TABLE OF CONTENTS Ash Park | page 1
Cemetery | New Orleans, LA.
Contortion | page 15
Skyscraper | Chicago, IL.
Vertical Horizons | page 21
Navy Pier Redesign | Chicago, IL.
Unintensional | page 31 Group Installation
Cottage | page 37
Fall 2013
The faceted and torquing geometry lends itself to a graphic hatching pattern, which creates depth. The hatching is then deployed across corners to create an illusion about a 3D object, obscuring Professor: Grant Gibson, Arch 465 XLI TIVGITXMSR SJ XLI ½KYVIW 8LI XVMERKYPEXIH forms created are nested into one another to proProject Awards: Selected for exhibition, 2013 Year End Show, HYGI E ½IPH JSV E GIQIXIV] 8LI YTTIV TSVXMSR SJ UIC School of Architecture the form creates a canopy overhead and the 1 | Rundown | Ash Park
legs remain thin and create a more interactive space underneath. Directly beneath the forms, the viewer is able to see the interior of each form. The soft interior contrasts the hard edges of the exterior and delivers a different experience each time ZMI[IH 8LI ½KYVIW EVI GVIEXIH SYX SJ LYQER EWL ERH GIQIRX ERH TVSHYGI E GSRXMRYSYW ½IPH
Ash Park | View of Site | 2
Sketch Diagrams
3 | Diagrams | Ash Park
Sketch Diagrams
Ash Park | Diagrams | 4
-Each Figure is 20’ tall and has a volume of 115 cu. ft. -Each Figure is constructed of poured in place concrete, requiring 50 gallons of water, 300 PFW SJ GIQIRX PFW SJ ½RI aggregate (sand and human ash). 3RI LYQER GSVTWI TVSHYGIW ½ZI pounds of ash when cremated 9WMRK XLI LYQER EWL EW XLI ½RI EKKVIKEXI )EGL ½KYVI GSRXEMRW XLI remains of sixty humans -150,000 people die in New Orleans each year on average -208 Figures could be expected to be built each month. -2,500 Figures, consuming 10 acres could be expected each year.
5 | Statistics | Ash Park
Soft Interior
Ash Park | Section | 6
7 | View Under Figure | Ash Park
View Looking Up
Ash Park | Interior Detail | 8
8LI WMXI MR 2I[ 3VPIERW WTIGM½GEPP] Old Algiers, was once home to a plantation in which a wealthy family also owned slaves. It was here on Old Algiers point that slaves would enter from Africa. Not all would cross the river to the heart of the city. Slaves were buried in corners of TPERXEXMSRW [MXL RS HI½RMRK LIEH WXSRIW Unlike the treatment of the slaves, this cemetery serves to call out the dead and force the city to interact with it.
Ash Park | Elevation | 10
11 | Plans | Ash Park
Ash Park | Plans | 12
13 | View of Field | Ash Park
Ash Park | View of Field | 14
Fall 2010
CONTORTION Professor: Jimenez Lai, Arch 205 15 | Rundown | Contortion
Relationship exploration begins with the juxtaposition of spaces in this tower. The contortion, or shifting of the atypical modules creates an interplay of interior and exterior. The immediate interior, atop the modules, is public space; the private spaces are inside those modules. The idea was to create a
public atmosphere that fosters various interactions between all users through the contortion. The cantilevers, or museums, twist around and lie next to the office and residential areas. As well as shift in form, placement of program further enhances the experience of the user, forcing interaction.
Contortion | View of Tower | 16
17 | Diagrams | Contortion
Office and Residential
Museum Parking
Program Placement
Contortion | Diagrams | 18
Section and Plan 7GEPI ²! ´
19 | 7IGXMSR ERH 4PER | Contortion
Cantilever Detail 7GEPI ²! ´
Contortion | 7IGXMSR (IXEMP `
Fall 2011
VERTICAL HORIZONS Professor: %RHVI[ 'SVVMKER %VGL Project Awards: 7IPIGXIH JSV I\LMFMXMSR =IEV )RH 7LS[ 9-' 7GLSSP SJ %VGLMXIGXYVI 21 | Rundown | Vertcal Horizons
Distinct identity plays a major role in the re design of this pier. Three different stacks are organized vertically and contrast the horizontal organization of the ground level. Upon entry to the pier, pedestrians circulate over the hill, around the bike path that runs along the south IHKI EHNEGIRX XS XLI XVEJ½G PERIW EW [IPP
%PSRK XLI KVSYRH ¾SSV WQEPPIV WYFWIXW SJ TVSgram facilitate snaking circulation and foster a social atmosphere. Three different plazas under each stack contribute further to the separate MHIRXMXMIW 8LI KVSYRH ¾SSV LIPTW WITEVEXI XLI WXEGOW EW [IPP EW GVIEXIW E GSLIWMZI [LSPI EPSRK the entire pier.
Vertical Horizons | View under Shopping | 22
-Quick movement through entry
-Large open, shifted boxes %PPS[W PMKLX MR [LIVI RIGIWWEV]
| Diagrams | Vertical Horizons
Shopping & Dining
Ferry Terminal
-&YW] JSWXIVW WPS[IV GMVGYPEXMSR -Holds parking in the center
-Smaller and fosters quicker circulation -Roof is inhabitable for users remaining
Vertical Horizons | Diagrams | 24
Bus 'SQQYXIVW Tourists/Other Bike 'EV
| Diagrams | Vertical Horizons
Tourists 'SQQYXIVW
Vertical Horizons | Diagrams `
Typical Plan 7GEPI ²! ´
Roof Plan a
7GEPI ²! ´
27 | Plans & Sections | Vertical Horizons
Section a
Section b
Section c
7GEPI ²! ´
7GEPI ²! ´
7GEPI ²! ´
Shopping Plan Detail
Ferry Plan Detail
Scale: 1”= 128’
Scale: 1”= 128’
Vertical Horizons | Plans | 28
29 | Axon | Vertical Horizons
Vertical Horizons | View of Pier `
Spring 2011
UNINTENSIONAL Professor: Thomas Kelley, Arch 206 Project Awards: Selected for exhibition, 2011 Year End Show, UIC School of Architecture 31 | Rundown | Unintensional
In order to create a stage for the play Rhinoceros, our group began with a deformable reactive surface made of catenaries held up by four nine foot high tensegrities. This surface expands and retracts, forcing the catenaries to expand and retract along with it. Due to the high density of catenaries, the tensegrities are shrouded and begin to fade away, allowing to surface and catenaVMIW XS ETTIEV EW XLSYKL XLI] EVI 他SEXMRK -R
addition, the catenaries also create a moire effect, adding interesting patterns. The curves allow users to interact with them through sitting and climbing. The idea of the installation is to create a dense jungle-like environment that changes as humans move through it. For example, when the actors interact with the curves or the tensegrities, they must push through the curves or open pathways, allowing for variations of stages in one.
Team: Cherin Al-Hayek, Timothy Baldwin, Marko Dumlija, Daniel Fazcek, Jose Garcia, Kristian Gehl, Ryan Odom, Kevin Pazik, Jeisler Salunga, Erick Sanchez, Aqsa Tahir, Shuya Washido, Yuen Yeung
Drawings were a collaboration of: Timothy Baldwin, Marko Dumlija, Daniel Fazcek, Jose Garcia, Ryan Hernandez, Kevin Pazik, and Jeisler Salunga Photograph taken by: Jeisler Salunga
Unintensional | Model 1:1 | 32
33 | How-To | Unintensional
Unintensional | How-To | 34
Natural State
State of Use
User Interaction
35 | How to Use | Unintensional
Natural State
Version 1
Version 2
Version 3
Version 4
Axon View
Top View
Elevation Unintensional | Versions | 36
Spring 2013
Awkward architecture, produced with a certain precision, causes the user to feel a certain level of discomfort. The elements appear haphazard and ignored and the design seems to lack a certain Professor: Paul Preissner, Arch 466 amount of skill; however, these decisions are purposeful. The aggregation of cylinders turned Project Awards: Selected for exhibition, 2013 Year End into cottages combines them in a clumsy yet Show, UIC School of Architecture 37 | Rundown | Cottage
WTIGM½G [E] XLI] EVI WPMKLXP] PIERIH EKEMRWX SRI another in a careless fashion. A few of the variations have a cylinder hanging overhead so the user approaches the cottage with trepidation. Each cottage has its own arrangement, interior, color, and window placement; however, one is not more correct than another, all creating a colony of cottages.
Cottage | View of Site | 38
Plan Variations Round interior rooms echoe the exterior redundantly. Using square rooms, proved to be too uptight and constricting Using a minimal amount of walls creates a deliberEXI STIR 他SSV TPER [MXLSYX ETTIEVMRK XSS HIPMFIVEXI 39 | Diagrams | Cottage
Section Variations 8LI STIR 他SSV TPER MW JYVXLIV IRLERGIH XLVSYKL XLI KVIEX LIMKLX *VSQ XLI exterior, the square footage appears endless, however; the cottage offers only one 他SSV [LMGL GVIEXIW QSQIRXW SJ E[O[EVHRIWW [MXL XLI LIMKLX SJ XLI GIMPMRKW Cottage | Diagrams | 40
Color Variations Exterior paint pattern is a seemingly bad aerosol spray, which separates the cylinders in two, horizontally, and contrasts the vertical singular interior. 41 | Color Variations | Cottage
Roof Plan Scale: 1”=32’
Scale: 1”=32’
Scale: 1”=16’ Cottage | Plans and Section | 42
43 | Site Plan | Cottage
Cottage | View of Site | 44