The blue and royal the blue and royal 1987

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LIEUTENANT COLONEL H. W. DAVIES Colonel-in-Chief: Her Majesty The Queen.

Colonel and Gold Stick: General Sir Desmond Fitzpatrick, (308. 080, MBE, MC. The challenges which face us in 1987 are different but no less demanding. The Regiment will spend the year converting to the new Main Battle Tank, Challenger, and

at the same time will absorb a Squadron’s worth of i4l20th Hussars. By the time you read The Blue and Royal in 1988 these l4l20th Hussars will have left us and we will have reduced to three Squadrons. This might take only a few words to say on paper but in reality poses a large problem in terms of training. organisation and morale. This is the last forward I shall write for The Blue and Royal and is therefore my last chance to pay a public tribute to the excellence of all ranks in the Regiment whose professional approach to life has made my task considerably easier and who during many years have earned for the Regiment an enviable reputation. I would also like to thank Maj Massey who has edited this maga— zine quite excellently for the past two years and who has brought to you all a vivid and accurate portrait of the Regiment‘s life during the last two years.

Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding Household Cavalry and Silver Stick:

Colonel J B Emson, CBE

Commanding Officer: Lieutenant-Colonel H W Davies


Tangier (1662—1680), Dettingen, Warburg, Beaumont, Willems, Fuentes d'Onor, Peninsular, Waterloo, Balaklava, Sevastopol, Egypt (1882), Tel el Kebir, Relief of Kimberley. Paardeberg,

Relief of Ladysmith South Africa (1899—1902). Le Cateau, Marne (1914), Messines (1914), Ypres (1914), BATTLE

Gheluvelt, Ypres (1915), Frezenberg, Loos, Arras (1917), Ypres (1917), Somme (1918), Amiens, Hindenburg Line, Cambrai


(1918), Sambre, Pursuit to Mons, France and Flanders (1914—

Souleuvre, Brussels, Nederrijn, Rhine, NW Europe (1944—1945), B

lraq (1941), Palmyra, Syria (1941), Knightsbridge, El Alamein,

Advance on Tripoli, Nonh Africa (1941—1943), Sicily (1943), Italy (1943—44), The Falkland islands (1982)


8 Squadron Notes. C Squadron Notes .................................... D Squadron Notes .................................... Command Support Squadron Notes HO Squadron Notes .......................

Warrant Officers and Corporals of Horse Mess Notes The Blues and Royal Association Report ................ Visit of the Association to the Regiment. Obituary .................................................. Adventure Training. Recruiting .................... The Chief Clerk Goes A’Riding ................................................ Farewell to Detmold .

LAD Notes .....................

Sports Notes ...............

Foreward ................................................................................... Diary of Events... A Squadron Notes.

Mounted Squadron Notes Guards Depot Notes .. HMS Broadsword Band Notes ................................................................................

Of Spiderman An Ariel View of Hyde Park .. Zimbabwean Assignment ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Scrapbook ............


Nominal Roll ..............................................................................

27 28 31 32 33 36 37 38 40 43 44 46 56

The Cover is a picture of The Sovereign’s Escort leaving Buckingham Palace for the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of York

The prospect which faced the Regiment at the beginning of 1986 was a formidable one. BATUS for the Regimental Battlegroup early in the year followed by the handover of barracks in Detmold with all the associated problems of preparing vehicles and accommodation and of course the move to Sennelager. I am pleased to say that the Regi— ment has come through all this extremely well and at the same time we have managed to send over 250 members of the Regiment away Adventure Training. 1 would in par» ticular like to thank the Regimental Association for their help with this. We also have one of the best retention rates for soldiers in BAOR and I believe this to be due to the leadership and determination of the non-commissioned officers of the Regiment who. as we have come to expect. have turned in a magnificent performance,

Diary of Events 1986 The first part of the year was designed around Canada with the second part geared towards our handover to 15th/ 19th Hussars and our takeover from the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards. 1986 was also The Household Cavalry’s 17th and last year in Detmold. January: Both the Regimental Downhill and Langlauf Ski Teams were away in Switzerland and Austria preparing for the Divisional meetings. The Cadre Course ran throughout the month, organised by the Adjutant and W02 (SCM) Davies. The course Final Excercise took place in Luxembourg. The Grand Duke of Luxembourg very kindly lent us his Army to act as enemy and the exercise took the form of an Escape and Evasion Exercise. The students had to reach a point in the middle of Luxembourg by a given time after being dropped off on the Belgium border. They were told that if they ventured into France or Germany they would be ‘umpired out’ which may have been nearer the truth than we realised. The passing off parade was taken by Brig. M D Regan. the new Commander of 20 Armoured Brigade who made his initial visit to the Regiment the same day. February: The cold weather continued well into February. preventing all forms of sport and making the roads treacherous. The new Silver Stick, Col J B Emson,

made his initial visit and addressed the Study Day arranged as an introduction to training at Suffield in Canada. At the end of the month the Activation Teams from B and C Squadron departed for Canada to start preparing the Battle Group vehicles. March: Was dominated by Battle Group Training which continued until early April. The whole Battle Group assembled at Soltau with A and D Squadrons remaining under command of the The Royal Regiment of Wales. We were joined by A and C Companies of The Royal Regiment of Wales as well as all our supporting units. The training went well and culminated in a two-day Brigade Test Exercise. Exercise Royal Mail. which rehearsed all

the procedures which we would employ in Canada. We were on exercise over Easter once again making a hat— trick since our arrival in Germany — 84. 85 and 86. April: The early flights departed in the second week with the whole Battle group being complete there by lst May. The weather was lovely. which was a great bonus as it can be very changeable at this time of year. May: B and C Squadrons held the fort back in Detmold. mounting an Ammunition Site Guard and participating in the Brigade Divisional command Post Exercises. Meanwhile the Battle Group went through the Special to Arm exercises, the All Arms work-up exercises and finally the major Battle Group exercises in Canada. Vehicle reliability was excellent and the weather held despite one night of blizzard conditions which led us to cancel one day’s exercise. We were back in the base camp, Camp Crowfoot by the third week and handed over by the end of June. The Adventure Training expeditions we had planned then departed. one to the Rockies organised by the Staff at Suffield and two to America. Others had a few days ‘R and R’ before flying back from Calgary. B and C Squadrons also sent a party on a very successful trip to HMS Broadsword as she returned from Cyprus via the Mediterranean.

June: B and C Squadrons went on Block Leave as A. D. Command and HQ returned. June proved to be a lovely month with warm sunny weather. D Squadron went off to Bavaria Adventure Training and the Stables competed in the Rhine Army Summer Show. July: We lost most of the horses. Maj Browne and the RCM to London for Prince Andrew‘s Wedding. We ran the second Cadre Course of the year which was organised by Capt Mountain and W02 (SCM) Manning. B and C Squadrons busied themselves preparing for Annual Firing and A Squadron mounted an Adventure Training Expedi— tion to Cyprus. Our Brigade Commander Designate Brig A G H Harley made his initial visit. A very successful Athletics meeting was held which was organised by B Squadron. The Corps commander, Lt Gen Sir Brian Kenny, also visited. In the last week of July we welcomed The Colonel of the Regiment and Lady Fitzpatrick on their annual visit which coincided with that of the Indian Army Polo Team who played chukkas against the Regiment and who attended a Dinner Night in the Officers Mess. August: B and C Squadrons departed for Hohne in the last week of July and fired for the first 10 days of August. This was most successful with both Squadrons gaining first class reports. The middle week of August we were subjected to the Operational Readiness Test. initiated by Headquarters 20 Armoured Brigade in which we achieved extremely satisfactory results. A and D Squadrons went on leave in the third week of the month leaving B and C to look after Detmold. September: A Squadron returned from leave to go almost immediately on Site Guard. Meanwhile the rest of us prepared for the Periodic REME Examination; and the first families started moving down to Sennelager. October: Was dominated by the REME Inspections but it got off to a flying start with the Farewell to Detmold week end. This consisted of a joint Dance On the Saturday night which was preceeded by a display by The Household Cavalry Quadrille. On Monday 6th October we held a ‘Farewell parade’ at which the salute was take by Maj Gen M F Hobbs. GOC 4th Armoured Division. November: Proved to be a hectic month of packing, repacking. unpacking and moving as we tackled the business of getting the Regiment to Sennelager. D Squadron were the first Squadron to take over their tanks in the last week of October. On 12th November the Regimental Flag was lowered in Lothian Barracks and raised in Athlone Barracks. We had finally got there. We were delighted to welcome The Major General Commanding The Household Division Maj Gen CJ Airy on 24th and 25th November who made his initial visit to the Regiment and in honour of whom the first Dinner Night was held in the new Officers Mess. December: The ski-ing teams departed again on lst December to train in Switzerland and Norway. The rest of us started to celebrate Christmas. On 13th we held an excellent All Ranks” Dance; on 17th the Warrant officers. Corporals of Horse and their wives all came for drinks in the Officers Mess and on 18th we held the Regimental Christmas Lunch. Finally, we held a carol Service on let December prior to everyone departing for Christmas leave.


The year started. as always in Germany. with the gladiators away hurling themselves down snow covered slopes in various resorts. Those who had failed to catch the selectors‘ eye were. meanwhile. doing gunnery and D & M courses. Tprs Hodges and Smith (both now LCpls) excelled themselves on the Cadre course by coming first and second. and there was much muttering of ‘Guards Depot‘ etc. as a result. to the extent that LCpl Smith has been posted there. Tpr Craigie was bitten by the dog bug and disappeared frequently to the War Dog Section. The beginning of February saw the return of the skiers and the start of an intensive period of training in the build up to the Medicine Man package in Canada. While we got our teeth stuck into TEWTS the whole Squadron partici— pated with the rest ofthe Regiment in EX HARD FIST (a title which had many variations!). It was a bitterly cold exercise and on the road moves the wind chill factor was calculated to be —45°. However the Squadron did learn what it was like to toboggan in a 56—ton tank. By the middle of March the TEWTS for Canada were complete and there was frantic activity in the GTS as the crews wound themselves up to fever pitch for both Canada and the inter—Squadron GTS competition. At the end of March we set off as part of the Regiment‘s Battle Group to. of all places Soltau. Here the Battle Group spent two weeks training as Squadron/Company groups. as a whole Battle Group and finally participating

in a brigade Test exercise. It was the first time the Squadron had exercised with the all arms support actually present. It took a little time to get used to, but by the end of the final phase the Squadron was bursting with confi-

dence and enthusiasm. Particularly memorable was Capt Swayne‘s description of leading the Squadron on a night march. last in the order of march over positively different country ‘In front it looked like a glow worms convention'. By 4 May the whole Squadron was complete in Canada and shortly afterwards deployed onto the prairie. It was a slow build—up. with low level special to arm exercises for the first five days. With a fascinating array of targetry and realistic tactical settings everyone began to thoroughly enjoy themselves. The gunnery improved daily and each troop constantly strove to better the others. Map Reading

maintenance/rest day. Fortunately maintenance was the least of our problems. but it did mean that people were very tired by the end! On the last day Lt Jacobs was heard as he approached a large bog saying on the radio ‘I wouldn‘t go in there if 1 . . . .‘ Two of his callsigns and four altogether got stuck. It was bad luck because they missed one of the most amusing phases of the whole training. Lt Ward—Thomas managed to rejoin the Squadron just as the Giant Viper went off and produced the quote of the exercise, ‘There has been a big explosion in front of me. how should I treat it?‘ The return from Canada was a bit of an anticlimax and we went straight into the build—up to handover to the 15/19 Hussars. People were dragged off periodically for Rhine Army Summer Show duties and site guards and we fitted in some block leave in late August early September. In July the Squadron retained the inter—Squadron athletics shield with a dazzling display. particularly from LCpl Wolfenden and Tprs Barnard and Molyneux.

Inter-Squadron Boxing: Tpr Noon

is always the bugbear in Canada: surprisingly no one had too many problems and anyone who did was normally spotted by the Squadron Leader. CoI-I (now SCpl) Pendry had one particularly good day: over some very difficult terrain he managed to approach an enemy platoon position unseen and single-handedly destroy it (well almost). earning himself the nickname ‘Rogue Elephant‘.


Waterskiing Afternoon: Baderborn

The whole Battle Group had to spend two days tent— bound whilst a blizzard raged outside. This could have produced a certain lethargy but as soon as we were allowed to move, people were keen to get on and training did not seem to suffer. The blizzard was also responsible for some appalling jokes. along the lines of ‘I‘m just going for a walk. . . .‘ As a result of the confinement the final exercise was cut short by a day. missing out the

In August SCM O'Gorman and a team of SNCO‘s and Troopers ran a wives exercise ”Maidens Madness‘ on Stapel training area. It involved command tasks, first aid. map reading and compo rations! The wives were very tired by the end but all said they had thoroughly enjoyed it. They chased the Squadron Leader at the end. with what intention he knew not. Needless to say he did not run too hard hoping for the best and getting buried in Stapel dust instead! In September the Squadron said goodbye to Lt Jacobs to the Mounted Regiment.

B Squadron has had another varied. full and successful year following the departure in October 1985 of Maj Shaw to Northern Ireland and the arrival of our new American Squadron Leader. Maj Holmes (US Army) who has injected considerable flavour into our daily life. The first major commitment following the Divisional Exercise and PRE was a Siteguard over Christmas at Sennelager which was certainly a very different way of spending Christmas ~ Christmas pudding and mince pies within the strict confines of an ammunition site is not perhaps the most domestic of scenes. However. everyone managed to get away for some leave over the New Year ready to commence 1986 with renewed vigour.

Vigour has certainly been a strong feature within B Squadron who have without question had,a year of unparalleled physical fitness — Hermann‘s monument of Arminius standing on a painfully steep hill overlooking Detmold will forever be engraved in the hearts of B Squadron following our daily road runs. aerobics exercises and physical training. It was in much this spirit that we started the year‘s training with a troop training exercise in very cold February conditions — half the exercise took the form of a dismounted night route march following a helicopter landing onto the Bistelberg training area at Lemgo combined with troop movement and tactics on the familiar Stapel training area. An exhausted Squadron

October saw the farewell to Detmold weekend, a mix-

ture of rain. cold and pageantry with everyone in the Squadron involved in some way or other. culminating in the whole Squadron on parade on the Monday when Maj Gen Hobbs took the salute. On 17 October the Squadron boxing team won the inter—Squadron trophy. This was the first time it had been contested since 1979. The first and last bouts were particularly memorable. Lt Clee proved in the first bout that his squashed nose had been hard won and outpointed his opponent by a unanimous decision. Likewise Tpr Fermor made sure of the trophy with an aggressive display of skill. In late October we handed over our tanks to 15/19 Hussars and departed to Athlone Barracks. The Squadron is now preparing to send people on Challenger conversion courses. as we are the first Squadron to receive them next year. an event keenly anticipated. It has been, as always. a busy year. The highlight was our trip to Canada. training which everyone enjoyed and found thoroughly worthwhile. Next year will be exciting with the arrival of Challenger. but will whoever writes next year’s notes say ‘It‘s been a busy year?’ Odds on they will!


'LCoH Birch. LCpl Parson, CoH Masson

Tprs Johnson and Plimmer with the US Army

The cold weather also induced a party from B & C Squadron in May to join our affiliated ship HMS Broadsword which was sailing back from the Gulf. Ct J H Wingfield-Digby. LCpl Nichols. Tpr Knibbs and Tpr Farley embarked on this voyage in mid May and returned at the end of May having travelled to Cyprus. Rhodes. Gibraltar and Devonport. At the end of May we said farewell to Lt Tanburn who is presently at The Guards Depot while also welcoming by this stage Lt L Villers, recently commissioned and retrieved from Cyprus as 21C following the departure of Capt S Sibley to the Quartermasters Department. The Squadron had it's well earned block leave for the first three weeks in June prior to the build up to annual firing at Hohne in August. This. thanks to a great deal of hard work from the whole Squadron went off very well and steady improvement was seen in the Squadron Gunnery across the board. 4 Troop were awarded the

SCpI Pitt, CoH Masson, Maj Holmes, Lynx Aircrew, LCoH Birch visit the IGB

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' Tols laldiout for handover to 15/19H .

certainly appreciated their role as armoured soldiers after the completion of their route march. Towards the end of February the Squadron took part with the rest of the Regiment in a Corps outloading exercise. The conditions were well below freezing the whole time and the tanks were very effectively camouflaged in green and white which blended well with the snow. Following this. CoH Greenaway and LCpl Hastings departed for Canada to form the activation team for the RHG/D Battle Group who were to exercise at BATUS in the same way as our Battle Group in 1985. Having completed our tasks as enemy to The Blues and Royals Battle Group on Soltau. 4 Troop were then disbanded while B & C Squadron combined to form another site guard.

for PRE and handover to the 15/19 l-Iussars. The handover went very smoothly and our move to Athlone Barracks. dispite the monumental business of moving families. schools. houses. property and taking over another Squadron of tanks. looks as if it will provide another fresh and busy period for B Squadron.

CoH Greenaway oz mama __

12! j'gllu.

Tpr Steele

John Tucker Memorial Trophy and Tpr Lee the Dunkley Best Gunners Trophy. Gunners. however were not the only ones to excel at Hohne — SCM Hunter instructed the drivers. after his great success in the pace sticking com— petition with LCoH Rendall. in broom drill and ammunition bashing 7 this fine body of men provided guards of honour for inspecting officers as well as maintaining the firing points in immaculate dust free condition. We were fortunate in having Lt Fisher 15/19 Hussars attached to us for the lead up to and during the firing period. We also had two American Abraham tanks and two Bradley FV’s from the US Cavalry at Fulda. These vehicles may have made Chieftain look prehistoric but at least we were rewarded by the memorable sight of a Centurian ARV recovering an Abraham tank with a broken gearbox! The remaining weeks interspersed with our Farewell to Detmold celebrations before our departure from Detmold were devoted to raising the tanks to a very high standard

Tpr Bostock

Major Holmes in walking out order (US)

Finally we welcome Lt Holland from his Troop Leaders course as well as Tprs Knibbs. Shaw. Jones 47. Robinson 81. Plimmer. Bostock. Hamilton. Leak. Martin 2‘). Marshall and LCpl Fugatt. We also said farewell to CoH Dunkley. the longest continuous serving member of B Squadron who we gather has made an excellent conver» sion from tanks to horses at Knightsbridge.

ANNUAL FIRING AT HOHNE The year started with the Squadron working hard on its tanks after the demands of a tough autumn FTX. This work was rewarded on February’s Exercise HARD FIST when the tanks completed a IOU—mile route march without a breakdown, A remarkable achievement especially as the temperature remained a constant —12°C. The aim of the Exercise was to test ammunition loading and the move— ment of tanks. It was therefore unfortunate that it also tested living out in Arctic conditions. However these Arctic conditions did acclimatise CoH Elliott‘s team of soldiers who went to BATUS in Canada to activate the tanks there for the training season. In BATUS the tem— peratures regularly reached 40°C, The remainder of the Squadron in late March and early April went to Soltau and provided the enemy force with l RRW for the RHG/D Battle Group. This provided a welcome opportunity to harass the other Squadrons. (The Squadron did so well that we were then asked to provide crewmen for the RHG/D Battle Group going to BATUS.) Shortly after Soltau. CsoH Cook. Ashby and Tpr Knibbs were lucky enough to visit HMS Broadsword which berthed in Cyprus. however the stories that returned to Germany suggested that they spent more time on the beach learning Danish and Philipino. rather than familiarising themselves with the exciting new gun systems on HMS Broadsword. June arrived and allowed the whole Squadron to disappear on leave and return with fat bellies and empty bank accounts. But reality then started in earnest as the Squadron prepared itself for the Gunnery competition at Hohne. The gunnery standards now required at Hohne are very high with decisively accurate shooting. These the Squadron achieved with hard work. but also with time to visit Hamburg and its entertainment. Tpr Quinn promised to drink and just find the money to pay for an excellent

bottle of Champagne in one of the night clubs. while Tpr‘s Turnidge LG and Beaumont with some consistently excel— lent gunnery, won the Squadron prize of champagne for gunnery. September was LCoH Frampton's month as his cousins provided us with some excellent accommodation on the

German Danish border for our adventure training. The adventure training was organised over two long weekends and included some memorable trawler fishing escapades. It was memorable on account of the very rough seas which quickly discovered the good and bad sailors in the Squad— ron. LCoH Frampton. as the organiser, was made to attend all these sea trips. However, his dog refused to go for a second time on the boat. The local village was played at football and victory went to the Squadron. October was hectic for the whole Regiment. During the month we had a PRE, ‘Farewell to Detmold‘ Parade and a

Tpr Smith, LCpls Parker, Hiscock, Rudin, Tprs Clayton, Morris, Brown

everything is in good order before the winter snow arrives and Christmas leave is taken. It has been a hard but successful year for the Squadron. During the year there have been many departures, Capt Hanmer. LCoH Farmer. both have departed to civilian life. SCpl Elsey went to the Officers Mess. COH Atkinson to the provost and COH Cowton to Catterick. But new blood, slightly old in some cases. has arrived in the form of Ct Scott, COH Mead. CoH Maher and COH Seager.

handover to the 15/19 H. However, as the pressure developed the Squadron sense of humour improved and everyone should be congratulated on some excellent work. The SCOTS DG tanks and camp have now been taken over and the hard work continues to ensure that

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LCpl Parker, Tprs Wood, Jackson, Thomas, Sykes,


LCpl Spandley in the turret

D Squadron




BATUS Variety in Training

D Squadron have had a very busy but fulfilling year. The build up to BATUS was hectic. to say the least, but after a successful Battle Group training we were all looking forward to great things in Canada. A few people had been with B and C Squadrons the year before. including Capt Jeacock and Lt Owen, and so a lot of first hand knowledge could be imparted to the Squadron.

Maj Hardy and CoH Elliott


Hohne: Admin Troop at Action

\ '


Tpr Wignal on Ex Snowqueen

The weather to start with was extremely pleasant. but soon changed to rain on deployment! The exercise went very smoothly. except for the blizzard which stopped proceedings for 36 hours, with 80kmh winds battering the bivis! Apart from when Maj Bucknall had his sandwiches shot up. the relationship with the RRW was again faritastic: we are sad to leave them behind in 4 Div. On return to Detmold. most members of the Squadron managed to get down to Bavaria on our adventure training

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_ LCoH Davies and Tpr Cody

Tprs Cody and Dewing in the Soviet Sector of Berlin inspecting a blatant infringement of the Quadropartite Agreement

exercise "Bavarian Bounty‘ under Ct Cragoe. while Ct Jowitt stayed in Canada to lead a Regimental group to Colorado for two weeks. When a degree of normality returned, most thoughts were towards the forthcoming handover. However. we said farewell to SCM Davies who went off to HCR. and he was replaced by SCM Quinn from Comd Squadron. Lt Owen went on attachment to Northern Ireland. while Ct Woyka prepared to lead an expedition to Nepal. Not satisfied with this. we also did a Site Guard! To get the vehicles ready for handover required a lot of hard work. but in characteristic fashion everyone knuck— led down to it with a smile 7 well occasionally. anyway! During all this activity. CoH Lawson went to HCR. CsoH Carpenter and Rogers went away on courses. Maj Bucknall then helped out 33 Bde. dividing his time be— tween the two jobs! However. under the team of SCM Quinn. SCpl Guest. CsoH Manning and Coutts and LCsoH Gaskell. Davies and Maxwell D Squadron pro— duced the highest of standards. The Squadron was the first to move to Athlone barracks. and are presently cracking on with the job, but with more time on our hands — rather the lull after the storm. The new barracks offer many advantages. and there is a very positive feeling amongst all ranks. The sporting facilities are much better. allowing LCpl Dyche to take the Squadron on even longer runs! 12

We are pleased to say that most of our attached LG have rebadged recently LCoH Griffin and Brettell, LCpl Topham and Tpr Hughes. We have said farewell this year to Lt Owen (To Comd Sqn). SCM Davies (HCR). CoH Lawson. Manning, LCpl Harris, Tpr‘s Coombs. Bartlett. Spencer (To HCR). A hectic but fulfilling year. and we are now looking forward to the new Challenger.




Standlng: Ma] Kerrutsh RRW, Capt Tabor, The Commanding Officer, Capt White-Spunner, Maj Lunn RA Johnsen and Richards RRW

What a year 1986 was! It has become customery to mention how busy we have been during a particular training season, but it is no exaggeration to say that last year was one of the busiest on record. From Ex Hard Fist in February to when the Regiment moved to Sennelager, events seemed to follow one another without pause. Soltau led to Batus which in turn led to the Farewell to Detmold celebrations, the PRE and finally the long if somewhat apprehensively awaited move over the hill. Command and support Squadron has been involved in almost everything that 1986 has had to offer. The Command Squadron of 1986 was a somewhat slimmed down version from that of the previous year. The disbandment of GW Troop in January took us, in one fell swoop, from being the largest to the smallest Squadron. Nothing daunted, the year was tackled with great gusto and was ultimately a very successful one. In extra—curricula activities, too, the Squadron was busy. The boxing team consisting of LCpls Cooper and Hodges and Tprs Dear, Howie and Rookes with their trainers LCpl Shatliff and Tpr Clavering acquitted themselves gallantly in the Regimental Boxing Competition. While none, sadly, made it through to the finals, there were some very good contests. The Pace Sticking Team driven by W02 Quinn was made up of SCpl Gimblett, CoH Harris and LCoH Maher. After many hours of practice in freezing conditions, with hands growing more raw by the minute. battle was joined and a highly com— mendable third place gained. The Squadron also provided the nucleus of the Regimental Basketball team. It was unfortunate that the Swimming Competition was can-

successful. and our abilities were only apparent in the childrens’ running (the Gimblett clan), the eating race and the javelin. in which LCoH Matthew distinguished himself. The Squadron Leader’s moment of glory was shattered when he tore a hamstring within yards of the start of the 400m. It was. all in all, an enjoyable if not overly glorious afternoon.

celled as we felt we stood a fair chance of doing well. The Farewell to Detmold

Regimental Athletics competition was not enormously

Lying: Capts

CsoH Maher and Hyndman

RHQ TROOP RHQ Troop was heavily involved from the first to the last. The year began in earnest with Ex First Glance, a Brigade organised TEWT. for which the Troop had to set up 2 tented stands on top of wind swept hills in tempera— tures of about e 15C. Under the aegis of the RCM. great feats of heroism were performed to erect completely unfamiliar tents in howling winds and pitch blackness so that the Brigade Commander‘s exercise would not be a complete frost. With the pub alongside providing Gluehwein. it was considerably more comfortable than it would have been out in the open. The only hiccup was when Tpr Payne skidded the Commanding officer‘s Staff Car into a snow filled ditch. If First Glance as a feat of endurance was not enough Ex Hard Fist shortly after— wards took place in equally cold conditions. Batus was a new and generally enjoyable experience. For the first week, the Ops Officer, CoH Harris and Tprs

LCOH Allen, Tprs Monson and Clavering and CoH Harris

on QC

We had our families day out at a waterskiing lake near Sennelager. This was aptly named ‘Ex Paddy’s Picnic’ which, despite fairly cold and damp conditions, proved to be a great success. A block booking on the water skiing enabled most members of the Squadron to have a go. CoH Bowden as the SQMC did a marvellous job arranging tentage, transport and a barbeque. The Farewell to Detmold celebrations saw the Squad— ron on parade having to be somewhat bolstered by HQ Squadron because of our lack of numbers and due to the other commitments of the day. The parade went extremely well, and Detmold is now sadly part of our past. The move to Sennelager was a little traumatic but everyone is now settled in. The equipment we have inherited is in a reasonable condition and there is certainly nothing that cannot be put right given a little time.

Clavering and Morison left in OC to run the Recce Troop special to arm exercises. while the rest of Battle Group HQ spent the same period digging the ‘gremlins' out of the radio equipment. Every elevated antenna kit had to be changed which filled us with confidence for the later exercises. Two unsung heroes were LCOH Barugh and LCpl Johnston who crewed 118 through thick and thin. Clearly the effect on LCpl Johnston was so traumatic that he has now joined the Parachute Regiment. Otherwise all went smoothly in Canada, one of the few problems being when the acting 21C Maj Kerruish took over command of the battle for the attack on Timsville. The tank’s live IC was defective and over the command net went ‘OK boys and girls — are we ready. Off we go then’! The rest of the year saw the Troop providing communi— cations for B and C Squadrons at Hohne and also taking part in several HF radio exercises between Bovington and other RAC Regiments. The PRE in October was highly successful, and the 15/19th Hussars should be very pleased with the state of their newly acquired RHQ.

RECCE TROOP Recce Troop, too, has had an excellent, if somewhat

hectic year. Ex Hard Fist saw Capt Mountain’s suggestion for white camouflage adopted by the whole Regiment. This seemed to cause much excitment amongst the senior Officers who saw it (although perhaps, they should not have donel). Batus proved to be both enjoyable and frustrating. Much could be written of the events in Canada but the narration of one or two incidents will suffice. LCOH Stubbs not only bogged his vehicle twice but also experienced the 76mm Gun jumping off its trunnions on the first day. Within minutes the Troop Leader’s Gun refused to run out — quite a start to the day! Then there was the problem of the Artillery FOO who kept disappearing miles ahead of the Battle Group thus making it impossible for the tanks to fire. Capt Mountain threatened to keep him on a elasticated lead. The Troop had one first — it fired 76mm illumination rounds and was thus the first Recce Troop to do so. Suffice to say, it is extremely effective.Tpr Foot’s gunnery in Canada was exceptional, and LCOH Rees did extremely well as a Commander with very little training. In the final attack in Batus, Recce Troop formed the fire base for the Battle Group which enabled them to fire up a lot of unused ammunition. Back in BAOR, there was one unusual range day, when the Troop fired foreign rifles, the German G3, Dutch Uzi and the American M16. The PRE was the greatest success of the year. Tpr Schofield in particular and most of the Troop in general bet the Squadron Leader that not one single crew job would be found in any of the vehicles. The Troop won a lot of beer for an outstanding PRE.

LCHo Flynn and Tpr Gibbons than ever before. The annual inspection was considerably more demanding than last year, and the maintenance of such a high standard is entirely due to the hard work of LCOH Bradley and his team of LCpl Fugatt, Tprs Hancock, Rookes and Worrallo with their dogs, Brunni, Bess

and Jab. Tpr Rookes has stayed in Detmold with the 15/ 19th but the rest are now safely in Sennelager. All in all 1986 has been quite a year. SCM Sackett took over from W02 Wall, Capt Mountain and Capt Tabor have left for Knightsbridge and there have been several other changes. Sennelager should now pose a great new challenge for Command Squadron in 1987.

Recce Troop in action








ROM Sayer, SCpl Grimes and Capt Tabor

THE PROVOST AND THE DOG SECTION As always the Regimental Provost Staff were hard worked throughout the year. CoH Douglas moved on in mid year to the QM’s department and CoH Atkinson took his place. LCOH Parsley remained as 21C in his normal highly efficient way. The dog section under LCOH Bradley had another excellent year despite the trials and tribulations of the move. We were much more successful in the BiathIOn event between Dog Sections from other NATO countries

WWW“; - afi-vny.“ SQ,

Capt Mountain


‘ Cat (QM) Sibley and Capt (QM) Livingstone

QUARTERMASTER’S DEPARTMENT This year has been a very hectic year with not only a change of barracks but also considerable change of personalities. The year started with the departure of RQMC McEvoy to civvy street (via a holiday at Lulworth). We wish him and his family all the best for the future.

The Pace Stick Teams

In early Feb ‘Ex Hard Fist‘. a Corps outloading exercise was thrust upon us — snow and all — the least said the better. Capt Sibley arrived to start his takeover from Capt Patterson. By early March Capt Sibley was firmly in the chair and Capt Patterson departed for pastures green at Arborfield and the new QM left for Soltau for BATUS training. This proved to be CoH ‘The amazing Brian Bond‘ swan song. Needless to say all went well and great fun was had by all. Back at the ranch (Detmold). the R0 and the rest of the

A soft tapping sound could be heard. even through the sounds of contractors machinery busy with the rebuild of Barracks. Warrant and Non-Commissioned Officers could be seen at all hours of the day endeavouring to master the skills of manipulating a pacestick. The Blues and Royals in Lothian Barracks were preparing for the first ever Inter Squadron Pacestick Drill Competition held on 13 March 1986. The Royal Regiment of Artillery lays claim to being the originator of the Pacestick: it was used by Field Gun Teams to ensure the correct distance between guns, It later became adopted by the Infantry and other Army as an aid to Drill and Drill Instruction. Six teams. one from each Squadron. and comprising of W02 Team Captain/Driver and three Team Members were required to demonstrate their skills at precision foot drill in both slow and quick time. whilst manipulating a pacestick using in turn the right and left hand. The 16

Regiment had no previous experience of this sort of competition and most of those competing had mastered their skills in the six week period building up to the competition. The competition took the form of a March On. Inspec— tion. Drill in slow and Quick time (The changes of hand having to occur within boxes marked on the square) and a march Off. Teams being judged by a panel of four Regimental Personalities. The Commanding Officer LT Col H W Davies. The RCM WOl CJ Sayer with Lt D A O‘Halloran and W02 1’ Harkness. A very high standard of Drill and Turnout was achieved with prizes being awarded as follows: Winners Inter Squadron Team Challenger: B Squadron. Run’ners up C Squadron. Best Individual Pacesticker: CoH Rendall B Squadron. Most Improved Pacesticker: ("0H Morgan C Squadron.

happy band were preparing for BATUS (LCoH Martin rear party again). At the end of April BATUS loomed strong and half of the department headed for the delights of Canada while the OM headed for his QM‘s course and CoH Bond headed for civvy street. We wish him and his family all the best for the future. Meanwhile the ammo pile at BATUS was demolished and even the ROMC‘s dulcet tones were heard on the

radio waves again! We had all four seasons crushed into six weeks with snow, rain. sun. etc and LCoH Eyre

became a “dad” (well done him). On return from BATUS COH Douglas arrived just in time for the cricket season and Hohne was thrust upon us. The department deployed to sleepy hollow off range nine and was seen to work and play hard 7 golf was the new game and we managed to

loose the OM‘s balls. Tpr Moody was seen ‘L~ driving a four tonner around the range road. and somehow LCoH

Needham managed to survive. To complete the article I must mention the comings and goings. We say a sad farewell to LCoH Butcher (the oldest serving member of the QM‘s) — his sense of humour will

be missed — and LCoH Painting. our illustrious ration storeman to HCR. TECHNICAL QUARTERMASTER’S DEPARTMENT The Department has come through an exceedingly diffi— cult year. with an unenviable work load and many changes of personalities. Our year commenced early with preBATUS training on Soltau followed by Exercise Medicine Man 1 in BATUS. On returning from Canada the department moved to Hohne in support of the Regiment during Annual Firing. Once block leave had finished. the department really found itself winding up to maximum in order to prepare the tank fleet and ancillary vehicles for hand-over to 15/19 H. In the event the hand—over was a success much to the satisfaction of us all. Our final task of 1986 was taking over in Athlone Barracks. Sennelager.

The year saw quite a movement of personalities within the department, those leaving were: RQMC(T) Murray (now WOl) to Bristol LCsoH Davies and Robinson to civilian life LCoH Cross to the QMs LCpl Consadine and Tpr Crooke also to civilian life Incoming were: RQMC(T) Harkness LCoH Morris LCpl Henden Finally. a word of thanks to all wives of department members. without their support the department would certainly not have functioned quite so well this year. The demands on the staff to work overtime have been considerable.

REGIMENTAL ORDERLY ROOM In January we saw the departure of ORQMC Chillingworth to civilian life. His place was taken by ORQMC Greer, posted in from the corridors of power at MOD PB 17. Stanmore. Brigadier Regan OBE Commander 20th Armoured Brigade visited the Regiment and found time for a brief word with all the clerical staff. In February we were delighted to welcome the new Silver Stick. Colonel James Emson CBE. We had our first COs Barrack Inspection using the new ‘fixed line Inspection routes’. This involved a lot of ‘cross posting of stores and equipment not meant for the eyes of the Inspecting Team! 13 March saw the first Regimental inter—Squadron Pace-Stick Com— petition. with ORQMC Greer and ORCoH Mawer 'pack— ing‘ the Headquarters Squadron Team. On the 20 March the Tickle Fitness Test was held with Tpr Peat as the sole ‘Tickler’ from the Orderly Room. Needless to say. he passed. with time in hand for a cup of coffee and Berliner! In early April the Orderly Room ‘Mounted Troop” comprising ORQMC. ORCoH Mawer. LCoH Hammond. LCpl Broughton and Tpr Peat had their first blanket ride of the season. An afternoon of instruction given by LCpl Ablott of the Life Guards was enlivened by an impromptu display of aerial manoeuvres given by ORQMC Greer. Also in April. version 6 of the PAMPAS system was installed. We received a ”good chit‘ from the PAMPAS Implementation Team on our use. and application of the system. All credit goes to our expert. LCoH Hammond. On Monday 14 April our Typist/Interpreter, Frau Elinor Coetzee, completed 21 years service with the British Army. We had a small drinks party in her honour, by kind permission of the Regimental 21C‘s Mess Bill!


The year has included our participation in Exercise Medicine Man. where the Paymaster was Admin Officer, R &




PAY OFFICE The Pay Office is now part of the Unit Admin Office and although the RAPC element is still separate in many ways from its colleagues in the admin department. the gap is inexorably closing. With the issue of the new terminals and printer in the Pay Office as IPAS becomes reality, we will see even more integration in the admin and pay area.

R Officer and, most importantly, video officer. In

July we closed the office for two days to enter the Rheindahlen Allied marches and on a scorching hot day, completed the 40 km in a little over eight hours. After summer leave, the unit move became our priority and we successfully moved bank accounts from Detmold to Sennelager, claimed all the appropriate allowances, and carried on in our new offices as if nothing had happened. We became part of the Service Fund Accountant Scheme when W02 Wall successfully completed his courses and transferred to the RAPC in November. LSgt French was selected to join the Regimental Downhill Skiing Team in the RAC Championships in Verbier. Sgt Holliday continues to play Regiment rugby and has been joined by Pte Brownhill who was posted in January 1987. During the year we gained and lost LCpl Lee. The current pay team is as follows: Maj Thompson, SSgt Edwards, Sgt Holliday (des Sgt Reid), LSgt French, LCpl Holt, Pte Brownhill, Miss Parsons (YTS), W02 Wall (SFA).


ORQMC Greé? ‘

Mediterranean Quadrant. as the trip was named, was a

April and May saw the departure of CoH Hart. LCoH Williams and Tprs Peat and Morris to BATUS to provide clerical support to EX Med Man 1. The build-up to departure was an interesting time. Orders were given. changed. contradicted. eventually written down — then ignored! The actual exercise period went well and even— tually all were safely recovered to Detmold. We are however. still suffering the ‘sandbag syndrome.” ‘When I was in BATUS . . . etc‘ (Oh hum-boring)! On 2 June Tpr Morris was promoted. deservedly. to Acting LCpl. On the 10 June we welcomed the Recce party from the 15/19 Hussars who had arrived for a weeks familiarisation visit. The Chief Clerk had obviously worked in 3 Bureau de


The Paymaster, Maj Thompson

Change prior to enlistment because all he said was ‘I‘ll change this. I’ll change that!” That visit did go well however. and will hopefully smooth the handover path. On 27 June the Command/Headquarters Squadron annual firms outing to Corsica took place (again!). It had been planned that this year we would visit Cyprus. This was scotched by the RAFs inability to fly the party there. Ex

LCpl Broughton and LCoH Williams


Major General Sir Allan Adair‘s autobiography. spanning the last 89 years. tells a remarkable story of the part he played in the turbulent events of this century. He was three times decorated for bravery and wounded in both world wars. He will best be remembered for his leadership of the Guards Armoured Division in World War II. Sir Allan includes many fascinating anecdotes. For example he describes how several thousand ‘mutineers' marched in 1919 upon the War Office and Horse Guards. They were eventually rounded up by Grenadiers and two troops of the Household Cavalry. A Guards" General is the first book to cover in detail the role of the Household Cavalry and Foot Guards in breaking the 1926 General Strike when The Life Guards (or The Royal Horse Guards) had the unenviable task of guarding vulnerable points and being used as fatigue parties to move vital stores. Perhaps the 3rd Tank Regiment were more fortunate for they were brought up to London to trundle around Buckingham Palace. if required. at 20mph. The author describes in some detail the thoroughness of the training of 2nd Household Cavalry Regiment in World War II. Every crewman learned every job. Officers also had to master every trade. leading to a memorable occasion when two senior Captains crewed a Daimler Scout Car. Neither knew how to switch the engine off or the wireless. on! Sir Allan is full of praise for the Regiment's courage and dash throughout the fighting in Europe, However A Guards General is much more than just another war book for the author writes about the Middle East. before the second world war. and Greece after it. about Freemasonry. and the Yeoman of the Guard. and indeed much else. This book is well recommended.

great success, involving trecking. hill walking. surf board— ing and snorkelling. Quite strenuous especially for the more sedentary amongt us! High grade suntans (tempera— tures were in the 905) were sported when we returned to Detmold to the envy of those left behind. The exercise is reported on more fully. elsewhere in this journal. On 17 July LCpl Hellewell joined us from Command Squadron. August saw the departure of LCpl Bates to Belize for a six months attachment. We await with interest his ‘Jungle Stories’. On 16 September we had a ‘clerks outing‘ to 23 Base Workshops at Wetter. 10 of the Regiment's clerks were shown around by a very informative guide. On the 14 September LCoH amd Mrs Williams had a welcome addition to their family in the shape of Tasmin. a sister for Nadine. We wish them health and happiness. On Saturday 4 October and Monday 6 October we held our Regimental Farewell to Detmold Ball and Parade respectively. It was nice to see an old friend in the form of SCpl Reeve. On Friday 17 October the Regimental Boxing Finals were held in the gymnasium. Our filing clerk. Tpr Marsden, had a convincing win in his bout gaining a place in the Regimental Team to face 39 Hy Regt RA at a later date. 27 October saw the Orderly Room advance party leave for Athlone Barracks. We have been lucky this year to secure 4 BZ clerks

A Guards’ General can be obtained from RHQ Grenadier Guards, Wellington Barracks, SW1 at £7.50 (plus £1.05

courses, 3 B1 courses and 3 Unit Admin Office courses.


SCpl Pendry receiving his Winner’s Trophy at the Hannover Race


TEMgunted Squadron Notes \. 1t ,t y. l

i” 3

.\ '7



LCpI Munn and Sgt Fitsell

It was once said of Laurie Lee that he could find ‘more ingenious ways than most people of putting off the appalling moment of putting pen to paper‘. And it continued ‘when he had made coffee. filled his pipe. changed his typewriter ribbon. moved the furniture. telephoned his mother. had a sleep. gone for a walk. he was often reduced to copying out the newspaper'. Having just copied out the latest REME Tech Bulletin the appalling moment of putting pen to paper to describe the various activities of the LAD over the last year has arrived. EX HARD FIST was the first major commitment of the year and passed smoothly but for a rare breakdown in communications between those staunch allies the LAD and the QM(T) department. There was some confusion over the winter camouflage: Was it canvas and bodywork to be painted white or just the bodywork? SSgt Speak the senior Recovery Mechanic opted for the former thus gaining favour with the Commander of 20 Armoured Brigade but losing it with the OM(T). Pre — BATUS Battle Group Training commenced in March and was marked by the departure of WOl(ASM) Chapman. who was posted to Kuwait as part of the Kuwait Liaison Team. and the arrival of WOl(ASM) Saunders. Again the exercise passed agreeably enough with few incidents save the demise of the EME‘s mar» ginally promising career, This was brought about by his failure to ‘deliver the goods‘. in this case the goods being Cfn O‘Connor who was required to represent the REME at rugby in Luxembourg. Training on Soltau was quickly followed by Ex MEDICINE MAN l in Canada which proved to be the highlight of the year militarily speaking. Sgt Willet intro» duced his particular interpretation of voice procedure to the Admin Net with a form of veiled speech secure to all radio users. friendly or otherwise. Ex PEREGRINE QUADRANT was the name given to the LAD's ‘Challenge Pursuit Training Camp‘ which took 20

place between 28 June and 5 July in the Allgau Region of Bavaria. Annual Firing for B and C Squadrons provided a subtle reminder of the Regiment‘s and the LAD‘s raison d’etre (less subtle ones such as a Method [1 PRE were to follow) and was worthy of note if only for the rather stirring sight of an M1 Abrams tank being towed by a Centurion ARV.

‘The Blues and Royals LAD' is being left in Lothian Barracks with the move of the Regiment to Sennelager. To all those who have served with The Blues and Royals in the last three years we wish you all the best for the future and good luck with the lS/l‘) Hussars. To the LAD in Athlone Barracks. the new ‘Blues and Royals LAD‘. welcome to the Regiment and we trust that the association or marriage between the user and the repairer will be as happy in the next three years as it has in the last three years.

The EME, Capt Parsons

. THE WEDDING OF THE DUKE AND DUCHSS oi: YORK SCM Fox on Isla recelves the Guidon. Coverers are: Tpr Stafford on Hero and Tpr Robson on Bacchus

It has been traditional for many years for the Mounted Squadron notes to begin with the phrase It has been a busy year for The Mounted Squadron. Last year proved to be an exceptionally busy one. so busyin fact that the Regiment was unable to go to summer camp. During December 1985 and the beginning of 1986 the troops were kept busy at winter camp. Once again these were held at RAF Sopley but the appalling weather conditions very much curtailed operations. The Squadron also provided a Guard of Honour for the wedding of the Squadron 21C. Capt J A S Bernard. at Ashkirk in Scotland. The long journey proved well worthwhile par— ticularly from the Squadron Leader’s point of view. A very successful Cadre course was held at Windsor in February, and revealed an interesting amount of pre— viously latent talent amongst the Junior Ranks of the Squadron. The remainder of the month was taken up with inspections and preparations for the ceremonial season. In April The Blues and Royals Mounted Band went to perform in Sweden. taking with them a large number of grooms from the Squadron. On return the band rejoined The Regiment at Windsor where we had moved for the State Visit of The King and Queen of Spain. This was a Blues and Royals escort and therefore passed extremely well. May saw The Regiment again on parade for the Major General‘s inspection, Although the canter past. intro— duced in recent years has been retained. the canter in review order has been slowed to a walk. Although this has disappointed some of the more bloodthirsty spectators the parade has been much improved as regards dressing and discipline. There were no disasters on the day and remark~ ably few during rehearsals. D

The Blues and Royals Standard carried by SCM Davies on Diablo and flanked by Tpr Hinton on Fortune and CoH Baston on Wexford

At the Royal Windsor Horse Show the Squadron had a spectacular success in The Princess Elizabeth Cup. This competition is for the best turned out Trooper in the Regiment. The Squadron took the first four places of the eight finalists. The order was lst Tpr (now LCpl) Musgrave, 2nd Tpr Morrell. 3rd Tpr Duckham and 4th Tpr Wood 922. The Queen‘s Birthday parade took place on 14 June. This was a Blues and Royals escort and reports from the experts suggest that it was very successful. There were no casualties this year. This was followed as usual by the Garter Ceremony. It was undoubtedly one of the hottest and muggiest days of the year and we suffered con— siderably. In a normal year the Garter ceremony marks the end of the summer ceremonial season. This was no normal year. On 1 July the Squadron provided the leading divisions for the escort of the State visit of the President of Germany. followed the next day by a Captains escort commanded by Capt J A S Bernard.

35“ i

The Travelling Escort for the Duke and Duchess of York. Commanded by Maj Hadden Daton

Leaving the Forecourt

On 23 July the Squadron was heavily involved in the wedding of The Duke and Duchess of York. Although these were very much Life Guard dominated escorts. quite rightly as the bride's father had commanded the Life Guards Mounted Squadron. the Squadron provided the leading divisions of the Sovereigns Escort and both a Standard and a Guidon party. In the afternoon Maj N Hadden—Paton commanded a composite travelling escort to take the couple on the first leg of their honeymoon. This was believed to be a unique occasion as the carriage had a Blue and Royal officer on the right wheel of the carriage and Life Guard on the left. This was a particularly enjoyable and happy day for the Squadron. and one in which we could take a greater than usual personal interest. A few days before their wedding the future Duke and Duchess had paid an informal visit to the Regiment and were shown all aspects of our life and work. They were presented with a Bronze Drum Horse. fashioned by Capt M R Coreth RHG/D, on behalf of all ranks of the Household Cavalry. They appeared to enjoy their visit as much as we enjoyed having them.

With no summer camp this year some horses were 22

turned out to grass in July and August, but a large number had to remain for the Musical Ride and Riding school. The end of August brought a particularly quiet period for the Regiment. Although the Sabre Squadrons were still in barracks we ceased to provide the Queen's Life Guard for a three week period. this duty being taken over by The King‘s Troop. Although this has happened in the past when The Regiment has been at camp, no one can remember a similar relaxed situation at Hyde Park Barracks. This allowed for an extensive leave period as the Sabre Squadron had virtually no horses in their stables. We have just completed the Autumn ceremonial season with relative ease as there has been no autumn state visit this year. The State Opening of Parliament and the Lord Mayor‘s show passed off well. The Musical Ride has had a particularly busy and successful year, performing in Holland and in Berlin and Detmold. In Berlin they were accompanied by The Blues and Royals Band mounted. This was a considerable feat of organisation as some 50 horses had to be flown out and back. Currently the ride are preparing to perform at the Olympia Christmas show. The Squadron has had considerable success in getting their members away to distant parts of the world. A party performed, mounted. at Spruce Meadows. Canada. in August. A party has toured the Mediterranean on board our affiliated ship HMS Scylla. LCoH Webb and LCpl McKinney both decided to walk around Nepal. and have both returned, 300 miles later. a great deal thinner. During this year we have said a partial farewell to SCM Fox who has moved downstairs as RQMC, and welcomed in his place SCM Davies. Capt J A S Bernard is currently being taught how to be an Adjutant in BAOR and his replacement Capt E B S Mountain is being taught how to ride. The Squadron Leader is preparing to return to the Service Regiment, a process, after some four years at Knightsbridge. reminiscent of transplanting an old and well rooted tree. He is to be succeeded by Maj B W B White—Spunner. He will find that the Squadron is in good heart. and, unusually. well up to strength.

WOs AND SNCOs OF THE SQUADRON AT THE ROYAL WEDDING CoH Mardon, Rushton, SQMC Chamberlain, SCM Fox, CoH Baldwin, Baston, Henney

Guards Depot Notes There is something comforting about the way in which events and recruits recur at the Guards Depot with greater regularity than the seasons. It does, however, make

it means that social events can be much more personal and friendly: our last working lunch on 9 January lasted until 8 pm for some! The Household Cavalry Training Squadron contains 19 Blue and Royal staff and is commanded by Capt (QM) M A Patterson, who took over from Maj S D G Vetch, LG, in October. Capt (DOM) S A Watts, the Director of Music, leaves in April to take over as Director of Music for the Brigade of Gurkhas. Also posted were LCsoH Ward and Burbidge whilst LCoH Barclay has left for civilian life. LCpl Halfhide, who has

writing this article more difficult, particularly as our jobs vary from the bustling life of an adult recruit platoon sergeant to the sleepy hollow of the signals wing. During this period two junior platoons have formed in Pirbright Company and two adult Household Cavalry Troops have passed out of Caterham Company. one in November and one in January. The system is that Household Cavalry recruits join Pirbright Company as juniors and do up to 20 weeks of that course. They then move to Caterham Company and do a final eight weeks as adults in a Household Cavalry Troop, before moving on to Catterick. At the same time the music wing trains juniors and passed three cornet players just before Christmas. The stables continue to be staffed by the Cavalry although in rather reduced circumstances of recent years. LCpl Graham is the only Blue and Royal there at the moment but he has made his presence felt by considerable success show jumping in the summer. Pace—sticking became a major topic of conversation in the autumn as the Inter—Regimental competition neared. Originally treated with some levity it soon became appar—

Instructors’ course and should return to the Depot when he finishes. Arrivals include Capt (QM) J W Clayton, who took over as Second-in—Command of Pirbright Company in the New Year, and Lt J C Tanburn, who replaced Capt M R Coreth.

ent that it was only us and the Junior Parachute Company

Park Barracks, in Saturday 10 October, 1987.

who did not regard the result as a matter of life and death. It is after all the taking—part not winning which is important. Whilst the smallness of the Household Cavalry Training Squadron can sometimes be a disadvantage in competition

Members making enquiries. change of address. etc.. apply to : A Quiney. Esq. 54 Francis Avenue. Ilford. Essex. (01-478 3452).

been a barrack room instructor, is now on a Potential

ANNUAL REUNION AND DINNER The 4lst Annual Reunion and Dinner of the 1 HCR Dining Club will be held in the WOs/NCOs Mess. Hyde





iii VISIT TO HMS BROADSWORD CoH Cooke, LCoH Ashby, Ct WingfieId-Digby. LCpl Nichols, Tprs Farley and Knibbs


This year has been dominated by the departure of Maj Brian Keeling and the arrival of Capt (now Maj) Roger Tomlinson. We said farewell to Maj Keeling who left the Army in June after 36 years’ service ~ eight of them with our Band — to settle down quietly to retired civilian life in his home town of Woodbridge in Suffolk. It was sad at the time to

Early on Sat 24 May we first saw the Gibraltar Rock rising out of the morning mist which. though a familiar sight to the sailors. was a new landmark to us. Here we spent a night and two days ashore which included a visit into Spain and a stiff climb to the top of The Rock. We sailed the following afternoon in glorious sunshine in company with H.M.S. Cardiff arriving two days later at Devonport to be greeted. in pouring rain by the families and friends of the ships company. After five and a half months at sea they departed for some well earned leave while a very tanned Blue and Royals contingent made their way back to Detmold. The vist was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone and a welcome break from the tank park. Its success was largely due to the hospitality and friendliness of all aboard H.M.S. Broadsword. We greatly look forward to hosting a return visit.

see him leave. and we were delighted to learn later that he


had been awarded the MBE in the New Year‘s Honours list — fitting recognition of his many years of dedicated loyal service. We all wish him the very best of luck in his new life.

- 1 entry-v"?! V w.

Once again. a small party from The Blue and Royals was kindly invited to visit our affiliated ship. H.M.S. Bromi— sword. in May. This year it comprised six members taken from B and C Squadron (Ct Wingfield Digby. CoH Cook. LCoH Ashby. LCpl Nicholls. Tpr Nibbs. Tpr Farley). The ship was returning from a five month Armilla deployment in The Gulf which had included visits to Djibouti. Bahrain. Mombasa and Karachi. We joined the ship off Cyprus having spent several days being kindly looked after by Maj and Mrs Birdwood who were stationed at Episkopi. Arriving by the ship‘s Lynx helicopter we wasted no time in speeding on to the next port of call which was to be Rhodes. It was on arrival here that Capt Biggs. the ships captain. was ceremoniously 'rowed‘ ashore by his Heads of Departments in the modern day whaler and Capt Turner assumed command of H.M.S. Broadsword and The Second Frigate Squadron. Rhodes proved to be a magnificent ‘run ashore‘ — the hospitality of the local population was tremendous and with the climate. scenery and plethora of things to do. our five day run ashore seemed all too short. Leaving the old Greek town of Rhodes behind us the ship headed for Souda Bay on the island of Crete. some 12 hours away to refuel before steaming at an incredible 27 knots towards Gibraltar. the last foreign port of call before Devonport. While at sea we all participated in the daily activities of the ships company and were diligently shown over every part of the ship from the bridge to the galleys. to the gas turbines and impressive array of weapon systems with which the Type 22 Frigate is armed. The six Blue and Royals certainly learnt that. if life was cramped aboard Chieftain. it was positively spacious compared to life aboard ship.



T F‘ HEKDEU scHLAND Maj Tomlinson arrived at the Household Cavalry Regiment in January. and spent his first five months on the equitation course. Despite several falls he managed to survive long enough to Pass Out at the end of May and he became the new Director of Music on 17 June. Engagements for the Band during 1986 have been as numerous and interesting as ever. In April. for example. we went to Sweden to take part in the Gothenburg Horse Show and was it cold! At a mounted parade at the City Hall it was so cold that all the valves and pistons froze solid on the ‘brass’ instruments. to say nothing of fingers! The Horse Show itself was superb — it must be by far the best organised show of its type in Europe. After a couple of State Visits. a ‘Listen to the Band‘ BBC radio broadcast. the annual Major General‘s Inspection. and the Royal Windsor Horse Show. and with Beating Retreat and Trooping out of the way. we were ready for the main part of the summer season. Maj Tomlinson enthusiastically deluged us with. literally. scores of new music. which kept us on our toes. and successfully prevented us from ogling the girls from the bandstand at the seaside resorts — well. we had to concen~ trate on the music now. didn‘t we! During July and August — the ‘silly' season 7 we played in St James's Park. Hyde Park. at Duxford for over 2.000 schoolchildren. for the Frank Brtinoffim Witherspoon fight at Wembley Stadium. the Pine Walk bandstand at Bournemouth. Houghton Hall. Aylsham and Monmouth. and more formally at Buckingham Palace for a Royal Garden Party. and St Paul‘s Cathedral for a service to inaugurate the Order of St Michael and St George. In between we found time to fill our usual quota of Guards Chapels. Burton‘s Court Cricket matches and East Terraces and Castle Hills at Windsor. and we also managed to have some leave! In September. we went to Berlin for the Berlin Military

‘u «ksmsww ‘

HMS Broadsword in Gibrafar

Musn Francis

Tattoo. and this was an outstanding event. Maj Tomlinson. in addition to his commitment with the Mounted 25

Band. was also Tattoo Director of Music. and he not only wrote and arranged a lot of music especially for the occasion. but he also organised an excellent Massed Bands' display. From Berlin we visited the Regiment at Detmold for the Farewell Parade and Ball. We also visited the Regiment for three weeks in January. this time at their new location in Sennelager. and we had a most interesting time master— minded by Capt O‘Halloran. revising our military and medical training. We did all sorts of unlikely things like driving FV432 Ambulances and taking part in an Exercise! Some say we even looked like real soldiers — for a time. In addition to the changes in Directors of Music several other Band members have gone and come. and we have said farewell to Trumpet Maj Orritt. LCpls Avins. Cairns and Gilder. and Mus Alderson. Bellis. Biscoe and Mitchell. However. we have welcomed Mus Kimberley. Howe. Wilson. Dixon. Richardson. Stretton. Coates. Preston. Hughes. Lindsay. Gough and Lavender. What a lot of new names to learn! We congratulate on their promotions. Trumpet Maj Brammer. CoH Stevens. LCoH Hayward and LCpls Billington. Haddock. Haywood and Searle. Date 14/3/87 1/4/87

Engr:genre"! 1812


Firework Display

Tate Gallery



Guards” Spectacular Guard Mounting

Horse Guards

28/4/87 3/5/87 8/5/87

Guard Mounting Cavalry Memorial Parade Major General‘s Inspection

Horse Guards Hyde Park

of Household Cavalry

2—4/6/87 6/6/87

Regiment Surrey County Show First Rehearsal Queen‘s Birthday Parade Household Division Beating Retreat Second Rehearsal




25/5/87 30/5/87

Warrant Oflicers and Corporals of Horse Mess Notes

Hyde Park Stoke Park. Guildford Horse Guards Horse Guards

Queen‘s Birthday Horse Guards

LCpl Searle, Musns Kimberley and Howe

13/6/87 14/6/87 15/6/87 16—19/6/87 21~28/6/87 1 1/7/87 12/7/87 16/7/87 22/7/87 9—22/8/87 30/8/87 31/8/87

Queen‘s Birthday Parade Castle Hill Garter Service Royal Ascot Howard Davis Park Wessex Hall Castle Hill Kent County Show

Horse Guards Windsor Castle Windsor Castle Ascot Racecourse Jersey Poole Windsor Castle Maidstonc

Corn Exchange


Pine Walk Bandstand

Bournemouth Windsor Castle Norfolk

Castle Hill Houghton Hall

The year 1986 has been an extremely busy and extra— ordinary one for the WOs and CoHs Mess. It all started back in January when because of a PSA rebuild the Mess moved into temporary accommodation in Lothian Barracks. This temporary building had previously housed such things as the Regimental Kindergarten. The D & M Wing. and was even a stable way back in time. However. despite the problems with the building, the Mess members very quickly turned what was a rather bleak number of rooms into a first class Mess which was used for the remainder of the Regiment‘s tour in Detmold. Exercise commitments of BG TRG and MM/86 required the Mess to set up in other places such as Soltau and Camp Crowfoot in Canada. and it was with some relief for all concerned when as part of the Regimental move to Sennelager the Mess was safely installed in Athlone Barracks. however. the Sennelager PSA. not wishing to be outdone by their colleagues in Detmold decided that the Mess in Athlone Barracks need rewiring

and decorating and so the Mess moved once again into a temporary building. Although the Mess has had to be located in temporary buildings for most of 1986. it has not affected the first class entertainment which has been enjoyed by all. Indeed there has been so many memorable events socially that it would be impossible to list them all in these short notes. however. a first during 86 was the Mess members inter— Squadron pace sticking competition held on 13 May 86. Each team has the SCM as the Driver and three other Mess members made up the four man team. The Competi~ tion was won by B 8qu which was driven by SCM Hunter. It is planned to make this into an annual event and the 1987 competition will take place on 6 March 1987. Undoubtedly the outstanding social event for the Mess was the Farewell to Detmold Ball. held at Lothian Bar»

Regiment in Detmold. Jointly organised by the Officers and WOs and CsoH Messes. The evening started with a champagne reception and a magnificent floodlit display of horsemanship in the form of a musical ride. This was provided by members of the Household Cavalry Regiment. who had only the day before travelled down from the Berlin Tattoo to join the Regiment in Detmold. During dinner music was provided by the Band of The Blues and Royals and various other groups as well as a disco which performed throughout the night. A cham— pagne breakfast rounded off what was a memorable evening. The Farewell to Detmold was a first class success and a fitting way to say goodbye and thank you to all those who have helped and supported the Mess during its stay in Detmold. During the Farewell to Detmold weekend the Mess had much pleasure in hosting Members of the Regimental Association. The Association have very kindly presented the original Regimental Banner to the Mess. All serving mess members are proud to be the Custodians of this unique gift. Other noteable events included a bicycle bourne Sword. Lance and revolver competion between the Officers and WOs and CsoH Messes. This was the third and deciding event in the series that had started with a challenge to the WOs and CsoH Mess were the narrow winners and received a silver tray presented by a local taxi firm. It should be noted that of the three events the Officers won the bicycle polo quite convincingly and that the spectators from both messes enjoyed many amusing scenes. espec— ially the RCM‘s up armoured bicyle that resembled the wooden horse of Troy. Sadly we have said farewell to many mess members over the past year. They included: WOl

(ASM) Sanders REME. WOl Murray. W02

racks on Saturday 4 October 1986. Eight hundred people

Davies. CoH Lawson. CoH Manning. To all who have left

attended this last major social function to be held by the

us we extended our very best wishes for the future.


held at the Garrison Church Windsor on Sunday 8 November. A limited number of tickets will be avail— able from the Honorary Secretary. LONDON.A service of remembrance will be held at the Cavalry memorial in Hyde Park at 1050 hours on Sunday 8 November. At Home Day 1987

The Annual Dinner 1986 We were delighted to be able to return to Hyde Park Barracks for our Annual Dinner this year. 285 members were present and enjoyed an excellent meal prepared by the Master Chef and his staff of the Household Cavalry Regiment. We are indeed most grateful to the Comman— ding Officer of the Household Cavalry Regiment for allowing us to use the facilities of the barracks. and to the Quartermaster and RCM for making their staffs and the Mess available to us. We would particularly like to thank WOZ Law for the very able way in which he arranged the layout in the gymnasium for the dinner. Combined Cavalry Parade 1986

On every pleasant day we had a large contingent on parade after which members were entertained in the WOs and NCOs Mess of the Household Cavalry Regiment. We are most grateful tO the RCM and members of the Mess for all their hospitality. Visit to the Service Regiment

We delayed our visit this year so that we could join the Regiment at the farewell to Detmold festivities. A party of 42 members proceeded by air from 6th to 9th October 1986. A report on the visit is published separately but we would like to thank the Commanding Officer for allowing us to be present at this very special occasion and the RCM and all members Of the WOs and CsOH Mess for all their hospitality during our stay. The Alamein Buffet Dance This was held in the WOs and NCOs Mess at Hyde Park Barracks on Saturday 25 October 1986. It was disappoint— ing that this was not so well attended as in previous years but the 115 members and their guests who did attend enjoyed a very good evening. We are most grateful to SCM Davis who undertook the organisation Of the func— tion and the provision of the disco. to BCM Whennell and the members of the Band who played during the evening and the Master Chef and his staff who produced an excellent buffet. FORTHCOMING EVENTS 1987 The Annual General Meeting will be held in the WOs and NCOs Mess at Hyde Park Barracks on Saturday 2 May. the meeting will commence at 1830 hours and members are encouraged to attend. Members are reminded that if they have a resolution to put before the meeting it must be forwarded to the Honorary Secretary at least six weeks in advance of the meeting. AGENDA

Minutes of the 1986 meeting. Points arising. Confirmation of the Accounts for the period ending 31 December 1986. Committee Members, Under Rule 12 the following members are due to retire: Maj C W} Lewis MBE Mr J D Bradley In accordance with Rule 12 the undermcntioncd

members of the Association are recommended by the committee to fill these vacancies: MrJ D Clark Mr W R Macdougall 5. Any other business. Annual dinner 1987 The annual Dinner will be held in Hyde Park Barracks on

Saturday 2 May. Dress — Lounge suits. no medals. Bars will be open at 1730 hours but those in the WOs and NCOs Mess will be closed during the period of the Annual General Meeting. There is no accommodation available in Hyde Park Barracks but some may be available in the Union Jack Club or Victory Services Club ~ details of these are printed below. Applications for dinner tickets will be limited to one ticket per member and only official guests will be allowed. The cost of tickets will be £7 but only £3 for members over 65 years Of age. Should any member know of a comrade who would like to attend but cannot afford the price of a ticket. please notify the Honorary Secretary who is authorised by the committee to give a free ticket in such cases. To assist the Mounted Regiment with security. the dinner ticket will be used as an admittance ticket tO the barracks and only those in possession of a ticket will be allowed in. tickets will not be on sale at the door. Ladies are not allowed to attend the dinner but will be welcomed to attend the Mess afterwards. Combined Cavalry Parade and Service

This will take place in Hyde Park on Sunday 3 May 1987. Assemble on the Regimental Marker in Broad walk at 1050 hours. Dress 2 Lounge suits and decorations. Those attending are invited to Hyde Park Barracks after the parade. Your committee look forward to your support and hope to see a large contingent on parade. Visit to Service Regiment

The commanding Officers and members Of the Service Regiment in Germany are again inviting 40 members of the Association to visit them in 1987. It is proposed that the visit will take place in June 1987. Full details and cost are given on the proforma and those interested should fill in the application form and return it to the Secretary. 1f the visit is oversubscribed a draw will be held. Her Majesty The Queen’s Birthday Parade 1987

The parade is on saturday 13 June 1987 and the final rehearsal on Saturday 6 June. A very limited number of tickets for the Inner Line of Sentries (standing only) are alloted to members of the Association. members should write to the secretary who will send an application form. If you have had tickets during the last five years please do not apply. Applications must be with the Secretary by 1 May 1987. Remembrance 1987 a. THE FIELD OF REMEMBRANCF, will be held at 1200 hours on Thursday 5 November. Members are asked to assemble at the Regimental Plot in St Margaret‘s Churchyard at 1150 hours. Dress — Lounge suits. no medals. WINDSOR. The normal service of remembrance will be

It is hoped that we shall be able to join the Household Cavalry Regiment for their Open Day. At the time of going to press details have not been received but further information is contained in the proforma which those interested should return for an application form. Alamein Social Evening 1987 This will take place at Hyde Park Barracks on Saturday 31 October 1987. Those interested should complete the proforma requesting further details.

the centre of London. details are reprinted here for your convenience. 1.

The Union Jack Club, Sandell Street, Waterloo,

London SE1 8UJ. This club has 340 single rooms and 63 doubles. Exservicemen who served for at least two years are eligible to become members. the fees for joining are £5.00. with an annual subscription of £4.00. If you are not yet a member you should write soon asking for an application form. The Victory Services Club, 63-79 Seymore Street,

London W2 2HF. This is just by the Marble Arch in Edgware Road. the joining fee is £5.75 and you will need to send proof of having served in HM Forces. ie Photocopy of discharge Book. or something similar.

Assistant Honorary Secretary

The Ex-Service Fellowship Centre.

Maj A W Kersting has assumed the appointment of Assistant Honorary Secretary. All correspondence for the Association should be sent to RHQ Household Cavalry.

The Ex—Service Fellowship Centres run two residen— tial homes for ex—Servicemen and their widows. new

Horse Guards. Whitehall. London SW1A 2AX. Tele<

House in Stepney, East London. can take 29 residents. Hollanden House in Bexhill—on-Sea, East

phone number 01-930 4466 Extension 2214. Maj Kersting can also be contacted on Windsor 868222 Extension 203.

Sussex. can take 52. Residents. who must ordinarily be of pensionable age. have their own rooms in

Combined Cavalry Parade and Service from 1988.

comfortable buildings. They are not nursing homes

Members are advised that effective from 1988 the com— bined Cavalry parade and Service will be held in Hyde Park On the second Sunday in May. The Annual Dinner will therefore be held on the Saturday before the second Sunday in May from 1988 onwards. NOTICES Accommodation in London Two places are able to Offer reasonable accommodation in

and residents on admission must be capable of looking after themselves though some help. for example. with bathing can be given. Those interested should apply to:

The Administrator Ex—Service Fellowship Centres 8 Lower Grosvenor Place London SWlW ()EP

REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES These representatives are willing to give advice or to assist in any way possible. They are not authorised to make money grants which must be referred to the Committee for approval. If. on studying the list you find that there is no representative in your area and you would be willing to act for the committee. please send your name and address to the Honorary Secretary. Name Address Telephone Number 12 Bristowe. Chelmsford. Essex CM8 0245 72141 MR D BARNES MAI D S BARRINGTON—BROWNE Cockleford Mill. Nr Cheltenham. Gloucestershire GL53 9 NW 024 287 266 4 Butt Park. Stokcnham Kingsbridge South Devon TQ7 25H MRJ D BRADLEY Kingsbridge 580104 Stephouse. Tarrant Gunville. Blandford Forum. Dorset 91989 214 CAPT R C BUCKNALL Ruecroft. Wombleton. Kirby Morrside. Yorkshire YO6 5RX LT COL C G M GORDON 3 Fairview Rise. West Dene. Brighton. Sussex BN1 5GL MR G E W HALLs Brighton 551669 The Mere House. Hanmer. Whitchurch. Shropshire SY13 3DG CAPT SIR JOHN HANMER BT Hanmer 383 7 School Close. Bellfields. Guildford. Surrey GU1 lQJ 0483 571304 MR T HARDs Lintrathen Lodge. Kirriemuir. Angus DD8 511 057 56 228 LT COL A B HOUSTON OBE MC DL 22 Green Lane. Blythe Bridge. Stoke on Trent. Staffordshire MR P JONES STIl 9LZ 07818 5700 52 Homestall Road. East Dulwich. London SE22 OSB 01-693 2577 MAI C W J LEWIs. MBE Flat 5 The Croft. Hawkeshead. Nr Ambleside. Cumbria 09666 374 MR J LOCKE MRI LYND 28 Turnhouse road. Castlevale. Birmingham B35 6P8 27/2 Stenhouse Gardens. Edinburgh. Scotland RH11 3EN 031 444 1127 MRJ M MALLISON 39 Propps Hall Drive. Failsworth. Manchester M35 0WB 061681 6712 MR E MARCHINGTON 37 Manor Drive. BirchingtOn-On-Sea. Kent CT7 9TN 0843 43598 MR J A MATTHEW Am Hechtstucken 10. 3180 WOB 31. West Germany 05365 2855 MRI MENTIPLY Foxwood. Parkgate. Dumfries DG1 3NE Parkgate 228 CAPTJ W N MITCHELL 18 Gleveland Close. Coychurch. Bridgend. Glamorgan CF35 SHE 0656 861486 MR C F MOGG. MlSM Combcrmere. 2 Blickling Close. South Wootton. Norfolk PE30 3JE 0553 674583 MR R A NEWMAN Flat 4. St Oswalds Hospital. The Tything. Worcester WR1 1HR MR E W NICHOLAS 43 Filching Road. Eastbourne. Sussex BN20 8SD 0323 20702 MR R J ROBERTSON Parkside. St Aidans. Carlisle. Cumbria CA1 lLS 0228 21866 CAPT A C ROBSON 18 Selby Road. Hollin. Middleton. Manchester M24 3ES 061 653 6879 MRJ S ROWLANDs 42 Stone Bridge Court. Lings. Northampton NN3 4LY MR P D SPENCER 12 Meadow Drive. Credenhill. Herefordshire MR B T STRATFORD Haydown House. East Choldcrton. Hampshire Weyhill 2276 LT COL D J S WILKINSON 40 Batavia Road. Sunbury on Thames, Middlescx TW16 5LZ 76 86792 MR E J WOODMAND MRI: 37 Orkney Street. Spring Farm. Antrim. Northern Ireland BT41 2T0 Massereen 68608 Mr D P Young 29

Chartered Accountants


WQctober 198_§_


26 January 1987

The new Association Banner on parade for the first time carried by ex-RSM Edwards

lngersoll House, 5th Floor, 9 Kingsway, London, WCZB 6XF.

Total Expenditure

Visit to BAOR

Regimental at Home Day

Association Banner Buffet Dance

Annual Report and Magazine Cost of Magazine Less: Sales

Excess/(Deficit) of Income over Expenditure for the Year



297361 Auditors' Remuneration Printing Postage Miscellaneous Expenses

344606 1,437‘50 Cost of Dinner Less: Sale of Tickets

Subscriptions and Donations

Annual Dinner

Grants, Assistance, etc.


Profit on Sale of Shares

Subscriptions and Donations Dividends on Investments Deposit Account Interest


AUDITORS’ REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF THE BLUES AND HOYALS ASSOCIATION We have audited, in accordance with approved auditing standards , the attached Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Account and report that in our opinion these Accounts give respectively a true and fair view of the state of the Association s affairs at 31st December 1986 and of the surplus of income over expenditure for the year ended on that date.


H DE PINNA WElL Hon Treasurer E L PAYNE Hon Secretary




over Expenditure

Excess/(Deficit) of income



(1 ,540-46)


£76,494 40


1 1 ,271 '05

2,113 45 49000 11181 799 19 221486

332245 120900



1986 f 10,426'04 8,635‘80 571‘55





[L] L1 in

Net Current Assets

LESS: Current Liabilities Sundry Creditors

12,560 55

1 1 ,666‘07 Deposit Accounts

Sundry Debtors



General Fund Balance at 1 January

5,133'38 1 ,289 50

10,898-74 5,133 38 128950

1 6,032 12

67746 1535466

6559566 f 10,902'19 8,679'03 63461 3.27947

< >1 0DC a z <



Current Assets Cash at bank: Current Account



65.595 66 161.238'00


Market value

200,076 00

1986 5

investments (at 005!)


2 9e SU oU) <

Visit of the Regimental Association to Detmold

We were delighted to receive an invitation again from the Commanding Officer for a party from the Association to visit the Regiment in Germany. He asked us this year if we would delay our visit until October so that we could join in the Farewell to Detmold festivities. It was agreed that the party would again travel by air. Seats were therfore obtained on a British Airways flight from Heathrow and the party of 42 assembled at the airport at 1230 on 3rd October. After greetings between many old friends and a couple of drinks we took off at 2pm. Although the Regiment had made all the arrange ments for a coach to meet us they were let down by the Transport Company and after many frantic phone calls and a visit from the DC of the Transport Company who gave profuse apologies we got under way and eventually arrived at Detmold at about 7.30pm. This of course upset the arrangements which had been laid on for our recep— tion. but the RCM and his committee quickly had things organised and the members were soon enjoying a drink and a meal in the Mess. The delay at the airport did not seem to upset the party who were talking about old times until the early hours of the morning. On Saturday morning we were up bright and early to attend the dress rehearsal for Monday‘s farewell parade. after which the minibus was laid on for the members to make local visits and for shopping. On Saturday evening we were all invited to the officers‘ and WOs‘ & NCOs' Farewell Ball. This was a great success and will be reported on more fully elsewhere but the members were very grateful that they were allowed to pin the tables of the members and their families which contributed to an excellent evening. It was enjoyed by everyone and the majority stayed for breakfast in the early hours of the morning. The PR] Shop was opened for us on Sunday and the minibus was again laid on and many members took the opportunity of visiting Athlone Barracks for a look at the

new location. In the evening we were entertained in the NAAFI where a large number of soldiers gathered to make us welcome and a very enjoyable evening was had by everyone. On Monday morning we assembled on the square for the parade in somewhat damp conditions which was a disappointment after the sunny weekend. The Regiment gave a first class display of drill and marching and it was a great privilege for our members to march off behind our new banner for the first time and salute the Inspecting Officer who had just given the Regiment such well deserved praise for their bearing and turnout. The pre— sence of the quadrille added much colour to the parade and the Regimental Band were in excellent form not only for the parade but in their other duties over the weekend. many of our members were however somewhat out of

breath when they came off parade after the quick pace set by the band for the march off. After the parade and photographs we joined the Regi< ment for lunch and it was soon time to collect our party together and to say our final farewells. We eventually left Detmold soon after 3.30 by coach to book in at Hannover Airport for the 6.30 flight. We were destined to see a lot of Hannover Airport on this visit as on arrival we were told that the incoming flight had been delayed and we would therefore be late leaving. British Airways gave us all a DM10 voucher which helped to revive our flagging spirits and we eventually took off at approx 8pm. After a very good flight we landed at Heathrow at approx 9.30 after a very memorable weekend. We would like to thank the Commanding Officer for inviting us to join the Regiment for this very special occasion. We are also most grateful to the RCM. the members and staff of the Mess and everyone in the Regiment who looked after us so well. We would particularly like to thank SCM Hunter and the committee who were responsible for our welfare and SCpl Harding who kept us in order on the parade. 31

Obituary , GORDON FRANK Sir Arthur Collins writes: Gordon Frank who died in January aged 63 was a war— time Blue and a member of 2 HCR. He was a Harrogate Grammar School boy recruited. incidentally. into the Regiment of my father. There he had excelled at every sport but particularly at rugby football. He won the Belt of Honour at Sandhurst and while there he already plaved rugby for the Army. . When he joined 2 HCR his tremendous infectious enthusiasm showed itself in everything he did. both in training his ‘blitz‘ troop and in sport. He was selected to play rugby for England but. alas. five days before the game he was involved in a horrific training accident when a mortar blew up. He was in hospital for months and ended up with one leg shorter than the other and great


circulatory problems. Nevertheless he came back to Train~ ing Regiment for the rest of the War and played rugby for the Army. Dcmobilised at the end of the War. he worked hard for his family timber firm and later on his own. promoting a timber and pulp business. He then played rugby for Harrogate who. with him as Captain. won the coveted Yorkshire Cup in 1949. As the local Yorkshire paper put it. he.becamc a commanding back row figure as a 6ft 3in 18—stone number eight. His old comrades and many Yorkshire friends on the race course and the football field will sadly miss this genial enthusias— tic giant of a man. I fancy he is the only Blue ever to have been selected to play for England. He leaves a widow. two sons and a daughter.

Those whose deaths have been reported since the last Journal was published Rank Tpr W02 Tpr Tpr CoH W Cdr W01 Tpr Farr LCpl SQMC Musn Tpr W02 Tpr FQMC

Name F C Doyle.RHG R T Emery. RHG E Graves. RHG D Greany. RHG T J Gaskin. RHG F C Hornsby~Smith OBE. RHG W H Horton. RHG W S Lindsay. RHG J C Meakin. RHG J T Neill. RHG F E Plumley. RHG R G Ratcliffe. RHG J R Russell, RHG P E Stevenson. ROYALS G H Wilkinson. RHG G J Williams. RHG


R Wilson. RHG

Address 21 Flowery Leys Lane. Alfreton. Derby

Date Died 24.02.86

AT THE GRAND CANYON 11 Main Road. New Hackleton, Northampton 50 Mill Farm Crescent. Hounslow. Middlesex 13 Laburnham Grove. Kingsbury. London 92 Riverbank Flats, Laleham Road. Staines 30 Ebbage Ct. Mount Hermon Road. Woking 7 Kingston Close. Kingston Lane. Teddington 212 Valance Wood Road. Dagenham, Essex 1 Stratheven Road. Brixton. London 404 Lewis Buildings, waorth Place. London 18B Avon Road. Keynsham. Bristol 10 Egerton Road, Heaton Chaple. Stockport 14 Charlesworth Drive, Waterlooville. Hants

14.06.86 25.03.86 27.06.86 23.12.85 25.03.86 07.01.86 08.08.86 N.K. 03.11.86 07.04.86 11.03.86 01.01.86

15 Freshfield Lane. Saltwood. Hythe. Kent


13 Montery Flats. Hookshill Road. Paignton 18 Newsholme Close. Woodloes Estate. Warwick 2 Clythe House. Barnfield Cippenham. Slough

22.07.86 01.08.85 06.03.86

HOUSEHOLD CAVALRY MUSEUM Staff: Maj A W Kersting (Retd) (Formerly RHG/D 1954 to 1986) Mr W Johnson (Formerly 22556701 LG from 1954 to 1976) Mr A E Woodbridge (Formerly 306573 RHG from 1944 to 1948) The Museum has continued to be open to the public throughout the year from Monday to Friday inclusive and on Sundays during the summer months (except on Bank Holidays and Public Holidays). The staff continue to answer numerous queries from people throughout the world who make enquiries regard— ing uniform. equipment and traditions of the Regiments during their history. A steady flow of memories continue to arrive from relatives of those who served in the House— hold Cavalry many years ago requesting details of service. Visitor attendance has been normal during 1986 with perhaps a slight reduction of American visitors. It is always a pleasure for the staff to meet former members of the Regiments visiting Windsor who come to the Museum to renew their association with the Household Cavalry.

The staff bid a sad farewell to Lt Col A D Meakin. LG and wish him good health and happiness on his retirement as Curator of the Museum. A selection of Prints and Watercolours form the Fair— haven collection is on loan from the National Army Museum and is currently on display. The following new additions are now on display in the Museum. Medals of: LCpl J V McCullum. RHG Second World War. Tpr C H Packman. 2 LG First World War. Other Items: ‘Khanjar' from Oman Campaign 1958/9. donated by D Knibbs. ex LG William IV Truncheon. donated by Miss G Turton Irish International Rugby Shirt. donated by Capt D McCall ‘A‘ Squadron 2HCR Flag. donated by Mrs Bowes—Daly Mess Kit Royals about 1900. loaned by Col E C York Khaki Tunic of Capt Hon Arthur Hamilton—Russell. purchased by Museum


by Ct w R B JOWITT Almost as soon as I reached the Regiment the proverbial buck was passed so that I was given the task of organising some adventure training for D Sqn after Exercise Medicine Man I. The Squadron Leader. Maj Bucknall. wanted to take full advantage of being in North America. We were also magnificently assisted by the lst Squadron. 10th US Cavalry. commanded by Lt Col Gale N. Smith. who had been A Squadron Leader when the Regiment was in Windsor. There were many crises and changes of plan during the gestation period but in time the members of the expedition were able to go on the Battle Group Exercise at BATUS in the certain knowledge that it was all going to go ahead. Even then there was some last minute chopping and changing of names but eventually 14 members of D Squadron. four members of A Squadron and two Gunners. Capt Barker and Gunner Burge. from 28 Fd Bty. 19 Ed Regt who had supported the Regiment in Canada. were ready to go. The expedition set off from Suffield in two hired mini— buses on the morning of 26 May. After hours of driving through the seemingly endless Canadian prairie. we crossed into the United States. Slowly the countryside became more interesting as we passed through some impressive canyons. As night began to fall. the expedition leader (myself) was stopped for speeding as I raced to reach Yellowstone National Park before dark — much to the amusement of the passengers. Fortunately. Montana is a very lenient state. so that I was fined only $5 for ‘waste of resources‘. The law notwithstanding. we reached Yellowstone before nightfall. The expedition immediately launched itself into the hardware store and bought its entire stock of moose hats. These were then variously customised: Tpr Hardwidge‘s was distinctive but typical — a pair of dark glasses rested on its nose and a cigarette hung on its lip. After the inevitable party. the expedition slept on a

campground. We woke with the dawn to start our exploration of Yellowstone. We walked all around mammoth hot springs, a massive formation of sulphur. before breakfast. and then drove through the park. This involved frequent stops to photograph smoking hillsides. fraternise with buffaloes, test the waters. frighten marmottes and admire

Old Faithful. the clockwork geyser. It was the perfect time to go through Yellowstone as the low lying areas were lush and green. while the passes were covered in a thick layer of snow. It was truly beautiful. Once clear of Yellowstone it was a hard drive down into Colorado. We had an uncomfortable night camping at Casper, but morale was lifted at a truck stop, where we ate so much breakfast that they gave us free showers. Onwards we pressed, passing through Denver. the home of the television programme from which this expedition drew its name. Tired and rumpled. but still proudly wearing the moose hats. we arrived at Fort Carson. home of the lst/10th US Cavalry. Here we were greeted by Lt Cappel who was to be our host for our stay. The expedition was soon billeted with its American counterparts and starting its exploration of Colorado Springs. The first few days were spent in becoming familiar with Fort Carson and the Colorado Springs area. This included a fascinating visit to the US Olympic Training Centre. located in Colorado Springs partly because of the altitude — 7,500 ft. On Saturday those who had abseiled before went off and practised in the Cheyenne Canyon while the rest went for a short hike in the same area. All joined up for a huge barbecue that we gave for some of our American hosts. Sunday 1 June. was a free day. but most came with Lt Cappel up to Denver to watch the National Motocross Championships. On Monday. work started in earnest. In the morning we went on a tour of the USAF Academy where officer candidates spend four years before they are commissioned. The class of ‘86 had just graduated so it was fairly quiet but impressive nevertheless. In the after33


The T-54 at Fort Carson

noon we teamed up with a company of engineers to go around the Leadership Reaction Course at the USAFA. This consisted of a series of permanent stands with names such as 'Hanoi Hellhole‘. which were similar in concept to our command tasks. The two groups worked well together sharing success and disaster. Nothing we did was quite as funny though. as the sight of two black Engineers dangling on either side of a wire across a canyon. unable to do anything but yell abuse at each other in jive. The next morning we went first to the Outdoor Recrea— tion Branch. an organisation devoted to adventure train— ing. There we had a classroom lesson on survival. After— wards we went back to the USAFA to go round the Confidence Course. In fact it was an assault course. Everybody went round in slow time and then a team of the six fittest was chosen to compete against the Engineers. Tprs Smith 73. Smith 88, Dewing. Stephenson. Mathieson and Gunner Burge went round to represent us. The team started well but the heat and high altitude took its toll. Tpr Smith 73 got his technique wrong on the ”Possum Crawl‘ and nearly expired with effort. Unfortunately the Amer— icans beat us but the team did extremely well, considering the unfamiliar heat and altitude. Our next excitement was a mountaineering class the next day from Ray Quirk from the ORB. We went up to Cheyenne Canyon and spent the whole morning abseiling down higher and higher pitches. Some had to overcome a fear of heights but all went down successfully. In the afternoon we went on to subjects such as rope bridges. These were fine for most people but sagged alarmingly with Tpr Coombes and had to be retensioned after his passage. All in all it was a most enjoyable day. On the Thursday we had our hands—on survival class. We went up into the mountains above Cascade with Tony and Barb our instructors from the ORB. There we set up a couple of shelters that so impressed them that they asked us to leave them for other classes to study, so we did, complete with

regimental doorposts. After lunch we had a fire—starting session with flint and tinder which nearly resulted in a couple of cases of hyperventilation. The expedition then split into groups of two or three to set a death alley of traps. CoH Carpenter showed the way by setting a trap that undoubtedly could have caught small animals but would also have scattered parts of its victims all over the countryside. On Friday we had a chance to rappel out of a helicopter. First, we trained on a 34-foot tower using the techniques 34

we had learnt in Cheyenne Canyon. This was easy enough and soon most were happily leaping off it. It was alto— gether different when it came to the real thing. I arrived just in time to see an American pile straight into the deck. bounce four feet into the air and be taken off to hospital. Naturally he had been the driver of the field ambulance

Most of that day was spent in walking around the canyon. Capt Barker took an enterprising party down to the bottom of the canyon itself — the Colorado River. His group included Tpr Smith, Gnr Burge, Tprs Callow, Stokoe and Mathieson. This was no easy jaunt —rather it was a 25—mile hike in blisteringly hot conditions with only

provided so there were a lot of cries of. ‘Hey, does

two water stops. When they reached the river, the temper-

anybody know how to drive this thing?‘ I had second thoughts about the wisdom of carrying on but I was very keen to have a go myself. When the ambulance reappeared. the rappelling started again and we all had our jumps. It was a very frightening but exhilarating experience. The ecstasy of relief at being on the ground again after jumping from 110 feet up far outweighed the agonies of fear. Luckily we did not fare as badly as the Americans. Tpr Hardwidge braked too early and headbutted the helicopter skid and Tpr Cleary braked too late and smacked into the ground like the American. For a man who actually tries to fall off tanks, this was no problem. Neither of them was injured, though.

ature was over 125°F. At one stage or another they all felt the first effects of heatstroke, but because of constant

vigilance, none of them became casualties. Meanwhile, the rest were walking along some of the trails around the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. Just before dark we met up at the minibuses and set up a smoker at a campsite down the road. When the weary walkers returned after their lO-hour hike, a memorable

party followed. The ensuing hangovers the next morning were not eased by the sight and sound of those such as Tpr Tprs Stokoe, Dewing, Lansley, Smith 73, Callow, LCpl Wolfenden and CoH Carpenter in Cheyenne Canyon

Tuesday 10 June. was the first of our two days white water rafting. These were given to us by the ORB who needed guinea pigs with which to train their boat handlers. The expedition split into two lots, one for each day. On the first day, the remainder went on a visit to Butts Airfield and in particular to look at the AH—lS Huey Cobras and OH-58 Kiowas. Some managed to have a ride in some of the helicopters. Tprs Shepherd. Cleary, Carr, Hardwidge and Smith went up in a Huey, Vietnam—style, with their legs dangling over the side. As before the weather came in and cut short our afternoon. On Wednesday those that were not rafting went on a visit to NORAD. the missile command centre buried inside

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Ct Jowitt, LCpl Elston and Tpr Shepherd white-water rafting on the Arkansas River

Over the weekend we had a more sedentary time. On Saturday we went up to Rainbow Lakes for a day’s fishing. We were alongside some Americans who were lifting them out with practised ease to our great annoyance, but most caught at least one by the end of the day. On Sunday we went on a tourist trail visiting places such as Cripple Creek, which had been a gold rush town. Although very tourist-orientated. it was still fun to visit. We did manage to go down one of the gold mines in the area. We toured the workings of the Molly Kathleen mine a thousand feet underground and were all given a small lump of ore as a souvenir. Monday was more military in flavour as the Americans took us down to the ranges to fire a selection of weapons. We fired mostly American weapons— M16, M60, M3 and Colt .45, but were briefed by some ‘OpFors‘ on Soviet weapons and fired AKMSs. There was much posing, Rambo-style, with the M60s; in fact one of the instructors fired one from the hip. the resulting cone of fire being about 200 yards wide. Afterwards we went back to the OpFors building to look at their collection of Soviet paraphernalia, which included a T54. This was examined

with great interest and many disparaging comments.

Cheyenne Mountain. This we were very lucky to be on as, naturally, the area is very sensitive. The white water rafting itself was taking place on a 10— mile stretch of the Arkansas River not far away from the State Women’s Penitentiary. As it was late spring the river was still high because of snowmelt. We were using inflat— able rubber dinghies with a handler at the back calling out orders while the crew sat on the side and paddled. Feet and legs soon became numb in the icy water but this minor discomfort was lost in the excitement and the exertion of

Coombes, mostly naked and dirty with the campsite dust,

sitting on a bench gasping their way through the first cigarette of the day. The 38s and breakfast later the expedition set off again through the increasingly arid and tedious countryside. We spent one night in Las Vegas which was on our way back anyway. Those with cash left booked air—conditioned rooms on ‘The Strip”, which was a blessing as even the late evening temperature was over 100°F. The less affluent were put up in a motel a short taxi ride away. Even for those with no money Las Vegas could be fun. Many places gave out free breakfasts, while the casinos had leggy hostesses handing out free drinks if you pretended to play the slots. No one came to any harm in that city of sin so we hit the long road home in good time. After a marathon 30hour drive the huts of Camp Crowfoot hove into sight. Exercise Dynasty Quadrant was over. The expedition was a fantastic three—week departure from regular Army life, especially after the rigours of Canada. We would like to thank all those who helped and sponsored the expedition, especially Col Smith and the officers and men of the lst/10th US Cavalry. The Blues and Royals Association and the Household Division.

the run. The less experienced and skilful the handler, the

more exciting and dangerous it became as we careered through colourfully named corners such as ‘Jaws'. It was in fact reasonably safe, our only casualty being Tpr Hardwidge (again!) who managed to fall in at the first corner. He was soon pulled in. cold and wet but quickly paddling as if his life depended on it. That was the end of our adventure training in Colorado. After the inevitable round of parties and presentations, we bid our farewell to C01 Smith, Lt Cappel and the lst/ 10th Cavalry and left Colorado Springs on the first leg of our journey home. After a 15—hour drive we arrived at the Grand Canyon to find the official campsite full. We went back a little way down the road. found a suitable area and kipped down. The first rays of the sun woke us up as they came up over the edge of the canyon. We found ourselves only 10 yards from the canyon wall with a stunning View as the rising sun slowly revealed the hidden depths. We also found the first tourists who. even at half past five in the morning, were wandering about through our area. One couple. on seeing the green-encased bodies, was heard to say: ‘Well, I guess they must be in the Army.‘ ‘Gee — are they dead?‘

Tpr Coombes, CoH Carpenter, Ct Jowitt, Tprs Stephenson, Mathieson. Stokoe, Shepherd, Jackson, Hardwidge, Smith

73, Cleary, Carr and LCpl Wolfenden at the entrance to Yellowstone National Park

EXERCISE ASPRO QUADRANT by Lt C R F WARD-THOMAS Exercise Aspro Quadrant was an adventure training exercise in Cyprus. Originally designed as a large scale two— week training period for 26 from ‘A” Squadron. it was eventually whittled down to 12 hardy stalwarts made up from the four corners of the Armoured Regiment. After breaching the fortress wall of C.N.F.P. (Non Fare Paying) Royal Air Force flights and arriving in Cyprus the training started in earnest. The group‘s first phase under Trp Bowen (B Sqn) was to canoe around the south— western quarter of the island from Turtle Bay to Akrotiri. Secondly the group would push deep into the Troodos mountains. dashing to the top of one deadly peak after another. This second phase was not to be. Mere mortals would put a stop to this mighty endeavour by a surprise mortar attack on Akrotiri. We were subsequently

VISIT TO THE DANISH ‘GARDEHUSSARREGIMENTET’ JULY 1986 After our return from Canada. the Adjutant. Capt Johnsen and Lt Ward—Thomas made this visit with a view to establishing a regular affiliation for the Household Cavalry with the Danish Guard Hussars. It had originally been planned to take the Stables Troop too as part of an adventure training expedition to Denmark. Owing to the Royal Wedding, this had to be cancelled. We arrived easily in time for lunch having set off by car from Detmold at 0500. driving up via Hanover and Hamburg, taking the ferry across from Puttgarten to Rodby, and then via Vordingborg to Naestved. a large town about an hour‘s drive South West of Copenhagen on the coast of Zealand. We were very comfortably accom— modated and looked after in their Officers” Mess or ‘Casino‘ in which were displayed some lovely silver and pictures. The Guard Hussars are interestingly. almost directly equivalent to the Household Cavalry with a tank bat— talion. a recce battalion and a mounted squadron. the main difference being that they all live in one barracks at Naestved. Until 1975 they had as many as 350 horses but defence cuts have reduced this now to 60 only and these fulfil similar ceremonial duties such as State Visits,

Guards, Escorts and so forth. A former Colonel—in-Chief was King Edward VII whose portrait was proudly dis— played complete with bullet holes made by German machine guns during an attack on the barracks in 1942. Operationally. the Regiment comes under command of COMLANDZEALAND which is part of AF BALTAP (Allied Forces Baltic Approaches) controlled from AF NORTH in Oslo. Equipped with Centurion and Leopard II tanks. the Regiment is part of the regular army but draws also on a large regular reserve in the event of full mobilisation. As for equitation. all officers and men endure an

intensive two month riding school run by a riding staff but most have already had riding experience. Their current Riding Master is SSgt Jenson. a member of the successful Danish National Three-Day Event Team. All officers have to learn to ride in order to be allowed to wear the Ceremonial uniform. Their horses were slightly ill—assorted as they very much rely on local farmers to supply them with remounts but 36

restricted to the sovereign base areas where we pursued the mystical arts of windsurfing. dinghy sailing and safety boat handling. Suffice to say that many of these remained a mystery. Highlights included Tpr Peat (HQ Sqn) finding a man‘s body in the ocean. After heated attempts at first aid the casualty casually died of a massive coronary. Meanwhile, the leader of the expedition was busy mourning the loss of his basic pack. sunglasses and ‘I love Cyprus” hat. carried into the deep by a freak wave which had even got his hair wet! Undeterred by these tragic events the expedition pushed on strongly with all pursuits. It was with a great sense of achievement mixed with reluctance that we left Cyprus and returned to Detmold. We are indebted to Maj and Mrs G T R Birdwood for their unflagging help and kindness during our stay.

they had excellent facilities with an enormous double length indoor school. a large outdoor school. an outdoor jumping school plus innumerable cross country courses in the adjacent training area. They also had a hospital with operating theatre and their stable management seemed excellent. What was most amazing. however. was the way they fosteed exactly the same ethos as ourselves. taking great pride in their Royal Household status and duties and only regretting the changes to cavalry warfare wrought by the internal combustion engine. We much enjoyed our riding with them and we could not have been better looked after by their extremely friendly officers. It is now hoped that this visit will form the basis for future exchange visits and adventure training, particularly useful to whichever Household Cavalry regiment is serving in Germany.

Recruiting After 45 years service to the The Houshold Cavalry. Maj O M Price has finally retired and we wish him well. His successor, Maj B W Lane has taken the reins having acquired the taste for all things recruiting as the Personnel Selection Officer at The Guards Depot. The Team’s Warrant Officer. WOZ Nicklin LG. has also vacated his

post and is now firmly embedded into the civilian way of doing things. W02 Cozens LG has taken the chair and is currently exercising his public relations skills assisted by his cohort CoH Pace LG. who incidentally is also leaving the Team to be Families NCO of The Life Guards. As you can see, more hand overs than a bank clerk! The Mounted

Dutymen on loan from Knightsbridge this year have been excellent ambassadors for their respective Regiments and The Household Cavalry as a whole. The Display Caravan spick and span from recent refur— bishment continues to delight the crowds wherever we are on display. The recruiting calendar has taken in a varied degree of commitment this year and the shows of note are as follows: Shrewsbury Carnival Bassingbourne Show Tyneside Exhibition Doncaster Horse of the Year Combined Services Show Leconfield

The Chief Clerk Goes A’Riding by woz (ORQMC) R D Greer “What’s in there?‘ I’d been Chief clerk since January, and

my knowledge of the camp was limited to the bit between the car park and RHQ front door. Someone in charge. the Adjutant I think. although l”d only caught glimpses of him between leaves when he popped in for his mail, said that I really ought to know a bit more about the geography of my working environment. The Regimental Orderly Corporal was detailed to show me around Lothian Bar— racks, a frightfully large NCO who. everytime I spoke. would leap to attention and shout ‘yessir‘ even when I said ‘You owe me £20,000 in 10 Pfennig pieces. he stood to attention and said. ‘yessir’. Needless to say. progress around the camp was slow, and I soon learnt not to speak

unless it was absolutely necessary. like the moment when, as l was being shown the Regimental square. he insisted upon standing in front of the Colonel and his four in hand team. who were practising escaping from the RCM. who was chasing them uttering the immortal words. ‘get orf my land”. ‘Mind out ofthe way”. I said. ’Yessir.” he said. doing absolutely nothing about it. He was. however. assisted out of the way by a brilliant display of whipmanship by the Colonel. We continued our circumnavigation of the camp. giving the gymnasium a wide berth. I considered it wise not to provoke any attempt by our muscle-mechanic to inveigle me inside. We ended up at a long. low building with various potted plants outside. and a variety of horseytype vehicles that could have put the RHQ coffee fund into debt for a period that would see a moderately sized semi—detached well and truly paid for. ‘What‘s in there?” said I. ‘Yessir” said he. With remarkable forbearance. seeing as how the ICP at Viersen had cut my pencil indent by half only that morning. I tried again. ‘What’s in there?” said I. ‘Oh. the stables”. said he. ‘Ah’. said I. ‘let’s have a look then”. We were shown a row of remarkably big hay— burners whose main function it appeared. was to devour the end of my whip. ‘Why don't you come for a ride?‘ said the stables SCpl. ‘Er 7 no thanks”. said I. ‘I‘ve got to go and repossess a biro that the Adjutant had allowed his payment to get into arrears on”. That had however. sown the little seed. that flourised in the vast recesses of my brain. there being little else in there to hinder it. I wonder what it would be like to ride one I thought. after all. I am in the Household Cavalry one should be able to say ‘I can ride a horse”. with some semblance of truth. ‘O.K.. you win‘. I said to the stables SCpI. “Book me in for the Soldiers Ride”. The great day dawned. Actually. it was an evening lesson. and therefore I suppose I should say that the great evening set? Anyway. I was shown to a stall where there was a large black animal standing on 4 orange boxes. (so I thought). When the door to the stall was opened. I found that it wasn”t. it actually was that tall! ‘This is a horse” said the instructor. ‘Really! I didn't think that we had any Scandinavian bloodstock”. I said. slipping in one of my clever little quips for which I am famous. or is it infamous? He shot me a glare. which clearly would love to have said ‘Pratt'. but actually said ‘Ho Ho’. what a jolly joke! I think I realised then that he was going to get his own back for that one. I should have used my exclusion clause. but. like a fool. I allowed myself to get carried along in the bustle of saddling. bridling. etc. In the riding school. standing next to my horse. I suddenly thought what a good idea platform shoes were. and

mourned the passing of that particular fashion. ‘Ride quickest and best mount”, said the instructor. which in

horse language means. ‘O.K., you horses, turn round in circles every time he puts a foot in the stirrup”. Note how I am picking up the equitation parlance. By trapping my horse against another horse. I managed to gain access to the saddle. The saddle, I have discovered. is a device

designed to hold you at 45 degrees to the perpendicular, in either left or right mode, depending on which rein one is circulating the school. We were then shown the ‘Aids to Riding”. This involves intricate moves by both arms and legs in various combinations. which, when interpreted by the horse. means certain movements. My horse had

obviously not done the same course as my instructor. because it didn’t understand the basic instructions that I was feeding it. “Kick him on”, he said. This particular phrase was being heartily implemented and my appendages were going up and down like four-way flashers. The horse remained stationary. ‘Walk on”. said the instructor in a very quiet voice. The horse walked on. I realised that we had a long way to go. me further than the horse. Isn”t it strange how horse—riding has borrowed most if its terminology from other sports. for instance. ‘bend the knees’ those of us who have done any form of skiing will remember the first day on the nursery slopes. with the instructors posing like mad for the benefit of the female students. saying ‘bend ze knees‘. ‘Sit deep in the saddle’. This one comes from Mote—cross. ‘Rein in’. This one, of course. comes from cricket; when the rain comes. the

teams go in! However. I digress. After several weeks of gripping with the knees. giving with the hands. sitting deep in the saddle. not keeping the back rigid. I eventually mastered the aids. Eventually. the great day arrived. when I was com— petent enough to be allowed out of camp with the morning exercise. It’s a grand feeling being up there on a horse. looking round to make sure all your friends are watching as you ride through the gate. The hardest part is trying to get back in through the gate on foot. without anyone seeing you. Then. thinking you had made it. the Guard Commander shouts at the top of his voice ‘Excuse me. Sir. but your horse failed to book in when ‘e came past‘. Those days are now long gone. and more often than not. we arrive back at the same time. I have also had the great honour of being allowed to ride the Adjutant”s horse. This is our failed drum horse — Pegasus. who stopped growing when it was (in my opinion) just short of a small block of flats. It should have. apparently. grown as big as a large block of flats! Riding Pegasus is like driving an 850cc Mini and then being given a Rover 3500 V8 with high lift cams and quadruple carbs running on Naptha! I‘ve even got used to the nose bleeds from the thin air at that height! The only problem with riding a horse with a pedigree like his. is his past. I am led to believe by the stables SCpl. that Pegasus had been sired by either a Jersey Bull. or an Apache Pony! Those that have seen his colouring will know what I mean. The only advice I‘ve been given on handling such a beast as that. when riding near vehicles with canvas covers. he tends to try and get them to circle round so that he can attack them. The answer to this is to shout ‘Milko” and he then stops at every other house! I have been well and truly converted to the horse side of life. and have great pride. when showing people round the camp. and they ask ‘What‘s in there?” saying “That's our stables. you really should learn to ride. you know”!

Farewell to Detmold ,,

The GOC Maj—Gen Hobbs arrives on parade driven by LCpI Watlow and LCoH Bissett. In the foreground, 00H



The Quadrille march past

Major Holmes at the head of B Squadron”

The Quadrille marching 0”

Tpr Renton takes down the Regimental sign

Sports Notes WESER VALE HUNT NOTES Chairman: Lt Col H W Davies Masters: Major C C Bucknall Capt B W B White-Spunner Lt J H Wingfield—Digby Huntsman:

Whipper-in: Kennelman:

The chief pleasure of the hunt is the opportunity it affords to ride across the Ost Westfalische countryside and the contacts it brings in the local community. Although control continues to lie with the Mastership acting as a benevolent oligarchy. German support has never been stronger.

Lt J H Wingfield—Digby Lt N Lane Fox Tpr Locke

Whereas 1985-1986 was one of the most disappointing seasons ever for The Weser Vale due to the freeze up. the present season has been one of the most open and enjoyable on record. We have benefitted considerably from having no Autumn Exercises and we have consequently been able to hunt twice a week without interruption since September. We have had some memorable days. including those from Reelsen. Himminghausen and Grevenburg. The hounds have been hunting beautifully and we are finding new depths of support within the country. The farmers continue to be charming and patient with only very few exceptions. The move to Sennelager has necessitated building new kennels which we have done by converting the old piggery buildings in Athlone Barracks. This was done by our Field Engineer Troop who did a most professional job. Mat— erials were expensive but as The Household Cavalry is likely to be in Sennelager for the foreseeable future it was considered a worthwhile project. The Major General opened the new kennels during his visit. We are very grateful to Regimental Headquarters. The Household Cavalry Regiment and Paderborn Garrison for all finan— cial support without which the project would not have been realised. In- October we held a most successful Band concert in Himminghausen during the Bands brief visit for the Farewell to Detmold weekend. Over 300 farmers and their families turned up and the evening went tremendously well ably helped by several cases of whisky and a terrific amount of beer. We currently have 11 puppies out at walk. Eight are out of Diana by a doghound belonging to Frederick Majoie whilst the other three are from a totally new line in Hampshire. The Masters are very grateful to Frau Ise Brinks, Maj Nigel Afford, Maj and Mrs Ronnie Young. Mrs Malcolm Ross, Maj and Mrs Jeff Holmes and Mrs Wingfield—Digby for all their kind help as puppy walkers. The country continues to expand and we now have ‘Vale‘ Meets at Reelsen. Himminghausen from whence

STABLE NOTES The Stables have had another most successful year despite certain amount of disruption in horses. personnel and location. Capt White-Spunner handed over to Capt Cowen as Stables Officer in November and S/Cpl Pendry took over as NCO [C in June. LCpl Avison of The Life Guards has replaced LCpl Ablott as the Riding Instructor and LCpl Scott has replaced LCpl Smith. Farrier LCoH Scruton returned to London in January to be replaced by Farrier LCoH Storey. The major event of the stables year has undoubtedly been vacating the excellent stabling which we have had the good fortune to occupy for so long in Detmold and moving to the Rhine army Equitation centre at Sennelager. Although the move will. in the long term. be to the stables undoubted advantage. the short term teething problems are legion: Most noteworthy is the current lack of a Riding SchooL Apart from hunting. which is described separately. the stables year has been organised around courses and com— petitions. We ran our normal courses last spring with approximately 50 Servicemen and women passing through a series of beginners and intermediate courses. These proved. as always. to be most popular and well supported despite the restrictions the bad weather placed on the

we have two days, Pombsen, Holzhausen. Merlsheim.

February course.

Grevenburg and we are shortly going to have a day at Veldrom. we still hunt Sennelager regularly and also have a lot of ‘away days‘ by invitation. The hounds were shown this Summer at the Schwarer‘ stein JungHundschau where, although not competing against the Foxhounds. they put up a spirited performance to hunt Tpr Locke on a hot and scentless afternoon. Lt Lane Fox will carry the horn next season and Maj Miller-Bakewell and Capt Cowan will take over the Mastership from Maj Bucknall and Capt White-Spunner.

On the competition front we have also been most successful. Individual successes are too numerous to name but the ‘Cup Count' in January was 15. These included the BOAR Novice Championship. the soldiers Show Jumping Championship. the Regimental Team Show Jumping Cup and the BOAR One Day Event Trophy. The most suc» cessful horses have been Dinder and Gunman in the Open Class. Falstall and Fandango in the Intermediate and High Tide. Kilmore. Kelley and Kittiwake in the Novice. We have also had some successful private horses including Lt


Jacob’s George and Lt Ward-Thomas’s Advocate the Christmas Tree. The new horse box, bought last January, has been doing great business and is beginning to pay its way. Being able to move nine horses at a time is a great help and enables more members of the Regiment to compete and hunt.

Maj Bucknall on Ella

SCpl Pendry on Gunman at Hannover a;


‘ ‘



The Commanding Officer on Falstaff at the Rhine Army Hunter Trials

Perhaps the high spot of the year was the Hannover Race in October when we saddled six horses (just half the field) to compete in this British Race round Hannover Race Course. The horses were auctioned off before the Race and were ‘owned’ by various Squadron or Syndicates and although we did not win outright S/Cpl Pendry came home fourth to win the Military Prize. We are very sorry to say goodbye to Nicky Carter who leaves us to start a family in January and we wish her all the best in the future. Nicky has worked in the stables for nearly three years and she will be sadly missed by Huntsman, Gunman and Gemma.

POLO 1986 It was an enjoyable and generally a satisfactory Polo season. The Regiment entered both the Inter Regimental and the Captains” and Subalterns' competitions. In addi— tion the Regiment was represented in tournaments at Berlin. Munster. Dt‘isseldorf and Brussels. None of these tournaments produced outstanding results for the Regiment. but our players did gain valuable experience for the future and taste the excitement of tournament polo. The season ended with Maj D T L Hardy playing in Jordan. ‘ The polo stables consisted of eight ponies. Four of the ponies were recent purchases from New Zealand and were a John Horswell selection. LCol—I Walton competently managed the ponies with dedicated assistance from Tprs McGee and Grieves. The ponies were based at Sennelager under the overall management of the Scots DG. This caused various complications; however. next year this aspect will be easier as the Regiment will be responSIble

for the Sennelager stables and hopefully stable bills can then be reduced. The Regiment also bought shares in the RAPA Club ponies. It was these club ponies and the Regimental pony which allowed some 12 Officers to play during the season. It is hoped that with the purchase of one or two more Regimental ponies that more Officers will be able to play consistently next year. All polo facilities, now that the Regiment have moved to Sennelagar, will be within easy reach. The polo ground is only five minutes drive away. However all these advantages understandably do carry the responsibility of organising the Bad Lippspringe Polo Club. The potential exists in 1987 for a more enjoyable polo season. The following Officers represented the Regiment during the 1986 season: Commanding Officer Majs Hardy. Bucknall and Browne Capts White—Spunner. Mountain and Johnsen Lts Broughton. Wingfield-Digby and Reid.

RUGGER The Rugby Club has enjoyed a lively year with many enjoyable times both on and off the field. Although losing quite a few key LAD players with the move, we have gained an equal number of enthusiasts in Athlone. The bonus of moving to Sennelager is that we have our own pitch, a luxury for both training and playing. A lot of us cannot get used to not having gliders and helicopters buzzing over our heads! We have already had representa— tives playing for our new division — LCOH Gaskell and LCpl Dyche securing their places. SCM Buckle is his evergreen self, scoring his first try in 10 years! We are all looking forward to playing a lot of new teams. and are confident that success will come our way. Our move into the Garrison was emphasized with a fine 16 — 14 win over near neighbours l QLR. The club is slowly increasing its numbers. and judging by the crowds who turn out to watch is becoming increasingly popular as a spectator sport. Players: Capt Jeacock, SCM Buckle, SCM Man— ning, SCpl Kilvington. CsoH Elliott. Rose, LCsoH Gaskell, Maxwell. Harris. Dickens. Lock. Brettell. Matthews LCpl’s Dyche. Parker. Shatliffe. HaywoodJones. Broughton, Rudin. Woolfendan. Spandley, Townsend, Tpr‘s Byrne. Cook. Williams. Young. Charles.

Coaching Notes

BOXING When the Commanding Officer agreed to an interSquadron boxing competition the response was enormous. Every squadron was asked to produce a team of nine boxers. Because no one could fill the lightest weight it was decided to have a second—string middleweight instead. The preliminaries took place on 13 and 14 October and the final on the evening of 17 October. There was a total of 21 bouts in the preliminaries. a tribute to the response from within the Regiment. Although there were many enthusiastic amateurs. there were also boxers who showed considerable skill and aptitude. Some very hard contests were applauded by the team of judges. but surprisingly there was only one serious injury when LCpl Hodges had his nose broken. The finals were very exciting with A and B Squadrons having the most boxers. With enthusiastic support from their squadrons the contestants produced some highly charged boxing. In the end A Squadron squeezed home for the inter-squadron trophy. Tpr Steven— son and Tpr Gray produced the most exciting bout of the

night and won the best loser and most promising boxer trophies respectively. On 22 October the Regiment produced a boxing team in the lst round of the 3 Division Grade 3 Novice Competi— tion against 39 Heavy Regiment Royal Artillery. Sadly we could not fill three of the weights, a distinct handicap. Of the six bouts that were fought only LCpl Dyche and Tpr Fermor won, but the other boxers fought hard. There is no doubt that if we had fielded a full team the result might have been different. Sadly. since we have been knocked out of the 3 Div competition we can go no further as a team this year. However we are hoping to enter two or three individuals in the BOAR Grade 3 Competition in the New Year. Now we are in Sennelager a boxing club is being started and some of the enthusiasts will start to train with local German clubs. It is hoped that. with the interest that has been shown in the sport. we should be able to field a strong team next year.

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The Commanding Officer negotiates the water hazard at Fontainebleau in June

The 1986 season offered a good chance to capitalise on the modest successes of 1985. LCpl Watlow and Tpr Worallo worked hard on the horses and we were lucky enough to be selected to compete with Prince Philip and Alwyn Holder as part of a British team in Holland This was followed by Hamburg. Fontainebleau. Limoges and then The World Championships at Ascot. Ascot in particular was the greatest fun for everyone. Tpr Worollo was seen with a succession of blonde foreign girl—grooms and LCpl Watlow managed to become engaged to an English one. LCoH Bissett on the other hand spent his time polishing carriages and. in his spare moments. sitting on them cracking a whip. The last event was at Donaueschingen where frost and a slippery hill nearly saw a permanent end to our competitive efforts but the restorative efforts of a bottle of brandy managed to convince us all (including the referee) that we should finish the competition.

Overall it has been an excellent season during which we ha\e flown the Household Cavalry flag in four different countries with a reasonable degree of success.

GEO E TRUMPER I’t-rl ulm'r l‘\|.|l3ll\llt'(l 187; wt tlI/l\ll\lri’t'l, \I.



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The spiderman Team

FEPOW Some two years ago W01 D P McKenna started a Household Cavalry club for both serving and ex members of both Regiments living in the North East. It has 80-odd members on the books. They meet on the last Thursday of every month in: Far East Prisoner of War Club (FEPOW) Charlotte Square Newcastle Upon Tyne. Maj l MCM Carr—Ellison is the President. Any members of the Regiment who are in the area when the club meets will be most welcome. 42

From generation to generation the name 'It'umper has been synonymous with quality and we produce a carefully balanced range of products to stimulate, refresh or sooth the skin, each delicately perfumed with one of our carefully blended natural and discreet fragrances. The range consists of traditional products popular through many generations of users as well as recently introduced lines.

On Saturday 25 October 1986 a team of eight members of the Mounted Squadron absailed down Peninsula Tower. married quarters, Hyde Park Barracks which is some 350 feet high. The Adjutant. Capt R C D Lendrum was approached by the mother of a young man who had suffered from a brain tumor and was trying to raise money for the Atkinson Memorial Hospital to help towards the purchase of a brain scan machine.

Clearance to absail down the Peninsula Tower was given only 7 days before thc event. A practice was held. on Friday 24 October off of a small building some 50 feet high. . . On a very blustery October morning With the event in

the balance due to high winds clearance was granted by the DoE. SCM Davies was the first man over the top who suddenly found that absailing 350 feet was somewhat different from absailing 50 feet. Who when caught by the wind and spinning round was heard to say ‘it was not like this in practice‘. The Squadron team managed to raise £1000. The team members were: SCM Davies. CoH Mardon. LCoH Hodges. LCpl Smith. LCpl Sullivan. LCpl Freeman, LCpl Stokes. LCpl Saunders. The sum of£1(l.0()(l was raised by the combined military and civilian teams.

Zimbabwean Assignment by Maj G H TWEEDIE A British Military Advisory and Training Team (BMATT) has been in Zimbabwe since 1980. after the Monitoring Force had achieved its extraordinary conjuring trick of bringing together the two guerilla armies. and the remaining Rhodesian Forces. The Zimbabwe National Army has also had its share of training teams. including the North Koreans who trained the infamous 5 Brigade and the Chinese. It has retained in spite of this variety a basically British organisation. handed over by Rhodesia. In early 1985 two teams each 10 strong arrived to train the Zimbabwean armour and artillery. We were given three months to set up the training. and 12 months from April 1985 to carry it out. The Armour Training Team was commanded by Lt Col Sullivan RTR. who had recently served with The Life Guards. Indeed there was a strong Household Cavalry influence. with W01 Fortt and myself from RHG/D and SCM Rennie. later to be supplemented by CoH (A/SCpl. W02) Stephenson. LG. Also in Zimbabwe at this time were Lt Col Aylen. RHG/D instructing at the Zimbabwean Staff College. and Maj (now Lieutenant Colonel) Rogers. RHG/D. Relying on his experience on the Square at Pirbright. he was masquerading as an infantry instructor. The Zimbabwean Armoured Corps consisted of two Regiments. The Tank Regiment (ZTR) was equipped with T595 and T685 given by the Chinese and North Koreans. and a number of T55 and even T345 which arrived from opposing sides of the Rhodesian war. ZTR also had 10 Chinese T63 APCs. The Zimbabwe Armoured Regiment (ZAR) was equipped with the Cascaval armoured car, a recent. and very expensive purchase from Brazil. ZAR also had a number of South African built Eland armoured cars most of them broken down and a brand new gift of 20 North Korean APCs. This not inconsiderable force was in a state of some organisational confusion. with all sorts of rumours of amalgamation or disbandment flying around. It was obvious that our first task would be to advise on the organisation of the armour. However the first priority was to get ourselves housed. as BMATT had only managed to provide one house ready to move into; this was an imposing white bungalow, known as the Wedding Cake or more crudely as the ‘Greek Brothel” into which Lt Col Sullivan moved. The rest of us spent the next weeks scouring Harare. It was certainly a good way of getting to know the capital and in time. everyone succeeded in finding houses which were probably better than any others that we will ever have again during our service. Mine was the ex-Russian Embassy. sporting an array of aerials on top. swimming pool, tennis court. gardener and cook/houseboy. The Tank Regiment had started to move to lnkomo Barracks. about 40km out of Harare. while ZAR was still scattered round the country with the RHQ in a small squadron size barracks in Harare. The establishments were agreed giving ZTR two and ZAR four Sabre Squadrons. The Armour Team (A-Team) was divided between the two regiments. With SCM Rennie and W02 Kennel, RH

(later replaced by W02 Stephenson. LG) I took on the Tank Regiment. while Maj Durie with W02 Rash. QDG.

W03 Crookes. 17/21 L and RCM Fortt got to work on the ZAR. In addition there was the ‘0’ side represented by Capt (QM) Bell, QDG and ASM Rawnsley. REME. Both Regiments were extremely welcoming. and in spite of many frustrations. this cooporative and friendly attitude remained to the end. But there were problems!

The Tank Regiment took six weeks to move all its vehicles into lnkomo as there were only six tank transporters. and usually only two were on the road. This was their fourth move in two years; there was no workshop. no spares inadequate lifting tackle. no fuel bowsers or jerry cans and no hangars. The radios were not compatible with others in use by the ZNA. nor with those fitted to the Cascavals. The barracks was a neglected collection of huts with broken glass in the window frames. no electricity and leaking roofs. Cooking took place on open fires. Some gas stoves did exist. but when the cylinders ran out. because there was almost no transport. they were not refilled. The soldiers remained amazingly cheerful but. slightly disturbing. the officers seemed to accept their lot with an African fatalism to which we were not yet accustomed. Very soon it was obvious that the ‘A‘ Team would be involved in every aspect of the regiment, and would not be confined to training. The situation was aggravated by the weather. Zimbabwes’ four year drought broke in the 84/85 rainy season and when we arrived the rain seemed almost constant and usually torrential. On our first visit to Inkomo we were almost swept away by a raging river on the main track. However by April the rain had almost stopped. classrooms had been prepared and even electricity had been brought in. The training area was still a soggy bog. about 15x8 kilometres in size. undulating. lightly wooded and covered by grass some eight feet high. with a large population of snakes. quinta fowl. secretary birds. all sorts of reedback and duiker. When dry it would be an excellent tank training area up to squadron level. At that time. we were not sure that it would ever dry out. and there were many gloomy locals who said that we were crazy. The phrase ‘Zimbabwe is not tank country” became boringly familiar. We started moving tanks out in May and soon identified some nearly passable areas. Unfortunately the firm areas were interspersed with totally invisible swamps and training was much interrupted by practice in recovery. I was impressed by a simple technique of self recovery used by the T55 series tanks. A large log was clamped to the back decks. and when required could be fastened by steel hawser loops to the tracks giving extra traction. There was the drawback that the driver had to remember to stop before dragging the log over the sprockets or idlers, smashing any mudguard that might have been left attached. Nevertheless. it was an effective system, which undoubtedly saved us many hours recovering tanks. By June. the area had almost completely dried out. and much good Troop level training was carried ouit. only slightly hampered by the antiquated Chinese/North Korean radios. culminating in two 36-hour Troop Test exercises.

Later on we continued with Squadron training and. in

spite of an acute shortage of ammunition. an excellent Regimental Firing period. The level of competence amongst the drivers and gunners who had been trained by an earlier Chinese Training Team was reasonable. But their knowledge of both gun and automotive servicing was very limited. with the exception of the very small group of technicians who had been trained in China. Consequently. all repairs and most maintenance were done by this small. overworked LAD. The drivers and gunners were confined to cleaning: a very important task therefore was to run ‘Mechanic‘ courses for both drivers and gunners to ease the load on the LAD. SCM Rennie. LG supervised a most lively gunnery wing. which rapidly acquired all the Lulworth/Hohne cries. whilst W02 Stephenson. LG ran a successful D and M Wing. The sight of a class of some 20 drivers sitting in Chinese driving simulators which look rather like childrens‘ pedal cars without the wheels. and practising going round a driving circuit drawn on a blackboard. whilst accompanying themselves with appropriate sound effects (Brrm! Brrm!) was quite unforgettable! The final event was the Pass Out Parade. which was attended by the Prime Minister. Mr Mugabe. This took priority over everything else for the last three weeks. A

L fl

parade ground was cleared and marked out; the parade was rehearsed. but then the rains struck again. The area became a sea of mud churned to a deep quagmire at all turning points. almost impassable to the Cascavals. In spite of this. the parade was going successfully on the day. until as the final piece de resistance the massed Armour of the Zimbabwean Armoured Corps advanced in review order. Memories of President Sadat’s untimely end must

have flashed through the head of General Rex Nhongo, the Army Commander. He leaped to his feet shouting for the guns to be traversed away.Inevitably, the turret crews could

not hear him. The tanks ground inexorably forward to their appointed places. guns front, regardless of the commotion. Fortunately, the expected arrest of the parade planner (myself) did not occur, and order was restored on the

saluting dais. Indeed, Mr Mugabe’s speech was most com— plimentary (which was perhaps less surprising. It had been written by Lt Col Sullivan). Sadly the team broke up after an unforgettable year in Zimbabwe. This article has concentrated on the military

side of life, perhaps to redress the balance of rumours which had it that we did no military work at all. There was indeed another side to life in Zimbabwe. Every member of the team made full use of the splendid opportunities to visit game parks, catch tigerfish or canoe on the Zambezi. Many friends were made, and I for one would very happily go

back to Zimbabwe.

THE WARRANT OFFICERS . (RQMC(T)) . ' ht: WOII SCM Sackett, WOII (SCM) Quinn. WOII (ORQMC) Greer, WOII (AQMS) Hendricks, WOII

ngkhoegg WOI (AS(M) A)Saunders, WOI (RCM) C J Sayer. WOII (ROMC) Lane, WOII (AQMS) Anthill, WOII (SQMS) Fitzgerald,


WOII (SCM) O‘Gorman, WOII (SCM) Buckle, WOII (SCM) Hunter 45


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VISIT TO 214 PZBn Back: Lts Ward-Thomas and O’Halloran, Maj Olivier Front: Two of our German hosts and Capt Swayne

Cam and Mrs Swayne’s Wedding Reception: SCpI Harding, Maj Brown, SCM Quinn, CoHs Maher and Mead



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LCpI Kent leads the field in the Inter Squadron Athletics


POLO The Officers versus the Warrant Officers and Corporals of Horse

Orderiy Room Adventure Training in Corsica: CoH Hart, Lt O’Hailoran,



The RCM, Mrs Clayton, SCM Manning

LCpI Truss, Cfn Yates and Sheridan






The Battle Group 210, Maj Kerruish FiRW prepares to face

4mg 0d, Thomas, Munroe, Jackson and LCpl

Ct chtt, LCpls Perry, Spandley and Perkins. Driving: Tpr

The Wives RaceK




“ \‘.

d Tpr Clavering


§ Majs Browne, Massey, Staunton and Mrs Stéuntbn at Capt

Swayne’s Wedding

“f“; Sennelager: alfresco

H Tpr Robinson



.. ;_' CoH ElIiott making the clean break

BCM Whennel and Capt (DoM) Tomlinson on Ex Musical Armour

The Chain of Command Race



Tprs Munroe, Lickfold, Perry, Crocker, Brown, Mann, LCpl Parker, Tprs Quinn and Norris

Nominal Roll as at 1 December 1986 COMMAND AND SUPPORT SOUADRON RHQ Lt Col H W Davies Maj D M Reed<Felstead Capt B W B White-Spunner Capt J A S Bernard Capt J W Johnsen Capt M J J E Stratton-Chnstensen Li D A O'Halloran W01 (RCM) C J Sayer

Orderly Room W02 (ORQMC) Greer. R D CoH (ORCoH) Mawer. J CoH Hart. N LCoH Williams. G LCpi Broughton, A D LCpi Lambert. K R Tpr Jones. C N Tpr Jones. D A Tpr Marsden, J E Tpr Peat. A D

LCoH Slsson. P J LCpi Parkin, S Tpr Barker, A L Tpr Dalrymple. B A Tpr Suter, P S Tpr Trow, S P


MT Troop

Tpr Hardwidge, N D

Capt M R Coreth

Lt M R Brown 00H Bryson. S W LCoH Kirkpatrick. I LCoH Wynne. D A LCpi Cole. C (LG) LCpi Frith. S C LCpi Heiliwell. G P Tpr Bond. D E

WOs and CsoH Mass SCpI Kennard. S D A CoH Mellor, D LCoH Hudson, K

LCpi Smith, P woe (SCM) Sackett Tpr Kellett, N RHO Troop SCpi Blackburn, S

CoH Bowden, T J CoH Harris. P CoH Hyndman. W T LCoH Alien. K B LCoH Barugh. S M LCoH Hams. A M LCoH Matthew, G C LCpi Armstrong. M L LCpi Brooker, D M LCpi Clavering, M LCpi Cooper. B

LCpi Hodges, G A F LCpi Shatlifi. T W LCpi Widdowson. A R Tpr Mann, P Tpr Morison. R E C Tpr Pendiebury, D RECCE Troop Lt C S Owen SCpI Gimblett. K LCoH Femley. C LCoH Ford, H LCoH Harris, A M LCoH Simpson, P W LCoH Ward. 5 A LCpi Cox, D W LCpi McGuire. P LCpi Pilchowski. G W LCpi Roberts, M A Tpr Brown. S M Tpr Clement~Shipiy, P C Tpr Dear, A M Tpr Finch. D S Tpr Foot. J P Tpr Gibbons. S F Tpr Hodgson. G Tpr Howie. S R Tpr McCariey, A Tpr Robertson, K W Tpr Round. S J Tpr Soholield. D A Admin Troop Tpr McEwan, E Training Wing SCpl Baker, K H SCpl Grimes. F C Provost CoH Atkinson, L LCoH Parsley, A (LG) Dog Section LCoH Bradley. S M Tpr Craigie, i Tpr Hancock. K Tpr Wonallo, D J HEADQUARTERS SQUADRON

SHO Maj H P D Massey Maj T P E Barclay (wet 5 Jan 87)

0M Department Capt S F Sibley W02 (RQMC) Lane. E L CoH Douglas, M R CoH Rushton, D W LCoH Cross, A D LCoH Eyre, R W LCoH Martin, S M LCoH Needham. J W F LCpi Nixon, R J LCpi Round, D R (LG) LCpi Thomson, D P P Tpr Ellison. M J Tpr Moody, S C C Families Oflice Capt J W Clayton CoH Maskeil, P M LCoH Goodyear, A N

woz (RQMC) (T) Harkness, P J SCpI Stickies. J CoH Partis, J CoH Towse, J LCoH Beynon, K E LCoH Firth. P LCoH Kitchen. R M LCoH Morris. S LCpi Hendon, B V Tpr Brainwood. C J Tpr Crooke, E J Tpr Mackenzie, J G Admin Troop SCpI Armishaw. P D LCoH Mitchell, P J LCpl Cawley, M J LCpi Gynane, C (LG) Tpr Davies, S A Tpr Jordan, M D Tpr Lister, B Tpr Quinn, A D Tpr Renton. R W Tpr Simkins. A J Garrison Medical Centre Surg Maj M A Staunton (Detmold Gar) Tpr Dick, I S Tpr Tanner, J M (LG) Stables Troop SCpI Pendry. T A LCoH Bissett. l N LCoH Scruton. C LCoH Walton, S P LCpi Avison, M A (LG) LCpi Cole, C (LG)

LCpi Scott, N P

LCoH Goodall, B LCoH Nisbett. R J Tpr Carrington, D W Tpr Cook, G R

Officers' Mess SCpl Elsey, S R

LCoH Davies, W V


APTC Sgt Ashworth ACC W02 (SQMS) Fitzgerald, T J F


Maj J L Holmes (us Army) Lt L Villers Ct A J P Wilkinson W02 (SCM) Hunter, H W CoH Masson, T R LCoH Mitchell. M D LCpi Dawson, K A LCpi Evans, J A LCpi Kershaw, E D LCpi Nichols. M T LCpi Parsons, C D Tpr Bostock. J C

Tpr Ellis. D A Tpr Farley, A M Tpr Gray. D P Tpr Hamllton. P A Tpr lbbotson, T Tpr Lee, A N

Li J H WingfieId-Digby Sgt Buck, IJ LSgt Ball, A L LSgt Beeston, P A LSgt Bayes. R LSgt Johnson. M P LSgtJouny, P D LCpi McMurtrie, T B Pte Elliott, S J Pte Gallagher, H Pte How. K S Pte Lee, T I Pte Mackay, G Pte Price, N

2 Troop Ct A J P Woodward SCpI Harding. M A CoH Gardiner, R L LCoH Lock, M J LCoH Tuxtord, P LCpi O'Brien. W D LCpi Rodgers, A Tpr Bradley, L P Tpr Colson, E J Tpr Elliott, C J Tpr Gautrey, D S Tpr Smith, R S Tpr Smith, M S Tpr Welsh. P

CoH Kent, N R LCoH Birch, G W LCoH Flynn. M LCoH Rendell, R E J LCpi Bayiiss, S L LCpl Rutland, D J Tpr Bowen, G M Tpr Collins, S R Tpr Davies, A G Tpr Ellis. K L TprJones, G E Tpr Lyons, S Tpr Martin, S Tpr Telling, D J

A SOUADRON SHQ Maj W T Browne Maj A J Miller-Bakewell Capt J S P Swayne W02 (SCM) O'Gorman, P W P CoH Rose, A J LCoH Flanagan, T J F LCpi Atherton. S J LCpi Baxter, M J LCpl Morris. M LCpi Woollenden. A L E Tpr Bulteriield, A G Tpr Lannouth, P 1 Troop Lt C R F Ward-Thomas CoH Sandercock, J M LCoH Hoilingworth. K P LCpi Hows, P P LCpi King. N P Tpr Bannon. S C Tpr Barnard, R D Tpr Brown, T E Tpr Halliord, L F Tpr Holden, L A Tpr Lowen. G L Tpr O‘Neill, N M Tpr Snell, B Tpr Stanley, A P LAD attached to H0 Squadron Capt R J Parsons W01 (ASM) J R Parsons, BEM W02 Hopper, M J SSgt McEwan. D A SSgt Pearce, J SSgt Powell, E Sgt Dorsett, R E Sgt Flitcrott. S P Sgt Leonard, G D Sgt Marsden, I Sgt Mortimore, A E Sgt Sadler, P R Sgt Swingler, K W

3 Troop Lt C B B Clee CDH Miller, D G LCoH Robertson, A S Tpr Bowden. M D Tpr Fermor, D A Tpr Gilligan, M A Tpr McCabe. K R Tpr Mills. S J Tpr Vesper, N D 4 Troop Lt G C N Lane-Fox CoH Taylor, A D LCoH Plater, I M LCoH Willacy, F S LCpI Brockhurst, C R LCpi Elston, P B LCpi Richards. M J Tpr Duncan, AJ Tpr Heath, M L Tpr Lansley. R E Tpr Molyneux, M S Tpr Noon, R Tpr Williams. C Admin SCpI Evans, B R C LCoH Berrislord, D LCoH McGarry, P LCpi Darby, i Tpr Ashdown, C N Tpr Collins, R G Tpr Flndell, R J Tpr Garrett. W J Tpr Jones. E Tpr Osmond, V E Tpr Polley, N F Tpr Rediern. L W LAD attached to A Squadron SSgt Perrin, El Sgt Bateman, G Sgt Bligh, D

LAD attached to B Squadron SSgt Green. G P Sgt Gray, 5 Sgt John, M A LSgt Paulucci, D J LSgt Pheshant, M A LSgt Powell, J A C LCpi Sands, A LCpi Purcell Cln Shearer. G F A Cin Goggin, T C Cln Herman, R


1 Troop

Sgt Bull. M J

GM(T) Department Capt J A Livingstone

LCpi Watlow, M J Tpr De-Vere Walker, G P E Tpr Gladstone, R P J Tpr Locke. P A

W02 (SCM) Buckie. R M G

RAPC Maj R W Thompson W02 (SQMS) Wall. B G SSgt Edwards. G A Sgt Holliday. N J N LSgt French. K R LCpi Holt, M G LCpi Lee, E VJ J

Sgt Weller, D J LSgt Conway, M J LSgt Edwards, V C LSgt Harvey, M D V LSgt Ritchie, R G LSgt Stone. M P LCpi Baker, P D LCpl Castle, R F LCpi Dick, P LCpi Edmunds. B LCpi Greenwood, M J LCpi Harbour. lJ LCpi Leighton, D LCpi MacDonald. F A LCpi Murkln. A LCpl Simpson, G C LCpi Standing, C J Cln Asqith. D S Cin Bird, S M Cln Brown, M J Cln Granlield. J P Cln Kinnair. J Cln Lawrence. T J Cfn McCabe. E Cfn McGhee, P J Cfn Morris. R G Cin Sheridan. P G Cln Wilcock, G

LSgt Grimshaw, R M LSgt McCarthy, M LSgt Wright. K L LCpi Brown, N A LCpi Elliott, J M K LCpi Jones. R I LCpi McIntosh. W LCpi Ouicklall, G Cfn Samuel. G

2 Troop Lt The Hon J H A Broughton CoH Barry, P K LCoH Day. K R LCoH Hodges, C J LCpi Atkinson, P C LCpl Fugatt, P R LCpi Lloyd, K S Tpr Ditchburn. M J Tpr Hagan, J C Tpr Johnson. S Tpr Leak. C J Tpr Steel, W H T Tpr Wilson, P 4 Troop Lt O C A Holland CoH Greenaway, C J LCoH Dickens, J P LCpi Hastings, G K LCpi Jones. T LCpi Westgate, N J Tpr Martin. W Tpr Marshall, 8 J Tpr Munton, N Tpr Pass. J P Tpr Plimrner. D Tpr Robinson. J Tpr Shaw. B A Admin SCpl Pitt. 0 J. BEM CoH Steeden, J LCpi Landy. 8 LCpi Prior, M J (LG) LCpI Taylor, R Tpr Byrne, J Tpr Hayward. J R C Tpr Knibbs, P M Tpr Overton, T L Tpr Panter. A D Tpr Please, A Tpr Robinson, M S Tpr Thomas. D F

C SQUADRON 8H0 Ma] 0 T L Hardy Capt S H Cowen W02 (SCM) Manning. M CoH Maher, V P LCoH Jackson, G LCpi Dawson, K J LCpi Farmer, A P LCpi Miles, D M LCpI Symons, G G Tpr Fowler. M R Tpr Mardon. A D Tpr Monroe, G Tpr Seed, I 1.Troop Ct J Lydiard—Wilson CoH Elliott, C D LCpi Kent, P LCpi Parker. J T Tpr Binks, IG Tpr Bowtell, A D Tpr Charles. P M Tpr Jackson, D R Tpr Johnson, R M Tpr Preston, A D Tpr Sykes. J A Tpr Thomas, P J T Tpr Wood, 8 2 Troop Ct A C Scott COH Ashby, B CDH Cook, M F LCpi Perry. M A C LCpI Spandley, J P LCpi Terry, S M Tpr Davies. I S Tpr Habgood. A J Tpr Lickiold, P M Tpr Perkins, M J Tpr Poner, D Tpr Reid. P 3 Troop CoH Mead l LCoH Kent, G S LCpi Haywood-Jones, J A S LCpi Hiscock, D R Tpr Beaumont, M N Tpr Clayton, P J Tpr Clerehugh, A Tpr Crocker, P S Tpr Morris. B W Tpr Morrls. A J Tpr Rowlands. K M J Tpr Welsh. D E 4 Troop Ct J D D Reid CoH Seager, C R LCoH Dobbie, G LCpi Boden, P LCpl Monks, K A Tpr Armstrong. M. J. Tpr Brown. P Tpr Coulter, I G Tpr Evans. K J Tpr Murphy. D

Tpr Smith, l M Tpr Young, P C Admin SCpl Morgan. D W LCoH Carney, R J LCoH Frampton. K A LCpi Consadine. M R

LCpi Dixon, D LCpi Horner, D S LCpi Rudin. J D Tpr Decicco, A A Tpr Edgington, G T D Tpr Mcgee. F LAD attached to C Squadron SSgt Burton, T Sgt Biaza. D A Sgt Pickup. J M LSgt Moftat, C H LSgt Stimpson, A H LCpi Campbell. A J LCpl Marsdon, L Cln Grierson, W J Cln Truss. P S Cln Yates, C A

D SOUADRON SHO Maj C C Bucknall Capt A S Jeacock W02 (SCM) Quinn, TJ CoH Manning. R P LCoH Brettell, S G LCoH Seget, M P LCpi Roberts, T LCpi Shaw, G S LCpi Topham, P Tpr Hughes. D J Tpr Jackson, N C Tpr Sully. P L 1 Troop CoH Coutts, A J D LCoH Pitt. C M J LCoH Sharples, L B (LG) LCpi Dyche. M A Tpr Berger, S J Tpr Callow, T J Tpr Coornbs, P J Tpr Mathleson, J G Tpr Oxtoby, K J Tpr Smith. M R Tpr Winter, M W 2 Troop Ct W R B Jowitt CoH Rogers, L D LCoH Davies. P G LCoH Gear. D J LCpi Joyce. P A Tpr Carr, J B Tpr Cieary. S S Tpr Cody. IJ Tpr Hennessey, M J Tpr Nudd, A Tpr Shepherd, 8 T Tpr Westlake. T J Tpr Wignall. K 3 Troop

Admin Scpl Guest, J R LCpl Gynane, C (LG) LCpl Harris, PD LCpi Magowan, C G LCpl Townsend. P LCpi Young, T J Tpr Binks. M J Tpr Glasgow. K F Tpr Greaves, J B Tpr Houghton. S Tpr Hunt, P J Tpr Kerr, P Tpr Lawson, B Tpr McCrossan, S C LAD attached to D Squadron SSgt Hooper. C Sgt Mitchell. D A Sgt Horselall. S G LSgt Fraser. D K LSgt Seddon. l LCpi Bennett, A M LCpi Burt, J W Cfn Lock, D Cln Cope, D Cln Thornton, P W Cln Buchan, D H


Mai P J Tabor W02 Clandge, D J LCoH Hodges, P H Tpr Young. D J Tpr Foster. C M 0M Department Maj J Peck W02 Fox, G A CoH Hyett, S P LCpi Smith, I D LCpi Pedersen. M A Tailors‘ Shop LCoH English. W A Saddlers' Shop CoH Perrin, J G LCoH Butcher. J D Tpr Daiy, l S

Ct c v Woyka CoH Carpenter, T M LCoH Gaskell, N LCoH Griffen. K J LCoH Thorpe. R J (LG) LCpi Summeriield, S R Tpr Pelling, R A Tpr Ruddlesdin, K Tpr Sadler. M A Tpr Slight, N Tpr Smith. T Tpr Spencer. N D Tpr Stephenson, J Tpr WhitevPhillips. G Tpr Pelling. R A 4 Troop Ct J A C Swayne LCoH Maxwell, P G LCpI Cowton. IA LCpi Elliott, LJ Tpr Bartlett. M Tpr Dewing, N J Tpr McKechnie. P J Tpr Morrison. 0 R E Tpr Proflit. M J Tpr Stokoe, S

Medical Centre Surg CoIJ P A Page CoH Gregory. J LCoH Johnson, K P Tpr Bradley. D A Pharmacy Lt Col N H Carding Farriers FCoH Garland. D J (Windsor) FLCoH Storey. A J FLCoH Watson. K R A D FLCpI Kendnok. K (Cyprus) FLCpI Smith, P J FLCpI Tiiley, A M E Farr Francis. L M R Farr Measures, 8

Riding Staff LCoH Boyd. D R LCoH Hammett, M A LCpl Hunter. D LCpi Mitchell, P J LCpi Rawlings, T E N

LCpi Rex, J P

Officer‘s Mess CoH Barber. P E J LCoH Cross. P R

Picktord, S R Roberts. M J Southern, M R Treanor. H R Twort. N M Welding Winterbot‘lom

Tpr Wilson

2 Troop Li R J Onslow CoH Dunkley. M G CoH Baston. C G

LCoH Webb. A J LCoH Brooks, C P

MT Troop

LCpI Reed. 3 L

LCoH Vickers. S A

LCpl Watt. A A Tpr Austin. A R Tpr Cross. 8 J Tpr Ewens. J | Tpr Hemming. M A Tpr Hooper. M A Tpr MoBain. G Tpr Melbourne-Hart. N G A Tpr Midgley. M E Tpr Moore. R A Tor Morgan. G Tpr Roberts. J Tpr Robertson. R M Tpr Rutl. D R Tpr Shaw. T W D Tpr Tims. C J Tpr Twyman, P Tpr Weall, G J

LCoH wnning, B J LCpJ Dugdale. P A LCpI Saunders, N J Tpr Hawkins, J C Tpr Sturgeon. E J Tpr Wood, D J Tpr Wright. A LG Squadron Office Tpr Wright. S P Riding School LeIne Ride Tpr Ashdown, C N Tpr Bye. C E Tpr lreton. K Tpr Jones, L E Tpr Riley. 8 Tpr Slingsby. P Tpr Todd. D Tpr Venables, P Weser Ride CoH Dunkley. M G Tpr Goldsborough. K Tpr Hooker. L Tpr Hughes. A Tpr McMuIlen, S D Tpr Pearse. T Tpr Short, A D W Rewer Ride Tpr Allison. P T Tpr Booker, R Tpr Edwards. J C Tpr Link. 8 U Tpr Raynes. P Tpr Wright, S J

THE BLUES AND ROYALS MOUNTED SOUADRON SHQ Maj T P E Barclay Capt E B S Mountain W02 Dawes, D J SCpI Chamberlain. D A LCoH Reynolds, B J LCoH Martin. W LCpI Pratt, P A Tpr Culton, D O 1 Troop Lt G M D McCullough CoH Henney. P CoH Baldwrrl, A G LCoH Bulmer, l R LCoH Whopples, G LCoH Taylor. M R LCpI Allen. A C LCpI Sullivan. 8 A LCpI Kibble. L J LCpI McKinney, B A LCpI Cowling. J M A Tpr Byrne. J J Tpr Culton. R O Tpr Dawes, W J Tpr Dowle, C A Tpr Flynn. N A Tpr Horstield, R M Tpr Jenkins Tpr McGarry. J E Tpr Mowbray, M J Tpr Nash. J M W Tpr Nixon. R E


3 Troop Ll S D Jacobs CoH Maroon, T A CoH Wasp. G CoH Lawson. P J CoH Booker. A W LCoH Smith, N A LCpl Phillips A LCpl Edwards, D J LCpI Stokes. L LCpI Dobie. R J LCpI Freeman. M A Tpr Baker. C A Tpr Black, G J Tpr Cheese. G P Tpr Clarke, J Tpr Cox-Rushbridge. S A F Tpr Curley. W Tpr Downing. T J Tpr Drinkwater. | R S Tpr Hopkins. T F Tpr Liddle. P Tpr Mason. A S Tpr Maynard, J L Tpr Newman, S J Tpr Norris. P S Tpr Oxley. K Tpr Rayner, M S Tpr Scovell, A M Tpr Welsh. S R Tpr Williams. J P Tpr Yarnold, A P T

Coach Troop Tpr Coulson, A P Tpr Jousrfle, A P Tpr Roberts. A M

Household Cavalry Museum W02 Hughes. K C

HOLDEE STRENGTH SCpl Rose, C W CoH Preece, D C F (Clarence House) LCoH Waterman. A

BAND OF THE BLUES AND ROYALS Capt R G Tomiinson W02 Whennell. R A W02 Parsons, A SCpI Orritt. C J SCpI Barnes. S L E CoH Brammer, M CoH Packer, F J CoH Marsh, P CoH Bower. V LCoH Stevens. M P LCoH Burroughs, C J LCoH Connaughton. K J P LCoH Stanton. (3 W LCoH Guy. 8 C LCoH Jones. P LCpi Hayward. M R LCpi Maynew. K P LCpi Wall, 5 J Musn Musn Musn Musn Musn Musn Musn Musn Musn Musn

Allport, N M Billington, H R Francrs. T R Haddock, R Howe, R Kimberley, l Kinsler, G L Kitching. S Paine, N J Pegier. G N

Musn Purnell. P |

Musn Musn Musn Musn


Junior Leaders Regt FIAC SCpl Kearns. B J

HQ BR Forces Belize LCoH Bates, S

RMAS SCpI Kilvmglon. J A CoH Robertson. M

H CAV 8- RAC MRO W02 Bourne. N W

Ma] J S OliVier

HQ BF Cyprus Ma) G T R Birdwood RHO Household Cavalry Maj H P D Massey

W01 R A Font UK SP Unit Shape SCpI Reeve, A D

W01 A J Weston LCoH Rushtorth. D LCpl AVIns. J M G Tpr Brown, D C Tpr Elliott. N S Tpr Hayes, J P Tpr Miller, C J

MOD DGPS(A) Ma] H St J Holcroft 8 In! Ede Ma] J Shaw Staff College Me; A J MillerrBakewell (ASC 20) Capt F G S Lukas (ASC 20) Pakistan Staff College Ma] A A Wood

C Sqn Royal Yeomanry SCpl Wendon. H 4 RTR CoH Chalmers. A W

RAC Gunnery Wing BAOR W02 Slretton, P F

RAC Trg Rgt (Static Elem) CoH Cowton. K M LCoH Gibb, A G J Tpr Willis, K L

BATUS LCoH Thomson (Temp Stafl) LCpl Parsons (Temp Staff)

RAC Sales Team CoH Hastings, A P

Br Contingent UNFICYP (SF Regt) LCoH McDonald, A

RMCS Capt W R Rollo (ASC 21) Guards Depot Capt M A Patterson Capt (DOM) S A Waits Lt J C Tanburn

A010 Brighton CoH Lampard, B D

21 Liaison HO

LCpl Pitt. N R

Detached (Posted) Musn Coates. S r RMSM Kneller Hall Musn Preston. P r RMSM Kneller Hall Recruits Juniors JLR RAC. JMW


Goldsmith Hughes Lindsay Gough Richardson Dixon Lavender

OFFICERS SENIOR TO THE REGIMENTAL LIST Col J G Hamilton-Russell. MBE , DCOS UNFICYP Col P T Keighlley — Kuwait Liaison Team Col H O Hugh-Smith ~ HS HCR (to be DA'MA Kenya 290387)

RARDE Kirkudbright (PE) (AE)

HO Londist R & L Staff CoH Perry. 8 J

Tpr Baguley, G

RAVC Centre Capt D McGregor Li C R F Ward»Thomas (LEC)

4 Regt AAC Capt J W Sellers

Searle. M J Shelton, J L Wniflield, A Wilson, D G

RHG/D PERSONNEL SERVING AT ERE RHQ Household Cavalry CoH Freeman. K R CoH Giblette, J E LCoH Hammond. D J Guards Depot CoH Rees, M N LCoH Barclay. R J LCoH Burbidge, A LCoH Care, C C LCoH Fisher, J C LCoH Haley, C LCoH Munton. N C LCoH Nolan. G B LCoH Norris, M J LCoH Voyce, D C LCpI Flower, P J LCpI Graham, M A LCpI Halfhyde, P J LCpI Pyecroft, A G


‘ '->4Cli:’i!.



LCpI Smith. P R

Lt Col T C Morris. LVO Lt Col J J F Scott

Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr

BMATT Zlmbabwe Lt Col J A Aylen

Bristol University OTC W01 B Murray,

MOD MDS Lt Col A H Parker Bowles, OEE

MOD Del Stats (E & S) 3 (AE) W01 R J Sproats

RAC Tactical School Lt Col J D Smith-Bingham

ATDU RAC Centre W01 M P Staceyr

MOD (0005) (Systems) Lt Col T J Sulivan

Gunnery School RAC Centre W01 M B Stacey, SCpI Stephenson. CoH Wright, P A

H0 UKLF (UKCICC) Lt Col P B Rogers WO's and NCO's Mess Tpr Grant. D A Tpr Pickering, J

Prlncess Marina College CoH Tapsell, G K

ALCpI Haywood, P


Officer’s Mess Tpr Beulah. M Tpr Culleton. J M Tpr Morrell. P C Tpr Wood, P M

D & M School RAC Centre SCpI Buxton R P

Y List

MOD (DIS) Melton Mowbray LCpl Nichols. F E LCpl Staflord, P R Tpr Barrett, 8 B Tpr Edgington, D P Tpr Edwards. M L Tpr Lee. J | Tpr Reay, I Tor Wood. G

H0 Berlin (BRS) Ma] G H Tweedie

r 5.)

W0s and NCOs Mess LCpI Bridgewood. J E Tpr Grant Tpr Thumwood. S G

Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr

M4» i"

Provost Staff LCoH Nicholson. D R LCpI Goodwrn. M LCpI Jones. C R LCpI Musgrave. R A

BDS(A) Washington Maj l M D L Weston

Carr. A G H Horrath, C A Lock, K B Lockhart. C A Miller, S 8

Signal School RAC Centre W01 J Triggs, BEM W02 Finch, P R





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