June 2015
A monthly newsletter published by the Rental Housing Alliance Oregon
rha est. 1927
www.rhaoregon.org In this issue: Dinner Social
page 3
Landlord Outreach
page 6
June 16, 2015 FREE Dinner Meeting See page 3 for more information
Fair Housing & Advertising page 7 - 9 Under A Starry Night
page 11
Happy Hour Event
page 13
Mark Your Calendar-Annual Picnic August 12, 2015 page 14 Apartment Rents Have No Where to go page 15 & 16
Formerly the Rental Housing Association of Greater Portland
Dinner Social
Tuesday June 16 2015 at 6 pm
Brought to you by:
CFM was founded by a builder as a solution to the many problems associated in dealing with typical floor covering retailers such as inconsistent pricing; inexperienced, commissioned sales staff; limited selection, and never knowing what crew would show up to install your job. CFM answered these by: • Providing a single price for all trade customers • Employing well-trained, longterm salaried sales professionals • Maintaining 9 large, clean, well-lit showrooms displaying the most current product selections in all categories • Assisting you to build a long-term relationship with the right installer for all your floor covering needs. As lifetime residents of the Northwest, we understand the diverse needs of this unique region. We feature the largest selection of products priced with minimum mark up, so you can feel confident your costs will be kept low on every job. Roll and volume pricing benefits are always passed along to the customer. We go to great lengths to keep our showrooms up to date with the latest flooring styles. With our ever-changing industry, CFM is constantly bringing in new, fashionforward products to meet your design needs. Our showrooms display the various types of flooring—carpet, hardwood, stone, vinyl, laminate and ceramic and more, all under one roof. To ensure our customers get exactly what they need, every CFM location is staffed with experienced, friendly professionals to help walk you through the selection process. CFM is a “no pressure” sales environment. Our goal is to assist you to find the right product for your application.
Table of Contents Dinner Social |page 3 President’s Message | page 4 RHA Mark Your Calendar | page 5 Landlord Outreach | page 6 Fair Housing & Advertising | page 7 - 9 Under A Starry Night Event | page 11 Happy Hour |page 13 Mark Your Canendar - Annual Picnic August 12, 2015 | page 14 Apartment Rents Have Nowhere to Go But Up | page 15 & 16 The Preferred Service Guide | page 19-22
We don’t just work in the communities we serve, we live there as well. CFM takes an active part in helping to make our towns the best places in America to live and raise a family. CFM and our employees donate time, money and resources to numerous local charities and
When: Where: Cost:
Tuesday June 16, 2015 at 6:00pm Contract Furnishings Mart, 6050 SW Arctic Dr. Beaverton, OR 97005 Free
Call 503-254-4723 to register
Catered Mexican Buffet, Adult Beverages, Pop and Ice Water
From I-405 North: Get on US-26 W, Follow US-26 W and OR-217 S to SW Allen Blvd in Beaverton. Take exit 2B from OR-217 S Continue on SW Allen Blvd. Drive to SW Arctic Dr From I-205 South Take I-205 S to I-84/U.S. 30 W. Take U.S. 30 W to US-26 W to OR-217 S. Take OR-217 S to SW Allen Blvd in Beaverton than Take exit 2B from OR-217 S, Continue on SW Allen Blvd. Drive to SW Arctic Dr www.rhaoregon.org
President’s Message Recently, I have been thinking about what a great country and community we live in. There are so many opportunities to volunteer and get involved in helping individuals and our community as a whole. We are able to share our talents with others, and grow through the shared experiences. Recently, I Rha Oregon President was watching my daughter’s eyes as she talked about her John Sage involvement with the Youth Advisory Committee in our city, Peer Court, and the next play that the drama department is going to be producing at her school. The excitement that danced in her eyes reminded me of the joys of being involved in something larger than one’s self. Don’t we all remember the joy of the first time that we volunteered our time to help bring something into being? The increased feeling of self-worth and respect for those you were working with is immeasurable. It is with this in mind that I write to you today. We are gearing up at RHAOregon for the upcoming summer months. First Contract Furnishings Mart is holding their annual dinner for RHAOregon members on June 16th at their Beaverton location. This is always a fun and joyful event. RHAOregon’s 2nd Annual Starry Night event on July 15th is an opportunity for our members to help raise funds for JOIN, to get a family off the streets and into housing. You can volunteer to help the committee organize the event, donate silent and oral auction items or raffle prizes and attend this event. Last year we raised over $2,500 to help get one family into housing and this year’s goal is to raise even more. As always in August there is the RHAOregon picnic at Oaks Park. This year the date is August 12th , so mark your calendars. There will be games for members young and old, our buffet dinner served by the board of directors, vendors tables for you to gather information from our affiliate members, and of course the rides at Oaks Park to enjoy. Then of course there are the committees that serve the organization on a monthly basis that you can get involved in. These committees help to grow our organization (Membership Committee), educate our members by scheduling training and instructors (Education Committee), provide opportunities for our vendor partners to grow along with us (Marketing Committee). We at RHAOregon invite you to attend our events. We also invite you to volunteer for one of our committees. You truly will enjoy the time spent helping and getting to know the other landlords that serve on the board and volunteer for your organization.
RHA Oregon BOARD MEMBERS President John Sage, PH. (503)667-7971 President Elect Ron Garcia, PH. (503)595-4747 Vice President Treasurer Elaine Elsea, PH. (503)258-0700 Secretary Lynne Whitney, PH. (503)284-5522 Past President Elizabeth Carpenter, PH. (503)314-6498 RHA Oregon DIRECTORS Katie Poole-Hussa, PH. (503)465-4404 Alita Dougherty, PH. (503)667-9288 Cathy Galuza, PH. (503)888-8830 Dana Brown, PH. (503)740-8432 Jerad Goughnour, PH. (503)303-8545 Jim Herman, PH. (503)-645-8287 Ami Stevens, PH. (503)-407-3663 AJ Shepard, PH. (360)772-6355 Matt Korshoj, PH. (503)822-5539 Mihyun Pratt, PH. (503)969-5412 Phil Owen, PH: (503)-244-7986 RHAOregon OFFICE Monday - Friday * 9:00am - 5:00pm PH: 503-254-4723 * Fax: 503-254-4821 10520 NE Weidler St Portland, OR 97220
Our ancestors that built the great communities that we live in understood the value of volunteering and how it helped to strengthen the bonds of the community, increased skill development, socialization, self-worth and respect. So I encourage you to volunteer your skills, time and knowledge to help RHAOregon to continue to set the standard for community participation for landlords proving affordable and quality housing.
Sincerely, John Sage President RHA Oregon, Stegmann Insurance Agency Inc. Since 1927, the Rental Housing Alliance Oregon has set the standard for community participation by landlords providing affordable and quality housing.
RHAOregon is committed to educating members to fair housing practices and policies. www.rhaoregon.org
RHA Mark Your Calendar DATE
Board Meeting
RHA Conference Annex
Dinner Social
CFM - Free Dinner
New Member/Mentor Session
RHA Conference Annex
Happy Hour Event
UpTown Market
Board Meeting
RHA Conference Annex
Under A Starry Night Benefit
RHA Conference Annex
New Member / Mentor Session
RHA Conference Annex
See page 3
See page 13 of the Update Newsletter
See page 11
If you register for a dinner meeting and DO NOT SHOW or DO NOT CANCEL by the Friday before the dinner meeting you will be charged the full price of the dinner Meeting CLASSES
Online Tenant Screening Class
RHA Conference Annex
Understanding Your Decision Point Reports
Online Tenant Screening Class
Understanding Your Decision Point Reports
Interested in knowing what is going on with Rental Housing Alliance Oregon? You are invited to attend our monthly board meetings. Please come and see what is happening! 2nd Wednesday of every month at 5pm.
Those with prior registration to the class will be seated first. Walk-ins will only be accommodated once the class has started and if space is available. Registered attendees who arrive 15 minutes after the start of class be aware that your chair may be filled. If you register for a class and then do not cancel at least 48 hours before the class and /or do not show you will be charged for the class.
Call RHA at 503/254-4723 to let us know that you will be there.
Happy Hour This event is an opportunity for landlords to share their secrets. Who do you use, why do you use particular vendors and an opportunity for us all to help each other out in an informal setting to discuss the challenges of managing property. Members are encouraged to bring new vendors and new landlords to explore the benefits of RHA. We look forward to a social hour where the focus is to share each others contacts to make all of our lives easier.
Under A Starry Night Event We auctioned, and bid each other up on art work to vacation and golf bags to wine. If telling how long everyone stayed is any indication of the success of the event, then people seemed to really enjoy themselves. Last year we raised approximately $2500 which was enough to get one family off the street. Let see if we can beat last years total!
New Member / Mentor Whether your a current member or interested in becoming a member come see what benefits the RHA has for you. Also stick around after the Member Information for the Mentoring Session and have your membership/landlord questions answered by experienced landlords. Refreshments provided.
To purchase event tickets online visit: http://www.rhaoregon.Org/store/category/events www.rhaoregon.org
Landlord Outreach: Catholic Charities is partnering with landlords to increase rental housing options in areas that present high opportunity for residents to prosper. Catholic Charities provides individuals and families with the tools, knowledge, and support they need to improve their situations and escape poverty through a variety of programs: El Programa Hispano Católico (services for Latino families), affordable and transitional housing, permanent supportive housing, housing advocacy, immigration legal services, refugee resettlement services, financial wellness education and coaching, domestic violence support, pregnancy support and counseling, and adoption services. Many Catholic Charities clients have Housing Choice Vouchers. Catholic Charities is also working to increase successful housing placements of voucher holders since the Oregon Housing Choice Act of 2013 (House Bill 2639) passed, prohibiting discrimination based on source of income (including Section 8). Housing is a significant barrier for many people and Catholic Charities values relationships with landlords and the importance landlords play in reducing the barriers to the success of our more vulnerable community members. What’s in it for landlords? • Professional relationship with Catholic Charities staff to support the rental process and a successful landlord tenant relationship (e.g., translation services & rent assistance program info) • Large pool of potential tenants and low turnover among Section 8 tenants • The additional support Catholic Charities tenants receive provides assurance to landlords that the clients’ resource needs are being met and lowers the risk of unforeseen crisis • Housing Choice (Section 8) Vouchers provide guaranteed payments and cover tenant damage beyond normal wear and tear if it occurs • Give back to the community; increase housing equity in the Portland metro area and provide residents the option to stay or move into an area that may support their success. If you are a landlord and would like to learn more about how to partner with Catholic Charities, please contact: Tiffiny Hager, Landlord Engagement Specialist. thager@catholiccharitiesoregon.org. 503-358-5819 www. CatholicCharitiesOregon.org
FAIR HOUSING AND ADVERTISING By Jo Becker, Education/Outreach Specialist, Fair Housing Council of Oregon
I recently reread a 2009 report produced by the National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA) on how internet housing ads perpetuate discrimination Fair Housing Act (http://www.nationalfairhousing. The covers all housing ads and, while there’s confusion org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=zg over liability online bukJP2rMM%3d&tabid=2510&m services face when illegally discriminatory ads are id=8347). posted on their sites, it is As we can attest to from our own office’s investigations, illegal ads are prolific online, decades after Congress and the Fair Housing Act1 made them illegal. Following are some highlights from the report.
clear that the poster – that is, the housing provider doing the advertising is most certainly liable.
Be sure you’re up-to-speed with the letter and the spirit of the law, as well as developments in the fair housing world.
There is no disagreement that landlords, real estate agents, and others who create and place these discriminatory ads are legally liable for violating the Fair Housing Act. In passing the Fair Housing Act in 1968, Congress wanted to hold publishers responsible for third parties as a way of eliminating the problem most efficiently.
2143 NE Broadway St Portland, OR 97232 Office: 503-281-1172 Cell: 503-314-6498 Email: liz@lizcrei.com www.lizcrei.com
Real Estate Services
Every day in the United States, thousands of people view rental advertisements that illegally deny housing to families with children and others protected by the federal Fair Housing Act. Although newspapers have been held liable under the Fair Housing Act for publishing discriminatory housing advertisements with statements such as “no kids,” or “couples only,” the publishers of similar ads on the Internet have not been held to the same legal standard. In order to address this disparity in the law, which holds print 1 Federally protected classes under the Fair Housing Act include: race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (children), and disability. Oregon law also protects marital status, source of income, sexual orientation, and domestic violence survivors. Additional protected classes have been added in particular geographic areas; visit FHCO. org/mission.htm and read the section entitled “View Local Protected Classes” for more information.
(continued on page 8) www.rhaoregon.org
Fair Housing and Advertising: continued from page 7
advertisements and online advertisements to separate and unequal standards, the National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA) urges Congress to amend the Communications Decency Act. The federal Fair Housing Act makes it illegal to make, print or publish or cause to be made, printed or published housing ads that discriminate, limit or deny equal access to apartments or homes because of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, familial status and disability <There are, of course, additional state and local protected classes1.>. In order to comply with the Fair Housing Act, newspapers utilize screening systems to keep advertisements containing discriminatory statements from being printed. <And they’re often much more conservative than fair housing advocates are! Take a look at FHCO’s popular article, “The List” (www.FHCO.org/pdfs/article_thelist.pdf) for more this and related urban legends).> However, a legal interpretation of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) holds that interactive Internet providers, like craigslist, are not publishers and, therefore, are not liable for violating the Fair Housing Act if discriminatory housing ads are published on their sites. Yet it needn’t be difficult. Internet providers can implement filtering systems just as print publications can (arguably it’d be all the easier for them to do so) to prevent individuals from posting illegally discriminatory verbiage. Either way, whether or not a site is liable in a given situation (we feel it is), the poster most certainly is! As a housing provider advertising residential properties you should know that fair housing advocates such as our office and others, including national groups, periodically
comb sites and publications for violations. Our advice: treat any possible form of advertising – whatever your role in it – as if it falls under federal, state, and / or local fair housing laws. This includes written, printed, online, posted signs, oral statements, etc. – whether free or paid. During the past year, NFHA and <several of its members> identified more than 7,500 discriminatory ads placed by housing providers on various websites. Yet, only 1,000 complaints have been filed with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) because both HUD and private fair housing agencies lack the staff and time to work through the cumbersome process required to identify and bring these landlords to justice. Sadly, these ads reinforce the message to public readers that refusing to rent, or sell, or lend, or insure based on any of the protected classes is acceptable and even legal. What’s more, it confuses those who wish to follow the law or would be inclined to if they were better informed. All the more reason for the proactive stance the FHCO has always taken on education as a tool to eradicate illegal housing discrimination coupled, of course, with enforcement activities because the battle won’t be won with a ‘carrot’ alone. The Fair Housing Act covers all advertising for the rental… or sale of homes as well as advertising for home loans, homeowners/renters insurance, and any service related to housing. Language in the Fair Housing Act and in the regulations implementing the law makes it clear that the law is also intended to prevent newspapers and other media from publishing advertisements or notices that limit housing to specific individuals or indicate a preference for certain people. The law states: It shall be unlawful to make, print, or publish or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement, or advertisement, with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on <protected class> (emphasis added). (continued on page 9)
Fair Housing and Advertising: continued from page 8
The NFHA report identified thousands of ads that violate the Fair Housing Act—in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, including Portland and Bend, Oregon. As a result, the national organization filed over a thousand complaints with HUD against posters. The most common Fair Housing Act violation that NFHA and its members found on the Internet was advertising discriminating against families with children. NFHA found ads stating preferences for tenants who were “single” or “a couple of individuals.” Phrases such as “perfect for young couple” or “three adults” were found in ads for houses or apartments with multiple bedrooms. These ads indicate an illegal preference or limitation and discourage families with children from even considering contacting a landlord. <Note: This is different than occupancy standards. To read up on the subject visit www. FHCO.org/discrimination-in-oregon/protectedclasses/familial/occupancy.> Many of the properties with such discriminatory language have multiple bedrooms, and would be ideal for families with children. Some examples of discriminatory language identified include: • 2BR: “Mature couple or single with no children” NY • 3BR: Duplex: “Christian atmosphere” IN • 2BR: “PERFECT FOR 2 ADULTS….seeking a maximum of 2 tenants” CT • 2BR: “Couples preferred” Chicago, IL • 4BR: “Looking for responsible adults to enjoy home” VT
themselves.” GA, and from here in Oregon… • RV Hookup “Hopefully we can find someone that is a Christian and loves God with all of their hearts” OR Be sure you’re well informed and complying with both the letter and the spirit of fair housing laws. Schedule a fair housing class for your staff or members today, or ask your local trade association when FHCO will be offering a class with them. In the meantime, visit our newly revised website and make full use of the information and resources posted there. While on the site, sign up for our free e-newsletter to keep up-to-speed with developments in the fair housing world. This article brought to you by the Fair Housing Council; a civil rights organization. All rights reserved © 2015. Write jbecker@FHCO.org to reprint articles or inquire about ongoing content for your own publication. To learn more… Learn more about fair housing and / or sign up for our free, periodic newsletter at www.FHCO.org. Qs about this article? ‘Interested in articles for your company or trade association? Contact Jo Becker at jbecker@FHCO.org or 800/424-3247 Ext. 150 Want to schedule an in-office fair housing training program or speaker for corporate or association functions? Visit www.FHCO.org/pdfs/classlist.pdf
Even if these happen to be located in designated senior communities, the description of the community as an “adult community” or the advertising of “no kids allowed” is specifically disallowed by HUD. (Visit www.FHCO.org/ discrimination-in-oregon/protected-classes/familial for more on this subject.) A couple of my favorites that touch on other protected classes include: • “Looking for a white lady who has a car and that’s drawing a check. No Children, teenagers” TN • “We’re trying to make cheaper rent available for able bodied people who can do a few things for www.rhaoregon.org
Under A StArry night
Fine Dinner & Wine Complementary Craft beer and Lager Auction to support Join $19.00 per person RSVP at info@rhaoregon.org
RHA Oregon Conference Annex and Patio, 10520 NE Weidler, Portland OR 97220
New Member / Mentor Session Thursday June 25, 2015 From 6pm to 8pm RHA Oregon Conference Annex 10530 NE Weidler Portland, OR 97220
Whether your a current member or interested in becoming a member come see what benefits the RHA has for you. Also stick around after the Member Information for the Mentoring Session and have your membership/landlord questions answered by experienced landlords. Refreshments to be provided. Call 503/254-4723 for more details and to let us know that you are coming.
HAPPY HOUR EVENT Tuesday June 30, 2105 from 3:30pm - 7:00pm at
This event is an opportunity for landlords to share their secrets. Who do you use, why do you use particular vendors and an opportunity for us all to help each other out in an informal setting to discuss the challenges of managing property. Members are encouraged to bring new vendors and new landlords to explore the benefits of the RHA Membership. 1st beverage is provided free of charge for anyone attending and you will receive a coupon for a second beverage if you bring a possible new member or affiliate. We look forward to a social hour where the focus is to share each others contacts to make all of our lives easier. If you have suggestions of new members and affiliates but cannot make the event feel free to send their contact info to Cari and we will reach out to them to attend the event. Event will be at Uptown Marketâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new location in Lake Oswego. 3970 SW Mercantile Dr, Suite 110, Lake Oswego, OR 97035. Hours will be from 3:30 to 7 pm. There is no charge for this get together and there will be some light snacks provided. Uptown Market has a full kitchen and food will be available for purchase if you wish. Please call 503-254-4723 to Register Hope to see you there!
Apartment Rents Have Nowhere To Go But Up in 2015 By Clifford A. Hockley, President Bluestone & Hockley Real Estate Services As tall tower cranes have become a fixture in the Portland skyline, many are wondering how many units will be added to the Portland metro area in the next few years. According to the spring 2015 Barry Report (published by Patrick and Mark Barry Appraisers) somewhere between 12,000-16,000 units will be built between 2015 and 2016. Typical annual demand is between 3,000 and 4,000 units per year. That translates into a likely surplus of apartment units in 2016. Given the increased supply, what is forcing rents up? Increased demand for rentals is driven by demographic changes, population growth, and job growth. The low rate of apartment vacancies, at the 3% mark across the Portland Metro marketplace, is evidence of this. Demographic changes. The millennials have exited college, moved out of their parents’ home and are populating central urban areas of major cities. They have created significant apartment demand in the metro Portland area. Note: Developers and investors need to use caution as they continue to race ahead. Within five years, 50% of this cohort is looking to live in a suburban environment. (According to Trulia‘s chief economist Jed Kilko in a blog he posted on January 22, 2015 http://read.bi/1Ff3PHo ) Population growth. Since 2010, an estimated 116,168 people have moved to the Portland metropolitan area. This reflects a 5.2% growth rate from 2010–2014, which is the 20th-fastest in the country among large cities in the United States, and fourth-fastest outside the Sun Belt. http://bit.ly/1FGrIc7 Job Growth. Portland has gained jobs more rapidly than Seattle, San Francisco and most other major U.S. metro areas in the past year. Portland’s employment base expanded 3.1% from June 2013-June 2014, the area’s fastest annual growth rate in nine years. According to state workforce economist Christian Kaylor, the past year marked only the second stretch since the mid-1990s that job growth exceeded 3% in Portland. Cost of construction. In 2010, the cost of building a two bedroom one bath apartment unit with a washer/dryer
hookup was approximately $90,000–$95,000 per unit. Today that cost ranges from $125,000-$165,000 for wood frame apartment buildings up to five floors. The cost of construction is significantly greater for buildings over five floors due to the higher cost associated in building with concrete and metal. A recent appraisal completed by Barry and Associates for the construction of a “high end” five story elevator-served building priced out at $230,000 per unit all in (system development charges, soft and hard costs and developer profit.) A number of factors account for the increased costs of construction: Increased land prices. Land prices that were down to $10,000 a unit during the recession are now averaging closer to $20,000 a unit for multifamily units, with some deals coming in at $30,000 – 40,000 a unit (which was once prerecession pricing for townhouse unit land.) Code changes. There have been many code changes in the last six years. In 2012 the Oregon Structural Specialty Code was revised using the framework of the international building code. This had many implications. First of all, new multifamily properties are now required to install fire suppression sprinklers. Additionally, there are more complete requirements for handicapped accessibility, seismic resistance, and stricter codes regarding air flow into buildings. These new requirements have increased building costs significantly. Lack of enough labor. The 2014-2015 construction boom has created increased demand for construction labor creating a lack of contractors and laborers available to complete projects. This labor shortage has increased the cost and supply of labor. Commercial increases have averaged 4.4% over the last two years. According to Brian Frank, President of Keyway square
(continued on page 16) www.rhaoregon.org
Apartment Rents Have No Where To Go: continued from page 15
feet in the city center and over 700 square feet outside of the city. The proposed increases follow a sliding scale based on unit size which may increase fees up to 52% for outer city units more than 2,200 square feet. Commercial increases in this proposal are budgeted to increase 113%281%. Increases in operating expenses. Water and sewer bills, property taxes (with bond measure increases) and regular maintenance are making properties more expensive to Construction, a construction company that specializes in the construction of midrise wood frame apartment communities, the cost for labor across all trades has increased about 5% due to a shortage of experienced trades people. Increased material costs. The cost of construction materials have been increasing as well. More importantly, there are more materials needed to complete the construction of apartments and homes in order to comply with code changes. Brian Frank of Keyway Construction pointed out that the cost of materials has risen about 5% this year. The combination of labor and materials brings the total increase in apartment construction costs in the last 8â&#x20AC;&#x201C;12 months to 10% (of experienced tradespeople.) http://on.wsj.com/1HVYaa6
Increased systems development charges. System development charges increase annually. The Portland Parks and Recreation Department, led by Commissioner Amada Fritz, recently proposed residential increases in parks-related fees for units over 1,700 square feet in the city center and over 700 square feet outside of the city. The proposed increases follow a sliding scale based on unit size which may increase fees up to 52% for outer city units more than 2,200 square feet. Commercial increases in this proposal are budgeted to increase 113%-281%. The bottom line Rent increases will continue to go up in the next 24 months as a response to continued robust demand and job growth. Additionally, the cost of construction is forcing developers to increase their asking rates in order to meet all of the economic needs for their projects. There are two kinds of rent to consider: Rents for newly constructed properties will continue to be strong, ranging from $2.50-$2.75 per foot, even reaching as high as $3.00 per foot for very small units, but significant concessions will be needed to fill these properties. Also, as more of these new properties lack parking we will see some shift of tenants to properties that have a parking component. Well located, well maintained older product rents are in the $1.50 per foot range, while further outside the metro area rents are ranging closer to $1.00 per foot. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Value addâ&#x20AC;? properties, which have been substantially upgraded, are nearing the $1.75-2.00 per foot mark. We expect to see rents for existing properties continue to increase from between 4%-7% each year over the next two years, as existing multifamily housing adjusts to the increasing demand in the marketplace. In summary, rents have nowhere to go but up in 2015 due to a shortage of experienced tradespeople.
Increased permit costs. Every year there are typically some increases in permit fees to offset the operation of the permit center staff who manage the permitting and inspection requests. Patrick Barry of Barry and Associates noted recently that system development and permit costs were approaching $20,000 per unit in the Portland Metro area, with a recent smaller project actually costing $25,000 a unit.
Just three minutes from the RHA Oregon Office!
The RHAOregon Mission
Dale Hosley President
PO Box 576 Sherwood, OR 97140
The Rental Housing Alliance Oregon is a group of rental housing owners and managers in the state of Oregon who have joined together for the purposes of: • Providing information to improve the knowledge of rental owners and managers. • Enhancing the reputation of “landlords” by promoting professional practices. • Assisting local public officials on various community endeavors relating to public or private housing. The Update is a monthly publication of Rental Housing Alliance Oregon • 10520 NE Weidler St, • Portland, OR 97220 • Phone 503-254-4723 • Fax 503-254-4821 • www.rhaoregon. org • Hours: Monday through Friday 9am to 5 pm
503.974.6654 - Office 503.367.3503 - Mobile 503.217.0308 - FAX OR CCB# 194703
daleh@cwcsnw.com www.CWCSNW.com
2015 RHA Oregon Office Closures Office Hours Monday - Friday 9 - 5pm Thursday January 1, 2015 - New Years Day Monday May 25, 2015 - Memorial Day
Editorial Staff: Cari Pierce • Graphic Designer Teresa Carlson Publisher: The Rental Housing Alliance Oregon The opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors and do not reflect those of the Board of Directors or the newsletter editor or committee.
Thursday November 26, 2015 - Thanksgiving Day
All advertising inquiries should be directed to Cari Pierce at 503-254-4723.
Friday December 25, 2015 Christmas Day
Please notify the RHAOregon office of any address changes.
Monday September 7, 2015 - Labor Day
Friday November 27, 2015 Black Friday
Phone: (503)254-4723
Fax (503) 254-4821
10520 NE Weidler St., Portland, OR 97220
RHA Oregon entors
• Are you a member of RHA Oregon? Are you interested in knowing what RHA Oregon is all about? • Thinking about becoming a member? • Have landlord questions? • Come speak to some experienced landlords and learn more about an RHA Membership
Refreshments Offered Thursday June 25, 2015 from 6-8pm RHA Oregon Conference Annex 10520 NE Weidler Portland OR 97220.
PREFERRED VENDORS: . Dual and Affiliate members support the interest of rental housing through their membership in RHA
Beutler Exchange Group, LLC P.503-748-1031, P.844-414-1031 toija@beutlerexchangegroup.com www.BeutlerExchangeGroup.com Peregrine Private CapitalCorp P.503-241-4949 5000 Meadows Rd. #230 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 rs@peregrineprivatecapital.com Tryon Equities LLC Michael Templeton 23214 SW Saint Charles Way, Sherwood, OR 97140 Phone. 503-713-7291 Email: mtempleton@tryonequities.com
Balancing Point, Inc., Sandy Buhite-Landis P.503-659-8803 C.503-504-9466 12500 SE Oatfield Rd Milwaukie 97222 melandsandyl@hotmail.com Kendall Consulting Accountants and Business Consultants 1100 NE 28th Ave., Ste 101 Portland, OR 97232 P.503-206-5660 adam@kcportland.com Portland Tax Co. Full Service Tax and Accounting Phone: 503-258-0700 Fax: 503-256-1527
Rental Housing Journal P.503-221-1260 News for Ppty Managers & Owners www.thelandlordtimes.com Oregonian Media Group David Sandvig, P.503-221-8417 1500 SW 1st Ave., Ste 500, Portland 97201 dsandvig@oregonian.com www.oregonianlive.com Zillow.Inc Find your next tenant 1301 2nd Ave., Seattle, WA 97101 www.zillow.com
APPLIANCE-RENT -SRVS- LEASE Azuma Leasing BJ Rosow, P.800-707-1188 P.512-236-9000, F.512-239-9009 2905 San Gabriel St. #218 Austin, TX 78705
G&C Distributing Company Tony Kavanagh, P.503-288-0221 1205 NE 33rd, Portland 97232 Standard TV & Appliance Joe Mosee & Cathy Mosee P.503-619-0500, C.503-888-6927 3600 SW Hall Blvd, Beaverton 97005
Complete Screening Agency LLC Jacob Turner & Tiffany Webb P.800-827-3130 www.complete-screen.com info@complete-screen.com
National Tenant Network Marcia Gohman P.503-635-1118, F.503-635-9392 P.O. Box 21027, Keizer 97303 www.ntnonline.com
G&G Construction Inc. CCB# 162743 P.503-826-9404 Maintenance & Painting Specialists email: gandgconstruction@me.com
RHA Oregon P.503-254-4723, F.503-254-4821 Fast,affordable tenant screening www.rhaoregon.org
Americlean Inc., Since 1972 We are very good at what we do, Frank Porter, P.503-771-0554 info@iloveamericlean.com www.iloveamericlean.com
TrueSource Screening, LLC David Mustard P.888.546-3588, F.888-546-3588 www.truesourcescreening.com
Certified Carpet Services Cleaning, restretching,repairs and flood service. P.503-313-7963
Benge Industries Parking Lot Maintenance Service Corey Wilkerson P.503-803-1950 corey@bengeindustries.com
Dura Clean Carpet Cleaning Upholstery, Pet Odor Removal, Flood Service P.503-914-8785 F,503-372-9163 www.duracleanllc.com dura-clean@comcast.net
Hal’s Construction, Inc. CCB#34434 Brian King, P.503-656-4999 20666 S HWY 213, Oregon City, OR 97045 www.halsconstruction.com halspave@easystreet.net
O’Meara Carpet Cleaning P.503-538-1983, 503-620-5005 Cleaning, Pet Odor
Metro Area Smoke Free Housing Project P.503-718-6145 www.smokefreeoregon.com
Bittner & Hahs, P.C. Andy Hahs, P.503-228-5626 4949 SW Meadows Rd #260 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Broer & Passannante, P.S. Mark G Passannante, P.503-294-0910 1001 SW Fifth Ave, Ste. 1220 Portland, OR 97204 Jeffrey S. Bennett Jeff Bennett. P.503-255-8795 850 NE 122nd Ave. Portland, 97230 Protecting landlords’ rights in Oregon for over a decade. Law Offices of Richard Schneider, LLC P.503-241-1215, www.rbsllc.com 2455 NW Marshall St #11 Portland 97210, Business formation - LLCs Scott A. McKeown, P.C. Scott McKeown, P.503-224-1937 8700 SW 26th Ave Ste S. Portland, 97219 scottmckeown@comcast.net Murphy Law Group P.C. Always representing ONLY landlords Tim Murphy P.503-550-4894 621 SW Morrison St. Ste 1225 Portland,97204
CCB# 15830 Crawlspace Waterproofing P.503-233-0825 Fully Staffed www.johnswaterproofing.com
Certified Carpet Servies CCB#184070 Mark Sandstrom P.503-313-7963 Cleaning, restretching, repairs & Flood Srvs mpsandstrom@comcast.net Contract Furnishings Mart Jennifer Evans P.360-896-6150, 800-267-6150 11013 NE 39th St Vancouver 98682 www.cfmfloors.com Roger Harms P.503-230-1250, 800-275-6722 915 SE Sandy Blvd Portland 97214 www.cfmfloors.com Rebecca O’Neill P.503-716-4848 4865 NW 235th Ave Hillsboro, OR 97124 www.cfmfloors.com Jim Path P.503-542-8900, 800-935-1250 14190 SW 72nd Ave #110 Tigard, OR 97224 www.cfmfloors.com Patrick VonPegert P.503-656-5277, 877-656-5232 15140 SE 82nd Dr Clackamas, OR 97015 info@cfmfloors.com The Floor Store Ted Stapleton, P.503-408-6488 5628 SE Woodstock Blvd Portland, OR 97206 ted@floorstoreportland.com
Eaton General Construction CCB# 154142 P.503-539-0811 Full Service General Contractor www.eatongeneral.com
PREFERRED VENDORS: Dual and Affiliate members support the interest of rental housing through their membership in RHA
Anderson & Associates Credit Services, LLC P.503-293-5400, F.503-813-2159 P.O. Box 230286, Portland, 97281 andersoncollectionagency@gmail.com National Credit Systems, Inc. Mary Bass Regional Sales Director P. 1-800-530-2797
Northwestern Mutual Financial & Retirement Planning Charlene Quaresma P.503-421-5058 www.charlenequaresma.nm.com charlene.quaresma@nm.com
Action Services Wally Lemke, P.503-244-1226 6400 SE Lake Rd, Portland, 97222 Your eviction & process Service Specialist
Hal’s Construction, Inc. CCB# 34434 Brian King, P.503-656-4999 20666 S HWY 213 Oregon City, OR97045 www.halsconstruction.com
Barrister Support Service P.503-246-8934 Evictions, 1st Appearance, Process Serving www.barristersupport.com
Metro Sidewalk Repair P. 503-875-7900 Concrete Water Proofing, Maintenance & repair and new structure installation
Landlord Solutions P.503-242-2312, F.503-242-1881 P.O. Box 7087, Portland 97007 Online evictions & First Appearance www.landlord-solutions.com
Goose Hollow Window Co Inc. CCB# 53631 Mary D. Mann P.503-620-0898 marymann@goosehwc.com Goosehwc.com Energy Trust Trade Ally
Oregon Ductless, Inc. CCB#204219 Aaron McNally Phone: 503-410-1309 Sales and installation of ductless heat pumps Serving all Portland Metro areas E-mail: info@oregonductless.com www.oregonductless.com
DeKorte Electric, Inc. DDB# 159954 P.503-288-2211 5331 SW Macadam #258-113 Portland, OR 97239 Freeman Electric CB#61648 P.503-803-6859 Call for RHA Member Discount Rental Housing Maint Service CCB# 163427 Gary Indra, P.503-678-2136 Fully Licensed to do it all garyindra@rentalrepairs.com
Oregon Legal AssistanceSrvs P.503-954-1009,F.971-266-8372 Evictions,small claims and Process Servicing
American Commercial Mortgage Network Al Williams, P.206-264-1325 1366 91st Ave. NE Clyde Hill WA 98004 Banner Bank NMLS 120713 Residential Commercial Investment Financing Matt Schiefer P.360-259-6990 mschiefer@bannerbank.com Chase Commercial Term Lending Tom Barbour, P.503-598-3657 Steve Mozinski, P.503-598-3661 steve.mozinski@chase.com Northwestern Mutual Financial & Retirement Planning Charlene Quaresma P.503-421-5058 www.charlenequaresma.nm.com charlene.quaresma@nm.com
Squires Electric Joe Squires P. 503-252-1609 1001 SE Division St., #1 Portland, OR 97202 www.SquiresElectric.com
Paul Davis Restoration Serving Greater Pdx, The Coast & Willamette Valley P.888-728-4208, Em.503-822-5539 www.restorationportland.com
Energy Trust of Oregon Existing Multi Family 421 SW Oak St., Suite 300 Portland, OR 97204, 1-877-510-2130 www.energytrust.org/multifamily
Law Offices of Richard Schneider, LLC P.503-241-1215, 2455 NW Marshall St #11 Portland, OR 97210 www.rbsllc.com
Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue Eric T. McMullen P.503-612-7000 7401 SW Washo Ct. Ste 101 Tualatin, OR 97062 eric.mcmullen@tvfr.com
Contract Furnishing Mart Jennifer Evans P.360-896-6150, 800-267-6150 11013 NE 39th St Vancouver 98682 www.cfmfloors.com
Roger Harms P.503-230-1250, 800-275-6722 915 SE Sandy Blvd Portland 97214 www.cfmfloors.com Rebecca O’Neill P.503-716-4848 4865 NW 235th Ave Hillsboro, OR 97124 www.cfmfloors.com Jim Path P.503-542-8900, 800-935-1250 14190 SW 72nd Ave #110 Tigard, OR 97224 www.cfmfloors.com Patrick VonPegert P.503-656-5277, 877-656-5232 15140 SE 82nd Dr Clackamas, OR 97015 info@cfmfloors.com Eaton General Construction CCB# 154142 Eric Eaton P.503-539-0811 All Types of Floor Covering www.eatongeneral.com J & B Hardwood Floors, Inc Jim Cripps, P.503-519-4920 jandbhardwoodfloors@gmail.com Rental Housing Maint Svcs CCB# 163427 Gary Indra P.503-678-2136 Vinyl, VCT, Ceramic, Hardwood The Floor Store Ted Stapleton P.503-408-6488 5628 SE Woodstock Blvd Portland, OR 97206 ted@floorstoreportland.com
RHAOregon Attorney drawn, Up-to-date Rental Forms P.503-254-4723 F.503-254-4821 www.rhaoregon.org
Uptown Properties CCB# 198205 AJ Shepard P. 360-772-6355 Full Service General Contractor, Licensed & Bonded www.uptownpm.com
Bluestone & Hockley Real Estate Services Chuck Hodges, P.503-222-3800 9320 SW Barbur Blvd Ste 300 Portland, OR 97219 main@bluestonehockley.com Certified Services CCB# 184070 Full service repairs and Maintenance Mark Sandstrom P.503-313-7963 mpsandstrom@comcast.net Eaton General Construction CCB# 154142 P.503-539-0811 Full Service General Contractor www.eatongeneral.com
Let the advertiser know that you received their contact information through the Rental Housing Alliance Oregon 20
Dual and Affiliate members support the interest of rental housing through their membership in RHA:. PREFERRED VENDORS
G&G construction Inc. P.503-826-9404 Maintenance & Painting Specialist gandgconstruction@me.com garyindra@rentalrepairs.com Rental Housing Maint. Svcs. CCB# 163427 Gary Indra, P.503-678-2136 Fully Licensed to do it all
Junk Away Hauling CCB# 177966 P. 503-517-9027 Licensed bonded insured trash outs jcdoud@msn.com
Robinson Financial Group Rita J. Robinson, P503-557-4997 Group & Indiv. Health Insurance State Farm Insurance Paul Toole, P.503-655-2206 6105 W ‘A’ St #B West Linn, 97068 John Sage, Insurance Specialist Stegmann Agency Farmers Insurance Insuring Property Owners for 25 years P.503-667-7971, F.503-666-8110 202 SE 181st Ave #201, Portland, OR 97233 john.lstegmann@farmersagency.com
Midway Heating Co. CCB#24044 P.503-252-4003 12625 SE Sherman St. Portland, OR 97233
Wolter Van Doorninck,CPCU Elliot, Powell, Baden & Baker P.503-227-1771, F.503-274-7644 1521 SW Salmon, Portland, OR 97205 www.epbb.com wvandoorninck@epbb.com
Oregon Ductless, Inc. CCB#204219 Aaron McNally Phone: 503-410-1309 Sales and installation of ductless heat pumps Serving all Portland Metro areas E-mail: info@oregonductless.com www.oregonductless.com
Titus & Associates Insurance and Financial Srvs Tim Titus P.971-224-5961 ext. 4820 Our Apartment Owners Insurance Program is unlike the Competition http://www.titusins.com Email: titus@titusins.com
Pyramid Heating & Cooling CCB#59382 P.503-786-9522 Serving the Portland Metro area info@pyramidheating.com
Midway Heating Co. CCB# 24044 P.503-252-4003 12625 SE Sherman St. Portland, OR 97233
Soil Solutions Environmental Services Tank Locating, Sampling, Decommissioning and DEQ Certified Clean-ups Phone: 503-234-2118 info@soilsolutions-environmental.com Website: www.soilsolutions-environmental.com
Housing Authority of Portland Jill Smith, P.503-802-8565 135 SW Ash St. Portland, 97204
Goose Hollow Window Co inc CCB#53631 Mary D. Mann P.503-620-0898 Energy Trust Trade Ally www.goosehwc.com marymann@goosehwc.com
RentalHousing Maint. Svcs. CCB# 163427 Gary Indra, P.503-678-2136 Prof. Interior & Exterior painting garyindra@rentalrepairs.com Richard Hallman Pinting CCB# 142467 Rick Hallman P.503-819-1210 Quality Interior Painting Since 1992 Rodda Paint Tim Epperly, P.503-572-8191 tepperly@roddapaint.com
Alpha Ecological Pest Control Alexa Fornes PDX800-729-3764 1200 NE 112th Ave Vancouver, 98684 Frost integrated Pest Mgmt P.503-863-0973Residential.Commercial. Multi Family www.frostpestfreezone.com NW Pest Control Bruce Beswick P.503-253-5325 9108 NE Sandy Blvd., Pdx, 97220 www.goodbyebugs.com nwpestcontrol@aol.com
Peregrine Private Capital Corp P.503-241-4949 5000 Meadows Rd, #230 Lake Oswego, OR 97070 rs@peregrineprivatecapital.com
Orkin Pest Control Dan Wolcott Account Manager & Inspector P.503-384-8384 dwolcott@orkin.com
Liberty Plumbing CCB#176655 Tim Galuza P.503-888-8830 Re-pipe, Repairs, Water Service Remodel Kitchens & Bathrooms
JRV Janitorial Services, Inc. Commerical & Residential Services Turn over and House Keeping Service P. 971-344-4449, F. 503-328-6404 JRVJanitorial@gmail.com Pop-A-Lock of Portland & Vancouver 24/7 Residential, Commercial & Automotive P.503-241-4922, F.503-395-2734 8931 SE Foster Rd., #101 Portland OR 97266 thomas@pdxpal.com
D&R Masonry Restoration Inc. CCB# 99196 Ray Elkins, P.503-353-1650 8890 SE McLoughlin Blvd, Milwaukie, OR 97222 www.drmasonry.coM
Apollo Drain P.503-822-6805 apollo-drain.com facebook.com/apollodrain 24 hour emergency service We gladly quote prices over the phone
MJ’s Plumbing CCB#36338 Michael LeFever, P503-261-9155 1045 NE 79th Portland, OR 97213 ProDrain & Rooter Svcs Inc West 503-533-0430 East 503-239-3750 Drain Cleaning/Plumbing www.prodrainpdx.com
Real Estate Mold Solutions Ed White, P.503-232-6653 Free inspections, Testing and Remediation www.realestatemoldsolutions.com
Rental Housing Maint. Svcs CCB# 163427 Gary Indra, P.503-678-2136 Fully Licensed to do it all garyindra@rentalrepairs.com
American Family Insurance Auto/Home/ Life/ Commerical Larry Thompson Agency P.503-924-2200, F.503-924-2202 15573 SE Bangy Rd, Ste 220 Lake Oswego, OR 97035
Soil Solutions Environmental Services Sewer inspection and repair Phone 503-234-2118 info@soilsolutionsenvironmental.com www.soilsolutionsenvironmental.com
Northwestern Mutual Financial & Retirement Planning Charlene Quaresma P.503-421-5058 www.charlenequaresma.nm.com charlene.quaresma@nm.com
G&G Construction Inc. CCB# 162743 P.503-826-9404 Maintenance & Painting Specialistse mail: gandgconstruction@me.com
Emmert Development Co Terry Emmert, P.503-655-9933 11811 SE Hwy 212, Clackamas, OR 97015
Let the advertiser know that you received their contact information through the Rental Housing Alliance Oregon www.rhaoregon.org
PREFERRED VENDORS: Dual and Affiliate members support the interest of rental housing through their membership in RHA
Inkberry Print & Promotional Logo’d Promotional Products, Signs & More Pamela Maio, P 503-706-7711 inkberryprinting@comcast.net www.inkberryprinting.com
Action Management Wendi Samperi, P.503-710-0732 The Alpine Group, Inc. Tiffany Laviolette P.503-641-4620 4750 SW Washington Ave Beaverton, OR 97005 www.alpinepdx.com Apartment CommunityMgmt 2010 Fairview Ave Fairview, OR 97206 P.503-766-3365 www.acmportland.com Bluestone & Hockley Real Estate Service Cliff Hockley, P.503-222-3800 9320 SW Barbur Blvd. Ste300 Portland, OR 97219 Fox Management, Inc. Tressa L Rossi P.503-280-0241 C.503-750-8124 F.503-280-0242 2316 NE Glisan St Portland, 97232 tressa@foxmanagementinc.com Gateway Property Mgmt P.503-303-8545 www.gatewaypdx.com Property Management Done Right HSH Property Management HONESTY, INTEGRITY, TRANSPARENCY P. 503-305-7204 or 503-305-7365 704 Main St., Ste. 305-5, Oregon City 97045 www.hshmgmt.com Lakeside Property Mgmt Co Michelle Wrege,P.503-828-2283 Finding Home Owners Qualified Tenants www.lakesidepmc.com MicroProperty Mgmt. We focus on the small details P.503-473-3742 jeannie@micropropertymgmt.com
Uptown Properties Chris Shepard P.520-204-6727 2830 NW 29th Portland, 97210 www.uptownpm.com Voss Property Management Richard Voss, P.503-546-7902 6110 N Lombard St. PDX, 97203
Soil Solutions Environmental Services Radon Testing and Mitigation Phone: 503-234-2118 info@soilsolutionsenvironmental.com soilsolutionsenvironmental.com
Bluestone & Hockley Real Estate Services Cliff Hockley P.503-222-3800 9320 SW Barbur Blvd Ste 300 Portland, OR 97219 Chris Anderson John L. Scott Real Estate P. 503-783-2442 chrisanderson@johnlscott.com Denise L. Goding Keller Williams Realty P.503-336-6378 C.503-799-2970 www.denisegoding.com Elizabeth Carpenter CRIS Principle Broker P.503-314-6498, F503-882-8680 Liz@lizcrei.com, www.lizcrei.com HFO Investment Real Estate Greg Frick, P.503-241-5541 1028 SE Water Ave, STE 270, Portland 97214 www.hfore.com Premiere Property Group LLC Jim Lutz Phone 503-750-6388 ~ Fax 971-228-8133 Web Site: www.jimlutzccim.com E-mail: contactjimlutz@gmail.com The Garcia Group Ron Garcia, P. 503-595-4747 5320 SW Macadam Ste 100 Portland, OR 97239 www.4-homes.com
Prim & Prosperous Property Management Phone 503-635-8926 Patricia Turner turnerfp@yahoo.com
Eaton General Construction CB# 154142 P.503-539-0811 Full Service General Contractor www.eatongeneral.com
Ron Garcia, Principal Brooker The GARCIA Group P. 503.595.4747 425 2nd St #230, Lake Oswego, OR 97034 www.GarciaGRP.com
Paul Davis Restoration Serving Greater Pdx, The Coast & Willamette Valley P.503-427-2671, Em.503-822-5539 www.restorationportland.com
Titus & Associates Insurance & Financial Srvs Tim Titus P.971-224-5961 ext. 4820 Our Apartment Owners Insurance Program is unlike the Competition http://www.titusins.com Email: titus@titusins.com
Rental Housing Maint Svcs CCB# 163427 Gary Indra,P.503-678-2136 Fully Licensed to do it all Garyindra@rentalrepairs.com www.roofpdx.com
Real Estate Roofing Service CCB# 149575 Lynne Whitney, P.503-284-5522 Free Inspections, ReRoof and Repairs. www.realestateroofing.com
Benge Industries Parking Lot Maintenance Svcs Corey Wilkerson, P.503-803-1950 corey@bengeindustries.com Hal’s Construction Inc. CCB# 34434 Brian King, P.503-656-4999 20666 S HWY 213 Oregon City, OR 97045 www.halsconstruction.com halspave@easystreet.net Seal Coat Specialties, LLC-OR CCB#197991 WA Seal CSL 882m3 Asphalt maintenance Chuck Jordan Phone:503-914-9837 E-mail: sealcoatspecialties@hotmail.com
Soil Solutions Environmental Services Sewer inspection and repair Phone: 503-234-2118 info@soilsolutionsenvironmental.com www.soilsolutionsenvironmental.com
From Here 2 There Helping solve business challenges to reach your goals. Ami Stevens, P.503-407-3663 astevens@fromhere2there.com
Benge Industries Parking Lot Maintenance Services Corey Wilkerson, P.503-803-1950 corey@bengeindustries.com Seal Coat Specialties, LLC-OR CCB#197991 WA Seal CSL 882m3 Asphalt maintenance Chuck Jordan Phone:503-914-9837 E-mail: sealcoatspecialties@hotmail.com
Comcast Business Services Telephone, Internet, Cable & TV Srvs Dave Dronkowski, P.503-957-4186 E-mail: dave_dronkowski@cablecomcast.com
WATERPROOFING / CONCRETE REPAIR D&R Waterproofing, Inc. Ray Elkins, P.503-353-1650 8890 SE McLoughlin Blvd. Milwaukie, OR 97222 www.drmasonry.com
Goose Hollow Window Co Inc CCB# 53631 Mary D. Mann P.503-620-0898 Energy Trust Trade Ally marymann@goosehwc.com, goosehwc.com
Mon-Fri 8am to 5:00pm 1205 NE 33rd l Portland OR 97232 503.281.2100 - p l 503.281.5644 - f
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rental housing alliance oregon 10520 NE Weidler Portland, OR 97220