Day Thirty–Three // March 26 // Confronting “Jesus claims rule over all of heaven and earth. He presents himself not as one possible path to God, but as God himself. We may choose to disbelieve him. But he cannot be one truth among many. He has not left us that option.” – Rebecca McLauglin –
I grew up in a house rather different than most. I never – not once – saw my parents arguing. I never heard them fight. To this day, I’ve never heard them mutter a cross word about the other. And it was really, really special… but it meant that I never knew that conflict could be constructive. I didn’t have a model of what healthy arguing looked like. In fact, when my wife and I first started dating, and as we really started getting serious – I mean serious to the point that we had what a buddy of mine calls “heated fellowship” – I was really worried. I thought, “Man, I stink at relationships. I’ll never be a good husband; I’ll never be a good father.”