The blue the blue 1966

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THIS IS THE Wilkinson Sword supplied to Officers of the lst Lifeguards from 1834 to the present day, and to Officers of the 2nd Lifeguards from 1874 until they were disbanded in 1922. The Sword was also adopted by the Horseguards in 1874 and is still carried at the present time. The blade is 39% inches, making this weapon the longest British Service Sword, and is embossed with the Regimental Cypher and Battle Honours. The grip is of blackened sharkskin bound with

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THE BLUE No. 111


The Journal of THE ROYAL HORSE GUARDS, (THE BLUES,) past and present


Her Majesty the Queen.

Calmwl and (10/11 Stir/t: Field-Marshal Sir Gerald Templer. K.G., G.C.B., G.C.M.G.. K.B.E.. D.S.O., D.C.L.

Oflirer Cmnmanding [llt’ Household Cavalry and Sili'EI‘ Slick: Colonel D. J. St. M. Tabor. M.C. Commanding Officer: Lieutenant—Colonel R. M. F. Redgrave. MC. Officer Commanding Housc/iolzl Cavalry Regiment:

Lieutenant-Colonel M. A. Q. Darley.

Allied Regimcni, Canadian Army: The Governor-General‘s Horse Guards.


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“THE BLUE” is primed and published by Service Publications Limited. Caxton Home, Shoreham-by—Sea, Sussex, for the Royal Horse Guards (The Blues) Comrades" Association.

Editor: Captain W. N. H Legge-Bourke. [Photm


and General]

(The Cover shows the Colonel of the Regiment inspecting the Guard of Honour at his installation as Constable of the Tower of Lonion. October (1th, 1965.)

VERYONE in Germany is now beginning to look forward to September when, after nearly four years in Germany, the Regiment will once again have returned to Windsor. Apart from the many reunions with families and friends, 1966 will involve the rehousing of some one hundred and fifty families now quartered in Germany, new concepts of strategic and tactical roles, and the inevitable readjustments of packing, unpacking and settling in again. There is so much to look forward to that the past year already seems to be fading into the distant past, despite having been a memorable and successful year which thoroughly deserves to be recorded. For the Mounted Squadron the emphasis must be rather different. 1965 was a year to be remembered for many conflicting reasons. On the one hand were exceptional State Duties such as Sir Winston Churchill’s funeral, and on the other were the equine ’flu and that centennial upheaval, the move from Knightsbridge to Wellington Barracks. As for 1966, the anticipation of returning to a brand new Knightsbridge could well be as long drawn out and frustrating as were the original plans to move in the first place! For Comrades not to look back and reminiSCe is as unthinkable as a dry reunion dinner, but we hope they too are looking forward to the Regiment’s return to England. If they do not come and see us, either at Windsor or at London, it will not be from lack of a welcome, and we hope many will re-establish their old personal links once more.

This year’s “Blue” inevitably looks back, both at 1965 and at many years before then, but this does not mean we are trying to bury ourselves in the past. Your articles, ideas, letters and suggestions for the future are the only way in which your magazine can be made to hold the interest and support of all Blues, past, present and future.

All enquiries and correspondence relating to “The Blue,” should be addressed to The

Editor, “The Blue," c’o Regimental Headquarters, Household Cavalry, Horse Guards, Whitehall, London, S.W.1

enquiries concerning the Regiment should be sent to The



Household Cavalry Depot, [I’hotoz


Associated Press Ltd]

Wellington Barracks, Birdcage Walk,

London, S.W.1



The Regiment’s last complete year in Germany produced the inevitable and sometimes unenviable task of injecting novelty into the well-worn tyre tracks of the preceding years. It is easy to say thcit one year in B.A.O.R. is much the same as any other. but looking back on 1965 makes us realise that we learned a very great deal in one short year and took part in several events which may well never happen again.

@Mu rm.‘

Her Majesty arriving at the Armoured Parade at Sennelager. L.-R. Major T.N.P.W. Burbury. S.Q.M.C. Swann, Tpr. Fisher, CoH. Clarke, Tpr. Gennings

Those who have read the past two years” “Blue" will know the pattern of the German year only too well, and this at least did not change. In February and again in July each Squadron provided Border Patrols of Ferret Scout Cars on the Iron Curtain and, as usual, returned understanding the gloom of that Barrier which makes our presence here so necessary. Seven times during the year we were required to guard or escort some of those weapons whose very existence permits Britain to keep comparatively few soldiers permanently in Western Europe. These roles are, by now, second nature, although occasionally boring (and sometimes a strain on Anglo-US. relations).

The Standard Parties of the Household Cavalry marching

01f Parade_at the end of the Waterloo Commemoration Servtce at Hougoumout Farm, June 18th, 1965 Blues, Left to Right: S.Q.M.C. Beynon. S.C.M. Kitney. CoH. Hunter The Life Guards, Left to Right: CoH. Thomas. S.C.M. Jackson, Cpl. Yule,

[I’hoto: Public Relations] .1

S.Q.M.C. Swann and Call. Steel showing members

of 213 Panzer Battalion a Saladin

For the big exercises which take place once the German farmers’ crops are harvested, more preparation is needed. We started the year with the individual Trade Training to rebuild the basic knowledge of Troop Crewmen. This was followed in March by vehicle inspections and by a Study Day. This was run by the Regiment for our Oflicers and senior N.C.O.’s together with those of both the other Armoured Car Regiments, the 4th/7th Dragoon Guards and the Queen’s Royal Irish Hussars. The Commander Royal Armoured Corps. Brigadier S.M.O.'H. Abraham. M.C., somehow succeeded in telling everyone that they had given the right answers to the problems, but nevertheless proving that there might be better ones! Armed with vehicles which worked and theories which ought to, field training began in April. At this stage,

The Boxing Day Hockey Match S.C.M. Kitney, The R.C.M., S.Q.M.C. Keyworth

however. Herford




London in that a ceremonial season suddenly took charge. Major D. J. Daly and 25 soldiers returned for the Parade at which we were granted the Freedom of Windsor (more of this elsewhere). and Major Burbury took charge of preparations for the Escort to Her Majesty The Queen, during her State Visit to Germany. This was to be an historic occasion for two reasons: firstly, The Blues had never found an Armoured Car Escort for the Sovereign outside the

S.Q.M.C. Swarm in the turret with the Regimental Standard

British Isles and, secondly, never before had any Standard been carried in an Armoured Car. At Her Majesty‘s specific request, both these things now happened. On May 26th two separate Parades were held near Sennelager. At the first. 7,000 troops were reviewed, and at the second the whole of 20th Armoured Brigade. over 300 Armoured Vehicles in all, drove past. Two troops of the Regiment escorted our Colonel-in-Chief throughout the afternoon. including 16 miles through crowded Westphalian villages, flying the Regimental Standard. In the evening Lt. J. R. W. Palmer found the nearest possible equivalent to a Travelling Escort to take Her Majesty to and from dinner with the Commander -in-Chief. Who knows whether this will not prove to be the last time the Monarch reviews so many British Troops outside the British Isles? The other ceremonial event of the year was the Commemoration in June of the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo. The Regiment was repre~ sented at the Drum Head Service at Hougomont Farm by a Standard Party. four officers and 18 soldiers. A staircase party had been formed for the British Ambassador‘s Ball. whilst the Commanding Officer and S.C.M. Martin represented the Regiment at the Guildhall Dinner in London. (The Regiments part in the actual battle is not described in this edition of “The Blue" as it was so fully covered in the special number of the Household Brigade Magazine.) Page ‘)

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The Alarm Race in






the Inter-Troop Competition

A well-earned drink at the completion of the “Orienteering” Exercise for Tprs. James, Price, Pentith, L/Cpl. Pinks, Tpr. Benstead

The end of June saw us once more fully in the swing of tactical training with the whole Regiment in Schleswig Holstein on Exercise “Loose Rein”. A remarkably mobile company of the Royal Irish Fusiliers in their new Armoured Personnel Carrier, the “FV 432“, allowed the Colonel to keep us guessing for a week as to where they would pop up next. After an extremely windy breather on the shores of the Baltic the Regiment drove the 275 miles back to Barracks along minor roads in one memorable night.

No sooner had we returned than “B” Squadron, under Major Eyre, set off in the opposite direction to act as the Headquarters and Enemy for R.M.A. Sandhurst during their annual camp in the Eifel Mountains. It turned out to be just about the wettest fortnight of the year so no Saladin Armoured Cars broke the lap record on the nearby Neuberg Ring, but the cadets were kept busy and therefore warm, even if our soldiers were not!


Major A. C. G. Eyre, “B” Squadron Leader. supervises the barbecuing of a pig during Ex. Eitfel Tower with

R.M.A. Sandhurst

The Study Day “D.S.” S.Q.M.C. Swann, Captain Smith Bingham. The Commanding Officer, S.C.M. Godfrey

Cass, Captain Legge Bourke

The end of the road—The Cross-country Night “Orienteering” Compass Exercise at Hohne. R.C.M. Stringer at the finishing point

The Corps Commander, Lt. General Sir Richard Good— win, presenting R.C.M. Stringer’s Polo Prize. Other members of the team were S.Q.M.C. Cowdery, CoH. Peck and CoH. Wright

For the first fortnight in August the Regiment again deserted Herford, this time to Hohne Ranges near Celle for the annual firing. The Treasury, the Prices and Incomes Board, or someone in Whitehall, had seen to it that our quota of ammunition was considerably reduced so we had time for our Small Arms Classification, the Regimental Swimming and the Inter Troop Competitions. As it turned out, it was an extremely busy fortnight, during which no-one could complain of not having enough to do. 5th Troop of “A” Squadron. led by Ct. J. S. Olivier, emerged as overall winners of the Inter Troop Competition which had consisted of six competitions: Main Armament Shooting, Small Arms, General Knowledge. Tug of War, Alarm Race and an Orienteering Exercise. This latter consisted of a day and night map1'eading race on foot in which the whole Regiment in groups of three covered many miles visiting various

check points. (The Cups for these competitions were presented by the Silver Stick at a Parade held during his three-day visit to the Regiment in September). Two more Regimental Exer— cises, one Radio and one “OP”, in September, saw us ready to face what may well have been the last full-scale Divisional Exercise of its kind, judging by the publicity given in the British and German Press to the damage caused by the tanks. Ex “Double Deal" started with the Regiment having, under command, two tank squadrons of the l7th/215t Lancers, two companies of the Cheshires in A.P.C.’s, one Armoured Engineer Squadron and two Batteries of Gunners—in other words, almost three times the number of men we ourselves possess. Needless to say it was very hard work. The fact remains that at three-quarters of the way through the Exercise a truce was called when R.H.Q. “B” and “C" Squadrons had penetrated, intact and unnoticed, 25 miles behind the enemy’s line and were ready to pounce on Control and Enemy Headquarters. “A” Squadron, who were on the “enemy” side throughout, had been switched to the opposite end of the front!

Regiment that settled into two days of so-called rest before umpiring the Queen's Royal Irish Hussars in the second hall. of the “Battle”. The end of the Exercise year now meant cleaning up and reorganising as quickly as possible for C.R.A.C.‘s Administrative Inspection on November 25th. At the same time all the vehicles once more came under the eagle eye of the R.E.M.E. It was with a sigh of relief that We were finally able to realise that there were only 15 shopping days to Christmas. Then the Band arrived and Christmas really got under way, with Squadron and Mess parties, the Pantomime and a surfeit of both liquid and solid relief to celebrate that next year would see us at Windsor and at home. There have been many changes in officer and N.C.O. appointments during the past year, but all these can be seen in the Nominal Rolls at the end of this magazine. Suffice it to say that in 1965 the Regiment‘s wheels turned as fast as they ever have, and that most of the tracks they made were well worth following.

Our final Test Exercise, at the end of October and beginning of November, was, as last year, called “Lundy‘s Lane” and was again against United States Reconnaissance units of the 3rd Cavalry “Brave Rifles". The Mayor of Windsor, Alderman W. Pratt. who happened to be on a visit to Germany, took the salute as we left Barracks to do battle with the Americans. In the next four days the Regiment covered a distance as great as the whole of the Household Cavalry’s advance through Germany in 1945. This Exercise again taught us new conceptions of speed and mobility and again we had Troops under command. this time a Squadron of the Greys, a company of the Warwickshire Fusiliers and a Battery of R.H.A. It was a very tired Page 1 l

Page 10

W.O.s’ and C.o.H.s’ MESS 1965

The start of our year was the traditional New Year dinner (provided by the Officers): the innovation of inviting the Commanding Officer and Adjutant to sit down with us and sample the fare. did not quite work out as intended since the Colonel was called away at short notice. In his absence Major Watson took the chair, and, whilst extolling our virtues, the lighting failed. This rather dimmed the highlights but he carried on by candlelight. After dinner CoH. Ron Feltham led the community singing, as normal the first number being “For ever and ever”. Dances are the highlight of Mess life and this year these included Valentine, Easter and Midsummer; during the winter we had a Tramps‘ Ball, Christmas Dance and New Year’s Ball. All went very well indeed and we have made many friends from neighbouring units and headquarters (plus one or two tramps from the Herford area). Although the available musical groups have not always been up to our standard, we feel that the many buffets supplied by the Master Cook and his staff have more than compensated for this shortcoming. It is obvious that S.C.M. Les Young does not subsist on his own food because we have it on good authority that this is supplied by Messrs. Caperns and comes addressed care of “a monastery garden”.

November 9th and the Silver Stick during his annual visit to the Regiment in October. His Worship the Mayor of Windsor called to see us and, during a very lively Sunday morning presented us with a silver cup for competition. In reply. Mr. Stringer thanked the Mayor and the Council for the silver cigarette box given to us during the Freedom of Windsor ceremonies and asked the Mayor to accept six regimental ashtrays for use in the council chamber. Other visitors included senior N.C.O’s of the TA. and German Panzer Grenadiers. Messrs. Frank Wooton and Jim Harris Were welcomed as representatives of our Comrades Association. We feel they enjoyed their visit. details of which appear elsewhere. It was most pleasant to welcome S.Q.M.C. Fritz Frearson for a short duty tour (which is unbelievably not a separate item in this edition).


FOOTBALL 1964-6 5

Under the organisation of S.Q.M.C. Keyworth the standard of hockey is improving. Although the results were not very impressive, we finished the season by winning the plate competition in the Divisional Six-a-Side competition.

As usual the Regimental Football Team never settled down until after Christmas, by which time they were bottom of the local league having won only one match. In the New Year the Regiment was only beaten twice. We climbed from 12th place in the local league to finish fourth. In the Cavalry Cup we beat the Royals in the first round. but lost to the l7th/2lst Lancers in extra time in the next. Among the best wins of the season was against Vlotho, one of the best local German clubs.


The band made its annual pilgrimage to its Regiment in December and suitably entertained the Mess on numerous occasions in between playing for Squadron parties. We had a cocktail party before the pantomime and carried on the movement afterwards. Our dart team has been the cause of many lively evenings, at home and away. Our Mess polo team, under the able captaincy of ROM. Stringer, were unlucky to be placed second in the B.A.O.R. Other Ranks’ Tournament; the team was presented with mugs by the Commander lst British Corps. The sporting year ended with the traditional Boxing Day football match against the officers; judging by the costumes both teams must have been to the local theatrical agency and it seems a pity that the Arsenal talent scouts missed the venue (in any case it was, as usual, a draw).

Our Regimental, who delights in being surrounded by his friends, will, on the slightest provocation, arrange that all members congregate round the bar to share the pleasure of anyone awarded “Rooties”, Warrants, Promotions and, strangely enough, “Severe digs”.

The 1964-65 season saw an entirely new pack from the year before. There was plenty of drive and keenness but no experience or leadership. The three quarters on the other hand, when given a fair supply of the ball, were very fast and always dangerous. Outstanding among them were Cpl. Lampard, Cfn. Dean and Tpr. Green. Ct. J. S. Olivier was again outstanding at wing forward. We won ten out of fourteen matches, drawing one. Congratulations to Cfn. Dean on representing B.A.O.R. R.E.M.E. and Ct. J. S. Olivier on being selected, unfortunately in his absence, for B.A.O.R.

Major C. V. C. Booth-Jones presenting the L.A.D. with the Inter-Squadron Soccer Cup

The usual team was Capt. D. V. Smiley, Cpl. Holland, L/Cpl. Green, Lt. D. M. Cuthbertson-Smith, Ct. W. R. Dickinson, Cfn. Dean, Cpl. Lampard, Cpl. John, L/Cpl. Pritchard, L/Cpl. Margerison, CoH. Cryan, Cpl. Lloyd, L/Cpl. Ellis, Ct. J. S. Olivier.

The best players in the team were the half back line of L/Cpl. Pinks, Tprs. Allison and Liddell, CoH. Peck in goal and L/Cpl. Ashdown at back, also Cpl. Lockett, who was captain, and Tpr. Moody in the forward line. All last year‘s team are still here and so we have high hopes of doing well in all the competitions we enter. Finally, a word of praise for S.Q.M.C. Tolometti who managed the team, and CoH. Hunt for his refereeing and congratulations on becoming a class one Referee.

There have been three Mess dinners to bid farewell to old friends. One was for A.S.M. Jim

Masters, S.C.M. Claude Green and S.Q.M.C. Harry Bellwood; another on the departure of O.R.Q.M.C. Eric Slade and one for S.C.M. John Ladds, R.Q.M.C. Tom Cummings and CoH. McNinley, the latter two to the care of Jock Neill’s Sunday Club at Windsor. We also said goodbye to CoH. Robinson and CoH. Steel who leave the Army. Towards the end of the year, on the posting of our Adjutant, Major A. H. G. Broughton to the R.M.A., we invited him to dinner. This he thoroughly enjoyed and remarked that it had never happened to his father. In order to do full justice to our table we decided to invest in some good silver and we now possess a 108-piece set of crested silver “digging kit”. It’s not suprising that our property member now checks the identity cards of those entering and leaving. We have been honoured to entertain the MajorGeneral Commanding the Household Brigade on


SQUASH The taken as officers. fessional

game of squash, having, until recently, been a light recreation for bored and overweight is now regarded in a slightly more prolight.

This year we have won all six matches against other regiments, and have easily won the 4 D1v1sronal Championships.

Cpl. Loekett, Captain of the

Soccer Team “it’s my own hair.”

Mainstay of the team is the number one string Capt. J. D. Smith-Bingham, the remamder being Captains D. V. Smiley. R. Lucas (R.E.M.E.), J. W. N. Mitchell and Lt. J. S. Olivier. Lt. J. R. Palmer, Capt. A. H. G. Broughton and Sur./Capt. M. A. Charter have also played.

At going to press we have hopes of the B.A.O.R. championship andflwho knows!even the Army.

Cartoon by “JON” of the “Daily Mail"

Page 13

Page 12

CRICKET SWIMMING In a wetand depressing summer, the Regiment played 15 matches, wmnlng etght. losing five and drawing two.

‘ ' Swimming sports took place at Hohne during the annual hring fortnight. The Squadron competition was won by l-l.Q. Squadron. This was mainly due to the efforts of Cpl. Sargent and L/Cpl. Drummond. Another good performance was by Tpr. Sayer in the breast stroke. The outstanding competitor was, however, L/Cpl. Holland who gave us a superb display from the diving board for the second year running.

The best performance of the season was holding 2nd Sig. Regt.. an almost entirely West Indian side and B.A.O.R. champions to a close and exciting draw. Fine individual performances include three half centuries by L/Cpl. Fearn. 65 in 28 minutes by Ct. J. S. Olivier against the Black Watch and 35 in 8 balls by Capt. J. W. N Mitchell against 17th/215t Lancers. In the field L/Cpl. Fearn took 30 wickets at an average of 9, Tpr. Austin 28 at an average of 8.5. Ct. D. J. Enderby 20 at an average of 11 and Cpl. Lockett 11 at an average of 8. Capt. D. V. Smiley took 14 catches behind the wicket and Ct. J. S. Olivier 8 in the slips. Other personalities who contributed towards a most enjoyable season were Cpl. Deacon, who kept an immaculate score book and L/Cpl. Webb, an invaluable twelfth man and bus driver.

ADVENTURE TRAINING Five squadron teams of six took part in “Exercise William Tell" which took place in the North of Switzerland during the latter part of April. The exercise was run as a rally with check points, and bogey times for the villages to be reached at the end of each day, with questions about Swiss life thrown in.

The following normally represented the team:* Cpl. Wink, Tpr. Shatwell, Capt. J. W. N. Mitchell, L/Cpl. Fearn, Ct. J. S. Olivier, Ct. D. J. Enderby, Capt. D. V. Smiley, C.S.M.I. Jefiries, L/Cpl. Spooner, Cpl. Lockett, Tpr. Austin.

Cpl. Holland diving

ATHLETICS The ground covered consisted of long stretches of valleys intermingled with steep hills, and the final two days in snow capped mountains.

The inter squadron competition took place at the Jahn Stadion in Herford and was won by H.Q. Squadron with “B" Squadron second. Outstanding performances were by Tpr. Green. who won the 800 metres in 2.08 minutes and the 400 metres in 53 seconds. Also L/Cpl. Bright who won the 5000 metres and the 1500 metres. The sprinting was of a much lower standard, nevertheless, Tpr. Bruce is to be congratulated on his victories in 100 and 200 metres. Ct. W. R. Dickinson easily won the 120 metres hurdles setting up a new Regimental record. In the field events, the only achievement worthwhile mentioning was by L/Cpl. Margerison, who threw the javelin 140ft.

The competition was won jointly by “C" Squadron led by Ct. G. N. Tweedie and “B” Squadron led by Cpl. Lloyd. Other team leaders were Ct. W. J. Dickinson, Cpl. Desborough and Sgt. Atkinson.

_ Ex. William Tell.

For the first time we entered a team for the divisional cham— pionships and although we finished sixth out of 14, we were no match for the fitter infantry Regiments. Tpr. Green is to be congratulated on coming third in the B.A.O.R. and individual 400 metres. The inter Squadron tug-of—war which takes place on the same day as a separate competition was won for the third year running by HO. Squadron coached by S.O.M.C. Reeves.

H.Q. Squadron Team, winners of the


L.-R. Cpl. Weston, Sgt. Atkinson



The weather throughout was dismal and it is great credit to those who took part that spirits were always SO high ‘

eaten? MODERN PENTATHLON I965 The Rhine Army Pentathlon was once again run in conjunction with an international event, which included the Italian, German Army. and Royal Air Force Teams.


Left-Right: Tpr. Patterson. Cpl. Baylay, Tpr. Davies. L/Cpls. W‘ebb. Green. Tpr. Young, S.C.l\1. Kitney, Tpr. Aylen. Cpl. t‘qurphy. L/Cpl. \Y'illows. Tprs. Rae. Clarke. L/Cpl. Guymer. S.Q.t\I.C. Reeves

The Blue team. consisting of Ct. R. A. Campbell, Cpl. Drummond and L/Cpl. Waldron. finished second in the Rhine Army competition, beaten narrowly by lst Battalion The Cheshire Regiment. while the German Army beat the Italian team in the international competition. To_p»~During the 1500m. L.-R. L/Cpls.


Bright’ Ford’ TBZ'anProudfom’ Cfn' _ . ‘

, -

w” J‘ D'Ck'mo" centrefgomet Winning the 120m. Hurdles Bomminuring



also Ct. R.. A. Campbell second year running. the . . . v . .


did extremely well to Win the international riding


Cpl. Flanagan. Cfn. Dean,


Green Waldron, Martin, L/Cpls. (winner), Tpr. Harrison (second)

Cpl. Drummond is to be congratulated on winning the Rhine Army individual competition, for



normal mid-day scene! Tpr. Hewett

of the competition. the only Englishman to phase . Wln an Event. Page 15

won the Castroper Ouerfeldeinrennen when he was the only horse to finish a tricky and difficult steeple chase. at the unusual tote odds of 30-1.

Tpr. Hewitt was the first to re-appear from the check-shed with orders to tighten his rear wheelie “it was hanging off.“

Of the remainder. “Contadino” a 5-year-old gelding of German-Italian origin was twice placed. “Can‘t Give", a 3-year-old filly who has recently arrived. was disqualified after being placed at Dortmund.

The Padre had to fix a new rear-stand to his machine. (The other had been “lost”). This appeared to be a simple job, until it came to the stand spring. Screw driver, hammer, a piece of string, one bootlace and an old brake cable eventually succeeded where the illegible instruction manual failed. He was, nevertheless, a little apprehensive of how a “waterproofing kit" of 2 lumps of plasticine would be received. There were looks, but no comments.

For the coming season Maj. J. A. C. G. Eyre’s 5-year~old colt “Spanish Fair" looks sure to win races. “Precious Object" should be good enough to win over hurdles and in amateur races and “Can‘t Give" seems to pay her way around the smaller meetings before we return to more natural gallops. Nevertheless, it has been by far our best racing year with the nucleus of a Regimental Stable at last producing results.




The Corps Commander, Lt.-Gen. Sir Richard Goodwin, presenting their B.A.O.R. Pentathlon Prizes to L/Cpl. Drununond and L/Cpl. Waldron at Herford. June 28th,



Cpl. Drummond went on to compete and finish eighth in the Army Pentathlon, won by the international Sgt. Finnis, at Aldershot. and to finish fifth in a German competition at Gottingen.

L/Cpl. Adams on his B.S.A. Tpr. Judson leads in Sir Rupert Mackeson on “Precious Object” after winning the Preis von Nordwyk at


RACING IN GERMANY At the beginning of the year we had one horse in training, “Galtrim Pride.“ This horse was renowned for never starting, and although having definite ability usually completed the course in the wrong direction! He was soon replaced by a 4-yearold gelding “Ravens Hall", owned jointly by Capt. Smiley and Ct. Van Cutsem. “Ravens Hall" ran consistently badly throughout the season, but eventually earned some merit when beaten by a neck at Castrop Roxel in June and ended the season by winning by a short head at Dresteinfurt. Sir Rupert Mackeson produced “Boeing 707“ from Ireland who, owner ridden, easily won the Preis Von Paderborn at Hannover, followed by an amateur international event at Ostend. His other horse “Precious Object" won the Preis Von Nordwyk at Mulheim and was placed on five other occasions. The biggest surprise of the season was Campbell’s half-bred Russian “polo pony” who was cast from the polo stable only to in the Winners’ Enclosure within a month! Page 16

5] faults, a brilliant effort. L/Cpls. Adams and Healey were nowhere to be seen. It turned out that Adams had waited to help Healey round the tricky map reading Road Circuit and they eventually arrived together at the Hazards. Healey just kept his head above water in the puddle, but Adams decided that four wheels were better than two at Hazard No. 9, took to the air, forgot to change direction in mid-flight and landed in a broken-down car beside the track. Somehow his aged bike and his bent knee recovered and the pair completed the course. This meant that out of all the experts on their shining Triumphs, only the Blues on B.S.A.’s had finished in the Team Event. As the jubilation rose, disaster struck. L/Cpl. Adams’ boots were now objected to, and despite the Padre’s imprecations neither the Rhine Area nor Visitors’ Cups were awarded to us. (They were not, in fact, awarded at all as a result of this fracas). As it was, the Padre won the B.S.A. prize and Tpr. Healey the novice. So ended a very remarkable day’s riding for The Blue, but, please, if anyone finds an abandoned Triumph Twin lying in a ditch, bring it home. The B.S.A.’s will look lovely in the Museum reminding everyone of the Desert in 1942 and, we hope, of Mulheim in 1965.

Ct. R, A. “Chutki”. find itself “Chutki”

EXERCISE RIDEMASTER “Riding” in The Blues means only one thing#» horses. To the frustrated ton-up boys of B.A.O.R. it means something slightly different, so there was just the slightest touch of cynicism in the general reaction to the news that the Regiment was “riding” in the Rhine Area Motor Cycle Trials in September. Nevertheless, the Padre, Rev. A. P. Stanley, L/Cpl. Adams, Tprs. Hewitt and Healey piled their 20year—old B.S.A.’s into a 3-tonner under the anxious eye of CoH. Kingston, the Team “manager”, and set ofi‘ for Mulheim. Having furtively unloaded their bedraggled steeds and indulged in a large amount of Dutch courage in the night spots of the Ruhr, the next day saw thorough preparations for battle with the “giants"isome 80 highly—efficient Triumph Twins, with equally well-turned out riders. The B.S.A.”s wheels appeared to be in the right position— one at each end—the plasticine was still plugging the oil leaks, and the paint seemed to be holding the headlamps on fairly well. We hoped that the scrutineering team would agree. They did not.

Rallying in B.A.O.R. is now a sport which attracts a large number of enthusiasts, and, apart from the pleasure it gives to the drivers, the navigator‘s map-reading efforts are extremely good training for night Exercises. The way was shown for others in the Regiment by Lt. Price and the Padre who came second in the Novice Class in the Menden Rally and then won the Military Vehicle Prize in the “Rattenfanger” (Pied

Tpr. Healey‘s tool box was found to be missing two retaining bolts, but sweet smiles at a charming R.E.M.E. fitter rectified this minor setback. Cpl. Adams has big feet. The Regiment is only issued with Motorcycling Boots (Regulation Pattern), small size and medium size. Cpl. Adams’ own non— regulation boots were very smart, very practical and very warm, but they were not “regulation". The scrutineers did not mind, but as it turned out, others did. Once the trial itself was under way, CoH. Kingston looked as if he had already had one nightmare and was in the throes of another. Apart from the Road section there was a “Hazard" section. the first of which was a 30 foot wide “puddle" at least 2 foot deep all throughihenCe the plasticine. The first arrival was a very pulled Tpr. Hewitt cursing himself and everyone else in general as his Second World War clutch had finally given up its grip on life and caused his elimination on time. Everyone else now had to get through for the Team

to finish. A past B.A.O.R. Champion finally crawled out of the mud on his Triumph with only 47 faults and all hearts sank, but 40 minutes later the Padre kicked himself free of the last hazard to end With

Piper) Rally at Hamelin. Our first team success came at the Munster “Crocus” event where three cars (Cpl. Cross and CoH. Parker; Cpl. DemellweekPooley and Cpl. Ball; the Padre and Ct. Wilkinson) won the Team Prize. Nothing succeeds like success and, apart from the above named, the following crews then won prizes at other events—CoH. Green and Cpl. Thomas; Cpls. Martin, Lockett and BurtonJohnson: Cpl. Thomas and L/Cpl. Bowman. With this interest mounting in the Regiment, our two experts, Cpl. Cross and CoH. Parker, organised our own first attempt at laying on a Rally, which proved to be an unqualified success. Our only awards were Tpr. Spooner and S.C.M. Ladds who won the Novices Class, and “A“ Squadron who were second in the Team Event, but the 60 crews (from all over B.A.O.R.) who took part were extremely complimentary about both the Route and the organisation. Cpl. Cross, CoH. Parker and all who helped to lay on “Rallye Independente" deserved the highest praise. No-one was eliminated for anything except time, the scrutineers had not Monte Carlo's example to work on, none of the Control Radios broke down, and the addition of the faults seems to make some sense. It was a very enjoyable evening—even if some of the Novice Crews did manage to cover double the official mileage! Page 17

CAN CORPORAL MAJORS CAN CAN? or Theatrical Trends in The Blues

Why is it that, whenever it is decided to produce a Reglmental Pantomime or Review, all those troubadour troopers of Squadron smokers just vanish and the cry goes up “Any Corporal Majors for the Chorus?” They undoubtedly have the best voices. but are their figures always up to it?

L/CoH. Preece and some of the cast.

We ourselves had woken up by this time to be regaled with the sight of the chorus of Corporal Majors Cass, Kitney and Swann, with CoH. Kingston and S/Sgt. Parsons, dressed as our venerable civilian barrack sweepers wielding their brooms majestically and ogling that revolting Fraulein CoH. Peck. Whilst Tprs. Bromage and Owens got down to spud-bashing, we were taken to the “B" Squadron Office where Cpl. Preece‘s Orders Group to Ct. Corbett and Lt. Palmer quite rightly ended in the Guard Room. (Major Eyre‘s subsequent request to go on permanent leave and hand over all responsibilities to Cpl. Preece was, unbelievably, not accepted).

They were all

doeg‘ised and produced by the present Commanding icer. He once disclosed his simple formula to ensure a successful show, which may be useful to the next producer in 1974. Pick a theme, however tenuous, lampoon the establishment or ritual, but never make fun of individuals (not too much). Keep it clean (provided the cast don‘t ad lib). Let no scene run more than about five minutes, so that however bad it is, it will soon be over! Never leave the stage empty and don‘t waste a second between scenes. As a final insurance make sure the audience has lots to drink beforehand but remember, the pathetic entreaties of the cast for a drop of “dutch courage", must be totally ignored! In 1949 at Wesendorf “Robin Hood" was produced. It was a time when half the Regiment were National Service men and a real problem to the Provost CoH. Charlie Jarman, “The Sheriff“. The sub title on the programme ran “A fearful tale of ye Sheriff of Wittingen’s ceaseless struggle against ye couldn‘t care less Outlaws of Schonewarde


Kitney and Godfrey-Cass as “Cesspool” and “Horace Evens” in the Pay Oflice

There was a hilarious scene too when sanitary orderlies, Troopers Cooper and Lawson, sang a parody of “This ole house ain‘t got no shutters” which debated whether to flog the Regimental “ten sealer” to the 12th Lancers or Windsor Corporation. Unique too was the provocative performance of four glamorous N.A.A.F.I. bints, Major Tatham, Captains Sir N. Nuttall, T. R. Dunne and Hon. B. C. Wilson, who discussed the various approaches made to them by certain members of the audience during N.A.A.F.I. breaks. And now to the big hit of 1965. The arrival of the Band to spend their first Christmas in their history abroad, prompted the production of “Off the Cuff”, an ambitious musical with Cpls. Palmer and

Higgins showing remarkable patience in arranging the music. The programme carried the comment ". . . the rave notices received reinforce our general opinion that you are about to see something very

S.Q.M.C. Swann knitting his deficient string vests in the Q.M.’s Store

very unusual!” (we did!)

In the last 20 years there have only been three Christmas Reviews. The first two were written largely by S.Q.M.C. Frearson and the last by

Cpl. Preece, Ct. Corbett, Lt. Palmer, “in Nick”

Forest". The cast included S.C.M. Colley, as King Coal. CoHs. Biles and Cummings as Sir Spender and Sir Spected, Robin Hood, Laurie Evans, Friar Tuck, CoH. Wooley and Little John CoH. Butterworth. The only girl, Moll, was played by S.Q.M.C. “Flo" Flaxman, other villains were CoHs. D. J. Loving, D. A. Burden and R. Fielding. A real thriller with “outlaws foiled” and “sheriff counter foiled" until “Charlie‘s Bubble was pricked" (a week next Saturday).

“Russian Observers” R.C.M. Stringer

and the Colonel

Nearly ten years later, Christmas, 1958, in Cyprus, we had “Watch your Backs" which also gave a performance at Government House. The title was apt because most EOKA attacks came from behind. Who will ever forget those three bearded members of the Greek Orthodox Church, R.C.M. Neill, R.Q.M.C. Whennell and O.R.Q.M.C. Harrison singing “Where will the Bishop‘s time bomb be?” Or the aged Crusaders CoHs. Taylor, Hogarth, Roper, Flannigan and S.Q.M.C. Stringer setting up ponderous road blocks outside St. Hilarion Castle

The Band as “The Happy Wanderers" now let us get our breath back, before we were taken to the Quartermaster’s store when Cornet Corbett, having lost his kit in the move from Knightsbridge to Wellington, appeared as “Burlington Bertie” much to the disgust of S.C.M. Kitney‘s “Laycock” and S.Q.M.C. Swann’s knitting schedule. He was followed by Willows as the awkward soldier and S/Sgt. Parsons fully equipped for the Far East with butterfly net and kukri, but unsure whether it was to be Indonesians or Life Guards he had to fight. S.C.Ms. Godfrey-Cass and Kitney, as Scrooge and Scratchitt in the Paymaster’s office, were hilarious even if Dickens did turn in his grave, and the Adjutant and the Regimental cannot complain if they are known as “Me and my Shadow" for ever more. (They have hardly been seen on their daily walk round Barracks ever since!) The Band played on while the Colonel and R.C.M. led the cast in “Hey Look Me Over” until the curtain finally came down (literally) on a thoroughly enjoyable evening. It had taken four weeks of extremely hard work to produce. It is doubtful whether anyone who took part or saw the performance will ever forget the wonderful reception this hasty production received.

Windsor and Eton Express If this is what Windsor is to expect in September 1966, we’d rather keep The Life Guards . . Disgusting. Hcrford Herald “Off the Cuff" is about garrison life. It is also about two hours too long. Its company of talented e!dcrly Corporal Majors should about turn. Household Brigade Magazine

We need Regimental Intelligence in all numbers, but twelve disjointed skits do not make “Septem juncta in uno”. The critics, however. were confounded. Major Burbury and his band of labourers had produced a stage, curtains and scenery which no-one would have dreamed possible, and Cpl. Preece‘s lyrics spared hardly a soul in the front two rows of the audience.

The show opened with two decrepit Cossacks (the Colonel and Mr. Stringer) bemoaning the state of the Regiment, which was fair enough comment. judging by the sight of L/Cpl. Willows trying to get out of bedklet alone Cpl. Preece after a night on the tiles trying to get in through the window.

Cpl. Preece as Major Eyre giving Orders

Page 19


were noticeably stirred by the impressive sight and sound of two squadrons of Ferret Scout Cars manoeuvring on the parade ground and the alacrity of the crew-drills. The bands and the two London squadrons, in dismounted review order. gave an immaculate display of Cavalry drill.

The Life Guards were quartered in the inns of

the town, which then had about 1,000 inhabitants and was confined to Thames Street, High Street, and Peascod Street, to a point near the junction with the present Oxford Road. The accommodation could hardly have been lavish for five months before the arrival of The Life Guards, the Calendar of State Papers.

Front Squadron Quarrermasler-Corporal Frearson

It has been no uncommon thing for municipalities, at home and abroad, to show their appreciation of the behaviour of the Household Cavalry, but none have honoured us as did “The Mayor. Aldermen and Burgesses of the Royal Borough of New Windsor" on May 8th, 1965, when, in a parade on the Home Park they conferred on the Household Cavalry the Freedom of the Borough “in recognition of the long and Close association between the Royal Borough and the Regiments, and of the Regiments’ distinguished achievements in the cause of the Nation and the Commonwealth". A gathering of over 15,000 people. more than half the population of the Borough, witnessed the parade and, it seemed, almost as many lined the streets from the Home Park to Cavalry Barracks. Despite general disappointment in the absence of horses, due to equine “flu", the younger elements

The Mayor, Alderman John Cross, said in his address that the Freedom of Windsor was not lightly given and that it was the highest honour the town could bestow. No other town and Regiments in Britain could boast such a long and continuously happy association as that of Windsor and the Household Cavalry. Admiral of the Fleet Earl Mountbatten of Burma. K.G., for whom this was the first parade as Colonel of The Life Guards, outlined the history of the Household Cavalry at Windsor and ended by saying that he had been particularly thrilled to take part in the ceremony as he himself had been born and christened in Windsor. The long association of the town of Windsor and the Household Cavalry begins with that day, a week before the Coronation of King Charles II when the Life Guards escorted the King to Windsor Castle. Of this day, Samuel Pepys gives the only background material in his diary. (1661) 15th April: “A very foule morning for the King and Lords to go to Windsor",

Domestic Series, notices:

1660 November

15th: "Petition of 38 inholders, victuallers and etc. of New Windsor, to Parliament for redress. Have paid their taxes for the disbanding of the Army, expecting to be freed from the quartering of soldiers, but 300 lately enlisted for Windsor Castle, are quartered on them 6, 8, 10 or 12 in a house, to whom they have to lend 6d. a day and allow fire, candle, dressing of food and lodging, so that they have few or no spare rooms, and the incumbrance will be their ruin". King Charles II had his own financial problems and. before he could bring Queen Catherine to Windsor Castle, which had become dilapidated during the Commonwealth, there was a “Warrant to pay Wm. Tayleur, surveyor of Windsor Castle £2,000 for defraying the necessary disbursements in preparing lodgings for the King and Queen". As the reign of Charles II progressed, the King and his Life Guards came oftener to Windsor to hunt the deer which Charles II stocked in the then 77 mile circuit of the Green Park. These Royal visits brought prosperity to the town and it may be imagined that the call of the town-crier, announcing a Royal visit, and requiring innkeepers to hold their rooms in readiness for “quartering”, was not an unwelcome sound. In the summer of 1695 and 1696, the Oxford Blues were first seen in the Borough when they escorted the Prince and Princess of Denmark to Windsor. Queen Anne spent a good deal of time at Windsor and loved horse racing and following the hunt in her chaise. She was also fond of the Blues and there is a copy of a Marching Order of 1708,

made by Captain Edmund Packe, in the Household Cavalry Museum, typifying many other of this reign, which reads: “June 12th 16 men and 2 officers from each Troop in the North to attend our Royal Person during our stay at Windsor”. It was in the reign of George III that a permanent “home" was built for the Household Cavalry at Windsor. A site of 16 acres, at Clewer, was conveyanced on January 17th, 1800, from a Mr. F. Round, and during the next five years, the original Cavalry Barracks was erected. On October 26th, 1804, the Blues moved into this Barracks, and were to remain there until June 14th, 1821, with the exception of their 29 months” service in the Peninsular and Waterloo campaigns. The barracks stood well out in the fields from the streets of the town and for anyone who wishes to know what the Windsor district of those days looked like, there are the sketches, watercolours and oils of Paul Sandby to recreate its particular Charm. At this time, the surgeon of the Blues, Sir James MCGrigor (1771—1858) was pleased to find at the new barracks, “a large and roomy hospital” in which he was able to control the typhus fever and hospital g ngrene which had broken out in the Regiment’s previous quarters at Canterbury. The “large and roomy" hospital was the former “0” Block and was to remain the Cavalry Hospital until 1880, when it became the RE. Stores. King George III took a keen interest in the Blues and “at length signified his desire to have a troop in the Corps, of which he would be Captain, and which should be denominated the King's Troop. He made various changes of men and horses in this troop, according to his fancy, and he came not infrequently to the barracks to inspect his own troop, as their Captain; and by questioning the men, he had by heart the name. not only of every man, his county and history; but. I believe also that of all the women and children in his troop". “One morning. after the Regiment returned from a field day on Winkfield Plain, while the officers were at breakfast in the Mess room, the trumpet sounded and immediately the King, with a train of attendants was seen on horseback in the barracksquare. The officers ran hastily from the Mess room and men and officers were formed in the square". The breakfast which the officers left. so Sir James MCGrigor informs us, and which the King heartily approved of after inspecting it, consisted of “Cold beef. venison pasty ham and game. tea. coffee. eggs and beefsteaks", George III generally wore the long. dark blue coat of an officer of the Blues at this time, with its red facing and red lapels.

The Parade [I’hoto:


and General]

The Blues’ Squadron marching past the Mayor Page 21

balls and hockey sticks. The first public game was at Hounslow in 1871. The Blues were playing the game of “hockey on horseback”, as it was often termed, by April, 1872, and gave a special gala performance near Queen Anne‘s Gate on July 20th, 1872, against the 9th Lancers before the Prince and Princess of Wales. 100 men of the Regiment, dismounted, lined the field of play. “Visitors had come from every place for miles around to see the match, and all morning there was a continuous incoming of well-appointed drags from London,

The two Colonels, Lord Mountbatten and Sir Gerald Templer. during the Inspection of the Blues’ Squadron Sport

and General]

In 1807, the Blues band was formed and one of its duties was to play on the Castle terrace. It is of these performances that Thackeray, in “The Four Georges" describes: “The band playing its old music, the sun shining on the happy, loyal crowd, and lighting the ancient battlements, the rich elms and purple landscape and bright green sward: the Royal Standard drooping from the great tower yonder”; and “The king never failed to take his enormous cocked hat off. and salute his band, and say. ‘Thank you. Gentlemen‘.” This custom of giving concerts on the Castle terrace became a regular delight to the Windsorians. The Windsor and Eton Express in 1816. reported the return of the Blues to Windsor from the campaign of the previous year in France: “On Thursday and Friday, six troops of the Royal Regiment of Horse Guards, the greater part of whom have shared in the dangers and glory of Waterloo, made their entry into Windsor. They were met on each day, at the extremity of Park Street, by Sir Robert Hill and the officers and men who had formed the Depot at the Cavalry Barracks, accompanied by the excellent band of the Regiment. As soon as the soldiers from France appeared in sight. the soldiers of the Depot drew their swords, and received their gallant comrades with the warmest shouts. These were returned with equal enthusiasm: and cheers of welcome were repeated by a most numerous crowd of the inhabitants, who all desired to testify their great respect for the excellent qualities of this Regiment, and for the noble conduct which has distinguished these brave soldiers of their country, in the tremendous struggle which laid prostrate the usurping power of France. In the meantime the band played ‘God Save the King‘; Sir R. Hill, and the troops of the Depot saluted their gallant comrades, and the whole cavalcade proceeded to the

barracks, followed by the acclamation of the people”. From 1821, First and Second Regiments of Life Guards and the Blues, rotated at Windsor in annual tours of duty. Captain Lord William Pitt Lennox (1799—1881) left voluminous memoirs in which he frequently refers to the life of an officer at Cavalry Barracks in the reigns of George IV and William IV. Windsor, for him, was “country quarters”, inter— spersed with breakfast-dances on the lawn after reviews in the park: amateur theatricals in which the local gentry and their daughters participated, and “the chase”. Carted Stags were the quarry as a rule, until late in the reign of Queen Victoria. The Household Brigade Journal for 1864 mentions a visit of the Queen to the Barracks in December of that year, when visiting the men’s quarters, “she complained of the lowness of the ceilings of their rooms, and observed they were much

Woolwich, Hounslow, and even distant Aldershot,

the majority of their occupants being officers and ladies”. In those days. the ponies were somewhat refreshed between chukkas, with draughts from what appeared to be hock bottles, according to a reporter from the “Standard”.

too low for healthful ventilation”. “Which". said THE JOURNAL. “is an undoubted fact and ought to be speedily remedied".

After the amalgamation of the First and Second Life Guards, in 1922, The Life Guards and the Blues continued to spend every alternate two years at Windsor, until in 1939, the days of their separate existence as horsed Regiments came to an end. By 1945, the majority of Household Cavalrymen had never been on a horse and the people of Windsor had got accustomed to the sight of our Daimler

These 10w barrack blocks had been part of the original barracks of 1804 and were replaced by the structures which used to flank the lawn, the last of which, “L" Block, disappeared in 1964. The two new blocks were built between 1865 and 1870 at a cost of £30,151.


The Household Brigade Journals of this period evidence many off-duty activities of an athletic nature by both officers and men at Windsor. In 1865, J. Gwynn of the First Life Guards was backed to walk from the Lord Raglan to the Red Lion at Slough in 59 minutes and completed the course in 51 minutes 44 seconds, to be “loudly cheered by his comrades and several hundreds of people who witnessed the feat”. There is also notice (April 1st, 1864) of “Lieutenant Burnaby" undertaking for a wager, “to walk a quarter mile, hop a quarter mile, ride on horseback a quarter of a mile, and row on the river a quarter of a mile, in a quarter of an hour." The event came off near Boveney Lock, before a large number of spectators and the gallant Captain succeeded in winning, with four minutes and forty seconds to spare. In 1864, the Blues N.C.O.s “held their annual ball at the Town Hall, Windsor (kindly granted them by the Mayor) on Friday, January 8th. An excellent dinner was provided on the following day at the Cavalry Barracks, the guests at which included many inhabitants of the town and numerous military friends”. It may well be that this customary annual ball and dinner was the predecessor of the New Year celebrations still continued by the N.C.O.s of the Blues. Some of the earliest games of polo were played by Household Cavalry officers at Windsor. The 101h Hussars had introduced the game from India at Aldershot. in 1869, when they played with billiard

It is pleasing to think that the crews of the Scout Cars which took part in the parade, are worthy successors of the Household Cavalrymen of Stuart and Hanoverian Kings, and that for this reason, we are as welcome in our “hometown” as we were 300 years ago.


The response to last year’s Competition was extremely disappointing, but both the w1nners sent in excellent sets of answers. WINNERS Section 1~S.Q.M.C. Swann. Section 2*Mr. D. P. Geall. Due to the poor response, the experiment will not be repeated. NOTEszuring last year‘s inter-Troop Competition, one of the tests was a General Knowledge Quiz which had to be completed by the Troop without any help from either Troop Leader or Corporal-ofHorse. Practically every aspect of Army and Regimental work and life was covered. Here are some of the answers!



armoured cars. The old barracks has gone save all but the Riding School and three chestnut trees which have fronted the officers” Mess since the days of George III, and which now tower over the Troopers’ Dining Hall. It was here that the Mayor spoke to the Corporals and Troopers after the parade on May 8th. Of this occasion, the Mayor said, on his retirement: “One of the highlights of that day was the reception we got from the junior N.C.O.s and Troopers at Combermere Barracks”. It was evocative of sentiments expressed by the Mayor in 1821, John Bannister, who presented an address to the Colonel of the Blues, on their leaving the town, which contained the following words: “When we look back to the remarkable integrity, the undeviating regularity and the general respectability of the Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates, we feel ourselves called upon for the warmest expression of our respectful esteem”.

When is the NEXT pay rise? Last April. How many buttons to the Irish Guards wear? Thirteen. Name the Regimental Marches? “Headia” and “Mella Mella". What is the Life Guards‘ nickname? The Reds. The Piccadilly Cowboys. Who is The Master of the Horse? Major Thompson. ‘ When was the Regiment first mechanised? When the last horse died. Sic Transit Gloria,

Reproduced by permission of Osbert Lancaster of the ”Daily Express"

Page 23 Page 22




anJ Gcncra']

The Major General inspecting the Squadron FarrieriF/L/Cpl. Dawson. Right-Left: CoH. Tribe, Far. Banting. Tprs. Redden. Rilson, Payne, L/Cpl. Short, Tprs. Scott, Hankin, L/Cpl. Stuhley, Cpl. Porter. Tpr. Marshall. CoH. Cooper, Tpr. \V'arringtnn, L/Cpl. Barr

As predicted in the last issue of “The Blue" these notes are being written at Wellington Barracks. The first three months of the year with the Mounted Regiment are generally extremely quiet, but this January saw the State Funeral of Sir Winston Churchill. Officers of both squadrons kept vigil in Westminster Hall prior to the funeral. A staircase party was provided at St. Paul’s Cathedral by the Mounted Regiment and none who took part will forget, not only the icy cold of the early morning rehearsals, but also the sense of being part of an historic and unique occasion. On May 8th the Freedom of Windsor was given to the Household Cavalry, but due to equine ’flu there were no horses on parade. By the time the Mounted Squadron reached Combermere Barracks from the Home Park many were regretting this. Due to the epidemic. Windsor Horse Show was cancelled. thus precluding the appearance of both bands who were due to give a Musical Ride.

escorts were formed. eptember 2nd saw the long awaited move to Wellington Barracks. Although many regretted leaving the old barracks at Knightsbridge there is no doubt it was long overdue. Accommodation at Wellington Barracks is better on the whole, although the temporary stabling gives constant trouble. Both horses and men are now accustomed to mounting guard with the Foot Guards. Luckily the square or “yard“ as old Knightsbridge hands call it, is large enough to accommodate us both.

The Major-General‘s Inspection took place mounted on May 27th in Hyde Park which went off well with the horses now recovered.

On September 7th the Squadron moved to Aldershot for the annual camp. This was a departure from the traditional practice of Pirbright and is dealt with in a separate article.

The Queen‘s Birthday Parade was held on June 12th and on that evening the Standards of both Regiments were paraded for the Waterloo Anniversary celebrations. The horses stood up extremely well to the combined effects of fireworks and 1.000 musicians.

Our Colonel, Sir Gerald Templer, was installed as lOlst Constable of the Tower of London on October 6th. This most impressive and picturesque ceremony went extremely well. although the ground was cramped. An article appears on another page explaining its significance.

[Photo: Sir Winston Churchill’s Funeral Procession passing Horse Guards.

Our only State visit this year, from the President of Chile, took place on July 13th, and the normal


Officer of the Queen’s Life Guard is Lt. A. H. Parker-Bowles

The Staircase Party lining Steps of St. Paul’s [Photo:


“The 'I‘imzs"]

November 9th saw the State Opening of Parliament followed by the traditional Rank Past in the

Quadrangle of Buckingham Palace. The Lord Mayor‘s Show took place on November 13th. A Blues” Troop under the command of Lieut. C. J. Simpson-Gee provided part of the procession. This brought the ceremonial season to a close. The year saw the departure of Major Hon. B. C. Wilson and the arrival of Major J. N. P. Watson as Squadron Leader. We also said goodbye to Lieut. Crawford and Lieut. Parker Bowles.

They both have a history...

The Depot One of the Mounted Regiment‘s responsibilties is to act as the Household Cavalry Depot for the new Household Cavalry Training Squadron, which has become an integral part of the Guards Depot at Pirbright. The old Training Squadron at Windsor has now been abolished and all recruits for the Regiment do their Basic Training at the Guards Depot. Those who wish to join the Armoured Car side then go to the Basic Training Unit at Catterick to learn a trade before being posted to the Regiment, whilst mounted duty men come to Wellington for Riding School. The result is that all Household Cavalry men now start and end their days with the Regiment by seeing. and living with, the Mounted Squadron—in a few cases for the only time in their service.

[Photo: B. Godfrey Argent. London]

The Colonel of the Regiment presenting a Bar to his L.S.G.C. to T/Major Andrews and medals to S.C.M.

Kidman and Col-L Jackson

This beautifully engraved I720 wine glass, from the Fehr Collection in Cape Town, is part of the history of South Africa—as is South African sherry. Did you know that for more than 300 years fine wines have come from the Western Cape district of South Africa? Here grapes are ripened in golden sunshine, and sherries

matured by the traditional Solera method of blending. The result: even finer sherries today, to please the more discerning palate,


at a price far lower than you’d expect. ‘Mine Host’ at the following Public Houses although an ex member of [he Regiment is still “SERVING” and can remember “STANDING ORDERS”!








the Zuxuryyou can afiord HEATHFIELD, SUSSEX

Landlord...Charles Farrow. (Chunky).



Telephone: Farnham Common 4175

Telephone: RUShlake Green 366 Has been in trade for twenty years.

MR. W. A. TYLER OFFERS “Just a Good Old Blues Welcome"

Clientele tres chic. TV. Personalities. Advertising Types with delirious ‘dollies‘. 11 pm. swan song “Two ranks on the pavement outside! Pick up your parrots and monkeys and fall in facing the boat.,.AND STOP CRYINO IN THE REAR RANKS"!!


Mr. J. Lawrence Extends a Particular Welcome to Serving and Ex-members of the Royal Horse Guards


Uncertainty over the date of the move to Wellington Barracks prompted two unusual decisions in 1965: one was the staging of the Blues‘ Old Comrades’ Day on Kensington Palace Field in July and the other was the choice of Aldershot instead of Stoney Castle as the base for the annual camp in September. Both functions were such marked successes that they may set precedents for years ahead. We covered the 36 miles to Aldershot in seven— and-a-half hours and staged two halts, the first at Hounslow by the junction of the A4 and the A30 and the second at the Red Lion, Sunninghill. Stabling on Rushmoor Arena and quartering in Beaumont Barracks, we spent the first three days at annual weapons’ classification and in preparing for a further ride to Sussex. Through the kind intervention of Capt. Michael Wyndham (formerly Life Guards) his cousin Lord Egremont invited the Squadron to camp in Petworth Park and all completed the additional 25 miles from Aldershot to Petworth without so much as a sore back. Corporal-of—Horse J amieson had already taken a party down to erect the horse lines which were very neatly and effectively sited on a rise just within the Park walls by the village of Tillington, and we managed to squeeze 43 men into Snowhill House on the edge of this field.

The Squadron spent a happy four days in this temporary home. The Tillington “local” is called “The Horse Guards", but the landlord could not for the life of him imagine whyiuntil we arrived. Jubilant Blues showered photographs of themselves in the “kit", spurs and curry combs upon him until the place looked richer than the Household Cavalry Museum: and his alluring niece was literally studded with cap badges. With a host of other Petworth beauties she attended what might be called a bonfire smoker outside Snowhill House at which Trooper Twinn excelled at “Allouette”, Trooper Harris at “The Wild West Show“ and Trooper Rackcliff at limericks, accompanied by Corporal-of-Horse Tribe on the mouth organ, and all quite unperturbed by the female audience. Lt. Simpson-Gee set a Hopalong Cassidy-like treasure hunt across typical Chiddingfold and Leconfield country and Lt. Lord Fermoy's team won the first prize of champagne and beer which was presented on the forest ride by Lady Egremont, whose family turned out complete to watch the finish. The debt of gratitude which we owe Lord and Lady Egremont was partly repaid when we paraded under the walls of Petworth House the morning we left, gave them three cheers and handed their daughter Carlin a bridle which had been mended for her by the saddler, Trooper Joy. After a picturesque return journey by way of Hindhead and Elstead, there remained five days at Aldershot before returning to relieve The Life Guards of continuous Guard duty. This period was spent in preparing for the Squadron Hunter Trials, the climax of the fortnight in which, for a change, the officers inflicted a notable defeat on the N.C.O.s. Inevitably we went home to the tune of that monotonousiif comradely—song “I am saying goodbye to my horse" chanted to the tune of “Bless ‘em all”. This year we hope to have the Band with us and make a regular jamboree of it.

i $333\j§?%’§ f? in. , .~M

The Recruits’ Camp at

Page 28

Left: Brixton Ride with Cpl. Hall, and Right: Belgravia Ride with Cpl. Thompson. Aldershot. the foreground, S.C.M. Allcock, CoH. Humphreys, Capt. Glynn, Cpl, Clarkson



S.Q.M.C. Quiney, before his last Guard

The normally hilarious New Year‘s Dinner in the W.O.s’ and N.C.O.s’ Mess in London was, this

year, tinged with sadness, for we knew that on this occasion we would be saying farewell to three of our members. S.Q.M.C. "Jake” Quiney. Trumpet— Major “Con" Andrews and S.Q.M.C. John Buttle were leaving. S.Q.M.C. Quiney joined the Blues in October, 1939, and throughout the war served with the First Household Cavalry Regiment, the Regiment which, even though he is a civilian, he still serves by organising its Annual Dinner. Despite the years that he has worn the uniform of a Blue he has never actually served with the Regiment. He has often been heard to boast of this fact, though whether it was proudly or regretfully we never really knew. He has had a variety of jobs since the war and has gained himself great credit in each and every one of them. This remarkable man has spent his last few years in the Full Dress Stores where he has proved himself to be an expert on ceremonial dress and saddlery to all officers from the youngest Cornet to the Regimental Colonels. No doubt he will be a familiar figure at the House of Lords where he intends to make his mark. Given the length of service and experience of Trumpet-Major “Con" Andrews one could surely write a book! He joined up in April, 1929, and has devoted his entire service to music and the Blues’ Band. (How many Trumpeters and Musicians has he seen come and go we wonder?) Promotion is invariably slow in the band, and it was 1947 before he got his first stripe. His years of service as an ordinary Trumpeter proves his devotion to music and the Blues‘ Band in particular. He climbed the ladder of promotion and, as he leaves us. he must surely be as proud of his service and achievements as we are sorry to see him leave. S.Q.M.C. Burt/e has not always been a Blue. His service life started in the RAF. in 1943. He went to the General Service Corps in January of I945 and in March,

1945, he came to the Blues.

The Superintending Clerk and Secret of the Comrades’ Association, W.0. I. G. C. L. Ingham

He has in his time been a clerk, as M.T. CoH., a mounted troop CoH., a Forage Accountant, a recruiting N.C.O., and S.Q.M.C. of the Blues Mounted Squadron. S.Q.M.C. Battle and his wife were always popular figures at Mess Functions and we shall surely miss them both for they have moved to Wellingborough where he intends to work for the G.P.O. There are two others to whom we have not yet officially said our farewells. but who will shortly be leaving us. S.Q.M.C. Phillips joined the Blues on April 251h, 1944, at Windsor. (Age 22 years). After completing recruit‘s training he joined W0. 11 “Jim" Oxberry and CoH. “Charlie" Frost in records office. In June, 1945, he moved to Q.M.s’ department to work under Capt. Guy. His job was reading gas meters in A.T.S. Billets! This may account for the fact that S.Q.M.C. Phillips never married. From June, 1964, until the present time he has been stationed at Knightsbridge and Wellington Barracks on Q.M.s‘ Staff. Looking back on his service, despite two years in Cyprus. he considers the most dangerous but interesting period was reading the ATS. meters. In April, 1943, W.O. I Ingham decided to join

H.M. Forces. His grandfather and father had served with the Blues, but he broke with tradition and joined the Royal Navy. How he was employed during his 3% years' Naval Service is, and will remain, a secret. On September 18th. 1946 Mr. lug/mm joined the Regiment and was posted to Knightsbridge for Mounted Training. After his training he became groom to Lt. De Le Poer Trench. November, 1948, saw Mr. Inglzam posted to the Regiment in B.A.O.R. where he stayed until March. 1952. then home again to Windsor until the move to Cyprus in 1956. He returned to England to work as S.Q.M.C. at Records until he became Superintending Clerk at R.H.Q. in August, 1963. and eventually Honorary Secretary of the Comrades” Association. Page 29

SOME OF THE QUEEN’S HORSES AND “Whitehall 1661” at the Horse of the Year Show 1965. This historical


Pageant represented the Regiments in their





CoH. Jamieson recei-

“officers” are Cpl. Wells (L.G.) and


Col-l. Doxey



Cup from Mrs. P. M.

The Regiment had seven entries for the Soldiers” Race at the Household Brigade Point-to-Point at Tweseldown in March. Congratulations to Li’Cpl. Sherwin. who came second on “Knockalong” behind a horse of the King’s Troop: Cpl. Cox was fourth on “Maximillian”.

Childers, the wife of Col. Childers, U.S.A.F.

.COH‘. Doxey won two one-day events in the spring r1d1ng “Sea Breeze“. a famous Olympic horse of Colonel Williams. [Photm

First blood in the show jumping went to Cpl. Cox, who won the Foxhunter competition on “Lucifer” at Crookham with three clear rounds. Two days later, the Regiment was struck down with equine flu, which put an end to all such activities until June.

_ Tent pegging has been very much in prominence during the summer, where our team has been competing or giving displays at many shows in the South of England. Frequent competitors have been Cpl. Cox, Cpl. Smith, Cpl. Thompson, L/Cpl. Stzlbley and Cpl. Mills.

At the Richmond Show Cpl. Cox was third in the Foxhunter 0n “Natalie“. The Blues team in the O.R.s jumping at the Royal Tournament were placed third out of fourteen teams. This was a good result in that the team (CoH. Jamieson, Cpl. Mills

At the Old Comrades‘ Day held at Kensington Palace in August. the American Cup was won by CoH. Jamieson riding “Lucifer", and Cpl. Smith riding “Natalie" succeeded in winning both the Lawrence Cup and the Open Jumping event. Second and third places in the Open Jumping were taken by Tpr. Forrester riding "Lucifer" and Tpr. Dragomeree/ci riding “Maximillian”.

and Tpr. Drogomereeki) had to jump their final pool with only two riders, the third being unavoidably absent.

In September, S.C.M. A Ileock took charge of our Regimental entries for the Golden Horseshoe Ride, a 50-mile trek across Exmoor, followed by a vet‘s inspection, prize giving, and a barbecue.

The Blues representative was Cpl. Thompson riding the faithful “Draughtsman”, famous for carrying senior officers on parade. This pair qualified for a golden shoe.

1n the Autumn horse trials, Cornet Campbell won the Military Section of the Army Preliminary one-day event at Tweseldown, and Cpl. Thompson was in the money at Wylye on “Maximillian”.

S.C.M. Ferrie spent his annual leave training the Irish Team for the European Championships, and accompanied the team to Russia. He was, however. bafiled when a Russian interpreter addressed him in Erse! On his return he was 4th in the Novice Championship at the National Dressage Championships, riding “Mandarin". His best horse. “Indigo". is now used as a schoolmaster.

At the Horse of the Year Show. Wembley, the Regiment gave a short musical ride in the uniforms a of 1661, bewigged and moustached. This was

At the Old Comrades’ Day—Old Page 30

Young Blues



great success, and an encore performance was requested and given on the last evening. At this show, S.Q.M.C. Quiney put in some useful vocational

training as Chief Collecting Ring Steward, by being offered the job for life: Cpl. Tulip has also been booked for a repeat performance as Director‘s Orderly. The coach has had a successful season in the hands of the Riding Master, being successful in open competitions in the best company. Tprs. Jones and Nisbett have looked after the horses and accompanied the coach as grooms. Despite the interference of Equine “Flu” the team managed to enter in eight shows and succeeded in being placed 1st once and 2nd six times. Cpl. Stubley is now attending the long equitation course at Melton Mowbray.

Preparations are now going ahead for the spring horse trials, for which about a dozen horses are in training. The Regiment has now formed its Riding Club, thus enabling us to compete in the Riding Clubs Horse Trials Championships later in the summer.

Page 31



The H.C.R. team consisted ofz—L/Cpl. Rackeliff, 'l‘prs. Smith, Youngson, Rowlands, Waldon, De Burgh, and 6 Life Guards. Officer i/ci Lt. C. J. Simpson Gee, Trainer~S.Q.M.C. Humphreys.

WATER POLO THE CROSS CHANNEL RELAY RACE (From Dover to Cape Grisnez at 0730 hrs. 3 Sep. 65)

The idea for this competition originated because the H.C.R. Swimming Team were competing in the Thames Side Water Polo League Association. The other teams suggested that the H.C.R. Team would be unable to swim the distance. Training took the form of early morning swims at Chelsea Barracks (Duties permitting) and swim-

ming in the Serpentine in the evenings plus a little sea water swimming at Portsmouth and Hayling Island.


Sport and General]

By the G.O.C.’s Inspection on the 27th the situation had improved and we were mounted with the Household Cavalry Regiment in Hyde Park.

their “marching orders“ before the final whistle. The “star" of the Band team was without a doubt L/Cpl.

Commins a sprightly 47 year old.

We look forward this year to the return of the Regiment and our joining them at Windsor.




Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.

The H.C.R. Team are to meet lst Battalion Considering the inclement weather and the fact that they had only 2% months to train, it was quite an achievement for the team to actually complete the course, let alone get a place in the first three. We intend to do it next time in the kit! Result : —



L/Cpl. Main and Tpr. Appleby both played very well despite the fact that both were playing their first game of the season.


Dodson at the British Trade Fair,

The Trumpeters were as busy as ever during the year. Two of them spent 5 weeks in Canada? boosting the export scheme.

Our visit to the Regiment in December was a great success and we think well appreciated by all ranks and the German civilians. We even found time to beat 3 squadrons, and the Regimental Soccer Team, despite the fact that 2 musicians were given



It was against a strong 2nd Battalion Scots Guards XV that the true potential of a young H.C.R. Team came to light. Reduced to 14 men after only 10 minutes, having lost F/L/Cpl. “Pablo" King with badly bruised ribs, the H.C.R. Team hammered the opposition in their own half for well over two-thirds of the game. A try against the run of play in the second half failed to dishearten the Cavalry pack that did everything but score. Tpr. Hankin and CoH. Orme (L.G.) had had tries disallowed but the game was eventually won 5-3. Tpr, Rackelifl' receiving his Cross Channel Trophy from S.Q.M.C. Humphreys, the Team Trainer

During the summer we visited and performed at Jersey, Edinburgh, Bournemouth and Eastbourne. We gave recruiting concerts at Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool, and during the year, broadcast on some dozen or more occasions.

The following Blues played for the teamze L/Cpls. Rackeliff and Howells, Tprs. Smith, Knight and Rowlands. CoH. Thompson was badly missed, after his posting to the Regiment, for all his enthusiasm and help in the past training of teams.

The H.C.R. Rugby Football Team have, for the second year in succession. reached the semi-final of the Prince of Wales Cup, 1966.

The Band, led by Hannibal, at the Major General’s Inspection. I,eft~Right: Mus. Gray. L/Cpl. Dodson, iV‘ius. \V’atts. L/Cpl, Scdgwick, Mus. Gache, L/Cpl. Todd, Mus. Partisan

Our first and most exacting engagement for 1965 was to have been Massed Mounted Bands at the Royal Windsor Horse Show, May 13th, but with eventually all horses “Coughing” we could not even provide a Drum Horse.

The team had another good year in 1965, retaining their London District Championships Title, and were runners-up in the Eastern Command Championships. They have also played regularly in the Thames Side Water Polo League (5 matches won, 3 matches drawn, and 2 matches lost).

lst Lloydsftime 11 hrs. 56 mins. 2nd Stock Exchangegtime 13 hrs. 21 mins. 3rd H.C.R.—time 13 hrs. 40 mins. 4th Midland Bankitime 15 hrs. 40 mins. 5th B.P.#unable to finish course'(No tiger in tank!)

Grenadier Guards in the semi-final.

SOCCER 1965’66 At the close of the 1964/65 season we were positioned 4th in the Hanwell and District League. This year we made a slow start losing our first three games. Since then the side has been playing well together and are gradually picking up the points. This season with new kit and the facilities of the Acton Sports Ground instead of the Hyde Park Pitch, the team has found far more enthusiasm for the game resulting in some very fine close matches. Page 33

Page 32

L/Cpl. Dodson frotn the Band is running the team this season and playing on the left wing, and is helped by three other regular members Cpl. Tulip, Tpr. Jones (LG) and Mus. Sellors tR.H.G. Band) who are the team selectors. The other regular members of the team are Mus. Hayne (Capt), L/Cpl. Howells, L/Cpl. Main, L/Cpl. Barr, Tpr. Harrison, Tpr. Hewitt, Tpr. Harris. Tpr. Waldon and Mus. Daniels.

m' wrl‘oixtm NT '10 “FR .\t‘\ll~"l\"1‘llt, Ql‘l'lN, cornsktt‘rlts & t‘ttowx lI-,\\'LLl Hts, \3:\l<|{:\kl> $4 K‘U. lTlV,. lUNl‘UN.


Tiophies~ and Cups by


G A R TheRCrown] A R ellers D‘


A power hoist was installed on “Death Row", (mid-

BOXING Tpr. Paterson (R.H.G.) won the London District Championships, Eastern Command Championships and went forward to the Army Trials at Tidworth,

. With only three days to go chaos seemed imminent. In all, 30 pantechnicons were used for transportmg stores, and any lorry designed for the squadron stores and left unguarded for five minutes would suddenly be found to be full of riding school jumps, or filing cabinets from the Orderly Room.

A wide and interesting range of designs in gold, silver, or silver-gilt, is always available at the house of Garrard. Special commissions can be produced byour own artists. Designs and estimates are submitted without charge.

CRICKET The H.C.R. Cricket Team had a satisfactory season, winning and losing an equal number of matches. The highlight of the season was a week-end visit to Exhall C.C. in S.Q.M.C. Quiney‘s home town. The team had a most enjoyable trip and were just beaten in a close match. In the London District Cup, after a convincing win in the first round against 18th Coy R.A.M.C. by 149 runs, the team were beaten in round 2 by 2nd Bn. Scots Guards at Caterham. The following Blues played regularly for the Regiment:~L/Cpl. Griffiths, Mus. Daniels, Tprs. Harris, Harrison, Hankin, Hewitt, Wakeman and Sammons. As usual S.Q.M.C. Quiney arranged the fixtures and umpired in most of the games. He has now left us and will be greatly missed next season.

Towards the end of 1964 it seemed that the move of the Mounted Regiment from Knightsbridge would soon turn from myth into reality. The amount of meetings held at London District became so great that even those who had feverishly been trying to delay the move until after they had gone were forced to admit defeat, and the date was finally settled as the first of September, or “D” Day. Perhaps it was in keeping with our image of being always behind the times that an error crept in at this stage, as we were working on the second of September which we called “M” Day: luckily this was spotted before long, and the second of September was generally accepted. As the summer of 1965 approached, soldiers going on Guard saw strange box-like buildings being erected at Wellington Barracks, hitherto a Foot Guard enclave, and the rumour was that these were our new stables. Certain senior ranks even managed to get inside the barracks, and with the constructive criticism which is so common amongst all ranks. such phrases as “useless", “awful”, together with one or two stronger ones were heard in the yard. In the middle of August the move really started in earnest. Such vital items as the corncrushers and the tan of the riding school floor went first, for re-installation at Wellington; as a result we had to crush the oats at St. John’s Wood for ten days, and S.C.M. Ferric looked very lost until the floor was re-layed at Wellington.

way between the two squadronsia cause of friction), and occasionally the wire would break and a packing case would plummet to the ground, to disgorge on the yard a mixture of helmets, blankets and old socks. Towards the end “Happy Valley” was forcibly evacuated and old soldiers with very pale faces, blinking in the unaccustomed daylight and clutching in their arms bundles of rifle buckets or horse gas masks, were herded up to the yard, never to return to their subterranean haunts.


Keystone Press Agency]

Cornet C. Simpson-Gee’s Troop moving into Wellington

for the first time

During this period there was a very successful “Farewell to Knightsbridge" Ball in the Warrant Officers‘ and N.C.O.s‘ Mess where, as the cold grey light of dawn approached. many a nostalgic tear was shed. Although the preparations for this dance did not seriously interfere with the move, the yard was curiously inactive on the following morning. There was a near riot when the R.C.M. had to tell his Mess that the bar in Wellington was still being built: however. he wisely agreed to set up a temporary bar in the cellars. Eventually the second came and the last exercise party. led by Cornet Simpson Gee. left the barracks to be met by a crowd of press photographers outside. In the yard everything was very quiet and deserted. except for a Life Guard who was pushed for watering order and a Blues' Musician who had lost the end of his little finger when a piano took charge down the stairs.

"Move over . . . my feet are killing me." Cartoon by “JON" of the “Daily Alail"


The Ofiicers’ Mess at Knightsbridge

The black horses were soon making themselves at home in the temporary stables. They found that if they pulled back on their head ropes the ring Page 35

would sometimes come out of the wall, which kept the stable guards busy, that if they kicked the heel posts the architect would rush into the Colonel‘s oflice complaining that the horses were knocking the stables down, and that if they leant on the swinging bales the mangers came down. Fortunately these faults have now been put right. and after a period of initial thirst, the horses are learning once more how to drink out of a trough. as opposed to the automatic drinking bowls which were installed at Knightsbridge. Shortly after the move we took a well-earned rest in camp, about which more is written elsewhere.


This year

By Appointmentto HMThe Queen Silversmiths& Jewellers

By Appointment to HMQueen Elizabelh The Queen Mother Jewellers& Silversmiths

Carrington 180 Regent Street London Jewellers, Silversmiths €659

Watchmakers established 1780 also at 27 Throgmorton Street [Phoroz

Keystone Press Agency]

in the City of London

"The Yard” at Wellington

Owing to the terrific damage sustained by the steel lockers when they were moved none too gently into the yard at Knightsbridge. and the resulting bill for some £500, fruit machines have been installed all over barracks, and S.Q.M.C. Hzmzphreys runs weekly Bingo evenings in order to help our balance of payments problem.





of Her Majesty’s Tower of London. The Tower of London has always been under the direct control of the Sovereign and has been commanded by an officer filling the appointment of Constable. He holds his appointment by Royal Letters Patent under the Great Seal and is honoured with the privilege of audience and direct communication with the Sovereign at all times (as is the Gold Stick). This office is one of the oldest in England, the first Constable being Geoffrey de Mandeville, one of William the Conqueror’s Knights, who is said to have distinguished himself at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. Complete records now exist of the holders of this office since 1078. In the earliest days this post was normally held by eminent prelates, conspicuous among whom was Thomas a Becket in 1162. Many French names appear during the twelfth to fourteenth centuries, but as the power of the clergy became less militant, lay individuals of political importance were appointed. With the increase and regularization of the Army, eminent soldiers replaced them and from the late eighteenth century they have continuously held this post. From 1826-1852 the Duke of Wellington was Constable and made considerable improvements in the Tower and in the conditions of service of the Yeoman Warders. From 1938 the tenure of appointment of Constables was reduced from life to one of 5 years. Records show that Constables actually lived in the Tower until the reign of Elizabeth I. Possibly they vacated it as a residence because of the unhealthy conditions inevitable in a water-bound medieval Fortress.

There had been some discussion before we moved about the smell and the Foot Guards, who have their Regimental Headquarters in Wellington; however, all turned out well as, after the first few weeks, the horses became quite used to it! The Foot Guards have begun to accept the fact that we call the square “the yard", and, as often as not “Wellington” “Knightsbridge” which, after all, is more a way of life than a station. An interesting fact is that, in Hyde Park, when horses are loose or in complete charge of a recruit, they still, after six months, try to return to the heap of rubble which marks their old home. If they can keep this up for the next four years they might be in order yet.


Gerald Templer, was installed as the 101st Constable

Originally the pay of Constable was £100 a year. but in accordance with the custom of the age he was allowed to add to it in various ways. Thus every prisoner who came into the Tower, and only those who were of high rank were admitted, had to pay the Constable Certain fees, a Duke £20. an Earl £15. a Baron £10, and a Knight £5, all high sums in

those days.

Regimental Jewellers @ Silversmiths Carrington 5’99 Co Limited

The Treasury also made a certain allowance per week for the sustenance of prisoners and their retinue. according to rank: and should any prisoner. “through pride and contempt", refuse to take the government grant. it became the perquisite of the Constable. He was also allowed to take various “Tolls": to wit. two fiagons of wine from every. sh1p arrivmg from Bordeaux, the merchants bringing the same

[Phot32 Associated Press Ltd]

Installation of EM. Sir Gerald Templer, K.G. as

Constable of Tower of London

ashore, and depositing them as toll on Tower Wharf: all fishing boats bringing oysters, mussels and cockles to the London market had to give some in kind. All cattle that fell off London Bridge were also the Constable's perquisite, and doubtless when short of provender he would send up a few varlets to encourage this form of suicide! The present holder of the office of Constable is the third Gold Stick to do so. previous ones being the Duke of Wellington and Field Marshal Sir Evelyn Wood who won a V.C. in the Crimea whilst serving as a Midshipman in the Royal Navy. As the photograph above and the cover show. the Colonel was installed on October 6th. This was. we believe, the first time that the Regiment has ever done ceremonial duty at the Tower. for a Dismounted Guard of Honour under the command of Captain .1. S. Crisp was formed by the Mounted Squadron. with S.C.M. Kidman carrying the Regimental Standard. which had last been carried during the Queen's visit to Germany. Page 37

Page 36

100 YEARS AGO or 1866—AND ALL THAT from S.Q.M.C. C. W. Frearson

Over half a century had passed since Waterloo. almost another half century lapsed before our country‘s next involvement in European Wariat Ypres. The year 1866 was one in which the British Army had no combatant role, anywhere in the world. It is true that Austria and Prussia were at war, but Kissingen, Konigratz. Sadowa and Skalitz, were as remote as they were unpronounceable. The Crimean War (then called the “Eastern Campaign“) was history—anyway, only three Blues officers fought there.

new barracks: they had left Windsor in early summer 1864 when the place was still exactly as it had been 60 years earlier.

The girls they left behind them Early in May, the Blues prepared to leave their ramshackle quarters at Hyde Park Barracks, and doubtless, the nursemaids and domestics who frequented the barrack gate, prepared to pay half a crown for a Blue as “escort” (see “Hansard”), were wondering if the incoming 2nd Life Guards would “up” the fee. Thus, one fine May morning, with the mounted band in front, the Regiment Clattered through lanes redolent of May blossom and innocent of motor cars, until the great castle hove into sight, with the Royal Standard adroop on the Round Tower. The men must have been pleased with the

M. Hayward)—and never saw a shot fired in anger

erethose good old days were not comparable to THE good old days of 50 years ago (and are they ever?) We are reminded of this established historical fact by Lord William Pitt Lennox, aged 67, who published the 14th and l5th volumes of an eventual 25 volumes of memoirs, in the year 1866. The 14th volume includes this passage:

Sports day Windsor, to the Blues, was “country quarters“ and implied sport and a year void of London duties. There was also the friendly welcome of the burgesses, who were always invited to Regimental functions. Polo was unknown at this time, but Sports Day was a tradition. On May 10th. 1866 the barracks “was crmvded with a company who witnessed the various

“1 was not a little surprised one day when the headmaster, Dr. Carey, called me up and said, ‘A re you aware that you are gazetted to a cornetcy in the Royal Horse Guards (Blues)?.”

laughable and athletic sports of the Royal Horse

Guards (Blue) among both officers and men". It was held on the “Barrack Green"inow the “Square". There were giants in those days and the most genial giant of all was Lt. F. G. Burnaby who won “The Standing High Jump4ft. Iinch”, “The Running High Jumpg5ft. linch” and “Putting the Stone—33ft".

Queen Victoria overawed foreign and British statesmen alike. She could be rude to Colonels. It is probable that a tremendous amount of whitewashing and burnishing, painting and scrubbing, followed the announcement that she would Visit the Windsor Cavalry Barracks on March 31st, 1866. The purpose of her Majesty’s visit was to inspect the “new improvements" which she had prompted in 1864. The then enormous sum of £30,151 had been spent on heightening the men‘s quarters flanking the lawn and adding verandahs. There were 34 married quarters (the former “A" Block) and a school for 50 infants, a library, a laundry and bath-house. The Queen entered by the Canteen Gate, on the site of the Main Gate, and after inspecting barrack rooms and a Corporal Major‘s ”apartment", she declared satisfaction with the arrangements and left for the Castle at noon. The First Life Guards were at Windsor at this time. The barracks then occupied two-thirds of its present area and was surrounded by open fields. Windsor‘s streets began just beyond the present police station.

ted years (a record shared by his predecessor E. J.

The Birthday Parade Windsor celebrated the Queen’s Birthday on May 24th. The Queen did not leave Windsor for the parade on Horse Guards two days later. They didn’t tamper with the clock in those delightful days and “The Duchess of Cambridge . . . arrived on Horse Guards Parade a few minutes after 10 o'clock.

I replied that the Duke of Wellington had given me some hopes of a commission in that distinguished

Corps, but that I had never dreamt of its being brought about so soon”.

“Burnaby Ballooning”

remarked “I would not be surprised if that is not my boy up there”. You see he knew “Heenan” as the world was yet to know him. The “aeronauts” landed at 8.55 p.m., 6 miles from Burnaby‘s home, packed the balloon, aided by civilians, and sent it back by railway. They then repaired to the Burnaby homestead where, writes Westcar, they ”met with such hospitality as is only to be found in the house of an English country gentleman”.

The Princess of Wales arrived immediately after-

Eight oared race

wards". Neither then or later as Queen, was Alexandra noted for punctuality. One takes it that F.M. HRH. The Duke of Cambridge, who took the parade, was charmingly placated afterwards; after all, what was “a few minutes” late in 1866?

“The exciting match for a silver cup, valued at 50L, given by Captain Williams of the Royal Horse Guards Blue, for competition between crews picked from members of tha Regiment and the Scots Fusilier Guards, quartered at Windsor, took place on the Thames, over a course of about a mile and a quarter in length, between the pleasant village of Bray and Maidenhead Bridge".

Amateur balloon ascent at Windsor On Saturday, June 9th, at 5.20 p.m., Lt. Henry Emerson Westcar, a very tall, very skinny Blues officer, with newly-promoted Captain Frederick Gustavus Burnaby, ascended from the Barrack Green in a hot-air balloon. Westcar wrote: “Under the superintendence of my aeronaut, Mr. Hampton, Mr. Burnaby and myself took our seats in the car and left the ground". Borne by the evening breeze at 10 or 12 miles an hour they soared up Eton High Street and over the Chapel at 500 feet, watching the cricket on Agars Plough. They were rising to 700 feet as they left the hamlet of Slough behind. Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire lay green and calm below as they soared to 3,000 feet in the evening sunshine. Burnaby’s first, and best biographer, Wright, tells of Burnaby’s aged father tending his roses in his Bedfordshire garden that evening. The old man looked up and saw the shining globe in the sky and

The Blues “eight” were nearly half a stone heavier per man than the Scots Guards crew, who led at the start ”before a large number of spectators on the riverside”. ”During the rowing the crews kept nearly tibgether till near the Railway Bridge, when the Fusiliers made a spurt, but were finally distanced by the Royal Horse Guards crew, who won by about half a boat's length on reaching the winning post

near Maidenhead Bridge". The race “was agreeably

The year was 1813, the

school was Westminster and Cornet Lord William Lennox was exactly thirteen years and eight months old. He was the fourth son of the fourth Duke of Richmond: Disraeli was to depict him as “Lord Prima Donna” in his first novel, “Vivian Grey”; Charles James Fox was his cousin and the Prime Minister, William Pitt, was his godfather. Lord William accompanied the Duke of Wellington as an attache on his embassy to Paris in 1814, and went with him to the Congress of Vienna. He attended his mother‘s famous “Waterloo" ball and was on Maitland‘s staff at the battle. although prevented from taking part by “a horse accident”. Anyone consulting the crystal ball on Lord William’s future would have predicted a brilliant career after such a flying start, and they would be hopelessly wrong. Too much of the “bon vivant" in his character caused him to flop, in the most enjoyable way, at everything he attempted. Even his three marriages were “unwise”, but his pen scratched out memoirs, novels and miscellaneous works from 1841 to 1881. Sifting these 44 volumes for diamonds is laborious, owing to his oblique style. Here follow some quotations:

The Blues' Officers Mess “The hour for dinner was half past six and, except for State occasions, no wine was offered but hot sherry and fiery port: the dinner was plain, for French cooks at a Mess were unheard of. but men









(Victoria Barracks) by the non-com/nissioned officers of the Scots Fusiliers to their brethren of the Royal Horse Guards”.

The good old days of Lord William In those piping times of peace, when even R.C.M. T. Priestley, who “reigned” for 13 undecora-

sat over their wine unconscionably late. Often have I. and some youngsters. left the room in time for ‘half price' at the Windsor Theatre, and upon our return have found the revellers still passing the bottle round" . . . “No hot dishes were permitted at breakfast and the lunch consisted of cold meat, bread and cheese Page 39

Page 38

and table beer; hence the monthly bills were not ruinous.”




but—“The Blues were made much of, and attempts were made to get them to fraternize with the lawless rabble. Often did I witness these attempts to win

1818 over the men of my Regiment by steathily Oilering

“The first time I ever witnessed corporal punishment in the Army, was in the Spring of 1818, when we occupied Windsor Barracks, and never sltall I forget the horror I experienced when I saw a poor fellow tied up to receive three hundred lashes.


addition to the lash, there was another punishment inflicted in the Cavalry, which was called ‘picketting’; it consisted of making the culprit stand on one foot for an hour, without his boot, on a small peg stuck in the ground; his hands being strapped together, he was hoisted up to a rafter, the whole weight of his body resting on the instrument of tortureea torture unworthy of a civilised Christian community.”

Three cheers for The Blues In “My Recollections” (volume 1), Lord William mentions the Household Cavalry in a police role at the riots attendant on the removal of the body of Queen Caroline from London. With no police force on which to vent their hatred it seems the mob hatred was directed at “especially The Life Guards. who went by the name of the “Piccadilly Butchers'#

them money and spirits. but thanks to their discipline. the system never flourished". He recalls an occasion when the Blues were relieving The Life Guards at Horse Guards and “a considerable number of the populace showed their hatred of that body, while they cheered my corps to the skies". Lennox watched the ringleader of the demonstrators offering small bottles of spirits to the Blues and rode over to him. The rabble rouser “patted my horse on the neck and shouted out, ‘Three cheers for the Blues and long life to you. Captain‘,” whereupon, “I suddenly wheeled my charger round and swept him into a bed of slush which the scavengers had deposited close to the pavement”. In 1866, however, the new police force took on the odium of the Piccadilly Butchers. During the “Hyde Park Riots” of that year. The Life Guards were called out in support of the police, and were cheered by the mob ”while the police experienced a different reception" Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis!



Commissioned January 281h, 1915, in Herts Yeomanry and transferred to The Blues on October 19th, 1917, and served with the Guards Machine Gun Regiment from

enlisted in the 4th Dragoon Guards on October 7th, 1908, service during the whole of 1914-18 War and, on returning

August 26th, 1918.

Survived by a son who served in the

to Regents Park Barracks, he took over a Troop under Lord

Regiment during the last war and a grandson who is a

Worcester (now Duke of Beaufort) and Lieut. Water Sale (now Brigadier). On leaving the Regiment he became a

Cornet in The Bues now.

CoH. MORE, Richard Reginald.

transferring to The Blues in February, 1912.

"Pony” More He saw active

hotelier and then a farmer and served on the Rural District 2637

Tpr. BARNARD, Leopold, of Levine House, Broad-

stairs Gardens, N.W.6. Enlisted into The Blues on April 3rd, 1916, and transferred to the Household Bn. on September 1st, 1916.

Councils of Sampford and Shotley for 15 years. He was also during that time Chairman of the Local Conservative Association. He died at the age of 74 and will be greatly missed by his many friends. To all who knew “Pony” he was a generous, warm—hearted friend and a loyal comrade.

1096 785 S.C.M. CHILDS, Joseph William, of 44 Roe Green, Kingsbury. Born in 1880 he enlisted into the Royal Horse Guards on October 19th, 1899, and was discharged on completion of 21 years on October 18th, 1920. As S.C.M. he was in charge of all aspects of Physical Training within the Regiment including Fencing and Mounted Combat

CoH. JAMES, David Charles, of 36 Tern Road,

Chantry Estate, Ipswich, Suffolk. Joined lst Suffolks in March, 1901, and transferred to The Blues on January lst, 1C904. In March, 1918, he transferred to the Royal Flying


Training. 971 CoH. SEARL, George. Enlisted into The Blues on January 22nd, 1902. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps in March, 1918. 1678 Tpr. HOLLOWAY, George, of 36 Carrington Road, Slough. Enlisted into The Blues on September lst, 1914, and transferred to the Guards Machine Gun Regiment on

May 10th, 1918.


CoH. FURBER, Arthur Miles.

Born in 1883 he

enlisted into The Blues on July 3rd, 1899. Served with the Regiment in South Africa and was commissioned into the West India Regiment on March 25th, 1905. Served continually in that Regiment and during the Great War served in Africa on the staff of FM. Lord Allenby. In 1925 he retired as a Major and took up farming and horse training in Jamaica. He came home in 1939 and being over age for the Army he served in A.R.P. becoming

Control Officer for Guildford.

In 1945 he retired and

1381 Tpr. LEE, James, of 52 Sheepcote Lane, Watford. Joined The Blues on October 30th, 1909, and transferred to the Guards Machine Gun Regiment on May 10th, 1918. Served with the BER in France for the greater part of the 1914-18 War. Transferred to the Reserve on April 3rd,


304678 S.Q.M.C. HARRISON, Albert, of 26a Grove Road, Windsor. “Chippy” Harrison enlisted into the Regiment on February 6th, 1925, and was for many of the pre—war years a Regimental Saddler. He was discharged on July 2nd, 1946, and has since been employed as an Usher at The House of Commons.

went to live in Tipperary finally settling down in Bunclody,



He took a very active part in all local activities

and was amongst others a member of the Diocesan Synod of the Church of Ireland, Chairman of the Bunclody Horti—


cultural Society, a member of the Wexford Board of Fishing Conscrvators. He was a good fisherman and made superbly finished Fishing rods.

1334 Tpr. LACEY, William James, of 1 Lister House, Croydon Avenue, Hayes. Joined The Blues on July 2lst, 1908, and was transferred to the Guards Machine Gun Regiment on May lOth, 1918. He was released to the Reserve on March 19th, 1919.

304823 Tpr. JAMES, William Arthur, of 33 Rolleston Avenue, Orpington. Enlisted in The Blues on April 24th, 1928, and transferred to the Reserve on April 23rd, 1936. Rejoined on mobilisation on September lst, 1939, and served with the 1st H.C.R. Discharged on January 25th, 1946.

775985 Cpl. COOPER, Ernest Walter, of 43 Sunnyside Road, Ealing. Joined The Blues on September 13th, 1927, and was transferred to the Reserve on September 12th, 1935. Rejoined on mobilisation on September lst, 1939, and served with the lst H.C.R. Discharged on January 27th, 1946.

304287 304262


George James William,

Harcourt Street, Ardwick, Manchester.


of 165

Enlisted into The

Blues on November 23rd, 1914. Served with the Guards Machine Gun Regiment from May 10th, 1918 to March 4th, 1919, and was transferred to the Reserve on November

22nd, 1926. [Photoz Iain Erskine]

The recently erected Frieze behind the Altar of the Regimental alcove in the Guards’ Chapel at Wellington Barracks

Surgeon Captain J. M. BROWN by Colonel D. J. St. M. TABOR, M.C. Much already has been written in the Obituary Notices

which appeared in the Times and the Household Brigade Magazine about James Brown’s career and professtonal qualifications. I merely want to add a short personal note and 1 am sure that it would be the wish of the many Blues, past and present, who knew him so well that this should be done and should appear in the Regiment’s own Journal There has never been a more loyal nor staunch Blue than James. He took an interest in all aspects of the

Page 40


Regiment's life and activities. No Regimental occasion was complete without him. It was always a great source of satisfaction that his interest and support did not wane with passing of time and the rise of successive new genera-

tions of Blues.

He was a true friend to one and all with

whom he came in contact. But, perhaps more important in the strictly material sense, was the extent to which James

made his professional skill available to members of the Regiment. There are many of us who benefited from this wise counsel, his outstanding ability and his generostty. We mourn the loss of a true Blue and we shall always cherish his memory.

Tpr. KIDMAN, Arthur John.

Joined The Blues

on June 2nd, 1915, and served with the B.E.F. in France from July, 1916 to February, 1919. He was discharged in January, 1930, and was for the greatest part of his later

life the Commissionaire at the Plaza Cinema in Lower Regent Street. A very loyal old Blue who was very proud that his son was S.C.M. of the Mounted Squadron.

THE ROYAL HORSE GUARDS (THE BLUES) COMRADES’ ASSOCIATION ANNUAL Membership The membership of the Association is now 205 Officers, 656 Life Members and 200 Annual Members. The subscription of 2/6d. is now due from Annual Members and should be sent to the Hon. Secretary as soon as possible. Members are reminded to notify any change of address as and when it occurs. Fifty copies of “The Blue" were returned last year marked “Gone away” or “Not known”.

Annual General Meeting and Dinner

How paying by cheque helps your pay go further

The Annual General Meeting will be held in the Warrant and Non-Commissioned Officers’ Mess at Wellington Barracks at 5 pm. on Saturday. May 7th, 1966. We very much hope that as many Members as possible will attend the Meeting. The Dinner will be held in the Chatham Room, Victoria Station at 7.15 pm. on May 7th, 1966. The Bar will be open from 6 pm. Application for tickets should be made to the Secretary before Friday, April 29th, 1966, so that comprehensive catering arrangements can be made. The price of tickets is £1 each. Dress: Lounge Suit, no decorations. The committee feel that they must comment on the fact that so few past officers attended the Dinner last year. We would like to welcome many more in 1966.



where all the Regimental Associations should form up. Members should note that the Annual Dinner and the Cavalry Sunday are not on succeeding days as has been the custom in the immediate past years. As usual all will be welcome in the W.O.’s and N.C.O.‘s Mess after the parade, but it should be noted that it is at Wellington Barracks now.

Field of Remembrance Members are reminded that the Field of Remembrance will be opened at 12 noon on Thursday, November 10th, 1966.

Annual Reunion At the time of going to press it is difficult to foresee where the Annual Reunion will be held. However, all members will receive a notice giving full details when the venue has been decided.

Obituary Notices It will be noted that obituaries have been recorded elsewhere in the Magazine.

Christmas Cards Members requiring Christmas Cards are advised to order from the Secretary by early October.

Cavalry Memorial Service

Queen’s Birthday Parade

The Cavalry Memorial Service will take place on Sunday. May 1st, 1966, at 11.30 am. The place of assembly will be inside Hyde Park in the area of the Dorchester Hotel. There will be a Regimental Marker and a Board containing a diagram showing

A limited number of tickets to View the Queen's Birthday Parade and the Final Rehearsal are available. The tickets are almost entirely for the Inner Line of Sentries (Standing).

Members should

apply for tickets to the Secretary.

TREASURER'S REPORT Lloyds Bank offers full banking services to all

Majesty’s Forces, or, if you like, write to Mr.

ranks of Her Majesty‘s Forces. When you have a bank account, you’ll find that paying by cheque, automatically having a record of your outgoings, never carrying un— necessary amounts of cash on you eall help you to have a clear view of what you’re doing with your money. Help it to go much further. Lloyds Bank has a long tradition of service to the army, so you‘ll be welcomed at any branch.

E. S. Keyworth, Lloyds Bank Limited, Cox’s


Ask for our free booklet which explains


how Lloyds Bank can help members of Her

1. I feel that the Financial Situation of the Association remains very sound as is reflected in the Balance Sheet.

and King's Branch, 6 Pall Mall, London, S.W.l,

He is specially concerned with liaison between the services and the Bank.

2. I would only draw the attention of members to the following:— a. Capital Investment By the decision of the Committee an addi» tional sum of £250, which was derived from the excess of Income over Expenditure, has been invested in the United Services Trustees Combined Charitable Fund, so that the Association‘s holding in this Fund is now 10,861 shares with a market value of £1 1.768. Income There has been an increase of £92 18s. 4d. in Subscriptions and Donations as compared with 1964. This must be regarded as a tem-

porary increase and is due to the Secretary arranging the payment of some arrears in Subscriptions and encouraging certain members paying Annual Subscriptions to become Life Members. c. Dinner The decreased cost of the Annual Dinner can be accounted for by the fact that about 40 less members attended in 1965 than was the case in 1964. Annual Reunion The Committee authorised a grant of £40 0s. 0d. to The Blues Mounted Squadron to assist with the running of the Annual Reunion. However, due to efiicient administration the Mounted Squadron only found it necessary to utilise £14 35. 5d.. returning the balance to the Association Funds. Page 43

British Legion National Association of Regular Sailors,






15 15

£11,136 18







£920 18 10


228 13




February 2nd, 1966

3 London Wall Buildings, London, EC2

and Cash at Bankers have been verified.

We have audited the above Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Account with



ANNUAL DINNER Cost of Dinner Less sale of tickets

Royal Cambridge Home for Soldiers’ Widows Royal Chelsea Hospital

Sold rs and Airmen Combined Cavalry Parade








1964 £

Cash at Bank

CURRENT ASSETS Stock in hand~Members’ Badges

(market value 11,768)


231 16




INVESTMENT 10,861 shares in the United Services Trustees Combined Charitable Fund (at cost)

DECEMBER .3131 1965

4 6

920 18 10

346 18 574 0



364 11,019

1 7








the books and vouchers and certify them to be in accordance therewith. The Investment



Audit Fee


the year to December 31st, 1965

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THE WAR IN THE YEMEN by Colonel D. de C. Smiley, M.V.O., O.B.E.. M.C.

(This article was written by Colonel Smiley in July, 1965, before the Truce negotiations started and, later, broke down. Colonel Smiley is at present once more in the YemenfiEdiror). In the past three years I have paid eight visits to the Royalist forces in the Yemen. As a military observer I have watched them gradually forcing the troops of the Egyptian regular Army to withdraw. First a few facts about the opposing forces. On the one hand. the Egyptian Army is equipped with tanks (T34s), armoured personnel carriers, all types of motor transport, normal artillery including 1055 and multiple rocket launchers. 12 mm mortars, and smaller weapons including the Gurnov automatic rifle—all the Egyptian arms and equipment are of Russian manufacture. They do not, however, use either armoured or scout cars in the Yemen. The Egyptians also have complete air superiority, using Tupolev four-engined and Illyushin twin engined jet bombers, MiG fighters, Yak pistonengined fighters, some helicopters. and transports with Russian crews.

With the obvious material advantages weighing heavily on the side of the Egyptians. who have between 55,000 and 65.000 men deployed in the Yemen. it may be asked why they are so obviously losing this war. There are various reasons. the first being one of morale. The Yemenis are fighting to defend their own soil against a foreign occupation force. The Yemenis are certain of remaining in the Yemen, however many may die in the war, because it is their own home. The Egyptians are, however, sooner or later bound to go. Time is, therefore. on the Yemeni side. The second reason is one of money. An ex member of the Special Air Service whom I met in the Yemen said to me “If ever these people want a motto. it should be ‘Who pays, wins' A very true observation. The allegiance of tribes is, in most cases, bought. The Royalists. so long as they are supported in cash by King Feisal of Saudi Arabia, can outbid the Egyptians and buy some more tribes to their cause. In any case most tribes heartily dislike the Egyptians, whom they regard as foreigners. in spite of the Egyptian claims to call themselves brother-Arabs. The Yemeni armed tribesman, who forms the backbone of the Imam‘s Royalist Army, knows his own territory, can fight on ground of his own choosing, has been engaged most of his life in tribal warfare. which he regards as a sport. and man for man is a better fighter than the Egyptians. The Egyptian soldiers have not proved to be good infantry soldiers. especially in the mountains. Their best troops are their Ranger and Parachute units. but since they have been severely mauled in several actions with the Royalists, they show marked

reluctance to advance into the rugged and inhospitable mountains occupied by the Royalists.

A Royalist 75 mm. recoilless gun in action on the

Jebel Ahmar Jauf

On the Royalist side, they have no armoured vehicles of any typeiother than the occasional armoured personnel carriers captured from the Egyptians—no artillery, and no aircraft. Their main weapons are the US. 75 mm recoilless guniwhich has a range of 4,000 yards—the 57 mm recoilless gun, .50 and .30 Browning machine guns. 81 mm mortars, the US. heavy and light anti-tank mines. and various types of explosives, including electrical firing apparatus.

The Egyptian Army, when it was led by British officers, and had a backbone of Sudanese N.C.O.s. gave quite a good account of itself in former wars: without this backbone the rank and file have shown little enthusiasm for fighting in recent years. as shown by their utter rout by the Israelis. and their collapse against the British and French at the time of Suez fin spite of what Nasser and his propaganda machine may say today. On the credit side Nasser has eliminated a lot of the corruption and graft that existed in the officer class, and their supply system in the Yemen is much better than one would expect. Their soldiers are also much better educated than of old, and many prisoners to whom I spoke, of private‘s rank, spoke good English, which is taught in the schools of Egypt. As far as the air aspect is concerned, I have, throughout the years that I have been connected with guerilla movements, been of the opinion that the bombing of guerillas is a complete waste of aircraft. man-power, time and money. I have yet to discover in what country guerillas have been subdued by

bombing alone~—though certain R.A.F. officers will disagree with my views. as would certainly the Americans in Vietnam who place a blind faith in bombing. I would say that bombing terrorises and kills civilians in towns and villages, but it is quite ineffective against guerillas in mountains, who have plenty of caves and rock overhangs for cover. The same applies to a lesser degree in the jungle. where bombing can only be carried out “blind” against suspected guerilla areas. After the end of the campaign in Oman in 1959, I interrogated many of the rebels against whom we had been fighting. They told me that they were

Royalist “Gunners” with


British 2 Pdr.

never seriously worried by R.A.F. Shackletons who bombed them, but had a healthy respect for the Venom fighters who arrived without warning. In the Yemen the same appliesgthe bombers merely cause the guerillas to go to ground in their caves until they have dropped their bombs and departed. They have. however. considerable fear of the rocket and cannon—firing MiGs, who arrive without warning -»—more especially if the slow-flying Yaks are around ——for the latter fiy slowly enough for their observers to pin—point targets, whose position they radio to the MiGs, who normally fly much too fast to spot small targets. The most common form of attack by the Royalists is the ambushing of single vehicles or convoys on the main Egyptian line of communications. The Egyptian convoys are usually escorted by one or two tanks supported by Armoured Person— nel Carriers carrying infantry in both the front and rear of the convoy, with the main body of soft vehicles in the middle. In the British Army armoured or scout cars would probably take the place of tanks. The Royalist technique is to select their ambush positions on a stretch of road that winds between steep mountains. where there is no room for the Egyptians to manoeuvre or leave the road: their own positions are such that they can bring the fire of the 75 mm or 57 mm guns to bear on the leading tanks. and the fire of their machine guns, mortars

and rifles on any infantry who might deploy from their Armoured Personnel Carriers. They normally have a safe line of retreat up the mountains in case their ambush positions are in danger of being outflanked and the countryside is riddled with rocks and caves which give protection from aircraft. At the ambush position the road is usually mined (though sometimes it is already demolished),

and anywhere from half a mile to a mile away on either side of the mined sector of the road, explosive Charges are laid so as to demolish the road after the convoy has passed; these demolitions are covered by fire to prevent their repair, and to stop any relief column from getting by. If a Blues troop leader, rather than an Egyptian, was operating in the Yemen he might well be posed with the following problem:—“You are the troop leader of an armoured car troop escorting a convoy. Your leading car is blown up on a mine; fire is opened on the remaining cars of your troop by (though you don’t know it due to the fog of war). a 75 mm firing armoured piercing at a range of some 2.000 yards. After perhaps five minutes two violent explosions leave little doubt in your imagination that the road both in front and behind your convoy has been blown upitherefore you can neither press on (if the blown-up car and possible mines do not already prevent this) nor can you withdraw (none of your vehicles can turn round anyway, and where is the ‘Dead Man‘s drive' on the Saladin?), nor can reinforcements reach you by road. What is your action"? In the case of Egyptians in the Yemen, their normal reaction is to radio for air support, which usually arrives within half an hour to an hour, though


A knocked out Egyptian T34 Tank

1 have on some occasions known aircraft to escort a convoy. In any case the aircraft can do little other than to keep the heads of the guerillas down. In most cases the Egyptian convoys have been completely destroyed and most of the soldiers either killed or taken prisoner. though a few may escape when darkness falls. The Egyptians have clearly not solved this problem. I hope the Blues could. should they ever have to! Page 47

Page 46

On most outings he took only one hawk with him and gave it one flight; his highest bag was two. The bag, though, is of secondary importance; what matters is that the hawk should fly well and obey its master‘s commands.


Grouse-hawking is still unmechanised. Here the falconer, sometimes alone, but often accompanied by three or four others, advances across the moor on foot, into the wind, with the hawk on his wrist and a pointer working ahead of him. When the dog comes on a point, he slips the hawk, which rings up to its pitch, or cruising altitudefianything from 200 to 800 feet.


Only 20 Hunters still practice this ancient skill in Britain and only 6 of them hunt game with the great long—winged hawks that dive from the sky at 100 mph. One of these is Mr. Roger Upton, an ex-Blue of Marlborough, Wilts., who served from 1955-58.

Once there, it waits-on overhead, while he and his party go on around and flush the grouse. As soon as the birds move the hawk stoops, levellingout behind the covey, overtaking it, and striking down the tail-ender (an interesting example of natural selection; the back-marker is always the weakest bird).

(Our acknowledgements and thanks are due to the Editor of the Weekend Telegraph for permission to print this extract from

A stooping hawk is said to be the fastest-moving creature in the world, and although no accurate estimate has ever been made of its speed, it is thought to travel at nearly 100 mph.

an article in the issue of July 30th, 1965).

The Game Fair, held this year at Shotover House, six miles from Oxford, assembles each year a wide variety of rural sports and occupations: shooting, fishing, archery, gun-dog training, gamerearing and forestry. But falconry is always the most powerful magnet to the crowds. Falconry in Britain is now practised by only a handful of enthusiasts Although the British Falconers‘ Club has 225 members, only 20 of them fly hawks in this country. Only about half-a-dozen still fly long-winged hawks—peregrines, sakers, lanners and gerfalconsfiwhich bring down game birds such as grouse and partridge. The rest fly short-winged hawks which include sparrow-hawks— flown mainly at starlings—and goshawksiwhich take on rabbits and hares. What makes these few men dedicate immense amounts of time and energy (and money) to an ancient sport? The short answer is that falconry still offers a challenge and excitement that few other sports can equal. A long-winged hawk is a splendid creature, and its “stoop" (the dive down to its quarry) is a magnificent sight. “When you start hawking,” says Roger Upton, “you’re pleased if your hawk makes a kill at all. But later you want it to fly really well and perform spectacularly. That‘s what we go hawking for to see this tremendous long stoop out of the sky.” Mr. Upton, aged 28, has owned hawks since he was at school, and his present team consists of four peregrines and a goshawk. He runs a leather business in Marlborough, and as he is self-employed in a business dealing with falconry he can devote an Page 48

Roger Upton on the downs near Marlborough with a two-year old peregrine falcon, Mansoor, which was presented to him by a sheik in Arabia last February. He made the falcon’s

. We were shown over everything at the Barracks including the Quarter Masters Stores (where we were told to keep our hands in our pockets!). The Cooks’ kitchens were cleaner and more modern than any I have seen in

the West End of London. On Thursday we were taken to Becklinger war cemetery, Bergen, where we laid a wreath in memory of all members of Household Cavalry who fell in the 1914-18 and 1939-45 wars on behalf of the Comrades. The graves and cemetery were well kept. ‘We had an invitation to the Corporals’ Mess where

their Mess President introduced us to all members and their wives. They laid on a dance and during the night I found myself doing the Twist~l think that is what they called it. Here as everywhere we were given a great welcome and were each presented with a fine pewter tankard inscribed from the Mess. We had a grand night. We were most grateful to Bob Green and his wife, also Ron Feltham and his wife for inviting us to their quarters for tea. Army accommodation has improved considerably since my days! On Friday the W.O.s’ and N.C.O.s” Mess invited us to a barbecue which we thoroughly enjoyed. Mr. Stringer introduced us to all and by the end of the evening we were all good friends. The local band was very good and with a little lubrication we were both on the dance floor. The efforts made by the cooks at the buffet table were really fine. We have come a long way in this branch of the service too. During the evening we were presented with a pair of regimental ash trays by Mr. Stringer which, together with the tankard, will be a reminder of a glorious week. On the Saturday morning, our last day, the Colonel wished us a pleasant journey home after showing us over

his office and the Ofi‘icers' Mess where we saw some fine paintings.

hood himself; the bells came from Pakistan

enormous amount of time to his hobby. His shop is the only one in England that makes the accoutremerits of hawking; his hoods, jesses (leather shackles), leashes and gloves are exported all over the world. In the spring he goes rook-hawking on the Wiltshire Downs, and in the autumn he often makes a grouse-hawking expedition to Scotland. Last winter he spent a month hawking bustard and hares in Arabia, the guest of the son of one of the Trucial sheiks. He and his wife Jean took three peregrines with them on their honeymoon and his son of eight months has already been out on several forays.


From Mr. H. J. WOO'ITON, B.E.M., MM The enclosed photograph may be of interest. It was taken at a village named MarbaixfiI think it was probably our first or second billet after the Armistice in 1918. The Spanish ’flu, which was rampant in Europe and Asia, took its toll of some of the Regiment. My own Company (“A”) had some sick and one or two of the N.C.O.s in the photograph came to us from other companies. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Squadrons in the Machine Gun and House/mid Burnt/inns were known as Companies). C.Q.M.C. Aldis was in hospital at the time of this photograph. We spent Christmas, 1918, at this Billet and although Rations

From Mr. T. J. HARRIS Frank Wootton and Iwere invited as representatives

of the Old Comrades’ Association for a week‘s visit to

In England there are few places left where longwinged hawks can be flown at live quarry; rooks, and to a lesser extent partridges, are still hawked on the Wiltshire and South Downs; and grouse hawking is still possible on the Yorkshire moors, as well as in several Scottish counties, notably Caithness and Sutherland. The main rook-hawking season is from February to April. The falconer’s method now is to advance by Land Rover (more comfortable but less manoeuvrable than the traditional horse), and drive as close as possible to the bird he is hunting. Then he slips the hawk, which climbs above the quarry and stoops on it from a height.

the Regiment in Germany. On Friday, July 23rd, we were met at Hanover Airport by Corporal-of—Horse Feltham, who took us the 85 miles to the Regiment at Harewood Barracks. This was the beginning of the most wonderful and exciting week of our lives. R.C.M. Stringer had arranged a trip somewhere each day of our visit. As well as the ancient towns of Minden and Hanover (with its famous gardens), we were shown

the site of Belsenea terrible place with an atmosphere one cannot describe. Another reminder of the last war was the Mohne dam which was destroyed by bombing and has since been rebuilt. The reason for the Regiment‘s presence in Germany was brought home by a visit to the Helmstedt check point where the whole of the frontier is mined. We also had a look around Herford to do a little shopping.

The Colonel invited us to his house where we met the officers and their wives, also Colonel Smiley who was on

a short holiday.

This year Mr. Upton has an outstanding record against rooks: in 32 flights his hawk made 25 kills.

We were made very welcome.

It made

us feel very old when we found that we had served with some of their fathers and, in one case, a great—grandfather.

Standing~CoH. Whitwell, CoH. Gregory. CoH. Leek (Hassar att.) CoH. Small, A/C.Q.M.C. Wooten, M.M. SeatedfiCoH. Adams (later S.C.M.R.I.) C.C.M. Nlitchell (later R.C.M.), Col-l. Edwards

Page‘ 49

were not too plentiful a spice of festive cheer was added

laid by


I particularly

then went on to Zillebeke, where a new house has been

remember this as it was impressed on us that the cost of

built on the site of an old one, from which German snipers gave us a lot of trouble, until it was destroyed by a few


issue of a

barrel of white wine.

the barrel was more than the cost of the wine—and that the barrel must be returned to the Q.M. Stores. I don‘t know how the other companies fared, but I certainly

remember seeing a man pushed into the empty barrel and rolled down a hill! 1 think we all had a good time and it was whilst we were at this billet that we started sending home our first groups for demobilisation.

Mr. G.

Lowman at Zandvoorde Memorial.


artillery shells from our gunners. stained glass window in memory of Lt. St. George (Life Guards). In the churchyard are the graves of Col. Wilson, Lt. St. George and others.

killed in May, 1915. At 9 pm. we again visited the Menin Gate, where Tubby Clayton of Toc H gave an address and said prayers, ending with the Last Post.

RETURN TO ZANDVOORDE AND YPRES 1965 As a consequence of requests from various sources, my wife and I decided to form another party to visit Ypres, Zandvoorde and Zillebeke. Four Blues, three Lite

Guards and Ladies, made up the party, which also included, by permission of their Commanding Ofiicers, Corporal Dodson of The Blues, and Musician Bambrook of The Life Guards Trumpeters. The party total was 15.

‘ It occurs to me that it might be of conside rable interest if you published in the next issue of “The Blue” the names and addresses of ex-Blties who keep Public Houses. There are I know, a considerable number.

Later we visited Zillebeke Church which contains a

We again visited Capt. Bowlby‘s grave, on the spot where he fell, and also where a number of Blues were

From Mr. A. C. MILLEN

From Major D. F. ROBARTS, M.B.E.

The fol/wring Id‘ (1 list front l/It’ roll of the Comrades' jdininr'uumn. Any I'C‘utll'l' who knows of any others please

iIIfUI'IH my and they will he published marl vt’ur".


Mr. C. Farrow, ”Elephant and Castle“, 40/42 Holland Street, W.8.

M. L. Page,

“Sussex Arms”,


by the




My wife and I would be interested to know in what capacity the Blues were concerned with the AmericanCanadian War, as the other prints referred to regiments that actually took part.

W. A. Tyler, “The Barley Mow", Punnetts Town, Nr. Heathfield, Sussex. E. W. Fortt, "South Western Hotel”, Station Road, Aldershot.

Mr. J. E. Lawrence, “Dog and Pot”, Stoke Poges, Slough, Bucks.



uniform, others depicting the Regiment at the Battle of Waterloo.

The morning of Saturday, August list, was free for shopping until 11 a.m., when we went by arrangement to a Civic Reception at the Rathaus (Town Hall), where we Caenepeel. lwas requested to light the Toc H lamp. During the conversation which followed, I was asked by the

great interest, in one of the rooms a collection of military prints. Amongst them were prints of the Royal Horse Guards (Blues) dating from very early in the history of the Regiment, most of these were of different periods of

Hurstpierpoint, Sussex.

Burgomaster what was the difference between a Life Guard and a Royal Horse Guard. Mr. T. Harris (Blues) quickly replied, "The Blues are smarter", which caused quite a laugh. After lunch we visited Poperinge and were shown round Talbot House and on to Lessenthoek Cemetery. Returning



From Mr. S. APPLEYARD (2225),

to Poperinge we had tea in the Market Place.

of Compton Cottage, Stillington, York. Mr. H. L. Jones a Fort Erie, Canada



We again attended the Ceremony at the Menin Gate pm.

On Sunday, August 23nd, we had a long tour by coach as far as Thiepval, where there is a most impresswe memorial to our Somme dead (73,357 officers and men). We liinched at Albert, where ”the Leaning Virgin” of war-time years is now fully restored as is the Cathedral. On the return journey we visited the Canadian Memorial at Vimy Ridge, which was also very impressive. We also visited a famous French Cemetery at Notre Dame de Lorette: the atmosphere being very tense and reverent. On Monday we made an early start for Brussels where

we were again received by the Civic Authorities at the Mus. Bamfield (L.G.) and Cpl. Dodson at the

Menin Gate We met on the Boat Train at Victoria Station on Thursday, August 19th, and after a smooth and pleasant

Hotel de Ville. Drinks were served, iced whisky .for the men and orange for the ladies, but owing to a misunderstanding, the ladies finished up with the whisky, and The Blues with the orange! The next morning we left early to catch the morning boat, going via the coast road to Ostend.

crossing, we reached Ostend at about 3.40 pm. and were met by a Courier and coach, and then proceeded to Ypres, travelling down the coast to Nieuport, where we turned inland. We were again guests at Hotel Britannique,VM-arkt, Ypres, where, after a wash and brush up, and a preliminary

I feel I must write to say how much I enjoyed receiving the Regimental Magazine "The Blue" in it’s present form, so that one can follow with such interest the present-day activities of the Regiment. I had. an interesting experience some thirty years ago when Visiting London. I said to my wife “One of my pals from The Blues, Charlie Rees, whom I met at a Comrades’ reunion dinner two or three years ago is a policeman in London, it would be fun if we could see him.” This, of course, brought out the usual platitudes about a needle in a haystack, but, as we drove up Ludgate Hill who should be walking down the footpath just relieved from point

(The Regiment, us such, has never served in North America, though individual Blues certainly have. Perhaps members of the Goi'erntir—Gcnt’rul's Horse Guards, our ufliliutcd (i'unudiun Regiment, were responsible for including the Regimen/til Prints. At present we have no record of

duty, butVyes—Charlie Rees.

a Stuff Ofiit‘er then,

On the same visit I was lucky enough to meet our old war-time Troop Officer the late Lt. Col. H. B. de Klee. On one occasion I was posted with him from the firing line to a “safe” job at Divisional Headquarters, but he hated it, and fretted the whole time until we were posted back to the Regiment again. They were a grand bunch of fellows in “A” Squadron in those days, under that fine

(my individual Blues having served in this particular Wur, though this is no reason why u Blue should not have been


Earl of


From R. HUNT-GRUBBE, Esq. (Cornet 1958-60) Having just received my copy of “The Blue" I feel prompted to write to praise its production. It brings the

forgotten Comrade right back into the swim, and on putting it down I felt a distinct twinge as I realised where I now was~sitting on a drilling barge in the middle of the Persian

Gulf drilling for oil in a concession claimed simultaneously

large number of us awkward squad “duration“ recruits through a concentrated training to get us passed out in the shortest possible time. Some years later I got to know Capt. Vaughan as a civilian, when I was Land Agent on a Herts. estate adjoining that where Capt. Vaughan was agent for the estate of another old war-time Blue, Major

ourselves from other units.

Jack Harrison.

The Trumpeters, who were the centre of attraction, sounded a short fanfare, and then a few prayers were said by lay readers from St. George's Church, Ypres.

In his own home Capt. Vaughan was the

most gentle and kindly of men, in distinct contrast to one’s recollections of him in the Riding School.

Afterwards the Last Post was sounded, and then a member of the party quoted Lawrence Binyon’s famous words:

With all


wishes for

the continued


by both Iran and Kuwait! As an engineer, I am working for an amazing French company who search for oil, and

for a year I was in Libya, deep in the desert much of the time. It is a fascinating place with a very tolerable climate. Everywhere there are reminders of the last war. One does not go far without seeing old camp sites, burnt out tanks. unmarked graves. with just a few stones placed round the remains, and occasionally complete aeroplanes such as the recently discovered “Lady be Good" found in “Con-

cession 65“ of BF. This plane had run out of fuel having overshot the coast and when found its radio was still in working order! Nothing decays in the desert, but most things are eventually buried or blown to pieces.


“The Blue".

“They shall not grow old, as we grow old, etc . After this Reveille was sounded. I may say this was greatly appreciated by all present.

woman who remembered some of the inc1dents prior to A wreath on behalf of the O.C.A. was the big battle.


All the 1914 recruits will have recollections of that

Ceremony at 9 p.m., after having put up our medals. The Ceremony was most impressive, and we had qune an audience of Belgian people. also a few old hands like

After lunch we proceeded over the old Battlefield'to


fearsome “ogre" of the Riding School, Capt. Vaughan, the Riding Master. True, with a war on, he had to push a

At 8.45 pm. we went to the Menin Gate for the

Hill 60 and then Zandvoorde, where we saw_an old Belgian


Pembroke, with “Bonny” Mitchell as Squadron Cpl. Major.

a good meal.

and I am afraid that we became qurtc talkative.

As there was less traffic in

those days I was able to pull in to the side to have a chat

Squadron Commander,

talk of the Trumpeters‘ role at the Menin Gate. we had

The next day, Friday, August 20th, we proceeded by coach to Zillebeke, where we were very pleasantly_recc1_ved by the Burgomaster and Councillors, With a very nice Wine,

I am enclosing a snap of myself taken at Fort Erie showing that the Union Flag still flies over the Fort and not the Maple Leaf.

One finds oneself at one moment running a centre of

operations in a remote corner of the world, and at another, +__

without a moment‘s notice save the whine of the approach-

ing helicopter. whisked away to save the situation on some Messrs. Dozin, Lowman, Harris, Ross, Millen and Barlow beside Captain Bowlby’s grave

Front Mr. H. L. JONES (304388),

remoter drilling rig one has never seen before, run by Italians, or Texans, or Iranians, none of whom can

communicate with one. of 7 Charles Crescent. Abergavenny. Mon. We are most grateful to the O.C.A.s of both Regiments for their assistance in making the Pilgrimage posmble, and also to the Regimental Colonels for sanctioning the

attendance of the two trumpeters, which was appreciated by us, and the Citizens of Ypres.


Whilst on a recent visit to the USA. my wife and I crossed the Niagara River into Canada. There we visited Fort Erie, one of the several Forts along the Niagara


On going through the Fort. we found, to our

Such a life has its drawbacks since

one cannot plan far ahead, btit it is excellent for avoiding officials, since one just takes off for a week or two when they call! Anyway, I hope to see you all sometime in the autumn of 1966 when I. too. return to England. Page 51

Page 50

Hyde Park Bks. 14 July 1837. The Troop Horses‘ feet will be stopped with Cow Dung every other night and the night before they are shod also the night after.

Windsor Cavalry Bks. 21 January 1842.

FROM OUR RECORDS Some Regimental Orders of the 1830-50 period.

A Guard of Honour consisting of one Captain, 2 Subalterns, and 52 rank and file will parade in Review Order at half past 2 o’clock for the purpose of escorting the King of Russia from Old Windsor to Windsor Castle.

Hyde Park Bks. 27 July 1831. In consequence of several men having gone out of barracks after Roll Call six men will be added to the Barracks Guard every night at 8 o‘clock till further orders to furnish such additional sentries as may be thought necessary and the Guard must be further increased if any more men are guilty of such irregular and unsoldierlike conduct.

Yflll [CANT 8H AWAY lllllM ll! Back in civvy street you'll see the 4 x 4 Bedfords. The same

Hyde Park Bks. 6 June 1847. In future the Reveille will sound at 20 minutes before 6 o'clock, and the Troops will fall in for Parade at 5 minutes before. The Roll will then be called, and the non-commissioned officers and men marched to their respective Stables, and no man will be permitted to go the Stables before that time.

Regents Park Bks. 25 June 1834

The following letter is probably one of the first

The Regiment will furnish a Guard of Honour to escort their Majesties to the Musical Festival at Westminster Abbey at quarter past 10 o’clock and will consist of 1 Field Officer, 2 Captains, 4 Subalterns, 1 Trumpeter and 100 rank and file.

welfare letters on record. It comes from the Adjutant

to the father of Private John Waugh of a Captain leblfs Troop telling him to let his son live on his pay. Waugh‘s father was a worsted manufacturer in Wakefield, Yorkshire. The outcome is not known. but Waugh was later killed on one of Simon Bolivar's

expeditions to South America.

great Bedford that has served the Army for many a year. In its civilian role as a go-anywhere tipper, the Bedford 4 x 4 has

Windsor Barracks 19 March 1817. Sir,

been proved in the toughest conditions—directly developed from experience gained in military service. You can’t get

away from it— Bedford’s best in any sphere of action.

Hyde Park Bks. 25 September 1834. When the Troop Corporal Majors require Leave of Absence they must apply for it in the same way as the other non-commissioned officers. and the names of those coming into Barracks after Roll Call must appear in the Guard Report.

BETTER DRIVE Windsor Cavalry Bks. 27 February 1836.

BEIJHIBI] you see them everywhere! Vauxha/l Motors Ltd., Luton, Beds.

Colonel Hill has been desired in the name of County Fire Office to thank the Regiment for the willing assistance that was given at the late fire near Holyport and as a small acknowledgement the office has sent a donation of £4.

I am directed by Lieutenant Colonel Sir R. C. Hill to acquaint you. that he has received your letter dated the 16th instant relative to your son John Waugh: who at present is doing duty in these Barracks as a private soldier in the Royal Regiment of Horse Guards (Blue) and I am further to acquaint you he appears to like his situation very well. If you will allow me to sayI shall feel obliged if your circumstances are such as to afford (provided he were to ask you) for a little money, not to send him any, from experience, I can tell you. he has quite enough as a soldier. and I have frequently seen young men totally spoiled for the service by the laudable in other situations but mistaken indulgence of parents to soldiers. I am Sir.

Your most obedient and humble servant,

10/- will be given to

each Troop to be disposed of in any way the Troop may agree amongst themselves.

J. HIRST Lt. and Adjt. Royal Horse Guards. Page 53


(5) Re-election of members on transfer or discharge



R.H.Q... The Household Cavalry, London, S.W.l. to which address all communications shall be forwarded, and subscriptions remitted to the Honorary Secretary. Committee meetings will, by permission of the Lieutenant Colonel Commanding Household Cavalry, be held at the Orderly RoomJ. III.——OBJECTS OF THE ASSOCIATION (1) To maintain connection between past and serving members of ‘the Royal Horse Guards, and thereby promote their mutual interests and welfare of the Regiment generally. (2) To circulate information concerning the Regiment and the advantage of service therein, and to encourage des1rable candidates to join. (3) To assist members in obtaining employment. (4) To grant financial assistance to necessitous members or their Widows, or on behalf of their children, proVided their adverse circumstances are of an .UI‘IaVOIdable. nature, and that the funds of the Assoc1ation permit. No member will be granted monetary assistance until he has paid two annual subscriptions. (5) To arrange social gatherings in London, or such other places as shall from time to time be decided

upon. (6) To care for the graves of our comrades who have fallen in the Wars. OF


The following shall be eligible:— (1) All Officers who have served or are serving in the Regiment, including Officers attached to the Regiment during the Wars. (2) W.O.s, N.C.O.s and Men recommended by their squadron leaders, subject to election by the Committee. (3) Discharged W.O.s, N.C.O.s and Men, and those transferred to other Units or to the Army Reserve, provided they have completed not less than two years’ service in The Blues, and have been awarded a character not less than “good". (Those not qualified by length of service under this rule may apply to the Hon. Secretary for special consideration by the Committee). (4) N.C.O.s and Men of other Units who have served with the Regiment shall be eligible for membership at the discretion of the Committee. Page 54






requirements of Rule IV (3).




If not fulfilling the

requirements they may continue as members on the Commanding Oflficer's recommendation. (6) Discharged

The headquarters of the Association shall be at


VI~ LIFE MEMBERS (1) Regular Officers who subscribe £25 shall be Life






character less than “good”, also those dealt with under Rule IV (7) (b) may, provided they can show that their conduct since leaving the Regiment has been satisfactory, apply in writing to the Hon. Secretary for special consideration by the Committee, who shall be empowered to elect or re-elect them. (7) Any member shall be struck off who~ (a) Has failed to pay his annual subscription by the Slst December: (b) Has been convicted by the Civil Power, if in the opinion of the Committee the offence is of a serious nature. Members dealt with under this Rule may apply for re-election, those under (b) being subject to the provisions of Rule IV (6). (8) The Committee reserve to themselves the right to expel or exclude any member or applicant for membership. (9) Any member ceasing to be such. under the Rules of the Association, shall have no claim to a refund of any subscriptions or other payments made under these Rules. V.—SUBSCRIPTIONS (1) Subscriptions shall be as undeni on joiningi Officers £2 ( includes annual

W.O.s, N.C.O.s and Men 5/- l subscription. Subsequent year Officers £1 annually W.O.s, N.C.O.s and Men 2/6 annually (2) Subscriptions of new members shall be paid to the Hon. Secretary before election. The subscriptions of members elected between the lst January and 31st March shall cover the period to the 3lst March of the following year. (3) All annual subscriptions shall become due on lst April, and any member whose subscription is unpaid on 31st July shall be considered “in arrears” until such subscription has been paid. (See Rule IV (73) ). (4) Members of families of members whose sub-

scriptions are “in arrears" shall not be entitled to any benefits. (5) A11 Officers’ subscriptions shall be paid to Messrs. Cox & King’s, others to the Hon. Secretary; those of serving members being collected under arrangements to be made by Officers commanding squadrons.

Members of the Association. National Service Officers who subscribe £10 on leaving the Regiment shall become Life Members. (2) W.O.s, N.C.O.s and Men joining the Regiment on or before 14th July, 1922, may become Life Members on payment of the following donations:— (a) A sum equivalent to 10 years” subscriptions. (3) W.O.‘s, N.C.O.s and Men joining the Regiment on or after 15th July, 1922, may become Life Members on payment of the equivalent of 21 years’ subscriptions. (4) Any sum paid in yearly subscriptions will be allowed to accumulate towards Life Membership Fee.

VII.7OFF1CE BEARERS OF THE ASSOCIATION (l) The Office Bearers shall consist of a President,

Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary, of whom the President and Vice-President shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. The Secretary shall remain in oflfice during the pleasure of the Association. (2) The President shall act as Chairman at Committee and General Meetings, and preside at Social gatherings. The Vice-President shall act as Chairman in his absence, and, should both be absent, the Committee shall appoint one of their number to preside. (3) All Ofiice Bearers retiring shall be eligible for re-election. (4) The Secretary shall attend to all communications. disposing of ordinary correspondence which does not call for the attention of the Committee. He will arrange with the President as to the summoning of the Committee for special meetings. He will keep the following books:# Roll of Members, with addresses and a record of subscriptions paid by them; General Accounts Book: Minute Book: Petty Cash Book.

VIII.iMANAGEMENT (l) The management, control and general administration of the affairs of this Association shall be vested in a Committee of past and serving members. to be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting, and to hold office until the next Annual General Meeting. The two senior members of the Committee shall not be eligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting. This Committee shall have power to add to or decrease their numbers. but no Ordinary Meeting shall transact business unless five members are present. The President and Secretary shall, by virtue of their office, also be members of this Committee. All applications from members for assistance shall be considered by the Committee once a month,

but the Officer Commanding the Regiment shall be empowered to assist urgent necessitous cases up to a sum not exceeding £25, a report of all cases assisted by the DC. will be placed before the Committee and entered in the minute book. (2) The Committee shall meet at the Orderly Room at 6.30 pm. on the first Monday in each quarter to receive reports, pass the accounts, and transact such other business as may be brought before it It shall meet on such other occasions as may be necessary to deal with urgent business requirements, and seven days’ notice of such extra meetings shall be sent to the members by the Secretary.

IX.—SUB-COMMITTEES A Sub-Committee shall be formed, one member to act as President, to be called the “Employment Committee”. To consist of members of the Association who are able and willing to place themselves in touch with employers of labour in the principle trades and industries with a view to assisting other members to obtain employment. Applications for employment should be addressed: The President, Employment Committee, Royal Horse Guards (Blues), Comrades’ Association, R.H.Q. Household Cavalry, Horse Guards, London, S.W.l.

The Committee shall meet when necessary, at such place and time as may be notified.

X.—GENERAL MEETINGS A General Meeting shall be held annually on a day in the month of April or May, to elect Office Bearers for the following year, to hear reports of the Committee and Sub-Committee, and deal with any other business brought forward. This meeting shall be followed by a dinner. Smoking Concert, or other such entertainment as the Committee shall previously have arranged. The Time, Date and Place of the Annual General Meeting shall be fixed by the Committee at their January Meeting and notified to Members.

XI.*AMEN DMENT OF RULES These Rules can only be amended. added to. or cancelled by a General Meeting. Notice of proposals of amendment. addition or cancellation, must be sent to the Hon. Secretary at least two months prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.

XII.IADDRESSES Any change of address must at communicated to the Hon. Secretary.




The location of many of the Regiment’s old Standards is still not known. Below is a list of known resting places of Standards, but if anyone can shed further light on any unknown Troop, Squadron, Regimental or Sovereign’s Standards. the Silver Stick would be most grateful.

90/6! anal Sfier Jacemen dince 788 7 I l/







Troop Standard

Alnwick, Northumberland.

4 Standards, approx. 1813

Syon House.

We specialise in

“I“ i?


designing and manufacturing Military Accoulrements

and Badges made to order and submitted designs—singles or quantities.

1 Regimental and 2 Squadron, approx. 1890

Duke of Portland, Welbeck Woodhouse, WORKSOP, Notts.

mental, Club







Over 2,000 RegiSchool,


University, in


Yeomanry Ties and Badges are our speciality. We

1 Standard believed to have belonged to Lord CLANWILLIAM

Dromore Cathedral, Co. DOWN, N.I.

Troop Standards

Audley End House. SAFFRON WALDEN.

1 Standard


Standards, approx. 1820

St. Paul’s Cathedral, carried on Funeral Car of Duke of Wellington.

2 Standards, approx. 1830

Chapel of Wellington College.

Regimental Canes, Medals—new and remounted— Swords, Helmet and Bearskin Plumes. Stock items include a vast range of Blazer Badges, Regimental Ties, Scarves, Squares, Cravats, Cuff-links and Tiepins. Dealers in Military Prints.

also manufacture a complete range of Rank Badges, Write or telephone ......

Squadron, approx. 1780 Squadron, approx. 1830 Standards, approx. 1840

Household Cavalry Museum.

Sovereign’s and 1 Regimental


1 Cypher and 1 Sovereign’s

A. R. FABB BROS. LIMITED 17 Market Street,

Maidenhead, Berkshire


1 Sovereign's and 2 Squadron Standards,

28 Aug. 1927

Parish Church, KELSO.

l Squadron Standard, 29/8/1927

Scottish National War Memorial, EDINBURGH.

1 Squadron Standard, 13/11/1927

Holy Trinity Church, WINDSOR.

1 Squadron Standard, 7/11/1937

Willey Park Church, SHROPSHIRE.


Telephone: 23533

SPECIAL TERMS TO ALL REGULAR AND EXREGULAR SERVICE PERSONNEL AND UNITS AND MESSES, AT HOME AND OVERSEAS, on purchases of all kinds of electrical appliances and equipment, carpets, furniture, bedding, cutlery, silverware. glass and chinaware, radio sets, record players, tape recorders and tape, typewriters, sewing machines, cars, car accessories, bicycles. caravans, boats, outboard motors, boats and yachting supplies, athletic clothing, golf equipment, camping gear and equipment, lawn mowers and garden furniture, photographic supplies, etc.. etc. If you are buying or furnishing a house, write to our House Purchase Advisory Bureau.

Squadron Standard, 30/1/1938

Stoke Poges Church, BUCKS.

Squadron Standards, 16/10/1949

Holy Trinity Church, WINDSOR.

Squadron Standard, 27/9/ 1953



Squadron Standard, 15/11/1953




Telephone: 57|5l (4 lines) (Day)

insurance, at home and overseas, including car, kit, household, whole of life or endowment policies, and Terminal Grant Trust policies, etc., etc.

Sovereign’s Standard, 20/5/1954

Guards Chapel, Wellington Barracks.



62627 and 84302 (Night) 1 Sovereign, 3 Squadron

Guards Chapel, Wellington Barracks.

Regimental Standard, 1927

With Royal Horse Guards.

1 Sovereign’s, 1963 3 Squadron Page 56

l - With 1

Household Cavalry Regiment.

Extended credit available for most of the above items. HP. also arranged for cars and caravans (home only) on preferential terms of interest with income tax relief.



all forms


NOMINAL ROLLS as at January ist, 1966

Q.M. Department

S.Q.M.C. Store

Capt. F. Whennell R.Q.M.C. Marsh, W.

S.Q.M.C. Truslove,

S.Q.M.C. Norris, F.

R.H.Q. Household Cavalry

Royal Military School of Music

Colonel D. J. St. M. Tabor, M. C., Silver Stick W.0. I Ingham, G. C. L. Superintending Clerk CoH. Vaudin, S. H., Buckingham Palace Orderly Cpl. Cook, R. P. G. L/Cpl. Owen, R.W'. Cpl. Desborough, J. A. Cpl. Cross. C. J. Cpl. Ritson, D Tpr. Kelsall, W. H.

CoH. Cooper, T.

CoH. White, I). Cpl. Bateman, R.


Mai. C. J. Coles, M.B.E. R.Q. M. C. Tt-nh. Beadle, L. S. Q. M. C. Plannigan, J. CoH. Scriven, R. L/Cpl. Belcher, V.

S.Q.M.C. Bellwood, 1-1. R. s.

CoH. Buckingham, P. L/Cpl. Dickman, J


Tpr. Hall,

Gunnery School R.A.C. Centre, Bovington

Army Air Corps Centre, Middle Wallop

CoH. Wilson, R. Cpl. Crust, J. M. Cpl. Midwinter, J. C. L/Cpl. Bowman, D. M.

Captain H. D. Blake

Administration Wing R.A.C. Centre \V.O. W.O. CoH. CoH.

II Ladds, J. C. 11 Stanton, P. R. Liquorish, H. P. Lofthouse, H.

Cpl. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr.

Worthy, Bartrick, Saltmer, \Vallace,

B. hi. D. F. J. A. K.


. . . .

Stables CoH. Johnson, W. CoH. Peeke, A. Cpl. Jones, C. Cpl. Langiord, K. Cpl. Miller, P. L/Cpl. Hart, F.

Currie, J. Clews, J. Douglas, R. Waddington, T.

“A” Troop

Captain H. 0. Hugh- Smith, HQ. 4 Gds. Bde. S.Q. M. C. VDarga, G., 247 Pro Unit, Berlin. Cpl. Kent, . H.Q , B A O. R Cpl. Westwood, A. L/Cpl. Williams R L/Cpl. Barnes, D.. H.Q. CoH. \Vilmott, R. D. J..B Tpr. Perry, L. A. H..Q

S.Q.M.C. Beynon, A. L/Cpl. Pollock, K.

H.Q. Middle East Command (Aden)

“MT” Troop

L/Cpl. Ellis, T. L/Cpl. Guymer, W. Tpr. Bates, Tpr. Bates, G. lpr. Croser, B. Mountiort,

. . . . . . .

Inns of Court and City Yeomanry (T.A.), London

Robinson, D. Stephenson, W. Shelly, W. Thomson, E. Toney, J. Tyler, L. Williams, P.

. Tanner, R.

Post N.C.O. Cpl. Quinton,


N.C.0.s’ Mess

Lt. O. M. Price

Bahrein Garrison CDH. McLachlan-Kitchen, A. R.

Cpl. Ollington, M. Cpl. Taylor, I. J.


. . . . . . . . . . . .

L/Cpl. Webb, P. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr.

H.Q. Gibraltar Command L/CoH. Veiteh, Tpr. Thompson, I. S. Tpr. Nlortis, C. G.

P.T. Instructors

S.Q.M.C. Reeves, D. Cpl. Alvis, F. Cpl. Evans, J. Cpl. Kenrick, D. Cpl. Sargent, M. L/Cpl. Turner, D.

Guards’ Parachute Company G.


Ministry of Defence

Benton, P. Boosey, D. Chafi'ey, W. Davies, J. Eastwood, P. Gaskell, F.

CoH. Allanson, W'.

Regt. Signals

H.Q. Western Command

Government House, New Zealand

CoH. Peck, J.

Maior M. K. Tatham

Lt. A. H. Parker-Bowles


Oxford University

CoH. Thompson, J.

2 Lt. G. H. Tweedie


Junior Musicians’ Wing, Pirbright

S.C.M. Young, L. CoH. Taylor, T. Tpr. Braine, W.

Hester, E. Kemp, F. McGrcgor, M. Mole, North, M. Pass, R. Proudioot, A. Rae, D. Redshaw, M Stone, M. Williams, C. Worthy, B.

C.S.M.I. Perry, R. (A.I’.T.C.) Attached Personnel

Sgt. Short, J. Sgt. Slater, M. Cpl. Baillie, C. Cpl. Murphy, P. L/Cpl. Taylor, T. . Valks

Capt. R. Lucas A.S.M. Millgate, R. S/Sgt. Jones, T. S/Sgt. Vaughan, N. Sgt. Atkinson, D. Cpl. Cuthbertson Cpl. Richards, W Cpl. Rhodes, W. Cpl. McAndrew, C. L/Cpl. Boulstridge, J. L/Cpl. Dixon, M.

L/Cpl. Fearn,


CoH. O‘Connell, T.

J/Musn. Leslie, J. A. J. M. Major The Hon. B. C. Wilson

J/Musn. Philp,

. Barker, H . . Dodswurth, R.

' . Duff, A ' . Gillies, A. ‘ . Richardson, A.

Cpl. Thomas, L.

Army Apprentices’ School, Arborfield

Army Apprentices’ School, Chepstow

L/Cpl. Drummond, P.

R. Sigs.

WHO. 1 Slade, E. W.

CoH. Ewers, N.

L/Cpl. Sherwin, l’. Tpr. Burnie, G Tpr. Lawson, P. Tpr. Morgan, F. Tpr. Ridgway, B. Tpr. Wildgoose, K.

Trumpeters Mus. Crisford, J. Mus. Hodgson, D.

E.R.E., B.A.O.R. —

Lt. Col. H. S. Hopkinson, M.B.E. Cpl. Bishop, M. J.

Major Sir Nicholas Nuttall, Bt. Tpr. Banham, D. W'. G. Tpr. Johnson, R. A. Tpr. Johnstone, R. G.

. Beaney, W. . Roywland, V.

Provost CoH. Tucker, A. Cpl. Clay, K. L/Cpl. Brown, J. L/Cpl. Sterndale, A.

Cpl. Linger, J. H.

Maior J. H. Pitman CoH. Stanford, P. C. CoH. Smart, R. E.

Cpl. Baylay, D

L/Cpl. Freeman

R.A.C., B.T.U. (Catterick) CoH. Cooper, D. CoH. Taylor, T. J.

Tpr. Chant, P. Tpr. Griffiths, B. Tpr. Soden, K.

Married Families _

CoH. Denny, J. E.

Tpr. Chambers, E. A. Tpr. Horsefield, D. E. Tpr. Tucker, R. B.



Tpr. Bond, B.

T.Q.M. Department

Junior Leaders’ Regiment R.A.C.. Bovington CoH. Preeee, D. C. F.

Cpl. Wink,


F.V.R.D.E., Chertsey

F.V.R.D.E., Kirkcudbright

CoH. Hardgravc, S. Cpl. Dendy, C. J.

Cpl. Howick D. Cpl. rim, B. Tpr. Laycock, P.

. Cressy, J. . Meakin, M . Murphy, D.

R. E.

L/Cpl. Glenn, W'. L/Cpl. Le-Tiee, L. Cfn. Blackburn, R. Cin. Kay, Cfn. Lerpiniere, G. Cfn. Marriot-Lodge, Cin. Palmer, M. Cfn. Pankhurst, T. Cin. Seetree, C. Cin. Johnson, S.

J/Musn. Platt, S. M.

Oflicers’ Mess R.M.A., Sandhurst Captain A. H. G. Broughton CoH. Thompson,

J/Musn. Brammer, M.

H.Q. Penang Garrison


Captain (Q.M.) J. T. Sallis

A'iajor C.



J/Musn. Willis,

Col-I. Hunt, C. Cpl. Febbrarro, M. Tpr. Clark, I. Tpr. Hewett, R.

B. S.

. Holness, T. . Lewis, B. . Tapley, P.

Mai. M. W. Stevens S/Sgt. Glasspool, A. Cpl. Demellweek-Pooley, G.



Booth—Jones L/Cpl. Tomlinson, J.

L/Cpl. Currie, H.






[St Troop

3rd Troop

Col. R. M. F. Redgrave, M.C. Maior D. J. Daly Captain W. N. H Legge--Bourke, Adit. Captain J. W. N. Mitchell, R. S0.

Ct. D. J. Enderby CoH. Story, D. L. Cpl. Stacey, M. P. Cpl. Cooper, 1. J. L/Cpl. Brown, P. Tpr. Brewer, R.

Ct. P. T. Fletcher CoH. Hunter, J. R. Cpl. Lockett, T. Cpl. Hawley, H. L/Cpl. Meldrum, C. L/Cpl. Hay, B. J.

Lt. J. S. Olivier, 1.0. Padre A. P. Stanley. R.C.M. \V. Stringer


Page 58


‘ ‘ L/Cpl. Green, C. Tpr. Shatwell, R.

O.R.Q.M.C. Craig, E. CoH. Yates, R. Cpl. Deacon, E. L/Cpl. Hawtin, J.

. . . .

Boardman. J. K. Lindsay, I. G. Waldron, C. P. Mufi', E.

2nd Troop _

Orderly Room

Squadron H.Q.

L/Cpl. Fuller, R.

. Mulgrove, F.

School of Tank Technology —— Cornet The Hon. G. Lambert


Maior G. L. Lane Fox S.C.M. Cowdery, J. Cpl. Slawson, J.

. King, B. . Wrigley, P.

Medical Centre V.

Sur. Capt. M. Charter CoH. King, D

General Headquarters F.A.R.E.L.F. Captain


Junior Leaders’ Regiment—Trainees

L/Cpl. Anslow, R. Tpr. Austin, S lpr. Shaw, A.



Brown, R. A. Smith, S. A. McGhee, M. Andrews, P.

4th Troop

Lt. Sir. R. Mackeson CoH. Parker, D. E. Cpl. Joyce, 0. H. Cpl Rumbelow, H. \V.

L/Cpl. Collett J. E. I Tpr. Scddon,

. . . .



. . ' p . .

McMullen, D. Allen, T. Scott, C. K. Jones, P. W.


CoH. Green, R. M.

Cpl. Bell, T. L/Cpl. Collett, T. G. Tpr. Allsop, A. I. Tpr. Tallents, V. B

. Corby, L. . Fry, 1“. . Norris, A.

. Hill, D. A. . Rowley, R.


5th Troop

Cooks 3rd Troop M.[. Room

Col-1. Kersting. A. W.

L/Cpl. Bright, R. J.

. Thomas, P. W. . Willetts, Ni. G.

Cpl. Cpl. Cpl, Tpr. Tpr.

Tpr. Paul, C. S.

6th Troop L/Cpl. Martin, M. A. Fpr. Balsillie, D. Tpr. Chillingworth, K. Tpr. Cousins, . Tpr. Giles, M. J. Tpr. Holmes, A. B. Tpr. Jones, K. G. M.

. McMahon, M. P. . Pritchart‘l. R. Riley, Seddon, J. G. . Thoma, P. E. . Lowe, E.

Aucutt, G. A. NicEwan, A. L. \Vright, J. Kneen, J. E. l. Ikins, T. R.

. . . .

Harding, J. Rawsthorne, A. Yates, J. Hastings, D.

Et .HVigeount Somerton o pencer, P. D. L/Cpl. Spooner, T. G. Ei/Cplfi B’Hlallo;nn, D. A. 'lpr B. pr Hatherdll, u 0c . S.

Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. 'l‘ pr .

Squadron Ofliee . Cameron, D.

S.Q.M.C. Clarke, J. A. CoH. Deaville, J. s. Eylc Potter, F. pl. Clark. P. v.

S. G.

Tpr. Bruce,

L/Cpl. Smith, T. A.


. c1 . . c12rriiiéeJ'D. .Hood, 5. R. .H '. .




S.H.Q. Troop

L/Cpl. Challenger, J. L/Cpl. Landon, M. W Tpr. Timmis, R. \V.


5th Troop

Tpr. Butcher, J. D.

Chill-PR. W. Palmer 0-. reece, G. R. L/Cpl. McKcnna, D. li/Cpl. Calden, P. Tpr. Chessher, R. J. _lpr. Dtckson, A. l‘pr. Fisher, D.

Attached to R.E.M.E. Tpr. Brady, W. H.

Echelon S.C.M. Martin, G. E. S.Q.M.C. Martin, K. E. CoH. Feltham, R. E. Cpl. Potter, R L. L/Cpl. Mitchell, P. H. Tpr. Cartwright, R. T. Tpr. Goodwin, D. A.

Chillingworthi’ G. . Moloney, J.P . Donnelly, A. J. \V. . Shears, D. T.

. Smyth, T. J. M.

.Fidler, D. J.

Squadron ()fiiee pr. Patterson, N.


Oflieers’ Mess . Paton,


L/Cpl. Sturrnek, V. Tpr. Doeherty, J.

4th Troop L/Cpl. Margcrison, D. G.

L/Cpl. Gimson, D. G.

Major R. C. Rayner Capt. J. D. Smityh—Bingham S.Q. M. C. Handley, J. G. Cpl. Crossley, M. L/Cpl. Adams, R. L/Cpl. Clayton, J. W.

Tpr. McGuinness, Newitt, P. R. Slade, E. J. Thring, R. \Vallwork, D. J.



S.Q.M.C.s Store S.Q.M.C. Patmore, W. S.Q.M.C. Swarm, R. G Cpl. Chapman, L.

Tpr. Marl-dew, E. A. Tpr. Gallagher, J.

Tech. Stores . . . . .

Harrison M. Hutton, ’R. J. Oakley, B. G. Ratelifie, H. Talbot, D.

L.A.D. Section

Tpr. Leach,


W.O.s’ and S/N.C.O.s’ Mess Tpr. Meadows, T. R.

6th Troop S/Sgt. Parsons. J. Cpl. Chevin, N Cpl. Drummond, D. L/Cpl. Cotgrave, A. L/Cpl. Holland, A.

. Garrard, K. . Sangster, C. . Crawford, J.

Cpl. Cpl. Tpr. l‘pr. Tpr.

. Duff, L R. .Robinson, D.

Barnes, B. K. Httnter, T. Htggtns, S. D. iceton, D. Lcsh, K.


. . . .

Page, I. Parker, J. F. Scott TellordT J. Walker, L.

Cooks Cpl. Thomson, J. L. Cpl. Duke, N. L/Cpl. Timns, B. A.

. Cullington, B. A. . Priestley, W. . Smaldon, L. A.

S.H.Q. Otfieers’ Mess

Maior T. N. P. W. Burhury


(Lt. J. R. w. Palmer) S. C. M. Kitney, G J. CoH. Stephenson, A. K. Cpl. Pomroy, H. S. J. Cpl. Campton. S. G. Cpl. Butler, K. N.


lst Troop

J. A. C. G. Eyre Capt. D. V. Smiley WOII D. L. F. Godfrey-Cass CoH. Sellars, J. Cpl. Ball, E. N. M. Cpl. Dugdale, G. E. Tpr. Cooper, J. R. Tpr. Hember, J. P. M. ipr. Hewett, R. E.

Ct. G. N. van Cutum CoH. Robson, P Cpl. Coughlan, B. L/Cpl. Embree, H.

Clayton, \V. G. King, J. W. P. . Lawton, P.

L/Cpl. Pinks, M.

. Smith, T. J.

Tpr. Balls, R. J. Tpr. Baldwin, K.

. \Vhite, A. D.

. . . . . . .

Lake, M. Moore, G. Pentith, A. Slater, A. E. Shortman, J. K. \Vatson, J. Ward, C. V

L/Cpl. Corrigan, P. J. Tpr. Dewey, B C. Tpr. Pritchett, J. Tpr. Wood, M. J.

Cpl. Collinson, R. Tpr. Davidson, T. W. T.

. Parkinson, H. W. . Stevenson, D.

L.A.D., R.E.M.E.

Echelon CoH. Black, F. R. L/Cpl. Willows, M. A. Tpr. Ayre, K.

. Broadhurst, K. . Podhylski, J. F. . Smart, W.

A. Q. M. S. Jefirey, D. . Glen, W. E. . Harris, J. .Bailey, F. R. . Frier Dryden, R.

. . . .

HewisoDn, E. F. Kay A. Reynolds, J .D. \Vilson, J.

2nd Troop Echelon Ct. A. J. Nares

L/Cpl. Mucphy, G. A.

. . . .

Tpr. Bell,

. Webb,

CoH. Ellis, D. Cpl. Whitworth, Cpl. Carter, .



Bromage, C. Bentley, R Hughes, M. Lievers, R. W.


Olliers’ Mess Staff L/Cpl. Wills-Smith

. McGeoghie, D. D.

Tpr. Greany, D.


Cooks 3rd Troop ..__—_ Ct. M. R. Routledge

CoH. Kingston, J. E. Cpl. Lloyd, W. L/Cpl. Bennett, T. M. Tpr. Edwards, C. Tpr. Fortt, R. A.

. . . .

Mitchell, A. M. Sweeney, L. J. ”W. Walker, Welsh, M.

. Cook, F. P.


M.T. Department James, M. . O‘Toole, C. . Owens, R. Scarrott, J. P. . Waldron, K.

CoH. Wright, P. Cpl. Desborough, L/Cpl. Howson, L/Cpl. Burnard, Tpr. Barker, M. Tpr. Davies, R.

5th Troop Lt. D. M. Cuthhertson-Smith CoH. Greenwood, L/Cpl. Forrester, R. L/Cpl. Benstead R. Tpr. Borland, W. A. Tpr. Chaloner, G. H.

S.Q.M.C.s’ Department S.Q.M.C. Tolometti, D. R. L/Cpl. Davis, J.

4th Troop CoH. Whittington, D. Cpl. Donnelly, M. Cpl. Bateman, L/Cpl. Jones, N. Tpr. Fyles, A. .

. Mackay, D. . Moore, D. S. . Jackson, G.

Cpl. Ballard, A. Tpr. Davies, J. E Tpr. Jones, R.

W. D. F. W. J.

. Gallagher, J. . Healey, K. J.

. O’Neill, 'l‘. E. . Stewart, G. . Sweeney, K.

S.Q.N L.A.D. S/Sgt. Bacon, E. E. Cpl. Cogan, J. Cpl. Bayley, E. B. L/Cpl. McAllister, A. C. L/Cpl. Flanagan, T. M.

. Jones, K. . Oakes, \V.

. O’Neill, B. . Moody, B. H.

Commanding Officer—Lt. Col. M. A. Q. Darley Regimental Medical Officer— Surgeon/Colonel E. W. Hayward, O.B.E., F.R.C.S. Regimental Veterinary Officer— Veterinary/I.ieutenant-Coloncl P. \V. Dean, M.R.C.V.S. Squadron Leader—Maior J. N. P. \Natson. Squadron Second-in-Command—Captain J. S. Crisp. Troop Oliieer (Attending Course)—Lieutenant The Lord Fermoy. Squadron- Corporal- Major—S. C. M. Kidman, J . F. Squadron- Quartermastcr— Corporal—H/S. Q. M. C. Cooper, J. C. W.

. Dean, D. . Hewie, R. . Quinnell, J. . Reid, J. E.

lst Troop Cornet R. A. Campbell CoH. O’Dell, D. St. J. CoH. Jamieson, M. S. A/L/Cpl. Moody, B. W. A/L/Cpl. Barr, M. H. L/Cpl. Kettley, B. L/Cpl. Howells, D. P. L/Cpl. Marshall, J. Tpr. Astle, P. A. Tpr. Baker, N. C. Tpr. Clarke, A. Tpr. De Burgh, R. D.

‘ '

. . . . . . . . . . .

Fox, G. Grace, R. M. Hammersley. \V. E. Rogers, B. J. Sammons, T. A. Scott, G. P. Shillaheer, M. A. Smith, R. H. Twinn, M. J. Wigley, M. C. Winstonc, B. C.

Recruits Tpr. Aylen, P. S. V. Tpr. Bird, P. Tpr. Cook, 1’. R.

. McGregor, D. . Moran, K. T. . Oliver, S.

Recruits Tpr. Johnson, D. Tpr. McWilliams, J. S.

. Woodward, D. J.

3rd Troop Cornet R. C. Wilkinson CoH. Jackson, E. CoH. Doxey, A. Cpl. Smith, G. L/Cpl. MacGregor, P. D. L/Cpl. Corker, G. A. L/Cpl. Bellas, E. N. Tpr. Ball, W J Tpr. Hankin, i. Tpr. Henderson, C. P. Tpr. Holliday, E. J.

. Redden, T. J. . Roberts, P. J. . Sweeney, “7. L. . Thomson, J. . Urquart, M. S. . Walden, R. . Waldron, R. V. . Waterman, D. P. . Winterburn, P. K. .Woods, M. R

Recruits Tpr. Roberts,


. Stead,


Remount Troop L/COH. Edwards, i. A/L/Cpl. Hopper, R. L. “Y. Tpr. Austin, J M. Tpr. Drogomireeki, J.

Jones, R. E. . Lloyd, R. . Michell, B. . Paterson, A. M.

Orderlies 2nd Troop \c'

SQUADRON 2nd Troop

lst Troop —.—

Ct. S. M. Corbett Ct. H. G. C. B. Stueley

Cpl. Hill, J. L/Cpl. WestonM, B. .A. L/Cpl. Villers, L. Tpr. Callaghan, M. N.

Tpr. Day, D. Tpr. Feldwick, N. L. Tpr. Willis, D. B.

Cpl. Burton Johnson, Cpl. Davey, P


L/Cpl. Williams, A. N. r. M. Tpr. Allison, P Tpr. Liddell, J.


. . . .

Preece, R. B. Sayer, C. J. Shaw, A. Watson, J. D.

[.ieut. C. J. Simpson Gee CoH. Tribe, K. E. LoH. Ward, P. C. Cpl. Marsh, K. A/Cpl. Warren, \V. J. L/Cpl. Main, M. J. [/Cpl. Rackeliff, H. D. [/.Cpl Sherwood, E. R. Tpr. Appleby, S. J. Tpr.Bou1ton, A. Tpr. Brewis, J. Tpr. Cox, B. R. Tpr. Dufl'y, G.

' '


. . . . . . . . . . . .

Lemon, D. MaeFarren. S. Maskcll, W. A MG. Minto. W. M. Purcell, M. G. Ritson, R. Rowland, G. J. Shaw. S. M. Smith, B. Stokes, M. J. Strevens. B. Tilling, E. A.

L/Cpl. Cooney, P. A. A/L/Cpl. idle, B. M. Tpr. Barnes, C. J. Tpr. Calcraft, B. Tpr. Chanell, D. J. Tpr. Gratton, A. E.

.Harris,K D. F. . luby,K . Payne, L. R. .Stratiord, J. \V. \.Valker, K. L

Cooks A/S.Q.M.C. Underwood, J. R. Cpl. \Villiams, W. P. A/Cpl. Mitchell, D. C. L/Cpl. Deegan, P. \V. Tpr. Bell, C.

. . . .

Cridge, M. T. Keenleyside, P. J. Pyke, B. . Thomas, 1. D..

Page 61

Page 60

Equitation Wing

Orderly Room

—— S.C.M. Allcock, H. E. F/L/Cpl. Dawson V. C.

. Harvey, A. . Jones R. S.

Tpr. Buoy, P. M.’

. Nisbe’r, R. J.

0.R.Q.M.C. Hoggarth, R.

Tpr. McDonald,





A/Cpl. Mills, M.

A/L/Cpl. Goater, M. H. Tpr. Forester, R. W. I'pr. Goodwin, R. N.

. Keenan, C. M. . Lewis, M. . Stevens, R. A.

‘pr. Pleasance, R. w.

M.l. Room L/Cpl. Mapley,

L. G.

Farriers Saddler’s Shop F.Q.M.C. Woodman, E. J. A/F/L/Cpl. Smith P. F.

F/L/Cpl. Crabb, B. Farr. Benti . H. W

F/L/Cpl. wt1kinso’n, D. w.

CoH. Missenden, C. G. l’. C.

“3 Butcher’s Shop

M.T. L/Cpl. Pallng, M. c. CoH. Newman, R. A. A/Cpl. Tulip, R. A. Tpr. Kostromin, W. B.

Tpr. Staveley, T. N. l'pr. Wakeman, D.

Refimental Barber

A/Cpl. Fisher, J. E. P. Oflicers’ Mess S.Q.M.C. Giles, R. R. Cpl. Bradley, A.

L/Cpl. Sloan, M. Tpr. Jones, P

Forage N.C.O.


A/L/Cpl. Atherall, A.


Regimental Police

Riding School Orderly A/S...QM.C Humphreys. G. O. A/Cpl. Shefiield, J. V. C.

. Grimes, G. W. . Peniington, l’.

pr. Charlton,

W.0.s’ and N.C.0.s’ Moss

T. W.

Ration Storeman

Tpr. Harrison, C. H. Tpr. Kempson, R. C.

Tpr. Kent, D.

Tpr. Bower, J. S. D.

2 LC. Recruits


A/L/Cpl. Patterson, M. A. CoH. Thomas, E. R.

. Baughan, H. A.

Tailor’s Shop

Riding Instructors ._...—

A/S.Q.M.C. Varley, A/S.C.M. Ferric, R.

A/Cpl. Thompson,





Armourer’s Assistant

Squadron Otfice —— L/Cpl. Greene, B.


Tpr. Henderson, P.

Tpr. Warrington, R. A.


Course at Melton Mowbray

Squadron Stores L/Cpl. Grimths, D. M.

Tpr. Kay,

L/Cpl. Stubley, I.


Carpenter’s Shop

General Duties

L/Cpl. Mansfield, R.

Tpr. Pratt, D. W.

Tpr. Aldls, B. K.

Tpr. Youngson, W. G.

THE BAND Director of Music—Captain E. W. Jeanes, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., p.s.m.

L/Cpl. Dodson, S.FR. L/Cpl. Evans, K. . E. Mus. Firth, Mus. Gabriel, W. F. Mus. Gaehe, R. F.

Mus. Hodgson, C. W. Mus. Lodge, J. M. Mus. Mansfield, R. A. L/COH. Middleton, R.

Mus. Morris, D. R.

Mus. Sowter, R. C.

Mus. Brown, M. R.

Mus. Gee, C. W.

Mus. Bullock, E. W. L/Cpl. Commins, T. N. CoH. Croft, D. L/Cpl. Dane, T. G. Mus. Daniels, D. J. Mus. Davies, A. l’.

Mus. Gray, H L/CoH. Hamniill, I’. \V. Mus. Hawkins, J Mus. Hayne, W. G. L/Cpl. Higgins, N. J. Mus. Hill, G. R.

Mus. O’Donnell, D. T. Mus. Orritt, C. J. L/Cpl. Palmer, N. N.

L/Cpl. Todd, R. J. CoH. Watson, A. S. Mus. Watts, S. A.

H/S.Q.M.C. Andrews, C. L/CoH. Battine, P. L/Cpl. Blogg, G. C. C..M Braxton, W. H. L/Cpl. Briggs, E. G.



Hoidees CoH. Allanson, W.

CoH. Chudleigh, J. F. A/CDH. Cryan, MH—Spec Recruiter, Darlington. R.Q. M..C Cummings, O. T. SWQM C. Frearson, C. W.—Recruiting Ofl‘ice, Windsor. SQ..M C. Green, B. C.—Spec. Recruiter, Forest Gate Col-i. Hague. M.—Spec Recruiter, Bradtord Tpr. Hewitt, M. H. C.—Ordcrly H.C...,TS l’irbright. CoH. Hill, W. GH—Spec Recruiter, Bristol. S.Q.M.C. James, R. E.—Spec. Rear-utter, Leeds. S.Q.M.C. Keyworth, L.

COH. Laws.

Page 62

L/Cp1.Riddell, G. L/Cpl. Sedgewick,B.M K. Mus. Sellors, R. L/CoH. Simms, W. H.

Mus. Parker, R. G.

Mus. Whennell, R. A.

Mus. Pattison, R. L/Cpl. Renton, F. A.

L/Cpl. Wilson, P. A. Mus. Wise, 1’. W. J.

L/CoH. Lawson, l’. B.-—.Spec Recruiter, Liverpool. L/CoH. MacDougall, W. R.—Spec. Recruiter, Edinburgh. CoH. Mallinson, P.—Spee. Recruiter, Wolverhampton. CoH. McNinley, T Tpr. Murray, M. J. S.—Recruiting Office, Windsor. A/CoH. Oliver, J. A.—Spec. Recruiter, Stoke-on-Trcnt. Tpr. Parsons, A.—Co11rse, Kneller Hall.

S.Q.M.C. Phillips, W. A/S.Q.M.C. Quiney, A. CoH. Robinson, V. CoH. Sampson, W. H. J.—Spec. Recruiter, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. A/CoH. Scott, C. M.—.Spec Recruiter, Bourenmouth. CoH. Spencer, J. G.—Spec. Recruiter, Wembley. 'l‘pr. Stephenson, W.

A/Cpl. Williams, W. J.—M.’l'., Windsor.

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