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Day Ten | March 4 TEN

The Rock of My Faith

There is a song that we sing that is quickly becoming one of my favorites. It was written by David Crowder in 2017 entitled “All My Hope Is In Jesus.“ It is a reminder that, when Jesus is our Rock, our sure Foundation, He is the Source of our faith.


Crowder shared the story of how he wrote the song. He was visiting with some out-of-town friends, and they asked him if he wanted to go to a prodigal party. He said he had no idea what that was, so they told him. His friends said that their neighbor had a friend who was getting out of prison after 26 years, and they were throwing him a welcome home party. He had gone to prison an angry man and had rejected and turned on all his loved ones. But while in prison, he had come to know Christ. He started to rebuild old relationships and make amends for the wrongs he had done.

On the night of his return, there was great excitement. When he got out of the car, there were great cheers; people were high-fiving and celebrating like they had won a playo game. They went inside for fellowship, and soon, guitars and praise and worship broke out. He said it was one of the most powerful moments he could remember.

The Spirit of the Lord was strong in that room. He reflected on that moment and wrote: “There’s not a single one of us that can’t identify with and understand what it feels like to be shackled and bound to something. We know we’re not living in the freedom that we’ve been given through Christ. This song is so hopeful because our hope is in something as grand as the salvific action of the one and only son of God. I got to see a physical manifestation of what that looks like - to find physical freedom and that’s what I want for my interior and that’s what this song is all about. My hope is in Jesus.”

That is why when Jesus is our rock, when our faith is rooted in Him, our hearts overflow with praise:

“All my hope is in Jesus.

Thank God that yesterday’s gone!

All my sins are forgiven.

I’ve been washed by the blood!”

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