi Family 421 SW Oak St., Suite 300, Portland, OR 97204 P. 1-877-510-2130 www.energytrust.org/multifamily
Kennedy Restoration Restoring Lives...Rebuilding Properties Since 1950 P. 503-234-0509 PDX, OR 360-693-5288 VAN, WA www.kennedyres.com Servpro Serving North Portland, Lake Oswego & West Linn P. 503-283-3658 F. 503-444-7130 www.servpronorthportland.com
Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue Eric T. McMullen, P.503-612-7000 7401 SW Washo Ct. Ste 101, Tualatin, OR 97062 Email: eric.mcmullen@tvfr.com
RHA values our Affiliates, the goods and services provided to our membership, their participation in our Association and their continued support. RHA does not, however, warrant or guarantee the quality of goods and/or services provided by Affiliates. www.rhaoregon.org
Let the advertiser know that you received their contact information through the Rental Housing Alliance Oregon
Contract Furnishings Mart - Vancouver Jennifer Evans P.360-896-6150, 800-267-6150 11013 NE 39th St., Vancouver, WA 98682 www.cfmfloors.com Contract Furnishings Mart - Portland Roger Harms P.503-230-1250, 800-275-6722 915 SE Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR 97214 www.cfmfloors.com Contract Furnishings Mart - Hillsboro Rebecca O’Neill, P.503-716-4848 4865 NW 235th Ave., Hillsboro, OR 97124 www.cfmfloors.com Contract Furnishings Mart - Tigard Jim Plath P.503-542-8900, 800-935-1250 14190 SW 72nd Ave. #110, Tigard, OR 97224 www.cfmfloors.com Contract Furnishings Mart - Clackamas Patrick VonPegert P.503-656-5277, 877-656-5232 15140 SE 82nd Dr., Clackamas, OR 97015 Email: info@cfmfloors.com Contract Furnishings Mart - Beaverton Garrett Anderson P. 503- 207-5230, 844-214-4220 6050 SW Arctic Dr., Beaverton, OR 97005 Email: garrett.anderson@cfmfloors.com Contract Furnishings Mart - Gresham Ross Williams, P. 503-328-7260 3108 NE 181st Ave., Gresham, OR 97230 www.cfmfloors.com J & B Hardwood Floors, Inc Jim Cripps, P.503-519-4920 Email: jandbhardwoodfloors@gmail.com Rental Housing Maint Svcs CCB# 163427 Gary Indra, P.503-678-2136 Vinyl, VCT, Ceramic, Hardwood The Floor Store Joe Billarreal, P.503-408-6488 5628 SE Woodstock Blvd., Portland, OR 97206 Email: joe@floorstoreportland.com
RHA Oregon Attorney drawn, Up-to-date Rental Forms P.503-254-4723 F.503-254-4821 www.rhaoregon.org
Clear Water Construction Services - CCB# 194703 Both Residential & Commercial Service P. 503-974-6654, F. 503-217-0308 Email: daleh@cwcsnw.com Web Site: www.cwcsnw.com Uptown Properties CCB# 198205 AJ Shepard P. 360-772-6355 Full Service General Contractor, Licensed & Bonded www.uptownpm.com
Bluestone & Hockley Real Estate Services Chuck Hodges, P.503-222-3800 9320 SW Barbur Blvd. Ste 300, Portland, OR 97219 Email: main@bluestonehockley.com Certified Services CCB# 184070 Full service repairs and Maintenance Mark Sandstrom, P.503-313-7963 Email: mpsandstrom@comcast.net G&G construction Inc. P.503-826-9404 Maintenance & Painting Specialist gandgconstruction@me.com Email:garyindra@rentalrepairs.com Rental Housing Maint. Svcs. CCB# 163427 Gary Indra, P.503-678-2136 Fully Licensed to do it all Wieder Works Darren J Wiederhold Residential Property Maintenance CCB#164323 P. 503-260-2133 ~ F. 503-669-5133 Email: d.wiederworks@yahoo.com I do a little bit of almost everything!
Junk Away Hauling CCB# 177966 P. 503-517-9027 Licensed bonded insured trash outs Email: joejunkaway@gmail.com
Midway Heating Co. CCB# 24044 P.503-252-4003 12625 SE Sherman St., Portland, OR 97233 Oregon Ductless, Inc. CCB#204219 Aaron McNally, P. 503-410-1309 Sales and installation of ductless heat pumps Serving all Portland Metro areas Email: info@oregonductless.com www.oregonductless.com Pyramid Heating & Cooling CCB#59382 P.503-786-9522 Serving the Portland Metro area Email: info@pyramidheating.com Willamette HVAC - CCB#56951 P. 503-259-3200 www.willamettehvac.com Residential, Commercial and oil Service
Midway Heating Co. CCB# 24044 P.503-252-4003 12625 SE Sherman St. Portland, OR 97233
Soil Solutions Environmental Services Tank Locating, Sampling, Decommissioning and DEQ Certified Clean-ups P. 503-234-2118 Email: info@soilsolutions-environmental.com www.soilsolutions-environmental.com
Housing Authority of Portland Jill Smith, P.503-802-8565 135 SW Ash St., Portland, OR 97204
Goose Hollow Window Co inc CCB#53631 Mary D. Mann, P.503-620-0898 Energy Trust Trade Ally www.goosehwc.com Email: marymann@goosehwc.com
AAA Oregon Insurance Agency Home-Auto-Comerical-Life Antoinette (Toni) Bradfield P. 503-219-6260 600 SW Market St., Portland, OR 97201 E-mail: toni.bradfield@aaaoregon.com American Family Insurance Auto/Home/ Life/ Commerical Larry Thompson Agency P.503-924-2200, F.503-924-2202 15573 SE Bangy Rd., Ste. 220, Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Northwestern Mutual Financial & Retirement Planning Charlene Quaresma, P.503-421-5058 www.charlenequaresma.nm.com Email: charlene.quaresma@nm.com Robinson Financial Group Rita J. Robinson, P. 503-557-4997 Group & Indiv. Health Insurance State Farm Insurance Paul Toole, P.503-655-2206 6105 W ‘A’ St. #B, West Linn, OR 97068 Stegmann Agency Farmers Insurance John Sage, Insurance Specialist Insuring Property Owners for 25 years P.503-667-7971, F.503-666-8110 202 SE 181st Ave. #201, Portland, OR 97233 Email: john.lstegmann@farmersagency.com Wolter Van Doorninck,CPCU Elliot, Powell, Baden & Baker P.503-227-1771, F.503-274-7644 1521 SW Salmon, Portland, OR 97205 www.epbb.com Email: wvandoorninck@epbb.com
Peregrine Private Capital Corp P.503-241-4949 5000 Meadows Rd., #230, Lake Oswego, OR 97070 Email: rs@peregrineprivatecapital.com
D&R Masonry Restoration Inc. CCB# 99196 Ray Elkins, P.503-353-1650 8890 SE McLoughlin Blvd, Milwaukie, OR 97222 www.drmasonry.com MOLD Good Affordable Roofing Services LLC CCB # 208939 For all things mold we do it Good & Affordable Call today 971-312-7767 Email: goodaffordableroofingservices@gmail.com www.goodaffordableroofingservice.com Real Estate Mold Solutions Lynne Whitney, P.503-232-6653 Free inspections, Testing and Remediation www.realestatemoldsolutions.com
RHA values our Affiliates, the goods and services provided to our membership, their participation in our Association and their continued support. RHA does not, however, warrant or guarantee the quality of goods and/or services provided by Affiliates. 20
Let the advertiser know that you received their contact information through the Rental Housing Alliance Oregon
Emmert Development Co Terry Emmert, P.503-655-9933 11811 SE Hwy 212, Clackamas, OR 97015
G&G Construction Inc. CCB# 162743 P.503-826-9404 Maintenance & Painting Specialistse Email: gandgconstruction@me.com Rental Housing Maint. Svcs. CCB# 163427 Gary Indra, P.503-678-2136 Prof. Interior & Exterior painting Email: garyindra@rentalrepairs.com Richard Hallman Painting CCB# 142467 Rick Hallman, P.503-819-1210 Quality Interior Painting Since 1992
Frost Integrated Pest Mgmt P.503-863-0973 Residential.Commercial.Multi Family www.frostpestfreezone.com NW Pest Control Bruce Beswick, P.503-253-5325 9108 NE Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR 97220 www.northwestpest.com Email: nwpestcontrol@aol.com Orkin Pest Control Dan Wolcott, Account Manager & Inspector P.503-384-8384 Email: dwolcott@orkin.com
PLUMBING/DRAIN CLEANING Apollo Drain P.503-822-6805 apollo-drain.com facebook.com/apollodrain 24 hour emergency service We gladly quote prices over the phone MJ’s Plumbing CCB#36338 Michael LeFever, P. 503.261.9155 1045 NE 79th, Portland, OR 97213 ProDrain & Rooter Svcs Inc West 503.533.0430 East 503.239.3750 Drain Cleaning/Plumbing www.prodrainpdx.com
Acorn Property Management, LLC - PDX Katie Poole-Hussa, Property Manager Office: 971-352-6760 Cell: 541-968-1703 www.acornpm.net Action Management Wendi Samperi P.503-710-0732
The Garcia Group Ron Garcia, P. 503-595-4747 5331 SW Macadam Ave. Suite 361, Portland, OR 97239 www.garciagrp.com Uptown Properties Chris Shepard, P.520-204-6727 2830 NW 29th, Portland, OR 97210 www.uptownpm.com
Alpine Property Mgmt & Maintenance Tiffany Laviolette, P.503-641-4620 4800 sw Griffith Dr., #209, Beaverton, OR 97005 www.alpinepdx.com
Voss Property Management Richard Voss, P.503-546-7902 6110 N Lombard St. Portland, OR 97203
Bluestone & Hockley Real Estate Service Cliff Hockley, P.503-222-3800 9320 SW Barbur Blvd. Ste300, Portland, OR 97219
Soil Solutions Environmental Services Radon Testing and Mitigation P. 503-234-2118 Email: info@soilsolutions-environmental.com www.soilsolutions-environmental.com
Fox Management, Inc. Tressa L Rossi, P.503-280-0241 C.503-750-8124 F.503-280-0242 2316 NE Glisan St., Portland, OR 97232 Email: tressa@foxmanagementinc.com Gateway Property Mgmt P.503-303-8545 www.gatewaypdx.com Property Management Done Right IRC Property Management Full Service & Hands-On Management Residential & Commercial P. 503-999-0477 / info@ircenterprises.com Kinetic Properties HONESTY, INTEGRITY, TRANSPARENCY P. 503-305-7204 or 503-305-7365 PO Box 903, Canby, OR 97013 www.kineticpropertiesllc.com Micro Property Mgmt. We focus on the small details P.503-473-3742 Email: jeannie@micropropertymgmt.com MLK Property Management & Support Services LLC Management & Consulting Oregon License #200308196 Affordable & Conventional Compliance, Consulting, Staffing & Training Services P. 503-760-0088 2410 SE 121st, Suite 102, Portland, OR 97216
Bluestone & Hockley Real Estate Service Cliff Hockley, P.503-222-3800 9320 SW Barbur Blvd. Ste. 300, Portland, OR 97219 Chris Anderson John L. Scott Real Estate P.503-783-2442 Email: chrisanderson@johnlscott.com Denise L. Goding Keller Williams realty P.503-336-6378 C. 503-799-2970 www.denisegoding.com Elizabeth Carpenter, CRIS LizC Real Estate Investments, LLC C.503-314-6498, F.503-882-8680 Email: liz@lizcrei.com IRC Real Estate Specializing in Investment Property P. 503-999-0477 Email: info@ircenterprises.com Liz Dauw, Summa Realty, Realty Pro Phone: (503) 880-5561 Specializing in 1-4 Units, Oregon & Washington E-mail: liz@lizdrealtor.com Blog: www.facebook.com/LizdRealEstate
Rental Housing Maint. Svcs CCB# 163427 Gary Indra, P.503-678-2136 Fully Licensed to do it all Email: garyindra@rentalrepairs.com
PropM, Inc Michelle Wrege, P.888-780-2938 Finding Home Owners Qualified Tenants www.propmhomes.com
Liz Robinson Real Estate - Windermere Stellar Liz Robinson P. 503-267-7418 Email: lizrobinsonrealestate@windermere.com www.lizrobinsonrealestate.com
Soil Solutions Environmental Services Sewer inspection and repair P. 503-234-2118 Email: info@soilsolutionsenvironmental.com www.soilsolutionsenvironmental.com
Tangent Property Management, Inc. Ann-Marie Lundberg P. 503-594-2101 www.tangentpm.com
HFO Investment Real Estate Greg Frick, P.503-241-5541 2424 SE 11th Ave., Portland, OR 97214 www.hfore.com
Inkberry Print & Promotional Logo’d Promotional Products, Signs & More Pamela Maio, P. 503-706-7711 Email: inkberryprinting@comcast.net www.inkberryprinting.com
The Cobalt Group Accounting and Business Consulting 1100 NE 28th Ave., Ste 100, Portland, OR 97232 P. 503-239-8432 Email: info@thecobaltgrp.com
The Garcia Group Ron Garcia, P. 503-595-4747 5331 SW Macadam Ave Suite 361 Portland, OR 97239 www.garciagrp.com
RHA values our Affiliates, the goods and services provided to our membership, their participation in our Association and their continued support. RHA does not, however, warrant or guarantee the quality of goods and/or services provided by Affiliates. www.rhaoregon.org
Let the advertiser know that you received their contact information through the Rental Housing Alliance Oregon
Clear Water Construction Services CCB#194703 Turnovers, Rehabs & Everything Else P. 503-974-6654 ~ F. 503-217-0308 Email: daleh@cwcsnw.com www.cwcsnw.com
Benge Industries Parking Lot Maintenance Svcs Corey Wilkerson, P.503-803-1950 Email: corey@bengeindustries.com
Kennedy Restoration Restoring Lives...Rebuilding Properties Since 1950 P. 503-234-0509 PDX, OR 360-693-5288 VAN, WA www.kennedyres.com
Hal’s Construction Inc. CCB# 34434 Brian King, P.503-656-4999 20666 S HWY 213, Oregon City, OR 97045 www.halsconstruction.com Email: halspave@easystreet.net
Rental Housing Maint Svcs CCB# 163427 Gary Indra,P.503-678-2136 Fully Licensed to do it all Email: Garyindra@rentalrepairs.com www.roofpdx.com
Seal Coat Specialties, LLC-OR CCB#197991 WA Seal CSL 882m3 Asphalt maintenance Chuck Jordan, P.503-914-9837 Email: sealcoatspecialties@hotmail.com
Servpro Serving North Portland, Lake Oswego & West Linn P.503-283-3658 F. 503-444-7130 www.servpronwportland.com
Good Affordable Roofing Services LLC CCB # 208939 For all things roofs we do it Good & Affordable Call today 971-312-7767 Email: goodaffordableroofingservices@gmail.com www.goodaffordableroofingservice.com Real Estate Roofing Service CCB# 149575 Lynne Whitney, P.503-284-5522 Free Inspections, ReRoof and Repairs. www.realestateroofing.com
Soil Solutions Environmental Services Sewer inspection and repair P. 503-234-2118 Email: info@soilsolutionsenvironmental.com www.soilsolutionsenvironmental.com
Benge Industries Parking Lot Maintenance Services Corey Wilkerson, P.503-803-1950 Email: corey@bengeindustries.com Seal Coat Specialties, LLC-OR CCB#197991 WA Seal CSL 882m3 Asphalt maintenance Chuck Jordan, P. 503-914-9837 Email: sealcoatspecialties@hotmail.com
D&R Waterproofing, Inc. Ray Elkins, P.503-353-1650 8890 SE McLoughlin Blvd., Milwaukie, OR 97222 www.drmasonry.com
Goose Hollow Window Co Inc CCB# 53631 Mary D. Mann, P.503-620-0898 Energy Trust Trade Ally Email: marymann@goosehwc.com www.goosehwc.com
RHA values our Affiliates, the goods and services provided to our membership, their participation in our Association and their continued support. RHA does not, however, warrant or guarantee the quality of goods and/or services provided by Affiliates.
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-Are you looking for a great place to have a meeting? -Are you planning an event, but just not sure where to hold it? 935 square feet, audio and video available, small kitchen prep area. Classroom/Banquet tables and chairs. For more information contact: Ami Stevens at 503-407-3663 or RHA Oregon at 503-254-4723 22
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