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THE BLUES AND ROYALS ITEMS AVAILABLE FROM THE PRI The following items are available from the Regimental PRl shop in Detmold and may be ordered by post, by writing to the Officer [/0 The PRl Shop. Cheques should be made payable to ‘Central Bank RHG/D'.
Regimental Items Pewter Figures of Mt Duty Men History RHG Prints H/Cav Regtl Sports Tie Car Badge Ashtrays (large) Ashtrays (small) Table Mats (set of six) Coasters (set of six) Ice Bucket (Drum Emblem) Sweat Shirt (Regtl Badge) Wall Plaque Leather Wallet (with Gold Badge) Blazer Badge
£6-60 {3-10 {0-70 £1 -60 £2-25 £4-00 £0-70 (58-40 £2-90 £7-50 £6-50 £4~50 {2-65 £2-OO
Items in Blue Plastic with Embroidered Gold Badge Ladies Mirror Penknife
Pocket Book Tele Pad
Ring Binder Case Document Case Calendar
Book Mark Key Ring New Regimental Items Hermes Silk Scarves Table Mats (set of six) (Hunting, Shooting, Coaching scenes)
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Business hours: Mon.-Fri. 9.004230, 14.00-18.00h Sat. 9.30—12.00h. Telephone: 05231-25612
The BLUE and ROYAL VOL. 1 No.10
Tangier (16624680), Dettingen, Warburg, Beaumont, Willems, Fuentes d'Onor, Peninsular, Waterloo, Balaklava, Sevastopol, Egypt (1882), Tel el Kebir, Relief of Kimberley, Paardeberg, Relief of Ladysmith, South Africa (1 8994 902).
Colonel-in—Chief: Her Majesty The Queen. Colonel and Gold Stick: Field-Marshal
Sir Gerald
KG, GCB, GCMG, KBE, DSO, DCL The Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding The Household Cavalry and Silver Stick: Colonel S. C. Cooper
Le Cateau, Mame (1914), Messines (1914), Ypres (1914), Gheluvelt, Ypres (1915), Frezenberg, Loos, Arras (1917), Ypres (1917), Somme (1918), Amiens, Hindenburg Line. Cambrai
(193183;), Sambre, Pursuit to Mons, France and Flanders (1914—
ail/Emanding Officer: Lieutenant-Colonel H. 0. Hugh Smith,
Souleuvre. Brussels, Nederrijn, Rhine, NW Europe (1944—1945), Officer Commanding Household Cavalry Regiment (Mounted):
Iraq (1941), Palmyra, Syria (1941), Knightsbridge, El Alamein, Advance on Tripoli, North Africa (1941—1943), Sicily (1943),
Lieutenant—Colonel B. J. Lockhart, The Blues and Royals
Italy (1943—1944).
Above: the Commanding Officer and the Adjutant in Canada
FOREWORD by Lt Col H. 0. Hugh Smith MVO As I write, the Regiment has put away its tanks and armoured vehicles and we are about to start training for another tour in Northern Ireland. This time we are to be deployed in Belfast, again as infantry, and we will have responsibility for the Andersonstown area on the west of the city. We move to Northern Ireland at the beginning of February and leave at the beginning of June. On our last tour in Londonderry in early 1977, the Regiment was all based together in one barracks. This time, RHQ will be on its own in the company base of a nearby battalion, ‘A’ and ‘C’ Sqns will share a base and ‘B’ Sqn will also be on their own. The echelon will live in the grounds of the military wing of Musgrave Park Hospital. During the summer that has just passed, ‘RHQ’, ‘B’, ‘C‘ and Headquarters Sqn trained at the British Army training area at Sutfield on the Canadian prairies in Alberta, at the end of May. ‘A’ Sqn also trained there with lst Bn The Duke of Wellington‘s Regt in September. We have also been involved in all the normal run of BAOR activities including a demonstration for the Staff College, and, although there have been no spectacular occasions such as the Silver Jubilee Review, we have been kept extremely busy. It would obviously be quite out of place for the Commanding Officer to boast how well the Regiment has done. What I can say is how impressed all our many visitors have been by the enthusiasm, the awareness and the good manners of all our soldiers, of whatever rank. This bodes extremely well for our tour in Belfast, where these are just the qualities that will be required.
My predecessor, in his Foreword last year, mentioned the restructuring of the army, which resulted in an increase in the number of tanks in the Regiment. This has made for a variety of difficulties, but it is only upon the effects on the sporting activities that I propose to comment. There is no doubt that restructuring, particularly when the regiment was split up for most of the summer, as a result of the programme for training in Canada, has seriously weakened our ability to play sport, and this we all regret. I can confidently say that better times are ahead. Already this autumn, our first football XI and our rugger XV are starting to do well, while the second X1 is also notching up successes. We are shortly to hold a novices boxing competition, the first time there has been a boxing competition in the Regiment for several years, but the preparatory training is being well, indeed enthusiastically, supported. On our return from Ireland next summer, there will be time for
both a regimental athletics and swimming meeting, both of which sadly had to be abandoned in 1978. In the meantime, thanks to a directive entitled, ‘Fit to Fight’, we were all much fitter than for many years. The year 1978 has witnessed the 80th birthday of our Colonel, Field Marshal Sir Gerald Templer, Colonel
Gerald as so many of us know him. The Colonel made it very clear that he did not wish to receive any present, butI
know that the Regiment and the Association both join me in sending our congratulations and our very best wishes, not only to the Colonel, but to Lady Templer as well. Detmold Armistice Sunday, 1978
. .
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2 4 17
.. .r .. .. Gunnery 1978 .. Warrant Officers and Corporals of Horse Mess . r . . ' ' Berlin
.r . .
21 24 26
. .
Diary of Events .. Squadron Notes Training in Canada
The Mounted Squadron. I
The Band The Blues and Royals Mounted Squadron prior to the Queens Birthday Parade
. .
bt’flt'L’t’lI ranges or Holme The cover depicts CI Lmdrum'i‘ Troop moving
The Household Cavalry Squadron, Guards Depot Visit of Association Members of the Regiment The Blues and Royals Association Annual Report
Those Who Have Died in 1978 . . A Trans»Siberian Holiday Adventure Training Messing about in Boats Sports . .
Nominal Roll
i .
Diary of Events 1978 5 Lt Bucknall presenting to the Queen CoH Jones, LCSOH Claridge, Nisbet and Vaughan.
This year began with the handover of command from Lt Col J. H. Pitman to Lt Col H. 0. Hugh Smith. The early months were spent in trade training. In March activities became more specifically directed towards the Battle Group exercise in Canada, Ex Medicine Man 11.
The Blues and Royals battle group consisted of RHQ. ‘B’ and ‘C’ Sqns and Alma Coy of 1st Bn Duke of Wellington’s Regt. ‘A’ Sqn were placed under command of the 1st Bn Duke of Wellington‘s Regt and trained with their battle group throughout the year. The preparation for Ex Medicine Man 11 culminated with four weeks of gunnery and tactical training at Hohne and Soltau in late March and April. On the Regiment's return to Detmold. ‘A‘ Sqn and the echelon were busy preparing for a demonstration to the Staff College which took place on May 12. The Regiments’ Battle Group moved to Sufiield on the plains of Alberta on May 26 and took up residence in Camp Crowfoot. The armoured training facilities at BATUS are unrivalled and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the 14 days training on the prairie. After the Regiment
handed over there were four days R&R followed by the return to Detmold. The Regiment, less a party of adventure trainees. was back in Detmold by June 26. when ‘8‘ and ‘C‘ Sqns began an intensive period of trade training. Meanwhile. ‘A‘ Sqn started its pre-Suflield training with the DWR battle group in preparation for Ex Medicine Man 5 in August and September. During the trade training phases from June 26 to September 29, ‘B‘ and ‘C‘ Sqns provided border patrols, an SAS guard. a troop to appear in a film on fighting in built-up areas, and three relief troops for the Berlin Squadron of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards. ‘A' Sqn returned from Canada on September 14 and the whole Regiment prepared for the annual FTX which took place from October 16727. The FTX was followed by two weeks spent laying up the tanks and on November 13 training for the Regiment‘s four-month tour in Andersonstown in the dismounted role began. The Regiment has two weeks block leave over Christmas and finally departs for Belfast at the beginning of February.
CoH Whitworth is in the background
W02 Fortt and the
Commanding Officer show the
Chieftain to Vice Admiral S. F. Berthon, DCDS(OR)
Lt Col Morris showing the Queen Claudius held by Tpr Bareham
Col J. A. C. G. Eyre and the Regimental Adjutant
A Squadron Contrary to popular opinion within the Regiment. the Squadron has had an extremely busy year. It has been attached to The Duke of Wellington‘s Battle Group for the year so all our hard work has gone unnoticed by the Regiment. Our attachment started off in February when SHQ. 2nd and Admin Troops went to Soltau to introduce The Dukes to the mysteries of an armoured squadron. This provided a worthwhile week and reminded the older members of the Squadron of their past AMF role. Maj Weston came back claiming temperatures as low as —29°C, and with stories of having to keep the tanks running at night to prevent them freezing up. On return the Squadron then started its pre-annual firing warm—up for the turret crews and moved to Hohne for a very successful annual firing. The high point of annual firing was on the last day when the Squadron waved goodbye to the Regiment who departed up the Wetzendorf Corridor for two weeks on Soltau while we returned to Detmold. We returned from leave to experience one of the rigours of military life as we had to paint all the Squadron’s vehicles in four days. We worked a 24—hour shift system as each tank had to have two coats of paint in preparation for the Staff College demonstration. We then moved to Sennelager for a week to rehearse and lay on a demonstration for the students of the Stafi College. This consisted of a presentation of an armoured heavy combat team with crewmen becoming very adept at dismounting from their vehicles in a hurry. This was followed by a demonstration of the Combat Team in the attack which we practised eight times but never once did we do it the same way! Once again we had the Dukes with us and on the day the heavens opened with driving rain and sleet and we demonstrated to 14 Stalwart loads of very wet and cold Stafir College students.
We then had six weeks in barracks during which we fitted in a period of trade training. The Squadron also had to provide assistance at the Rhine Army Summer Show. Capt Shaw was detailed to run the pony club gymkhana. This ended up with his losing his patience with the parents involved and LCplsoH Grun, Pitt,
Bourne and French dressing the parents off in three ranks to keep them quiet. In June the Squadron moved to Soltau for Battle Group training with the Dukes. Once again we had a worthwhile exercise where we ironed out many problems. The only drawback was the torrential rain which fell from beginning to end of the exercise Undoubtedly the saddest sight on the exercise was that of Tpr Wright, the SCMs driver who sat under a tree for four days waiting for spares for his Ferret. On the weekend the Squadron had a damp but enjoyable party with LCoH Gimblett keeping the Squadron amused with his anecdotes. After two weeks leave we then left for Canada which proved to be an excellent high point of our training. Initially all crews found trouble with navigating but by the end the Squadron had achieved a high standard. The training in Canada was so different that it would take more space than we have here to describe it. One of the more amusing incidents was when the Squadron moved into night leaguer and in the first half hour we saw no less then 15 rattle snakes in the immediate vicinity. Needless to say most of the crews slept on their tanks that night. After the training the Squadron dispersed to all points of the North American continent for four days rest and recovery; unfortunately at this stage the weather broke which was very disappointing. We are now putting the tanks into preservation in preparation for Northern Ireland training.
SCM O‘Halloran
Capt Shaw
Tpr Hodgson
Tpr Baxter
Capt Barclay (then in ‘A‘ Sun) CoH Murray. Tpr Payne and LCpl Maggs
LCoH Miller, LCpI Gimblett
B Squadron The Squadron has had a varied and hectic year. So many people have come and gone that it’s hardly recognisable. After trade training it went to Hohne and Soltau for pre-Canada training. On the move to Hohne one of 2nd Troop’s tanks “fell olf’ its transporter, how— ever, a good report was achieved although the Gunnery School may not have recognised some of the gun drills displayed in Maj Olivier’s tank. The Soltau training showed that the new Squadron was beginning to pull together although the map reading was in many cases considerably lacking in accuracy— this promised to be fun in the open prairies of Canada. Canada was the big test, however. LCpl Wetherall's rain dance worked and along with ubiquitous Mosseys the Squadron’s training became more arduous. During it Lt Hanmer succeeded in bogging his entire Troop. Back in Detmold sadly Maj Olivier had to leave us for a posting to Pirbright after some three years in command. Maj Reed—Felstead took over and was ini~ tiated into ‘B’ Sqn with cheese and pickle sandwiches with other Squadron additives. SQMC Holt left us to go riding to be replaced by SQMC McEvoy. Was this a ‘D’ Sqn takeover? Apart from the year’s training we have done innumerable tasks; two site guards, a composite troop to Soltau in February for the Duke of Wellington’s Battle Group, and 2nd Troop to Berlin. They ‘crashed out’ to the Brandenburg gate in the middle of the night and the Russians complained that 2nd Troop was too aggressive. Others have made the same point.
Training and leave then followed and on return we started to prepare for the FTX. 4th Troop fought a valiant rear guard action against having the Dozer Tank but it was overcome. CoH Brown and CoH Mackenzie took over as troop leaders. For the FTX Lt Hanmer’s troop was transferred to the Duke of Wellington's Regt and LCoH Gregory‘s tank succeeded in falling oil‘ a medium girder bridge in the middle of the night giving his crew a much needed wash! As the exercise ended Capt Gurney‘s tank finally died and CoH Brown led the whole of his Troop into a bog in which no less than 26 tanks have been bogged on previous exercises and a Conqueror tank still occupies a lonely position in the middle! Sadly SSgt Elliott. LCpl Brzeski and LSgt Helm have now left, however. we are still superbly served by SSgt Ward and his crew. Both SHQ and Admin Troops have worked hard to make the Squadron a happy place. LCpl Hastings has managed to keep his 1 tonner on four wheels and CoH Benn has done sterling work keeping the spares flowing. The comings and goings are still in full swing, notable losses are Capt Lukas, Lt Miller-Bakewell, LCpls Gowing. Simons and Firth. and we welcome all the
newcomers to the Squadron. SCM Livingstone is now leaving us and returning to sanity in the form of Iran and we welcome SCM Clayton if he has not yet been put off. Currently the Squadron is preparing to put away the Green Monsters for six months. The Squadron is then being reorganised for our tour in Northern Ireland which means many new faces will bejoining us.
SCpl Lane
Tpr Garforth 4
SCM Livingstone
Ct Mitchell, Capt Gurney, Maj Olivier and Capt Lukas
LCoH Wendon, Tprs Day, Ribton, LCpl Kent, LCoH Gregory
CoH Brown
LCpl Kent, Tpr_Ribton
C Squadron In January 1978 the Squadron held a party to bid farewell to Maj Wilkinson, who left for the Mounted Sqn. and RCM MacDougall who was elevated to his present seat of power. At the same time the Squadron
welcomed our new team of Maj Barne and SCM Sibley. Gunnery at Hohne was the first item on the year‘s military itinerary. This was a great success and was followed by a fortnight at Soltau during which the Squadron won the Battle Group Sports Meeting. Run— ning jointly with the major training programme were many other activities. Ct Lendrum took a composite troop to Frankfurt to take part in the making of a new training film on ‘Fighting in Built-up Areas‘. ch1 Beard‘s hopes of becoming a Gregory Peck were dashed as for most of the filming the tanks were closed down. The Squadron Car Rally, ably organised by CsoH Stacey and Fisk had 32 entrants and ended with a rubbereating circuit on the Square. Tpr Morris was the best navigator and Tpr Keen was awarded the two-wheel prize after fierce competition from the one other entrant. These and other prizes were presented at the Squadron Barbecue which was held after the Rally and at which the company was entertained by the Squadron Rock Group. This Rock Group, consisting of chls Elliott and Barry and Tprs Gledhill, Steeden and Budge, was formed earlier this year. Its engagements included playing to over 800 people at an Anglo—German Community Weekend which was held during the FTX. The group is called ‘Down to Earth‘ and has already featured on BFBS. Canada was the highlight of the year's training and included three weeks realistic live firing, an impressive
but unrehearsed minefield breach by Ct Huggins” troop and sufficient time off to enjoy life on the American continent. chls Wynn and Hammond spent a week working on a ranch, the Squadron organised a trip to a rodeo, the fascinating Dinosaur Park, riding parties Western Style and a riotous barbecue beside the mighty Saskatchewan River during which most officers demonstrated their aquatic talents. Both Lt Huggins and Ct Macauley took composite troops to Berlin to relieve the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards during their training. Ct Macauley’s Troop did a David and Goliath act at the Brandenburg Gate threatening the East who, luckily, declined to retaliate. These troop exchanges were so popular (and expensive) that the Squadron decided to take a long weekend there with wives. The RSDG very kindly arranged caravans to house those families without accommodation and a total of 66 members of the Squadron sampled the pleasures of Berlin. The Fun Riding, originally a Squadron event each Tuesday, became a Regimental activity and Staff Kosa became a budding student while Tpr Steeden spent more time off than on. The .22 shooting every Wednesday culminated in a competition which was convincingly won by Tpr Gledhill. We have lost some of our prominent personalities, Capt Lingeman has been posted to Hong Kong and Lt Huggins, Ct Macauley, SQMC Reid. CoH Fisk, LCoH Perry have left on internal postings. We congratulate CoH Wilde and CoH Gorman on their promotion and wish them well in their new jobs. We bid a weldome to our new Second-in-Command Capt Barclay and Lt Horsford who appeared from the backwoods of Belize via Australia.
LCpl Blackburn, LCpl Clarke, Tpr Dunkley LCoH Windrass, LCpl Owen, LCoH Gardner
Ct Mitchell’s tank crew Maj Reed Felstead Capt Gurney, LCoH Birchall
CoH Fox, CoH Fisk. Tpr Booth
D Squadron ‘D’ Sqn was formed on Restructuring at the beginning of the year, however, due to the BATUS training and the Northern Ireland orbat, ‘D’ Sqn was disbanded and the Regiment reverted back to three Squadrons. 1 am sure on paper this Squadron looked a formidable fighting force, as it was later to prove, but all the ‘little empires” went their own way when it came to any dirty work (fatigues) being done! Our first Soltau as a Squadron started off fairly normally but much to everybody’s surprise underwent a major colonial takeover with Capt Mofl‘at of The Royal Canadian Dragoons assuming control helped by an Australian Captain with the lst Bn Queens—was this the ever dreadful Defence cuts in action? For FTX everything went back to normal with Maj Weston once again in the hot seat which seemed to change with surprising regularity, about once a week, due to Tpr Eyre, his driver, writing ofl‘ three Landrovers in as many weeks. The Squadron LAD under SSgt Powell worked well to keep us all on the road, when they were not watching TV or listening to their quadraphonic set up in their 432GT. Unfortunately the ARV had had too much practice at Soltau and managed to hide them— selves for about four days, much to the ASM’s displeasure! The Squadron had a very successful Christmas party organised by CoH Wall and then after leave came under the new leadership of Maj Reed—Felstead, who like Maj Weston had just come down from the clouds.* The whole Squadron then did the normal trade
Capt Barclay Tprs Lees, Davies, Lambert, LCoH Wilde, CsoH Fisk and Stacey, The Rum Ration LCpl Kirkwood and LCoH Harris during Squadron visit to German Army LCpl Beard in Russian helmet during filming ‘Pte’ Barne and ‘Cpl’ Sibley during Northern Ireland training in Warminster
Maj Reed Felstead, SCpl O’Halloran, SCpl Chamberlain, SCM Midwinter, SQMC McEvoy
training phase at the same time training some of the RHQ element. Capt Pratt left the Army and Ct Mitchell was auctioned off to the highest bidder (‘B’ Sqn) for Canada. With Hohne rapidly approaching SQMC McEvoy put on his gunnery epaulettes and was instantly transformedWSQMC O’Halloran and SCpl Chamberlain took over lst and 2nd Troops respectively instilling a new killer instinct in the troops never seen before; this resulted in two of the best battle runs of the Regiment.
After Hohne, an even further depleted ’D’ Sqn started cleaning up. A lot of manpower was given to ‘B’ and ‘C’ Sqns for Canada leaving the ‘Dirty Dozen’ with as many tanks and DM600 in the Squadron Account. After much debating it was decided not to buy SCM Midwinter more rubber plants for his office or any more ‘Ultra Flash’ signs for the Squadron but to hold a Squadron Farewell Party, at which some sort of beatnik guitarist came along (where did the SCM go to); it was a sad occasion. 1n the year of its existence ‘D’ Sqn had built up tremendous spirit and attained a very high standard of training. Maj Reed-Felstead and SQMC McEvoy are now in ‘B’ Sqn, an undercover takeover? SCM Midwinter was posted to Junior Leader‘s Regt at Bovington, the remainder of the NCOs and soldiers being spread amongst the Squadrons. *T/zis is not a derogatory comment but apparently refers to these two oflicers’ aeronautical background.— EDITOR.
HQ Squadron While the three, or is it four, sabre squadrons have been rattling their latter day swords at the fearsome electric puff targets of Hohne and Sutfield, Headquarters Squadron have been bent double answering every whim and wish with an ever decreasing manpower, digging the standard NATO shelter and guard trenches, achieving an ‘A’ grade in their annual Carl Gustav classification and getting used to making full use of the ’58 pattern webbing issued to, but apparently ignored by, the rest of the Regiment. This serious military attitude has, however, not prevented the Squadron from enjoying its own life or the many departments from meeting each other in friendly rivalry on the football field, in the gymnasium, at murder ball played at NBC red or over the occasional cup of office coffee. The first major sports event of the year was the Echelon Inter-departmental Alpine Sports meeting. Great effort went into stealing tin trays, borrowing broken skis and converting MFO boxes into de luxe snow charabancs. The individual champion was hard to determine though LCoH Reeve was highly placed for style, Musn Moroz for courage (or was it shortsightedness) and LCoH Partis for speed. ‘The Multiple Slip and Slide Race’ was a trial between the Mess team (LCoH Dearden, LCpls Nash and Loft) riding a miniaturised version of Zero Hotel and the stables of LCpl Jackson, Tprs Bennett and Toze propelling an intricate design of Mr Heath Robinson. The quiet of the Westphalian winter was followed by the Regiment’s visit to Bergen-Hohne during which by some curious twist of fate the only people under canvas were Capt Giles and his Quartermaster’s Department. The tailors, the saddlers and the storemen shifted vast quantities of ammunition under RQMC Howick and CoH Taylor while CoH Law organised the routine life and LCoH Butcher repaired the rips in the tents. Combat team training at Soltau saw the Echelon
operating out of Rheinsahlen Camp apart from the occasional mad foray into the Luneberg Extension. The first Annual Echelon Senior Ranks Dinner of 1978 was held at Heber. This ancient Squadron rite encompasses all that is fine and upstanding amongst Squadron traditions and is taken with great solemnity for the first half hour. SSgt Joseph introduced with great pride the new centre piece that LSgt Taylor had been employed creating for the best part of a month. After dinner the MTO provided his own one man full strength choir and amazed the Germans with ‘Lippische Soldat’, nearly bringing about the Adjutant’s demise from the laughter and stopped the Commanding Officer‘s watch at 10.30pm. Before departing for Canada the Squadron produced an A2 Echelon stand for the Staff College demonstration. Exercise Medicine Man II was the first visit to Canada for the majority of the Squadron and it proved to be a testing time. While Maj Marsh, SCpl Anslow and the technical storemen contended with the abbots and ‘juice and a halfs’ as well as the normal 432s and Chieftains, the MTO had to refuel the F Echelon with a 160mile turnround between user and the base supplier. Probably the busiest team was led by SQMC Hawley. Luckily his years of service within the shadows of Harrods and Fortnums had given him some experience of ‘essential’ luxuries and their procurement. Left behind in Detmold was a small rear party including SCM Lawson. There were strong rumours that he had to remain behind as he had been given the part of Pooh-Ba (Lord High Everything Else) in the Detmold production of the ‘Mikado’. Luckily for the rest of the rear party this proved untrue. The year’s activity came to a close with Exercise Full House. A delightful selection of farms and manor houses were invaded by the two echelons and promptly we upheld our aim of having to ‘produce a service’ despite having lost so many soldiers to the Sabre Squadrons that only a handful of vehicles had commanders. With the FTX behind us a flurry of interest in Op Banner training is keeping the Squadron hard at work. LCpl Beynon and Tpr Harris 480 have been producing new nominal rolls each on alternate days and LCoH Holloway and LCpl Hunt have now handed out all their stores in return for a sheet of signatures. W
CoH Davidson, Orderly Room
LCoH Craig, QM Department
LCpl Mackenzie, Tprs Fulbrook and Blakeley, SCpl Stubley
LCpl English, Tailors Shop
LCOH Butcher, Equipment Repairer
Pte Moss, Cookhuuse
The Paymastcr
. ~
«we, was; ..,
Maj Hayward and Tpr Beynon Tpr Firth, LCOH Gurdin, Maj Hayward and Tpr Beynon Ptcs Abbott and McKelvie, LCpl Hendy The Adjutant LCp] Rose and LCoI-I Davies The Quartermaster’s Rum Ration LCpl Davies, SCpl Adams and Tpr Hulland
LAD Exercise commitments have been so heavy that very few sports afternoons have been possible and its been diflicult to fit in every man’s leave entitlement and courses essential for promotion. Consequently the LADs soccer
TRAINING IN CANADA— EXERCISE MEDICINE MAN II At the end of May, The Blues and Royals Battle Group, having taken over from The Queens Royal Irish Hussars, began their training in Sulfield, Alberta. On the whole the Exercise was a great success; the programme being almost identical to the previous Battle Group. however, we were a little more fortunate with the weather and only lost 2:} days of training time due to rain. This sadly had the effect of shortening the final exercise. Invariably it poured on maintenance days, making the FRG and LAD work all the more unpleasant —but it did at least keep the mosquitoes at bay for 24 hours. For most, the training was a unique experience, it was an awe-inspiring sight to see a full scale attack being launched on an objective with live firing. It could only have been more realistic if the enemy had fired back. One tank crew believed they actually had done so when some GPMG rounds went off course and shattered the commander’s sight. The commander CoH Fox, only realised what had happened when the linkage fell on his lap. During the exercise there were some very good demonstrations from the various elements within the Battle Group, the most notable being the Royal Engineers firing their Giant Viper. This was very impressive as it not only produced a devastating effect along the ground and an incredible cloud, but also a shock wave which moved the distance of 1,200 metres, between the explo— sion and the spectators in a matter of seconds. After the final exercise the Battle Group dispersed for four days R & R. Stories on return ranged from gold panning by one optimistic officer, to the marriage of LCpl Wyllie ACC. To the former better luck next time and to the latter we offer our congratulations.
team has sulfered due to lack of training time; however.
three of our best players, LCpls Howard, Sutherland, and Cfn Cox have been playing for the Regiment. Most LADs are naturally interested in the motor and on the rallying side Sgt Short and LSgt Chopin have done well in Landrovers while on the trials bike side LCpl Brzeski has been producing results. Of course we might have a little more time if a certain Bentley did not take up so much of the VMs time. Cornet Huggins please note. There has been nearly a 50 per cent turnover of men in the LAD since January 1978 but a few old faces survive. The ASM WOl W. Curtis has been with the LAD since the Life Guards days, and a few 1975 men are around including Sgts Cook, Cave (our long distance walker), LSgt Routledge and LCpl Abson. Capt Oswald remains the EME (our REME expert on two planks of wood) although the ‘EMElet’ 2 Lt Philpott was replaced by 2 Lt Wilson in July. Socially the LAD has been fairly active with goodbye ‘Happy Hours’ and dinners and also a very successful buflet party for all ranks in October. Next year should be a little easier with a number of REME going to Northern Ireland with the Regiment and a few remaining in Detmold to repair and preserve the tanks.
SCM Sibley playing games Sgt Blackburn
SSgt Short, Capt Oswald, ASM Curtis and SSgt Roddis
Canada—On and Off Duty
“44w ‘4‘, . ARM“
Bichester again welcomes the Regiment at the Annual Oflicers’ Club Dinner in June 2
COH Evans and Sgt Metcalf
Maj Olivier at war
W02 Fortt and friend
4 Tprs Perrin and Davies
Gunnery 1978 The year 1978 has been busy for the Gunnery Wing. It
started with Phase I and 2 trade training. This was very successful. with all students passing the trade test. Normal recruit firing then took place, with 48 recruit gunners firing on the open range. Everyone who took part thoroughly enjoyed this range period. With recruit firing over the rest of the Regiment arrived to begin annual and pre-Canada firing. The range layouts and overall standard of firing were of the normal high standard. To conclude Annual Firing, the Regiment took part in Exercise Curates Gorse. This involved a spectacular last light battle by lst Troop ‘B‘ Sqn, followed by illumination provided by Abbots and Mortars to light the battlefield for the remainder of the Regiment to plunder the enemy. On returning from Hohne, Phase 3 and 4 trade training started along with preparation for Canada. The reports on the Regiment were all complimentary. Following Canada, Phases 5 and 6 trade training and Cadres were run for potential Gunner Mechanics and instructors. The end to the year‘s gunnery was capped by SCpl Fortt, the regimental gunnery NCO being promoted to W02. From all the Gunnery Wing, congratulations. To CoH Stretton who has been posted to Hohne and CoH Mackenzie who is off to Lulworth in January for the
next Cadre, we bid farewell.
Scorpion is a highly mobile, air portable, well protected light tank, which can also perform reconnaissance and internal security duties. Equipped with a 76mm gun
Scorpion lion] rank, 76mm {/un Scimitar 30min Hair/on gun (Hill APC ire/7min,
firing HESH and four other natures of ammunition, a 7. 62mm GPMG ant/smoke di‘scnarger system, Scorpion has a crew ol 3/ {Op speed of80l<pl2 and weighs 8 tonnes. It lies probably the lightest ground pressure oleiny rank in [/79 world and can therefore operate where other ranks or armoured cars can/ml. It has been tested in worldwide conditions and is in service with {he Brilislr and other Armies. There are seven variants in {ne Scorpion lam/iv of vehicles.
Striker rill/(led woo/inn (tail/(v Spartan personnel (turner
The early morning briefing
Sultan (:nnrrnemri WWW lr' Samson rr’r‘ovnrv volt/(fir?
a force to be reckoned with . . . AL VIS LIMITED HOL YHEAD ROAD COVENTRYENGLAND
Background activities
Soltau Training
Tpr Dunkley and SCM Livingstone CoH McGregor, late HCR Riding Instructor Some members of 4th Troop, ‘C’ Sqn CoH Evans and SCpl Sayer
LCoH Reid, Tpr Rose, SCpi Lane and Tpr Dunkley 4 Tpr McGIoughlin
2 5
Capt Shaw Tpr Robinson
Lt Huggins digging in—or out
Warrant 0flicers and Corporals of Horse Mess The period that these notes cover includes the Chinese New Year at the beginning of February up to the time of writing during the first week of November. We did not celebrate the former but some of the characters who arrived for the Fancy Dress Valentines Dance in February looked as though they might have done. SCpl Chamberlain organised a MeSs Car Rally in July which was an enormous success. There were Mess members combing the countryside looking for ‘Pink Chickens’ and there was some brilliant map reading by many of the wives. The rally culminated in an obstacle race on the Square and a families lunch in the dining room for those whose nerves were too frayed to go home and cook a Sunday lunch. The Regimental Association visited us in September and the highlight was a dinner held in the gymnasium and attended by 350 members. wives and guests. In October the Band arrived as did the Welsh Guards Choir from Berlin along with a party of our Mess members currently on ERE with the Royal Yeomanry. At the start of Northern Ireland training the Mess is currently being redesigned. Walls have been knocked down, arches built and a new bar installed in the Ante Room. This means that there is currently only the cellar
Nine justifications for Choosing Delamain Pale &Dry. . It is the partners themselves who taste. Every cognac is a blend. Tasting for the “month/age of this blend is critically important. We do not delegate this responsibility: we bring to bear upon it the inherited skill ofgenerations. . We choose from the best vineyards only. At Delamain. we strive constantly after quality. Hence we blend only from the Grande Champagne region ofCognac, the area ofthe finest growths.
9. A question of value. Delamain Pale and Dry is. naturally. a little more expensive than some ol‘the other cognacs that may tempt you. But the quality is such that we believe that you will find it better value for money. But to appreciate its value, you must respect it. Never. never, never mix it with unyI/tiug. Always insist on an absolutely clean glass. Be sure the glass is neither too large nor too small; do not warm it with a flame. Store the bottle upright: always recork it. Give Delamain Pale and Dry the attention it deserves. In due course you will come to realise that we are oti‘ering you ttot a luxury. but a bargain,
. We know our suppliers. Some ofthe grower~ distiller families who supply us have been doing so for [50 years. In that time we have got to know their cognac intimately.
bar facilities, thus the Autumn Ball in November was
held in the Detmold Stadthalle and was the highlight of the year’s entertainment. Throughout the year we have had whist nights most Wednesdays, film shows on Sunday evenings and the Mess football team goes from success to success—the only casualty to date being RCM MacDougall who was tackled enthusiastically by his son and suffered a broken ankle as a result. Congratulations
. Our suppliers know us. They. too. understand the qualities we strive for in our cognac. They know they must achieve exceptional lightness ol‘colour. dryness and delicacy of flavour.
SCM Lawson, Ct Maeauley and W02 Preeee
W02 Fortt, SCpl Reid, CoHs Storer and Stevenson on their promotion. Back in the fold are SCpls Pinks and Tucker and leaving us shortly are SCMs Livingstone, Lawson and W02 Preece on posting.
. The importance of old oak. For the pale. delicate. Delamain style ofcognac. aging in old oak that has lost its woodiness is ot‘paramount itnportancc. This is why we insist on ottr suppliers using ancient tasks. and. when necessary. we lend them our own casks. Among our own vats are some that date from before the phylloxcra epidemic of 1878. .How big vats bring delicacy. At Delamain our vats are exceptionally large. Thus the ratio ofsurface area to volume is unusually small. making it possible to blend and mature with extreme delicacy. our cognac having only the slightest hint ofthe oak‘s
tannin and colour. . The importance of age. Delamain Pale and Dry is 1101a V.S.0.P. cognac: a V.S.O.P. cognac need not include in its blend any brandy more than five years old. Delamain has an average age ofwell over twice that. Without those years ot‘gentle maturing in great vats, Delamain Pale and Dry could not possibly achieve its smoothness and roundness. its perfection of balance.
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United Kingdom Agents: Mrmzcndorfl'd’t Co. Ltd., Axphalte Home, Palace Street, London, SW1. 01-834 9561
W05 and CsoH Tug of War Team
RCM MacDougall
Berlin BERLLN TROOP EXCHANGES During August both ‘B’ and ‘C’ Sqns provided three composite relief troops to Berlin. Ct Mitchell records some happy memories. After a long train journey the ‘B‘ Sqn troop finally arrived at Charlottenburg Station in the centre of West Berlin. On arrival at the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards Barracks at Spandau, with Rudolf Hess as our next door neighbour, everybody was dragged off for a party in the Squadron Bar which seemed to set the pace for the next two weeks. On Monday morning we took over the tanks which looked as if they had just come out of the showroom not having done any Hohne or Soltau training for some time. Consequently the amount of time spent on the tank park was reduced to a minimum, The remainder of the days were spent visiting all the various sights of Berlin both East and West. We managed to see the East Berlin Guard change with a complete Company on Wednesday afternoon which was very spectacular, including a long stretch of goose stepping. On other afternoons in the East we visited the tank museum, Treptow Park and the
old city centre with its museum island. On the friendly side of the Wall nightlife was fast and furious, with most people running out of money by the end of the first week. The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards very kindly lent us their PRI bus which took us to the American Sector Where we visited Company ‘F’ 40
Armd Bn which was equipped with M60'Als. While we were down there we did not miss the opportunity of having a spree in their PX. Although we were not actually employed as the ‘stand by troop‘ as such we helped out the troop on duty by providing various crewmen on a day-to-day basis. However, we all went off on a border patrol taking in all the British Sector of the border; some were also lucky enough to do a complete air tour in a Gazelle of all the East/West Border getting a glimpse of the East German Army camps stationed around Berlin. One morning we did a mock “crash out‘ down to the Victory Memorial on the way to the Reichstag. Unfor— tunately we were not allowed to go the whole way down to the Brandenburg Gate due to the previous relief troop under Ct Macauley almost starting the Third World War with their synchronised tank/turret movement on the gate itself. This trip proved to be almost fatal as all the troop, not suspecting a 3am start, had staged their own ‘crash out” in the troop rooms after an interregimental darts match. However, we all made it there and back with a few surprises on the way from various barmaids leaning out of the windows with not much on. All in all the exchange was an outstanding success with everybody having a marvellous time, all thanks to the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards for having organised such a comprehensive programme for all the Relief
A BERLIN WEEKEND By CoH Stacey A long weekend was organised by Maj Barne for most ofC Squadron to visit Berlin. The officers went by car while the remainder travelled in the special RCT Berliner arriving on Thursday evening. Accommodation was difficult so the single men were split between the Royal
Museums, Zoo, the K‘dam and that night the Lance Corporals of Horse and above, with their wives, had a ‘C’ Sqn Mess Night in East Berlin—this was one of the most amusing and cheap evenings many had had for some time. Sadly Sunday came too soon and we had to return to Detmold after a fabulous three days.
Parachute Regt. The marrieds were in hotels or in caravans kindly provided by the first mentioned regiment. This caused nightmares for the co—ordination of the outings. The Friday programme was highly organised starting with an excellent guided bus tour of West and East Berlin passing through Checkpoint Charlie. The afternoon continued with sightseeing and shopping,
‘C’ Sqn Mess Night in East Berlin. Above: SQMC McKenna being serenaded and. left, some of the party
Afliliation with HMS Broadsword
It was by chance that the Commanding Officer, while looking for an affiliation with one of Her Majesty‘s ships, was given the nomination HMS Broadsword as her Executive Ofiicer was looking for a similar affiliation with a regiment. Broadsword is the first of the Type 22 frigates being built for the Royal Navy and is to play a primary role in anti-submarine warfare. She has an entirely missile main armament with no large calibre guns. She is now
‘B’ Sqn Composite Troop visiting the American Sector
and that night is best forgotten by many! Saturday was
The Brandenburg Gate
carrying out sea trials and hopes to be accepted into the Royal Navy in January 1979, and to be commissioned on May 3, 1979. at Devonport with Capt A. M. Norman taking command. The Blues and Royals State Trumpeters are being sent to the commissioning and after we‘ve returned from Northern Ireland there will be a series of exchanges to foster our new affiliation.
The Mounted Squadron After the Silver Jubilee celebrations of 1977, this year may outwardly appear to have been a quiet one. However, our diary has remained full with varied events and commitments. The Queen honoured the Regiment with a visit on February 8. She toured our stables and was able to meet many of the men and horses who had escorted her during the previous year. By March the troop winter camps at RAF Sopley had been completed. Horse and full dress inspections, troop and squadron drills then took place in preparation for the Lieutenant Colonel‘s inspection in April. We did. however, find time to enter some local hunter trials with varying success. LCpls Pendry and Brough were both placed at Crookham and Rushall Horse Trials respectively. Tprs Nicolson and Doodney played for the Regiment’s successful Cavalry Cup football team. Immediately after the Major General’s inspection the Quadrille, under command of Capt J. McM. Carr— Ellison had its first performance at Goodwood followed by the Royal Windsor Horse Show. LCOH Douglas. LCpl Edwards, Tprs Holdforth. Keate and Millet have all taken part during the year. The Sovereign’s Escort for the Queen’s Birthday Parade was commanded by Maj R. C. Wilkinson. We also provided two divisions and a standard party for the Sovereign‘s Escort to the President of Rumania. On the second day of this state visit Capt J. McM. CarrEllison commanded a Captain’s Escort to St James’s Palace. SCM Sellars carried the Standard on all three occasions. The Garter Service took place on a very hot June day. However, the Squadron survived both the temperature and the tourists with aplomb and no waiting men were required. The next day we provided two horses with Tpr Smith 516 for the starter at the Royal Ascot meeting. During July and August we were able to send half the Squadron away at a time on block leave and the horses had their annual holiday in rotation at the Aston Upthorpe Stud on the Berkshire downs. The blacks thrived in conditions more used to horses of greater lineage and all returned looking well and rested. Although this was considered to be a quiet period, we still had many commitments. LCOH Hague and LCpl Wasp took three greys to Edinburgh for the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards Tercentenary celebrations. CoH Standen was NCO IC presentations at the Royal International Horse Show at Wembley. We also loaned Orbit and Tpr Brooks 168 for the Royal Army Pay Corps Centenary at Winchester. At this year‘s Royal Tournament LCOH Nisbett was a Royal Box Orderly. LCOH Douglas and LCpl Armitage took on some very stiff opposition in the Sword, Lance and Revolver competition. LCOH Hague and Abdullah were second and third in the King’s Cup and Prince of Wales’ Cup competitions. The Regiment went to annual camp a fortnight later than usual. However, we had a glorious Indian summer to make it all the more enjoyable. During the initial days we completed our basic fitness tests, small arms classification and map reading standard 1]. Each troop then had a day’s outing: l Troop swam in Hawley Lake while 2 and 3 Troops went for ‘terra firma’ at Twesel28
down and Burrossa Common. We also attended two meets of Maj Stringer’s Windsor Bloodhounds. The Squadron then settled down to a basic equitation course which culminated in a one—day event and hunter trial. Capt J. McM. Carr-Ellison with a certain amount of sweated labour, built an ideal cross—country course for this competition. The individual winner of the event was Tpr Smith 516 on Bess. LCpl Walker and Sefton won the hunter trial and 3 Troop were the overall winners of the Inter-Troop Shield. A prize was also awarded to the most improved rider in each troop. These were awarded to Tprs Bissett, Brooks 579 and Summerfield. Capt J. McM. Carr-Ellison was also presented with a jeroboam of champagne for being the most improved officer. In the regimental competitions LCOH Douglas and LCOH Hague were runners-up in the Junior NonCommissioned Officers and Troopers Handy Hunter. Lt Wood and CoH Harris were similarly placed in the Officers and Senior Non-Commissioned Officers competition. At the Regimental Open Day, 2 Troop were second in the Inter-Troop Competition. Finally we rode the 35 miles back to London. Since our return to Knightsbridge drills have started in preparation for the State Opening of Parliament and the state visit of the President of Portugal. There have also been
investitures at
Buckingham Palace,
inspections and Mounted Dutyman BII courses to keep us busy. We have, however, continued to do well in
equestrian events. LCpl Pendry and Bountiful, LCpl Brough and Yasmine, Maj Wilkinson and Buckskin have all been placed in various horse trials and cross—country team races. At the Army Hunter Trials members of the Squadron swept the board being placed either first or second in all four classes. The year 1978 now draws to a close with troop winter camps at Tweseldown, hunting and, as always, our daily
commitment of the Queen’s Life Guard.
"‘ ‘1 .7“ l7”, 4:? are"; Tpr Holdforth
The Mounted Squadron on and off duty Above: The Sovereigns Escort returning to Buckingham Palace after the Queen‘s Birthday Parade, and below: 1 Troop practising a river crossing in Hawley Lake
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Lord Mountbatten of Burma with Capt Birdwood and Lt Col Lockhart on his visit to Summer Camp
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The Band We started the year under the baton of our new Director of Music Capt Keeling, who had spent three years as Director of Music to the Cambrai Stafi“ Band. Our former Director Maj Evans. is now Chief Instructor The Royal Military School of Music, Kneller Hall. Capt Keeling passed out of Riding School in May this year, just in time for the Major General‘s Mounted Inspection, and in fact took part in a rehearsal before passing out. The Director then ‘enjoyed‘ a successful Mounted Season with the Band taking part in Beating Retreat, Guards Mounting and culminating with The Queen‘s Birthday Parade. For BCM Blogg the Major General‘s Inspection of The Mounted Regt in Hyde Park, was his last Mounted duty. Unfortunately for him, his Drum Horse, Claudius. did not sense the reverence of the occasion and much to the amusement of the Band, he proceeded to munch up the parade ground. The efiorts of Capt Keeling and the BCM to right the matter failed, but a rhetorical word from the Commanding Officer put the Drum Horse back into line, much to the relief of the Corporal Major. A week of rehearsals followed The Queen‘s Birthday Parade, and we were then into our Summer Season. We
started at The Cardifi Horse Show, going on to give two concerts daily in each of the three main Royal Parks. Between these engagements we managed to fit in a week at Bournemouth and a week at The Royal International Horse Show at Wembley. Our season did not pass without incident. Peacocks in the grounds of Cardiff Castle added colour to our marching display, and during our Bandstand sessions the occasional squawks from the woodwind were complemented by answering phrases from the mating peacocks. During a performance of Swan Lake in St James’s Park, a Spanish Lady and her
pet goose provided our audience with an authentic stage production, whilst in Regents Park, a retiring Park Keeper making merry in his lunchtime break, decided to relieve LCoH Brammer of his forage cap. Although this incident caused considerable worry and embarrassment to LCoH Brammer it provided our
evening audience with an on the spot CID rundown of events in retrieving the missing hat. In October, we made our second pilgrimage of the year to The Blues and Royals Regt in Detmold. As always, we provided entertainment to the various Messes in the Garrison and for the service schools in the area. The highlight of our concert in the Ofiicers Mess was when LCoH Platt. by order of the Commanding Officer, performed the Post Horn Galop standing on his head. This new feature of Band concerts we reserve for our selected mess audiences only. Certainly the top engagement of the tour, was a combined Cavalry Bands Concert held in the Opera House in Detmold. The Concert was in aid of SSAFA and The German Red Cross, and the outcome greatly pleased the organisers. This was the first Military Band Concert ever to be held in the Opera House, and we sincerely hope that it will not be the last. Our football team demonstrated its technical skills on several occasions, losing by only a narrow margin (of 5 goals) to the Band of The Queen‘s Own Hussars. It was during one of these friendly five-a-side games that CoH Mansfield received injuries to his arm. Although this somewhat handicapped him as far as his trombone playing and conducting were concerned he was, however, still able to use his right arm for a first class performance in the Mess bar, This year it is our duty to provide a Mounted Band for the Lord Mayor‘s Show in November. This is without doubt the longest Mounted Band duty of the year being 'on top’ for almost seven hours with only a break for lunch. Certainly after a month‘s Medical Course in
The Director of Music with the Band
December, we will be able to attend to our aches and
pains from a mounted band parade in a more profes— sional way. As always, we lose in the course of the year Band members to civilian life and in addition to BCM Blogg we have said farewell to LCpl Frew, Musns Janaway, Lawrence and Oxley. We welcome to the Band Musns Billington,
Williamson, and wish them every success with us. 2 ALBEMARLE STREET, PICCADILLY. LONDON W1X 3HF Telephone: 01 -499 5906/7
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The Household Cavalry Squadron, Guards Depot Following the major changes at the Guards Depot which were outlined in last year’s magazine there have been further changes this year which have afi‘ected the Squadron and which have made our training more orientated towards Household Cavalry requirements. At the end of the first half term the Juniors decide whether they want to become Technical or Mounted They then do an average of two double trade periods a week. Interest periods in radio. D and M and gunnery have been dropped in favour of a complete Phase 1 and 2 Signals Course ending with a trade test. This reduces the time the Junior spends at Catterick by four weeks and the system has proved very successful with the 1977 Intakes. Mounted Juniors receive riding instruction at the Depot Stables which enables them to join the Windsor Riding Course at the end of the first month. The SMG has now become the Junior Household Cavalryman‘s personal weapon in place of the SLR. This means that although they still train on the SLR up to their annual personal weapon test, they also classify on the SMG. In addition rifle drill and double sentry drill have been dropped from our drill syllabus and replaced by SMG drill. Whenever weapons are carried on the square our Juniors carry SMGs. However, in all other respects, the training is similar to that given throughout the Depot. The Squadron enters all junior competitions and has distinguished itself on many occasions during the past year.
Rhine Four. who passed out in June 1978, won the Assault Course Competition at the end of the first term. They also won the Match 77 .22 Shooting Competition and the PT Competition. The Troop was equal first in the Champion Platoon Competition but lost on the shoot-off. During the Summer Term Blenheim Four won the Water Polo Competition. During 1978 there have been two camps run primarily for the enjoyment of the Juniors. Easter Camp was held at Penhale in Devon and gave the Juniors the opportunity to try some novel activities such as sand sailing and gliding. The Summer Camp, held at Tregantle Fort. near Plymouth. was run this year by the Squadron. One of the highlights was a very successful cabaret. There have been several changes in the Squadron stafl" during the past year. In October Maj Rogers left to attend the Stafl‘ College. He has been succeeded by Maj Olivier. In December SCM Patterson will leave us to go to Knightsbridge as SCM of the Mounted Squadron.
J/Tpr Kinneburgh receives the Kiwi Spur from Lt Gen Sir David
: J/Tpr Irvine. /LCpl Graham and J/Tpr Derby
Scott Barrett
Exchanges EXCHANGE VISIT WITH THE FRENCH ARMY By Cornet R. C. D. Lendrum As part of a scheme to foster good relations between armies l was selected to visit the 3eme Regiment De Dragons at Stetten am Kalten Markt (South of Stuggart). Having been briefed by the Senior Liaison Officer at Baden Baden on the intricacies of the French Army and the French way of life I drove to what was to be my base for the next fortnight. On arrival no one really knew who this strange character was in an even stranger uniform. I was eventually taken under the wing ofthe Senior Lieutenant who passed me on to another Lieutenant and he to another with whom I remained. Introductions were fast and what little French I knew was put into good practice. [ was told that in two days the Regiment was about to go on a Divisional FTX and I would be attached to the Second Squadron. For the next two days I was shown round all their different fighting vehicles and introduced to the role and organisation of the Regiment. It consisted of four Tank Squadrons of four. Three-tank Troops equipped with AMX 30 and an Admin Troop, one Mechanised Infantry Company. a Training Squadron for the conscript entry each two months. a Command and Support Squadron and a Reconnaissance Troop ofjeeps. The day arrived to move out and I was given the position of a Troop Leader‘s operator. After a quick lesson on how to tune the radio and various safety points off we went only for my tank to break down 2km later. We were towed back to their LAD equivalent and within two hours we were back on the road. The exercise was divided into three phases. First, the Regimental Exercise lasting one day which was an advance to contact. Their tactics were similar but individual tank drills were bad and no attention was paid to closing down, hull down positions. observation. contact reports and above all professionalism. Second day was one day‘s firing at Munsingen Ranges and each gunner had his annual allotment of 14 rounds. Third was a Divisional Exercise of a withdrawal which was effective in its execution and control but I do not believe that they would have got very far for the same reasons that I have previously mentioned. Other days were spent on maintenance. sport. movement between bivouac areas and a weekend of Franco—German fraternisation. Surprisingly at about 1800 hours each day everything stopped and we bivvied up and all Officers and NCO‘s sat down to a three-course dinner with the inevrtable wine and drinks. No nights were spent tactically as I think the evening meal was more important. 1 was looked after extremely well both by the crew and the officers and never lacked for anything or was allowed to pay should we stop at a Gasthaus. My stay with them was to last for another three days on our return and the hospitality shown during that period was unending. The Commanding Officer,Lt Col Arlabosse presented me with an ashtray bearing the Regimental badge and apologised that my tank had‘ broken down so much. I only wish my knowledge 01 the French language was better but it was the most enjoyable two weeks and fascinating to see the differences between our Regiments.
AMX 305 ready to move off
A NAUTICAL EXCHANGE By Midshipman S. Lister The Blues and Royals failed to understand how a midshipman from Dartmouth came to be manning a tank in Germany before he had even been sent to sea. I was equally surprised to be there. however. my time with the Regiment is one of my happiest memories. Life as the signaller on board a tank must be similar to that of a submariner only wetter. I failed to break the code of rank—everyone seemed to be some sort of Corporal. and the only nautical thing on board was a boiling vessel that didn't float! My driver. Tpr Johnson enjoyed ‘giving it the welly‘ and the whole adventure, along with the generous hospitality of ‘C’ Sqn, gave me a glimpse of Army life which I'll never forget.
Midshipman Lister waiting his turn
The Saga of c/s 31A A STORY OF A TANK’S PROBLEMS ON EXERCISE FULL HOUSE By CoH Fisk Day 1 The gearbox becomes inoperative. CS 38 arrives and concludes that our tank requires a new gearbox. Day 2 Crew prepares for gearbox lift down to the last nut and bolt (feeling very proud of ourselves). Time goes by—decide to clean and strip all weapons and inspect. Time goes by—decide to strip tank and restow kit and tidy up generally. Day 3 Check through binos and commanders sight for any sign of FRT—nothing. Decide to do gun checks and electrical circuits—time drifts by~LCpl Coutts decides we will do NBC training—«dig NBC shelter 2% metres deep and camouflaged#could come in useful as a grave for a gearbox—even I sparked and decided on a Map Reading Exercise. Day 4 Hear sirens in the distance and decide to set up a defensive position in case Warsaw Pact countries are moving. False alarm, it was a fire practice in Braunschweig. Decide to reclean and strip weapons and put into light preservation. If FRT don’t arrive soon I‘ll also mummify the crew. We make our camp more presentable and produce a flag pole and flags with Regimental colours. Excitement in the camp! A 1 ton Rover arrives— it’s LCoH Harris and Ct Macauley with food and drink. We will survive.
Day 5 Reclean turret and a spot of wombling. Burger— meister arrives and gives us the freedom of the town. Celebrations. 1700 hours morale collapses as a transporter arrives to move us to the new FRT location. Driver breaks into tears as he reassembles gearbox. Motor 60km to next FRT location. At new location meet-up with CS lBgFRT Sgt informs ‘no gearboxes today‘. Day 6 A day for improving Anglo-German relations? the locals of the new location arrive for guided toursg and oatmeal blocks—by the end of the day we are all on first name terms. Prepare gearbox for lift again. Driver dries tears and prepares Compo Box for opening and food distribution. Day 7 A nasty rumour comes by helicopter~we are informed that a box has arrived from UK and it is possible that it contains ‘gearboxes‘. Of course we are not gullible and relapse into our daily routine. Day 8 Its happened—FRT arrive and have a gearbox— tears of joy from Thornett—and tears of sorrow from our German audience. We are ready to go but are told to wait for CKS 1B as he has no radios or maps. Day 9 We are movingl—we motor 92km to the battle area and actually partake in a bridge crossing and route march. Then it happenedathe gearbox heat exchanger blows and we lose all gearbox oil and facilities—driver locks himself in cab and refuses to speak! nibbles oatmeal blocks until CS 38 arrives and puts us off the road. Towed to Graveyard (Apt). ‘Humiliation’. So ends the saga of3lA.
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Visit of Association Members to the Regiment The Association visit, now the highlight of the social calendar of the Regiment, took place over the period September 13-18. Maj Lewis’s programme ran to its usual exact schedule and our comrades arrived at 1215 hours to be greeted by Detmold’s normal welcome to visitorsvrain! The coach was quickly emptied and members of the Association past and present were soon to be found with a glass in hand swopping insults and war stories. W02 Preece then showed a short video film to high— light the problems involved in manning the Regiment today and the RCM made a short speech welcoming the ex-serving members to the Regiment and then promptly ripped up the programme for the visit and declared the bar open and lunch being served. That night, the officers of the Regiment entertained the Association at a cocktail party. This was a most enjoyable evening and was much appreciated. Having got ‘some in the bank” the party moved back to the Warrant Officers and Corporals of Horse Mess where a disco dance with an excellent buffet was enjoyed by all. Friday was a fairly quiet day. The Mess bar did not open until 1030 hours although Majs Lewis and Price were seen to join the RCM for a gin and tonic at breakfast. The daylight hours were spent mainly in shopping trips. The bar closed at 1600 hours. On the Friday night a dinner dance was held in honour of the visiting members and the RCM finally closed the bar at 0700 hours. He was then seen to have breakfast in the mess at 0800 hours looking slightly bemused.
The Household Cavalry Museum In 1978 the Museum has continued to be visited by numerous groups and individuals interested in the history of the Household Cavalry including many exmembers of the Regiments. The staff have continued to answer queries on historical points and enquiries from civilians trying to trace details of their ancestors. During 1978 our ‘Anniversary’ showcase has been devoted to a display concerning the Machine Gun Guards in 1918. and at the beginning of 1979 the display . will be changed to cover events in 1939. Since publication of the last Regimental Magazme we have received the following items for our Museum collection: (a) Uniform and equipment, including medals belonging to the late Maj W. Guy, MBE. MM, who served in . RHG from 1914 to 1948. (b) Uniform of Maj R. C. Turner who served in 1st Life Guards from 1874 to 1892. (c) Copy of diary and letters of Capt E. W. Clowes. DSO, who served in [st Life Guards from 1890 to 1919, covering the period of his service With the Composite Regiment in South Africa. Photograph album of Surg Maj H. Melladew (RHG 1876-1897) covering his servrcc With the Matabele Expedition in 1893.
Not wishing to strain the system, the opening time for the bar was held back and having finally bowed to pressure, it was opened at 1045 hours, closing at 1530 hours. Saturday night was party night in the Junior Ranks Club and all present were well entertained by the Troopers and Junior NCOs of the Regiment. This was followed by a buffet and dance in the Warrant Officers and Corporals of Horse Mess. On Sunday sad farewells were the order of the day. Finally the coach drove out the barrack gates waved off by the Colonel and a large gathering of serving members and their families. The final order of the day was given by the RCM, ‘The Regiment may now go to bed”. Reflections on the visit: 1. Was it worth the work? Yes definitely 2. Did the visitors enjoy it? We think so Did we the Regiment enjoy it? We know so Do we want them next year? Yes definitely Are we going to ‘train harder” for next year’s visit? What‘s the point, they will win anyway Does the RCM usually have small bloodshot eyes? Yes How does Maj Spud Lewis do it? 1 don’t know. Come on, Sir, tell us
Did Spud have a film in his camera? Well, no photographs came back!
Medals of the late SCM Hayward, RHG, including his MM won in the 1914—18 War. Colt revolver carried by Col D. de C. Smiley, MVO,
OBE, MC (RHG 1936—1961) during his military service. with ivory handle inscribed with his name and the Regimental Crest. In addition, for display, we have on loan from the
Officers Trust of The Blues and Royals, a gold cigarette box presented to Maj Gen Sir Richard Howard Vyse, KCMG, Dso, on the occasion of his wedding in 1925 with the family crest on the lid and with signatures of five officers inside. (Sir Richard served in RHG from 1902 to 1926 and was Gold Stick and Colonel of the Regiment from 1951 to 1962). The staff are always pleased to welcome members and ex-members of the Regiment to the Museum, and any items of Regimental interest for display are most acceptable as a gift or on loan. especially items connected with the Royal Dragoons.
Household Cavalry Careers Office Another busy year during which the main events which were visited were the Tyneside, Cornwall. British Timkin, Keith and Essex Shows. Cadet units in many areas were visited at weekends in March and April and these were as usual a great success. 37
(2) On payment to the Association of a sum equal to the difference between the amount he would have paid had he subscribed annually to the Scheme during his period of service and the amount (if any) he has in fact paid by subscription to the Scheme (provided always that the Committee shall have power, in exceptional
THE BLUES & ROYALS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL REPORT 1978 Membership There has again been an increase in our membership and this is mainly due to the fact that more serving members of the Regiment have joined the ‘One Day‘s Pay” Scheme thus entitling them to life membership. We welcome them into the Association.
evening it was announced that Mr J. D.Marklew, GM,
Ex-Cpl A. Steer Cpl Steer who served in the Royal Horse Guards from 1906 until 1924, and who is at present residing in an old people‘s home in Fulham, celebrated his seventieth wedding anniversary on November 4, and the Honorary Secretary accompanied by CoH Jones and one other serving soldier attended his celebration party. The two soldiers were dressed in walking out order and it was obvious that this gave Mr and Mrs Steer a great thrill. The bearing at 92 years of age of Mr Steer was first class. The Association also presented the couple with a cheque from Association funds.
who was present at the dinner, had very kindly given his George Medal to the Household Cavalry Museum. and in appreciation of this the Colonel of the Regiment read out the citation of his deed and then presented Mr Marklew with a miniature set of medals. Again the Committee would like to thank Mr John Wilkinson of Telefusion for his kindness in arranging for the installa— tion of the public address equipment. and also Mr Mills for his help with the actual installation.
Annual General Meeting—1979 This meeting will be held in the WOs and CoHs Mess at Hyde Park Barracks on Saturday, May 5, 1979. The meeting will commence at 6pm. All members are invited and encouraged to attend. The agenda for the meeting is given below and if there are any resolutions to be placed before the meeting these must be forwarded to the Honorary Secretary at least six weeks before the
Annual Dinner—1978 There were 260 members at the Annual Dinner held at Hyde Park Barracks on May 6. It was a very successful event and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. During the
Combined Cavalry Parade and Service—May 7 Although the attendance at this Service was good it was below the strength of the past four years. We look forward to your support in future.
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting. 1978.
(b) (c)
Points Arising from those Minutes. Confirmation of the Accounts for the period ending
Committee: (i) Under Rule No 13 the following members are due to retire from the Committee: Mr J. S. Clark and Mr Z. A. Goodacre. (ii) In accordance with Rule No 13 the undermentioned are recommended by the Committee to be appointed: Mr J. L. Locke and Mr C. C. F. Crabb. Amendment to Rules and Constitution. On the recommendation of the Committee the following amendments to the Rules and Constitution of The Blues and Royals Association will be placed before the meeting for confirmation:
December 31, 1978.
At Home Day—September 30 At the kind invitation of Lt Col Lockhart. the Association again held the Annual ‘At Home Day‘ at Stoney Castle Camp at Pirbright. Applications for tickets were in excess of last year a total of 760 applications being received, and 380 luncheons provided. We would like to take this opportunity of thanking the Master Cook, SSgt P. Shanahan for the most excellent luncheons that he provided on this day. The weather was unfortunately cold and damp but despite this fact the actual attendance was good and the day was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Our thanks are due to the Household Cavalry Regt for all their assistance in making the day such a success. Visit to the Serving Regiment—September 16—20 At the invitation of the Commanding Officer. Lt Col Hugh Smith, Mvo, a party of 48 members visited the Regiment in Detmold. Our gratitude and thanks are due to everyone in the Regiment who did their utmost to ensure that our visit was the success that it was. We would particularly like to thank RCM Macdougall for all the arrangements made. It is hoped to organise another trip in 1979 but details will be forwarded later. Field of Remembrance—November 11 The attendance was not as large as last year and whilst fully appreciating the difficulties of people living far afield members residing and working in London are encouraged to make a special eflort to attend. The Colonel of the Regiment planted the Association Cross in our plot and we all greatly appreciate his regular attendance.
Membership and Subscriptions That Paragraph 4 of the Rules be deleted and the following paragraph substituted: 4. Subject as herein provided, members shall pay subscriptions as follows: (a) Serving Members of the Regiment. On subscribing to the One Day‘s Pay Scheme (the Scheme) a serving member of the Regiment shall become a Member of the Association and shall so remain unless and until he ceases to subscribe to the Scheme whereupon he shall cease to be a member. On the termination of his service a serving member of the Regiment shall (subject to sub—paragraph 3 below) become a life member of the Association without further subscription: (1) If he has subscribed annually to the
Scheme throughout his period of service,
payable under this sub-clause). A former serving member of the Regiment who has transferred to a different branch of the services or who for any reason has ceased to be a serving member of the Regiment at a premature date and who has subscribed (either annually or for at least one year) to the Scheme throughout his period of service may at the discretion of the Committee (whose decision shall be final and binding) become a life member of the Association on such terms as to payment as the Committee may decide, Non-serving Members. Those not qualifying for membership under sub paragraph (a) above shall pay to the Association an annual subscription or a sum for life membership as below: (I) Annual Subscription. £100 per annum payable in accordance with paragraph 5 of these Rules. (2) For Life Membership in lieu of Annual Membership. The sum of £2000 Provided Always that the above amounts may be varied from time to time by the Association in General Meeting and the Committee shall have power, in exceptional circumstances, to reduce or forego the annual
subscription or the sum payable for life membership. That paragraph 7 of the Rules be deleted.
NB—Should any member of the Association require a copy of the Rules and Constitution he may obtain one on application to the Honorary Secretary free, but a stamped addressed envelope must be supplied.
Annual Dinner—1979 This will be held in the gymnasium at Hyde Park Barracks, London, on Saturday, May 5, 1979. Lounge suits, no decorations. Bars will be opened from 6pm.
Applications for tickets, strictly limited to one per member only, to be forwarded to Honorary Secretary. The cost of the dinner this year will be: (a) Those 65 years or over—£3. (b) Those under 65 years—£4. _ Tickets will not be on sale at the door and ladies Wlll not be allowed to attend the dinner but can attend the WOs and CoHs Mess after the dinner.
Combined Cavalry Parade and Servicerl979 Arrangements have been made to hold the Parade and Service on Sunday, May 6. 1979, and it is hoped that HM The Queen Mother will take the salute. The
Chaplain General will conduct the Service. Assemble on Regimental Marker in Broad Walk East at 1050 hours. Dress will be lounge suits and decorations. All those attending are invited to Hyde Park Barracks after the Parade. Members are reminded that the Committee look forward to your full support for this Parade. Field of Remembrance—November 8, 1979 The Regimental Cross will be planted at 1145 hours. Assemble at the Field at ll40 hours. No medals. HM The Queen’s Birthday Parade An extremely limited number of tickets are available to the Association for the final dress rehearsal and the actual parade. Those requiring tickets are to inform the Honorary Secretary. Applications will not be acknowledged and allocation will be made taking into consideration any issues made during the past five years. Any member requiring a seating ticket must apply direct to RHQ Household Cavalry. At Home Dayfll979 Details of this will be forwarded to all members later in the year, but it is hoped to organise this with Household Cavalry Regt at Pirbright. Change of Address It is again emphasised that change of address should be notified to the Honorary Secretary immediately. During 1978 a total of 72 letters were returned through non-compliance to this resulting in the names of those being transferred to the non effective list and remaining so until correct addresses are notified. All correspondence should be forwarded direct to the Honorary Secretary as under: Maj C. W. J. Lewis, MBE, 52 Homestall Road, East Dulwich, London SE22 OSB. Royal Hospital#Chelsea During 1978 Mr A. Wardale ex-Blue was admitted as an In-Patient to this hospital. Any member who would like information on becoming an ln-Patient at this hospital should ask the Honorary Secretary for details. It can be thoroughly recommended. Royal Ascot Race Meeting The Life Guards are organising a refreshment tent at this year‘s meeting. The tent will be situated on the Heath side and they have very kindly invited any member of the Association who would like to use the facilities to do so. The Blues and Royals Oliver Montagu Fund During 1978 grants of over £1,000 have been made from this fund to assist those who are not members of the Association. The majority of the grants have been made to assist widows, wives and children. All applications received by the Honorary Secretary are placed before the Trustees for approval and members are asked to inform the Honorary Secretary if they know of any cases which require investigation. Loans are not made from this fund.
and if not: 39
REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES Listed are the Regional Representatives. They are willing to give advice or help to any member. They are not authorised to make money grants but can forward their recommendation to the Committee for consideration. Name Lt Col A. B. Houston, MC
Lt Col C. G. M. Gordon Hon Mrs M. Freeman-Thomas
Address Lintrathen, Kirriemuir, Angus Rwecroft, Wombleton, Yorks
Kings Wall, Malmesbury, Wilts
Capt R. C. Bucknall Maj D. S. Barrington-Browne
Tulip Tree House, Donhead St Mary, Shal‘tesbury, Dorset
Capt Sir John Hanmer, Bt Capt J. W. N. Mitchell Capt A. C. Robson
The Mere House, Hanmer, Whitchurch, Salop
Dr D. R. W. Burbury
Bluebell, Payhembury, Honiton, Devon 66 Sefton Avenue, Harrow Weald, Middx 20 Quinton Park, Cheylesmore, Coventry
Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr
B. S. Austin F. Ashton A. W. Baker D. Barnes M. J. de Carteret A. C. Hards G. E. W. Halls G. A. Johnson N. C. Lewis-Baker R. C. Lowe
Mr E. Marehington
Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr
C. E. Mogg, MISM R. A. Newman J. Rowlands A. V. Roberts R. J. Robertson E. H. Weller
Mr E. J. Woodman, MBE
Mr J. Mallinson
Tel No Lintrathen 228
Highfield House, Somerford Road, Cirencester Parkend by Heck. Lockerbie Parkside, St Aidans Road, Carlisle
Combermere, Manor Close, Bramthorpe, Leeds 81 Armond Road, Witham, Essex Betu Tegot, Lenency Lane, St Sampson
38 Glendale Drive, Burpham, Guildford 17 Middleton Road, Horsham, Sussex 113 Field Road, Feltham, Middx 1 Strathcona Avenue, Little Bookham, Surrey 40 Cherwell Drive, Old Marston, Oxford 39 Proops Hal] Drive, Failsworth, Manchester Rippledale, 18 Glebeland Close, Coychurch, Bridgend 63 King George V Avenue, Kings Lynn, Norfolk 18 Selby Road, Hollin. Middleton, Manchester 31 Howe Circle, Royal Oak, Newport, Gwent 43 Filching Road, Eastbourne, Sussex
Donhead 600 Cirencester 4771 Hanmer 383 Lockmaben 275 0228 21866 Exeter 77951 01-427 4817 Coventry 503976
Arthington 2156 Guernsey 44203 Godalming 4122
01-890 3765 Bookham 56025 Oxford 722872 061-681 6712 0656 861486
TELEX 28283
Kings Lynn 2762
0633 277252 Eastbourne 20702
95 Riverbank, Laleham Road, Staines, Middx 396 Field End Road, Eastcote, Ruislip, Middx 2;”27 Stenhouse Gardens North, Edinburgh 1 I
018688398 Dukes Hotel, as befits its name, has an atmosphere of assured dignity and gracious living. Elegance without ostentation is
its keynote and the theme has been enhanced by traditional service, courtesy and decor. Dukes
is situated in a romantic gas-lit courtyard in St. James’s. The Hotel oflers 54 bedrooms and suites, all with private bathroom,
automatic self-dialling telephones, television and radio. A self-contained banqueting suite is available for Wedding Breakfasts, parties and private meetings. Tarifl and banqueting information can be obtained upon application to the General Manager. Peter N. Proquitte
Part of the Blues and Royals contingent on the Cavalry Memorial Parade
Those who have died in 1978 ()fiicers Marquess of Northampton Maj E. W. T. Graves Capt C. E. W. Ferrand Other Ranks 304644 Ex—Tpr E. S. Dunbar. 60A Stenhouse Avenue. Edinburgh 1277 Ex-Tpr G. J. Brooks. 17 Sancroft Road. Eastbourne 317593 Ex-SSgt H. R. Needham. 62 Ernest Road. Wivenhoe. Colchester, Essex 2911
Ex-Tpr T. Smale.
11 Burnell Road. Sutton, Surrey Ex-Tpr A. Short. Granville Stores,
Totland Bay. IoW F. 0. Holland, 1 Bradwell Road. New Bradwell. Wolverton E. Sedgeley. 31 Littlehampton Road,
Worthing Ex-SCM G. Hayward. MM, 321 Long Drive, South Ruislip. Middx Ex-T'M J. Dozin, 23 Twyford Gardens.
MAJ E. T. GREAVES Teddy Greaves joined the Royals in 1944. He served in the Regiment on an ERE employment until his retirement in
1958. He was modest and unassuming, but
extremely painstaking sparing no efiort or detail where people were concerned: he took enormous trouble over the careers of all who served under him. whether officers or other ranks, and the question of a Trooper’s promo— tion to Lance Corporal received no less. if not more of his attention, than the selection of a course for one of his Troop Leaders. Everyone will remember Teddy as an enthusiastic and competent games player. He particularly excelled at rugby football and cricket being a member of the MCC and a Free Forester. He was a good squash player and a very eflective performer on skis as well. His interest in sport and games was a guarantee that his Squadron was always well represented in most if not all Regimental competitions. and if Teddy himself was not actually competing he would be present on the touch line with his own particular brand of encouragement and advice. He was also a competent horseman and rode for the Regiment in the early local show jumping competitions in Rhine Army immediately after the end ofthe war. Teddy had a marvellous sense of humour which combined with his very even temperament, ‘unflappa-
Mar 1978
April 1978
May 1978
May 1978
May 1978
May 1978
The Decoy, Brill.
Nr Aylesbury. Bucks Ex-Tpr J. E. Hall, 22 Church Row. Hilton, Dorset 6078794 Ex-Cpl A. E. Greenfield, 15 The Nowner. Dorking, Surrey 401165 Ex-Bdsmn E. Parkin, 6 Belsize Road. Hemel Hempstead, Herts 305365 Ex-Tpr J. S. Williams, 123 Rotunda Road. Eastbourne. Sussex 836229 Ex-Tpr T. A. Church. School House, Overbury Avenue.
Durrington, Sussex
Ex-QMSI F. E. James, 83 Harpenden Road St Albans, Herts
Ex-SCM G. Harrod. 29 Tilstone Avenue. Eton Wick. Windsor Ex-CoH V. Tompkins. 12 Crockerton Road. London SW17 Ex-Tpr A. Clifi‘ord. 30 Maygood House, London N1 Ex-Tpr T. McCartney. 2613 Wentwich Road. Victoria. Canada Ex-WOl G. C. L. lngham. 2 Thames Mead. Windsor. Berks Ex-SCM W. G. Green.
June 1978
Aug 1978
Sept 1978
Beckenham, Kent
Ex—Cpl B. A. McQueen, 19 North Gyle Road, Edinburgh 12
bility‘ and his great personal interest in all who served with him, made him popular with everybody. He was a loyal friend. and his death on January 16. 1978. was not only a rude shock to all of us. but also a great loss. All his friends in the Regiment offer their deepest sympathy to Cynthia, Tim and Andrew. R.C.B.
Regimental at Home Day
Auditors’ Remuneration Printing, Stationery and Postage Misce aneous Expen . ' Miscellaneous Receipts Annual Report and Magazine: Cost of Magazine Less: Sales
Le: I Sale of Tickets
Cost of Dinner
Annual Dinner:
£44,703‘65 995-25
£38,180-74 6.522-91
1,637-68 147-50
es Investment Fund for Ch
ties Accumu-
15th January, 1979
London ECZY 913A
Chile House. 20 Ropemakcr Street,
Chartered Accountants
We have examined the attached Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Account and report that in our opinion these Accounts give respectively a true and fair view of the state of the Association‘s affairs at 31st December, 1978, and of the s Ius 01‘ income over expenditure for the year ended on that date.
1,495'94 112-50
£ 96053 16-80
127-00 161-83
127-00 215-56
lation Units (Valuation at 31st December 1978 £2,79341977 £2,457) 4.557(1977 4.557) Units Unicorn Exempt Trust Shares (Valuation 31st December 1978 £5,07441977 £4,954
1.443 Eq
INVEsTMENTs 25,224 (1977 25,224) Shares in United Serv' es Trustee Combined Charitable Fund at cost (Valuation at 3Ist October 1978 1535.80041977 £38,251) 2,459 Units Equities Investment Fund for Charities (Valuation at 3151 December 1978 £3,650fil977 £3,505)
LEss: CURRENT LIABILITIES Auditors” Remuneration
Current Account Deposit Account
Cash at Bank:
CURRENT ASSETS Stock in Hand; Members Badges at cost
3,138-78 1,501- 0 4*a4-
723-00 *44
1,769-85 5001-81
Grants and Assistance to Members Subsc ‘ptions and Donations
£10,280-87 ‘—¥A
7022-98 3,104-76
1977 £
£8,274-39 ___,
4567-92 3,625-17
1978 £
ACCUMULATED FUND Balance at Ist January 1978 Excess of Income over Expenditure for the year
Deposit Account Interest
Subscriptions and Donations Dividends on Investments (Gross)
Income and Expenditure for the year ended 315! December 1978
A Trans-Siberian Holiday By Ct White Spunner When I decided to go to Russia I did not think that I was really going to enjoy it, and my fears were mostly justified. Russia is not the place to go if one wants a self indulgent holiday, they tend to approach visitors to their country with a missionary zeal, taking advantage of every opportunity to impress the wonders of Communism on the Capitalist Westerner. My gastronomic dreams of black caviare and pink champagne were more than disappointed. All tourists must stay in state run hotels, which emphasise quantity rather than quality. and the food is best summed up by the hotel brochures which describe it as ‘plain and wholesome‘. Vodka, the national drink, is consumed in vast quantities. and it is considered bad manners not to drain your glass in one and, if you are a Cossack, then to throw the empty glass into the fire, which tends to make meals alcoholic. However, despite having spent a fortnight enduring this somewhat philistine existence I did not feel that I had wasted my time. I arrived in Moscow by train, travelling through Berlin, East Germany and Poland having been very thoroughly searched at the Minsk border station. on a grey overcast day which struck me as being climatically correct for that city. From Moscow I went to Leningrad, or St Petersburg depending on your political persuasion, the second city of Russia and one which still retains most of the imperial past. The famous restaurants and skating rinks have disappeared, but the palaces and museums have been well maintained although mostly renamed. I flew back to Moscow and then South to Uzbekistan. which was a rather perilous journey in a pre-war Aerflot plane to Samarkand. I sat next to a Soviet Army lieutenant with a remarkable affinity for my duty-free whisky, which is almost impossible to get in Russia. My next port of call. Taskhent. sounds a very romantic place and is the capital of Uzbekistan. It was. however. destroyed by an earthquake in the 19505 and it is now an entirely modern city, the fourth largest in Russia. Tourists on package tours are asked to stay four or five days there to see the miracles of reconstruction, but I travelled on to Siberia. I had thought of Siberia as a waste land covered with snow and inhabited by wolves and Mongols in that
where. he gave me delicious Jasmine tea and chatted away in Mandariniawhich I did not understand but this did not deter him. I was then returned to the train and, towed by a veteran steam engine, departed for Peking. The centre of Peking is undoubtedly the Forbidden City and curtains the complex of the Imperial Palaces which formed the Emperor‘s principal residence, and which is now a museum. Forty miles north is the Great Wall. part of which has been restored, although m0st of the original has lasted remarkably well: it stretches for 1.200 miles across Northern China and six horsemen were, allegedly, meant to be able to ride abreast its entire length, but they must have had an uncomfortable ride as every few hundred yards one meets steep flights of steps. The Chinese have not lost the art of gracious living and the food in Peking was delicious. Dinner usually consisted of 14 courses including such delicacies as Abalone and Sea Cucumber. Many ofthe old restaurants have been restored and reopened, although mainly used by Party officials and tourists. The Chinese also make a large number of local alcoholic drinks, including a
potent liqueur called Mao Tai Wine, which has become
something of a national drink since Mao Tse Tung discovered it had marvellous effects on the Long March. They also make very good rice wine but Chinese brandy is to be avoided. As a European in China one feels very conspicuous. Chinese efforts to encourage package tours have been quite successful, but when wandering by yourself everyone stares at you. All the Chinese wear Mao suits and wide straw hats. but these only come in Asiatic sizes so disguise is difficult. However, I feel that it will not be long before Westeners are accepted. No one tried to make me go to see this commune or that farm or endless housing estates as they did in Russia, and not being on a tour I was left to wander where I liked. Language was a slight problem, but it is quite easy to pick up a few words
of Mandarin
philistine pronunciation, usually conveyed my meaning. I spent a few days in Canton, which is very different to the cities of Northern China, being the first place that European trading posts were established. Traditionally the Cantonese have always been at Odds with their overlords in Peking, and the atmosphere was less relaxed. From Canton the Chinese run an ultra-efficient train service to Hong Kong, by far the best form of transport
order, but nothing could be further from the truth. I in the whole of China, designed, perhaps, to create a
eventually went East along the Mongolian border on the Trans-Siberian railway through the Steppe land of Eastern Siberia to Chita, where I headed South to the Manchurian border of China. The air of suspicion on the border was alarming but my treatment very much reflected respective Russian and Chinese attitudes. On the Soviet side I was subjected to a more than detailed search. Films were checked, books read by a Russian soldier who, I subsequently discovered did not speak English, and my aspirin were checked in case they were illegal drugs. The Russians went through this procedure for everyone on the train, in fact, being the only European ] escaped the worst of it. On the Chinese side, however,
it could not have been more different. A charming Chinese Customs man, resplendent in his Mao suit, ushered me straight off the train into the waiting room 46
good impression to tourists who arrive from Hong Kong. Crossing into Hong Kong is rather a low key affair compared to entering from Russia. On the Chinese side Maoist posters exhort you to unite with the Masses of the World, and to Remember Da Chai (a model com-
mune) in agriculture! The People‘s Liberation Army is much in evidence, in marked contrast to the solitary and sleepy Hong Kong policeman on the British side. Hong Kong may be Chinese, but it is stating the obvious to say how different it is from mainland China. It is another world and one which it was a pleasant shock to come back to after six weeks under the Communist eye. The total distance I travelled from Holland to Hong Kong was some 8,500 miles.
Conversation piece in Canada Offering advice to Lt Miller-Bakewell Tpr Lambert, LCoH Wilde, W02 Fortt and Coll Stacey on mounted training
4 5 6
Troop Leadership. C t Mitchell and LCpl Lamonby SQMC McKenna and SCM Sibley W02 Ball
Adventure Training CANADA At the end of each Medicine Man Exercise in Canada battle groups are invited to send parties some 90 strong on a fortnight‘s adventure training. Like most battle groups the Regiment chose to go to the Rocky Mountains to a camp site beside Lake Abraham in Alberta. The beauty of the area and its isolation make it a near perfect adventure training setting. The party split into four groups—rock climbing under LCoH Harman. canoeing with 2 Lt Philpott and SS] Pearson, trekking parties led by subalterns and the BATUS APTC instructors ran the mountaineering. The administration and discipline was masterminded by SQMC Hawley. Most people were able to participate in two activities though not always those of their first choice, The intention from the start had been to ensure that there were not too many dull moments or idle hours and this was achieved to a great extent. The rockclimbers deserted to a youth hostel which they found conveniently close to one of their climbs! The canoeists set themselves the formidable task of paddling some 150 miles down the mighty Saskatchewan River, with a 75 per cent novice party in five days. The first group also had to contend with a very low water level and consequently a larger number of rapids than normal. As the wide Indian canoes that they were using were not suitable for carrying much equipment the safety vehicle under LCpl Benyon went ahead each night to establish camp. On the fourth day of each group the formidable Devils Elbow had to be shot. A large stopper wave situated in a narrow gorge upset all but the best and resulted in a mile swim downstream for the crews! While the canoeists enjoyed the lower reaches the trekkers and the mountaineers were exploring its headwaters and catchment area. At the end of the fortnight the party was invited to field a team to play sports against the Nordegg State Open Prison. The inmates for the most part were the scions of the fiercer Indian tribes and our team hardly reached the shoulders of the Apache, Sioux, Blood and cowboy opponents, but with trembling hands managed to win the rugby. flag ball and tug-of-war as well as have more free kicks awarded against them for dirty play.
NORWAY In mid-August a party of 16 under Ct Howard went to the BOBC at Kristiansand, Norway, on a 10-day
canoe and trekking expedition. Apparently the tourist season had already ended and the few wayside cafes that there were had closed. In company with enormous mosquitoes and in torrential rain Ct Howard led and navigated the party some 170 miles down the overfull Norwegian rivers. After the initial problems were overcome the party thoroughly enjoyed a most profitable and rewarding experience. EXERCISE SNOW QUEEN It is a sad reflection on the workload that the Regiment has borne during this BAOR tour that it was three winters before the Regiment was in a position to run a Snow Queen hut. Over 70 members of the Regiment were able to get away to Haus Louise in Wertach to be instructed in both alpine and nordic skiing by LCpl Weatherall and his assistant instructors, LCpls Simons, Weightman and Tpr Platt. This charming pension was taken over by Sgt Hilton as ‘Maitre d‘Hotel‘ and Pte Abbott as ‘Chef‘ in early January and parties were brought down by RCT transport. A few families were able to rent an upstairs flat while the single students were spread about the hotel rooms complete with their own washbasins and gorgeous views. The luxury of the building was well appreciated and was a great change from the dormitory accommodation offered at the old Snow Queen hut ofthe previous tour. The relaxed atmosphere of the Bavarian Alps quickly made these courses very popular and there was no shortage of volunteers. Although the Alpine skiing soon established itself asthe reason for the courses” popularity the cross country skiing attracted its followers when the money for lifts ran short, and it was the cross country that provided the only competition. Sgt Hilton was inveigled into leading a team in the local Langlauf race finishing halfway up the field. They felt honour to be satisfied, until they discovered that both Wertach womens teams had beaten them.
Above: Ct Steel
Left: LCpl Beard, Tpr Budge, Lt Voorspuy, Tpr Legg and LCpl Whitepark
For over 100 years, discriminating drinkers
,‘ Bouvet-Ladubay ,// Methode Champenoise D
have filled their glasses with BOUVET Champagne Method sparkling wines from
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Distributed by: . Jarvis Halliday & Co., 102 Bicester Road,
Aylesbury. Bucks. HPl9 3AT. Tel: 0296 23456 SSgt Pearson and Tpr Cheshire
LCpl Wetherall, Chief Ski Instructor
Messing About in Boats Bywmpm On April 26, 1978, LCpl Mick Summerville and I were shanghaid to attend a course of instruction in sailing at Kiel. The following are extracts from my diary and the ship‘s log. Day 1 Shock 1~it costs DMlO to join the club and you have to be a member to be eligible for the course. Shock 2—the skipper of our boat Foil is a Chit-of-a-Girl about my daughter‘s age. If she passes this course she becomes a fully fledged skipper. If we pass it, 1 shall be surprised. She gave us a lesson in stowage—Mick casually remarked how much room there was compared to a Chieftain turret. No response from Chit-of-a-Girl. Fourth crew member is a Padre. Very reassuring—feel happier knowing we have direct link with Him. After I had cooked the meal (everyone must muck in and take turns), we had a pep talk about ‘The course of Justice running smooth” and ‘Not making waves‘ then we went to bed. Shock 3—my bunk is in the anchor locker and I need a pointed head to fit in it properly. Day 2 Donned nautical gear and found my borrowed canvas trousers too small round the waist~quick repair with piece of string. Gale force winds so couldn‘t leave the jetty. Did lots of theory, tied knots and untied them (now know five different knots and they‘re all bowlines). Chit-of-a-Girl had us practicing raising. lowering and changing headsail and picking it up out of the water. My culinary achievements of yesterday were such a success that I‘ve been nominated permanent cook. After tea listened to the instructors. old hands and Chit-of-a-Girl impressing each other with their local knowledge. Mick sat at the bar and impressed me with his beer consumption. 1 impressed myself by remember— ing how to tie a bowline six hours after having been taught it. Retired to Anchor Locker Hotel 2100 hrs. Day 3 Attended First Aid Lecture. Dealt with ‘sucking wound in chest‘, shock (see Day 1) and artificial resusci— tation. ‘There are only five orifices in the ‘uman body— as long as you can work out which ones to blow in you ca'i’t go wrong‘. Barometer rose two points during the night. Sailed from Kiel Yacht club at 1000 hrs on a course for Sondeberg in Denmark. Went aground 1002 hrs directly under the window of the Clubhouse. Chit-of-a-Girl red faced and not amused. Implied we weren‘t pulling hard enough on the ropes to get us off the ‘dolphins‘. Mick and I vigorously defending ourselves pointing out that it was damn silly in the first place to take the engine out of the boat which could have got us under way initially. Eventually got to centre of Kiel harbour and had fun negotiating the busy ship— ping lanes. Subsequent final check of equipment showed the ‘bitter end’ of the anchor not attached to the boat so that if we had practiced dropping anchor we would have lost it overboard. Returned to Yacht Club 1700 hrs and had welcome hot shower. Discovered that by putting one foot on top of the other I fit more comfort— ably in the pointed bit of my bunk. Day 4 Barometer steady, wind dropped again. Fed up with cooking. Mick, the Padre and Chit-of-a-Girl went ashore to the club canteen for breakfast. Afterwards the Padre told us to let Chit-of-a-Girl take the initiative more as if she passes this course she will be teaching students next week who possibly cannot look after themselves like tank crews can and think for other
people like Mick and l. Practiced tying bowlines and raising headsail all morning. Wind rising to Force 7, getting excited because we may be sailing for Denmark at last. 2100 hrs told to stand down until 0620 hrs. Wind increased to Force 8 so retired to Pointed End. Day 5 Left Kiel at 0500 hrs. winds Force 6. Very cold. Choppy sea, Bill sick, Mick sick, me queasy through watching them. Chit-of—a—Girl rosy checked and blossoming. Arrived Sonderberg 1400 hrs, wet through and looking forward to hot shower. Horror of horrors— left immediately without stepping ashore, Sailed up the Aalsund for Faarborg. Off the Nordburg lighthouse at sunset. wind changed due East and rose to Force 8. Chit-of-a-Girl resting belowamissed the approach lights for the run through the sandshoals to Faarborg. Went about and looked for familiar lights. Chit-of-a-Girl navigating, admits she doesn‘t know where we are and hasn‘t kept the running log. Frightened but determined not to show it. Pitch black, nasty bangs from below the
water line. All crockery. cutlery, sleeping bags and charts smashed and sodden in centre aisle in cabin. Padre on the helm for 16 hoursidoesn‘t trust anyone else to do it, keeps looking upwards for assistance. Asked him if we were enjoying ourselves as I don‘t want to miss anything. Lee side permanently under water and realise we are all going to die before daylight. Compass lights pack up and sailing on hand—held compass. Almost run down by gigantic ferry steamer at 0400 hrs. Proves we are still in the Baltic shipping lanes. Day 6 Still alive! Wind drops to Force 5 and headland with lighthouse visible over wave tops. Easier nowfilike map reading. Limped into Faarborg at 0700 hrs. Several boats didn‘t make it. One aground, two went home and one had stayed in Sonderberg. Had hot shower and cooked breakfast. Euphoric feeling of being safe—wonder how to break the news that I am going home by train and ferry steamer? Sat on the jetty all afternoon and swopped hair raising tales and lies about wind force and wave heights. Tomorrow we get a new skipper and instructor for the home run to test out mettle and judge what we have learned. Still haven‘t decided what train to catch. Turned in at 2100 hrs and slept like an innocent. Day 7 Last minute transfer for Mick and 1 to Flamingo. an enormous yacht with 100 square metres of sail and an engine. Pure luxury—~the skipper lets us take turns driving it, motored out of Faarborgisails up at a leisurely pace in our own time, then relaxed on a beautiful teak and mahogany deck heading due south for home. Came into Friedricksort at 1910 hrs under power. Beautiful evening. Waited in the bar until 2100 hrs when Chit—of-a-Girl eventually arrived with new crew. Day 8 Practical and oral tests. Showed I could tie bowlines, pointed to pushpit, pulpit. bow, beam and stem. Demonstrated how to blow up Mick‘s nose in an emergency and found the box of distress signal flares behind the cooking stove. Was congratulated on how calm we were in a tense situation and informed that we were now proper ‘OlTshore Hands‘. On the way home Mick remarked that he might take up parachuting but that he wasn‘t all that keen on sailing. Chit—of—a—Girl now an instructor.
Sports BOXING It was decided to hold an Inter-Squadron Boxing competition in December and most Squadrons set to, training
up their teams for the finals which were held on the evening of the ARU. Most ofthe Regiment attended the event and were well rewarded by an excellent display of Novice Boxing. Probably the hardest fought and most popular bout was that between Tpr Flynn, the more conventional boxer and eventual winner, and Capt Barclay who demonstrated a strange combination of punches. The eventual winner was ‘C’ Sqn and the evening showed that there was considerable talent in the Regiment from which to build a team next year. FOOTBALL The football season has been one of mixed fortunes despite a lot of skill and effort on the part of the team the ‘goals for’ tally is not great, however, at the time of writing the team are third in the 4 Division Premier League with approximately 10 games to go before the Northern Ireland tour. We were unfortunately knocked out of the Army Cup, however, it is the Cavalry Cup that all sights are set on. On the recent FTX a ‘Battle Group‘ team based on the Regimental team played a local German Club ‘PSV Edemisson’ and beat them 9—4 which, coming halfway through the FTX, was a fine effort on the team’s part. Hopefully it is the start of the ‘Goal Rush” we are all waiting for. In November the team go to Berlin as guests of the Welsh Guards who were the Army Champions last season, this promises to be an extremely good match. Training sessions are a daily affair. organised by SCM Sibley. SCpl McKenna (the old and the bold) and SS! Pearson who has done a grand job on the fitness side. We have sufiicient players
SQUASH Having come third earlier this year in the four-way final of the 4 Armd Div Competition, the Regimental team is now emerging again for the new season. Maj Olivier and Tpr Cheshire have both left us; Maj Reed Felstead has bought a new racket at last; Capt Hadden Paton is soaking his feet in gin to pre-empt his usual attack of sore feet, and it is rumoured that SCpl Anslow
has had to hold his breath in order to get his shorts to fit round his waist. However, with a bit of training from $81 Pearson, who was also in last year’s successful team,
we could do well this season. The other stalwart member of our team is SSgt Kosa who has promised not to twist his ankle again this year. At the time of writing the team pictured is about to play 1 Cheshires in the first round of the 1978—79 Divisional Competition. We hope to have a second court built for the 1979—80 season which will ease the present overcrowded booking sheet. The average age of the team this year is 30; perhaps some younger members of the Regiment would care to be ‘discovered’ in time for next season?
to produce two teams in separate Leagues with new
players appearing from the Guards Depot and Junior Leaders Regt so the prospects look good for the latter part of this season.
The Squash Team. LCpl Kennard, Maj Reed Felstead, SSgt Pearson. SCpl Adams and SSgt Koza
Left: The Football Team: LCpls Kent, Hobson and Sutherland, LCsoH Barrett and Gregory, LCpl Rushton, CoH Mackenzie. LCoH Guest. LCpl Kent, Cfn Gray and Tpr Stott
REGIMENTAL STABLES The horses having reached a high degree of fitness by At the 1519 Horse Show on the Goldgrun in bitter the end of the hunting season were well placed to begin winter weather during the time in September that the the hunter trial and show jumping circuit in April. The weather men had promised an Indian Summer Lt first venue was the Herford Indoor Show, however. the Varley and Black Chief and Maj Hayward and Bugler course proved too tight for the bigger horses and success collected 2nd prizes while CoH Bright took Yokel into evaded the Regiment. 3rd place. The following Saturday saw a large entry of blacks On Saturday. October 7. the Regiment ran the Weser for the Sennelager Ride, a fairly flat 14 mile cross— Vale Hunter Trials at Bredenborn. A course designed country course organised by the QOH. CoH Sherwin by Lt Hamner and fences by Lt Varley produced a riding Yokel and Lt Horsford on Yukon took lst prize testing and varied line over natural country and even in the team event and Maj Tweedie and Capt Barclay included three hedges, a great rarity in this part of 4th place. Tpr Bennett riding Amanda finished 3rd in Germany. RCM MacDougall recruited an army of the individual placings. volunteer fence judges and his Mess ran a drinks tent During the Regiment‘s absence at Soltau a rear party and a ‘Schnell lmbiss‘ stand. team managed a 2nd in the team event and a fourth The home team took a 2nd with Amos and CoH (SCpl Stubley on Zebedee) in the Rhine Army One Bright, a 3rd with Capt Shaw and Yokel and a 4th with Day Event and followed this with a further success at Tpr Bennett and Yvette and Maj Hayward and Bugler. Verden Garrison Show when CoH McGregor won the The Regimental Team of Capt Hadden Paton and Lts ‘A‘ Class show jumping on Black Chief and came 3rd Hamner and Voorspuy were 2nd in the team chase. The in the Gamblers Stakes while SCpl Stubley won the wife of Corps Commander, Lady Leng, kindly presented L—M Class on Zebedee. the prizes. The large amount of secretarial work was born The 4,“'7th Dragoon Guards Hunter Trials in the late without fuss by Capt Heath whose experience will be May suited the blacks and Beaufort ridden by Maj sadly missed next year. Tweedie won the novice and came 3rd in the restricted The final fixture of the season was the Rhine Army novice while CoH McGregor, CoH Sherwin and SCpl Hunter Trials at Moosdorf when a rear party team was Stubley were also placed. Similar success followed at in the money with Capt Heath collecting a lst on Yokel, Dortmund Garrison Show with all the horses being SCpl Stubley a 3rd on Zanzara and Surgeon Lt Col placed. The winning combination proved to be CoH Page leading the WVH into 3rd place in the team chase. McGregor and Black Chief who collected one lst and Tucked away in the far end of the stables Tpr Popple three 2nds. administers to the private horses. These have also had Every year the height of the BAOR show jumping is their winning moments especially Mystral ridden by the Rhine Army Horse Show. Unfortunately with Miss Jackie Heath and Mrs Heath and Jubilee ridden by Exercise Medicine Man II in full swing the riders had Mrs Catlin. to be drawn from ‘A‘ Sqn and the small rear party, but Despite the heavy military commitments it has been this proved a powerful team and of the eight horses only encouraging to see the large number of WOs, SNCOs, one in one event failed to reach the money. The star of NCOs and Troopers who find time to ride out. Twice the show was again Black Chief ridden into lst place in weekly SCpl Stubley, CoH McGregor, LCpl Hammond four events by CoH McGregor. or LCpl Hobson organise introductory riding lessons The year continued to produce its crop of successes when soldiers can enjoy a relaxed period of tuition and with a 2nd at Munster Hunter Trials for Yokel and Tpr gentle tumbles into the tan of the riding school. Amongst Beer, lsts for Rochester and Tpr Waterhouse and the changes SCpl Stubley handed over to SCpl Holt and Zanzara and LCpl Hobson at the QRlH Hunter Trials CoH Sherwin departed to the RAC Centre, Bovington. over a demanding hilly course.
Capt Hadden Paton, Lts Horsford and Hanmer
THE WESER VALE HUNT The Hunt had a good 1977—78 season although the weather in January and February brought the normal difficulties. The Masters, Capt Pratt, Lts Hamner and Horsford managed to get the hounds hunting extremely well. Particularly good days were had at Holzhausen and Fursteberg, where the horses could hardly keep up with the hounc‘s. During the summer we managed to breed a particularly nice litter of puppies who should do us well for next season. These have all been named with the letter A. Unfortunately one of the Joint Masters. whose English is imperfect. has insisted on calling one of the doghounds Amburg. The present season has proved difficult with military commitments and the very wet state of the ground. At the time of going to press we have had a few days but these had to be of a rather unambitious nature. Our first day at Barker Barracks was a great success thanks to the Queens Royal Irish Hussars, but we had some anxious moments when hounds became involved in an FTX. At the moment it is hoped to continue hunting over our tour of duty in Northern Ireland. Surgeon Lt Col Page and Maj Hayward will take over the reins from
Capt Giles and Maj Stringer
Capt Barclay, Capt Shaw and Lt Hamner.
Capt Barclay, Lts Voorspuy and Hanmer, Capt Shaw at the Regimental Hunter Trial
The hounds are in good heart and we hope to enter a couple of young doghounds, William and Drummond. before Christmas. These are both pure bred bloodhounds kindly drafted to us by Maj Stringer. Tpr Beer remains as Whippet-in and has proved himself adept at acquiring food for the hounds from unlikely sources. We owe a great debt of gratitude not only to the landowners and farmers who allow us to hunt over their land but also to other regiments who take such trouble in organising meets for us. We are also greatly indebted to Capt Heath who has just retired from the posrtion of Secretary on posting. Few people realise the hard work that this job entails.
BADMINTON For the first time for many years the Regiment has produced a Badminton Team to play in the 4 Div League and Knockout Cup. Having lost the first match against the very strong 4 Div and Signal Sqn the team, consisting of Lsgts Jones, Campos and Gosling, Pte Bailey and Tpr Stott. has subsequently won the next four matches with comparative ease and the Regiment is now the favourite to win the cup.
To the disappointment of many members of thc Regiment there is not going to be a sailing supplement to this year’s magazine. Many have enjoyed sailing this year and undoubtedly the interest in the sport is still increasing but not to the detriment of other sports. Crews had to be found at weekends throughout the summer to help man the Commanding Officer‘s, Second— in-Command’s and Maj Weston‘s yachts and in July the Regiment entered a team for the RAC Regatta at Kiel which was organised by the Second-in-Command, The team which consisted of Maj Barne, Ct Howard,
Tpr Robertson and Tpr Harris won convincingly, finishing first in all five races. Unfortunately the team was disqualified in one of these for taking a short cut. however the other four firsts guaranteed the cup. Earlier in the year Maj Barne won the Commodore's Trophy. a new award aimed at encouraging cruising in the Royal Armoured Corps. This was for a highly successful cruise around Brittany at the end of last year in an Army yacht crewed by members of the Household Cavalry Regt.
The 2 Regimental Ski Teams with Maj Gen Vickers, Capt Birdwood, Lt Huggins, Ct Mitchell, Maj Reed Telstead, Ct Macauley, Maj Gen Vickers, Lt Horsford, Maj Tweedie, Capt Bagge and Lt Hanmer
it” \,
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The Commanding Officer and Capt Lukas on board Shabraque
The first members of the team to ‘hit the snow‘ were Capt Lingeman and Cts Huggins and Mitchell who went to Sonthofen in early December. There they stayed with QRIH and shared their instructors. Ct Huggins managed to have a minor accident and ended up in hospital with head and leg injuries. From there we moved into St Moritz where the rest of the team arrived to start hard training under the severe eye of Capt Birdwood. We stayed at St Moritz for a fortnight by which time we had terrorised all the slopes and had quite a few members elected into St Moritz Toboggan Club and also into the Shuttlecock Club. Most persistent of these were Capt Lingeman and Lt Hamner whose novel techniques had never been seen before. The near complete team consisting of Capts Birdwood and Lingeman, Lts Hanmer and Horsford and Cts
Above and right: Tpr Harris, Ct Howard, Tpr Robertson and Maj Barne winning the RACYC Kiel Regatta
Lothian Barracks as seen from Capt Oswald‘s glider
Mitchell, Macauley and Huggins moved off to 15¢th for the 4th Division Championships where they met up with Maj Reed Felstead the final team member. Considering the fact that few of the team had raced before and some had only learnt to ski weeks previously the teams did well. Individually Capt Birdwood was always in the first 14 while Ct Huggins managed to have a major ‘wipe out’ with a German girl on the down hill course, obviously nobody told her that he was coming. Also skiing there in other teams were Maj Tweedie with Task Force Hotel, Capt Bagge with 4 Div HQ & Signal Regt and Maj Gen Vickers who was keeping an eagle eye on the large Blues and Royals contingent. Hopefully the experience gained will stand the Regiment in good stead for the 1979 season when we should have a very strong team provided that nobody is hospitalised again in the training beforehand.
GLIDlNG Gliding—the clean form of flying from which dizzy heights even the Regimental Tank Park looks pleasant! The Eagle Flying Club has attracted many members of the Regiment this year. and this in the face of severe opposition from exercises during the best gliding weather. Capt Oswald continues to encourage everyone to join him up there. however, the success story must be the training and solo flight by Ct Huggins, downwind to Hermanns denkmal, and on and on to safety in five feet of standing corn near Lage. some five miles away.
RUGBY There has been a flying start to the 197849 season, the Regiment has some 35 players to choose from and the present team has played five games to date with a visit to Berlin to play the Welsh Guards in the near future. The return of SQMC Tucker, CoH Buckle and LCoH
Quinn has strengthened the team while SQMC Holt has burst several blood vessels shouting instruction from the touchline. It is encouraging to see how many spectators watch our matches and it helps to spur the team to greater things.
RALLYING Listening to some of the drivers on the tank park one would think the Regiment was full of potential Silver-
Right: Tpr Mann assumes control over Tpr 0rd
stone enthusiasts, however. this year Coll Baker and
LSgt Chopin have demonstrated their skills in various BAMA 200 mile weekend rallies. crewing regimental Landrovers. Their first rally ended rather short of the finish when the steering wheel came off on a very sharp corner. The second rally was more successful. picking up 3rd place in the novice class and 13th overall in a large number of entries. They are currently training for the BAOR three-day event Exercise Magnum Spiritia fitting climax to an exciting year.
FREEFALL Although no Regimental team was able to enter for the various freefall championships the hard core of freefall enthusiasts continued to support the sport at JSPC Bad Lippspringe. Ex Medicine Man unfortunately restricted the number of soldiers going on beginners courses to five. LCpl Spencer was seconded to the JSPC as an instructor and quickly established himself in the British Army Team which represented Great Britain in the World Championships at Rheims in France. The team finished 5th out of over 30 teams entered.
LCpl Spencer in the British Army Team during the World Champ-
POLO The Regiment did not produce a Polo team in Germany this year. mainly as a result of the Regiment‘s summer training in Canada and also possibly because the majority of the Serving Regimental Officers are yachtsmen and the junior officers are needed for deck duties. Maj Parker Bowles scraped together a Regimental team in England. It was formed around Capt LivingstoneLearmonth at No 3 with Lt Darley at back and the No 1 position was filled by Lt Col Lockhart who came out of retirement. The team had a bye through to the semi-finals where we beat a well—drilled but unlucky Life Guards team The Inter Regimental Final was played at Tidworth against our old rivals The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards who were an 11 goal team against only a 4 goal team of The Blues and Royals. The team played well and we won a fast. hard hitting game. Maj Gen P. Reid (late Royals) presented the team with the cup. The Regiment has now won the Inter Regimental Competition in either the United Kingdom or BAOR for five of the last six years. In August the team flew to Germany to oppose the 1420 Hussars, who had won the BAOR Inter Regimental for the Champion Cup. We did not play well and did not get on with the ponies we borrowed and were deservedly beaten. However. we had a very enjoyable weekend staying with the Regiment at Detmold. Maj Parker Bowles and Capt Livingstone—Learmonth played for the UKLF team which beat the higher handi: capped BAOR team for the Aldershot Cup and Maj Parker Bowles captained an Army team which lost to Prince Charles‘s Naval team in the Rundle Cup.
The Rugby Team. Capt Browne. LCoH Windrus, CoH Bright, Tpr Knight, CoH Buckle, LCpl Rose. LCoH Quinn, LCOH Locke, Lt Voorspuy, Tpr Walwork, LCpl Lamonby, LCoH Grun, SCpl Tucker. Tpr Gough. Tpr Tapsell. Lt Hanmer
Lt Rollo and COH Bright
Nominal Roll as at 11th November 1978
'C' SQUADRON Squadron Headquarters Troop Mai C. M. Barrie Capt T. P. E. Barclay
Admin Troop
SQMC McKenna D. P.
SCM Sibley, S. F. HEADQUARTERS SQUADRON Regimental Headquarters Lt Col H. O. Hugh-Smith MVO
Maj The Hon P. H. Lewis Maj G. H. Tweedie Capt H. P. D. Massey
Capt F. G. S. Lukas Capt N. Hadden~Paton
'A' SOUADRON Squadron Headquarters Troop
Maj l. M. D. L. Weston Capt J. Shaw
0M Capt R. R. Giles SCpI Anslow. R. J. CoH Taylor, K. A.
SCM O'Halloran, D. A. SOMC Tucker, J. CoH McGregor, D. LCoH Mead, |.
LCpl Wetherall, K, LCpl Whitehead, S. Tpr Ansty, J. R. Tpr Cowton, K. Tpr Farmer, G. Tpr Fisher, J. Tpr Garlirth, J. F. Tpr Manning, R. P.
RCM MacDougall, W. R. W02 Smart, R. E.
LCoH Barratt, A. L.
LCoH Quinn, T. J.
LCoH Butcher, J. D.
LCpl Dyson, A.
1st Troop
SCpI Adams, K. G.
LCoH Cooke, L.
LCpl Kent, N. R.
CoH Davies, D. J. LCoH Bryan, K. E.
LCoH Kay, D. LCoH Millard, W. P. LCpl Burgess, D. R.
LCpl MacKenzie, J. G. LCpl Reynolds, 8. J. LCpl Weightman, P. Tpr Andrews, D. Tpr Applin, S. J. Tpr Armstrong, M. L. Tpr Brennan, N. J. Tpr Crawford, P. H. Tpr Lashley, D.
Lt W. R, G. Hanmer Ct G. Howard CoH Wall, 8. G. LCoH Bowden, D. J. LCoH Lock, M. J.
LCpl Goodall LCpl Phipps. T. J. Tpr Harris, R.
LCpl English, w. A, LCpl Hobson, D. LCpl Hunt, P. R. J. LCpl Nasson, T. R.
SCpl Freeman, K. R.
LCoH Gimblett, K. LCoH Perry, S. Tpr Clark Tpr Nutchey, A. C. Tpr Wood, C,
Pay Office Capt M. R. Llewellyn Sgt Farrell, J.
LSgt Ellis, R. w.
1st Troop
LSgt Johnson, L. A. Cpl Unwin, N. T.
Lt R. A. K. Field CoH Evans, B. R. C. CoH Stickels, J. S.
LCoH Buxton, R. F. LSgt Crutchley, P.
TAC '8' Capt W. T. Browne
Ct J. A. C. Huggins SCpl Pinks. M CoH Storer, P. B. LCoH Cook, M. F. LCoH Grun, A, C. F. LCoH Mellor, D. LCoH Prusak, R. R. LCoH Reid, P, LCpl Kent, G. S, LCpl Rose, A. J. LCpl Shaw, G.
LCpl Spencer. D. W. Tpr Briggs, T. A.
Tpr Clavering, M. Tpr Day Tpr Davies, P. G. Tpr Fullard, T. D.
Tpr Platt, W. Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr
Rees, M, N. Robinson A. J. Sisson, P. J. Thornett, A. D.
Tpr Wheatly
Capt B. W. Lane
LCoH Edwards, A. J. LCoH Gurdin, N. T. LCoH Hutton, R. J. LCoH Hyett. S. P. LCpl Holton, A. J. LCpl Jackson, G. LCpl Wilson, R. H. Tpr Ballantyne, A. R. Tpr Foster, L. Tpr Gowland, A. Tpr Humberstone, A. P. Tpr Kinloch, J. E. fl Tpr Maplestone, H. J. L. Tpr Miller, G. T. Tpr Moss, T. M.
Cooks W02 Ball, B. Sgt Eyre, B. LCpl Hendy, R. LCpl Lewis, M. LCpl O'Callaghan, P. M.
LCpl Rowcliffe, P. LCpl Scott. D. C.
Pte Abbott, C. G.
Capt J. M. Carr—Ellison
2 Lt A. S. Wilson W02 Font, R. A. SCpI Lane, E. L. SCpI Villers L. SSgt Joseph. R.
SSgt Kosa, G. SSgt Powell, A. R. CoH Brown, M. R.
Pte Jones, L. T. Pte McKelvie, T. A.
Pte Sinclair, R. B. Pte Smith, D. LAD W02 Gay, 5. F. Sgt Blackburn, E. M.
Sgt Hilton, R, J. LCoH Craig, A.
Sgt Wietecha, M. R. LSgt Bellamy—Booth, C. E. LSgt Taylor, J. B.
LCoH Partis, J.
Cpl Hughes, l. R.
LCoH Reeve, A. D.
LCpl Bruce, J, R. LCpl Brezeski, F. S. LCpl Green, P. G. LCpl Guise, A. Cfn Easton, D. Cfn Gray, R. S. Cin Guest. R, F.
LCoH Shillabear M. A. LCoH Smith, H. chl Birrell, R. LCpl Kennedy, D. G. LCpl Martin, W. LCpl Plumridge, C. W. A. Tpr Farmer, N.
Tpr Hollingworth, A. Tpr 0rd, R. B. Tpr Todd, R.
W02 Sproats, R. J. CoH Davidson, J. M. LCoH Bourne N. W. LCoH Jay R. l. K. Tpr Harris, A. A. Tpr McSheeney, J. T
LCpl Ashby, B. LCpl Burnham, R. L. LCpl Coffey, J. P.
LCpl Loft, C. L. LCpl Nash, |. F. F. LCpl Whitting, B. J.
SCpl Hawley, H.
Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr
CoH Williams, B, R.
Tpr Mitchell, P.
LCpl Dykes, A. LCpl Towse, J. LCpl Vaughan. A, R. Tpr Barugh, S. M. Tpr Bailey, M. A. Tpr Chetwynd, R. M,
Tpr Elliott, P. D, Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr
Fidler, G. E, Fleming, R. Hammond, D. J. Jones, A. Maggs, F. Manning, I. Mason, K. J. McKinney, B. A, Simkins, A. J. Swindlehurst, M. S,
2nd Troop
Lt W. R. Rollo
Davis, l M. Elston, P. B. Flower, P, J. Fowler, D, J.
LCoH Thomson, S. P. LCpl Grennaway, C. J,
LCpl Healey, D. S. LCpl Lawson, P. J. LCpl Owen, R. P. Tpr Boden, P. Tpr Dewar, J. T. Tpr Fearnley, M Tpr Mathews, G. S. Tpr Micklejohn, S. Tpr Moody, P. Tpr Needham, J. W. F. Tpr Popple, S. Tpr Rendell, R. E. T. Tpr Sheppard, M. R. Tpr Twyman, M. D. Tpr Waterhouse, G. K. Tpr Wright, A. 2nd Troop Ct M. J. Macauley
Ct H. Sutherland
LCoH Sackett, N. P. LCoH Stevanovic, L. LCpl Hulland, P. LCpl Sandercock, J. M. LCpl Wright, K. Tpr Baxter, M J. Tpr Burbridge, A. Tpr Cawley, M. J. Tpr Chappell, P. M. Tpr Greenwood, l. S, Tpr Hodgson, A. M. Tpr Lanham, S. V. Tpr McGarry, P. Tpr Payne, K. C.
Tpr Pitt, C. M. J. Tpr Storey, P.
Cfn Walker, i. J. Tpr Webb, S. B.
LCoH Bowden, T. J. LCoH Taylor, A. S. LCoH Wendon, H. LCpl Charlton, M. F.
LCpl Millington, R. J. LCpl Robertson, T. LCpl Rushforth, D. Tpr Blakeley, M. Tpr Darby, D. Tpr Dawson, K. Tpr Davies, S. Cfn Guest, R. F.
Tpr Martin, S. M, Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr
Nichols, K. N. Robinson, B. Shaw, G. Slater, A. Stott, T. M. Thomas, D. F.
3rd Troop
Ct A. E. M. Mitchell Ct D. R. A. Daley
'B' SOUADRON Squadron Headquarters Troop Maj D. M Reed-Felstead Capt M. A. J. Gurney SCM Clayton, J. W. SCpl Chamberlain, D. E. CoH Buckle, R. M. G.
LCoH Birchall, R. LCoH Breakwell, T. R. LCoH Gardiner, R. L. LCpl Blackburn, S. LCpl Dunkley, M. G.
Squadron Headquarters Maj H. T. Hayward Capt C. M. M. Wilson Lt R. B. Yates
W02 Preece, G. R. SCpl Weeks, M. T. CoH Scammell, J. A. G. LCoH Holloway, R. S. Tpr Munton. N. C. QM Department
1st Troop
Lt M C. O'B. Horstord
RQMC Howick. D. A. LCoH Nicholson. G. S.
CoH Stacey M. LCoH Davis, J, H.
LCoH Pentith, T.
LCoH Fallon, D,
LCpl Gallingham. P. A.
LCoH Taylor, A. D. LCpl Bullock, G. LCpl Crooke, E. J. LCpl Howard, P. LCpl Kirkwood, W. J. Tpr Bennett, T. N. Tpr Booth, A. N. Tpr Budge, R. J. Tpr Clarke M. P. Tpr Elliott, L. J. Tpr Legg, K. R. Tpr Lees, D. Tpr McNeil, A. D. Tpr Mitchell, P. Tpr Rodgers, A. Tpr Rolfe, M. Tpr Stones, |. Tpr Vaughan, A. R Tpr Watson, T. 2nd Troop Lt T. M. Voorspuy
Ct R. J. Dale—Thomas CoH Fox, G. A. LCoH Elsey, S. LCoH Harding, M. A.
LCoH Phillips, G. A.
CoH Law, K. LCoH Dearden, J. LCoH Grimes, F. LCoH Hyndman, W.
LSgt Hewitt, C. M. LCpl Hammond, W. LCpl Jervis J. M. Tpr Anderson, J, Tpr Barratt, C. J. Tpr Blyth, J. A. Tpr Edge, K. Tpr Gough, B. Tpr Hurley, A. C. Tpr Mann, D. C.
Msn Moroz, D. C. Tpr Smith, T. G.
LCoH Gregory, M. R.
LSgt Morgan, M. A. LCoH Rushton, D. W. LCoH Windrass, R. LCpl Hastings, A. LCpl Lamonby, J. A. Tpr Egan, J. A. G. Tpr Flynn, M. Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Cfn
Hardy, C. B. Haynes, T. W, Langley, M. J. Naylor, K. 0rd, R. B. Plater, l. M Ribton, S. P. Stubbs, D. J. Wallwork, J. P. Whitehead, S. J.
Admin Troop SQMC McEvoy, J. LCoH Henry, S.
LCpl Kitchen, R. M. Tpr Edmonson, C. W. J.
Capt C. J. R. Oswald
RQMC(T) Hill, J. M
ASM Curtis, W. T.
CoH Kennard, S. A. CoH Stephenson, W. LCoH Kempster, l.
SSgt French, M C. SSgt O'Brien, W. A.
Orderly Room
CoH Chillingworth, G. D LCpl Goodyear, A. M. Tpr Fairfax, S. Tpr Bellamy, D. MT Troop SCpI Hughes, K. C. LCoH Robinson, R. D. LCpl Watson, J. M. LCpl Kelsey, J. Tpr Chiles I. T. J. Tpr Knight, A. D. Tpr Perrin, S. P. Tpr Steel, S. Tpr Tapsell, N. W.
Tpr Whyte, A. P. W05 and CsoH Mess
LCpl Somervell, C. M LCpl Sutherland, J. LCpl Tovey, R. M. Tpr Beresford D. Tpr Cook, 8. Tpr Cooper, 0. R. Tpr Davies, S, A. Tpr Franks, P. J. Tpr Gray, D. E. Tpr Hamill, P. Tpr Harris, P. D. Tpr Johnson, A. D. Tpr Mobbs, D. S. Tpr Parker, G. R. Tpr Parker, J. T. Tpr Perrin, M. A.
Tpr Kennett, K. G.
3rd Troop Ct R. C. D. Lendrum CoH Seager, C. R.
CoH Catlin, D. G. l.
Medical Centre Surg Lt Col J. R. A. Page LCoH Darby, G. K. LCpl Johnson, K. P. A.
Sgt Feeney, K. W. Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt
Fleming, B. E. Howe, R. S. Kane, D. H. Lawson, R. W. Shaw, C, Short, D. J. Stevens, W. H.
LSgt Adds, P. F. LSgt LSgt LSgt LSgt LSgt LSgt LSgt LCpl LCpl LCpl LCpl LCpl LCpl LCpl
Bachu. K. P. Campos, C. B. Choppin, W. A. Miller, G. Routledge, J. A. Stafford, J. J. Wyke, J. W. Bennett, J. H. Dixon, J. A. Edwards, S. K. Hellewell, R. W. Holmes, W. Irvine, A. Iveson, J. G
Tpr O'Brien, W. D.
LCpl Stansfield. N. A. LCpl Thomas, E. D. B. Cfn Bramall, E. Cfn Campbell J. P. Cfn Cox, M. T.
Stables SCpI Holt, M. LCoH Hague S. LCpl Plank, A.
Fl Cpl Smith, T. P.
LCoH Luke, J. LCoH Mardon, T. LCpl Barry, P. K. LCpl Beard J. M. LCpl Kershaw, F. E. LCpl Wynne D. A. Tpr Abbott, M. J. Tpr Allen, K. B. Tpr Atherton, S. J. Tpr Bennett, T. Tpr Dobbie G.
Maintenance Team CoH Benn, T. CoH MacKenzie, |. LCpl Schofield, R. D. Tpr Baylor, S. Tpr Mundy, P Tpr Noddle, R. Tpr Voyce, D. C. Tpr Walters, M. Tpr Widdowsen, A. R.
RQMC Bell LCoH Bond, B. T. LCoH Rogers, L. D. LCoH Dow, R. T. LCpl Hammond, B. Riding Staff
LCoH Webb, C, J.
LCPl Simmons, G. P.
Cfn Crellin, R, G Cfn Cfn Cfn Cfn
Edmonds, K. Hardwick, S. D. Mcilroy Vernon, T. P.
Regimental Police CoH Claridge, D. J. LCpl Holbrook, S. P. Tpr Murray A. K. Tpr French, P. J.
MT LCoH Scarrott, J. P. LCoH Graves, T. J. LCpl Sanders, M. F. Tpr Kirkpatrick, l. Tpr Robbins, A. Tpr Teagle, K. Medical Centre LCpl Baston, C. G. Saddlers Shop CoH Hatherall, B. S. LCpl Perrin, J. G. Carpenter
CoH Mansfield, R. Armourers Shop Tpr Thwaites, B. Pharmacy FQMC Warren, W. J. Grooms LCpl Bladwin, C. J. Officers Mess SCpI Man, M. A. LCpl Baldwin, A. G. Tpr Cross, A. D. Tpr Whopples, G. V. WOs and N605 Mess CoH Bradley, A LCpl Currah, M. J. Training Wing SCpI Forester, R. W. CoH Dalziel, J. LCoH Elgenia, K. Tpr Haywood, C. T Tpr Hudson, K. I. Coach Troop LCoH Kelsey, M. Tpr MacKay, S. J.
THE BLUES AND ROYALS MOUNTED SQUADRON 5H0. Mai R. C. Wilkinson Capt H. St. J. Holcroft
SCM Sellars, J. W.
Tpr Gledhill, C. Cooks LSgt Hart, N. A. LSgt Jones, L. T, Pte Bailey, T. T.
Cfn Morrison, K.
Pte Moss, 8. Fl.
Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr
Pay Office SSgt Hinchcliffe, M. LSgt Gosling, M
Reynolds, C. Steeden, P. A. Stott, l. Townsend, P.
SSgt Ward, C. P, Sgt Cave, J. W. Sgt Chatterton, C. J. Sgt Dean, E. W. R. Sgt Dendle, R. J.
LCpl Quinn, T. J.
Tpr Beer. S. H. Tpr Toze, A. M.
Harris S. K. Harrison, M. A. Keen, N. S. Laidlaw, A.
SSgt Roddis, K.
LCpl Reader, P. LCpl Rees, J. W.
LCoH Guest, J. R.
Tpr Cfn Tpr Tpr
Guardroom SCDI Stubley, |. LCpl Murrow, F. M. Tpr Mann, D. C.
OM's Dept
LCoH Porterfield, A. LCoH Wilcox, N. P, W.
0M(T) Department Maj W. R. Marsh
LCoH Nolan, G. B. LCpl Elliott, C. D.
CoH Bright, R.
Tpr Frith, S. C. LCoH French, C. J. LCoH Reid, J. D.
LCoH Morgan, D. W. LCpl Bailey, K. G. LCpl Coutts, A. D. LCpl Seget, M. P. LCpl Vickers, S. A. LCpl Whitepark, G. Tpr Robertson, H. T.
CoH Baker, K. H.
Ct T. C. Boles
CoH Muff. A. E. LSgt Kelly, P. LCoH Pitt, 0. J.
LCoH Arnold, A. J. LCoH Harris, P, LCoH Harris, R.
LCoH Harman, B. R.
Tpr Dick, l. S.
LCoH Harding, D.
LCoH Maskell. P. Orderly Room
LCoH Miller, D. G.
Admin Troop
Mess Staff SQMC Reid, H.
CoH Gillingham, S. N. CoH Lampard, B. D.
LCpl Beynon, K. E. LCpl Davies, W. V. LCpl Harkup
APTC SSI Pearson, K.
Tpr Gulley N. Tpr Norris. M. J.
SOMC Bellas, E. B.
OROMC Greene, B. F. CoH France, A. G. LCpl Johnson, G. S.
LCoH Roberts, P. J.
LCpl Hart, N. LCpl Cross, P. R. Tpr Booker, A. Farr Chalmers, A. W. Farr Craig, C. S. Tpr Doodney, B. M. Farr Garland, D. J. Tpr Holdforth, T. Tpr Hodges, P. H. TprTaonr, M. R. Farr Watson, K. R. A. D.
SHO. Maj B. J. Hodgson LCoH Gregory, J (AIPT) Post NCO LCpl Hayward. N. A.
1st Troop Lt C. C, Bucknall CoH Jones, C. E.
CoH Whitworth, B. LCoH Nisbet, R. J
LCoH Hempseed. R. l LCoH Merry, E. B. LCpl Griffiths, C. Tpr Bartlett, M. C. Tpr Bissett, I. Tpr Bradley, C. D. Tpr Brooks, K. Tpr Brooks C. P. Tpr Bulmer, |. R.
Tpr Cleghorn, M. K. Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr
Ewing, O, M. Fugatt, D. Fernley, C. Jefiries, M. McDonald, A. Pyne, R. J. Simpkin, A. B, Wells, T, J. Willacy, F. Williams, G.
CoH Whennell, R. A.
CoH Parsons, A. CoH Turner, H. B. W. LCoH Platt, S. M. LCoH Orritt. C J. LCoH Healey, A. LCoH Parker, R. J.
LCoH Baines, S. L. E. LCoH Brammer, M. LCpI LCpi LCpI LCpi
Morrison, M. L. Marsh P. Packer. F. J. Sabourin, S. M.
RHQ Household Cavalry Maj J. D. Smith-Bingham
HQ 1 Div 8 Signals Regiment W02 Stephenson, A. K
RMA Sandhurst
664 Squadron AAC
RAC Sales Team CoH Whyte, J.
22 SAS
3 Armoured Division
Maj A. H. Parker Bowles
Soltau/Luneburg Training Area W01 Rainger, P.
CoH Herratt, C. J.
Ct B. W. B. WhiterSpunner
Ct T J. Atkin Ct E. H. Hanmer
CoH Baxter, A.
Ct M. R. Coreth H0. Detmold Garrison
JLR RAC W02 Midwinter, J. C.
Maj G. H. Tweedie
SCpI Hales, N. J.
LCpl Burroughs, C. J. Musn Avins, J. Musn Billington, H. R. Musn Bower, V. Musn Cairns, P. R. Musn Clark, M, S.
Staff College Maj H. W. Davies
Household Cavalry Hospital
SCpl Proctor, B. HQ 4 Division
LCoH Barber, P,
LCpI Nixon, B.
RMCS Shrivenham
ACIO Brighton
Maj P. B. Rogers
CoH Frampton, D.
ACIO Newcastle
Guards Depot W02 Patterson, M.
CoH Harkness, P. CoH Wilde, G. E. LCoH Smith, A.
Musn Coglan, C. Musn Connaughton, K.
Household Cavalry Squadron Maj J. S. Olivier
CoH Rumbelow, H
2nd Troop
Musn Creedy, A. T.
Capt T. L. S. LivingstonerLearmonth
LCoH Henney, P. LCoH Hough, A.
Lt A. J. Milier-Bakewell CoH Standen, D. C.
Musn Musn Musn Musn Musn Musn Musn
Lt T. T. Jones
RHQ Household Cavalry W01 Wennell, D. J.
22 SAS
W02 Lee. P.
LCoH James, G. LCoH Kilvington, J. LCoH Rushton, D. M.
Capt J. P. Greenwell
SCpI Weston, A. J.
British Forces Hong Kong Capt M. H. Lingeman
CoH Sturrock. V. LCoH Greer, R. D. LCoH Giblette. J.
CoH Manning, M. LCoH Hague, S. R.
LCoH Douglas, M. R. LCpi Edwards, G. C. C. LCpl Long, A.
LCpi Armitage, A. J. LCpi Nuttall, R. J. Tpr Brookes, S. E. Tpr Care, C. C.
Tpr Graham, M. A. Tpr Haldane, J. G. Tpr Hammett, M. A.
Dawson, K. Deverson, G. J. Diffey, B. K. Guy, S Harmsworth, R. C. Jones, A. P. Jones. P.
Musn Mitchell, L. J. Musn Reid. A. Musn Stanton, G. W. Musn Stephenson, G. R.
Musn Stevens, M. Musn Wall. 3. J.
Guards Depot Capt A. W. Kersting Lt J. Peck
NBC School
Musn Williamson. J.
RV Maj (QM) W. A. Stringer
Kneller Hall Musn Hayward, M
The Life Guards Ct D. C. Darley
Tpr Keate, C. J. B. Tpr Lawson, M. G.
Tpr Longstaff, K. Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr
Maher. V. P. Nicolson, D. R. Rutherford, S. N. Smith, M. Smith, P. J. Tuxford, P. Wotton, R. M.
CoH Harris, D. F. CoH Thomson, G.
MajGen R. M. F. Redgrave, MC Comd British Forces Hong Kong
LCoH Wright, J. A.
MajGen P. D. Reid DHAC
Tpr Millett J. R. Tpr Polkey, F. C. Tpr Palmer, M. J. Tpr Smith, I. D. Tpr Smith, P. Tpr Smth, P. D. Tpr Summerfield, S. R. Tpr Tilley, A. Tpr Wise, S. R. Tptr Yurek, R.
Training Wing Windsor
LCoH Wilkinson, B. ITU UKLF SCpl Stratford. B.
(Less HCR)
HCR(HS) LCoH Bubear, A. Tpr Hulme, K.
LCpI Waterman, A. RAC Gunnery School
W02 Thomas, L. SCpI Chapman, L.
Col J A. C. G. Eyre, CVO, OBE Col GS lnt/Sy HQ NI
ACIO Manchester CoH Augutt, G.
HQ Wales LCoH Smith, G.
9 UDR SCpI Garvey. J.
'C' (Cheshire) Squadron QOY
ACIO Bournemouth CoH Timmis, R.
RAC Gunnery Wing Hohne SCpI Pomroy, H. CoH Stretton, P,
Ministry of Defence
Lt Col D. S. A. Boyd Maj P. T. Keightley
Maj A. N. D. Bols Capt (QM) J. G. Handley HO. UKLF Lt Col D. J. S. Wilkinson
Lt Col W. S. H. Boucher
SCpl Sayer, C J
HO. London District
Lt Col J. G. Hamilton-Russell
CoH Preece, D.
HO. Wales Lt Col T. C. Morris MVO
Oxford UOTC W02 Wilkins, G.
RAC Centre
RAC Training Regiment CoH Finch, P. R.
Lt Col D. J. Daly Maj J. A. Aylen
Lt G. J. S. Hutchison Capt (DoM) D. H. Mackay
CoH ond,VV LCoH Hunter, H. W. AAC Arborfield CoH Armishaw, P.
LtCol J. H. Pitman CDE Porton Lt Col T. A. K. Watson
RMCS Lcanm,R
SCpl Birt, R.
RAC Centre Saddle Club LCoH Sherwin, P.
Newslmpor Proprietors Lithograpllors Process Engravers
CAAT Iran W01 Burroughs, M.
Old Sarum Officers Mess SCpl Westwood, A,
School of Artillery
Fl Cpl Fenton, J. J, Tpr Scruton, C.
655 Squadron AAC Edinburgh University
Tpr Anderson, C. R.
LCpl Young, T. J.
CoH Docherty, J.
The Tank Park, Lothian Barracks
Ct P. J. Tabor
MajGen R. M. H. Vickers. MVO, OBE GOC 4 Armd Div
CoH Dalziel, J.
LCpi Brough, G. LCpi Pendry, T. A.
Army Dog Unit NI Tpr iberson, K.
Ct D. de 8. Kinahan
Lt A. A. Wood
LCoH Chamberlain, D. A. LCpl Wasp, G. LCpl Walker, D. M, LCpl Gear, D. J. Tpr Brown, C. A. Tpr Dickens, J. P. Tpr Gaskell, N. Tpr Haywood, C. T. Tpr Hancock, K. Tpr Hook, K. D. Tpr Lish, |. J. Tpr Marsh, N.
SCpI Stacey, M.
SOLF Oxford University
RHG/D OFFICERS SERVING AT ERE AS AT 1 NOV 78 (Less HCR) Officers senior to the Regimental List Lt Gen Sir Richard Worsley, KCB, OBE Overposted strength of QMG's staff
3rd Troop
LCoH Gratton. A. LCpl Howland, A. Tpr Carter, P.
LCoH Tabor, B. P. LCoH Wright, P.A. LCoH Mockett, S. J. LCoH Partridge, R. LCpi Glen, A. LCpI Riley, D. LCpI Stephen, J. LCpi Tennyson, P. LCpI Pugh, M. Tpr Brown, J. Tpr Holmes, |. Tpr Mawer, J. Tpr Eyre, R. W. Tpr Logie, B. Tpr Steven, T. Tpr Pick, G.
RAC D 8 M School
W02 Burton-Johnson, H. CoH Williams, R, CoH Rose, C, W. Tpr Corway, G,
Parsons and Printing. Like the Services. we have a tradition to uphold, at the same time taking advantage of scientiďŹ c progress in this age of mechanisation, yet maintaining, through a special department, a personal and helpful link With customers, whom we are ever willing to advise with their production problems
656 Squadron AAC CoH Allen, H.
F. J. Parsolls (Westminster Press Ltd) RAC Signals School
RMSM Kneller Hall
NBC School Maj J. A. Dimond. MC
T/M Hayne, W. G,
CoH Mansfield, R. A. CoH Tanner R. W.
SCpI Triggs, J.
Newspapcr House, Great NewiStrcct. London EC4P 4ER
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Lt Col G. E. Evans
Capt B. T. Keeling
BCM Daniels, D. J. SCpl Todd, R. J.
ACIO Surbiton CoH Kearns, B. J.
French Armd Sch Saumur Maj J. J. F. Scott
'C' Squadron RY SCpl Cain, P. F. M. CoH Scammell, J. CoH Hennessy, W.
CoH Smith, D. LCoH Callaghan, K.
Household Division Polo Club LCpI Hall, J. F. HO. Training Gp R Sigs Er
Catterick Garrison W01 Story J.
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