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09 A Poem: “Family” 13 The Person of the Holy Spirit 17 Traumatic Experiences Among Urban Youth Story Bishop Dr. Jonathan Ramsey, Jr 20 Cover Faithful champion of the lost
24 Awaken 28 Education Planning 31 Letter of Resignation
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am certain that we have all heard the quote which states, "that which does not kill us, makes us stronger.” I have found that some of my most painful experiences have resulted in me gaining invaluable insight into who I am and what I can overcome. These experiences have ushered in new perspectives on my personal strengths and a new appreciation for life and my many blessings.
me" place for too long, which eventually steals our joy. I have found that the sooner I accept what is before me and let it go, then the sooner my healing can begin. Accepting the situation does not mean that you have given up. Instead, it means that you will no longer allow the pain to consume your thoughts and have surrendered it all to God.
that which does not kill us, makes us stronger
As part of our human experience, some of our pain and suffering are unavoidable. The death of a loved one, financial setbacks and disappointments are all part of our daily struggles. However, we have to understand that God is working out everything for our good, even in those moments of great despair. I believe that one of the biggest mistakes we make when we are faced with challenges is that sometimes we dwell in the "woe is RHEMA MAGAZINE: MAY/JUNE 2015
May and June are months set aside to especially honor our mothers and fathers.
So we at RHEMA Magazine would like to take this opportunity to honor all mothers and fathers. Not only those who are biological mothers and fathers, but also those who serve as spiritual mothers and fathers. We understand that throughout the journey of parenthood you may be faced with challenges but it is a journey filled with plenty rewards. We understand the influence of your role in society and celebrate you. Happy Mother's Day and Father’s Day and may God bless you all!
Valerie Brown rhemamagazine.com 4
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Rhema: "A Greek word meaning "what is said." In Christianity it is used in reference to the sayings of Jesus Christ." Matthew 4:4 states"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every (Rhema) word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
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In honor of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day By Janeen Ferguson In spite of the brokenness, the missing, the deaths, trials and tribulations, Fathers and Mothers can never erase or forget the “family” creations. Honor is due and hard to give when pain takes a parent’s place. Honor out rides unforgiveness and honor has its place. Fathers and Mothers can fit anyone who has been there in some form or fashion to care and nourish and have been used in our lives to encourage. Not the material things that say, “love,” but Fathers and Mothers are love. Fathers and Mothers have had happy and productive “family” and have raised up more Fathers and Mothers to take after these. Fathers and Mothers beget generations and this will never end for Fathers and Mothers are the cornerstones and the origination of Men and Women. Two times a year on separate days and different months of celebration, not honored enough throughout the generations. Fathers and Mothers whether good, bad, there or not, distant or close should it really matter? We cannot change who we came from, but choose to be grateful that we exist. Fathers and Mothers have risked physical, mental, and emotional decisions and choices, while making a move with many people’s voices. Financially, who can meet the expectations or even be ready, yet the miracle nine months later comes and the job to make things stable and steady. Fathers and Mothers with no instruction manual have only the Bible. Fathers and Mothers live within their means upon this uncertain arrival, of a child that is. Fathers and Mothers are to be honored. RHEMA MAGAZINE: MAY/JUNE 2015
Fathers and Mothers must train children. Fathers and Mothers were created to multiply and replenish the earth. Without God it just won’t work. Children are blessings from God and are the seeds which Fathers and Mothers have nourished to grow. Fathers and Mothers have come from slavery and have endured much. Fathers and Mothers have seen dysfunctional families and such. Fathers and Mothers have separated divorced, remarried, and endured deaths. Fathers and Mothers have worked hard, lost easy jobs and lived in debt. Fathers and Mothers did the best with what the worst of times cost them. Fathers and Mothers pressed on and some not every now and again. Fathers and Mothers have lived in jail, addictions, homelessness and hell, Fathers and Mothers are still surviving and have stories of survivors to tell. Fathers and Mothers have birthed many babies and yet one finds it hard to take care of the Father and Mother. Fathers and Mothers have prayed together to stay together. Fathers and Mothers have stayed the course in much weather. Fathers and Mothers: Happy are the days that have been many. Fathers and Mothers: Happy are the ways of what is good and plenty. Fathers and Mothers: the Lord has made a way out of no way. Fathers and Mothers: Children would be nothing without “Family.” Fathers and Mothers: Thank you. rhemamagazine.com 9
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By Dacie Gayle As women are seen as the world’s moral compass, men are seen as its strength. Men are depicted by society as persons who are willing and able to carry the world’s weight on their shoulders. Ironically, these strong and willful men often dread and avoid visiting their local health-care providers for their annual check-ups. Below is a snapshot of information on men’s health throughout various ages. Roaring 20s Men in their twenties are physically at their peak. This is the age that men are spending the most time and energy on their bodies because they have the time and energy to do so. While men at this age should continue to take care of their bodies on the outside, they should also focus on what they are putting inside of their bodies. Eating healthy is a great habit to begin when you’re young and to continue as you get older. Thrifty 30s As men progress into their thirties, they become more mature and acclimated to adulthood. This a good age to begin the habit of regularly maintaining appointments with your primary health care provider. Now is the time to talk to loved ones about your family medical history in order to identify any possible red flags. Fortunate 40s Much like women, men face a decreased RHEMA MAGAZINE: MAY/JUNE 2015
metabolism in their forties, meaning a gain of unwanted extra weight. It is important to keep healthy habits like an increase in healthy eating while decreasing in junk food consumption and maintaining a steady workout regime in order to remain at a healthy weight and physically fit. High-Five 50s During the fifties is when the creaks and groans of bone and joint pain can begin. Many men begin to have knee and back problems in their fifties. Much of this could be reduced if one has introduced and maintains and exercise regiment in their younger years. In order to maintain good bone health, it is important to increase your calcium intake as well as exercising daily. Golden Age- 60’s and Beyond After the age of 60, a man has seen and experienced many life events. Now is the time to relax and enjoy the many successes. While reaping the benefits of their hard work, men at this age should continue to eat healthy and to be active in any way that they can. i “Live Great in Your Twenties” Men’s Health. http://www.me shealth.com/health/live-great-your-20s ii “Health in your Thirties” Foundation 49. http://www.49.com.au/2008/11/health-in-your-30s-30-39-years/ iii Espat, Adelina. “Men: Health Tips for your 40’s” The University of Texas. ( 2013)http://www.mdanderson.org/patient-and-cancer-informtion/cancer-information/cancer-topics/prevention-and-screening /health/menhealthtips40s.html iv “50’s- What changes and how to fix it” Men’s Health (2004). http://www.menshealth.com/health/50s-what-changes-how-fix-it rhemamagazine.com 12
The Person Of By Norma Duncan he Apostles’ Creed contains ten articles on the person and the work of Christ, and one article on the Holy Spirit. This proportion of ten to one just about represents the interest shown in the Holy Spirit. No doctrine in the Christian faith has been so neglected. This is all the more remarkable when you remember the Holy Spirit is the ultimate fact of redemption and revelation. The doctrine of the Holy Spirit is one article by which the Church stands or fall. The church is now living under the dispensation of the Holy Spirit. The late Dr. Myles Munroe said the most important person on the face of the Earth, the planet today is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is more important than the United Nations. He is more important than all of the psychologists put together. The Holy Spirit has more wisdom than all professors in every university. He has more knowledge than all of the books in our libraries. The Holy Spirit is the most important person on the planet because He is the one whom God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son of our Lord sent to complete the work and the purpose of God on earth. The Holy Spirit is the one whom God sent to do and also to finish the work that God intended to be done. To the Church, the Holy Spirit is the source of all wisdom and all power. He directs, energizes and controls. When God gave us of Himself in the person of the Holy Spirit, He gave us RHEMA MAGAZINE: MAY/JUNE 2015
everything to succeed or to do the will of God. PENTECOST Pentecost (Acts 2: 1-4) is the birthday of the Church. Pentecost is revealed as the great root – principles in which the Church will find the law of its service and its triumph over the powers of darkness. Jesus has not only given us the Holy Spirit but He has also given us the record of those in whom He first came to dwell. B.H. Clendennen in his book, “School of Christ International,” said “people are not so interested in abstract ideas as in the individuals who represent the ideas.” The Church of the first century was given to us by God as an example and a pledge of what the Holy Spirit can do in men who are wholly possessed by Him. If the Church of the 21st century is to be and to do what God desires, then she must be led to study the Pentecostal pattern. We should be content with nothing less than an equal devotion to the work of making Christ known everywhere. A tree can only grow strong by abiding in the root in which it was born. The revival we need and pray for in the church can only come by a return to Pentecost. The end is ever contained in the beginning and returns to the beginning. The only power to evangelize the world in this generation lies in knowing what Pentecost means and to have faith in its Spirit. rhemamagazine.com 13
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Traumatic Experiences
ithin the urban centers of our nation violence appears to be a normalcy. It is so disconcerting to see and hear so much violence often among youth of color. The prison systems of our nation are crowded with many people who have violent pasts. These returning citizens come back to communities with more trauma due to the inhumane manner in which they were treated while behind the walls.
When adults suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), it can ill affect the family as a whole. Although most prisoners are incarcerated due to drug offenses, those drug activities are often connected to violence. Most youth are very impressionable and they see and hear too much violence. Hollywood movies are too violent and that influence adversely impacts their individual cognitive development. Children are allowed to play too many video games that depict violence. Parents should take control over what their children watch on TV and on the Internet. We must teach our children and minister to them in a way that will touch them so that they will avoid the prison pipeline. The church should be a moral voice of reasoning to help train and develop young people to go in the right direction in life. However, the church cannot make a full impact if our young people are not exposed to the church community. School-aged children are acting out in school with abysmal behavior that sometimes can be traced to traumatic experiences. Conversations between young boys of color that are in the second and third grade should not be about them seeing someone shot or hearing gunfire on a regular basis in their communities. Socially unacceptable behavior is increasingly associated with boys of color. Teachers who are not dealing with RHEMA MAGAZINE: MAY/JUNE 2015
them the right way sometimes place them in contained classrooms which could lead to them being labeled as juvenile delinquents. Here are a few practical things that we can do to help our youth who have been traumatized: 1) Pray for them on a daily basis. 2) Talk to them about their experiences. 3) Connect them with trauma counselors. 4) Enroll them into positive youth programs. 5) Give them alternative video games that are not violent. We cannot allow our children to be raised by the school system which is often so secular due to humanism and philosophical constructs and other types of influences. Some youth are traumatized because of being bullied. Parents must protect their children from mean-spirited, recalcitrant individuals who prey on the weaknesses of others. Each parent should be cognizant of their child's behaviors by watching out for the following signs: •Problems with sleeping; •Eating irregularities; •Outbursts of anger and the lack of paying attention in school and at home. According to the Child Mind Institute "A traumatic event can manifest differently in girls and boys. Boys often react more quickly with a bit more irritation and anger while girls can have delayed reactions that are more internal. " As parents we should all arm ourselves with information and the correct responses. rhemamagazine.com 17
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ishop Dr. Jonathan Ramsey Jr. is a passionate, world-renowned Pentecostal preacher with a God-given desire to reach the lost at any cost. He is a third-generation member of the Church of God. His parents were pioneers in the state of Florida where they gave of themselves tirelessly for many years. Motivated by the call of God on his life and the example set by his parents and grandparents, Bishop Ramsey continues to blaze a trail in the Christian community. Dr. Jonathan Ramsey, Jr. is a graduate from Lee University. He matriculated to the Church of God School of Theology where he received his Masters of Divinity. He later furthered his studies and received a Licentiate of Theology from Overstone Theological Seminary. In May of 1996, he earned his Doctorate of Philosophy from the European Theological Seminary. RHEMA MAGAZINE: MAY/JUNE 2015
Bishop Ramsey started his first church in Nashville, Tennessee with three people: himself, his wife and one other. This church would eventually grow to a membership of over 70 people. Bishop Ramsey then pastored the Brick Church Pike Church of God in Daniel, Florida and eventually was appointed pastor of the prestigious Cathedral Church of God in Florida, where he served for 10 years. Bishop Ramsey pioneered major renovation projects, started a reading program, a food pantry and a strong singles and marriage ministry. Brick Church Pike COG also became one of the leading churches in monetary giving in the Church of God’s Florida Cocoa office. Dr. Ramsey has a wealth of knowledge having successfully served in the pastoral capacity for over twenty-two years. He is skilled in areas such as staff development, training, team building and Pastoral rhemamagazine.com 20
counseling. He is a lecturer, Bible teacher and business administrator. He has been distinguished as the longest serving administrative bishop in the history of Southern New England Churches of God where he served five consecutive, two-year terms. Bishop Ramsey previously served as the Administrative Bishop over Florida, Cocoa where he raised funds in excess of $60,000 to offset costs of the campgrounds and existing mortgages in Florida. Dr. Ramsey’s major accomplishments also include assisting in the acquisition and construction of nine churches in Southern New England. He established the first joint Camp Meeting between the Hispanic and the Southern New England Regional Offices. He achieved attendance in camp meetings reaching totals of 2,500. He relocated the regional offices from Massachusetts to Bloomfield, CT and oversaw initial renovations.
British Virgin Islands. On December 29, 1984, Dr. Ramsey married the love of his life and college sweetheart, The Reverend Laverne Ramsey. Their union has been blessed with three children: Ashley, Jonathan, and Nathan, who are all actively involved in ministry. Bishop Jonathan Ramsey, Jr. is currently pastoring the prestigious Rehoboth Church of God in Bloomfield, Connecticut who is now celebrating their 50th year in ministry. He is a powerful preacher and teacher reaching out to those disenfranchised, those in crisis, and those needing to experience the love of God through Jesus the Christ.
Dr. Ramsey is a prolific preacher and teacher of the gospel. He is a well sought after speaker who has been granted the privilege of preaching all over the world from Venezuela to Brazil, Canada, England, India and several African nations including Ghana and South Africa. He has also ministered extensively throughout the Caribbean in Jamaica, Haiti, Puerto Rico, the Bahamas and the RHEMA MAGAZINE: MAY/JUNE 2015
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RehobothChurch of God (Formerly (Formerly Blue Blue Hills Hills Church Church of of God) God)
Celebrates 50 Years of Ministry “Our Journey for His Glory� Bishop and First Lady
Sunday, October 25 - Sunday, November 1
Jonathan and Laverne Ramsey
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By Anneisha Thompson, M.Ed.
“Nay, in all these things we are more that conquerors through Him that loved us.” Romans 8:37 (King James Version) any prior to a few weeks ago did not think or believe that Christians today are being persecuted for their beliefs – never mind being martyred for them. We equate people dying for their declared beliefs to our forefathers and to the saints of old – not to us in 2015, the age of progression and increased information. When you hear of people dying on the basis of their religion, whether by suicide or mass bombings, you do not often think of Christians, but typically those of the Islamic belief. The massacre on the campus of a Kenyan university obliterated that fallacy. This calamity that rocked us on April 2, 2015 was rather poignant. It was reported that the gunmen specifically targeted a campus Christian service in progress and took hostages. They then proceeded to various building on the University campus and continued to kill all who declared themselves Christians. The massacre was said to have lasted for hours. Can you imagine the noise of gun shots that reverberated over the campus as well as in the surrounding villages? Can you imagine the fear that those students faced not knowing their own fate as they saw their friends and fellow students being murdered? Can you begin to imagine the aftermath of this massacre, not only on the surviving students but on faculty and university employees? RHEMA MAGAZINE: MAY/JUNE 2015
The number who died is reported to be well over 147 students, with over three times that number injured. Family members and friends lined the outside of morgues for hours waiting to identify the bodies of their loved ones. Ironically in this place of death, many were also reunited with their injured family members as well. How will they move on from here? How do we as Christians move on from this? What is to say at any given time on a Sunday morning, some elitist who feels that it is their duty to rid the world of anyone else who does not share their religion will not walk into our church services and endeavor to annihilate us for serving God? We have heard it preached from our pulpits often to be ready at all times to be watchful and vigilant knowing that the enemy is like a lion seeking to devour us. The day, time and way of our demise are not outlined in scripture, but we are cautioned to be watchful. This atrocity needs to if it has not already awaken Christendom! We are but sojourners in this: we need to be vigilant and always ready as any day could be our last. “ Blessed are ye when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake. Rejoice and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. Matthew 5:11-12 rhemamagazine.com 24
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Evangelist Derek Marshall By Michele Saunders
Matthew 25:34-36: “Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” – King James Version
ecause he has overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of his testimony, Evangelist Derek Marshall is wanted dead or alive on the enemy’s hit list. He is a man picked by the Holy Ghost and reared by Apostle Farris. He had been reborn in Christ for such a time like this. In 2001, Evangelist Marshall started his ministry dedicated to the saving of souls at the North Dartmouth Correctional Facility while being incarcerated there. During his two-year tenure there, Evangelist Marshall says that he has seen five thousand souls give their lives to Jesus Christ. After his release, Evangelist Marshall gained favor, access and permission to the same prison where he was incarcerated to do ministry there. His ministry to the RHEMA MAGAZINE: MAY/JUNE 2015
North Dartmouth jail lasted for nine years. God then opened the doors for Evangelist Marshall to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the younger captives at local Department of Youth Services’ detention facilities and at other correctional facilities. Evangelist Marshall is about our Father’s business. He has the gift of teaching the Bible in such a way that a young child can understand its timeless principles. He teaches Bible study during the week at his work place and at his home church, Greater Life Baptist Deliverance ministry. He may be seen weekly at a roundtable discussion with Apostle Farris and Pastor E.C. Green on Boston Neighborhood Network. Evangelist Marshall is fully committed to the cause of Christ.
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hile you are busy working and doing everything to provide for your family, you may suddenly realize that you must begin to save for your children’s education. You initially may have intended to start something immediately after they were born, but then life happened and you simply were trying to play catch up with just about everything.
program in the United States.
Several years have passed since the birth of your last child and now you are wondering what you should do in order to provide for your child’s education. You ask yourself, “What are my options? How much am I required to save? What if one of my three children decides not to go to college? What happens to all of the money that I invested for them?”
Control /Beneficiary flexibility: You as the plan owner remain in control of the assets. You may also change the beneficiary at will to an eligible family member of the original beneficiary. If one child does not use all the money for education, for example, you can designate it for another eligible person.
529 Savings Plan One popular way of preparing for college expenses is a 529 college-savings plan. A 529 college-savings plan is a state-sponsored plan designed to provide the greatest amount of flexibility for individuals who wish to save money for a child’s college education. It is a plan that provides tax-sheltered growth, as well as tax-free withdrawals when used to pay for qualified higher-education college expenses. Any school: In most 529 savings plans, money can be used for tuition, books and supplies at any accredited two-year or four-year college or university, or post-secondary, vocational training
Tax-free growth: Investment growths, when withdrawn for qualifying education expenses are federal tax free. Any growth proceeds not used for education or given to another beneficiary for education will be subject to income taxes, plus a ten-percent penalty.
Gift tax benefits: You can contribute up to $70,000 ($140,000 for married couples filing jointly) for each child (beneficiary) in a year without federal gift tax consequences. No other gifts are allowed to that child for a five-year period. Some high net-worth investors may want to reduce estate taxes and contribute to a child's education. These are just a few from a long list of features and benefits of a 529 savings plan. I read a fitting quote the other day, as you may apply it to saving for your child’s education. “Do something today that your future self will thank you for tomorrow.” Nicholas T. Josey
Financial Education Consultant info@vincita.org www.vincita.org Engage Educate and Empower
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Written by David Carruthers, Author of Kill Your Giants & REACTORS
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Your source for the latest in Christian Music and Entertaiment By Candace Campbell The Stellar Awards took place in Las Vegas this year with a star-studded lineup. The Stellar Awards is the first of its kind and has been in the Gospel community for over 30 years! The biggest surprised on the awards show that aired on Sunday, April 5, 2015 was the performance rendered by Contemporary Gospel singer Michelle Williams and former members of Destiny's Child, BeyoncĂŠ and Kelly Rowland. There were big winners that night. Erica Campbell, Help, won for Artist of the Year; Albertina Walker Female Vocalist of the Year; CD of the Year; Contemporary Female of the Year; Contemporary CD of the Year, and Urban/Inspirational Single or Performance of the Year featuring Lecrae. Smokie Norful, Forever Yours won Contemporary Male of the Year.
The Walls Group, Fast Forward, took home the award for Group/Duo of the Year, and Contemporary Group/Duo of the Year. Newcomer Tasha Page Lockhart, Here Right Now, took the award for New Artist of the Year. Ricky Dillard & New G took home Choir of the Year and Traditional CD of the Year. Gospel Rapper Lecrae, Anomaly, also won big for Rap/Hip Hop Gospel CD of the Year. For the young people, new face and singer Kendra Smith, Something New, won for Youth Project of the Year. To round out the popular artists was Pastor / reality star Deitrick Haddon, Deitrick H LXW, for Male Vocalist of the Year. (All photos are courtesy of Instagram)
The other half of the dynamic sister, Gospel duo Mary Mary has left the eagle's nest as well. Tina Campbell debuts her album, It's Personal and her book, I Need A Day to Pray. Tina Campbell more recently revealed to all that she was dealing with infidelity in her marriage. She shares the spotlight with her sister Erica Campbell on her reality show "Mary Mary." Tina tries to fix what broke her happy home with musician husband Teddy Campbell. Tina did state that she felt she needed a break and we now can see that that break was for the better.... (Photos courtesy of Teddy and Tina's instagram) RHEMA MAGAZINE: MAY/JUNE 2015
If you didn't know by now, the funny duo of most of Tyler Perry's Madea films now have their own show. The comedy, Mann & Wife airs on Bounce TV. The cast lineup includes the couple David and Tamela Mann. rhemamagazine.com 32
30th Stellar Awards Show 1
3 2 5 6
4 1. Yolanda Adams during the Stellar Awards preshow.... (Photo courtesy of hksrphotography)
5. Gospel artist Tye Tribett and J.J. Hairston play around on stage at the 30th Stellar Awards show. (Photo courtesy of the Stellar Awards)
2. Iconic gospel singer Beverly Crawford performs during the 30th Stellar Awards show 6. Destiny's Child (Photo courtesy of the Stellar Awards) reunites at the 30th Stellar Awards, 3. Pastor and reality star Deitrick Haddon (from left to right Beyonce, Kelly Rowland, poses after receiving his award during and Michelle Williams) 30th Stellar Awards photo caught of them behind the scenes (Photo courtesy of hksrphotography) at the 30th Stellar Awards Rehearsals (Photo courtesy of the Stellar Awards) 4. Bishop Paul Morton receives and poses with award during the 7. Bobby Jones and BET networks 30th Stellar Awards announced recently that after (Photo courtesy of hksrphotography) 35 years on air with Bobby Jones Gospel, it will end this year on its upcoming season. (Photo courtesy of BET network)
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Habakkuk 2: 1-16
New King James Version The Just Live by Faith 1 I will stand my watch And set myself on the rampart, And watch to see what He will say to me, And what I will answer when I am corrected The Just Live by Faith 2 Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. 3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry. 4 “Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith Woe to the Wicked 5 “Indeed, because he transgresses by wine, He is a proud man, And he does not stay at home. Because he enlarges his desire as hell, And he is like death, and cannot be satisfied, He gathers to himself all nations And heaps up for himself all peoples.
6 “Will not all these take up a proverb against him, And a taunting riddle against him, and say, ‘Woe to him who increases What is not his—how long? And to him who loads himself with many pledges’? 7 Will not your creditors rise up suddenly? Will they not awaken who oppress you? And you will become their booty. 8 Because you have plundered many nations, All the remnant of the people shall plunder you, Because of men’s blood And the violence of the land and the city, And of all who dwell in it. 9 “Woe to him who covets evil gain for his house, That he may set his nest on high, That he may be delivered from the power of disaster! 10 You give shameful counsel to your house, Cutting off many peoples, And sin against your soul.
from the timbers will answer it. 12 “Woe to him who builds a town with bloodshed, Who establishes a city by iniquity! 13 Behold, is it not of the Lord of hosts That the peoples labor to feed the fire, And nations weary themselves in vain? 14 For the earth will be filled With the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, As the waters cover the sea. 15 “Woe to him who gives drink to his neighbor, Pressing him to your bottle, Even to make him drunk, That you may look on his nakedness! 16 You are filled with shame instead of glory. You also—drink! And be exposed as uncircumcised! The cup of the Lord’s right hand will be turned against you, And utter shame will be on your glory.
11 For the stone will cry out from the wall, And the beam
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