2 minute read
We are sustained in life by the amazing generosity of Jesus. Our model for giving is Jesus on the cross saying, “Father, forgive them for they know now what they do.” We receive faith as grace. It is not earned or deserved. It can only be received. And the joy of the faith comes when we learn to be generous like Jesus. Giving is not about the size of our bank account, but the freedom in our hearts from sharing all that we have. Generosity is expressed not only in tangible gifts, but in the way we share our time, talents, and interest in others. Generous people become a conduit for the Holy Spirit to flow through them into others.
The key to this kind of Jesus-like generosity is to learn to give freely with no strings attached. When we give with strings attached, we have an expectation for others to fulfill. They are now in our debt, and we expect something from them. We have ulterior motives and hidden agendas. O ered like that, the purpose of our giving is to meet our goals. It is selfishness disguised as service.
In contrast, when there are no strings attached, the gift is totally the recipient’s with no expectations at all. There is no indebtedness involved in the process; we expect nothing in return. Our motive is simply and singularly to bless those around us and to be a conduit for Jesus’ love flowing into the world.
How do we practice Jesus’ kind of generosity? Here are some things to consider:
• Determine Our Motive. Is the gift truly a “gift” or is it really a “loan”? If we expect something back, then the item is probably more of a loan than a true gift – perhaps a loan with a very high interest rate! On the other hand, if we expect nothing back, then it would appear to be a true gift.
• Clarify Our Expectation. “This is a gift –with no strings attached. It is yours to do with however you choose. I expect nothing in return.” Or, if you do have “strings,” at least tell the receiver what you expect in return. Be sure and place a warning alert on the gift so that your intentions are clear.
• Remember Our Intention. If the recipient does in fact fail to be appreciative or does not use the gift in the way we would have preferred, remember that we gave it as a gift. In doing so, we let it go, so it’s no longer ours to consider one way or the other. Release it again … and forget it!
• Refrain from Personalizing. When we attach strings, we’re tempted to interpret the receiver’s behavior regarding the gift as some type of personal reflection upon us.
Accordingly, we “take it personally” when the receiver’s response is not what we expected. In contrast, when we give the gift “freely,” there is nothing personal about the reaction. We allow the recipient to choose their own response to the gift.
Remember, our blueprint for giving is Jesus. It’s His generosity that sustains us and inspires us. And He loves us with no strings attached. Even when we are ungrateful and rebellious, He still doesn’t give up on us. We are sustained by that generosity. May we be conduits so that His love can flow through our giving and touch others!