The blue and royal the blue and royal 1989

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Colonel-in-Chief: Her Majesty The Queen


Colonel and Gold Stick: General Sir Desmond Fitzpatrick, GCB, Dso. MBE, MC


Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding Household Cavalry and Silver Stick: Colonel A H Parker-Bowles, OBE


Commanding Officer: Lieutenant Colonel T J Sulivan

Tangier (1662—1680), Dettingen, Warburg, Beaumont, Willems, Fuentes d'Onor, Peninsular, Waterloo, Balaklava, Sevastopol, Egypt (1882), Tel el Kebir, Relief of Kimberley. Paardeberg, Relief of Ladysmith South Africa (1899—1902).




Le Cateau, Marne (1914), Messines (1914), Ypres (1914), Gheluvelt, Ypres (1915), Frezenberg, Loos, Arras (1917), Ypres (1917), Somme (1918), Amiens, Hindenburg Line, Cambrai (1918), Sambre, Pursuit to Mons, France and Flanders (1914—

Souleuvre, Brussels, Nederrijn, Rhine, NW Europe (1944—1945), Iraq (1941), Palmyra, Syria (1941), Knightsbridge, El Alamein, Advance on Tripoli, North Africa (1941—1943), Sicily (1943). Italy (1943—44), The Falkland Islands (1982)

CONTENTS Foreword ................................................................................. Diary of Events A Squadron Notes .. B Squadron Notes .. C Squadron Notes ................................................................... HQ Squadron Notes ................................................................ LAD Notes ...................... Mounted Squadron Notes ....................................................... Headquarters Squadron Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment Notes .................................................................... Guards Depot Notes... Band Notes ..................................................................... Warrant Officers and Corporals of Horse Mess Notes ..

The Blues and Royals Association Report ........................... Recruiting Team Notes ....................... Household Cavalry Museum .............. Northern Ireland Tour October 1987 - February 1988 1988 Regimental Cadre Course .......... Lite with the Blues and Royals ........... .. Visit to The Dutch Cavalrie Ere-Escorte ................................ Exercise Mountain Triangle .................................................... Exercise Mediterranean Trlangle Exercise Azur Trlangle ................. Sports Notes ............ Scrapbook ...... Nominal Roll ..............................

The cover Is from the painting ‘A son of the Empire’ by Calderon

26 28 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 40 42 49

1988 has‘been another testing year for the Regiment, In March we said goodbye to B Squadron. our 14/20 Hussars Squadron. who went to Munster to rejoin their Regiment. D Squadron reformed as B Squadron and the Regiment officially changed to a Type 43 tank regiment of 459 all ranks, of which 99 are attached personnel from other Corps. In April we went on Troop Training complete as a Challenger regiment having handed over the last of our Chieftains by the end of March. However. we have not seen the last of the Chieftain. for even as I think about writing this foreword in late October. the first batch of our Chieftains for conversion training for BATUS in 1989 have already arrived,

In June we had a most successful annual firing at Hohne. firing the new Gunnery Standard Training Exercises (GSTES). Every troop in the Regiment (including RHQ and SHQs) passed first time the new highly objective test Battle Run 'OSCAR‘. the new ‘Battle Fitness Test‘ of tank gunnery. and the Regiment achieved an average pass rate of over 80%. Gunnery was followed immediater by two weeks Battle Group train» ing on Soltau which included a Brigade test exercise. Then over the remaining summer months many members of the Regiment took part in the new level I Adventure Training known as ‘Challenge Pursuit Training. This included canoeing. trekking. sub-aqua. potholing and caving to name just a few of the pursuits followed. In November the whole Regiment deployed on Exer» cise IRON HAMMER. the 3rd Armoured Division ETX. The first week. which was the Brigade ‘work up' week. saw us crossing the River Weser into a bridgehead. breaking out into an advance to contact. changing direction suddenly into a counter penetration position and climaxing with a swift tank ambush. Unfortunately. the second week was not quite so fast moving. for we started as part of the reserve brigade. then we became the Divisional reserve. Our moment of glory. when we were deployed into another brigades area was short lived when. with 70 ton Challengers skidding sideways down a German '8‘ road. it was decided that ‘weather‘ had stopped play and we had to return to our hides for 18 hours. On the last day we had our chance again but. just as we crossed the Start Line on a massive counter attack. 'damage' stopped play and the exercise ended, 1989 will be our last full year in BAOR and it will also be a BATUS year. We go to BATUS on ‘Medicine Man 4' with A Company of the Queens Own Highlanders. and C Squadron join their Battle Group on ‘Medicine Man 5‘. It will be a challenging year. with our reconversion back to Chieftain and then in the autumn our conversion to CVR in preparation for our return to Windsor in I990. 1

Diary of Events 1988 January heralded not only the New Year. but also a new establishment for the Regiment. From being a fourSquadron Regiment we lost a Squadron and became known as a Type 43 Regiment with 43 tanks. The repercussions of this change have been felt throughout the Regiment as not only did we lose tanks but we also had our manpower establishment reduced. While this metamorphosis was taking place the Regimental Ski Teams were gallantly fighting for honour at the Divisional Ski Meetings. where Lt Woodward succeeded in gaining a place at the Army Meeting. At the same time many soldiers were enjoying themselves at Sonthofen on Exercise SNOW QUEEN in Bavaria. February: The New Year settled in. bringing the first of the field training exercises: Exercise BUFFALO BRAIN taxed RHQ Troop. headed temporarily by Maj Lukas. while A Squadron found a Border Patrol under Lt Woodward and CoH Hollingworth. The tank commanders were given an early introduction to Gunnery. although Annual Firing seemed at this stage a long way off. They did a B3 Gunnery Course. cul— minating in a trade test. No-one was left out (even the Commander of MB — the Commanding Officer 7 passed his test with flying colours. C Squadron. who until now had been leaderless due to Maj Birdwood‘s promotion to 21C. welcomed their new Squadron Leader. Maj W R Rollo. The Regimental rugby team made valiant efforts in the Cavalry Cup. but were narrowly defeated by the OOH. March: 1 Troop. C Squadron. commanded by Lt J A Lydiard—Wilson. carried out a Border Patrol on the 1st and 2nd. which was found interesting by all concerned. while at the same time A Squadron undertook an ammunition Site Guard. On 18 March we said a fond farewell to the last of the 14/20 H officers and soldiers who moved to Munster to join their parent Regiment. With their departure D Squadron was re-named B Squadron and we became truly a Type 43 Regiment, March also brought an increased tempo of training aimed towards the April Troop Training in Soltau. with each Squadron training on Stapel and the Goldgrund. April: Troop Training on Soltau began on 4 April and quickly built up towards Squadron Training. The high— light was undoubtedly the Troop Tests. the first of a year‘s worth of inter-Troop competitions. which included 12 stands involving tactics. maintenance. map-reading and ‘Crisis Management”. The GOC 3 Armoured Divi— sion visited the tests. which were won by 3 Troop. A Squadron. commanded by Capt Clee. After the training period some of the new Challengers were commission fired at Hohne. May: May traditionally heralds the Staff College Demonstration. which inevitably involves considerable support from the Regiment. Not only did we provide vehicles and men. but we also hosted the Military Attaché's Dinner. which was attended by some 25 assorted national representatives. The Gunnery Training Simulator (GTS) Competition. which took place on 19 and 20 May. provided the second major inter—Troop Test. The competition was won by 4 Troop. B Squadron

which was commanded by Lt J A C Swayne. May also featured other excitements: we hosted the Centenary Football Match. took part in the Brigade CPX. held a very good Athletics day and won the 3 Armoured Division Basketball final against 4‘) Fd Regt RA. ably captained by the Paymaster. Capt R J Morse. June: The Battlerun Competition. which was the second major Gunnery Competition. was held in the first week of June. It was won by 4 Troop. C Squadron. It successfully showed the strengths and weaknesses of all Troops prior to the firing period. We had the great pleasure of hosting a visit by DCDS (Systems) Vice— Admiral Sir Jeremy Black. KCB DSO MBE. a most amus— ing and somewhat different visit by a senior officer. We held the Regimental Swimming Competition. in which great efforts were made by all concerned. The competition was won by C Squadron. June brings the highlights of the show jumping year. The Rhine Army Summer Show. It included many other exciting events including polo and funfairs. The Stables were very successful. winning numerous trophies. On 24 June the Regiment went up to Hohne to do its Annual Firing. now known as Gunnery Standard Training Exercises (GSTE). July: The Gunnery Training completed by the Squadrons over the month proved to be very sound. both technically and tactically. The Tucker Trophy was won by 1 Troop. C Squadron, commanded by Lt J A Lydiard— Wilson. The Regiment was placed first equal over the year. with 17/21 L. The period did attract a number of visitors. DGEME. Maj—Gen D Shaw. CBE. spent a useful day learning about maintenance problems. DRAC. Maj-Gen N G P Ansell. OBE. watched our Battleruns. and the C»in—C. Gen Sir Brian Kenny. KCB CBE. made a short visit. We also welcomed the Brigade Commander. Brig S C Grant. In addition to these visits a number of potential officers came to see us as well as the Canford School CCF. The firing period was satisfactorily finished with a most specatcular and extremely enjoyable LIVEX. a taste of the fun to be had at BATUS! We did not return to Sennelager after firing. instead we moved straight to Soltau for a two—week Battle Group exercise. culminating in a ferocious 36—hour. Brigade-run exercise which kept all concerned. fortunately including the Brigade Staff. well on their toes! July also saw many other activities not least the BFG Pony Club which had its Summer Camp at our stables. LCpl Avison did a striking job instructing and the Adjutant‘s wife showed her prowess as the Adjutant— cum-secretary of the Club! Most pleasing. however. was to see SCpl Pendry collect his well—deserved British Empire Medal. August August heralded the summer Icave period which lasted up to 16 September. It also saw the Squadron Adventure Training trips. to mention but two of them. in which Lt Lydiard-Wilson took his Troop to Corsica and RHQ Troop under the R80 went to the Pyrenees. Maj Rollo organised a very successful Regi— mental Sports Day which gave fun to all the Regiment and their families and the WOs and CsoH Mess held 'The Warburg Ball'. 21 party of typical magnificence.

Suplmilu'r: The officers held a ball somewhat smaller and more mysterious than the WOs and CsoH Mess Ball. celebrating the ‘Prohibition‘! Between 5 and 9 Septem— ber two separate exercises were launched. Firstly the Battle Group took in the Brigade and Battle Group Trainer. which was very successful. Secondly. HO Squadron went to Vogelsang for the week. Vogclsang is an exercise area in the Eifel region close to the German

border where they fired unusual weapons. ran unusual runs and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. In addition we welcomed a visit by the Silver Stick. Col A H Parker~ Bowles. ()BE. and later by the Colonel of The Regiment and Lady Fitzpatrick. Capt Clce and W02 (SCM) Guest ran a most successful .INCO Cadre Course which in— volved Exercise SOUTHERN CROSS in the US sector. Tpr Clayton was promoted to Lance—Corporal on the Pass Out Parade as he was selected as the best student. The Blues and Royals Hunter Trials was to be held in September. but it was sadly rained off. October: The Hunter Trials did. however. take place on








The Regiment pulled hard to achieve it under the guidance of Capt Brown The Stables Officer. At the same time B Squadron were supporting 1 Royal Scots at Soltau. 9 October was a memorable day for the Stables

as the annual Hannover Race Meeting took place. for which the Regiment had entered five horses. First place was taken and deserved by SCpl Pendry. REM. and Lt Mawby. the Assistant Adjutant. took the prize for the

first lady. Sadly. the Major—Generals visit scheduled for 17 October had to be cancelled. but we welcomed MajGen M J Wilkes. CBE. GOC 3 Armoured Division. on 25 October and the Chief of the Defence Staff. Air Chief Marshal Sir David Craig. GCB OBE. on 28 October. Finally. the Second—in»Command organised a most exciting dismounted Troop test exercise called ‘ROMP AROUND‘. it held a surprise around each corner and much scope for mistakes! November: At the time of writing. the Regiment is preparing for the major 3 Armoured Division FTX Exercise IRON HAMMER. which promises to be excit— ing for all concerned and will run from 11 to 25 November. We will also welcome the Band on its annual visit. It will arrive on 29 November and stays until 13 December. After the FTX we will be sending off our Regimental Ski Teams and the first of the SNOW QUEEN exercises. December: December will herald some departures and some arrivals amongst the hierarchy of the Regiment. Maj A J Miller—Bakewell will be going to take up his new post as 802 G3 Ops / O&D at Korbecke. Maj F G S Lukas will be going to MOD London. and the Adjutant. Capt M R Coreth. to the H Cav MR. SCpl Pendry will be going to take up post in Windsor. In their place we welcome Maj A A Wood from JDSC. Maj W T Browne from 19 Brigade: Capt E B S Mountain. the new Adjutant. from H Cav MR: and Lt Sanderson (LG) on commissioning into the new post of Riding Master.

A Squadron Notes

A Squadron Choir Practice: Remembrance Sunday 1988 on Exercise IRON HAMMER

A Squadron completed conversion to Challenger just in time for Battle Group Training in November. Though we had some experience of driving cross country from driver training and annual firing. this was our first chance to put Challenger through its paces in the field. In the first few days we practised various tactical formations at speed across the open areas. to the satisfaction and obvious enjoyment of all. The ominous burning smell from the back decks began to cause some concern. A small defect with a flap valve forced us to ground the fleet for a few hours while SSgt Fulcher and Sgt Bateman carried out a simple modification on each power pack with a compo tin. Encouraged by the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the Fitter Section we resumed training in time for the visit of GOC 3 Armoured Division. At this stage the rain started and Soltau turned into a swamp. All wheeled vehicles took a real hammering. and SCM Sackett and Tpr Elliott lived dangerously in the Ferret Scout Car. lucky to escape uninjured after the vehicle rolled. With the advantage of TOGS and speed cross country. Challenger frequently overhauled Reece Troop on the ripples of Soltau; a far cry from the days of Chieftain. Inspired by this performance, our Forward Observation Officer. Capt Lacey. wanted a chance to drive. Under the direction of LCpl Widdowson he took the controls of the Squadron Leader‘s tank along a particularly inviting track. Within seconds he was sub— merged in a wave of mud and the tank was flooded throughout. Undeterred. he drove on amidst howls of laughter. and emerged ecstatic at the other end. looking like a mud man from Borneo. Naturally his own crew wouldn’t let him back on their vehicle until he had been hosed down. It took a further three weeks to remove all the mud from inside 0B. Exercise SNOW QUEEN was the next highlight. with another 20 lucky soldiers enjoying a holiday in Bavaria. LCpl Darby returned from his spell as barman in Cyprus just in time to instruct for another season on the ski slopes. It was during the New Year leave period that the Squadron heard of the tragic death of Tpr Hall. in a car accident whilst on leave. SCpl Taylor with Tprs Findell,

Gilligan and Holden represented A Squadron at the funeral. Meanwhile LCpl Morris had deserted the Squadron office for a tour in Northern Ireland. He commanded a four-man detachment from the Regiment with 127 Dragon Battery. 49 Field Regiment. Royal Artillery. for their tour as Prison Guard Force at The Maze. Tpr Ashdown has taken his place. A Squadron took their turn to guard an ammunition site. for which Lt Clee spontaneously became Capt Clee. CoH Dickens kept everyone amused with his libellous advertisements and character assassinations. The traditional sport of ‘hunt the 9mm round~ was played by all. with a happy ending for Tpr X. Ct Wilkinson. LCpl Pantcr and Tpr Shaw returned from their tour in Northern lreland in March in time to catch the beginning of Troop Training. having had a lively tour around Crossmaglen with 2 Scots Guards. After a succession of TEWTs. study days and a spell on Stapel Training Area. the Regiment. now fully equipped with Challenger. loaded for Easter Weekend at Rhcinsehlen Camp. A Squadron began on Easter Tuesday with a two—sided exercise of cat and mouse with 70 tons of Challenger. to sharpen everyone‘s tactical reflexes. After 36 hours it was time for Troop Tests. LCpl Elston deserves a special mention for his superhuman efforts to bomb up a Challenger in 60 minutes. pausing only to have his photograph taken by the Adjutant. The hours of darkness offered the daunting prospect of dodgems whilst map—reading at night as 36 tanks competed at score orienteering. Those who had hoped to use their night— vision goggles or TOGS were crestfallen when these were withdrawn or scaled up. SCpl Taylor. LCpl Elston. Tpr Lansley and Tpr Williams were unlucky enough to suffer collisions with first SCpl Elliott and then Ct Woodward within an hour. The final results put A Squadron firmly in the lead in the inter—Troop competition: 3 Troop. with Capt Clee. LCoH Atkinson and LCoH Brockhurst were the clear winners. and 4 Troop. with SCpl Taylor. CoH Willacy and LCoH McGarry were third. Later. as part of the continuous training for annual firing. we visited ‘Range 3B‘. created on Soltau by Capt Livingstone and






Adventure Training in Bavaria: From the left: Tpr Polley, LCoH Brockhurst, Tpr Henderson, Lt Wilkinson. Tprs Hemming and Glynn

Reece Troop. for an excellent preview of Troop Battleruns. Though A Squadron had fired with 7 Challenger last year. the redistribution of control tanks left us with ll tanks to commission fire. The rigorous preparation for firing. following directly after Soltau. placed a heavy load on the crews and Fitter Section. but the effort was well worthwhile. Capt Clee arranged a visit to the Dutch Leopard II Battalion at Hohne. which gave us some useful comparisons with Challenger and the Dutch training aids: ll of the 14 gunners from the previous firing period were still crewed in the same position. so the relentless programme of gunnery training focused more on the new commanders. Ct Miller joined us in May. straight from his Troop Leader‘s course and started as the junior callsign in 4 Troop. Meanwhile SCM Sackett left us for the fresh challenge of the Mounted Squadron at Knightsbridge. and was replaced by SCM Wendon while SCpl Taylor took over as SOMC. CoH Tapsell joined the Squadron and waited in the wings as Tech Rep until after annual firing. It was almost with relief that the Squadron began firing at the end of June. after so many months of build-up training. under the guidance of CoH Hollingworth. Yet few could remember such a busy programme at Hohne.

combining research for the Gunnery wing. ‘zeroing‘. the Gunnery Standard Training Exercises. and tactical drills by day and night with TOGS. The night battlerun. firing SHP on the move against screens called for the utmost concentration 7 and just a little luck; 2 Troop had the busiest time. cramming in an extra night's firing: Ct Wilkinson. CoH Lock. and LCoH Plater livened up The 16/5 the Queen‘s Royal Lancers‘ live exercises with some excellent long—range shoots. The addition of LCpl Woolfendcn's stag party to the programme gave Tpr Barnard a

night to remember and a few explanations to make the next day. The promotion in the field for A/CoH Dickens needed no explanation. after a year‘s work as 3 Troop Corporal of Horse. This year the Tucker Trophy was assessed on two Troop Battleruns. The placings were decided ultimately on the number of falling plates hit.

and a very disappointed Ct Woodward and CoH Holling— worth had to be content with second place. The finale of a regimentally controlled. all arms. live firing exercise at night was a tremendous climax and a foretaste of the training in Canada next year. Finding the enthusiasm for a further two weeks on Soltau was a little harder. A few members of the Squadron were lucky enough to get 24 hours‘ break before the move to Soltau. Soon we were back in the familiar surroundings of Areas 1. 2 and 3. It tends to be dusty in July. and when Capt Clee sought medical assistance for sore eyes it had some startling results. His pupils dilated like a drug-crazed GI. he developed wonderful night vision. but could not read a map and spent the next week wearing dark glasses. We discovered that he had been inadvertently poisoned with

atropine. In the meantime the crew of 0C. LCoH Davies. LCpl Woolfenden and Tpr Vosper took to singing on road moves. and other eccentric behaviour for which we have found no satisfactory explanation. The systematic progression through the training was proceeding smoothly when Maj Birdwood ordered A Squadron to ‘Stop! Stop! Stop!‘ over the regimental net when we were within seconds of mounting a Squadron attack. We considered what world event might have prompted this order. We discovered that our and everybody else‘s enthusiasm for training had outstripped our allocation of track mileage. As a result A Squadron had to minimise movement for the rest of the period. On return from exercise we said farewell to CoH

B Squadron Notes

B Squadron — November 1988

2 Troop on Exercise IFiON HAMMER Standing: CoH Lock, Tpr Edwards. Lt Wilkinson, Tprs Elliott, Collins, Smith, Glynn, LCoH Hows Kneeling: Tpr Jones, Pte Chenworth (US Cavalry), Tprs Rath and Stokoe

Willacy on posting to the Guards Depot. and CoH Hollingworih on transfer to B Squadron in exchange for CoH Fisher. There was also welcome news: promotion for LCoH Davies and Tprs l\‘iolyneux and Stanley — and summer leave. Ct Wilkinson took LCoH Brockhurst. and Tprs Hemming. Henderson. l’olley and Glyn. to Bavaria for top roping and abseiling at the end of his grand— parents' garden. The Regimental Athletics Day was held in the brief period between the two leave periods with a close contest between A and HQ Squadron In addition to the expected successes of Tprs Barnard. Molyneux. Noon. Findell and LCoH Brockhurst. there y'ere some surprises in the field events. CoH Lock and Tpr Findell took 1st and 3nd in the javelin. and Maj Miller—Bakewell and Tpr Williams took 1st and 2nd in the hammer. In the end A Squadron had to concede the shield to H0 Squadron. now swollen with the ranks of Command Squadron. While the remainder of the Squadron enjoyed their leave. Capt Clee and his team set about the Cadre Course. CsoH Fisher and Rees both gave their expert assistance. and a guest appearance by Lt Lane Fox. fresh from Saumur. added a certain [e m' mix quoi to the proceedings. With LCpl Halfhide as the barrack room instructor. the A Squadron staff matched the number of students. LCpl Snell won the prize for the best student at drill. and LCpl Stanley for PT. Meanwhile. somewhere in the south of France. Lt Woodward with Tprs Barnard. Brown. Collins. McCabe. Noon. Redfern and Vosper. and LCpl Dempster of HO Squadron were exchanging cash in lieu of rations for dozens of oysters. baguettes. suntan oil and other essentials for the 1 Troop Adventure Training Expedition. Within hours of returning Tprs

Noon and Barnard were heading for Windsor for three weeks pre—course before P Company selection — the first steps in our conversion to armoured reconnaissance. Both passed P Company and go on to parachute training in January. The next challenge was ROMP ROUND. a 36—hour dismounted exercise for tank crews. The 10 three— or four—man teams tackled tasks such as gunnery. signals. driving and maintenance. artillery target indication. and NBC: and some original variations on First Aid. AFV recognition. pistol and SMG. LCpl Panter with Tprs Brown and O‘Neill solved the initiative test in a dazzling time. inspired no doubt by the keen interest of the Brigade Commander who suddenly appeared. The night of the exercise was a demanding 18—mile march with seven off»route check points along the slopes of the Lippischer Wald. The crews‘ map—reading and march times put them clearly in the lead: Ct Miller. with Tprs

The first announcement of the year is that B Squadron is no longer 14/20 H but really D Squadron in disguise! The 14/20 H Squadron left to join the rest of the Regiment in Munster in March. We wish them the best of luck there. The transformation from D to B was relatively painless but still involved moves of accommodation for the single soldiers. For others the most traumatic aspect was the requirement to remember to write B rather than D. Minor adjustments to tac and other signs completed the change. A hidden benefit was the acquisition of further cups and trophies to display, The remainder of the Squadron received their long» awaited Challengers. SHQ had been issued with theirs last year. The first opportunity to use them came in March with three days on Stapel training area. Stapel will be familiar to many readers who knew Detmold and we can reassure them that it remains very much the same. The few days at Stapel led on to Troop Training and Troop Tests at Soltau in April. One Troop. commanded by COH Mardon. came first in the Squadron and fourth overall. The tests lasted two days and provided some thrills. a few spills and an interesting night for some.

Polley. Bowden (215) and Larmouth were first. CoH

Fisher, LCpl Stanley and Tpr Round second, and LCpl Halfhide. Tprs Glyn. Elliott and Newman were third. The rations provided were full of energy. mostly because they were still alivel Tpr Larmouth made quick work of the chicken and the rabbit; however most were not hungry enough to attempt rabbit casserole for breakfast after 18 miles and no sleep. During the year we have said farewell to Tprs Gautrey. Smith (97) and Bostock and wish them the best of luck in

their new careers. It has been Chieftain. but training in Canada again. so that familiar beast is refresher training for those with

almost a year without will be on the dinosaurs back with us again for short memories.


.. .-







Exercise ROMP AROUND: Tprs Franklin and Glasgow forced to inject themselves by the RMO

After a short period of Squadron training we moved down to Hohne to commission fire the new tanks. This was completed successfully after painstaking checks of all the gun systems and thorough preparation by the crews. Commission firing was merely a light break in the preparation for annual firing in June. In February. the commanders had undertaken a rigorous gunnery course. Subsequently. GTS training was taken to extremes by -l Troop who won the competition. Saturday trips to the NAAFI were replaced. in June. with dry battleruns on the Goldgrund. June was also enlivened by the Regimental Swimming Competition in which the Squadron came a very close second. There were outstanding performances by LCsoH Pitt and Townsend. LCpl Smith (39) and Tpr Glasgow. The Chain of Command did well (bar SCM Evans — li-lo

troublel). Although the sun did shine during the competition it had not done so much before it and the freezing water may have added to the speed of some competitors. At the end of June we returned to Hohne for annual firing followed by Battle Group Training. All the preparation paid off with above average results from all during the firing. Credit should be given to the Squadron Gunnery Instructors CsoH Mai'don. Vickers and Fisher and LCsoH Flynn and Kershaw whose unfailing enthusiasm contributed to a very successful firing. CoH Mardon and 1 Troop won the Swayne-Wakeham Wake Up Cup for the second year running by winning an inter— Troop scored battlerun.

C Squadron Notes Shock horror: l988 begins in 1987! No surprise to school children. or the Inland Revenue. but something which still occasionally catches the writer by surprise. This article therefore covers the period in C Squadron‘s life between October 1987 and October 1988. After a reasonably relaxed year the pace of life began to quicken with the change in the Regiments ownership in the autumn of 1987. The Squadron‘s command team. led by Maj Birdwood and including. amongst others. Lt Broughton. Ct Woodward (a refugee from A Sqn). CoH

' . gm t - »"- ‘' ' Lt Wakeham, CoH Lawson, LCoH Maxwell, LCpls Cowton and Pendlebury, Tprs Burger and Howell with snowman (correctly dressed): Exercise IRON HAMMER

Battle Group Training followed immediately after annual firing. A short period of training with infantry and engineers led on to two of the three Brigade test exercises the Squadron has taken part in this year. Short of sleep. we returned to Sennelager to start block leave with the exception of 4 Troop who joined the Royal Scots for a weeks field firing on Sennelager ranges. which allowed them to fire a lot of ammunition at very few targets. Regimental Athletics in September was not perhaps blessed with the success we would have liked. However. everyone did their best notably LCoH Townsend and LCpl Pendlebury who came first and second in the discus. Tpr Slight. l.CoH Elliott and Tpr Gerrard who came first to third in the pole vault and the Chain of Command who were easily the best but who were most convincingly disqualified! October had us back at Soltau for a week supporting the Royal Scots on their Battle Group Training. This presented us with yet another opportunity to take part in a Brigade test exercise. We are just about getting to know the sequence of events! The Squadron returned to the Gold Stick‘s visit. Exercise ROMP ROUND and preparation for Exercise IRON HAMMER the FTX in November. Exercise ROMP ROUND brought Troop Training to a close for the vear,with stands on Stapel and in the neighbourhood of Athlone Barracks testing crew and individual skills in everything from NBC to managing a disaster. Gunnery. blindfold weapon assembly and an lS—mile night orienteering exercise were included. Again everybody put in a good effort although Tprs Nudd and Pelling must remember that food preparation and first aid do not always mix. We welcome: Maj Browne. Ct Poole. SSgt Baker. CsoH Holling» worth. Lawson and Mitchell and LCsoH Dobie. Harris (97). O‘Brien and Kershaw.

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file» CoH



Mitchell and a seriously dead chicken: Exercise


Atkinson and LCpl Perry. deployed to umpire the 17/ 21 L who were acting as enemy for the US Corps on Exercise REFORGER. Since 4 Brigade apparently suc— ceeded in causing mayhem amongst a larger US force their umpiring was clearly highly effective. Having had the chance to see how things could be done the Squadron deployed for their first period of Battle Group training for some time in November. working with the OLR. 1987 then ended. officially. and 1988 began. January and February are always supposed to be quiet months. As usual nothing could have been further from the truth. The Squadron dissolved. Maj Birdwood retired to a hermit‘s cell in RHQ. Capt Broughton took the somewhat extreme option of emigrating. temporarily. to New Zealand. SCM Manning took up a job opportunity ‘somewhere in Canada‘ and the Troop Leaders. together with Tprs Lickfold and Jackson. disappeared to form the Regimental Ski Team. Those who were left. including the new SCM. SCM Guest. had the uncnviable task of

preparing the Squadron's Chieftains for handover. and the slighter happier job of receiving our new Challengers. A great deal of hard work was done in this period. which resulted in letters of thanks front the new owners of our tanks and which also laid the foundations of our automotive reliability later in the year. The end of February was the first appearance of the new Squadron Leader. Maj W R Rollo. who appeared from the rigours of the ASC and All Arms Tactics Course at Warminster to be told that he was on a Commanders Gunnery Course. running a Regimental Study Period in 24 hours time. and taking the Squadron Troop Training in a week‘s time. Unsurprisingly. some things slipped.

2 Troop Commanders on Exercrse IRON HAMMER: Ct Daly, CoH Day and LCoH Gaskell

Troop Training on the Goldgrund was noteworthy first for the weather. which was vile: second for the troop leaders choice of routes and fire positions. with Ct Lockhart. in particular. discovering that certain fire positions are best entered cautiously from the rear rather than at 30 mph in reverse; third for proving once more that however reliable the tank it must be used continuously to avoid trouble: and finally for the revelation provided by our new night viewing aids which made life inconvenient for those who believe that ‘out of sight. out of mind‘ is the best mode for the Squadron Leader once darkness has fallen. Having. so we were told. destroyed the Goldgrund and added several thousand to the Green vote in Paderborn we returned to a profusion of Regimental TEWT and Study days. the preparation of our new tanks, and 21 Border Patrol commanded by Ct Lockhart and consisting of a mixed Troop of LCoI—l Rendall. LCpls Farmer. Spandley. and Taylor. and Tprs Binks. Bowtell. Lochrane. Murphy. Mowbray. Reid and Robinson. Amidst some surprise they returned unscathed and without East German stamps in their passports! The next event in the Training Year was Squadron Training on Soltau which began. traditionally. at Easter with a Captain‘s Guard on the tanks. commanded by Capt S D Jacobs. the new Squadron 21C. over the weekend. A bare 2—1 hours was then allowed for troop drills to be practised over the more extended areas of Soltau before the troops were launched into a series of Regirncntally controlled Troop tests over «18 hours. These included old favourites. such as the disaster stand complete with the ever helpful man in shock (to be subdued. conned or coerced depending on the mood of the treater). as well as new items such as the complete bombing up of a tank against the clock. and a night

We say goodbye to:

Maj Lukas. Capt Stra[ton-Christensen. Lts Swayne and Woyka. SCpl (now SCM) Guest. SSgt (now AQMS) Johnston. CsoH Fisher and Wasp. LCsoH Brettel. Gaskell. Flynn and Young and LSgt Burt.

Aim , Capt Swayne With the colonel of the Regiment. LCpl Crocker contemplating the Guards Depot B Squadron Tug-o-War Team

navigation exercise in which all night navigation aids were withdrawn. Ill. crewed by Lt Scott. LCpl Kibble. and LCpl Perry. was most successful at bombing up. However. 3 Troop.

led by CoH Elliot. LCoH Kent. LCoH Rendall. and LCpl Young. were clear leaders within the Squadron and came second within the Regiment. defeated only by an ‘unfortunate‘ collision in the night navigation phase when CoH Elliot's tank was rammed by a hit and run merchant from A Squadron. No guesses for the winning troop! (This a totally unjustified and libcllous remark for which an apology will be published in the 1989 Edition — Ed). Sadly the rest of the Squadron was less successful. However. a great deal was learned and the rest of the Squadron Training passed rapidly. Ct Lydiard—Wilson made the first of several attempts to find the Southern Crossing; the Squadron Leader organised at dawn attack in thick fog which found him alone on the Start Line reduced to switching off engines and listening hopefully for the rest of the Squadron (who sensibly waited for the sun to come up); and LCpl Young led a patrol from 3 Troop which successfully took out the QLR's Reece Platoon. Hardly were we back from Soltau then we began to prepare for our annual Site Gaurd which we provided from the 29 April to the 6 May. Once again Capt Jacobs was the site Guard Commander. on this occasion supported by CsoH Atkinson and Rushton as Platoon Commanders. The Guard remained reasonably cheerful despite the inevitable round of inspections which culminated in the US Annual Inspection of the Site; an event which was fortunately deconflicted with LCoH Frampton‘s videos. Once back again at Sennelager we sought relief from an apparently endless series of gunnery competitions in a number of ways. A Squadron BBQ gave a number of members of the Squadron the chance to locate the steering tillers and brakes on a black horse. ably assisted by Tpr Nixon. A Squadron Its a Knockout Competition in which everyone in the Squadron had a chance to heave

. s











a wet sponge at Squadron Leader and SCM (and for them to return the compliment) was a great success and provided some much needed light relief. And the Regimental Swimming Competition finally gave the athletes in the Squadron the opportunity to shine. The Squadron Team. organised by LCoH Frampton and LCpl Dobie. began training in secret and secured a precious week‘s lead over the opposition. All the early morning training paid off when the Squadron won the final event in a close fought competition. The team consisted of Ct Lockhart. CoH Elliot. LCsoH Carney and Matthew (who took over 4 seconds off his previous best time on meeting the open air. unheated swimming pool). LCpl Farmer. Tprs Davies 58. Jackson. Jones, McGee. and Morris 61.

The Squadron had a slow build—up to Hohne. However. the endless training paid off with a text book firing period in which the Squadron was fortunate to peak at exactly the right moment to secure. by a narrow margin. the best results in the Regiment. The Squadron‘s average score on OSCAR was 30 out of 36. while first. third and fifth places in the Regimental Gunnery Competition were taken by 1. 4. and 3 Troops. respectively. 1 Troop won the Tucker Trophy. and CoH Rushton, with Tpr Sykes as gunner. gained the best individual score with a remark— able 12 out of 12 on OSCAR. Perhaps most credit. however. should go to CoH Elliot and his team of gunnery instructors e CoH Atkinson (who sadly was posted just as his work with 4 Troop began to pay dividends). CoH Day and LCoH Rendell. Immediately after Hohne the Squadron moved to Soltau for Regimental and Battle Group Training. Initial hiccoughs such as the high speed collisions of (DB and 30 and 30 (again!) and 11 were soon set aside and the

onto the Range: Hohne

Squadron began to work well. both internally and with A and B Companies of l QLR. 1 Troop made fresh efforts to discover the elusive Southern Crossing; 2 Troop

attempted to persuade LCoH Nolan of the difference between a Challenger and a bicycle; 3 Troop were led with increasing confidence by LCoH Kent in the unfor— tunate absence of CoH Elliot (recovering from injuries); and 4 Troop continued their progress with Ct Lockhart and LCoH Rendall. The training period culminated in two 36—hour Brigade run Test exercises. In the first the Squadron worked with the QLR who were under test and succeeded in completely upsetting the exercise timetable by a series of rapid and unorthodox manoeuvres. In the second we worked as enemy to the Regiment and attempted with mixed success to repeat the process in reverse. Amongst the better moments were the successful infiltration and crossing of a reserved demolition by SHQ and a devastation flanking attack inspired. it has to be said by a little bit of local knowledge. . . Throughout both periods the Squadron owed an enormous debt to SSgt McLeod and the Fitter Section. whose constant vigilance before the exercise preempted many problems and whose hard work during it kept the Squadron on the road. The conclusion of a long but very satisfying period of training saw the bulk of the Squadron disappear on leave in August and September. Other events prevented those left behind from having as relaxed at time as might have been hoped. However. Lt Lydiard-Wilson and CoH Cowton took a party to Corsica in September. LCpl Spandley and Tprs Lickfold and Murphy hurled them— selves out of perfectly good aeroplanes. and Tpr Morris 61 survived a rock climbing course in the Harz Moun— tains. Closer to home LSgt Coleman and Tprs Davies 35 and Lickfold produced further signs of a misspent youth by attempting to instruct the remainder of the Squadron in how to turn over a perfectly good canoe. The Squadron Leader. who made seven successive attempts to master this peculiarly black art. is not convinced that he was given the whole story and is currently waiting for the snow and contemplating a suitable return for his instructors. Finally Ct Lockhart took a team which included LCpl Pycroft. and Tprs Bowtell. Clayton. Murphy. and Sykes. to HQ Squadron's Holiday Camp at Vogelsang. This proved less of a holiday than advertised but was excellent preparation for the Regimental Cadre Course (organised by Capt Clee (A Sqn) and the SCM) in which Tpr Clayton won both the award for Best Student and his promotion to LCpl.



Ct Daly and crew attempting to g

ROMP AROUND From the left: Tpr Williamson. Ct Daly, Tpr Robinson and LCpl Crocker

Congratulations are due in particular to Lt Scott on his new post as 21C. SCpl Elliot as the new SQMC. LCoH Rendall as 4 Troop CoH. and LCsoH Horner. Farmer. and Young on their appointment as tank commanders. Perhaps even more important LCoH Farmer. Tprs Morris 61, McGee. Johnson. Lochrane and Cfn Tooke have taken to married life. Overall it has been a year in which everyone in the Squadron has learnt a great deal and. if one can say such things without tempting fate too much. which should provide a very sound springboard for a most successful and enjoyable 1989.

The Squadron has seen a massive turnover in the period with some 34 members posted in or out. Maj Birdwood. Capts Broughton. Jacobs and Swayne. SCM Manning. SCpls Morgan and Baker. CsoH Ashby. Atkinson. Rushton. Dunkley. and Maher. LCsoH Miles. Nolan. Dobie. Gaskell and Thorpe. LCpl Hellewell. and Tprs Charles. Wood. Coulter. Ball. Habgood. Seed. Jackson. Murphy. Preston and Coulson as well as Sgt Blaza. LSgts Aylmes and Reeve. and LCpls Herman and Campbell have all left us. In their place we have welcomed Maj Rollo. Cts Daly and Lockhart. SCM Guest. CoH Cowton. LCsoH Matthew and Simpson. LCpls Hagan and Ibbotson. and Tprs Davies 35. Robin— son. Weall. Ward. Maloney. Henderson. Shaw. Simms.

and Williamson as well as Sgt Kingdom. LSgts Wright. Stephen. Scott. Lambe. and Cfn Tooke and Cassie. If this seems an unequal trade it is clearly quality that counts and we have been lucky enough to be able to

promote within the Squadron on several occasions!

Lt Lydiard-Wilson with nothing to hide...

HQ Squadron Notes

Maj Barclay publicnsmg Ho Squadron‘s latest manpower crusrs

It is traditional to write in these notes that it has been a busy year for HQ Squadron. This year has not only been extraordinary busy. it has been a 366—day continuous initiative test for all our Troops and departments, The reduction in manpower due to becoming a Type 43 Regiment has meant a considerable amount of double batting and cross posting at short notice. It is a tribute to the flexibility of the members of this Squadron that they have not only survived but kept both the Regiment running and a sense of humour. The issue of Challenger. and the handing over of our old Chieftain fleet has kept the OM (Tech) department very occupied for most of the period. MT and the Al Echelon have also discovered that Challenger is a quite different beast to its predecessor when it comes to re-supply. All departments. with the exception of the QMs who retain their ability to disappear at the right moment. have discovered anew the delights of tin hats. cam cream and trench digging. Even the Squadron Leader discovered

that he was quite handy with a spade. It is not true that he broke his arm falling into his own trench. The true cause is quite a different story. Those wishing to hear it should ask Lt Woyka or LCpl Knibbs. The highlight of the year for most of the Squadron has been our visit in September to Vogelsang. This was largely organised by SCM Hunter as the Squadron Leader was imprisoned in the Rehabilitation Centre at Soest. Vogelsang is quite unlike Hohne or Soltau. It is a Belgian training area situated in the very beautiful German Ardennes. The camp itself is of good solid fascist architecture imaginatively perched on the sides of some very steep hills. The facilities for sport. adventure training. ranges and recreation are unsurpassed. All members of the Squadron who attended had the chance to fire a wide variety of weapons including the very impressive new SA80. The Assistant Adjutant. 2Lt Mawby, and the RMO. Capt Moss. proved the best shots with the 84mm Carl Gustav. Every member of the 12

Squadron had a chance to Windsurf or canoe on the many reservoirs in that area. but in many cases this was more akin to swimming lessons. It is unfortunate that RHQ Troop were unable to join us at Vogelsang as they were doing their own adventure training at the Battle Group Trainer in Sennclager. It is hoped that next year they will join us in a repeat performance at Vogelsang. The Squadron is probably at the highest level of physical fitness for many years. We were the clear winners of the Regimental sports day and this is largely to the credit of SCM Hunter. The fact that he has lately taken up the sport of marathon running and is encouraging the Squadron to emulate him may have helped. He has already run the Berlin Marathon in a time of 3 hrs 33 mins. The Squadron Leader has so far declined to accompany him, A mention must be made of the efforts put in by the Regimental Cooks. They have managed to produce excellent food out of very little in the most unlikely and inhospitable places. They have dug trenches and manned LMGs along with everybody else. They in some cases have even become tank crewman when required. They have proved good members of this Regiment. RHQ TROOP This has been a full year for the Troop with the new equipment mentioned in last year's notes now being familiar and well tested. After Capt O‘Halloran‘s move to Tech leaving SCpl Blackburn to run the Troop. a new Regimental Signals Officer was head hunted and dispatched to do his course. duly joining the Troop in February just in time to join in Exercise FLYING FALCON. As luck would have it. the RSWO chose this moment to remember he still hadn‘t completed his education, leaving Lt Woyka to cut his teeth on Exercise BUFFALO BRAIN. the Brigade CPX which was also part of Exercise FLYING FALCON. March saw all of the Regiment on Soltau for Troop Training and Troop Tests notable for the excitement caused by the Colonel when he decided to test RHQs reaction time. The Colonel confided in the Adjutant and

‘ “smwt i - g


at the appointed time was seen by a stunned RHQ running with total abandonment through the position throwing thunder flashes. CoH Grccnaway was the first to react by rugby tackling this new and unforeseen threat. A mistake he realised almost immediately. A2 Echelon were also co-opted. However their efforts against RHQ proved costly and ended up with HQ Squadron Leader being Y Listed with a broken shoulder. In May. the Troop was again CPXing it. this time in the Divisional CPX IRON CHARGE. This exercise saw us in a old abandoned medieval customs post in the bottom

of a valley with pylons all around. an interesting location for a signals exercise!




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flD — W02 Elsey, CoH Hyndman, LCpl Knibbs. Tprs Carr and Johnson

On return to camp it was the summer season with the Rhine Army summer show and Polo Tournaments to support. June saw us joining in with Recce Troop on Annual Firing, firing GPMG and .30 both static and on Battleruns. The Regiment then deployed direct to Soltau and Battle Group Training. With autumn came the Battle Group Trainer and the Regimental TELS PRE. All passed off well. We sadly say goodbye to SCpl Blackburn as RSWO and CoH Masson as Al‘s signals SNCO. In their place we welcome SCpl Manning on posting and CoH Davies on return from his instructor‘s course. Courses have been run steadily throughout the year with the successful inclusion of REME user courses attended by our LAD and personnel from 5 Armoured Workshops. After the success of last year's internal Control Signallers course another is planned for the beginning of next year. This is run jointly between ourselves and 5 INNIS DG. 4/7 DC and 15/19 H. RECCE TROOP

As the present caretaker for Reece Troop as Capt McCullough is away learning how to write and spell I was given the Herculean task of writing the infamous Troop notes. In doing so I had a quick look through last year‘s and I quote ‘it appeared that Recce Troop was in for a quiet year . . . ! Well this year has, the taxpayer will be relieved to know, been exceedingly busy. In fact I might


The RSO preparing for the Commanding Officer‘s next attack

almost describe it as frenzied. The year began, not surprisingly. in January. The Troop was involved with SNOW QUEEN and most members managed to get away to ski. Tpr Pass went a stage further than the rest and trained and raced with the Regimental Downhill Team. Everyone came down with a

‘bump’ in February and the Troop got down to work running internal courses for both the new and old. On the disbandment of the old ‘8‘ Squadron the Troop acquired Tprs Bowen, Gaddes, Turner and from C Squadron and HQ Squadron Tprs Liddell and Clerehugh. LCoH Voyce volunteered his services and arrived in early February to take over where LCoH Harris left off. Apart from the internal courses the Regiment ran a number of training and study days to which the Troop naturally subscribed. With the Easter break came Troop Training when Capt McCullough and SCpl Henney were able once more to sweep out the cobwebs vigorously; the men if not the vehicles benefited from it all enormously. The Troop was then at the end of April heavily involved in the Menden Site Guard. As an operational commitment it was made all the more hectic by the Americans carrying out an inspection. By the middle of May the Troop had shaken out again in preparation for a double dose, Hohne followed by Soltau. Luckily no—one had any other pressing engagements in the months of June and July. Hohne had its moments and with six new gunners and a handful of new commanders it was hardly surprising. Considering the new talent the Troop came up to all expectations and this is much to the credit of SCpls Gimblett and Henney‘s patient instruction as well as to the enthusiasm of Capt McCullough and much helpful advice from Capt Ormerod the IG. Battle Group Training proved to be a very fast-moving exercise for the Troop. At one stage Capt Jacobs and five members of the LAD in a Scorpion and two GS Rovers took on the might of the Battle Group and won which was lucky because they very nearly never made it and were only awoken by the thunder of A Squadron’s tanks through their position on the first day. The Troop also found that they were being broadcast to by the opposition and were uncomfortable in the knowledge that LCoH Pilchowski was in fact not one of them but a spy. This has been confirmed. He is now doing a parachuting course. Since August members of Reece Troop have been all over the world doing a whole host of activities. Tprs McCarley and Clement-Shipley preferred to stay in Sennelager and took part in the Regimental Cadre Course. Meanwhile. Tprs Cleary and Clerehugh sunned themselves with RHQ Troop in the South of France. Tpr Callow went and then returned from his Gunner Mech Course having. I hasten to add. successfully completed it. LCoH Hodges returned to us after being away for four months having his ankle put back together again. LCoH Flanagan, who transferred from RHQ Troop has been putting the radios back together. In September we said goodbye to LCpl ‘Alf‘ Hodgeson who was snatched away to ride horses ‘uptown‘. LCoH Ford and Tpr Gaddes. having volunteered for ‘P‘ Company, left for England and we have not heard a word. We pray daily for their safe return. LCpl Schofield and LCoH Voyce have both been involved in internal courses of one kind or another and Tpr Bowen ran a Canoeing Cadre for the Regiment. We look forward now to Exercise IRON HAMMER next month. when again the ‘eyes and ears‘ of the Regiment will be kept exceedingly busy.


‘ or? s . . " _ . . ROMC Buckle with B echelon (reinforced) and the Toad Flag at Hohne

The year 1988 began very slowly for the Department. Having been through the year of change (1987) we fully expected to swan through 1988. but alas. the best—laid plans can come to grief. January to March saw a lot of us away on courses with several members of the Department now certified Equipment Managers. Other members have just been plain certified. April saw us running. once again B Echelon at Soltau where the OM roughed it in a tent (carpeted of course). On return from Soltau we enjoyed a night out at the local bowling alley ably organised by Tpr Renton with trophies awarded to the highest-scoring individuals. These were won by LCoH Eyre and Mrs Grimes. RHQ decided in May that we had been in camp too long. so off to Hohne we all went. where LCoH Sharples was seen many a time with his boots and socks off counting his bullets. For the rest of us bike—riding became the thing. and it was discovered that the easiest way to get to the Ammo Compound w as to hang on to a passing SQMC‘s Bedford. With bombs. bullets and a very successful Hohne behind us. we went straight on to Soltau. where this time the RQ slept in a tent (no carpet though) and the Toad flag was once more established over B Echelon.

On our return from Soltau. we returned to what. we believed. would he a slow down over the leave period. leading up to the Ordnance Ancillary inspection in November. but as usual we were mistaken once again. We began to erect tents for any and every conceivable occasion, at one stage holding more camp stores than the BAOR Loan Pool. Having put them up and taken them down on numerous occasions. LCsoH Eyre and Sharples were glad to see the back of them. In a full and varied year. when our logistical talents have been stretched to the fall. it would be unfair not to mention the major workforce in the Department. Tprs Moody. Quinn. Renton and Pilchowski. who have dealt with the many tasks that we are given. During the year we have sadly had to say farewell to CoH Grimes (H Cav MR): CoH Bryson (Civvy) (Mojo); LCoH Cross (H Cav MR): LCoH Needham (MT Tp); LCpls Joyce. Round and Tprs Quin. Ellison (Civvy). As









. MT TROOI’ Since last writing there have been many changes. MT Troop are still in the process of building back up to their true establishment. but with the MTO being double hatted MT Troop have had to learn to organise and set up battleruns and gunnery stands for the troops, as well as carrying out their normal tasks during Troop Training and Battle Group Training. As one would expect in the fast moving world of MT peoplehmove on, and sadly we have said goodbye to: Capt Livingstone. CoH Tapsell. LCoH Beresford. LCpls Perry and Perkins. and Tprs Stanley. Pleace. Proffitt. and Richardson (3RTR). We also make welcome the following: W02 Armishaw (MTO). LCoH Needham. Tprs Bond. Jackson. Gilligan, Murphy, Heath, Habgood. Davies (80) and Davies (65). Finally we congratulate LCpls Lawson and Byrne on their promotion.


Department. we welcome Tprs Pilchowski and Simkins (again). Lastly. we welcome our new Civil Labour Clerk Alison. who still does not know what a pink baggy sweatshirt isll TECHNICAL QUARTERMASTER’S DEPARTMENT

m. '4'.

“= ‘1’

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ORDERLY ROOM AND UNIT ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE The notes for this and. hopefully, following years have been combined with those of the UAO (Pay Office to the old—fashioned). in the spirit of joint endeavour which has recently peaked with the appearance of RAPC duty clerks. In October 1987 the chief clerk. W02 Greer. handed over to SCpl Reeve on his return from England. W02 Greer left. on promotion. to become the Superintending Clerk and has subsequently been commissioned. During the early part of 1988 RHQ finally settled into the offices it has occupied since the move from Detmold and an absolute ban has been placed on future change— rounds. In April the Div 2 RAPC SSgt Edwards was succeeded by SSgt Shreeves; we all wished SSgt Edwards lots of luck with 2 PARA. Prior to the summer leave exodus LCOH Seget was finally shoehorned out of RHQ on his first posting in 15 years of service. only to H Cav MR admittedly but hopefully for a pleasant change. Following the leave period the BAOR Documentation Team inspected the Regiment’s documents during the first week of September and due to a great deal of preparation by every clerk we achieved the ‘Good‘ standard we had aimed for. Finally in October an era closed with the departure of OR CoH Mawer to be Chief Clerk of 14/20 H following three good years in his job. CoH Broughton has been persuaded to leave PAMPAS and adopt his mantle.

The Quartermaster (Technical)'s Department on Exercise IRON HAMMER

The Department has had an interesting and busy year mainly due to the restructuring to a Type 43 Armoured Regiment. This entailed the preparation and handing over to 3 RTR of a squadron‘s fleet of tanks. ‘8‘ vehicles and G 1098 stores. A difficult task at the best of times. but complicated slightly as the Squadron was that of our attached 14/20 H personnel. However. with lots of effort from all concerned the hand over went superbly. In May. we took delivery of our last two Challengers. which at long last completed the new fleet. We have suffered all sorts of frustrations with Challenger spares procurement. Strangely the problems have all resulted from shortages of everyday running items. However. having said all this Challenger is a far easier tank to support than its predecessor. Chieftain. One of the great advantages is that it cannot travel on the German railway system at night and this means that we are always transported door to door by 7 Tank Transporter Regiment RCT. In August we said a sad farewell to RQMC(T) Harkness who left us on promotion to Bristol University OTC where we wish him every success. SCpl I’artis. having been promoted himself. has taken over as

the RGO — or vice versa!

A/ROMC(T) for the forseeablc future. We have wel—

The Colonel of the Regiment with the Quartermaster and Master Chef

comed Tpr Dalrymplc and congratulate SCpl Partis. LCoH Hendon and LCpI MacKenzie on their promotions.


LAD Notes

The Mounted Squadron Notes

A Squadron Fitter Section at Hohne

January 1988 was the beginning of another busy year for the LAD. with work starting immediately after the Christmas leave period to bring the Chieftains up to standard for handover. With the change to Challenger a large number of people attended familiarisation courses. This co—incided with a large turnover in personnel as we reduced to a Type 43 LAD establishment and finally said goodbye to Sgt Pickup and his team to 3 RTR in March. This month also saw WOl (ASM) Smurthwaite handing over to W01 (ASM) Savage. Injury has forced ASM Savage to temporarily hang up his riding boots and it is noticeably how much quieter the LAD has become as people tip-toe past his office. During May the LAD managed to get some members away adventure training on the REME yacht. Princess Marina. Sgt Herbert skippered a crew of LCpl Graham. Cfn Duddy and Tpr Suter. They started their voyage from Keil Training Centre and sailed to Marstal via Sondenborg and Svendberg. Sgt Herbert had recently completed his skipper‘s course and decided to check out the boat and the crew with a quick trip around the harbour. This proved to be a success with the critical exception of their docking skills which they ‘practised‘ endlessly. Also in May the LAD entered 2 teams in a multi-national Military Skills Competition near Folde. Our teams consisted of: Team one — LSgt Seddon. LCpl McTaggart. LCpl Foley. Team Two — SSgt Powell. LCpl McDermot. LCpl Hodges. The competition consisted of 260 teams. and ran for two days. Rock climbing. orienteering. an assault course.

survival. river crossing by boat and cable. and a march and shoot competition were included. At the end of the two day event the LAD were placed a highly creditable 23rd and 3lst. respectively. In June it was back to hard work preparing for Firing Camp and Battle Group training. Everyone involved worked hard to overcome a number of interesting technical problems that arose during the period. July and August gave time for a well~deserved rest. in the form of block leave. This was a chance for HQ LAD to recharge their batteries before military training in Vogelsang at the beginning of September. This was a new experience for many people who had not been run over by a tank before. Learning how to make your very own petrol bomb appealed to one or two and all involved are looking forward to next year‘s exercise. The change of manpower continued throughout the year. Most notably AQMS Swirles arriving in May to fill the Artificer Weapon‘s post that had been vacant nine months. AQMS Gray departed for 2RTR in August to be replaced by AQMS Dcelcy from 2Fd Regt RA. SSgt A Winnard has recently arrived to fill the large gap left by SSgt (Black Mae) McLean in HQ LAD where he will look after HQ Sqn‘s B vehicles. a task which has been likened to painting the Forth Road Bridge. Overall the last year has been busy and varied. with many people leaving and arriving together with all the problems of familiarisation with new equipment. However a great deal has been achieved to be built upon for a more stable year in 1989.

The Queen’s Birthday Parade 1988

Like most other things at Knightsbridge. the year does not necessarily follow a well»ordered pattern. Last year seemed to start in November. This apparent departure from the Julian tradition is not surprising it you consider what we have done over the last 12 months. The main event of last autumn should have been the State Visit of The President of Italy: sadly his country rcvolted at the last minute preventing him from coming. Immediately after the rehearsals for this non-event. the Troops started Troop Winter Camps at Ardingly Show Ground. This proved an ideal venue with proper accom— modation. large indoor riding school. cross»country course and many other facilities. The Old Surrey and Burstow Hounds kindly allowed us to hunt free and many local contacts were made. The British Horse Society Assistant Instructors Course started at Windsor with Tprs Austin. Twyman. Pickford and Lee. They all successfully passed their exams in February. A new departure this year has been a Winter Training Troop at Windsor through which we have rotated two Troopers each month. This has gone very well and has led to a general improvement in the standard of horse— manship. Aftcr Christmas and New Year 21) members of the

Squadron went skiing in a Regimental Hut in Scotland and LCoH Graham and Tpr Caile went on Exercise WINTER WARRIOR in Bavaria. The Cadre Course started in February run by Capt Mountain and with Tprs Wilson. Beulah. Yarnold. Moore. Coombs. Byrne. Scovell. Dowle. Walding and Cox»Rushbridge taking part. The course finished with a two-day exercise at Thetford. The ceremonial year got under way in April with the State Vist of The King of Norway at Windsor. This was followed by The Major—General's Inspection in Hyde Park which sadly had to take place in cloaks due to wet weather. In May. we held the Squadron Show Jumping Competition on Kensington Palace Fields and we were very pleased to welcome the Colonel of the Regiment who presented the prizes. Lts Ward»Thomas and Wingficld Digby provided an eventful Travelling Escort for HM The Queen for The Royal Marines Beating the Retreat on Horse Guards in early June. much of which has been preserved on celluloid. The Queen‘s Birthday Parade took place on Saturday ll June. The Field Officer was the Squadron Leader. the 17


Dunkley, LCoH Graham



«4 .

ry in action with Tpr Scovell

Escort Commander was Capt Mountain and SCM Davies carried the Standard. The parade was a great success and we were blessed with fine weather. The following Monday we had the Garter Service at Windsor which was particularly hot but nobody fell out. sustained. possibly by the thought of a week‘s leave to come. We put the horses out for a fortnight in late June and everyone got away for a few days before preparing for the State visit of The President of Turkey. which was a Blues and Royals Escort. on 12 July. This was followed by the Royal Tournament where we had the Mounted Band and The Musical Ride. Perhaps the biggest new departure this year was holding Summer Camp at Thetford. We were very lucky to have Bodney Camp and the use of the training area extension which the Army has just acquired. and spent from 8 until 30 August enjoying one of the most successful camps anyone can remember. The horses were

RQMC Davis

in portable woodhouse stabling and all the accommodation was in permanent huts. The Squadron had a very successful time on the competition front. CoH Brooks won the officers and SNCOs Show Jumping. beating the Squadron Leader by 0.5 of a second. (He is now on the Falkland Islands). The three Troop Leaders with their respective Corporals of Horse took the first three places in the Regimental Officers and SNCOs cross—country with CsoH Taylor and Lawson finishing fourth. Tpr McCormack won the Regimental Junior Ranks Show Jumping held on Open Day and Tpr Scovell won the

Skill—at-Arms for which Capt Mountain presented a new cup. September saw most of us on leave and at the time of writing preparations are under way for the Squadron to take part in a Home Defence Exercise at Northolt Aerodrome in early October. Following that we have the State Visit of The President of Senegal and the State Opening of Parliament to look forward to. There has been quite a change round of Squadron personnel during the year. Capt Mountain has left us for the delights of JCSC. We dined him out at Summer Camp and presented him with 21 Christine Bousfield picture to mark his equestrian years. Capt Johnsen has taken over as second—in—Command and Lt Broughton has joined us as l Troop Leader. Lt Wingfield Digby arrived in April and has taken over 3 Troop. In June. SCM Davies moved to become ROMC and we welcomed SCM Sackett in his place. We held a farewell Dinner for him on 4 July and presented him with a picture as well. It now has pride of place in his new house. In March we also said goodbye to SQMC Chamberlain who has moved to be SCM of HO Squadron and his place has been taken by SQMC Wasp. We have also said goodbye to CoH Dunkley. LCpls Musgrave and Freeman and Tprs Weall. Hooker. Edwards. Curley, Mowbray. Wood. Winterbottom and Nixon on posting to the Regiment and to LCoH Edwards. LCpls Jones. Sullivan. Phillips. and Culton and Tpr Ewens who have left for civilian life. Very many congratulations to LCoH Smith. LCpls Tims. Nicholls. Welsh and Twyman and Tprs Hughes.




CsoH Lawson and Taylor receive their Handy Hunter Prizes from the Commanding Officer

The Driving Team: Capt Johnsen and Tpr Roberts (LG)

Barrett and Reay on their marriages and to SOMC

Wasp, CoH Fernley and LCpIs Findell. Flynn. Wilson. Yarnold. Coombs and Tims on their promotion. Mounted Sports



H Boyd on ‘Lincoln’


Tpr McMullen on ‘Huntsman’

The Squadron has had a most successful competition year. We ran a Team Chase team in March and April that won the best Military Team at The Blackmore Vale Team Chase and won the Subscribers Cup at the VWH Event. We had two teams in the Services Team Jumping at Royal Windsor Horse Show and I4 competitors at The Royal Tournament. We have had many successes crosscountry with Tpr Austin coming second in the Open Class at The Army Hunter trial. LCoH Boyd has had a tremendous year eventing and has won three Novice BHS events and been second in one Intermediate. He

represented Great Britain at Zonhoven in the NATO Event. He was also a member of the winning Household Cavalry team at The Royal Tournament. Musical Ride The Musical Ride formed in April and has had a busy and successful season. CoH Taylor was the Ride CoH and the RHG/D members were LCpl Wood. Tprs Newman. Black. Link. Bye. Hooper. Pearse. Allison. Goldsborough. McGarry and Culton. They performed at Dagenham Show. RAF Chicksands. the Essex County Show and then at The Royal Tournament in July. They

also performed at Open Day at Camp and then at Chatsworth and Camberley Shows. They are also due to appear at the Christmas Show at Olympia.

HQ Squadron Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment Notes

Guards Depot Notes

Headquarters Squadron has been as busy as the two Mounted Squadrons over the year. We have. as always. provided men to ride on all major ceremonial occasions but at the same time have to continue the work in the departments. The Regiment has had to move two—and-a— half times this year. once to Windsor. once to Thetford and half the Regiment to RAF Northolt in October. and these have put a considerable strain on resources. SHQ The present Squadron Leader Maj P J Tabor hands over to present Adjutant for Sennelager in Mid December after 2 years in the post. In November he commanded the Sovereign’s Escort for the state visit of the President of Senegal with the SCM. W02 Chamberlain. as the standard bearer. LCoH Reynolds arrived in January to take over as Squadron Clerk and Families NCO — not a job anyone envies him. LCoH Wheeler-Smith continues to run the squadron accommodation. the gym and to act as our SQMC. ORDERLY ROOM Under the Adjutant’s eagle eye the Orderly Room has continued apace processing the vast amount of paper that nowadays is the stuff of life. ORQMC Bourne has just moved down the road to RHQ as Superintending Clerk. LCoH Seget has joined us from Sennelager and Tpr Galving has transfered to the Regiment from the QLR. QUARTERMASTER’S DEPARTMENT For those not aware of the workings of H Cav MR. the QM’s department includes all Regimental storemen. saddlers. tailors and chefs. There is no equivalent of QM(T). all equipment being looked after by a single department. The period from January to April is a full time rush to prepare uniforms, saddles. headkits. and all other bits of ceremonial equipment for the kit season and the Commanding Officer’s Inspections. To make life more difficult the entire Regiment had to move to Combermere Barracks in April for the state visit of the King of Spain. In August the OM and RQMC organised summer camp at Bodney near Thetford which was followed by a full blown Home Defence Exercise. CAPITAL GUARD. in October. The department then administered an entire battalion’s worth of Household Cavalrymen, King's Troop personnel and reservists. In August. Maj J Peck left the Army after 33 years. handing over as QM to Capt J W Clayton. Maj Peck‘s first Squadron Leader at Knightsbridge in 1956 was the present Squadron Leader‘s father. RQMC Davies took over his present job in June. CoH Grimes has recently joined the department and is undertaking a complete one—man refurbishment of the main dining room ably assisted by his sidekick Tpr McBain. Amongst the saddlers. SCpl Perrin is to leave the Army after 22 years in April 1989 and. in September. Tpr Daly came 3rd in the military class of the Master Saddlers Society Bridle competition. CoH English continues to hold the fort as Master Tailor. 20







‘ ,. .


The Adjutant and RCM. Capt Cowen and W01 Fox

TRAINING WING AND RIDING STAFF SCpl Pitt. BEM. has run the Training Wing at Windsor during a year which has seen more trainees than ever before. He has churned out Mounted Dutymen to the Squadrons at the rate of about 85 a year. an un— precedentedly high number. The successes of the members of the Riding Staff in Competition Troop are dealt with elsewhere. The Riding Staff have had larger numbers of remounts this year than for several years and also had to teach about 10 recruit rides. They have consequently been very busy. CoH Smith has just returned from Cyprus and is about to go for AAC selection. THE FORGE From the forge FCoH Chalmers went to Seoul with the British Three—Day Event Team in September as the team farrier. In addition to the British horses he ended up looking after two Korean Horses. He takes over as Farrier Major in January. Also in September FLCpl Smith was a member of a military team which finished 5th in the International Shoeing Competition. Farr Francis enjoyed a six—month tour in Cyprus in mid—year. and we have just sent Farr Thomas to Sennelager. MT/MEDICAL CENTRE AND MESSES MT has been as over worked and as short of vehicles as always. LCoH Cross has been the 21C there for the last year and LCoH Whiting is paying us a fleeting visit before going to Berlin in January. Also Tpr Hennessy appeared from BAOR this year and is now grappling with the complexities of 4 Ton vehicles at Leconfield. Tpr Sturgeon continues as the Commanding Officer’s staff car driver. In September CoH Gregory in the Medical Centre received a GOC‘s commendation for saving the life of a civilian who collapsed while passing the barracks. LCoH Tuxford returned to England from BAOR to be 2lC of the Officers' Mess at the beginning of the year.

Members of the Regiment serving at the Guards Depot

The hectic pace of life at the Guards Depot has continued unabated over the last year. There has been much coming and going and several people have moved on to pastures new to test whether the grass really is

greener on the other side of the fence! From the staff‘s point of view it has been a busy. generally enjoyable and overall. very satisfying year. It is. however. a little like a sausage machine; a constant stream of raw material being fed into the system. and a noticeably less constant but smarter trickle leaving the production line. It is demanding and can be monotonous but when asked all the staff will undoubtedly reply that living in England. albeit a full thirty minutes away from London. does have its good points! Over the last year there have been three Cavalry Troops passed out. with another just starting at the time of writing. Numbers 8 and 9 Troops being commanded by Lt C J Sayer. now Second—in—Command of Caterham Company. and Lt J D D Reid. respectively. There have also been several adult recruits go through the Caterham Company system within infantry platoons. Indeed. it has been most gratifying to behold an apoplectic Platoon Sergeant gnashing and wailing at the sight of a sole Household Cavalry forage cap on parade amongst his infantryman. Besides ‘the daily grind' we have done well on the sports fields with a whole string of successes in both recognised and less familiar sports. We managed to get all six of our team into the top 21 places of the Inter Regimental cross country competition last winter and are

currently preparing for this year‘s contest in eager anticipation of a good result. During the summer the Household Cavalry tug—of—war team. made up entirely of Blues and Royals. won a round-robin competition. easily pulling the Coldstream Guards past the mark in the final. We ran in a close third in the athletics competition.

despite Tpr Munton jumping under the pole vault bar on three occasions. CoH Burbidge and LCoH Norris both did exceptionally well on the track. winning the 400m and 800m respectively. Both took part in various marathon runs as well. finishing very impressively in London. on behalf of the Depot team. and in the New Forest. for fun! We are also looking forward to defending the Rugby Cup which the Household Cavalry won decisively. for the first time in 20 years. last winter. Still on the sporting front the stables have participated in various events around the country but unfortunately have not got a hoard of silver to show for their efforts. LCoH Hunter and LCpl Midgely have had to concen— trate mainly on the Cavalry troops going through their introductory riding courses at the Depot. The stables are now looking much healthier with the addition of four blacks from Melton Mowbray. However. they have provided much enjoyment throughout the year. During the year several members of the Regiment have passed through the Depot on the GDPI course. with LCoH Symons and LCoH Birch joining the staff in Pirbright Company. Amongst those who have enjoyed a brief sojourn at the Depot. albeit on Brigade Squad. are a large number of potential officers. some of whom will shortly be joining the Regiment. There have been great changeovers amongst the staff. We have said farewell to Capt C S St J Owen and Capt M A Patterson to civilian life and to Capt J W Clayton. now Quartermaster at HCR. CoH Rees has returned to the Regiment. LCpl Dyche has moved to manage the well known landmark in Windsor ‘The Three Tuns‘ and LCpl Stephenson has left to redevelop property in Yorkshire. We wish them all the best of luck. We welcome in their place Lt Q C A Holland. Lt C J Sayer. CoH Willacy. LCsoH Symons. Birch. Williams and Walton. LCpls Kitchen. Consadine and Somerfield and Tpr Bannon.

Band Notes

The Band at Windsor in April

‘Bands — in sections of eight. Right Wheel — Walk March‘, So this was it. After nearly an hour of just sitting there. watching the Footies do their thing. it was at last the turn of the Household Cavalry. and here I was. live on television. leading the Massed Mounted Bands across the square of Horse Guards Parade. nervous. yet wonderfully elated. taking part in the ceremony of Trooping the Colour for the very first time. ‘Massed Bands — Stand at ease‘. That was my cue. I signalled to Corporal Major Marsh. riding ‘BeIisarius‘. to bring the Bands into the ready and to begin the rolls for ‘Aida‘. Now then the right wheel . . , and there she is. Her Majesty the Queen. right in front of me on the saluting dais. so close. and taking in every detail of a parade she knows so very well. I pray that nothing goes wrong — ‘Please. “Petronella”. be a good girl 7 please don‘t fidget. or get excited when the other horses go by. or go into one of those awful poses of yours — you know. one foreleg stuck out or your hindlegs crossed. or worst still. both at the same time . . .' Walk past completed: trot past completed: ‘Massed Bands. head half left v Walk March — Eyes Right‘. The salute to Her Majesty. ‘Eyes Front‘ 7 and it‘s nearly all over. What a fantastic experience. My first Trooping and it's all gone well. I do hope the cameras got my best side . . . These were the thoughts of Maj Tomlinson on his first Trooping. in a year which provided a more—tIran—average number of mounted engagements. The season began as usual in April. with the band mounting Queen‘s Life Guard on two occasions. a State Visit at Windsor for King Olaf of Norway. and the annual Major»General‘s inspection of the Household Cavalry in Hyde Park. and this was followed by three days of Beating Retreat on Horse Guards. and then the Queen’s Birthday Parade itself However. the climax of this year‘s mounted engagements must certainly be our participation in the 22

Royal Tournament. which took up the whole of July and produced a total of 31 mounted performances. The Band was combined with the Household Cavalry Musical Ri in a unique and intricate display masterminded by the Riding Master. Capt McKie. It is hard to describe the thrill of entering the arena at Earl‘s Court to a blaze of lights. an electric atmosphere. and a crowd of up to 13.000 people. The salute was taken on eight occasions by a member of the Royal Family. and in all it was quite an unforgettable experience. The Royal Tournament was a particularly special event for Maj Tomlinson as he was also the Senior Director of Music and as such responsible for co—ordinating the Massed Bands and Corps of Drums in the Opening Sequence. the Massed Bands Display. and the Finale. in addition to writing much of the music. Out of the saddle. and upon the much more solid and reliable seat of the cornmon-or-garden folding chair. the band has had its fair share of interesting concert engagements. In addition to our duty commitments to the Guards Chapel and Windsor Castle. we made a radio Broadcast for ‘Friday Night is Music Night'. and we have been to the seaside twice, for a week at Eastbourne and for our annual fortnight in Bournemouth. We have also given concerts in the Fairfield Hall at Croydon. the Corn Exchange at Cambridge. the Royal Military School of Music at Kneller Hall. the bandstand in Hyde Park. the beautiful grounds of Houghton Hall in Norfolk. and at the Theatre Royal in Nottingham. We also organised three concerts in Knightsbridgc Barracks. including a most challenging one for the International Military Music Society. which featured two guest conductors. Lt Col Sir Vivian Dunn. K(‘\‘O ()Bii IIRAM. formerly Senior Director of Music Royal Marines. whose father was Director of Music of the Royal Horse Guards from 1927 — I935. and

Lt Col George Evans. OBE ARt‘M PSM. Director of Music The Blues and Royals from 1973 e l977.

’ ‘—



Maj Tomlinson, CoH Stanton, LCoH Wall, LCpI Kitchi ng, and Musns Coates. Preston and Purnell at Eastbourne

17' f...‘Corporal Majors Marsh and Bramner with Maj Tomlinson

On foot, we‘ve also had a good selection of marching engagements including Beating Retreat at Bury St Edmunds. displays at the Royal Windsor Horse Show. The South of England Show. Hickstead. Chatsworth House. and Canterbury. We have also performed several Cabaret Marching displays in some of the top London hotels such as the Hilton. Grosvenor House. Cafe Royal. Park Lane Intercontinental. and the Queen Elizabeth [1 Conference Centre. The Light Orchestra has had a busy season. with the

highlight being a performance in the State Apartments at Windsor Castle in the presence of Her Majesty the Queen and the Knights of the Garter. In addition. the orchestra has performed at the Mayfair Intercontinental. the Park Lane Hotel. the Saddlers Hall. and Mansion House. The Trumpeters are in constant demand. and in addition to their many State duties they have performed in the Albert Hall. the Royal Festival Hall. the Barbican. Lord‘s Tavern. Blenheim Palace. the Dorchester. the Savoy. and Bognor Regis (Bognor Regis‘?). not to mention the Deutschlandhalle in Berlin and the Moulin Rouge in Paris. What a boring life they lead! Rather strangely. since the last Band Notes in the 1988 edition. there have been no departures or arrivals within our ranks. However. |ong»term supporters of the Band will be interested to learn that LCoH Searle (now CoH). was successful in passing his six—month probation period at the Royal Military School of Music. Kneller Hall. and is now embarked upon the full three—year course to qualify him as a Bandmaster with one of the Infantry or Cavalry Regiments in the British Army. This will give him promotion to Warrant Officer Class One. We are naturally very proud of him and wish him every success. Two other names will be remembered by the old and bold. both ex—members of the Royal Horse Guards Band. Maj Watts has recently been appointed Director of Music to the Grenadier Guards. and Lt Col Renton is now the Senior Director of Music in the British Army

and Chief Instructor at Kneller Hall. a clear case of the proverbial baton in the Cartouche box. CoH Searle — you have a lot to live up to.

The Warrant Officers and Corporals of Horse Mess Notes

its own beautiful grounds the Kongress Halle was an ideal location and allowed the Mess to sit down to the buffet at one sitting! Entertained by groups ‘Time Flight‘ and ‘Vanity Fayre‘ and provided with a buffet laid out in a genuine medieval ruin adjacent to the Halle. the Ball was a huge success. to the intense relief of SCM Hunter who led the Ball Committee. It is intended that the Mess return to the Kongress Halle for future functions. September proved to be a gala month for the Mess beginning on 2 September with a farewell lunch for the Master Chef. SQMS Fitzgerald. to whom the whole Regiment. and in particular. the Mess owe a great deal for the marvellous standard of cuisine which he has provided during his tour. We wish him good fortune at his new post at the RMA Sandhurst. Following a successful Pub Night on 10 September the Mess prepared itself for the onslaught of the Association who arrived 43 strong on 23 September with a collective thirst given a keen edge by a three»hour transfer from Hanover Airport. Following a swift dinner the Association members accompanied by the Senior members visited the Officers Mess for drinks before returning to our own Messt

On the Saturday the Association members went shopping in Paderborn and watched the Rugby team play the Sennelager Training Centre team. In the evening a party of 220 dined under canvas erected at the rear of the Mess. An ambitious project which caused the RQMC to scour the Division for the amount of tentage required and the PMC. SCM Wendon. much heartache to erect and keep erected during torrential rain on the Saturday afternoon. In the event despite a power Cut and a thunderstorm the meal was served impeccably and in comfort while the storm raged outside. an achievement which spoke volumes for the Entertainment Committee. Mess Staff and the new Master Chef. SQMS Brown.

The Colonel of the Regiment meeting CoH Goodyear

The notes for this year begin with the Christmas Draw held on 19 December 1987. organised by RQMC Buckle and a memorable event for FLCoH Storey who won the star prize 7 a car. The New Year began with the Commanding Officer being invited to join the Mess for the New Year Dinner at which he gave the traditional ‘State of the Union. address to outline the year‘s programme, In March. the Squadron of 14/21! H. who had joined us from the UK as we dropped towards our new ‘Typc 43’ establishment. departed to

rejoin their Regiment in

Munster. A lunch was held to bid farewell to SSM Cornish and the other ‘Hawks‘. all of whom had been popular members of the Mess. During the majority of April the Regiment was deployed. firstly on Soltau for Troop Training and later at Holine to commission fire our new Challengers. In May. however. the Entertainment Committee organised a Cabaret Night. a Greek Dinner Night and on It) May a Car Rallv. closely won by CoH Lock and requiring SCM Wendon'to undergo remedial map-reading! 24

The month of June was. as ever. dominated by the Rhine Army Summer Show. and on the Sunday. 18 June. the mess thoughtfully laid on a buffet during the evening to save many wives. weary from a long. hot day at the show from preparing an evening meal. A Casino Night was also held which proved a great success. particularly the roulette table leant. and run by the Officers. To the great relief of SSgt Johnson. the PEC. no»one was able to break the bank and the Mess showed a small profit on the evening. Following Battle Group Training the end of July and the beginning of August saw the majority of the Regiment escaping from Scnnelager in every direction for their well-earned leave. However. on 27 July a lunch was held to mark the departure of RQMC(T) Harkncss. on promotion to W0] and the taxing life of Bristol University OTC. The Summer Ball. held on 27 August. took place in the Kongress Hallc in Bad l.ippspringe. a purpose—built concert hall and conference centre some 8 km from Athlonc Barracks. An imposing modern structure set in

The FICM, SCMs Wendon and Hunter, W02 Elsey and SCpl Gimblett picnicking on the washdown

On Sunday. following the previous day‘s deluge. the Hunter Trials which had been scheduled was postponed and some crisis management was employed to occupy the visitors with visits to local places of interest before everyone assembled at 17(10hrs to escort the Association to the Junior Ranks Club for a games night with the younger members of the Regiment. Finally. on Monday morning. complete with ‘duty frees‘. the old comrades were eventually persuaded to board the coach for the return trip to Hanover. the conclusion of a marvellous weekend that had been enjoyed by everyone involved. During the year the Mess had received the following visitors: Gen Sir Desmond Fitzpatrick Maj-Gen M J Wilkes

Gold Stick

Air Chief Marshal Sir David Craig. Brig S C Grant

Chief of Defence Staff (Designate) Commander 33 Armoured Brigade

GOC 3 Armoured Division Col A H Parker—Bowles Silver Stick Vice—Admiral Sir Jeremy Black Deputy Chief of Defence Staff (Systems)

During the year the following members have been posted out and we wish them every good fortune in their new posts:

The Silver Stick with SCM Hunter and ORQMC Reeve

CoH Ashby — ACIO Bournemouth. CoH Atkinson — RAC Trg Regt. CoH Barry — RAC D 6’; M School. CoH Carpenter A RAC Gunnery School. CoH Fernley A H Cav MR. W02 Manning — BATUS. CoH Mawer — 14/20 H. CoH Rushton — H Cav MR. W02 Sackett — H Cav MR. CoH Willacy 7 Guards Depot.

THE BLUES AND ROYALS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL REPORT 1988 The Annual Dinner 1988 This was held in Hyde Park Barracks. Knightsbridge on 7 May. 316 Members were present. We would like to thank the Commanding Officer for allowing us to use the facilities of the barracks. the Quartermaster for all the preparation and the RCM for making the Mess available to us. SCM Davies once again organised a first class layout in the Gymnasium and the Master Chef and his staff produced a very good meal. Combined Cavalry Parade 1988 This was held on 8 May and was well supported by Association Members. A party from the Regiment in BAOR joined us to make a very large contingent on parade. Members were invited to the WOs and CsoH Mess after the parade. Visit to the Service Regiment The Commanding Officer extended an invitation for 40 members to visit the Regiment from 23 to 26 September. Thirty—six Members travelled by air from Gatwick to Hanover where they were met by SCM Barry Evans and escorted to Sennelager. Two Members made their own way from UK and two Members living in Germany also joined the Party. On the 23rd we were entertained in the Officers' Mess and on the 24th we were invited to Dinner in the WOs and CsoH Mess. We were delighted that the Mess Committee had arranged for the ladies to join the members at the table and for ensuring that our members were seated with the Mess members and their wives. Unfortunately the torrential rain on the 24th and 25th resulted in the cancellation of the Hunter Trials. This was very disappointing because so much effort had obviously been put in to make it a success. On the 25th we were entertained to a games night by the Junior NCOs and Soldiers. This was a very enjoyable evening. we were successful in winning one trophy (for dominoes) and our members promised to get some practice at Darts. Pool and Bowls before our next visit. We were escorted to Hanover on the 26th again by SCM Barry Evans and after a good flight arrived at Gatwick at 5pm. All Members agreed that it had been a successful visit and were impressed with the very high standards they had seen in every department of the Regiment. We would like to express our thanks to the Command— ing Officer for allowing us to make this visit, to the RCM and Members of the WOs and CsoH Mess who looked after us so well and for all their hospitality during our . stay.

Alamein Social Evening This was held in the WOs and CsoH Mess at Hyde Park 26

Barracks on Saturday 22nd October 1988. 116 members and their guests attended. SCM Sackett made all the arrangements and the Master Chef and his staff produced a very good buffet. We are grateful to them for arranging a successful evening and to the RCM and members of the Mess for allowing us to use the Mess for this function.

Forthcoming Events 1989 The Annual General Meeting will be held in the Band Practice Room at Hyde Park Barracks. Knightsbridge on Saturday 13 May 1989. The meeting will commence at 1830 hours and members are encouraged to attend. Members are reminded that if they have a resolution to put before the meeting it must be forwarded to the Honorary Secretary at least six weeks in advance of the meeting. AGENDA Minutes of the 1988 meeting. Points arising. Confirmation of the accounts for the period ending 31st December 1988. Committee members. Under Rule 12 of the Consti— tution and Rules Mr F G Collingwood and Mr D Brennan are due to retire. The undermentioned members of the Association are recommended by the Committee to fill these vacancies: Mr J Cosgrove Mr E L Lane Any other business. Annual Dinner 1989 The Annual Dinner will be held in Hyde Park Barracks on Saturday 13 May. 1989 at 1930 hours. Dress 7 Lounge Suits. no medals. Bars will be open at 1730 hours but those in the WOs and CsoH Mess will be closed during the period of the Annual General Meeting. There is no accommodation available in Hyde Park Barracks but some may be available in the Union Jack Club or Victory Services Club — details of these are printed below. Applications for dinner tickets will be limited to one ticket per member and only official guests will be allowed. The cost of tickets will be £10.00 but only £3.00 for members over 65 years of age. Should any member know of an association member who would like to attend but cannot afford the price of a ticket, please notify the Honorary Secretary who is authorised by the Committee to give a free ticket in such cases. To assist the Mounted Regiment with security. the dinner ticket will be used as an admittance ticket to the barracks and only those in possession of a ticket will be allowed in. Tickets will not be on sale at the door. Ladies are not allowed to attend the dinner but will be welcomed to attend the Mess afterwards.

Combined Cavalry Parade and Service

This will take place in Hyde Park on Sunday 14 May 1989. Assemble on the Regimental Marker in Broad Walk at 1050 hours. Dress — Lounge suits and decora— tions. Your committee look forward to your support and hope to see a large contingent on parade. Those attending are invited to Hyde Park Barracks after the parade. Visit to Service Regiment The Commanding Officer and members of the Service Regiment in Germany are inviting 40 members of the Association to visit them from 27 to 30 October 1989. Full details and cost are given in the proforma and those interested should fill in the application form and return it to the Secretary. If a visit is oversubscribed a draw will be held. Her Majesty The Queen’s Birthday Parade 1989 The parade is held on Saturday 17 June and the final rehearsal on Saturday 10 June. A limited number of tickets for the Inner Line of Sentries (standing only) will be available for Association members. Those wishing to attend should write to the Secretary who will send an application form. Applications should be submitted by 8 May 1989. Remembrance 1989 a. The field of Remembrance will be held at 1200 on Thursday 9 November. Members are asked to assemble at the Regimental Plot in St Margaret‘s Churchyard at 1150 hours. Dress — Lounge suits. no medals. . Windsor. The normal service of remembrance will be held at the Garrison Church on Sunday 12 November. A limited number of tickets will be available from the Honorary Secretary. . London. A service of remembrance will be held at the Cavalry Memorial in Hyde Park at 1050 hours on Sunday 12 November. Social Evening As the visit to BAOR is taking place in October. the Social Evening will take place at Hyde Park Barracks on Saturday 22 July 1989. Those interested should complete the proforma requesting further details.

£1. Annual members may elect to become Life Members on a Payment of £20.

NOTICES Accommodation in London Two places in London offer reasonable accommodation in the centre of London and details are reprinted for your convenience. 1.


Union Jack Club. Sandell Street. Waterloo

London SE1 8UJ. This club has 340 single rooms and 63 double rooms. Ex-servicemen who served for at least two or more years are eligible to become members. The fee for joining is £5.00 with an annual subscription of £4.00. If you are not yet a member you should write soon asking for details. The Victory Services Club. 63-79 Seymore Street Street London W2 2HF. This is just by the Marble Arch in Edgware Road. The joining fee is £7.50 (as at 1 April 1989) and you will need to send proof of having served in HM Forces. ['6 photocopy of Discharge Book or something similar. The Regular Forces Employment Association

This Association exists to help members of the Regular Armed Forces to find employment and to settle in civilian life. If you have served with good character in the non-commissioned ranks of the Forces for a minimum of three years. or less if you are being discharged on medical grounds. the Association is at your service. The Employment Officers. all ex»Regulars. are situated at Branches throughout the United Kingdom and are in close contact with local employers and Job Centres. Addresses and telephone numbers can be obtained from Resettlement Officers. Job Centres and local telephone directories. The Association provides all its services free.

lst Household Cavalry Regiment Dining Club The Annual Dinner and Reunion will be held in the WOs/CsoH Mess. Hyde Park Barracks. on Saturday 7 October 1989. All enquiries to 01—478 3452.

At Home Day 1989

The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment will again be at Thetford in Norfolk for their Training Camp this year. They will be holding an Open Day on 3 September. Owing to the distance involved it is not proposed to arrange an official visit but those members who may be in the area or wish to make their own arrangements to visit the Regiment on that day will be welcome to do so. They should advise the RCM at the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment of the numbers attending. Annual Membership Fees

Those members who served before March 1969 and who are annual members are reminded that membership fees should be paid on 1 January. This may be done by Bankers Standing Order to Lloyds Bank PLC 6 Pall Mall London SW1Y 5NH (Sort Code 30—00—07) for account number 3374785 or by cheque or postal order direct to the Secretary at Headquarters Household Cavalry Horse Guards Whitehall London SW1A ZAX. the annual fee is

Royal Horse Guards buried at Wayne’s Keep Cemetery. Cyprus. The following is an extract from a letter received by the Secretary of the Regimental Association from Major H S J Scott. who was then commanding A Squadron of the Life Guards in Cyprus. ‘Currently A Squadron is in Nicosia at Prince William Camp. On Cavalry Sunday we thought it would be appropriate for us to remember the Household Cavalry— men in Wayne‘s Keep cemetery. We duly paraded officers and SNCOs at Wayne‘s Keep on Sunday 8 May. and with the trumpeter. held a short memorial service. We laid wreaths on the following graves: Surg Capt Wilson a RHG 22556784 LCpl Foxton B — RHG 23315269 Tpr Little .1 A — RHG 23170939 Tpr Hayward L G — RHG 23411747 Tpr Livingstone P — RHG‘


COLONEL THE HON JULIAN BERRY. OBE. I)I.. .IP (late Royal Horse Guards (The Blues)

By Maj Gen Sir James Eyre. KCYO. (‘BE (Formerly The Blues and Royals)

Julian Berry was born in 1920 and was educated at Eton. From there in 1939 he joined The Blues at Windsor as the last of the pre—war direct commissions into the Regiment. After Dunkirk he joined No 8 Commando and was then posted to 1st Household Cavalry Regiment in July 1941 for the campaigns in Syria and Persia. In 1942 1 HCR was finally equipped with armoured cars. and he joined 8th Army in the Western Desert for the Battle of El Alamein. In 1943 Julian went to the Staff of 10th Armoured Division. and in 1944 to the Middle East Staff College: he ended the war as Brigade Major of 21st Tank Brigade for the latter part of the Italian Campaign. He rejoined The Blues in 1945 and served in BAOR as a squadron leader until 1952. with a two-year tour at Eastern Command in the middle. In BAOR he ran The Blues‘ racing stable. which. under stable-jockey Tom Coombs. was most successful. In 1952 Julian was posted to Knightsbridge to command The Blues Mounted Squadron. The King had just died. so Julian‘s tour covered a unique period. mostly centred on Coronation year. Among his many duties he commanded the Sovereign‘s Escort in Edinburgh for the service at St Giles‘s Cathedral. and was highly amused to recall. in later years. the return to barracks from the Palace of Holyrood House. a six—mile march. It was an exceptionally hot day and Julian had given permission for the Escort to remove helmets and ‘ride easy'. Suddenly there was a shout from the rear of the Escort and to everyone‘s consternation a Rolls Royce flying the Standard cruised past. Nothing could be done. but Julian was greeted by a broad smile from the Colonel—in—Chief who clearly had summed up the situation. After a tour at Horse Guards as Silver Stick Adjutant. Julian returned to the Regiment in Cyprus in 1957 as Second-in-Command. taking over command in early 1958. His highly successful command of the Regimental Group during this testing period earned him the award of OBE. In early 1960 Julian became Silver Stick. During his tour he took up the appointment of Chairman of ‘Thc Guards Magazine‘ as a result Of a reallocation of Regimental Lieutenant Colonels duties by Maj Gen George Burns. Julian claimed he was picked for the job because of his family's newspaper links; whatever the reason a happy precedent was established which con— tinues today.

Julian commanded the Household Cavalry for the Presentation of Standards Parade at Horse Guards in 1963; for the first time they paraded with both Horse Troops in Mounted Review Order while the armoured car crews were in battle dress.

Julian retired from the army in 1964 having proved himself a wise. calm and shrewd commander whose loyalty to the men under his command was more than fully reciprocated. He enjoyed their total trust in his leadership and sense of fairness. and their admiration and affection for him was unbounded. Julian was active in many ways. Racing and breeding racehorses. at first in partnership with his brother Rodney. brought him many successes. especially from Kingsclere where Peter Hastings—Bass. followed by Ian Balding. trained for him. He became an active steward at Ascot. Goodwood and Kempton and was elected to the Jockey Club where he served on its Disciplinary Committee for two years. He had always been a keen shot and later also enjoyed fishing. He farmed in Hampshire and Perthsire and took on many duties. of which his rOIe on the Bench at Basingstoke. his Deputy Lieutenantship of Hampshire and Chairmanship at Whites are but a few examples. In all his rOIes. his sense of humour. good sense and fairness earned him countless admirers. He will be greatly missed by his family to whom he was devoted and by his many friends from all walks of life. We extend our deepest sympathy to his wife Denise and to his children and grandchildren.

W.O.II (O.R.Q.M.S.) M. M. KELLY (400010) Mick Kelly joined the Royals in 1925 as a boy trumpeter becoming Trumpet Major in 1936. In 1941 he moved to C Squadron as SQMS. being promoted to SSM in 1943 with Maj Roddy Heathcoat—Amory as Squadron Leader. Brig Heathcoat—Amory remembers Mr. Kelly as a good fighting soldier. in no way dismayed when Squadron HQ got shot up as happened from time to time in the desert. Also he remembers him as having the ability of always looking after the best in everyone. even those on a charge! He was outstanding as SSM for his fairness while at the same time commanding everyone‘s respect. He was decorated with the Belgian Croix de Guerre and also Mentioned in Despatches. After the war he became Orderly Room Sergeant— Major where he was popular with all ranks. considerate and giving sound advice. including criticism when neces— sary. to newly—joined recruits whether subalterns or soldiers, For many years he was the mainstay of the Regimental Hockey Team. He retired in 1949 and joined the NSPCC in Bradford in the same year. In 1957 he was promoted to Chief Inspector and transferred to Taunton. finally retiring in 1976 while working in Stafford. Until taken ill early this year he carried out voluntary work for the Staffordshire Arts Society. Music was his great love and he played in numerous brass bands and orchestras. including both the Somerset and North Staffordshire Orchestras. He leaves a widow. three children and eight grandchildren.

Those whose deaths have been reported since the last Journal was published. Rank


A d(1rats

Tpr Coll LCpl

R C Buckingham. Royals H R Allen. RHG/D E G Arnold. Blues

7 Half Moon. Cliff Park Estate Goleston. Norfolk Box 88. St Adolphe. Manitoba. Canada


A A Hows. Royals


D L Stallcy. Blues

24 Orchard Park. Bcedon. Berks 17 Northficld Gardens. Taunton Somerset 33 Thorncyfields Lane. Stafford. Staffs


M M Kelly. Royals


W E Featherstone. Royals


R P Owen, RHG/D


G R Dickens. Blues

Date Died

51 Smiths Lane. Windsor. Berks

18 Crown Avenue. Skegncss. Lines 55 Goodyear Avenue. Wolverhampton. W Mids

W02 Col

27 Winchfield House. Rowhampton. London 7 Skylark Walk. Chelmsford. Essex J T Lewis, Blues 9 Brookvillc Road. Fulham. London R T Emery. Blues 11 Main Road. New Hacklcton. Northants K Hall. Blues 22 West Crescent. Dcadworth. Windsor G R Cousins. Royals 73 Brenchley Gardens. Honor Oak. London L H J Barr. Blues 30 Coulsdon Road. Croydon, Surrey F J Duckett. Blues 22 Catterick Drive. Bolton. Lanes B Haighton. RHG/D 5 Finnis Road. Amesbury. Nr Salisbury. Wilts Marquess of Duffrin and Ava. Blues 4 Holland Villas. London H W Embree. Blues 245 Kinsbournc Way. Thornhill. Southampton SO2 6HB W H Russell. Blucs Miranda Gate. Broadlands Road. Brockenhurst. Hants Hon Julian Berry OBE DL. Blues The Old Rectory. Tunworth. Basingstoke. Hants


C M White. Blues

Tpr LCpl Sgt CoH FCOH Cpl

E A Kerrison. Royals P Wilson. Blues C Able, Royals A P Humberstone. Blues Lack. Blues B N Turner. Blues


WO2 Tpr Cpl Tpr Tpr

LCoH Lt Tpr

R W Rapkin. Royals

10 Bowling Green Road. Powick. Worcs 50 Botwcll Common Road. Hayes. Middlesex 1 Jays Nest Close. London Road. Blackwatcr. Surrey 34 Fawkham Road. Longfield. Nr Dartford. Kent The Tringles. Homington. Salisbury. Wilts 18A Wood View. Edwalton. W, Bridgeford. Notts 14 Kingfield Road. Solihull. Warks B90 1LX

29.12.86 N K 08.01.88 12.01.88 27.01.88 22.02.88 04.03.88 07.03.88 N K 18.05.88 N K N K 01.02.86 1987 24.06.87 21.05.88 23.05.88 29.05.88 May 1988 17.07.88 24.07.88 25.07.88 02.08.88 23.08.88 22.09.88 01 . 10.88 02.10.88 14.08.88

REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES These representatives are willing to give advice or to assist in any way possible. They are not authorised to make money grants which must be referred to the Committee for approval. If. on studying the list you find that there is no representative

in your area and you would be willing to act for the Committee. please send your name and address to the Honorary Secretary. Name



Address 12 Bristowc. Chelmsford. Essex Cockleford Mill. Chcltcnham. Glos GL53 9NW

Telephone No.

0245 72141 024 287 266

20036 Vanowcn Street. Canoga Park CA 91306. USA 4 Butt Park. Stokcnham. Kingsbridge. Devon TQ7 28H Stephousc. Tarrant Gunvillc. Blandford Forum. Dorset Ruccroft. Wombleton. Kirby Moorside. Yorkshire YO6 5RX

0548 580104 91989 214

3 Fairvicw Risc. Wcst Dene. Brighton. Sussex BN1 5GL The Mere House. Hanmer. Whitchurch. Shropshire SY13 3DG

0273 551669 094 874 383 0483 571304 057 56 228 0782 395700 01 693 2577 09666 374

7 School Close. Bellficlds. Guildford. Surrey GU1 lQJ Lintrathen Lodge. Kirriemuir. Angus DD8 5]] 22 Green Lane. Blythe Bridge. Stoke—on-Tent. Staffs ST11 9L7. 52 Homestall Road. East Dulwich. London SE22 05B Flat 5. The Croft. Hawkeshcad. Ambleside. Cumbria

Continued on page 3] 29


Excess of Income over Expenditure tor the Year

ALLlO‘lT BULLlMORE Chartered Accountants

~ ‘




'1 ‘



ln-Pensioner R Darby, formerly Royal Horse Guards, laying the wreath of the Combined Cavalry ‘Old Comrades' Association at the Remembrance Day Service at the Cavalry Memorial, Hyde Park

Regional Representatives continued from page 29

24 January 7989

H DE PINNA WElL Hon Treasurer Hon Secretary


£3,961.67 £6,876.64

£22,041 .45 Total Expenditure

Buffet dance Visit to BAOR



9 Kingsway,



5,215.15 (150.90) 1,316 00 5,879.35 664 20 6,221 .01 906.50

Miscellaneous expenses

Annual report and magazine Cost of magazine Less: Sales

Printing Postage

Auditors’ remuneration

Cost of dinner Less: Sale of Tickets

Grants, assistance, etc. Subscriptions and donations Annual Dinner


Dividends on investments Deposit account interest

5,206.66 2,396.00

2,810.66 891 25 37.89 882.10 3,321.07


1988 E 17,315.80 11,071.00 531.29


Income Subscriptions and donations



00 LL]


LL] .-1

1,057.65 2,249.16

4,685.15 1,872.00



2,813 15 891.25


D Z <


15,766.76 9,222 00 461.72


London WC2B BXF.



over Expenditure

Balance at 1 January 1988

Excess of income

General Fund

Net Current Assets

LESS: Current Liabilities Sundry creditors



AUDITORS’ REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF THE BLUES AND ROYALS ASSOCIATION We have audited , in accordance with approved auditing standards , the attached balance sheet and income and expenditure account and port that in our opinion these accounts re give respectively a true and fair view of the state of the Association’ 5 affairs at 31 December 1988 and of the surplus of income over expenditur e for the year ended on that date.

3,961 67 6,876 64

280,828.38 287,705.02


15,232 72


16,159 72 Deposit account

LI <

Sundry debtors





1988 E 65,595.66

U) V)


Current Assets Cash at bank: Current account





(a! cost) Market value

9 E-1 S




Threepwood Hall. Haydon Bridge. Northumberland NE47 6AL


28 Turnhouse Road. Castlevalc. Birmingham B35 6P5


27/2 Stcnhouse Gardens. Edinburgh EH11 3EN 59 Monkhouse Avenue. Tynemouth. Tyne & Wear. NE30 3QF 39 Propps Hall Drive. Failsworth. Manchester M35 0WB 37 Manor Drivc. Birchington—on—Sea. Kent CT7 9TN Am Heehtstueken 10. 3180 WOB31. West Germany


Foxwood. Parkgate. Dumfries, DGI 3NE

038 786 228


18 Cleveland Close. Coychureh. Bridgend. Glamorgan CF35 SHE Combermerc. 2 Blicking Close. S Wootton. Norfolk PE30 31E Flat 4. St Oswalds Hospital. The Tything. Worcester WR1 lHR Flat 1, Mill Court. 8A Mill Road, Eastbourne. Sussex BN21 2LZ Parkside. St Aidans. Carlisle CA1 [LS I The Old Stores. Lower Quarter. Ludgvan. Pcnzanee. TR20 SE] 18 Selby Road, Hollins. Middleton. Manchester M24 3E5 42 Stone Bridge Court. Lings. Northampton NN3 4LY

0656 861486 0553 674583

256 Grandstand Drive. Hereford. Herefordshirc Haydown House. East Choldcrton. Hants 26 Grove Road. Shepperton. Middx TW17 9EL Fairfield. 174 Mill Bank. Warwick CV34 STJ 37 Orkney Street. Spring Farm. Antrim. N Ireland BT41 2TQ

043 484 226 031 444 1127 091 258 5212 061 681 6712 0843 43598 05365 2855

0228 21866 0736 740082 061 653 6879 0432 263638 026 477 2276 0932 240495 0926 494815 Massereen 68608 31

Recruiting Team Notes The start of 1988 saw another new change in the Recruiting Team when SCpl Kcnnard left the Army for civilian life to be replaced by SCpl Maskell. A Lunch was held in ‘The Oxford Blue‘ in Old Windsor and farewells made to SCpl Kennard in the traditional manner. Also joining the team at this time was Tpr Collins our Tin Man from Cornwall and LCoH Young. This together with The Life Guardsmen and RCT Drivers made 10. At this stage it would be only right and proper to thank The Life Guards for their tremendous support of the team in vehicles. facilities and general help. It is greatly appre— ciated. Having carried out the Recces in February the team took to the road on 30 March for its first performance which was the Gloucester County Show — at this time of the year it was obvious that thermals were of a high priority if we were to last the season! The great word this year in recruiting circles is the ‘Demographic Trough'. If you haven‘t got yours yet let us know — for the uninitiated it indicates smaller numbers of people available in the age bracket that we recruit from — and coincides with the introduction of the birth pill in the ‘60s. Despite this we had a target figure of 60 Junior Leaders. 100 Junior Troopers and at least 25 Adults/ Young Soldier Recruits to assist in encouraging to join The Household Cavalry. To this end we have been on tour for all but 17 of the days between 30 April and 30 September 1988. We have been fairly lucky this season in the areas we have been allocated which were: Plymouth Somerset Newark Kent Nottingham Shrewsbury Cheltenham Lincoln London Liverpool West Sussex Exeter

Corby Bewdley St Helens Blackpool Bakewell

Tewkesbury Anglesey Derby Norfolk Doncaster Portsmouth

To mention only a few. Despite long hours all the drivers have done remarkably well with LCpl Mundy (LG) on the Foden. Tpr Gibbons on the 4»Ton and Caravan and the Corporal Major on the Landrover (sound like a pop group!) Well over 7,000 miles have been covered safely although Tpr Gibbons accompanied by ace navigator Tpr Collins located a tree in an off»the—road adventure which unfortunately cost us the Landrover. Tpr Gibbons a substantial contribution to funds. and Tpr Collins his right ear (almost). Nevertheless. well done the Drivers. As usual we have been well received around the countryside and are delighted to see any ex members of the Household Cavalry who are in the area. We were able to send our Mounted Dutymen (Tprs Baker and Moore) along to the presentation of a branch Standard to the North Staffordshire Branch of the Household Cavalry Association in Stoke and the day before we added some class to a Grenadier fund—raising venture in Worksop. During our 'Safari‘ we decided that we would try and do something for the Great Ormond Street Appeal and 32

Household Cavalry Museum Surf]? Maj A W Kcrsting (Rct‘d) Formerly RHG/D 195-178(3) Mr A E Woodbridge (formerly 306573 RHG from 1944—48) Mr W Johnson (formerly 22556701 LG from 1954‘ 76) The Museum is open to the public throughout the year from Monday to Friday inclusive and on Regimental Open Days and Dinners. There continues to be a flow of inquiries from relatives of those who served in the Household Cavalry and a steady request for information from militaria collectors. model makers, military histo— rians. the press and travel agencies. Visitors to the Museum during the year included organised tours by tourist boards. schools. cadet units. police parties. Guards Depot recruits. foreign students. Women's lnsti»

tutes. pensioners. individual members of the public and ex members of the Regiment arid their families. The following new additions were received during the current year:

'. SCpl Maskell and Tpr Collins with friend

Framed fine Silver Waterloo Medal 5% inch diameter. limited edition donated by General Sir Desmond Fitzpatrick. ocs Dso MRE MC. Medals of:


Medal in consequence constructed a wishing well which has so far managed to attract over £500. Whether we have managed to attract recruits or not we will never know. However. our intakes up to 19 September 1988 have all been on target so it looks as if we are getting there. Before closing this article may 1 ask everyone to do their bit for the Recruiting World 7 if you are passing through Windsor call in and see us and we'll give you an update on the current recruiting situation. an intro to your local Ale) and maybe a brew as well. To sum up. a very busy season in which all members of the team. LG & RHG/D. whether Armoured or Household Cavalry Regiment have produced the goods. It's been very rewarding. hard work and not least of all good fun. During all of which we have completed our BFT‘s. done our share of guards in Barracks and even produced Tpr Collins to drive on exercise with C Squadron: leave in October: courses in November — January and off we go again in February. From the extracts reproduced below and on the next page from a Recruiting Poster for The Royal Dragoons circa 1764 it will be seen that not much changes in the Recruiting World.




LS&GC donated




ALL YOUNG MEN willing to serve in the above named Regiment shall immediately enter into present pay and good quarters. by applying to the Commanding OFFICER at the HEAD OUARTERS in the City of EXETER. or at AXMINSTER. OTTERY ST. MARY. NEWTONVBUSHELL. or with a recruiting party stationed at the Devizes. Wiltshire. where each Volunteer will receive His Majesty‘s full bounty of Two

Star. War Medal. Victory Medal. LS & GC

Medal. Police Medal donated by Mr J W Bunker Other items: Five Regimental Standards. one Drum Banner. two Victorian Trumpet Banners.

one E Vll State Trumpeter‘s Coat bequest to the Museum in the will of Gordon Stewart Edwards Full Dress Stirrups Officer 1 LG 18194857 belonged to Lt Col Sir Gordon Carter. Bequest in the will of Mrs Robinson Mauser Rifle captured South Africa 1899— 1900 donated by Miss Dimond Six paintings of Household Cavalry subjects donated by H W Sutherland 2 LG Coloured wooden plaque Morris Mission donated by Mr F Day



Guineas and Half; with an addition of Pay. and a Crown to drink His Majesty‘s Health: also a good Horse. Arms.

Cloaths. and Accoutrements. with everything necessary to complete a Gentleman Dragoon. Young Men wishing to be entertained as ROYAL DRAGOONS must be well made. and well looking. perfectly sound and healthy. having no bodily infirmity whatever. from the Age of Sixteen to Twenty»one years. and from five feet eight inches and a half to five feet eleven inches high. No Tramps

1764 Wanted Volunteers for His Majesty‘s 1st (or Royal) Regiment of Dragoons


Thomas Dinsdalc FCoH C Dear. 1 LG. 191—17718 Star with Aug—Nov clasp. War Medal. Victory Medal. LS 84 GC Medal. donated by Mr Dear Sgt L J M Thwaites 1 RD. 193945 Star. Africa Star. Defence Medal. War Medal donated by Army Medal Office Sgt] Bunker. 1 RD. Queens South African Medal Kings South African Medal 1914—18

nor Vagabonds


apply: nor


Seafaring Men: likewise Militia Mcn not having served their Time. or any Apprentice whose lndenturcs are not given up; nor will any Man be entertained that is not

commanded by

known something of. as it is the Intention of the Regiment to enlist none but honest Fellows that wish to serve their King and Country with Honesty and Fidelity.

General the Earl of Pembroke


Tprs Gibbons and Moore

Northern Ireland Tour October 1987 —

1988 Regimental Cadre Course

February 1988 By Lt A J P Wilkinson In October last year I was lucky enough to be serving with the 2nd Battalion. The Scots Guards. in South Armagh. The Battalion. centred at Bessbrook Mill west of Newry. had company bases along the South Armagh border. In each one of these amid the foot slogging. rain and discomfort of infanty life. was stationed a soldier whose normal environment had previously been the comfort of a Challenger tank. In Forkhill there was Capt Stratton-Christensen. the Intelligence Officer for Left Flank. whilst out on the ground collecting that intelligence was Tpr Shaw. In Newtonhamilton. Tpr Wilson. with G Company. battled similarly through bogs of blackthorn. Tpr Davies will no doubt claim to have had the toughest posting stationed in Crossmaglen. the heart of bandit country. But by far the most uncomfortable and testing was that of F Company. tasked with manning the new observation posts along the border. Four OPs in all make up the Magistrate Line in the Crossmaglen and Forkhill TAOR. Dug in on the hilltops with 60—foot towers. these lonely outposts were prime targets and of high priority for the terrorists because of the success they were having. It was here that LCpl Panter at Drummuclearoll and myself further down the border at Creevekeeran. spent day after endless day monitoring the activities along the border.

LCpl Panter and Tpr Davies 35 at Crossmaglen

Life in the ‘submarines' (so called because of our existence either 9-foot underground in a tunnel of Portacabins or 60—foot up in the conning tower) was one of a daily routine that seemed never ending. The only way to or from the DPS was by helicopter and so undisturbed the routine of six hours in the tower. six

Lt Wilkinson at Crossmaglen

hours on Quick Reaction Force or six hours” sleep went on for periods of up to a month without setting foot out of the OP. In these conditions. under constant threat of a mortar attack or. later in the tour. from surface to air missiles we learnt the ways of the infantry and the Scotsman. Learning to speak Gaelic was a high priority as was showing one‘s approval to endless hours of bag—pipe music despite the lack of sleep it caused. LCpl Panter. in fits of home sickness. tried educating the Guardsmen in the ways of whip drill. but I fear this never really caught on with the Foot Guards. Whether imprisoned in the OPs or tied down by weighty bergens and impenetrable blackthorn bushes the vigilance was maintained through the long winter months. The Battalion was duly rewarded for its efforts by returning to England with every soldier who had gone out four months earlier. It was an excellent opportunity for the six men of this Regiment to test themselves in situations which obviously do not arise in the limited theatre of an armoured Regiment. The experiences from Northern Ireland will always be our most valuable ones and a soldier’s education is rarely complete without them. Long may the Regiment continue to allow and persuade soldiers to meet that challenge.

Regimental Cadre Course 1988 Rear row: Tpr Clayton, LCpl Smith, Tpr Sykes, LCpl Stanley, Tprs Fermor, O’Neil and Overton, LCpl Pycroft, Tprs McCarley and Mathieson Centre row: LCpI Snell, Tprs Butterfield, CIement-Shipley and Berger, LCpI Munroe, Tprs Trinick, Binks, Bowtell, Greaves and Murphy Front row: LCpl Halfhide (BRI), Lt Swayne, LCoH Voyce, CoH Fisher, SCM Guest (Cse W0), Capt Clee (Cse Offr), CoH Flees, Lt Lane-Fox, LCoH Harris, Ct Lockhart, LCoH Dobie (PTI)

The Regimental Cadre Course took place from 4 ~ 30 September with a final exercise in the American Sector. The Cadre Course started in earnest on 4 September when the students assembled at loOOhrs in their newfound living accommodation in the Regiment‘s Transit Block. Their first task was to transform the rooms in to a standard resembling the Guards Depot. and they had at the most 12 hours to achieve this under command of the Barrack Room Instructor LCoI-I l-Ialfhide. As the Cadre Course found out. H stands for HUN. Headcase or some similar words. The standards achieved even on the first day were encouraging. The programme started at 060(1hrs each day with an hour of fitness rotated between runs and PT. At times it appeared that the staff were being given more of a hard time than the students by LCoH Dobie. the Course PT]. We think this could have been due to LCoH Dobie‘s demonstration of how not to descend a rope ladder which had all the staff in hysterics. (The demonstration being a backward somersault which. I hasten to add. was not part of the plan.) On the weapons front the Regiment has yet to be issued








Lancashire Regiment were kind enough to loan 30 SA80s for the course and. after basic weapon handling given by CsoH Fisher and Rees. the course took to the open range and achieved some remarkable scores. Even one of the Old Comrades who came onto the range during the Visit of the Association commented on how impressed he was

with the weapon and shooting. and he shoots at Bisley twice a week. Drill was slightly different as now we had the SA80 we wanted to see if we could convert on the Square from SMG to the new weapon. This was achieved but took a great deal of work. The final exercise was held in Bad Hersfeld in the American Sector and lasted for three days with very little sleep. The Platoon Commander was the Course Officer. Capt Rambo Clee. This was a great success as the course thought we were going to sunny Soltau (the well known tank training area). Parts of the enemy. who were coordinated by W02 (SCM) Guest were more than pleased to take part. including the American MP Detachment with their new vehicle the Hum V (American‘s very large Landrover equivalent). The exercise came to a satisfac~ tory close when the platoon commanded by Tpr Clayton attacked and killed (much to the delight of all students) the complete staff and half of Reece Troop. led by SCpl Henney. who had volunteered to be part of the enemy. The Commanding Officer took the Pass Off parade and further surprises occurred as Tpr Clayton. who had been voted the best student. was promoted to Lance Corporal on the Square. A buffet and drinks for all. including families. was held in the Templer Rooms with lots of stories about the previous three weeks coming from some very tired but happy soldiers.

Life with the Blues and Royals

Visit to The Dutch Cavalrie Ere-Escorte

By the Assistant Adjutant

By Lt A C Scott

‘You're the first WRAC to be posted to the Household Cavalry‘. These words accompanied my posting order as Assistant Adjutant RHG/D. My lack of knowledge of the Household Cavalry soon became apparent as Lt Col Lockhart tried to explain the rank structure — very different to that of the WRAC. As I packed my MFO boxes for the third time in five months I was looking forward to remaining in one place longer than three months. having first been posted straight back to RMAS to work for the Academy Adjutant and then as a Platoon Commander at the WRAC Centre. On arrival. I settled in to the job remarkably quickly but initially found it difficult to say ‘Corporal Major‘ and ‘Corporal of Horse”. I was nominated the Unit Fire Officer and whilst attending the course. every Warrant Officer would look at me agog when I started calling them Corporal Major. People outside the Regiment found it harder and still do. to accept that the WRAC have infiltrated The Blues and Royals. On answering the telephone. 1 am greeted with either the receiver being rapidly replaced or hearing a shocked voice saying ‘That‘s not the Blues and Royals is it?‘ As a keen rider I soon saw plenty of Germany from the back of the horse-box travelling to show jumping competitions. hunter trials and team chases. I have competed in these with varying degrees of success. including falling off at the Rhine Army Summer Show in front of the Adjutant with his video camera (known by the Stables as CBS — Coreth‘s Broadcasting Services!) and at the Hanover race when LCpl Peers' horse nearly caused me to meet an unhappy end at the fourth fence. ’Can I go in a tank for a couple of days on exercise?‘ I had first uttered this request a year ago last October and ended up watchkeeping for Brigade. an experience I would not like to repeat. So in June I plucked up enough courage to repeat my request and it worked. but not quite as expected. as my two days turned into two weeks. Having spent days scrounging various pieces of useful, exercise kit I arrived at l Troop. B Squadron. CoH Mardon‘s first words (as I joined his tank as the Gunner) were: ‘Do you play Backgammon?‘ The crew were very long-suffering e on discovering TOGS. I spent hours exclaiming ‘Look at that mouse!‘. etc. I was repeatedly told that we were looking for the enemy not wildlife. Tpr Gerrard has missed his vocation e he should have joined the RAF — he was determined to make the tank fly! Tpr Winter was very nearly ill when. at 3am. to prevent myself dying of starvation. I resorted to eating a tin of processed cheese and rich cake. My appearances at Orders Groups caused many engineers and infantry to look amazed — mixed tank crews in the Blues and Royals? This was not helped by Lt Swayne saying in total seriousness that CoH Mardon gets lonely on exercise and has to bring his wife along! As the prospect of getting summer block leave faded. I returned from Exercise TREATY to go on Exercise STERLING SHIELD — HQ Squadron‘s exercise at Vogelsang. All I knew about it was that we would do some shooting and that it was based at a training camp 36

f 2L! Mawby

somewhere near Belgium. Expecting something like Rheinsahlen Camp I was pleasantly surprised to arrive at a well-built training camp with excellent sporting facilities. The first day consisted of shooting the SMG and pistol — something that I had not done for two years. then we moved on to the Inert Grenade Range which proved to be my downfall. At the end of the course after leopard crawling. leaping into trenches and climbing walls — on being told to get down from the 12—foot wall. thinking about the parachute jump I intended to do in a couple of weeks. I jumped. My ankle, which I had originally sprained in July jumping off a tank onto a tree trunk. went again. However, I could manage most things except the very early morning runs! Having survived firing LMG‘s and SA 805, 5 Troop were allowed loose on the

canoes. The Paymaster. Capt Morse. perfected the technique of canoeing in a very small space — by going in circles. — and the OM. Capt Sibley, was unable to show

all his windsurfing skills due to becoming becalmed. Returning to the Ranges. the Doctor and I were allowed to fire the last two 84 rounds. I was told to aim for the door of the tank. Having just picked up the 'portable‘ weapon I decided that I would be happy just to hold it long enough to fire it! After firing. and once my vision returned, I was amazed to see that I had blown the door off. The Doctor. not to be out done. fired his round through the door hole! The battle innoculation which involved leopard crawling for 200m with live bullets being fired overhead and 'bombs‘ going off next to you is enough to convince anyone that the infantry are masochists. On carrying out various adjutantal tasks I have discovered that the Subalterns are all overworked. I only have to walk into the Mess and ask one what he was doing the following Thursday and within seconds I am given the entire timetable for that day! This timetable is very flexible and can change rapidly if. for example. a trip to the Hague is offered! At the time of writing I have been with the Regiment for over a year and fortunately have just received an extension up until September 1989.

‘I wonder who would like to visit the Dutch cavalry for their opening of Parliament?‘. mumbled the Assistant Adjutant to herself. There were two streaks of green light across the square and as if out of nowhere Lts Scott and Woodward appeared in front of her desk. ‘Me. me. me. me . . . ‘they cried’. ‘Alright‘ said the voice from behind the paper mountain. Three weeks later they were on their way. The first thing that needs explaining is how the Escort works. It was formed 18 years ago. by Baron van Linden specifically to escort the Queen of the Netherlands at the opening of Parliament. Its main body is made up entirely of reserve cavalry officers. NCOs and other ranks. They meet four or five times a year. but only once for ceremonial duties. The horses are borrowed from all over Holland. the uniforms belong to either the Escort or the individuals. The Escort receives almost no funding from the army. and most of the individuals have to take the time out of their holidays to do it. Meanwhile, our intrepid heroes arrived in the Hague to meet the members of the Escort who could not have been more friendly. and so the night continued. At 0645 the next morning we all sprang out of bed. Breakfast was distinctly continental and most welcome. First parade was in another barracks and another language. after which it was time to meet the horses. Due to our being experienced horsemen (as all House—

hold Cavalry Officers are . . .) and as we were not actually on the parade. we were given the worst horses. The rest of the day was spent riding around a small paddock. sorting out horses and riders. That evening everyone donned their best suits and made their way to the Royal Stables with their partners for what was rather modestly described as a barbeque. This had been arranged by one Rool Rol. a Hussar (Trooper) in the Escort who owned a hotel not too far away. Sunday morning everyone half woke and made their way back to the stables. This was to be the one and only rehearsal of the route for the big day itself. for which the gallant duo from the Blues and Royals were tucked away at the rear of the Officers Platoon. For your first visit to a City it has to be the only way to see the sights. especially when accompanied by police outriders. The route went from the barracks where the horses were stabled to the Royal Stables. where the State Police. the Grenadier Guards and the coaches all joined

in. The full procession then moved on to the Palace. and finally to Parliament. The return route was the same in reverse. However. instead of returning to barracks we rode off into the woods that surround the Hague. After a

few more hours we arrived at a large pub. at the back of which lunch was laid out (the Escort is also sponsored by Heineken). We had by this time collected a rather large collection of camp followers. who also joined in.

Fortunately. the barracks was not too far away for the ride back. . The Monday proved to be one of the most interesting rides. which took place on the beach. As the majority of

The Cavalry Ere — Escorte

the horses are not used to ceremonial duties this is their ”Prepare them for anything that could possiny happen' day. This was done by placing a military band in the middle of the beach. around which we had to ride. Harmless enough you may think. On each corner stood a

soldier equipped with an umbrella. a machine-gun. some thunder-flashes and smoke grenades. With every circuit the noise and general confusion was increased. It was just as this was drawing to a close that Lt Scott received a tap on the knee deftly applied by the horse in front. Much to the glee of the television crew. he was carted off in a

Jeep with what turned out to be a torn ligament. Three X—rays and a huge bandage later. Lt Scott returned in time to change and get on the coach to dinner. The coach trip in itself was an experience. For no logical reason whatsoever we had two Police outriders who stopped all the traffic. while our coach sped through the Hague filled to the brim with Cavalry in full Mess kit. at 80kph. Only one of the sets of traffic lights was green when we shot through. The dinner was an extremely lavish affair. with speeches between each of the four courses. and. not least. the end. Each of the new members of the Escort had to take a sip of wine from a large goblet after which they cried out ‘Loyalty‘ (or at least the Dutch equiva» lent). After dinner they insisted on taking us to one or two of the more colourful spots in the Hague which had not been on the route the day before. The great day itself was a magnificent spectacle with the Golden Coach. and the three other carriages. surrounded by the Escort. the State Police and the

Grenadier Guards in full ceremonial kit. We were very fortunate to be able to watch from within the Palace forecourt. Critics conditioned by years of Knightsbridge would probably turn in their saddles at the lack of polish and complete absccnce of beeswax. What has to be remembered is that this is only an annual happening. pulled together in four days. It was most impressive.


mountains. They provided a good objective and then

instant protection from the elements to recover in. We reached the first hut at seven o‘clock that night. thirsty. having started at seven that morning. Quite a first day! That night was not to prove much of a rest either. About midnight a very strong gale blew up which managed to rock even our secure haven. It would have been an exciting night in a tent. but the next day was heralded by

By Lt G V de la F Woyka

clear skies across which crept the rosy-fingered dawn.

Today we planned to cross into Spain. We managed the crossing with no hold—ups whatsoever in either immigration or customs. The fact that Spain did not look very different to where we had just come from disguised The mlnl-bus temporally embarassed


Lt Woyka, McDuff. LCoH Hastings, Tprs Triniek and Cleary amidst the murk

‘RHQ Adventure Training?‘ ‘Yes of course, why the question?‘ The answer: ‘simple: ORT. FTXs. CPXs. Brigade and Battle Group Trainer. not to mention Regimental commitments. With all of this would we be able to find time to go. and even if we did. would it be as a complete Troop? The answer was still ‘Yes‘. Good. but it was still not at all clear. The answer was. ‘in six months time‘. So to the plan: well that had to be simple as the whole of the expedition and its timing had to be infinitely flexible. It was. and the dawning of the month of October saw half of RHQ Troop. two members of Reece

Troop. one hired trailer and the PR] mini-bus parading on the square in Athlone Barracks ready to depart on their promised adventure training. Their destination. the Pyrenees. by way of the South of France. The idea of a trip had been hatched soon after the Troop had returned from Christmas leave. The main aim was to get RHQ away as a Troop. The idea was simple. to cross into Spain on foot. I knew we could do this from Gibraltar. However. I also knew that Gibralter is somewhat limited in adventure training value. So I hit upon the idea of walking one of the old escape routes used by Airmen escaping from France in the last war. This meant the Pyreness which seemed an excellent location to do some adventure training. The route was picked to provide excitement and require a degree of effort. We would live under canvas for the whole two weeks. It was also obvious that to get to the Pyrenees we would have to pass the South of France. The decision to use the Pyrenees was proving itself by the minute. So equipped with some of the Regiment‘s newly-issued 38

adventure training pack. five tents. rucksacks. stoves and a windsurfer (all packed into our hired trailer and towed by the PR] minibus). RHQ was at last ready to depart. However. all was not quite right. Forms we had been told we needed to ensure our smooth crossing into France were nowhere to be found. No problem. it was

only ten o‘clock. we should seek assistance from the source of these forms. He was still nowhere to be found at two o‘clock so the brave decision was taken to go without them 7 despite all advice. finally we were off. The second part of our brief was not to exceed 80Kph. We were hard pushed to reach 80Kph never mind exceed it! With all the equipment we had on board. deemed vital to the adventure. it was going to be a long trip south. Our route took us south past Frankfurt to cross into France at Mulhouse. This we achieved by lunchtime on Sunday. A brief stop was made to change money and eat some lunch. I then made a fatal decision to cut across country south to Lyon and then down to Cannes. It took some serious driving to try and keep up with the timetable. We managed and reached camp by late afternoon on Monday. It had taken us just over-'18 hours to reach Cannes. It was a very tired and cramped RHQ

Troop which set about pitching tents and cooking supper. The treat to look forward to was being able to sleep fully stretched out. As we discovered. October is definitely just outside the season for the South of France with camp sites closing down and the sky beginning to cloud over. However. this did not prevent us from squeezing in some memories including the l’Rl mini-bus getting stuck in a mini-tunnel outside Nice. The warning bells failed to sound as our

leader steered his course down the tunnel. It was not until we had passed the point of no return that an ominous scraping sound alerted us that all was not well. Then with a maximum of bad French and come and see if you don‘t believe me, we managed to reverse the tail back onto the main road and extract the mini-bus. All too soon our stay in Cannes came to an end and we were heading for the Pyrenees. We decided to base ourselves at St Giron — the home of French rugby. A fact that Tprs Clerehugh and Cleary discovered and were very grateful of. The story goes something like this; Tprs Clerehugh and Cleary were enjoying a quiet drink at the bar when someone overheard them conversing in English. This likely lad took offence and tried to part our two heroes from their peaceful intent. It was at this point that the local rugby team came to their rescue thinking they were part of some touring rugby side. a useful misunderstanding. We were now ready to see what the Pyrenees had in store for us and Sunday was spent reeee—ing and enquiring about local transport to the beginning and end of our route. Once food and kit were distributed and packed we set off to spend that night at the base of our route. This was in order to get the best possible start the next day. at an early hour. For those used to the security of four walls or a vehicle to sleep on. it was to be a sleepless night as foxes and other animals came down to investigate our camp. The next four days were to prove some of the hardest walking most of us had done for a long time. Coupled with this was the sun‘s decision to come out. making it a fairly hot experience too. However. we did complete the route. with the highest point reached being 2.629m.

a fundamental difference which LCoH Hastings dis» covered when he tried to buy a bottle of wine to accompany the night‘s all-in stew. Spanish shops do not accept French Francs. The girl was sympathetic but quite unwilling to part with the bottle of wine for the currency offered. So we put it behind us and walked to our night‘s refuge. We passed en route an as yet uncharted town which had grown up overnight to accommodate the increasing demand for ski resorts in the Spanish Pyrenees. Could have been tricky in thick mist! The next day saw us cross back into France. but unfortunately we had run out of wine shops. so again the all—in stew went unaccompanied. By now the goal of the mini—bus. the ride back to St Giron and a shower had increased the pace. The packs were lighter. morale was high. and the remainder of the route was downhill all the way. Again the sun stayed out for one last day in the hills. The jubilation at having completed the route and all its ascents did not stop us from stopping for lunch on the last day at the first major town and downing several ice creams and French baguettes. Back to the camp site. showers and night life of St Giron but this time as proven intrepid explorers. We had walked across the Pyrenees into Spain and back!

But back to the early morning of day one. The mist

that heralds a hot day was just beginning to lift as the first zip was heard opening by the less intrepid. All of the day was ahead but none of the climbs or heartache could be foreseen. Each team was made up of three with the tent. food and kit split amongst them — enough to last for four days and nights. It was all quite heavy. but we were fresh and the weight did not seem to matter too much. Tpr Trinnick who had just completed the Regimental Cadre course looked unaffected by it all. While the rest

of us moaned. he just speeded up. Lunch time saw us in a state of collapse. but well on the way to that night's destination. I had decided to make best use of the Mountain Refuges in the Pyrenees. These are one—room huts placed at the top of valleys just below the summit of the

LCoH Hastings

Exercise MEDITERRANEAN TRIANGLE By Lt J A Lydiard-Wilson Expedition clearance not granted. leave arranged and one more week left to go before 1 am lying on a beach in Turkey. Friday morning. therefore. produced a shocked response to the RATO's ‘Congratulations Exercise MEDITERRANEAN TRIANGLE has been given the go ahead.‘ Only one week to finalise all the arrangements that have been cancelled and we are on block leave with the expedition 11C still in England, A wind~swept pier at Flushing at (HOUhrs saw CoH Cowton and Lt Lydiard-Wilson meet each other for the first time. followed by a brief over what should happen over the next two weeks. Lt Lydiard—Wilson then departed for Turkey and CoH Cowton for Sennelager with the famous last words ‘1)on‘t worry. Corporal of Horse. everything has been arranged', A few days later: RATO ‘CoH Cowton what about insurance. forms E111. etc". CoH Cowton 'I‘ll ring his neck when he gets back." Exercise MEDITERRANEAN TRIANGLE departed on a warm Monday morning for Corsica in order to go trekking along Route 21) and climb Mount Cinto (27](Jm). The party consisted of eight members mainly from C Squadron, The expedition took place from 5—18 September. It had become apparent that. after a late start on Monday the 51h. due to a minor problem with the medical insurance. we would not make the planned leShrs crossing from La Spezia (Italy) to Bastia (Corsica). The journey down was uneventful apart from losing LCpl Coleman at the Swiss border and by chance meeting him at the Italian border: Tprs Brown and Mardon had been feeling hungry! After 13 hours in the driving seat we finally began to drop down to the coast with a re—incarnation of the ‘Italian Job‘ arriving at Genova and LCpl Coleman‘s crew glad that they were not going to be buried on some foreign field. After a six-hour crossing and more “turret time‘ behind the wheel the first night was spent at “Le campsite des Olivers‘ before pushing on to campsite ‘Les Lamaris‘ to the west of Calvi where CoH Cowton and Lt Lydiard— Wilson recced the trekking route and the seven other members admired the views on the beach and were almost talked into joining the Foreign Legion.

Tuesday morning saw an expedition leader itching to get going from Calenzana to Chaos de Bomituto. This was an easy walk which proved invaluable to inexperi— enced trekkers. The overclouded skies also helped to repair some peoples‘ rather tender skin. Our resident experts on sunburn. CoH Cowton and LSgt Baker. proved themselves highly profitable on their handy hints in this area. The next four days saw the expedition trek along Route 21) with an overnight stay in the mountains at the refuge at Carol/n before setting up base camp for two days at Haut Asco. From there we were able to climb Cirna de la Stetaglia 230-1111) and Capo di a Dente (1957111) in preparation for our final ambition — the conquering of Mount Cinto. The morning of September 13 saw the party of nine men move to the base of Mount Cinto. where a wellearned rest was had by all. in preparation for the climb to the top of Mount Cinto (171(1m). An early rise on 1-1 September at first light saw the whole party set off towards what appeared a mammoth task, The only other people out trekking at this time was a family of pigs. By 11 o‘clock that morning we had reached Refuge de Ercu (1667m) from where it became apparent that the weather on the summit made it too dangerous to continue. LCpl Crocker suggested that he could lead us to the summit as his sunglasses could see through fog. However. we all put this down to the sun and it was decided that we would stay the night at Refuge de Ercu and visit Lac de Rtlinto

Having finally waded through the massive amount of

paperwork involved in taking an Adventure Training trip we were finally set to go and a group of nine soldiers left Athlone Barracks at ()345hrs on the morning of 5 September. Excitement was running high. not only at the prospect of It) days with guaranteed sunshine. buf also at whether the Troop Leader could navigate for 950 miles. Tpr Vosper‘s Ford Capri survive the passes of Switzerland. and LCpl Dempster's windsurfer avoid performing Aerial Jibes at a steady 80mph down the Autobahn. Thankfully after 950 miles there was only one slight drama. when Lt Woodward lost Tpr Vosper‘s Ford Capri at Digne. some 2110 miles short of our destination. LCpl Dempster was promptly sent out at ‘best speed‘ to organise a road block for the rogue Ford Capri. Unfortunately. this did not work. However. prior planning and preparation did as. fortunately. Tpr Vosper had comprehended his orders and moved straight to the emergency RV at the Piscine

Olympique in Grasse. joining up with the rest of the team on the following morning. The Troop Leader had by this time lost about two stone in weight. However. without further delay the team of three cars moved to the first base camp about four miles north of the famous town of Cannes at the campsite Roe Heuri. Needless to say. just as we thought we had escaped from Germany. we parked next to a fellow camper from Detmoldl The next day started pleasantly with the whole team groping out of our tents to face a blazing 23°C and an infamous ‘Baguettc‘. apparently a French designer meal holed up in 30cm of long appetising French bread. The Channel Tunnel designers should take note








TRIANGLE. at least as worked out by Tprs Barnard and

Noon. approximately 75m of ‘Baguette‘ was consumed. The start point of the trek was some 10 miles away at Sam du Lorp. At this stage Lt Woodward was on crutches due to an accident on the Regimental Sports Day. and was unable to walk. He became chief chauffeur. while LCpl Deinpster (REME) was in charge of the actual trek. Thankfully. both parties married up at Grasse at about lotltlhrs having completed an arduous trek of some Skin, The first thing we realised was that water was very important as the trekking party consumed 6 litres that day in the intense heat. For the next five days the routine was the same. waking early to blazing sun. 21 baguette and then a brisk walk in the beautiful countryside. The whole party experienced at first hand the perils of bad map-reading and the temptation of taking short

cuts. not least when Tprs Vosper and Redfern led the party through about lkrn of thick brambles and thorns.

Needless to say these thorns were impassable and the group returned. not only hot but lacerated from head to foot. Vietnam veterans would have been proud of us and our supply of antiseptic cream was soon running low! From Tuesday 13 September R & R started and what potential Cannes had to offer! Beautiful beaches. warm sunshine. lovely girls and LCpl Dempster‘s windsurfer. Thankfully. the weather held out and full advantage was taken of the facilities available. including some excellent Anglo—English relations at the Cannes International School. which supplied a friendly source of information on the Cote D‘Azur and great sunbathing companions. It was with great sadness that we left campsite Roc Fenri at (HUUhrs on 15 September. However. we had

accomplished all our aims. All the soldiers involved had a chance to lead an expedition. and to enjoy the beautiful scenery. and everyone got brown.

before nightfall.

The expedition woke to a fabulous morning but the summit was still fighting off a storm. Despite most members insisting on staying another night Lt LydiardWilson decided that the party would return to base—camp and procede to Ajaccio for R & R. An unpopular decision. R & R was spent in bouts of extreme laziness or energy. Jet skiing. windsurfing. bird watching. getting sun burned or having a quiet beer or two. Everybody left for Sennelager having had a thoroughly good time and with a great sense of achievement. The members of the expedition were Lt Lydiard—Wilson. CoH Cowton. LSgt Baker. LCpls Coleman and Crocker. Tprs Mardon. Brown. Morris and Gaddes.

Exercise AZUR TRIANGLE By Lt A J P Woodward Having failed to organise two adventure training trips. one to Hong Kong and one to Sardinia (the former due to overbooking offlights and the latter due to an overbooking of personnel on the island). I had to look for an alternative location for one of A Squadron's adventure training trips for the summer of ‘88. I duly moved my problem to the new Regimental Adventure Training Officer. I hinted that l was keen on the south of France. but wondered if anyone at Divisional or BAOR level would actually believe that we 40

were going adventure training and not beach humming Luckily. Maj Rollo was a fountain of ideas. the most appealing of which was to follow the route of the ‘Grandc Randonne 51‘. a glorified French footpath. However. before anyone jumps to the natural conclusion that our expedition was but a gentle bimble through the beautiful countryside ofsouthern France perhaps I should emphasise that the route we chose was through the arduous mountains 7 miles in from the coastline.

. g ‘


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HQ Squadron ‘Adventure Training’ at Vogelsang — Maj Barclay, Capt Morse. 2Lt Mawby, Capt Sibley. SCM Hunter. Surg Capt Moss. Ct Lockhart


Sports Notes

; Lt Wakeham followed by Mrs Monier-Williams, Maj Birdwood, Ct Woodward and Ma] Miller-Bakewell on the Senne in November The Loot — Moosdorf 1988

WESER VALE HUNT Lt Col T J Sulivan Maj A I Miller—Bakewell Maj T P E Barclay Capt G M D McCullough Capt M J Monier-Williams Ct W Wakeham Huntsman: Ct W Wakeham Honorary Secretary: Maj B F Watts leippers-In: Mrs Julia Monier«Williams Kennelmen: LCpl Gynane Tpr Hopkins Chairman: Masters:

Last Season provided an excellent selection of meets. from October through to February. In the warm autumn sunshine we held our opening meet at The Bielefeld Riding Club. and a field of 60 enjoyed six lines over some testing event fences. The next few meets on the Senne gave the new hunt staff of Ct Wakeham and Tpr Hopkins a chance to settle the pack. or at least cope with their idiosyncrasies. The appalling rain in November coincided with our spell in Soltau; on our return a meet at the stables allowed a strong turnout from the Regiment to hunt over the team chase course. On 24 November we met at Schloss Rheder. for our first hunt in the snow. and the assistance of Capt and Mrs Monier—Williams whipping in. A cold snap from 2 to 19 December cost us the opportunity of six meets arranged in our more familiar country round Himmighausen. and we resumed hunting on 22 December with a children‘s meet at Normandy Barracks. The full scale of the Field Master‘s responsi—

bilities only became clear when eight Thelwell characters arrived without any chaperones for their first ever day‘s hunting. The Commanding Officer on Falstaff. and Lt Col Webb—Carter completed the field for what proved to be an excellent day on the edge of the ranges. The Boxing Day meet at the Officers‘ Mess was very well attended. once again the good going and inviting fences of the Senne drawing a large field. We hunted to Haustenbeck Tower and back in glorious sunshine. On 2 January we returned to Schloss Holzhausen, and were rewarded by the attendance of many supporters from previous years. Maj Barclay became a Master, bringing valuable expertise on all matters including running the line. This was almost the first meet with some decent hedges, but after the following days at Pombsen and Grevenburg we were feeling much more at home. The sight of Lt Holland and two potential officers running the line added to the fun. The amazingly open winter was marred only by the rain that fell instead of snow. At the end of the season in late February we had enjoyed 20 days’ hunting finishing with a day at Hausten— beck Tower. Throughout the season Capt Clee ran the majority of the lines, with assistance from Tprs Hopkins and Robinson and Lt Goldie. Capt McCullough has given great assistance and has been co-opted as Master with Capt Monier-Williams. During the summer we showed hounds twice daily at The Rhine Army Summer Show. with LCpl Gynane once more as kennelman. and have had a few training meets on the Senne and Goldgrund. Maj Wood becomes Field Master on his arrival in March 1989.

The Regimental stables are now well established at Sennelager and we have our normal complement of Black Horses. In addition we have eight civilian horses on livery from our own and neighbouring Regiments. Demand for stabling greatly exceeds our capacity. but it is expected that this demand will decrease rapidly as winter begins to bite. We are still awaiting the building of appropriate stables for the Black Horses and the proposed new riding school. Despite more than adequate and generous funding by the Rhine Army Summer Show and the Household Division the project appears to be bogged down by bureaucracy. We are. nevertheless. hopeful that building will start in early November for completion in the spring. We pray that we shall not have to endure another winter like that of 1986-87 when the temperature in the stables dropped to 718°C but local experts tell us that the numbers of acorns indicates that it will be the worst winter for 700 years. By the time this magazine is read we shall have discovered the answer. We are now. more than ever. reliant on our five civilian staff as the Regimental establishment in the stables has been reduced to the bare minimum. We are therefore very fortunate in the extremely hard working and dedicated civilian staff which we have. We have never been better supported. SCpl Pendry continues to run the stables and we congratulate him on the award of the BEM earlier this year. He has until very recently been most ably assisted by LCpl Avison (LG) who has now returned to the H Cav MR, much the wiser. LCpl Peers (LG) is welcomed as his replacement. and is now learning that he must ride straight at a steeplechase fence.

We have run a wide variety of courses this year but these have been limited by the lack of a riding school. Our homemade menage is beginning to break down under the strain. In particular we have run two very successful. if somewhat intermittant young officers courses and a very popular course for the LAD. The latter was largely inspired by the arrival of our new ASM. ASM Savage. who attended a course last year and has been badly bitten by the horse disease ever since. Not only has he won several prizes for us but he also happens to be rather handy at mending horse-boxes. We have had a most successful competition season. Seven Trophies were taken at the Rhine Army Autumn event in October I987. Capt Brown, the Stables/ Families Officer made a long~awaited return to the competition field and collected the cup for the best military rider in the open, assisted by 'Falstaff‘. Other loot consisted of the I4/2()th Kings Hussars Cup. the 10th Royal Hussars Cup. the 8th Kings Royal Irish Hussars Cup and several others. SCpls Pendry. Kilmore. LCpl Avison, ‘High Tide" and others all collected first place but ‘Falstaff‘ perhaps made off with the greatest honour. the cup for the best Open Horse of the season. Our other highlights of the season have been too many to list but notable successes have been achieved by the Commanding Officer on ‘Falstaff' and Capt Brown on ‘Huntingdon‘ who came third in the pairs at the Spring One Day Event. Neither of this pair had been in the saddle for several years. LCpl Avison is also to be congratulated for winning the saddle for the best military rider in the Rhine Army Summer Show. This is the second year running that this saddle has been won by a member of the Regiment and. as it is kindly presented by the Worshipful Company of Saddlers. it is a really good prize. Mention must also be made of the Hanover Race I988. This took place in early October over the stiff fences of Hanover race course. The Blacks were once again very much in the money and proved their adaptability. Their placings were as follows: I. ‘Kilmore‘ 7 SCpl Pendi‘y13. ‘Hightide‘ — Capt Onslow: 5. ‘Geraldine' 7 2Lt Mawby: 6. ‘Huntingdon‘ e LCpl Peers; 7.‘Gunman‘ — Mrs Barclay. Our own Hunter Trial took place on Saturday 1 October I988. having been delayed by the appalling weather and floods the previous weekend. The day was blessed by glorious sunshine and SCpl Pendry and his staff had built a first rate course as usual. Despite the

postponent we were almost swamped with entries and fortunate to finish the event before darkness fell. As this was our own event we did not enter our military riders. thus giving our civilian staff an opportunity. They did extremely well but special mention must be made of Mrs Pearson who won the Intermediate on ‘Kilmore' and came second on her own horse. Earlier in the year Capt Brown. who has become a past master at show organisation arranged an indoor show jumping competition at the Paderborn Riethalle as part of the BAOR Winter League. This was a huge success and. being indoors. it did not matter that it was so oversubscribed that the last horse did not finish until 2100. The Regimental horse-box has proved a great success. This is unprecedented. It is due to the great effort that has been put in by Capt Brown. SCpl Pendry and 43


LCpl Gynane LG. It now makes regular trips to the UK carrying horses for all sorts of people and organisations. It is now a highly regarded service in Germany and the UK. In addition it has ensured. with Captain Brown‘s expertise. that the Equitation account is in credit. This is also unprecedented. We will soon be saying a sad goodbye to SCpl Pendry on his return to H Cav MR. We wish him well and thank him for the enormous efforts which he has put into equitation in BAOR. We will welcome in his place CoH Maxwell (LG) and Lt Sanderson (LG). It is hoped that Lt Sanderson will read these notes. particularly the bit about the indoor winter league show jumping in the Paderborn Riethalle. We hope to repeat this most successful event. Lt Sanderson will arrange it. We also wish Tpr Gladstone a speedy recovery from his late misunderstanding with ‘High Tide‘ at the 13th fence of the 5 INNIS DG Hunter Trials last week.

HOCKEY The hockey season has again been disrupted by exercises with the main Divisional tournaments taking place when the Regiment has been deployed. However. the Regi— mental hockey team played well in the 3 Armoured Division Summer League and were only narrowly defeated by Soest Garrison in the semi-finals LCoH Thorpe was chosen to represent The Blues and Royals at the Nixdorf Hockey Tournament. This was a German national event but Paderborn Garrison were invited to send a team. Immediately after block leave. four hockey teams competed in the Paderborn Garrison Sports Day. Despite the lack of time to practice, everyone played very well especially SSgt Powell, CoH Rose, LCoH Thorpe and Tprs Jordan and Carrington. Apart from ‘friendly matches‘. the next event in which we expect to field a team is the 3 Armoured Division Indoor Hockey Tournament in February 1989.


LCoH Dobie

The year 1988 has been a very good one for Rugby in the Regiment The winter. for once. was very mild. which allowed us to continue playing throughout January. February and March. In February we reached the final of the RAC Cup. loosing by only 24 points to 19 against the QDG. This defeat and one more in January were the only times the 1st XV lost. The 2nd XV continues to improve: not a lot of skill involved but tremendous enthusiasm with LCpl Spandley responsible for the day—to-day running of the 'Seconds‘. At the end of the season we hosted a Welsh touring team. Llanishan RFC from Cardiff They stayed for four days. which luckily coincided with a Regimental stand— down (less the Rugby team). allowing us to straighten out the camp before most of the Regiment returned to work. The RQMC is still trying to get the bills ‘written off'. The new season is now well underway, We had a poor start compared to last year. but results are starting to pick up as a few of the super stars return from courses and leave. and a fine double victory by the 1st and 2nd XVs against RAF Gutersloh gave us our first success against this very strong RAF team. Three members of the team have been selected to play for the RAC this year: CoH Dickens and LCsoH Gaskell and Townsend. Others. unfortunately. have left: CoH Rose to Sand— hurst. LCpl Smith to BATUS and LCoH Dobie to Pirbright. but with a lot of young players coming through from the Seconds. the team will continue to do well. 44

FOOTBALL The 1987/88 season had enjoyable times both on and off the field. Although being relegated to Division 3 in 4 Armoured Division this did not reflect our true perform— ance throughout the season; after all we only lost 4 games out of 18 and the remainder were either won or drawn. With invitations from 28 Amph Engr’s and 10 Regt RCT to play against through the season, yet again our football can only improve amongst the young members of the squad. In March 1987 the football team went to the UK to challenge several London District Units (a recce for when we return in January 1990!) which ended to our advantage with 3 wins and 1 match drawn. The visit round the Househol Cavalry Mounted Regiment as mostly for the non—mounted trained within the team but was enjoyed by everyone. as was the guided tour round Chelsea Football

Club. The Player ofthe Year Award for 1987/88 without doubt went to LCpl Gray with his goal tally reaching well into double figures (it was said he was emulating Stevie Bull of Wolves). A special thank you for the 14/20 H members of the team for their commitment. which did not go

unnoticed. and was very much appreciated. Also to LCOH Wood who. along with CoH Mellor. provided the administrative backbone ofthe team in a faultless manner. The season was brought to a close by an inter-Squadron competition run yet again on a league basis with the top two teams playing in the final. This was played before the Regiment on 4 June 1988. The two finalists were C Squadron for the second year running and a well—fancied strong HQ Squadron A team. The latter beat C Squadron by 5 goals to 1. The prizes were presented by Mrs Sulivan. Thanks also to the match officials. Finally, with the injection of new talent we look forward to the coming season with good prospects During the 1987/88 season we said farewell and hello to the following: Out: LSgt Moffat (REME) to SEME/Scots DG; FLCpl Wright (LG) to Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment; Tprs Wood and Lyons (RHG/D)

to civilian life; Tpr Collins (RHG/D) to Recruiting Team Windsor; LCpl Knibbs (RHG/D) out through injury (although Pat Jennings made a ‘comeback'); SSgt Clayton. LSgt Wheeler and LCpl Angel (14/20 H) back

to thc Regiment in Munster.

Teams in the Officers v WOs & CsoH cricket match

CRICKET The Regimental Cricket Teams had a mixed season. We had our summer decimated by Battle Group Training. followed by leave. However. we have achieved more than is apparent. Firstly. we now have an all-weather ‘Astro-turf‘ wicket installed in Athlone Barracks. This means that. as long as the pitch is not flooded. the cricket team ought to be able to play for most of the summer. Secondly. we are also expecting the Permanent Site Authority to build two outdoor nets on the edge of the playing fields. This will be a great help as we will then be able to coach the teams in our own barracks. Thirdly. we have developed some interest towards cricket within the Regiment. A fair number of hidden talents have been found lurking in the depths of RHQ. the LAD and the two Messcs. amongst others. The season itself may be divided into three parts: the Divisional Cup. the RAC Cup and Friendly games. The Divisional Cup first—round matches were at the beginning of the season. Without making too many excuses. we played twice before the match (due to other commit— ments) and managed to come within three wickets of beating 3 Armoured Division Headquarters and Signal Regiment. So after the month away in July. we returned with the RAC Cup to look forward to. Having got to the semi— finals last year, we were optimistic of doing even better this season. Our first match was to be against the 15/19 H. Although it was delayed because of the exercise

In: LCoH Wood (RHG/D) to HQSqnszr Lochranc (RHG/D) to C Sqn;

in July. we played in August, RHG/D played extremely

Sgt Evcrs and LCpl Foley (REME) to A Sqn LAD; LCpl Stcvcns (REME) to C Sqn LAD; Cfns Timothy and Phillips (REME) to H0 Sqn LAD.

well and beat them by nine wickets. This was due to

some good bowling by LCpl Cowton and Tpr Proffit and a very fine opening partnership from Sgt Tankard and LSgt Bennett (both REME) So with one very convincing win under our belts we were looking forward to the next round against 5 INNIS DG. Unfortunately though. in our absence in July. we had been scratched from the competition as we were unable to complete the matches by the dates required. So we had played the 15/19 H for no reason. and 5 INNIS DG had already been knocked out by 17/21 L (the eventual winners).

The Regimental team therefore had to satisfy itself with friendly games within the Garrison. Although RHG/D were in commanding positions in both of these games. they proved inconclusive due to the weather. The highest point of the season must have been the Officers‘ Mess against WOs 8: CsoH Mess game. This was tremendous fun and played in good conditions. The Officers batted first and. through solid innings by the Commanding Officer (79 not out) and Captain Clee. amassed the total of 153 for 8. However. a good innings by Sgt Tankard (and possibly a good scorer) helped the WOs and CsoH to victory. It was a very good occasion which will be remembered. if not for the result. for Capt Jacobs' bowling at the square leg umpire and WOZ Evan‘s request for promotion whilst bowling at the Commanding Officer. So. although we have had no real results this season.

cricket is thriving within the Regiment and. all being well. this will be proved next year. We wish Sgt Tankard well with his winter season in the Falkland islands and Tpr Proffitt success in the civilian cricket field.

POLO Polo continues to survive in the Regiment. As readers may be aware The Blues and Royals run and administer the Bad Lippspringe Polo Club whose grounds are close to Athlone Barracks. Some 17 polo ponies are stabled here at the Rhine Army (Sennelagerl Equitation Centre. six of which are leased from the Rhine Army Polo Association (RAPA) for use by the Club and Regitnent. All members of the Regiment have full use of these ponies by buying a share in each pony. The Blues and Royals have taken great advantage of this scheme and we have six active players participating. The season kicked off in April with the well—known ‘10 goal‘ polo instructor Hugh Dawnay flying out to teach no less than 40 new students from all over BAOR. The Blues and Royals played host to this very popular four—day course which was held on the Club‘s grounds. The weather was perfect and with Hugh Dawnay"s instruction. which is second to none. many of the more experienced players are re-applying for further training! The course divided the day in two; instruction in the morning and Club chukkas in the afternoon. The course culminated in two highly successful practice matches which were very well supported by a large. well—lunched crowd One budding amateur. Ct The Lord Fermoy. got more than he bargained for and became dislodged from his pony while attending the course. He broke his leg. Sadly. his recovery has taken a long time. but he is even now convalescing at Hedley Court in Surrey. It is Club policy to enter Club teams for the four British and five German tournaments so the Regiment only fielded a team for the inter—Regimental and Cap— tains and Subalterns Competitions. In the inter— Regimental Competition LCpl Day. Cts Woodward. Lydiard—Wilson and Lockhart survived the first round by beating the QDG before falling by the wayside to the Royal Hussars. Sadly. due to exercise commitments. we had to withdraw from the Captains and Subalterns. However. the Regiment played a full i‘éle in all the other tournaments. Considerable effort from the Regiment‘s players and supporters assisted in the running of the Club‘s main annual tournament. which was held over the first weekend in June. It was a very successful weekend. Fourteen teams from all over Germany entered the tournament with 180 ponies converging on the stables. Here Lt Woyka. as Stables Officer. did a fine balancing act to find each pony a home for the three nights. All of the teams entered the competition with much enthus— iasm. climaxing with the 14/20 H playing the Alt Potsdam team from Berlin. Alt Potsdam won 5—4 after a thrilling. exciting and very fast game. It was most unfortunate that in the last chukka of this match LCpl Woolfenden. one of the goal judges. was trampled upon and injured by one rider. Happily he has now recovered. Again during this tournament. the Regiment hosted the Club's annual ball; 220 highly socially motivated guests converged upon the Officers” Mess for a very happy and enjoyable evening. For the rest of the season the players played an active role in all the Club‘s activities. We played host to the final of the BAOR inter—Regimental competition between l4/ZU H and OOH. and to the Kenyan Polo club who visited us in August. None of the polo»orientated activities would have been 46

possible without LCpl Day and his grooms who looked after all the ponies and kept them fit throughout the season. Finally. thanks must go to all those who helped out in the squadrons to provide manpower on the ground for all the Club fixtures. THE DOWNHILL AND LANGLAUFING TEAMS The season started with the team arriving for the arduous RAC centralised training scheme in Verbier. There were about 110 people in all taking part. with 10 instructors from the Swiss Ski School allocated to us. Instruction started at ()830hrs every morning and continued for six hours each day. with Sundays off for good behaviour. Each Friday was reserved as a race day. which provided much-needed race experience for the teams. The team suffered an early loss when Tpr Pass. after a promising early start. skied into a warning sign and damaged his knee. In Week Three great progress was made by the team‘s secret weapon Capt Onslow: he made it down his first race course forwards. The Verbicr training culminated with the RAC race week. where Ct Woodward and Lt Scott secured 17th and 18th place. respectively. Tpr Jackson catne a very respectable 3lst in his first year. Tpr Lickfold had a rather unfortunate fall. and Capt Onslow brought up the rear. Despite all the stories of there being no snow in the Alps at the beginning of the season. we managed to train on snow every day. The team for the 3 Armoured Division ski meeting was made up of Lt Scott. Ct Woodward. Tprs Jackson and Lickfold. The meet was held in the small Austrian resort of Fulpmes. Here battle was done in serious fashion. with teams walking round the hill with radios and private trainers. In one case a team had even brought the Scottish No 3 to assist. All of the races had to be held on one slope due to the lack of snow. When the time came for the Downhill the slope was almost completely ice. The Downhill course had a vertical drop of just under 600m. in 2km. It was fast. Overall. the team came 10th out of the 22 teams competing. our best result since we started taking soldiers. using the Verbier training scheme. Final seedings within 3 Division were. Ct Woodward 34. Tpr Jackson 4|. Lt Scott 50. and Tpr Lickfold 90. Ct Woodward went on to compete in the Army Championships. where he came a very respectable 53rd. The Langlaufing team. unfortunately. did not have quite such a successful season. Having arranged their training camp in Bavaria with a private instructor and almost exlusive use of the local ranges. plans were somewhat thwarted by a complete lack of snow. This meant that come the time for the Divisional Championships in Fulpmes the team was found to be sadly lacking in experience and practise. In the 4X10km race Lt Lydiard—Wilson suffered rather badly from equipment failure. he arrived at the finish using some rather creative language and only one-and»a—half skis. In the final results the team was placed l9th. The team is planning to return to the old scheme of training in Norway for the next season. where the snow is believed to be more reliable.


‘ \.\.

The Downhill Team 1988 — Tpr Lickfold, Ct Woodw ard, Lt Scott, Tpr Jackson

Scrapbook 1988

The Winners

0 Squadron Athletics Team — 31 August 1988

ATHLETICS 1988 has been a mixed year for Athletics, The training programme prevented us from deploying a fully trained team throughout the season. It did not. however. prevent Tpr Johnson (C Squadron) from gaining an excellent 4th place in the BAOR Individual Championships at Sennelager over 26 — 27 May. or a hastily raised Regimental Team from gaining a creditable 8th place in the 3 Armoured Division Championships over 14 — 15 June. The latter result was achieved virtually without training and placed us ahead of all normal teeth arm units in the Division with the marginal exception of the Grenadiers,

The team consisted of: Sgt Mallon, LCsoH Carneyc Frampton. Matthew. Pilchowski and Townsend. LCpls Castle. Elliot. Farmer. Foley‘ Mackenzie and Wright.




31‘}: -



The Colonel of the Regiment and LCoH Brooker caught sabotaging the Commanding Officer’s slide

Tprs Callow. Carr. Carrington. Evans. Gaddes. Jones,

Johnson. Lee. Nixon. Slight and Smith and Cfn Hepple. The Regiment's own Athletics Day was held in bright sunshine on 31 August and resulted in a narrow win by HQ Squadron over A Squadron. It is doubtful if this will be repeated next year in the abscence of the present Quartermaster. who emerged for the 26th time from

‘1'"; ‘ "

retirement to win places in the Javelin. Hammer and

Discus and had to be dissuaded from entering several other events for health reasons.

The results were: E vent 100m

Firs! Place


LCpI Hodges (HQ)

400m 800m

Tpr Gaddes (HQ)

LCpl Hodges (HQ)

Second Place LCpl Molyneux (A) LCpl Molyneux (A)

Third Place Tpr Nixon (C) Tpr Nixon (C)/ Tpr Callow (HQ)

LCOH Brockhurst (A)


LCpl Smith (HQ)

3000m Steeple Chase 5000m

Tpr Bernard (A) Tpr Bernard (A)

110m Hurdles 400m Hurdles Shot Javehn

Tpr Brown (A) Ct Lockhart (C)

High Jump

Tpr Dixon (HQ) Capt Sibley (HO) Cfn Lawrence (A) Tpr Beaumont (C) Maj Miller—Bakewell (A) Tpr Slight (B) Tpr Duncan (A)


CoH Dickens (A)

Long Jump Triple Jump Hammer Pole Vault


Tpr Carrington (HQ) Tpr Evans (C) Tpr Evans (C) Tpr Findell (A) Sgt Mallon (HQ) SCpI Gimblett (HQ) LCpl Morison (HQ) COH Lock (B) Tpr Findell (A) LCoH Ford (HQ) LCpl Musgrave (B) Tpr Williams (A)

Tpr Gerrard (B) Ct Lockhart (C) LCoH Horner (C)

Tpr Smith (A) Tpr Smith (B) Tpr Noon (A)

Ct Lockhart (C) Tpr Noon (A) Cfn Lawrence (A) LCpl Cowton (B) LCoH Townsend (B) LCoH Mathew (C) LCoH Carney (C) Tpr Turner (HQ) Capt Sibley (HQ) Tpr Elliott (A) Tpr Riddlesdin (B) LCoH Gaskcll (C)

Maj Barclay, Capt Brown and SCpl Pendry explaining their plans for a new marina to the Silver Stick and Commanding Officer


I ”flu‘ Maj Lukas at the Regimental Athletics Day 3*-





The Ghostbusters: LCoH Atkinsen and crew on Exercise ROMP ARO





year‘s fashions in Senneiger: Cfn Morris

Capt Clee

Capt Shanon-Christensen

Ct Daly and Tpr Brown on attachment with B Squadron

._M~a~»~:*-. . .\ a,

Capt Kinahan and Lt Fryer

_. . Tpr Quinn and RQMC Buckle


The Families Officer celebrating his escape to Soltau

:-. ‘ SCpl Pendry and Brig Grant

LCpl Midgeley with ‘ideas above his station' practising for All Arms Drill Win Street Linin 9 9

Nominal Roll as at 1 December 1988 HEADQUARTERS SOUADRON RHQ Lt Col T J Sullvan May G T R Birdwood Capt M R Coreth Capt R J Onslow Capt L Villers Lt G V Woyka 2Lt D H Mawby WOt (RCM) Quinn. T J W02 (ORQMC) Reeve, A D SHQ Maj T P E Barclay W02 (SCM) Hunter. H W

SCpl (SQMC) Coutts, A J D Relay Final

\ u; ‘ «3’63? ', 1 .s.‘ 29-: Ct Wakeham and SCM Evans in the C ain ol Command R ace

LCoH Beresford, D Tpr Hodgson, M D Tpr Jordan, M D Tpr Quinn. A D Tpr Riley, 8 P Tpr Butterlield. A G

Comd Troop SCpI Blackburn, 8 CoH Hyndman. W T CoH Masson, T R LCoH Brooker, D M LCoH Cooper, B LCoH Harris (23), S K LCoH Hastings, G K LCoH Simpson, P W LCpl Armstrong, M L LCpl Ditchburn, M J LCpI Hodges, G A F LCpI Lowen, G L LCpI Monson, R E C LCpl Munroe. G LCpI Peat, A D LCpI Smith, P R Tpr Carr, J B Tpr Carrington, D W

Tpr Ellis (77), D A

e‘ .

SQMC Baker coming into

Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr

Greaves, J B Jackson (85), N C Johnson, S Mann, P Robertson, K W Trinick, C J

Orderly Room CoH (ORCOH) Broughton, A D LCoH Morris, M LCpI Fugatt, P R LCpI Jones. C N Tpr McCrossIan, S C

Unlt Admln Office Capt R J Morse (RAPC)

woz (SQMS) Wall. B G (RAPC) SSgt Shreeves, M T (RAPC)

Sgt Spiby, P R (RAPC) LCoH Wood. 0 H LSgt Brownhill. A D (RAPC) LCpI Knibbs, P M LCpI Foulds J S (RAPC)

RECCE Troop Capt S D Jacobs Capt G M D McCullough SCpl Henney, P LCoH Clavering, M LCoH Flanagan, T J F LCoH Ford, H LCoH Hodges. C J LCoH Pilchowski, G W LCoH Voyce, D C LCpI Brown, S M LCpI Scholield D A Tpr Bowen, G M Tpr Callow, T J Tpr Cleary. S S Tpr CIement—Shipley. J O

CoH Elliott and friends

Tpr Polley abseiling in Bavaria

Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr

Clerehugh, A Foot, J P Gaddes. A R J Howard, J N Liddell. M McCarley. A Pass. J Telling, R Turner, T J Mardon

Provost and War Dog Sectlon CoH Parsley, A LCoH Bradley, C D LCpl Hancock, K Tpr Hardwidge, N D Tpr Welsh, P Tpr Wood MT Troop WO 2 Armishaw. P D LCoH Kirkpatrick. I LCoH Needham, J W F LCoH Wynne. D A LCpl Byrne. J LCpl Cawley, M J LCpl Lawson, B Tpr Bond, 8 R Tpr Cook, G R Tpr Davies (80), S A Tpr Davies (65), R J Tpr Dixon. D Tpr Edgington. G T D Tpr Gilligan. M A Tpr Habgood, A J Tpr Heath. M L Tpr Jackson (33), D S Tpr Murphy D QM Department Capt S F Sibley W02 (RQMC) Buckle, R M G CoH Kent, N R LCoH Beynon. K E LCoH Eyre, R W LCoH Sharples. L B LCpl Nixon. R J LCpl Thomson, D P P Tpr Moody, S O C Tpr Pilchowskt. D M Tpr Renton, R W Tpr Simkins, A J OM(T) Department Capt D A O‘Halloran SCpI Partis. J CoH Towse, J LCoH Firth. P LCOH Henden. B V LCoH Kitchen, R M LCoH Morris, 8 LCpl MackenZIe, J G Tpr Marsden. J E Tpr Brainwood. C J Tpr Dalrymple, B A Families/FRI Capt M R Brown CoH Mellor, D LCpl Roberts. M A MRS Sennelager Surg Capt A Y D Moss LCpI Lambert, K R Tpr Seed. l Officers Mess SCpI Kilvvngton. J A

SCpI Gimblett, K LCoH Mitchell. P J LCpI Trow. S P Tpr Dawes, 29, S Tpr Ellis. 62, K L Tpr Suter. P B Tpr Halllord. K 8

W05 3. CsoH Mess CoH Goodyear, A M LCoH Barugh, S M LCoH Hudson. K Tpr Parkin, S

Stables Troop SCpI Pendry, T A LCoH Storey, A J LCpI Gynane, C LCpI Jones 28, T LCpI Day, M K LCpI Peers, N R H Tpr Gladstone, R P J

A SQUADRON SHO Maj A J MIIler-Bakewell Capt C B B Clee W02 (SCM) Wendon, H CoH Rose, A J CoH Rees, M N CoH Dawes. P G LCpl Snell. B LCpI Woollenden, A L E LCpI Panter. A D Tpr Ashdown, C N Tpr Bowden, J R Tpr Henderson, N Tpr Barnard. R D

t Troop WVl-l Kennels Tpr Osmand, V E

Tralnlng Wlng W02 Eisey. S R SCpI Buxton. R P CoH Gardiner. R L LCpl Widdowson

APTC SSgt Ross, B

ACC W02 (SQMS) Brown. T E Sgt Bull. M J Sgt Jouny. P D LSgt Addison, I H

LSgt Ball, A L LSgt, Bayes, R LCpI McMurtrie. T B LCpl Storer, N Pte Elliots J Pte How, K J Pte Lowe, S C Pte Price, N

LAD attached to H0 Squadron Capt S P Weatherall W01 (ASM) Savage. P D W02 (AQMS) SWIrles. M J SSgt McLean. K SSgt Powell. E M Sgt Leonard, G D Sgt Mallen, S R Sgt Scott, W G LSgt Aymes, D LSgt Chapman. J S LSgt Dorn, M E

LSgt Hall. J c LSgt Jones. T L LSgt Priestley. A G LSgt Reagan. M W LSgt Ritchie, R G LSgt Seddon, I A LCpI Demster. M D LCpI Foley. S J LCpl Graham, K G LCpl Hodges. D N LCpI Leighton. D LCpI McDermott. S R LCpl Musgrave. M T LCpl Palfrey, S J LCpl Purcell. T C LCpl Slater, P A LCpl Taylor. I Cln Dawes. S M C_ln Duddy, S Cln Henderson. J C Cln Hepple, M A Cln Hudson. 0 A Cln Martin, S A Cfn Moore. D N Cln Phillips, T M Cln Timothy. R Cln Duncan, A

CoH Fisher, J C LCoH Atkinson. P C LCpI Stanley. A P Tpr Moxey, R L Tpr Brown, T E Tpr Toon, C J N Tpr Holden, L A Tpr Wheatley, W S Tpr Shaw, S J Tpr O'Neil. N M Tpr Bowden. M D 2 Troop Lt A J P Wilklnson CoH Lock. M J LCoH Plater. I M LCpI Molyneux. M S Tpr Elliott. C J Tpr Jones, G E Tpr Glynn. J D Tpr Edwards, J C Tpr Collins. R G Tpr Smith. M S Tpr Rath, J E K Tpr Stokoe. W 3 Troop CI 8 St M Miller CoH Dickens, J P LCoH Brockhurst. C R

LCpI Mills, S J Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr

Leak. C J McCabe. K R Larmouth. P Hopkins, T P F Fardell. | P Fermor. D A Newmann. J L D Hemmlng, M A

4 Troop Li G C N Lane Fox CoH Tapsell, G K LCoH McGarry. P LCoH Jones, E Tpr Round, 8 J Tpr Lansley, R E Tpr Williams. C D Tpr Martin. W Tpr Duncan. A J Tpr Curley. W Tpr Noon. R Tpr Findell, R J

Admin Troop SCpI (SOMC) Taylor. A D LCoH Hows. P P LCpI Halfhide. P J LCpI Elston. P B Tpr Redlern Tpr Bradley Tpr Horvath

Detached LCpI King. N P (114 Pro Coy)

LAD attached to A Squadron SSgt Fulcher, A T Sgt Bligh D Sgt Evers, W A LSgt Lamb. A LCpl McNaugher, | D LCpl Gibson. A LCpl Scott. P D LCpl Foley. F L LCpl Stone. M J Cln Smith, | D Cin Morris, J P Cln Lawrence. T J


W02 (SCM) Evans, B R C COH Mitchell. M D LCoH Pltt, C M J LCpi Gray, D P LCpl McGuire. P LCpl Topham, P Tpr Jones (17). N Tpr Jones I24). D A Tpr Slight. N Tpr Stickland, C G Tpr Morrison. 0 R E

t Troop Ct B Poole Cot-l Mardori. T A LCoH Harris (97). A M LCpl McKechnie. P J LCpl Smith (39), M R LCpl Musgrave. R A Tpr Winter, M W Tpr Gerrard, S J Tpr Pelling. R A Tpr Binks. M J Tpr Marshall. 5 Tpr Mathieson, J G 2 Troop Ct .The Lord Fermoy LCoH Maxwell. P G LCoH Townsend, P LCoH Elliott, L J LCpl Murphy, S P LCpl Smith (73). T Tpr Wignall. K Tpr Bone, D E Tpr Oxtoby. K J Tpr Giddins, S J Tpr Hemming, N G Tpr Deacon. P A

Detached Tpr Dewing. N J (BATUS) Lad attached to B Squadron SSgt Baker, G Sgt Corner. K Sgt Herbert. A LSgt Bennett. A M LSgt McKenZie D

LSgt 0rd, J w LCpl Cameron, M LCpl McTaggart. | M LCpl Taylor LCpl Thornton. P W Cln Pate. | D Cln McNiven, G W Cfn Cope, D W Cfn Butler. M L


SHO Maj W R Rollo Capt J S P Swayne W02 (SCM) Guest, J CoH Maher, V P LCoH Carney. R J LCoH Farmer, A P LCpl Crocker, P S LCpl Hiscock. D R LCpl Porter, D LCpl Pycroft. A G Tpr DaVIeS (58). I S Tpr Hamilton, P A Tpr Morris (55). B W Tpr Winterbottom, P

LCpl Smith (84), P LCpl Freeman. M A Tpr Ovenon. T L Tpr Lawson, V S Tpr Ruddlesdin K Tpr Franklin. D Tor Glasgow, K F Tpr Brakes. 8 R M A Troop Li J A C Swayne CoH Vickers, S A LCoH Kershaw. E D LCpl Cowton. I A LCpl Pendlebury, D Tpr Berger. S J Tpr Nudd, A Tpr Howell. | M Tpr Stokoe, S Tpr Wilson. P W Tpr Andenon, A Tpr Sellen. P C Admin Troop SCpI (SOMC) Rogers. L D LCoH O'Brien. W D LCpl Darby I LCpl Sulley, P L Tpr Lee, A N Tpr JouSIfte M Tpr Church, A W


LAD attached to C Squadron SSgt McLeod, J E Sgt Blaza, D A Sgt Kingdom. M LSgt Baker. P S LSgt Coleman, M LCpl Cleland, W T LCpl Stephens, P J LCpl Taylor. S Cln CaSSIe. M G Cln Mulcaster. A B Cln Tooke. A G Detached Lt A C Scott

(Sigs Wing RACCEN) LCpl Hellewell G P LCpl Perry. M A C

(BATUS) Tpr Reid, P


1 Troop Ll J A Lydiard-Wilson CoH Cowton. K M LCoH Matthew, G C LCpl Perkins. M J Tpr Binks. l G Tpr Henderson Tpr Martin, S Tpr Nixon, R E Tpr Preston Tpr Shaw, D Tpr Sykes. J A Tpr Thomas. P J Tpr Weall, G J

Maj P J Tabor W02 (SCM) Chamberlain, D A LCoH Reynolds, B J LCoH Wheeler-Smith, I D

2 Troop

Saddlers Shop SCpI Perrin. J C CoH Butcher, J D LCpl Stafford, P R Tpr Daly, | S

Ct C M B Daly CoH Day, K R LCpl Kibble. L J LCpl Spandley, J P Tpr Davies (35). A G Tpr Hunt, L Tpr Lickfold, P M Tpr Robinson, S M Tpr Simms, J P Tpr Ward. J C 3 Troop

CoH Dunkley, G M LCoH Kent. G S LCpl Clayton. P J LCpl Young. P C Tpr Beaumont. M N Tpr Elliott. C M Tpr Jones, C J Tpr McGee. F Tpr Morris (61), A J Tpr Mowbray. M J Tpr Welsh, D E Tpr Williamson, M I

4 Troop Ct C A Lockhan LCoH Homer. D S LCoH Rendell. R E J LCpl Hagan, J C LCpl Ibbotson. T LCpl Monks. K A Tpr Brown. P Tpr Carroll, P F Tpr Evans. C P Tpr Lochrane, J L Tpr Maloney, P J Tpr Plimmer, D F

Medical Centre CoH Gregory, J Orderly Room LCoH Seget, M P G LCpl Hawkins. J C Tpr GaIVIn. P W Training Wlng SCpI Pitt, 0 J, um LCpl Findell, M J Resettlement Courses Maj J Peck LCoH Dawson, K J Trainee Rides Balaklava LCoH Nolan, G B Tpr Adams, C A

Tpr Duffy, M T s Tpr Edgar. A Tpr Lea, B A Tpr Turner. | R



LCoH Gaskell, N 3 Troop Ct W P C Wakeham COH Hollingworth, K P LCoH Dobie. R J LCpl Shaw. G S

Admin Troop SCpl (SQMC) Elliott, C D LCoH Frampton. K A LCoH Thorpe, R J Tpr Coulson, A P Tpr Johnson, R M Tpr Thomson G

QM Department Capt J W Clayton W02 (ROMC) DaVIes, D J LCoH Martin. S M LCoH Webb, A J LCpl Nash, J M W Tpr Bridgewood, J E Tpr McBain. G Tailors Shop CoH English. W A

Pharmacy Lt Col N H Carding Farriers FCOH Chalmers, A FLCoH Scruton. C FLCpI Smith. P J Farr Dawes, W J Farr Edwards, M L Farr Francis. L M R Farr Measures, 5 Equitation Staff CoH Smith. M LCoH Boyd, D R LCoH Mitchell, P J LCoH Rex, J P LCpl Welsh. S R Provost Sta" Col-l Rushton, D W W05 and NCOs Mess LCoH WhOppIes. G V Tpr Thumwood, S G Tpr Codd, | Officers Mess LCoH Tuxiord, P Tpr Jenkins, D A MT Troop LCoH Cross. A D LCpl Dugdale, P A Tpr Cross, B J Tpr Hennessy. M J Tpr Sturgeon. E J

Mons CoH Greenaway, C J Tpr Biggs, J A Tpr Horne. P J Tpr Lloyd, S R Tpr Robertson. M P Tpr Thomas. C Sevastopol LCpl Hodgson. G Tpr Ball. M Tpr Brown, J Tpr Jaques, C A Tpr Peat. P Tpr Welsh, A M

THE BLUES AND ROYALS MOUNTED SQUADRON SHQ Troop Maj B W B White-Spunner Capt J W Johnsen W02 (SCM) Sackett, N P LCpl Kellett. N Tpr Slingsby, D P Tpr Dowle. C A Admin Troop SCpl (SOMC) Wasp, G LCpl Pratt, P A Tpr Beulah, M 1 Troop Lt The Hon J Broughton CoH Gear, D J CoH Fearnley. C LCoH Graham. M A LCoH Harris, P D LCoH Miles. D M LCpl Bartlett, M LCpl Flynn, N A LCpl Wood. G LCpl Yarnold, A P T Tpr Adcock, D R J Tpr Allison, P T Tpr Barrett, 8 B Tpr Brown, G J Tpr Byrne, J J Tpr Caile, D Tpr Coleman, W J Tpr Culton, R O Tpr Dewe, J M Tpr Foster. W E Tpr Fozzard, D Tpr Goldsbrough, K Tpr Horseiield, R M Tpr Ireton, J K

Tpr McCormack, S J Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr

McGarry, J E McMullen. S D Norris, P S Pearse, T Pickford, S R Reason. J Reay. | Spencer. N R Thorne, N P Turner, T D F Wood, P M

2 Troop Lt C R F WardvThomas CoH Brooks, C P CoH Flynn. M J LCoH Allen, A L LCoH Shatlilt, T W LCpl Coombs, P J LCpl Drinkwater, J LCpl Nicholls. F E LCpl Terry, 5 M LCpl Tims. C J LCpl Young, D Tpr Adams, C D Tpr Austin, A R Tpr Baker, C P Tpr Boggan. J Tpr Bone. R C Tpr Bye, C E Tpr Cain, T R Tpr Courtney, L J Tpr Goodwm, R A Tpr Hooper, M A Tpr Hughes, A B Tpr McGregor, I A Tpr Moore, R A Tpr Morrison. K Tpr Murray. D A Tpr Ruil. D R Tpr Smith, K J Tpr Shaw, T W D Tpr Theobald. M J Tpr Twyman, P Tpr Varley, N J Tpr Venables, P Tpr Walding, J J Tpr Wiswell. A P 3 Troop Lt J A D Wingiield-Digby COH Manning, R P CoH Taylor, M R LCoH Bulmer. I Ft LCoH Evans, J A LCoH Smith, N A LCpl Roberts, M J LCpl Stokes, L LCpl Twort. N M LCpl Southern, M R LCpl Wilson, J P Tpr Beacock. A Tpr Bentley, R M Tpr Black, G J Tpr CoxeRushbridge, S A F Tpr Downing. T J Tpr Gardiner, A C Tpr Garrett. W J Tpr Jones. L E Tpr Lee, J | Tpr Link, 8 V Tpr Mason. A S Tpr Maynard Tpr Moore, G P Tpr Newman. S J Tpr Oxley, K Tpr Robinson. J A Tpr Page. J L S Tpr Pugh. J Tpr Scovell, A M Tpr Taylor. J W N Tpr Webb, A F Tpr Wiseman, S Tpr Wright. S J Detached Tpr Raynes, (Crew Gnr Tpr Short, A (Crew Gm

P R Cse Catterick) D W 059 Catterick)

BAND OF THE BLUES AND ROYALS Maj R J Tomlinson W02 Brammer. M SCpl, Bower, V SCpl Marsh, P CoH Packer, F J CoH Stevens, M P CoH Burroughs, C J CoH Connaughton. K J P CoH Stanton, G W LCoH Jones, P LCoH Hayward. M R LCoH Wall, S J ALCoH Haywood, P

ALCoH Billington, H R LCpl Haddock, R LCpl Pegler, G N ALCpl Kitching, S ALCpI Franms. T R ALCpl Paine N J W F ALCpI Wilson, D G Musn Antclifl, P J Musn Coates. S C Musn Gough. R L Musn Hassack, P W J Musn Hughes. G Musn Kimberley, I Musn Lindsay, A Musn Mitchell, | L Musn Preston, P Musn Purnell, P | Musn Richardson, M T Musn Whitfield, A Attached CoH Poland (LG) F

RMSM Kneller Hall Musn Kinsler, G L Musn Stretton. J L Mush Dixon. S K Recruits JiMusn Hickling Jr’Musn Downes JiMusn Heap JiMusn Collin J Musn Groves

OFFICERS SENIOR TO THE REGIMENTAL LIST Col J G HamiltonRussell, MBE (Dep Comd BAS & AMS Washington) Col P T Keightley (Comd Kuwait Liaision Team) Col H 0 Hugh-Smith LvO (DA Kenya) Col A H Parker-Bowles OBE (Lt Col Comd H Cav) Col J D Smith-Bingham (Chief Ex Planning Staff HO NORTHAG) OFFICERS AT ERE H0 LONDIST Lt Col T C Morris LVO MOD (DGFVE) Chall Lt Col H W Dawes Maj J S Olivier Cambridge Unlverslty Lt Col P B Rogers CFB Cagetown Maj G H Tweedie HQNI Maj | M D L Weston A Man (5) (DAMA) Maj D T L Hardy HQ UKLF Maj D M Reed-Feistead RHO H Cav Maj H P D Massey Def Export Svc Org Maj H St J Holcroft OOY Maj J Shaw JCSC Maj A A Wood 19 In! Bde

Capt W T Browne 48 Ghurka lni Bde Capt R C D Lendrum RMCS Lt W R B Jownt

RMAS C! M C Goodman Ct C H E Garnett OCdt W J Soon OCdt S J F Morley OCdt H J A Kent OCdt C York OCdt T Smart

RAC Gunnery Wlng BAOR W02 Stretton. P F RAC Sales Team CoH Hastings. A P BATUS W02 Manning. M J

ocur E J N Seyfried OCdt M S Rayner Harlot Watt Unlverslty Ct W E H Bagneil BATUS Maj J M Livmgstone RAVC Trg Centre Capt D McGregor RHG/D PERSONNEL SERVING AT ERE RHO Household Cavalry W01 (Supt Clk) Greer, R D W02 Bourne. N W CoH Barber. P E J CoH Freeman, K R COH Hart. N CoH Hyett. S P LCoH Hammond. D J Guards Depot Lt C J Sayer Ll J D Reid Lt Q A Holland CoH Burbidge, A CoH Willaoy, F S LCoH Birch. G W LCoH Hunter. D LCoH Morrell, B D LCoH Norris. P S LCoH Symons. G G LCoH Walton, S P LCoH Williams. G LCpl Consadine, M P LCpl Fiower, P J LCpl Migsley, M E LCpl Summertield. S R Tpr Bannori Tpr Munton JTpr Fuller JTpr Drew JTpr Hurt JTpr Maxwell JTpr Auvache JTpr Brookes JTpr Craven JTpr Harris JTpr Harrison JTpr Kendle JTpr Light JTpr Naylor JTpr Reid JTpr Stables JTpr Sweetman JTpr Turner JTpr Wild JTpr Pinfold JTpr Bell JTpr Dunderdale JTpr Downs JTpr Heap JTpr Hickling Signal School RAC Centre W01 Triggs. J BEM Gunnery School RAC Centre W01 Stacey. M B SCpI Harding, M A

JLR RAC LCoH Allen. K R JTpr Bestvvick, M P JTpr Griftiths, N L JTpr Wine, M L JTpr Mclnnes T JTpr Prentice, S J L JTpr Salmon. P JTpr Sayer, D J JTpr Stafferton. R K JTpr Taylor M P JTpr Welsh, G S FIAC Trg Regt CoH Atkinson, L CoH Seager. C R LCoH Wheeler-Smith l D Tpr Church. J A Tpr Emery. N D Tpr Henderson, S J Tpr Hutton. M J Tpr Moloney. P J Tpr Show J P

Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr

Short, A D W Simms. D W Wheatley. W J Willis, K L

RARDE Kirkcudbrlght Tpr Dear. A M Tpr DeCicco, A A Tpr Smith. I M ACIO Bournemouth CoH Ashby B

RMAS CoH Baldwm. A G CoH Robertson, M LCpl Jackson. D R C Sqn RY CoH Bowden, J CoH Goodall. B THE LIFE GUARDS LCoH Jones. N LCpl Goodwrn, M Tpr Collins, 8 R Tpr Gibbons, S F

4 Ftth AAC SCpI Cook M F HO LONDIST Fl 8- L Staff CoH Douglas, M R 1 WG Tpr Fade. T W RAPC Computer Centre CoH Hammond. E Bristol Unlverslty OTC W01 Harkness. P J Princess Marina College Arborfield COH Harris P 12 Cadet Training Team W01 O'Gorman. P W P

SCpl Wright. P A Col-i Carpenter, T M CoH Stickels, J D & CoH CoH CeH

M School RAC Centre Barry. P K Miller, D G Sandercock. J M

RAC Centre W01 Murray W02 Finch. P R CoH Mead, | LCoH Haley. C

7 Cadet Training Team CoH Robertson. A S RARDE Chertsey LCpl Rutland. D J RMSM CoH Searle. M J Tpr Stretton, J L Army Dog Unlt NI LCpl Worrallo. D J

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