Household cavalry journal 2006 2007 compressed

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rnal The Household Cavalry JouRoya l Incorporating The Acorn and The Blue and

N0. 15 2006/7 Blues and Royals Editor: Lieutenant Colonel (Retd) J S Olivier, The Guards Section Editors: Major A B Methven, The Life

Major R H A Lewis, The Blues and Royals

Colonel in Chief Her Majesty The Queen Colonel of The Life Guards and Gold Stick :

General the Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank GCB, LVO, OBE

Colonel of The Blues and Royals and Gold Stick:

HRH The Princess Royal KG, K7; GCVO, QSO

Commander Household Cavalry and Silver Stick:

Colonel P] Tabor M V0, The Blues and Royals

Commanding Officer Household Cavalry Regiment:

Lieutenant Colonel EA Smylh—Osbourne, The Life Guards

Commanding Officer Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment:

Lieutenant Colonel RRD Gnflrm, The Life Guards

The Life Guards Battle Honours Dettingen Peninsula Waterloo Tel el Kebir Egypt (1882)

Relief of Kimberley Paardeberg South Africa (1899-1900) Mons Le Cateau Retreat from Mons Marne (1914) Aisnc (1914)

Gheluvelt Nonne Bossehen

Passchendaele Bapattmc (1918) Arras (1917) Ypres (1917) Arras (1918) Hindenburg Line

St Julien Ft‘ezenberg Ypres (1915) Somme (1916)

Epehy St Quentin Canal Beaurevoir Cambrai (1918)

Albert (1916) Scarpe (1917) (1918)


Armentieres (1914) Messines (1914) Ypres (1914) Langeinarck (1914)

Broodseinde Poeleappelle

Mont Pincon Souleuvre Noireau Crossing Amiens (1944)

Palmyra Syria (1941) E1 Alamein North Africa (1942-1943)

Brussels Neerpelt Nederrijn Niimegen Lingen Bentheim North West Europe

Arezzo Advance to Florence

Somme (1918) France and Flanders



Iraq (1941)

Gothic Line Italy (1944) Gulf (1991) Wadi a1 Batin Iraq (2003)

Baghdad (1941)


The Blues and Royals Battle Honours Tangier (1662-1680) Dettingen Warburg Beaumont Willems Fuentes d‘Onor Peninsula Waterloo Balaklava chastopol Tel c1 Kebir Egypt (1882) Relief of Kimberley Paardeherg Relief of Iradysmith South Attica (1899—1902)

Mons Le Cateau

Retreat from Mons Marne (1914) Aisne (1914) Messines (1914) Armentieres (1914) Ypres (1914) Langetnarck (1914) Gheluyelt Nonne Bossehen St Julien Yprcs (1915) Ft‘ezenberg Loos Arras (1917)

Scarpe (1917) th‘es (1917) Broodseinde Poelcappelle Passchendaele

Somme (1918) St Quentin AVIC Aniiens Hindenburg Line Beaurcyoir Cambrai (1918) Samhre Pursuit [0 Mons France and Flanders


Mont Pincon Souleuvre,

Syria (1941)

Noireau Crossing



Amiens (1944)


Brussels Neet‘pelt Nederriin Lingen \leghel Niimegen Rhine Bentheim North West Europe

Defence of Alamein Line

(1944—1945) Baghdad (1941) Iraq (1941) Palmyra

E1 Alamein E1 Agheila Advance on Tripoli North Africa (1941-1943) Sicily (1943) Arezzo Advance to Florence

Gothic Line

Italy (1943—1944) Falkland Islands (1982) Iraq (2003)

those by t he recipient. The opinions expressed in the articles in this iout'nal are Crown Copyright: 'l‘hts publication contains official in [initiation It should be treated t\ itlt discretion \‘lL‘\\.\.\VllTlt‘l.tl01't)ll\Ct\\l\t‘,UlilllC11011512110“\hlvalfi'ttrtl‘tt alinistty ollkt'cnce. No responsibility for the goods or services and policy the reflect necessarily not do attd :lttlltot's ot'the inlets and athertisctnents are included in good faith. No part of this publication may he advertised tn this iout‘n-al can he accepted by the Household Cavalry: publishers or pt reproduced \\ithout the pernussion ol‘ the lidttor and Publisher.

Village, Scirocco Close, Northampton NN3 6AP. The Journal was designed and printed by Crest Publications, 2 0 Moulton Park Office Tel: 01604 495495 Fax: 01604 495465 email: iournalsCfi‘erestpublicationscom P/totog/ztplt Coping/it Henry [Jo/ml

Contents Preface By Colonel PJ Tabor MVO, The Blues and Royals

Preface by The Commander Household Cavalry ..................... 3

Commander Household Cavalry

Household Cavalry Regiment Foreword by the Commanding Officer Diary of Events ....................................... 6 A Squadron .......................................... 8 B Squadron C Squadron D Squadron ......................................... 19 Operational Honours .................................. 25

Pages 5 - 33

Headquarters Squadron ............................... Quartermaster‘s Department ........................... Quartermaster Technical Department ................... Light Aid Detachment ................................ W05’ and NCOs’ Mess ................................ The Band of The Life Guards .......................... Catering Department .................................

26 28 28 29 30 31 33

he Household Cavalry is in excellent health. You should be in no doubt that the two Regiments ofHousehold Cavalry are making a very significant contribution to today’s Army. Your Regiments are held in the highest regard for their outstanding operational performance both in Afghanistan and in the execution of State Ceremonial.

These very different, official military tasks are complementary and demand the utmost diligence, excellence and

professionalism which are evident every

Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment Foreword by the Commanding Officer ................... Diary of Events ....................................... The Life Guards Squadron ............................. The Blues and Royals Squadron ........................ Headquarters Squadron ................................ Quartermaster’s Department ........................... Medical Centre Forge AGC (SPS‘i Detachment ...............................

34 35 37 39 42 43


WOs’ and NCOs’ Mess ................................ The Band of The Blues and Royals ...................... Household Cavalry Training Wing ...................... Musical Ride ........................................ Coaching Through the Years ........................... Winter Training Troop ................................ Equitation .......................................... Regimental Information Team .......................... Household Cavalry Recruiters ..........................

Household Cavalry News Remembering My Kipling, Ground Liason in Afghanistan . . Operation SARWE ~ Joint Operations in Afghanistan ..... 6 Months of Fighting With, For and Against the Media And Winning, I Hope! ............................. Track versus Tyre .................................... HCR Bowman Conversion April « July 2006 .............. La French Touch .................................... Changes in Animal Doctoring - From Farrier to Veterinarian .

46 48 49 50 56 57 58 60 60

Pages 61 - 91

62 65 67 68 69 72

Spruce Meadows ..................................... Exercise Cockney Trumpeter .......................... Exercise Iron Horse .................................. Exercise Theipval - ‘Band on The Somme’ ............... Land’s End to John O’Groats Cycle Ride 2006 ............

92 92 94 95 95

The Blues and Royals Association Annual Report ......... 97 Minutes of the 38th AGM of The Blues and Royals Association . 98 The Blues and Royals Area Representatives .............. 99 The Household Cavalry Museum ...................... 100 The Household Cavalry Pageant 2007 .................. 101 Household Cavalry Central Charitable Fund ............ 102 Obituaries - The Life Guards ......................... 103 Obituaries — The Blues and Royals ..................... 104

73 74 75 77 78

HMS WESTMINSTER ............................... 79 Household Cavalry Sports Round-up .................... 81

News from the Associations The Life Guards Association Annual Report .............. Minutes of the 72nd AGM of The Life Guards Association . . The Life Guards Association and Charitable Trust ........ The Life Guards Association Notices .................... The Life Guards Association Regional Representatives . . i .

day in Windsor and London.

Pages 34 - 60

Nominal Rolls ...................................... 110 Operational Casualtie Fund ........................... 115 A Blues and Royals Quiz from the 19705 ................ 116 Notices ............................................. 117 lst HCR and 2nd HCR Reunion ....................... 119

119 120 121 123 124

Features ........................................... 124

Front Cover: Negotiating the He/mahd River. Back Cover: Tpr Turpie LG with the Musical Ride at The Horse of the Year Show.

In 2006 D Squadron deployed to Afghanistan on Operation HERRICK providing very similar close support as two troops did nearly 25 years ago in the Falklands. It was an extraordinary tour marred very sadly by the deaths of Lieu-

tenant Ralph Johnston LG and Lance

Pages 92 - 140

Household Cavalry Associations North East Association ............................... North Staffordshire Branch ........................... Dorset Branch ...................................... Blues and Royals Band Association - Update 2007 ........ Royal Horse Guards, C Squadron 1956-1959 Re—Union . . . .

Last year, I wrote of the remarkable recruiting effort which was turning the Household Cavalry round. In a climate in which we read regularly of the ‘Iraq factor’, our recruiting continues to improve. The magnificent success of Captain Mark Kitching LG and his small team have lead to the Windsor Regiment being up to strength now and the Mounted Regiment forecast to be so by early autumn. It is evidence that the draw of the Household Cavalry remains as strong as ever, and the lack ofa specific recruiting area is no impediment. Despite changes to the Army’s recruit— ing organisation, we will keep our recruiting team and, if the consistently high standard of those going through Riding School is anything to go by, we will continue to recruit the best.

Corporals Ross Nicholls RHG/D and Sean Tansey LG. Their memory will live on. Trooper (now Lance Corporal) Mar» tyn Compton LG was very badly wounded but is making a miraculous recovery. Some important gallantry awards were made as a result of the tour: Lance Cor— poral of Horse Andrew Radford LG won a Conspicuous Gallantry Cross, and Captain Paddy Williams RHG/D, Staff Corporal Shaun Fry LG and Staff Corporal Michael Flynn CGC RHG/D were each awarded the Military Cross. These

awards are testament to some outstand— ing individual actions but, as importantly, reflect on all those in D Squadron who worked so hard in appallingly diffi— cult conditions for five months.

The Household Cavalry Regiment will deploy almost everyone either to Opera» [ion TELIC in Iraq or to Afghanistan over the next 18 months. Time away from home will be considerable but, even so, more than twenty of those who

were recently in Afghanistan have volunteered for duty in Iraq within only six months of getting back. Operations require that squadrons deploy with larger than their peacetime establishments, and so several drafts from London have

left for Windsor over the last four months to bring HCR up to full strength, now achieved. This leaves the Mounted Regiment significantly undermanned until sufficient replacements pass our of Riding School. Luckily, so many are currently undergoing equitation training that on this year's Queen's Birthday Parade at least half the Regiment will be riding for the first time. The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment has continued to perform to the highest standards. Because of the temporary loss of the stabling at Horse Guards during the Museum build, short term changes were made to the format of The Queen's Life Guard. There have been mL'Ced Guards and long periods with no mounted sentries at Horse Guards at all. The soldiers have dealt with all the changes brilliantly, and things should be back to normal in May. Excell ent recruiti ng means soldiers spending less time at mounted duty bur, despite the consequent inexperience of so many of the Troopers there, The Queen graciously remarked that the Stare Opening of Parliament in November had been one of the best pieces of Stare Ceremonial for several years. There can be no higher praise. This year, the Regiment is destined to be as busy as ever with the addition of the Pageant in June making for more work but, I hope, add ing a different and interesting dimension to the months ahead. The Household Cavalry Training Wing at Windsor continues to do magnificently in dealing with the increased numbers of trainees while maintaining the highest standards.

Museum. It will be an evening about the Household Cavalry by the Household Cavalry: The Queen, as Colonel-inChief, will open the Museum ; a eries of historical re-enactmenrs will follow; armoured vehicles will parade, many from the Second World War; and the Mounted Regiment will concl ude the performance. Tickets are going very fast. We include a flyer on how you can buy them -please do so; we hope to see a many of you serving and ex-Household Cavalrymen and your families as possible. I would again like to pay tribute to our Bands - they cont inue to perform superbly. Recent curs have meant fewer Army bands and so their work load has increased. Our musicians face challenges unique in the Army - they must ride and also mainta in the highest standards of musicianship, no mean task. They deserve our whole-hearted admiration and gratitude. However, while we conrinue, rightly, to consider them Household Cavalrymen and women, they are also members of the Corps of Army Music. As such they are subject to posting to other bands and are unlikely ro remain with us throughout their careers. The challenge for the future will be to maintain what is unique and specia l about our Bands within this new reality. Last year saw the death of a great Household Cavalryman. Major Tommy Thompson died aged 90. Many of the younger generation will not have known one of the Household Cavalry's most distinguished Riding Masters, bur many who served just after the War will recall him only roo well. A fine horseman, he joined The Life Guards in 1933, served with great distinction in the War, and in 1952 was the first Riding Master appo inted post War. On retirement, after 34 years in the Army, he joined the ranks of the Military Knights ar Windsor and also helped train The Duke of Edinburgh's horses. He was undeniably a huge influence on several generations of Household Cavalrymen .

There will be rwo unique and linked events this year: the opening of the Museum and the Pageant. Since the last Journal, rhe Museum project has made enormous strides. Work started at Horse Guards on 19th June, and building work will be done by th e end of the first week in May. The 'fir our'; installing display cases and creating the exhibition will start then. Although it will not be ready for the public immediately after the Pageant, we aim to open on Monday 9th July. In preparation, we will hold three trial days on 29th and 30th June and 1st July for members of the regiments, their families and members of the Associations. We do hope as many of you as possible will come, entry will be free, but you will be 'guinea pigs' for all the procedures we need to get right before Opening Day. As the newest Museum in central London, I hope you will be very proud of how it displays ro the world the magnificent history of our Regiments.

The year also saw rhe publication of rhe latest and most magnificent of the histories of the Household Cavalry by one of its members. Major General B W B White-Spunner, currently Chief of Staff at Land Command, has wrirren Horse Guards, a lavish ly illustrated and substantial volume which is also a tremendously good read. I commend it to all of you. It is a seriously welcome, overdue and up-to-date addition to the ranks of the historical records of our Regiments.

The Pageant on 12th June on Horse Guards is inextricably linked to the

I would like to thank the Associations for rhe support they continue to give our

Regiments and especially for what they did when our three colleagues were killed in Afghanistan. The strength of the rwo Associations is fundamental to the welfare of our soldiers both serving and retired. Some of you may be aware of rhe Househo ld Cavalry Central Charitable Fund (HCCCF) e tablished in 1992 on the Union. It derives much of its income from the Day's Pay Scheme. Over rhe years, considerable discussion has taken place as to how much of its income should go to the Associations. From this year, over 50% will go ro them for welfare of ex-so ldiers and their families. It is rhe intention in the future that some of the money raised by the Museum should go ro the Associations via the HCCCF. Please do encourage any exHousehold Cavalrymen you know who are not members to join. It all makes the Regimenta l fami ly stronger.

L-jH ___o_u_s_e_h_o_I_d_C_a_v_a_I_ry_ R_e-=g_im _ e_n_t_ _ _ Foreword


by Lieutenant Colonel E A Smyth- Osbourne T he Life Guards Commanding Officer, Household Cavalry Regiment

Last year I asked for contributio ns in the shape of articles from members of the Associations. I hope you will see that there has been a magnificent response, and several excellent articles appear rowards the back. However, I am sure that there are many more of you who have served over the years and who have stories to tell rhe modern generation. Please continue to send articles, currings and photographs to Headquarters Househo ld Cavalry for inclusion in future editions. I know readers will enjoy sharing your experiences. I would also welcome comment about the content and layout of the Journal- is it was what you want? I am open to all suggestions. Our Regiments are known world-wide in ways many others are nor. As proof, witness a recent poll of its customers by a US airline on what they would most like to visit abroad: in order they were the Eiffel Tower~ the Household Cava lry in London and the red light district in Amsterdam. An interesting and eclectic list but, fortunately, we were second! The strength of our Regiments lies in those who serve in them. Visitors and the many in the wider Army who work alongside them never fail to be impressed by the quality of our soldiers. From the most experienced to the youngest, they always come across extremely well, with an underlying confidence and sense of humour which is clear ro al l. We buil d our success on the dedication of our soldiers, who have consistently come up with the goods with their typical mixture of professionalism and charm that is the hallmark of the Household Cavalryman . They deserve our pride, admiration and thanks.

has been characterized by D 2006 Squadron's operational tour in Southern Afghanistan where they served in a novel, harsh and unforgiving environment with pragmatism, professionalism and fortitude. Ou r thoughts and prayers go out to the fam il ies of Lieutenant Johnson and LCpl N icho lls who were killed in action, Tpr Compton (their driver) who was very seriously wounded, and LCpl Tansey who died in a tragic accident. CoH Fry was also wounded whi lst directing close air support and has since returned ro duty on promotion. Their actio ns and that of D Squadron are testament to the professionalism and grit of the Household Cava lry. We should be proud of what they achieved and never forget the sacrifices made. The remainder of the Regiment have been out of the limelight but have been usefu lly busy too; training in an environment where the only certainty appears to be operational employment. Conversion ro BOWMAN (the new secure radio system ) has underpinned everything we

have done this year and although it has often been a dry and frustrating path there are tantalising glimpses of the future as we (slowly) embrace cyberspace. Extra curricu lar activity has been less than one might like but overseas training in Canada and Beli ze and adventure in Cornwall, Germany and Sw itzerland have provided some escape particularly when combined with leave tied ro the school holidays. Afghanistan and BOWMAN aside it strikes me that the year ha been marked by real investment in terms of people, training and thought. Recruiting is buoyant and we approach fu ll man ning thanks to the fantastic and fru itful efforts ofCapt Kitch ing and his team in tandem with the publication of Genera l White-Spunner's "Horse Guards". We have benefited from a huge and concentrated investment in terms of training and across the watershed between the generic preparation for war (aka fighting the Russians in the '70s) to that required for the war in the best possible shape. And we have continued to develop with-

in a brigade context too. We are developing the concept of battlegrouping with other ' find' capabilities in addition to the more tradi tional cocktails. Command and Support Squadron has brought new capabilities to the tab le and proved its worth despite its qua int structure; surveillance operators and forward air controllers being much in demand. Now we must try to buy back some regular manpower on the basis of operational emp loyment to strengthen the formation reconnaissance community and sustain Knightsbridge. So we end the year on a high with new challenges and opportun ities hoverin<> on the horizon. We are under orders t~ deploy to Iraq th is Spring leaving D Squadron to conso li date, convert to BOWMAN and support the Pageant and the Falklands 25th anniversary- bur seldom have plans been less certain! However, this is an opportunity for reflection as we bask in the reflected glory of D's tour and look back with pride on a year well spent in the knowledge that there is much spice and variety ahead.

Diary of Events Having enjoyed a great Inany years under the command of lst (UK) Reconnaissance Brigade, the Household Cavalry Regiment, as with all other Formation Reconnaissance Regiments, has become integrated into the Brigade structure. The Regiment has now fallen under the command of lst Mechanised Brigade in Tidworth. With this came the possible deployment with the Brigade on Op TELIC 10 (Iraq), and therefore all the necessary training that will precede. It was going to be a very busy year.



The HAP generating their own requirement in the Galloway Forest.

the Galloway Forest conversion process of their own, return« ing to Windsor with much less storage space than they had left with.

After a well deserved Christmas break, the Regiment prepared the vehicles and

crews for the annual gun camp, at Castlemartin in Pembrokeshire. The aim was for A and C Squadrons to work up to section tests. Guided Weapons troops were also tested; firing approximately 90 missiles in the firing period. It is unlikely that the MOD have any Swingfire missiles left; fortuitously, the new anti—tank missile, ‘Javelin’, has just entered service. The camp culminated

The Commanding

fti'cer leads the Regiment back to Combermere Barrack on Remembrance Sunday

package with 3rd Battalion The Parachute Regiment in Norfolk, — a most unlikely Afghan environment, D Squadron joined the rest of the Regiment at Castlemartin to complete their annual firing.

in a series of 24hr live—fire exercise which included a heady combination of

Close Air Support in the form of Tornadoes and Harriers from the RAF, mor» tars provided by the Irish Guards, as

well as 30mm from the Scimitars. Concurrently with Regimental Gun Camp, D Squadron deployed on Exercise Herrick Eagle in preparation for their forthcoming operational tour to Afghanistan as part of 16 Air Assault


Towards the end of February, shortly after returning to Windsor from annual Gun Camp, the Regiment was on the road again, this time without vehicles, to Warminster, for a week in the simulated world of the Combined Arms Tactical Trainer (CATT). This gave the Regiment another opportunity to train within realistic scenarios in a computerized environment, easily done by the Play Station generation but often a struggle

After a very useful tr

eration. A starry-eyed but enjoyable week was had by all, and once again CATT proved to be an invaluable train— ing asset for Formation Reconnaissance. And then came BOWMAN training (our new communication system): a time for all of the Regiment, regardless of rank, to warmly embrace the modern

age of communications. A four month roll—on roll—off programme took hold of the Regiment and was aimed at'taking all personnel through basic BOWMAN training to more role—specific training. In the main, this comprised a two week package for all, at Pirbright, grappling

with the concept of synthetic computer emulation' of BOWMAN equipment: Concurrent to‘the training of the Regi» ment, the vehicle fleet had to undergo a

Despite the great frustrations endured by most in getting to grips with the new radios and the simulated training, the package was hugely successful. Due to the nature of the course timetables and gaps therein, it provided a perfect opportunity for squadrons to organise some adventure training. Various adventure training packages were put together, but the majority enjoyed a week at Penally in Pembrokeshire. June saw the deployment ofD Squadron to Afghanistan on Operation HERRICK 4 with 16 Air Assault Brigade. The Squadron deployed to Camp Bastion located in the centre ofa giant dust bowl in Helmand Province. They acquitted themselves with distinction working in the fractious areas of Sangin, Musa Qaleh and Now Zad. It was with great sadness that on lst August ZLt Ralph Johnson LG and LCpl Ross Nicholl

RHG/D were killed in a Taliban ambush. Tpr Martin Compton LG remains in hospital with serious burns from the incident. Only weeks later the Squadron was struck by further tragedy with the loss of LCpl Sean Tansey LG. Our thoughts remain with the families during these most difficult of times.



The Second in Command approaching the Garrison Church on Remembrance Sunday

Household Cavalry Regiment

Wrestling with cam poles inside a particularly wet wood in

As the squadrons got stuck into some vehicle servicing post-Regimental train— ing in preparation for the pending Equipment Care Inspection, RHQ prepared itself for a gruelling series of command and staff exercises and a return fixture at CATT. Despite several late nights, the Headquarters bonded well together and thoroughly enjoyed any opportunities to relax in the Angel Pub, joking about new ‘best practices’ that would now be preached to follow on Bat— tle Groups. The remainder of the Regiment joined RHQ at Knook camp for their second session of CATT this year, and once again managed to practise basic recon— naissance skills and the coordination with Close Air Support and Artillery; all to hone their abilities prior to the culmination of the training year - Exercise Wessex Warrior. The Regiment deployed on Exercise Wessex Warrior to Stranraer on the west coast of Scotland at the end of October, and, despite the foul weather and the rain stopping only twice, the Regiment managed to successfully complete the missions given to them by the Battle

Group Training Unit. After a 200km road insertion to Otterburn, the last third ofthe Exercise took place on Salis— bury Plain, coinciding with a dramatic drop in temperature. Overall the exercise was extremely rewarding and thoroughly successful, producing a solid basis from which to prepare for deployment on operations in 2007. Whilst the Regiment was marauding across Scotland, D Squadron returned from Afghanistan. Unfortunately the beards had to go but there were desper-

ate attempts to keep some more esoteric hair-do’s developed over the course of their five month tour. After a week in camp and an excellent medals parade and memorial service, honouring those who did not return, the Squadron took some thoroughly well-deserved leave. With five weeks left until Christmas leave, the Regiment just had time to squeeze in another two week visit to Castlemartin in Pembroke where the year had started. This time the aim was to conduct pre-operational firing pack. ages in preparation for the looming TELIC 10 tour and whatever else 2007 has in store for the Regiment. .

The first half of the year, although busy, was to prove only a warm—up for a hectic second half. The Regiment took summer leave in July and August and returned refreshed and prepared for Regimental training on Salisbury Plain a week later. The training was aimed at Squadron level, whilst concurrently exercising a relatively fresh RHQ wrestling with the knotty issue of newly installed Bowman. The training culmi— nated in three day troop assessment packages, aimed at being an assessment of each individual troop’s ability as well

as being a teaching exercise with the inevitably competitive edge.

’.. 1 L Command Tioop and friends representing the enemy during regimental rehearsflis for TESEi

Household Cavalry Regiment

A Squadron

(CATT) and one at the Command and Staff Trainer (CAST). Although the novelty certainly wears off, the train ing value remains, and the simulators are always useful for bringing on new car commanders. Moreover, we benefited from a visit by Colonel, The Blues and Royals during the first session in February.

006 has been a year ofbuilding, train— ing, and thickening the blood of the Squadron in preparation for operations in either Iraq or Afghanistan in 2007. In

2005, the Squadron was 54 men strong. We now stand at 102 which is only three soldiers short of a full house. During the last 12 months, there has been significant change within the Squadron at every level: the ZIC’s position has changed hands twice; the SCM once; we have four new Troop Leaders, four Corporals of Horse and six Lance Corporals of Horse; 14 Troopers have been pro» moted to Lance Corporal; 23 Troopers, the majority of whom have come from HCMR, have arrived; and we have one new clerk, five new members of the

Gunnery has been a significant part of training with three Regimental Gun

Camps in Castlemartin in 15 months.

REME, and two Gurkha Royal Engir

neers. On the down side, there has been regular but unavoidable Troop and crew turbulence; exercise specific ORBATs that are constantly changing right up to the minute that we leave camp and, in the worst cases, two-man Troops with four CVR(T) to MEI. On the positive side, the good news is obvious; all changes have led to increase in numbers and promotions; the Squadron is young, eager and focused and, as at lst December 2006, we are now on the Regimental

ORBAT for pre-deployment training to go to Iraq on Operation TELIC 10 in June 2007. Looking back there have been many high points, some quality results and much has been achieved. Starting in the middle of the year, we spent three months converting to the new BOWMAN communications system as part of the Regiment’s ‘digitization’ programme. The official description of the BOWMAN training package was that it was “rather dry”. The extent to which you see this as an understatement depends upon how much you enjoy

W A P 1. Wales HHS/D and SCp/ Brown spending your day sitting in a classroom in high summer, answering signals multi—guess questions on a computer. The initial software training certainly left us a little parched and, although I applaud the efforts of CoH Parker, LCoH Smith 67 and LCpl Gibbs to make the instruction as interesting as possible, it was a relief in May and June to be able to send the Squadron away on two excellent adventurous training exercises to the Harz Mountains and the coast of Cornwall, organised at short notice by Lieutenants M E Fry RHG/D and E P Olver LG respectively. The benefit and real-time learning curve

on BOWMAN began on the Regimental Training Exercise in August on Salis— bury Plain. This was the first time in a number of years that the Squadron had had the opportunity to conduct low level armoured recce training. It was a valuable exercise in back«to«basics, starting with a Regimental road move to Salisbury Plain down the M3 and A303 which, apart from being an enjoyable

change from the low-loaders, tested the new communications and the running gear of the vehicles. Apart from two breakdowns which happened conveniently close to the Fleet motorway sta— tion, all the Squadron arrived on Salisbury Plain intact. One of the highlights ofthe exercise was a mounted contact drills demonstration run by the Regimental 21C using 2 Troop’s vehicles. The velocity and force with which 2 Troop hammered their vehicles as they carried out the drills was impressive and not without some proper bruising to the crews in the turrets - I am sure all the Scimitars were airborne at times during the demo. These drills were a positive experience, and it was gratifying to see the Troop under command of Lieutenant Fry and CoH Newton win Troop Tests at the end of Regimental Training. During the year, the Squadron went to Warminster for two exercises at the Combined Arms Tactical Trainer

The first Gun Camp in January was comprehensive, culminating in a combined arms battle using jets, mortars from the Irish Guards and Guided Weapons Troop. This was high in training value, and the Squadron did well. The exercise also attracted some senior military interest and became referred to locally as World War 3. There were two significant prizes at this first camp: LCpl Brewis was awarded ‘best gunner’ for his performance throughout the whole of camp, and CoH Farrimond and LCoH Stephenson won the prize for being not only the oldest team in the turret (their collective ages were not that far South ofa century), but also for gaining the most improved (mature) gunnery results. The Squadron rounded off the year with a strong performance at the final Gun Camp in December, by achieving some outstanding results. Building on the gunnery earlier in the year, the Squadron gained 100% first time passes on the Annual Crew Test for all 12 crews; LCoH Abbott and Tpr Clark scored a magical 6D, as did both SCM Foster and CoH Edisbury on the variant firing; Cornet H C A D Wales’s Troop attained the best Troop results in the Squadron almost pulling off four first time passes at level 6, prompting speculation that the young newcomer might be the Theo Walcott of the A Squadron officers - or is it just the 2 Troop CoH Newton and LCoH Smith 19’s winning influence yet again (only time will tell!); LCoH Pearce on his first Gun Camp

Cast/smart In 67’s live firing section contact drills at night on Range 9. It was good to watch the weight of fire, and their effective command and control in difficult circumstances, all ofwhich demonstrated a growing confidence at all levels in the Troop’s ability to operate effectively off their vehicles. Also noticeable throughout the dismounted week, was LCpl Faram’s natural aptitude for the violent application of fire using the GPMG. The central events of the year were Exercises Druid’s Dance and Wessex Warrior, a three week Test Exercise (TESEX) at the end of October, run by the Battle Group Training Unit on Salisbury Plain and requiring the Regiment to pass category 3 and 4 level training. It had been hoped that this training would take place at BATUS in Canada, but it was not possible. Therefore, without the Prairies, for the first two weeks, the Reg» iment used less familiar and sizeable pieces of real estate in Scotland and Northumberland, before returning south to Salisbury Plain for the last week of the exercise under command of lst Mechanised Brigade.


The novelty ofa new training area in the North was good for morale and, although the appalling weather in the Galloway Forest dampened spirits a little, ulti— mately it was stimulating and challeng— ing to be operating in environments we had never trained in before. The Northern half was memorable for the 200 kilometre route reconnaissance at night which seemed to use every single minor road across Scotland into Northumberland. The final destination was Spadeadam, from which we inserted the following night through the Kielder Forest in order to observe Otterburn airfield. The insertion party was led by Support Troop and included SCpl Hitch» ings, LCpl Wilkinson, and LCOH Abbott. They managed to remain hid— den over two nights despite some partic— ularly brutal weather conditions and an active enemy. On the final morning, LCoH Abbott was able to call in an air strike just prior to what would have been the Brigade’s assault on the airfield. What stood out from this part of the exercise was the importance of air sup— port and how much more reconnaissance work we were now doing on our feet.

after transferring from the RLC was awarded best gunner, and Tpr Ackerman also gunning for the first time, gained the prize for the most improved

gunner. The gunnery package was then followed by a concentrated week of dismounted work on Castlemartin ranges run by the

Land Warfare Centre. This was some of the best live firing dismounted training that the Squadron has taken part in, beginning with basic individual skills, working through blank firing section serials, up to live firing section contact


Of particular note, was Lieu-

tenant] M Cork LG and LCoH Smith







LCoH Pearce rece/wng the trophy for best gunner from the Squadron Leader

Household Cavalry Regiment Household Cavalry Regiment

to be almost surrounded by the enemy’s lead elements. It was only by the verve and speed of Tpr Batikaikai at the tillers, that the command element was able to escape and continue the battle.

Not so tact/ca/ movement. Immediately before the exercise, W02 (SCM) Gaddes handed over to W02 Foster. In fact, it was a simple job swap and W02 Gaddes now trains the new recruits in Riding School. Similarly, Captain] E A de St John Pryce RHG/D handed over to Lieutenant The Marquis of Bowmont RHG/D, as he flew out to Belize in search of some winter sun on Exercise Tropical Storm with B Squadron. During the phase in Northumberland, Lieutenant Bowmont was promoted to


It was a field promotion

(unquestionably the best place to be promoted) and appropriately in his

home/own county. Thankfully, suitable means were close at hand and a small celebration was held. By the time we started to head south, we were more than ready for Salisbury Plain and the Brigade exercise. The three missions were carried out against an armoured infantry Company plus. Attached to A and C Squadrons was an infantry Company from 2nd Battalion the Royal Welsh.

By the time we got to the last mission of the exercise in Imber village we were more than ready to try something a little different, and the unconventional nature of the assignment lent itself to some latitude. Our mission was to: observe Imber from the inside; establish the enemy lay down; locate a terrorist who had gone to ground amongst the civilian community; extract him, and then destroy all enemy including armour in the process. With cut off teams, OPs, a Close Target Recce (CTR) team, two assaulting platoons, a snatch squad, and Javelin Troop in place, it was decided that now was the right time to add ‘K9’ (aka SCpl (SQMC) Brown and his beloved Doberman, Max) in a dog walking capacity, and Lieutenant R T H Ayton LG and LCpl Strain disguised in civilian clothes as journalists supposedly sent in as a Media Ops team to interview the terrorist — Lieutenant Ayton even had his Press ID card from his old days

as a reporter for Reuters. By the time the less conventional ele— ment was deployed, l and 3 Troops had already established the details of the enemy’s locations. In fact, 1 Troop had done so well on their CTR that one of their number had actually entered the terrorist’s house and stolen his water bottle from his side whilst he slept 7 a very Old Testament way of doing busi— ness. Nevertheless it was still worth deploying K9 and our own Media Ops team, and both deceptions worked a treat. In the case of Lt Ayton and LCpl Strain, the enemy welcomed the atten— tion and could not have been more help— ful, leading them both straight to an interview with the terrorist. Of course, all of this helped to add to our intelligence picture and real time reporting in the run up to H~Hour.

the first mission in the exceptionally thick fog, and the guile and deception used in Imber on our last mission. In

When H hour struck, Lieutenant J W Mann RHG/D and CoH Forsdick’s OPs turned into fire positions; Lieutenant E P Olver LG and CoH Gibson’s CTR teams within the village surrounded the terrorist’s building; SCpl Hitchings,

the first mission, we came close to being

CoH Edisbury and Lt Fry destroyed all

overrun as the enemy moved through the fog and we failed to achieve the destruction required with our direct fire weapons or by attack from the air. Furthermore, in the fog reporting broke down to what we could hear, more than

enemy armour; and the Infantry assaulted the A0 training camp on the edge of the village. The snatch team was

The salient points from the Salisbury Plain phase were our survivability on

what we could actually see. As a result, some confusion developed over the exact

nature and numbers of enemy vehicles. At one point, SHQ broke out ofthe mist

Household Cavalry Regiment

by the enemy merely delayed the inevitable, and the Squadron ended the exercise having successfully completed its mission. It would be a shame to finish an A Squadron Journal entry without a refer— ence to football. Although it is always a good year for football, the Squadron has not been able to grace the playing fields as often as hoped and, as I write, we have just suffered an undignified defeat against a strong KRH team (alas Lieutenant 01ver lost a crate of beer on the game after a wager with a KRH officer). Reassuringly, there are some good players coming into the team, notably Tpr Rayment, Cpl Gurung, Tpr Jaques and indeed young Tpr Worthington (surely A Squadron’s answer to Simao, the Benfica and Portuguese striker). The likes of Clark, Biddlestone, Miah, Lax, Doran, Eade, Rosario—Tulloch, Duggan, Lindsay, Leedham, the Abbott brothers, and even Chaplin and Rogers, all con» tinue to produce sparkling performances, long in silk and rich in vigour and verve. And, of course, it is always good to see the old/older school players scoring goals, in particular SCpl Brown who never fails to make a sharp impact on the pitch, albeit in the second half. In summary, 2006 has been a foundational year for A Squadron, one in which the Squadron has worked hard to establish itself and work together as a determined, cohesive entity, made up of sol» diers who want to succeed, and ultimately want to deploy on operations. The year has also been great fun and wherever we end up in 2007, be it East or West of Iran or even back in Combermere, I know that we will continue to enjoy going about our business as soldiers.

B Squadron nd so we come to the end of another busy year. Actually, a steady if ‘bitty’ first half, due to the splintered

nature of BOWMAN (Communication) conversion; and a manic second half, with many moving parts spinning at their own rate. Rather than continue like an unimaginative headmaster (‘...another busy year’), I thought it might be of interest to start by unpacking the strange beast which is B Squadron, the Command & Support Squadron, and then describe their comings and goings. The squadron formed at the close of last year’s journal, and consists of all the elements we always thought were a good idea but for which we have never really been properly

established before. But to the infantry this is not new and, indeed, by describing myself as ‘Support Company/Squadron Commander’ it quickly allows attached arms to grasp what we are about. The squadron consists of, variously, a crusty major who can understudy the Regimental ZIC when Battle Group Headquarters is deployed in the field, see below about the ‘three legged stool’ and parallel planning. We also have a Specialist Liaison Team (actually a Captain with a Sultan command vehicle) which can plug into a headquarters, usu» ally our parent Bde, l Mech in Tid— worth; Our L0 has been Captain D L 0 Crosthwaite—Eyre RHG/D. He has been

often welcomed not for his beautiful mind or sparkling personality but for the dedicated communications suite he brings with him. The squadron also holds the Tactical Air Control Party, which provides a focus for developing our Forward Air Controllers (FACs) within the Regiment. Such a capability



The Commanding Officer gives advice to LCoi-i Wolfenden on now to camouflage himself, is increasingly recognised as battle winning (see the anecdotes elsewhere from Afghanistan) and is to be prized above all else. There is an NBC recce/survey troop, actually held within our affiliated Regiment, the Royal Yeomanry. The pride of the squadron is Surveillance troop. They operate our MSTAR ground surveillance radars. They are also increasingly adept at rapidly digging some impressively invisible dismounted Observation Posts (OPs). Command Troop also now fall under B(C&S) Squadron’s banner. And so to the detail of what all these independently moving parts have done through the year. Surveillance Troop began to take shape in the spring, under Captain M J V Nicoll LG and SCpJ Bentley, and grew into 24; men, six CVR Spartans and 3 MSTAR radars. Captain

Nicoll and SCpljiBentley starter by tak

ing LCsoH Wolfenden and Weyman on the Close Observation course at Lydd in Kent. After several extremely arduous weeks of training and having received

high praise from the staff, they returned leaner, wiser and ready to advise the rest of the squadron on what was expected. There was a strong focus not only on preparing and inserting OPs but also on what they could see e reconnaissance is, as ever, less about method per se and always about obtaining useful informa— tion and intelligence and pushing it back. The course also taught them how to perform endless press—ups in the sea and run up and down the shingle banks! Capt Nicoll’s skills were quickly put to the test when he backfilled a British commitment in Kosovo, rapidly expanding his experience. Surveillance Troo have since spent two very dem ding periods being put through thei aces in Sennybridge courtesy of

deployed and the terrorist lifted. At that moment, it looked like we had cleared up and it was time to extract and go home. Unfortunately, the civilian crowd in Imber turned nasty, and in the aggro, the terrorist escaped out of the back of the Spartan. However, this last attempt

Max the Squadron Mascot

Command Troop, a forest of masts Wit/7 [lie new BOWMAN radios

Household Cavalry Regiment

the Infantry Reconnaissance Wing from the Land Warfare Centre. They notion— ally placed ‘respectably’ on troop assess— ments — 6 Spartans are too difficult to compare to the sabre troops, and unkind tongues have suggested that it would be unaffordable to allow a troop of 24 to win any prizes. Having completed annual

firing with the Spartans, and played with the novelty of MSTAR, they finish the year with an excellent dismounted run— out in Belize, on a patrolling exercise

with The Irish Guards. BOWMAN figured large until summer leave. Conversion required individuals at random times to attend various computer based courses that are supposed to embed in one’s memory the key— strokes required to operate the new

radio system.


We are grateful for the

expertise in combined Command Troop and SHQ of W02 Taylor, SCpl Mackay and CsoH Carrington and Findell for converting the Regiment and for CoH

Goodwin and LCoH Baxter for converting the Squadron. See elsewhere the RSO’s article about digitization. The wisdom of embedding FACs in recce regiments has been accepted now for 10 years (methinks we had something similar in WWII ~ there is very little that is new). What has changed is that this aspiration is at last increasing— ly resourced, and, given the experiences in Afghanistan, in the nick of time. Capt B C de Goede LG left the Squadron 0n attachment, along with others from the Regiment, to train and deploy with 7 RHA on Op HERRICK 4. In the meantime our Supervisory FAC, CoH Goddard, along with LCoH

t... ,iv.


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Surveillance Troop catch a ride forward in Bel ize to respond to another fastball.

r The Assistant Chief of the General Staff Maj Gen W Ft Rollo formerly RHG/D viS/ting the Regiment.

Baxter from Command Troop and oth~ ers, have been called for numerous ‘exotic’ exercises — usually involving commuting to the prairie or the furthermost parts of Scotland. But to develop such a battle winning capabili— ty is worth it.






engaged, even after having absorbed the Squadron Headquarters. That BOWMAN now seems to require two weeks of warming up before it will work on exercise (‘plug—up’) just adds to the occupational therapy. Anyway, they stalwartly supported everything going on, and have challenged HQ Squadron for nights away in the autumn. The concept of the ‘3 legged stool’ was given a run out at CAST (a type of com-

mand post exercise), CATT (fighting in cyberspace, but with the headquarters being run out on top) and the laser paint—balling test exercises, DRUIDS

DANCE leading into WESSEX WAR— RIOR. Basically, the Regimental ZIC and B Sqn Leader, using and abusing the extra assets of B Squadron Headquarters, created some redundancy as alternative headquarters. This can leave the crews even more hard-worked

than before. To follow a battle both on

in parallel at the same time. This saved about six hours on each mission cycle which is well worthwhile. But I think the concept of Left Out of Battle was first tried in 1916, albeit more for redundancy than for tempo! Finally a word must be said about Equip~ ment Care. EC is everybody’s business, but tribute must be paid to Captain Crosthwaite-Eyre, our Artisan ES advisor, Sgt Henderson, and his team in the fitter section, the SQMC’s department and indeed the overstretched CsoH for turning around a most excellent result.

a The Macal River in Belize,

It has not all been all work and no play. LCOH Hadley left the Squadron to skipper the Household Division yacht Gladeye in glamorous locations around the globe. The SCM, after numerous hours ofplanning and hard work, organised an enormously successful Household Division Enclosure at the Derby and raised an impressive sum for the Regimental PRI. We dispatched CoH Adams to Gibraltar to bring his unique Yorkshire humour to the Mediterranean and sup— port C Squadron while they protected the Rock for two weeks.

takes 5 hours.

The Squadron said a fond farewell to Major S C Tomes RHG/D who departed for two years to the sunnier clinics of Nairobi and warmly welcomed back Major A B Methven LG who returned to the Squadron after a short interlude buying second-hand model aircraft in the MOD. Having swapped with Major Tomes twice now, the author hopes he will follow him in another two years on his sunshine posting. We said farewell on loan to D Squadron but are pleased to welcome back, in one piece, LCoH King and LCpls Backhouse and GW Knight.

a digital display and on a map, when it is your ‘down time’, yet be ready to step in or up lest the controlling headquar— ters is destroyed, is quite tiring. But it was sustainable over short periods. What did pay dividends was to leave one or other of the Majors out of the current battle, so that one could fight a battle whilst the other was fresh to plan I k.“


\ Surveillance Troop assault crossing the A/laca/ River in Belize. Surveillance Troop clearing up at the end of Troop Training.

Household Cavalry Regiment Household Cavalry Regiment

C Squadron Squadron has had an eventful year due to the impact of the introduc-

golf and watching the rugby followed by a Squadron dinner in Haverford West.

tion ofBOWMAN which meant that the

Lieutenant R A E Leigh Wood RHG/D

beginning and end of year proved rather busier than normal. Added to which, under—manning at the beginning of the year and catching up with essential courses meant that the workload on the vehicle park was forever present. That said, by the end ot‘the year the Squadron is now nearly at full manning and ready to start pre—deployment training for any potential adventures early next year after a well earned spot of Christmas leave,

did his very best to ensure that relations with the local community were at an all time high throughout by acting on his own initiative as the embedded Liaison Officer. Support Troop disappeared early en masse to complete the Assault Troopers course back in Minley. After a rapid turnaround, the Squadron deployed on CATT with just three troops, due to the number away on essential courses. The Princess Royal visited and very kindly presented NI medals to Z Troop.

The New Year saw the safe return of 2 Troop from their operational tour sup— porting the then Royal Welch Fusiliers in Crossmaglen. After a brief spell of leave they rapidly re-organised for Regimental Gun Camp in Castlemartin. Given the ever present crew turbulence, the Squadron produced a very good set of results with 100% first time pass in the annual crew test. Apart from a test-

ing fortnight’s firing including an all arms “grand finale”, the Squadron used the opportunity, of the little down time available, to get away. Lieutenant T E F Burne RHG/D and SCpl Lochrane

organised a variety of activities which



ing back in the UK. Lieutenant Leigh

A small number of carefully chosen




Training (OPTAG) as potential augmentees for Afghanistan. Both Tpr Gardyne and Tpr Appleton since deployed and performed very well with D Squadron. Concurrently, a number attended the dismounted recce course, with LCpl Nicol, Tpr Allen and LCpl Privett putting in some very good per» formances. Tpr Allen, subsequently moved to B Squadron. The period between Easter and Summer leave was focused very much on the

transition from CLANSMAN to BOW-

included; Gokarting, shooting,

The Assrstant Chief of the Generai Start Ma/ Gen W R Ro/io former/y HHG/D visiting C Squadron during Troop Training,

MAN. The least said the better, death

LCoH Bassett RHG/D explaining the advantages 0/ being in Admin Troop. by computer emulation sums it all up! That said, a necessary evil as, when the system works, the ability to use secure voice has enhanced our ability to communicate in a more efficient manner, although some, alias CoH Moyles tend to believe that it is more akin to their own radio station. In May a composite Platoon (—) deployed on Ex Tarik Patrol in support of the Royal Irish to backfill the Royal Gibraltar Regiment during their annual train—


LCpl Powell, Ct Watker~Okeover RHG/D and Tpr Morris ready for their c/ose target recce in the Gal/away Forest on EX DRU/Ds DANCE .


Household Cavalry Regiment

Wood and 2nd Leiutenant C E B Dale LG deployed at the head, with a number backfilled from A & B Squadrons. Although the deployment consisted mainly of carrying out the RGR’s normal guard duties, as well as the occasional HMS guard, they also managed to brush up on some of the more exciting key infantry skills, most notably in; FIBUA/OBUA, fighting in tunnels and some Amphibious training. They also managed some adventure training, and a few days off, a welcome relief for those lucky enough to get away. The end of May saw a Squadron(—) deployment, to fit in a spot of adventurous training as we deployed (regrettably without the Sqn Ldr or SCM, due to a last minute tasking!) to Penhale Camp on the southern Cornish Coast. This consisted of a round robin of surfing, orienteering, rock climbing and moun— tain biking, added to which the Squadron benefited from the odd BBQ. LCpl Nicol and Tpr Appleton proved to be suitably adept at surfing.


CoH “Badger” Moy/es aka Lewis “whose got their hands in their pockets?” .

l Troop also deployed on Ex IRON STORM in support of the Royal Artillery. This consisted of a week in CATT acting initially as close recce and thereafter as more traditional armoured recce in close cooperation with the exercising artillery Forward Observa— tion Officers (FOOs). The second week saw them deploy in Land Rovers work» ing in close cooperation with the F005 in a live fire exercise on Salisbury Plain. This gave the crews invaluable experience in using Offensive Support, The big bad equipment care inspection came and went, fortunately with a Green, for which all the Squadron’s hard work justly paid off. Those lucky enough to deploy on Regimental training benefited from a good opportunity to get back to basics and slowly build up

their key field skills.

Although not

ideal, it was a very constructive and useful exercise which set all in the right

mindset for Ex WESSEX WARRIOR. LCpl Simkins, being rather fed up at


being forced to run up and down Sidbury Hill, got his own back on the Squadron Leader by temporarily abandoning him in the middle of the night during a replen in the vicinity of Black— ball Firs! Ex DRUIDS DANCE, between South West Scotland and Otterburn, brought a new outlook to the meaning of rain which led one Trooper to suggest that for the first time in his Army career, he was actually looking forward to returning to Salisbury Plain! Javelin got its first run—out. Not wanting to be upstaged by Support Troop’s “Foxhounds” dismounts, they were keen to have their own nickname and were initially termed “Weasels” which didn’t appeal. They soon adopted the new title “Badgers” - why they would want to be affiliated to an animal synonymous with road kill and TB, I’m not quite sure! With ENDEX came the eventual rollback and a well deserved long weekend for most.

_. , .


- L»


. . 14,-"


Cot-t Anderson HHG/D liwng the C Squadron dream on Ex DRUIDS DANCE in the Galloway Forest .

Household Cavalry Regiment

Over 400 Discounts and Special offers on line now as part of the MoD Defence Discount Scheme a-


Although the year has been busy, a num— ber of individuals and small bands of

merry men have managed to get away. Captain L O D McCallum RHG/D played a spot ofPolo and took part in the Inter~Regimental Polo tournament as part of the HCR A team, which they duly won. Lieutenant R A E Leigh Wood RHG/D, when not on leave, also organised a number of sailing activities, getting a few soldiers away here and there as well as competing on the Army boat during Cowes week. Lieutenant C E B Dale LG has now taken over as the Sailing Representative and is investigating the potential use of Bray lake to accommodate regular dinghy training to try and get more of the junior elements involved. Tpr Cox and Tpr Greene also competed in the RAC Rugby League team tour to Australia where they won two out of three of the matches.



CoH Anderson receiving his N/ Meda/ from Colone/ Blues and Royals.

._ e“if it doesn’t have mod it’s not the real thing!

CoH ire/and meeting The Princess Hoya/ c/t/r/ng CATT in January 2006.

into post of SCpl to WOZ Lochrane as he took over as SCM, concurrent to which he was replaced by the recently returned and promoted SCpl Fry from his tour of Afghanistan as a FAC. Cap< tain L O D McCallum RHG/D returned after his Gunnery course to take over as 21C and more recently we welcomed the arrival of a plethora of new Troop Lead» ers, namely; Lieutenant T Mundawarara LG, 2nd Lieutenant C T Meredith— Hardy, Cornet P R Walker—Okeover

RHG/D and 2nd Lieutenant E C How~ land Jackson LG. At one stage all officers in the Squadron, except for the Squadron Leader, were Newcastle University graduates. This rather worrying trend has been addressed, however ominously, they have now been replaced by a plethora of Life Guards Officers! The Squadron is very much looking forward to a well deserved spot of Christmas leave and hopefully an exciting adven»

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The Squadron has seen quite a bit of turnover and bids farewell to: Captain T J Armitage LG (temporarily 21C), Lieutenant R A E Leigh Wood RHG/D,

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Lieutenant T E F Burne RHG/D

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Household Cavalry Regiment

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COH Slalnshy RHG/D eri/oy/ng a wet in [he wet in Creetown Wharf on Ex DRU/Ds DANCE.

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D Squadron he Squadron returned from leave in January eagerly awaiting news ofits upcoming deployment to Afghanistan. Were we going on exercise with the Reg» iment or were we training with 16 Air Assault Brigade for Afghanistan? Final-

ly we were told that Afghanistan was certain, but, ‘maintain flexibilityl’

Household Cavalry Officer's Sword

Preparations began in earnest and we deployed to Thetford to conduct OPTAG training on 19 January 2006. After completing the mandatory lectures, the OPTAG staff seemed some— what stumped as to how CVR(T) may operate. We gave them a few pointers and instructed them on what may be pertinent and cracked on! The Squadron then conducted a few serials and were ready for the ensuing exercise. The Brigade had all arrived in Thetford to conduct Phase 1, which went well until LCOH Harris RHG/D decided to attempt vehicle demolition drills! The Brigade moved to Salisbury Plain for Phase 2. D Squadron was called forward to role play as local Afghans based in Copehill Down. Thus we donned local Afghan garb, made by NIKE, and practised our Pashtu picked up at OPTAG, further enhanced by lessons given by the 21C, Captain A H James LG. For the next week, the Squadron enjoyed the combination of scrapping with 3 PARA and wandering across the Plain emulating Bedouin camel and goatherds. The Battle Group moved up to Otterburn for Phase 3 whilst the Squadron

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7 Troop on ANP Hill. Now Zed

moved back to Thetford to complete its OPTAG training and conduct field fir» ing. Fighting withdrawals from CVR(T), which seemed great fun at the time, sadly proved to be pertinent months later in Musa Qaleh. Our vehicles finally arrived in early March, less than two weeks before their departure date. The Regimental Gunnery officer put together a realistic range package at Lulworth and all vehicles fired through the imaginative shoots. The vehicles were then loaded into con— tainers and shipped to Karachi. The Squadron then concentrated on low level skills, cultural awareness training and pre

tour leave, also attending CATT which transpired to be the only pre—operational squadron training prior to deployment. The Squadron eventually found itself complete, in a staggering average of l 15 degree heat, being met at Camp Bastion by Captain A Greenwood Scots DG, on attachment as our Squadron Logistics Officer. Once the vehicles had arrived the Squadron was busy fitting of bar armour, receiving the requisite briefs and conducting firing checks. This was squeezed in quickly as the already stretched Brigade needed us to be operational. The first operation, over-riding a confirmatory exercise, allowed the

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0 Squad/on — Op HERR/CK 4.

Household Cavalry Regiment

Squadron to cut its teeth in Helmand through the intense heat. The mission was successful, although the vehicles

and men suffered from the heat.


operations intensified through their fre— quency and enemy resistance, the CV R(T) started to prove its worth, both through the protection afforded to crews and the fire power that could he deliv— ered from it. This was used to great effect in support of resupply and reliefin place operations to Now Zad, Musa Qaleh and Sangin in the main. Most of the operations conducted in this early phase of the campaign were battle group size and therefore manpower intensive. Often recce soldiering as we knew it would be adapted, in order to provide the much needed weight of fire or pro— tective measures that the vehicles could achieve in support of the infantry.




, ‘

A conttadlcl/on m laltls’,

Unfortunately, this also meant that the static out—stations were crying out for permanent support from CVRLT) and it

Ml RPG Marl

was not long before the Squadron found itself split between two out—stations and Camp Bastion. It transpired that although we were able to rotate troops through these outstation tasks, the Squadron remained broken up for the entire tour and did not actually reform as a unit in one place until the return of l Tp from Now Zad in mid October. By the beginning of August, the Squadron’s manoeuvre capability had been reduced to a half Squadron due to the manning of out—stations by troops. Right at the start of this, having com—

pleted a very successful relief in place of a Para Coy in Now Zad, the Squadron was pushed forward to support the Dan» ish Reece Sqn experiencing problems in Musa Qaleh. Firstly, CoH Moses and his crew were lucky enough to survive an anti-tank mine strike en route and the Vehicle was subsequently denied to the enemy using Apache Hellfire mis— siles. The following day, in the process of moving into position to carry out their task, elements of 3 and 4 Tps were ambushed, initiated by a command wire improvised explosive device (IED), by coordinated and opportunist Taliban in numbers, resulting in the deaths of 2nd Lieutenant Ralph Johnson, LCpl Ross Nicholls and badly iniuring Tpr Martin


coH Slmpson, Tpr Solis, LCoH





reston and Tpr Haw/ey.



Colonel Blues andVRoyals promotes Tpr Backhouse.


-. ,1 l


3 Troop on ANP Hl/l.

Compton. With swift help from 3 Para elements, the IRT and some hardy action by other members of the Squadron, Tpr Compton was casevaced back to Camp Bastion, whilst others ensured the recovery of those killed. These two incidents coming very close to one another, really brought home the predicament and seriousness that the Squadron found itself in, but served to harden the resolve of all. A memorial

SHQ Troop

Household Cavalry Regiment 20

Household Cavalry Regiment

Sgt Oates arro LCoH , . .

- ..


v .




L! Glover looks pleased with A235 amnion/tron expo/torture, l

service and repatriation ceremony in Camp Bastion and Kandahar respective— ly ensured the soldiers were able to send their fallen friends back to the UK cor— rectly but were soon back in the thick of the action, with little time to reflect.

rur‘x “ Colonel Blues and Royals vrsits the Squadron. l

Major Alex Dick MBE handed over the reins of command to Major Will Bartle— Jones in the immediate aftermath ofthis incident. Tragically, LCpl Sean Tansey was killed whilst attempting to change a torsion bar on a Spartan at the outsta— tion in Sangin right at the end of the handover period, marking a heart wrenching middle of August for the Squadron, still spinning from the Musa Qaleh incident. The same ceremonies were duly conducted to see him safely back to the UK, although his unique repatriation arrival, care of the Com— manding Officer and RCM in Brize Nor» ton did ensure some eye brows were raised and questions asked over the manner certain deceased servicemen return— ing from operational theatres should be treated. The Squadron showed remarkable resilience at this time and cracked

Another day at the office wr'th nor ar'rcon.

on with the job in hand without a single murmur, much to their credit. MILAN was fired for the first time having been mounted on Spartan to give it more ‘fightability’l This use of MILAN sparked a debate back at PJHQ as to whether or not we had completed the

mandatory training requirements and if the system was safe. Having got past this hurdle, these proved extremely suc— cessful in deterring Taliban attacks against static targets, and the Squadron fired 37 missiles whilst on tour between mid August and mid October!

4 Troop fake a comma! bath. ‘Jorrre 0/ {l re Troop Leaders arm Corporals: of Horse

Household Cavalry Regiment 22

Household Cavalry Regiment


Restrictions and the resupply ol'parts had

a huge effect on the Squadron’s ability to deploy, often causing embarrassment and

a huge amount of frustration. Although the REME worked tirelessly in conjunction with vehicle crews to keep as much on the road as possible, it was sometimes

still necessary to cross service through the fleet, until essential parts were forthcoming through the systcm. As the heat started to dissipate (a little), vehicle reliability improved, although the issue of spare parts got worse! September saw the Squadron deployed on more battle group operations across the A0, but also on Manoeuvre Outreach Group (MOG) operations between Now Zad and Musa Qaleh, designed to dominate the ground

and prevent the Taliban from moving freely through the area. Also these oper—

ations were designed to promote the Coalition Forces by more interaction with local Afghans. This was extremely diffi— cult to achieve due to the nature ofthe terrain and the lack of suitable assets available. These tasks were tied into the negotiation ofceasefires in certain areas and we switched form kinetic effects in places to a far softer approach. These were always going to have their dangers, not least from mines but the Squadron was fortunate enough not to lose anymore men. The Squadron and 3 PARA patrols platoon suffered six mine strikes between them, the most serious of which destroyed a WIMIK providing flank protection as part ofone of our convoys. As MOG activity became increasingly difficult due to the restrictions ofthe task

organisation and the handover between the Brigade units, our assets became slightly wasted. We remained in the desert awaiting an operation to relieve the company in Musa Qaleh, which did not materialise until after we had been moved back to Bastion to handover to the LightDragoons. Our last foray was into Now Zad as a deception for 2 Royal Reg— iment of Fusiliers. The Squadron returned to the UK in early November and following an intense period of administration and rehearsal were duly awarded their medals before disappearing on leave due to end at the beginning of January 2007! A much more detailed article appears later in the journal, adding much flesh to this diary of events.


Rambo Long!

AFGANISTAN 2006 Conspicuous Gallantry Cross (CGC)

oral of Horse A G Radford he Life Guards

Lance Co

Military Cross (MC)

Captain P J Williams The Blues and Royals

The Life Guards

Staff Corporal M J Flynn CGC The Blues and Royals

Commander British Forces (Afghanistan)’s Commendations Corporal of Horse Hoggarth, The Life Guards

Lance Corporal Butchard, The Blues and Royals

Lance Corporal of Horse Sampson, The Blues and

Lance Corporal Morgan, The Blues and Royals


Trooper Khan, The Life Guards


A shorl ha/t for elements of 7 Troop

Household Cavalry Regiment


Household Cavalry Regiment

Headquarters Squadron In a vain attempt to start this year’s journal entry in a slightly different vein I will avoid the use of the phrase “It’s been a busy year" as for once this is not strictly true. However, borrowing a phrase from the TV football pundits I can say it has been a year of two halves. The early part ofthe year was dominated by the Regiment’s conversion to BOWMAN. This not only involved the train— ing of each individual but also the preparation of every vehicle platform for a move to Ashchurch where General Dynamics then converted them one by one to a specific BOWMAN fit. Each vehicle then had to be checked off, collected and then returned to its owner; as with most things in this modern army not always the same as its previous owner. No mean feat given the numerous different agencies involved. Need» less to say the QM(T) department was heavily involved in the vehicle aspects whilst the Signals instructors in SHQ did sterling work instructing soldiers alongside the civilian contractors. Whilst that may have been the main focus, the normal work of the Squadron continued unabated. In an attempt to divert our attention further, D Squadron received additional help in changing its fleet prior to deploying to Afghanistan. The Regiment received an Equipment Care Inspection and despite the work carried out from the previous inspection a combination of factors, not least the lack of manpower, meant we came away

Th RAP ’casua/t/es‘ on the first aid stand on Troop Tram/rig.

Major Fisher, HO Sqn Ldr. demonstrates hrs Cyberman impression to SCp/ Beaumont. '

successfully completed that we then recovered back to Windsor. Who says you don’t travel in the Army?


The ASM TO, LSgt Wr/tshr're and RC eh/oyrng themselves in the fie/d, with a much less than perfect grade. The only light on the horizon was the ever growing new accommodation block rising like a phoenix from the previous sacred ground of the square. If that was the easy, laid-back first part

of the year then the second half certainly has been a compression of the work we would normally have completed over a twelve month period. Fresh from our





embarked on Regimental training on Salisbury Plain designed to reacquaint ourselves with firstly the area, secondly our vehicles and thirdly tactics aimed at fighting the great Russian hordes of the

Cold War period. HQ Squadron deployed in the field with a full echelon including both the Al and A2 and, for the first time in a very long time, the Regimental Aid Post. Barely able to gather breath we then set sail for a tour of the British Isles mainland with Exercise Druids Dance. This involved a move from Windsor to MOD West Freugh in Scotland with a brief sleep over at Carlisle Airport. After a few days exercising, we then drove from West Freugh to Otterburn. After a brief period of driving around Kielder Forest we then moved from Otterburn to Salisbury to complete our Collective Training 4 (Battle Group level training). Having

T 7':


As with all things people move on and we have said goodbye to the following major players: Major W R Lindsay as Sqn Ldr, W02 Goodwin as SCM, Capt C Dougall as EME and WOl (ASM) Cush and without this becoming a “who’s who of postings” we wish them and those less in the limelight well for their futures. Overall it has been a year of two halves and as we now prepare for a move to Castlemartin for annual firing we contemplate next year with all its uncertainties. All I can say with certainty is that the members of HQ Squadron from the newest Trooper to the crusty LE officers, though working in the background, are critical to the success of the Regiment.

. .n‘jm

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n and A7 /2 Eche/ons under cam nets on Troop

.- .. .


The Surgeon Met/or and Surgeon Capta/h dehr/e/ the troops; on Troop Tra/h/hg.

Household Cavalry Regiment


Household Cavalry Regiment

The Quartermaster’s Department

an A2 Echelon. This was the first time

in many years when A2 managed to get his year started with a regimental deployment to Castlemartin. This is a very enjoyable time for the depart— ment as it allows for a bit of down time where we all spend a few hours hurtling through the Welsh hills on the PRI mountain bikes under the guidance of SCpl Stan Smith. By the end ofa biking session, everyone is in need of a bath and a washing machine. Castlemartin was followed swiftly with the prep and planning for the deployment of D Squadron on Op HERRICK. The bringing forward of ship sailing times caused a mad rush to issue all personal clothing and to arrange for the con— tainerizing of the Squadron’s ‘i ’ vehicles.

get SKY/Broadband internet and private telephone connections. Each wing will contain 8 accommodation rooms, a kitchenette with hob, extractor, microwave, fridge and washing machine, a bathroom with 6 foot bath and a common room with soft furnishings. This will be a vast improvement on the current living conditions. The accommoda— tion has now been handed over to HCR. The QM’s accommodation men are CoH Oliver and LCpl Halligan who are very busy during this period. September saw the change of Quartermaster. Captain Ben Harris moved across to become QM(T) and Captain Paul (Ratty) Core moved down from


was correct.

if you had the time! Yet again this last year has been a busy one for the HCR LAD, supporting the Regiment in all

that it does.

Running concurrently with getting D Squadron vehicles up to speed was the preparatory work required to get the remaining equipment ready to be con— verted to BOWMAN; which on its own would have been a mammoth task. As it was, it was just something else to be overcome. Oh, and we managed to fit in a CVR(T) commanders’ course somewhere in there as well — our constant turnover of personnel through postings ensuring that we remain a constant thorn in the side of the Training Wing.

he department, despite what the sabre squadrons may think, has completed yet another busy year in support of the Regiment. We have deployed to Castlemartin, Salisbury Plain, Scotland, Otterburn, Salisbury Plain and back to Castlemartin. Also, the department has been the focal point for the Regiment’s equipment conversion to BOWMAN. At the same time we tried, sometimes in vain, to get everything D Squadron want—

ed for their tour in Afghanistan including a new fleet of up-armoured vehicles. It certainly has been eventful.

Household Cavalry Regiment

t’s good to sit back and take stock once

No sooner were we back in Windsor than the need to get D Squadron ready for deployment on Op HERRICK loomed large. This necessitated a huge effort by all the tradesmen within the workshop, as a new and untested fleet of uparmoured CVR(T) was inherited. It’s fair to say that all members of the LAD, D Squadron Fitters in particular, were pleased to see the vehicles in good order for the pre-op ranges and subsequent deployment. But things didn’t end there.

Project SLAM (Combermere rebuild of soldiers accommodation) is nearing its completion and any old soldiers will be surprised with the new camp layout. 3 four storey blocks have been erected containing 280 en-suite rooms. The layout is styled loosely on a Travelodge Inn. Each room will contain a Queen sized bed, double wardrobes, large walk in cupboard, En—suite shower room, AM/FM/TV sockets with the ability to


Light Aid Detachment

The start of 2006 saw the Regiment deploy once again to Castlemartin Ranges for another bout of 30mm firing. With a large proportion of the LAD in tow, this once again proved a busy time for Sgt Carpenter and his team of Armourers. At least the weather largely held out making January in west Wales at least bearable!

was a time consuming task which caused the RQ to forego some of his summer leave in July to complete the transfer. LCsoH Lickfold and Stay spent many a happy hour counting and recounting socks and bullets to ensure each account

Regimental training in August saw the department deploy to Barton Stacey as

There is a job shuffle in the department to broaden the skill sets of the account-

There has been a change of QM(T) with Capt JC Fisher being promoted and moving up to take over as HQ Sqn Ldr and Captain A M Harris moving across from QM Main to take over as QM(T). CoH Couling has moved to HCMR and has been replaced by CoH Stu (Pastie 2) Plant on promotion.

Iin a while. Or at least it would be nice,

In June, WOZ (RQMC) Trinick had to transfer the manual Ammunition and

Clothing accounts to UNICOM.

out and train in a proper environment. Procedures were tried, adjusted, tested and adopted for future exercises and deployments.

ants. LCoH Johnson has moved to control the Non~Starred account, LCpl Buckingham has taken over ‘1” Class, LCpl Cole is running the Tech Library, Tpr Skipper is running ITS & Receipts with Tpr O’Carrol running the expense account. The department has down scaled slightly with Tpr Dan Broxholme losing over 4 stone in weight.



W02 Ell/0H

Pack lift in the desert.

work routine. And there was no gentle introduction for the new EME, Captain Tolhurst, and the new ASM, WOl James (returning to the Regt following a tour as a C Sqn tiffy), who were both thrown in at the deep end, both arriving ‘with exercise bags packed’l Given that the LAD hadn’t deployed on an exercise for some considerable time, many lessons were learnt and areas for improvement identi» fied. That’s not to say everything went badly - some excellent work was performed by both the Squadron Fitter Sec» tions and the Echelon elements.

With everyone working at near flat out pace, Easter and summer leave were welcome breaks, albeit ones that seemed to be over all too quickly. But we were all refreshed upon our return ready for deployment on Ex COCKNEY EXPRESS (troop assessments).

There then followed a most enjoyable break in the usual routine, at least for a couple of the LAD members. AQMS Bichard and LSgt Griffiths were able to join the Household Cavalry Motorcycle Club on their annual Battlefield Tour, this year following Wellington through Spain and Portugal on his Napoleonic campaign. Needless to say, a fantastic time was had, with Maj Philipson—Stowe providing the knowledge behind the various sights visited.

The lead up to Ex COCKNEY EXPRESS, coming as it did straight after leave, meant there was no time to ease back into the

A period ofstability followed in which we could implement the lessons learnt from troop assessment, in time for Ex DRUIDS

DANCE/WESSEX WARRIOR, a unique and ambitious opportunity to train over extended distances in locations as diverse as West Scotland, Northern England and the more familiar stomping ground of Salisbury Plain. We deployed, Echelon first, to West Freugh for the first phase of the exercise. Experiencing the worst floods for 70 years Scotland proved challenging to say the least! At least the trip to RAF Spadeadam gave a brief respite from the rain before more howling gales and the miserable drizzle of Kielder Forest and Otterburn. Dry but cold weather was finally found back on Salisbury Plain. It was during this period that D Squadron Fitters returned to Windsor with their Squadron, a medal parade being held to present the hard earned honours to the Squadron personnel. And so, with a testing three week period completed, we look forward to ending the year where we started — Castlemartin Ranges for another 30mm range period, followed by another well deserved period of leave over Christmas and looking forward to pre«deployment training in the New Year. Time to sit back and reflect, perhaps?

Household Cavalry Regiment

Warrant Officers’ and Non Commisioned Officers’ Mess ess life in 2006 started with the New Year’s dinner which was attended by 140 Mess members. This yearly event was once again held within the Mess and not the HCR banqueting suite (the Gym) as it does provide a much better forum for the Commanding

Dance over this period. We were however lucky in the Mess Manager CoH Swinburne not deploying. Remembrance Sunday saw the Mess hold a curry lunch after the church

year ahead. This he did with great style and he managed to achieve 68 minutes, well over his initial assessment but still short ofa previous Commanding Officer.

In April, the Mess held a Warrant Officers’ Lunch. This was used as an oppor— tunity to invite some guests into the

Mess from the Coldstream Guards who had just arrived back to Windsor from Aldershot, and some civilians who supply some of our bespoke items. Once again this function was used to say farewell and also welcome to Mess mem~ bers. W02 (SCM) Pass was bade farewell again and he is replaced by W02 (SCM) Goodall in D Squadron. W02 McMullen was appointed as SCM HQ Squadron and was offered the opportunity of purchasing either Champagne or beer; he chose the latter. With June fast approaching the focus switched to Derby Day at Epsom. W02 (SCM) Gardner was appointed as the

Derby Day Warrant Officer and he organised and ran a very successful and enjoyable weekend for what has now become an Army wide race weekend, although we still maintain a Household Cavalry and Guards enclosure.

Brick Hangers make ready

minated in the brickhanging ceremony this year organised by W02 Goodwin who asked if he could run the event prior to his departure into civilian life in April 07.

being deployed on Exercise Druids

Officer to deliver his forecast for the

The first part of the year until Easter was a quiet time for Mess life. Both C and D Squadrons held lunches in the early part of the year. D Squadron lunch was held as a farewell to W02 (SCM) Pass on his move to RCM HCMR and also as a pre-deployment function prior to their move out on Op HERRICK with 16 Air Assault Brigade.

October which then saw them condensing pre leave admin with a medal parade, church service and a Squadron function held for all ranks in the Mess. This was compounded by the Regiment

parade and drum-head service in camp. Unsurprisingly there were a large number of past and present mess members attending. The final part ofthe year cul-

During 2006 the Mess has organised and run a number of civilian functions for both organisations and Mess members. Some of these were: The Royal British Legion meetings; Birthday parties; Christenings; BAA functions; The Lions Club dinner night with casino; and the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead Rotary Club Dinner which The Duke of Edinburgh attended.

The Senior Mess members are: W01 (RCM) Pickford RHG/D W01 (ASM) James REME WOl (BM) Hallatt LG W02 (RQMC) Trinick RHG/D W02 (RQMC (T)) Kellet LG W02 (SCsM) Foster RHG/D, Gardner RHG/D, Lochrane RHG/D, Goodall RHG/D, McMullen RHG/D W02 (AQMS) Bichard REME W02 (RAOWO) James AGC W02 (RCWO) Priest RLC W02 Goodwin LG W02 Benge LG W02 (BCM) Allen LG

The Band of The Life Guards Semor Brick Hangers 2006

After some successful negotiations with Coors brewery both during and after Epsom it was agreed that they would refit the bar with extra cold pumps. This was incorporated with an overhaul of the bar and cellar to provide an uninterrupted sup» ply even after extended periods of closure. The culmination of this was to become the World Cup party organised by W02 (SCM) Gaddes. Although some of the finer details of the refurbishment were still to be completed, a fantastic evening was enjoyed by all. Prior to departing on leave in July the Mess bar was opened with an invite for Officers to attend drinks for a few hours which then pro— gressed well into the night.

ing W01 (ASM) Cush who was replaced by W01 (ASM) James previously C

Squadron Tiffy.

W02 (SCM) Rogers

was finally dined out by C Squadron on his promotion to W01 whereupon W02 (SCM) Lochrane stepped up from SQMC to be replaced by SCpl Fry. Finally W02 (SCM) Gaddes procured

himself a posting to HCMR Training Wing which saw him do a lineswitch with W02 Foster.

August and September saw a Squadron lunch for Headquarters Squadron and a D Squadron families lunch for the families of all D Squadron who were deployed on Op HERRICK. Post Regimental training, the Mess held a casual disco at the end of September.

Due to a condensed training package for the lead up to Christmas the annual invitation for Senior Non Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers to the Officers’ Mess came in October. The evening was, as always, most enjoyable and extended well into the small hours of the morning. Once the Officers’ Mess was drunk dry the decision to invite the remainder back to the WOS’ and NCOs’ Mess was taken. The bar remained open for some time into the small hours and it was reported that the Regimental Second in Command was one of the last to leave.

During October the Mess said farewell to a number of Warrant Officers includ»

D Squadron’s return from Op HERRICK was completed by the end of

Hang/mg [he DHCK

It is often the vein ofJournal notes, that this year seemed busier than the last! Well so as not to disappoint..... it has been a busy year! And as for next year. . .. Well more on that later. January saw us returning to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst for a six week tour, where we provided musical support for all aspects of Officer Cadet and Academy life. Church parades and Church services, good old square bashin’ and, of course, Old and New College Mess nights, where the brass quintets and woodwind quartet provide back— ground music augmented by a small marching band to round the evening off. During the tour we were able to make use of the excellent facilities the Acade» my offers, most notably the Respirator Test Facility (Gas Chamber!) where CoH Kirk took the opportunity to show off his Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Instructor skills ensuring we all reached the stan— dard required for Military Annual Training Test (MATT) 4. LCoH Tim West has recently passed the CBRN Assistant course at Winterbourne Gunner. The Corps ofArmy Music wartime role is now that of a CBRN decontami» nation unit. Therefore, each Band is to have its own qualified CBRN Instructor and Assistant. Late February saw the birth of W01 (BM) Hallatt’s brainchild, Viva Musical After many months of much hard work and careful planning along with sleepless nights, Viva Musica was born. Some 800 children from their school bands were entertained at Cadogan Hall by the finest musicians from across the Household Division and were shown all the Corps of Army Music (CAMus) has to offer recruits, in a presentation by the

The Marching Band In front of Wellmgton Arch.

CAMus Recruiting Officer, Captain Darren Wolfendale, (formally Band Master of The Life Guards Band). In early March we journeyed to Catter— ick for a Pass Off Parade closely followed by a smattering of Windsor Castle Guards before we hurriedly scrubbed down belts and rewaxed boots for the CO’s Annual Full Dress Inspection. Building up to the Major General’s Parade, this year being held at the end of March, we had the usual khaki rides and rehearsals before the day itself. Before a week’s leave in April, the Band provided support to Phase 2 training and the Student Bandmasters’ Courses

at the Royal Military School of Music (RMSM), Kneller Hall. Eton College saw us laying up the last of the Standards from 2003, before we rounded off the month with a schools’ workshop in Stoke Mandeville. May was another busy month of Windsor Castle Guards, our two QLG mounts, an orchestra at Windsor Castle and a recruiting drive in London where we marched on at the Harlequins v Bradford Bulls game at ‘The Stoop’ Rugby Ground. Of course, the highlight for May is Cavalry Sunday. We also managed to squeeze in a garden party in Hampshire organised by Colonel H P D





Household Cavalry Regiment Household Cavalry Regiment


Household Cavalry and Band President. where we presented him a leaving gift.

The Catering Department

Before the onset of the mounted season we made the short trip to Legoland where we marked the opening of Lego London complete with a Lego Horse Guards parade and a Lego Massed Band! We were soon back to scale seeing it all again front horseback with the Household Division Beating Retreat and Birthday Parade.

faces 2006 started with numerous new ll and old ones about to leave. Sgt Bushe firmnow was ary Janu early ed arriv who with ly in one of the SNCO’s hot seats Sg[ Owen leaving on promotion to SSgt to Belize. Also well into his post was

LCpl Davies.

More new arrivals started flowing in with Sgt Cook on promotion taking over

The trumpeters. as always, were in great demand performing at many State occasions, banquets and, of course, the odd Category IV engagement! Their high~ light was the service in June at St Paul’s

Cathedral for the celebration of HM‘s 80th Birthday with the VC service at Westminster Abbey a close second. The day after the Garter Service, the Band and Trumpeters opened the newly refurbished Ascot Racecourse, with its mag» nificent Grandstand, and despite no permanent bandstand yet, we managed to perform there for Royal Ascot. July saw the Band’s small ensembles fulfilling a number of diverse engagements: the Trumpet Major (TM) and a brass quintet added Rome to their col— lection of passport stamps with a brief trip to perform at the wedding of an Ital— ian Princess, where a personal blessing from the Pope was included in the wedding mass, leaving the woodwind quin— tet to play at the HCMR families open day! On their return, the Brass enter— tained at the Officers’ Mess, Windsor Racecourse and a Dixie band received a rousing reception at the Officers’ Mess Ball in the gymnasium. A joint concert at RMSM with the Bands of The Blues and Royals and Royal Irish Regiment preceded a Remembrance parade at the Cenotaph. A large contingent of Belgians was led by the Band from Horse

Guards. The DoM’s interpreting skills and Band Corporal Major’s crystal ball were put to good use in understanding the Parade Commander’s words of com— mand to ensure the parade went almost

as planned! After a brief performance at the HCMR Open Day at Bodney, the Band moved to the barracks at Swanton Morley for an overnight stay prior to a concert at Cromer, Norfolk where we played to a capacity audience. The

Inspectorate from HQ CAMus visited the ‘woefully inadequate band accommodation’ at Combermere Barracks as

part of our Biennial Inspection. Despite our surroundings we gained a very favourable ‘fit for role’ grade and certainly left the team with our sounds literally ringing in their ears! August was a month for reflection with the TM playing Last Post and Reveille

The Concert Band for the repatriation ceremony at Brize rounding off October with rehearsals for Norton for those killed in Afghanistan. the medal parade post Afghanistan at Following a week of day on day off HCR and a schools workshop at Windsor Guard Mounts. the Band Longdean School, Hemel Hempstead. departed on a Battlefield Tour of the Somme, ably organised by LCoH Carter, A memorial service for the fallen from which can be read about elsewhere in Afghanistan followed a medal parade at this journal. We returned to yet more HCR for D Squadron. The Trumpeters Windsor Castle Guard Mounts and yet busied themselves at their second home, another Sunday Service at the Guards the Guildhall, with the Banquet for the Chapel, followed by an afternoon at CasLord Mayor, followed by the Festival of tle Hill and then more Windsor Guards Remembrance and the Royal Premiere before having some well earned leave. of Casino Royal. Despite strong After leave we returned to RMSM to provide another week of support for Student Bandmasters and Phase 2 recruits. The Army Medical Services (AMS) have been tasked to check sound levels endured by musicians on the march and in concerts, so we were their guinea pigs for the week as each individual was wired to their machines. LCpl Ed Sills was proud to record the highest sound level despite the efforts ofMusns Sandford and Ruffer to blow the rest of us offthe square! A beating retreat at Windsor Castle saw us closing the Windsor Festival before we headed to the Mounted Regiment to

rumours to the contrary, LCoH Tim West is not a Bond stunt double, though he would like to try! . Before leaving for a month’s roulement tour ofBFG, we switched on the Windsor Christmas lights. At the time of writing, whilst in Germany we will be performing at Hallemunsterland as well as providing all things musical to units across Germany in the form of medal parades, dinner nights and carol services. We remain hopeful that the weather allows us safe passage to return to the UK in time for Christmas and look forward to an even busier year next yearl

play at a Kit Ride Pass Out for a ride mostly made up of musicians from both bands. We welcome CoH Andy Grim-

wood from the Band of the Welsh Guards and Musn Anthony ‘Russell’ Watson from what was the Lowland

Band of The Scottish Division.


the latest round of cuts in Army music, it will please readers to note that The Life Guards and The Blues and Royals have retained their respective bands. Many bands have been amalgamated and some even disbanded. The Corps of Army Music now has 24 bands and postings between bands are now more com— mon place than before. The chance to get on the concert stage seem fewer and farther between so we welcomed the chance to revisit the De Montford Halls in Leicester before

We welcome CoH John Sharman from the Grenadier Guards Band, LCoH Embury from the Royal Artillery Band and wish him well on his equitation course. Congratulations are due to LCpls Rockey and Welsh on their promotions and to Musn Sinclair on his marriage to Leslie. We bade farewell to LCoH Eddie Eccles on posting to the AGC Band and finally said goodbye to W02 Phil Lazenbury after 26 years loyal service. His infinite knowledge of all things Household Cavalry will be sorely missed, not to mention his superb musicianship. Finally congratulations to WOl (BM) Hallatt on his commission to become SO3 CAMus Recruiting and we look forward to his replacement WOl (BM) Collis—Smith arriving in the New Year.

from Sgt Manley who departed to the Pioneers at Bicester. We also saw the arrival of Pte Hernandez also in February. LCoH Jones (The Coke man) took over as Ration Storeman from LCoH James who moved to the detention cell as Mr Plod. We also saw the arrival of Pte Thomas transferring over from The Transport trade at Aldershot in May. Later on in the year we also saw the arrival of RAF transferee chef Pte Bairstow. February 15th saw almost all the seniors, old and new, attend an unforgettable Lon— don District caterers’ function with special guest celebrity chef Jamie Oliver. This also threw up an opportunity for Sgt Bushell and LCpl Davies to help out at one of his restaurants (Restaurant 15) which they said was very good experience. London District required our help for a chef NCO to support the ongoing Dinner Ladies and healthy eating at schools campaign, which Sgt Cook attended and worked alongside dinner ladies at two dif» ferent Chelmsford Schools. Sgt Cook said: » “It was a pleasure to help and give valuable catering advice to some ladies that are very dedicated at what they do for very little money in aid to provide [2 service to some children that are not given the right 7mm? Iional start in life by their own parents". So with a very healthy looking Depart— ment of 18 chefs we began supporting the exercises, tasks and functions of the year. This started with chefs doing BOWMAN Courses (no, it’s not a misprint). This was both boring yet educational. LCpl Bethune and Pte McClean passed their driving courses and LCpl Wilson going on Adventure Training to Germany. This was followed by yet more BOWMAN courses.

June saw our biggest function to date with Derby Day at Epsom, on the famous Cavalry Hill. It was a memorable \VCCk, preparing for the Corporate Ladies day on Friday followed by the House-

hold Cavalry Derby day on Saturday:

Catering Stall wrm Jamie Oliver. over 2000 in total. The cold buffet menu was created by the RCWO, W02 Priest, rounded off by 3 tiered dessert stands. This was served alongside 2 outstanding cakes made by Sgt Cook which had the RLC cap badge in the centre surrounded by The Life Guards badge and The Blues and Royals badge. This was topped of with two ice—carvings of a guardsman in each dining area. The chefs worked extremely hard in keeping up with a fully stocked cold display so that all could appreciate the display no matter what time they came in for lunch. All the chefs, Mess staff and Mess managers along with the members of the Reg» iment all the way down to the guard and drivers made this weekend a complete

success. Shortly after Derby Day, LSgt Stebbing and LCpl Bethune deployed with D Sqn to Op HERRICK and we wished then both a safe tour, and they will be away until October. July soon came upon us and that meant World Cup Final fever. The Warrant Officers’ and NCOs’ Mess held the World Cup function with Sgt Cook producing a world cup themed menu for the night. This was another complete success with even the waiters in the spirit, dressing as the Brazil team. London District tasked the RCWO to provide four chefs to support the ‘Food through the ages” at the Veterans Day at the Imperial War Museum on 27th June covering Composite Rations of past and present. Sgt Cook. LSgt Barnes and Ptes Masilela and Williams produced a fine display and tasting stall for every» one to try. This was a big hit with the local kids with Ptes Masilela and Williams doing a roaring trade boiling and serving all different types of 24 hour packs. (Even though it was free). The day was topped off with Sgt Cook and

LSgt Barnes on BBC News 24 live, giv— ing a brief outline of Composite Rations over the years. Mid July was the beginning of Summer Leave with everyone enjoying some well earned rest. This could not be said of the rear party feeding up to 80 soldiers from the training wing, stables, guard and musical ride. After leave, whilst the Regimental exercise was on compo, this was an ideal chance for Sgt Cook and LSgt Barnes to conduct familiarisation training on ‘OFCS’ (the new field kitchen) for the department. This was achieved despite supporting rear party duties. All were then involved with the regimental roll back where they were able to cook on the OFCS equipment for real. Straight after, Pte Masilela fed the FAC concentration in the far north of Scotland using local purchase. The exercise season continued, with LSgt Hussey, LCpl Wilson and Pte Hart all deploying on CAST for two weeks, followed by

CATT, WESSEX WARRIOR, DRUIDS DANCE and Castlemartin. Sgt Bushell and LCpl Davies deployed to BATUS. LSgt Barnes and Pte Bairstow represent— ed the Regiment in October at the Alder— shot culinary skills competition. Finally the chefs look forward to the London District paint-balling day and a Dinner Night at Victoria Barracks for Corporals and below, with Sergeants and above cooking and serving. This will be topped off with an interunit Christmas cake competition with the top three going off to London District for the District title. The RCWO modestly expects to win this hands down.

Household Cavalry Regiment 32

Household Cavalry Regiment


Diary of Events ‘aVith the Christmas leave period over, the Regiment returned to full fighting capacity in mid January, with n the return of the horses from Melto So began the long and Mowbray. and tedious process of getting them fit ready for the start of the ceremonial sea— a son. Shell-shocked horses arrived to warm welcome from the Troopers and it was obvious they were pleased to have returned from the cold and rain of Melton Mowbray and back to heated stalls and meals on wheels, the horses that is not the Troopers! Horse beautification, ranges and catching up on ITDs consumed most ofJanuary.

Foreword By Lieutenant Colonel R R D Griffin, The Life Guards Commanding Officer, Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment urbulence is now a way of life for the modern soldier. The operational tours are frequent, the training relentless

and the time for leave must be snatched whenever it is available. The Mounted Regiment may be different from the remainder of the Army, but it has endured a similar form of turbulence for years. The Mounted Regiment continues to train the majority of phase 2 recruits entering the Household Cavalry. Riding school may have changed significantly in the last thirty years, moving to a more modular structure. However, mounted training remains one of the most chal— lenging and demanding courses that the Army runs. Young men with only 14 weeks experience of military life are introduced to an animal which will make greater demands on them than anything they may have previously experienced. Many of you will be aware that the horse has an ability to express an opinion, mostly physically, and some even suggest that they have a

sense of humour. All this is tested in the 16 weeks of riding school. Uniquely riding school is the only course in the Army where a phase 2 recruit is given command ofhis own vehicle (albeit this vehicle has four legs and an independent thought process!) The end result which I see on every kit ride pass out is a young rider, proud and sometimes slightly sur— prised at his own achievements. He has learned the basics of looking after him— self, his horse and a myriad of equipment. However, those who notice the greatest changes are their friends and parents. They look on from the balcony with huge pride at the young man who is vastly different from the one that joined the Army some 6 months before hand. Two years later the majority of these young men are clamouring to be posted to HCR, to meet the challenges of For— mation Reconnaissance. They move to Windsor with the certainty that they will be deploying on operations within the coming year. The ceremonial programme for 2006 has been similar to previous years, in that there was a spring State Visit, by the

President of Brazil, preceded by the Major Gen— eral’s Parade. Beating Retreat, The Birthday Parade and the Garter Service filled early June. Training or Summer Camp filled July, with a record crowd of Associa— tion members and the general public turning up for Open Day.

The focus in February was the Com— manding Officer’s horse inspection and the Deputy Commander London Dis— The inspections passed trict’s visit. without incident with both the horses and the Regiment getting a green light. Once these were over Op TRY OUT became the main effort and on a cold and damp morning the Regiment found itself, along with other agencies, on Longmoor training area, rehearsing the drills that we hope will never become a

August was spent on leave, with Hyde Park

Barracks devoid of any horses. September allowed some military and adventurous train— ing to take place. The majority of October was spent in preparation for the State Opening of Parliament. Throughout this period the Musi— cal Ride continued to perform to audiences throughout Britain, Germany and Austria. The

reality. The combination of the Army and Police worked well practising the emergency drills required for protecting The Queen on State occasions. Febru— ary was brought to a close with the running of the Household Cavalry Race, won by Capt B J Vestey formally RHG/D on a horse belonging to his mother. The first Army horse past the post, Damas»

current set of sequences and music continues to stir the patriotic heart strings of the majority of the audience. The challenges of 2006 have been differ— ent from previous years, in that the work being conducted at Horse Guards to enable the museum to move from Windsor has disrupted the functioning of the Queen’s Life Guard stables. For all of September and October no stabling was available, and the sentry boxes on Whitehall remained closed. In order to meet the ceremonial requirements a mixed guard of both Life Guards and Blues and Royals has ridden down each day to Horse Guards, patrolled, and then ridden back to barracks. A separate guard has maintained the dismounted function at Horse Guards. This allowed uniquely, I believe, for the officers to mount Queen’s Life Guard early in October, with myself as the Guard Commander and the Regimental Corporal Major acting as the corporal!

experience and those who were not ready soon found themselves either walking back to barracks or visiting the Medical Centre. The Sovereign’s Escort for the State Visit, commanded by Major J G Rees-Davies LG and with W02 (SCM) Heaton carrying the Standard, was deemed a great success and all our pain was not in vain. As March started with a parade so it finished with one. This time it was the Major General’s Inspection. This occasion normally marks the start of the Ceremonial Season but, having already carried out a State Visit, every~ one felt much more comfortable wearing the kit. There was however no room for complacency and after three rehearsals the Regiment formed up in its full glory to await the Major General. Sadly due to the intensive rain a last minute decision was taken to omit the canter past, much to many people’s relief, and the Regiment gingerly trotted past hoping the horses would not slip. Despite the sudden change in format and the slippery going, the parade went well and the Major General left happy. The lunch in the Mess afterwards may have con— tributed to his happinessil

cus, was ridden by Capt T W C Edwards formally LG.

2007 will no doubt bring new challenges. The hand back ofthe completed Queen’s Life Guard stables is keenly awaited, as are the trials that the Household Cavalry Pageant (12 June 2007) will bring. Planning is already in hand to bring the horse herd back into work in early February, in time for the March State Visit. The remainder of the year, on current plans, is likely to follow the pattern of previous years, but with additional tasks such as the opening ofthe completed Museum in Horse Guards in the autumn. However, the enduring theme will be that the troopers continue to be posted from the ceremonial cycle to the operational cycle and back again as non commissioned officers. That perhaps is one ofthe underlying strengths of the best of both worlds.

Preparation for the Brazil State Visit started in early March in the form of Troop, Squadron and Regimental drills and the first Early Morning Rehearsal (EMR) of the year. Regimental drills incorporated a blistering two laps of the park before a hoof print was made in the tan. For the uninitiated, the first lap of Hyde Park at the start of the Ceremonial Season is always a most uncomfortable

After the hustle and bustle of March, the beginning of April brought a period of relative calm with the Regiment going on leave. It was also a time for change and as the Commanding Officer desig— nate, Lieutenant Colonel R R D Griffin LG appeared at the Defence Animal Centre, digging out his riding boots to retest his riding skills, the Regiment went into a period of pre-hand over barracks inspections. The latter half of April was filled with BOWMAN training, further preparation for the Commanding Officers’ hand over and endless hours of bobbing turning black kits into glass for the Princess Elizabeth Cup aka the Richmond. Exercise LONDON RESPONDER was a key event in May. It involved close cooperation with “blue light” services and

Mixed ai/ Officer Guar . the simulation of troops on the ground to deal with a terrorist attack within the capital. This in turn sparked an Op SEQUESTER call out, mustering the Regimenth capability to deal with a “situation.” Luckily there was no “situa— tion,” but the call back procedure was

well tested.


fully tested it was time to turn our attentions to the Richmond. Many hours were spent by all the troops ensuring the chosen 12 troopers were exceptionally well turned out. Needless to say it was an extremely close run competition with Tpr Taylor of The Blues and Royals Squadron coming out the winner. Having officiated over his last Richmond Cup it was time for the Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel G V de la F Woyka RHG/D to step off. The occasion was marked by a World War 11 motorcade down South Carriage Drive and a roaring cheer from the Troopersl! The month ended with the Early Morning Rehearsal for The Queen’s Birthday Parade, initiating the start of the busiest three week period of the year. Saturdays from now on would be written off until after the Parade and, if the Troopers were not on a horse, they were practising foot drill for the Garter Service.

Moimted Regiment and Band ready to walk past. Mixed Show Guard for Iiist time

Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment 34

' Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment

June’s main effort was, naturally, The Queen’s Birthday Parade. The Escort was commanded by Major R H A Lewis RHG/‘D with WOZ (SCM) Fortune carrying the Standard. The parade was a great success, despite the sweltering heat and marked the high point of the sum— mer. The Garter Service at St George’s Chapel at Windsor the following Monday concluded the first half of the cere» monial season. The remainder of]une allowed time for preparations for Regimental Training, a trip for a few mem— bers of the Regiment to Seaview on the Isle ofWight for the Household Division Regatta, and the rowing, running and riding of the Kingsley Challenge. After much organisation by Capt R S Evetts RHG/D, a number of hardy contestants pitted themselves against one of, if not the most, challenging races known. That is to row a mile, run a mile, and ride a mile all in under 15 minutes. To date only one man has completed the feat, Mr Kingsley himself, although the Commanding Officer of the Coldstream Guards, Lieutenant Colonel G C C Waters, put the remaining competitors to shame by narrowly missing the target time and posting a very impressive few seconds over the 15 minutes. Attention in July was soon turned to the start of the museum renovation project, its effect on The Queen’s Life Guard (QLG) and the preparations for Regimental Training. The Museum project has temporarily meant that horses have been unable to be stabled at Horse Guards. Therefore, a new format for QLG was required and, for the first time, a mixed Guard of both Life Guards and Blues and Royals has been seen leaving the barracks for Horse Guards on a daily basis. Regimental Training began with Vigorous PT, including the completion of CFTs and very early morning runs for those who needed a little extra encour— agement. The highlight of the first week was the Balkan SEQUESTER training exercise, which involved insertion by helicopter, occupation and fragmenta~

tion of a hostile urban environment. This was an introduction to the “greener" side of the Army, which was well received by the newer arrivals, who embraced the chance to conduct some ‘green’ army training. The remaining two weeks saw another Exercise TRY OUT and plenty of excellent horsemanship with the various competition prizes being spread between the squadrons. August brought a welcome break with block leave during which The King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery assumed the duties of the QLG. However, within three days of the new term, the horses were returning from grass to start the second half of the ceremonial season. The Forge took part in the Farriers Com» petition and was duly rewarded with great success, getting their eyes in early before all the horses needed shoeing. A shortfall of manpower after a large draft of soldiers to Windsor led to an ‘all hands to the pump’ work ethic in the yards to get the horses fit and ready for the forthcoming ceremonial season. Adventure training in Fremington also featured with members of the Regiment trying their hands at coasteering, potholing, surfing and other activities. With summer leave becoming a distant

memory and tans fading fast, October loomed with horse inspections, Officers’, Troop and Squadron drills. The Regi— ment also hosted numerous visits throughout the month. Special mention should be made of the latest publication on the Household Cavalry. The much anticipated Horse Guards, written by Major General B W B White—Spunner CBE RHG/D, was launched in the gym at Hyde Park Barracks to an assembled crowd including HRH The Princess Royal. The following day, The Colonel of The Blues and Royals returned to the barracks, along with the Duke of Wellington, to attend the 60th anniversary lunch for former members of l and 2 HCR. The lunch was well attended and thoroughly enjoyed by all.

The Life Guards Squadron he Life Guards Squadron has enjoyed a busy, varied and challenging year. The Squadron returned after the New Year celebrations from well deserved leave and began their individual military train» jng with some notable scores on the Annual Personal Weapons Test (APWT), leading some confidently to suggest we relocate our training from Pirbright to

Bisleyl The Remounts came up to Hyde

Tokyo War Mentor/at

Almost on cue, the weather turned as November arrived. With the cold, crisp mornings sharpening tip the senses, Squadron and Regimental Drills sharpened up our seats in preparation for the State Opening of Parliament, with the EScort commanded by Major] G Rees» Davies LG and with W02 (SCM) Heaton carrying the Standard. Sure enough, on 15th November, Her Majesty arrived safely at the Palace of Westminster to deliver her speech detailing what Her Government was planning for the next parliamentary session. The Musical Ride ventured into Europe with shows in Stuttgart and Vienna. Their road-show was punctuated by a brief return to home shores to fill in the gaps for the EMR and the State Opening. As the ceremonial season drew to a close, horses were roughed off in preparation for their Christmas holiday in the wind—swept fields of Melton Mowbray! December as usual brought the inevitable round of Yuletide drinks parties, Brickhanging and the Troopers’ Christmas Lunch. After a hard—fought

football match between the SNCOs and the Officers, it was time for all to take a well earned break and depart on Christmas leave.

--t ‘i TheI Musrca/ Ride In Wen/7a.

~ .

A} ‘ '7

Park Barracks. One surprised even the more seasoned members of the Squadron after giving birth to a foal, making a welcome, if somewhat unusual, addition to the herd if only for a short time! LCpl McCabe and Tpr Turpie proved they had the “F factor” by passing their assessment and then successfully went on to complete the Farrier course and will join the forge this winter. John Kay, the Defence Corre~ spondent of The Sun, visited to cover the

headline breaking news of Embassy being given a new tail! February once again saw the Life Guards Squadron’s Valentine card delivery grind the Royal Mail to a standstill as we prepared for the Commanding Officer’s Horse and Kit inspections. The SCM, SNCOs and NCOs were then given a chance to unwind after their hard work at the Commanding Officer’s State of the Nation address. Captain T W C Edwards LG represented the Squadron successfully at the Larkhill Point—to»Point, and the Squadron hosted a visit by the Deputy Commander London District, Brig Dodson. Waterloo Ride passed out just in time for the Early Morning Rehearsal for the Brazil State Visit on which the Escort was commanded by Major J G Rees-Davies LG with WOZ

(SCM) L C Heaton carrying the Life Guards Standard. The Squadron mounted in Mounted Review Order in preparation for the visit and then was required to conduct a Reg-

amt The Lt/e Guard Squadron errachy th deep usuaf.

imental dismount to cloak up and then remount. The scene momentarily resembled a changing parade before order and calm were restored and the remainder of the escort was conducted seamlessly. The Squadron then did a ‘line switch’ to focus on rehearsals for the Major General’s Inspection before deploying to the ranges to maintain our marksmanship skills. April started with the welcome return of the Army Mounted Equitation Course (AMEC) (LCpls Allard, Viljoen, Street and Pope) with LCpl Pope joining the Riding Staff shortly afterwards. The Squadron was then able to take Easter leave and the horses enjoyed a brief peri— od at grass before the summer ceremoni— al season. WOZ Heaton, LCoH Slowey and LCpl Mace laid up the last ofthe old Life Guards Standards in Eton College Chapel during the recess. On returning from leave the Troopers undertook a Phase 1 signals course, and Capt Bavis» ter’s organisational skills were tested to the limit in organising a Squadron show jumping competition. The Squadron

W02 (SC/VI) Healoh and the LG SNCOs before the Brazr/ Slate V/stt

Leader, as always leading from the fore, began tent pegging in earnest before deploying with his doppelganger, Tpr Chalklin, to confuse our American cousins by their astonishing likeness to each other and interesting interpretations of the technique of tent pegging. The Squadron acquitted itself well on the Richmond trophy and again at the Royal Windsor Horse Show with Cap« tain Edwards and LCpl Allard winning the military show jumping class. Mess members in both messes ensured that the Commanding Officer and RCM were dined out in considerable style before attending a moving Cavalry Memorial Sunday service. The preparation for the summer season was as intense as ever with the Squadron preparing for the Trooping of the Colour and Garter Service concurrently. The Squadron strength looked much healthier after those on Cambrai Ride had passed out and were gainfully employed by the SCM on the rehearsals and drills for the major events of the summer cere-

LG SCM hold/mg on for dear Me

(1 Royals wok/ht] loot/ssed Bod/79y Cam/1

Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment 36

Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment

monial season. The World Cup provided a welcome distraction from the inevitable loss of several Saturdays preparing for the parade even if the national side failed to live up to expectations. The Queen’s Birthday Parade was

followed by The Life Guards Association dinner held at Combermere Barracks on

one ofthe hottest nights ofthe year. The event was well supported by the Squadron who were sporting some rather odd suntans on account of wearing full ceremonial equipment in the blazing sunshine for six hours that morning! The briefest of rests was taken before we returned once again to Windsor for the Garter Ceremony.

The Officers rose to the Staff Captain’s call for entries to ‘The Kingsley Chal— lenge’ (to row a mile, run a mile and ride a mile within 15 minutes) in Hyde Park at the end of June. Unfortunately, after some promising early efforts the lead slipped from our grasp as Captain R M P Bavister became unseated from his trusty charger England during the riding phase. Even with his proven running ability, he was unable to make up the lost ground. The Officers and NCOs enjoyed more success at the Royal Tournament. This time on home ground and led by Captain Edwards the team consisting of Major Rees-Davies, LCpls Shickle, Allard and Viljoen and Tprs Chalklin and Dominey managed to acquit itself well in both the Show jumping and tent pegging. Warlord received surely the most sought after invitation of the year when he was invited to attend a chil— dren’s party at Buckingham Palace! To make up for his earlier disappointment

rotational Queen‘s Life Guard. Summer Catnp was rather more hectic than in previous years and all were kept on their toes by a varied programme. The 48 hour exercise, including insertion by Merlin helicopter, based on a Bosnia peacekeeping scenario, provided a useful reminder for the battle hardened and an eye-opening introduction to the other side of the Regiment for the junior Troopers. Dettingen and Egypt khaki rides were completed at summer camp, and they all benefited from a more open riding programme. The quiz night was won mysteriously by the Commanding Officer’s team and, therefore, The Life Guards were able to claim a technical victory. In the competitions. the Squadron fared very well with CoH Amos winning the Squadron and Captain Edwards the Regimental senior ranks show jumping respectively. Majors Morrison (RVO) and Lomas (HQ London District) also rode two Life Guards horses to victory in the senior rank’s cross country. After leave, WOZ Heaton, CoH Jukes, LCoH Slowey, FLCoH Blackwood, Tpr Gray 88 and Tpr Gorman continued in the same vein by going sailing in Major— ca on the Household Division yacht Gladeye for ten days, whilst Captain Bav— ister took Tprs Neal and Brown 14 to Spruce Meadows. Maintaining the nautical theme, Tpr Healey is currently deployed with HMS Westminster on a tour of the Far East. Others worthy of recognition are: CoH Saunders who has been the Musical Ride CoH; and LCoH Partridge who completed a Coast to Coast charity walk.

in ‘The Kingsley Challenge’, Captain Bavister, along with Tprs Coleman and Grant, attended the Household Division Regatta at Seaview.

The Squadron recently set about getting the horses back from an extended period of grass and preparing them for the Com-

manding Officer’s Inspection in readi~ The Regiment deployed to Regimental Training on lst July leaving behind a

ness for the State Opening of Parliament. The horses were gradually brought back

The Blues and Royals Squadron here is an inherent fear in the Army that if you can make something hap» pen despite all the odds, then it will be assumed by those on high that there [S no reason not to achieve the same again, and if possible, preferably to a better. stan— dard. In the ‘ordinary’ walks of life, an injection of extra money or manpower would a1m0st certainly achieve this; however for those of us who have served at Knightsbridge, we know that this life

here does not replicate ‘ordinary life’, indeed far from it.

The thought that

never has so much been achieved by so few springs to mind when recollecting the year that has so swiftly passed, a year that has seen its usual number of State and Ceremonial commitments completed with the expected level of excellence and

professionalism that has come to characTpr Enge/brecht flying high.

terise The Blues and Royals Squadron. to fitness, with watering orders Visiting some ofthe more exotic areas ofthe cap~ ital. We will also provide a division for the Lord Mayor’s Show under command of Captain T B Eastwood. After returning the horses to grass, the run up to Christmas looks to be socially packed with a Squadron night out planned alongside the usual festivities. The Squadron remains well manned, well motivated and eager to improve on the high standards that it has achieved this ceremonial season.

The ceremonial year began with the State Visit in early March by the Presi— dent ofthe Federative Republic of Brazil, His Excellency Senhor Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Whilst we sat in the rain through what seemed to be the longest national anthem ever played on Horse Guards, relief was taken from the amusing memory of watching a novice Life Guard Troop Leader being rapidly removed from his horse on the EMR having mistaken a grey for a cavalry black.

We said goodbye to; Captain J E M Howell who has taken over as Adjutant, Captains Van Cutsem and Edwards to the civilian world. CsoH Newell and Chinn have swapped roles and we have welcomed Captains Wren, Eastwood and Harley.

This was followed later that month by the Major General’s Parade in Hyde Park. Restored to a full parade after the shortened version of the previous year, the Squadron avoided the indignity of any involuntary dismounts, much to the disappointment of all... lucky then that there is always the Band to rely on.

After a spate of Bowman conversion training in April, the arrival of May her— alded the annual contesting of the Princess Elizabeth Cup, or more commonly known Richmond Cup. The stan» dard was typically high and the differ— ences slight, however after the disappointment of not winning last year, order was restored this year as The Blues and Royals scooped the majority of top places including first. Headed by Tpr Taylor, Tprs Longhurst, Tate, Hansen and Pettit all deservedly finished in the top eight and got to bask in their glory at the Royal Windsor Horse Show. Tpr Raffles also appeared at RWHS though seemingly forgot that he was meant to be competing in the Tri—Services Show Jumping Competition, the aim of which is to minimise penalty points, not accumulate a cricket score. Luckily his team mates did some»

what better with Tpr Ellis accumulating only four points and CoH Griffiths superbly going clear. Following The Queen’s Birthday Parade commanded by Major R H A Lewis RHG/D, the Squadron travelled back to Norfolk to resume its month-long summer residence at Bodney Camp. The ‘green—phase’ was wholeheartedly embraced by all, though none seemingly more so than CoH Gerrard who took to regular runs alone with his bergan. Quite why he felt the need to wear a respirator for periods of these runs is a matter that we will leave unanswered. The phase cul— minated with the forced entry into a FIBUA house of a group consisting of SCM Fortune, LCpl Francis and a bunch of other individuals with a penchant for breaking and entering. The fact that one

The SOMC /ets one no. The Squadron on the Major Genera/‘5 Parade

Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment

rk carries out safety Checks on the

Stand by.

CoH Griffiths on Winning form.

It was an excellent effort

Returning from summer leave, the

McCarter RHG/D. Destined to be one of

nonetheless. In addition, Captain R A Gibbs RHG/D, LCpl Monger and Tpr Hookham gained a respectable third place in the Tent Pegging National Championships. A mention should also be made ofCoH Park and One Troop, not for equitational matters, but for their ability to relax and let their hair down, literally. Even the nearby town of Swaffham is unlikely to have witnessed such a bunch of horrific men in drag as was One Troop on their evening out. Somewhat worryingly however was the fact that several characters seemed rather too at ease in heels and handbags.

Squadron began an equally busy second ceremonial season made difficult by a shortage in new arrivals to the Squadron and commitments elsewhere. As a consequence, adventure training proved difficult to achieve this year, however Tpr Rautenbach was dispatched to HMS Westminster to experience life on the ocean waves, as was Tpr Stock who also found himself at sea on board the Houshold Division yacht Gladeye. The shortages in manpower however meant that for much of the period, assistance was gratefully rendered by Headquarters Squadron, both to exercise horses and to assist with morning stables. Not every» one was so helpful however with Tpr Hendy being taught a lesson in dismounting by Cedric; whose kick resulted in a broken fibula and tibia...any excuse to get out of the State Opening of Parliament! The State Opening of Parliament was for many their first ceremonial parade, not least Lieutenant W A

the longest serving Lieutenants in the

LCoH Edmond cannot qurte believe what he

ls seer’ngl.

firing range. Fijian blocked their progress for so long was a feat that surprised us all.

The equestrian phase of summer train— ing culminated in some excellent per— formances in all the Regimental competitions. Tpr Tate revealed himselfto be a surprise equitator, swapping his shell suits and rock collections for breeches and Cavellos to win the Junior Show— Jumping Competition and the most improved rider award. SCpl Sharpe came a close second in the Senior Show— ]umping, followed in third by the Squadron Leader. CsoH Griffiths and Beulah won the Senior Cross Country event...according to COH Beulah, though they should probably now accept the fact that they still came a creditable third. Open Day was dominated by Dreadnought and his pilot, CoH Griffiths, who steered him to victory in the Show Jumping and very nearly in the Grand Prix, just being beaten into sec—

0nd place.

Continuing with her ever cheerful and enthusiastic effort, August marked the tenth year that Donna has been a civilian groom in The Blues and Royals Squadron. Whilst her efforts may not have resulted in promotion, her experience and assistance is gratefully appreci~ ated by all ofthose with whom she works.

Regiment, Lt McCarter defied his form from show jumping outings to RMA






remained mounted throughout the parade, despite an epic trip back from Vienna the day before with other members of the Musical Ride! The year has seen its typical change in personnel. Captain R J Moger RHG/D succeeded Captain A K MacEwen RHG/D as Squadron ZIC on the latter’s return to HCR. Lieutenant B J Vestey

RHG/D left the Army but will be forever remembered for keeping the Squadron supplied with donuts. CoH McNamara moved from Three Troop to become HQ Sqn SQMC and CoH Ireland left Two Troop to enhance the quality of future trainees by becoming an instructor at AFC Harrogate. The Squadron welcomed CoH Gerrard into Two Troop and CoH Taylor into One Troop. We also welcome back CoH Faires to Three

a». -‘X


The Squadron Leader leavr’ng the arena during the Grand Prix at Bodney. Troop and congratulate him on his pro— motion to CoH. Amongst others whose merit has deservedly earned them promotion this year include LCsoH Banham, Edmond, Martin, Frampton and Cawley, the latter of whom was finally coaxed back into daylight from his comfortable life as the SQMC’s 21C.




Overall it has been a challenging but highly productive year. With a very busy year planned for 2007, there is no reason not to achieve the same again, and if possible, preferably to a slightly better standard!


Tprs Newton. Longhurst Ward 68 and Hrbbet tn Norfolk. The Squadron cart/es out rts annual personal weapons test.

Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment t ' House h 0 1d C ava l ry M ounte d R egimcn

Headquarters Squadron he Squadron focus has, as always, been to effectively support and administer the Regiment in its various endeavours throughout another busy year. The Regiment took its Christmas leave over two periods: Christmas and New Year. Members of the Squadron were to be found mucking out and exercising horses in support of the hard pressed sabre troops and then attending to their own responsibilities in their departments. Thankfully, we no longer have to work this system over the summer since the introduction of summer block leave, which has resulted in much improved morale. The departments have worked tirelessly to ensure that the Regiment was prepared and capable of executing a suc— cessful ceremonial season with the normal commitments. The Brazil State Visit was the first significant parade of the year; preparations involved the usual horse and uniform inspections to ensure immaculate standards were maintained. Much work went into this preparation, and the departments are to be congratulated firstly on the very high standards achieved, but also on the pos— itive manner in which individual sol— diers applied themselves to the task in hand. For the Major General’s Inspec— tion, farriers, saddlers, tailors and remount staff provided excellent support behind the scenes. Other members of the Squadron acquitted themselves well on the parade, both mounted and on the ground as lance markers, or as escort riders on motorbikes. Having completed these two parades, the high standard was set, and the Squadron set to fully to support the Regiment for the remainder of the season. Due to the hectic operational tempo being experienced by the rest of the Field Army, the Regiment had to

tions times may be deployed on Opera near with HCR at short notice in the future.

The Squadron also made time to enjoy

rearrange Annual Training to commence from the first week ofJuly. This was to fit with the programme for units earmarked to deploy to Afghanistan and Iraq. The bringing forward of the train— ing period tested the flexibility of the Squadron with the Quartermaster and his team rising magnificently to the chal— lenge of preparing and executing the administration of the training. MT Troop also worked arduous and long hours to ensure that horses and men left for Bodney Camp in concert with the deployment programme. The SCM planned, organised and executed the mandatory Military Annual Training Tests (MATT) package where the squadrons spent two days carrying out their Annual Personal Weapons Test, Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) training and Battle Casualty Drills (BCD). The RQMC also planned and organised the navigation package ensuring that well over 60% of the Regiment had achieved a pass in the new mandatory test. Following the skills training package, the Squadron headed by the Squadron Leader and Adjutant executed a 36 hour exercise. The Regiment deployed by Merlin heli» copter to the skills village at Eastmere and immediately set up Squadron patrol bases. The squadrons were then exercised through a number of realistic internal security serials: the Squadron provided the exercise civil population (civpop) and the very dodgy enemy led by that well known anarchist, Captain R

A Gibbs RHG/D. On a number of occa— sions, the Adjutant had to restrain the rioters and enemy who tended to show exuberance not often displayed in the work place, displaying aggression and ferocity likened to a pack of Rottweilers. Luckily for everyone concerned, the Adjutant has some experience of dealing

itself, once again visiting the go-‘kart rac» ing circuit to test the mettle of-its members set against the dubious skills of the rcmount staffand the forge whose members are well versed in creating carnage and mayhem on the racing track target-

ing innocent




Squadron Leader and the Admin Officer. The Riding Master was given a taste of his own medicine and was ‘T-boned’ on a number of occasions! The Squadron, of course, was outraged that Captain R G Waygood LG experienced such disrespectful treatment! Following the successful move of the Regiment back to Knightsbridge, the Squadron underwent a week of adminis~ tration before departing on annual block

leave, a well earned respite from the challenges of Regimental life. On return from block leave due to the posting of individuals to Windsor, the Regiment was once again down on its manpower, and so it was all hands to the pumps assisting the Sabre Squadrons with morning stables and staff riders, whilst maintaining departmental jobs and responsibilities. Never a dull day in Headquarters Squadron!

The Quartermaster’s Department

LCOH HON/day and FLCp/ B/akeway acting as Civpop.

with unbalanced individuals! The Commanding Officer judged the exercise to be a success with effective and worth— while training value. Following the exercise, the squadrons were deployed as troops to undergo tests to confirm their newly acquired military skills including Fighting In Built Up Areas (FIBUA), enthusiastically run by LCoH Harrison ‘The Mean Machine’. He did a fantastic job in enthusing the troops and taking them through a well thought out skills package. The QM ran an excellent convoy escort stand assisted by a very professional team from his department. Captain N P G Van Cutsem LG, and W02 (SCM) Fortune provided a challenging patrol stand with much ‘iockeying’ from fire position to fire position with vast amounts of ammunition going down range! The SQMC, COH McNamara, and the medical centre staff headed by LCoH Royston provided a realistic and demanding stand to test CBRN and BCD. The stands achieved their aim of maintaining the military skills of our soldiers who in these testing

fter only a short period oftime since taking over as Quartermaster, I sit here pondering how to be original or

the new QM, the ‘green’ period of training was when the entire Department honed skirmishing skills ready for the

inspirational in this year’s review .Of the Department’s achievements. It did not

“Mother of all Paint Ball Battles”.

take long before I realised there was no option but to follow in the footsteps of

all my predecessors for it is incredibly hard not to be indebted to all the Quar— termaster’s Departmental Staff for all

their hard work and dedication in ensur— ing the mundane, behind-the-scenes administration is seamlessly executed ensuring the Regiment’s mission is achieved to the normal high standard. In the first half of this year, the Depart— ment said farewell to two personalities: first to leave was the Master Chef, SSgt Hopkins, on posting to 16 Regiment Royal Artillery at Woolwich on promo~ tion - we wish him the very best for the future and thank him for his dedication and hard work. His replacement is SSgt Taylor posted from the Royal Anglians. The next to depart was the Quartermaster, Captain M E W Kingston MBE LG, after a full and eventful two years, in which he achieved so much, from the refurbishment of the stables to the continual improvements to Pay As You Dine to mention two. The Regiment benefited much from his dedicated, professional and caring qualities during his time as Quartermaster. The incumbent


wasn’t until after the third paint ball mission that I realised that the Geneva Convention Lectures had fallen on deaf ears » even the umpire had to call a cease fire due to dangerous play! Twenty direct hits whilst in a ‘safe area’ and a lot of pain meant it was time for some serious action; so, I shoot the first person with a burst of 10 paint balls and luckily for me it was LCoH Costain who, cor— nered at five paces is an easy target for any one! Once he had stopped wincing with pain, I told him to pass them out to anyone from the Department on his side or not. Finishing the day with a few beers and an outstanding BBQ organised by the Master Chef, we had an excellent day. Congratulations to the RQMC for coming fourth in the Officers’ and SNCOS’ Handy Hunter competition after only entering an hour before ‘kick off’. As another year draws to an end, the Department can start to look forward to

The OM and PO at Boo‘ney Christmas Leave. We bade farewell to CoH ‘Bugsy’ Beulah who is finishing 22 years in the Household Cavalry as the Full Dress storeman. He has been an outstanding soldier, who has fully supported the Household Cavalry whilst serving at both regiments. We wish him and his family all the very best for the future.

Quartermaster, Captain L J Kibble RHG/D and all in the Department wish him the very best for the future.

After a detailed handover between Quartermasters, the Department was off to Bodney Camp for Regimental Training

for another year. After a quick look in the summer camp file, Col-I Hadden, for the 16th year, and his advance party from the Department, seamlessly and

effortlessly set up for the Regiment’s arrival, allowing CoH Hadden to take on his secondary role as the “Mayor of Watton” for the period of Camp.

\f' ’ <


COH McNamara conduct/mg CBRN [ta/hing.


Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment

\. Tpt Forres/ wok/rig penstve

After the overnight exercise, the Department had its day out; unbeknownst to

‘8‘.“ LCoH Harrison thumbing a /




CoH Beulah among the mushrooms at Bod/76y

Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment

The Medical Centre

The Forge

he Medical Centre has just been through the Year of the Great Escape. Surgeon Major] Hammond LG has been the most ambitious, in his coir struction of an escape tunnel to civilian life as a farmer in Ireland, although he has only just got past leaving Waterloo House! Surgeon Major 1 H Lewin RHG/‘D has taken up the reins but, with a cunning plan to nip off to Afghanistan

anuary started off what was to be a verv busy year, with horses returning lrom grass after their short Christmas break. The season was underway for the

Forge. The farriers soon had the horses shod, ready to start their build up pro— gramme in preparation for the start of the ceremonial year. Early February brought no mention of skill fade; practice was hot on the agenda

with D Sqn HCR foiled, he had to suffice with trips to Australia and Malawi on medical covers as second—rate alterna— tives. Luckily, his absence from Regi— mental Training Camp was ably filled by an athletic civilian locum. LCoH Royston LG has eloped on various adventure training endeavours, and supported Sandhurst exercising in a surprisingly rainy Wales, dishing out plenty of tender loving care to some cold, wet and miser~ able Officer Cadets. LCpl “Pinky”

for the farriers. The Regimental forge hosted its annual Cavalry Pairs shoeing competition, which tested their skill in traditional ‘Roadster’ type shoeing. This

competition welcomes both military and civilian farriers. The competition was highly competitive with 44 qualified farriers flexing their muscle and skill. Con-

gratulations went to the civilian winning pair, Mr T Pears and Mr M Preece and also to FSCpl Macdonald and FLCoH Hamilton for winning Best Military Pair. There was also an additional prize in the form ofa bronze medal presented by the Master of the Worshipful Company of Farriers. It was awarded to FLCpl Thomas for the Most Improved Appren— tice Farrier.

Brown RHGTD returned from his four month long Regimental Combat Medical Technician Course (RCMT) with a satis~ fled grin, and has been seen trawling EBay for second-hand paramedic cars. Tpr Beddar LG stumbled on the start line for his RCMT course, being bumped off at the last minute but, hopefully, should follow proudly in LCpl Brown’s footsteps next year. Even Ryan Williams, our civilian Administration Assistant, has begun to formulate his break out plan. So taken has he been with the dashing form of his military colleagues,

he aspires to join the elite ofthe Adjutant


General’s Corps’ officer fraternity, and may be seen in an Education Centre near you soon!

‘ .12.. A: ' colors on Parade.

‘ The three

L to H: Surg Maj J H Lewrh HHG/D. St/rg Maj J Hammond LG and Surg Illa J S Baldwah LG.

One of the main thrusts of the Medical Centre’s activities this year has been the forthcoming introduction of Defence Medical Information Capability Programme (DMICP). This will revolutionise each soldier’s medical records, ensuring that their personal information is accessible no matter where they might be posted in the world. This has meant, however, that all the information contained in each set of medical documents has had to be transferred into their computer record, not an insignificant undertaking, especially as it provides an opportunity for each set of notes to be properly organised and filed!

Regimental training was its usual busy time, with all the varied medical covers required including the combined NBC/Medical stand. Tpr Beddar was promoted from tea boy to post collector, and LCpl Brown was always on standby with his crash bag, ready to pounce. LCoH Royston took a crash course in mini—moto riding, perhaps a little too lit— erally, but largely escaped with most things, apart from his pride, intact.

Both summer and autumn ceremonial seasons proved to be remarkably demanding for the Forge; with the Regimental Veterinary Officer (RVO) at the rear in the Veterinary Aid Post, support— ed by LSgt Speer RAVC providing an excellent service to both horses and Troopers alike! The first week of Regimental Training passed quickly whilst wearing ‘green kit’. The Forge completed their ITDs as well as providing instructors and making up the Civilian Population to the annual

The Farr/ers look/17g smartl

Deployment Exercise. The equitation skill of the Forge peaked in time for the Handy Hunter with the RVO, Major M C E Morrison LG, making up one half of the winning pair for the seniors and FLCOH Hamilton and FLCpL Blakeway coming third in the Juniors’ competition. During Open Day, the Forge held its annual apprentice shoemaking competition with FLCpl Blakeway winning the ‘Casey Cup’. On the competition front, the Forge proved successful, being placed at both National and International level. The Royal Welsh Show saw FSCpl Macdonald winning first place in the ‘Ride and Drive’ Roadster Class and, at the London Cup Competition, FCoH Freeman cut the mustard by winning Best Dressed Foot.

During our busy year, the Forge still managed to squeeze in some adventure training, with Farriers heading off to sunny Fremington and the lucky few sailing with Gladeye in the Med. FLCoH Sherlock organised an outstanding Farriers’ Reunion Dinner; it was good to catch up with past and present military farriers. There was plenty of change within the department during 2006, with a new RVO, Major B V Tunley RHG/D, taking over from Major Morrison. We also welcomed Gdsm Beddard, LCpl McCabe and Farr Turpie after passing the Basic Military Farriers Course (formally the Class 3). With regret, the Forge said goodbye to FLCsoH Ravenscroft, Hamiltonqand Darlington, who will retire from the Army in early 2007.

Hopefully next year will be a little more stable for the Medical centre staff, but time will tell...

' ifl‘?‘ The successful completion ofa Medical Equipment Care Inspection, an Operational Medical Evaluation and, most recently, a Quality Team Development inspec— tion, have all been excellent opportunities to get the Medical Centre running on top form, and the highly positive feedback puts all the hard work into a valued perspective.

HMO Home.

FLCoH Ham/lZOh rece/ves his helmet from Gdsm (Farr/er Apprentice)

FCoH Freeman and FLCpl Thomas at the London Cup

The HMO ls thrilled to dlscover Tpr Wright's Draw Beddaro GB.

Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment 44

Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment

AGC (SPS) Detachment he Detachment has had quite a turbulent year, gapping posts to pre— Joint Personnel Administration (JPA) implementation, maternity leave and trawls for operational tours. Yet despite low manpower levels the Detachment still managed a solid pass on the Meas— urement of Fighting Power (MFP) Inspection. Captain M B Sadler com— pleted his last summer camp with the Regiment before departing on promotion for his new appointment as S02 Man/Plans 8: Budgets in Canada, handing the reigns of the detachment over to Captain D M Holdom. WOZ Postings said his farewells to the Regiment and the regular army and

moved to the UOTC in London. The rat population in Hyde Park Barracks will certainly be celebrating the departure of W02 (Pied Sniper) Postings along with his collection of air rifles! SSgt Johnson arrived from I Cheshires to replace him

as the FSA.

16 Regt RA kindly invited members of our detachment to join them in some adventure training in Cornwall; LSgt Grundy and LCpl Veeren eagerly voltmteered and returned surfing experts. Pte Peterson deployed to North Devon with the Regiment on adventure training and also came close to completing a basic free fall parachute course in Germany. A badly sprained wrist received whilst showing off his football skills during the course ended his time jumping out of planes. LSgt Grundy and Pte Peterson both played football for the Corps throughout the year. The Detachment is now preparing for the implementation of JPA and completing the relevant training required to operate the system and enable us to continue supplying a quality service to the Regiment. We are still awaiting the installation of the D11 upgraded comput» er system and look forward to going live with the rest of the Army in Mar 07.


Mess Members en/oy/hg the World Cup Football.

Bunting, banners, big flags and the drop-

down screen set the perfect setting to watch almost all of the world cup fix— tures. LCoH Wyard made short work of the bar snacks and free beer but, unfortuLCp/ Ashton and LSgt Tome; of the RAO Det feeling the heat dur/ng Regime/Mat Train/mg at Bodney. The detachment waved goodbye to Capt Sadler, W02 Postings, Sgt Green, LSgt Williams, LCpl Hewitt, LCpl Ngugi and LCpl Raratabu, and welcomed Capt Holdom, SSgt Johnson, LSgt Jones, LCpl Sandi and Pte Peterson.

Warrant Officers’ and Non-Commissioned Officers’ Mess his year, January was a quiet month

The evening started with the Com—

for the Mess with the first main

manding Officer and the Warrant Offi—

event ‘The State of the Nation’ Dinner being held in February. The Mess mem— bers were all in good form and, as per tradition, enjoyed the speech from the Commanding Officer who kept it surprisingly short. With the first State Visit of the year taking place in early March (the Brazil State Visit) and Major General’s Inspection later that month, the Mess calendar again was relatively quiet. Prior to the Regiment going on leave, The Blues and Royals Past and Present Warrant Officers’ Dining Club held a successful and enjoyable evening with credit going to Mr Lawson for organizing the function.

cers going for a ride on the coach and horses around Hyde Park with cham— pagne before being seated in the Mess for dinner. With his newly presented stirrup cup in hand, the Commanding Officer left the Mess in the early hours after well and truly breaking it in.

Memorial Sunday. Both events were well supported and very successful. Our thanks go to W02 (SCM) Fortune, CoH Doga and the Mess staff for their hard work and commitment. Time had come to carry out some much needed repairs and improvements to the Mess. New carpets and curtains were promptly installed, the air conditioning fixed, and with a lick of paint here and there and LSgt Storie’s carpentry skills, the Mess was just put back together in time for the start of the World Cup.

Soon, the busiest weekend in the Mess calendar was upon us with the RHG/D Association Annual Dinner and Cavalry

nately, Mess Members never got to see CoH Callow repeat his 2002 World Cup performance on the bass drum! Meanwhile, The Queen’s Birthday Parade rehearsals were well under way, and the day itselfwent without a hitch with Mess Members and their families coming back to the Mess for a curry buffet and plenty ofrefreshments to re-hydrate after a very hot parade.

Schnapps and Shots at Oktoberfest,

names like ‘The Zulus Are Coming’ and ‘Medals not Rosettes’. The MC, Puff Daddy aka CoH Callow, ran the evening’s event on the microphone. Somehow, CoH Doga and LCpl Short managed to get the Commanding Officer on their team, aptly named ‘The League of Gentlemen’, and came away from the evening victorious.

Only days later, the

Tension began to rise in both messes as the cricket match between the Officers and Seniors approached. 0n the day, the Officers opened the batting, with early wickets being taken by W02 Foster, LCoH Burton and LCpl Mace. Battling hard, Captain W H A G Snook RHG/D did well for the Officers score until he was caught. The RCM opened the bat» ting for the Seniors partnering LCoH Harrison and LSgt Grundy before being caught by Captain N P G Van Cutsem. After a middle order collapse by the Sen— iors, the final few overs were nail biting, though victory for the WOs’ and NCOs’ Mess was secured by LCoH Broom hit» ting some fine sixes from Captain R D O’Conner’s bowlingll

quiz night got well under way with the Officers joining in. The night was a huge success with some bizarre team

Immediately on returning from leave, the Mess had to say farewell to W01

Annual Training Camp was soon upon us and the Mess packed up the bar, TV and tea pots and set off for Bodney Camp in Norfolk. For the first time in many years, the race night and games night were both axed from the entertainments programme. Events started with a pool competition which saw W02 Foster trying and failing to knock out the RCM by fixing the batting order; the eventual winner for a second consecutive year was

CoH McNamara.

Panter and W02 Sykes on completion of 22 years of service. In true W01 Panter style we had a very long lunch before retiring to the bar to catch up with faces from the past and who it was great to see back in the Mess. What could be more fitting than to hold an Oktoberfest in October with a live band, German lagers and bratwurst, schnitzels, Schnapps and some shocking dance moves from SCpl Jones and CoH Auld? The wives, partners and girlfriends from both Regiments had a superb evening in the Mess in late November with a Tex Mex menu and free beer and some great raffle prizes. Our thanks go to the com« mittee for organizing the function and we look forward to more functions in the New Year; ideas welcome. This year’s Christmas Party is being held on 2nd December and promises to be a night to remember with W02 Heaton and his committee at the helm. Brickhanging is set for the 7th December with the brick being hung by Mr Tony

Phillips (RQMC ‘65 — ‘68).

On returning from leave, our function

was to say farewell to the RCM, W01 Poynter, who on commissioning has moved to Pirbright as Battery 21C of 59 (Asten) Battery RA where our recruits


We also said farewell to W02

Postings AGC and SCpl Holden who had both completed their 22 years service. The evening was a huge success with the comedians finally getting dancing in dresses on the stage!

} .

The Regiment in May also bade farewell to the Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel G V de la F Woyka RHG/D.

\‘ xi


f"'~t—'.;_aai:» 1t . _. ,





WOs and SCp/s have 3 Breakfast Ft/de at Bodney

Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment

The Band of The Blues and Royals

h, As if those departures weren’t enoug more collections and leaving cards were organized as four other Band members

left for pastures new. We say goodbye and congratulations to LCoH Sparks,

here’s little doubt that 2006 will be remembered as a year of firsts and lasts for the Band, so rather than submit the usual chronologically-based report, it seems more appropriate to dwell on some of the significant milestones passed in the last twelve months.

who after a very briefposting to the Band ofthe Irish Regiment joined the Corps of

Army Music staff at Kneller Hall as a Sergeant. LCpl North leaves us on post-

ing to The Band of the Royal Logistics Corps, Musn Smith returns to his native Northern Ireland to join The Band ofthe Irish Regiment and Musn Sherriffleaves us on posting to The Band of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers — again, goodbye and good luck to you all.

Our first milestone came on 16th July when we became the first Blues and Royals to provide musical support to the St James’s Palace Guard change. This addi— tional ceremonial role will now see the Band regularly leading the St James‘s Palace detachment of The Queen's

To re-balance the Band after those depar~ tures a series of postings has taken place. We welcome LCoH Pritchard and LCoH

Guard to and from Buckingham Palace. Whilst we are on the subject of ceremonial duties, it is worth noting that in May we gave musical support to The Queen’s Life Guard for the first time as a massed mounted band, joined by The Band of The Life Guards — another one for the history books!

Rowe from The Band of the Dragoon Blues and Roya s

rum Horse.

The next milestone came in August

short by the forecast of an in—coming storm (which would have closed the cable car service) and so, not relishing the thought of a mountain descent on foot in uniform with all our equipment, we returned to base camp before the weather deteriorated.

and well-briefed thanks to their diligence. Needless to say, we threw our— selves into the training and the simulation exercises with our usual gusto and the course was judged to have been a great success by ourselves and the train— ing staff alike. After a short visit to Germany in May to perform at the NATO—Musikfest in Monchengladbach, the Band returned in

October for a 30»day tour of duty as part of the Corps of Army Music’s Germany roulement — becoming the first House— hold Division Band to do so. For almost a week, we were based at the Alpine

Training Centre in Oberstdorf, Bavaria and gave two concerts in support of the Bavarian mountain rescue organization.

The first of these concerts was at the Stadthalle in nearby Sonthofen and gave us the chance to perform on a concert stage to a most appreciative audience. The second concert, however, presented a few logistical problems, with the Band and equipment needing to take a ten minute cable car ride up a mountain to the Kanzelwand Panoramarestaurant — 1957 metres above sea level! Despite the slightly thinner air, we managed to give

Guards, LCpl Roberts from The Band of the Royal Logistics Corps and LCpl

Preece from The Clive Band of the another well-received recital and simul— taneously set the altitude record for a Blues and Royals concert. Our stay at the top of the mountain was cut slightly

when the Band trained in CBRN Casual— ty Decontamination (the new opera— tional role for Corps of Army Music personnel) and so became the first Household Division Band to achieve opera» tional readiness. CoH Groves and LCpls Screen and Stringfellow had previously qualified as CBRN Instructors and CBRN Assistants respectively, so we arrived at the Defence CBRN Centre, Winterbourne Gunner, well—prepared

Beat/rig Retreat.

For the remainder of our German tour, the Band was based at JHQ, Rhein~ dahlen, although we travelled as far as Stuttgart in the south and Celle in the cast for concerts, with the Brass Group, String Group, Jazz Group and Wind Ensemble all performing on those occasions when a full band was not required. With four band members in riding school, two on paternity leave and one remaining at Knightsbridge to act as Queen’s Life Guard Trumpeter, we were clearly low on numbers for this tour, so our heartfelt thanks go to LCpls Cox and Maplestone from The Band ofthe Prince of Wales’s Division for coming to Germany with us and fitting in so well throughout the tour. The rugby fans in the Band would never forgive the author if he didn’t mention our foray on to the hallowed turf at Twickenham as part ofthe opening cere— mony of the Rugby League Challenge Cup in August. Even hard—core rugby union fans couldn’t help getting caught up in the friendly competitive spirit of the event and, once we’d finished play— ing, we were lucky enough to have frontrow seats to watch the rest of the match!

The first of this year’s “lasts” came in May with our last Cavalry Sunday parade

Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment

alongside the Band of the Hussars and Light Dragoons and the Band of the Dragoon Guards which, as a result ofthe latest restructuring ofthe Corps of Army Music, have now been amalgamated into the Heavy Cavalry and Cambrai and the Light Cavalry Bands respectively. Another very significant “last” in 2006 was our last Windsor Guard parade under the leadership of former Director ofMusic, Major D D Robertson RHG/D. On the remount from Windsor Castle, to his surprise (but not to ours!), we played a selection of marches he hated before striking up Aida as we came through the ceremonial gate at Victoria Barracks and removing our headdress before falling out to honour a very popular Director — who (unusually!) was rendered virtually speechless by these gestures. Major Robertson leaves us to take up the posi— tion of Principal Director ofMusic (Germany) and we were happily reunited with him and Martina during our stay at Rheindahlen. We wish them and their

family every best wish for the future and look forward to seeing them at the next Blues and Royals Band Association func-

tion. As if the gap left by Major Robertson wasn’t big enough, 2006 saw the retirements of several other big personalities from the Band. W02 (BCM) Howe leaves us after 22 years to take up the position of Non—Regular Permanent Staff (NRPS) with the Lancashire Artillery Band (TA). CoH Purnell retires to live in his new house with its paddocks in Suffolk, and CoH Whitfield retires to concentrate on his already successful business as an electrician. We wish them all, their wives and families the very best ofluck in their new ventures outside the Band.

Prince ofWales’s Division, Musn Ballan— tine from The Band ofthe Adjutant General’s Corps, Musn Porter from the Minden Band and Musn Snook who has been posted to us direct from the Royal Military School of Music at Kneller Hall. And, of course, we welcome our new Director of Music, Captain Tim Cooper, ex-Bandmaster of The Life Guards, who comes to us from The Lucknow Band of the Prince of Wales’s Division. As well as these postings, there have been a number of promotions. We congratulate SCpl Gough on his promotion to W02 (BCM), LCoH Kent on his pro» motion to COH, LCpl Bishop on his promotion to LCoH and Musns Wootten and Barratt on their promotions to LCpl. For those who have left the Band in the last 12 months, a reminder that The Blues and Royals Band Association con— tinues to go from strength to strength

Ma/or Robertson, at Beating the Retreat. looking a little lost. . .

and our next AGM and reunion dinner will be on 28 April 2007 — we look for» ward to seeing you there.

Household Cavalry Training Wing (HCTW) he HCTW has had a very successful and busy year. The HCTW does a relentless task, and one which shouldn’t be underestimated. Having now spent a year as DC HCTW, I can fully appreciate the stress, time and effort which the HCTW must apply, to achieve that tick in the box commonly called a “good ride”. It is important to note that ceremonial duty cannot be compared to the recent Operation HERRICK tour of Afghanistan, but the demands of train— ing and mounted ceremonial duties should be appreciated and understood in relation to the contribution they make to the very fibre of the celebrated Household Cavalry soldier. Since taking command of HCTW in late 2005, the numbers of trainees passing through the Command, Leadership and Management Course (CLMla), driving course, cavalry drill, and the khaki riding course is absolutely astounding. The burden of pressure is on staff at the coal face e.g. Ride NCOs and riding instruc-

tors, who deal directly with the ‘Phase 2 trainee’ on a daily basis. These NCOs act as mentor throughout training, and I take my hat off to every one of them as,

at times, I simply don’t know how they consistently do such a fantastic job. Therefore, it should be no surprise that the key responsibilities of the HCTW are: retention; riding performance; kit

Showing the true versat/lty of Household Cavalryrn en , from-Left to right Lt Burhe. Col-l Anderson. LCoH Bonharn. Col-l Daly and Lt Long start riding school on their return from D Squadron s tour in Afghanistan

cleaning discipline; and duty of care. It is easy to “sweep that up” in one sentence, but if you ever think you could do better, by all means pick up the gauntlet and treat yourself to an instructor’s job

at HCTW. However, it is fair to say that not every soldier who passes out of Phase 2 Train— ing is going to be the next RCM, RM or even reach the dizzy heights of 0C HCTW! Good eggs and bad eggs are hatched during the Phase I, 2 and 3 training process. The training staff has such a key influence over the Regiment’s future and so the importance of getting it right is paramount.

Combine the factors of splitting training between Hyde Park and Combermere Barracks due to the limitations of accommodation; we currently have 76 trainees in Phase 2 Training and enough bed spaces in Combermere for 45! The further Regimental commitments which require HCTW to up sticks and move to London include Investitures, Staircase Parties, and ushering, arena party and security tasks. This underlines the difficulties, without even mentioning the challenging course training programme, of training the fully qualified B3 mounted dutyman. HCTW is certainly no Continued on page 56

' t Household Cavalry Mounted Regimen

Musical Ride It a busy and demanding year for the Mounted Regiment, the Musical Ride has managed to fulfil a number of engagements very successfully, despite having relatively inexperienced riders and losing a number of personnel through the year to Windsor and on

career courses. The Ride remained under the watchful eye of Captain R G Waygood LG sup»

ported by CoH Adams RHG/D and lat— terly by LCoH Broom RHG/D. CoH Saunders LG was responsible for admin— istration throughout the year and per~ formed admirably, equally his soft and tactful manner could always be relied upon to resolve any problems! Captain R J Moger was an extremely efficient Ride

formances was Ebony’s decision to refuse to lie down on some quite damp grass. This started a trend of her only taking to the floor when she was ready but always to extremely enthusiastic cheers from the crowds. The Sunday brought bright sunshine and a good fin» ish to the weekend. We were extremely well hosted over the weekend by Leslie Phillips a former Farrier in The Blues, Mayor of Dorchester and Chairman of the show.

Our final roll of the dice was what had seemed at times an impossible dream or nightmare; performing in Vienna at the Festival of Horses and in Stuttgart at the German Masters.

He was also very fond of his

move was to the bright

frock coat and sword; his 6ft Sinch frame was rarely seen out of it at Showgrounds. In the latter part ofthe season he handed over to Lieutenant W A McCarter

lights and big city smoke of Birmingham for the Horse of the Year Show. For many of the Ride this was their first experience of an indoor show so it was a very worthwhile early start on Monday 3rd \ October that saw us move to the NEC in order to get two full days of preparation in. By the first per‘ .. formance the horses had * at least had time to get used to loud music and


RHG/D. The ride reformed in May in order to perform at the Ruffers drinks party. A sea of umbrellas watched a number ofthe ‘old and bold’ brought back especially for this event perform on a very wet evening in Hyde Park. However the city bankers were suitably impressed with "'v ~m'~—.—_

their evening’s entertainment and fortunately the ‘Welsh equine’ CoH Griffiths RHG/D managed to stay mounted, something he had failed to do in the dress rehearsal. In July and August two trips were made







Grenadier Guards day as part of their 350th Anniversary celebrations, and to the Wirral Show respectively. Both shows were particularly well received in an area of the country that the ride has not ventured to in some time. The ride also performed, as tradition dictates, at Summer Camp in front of a crowd of over eight thousand providing a fitting end to three weeks in Norfolk.


Horse of the Year Show. picket line at the top of the Showground whilst the remainder of the ride made their way gracefully up. Aureole had clearly had ' enough and went at a flat out gallop with Trooper Mackin merely a passenger. It was fortunate that he had his wife and child there to watch him, they must have been very proud! With the County show season finished, the Ride’s next

The Musical Ride horses were stabled in Windsor throughout August due to commitments at the Dorset County Show and Henley Show in early September. The Dorset County Show, although competing with the Dorset Steam Fair and the weather over the first weekend in September was another well attended affair. The sun shone briefly on the Saturday amidst heavy downpours and this was fortunately over two very polished performances by the ride in front oflarge crowds. The only tarnish on these per-


Musrca/ Ride. Vienna.

MLISICa/ Hide. Wen/7a.

The Henley Show a week later saw fabu— lous weather and a number of familiar faces in the crowd enjoy another good day made even more entertaining by Trooper Mackin’s early return to the

Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment

The Festival of Horses in its present incarnation has been running for twenty one years. This was the first time the Household Cavalry had performed at it or anywhere in Austria. A crashed Honda, which is likely to haunt the ride officer for many years to come, and a thirty hour drive later, the horses, box grooms and a very unwell veterinary arrived in the underground car park which was to be our stabling for the next week. Shortly afterwards the remainder of us arrived more comfortably by air in Vienna, not as Troopers Selby and Richardson, both LG, believed in Venice. If the stabling and warm up facilities left a little to be desired then the main arena and our own accommodation in a very good hotel was way beyond our expectations. A ride around Vienna to promote our arrival, provok— ing many bemused looks, and a couple of dress rehearsals and we were once again back into the flow oflate nights and early mornings. The ride performed well, particularly as we had a number of new faces and/strug—

gled to get any sort of a warm up in, which left the horses a little cold yet paradoxically hot. We were looked after brilliantly throughout our stay in Vien» na. Although I will never be totally sure that the Austrian public could quite believe we were real soldiers as we attracted a number of sideways looks, this was exacerbated by SCpl Hackman’s and Tpr Turpie’s decision to take up pipe smoking, whether as a reaction to the clash of heads they had had on the first night as they ejected out ofthe back door whilst stood on Beatrice and Yeti we will never know. The ride officer retained a rather haunted look throughout as, now minus one Honda, he hoped that he could get twenty four soldiers onto a plane back to London complete with helmets and cuirasses an hour and a half after their last performance in order to be

back in London in time for the EMR for the State Opening of Parliament at OZOOhrs the following morning. Somehow, one State Opening of Parlia» merit completed, we were back in Europe this time in Stuttgart with all men and horses in one piece due to a very big effort from those taking part in the Opening of Parliament, from those who had remained behind and from Jock Bisset and his team of drivers.

Stuttgart by comparison was straightforward with only one performance a day. Those of us who had returned to England had missed the ‘WOZ Dave Jenkins spectacular’ where he had managed to entertain a full house to a potted history of the Household Cavalry completed by a SCpl Hackman punch of the air with his German flag as he cantered out of the arena to the rapture of almost all the crowd apart from the large German stood within earshot of FLCoH Hayden who had watched unmoved until the end when he had asserted that ‘the German flag needed to be bigger’. A weary group of horses and soldiers returned to Knightsbridge at the end of what had been a complicated yet largely enjoyable and very successful trip abroad, a very good conclusion to the Musical Ride’s season. Credit should go to all those who were involved in one way or the other this season as it is a considerable extra commitment especially at a time where manning is quite tight in Knightsbridge. Particular mention should go to Trooper Belasco, the Drum Horse groom, who without fail made sure that the Drum Horse Spartacus was immaculate. 2007 will bring fresh challenges. However, approached with a ‘can do’ attitude, I have no doubt we will achieve similar successes.

Horse of the Year Show. flashing lights, if not the large crowds. Some early performance nerves from horses and men soon settled

and we became firm crowd favourites. Whilst work was the priority there was time to enjoy the after show grooms’ parties where many old acquaintances were met and new friends made. Fit-

tingly after such a good

Horse of the Year Show.

week The Duke of Edin' burgh took the final salute giving a very big thumbs UP to the ride officer.

Summer Canto

Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment


_, The Garter Parade

The Major General ’3 Inspectzon

Mug/1 Lockwood.








taff Capt amd ADC. W

’7’ . ._ The Ma/or Genera/ and the Commandmg Officer: .

. \











W02 (85% Cough 96:4sz W76 E’ee a/W Hawk: Beur/

Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment

The Ma/or General taking me sa/ure accomnamed by Commander Househo/d Cavalry:

Cap! A/fc/mer PAL/:5 [he Sid/lease Party

Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment

The Queen’s Birthday Parade fl~-

The Sagac‘e Ala/or leads Jl‘ {he Peru/rue Escor'!

Come! H C A D Wales accompany/7g The Duke 0/ York.

The Household Cavahy Mounted Regiment Out & About

2% ~-’l. .


, — E)


LG Son Troopers a! the star! of the cross country.

Food for a MOhth

LCp/ Allard LG receives his prize from the Commanding Officer in the Junior Hahks Show Jump/I79.

Donkev rides oh the beach.


Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment

Household Cavalry Mounted Regnnent

“champers and pampers” party for 6 months. The term “Clean kit tomor— row.....ensure it is immaculate, gentle— man” I am sure will send a chill the length of any hardy Knightsbridge war— rior’s back! Phase 2 trainees have a very steep learn— ing curve at the HCTW from Day 1.

Many initially struggle looking after themselves without mummy to wash their laundry. And then, having to act as mum and dad to their new friend the ‘cavalry black’ and look after the kit issue a mile long, it is certainly a learning curve to behold. The training and


Household Cavalryman




mounted training before he even thinks about Operations is a crucial influence. Each soldier spends so much time think— ing about security and maintenance of kit, personal administration and disci—

pline throughout a tour in Hyde Park Barracks, that it is almost second nature when it comes to looking after an armoured vehicle. The husbandry

required for horses and state uniform could be easily interchanged with scimi— tars, tool kits and weapons. The problem is that a horse behaves like a child and therefore requires 24/7 attention, as a result cannot be left in a vehicle hangar over the weekend. The regular long hours and early mornings combined

with the dreaded “kit cleaning” certainly increases the stamina, discipline, tolerance and endurance thresholds of our soldiers. It is always a pleasure at how astounded parents are and so proud at the Kit Ride Pass Outs at how their little boy has sud— denly grown into a “fine young man”. HCTW has been subject to several changes over the last year: W02 (SCM)

Gardner LG left in April to be RQMC at HCMR and handed over to W02 (SCM) Foster RHG/D; W02 (SCM) Foster RHG/D was at HCTW until he was pm. ed to A Squadron HCR and handed Over to W02 (SCM) Gaddes RHG/D in Octo. her. We said goodbye to SCpl (SQMC)

Martin RHG/D at the end of his 22 years in the Army and on his way to civilian life, who handed over temporarily to CoH Kendle RHG/D. CoH Crichton

RHG/D moved to recruiting in sunny

graves Show hints that their platform was suspended in a frame, elastically.

The Romans in the first centuries BC used sprung wagons for overland journeys. With the decline of the antique civilizations these techniques almost disappeared. In the Middle Ages all travellers who were not walking rode, save the elderly and the infirm. A trip in an unsprung cart over unpaved roads was not lightly undertaken. Closed carriages began to be more widely used by the upper classes in the 16th century. In 1601 a shortlived law was passed in England banning the use of carriages by men, it being con—

onships and Four»in—Hand Champi-

pleasures of drill and the Command,

competition at the World Equestrian

Leadership and Management course. LCpl Hancox returned to The Blues and Royals Squadron, and we welcomed

Games, held every four years.

LCpl Doyle LG as a Ride NCO. Tpr Heeley LG returned to The Life Guards Squadron and, in his place, Tprs Semakoula and Bailey picked up the pitch forks and are now the HCTW permanent sta~ ble guards.

An almost bewildering variety of horsedrawn carriages existed. Arthur Ingram’s Horse Drawn Vehicles since 1760 in Colour lists 325 types with a short description of each. By the early 19th century one’s choice of carriage was only in part based on practicality and

performance; it was also a status statement and subject to changing fashions. The names of many have now been relegated to obscurity but some have been adopted to describe automotive car body styles: coupé, Victoria, Brougham, landau and landaulet, cabriolet, phaeton, and limousine— all once denoted particular models of carriages. In most European and English—speaking countries, show driving is a competitive equestrian sport. Many shows host driving competitions for a particular breed of horse or type of carriage.

sidered effeminate. Better sprung vehi— cles were developed in the 17th century. New lighter and more fashionably varied conveyances, with fanciful new names, began to compete with one another from the mid-18th century. Coachbuilders cooperated with carvers, gilders, painters, lacquer workers, glazers and

upholsterers to produce not just the family’s state coach for weddings and funerals but light, smart fast comfortable vehicles for pleasure riding and display.

Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment

For pony drivers, the World Combined Pony Championships are held every two years and include singles, pairs and fourin-hand. From a Regimental perspective, the Park Drag currently owned by the Regiment

The Regiment still uses the Park Drag on a regular basis, both in competitions and at Royal Ascot. The team still attend all major Coaching Club events including the Magazine Meet in London. In 2006 the team travelled to France to

compete in the Concours d’Attelage where they came 3rd (having won in 2005!). The team also won the Royal Welsh Show and were Reserve Champions at the Royal Windsor Horse Show.The coach is one of only three still owned by the military, the other two being owned by the Royal Logistic Corps. However, we are the only Regiment to have a fully functioning team of horses, harness and coach in existence. When one looks back to 1900, there were 44 Regimental coaches and teams! As you can see, CoH Kendle and his team have continued a fine tradition in exemplary style. They have been one of the most successful teams on the driving circuit whilst maintaining something that the majority of Regiments in the British Army have lost. Long may it continue!

he Winter Training Troop (WTT) deployed to the Defence Animal Centre (DAC), Melton Mowbray on 4th September 2006 under the careful guid— ance of last year’s WTT Leader Captain (now retired) T W C Edwards LG as the current WTTL was still grappling with the rigours and stresses of Kit Ride. Unfortunately, due to a strangles outbreak at the DAC (but not in the WTT lines) and the WTT horsebox finally succumbing to old age, the hunting season got off to a slow and frustrating start, missing out on the Opening Meets ofthe Quorn and the Belvoir and not being able to compete in the Cotswold Hunt Team Chase and the Royal Wessex Yeo~ manry Cross Country Ride. We did however attend the Opening Meet ofthe Cottesmore Hunt with LCpl Allard LG and Trooper Greenwood LG gate shutting. A fantastic and very successful day was had by all including the two young horses that had their first day’s hunting with the high point easily being the sight of Greenwood carrying out an involuntary dismount at full canter down a ploughed field.

and Troopers Baker 37 LG and Newton RHG/D back to Hyde Park Barracks. Every cloud has a silver lining however and to LCpl Allard’s credit he filled the void that hunting had left by tirelessly using the days to improve the young hors— es and the horsemanship of the troopers. From stable management instruction to puissance competitions, nothing curbed his infectious enthusiasm. The majority ofthese days without hunting were spent desperately trying to keep the horses from going stir crazy and maintaining their fitness. These were substantial problems with the WTT being confined to only the indoor and outdoor schools and the crush. It was overcome, however, by jump training

outlined by the Riding Master and interval training (aerobic canter work). Finally, on 27th December 2006, OC Veterinary Division completed all endo— scope testing in the main yard and gave us permission to go hunting. This was timed to perfection as it allowed Captain Bavister LG his first day’s hunting when the Quorn Hunt met at the infamous vil— lage of Hickling. Although there were a couple of occasions of an unseated rider, Captain Bavister excelled himself and wowed the crowds by effortlessly clearing a five-foot hedge. With transport issues now being the constraining factor for the WTT, hunting became infrequent and sporadic and unfortunately officers (both serving and retired) still had to be turned away far too often.

It was thought these problems had been

In British and French coaches, the coachman drove from a raised coachbox at the front. In Spain the driver continued to ride one of the horses, as also in the 1939 state visit procession in Canada.


onships as well as the Four-in—Hand

was purchased by the Officers of the Royal Horse Guards (The Blues) in 1868. It was ordered from Holland and Holland in London who took the existing coach from them in part exchange. When the firm came to scrap the old coach, it was found to be the old West Country Mail Coach, and on taking off the front seat, an antiquated bird’s nest was found underneath, the supposition being that the coach had at some period stood in some inn yard, and that the bird had taken advantage of the circumstance to build her nest therein. The old coach can still be seen in the British Transport Museum in London.

Winter Training Troop

long—distance travel: a first-class railway carriage was the faster modern alternative. Then, in the 18905, just as automo— biles came into use, “coaching” became an upper-class sport in Britain and America, where gentlemen would take the reins of the kinds oflarge vehicles of types generally driven by a professional coachman.

From the 18605, few rich Europeans con— tinued to use their posting coaches for

World Championships take place on alternate years, including Single Horse Championships, Horse Pairs Champi-

Glasgow, and we welcomed COH Couling LG into the hot seat. He now enjoys the

Coaching Through The Years Some Horsecarts found in Celtic

Other competitors compete in the all~ around test of driving: Combined driving also known as Horse Driving Trials is an equestrian discipline regulated by the FBI (Federation Equestre Internationale) and with National Federations representing each member country.







surmounted once the State Opening of Parliament and the Lord Mayor’s Show had been completed, but there was to be more frustration as the movements’ ban iml‘osed by 0C Veterinary Division was extended to January due to more outbreaks. It was at this point that the deci— sion was made to downsize the WTT outfit by sending four horses to grass

Btu/d up Ira/17mg at Melton Mowbray

The Blues orig/na/ 7868 Park Drag s[/// in use [or/Ely.

Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment


It is hoped that all G1 to G4 creases have now been ironed out leaving a platform that is well grounded for next year with the expressed hope that the WTT will make a return to the steeplechases that were entered throughout the season. Cavalry participation in every occasion

CoH Arkley fourth; another good per-

was met with encouragement and appre—

formance for HCMR.

The final day’s competition saw the hotly contested Senior Derby go my way with another win on Peter Pan, while W01 Evans King’s Troop RHA claimed

second place, CoH Nicholls third and

ciation by spectators and fellow competi~ tors alike. Even with all the initial prob» lems that had to be surmounted by the WTT it has been a hugely successful season, albeit in unpredicted areas, and gratitude must be shown to everyone who has assisted with the smooth running and constant flexibility this year.

Summer Camp had the normal air of

anticipation before the Handy Hunter competitions.

you’ll be all right, the course is too big, the course is too small, heels down...,” just a few words of wisdom being offered the evening before by the closet equestrians within the Regiment. The spoils in the Junior Ranks went to Tprs Tate and

McGrath from The Blues and Royals Squadron, and in the Officers’ and Senior Ranks’, the victors, by popular

Equitation By Captain R G WEIygood, The Life Guards he year started off with the Royal Windsor Horse Show (RWHS) being the spring target. As Riding Master, I have the dubious task of deciding who should be in the various teams to represent the Regiment. This task is always a challenge as you are either on a hiding to nothing or considered the wise one when you get it right. Those who know me will be aware of my philoso~ phy; it’s not the taking part that counts but the winning. For the RWHS, the A

Team consisted of Lieutenant Colonel G V de la F Woyka RHG/D, SCpl Chambers and myself and the B Team consisted of Captain T W C Edwards LG, LCsoH Golder and Hume. An earlier

conversation between LCoH Golder and me came to the conclusion that the Reg— imental Journal notes always feature me too heavily. “Yes, true,” was my reply to the young Whippet—snapper, “so go and knock me off my perch and win some— thing,” which he subsequently did! Not only did the B Team win, but they knocked the A Team into second place. Not a good career move to beat the Commanding Officer and the Riding Master all in one day!! That said, it was a great result, first and second to HCMR, albeit the wrong way round.

“Kick on, sit tight, sit

back, take your time, don’t trust him, oh

CoH Amos wins the Senior Ranks Show Jumping. simple. I decided not go to the Melton ing HM The Queen’s horse Peter Pan, School of dancing (Tubes) and instead relegating CoH Arkley to second place; have an early night. Fortunately, the CoH Griffiths kept the Welsh flag flying strategy paid off, as I took first place ridearning a well—deserved fourth place.

demand, were the RVO, Major M C E Morrison LG and Major C H Lomas MBE BEM RLC. Major Lomas, currently the $02 Logistic Support (Food Services) HQ London District, joined the Regiment for the full three weeks. During this time, he totally embraced all aspects of Regimental life, which in turn ensured we were all fed exceedingly well. Having never ridden cross country before, we found him just the horse, one that had never been cross country before either. It seems that he beat us at our own game!

l W02 Jenkins (in earlier days) on Ramillies.


the Championships, the current World Champions from South Africa were invited to enter a team, albeit on bor— rowed horses. They were in a class of there own and it was quite clear why they are World Champions, however their horses were not World Champions and let them down a little. Captain Avison, accompanied by WOs2 Gasgoine and Treverrow from The King’s Troop RHA formed the winning team and South Africa claimed second spot. The Sword, Lance and Revolver competition was hotly contested with qualifying rounds being held in an outer arena during the morning. The top honour went to W02 Treverrow. It was a wise move by the British Tent Pegging Association to invite the South Africans, as the World Championships will be held in South Africa next year. They may, however, come to wish they had found better hors— es for the South Africans!

Once again, the National Tent Pegging Championships were held on Open Day. Adding a dynamic and colourful twist to

To round off the season, all eyes were focused on the Services’ Jumping Final

The Open Day was attended by huge crowds; somewhere in the region of 8000 visitors. CoH Griffiths, riding Dreadnought, won the Regimental Show Jumping for The Blues and Royals with Captain Edwards finishing second. However, it was not all going to go CoH Griffiths’ way, as Captain Edwards riding his charger Dune, won the Moonstone Trophy in the Eventers’ Grand Prix knocking CoH Griffiths into second

held at Olympia, The London Interna— tional Horse Show, in December. Com— petitors qualified at the Royal Tournament Jumping in June. Of the eight competitors to qualify, three were from the Household Cavalry with a further two qualifying as first and second reserves. The competition ran in two phases, round one not against the clock with faults being carried forward to the second round which was against the clock, the fastest time with the least number of faults being the winner. The class this year went to me on Peter Pan. The Riding Staff will say goodby to the ‘Silver Fox’, W02 Jenkins, who next season will move to pastures green and start a new career in civilian street. He will be fondly remembered for competing Ramillies with many great successes. He will be missed by the Riding Staff and the Regiment as he embraced all aspects of Regimental life with passion and enthusiasm and we all wish him good luck in the future.

Next came the Royal Tournament, held at the Defence Animal Centre (DAC)

and run by the Officer Commanding the Equine Division, Captain M A Avison

LG. CoH Arkley, riding Wycombe, was untouchable in the Prince of Wales Cup, keeping me trapped in second place and LCoH Golder riding Daisy in third; another great result for the Regiment. Day 2 saw the King’s Cup and yet again it was CoH Arkley’s day. Having failed

to win the major class, The Queen’s Cup, . . 1n over 24 years, my strategy was qutte

. Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment

'4' 'VA‘I‘ " , who is briefing who. is it RM briefing the Show Horse Royal W/no’sor CO or the other way round?

- a Jan --. W02 Moore riding the Defence K 7 : n ,


" i



Era-gr”, Miiton


9y! es 0 9 Day E‘em

Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment

Regimental Information Team

Household CavaJIy News

By Captain M R Kitching, The Life Guards hen CoH Telling and I were given the task to recruit for the Regiment we both had little experience in this line of work during our careers. We knew that recruiting army~wide was having

The only problem with that is the team consisted of just four Household Cavalrymen; myself, CoH Telling and 2 Troopers — one each from the mounted and armoured regiments respectively. We recruit nationally. Therefore. as much as the RIT leads the Regimental recruiting drive, I cannot emphasise enough how important it is for all of us to encourage those whom you would like to join us to do so; this is the most effec— tive ‘Recruiting Sergeant’ that we own.

difficulties as a result of a myriad of rea— sons and the Regiment was no different at that time. To understand the task given was to understand why an individ— ual would want to join our Regiments in particular, so we carried out a survey of all ranks to identify if there was a common theme. The results were not neces— sarily remarkable but affirmed the fact that three-quarters of us joined our fine Regiments as a consequence of talking to serving or eX—rnembers of the Regiments. With these facts we could now plan our strategy to recruit and it was quite simple in its structure - ‘get out and preach to as many fine and upstanding potential recruits as possible’.

The next tool in our recruiting armoury is our individual Recruiting CsoH who are posted throughout the country at various Armed Forces Recruiting Offices. They work tirelessly to put forward and sift the right calibre of potential future troopers. The next group of individuals I will mention are those instructors at our training establishments. Recruiting

does not finish when an individual arrives there. It is only just beginning as those potential soldiers require nurtur— ing. These recruits, if not monitored and mentored by the Household Cavalry

Instructors, will be lost.

CoH S J Pickard 3 Lord street OLDHAM Lancashire OL1 3HB Tel 0161 627 3233

CROYDON CRO 3RU Tel: 020 8688 7226

CoH C A Eulert 3 Saville Place Borough Road SUNDERLAND SR1 lPA Tel: 0191 565 0542

guide, 20% across the Army of those who attend Phase 1 Training will be lost for various reasons. But the figure for the Household Cavalry is only 2 %. I would like to conclude by saying currently we are well on our way to achieving our recruiting targets this year — fantastic news for us all. IfI may just thank all those involved and remind us all that if you see that one individual who you would like to serve alongside you, try your best to get him join our Fantastic Regiments.


CoH P D Venables 2nd Floor Princess House The Square SHREWSBURY SY1 1]Z Tel: 01743 232678

Staffordshire DE14 1BN Tel: 01283 621172

CoH Crieghton 22 Westbury Street

CoH S Davies 181 Stratton Street

Col! D W Ansell Ground floor St. George’s court Bloomsbury way

LONDON WClA ZSH Tel: 020 7305 4301

CoH M P Bestwick 2 Magdalen Street

GREENOCK PA15 1RY Tel: 01475 786 383

NORWICH CoH L P Brown 1 Mitcham Road Sharpshooters House

Ground Liaison in Afghanistan

As a rough

Household Cavalry Recruiters Captain M R Kitching CoH Telling Household Cavalry Regiment Combermere Barracks WINDSOR Berkshire SL4 3DN Tel: 01753 755213 Fax: 01753 755073 Mobile: 07748 288611

Remembering My Kipling By Captain D L Lipman, The Life Guards, Formerly S03 G3 GLO for IV (Army Co-operation) Squadron RAF exchanged my cuirasses, helmet, and Isword for a Squadron of GR7 Harriers in August 2004. The exchange came

after a recommendation from my then Commanding Officer, Col S H Cowen RHG/D, who said that he wished he had been able to take a posting to the RAF as 2 Ground Liaison Officer (GLO). I can— not thank him enough. For those of you that have never met one, the Ground Liaison Officers (GLOs) are the Army’s men embedded within the RAF front line squadrons. They are there to provide subject matter expertise on ground formations, capabilities, tactics and intelligence. They balance the Royal Air Force personnel who are embedded in Brigade and Divisional Headquarters as Air Liaison Officers (BALOs and DALOs) and as Forward Air Controllers (FACs) who make up elements of the Joint Effects Teams (JETS). There has been great emphasis placed on Air/Ground integration as a consequence of the Post Operational Report for Op TELIC 1. Everyone iden» tified the need for seamless integration and closer working practices with all of those involved in Close Air Support



NR3 1HX Tel: 01603 624 616

My arrival at IV (AC) Squadron had been preceded by the Squadron Officers visiting both the Regiment in Windsor and the Mounted Regiment in Hyde Park Barracks as part of a wider service learning package. They had me at a dis-

advantage as they knew more about me than I did of them. Once I had taken over my post from Capt David Kenny R IRISH, I set about trying to redress the balance. The Royal Air Force can be a funny bunch; it is the only service where the men and women in the Ranks send their Officers off to do the fighting on their own; they have not had Orderlies for over two decades (longer in certain places!); and they do not have to wear much more than a collar for dinner in the Mess! As such, I felt quite like a fish out ofwater to begin with. I was on loan from the Army and therefore a guest in the home of my RAF hosts. Early on it was obvious that I was not going to change them and nor was it my place to try. “When in Rome do as the Romans do.” was all I had going through my mind on several occasions. Others, who had been GLOs before me, had tried to change them and they had ended up spending two miserable and frustrating years with the RAF, having alienated themselves, when they could have enjoyed themselves thoroughly. Once I had settled in and the “Joint” nature of my post with the Joint Harrier Force had been explained, IV Squadron gave me ten of the worst days ofmy brief military career. We were to spend two weeks aboard HMS Illustrious, sailing around the north-eastern coast of Scot— land. I am not a sailor! This part ofmy

Capt Lip/"nan practising riding one tfl.

contract must have passed me by when I signed up and Ito-one ever issued me with “Red Sea Rig”! I lasted ten days on board before I realised that my time would be much better spent on dry land. The FACs, lead by CoH Matthews LG who was on loan to us from the Household Cavalry Regiment, made my escape easy to arrange along with the B&B where my Clerk and I would be staying. Shortly after our first time aboard “Lusty” there followed Exercise Magic Carpet in Oman in February 2005. Here the Squadron began the tactical training and build up for Op HERRICK in Afghanistan. The CAS element of the training package proved to be invaluable

" «it ' .



Captain MR K/‘tch/ng LG, LCp/ F/nney GC RHG/D, and Tpr Tate With members of Pi/ton Community Cohege Earnstab/e. Devon dur/ng a Household Cavalry presentation


opportunity to carry out their presentation to 26 Troop LG ACF

Captain tip/nan a te/ inspect/rig the Afghan National Army,

Captain Lrpman with members of the Afghan National Army

Household Cavalry News Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment

and I managed to keep myself firmly attached to the Forward Arming and Refuelling Point on terra firma. IV (AC) Squadron took over from 1 (Fighter) Squadron in April 2005 for our first tour. As the resident CAS platform in Southern Afghanistan, based at Kan— dahar Airfield (KAF), we would provide six sorties a day, in three planned missions, to satisfy the requirements ofboth the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and OPERATION

ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF). ISAF had already taken control of the Northern Territories and Regional Command West. OEF was the American lead mission for the remainder of Afghanistan and “Commander 76”, as the commander of the “76 Combined Joint Task Force” was known, was based in Bagram. ISAF was commanded from the HQ in Kabul. The underlying principle for both ISAF and OEF was to rebuild Afghanistan through the development of a stable, democratically elected, national govern« ment with an honest police force, a reliable army and democratically elected local government. A tall order in a country with Afghanistan’s history. ISAF was there almost exclusively to





Afghanistan. The core philosophy for ISAF was that the soldiers under ISAF command were there to do little more than to provide security for the Provin— cial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) and not to engage in any offensive opera—

tions. The PRTs were there to facilitate the reconstruction of the country. Under OEF, in the south, the west and the central territories (broken down into Regional Commands (RCs) and Com» bined Joint Special Operations Task Force (CJSOTF) areas), the soldiers were there under US control and were very much on a war footing with rules of engagement to match. The coalition that was providing troops for service in Afghanistan was eclectic. Many NATO member states used Afghanistan (under OEF) as an opportunity to provide their Special Forces with field experience and provided some lim— ited Regular Army troops (in relation to the real requirement) for work in sup— port of the reconstruction effort. The UK Joint Helicopter Force detachment formed part of this eclectic group. One mission was flown in direct support of ISAF and one in support of OEF. The remaining mission was to provide 2 fast jets on 30 minutes notice to move during a specific flying window. These Ground Ready Close Air Support (GCAS) jets could be launched in support of any coalition forces in all of Afghanistan in an emergency. The role of the GLO in all of this was to try to gather in as much information on current plans and the ground command— ers’ schemes of manoeuvre, whilst bal— ancing it with the input from J2 (intelligence) and brief what was going on and would be going on, throughout the flying window, across the country, to the

pilots, all in under five minutes. When the briefs were done the GLO’s remain. ing task was to ensure that the ground force commanders (from Major Generals to Squad Leading Sergeants) knew the capabilities that the GR7s and Her Majesty’s finest ordnance that was deliv. ered by them, could deliver, in language that could be understood at every level. During the 10 months that I was f0rtu~ nate enough to serve with IV (AC) Squadron in Afghanistan we learned a great deal about the country, its people, the way they live and most importantly, about the way they fight. As an enemy, the Afghan is tenacious, dogged, deter mined and brave. The Taliban and the foreign fighters that are with them, are inventive, cunning and capable. They have so far been able to frequently pin down heavily armed formations of vastly more technologically advanced militaries. They continue to do this as they have done since Alexander the Great decided he wanted to annex them. Whilst I do not believe that NATO will fail to help Afghanistan regain independence under a democratically elected government, it is not going to be quick. The Taliban and their followers like to fight and are willing to accept heavy casualties year after year, whereas the populations of our Western societies, to

whom our governments answer, do not like to see even one coffin come down the back ramp. It is my opinion that we are going to have to steel ourselves for another long and bloody fight.

Operation SARWE - Joint Operations in Afghanistan By Captain P 3‘ Williams MC, The Blues and Royals ’m not too sure how to define the mythical ‘Condor Moment’ but stood on the banks of a canal with 200 errati— cally behaving Afghans firing wildly at a close and as yet unseen enemy and having just lost communications with my commander 150 miles away in Kandahar, the plan was in utter disarray; it was time for such a moment: General Nabijan: “Mr Captain, we have

captured the canal bridge.” Captain Williams: “General, you have captured an irrigation ditch. The bridge is over there.” General Nabijan: “Well, come on Mr Captain, what are we waiting for?” Captain Williams: *#(it%! (Response unprintable)

My job description in Helmand appeared from the outset to be a desk based, liaison type of affair working

from a squalid cellar in the basement of the Governor’s Office in Lashkar Gah. Indeed during my first month in the country I saw little else but the occa— sional glimpse of the outside world through a tiny green tinted window in the back of an armoured landrover. The daily routine consisted of meeting with representatives of the Afghan National Police (ANP), Afghan National Army (ANA) and the National Directorate of Security (NDS) finding out what had been happening across the province in the last 24 hours and trying with vary— ing degrees of success and frustration to coordinate their activity with each other and ourselves. This routine came to an abrupt end as trouble brewed in south— ern Helmand.

The majority of 16 Air Assault Brigade was tied up in Northern Helmand in areas now synonymous with Taliban activity; Sangin, Musa Qaleh and Now

Team (OMLT), and arrange a face to face meeting with the elusive local chief

of police. The journey south was eventful. Having had a fairly closeted view of the country so far, the opportunity to drive through isolated villages and the sweeping Rages— tan desert of Southern Afghanistan in a cut-down landrover was a memorable one invoking images of the Long Range Desert Group in North Africa, albeit the LRDG were not accompanied by 30 Afghan soldiers playing loud music and beeping their horns. Having been

bogged deep into soft sand and the target ofa misplaced and somewhat unnerving show of force from a B2 bomber we even-

tually reached the edges of Garmsir DC. According to a ragged policeman the town was besieged from the south but holding. As we moved off closer to the town to meet the local Chief of Police our vehicles came under very sporadic fire from the far side of the Helmand River. It seemed wise to go no further and wait for the Chief ofPolice to come to us. The meeting was eventually conducted in a petrol station, in hindsight not the most sensible choice as mortars began to be ranged-in. The Chief of Police (Col Aka) was, given the circumstances, pretty upbeat. He carried no weapon and wore no body armour or helmet and casually strolled about regardless of the zip of close rounds and the thump ofincoming mortars. He thought he could probably hold out given a regular supply ofammunition and money with which to pay his policemen. We parted on good terms and promised to return the next day. The next day the circumstances were very different. The Taliban had surrounded the town and the Police were on the point of collapse having sustained a number of casualties and run out of Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) ammunition. Colonel Aka was insistent that our force should join with his and counter-attack the Taliban. We were configured as a reconnaissance force not

an offensive one and with no reliable way in which to call for support from the air. Col Aka was not impressed by these arguments and thought us cowardly. Eventually we managed to call-in sup» port from a pair of Apache Attack Helicopters (AH) destroying a number of vehicles and a building on a former Police check point. The Chief of Police had had enough and ordered his forces to withdraw leaving our force exposed to increasingly accurate small arms and mortar fire. It was time for us to get moving leaving the Taliban to walk unopposed into the District Centre. Turning our backs and driving back into the desert was a moment of which I was not distinctly proud but to be able to return with a force better equipped for the job was preferable to fighting a bat— tle, ill—equipped and on the ground of the Taliban’s own choosing. After a long drive back through the desert we reached Lashkar Gah and were told we would be heading back out within 24 hours to act as a blocking screen to the south to prevent further Taliban encroachment towards the provincial capital. A frantic period of preparation ensued followed by the

inevitable delay as plans were drawn up and then changed. A day later orders were received to look into the feasibility of retaking Garmsir DC. The estimate was conducted and a meeting convened with the Chief of Police of Helmand Province, General Nabijan and the ANA Brigade Liaison Officer and the chief of the NDS. After some intense cajoling and drawing large arrows on maps we had a plan to which all had agreed. A joint force of ANA, ANP, Estonian Bomb disposal, a multiple of OMLT and a rag-tag collection of drivers and gun— ners who could be spared from the Headquarters were to move from Lashkar Gah approaching Garmsir from the north—east and attack the next morning at dawn. The plan had been kept as simple as possible, minimizing the number of moving parts and working on the recently learned principle that if you cannot draw your plan in the sand then it is too complicated. The operation envisioned the eventual securing of a buffer zone around the DC putting it outside the range of mortars and rockets and allowing civilians and commerce to return to the town. It was thought the operation might last 4 or 5 days.

Zad. For a number of months the ANP had been besieged in Darvishan, a town in Southern Helmand which was the administrative District Centre (DC) of Garmsir district. The town was the southernmost point of Afghan governmental influence; beyond this point the

Afghan national flag does not fly. Communications with the local chief of police were difficult as was gaining any substantial ground-truth on the Taliban strengths, locations and intentions. It was decided that in my role as Opera-

tions Officer of the Provincial Security Coordination Centre (PSCC) I should accompany an ANA patrol accompanied by their British Army mentors, the Operational Mentoring and Liaison

Household Cavalry News 62

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It was an inauspicious start: the police were late turning up. the army arrived without any batteries for their radios and, to top it all off, we were given a journalist. Timings aside all were in good spirits as a convoy of 40 vehicles wound its way through the streets of

Progress was slow but steady. The ANP took the left flank and the ANA the right and began advancing south led by Captains Tim Illingworth and Doug

Lashkar Gah and on into the sprawling

Beattie. Light Infantry and Royal Irish

desert. My imagined disciplined con» voy was confounded at every turn by over~heated pick—up trucks. bogged vehicles, wild driving and impromptu stops. As dusk rapidly approached we arrived at the nominated Lying Up Point (LUP), a blank and open stretch of desert as far away from tracks as possible. All subtlety was lost with our Afghan comrades as headlights flashed, horns were honked, fires lit, musical instruments played and substances other than tobacco were smoked. As my blood pressure rose all hope that this operation could be successfully concluded dissipated. It was a long and sleepless night.

Regiment respectively. The Taliban were conducting a well controlled with— drawal towards the DC but taking significant casualties if the blood trails were anything to go by. When stern resistance was encountered RAF and USMC Harriers were on-call in support expediting our advance. As we closed on the DC a Danish reconnaissance squadron mounted an attack to the rear of the withdrawing Taliban causing chaos in their ranks.

H—hour was planned for first light. It was delayed due to bogged vehicles and a contact in which the Pathfinder Platoon had found themselves. All sur» prise had been lost and we began to take incoming mortar and small arms fire from our first objective. The ANP were tasked with seizing the first objective, a former checkpoint on a canal bridge that we had fired at with AH a few days before. As they launched their assault the ANA thought they ought to join in the action and began to assault an unseen and as far as I could tell non— existent enemy position. Chaos reigned. It was at this point I realized that the wrong bridge had been seized. We had to start again. The capture of an irrigation ditch rather than the canal bridge oddly worked in our favour allowing us to practise command and communications under fire. It was immediately evident that com— mand and leadership must be conducted

from the front and be British. Eventual— ly and under considerable fire from a well placed Taliban ambush the bridge was taken by a pair oflandrovers driving at full tilt over the bridge allowing the Afghan forces to follow—up. For some time we were pinned down on the far side of the canal by pockets of Taliban firing at very close range using the cover of corn fields and farm complexes. It is more than a little disconcerting to have RPGs streak across the bonnet of your landrover, but to have them skidding along the ground past your position and failing to go off is enough to make you wish you were elsewhere. Finally we had concentrated enough of a fighting force to begin our move south towards the DC. It was midday, we had 5 hours until last

light and 4km of close cotnitry to clear and a town to capture. Time was tight.

systems and bunkers. The ANI’ contin. tied their tenacious fighting pushing

6 Months of Fighting With, For and Against the Media

3km along the canal batik and securing a

As the scorching afternoon wore on it became imperative that the DC must be secured before last light as the idea of fighting through the town at night was not greatly appealing and neither was the thought of attacking prepared positions the following morning. It was time for another of many cigarettes that day: Captain Williams: “It all seems to have gone a bit quiet. What do you reckon?” Captain Beattie: “Ah f**k it. Let’s drive in and take a look” (As only an Irishman can!) So in answer to the question: how do you retake an Afghan town? In this case, you drive in. Having entered the town and cleared a few buildings it became obvious that the Taliban had retreated south of the DC. The town was eerily quiet as the ANA and ANP occupied checkpoints securing the immediate area around the DC. The quiet was interrupted by the Estonian EOD team, who blew up a foot bridge over the canal sticking firmly to the maxim, ‘when in doubt about the quantity ofexplosives to use: double it’. There wasn’t a great deal of the bridge left standing but we had secured our eastern flank. The night was interspersed with incoming mortar rounds and outgoing heavy machinegun fire. After moving 110km through open desert, fighting through 4km of close country and capturing a town sleep came easily to all. The next few days were to bring excitement enough of their own. Having secured the immediate area of the town we still had the buffer zone 4km to the south to fight for. It was this area that had been held by the Taliban for a number of months and as such was well defended with established trench

well-sited check point. The ANA were harder to motivate despite the best efforts ofCapt Illingworth and his team. The ANA were satisfied with their exer— tions from the previous day and saw no need to continue further. The frustra— tion with the ANA was to continue whilst the ANP were consistently enthu— siastic, determined and courageous. We were to sustain our heaviest casualties during this period as the Taliban mounted a ferocious defence oftheir line in the face of the close air support we could call. After two weeks and a number of changes of ANA, ANP and British personnel, I handed over the DC to the incoming OMI.T from 45 Commando, Royal Marines. The price paid for the recapture and subsequent defence of Garmsir District Centre was high. 6 Afghans were killed in action, 4 more subsequently died of their wounds and 10 more were very seriously injured, one British Soldier was shot through the arm. In hindsight it is staggering that the casualty figures were not higher. The fighting was often close and always intense and it was only through the courage, dynamism and the considerable leadership abilities of Captains Beattie and Illingworth that the operation was a success. The bravery and commitment of the Afghan forces, in particular the much maligned Afghan National Police, was outstanding. Joint operations work. With the appropriate material support, command structure and communications infrastructure joint operations offer a potent solution to the problem of an entrenched insurgency. The coalition force input is minimal, the operation has an Afghan face and such endeavours both train the

Afghan security forces and if conducted successfully will instil confidence into the local populace encouraging them to offer their support to their security forces rather than the opposition. My tour of Afghanistan was short and sharp but the experience gained was immeasurable. The opportunity to command 230 troops of varying nationalities and capabilities was one that was not to be missed. The operation was immensely challenging, frustrating and at times bordered on the very fruity but my abiding memories are of smoking, swearing, sweating and laughing at the often absurd situation in which we found ourselves. I will not necessarily miss Afghanistan and Garmsir but I will miss those with whom I had the pleasure to serve in such bizarre circumstances.

And Winning, I Hope! By Captain] de Stjohn-Ptyce, The Blues and Royals he modern British Army has recent-

ly seen the media, not just as a necessary evil but as a key part of any winning plan. After two years at Mounted Duty I was ready for a break from ceremonial operations and I gladly volun— teered to go to Iraq under the banner of

Defence Media Ops! Only four days after arriving, the infamous incident of the 19th September occurred, when two British soldiers were captured by rogue Iraqi police in Basra and millions saw the footage of burning soldiers in their warriors on television. For me it was my introduction to Basra and media ops; ‘in at the deep end’ would best describe that day for me! The team W/m Iraqi Prime Minister Al-Jaafart

After public duties in London, dealing with journalists was an even greater contrast to working with soldiers on operations. Following a short but excellent course, I took my post as “803 Press Information Centre and Arabic Media/Targeting”, though it took some time to work out What that meant. ‘Journalists’ is a term that tends to create a variety of frowns amongst soldiers as they brace themselves to be confronted with an aggressive left—wing intellectual republican. Not so. The single most sat» isfying part of my job in Iraq was dealing with journalists. (Separation Allowance came a close second!) Contrary to popular belief, the defence cor— respondents, war photographers and field producers were all interesting, intelligent and amiable professionals who had been in far more deadly situations than many soldiers, whether in downtown Baghdad, Sarajevo or Teheran. Luckily my job mostly consisted of planning media visits, includ-

ing escorting the journalists during their trip. A media escort would involve putting together a seamless visit pro— gramme that would enable the journalists to obtain good material as well as the military getting its message across. The Iraqi National Referendum in Novem— ber 2005 and the Elections in February 2006 were huge challenges, each consisting of 20 to 30 journalists from all types of media, all wanting to see something different. In each case, for two weeks the Media Ops team worked flat out to get them all onto the ground before, dur— ing and after the polls — and the result was excellent coverage of very positive events. So it was all worth it. . . . until the next extensive coverage of carriage in the country! Life in Basra Airport, where Divisional Headquarters was based, was good by Iraqi standards. I was fortunate enough to share my cabin with Major Martin Thirsk, the Arabic Media Spokesman, who was not only very philosophical

about it all but had a fantastic sense of humour. Good company more than made up for the lack of good food. The office, in the ‘never quite’ prestigious airport hotel that had since been reborn as a headquarters, struck a good balance between focussed professionalism and a friendly working atmosphere. I was surprised to find myself working for an RAF boss with a Navy colleague, never having worked with either Service before. The similarities yet differences were interesting. The sheer concept of what it is the Army does was confusing for them; that I had spent 2 years on mounted ceremonial duties was beyond hope! However, this eclectic mix of sailors, soldiers and airmen did come together smoothly into the successful press hub that was Divisional Media Ops. It was not all rosy as, since mid 2005, the insurgents had increased their rocket attacks on the Air Station, hither» to seen almost as a safe haven. With plenty of protection and the vast empti« ness within the airport perimeter, the

The team With a/moured support.

Household Cavalry News 64

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A stro/r wrth some locals,

odds were good. Yet my initial fool— hardy excitement at nearby explosions did not, with experience, turn to indif— ference, but rather to heightened appre~ hension as sooner or later one might hit. Although movement in Southern Iraq was by then only in armoured vehicles or by helicopter, the huge ‘white‘ fleet of Land Rover Discoveries was replaced by an even greater fleet of top—of—the—range Land Rover 3s. Much to my satisfaction the 3 media ops Rovers were chosen in blue, red and . no not blue again unfortunately, but enough to give the branch the Household Division touch. Christmas and New Year is always a difficult time to be away from home but one had to look at the bright side. Journalists were all at home or on holiday so our Christmas present was a week of calm.

Two glasses of wine, half a day off and a fancy dress party in the bar marked the day for us. Interestingly most RAF and all Navy personnel deemed it essential to deploy on TELIC with a comprehensive wardrobe of party clothing covering most themes from toga to disco! The American Operation Iraqi Freedom is a military machine on a totally different scale than TELIC, where Basra Media Ops numbered 8 staff, our US counterparts had several hundreds in Baghdad and thousands throughout the country. In the spirit of exploration, I spent a week in the Green Zone with the US Public Affairs Office (what do they all do?) Where we are gentlemen amateurs in the media world, they have hun— dreds of specialist career Public Affairs officers and allocate endless resources to achieving every possible analysis, service and task imaginable. Driving around the Green Zone with Wing Commander Willox, the UK media man in Baghdad, was a surreal experience. Concrete, guns and PSDs (Private Security Detachments — Rambo-esque mercenaries) were everywhere yet the greatest

danger remained the jumpy US soldiers manning the checkpoints every couple of hundred meters. The closest I was to being a statistic was, incredibly, outside the main hospital on my way to give blood! As I crossed the road at a fast jog — to avoid being run over ~ the US sen— try leapt forward, cocked his weapon and pointed it straight at me, shouting ‘Don’t run’. Clearly a Household Cavalry officer, however tanned, shares many of the characteristics of a suicide bomber. I thankfully managed to donate blood inside the hospital rather than on the street, only to find out that over half of all donations to the blood bank come from the 100 strong Royal Irish contin— gent in Baghdad, rather than the 35,000 Americans! Bullets falling out of the sky, grazing the US media chief’s arm two weeks before he was due to go home (they probably came from the Iraqi Police firing in the air to control traffic at a nearby roundabout!) and the daily booms of distant and not—so-distant explosions kept us all on our toes.






remained the highlight, taking journalists to see various units, hot spots and other places ofinterest for up to a week at a time. The contrast from advising senior commanders about an interview to providing close protection to the jour» nalists through a Basra market a few hours later was fascinating. The most memorable occasion was spending all day on the Oil Platforms in the Gulf and drinking tea in fine bone china in the Ward Room of HMS Montrose; then being helicoptered straight into Basra, where, picked up by Warrior, we found ourselves doing a night-time foot patrol

Track versus Tyre By Major C f L Speers, The Blues and Royals rriving in Afghanistan a couple of months in advance 0“) Squadron, I quickly found myself under-employed within Brigade (Bde) HQ. When the call went out for volunteers to be attached to the US advance into the Baghran Valley in Northern Helmand, I was surprised to find I was the only volunteer. A desk in the hot sweaty tent in a Bde HQ is not that attractive, but then I saw the casualty statistics of 2/87 US Infantry (Task Force Catamount), the unit I was to join.

of the destruction of the Golden Mosque came through. Garrisoned by less than a

hundred men from Zulu Coy l RRF, the 3 journalists and I begun preparing for the worst as thousands of Shias assembled nearby for a march in anger at the sacrilegious attack. To our complete amazement they marched by without directing any frustration at us, some even waving hello! A very different situation on the ground to what millions round the world saw on their televisions! The Panorama crew however also shared in our sorrow several days later when Captain Holmes and Paratrooper Lee were killed in Al Amarah, minutes after showing us the hugely successful partnership they had set up with the local police. The sad and delicate situation was reflected very well by Jane Corbin, the reporter, in her programme. The highs and lows of Iraq are memories

ofthe City Centre still in curfew after the

that are difficult to forget. My time in

Golden Mosque attack! This footage was central to the BBC’s Panorama programme special on Iraq. With the same journalists we had found ourselves trapped two days before in the tiny coalition base in central Basra when the news

Basra Media Ops came to an end in March 2006 but such were my experi— ences that I cannot recommend the role enough. The challenge was to get the media on our side and I hope we achieved it.

TF Catamount is a light infantry unit of 3 companies with an attached cavalry squadron, Afghan National Army Coy and a 155mm howitzer troop. All were mounted in armoured Humvees which carried 4 seated personnel and a stand—

ing turret gunner.

Each turret was

armed with a 0.50” cal machine gun or a Mkl9 40mm grenade launcher. Sub— units had integral 80mm mortars, snipers, Light Electronic Warfare Teams (LEWTs), Human Intelligence Teams and a sprinkling of interpreters. It was an effective orbat that ensured that each sub unit could be detached and work independently at the drop of a hat. The Afghan company were mounted in Ford Ranger pickup trucks that carried 8 soldiers and soon became the main targets of the Taliban since they were unarmoured. The operation commenced in May when we conducted an 800km insertion into Helmand from eastern Afghanistan, established our Forward Operating Base (FOB) and commenced operations. Our TF mission was to destroy Taliban medium level commanders, disrupt supply routes and dominate Northern Hel— mand. We had no designated reconnais— sance, so each company delegated a sec—

6] _

tion to conduct this task but in essence we were covering new ground and every

\IIRI I' It) I? \\l7

(tiltl's \\ \.l Inun kt \t In this

vehicle became a reconnaissance asset. Each operation was covering 100-400km and the TF was conducting its own find, fix and destroy function. We were in contact about every other day, often initiated by a deliberate operation but we had a number of effective ambushes ini— tiated against us. Having only ever gone on operations in CVR(T) the experience of working from a wheeled Humvee was interesting and educational. Although I have a huge fondness for the Scimitar et al, I began to wonder whether it really was the ideal vehicle for reconnaissance. Certainly in Afghanistan they were being used out of role, with the majority of 16 Air Assault Brigade’s reconnaissance tasks being fulfilled by the Pathfinder Platoon in WMIKs (cut down Land Rovers). Was a wheeled vehicle more suited to the role of reconnaissance than one with tracks? The Humvees I was operating from were armoured, practically armed, cross country capable and reliable. They carried S soldiers with a sustainability of 3 days or 300 kms. They required a small equipment support chain and a subunit’s LAD would consist ofjust 2 vehicles. But they rarely seemed to have any serious breakdowns. Emphasis was placed on platoon recovery and I was heartened to see a high level of adapta— tion in many repair jobs. We had no trouble manoeuvring over the terrain in Afghanistan although it may not have been covered as fast as CVR(T). The Joint Tactical Air Controller (JTAC) Humvee attached to my troop on TELIC 1 (Iraq operation) had no trouble maintaining the pace in some diffb cult terrain north of Basra, and was significantly quieter. In fact CVR(T) and Humvees have very similar terrain p1an~ ning constraints. The 0.50” cals and Mkl9 grenade launchers mounted in the

Armoured Humvee with Mk 19 Turret (40mm grenade /auncher).

turrets provided a good firepower bal— ance against the lightly armed Taliban and although it would have been ideal to have 30mm HE, the Mkl9 provided a similar capability. That aside, our role is to see and not be seen, the Humvee offers a significantly smaller signature than CVR(T), and if you are using your main armament, it’s when you are with« drawing from contact. The Humvee is well armoured with its main body capa— ble ofwithstanding direct RPG hits. My personal experience consisted of my windscreen and both rear tyres being shot out and although the sight was obscured, we managed to drive through the ambush due to run-flat tyres. Of the casualties we suffered, 95% were turret gunners and most of those were neck injuries. The one mine strike we sus— tained resulted in a fatality but the remaining 4 occupants walked away from the vehicle. Though it may have its advantages, when being used in a context of reconnaissance, the Humvee does have a few



‘7 Lin-g Working through the Rocket anack

Afghan Army watch/no Ford Rangers e. The author with hrs armoured Humve

Household Cavalry News 66

Household Cavalry News

capability gaps that are well covered in CVR(T). It does not have a decent sighting system where CVR(T) has E-SPIRE, the primary tool in our reconnaissance work. Being cocooned within an armoured box protects you but also reduces your situational awareness, the essence of reconnaissance. However, the Humvee can deliver potent firepower, although CVR(T) provides a significantly more stable platform from which to

engage targets. CVR(T) is a proven tracked vehicle that has been used in a variety oftheatres. It is relatively small and quiet, good across difficult terrain, has an excellent sight— ing system and is a good communica~ tions platform. It may not always be the correct platform for reconnaissance but whilst advancing against an armoured Iraqi armoured brigade I was very glad to be in one. Its ‘mini~tank’ presence has a huge psychological effect that can be used to advantage in a number of theatres. It does have disadvantages and its equipment support tail and sus— tainability has had a major impact this year on operations. In Afghanistan, D Squadron was used out of role because the capability brought by CVR(T) was required for other taskings. Even ifthis were not the case I would argue that a wheeled vehicle could provide a better

reconnaissance platform in such an environment. When operating over huge distances, for long periods oftime, a wheeled vehicle such as the Humvee was shown to be a more effective and utilitarian reconnaissance platform against a lightly armoured, highly manoeuvrable enemy. Recce tasks con— ducted on HERRICK (Afghanistan) show very similar characteristics to those conducted by the Long Range Desert Group in WWII, and though I don’t believe that Landrover, WMIK or Pinzgauer have yet to produce the right platform, there are some wheeled vehicles on the market that would provide the ideal balance between protection, signature, firepower and manoeuvrability for such a tasking. CVR(T) is not currently being used in that role in Afghanistan and nor is it best suited to do so in that environment. All systems have their advantages but in order to keep in line with the ethos that a reconnaissance soldier should be as capable on his feet as in his vehicle, we should maintain an ability to operate as effectively from a wheeled vehicle as from a tracked vehicle. This was proven again on HCR’s exercise WESSEX WARRIOR, when the Pinzgauer» mounted Javelin missile troops performed exceptionally well, maintaining

HCR also provided a SCpl on a monthly

turnaround and drivers as required. The process consists of a number of

stages used to transform a vehicle shell without radios into a fully converted platform with the introduction of new capability such as High Capacity Data Radios (HCDR) and data terminals. Once complete vehicles are returned to unit complete with radios and vehicle

specific ancillaries.

Blackhawk CASEVAC ll7[O Baghran. pace and capability within their squadrons. The reconnaissance vehicle type should be chosen dependent upon the operation and environment and the force reconnaissance tailored to fit into that requirement. Reconnaissance sol~ diers should maintain the ability to transfer their skills to a variety of platforms, whether that is feet, tyres or tracks. With that in mind, I am transferring mine on to horseback and will be keeping my beady reconnaissance eye on the delights of Knightsbridge.

As the conversion process reached the last third another team arrived to aid the transition from emulation training on to vehicles and the real kit. The Bowman Training and Advisory Team (BOWTAT) provided the first chance for most personnel to touch and use real equipment. The package included in depth consolidation training in Combermere Barracks often using HCR vehicles and equipment. The training culminated in a Regimental “Plug Up” where all vehicles were initialised with voice and data communications tested. BOWTAT was very well received and provided the foundation for the Regiment’s deployment on to Ex Cockney Express and most definitely for the future. After BOWTAT and a 2 week confirmation Exercise with l Mech Bde, HCR



" .»


The Commanding Officer /ead/ng front the front with the new BOWMAN became a Bowmanised Regiment on

20th July 2006. Bowman is a complicated beast which will challenge all crews, whether A or B vehicle. New facilities include secure voice communications on every armoured vehicle, a dream of any vehi— cle commander for many years. Data terminals which provide data messaging (battlefield e—mail), Automatic Position Location Navigation Reporting (APLNR) via GPS on almost every vehi» cle, Situational Awareness (SA) via a

computer screen which can plot the location of every HCR vehicle on the battlefield (depending on settings). Improved HF radios that are actually a pleasure to use and do not subject the user to hours worth of torture. In almost every area Bowman should provide enhanced capability throughout the Regiment. However, the real test has only just begun as we now learn to use, employ and evolve with this superior capability pending future Operations.

La French Touch

HCR Bowman Conversion April -— July 2006 An insight into French Officer training and their Armed Forces Bowman is the Army’s new communication system. All change comes with impact at all levels and Bowman is

ing Dave Coleman Ex LG W02) and HCR Bowman Instructors. This form of training tended to be heavy going and literally involved sitting in front of a computer without any sight of real equipment for up to 2 weeks. In some cases the real kit was not seen until vehicles started to return from the conver~ sion line. Specialist training was deliv— ered at various locations in

Blandford, Bicester and Bovington. Most trade training now includes Bow— man training at the AFV CIS School at the Armour Centre in Bovington.

by Major P A Bedford, The Blues and Royals

After a brief spell brushing up on my French at the Defence School of Languages in Beaconsfield, which included a rather demanding 3 week in-country 1anguage course in January in Tour, I was

Although the main focus of my tour was always meant to be the tri—service “College Interarmée de defense” (CID)(Staff College) their equivalent of ACSC, I attended a number of other courses aimed at improving not only my French but more importantly my knowledge of the French Army and officers alike. The first was the All Arms “Ecole d’Etat Major” (EEM) based in Compiegne, a small town with a decent Napoleonic Chateau, about an hour North of Paris. It would equate to the new ICSC, although it is attended by Captains, who are post sub-unit command (Companies/Squadrons are commanded by Captains). The course lasts six months and

posted to Paris to begin the first of five

is designed to train officers for Staff jobs at Brigade level and above, although it is

enter the conversion process.

different courses over a period of two Although the courses will be Years. touched on briefly, it is worth noting the

To aid the transition from Clansman to Bowman, Westland Helicopter Ltd (WHL) provide computer based emula— tion training in purpose built classrooms at ATR Pirbright. The instructors were a mixture of ex—military/civilian (includ-

build up to the intervention in Iraq, the War itself, the aftermath and towards the end the elections and how in my view they were interpreted by the French, but more importantly the French military.

no different, unfortunately!


conversion was forecast for April to July in 2006 preparation began some 9 months earlier with preliminary briefin» gs and confirmation tasks. Each vehicle is individually confirmed and mapped to its replacement with the conversion team at Ashchurch, near Tewkesbury. This includes all ofthe clansman capability so

that it can be matched against the Bowman Installation Requirements Database (BIRD), a fantastic document. Once complete each vehicle is then prepared for conversion by removing all Clansman equipment (The old system) to the Plat— form Presentation State Specification (PPSS), another user friendly document. At this stage vehicles and personnel can


Vehicle conversion was completed at Ashchurch under the supervision of a military Conversion Management Team (CMT). To aid the flow through the conversion sheds and the return of vehicles,

Having spent the better part of two years amongst our French colleagues in the demanding environment which Paris is, and subjected to nearly two years of French Staff Training, it only seemed fair to reiterate what I believe to be a brief summary of French

officer training and the French Armed Forces, more importantly to give an insight into that famous “French Touch”!.

liming of my stay, clashing with the

also the first part oftheir formal training prior to selection for Staff College. On completion they are awarded the “Diplome D’Etat Major". The course 15 attended by a number of foreign stu— dents, although the UK student is the only one who goes directly to Paris to attend the Army War College.

a, _:~ l ; cn Eco/e Militaire in the heart of

Fans at the end of the “Champs o‘e Mars " taken from the Eiffel Tower.

For the French Army officer, this is fol~ lowed by approximately a year’s inten— sive distance learning preparing for the “Concours” (selection exam for Staff

Household Cavalry News 68

Household Cavalry News


dation unless they are in the Geri— darmerie or posted abroad. 80 for those without friends or relatives with spare accommodation in Paris, life can be expensive. Many chose to remain as “Celibataires ge'ographiques” which lit— erally translates as geographical bache— lors as they only pay a quarter of the price on train fares! A weekly return to the south of France costs less than a one day return from London to Oxford and the trains are reliable!

The CSEM itself lasts six months with

"Le Grand B/euft" at The Combat d/vrng School in Too/on In the South of France College) the main filtering point for fur— ther Staff training. They have a choice of preparing for either the Army War College “Cours Supérieure d’Etat Major” (CSEM) or following a technical vocation either in engineering, human

sciences or in International relations at the “Ecole Militaire Supérieure de Sci— ence et Technologie” (EMSST). Although both Colleges are based at the Ecole Militaire in Paris, those selected for the EMSST do a one or two year Master’s degree at a civilian university and occasionally attend the odd military lecture back at the Ecole Militaire. Iron-

ically for many of those French Officers attending civilian universities, they stick out more than in the UK as for the most part, they will have been in a for— mal military environment since the age of sixteen. Whichever path is chosen, the “concours” consists of at least three testing written exams as well as an oral assessment on general culture in front of a mixed civilian and military (3 Colonels) jury on a very diverse number of subjects. All Officers must have a good standard of English to be eligible

for Staff training. Although most Officers are given time to prepare, selection is tough with only just over a quarter being chosen to attend the prestigious “Ecole Militaire” which

couldn’t be better located in the heart of the historical left bank ofParis at the end of the “Champs de Mars” under the shadow of the Eiffel Tower. That said, a German Officer once quoted in the First World War that “The French will never win a war as long as the Ecole Militaire remains in Paris”, food for thought! It is worth noting that French Officers are paid somewhat less than their UK coun— terparts, although their pay increases dramatically when on operations and some would say their quality of life was better. They are on the other hand for the most part not entitled to accommo-

the major emphasis being the French esti» mate pr0cess (Methode d’Elaboration et de la Decision Operationnel (MEDO)) at Brigade / Divisional level upwards. The course had a total of 70 “stagiaires” (stu— dents) which included one British (mois!), 3 Americans, 4 Germans, an Aus~ trian and a Spaniard. It involved numer— ous visits to units, training establishments, exercises, a battlefield tour to Sedan and a study trip to Lebanon and Jordan. Rather amusingly due to a num— ber of reasons the battlefield tour at Sedan, where we Brits weren’t really involved, was conducted by me giving the French side of the story. This was due to

a number of unavoidable incidents which led to my two French colleagues dropping out rather late in the day, one having slipped a disc whilst barbecuing the night before we were due to depart! The German side of the story was given by two Germans one of whose grandfather was in the SS! It proved to be a rather entertaining event. One of my French colleagues commented later that in his opinion every nationality represented their national

stereotype on the course! On completion of the CSEM, whilst the French stagiaires are sent to Watchfield for further English language training, those foreign students attending are sent on the “Stage Internationale” where they join the remainder of the recently arrived foreign students. The course takes the whole of July to get everybody’s admin sorted out and to bring them up to an acceptable level of French and computer literacy. More importantly, it involves a few very interesting trips in and around Paris. The CID starts in earnest on the lst September when all four Services or “Armees (yes, the Gen» darmerie is the fourth armee!) come together for the year long course. The course consists of 320 stagiaires of whom 110 are foreigners originating from 70 countries from all over the World (which included a Syrian general). The UK contingent included somebody from the Army’s teeth arm, a support arms representative from the Royal Signals, as well as a representative from the RAF, RN and RM.

The course itself is structured in very much the same way as other NATO staff colleges such as the UK, US or German ones. It must be pointed out that the Strategic / operational level of thinking has a strong slant towards Europe as well as NATO although the official and practical lines ofapproach with regards to the latter at times appear somewhat con« fused. The course includes a number of joint as well as multinational exercises some ofwhich are run concurrently with other NATO colleges, as well as press involvement. The French are a confused bunch, having suffered the humiliation of defeat and collaboration in the Franco—Pruss— ian war in 1870 as well as two world wars in the twentieth century and the loss of empire. More importantly the loss of overseas territories especially Indochina and Algeria, then seen as a part of “France Metropole”, and the consequences of some of their actions having won the battle but lost the war. The French pride themselves on their intellectual abilities, although sadly, only a proportion ofthe population keeps up to date with current affairs as newspapers are far more expensive than in the UK. That said, the population tends to be well informed and always keen to debate the rights and wrongs ofthe World. Some of the key differences between the French and the British Armed Forces are that there are 4 services in the French Armed Force, and the Paris and Mar seilles Fire Brigades are military. The “gendarmerie” being the fourth consists of about 100,000 gendarmes who, although they are part of the Armed Forces and funded by the MOD, are

responsible to the Ministry ofthe Interior for the vast majority of their day to day work. Of note, the French “Garde Re'publicaine” is a unit of the Gendarmerie! Their role is to defend the “République”, whereas the Armed Forces are responsible for the defence of the nation. Having always been highly respected by the rest of the Armed forces, their recent strike action in 2004 lost them a lot of respect. Although there are now a number of different routes to enter the French Officer Corps, the traditionally sought after approach is the “entree direct" to attend one of the four army sixth form colleges or “I.ycée militaire”, namely; the “Pry— tane’e”, “St Cyr”, “Aix” and “Autun”. At the end ofthis, they sit an entrance exam or “concours” and the successful ones then go on to do 3 years at St Cyr in Coetquidan in Britanny. The curriculum consists of six different modules of which only two are military, the other

four being civilian giving the successful cadets a «diplome» (degree) from one of the «grandes ecoles». The Course includes a number of different modules including a jungle warfare phase in French Guyana, parachute training (1 week, 6 jumps) or an equivalent course for those not apt for jumping out ofpcr—

fectly serviceable aircraft.

For those

who do not have the right academic qualifications or didn’t achieve good enough result to get into St Cyr, they can follow the “semi-direct” route. This involves getting into the “Ecole Militaire Inter Armes” or EMIA after a few years as a SNCO. The course lasts two years, is also located in Coetquidan, even though they have different uni— forms and a different curriculum. Those who have attended St Cyr are

regarded as those who more often than not will get the top jobs later on in their careers. At the end of the course, offi~ cers are ranked and those with the top scores have first choice of Arm/Regi— ment. The preferred choice is normally the “Troupe de Marine” (Colonial Troops), the Foreign Legion (all officers are French, as well as 40% of soldiers) or the cavalry or Army Air Corps (Armée de L’air de l’Armée de Terre (ALAT).

capability as well as a submarine launched ballistic nuclear missile capa— bility. The Army is split into 5 “Regions Terres”

(RT) (military regions), it has 4 “Etat Major Force” EMF each commanded by a Major General (which are capable of deploying two div HQ in the field), 8 deployable Brigades (of which 2 will be

digitized by 2007), a SF Bde (13RDP (SF Surveillance), lRPMIA (SF Action)), 20 Infantry Regiments (some with 1100 men, a few with up to 9 companies e.g. ZREI). On the whole they are very proud of their equipment, which on the whole is pretty good. Brigades either have a Medium Armoured capability or Heavy Armour depending on their type of Bde. Tank Regiments are either type 40 or type 80, the latter commanded by a full Colonel with two Lieutenant Colonels commanding a Battalion of 40 tanks in the Regiment. The Leclerc is very capa~ ble with a Crew of3 with the alleged abil« ity to kill a target at 4000m on the move. It is however not an act of war as it has

no BV!

Company/Squadron command as a Cap-

The French Military are deployed all over the world either protecting their overseas colonies or dependent territories (DOM TOMS — Departements Outre’ Mer Territoires and Outres Mer respectively). They are deployed on operations mainly in Africa (e.g Ivory Coast), but also in the Balkans (where the 8RPMI (one of their 4 Para an) last did a Regi— mental operational jump, although more of a political gesture when troubles flared up in Mitrovica), as well as a presence in Afghanistan where their SF have been present ever since the beginning of Oper-

tain. The Commanding Officer is a full


Colonel as is his 21C, Adj is a Lt C01 and the Ops Officer or “B01" is a post Staff College Lieutenant Colonel or Major.

are committed to the concept of an EU force and the new French NRF (Nato Response Force (equivalent to the ARRC) (HRF (High Readiness Force) or CRR(Corps de Reaction Rapide) based in Lille, collocated near CFAT (their HQ Land), which comes online in 2008. They currently still only do 4 month Operational Tours, which on the whole they would be very reluctant to change.

After basic officer training (at least three years by this stage) they then spend about a year doing their special to arm training at their respective “Ecole d’Application”; for the cavalry it’s Saumur, the Infantry Montpelier, the Artillery Draguinan etc. Thereafter they will spend 6 years at Regimental

duty doing a variety of jobs including

Only those who take on the appoint» ment of “BOI” are eligible for later command of the regiment. The ZIC tends to be a SQ full Colonel. Of note there are approximately twice as many full Colonels in the French Army as there are in the UK army, fewer Brigadiers but more Majors and Lieu» tenant Generals except for full Generals, where both countries have 5! A brief summary of the military. specifically the Army, which apart from the approx 100,000 para—military or “gendarmes“, they have 135,000 soldiers (includes all support helicopters,

”0111168 de Marine, (their equivalent of the Royal Marines are the Fusiliers Commando) as well as a larger Navy in terms of tonnage and manpower than the UK, but not necessarily capability. They still retain a Strategic deterrent comprising an air delivered nuclear

The Future of the French Armed Forces is similar to our own. somewhat uncer» tain. They are now fully professional, however they still retain a lot of the perks which we have seen disappear over recent years. They have the same financial constraints and problems as the UK, although in certain respects they are in a worse position due to the state of the economy, with reported average equipment availability of 60% due to spares shortages. They have a very strong desire to establish a European centre of excellence for parachute training in Pau in South West France (they currently

The author getting a brrd's eye vrew of Northern France courtesy of the French Arr Force.

have 8000 fully trained paras who jump 8 times a year!). The weather is somewhat better than that at Brize Norton and the view of the Pyrenees is breathtaking, possibly not a bad idea, although it can be a bit breezy at times! Morale is low in some services, particularly in the AirForce (Armée de l’Air) where aircraft availability can be as low as 40%! The French Officers’ attitude towards the UK, US and the situation in Iraq was always positive. They have nothing but praise for the United Kingdom’s Armed Forces whom they hold in very high regard. That said, now more than ever they perceive the US Armed Forces to be the most experienced and combat tested Armed Forces in the Western World. The party line is that many of them are very keen on Europe and a future EU force, as most allegedly voted “yes” in the referendum on the EU constitution, although they are concerned about the potential Atlantic rift and the special relationship enjoyed between the UK and the US. They only see a strong Europe with the United Kingdom in it, hence the frustration of our “rapprochement” with the US. Although they are now fully profession— al, in the author’s opinion the near future will see a further cut of between ten to fifteen percent in the size of the Armed Forces over the next decade as the true cost of a professional Army comes to the fore. That said, having used the UK Armed Forces as a model for the transition from a conscript AF to a fully professional one, they may now have a few good ideas in terms of equip— ment and structures which we ought to keep a steady eye on. They are wonderful hosts, always keen to discuss a variety of subjects, and enjoy a good argument particularly when it comes to politics! A pleasure to work with, something which should not be shied away from, they very much respect the British and thorough— ly appreciate an effort at learning their language and knowing a bit about their true history, not that according to Google!

Household Cavalry News 70

Household Cavalry News


Changes in Animal Doctoring - From Farrier to Veterinarian

Veterinary Medicines z Numerous recipes and remedies exist for the cure of coughs, influenza and topical

By Major B j Turtley, The Blues and Royals

embrocations in the horse.

Prior to the end of the 18th Century, the care of horses was the responsibility of the farrier. The term farrier is derived from the verb ferrer, to shoe a horse, which originates from the Latin ferrum, meaning iron. Thus undoubted— ly the original role of the farrier was indeed the shoeing of horses. The existence ofiron horse shoes has been traced back to Britain before the Roman inva-

ing and Nicking Act made the docking of horses’ tails illegal except in cases of

disease. In 1992 the council ofthe Royal

Blood S itch,

$1011. The function of these early farriers was not wholly confined to shoe—smithery. The farrier’s knowledge incorporated horse anatomy, condition, management and disease and the term was soon used in the more extensive sense of horsedoctor or horse—leech; and hence farriery came to signify the art of curing the diseases of horses. The farrier per formed bleeding, treated wounds and injuries, diagnosed disease and produced medicine for their treatment. In 1791 the Veterinary College, based in London, was established in response to

the desire for a better understanding of animal husbandry and disease. Slowly veterinarians replaced farriers as the principal animal doctors and farriery returned to its primary concerns of the art of shoe making and the welfare of the horse. In 1796 the Adjutant General and The Board of Ordnance voiced their opin— ions about the high prevalence of disease in British Army cavalry and artillery horses remarking that more horses were lost by ignorance and poor farriery than at the hands of the enemy. It was then that the Army Veterinary Service (AVS) was born. Veterinary students from the newly formed Veterinary College were commissioned into each cavalry regi— ment. The conditions the veterinary

officers encountered were varied and often previously unknown. Much pio— neering work was done in the field in ‘nothing to lose and everything to gain’ situations and many equine treatments and procedures, the principles of which remain valid today, are attributed to offi-


ent on the balance of four humours or body fluids. An imbalance in the four humours (Yellow bile, phlegm, black bile and blood) was believed to lead to illness. The wooden blood stick would be tapped against a notched blade or fleam held against the animal’s neck. The blood stick has a hollowed end and the cavity is filled with lead. This enables the blood stick to deliver a blow powerful enough to send the point ofthe fleam through the skin and thin layer of muscular fibres, which cover the animal’s jugular vein.

College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) declared the docking of dogs tails to be ‘an unjustified rrrutilatiort’, and in July 1993 it was made illegal for a lay person to perform tail docking. Furthermore the RCVS made the routine docking of puppies by veterinary surgeons extremely difficult by stating that “doc/ting a dog’s tail for reasons which are other than truly therapeutic or prophylactic is capable of amounting to conduct disgraceful in a pro— fessional respect.’

Firing Firing is an old fashioned technique employed in an attempt to encourage the healing of a ligament or tendon, usually on the lower limb of a horse. A red-hot firing iron is applied to the skin leaving either a pattern oflines or points over the area. In 1755 William Gibson outlined the benefits of firing in his Short Practical Method of Cure for Horses (p.245):

R, CHE.\1IST. llllill hIKEEI. IiHURIIIHt

honey. The Gentleman’s Stable Directory written by William Taplin, and pub— lished in 1796, recommends a similar

recipe adding that ‘colds are more fre— quently the effect of neglect than chance, and are mostly acquired by the stupidity or irtattention of those to whose care the horse is unavoidably intrusted.’ Taplin claims that his cough balls ‘are powerfully cor— dial and restorative, they provide glandular excretion, warm and stimulate the stomach to the expulsion ofwind, enliven the circu— lation, arid invigorate the whole frame.’ 20th Century As different species of animals have var» ied in their importance to our society

he usual practice for British servicemen arriving in Calgary is to pry themselves off their RAF flight and into a coach for the trip down to the Suffield training area, to be put through their paces on the prairie. However the prospect this time, as we eased out of Air Canada’s business class, was a far more enticing one.

Before bleeding an animal Edward Mayhew (1864) recommends blind—folding the animal because... “some quadrupeds show their intelligence by dreading the operation which most veteri— nary surgeons regards with complacency”. Firing Iron. Shears Early 19th century docking shears for horses tails. Dark wooden handles with bone inserts at blade. Horses’ tails were docked (shortened or removed) for various reasons. Working horses, draft and harness horses had their tails removed for safety and practicality. Docking was also common in some breeds of dog, often to ensure that tail lengths were in accordance with breed standards. Tail docking is now seen as unnecessary and is actively discouraged. The 1949 Dock-


and economy, so have veterinary roles and activities changed. For over a century, following the 1791 establishment of veterinary education in Britain, the horse was the raison d’e‘tr‘e of the profession. During the Great War 1914 — 1918, there were 2.5 million admissions and 80% of injured horses were treated and returned to duty, despite these numbers, there were more than 484,000 horse fatalities. After the war, mechanisation of the Land Forces led to a decline in horse use and also veterinary officer numbers, and during the Second World War the RAVC diversified and became responsible for

the procurement of dogs for service agencies. This correlated with the general decline in British equine work, and farm livestock began to dominate with the rising importance of domestic food production. Thanks to the ‘James Herriot phenome— non’ and TV series, veterinary medicine today is a high—status and extremely visible profession. Pet medicine and surgery has become increasingly the most dominant mode of veterinary practice and equine veterinary medicine is now limited to recreational and ceremonial


Spruce Meadows

‘Cauterizing orfiring is often necessary after strains or other accidents...when the part is

For the last 23 years The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment has been

grown hard, especially about the joints,

sending a contingent of six men to the

sinews, and nervous parts...[healing] is pro— moted in the mast efifectual manner, by burning the outside, and giving vent to the inclosed matter to discharge itselfi‘

International Masters Tournament at Spruce Meadows, not too compete but to add a touch of glamour to the proceed-


Spruce Meadows was started

through the passion of Ron Southern 31 years ago. Numerous pictures around the grounds bear testament to how much the tournament and grounds have grown and developed over the intervening years. What started off as a simple single arena, has become a sprawling area of beautifully manicured lawns, five arenas, an exhibition hall, a museum and spon— sors stalls. All of it speaks eloquently of Ron, Marge and all the Southern family’s passion for horses, which has inspired this tournament for the last three decades. The Southern family, and indeed the majority of Albertans, are passionately

pro British. It is because of this that the relationship between Spruce Meadows and the Household Cavalry and other units has been such a successful and enduring one. The welcome we received from everyone was unbelievable and despite Mr Southern being hugely busy he took time out each day to come and speak to us and introduce us to the main

sponsors. Over the years The Masters Tournament has been hit by bad weather to such an extent that it has begun to enter local folklore. Last year there was such a tor» rential downpour on the Saturday afternoon that the competition had to be can-

wrisuxmzr .-,..,l 41!.

The benefits of firing or cautery were

er— rv

questionable, and have now been discredited. In 1801 William Ryding defended firing in his book Veterinary Pathology




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r7: w-Ugfrrr‘ ‘ sfiifi'frrfi

cers of the AVS. ‘However writer's may attempt to censure its use, by effected feelings ofhumanity, we ven—

Early Veterinary Treatments

ture to assert, that to its potent effects the most A medical treatment, which remained popular until the late 19th Century, involved cutting a vein and drawing blood from the animal. This was known as bleeding or blood letting and is based on Ancient Greek theories. The health of an animal was believed to be depend-


Skeavington’s Modern System of Farriery as practised at the present time at the Royal Veterinary College (c.1847) recommends turkey figs, liquorice, aniseed, ginger and caraway seed bound into balls with





.In:ll| Al; fi—w—w UV . .._


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“In-rm 1k." ,H‘ .



inveterate ulcers, strains, spavins, and ligamentary lameness owe their cure, when every

other application has been found to jail. The


pain it causes is relatively small, its effects immediate and powerful; and we can assure the reader that, when prudently used, it is not attended with the least danger.’

lo act/on on British day

Household Cavalry News 72

Household Cavalry News

l 4-.


celled. It was a pleasant surprise then to be welcomed with blazing sunshine and high temperatures; sadly there just was not enough time to enjoy it. As the attending member of the Riding Staff, LCoH Golder pre-empted the arrival of the main body by a few days

with the task of acquainting the horses that Spruce Meadows set aside for our use, with the black kit and scabbards to which even our own horses can take an indefinite period of time to become accustomed. Given this actuality, three days seemed somewhat hopeful and it quickly became clear that despite his best efforts, not every horse that we had been given was going to forgo its instinctive role as a show jumper and become a ceremonial plug overnight. However with the experience gained from attending last year LCoH Golder did a magnificent job and only one of the horses really refused to re—role. While Spruce Meadows did its very best to supply us with horses that resembled the traditional “Cav Black” one in par— ticular, Buckwheat, was of such a ginger hue it would definitely have had the Riding Master pulling the few remains of his hair out by its roots. Apart from this discrepancy in colouring all parties gamely played their part without any embarrassing moments. The same could not be said for all the other colour parties, who on occasion had one or more horses come home without a rider. The prospect of walking across the

international arena to a slow clap from the crowd was enough to ensure every~ one stayed firmly in their saddle. The first three days were relatively quiet, allowing us to settle into the routine and give the horses more experience in the kit before everything became much busier on the Friday. With such beautiful weather there were record crowds turning up and on the weekend itself there was barely room to move. It was over these days that the most excit— ing competitions took place. The ATCO Six Bar, the Nations Cup and the CN Masters, which is the richest competi» tion in show jumping with $1 million up for grabs. This year was the first year since the start of the competition that Canada has won the Nations Cup and the crowd, who seemed very knowledgeable, took great pleasure in this victory. The only down side to it was that it was at the British Team’s expense, as they beat them into second place after an exciting jump off. Nick Skelton though restored national pride in the ATCO six— bar competition. This is one ofthe most exciting competitions to watch. A set of six jumps is set up with one horses stride between jumps. After each round the jumps are raised and any rider who does not jump clear is immediately eliminated. By the end ofit the horses are faced with jumps that seem almost impossible to clear on their own let alone in a line of six. The atmosphere in the arena was electric as the crowd lived every

a small fire, which put a stop to the tinkering about, and suddenly the situation was getting slightly more serious. At three knots, they sailed the four miles to Pollensa and sun set was approaching fast. There was a comical moment when the port authority told them to moor up on a buoy and Cpl Minns replied on the radio, “We are going to sail in to port as we have no power, no engine and have suffered an engine fire. It is a Friday

The Life Guards went first under the watchful eye ofWOZ Heaton and arrived in Palma to be transported to the marina

Alcudia in the Northwest of the Island. There they met Cpl Minus, the Skipper of Gladeye who gave them the introduction to the yacht and basic guidelines as to the running of the adventure training. The aim ofthe week was to put soldiers in conditions that they would not nor— mally find themselves in and under strenuous situations that required teamwork. Although adventurous training sailing in Mallorca has an appearance of being a free ‘holiday’ on the sea and not terribly hard work, the truth of the mat—

ter is that if you are put in an unfamiliar situation, even the most gentle winds and waves can put significant stresses on the ability to work together or as an indi— vidual. It also puts enormous stress on the yacht to constantly go out sailing and there is very little time to carry out necessary repairs when there is a very quick turn over of crews coming through. The second week saw The Blues and Royals crew come out and take over the yacht from The Life Guards. It was hoped to do the same sailing routes for both crews, but as you will see there were a few problems which hampered us. The LG crew were keen to get out and sail straight away and at the first oppor» tunity they had the Skipper giving them the safety brief and introducing them to the basics of tacking and iibing, and using the different sails. In Alcudia there is little to no wind before midday so that is perfect to prepare the yacht for

managed to moor up on a pontoon. A kind gentleman came to congratulate them on a job well done and immediately knew from their radio transmissions that they were the Army yacht and would not give up. However, he could

not solve the problem so that they were stranded in Pollensa for three days with a broken boat. On Monday morning the engineer came and fixed the engine, but only enough to get back to Alcudia, where it promptly broke down again. All in all it was a fantastic week which was a welcome break from the daily routine of the rigours of Knightsbridge.

Exercise Iron Horse 2006 The Household Cavalry Regiment Motorcycle Club’s Annual Battlefield Your

LCOH Ting/9y , Dreaming. moment with the riders. As a complete newcomer to international show jumping it was a pleasure to see the crowd getting so involved and it meant that entering the arena escorting the winners was a real highlight. All in all the week was a great success. A huge thank you has to be said to the Spruce Meadows team who organised everything down to the last minute and made us feel so welcome throughout our stay. It can only be hoped that the relationship continues to go from strength to strength and we will be back next year for more of the same.

Exercise Cockney Trumpeter e were very fortunate this year to be able to send 12 soldiers away to Mallorca for a week’s sailing on the Household Division yacht Gladeye. Major M C E Morrison, the RVO, organ— ised everything from the crews to the flights and sent us on our way in two packets of 6 over two different weeks.

afternoon and there will be no engineers to fix Gladeye until Monday morning. We will be there as soon as possible, but at three knots that may be a while.” A while later... they made it into port and

the afternoon sailing along the coast. There is very little wind in September in the northwest ofthe island and it is very temperamental, so it is vital to know which sails to use to maximise your sailing potential. On the third day of the RHG/D week, they went to a small bay off Porto Pollensa for lunch and moored up on a buoy. As they tried to move off the Perkins engine failed and the wind was dropping. A decision was made to attempt to sail back with what little wind was available and hope there was enough to get round the two headlands and back into Alcudia. At painfully slow progress they approached the first headland and entered the doldrums where the wind all but died out. With just enough wind to gently push Gladeye towards the rocks but not enough to make any headway back to Alcudia, Cpl Minns made the correct decision to head back the way they had just come, but to Pollensa. Whilst trying to fix the engine they had

his year, the Household Cavalry Motorcycle Club’s (HCMCC) annual tour revisited the Peninsula Campaign fought in Portugal, Spain and Southern France, previously visited some years back; however, this time the Club was to follow Moore’s retreat to Corunna and visit the Lines of Torres Vedras as well as the battlefields of Badajoz and Vitoria. The very nature of the rules outlined in the new AGAI Volume 1 (Chapter 23) dictated that the tour — or Battlefield Study (BS) as they are now referred to — would have to cost as little as possible. Whereas the old rules dictated two thirds/one third funding, the new rules state that the whole BS has to be funded from the public purse, which all sounds very appealing until you realise that the run of HCMCC BS will not receive the patronage of the chain of command indefinitely, hence the feeling that accompanied those on the tour that this was probably going to be the last trip of this kind » for a while at least. From the start things did not go anything like according to plan. The Wind— sor Regiment found their programme filling up quickly which soon saw a clash with the original tour dates and necessitated a change of date for the trip. Not too much of a drama you might think until you realise that the news was imparted to Lt Col (Retd) S Sibley for— merly RHG/D and the author whilst on the recce and the tickets for the ferry had already been purchased. In addition the travel company handling the recce and ferry tickets for the tour went bust, tak—

ing some of the Club’s money with it, which at the time of writing had still to be compensated. So on a cloudy Monday morning the Club loaded their motorcycles onto an Eddie Stobart truck, with a view to meet-

ing up with it in a few days at Bilbao Airport. In addition the support truck con— sisting of SCpl Smith RHG/D and LCpl Edwards QARANC set off that day on

i The HCMCC posing at Badajoz. the scene of one of Wellington ‘sti/oodiest Peninsular bait/es. the long haul south. Due to limited space on the truck and in an effort to save money, Lt Col Sibley and Maj RR

Philipson»Stow RHG/D were ‘forced’ to leave the Sunday before and ride like demons through the rain sodden French Countryside to make the Wednesday morning deadline at Bilbao Internation— al Airport, whilst recceing campsites for the return route. At the same time Messrs Gibbons and Robertson (both Ex RHG/D) were making their way across the south of France on their own magical mystery tour to make the same deadline. Once the Club had all arrived safely at Bilbao and the bikes had all been unloaded the Club split into its usual groups. With 16 members on the tour we split into four rides of four and set off for the first campsite south of Leon near Castrogonzalo in readiness for Thursday’s BS of Moore’s retreat to Corunna. That first day’s ride was truly spectacular and set the tone for some fantastic riding throughout Portugal and Spain. The plan didn’t survive second contact, let alone first; as on arriving at the campsite it was found that it had shut a week earlier than the recce party had expected.

As with all these things, the inherent flexibility of the Household Cavalry soldier had us in another site not more than two Km from the recced site and all club members were in after a long, weary but enjoyable day’s ride. The following morning the Club rode in column of route down the motorway to the start of the first BS, the Bridge at Castrogonzalo. Here, beside the modern day road bridge stands the little known and less visited original bridge destroyed by Moore’s Rearguard at the start of the retreat to Corunna. From here the Club discussed the background to the retreat and went through the route in detail; including events at Benavente where the rearguard fought a highly successful action delaying Napoleon’s Advance Guard and setting the conditions for the remainder of the retreat; at Bembibre, where the wine vaults were seen as too much of a temptation for those seeking to ‘see in” the New Year; and Cacabelos, where another successful rearguard action halted the French at a vital moment in the withdrawal. The Club then split up into separate rides and headed for Corunna. It was a long ride and for the first full day after a long ride

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L to H: COH Chinn LG. LSgt Griff/tbs REA/1E & Mr Gibbons (Ex HHGr'D) reiax at the end of the first line of Torres Vedras at Alba/iota overlookiNQ the R Tag/as.

from Bilbao the previous day and so it wasn’t much of a surprise to see the first ‘casualties’ of the trip starting to show. LCpl Brown’s immaculate Ducati 9998 found it all too much and limped off to

find a dealership to mend a damaged clutch, whilst Lt Col Sibley’s BMW RT developed an oil leak. Out of a total of 12 bikes, only 7 managed to make the RV at E1 Burgo where, after a quick brief on Moore’s final rearguard action before the main battle, the Club made its way to the final RV overlooking the main battlefield. A hard to find panorama laid out by the

Regimental Association of the Green Jackets gave a very detailed view of the battlefield as it once stood; unfortunate— ly, the city of Corunna as it now stands completely obscures the land involved, although a healthy imagination ensures a fairly clear view of events. What was clear was that the retreat had been char— acterised by extreme acts of ill discipline juxtaposed with supreme acts of bravery by the rearguard, the latter significantly contributing to the ultimate success of the retreat. Sadly, due to time constraints, the Club was unable to fight their way through the Hispanic traffic into the centre of Corunna to visit Moore’s final resting place at the Jardin de San Carlos in the old town, but apparently it is well worth

the effort.

On arrival at that night’s

campsite the remainder ofthe Club were to be met with the Admin issue of the tour: LCpl Brown’s Ducati had been ‘totalled’ by the motorcycle mechanic attempting to rectify the clutch problem during a test ride. The crestfallen sol—

dier in question ultimately spent the rest of the tour toing and froing between

Club location and garage before his insurance company finally managed to return him with motorcycle back to the


The following day, after camping in the grounds of a Nunnery, the Club visited the battle site of Badajoz. Coupled with Ciudad Rodrigo to the North, these two fortified towns dominated the main routes into Spain and had to be taken before any sustained advance from For— tugal could take place. By far the bloodiest siege of the whole campaign, the battle for Badajoz took a great toll on the British and had a lasting effect on Wellington and his approach to sieges — it could be argued that he held back at Burgos because of his experiences at Badajoz. The Club gained access to the Fort San Cristobal which overlooked the main town from the North. Only the Castle remains now of what was once a very impressive and well defended town. The British lost over 4,500 men over the month long siege, over 3,700 of them in the storming alone, a high proportion officers and NCOs, losses which Wellington could ill afford. As with many battles during this era, a period of looting and drunken debauchery followed and at Badajoz, perhaps due to the scale of the slaughter, this ensued for two days in a way as yet unseen. Indeed there were occasions when officers and NCOs in attempting to calm the situation, were set upon by their very own soldiers and killed. As William Surtees (Quartermaster) put it ‘...scenes were wit-

nessed in the streets as baffle description’. One light note emanating from the battle was that of a young officer by the name of Smith (later Sir Harry Smith, Governor of the Cape Colony), who res— cued a young girl from the plunder, later married her and named Ladysmith (South Africa) in her honour. Ofthe two sites, Ciudad Rodrigo is by far the more interesting and picturesque; however Badaioz is definitely the more impressive site and gives a better impression of the hardships undergone by the forces at the

time. After an impressive ride over the hills to the North of Madrid, the Club camped south ofVitoria prior to the last leg ofthe Tour before entering France on the route home. Sadly the weather deteriorated and on the morning ofthe proposed tour of the Vitoria site, the weather had closed in to the extent that visibility was so short as to make the tour of the site

unfeasible and so the Club moved on over the Pyrenees and into France. On arrival in the land of snails and garlic, the standard of driving displayed by the local populace decreased markedly; during the previous week not one accident had been witnessed in either Spain or Portugal, and yet in France the Club wit— nessed two fatal accidents of some spectacle within the first day — one on a straight road! That said the Club was buoyed by an excellent ride over the Pyrenees and eager to get at the miles between there, Calais and ultimately home. Over this period we lost a few more members; CoH Chinn LG had to return early for compassionate reasons and rode an astounding 980 miles in 18 hours; SCpl Smith RHG/D and LCpl Farmer also returned for personal rea— sons making the long trek home in impressive style. The poor weather experienced in France necessitated that even the most hardened IRON HORSE veterans took to motels for two nights to dry off kit and recuperate from the appalling conditions. Thankfully, on passing Paris, the sun decided to shine again, but after the Club experienced three days of non-stop Gal— lic downpours. It was on negotiating Paris towards the Club’s final destination of Zandvoorde that W02 (AQMS)

Bichard and LSgt Griffiths REME came foul of the authorities and a panicked text message from CoH Anderson RHG/D informed the remainder of the Club as to their incarceration in the back

of a Gendarmerie van. Luckily, a small fine later, they and the remainder of the Club met up in Ypres, and after a brief

effort at emulating Fred Karno’s Army managed to get out of the town in one group and reorg around the Regimental Memorial at Zandvoorde. Lt Col (Sib-

‘ Wiltiil'ktfl W


The remainder of the Club then moved to just North of Lisbon to a campsite previously visited some years before, Sadly in September the whole coastline is plunged into mist for the majority of the morning and late afternoon/evening, and as such any pretensions at sunbathing on a beach with ‘scantilyclads’ were just that. An extra day allocated as ‘rest’ was spent fighting the mist before the Club embarked on a tour ofthe Lines of Torres Vedras. A previous tour had failed to capitalise on this battle site and had not found many of the sites in ques— tion, so it was with much relief that the recce had managed to identify the key locations on the forward defensive line which enabled the Club to ride down this line and visit fortifications at Torres Vedras, Sobral, Arruda and Alhandra. The fort at Torres Vedras was in fairly good condition and had been opened as a site by the present Duke of Wellington, from there the Club rode the route following the forward line, ending up — in varying degrees of tardiness — at Alhan— dra where a spectacular view over the River Tagus from the old fort demon— strated the domination that these defences had over the advancing French troops; indeed, a recent Portuguese Mil— itary Engineering Study found little fault with the siting and construction of the sites selected by Wellington using toady’s military templates.


eho/d Cavalry Memorial at Zandvoorde.

ley gave a moving account ofthe Household Cavalry Regiments’ exploits there in 1914 before moving on again, late in the afternoon to RV with Maj and Mrs Sebastian Miller in Lille. Maj Miller RHG/D is currently serving in the French Rapid Reaction Corps in Lille and very kindly organised accommoda-

tion in the Mess in Lille for the Club’s final night on the continent. The Club made it in one piece to Calais and after a brief admin stop at Eastenders Wine Warehouse, were safely embarked on a ferry back to Dover.

L to R: Messrs Gibbons, McKinney & Robertson (all ex RHG/D), Majr .th/fpSOne-SIOW HHG/D, Lt Col (Herd) Sib/ey (Ex HHG/D).

As with all tours of this nature, the Club said their farewells to each other in Dover and went their separate ways, to Windsor, London and Warminster to name a few, time spent reflecting on the tour and again on how much ofa success it had turned out to be. Ultimately the success of the tour is down to those that partake in it. Their attitude and approach, their enthusiasm for both military history and motorcycling, and above all their sense of humour and willpower when perhaps things aren’t

going quite their way, led to the success of yet another IRON HORSE. Conversely, the new rules governing Battlefield Studies did little to encourage the author as to the future of such events. At the time ofwriting the tour’s finances are still at the mercy of the budgets department and although there was enthusiasm and support from the chain of command, the outlook for future Exercises IRON HORSE as we know them, looks bleak.

Exercise Thiepval — ’Band on The Somme’ by Corporal of Horse A K Kirk, The Life Guards fter a conversation between the Bandmaster and LCoH Danny ‘Big— gles’ Carter another ‘brainchild’ was born. An opportunity to broaden the Band’s military knowledge with a Battle— field Tour and insight in to The Somme 1916. It was with a mixed mood of anticipation and ‘Oh my God it’s early", that the Band departed Combermere Barracks. After much planning and research by LCoH Carter a package and itinerary containing visits to 21 ‘stands’ in chronological order of the battle, had been agreed with our guide from Galina Travel, Mr Ian Taylor. He was keen to ensure our education got underway immediately and had the video player ‘booming’ before the left turn out of the barrack gates! Despite the early hour the video was welcomed by most and provided a taste and insight of what lay ahead. By l400hrs we arrived North of the Roman Road at Foncquevillers, from where the 3rd Army launched a diver-

sionary attack on Gommecourt.


expanse of open fields, large areas of ‘dead ground’ and a verbal description

given by our guide certainly gave us all an insight to the courage and bravery that was shown to reach the objectives here. We moved to an area now known as Newfoundland Park, which witnessed the destruction of the 29th Division. Home to a trench system preserved since 1918, the Band were able to get more ofa ‘feel’ of life in the trenches and a more visual perspective on the battlefield front. South of The Roman Road lies a huge crater known as Lochnagar. Created by an enormous explosion, which was heard across the English Channel, this stand showed us the use of mining and the power of explosives! The area is littered with shells, some still unexploded and our guide informed us that the French farmers stockpile these munitions. These are then ‘harvested’ by the authorities on a regular basis! Even at this early stage the educational videos on the bus between stands were almost at the point of ‘overkill’ but the substitute choice of ‘Blackadder Goes Forth’ served to light~ en the mood while still maintaining the tour theme!

Our first cemetery visit was to Fricourt, a German memorial. It is hard to conceive or envisage the capacity crowd of a large football stadium buried in one place. Most people have seen photos or footage of the rows upon rows of grave— stones from all sides in the war, but to

witness them first hand is a very humbling experience.

It was when taking

into account that our tour was concen-

Th/epva/ Memorial.

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Delville and High Woods enlightened us all to the tactics of war, including the exploitation of night attacks, flanking and also securing lines of departure. The area at Thiepval Woods, a private park where work is still being undertaken to excavate and preserve a position is an excellent example of this. After a skirmish in Mametz Woods, led by the BCM, a few members returned with some souvenirs, although perhaps if our guide had informed them beforehand that these areas also contain large amounts of ‘live’ munitions, the ‘booty’ hunters may not have been so keen!

trol and a device to limit the maximum speed! In spite ofthese ‘new labour’ style speed restrictions, it will come as no surprise to learn that she absolutely loves it. In fact she spends a great deal of her time

trating only on The Somme that we began to realise the huge scale of the

1914 — 1918 War. We also visited a preserved First Aid station at Anconvilliers, perhaps a more appropriate ‘Band’ stand! Again this was a very visual stand as opposed to having to use our imagination at some of the earlier ones visited. The added bonus of a cafe and bar made this particular stand even more stimulating for some! The scenes set and the descriptions given by Ian Taylor at the wooded areas visited, including Mametz, Trones,

Finally we arrived at our exercise title; Thiepval. A large memorial is erected here showing the names of those lost but not found. LCpl Vic Hinchliffe sounded an excellent Last Post and Reveille at the wreath laying ceremony. This was held beneath the wall where

LCoH Carter On the journey home we watched the final episode of‘Blackadder’. There is a final poignant scene, where the men prepare to go ‘Over the Top’. This served to remind us of the great courage and large scale of self sacrifice shown throughout the whole of the 1914—1918 War.

the names of men from the Household

Exercise Thiepval was an excellent tour and definitely a resounding success, achieving all its training objectives. The Band returned with a broader mili— tary perspective, wider knowledge and tactical awareness.

Battalion and lst and 2nd Life Guards are recorded.

‘Lest we forget’

Land’s End to John O’Groats Cycle Ride 2006 By Captain E 8 Lane Fox, formerly The Blues and Royals here was an update about the bike ride on the ‘Just Giving’ website but in essence the ride got off to a troubled start but thankfully our fortunes improved over the subsequent days. We had hoped to be at Land’s End by lunchtime on the first day, but due to the closure of the A30 we didn’t get there until 6:30 that evening; this meant we were only able to complete 20 miles that night. Not surprisingly, the following day was by far the most miserable, 50 miles behind schedule, with the prospect

of Dartmoor looming large in the distance! After some blood, sweat and plen— ty of tears we made it over the moor but still lagged well behind our predicted


Luckily, the next day we

progressed well, covering the 140 miles up [0 Cheltenham and as such putting ourselves largely back on track.

The following days took us from Cheltenham to Warrington, then on up to Carlisle. Until this point the weather had been kind with the exception of the strong northerly wind, but as we crossed

to Scotland it began to rain! Having said that, it wouldn’t be fair to claim that the Scottish weather was against us, as by the time we reached Kilmarnock, we were back into the sunshine. The next day brought the goal of Fort William and the prospects of some of the most beauti»

ful scenery British roads have to offer.

(enough to buy the basic chair) we actually managed to collect £8000 and thus were able to add an elevating seat to the chair. Due to her age, there have also been a number of other minor adaptations, such as an alternate parental con— h‘a nu

We were fantastically lucky with that and the following leg along Loch Ness up to Bonar Bridge; the weather was perfect, bright clear and warm. However, our final leg to John O’Groats was swathed in ‘scotch mist’, with a couple of severe hills thrown in. Thankfully we made it to our final destination by lunchtime on the eighth day. However, enough of our jaunt. I wanted to send you this round up of our fund raising activities and to thank the Associations, firstly for all your hard work on our behalf and secondly for the huge amount of money you raised towards Lottie’s chair. The generosity of everyone has been truly overwhelming; having initially aimed to raise £5000

life ofthis little girl. Richard and Rebecca are so very grateful to everyone who has made this possible

By Lance Corporal N Fletcher, The Blues and Royals In my best French accent , ‘/t is a burn." -

Although the battle at Vimy Ridge occurred after The Somme, this late added ‘extra’ stand, contains another preserved trench system and some extensive tunnelling, again providing extra visual stimulation and a more ‘real’ aspect. For anyone planning a similar tour this is a ‘must see’ stand.

and have asked me to add their heart felt thanks. The kind donations and support from all the various quarters has enabled us, collectively, to change the


LCOH Carter and W07 (BM) Hall/day (Gren Gds) In reflective mood.

chasing her parents and brother. The pictures show what a difference this has made to Lottie and the whole Sharpe family.

On Thursday let September 2006 Tpr Rautenbach RHG/D, Tpr Heeley LG and I left Heathrow and flew to Singa~ pore to meet our new home for the next 5 weeks, the Royal Navy Type 43 Frigate HMS Westminster. We were met at Singapore airport by Chief Petty Officer (CPO) Gains, who escorted us to HMS Westminster. The CPO showed us around the ship before taking us to our luxury accommodation. This consisted of 18 bunk beds stacked in threes in a space the size ofa CVR(T) turret. Being of slender build (all 6ft 3 inches of me) I was given the top bunk. We carried out personal admin for the remainder of the day. Day I started off bright and early with the round robin of safety lectures and drawing various pieces of safety equip» ment that we would require for the next 5 weeks. We were then taken to meet the Skipper (Commander Fields). The three of us were sent to work within different areas of the warfare department. I was sent to work with the watchkeeper. I set about my work with the various different watchkeepers who showed me all aspects of the department. HMS Westminster’s primary role is Anti—Submarine Warfare so I got to play with the sonar, radar and its associated equipment. It’s safe to say that the lost city of Atlantis will remain lost!

The second day arrived with further resupplying of the ship. The following day we set sail for Tokyo, thankfully this part was only a short journey. On this part of the journey we worked with the mechanical engineers department (the stokers, a Navy term that goes back to when the Royal Navy ruled the seas and everything was powered by steam). The main role of the stokers is still to look after the engines, which today are a Rolls Royce gas turbine and three diesel engines. They are also responsible for the running of the ship’s fresh water refineries for the ship’s water supply. This is done by the pumps drawing in sea water, and then being refined into fresh water through the miracle of science and engineering a process to this day I don’t understand. On arriving in Tokyo we proceeded to carry out the primary reason for our visit. HMS Westminster and its crew were to take part in a Defence Industry Day, allowing British Defence Industries to show offtheir equipment to the Japanese government. Our role in the proceedings was to stand in Dismounted Review Order (DRO) at the bottom of the gang way and pay the correct compli— ments to the dignitaries that were com-

Put them behind the N/ght Guam” ing aboard. That evening we took part in an old Naval tradition of Ceremonial sunset, which is the taking down of the Ensign, which was done in front of all the official guests. The following day we attended a war graves cemetery where during the parade we acted act as wreath bearers for the British officials that were present. The following day we set sail for South Korea. Whilst on transit to Pusan in


The first stage of the ship’s journey was from Singapore to Okinawa (Japan). Unluckily I was to find out fairly quickly that I didn’t have any sea legs and quickly retired to my bunk during a sea state force 7. I felt like a piece of clothing in a washing machine on the spin cycle, as I turned into Kermit the Frog. The other two fared better than me. After my first memorable ocean voyage we arrived in Japan, with normal colottr returned to my face. We refuelled and resupplied the ship. We were given an opportunity to explore the City of Okinawa and become tourists

for the day.

The first night we were

Lott/e in her new cha/r,

prepan‘ng for take off!

invited by the US Navy to a barbeque.

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Household Cavalry Sports Round-up Ski Team 2006/07 By Captain The Marquis ofBowmont, The Blues and Royals







Tpr Rat/tenoach preparing for/ung/e Ira/hm}.

L p/ Fletcher passing the Wreath to Hear Admira/ MO/isettt.

Tpr Hee/ey in a rigid tender in the Brunet [LI/lg/e.

South Korea, the North Koreans decided to join the nuclear arms race and test a nuclear tipped warhead. The ship was put on stand—by to enforce any sanctions

copter evacuation drills. That evening we took part in another ceremonial sunset before our departure to Shanghai which took a week.

approximately a week. During this week at sea the ship’s company held a few functions which included a ladies night, where all the men had to dress as ladies and the ladies dress as men!! A village fair was also held on the helicop— ter deck. We worked between the warfare dept and the buffers and we helped the buffers prepare for arriving along side in Brunei. The first day in Brunei consisted of more ceremonial activities and a cocktail party. The second day we visited the Gurkhas at their jungle warfare training centre. This consisted of us being inserted by helicopter into the jungle. We were then taken around different stands and shown how hard it is to work in a jungle environment. That afternoon we were taken by helicopter to the Gurkhas’ boat troop camp and taken out for the afternoon to have a go at boat handling. The following day we said our goodbyes to the ship and left for our 18 hour flight back to the UK.

that the UN might impose on the North Koreans. Thankfully it all calmed down and we were able to proceed as normal and get back on schedule. On entering South Korean waters we had to parade in Front Gate Order, the rest of the ship’s company paraded in their Nols, as the ship was greeted by the South Korean Navy. As the ship refuelled and resupplied we were tasked to aid the buffers whose job it is to ensure the ship is seaworthy, (which consisted of the good old Guards‘ saying “ifit doesn’t move paint it”), de»rusting, greasing the chains and ensuring the serviceability of all ropes and fenders. On the second day we went up to the Korean War graves with the ship’s com» pany and placed wreaths on the memori— al. We were escorted by a lone piper and two Korean buglers. This was followed by a well earned day’s shore leave where again we become tourists. Our next job was to work with the flight crew, who had 3 Merlin Anti-Submarine helicopter. This consisted of more safety briefs. On the second day we carried out heli—

During this week we worked with the admin department, and this covered the writers, stores and chefs. They even allowed us to go into the galley and help with preparation of some of the meals. We also went back to help the buffers, who were getting the ship ready for the Captain’s walk around, which consisted of lots of brass polishing and painting. We were glad to see that Knightsbridge is not the only place for polishingl! On arriving in Chinese waters the ship was greeted by the Chinese Navy who escorted us to our berth. The first day was another Defence Industry Day followed by another ceremonial sunset. The ship’s company, including our— selves, was given an opportunity to carry

out a cultural visit to the Great Wall of China, The Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square. We were also taken to the Chinese state circus to watch a hugely enjoyable performance.

In summary, we had a fantastic opportunity that we accepted with great enthusiasm; it gave us a great insight into another service. We were able to see other cultures and visit some ofthe great sights including a wonder of the world.

The following day we set sail for the

n the 2nd December 2006 nine lucky soldiers departed Cumberrnere for Verbier, Switzerland, the trip made unusually comfortable by the fact that we were travelling in two Discoveries kindly provided by Land Rover (much to the jealousy of the other teams!) We were to take part in Exercise Spartan Hike XXIII; what lay ahead was the exciting prospect of six weeks Alpine race training, in one of the foremost ski resorts in the Alps. As one would hope, the HCR Ski team cut a real dash on the slopes this year, courtesy of Dege and Skinner who provided us with some extremely smart black, embroi— dered jackets, Polistas who gave the team fleeces and T shirts, and Tag Heuer who completed the team look with day sacks and caps! Coupled with the matching Land Rovers we were the envy

of Verbier! The first four weeks were dedicated to training the personnel how to ski (in the lower groups), and to iron out the faults associated with those of us who were taught in old fashioned techniques, essentially to teach us to race like we should. Due to the unusually warm weather the first two weeks training were restricted to only a couple of slopes. However all members of the team displayed enthusiasm towards the early strength and balance training set by the instructors. The training was intense, under the direction of the E83 (Ecole du Ski Switzer— land), the daily routine was first parade at 0830, and would continue to ski out of our comfort zone for most of the day until 1630 when the lifts closed.

final leg of our trip to Brunei. This took

The Cavalry and Guards Club 127 Piccadilly London W1] 7PX The Caoahy and Guard: Club has one of the finest Edwardian Buildings in London with stunning views of Green Park that is idealfor:

This schedule continued up until New Year’s Eve, when, in usual fashion the HCR give the biggest (and best!) party

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of the year at Chalet Larzay, with Vin Chaud and fireworks for 140 associated with the Army or exercise, leading up to the countdown to midnight in the town centre with 6000 other party—goers.

After the New Year fun, the emphasis was now with racing; the last four weeks of training was to be put to the test, and competition to beat those in the groups above was increasing (largely led by the Major Rupert Lewis instructors!). arrived at this stage to help with the

RAC Ski Club running the event, but as far as we were concerned more impor-

The Ski Team

tantly to aid us with course inspections and to pass on his years of experience in racing!

Tprs Gray and Rayment. Tpr Munday was again the fastest (16th), with the times very close for the top three.

The first event was the seeding Giant Slalom, crucial because the result of this race determined the bib order in which one would be placed initially, and as was seen later in the competitions it is much easier to drop down the order from a poor result than move up from fast skiing. The HCR A team was made up of

The Slalom was our best result with HCR B coming 2nd in the B team competition, and the HCR A team managing 4th, with the best individual results too; Captain

Captain Bowmont, Lieutenant C C Church, LCpl Griffin and Tpr Munday, who, in his first season had been skiing well and for whom his instructor had high hopes. HCR B team was made up of Cornet J W Mann, LCoH Harris, Tpr Gardyne and one of either Tpr Gray or Rayment depending on the discipline. Much to the consternation of the more experienced members of the team, Tpr Munday lived up to his initial promise and posted the fastest HCR team score, coming in 17th place, Captain Bowmont in 19th with LCpl Griffin snapping at his heels one place behind (that became a usual occurrence). Tpr Gardyne had a very good run, placed 30th which held him in very good stead, unfortunately Cornet Mann and Tpr Gray fell on the run, putting them towards the back of the field, where they had to fight hard to climb back up the order. In the Giant Slalom (GS) individual racing, Lieutenant Church, Lieutenant Mann and Tpr Gray flew up the order, with the two Troop Leaders having a good in house competition, likewise

Bowmont came 6th, LCpl Griffin 9th, and Tpr Munday 15th. LCoH Harris and Tpr Gray managed spectacular wipe outs on a run, with Lieutenant Church, Cornet Mann and Tpr Rayment making fast runs. The Commanding Officer made a flying visit for one night to come and watch the team in the slalom events. That evening the team organised a trip to a restaurant on the mountain which involved a Skidoo on the way up, and a three mile sledge back down in pitch darkness on “racing toboggans”. The evening was a huge success, despite the Commanding Officer being in the pres— ence ofa Cheese Fondue, and making an unscheduled exit off the road and into the trees on his sledge! The Speed events followed the GS, with first the Super G and then the Downhill. Every member of the team qualified to do the downhill, which led to some anxiety from the younger team members, some of whom claimed a second tour to Afghanistan was preferable to throwing themselves down a hill, with a pair of two metre skis on, at up to 75 mph. Cornet Mann was very quick on the downhill, and the in house competition between Tprs Gray and Rayment was

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ceeds, after the obligatory team photo, to the ‘box’ at ‘Junction’ outside the Club House; ‘Junction’ being part way down the run and 182 ft lower and three fewerbends than ‘Top’ the start point for the more experienced riders. Once standing in the ‘box’ reality kicks in and with a due sense of dread and mounting excite— ment one faces the inevitable: racing head first down an ice tube, armed only with a seriously heavy toboggan, a pair of

plus fours and some leather knee and

Tpr Munday on the DOWhhlll

The A Team.

elbow pads. The first and indeed the subsequent runs down the Cresta are fantastic in every way, the total exhilaration, the fear of coming out at Shuttlecock (a feat managed by most) and the obvious suicidal desire to do well and achieve a cracking time. All of this combines to

make the event a combination of bottle concluded when the latter was beaten by twelve seconds! Less wendy turns next year Ray! It was a very successful year; with a young and inexperienced team, Tpr Munday won a pair of Volki Superspeed Skis for the highest placed Junior, LCpl Griffin won the President’s prize, awarded for the individual who throws himself into the event with the most enthusiasm, and HCR B team came third in the B team competition. There was a very high ranking visitors programme this year; the Chief of the General Staff, The Duke of Westminster, Major General Simon Mayall, Director Royal Armoured Corps and the heads of BAE Systems, General Dynamics and Rolls Royce who supported the event. The team used the two outstanding Discoveries lent by Land Rover as the official cars for the race week. Sadly, five then had to return home, and the A team moved to France for the Divisional Compeition. The team arrived in Serre Chevalier, where the Divs are held to find little snow for our team Discovery to be trou«

bled with, and rather more stones on the piste than we would like! To greet us in the town we found W02 Gaddes there to meet us as a friendly face working in the race office for the Alpine events. Again Tpr Munday was fast, but LCpl Griffin found his form and was fastest in the ini~ tial seeding for the Giant Slalom, a place he maintained in the team for the remainder of the time he was in Serre Chevalier. In the Giant Slalom the team managed to gain 2nd place in London District, behind the Coldstream Guards, who were strong, and the HAC who despite having a very highly placed individual did not have the depth of talent in their team. The Divs managed to produce a Super G and Downhill despite the lack of snow. Lieutenant Church managed to jump thirty places from his start position to hold the team’s 2nd place in LONDIST after LCpl Griffin fell, and won a special award for his efforts. Unfortunately Lieutenant Church and LCpl Griffin had to leave during the middle ofthe competition for training requirements with B Squadron, so Captain A K MacEwen and Major M C Goodwin-Hudson filled the places for the Team Slalom starting at the back of the field. Captain MacEwen managed to

finish 30th, having started from 127th, it was argued in the team captains’ meeting that he too should have been awarded a “special effort” award, which sadly fell on deaf ears. Tpr Munday was awarded Silver in the Junior competition in the Giant Slalom, and Gold in the Slalom to complete a very successful trip for the Ski Team this year. The team taken this year was a very young one, with the intention to foster a team for the future, each mem— ber of the team fulfilled the criteria needed for this sort of event; esprit de corps, courage, determination, competitive spirit and enthusiasm. The team returned back to the UK on the 23rd of January, rather bizarrely to find more snow on the roads at home than there

was in much of France! The team would like to thank the Regi~ ment for its continued support of the team, for Land Rover, Dege and Skinner, Polistas, Pendragon Productions and Tag Heuer for their incredibly gen— erous contributions, and to Lieutenant E P Olver for his home support.

and skill with every second you can take off your time being key to victory. The competition part of Novice Week is a great display of inter regimental pride and rivalry. The final results were closely fought, with luck and skill both playing a large part. Lieutenant Dale, rode well and progressively quicker on each of the three courses, won the Handicap Junction Race and 2nd Lieutenant Howland-Jackson riding exceptionally well to win the Novice Open Race despite having severely injured the ten— dons in his left hand during the second course of the race. The pair also came second in the Regimental Pairs Race, the l7th/21st Lancers’ Cup, an outstand» ing achievement for two novices and a splendid omen for the future. The week was rounded off by the Army dinner and subsequent prize giving, here the prizes were ably handed out by Major James Kelly, Scots Guards, who unfortunately suffered one of the worst falls in recent history but has thankfully made an incredible recovery. The fact that he is now racing again demonstrates the pure addictiveness of this incredible sport, but also the fragility of the human body

both of The Life Guards.

To the uninitiated the Cresta always pro-

vokes a lot of comment, as it is a sport that seems shrouded in myth and awe. It lives up to this reputation in spades, Lieutenant Dale saying that “it was without doubt one ofthe most terrifying and exhilarating things I have ever done!” Typically as with anything Army it starts in the morning at the dangerous— ly early hour of 0700hrs and is all finished each day by 1200hrs. This is to ensure the run is cold enough to race on without damaging the ice too much.

Each participant receives what should be an extensive period of learning and tuition but this is in fact a brief known as the ‘Death Talk’ followed by a brief last— ing no more than twenty minutes from the ‘Guru’, Mr Arnold Von Bohlen und Halbach (a legend on the Cresta who has ridden for fifty years) containing useful missives along the lines of ‘ must treat the Cresta like a beautiful but impetuous lady...” and remember ‘. . .muscle application...’. Equipped with such expert knowledge one then pro—

when achieving speeds of up to 70kph headfirst. The clean—sweep acheived by the Army team and Captain Snook last year was sadly not repeated; the Army team came a firm third out of three in the Prince Philip Trophy losing to two much more

experienced teams and Captain Snook came third in the individual event, the Lord Trenchard Trophy. Operations depending it is hoped that the Victorious Life Guards will be able to race again in 2008 maybe even

for the Army Team,

hopefully with some Blues and Royals

Lt ‘Ch/‘p‘ Dale n'dlng the mm of Shuttlecock ~ will he, won‘t he...?


Cresta Run - The Life Guards Cleanup! Unfortunately the happy combo of Captain Will “Stan Laurel” Snook and Captain Damien “Oliver Hardy” Lipman venturing out to compete for the Army on the Cresta is no longer a reality, with Captain Lipman having left the Army on the lst January 2007. Fortunately though Captain Snook, enjoying his Terminal Leave, was joined in St Moritz by 2nd Lieutenant Ed “goodnessdook—how-tall-I-am” Howland~ Jackson and Lieutenant Charlie “I-wish-I— was-as—tall—as-Howland-Jackson” Dale,

Cap! Snook starting from Top for the last time as an Army Rider A watched by Luke Chauveau. late 0/ The Blues and Royals.

Although the good old days of officers keeping their horses at Flemish Farm and gracing the fields ofthe Guards Polo Club on an almost daily basis are over, there is still as much enthusiasm and passion for the sport as there ever was. Last year nearly 15 officers tested their riding and hand-eye skills in three different continents. Sadly this year, the House— hold Cavalry did not see so many officers get the chance to play, or on so many continents. Despite this the 2006 Season was another good year for Regimental Polo.

It has probably been a long time since the Household Cavalry has entered a competitive team in a civilian 8 goal tournament. However, despite a full and varied diary, we were able to enter just such a team into the Chairman’s Cup at Cirencester at the beginning of the sea— son. The tournament was supposed to be a warm up for the Inter—Regimental later in the summer. Sadly torrential spring rain conspired against us and the tournament was cancelled. This did not deter the individual players who all

managed to play elsewhere and prepare for the all important Inter—Regimental. We entered two teams into the Inter» Regimental this year. Although our best team could have weighed in at 8 goals (a good 4 goals higher than any other Reg~ iment), it was decided in the interests of sportsmanship we would spread the tal» ent and enter two more equally balanced teams. At this point I hasten to add that the talent was spread just enough to ensure that we still fielded a strong

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enough team to win. HCR ‘B’ was originally centred on Maj M P F Dollar and Cornet J W Mann both RHG/D, and both strong 2 goal players, with Major P R L Hunter LG and Lieutenant J M Cork LG in support. Sadly busy diaries saw the team being withdrawn at the last minute. HCR ‘A’ had a better run. Again the team was based around the strength

Household Cavalry Golf 2006 By Captain P G Maxwell, The Blues and Royals

of Captain B J Vestey RHG/D, with Major R H A Lewis RHG/D, Lieutenant L O D McCallum and Cornet H C A D Wales ably supporting him. After a team practice at Captain Vestey’s home at Foxcote, the team first met the Royal Navy and then a useful Sandhurst team, before meeting the King’s Royals Hussars in the finals at the Guards Polo Club. Both teams played well to provide a fast open game of polo in front of a large crowd, with the Regiment running out the even— tual winners 9—3. Household Cavalrymen were busy rep— resenting Army and Combined Services teams throughout the season. On Run~ dle Cup day Cornet Wales represented the winning Army team against the Royal Navy and Major Dollar and Cornet Mann represented the Army against the touring South African side. In August Cornets Wales and Mann again represented the Army in the Major General’s, sadly losing in the finals. Cornet Mann also represented the Army in the Cornwell Affiliates Day at Ascot Park Polo Club. Lieutenant Colonel J R Wheeler LG continued his efforts at the

Defence Academy whilst playing else where. Finally Major Lewis represented

The transport departed Windsor on a fine June morning with the Commanding Officer, Second in Command, A and C Squadron Leaders, RCM, HQ SQMC, RGWO, COH Hughes and of course the

Training Officer fit and ready to catch our tea. We were greeted by Frank with a full fry and coffee before boarding his luxury

Lockheed Martin



Frank gave a centralised brief on what we were doing for the day and then pro— ceeded to steer his boat out of Newhaven Harbour. It was then that I found myself in one of those precarious positions as the organiser of the event. Frank who is

difficult (my excuse). However, the fairways were in good condition. In previous years the Household Cavalry normally made up nearly half the players but the Irish Guards came in force this year. In total there were 48 competitors of whom 14 were ours. We welcomed back Capt Warren Douglas and Mr Tim Mills who had been off the scene for 5 years. We did not do as well as usual on the prize front;

Celtic Manor.

Handicap Pairs: 3rd Capt Maxwell / COH Hughes - 30 pts

Handicap Singles: Best over 14 Handicapper, Capt Carter - 36pts Scratch Foursomes: 1st Lt Col Sibley / Capt Hennessy—Walsh - 31 pts Captain (Reta) Dick Hennessvaa/Ash and

Maj Lewis (left) in action for Barbour HCR. -

the Combined Services Polo Association on a tour to Eastern Circuit in the Unit— ed Sates.

Tournament. We look forward to con— tinuing this relationship next year.

Yet again, Barbour continues to show their support for Regimental polo, for which we are hugely grateful. Through— out the season the Barbour HCR team played in most of the low goal tourna— ments at Guards with wins in the 12 goal

Sadly we have said good—bye to a number of players who have recently left the Army. We wish Majors Hunter and D01lar and Captain Vestey well and thank them for their support to Regimental Polo over the years.

Godley Memorial and 2 goal Spring

Angling The Training Wing Angling Team (TWAT) organized a fishing trip late June from Newhaven with skipper Frank Shaw.

his year had its ups and downs due to Regimental commitments, D Squadron’s deployment and many additional matches to get in. Something had to give and, in the end, we had to cancel the Regimental Golf day and our third match against Sunningdale. On the positive side we have extended our match programme to include annual challenges against the green keeper and staff of the future 2010 Ryder Cup course “Celtic Manor”, Staff of the Royal Household, Members of the Eton College Club and the “Winnie Baines Memorial Trophy” Challenge against Warminster Garrison. Our thanks go to CsoH Andy Short and Alan Hughes for organising the Warminster matches and

an old friend of mine decided for a laugh to accelerate once out of the harbour entrance whilst informing all on board apart from yours truly to sit down and hold on to the rails. Meanwhile I was still assisting my fellow fishermen by putting tackle together at the rear of the boat. The next thing that I remember was being submerged in water and soaked from head to foot whilst the senior members of the Regiment held their sides and offered a change of clothing albeit a pair of socks. Needless to say I spent the whole day dripping wet. We reached our mark, 22 miles into the English Channel and Frank proceeded to set his boat for the first drift. It was not long before codling were being caught with his expert advice and the Commanding Officer bagged the first codling over 31b (although he said it was

much heavier). All of us were catching fish for the majority of the first drift even though the fishing was difficult with wind against tide.

We’d like to welcome on board W02 Chrissie James (RAOWO/Chief Clerk) who arrived at the beginning of the season, plays off 13 and is a member of the Army Ladies’ team and LCpl Alex Trigg

CoH Hughes eventually took the title although tentatively, due to his promotion prospects with a lovely 81b Codl The day was a huge success and the total tally of fish read as follows: 14 codling, 12 pollock, 6 whiting and several mackerel. Another trip is planned for the New Year and anyone wishing to join the TWAT please come


Captain’s Prize: 2nd CoH Short / Capt Carter ~ 98 pts The Captain’s Prize was won by the Cold— stream Gds with 101 pts. (Unlucky boys)

I’d like to congratulate COH Short again for his captaincy of Warminster Garrison’s team as they have won their league and been promoted to the Premier League ofS Division. Congratulation also goes to COH Hughes as this year’s most improved player. He purchased a new set of Mizuno MX900 at the start of the season with some tragic scoring. However, due to his commitment on the training ground during his lunch break and evenings, he has become the Welsh Wizard 2006 bringing his handicap down from 20 — 16. He has informed me that by summer 2007 he’ll be at 12, we’ll see.

Finally, I would like on behalf of all It turned out that, although we agreed to put in to the kitty £2.00 for the heaviest fish, the Commanding Officer and COH Hughes were the only two in the running by the end of the day.


4th: Capt Kibble/ COH Bye - 30 pts

REME playing off 12 who came from Bordon.

HCR golfers, to thank Fred Colling— wood for his endless support and kind generosity of the prizes he supplies for the HCR competition. Sadly, this year it did not happen and so all is saved up for 2007. Household Division Championships

As always this traditional competition

officially starts the season off.


weather was sunny with scattered cloud but a cold NE wind made most don hats, polo necks and wind proofs. The course was not at its best; greens were like glass due to the amount ofsand on them mak— ing reading the green that little bit more

COH Andy Short prior to Teeing Off in the Colonel-incriief's Cup.

The Colonel — in — Chief’s Cup The lst and 2nd rounds were held in March on yet another dry and slightly breezy day which did not affect the playing conditions on a well presented course at Worplesdon. Again we played the slightly longer course ie off the white tees. The Regiment entered 2 teams only to lose the B team in the lst round against a much stronger Irish Gds A Team. Capt McKechnie and W02 Kellet only lost their match on the last hole but the other pairs were truly out— played. The ‘A’ Team received a bye in the lst round which allowed them a quiet training round before taking on a serious Scots Gds A Team. This did not deter the focus of our boys who at the end had a 12 up convincing win with Lieutenant Colonel Sibley and Mr (ex W01) Dunkley 7 up. Semi Finals day changed from the normal Thursday to Friday which most found more conven» ient. The A Team took on a very strong Welsh Gds A Team and unfortunately lost 5 down. After a hearty lunch and a few words they went out and played a magical round coming in 18 up on a broken Coldstream Gds A Team. This equalled the highest victor in the playoffs this century. The very strong Irish

Gds had a convincing 11 up to win the finals against the Welsh Gds

As always the course was in pristine condition for both matches and dinner was again up to its usual mouth—watering standard. I mentioned last year that we would try to get 3 matches in this year due to only one being possible in 2005 but unfortunately we couldn’t make the third match due to the high commit— ments the Regiment had over the chosen date. We’ll see what we can arrange for 2007. The spring and summer matches were played on the New Course in ideal conditions but in the end we came in all square. The spring meeting we went down 177 -l76 combined Stableford. Lt Col Sibley, Harry Ford, COH Short and Colin Falvey (thank you for stepping in at such short notice) came in with a combined 88 keeping us in the running but unfortunately it wasn’t enough. The summer meeting we made a few changes to the team mainly allowing those who did not play in the spring and those not available for the autumn meeting to play. In very hot conditions 33"+ we won 4 ofthe 5 matches coming in with a reasonable 180 — 173 combined Stable— ford points. Congratulations go to Capt Hennessy~Walsh for the Longest Drive and Lt Col Sibley for Nearest the Pin.

Swinley Forest This quiet annual event was played in early May. The course was in an immaculate state as one should expect and had been open every day throughout the winter. It was a pleasure to play with the organiser of this match, Phil Mitchell, as he always gets a buggy because of the travelling ie. he travels down from the

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‘Winnie Baines Memorial Trophy’

wings but only to die offtowards the end

The Trophy for the Challenge was pre» sented by CoH Short in memory of his Grandmother, Winnie Baines. This was the Regiment’s first match against the Warminster Garrison and played at the

gled on the 13th and 14th which fell like

and losing by l. I believe we all strug-

Warminster West Wilts GC.

A course

with very narrow fairways, interesting hills ‘Not’ and the never ending SW wind. Our first task was to don water proofs, woolly hats etc as we all know the plains need that little extra water. 3 — 2 down after the 5th couple with the 6th pair 2 up and 2 to play. Unfortunate— ly, W02 James and CoH Hughes couldn’t hold them off and came all square. We loost 3% ~ 2% but W02 Chrissie James did walk away with the Nearest the Pin only to make a silly comment about “Girl Power”! We were very well entertained by our host throughout the evening, and look forward to the 2007 Challenge.

Eton College

Lake District to play and then returns home the same night. The match after 5 groups was at 3 — 2 to Swinley and with fingers crossed we hoped that the last pair would come in with a win. Unfortunately it was all square, meaning another loss. To date we are standing at; Swinley 5, HCR 1. Royal Household I believe this was a first, for me anyway to play against the members of the Royal Household. A challenge trophy will be presented in 2007 as time was against us this year. Due to the lack of ownership ofa course HCR did the 19th hole in the WOS’ & NCOs’ Mess with a buffet and fluids. It was nice to be winners for once with a 3 — 2 win and also the standard match prizes: Longest Drive — W02 Kellet (a massive

305 yard Drive) Nearest the Pin — LCpl Trigg (REME). Wimbledon Common Golf Club Our annual match against Wimbledon Common very nearly didn’t happen due to non-availability of players. Our thanks go to Maj (Retd) Paddy Kersting and SCpl Chris Bye HCMR for accepting our last minute plea to play. The end result was that we lost 4 — l a

score that doesn’t reflect the standard of play produced in ideal conditions. Again, as in previous years, the 19th hole evening’s entertainment was much appreciated along with good food, excellent company and fine wine.

This was another first for the Regiment to take on, played in April during the Easter leave period on a dull but dry day. It was not the best performance HCR had produced to date but I have been informed that luck was not on our side but very much on theirs, or was it course knowledge? The end result being a win to Eton 5 _ 1, only Capt Hennessy-Walsh and Colin Falvey taking a win. Thanks go to those HCMR personnel who stepped up to the mark at the last minute; Capt Mark Sadler, W02 Jenkins, CoH CBye, Trumpet Major Grant Sewell-Jones and Colin Falvey. Celtic Manor The day started with the Regimental team departing from barracks in our very own 17 seater tour bus (Sherpa!!). The 2 hour journey was spent methodically cleaning one’s balls and discussing those vital team tactics. On arrival at the resort, the team were hosted like VIPs and treated to coffee/biscuits and complementary Driving range tokens, then on to play 18 very special holes of golfon the Wentwood Hills course, mak— ing us some ofthe last few people to play

the course before it closed down for reconstruction, ready for the 2010 Ryder Cup.

climbing Ben Nevis, maybe a couple of cans of Red Bull would have been more beneficial at the hut. The course was obviously in its early stages of reconstruction but still in great condition as you would expect. The final score was 4 —2 to Celtic Manor. After the match the team retired to the clubhouse for a hot shower and private 3 course dinner in the Albert Mathews suite, only to be told by Dylan that all drinks from the bar were complimentary, (picture the scene, stood on the balcony overlooking the 18th green drinking a glass of iced Magner’s Cider/cold beer whilst being served the finest Welsh lamb, I do believe it’s then time to ask oneself the question, does it get any better than thisllll! The HCR team would like to thank all involved on the day especially Dylan Mathews, Jim McKenzie and Gareth Howard for the superb food, second to none hospitality and the admirable sportsmanlike qualities of the Celtic Manor’s team throughout our visit. We’re very much looking forward to next year’s match.

LONDIST 2006 The Spring meeting was cancelled through lack of response due to unit commitments but the Summer meeting was very well attended with 36 players. The venue was the municipal course of Bird Hills in Winkfield, an open friendly course which allows you a bit more error than you would normally get, not that the HCR players needed this due to their knowledge of the course. A pleasant day and some good golf played on a very well maintained course apart from me as I lost 2 balls in the pond on the

7th. HCR winners for the day were; W02 A Kellet Scratch 30 pts

Heartache in Hilton Head By Captain (Reid) R Hennessy—Walsh, formerly The Life Guards wo possibly significant things happened even before we set off on this tour. Nick Faldo was spotted in I’eascod Street signing autographs for a horde of schoolgirls. The author didn’t have the heart to push in amongst the girls but instead brushed past the 6 times Major winner hoping that some of his skills

might rub off for the forthcoming trip. And secondly, some of the younger, ‘fit— ter’ guys amongst us started complaining about injuries presumably to excuse in advance the poor quality of their golf. These ranged from a bad shoulder — after one of them threw himself down the stairs — a calf muscle problem from another following a game of football, and the final embarrassment when one of our professionals complained of back problems after his alcoholic holiday in Ireland during the Ryder Cup. Anyhow you will not be surprised to hear that everyone turned up at Gatwick, without moans or groans, and off we went to Charlotte, North Carolina, for the first leg of our transatlantic trip. This was a pretty uninteresting 9-hour journey on a US Airways flight which sadly the taller members of the tour found uncomfortable through the lack of legroom. The second leg of the journey however, on the Fisher Price toy aeroplane, down to Hilton Head, provided us with a far more interesting trip and some spectac— ular views of where we were to spend the next 7 days. Hilton Head in South Carolina is conveniently located along the south Atlantic coast, and combines breathtaking natural beauty, world-class golf, award-win— ning dining, and quality shopping on a barrier island just 12 miles long and five miles wide. This enchanting boot» shaped island is widely considered to be one of the finest resort communities in the United States. Although the major— ity of us had been to South Carolina

Wag—MW“. .9V.M».w>gggwa»¢mt~vnmm

. .



The Tour : L to R: Gary Dunk/6y, Steve VickersNick Oke.Pau/ Maxwell, Mart res/andrB/om Dth/ey, Stuart S/b/ey, Harry Ford, DICK HennessyWa/srt Russ Tay/or, Ben Wright and Mike Clark. before, this was our first visit to the Island that hosts the annual Verizon Heritage Classic Tour event where the red and white lighthouse is the Island’s most familiar landmark. There were 12 of us this year — the normal group of bandits plus a couple of fresh faces. Ben Wright, who works for Harry Ford, and Paul Maxwell the HCR Regimental Welfare Officer both took a full and active part in the events of the week although they possibly found the golf difficult. They were not alone in that! After an absence of a few tours Steve Vickers made a triumphant return only to be struck down by a mysterious illness on night one resulting in a visit to the local hospital. Anyway all appeared to be fine and he was released at about 0100 hrs a few hundred bucks lighter! Harry selected 6 beautiful courses the majority of which had big names like Nick1aus/Player/Palmer/Trent or Jones associated with them in one way or

another. Needless to say there was water everywhere and a myriad of other hazards to negotiate including alligators. The hazards put in an early appearance on the very first morning when some of the flock elected to turn up not having gone to bed. The ‘warm up’ on the range provided the remainder of the tour — and some amused club members — with a wonderful display of hooks, slices, tops, shanks and even air shots! Anyway by the mid—round point all vestiges of the ‘night before’ appeared to have disappeared. Interestingly, an analysis of the average scores for the week showed that days 1 and 2 provided the highest average when we were all supposedly strong and fresh — which sadly doesn’t say much for the scores for the remainder ofthe week! Later in the week those who wished had the opportunity to play the Harbour Town Links and were treated to a fabulous afternoon finishing at the famous 18th (by the lighthouse) in the dusk. The 2nd golfing highlight of the week was reserved

Overall winner: Capt W Douglas Runners up with 41 pts: Capt Carter 81 CoH Hughes Morning’s Texas Scramble winners: Capt M Avison Longest Drive

CoH Hughes and TM Wheeler enjoyed a different kind of tactic from the Celtic Manor’s team Captain, Dylan Mathews, who at the half way hut bought them a can of Strongbow cider (which was downed in one) hoping to disrupt their lead, initially it didn’t have an effect if anything it gave them even greater

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Off course there was much to do. Jet ski~ing (for some), mall shopping (for the Dunkleys) and a trip to the top ofthe lighthouse were just some of the things on offer. Excellent restaurants, with out— standing food, were obviously part ofthe nightly entertainment and after one par— ticularly splendid meal in the ‘best fish restaurant on the island’ an interesting game of crazy golf took place in the dark.

Poetry — the author on the 78th a! Harbour Town Links.

rose on Daufuskie Island. Daufuskie is designated a “sea island” — one ofseveral dozen large islands fronting the Atlantic Ocean, between the Santee River north of Charleston and the southern coast of Georgia. It is reached by a 45-minute boat trip, which in itself is an absolute joy with dolphins and all manner of birds following the boat. When devel— opers came to Daufuskie in the early 19805, there were only 52 permanent residents. This was a fabulous location full of colour, animals, flowers and birds and the additional 12 temporary residents were treated to a wonderful day


more difficult by the sheer weight of Gary’s luggage, which no one could lift, and the fact that we were all laughing at the stupidity of the occasion. Anyhow what should have taken 5 minutes at the

most, even allowing for the two Dunkley trunks, took about 20 and so with eyes streaming and stomachs and backs aching, the SUV was finally loaded mttch to the amusement of the locals. This humorous conclusion was really symptomatic of the week, which was much enjoyed by everyone.

We were blessed with wonderful weath— er. lt was a hot and humid week and the excellently appointed 4—man condos on the Sea Pines Resort provided us all with a haven of air~c0nditioned bliss after a day on the course. It is sad to record however that the members of one ofthe 3 condos seemed unable to get the settings for the temperature correct resulting in deposits of ice in places where it had no right to be seen. The inane drivel of the week reached new heights when Gary Dunkley thought he would have a chat with a racoon one evening. The fact that Ronnie (the racoon) neither replied, nor responded in any way, seemed to be a source of

The overall individual winner was Matt Freeland a professional from The Wisley and Bjorn Dunkley, son of the mighty Gary, was 2nd each winning three of the individual daily events. Bearing in mind that there were only six days, it does show how well they both played and how pitiful the other 10 werel! The

first winners of the Johnny Wilson Trophy“ were Russ Taylor (ex LG) and Bjorn and the Pairs Trophy was won by Nick Oke (a professional at Guildford GC) and Harry. And so you can see from the winner’s enclosure that the author was not blessed by seeing Nick Faldo, and, some of those who were supposedly sick, tricked us.

annoyance to Gary, and amusement to the rest of the vehicle. Sadly Ronnie was spotted the following morning unable to talk to anyone.

* Johnny Wilson was one of the original team members who sadly died in May

The final morning was spent by one of the groups giving a master class in how not to load a vehicle. The task was made

2004 at the age of 34. With the agree» ment of his wife Sandra, this trophy will be played for each year.

Eagles Veterans RUFC Warrant Officer Class IIj’A Evans (LSL), The Blues and Royals his year’s annual Rugby Veterans Tours has now branched out into a full—on sporting weekend with many of the young touring party meeting early on the Friday in Leeds to play a few round of golf. The main event being a competition between The Blues and Royals Mounted Squadron 3 Troop circa 19808 and 2 Troop circa 19905. I can report that the result of this hard fought match in the wind and rain was a victory to the 2 Troop team of Messrs Dickens, Dyche and Phillips. Captain Maxwell and I have taken a blood oath to return next year and take revenge! After a hearty meal in the clubhouse, we returned to the Scarborough Arms in Leeds city centre close to our hotel to RV with the rest of the touring party. The remainder ofthe evening was spent with many of the touring party learning, to their dismay, that we were playing not one but two games the next day.

Club to take part in a tri—team competition at their ground in Horsforth just on the outskirts of Leeds. Yarnbury have strong links to the military and can trace back their history to 1871 when soldiers

It was fair to say that the weather for the day was varied! We had strong wind with sun and also some rain, hail and a light covering of snow late in the after-

noon. This, with the muddy pitches combined to make all the games full of handling errors on both sides. In the first game, Yarnbury Veterans made the most of their limited possession to score two tries in each half. We dominated large chunks of the game, but were unsuccessful in turning the pressure into points. It was frustrating as the last pass would just not stick, or when trying to avoid the opposition defence it would be a slip in the mud rather than a good tackle that lead to the movement break— ing down. For the second game, we were shifted off the main pitch onto another one which was even worse. 1 can report that the two teams, like two old prize fighters, threw everything at each other but to no avail as the game ended a 0 — 0 draw. Even Rick Buckle, who was refereeing for this game, ended up on his backside in the mud. It was one of those games

where, at the end, you were none the wiser as to who was playing for who, as all the shirts were brown. We did have high points in the game: Gary Matthews was close to scoring in the corner when he was just bundled into touch. Another highlight was Marty Elliot rampaging up the field, knocking over opposition players like bowling pins. The game was played in great spirits and both teams left the field having thoroughly enjoyed the game, if not the conditions. The post match drinks in the clubhouse included a raffle draw and 1 can report that we just about swept the board with the prizes and also finished a credible second in the traditional beer boat race. We would have won had Ray Dobie not insisted that all the drinks should have included a healthy dollop of brown sauce. Much to Mark Dyche’s frustration, it was he who won the golden

gloves award for the most handling errors during the games and not me — but it must have been a close run. It was superb this year to welcome to the Eagles Veterans club, the first Life Guard to play for us in the formidable shape of Dave Evans who, at over 50 years old, is still a great player both on and offthe pitch. Let us hope that he is the first of many trying to play for us. We also had in the squad this year, as last, a few serving members from the Regiment which bodes well for the future of the club. Ifthere are any of you old players or supporters still out there and you have not yet experienced a veterans weekend with the Eagles, then please contact either myself on 01980 618778 or John Dick-

ens on 07715 539141.

of the Leeds Rifles (now the Light Infantry) first took to the rugby field in the village of Yarnbury. On their return to barracks in Leeds, they took the village name as their title for the rugby club and this close link with the military is commemorated by the Light Infantry powder horn being incorporated with the club crest.

Glory Days (A nostalgic look back at a time of success for Household Cavalry Rugby Teams) By Andrew Richards (formerly LG) and johnny Dickens (formerly RHG/D)

Yarnbury Veterans were to be our first opposition. Another touring team known as the Phil Addys All Stars would later be our second game. The whole day, including a Yorkshire league match between Yarnbury and Barnsley, were geared as a benefit day for a Yarnbury club member who had been injured in an

assault that had both left him blind and We had been invited by Yarnbury Rugby

Eagles Veterans R‘UFC, Am! 2006

in a wheelchair.

Jock Robertson reaching for glow in the hue!

uring the season 1992/93, the newly formed Household Cavalry Regiment at Windsor won the London District Cup, the Prince of Wales Cup, and both the UK and Combined Cavalry Cups. Even more remarkably, the very next season, 1993/94, the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment at Knightsbridge repeated the feat by winning'all four competitions again. It was a period of Regimental team success not heard 01

source of immense pride.

team was based around a very strong RHG/D team that had seen success during the preceding years.

The two seasons of success didn’t just happen, and the road to success was paved with the sweat and toil of both Life Guard and Blue and Royal alike. Following Options for Change, both reg— iments combined together in Windsor during the autumn of 1992, and the new

The seeds of the modern era success for RHG/D and ultimately for Household Cavalry rugby were sown back during the seventies when a number of commit— ted players joined both the Regiment in Detmold and HCR in London. Neil Smith, Neal Gaskell, John Kilvington,

since World War Two, and for a group of now ageing Household Cavalrymen, a

Household Cavalry News 88

Household Cavalry News


at Houslow against the Guards Depot. HCR’s win was even more dominant the 2nd time around and was marked by a fantastic performance from fly half Taff Evans.

The end of the season was now drawing near and the climax was to be a clash against the newly formed King’s Royal Hussars from Germany. The Royal Armoured Corps Cup Final took place again at Bovington; the prospects weren’t looking good; their massive

pack of forwards had beaten all before them and they had not taken a step

backwards all season in Germany.


Paul Young collects the Cavalry Cup. Rick Buckle, Roy Bright, Mark Dyche and John Dickens were to form a core of players that would take RHG/D rugby to new heights. The players being spread between both service and mounted regiments meant that they had limited success at first. RHG/D rugby was dealt a cruel blow with the Hyde Park bomb.

Roy Bright, Digger Daly and Geoff Young, good players and stalwarts of

HCR rugby, all lost their lives.


Young had been ear marked for an Army trial and was the constant target of the Welsh Guards, who were forever trying to get him to transfer.


The Household Cavalry Reg/ment after beat/no the Guards Depot at Houns/ow m I 993.

phere was formed wherever they were posted. During the early 1980s, regimental rugby became established under the leadership of Dave White. He was

the driving force behind the club and mentor to many young players. He was backed up by Mick Burne, Steve Martel, Dave Evans, and the three Taffs, Gerald Rowbottom, Dai Ward and Chris Renshaw. The Regiment reached the final of the Cavalry Cup in 1984 but were beaten

by 3 RTR. The ‘hard core’ club atmosphere dissipated somewhat with many players ply-

ing their trade for civilian clubs. But the In the early 1980s, several of the Knightsbridge players were posted to Windsor. This, combined with the arrival of new players like Paul Young,

Tony Smith and Chris Trinick meant that a good team was coming together. But it was not until 1984 and the Regi— ment’s move back to Detmold that suc— cess came their way. With a lot of hard work by the likes of Mark Dyche, John Kilvington and Rick Buckle, a real club atmosphere was created. During this

time RHG/D was probably the 3rd or 4th ranked team in BAOR, being beaten only by 7 Signals Regt and the RRW. Despite being weakened by postings in the late 80$, RHG/D managed to reach 2 Cavalry Cup Finals, being beaten by the QDGs on both occasions.

arrival ofa new EME, Irish Internation— al Brian McCall bolstered their ranks. Despite Army, Combined Service and Irish call ups, Brian regularly turned out for the Regiment and very nearly single handedly won the Prince of Wales Cup final against the Coldstream Guards. After Brian’s departure, the Regiment struggled to keep a cohesive side together and lacked the club atmosphere that had been previously there. Years of hard work were about to pay off when under the watchful eye of Jim Davies, a newly formed team in a newly formed regiment took centre stage. There was a great a mix of young talent and old heads that were determined to

put the Household Cavalry Regiment rugby team on the map. The nucleus of the team was made up of RHG/D players like Neil Smith, John Spandley, John Dickens, Rob Nixon, Paul Young, Harry McGarry, Tony Smith, Chris Trinick, Joss Ings«Chambers, Luke Chauveau and Jim Evans. They were supplement— ed by Life Guards Andy Richards, Dave Evans and Jim Tierney, Steve O’Reilly APTC, and Taff Evans, Stan Ogden and Gary Tate REME. Success was pretty instantaneous; they beat a determined l7/let Lancer side in its last match before amalgamation and then beat the Guards Depot in the Prince of Wales Cup Final at Hounslow. In front ofa large crowd, a predominant— ly Welsh Guards team tried to first intimidate then outplay the Cavalry» men. On both counts, they were found wanting and the Household Cavalry Regiment had its first piece of silverware as a new regiment. The Cavalry Cup Final was played on a wet Friday afternoon at Bovington against the léth/Sth Lancers. The HCR team never really got into top gear but were still able to win.

The game started off at a frenetic pace— and was very close up until the turning point which came just before half time. HCR had a scrum five metres out, and the combined efforts of Jim Tierney, John Dickens, John Spandley, Andy Richards, Dave Evans, Neil Smith, Tony Smith and Steve O’Reilly, pushed the unvanquished KRH pack backwards and scored a try close to the posts. The KRH were visibly rattled and HCR ran out comfortable winners. It had been a fantastic season, a one offwe all thought. But we had been given fantastic support by the Regiment, and in particular Jim Davies who had battled hard to get us all the facilities and training time we needed within a very tight regimental schedule. A strange thing happened during the summer. A number of players were posted to Knightsbridge from the serv— ice regiment; as far as we are aware, it wasn’t organised at all, it just happened, but over a period ofabout three months, the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment had acquired seven of the victorious Household Cavalry Regiment team. Knightsbridge already had several good players, like Dave Berry, Tim Mills,

Fraser Marshall, Steve Grantham, Dave Rees, Dinger Bell and Tony Owens.

more experienced Knightsbridge team who took their third trophy ofthe season.

Knightsbridge was not the place where you were able to have sporting success which needed a team of so many players. Commitments and lack of support were a hindrance but under the guidance of Neil Smith, it started to look like HCMR were going to have a memorable year.

Once again, the season was to end with a show down against the BAOR Cavalry champions. This year it was the turn of the Queen’s Dragoon Guards to play the Household Cavalry. They had a young side bristling with talent, and ifthey had played an expansive game, moving the ball wide, they could have easily won. Several of their older players on the side lines who had played Corps rugby with many of the HCR team, advised them not to ‘mix it’ and concentrate on rugby, but they didn’t listen and lost their heads. The game was a typically tight final with the QDG looking to brawl at every opportunity; this was their undo— ing and they played right into our hands. The older, wiser forwards con» trolled the game and HCMR ran out

The semi final of the Cavalry Cup was played at Slough rugby club against a very strong 2nd Royal Tank Regiment side. 2RTR certainly played well and were unlucky to lose, but lose they did, thanks in part, to an awesome performance by flanker Tony Owens. The final ofthe Prince ofWales Cup was played at Caterham against the Grenadier Guards. We turned up looking like poor relations, the entire Grenadier Guards Battalion turned out in their own back yard to support their team, who were decked out in flash tracksuits; it looked like they were going to give us a real beating. It turned out to be a really tight game, and the teams were only separated by one moment of genius, when Dave Rees broke free and scored the winning try with only minutes to go. It was a very sat— isfying feeling, and the first time that Knightsbridge had won the trophy. This success was soon followed by victory in the London District Cup. HCMR beat the Scots and Irish Guards, and then defeated the Gunners from Woolwich. The final of the Cavalry Cup was played against HCR at Slough rugby club. The HCR team was a shadow of the team from the previous season, and consisted of new younger players. They gave a credible performance but were no match for the

comfortable winners. The Household Cavalry Mounted Regi— ment had emulated the achievements of the Windsor regiment the previous year. In many ways, the clean sweep of tro— phies was more remarkable by HCMR, not just because of the demands oflife at Knightsbridge, but also the fact, that HCMR is a minor unit. The year before, we had the backing of an officer; Jim Davies had organised everything, and was a major reason for our success, but at Knightsbridge we had no such figure head. All the hard work had been done by Neil Smith, who spent most of his waking day going ‘cap in hand’ to try and get players available. Those two seasons of rugby were memorable because it brought the two regiments closer together, and forged friend— ships that have lasted long after the deeds were done.

The London District Cup Final saw a repeat of the Prince of Wales Cup Final

it On their return to Windsor, John Kilvington tried to once again build a good team. It was this team that not only won the Cavalry Cup but also beat the Welsh Guards twice; one of those wins being in the Prince of Wales Cup final. Fresh from this success, it was the nucleus of this team that formed the backbone of the new team that came together in Windsor when the two Regiments combined in 1992. Life Guard rugby also had a rich history and, although lacking the silverware and success of RHG/D, a great club atmos-

we r '


Johnny Broke/73 protects the I)a// against the Guards Depot

Household Cavalry News 90

Household Cavalry News

The 2005 grants amounted to £16723 of which The Army Benevolent Fund (ABF) very generously donated £5458. A very special thanks to the serving members of The Life Guards for the

News From The Associations

grant 0f£11250 received from the Day’s Pay Scheme. You will therefore note that this only left £15 to be paid from within our own funds. We were therefore able to re-invest another £20,000 into our Charities deposit fund.

The Life Guards Association

Annual Report 2006

Our share investments with United Services Trustee are valued today at £10.97 each, representing a total value of £705,514, an increase of4.2”o this year.

Patron: Her Majesty The Queen President General the Lord Guthrie ofCraigiebank GCB LVO OBE

The accounts were passed by Mr Mitcheson and seconded by Mr Gook.

Trustees of The Life Guards Charitable Trust Lieutenant Colonel EA Smyth»05bourne Major AB Methven Major JG Rees«Davies Captain LD Stratford MBE CD Watson Esq.

The Honorary Secretary’s Report Home Headquarters is now firmly estab— lished in its new office accommodation and the view across the old barrack square — where the single accommoda» tion is being built — changes daily.

Committee Chairman: Lieutenant Colonel EA Smyth-Osbourne

Serving Members

Non Serving Members

Vice Chairman: Major AB Methven

Major WR Lindsay Captain AR Tate

Lieutenant Colonel AP De Ritter Lieutenant Colonel the Hon RC Assheton TD Captain WAB Henderson Mr CE Dean RVM Mr D Johnson Mr NW Taylor RVM Mr LK Thomas Mr CD Watson Mr AC Etches Mr JE Lloyd

Vice Chairman: Major JG Rees—Davies Honorary Treasurer: Captain LD Stratford MBE Honorary Secretary: Captain R Hennessy—Walsh Co-opted Member: JJ Harbord, Esq. Co-opted Member: Lieutenant Colonel RRD Griffin

Captain MEW Kingston MBE Captain JP Core Captain W Douglas W01 BE Rogers

W02 (RQMCXT) AP Kellet Co-opted Member: Major M Whatley W02 (RQMC) GC Gardner

W02 (SCM) LC Heaton W02 (SCM) SJ Goodwin

Minutes of the 72nd Annual General Meeting of The Life Guards Association Held at Windsor on Saturday 17th June 2006 he Chairman, Lieutenant Colonel EA Smyth—Osbourne, opened the meeting at 1800 hours by welcoming everyone present. He provided an update on the current manning situation in which he said that although Captain Kitching — now in charge of recruiting _ has done exemplary work in dramatically increasing the inflow, HCR were still slightly under strength. He was very

conscious of the fact that we needed to try and retain more soldiers beyond the 3 — 4 year point. He asked the membership to be alert to the possibility of recruiting young men who were of the quality that was expected within the Household Cavalry. The Minutes of the 7lst Annual General Meeting were published in the current edition of the Household Cavalry Journal. It was proposed by Mr Daysmith and seconded by Mr Hitchman that they were a true record of the proceedings.

The Honorary Treasurer’s Report The funds remain in a healthy state which can be attributed to many factors but in particular to the generosity of the members. He thanked all those members who have taken out standing orders under the Gift Aid Scheme thus allowing us to recover the tax. He also thanked those members who enclose donations when ordering dinner tickets and Christmas cards. He wished to mention 4 specific points: The membership will know that we support Thames Hospiccare with some of the money we make from the sale of Christmas cards. This year we were able to donate £1000 from those profits and he hoped that it was the wish of the membership for this to continue. The cost of the Household Cavalry Jour-

nal this year was £7212 including postage which was just £200 more than last year. The overspend for this year’s Annual Dinner is £2279. This may seem a great deal but he wanted to draw the attention of the membership to the following. Members over 80 and 70 years of age received a subsidy of £900 and guests cost £360. Donations from members when purchasing tickets were £650. Therefore the true deficit was an overspend of £369.

The profit from the raffle after expenses and £2000 in prizes was £3953. thanked everyone for their support.


Members will know that sadly Major Norman Hearson died earlier this year and his family asked that donations be passed to the Association in memory of his 50 years on the Committee.

There have been some staff changes during the past 12 months. Mr Keith Whitworth retired after 12 years in post as the Chief Clerk and has been replaced by Mrs Diane Hennessy»Walsh. We wish him and his wife Carol every success in their retirement. Mrs Nikki Newell, who took some time off for maternity leave elected not to return and her post remains vacant. We wish her and her family every success for the future. Finally on staff matters; Chris Hughes who was employed as the Museum Attendant sadly died after a long illness. Our thoughts are with his wife Sheena and his two daughters Clare and Gayle.

awarded the DCM. And finally Norman Hearson who devoted much of his life to The Life Guards Association died in April at the age of83. In 50 years on the Committee he only missed one meeting — a staggering achievement and unlikely to be equalled. The Regional Representatives programme is now fully operational after a lot of work with Data Protection etc. It seems to be working well and each of them is now in possession ofthe addresses of members living in their Regions. I urge all Representatives to keep me up to date — not only with changes ofaddresses etc — but anything else which you might be considering organising in your Regions. There are still some postcode regions needing cover and these are mentioned in the Journal. The Committee ordered a complete overhaul of the Christmas Grants list and this was carried out towards the end of last year. It was agreed by the Committee that it would be nice if Regional Representatives, with eligible people in their regions, personally delivered the grant and Christmas card on our behalves. This was a good exercise — the first time we have done it — and was a

great success. LG membership is currently at 2237 and

it has been around this figure for the past few years. I am investigating the absurdity of members of the Household Cavalry leaving the Army, from ERE, and the details of their address etc not being passed to us. This is an Army— wide problem and one of which APC Glasgow is well aware. Raffle ticket sales are down:

As ever it has been a busy year in the Headquarters with the amount of paper being received and issued still increas— ing. The paperless office — I fear 7 is not close. However HQ DRAC agreed to fund the Headquarters a new let Century PC thus enabling us to move more paper around even quicker. This will be followed by the installation of a new scanner and photocopier.

2004 a

7378, 2005 , 7161 and this year 6322. Whilst a healthy profit was still being made I see no reason why it should not continue for another couple ofyears. Quarterly Committee meetings continue to be held to review policy matters and to confirm decisions made by the finan— cial grants committee. Election of Committee

I would not normally dwell on obituaries but this year, in addition to the 16 additional deaths notified since the issue of the Household Cavalry Journal, I would like to mention 3 in particular. Mr Bill Voller, who was a resident ofthe Royal Hospital from June 1987 died in February having reached the magical 100 years of age. Some of the Committee were fortunate to be able to celebrate that birthday and make a small presentation to him. Tommy Thompson died in Scotland in March at the age of 90. He had a long and distinguished career spanning 35 years from 1933 and was

In accordance with normal custom, the non—serving members of the Committee resigned but they all offered themselves for re-election. This was proposed by W02 Heaton and seconded by Mr

Phillips. Any other Business The Chairman then said that the Norman Hearson Fund — alluded to by the Treas— urer - will be looked at by the Committee to create a suitable and fitting memorial to him for his Stirling service to The Life Guards Association over half a century.

Mr George Vipond. former/y LG, rece/vmg the

keys to his new EPV from SSAFA Forces Help Secretary and Welfare Officer (Sheppey Division) former/y GD. He explained that the Trustees were content with the appointment ~ by United Services Trust — of Collins Stewart as the new Fund Manager. The Trustees were now investigating the possibility of rolling the 3 different charities — which make up the Association ~ into One consolidated Charity. Lieutenant Colonel Griffin — Commanding HCMR — made 3 points. Open Day at Bodney will be on 23 July. He gave an outline of a Household Cavalry Pageant which was to be held at Horse Guards (on 12 June). In essence it would be a history of the 2 Regiments from 1650 to date told in music, film and re—enactments. In will be a ticketed affair and details will be announced in due course. Because work is now about to start on the new Museum in London the welfare of the horses on The Queen’s Life Guard was of concern. He explained some changes that needed to be made to ensure that no horses came to harm. Mr Phillips asked whether the Surnames and Army Nos of the membership could be put in the Regimental Journal. The Chairman said that we would investigate this request. The Annual Draw was then made and the results are as follows: lst:17813

Mr R Hill, Hampshire £1000 2nd: 523 Mr RK Allen, Notts £500 3rd: 20068 Mr AM Cole, Derbyshire £250 4th: 14169 Mr P Gwilliam, E. Sussex £250 The Chairman thanked everyone again for their attendance and closed the meet— ing at 1840 hrs.

News from the Associations 92

News from the Associations


The Life Guards Association and Charitable Trusts

The Life Guard Association Notices

Income and Expenditure Account 31 December 2006 CommunicatiOn

Income and Expenditure

Day’s Pay Scheme



Deposit Interest 2169 Dividends 13952 ABF Grants 11577 Donations 7399 Annual Draw (Raffle) 3246 Legacy — Montgomerie—Charrin ton 823 Christmas Cards g 485 Inland Revenue 1134 Norman Hearson Fund 3468 Returned Grant/Cheque 360 MISC Receipts 4500 Deposu Account 101272

3052 390 7012 16723 1287


120 1105


Correspondence for the Association should be addressed to: EXPENDITURE


Postage Honorarium Wreaths and Funerals Journal 3 Grants Dinner ‘ ~ felgalElfeIes Newsletter Norman Hearson Prize Purchase of Shares Malaya Magazine Excess inc/exp

525 3132 1204 7211

14218: 889 380 100000 137 22966



The Honorary Secretary The Life Guards Association Home Headquarters Household Cavalry Combermere Barracks Windsor, Berkshire SL4 3DN.

01753755297. The shop manager can be contacted at 01753 755271. You may also download an order form and price list from the web site Home Page at The Annual General Meeting The 73rd Annual General Meeting will be held in Combermere Barracks, Wind— sor on Saturday 16th June 2007 commencing at 1800 hours. The 4th Annual Draw will follow this.

23T71) Tel: 01753 755297 (with ansaphone)

or 755229 Facsimile: 755161

The Annual Association Dinner The 72nd Annual Dinner will be held in Combermere Barracks Windsor on Saturday 16th June

E—Mail for Home HQ is: homehqt’rt E-Mail for Honorary Secretary dhwalshtu Membership


Norman Hearson Fund Sundry Creditors Excess Ass/ Liabilities

3088 4500 294733

Investment at Cost Lloyds Bank Sundry Debtors

278208 23710 403





All members of the Association are requested to introduce the Association to all those eligible for membership under Rule 2 of the Rules of Membership.

Investments At Current Value Life Membership


Number Of Shares

Current Value

Sir Roger Palmer Fund Helping Hand Fund Charitable Trust

1081 4308 67807

12313 49068 772322




In accordance with Rule 4 of the Rules of Membership any Annual Member of the Association may become a Life Member on payment of £15 in the case of Officers and £5 in the case of Other Ranks.

Income To Charitable Funds Regimental Items for Sale

Fund Helping Hand Fund Roger Palmer Fund Charitable Trust

Dividends 890 223 12839




11500 11500

Raffle 3246


Donations 4127

Inland Revenue 1134

3272 7399

Christmas Cards. The sale of Christmas Cards dropped dramatically in 2006 making a profit of only £485. A donation of£400 will be made to the Thames Valley Hospice. Annual Dinner. The excess of expenditure over income of £171

includes the following:

Internet Matters Sites worth visiting are: which has an Old Comrades Bulletin Board with forums for both Life Guards and Blues and Royals to enter into discussion and a photograph forum.

Various items with the Regimental Cipher are available from the Household Cavalry Museum and PRI shop at Combermere Barracks. An Order Form can be obtained from Home HQ on

2007 commencing at 1900 hours. Dress: Lounge suits with medals (not miniatures). Colonel MC van der Lande OBE who commanded the Household Cavalry Regiment from April 2001 until April 2003, will be in the chair. Tickets will not be available at the door and must be obtained through the Honorary Secretary using the proforma enclosed with this Journal. Personal guests will not be permitted to attend. The Regimental Corporal Major will offer the hospitality of the WOs’ and NCOs’ Mess to all members of the Association and their wives after the Dinner. It is however necessary for him to impose a restriction on children accompanying their parents into the Mess unless they are aged 18 or over. Please also note that ladies should NOT attend until after the Dinner and that members should not rise during the time when speeches are being made. is a very good site includes, amongst many other attractions, a stimulating message board and photograph albums. E-Mail Addresses Notification of changes to e-mail addresses is now becoming as important as changes to your postal address. Please keep us informed (by e-maill) of those changes. Newsletter As in 2006 Old Comrades who have e» mail addresses will be able to read the Annual Newsletter on-line. Several members in 2006 did not get the newsletter notification because they failed to notify a change in their e-mail address. This meant they did not get the Christmas Card order form. Please try to keep your addresses up to date.

The Life Guards Association Regional Representatives

Notes On The Accounts Annual Draw. The0f£3,246. sale of tickets was down by £786 this year but still made a profit

Details of the 2007 Christmas card will be announced, as always, in the Newslet— ter issued in August/September each year. In View of the large demand on them members are advised to submit their orders as soon as they receive the order form which will be included with the Newsletter.


Assets and Liabilities Liabilites

Christmas Cards

Investments. 8,903 shares were purchased at a cost of £100,000 in August 2006 on behalf of The Life Guards Charitable Trust. General Comments We are very much in debt to the Army Benevolent Fund for their very generous grants made to our members and their dependants in their time ofneed, amounting this year to £11,577. This greatly reduced the call on our funds, which along with the £11,500 received from the Day’s Pay Scheme virtually paid for grants made in 2006.

for agreeing to act as Regional Representative for the The Honorary Secretary is most grateful to the following 58 Old Comrades ve post code. If it is not shown you may wish to respecti your under listed ive representat your find area(s) shown. For ease you will on 01753 755229 or volunteer for that region in which case you should contact the Honorary Secretary dhwalshttl householdcavalryconk. Worcestershire DY13 8XR BD AUSTRALIA AB, DD, KY, PH Mr JG Beck 01 299 823882 Mr RG Barnes Mr S Smith 4 Hector Close. Wibsey 594 Perth Road, Ninewclls

1777 Preston Main Road, Preston, Tasmania 7315

Dundee, Angus DD2 lQA 01 382 562554

0061 03 64291227


Bradford, West Yorkshire BD6


Mr GS Coleman 12 Wild Avenue, Reynella 5161

Mr BE Page 19 Parsons Avenue, Stoke Gifford Bristol BS34 8PN 0117 975 9721

Mr JK Stanworth

(0061) 8381 2074


79 London Road, Markyatc

gscolcmantll azemailcomau

St Albans


Norman Hearson Trophy. The trophy was donated by the WOs’

Hertfordshire AL3 8Jl’

& NCOs’ Mess and engraved at a cost of £80. The trophy, along

01582 841 636

Mr MPG Southerton 5 Woodbury Road. Stourport On Severn

Mr SG George 3 Pcnnine Court. Tithebarn l—Iill Glasson Dock Lancaster LAZ OBY

7 Guests, free of charge 50 Tickets for those members over 70 20 Tickets at no cost for members over 80

£145 £500 £400



The Norman Hearson Fund. £3,468 was received in donations in memory of the late Major Norman Hearson. It was decided that a prize be awarded to the top crew during Troop Tests, called the

with £300, was awarded for the first time this year.

AUSTRALIA stu.smitht<:

I would once again on behalf of the Association like to thank all those members who made very generous donations when ordering Christmas Cards and Dinner Tickets and to those members making donations through Standing Orders. The Association cannot function without your donations.

LD STRATFORD, MBE- Captain: Honorary Treasurer


01 524 751572

lQE 01274 395 877 g.beckt(l

BH, DT Mr RBM Jones 5 Northmoor Way. \V’areham, Dorset BH20 4RY

01 929 552304 BL, M, WA, WN Mr A Lister 120 Higher Dean Street,

News from the Associations News from the Associations

Radcliffe Manchester M26 3TB 0161 725 9851 alan.listerl(rl

BN Major TW Bridges TD Downlands The Furlongs, Alfriston Polegate, Sussex BN26 SXS 0l 323 8707]}:

Wilmslow Road. Mottram St Andrew, Macclesfield Cheshire SK10 4LQ 01 625 829197 DE, VVS, WV Mr CD Watson 2 Steenwood Cottages Steenwood Lane. Admaston Rugeley, Staffordshire W815 3NQ

01 889 500656 BR, DA, TN Mr DH Underwood Ingledene Beesfield Lane, Farningham

Kent DA4 OBZ 01 322 866334 dubigd’tu CA, DG Mr D Pattinson The Spinney Pelutho, Silloth Wigton

clive.watsontrt virginnet

DH, DL, TS 35 Grange Road, Belmont Durham DH1 IAL 0191 386 6912

DN Mr DA Turtle 15 The Croft, Beckingham


Mr J Docherty Mail Boxes Etc 44,146 Morningside Road, Edinburgh, Lothian EH10 4BF

01 313 374255 johnttl


CB Mr S Smith 29 Monarch Close, Haverhill.

Suffolk CB9 9QW 01 440 763407; 07947 210658 stevesmith0588trt hotmailcom CF Mr KH Sprigg 9 Clarence Court,

02 392 385806 billfiltendersontu

East Yorkshire Y025 SYU 01377 257 424



Mr R Barry

IP Mr DAI’ Bridges The Windmill Inn Water End, Great Cressingham


2a High Nook Road, Dinnington Sheffield, Yorkshire $25 ZPH

Mr THT Morgan-Jelpke 41 Heath Road, Weybridge Surrey KT13 8T]

01 909 518405 loftusalivew

01 932 854935

Mr R] Cobb


107 High Street, Neyland

01 946 823404 LD, SY Mr AT Prynne l5 Daffodil Wood, Builth Wells Powys LD2 3LE


01 982 552296

Mr LJ Young 1 Priory Gardens, Friernhay Exeter, Devon EX4 3AP

01 392 215768

0116 269 5794

FY, IM, L, PR Mr W Sewell



01 733 263004

07855 590882

01 253 826577

CH, LL Mr AW’ Rowlinson

GL, SN Mr D Barnfield

21 Gadlas Road, Llysfaen

Colwyn Bay

9 Wickridge Close, Uplands Stroud, Gloucestershire GL5 IST

Conwy LL29 STD

01 453 763218


tonytu tonyetcheswvanadooicouk

LU, MK, NN, SG Mr IM Gilby 49 Colwyn Road,

01 492 514805


CM, CO Mr SP Puddephatt Walnut Cottage

Northampton NN1 3PZ 0207 017 8209 iantu imgsltdfsnetcouk

Mr TGW Carrington 331 Yorktown Road, College Town Sandhurst, Berkshire GU47 OQA


11 Park Lane, Bulmer Sudbury, Suffolk C010 7EQ

01 276 36384

MrJ Bell 13 Korotaha Terrace, Rothesay Bay, Auckland 1311

HD, HX, 0L (0064) 09478 8246 Mr MP Goodyear 18 Fields Road, Lepton Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD8 OAQ

01484 605 888 topobankw Coulsdon Surrey CR5 IRE 01 737 550231 CT Mr AG Taft 8 Astor Avenue, Dover, Kent CT17 OAR

01 304 210041 CV Mr BN Angove Fergove Church Road, Long Itchington

Southam, Warwickshire CV47 9PR 01 926 812011

CW, SK Mr JW Maxwell JP Meadowside Cottage

SO Mr DAS Williams 68 Allen Water Drive, Fordingbridge,

All serving Warrant Officers of The Blues and Royals at Regimental Duty

Pembrokeshire SA73 ITR

Hampshire SP6 IRE 01 425 652670 Aims and Objectives

HG, LS, WF Mr JA Denton 49 Kirkgate, Knaresborough


NR Mr MR Mitcheson Bronze Lodge Nursery Close, Gresscnhall Dereham, Norfolk NR20 4TH

01 362 860928 NR

Yorkshire HG5 8BZ Mr AJ Cook 01 423 547773 iohnnydentonm ntlworldcom

Mr GH Hitchman 27 Apple Tree Road, Alderholt Fordingbridge, Dorset SP6 3EW

SPAIN Mr AC Etches 12 Grafton Avenue, Netherton

Mr M] Creagh “Casa Mariposa” Rambla Los Pardos, Los Lanos De Taberno 04692 Almeria 0034 950 527 003 michael— creaghtu

ST, TF Mr F Fox The Radjel, 24 Bramall Lane,

Stafford ST16 lJD 01 785 252351 TA Mr Br Kelland 57 Estuary Park, Comhwich Bridgwater

Somerset TA5 ZRF 01278 653476 TR Mr RE Jewell

Cornerways Old Carnon Hill, Carnon Downs Truro, Cornwall TR3 6LE 01 872 863877

17 Moorland Close, USA Mousehold Lane, Norwich NR7


Mr K] Frape

01 603 484336

5 Abbots Wood, Headington

2015 Cherry Laurel Drive, Columbia, South Carolina 29204


Oxford OX3 STR

Mr Cl Nicholson 25 Coleman Drive, Staddiscombe Plymouth, Devon PL9 9UN 01 752 313867 chrisnichol— son58m

HR, NP Mr M Knight 37 St Helens Road, Abergavenny, Gwent NP7 5YA

01 873 854460

During the past year the Association has continued to maintain its aims and objectives as laid down in the Constitu— tion and Rules. Specifically, the sum of £17,200 has been distributed from funds to applications for assistance from a total of 33 cases dealt with by the Committee. The Annual Dinner was held at Hyde Park Barracks, Knightsbridge on 13 May 2006, with 230 members attending. The Annual General Meeting was held prior to the Dinner, and the minutes of this meeting are set out in the following pages together with the financial state— ment for the year ending 31 December



HP, OX Mr LG Weekcs

01 865 451318 lenwcekesm hotmailcom

Mr WR Steel Mr NG Sargeant Mr MJ Twinn Mr HW Hunter Mr M Pinks Mr CE Mogg Mr DM Rushton

Mr FG Collingwood Lt Col (Retd) WR Marsh Mr AG France Capt (Retd) RB Yates Mr WR MacDougall Mr I MacKenzie Mr P] Hulme

01 425 656444

Cambridgeshire PE3 9PD

Mr RB Jackson 60 Fairdene Road,

Committee Members

SP LE, NG Mr WD Elsmore 34 Barkby Road, Syston Leicester LE7 2AF

HRH The Princess Royal KG KT GCVO QSO Brigadier AH Parker Bowles OBE Lieutenant Colonel (Retd) SF Sibley MBE Major (Retd) JG Handley Major (Retd) AT Lawson-Cruttenden TD MA


01 646 602084 Calder Park, Calderbridge, Seascalc, Cumbria CA20 lDN

ll Rowland Lane, Thornton—Cleveleys, Blackpool Lancashire FY5 ZQX


President Chairman Hon Secretary Hon Treasurer Hon Legal Advisor

Milford Haven LA Mr N Clarkson

Station Hill, Maesteg Mid Glamorgan CF34 9AE

01787 313369 steve.puddephatt<g aragsigovuk

Annual Report 2006


S Mr WA Loftus


The Blues 8: Royals Association

10 Scures Road, Hook Hampshire RGZ7 9TA 01 256 766492

Thetford, Norfolk IP25 6NN 07 748 273885

Doncaster, Yorkshire DNlO 4QW

01 427 848551 EH, FK, ML, TD

403 548 7545

Portsmouth, Hampshire 1’06 2R1}

Mr [)1 Savage 65 Southfield Close, Driffield

Mr D Sayers BEM

Cumbria CA7 4LT 01 697 332328

41-2248 Southview Drive SE, Medicine Hat, Alberta TlB 1R3


001 (803) 787 1244 frpkthru

YO Mr WI-I Graham


33 Linden Close, Huntington

Captain WAB Henderson 190 Highbury Grove, Cosham

01904 766 870

York YO32 9RQ

Summary of Financial assistance given during the year Applications received Grants / Donations made Applications referred to other funds Application where no grant was made Grant assistance from the Army Benevolent & other Funds Reasons for assistance The following is a summary of the main purposes for which grants / donations were made during the past year. Sums

involved ranged from £250 to £2,000. Rent arrears, Utility Bills, Debt relief Home repairs / Improvements Removals / Relocation expenses Disabled Aids Clothing & Necessaries Medical Expenses

Household Necessaries etc 7 Adventure & Other Training Grants 1 Respite Care / Other 4 The Committee would like to express their gratitude to the volunteer Caseworkers of SSAFA Forces Help and The Royal British Legion who, on our behalf, investigate applications for assistance and submit detailed reports in support of applicants, and to the Army Benevolent Fund and others who assisted with grants during the year. Income to the Association Income to the Association in the period was £62,120.44 of which £28,549 was either contributed by serving officers and soldiers under the ‘Day’s Pay Scheme’ or received from membership subscriptions and donations. Invest-

ment income for the period was £15,977. Interest on Bank deposits was £1,548 a decrease of £467 over the previous peri— 0d. The list of those making donations being too long to list here, the Commit— tee would like to take this opportunity to express their appreciation of the generosity shown during the year. Expenditure Expenditure for the period totalled $47,788.88. Administrative costs were £6,601.70 expended as follows: Stationery, Office Necessaries, Telephone, Travel Costs: £ Postage (less Christmas Cards) £

744.00 830.17

Staff Pay




Further details may be obtained from the financial statement, which follows.

Veterans Agency An Executive of the Ministry of Defence We are here to provide advice and information.

If we can’t answer your question, we will refer you to someone who can. Call us FREE on

0800 1 69 2277

News from the Associations 96

News from the Associations



Income and Expenditure account for the year ended 31 December 2006 INCOME


Day’s Pay Scheme Dividends from Investments Interest on Deposits Subscriptions 8: Donations Annual Dinner Christmas Cards Grant Refunds Adjustments Accommodation Fees Army Benevolent Fund Postage

11,250.00 18,788.16 2,015.86 6,394.75



3,828.05 4,164.05 803.43 0.04 nil 4,050.00 1,161.59



Grants in Aid Wreaths and Memorials Postage Annual Dinner Christmas Cards Regimental Magazine

13,722.45 6,263.34 1,828.84 5,562.84 2,434.20 7,027.22

Office Admin Costs Honorariums Travel Expenses Adjustments and Refunds Coach Hire Cavalry Sunday Bank Charges ,1 Miscellaneous ABF Grant Refunds


2006 11,500.00 15,977.39 1,548.14 17,049.35 3,366.49 5,053.26 481.67 0.80 nil

5,610.00 1,533.34

cases in this financial year and all financial obligations have been met in full.


Any Other Business

Cash in Iland Current 8: Deposit Accounts Sundry Debtors

nil 68,448.74 3,788.97

nil 83,439.54 3,600.00






744 00

4,640.00 207.77 nil nil 20.00 660.00

4,640.00 nil nil 2,193.73 nil



387 53

Sundry Creditors Total Fund Value Investments Value at 31 December 2006


Minutes of the Previous Meeting/Annual Report The Chairman stated that the minutes of

the Annual General Meeting for 2005 were as published in the Household Cavalry Journal being part of the Association Annual Report, which had been despatched to all Association Members.

The meeting closed at 18.55 hrs.

The Blues and Royals Area Representatives Mr C] Barrett 61 Dan—Y«Cribyn


Pontypridd Rhondda, Cynon,

The investments made on behalf ofthe Association are part ofthe

Taff CF37 3ET Tel No: 01443 791987 E-mail: christopherbarrettQt‘lineonenet

Tel No: 01743 741 365

Major DS Barrington-Brown Cockleford Mill Cowley Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL53 9NW Tel No: 01242 870 266

Mr DE Horsefleld 4 Garden Croft Forest Hall Newcastle upon Tyne NE12 9LT Tel No: 01912 665 440 E—mail: davidGz

Mr JD Bradley Blenheim Butt Park Stokenham Kingsbridge Devon TQ7 ZSH Tel No : 01548 580 104

Mr E Marchington 39 Propps Hall Drive Failsworth Manchester M35 0WB Te1N0201616816712


Household Cavalry Common Investment Fund and currently stand at 27.09% ofthe total fund value. The market value ofthis portion is £668,366 as at 31 December 2006.

REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT EXAMINER I have examined the Balance Sheet and the Income and Expendi— ture accounts and report that, in my opinion, these accounts give a true and fair view ofthe Association’s affairs as at 31 December 2006 and the excess of income over expenditure for the year ended on that date.

AT LAWSON — CRUTTENDEN TD MA Solicitor Advocate 10-11 Greys Inn Square London WC1R SJD

Minutes of the 38th Annual General Meeting Held at Hyde Park Barracks, Knightsbridge on Saturday 13 May 2006

The Chairman opened the Meeting at 18.31hrs and welcomed those attending. He informed the meeting that he had received apologies from our President, The Princess Royal, about being unable to attend the AGM and Dinner due to her very busy schedule. The Chairman also extended the Association’s gratitude to the Commanding Officer of The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment for allowing the Association to use Hyde Park Barracks for their Annual Dinner.

The date of the next Annual General Meeting will be Saturday 12 May 2007; the venue is still to be decided.

The Commanding Officer of the House-

Mr GG Hodges The Oaklands Turfmoor Edgerley Oswestry Shropshire SYlO 8EN

The Blues and Royals Association

Opening Remarks

Date of the next Meeting



2006 17,200.30 2,588.13 2,363.51 5,642.44 3,658.78 7,370.46

hold Cavalry Mounted Regiment briefed the meeting on achievements and com— mitments of both Regiments on operations, barracks building programmes and sport.

It was then proposed by Mr CE Mogg and seconded by Mr E Lane that the minutes be passed as a true record. This proposal was carried. Points Arising On a question that was raised at the last AGM in regard to the Regimental maga» zine, the Chairman reported that the response so far to the 2,100 question— naires that had been sent with the Dinner application: 1,140 have replied positively with 66 indicating they no longer wish to receive the magazine.

Mr Ian Taylor, North Staffs Branch, updated the meeting on the present situ» ation of the National Arboretum Memo— rial. The Blues and Royals plot is in excellent shape and will continue to be maintained by the North Staffs Branch of the Household Cavalry Association. A commemorative stone has been donat-

ed and will be in place within the next 6 weeks. The Chairman thanked Mr Taylor and his team on behalf of The Blues and Royals Association for all their hard work and asked that he pass on those thanks to his members.

Major JW Clayton 1 Busserolles 23320 Montaigut Blanc Creuse France Tel No: 0033 555 620 734 E—mail: elaudeGi 1busserolles.eom

Mr DM Miles 22 Hillcrest Road Wheatley Hills Doncaster DN2 5ND Tel No: 01302 322 757 E—mail: dmmilest’u

The Accounts have also been published in the Household Cavalry Journal as part of the Annual Report. Due to the late despatch of the Journal it was not possi— ble to pass the Accounts. The Accounts will be bought forward for Committee members at their next meeting in Sep— tember. The Blues and Royals Associa— tion have dealt with over fifty welfare

E-mail: bipyk@« Mr NG Sargeant 62 Hopgarden Road Tonbridge

Kent TN10 4QT Tel No: 01732 355 259 Mr J Singer 49 Bradwall Road Sandbach Cheshiire CW1] lGH Tel No: 01270 759 358 Mr RG Swann ‘Hillcrest’ Ramsay Wood Gatehouse Of Fleet Kirkcudbrightshire Castle Douglas DG7 2H] Tel No: 01557 814 663 The Reverend AV Vaughan-Roberts 3624 East Liberty Avenue Spokane

WA 99217, 6960 USA E—mail: oldgtrevouxQLmsncom


Mr E] Woodman RVM MBE 48 Western Drive Shepperton Middlesex TW17 8HW Tel No: 01932 240 495

Tel No: 01656 668 590 Email: colinqi Mr B] Pyke 52 Cavendish Gardens Beechdale Estate

A grant had been made to the North Staffs Branch to make Capital improve— ments to our site. Association Members should visit our site if they have the chance. The Accounts

Tel No: 01922 639 562

Mr CE Mogg 6 Brynffrwd Close Bridgend Mid Glamorgan CF35 SEP

Mr CD Day Flat 12 Raglan Court 11 Winn Road Portswood Southampton S017 1WU Tel No: 02380 550 128 Email: dayctht

Walsall West Midlands W82 7JN

Every day at our stables we provide loving care for upto 120 horses, ponies and donkeys which come to us for their retirement or to



Please help our equine friends by sending us a donation, or making a covenant or by including us in your Will. Thank you.

Dept Crest, Westcroft Stables, Speen Farm, Slad Lane,

Nr. Lacey Green, Princes Risborough, Bucks HP27 OPP. Tel: (01494) 488464 Reg. Charity No. 231748

News from the Associations 98

News from the Associations


The Household Cavalry Museum

The Household Cavalry Pageant 2007 A preview by Christopher 7011, Pageant Director, formerly The Life Guards

5 construction work at Horse Guards progresses, there has been

considerable effort going on behind the scenes preparing for the exhibition instillation. The Queen will be opening the Museum on Horse Guards on 12 June this year with it being open to the public in July. Many of the objects and artefacts will be on show for the very first time along with the stories that lay behind them. In order to put the show on the road, all ofthese regimental treas— ures have undergone detailed cataloguing, photography and conservation by a team of professional museum staff, con— servators and volunteers. This whole process has given us the opportunity to see exactly what we have, what condi— tion it is in, and what we need to do to manage the collection in the future. The new museum galleries at Horse

Guards will combine the best of the old with the new. State of the art technology and interpretation will help to bring to life the Regiments’ history alongside the modern ceremonial and operational roles of today. This will be a living museum, allowing a privileged insight

into the life and work of the Household Cavalry, designed to appeal to a wide audience that would not ordinarily visit a regimental museum. This is very much the Regiments telling their own story. The stories of real soldiers and

their lives will underpin the display approach and be used to create a strong identity for the museum.

,, Ga museum will be in a better position to catalogue, care for and interpret to the public what is considered one of the most important and complete regimen— tal collections and archives in the United Kingdom.

museum will be developing a new citi— zenship workshop in cooperation with the MOD Schools Education Service. Through this initiative we aim to demonstrate the role of the British Army and the Household Cavalry with»

in it. The museum has recently been awarded a grant for its educational work from the Veterans Challenge Fund. This project is to help train veterans in delivering museum education programmes to schools. As part of this scheme the

Anyone who is interested in the veter— an’s education initiative or in volunteer— ing at the museum please contact the Museum Director, John Lange, at the museum on 01753 755194.

As part of the museum project, the existing museum at Combermere Barracks is to be developed as a support facility for the London operation. The museum will therefore become a single museum on two sites with complementary func— tions. The original building at Windsor was never intended as a museum and consequently has struggled to meet the requirements needed for running a modern museum. With the new devel— opment plans, the museum at Comber—

On 12th June Her Majesty The Queen will officially open the new Household Cavalry Museum at Horse Guards. To mark the occasion and the completion of this £5 million project, and to raise further funding for the Museum, the Household Cavalry is staging an historical and ceremonial Pageant on Horse Guards Parade. Devised, written, pro— duced, performed and directed by former and serving Household Cavalrymen, the Pageant promises to be an event quite unlike any other.

ported by well known actors reading some of the lines; and if we were to illustrate the history of the Household Cavalry we needed to include the present day roles and that meant mounted ceremonial and the use of armoured vehicles. The idea had turned into a concept and the short step had already , turned into a run.

The starting point for this major fund raising project was the Household Cav» alry’s 2005 Christmas Carol Concert. Organised by Lt Col (Retd) Gordon Birdwood RHG/D, and a team of retired officers including myself, we took the unconventional step ofinterweaving the Christmas story with the history of the Regiments of the Household Cavalry to create a uniquely themed concert. The critical and financial success of the evening prompted the Commander Household Cavalry, Colonel Patrick Tabor, RHG/D, to ask for a repeat per— formance in 2006 to generate further funds for the Museum. Somewhat to his surprise we refused, not because of the work involved, but because unique events can’t be staged twice.

All that was missing was a date e or so I thought. A call to Headquarters Household Division estab— lished that the stands would not be in use between the Colonels’ Review and The Queen’s Birthday Parade itselfand a second call established that, subject to all the usual caveats, The Queen’s diary was free on the evening of 12th June 2007. We had our date, now I had to turn a concept into a Pageant.

Much of the historical content of the Carol Concert had been drawn from the proofs of Maj Gen Barney White—Spunner’s new history of the Household Cav— alry, Horse Guards, which was subse— quently published in mid-2006. Herein lay the seed of the idea that was to grow into the Household Cavalry Pageant. For, within Horse Guards, was all the material needed to construct an event illustrating the development of the Household Cavalry. From there it was but a short step to linking such an event to the opening of the Museum. But a short step can be the first on a marathon.

Michae/ As far as possible, my guiding principle in producing the Pageant has been to keep the event a Household Cavalry affair. However, it was always clear that we would need some outside help. My first request was to former Defence Secretary turned television personality, Michael Portillo, to ask if he would agree to be the Pageant commentator. Without a second’s thought, he said yes. I then networked my way to Dame Judi Dench to ask if she would agree to play the part of Queen Victoria and she too agreed. Now full of confidence, I approached Stephen Fry to ask if he would play the parts of Samuel Pepys, King George III and five other characters and he too immediately agreed.

Pom/lo at the launch of the Pageant (copyright Henry Dal/a!)

Whilst obtaining copyright consent for stills images is relatively straightforward, acquiring those for moving images is tortuous, time consuming and expensive. Strongly advised by Lady Jackson, wife ofthe former CGS and the researcher of the images for Horse Guards, not to waste my time I nonetheless started on the long trek to get the consents we required. The difficulties involved in obtaining TV and movie footage copyright proved almost insurmountable. But Colonel Simon Doughty LG, hearing of my difficulties, stepped in and delivered hours of his— toric film footage from the archives of the Imperial War Museum.

mere is to be refurbished in order to pro« vide a new temporary exhibition gallery, reserve collection storage facilities, archive research rooms and a new educa— tion centre for schools and community education groups. The overall aim of the new centre is to preserve the Household Cavalry’s nationally important col— lections for future generations and provide greater public access. This will be achieved by improving the environmental and climatic conditions in which the collections are kept, a new public entrance and temporary exhibition gallery. As artefacts are donated, the

As I developed this idea, so I started adding in what I believed to be essential elements: an audio visual presentation was an interesting idea, but it would be better if we could take some of the events off the screen and turn them into three dimensional re—enactments; stills images were all very well, but we could enliven the programme with film

footage from Hollywood movies and TV

Gallery 7 with (he new/y revea/ed cobblestones.

programmes; The Household Cavalry could produce the horses and the man— power, but we needed period costumes and a professional commentator sup-

Following an introduction from Captain (RM) Dicky Waygood, LG, professional historical re-enactor, Alan Larsen, who has worked on many occasions in the past with HCMR, agreed to help with the re-enactments and, as a significant bonus, persuaded Angel’s to lend us the costumes. Lord Guthrie persuaded Lady Chichester to lend us her camel, Therese; and all these offers were free. Putting together the Pageant was prov— ing to be easy, but trouble was just waiting around the corner.

Major Mike Whatley LG, offered to source 50 historic military vehicles, but their use was called into doubt by the Metropolitan Police who declared that if historic vehicles were to be used on the Pageant they would need to be taxed and insured. This problem was neatly solved when we in turn insisted that the traffic lights be removed from The Mall to allow The Queen to return to Buck— ingham Palace after the event with a Sovereign’s Escort: ifthere are no traffic lights on The Mall, the Parks have to be

News front the Associations 100

News from the Associations


closed as the roads are no longer public highways — and so can be used by unlicensed vehicles! The other difficulties encountered, including the impossibility of insuring against rain, are too many to relate in this short article. But, whatever hurdles remain to he jumped, one thing is certain: on 12th June 2007 The Queen will officially open the Household Cavalry Museum and, surrounded by 6,600

members of the paying public, she will witness a Pageant that includes a full recreation of the Coronation procession of King Charles 11, The Royals charge at Waterloo, the attempted relief of Gener— a1 Gordon by the Camel Corps, ZHCR’s successful relief of Brussels in 1944 and mounted ceremonial on a scale and using drills not seen since the 1930s.

The photo used in this article are by Henry Dallal who has been commis. sioned by the Household Cavalry to take new portrait photographs of HM The Queen and HRH The Princess Royal ‘ for the Pageant.

Obituaries The Life Guards

Tickets are available from: www.ticket.

mast‘ or 0870 4000 848 or in per—

The deaths are announced ofthe following members ofthe Regiment who have sadly passed away during the previous 12 months. The Committee, and all Old Comrades, offer their sincere condolences to all members of their families.

son at Ticketmaster Ticket Centres. Whether it rains or not, it will be an unforgettable occasion.

0 Ever-living God, King Of Kings, In Whose Service We Put On The Breastplate Of Faith And Love, And For A Helmet The Hope of Salvation, Grant We Beseech Thee That The Life Guards May Be Faithful Unto Death, And At Last Receive The Crown OfLife From jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen. May they Rest in Peace.

21000017 Tpr JE Butterfield

Household Cavalry Central Charitable Fund (HCCCF) The HCCCF was created in 1992 on the Union of The Life Guards and The Blues and Royals for the benefit of all ranks of the Regiments of the Household Cavalry past and present. Objectives.

Served from 1 August 1947 until 31 January 1953 Died 2 January 2006 aged 75 years 328958 Tpr SH Cudmore Served from 6 February 1940 until 26 July


The Trustees are:

1946 Died 10 January 2006 aged 86 years

a. (1) (2)

Its objectives are to: (3)

Relieve, either generally or individually, past and present

members of the Household Cavalry and their dependants who are in need, hardship or distress in such ways as the trustees from time to time think fit. This, in -the first instance, is done through the two Associations.

Ex Officio Trustees. Commander Household Cavalry. Commanding Officer, Household Cavalry Regiment. Commanding Officer, Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment. Secretary, The Life Guards Association. Secretary, The Blues and Royals Association. Co-Opted Trustees. A former member of The Life Guards. A former member of The Blues and Royals.

Promote the efficiency of the Household Cavalry and its component Regiments and the members thereof in such ways as the Trustees from time to time think fit.

23195224 Cpl E Ironside Served from 10 November 1955 until 7 November 1957 Died 5 March 2006 aged 69 years

24288955 W02 MP McDermott Served from 27 February 1973 until 26 February 1995 Died 10 August 2006 aged 52 years

295186 Ttpr A James Served from 26 Febraury 1937 until 21 May 1946 Died 28 May 2006 aged 87 years

483033 Lt Col JW Greaves MBE Served from 17 August 1944 until 25 August 1981 Died 8 August 2006 aged 79 years

22556820 CoH BG Argent Served from 1 September 1954 until 1 September 1963 Died 1 June 2006 aged 69 years

295787 Tpr WE Sproson

23929098 W02 PJ Saunders

296646 Cpl GH Ditcham Served from March 1945 until December 1952 Died 14 September 2006 aged 79 years

22556594 W02 MG Holland Served from 17 Janaury 1955 until 17 July

1977 Died 18 January 2006 aged 69 years

294567 W01 WT Voller Served with LG and RMP from 17 September 1923 until 17 September 1945. He died in the Royal Hospital, Chelsea where he had been an In—Pensioner from June 1987, on 8 February 2006 aged 100 years. 296262 Cpl WV Breakell Served from 1 March 1944 until 31 May


Served from June 1964 to June 1986 Died 9 June 2006 aged 59 years

Served from September 1941 until Sep— tember 1946 Died 22 August 2006 aged 85 years

22556515 Cpl JE Butler Served from 1953 until 1956 Died 15 June 2006 aged 71 years

296305 CoH GR Lock Served from 27 March 1944 until 11 July

1952 24220252 LCoH SR Keyworth

Died 20 September 2006 aged 80 years

Served from May 1971 until December

23650274 W02 (BCM) RP Bourne

Died 17 February 2006 aged 80 years

1985 296808 Tpr PC Berry Served from 5 June 1947 until 24 January

Balance Sheet as at Slst March 2006

1953 Died 27 February 2006 aged 76 years

Fixed Assets Investments at Market Value

31 March 2006 £ £ 754249

31 March 2005 £ £

615456 INCOME 615456

Current Assets Bank

10166 9948 190361 16679

224917 19686 259406

Total Assets Minus Total Liabilities:


Subscriptions Dividends Interest Tax Rebate (Gift Aid) Donations

100 14853


News from the Associations

22556512 CoH P] Pointer Served from 15 October 1953 until 31 March 1969 Died 2 March 2006 aged 75 years

295320 CoH CW Bedson Served from October 1938 until October 1960 Died 23 June 2006 aged 85 years



51132 16271 1665 13963 6199

EXPENDITURE Association Grants Army Benevolent Fund Grant Director Royal Armoured Corps Subscriptions

Served from 1958 until 1967

Adventure Training and Sports Household Division Subs Fund Honorarium Standards Parade Provision Journal Welfare

21000045 LCpl P Elstub Served from 8 September 1947 until 2 March 1953 Died 10 March 2006 aged 76 years

Served from 18 January 1972 until 30 January 1994

Died 4 October 2006 aged 67 years 23321893 Cpl AV Brown Served from 6 June 1956 until 1 June 1958 Died 6 February 2006 aged 68 years

23215646 Tpr D Robinson Died 2 July 2006 aged 68 years


Current Liabilities Creditors Standards Parade Life Guards Remnant Fund Rose Fund


Died 15 June 2006 aged 51 years

295591 Cpl JF Knight Served from 4 March 1941 until 21 November 1946 Died 4 July 2006 aged 84 years

421838 Major WL Thompson MVO


295749 Tpr LG Bond

Served from 1933 until 1968 Died 21 March 2006 aged 90 years

Died 6 July 2006 aged 94 years

22205583 CoH ATA Tucker Served the majority of his career (1950 7 1969) with RHG and then transferred to LG until his discharge in 1973. Died 20 October 2006 aged 73 years

24076465 LCoH G Hickling Served from July 1966 until July 1977 Died 7 November 2006 aged 62 years

Served from January 1941 until June 1946 23126762 Tpr JW Tremlett Served from 1 March 1955 until 31 March

295699 Tpr HJ Knight Served from 17 July 1941 until 17 April

1946 Died 17 March 2006 aged 90 years

23197187 Tpr W Hunt Served from 10 November 1955 until 1 December 1957 Died 1 July 2006 aged 71 years

22930300 W02 JS Deaville Served with RHG from October 1953 until 1968 and with LG from then until discharge in October 1976. Died 12 March 2006 aged 70 years

563615 Lieutenant RM Johnson Commissioned 13 August 2005 and was killed in Afghanistan on 1 August 2006 aged 24 years

256505 Major NE Hearson OBE JP DL Served from September 1941 until December 1958 Died 13 April 2006 aged 83 years

24973330 LCpl SR Tansey Served from 25 May 1999 and was killed in Afghanistan on 12 August 2006 aged 26


1957 Died 11 November 2006 aged 70 years 204900 Major RVJ Young Served from 1938 until 1956 Died 28 October 2006 aged 87 years 22556412 Cpl ME Duncan Served from 1953 until 1959 Died 24 November 2006 aged 71 years 6297864 Tpr] Healey Served from 10 January 1941 until 14 September 1947 Died during 2006 approx aged 85 years



22445169 Cpl SH Cox

Served from 17 July 1951 until 30 April 1954

22205540 LCoH D Theobald Served from 1950 until 1973 Died 10 Deeember 2006 aged 81 years

Died 30 June 2006 aged 73 years

296086 Tpr WH Mitchell Served from 7 June 1943 until 7 June 1950 Died 13 December 2006 aged 81 years

Second Lieutenant Ralph Johnson Late The Life Guards By Licutcnanl Toby Glover The Life Guards

The Blues and Royals It is with much regret that the Honorary Secretary announces the death thltefbllo wing Old Comrades. The Blues and Ravals Association ajfer tlzezr sincere condolences to all members of Ilzeirflmtiliex. May they Rest in Peace. 1 2396934 LCpl J Toney RHG/D Served 26 Jan 1965 to 22 Aug 1977 Died 13 Jan 2006 aged 58 years

2386579 LCpl RE Hewett Served 1 Aug 1961 to 31 Aug 1967 Died 22 Aug 2005 aged 62 years

430437 Lt Colonel JJF Scott Served 1 Jul 1953 to 11 Aug 1988 Died 11 March 2006 aged 72 years

341667 Captain PP Davies-Cooke 1RD Served 1 Jan 1945 to 1 Jan 1953 Died 15 Jan 2004 aged 78 years

402205 Major JT Thirtle RHG

471407 Captain L Evans RHG Served 1 Oct 1936 to 1 Apr 1965 Died 10 April 2006 aged 87 years

Served 8 Apr 1949 to 31 Oct 1962 Died 20 March 2006 aged 92 years 23215324 Cpl Dixon RHG Service dates unknown Died 2 September 2005

Major JER Bowlby 1RD Served 1 Jan 1936 to 31 Dec 1948 Died in 2006 aged 91years

2331752 Cpl BM Daltrey RHG Served 7 Feb 1957 to 7 Feb 1959 Died 15 March 2005 aged 66 years

1904876 LCpl HHW Raison 1RD Served 16 Oct 1947 to 31 Dec 1951 Died 28 April 2006 aged 77 years

2389116 W02 KC Hughes RHG/D Served 8 Jan 1962 to 30 Nov 1986 Died 31 March 2006 aged 59 years

306605 Tpr AP Magnus RHG Served 1 Jan 1943 to 1 Jun 1947 Died 16 Dec 2005 aged 80 years

22205797 Tpr M Ellis RHG

1492329 Tpr DA Bloyce RHG Served 1 Mar 1945 to 1 Jan 1948 Died 31 May 2006 aged 83 years

Served 1 Nov 1950 to 31 Dec 1956 Died 29 March 2006 aged 73 years 2205717 Tpr REA Rouse RHG Served 5 Aug 1930 to 1 Apr 1950 Died 9 Feb 2005 aged 74 years 304948 LCpl GC Searle RHG Served 20 Aug 1931 to 9 Jun 1940 Died 2006 aged 95 years 22556621 Tpr DB Thomas RHG Served Jan 1954 to Dec 1957 Died 16 July 2005 aged 72 years

2399183 Tpr RT Hall 1RD Served 13 May 1964 to 9 Jan 1969 Died 3 Oct 2006 aged 59 years

306641 Tpr JD Jackson RHG

22205093 Tpr BL Holt RHG Served 30 Apr 1948 to 1Jul 1953 Died 9 July 2006 aged 75 years

22205204 Tpr JH Dalton RHG Served 1 Oct 1948 to lOct 1953 Died 16 Aug 2006 aged 76 years 66895 Major JG Thynne RHG Served 12 Mar 1936 to 3 Aug 1947 Died date unknown approx 88 years

305292 Tpr RV Hayball RHG

Tpr I Renwick RHG Served 1958 to 1959 Died June 2006

Served 24 Apr 1946 to 1 Jan 1969 Died 15 Sept 2006 aged 78 years

426863 Major ABT Davey 1RD Served 6 Feb 1953 to 16 Mar 1972 Died 22 June 2006 aged 73 years

554991 CoH P Hammill RHG/D

306748 Tpr TS Chilton RHG Served 5 Apr 1945 to 25 Jan 1952 Died 6 July 2006 aged 78 years 305011 Tpr LAW Netherton RHG Served 25 Apr 1932 to 5 Nov 1945 Died 12 July 2006 aged 92 years

Served 1 Jan 1936 to 1 Jan 1970 Died 18 Sept 2006 aged 86 years 306747 Tpr S Stevens RHG Served 1 Jan 1945 to lJan 1953 Died Oct 2006 aged 78 years 23215311 CoH MJ Cryan RHG Served 19 Jul 1956 to 30 Aug 1968 Died 12 October 2006

22205583 CoH ATA Tucker RHG 22532929 W02 PC Woods RHG/D Served 5 Oct 1952 to 5 Oct 1972 Died 13 July 2006 aged 73 years

2381816 Tpr BC Tolson RHG Served 17 Nov 1960 to 17 Nov 1962 Died 27 March 2006 aged 67 years

305340 CoH JA Misselbrook RHG Served 3 May 1938 to 26 Aug 1946 Died 23 July 2006 aged 87 years

5949277 Tpr L Day 1RD

25041250 LCpl RA Nicholls RHG/D

Served 26 Sept 1938 to 14 Aug 1946 Died 1 April 1998 aged 78 years

Served 27 Jul 2004 to 1 Aug 2006 Killed in action in Afghanistan 1 Aug 2006

On joining The Life Guards his enthusiasm and professionalism did not cease and he became a prominent member of the Regiment. He was immediately posted to D Squadron, attached to 16 Air Assault Brigade, and took command ofa Sabre Troop. During the time between Commissioning and attending the Troop Leader’s course Ralph attended exercises with the Squadron and Brigade and expressed how much he enjoyed working with the Parachute Regiment. He also assisted in the running ofJunior NCO Cadres, showing his ability to instruct.

306787 W02 (SCM) R (Jock) Ferrie RHG

23774055 LCoH GV Hayes RHG/D Served 23 Sept 1963 to 25 May 1972 Died 20 Sept 2006 aged 65 years

Served 1 Jan 1944 to 31 Dec 1948 Died 23 March 2006 aged 79 years


Served 8 Jul 1940 to lJun 1947 Died 3 June 2006 aged 85 years

323253 Tpr H Gibbons 1RD Served 3 Apr 1939 to 23 Aug 1946 Died 3 July 2006 aged 84 years

457316 Major AE Woodward RHG/D Served 2 Aug 1958 to 1Jan1970 Died 21 July 2006 aged 68 years


305596 Tpr RL (Tim) Langley RHG

Served 1 Sept 1938 to 30 Mar 1946 Died 23 Aug 2006 aged 87 years

2250066 LCpl W (Bill) Telfer RHG Served 1 Jul 1951 to 31 Jul 1953 Died 22 Jan 2006 aged 72 years

aged 27 years

Lieutenant Ralph Johnson was commissioned into The Life Guards in August 2005. During his year at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst he excelled and had shown himself to be incredibly well suited to army life. He displayed a natural flair for the job and, what was more, clearly loved every aspect of it. He shone best when in the field, proving to be an excellent tacti— cian and bold leader. On the sporting front he was an avid boxer. He had a passion for the sport, boxing with such ferocious determination and skill that he soon made a name for himself. From an early age he had always wished to serve with the Household Cavalry and his Commissioning was a moment of great pride for both him and his family.

Served 1 Sept 1950 to 1969 Died 20 Oct 2006 aged 73 years Cpl G Mentiply RHG Served 1954 to 1956 Died 9 Oct 2006 aged 70 years 22205725 Tpr RW Broadley Served 22 June 1951 to 24 May 1956 Died 23 November 2006 aged 72 years

319918 Tpr E (Joe) Hunter RHG Served Jan 1938 to Jan 1946 Died 17 December 2006 aged 86 years

Ralph’s parents and brother and his extended family and friends. Ralph was an incredible person and a first class officer. His tragic and untimely death is a great loss not just for the Regiment but for the Army as a whole.

LCpl Ross Andrew Nicholls Late The Blues and Royals By Captain Alex fame: The Life Guards LCpl Ross Nicholls enlisted in Edinburgh into the Royal Corps

of Signals in August 1995 and served with 216 Signals Squadron in 16 Air Assault Brigade. During that time he completed a number of operational tours, including Afghanistan and Iraq on TELIC 1. In July 2004 LCpl Nicholls

transferred from 216 Sig Sqn ’ into The Blues and Royals, as 5. part of the Household Cavalry 1' Regiment and joined D Squadron, which provides Formation Reconnaissance to 16 Air Assault Brigade. He embraced life with the Household Cavalry with gusto and enthusiasm serving with D Squadron on the Prairie in Western Canada and picking up his armoured trades with alacrity. Indeed his previous experience stood him in good stead and he established himself as a bright, professional and effective operator whose presence was a real asset to the Squadron.

He performed admirably on his Troop Leader’s course and proved to be a dab hand with CVR(T). Many young troop lead— ers find the concept ofa CVR(T) and its requirement for main— tenance an unknown phenomenon. Not Ralph however, who had a natural understanding for the vehicle and was quite bril— liant at maintaining it. When out in Afghanistan, if there was ever a problem with the vehicle it would be Ralph you saw in the engine compartment or fixing the track, much to the consterna~ [ion of his troop and the REME. This attitude and enthusiasm is one ofthe many characteristics that Ralph’s soldiers loved and for which they gave him the utmost respect. Ralph had an excel» lent grasp of tactics too, and his calm and controlled demeanour made him a first—rate commander, particularly in high stress cir—

He volunteered to deploy to Afghanistan despite the fact that he had decided to leave the Army and was serving as Lieutenant Ralph Johnson’s operator when he was killed in an ambush dur— ing the early hours of 1 August in Northern Helmand aged 27. He leaves behind his wife Angela, a 2 year old son Cameron and a new born baby boy Erin. With his passing the Household Cavalry Regiment has suffered the loss of a talented soldier and our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.


By Lieutenant Toby Glover The Life Guards

In June 2006 Ralph deployed to Afghanistan with D Squadron to join the 3 Para Battlegroup in Helmand Province. As the Support Troop Leader he took part in a number of deliberate Operations. These included supporting the Canadians in the West, a re—supply into Sangin and a relief in place in Now Zad. On the latter operation, the Squadron was involved in some

heavy fighting and Ralph, as always, maintained his composure and led brilliantly. It was with great sadness, when on 1st August 2006, Ralph was tragically killed in a coordinated Taliban ambush near Musa Qaleh.

Ralph was a very popular officer whose kindness and warmth meant he endeared himself to all he met. He was exceptionally loyal not only to his friends but to his soldiers. His dedication

to those who were privileged to serve under him was second to His enthusiasm and sharp South African humour none. charmed everyone he worked with whilst his professionalism to never wavered in his short career. Our thoughts go out

LCpl Sean Tansey Late the Life Guards

Very rarely do young soldiers make such an impression on so many other soldiers, NCOs and Officers alike. LCpl Sean Tansey was without doubt one of these individuals. His quiet yet engaging manner touched the '; lives of many with whom he served. Ever the consummate professional he showed a great . ability in all things military. His popularity among the Regiment was widespread and his sense of humour was nothing short of brilliant. Sean joined the Army in 2000 and was initially posted to Command Troop. After a short spell there he joined D Squadron



which was then gearing up for deployment to Iraq on TELIC 1. In 2003 he deployed to Iraq as a gunner and soon gained some excellent experience. He was involved in a number of battles and his gunning was always to an excellent standard regardless of the situation. His commander at the time, CoH Goodwin, was highly complimentary of his ability and he continued to shine after the tour. After Iraq he then went to Canada with D

Squadron and was employed as the Squadron Leader’s driver. Here he put into practice his mechanical skills; another area where he was highly talented. As a Driving and Maintenance Instructor there was little he did not know about CVR(T). If ever there was a problem Sean would be able to fix it. In June 2006 Sean deployed to Afghanistan with D Squadron. He served in 2 Troop as the Troop Leader‘s gunner. Early on in the tour the troop moved to Sangin to provide protection for the continually harassed troops on the ground. Sean was excellent throughout and was a calm member of the troop whose experi~ ence from Iraq was invaluable. He was always keen to work and he had a remarkable temperament considering the circum— stances. It was a terrible tragedy when Sean was killed whilst working on a vehicle in Sangin. One of Sean’s strengths was his ability to excel at a variety of things. Aside from his normal line of work Sean was also a qualified medic and was well on his way to furthering his career through this avenue. He also displayed a great ability to get on famously with anyone he met. He had a superb wit about him and time after time he would have many people in stitches. He was kind to everyone, regardless of rank, and often would be seen to help out the junior troopers. A certain young trooper who had been helped out by Sean when feeling a little misguided aptly described him as ‘a blinding bloke.’ That he was and he will be sorely missed.

Major Norman Edwin Hearson Late The Life Guards By Captain Paul Hearson, formerly The Life Guards am 1’ W" ’ '

. ;

. ,

My Father was born in Notting» ham in March 1923. He lived in Mapperley and was educated at Nottingham High School. He wanted to be an architect but the war intervened. He left School in 1941 and was commissioned into The Royal Tank Regiment. It was during a period of conva— lescence in Lypmne Castle following an accident that he met a Life Guards Officer and changed Regiments. Thus began a lifelong association with the Regiment he loved.

For the duration ofthe war my Father became part of 1HCR and saw service in Italy, Holland and Germany entering Berlin a few days after the war ended. He returned to Windsor in September 1945 followed by a move to the Middle East. My parents met in Palestine whilst my Mother was serving in the QARANC. They married in Newcastle in May 1947. He was appointed Technical Adjutant and moved to Bovington as Assistant Senior Instructor RAC. He commanded The Household Cavalry Dismounted Division at The Queen’s Coronation. In 1954 the family moved to Verden in Germany on his appointment as Staff Captain A at HQ 7th

Armoured Division. Then, after 17 years with The Life Guards it was time to leave. He had joined the committee of The Life Guards Association on which he remained for just 9 months short of fifty years.

John Jervoise Fitzgerald Scott was born in 1933. His father was Commander GTA Scott Royal Navy, a submariner, who had served in both world wars. He was a scion of the distinguished Scott family of Rotherfield Park, Hampshire.

In 1958 my parents moved to Thorpe Green in Surrey. It was here that his love of gardening developed. At the same time he joined a small Company called IBM selling electric typewriters. In 1959 he became Sales Manager for the Electric Typewriter Division and then in 1960 Divisional General Manager for the

After Eton, John joined intake 11 at Rhine Company, Victory College, Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. He was a good looking, dark, tall, laconic, lanquid cadet, possessed with great charm and a lovely sense of humour who was very adept at taking the authorities to the limit! One evening after a college din— ner night, for a £5 bet, he climbed the outside of Victory College in his blues. It was an awesome and terrifying performance to those who witnessed it. He won his bet.

OP Division. In 1963 he was appointed a Director ofIBM United Kingdom Limited. He was later appointed Resident Director for Hampshire. The County had become the HQ of IBM UK based in Portsmouth. My parents moved to Beaulieu in 1976 and then to Wickham in 1979. He was appointed Deputy Lieutenant for Hampshire in 1985. He retired from IBM in 1986. From this time to when he died he was or had been involved with some nineteen organisations either on the Committee or as Chairman. These were all totally voluntary. Latterly he split his time between INTECH which he co-founded and chaired for twenty one years, The Hampshire Playing Fields Association and The Countryside Education Trust for which he was a trustee for thirty years along with his involvement with the raising and display ofThe Mary Rose. He was awarded the OBE for services to Hampshire in 2003. Following the death of my mother after forty two years of marriage he married again in 1990 and moved to Brockbridge. The pace of his charitable involvement never faltered. My Father was ofThe Viscount Slim School of Etiquette “ifthey matter they do not mind if they mind they do not matter.” He was never disrespectful but he found time for everyone. People loved him for being himself. Generations were very important to him for he realised that as one goes through life that it is the fulfilment of other generations rather than oneself that becomes even more important. He followed the progress of his Grandchildren with much pride and joy. He was very much of this generation as well as having a foot in the previous one. He was always immaculately turned out and nearly always wearing The Household Brigade tie. His Regimental memorial will be a trophy to be awarded to the best Household Cavalry crew at Gun Camp which has been commissioned by The Life Guards Association in his memory. The inscription reads “A Life Guard from 1941 until 2006.” He would have sought no greater epitaph.

Lieutenant Colonel J J F Scott Late The Blues and Royals Captain DM jacobs , formerly Royals

1 John Scott died suddenly whilst ‘ out walking his dog, Shadeed, on 10th March 2006. He had only very recently married his second wife, Belinda. He served in The : Royal Dragoons from 1953 until amalgamation in 1969 and then i in The Blues and Royals until he retired in 1988. John’s military philosophy was not ambition to '. reach the top of his profession, but rather to explore the possibilities of seeing the world at Her Majesty’s pleasure albeit with a purpose.

John was commissioned into the Royal Dragoons in 1953 and he joined the Regiment in Wesendorf early in 1954. He very quickly gained a reputation for being “wild”; his troop followed him out ofa sense of curiosity. Much to his Commanding Officer’s initial consternation, at the early age of 22, John asked permis— sion to get married. In view of his “wildness” and the fact that his fiancee was the daughter ofa gallant Greys colonel who had been killed in action in Italy, Colonel Paddy Massey, commanding the Royals, relented. It occurred to him that marriage might

have a calming effect on this ebullient officer! John married Sue Twiselton-Wykeham—Fiennes in 1957 and they were very happy together for 47 years. As will be seen, his subsequent army career required a well connected and flexible wife. They had two daughters. In 1958 John’s sister, Cecilia married a brother officer, Philip Arkwright. After serving as a troop leader and 21C in B Squadron in Wesendorf and Herford in the British Army ofthe Rhine, he was posted to Gibraltar as ADC to the Governor, Sir Charles Keightley in 1959. The previous ADC’s love life had become too com— plicated; John with a wife and baby were the perfect solution. At this point his promising army career nearly came to an abrupt end. Taking a siesta one afternoon, they were disturbed by a voyeur. John leapt up to punch the intruder on the nose but unfortunately there was a plate glass window between them. John nearly lost his right arm. Whilst convalescing from this set back, instead ofbeing with the Regiment in Malaya, a posting to 67th Training Regiment at Carlisle followed coupled with much hunting, shooting and socialising. He rejoined the Regiment at Tidworth. When amalgamation with the Blues came in 1969, John became an influential and positive force in the new regiment. He realised right from the start that it would open new opportuni— ties for those Royals who stayed. In December 1969, he went for a year to the Regular Commissions Board at Westbury as group leader. This showed the MOD did have a sense of humour, as there can have been no more unlikely candidate than a cavalry officer who prided himself on going through his entire army career with his hair resting on his collar! In 1971 John, taking Sue with him, went to Persia (now Iran) as a training adviser to the Shah’s army. He was posted to the rose City of Shiraz in the south ofthe country. At the end of his tour during the autumn of 1972, he and Sue drove back home through Turkey, Greece and Yugoslavia via the South of France in their old Peugeot 404.

For the next two years John had a very successful postinglas Blues and Royals Mounted Squadron Leader. At one potnt

whilst commanding a Guard, he had an altercation with HM The Queen in her car. All had to give way to the Household Cavalry when mounted, equally all gave way to Her Majesty. In

this instance HM gave way and sent a charming note of apology next day! His time at Knightsbridge was followed by, arguably, his most exciting and brilliant posting for 3 years to the French Armoured and Cavalry School in Saumur. John and Sue played their respective duties superbly, speaking French well and elegantly fulfilling their allotted role. It was the apotheosis of his career. From 1978-86, John had a series of interesting staff appointments which took him to some unusual places including The Gambia, Ghana and Kenya. He was much involved in escorting foreign military attaches round London and the rest of the country. His imagination knew no bounds; one night they were sampling Ray— mond’s Revue Bar, the next day they were being shown round the Old Bailey by John’s brother—in—law. John left the Army in 1986. He went to work in the David Ker Gallery close to Sloane Square. He enjoyed dealing and attending sales. When the gallery closed in 1990, John organised lec— ture tours for his brother in law, the explorer, Ranulph Fiennes. Sport was not in John’s lexicon; there is a record of him breaking out of a walk to run the 220 yards in the regimental athletics at Wesendorf. He collapsed after the finish having failed to appre— ciate that, being newly married, he was somewhat short of stamina. Fearing a similar debacle, Sue immediately withdrew from the wives race! He did for a time have a share in a racehorse in Germany which he rode in military meetings on a couple of occa— sions without bothering the judge. John and Sue lived on the Somerset / Wiltshire border at Chap— manslade. He was regularly seen on Regimental occasions. Our deepest sympathy goes to his daughters Arabella and Vene— tia, his grandchildren and his widow, Belinda. He will be much missed.

Major Tony Davey Late The Blues and Royals By his Brother Christopher Davey Anthony Basil Tudor Davey served with the Royal Dragoons and latterly The Blues and Roy— als from 1952—1972. He was a very private man, possessed of much charm, generosity of spirit and mischievous good humour, coupled with great physical strength, bravery and utter humility. He was loved by all who knew him. Father of five, he was a devoted family man. Yet his life was bedevilled by his battle with a chronic speech

\ A impediment. Born in Camberley on 17th September 1932, his early years were crowned with a phenomenal success, about which he was profoundly embarrassed. Head of School and Captain of Soccer at Beaudesert Park, he achieved at Eton not only an Oppidan Scholarship through a run of Distinctions, but was Head of Wykes’s, Captain of the Oppidans and Soccer, Auditor of Pop — the list goes on. While reading for an Engineering Tripos at Jesus College, Cambridge, he led the University polo team to a win

Obituaries 106



against Oxford. Tony never breathed a word about any of this; his parents had to pester mentors and friends for news. When questioned, he would smile enigmatically, attempt a dismissive reply, lapse into silence, then change the subject. Tony’s stammer was genetic but none suffered like he did. For someone so impeded, the Army was manifestly a challenge too

far. But this was the only life he knew. No obstacle had defeated him to date; he tackled this new trial head on. Tony’s first CO was presented with a serious dilemma: here was a young officer, unable to give consistent words of command nor perform slickly on the Saladin radio, who had yet demonstrated a superb aca— demic and sporting record, was supremely turned out, immaculate on the drill square, immensely social and charming, with a deep interest in military history. How could he turn him down? Tony did his National Service at Suez: by the time he entered Cambridge, this subaltern had shown, stammer notwithstanding, he could more than hold his own with his peers: the Royals wanted him back. Down from university, he first undertook Royal Duties; then a tour in BAOR. Thence he moved to the School of Tank Technology (STT (subsequently the Armour School): graduating with distinction, he undertook a series of technical postings at Royal Military College Shrivenham, Fighting Vehicles Research and Development Establishment (FVRDE) Chobham, Ministry of Defence, and finally to Quality Assurance Department Fighting Vehicles (QAD FVE) . This was interspersed with just one fur— ther period of Regimental Duty, at Tidworth. After Cambridge, Tony had married Susan Bannister. This was a love-match made in heaven, to which their offspring gave evidence. With her support he battled to serve; with her support he finally sheathed his sword. On retirement he edited The Survey— ing Technician for some twenty years. While living in Islington, he became active in support of the Liberal Democrats. Soon after Susan herself retired, they sought tranquillity in the North York— shire Dales. Here Tony forged on with his life’s work The Ord~ nance: Who’s Finger on the Trigger? This has yet to be published: for, soon after their arrival, they were faced with his ulti» mate battle — Parkinson’s Disease. Upon Tony it fastened its grip in its most pernicious form; yet, typically, he treated this insidious companion respectfully, as a rather unsporting rival — ‘Parky’, as he called it. To Susan, their two sons, three daughters and six grandchildren

our sympathies go out.

On leaving school he started work in the farming industry. He had a natural affinity with horses and was soon employed driving heavy draft and carriage horses, as well as riding both hacks and hunters. Although he enjoyed his working environment he sorm realised that it offered little, if any, prospects of advancement, so he decided to join the Army.

Riding Master in the rank of Lieutenant, which involved train— ing all the officers, soldiers and horses in the Household Cavalry in their duties as part of the Household Brigade. He became a recognised figure in the equitation world, competing successfully at Badminton three-day events, show-jumping at top class events and driving the Regimental four-in—hand in Coaching

Marathons. He enlisted on 27th December 1933, aged eighteen, and joined The Life Guards at Combermere Barracks, Windsor. His natural ability as a horseman was quickly recognised and he was selected to attend the long equitation course at the Cavalry School, Wee-

don from 1936 to 1937. This qualified him to become an equitation instructor and in 1938 he was posted to the Royal Military College, Sandhurst where he instructed officer cadets in horsemanship and stable management. At the outbreak of the Second World War, having been promoted to Corporal of Horse, he returned to Combermere Barracks to join the Household Cavalry Training Regiment. It was at this time that he met and married Jackie, who was then serving in the ATS at the same barracks. The change from horses to vehicles required a great deal of basic training, trade training and the field tactics with the Regiment, carrying out manoeuvres on Salisbury Plain and firing on the ranges at Warcop. For a time, Tommy’s Troop was based at Preston Park on the outskirts of Brighton where they were trained in waterproofing and fitting wading screens to their armoured cars for the Normandy landings in June 1944. The Regiment, in the role of an armoured car regiment in support ofthe Guards Armoured Division, first saw action in France under VIII Corps (Lieutenant General Sir Richard O’Connor) for the attack towards Falaise. The Regiment continued to serve under this Corps throughout the bitter fighting until the German collapse on the Normandy front in late August 1944. The Regiment was then transferred to XXX Corps (Lieutenant General Sir Brian Horrocks), and, still with the Guards Armoured Division, pursued the retreating Germans from the Seine to Nijmegen and beyond.

He was awarded the MBE in the New Year’s Honours List of December 1960, and completed his military service on 18th July 1968 as ChiefInstructor at the Army School oquuitation, Melton Mowbray in the rank of Major (RM) after 34 years of service. On retiring from the Army and after teaching four—in-hand coaching, he was invited to join the staff of His Royal Highness Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh to train a team of horses to compete in national and international competitions. He was made a Member of the Victorian Order (MVO) and retired on 19th December 1978, when he was appointed by Her Majesty The Queen to become a Military Knight at Windsor. He occu-

pied 7, Lower Ward, Windsor Castle from 1978 until his health caused him to retire for the last time. Her Majesty The Queen appointed him a supernumerary MKW when he moved to Scotland to be near his son, Norman. Tommy died on 21st March 2006 and on 29th April a Memorial Evensong Service was held at St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, which was attended by The Duke of Edinburgh and many distinguished past and present Household Cavalrymen. The Rt. Revd. David Connor, Dean of Windsor, said of him: “He was a man of exacting standards, proud of his Yorkshire roots, who was deeply committed and showed great compassion to the Riding for the Disabled. He had great personal courage in war and showed directness of manner, a great love of his wife who sadly deceased him, while his loyalty to his neighbours and friends made him a commendable example to us all.”

Tommy was a respected character in the Household Cavalry and will be fondly remembered by all who knew him.

Corporal of Horse Godfrey Argent Late The Life Guards Bernard Godfrey Argent (he dropped the first name in his professional life reckoning that Godfrey Argent sounded grander) was born in Eastbourne in 1937. Educated a Bexhill Grammar School, he joined the Royal Horse Guards in 1954 with whom he spent nine years. It was whilst serving as a Corporal of Horse in The Blues he developed a love of portrait photography and won the Army’s photographic competition. On photographing the Colonel, Field Marshal Sir Gerald Tem— pler, he advised that his photography was going to serve him bet— ter than life as a soldier. As Argent recalled, Templer said: “Don’t get to my age and regret what you might have been.” Argent took his advice, leaving the Army after nine years. The Colonel of the Regiment recommended him to the Crown Equerry, Sir John Miller, who commissioned him to photograph the Royal Mews for a guidebook. Argent was rather daunted: “You have no idea how boring and tricky it is making sure that the horse’s ears are all pointing in the right direction and that their tack is correct.” Argent enjoyed a fruitful period as photographer of the RoyalFamily. One of his photographs was used for a royal Christmas Card and there was a memorable image of The Queen in Guards

uniform about to feed her police horse after the Birthday Parade. On honeymoon with his third wife in South Africa many years ago, Argent became bored lying on the beach and wrote to 26 leading South Africans offering to take their portraits. He hoped that half would reply, but all accepted.

After this service, Tommy’s ashes were laid to rest under a tomb— stone on the south side of St. Georges Chapel alongside Jackie,

his wife.

The following was taken from the London Gazette of 1 May

1945: “First to reach the River Dyle, Corporal of Horse Thompson’s Troop was, on 5th September 1944, ordered to seize and hold a bridge over the River Dyle at Louvain. The troop encountered heavy enemy fire from houses and side streets, his Troop Leader (Lieutenant Hanbury) ordered Corporal of Horse Thompson to

No donation can

match their courage.

cross a small bridge to the left of the main bridge in order to

Major Walter Louvain (Tommy) Thompson MVO MBE DCM Late The Life Guards By Lieutenant Colonel R R Giles, formerly The Blues and Royal: Tommy was born on 18th July 1915 in Norton, near Malton, ‘, , Yorkshire, the eldest of six children; at the wish of his father he was christened Walter Louvain. At the time of Tommy’s birth his

cover a three»road junction. Corporal of Horse Thompson found a hole in the middle ofthe bridge, under heavy fire, he dismounted from his armoured car and pulled a door and some planks over the hole enabling his car to cross. He then held the road junction against the SS who made many attempts to destroy him; much of the time, his gunner was firing to the front while Corporal of Horse Thompson was firing with his revolver to his flank and rear. By his coolness and courage, he was largely instrumental in enabling his Troop Leader to hold the bridge.” For his action, Tommy was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal which was presented to him at a parade on Luneberg Heath by Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery.

father was serving in the First World War and was involved in ‘ enemy action in and around the ' '4 town of Louvain. It was ironic that some thirty years later, dur» ing the Second World War, Tommy would experience enemy action in the same town.

At the end of the war, he returned to the UK and was posted to the Household Cavalry Regiment to help re-establish the Mounted Regiment in Windsor and London; he was promoted to Warrant Officer Class II. In the early 19503 he was placed first, second and third in the King’s Cup, and first and second in the Prince of Wales Cup competitions at the Royal Tournament. In March 1952 he was selected to re—establish the appointment of

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Obituaries 108


Nominal Rolls As at December 2006 Horse Guards (Headquarters Household Cavalry)

Col PJ Tabor MVO: Commander Household Cavalry Lt Col (Retd)J S Olivier: Regimental Adjutant Mr P A Donne: Chief Clerk Mr B Cave: Clerk

LCpl T Baksh: Driver / Orderly

Museum Mr] B Lange: Museum Director Maj (Retd) D C Waterhouse: Project Officer Mr S M Corbett: Appeal Chairman Mr T Collett: PRI Shop Mr W R Steel: PRI Shop

Windsor (Home Headquarters) Lt Col (Retd) S F Sibley MBE: Regimental Secretary Capt (Retd) R Hennessy-Walsh: Assistant Regimental Secretary Mrs D Hennessy—Walsh: Home HQ ChiefClerk

SCpl Smith IM

LCpl Bairstow KJ


Lt Col EA Smyth-Osbourne

LCoH Bond DL LCoH Licki‘old PM

LCpl Davis AN LCpl Nuku SL

Capt M Kitching

Capt TJ Armitage

Capt TAH Giffard

LCoH Stay M] LCpl Buckingham JW

LCpl Halligan ML

Capt DS Carter

W01 (RCM) Pickford SR


CF4 DJ Macpherson W02 (SCM) McMullen SD SCpl {SQMC) Reason JJ

CoH Salmon P LCoH Pettipher AP LSgt Reid SAM LCpl Butler JM LCpl Furnish AF LCpl Ridge DG LCpl Snoxell DD LCpl Allen G] Tpr Bevan JD

Pte Clement G MT TROOP Capt PG Maxwell SCpl (MTWO) Beaumont MN

CoH Marsh A LCoH Lindsay MK LCoH Stables M]

LCpl Ashford GM LCpl Griffiths MP

QM (T) DEPT Capt AM Harris W02 (RQMCt’TD Kellet AP SCpl Elliott CM CoH Oliver DA

Pte Hart B

Pte Hernandez CLR Pte Masilela IML Pte McLean CT

Maj MP GoodwimHuclson Capt The Marquis ofBowmont Lt JM Cork W02 (SCM) Foster WE SCpl (SQMC) Brown WD

SCpl Beech AG CoH Flood MPN LCpl Gooden YK


LCpl Erskine BR

Tpr Kirkup AL

W01 (ASM) James MN W02 Bichard G SSgt Turley SC

WOs‘ & NCOs‘ MESS CoH Swinburne RG LCoH Aston TP

LCpl Gibbs CS LCpl Wilkinson NJ LCpl Willis JGM Alsop MT Blackburn SL Brown DC Brown SL Foster SD Harris JS


Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr

KE Brill Capt Lt NJ Hyett

QM“ CI: Tpr Tpr Rogers‘Dl‘

woz (RAOWO) James L]

1 Pr 3”“ PW]

SSgt Harper PA

Tpr TUffS RD

Tpr Khan JA

Tpr Kleinhans P Tpr Trowsdale D

Cfn Barff GHW

LCpl Hammond DK LCpl Stables PJ

Cfn Katsande J

Capt JP Core W02 (RQMC) Trinick CJ

CoH Parker S LSgt Brown KA LSgt Edwards F

SCpl Tennant GA Capt P] Tolhurst

Sgt Jones GN


CoH Farrimond SP

LCoH Hartshom DE


Sgt Stansby WR

Tpr Tuinaqalitoka SK Tpr Side RJR LCpl Mayes M

LCpl Griffiths Ml’ LCpl Hogg JA

Tpr Biddlestone T Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr

Crudgington CT Malan CW Wan-Wyk W Wenham RA Worthington J

LCoH Stevenson VC LCpl Eade CJ LCpl Griffiths MP LCpl Mills C LCpl Rosario—Tulloch A Tpr Abbott D Tpr Duggan SB Tpr Hookham MW Tpr Onwubiko C

LCoH Smith B

LSgt Perriman NGC

Tpr Tirimaidoka AS

ZLt EC Howland-Jackson

LCoH Wharton C LCpl Brewis PJ

SSgt Downie R]


W02 Goodwin SJ

Tpr Stones R]


Tpr Rose A Tpr Yuill CJ

Lt JM Cork SSgt Gurung CoH Marsh ID

Pte Williams CL

LCoH Plant SA

Cfn Rawlins DA Cfn Winqvist JE

Tpr Rincon RC Maj AB Methven Capt JEA de St John»Pryee



LCpl Cole R] Tpr Broxholme DT Tpr O’Carroll LS

Sgt Wright PT LSgt Croy DS LSgt Delaney S LSgt Hadfield GM



Pte Staples IR

LCpl Farmer C]

Tpr Mackenzie AA

CoH Telling DJ

Pte Thomas KA


Bentham K Bowden RT Carpenter JH Collins AP Cousins RCW Howe DM


Ct HCAD Wales CoH Newton MS LCoH Smith SJ

LCpl Wilson VA

LCoH Johnson CW

Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt


Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr

Ct JW Mann CoH Forsdick JR LCoH Pearce GJ


Capt T] Archer-Burton

(lfn Turner SA Cfn Loughin CS


The Household Cavalry Regiment Maj JP Eyre

'l‘pr Wharton JR LCpl Kirk BW


Sgt Waite JS LSgt Beighton MC LCpl Chaney TW

CoH Gibson BK

Pte Nyaga PM

LCoH Abbott DB

CATERING MEDICAL CENTRE W02 (RCWO) Priest SJ Sgt Bushell JT Sgt Cook D LSgt Barnes BJ LSgt Hussey RJ

Maj JS Baidwan Capt JS Biswas LCoH Thompson MT

LSgt Stebbing RP


LCoH Jones WP

CoH Hughes AB

LSgt Gttrung LCpl Faram P] LCpl Lewis B]

LCpl Miah L Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr

Batkaikai T Bennett HC Chaplin D Dunne KS Jary GW Lindsay DA Morris MS Rayment CDJ Rennock EA


Loftus K Waisele IKR Minto LD Murfen G] Raiwale SV

Tpr Jacques MC Tpr Lax MB Tpr Penney DJ

LCoH Hession JA


LCoH Bridges KR

Capt BC De Goede CoH Goddard P

LCpl Green GA LCpl Gladish DM Tpr Cochrane DM Tpr Goddard MT Tpr Green GA

LCpl Uddin R

Capt DLO Crosthwaite—Eyre

LCpl Wilkinson A] Tpr Hunter JR Tpr Mathis DP Tpr Caruso M


Tpr Littleboy SDP Tpr Mann M

TRG WING Capt W Douglas W02 (TWO) Benge S

LCpl Davis AN LCpl Doran MB LCpl Shaw JC Tpr Clark ML Tpr Hodges CC Tpr Kirk BW Tpr Marsden PE Tpr Medd TR Tpr Smith PG

SSgt Bailey DJR Sgt Parkin DA



SCpl Hitchings DJ

Capt P MeKechnie P

PROVOST W02 Taylor S SCpl McKay SH CoH Carrington P CoH Goodwin RA CoH Findell R] LCoH Baxter TD LCoH Dove J LCoH Douglass C LCpl Bentley JA

CoH Toon CJN LCoH James DHS LCpl Ainsley DDP

LCoH Bodyeoat M Tpr Davison CE Tpr Elvin CS Tpr Fourie M Tpr Holland C Tpr Ottaway KD Tpr Routley MA

LAD Sgt Henderson JA LSgt Knight NSB

SUPPORT TROOP 2Lt CT Meredith-Hardy

LCpl Caplin TW

LSgt Skinner A LSgt Young MD LCpl Jiagbogu CK

LCpl Evans IG

Cfn King SM

LCpl O’Leary FS LCpl Warren GS Tpr Capes AR


Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr

LCpl Bradbury JJ


Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr

Critchley DA Eldershaw SD Galttvakadua JA Legge M] Loloma QM Raj RV

CoH Ireland MR

LCoH McGuire M Barber MN Benn M Cornford SC Davies~More A

Tpr Ferguson GJD

Tpr Chalkin DC] Maj PA Bradford Capt LOD McCallum W02 (SQM) Lochrane JL

Tpr James P Tpr Kershaw MK Tpr Messias CD

CoH Stainsby PI Tpr Reddyhoff F CoH Faiers PM LCoH Sentence DE LSgt Taberner-Stokes MA

Tpr Sedgwick KJ

LCpl Preston AS

Tpr Shaw MS

LCpl Owens LA

Tpr Swift MA

LCpl Nicol CS

Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr

Tpr Clark SA Tpr Fitzpatrick LD Tpr Benn CD

Tpr Torau IN Tpr \Voodward I

ADMIN Taylor MD Taylor RM Wycherley PA Webber TEM

Tpr Youngman JW



ZLt CEB Dale LCoH Goater SM

SCpl Fry SK CoH Stokoe AL

LCoH Bassett GS LCoH Hall NB LCoH Ramsden CD LCpl Aseidtt BYB

LCpl Davies SW

LCpl Elliott JW

LCoH Young DP LCpl Horton TA LCpl Bremmer] Tpr Cox D Tpr Rayner R Tpr Taylor DL Tpr Murphy 0] Tpr Perryman D Tpr Elliott RP Tpr Woulfc D

LCpl Griffin JP LCpl Howland T


Capt MJV Nieoll Capt A Galloway

SCpl Bentley RM CoH Adams P LCoH Quickfall MD LCoH Weyman D LCoH Streets JS LCoH Thomas PM LCoH Woolfenden KF

Lt EP Olver LAD

CoH Newell KS

SCpl (SQMC) Davidson B LSgt Macintyre C LSgt Wiltshire W LCoH Brown WP LCpl Chrysostomou R LCpl Goodsman AD

CoH Edisbury D

Tpr Hill MWH

Tamang GT McAllen JR Morris JS Trowsdale D

W02 ( SCM) Gardner AC

Lt ME Fry LCoH Phelan A] LCpl Edwards»Beech GT LCpl Leedham JR LCpl Townsend PJ Tpr Ackerman SJ Tpr Byrant JD

Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr

LSgt Griffiths SP

LCpl Saurara AT LCpl Spackman RD

LSgt Tucker DB LSgt Murphy PS LCpl Buchan JP LCpl Cruickshank S LCpl Peek A LCpl Buckley WG LCpl Strain LS

LCpl Thomas 0M Tpr Allen AD Tpr Collinson S Tpr Dimbylow SC Tpr Faulkner MJ] Tpr Gardyne NR Tpr Hall CA

Ct RP Walker»0keover CoH Anderson LJ LCoH Walsh LJ LCpl Capp B LCpl Privett MS LCpl Powell DR Tpr Camaibau M Tpr Josiah D0 Tpr Hall MT

LCpl Robinson MA Tpr Nardini P Tpr Qio P

Tpr Wilson JC LAD SSgt Yarborough] Sgt Journeaux M LSgt Luckhurst LSgt Hacker JP LSgt Naylor DS LCpl Ashford J LCpl Waddington JS LCpl Jones R0 LCpl Trigg AW Cfn Devlin 0 Cfn Knight A

D SQUADRON SHQ Mai W Bartle-Jones Capt AD Greenwood

Nominal Rolls Nominal Rolls

Capt AH James Lt TEF Burne W02 (SQM) Goodall D CoH Anderton A LCoH Daley DP LCoH King JA LCoH North CD LCpl Hamnett PR

Tpr Hawley JF Tpr McCann LM Tpr Morgan OI.

Tpr Ross GK Tpr Rowlands SE Tpr Stubhs N

FITTER SECTION SSgl Wright NJ Sgt Hocking D


LSgt Appleton DJ

CoH Simpson DJ LCoH Bonham CM LCoH Green MD LCoH Salina SA

LSgt Matea ER LSgt Oates DG

Tpr Compton M LCpl Wild D] Tpr Cooper G Tpr Edwards CS Tpr Keen D

Tpr Smith JP

Cfn Blackburn M

Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr


Tpr Solis MA Tpr White MRW

LCpl Logan TC Tpr Clayton JM Tpr Elliott DP

Lt CC Church CoH Hoggarth JS LCoH PreSton AS LCpl Allwood SJ LCpl Harris PD LCpl Woodgate JM Tpr Hannaford RA

LCpl Parry RG LCpl Radford AG

Gray SPF Jary GW Hulatt JP Nairn MR


Tpr Judd SE

Lt Col R R D Griffin

Capt R M P Bavister

Capt] E M Howell

CoH Fitzgerald] CoH Sauders N

Capt JP O’Connor W01 (RCM) Pass J

LCoH Slowey A]


LCpl Clayden A LCpl Fourie DP LCpl McCabe C

Tpr Phillips JC

LSgt Ttirner GJ

LCoH Waite N

Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr

LCpl Ashton NM LCpl Sandi JM LCpl Veeren J Pte Peterson VM

LCpl LCpl LCpl LCpl LCpl LCpl


Raffles RG Sabatini LEI. Smith DCR Stock M Tate JB Ward AL

LCpl Sampson DJ HQ SQUADRON Tpr Butchard IRG

Tpr Ellis NM

Maj TJ Carpenter

Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr

W02 (SCM) Thomas P CoH McNamara K

Glasgow] Goodyear E] Raynor Wilson JC

LCoH Frampton DA

LCoH Anderson A LCoH McWhirter SM LCpl Hayward PR

CoH Freeman WC LCoH Blackwood RC

SCpl McDonald FA

LCoH Darlington L

Capt CW Wren

Tpr Allen JA

W02 (SCM) Heaton LC

Tpr Baker RK

SCpl Cornock O LCpl Mace G Tpr Shaw DE

Tpr Baker C] Tpr Coleman PA Tpr Clempson DA


Tpr Dominey A Tpr Emsley K

CoH Auld GD CoH Chinn S LCoH DeBruin A LCoH Partridge M LCpl Puddifoot T LCpl Medler DC LCpl Shickle D LCpl Viljoen J


LCoH Ravenscroft DJ

W02 Gardner GC SCpl Peet MP SCpl Twyman P SSgt Taylor DJ

Tpr Wright DL


Tpr Mapp CM


Tpr Bliss ANS Tpr Brown J Tpr Corcoran JJ

Tpr Engelbrecht H


Tpr Langford TL

Maj R H A Lewis Capt R] Moger W02 (SCM) Fortune K

Tpr Plummer C Tpr Semakula A Tpr Shaw DE

Tpr Edwards AC

LCoH Scott P

Tpr Gray] Tpr Greenwood SJ

Capt M J Harley

Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr

CoH Jukes S

Tpr O’Farrell CR Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr

Payne D Selby K Selamu RS Smith AS Wincott J

1 TROOP Lt W A McCarter


Tpr Montgomery A Tpr Munday JN Tpr Neal MP

Tpr Roden L

CoH Park JG LCoH Cawley A]

Tpr Gorman WT

Luck B McAuliffe AP McGeachy RG Metcalf R]

SCpl Sharpe RD

Tpr Veness DL Tpr Winter RD

Tpr Foran R]

CoH Amos L] LCoH Howell RG LCoH Hartley D LCpl Perry] LCpl Rawasa SV LCpl Street DJ Tpr Baker TJ Tpr Bailey CJ Tpr Blundell DJW Tpr Barrs D Tpr Brown AR Tpr Bonsor DC Tpr Coulson J

LCpl Blakeway LG LCpl Hill MR

Tpr Hopper] Tpr Lennard A

Tpr Guanabeci S Tpr Heeley SC Tpr Melrose JS Tpr McDougall JH Tpr Mamcey CD

Tpr Ward R]

LCpl Bateman E LCpl Hancox OM LCpl Martin JI LCpl Monger JA Tpr Bray AP Tpr Evans DJ Tpr Folschcr] Tpr Gatt TJA Tpr Groom SM Tpr Hendy RP Tpr Hibbert R] Tpr Johnstone TMR Tpr Laird REL Tpr Margison RK Tpr Reid PD Tpr Ross MJD

Capt R] Waygood W02 Jenkins DA W02 Moore GP SCpl Hackman RC SCpl Payne DJ CoH Arkley JD CoH Western CAS LCoH Broom J LCoH Golder LE LCoH Hume DR LCpl Eames RPM LCpl Pope CS

LCoH McThune P

LCpl Thomas CG]

Tpr Gray S Capt T B Eastwood

Tpr Smith LA


LCoH Hamilton NM LCoH Hayden RC

Tpr Warren SL Tpr Whitehead JGW

Tpr Mackin AD Tpr McIntyre D Tpr Nawari E Tpr Richardson CA Tpr Scott TS Tpr Smith DS Tpr Turpie BR Tpr Vardon-Odonkor E Tpr Ware JM

CoH Holloway DL

Tpr White MRW

Lt TMR Long CoH Flynn

Tpr Hirst CD


LCoH Costain MA LCoH Parr MH LCoH Plimmer WA

Tpr Molyncux AM


Tpr Cooper AR Tpr Graham AC Tpr Grant JK

LCoH Claire JA

Tpr MeGrath MP

Tpr Hawkins NM Tpr Killeen AH Tpr Littlehalcs lJ

LCoH Sherlock N LCoH Woods MJ


Tpr Kettle DC

Tpr Minter I’W Tpr Stanford M

Tpr Harley SE Tpr Leach JT

The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment RHQ

Sgt Shaw A LCoH Beaumont AM

W02 Smith A SSgt Johnson 1.] Sgt Bonnor CK Sgt Dignan CJ LSgt Grundy WR LSgt Jones RI

ZLt T] Glover

Cfn Darnell A Cfn Hemmingway TL Cfn Martin LM

ADMIN TROOP SCpl Burton WA LSgt Mullen LCpl Cooper AAS LCpl Jones WP

Tpr Rosedale JB

Tpt Thoman GL

LCpl Scott CW] Tpr Appleton KR Tpr Backhouse GP

Tpr Hawkshaw PPM


Camp IG Carey CM Holiday PA Royston DR Tingley GHL Wharton]

Tpr Dorran KP Tpr Ibbetson SE Tpr Kemp AJP

CoH Walker CA Capt D M Holdom

LCpl Fletcher N LCpl O’Connor Forbes DD Tpr Catton JPR

Tpr Collins JM Tpr Saunders CC Tpr Smith DJL Tpr Wade JW


MEDICAL CENTRE WOs‘ AND NCOs’ MESS Surg Maj JH Lewin LCoH Royston DL LCpl Brown GJ Tpr Beddar PV

CoH Doga M

LCpl Short DJ Tpr Pragnell A



Ashdown CH Beulah M Hadden M] Scovell AM

LCoH Darby CG

CoH Callow TJ LCoH Wyard S LCpl Ashaa Y LCpl Dallimer FR LCpl Pagen LA

Maj A D Dick Capt R A Gibbs W02 Gaddes ARJ SCpl Martin W CoH Couling M CoH Downing TJ LCoH Williams MR LCpl Doyle ELP

LCpl Dunnieliff DP LCpl Brunt P

LCpl Lorey GK LCpl Scollick BR

Capt S P Deverell CoH Gerrard SJ

CoH Walker NK LCoH Edmond DJ

Officers at ERE

LCpl Clement CP LCpl Cooper EG

LCpl Killeen RS LCpl Newstead GJ Tpr Bass SH Tpr Cameron RN Tpr Clark SJ

Tpr Elliott RA Tpr Giles AM Tpr Glover SMT Tpr Graham»Grecn HLE Tpr Hansen VJ Tpr Longhurst JW Tpr McNiel SC Tpr Newton AD Tpr Pickles] E Tpr Rautenhach J Tpr Russel T] Tpr Schaffer WP Tpr Sherman DS Tpr Worsey GCJ

The Life Guards Captain M A Avison

0C Defence Animal Centre

Captain N G Bacon Major] R D Barnard

1 (UK) Reece Bdc PJHQ Northwood Hereford

Captain M S P Berry Major] B C Butah Colonel W S G Doughty Lieuentant Colonel H R D Fullerton Major] D A Gaselee Captain A H James Captain M E W Kingston MBE Major A Lawrence

Lieutenant Colonel W R Lindsay Captain KJ Poynter Colonel N M A Ridley Lieutenant Colonel H S] Scott

MCM Div Glasgow

ATR (Pirbright) DA Bogota P312 A

DGM IPT, Bath DPS Upavon Shrivenham

Lieutenant Colonel G G E Stibbe OBE

JALO, RAF High Wycornbe

Captain A R Tate

Shrivenham HQ London District HQ 3rd Division DS(SeC) London

Major R C Taylor DSO Colonel M C van der Lande OBE

HQ 4th Division HQ ARRC Rheindahlen HQ Land

Major M Whatley Lieutenant Colonel J R Wheeler

ATR (Pirbright) RAC Training Regt

The Blues and Royals

Tpr Wright 1)] 3 TROOP

Brigadier W T Browne

Captain R] Carney MBE CoH Griffiths NL Colonel C B B Clee CoH Robson DH LCoH Heyes MR LCoH Martin SD LCpl Ahsam HM LCpl Francis RA LCpl Jones PF

Colonel S H Cowen Major E P W Hayward Captain A R Heathcotc Major D E Hughes Lieutenant Colonel C A Lockhart Lieutenant Colonel F G S Lukas

Paris HQ 4th Division MoD London COS‘ HQ London District BDS (Washington) Bovington

Major Major Major Major Major Major

V P Maher MBE R P Manning S St M Miller R R Phillipson-Stow General W R Rollo CBE S C Tomes


Major General B W B White—Spanner

JSCSC Shrivenham PJHQ, Northwood

Lieutenant Colonel G V de la F Woyka

ICSC(L) Shrivenham Afghanistan

HRF Lille CATT (UK) Warminster

ACGS London ) BPSTtEA) Kenya COS HQ Land Shrivenham

LCpl Kelly FP Tpr Barnot GC Tpr Bush TJ Tpr Deavall GM

Nominal Rolls Nominal Rolls



Rogers BE

\V’Ol \WOI \VOl

Parkinson JC

W02 W02 W02 W02 W02 W02 W02 W02 W02 W02 W02 W02 SCp] SCpl

Rees DA Tovcll ADW Foster]

Shields J Sykes JA

Stewart NM McMillan FJM Newman S]

Veiiablcs PD Short ADW

Sp Bn ARRC 4 CTT 601 TACP 602 TACP

Glasgow KF Johnson RM Roberts M] Blackburn 11’


Simkins C Saiiti MA Butts AI. Galbraith CS


Mills S] Brown TE

Jaworski MT] Mowatt DJ Scholes K] Martin SD

As many of you will no doubt be aware, the Household Cavalry Regiment has, in recent years, been deployed on numerous operations, including Squadron and Battle Group tours to Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan. Currently Squadrons are due to deploy to Iraq in June 2007, with the remaining Squadrons deploying to Afghanistan later in the year (less D squadron). They will deploy back to Afghanistan in March 2008, having recently returned. In light of this fact and following the recent experiences ofD Squadron in Afghanistan, a working fund has been started aimed at helping to provide financial support to injured soldiers and their families Whilst it is recognised that much ofthe financial burden imposed by tragic operational injuries to soldiers is catered for by specialist Regimental and Armed Forces Organisations and charities who provide an immensely helpful element, experience shows that there is still very much a need for further assistance.


Francis R


Ireland PG

Pearce T


Banhani PB


McDowell SD Haith B Moffatt JA Adams CA Bye CE Chambers RI Nicholls SRA

An example ofthis is highlighted in the case of LCpl Martyn Compton LG, who suffered horrendous injuries following a well coordinated Taliban ambush near the town of Musa Qaleh, Helmand Province, Afghanistan on lst August 2007. Martyn’s Spartan CVR(T) was destroyed by an Improvised Explosive Device, which killed the remainder ofthe crew and left him with 70% burns to his body, most notably to his torso, head and arms. He also suffered a complicated gun shot wound to his right leg as he tried to extract from the immediate area. Martyn has undergone numerous operations and skin grafts, enduring over fifty hours of operations. As he learns to walk again, he is likely to face years of medical care. He is currently undergoing rehabilitation at DRMC Headley Court, where he


Ireton JK Knaggs JDK Gray BJ MacKenzie AH


Grime DP Rutt P Paylor KS McKay SA

Throughout his ordeal, Martyn has shown nothing but the stoutest resolve and ambition to get back to work. Both 1118 and his fiancee Michelle’s families have been instrumental in aiding his remarkable recovery, With added financial burdens. They and Martvn will continue their journey but will require financial assistance in the many years to come. It is here and in other cases, that the fund can make a huge difference, offsetting many of the costs imposed upon them.

Hooper MA Barnard RD Fermor DA Overton TL

McWhirter P

Bell GA Irwin ]S Carr JB Mathews SR Hocking CGC

Eulert CA Lowe ]M


Household Cavalry Operational Casualties Fund

Hayes MT Hemming NG Byrne ]J Galvin A]



Pickard S] Ansell DW Brown LP Bestwick MP

has fifteen hours of intensive physiotherapy a week.

The Band of The Life Guards Major (DOM)

R Pennington

WOI (BM) W02 (BCM) SCpl

Hallatt C Allen RM Goodchild NJ


Atkinson N


Wheeler GW Whybrow MP


Semkin G]


Kirk AK


Barker C West TS Carter DRM Isherwood DL Embry J Hinchliffe VT Sanders RI. Gray MP Sills E]


Sharman JC


Rockey J]


Grimwood A


Welsh JM


D’Arcy P


Patterson SJA

Musn Musn

Potts A Kennedy GW

Musn Musn

Gibbs SP


Musn Musn Musn Musn Mttsn

Sandford JPD Appleby A Ruffcr BET Sinclair M] Byrne D] Long A Watson A

The Band of The Blues and Royals Captain (DOM) T Cooper

LCoH Bishop PA

LCpl Barratt F.

W01 (BM) Marshall] W021 (BCM) Gough RL SCpl (SQMC) Redman M ASCpl Thomas GB CoH Marsh S CoH Whitfield A CoH Kent P

LCoH Pritchard CP LCoH Rowe PA LCpl Witter DL

LCpl Prcece SJ Musn March EM

LCpl Screen MP

Musn Lockwood]

LCpl Kinsler GL

Musn Crofts I.

LCpl Martin S

Musn Miller AC

Musn Summertield IM

Before deployment to Afghanistan.

Martyn rehabilitating at Headley Court.

erational Casualties Fund’ will be centrally controlled by a committee appotnted by ' 7' r ‘ donation, however small; illiléeCIoIrffrlrsiziligifiggffigrolPlCR and held within the Regimental PRI Account. Any can be gained tl'troulgb information Further appreCiated. greatly be would and helpful enormously would be 390945. Email. W1 D— 07976 or 755237 01753 on HCR) Leader, Squadron Major Will Bartle-Jones RHG/D (D

LCpl Dickinson]

Musn Wrighton M

juk(u or listed on DII.

LCpl Stringfellow R

Musn Snook HI.

CoH Kitching S

LCpl May P]

Musn Ballantinc JSP

3DN. In advance, your Squadron Leader, Household Cavalry Regiment, Combermere Barracks, Windsor, SL4 ated. appreci generosity is greatly

LCoH (TM) Sewell-Jones GS

LCpl Roberts MC

Musn Porter I)

LCoH King AS

LCpl Wootten L]

ACOH Groves A]

Cheques should be made payable to .Central Bank HCR and sent to

Household Cavalry News Nominal Rolls

A Blues and Royals Quiz from the 19705

NOTICES Information for members of both The Life Guards and The Blues and Royals Associations The Queen’s Birthday Parade and Review The Queen’s Birthday Parade will be held on Saturday 16th June 2007 with the Colonels’ Review on 9th June and the Major General’s Review on 2nd June. A limited number of tickets for the Inner Line of Sentrics (standing only) will be available for members through the Honorary Secretary of their respective Association. Tickets cannot be purchased through Headquarters Household Cavalry. Household Division Beating Retreat The Mounted Bands of the Household Cavalry and the Massed Bands of the Foot Guards will Beat Retreat on Horse Guards on Wednesday 6th and Thurs— day 7th ]une 2007. Performances start at 7pm and last approximately one hour. Ticket prices are £12 and £10 (all reserved seating): 10% discount on all tickets to those booking 10 seats or more. Family tickets in the £10 seats for 2 Adults and up to 2 children aged 16 and under, cost £35, Basic portaloo toi— let facilities are available. A limited number of wheelchair spaces are avail— able for these parades. A member of the Royal Family or a civilian or military VIP takes the salute. No refund can be

area. Members are invited to Hyde Park Barracks after the parade but admission will only be by ticket from your respective Honorary Secretary.

who will put you in touch with your Opening of Museum and Pageant on Horse Guards

nearest team.

Her Majesty will be opening the new Household Cavalry Museum on 12th June 2007 and it is planned to put on a Pageant on Horse Guards to celebrate this. A flyer on the Pageant will be in this Journal explaining all. However, tickets will be £80, £60, £40 and £20 plus a handling fee and these can be bought from Ticketmaster either through

Helpful Contacts

or 0870 4000 848. Change of Address All members are requested to inform their respective Honorary Secretary, through Home Headquarters House— hold Cavalry, of any change in their address. Every year both Associations lose touch with a number of members who have failed to notify us of their change of address. Any correspondence returned will result in that member being placed in the non-effective part of the database.

given if the event is cancelled for reasons beyond our control. Ticket requests should be made as follows: Cheques/postal orders, made payable to “Household Division Funds” will be accepted at any time but tickets will not be despatched before April. Cheques (in sterling only) should be sent to The Treasurer Household Division Funds, Horse Guards, London, SW1A ZAX together with a stamped self addressed envelope. Credit Card booking line (020 7839 5323) will be open between 9 am and 4 pm Monday to Friday from 2nd April, There will be an extra £1 extra charge for each credit card booking. Combined Cavalry Parade and Service

1. Who are the part time soldiers?


Find Mr Angry



Where is the Mayor of Doncaster?

Pick out an Adjutant, Quartermaster, 21C, Hong Kong

Dweller, farmer and a man hiding in the hedgerow. Send your answers to: Londonderry Quiz, HQ Household Cavalry, Horse Guards, London SW1A ZAX


Household Cavalry News

The 83rd Combined Cavalry Old Comrades Parade and Service will be held in Hyde Park on Sunday 13th May 2007. This year The Blues and Royals are the sponsor regiment and The Princess Royal as Colonel of the Regiment, will take the salute. Members of each Association should assemble in Broad Walk at 1030 hrs on the grass behind their Regimental Marker Board. Dress will be lounge suits and medals (not miniatures). Due to the security arrangements members should give themselves plenty of time to get to the Assembly

19 Queen Elizabeth Street London SE1 ZLP Telephone: 020 7463 9223

E-Mail Addresses Notification of changes to your E-mail address is now becoming as important as changes to your postal address. Please keep Home Headquarters informed of those changes. Internet Matters The Household Cavalry Web Site can be found at The E—Mail address is as follows: homehq@\ SSAFA Forces Help - Recruitment SSAFA Forces Help need more volunteers from each Association to be Casework Supporters who are visitors, treas— urers, administrators and fund—raisers. SSAFA Forces Help volunteers are there to provide practical help, advice and friendship to all serving and ex-serving men, women and their families. More than 85,000 call on the charity every year. Training is given (2 days), and out— of—pocket expenses are paid. Job satisfaction is guaranteed. If you can spare a little time for a ‘comrade’ please contact: Anne Needle, Branch Recruitment Office

The following is a list of organisations which members may find useful for future reference: Royal Windsor Visitors Information Bureau

Enquiries: 01753 743900 Accommodation: 01753 743907 E-mail: The Commonwealth War Graves Commission They have an excellent website which can be searched using basic details, for information about the final resting place of war dead at home and overseas. Their site can be found

The Household Cavalry Memorial in Zandvoorde has been completely refurbished so that all the names, some of which had been eroded over time, can now be seen again. ESHRA (ex-service homes referral agency) The role of ESHRA is to supply information and advice on both private and ex-Service Care Homes. This includes the location of the homes, general advice on funding and care assessments, and the services that the homes can provide i.e. respite and convalescent care. Contact Details: ESHRA, The Royal British Legion, 48 Pall Mall, London SW1Y

52R. T 0207 839 4466 E W www.cshra.c0m Officers‘ Association (0A) and 0A, Scotland Helps ex—Officers in financial distress, provides homes for disabled officers and families, and operates a residential home in Devon. It also assists ex—Officers to find suitable employment after leaving the Service. They can be contacted in England on 020 7389 5219 and in Scotland on 0131557 2782.

News from the Associations


The Royal British Legion (TRBL)

Ex - Service Fellowship Centres (EFC)

Veterans Agency Help Line

TRBL is the UK’S largest ex—service organisation with some 570,000 mem—

The aim ofthe EFC is to relieve distress among ex—servicemen of all ranks and their widows or Widowers who, at the time of application for assistance, are unemployed, homeless or for reasonable cause in need. They can be contacted at

The Veterans Agency Help line email address has changed to helpttlveter~ ansagencygsigovuk. You may also contact them on their free helpline serve on

020 7828 2468.

Army Personnel Records

bers. One ofits objects is to promote the relief of need and to promote the educa— tion of all those who are eligible, their spouses, children and dependants. If you need help, you can contact the local TRBL branch near you (number in the local phone book), or the national Legion help line on 08457 725 725 or visit their web site at: www.britishle—

SSAFA Forces Help It exists to help, according to need, all men and women serving, or who have

SSAFA Forces Help Housing Advice Service Provides housing information and advice to Ex-Service personnel and their dependants. For further information contact them at 01722 436400. Haig Homes

served at any time, in the Armed Forces of the Crown, their families and depen— dants. Local branches of SSAFA Forces Help can be found in the local phone book or from the Citizens’ Advice Bureau or contact the Central Office at: 020 7403 8783 or visit their web site at:

Haig Homes have some 1100 homes throughout the country for letting exclusively to ex-regulars and their fam~ ilies on assured tenancies. For details of where properties are located and appli— cation forms contact them at 020 8648

The Ex—Services Mental Welfare Society (Combat Stress)

Ministry of Defence (MOD) Medal Office

For nearly 80 years it has been the only organization specialising in the care of men and women of all ranks discharged from the Armed Services who suffer from injury of the mind. The Society has 3 short stay treatment centres that specialise in providing treatment for those who need help in coping with their psychological problems. For more information and full contact details for

There is now one Medal Office, which covers all three Services;

regional offices telephone the Head Office on 01372 841600 or visit their web site at:


For correspondence only write to: AFPAA (JPAC) MOD Medal Office , Building 250 RAF lnnsworth, Gloucester, GL3 lHW



The object of the Association is to pro-

Veterans Badges Men and Women who served in the Armed Forces in the First World War or in the Second World War between 03/09/1939 and 31/12/1954 are eligible for a Veterans Badge. Other groups who are entitled are: Cyprus Regiment, Mer— chant Navy Seamen, Home Guard and Polish Forces under UK Command. War Widows and Widowers receiving War Widows/Widowers Pension also qualify. You can download a form from the Veterans Agency Website at

_badge/vets_badge.htm or can obtain one by telephoning the Veterans Agency Help line 0800 169 2277 Veterans Agency -— Change of Address

Regular Forces Employment Association (RFEA) contact no is 020 7321 2011 orat:

Officers or Soldiers whose regular or reserve service ended before 1921

His Grace The Duke of Wellington presided and we were delighted to be honoured with the presence of Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal, Colonel The Blues and Royals.

The National Archives Ruskin Avenue Kew, Richmond Surrey TW9 4DU Telephone: 0208 876 3444

A total of83 members of both Regiments and their guests enjoyed an excellent lunch, at which we were delighted to welcome Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Griffin, Commanding Officer of The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment.

Officers or Soldiers whose regular or reserve service ended between 1921 and 1997

Colonel Blues and Royals and members of 7 and 2 HCR Associations. The date for our 6lst reunion has yet to be arranged, but it is hoped that this will take place during the middle of October 2007 at Hyde Park Barracks, when we

look forward once again to welcome as many members as possible from both Regiments. Invitations will be sent out during August.

North East Association

Army Personnel Centre HQ Secretariat Historical Disclosures Mail Point 400, Kentigern House 65 Brown Street, Glasgow G2 8EX Telephone: 0845 600 9663, option 3 Officers and Soldiers of Foot Guards Regiments

The ***********Guards

For additional medals visit:

mote the welfare of all those who have

St Dunstan’s cares for Ex—Servicemen who have lost their sight for any reason (even after leaving the Service). For more information contact 020 7723 50210r visit their web site at—

Enquiries about information from Army personnel records should be made to the appropriate address below:

Regimental Headquarters

St Dunstan’s

he 60th Annual Reunion of the 1st and 2nd Household Cavalry Regiments was held on Thursday 12th October 2006 in the WOs’ and NCOs’ Mess at Hyde Park Barracks by kind permission of the RCM, W01 J Pass.

Or you may telephone the following

0800 085 3600

The British Limbless Ex-Servicemen’s Association (BLESMA)

lost a limb or limbs, or use of limbs, or one or both eyes as a result of their service in the Forces and to assist needy dependants of such Service limbless. It will also help those Ex—Service men who lose a leg after Service. For more details contact them on 020 8590 1124 or visit their web site at:

0800 169 22 77.

lst and 2nd Household Cavalry Regiments Annual Reunion

The Veterans Agency has changed its postal address from Norcross to the fol~ lowing: Veterans Agency, Thornton-Cleveleys, Blackpool, FY5 3WP.

Wellington Barracks Birdcage Walk, London SW1E 6HQ Officers or Soldiers whose regular or reserve service ended after 1997 Army Personnel Centre HQ Secretariat Disclosures Section 1 Mail Point 520, Kentigern House 65 Brown Street, Glasgow G2 8EX Telephone: 0845 600 9663, option 4

Outgoing Mayor ol Sunder/and. Bill Stephenson with the incoming Mayor Tom Foster, with members of The Household Cave/W Association NE at the presentation at the Town Hall,

The Chairman presenting the Mayor with a plaque and his honorary membership.

Presentation of Household Cavalry Ceremonial Kit to the people of Sunderland. The Mayor said that the people of Sunderland and the North East were proud to be associated with The Household Cavalry. Many serving and retired soldiers were from the region.

Boots & Bullsh‘t Clifford Newton, a former Blue and Royal is compiling a book by the name of Boots & Bullsh*t which will be a col— lection of amusing experiences, funny stories, jokes, tales, anecdotes and precarious moments in and associated with, Service life in all branches of HM Armed Forces. Anyone who could provide any of the above should contact New Newton on 01754 768401 (Tel) 01754 610612 (Fax) or thenewtonsm



Ftlneral of LCp/ Sean Tansey at Washington, Tyne and Wear.

Sunder/and Remembrance Day Parade. A\"P"Dit\1ld1‘”> runes, qri‘. rm ’_Vi'i'"irit‘\ twat

News from the Associations News from the Associations

North Staffordshire Branch President: Lt.Col. J.S.Olivier, The Blues and Royals Chairman and Treasurer: Mr. Barry Lewis

formerly the Royal Horse Guards. Secretary:



out duties for us in the absence of Preb Ridyard. We are pleased she has accept— ed the post.

President The Rt. Hon. The Earl of Normanton

In August the weather was turning out to be a scorcher and work at the NMA moved up a gear. We were honoured by a visit from Col PJ Tabor.

Chairman Raymond Peck, formerly The Life Guards

Mr.Ian Taylor formerly the Royal Horse Guards. We got off to a good start to the year with enough members coming out of hibernation to make a good attendance at our first meeting, plus two new members joining our ranks, Mr Reg Jones and Mr Sam Keyworth. Several members travelled to the North East in March to support the North East Association at their dinner/dance,

always a good evening of friendship with

serving officers were re-elected. They must be doing a good job!?

Our first Social Evening of the year was in April with a good turnout of members and wives. It was a pleasure to see Char— lie and Margaret Greenwood make the trip down from Yorkshire to be with us. With such a wet start to the year nothing could be started on the work planned at The Blues and Royals memorial at The National Memorial Arboretum. It was May before it was dry enough to get on

Site. A number of members attended the Cav— alry Sunday Parade in May and laid a


honoured to pay our respects.

colleagues and wives. At the AGM in March, chaired by our Vice President Mr P R V Thellusson,

Secretary and Treasurer John Triggs BEM, formerly The Blues and Royals

In September, the Secretary and Mr Brian Allen travelled to Washington in the North East to attend the funeral of Lance Corporal Sean Tansey, a young Life Guard who lost his life in Afghanistan. A sad time but we were

The Secretary and his wife paid a visit to Lichfield to present our outgoing Padre with a framed embroidered Household Cavalry badge and engraved tumblers as a token of our thanks for his service. By now we were making the final arrangements for our dinner dance in October. With enquiries from former colleagues of members wishing to renew old friendships, we were expecting a good turnout for the dinner as well as some very welcome new members. The dinner dance did turn out to have a very good attendance. Our guest speak— er was Lt Col R R D Griffin, The Life Guards, Commanding Officer of The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment. After the very hot period, the weather had now changed for the worse and work at the NMA was becoming very heavy. The planned completion of the improvements was put back until next Spring, but we were able to have the plot

Why go abroad with weather


in good order for November llth when we were able to hold a Remembrance Service, and dedicate the new Blues and Royals Standard. On Remembrance Sunday, 12th November, we paraded at Newcastle under Lyme. The was followed by a short serv— ice at the grave of former Life Guard Len Durber. Our Branch Christmas dinner in the first week of December will be the last event of the year before we go into hibernation again. Again, as Christmas approaches, we think of our serving colleagues, working in difficult situations to bring peace to parts of the world where peace is seldom known. We can be sure they will uphold the traditions and values of The Household Cavalry. God bless you all.

Trevor Collett Senior formerly The Blues and Royals Dudley Feltham formerly The Royal Horse Guards Fred Kemp formerly The Royal Horse Guards Brian Murray formerly The Blues and Royals Wally Pitt formerly The Blues and Royals Bill Stephenson

formerly The Blues and Royals Co-opted Committee Members Lt Col (Retd) Mick Harding Staff Quartermaster Andy Panter

both formerly The Blues and Royals January dawned with the Association’s 25th Anniversary year, much planned for and yet so much to do. The Commit— tee got into a steamy huddle at the Savoy Hotel in Bournemouth and cemented a much—discussed plan into place. Due to corporate policy change within the hotel owners, the Spring Dinner could not be hosted at the Savoy Hotel, but an excel— lent alternative was established in the

form of a St George’s Day Dinner and

wreath at the Hyde Park Memorial. This event was made more special this year when Lt Col G V de la F Woyka had the bands stop at the Memorial and play

Dance in the Sgts’ Mess of The Armour Centre at Bovington Camp. This was a trip down memory lane as many mem— bers had been to Bovington as either a Junior Leader or on a course there or at Lulworth.

“Abide with me” accompanied by two State Trumpeters. A most moving trib-

ute. Our second Social Evening was held in July and was again well attended. Our Padre, Preb J G Ridyard had asked the Secretary if he could stand down, as now being retired and living out of the area, he felt he was not able to perform his duties as well as he would like. We look back with fond memories of visits to Lichfield and of evenings of comrade— ship always ending with a buffet par

excellence. Members immediately voted on the appointment of the Revd Ann Taylor(wife of the Secretary) to be voted in as Chaplain, as she had been carrying

Dorset Branch

r, :-

The Reverend Ann fay/or presenting the retiring Padre vvith a framed House/to/o’ Cavalry badge.

So, come 8th April, 68 Members, wives and friends sat down to a traditional Sgts’ Mess Dinner, silver, menu holder, candles etc and were extremely well served by the Mess staff. In keeping with the mood, the Chief of Staff of The Armour Centre was invited to attend and Lt Col Giles Stibbe OBE The Life Guards most kindly obliged and enthralled all about St George and other matters. Our thanks to W01 (GSM) Tim Moore QDG for his hospitality and support. The seasonal Winter Warmer Draw took place and smiles were to be seen on Lt Col ((Retd) David O’Halloran for winning the £250 first prize, this

was nearly equalled by Cap (Retd) Chris Sayer MBE who won the weekend break and tickets to the ZSLh ‘do’. And the profits helped to pay for the Anniversary wine! Cavalry Sunday arrived and saw Dave (Nye) Bradley lay the Association’s wreath at the RHG/D Memorial in Hyde Park after the main church parade. Many members were present and took solemn stock ofthe occasions to remember the fallen. The July newsletter was heavier than usual and arrived by ‘signed for’ deliv— ery. Contained within the package was the Association’s token of Anniversary, a specially struck limited edition silver medallion in presentation box with an inscribed card from The President. This keepsake was sent worldwide to all members and many kind comments and thoughts were expressed back to the Committee. September saw the Committee gather for the 25th Anniversary Balloon Race launch; snag was so did the weather and by 3pm, with winds gusting to 60mph and rain, the launch was postponed. A snap decision on 10th September saw the balloons released and take their migrato— ry course along the south coast and the winning balloon was found in France, just up the coast from Le Havre in the seaside resort of Yport. See the result later in the Anniversary dinner narrative. November arrived and with it the much anticipated 25th Anniversary Dinner and Dance. On Saturday 4th November 275 members, guests and friends assem» bled at the Carrington House Hotel in Bournemouth to mark the occasion by way of an anniversary dinner and dance. The planning of the year’s events started some five years ago after the 20th anniversary and various methods of fund raising were investigated and put in place. Draws, balloon races and even more prize draws; all designed to gener~ ate revenue to spend on celebration whilst also providing some sport and rewards for the lucky winners. Over the last five years the Committee raised through the membership some £10,000, which was then spent this year in cele« bration on the medallions and anniver— sary dinner. The well tried formula was put in place with the great assistance of the Savoy Hotel and the General Manager, Mr Chris Birkett, in particular in that we ‘purchased’ the hotel for the weekend of

the Anniversary Dinner and Dance, thus allowing Members the chance to meet and greet prior to and after the Anniversary Dinner Dance event. On Friday 3rd November, by 7pm, we had some 140 gathered at the Savoy and so the celebrations began. Saturday morn« ing saw very few take part in the Bournemouth to Boscombe pier swim; as many as normally take part ~ i.e. none! The weather proved that ‘someone likes us’ as we had a full sun and blue skies, even if chilly at night, all weekend. The PRI shop from Windsor was transported to the Savoy and operated in its usual position, the Games Room ofthe Savoy. Trade was brisk and many Christmas presents were bought and sneaked off to suitcases! Our sincere thanks to Bill and Anne Steel for all their work in providing the members with the opportunity to see and pur— chase the huge array of quality items now available from the shop; a real service to the members. The Annual General Meeting nearly started on time — even if the Secretary couldn’t remember which hotel he had left the Minute Book in! Members looked back and forward to the Association’s management and then it was time to en-bus to the Carrington House Hotel across Bournemouth where the actual dinner and dance was to take place. Due to the increasing size of dinner attendance, regrettably the Savoy is now too small to seat our 250 plus diners who attend. Some Members were already at the Carrington, opting to stay there rather than the Savoy — perhaps less trudging to bed made the difference? Come 7pm and the official guests started to arrive. The Committee decided some two years ago that the guest speaker should be, if possible, the Commander Household Cavalry — there is only one Commander and it solved the possible decision as to which regiment etc that might have occurred. It is an Association tradition that the guest speaker alternates between the two regiments year on year. Colonel Paddy Tabor MVO, accompa— nied by Mrs Grania Tabor, kindly picked up the gauntlet to be the ‘keynote’ speaker at the dinner. And just to see fair play the Regimental Adjutant, Lt Col (Retd) Shamus Olivier and Mrs Sally-Ann Olivier attended too — thanks to you all. No mean feat in speaking terms as we also invited all the previous Guests of Honour and Commanders (Silver Sticks), to our Annual Dinners over the years.

News from the Associations 120

News from the Associations


So, with the President — Lord Norman— ton, accompanied by Miss Rosalind Nott and the Chairman Mr Ray Peck accompanied by Mrs Paula Peck, a top table of twenty-two persons prepared to celebrate and dine and we thank them all for attending.

The photographer returned with the photos taken earlier, all developed and mounted so members could retrieve them before they left the hotel. Come midnight and the majority of the top table had left to return with the Present by coach to his house. Meanwhile the Committee in the form ofTrevor Collett, Bill Stephenson and Fred Kemp were

Apologies in absence from the founding President - Maj Gen Lord Michael Fitzalan—Howard CVO, CB, CBE, MC, DL and Lady Fitzalan—Howard and Maj Gen Sir Roy Redgrave KBE, MC and Lady Redgrave, Maj Gen Sir Desmond Langley KCVO, MBE, and Lady Lang—

ley, Col Simon Faulkner OBE and Mrs Faulkner, Col Hamon Massey and Mrs Massey and Col James Hamilton-Russell

MBE and Mrs Hamilton—Russell. While diners awaited the call to dinner, there was the opportunity to be pho— tographed with two Dutymen, Troopers Gorman and Ellis from HCMR, both looking superb and in good order — just the part ofa mounted Household Cavalryman! Come 7:20pm and the Gentlemen Trum»

peters, our very own four trumpeters, sounded off warning for dinner and din— ers moved from the ground floor level down thirty—two steps into the Ambassa— dor Suite ready to proceed into dinner. While diners descended, the top table guests were being marshalled by Brian Murray, Committee member, and Ray Peck, into photographic position for the now obligatory top table photograph. The Gentlemen Trumpeters then sounded dinner call and diners made their way to table and seated themselves. The Sec— retary then read the Rules of Engagement as to the conduct of the dinner and the overall evening activities for information and to fill the time while the photogra— phy took place. Meanwhile the Pipe Major Dixie Ingram, of The Band of the Scots Guards Association, puffed up his bagpipes ready for the now traditional procession of the top table guests into dinner. Being a special year, the Associa— tion Banner was dismounted and readied

for parade by Committee member Dudley Feltham. Come the moment, the Pipe Major, followed by the Dutymen and then the Banner were lead in to dinner by the President. The diners responded to the skirl of pipes and the slow handclap as the procession advanced. All were assembled at table and a sharp but poignant reminder of our good fortune was expressed through Grace by Lt Col (Retd.) Mick Harding. All diners

seated themselves and the attention was drawn to the break in etiquette and the

introduction to the Gentlemen Trumpeters. On all other Annual Dinners we


News from the Associations

still at it — this time selling raffle tickets

. ._ .-


The Top Table Back Row (L to R): Capt (Herd) George Fox. Co/ Paddy Tabor MVO, Ma] Gen Sir Simon Cooper GCVO. Brig Andrew Parker—Boyv/es OBE. Co/ Jeremy SIn/{h-B/ngnaln. Lord Norma/tron, Maj (Herd) Paddy Hart/gen, Mr Ray Peck. Br/g Toby Browne LVO. Lt Co/ (Held) Shamus O/rvier, Lt Gen S/r R/cnard VICKSTS KCB LVO OBE Lt Col (Reid) Den/s Da/y. Front Row (L to R): Mrs Gran/a Tabor. Lady Jul/er Cooper, Mrs Va/er/e Fox, Mrss Rosa/Ind Nott,

Mrs Pat/la Peck. Mrs Serena Browne, Mrs Prr'scr/(a Srnr'tneB/‘ngnam. Mrs Sa//yeAnne Olly/er, Lady Gare Vickers, Mrs Caro/me Da/y have enjoyed our Gentlemen Trum~ peters play but many people had only heard them or not seen them perform. So, being the 25th dinner, and — as you know, when you are 25 you could do anything, the Gentlemen Trumpeters sounded a Call to Battle fanfare that all in the room could see and focus upon. What a splendid spectacle ~ our own men, in white dinner jackets, gloves, and trumpets with our banners thereon, blow the most fantastic of calls. All, including the staff, very well received this display of real musical excellence!

cluded by proposing a toast to The Household Cavalry and diners replied with gusto. Lord Normanton then me sented Col Tabor with an Association plaque and Mrs Tabor with a bouquet of flowers. A slight Hamlet cigar moment while the Committee members gathered around the top table then the Chairman rose and thanked the staffand Committee for all their hard work not just on the weekend and night but in the planning ofthe event over the years. He then announced that each previous guest speaker on the top table would receive a framed Association badge to mark the occasion as a token of our thanks and the Committee then presented them en mass much to the guests surprise.

Then it was to the business of the day 7 the tasty hot vegetable soup and crou» tons, pan- fried escallops of pork in a cranberry and thyme sauce followed by a good lemon torte. Cheese and coffee and of course all washed down with the Committee chosen wines, the Cuvee De Richard red and white wines and port. While dinner was progressing there was again the sound ofpipes and with drums as The Band of the Scots Guards Associ— ation marched on to the middle of the dance floor and proceeded to provide the spectacle of piped music and marching. A truly hair on the neck raising event and achieving all that the Committee had hoped for — a memorable show within the dinner itself. All too quickly it was March Off after a ‘wee dram Pipe Major’ and the presentation of an Association plaque.

cate ofthanks and appreciation from the

Time to charge the port glass as the Chairman introduced the President who read the letter of Loyal Greeting to Her Majesty The Queen and Her Majesty’s reply e then the Loyal Toast. Chairman then introduced Col Tabor who then enthralled all with where we were, what we had been doing and the way ahead — all for the Household Cavalry. He con—

Association for all their hard work and musical excellence over the last five years. The members are Bruce Worthy, George Hayne, Lez Bullock and Sid Dodson. Dressed in their white dinner jackets and regimental bow ties and handkerchiefs, they really did look the business and reminded diners of just how lucky we are to have these gentle— men with us.

Also a specific presentation was made to George Dugdale as the founding Chairman and also to Chris Birkett, the Gener~ a1 Manager of the Savoy Hotel, for all his assistance over the last 11 years. Chris was accompanied by his wife Margaret and Ray wished them, from all members of the Association, good luck with their pending French venture next year. The Committee felt that the Gentlemen Trumpeters should be ‘named and identified’ so they were asked to attend to top table and each received a framed certifi-

The Trumpeters. (L to R), Bruce Worthy George Hayne, Lez Bullock and Sid Dodson. Presentations nearly at an end, the President was kind enough to present Barry Idle with the £150 prize as the Balloon Race winner of 2006 and this was received to much applause as Barry was the Association Secretary for many

for the Association sponsored charity in 2006 — East Holton Driving Centre at Holton Lee. Thanks go to Trevor Col— lett, Bill Steel who donated some truly superb prizes - and an anonymous but smashing box of chocolates!! Eleven prizes in all went through the raffle and the total take on the evening netted £1300 — a great effort from all the diners, thank you.

Finally, the Chairman rose and announced the Association’s thanks to our President and asked that he receive from all members the centrepiece of the dinner table, a cuirasse and two swords. Lord Normanton was visibly surprised and was kind enough to reply which was very well received by all present.

As midnight came — so did two hundred balloons tumble down; the hotel had strung up in a net for us red white and blue balloons and table ten seemed to vanish under the latex invasion for a moment! Balloons, streamers and party poppers, it really was a good party with Disco Andy playing the right music all the way through and having diners on the floor. Around the room there was space to move and talk and for those needing somewhere quieter there was always the sea front!

At last the dinner was over and the Committee dispersed across the room, hearing bags of party poppers, noisemakers and blowouts to get the dance party on the road so to speak. The curtains on the stage opened and the ITIS Disco Road Show kicked off the music. Members liked what they heard and soon the dance floor was covered by couples dancing, streamers and torpedo balloons!

All too quickly it was lam and carriages in the form of the double—decker buses arrived to ferry diners back to the Savoy Hotel. Back at the Savoy, the bar had opened at 11:30 pm to cater for those returning earlier on the shuttle buses and trade was brisk as the main body of people returned. Chef had kindly pro— vided trays of sandwiches and this was most welcomed by all returning rev—


ellers. All danced out but still lively conversation throughout the bar and Imperial Ballroom of the Savoy as peo— ple dribbled their way to bed and at 4:10am the Secretary and Treasurer closed the bar and by Sam, not a peep could be heard in West Hill Road, Bournemouth. So, did it work to Committee’s plan? Yes! But most importantly — did members enjoy themselves and celebrate a silver anniversary — well, it certainly looked like it! The following weekend saw members assemble at the Tank Museum at Bovington for the Service of Remembrance, always a moment to remember fallen comrades and count our blessings. Rounding off the year, members gathered again at the Savoy Hotel for the Christmas Lunch and the 25th Anniver« sary Draw. Lunch was suitably lunched and George Dugdale was invited to draw the third prize ticket resulting in John (Albert) Finnie winning £150. The second prize of £250 was drawn by Mrs Rachael Barlow and the grandson of member Mrs Silva Gooch was the lucky winner. Come the moment, and the first prize of £350, always useful but even more so just prior to Christmas. Bruce Worthy was asked to execute the draw and he drew a ticket purchased by mem— ber Bill Gladman. All winners were telephone, and cheques posted. And so the 25th anniversary year came to a close with a strong membership, vigorous and willing to associate and enjoy each other’s company while remembering on occasion those not with us now and the disadvantaged. And we’re all getting ready for the 50th anniversary now!

Blues and Royals Band Association - Update 2007

ith the Association still in its infancy, we enjoyed our second autumn function in the WOs’ and NCO’s Mess at Knightsbridge in Septem— ber. Some new faces from the past appeared, and numbers continue to grow as the word of the newly formed Association spreads. April 28th 2007 will see the realisation of our third annual event at the Apollo Hotel in Basingstoke where any new members will be very welcome to come along and join us.

Please Contact CoH Kent at The Band of The Blues and Royals for further details. Contact Tel No: 020 7414 2525

News from the Associations


Royal Horse Guards C Squadron 1956 -1959 Re-Union he Above Re—Union took place on 25th March 2006 At Hyde Park Bar— racks and was organised By Ken Rowe. He managed to contact 30 of the origi— nal Squadron stationed in Famagusta, Cyprus and 2] turned up. This includ-

ed four Officers; Mr James Butler, Mr Johnny Brooks, Mr Martin Dunne and Mr John Cotterell (Now Sir John) who was Ken Rowe’s Troop Leader.

and gave an informative and interesting account of the Regiment’s activities. Chelsea Pensioner George Kelsall was also present.

Major Paul Bedford, the current C Squadron Leader was the Guest Speaker

Ken Rowe can be contacted for more details on 0191 527 3029.


Ma/or Bedford receiving a bottle of wine from W02 Ke/sal/ who donated (1‘.

The new Plinth.

ments and 50 tonnes of this went into claiming some extra ground to plant fur~ ther trees, as by this time we had lost 3 more colleagues in Iraq.

President, Mr Peter Thellusson, permission was granted and a flag pole was gen— erously donated by Association Com— mittee Member, Mr FG Collingwood.

The very wet Spring meant we made a late start, and with the site being so out of the way for many volunteers to get to, progress has been slow but rewarding in the compliments passed on by visitors and staff, on how well the plot is looking and the anticipation of seeing the finished work. We had a visit from The Silver Stick, Colonel PJ Tabor to support us in our request to erect a flag pole. Along with some persuasive conversations to the Arboretum Directors from our Vice

Although unable to finish the improvements this year, we were able to have the plot in presentable condition by early November to hold a service of Remembrance and dedicate the new Blues and Royals Standard, the service being conducted by our new Branch Chaplain, the Rev Ann Taylor. We are hoping for an earlier start in 2007 to get the plot finished to the high stan— dard visitors would expect of The Blues

and Royals, as a lasting tribute to our colleagues. There are over 100 memorial plots at the NMA, many military, but other organi— sations such as police, RNLI, insurance companies and civilian. The most moving plots must be The Shot at Dawn which is in memory of the soldiers shot for desertion in WW1 and the Burma Railway, where a length of the actual railway was brought from Burma. A visit is highly recommended, but a full day is required to see those plots, which you regard as important viewing.

The Blues and Royals Memorial Plot At The National Memorial Arboretum, Lichfield

100 Officer Training Cadet Unit RAC

By [Mr Ian Flylor, formerly the Royal Horse Guards, Secretary, Household Cavalry Association, North Szaflordshire.

MajorjA Dimond MC, formerly The Royal Dragoons

The National Memorial Arboretum is situated in South Staffordshire, on the A38 approximately 4 miles north of Lichfield. It is sited on a worked out gravel quarry donated by the owners to be used as a memorial arboretum and

For most of our members, it was their first visit, and many were disappointed to see that maintenance was less than we would expect and decided to take on the temporary care to keep it tidy and to attract some of the many visitors to the

nature reserve.


Work first started in 1997 and in 2000, The Blues and Royals had a plot installed consisting of a double embank» ment with a total of 93 conifers planted to represent the Blues, lst Royal Dragoons and Blues and Royals who had lost

their lives while in uniform from 1945 to the present, but with no room for further planting in the future. In 2003, the North Staffs Branch of the Household Cavalry Association decided to install a bench seat on the plot as a memorial to past members of the Branch. We arranged a date for our

Padre at that time to hold a short service in the Millennium Chapel and then dedicate our bench seat which we had requested be placed on The Blues and Royals plot.

Association, Brigadier AH ParkerBowles, resulted in a plan of improvement and likely cost to be submitted to the Association. This was accepted and passed and work was planned to start in Spring of 2006. However, Spring was so wet we could not get on to the site until mid May.

With the backing of The Blues and Roy» als Association, a handful of members used hand tools, a motor mower and strimmers to get the plot into a presenta— ble condition. The machinery has to be motorised as there is no power on the site away from the visitor centre. Some funds were raised to purchase the strimmers. After 2 years it was obvious that the plot required too much maintenance and as the volunteers were getting no younger, something had to be done. A marathon session to get the plot at its best was prompted in June 2005, when HRH The Princess Royal (Colonel The Blues and Royals) paid a flying visit on other business but was gracious enough to visit our plot for a quick guided tour. A visit by the Chairman of The Blues and Royals

As the theme of an arboretum is sup— posed to be a natural woodland, it was thought the pile of blue bricks for a plinth was hardly natural. Along with the plastic plaque which was deteriorat-

ing, they were the first to go. We found supporters willing to make a donation to our project, and one contact was able to supply a five and a half tonne lump of natural Limestone from his quarry in Derbyshire. Another friend supplied a truck with crane to collect and deliver the stone. Yet another supplied a new plaque, in polished black granite etched in gold. The installation ofthese made a major improvement, and gave us the inspiration to do more. In total, 90 tonnes of topsoil were brought on to site to improve the contours of the embank—

rom 1942 until shortly after the end Fof the war, Sandhurst was at the entire disposal of the Royal Armoured Corps, comprising the Cavalry, the Royal Tank Regiment, the Reconnaissance Corps, the Canadian Armoured Corps and the mobilised RAC TA. Sandhurst’s aim was to produce armoured troop leaders for the impending second front in Europe, a front almost daily urged by our distant and hard-pressed ally, Russia. Entry to Sandhurst was via a three day War Office Selection Board and a two month course

at the pre-Officer Cadet Training Unit at Blackdown near Deepcut.

constantly open for hand signalling. Night driving was also somewhat haz— ardous as the headlights were reduced to slits as an air raid precaution. The

instructors were past masters at causing the truck to break down on the windswept Hog’s Back overlooking Guild— ford. We then had to determine whether the stoppage was electrical or “petrol” and put it right A few miles away, Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth (now Her Majesty), as a member of the Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS), was also discovering the charm of the 15 cwt.

Blackdown This course concentrated on two practi— cal features — the Bedford 15 cwt truck and the BSA motorcycle. Driving the 15 cwt truck was a work of art. The gate / crash gear—box meant that every gear had to be double dc—clutched. The down change was particularly sensitive as the interim revs had to be nicely judged to avoid crunching. The truck was also draughty, as the driver’s window was

Eventually we passed out of Blackdown to the strains of the resident Band ofthe 13th/18th Royal Hussars (Queen Mary’s Own) and boarded the three tonners for Sandhurst. The Royal Military College (now Academy) Those of us destined for armoured car regiments were housed in what was

known as the Old Building (i.e. Main Building) specifically in the HAC Squadron. I think this was a hangover from a slightly previous era when Sandhurst had cooperated with Woolwich over the expanding Royal Artillery. “Tank” cadets went to the New Building, and the mutual tank park was roughly between, and in the rear of, the two buildings. As with Blackdown, two streams ran through the whole ten months of the Sandhurst course — drill and PT (PE). Drill was in the hands of the Guards Warrant Officers and Non Commissioned Officers, under the formidable Regimental Sergeant Major Brand, whose voice could be heard from Camberley. There was a fortnightly passing-out parade, bal— ancing the intake, and despite the drabness of wartime uniforms the standard was every bit as good as now. Physical Training took several forms; early morning exercises on the frontal grass, progressively long runs in battle order — usually ending on the assault

Features 124

News from the Associations


course, Tarzan-like leaps and claustro» phobic burrowing on “Monkey Hill”, ball games against local schools and organisations. Many of the PT Staff were household names — international athletes, county cricketers and professional footballers.

This was in five phases, each phase being recognised by a different coloured lanyard.

This had an internal cupro-nickel driving band which accelerated the round and raised the muzzle velocity from 40mm to about 76mm, i.e. a harder punch. Ammunition was, however, restricted to AP (armoured piercing) but this was not really a drawback as most potential targets would be armoured. The troop sergeant’s car, with no fitted attachment, could either be AP or HE (high explosive) at “hard” or “soft” tar— gets (buildings etc.) as the situation demanded.

Phase I, General Military Training (GMT) - Green Lanyard


Formal RAC Training

For this our troop virtually became an infantry platoon. Training was carried out in the College grounds and at Bisley rifle range. At about that time (1943) the structure of armoured car regiments was changing from a desert-based organ— isation to a European one. One of the





assault troop at squadron level. I think most armoured car regiments did what we did in my Regiment by splitting the assault troop into five sections and attaching a section to each of the armoured car troops. GMT training at Sandhurst had given us as troop leaders some idea of the handling of this assault section, its limitations (only 6 men including the driver) and its capabilities which included the setting up of obsta— cles and the laying and lifting of mines. Phase 2, Driving and Maintenance (D and M) - Blue Lanyard

After the 15 cwt truck, the Daimler armoured car was an entirely new experience. We quickly absorbed the idea of a pre—selective epicyclic gear box instead of a clutch and gear exchange pedal, which had to be sharply ‘kicked’ in and out to engage the gear already selected. The Daimler also had a fluid flywheel, and a rear steering wheel which had to

be operated by the vehicle commander, so that, in theory, the car would go as

fast in reverse as forward. The driver’s central position meant that he had to be good at gauging his width, e.g. through

roadblocks and narrow entrances.

We flred guns at Larkhill on a good day

Phase 4 ~ Wireless — White Lanyard There was a very real edge to the wire— less phase, since there was a distinct pos— sibility that Germany would try to listen

and Besa machine gun as fitted in the Daimler armoured car. We learnt the testing and adjustment of sights, load— ing, “fire orders” (firing commands), aiming off, stoppages and how to correct them. At that time another innovation enhanced the armoured car regiment — the attachment of a “squeeze” extension

to the muzzle end of the 2 pounder on the troop leader’s car in each troop.


In turn, we occupied every position in the troop, so that we got a trooper’s, corporal’s and sergeant’s eye view of operations and took it in turns to command, drive, load and (wireless) operate. We could not have had a better instructor — Lieutenant Willie Fraser of the King’s Dragoon Guards (KDG). Although he had spent most of his time in the desert he had an uncanny grasp ofjust what was needed for European warfare. Whatever success we had subsequently in North West Europe owed much to him.

in to the Sandhurst net. Our security and procedure therefore had to be watertight. Having completed classroom instruction, we stood on the famous steps about the square. There in front of us were sixteen Austin pick—up trucks in four ranks of four in open order facing west. In front of each truck there stood an ATS driver, complete with olive—green handbag. On the word Go we dashed two by two to the nearest available truck, standing up in the back like charioteers, our only companion, apart from the lady driver, being the fickle high-fre— quency 19 set. We roamed individually over much of southern England, practis— ing procedure, codes and frequency changes. We were supposed to observe some semblance of tactical awareness, and at one point our truck was approaching a bridge over a river when all stations were ordered to halt where they were. Our driver said she could not possibly halt before the bridge, so we crossed to the other side and tucked our— selves tactically in towards the left verge. At that moment our captain instructor approached in his jeep from the opposite direction. As he drew level he shouted “Well done this crew, you appreciated that you had to hold the bridge instead of denying it.” On such morsels ofluck, some careers flourish.

Phase 3, Gunnery — Yellow Lanyard

We concentrated on the 2 pounder gun

the whole gamut of reconnaissance .. advance to contact, snake patrol, allround observation, mutual support, speculative fire, contact reports, negative reports, cooperation with flanking troops, covering the centre line, observa» tion on a river line, “see without being seen”, covered approach and withdrawal.

At night a lady driver arrived and took the drivers and trucks off to a local bar» racks while we put up bivouacs ready to resume operations the following morning. Phase 5 7 Collective Training — Red Lanyard In this phase everything came together and we spent every day in the Surrey countryside with a troop’s worth of armoured and scout cars, going through

Despite the thoroughness OfSandhurst’s tactical training, we had hardly bargained for two features of service in Normandy, one, the difficulty of defeating well-concealed enemy tanks, often just inside the edge of a wood, and their 88mm guns which could knock your turret off from 800 yards, killing the crew. This was exactly what happened to one of the most popular members of ottr Sandhurst troop — Bill LlewellynPalmer, llth Hussars, just after D Day.

On our return to Sandhurst we mounted guard on the New Building while everyone else went on Christmas (1943) leave.

of Canterbury. The parade itself, even in the presence of relatives and friends, was something ofa formality as we had rehearsed it so many times. Nevertheless as we mounted the steps to commission, there was an aura of achievement and resolve. After commissioning, eleven of us were sent north to 59th Training Regiment at Barnard Castle to await the return of our regiments from Italy. Whilst there, we had the services ofa war artist, who with a few deft strokes on a blackboard could reveal the salient points of Tiger, Panther, Sherman, Grant, Churchill, Staghound, Daimler and various

weapons systems.

This article is published by kind permission ofthe Commandant, Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, Major General P T C Pearson CBE.

I returned to Sandhurst in recent years for its 250th Anniversary. It all looked

By Major}I WBarnes, formerly The Life Guards ike nearly everyone else I joined up when just 18 on September 5th,

I reported with much trepidation, for duty at the Guardroom, having had a short haircut. This was followed by two more ofincreasing severity. Three hair— cuts within a week was clearly a taste of things to come! Combermere Barracks today bears no resemblance to the old, cold, forbidding place that housed the Training Regiment during the last war and has housed the Regiment for many years both before and after that.

Passing Out

The best cadet in each troop was awarded a Sam Browne belt—of—honour. After a service in the chapel we heard that the belt in our troop had been won by a cadet named Christopher Bostock (KDG), at 20, the only married man in the troop. He became a leading indus— trialist and I have seen him on television once or twice. As to be expected, a few cadets rose to senior Army rank. Others went into business or politics. One, Robert Runcie MC, became Archbishop

much the same, but was told that our 2man barrack rooms in the upper east front of the Old Building had now been converted into a lady officer’s quarters. I hope we left it all in good order.

Reminiscences of a Troop Leader from 1946 - 1950

1944. We then spent a week in Snowdonia, culminating in an assault across a river in which the “enemy” fire machine guns on fixed lines uncomfortably just about our heads. This was followed by a further assault up a steeper side of Snow— don where the shale near the summit prevented firm footholds, especially as we were carrying loaded weapons.

The other feature, in some ways an antidote to the first, was the magnificence of the RAF rockerfiring 'fyphoons which, provided they could catch an enemy tank in the open, could knock it out with equal devastation. The Typhoons came perilously close, and we thanked our lucky stars (literally!) for the white pentacles painted on our turret hatches.

I found that I had joined the potential officers squad which was sent, almost immediately, to the Guards Depot at Caterham (3rd Haircut!) where we joined a larger squad of potential Grenadier officers. It is, perhaps, note~ worthy that of this group one, in due course, went on to be the chairman of a large firm in the city of London and another reached high office in the House of Commons. Many months later, we were on a mili— tary train on our way to join our respec— tive Regiments. It was on this train that I lost my name in a big way. Reaching up to get something down from the luggage rack, I overbalanced and, trying to remain upright, pulled the communication cord and the train stopped. Shortly afterwards the OC train appeared anxious to know why this had happened. At about this time, an organisation called the Werewolves was reputed to be in cxistcnce. It was allegedly composed of young fanatical Germans whose stated aim was take as many of us out as they could. Whether this organisation was fact or rumour I never knew bttt it could well have been that the 0C train thought that something serious was happcning.

What, of course, actually occurred was that he was confronted with an extremely embarrassed Second Lieutenant who explained what he had done. I have yet to forget the look compounded of incredulity and extreme dislike which he

very tired arm!

gave me.

Russian. Part of the boundary between

Shortly afterwards, the train resumed its journey and we passed through a shattered country. Such towns and cities that the train went through were in ruins. Germany had paid a heavy price. It was an awful sight to behold. Finally, we arrived at Brunswick where we de—trained and joined the Regiment at Wolfenbuettel Barracks, which was quite near the city. Rumour had it that Russian long range guns could target the Barrack square! I don’t remember tnuch training at the time. It was a very harsh winter with heavy snow and many roads had a cobbled surface. Driving, therefore, in such conditions, could be highly dangerous. A few months later, the Regiment was posted to Berlin which meant moving through what had become the Russian zone. I still remember the sight ofa soli— tary Soviet soldier, standing by the side of the autobahn saluting every vehicle that passed him. He would have had a


We found, on arrival, a pulverised, ruined city at any rate in the centre. Berlin was, by then, divided into four sectors: British, American, French and the British and Russian sectors was delineated by the Brandenburg Gate which was still standing and appeared to be largely unscathed. Near this mighty edifice and just inside our sector was a solitary Russian tank, standing on some sort ofa stone plinth, which was a monument to the Russian dead. Legend had it that the crew was still inside. We rapidly discovered that Berlin was the most instructive posting and I refer to activities after last parade. From time to time we were given a tin of fifty Play< ers cigarettes and a pound of coffee which were gold dust and greatly increased out popularity with the locals. Faces began to look extremely tired and it was, perhaps, as well that, after a few months, the Regiment was posted to the Middle East, initially to Egypt. In those days transport was by train and troopship and it was, therefore, quite a while before we disembarked at Alexandria. The sea journey alone (from Marseilles)

-.-. ‘

C Squadron. The Life Guards. February 7947. Nod/7 81th 0956/1 en more to Camp Mia

a. Palestine.




Egypt — 1947 By Lance Corporal D R Cleeve, Formerly The Life Guards.



Cairo. Author In front Armoured Car.

took about seven days.

I forget if we

arrived still in battledress, hardly conducive to an Egyptian summer! In due course, we deployed to a rather dreary camp called Amariyah which was

in the desert some miles from Alexandria. It was noteworthy for its camp cinema as it was the place where General Montgomery held his ‘0’ Group prior to the battle of Alamein. It was also the place where a certain officer decided to put the wind up RHQ. He got on the telephone and, adopting a thick Egyptian accent, informed it that there would be “a big raid on the Camp tonight”. Emerging later from his tent he found, to his surprise, that the message was understandably being taken

seriously. The Camp was on alert. The Regimental police, led by that redoubtable man Corporal of Horse (as he was then and later to be our RCM) “Bunker” Lloyd were moving smartly about. Above, coils of barbed wire were being uncoiled and a purposeful atmos— phere was all too evident. He, of course, had to go to RHQ and own up. I would have loved to have been a fly on the RHQ tent wall when this took place. Most of us managed to get into Alexandria from time to time where we were entertained regally by both the English and Coptic families. Furthermore, some of us, on one occasion, were invited to board the cruiser, HMS Leander, which was at anchor in the harbour, for a pre lunch drink. We left, after one or two cases, rather unsteadily.I At about this time, the army was withdrawing from the Egyptian delta and redeploying to the Canal Zone. When this seemed to be virtually complete, the Squadron I was in, C Squadron — an out— standing one — was in Cairo on IS duties and I have always thought that we were the last to leave the Delta. However, one memory was forming an escort of two Sabre Troops to escort Field Marshal Montgomery through Cairo. I still remember the speed at which we went. Driving though an apparently deserted city in the early hours was quite eerie.




Escorting Field Marshal Montgomery through



Approach to Monastery ( St Cat/venue's). On rejoining the Regiment at Camp Fanara in the Zone, we found that the

, ‘. l; " . a Co/one/ St George and monks.

had been an uncomfortable 5 minutes at that.

arrived at the Household Cavalry Training Regiment in March 1947, in awe and trepidation ofwhat lay ahead, it

was in fact the first time I had been away from home. I was put in O’Conner squad; our instructor was a very large man, CSM Charlie Phipps. He was a very nice man really, but he did chase us around the square at Windsor.

next door camp was filled with German POW’s awaiting repatriation. It occurred to me that, had they broken out, they would have caused mayhem and certainly swamped us. Anyhow, they didn’t! Life on the shores of the Bitter Lakes was interspersed (as in Amariyah) by various schemes in the desert where, as usual, I managed to get lost. One pleasant break was a Squadron move to the shores of the Red Sea for a week, during which time a party of us accompanied

Colonel Ferris St. George deep inland on a visit to (I think) the 2nd oldest Monastery in the world. I have found a photograph of the Colonel meeting the senior monk who, amongst other things, showed us the visitors’ book, which had many famous names in it. Some months later, the Regiment moved to Palestine crossing the Suez Canal by the Kantara Bridge and then driving Via the coast road in the Sinai desert to Khassa camp, which we initially shared with The Irish Guards. In those days when you had served in the Middle East for a year, or perhaps a little more, you became eligible for a month’s leave which, as movement over long distances was by troopship, would lengthen their time away from the Regiment. For example, the time taken from Port Said to Liverpool was ten days. On returning from leave, the same timescale would largely apply. This, of course, did not apply to those being demobilised or going on a course. There was, however, a third category of which I was unaware and this happened to me and one or two others. When I arrived home in the early hours ofa morning in August 1947, I found a letter from the Commanding Officer, posting me to Knightsbridge Barracks. There had been no talk of this when I went on leave and it was an unpleasant shock. I had ridden very little during the war (It must be remembered that petrol, like nearly everything, was rationed) and the last animal I had been on months before was a camel and this

So I reported to the Mounted Regiment a month later. A totally different world! I found that I had been posted to No. l Troop The Life Guards Mounted Squadron which was run by two most remarkable characters. They were both pre-war, had served in l HCR during it, and they were respectively Corporals of Horse Rodwell (known as Chinky) and Rockall (known as Tag). The latter had, allegedly, the largest moustache in the Army and it was certainly an impressive growth. I remember about to go on Long Guard with him, when two indi— viduals from (of all magazines) the Australian Women’s Weekly appeared in the stable yard and asked if they could photograph Guard Mounting. I still have a copy ofthe magazine at home with a picture of Rockall in full kit with his mous~ tache flaring out on either side of his helmet. If, when going on Long Guard, he noticed a serviceman in uniform (there were many such in those days) failing to salute the Standard, he would peel off from the Guard, gallop up to the offending individual, and give him an almighty rocket — in far from dulcet tones. He would then rejoin the Guard as if nothing had happened. No. 1 Troop was a very good one! Space precludes me from recounting many memories that I have when serv— ing in post war Germany, Egypt, Pales— tine and at Mounted Duty, although the time when we caught a burglar whilst the Mounted Squadron was on its annual summer camp near Pirbright remains deeply etched in my mind. This is, therefore, only a short account oflife in those days in both an armoured car and equestrian environment, which undoubtedly helped a naive schoolboy

to grow up. I end by saying that I had the good fortune to know and work with many men of high calibre. They taught me a great deal.

After completing the training as a driver/mechanic and various other jobs as part of an armoured car crew, we waited for the next move, it was known that the RHG would go to Germany and the LG would be sent to join the regiment in Palestine


”‘0 '._ .

I left Combermere Barracks in August 1947 to join the regiment in Palestine; we arrived sometime in early September with about 30 troopers under the ever— watchful eye of SCM Cookson. We dis—

embarked at Port Said in Egypt from the troopship ‘Otranto’ and travelled over night by train from El Kantara across the Sinai desert to Gaza; the desert looked wonderful by moonlight. On arriving at Gaza station we were then taken by lorry to the camp at Khassa, situated between Sarafand and Gaza. Sometime later within that year SCM Cookson and Lieutenant Hoare were shot down in the streets of Jerusalem by Jewish terrorists while out shopping; both survived but did not return to C Squadron. Early in 1948 the regiment moved from Khassa; ‘A’ Squadron was already based in Jerusalem. ‘C’ Squadron and HQ Squadron went to a camp located south of Gaza. The camp was a short distance from the Egyptian border on the edge of the Sinai desert and not far from Khan Yunis; the Regiment’s neighbours in the camp were the King’s Royal Rifle Corps and 3 army observation Austers, who used a small landing strip outside the

LCp/ C/eeve.

Tpr Henderson,

days the Egyptian army had been shelling a Jewish settlement nearby at Khan Yunis; the bombardment had been fairly heavy at times. Before we left it was said that the Kibbutz had been overrun the previous night, and all the defenders killed.

grown up during the war and knew the sound of a Merlin engine but I did not expect what was going to happen next.

Our last day in Palestine was May 15 1948. At last the great day had arrived when Palestine became the state of Israel, that was all we knew about the local situation, other then today we would be leaving the camp and moving back into Egypt. Flags were displayed at various points around the camp, which was probably the first time the Union Jack had been seen since we left Eng— land, so there was no question who we

were. From early morning the Squadron Leader, Maior Turnbull was away with a Troop watching the withdrawal of the army from the north; ‘A’ Squadron was still based in Jerusalem, as were many other units.

It was rumoured that we would be leav— ing the camp sometime around the 15th May, as all British troops would be leaving Palestine.

I was a corporal in echelon troop C Squadron. My job that day was to go to the petrol point and load an Austin 3 ton lorry with petrol. Two layers offull Jerry cans, say 500 gallons plus, and return the lorry to our assembly area, which was close to what had been our tent lines.

Some days before the lSth the tents had been taken down ready for the move out and most things were packed ready for the move. The troopers and NCOs took up residence in the buildings that had been the squadron offices. To hear small arms fire in the distance, and around the camp was a daily occurrence but not artillery fire, for the last three or four

That day my driver was Trooper Hen— derson. We loaded the lorry at the petrol point and returned to our position with the other vehicles and parked. We had just got out of the vehicle, having a chat with other members of the squadron, who were stood around the Austin. I heard a familiar sound; I turned and saw a Spitfire, a not unusual sight. I had


The next minute the Spitfire on its first sweep was strafing the camp with canon and machine gun fire, at the same time two bombs were dropped, one hit the concrete base ofa tent nearby, the other hit the KRRCs who were billeted in the

old NAAFI building. Everyone was taken by surprise. What was happening? I looked at the Austin and realised this was serious, a cannon shell had gone through the passenger door close to the squadron insignia, another shell had hit the petrol tank. Trooper Henderson and I were both stood within three feet of both hits. Time to find some cover, I ran to a drainage ditch close by, near to a galvanised latrine, the plane came around again, and sprayed the camp with more machine gun fire. It really did make some noise, as there were a number of hits on my nearby latrine, with much relief the plane passed over. I then ran to the buildings and took shelter. I think the plane made three attacks on the camp; a few of the Daimler crews were firing their Besas, but there was a problem getting sufficient elevation. Other than rifles and revolvers, all the other weapons, i.e. Bren guns were locked in the armoury. It was all over very quickly; as we began to take stock of what had happened. IfI

remember correctly, two troopers were slightly wounded. We could hear the wireless traffic from our command jeep, which was nearby. Suddenly everyone seemed to be on air calling someone, I



remember hearing one message giving someone instructions to contact Lon~ don. We listened to the radio and heard to our relief we would get air cover from the aircraft carrier HMS Ocean. The carrier could be seen through the heat haze lying in Gaza Bay, not far off shore. Shortly after, the vehicles were moved a short distance to a position on some higher ground, overlooking the camp. The wrecked Austin was abandoned and left, with everyone feeling we had been very lucky. The lorry had not caught fire; if it had the number of casualties could have been very much higher.

There was a minor flap during the after— noon when a flight of aircraft flew low

across our vehicles, everyone dived for cover expecting a repeat of the morning’s little fracas, mttch to our relief it

was a flight of Seafires from HMS Ocean. The squadron moved off soon after. We drove from the camp, on the road to Egypt. On one side of the road the British army, leaving Palestine, on the other side ofthe road; coming into what was now Israel was the all~conquering Egyptian army, all wearing British bat— tle dress, with matching equipment, making the usual signs as what would happen to us if we stopped. The squadron continued on its way across the Sinai through Kantara into a transit

camp in Egypt, eventually from there by the troopship ‘Cheshire’ to Liverpool and by train to Pirbright camp. First it was leave, then drill and lots ofshouting by Foot Guard drill instructors Boots and kit were polished and drill perfected. We were then moved to Victoria Barracks in Windsor, from there we mounted guard duty at Windsor Castle, but that’s another story. Many years later I did some research on this incident and found that this partic— ular Spitfire, belonging to the Egyptian air force was shot down later on in that day by Israeli fighters and crashed on a beach near Tel Aviv. The pilot survived and was taken prisoner.

25th Reunion of Egypt 6, 8th September 2006 Lee Peckover RHG/D of Egypt 6 (Pin bright Intake) organised a get together for all the crew at the Bull in Atherstone, Warwickshire. The evening started at

York, Nigel King and Steven Byers travelled from Southern and Northern Ire— land for this special event.

18.00 hrs with plenty of drink and chat

The evening saw a few gatecrashers from the Egypt 5 intake, Les Kibble (Captain), Dave Hodges and Scouse Doyle who joined in the fun. A warm thanks go out to Lea for arranging a good night. If any members of Egypt 6, (who were

carrying on into the early hours so it was just like old times for some members of the crew! Peter Charlesworth flew over from New

not able to be there), would like to get in touch, please telephone: Nigel Snowden on 01427 873 731 or mobile 0791 766 1049 or email nigeetu Lea Peckover on 01455 634 452 Chris Hoyle on 0777 381 7763

Marti/7 Chi/lingwoth rolling and beating the

side of a State Helmet. were destroyed in The Great Fire of London. Firmin was awarded its first Royal War« rant by King George III in 1796, Thereafter Firmin has held Warrants for every successive British Sovereign to the present day. My initial contact at Firmin was Tony Kelly, the sales manager. He conducted me on a tour ofthe premises, visiting the various departments all producing the items I have already mentioned. The tour was without doubt an experience that I found interesting, and education-

al. I thank Tony Kelly and the staff of Firmin for their time and patience. Firmin has a unique work force that is dedicated to producing the finest examples of their craft. From the smallest uniform button to complex helmet orna— ments, the craftsmanship is the same. It is not my intention to write about the many items Firmin manufacture. I have concentrated on items used by the Household Cavalry.

.94., Rear: Alistair Smith. Batty Core, Steve Mills. Baker Keith Hatchet Nigel King. Pete Charles. Front: Garry Hodges. Taft Curtis. Christie. Andy Farmer.



aroused when I heard a news report on Central Television. The report stated that a merger between Firmin and a London based company was about to take place. The report then explained that Firmin manufactured the uniforms and accoutrements used by the Household Cavalry. The range of products that Firmin pro— duce is quite amazing. They are unique

The Company also provides a complete advisory service for protocol and drills for State and Public occasions. Television and film production companies also

I watched as Ken cut the surplus metal between the oak and laurel leaves by hand. All the fine filigree at the base and sides of the garter star was worked in the same way. The garter star is made from sterling silver, this has several hundred facets. The ornament, which has been plated with gold, now receives a burnishing by hand achieved using a bloodstone. This is a hard semi precious gemstone, a byproduct of fine jewel prospecting. I saw another item that Ken Middleton had created; the centre of an Irish Guards officer’s belt boss. This consist» ed of a shamrock, with a surround that contained the Irish Guards motto. The shamrock leaves were embellished with a minute crown, on each leaf. The size was 30mm in diameter.

seek the advice of Firmin, in regard to dress code when creating a film or programme that requires a particular uniform for a historical drama. The first known record of the Company was found in the “List of Names of Merchants in London” for the year 1677. Thomas Firmin was described as a button maker. It is quite possible that the business could precede that date, because all records prior to that date

Before any more work is carried out, the helmet is polished to perfection. The next part of the operation has to be seen to be believed. Ken Middleton, who has forty years service with the company, is one of five Master Craftsmen. Ken was working on an ornament for an officer’s helmet.

All dyes that are used at Firmin are produced on site. Gary Cooke was sinking such a dye for the badge of one of the police forces. All dyes are stored on site, and some date back to the reign of Queen Anne. As scrap value they would be worth £75.00 per ton. To Firmin and

Back: Les Kibole. Dave Hodges, Scouse Doyle. Lea Peckover. Chai/ie. Chris Hoyle, Mark Yeomans. Batty Core. Steve Byers. Tall Curtis. Front: Tony Brooks. Nigel Snowden. Nigel King.

in being the leading worldwide manufacture of horse furniture for mounted cere— monial troops; uniforms and accoutrements for senior officers, Gttards of Honour and Palace Guards. Medals and medallions can be struck for all levels of military and civil awards.


Another gentleman was the resident silversmith. He was working on aiguillettes, and each item again, was being worked with skill and professionalism.

By Corporal ofHorse john Hunt, formerly The Life Guards company of Firmin

The ornament as you know consists of laurel leaves and oak leaves, and is surmounted by a crOWn. The garter star is situated in the centre. The garter emblem, with regimental motto and the cross of St George, complete the orna»

I saw a state helmet created from a flat sheet of nickel silver. The helmet is made in three parts; left and right spheres, and the peak. The three parts are cut from a pattern. The sides are then rolled and beaten into shape. The craftsman continually checks that the item is correct to pattern. Once the three parts have been completed they pass on to the next phase where they are soldered together. The soldered join at the rear of the helmet is covered by ornamental beading, the front by the helmet ornament and the edges by brass beading.


The Perfectionists My interest in the manufacturing

Ken Middleton working on a helmet ornament.

Carl Middleton burnishing With a bloodstone.

the Nation they are a priceless piece of history. All the time that I spent at Firmin I realised I was privileged to have seen the dedication of these superb craftsmen. All of the other artisans who work at various skills on the shop floor; button makers, lady press operators, lady solderers, and the lady who sewed the chinstraps for all ceremonial headdress. All contribute their dedication and pride to

produce items of perfection. Although traditional methods are used, many have been passed down over the centuries to be used by the present generation. The master craftsmen, whilst seeking perfection, also find ways to improve their production methods. These are often implemented, without the loss of the high standard for which Firmin is renowned. The final say as to whether the items produced at Firmin are fit to leave the premises, rests with quality control. No item that is not of the highest quality escapes the lady inspector’s eagle eye. I do not think saying Firmin artisans are excellent does them credit. I am convinced I was in the presence of THE


Tony Kelly was a fount of interesting facts. For example the weights that act as a counter balance on the hand presses were cannonballs as used at the battle of Trafalgar; 32, 24, 18, 12, 9 and 6 pounds in weight. The Sovereign must always approve any cap badge that is a new design or an alteration.

The finished article





The Household Cavalry Training Regiment 1944 By Trooper Tim Wbod, formerly The Life Guards Iarrived at Combermere on a Thursday, the day for the intake of National Servicemen, to be greeted by an RP Corporal who pointed to A Block and said “Over there lad”. (He must have been all of twenty). I arrived at A Block, having taken a short cut across the square (mer— cifully unobserved). I found a group of civvies clutching a variety of suitcases, bags and parcels, swanning aimlessly about and looking as lost as I felt. We were taken over by Corporal Payne (Blue), who led us to Room 9. It was a bare room with two tier bunks, a stove in the middle with coal bucket, and a washroom off the far end shared with Room 8 (old soldiers of 6 weeks’ experience, very experienced and condescending). Hav— ing acquired a bunk, I got a lower in the scramble; we were addressed by the aforementioned Cpl Payne. He gave

Saturday was the highlight. Medical and jabs followed by draw weapons - Mark III Lee Enfields and 18inch bayonet and scabbard. These had been carefully stored so that all the shiny parts were rusty and the scabbards scratched. The afternoon at leisure. We played football, interesting with painful arms and blokes shivering with serum sickness, great fun. Sunday was given to getting our kit up to scratch. Polish dubbined boots - tooth— brush, candle and spit on the toecaps and heels of best pair, get new brasses shin— ing (you have to be joking), blanco web— bing and get trousers pressed under the palliasse. The highlight! About 8pm this short a**ed CoH appeared suddenly. “My name’s Betley, I’m a bastard. See you in the morning” and, equally suddenly, disappeared. Our basic training was about to begin.

details of our programme for the next couple of days and how our way forward could be eased by using the right sort of lubricant in volume. We were a pretty green lot but not, on the whole, that stu~ pid. We also received dire warnings of the trials that lay ahead. The rest of the day and Friday passed in a bit ofa jum— ble. Haircuts, draw palliasses and straw. The amount of straw used was fairly crit— ical, too little : damned uncomfortable and too much = damned uncomfortable, the trouble was that we had no guidelines to work by. Mine turned out to be rea— sonable, more by good luck than good management. 2 blankets (3 in winter), 2 x battledress with one to go to the tailor to be used for best, 2 pairs drawers cellu— lar and vests ditto. 2 pairs boots with one

to be bulled for best and the usual clutter of webbing and packs including mess tins and digging kit. Haircuts — standard 2d (about lp), respectable 6d (2.5p).

CoH Bet/9y and Cpl Payne, 7 944.

Having spent our first weekend trying to get our kit looking slightly presentable we were faced on Monday morning with a high pitched “Downstairs Room 9!”, a cry that was to become depressingly familiar. CoH Betley (“I’m a bastard”, and he wasn’t kidding) awaited us. We were introduced to the call of “Right marker!” followed by “Get on parade.” An utter shambles. This was our intro-

duction to what one can only described as Drill Pig’s humour and invective. We were introduced to the elementary moves in square bashing, how to salute and how to recognise Officers across the other side ofthe square. I think we start— ed off saluting anyone we saw over the other side of the square. We spent quite a lot of our 3 months basic training on the square. We had one or two”awkward squad” types. In particular Lofty (for— gotten his name) who always marched left arm left leg, right arm right leg. He spent a lot of time doubling around the square at the high port. We all joined him from time to time. Betley chased us, praised us, screamed at us and eventually turned us into a reasonable facsimile of soldiers. We actually got a “chalk” from the Squadron Leader on our passing out parade. Betley actually smiled. By Tuesday we were now ready to get up and out for a quick before breakfast run, up to the Copper Horse and back, or per— haps road walking. Occasionally a gentle Swedish Drill session. Did wonders for the appetite. Our room Corporal, Payne, seldom accompanied us on these little trips it was usually our other Corporal, Vaudin, nice bloke, time server with quite a few in I think. We were now on the threshold of soldiering. We were not

allowed out of barracks for a minimum

on weeks, then only when our CoH Bet~ ley said that we were fit to be seen in public — we actually made it in 2 weeks (boasting). By this time we had become a squad, we were Spion Kop, and we had started to make friendships. And when you realise what a disparate mob we were, it is amazing how strong the bonds between us became. These friendships have survived through the years and I have been fortunate in being able to keep in touch with many of my old comrades. By the time we were allowed out we were becoming more competent at the bull. Experts now with toothbrush handle and

couldn’t spin though it did leap up and down a bit. Following this we moved on to the Bren Gun — what a contrast. We learned to strip and reassemble it blindfolded and then we were allowed to shoot it. We shot it lying down and from the waist. We were warned that Brens tend to swing right and up when shot from the waist. Just as well as one lad let it turn him but the shots went over our heads, mind you we were flat on our stomachs endeavouring to dig our way through to Australia with our linger— nails. The result of all this shooting was, of course, cleaning. The jolly old pull— through and the 4x2 with occasional Visits to the boiling cauldron in A Squadron yard to pour boiling water down the barrel. This was normally supervised by the armourer.

candle, most ofus had acquired a felt pad for the brasses and we had got hold of two burnishers between us for our bayonets. Battledress trousers under the palliasse for major creases, much better if you could get some cardboard to put on top. I never subscribed to the school that would get a mouthful of water and run their creases through their mouths before putting them under the palliasse, serge tasted foul and got caught up in my teeth. Drill carried on regularly throughout our basic training but we were also subjected to lots ofexercise and to weapon training. The latter was a mixed experience. We were issued with the MkIII Lee Enfield, a beautiful gun. Most of us were able to score reasonably well with these rifles on the ranges and we were saddened when they were taken from us and we were issued with P?? (I can’t remember the number) which were much inferior weapons as reflected in our performance on the range. They also took our bayonets off us at the same time and we were issued with things that looked like 6inch nails. Apart from the sweat that had gone into burnishing and polishing our bayo— nets to an acceptable standard, imagine what it did to our images. We had been used to charging at the dummies in the barrack field brandishing 18 inches of gleaming weapon (the bayonet) and now we were attacking them with 6 inch nails, even the dummies sneered. Things deteriorated even more from this point as we were issued with Sten Guns. These were really the pits. “Single round fire!” and the whole magazine was likely to go. We did aim carefully at our targets but found that, on the whole, we did better if we just sprayed in their general direction. They weren’t even safe with the safety catch on. One idiot dropped his and it went off. Fortunately it was in a ridge in the ground facing away from us and

Those bumpers, what an effort! A quick run over the floor each morning after making up our beds, but on Saturday, Squadron Leader’s inspection, we really went to town with them to produce a mirror-like floor. It’s a wonder nobody did themselves a permanent injury. To

finish off the room we had to polish all the windows, Brasso and newspaper (the

blunt instruments. At last we have come to the weekend. At leisure unless you were on the aforementioned Fire Picquet or Guard. On Guard is On Guard, all much the same, cold, wet and bored out of our minds. At least an air raid would liven things up a bit. Into town, a few jars, pictures, what have you. Or the Saturday dance at the bar— racks. The band was good, certainly bet— ter than most of the force’s bands on the radio. A few nurses and an opportunity to get one’s hands on one of the Wrens from just out of town. We did ballroom dancing in those days when you actually danced together in physical contact (Corrr!!!). Hrm, where was I? Oh yes, the Saturday dance. I often think about our forays into town though I cannot for the life of me remember any of the pubs (NO, not for that reason). Funnily enough I remember the Red Shield Club (Salvation Army) handy when you were skint and Dirty Dick’s (near Victoria Barracks I think) where we could get egg sausage and beans for about 9d (between 3p and 4p) bit of fried bread as well if we handled it properly, on our way back “home”.

ink didn’t come off so easily in those days), did the job beautifully. We had a big solid fuel stove in the middle of the room together with a large coal bucket. This bucket had to be burnished outside and whitewashed inside for the afore— mentioned inspection. Not so bad in the summer as we didn’t have coal but in the winter??? Bed layout — critical. Exactly in line (right dress!) Equipment had to be in the prescribed arrangement, placed with precision. The lot; packs and webbing, water bottle, mess tins, digging irons (knife, fork, spoon), best boots, greatcoat Woe betide anyone who got it etc. wrong, his feet never touched the ground.

Saturday mornings were always a bit iffy, drill or perhaps an interesting fatigue. Particularly hated was the Coal Fatigue. Off to the railway siding at the crack of dawn complete with Bedford 5 tonner and shovels. Huge piles of coal. Fill 5 tonner and then return to barracks, to empty it of course. Back to our room, leaving a trail of coal dust en route. One very quickly learned to take up football or rugby and attend team practices — 1000 — lZOOhrs. Other exam— ples of domestic bliss were cookhouse fatigues, great practice for cleaning filthy greasy pans, or Fire Picquet, look out for incendiary bombs in case of an air raid but, in the meantime, peel this huge mound of potatoes with these

This was when we learnt to drive, Bed— ford lScwts (don’t ask me how many kilos, please). They were a great little truck, would go on for ever. It was obvi~ ous that the citizens of Windsor were very familiar with these vehicles. They didn’t actually run for cover when they saw us coming but one was aware of a certain wariness in their behaviour. The instruction itself was fairly routine, the only highlight, in my experience, was the pre—test trip to London. The run up was quite straightforward. I took over near Kew Bridge and had a pretty straightforward run into Central London before handing over somewhere near Oxford Street. Gussy Garnham took over and had the privilege of nego— tiating Marble Arch, a scary experience even in those days. Having completed several circumlocutions ofthe Arch, our instructor, shrieking like a maniac, stopped Gussy in mid stream and took over. By this time there were a host of buses, taxis, lorries and cars backed up behind us. I thought I had learned all the oaths, curses, swear words etc. there was to know - believe you me, I acquired an entirely new and colourful vocabulary. We returned to Combermere after this without incident.

The attempts to make us fit continued and, in order to avoid being back squadded and to become some sort of soldier (can’t remember what it was called but it was worth 3 shillings a week


i if

[15p]), we had to run a mile in 10 minutes in FSMO, carry someone using Fireman’s Lift for 100 yards in 1 minute and do a 5 mile road walk, small packs and rifles, in 1.5 hours and fire 5 rounds at a target. We were so knackered that our five rounds seldom hit the target but it was the time that counted. We even had a literacy test. One afternoon we did an English, arithmetic and general knowledge examination. In retrospect I now realise just how naive most of us were. Many of us had never been out~ side of our hometowns and our peer groups, so the army was a revelation to us. We met people from all walks oflife, differing educational standards, differ— ent lifestyles and so those of us who fin— ished the exam in half an hour found it difficult, at first, to understand how it took some people the whole 2 hours to finish it and, that some didn’t finish. I think that at the end of the day it says a great deal for all the lads that all this stuff didn’t matter, we took people for what they were, I’m not sure that would be the same today. I can’t leave the NAAFI out. It wasn’t the Ritz, more like cheap and cheerful but the beer was OK. Spent many a happy hour there some of it when we gathered round the piano for a sing song. I use these words as a statement of our intent rather than a description of the actual activity. We stood, swayed or just plain leaned around or on the piano bawling at the top of our voices such sentimental favourites as “The White Cliffs of Dover” or “I’ll be seeing you”. Brought tears to the eyes - not the sentimentality just the awful toneless deci— bels. But it did get rid of a lot of stress in the “singers” I’m certain. And so we approach the end ofthe Basic Training saga. We had survived the big





es 2 years on,


assault course in the Park. Swinging from platform to platform in the tree— tops, Tarzan like, crossing the lake on a single rope bridge whilst having thun— derflashes chucked at us and braving the fixed field of fire (hopefully) Bren gun firing live rounds. We were thoroughly aware of our proud tradition from the

Regimental History lectures on Friday afternoons. Not only were we told why the Blues had the dubious privilege of saluting without their hats on, had black cap badges and white lanyards, why NCOs wore their stripes on the bottom of their greatcoat sleeves and such like, we were also made aware of our superi-

ority and had it made quite clear that We did not consort with members ofinferior regiments in public whilst in uniform. At last, passing out parade and 10 days leave. We had finished basic training, we were going home for a visit. We swaggered off, we were SOLDIERS » lit-

Obviously this top—secret exercise had not been rehearsed so it was ‘off the cuff” so to speak, just one hundred yards to go what could go wrong? The stable yard came out to view the scene, ‘Slumber’ suddenly spotted that her stable door was open; she carried out a very com— mendable ‘half passage’ to her right, at

Excerpt From ”Twenty Two Years On The Trot.”

some very unpleasant language was heard from beneath the white festive beard. It was alleged that a small child

asked her father, “What did Santa say daddy?” the clever reply being, “I don’t know darling, it must have been Icelandic.” All’s well that ends well, no bones or toys were broken while ‘Slum« ber’ meditated in her stall, “what a stupid bunch the human race is.”

Changing Times at Knightsbridge 1947-48

By Mr (ex Famer Stafir Corporal) PF Smith, formerly The Blues and Royals Corporal Bullock the trumpeter is sitting astride a grey horse with the farriers and

the same time Santa fell out of the side door; the children let out a gasp while the troop rooms were in hysterics. Santa tipped over showing a vast khaki covered posterior under the red cloak and

Photographs from Mr MP Shepherd, formerly The Life Guards, who now lives in Canada


covers at the rear, close by is Corporal of Horse Don Yorke (hands on hips), no doubt wondering how many piles of droppings will be left to sweep up after the horses have left. On the veranda above, Farrier Corporal of Horse Welby appears in earnest conversation with Corporal (Phyllis) Wright of Three Troop the Blues. The metal staircase goes up another two floors to the cook—

house, if you were not hungry when you started you were when you reached the

top. Beyond the escort is the exit to Hyde Park with Three Troop Blues behind Jim Fisher’s clipping department where all rumours are alleged to have started. The grey horse is tied up outside Two Troop Blues Squadron office with the corner of the Colonel’s office jutting out and the RCM’s and Orderly Room alongside. The dark hole at the end was the domain of Captain Jackson, Corporal Major “Jock” Ferrie and his rough riding sub— ordinates.

The large clock on the Officers’ Mess over the riding school is showing twenty past eleven, this meant we were in plenty oftime, as Her Majesty didn’t need to be at the station until twelve thirty. As one can see, there are not too many ‘spare files’ about, once the mounted party had departed, the most I suppose would be in that quaint area affectionate— ly known as “Happy Valley”. Also one year when the Miss Worlds paid a visit to the Household Cavalry, Miss Siam went

missing. She did however turn up, with

, The o/d Knightsbrrdge Barracks: Severe/go‘s Escort war'tr'hg for the Officers to form the Escort for Pres/dent De Gaul/e. the Hyde Park exit was always interrupted by halting halfway across, then turn to the right or left and ‘carry swords’ for

whoever the officer was at either end of the yard. The route is continued to halt at the gate, on occasions one was approached by one of the ‘ladies of the night’ who in those days paraded their wares quite freely, but not to the sentry directly you understand. Then there was the muck trolley. For the Blues it meant the long trek of three hundred yards to The Life Guards end of the yard rain or shine and not drop-

ping any on the way, or suffer the wrath of whoever’s section of yard it drops in. Personally, I remember RHG l9 Tudor, the times he dragged me to the other end of the square when taking him out to water at the metal trough by One Troop is nobody’s business.

a smile on her very happy countenance. The photograph itself no doubt will conjure up memories to some ‘old sweats’; here are one or two that I can recall. Before the invention of the regimental policeman, having completed four Queen’s Guards, a twenty-four hour Barrack Guard had to be endured. During the day, pants, puttees, spurs, sword slung, one’s route from the guardroom to

Night stable guard, four stables, one hundred horses, all on your own for two hours, keeping the rugs straight and picking up droppings. The crossing of the yard did give some relief to the nostrils from the deep stench of ammonia in the enclosed stables. Walking quietly from stable to stable to hear the familiar chink ofa metal chain on the stone floor, as another ‘Houdini’ attempted to go for a moonlight stroll. Occasionally one had

to be extra careful if it was a horse that you personally were not familiar with. The likes of ‘Fougasse’, ‘Assassin’, ‘Satan’, ‘Demon’ and others, well the names themselves conjure up the type of reception you would receive. Often the stable relief could find a stable in chaos where some poor stable guard had taken refuge on top of the straw bales with the large figure of ‘Pompey’ the drum horse staring up at him.

L" The lighter hearted moments also come to mind, like Christmas. Picture the scene the Band playing typical festive music in the yard, children with their parents outside the NCOs’ Mess await» ing the arrival of Father Christmas. All eyes were on the large doors to the Rid» ing school that were closed, although one could see that the lights were on as there was obviously last minute points to be adjusted. After a few minutes the doors open - the Band strikes up Jingle Bells and out plods ‘Slumber’ one of the Band’s most reliable horses, with a pair of antlers balanced on her head. Sitting on top ofthe decorated muck trolley that was in tow sat a petrified red cloaked fig— ure, it was dear old Buster Martin from The Life Guards store, not cavalry trained as he constantly told everyone after he had been delegated this duty.

Approaching Horse Guards Parade 7947. (Short Guard).

Features 134



Revelations on the Bolting Horse

Father and Son

Byjr T Wordsworth, formerly The Life Guards

By Mr (ex Farrier Staff Corporal) PF Smith, formerly The Blues and Royals

In the back of the last Household Cavalry Journal you ask the question, does anyone know who, where and

when, underneath a picture of a Life Guards Trooper being bolted while mounted on a black horse. I am very confident I know the answer to all three questions. I think it is Trooper Mills, on Yachtsman (both of Three Troop The Life Guards), bolting at the Royal Wedding in 1981. Although not very soldier like, at the time he was congratulated for controlling the bolting horse although I was to discover at a later date the real story. The reason I know this, is because when

I was the Troop Leader of Three Troop, Trooper Mills had asked me to give him a character reference in a forthcoming court case. I remember sitting with him in the Guardroom at Knightsbridge

when he explained that he purposely bolted the horse to win a £50 bet. He deliberately kicked the horse in the ribs and pushed it on as much as he could until the horse was on its own and took fright when it took off completely. I seem to remember he struck a bet with Trooper Johnston, also of Three Troop. There was one other piece of informa« tion he told me that day which I will never forget. Firstly, he swore me to secrecy, and it has been on my con— science ever since that I have never disclosed anything. I gave Mills my word to keep whatever he was about to tell me a secret and that was how it stayed. He explained that the Sheriff, Corporal of Horse Davy was on Guard the next day and he had his kit in the Guardroom to be cleaned. Mills had found his helmet and had hidden it in the cistern of the loo.

y father joined the Royal Horse

/ think / have gone in the wrong di'i‘eCt/Oiil

There was an awful scene at Guard Mounting the next morning with the Sheriff stomping around threatening to ‘lock up’ anyone who knew of the whereabouts of his helmet. Strangely enough, I remained loyal to Mills and did not say a word to anyone, that is, until now. I think enough time has passed.

Guards in 1917 serving in France, then after the war he served two years in London and then two in Windsor until 1934. In that year he took the position of Transport Sergeant with the 2nd Battalion East Surrey Regiment in Colch— ester; his regimental number being 304504. Having completed twenty — one years in 1938 he re-enlisted on the out— break of World War II, only to be invalided out in 1945 whilst serving in Italy.

questions correctly.

wedding date because of the Suez Crisis

Edna, were quickly married at Lund— wood by special licence.

celebrate their golden wedding.

Keith William Iveson was a Corporal in The Life Guards in1956 and was prepar— ing to marry when the crisis started. The Regiment had been ordered to Egypt and Keith and his bride to be,

After a brief honeymoon, Keith found himself, with the rest of the Army, in Southampton but hostilities ceased and they never sailed. “We had just returned from two years in Egypt when we were told we were going back” said Keith, now 71.

He served for 26 years in The Life Guards and left in 1978 as a Warrant Officer Class 1. Keith came from Dodworth and Edna from Cundy Cross. He attended Holgate Grammar School and then worked in a solicitor’s office before joining up. Edna was employed at the Meadow Dairy in Barnsley. They live in this area now. They have four children.

ing up with members of The Life

Myself, as I had lived in married quar-

ters for the first thirteen years of my life


and with three years cadet force behind me, it was expected I would follow in my father’s footsteps. In June 1944 I volunteered for The Blues and imagine my September ofthat year, yes, a Bevin Boy, with no option other than six—months free board and lodging in one of His Majesty’s Prisons.

Golden Couple recall wedding that was hastened by Suez crisis. A couple who brought forward their

That was my entry into the forge meet— Guards; Topper Brown, the Farrier Corporal of Horse, Farrier Corporal White, and Farriers Whittington, Oates and

surprise finding myself underground by Hopefully, I have managed to answer the

Being a member of ‘Mons Squad’, and passing out in February 1950, then after a few guards, I applied for a job in the forge, meeting up with then Farrier Major Buck Taylor. He informed me that he knew my father. It appeared that he remembered him as Orderly Corpo— ral, shouting out the names of all those in the Squadron without the use ofa list.

Three and a half years later I was demobbed with no medal ribbons, just a few blue scars that cannot be taken off, but with memories of what life was like three thousand feet under Romney Marshes, working naked in extreme conditions.

Things were to get better; finally I was able to join the regiment of my choice with Colonel Abel Smith giving his sanction at Combermere Barracks in

1949. It was now I realised what a great family regiment I had joined, bumping into old friends I had known at school. People like; Sammy Keyworth, Bob Newman, Dickie Orton and Jim Woodman. The latter of which was to become a friend

The Blues staff consisted of Farrier Corporal Jim Woodman, and Farriers Welby, Doran and myself under the command of Corporal of Horse Joe Randall.

.-~4 ...


7965 - Jack We/by and myself inspo ting our first attempt at applying a hard surfacing

material for the horseshoe. Soon after the retirement of the Veteri— nary Officer Colonel Dalzell, Major Dean became Lieutenant Colonel and took over. He was affectionately knowu as ‘Dixie’, but not to his face you under» stand!

There I had twenty - two very happy and informative years and made as many friends with The Life Guards as I did with The Blues. There was a personal sad note to all of this; my father was at Stoney Castle Camp at Pirbright when he received the news of my birth in 1926. While I was at the same camp in 1963 I received the news of his death from Corporal of Horse Alfie Alcock.

My only regret now is that I am unable to attend any of the Regimental func« tions as I am not in the best of health, and the yearly Journal is a breath of fresh air to me.

On leaving the Regiment, my attach— ment to the ‘long nosed four legged beasts’ remained. For the next fifteen years it was to be my livelihood as I attained the post of Stable Manager at one of the largest equitation training centres in the country, at that time in Crabbet Park in Sussex. (The Managing Director of the centre BA Young FBHS came second to Lieutenant Colonel Mark Darley, Royal Horse Guards, the year he won the Badminton Horse Trials). One Brigadier paid a Visit to Crabbet Park, and commented to Brian Young, “you must have an army man running these stables”, on asking why, the reply came, “who else would think of painting

the stable tools different colours in each yard”? Yes the Cavalry gave me an excellent apprenticeship, thank you once again.

and Farrier Major.

1 -_L,. ‘


The Household Cavalry Musical Ride returning to the stables alter rehearsals for the Dundee Tattoo in 7954. The Ride is being led by Captain Walter (Tommy) Thompson LG and Captain R D Black HHG. ( Tommy sadly died in Glasgow in March 2006 aged 90).


rs of B San RHG. My father at Pirbri'ght Camp with other membe



7950 — Passmg out at sword drill. under the watchful eye of

Cpl (Jock) Lippe LG

Features 136



Wimbledon Common

out well the German was charged and we all left together. Little did I realise at the time that I had met the man I was going

By Mr Bill Rowlands, formerly the Royal Horse Guards

to marry. hroughout its history, Wimbledon Common has had many links with the armed Forces. For example, way back in Tudor times, the men ofthe area had, by law, to practise with bows and arrows. Before the ranges opened at Bis— ley, Wimbledon Common was the home of the National Rifle Association. The first shot ofthe first ever NRA Competi— tion was fired by Queen Victoria herself

A little bit about what we


The Commons have

54 Byelaws and it is the Keepers’ job to enforce those byelaws. This means patrolling 1150 acres of land, including a golf course, eight ponds, 43 acres of playing fields.

on 2nd July 1860. Many Grand Troop

woods, streams and over _ 16 miles of rides and

Reviews have been held here with inspections carried out by local digni— taries and even reigning monarchs such as Charles II and George III, and Kaiser

tracks. It has to be said that we have no problems with the Common itself,

Wilhelm II cast his eye over 22,000 troops here in 1891. The Kaiser was

who use it!

probably getting a look at the opposition a few years later. During both World Wars, the Commons have been used extensively for permanent, transit and POW camps, assault courses, trenches, exercises and training, and batteries of

So an ex~cavalryman who can ride big horses and deal firmly and fairly with

flak guns all found their way here. Large pieces of land were also commandeered for the growing of vegetables for

a nation short of food. So why are we tugging your coat tails this year? Well, it seems the Commons have a new mantle. Working here on the Commons we now have six ex-cavalry members with over 100 years of military service between them. It seems to have become a retirement home for ex—servicemen... although there is still a little

life in us yet! The reason that there are so many of us is, quite simply, we fit the bill to a tee for the work that is required of the Mounted Keepers here.

just some of the people

the public is perfect Keep—



Left to rr'ght— Mounted Guy Brown (LG). Davy Hunter (RHG/D).

Jo/in Shroton (LG). Gordon Wasp (’RHG/D) Standing Peter er material. Knights— HtI/land [RHG D) and Sen/or Keeper. Br// Row/and (RHG,’D). bridge taught us all to ride and deal with the public, and Windsor The route from SW1 to SW19 is now taught us the security aspect of life here. well trodden. So if you find yourselfout Throw in a little flaming cuffand a tad of of the camp gate with a suitcase in one waffle and you have all the ingredients on hand and a silver-mounted corporal a plate! major tucked under your arm, give us a thought — you may get lucky. The first to start this trend was the pres~ ent Senior Keeper, Bill Rowland, who saw the job advertised and thought “that’s the job for me”. Having been settled here as a Keeper for a while, he thought it would be a good idea to get a few mates on board as well. Every year at Associations and brickhanging, he would hang on to the bar and do a bit of subtle recruiting. Only the very best men, or the ones that buy him the most beer, get the nod.

The Commons are great fun for a run, for those that way inclined, even better for a walk with the kids and the dog. If you do venture up for a visit, one of the Womble troop is always on duty and the kettle in the tackroom is always on the boil. Pop in...we look forward to seeing

The Royals left Berlin for Wolfenbuettel in February 1950 and I was devastated. Would I see him again? Would he forget me? He had sent to London for the forms for us to get married and I was kept busy getting all the necessary papers together. When I applied for a visa to enter England at the British Con— sulate I was refused with no explanation. I sent a message to Jim at Wolfenbuettel to let him know and he came to Berlin on a 10 day leave pass to help sort things out. We both fronted up at the British Consulate asking to see the Visa Officer who granted us an interview. He told us that Jim had been sent the wrong forms; namely ones for a soldier being demobbed and taking his future wife back with him to England. What to do now? The Visa Officer came up with the solution, which was for Jim’s parents to invite me for a visit. He would then be able to give me a visitor’s visa. He stressed however, that we would need to marry within 3 months or I would have to return to Germany. From then on, it all went like clockwork. I flew out of Berlin—Gatow on 11th May; Jim met me in London and we travelled by train to his home in the Cotswolds. From Cheltenham the bus wound its way through picturesque villages and when we finally arrived outside his parents’ house all I could see were fields and a line of Beech trees. What a shock after Berlin!!!

Golden Wedding May 2000.

Wedding May 7960.

We got married by special license on 24 May; 10 days later I waved good—bye to him at Cheltenham station. He was returning to Germany and I was staying in England. Somehow it seemed all wrong. He applied for married quarters but was refused because he had married me without permission from the Army. In August on his 21st birthday he was given a punishment posting from the Royals to the 7th Armoured Division in Celle, which was upsetting for both of us. But in a way it was a bonus. The Royals left for the Middle East, which meant I would not have seen him for two years. By staying in Germany we were able to see each other for 3 weeks every 6 months in the coming 3 years. It was a great testing time for our marriage but we weathered it. I know that I would not like to go through it again.

In 1969 we emigrated with our two daughters to South Australia and have lived here since. We retired to the Barossa Valley, a famous wine region in Australia, which is renowned for its ‘good drop’. In 1984 we visited Berlin and looked up the sports ground, which was still there. The barracks at Elster Platz were now a hospital and the hostel had been demolished and townhouses built on the land. That year Jim was able to attend the Regimental Dinner at Hyde Park Barracks and he met up with some of the men he served with, quite a nostalgic occasion for him. He receives the Regi— mental magazine each year and we both read it with great interest, so keep up the good work.


Berlin — Next Stop — England By Mrs Ilse Harris wife of Trooper R ] Harris, formerly The Royal Dragoons It was September 1949. I was 19 years old having just arrived in Berlin from East Germany as a Refugee. As I did not know anybody in that divided city, I felt very insecure. Registration and screening followed at the Refugee Camp and I was given bed and board in a girl’s hostel in Berlin—

Grunewald. What an experience for me who up to then had had a sheltered upbringing. Girls and women from all walks of life were living at the hostel, which was run by 2 female ex-Salvation

Army Officers. Accommodation was in a dormitory sleeping 20 girls, with more living in barracks.

It was early October and the weather was very warm for autumn. Several of us girls being fed up with nothing to do were given a soccer ball and told to go and have a game on the sports ground across the road from the hostel. We squeezed through a hole in the fence and had a great time throwing the ball around. All of a sudden several chaps arrived in sports gear, accompanied by a Sergeant. He questioned us and wanted to know what we were doing there. We were informed that the sports ground was the property of the British Army and ‘off limits’ to any Germans as it was used by the lst Royal Dragoons for their recre— ation. The Sergeant suggested we joined

his boys in a game of soccer, which turned out to be very hilarious. One of the soldiers seemed very interested in me and after we’d all had enough kicking the ball around, he asked me to meet him that night. Three other girls had also made dates so we all planned to go for a walk together. However, one of the girls had stood up her German boyfriend for this date and when he arrived a noisy row started. The German lad took a swing at thc English soldier _ that was a bad move because he was the boxing champion of the regiment. It was not long before the German Police patrol car arrived and took the lads to the Police station where we also had to go. In the end it all turned

Menden. 7 947.

Near the Mohne Dam. 7 947.

The pictures were taken in These photographs were sent by Tom Matthias, formerly Blues and Royals, who now lives in Australia. contacted Via the internet be can Tom them. from hear to like would Torn themselves recognises ybody Germany in 1947 and if an at: tomandannettl‘bigpondcomau





Pictures to stir the memory. ..

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