The eagle royal dragoons bound books the eagle 1907 compressed

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at “‘91 «A Monthly Chronicleo


PAGES Annual Regimental Dinner Austflam Cavahy Berlin, First Impressions of Chicket H Cavalry Spiiit, The .. De Lisle Swm (1 Competition, The Uespatch Hiding Detachment Lettei Dismounled Action Esprfi3de(Jorps H Famous Leaders of Cavalry Footbafl FarewellConcert Historical Record Hocliey Hans Joachim von Zieten Int1oducfi0n Indian Polo Journey,A Kadn‘Uup,1907,The Kashunr,lmfwesyonsof Lucknow

Monthly Notes . . M0de1n Roanflus, A U Musketly , MisceHaneousItems Map Re1d1ng Major John Lee NMniTalNews . Pig- Sticking in Kheri Polo Revimental Athletic Club “ Cowageflomes “ LHrcus . .. “ " Minto F‘éte .1 Dramatic Club ' (}azette . “ Hounds Remount 'l‘raining R. S. M Thompson . .1 Royam Bandim.K.S L.L Band Scoumng Servant Question, The Shoomng .. “ in Kumaon.. “ T1ip1n the Himalayas,A . Srnoking Concelt .. Soldie1ing111 India .. South Africa, lb99——1902 South African Letters Sportman’s Paradise, A St Pamficks Ban SubS(V1ipfions Recmved Tent Pegging White Man 5 Countly, A

69 146 .. .. 124 18,32,53,78,97,114,l31,168 .. .. 73 16 105 108,129 109 52 .. 11,45 19,34,115,132,116,169 .. . . 131 3,23,42,64,65,103,118,138,154 19,35,55,98,114,132,147,169 .. .. 111 1 161 75 5 47 121 141,157 1, 21, 39, 59, 83, 101 117,135,151 . 14 32,53, 77, 97,113,130 146,168 56 143 145 147 27 163 17,129 8,37,55,89 165 9 __ .. 166 20,35,56,81,98,115.33 119,169 88 146 148 12, 29, 50, 67


92, 125

9 49 70 148 30 .. 90 128, 142, 159 83 17 116,133,149,150 20 26

(She Eagle. MONDAY, APRIL 15TH, 1907.

INTRODUCTIONll‘or the first time in the history of The Royal Dragoons, the regiment is serving in India, far from their friends who depend on letters for news of those in whom they are interested. In instituting a regimental paper, we hope to supply a long-felt want by placing in the hands of subscribers a budget of news which can be sent (at the cost of a half-penny stamp) to friends at home, thus supplementing, and sometimes taking, the place of the weekly or less frequent letter. Few regiments have so large a circle of friends as The Royal Dragoons. Many of these, though they have no longer the personal interest of a relation or friend still serving in the regiment, have not ceased on this account to feel a deep interest in the

31d corps.

To these The Eagle will be a

great boon, and will strengthen the links of affection which time and distance must always tend to strain. We may confidently expect that the monthly record of the events which take place in connection with the Royal Dragoons, will assist materially in bringing into closer touch past officers and men who have served in the regiment, and especially those who, having the honour at this time to be borne on the rolls, are striving to carry on its glorious traditions and to maintain the high tone for which it has ever been distinguished. Another feature of this paper will be that it is essentiallya regimental publication. A printing press was provided a year ago with the object of inducing eflicient soldiers of good character to learna useful trade. The Eagle will now be printed in this press, and

N0. 1

will afford a larger number of men the opportunity of acquiring the necessary knowledge of press work, to ensure certain employment» on their return to civil life. Well educated men will be encouraged


write articles,

such work being remunerated, and it- is hoped that The Eagle will develop into an educating influence for all ranks, as well as a means of consolidating the ideas of every one con» nected with the Regiment into the all important and all-powerful esprit de corps, that

love of the Regiment which kindles in every heart a ready desire to maintain the honour of The RoyalDragoons.

MONTHLY NOTESA reference to our introduction will show the aim and object with which this paper has been instituted. To ensure its success, it is hoped that all ranks will co-operate in giving assistance by sending in articles as often as possible. Copy of every description, such as may concern the Regiment and those who belong to it, will be welcome, and every consideration shown to such matter. We would further appeal to old officers of the regiment at home, and also to all others who may be in any way connected with The Royal Dragoons. We hope they will render us every assistance, both by becoming subscribers and by contributing matter which may be of interest. All such news from home will be most acceptable. For intending subscribers, a print-ed form will be found at the end of the number, which should be filled

up and returned to the Editor as soon as possible.






Captain H. D. McNeile, Lieutenant W. H.

to begin on April 15th, but officers proceed»

St. L Atkinson and eighty N.-C. 0’s and men,

ing home have already left us. Mrs. DeLisle left India 011 March i6th followed by Captain

including S. S. M. Wallis and Sergeants Lawrence and Munns, left for Naini Tal recently, where they will spend the summer months. Altogether, accommodation for one hundred has been allotted to the Regiment, :and the remaining twenty will be made up of sick and in r lough men. This is our first year in Naini, and r-e hope our detachment will have a pleasant time and return to Lucknow in October next much benefited by the change.

Naini ’l‘al is a charming summer resort, situated in a basin on the lower ranges of the Himalayas, some 800 miles north-west of Lucknow, amidst magnificent scenery. The facilities for recreation are probably unequalled anywhere else in the hills, as, in addition to good rowing, yachting and fishing, a spacious sports gr ound—the Flats—admits of polo, hockey, cricket and football. There is an excellent range for traget-shooting, and the neighbouring leruiofl’ers perhaps the finest shooting in lndia.

We llaYG to congratulate Major G F. Steele on having passed successfully the examin— ation for Q II held at Lucknow last month.

In the Opening fights in the Secunderabad Boxing competition now in progress, welearn that Corporal Strath, Royal Dragoons, lost to Private Bolland, Cameronians. The Pioneer describes it as the best contested bout of the evening, and speaks in eulogistic terms of the plucky battle put up by Strath. We extend our sympathy to him, and wish him better

luck next time.

and Mrs. Hon’ble A. Hamilton-Russell a week later. We hear this couple propose to spend some weeks motorng in Italy, and we hOpe

Captain Russell will soon recover from the severe attack of malignant malaria he caught when shooting in the Central India Jungles. Lieutenant Lambert left on March 16th, and this last mail conveyed to England Lieutenant C. R. 'l‘idswell, Lieutenant A. H. D Chapman, Lieutenant A. C. .Charrington and 2nd-Lieutenant R. Houstoun, who are visiting their friends for the first time since they left homo three years ago.

The article on scouting, by Major Steele,

aportion of which we publish this month, should be read by all; as not only is it of considerable help to embryo scouts, in setting forth so clearly the essentials of ‘the great game,’ but, by its frequent reference to the

men who have built up for themselves such mighty reputations in this particular profession, and the many interesting anecdotes in connection with their careers,

it must, we

feel sure, prove of equal interest to o.hers.

The very readable accounts of the de Lisle

Sword competition, and the Sergeants' St. A historical record of the Regiment since

its formation must naturally be of very great interest to our readers, and we propose to reproduce, in serial form, tile excellently written volume by General DeAinslie, one time Colonel-in-Chief of the Royals. Theintroduction and part of the Opening chapter will be found in the present issue. The idea of providing a regimental house for the Royal Dragoons in some suitable locality in England was mooted last autumn, and has been universally received by all ranks mostfavourably. It is hoped that two cottages will be built

and endowed.

One of these will be in memory

of our comrades who fell during the late war in >outh Africa, and the other will be a memorial to those Whom we leave in Indian soil during our present foreign tour.

Thehomes will be occupied by deserving soldiers of the Regiment, disabled on service

or elsewhere.

They will also contain spare

rooms in which old “Royals” may find a

Already the hot weather is making itself

temporary shelter while seeking for employ‘ ment. These homes should prove an im~

felt, and we are beginning to feel the want of

mense boon to many, as well as being a Regh


mental Memorial.

The furlough season is supposed

fully with this scheme will be found elsewherein this issue.

An article dealing more

Patrick’s Ball, which appear in this edition, were published in the Indian Daily Telegraph of the 15th and 16th of March respectively, and we reproduce them word for word.



OF ITS SUBSEQUENT SERVICES To THE PRESENT TIME. “ SPECTEMUR AGENDO " is a. proud motto, anda bold : it is one nevertheless which I believe all who may read the following pages, in which it is proposed to relate the long, historic, and eminent service of one of the inest distinguished regiments in the British army, will admit, may be borne “The First ” or “The Royal Regiment of Dragoons” with equal pride in the Past and confidence in the Future. Since the origin of the corps in 1661 to the present day, “The Royal Dragoons " have, during this long period, invariably upheld the honor of their c0untry and the character of V the service to which they belong upon many


EAGLE trying and memorable occasions, and


exhibited in a striking degree the great military virtues of Loyalty to their Sovereign, steady unswerving discipline, efficiency, and that determined valour which is in truth the rarely failing characteristic of the British soldier. In their annals will be found not only the records of their military and continental achievements, but also Of those various and Often difficult services in which they have been employed at home, in all which circum» stances they have discharged their important duties with temper, forbearance, and firmness; in times of trouble and danger, the Royal Regiment of Dragoons has been one of the first to be brought to the immediate vicinity of the Sovereign, as a protection to his person and a support to the Government. From 1664: to 1680 the capabilities and valour of the Royal Dragoons were first tried in their severe conflicts with the Moors in Africa. Later on, in 1688, at Sedgemoor, in routing the insurgent bands of the Duke of Mon— mouth; in forcing the passage of the Boyne under King William III. in 1690; and in subsequent detached operations in Ireland in 1691. From 1694 to 1697 they served with credit against the armies of Louis XIV. in the Netherlands, and in 1702-3 under the great Duke of Marlborough on the frontiers of Holland. They made the campaigns in Spain of 17056 under the Earl of Peterbor0ugh, and shared in the glories of Almanara 0n the 27th of July, and Saragossa on the 20th of August, 1711‘. During the disturbances in Scotland in the years .718 and 1719, the regiment was

actively employed, and in the war in Germany in 1742-45 they highly distinguished themselves at the battle of Dettingen under the eyes of King George 11., taking there the standard of the French " Mousquetaires


They were also engaged at. Fon—

4 tenoy.

THE From 1760 to 1763 they were again

in Germany, and behaved with equal gallantry




at Warbourg on the Slst of July, 1760. We find the Royal Dragoons once more in

supplied material of the best description, which required to be organised and placed upon a permanent footing ; since which early


period of this history the conduct of the

Formation of the Regiment.

British troops, their valour, and efficiency have been notorious, it may be truly said, in every quarter of the globe. Confining ourselves, however, to the Caval— ry, it consisted originally of the Life Guards, of Horse, and subsequently of some corps of Dragoons, which latter were troops supposed to combine the advantages of serving either on foot or horseback, with which object they were equipped rather as infantry, mounted upOn a smaller description of horses. (To be contended.)



certainly ayoung Hussar, whom we met on our way from the station, returning thither

to look for the baggage of his fond relations which had all been lost the previous day, was

Flanders in 1794 with the army under H. R. H. the Duke of York, and afterwards, through-~out the long and arduous contest in the Peninsula, with the legions of Napoleon. They acquired additional reputation from 1810 to 181-1, during which years they were constantly, and often particularly engaged, and notably in the month of September, 1810, in covering the retreat of the allied army from Busaco to the celebrated lines of Torres

Vedras : at Fuentes d'Ouor on the 8th of May, 1811, and at the brilliant affair at Gallegos on the 6th of June ensuing; throughout the constant and harassing service in Spanish Estremadura in 1812; in a spirited affair on the 26th of May, 1813, near Salamanca; and throughout the operations consequent upon the battles of Vittoria and Toulouse, until the final close of the Peninsular War in 1814.

The conduct of the Royal Regiment- of Dragoons during the short but transcendent ampaign of 1815 in the Netherlands, ending in the closing triumphs of Waterloo, in which

they captured one of the two “Eagles " taken that day, is written in characters which can

perish but with the world itself, and the part lately taken by the small detachment of the corps employed in the operations in Egypt in 1884-85, is worthy of its reputation. In concluding these preliminary observations, and in leaving the further continuance of the story of this ancient and illustrious

regiment to future, and I hope abler, hands, it may be permitted me, 1 trust, to express my earnest pride and gratification to have so long been identified with the noble corps at whose head, by Her Majesty’s gracious favour, I have for many years been placed.

CHAS. P. DE AINSLIE, GENL., Colonel of the Royal Regiment of Dragoons.

In compliance, therefore, with His Majes» ty’s order of lst January, 1836, the records of the several regiments of the army were undertaken by Mr. Richard Cannon, princi»

pal clerk of the Adjutant-General’s office, under the direction of the Adjutant-General ; and it must he admitted that in their own

pilation and arrangement great intelligence and general accuracy are conspicuous; and from them, it will be seensin the following narrative, large extracts have been made. These records, however, are frequently meagre and insufficient :and, moreover, since

their publication a very long period has gone by, during which a variety of events have occurred materially affecting the circum» stances of the army ; it is hoped that in the history now presented of the services and fortunes of a corps so ancient and of such historical interest as the Royal Regiment of Dragoons, the existing deficiencies may be found in a great degree made up, and the

story carried on with some success to the present date. It is not intended to enter too deeply into the original nature of the regular forces. or standing army, of Great Britain; but before arriving at the particular account of the Royal Dragoons, it is necessary briefly to introduce the subject by recapitulating that on the restoration of the Monarchy, in 1660, one of the

earliest cares of the ministers of King Charles 11., was the formation and consolidationofa standing army, upon which the Government and the country might in future times with confidence rely. The veteran, well disciplined soldiers, whother Cavaliers or Parliamentarians, who had fought through the struggles of the Civil War -. and under the Protectorate of Cromwell,

THE KADIR CUP, 1907. Our five representatives left Lucknow on the evening of Saturday, March 23rd, for

=Gajraolu station, their hopes of success running high, for amongst the horses which had gone on the previous night, were there not two former Cup winners, ‘Bobs’ (i906) and ‘ Barmaid ’

(1905) and ‘Echo " who, with his

owner up, ran into last year ’s final as well as ‘ Cocos ’ of Hog-Hunter’s Cup fame ‘? Dawn found us shunted intoa siding at Gajraola, and after a meal at the Hogs Head Arms (not

a real pub., but a tent erected at the roadside by the foresight of the M. T. C.) a thirteenmile hack by laztcha. road brought us to Sherpur, Where the Meerut Tent Club has, for the last forty years, run ofi' the Blue Ribbon of Pigsticking. The tents of the sixty-five competitors were pitched in - a large and shady bagh, where we were ’ , greeted and made to feel really welcome by the Honorary Secretary, Captain Vil_a_1§lggp,f R. H. A. About a mile away was the Ladies’ Bagh, where those of the fair sex who had come to see their male belongings perform, were housed; opinion is divided as to the de-

, sirability of ladies’ presence at the Kadir, and

not enthusiastic about it.

However, theladies

all came over to our camp for dinner, which

was enlivened by the strains of a Native Cavalry Band which played “ Drink, puppy drink,” and other sporting airs. After dinner the heats for the first round were drawn and read out amidst breathless excitement, which was somewhat cooled by the Honorary Secretary announcing that breakfast next morning would be at 6-30 A.M. The line was due to start at 7—30, about ll; miles from camp, and for the benefit of the uninitiated, perhaps abrief description of the way this triumph of organisation is managed would be desirable. First there is aline of some 200 heaters, sections of which are controlled by shikaris on camels, the whole being under the watchful eye of the Honorary Sec» retary armed with a whistle and a green flag. In the centre and at either flank ride the three heats “ on the line," each in charge of a watchful umpire, ready to put them on to a pig and give the word “ Ride" as soon as a rideable one is put up. Behind the centre heat is the signal elephant which, as soon as you have mastered the very simple means of signalling, tells you by its masts and flags exactly what beats are on the line, who won the last heat, and what heats are to be ready to take their place on the line next(tliese latter ride in rear of the signal elephant). Then comes a line of some fifty elephants carrying the competitors and spectators, thus forming a moving grand stand, and in rear of these again, there is a mixed crowd of spare horses, syces, etc. The country itselfconsists mostly of light “jhow ” and thick, but not long grass; in most places it is good galloping ground, though a percentage

of falls is of course unavoidable ; nearly every heat could be distinctly followed with glasses from the elephants, while in some cases, when apig broke back, they were actually decided




right in amongst them. The line started about 8 A.M., and during the first hour, owing

Mr. Bromilow (14th Lancers), ‘ Battle-axe’

to the country being rather thick and the pig difficult to follow, no heat was decided, though several had been let go only to lose their

The heat put at once on to a small jinking

quarry. However, as soon as a start was made, and pig became more plentiful, all but four of the 29 heats (113 horses) in the first round were got through before eventide. As probably, an account of every heat would not be of interest to our readers, I will quote extracts from the Pioneer concerning those heats only, in

ran back


sow. Bromilow and Guest did most of the riding till the latter took a toss. Bromilow went on and speared, Guest coming up again at that moment. Mr. Atkinson (R. D.), ‘Echo‘ (winner). Raja Tepal Singh, ‘No. l.’ Kunwar Bari Raj Singh, ‘Poglet.'

Mr. Luxmoore (R. A. M. C), ‘George.’ 11th Heat:

ing ; but, oh lplease, M r. Editor of the Pioneer, if this should catch your eye. do ‘emember in future, that we are not Royal Dragoon Guards, as your correspondent insists on call-

ing us in his graphic and otherwise skilful account.

1ST ROUND, lsT NOMINATIONS 4th Heat .Mr. Miles (R. D.), ‘Bobs,'

Mr. Norton (R. F. A), ‘Teetotaller.’ Mr. Scott (Remount Dept), ‘ Rancea’ (winner).

Mr Lynch Staunton (R. H. A.) ‘Jumbo.’

“ jhow,”

a sow—At-

kinson had a bad start and the doctor was after her like a knife. But Atkinson coming up behind, beguiled her to the point of his own spear ! The Pioneer correspondent omits to mention that in this heat one of the native potentates had reached such a pitch of reckless daring through artificial means that our Mr. Atkin— son narrowly escaped receiving the lst spear in the small of his back instead of delivering it himself, further trouble being luckily prevented by the offender rolling off his horse, and next day he was requested to return to his country seat.

At the first effort by this heat Scott fell in a nullah and his horse went away


swimming the Ganges, the remainder losing

19th Heat :

the pig. Afterwards a good run over fair going, anyhody’s pig becoming Scott’s, whose horse had been brought back.

Capt. Walker (XVth Hussars), ‘Sunbeam.’ Mr. Luxmoore (R. A. M. C.), ‘ Morengo.’ Capt. Hon. H. Guest (R. D.), ‘Rohallion.’ Mr. Atkinson (R. D.), ‘Gardener’ (winner). A very nice boar was put up to the right of the line. The heat got off at once, but losing him twice, were again put on. A long run, over rough country and the spear to Atkin-

8th Heat :

Capt. Learmonth (XVth HussarS), ‘Mutiny.' Capt. Godman (R. D.), 'Burton. ‘

Mr. Higgin (R. H. A ), ‘Steelpan. ' Mr. Irwin (R D.), ‘Sammy‘ (winner). Along andjinking hunt with some minor bumps after a small pig. Everyone had a turn, but Irwin took the biggest. 10th. Heat: Capt. Hon. H. Guest (R. D. ), ‘Kitty. ’ Mr. Chambers (R. F. A.), ‘Escutcheon.’

Mr. Godman (XVth Hussars), ‘ Jaipur.’

the line of fled horses.

“jhow’ country, and spear.


took first

26th Heal .-


Mr. Mollrayne (17th Lancers) ‘Contention.’ Capt. Fletcher (17th Lancers), ‘ Solan.‘ which Vaughan rode all the way, and was on the point of spearing when he took to the river, which looked shallow enough. This, however, was not the case, and all the heat followil'iglmd to swim for it. Vaughan and McBrayne succeeded in crossing, but the pig had meanwhile disappeared and the urnpire giving ‘no heat,’ No.

26 returned to the

line to smk another pig, feeling very wet and (cold, and havingr left two spears and three stirrup leathers at the bottom of the Ganges. The, heat was decided next morning, being let go after a. long wait on a small pig which to 1k refuge amoizgst the elephants and led horses. Vaughan obtained spear though Fletcher speared pig first in near hock. but failed to show blood ‘28fh Hmt : Capt Godman (R. D ), ‘ Dick ’

Mr. Muir (XVth Hussars), ‘ Mark Over’ (winner) Mr. Sopper (17th Lancers), ‘ Roundliug.‘ Mr. Pete (10th Hussars), ‘Stockman.‘ Heat on line for several hours, but couldn’t get away Next morning they were let go after small pig on open maidan which, after several jinks amongst the heaters, was spear-

son. ed by Muir.

28rd Heat : Mr. Miles (R. D.), ‘ Barmaid’ (winner). Mr. Colledge, ‘Dundee.’ Mr. Gillies (lst Lancers), ‘Ardlai.’ Mr. Lynch Staunton (R. H A.), ‘Evil.’ A very bad start after a small sow which.

Mr. Muir (XVth Hussars), ‘ Marhove,’ A fast run after a small pig. Carden got a good start and speared without giving others a look in. 3rd Heat :

Mr. Irwin (R. D.), ‘Wandering Willie.’ Major Vaughan (10th [-Iussars), ‘Vedette’

This heat was sent away after a fast boar

which our own representatives were performA short run in heavy


Miles rode him all the way through a nasty


2ND ROUND (TUESDAY, 26TH MARCH). lst Beat .Capt Carden(17th Lancers) ‘Ugly’(winner).

Mr. Irwin (R. D.), ‘Sammy.’

Mr. Miles (R. D.), ‘ Barmaid’ (winner). Mr. Gillies (lst Lancers), ‘Loch Lomond.’ Capt. Forsyth (R. F. A.), ‘Pom‘Pom.’ Medium pig, fast run, good going. ‘Bar. maid ’ took possession of pig and never left it till her master speared. 4% Heat :

Mr. Atkinson (R. D), ‘Echo.’ Capt. Carden (.7th Lancers), ‘ Butcher“ (winner). Mr. Fawnthorpe (0.8.), ‘Marquis.’ Garden got well away, but, in spearing, missed pig and left his spear in ground, At— kinson got on. but the former circling round regathered his spear and returned to the fray with success. 7th Heat : Mr. Atkinson (R D), ‘Gardener.’ Capt. Hewlett (C. I. H) 'Harum Scarum’ (winner).

Mr. Scott (Rmt. Dpt.), ‘Ranee.’ A slow pig which Hewlett speared at once, Atkinson going on to kill, fell, and pig badly wounded, disappeared in thick ‘jhow.’ SEMI-FINALS


27TH MARCH). 3rd Heat- : Capt. Carden (.Tth Lancers), ‘Ugly’ (winner). Mr. Miles (R. D.), ‘ Barmaid.’ Major Nicholls (.Tth Lancers), ‘ Dingo.’ Miles, our last hope, did all the riding in a fast run aftera good pig and was most unlucky in not spearing, the spear falling to Garden ; so all chance of a Royal Dragoon bringing the Kadir Cup of 1907 back to Lucknow was at an end. However, let us hope for better luck next year, when Miles,


T H Fg


mounted as he is, and with more experience, ought to go very near. FINAL. Major Vaughan (10th Hussars), ‘ Vedette,‘ (winner),

Major Sir J. Milbanke, v. 0. (10th Elus-

no memorial to our comrades who died in: South Africa, and a general feeling in the Regiment that we should do so, culminated; in December last, when we settled that our memorial should take the form of a Cottage Home in England, to which old and deserving soldiers could be sent, and to which any man

sars), ‘ Shagaan.’ Capt. Garden (l7th Lancers), ‘ Ugly.‘

of the Regiment could go if in need of a temporary home, either on discharge or on

A fast, straight run in full View of the spectators, Garden and Vaughan both had a


chance, and latter succeeded in spearing, thus

and forwarded to our Colonel-in-Chief, who not only approved of the scheme and graciously consented to be the patron of the Home, but also proved the great interest. which he takes in his Regiment by heading the list of subscribers with a gift of £150. In addition to this we have also collected. the following amounts :—

adding the Kadir Cup to the Inter-Regiment al which he was mainly responsible in winning for his Regiment. In the afternoon, after the Final, the two ‘Point-to-Point’ Races, ‘ The Hog-Hunter’s Cup’ and the ‘ Pony Hog-Hunter’s Cup’ were run off. The horse-race was over four miles of fair pigsticking country, the competitors being simply told the general direction, and in-

structed to ride until they saw the winningpost marked by two large white screens stretched on tall poles. There were 21 starters, our representatives

being Mr. Irwin’s “Wandering Willie," Mr. Miles‘ “ Cocos '" and Mr. Atkinson’s “Echo,” all with owners up, the two former were placed respectively 4th and 6th by the judge, the race being won by Mr. Bromilow’s (14th

B. L.) “Battle-axe."

An appeal for donations was then drafted

From the Officers, W. O’s, Rs. N.-C. 0’s and men .. 2,140 From the Circus performance, February 21st .. .. 660 From the Concert on Marc





Total Rs. 3,000: £200

had the misfortune to fall early in the race and break his collar-bone; the winner being Mr. de Gale’s (5th Cavalry) “ Joan.”

ary Secretary, and any letters on the subject should be addressed to him “ Care of Regimental Homes and Benefits Agency, ll, Tothill—street, Westminster, London.” General Russel has kindly consented to choose a committee in conjunction with Captain Hardwick, to make all necessary arrange—

Captain P. E. Hardwick is acting as Honor-

ments and to settle minor details regarding the Home, but the Regiment will always have the right of settling any important matter which may arise.


cellent kennel huntsman in Private Holmes: of “A ” Squadron, to whom the greatest credit is due for the splendid condition of thehounds all through the season.


who gave us eight couple of fox-hounds and with our young entry of country—breds (three

The musketry year has just commenced, and in spite of the very marked progress made of late in this particular part of a soldier’s training, we hope for still better results this year. The Cup presented by Major G. F. Steele should produce an even keener competition than the two previous years have seen. “B” Squadron have captured this splendid trophy on both occasions, with

couple), we are able to start this season with

“ D " Squadron each time in the second place-

dog was taken on the strength, provided he could hunt either from “ View ” 0r “ scent." Manya good hunt was enjoyed with this pack, but we all longed to hear the “ music ” of a pack of fox-hounds again.

Through the kindness of friends at home,

a total of eleven couple and two terriers, and although the season has been a hard one, hunting three days a week regularly, only one hound was lost—killed by a train—and we finished up the season on March 27th with 10:} couple out—all keen and fit. At first we used to hunt in the afternoons, but when the sun is strong, scent is rarely good enough. In spite of this, two excellent hunts were enjoyed in the evenings—one on X’mas day, from Aliganj t0 Chinhut, which on the further side of the Gumti, near the Fyzabad Railway. Latterly, we had many good gallops in the early morning—meeting about 6 A.M., while the dewis still on the ground and when there is nearly always a good scent. There are two great disadvantages to hunt ing from Lucknow—firstly, the number of earths, and secondly, the great quantity of

collected before our appeal is even in print.

Up to this time we have erected

Atkinson and Houstoun). They “ Bobbery ” pack, consisting of dogs, two terriers, a few foxthe remainder pi dogs, in fact any

Gore, late of the Regiment, and a promise of £100 from the friends of one of the men who died from the efiects of South Africa.

In the pony race, which was two miles over


man, Miles, were then a three long hounds, and

has been described in the Field, and another

practically the same course, Mr. Atkinson on “ Sunette " was our only hope; be however,

I think that in our first number a few words will not be out of place on the subject of our latest scheme, “The Memorial Cottage

This pack was started in 1904 by the mem-

bers of the “ Red Bungalow ” (Messrs. Chap-

Also a donation of £50 from Sir Ralph

This makes up atotal of £500, practically





The former we hope to overcome

next year by better earth-stopping, but the latter cannot be avoided.

The ‘ Spoon shoots ’ in connection with the

Sergeants’ Mess Rifle Club are very popular and afford some excellent afternoons’ sport. Silver spoons, engraved with the


arms, are awarded to the members making the highest and second highest aggregate at 200, 500 and 600 yards’ range, Bisley targets

being used.

The last shoot, which took place

on the 28th ultimo,

was not productive of

good scores owing to a gale of wind and rain, which at times almost hid the targets from view. The winners were S. S. M. Cooke with 78 points and Sergeant Mitchell with

76. In the annual revolver practices, which took place on Saturday, 30th ultimo, some fairly good shootingjwas seen. The practices were twelve shots right hand, and twelve shots left hand, six being “slow” and six “con— tinuous. " The best scores were :—

Oflicers,——Lieut. H. A. Tomkinson, 66 points N.-C. O’s,——S.Q.M. Sergt. Cronin... 68 ,, Trumpeters,—Tptr. Page


Our present pack will summer at Naini T31, and we are hoping to get another draft out from home next October. In conclusion, it may be added that we have been most fortunate in having an ex-

THE REGIMENTAL CIRCUS AT THE MINTO FETE IN CALGUTTA. The Circus party and details of the Band left Lucknow by special Troop train on




January 14th, arriving at Howrah station the following dry at 2 P.M., after ;a Somewhat

man Riding Act.

In the words of the press,

“ he was quite as good as most professionals,

if not better.”

Having climbed completely

tiring journey. We were e-icamped on the vmaidnn, SUUill of St. George’s Gate, with “O ”

over his horses, he finished by standing up

Battery, R. H. A.——a good situation, except

astride the two and riding over a jump.

were three runs by each competitor, on three separate days, and our four representatives were Corporals Jones, Bean, Vanson and Pitts. All of them did well, taking their

pegs in fine style, and Corporal Vanson had for the fact lhat we were rather fti‘ away—

»about 132 miles—from the fete grounds. How ever, there was a Iarga number of trolps lrom all parts ui India, concentrated for the Mimo féte, so naturally enough, it was dif-

ficult to find an ideii position for all. S. S. M kae reported his arrival to Colonel Thorold, wh) was in command of “The Military Displays," and wrs informed


fore he left the ring, Ltidy Minto sent word

to him to give an encore, which he did ; this time finishing by holding a balance on the horse's withers over the jump. Here followed a short interval, as the Triple Horizontal Bars took a short time to fix up, and the ring had to be cleared. Whilst this was being done, the clowns, Frith, Hards, Roberts and Corporal Kite amused the

very hard luc'r in just failing, by the marrow margin of one point, to win the Cup. On the day following the opening of the féte, General Sir A. Gaselee inspected the camp and remarked on the excellent condition of the horses. At the close of their performance the Circus party were congratulated, through Major Steele, by the Viceroy, Lady Minto and

Commander-in-Chief on their excellent per~ for-mance.

that there was 0in t he large arena available

for our performance. Consequently, a ring had to be mad -, which, however, was soon accomplished, and our first rehearsal took place on January 22nd, followed by the Diess

rehearsal the next day. The fete was opened to the public on January 28th by tne Viceroy, the Viceregal party including H. H. The Amir of Afghanistan, L)l‘d Kitchener, General Sir A. Gaselee, Lieutenant-General Sir E. Locke Elliot and other distinguished ofiicers. Tue circus, or rather, as our performance was billed, the “ Ring Display,” took place

daily from 5-30 PM. to 6-10 F. M.

We com-

menced with the Vaulting Team, who worked in excellent style and elicited rounds of applause. Following this turn came ‘ Mexican Pete' (Corporal Munro), assisted by the

"Cowboy Troupe.

Lissooing any man and

any part of the horse named, he fairly surpassed himself in his exhibition of lariatthrowing. Next came Frith and Bards with

their laughable turn, entitled “Juggling Extraordinary.” They were considerably handicapped by the inability of those who were not near the ring, to hear their “gags.” of laughIn spite of thiS, judging by the roars audience ter, it was evident that some of the

turn amust have heard them; and the whole to next The saiisfactorily. went off very appear was Corporal Sutch, in his daring Ro-

audience by a race ; a burlesque of the Vice— roy’s Cup. The last item on the programme, a performance on the Triple Horizontal Bars, then followed, the pl‘lnClpalS being S. S. M. I. F. & G. Cooke, Sergeant Corke, and Corporal Seward, ably assisted

by the clowns.

This turn was quite up to

professionalstandard ; indeed, the Com mand~ er-in-Chief was quite surprised when told that the performers were soldiers. As he said, he had imagined they were specially engaged

to make up the show!

In addition to the principal performance above described, the programme on other days was varied, and included such turns

as ‘the Cowboys ’ (Privates Cast, Reid, Dye, Lockyer and Bateman). Corporals Sutch and Seward in their Double Jockey Act, Sword and Torch swinging by Sergeant Corke, Mexican Trick Riding by Corporal Munro— all of them excellently carried out, whilst a novel performance was the Historical Ride or Quadaille. In this, eight pairs took part,

This completed the

Regiment’s share in the displays in connection with the fete, which finally closed on February 8th, with a grand march past of all the troops taking part. His Excellency the

Viceroy spoke in the highest terms of the way in which the troops had worked, and of the manner in which they had behaved.


camp broke up on Saturday, February 9th, the Circus party reaching Lucknow on Mon-

Displays, which was no small task, and they deserve great credit for the way in which

it was accomplished. Mention must also be made of the competition for Individual Tent-pegging for a magnificent Cup and a money prize. The conditions

erals who served Napoleon so well—Murat, Kellerman, Bessieres and Lasalle,—but as a

pattern of horseman, horse-master, and as a. trainer of squadrons in peace time to fit; them for the struggle of war, Seydlita had not his equal—unless we find it in Cromwell and his ironsides. What Crauford did for Wellington in training and lending his famous Light Infantry in the Peninsular, Seydlita

performed as difficult and as brilliant a task with his Prussian Cavalry under Frederick the Great in the eighteenth century. His success was chiefly due to the thoroughness of his training. Himself a finished horseman, he made this art the chief qualification of every cavalry soldier under his command, and he considered no man a.

trained cavalry S’-1diel‘ unless able to break and ride any animal, and to cross any country, however difficult, at a fast pace. He was a great believer in working without stirrups, holding that unless a man is independent of such aids, his seat could not be suffi-

ciently firm to ride diificult horses. As a con— sequence of the severity of his training, his

each pair being dressed in the uniform of

men could cross any country, swim rivers

without hesitation, and were brilliant swordsmen. This high state of individual efficiency

the humorous form they took.

This account would hardly be complete,

the Circus, but for the whole of the Military

aleader in the field like the cavalry gen»

the Regiment at various periods, via, 1660, 1742, 175l, .809, 1815, 1825, 1839, l886. In conclusion, aword of praise is due to S. S. M. R. R. Cope, who ably performed the duties of Ringmaster, and to S. Q. M. S. Cronin whose announcements of each turn on the Megaphone were remarkably clear and distinct, and caused no little merriment from

day morning. without mention of the Band, ably conducted by Mr. E. R. Holt. They played, not only for





Of all Cavalry leaders of the past, the name of Seydlitz is one that stands out from

in use type which deserves the admiration of every soldier.

Not only was he famous as

cannot be attained without occasional accidents, and he was once called upon to ex-

plain to the King how so many accidents occurred in his Regiment. “ Your Majesty has only to give the order,” he replied, “and there shall be no more accidents; but in that case 1 cannot consider I am to blame if my Regiment does not acquit itself with credit before the enemy.” Next to horsemanship Seydlitz placed skill in the use of his weapons as the most im—. portaut of the cavalry soldier's qualifications, and in this art he was himself proficient as. well as being an able instructor.

Seydlitz reached the zenith of his fame in 1757, when, during the battle of Rosbach, the



5King had placed him, when junior to all the Major-Generals, in command of the whole cavalry. He at once solved the difficulty of his position by saying to his assembled Generals, “Gentlemen, I must obey the King, and you will obey me. Advance! ” Placing his cavalry on a flank of the hostile advancing army, he waited until the moment

arrived for a successful charge, and hurling his thirty-three squadrons against the enemy’s flank he won an important victory against the allied armies of France and Austria, forc ing whole battalions to surrender, pursuing till dark, and following up the beaten enemy the next morning. For this action he was de-


EAGLE It was Seydlitz, who as a comet, stated to the King that a cavalry soldier, if properly mounted, should never fall into the hands of the enemy. The King listened in silence until passing over a bridge into a fortress. He then ordered the drawbridge to be raised, and turning to Seydlitz, he said, “Well! you

are mounted, and you cannot cut your way through my escort, so you are my prisoner ! ” Without hesitation, Seydlitz is said to have turned his horse at the parapet, jumped into the river, and to have gained the bank in safety. True or false, this story is not too impos-

What is a General’s chief need in war? And the answer is—Information. Information regarding the enemy’s strength, dispositions, intentions, etc., and also about the country in which he is going to operate.

How is he to obtain this information? Why, by means of scouts, spies, peasants, prisoners, patrols, and intercepted correspondence

I would point out that none of these me-

the insignia of the Black Eagle, proudest of Prussian orders, and a few days later was promoted Lieutenant-General. By his achievements, he had risen from Colonel to Lieuten-

the face of danger. Boldness and quick de» cision are necessary attributes for a cavalry leader, and when combined with a consum-

thods are new, as they were all in use in Cromwell‘s army. His intelligence service a was in the hands of what was then called ters scoutmas best His two .Scoutmaster. were, I believe, Watson and Roe. Before going any further Ishould like to say that the appellation “Scout” has now it become such a general sort of term, that is really rather difficult to know exactly what

mate knowledge

is meant by it.

ant-General in six months ! Later on, at the Battle of Zorndorf, Seyd-

bravery to ignore even repeated orders ofa king, we find the rare qualifications necessary for so famous a soldier as Seydlitz .

corated on the battlefield by the King, with

litz again displayed that power of appreciating

sible to be credited, and is in keeping with the daring which Seydlitz ever displayed in



and the intrepid

the right moment to use his cavalry, which SCOUTING.

is perhaps the highest gift of a great leader. Twice he received orders from the King to charge, and twice he returned answer that to do so were to sacrifice his men needlessly before that moment when his cavalry could be used elfectively. The third message from the King was to the effect that after the battle his head should pay for his failure to obey. “Tell the King," said Seydlitz, calmly,

“that after the battle he can dispose of my head as he will, but till then he must permit me to use it as best I can in his service.” Shortly after, the right moment having arrived, he charged the enemy’s cavalry and infantry, again and again, and the result of his action was another brilliant victory. After the battle the King embraced the

Cavalry General, thanking him with deep feeling, saying, “ Here is another victory I owe to you.” “ Not to me, Sire,” replied Seydlitz, “but

to the brave men whom I command."

oraceful class of person.

BY MAJOR G. F. STEELE. 1n the first place, let me admit that I have not chosen




[n the first place, what is the difference between a spy and a scout? Very little when is you come to think it out, except that one disa as spy a upon looking of habit in the



rather that the subject chosen is not easy to be interesting about. Secondly, I do not claim to be original, butin the followmg notes,

collected from various sources, 1 hope that some few of my readers will find something which may prove of value to them should they ever go on Active service. [think 1 may safely start by saying that in all future wars, scouting will play an even more prominent part than it has done hitherto.

Up to a short time ago it certainly did not receive the attention it merited, but some severe lessons,learnt in South Africa, notably the attack on Tweefontein, and that on Von

Donop’s convoy nearKlarksdorp,have brought home to us the necessity of keeping our eyes open during war.

The only difference

T know of is that the spy will usually disguise his himself, whereas the scout will wear uniform. But there is a notable difference if he y happens to get caught, as the spy is perfectl

certain of losing his life, whilst the scout way would probably only be kept out of the his as one who knOWs too much to be allowed liberty. And yet after all both the spy and the for scout are trying to Obtain information their own side. Massena used to use two Jews(brothers) the to do his spying. They would go into quietly then and fruit, Austrian lines selling fall out on the line of march. Just after Hollabriinn, Massena was anxious

of to know exactly what force he had in front brothe to reward large a offered he so him, by the thers if they could find out for him them of one gly Accordin following night.



started off at once, and making a detour round the Austrian flank, hid himself in a thick tree just off the road, and here wrote down in his note-book the composition and strength of everything that passed. All went well, till a Sergeant came and sat down under the very tree. He did not see the Jew, but the latter, losing his presence of mind, moved, so as to get more under cover. In so doing, he dropped his note-book on top of the Sergeant. This evidence was, of course, too damning, and the General ordered him to be bayoneted on the spot. So far shows what short shrift a spy may expect, but I will finish the story to give an example of the amount of pity he can count on. When the French column came along a few hours later, they found the body lying in the road. At sight of it Jew No. 2 began screaming, but did not omit to go systematically through his brother’s clothes for the money which he knew was concealed on him. But someone else had already appropriated this, so he contented


by taking all his

clothes, as he could raise money on them. All brothers, I hope, are not quite so unfeeling, but Jews are proverbially careful where money is concerned. This particular piece of work could no doubt have been carried out by a scout, but he would have to be what I call an expert.

The experts, one has read of, are Colquhoun Grant, Waters, and Mosby.

These are of

course ideals, and though we may not attain

such perfection, there is no reason why we should not try to emulate them. Burnham, too, is a man who in recent times has made a great name for himself as a scout. The next class of scout is the ordinary Regimental scout, and here again a certain amount of confusion arises, as it is the custom of the various drill-books to talk of any men as scouts who are thrown out in front or On the flanks. Thus we read of the Gurkha scouts in the Tirah campaign, well in reality they were nothing but a line of



THE EAGLE skirmishers spread out in front of their column, which is proved by the fact of their fightingoa thing which a scout should rarely do. Needless to say, occasions will arise when the scout must fight, but it

should only be done in self—defence. One day Mosby, when returning from a scouting expedition in the lower part of the Fairfax country, made for the Bull Run mountains, and, overcome by fatigue, lay down under a tree

and went to sleep. Two Northerners passing by, recognised him and demanded his surrender.

With one hand Mosby knocked

aside the pistols pointed at his breast, and with the other he shot one of the men whose companion promptly bolted. Inthe cavalry, at any rate, we require scouts to be thrown right out in advance, to collect information and pass it back in time to be :of sufficient use to the Commander.

" During the South African war, the Cavalry (I am referring to General French ’s advance) did practically all their scouting by means 0f patrols backed up by a squadron to which they could retire. This system, J believe, anSWered far better than many people imagined, and it is certainly a fact that, during the nine months between March and November 1900, on only two occasions was news of the enemy not received in sufficient time to

the Bazar, he is known as Bheriya (wolf), and

»1t was through hearing him called by this. name, that I was led to inquire into the cir—

cumstances of his case.

Born about twenty-

hve years ago, in the district of Sitapur, he lived the usual uneventful life of a child until he was fourteen months old, when, on his mother returning from a Visit to a neighbour she found he had disappeared from the

mothervden that Bheriya began to speak in his

tongue and to become accustomed to an upsugright position. In appearance, Bheriya h thoug and ect, intell ed gests a man of stunt ts, subjec ple sim on ally ration rse conve can he his terrible experience in early life has left

an indelible mark upon him. ” HELio.”

house. At first she thought that during her absence some of her relatives might have cal'ed in and taken the child away with them to their home, but enquiries failed to reveal

any trace of the missing child. The matter was reported by the grief-stricken woman to the police, who, after enquiries, came to the conclusion, that the infant must have been stolen by some enemy of the family. Three years elasped and still there was no newS of the missing child, when one day it was reported that the Medical Officer from Sitapur

whilst out shooting had found two children in a wolf‘s den ; one of whom (being identified

by biithmarks) turned out to be the lonerlost child ; whilst of the origin of the othgr nothing could be found. It appeared the Doctor had gone out into the junalye to shoot; when on his approach he saw two strange-looking creatures disappear down a


and on closer investigation he found



was " A most successful St. Patrick’s Ball .given last night by the Sergeants’ Mess of the Day falling Royal Dragoons. St. Patrick’s being an rday Satu and on Sunday this year the make to ded deci was it day, tible unsui was done affaira midweek event, and this accordingly. s The function was held on the tennis court

ants’ in front of the Royal Dragoons’ Serge a ball— Mess, which had been converted into A huge mars. rtion propo lent excel of room could disquée, underneath which hundreds and with a , sides the at open , port themselves stretched ly tight very , cloth tentstout of floor to an exceedingly . over the ground, and waxed

scope for slip pery condition, afforded plenty of let in dancing. On one side, a smaller tent, the for n atio mmod as it were, furnished acco from back s yard ty twen some musicians and

allow of the Brigadier of the leading Brigade

them to be human beings, who evinced a de_

making his dispositions. The first case was at'Kalkheurel, in the Magaliesburg, on June

cided antipathy to his attentions by biting

ianaenabled those the marquee a spacious sham

and scratching whenever he made any at;

3rd, and the second case was on the first day

vances; so he decided to send one of his

of Diamond Hill. In both the cases the head of the column closrzd up on these scouts and were shot at from a range of four or five

coolies for some ropes and poles to convey them to Sitapur. In the meantime a big

hundred yards.

promptly shot. and along with the unwilling truants, took with him to camp. For a long time they showed a marked preference for a carnivorous diet, but eventually took ordin-

” and watch who wished to do so to “sit out was admirme sche e whol The the dancing. a rebeing ng ably carried out, and the eveni any or rain, or wind, markably fine one, no near as was t resul the ness, v other unpleasant osed to attain, perfection as mortals are supp

(To be continued )


she-wolf appeared on the scene, which be

ary food. It may not be generally known that there

At the end of twelve months, un-

is in our Regimental Bazar at the present time a native, who in his childhood was rear-

fortunately one of them died, but Bheriya lived on under the fostering care of the officer who had found him. It was not until-5

ed bya wolf.

four years after his rescue from the wolf's.

Amongst the inhabitants of

~ certainly one could

not complain

of the

ently heard heat, a complaint that is so frequ » at dances in this country. e, quite The scene was one most picturesqu marquee, the nd Arou land. Fairy apage from many colours plants were grouped and flags of were daintiort supp of . ‘hung, whilst the posts bands, and n gree and ge oran with ed . ly twist


the shamiann, to the roof of which numbers of Chinese lanterns were attached, was bright-

with hunting and festoons, and other gay apparel, the prevailing tint of the decorations being "the green of ’ould Ireland,” of fair Erin’s shore and the emblem the “dear little sham roclc. ” Among the principal guests were General SirE Locke Elliot and Lady Elliot, Colonel and Mrs. deLisle, Colonel Massey, Colonel Mackenzie, and Major and Mrs. Steel, whilst the warrant officers and chiefnon-commissioned officerSofull the regiments in cantonments at'ended, altogether, upwards oitwo hundred and fifty people being present. The sight, when most Were dancing, Was a pleasing one, smart uniforms mingling with dainty frocks, the space of the bill-room afiording great freedom of movement and the result that

grace and charmingly well-executed dancing has always for the eye.


Music was furnished by the special string band of the Durham Light Infantry, who playeu with com mend-able precision,and threw a dash into the lively lrish quick-step tunes quite worthy of Irish men. Supper was served in the Sergeants’ Mess, which had been very tastefully decorated for the occasion. noticeable on the tables being various Regimental trophies in massive silver. The ménu was all that could be desired, and the arrangements both here and in other directions were most precise, reflect—

ing great credit on the Committee, Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant Greenland, PreSident, and Orderlyroom Sergeant Cronin, and Sergeant Bunker and Sergeant Mitchell. conDancing commenced at 9-30, and was Sermorning, the into tinued until well on

geant Cronin, as M. 0., having plenty of scope for his abilities in that directi m.” R. S. M. Thompson and the members of the Mess should derive much satisfaction from of as the the fact that their Ball was talked season. most successful social function of the



THE DE LISLE SWORD COMPETITION. “ A very interesting competition, extending over some three weeks, has recently been concluded in the 1st Royals, that of a competition open to all ranks of the Regiment for a Silver Sword, and Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals presented by Colonel H. deB. de Lisle, 0.3., to encourage individual skill-atarms, and general efficiency in the duties of cavalry. The competition was divided into four heads, 25 points being the “ possible” of

marks obtainable in each, viz : (1) Horsemanship, (2) Skill-at-arms (with sword and lance), (3) Musketry, and (4) Field work, the latter including Reconnaissance and Map-reading, Riding by Compass and Despatch carrying. A very high standard of efficiency already

prevails in the Royals due to the indefatigable exertions of the gallant Colonel, loyally supported by all ranks of the Regiment. The Royals have obtained the highest official

praise for riding and mnsketry, and in sig-


the eighteen remaining competitors after the» musketry and horsemanship ties there was little to choose,

Private Perkins of “ B ”

Squadron heading the list with 57 points out of a possible 75.

After the final competition-

in skill-at-arms had taken place, the resultswere as follows :— (1) Corporal R. Vanson, “ D” Squadron, 83 points, Silver Sword and Gold Medal. (2)

Private Parrott, “ C” Squadron, Silver


Private Dale, “ C" Squadron, Bron ze-

Medal. Medal. In the day’s sport which took place with Sword and Lance on the 18th instant, the first

named is reported not to have missed a single peg from 7 A.M. till 6 P.M., while points were obtained, for “ excellence of style.” Corporal

Colonel de Lisle’s name stands high on

the roll of the best military horsemen in the service, and his prowess in Polo circles is too

well known for comment.

As a former Adju-

tant of the Durhams, before gaining wellmerited honours in the Transvaal war, he was

responsiblefor building up the famous Durham Polo team, and it is noteworthy that from

the period of his holding office as Second-inCommand, amarked change in a much higher standarr7 still of horsemanship prevailed in the Regiment. Like the sexton who, after so many years in his own parish without a holi-

day, spent a brief rest in watching how they buried the people in the next parish, Colonel de Lisle, when he took over supreme charge, is reported to have foregone his leave to personally supervise individual instruction in the manage, and he is exceedingly popular with

all ranks. Of the competition, of the four squadrons, five men of each were finally left in, and among

It is now justa year since we started the Regimental Athletic Club, and I think that a few words on the subject may not be out of Previously there had been two Clubs place 'in the Regiment, one for football and the able other for athletics ; but neither was ever s riber to do any good to the men as the subsc low. too ons ripti were very few and subsc In addition, Squadrons had to start Athletic clubs of their own in order to provide themThese selves with the necessary plant. squadron clubs were entirely selfish and would never help towards defraying the ex-

penses of sending away a team to represent the Regiment at any game. The result was that the Regimental Club was very soon hope. lessly in debt.

Vanson missed obtaining best~at—arms, in the

In order to put the whole thing on a better

recent District Assault-at-arins by a very narrow margin. The Silver Sword, which may be worn on

footing, the present Regimental Athletic Club was started and all other clubs abolished. The existing debt was also taken over, to retain the though we allowed the squadrons ron clubs. squad own balance credits of their Men who were previous members of the to pay any Athletic Club, were not required ‘ entrance fee. The great mistake, however, which we made lsory for was not making membership compu now be no would there his, donelt all. Had we But unfortunately at the prescrumbling. ent, :nt time there] is a certain amount preval

nalling passed out at the head of the Cavalry



parade, is a regulation Cavalry sabre in size, of solid silver chased hilt, with scabbard of

solid silver, the arms of the Regiment being engraved on the blade, together with the name» of recipient, and bearing an inscription as.

presented by Colonel H. deB. de Lisle. The gold, silver, and bronze medals are inscribed on one side with crossed lances, and swords, and rifles, with the words underneath : “ For Skill,” and on the reverse the words “For Skill—at-Arms”—“Won by (rank, name, etc.”)v It is worth recalling to mind that the 1st Royals was one of the regiments engaged in the famous Heavy Charge at Balaclava, when the English Heavies charged the Russian massed cavalry and carved their way in and

out by sheer skill-at-arms and individual bravery. Ahoof of one of the troop horses in this famous Charge, mounted in silver, is. to be seen among many more modern Regi-

though it is practically confined to the squadIt is ron which has the fewest members. -S, embei non-m the g not, however, solely amon the for e ns1bl respo now are who as some

crumbling actually went up to Simla during and so have the year with the football team, their comthan y mone club the of used more ' . rades. ances griev their asked Needless to say when The they have absolutely nothing to say. find could I which only one I have heard for

mental trophies enshrined in the handsome

any foundation, was that on one occasmn the

Mess of the Sergeants of the 1st Royals."

club ran out of footballs, but even in this case



one was procured locally at the' cost of Rs12-8-0 instead of 103. 6d. the price at which. we get them from England. It is impossible to guess what particular game is going to be played most by the men:

in any year. Last year hockey seemed to be much on the: increase, so we laid in a large stock of hockey things, but this year footballs are the only' things required. Now while talking of the latter game, I should like to mention one point which I do not suppose is generally known, i.e., a new football given to a squadron last exactly a fortnight.

This is not fair wear and tear, but is owing to kicking about close to the bungalows, and cutting the leather against the tiles on the roof. No man would think of doing this if he had to pay for the football. Again, when we started the club, the Squadron committees were asked whether the men wanted cricket things. At the following meeting they said that no one even played‘ cricket, and it was useless to buy anything: for it. Acting on this information, we at once ordered a set of cricket things for each squadron, and one for the Regiment, and had the ground put in order. Sure enough as soon as the men thought we had got no cricket plant, they asked for it. In fact, it was the only game they wanted to play. But when they found out that we had got any amount, do you think they would play 2’ Not they.

Now, the one cry is that we should supply them with indoor games, and this simply because I flatly refused to do so until the Club was financially sound. A few words about its present financial" position. A year ago we started with a debt of Rs. 800. On the Blst March this year we were

Rs. 196 in credit, with a large stock of plant for football, cricket, hockey, boxing, fencing and gymnastics, and during the year had also paid all the expenses of men who represented.

the Regiment at football, boxing, and running-


iSecretaryall praise-.for the way' he'hasper‘ formed his duties. The whole year’s ac«counts can be seen by anyone in the Gyminasium, where they are hung up on the wall. During the hot weather the Circus arena was open three nights a week for practice of all kinds of gymnastics, and instructors were in attendance to form classes. That the men held back from joining these classes was

manly; land lexcellent for the health in this country, whereas loafing only leads to'drink and liver.l » G. F. STEELE, Major, President, R AG.

S P O R T S .

entirely their own fault. I think it was chiefly owing to the fact that they were afraid of being laughed at in their efforts, by theirown comrades sitting round doing no-

thing. Whereas they should have been jeexv 'ing at these same comrades for doing nothing themselves.

So little do men realize what membership ‘of a Club entitles them to, that some seem to think that on payment of As. 8 per month'?] each member should receive— A set of cricketing gear. Set for football. Set for hockey. Set of boxing gloves. Jacket and Foils. Domincs. Draughts. Chess. Pack of cards per week, and a


to-day, and the Band will play oncea week as last year, and I hope soon to hear that the members have brought sufficient moral pressure to bear on the non-members, that the

latter class have become extinct in the Regimentw

Rememberrthatu games of all kinds are

.. bowled Eshmeade Bateman ,, Eshmeade .. Bateman ,, * Cronin .. Eslimeade ,, Lawrence “.Whittingham caught Underhill, bowled Bateman ,, bowled Bateman "Sutton Batoman ,. Collison not out ’ Townsend bowled Bateman ‘Vanson Bateman ., ' Rivett Extras

""Searlc Edis Ranking

Runs. .. _.

CRICKET. Total runs

The national game does not appear to have a great number of adherents in the Regi ment which is strange when one consi ders how many really fine exponents we still have. In former years cricket was very popular but

nowadays, men seem to prefer the more Violent forms of exercise, such as


and hockey.

Indeed, only one match has been played in the last six months (if we except a couple of scratch games which took place duri ng the march to Agra). This game, played on tile 4th instant, between the elevens of “A” and “D” Squadrons. was remarkable for unusually fine bowling performances, and consequently very poor batting exhibitions. lt resulted in a win for “A” Squadron by one run

Pufi Ball. Andanything else he may require, includ ing clothes, free ! I Ineed hardly add that this could not be done on a £40 Entrance-fee and £40 subScription. Further, at all Clubs you have to pay for every game in which you take part, as well as supplying your own kit. The Arena re-opens for the hot weather

” D ” SQUADRON. Batsmen.



Run sbowled Cronin ., ,, Collison ., ,, Ranking .. run out Cronin .. towled Ranking .. caught Cronin, bowled Ranking ,, Edis, bowled Cronin .. bowled Cronin ,. ,, Cronin .. ,, Whittingham .. not out .. Extras

Total runs

.. .. .. ,. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1; 0 n 5 0 U (5 0 o 1 1


This tournament should afford excellent opportunities for the selection committee to choose players for the premier eleven. With careful, impartial selection, and good sound organisation, there is no reason why the

“Royals” should not put thefinest side in India into the field.

The games played in the League up to 10th instant, show the position of the teams as follows :— Goals. p—JN—A

Team. Played Won Drawn Lost for (Ly-St. “C” Sqdn. .. 5 3 1 1 4 2 Band .. (3 3 ‘ 1 “ D ” Sqdn. .. 5 ‘3 2 “ A ” ,, .. 6 2 4 “ B " ,, .. u 0

The victory of the Royals in the Durand


in October


Points. 7


not only

brought to the Regiment a trophy which is indisputably the finest of its kind in india, but was indirectly the means of adding still another trophy to our already fine collection 0f plate; in this way—our Colonel-in-Chief, H. I. M., The German Emperor, congratulat. ed us on our success, and when his representative, Count von Quadt, the German Consul'General, visited Lucknow to decorate our standard with a wreath from the Emperor on ‘Waterloo Day last, the latter referred to His

'Majesty’s great pleasure at our success, and promised to present a challenge trophy to be This played for annually by Squadrons Silver me handso a be to proved and came,

Although no Regimental team has yet competed in this particular branch of sport in any outside tournament, there is no reason

why one should not. as, comparing ours with other teams we have seen, who do compete in

the many district and all-India tournaments, we are by no means below the standard. No record of games played last year by Regimental sides was kept, but it is well known we had many more victories than losses to our credit. So far. however, Hockey has been mostly confined to Squadron matches, and this is no doubt due to the annual Inter-Squadron

Hockey League.

There is a fine Shield for

ment was soon arranged The Band working as a unit, there were five teams, the others

this, which, presented two years ago, has been won both years by the Band, who de‘ serve great credit for the manner in which they have worked.

being“ A,”“B,” “ C ” and “ D” Squadrons.

Only one league match has been played this

Cup, for which an Intequuadron Tourna-

Butsnten. Wheeler Elder Eshmcade Wakenall Bateinan Langley Underhill Jones M oore Roberts Plumb


canv give» the-


I thinks-therefore, .that- we



Playing on the League principle, some excellent games were got through, and after a keenly contested struggle, “ D” Squadron came out the winners, beating the Band team by the narrow margin of one point. The tournament this year is proving to be of


greater interest,


several new

players are being tried, and the teams gener. ally appear to have come on a goodideal;

year ; a hard. fast game between “D ” Squadron and the Band resulting in a draw of one goal each. A Regimental side has played and won the following




return of the

Regiment from the Agra Concentration :— Canning College, three goals to one. H


24th Punjabis,










film -agle.

The following 'have joined the Regiment. since lst January, 1907 :—


In these days, when every one in the Regit ment can pick up pegs, it is perhaps difiicul but 2 section or ual individ best the to find Corpl. Vanson, and the “ l‘ ” Squadron sectlon

(S.Q.M.S. Abbott, Sgt. Sales, Cpl. Sutch‘and Pte. Rowe) must, by their recent excellent

performances, be held to take the lead in this sport. Cpl. Vanson’s records are given elsewe quote

where, and for “C” Squadron, some of their latest efforts :— ‘ze, 0 en .Fltrditiifiilalmenti.)

[LucknowlPXlice limit: ‘ Divisiona. ssau ea — rms. Sports. Royal Artillery Regimental Assault-at-Arms

Frmiz Royal Scots Greys. No. 33 Cpl. .. 39 Pte 45 ,, 51 ,, 34 ,, 40 ,, 46 ,, 52 ,, 85 ,, 4] ,, 47 ,, , 53 ,, Pte.

Pte. Rose. ,, Burnett ,, Johnston. ,, Greville. ,, Eglinton, ,, Lannen. ,, Munro. ,, ~ O’Donnelr ,, Cairns. ,, Welsh. ,, Mohay.

\\'l‘l[lNESDAY, MAY 15TH, 1907. MONTHLY NOTES.

W mi

The Eagle is un fait arcomplz‘. Nearly 400 copies of our first number have been despatched to all parts of India and home, and already we are the recipients of several letters of congratulation. It is indeed pleasing to find our efforts so quickly and kindly rewarded, and it encourages us to go on and improve, and endeavour, not only to maintain

but to increase the good impression our effort has so evidently produced. To all eX-Royals, whose addresses we were able to obtain, we sent copies, asking them to become sube We would again point out what a boon a budget of news of their old regiment must be


(be Editor, “ Cbe Eagle,”

it will be agreed that newsol' them personally will be of the greatest interest to present members. Through them we shallalso re— ceive many items of general news which would probably not onion-wise reach us here, lll the East.

Royal Dragoons, Lucknow, 1ndia.




quarter page

one month, full page u




quarter page

1 enclose berewitb ,#,#___4_,

for Rileiior 6 monthly copies of “the 1. Eagle.” Please place my name on the list of subscribers and forward copies to.—

SUBSCRIPTIONS For six months. to subscribers at Home For six months, to subscribers Rs. in India







53_ (ml. , 4





To N.-C. 0’s and men serving Annas 4 per copy, it u H 8

Tbe above includes postage. _> ____.________’~__— METHODIST PUBLISHING HOUSE, LUCKNOVV.


with Regiment To all others

A few rough notes ,will be


it is our intention to devote a. fairly large space each month to matters affecting individuals from an official and professional point of View. These were unavoidably squeezed out ofour first issue, but in this and future issues they will be included. Under the heading of “Regimental Gazette,” at the end of each number, will be found a list of promotions and appointments, extensions of service and reengagements, leave and furloughs, certificate awards, discharges and eulistments, and any other matter of this nature which may be considered of sufiicient importance to record

to these old members; and, on the other hand.






ADVERTISEMENTS For six months, full page

bornte accounts.

No. 2.

ample, and will be welcomed.

the 66th. Richards, transfered from Battery, R. F. A. Knight, transferred from the West Riding Regiment.





No. 36 ,, 42 ,, 48 ,, 54 ,, 37 ~13 49 ,, 55 38 44 50

scribers, and, where possible,

Advertisement and Sub= scripfion Rates.

'13 4—. \l 'n ’n



“ D ” Squadron also possess a very fine the section, having run “C ” very closely on ons. occasi above

Reynolds. Cook. McKenzie. McCabe. Haine. Bowman. Neil. Johnston. Creig. Kinniard. Rixon. Rae.

it will be readily understood, however, how very necessary will be the, hearty cooperation ol" all members to ensure the lasting success of our paper. it is not possible tor our small staff to discover all that is going on, even here in the regiment : still less, then, likely we can record the doings of detachments and other parties, and individuals away from headquarter; without the help of those concerned. We therefore ask again that items of possible interest in connection with tho regi ment, or any of its members, may be sent us.

These reports need not take the form of ela-

Sometime ago, when the question of establishlnga regimental paper “'18 but en l'air, we asked for suggestions as to the lines it should be built upon. None were forth coming, and we were obliged to proceed with only our own ideas to help us in the matter of its construction.

Now, however, that some»

idea of the scope of the publication can be formed, we hope our readers will not- hesitate

to give us the benefit of their opinions.

It is

no easy task to cater successfully for the literary appetites of a community which comprises, as does ours, “ all sorts and conditions

of men " There are some, possibly, who think our paper too serious ; others perhaps think it not serious enough. Many would doubtless like more space given to some particular subs leg-t, or would advocate the inclusion of a sub. ,lecl not yet touehcd upon. This is what we would wish to know. Although we could not




obviously adopt every one’s suggestion, it would enable

us to work upon lines


.generally suitable.

ing summer resort of Madras.

Irwin and Cosens are shooting in the neighbourhood of Ranikhet, and Lieutenant Hudson

is spending three The hot weather, the time in Lucknow of ,punkahs, tatties, prickly heat, long drinks:

and little work,

is once more

upon us.

'The hot winds have established themselves, ’the thermometer is going up in leaps and

bounds—so far only registering 107° in the shade,—the


fever” bird



ing us with its persistent, nerve-racking cry the punkah-coolie disports his little-clad per: son on the shady sides of our verandahs, the

mosquito hums his plaintive little song, the .grass in our gardens is becoming conspicuous by its absence, the fine, gritty sand is flying :about to the danger of our eyesights—and only the chaukidar rejoices. Lucknow, one of the most charming and healthy of winter stations, is—to speak as kindly as possible—extremely trying in summer, and were it not that the

nights are comparatively cool, and one is consequently able to woo Morpheus withacertain amount of success, it would be well nigh


Still, in spite of the heat and

its attendant discomforts, much good work is got through, though only in the early mornings, the evenings finding nearly every body engaged in sport of some description or other. All those who could be spared have gone on leave; some home, others to the various hill-

.stations of India. Major and Mrs. Steele are spending a holiday in Simla, the summer

headquarters of the Government of India. Major and Mrs. Evelyn Wood are becoming :acquainted with the glorious climate and world-famous beauties of Kashmir, as are .also Lieutenant and Riding-Master and Mrs. Crowley.

months in



Lieutenant Watson has also left for the latter

place, having joined the detachment there for duty, in relief of Lieutenant Atkinson who has proceeded to Pachmarhi to attend the School of Musketry. Captain and Quartermaster

namel We have already stated that every care will be taken to keep the writer’s identity secure, should it be wished, but anony— be mous matter, for many reasons, cannot


It is most gratifying to all ranks to hear

and Mrs. Burch are spending six months in England.

how promptly our Colonel-in-Chief, The German Emperor, responded to the request to allow his name to be placed at the head of

We would draw the attention of our readers

the roll of patrons of our new Regimental

to the interesting article on “ Soldiering in India” which will be found on another page. In the many books of fact and fiction we have read on this subject, we do not remember to have seen this side of the picture portrayed, and it now comes to us somewhat in the nature of a shock, not even tempered by the fact that we were aware of it all along. Nevertheless, the situation is not, we think, quite as serious as one might be led to suppose The writer, doubtlessly actuated by the best of intentions, has apparently painted the picture in its worst colours. We do not think, however, it can fail to engage the attention of

The printer‘s devil is responsible for a rather confusing error which appeared in our first issue. In the subscription rates which were shown on the last page, the price of six monthly copies was given as four rupees, ‘ whilst single copies are to be had for eight annas, both inclusive of postage! This is so obviously an error, that we hope subscribers

In any case,

should we receive the larger amount, we can either return the one rupee to subscribers, or

register their names for eight instead of six months.

Captain Leighton, who is at present in

We have occasion to remind contributors

Australia, is going round the world. Captain -Grant is visiting Ootacamund, the charm-

that no matter can be accepted for publica'» tion, unless

Cottage Homes. A wire was received by the Commanding Officer in answer to his letter to say His Majesty would gladly become a patron, and

authenticated by the writer’s

The Regimental Reunion

dinner is,


hear, to take place in London at the Hotel Cecil next month, when all officers, past and present, who are able to do so Will attend. Among

the old officers are some probably who wereassociated with the regiment as far the sixties, and one can well imagine joyment of such an evening, with the tions, anecdotes, and comparisons

give rise to.

back as the enrecollecit must

We are writing to Captain Hard-

the wick to ask him to send us an account of with us h furnis to e, possibl if and ing, gather

a list of names of all those present. The lattershould make interesting reading matter.

would subscribe £150 towards the funds being

" A White Man’s Country, ” Captain Guest's. article on British East Africa, which we pub—

raised. Copies of this telegram and the reply there» to will be found at the end of the number.

g and lish in this number, is at once interestin . offers it , things other g Amon instructive.

evidently Our detachment in Naini Tal are

not intending isbejoutdone by their

over are daily experiencing in the already man a For home. at t marke r labou crowded

who has spent years of his life in the service-


can abroad, the cramped routine of town life

of sport. ter comrades in the matter

the 21st correspondent writes to say that on



a way out of the difficulties discharged soldie


defeated the of last month a detachment team by one goal to all footb at nty Infa t Ligh rd Oxfo

every right-minded soldier.

will forward only three rupees.




of He speaks highly of the excellent play

the possess few charms, while the freedom, in such a health, and the opportunities of life

~ country as Captain Guest describes are attrac here. tions which would be hard to find elsew

Pte. Smythe Pte. Hart at centre forward, and

Both these men arrived at centre half. draft They in India recently with the last to y additions should be worth noting as likel

our regimental team.

We shall look for more

ngent. news of our Naini Tal conti

n is to be Lieutenant and Adjutant Hodgso an extraordicongratulated on having secured ntly in the rece ting Shoo " bag. “ narily fine

lkhand and jungle near Haldwani on the Rohi miles from Kath Kn maon Railway, only afew tigress meainga pott in d eede succ he godam, et tiger. We 9-fe a suring 8 feet 10 inches, and this shoot of ount iled hope to have a deta . issue h's mont for next


E. BY GENERAL C. P. de AINSLI (Continued)

e-Guards dates. The formation of the Lif appears that. it n whe ion, orat from the Rest

King’s Life» on the 2nd of April, 1661, the were gentlemen Guards of 1:20 noblemen and command of the er und , land Scot formed in


'1‘ H E


Lord Newburgh, being the nucleus of the Regiment of the famous John Graham, of Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee, which, after the union of the two kingdoms in 1707, was removed to London, and is now represented by the second troop of the first LifeG uards. The Royal Horse Guards, or The Blues. had been raised by Royal Warrant of 16th of February, 1661, and were then styled the Royal Regiment of Horse. l In 1686, eighty cavalier gentlemen who had adopted the profession of arms, and had


lowed the fortunes of King Charles 1. during the civil wars, were embodied into a Guard for the protection of the Royal person, under the command of Lord Everard, afterwards Earl of Macclesfield. The arms, both of defence and offence, of the

Household Cavalry, and of the regiments of Horse, are thus laid down in the Regulations

of King Charles II., dated 8th of May, 16(79): “Each horseman to have for his defensive arms, back breast and pott : and for his ofi’eu» sive arms, a sword and a case of pistOIs, the barrels thereof are not to be under fourteen

inches in length: and each trooper of our Guards to havea carbine besides the aforesaid arms.” The composition and appearance of the Household cavalry at this time are thus de-

scribed by Lord Macaulay in his History Of England (Vol. 1, Chap. III ) :— “ The Life-Guards, who now form two regiments, were then distributed into three troops, each of which consisted of 201) car-

biueers, exclusive of officers. This corps, to which the safety of the King and the Royal Family are confided, had a peculiar character.

Even the privates were designated as ‘ Gentlemen of the Guard.’ Many of them were 0f good families, and had held commissions

during the Civil War. Their pay was far higher than that of the most favoured regi~ ments of our time, and would in that age have been thought a respectable provision for the son of a country squire. Their tine horses

their rich housings, their cuirasses, and their hull coats adorned with ribhands, velvet and gold lace, made a splendid appearance in St James’s Park. A small body of grenadier dragoons, who came from a loWer class and received lower pay, was attached to each troop

Another body of Household cavalry, distinguished by blue coats and cloaks, and still

called ‘The lilues,‘ was generally quartered in the neighbourlmtrd of the capital ” 'lhe old and original regiments of Horse formed a highly efficient and respectable por tion of the Army; and the records of these

troops. embracing an eventful period of 1.90 years, show that, on all occasions. both at home andalnoad. they have maintained ahigh character for discipline and good


Their ranks war 0 composed of men of some property. generally sons of substantial yeo» man, who provided their own horses, and they were placed on a rate of pay sufficient to give them a respectable station in society.

Upon the

incorporation with the House-

hold cavalry of the Royal Regiment of Horse. as


Royal Horse Guards, the

second or

Queen‘s Regiment of Horse became the first of the three regiments of Horse on the Buglish establishment, the remaining four being on the Irish. And here it is to be explained with regard to these two establishments that by a permanent statute of King William III, the so called “Standing Army of Ireland,’ was constituted which, in the reign of George

III., was further increased to 15,281 men, and was in force at the union of the two kingdoms in 1801. The regiments composing this establishment varied from time to time as they proceeded to, or were removed from Ireland, exceptin the cases where regiments on the Irish establishment went on active service.

1"err-mg upon them the respective titles of the lst or King’s Dragoon Guards ,the 2nd or Queen’s Dragoon Guards, or Queen’s Bays ; and the 8rd or Prince of Wales‘s Dragoon Guards. In like manner George III reduced the four regiments of the Irish establish ment, which then became, from the Ist of April, 1768, the 4th 01' Royal Irish Dragoon Guards ; 5th or Princess Charlotte of Wales‘s Dragoon Guards, 6th Dragoon Guards or Carbineers, and the 7th or the Princess Royal’s Dragoon Guards. There are at present but three regiments of Horse, properly so called in the Army, via, the two regiments of Life-Guards and the Royal Horse Guards, whose non-commissioned officers are still styled Corporals of Horse. The first regiment of Dragoons seems to have been 'aised on the breaking out of the war with Holland, in the spring of 1672, agreeably to a Royal Warrant of the 2nd of April of that year, of which the following is an extract z~

“Charles 1%., “ Our will and pleasure is that a regiment of Dragoons, which we have established and ordered to be raised in twelve troops of four score in each, besides officers, who are to be under the command of our most dcare and most entirely-beloved cousin, Prince Rupert, shall be armed out of our stores remaining within our office of the Ordinance as followeth zethat is to say, three corporalls, two sergeants, the gentlemen-at-armes, and twelve souldiers of each of .the twelve Troopes, are

to have and to carry each of them one halbard and one case of pistolls with holsters; and the rest of the souldiers ol.‘ the twelve troopes aforesaid are to have and to carry each of them one matehlocke muSquet, with a collar

Irish establish

of baudaliers, and also to have and to carry

ments ceased at the union. In the year 1711'), King George II. reduced the three old regiments of Horse on the English establislmn'nttothe quality and pay of Dragoons, His Majesty at, the same time con-

one bayonett or great knife. That each lieutenant have and carry one partizan ; and that two drums be delivered out for each troope of the said regiment. ”

The separate English


This appears to have been the first intro—

EAGLE duction of hayonets into the British Army. Carbines do not seem to have been supplied to the regiments of Horse until 1678. This regiment was disbanded after the peace in 1674. In the first year of the reign of King James 1]., several regiments of Horse and Dragoons were embodied :and a regulation of the 21st of February, 1687, thus prescribes the arms of the Dragoons :— “The Dragoons, to have snaphause musquets strapt with bright barrels of three foote eight inches long, cartouch boxes, bayo netts, grenade pouches, bucketts and hammer hatchetts." However, as already observed, the service of Dragoons thus constituted soon became unpopular, and was in no degree found to

answer the purposes intended, so 1hat in all respects


were erelong assimilated to

the rest of the cavalry. This became the. more desirable, as the suppression generally of the cuirass—restored to the Household regiments only in 1821—and the improvements in mounting and equipment hail. in fact, placed the service pretty much on the same footing. The introduction of regiv merits of Light Dragoons originated in 171‘ by the formation ofthe Duke of Kingston‘s regiment of Light Horse. In 1753 King George II. added Light 'l‘roops to certain regiments '. and in 1759 were raised special corps of Light Dragoons, of which the XVth was the

first, being also one of four regi»

ments of Hussars so constituted in For», when they received the title of the XVth or King’s Hussars. The lance was introduced in 1817: the first

corps so armed being the 23rd Light Dra— goons. In 1862 the title of the regiments of Light Dragoons was converted into that of Hussars, although the peculiar dress and equipment which had distinguished these corps had for some time been abolished. (To be continued.)


hearing of a man-eating lion near a small star

tion, went down to the spot, where the lion 189:), a new colony was added to the

British Empire, and is now known as the British East African Protectorate. This colony should have a peculiar interest to the Royal Dragoons in that an old officer

of the

regiment, (the late Colonel Frank

Rhodes,) was one of the early pioneers sent

out by the British Government to ascertain the possibilities of the country. As soon as the British Government realized the value and the promise of the country, a railway was commenced, starting from Mom-

baSsa on the East African coast, which now terminates on the Great Victoria Nyanza Lake at Port Florence. This railway has a double purpose in that : firstly, it opens up for British colonization one of the finest territories of Central Africa secondly, it gives access to the source of the

Nile which is essential to the British occupation of Egypt and the Soudan. From the Coast port of Mombassa to Port Florence is a distance of 580 miles ; starting at sea-level the railway rises to an altitude of 8,000 feet, then falls sharply to the Great Lake, traversing at first dense equatorial jungles,

then gradually rising through scrub and bush country to the splendid rolling downs of the

British East African Plateau. From the train can be seen the great moun-

tain of Kilimanjaro, directly on the equator, with its perpetual snows rising to a height of

23,000 feet. Great herds of game— antelope, zebras, ostriches. lions, and rhinoceros frequent these

open plains, and in thousands can be seen from train windows.

During the construction of the line, Indian coolies and African labourers were frequently killed by lions, and true stories are told of escapes and deaths of Europeans from man— eating lions. On one occasion three German travellers





was last seen, intending to sit up and shoot. him.

They dined well, rather too well, in a first. class compartment which they had detached: for them ata siding. Two of the party laid down on the banks to sleep, while the third!. watched. The watcher noticed something crossing and recrossing the line, but could not see clearly enough to make sure what it was. He turned round to call his companions. lmmediatly the lion jumped in at the open door of the compartment, seized the occu-

pant of the lower berth, mauled him severely, then attacked the man on the upper berth and

jumped out of the compartment with this man in his mouth. Even last year lions, singly or in pairs, were» seen frequently from the train.

Elephants and buffaloes are found in large herds in the more out-ofthe-way parts, far from the railroad, where civilization has not

yet spread. One farmer told how, when riding round his farm one early morning, he saw a herd of

250 elephants of all sizes trekking slowly ac~ ross his land. He had to ride and drive them off to save his fencing. But of yarns of sport and big game there is no end; one fact remains, that British East Africa is indeed the big game hunter’s Paradise, and, owing to good game regulations, will long remain so.

Sport, however, is only one of the attractions. that the country holds out to Europeans. Two.

No man will settle down in a new colony and his become a true colonizer, unless he can take a y, countr that in wife and children and make,

permanent home. From an agricultural point of View, the counn ‘try holds out the brightest prospect »—grai . grown sfully succes be can where every ut doubt Mealies and barley do best, but witho and fruit , ables Veget 'wheat will also succeed. shflouri to ing plant only re potatoes requi

horses 011 the lower levels both stock and

and the agricultural prospects are very hopeful. But, be it remembered, that daily the population of the Protectorate is increasing, the



East Coast 'l‘setse fly.

those great African curses—


horse-sickness and the

Up to the present the high freights on the

greatest advantages of low rental,su re employ-

ess Uganda railway have hampered the progr being of the country, but these are gradually reduced to suit the colonists. The greatest prospect of success are, how, ever, on the coast line, where rubber, coffee great the with n grow be rice and mealies can here but ; ities quant ant abund in and ease est the climate is unhealthy, feverish, and in-

ment and quick promotion go to the man who first arrives, and as in all other enterprises the man who gets in on the groundfloor has the

tensely hot As a traveller, last year, I visited British East Africa, and was




make friends with many of the farmers, colonists, traders and oflicials. Hearing all they had

greatest chance of success.

Great chances

there arein the new country, and if the choice lies between doubtful employment at home or ahard, healthy life abroad, with good prospects of success, to any man who will adopt a colony as his home, my advice to that man is that he should go and try his fortune in the British East African Protectorate.


to say, and from what I saw myself in different parts of the E’rote storate, I came to the conclusion, that of all the countries I have seen

Of all Indian Sports, by far the most exciting, is hunting the savage wild boar with

and travelled, this British East African Plateau had the most perfect climate of all—7 that the latent possibilities were fully as

spears. To those who do not realise the fighting value of a full grown boar or the

great as any other country I have visited,

Europeans ; not only is it suited to European.

getic, and who loves the out-door life to which

thrive and do well.

Police andoflicials are required in greater num-

bers daily as the country advances. Land can be obtained from Government at the nominal rent of one anna an acre per year,

not excluding Canada, and that in a few years this territory will be exporting enormous quantities of grain to other parts of the world,

women and children.

gently required,and wellpaid;pro motionquick.

ialStock in parts is successfully raised, espec good are there e wher ly on the higher levels, ; prospects that large herds will soon be bred

others, far more important, are the splendid climate and the wonderful fertility of the land. The East African Plateau, though situated. directly on the equator, has, owing to its altitude, varying from 3,500 feet to 8,000 feet, above sea-level, a climate eminently suited for men but, unlike lndia,

we are all so accustomed in the army, and who feels, on completing his service, a disinclinaA tion to the class of employment he can obtain at home, to that man I cannot recommend a better, healthier, freer life than that of a colo— nist in Great Britain’s new colony. The opportunities in every young and nude veloped country are very great, labour is ur-

and that British East Africa will shortly become one of the most valuable assets of the

Empire. To any man who is young, strong, and ener-

nature of the country they haunt, the very name of this sport conveys a wrong impression. lt is only when we realise that to kill a boar the rider must have the nerve to ride at

full gallop over broken

ground, through

thorny scrub or long reeds, sometimes as high as the horse itself, that we can appreciate the intense pleasure of a good hunt. Moreover,

few who have not met the wild boar of the Indian jungle can realise what a gallant fight~




ing animal he is. This can be understood when the factis known that a boar will occupy the same patch of covert as a leopard, having

no fear of this natural enemy, and if he meets a. tiger on ajungle path, the boar continues his way, and it is the tiger who turns aside to avoid a hostile collision. On April 16th, aparty of five of us travelling by train with five horse-boxes containing our hunters attached, proceeded to a small station called Palia, in the Kheri district. There we were met by our host, Mr. Faun-

running, and after the first jink eharo ed liearsey, who speared heavily. Gainin; a. swamp, the pig charged several times, Udltll unable to fight any longer, he kept to the

reeds. and was finally despttched by the slut

SCOUTING. BY MAJOR G. F. STEELE. (Continued) In addition to the foregoing we also have ground-scouts, both for Artillery and Cavalry.



Shooting, likewise, is just as good, for what better training could you wish for than stalk ing The only element you have absent is. the horse. Our colonies should form a natural breed— ing ground for scouts. From their earliest infancy, colonials are intimately connected with horses, and are accustomed to breaking them in and looking,r after_ them in sickness and health. They are. from boyhood, in the habit of hunting. tracking and shooting animals of all kinds. Resourcefulness is second nature to them. Their eyes are trained to see things which the town-bred man would not spot With glasses. Both these classes, therefore, I look upon as the right material. Of course in peace time

elephants and ahundred coolies, spread out

Irrm' on foot. Tuesday was a blank day ;- no pig being found in the jungle we visited. Wednesday was also disappointing, for though we found several good pigfit was very unrideable country, only one giving us a chance. Miles on "’ Hobs” again l'Jll him round several ‘ figures of eight,’ and again the pig charged Hearsey whose spear failed to stop him. Most fortunately this pig had both tuslies broken, so the good grey pony llearsey was riding got otii with a bruise in: stead of a cut. The following day we got four good boar.

over afront of half a mile.

After beating for

The first fell to Miles again riding “Bobs,”


two hours, and failing to induce a good boar to leave the thick cover, a small one was seen breaking towards a light green patch of jhao. He gave us a very long and difficult run, choosing very bad ground, and jinking whenever in danger of being speared. Mr.

and the next to Sandbach who, with Godman marked a boar stealing away and rode hini across the open. The third gave a good run

The expert scouts, I consider, should come from the yeomen of England and from our colonies. These are, to my mind. far better

neioss excellent hunting country, and was

qualified than the ordinary soldier, from the

run all the way by Faunthorpe on his beautifulBay Australian “Marquis.” Just as he was about to spear, the pig jinked into a bush and

very fact that in their every-day life they have to’do the very things which are so necessary for a scout.

fell to Turner.

In England what better education could you have for a scout than hunting. It com

1,—.\’atural Qualification

bines all the chief essentials, namely,—

Pluck. Sobriety. Self-reliance.

Able to swim. Able to ride. Able to cycle.

Discretion. Quick intelligence.

Reading. Writing.

Vivid imagination. Active and willing

Arithmetic. Signalling.

Good physique.


thorpe, 1.0.8., and Mr. Lionel Hearsey (Junior) on whose estate we were to commence our hunting.

Shortly afterwards we started for

our first meet on the banks of the Saarder river.

The driving line was composed of four

Faunthorpe was first on the line,

but soon

resigned in favour of Colonel de Lisle who being unable to spear, let up Miles. Godman’s horse gave him a nasty fall, crossing a raised plank road, but though much shaken,

he got off without serious damage.


Faunthorpe got in first spear followed by one from the Colonel. At the same time as this boar was occupy-


the attentions

of four of the party,

Hearsey, Sandbach and Turner were hunting another fine boarthrough thick Kadir grass, but lost him owing to the water-pools and nullabs. Afer a short halt for lunch, which was car< ried on one of the elephants, the line beat back

in the hope of finding the boar lost shortly before. broke

After heating for about a mile, he away, and


riding his famous

hunter “ Bobs” was quickly on him, followed by Hearsey. This boar had no intention of

The Colonel, coming back

after the jink, finished him. The last pig gave a splendid run to Miles‘on “ Barmaid”‘and the Colonel. The pig crosseda stream with a boggy bottom and the two horses only just got through with difficulty. After crossing the stream, the two horses had a great race across the open, “Barmaid ” winning and getting the spear from a charge. The tushes of this pig measured 8; inches.

‘l‘he Cavalry Drill Book tries to draw a distinction by speaking of (a)

Advanced reconnaissance, for gaining information. (0) Protective reconnaissance, for the immediate security of a force. Also it mentions lst and 2nd class scouts. But even this does not quite get over the difficulty.


l think that the re-

gular army should not be required to provide scouts for more than the protective duty, which is a quite sufficient drain on a regi-


Horsemanship and horsemastership.

2. The art of finding your way across country, both by day and night. (In the short winter days one continually has to ride home in the dark, which is all good practice even though one does not appreciate it at the

would require onlya very little training in the first instance, and could easily be kept.

up without being made irksome. Now what are the qualifications of a real

good scout?

Only one more pig was killed before the


Quickness of sight.


Boldness tempered by discretion.

5. The faculty of making up your mind at a moment’s notice. 6. The employment of all your knowledge and cunning in the attempt to catch an animal which is doing its best to outwit you and save its own skin. The latter, by the way, being the greatest known factor for sharpening wits.

Colonel Carter in a lecture on

this subject, in 1904, gives the following listunder two heads :— II.—Educational Qualification

Good judge of distance.

Good eyesight. Good hearing; Aptitude for



meet broke up on Saturday. This gave a good

run to the Colonel, God man, Miles and Hear— sey, the former spearing after the jink. Though the bag was not big, the meet was a most enjoyable one. The arrangements were perfect, the sport, though diflicult, was good, and we all felt we had spent a most enjoyable week, and hope to put in another meet in the same place later on.

they would have to be taught what I may call the military elements of scouting. But this.

Sketching. picking


Languages (if possible).

Telegraphy (very desirable)

This certainly looks a fairly comprehensive list, but when you come to analyse it, you will find that it is not really so very alarm-

ing, and if you would look down the roll of' your own squadron or company, you would probably find that about 75 per cent of your men were already possessed of the majority of these qualifications. And, again. look at what a small proportion is expected by the Drill Books to be trained.




In is—

the Cavalry the minimum laid down

1 Officer.

of the training, one by one, which [ mentioned above :

I.——The various methods of finding your

1 Sergeant. 8 Regimental (or lst class scouts). 16 Squadron (or 2nd class scouts.) }4 per Squadron. 16 Despatch Riders. In the Infantry, at least one man per squad in addition to one non-commissioned officer in each half-company. It certainly seems curious that the Infantry should be expected to train so many more men as scouts than the Cavalry, as undoubted»

ly the brunt of the scouting, except in hill warfare, would be borne by the Cavalry. General Baden Powell, in his “Aids to Scouting,” says that “scouting is a thing

that can be learnt, but cannot be taught." Any one who has ever taken a class of scouts in hand, will have realized the truth of that remark. Of course, it does not mean that you cannot teach anything, as obviously you can instruct men in all those things which are laid down in the Drill Books, which are as follows :—

way in a strange country. The book says, by map, compass, stars, etc, but of these methods I only propose to deal with the et cetera. One can learn a great deal of the art of scouting from the North American Indians, and the following are a few aids given by them for finding your way :—

Generally speaking, the tops of pine trees lean towards the rising sun. Moss grows towards the roots of trees on the side which faces the north. The limbs of trees are more numerous and

largest on that side which faces the south. In some countries there is a prevailing wind which will blow from a certain direction every day between certain hours. On the west coast of Africa the wind blows all day from the sea, and all night from the land. In Kashmir, woods grow on the northern and western slopes of the hills, while the southern and eastern slopes are generally bare.

people are paid to tell him what to do. Some one writes orders which someone else reads to him, which tell him where, why, and how he parades on the morrow. If he doesn't happen to wake in time, someone wakes him. From the time he goes on parade till the time he

duty hours.

His health is a matter of little or no concern to him, since doctors are on the spot to

What he is pleased to regard as

his leisure would cease to be so, and he would doubtlessly, and perhaps very rightly too, resent any such interference. Assuming then that clever writers have hesitated to go on, I confess I am somewhat diffident to venture; yet, armed with the know-

ledge that comes from long personal experience and observation. I feel sure that no harm

can come of pointing out to the soldier just exactly where and how he stands in this respect ; while, on the other hand, much good may accrue.

Moreover, it is necessary that some-

Horsemanship and horsemastership. Tracking.




his every movement is ordered.

examine him frequently, and everything possible is done in the direction of hygiene and sanitation to secure his immunity from sickness and disease. Why then should he tron» ble? All thatis necessary is for him to do exactly as he is told, and he is com for table. It is hardly surprising that the soldier, under these conditions, develops sooner or later into a mere machine. His brain for want of ap-

plication becomes rusted and useless, and it is not until he retu ms to civil life, often well on

thing should be said in his defence.

in years, that he realises his unfitness to cope

At home, no matter from what class of society he is drawn, he can everywhere find his own social level. He is in constant touch with his women-folk—his mother, sisters

with men who have had the regulation of their lives in their own hands, and the thinking

In India, unless he bea warrant

(to be continued.) or senior non-commissioned ofiicer, he is re-

in a strange country—

Taking notice of landmarks, etc. Reporting on an enemy or country.


Perhaps though, it has been thought of, and has been dismissed as touching too closely upon his private affairs. It is one thing to regulate a man‘s daily life in barracks and on parade during the time he is on duty, but it is a vastly different matter to lay down hardand fast rules for his conduct during his oif

sweetheart. The various methods of finding your way


and working out of their own salvations. Spending his days and nights with com. panious as unfortunate in their isolation as himself, his conversation never rising, perhaps, aboveapetty and altogether unimportant


garded as a social pariah. Taking a rough average, asoldier spends about seven years of


his service in this country, yet during the

number of some discharged comrade, or the

whole of that time he but rarely exchanges a

merits or demerits of a certain aspirant for squadron football honours, heis hardly to be

discussion as to the particular regimental

Much ill-natured criticism has been directed on

word with a man outside his own or a neigh-

Judging distance.

our manners, I do not think it is to be resented.

bouring regiment, and probably never speaks

blamed for his

But these are all rudiments, and after they

Rather zfive are wise we shall listen and mend. Our critics will then be our best friends, though they did not mean it.—-EMERSON. It has probably never occurred to the many writers whose articles one so frequently sees adorning the pages of the press, on the subject of Tommy Atkins, his morals, his duties,

to a woman ! And one hears such adjectives as “rough,” “ uncouth." “uncultivated,”

nothing of the delight of rich, pure, social

have been mastered, then the scout must train himself. Sir William Napier tells us what a scout

should aSpire to be when he writes of Col— quhoun Grant in the Black Watch :—“That celebrated scouting officer, in whom the utmost daring was so mixed with subtlety of geniuS, and both so tempered by discretion,

that it is difficult to say which quality predominated.” Now, as regards the instruction which can

be given to a scout, let us take the headings

his sports ; the way he should be equipped, clothed, fed, etc; that there is one side of him which might be written of and discussed

with much interest to all and with certainly no little advantage to himself, namely, his

social qualifications.

“impossible ! "' It is a deplorable fact. and none the less so because it is to a great extent unavoidable, that Tommy gets very few opportunities of practising initiative. Everything is arranged for him, and he soon becomes accustomed to leave the management of his affairs to his seniors. Often, indeed, after a few years’ service, he neglects even to think for himself ! It is altogether a useless and unnecessary fatigue. There's his bed : there‘s his dinner :


He knows


The love of companionship, we are told, is admirable, but it


be discriminating.

How is he to discriminate? No one asks him out, and he cannot very well force himself on people; and so it becomes well nigh impossible for him to get out of his barrack environ» ment. There is one way of course: reading and

study. But this would mean holding himself aloof from his comrades : and being essentially a company-loving animal, he would,


‘unless possessed of a. very strong will, quickly tire of his books, and go back to his old mode of living.



The scores were as follows :——-

‘thing more than an hour's net-practice.

500 Mix

600 yds.


In concluding these brief remarks, 1 would ergt. Mitchel]


. Q. M. s. Beall


'this social problem, preferring to leave its solution'to abler hands My intention has been merely to lay bareafew facts in the hope that some at least of my comrades will see the necessity of seriously considering ‘their present positions. [sincerely trust I


Ner t. Collingwood Lamb

S. S. M Elliott


Allchin Wilson Jeffery Fisher Huggins

'‘ ~ ‘ ‘ ;'

Yeates Simpson







28 28 33 20 23

.. .. .. .. ..

80 SO BS 77 '75

‘ ‘ ‘


They have a fine batting side and are quick in the field. Seaton and Weich are nearly always good for fifty each, Lamb scatters the wickets

in approved style, and Welch is deadly as a stumper. The Sergeants, and “ D” Squadron, too, with a little more practice. should be able to give good accounts of themselves. The following are some of the more recent matches :—

shall have been successful. Conronus



““ t. 30 g4 30


' f


25 35 31 35 26

asst-1‘14 rt, :1 hoiwcisiw C JV

“ BRIAN Bonn. "

32 13 24


How Ont.

Rapkin proved to be the best shot of ser-

which Sergeant Simpson won the only spoon (there being less than twelve competitors),

with 89 points. The only other musketry item was a match between the Sergeants and the Corporals, held on the 2nd instant, the former proving victorious by 51 points.

Sheffield Sheffield Anderson -a Sheffield Cater Cgt. Mayliston Stumped Downer Cater Mayliston Bowled Weston -v Cater Sheffield 1. Not out Extras

S. Q. M S. Beall Pte. Iddenden .. VSergt. Weston Corpl. Winter Pte. Earl ,. Hook



Caught Collison Hasler




Caught Rankin Hasler

















Not out











geants, and the best shot rank and file went to Shoeing Smith Graham The Sergeants have held two “spoon shoots" since last we wrote, one on the llth ultimo, when the spoons went to S. Q M. S Stuart, first with 81 points, and Sergeant Thompson, second with 78 ; and another on the 24th, in





The weather was

and, so far, no very high standard has been reached. The Musketry returns for 1905 are completed and show a very satisfactory improVement. “ A ” Squadron were adjudged the best shooting squadron of the year : Sergeant



Pm. Welch .. Seaton Sergt. Lamb Mr. Tomkinson Corp]. Jeffrey

MES s.



How Our.


In our first number, it will be remembered. we had occasion to remark on the lack of cricket enthusiasm in the regiment. We



,. Sheffield Cater . Anderson . Mayliston Dwyer Vandy Palmer Allen Downer Fitch Bennett

Not out Bowled

Lamb Earl Earl Lamb Lamb Earl Earl Lamb Lamb Earl Emtms Total


course, whilst "’ B " Squadron occupy the .range at present. The climatic conditions have not been conducive to good shooting,

Ten tired,——best eight to unfavourable.

Ba tsmcn.

“ 0 "' BATTERY. Corp]. McDonall

m 34


“ B” Sonspnon




The range practices are going on apace, “A” Squadron having concluded their :90?

“ B” SQUADRON vs. "0"" BATTERY, R. H. A.

the Squadron teams, “ B " are easily first. 2’00 uds.

point outithat [ have not ventured to solve


i— Il H i—‘H um x: GT-fiDOCD‘O divictmi—Ia u.


1.11mi; pun/mm“! l/ir “ hat trick."

.. H

have now no cause for comment, unless it be

SQUA neon s.



to marvel at the wondrous change. We do not presume to say that it was our remarks which had the effect of reviving the interest in

’S. Q M. S, Cronin Sergt

Sales Collingwood



,, ..


this most British of all British pastimes, but



Run out

it isa significant fact that since the date of our number one, the cricket green is nightly



Canght Vanson

alive with apparently ardent votaries of the bat, ball and wicket; and several matches have been played. By the way, our friends at home would probably be surprised to know that we commence our cricket matches at

B.-Master Holt Sergt. Cole ,, Pte.





Not out


Measures Fisher

Measures Martin


.Sergt. Collison ,,



Caught Keeshan Wilson ,.

McDonall Fisher Extras-

5-30 A.M. and A.M,

draw stumps


Hoir (Nil

McDonall Pte. \Velch .. Seaton Mr. Tomkinson Sergt. Lamb ,,


Corpl. Jetfrey Capt. Lord C. Fitzmanricv S. Q.M. S. Boall Pte. Earl .. Hook Corpl. Winter


Bowler. Iddenden Reevr»

Iddenden ('gt. Idtlenden .. Page Bon‘led Sgt. Allen Bowlcd Not out Cm. Rt‘t-‘Yl‘

Reeve Reeve Mc Douall Reeve Reeve Reeve McDonall Extras

at 8-30 or 9

After this, nothing in the open is pos~

sible until 530 or 6 P.M., and then the light does not last long enough to admit of anyl



Rims. .. ..

10 :1;





Corp]. McDonall



Pte. Page ., Hastings

Stumped Welch Caught Winter

Lamb Lamb

Reeve .. Iddenden B.-Master Holt

Pte. Lovell ,, .. .,

FOOTBALL. Consequent on the conclusion of the Quadt. Inter-Squadron Cup Tournament, which end‘ ed in favour of “D ” Squadron, football is for

,. Fitzmauriue Lamb ,, ,.

Seaton Earl

the time being, suspended.

Earl Lamb


game, it was quite evident, even in the early struggles, that the Cup would go to either


Smith Parry Murphy

Stumped Welcli Earl Caught Welcb Lamb ,, Tomkinson Earl


Not out

“ C” or “D " Squadron, although at one time the Band team looked likely stayers. “ D " Squadron, who had dropped to third place by reason of their defeat at the hands of “ C, ” climbed up again by beating “ B " Squadron by 3 goals (Cronin, Leslie and Corke) to m‘l.


This brought “ ‘ ” and “ D " practically neck» and-neck, and on the former beating “ A" by3 goals (Stribling 2 and Newton) to m‘l,

"D” SQUADRON 1's. “0” BATTERY. R. H. A. “ O " BATTERY. Baismrn

How Out.

Pte. Sheffield ,. Carter

Caught Vanson Bowled

To critics of the

Bowler. Rankin Rankin

Rims .. ..

:39 0

and the latter adding two points by their victory over the band by 3 goals (Corke 2 and Marlow) to nil : these two teams were

Mr. Anderson



Pte. Mayliston ,. Downer ., Hailstone ,. Cartwright Corp]. Burgess

.. .. .. .. ..

11 0 n 0 0

left to decide the championship. Of the two, “ D ” Squadron have the better eleven. They

Caught Vanson Bowled

Cronin Cronin Cronin Cronin Rankin

Pte. Curran

c. & b.




Regimental team, they all play good, clean

., ,.

Vandy Johnstone

Not out :Bowled

.. Rankin Ertms

“footer,” and on form, should have won. “D” Squadron, however, area tenacious side,


and although they lack the polish»of theiropponents, they play with a dash and vigour

070711;"; l”187 armed the “ ha! Zi‘idx‘ " h D "

number among them no fewer than six men. Who have played at various times for the:

which is not easy to combat. The final game took place on the 27th ultimo, on the ground by the Ofiicers’ Mess,

actual participants knowing anything about it

Both teams then worked like Trojans, and

This is the Houstoun Cup Tournament. Lieut‘

some really excellent football was the result. Newton came a cropper and was forced to retire, but he pluckily resumed a few minutes later, “ "’ again took up the attack, and a. few minutes before time were rewarded by another point through Rowe, who running in from the wing, beat Lockyer witha. fine shot. Then, real hard play until the whistle sounded, and the best game of the tournament ended—2 goals all. The teams were as follows :— “ O” Squadron—Dale; Thompson and Pine ; Ashworth, Moss and Whitefield ; Rowe, Newton, Sutch, Stiles and Stribling. “D” Squadron.——Lockyer; Whittingham and Francis; Leslie, Sanderson and Taylor; Cole, Cronin, Corke, Coomer and Webster. The league table is shown below. It will be seen that “ D ” Squadron are ahead of “ C ” only in the matter of goal average. “ A ” and

Houstoun, himself a great lover of the game; presented this cup last year to be‘lplayed for by troop teams of “ A ” Squadron. and it was won by the 4th Troop. This year’s tournament is nearing the end, and to judge by the table of results, appears to be quite an easy thing

Corp]. Vanson Pte. Edis

c. & b. l. b. w.

Anderson Hailstonc

,, Gallctly Sergt. Collison Pte. Townsend Rankin Lockycr Taylor Rivctt (‘olc

Bowled Caught Curran Caught Sheilicld Caught Anderson Bowled Caught Shellield Not out Bowled

Anderson Shcflield Anderson Shellield Hailstonn Carter .. Muyliston I'lrlrus Total

In a match played on the 3th instant. “ . " Squadron gained a decisive victory over "‘ A beating them by 130 runs to 71. Welch for " B " compiled :77.

to witness the play. Corporal Winter was the referee. Both sides were minus a manof their full team, “ C ” Squadron being without Hatchwell, and “ D ” playing without Marlow. The game commenced at 5—80 P.M., and immediately “ D,” with the sun behind them,

assumed the offensive. “ ‘,”however, quickly responded, and an even, up-anddown game ensued, and continued until 10 minutes before the half-time whistle sounded, when Coomer for “ D ” Squadron surprised Dale with a

“ daisy cutter ” and added apoint for his side. Nothing further being added, the interval came with the scores, “D " 1 goal; “C " nil.

.. .. ..

“ A” Sqdn. “B" ,,

.. ..


1 1

3 : :

14 14 7


' f


' ‘


think, hockey was got under way. Several good friendly games have been played, and we understandaquiet littleinter—troop tournamen t

is taking place without hardly anyone, but the

for the 4th Troop, who will surely come out with a record goal average. The Band visiting Baraban ki on the 25th of last month, enjoyed a keen, excellent game with the team of the District Police, and con-

sidering the good class of the side they were pitted against, acquitted themselves credit _ ably by drawing with them 5 goals all} McDouall was conspicuous for his fine defenc‘e.

On the 14th “D” Squadron beat “0 ”Battery,


11 11 s



6 2


Played Won Lost Drawn. for agst

“D”Sqdn. “C” ,, Band

elapsed to enable players to recover from their sprains and bruises, and it is high time, we


Goals. Team

football is over now, and sufficient time has

R. H. A., by 3 goals (Cronin 2 and Vanson) to nil. On the 16th a. regimental side beat the 24th Punjabis by 5 goals (Cronin 3 and Vanson 2) to 3. On the 18th the Corporals met the Sergeants and won a, rather one-sided game by 5 goals to ml. Corporals Fisher (3), Vanson and Davis were responsible for the goals.

“ B ” Squadrons did not play their last game.

and nearly the whole regiment turned out Anderson


In the second moiety, “C” had the game to themselves fora time and did not relax pressure until they brought the score level, the ball going into “ D’s 7’ goal off one of their backs. “D" then woke up, and working hard, forced a corner, which being nicely placed, the forwards contrived to rush into the net, thus placing their side ahead again.


S. Q. M. S. Cronin Played on



Promotions and Appointments. Nos. 4156, Lance-Sergeant Lock promoted Sergeant. 4640, Pte. Todd appointed Lance-Corporal. 473l, ,, Cherritt ,, ,, ,,

No further progress has been made in the Discharges. Shield Tournament since last we wrote, but

this is probably accounted for by the fact that many of the Squadron players are members also of the Squadron football teams and could

not very well have played both games; still the

4796, Lance Sergeant Newport Invalided. 5355, Pte. Bailey ... Purchased. 5502, ,, Flynn ,, 5006, ,, Smith .. ,, 5217, ,, WeSton H. E. Viceroy’s Baud.


EAGLE ’i‘ l l E 4580, Pte. Fowler

Emtensio» of Service. 4782, 476s, 5068, 4707.

Sergeant Edwards Corporal Andrews ,, Hence Lce.-Corp1 De Knock .. Yeates

1 [To

1'1. years with the colours


Re-eiigagemen ts.

3986, S. S. M. I. F. 85 G. Cookei 5713, Sergeant Simpson ’










5022, 4074, 5081, 52.42.

,, ,, ,, .

Field Frith Gardner Halford





4940. 4551. 5318. 5744.



. .

Harrington Kemp Marlow Mc illister Pratt.




3875. Lce.-Corpl Cresswell

Ambala. Jhansi. . Lalitpur. ,,


Struthers aumpster Shea Thompson Weedon

Kenny Coppin Dodson


Bina. . Lalitpur. . Landonn ,,


Reserve _

Englan (1.

,, , Africa (Natal Pollen), ch Divisional Offices.

Copy o/‘lc/[m-s. «Ir/ml Lucknow, ii/h .ilny,


Bronx COLONEL ii deB. de LlSLE, Gov/”hundmg The [toy/{Ii Dragoons,




To 2' years with ,' the colours. \

3938, ,. Norton 3937. Lee-Sergeant Sales 3902, Corpl. S. S. Lockyer 4235, ., S S.Young


German Embassy. 54”,



I.\. (i i. n

. Lalitpur.




Sm, 5769, 5116, 4769, 4918. 4937.


Lalitpur. Bina. . Ambala. Cawnpore. . Allahabad.



have the honour to enclose a ln-ltur to

H. I. M. The Emperor, expressing our grailtude for his generous gift to our



al Cottage Homes.

Passed Examinations.

meets every Wednesday evening at 7-30 I). M.

Married Families in the Hilts. Major E. FitzG. .\'1. Wood

Part [1, L S.

Lieutenant H

Hindustani. (:1) i Promo-

A. Tomkinson


Part I, L. S.

2nd-Lieut. B R. Hudson

Hindustani. Part I, H. S. Hindustani.

Lee-00ml. J. Todd Nos. 5241, Lee-Corp]. McLellan‘]

4275, Bandsman Masters 4633, Pte. Short 4814, ,, Tarling

3 2nd Class Certificate ,> of Education. l














i3rd Class Certificate of Education.

I have the, honour to he. in the Wesleyan Soldiers’ Home, Lucknow.

Mrs. Wallis’and children ., Harman and children ,, Bush and children ... Sergt. St Mrs. Mockler and children S. S. F. & Mrs. Raven and child Mrs. Sykes and child


Greenland and child

Naini l‘al. Ranikbet. Chaubattia. ,, Ranikhet.

,, Chaubattia. Ranikhet. Chauhattia. ,, Ranikhet. ,, Chaubattia.








. Lalitpur.







F. Q. M. S. Mott Sergt. Bonnett Lce.-Sergt. Timson Corpl. Oxford Lem-Corp]. Hughes ,, Martin

5003, S. S. Giles 5831, S. S. Snelling 5043, Pte. Aldrich 5538. 5789,


Burnige (Jrowhurst










. . Simla. .. Lillooah. .. Lalitpur. Muttra.

. Wellington. Bombay. . Lalitpur, . Landour. n


3510, S. S. M. Kendon, Yeomanry,

Discharged ,, ,, Reserve

5269 Pte. 2720 S. S. 5768 Pte. 5278

Elson, Invalid Nicholson, Discharged Charman, Invalid Ormsby ,,



5223 4462 4459 4-141 4421

Wyatt Bryant, Carter Fitchet Goddard


COLONEL H. deB. de LIsLE, Commanding The Royal Dragoons,

To His IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Col.-in-Chief, The Royal Dragomm.


On behalf of all ranks of Your Majesty‘s


5703 ,, Allen, Pick 3588 Cpl. 3043 ,, Rapps 4442 L.-Cpl. Wheeler,

H. deB. de LISLE, COL. Commanding Royal 0 mguo It s,

We regret to report the following deaths:— N0. 3749 Saddler SergeantC Downey, died on lst April, 1907, at Netley Hospital. Eng» land. No. 5779, Lance-Corporal Keeshan, died on 4th May, i907, at the Station Hospital. Lucknow.


.. England . Calcutta. . Landour. Bina. . Landour. . Bina. . Landour.

3102, 5705, 4461, 50m, 542i. 5075,


UBITU. {If l".

The following N.-C. 0’s and men have left the Regiment since lst January 1907 :—

N.-C. 0‘s and Mm on leave.

Your obedient servant.



,, Brown and child Sergt. & Mrs. Thearle and children Mrs. Samways and child ,, Murphy and children ... S. S. F. & Mrs. Dight and children Mrs. Roberts and children Corp]. .85 Mrs. Wilsher and child

SIR, Visitms are cart/fully invited.

,, Telemann/aired 15th .ilarch,


To Officer Commanding, The Royal Dragoons. German Emperor agrees proposal Cottage Fund. Subscribes. .50 pounds. MJilcui/ Attache, (Icrmmt Embassy.


Regiment, 1 have the honour to express our respectful gratitude for the permission accorded us to head the list of patrons of our Regimental Cottage Homes with Your Majesty’s name. The generous donation of £15l‘ towards this fund from their Colonel-in-Chief has excited the warmest feelings in the heart of every member of Your Majesty ’s Regiment.

,, ,, Reserve

To The Military Attache,

1 have the honour to be, SIR,

German Embassy, London. Please convoy to His Majesty the grateful thanks of his .Regim ent. Commanding; “ [log/«(5. "

Your obedient servant. (Sd.)

H. deB. de IJISLE, 001.,

Cunnhumling The Royal Dragoow.


Advertisement and Sub= scriplion Rates. ADV E R'I‘ISE M ENTS

For six months. full pngc half u


quarter page

“ one month. full page ‘1 '1 half ‘1 quarter page

SUBSCRIPTIONS For six months, 10 subscribers :11 Home .. For six months. to subscribers O

Rs. 3 o in India To N.-C. 0's and men serving Annns .1 per copy. with Regiment X, 11 To all others 7711‘ (1/)071’ rim/mics pos‘frrg'i'.


ammnmnnmcnmnnnnn uifillfl WM


0:; 00


(the Eagle.


“(be Editor, “Cbe Eagle," SATURDAY, JUNE 15TH, 1907.

Royal Dragoons

Eucknow, 'lmiia.


In direct contrast to the fears generally entertained, that the summer would find our little chronicle suffering from paucity of news,

“g“ for 6 montbly copies 65% of “ the

that the scarcity of local events would compel

Sir, ‘I enclose herewith for


us either to ‘dry up” 01 confine our pages to reprints of regimental orders, we are confronted on the eve of publication of this our June Number, with the difficult, butin this case pleasing. task of selecting items from quite a mass of copy. In response to our request, niany readeis, principally members of the corps at present on leave have promptly and most kindly forwarded contributions, all the more creditable from the fact that to do so they each have had to sacrifice even a small portion of their holiday-making.

Eagle. ” Please place my name on the list of E; subscribers and forward copies to:


Jlddress .. ii

Our Eagle may now be said to have become fully fledged and capable of suie flight We


Methodist Publ Printers 81 Stationers. School and Office Supplies,

Fine stolioncru,

FonCV Goods,

Dost Cords of evew description, Macrlillan’s Colonial Librarv, 81c.

Hozroigung, Lucknow.

E [— l— l—_‘ l— ’— ’— [Wm/SE


appear to have hit upon the idea of p1o1iding interesting reading f01 all sections of 0111 subscribers, and ha1ing got so far, 0111 task becomes considerably lighter. By this, we do not wish it to be understood that we shall make no departure from the class of matter hitherto published. “Variety is charming. ” says Virgil, and with this aphorism in mind, we shall not restrict ourselves, always, howeVer, keeping in view the stern necessity of suppressing anything which may tend to reduce our paper to the level of the ha’penny (socalled) comic.

Saturday next will be the ninety-second anniversary of Waterloo, at which famous battle the Royals so greatly distinguished themselves, and captured from the .05th

No. :1.

Regiment of French Infantry of the Line, the Eagle standard, from which this publica» tion takes its name. A full and detailed account of the capture

is contained in General Ainslie’s “Historical Record,” but as the period during which it occurred will not be dealt with for some months, we think it not inappropriate to give here, in brief, a description of the actual taking of the “Eagle.” We quote a. letter written by Captain Clark, the officer responsible for this gallant feat of arms, to the Marquis of Anglesey nearly two and ahalf years after Waterloo : “When my squadron (the centre one) of the Royal Dragoons had advanced two hundred or tl11ee hundred yards beyond the second ledge, and the first line of French Infantry had been broke, I perceived. alittle to my left, an enemy’s ‘Eagle ' amongst the infantry, with which the bearer was making every exertion to get off towards the rear of the column. I immediately rode to the place calling out ‘Secn re the colour,’ and at the same time my horse reaching it, I ran my sword into the otiicer's right side who was carrying the ‘Eagle,' who staggered and fell forwards, but I do not think he reached the ground on account of the pressure of his companions. I immediately called out a second time, ‘ Secure the colour : it belongs to me '. ’ This was addressed to some men who were behind me at the time the oificer was in the act of falling. As he felll1v'11h the‘ Eagle’a little to the 1911, I was not able to catch the standard so as to hold it (11‘o1po1al Stiles and some othei men 1ushed up to my assistance, and the standard was atonce in the (.111 1301al.,

’l.‘ H li possession, it falling across him as he came

up on my left, before it reached the ground.



informed that, at a Gymkhana held at Naini on the 18th ultimo, Pte, Holmes: (our kennel

huntsman), and Lance-Corporal Welsh were

“ (8d) A. K. CLARK, v

“Captain, Roz/n1 Dragoons.’

first and second, respectively, out ofa field

of eight, in a four-furlong race on bazaar ponies, an animal which, we explain for the

assist in any way. They point out the splendid advantages of the country, and lay stress on the fact that settlers’ children are enabled to get a much better start in life there than in Great Britain.

Major Wanliss, Army





more vigorously and :continuously to their respective tasks, having frequent recourse to a long glass of—oh ! anything wet, in a vain endeavour to satisfy an unquenchable thirst, we calmly (5’) write of glaciers and perennial snows, of mountain torrents and hailstorms, of beautiful wooded hills, and cool, verdant valleys;the while the ink in our inkvpot is fast changing from a liquid into a solid, and a sandstorm rages without our doors ! Are

benefit of the uninitiated, compares extremely unfavourably with a London hawker’s donkey!

Simla, is acting as Honorary Secretaryfiof the League in India, and will be glad to an—

The event is describedas a mostexciting one, it being anybody’s race till afurlong from home, when Holmes with a well judged cross, got to the in side place, and hugging the rails, romped in a good winner. Thirty lengths separated third and fourth, the latter's pony having stopped to graze!

description of any of the states, may be had on application to the Honorary Secretai y, Immigration League, 18, Terry’s Chambers, Castlereagh Street, Sydney.

phies were won by the :Depot'last year, and our correspondent is sanguine of another

Unfortunately, a good deal of the fun in

I am sure we wish the teams good

this gay little resort has been marred by the

a welcome relief to the monotony of summer life in Lucknow, when, on the eveningaol' Empire Day, the 24th ultimo, the massed bands of theiRoyals, ist Oxford shire Light lnfan try,

relaxing sirmco, your skin-peeling khamseen They are as gentle zephyrs compared with the scorching, choking, blinding dndhi of the Indian plains. ____ Coming usually during the afternoon, it gives but short warning of its approach. A great yellow cloudlcrceps, seemingly, up from

ist Durham Light Infantry and 24th Punja bis

the west,

played an excellent programme of music in

Our men in Naini are also, it appears, developing a taste for aquatics. 0n the fine lake, which is distant a mile and a half to two miles

very- heavy rains, which while unpleasant enough to dwellers in brick and stone houses, have played havoc with the canvas domiciles of our detachment. Our correspondent tells too, of a meeting with Lieutenant Leicester, of the Bedfords, who will be remembered better, perhapS, as Sergeant Leicester of the Royals, he having

later bursts upon one with all the crashing, tearing, fury ofa tornado. Of what use to lower chicks, to close and fasten windows and doors. Through every crack and crevice— surely through the very bricks themselves— pour myriads of minute flints, sharp and cutting as steel filings, and one, unable to move, unable to breathe, is left gasping and blinded. Such is but one of the delights ofthe Lucknow summer. Laugh on, ye dwellers on the hills; clap your hands and chuckle as ye read; row your boats and twist your racquets ; ride your tats and climb your khuds : don your heavy tweeds and flannels, but if ye have a spark offipity inlyour beings for your frizzling comrades, speak us not, we beseech you, of

Our Naini Tal correspondent sends us some interesting items of news regarding our Several football and hockey detachment. matches have been played in which our teams

have. acquitted themselves satisfactorily. Combined elevens of Oxfords and Royals are being selected to represent the Depot in the forthcoming Rampur Hockey and Naini Tal Football Cup Tournaments. Both tro»



from the Deptt, there are several boats re-

served exclusively for the troops.


received his commission two years ago.

damaged on the day of the race, and these

Whilst every soldier is aware of the fact that on his discharge Government grants him and his family, should he be married,

27f, being stroked to victory.

It would be

Books containing a full

A very fine alfresco entertainment came as

advantage of the opportunity, the Royals are becoming expert oarsmen, and, indeed, at a recent regatta, entered a crew for the eightoared event. Sadly enough, their boat got budding Guy Nickalses were prevented from establishing records There are to be other regattas, however, and they yet have a chance

swer any questions.


Leicester sent regards to all his old friends.

a free passage to the United Kingdom, it may not be generally known that free passages are also granted to any soldier who on his

com. interesting to know how these oarsmen years twelve or ten of Royals the pare with

discharge elects to restart life in any of the

ago, who on the Liffey in “dear dirty Dublin " won no inconsiderable renown.

British colonies. We mention this in con. nection with a letter we have recently re-

ceived from the Australia.

Immigration League of

With the object of augmenting

They are certainly horseless, these Naini

the population of this prosperous colony, the

Tal Dragoons, and have been so for some time, but this has not prevented them from exhibiting their skill in the saddle We are

league hold out excellent offers to time. expired British soldiers, whom, on proceeding to Australia, they are prepared to meet and

the grounds of the Mohamed Bagh Club.


night was fine, and a slight breeze springing up made even walking about a pleasure.


fl-eshmellt tents and chairs were provided, and almost the whole garrison was present, as well as a goodly number of local civilians

There was noticeable a perfect freedom from restraint, and, we trust, the Club management will in nowise regret their generosity in placing their grounds at the disposal of the troops, who, with characterstic indiilerence, jingled their spurs and ground their heels on the velvety tennis lawns Altogether a very enjoyable evening was

spent, and another entertainment of the kind would, we are sure, be welcomed by all~with the exception, perhaps, of the performers I

Lucknow, 110° degrees in the shade! And as we sit, clad in scanty raiment, mopping the huge drops of perspiration which threaten to obliterate the words before us, cursing the punkah and tattie coolies in several known and unknown tongues, for not applying themselves

you acquainted, dear readerffwith our hot winds



Talk not of your

shuts: out the asun, and an instant

snows !

We hearfrom Captain Leighton, who is travellingin Australia and New Zealand, of the very successful tour he is having. He has been visiting up-country stations in the different colonies, and seeing: much of the

farm-life there.

From NewfiZealand ihe pro~

poses to travel through Canada, and expects

to reach home about the end of June.

THE Major Evelyn Wood, at present shooting in the Sind Valley, about15 .miles from Sona—

marg, sends us an

excellent descriptive

article on Kashmir. Sonamarg, or the Golden Plateau, surrounded by well-wooded mountains, topped with perennial snows, ranks among the principal beauty spots of the world. Major Wood’s account is quite the best thing of its kind we have read for some


With his lively descriptions of the


EAGLE In an account in the Indian press of the annual sports of the Simla Volunteer Rifles, we read that Volunteer J. Buckley won the heavy weight boxing competition. We need hardly tell our readers that this is Buckley of ours, who, during the latter part of the late campaign in Africa, when, owing to the scarcity of supply columns, we were obliged to forage for ourselves, earned for himself the

sobriqucf. of “Mutton


dexterity in capturing and despatching the. elusive baa-lamb. Buckley, now a by no means unimportant spoke in the wheel which

paper in “Impressions of Kashmir."

ment, is, we hear, doing remarkably well.

guides the destinies of our Indian Govern»





Sergeant~Major ( Willy ) Brown, Yorkshire Hussars, I. Y., is another from whom we have heard. “ I received a copy of The [CI/(7197” he writes: “it is splendid. The old Regiment seems to do well with anything it Corporal Plumb, who is takes in hand.” with the Supply and Transport Corps, in Chumbi Valley, 'l‘hibet, tells us of “sixor From Manitoba, seven feet of snow! " Baldock,a promi(Joe) of Canada, comes news ce Scouts durIntelligen our of member nent ing the late S. A. War. Bis letter is of special interest in view of certain remarks

which we made in our last issue.

He writes,

“Iquickly tired of the life in England, so

pulled up my stakes and drifted over here. I am away up in the ‘busli country,” in a lum-

ber camp. The work is hard, but the pay is good, and the life is glorious. ‘Tap’ Johnson is out here in the N. W. M. Police. We have !) five feet of snow at present.” (More snow








BY GENERAL 0. P. deAINSLlE. (Continued)

In the year 1664, King Charles Il. having contracted an alliance with Donna Catlierina, Infanta of Portugal. and receiving as a marriage portiona sum of. money equal to £300,0HO, together with the Island of Boin» bav. in the East Indies, and the city of Tangiers,



this last acquisition,

with its important fortress, its harbour andlocal advantages, appeared to open out a new field for commercial enterprise, to he followed, it was expected, by the acquireniont of extensive possessions in that country, and in consequence a garrison of four regiments

of Foot and a troop of Horse was appointed to that place, of which the Earl of Peteroorough was constituted Captain-General, Chief Governor, and Admiral.


between the British, in this part of Africa,

ed respectively by Sir Robert Barley and Colonels FitzGerald and O’Farell, were taken from the garrison of Dunkirk; the other regiment, now the 2nd The Queen’s Royal, and the troop of Horse, the nucleus will be subsequently seen, of the Royal Regiment of Dragoons, had been raised in England by the Earl of Peterborough in the autumn of


llibl, and were mustered,

sionally penetrated into the adjacent country at the headjof a party of Horse, who performed many brilliant exploits on the neigh-




from his

place and its people, and containing, as it does, “some things grave, some things gay, and not a. few things finely said,” Major Wood has given us an eminently readable

Among the letters received from old Royals, is one from Colonel Fit-2G. O‘Shanghnessy, affectionately known in his service days as He left the regiment rather “Shocker.” more than fifteen years ago, and is one of the first to come forward as a subscriber.

Three of the regiments of Foot, command-


Putney Heath, and the latter in St. George’s Fields, Southwark, in October that year. The troop of Horse consisted of three officers, one quartermaster, four corporals, and ahundred privates ; the ranks were completed with veterans of the Civil War, who were armed with cuirasses, iron headpieces,

called potts, long swords, and a. pair of large pistols, to which a short carbine was afterwards added. They were mounted upon long-tailed horses of superior weight and power ;

wore high boots reaching to


middle of the thigh, and scarlet vests, The officers were hats decorated with a profusion of feathers, and both officers and men ornamented their horses’heads and tails with

large bunches of ribbons. The officers of this troop were the Earl of Peterborough, Captain and Colonel; Robert Leech, Captain-Lieutenant ; James Mcrdaunt, Cornet. The appearance and equipment of the officers and the men were much commended in the publications of that period. They embarked in the middle of December, 1661 ; and in a letter to the Earl of Peterborough, dated the 20th of the month, the King observes :— “ldesire you to lett those honest men knowe who are along with you yt, they shall allways be in my particular care and protection as persons yt venture themselves in my services ; and so, wishing you a good voyage, “ I remain, &c.,

“CHARLES R.” The troops arrived at Tangiers in January, 1662, and war commencing soon afterwards





took place between the garrison and the barbarians, to the decided advantage of the former, and in which the English horsemen became celebrated for gallant conduct. In 1663 the veteran Earl of Teviot, who had

been appointed Governor of Tangiers in succession to the Earl of Peterborough, occa-

bouring plains and among the

rocks and

woods, where they frequently surprised lurking bodies of the Moors, and made captures of cattle and other spoils. These Africans, however, were clever horsemen, and fought. with lances, swords and short fusils.

In February, 1664, a. Moorish army, commanded by Gaylan, the usurper of Fez, ap-

peared before Tangiers with the object of lay» ing siege to the fortress. On the 1st of March the Earl of Teviot observing a body of the enemy, with a splendid scarlet standard, on an eminence near the city, ordered the troop

of Horse to make a sally and bring in thestandard, which command being promptly obeyed, the brave troopers, led by Captain Witham, issued from the city, traversed the intervening space with signal intrepidity, and having routed the Moors, they returned

in triumph with the standard, which they hoisted on one of the towers of the fortress,

to the surprise and chagrin of the Moorish chiefs, who from a distance with the main body of their army, had witnessed this feat

of arms. On the 13th of March the cuirassiers had a smart affair with some of the enemy’s best

cavalry : and on the 27th the Earl of Teviot in person led them against a horde of Lancers and Foot, who were lying in ambush, when the barbarians were routed and pursued among the rocks and broken ground with great slaughter. On the 4th of May, however, the English met with a severe repulse, when the



Governor, deceived by a false report,advanced too far into the interior, and being surprised by a numerous band of Moors, a fearful massacre ensued, and the gallant Earl of Teviot was numbered among the slain. Frequent affairs happened in subsequent



time as the three troops of Spanish Cavalry

ed their pursuers ; nu mereus single combats

arrived there from Gibraltar. ‘l‘he Cavalry at Tangiers now consisted of seven troops of efficient cuirassiers, who were engaged on

took place, and the vicinity of the camp was

the 12th of September, when the Moorish

Hostilities were occasionally suspended

Horse were driven from under the walls and several outworks of the fortifications were recovered. Another sally was on the 20th, and on the following day the cuirassiers had asmart skirmish with the Moorish Lancers

and renewed after short intervals of peace,

and had eight men killed and twenty wounded.

and during seventeen years the garrison of

An attack on the enemy’s lines was made on the 24th, when the Governor, Sir Palmcs Fairborne, was mortally wounded. On the 27th of September the garrison,

years between the English and the Moors, in which desultory warfare the troop of Horse continued to maintain its high charac-


Tangiers resisted with success every attempt

made upon the city. In 1679 a numerous army appeared before Tangiers, and destroyed the forts constructed .at a distance from the city, after which they withdrew, but re-appeared in the spring of 1680, in increased numbers, and with swarms of clever horsemen on light and swift horses, who, l‘iovering round the walls, confined the Christians within narrow limits. King Charles II. despatched a battalion of the Foot Guards and sixteen companies of Dumbartons, now thelst or Royal Scots Regiment,

to reinforce the garrison, and issued commissions for raising in England a regiment of Foot, now the 4th or King’s Own, and six troops of Horse, while, at the same time, an

rangements were made for procuring the services of three troops of Spanish Cavalry. The six troops of English Horse were raised respectively by Major-General the Earl of Ossory : Colonel Sir John Lanier, Captains Robert Pulteney, John Coy, Charles Nedhy, and Thomas Langston The three last-named officers having been Captains in the Duke of Monmouth’s regiment of Horse—which had been disbanded only a few months before their troops were speedily completed with disciplined soldiers, who also served in that

regiment, and the demand for cavalry at Tangiers

being urgent, they were at once

supplied with horses and equipment from the Life Guards,and arrived at Tangiers in the

early part of September, 1680, at the same


amounting to about 4,000 men, issued from

the fortress


Moors, estimated

attacked the army of the at


men, in


entrenched camp with signal audacity. So eager was the cavalry to engage that a dispute actually arose between the English and Spanish Horse, each claiming the honour of making the tirst charge, when the matter was referred to the Lieutenant-Governor Colonel Sackville ; he gave the Spaniards the precedence because they fought as “auxiliaries." ’l‘he Iiioors having a great superiority of numbers stood their ground for some time with much resolution, and the thunder of artillery, the roll of musketry, the clash of arms, the loud shouts of the British and the wild cries of the Africans, produced an awful scene of carnage and confusion. The English and Spanish Horse stood in column of troops until the first entrenchment was carried and a space levelled for the passage of the cavalry, when they dashed through the opening and rushed at

full speed upon the dark masses of the defenders, who were broken, trampled down, and pursued with dreadful slaughter, while the musketeers, pikemen, and grenadiers followed with loud shouts as the dismayed Africans fell beneath the sabres of the English and Spanish troopers. Many of the Moors faced about and confront-

covered with slain.

Captain Nedby’s troop

of English Horse particularly distinguished itself, and captured a standard of curious workmanship. The Spaniards also captured a colour, Dumbarton’s “Scots ” another, and a fourth was taken by a battalion of marines and seamen from the lieet.

(To be continued.)


By Colonel H. deB. deLlSLE. lie—Oliver Cromwell. Of all the characters which have come down to us in the history of our nation, none is so surrounded by the haze of contradiction as that of Oliver Cromwell. Described by writers of his day as a saint, a cunning selfiseeker, the hero of religious liberty, or the blood-


between king and parliament, intensified by bitter differences in religious opinions, had become irreparable. None realised this more truly than Oliver Cromwell, the member of Parliament for Cambridge. He at once set about making preparations for the defence of that city, and on his own initiative he raised, from among the landowners of the adjacent counties, a troop of horse So carefully were the men recruited, that these sixty troopers imbued with their spirit of duty and self» sacrifice became the nucleus, the most re,markable army the world has ever seen.

Ten years later Cromwell became the Commander-in-Chief of the armies ofiEngland. On the battlefield he had entirely crushed the armed strength opposed to him. In religion, he was the recognised leader of the most earnest among the conflicting sects. As a statesman, he had risen to the highest position possible for a man and had refused to accept

the petition of Parliament to become king.

regicide, according to

The signal success of every enterprise un_

the views of the writer, all agree with regard

dertaken by this remarkable man was due in

to his qualities as a soldier.

a large measure to the clearness of brain with which he saw the important issues of any question, and the minute attention he gave to detail. From the first he realised that the value of his cavalry depended on the quality of his recruits. His own l.‘roop was composed of men carefully selected as being “ honest and steadfast ” and were from the first more earnest and better disciplined than the bulk of the army then being raised. After a year his Troop had grown into a Regiment of ten Troops, and in the same year he sends his Views to other leaders.

stained usurper


When we con-

sider the time in which he lived, and the influence that Cromwell exerted on our history, our constitution, and on our national charac-

ter. it must be evident that he was in all the circumstances of his life a great man. As a statesman he placed the welfare of the nation before the right of kings, and his


enemies can only charge him with this crime that “ a man’s noblest mistake is to be before his time.” As a soldier, Cromwell stands on the same

plane as Marlborough and Wellington, and in the opinion of recent foreign military writers, he was the geatest leader of the three. As a Cavalry leader he was the greatest our army ever produced : and when we realise that until 1642, at the age of 42, he had lived as a country gentleman and a member of Parlia-

ment; without any training to arms. his fame as a leader is the more remarkable. At the beginning of this year the breach

“[ beseech you," he writes, "to be careful

what captains of horse you choose, what men be mounted;a few honest

men are better

than numbers. 1 had rather have a plain russet-coated captain that knows what he fights for, and loves what he knows, than that which you call ‘a gentleman,’ and is no-

thing else. lhonour a gentleman that is so indeed." Such were to be the ofiicers. Of




THE his own

men, it is

said that “not a man

swears, but he pays his twelve pence; no plundering, no drinking, disorder, or impiety allowed." Macaulay, our great historian, when de— scribing this peculiar feature in Cromwell’s army, writes, “ That which chiefly distinguished the army of Cromwell from other armies, was the austere morality and the fear of God which pervaded all ranks. It is acknowledged even by the most zealous royalist that in that singular camp no oath was heard, no drunkenness or gambling seen, and that during the long dominion of the soldiery, the property of the peaceable citizens and the honour of women were held sacred.”

The great Civil War began on September 9th, 1642, when Lord Essex took command of the Parliamentary army at St. Albans, and

in May the following year we read of Crom. well leading his twelve troops of cavalry and defeating twenty-four hostile troops of Royal ist cavalry at Grantham. In July 1643, Cromwell marched to the relief of Gainsborough, and suddenly found himself confronted by Newcastle‘s entire army. Cromwell, surprised by the hostile cavalry, did not hesitate a moment, but charged at once “in such order as they were." The same day he successfully covered the retire ment of the infantry against superior numbers, falling back by alternate troops, and proved his tactical ability by carrying out this difficult manoeuvre without loss. At Marston Moor. in July, 1644, Cromwell showed leadership of a high order, and when the allied armies ofEngland and Scotland were on the point of being defeated by the Royalist army under the Marquis of Newcastle, it was his timely and successful charge against Prince Rupert's cavaliers which changed the fortune of the day. By his own gallantry and the resolute bearing of his troopers, he earned from his brave opponent, Prince Rupert, the nickname of “ Ironsides," and by this victory

he established the superiority of his cavalry over that of the cavaliers. A year later, at Naseby, Cromwell shows the advances he has made as leader of cavalry,

and the high state of etficiency to which he had brought his command. There, Cromwell formed up his cavalry in three lines, having learnt the value in cavalry fight of the last formed body that can be thrown into the


In this action Prince Rupert suc-

ceeded in defeating the cavalry of the left wing under Ireton,'wh0m he pursued so far that he was of very little use to his side for the remainder of the day. On his return he found that Cromwell, who commanded the cavalry on the right wing, had broken the left and centre of the Royalist army. Three times had Cromwell charged and rallied when he made his final attack on Prince Rupert’s cavalry, returning from a wild and

disorganised pursuit.

So well drilled were

his troops that the result was decisive. Out of 20,000 men, King Charles lost 6,000, killed and wounded, and 5,000 prisoners fell to Cromwell’s energetic pursuit, which extended over 14 miles.

Naseby decided the fate of the first civil war, and from 1646 till after the decisive battle against the Scots at Worcester, we find Cromwell in command of the Parliamentary force in Wales, in Ireland and in Scotland. In whatever position he occupies, as a leader of a regiment, a brigade or an army, Cromwell shows himself a master in the art of war. His cavalry is described by a Ger man military writer as being on a par with the best European cavalry of to-day. His strategic con-

centration, culminating in the decisive victory at Worcester, is a model for modern students, “not Napoleon, not Moltke could have done

better,” is the verdict of a strategian of today. As a statesman he not only deposed a king, but also dissolved at parliament. As


BY MAJOR EVELYN WOOD, D. S. O. In the excellent issue of The Eagle for the month of May which reached me this morning, I see the announcement that I am “ becoming acquainted with the glorious climate and world-famous beauties of Kashmir.” Since The Eagle says, so it must be true, but up to date I am bound to say, that the “glorious climate” is an acquaintance that takes a great deal of understanding, before it can be properly appreciated. A great deal of rain, bitter cold, and at this altitude even snow, makes me think that the said

glorious climate derives most of its glory from its similarity to our dear uncertain English climate. And now, having performed my primary duty as a British soldier, and had my grumble. I will go on to the beauties of this most charming country : Arrived at Rawal Pindi, one leaves the railway, and continues the journey to Kashmir in pony tonga. The journey up to Murree, which is 37 miles from Pindi and over 7,000 feet above sea-level, occupies about six hours, the ponies being changed every five miles or so.

From Murree, the road, a very

good one, winds round the sides of beautiful mountains and drops quickly down to Kohala on the Jhelum, where a fine bridge crosses the rushing torrent into Kashmir territory. li‘rom Kohala onwards to Baramula, a distance of about 100 miles, the road follows the left bank of the Jhelum, which thunders along in the gorge below, with a noise that becomes most wearying to one’s ears. The valley is narrow and on either side the mountains tower up above you, and with their tops covered in snow, and the road in places carved out of the rock on the side of the cliffs over-

Lord Protector of England he was as autocra-

tic as any monarch, but had the moral control

hanging the torrent some hundreds of

to refuse the kingship of England, Scotland and Ireland.

below, form a picture in the way of scenery that one thinks unsurpassable.




At Baramula, the Jhelum is found flowing placidly alongafine, broad river, and one wonders how the great volume of water which it contains can ever find its way through that narrow gorge in the mountains which extends from Baramula, by Kohala to the plains of India above Jhelum, some 250 miles away. At Baramula one first sees the “ far-famed" Kashmir vale surrounded by its snow-capped mountains rising in places to over 20,000 feet. One notices in the town the curious doublestoried houses with lattice windOWs, all being

built of wood. One also notices what I am forced to say one is bound to notice every day in this If beautiful country, via, the appalling dirt one were asked to say in very few words what impression a visit to Kashmir had left on the mind, the question could be easily answered thus : Beautiful women, beautiful scenery, a country the inhabitants of which are certainly second to none in the world for dirt. The women have, as a rule, beautiful features with extraordinarily good eyes. which, unlike most other eastern ladies, they have no objection to showing; indeed, if you meet a woman in Kashmir who turns and hides her face, you can safely lay a shade of odds, that she is plain

The men also, as a rule, are

handsome, with strongly marked semitic features, and all are endowed

with charming

manners which to some extent compensates for their mendacious and thieving ways. Both men and women wear a long blouse or smock-frock, resembling

the smock of our

English countrymen ; this dress being a relic of the time, when the great Mogul Emperor, Akbar, conquered the country in 1588. Being enraged at the long resistance the Kash miris otfered to the Mogul General, Qasim Khan, Akbar is said to have ordered that men and women alike should wear this dress as a mark of degradation. I fear, from the little I have seen of the Kashmiris, they would now offer but little resistance to any one invading their country.


'r H 1:


The Kashmiri language is a mixture of Persian, Sanskrit, Hindustani, Arabic and Thibetan, and the ordinary countryman is therefore difficult to converse with, even when one has taken such high honours as

Lower Standard Hindustani, in the plains of India ! The people of this country are very clever at various industries. such as papier-machn’ work, leather work, copper, etc. ; and they will copy European goods, such as baskets, camp furniture and jewelry, in the most excellent way, their wood carving being really beautiful. But to return to my journey. At Baramula I found the doonga house boat which 1 had previously engaged ready waiting for me, and as there were some cases of cholera in the town, thought it wise to move off at once. Towed by coolies, our boat proceeded leisure-

rather paddled in a small flat-botto med boat The majority of European visitors find Srinagar picturesque.

dirt is so dreadful, that personally I could see no beauty of any sort in the town. The few European buildings in the Resident’s quarter of the town are built exactly like the suburban villas one sees so many of round London or Aldershot, the Resident's

house being a superior villa of the same sort. But once outside Srinagar, in the Dal Lake, the glorious chenar or maple trees which in many places form beautiful groves on the banks and which grow to an enormous size,

the masses of iris which form regular carpets of mauve and white, the great mountains towering up alcove ; nature makes one forget the dirt of the town, and recalls the lines : “ Where every prospect pleases, And only man is vile.”

ly up the river and on the second day we entered the Wular Lake, the beauties of which are hard to describe. The southern

end where the Jhelum flows in and out of the lake is flat and uninteresting, but the northern end where the high mountains come down almost straight into the lake is beautiful in the extreme. At this end is a

I daresay it is, but the

Like the young officer in the middle ofa good fox hunt who exclaimed, “ Whata ripping time we could have if it wasn’t for these ‘ballet’ hounds,” I feel what a glorious place Kashmir would be, if it were not for the peo»

ple. A week ago, we dropped down the Jhelum

small place called Bandipur, which is the base

as far as a place called Shadipur, where the

for Gilgit supplies There is a telegraph office here in charge of two Europeans, one of whom informed me that not even the good sport he got in the winter with bare sing/i, etc., could make up for the fearful solitude


was taken into the Sind river which

winds about through a huge jhi’l to the foot

for me, these two young men were just going to play agame of hockey, the sides being

of the mountains where the Sind valley debouches into the main valley of Kashmir. Here at a place called Gunderbal, we leave our house boat, and set out on foot up the Sind valley, our tents, etc, being carried on Kashmir ponies. The Sind valley, probably one of

made up with some Kashmiris.

the most beautiful valleys in the world, well

of the place.

After sending away a telegram

I had no

time to wait and see this interesting game.

repays a visit.

From the Wular Lake we were towed slowly up the river to Srinagar, the chief town of Kashmir. The town consisting of wooden

volume, rushes along by the side of the track,

The river, one of considerable

and is icy cold from the snows and glaciers which continually feed it. The valley is bound-

buildings standing at every angle, is built -chiefly along either bank of the river and extends for some miles, and when going to

ed close on either side by lofty hills of varied surface richly clothed with forest and covered with thick herbage, broken by clifis and rocky

.auy of the native shops, one is rowed or


In the valley itself are


walnut and fine mulberry trees, wild roses, and even the cuckoo is heard~—one might indeed be in England. On the left bank of the river for thousands of feet, pine forests extend upwards, silver fir, spruce and dcodar—they all go to make up a picture of almost bewildering beauty. After three days’ marching up the valley we reached a place called Soorphar, where a fine nullah runs up about eight or nine miles to a height of some 14,000 feet, and here we pitch our camp for a few days to try one’s luck for bear. Of my pursuit of bear, perhaps the editor will allow me to speak in a future issue; for the present it suffices to say, that I think the “rat pit ” at Lucknow would provide nearly as much excitement, if not such great danger, as hanging on to rocky ledges over torrents by the skin of one’s teeth, up in these awful mountains.



: “jg We left Ranikhet on 18th April, after spending there three pleasant days, buying stores and making allarrangements for our trip, and shivering over a real fire, a luxury which can be thoroughly appreciated by those who have felt the first throes of a Lucknow hot-weather. Since the Kumaou hills are inhospitable regions and supplies are unobtainable, we had to carry with us all our stores, and as we intended to spend the best part of three months shooting, this necessitated marching out with a formidable array of some forty coolies, the

~ only available means of transport. The coolie of these parts is a puny creature and compa res unfavourably with his Kashmiri brothe r. With a load he can only average 13g miles an hour, sothat long marches are impossible, nor will any power on earth persuade him to go more than one march beyond his native

* village, so fresh coolies have to be obtai ned ~ every day; whether he does a marc h of 14 or 4 miles, he excepts a full day’ s wage, via, four aunas. At present (22nd May) we are



camped on a bare grassy slope, just beneath the snows, some 90 miles (by road) from Rani-

khet and less than 30 miles as the crow flies from the Thibetan border. Yak (the Thibetan 0x) and burrhel (blue sheep) can be obtained without going outside British territory, by crossingthe Uttadura Pass (17,500 ft), and this we had intended to do as soon as the snows had melted sufficiently, but this region has now been placed out of bounds, for we received an official notification to that effect only two days before we started, when

it was too late to alter plans. This makes a considerable difference to the chances of a

successful shoot since sport this side of the pass is limited We spent three weeks camp. ing in the hills round the village of Kapkote, four marches from Ranikhet, and though we worked hard, starting sometimes before daylight, only succeeded in bagging two small ‘gooral’ (the Himalayan chamois) and two ‘karka ’ (barking deer). To show the necessity 'of always trying one’s rifle before starting out for a shoot, I may mention that after miss. ing several easy chances I found that, owing to a defective foresight, my small-bore rifle was

throwing a foot to the left at 60 yards!


companion has had very bad luck all along and hasn‘t seen anything worth a shot for over a month. There are a few sambhar (called locally ‘gerow ‘ or barasingh) round Kapkote, but as they live in very thick jungle one’s only chance Was to drive them. This we tried to do, but unfortunately had a hard climb to get to the top of the nullah where we meant to post ourselves, and the heaters started before we were ready, with the result that a good stag got away without a shot. We spent several days last week after the same game near Tomik village, and there were undoubtedly plenty about, as their spoor was everywhere, but here again they inhabit a peculiarly ofl'ensive form of bamboo brake which was plainly invented by Providence to try man’s temper to the utmost, and if one did chance to stumble across a stag, it would


T 11 E


be almost impossible to get a shot owing to the thickness of the jungle : so we have given it up as hopeless, and trying the more open ground again for ‘gooral, ’have so far succeeded in adding three more to the bag. The other night we had a chance at a panther, he actually came and killed the goat we were sitting over before we had been waiting ten minutes, but being a dark, cloudy

night it was impossible to see him and he escaped with a whole skin. Later we hope to get black bear and ‘ tehr ’ (wild goat) which are ry to be found near here, so that with ordina

nt uck two months ought to be quite sufficie

for a trip of this description. Thesehills are so overrun with sheep and goats that they keep the game off theground, it and there isn't enough of it about to make months three whole a ng spendi while worth ’ this amongst them : there are small ‘ burrhel local the what from but side of the Uttadura, after. going worth not are they say, es shikari naturalThere is much to interest one from a es of varieti several ist’s point of view and ing includ locally, found be to are game birds beauthe ‘ monal ’ (pheasant), one of the most We have come tiful birds in existence. and the other snakes, of ty across a quanti

day Tsaw two big ones of quite 7 feet in long fighting, and so engrossed were they withch approa to able their contest, we were off with in a few yards and blow their heads

a. gun.

A Word of advice to anyone contem<

that is plating a shooting trip in the hills, and of flysupply a stores your not to omit from nce to differe the all make will They . papers are a your comfort, as the flies about here tent, a in nce existe make and perfect scourge in the daytime, almost unbearable.

T S. I.

In a letter recently received from a Hamplate Cole shire correspondent, we read that a judging onel of the Royals has taken to donkeys! I am sure we all wish the gallant ofiicer

every success.



EAGLE SCOUTING. By Major G. F. STEELE. (Continued)

The two chief difficulties with which a scout would have to contend in a new coun» try, would be ignorance of its language, and hostility of its population. In this respect one can realise how blessed Stonewall Jackson was 2—“ His riders knew every lane and track, they had friends in every village, the night was no hindrance as the hunter's paths

were as familiar to them as

the turnpike

road, and they knew the depth and direction of every ford.” Quickness of sight and taking notice of landmarks. It is a great mistake to imagine It is no that quickness of sightisa gift such thing. It can most undoubtedly be cultivated. The Roers were always credited with having marvellous sight, so too are most natives, and I don’t for a moment mean to say that they have not got it, but I do contend that it is only the outcome of always using their eyes, or rather their long sight. The ordinary town-bred man, from which class our army is largely recruited, of course starts at a great disadvantage in this respect But there is with the country-bred man. himself. improve not should he why reason no

It is just the same aboutnoticing landmarks. us Undoubtedly the red Indian would beat to instance one quote will I well. as there show what a memory for ground the North American Indians possess. In 1812, General U. S. Isaac Brock was intending to attack the of General Hall at Detroit, so he enquired country of sort Tecumseh (a local chief) what

he would have to pass through.

The latter

the took a roll of elm bark, stretched it on a drew knife ground, and with his scalping rivers, woods, hills, its plan of the country, morasses and roads. It may have been rough, but was perfectly intelligible. ex I believe too, that the Arabs drew an

cellent map of Abu Hamed in the sand for the general. II'I.——Reporting on an enemy or on country. This is perhaps the hardest thing of all to teach, but [think the golden rule is that you should have precise instructions as to what you are to report on before going out. Though if you have been sent on a long way in advance of the main body to try and find the enemy, then it must be left to your discretion. And in this case remember that nothing is too trivial to notice, even though it may not be worth writing a report about. There is a general tendency towards reporting all sorts of things that are quite unnecessary, and of ignoring others which might

had no notion where it had come from, and the General Officer Commanding could not locate it as he had several scouting parties out IV.~-Horsemanship and Horsemastership. During the Peninsular war the French were very much astonished at the riding of our of» ficers They used to ride out singly and observe the enemy’s movements, trusting to their horses to get them away. Baron Narbot, commenting on this, says: “ It was useless to give them chase even with the best mounted horsemen. The moment the English officer saw any such approach, he would set spurs to his steed and nimbly clearing

prove of great value.

ditches, hedges and even brooks, he

Remember, that maps

are not always correct, and if you find water

in a place which is not marked on the map, or vice term,



frequently the case,

especially in lndia, it will assist your


body to let them know it. Another most important item in reporting is that the Rules for Reporting as laid down in Combined Training should be adhered to in every particular. The most frequent omissions are the signature, and the time,date and place of despatch. They are usually omitted either from carelessness or haste. But it isa bad way of economizing time, if your message is valueless on arrival, I will mention just two instances which occurred to a Staff officer in one of our front— ier wars. One message read, “Enemy skirmishing in our rear, 11 A.M,, 27th December, 1888, X. Y. Z. Lieut.” This would have been, as it turned out, very valuable information if the General Officer Commanding had only known where Lieutenant X. Y. Z. was. The other message was: “The village name unknown, to my left front, three miles off, is rapidly filling with armed men. I am waiting here watching them. January '21st. Signatureillegible.” This messagewas

brought in by aGurkha, who was the third runner who had taken it on, and consequently


make off at such speed that our men soon lost sight of him, and perhaps saw him shortly after a. league further 011, note book in hand, continuing his observations." I don’t think that this would occur nowa-days, as some Frenchmen ride just as straight across country as any Englishman. Colonel Waters was one who specially diS» tinguished himself during the Peninsular. On one occasion he was taken prisoner and was put under the charge of four gens d‘rtrmes. When neai Salamanca the chief, who was riding the only good horse of the party, dismounted foramoment. This was the opportunity Waters wanted, and, promptly setting spurs to his own horse, galloped off. He rode right along the flank of the French columns pursued by his gens d'armes and fired at by the soldiers he passed. Some soldiers, lbelieve,

instead of shooting at him

cheered him He finally charged through between two French columns and got away. Three days later he rejoined head-quar-

ters, where Lord Wellington had ordered his baggage to be brought, as he said he knew that Waters would not be away long. Now asa scout’s safety will so frequently

depend on his horse, it is absolutely necessary that he should be both a horseman and a

(To be conchided.) ESPRIT DE CORPS.

I am quite aware that this is now out of date, and that in these present general service days, every subaltern is expected to be equal-

ly at home whether leading his troop, commanding a gun-boat, or driving an aeroplane. At the same time, following the lead of a bold advertiser who states that no home can be complete without a gramophone, I state that no regiment can be a really good one without esprit do corps.

It is perhaps nowhere in greater evidence than at our chief public school, Eton. And the fact of having been at that school forms a link which binds men together all over the world, no matter where or under what conditions they meet. I choose Eton as my example, not from any wish to detract from other schools, but sim-

ply from the fact that, having spent six years of my life there, I am better qualified to speak about it. Now the whole of your leisure time there is spent in friendly rivalry between the dilferent houses, at cricket, football, rowing, racquets, running, etc , and your one ambition

is that your own house should be the best. If in your turn you prove good enough to representthe school in any of these sports, then you strive with all your might and main

to bring your school out on top. That is the whole essence of esprit de corps. What were the last words of Geddes as leading his men in the charge he fell riddled with bullets ‘2

You probably all have seen the picture, and underneath it are his words, the Eton motto, “Floreat Etona.” His last thought was for the school he loved so well. To my mind this spirit cannot be too carefully fostered. Love of your regiment should be your first and last thought.

Do not, however, confuse esprit de corps with that egregious conceit which usually precedes a fall. By which 1 mean that state in which a team will sometimes take the field in the full belief that their opponents will bow down to them at once. This state is responsible for many an overthrow. It is sometimes called over-confidence. In a regiment, as at a school, the chief point is that the rivalry must be friendly, so that although there may be any amount of rivalry between


when the time

comes to play for the regiment, then we should act as one united whole, whether it is in inter-regimental games in peace time, or in the stern realities of war, for the honour and glory of our regiment. During the last ten years, I can call to mind forty old Etonians who have served in this regiment, and of these no less than eighteen are still serving. This in itself is largely responsible for the fact that esprit de corps is by no means dead in the Old Royals, as men who have been brought up to believe in it, will not

Ten fired, best eight to count. by 23 points.

MUSKETRY. " A ” and “ "' ” squadrons have concluded their range practices, and, considering the violent weather, have done fairly well. The latter squadron returned the bigger percentage of marksmen, but this is probably partialsions of the targets, which are generally considered to be more favourable for the better class shots. In any case, both squadrons have been unfortunate in the matter of climatic conditions, scarcely a day passing

without high winds 0r sandstorms occurring. The members of the Sergeants” Mess Rifle Club have won three good matches, and al~ though it is not surprising they should prove superior to the Corporals’ team—considermg

the latter are marksmen of much less expenence—-it is certainly creditable that they were able to administer two consecutive and decisive beatings to a picked team of sergeants of an infantry battalion, via, the Durham Light Infantry. The scores are detailed below. The only spoon shoot we have to record, gale took place on the 27th ultimo in a perfect

0f wind and was naturally productive of poor

bear the brunt of the lighting. Hence the allimportance of the regiment being welded together with one common object in view, the honour of that regiment. E. DE. 0,

Scene : Orderly Room. Subaltern, whose name not infrequently figures in leave book, giving evidence in minor offence case, to C. 0., “Sir, I er—happened to be at stables yesterday, and”—“No ! really?” interrupted the C. 0., enthusiastically, “I congratulate y011 ’

Match fired on 30th May. Distances—200, 500 and 600 yards. Weather fine. Royals.

readily cast it aside ; but, on the contrary,will

regiment, and not the individual which has to

Royals won:

D. L. [.

ly due to the recent al‘~-rations in the dimen-

introduce it wherever they go. The people who decry esprit (Ze corps are those who either were never at a public school, or else since joining the army have made a point of placing their own individual advancement before everything. Needless to say these are the people who succeed, but do not let us IOse sight of the fact that it is the


Sergt. Rankin S. Q M. S. Beall Sergt. Thompson Sales S. S. I". Reynolds

.. .. .. ..

s2 89 79 '76 433

S. Q. M. S. Abbott



R. Q. M. S. Sykes Sergt. Mitchell Collingwood Whittick

.. .. .. ..

81 ST B3 T4



Royals won-

by 57 points. Sergeants return match with Corporals, f]... (l on 28rd May. Weather good. SERGEA NTS. Sergt Sales








Yeates Allchin Huggins

.. .. ._

75, 31 75


Shaw Day

.. ,_

73 68





,. .

Darling Perks

.. .,

(3:: (35

Corp]. Workman




1st spoon, compiled 67, and owing 3, was left

S. Q. M. S. King


with 64 to count. S.Q.M.S. Abbott did better

S. S. l". Reynolds S S. M Allen


leaving him level with his opponent. Firing 3 shots each to decide first and second, Far rant came out the better. Match fired on Durham’s range on l6th May. Distances—200, 500 and 600 yards.


Ten lired, best eight to count.

.. .. .. .. ..

with 79, but had to concede 15 points, thus



Colr.-Scrgt. Neal Sergt. Shaw Elliott ,, Wickenden ,.


S. Q. M. S Abbott Sergt. Rankin B. Q. M. S. Sykes Sergt. Thompson Bunker ,,

scores. Sergeant-Farrier Farrant, the winner of

Band-Master Bind Colr.-Sergt. Newman .. . Sergt. Binham ., HOWe Stanley ,,

m ,.. »1 (p w y.

His first care should be his








w 6.6



‘ .

J '



Ten fired, best eight to count. won by 57.

.. 71-3



Weather unfavourable. SCORES :



cricket— Although the evening practice on the

U- L.dl. Servt. Saun ers ,_ “5 Stanley Colr.-Sergt. Newman ,. . Sergt. Shaw

~ '7. ' ,1] ligatglilifii 5mg. n pson ., Thom S. Q. M. S. King.r

.. .. ..

Scrgt. Collingwood


Band-M aster Hind



Sergt. Howe

Q M. S. Sylros b Reynolds


COL-Sergt. Neal


Sergt. wan

foivi. s. Beall r











mornareen has long ceased, each Thursday reason being E:ng witnesses a match, the ly raging usual are s that whilst the hot wind mg, they even early and noon during the after be really to gy ener ient suffic up work do not annoying until 9 or 10


the early

morning is



qu1te possmle,


’J‘ 1-1 It JDA {i L E.




Thursday being the general weekly holiday, the teams do not let slip :this opportunity of

Rowled ,,

. Newton Dewing Fordham Reed Ashworth Nelson Moss M aytum Pine Groom Hoti‘

taking the wind out of each others sails. As is to be expected, play has reached a much higher order since the revival, and at times quite good class cricket is seen. “B"Squaclron who for so long held the lead at this game, met their Waterloo at the hands of the Band team on the 28rd of last month—an incident which occasioned no small wonderment. The details of matches are given below.

()orpl. McDonall l’te. Reeves ,. Lovell .. Hastings Rand—Master Holt Pie. Iddenden Miles Lavender Page ,, Manley Corpl. Cresswell

Colllson .. Botham ..


Cgt. Miles ,, Gellatley Bowlcd Not out Cgt. Miles Run out Bowled



‘rellatley .. IIotham ..

Cgt. Seaton Bowled ,, Run out Bowled Cgt. Weston ,, Earl ,, Weston C. it. B. Run out Not out

Gellaticy.. Extras


.. Collier .. Jeffrey .. .3

Extras Total


“ 13"1‘3. " D ” SQUADRON. " SQUADRON 1w. BAND.



banki Police, the scores being 4-3 ; whilst in the Inter-Squadron Shield tournament, they apparently have nothing to fear. Meeting “A ” Squadron they won a good game by 4 goals to m'l, while against “B ” Squadron they notched on 12 goals without conceding a point,

A great deal, might be said about this sametournament, which is fizzling out in a most half-hearted way, and threatening to become an absolute farce. It is scarcely sporting to present a challenging side with two points because the odds are against a certain victory. Yet, this is what is happening 3



How out.


Pte. Edis Gellatley

Not out Bowled

_. Lamb

.. ..

23 0

so. M. s. Cronin

L. B. w.




te. Rankin Scrgt. Collison Band-Master Holt Corpl.\’anson Pte. Townsend

Run out Bowled Cgt. Winter ,, Lamb Bowied

_. Lamb .. Earl ..

Mr. Hot-ham Pte. Rlvett

Cgt. Cook ., Welch

,, Lamb






Pte. Hastings Corpl. McDonall Pte. Reeves ,, Lovell Band-Master Holt Pte. Iddenden Miles n Manley Allen Maedonald Lavender

Earl Emtrns

Run out

There is but little to record this month in Howlcd ,,

Gellatlcy Collison





the way of Hockey matches.

Cgt. (‘xellatley Cronin ,, Vanson ,, Bowled Collison Not out .. Run out .. Extras Total



Pte. Earl


Hotham ..

. Vinter . gigiHSe‘aton Weleh , Corp]. Jeffrey Sergt. Weston

(1A B Bowled' Cgt. Ed1s iowled ., ‘ .

. Collison Hotham H , ,, H _,

Pre: Cook ., . Hu gins

Sgi‘gi Legit).

Cgt. Ldis Run out 11:01: out .un out


S. Q. M. S. Cronin l’tc. Ellis Lawrence ,. ,, (lellatley Sergt. Collison L'orpl. Vanson Pte. Townsend ,. Rivett .. Knight Wolfe \Vzlrsim

_. ..


Bowled Hastings Cgt. lddenden Hastings Iddeiiden : Holt ,,

Not Cgt. ,, ..


Hastings out Reeves Iddendeii :: McDUuall lddenden Hastings 2-. Ezrn‘us ..

um ms Total Total




Pte. Rivett Lockyer Buckley Wolfe

Bowler} Cgt. broom ,, Ashworth Bowled

Mi}. Eotham

Not out

Mr. Miles Pte. Knight


Newton .. Pine _, V“

IXQWWH .. Pine ,_ ,, Newton .. Pine

:Pine .. L‘J'f/‘nx



Cat. Holt ., Rveed bewton .,,

l’te. \Velch ., Senton S. Q. M. S. Beall Corp]. .Iell‘rey Sergt. Weston Mr. 'l‘omkinson Sergt. Lamb Corp]. Winter Pte. Davis , Collier ,, Earl

Bowled Cgt. Reeves

Iddcnden .. ,.







Bowled ,, Cgt. Hastings ,, Holt ,, Lovell Bowled

Hastings Iddenden Hastings lddenden ,,

Not out

.. Extras Total


l I

Pte. Edis Corpl.Vanson Pte. Gellatley



.. .. .. ..

Indeed, the

weather has been so vile, that it is surprising there should have been any games at all. The Band have been most prominent in turning out, and are, as always, more keen and ener~ getic than their trooper comrades. This, however, it is possible to account for. Whilst on the subject of our Band, it is interesting perhaps to draw attention to the fact that seemingly they are regaining their lost guns, and once more asserting their superiority over other teams of the regiment in the various branches of sport. For about two years,they were“cock house," and practically invincible. Then suddenly a team was found to teach them things at l‘ootball. Later, a cricket side gave them a “tin hat,” and even at hockey they were given as good as they meted out. In a little, they came to be regarded as “ ordinary." Now, however, it appears their talent had not died; or if it had, it has very evidently

“A" Squadron’s merry little Houstoun Cup tournament is, like Charley’s Aunt, still running, and as anticipated, the 4th Troop are maintaining the lead. The 3rd Troop, how ever, appear be doing well, and are good second horses.

The following letter has been received in» continuation of the telegram published in the May Eagle :— It is with the most lively interest that 1' have received tidings of the proposal to institute Regimental Memorial Cottage homes, and it gives me especial pleasure to grant the request of My Royals which has been made through you, my dear Colonel, and to become patron of so beneficent an institution. 1 ti ust that this noble foundation may be come, not only a blessing to many old soldiers who have devoted, in their brave regiment,

their years of health and strength to the service of their country, but also a boon to their families—Berlin. 81‘dMay, 1907.

been resuscitated, as of late they have sprung again to the forefront of winners. Their biggest achievement, perhaps, is their recent defeat of the splendid cricket side of “ B " Squadron, a team long unbeaten. In the sport herein dealt with, the Band are indisputably champions. They were beaten by a goal only in a hot game against the fine team of the Bara—



Uolonel-in-th‘efg“ the Royals. To COLONEL H. deB. deLiSLE, 0.13., D. S 0., Commanding My First (Royal) Dragoons, Lucknow.


EAGLE Nos. 5395 Ptc. Cole

REGIMENTAL GAZETTE. Promotions and Appointments. Nos. 5088, Lee.-Sergt. Lewis appointed Paid Lance—Sergeant. Unpaid Lance-Sergeant do.

Murphy Poole Hards

.. Ambala. .. Naini Tal. .. Landour. .. u




4777 4480 5770 4030 4586 5790 5680

Trotter Lunn Fordham Groom Nelson Barrance Holland

.. .. .. ..

5740 4504 4791



MONDAY, JULY 15TH, 1907.

5001, Corp]. Oxford

4772, Lce.-Corpl. Farrell Hatherill ,, 4797 .5075 ,. M artin 5719 .. Davis 4992 ,. Pittkin





l} l

Appointed Paid Lance-Corporals.


Passed Examinations.

. . ,,

Meernt. Ambala. Naini Tal. Landour.

end-Lieutenant R. Houstonn find-Lieutenant B. R. Hudson S. Q. M. S. Cronin 5076, Corporal Fisher

.. Part 1., L. N. stani.

Volunteer-Instr. 3875, Lea-Corp]. 49213 ,, 5282 ,. 764 Corporal 5076


5820. Pte.

G. Webb Cresswoll Thomas Wilsher Bent-o Fisher



l J






. Group ‘3, lst class Certificate (Education). .. Composition.

515'? ,, Anstey 5132 ,, Kite 5084 Pte. Reading 5030 Rosam

readers the remark would in all probability pass unnoticed. A few curious persons might




4952 5821 5820

Searle Woods Nelson

.. ,, .. ,, .. Mhow.





.. Ambala. ..


Private MacArthur.

N.-O. 0’s and Men on leave. Pensions. 3493, S. S. M. Greenland 3313, Sergt. Harman 3479 ,, Trusto 4215, Lee-germ. Harman 5038 ,, Lewis 3087, Corpl. Richmond 4958 .. Simpson 5007 ,. Elmes 5093 .. Stitch 5168, Lee-Corp]. Ellis. 5412 ,, Murkett 5287 ,, Morris




4736, S. S. Allen 3990 .. Brown

4784, Ptc. Brander 5500 5791 5553 5454 5004 5240 5246 5:300 5248 5798

Talbot Maynard Stone Hobbs Wesley Taylor Cutbbertson Brant Mason Warner





Whytc Tucker Townsend Priest Bulmcr

4986 5113 4998 i509


. Ranikhct.

5703, Scrgt. Allen

. Ono shilling and eight pence per tiny

for life. . Landonr.

. One shilling per day for life. 1360, Pte. Inglis day 2755, Sergt. Cnrrcll.. One shilling and six pence per for life.

Awarded Medals for long service and Good

ally accuse us of bad grammar. Did we ex plain that it simply meant that rain was falling in India, people would wonder still further, and would ask why such a trivial matter should occasion extravagant expressions of gladncss. Arousc the average Briton at home one morning, and tell him it is raining. He would most certainly ask you if you had heard that Queen Anne was dead ‘. But tell the same to a man that has spent May, June and July on the plains of India and observe the difference. He will not consider it necessary for a display of sarcasm.

Conduct. .. Simlzi. . Landour.

F. Q. M. S. Mott. Corpl.

.. Muttra. .. Jbansi. Ambala .. Chaubattiu. .. Mhow. .. Landonr,


MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Colonel [-1. W. Mansfield has written requesting his name to be placed on our subscribers’ list.

~i ~v

~. .. ., .. Murree.

ubiquitous, impudent crow is silent, and sits. with open beak in the eaves of the roofs wondering where its next drink is to come from. Week succeeds week with wearying monotony and still no rain. The sky remains un-

llecked and the merciless monarch seems but

Becru its joined.


No. 4.

pause to wonder what it meant, and incident-



Armr.—Sergt. Roberts

MONTHLY NOTES. “ Thank Heaven, the monsoon has broke !" To the uninitiated this conveys little or no intelligence. To the majority of our English

3115) Lce-Corpl. Edwards . . Transport Certificate.


Copies of The Eagle may be seen at the British Museum, London, on application to the Principal Librarian.

.. Ranikhm.

Imagine the thermometer anywhere be. tween 105° and 115° in the shade. Sun-baked houses, heat-cracked plains, withered trees and plants, and the pitiless sun beating down with a lierconess intolerable to animal life. If you safely can, go outside your bungalow at midday and you will marvel at the strange quiet. Notaliving croaturcis abroad. The native lies sleeping in his grass-roofed hut, or in the better-protected verandali of his saliib’s bungalow. The gaunt cattle which the early morning saw straining at the well-rope, have sought what shelter the parched, nearly leafless

to increase in fury, while the earth, glistening and seamed, gapes athirst. Then suddenly, the west wind stirs, a. weird light sheds itself over the land as the raincloud, driving the yellowdust before it, makes its appearance, and dead branches and leaves come sweeping by. The sky is filled with circling birds, loudly joyous in anticipation of the cooling draught, and the cattle turn their heads to scent the life-giving moisture. Then at last the rain comes ; slowly at first, in great sullen drops, and increasing each moment in volume, until with a fearful crash of thunder, thehcavcns seem to be rent apart and the deluge is upon us. Oh! to walk out clad only in nature’s garments and revel in the ecstatic pleasure of this natural shower bath. And so we rejoice because the monsoon has burst. and life begins afresh in all the land. Alas ! for our hopes, the deluge ceases as suddenly as it began, and instead of the an

ticipated weeks of rain for which all animal and vegetable life is crying out, we are mock ed witha wretched half hour's storm. The chola bursa: or “little rains. " And this is how we [ind ourselves in Lucknow at present. Total rain recorded since January, 1907, 408 inches. Total for

.. Mbow.

trees in the mango tope, can afford them, the

same period 1906, 25'26 inches!

.. Muttra. .. Bombay.

Corporal Strath has won his way into the semi—final round, light weights, at the Sirhind

hundred dilierent songsters of the feathered

own story. We have enjoyed the temporary coolness of two showers, but the monsoon

n . Knsuuli

Boxing Tournament, now being held in Simla.

world seem to have disappeared, and even the

It tells its



person responsible for this description surely saw the famous City under happier con-

Lieutenant von Briining, then rode up to the Colonel, and said in a clear voice that could be heard by every man : “ I have been deputcd by your Colonel-in-Chief, the Emper— or, to present to his regiment on this, the anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo, a wreath to decorate your Standard in memory

ditions than are now prevailing.

of the glorious deeds performed that day

His Imperial Majesty, the German Emperor, was appointed Colonel-in-Chicf of the Royals in May, 1894. On the 18th of June

was then carried forward by the standard—

proper holds off with most irritating persist ence, to the awful discomfiture of mankind,

and the land once green and full of promise is fast becoming a desert. Lucknow, “the city of gardens ! " The


of the following year, His Majesty graciously

sentafine wreath of laurel to be placed on the regimental standard in commemoration of the Battle of Waterloo, wherein, as we know, German and British soldiers fought side by side. The regiment was stationed at the time




The Standard

bearer, Lieutenant W. T. Miles, and the wreath was attached to it. The Emperor's gift having been received by the regiment with a salute, the command» ing officer addressing His Majesty‘s delegate, said, “On behalf of the regiment, i beg you will convey to His Majesty our respect— ful gratitude for so kindly remembering us

Lieutenant-General Marshal],

this day, and how much we value the gracious interest he always shows towards his regi~ ment.”

C.M.G., was present as Colonel of the regi-

Having reformed line, the two liank squad

in Dublin and the ceremony took place in Phoenix Park.

wheeling about


German Embassy, was Specially entrusted

ment marched past the Standard bearing the Emperor‘s gift and afterwards returned to


in the South African war,


Majesty has made a similar presentation. This year the ceremony was performed by Herr von Briining, First Lieutenant in the Husar Regimentvon Zieten, at present on the staff of the German Consul-General in lndia. The regiment paraded in review order on the maidan near the race-course at 6-30 A.M.

on the 18th ultimo.

The troops, who were


«early morning sunlight which glittered on

swords and buckles and buttons, as they formed up in line at the “ order.”

After the inspection of the regiment three sides of a square were formed on the two .centre squadrons.

The same evening, the massed Bands of the Garrison played a fine selection of music in the Club grounds, giving pleasure to many hundreds of officers and men and their friends. Every unit had pitched refreshment tents for the Sergeants and for the men, and the attendance of all ranks was unusually nu-

merous. Colonel deLisle has expressed his intention of presenting a cup to encourage cricket in the regiment, Just at present no encourage-

ment seems net-eSsary, as the ground is occuIn furtherance of H. E. Lord Kitchener’s scheme of army reform in lndia, the Luck-

now Garrison now consists of an Infantry Brigade, in addition to the mounted troops. To this brigade,


Sir Ronald

pied morning and evening daily, The cup will be an Inter-Squadron Challenge Cup, and the Sports Committee have decided that it shall be competed for it during the cold weather when the detachment and furlough

McDonald, K. C.I.E., C. 8., has been appointed

and leave men

in command. Sir Ronald, who was knighted after the Thibet mission, during which he commanded the troops, arrived in Lucknow on July 2nd, and assumed command of the garrison.

one’s “ at home. " This tournament should be most interesting for all, to judge from the crowds which assemble to witness the matches now being played.

their white summer dress, in place of the

heavy scarlet, made a fine picture in the

Clark, Oxfordshire Light Infantry The troops, formed up in line at open order, received the Royal Standard with a salute from the Infantry Brigade with a/cu-de-joie. The two batteries having been armed with quickti rers, the 81 guns usual on these occasions could not be tired. Both brigades then gave the Royal salute followed by "three cheers for His Majesty the King-Emperor." The Brigades afterwards marched past the Standard and returned home.

by troops, the regi-

ment, and Count Hermann Hatzfeldt, of the by His Majesty with the duty of presenting the wreath. On each Waterloo day since, with the exoeption of the three years, the regiment was

'1‘ H E

The 28th of June being the day on which H. M. the King’s birthday was commemorated,

alltroops in garrison paraded in honour of the The troops under command of occasion. Colonel deLisle, 0.8., D. S. 0.. consisted of a Cavalry Brigade, under Major Hussey,R.H.A.,

and an











going home to work and to try and better his. military prospects. It was unlikely he would return to the regiment, in any case not for some considerable time. Although away from the Royals, he would not, however, cease» to take the liveliest interest in their doings and would always look back on the years. spent among them as the happiest of his life. R. S. M. Thompson, on behalf of the members of the Sergeants’ Mess, assured Captain. Guest of the general feeling of regret at his departure. Occasions, he said, on which officers visited the Sergeants’ Mess were usually ones of festivity. This occasion, however, was one of sadness. They were sorry to see him there, inasmuch as he had come to bid them “ good-bye.” Captain Guest was one of the old Royals, who, by the straightforwardness and kindliness which ever characterised his dealings with his subordinates, had won for himself their lasting regard and admiration. Wherever he went, they wished himgood health and jolly good luck. Captain Guest’s health was then drunk with musical honours. Replying, Captain Guest thanked the members of the Sergeants Mess for their good wishes and the nice things they had said about him. If he had always treated them. as well as Mr. Thompson said, it was only because he could not do otherwise in the face of the helpful and generous support he had always received from the non-commissioned officers, and the tine soldierly manner in which they had ever played up to him. He hoped

The regiment losesa fine ollicer in Captain the Hon’ble Henry Gut-st. who left Lucknow on the 26th of June, to embark for home. Bidding farewell to the members of the Ser~

to England, when, if necessary, he would be» only too glad to help them in any way. He

geants’ Mess, all of whom had assembled in the

wished them good luck and “ good-bye.“

they would not fail to visit him on their return

mess room for the occasion. Captain Guest

explained the reason of his departure. He was convinced, as every military man must be, that to get on now-a-days in the service, one had to be a professional soldier. He was

No news is to hand this month of or from our detachment in Naini Tal, which is rather to be regretted as we feel sure the troops in that cool and lovely little hill stat-ion must be doing

-62 -many

THE things in the field of




down here, in the furnace-like heat of the plains, we have nothing sporting to record,

except perhaps cricket, which, by a determined effort, we endeavour to make possible and by many precautions contrive to render the enjoyable and healthy pursuit it is popu—

larly supposed to be. If, however, the detachment has fallen short,


There is one little obstacle, however, to contend with. Athletic meetings are composed of dozens of different events, so that to give good prizes to winners, it is necessary to have something like two or three thousand rupees to spend. The difiiculty then arises-where is such a sum of money to come from 2’ Obviously none of the funds could stand such a strain. The only thing remaining then is subscription, and so we venture

laid down in regulations as something one has to “ pass out ” in before being dismissed,

or being promoted.

Notwithstanding, it is

joined in 1860 and transferred as Major to the

in 1895.

5th Dragoon Guards in 1885. He served in the Zulu war of 1879, Egypt 1391-85, and South Africa 1899‘00. At the conclusion of the recent review at Aldershot, His Majesty the King bestowed on

It speaks volumes for the general esteem in which Field was held by his comrades,

“hurdles,” etc.

Why not let these trophies

Major J. W. M. Wood, Provost-Marshal, the decoration of “ M. V. 0.”

a cup for the “ sprint,” the Sergeants might like to offer a cup for the mile, the Corporals

were soldiering in 1897-98, will recall the tall,

stern-looking officer who seemed (to us) to

All who remember Band-Sergt. (" Gabby”)

most likely would present atrophy, and so on.

take a positive delight in putting us down for new shirts 1 We congratulate Major Wood and wish him further successes and honours.

Partitt, will be interested to learn :hat he has just been appointed Bandmaster to the 1st Battalion, Royal Munster Fusiliers. Partitt left the regiment for a course of study at the Kneller Hall School of Music just prijr to our departure for India. He is probably one of the finest military cornet players of the day. Although our appeals to old Royals at home to re-open communication with the regiment, have met with instant and generous response



“Slam" Shortal, etc, will bear testimony. Since 1899 no dismounted sports have taken

place in the regiment which seems rather a pity as from all accounts there are some young and keen bloods now soldiering who are anxious for honours. The cinder path laid last year round the cricket green needs, according to experts, but a little care and attention to make it an ideal running track, and

with agood, energetic committee, the forthcoming meeting should be a great success.





or as an alternative, limiting the number



by small

At the meeting of the Athletic Club held on the 8th instant, it was decided, among other

Williams, Field, Carding, “Barney " Rogers, .

when we read in the English press that on his retirement he was presented with a purse of gold and an illuminated address, which were handed to him by his commanding officer before a full dress parade.

For instance, the officers would perhaps give

which could

'who could hold their own anywhere lLl dismounted events, as those who remember

Oarabiniers Yeomanry with which corps he

be presented by the regiment to the regiment 9

perhaps the greatest essential to a cavalryman‘s success, effecting alike officer and man. Captain McNeile’s eiiort should be read carefully by all.

things, to hold a regimental athletic meeting some time towards the end of the year. In the old days, we had men in the Royals

Sir Ralph Gore also sends his

The Athletic meeting will,

in which case it would seem desirable to have challenge trophies for the principal events, such as “ one mile fiat," ”440," “ 100 yards,"

it is not

tion in 189-1.

name forward for inclusion in the subscribers’ list. Coming to the non-commissioned ranks we have news of Sergeant-Major (Dicky) Field. He has just retired from the post of Regimental Sergeant-Major of the Hampshire

we hope, become again an annual institution,

ranks, caused by the enemy’s tire, has gallantly made good the deficiency. We refer to

slipped on and cit like a garment.

G. Hardy, who left the regiment on resigna-

has been associated since leaving the Royals

a suggestion.

As Captain McNeile explains, this "’ spirit “ is not atangible thing : something that may he


We read that Major-General J. B. B. Dickson, C. B., C. M.G. (late Royal Dragoons), has been granted the pension for distinguished and meritorious service. General Dickson

its commander, with the true instinct of the soldier who steps up into the gaps in the

Captain M cNeile, whose article, “ The Cavalry Spirit," will be found in this number.

The suggestion is one that has been under . consideration lately, and we hope in our next issue to give full instruction to subscribers wishing to use this means of forwarding sub— scriptions.


from the funds or

Those of

us who

both, would be sufficient to

make the meeting attractive and keenly contested, and if everybody helped, would (lo away with the necessity of crippling one fund 01'

events owing to want of cash for prizes. A home correspondent tells us that copies of The Eagle have not been received by General

Graham, Colonel Mesh-am and Major Balfour. Unfortunately when the lirst copies went out we hadn’t these oliicors’ addresses, so we sent them care of Cox& 00. It is eVidtmt they have miscarried.

Among those who, since the publication of our last number, have written wishing The Eagle all success, are two gallant old Royals MajorGeneral F. 8. Russell, C.M.G., and Colonel Lord Basing, CB. General Russell, who commenced soldiering in 1863, was formerly at “Cherry Picker," but exchanged with Colonel Morton into the Royalsin1881.

He saw service

in Ashanti

in 1873, and in the Zulu war, ”79-81. Ever taking the keenest interest in all things connect ed with the regiment, he is our present Colonel.

Lord Basing left us so recently, that any The same correspondent says, “Several people have asked me about The Eagle. A sug~

gestion was made to me that subscriptions might be paid to you

through subscribers

bankers, if you will say to what Bank they should be made payable.

reference to his connection with the Royals would be superfluous. Succeeding Colonel Burn—Murdoch, he commanded the regiment

. nearly all through the trying times in the late S. A. campaign, and retired only last year.

The paper is very

much appreciated over here, and everyone seems most anxious to subscribe.”

Another old member of the corps who ~ comes forward as a. subscriber is Captain E.

from officers, we have not, so far, managed to

getin touch with old non-commissioned officers or men.

London alone must contain

any number of them. However, if The Eagle fails to bring them to

light, it remains for the scheme whichCaptain Hardwick tells us is now in progress—that of establishing an annual regimental dinner for old Royals of all ranks—to bring them to light.

Imagine the genial Captain Webb, the soldierly Captain Parsons, the kindly and cour— teous “ Billy” Finn, “ Donny" Brooks, “ Micky” Watson, “ Billy” Bowles, Potter, Haylock, Halford, Connett, Tricker, Pye, Ben Perry, Firmston, The Briggs, Carding, Swan, Dyball, Cook, Patience, Holdsworth,

and Captain Alexander







T H E (the

The Major to have no Troop, but instead thereof £ 3. (I. the pay of a Captaine .vis, in lieu of servants

troops raised in 1661) at Watford and Bushey.







014 0

-—War Omce Records.

Major K. R. Balfour, and Captain P. E. Hardwick (Honorary Secretary). the future and With so strong an executive,

d, and we success of our homes are assure selectbeen has site a that hear to y hope shortl trus the by on ed and the conditions decided tees.

of Dragoons, " In1672 a corps had been raised bearing this title, but it was disbanded after the Peace of Nimeguen in October of that was year. The colonelcy of the new regiment

conferred upon Colonel Churchill, now ad-


BY GENERAL C. P. deAINSLlE. (Continued)

driven The Moorish legions having been this loss, re seve with city from before the e, peac of ty trea a by owed foll victory was Earl the by ed when the troops of Horse rais and Captain of Ossory, Sir John Lanier, were disand, Engl left ng havi Pulteney, not banded. em introduced The improved military syst renegades pean Euro by s among the Moor

to rendering it now necessary Tangiers a



employ at

garrison than

vanced to the dignity of Baron Churchill, of

Eyemouth, by commission, dated 19th of November, 1688, and the Lieut.-Colonelcy

the same time upon Viscount Cornbury. “ Charles B. “Our will and pleasure is that as soon as

, the troop of our Royal Regiment of Dragoons captain, whereof Charles Nedby, Esq, is , Tangiers at s shall arrive from our garrison

to the you cause the same forthwith to march of Hertford, town of Ware, in our county further oruntil remain to are they where

are ders ; and the officers of the said troops their pay duly soldiers the to take care that intended quarters. this 18th “ Given at our Court of Whitehall, 1623. day of February,

“ By His Majesty’s command, “WILLIAM BLATHWAYTE.“ Captain A similar order was given for quarter at Hod Thomas Langston’s troop to

Hampst-ead, desdon, Captain John Coy’s at

The four troops from Tangiers arrived in’

were equipped as Dragoons, and the follow— ing arms and appointments were issued to the regiment from the Tower of London, ‘Z/‘LZ :—

316 muskets and bayonets. 13 halberds. 12 partisans. 12 drums. 816 cartouch boxes and belts. 318 waist-belts and bayonet frogs. 358 saddles and bridles.

3% sets of holster caps and housings. —-War Office Records.


Prr dirm. £ 3. d. o 13 n ..

iijs Colonel, as Colonel, xiis, and iii horses Lieutenant-Colonel, as LiontenantColoni51,vijs. .. .. .. and ij horses ijs .. Major, as Major vs, and j horses is .. .. .. Chaplainc .. his chest, Chirurgeon ivs, and j horse to carry , ., .. .. ijs .. js .. Adjutant ivs, and [or his horse one person ivs, Quartermaster and Marshal in .. .. .. his horse is .. is .. Gunsmith ivs, and his servant

o 0 o

. ' '

0 (i s

' .

(i 0

0 ; n .

o n

n l)

2 17 s 1


1.‘ s. r .

and iii horses iijs The Colonel, as Captaino, viiis, .. ,. ijs horses ii and ivs, Lieutenant .. ijs horse ij and iijs, Cornett and horse Quartermaster, for himself and ijs for horses Two Serjeants, each js vid, his horses Three Corporals, each js, and ijs for horses Two Drummers, each is, and ijs for horses Two Eautboys, each is, and for man and horse Fifty soldiers, each ls vid

same rate, .tr‘ive Troops more at the

0 11 (i


England in February, 1684, and having returned their cuirasses into store, the Whole

The uniform of the regiment was scarlet lined with blue. The men wore hats bound with silver lace, and ornamented with ribbons, having a metal head-piece fastened inside the crown ; also high boots. Their horse furniture was of scarlet cloth, trimmed with blue, with the king’s cipher embroidered in

yellow on the housings, and holster caps. The drummers and hautboys were clothed in splendid uniforms, which, according to the War Office Records, cost upwards of £10 per suit, and each troop was furnished with a, crimson standard or guidon, having the following devices embroidered thereon, vi: :—

On the standard of the Colonel's troop: the king’s cipher and crown ; the lieutenant»

0 0

colonel’s troop: the rays of the sun, proper, crowned, issuing out of a cloud, proper—a,


badge used by the Black Prince.


K.C.V.O., D. S, 0.


Major H. S. H. Prince Francis of Tech,


ted. The mised contributions have been collec of— t executive committee will consis Colonel J. F. Burn-Murdoch, CB. Colonel C. F. Morton.


proand are likely to reach £2,000 when all the

ll. was particularly directed to the improvement of his army, and resolving to retain the services of the Tangiers Horse, His Majesty commissioned Colonel John Churchill to raise a troop of Dragoons at St, Albans and its vicinity :and Viscount Cornbury, son of the Earl of Clarendon, to raise another at Hertford ; and His Majesty constituted these two, with the four troops of Tangiers Horse, a regiment to which he gave the distinguished title of “ The. King‘s Own Royal Regiment of Dragoons ” z the words “ King‘s Own ” were, however. soon afterwards discontinued, and the regiment was styled “The Royal Regiment

.. 39 11

Total per aunum, £14,447-183. 4d


s We hear from home that the subscription Cottage ial Memor ons Drago Royal the for of £1,200 Homes have now reached the sum

destroy the works and withdraw the troops. At this period the attention of King Charles


ves materialise and prove the success it deser to be.

The establishment was fixed, by a warrant bearing date the 18th of January, 1684, from which the following is an extract :— “ Charles R. “ Charles the Second, by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. “ Our will and pleasure is that this establishment of our guards, cuirassiers, and land forces within our kingdom of England, Domi< nion of Wales, and Town of Berwick-upon~ Tweed, and the Islands thereunto belonging, and of all other offices and charges therein expressed, do commence on the lst day of January, 1683-4, in the thirty-fifth year of our reign. “His Majesty’s own Royal Regiment of Dragoons.”——lOth page, Record C.

o: C

comrades gathered together round one festive y board! May the excellent scheme quickl


l0 !

old Macdonald, Archer, and dozens of other

hitherto, the question was brought before Parliament, but no grant of money being voted, it was decided by the Government to

The first troop : the top of a beacon crowned, 01‘, with flames of fire, proper—a badge of Henry V. The second troop '. three ostrich feathers VI. crowned, argent—a badge of Henry The third troop: a rose and pomegranate

THE impaled, leaves and stalk vert—a badge of Henry VII.

The fourthtr oop : a phoenix in flames, pro-

E A G L E per—a badge of Queen Elizabeth The following officers were at this period holding commissions in the regiment :—



day of October, in the thirty-sixth year of our

reign, 1684. TROOPS.




...... ...--A...._<. -.A,. 7.-. -r. m, ,5

.. . .. .. .

Lord Churchill. Visc. Cornbury. Alex. Mackenzie. Chas. l‘edby. John Coy Thomas Langston.

Hugh Sutherland

’I‘hos. Hussey. Charles \Yitrd. H. Wyndham. John Williams. Charles La Rue. F. Langston.

Theobald Churchill

Major. Adjutant. (Qum‘tcrmusfry Chaplain.

Peregrine Yewel

Ch z‘rurgeon.

Thomas Crawley Henry Hawker

Lieutenant Hugh Wyndham became after wards Colonel of the 7th Horse, the present 6th Dragoon Guards, the Carbineers. Lieutenant Francis Langston was subse—

quently Colonel of the 5th Horse, 4th R. I. Dragoon Guards.


The Royal Regiment of Dragoons being thus formed, and composed, as it was generaL

ly, of men of approved valour and military experience, appears to have advanced at once into royal favour, and as soon as it was completely organized, it went into quarters in the

borough of Southwark. On the first day of October it was reviewed with several other corps by King Charles II., by the Queen, the Duke of York, and many distinguished personages. On Putney Heath, Lord Macaulay has the following notice of the regiment in

his History of England (Vol. 1., chap. III) :— “Near the capital lay also the corps which is now designated as the ‘First’ Regiment of Dragoons, but was then the only regiment of

Dragoons on the English establishment. It had recently been formed out of the cavalry which had returned from Tangiers. “

On the 13th of October the Royal Dragoons marched into quarters at Newbury, Abingdon, and Hungerford, and shortly afterwards the

Win. Hussey. Piercy Roche. John Cole George Clifford. William Stamford. Thomas Pownel.

and illm'shul.

following order was issued by His Majesty‘s command :— “Charles R. “For the preventing of all disputes that might arise concerning the rank of our Royal Regiment of Dragoons, or of any other regiment of Dragoons that shall be employed in the service, we have thought fit hereby to declare our pleasure. “That our Royal Regiment of Dragoons, and all the regiments of Dragoons which may

be employed in our service, shall have precedence both as horse and foot, as well in garrison as in the field, and in all councils of war and other military measures ; and the colonels and officers of the said regiments of Dra-

goons shall command as officers of horse and foot according to the nature of the place where they shall be: that is to say, that in the field the said regiments shall take place as regiments of horse, and the officers shall command and do duty as officers of horse according to the dates of their commissions, and that in garrison they shall command as foot officers, and their regiments take place amongst the foot according to their respective seniorities from the time they were raised. “Given at the Court at Whitehall, the 30th.

It is necessary in so far that a scout may

not always have a map, but he most certainly ” By His Majesty’s command, “ SUNDERLAND.” (To be Continued.)

Colonels Lieutenant‘Colonels 1st Troop 2nd Troop 3rd Troop 4th Troop


ought to have a watch, and in this case he

will always know how far he has been by checking his pace with his watch, and will

also know how long it will take to send a SCOUTING. BY MAJOR G. F. STEELE.

(Concluded.) V. — Tracking. Natives, whether of North America or South Africa, are experts in the art of tractiiug, simply in the first place from having to

depend for their daily food on the capture of game ; and secondly, from being from gener— ation to generation warriors, their own safety has made it necessary. General Miles in his‘Personal Recollections’

says: “The superior intelligence of the white man renders him capable of acquiring the same art in an almost equal degree if given the opportunity.” In support of this I need only mention that most colonists can read the ground like a book, and that all foresters, game-keepers, poachers must cultivate the art. _ John Howison in a book published, in 1822, ‘ Sketches of Upper Canada,’ says that the Indians who frequented the settled parts of the province lost these arts to a great extent, consequences tend "Civilization and its powerfully to destroy that acuteness of the

senses, and those bodily perfections which belong to man when ina state of nature, for he loses them in proportion as he ceases to require their aid."

General Baden-Powell looks upon tracking as such a useful adjunct to scouting, that without it he likens it to bread and butter without the bread. VL—Juclging Distance. The methods of judging distances both by time and estimation form a most necessary partofa. scout’s education. But it will rest with the individual to perfect himself.

message back. Again, in reporting on a position, his accurate judgment of distances would be of great value. Lord Napier’s receipt for a good scout was, as I mentioned before : Utmost daring

Subtlety of genius

in equal parts.

Discretion As an example of this class of scouting, I

will just mention one of Colquhoun Grant’s performances. He had been sent by Wellington to watch Marmont, in Beira. He remained

for three days in the midst of the French camps, always in uniform, as he would never put on any disguise. During this time he obtained exact information of Marmont’s object, and more especially of his preparations of provisions and scaling ladders, notes of which he sent from hour to hour to headquarters by Spanish agents. On the third night some peasants brought

him a general order addressed to the French Regiments, saying the notorious Colquhoun Grant being within the circle of their cantonments, the soldiers were to use their utmost

exertions to secure him, for which purpose also guards were placed as it were in a circle round the army. Nothing daunted, he consulted with the peasants, and before daylight next morning, entered the village of Huerta close toaford on the Tormes and SIX miles from Salamanca. A French battalion was in Huerta, and beyond the river cavalry vedettes were posted, two of which constantly patrol-

led backwards and :orwards for the space of 300 yards, always meeting at the ford. When day broke the French assembled on their alarm-post, and at that moment Grant

was secretly brought opposite the ford. He and his horse were hidden from the infantry

THE 68


by- the gable ofa house, whilst the peasants screened him from the cavalry by Spreading

important message to take to a neighbouring column


their large cloaks in front of him. There he waited until the vedettes were at



the extreme length of their beat, when he dashed through the ford between them and

camp and said they had run into a lot of Boers, and that Private Green had been killed or



But even then he was not satisfied that he had accomplished his task, so he returned

and said that the natives had bolted soon after leaving camp, but he had gone on by himself

and hid himself on a wooded hill which com-

and found five Boers at the farm where the column was supposed to be. He waited till daylight, but as he then could see nothing of the column, he returned to camp. I think that the greatest difficulty one encounters in training soldiers as scouts, is-

manded the roads

leading to Perales and

Rodrigo. From this place he took notes of the whole of the French force as it passed him going towards Rodrigo. As soon as they had gone by, he entered the village and found that they had left all

their scaling ladders behind, thus proving that they did not really intend to storm Rodrigo. It was this information which allayed Wellington’s fears for that fortress. This, I think, is the class of man one wants as a scout. Mosby was just such another. On one occasion he rode about ten miles inside the enemy’s lines,captured General Stoughton in bed in his head-quarters at Fairfax Court

House and took him clean off. On another occasion when near the Rich‘ mend and York river he, with two men, turned a corner suddenly and found himself face to face with the 2nd U. S. Dragoons drawn

up in line of battle. It was a moment to act, and act quickly, and knowing what terror the name of Jeb Stuart

inspired in the federal army, he stood up in his stirrups, turned round and beckoning with his hat, shouted “Here they are, Jeb}! Nowit certainly reads like a fairy tale, but the U. S. Dragoons, thinking that Stuart was about to issue from the wood, turned and made a strategic movement to the rear, leaving Mosby to go where he liked

One other instance of doing the right thing under difficult circumstances, not by a well<

known scout this time, but by a private of the Royal Dragoons. One night at the end of November, 1901, Private Green was given an






at a

Where the officers lead, the men will follow.


We shall soon find out that we are not all

him, and at about midnight those arrived in

born scouts, but a certain amount will undoubtedly realize that given the chances they would like to go on service as a scout or in charge of scouts. These are the men who have a taste for the work. One last word : remember, that a single in» stance of good individual work in the field will do far more towards your advancement than any amount of good work in the squadron,

Two natives

The following day



were to try and get to know our own capabilities during peace time?

he returned

and the fact of being a good scout will give the private soldier the opportunity which is required to bring himself into prominence.

to get any of them to be enthusiatic on the subject. Up to a certain point, i.€., the elementary

teaching which I have mentioned, they will give you their best attention, but beyond that point it is almost impossible to get them to move in peace time. One knows that to be any use as a scout

you should study the stars, as frequently by night they will be



guide, and

General Baden-Powell says, “What could be nicer than lying out on a hill top on a warm night with a pipe and doing so." I quite agree, but I have met very few soldiers who

care to practise it. Again, to be a good tracker, you should be continually theorising on any track you may see on the road, when out for a walk, and

following up that track to see how the reality works out with the theory you have formed. This also requires rather an exceptional man.

I do not mean to say that we have not

got exceptional men in our army, we might any of us have the makings of really high class scouts in us, buthow many have ever taken

the trouble to find out whether we have any aptitude or not. . Of course, these qualities make themselves known very quickly on active service, but

don’t you think it would be far better if we

THE ANNUAL REGIMENTAL DINNER. This dinner took place on June 12th at the Hotel Cecil, London. There were present :— Major-General F. S. Russell, C.M.G. (in. the chair) ; Major-General J. Graham, Major— General J. B. B. Dickson, C.B., C.M.G., Colonel J. F. Burn-Murdoch, C.B., Colonel H. rl‘omkinson, Colonel A. Mesham, Colonel The Lord Basing, C.B., Colonel J. M. Rogers, D. S. 0., Col. 0. R. Burn, Colonel the Hon. H. W. Mansfield, Col. C. F. Morton, Col. F. O’Shaughnessy, Col. T. E. Harrison, D. S. 0., Major B. S. H. Prince Francis of Teck, K.C.V.O., D. S. 0., Major K. R. Balfour, Major J. Towers Clark, Major E. Makins, D. S. 0.,Capt. T. M. S. Pitt, Capt. P. E. Hardwick, Captain E. York, Captain E.

Hardy, Captain J. W. Burns, Captain R. A. Wombwell, Captain F. Burch, J. Hamilton ‘Stubber, Esq., Lieutenant H. M. Lambert, Lieutenant A. C. Charrington, Lieutenant

C. R.

'I‘idswell, Lieutenant A. Chapman,

Captain and Houstoun, Lieutenant R. Ostertag, the German Military Attache. After the loyal toasts had been drunk, the chairman proposed the health of the German Emperor, Colonel-in-Chief, remarking, that

although His Majesty was Colonel of many

regiments, not only in his own country but also in others, he appeared to be especially attached to the Royals as was shown by his many acts of kindness to the regiments, the last of which was his generous donation

of .8150 towards the Regimental Cottage Homes’ Fund. The toast was drunk with great enthusiasm. Captain Ostertag in reply began by asking the indulgence of those present as it was his

maiden speech in English, an indulgence I may say that was not in the least required as he spoke in excellent English. He thanked every one for the warm welcome that had been extended to him, and mentioned that he had been shown the last report of the regiment which the Emperor had received from Colonel deLisle and said how much the Emperor appreciated the opinion of all the inspecting officers as to the high state of efficiency of the


He also congratulated the regi-

ment on its successes in the field of sport. Major-General Graham proposed : “The Regiment saying, that all old Royals were aware that the old spirit and the old traditions of the regiment were being kept up by all ranks. Major Makins replying for the regiment, regretted that as he had been away so long from the regiment, he was unable to give a very detailed account of their doings, but he referred everyone to the excellent publication, The Eagle, which he said was warmly welcomed by all old Royals and present Royals here in England. He said that the regiment had had much bad luck in the polo tournament and the Kadir Cup, and expressed the hope that next year we should win both. A cablegram containing good wishes from the regiment was read out by the chairman,

and a reply was sent to the regiment. Captain Hardwick proposing the Royals,” said that it was


most gratifying to

the regiment to know that all old Royals took such an interest in the smallest doings




of the regiment. That this interest had in no way abated was shown by the generous way in which so many had come forward and given liberal donations to the memorial scheme. He said what a great pleasure it had been to welcome Colonel Tomkinson and General Dickson toILucknow, and he hoped that many more old Royals would find their way out there. Colonel Mesham replying said that the old

Royals took as great an interest in their old regiment as they ever did, that went without saying. He only wished the regiment was


ing the Ramganga Valley. The river from which this valley takes its name. forms one

still some hundred feet above us.

of the main sources of the Ganges, and at

A little

on to his back on a huge bouldera a true»

“rocketter,” for he never touched anything between his lofty perch and the ground.r This only seemed to put fresh life into him, and without a moment’s hesitation he charged again, when a fifth bullet in the neck, the

Our camp was situated

some 2,000 feet above the river, and we intend-

the first time, the foresight dwelt on his

ed making an expedition of a week or ten

shoulder and the first bullet struck him, as

perpendicular sides, rushing along in a succession of rapids, and in no place more than

twenty yards broad,

days‘ duration up the valley to some ground where tehr were frequently seen and black bear not unheard of. Our march took us

was afterwards proved, rather high up under

through jungle of the thickest description, the

the spine and six inches too far back. At this he. turned round, and with a succession of short, sharp grunts charged down upon

not so far away. Captain Hardwick stated the views and ideas of the regiment, about the memorial

ground thickly carpeted with dead leaves.

us, covering the intervening

and an almost impenetrable undergrowth of “Ningala” stalks combining to spoil one's

Cottage Homes‘ Scheme, and hoped that as

pleasure, and, incidentally, temper.

many as possible would attend the meeting tobe held at the Army and Navy Club the following day. Colonel Lord Basing proposed the health of the Honorary Secretary to the Dinner Club (Major Balfour), and said that it was entirely owing to his energy and organization that there was such a good gathering that night. But he must deprecate the absence of several of the younger ‘-’ old Royals ” who,

a very tiring six hours, during which we had

steep slopein a series of bounds, and arriving at the edge of the torrent in a surprisingly short space of time. He was Enow but a few yards distant, and withouta moment’s hesita» tion plunged into the river, when a second shot failed to arrest his progress, but a third, delivered at eight yards range, struck his shoulder and effectually turned him. He was


performed feats an acrobat might have envied, the worst 01' the jungle was left behind ; and though we had accomplished

but six miles, camp had to be pitched ona

space down a

grassy slope with all its attendant discom-

caught in the most rapid part of the current

fort, for there was no flat place available, and

level of the Ramganga river, directly beneath

and, to all appearance dead, was washed down the rapids and adistance of quarter mile from where the last shot was fired. Great was the anxiety, whilst we followed as quickly as posSioleover anexpanseof difficult rocky ground,

Major Balfour in reply pointed out what

our intended shooting ground by mid-day,

lest he should be carried away complete-

excellent work his predecessor Colonel Tomkinson had done. He also asked those present to back him up in a scheme which he

and there sat down to take a well-earned rest. After a few minutes, a black bear was seen some 500 feet above on the opposite side of the river. He was on his way down, and as he moved stealthily along, a careful survey of the ground showed that there was only one

ly and his skin be taken beyond recovery. But a surprise was in store : for, after being

he thought, should be present.

thought would have every one‘s approval, namely, to institute an annual dinner for all

available “old Royals" of all ranks.

It was

done in some regiments and was a great success. P. E. HARDwICK, Captain.

A SHOOTING TRIP IN THE HIMALAYAS. (BY G. P. U) After five somewhat unsuccessful weeks,

during which time we had only accounted for

afew goral and barking deer, one evening found us encamped near a village overlook-

our coolies could go no further

that day.

Continuing our march on the morrow through rather more open jungle, we reached the

way by which he could descend, and this was a well-defined game path, used apparently by tchr and serow,which at one point passedwith-

in eighty yards of our position.

There was,

therefore, nothing to do but to wait until the bear should make his appearance at this spot. By this time he had disappeared from view, but after a few minutes, which seemed like hours so great was the fear that he should have found a path which had somehow es-

caped our notice, he appeared again, but


more patience, and a clear open shot, would. be our reward ! After carefully picking his way through a small patch of thorny scrub, interspersed with large boulders, he crossed an open space, and at the very moment he raised his head, having obtained our scent for

this point flows through a rocky gorge with


last in the magazine, killed him. He was a fine male specimen,measuring5 feet 792» inches, with a forearm girth of 19 inches. “ Ali’s well that ends well,” but the above story shows the folly of pursuing dangerous, game with a small-bore rifle, such as a Mannlicher, which was the writer’s sole weapon on this occasion. However, it was not thought.

likely that a bear would be met, and the small rifle was taken for tehr. Under such circumstances the most careful of big game hunters would surely not have refrained from firing, urging as an excuse that his weapon was too small ! Nevertheless,there are lessons to be learnt, first, that he who uses a smallbore on dangerous game must bea second Dr. Carver, so that he may always strike a

vital spot the first shot; secondly, a suitable bullet must be used, namely, one that does not break up into small fragments, but which

expands into a mushroom shape immediately afterimpact without breaking up. Let him who has not learnt the first of these lessons takeabeavy rifle, which by its tremendous stopping power will temporarily disable a

fortunately swept intoa backwater, he managed to crawl out on the oppOsite side to us and make his way up a cleft in the perpendicular wallol rock. It was a wonderful feat, Conbeing, sidering his two wounds and no human could mountaineer accomplished avery except

dangerous beast, and so give more time toget in a second shot. With regard to the

possibly have reached the place where the the bear now stood, some seventy feet from

which grew every variety of thorn-scrub of

In the

river by a :neantime we had. negotiated the sodden bridge—one a for substitute perilous

of this occupied two hours, but fortunately the gaming was much easier as soon as this was accomplished, for a very long climb overa

slippery log, with no handrail, placed across

rather slippery grass slope brought us up to

the worst part of the torrent. Havmg gained fired and the further bank, a. fourth shot was

the lowest patches of snow, and the path was level for the remainder of our journey. Towards evening we were actually on the

around overlookinga sheer precipice.

the bear dropped over the precipice, falling

second. experience alone will teach. The following day saw us on our way to tehr


Our path

was up a



slope covered with huge boulders, amongst the most spiteful description.

The ascent

/ 2



best tehr ground in the neighbourhood.


country was of the forest description, grassy slopes terminating in a rocky mass rising

lower than the main herd, they fed slowly along, from time to time raising their heads

perpendicular for the last few hundred feet

tolook in our direction, but always keeping out of range. They seemed to know accur»

and impossible of foothold, except for such a

ately the distance to which the modern sport-

sure-footed beast as the tehr. Animal life had been conspicuous by its absence, for nothing except a few magnificent monal

the desolation of our surroundings. We were now at an altitude of some 11,000 feet, just below the snow, and sat down to enjoy a magnificent view. On the one side a group of

ing rifle is sighted, and whilst keeping this distance, they made no attempt to decamp. Thelife-history of these creatures is interest» ing. In this early part of the year the males and females are found together, on the lower ground, and are therefore easier hunted ; at this time also the males possess their finest coats and beards, partly as a protection against the cold, and partly to captivate the females, the latter a very common provision of Nature with many species of animals, whereby the male dons his most effective


garb in the courting season.

pheasants, and on the very lowest slope amidst a patch of jungle some langoors

(monkeys) had been seen, though the weird mournful cry of the great barbet was heard in the far distance and gave added effect to






enclosing with their snow-clad side a large glacier, one of the main sources of the Gauges, and on the other a vista of rolling hills as far as the eye could reach. But there was not much time to appreciate this, for almost immediately afine tehr made his appearance from behind a rock and commenced feeding unconcernedly on the slope opposite. The wind was right and we were well concealed, so his suspicions were not aroused. In a few moments he gave a nice open shot, which was promptly taken advantage of, though not to the full, for a very had shot hit him too far behind. He doubled back, and whilst crossing a stone slope, a second shot in the neck settled the matter. He was a very fine

specimen and measured 13% inches, the girth of the horn at the base being 8i inches, an old solitary male with a beautiful skin, though at this season he had lost a great part of his beard. Soon after this, a herd of eleven males appeared, feeding over the opposite slope and very much above us. We waited for them to

feed down in our direction, but it was soon evident that they had located us, as their high position overlooking ours gave them an


It was interesting to watch them,

.as, guarded by one sentinel stationed rather

trable jungle, clothing the slope overlooking the river, we resolved to keep along the

edge of the torrent in the bottom of the valley. Unfortunately, no natives had been up this way for a year, and the result was that last season‘s flood had destroyed all the bridges. These had to be repaired and in some cases constructed afresh, so the march presented difficulties which we had not anticipated. However, the coolies worked with a will, and after cutting down trees, and gaining excel-



should not be, than the military history of our own and other nations. By the study of such historya leader will learn how men famous at the game acted under different circumstances ; their successes, their failures. Then, when he is placed in such and such a position, or told to do such and such a thing, he intuitively knows what he ought to do.

I do not mean that when an order comes to a Brigadier or to a Squadron leader to perform a certain action he should commence to rack

practice in the art of lashing (the

his brain for an example of what Murat,

substitute for rope-lashing being split “Ningala” stalks, very much like a thin bamboo), we had crossed and re-crossed the river six times, arriving opposite our encampment, but far below it. However, a stiff climb eventually brought us to our destination, and the following day the march back to civilisation commenced.

Kellerman, Seidlitz, or some other past master of the art of leading masses of cavalry to

incumbent on any one wishing to get a good


sition. How he must have dash, nerve, quick.

specimen to take into consideration the season of the year, for in the summer he will have to go much further a-iield, and nothing but females and young will reward him, if he keeps to the lower and easier slopes. The above will explain the reason of the herd of eleven being composed entirely of males. As it was getting late, and our herd were just beginning to disappear over the ridge, we determined to leave them until the following day, and returned to our bivouac under an overhanging rock. Daybreak, the following morning, found us in pursuit of yesterday’s herd, but unfortunately nothing was seen of them. A hard day, produced nothing to increase our bag and the main camp at the


ness of decision and—two others. Of these last two :first, he must have the confidence of his

The kids are

born in May and June, at which time the males all retire together to the highest and most inaccessible places, whilst the females and

young remain lower down.


It is, therefore,

bottom of the valley was reached towards evening after a very fatiguing walk of some

seven hours‘ duration. The following day’s march brought us to the original encampment over the Ramganga valley, but this was not accomplished without some difficulty. ln order to avoid traversing the almost impene-

l have taken the above words as the theme of this essay. I cannot explain them, but I think that all cavalrymen understand the hidden meaning in them. There is the old saying, “a cavalry leader is born not made, ” so in the same way a real cavalryman is naturally imbued with the “spirit" that is essential to a successful performance of his


victory, would have done or did do under like circumstances. No, not that, but from his study of the art of war, and of the leading of cavalry in particular, he would instantly or practically instantly know what to do. Every one knows the other essentials that a crack cavalry leader must have in his compo.

men, the utter and complete confidence. I am quite sure I am correct when I say that it is more important for a cavalry leader to have his men’s confidence than for any other.

Why? Because, acting, as he generally has to, with such little time for thought, by the way his men play up to him rests his measure of success.

I will later on give some examples of

Surely it stands to reason that men will

what I call “ cavalry spirit. There are first one or two maxims to be learnt. To commence with, as I have already pointed out, the “cavalry leader is born not made,” but, however heaven-born a leader of cavalry may be, he cannot expect to be entirely successful without two essentials. The first is easily described _; it is luck—and Luck with a capital L. The second is study of past military history, and more especially as far as it affects his own

follow a leader in whom they have confidence anywhere and everywhere without question, and in cavalry work there must be no question, no tightening of the bit rein, no asking the next file “where to 1’ " and “ what for ? ”; implicit obedience and devotion must be the motto. Cavalry have so often to sacrifice them selves to save some greater disaster, when by having a few squadrons cut up, the tide of


There is no more interesting subject, or there

defeat may be turned into the triumph of victory, or at any rate the defeat lessened. I am writing, of course, of cavalry used entirely as cavalry in action and manoeuvre.



The other just as onerous duties and just as important duties of cavalry—scouting and reconnaissance—must be reserved for another occasion. In this article I write of the ‘-’ slap~dash ” part- of a cavalrynian’s role. Well, as I said, first, after dash and deci-



and—except for one charge on the Russian infantry on the plateau of Illy to the north of Sedan, which charge was hopeless and use

The other instanceof devotion shown by the cavalry on this memorable occasion has an especial interest for the Royal Dragoons. Later in the day, the 88th Russian Infantry Brigade had failed in an attack on the French, northeast of Mars-la-Tour, and retiring, were pursued by the French in. ‘fantry. The Russian commander sent orders to the 1st Dragoons of the Guard (our sister regiment) to engage the on-coming enemy and give time for the 38th Brigade to retire and reform. The Colonel of the 1st Dragoons of the Guard

Towards the afternoon the Russian infantry

quite understood that his regiment was to

less from the first, and in which two-thirds of

the division were put liars de combat—his splendid force was wasted by his being moved

sion, the leader must have his men’s entire

aimlessly about from point to point of the

devotion and confidence. Secondly, and I am afraid, every one will not agree with me, but I think there is truth in it ; he must have a modicum of “ caution." Perhaps this is a heresy, but let me explain.

battlefield all


long, confusing the men

and tiring the horses.

By caution, I do not mean timidity ;over-

At the battle of Vionville, on 16th August, 1570, during the Franco~Russian war, there were two instances of extreme devotion shown by the Russian cavalry.

caution is a serious fault. But due precautions taken against surprise by the enemy,

were falling back in disorder before the tith

and precautions to surprise the enemy, come

French army

under another head altogether.

To gain time the German commander decided to sacrifice his cavalry. All that there was available of that arm at the time was Von

Caution is a

dangerous word when used in connection with cavalry ; but, on the other hand, think of the disaster a commander may lead his men into

if he has not provided against surprise and has not studied the first principles of successful mounted combat. Foolhardiness is not bravery, and surely it

is notZthe true “ cavalry spirit” for a leader to sacrifice the lives of his men just because he has lost his head, or perhaps wants to make a name for himself—no, the commander of cavalry must bear in mind the utility of what

the is doing. But no amount of dash and perception is of .avail in the commander, unless those under

him are imbued with the same spirit; the “cavalry spirit” that must permeate all ranks of the cavalry. The repeated charges of the French cuirassiers on the British squares at Waterloo are so well known, that it is unneces-




Bredow’s brigade, composed of 7th Cuirassiers and 16th Uhlans. Von Bredow received the order to charge the French batteries. Making use of a fold in the ground, he managed to

get close up to the French under cover deployed his two regiments into line and charged straight at the batteries. The brigade was received with a terrific fire at short range and lost heavily, but the survivors dash — ed on, and cheering, and regardless of losses, which were enormous, they rode through the first line of the French infantry and the guns, sabring the gunners, then through the second line of infantry. This brought them near Rezonville ; they had charged one and a half

miles. At this point the French cavalry were seen approaching in force, and Von BrL-dow sounded the “ Rally" and then the “Retire, "' and with his decimated brigade rode back

sary to allude further to them, except to say that for sheer gallantry and abandon they

again through the lines of French infantry,

have seldom, if ever, been surpassed, and

pursued by their cavalry.

moreover they had their object and achieved

The brigade lost half their strength, the French advance at this point was terially checked, as during the rest of day no forward movement was made by 6th French Army Corps, and the Russians time to retire and restore order.

it, namely, to gain time for

the shattered

French line to reform. In contrast to this, take the use made of the

French cavalry at Sedan in 1870. General Margueritte had under him five regiments


but inathe the had

be sacrificed, but without hesitation proceed. edto carryout what proved to be one of the deadliest and finest cavalry charges of modern times. He made very good use of the ground, and keeping along the low ground to the east of Mars-la-Tour suddenly appeared on the flank of the French infantry. The French skirmishers already scattered and in disorder after a sustained fight and pursuit, fell into worse disorder. The Dragoons swept through them and dashed headlong into the main French On they rode, through infantry column. all, four regiment,—in after regiment regiments,~—-and then back to regain the Russian line. The losses of this splendid regiment were very severe : 16 officers and 122 men out of 20

ofiioers and 406 men, but the French pursuit ceased altogether, and the 38th Russian iiifantry brigade had time to retire and reform.

In both these instances, besides the bravery and self-sacrifice displayed, we find points of the greatest importance recognised and made

use of‘by the commanders, namely, 'use of ground, surprise

fiank attack, (1601510118116.

. _ promptitude. Space does not permit me to give other instances of devotion and self-sacrifice by cavalry, but who has not read of the many occasions when the cavalry of the different

nations of the world, have done what we all, ._given the chance, in a humble way aspire to do.

A JO URN EY . GULMARG, Pir Panjal Mountains, July lst 1907. DEAR EDITOR, It may be of interestto your subscribers to hear the following account of ajourney up-

hill from Baramula which my wife and I recently accomplished. We intended to leave about 7 A.M. but to our great annoyance a severe thunderstorm was raging at this time, so the start had to be deferred. Our boatmen earnestly requested us to wait until the morrow, but this we firmly decided not to (10. Towards lO A.M. it ceased to rain and the weather prospect being fairly favourable, the baggage ponies were loaded up after the usual amount of unnecessary noise and bother. Our motley crew were ready to advance, but not before the loads had been readjusted and made

satisfactory. The Kashmiri ponies are remarkably hardy, diminutive creatures, thin to emaciation, and ours had every appearance of being in urgent need of the “rest cure ” instead of having to toil up 4,000 feet under a heavy load over a mountain path covered with sticky mud, a distance of 16 miles. When fully loaded little else than the head and tail could be seen. Our “lares and penates ” were neither numerous nor handsome, but to us quite indispensable, and the manner in which they were apportioned to the ponies was amusing. One pony in addition to a trunk on either side was hung about with a bundle of matting, a hurricane lamp, an empty kerosine-oil tin, and a large Peake Frean biscuit box. Poor brute ‘. .

After a preliminary stagger to catch their equilibrium they filed off, and now that they are well under weigh, we are at liberty to inspect our respective chargers. ' _

The Mem-sahib’s needs most description. One saw at a glance there was nothing of the “ fiery untamed ” about him. I endeavoured to glean something of his age and digestion from his teeth, but his mouth told me every» thing, yet nothing, so had to fall back on general appearances : his sad but expresswe eye half-closed in repose, his forlorn dejected mien and the semi-devotional attitude of his

knees, together with his boggy . hooks and rocky joints, assured one that his attempts

4.3.... .



. La.



: .; .; :3 .

to “bolt” would be few and



His colour I inferred was a dirty dun, but difficult to decide owing to the very


state of his coat. Under a rough countrymade “man’s ” saddle were afew folds of

J txlr_’4:-flk'AJp-zfiili‘fimm‘lfiia‘lau

dirty puttoo kapra (cloth) intended to act as a

numdah. So much for the “ tat.” My own mount was a little larger than a big dog, but looked very fit, and turned out a wiry, willing, capable carrier: though as I

had decided to walk as far as possible, he had an easy task.

The dun required a deal of persuasion to mount the steep gradients, and whether he did it purposely to scare his passenger or not, I cannot say ; but he would walk close

to the edge of the khud, and as there was no sort of barrier and the path being cut out of the mountain side with a drop of several

hundred feet straight down on to the top of pine

trees, (perhaps providentially put to

break the fall, who knows ‘9) it was trying for even the strongest nerves. Now, the sun shone brightly and the going being heavy, the perspiration commenced to trickle and run in little rivulets, for the climb to Goohna village, 4% miles, was trying. Across a short level stretch to Chandoara with a slight descent to the Ningal stream. The bridge had been swept away by flood, so it had to be forded ; this gave rise to a certain amount of trepidation, but the dun was soon skilfully piloted across by the coolie without

mishap. . The weather now appeared ominouszdull gray Skies prevailed,and it was certain that we

were in for a “ soaker."

The thunder rolled

and crashed, making the most weird noises as it reverberated amongst the hills and

gorges around. We pushed on through Kauntra (8 miles) and commenced the climb to Bapamarisha. We had travelled over some exceedingly pretty country and frequently aused to admire some pretty view 972. route,

also to take breath—much the most necessary of the two. Thank Goodness! Bapamarisha at last! From here it is a very stiff climb of 1,400 feet


The mem’s pony objected to an open'um.

brella, so she was enveloped in my rain coat and I carried the “ brolly.” How you would have laughed had you seen our procession "

Well, at last we reached the top in a perfect deluge of rain and hail, and commenced the easy descent into the marg (meadow).


a veritable “slough of despond ” it appeared it presented a dreary aspect, and our first

impression was one of intense disappointment. Passing through the bazaar I enquired of one Guffar Joo, from whom we had previously arranged for hire of tents and furniture to be ready the day before— if all were ready “ Han, sahib, " was the reply, as he pointed to our tents a mile ahead Squelch, squish, under foot as we slithered across the soddened bog-like ground - it seemed as though it had rained unceasinm ly for ages : sky like lead, the snows appea ied in mourning, and still it rained.

A tent badly pitched, saturated, on slush y ground, half the pegs deficient which neces sitated placing two ropes on one peer to secure it and that portion which acts zaas a door to a Swiss cottage tent was conspicuous by its absence and to crown our sorrows ’twas empty. This was the last straw. An hour later grotesque forms came through the mists, they turned out to be coolies carrying our cha7'poz'es, tables and the necessary articles of camp life. By this time ’twas nearly dark. A hasty settling of furniture, making of beds and under the soothing influence of a couple of bright powerful lamps, a plentiful supply

at home. Numerous wild flowers abound, the homely buttcrcup predominating. Our destination is the “circular road," l‘rom where we can View the glorious pancrama of the vale of Kashmir and the snowy mountains beyond. It is, indeed, a 1nagnifi~ cent sight. Seemingly beneath us is spread out the famous flooded valley (100 miles ><_ 25) withits lake and river lazily basking in the warm


weeks as it only can rain up here near the


and as we gaze enraptured,

in 2% miles through a dense forest of pine which darkened the slippery path, and now

Apharwat are magnificent.

with the drenching rain made our little party depressed and sad. Owing to the steep ascent and the damp

marg is a dense, thick fringe of pines rising very high and forming a lovely background to views of natural beauty unrivalled by any kind.

All round the.

As we cross the meadow the

atmOSphere, breathing became difficult, in

of its

Iact, painful ; so the pony ban to be resorted

green turf is as soft and springy as the best

The only condition laid

extra ammunition they expend, a matter, by the way, of no great consideration when' success or otherwise as a shot very materially affects their service or proficiency pay. Short of physical inability no man shouldbe a had shot, and so the obvious course for

resulting in a win for Sergeant Norton with a score of 74-3; Sergeant Thompson 78-8, running a close second. The other shoot produced a very poor attendance owing to the superior attractions of a cricket match then in progress, and only one spoon was given, this. going to S. S. M. Allen, who was best with 74.

The Corporals also held a spoon shoot on the 22nd ultimo, the winners being Corporals Wilson and Newton with 78 and 76 points respectively. The weather was not good. We might mention that a rather amusing account of this shoot was written, in collaboration, by two eye-witnesses, which want of

get drenchec ”—and so we did I Yours truly. J. J. CROWLEY. MUSKETRY. The regular practices have been suspended pro tem, and voluntary practices are being



become marksmen.

down is that such volunteers pay for the-


in many ways. It often happens. that a man. ordinarilya good shot, will, owing to indis-

To-day, June, the 25th, is perfection.

pens that second and even third class shots

thoughts are lifted unconsciously, all mundane affairs forgotten, even that nightmare of a march across the marg on arrivalflout of the deep impressive silence an impatient voice exclaims, “ Oh, do come along! We shall

we haven’t felt the slightest ill effects.

cloudless blue sky, brilliant hot sunshine, with a cool delicious breeze. The snows on

begin to “get their eye down,”when, however, it is too late to hope for good aggregates. But let these men fire a voluntary course soon afterwards, and it not infrequently hap-

musketry “also rans” is to adopt the ancient

“ roof of the world,” yet, marvellous to relate.


At the start of

nursery rhyme advice, which to the best of' our recollection runs,“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again!” Of other musketry items, the Sergeants have held two “spoon shoots ” ; the first

Next day towards tifi‘in time, we emerged from our damp abode, ’twas still raining, and continuously for three

are so for want of practice.

their annual course such men are hopeless, and it is only after a few days’firing they

covered as with a sheet of spotless white.

of hot tea and supper, notwithstanding the

rained almost



Prominently in the foreground is Mount l-Iaramukh and Mahadeo, 16,900 and 13,000 feet respectively, while clearly visible, though 95 miles away, is that mighty landmark “ Nanga Parbat” (nearly 27,000 feet), called by the natives “the seat of the gods." Like a huge reserve of these mighty armies of snow. its crest rears proudly and menacingly yet silently watchful and serene—~a colossal sentinel. No pen, nor picture, can adequately describe this unique vision of unrivalled magni-

absence of real comfort and uncongenial elements, we slept soundly and long.


Opposite, distant 25 miles,

seemingly quite near ;the northern barriers appear to rise straight up out of its depth like a huge wall Whose sombre front is in striking contrast to the snowy mountain tops, whose peaks and rugged surface is entirely

E A (i L E

These latter are an excellent provision

position —and who does not feel indisposed 1D Lucknow during the summer ?——make bad scores at some distances, and so a proved marksman finds himself relegated to first class shot, or a good first class man drops to second class. Such men may, if they so desire. repeat their courses, and are requalitied on the results. Again, many of the. poorer shots

space prevents us from publishing in this issue. Over the only other

musketry event we

fain would draw a kindly veil, but rerz’tas premlebz’t. Some energetic ‘sport,’ safe doubt less in the knowledge that he at least was a crack shot, conceived the idea that a staff shoot would prove interesting. He was right. The Orderly Room staif boldly threw down the gauntlet to the combined staff of the Pay Oflice and Quartermaster's Store, and the match came off on the 22nd of June last.

Several of the participants, being armed only with revolvers, took precautions to bag suitable weapons from their comrades. Two ambitious members with a craft that should have made generals of them long ago, contriv-

ed to borrow the rifle of a certain very expert shot, who after expatiating on the wonderful



powers of his gun, cautioned them to use2

degrees of wind, as “it throws a bit to the left.” It certainly was an extraordinary weapon, to judge from the many wavings of flags and other exhibitions of enthusiasm it provoked from the markers. With great

tion would scarcely apply to cricket in India 'l‘he summer—curses on‘tl—materialised long since, and apparently not content iin its

material state must needs become ambitious and endeavour to establish itself as a [rival

reluctance also, we place on record the remark of one individual who, with the air ofaKing’s Prizeman waiting to be “chaired,"

claimant to the place of honour which, if we are to place any credence in the teachings of our youth, has all along been held by :the particular locality which Dante so minutely

observed, “ Now to establish the superiority of brains over brute force ” In common justice we can but mention that the afternoon

describes ! As for cricket, we have been veryimpartial. There have been feasts for bowlers, but so

was very hot. The scores are given below. One or two shot well, but to the luckiess majority, with all due deference, we point the moral which the event gave birth to. To clerks and other staff men about to embark recklessly on enterprises of this nature,

have batsmen

with strange weapons, or without a little preliminary





advice—which is “ Don’t ! ” SCORES. Orderly Room. 200 Lieut. Adjutant Hogdson R. S. M. Thompson .. S. Q. M. S. Cronin .. Sergt. Trumpeter Nash ..

.. .. ,. ..

Pte. Richardson



. ..

.. .. ..

,, ,, ,,

Welch Hellis Clarke




:.‘ ‘

55 38 39 :21





t .

r Total

31 :r.) 34 .. 303

been banquetting.

In fact,

since last writing, there has been a series of cricket feeds. We have lived on it! Football and hockey have been given up for the presentas dangerous, and until King Sol condescends to become less fierce in his attentions, will not, we fancy, be resumed. So the “muddled oafs ” have swelled the ranks of the “flannelled fools,” until our poor, ill-used cricket-green cries aloud for quarter. Cricket- Green, did we say? We apologise. It wasgreen once, and even now a small space in the centre, consequent on the frequent

swamping it undergoes from the overflow of the plunge bath, has some pretensions to verdancy, but the remainder has long given up the struggle. It would be quiteimpossible to deal with matches individually, as our space is limited. The scores of some of the more important

games are given below, and for the rest it Pay and Q.-JI. Offices. 500 'Lieut. Tomkinson ,, Turner Sergt. Norton

Corp]. Hug ins ,,

Hug es

,, Ratcliffe Pt-e.Al1iott ,,


.. .. ..

.. .. ..



: ‘ ‘ '

. 3





.. ..

.. ..




Total 34 41 41





31 41



must suffice to say, that everybody has played everybody, and cricket is becoming “classy." One match, however, stands out from its felloWs by reason of its very excellent cricket and on account of certain incidents with which it is connected. This is the match,

Regimental Total

.. 3'71

The Orderly Room, as will be seen, were beaten by 63 points.

CRICKET. A home correspondent, writing of the national game in England tells us “ the summer has been slow in materialising, consequently cricket has, so far, been a feast for

bowlers.” In so far as we are concerned, this descrip

Staff rs.

Rest of


and we attempt a description. The promoter of the event was our gallant Saddle Tree Maker, Sergeant Scott. Well known to every soldier east of Suez~or west of it for that matter~as “ Scotty," this genial giant was the moving spirit of the whole affair. Grected with vociferous cheers each time he stopped the ball, and more cheers when he didn’t, “ Scotty ” played the

game throughout, and in spite of thelittle dilficulty he experienced, owing to his immense stature, in accelerating his locomotion, was

a credit to his side.

The match was played on the Re iment ground on the 4th, 5th and 6th instantsigand pradl duced a very good and keenly-fought; game. .The Staff won the toss, but owing to the wicket having been rather overwatered, decided to make the Regiment bat firs b. After Sergeant Rapkin had been dismissed

by Seaton for 5, a good start was made by Fisher and Edis who took the score to 50 before Earl caught and bowled the former. Edis was thenjoined by Mr. Miles, who con.

tributeda merry, if lucky, 15.

After Edis

had been disposed of for a well played and careful 33, the tail gave little trouble and the ininings closed for 114. Seaton bowled very well, keeping an excellent length, and getting 6 wickets for 47 runs.

The Staif

commenced their innings on

Thursday evening, Mr. Hodgson and Seaton

being opposed by Sergeants Hasler and Collison. Runs came steadily until Corpl. Jeffrey relieved Sergeant Collison and at once

got Seaton caught





taken at the wicket for a. useful 15. Hodgson and Tomkinson carried the score to 98, when the latter was bowled by Hasler. The next three wickets fell quickly, 5

being down for 112,


Cronin joined

Hodgson and the remaining runs vere obtain-

ed without furtherloss, Mr. Hodgson carrying out his bat for a fine innings of 70, Not the least important feature was the presentation, on the conclusion of the game of an illuminated address, together with a sword of honour, to Sergeant Scott. This may sound extravagant, but we understand the address was the humorous effort of one






whilst the sworl, it is darkly hinted, was purchased from a native mltie boy for the princely sum of one anna.’ Any way, the whole business afforded much healthy amusement to crowds of onlookers, and Sergeant Scott has much to congratulate himself upon.

On Mr.

Tomkinson joining Mr. Hodgson, runs came faster, and the total reached 67 before


the latter fell to a catch in the slips for


as invaluable and well-played 18. Idden den caused the separation, and afterwards bowled with startling success, the only player to give Mr. Tomkinson any assistance being Mr Turner. The total at the fall of the ninth wicket was 98, when Mr. Tomkinson was joined by Sergeant Scott, who received

- a splendid ovation from the large and distinguished company. He opened his account with a pretty glide to leg, but shortly aftcr~ wards Mr. Tomkinson was caught in the slips fora well-played 50, and the innings closed for 106. lddenden took 7 wickets for 27 runs. The Regiment started their second innings badly, losing 4 wickets for 17 runs, McDouall and Edwards carried the score to 40' for McDouall offered a stubborn the 5th wicket

defence and his

forty-nine runs possibly

saved his side from complete collapse. Ser» geants Rapkin and Hasler put on 29 runs for the last wicket by a good display of hitting. Seaton again bowled well ; he and Earl bearing the brunt of the bowling in both innings. The Staff were set 188 runs to win, a severe task for the side, which was compelled to bat 10, owing to an injury the Bandmaster received the previous day. Mr. Hodgson and Seaton started the innings and by patient ‘cricket compiled 45 before Seaton was

Sergt. Rapkin, b Seaton Pte. Edis, b Seaton .. Corp]. Fisher, 4‘. it. b Earl Lt. E W. '1‘. Miles, b Seaton .. Corpl.Mul)ouall,h Seaton Corleetl‘rey, c Hodgson, b Seaton .. Pte. Iddenden. c Holt. b Earl .. Sorgt. Edwards, b Seaton Pte. Lovell, v l-lodgson, b Earl .. Sergt. Easier. r \Velch, b Earl .. Sergt. Collisnn. not out Extras Total

5 c Cronin, 1: Earl 33 b Turner .. 27! stpd. \Vclch, b Turner.. 15 c Earl. b Turner r. Tomkinson, b Earl b Seaton 4

b Seaton c Holt, b Seaton


c Holt. 1) Seaton

5 not out 2 c \Velch. b Seaton 0 Erlrus

.. 114


l‘HE STAFF. Lt. \V. T. Hodgson. 0 Fisher, b Iddenden .. 18 not out Ptc. Scaton. c d- b Jcli'roy 10 c Erlis, b C-illison Lt H. A. Tomkinsou, 9 Edwards. b Jddendon 30 b Hasler l’te. Welch, b Iddenden '3 1) Fisher B.-.\lastcr Holt, h lddnndon 0 Absent Lt. C. \V. Turner. c 110vell, b lddendcn .. 0 c Miles. b Hasler S. Q. M. S. Cronin. b iddenden .. 0 Not out Sergt. Corlw, r- it L) Edwards .. (1 Did not bar. Pte. Earl, b Iddenden .. 0 Did not bat. Pte. Mayttnm. b Edwards 6 Did not bat. Sergt. Scott, not out :3 c Miles, b Hasler Er! ms . . 1) Extras 'l’otal

. . 106





“ C" SQUADRON. bEarl Sernt. Cole, b Iddeudeu Lt '..T Hodgson. stpd.

Welch, b Seaton

Mr. Holt 1- 1301111, 11 Ball

b Earl ., 1 cJefi'rey. l1 Lido-mien ..



not out

Pte. Hofl', bEari [11.0. W. Turner elddenden bEar. Sergt. Edwards. 1: Sea.-

. _-b Earl

ton. bEa.rl Pie Puddifoot,b Earl ,, Cue, not 01:: Maytum c lddeuden, b Earl

0 11 Earl

(' Wok-11, b Earl

_b Earl “i

1) Earl

1 c Weston. b ltldenden.. Hatchwell, run 0111 10 1' MeDouall. 11 Earl 4


7 Pu» Rena, run out Dewiug, b Collison..


Ashworth, b Cole .


Tomkiuson 10 not out Pte. Hastings 11 Tom kinson o Lt \V.1‘ Hodgsou,stumpod “eleh. b Earl 4‘.) Lorell, b Seatou 215 Been-,1) Seaton 14 e, Seaton, 11 Earl Miles. 11 80111011 ”‘ t‘Tou1kinson,b l-Iarl 1(ldenden,e Jell‘rey. bl} arl Parry 11111111011 \\ elih b Seaton 4 1) Earl l..1\end(-',1 e $031011. 11 Earl 1) not out )1;111le_1.uotout 0 e \Yelch. b SL-atou Extras ls 13.111115

733 b Iddendeu

S. Q. M. S. Abbott. run out ..



Capt. Ben. C H C. (vuestl,


Hatehwell, b Cole . Rowe, b Cole Cue, b Collisou Pine, 11 Hasler Newton, not out Stiles, run out Stribbling, l l) w, b Hasler Maymm, h Rankin. Ertrus


T m ail


. 140

1 l 3 3 :: l ll ll T

not out b Rankin b Colllson 1‘ Holt, b Corke b Rankin b Collison run out b Collison ll» w. b Collison

Corp}. McDonall 1' Edwards, b Em. PtCI-u Earl. stnd Guest, b


Not 0111

11 311

Corpl. .lt-il'rey, cManley, Iddendtn

7 b Manley

11 Turner

Pte. \\ elch, b Reeve

3 l b n. h Rot-1(-

c Gues‘. b )iuytum

L1. E. A. Tomkinsou. b Irltlenden ,.

Pte. 0011:;

LtC. ubfi'Cue A. Tomkinson, e not out 0 c Turner, 11 C11111 b Cue


Pte. “911-11, b C;(Corp]. Jeffrey, b C.15 111111, b Cue .. 5131111111 A“ b



9 e Hodgson. b Cue T e Turner. b Cue 4 l‘: Cue


Strgt Weston,b Cut Corpl. \‘i inter, not out.


Pte. Iddenden. 1‘ May(- Edwards, b Turner ..

Pte. Collier 0T1 1‘11e1 b Edwards


(1 16

b C119

. 132

I'Lrtras Total

B . M. S. Abbott

l‘."1tul~ Total

cMaster, b Iddenden b Reeve HH

1 b w b lddenden b Reeve b Reeve


c Bowles, b Reeve b Iddenden c b Manley not out b Manley

c Iddenden. bManley

51-1311. Corkc, 1) Fisher .. l’te. Maytum, e Roberts. 11 Fisher .. Sl-rgt. Edwards, c Lang— .. ley, b Esbmade Lieut. W. T. Hodgson, 1‘





Corp]. McDouall Pet. Miles

1 b Manley


Reeve .. .. Earl,blddenden .. S. Q. M, S Real]. b Iddenden Corpl. Winter 1‘. .\ b Reew Rose, 0 Laiender. b Manley P10. may 1- Manley. b McDonali Hook not out . Collier. (- Bolt. Mellouall Ewiras

. lb 11-. b Manley c& b Manley ' c Hodgson. b Manley . c Lovell, b Manley elddeuden, b Hastings 0 Lo1'ell,b Hastings . ' c Lavender. 11 Hastings

13"C” SQL‘ADRUX. SQL'A 1111011.



. 11':


C " SQUADRHN. SERGEANTS’ MESS SERGEANTS’ MESS. St-rgt. Edwards e Hatchwell, bCuo .. 13 b Newton 4 ‘1111d 1) RowSergt ’Collison, b Rowe, Sergt. Cole, c Stiles. b 4 b Cue Newton .. 6 0 Moss. 11 C110 B.-‘.\Iaster Holt, l1 Cue .. Se1'Lrt.Corke, e Newton, 5 b Newton bCue .. Sergt. Sales 0 Pine, 1) 0 1- Moss, 1) 8111011119“ (111‘ Newton .. Sergt.flasle1',bPine .. SergItj Rapkin, b Hatch-

1 b w, b Cole 0 Beall. b Hash-r c Corke,b bCole

:1 b Newton 13 11111 out . 1- Moss, b Pine

0 Ed wards b Easier


b Cronin c Cronin, b Hasler


c & b Hasler Extras


S.Q..1\]1.S. Abbott, not out .. S.Q.M.S. Beall, 1: Ashw01'tl1, l1 Pine . Extras Total

’ c Rowe, b Newton not out

U 1‘ Wheeler. l1 Eshmatle. l

tlid not bat

:;i i Langlev


7.“.I not out Fisher, b Rapkin Lieut. C. W. Turner, 1‘ 1(1 L' linsler, b Rankin Rankin, b Eshmade 11 P1e.Rowe,c Wheeler, '3 b lishmadtE: hmade Si‘l‘gt. Cole, cand 11 E5110 1: 1111111111 11111119 Sel‘gb. Davis, 1: Wheeler, 11 U 1' Eshmade. b Rankin .. Eshmade

not out

Sergt. \\ eston, c Reed b

BAND. l‘te. Lovell




M.5 5.Bel.a


Weston .M. S Cronin



SERGEANT’S MESS 1'3. BAND. Serg t.Sales,





sergt Rankin. Pie. Underhill Dallas ,, Langley. 5ergt Hasler, Corpl. Measures. Pto. Belcher. Cinnl Farrell. Dmling.

Vanson Vanson Knight Vanson Knight Edis, b Knight

c Lawrence, b Edis e Collinson, b Buckley 1) Buckley not- out Total



Total .10"


c Marlow, b Riven. b b b 11 b 1:

l'te. Edis.

“ B ” SQUADRON bOole

Pto. Wheeler.

Corpl Wilson


“B" SQUADRON. Pte. Seaton, 0 Edwards,


1 lb w. b Collison '2 b Collison .1 Extras5-.»


A ' soUADRox Total


Pte. Knight. Corpl V 21118011. Pte Marlox\,1Rapl\'1n. Pte- Ranking. Pte Lanr: n10, Serut Collinson. Pte. Buckley P10. Loekyer. Pte. livctt, l‘te. Cole.

b Hasler b Hasler b Easier b Hasler r1111 out b Easier 1'. Measures, b Wilson b Hasler b Hasler c A': b Rapkin not 0111: EJ'tI'US

Lu H w-iomowoqu



REGIMENTAL GAZETTE. Promotions and Appointments.

The p10motion to Lieutenant of 2nd- Lieutenant E. W. T. Miles, bears date February 24th instead of asin Gazet' e of March 1211b. HAM...


rel mmmmmmmmmmmg


(the eagle.

tenemennnnmmnnmmmmflflmflg Advertisement and Sub=


scription Rates.




Cbe Editor, “Cb? Eagle,”

THURSDAY AUGlST 1:1111,1907.


a Royal Dragoons,



Eucknow, 7ndia. F01 six months, full p1ge half n



§£ Sir, %

. 7 enclose berewitb~m

quartei page


‘ one month full page


i g for£ R5



quarter page . SUBSCRIPTIONS F01 si\ months to subscribe” at Home



\3 :12 (111’ g

F01 six months to subscribeuR in India


To§.-tC.RO:'z1nd 1111311 scning O O E 1111 emm To all 0the1s em \m‘l‘n4: p1 COM 7711‘ 11/102 1‘ 1111/111/13 [1051111er

for 6 montbly copies of “ the

Eagle ” Please place my name on the list of g substribers and forward copies to: — g

MONTHLY NOTES. We would draw our readers’ attention to certain changes in our subscription rates. The higher rate for officers at home has been reduced to 43. 9d. post—free, and a lower rate introduced for noncommissioned officers and men at home, so that a copy should cost them 412. excluding postage. instead of 8d. as before. Postage, 912. for six copies will, of course, remain as usual. Those subscribers who lia1efo1wa1ded 53.651 will be registered for seven copies instead of six. A lower rate has also been introduced for non-commissioned oiiicer s and men in India away from the regiment who can now obtain six monthly copies

for Rs. 1-12-0 post-free.







We had intended, for those subscribers who wished it, to arrange for them to pay their theii subscriptions to The Eagle through

min bankers, but after some consideration. ue find this to be impracticable at present in order, therefore to leduce to a minimum we hav e the bother of sending remittances, easily can which slip introduced a perforated of admits which and in, filled be detached and subscriptions monthly six as well as annual being £01 ward ed.

responsible The “printer 5 de1il‘ ‘ is again last issue. our in 1 for a \ery unfortunate er~'10 important the of unt acco on so all the more continued The d. natur e of the w01 ds concerne ssian ‘ “Piu for ‘ an ssi “Ru useoi'the nerd Cava11y cle“ a1ti the of e sens the to was fatal have natu1ally SpiIit, but our 1eade1s Will ned thew11ter divi so and ake realised the mist ity of apolo— rtun oppo this take. We meaning.

«rising. Steeles South 111 drawing attention to Majm

African notes which will be found on another page, we would ask those of our 1eaders who took part in the late campaign to be kind

enough to follow Majm Steele’s good example and give us the benefit of any records which they may have in their possession. There must be sexelal who kept diaries. and who consequently could fit dates and othe1 pai ti<ula1s to many incidents which are 1emembeied but vaguely by the majority who

were present, whilst to those who joined subs1 qw:1ilv the incidents are probably un One has but to read the piesent knou 11 article to realise the deep interest which attaches to such records. Colonel deLisle, with Captain Lord Charles. t Fltrmaui we and Lieutenant and Adjutan Eng Hodgson left for three months lea\e to land on the91th of last month. Major Steele has assumed command of the regiment and Lieutenant Cosens is officiating as Adjutant. Major Wood, Captain Grant, Lieutenants Irwin and Hudson, and Lieutenant and from Riding-master Crowley have returned leave. Captain Godman has proceeded to Naini ent Tal to take 01e1 command of the detachm togewho, McNeile, Captain of them in place ther with Lieutenants Tomkinson and Miles. Poona. has gone on th1ee months 193.16! to ant Lieuten replaced has [‘uiner ant Lieuten retu1ning to Watson at \lainl T111, the lattei

headquarters. Mr W. R. White, our late R. Q. M. S., has for forwarded subscriptions by the mail

copies of The Eagle.

We are glad the paper

is unearthing old friends.

g ‘ 1‘ I. 4;; ».p;t.;,-wns<w.mzm.—an : ”a: . I. x: : 1‘ TI. :: “:1




Sergeant Ross (“ Donovan")


He writes

is our latest



where he is employed as first-class Instructor t0 the Northern Bengal Mounted Rifles. We

are pleased to know he is in excellent health and doing well.

tors and others to learn that a Lucknow friend, M r. C. Williams, has presented a silvery mounted Doulton Mug, which he asks may be put up as a prize for an event in these sports. Our thanks are due to Mr. Williams for his interest and kindness.

Second round : Strath was leading. 'l‘hird round: Stock knocked Strath out a few seconds before time. This contest was very exciting and a fight worth witnessing, but was marred by the crowd not keeping better order whilst the

fight was in progress. All things considered, I suppose we cannot

find fault with the weather at present in Lucknow. Rain has been coming steadily, although up to the time of writing we have had nothing like our normal rainfall. We geta heavy storm which for a time floods. the earth and brings about an appreciable reduction in the thermometer readings, but the sky quickly clears and the sun shines ‘forth again. Then evaporation commences. and the peculiar moist heat that prevails is most disagreeable. But whata change the

S. S. M. Wallis writes as follows from Nalni Tal :— “ The monsoon having broken here, hockey, football and cricket are at a standstill; so nothing of any importance has occurred in this branch 0 fsport. But the 1le South Lancashire Regiment, now stationed at Ranikhet, (the sister battalion being well known to the Royals when stationed together at Shornclili'e) arranged an open boxing tournament to break the monotony. The Royals were represented by Corpl. Stratll

There is one consolation, even though our men failed. Corpl. Strath was awarded the prize of fifty rupees for the best science shown in any bout. Beingavisitor myself, there is one thing which I should like to mention. Whether acompetitor, second, or visitor, every body was made welcome by the lst South Lancashire in the way of accom modation and refresh ments Taking into consideration the large number who came from other stations to

and Pte. Miles in the open lightweight competition. The following results will

are to be congratulated."

compete in the tournament, the committee

rain has caused in the general appearance of the country!

Where before

were bare

trees and parched brown earth, are now I'ich green foliage and positively tall grassQS_

show how our representatives fared :—


.It is wonderful how quickly vegetable life has

re-awakened. For weeks we spent our nights in the open, but the damp ground is unhealthy,





now been

brought inside, or at leastinto the verandahs, In many ways, however, life is much more possible at present.

Pte. Miles, lst R D., vs. Pte. Morley. Scotch Fusiliers. ' Pte. Morley scratched. Corpl. Strath, lsn R. D., vs. Pte. Evans, S. Staffords. Pte. Evans scratched. 2ND BOUTS.

There seems every possibility of once again eating an al fresco Christmas dinner. Accord.

ing to latest advices, the manoeuvres this year will take place in the neighbourhood of Rae Bareli, the place, it will be remembered, where the camps were held in 1904. Partic. ulars or actual dates are not yet to hand, out,

Pte Miles, 1st R. D., vs. Pte. Maloy, S. Lancashires. Pte. Maloy scratched Corpl. Strath,1st R. D., ts. Pte. Heath, cote, Scotch Fusiliers; extra round had to decide this bout, Corpl. Strath winning eventually on points, after a very good fight,

at the end of the month two troops of the regiment were despatched to Carlisle, where they arrived on the 10th of May, and were placed under the orders of the Governor, Sir Christopher Musgrave, for the purpose of assisting in the seizure of “divers outlawed and seditious persons who, for the avoiding of justice, have fled from Scotland into the county of Cumberland and parts adjacent,” where several persons were apprehended. In the middle of that month an insurrection broke out in Scotland, headed by Archibald, third Earl of Argyll, who, being taken on the 18th of June, was beheaded on the 30th following, while in the meantime James, Duke of Monmouth, had raised the standard of revolt in the west of England, at Lyme, in Dorsetshire, and proclaimed himself king. The establishment of the Royal Dragoons was immediately augmented to sixty men per troop ; an independent troop of dragoons, rais

ed by Colonel Strotlier in 1663, wasincorporated in the regiment, and five troops were raised in the neighbourhood of London by Richard Leveson, John Williams, Edward Leigh, Francis Russel and Thomas Hussey, and added to the

corps, whose numbers were thus increased to twelve troops, amounting

to about 900 officers and men.

A squadron of the regiment with some other BY GENERAL 0. E’. deAINSLIE. (Continual)

forces was despatched under Brigadier—General Lord Churchill against the rebels in the

west; and on the 19th of June another squad~ ron marched for the same destination under the orders of Lieutenant-General the Earl of Feversham, who was appointed to the Command-inChief of the king’s army. The royal

Corpl. Strath, 1st R. D., vs. Corpl. Steak, Royal Welsh Fusiliers. In the first round Stock claimed a foul which was disallowed.

but the agitated condition of the country gave

sham, having sent a troop of

' early indication of approaching troubles, and


be taken up. Pte. Miles, 1st R. D, vs. Corpl. Gibbons, track round the cricket field is now being put in order. This looks as if the athletic Sports were really going to come 011'. In this connection it will interest intending competi-



The decease of King Charles II. took place on the (ith of February, 1688, and that same evening his successor James II. gave orders for the Royal Regiment of Dragoons Io be brought to the immediate vicinity of the capital. Previous to the ceremonial 0f the coronation of Jarres and his queen, which was celebrated with extraordinary magnificence on the 23rd of April, the regiment received new guidonsa' and the drummers and hautboys uniforms ’

it is understood the whole of December will

It is gratifying to notice that the running



South Lancashires.

Aftera good light Corpl,

Gibbons won on points, chiefly by leading.

forces having united, the four trOOps of dragoons were placed under LieutenantColonel the Viscount Cornbury, when the whole marched against the rebels. After some marching and skirmishing the Duke of Monmouth took post at Bridgewater, in Somersetshire, while the Earl of Fever.

the Royal

Dragoons under Captain Coy to Lamport to



secure that pass,

advanced with

the royal


Scots regiment of Foot, recently arrived from Holland under the command of Major-General

Bridgewater, where he arrived on the 5th of July. Quartering the cavalry in a village, his

Macimy, and ordered to join the army in the west, but on the news of the battle of Sedge-

lordship encamped his infantry on a plain, having in front the wild tract of Sedgemoor,

moor these forces were halted at Bagshot.

army to Weston, about three miles

between Weston and Bridgewater. He sent a patrol of the life-guards in the direction of Bristol, and posted a picket of fifty men of the Royal Dragoons with a squadron of the Blues, supported by lOO men of the Royal Regiment

of Foot, on the moor in front of the camp.


guard also of the Royal Dragoons was posted over the artillery, which consisted of


pieces, and was drawn up on the high road from Weston to Bridgewater. At two o’clock on Monday morning the Duke of Monmouth at the head of his infantry marched out of Bridgewater with the view of surprising the royal forces in their position, but unexpected obstacles delayed

his march ;a random shot alarmed the picket in advance, who, after exchanging a few shots with the rebels, fell back upon the camp and

formed upon the right of the infantry : at the same time the remainder of the Royal Dra-

goons, aroused in their quarters in the vil» lage of Weston, turned out in the dark and formed on the left of the Foot The rebels commenced the attack with loud shouts : the contest became general along the whole

line, and Sedgemoor sparkled with fire. The Duke’s Horse, commanded by Lord Grey, were soon dispersed and tied, but the Foot stood firm and fought with great resolution. Day beginning to break, the King’s Foot advanced to the charge, while the Royal Dragoons and the Cavalry, falling upon the flanks

of the rebels, their whole line gave way and lied, being pursued across the moor and adjoining cornfields with great slaughter.

The troop of the Royal Dragoons was sub seq uently dispersed in small parties into the adjoining counties to seize suspected persons These Scots regiments went to Hounslow. whence, after encamping for a short time on the heath here, they re-embarked for Holland. One troop of the Royal Dragoons was ordered to Winchester to escort the Duke of Mommouth and other prisoners to London, where

now proceeded to the adoption of measu res calculated for the subversion of the Protes t» ant Church, and with the view of overawing his so bjects, be largely increased the strength of the army, and caused considerable bodies of troops to encamp on Hounslow Heath, where his Majesty frequently attended in person to witness their exercise. The Royal Regiment of Dragoons made part of the force at these camps in the summers of 1686, l687 and 1688.

The strained and ill-feeling which had for

on arrival it was quartered in Southwark, and

some time existed between the sovereign and the nation at length rose at this period to such a height that several influential personages in the country, determined to resist the en-

was on duty on the 15th of July, when the Duke was beheaded 011 Tower Hill. 'l‘wo other troops were sent to Salisbury to mount guard over

whom he was surrounded, addressed an invitation to William, Prince of Orange, in

the prisoners there, and afterwards to attend

Judge Jettries during the trial and execution

of the captured rebels, in the course of which painful service the soldiers witnessed the many acts of barbarity perpetrated by the remorseless judge who sacrificed 320 lives during these “bloody assizes," as they are denominated by historians After the suppression of this rebellion the establishment of the Royal Regiment of Dra-

goons was reduced to eight troops of forty men each, and the supernumerary troops, together with one independent troop, were embodied intoa regiment, styled “The Queen Consort’s Regiment of Dragoons,” of which Charles, Duke of Somerset, was appointed Colonel, and which corps is the present Third King’s Own Hussars. On the first of August this year Lord Churchill was appointed Colonel of the Third Troop of Life-Guards, when the Colonelcy ol' the Royal Dragoons was conferred upon

Lieutenant-Colonel Viscount Cornbury.

croachment of James and the Papists by

compliance with which that prince at the head of a Dutch force landed at Torbay, on the coast of Devonshire, on the 5th of November, 1688. To oppose this aggression the

army of King James was ordered to assemble at Salisbury, whither Lord Cornbury proceeded with the Royal Dragoons, but being himself a zealous Protestant, his lordship entered warmly into the anti-Papist movement, and

It was now given out that a design of the Dutch to surprise the king’s forces had been discovered, and orders were issued for beat-

ing up the quarters of the enemy that same night, and the three regiments were again in motion until they were met by a large body of cavalry which the Prince of Orange, apprised of their approach by Lord Cornbury. had sent forward. The greater part of the men, however, on becoming aware of what was taking place, and resolving net to join the prince, galloped back. Major Robert Clifford, of the Royal Dragoons, brought off that regiment, with the exception of a few officers and about eighty dragoons, who accompanied Vi~count Cornbury. The Blues also returned, exeepting about twenty-seven, but the Duke of St. Alban’s regiment, the 8th Horse, having mustered at a distance, the men, ignorant of the transaction, followed Lieutenant-Colonel Langston to Honiton, where they were wel— comed as friends by the Dutch General. Many of the men, however, returned to the royal

having collected the remains of the three regi-

following summer.

On the night of the 10th of November, upon the arrival of the post, at twelve o‘clock, Lieutenant-Colonel Langston, in presence of the officers, opened the letter bag, when the orders, apparently from the Secretary at War, being produced, were carried to Lord Cornbury, who at once gave direction for the regiments to march at 5 o’clock towards the enemy. Before daylight accordingly,on the

suit as far as Bridgewater, where they were ordered to halt by the Earl of Feversham.

from Carlisle, the whole concentrated in Lon-

12th, the

don in October, and marched subsequently

through that day and the following night, on the afternoon of the 13th, they arrived at

King James IL, being a Roman Catholic,


who pretended to be volunteers.

finding at Salisbury the Blues and the Eighth

The two troops of the regiment returning

into quarters in Devonshire.

Orange's head-quarters, where they were joined by the Earl of Abingdon, Sir Walter Clarges, and about thirty other gentlemen

Horse, he determined, in concert with Lieutenant-Colonel Langston of the 8th, and several officers of the Blues to take these regiments over to the Prince of Orange on the

Two troops of the Royals continued the pur-

In the meantime Captain Russel’s troop of the regiment had been attached to three


troop marched,



Ax mi‘nster, within six miles of the Prince of







ments, marched them back to Salisbury. On the 20th of November King James arrived at Salisbury, where his Majesty rewarded the loyalty of Major Clifford by pro moting him to the Colonelcy of the Royal Dragoons on the 24th of the month, mice Lord Cornbury.



however, soon


covered that the defection among the officers was general, and that the soldiers, although re-

luctant to desert his service, were ill-disposed to tight in the cause of Popery. The superior officers of the army with the nobility and gentry continued to flock to the prince’s

standard, until James, alarmed for his personal safety returned in haste to London, the Royal Dragoons moving at the same time into garrison at Portsmouth. The Prince of


'1‘ H ‘E

Orange advanced to the capital without seri-ous opposition, arriving at St. James' on the 18th of November, when James having tied to France, he assumed the government, and on the 30th of December his Royal Highness

ire-appointed Viscount Cornbury to the Colonelcy ofthe Royal Regiment of Dragoons, which went into quarters at Farnham and

Alton. (To be continued.) REMOUNT TRAINING.

EAGLE the horse being pulled by the rider. Almost u..| the bad jumpers in the regiment have been made so by indifferent riders pulling or

snatching their months as they are jumping, and nobody can blame a horse for not jumping when it knows its mouth is going to be hurt. After a few mornings the saddlery could be puton, care being taken that the horse was not pulled. Then comes the most essential part of the horse‘s training in this country; that is. croSs country riding. From the time the horse





work he


There are so many different ways of train .ing a remount, that it is hard to say which is the best. I am going to point out a way, which if adopted would, I think, turn out very satisfactory All remounts are, as we all know, partly broken in before leaving the re-mount depot,and the majority Of them are quiet after a day or two on the long reins. J con-

should be made to go as straight as possible. This is necessary if one wants to make a good cross-country horse of it. i have seen men on really good horses go round a. trivial slope 01- jump. In time the horse wants to go round jumps, and if the man wants him to go straight, the horse refuses, and the conse-

quence is that the men behind are delayed A. REID, Private.


longthehorse would be at this work.


after anxious enquiry as to Whether every

thing is all right and nothing is forgotten,

the big game shot, the place abounds with

to bazaar, having only four hours in


to obtain supplies, pack an immense quan-

tity of kit and catch our train.


first the heavy

uilguz’, black buck, chin/cam, chi/at and I hope hog-hunters will forgive the pig. crime of shooting pig, but the. man who has not tasted roast wild pig has not yet lived,

but most im-

and those too, who have not sampled sand»

we find that, thanks to our able caterer, even the smallest detail has been attended to.

Having partaken of a hurried lunch, we pro ceed to load the “ gharries,

any saddlery on whatever, the old horse being

f rtwo months, The "gharri-wallah” begins


to Wonder if we are taking everything in the bungalow! In we get and with glowing promises of “ baksheesh " for driving fast, we are off. We arrive at the station and with

Then the horse could

be mount-

rider holding the mane in his left hand, his

right being pressed on the horse’s withers. This is to prevent the least possible chance of

In the evening

we stroll out and take a casual survey of the country, and on the way back bag a couple of hares and some sand—grouse. 1 think I may safely say that for a soldier who wants a month’s good mixed shooting, providing he arrive before the close season for birds, Bina would be hard to beat. For

After a fortnight‘s suspense and innumerable letters and telegrams, the Colonel grants our furlough, We rush from coffee-shop

it should be jumped as follows z—E‘or two or three mornings the remount should follow an old horse round the jumping manége without

ed, still being stripped of all saddlery, the

minding them of home. The following day is spentin the arranging of our camp and the construction of an oven such as would make

the Cook-Sergeant envious.

rider, and he was allowed to train it according instructor, he should be able to dismiss a first~class horse under six months. The man should be informed that after he had dismissed the horse, he would be allowed to keep it if possible, I think men would work much harder with their horses knowing that. The horse should have plenty of manége work for .a month or so, doing circling and bending. It would depend on both horse and rider how

manage to miss the train! But “every thing comes to him who waits," and eventually we reach Bina, after a journey of two days, though we ought to have taken but one. After more trouble we arrange for bullock transport to “trek” out into the jungle and the first day, having travelled seven miles, pitch camp for the night. What a contrast to the maiden of Luck— now is this country, covered with sweetsmelling flowers and fresh green herbage! In the distance we see those high-wooded “kopjes " for which the Central Provinces are famous and in their vicinity is our intended shooting ground. At daylight next morning we strike camp and reach our destination, the Bina river, late in the afternoon. Those of the party who have not visited this lovely hunting ground before, are much impressed with the beauty of the place and its coolness, the

high thickly-wooded bank of the Bina re-

from going forward.

sider that they should then be mounted by the best riders possible in the regiment. If a remount was given to a really good to previous intructions but not under an



kit and camp equipment, last

pal'tan’t, the necessary supply of food, etc.

grouse pie have much to enjoy. . l‘.y taking a haversack ration and “trekking "' to the hills and thick jungle, sambhar and leopard may be had. All the game mentioned, we have had the good fortune to bring down with our own guns. The river which, running down after the

the aidxof a few coolies and an oflicious Babu,

rains, forms tanks varying from half mile to two miles in length, teems with fish, the best of which is the seeml, a large bright silvery fish, measuring from a few inches to 8 or 4 feet. I think readers will agree that this is an ideal district for the man who is keen on ski/car. A. MARTIN, 00ml.

TH E REGIMENTAL COTTAGE HOMES' A general meeting was held at Lucknow on the 23rd July, to discuss the proceedings of the meeting held in London on June 12th. Representatives of each rank from every squadron were present, and all who were interested were invited to attend. Those present included all the officers at head» quarters and a large number of non-commiS» sioned oflicers and men. Colonel DeLisle opened the meeting by reading a letter from Captain Hardwick, and

the proceedings of the meeting in London. After discussing the question in general, as well as each subject in detail, a number of resolutions were passed. Colonel DeLisle. who left for England on the 27th July, intends to place these resolutions before the members

of the committee with aview to their being submitted to the general meeting fixed for December were as follows :—


which is

The resolutions

L~“That the committee should be com-

posed of old Royals, but that the commanding officer of the regiment should be an ex ofiicin member, and when possible, the secretary should be an oflicer on the active list of the regiment.” This will ensure all pI‘Oposals being submitted to the regiment, and the

Opinion of those serving being obtained at a general meeting. The delay in sending

proposals to the regiment is not likely to be of great importance, but if so, the cable can be employed.




II.—“That the site of the Home and whether it is to be built, leased or purchased, be left in the hands of the committee " [LI. —-“ That the Home be axailable only for those members of the Royals who wei e b01ne on the roll of the regiment at the commencement of the South African War, or who have joined since that date." IV.——“That the caretaker of the Home be elected or re-elected annually by the com» uiittee, after considering the claims of all


The list of applicants being

submitted to the Commanding Officer, will ensure that the claims of applicants who have recently returned to civil life receive due consideration. "' V.—“ That the duration of the residence of old Royals in the Home should not be limited,

provided newcomers have the right to accommodation in preference to those who have beenin residence for seven days. This should be arranged by the caretaker, after reference to the Honorary Secretary when

necessary. A visitor’s book shall be kept at the Home containing a record of all applications



duration. and


charged for messing, etc.” VL—“That the Home should at all times

be open to inspection by the District Secretary of the Soldiers and Sailors’ Help Society who should be invited to communicate with

the Honorary Secretary if ever he has any complaint to make, or suggestion to oifer " " SOUTH AFRICA, 1899—1902.” Whilst looking through my South African diaries,

it occurred to

me that

some few

things might possibly be of general interest, at all events, to those who were then serving First, a. few statistics relating to the wastage of horses in war Between November 1899 and October 1902 we, as a regiment. got through 3.275 horses, That is to say, that every horse we took out withus was replaced no less than six times in three years.


THE Whether this was bettei or w01sethan other 1egiments, Ihaveno means of knowing. but I doubt i1 1ecmds we1e kept up in many othe1 regiments. We we1e not 01 dei ed to do so but the fact remains that I did icgistei evei v hoise that joined, and t1ied to recoid what became of each one. A pmtion, liowe1ei did escape me (93 to be accurate), and I do not know when or why they became non-eiiect1ve. To enter a little more into detail, 1 give the following list to show how we disposed of these ‘11, 275 horses :— Killed in action Captnied by the Boers .' Missing Ab1nd1: 11011 on the v eldt Died Destioyed Taken by Oliicers 11s changers Transferred to Si1k Horse Depots Transferred to Rcmount Depots Unacconnted for

That is to say,l1,966 weie transferred to

depots and may have been used again, whilst 1,309 were a total loss. Three of our original English horses survived the campaign (two of them, I believe, were B-106 and 0-81) ; these, I am sorry to say, instead of being taken back to England and given medals, were sent to the Remount Depi’it at Bloemfontein. The next thing which caught my eye was the

subject of marches. Unfortunately I did not keep a record of our marches throughout the whole war, but in the year 1901 I did so. It must. however, be remembered that they are only the marches in which the head-quarters of the regiment took part, and they only repre sent the distances measured from point to point on the map.

thism‘e, but apart from this, Ido not think the race figures much in history, nor is it likely to. Knowing this, and with memories of many wrongs suffered at the hands of the regimental servant, I would be content to let

him eke out his miserable existence unrecognised, unknown; but sheer admiration for him compels meetc give him place. Hoiis a maivel. Simple yet cunning; gentle yet ferocious ; hardworking yet lazy ; adaptable yet irreclaimablc ; he is the quintessence of contrariness and complexity. On official documents, be is called collectively “Regimental Follower,” but he is known by other names to the troops. In treating of him singly, perhaps the one that claims priority, is the sergeant’s body servant. Were he working for a civil servant. he would attain to the dignity of “ hhi‘tmatgar,” but regimentally, he is called “ bearer" or “ boy "isometimes other names 1 The sergeant just arrived from home, already somewhat impressed by thc “purple East," experiences some of the sensations of a raj-11h, as Ganeshi, immaculate in white tur-

ban, jacket and tight trousers, greets him on the railway station with a profound salaam, and, addressing him by name, inquires in exe» crablo English after the Sir/110’s baggage—and his



taken aback,


Miles corcrcd.

1V1" of (1111/3.


January February

.. ..

210.1, 115}.

% Newcastle,

M arch April

.. ..

4:35 105’





June dilildust


£3 Z72;




Nata l‘. "l‘iansvaal.

l l_ W. ’1‘11111~\aal '.

0. R. Colony.


emerging from his tub, finds a clean change of clothing lying neatly folded on the bed, his discarded undergarments spread on the as yet bare lloor, and Ganeshi standing by, towel in hand, calm, unruliled, with the air of a person conducting a performance with a trained horse The clean change certainly includes the stiff shirt and silk socks which the sergeant keeps exclusively for dances,

but afraid to

demur, he meekly dons them, with the feeling that he is in the presence of a great man. Once dressed, the boy directs him to the Sergeants' Mess, explains that he has ordered the 0111192112 and sweeper, who are not fit to come into his hon/ours presence, to give their best attentions to his high/IRES"




what time the solid; will condescend to drink his tea. Remember, that up to this no mention has been made of wages or conditions of service;

things usual in the engaging of a servant, but then the sergeant, mentally reviewing the situation as he walks away from his quarters, realises that he has not engaged him at all. Rather Ganeshihas engaged himself. This is where the wiliness of the Oriental begins. to assert itself. (lmeshis long experience of the sahib-Iog has taught him that a hungiy Englishman is no easy animal to subdue.

wonderinghow his name could have preceded

Moreover, by administering to the comforts

him, the sergeant hesitates; but eventually

of the sergeant, who is only too willing to be cared for, and favouring him thus early with unremitting attentions, he knows that his suit takes on a more favourable aspect Ac cordingly it is not until the min“) has eaten his mid-day meal, and is comfortably stretched full length on his bed, composing himself for the afternoon sleep, that the crucial moment arrives Pipe and matches are placed within easy reach, and the slippers are set down at :1 spot on which Ganeshi’s practised eve tells him the suhlb‘ls feet will. alight when he rises, and the serious business commences He tirst produces his “chits (testimonials)

deciding to let things sort themselves out, places himself unreservedly in the hands of this strange man, who without more ado collects the luggage, callsaghaw‘u, and Con— ducts him to bai 1acks Arrived here, the sergeant is taken straight to his quarters, and is made to sit down while



Ganeshi unlaces his boots for him, at the same time pointing out the bath tub which .he has had prepared for his Lordship, knowmg how refreshing it will be after his honWith the dexterity of our’s long journey. 11. professional burglar, ho then goes through the sergeant‘s boxes, and that gentleman

They are many and various.

The seigeant

Esmith sahz’b shed tears when Ganeshi refused to accompany him to England on retirement. Then again he was servant to

Sergeant-Major Candle sahib, who won first prize at tent-pegging,




with a cup by the Mulk-i-lat mhib (The Viceroy). The sergeant duly impressed, timidly inquires what sum per mensem will pay this great man for his services Ganeshi

shrugs his shoulders in a way that suggests his utter indifference to such a trivial matter.

As to that, he will leave it entirely to his honour’s generosity. Of course, he might mention that Colonel Tamsen sahib paid him Rs. 25, whilst from General Brone sahib he

received Rs. 30, but as his honour being as yet only Sergeant sahz‘b, he would not dream

of accepting more than Rs 12. Oh! yes, it is true that Rs. 6 is the usu l salary, but then his lordship surely did not class him with the remainder of the regimental bearers

who were his inferiors in every way.


was not his mother's brother—the sergeant

begs to be spared further recital. and to gain time promises to think the matter over But at the earliest opportunity, the boy again broaches the subject—always deliCately,

Ganeshi would not

kerchief, and enquiries elicit the fact that

ruin his chances by introducing matters Of such moment when, for instance, the salad) was in a hurry, or when he had just wakened. Meanwhile the sergeant has been told by other non-commissioned oflicers in the station that he would be foolish to pay more than Rs. 5:0r6 at the very limit. So the next time he is tackled by the importunate henchman, he delivers his ultimatum. He will give Rs. 5, and if the boy works well he may

always diplomatically.

his fine suit of duck in which he introduced himself, had been hired for the occasion. Then he displays his intelligence in another direction. Finding a heap of unframed pho. tographs packed away in the bottom of his master’s trunk, all as yet unsoiled, except

for the tear-stains of the originals who pressed them upon their departing hero at Southamption, Ganeshi decides to decorate the walls

with them.

This he does by the simple

During the last quarter of 1901 headquarters were more or less stationary In March 1902, in


days‘ march


covered 282 miles of the western Transvaal and Orange River Colony. ' Our longest marches Wore z—At S» P 31., on March 23rd, 1902, we started from Commando Drift. Reached Wolmaranstad, 19% miles, at 3 A.M., 24th. Left at 5 A.M_ and at dusk roached the lam Spruit, 88% miles.

Our return

journey of 31% miles was made on the 25th, when we reached Commando Drift at 5 P.M., having done 34:}; miles in 86 hours out of the total of 48 hours. Again in 1902, between 080 P. .\i. and 5-30 A..\l., on the night of April 15th 16th, we made

a 40-mile night march from Bloemhof to Schweizer-Reneke. The slowness of these marches is accounted for by the size of the column—1,500 men. One march we did in 1902, recalls itself most unpleasantly. On the 18th March we left the Lace Diamond Mines : owing to the rain our convoy was unable to follow us and had to make tracks for the Block House line We did not see it again until mid-day, on

March 16th, during which time we marched 751, miles, were wet through most of the time, drew no forage of any sort for the horses, and only one day’s supplies for the men on the 13th, and one on the 15th. Another rather unpleasant episode occurred to us shortly afterwards when, owing to the rising of the Vaal river, we were on one bank and all our baggage on the other. The result was that we were cut off from all creature comforts from March 80th to April 18th. Some people, no doubt, fondly imagine that being on the lilies of communication in a war, means that you have little or nothing to do

They are sadly mistaken, at least if our ex periences count for anything. At one period of our stay at Newcastle, Natal—-it was the 28th December 1900, to be

exact—our duty state at Head-quarters read as follows :— 2 Officers (Commanding Officer. and Adjutant). 11 Sergeants, including the R. S. M 3 Corporals, one of whom was attending sick. 34 Privates, five of whom were attending sick. Needless to say these were all employed men, The regiment had dwindled away in so many small detachments and escorts, that fifty of all ranks was all that was left, and not one of these detachments had been large enough for the Commanding Officer to command To show what a regiment on the lines of communication may be expected to furnish,

l reproduce a copy of the distribution of the regiment on the 29th March, 1901, when at Newcastle :— b'mtion Fort




Men. ISO

Horses. 163

(Head- Quartersv. Konigs berg Umbana Ingugane l-‘ort Metcali’e Fort Bay Fort Cowan

.. ..

' .

Fort West End Donga Spruit

Dannhziuser Albertina 3th Division M. C. Dwfences Newcastle Stall"


.. .


but what of that? Is it not enough that one of hisfamily has been thought so highly of? He has invariably worked for an officer. Major

get, in time, arise of one rupee! Ganeshi hazards another throw. With hands joined in supplication, his voice taking on a whine which would make the fortune of an English beggar, he rapidly relates his many troubles: Sir, his nine children are practically starving; they have eaten only that much in three days (he shapes his fingers to indi cate a space of half an inch or so), and everything is dear in the bazaar; and he owes the bunniah150 rupees which be borrowed to get his daughter marriedr—and then, is not the sahib his father and mother, and how then would he see his servant in want! Surely the saint will pay eig/i/ rupees a month? Indeed, if he does not, then most certainly this poor slave will die of starvation, and where will there be found another such servant who will care for his honour? But “ His Honour " is inexorable, and as he shakes his head. Ganeshi’s light of hope splutters and dies out. He does not grieve, however ; just a resigned shrug of the shoulders and the affair is at an end. Of what use to complain? It is kisma! Of a verity, thinks Ganeshi, the gods have decreed that his monthly stipend shall be no more than Rs. 5 : wherefore then the use of further argument? He retires to his little mat in the verandah and goes on with his work, humming snatches of some weird, dron. ing love song, as though the matter of nine starving children were but a trifle. From that day he shows a falling off in his work. On the second day he appears clad in a costume just a little larger than a hand.


‘24 46



able visage as he notices one is dated some thirty years previously. Ganeshi‘s age is apparently 25. Questioned as to this, he says frankly that the chit was his grandfather’s,


u: 4H ~Ic.mto>-,is,pw +2- c.

glances suspiciously at the boy’s imperturb'




. iIUIlJHMoWLL 4» Hi


As far as Ican make out, on September

22nd, 1901, we received 196 remounts, and on that day squadrons marched at what i think was theirgreatest mounted strength, Le, 193. horses mounted in the ranks. On Jnnuary 7th, 1902, we actually had moremen and horses in camp, as I see a note that on that day we had 630 men and 640 horses, and we probably were never so well-off as we were at the end of the war, as we then had.

1,09‘2’men in South Africa !




Two dates I find marked as red-letter days in my diaries. The first, April 2nd,1901, when we were ordered to leave Newcastle, Natal. The second, June 1st, 1902, on which date, at 9-15 A.M., we received the following wire :1 “See Hymns Ancient and Modern No. 1235, line 2." G. F. STEELE, Major. THE SERVANT QUESTION.




The fact that the English housekeepers pet grievance is the trouble of obtaining and retaining good servants, is almost proverbial.


earth could have induced you to part with his lrt‘decessor, who by comparison was perfection. Obviously this is the worst possible

specimen of his profession.

Be is so bad

that you feel sure you couldn't do worse; so you sack him and get another. You never made a. bigger mistake. Number three is simply impossible, and off he has to go. You resolve to send for number one again. This is where you display your wisdom. k Let The good native servantis not me explain. anxious to take service with a sahib who It changes his bearer every two months. makes life too uncertain. He is not ambitious. He seeks a fairly easy time, good pay, and plenty of holidays ; but first and foremost is his desire for a permanent, comfortable home wherein he can wax fat and contented, and

The lady Who is fortunate enough to secure a

bring up his family with the least possible

cook or a maid that proves a ‘gem,’ is not long so blessed, as usually the said ‘gem ‘ in ah incredibly short space of time succumbs to the fascinations of the policeman on the beat. the butcher, the baker, the milkman, or some

trouble. Generally speaking, the Indian servant is divided into three classes. The haughty, gold-

laced individual who condescends to wait upon

from among the many that haunt the precincts of the ”lower house ” So that prob-

the Viceroy, the Lieutenant-Governor or the Commissioner, is not to be confounded with the lesser light who acknowledges the military oflicer, or the successful barrister as master;

ably, just as her mistress is beginning to

nor, indeed, must this latter be supposed

congratulate herself on having at last solved tenders her resignation “ to get. married, ma’am.” In lndia the servant question exercises us too, though perhaps for different reasons. Servants there are and to spare. Indeed, one has only to threaten to request the resignation of a certain member of one‘s household, .and, in less than two hours, a mass of turn baned, black and brown humanity is squatting outside the house, and one, much :perturbed, and imagining nothing less than a native rising, is calmly informed that they .are merely applicants for the post which thev hear is about to fall vacant! U Let us suppose you engage one. You find

bear any relation to the retainer of theaioothecary or the railway subordinate. Theithree are as far apart as are Park Lane, Croydon, and Whitechapel. Inasmuch asl do not intend to deal with any of these three classes, the title of this article may appear misleading ; but there is however, a class of servant that, although not recognised by the Anglo-Indian in this category, occupies aconsiderable place by reason of its numerical strength. But as the methods of this servant are altogether foreign to those of his more fortunate and better-trained brothers, so is he himself almost adistinct species. lrefer to the individual that does for—4n more senses than one—Mr. Thomas Atkins.

yourself within a week wondering what on

Kipling has nobly im mortalised a regimental

otherl enterprising and

determined suitor

the problem, the new-found treasure coolly




for cabinets, cartes, panels and miniatures are set up at every conceivable angle, just where there happens to be room. Sister Julia adheres to the wall by reason of a 3-inch French nail which jabs plumb through her back hair, and. narrowly escapes the jugular ;

however. Should you be suspicious, just wait aweek and then suddenly ask him where the missing coin is. “God knows,“ he will reply, and let his eyes wander round the room as if seeking aclue. Should you be persistent and threaten to out twice the sum from his salary, he will get an inspiration. Why ‘. of course, the sahib must have left it in his tennis trousers which are now with

whilst cousin Jack is held in a diagonal po—

the dhobi (washerman)—he will enquire. You

method of hammering a nail straight through each one, His scheme of decoration

is evidently not confined to one particular idea,


by a long brad through his second

waistcoat button.

It became bent and re-

fused to be driven home, so Ganeshi merely turned the end upwards and it now forms a very effective tie-pin. Won’t the sahib be surprised when he comes home? And the sweeper, who is invited in to give an opinion, agrees. The following day the Sergeant’s boots are badly cleaned, and he becomes very angry. Ganeshi is sarcastic: “One is not a magician ; how then can one clean boots without boot-polish ‘3” “ But only two days ago,” says the Sergeant, “I purchased a ' bottle ” “Oh! as for that,” says Ganeshi, “ itis finished-wan one eat boot-polish ‘9” But the Sergeant has yet to learn that the brown cream can be doled out to other servants at a pice per spoonful. and that this poured into a fairly fresh-looking bottle with a little turps passes muster for a new bottle, and some unfortunate master is duly debited with the full amount. Ganeshi is extremely particular in money matters

Leave money in your clothes, and

he will carefully

extract it,

count it, and

put it in some safe place—-under the lamp for preference Certainly he has been known to overlook a four-anna piece, which, if you are careless and have neglected to count your money, you may not see again. But this he does not consider dishonest, for if you do not miss the coin, then most assuredly you

have no cause

for complaint; while on the

other hand, four annas will give much hap« ,piness to Ganeshi and his family. Where then





no risks,

may be quite certain the dhobt’ has never set eyes on it, yet the same afternoon that

wretched man turns up with a four—anna

piece, which he swears he found in the pocket of your flannels. He had been looking after it for you until washing day! Later, it is the extraordinary amount of pipe-clay and blacking he gets rid of, which exercises you; but you cease to wonder at this when you discover he cleans “traps " for halfa dozen other persons in his spare time. ':

He has, too, a perverted sense of thefituess He will sew black bone buttons on of things awhite shirt, and darn black socks with white Nor will he hesitate to clean your cotton sword with your best handerchiefs should they happen to be soiled and awaiting the visit of the :liwa The fact that these things make you cross, does not worry him. It is a peculiarity of the sahiblog, he says, they are always angry. As your servant, Ganesh i has many rights, and he enforces them to their limits. Every native that sells you an article, pays Ganeshi

dastoori, or commission, for the privilege of being permitted to approach you. Purchase eight annas worth of bananas from the Huttwalla/t, and your " boy " demands two pice. It is his prerogative. Let the fruit-vendor dare refuse, and he does not approach you again. Enquire for him, and Ganeshi will tell you the man’s fruit is bad, and that two boys in the bazaar became ill after eating of it. And so with the barwauah, kaprawallah, b catwalk/II, and all the rest of the tribe.



When he has served you for a month, Ganeshi considers himself one of your family. He will tell his wife and sons and daughters

of your kindness, and relate to his friends wonderful stories of your prowess and wisdom. Should you be a “dressy ” person. he is delighted, and will point you out to his com-

panions as you go forth for your evening walk. He basks in the reflection of your glory. Achieve any success, and he will tell the other servants how greatly he contributed

towards it.

Was it an examination passed,

then he had always been most careful to

call you in time for your studies : a musketry prize won. then the excellent condition in which he kept your rifle was responsible for it. Perhaps you are promoted to Squadron


Ah! then does the soul

of Ganeshi rejoice, for as you take over charge or" the squadron, so he assumes a

similar position with regard to the squadron servants, and not infrequently, with infinitely

greater success.

Then he is adespot.


ware the bearer, syce, 01' sweeper who thwarts him. Has he not the ear of the

“ Major Sahib.”


He is not extravagant. Bis wants are few A few handsful of grain such as would go to ahorse’s feed, together with a pound or so of flour for chupattis, is sufficient

EAGLE mains.


In the matter of small purchases».

you 1' “ boy ' ' is unique. Sendhim with (Saunas to buy a certain article and he will return and inform you sadly that the price is now seven annas. Let him arrange the purchase and charge it in your monthly account. He will obtain the article for five annas and charge you.

six I

And what athing of wonder is the bill

which he presents on pay-day ! A foot long, scores of items. and an astonishingly large total. You remonstrate, refuse to pay, call him hard names, ask him if he thinks you are a Rajah, and then commence to check the items. But you cannot be indignant at :

“Palis for black boot, 1 anna G pies :” “ Coton for master soks, 9 pies ,'” "‘ Nidle, 3 pies." The best way out of the difficulty is to make over the whole of your pay to him. He will keep you in tobacco and pocket-money, your every want will be supplied, and you will be free from care and worry. If you give him

room to expand, he is really capable of great things. Impress him with a. sense of your importance Try and make him see that you are indeed a great sahib. It is what he is only too anxious to believe. Assume your most imperialistic air in your dealings with the other servants in Ganeshi’s presence. Above all.

to keep his family and him for two or three

do not beat him. He may whine and appear very cowed and penitent, but he is not. His dignity has suffered ; he loses the confidence of the sweeper and the bhistie. His respect


for you vanishes, and this is not good For in

He drinks water.

If he has a weak-

ness, it is for silver waistcoat buttons.


EAR L 11)

that when you leave India, you may, like Major Esmith Sahib, he alfected to tears at the thought of parting with your “ boy."


hams. The game, played on the ground of the latter, commenced on Thursday, and left undecided, was not, owing to rain, resumed

untiltho following Sunday, when on a very greasy wicket our side was victorious by 3


wickets and 10 runs.

There is not much of interest under this heading to record in our present number, “0” Squadron, at the time of writing, are

finishing their range practices.

“ D”Squad-

ron will commence next week. “ C ” start ed well. making good scores at 200 and 3(10 yards, but at 500 and 600

yards fell away

considerably. The cause of the falling off is probably due in no small measure to defectiVe ammunition, of which there has been unfortunately a large percentage. On one day alone, out of 476 rounds fired, no less than 196 rounds were “ bursts."

The shooting of the detachment at Naini Tell, the results of which are recently to hand,

has proved ofavery high order. With no sandstorms or excessive heat to contend with, it is natural the detachment should do better than head-quarters, but even allowing for this, the results are excellent beyond expectation. The only voluntary event that has taken place since last we wrote, is a “ spoon shoot ” which the members of the Sergeants Mess held on July 11th. The following were successful :— Sergeant Norton

'19 points (owes ti) lst.

Sergeant Mitchell




1.l. W, 15. Lirccnwoll. (1 Tur111'1'.hScnton .. 171 Strut. Trim. 11 Hmlgson, 11


[4. I.


.1 31


;\111111'.-,\'111'1,'l. Dew, (1 x 11 Earl 11 l 1.-\. ll. M I{11\\'1'1's.l1$elll 111 s .Vluioil111'i11;_1.111111's. 1111121‘1 H1l\l(l m IT M;1_|1111(’, 1'. 1.1111111. 1' '1‘1111'1kin1.1m 1111‘ish11'1 — 714

not 0111 c Turner, l1 Huslcl' ] b 11:11 Hauler not 0111

\".111111 Mill 11' 1 lomkinson. 11 H [\lL‘F 1‘13“ _ ( "1i1111111\.11,\l'11ton .. did 110: 111.11.

1 ,11 i111F11. 11 n.1s1e1


1 11111:1_\.1111L1,1nt l1.‘.1'(/'11.~' ’l‘ot'.11

:2 .- 12

1' Hodgson. b Hasler [fir/rus-

,. 136


RUYA 1.5. l.l.\\.'l'.1[o<l1rs1'1n 1' 11 BO“ 111 . 0 lbw. 11 Greenweli 911.81111ton. 1 &11(1icenwell 2 c. Ti‘igg. b Greenwell 1"111111.)IcDou'1111. b Bowels 7 c Bowers. 1) Grecnwell A. ’l‘omliinson 11 Bo.. 3 b Bowers l1 Bowers .. 2 l) Bowers '11111'.1-& 111,11'011nwell '1 HOL out l l. C. \V. Turner. :11. Dunk 11 fireenivrll . . .1: 1) Bowers P111, Iddcndcn 1- s; 11 1111111118 36 c Miller. 11 Greuuwcll W111111.11( lune -- 1311(11‘ecnwcll .\11'1,11,H;1sl11.r.11(hinge L' Trigg, h Bowers P111. 11111111, 11111 11111 .. l1 Bowers lair/ms .. - ‘ E.11h’(1.<

(owes 712m}. 'l‘olnl




spite of his many faults G-aneshi is not a bad

likes holidays.

fellow, and you could not very well do without

Should he ask for leave to attend the obse-



Sl'llil}E;\N'l‘S' MESS 121'. THE BAND. SERUEANTS

He says you are his father and mother.

quies of his paternal grandmother, it is as

and, indeed, he tends you as would a loving.r

_well to make a note of the fact, as although


he has an excellent memory he is apt to be carelessin these matters and a few weeks

in the deadly long summer days you lie gasping on your bed, who will rush and bringyou a drink? When you come in quite exhausted after along and tiring ride, who will unlace your boots. and prepare your bath? Treat him well and you will generate in him, for your self,

later will want to bury her again. Should a garment become too worn for your further use, do not make it over to Ganeshi. If you do, your other clothing will begin to wear out with alarming rapidity. It is difficult to account for this, but the fut-t re-

What would life be without him? When

a deep respect, a great ride, and a really sin cere affection.

Then, it is not too much to 511111

Six weeks ago the national game gave promise of becoming a craze in the regiment. but the advent of the rain has changed all this, and at present the cricket green is under water, and bats and balls are put away. A few matches were played at the commerce— ment of the rains; these are detailed below. The sergeants took advantage of a break in the downpour a few days ago, and played a return match with the sergeants of the Du1'1

N 1.51. 1.1111':11'.11~ 11 l1llll1nllen ll' 11111111. 11 H: isti ' \111111111 11 H1.1stin1,rs 1'l1\1n1l1111 H1<li1. 13 . S. (11111111111 w. 11 Hustin,rs .. i 1 . H:l~'ll’1‘. c Lavender. 11 11111911111111 .. . . 11.11' is, 11 111s1in,1~ . . \' 11 M s 11111..111 c M1- Doll-.111. 15 1111111111911 .\‘11111,11. 1111111111 11 lddaudt11


1' Masters.


llilhllnfli (11111111111111: not out [1.2111118

.. ..




1) Reeve 1' Hastings. l1 llllicmlcn 11 Masters. 11 Hastings 11 Reeve h Hastings c & 11 Reeve l1 Reeve b Reeve L' Iddenden. h Munlei not out l) Reeve


THE _ EAeLE Passed Exanzirmhom. BAND.


i1 11 111 11 Pm 3111111111. \111111111, 1- c fiasler.‘ k 1.1 1111.111 1111 11 1111. WLIxLLlN 0mm“ hit

1>1xe.ixi1'1§.\.11n.111111n H “sump 1' C 01' I D11}?


PH" [1““Vc'l‘ll‘l‘1”?

. - 331L 3311




1' 111111111115.1111115101


PDALVisN 1 1 1 . 11 were. 1 11'. 1 {111111111 ..





1' Edwards. l1 Davis

.. ..

’ 1- 11111111. 11 11.1.1111» ..



. -

1111-11]. Mlu'h' h “ml“. Prim. (influx I1 llukli'i'

1J Langley







.. 1111111111111111111111



. 11 1111111111







11 . h;L~(“‘ll}0

1. ‘ '

lolinst'mo '“”111“,,“ i V’ /



C soi'AnRox.


' ‘


. '

Pte $111101 bPine


' ‘ ' bQUAimos. 1111111....-

3113111.1-3235'113131‘3hfig1‘11é' Pie Sonile,bEd111ml. 11one bndw- a";

..' .

C019 cHofi 111111111111. Knight. 0 M111 tum h "



1173313 11111111111111


111111)» l' 11it1111111111:




Aim“- “ ”“1"“


, . hog1 key hasx now, been taken up again, and






mp1h81¥1"1~.11-1f11.11§—.m. ‘ ‘ ” ”M" 50“ 3 "> “"75“” " RUM“ ’71.] Se1:1.1.d\\'111'1l.\.c (oli. l1 Iv




1) Kiii;:h:



l1 1“.nlkusl l s1. (hie 1 “l':l}lt‘l\

11 «lid not hot. Fulkus Newton. n01 out 1. .‘ c Reynolds. l1 Knight C‘l. .. 3 nn111ut V 11 11 11 L $1101“Si'l.'\'uns:n.l

’v»“”'”°' ~ 37 1111111 .. 72

"rm/W 1.11111




. ..


.. ..

~ ..



v 1




1 :





run out

(1011)] Wi 150m Pte \Vakenell Knell

1' Rowe. 1) Newton l) Pine L' Irwin. b Pine

1' Irwin. l1 Newion 1‘ Corke. 11 Edwards c Irwin 11 Pine h Edm 1115 c Edwui'ds. ‘11 Pam 1101 out [Liv/mm



Hm“, u to us 0:1: 01:11.”; woman;

l) I’ine

._ ”9


( hcer, he


asked abruptly, as ne indicated the 112111 l1 man (1f the front _



rank, 1


"What is, N-




that man’s. ~-


answered Smith, sir n me. f1 nit ' 1iout a. moments . 5" l1es1ta1ion V t' hoei

the of "’ Wl1y.'

y ,



‘ '

11 PI‘MIymun .-


I101 it ‘aint, 5112’ exclaimed ‘119 man in 5111‘-


,~ 11-it 1 s Biown 1 , ‘ '1 piise,


,, 111111




li‘dl' 1“ the squadron -


111-1111111113] Parry



‘ ~'





. '







121111 1.100111111.1)yn1.. 43”" T1)” Allen W‘m's 419.} 5H7, B’innn Reeve r





320:1 T 11L SWhl‘lrllmllfild 15‘ , ’p r. i 11‘ 0y 4m “.mmm . ., _ ”11‘. ohh, ,. Lavender 1 ,._ lovell .. 111112.

-. 1.



wards, and 111 no way indicate the nature of the play, which was for the most part in

half. Our midfield play and





' . \

SL1] R1a..]PUlih, “‘13 played on the 6th 111513311“; . 1 1 s ' 1 Win ' and insulted 111 a £011 01111 opponents. by, 1)- i . , 0. _ ' goals 7/11,. The ”Gals W ere the 1 esult 01 ‘n' g,__ ,. 1 . ,a: , ',' d“ Idlidd 1, 101115 on the .pdlit 0f Rerut [01



WhICh was against ille

11 ~





'lheie was no b1 illiant




No. :17 7. Nn‘gi. Bonnet. on Cliil[)ll‘.tltm of ‘3! years


defence was good, but the forward line failed

"ANSWMMUN' 13w Underhill





.0 ‘


" L? " SlQl‘ADRUN.




5114 5071),

plan on the pmtot indiuduals, but the Side as a whole played a hard, determined game.

our opponents

Sewn. Hiislei' 0011)]. Fisher .. Measures .r‘iv. Belcher Wheeler



., 1" )ti'. (‘ondbod




01:31. Rankin



unshing to test the squadron

,.11 Ha“ Kirkmm


20th of last, month, our team won a good




Evidently .

. . . Perfectly unabashed,

“ ’ ' " Tmb'e


“19 Othel 3

.McQueen run out Mo.~s.111n11in Puddifoot 1 1.1115011 11



very youthtul-lookingr



useful competition Slde. Playing against the 24th Punjabis on the

Rollin-111111111 1 Lnle 11 \ .m>111]



good sound practice we should turn out a very


' ‘ W111 find It become very popular- There Is excellent material in the regiment, and with

game by 0 goals to -.. '


the young oflicer fixed 1115 1110110019 in his Pye . . . .





and directing a. Witheringr glance on the un, 1 -. , _ , 1 , fortunate man, obsei 11ed to the Geneial-— :1 Don t you believe him, Sir hes the biggest , .,


-}"11ii.‘ \'1


J fy K

1 v- 1 inspecting ' ’ The Geneial was one of the


b 1(11i;3‘hl

R \'noll~i)5>uile-zt







a A

.. ' ..

. .

1' Ruvnolds. i) ‘_ Rene. ”mm 4 11 mm“





' SQL‘AImnN. ..


(111. each,

.. "’ -. .1 Buckley .: ' ice-Cor l. Vanson .-.- 1:19.. Wain“ ‘ . “ Comm“ ..

played, it is expected the coming cold weather


PlL‘. Reed. i1\';inson




"..' S. S. Graham Pm. Cook

although, so far, only two games have been ‘


" 3);]:1111111EQLX11110“ 1 $111,111.11 111111. 11111111 ,_ C . ..

131.111.11P1n11me .. .. ..

Conseguent on the fall in the temperature,

POI‘lA—‘Y" .,









-. pm 01151111111 -





B ninn


I 1 ”inf . ea




, .



N10 01“,,” Simon 1mm.





mm“ ‘.

.. Hindustani L. 8,, l’iirtl

.. lovt. Bun-hwy Class

3”“)th C‘ 101’


., Pashtn 1.. s, ‘1‘“ D04

413‘ 'l‘l




43, P10, [131111011

C Wilson. h H‘N”

..1. 111! (Ib &Huslor 11 1111511111

1,“. R1111. 1111111111

.. . [.1111


..l‘ I’us


Pl“me 1- Rankin. h l"i~her0 c x h Knoll . .

1.11111: 311101-111 .. :. 1-.121111111-11s. 11111 110111.11, l1l)111'is


. 33. Carol. Reynolds

Muioi' la. l‘VllZ \1. M. \\11n1l,l) l“l\ll<‘]‘ ,_ 0



" 0 1‘ FiShCI'

”“1“"’j“l“'i“"l‘;"”1519" -- 7’ (“"110010‘1‘1 [01.111111-

" " 1h “" " 11111111111

L‘ (301-111. ”dd



he advertised early in November. Those desirous of attending are requested to com. ' . . ' 1 ' 1 K R. Bdltnlll". 1 ' manicate eluly With erlJOI Naval and Military Club, Piccadilly, or Mr,

.. Hindustani L. 8., Part ll

1 . s.1 Q. M. s.. (11111111

fi_ 1.1


mull. h RAPldl‘l lddenden. i' Cork

Ziid-Lt. H. R. Hudson

,. .0 cRupkin 111011-11

1111151111'- 1I “hwm " ““10”“"NW Lieiu. 'l'. N. 1min. 11 H11~l1~iz

“0‘ do.





(01111 11:11I3D0uflu 11)“ hHM' .



11: A G 1. 11

'1‘ n 11; ‘33

no fewer than five Chances goal, in .frontof ‘ u o

The . followimr is taken from a London

‘ .

ddlly 'i

beinc, missed


RECI'VIENTAL GAZETTE, [‘1'runnfion8 and Appointments. App 111L011 unpaid Laiico-Corpornls :— , l’te. Which 15109, Pte. Clark ; ; '", Ptc. Hall.“ .3013, Pte. Ferguson ; 5672, Pte Lockyer Mitt, Parrott

It is proposed to hold a dinner of “Old Comrades ” of all ranks at theHolborn Res» tauranton the “23rd Novemhei Time Will

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1151‘“, MONTHLY NOTES. Perhaps the most pleasing,r thing we have to record this month is the very welcome change in the weather conditions.

A month


N”, 6.

The leave season is gradually drawing to a close, and next month should see most of the ohicers back at head quarters. The detachment, too, will return from Naini ’l‘al shortly, and hard work will once more be the order of

ago, the sun shone with a. fierceness that rendered work in the openimpossible during the middlo portion of the day, and made even the early mornings decidedly uncomfortable.

Vfi Mrs. Steele and Mrs Wood have returned to Lucknow from Simla. Lieutenant Atkinson,

Now the fierceness has gone, and although

who has JUSE recovered from a severe attack of

the day.

walking abroad at noon is by no means to be

malaria, has gone to Mussoorie for a month’s

recommended as a healthful pursuit, yet the

193%, and Will be proceeding '30 England by

prevailing heat is not excessive, and one is able to work indoors without rallies, and at

a” early transport on medical certificate. L1eutenant 0059‘“ has gone to Pachmarhi t0

times without pimlcalis. From 5 to 8 in the morninw the weather is almi‘t )leasant. _ "b , \ _ W i ' while v the nights are comparatively cool. , we have had a verv mild .Lp to the present v . *. rainy t season. We are still’ some twenty , inches short of our normal fact . . rainfall, and this . . leaves , _ us wonderin . . g if the normal , rain-period will proportion, and so _ increase in Inverse , _ bring closely in sympathy our [U nd~us“Li?more home b the introduction With of a wet

attend the $011001“ Musketry, ,, . l‘he regimental hounds (ten couple) have . , Y . . been summering at 3111111 Tal under the care . . _. ol Private Holmes, the kennel huntsman , , I‘hey are \‘ ery tit, and the Master hopes to vet . t” them down about the m1ddle of October, and . V to have the opening day on November 1st. , , . . . ’lho new draft which Wlll consist of hounds . 1 _ k1ndly given by the Masters of the Bicester,


WGSt Somerset and East Kent Hunts (about

. _ There have been some alterations made 111 , , , the programme 101' this years camps, and

eight couple in all) are expected out here at the beginning of November. “Jack,” from all account‘ are v r ' l n 7 " ' , b’ , e y p e tlfm ml: year, so the prospects of agood season, manoeuvres iei'mittin‘ “ire vlr V ho )eful

we now learn that the neighbourhood of Al-


lahabad has been selected as our Brigade inanwuvre ground, and that in all probability after Christmas. This is pleasing news, as the festive season with its attendant gaieties and decorations, and the customary dinner, is one of the few links we have to connect us with

We must congratulate Lieutenant Tomkinson on his riding at Poona. At the Closed Meeting on the 22nd August, he rode two winners, two seconds and a third, out of seven mounts. Lieutenant Miles has also had some winning rides Both officers played for “The Freela-iices" in the Poona Open

the past, and it is difiicult, even if possible, to make any departure from the ordinary routine

Polo Tournament. From home we hear that Lieutenant Charrington sported silk at the

when in camp or on the march.

Bibury Meeting.

‘llel bOhristinasiride

5 us 1y


Rs. 13-8 for 6.





WHITEAWAY , iAiuLaw & (10., Lucknow. ,

Rs, 15-8 for 6.

PS. 19-0 for 6.

fully soft, with Linen culls. a absorbent.

Longcloth, lwauti- . LL

The “CHIEF." Made of our special

The “Indian SerViCe." Made of the genuine Bodies made of White Ghowringhee Twill Gawnpore Twill, soft with Linen cuffs. soft and and stioiig. with liiiieii

Value. SIX FOR

to wear. SIX

Quality. The “ @OLLGALL.”

51x FOR









5R5. 16-8

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the regiment will not- leave Lucknow until

’3’ (

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HISTORICAL RECORD ‘Royal ‘ servant J. Ryan and his family have been in reading the journal of the ‘Royals,‘ which they are always most anxious to see on its arrival."

Captain God man, and Licutenants Sandbach and Irwin are representing the regi-

ment in the l’aini ’l‘nl Polo Tournament (3 aside which begins on the 21st instant, and for which there is an exceptionally large entry. Captain Hon. H. Guest has been selected for the Adjutancy of the 2nd County of London Imperial Yeomanry (Westminster Dragrous). and Captain Parxer Leighton for that of the

Shropshire imperial Yeomanry. We are glad to say that The [Cl/git is gaining in circulation considerably Each mail brings us news and subscriptions from one or other of the many old Royals at home. while nearly every ex-Royal living in India, and there are many, (Mounted-Volunteer Instruc— tors, Transport Sergeants, clerks, etci is a subscriber. Occasionally, too, we are asked to forward copies to persons whose names tell us nothing, and we can only assume thev ha ve, or have had, friends in the regiment Brigadier General, the Hon'ble .T.E. Lindley, in forwarding subscriptions, writes : "' I read the paper with the greatest interest, and think it is a first-rate institution, especially for old Royals at home, and I. congratulate you all on

its production and general composition.


hope, as you say in your June number. that it will not deteriorate with anything approach ing the ‘ha’penny comic,” and so become merely a relaxation to the overworked brain

of the Principal Librarian at the British Mu. scum—where I read copies may be-seen ”

The following from Colonel Henry Tomkinson will also be interesting, especially to the older soldiers : “ I am delighted to know of the establishment of a regimental magazine,

and I have read the three numbers published, and kindly Sent to me, with great interest. Hearty congratulations to you ” “ '* I on the successful result of your efforts

may mention how much interested my old



E A (l- L E

We have to congratulate our sigiiulleis on their success at the lust signalling examination, the results of which are just to hand, Outof nine cavalry regiments in India, the Royals have been placed " tirst in order of merit," a position all the more creditable from the fact that we are among the younger Indian regiments, and consequently have had less experience in Indian signalling, which, we are given to understand, differs in many ways from that practised at home. We trust this success will but add a greater kecnness to the efforts of our men, and that they will maintain their enviable position. As will be seen, we publish this month a list of subscribers, showing amounts forwarded to date. Although we have from time to time made a form of acknowledgment of subscriptions in our “Monthly Notes “ by alluding to, or quoting extracts from the letters of the majority 01' subscribers, this has not been done in every case The present; list servesa double purpose, in that, in addition to acknowledging the sums forwarded, it will also, by reference to the number of copies received, tell subscribers when their next


The crown was now conferred upon William and Mary, Prince and Princess of Orange, who were crowned on the 1Uth of April, 1089 Thrir Majcsties' :iccCSsion, however, did not pass without opposition, and Viscount Dundee having induced several of the Highland clans to take arms in favour of King James, the Royal Dragoons were immediately sent to the north, and at the same ti me the Earl

of Clarendon declining to act with the new Government, his son. Lord Cornbury, was

superseded in the colonelcy of the regiment by Lieutenantt‘olonel Anthony Hayford, whose commission as Colonel is dated the 1st of July, 1689. in this firstycar ol‘ the reign of William and Mary appeared theearliest promulgation of the Mutiny Act and the Articles of War. On the 27th of July six battalions of iiil'nntry and two newly-raised troops of Scots Horse, commanded by Lieutenant-General

remittance is due. Future lists will, of course.

Mackay, were defeated at Killiecrankie by the,

show only the amounts received during the month.

Highlanders and afew lrisli, under “ Claverhouse,” Viscount Dundec, and Brigadier» (leneral Cannon, the former of Whom was killed in the action : iinn’iediately after which the Royal Dragoons being ordered to march to the assistance of Mackay, they arrived at l’erth in the early part- of August. The object

Our songratulations to Lord Alastair [ones to Miss Anne Ker, whose engagement recent English Breese is announced in papers. Our thanks are due to Lieutenant von Bri'rning for his excellent paper “ Halls Joachim von Zieten,” published in this number. Lieutenant von Briining belongs to the l-Iusar Regiment von Zieten, and, as his foot»

note explains, presented the laurel wreath to the regiment on Waterloo Day last.

of the Commanderin-(Jhiof being the prevention of the mountaineers from a descent into the low lands the regiment was posted for a. short ti me at Forl’ar under Major-General Sir John Lanier, and thence proceeded-by forced marches ' to Aberdeen. The Highlanders

eventually retired over the mountains by paths inaccessible to cavalry, and separated to their homes. Meanwhile the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. the Earl of Tyrconuel, having retained the greater part of that kingdom in the intercstofJames, who landed at Kins-ale on the .Elth of March, 1689, from Brest, King William sent thither Marshal Scliomberg, who landed at Carrickfergus with sixteen thousand men on the 18th of August, and in the beginning- of October

the Royal Dragoons


urdfli'l-(l upon this service, on the 9th of that month they landed at Oarlingford and proceeding to Ar magli and Ulownish they moved thence. to the isle of Maghee.

{Some skirmishing occurred (in ring the winter. and in the spring of loan the regiment

was before Charlemonl. which plz—ide was blockaded by the king’s forces and defended by a. garrison of live hundred men commanded by Sir ’l'oagueO’Regan, who surrendered on the ‘4thof .Vlay, whena detachment of the Royal Dragoons escorted the garrison to ;\l‘lTng'll.

In June following, Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Matthew, from “ Leveson’s ” Dragoons, now the 3rd King’s Own Hussars, was appointed colonel of the regiment which was encampcd at Loughtrill, where it was joined by a remount from England. On the 22nd of, the

month, King


arrived at the camp, and “his Majesty was no sooner couie than he was in among the throng of the troops and observed every regiment very critically. This pleased the Sold.ers mightily, and every one was ready

to give. what demonstrations it was possible, both of his courage and duty.-" His Majesty had landed at. Belfast on the 14th of June, and on the 80th he appeared with thirty-six thousand men on the banks of the Hoync, of which river James, with an army of Irish and French, prepared to dispute the passage. _ _ . l‘he celebrated: battle of the Boyne was




fought on the 1st of July, which ended in the complete rout of his army and the ruin of the cause of James, who fled by way of Dublin to Waterford, and thence to Brest. The Royal Regiment of Dragoons, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Leigh, with the other troops engaged at the passage of the Boyne, are reported to have “acquitted themselves well "; and the army of William advancing to Dublin, his Majesty reviewed the regiment at Finglass, where it brought four hundred and six s'ibres into the field. 011 the 21st of July, Major~General Kirke proceeded with the Royal Dragoons, the



stan tly employed in scouring the country and chasing the “ rapparees.” Towards the end of December a detach— ment of the regiment proceeded with so me other troops on an expedition commanded by

Major-General Tattea, which, on the lst of January, 1691, attacked a fort



claird, and took it in two hours, although the Irish had employed eight hundred men during two months in the construction of it. In the spring, when the army took the field, the Royal Dragoons remaining in the county of Cork, in the early part of June, Major Calliford with a detachment of the regiment and

some militia, penetrated into

Dragoons and Colonel Cambron’s

that part of the country whence the enemy

regiment of Foot to Waterford, where he summoned the place, which capitulated on the

drew their supplies, defeated their troops and captured several droves of cattle, until at length General Ruth, who commanded the French and Irish forces, detached two thousand Horse and Foot to cover that neighbour. hood. Major Calliford, however, persevered in making inroads, and having advanced upon one occasion with one hundred and twenty 01‘ the


pursuers, until at length Captain Bower and twenty men faced aboutand killed nearly twenty of the Irish, whose eagerness in the chase had carried them in front of their main body. Meanwhile, the party detached with the captured stores and cattle arrived at Drumaugh, where being attacked they defended themselves with success until relieved by some troops under Colonels Hastings and Ogleby. While the Royal Dragoons were thus engaged, the army commanded by Lieutenant»

General de Ginkell gained a decisive victory over the French and Irish on the 12th of July at Augrim, in which affair General St. Ruth was killed, and on the 18th of August the regiment joined the army at Banagher Bridge.

thousands of the Roman Catholic peasantry


were at this period in arms for

King James

of numbers the Royals showed an undannted

The enemy having collected the remains of their defeated regiments at Limerick, De, Ginkell undertook the siege of that city on the 26th of August, commencing Operations on the right bank of the Shannon : the Irish “myrit the same time lying encamped on the opposite side of the river. A pontoon bridge having been prepared, at daybreak on the 16th of September several river, regiments were ordered to cross the the Royal Dragoons taking the lead, when Brigadier-General Clitford, formerly colonel 0f the regiment, but now commanding four regiments of King James's dragoons, being taken by surprise, madelittle opposition; some infantry, however, attempted to makea stand, but a squadron of the Royals dashing f0r\vard routed them in an instant. Two or three French and Irish battalions took refuge in a hog and wood in their rear whence they were driven with a loss of several killed, and of a French lieutenant-colonel, a captain, and a number of men taken prisoners. The regiment, which had passed the Shannon, fell upon

who, forming themselves into bands, called

front, but were at length overpowered with a

the enemy's camp, where they found a scene

28th. At this moment, while success was thus attending the operations of the army in Ireland, the English and Dutch fleets, commanded by Admirals Byng and Evertsen, were defeated in an engagement off Beachy Head by the French, under the Count de ’I‘ourville, and. the enemy threatening a descent on the British coast, William ordered

a troop of the Life-Guards, Count Schom berg’s “ Horse,” now the 7th P. R. Dragoon Guards, the Royal Dragoons, with Trelawny‘s and Hastings’ ragiments of Foot, now the 4th and 13th of the line, to embark immediately for England. The Royal Dragoons landed at Highlake, in Cheshire, in the early part of August, 1690, but the alarm of invasion soon subsiding, they returned to Ireland, where, landing on the 20th of October, they took up extensive cantonmeuts in the county of Cork. Many

hmpparees,” made frequent incursions into the quarters oftheEnglish regiments. Several men of the Royal Dragoons were murdered in their quarters, and detachments were con-

Royal Dragoons and fifty-six militia, he fell in with two troops of Irish cavalry The English dragoons made a bold charge upon their 0,, ponents, killing twenty on the spot, and pursued the remainder to Newmarket, where the high, being reinforced, made another stand,

ThORoyalS, however, attacked them again with great bravery, and having killed eighteen, the rest fled in disorder, leaving behind a quantity of provisions and some cattle.

Major Calliford

despatched eleven dragoons and tweny-four of

the militia to the rear with the booty, and then

pursued the fugitives four miles further, when he came upona body of five hundred of the enemy’s Horse, commanded by Sir James

Notwithstanding the great disparity

loss of forty men, when Calliford made good his retreat with the remainder, On retiring. the dragoons, chafing and burning for re» venge, frequently turned round upon their


A regiment of dragoons, whose horses were at grass two miles away, dispersed in con fusion;while a party of Horse, taking to theirarms,made a show of resistance, but

made off on the approach of the English, who took possession of the camp, in which they found aquantity of beef, brandy and corn, together with the saddles and appointments of three hundred dragoons. The Royal Dra» goons were com mended by Lieutenant-General de Ginkell for their conduct, and the same day they returned to their own side of the river. On the 22nd of the month the regiment, with several other corps, crossed the Shannon into the county of Clare, when the advanced-guard, consisting of eighteen men of the Royal Dragoons, was attacked by a Squadron of Irish cavalry, whose first onset they met with admirable resolution, but were forced to retire, until part of the regiment coming to their assistance the enemy were defeated and chased under the range of their

batteries with the loss of three small pieces of brass ordnance.

Orders were now given

for the infantry

to attack the works covering Thomond Bridge, which being carried after a severe

struggle, their

defenders endeavoured to

escape into the city, but the drawbridge having been raised, they were left to the mercy of the besiegers, who slaughtered them in such numbers, that the slain lay in heaps on the bridge higher than the parapet. Five colours were taken, and so many were killed.

drowned, and made prisoners, that on the 3rd Of October the place surrendered and the rebellion in Ireland was at an end. (To be continued.)



of the greatest confusion, inanyZOf the Irish down running aboutin their shirts, pulling the into escape their making many tents,

“ Fools step in where angels fear to tread “ is certainly a very true saying, and so here

city, While others fled towards the mountains.

have left alone ; at least to the best of my belief

1' go plunging into a subject which the wisest



no one has yet written a treatise on despatch


Nor do I propose doing such a thing

myself, but in the hopes that reading of brave exploits may fire others to go and do likewise, I have collected a few instances of

despatch riding which will all bear imitation. I would like my readers to bear in mind that despatch riding is not as easy as it sounds. You are given a message, either written or verbal, and told to take it some-

where. I admit this sounds quite simple, but the difficulties and the dangers are so great that it will always be rare to find a perfect despatch rider. What then are our requirements? The chief essentials seem to me to be~ 1. Pluck. 2. Intelligence.



'4. Iron constitution. And unfortunately tvvo of these, (.11., the first and last, are beyond our power to control, whilst under the heading ‘ Intelligence,'I include all the qualifications, both natural and educational, of a first class scout.

For a really fine example I will first mention Hodson of Hodson's Horse [from the book of that name by Captain Trotter). At the commencement of the Indian Mutiny, Hodson was entrusted with despatches from General Anson to the officer commanding at Meerut,

of whose movements nothing had been heard since the outbreak on May 10th. Hodson left Karnal for Meerut (seventy-six miles ' off), at 9 RM. on May 20th, with one led horse and a

troop of Sikh Horse. Seventy-two hours later he was back at Karnal telegraphing to his Chief that he had forced his way into Meerut and obtained the information required from the General there.

For thirty miles of the road he had to fight his way through the rebels. ,, Later on in the mutiny he again showed his

ability for this particular class or mt ‘ During the halt at .Mainpu’ri/Qii the march

fiomUmbala 'to . Fathigarh, Seatonflearned


ii} A Gr L E


that Sir Colin Campbell had reached Gursahaiganj on his march to Fathigarh. As Hudson volunteered to open communication with

the Chief, Beaten furnished him with

dispatches and sent him off on the 30th, accompanied by Lieutenant McDowell, and escorted bya small party of his regiment. Leaving fifty of his men at Bewar, fourteen miles from


Hudson spedon


the remainder some fourteen miles further to Chibramau. There he left the remaining twenty-five and pushed on with McDowell alone to Gursahaiganj. Hut the end of their ride was not yet, for on arrival they leained


the Cominander-in—Chief


that day marched some fifteen miles farther to


" This,"



Dowell, “was very annoying, but there was no help for it. So we struck out as fast as we could, the more so as we heard that the enemy, seVen hundred strong with four guns, was within two miles of us." About 4 P.1d, after a ride of tiftylive miles through hostile country, Hodson and McDowell reached the camp of the Commanderin-Chief. AtS PM. they started on their long ride back, reaching Gursahaiganj without incident. When half—way thence to Chibrumau they were hailed by a fakir to whom Hodson had given alms on the former journey. From him they learnt that the twentyfive sowars left by Hudson at Chibramau had been attacked by a party of rebels and driven away with the loss of several of their number. Hodson decided to go on, and taking the native as a guide, they had nearly reached Chibramau, when the guide whispered, “There they are l” pointing to a garden in a. clump of trees. Slowly and silently they passed through the village, in the main street ‘ of which they saw the dead body of one of their men, V ,On

gaining the other side‘of the Village,‘th_ey galloped off for Bewar, which they reached at 2 A.M., having ridden ninety-four miles

since (i A M. the previous day, Hodson himsclf havi .g rid dcn seven tyrtwo miles on one horse. My next example comes from Colonel Hen» derson‘s “Stonewall Jackson." In August 1647, during General Winfield Scott’s expedition lrl Mexico, and shortly after the reduction of Vera Cruz, a council of war was held in (‘ontreras (.‘hurch. The Commander inChief himself was at the time beyond tho Pedrogal. opposite San Antonio, and it was necessary that he



informed of

the. projected movement. During the c0un~ cil, and for hours afterwards, the rain fell in torrents, whilst. the darkness was so intense that one could move only by groping. The Pedregnl was infested bf straggling bands of Mexicans ‘, and yet, over those live miles of desolation, with no guide but the wind, or an occasional flash of lightning, Lee, unaccompanied by a single orderly, made his way to Scott‘s head-quarters. This perilous adventure was characterised by the Com mander-in-Chief as “the greatest feat cfphysical and moral courage performed by any individual during the entire campaign.” The hero of this incident was Captain h’. F. »Lee,'of the United States Engineers, afterwards destined to become the greatest of the confederate leaders. It can, of course, be argued that the incidents above—mentioned were performed by men who had had no previous training as delspatch riders, and that, therefore, there is -no object in training men, as they would always be forthcoming when the necessny he arose. But at all events, in Bodson’s case, had already proved in the Sikh war that he

.was possessed of one of the chief attributes, hei.e , bravery. And there is no doubt that ur-simply did not know what danger :was. E ther, before the mutiny, he had been employthe ed in administering a large area on

frontier which accustomed him to long rides and to finding his way about by himself. .that he did not start quite as a novice.


’l‘hnt despatch riders do not always come off soot-free, I will quote an instance of a native of the Azimghur Field Force. It was in 187)“ and General Lugard had sent despatches to the officer commanding a column cooperating with his own. The man reached his destination without mishap, but on his way back. with fresh despatohes, he was seized in a rebel village and his papers taken from him. He himself was ordered for execution, but he was afterwards allowed to return to his column with his nose cut off, and his right hand severed at the wrist. This clemency was doubtless due to the fact that his captors thought that his return in this mutilated condition would not as a deterrent to other loyal natives who were serving in the coin mn, In “The Bayard of India,” by Captain Trotter, I found the following instances :— On November 14th, 1839, General Willshire, as an especial mark of his approval, asked Captain Outram (afterwards known as the Bayard of India) to bear a duplicate of his despatch to the Governor of Bombay by the direct route southwards from Khelat to the port of Soninianipfor the purpose of finding out how far that route was practicable for the march of troops, About midnight of November 15th, Outrani started on his perilous journey of three hundred and sixty miles through a hostile country as yet unknown to Europeans. His party consisted of six persons, --himself disguised as an fszhan pl), or friarjattended by one servant and accompanied by two holv Saiyads from .Shawl, with their two armed followers. The whole mounted on four ponies ' ‘ and two camels with provisions. On the following day they passed a number

of fugitives from Khelat, and the questions asked by relatives and friends of those who had been at Khelat became very awkward. After passing the village of Nal on the 18th, the. party halted in a friendly jungle, and sent back one of the Saiyads with the



two attendants to get provisions from the village. On their way back these unfortunately overshot the place of concealmen t, and towards the evening, as they had not return ed, the other Saiyad went off to look for them. Outram and his servant were thus left alone, without money, food, or a guide , and neither of them able to speak a word of Biluchi. Night was fast approaching, so Outr am started off for the village with his servant,

determined to find out what had happened ~ To their great relief they soon met the second Saiyad who, though he had not foun d his companions, had discovered that they had left the village some hours previously, Push~ ing on for two hours, from village to village, they at length overtook them, and then the whole party hurried on for eight hour s over some forty miles of road, when they lay down by the bank of a river for two hours' sleep . A ride of eight hours on the 19th carri ed the party over a range of lofty mountain s to their bivouac in the half—dry bed of the Urnach River, where, for the first time, their horses enjoyed the forage they so sorel y needed. At i0 A.M., on November 23rd, they

run EAGLE frequently passed throug h the rebel lines both backwards and forwards . On March 24th, 1902, Priv ates Wilson and Ellison, both of the regi ment, were sent with an important messag e to the. block house line at Doodes Drift on the Vaal River. They were pursued by twel ve Boers, missed the Drift, swam the river whe re they came to it, and whilst doing so were shot at by the Boers from one batik and by the inhabitants of the block~honses 011 the othe r. They both reached the other side safely and delivered their message. My only suggestion as to how you are to train yourself to be a good desp atch rider is : Learn all there is to be learnt for a scout, giving special attention to looking after you rself and your horse: and secondly , to finding your way across country by eve ry known tneans, both by day and by night, for to those two things the success or failure of your enterprise will always be largely due.


reached Sonmiani. It would be hard to find a finer exam ple than the bearing of despatches by Mr. Thomas Kavanagh, a clerk in the Company’s service at Lucknow, from the Residency to the Commander-in-Chief at the Alum Bagh. Disguised as a native in company witha trusty native spy, after a night of perilous wandering through streets full of armed men, and through a country bristl ~ ing with rebel pickets, Kavanagh fell in with a British outpost. He was awarded the V. C. for this act of gallantry. For a full account of this exciting episode, see For-

rest’s “Indian Mutiny," Vol. 2, page 121. No mention of the siege of Lucknow would, however, be complete without reference to Angad, the faithful native scout employed by Colonel Inglis throughout the siege, who

20th August, 1907. DEAR EDiron,—Haviug read in number


The Eagle

that an



account of

how our detachment at Naini Tal are passing away the summer months would prove interesting to your readers, I will endeavour to show how and what we have been doing. The majority of the detachment are being instructedin semaphore signalling, and the new sword and lance practices. The instructors are greatly handicapped owing to the lack of suitable parade-grounds,


squad the other morning, “ ltis a good job we have a navy." What he meant to infer I leave you to guess. The signallers made good use of the first three months of clear weather. Constant communication to Ranikhet (about fifteen miles direct) and even longer distances was obtained, and every Chance was grasped, so that our signallers benefited by this splendid opportunity of longr distance work. 'When the weather will allow, helios are glittering on

the camp from all points. and our square has a very busy appearance. A class is at. present undergoing a course of instruction in signalling and are


great progress.

we hope iwith their help at the next annual inspection that our figui‘e-(>f—n‘*"‘it Will still hold the enviable position of ~‘ top of the roll," and so show that we have been hard at work, despite the fact that our four-legged friends atid everything appertaining to manual labour have been left at Lucknow. As regards the sporting side of our stay at Naini Tal we have had hard lines. Owing to certain restrictions which were placed upon the Depet football and hockey teams, it was considered advisable to withdraw from the Cup competitions, but still we have had many Otood and exciting games with the various gelleges. The lake is still largely patronised

when parades are finished, and the Depot ‘Dreadnaughts‘ are greatly in demand. Some ofour men have a splendid style with the cars, despite the weight of the boats . which are capable of holding twelve persons and are therefore rather heavy; We have been

paid several nocturnal

our instructors great scope for those sar-

castic and dry remarks which are characteristic of the older type of non-commissioned officer. I overheard an instructor inform his.

evidently appear to be able to satisfy their hunger without resorting to what the followers of Isaak Walton would present themwith. The wet and damp weather makes life rather trying under canvas, but still it is welcomed, because, of the relief the monsoons

give to ourlesslncky chums on the The Eagle is [greatly looked forward the men of the detachment. as it is callv our only link with headquarters. ' PIP

plains. to by practi» DON.


BY LIEUTENANT T. S. IRWiN. “The use of dismounted fire-action is alone able to give to cavalry that strength of resistance which some people persist that it has not got, and which is necessary to it, for its offensive power does not lie entirely in the charge '7 * * * * * * Cavalry will succeed in its multifarious enterprises only on the condition that it knows how to make the best use of all its means, and does not compound Cavalry Spirit with the unreason-

ing obstinacy of wishing only to right mounted." So says a French military author writing under the initials P. S. in the. introduction to his book “Cavalry in Action in the .. ' Future.” WTIibisiiiiildIF/ition reminded me of a lecture with the above title given at Hythe last year bv the Chief Instructor. Lieutenant-Colonel

N. R, McMahon, D. S. 0. the brother, by the way, of a former Royal Dragoon, and happen ing to have by me the notes on the lecture, I

visits by the Wily

will endeavour with their help to give briefly

cheetah, (at least we suppose it is) and a few dogs have been carried off. ‘ Several attempts

. the principles of his teaching. Mobility, whether in attack or defence, in shock Ol‘vfil'e tactics, is the {Damspt‘lng‘ of cavalry action ; if this mobility is lost, failure and temporary paralysiswtll be the usual result, and taking this into conmderatien, cavalry leaders will be influenced in deciding whether they will use fire-0r shock as a means


quently the roads often have to be utilised for drill purposes. The mysterious cuts, parries, and points of the new practices give


have been



trap and destroy our

'prowling visitors, but up to the present they . ' have proved unsuccessful. The gentle art of‘fishing has also a claim

toa place on our list. ’ Although large fish have been seenin the la’ke, it is very seldom that they have been seen in the Depc‘it. They







Since the introduction of magazine rifles, cavalry have undoubtedly been taught to depend more on fire, but this is no reason why they should lose the cavalry spirit or forget their old dash; and Colonel McMahon gave as instances of successful leaders of cavalry depending on the rifle in ofi'ensive operations, the names of Ashby, Stuart, Forrest, Gourko, French. and other leaders on both sides in South Africa, whilst he pointed out that illustrations of shock tactics in recent years were few and unimportant.

Rifle fire will probably be a secondary consideration in open country where manoeuvring is possible, in raids against lines of communication, and in the pursuitof demoralised infantry; but in close country, rear-guard actions, cutting off retreat, surprises, feints, demonstrations, escorts, screening, protecting the flanks and outposts, the rifle will not only be more effective but will save horses, and therefore assist mobility. Some of the best authorities hold that in favourable circumstances cavalry may ride through artillery or infantry, but if the

artillery have their flanks secured, or the infantry are armed with magazine rifles, the loss of horses would be very great, and since in war a horse may be of greater value than many men, the employment of shock action in such cases would hardly be worth the risk.

Even when cavalry is opposed to cavalry alone, it is likely that the weaker side will .resort to fire tactics, so that there will, as was almost invariably the case in South Africa, be a fire-fight; if both sides are equally matched, even then fire may be used .to bring about the opportunity for a charge, if the ground is favourable; rifle fire will -be most effective in attacks on convoys and

and fire, and this requires a knowledge of ground and trajectory, for led horses, though

not in View of the enemy, might still be under indirect fire, if they are not kept close up underneath the ridge or whatever cover happens to have been selected for them Field practices are in some ways even more important for cavalry than infantry, as they give opportunities for practising sur— prise and enveloping fire, and owing to the wider front occupied by cavalry, it is necessary that the leaders of small units should have practice in controlling their sections. Covering fire may be required in shock as well as dismounted action, and the most essential principle of fire tactics, via, mutual support, is greatly dependent on theinitiative of subordinate leaders for timely and effective application.

On the fact that combined action should be

The utility of mounted troops for feints

semblance in the famous reputations which

and demonstrations is greatly increased by

they both established as two of the most cele-

the magazine rifle and smokeless powder.

brated leaders of cavalry yet known. At the age of sixteen years Zietenjoined the infantry. His first misfortune was his dismissal owing to his being too small of stature and having too weak a voice. Two years later he joined a regiment of dragoons, but after four years he was obliged to resign, as the result of a duel which he fought with a senior

Deception may produce great results, but unless accompanied by some material action,

manoeuvring and demonstrative tactics will seldom be successful.


By Lieutenant von Briining. officer.

A few months ago there was an essay in The Eagle about Seydlitz, written by Colonel dc Lisle.* This article deals with another celebrated cavalry leader of Frederick the Great. The life and character of these two cavalry heroes differ as greatly as the hussar differs from the cuirassier. The career of Seydlitz, quick and splendid as a meteor, ended at the age of fifty—two years ; the life of Zieten, on the

He, however, was shortly after re-

appointed through the good offices of two generals, who interested themselves with the

king on his behalf.

At the age of thirty-two

years Zieten got a squadron of hussars. The hussars were a new kind of cavalry in Prussia, after the example of Austria, which had regi— ments of hussars :composed entirely of Hungarians. When Austria was at war on the» Rhine in 1735, Prussia sent a squadron of hussars which was attached to the corps com. manded by the Austrian general, Baranyay,


other hand, was filled with difficulties and last-

the success of surprise ; opening fire too soon may result in a heavy and useless expen» diture of ammunition, which is a serious consideration since the supply of ammunition has peculiar diiiiculties for mounted troops. It is, therefore, necessary to study closely when it is justifiable to open fire, and when rapid fire should be employed, bearing in mind the limitation of the latter both as re-

ed eightyseven years. Seydlitz, a handsome man, an elegant rider, a born commander ; Zieten ugly, of small stature, and with a weak voice. Seydlitz, fond of women and gambling;

who taught them the tactics of the Austrian light cavalry. The commander of that sq uad-

Zieten, a quiet man, with deep religious feel-

for his good work, his first distinction, which

ings. Seydlitz, impulsive and plucky, went to his end with afearlessness of danger which

was obtained at the age of thirty-six years. When Frederick the Great ascended the

simultaneous and

timing correct,

gards supply of ammunition and the state of the rifle itself. The power of rapid envelopment gives

cavalry a force which renders them independent of mere numbers, especially in pursuit and againsr convoys; this was abundantly

proved in South Africa, though it is not likely that the conditions will always be so favourable to mounted troops as they were there.

Though cavalry will have reasons for using long-range

fire which do not apply to in-

raids if the defence have had a few minutes’ warning which has enabled them to prepare

fantry, it is certain that it will be necessary for them to fire sometimes at shorter and

some kind of cover impassable to horses.

even decisive ranges—for instance, the enemy

A principal consideration in dismounted .action is the security of the horses from view

must be allowed to approach an ambush as close as possible.

ron was Zieten, and on his return from the

Rhine he was promoted to the rank of Major

carried every one with him ; Zieten, carefully

throne in 1740 he laid claim at once to the

planned everything before breaking suddenly


upon the enemy.

So much was this the case,

that it became proverbial, and today one still



belonged to Austria.



The latter



would not

Although so dissimilar in general character,

give up that rich province freely, and so started the first Silesian war. At its commencement Zieten became a lieutenantcolonel.

of rethe two Generals possessed one point —— -.r/w ___.—.

His first fight was a trifling afl'air at RothsCthSS, interesting however, because Zieten

speaks of a sudden success, as Ill Wt‘e Zieten (ms (lem Busch. 1'

Zieten * The Colonel asked me to write an essay about to Lucknow l‘or 1‘lte Eagle, whcnI had the honour to bring Dragoons by the laurel wreath presented to the Royal the occasxon of the His Majesty. The German Emperor, on of Waterloo. anniversary of the day or the battle pleas1 am very pleased to do so. 1 have still greater

t which has ure in complying, as I belong to the regimen and

name of Zieten, the honour of hearing in its title the by having as its (.01. which is related to the British army the Duke of Connaught. onel-in-Chief His Royal Highness

’r" Like Zieten out of the forest.”

beat his

Austrian teacher Baranyay, and

nearly captured him.

It was an important

success for Zieten, who led his hussars right up to Stockerau close to the gates of Vienna.

After two years of peace the war concerning Silesia started again. The first fight near

Muncifay was a furthersuccess for Zieten, who surprised 500 hussars of the enemy and




'tured them. The Prussian hussars on that occasion took away the sabretaches from the Austrian hussars and wore them themselves. The king, pleased by the idea, allowed his hussars to continue to wear sabretaches from

that day. From the l9lh tothe 21st of May, 17—15, Zieten played a joke on the Austrians, which from its .pluckiness deserves to be described here. King Frederick, who was with his army in Lower Silesia, had sent the Markgraf von Schwedt with 10,000 men to Saegerndori’ to protect Upper Silesia. The Austrians took advantage of the occasion to separate the two armies by 20,000 men, cutting off all communi— cations. The king wished to send an order to the Markgraf to rejoin the main army, but .it was impOSsibl: to communicate with him has the Austrians captured every ‘courier. At last Frederick ordered Zieten to attempt the task with his regiment, and he succeeded. Zieten’s regiment had at that time just re» .ceived a new uniform, which was not yet known to the enemy and slightly resembled the uniform of an Austrian regiment of hussars. Zieten arrived at Neustadt, which was besieged by the Austrians, but he was unable to assist, and could not, of course, declare his presence. The Prussian garrison of Neustadt, however, repulsed the enemy without help, and Zieten with his regiment entered the smalltowu from the side furthest

away from the enemy.

He ascended the

church tower and saw that the Austrians were retreating in two columns in the direction of Leobschiitz which was on the road to Sae-

vgerndorf, his own aim. At once the regiment mounted and followed one of the columns, without showing any hos— Zieten ordered some HungarianS, tility. at who were serving in the Prussian army were They that time, to ride in the front. ,directed to sing Hungarian songs and to

speak with the Austrian soldiers.

An Aus-

trian General believing the regiment to be part of his own force, began to talk with A


Zieten, and was quietly captured. The most dangerous moment arrived, when the Aus~ trians turned to the left to reach their own

camp, and Zieten had to ride straight on.


astonished the Austrians by ordering his regiment to trot, and shortly afterwards he was recognised by a sentry and the whole camp was aroused by the cry “ Zieten and the Prussians!” it was, however, too late, and Zieten and his regiment were already a fair distance ahead. A few opposing troops and outposts of the enemy were overthrown ; the Markgraf von b‘chwedt, who had heard the noise of the tiring, hurried to his help; and the order of the king had been carried out by that celebrated Zielcwztt ‘3“ The regiment had covered about fifty miles in some twenty hours under most difficult conditions, being several times in action during their ride. Five brave hussars were killed. Zieten distinguished himself on every possible occasion during the second Silesian war, and four weeks before the end of the campaign he conquered, with his hussars, the village Katholisch-Hennersdorf. Amongst an enormous booty were several silver kettledrums, and when the king expressed his satisfaction at the brave behaviour of the regiment. Zieten asked that they should be allowed to keep, as a favour, a pair of the drums, and thenceforward the regiment had the privilege of carrying big drums, an honour until that time only conceded to the cuiras— siers. in the time of peace which followed, Zieten lost the favour of the court. A Hungarian adventurer, called Nagy Sandor, succeeded in making the king believe that Zieten’s reg] ment was not in first-class condition. Fre~ derick, who had an idea that every Hungarian must beahussar by birth, permitted the Hungarian adventurer to exercise Zleten’s regi— Iment, thereby lessening the authority of

Zieten, the real commander. Nagy Sandor was a brute, and was hated by both officers and men. At last atatield-service exercise, his incapability was plainly shown, and he was brought before the king, who summarily dismissed him.


did not get

in his study, suddenly, and without notice, the

king entered. During the long conversation which followed, it was arranged that Zieten There was at should take service again. that time a possibility of war and Frederick would not forego the help of his useful [cavalry leader. The well-known Seven Years” war broke out in 1756 and Zieten was pro moted to Lieutenant-General. During that war the Prussians fought with varying success against nearly the whole continent, supported from time to time by England. When the Prussians were beaten at Kolin, Zieten was severely wounded, and was only saved through the cool-headed courage of an ensign. The defeat at Kolin was followed by the splendid victories of Rossbach and Lenthen. On every poSsible occasion Zieten did marvellous work, and received many signs of favour from his Royal master. At Kunersdorl' in 1759), Frederick suffered the worst

blow of the whole war.


was attached, in

Head-quarters king. When


Staff as an adviser to his was

signed, the


army came home, and With it “Father Zieten ” as he was called by the troops. At the age of 64 years he determined to marry, and the next year the king was godfather to a son of his faithful General of Hussars. From that time onwards Zieten continued in high favour, and he was honoured wher— ever he was. Once at a court dinner the old gentleman fell asleep, “Do not speak too loud,” said the king to the other guests, "and do not wake him; he often remained awake ’ / for us before.” picture, wn wellkno very a also There is which has for its subject an occasion on which the king will not allow the sick Zieten to rise . from his chair. On the 26th January, 1786, the hero died, nearly ST years old, and the king remarked in connection with the death of the famous hussar : “ Here again he forms the advanceA guard.” whole the by mourned deeply He was

army, and especially by his Red Hussars. A huge


stone erected near the

the church of Wustrau, the family estate of

Zietens, marks the spot, where the hero went to the quietness which he had never known in the h'eld.

Believing everything

lost, he himself entered the fighting line and was only saved by the energy of Captain von l’rittwitz and his squadron of Zieten hussars. The battle of Torgau one year later was a day of honour for Zieten, for through him the - victory was obtained. When the king thanked him after the battle, the pious hero answered: “Sire, our best Ally in heaven has not deserted Prussia " ~Un various occasions during that war Zieten had several opportunities of displaying his faculties as a cavalry leader, and eventually


* Ride of Zieten.


back the favour of his king, and greatly disgusted, he asked for his dismissal on the ground of bad health. The king refused his approval, but Zieten insisted on resign ing. One night, as he was sitting quite alone



1762, to the



“ D” Squadron having finished their classiof fication course show a good percentage marksmen and first class shots. Altogether the regimental shooting standard should s" not be a bad one. There are some “ casual

yet to be exercised, and then will come the competitions. With the general improvement in shooting, these should be even better the contested than in former years. Among seang troopi this home d procee many who

son—time-expired men, and transfers to the




Army Reserve—are, unfortunately, several of our best shots, but with the younger men

and Earlsl wickets for 21 runs. were as follows :—

coming on this should not cause the lowering " l3 " SQT‘ADRON rs. ”:th BATTERY. ll. l“. A,

of our next year’s figure~of—merit. The Sergeants’ spoon shoots still continue popular ; indeed, the attendance at them

shows a successive increase. The Corporals, too, hold similar meetings

periodically, al-

though since the Editor is not advised of the results, no mention of them is made in the columns of The Eagle. The results of the last three Sergeants‘ shoots are as follows :—

“ B " SoUAUuoN, Flu. JudgiCorp]. McDonall S. Q. M. S. Heall l’lc. Earl Pic. Svatnn l’u’. ('ollier (Rn-pl. “'clrli Pro. [ddvmlrn Pic. Bray P19. Dnrkworlh l’Io. Sliurmor

run out run out .. c Emile. l) l<‘.d\vnrds .. llnv. b Edwards . (- Hardman. h Hastings 1) Edwards r Egan. 1) Edwards v C\'. thdwurils . r Edwards. h Hastings h Edwards not out .. Emir/1s

15th August. Total

1st. Sergeant Granthier 2nd. S. Q. M. S. King Distances


900 and 1,000 yards.

nut—owes 6. 49—owes 15.

Bisley marking.

Weather good. 22nd August. 1st. Sergeant Lewis 2nd. Sergeant Carter Distances—200, 500. and 600 yards.

75. 71. Bisley mark-

ing. Weather fair. 29171 August. let. S. Q. M.


2nd. S. Q. M. S.

Beall Allen

Distances—200, 500, and 60H yards. ing.

BATTERY. ll. F. A. Major E. W. Grove lldr. Hastings ('orpl. Edwards t‘orpl. Ilihmson (lnr. Ecrlrs (lnr. Egan Gur. \\'oolv,\' Gnr. EmiliBdr. Lettinmon Dvr. Hardmau

1) Earl .. (- l)llL‘l{\Y01‘lll. h Scaion h Scaton c & l) Earl l) Search h Keaton run out h Seaten b Earl not out

Dvr. Craven

1) Earl


referees. These, of course, are only suggestions. The more important games played since our last issue are as follows :— The Royals vs. 8th Rajputsmplayed on our ground on 27th ultimo. A fine, fast forward game ending ina win for the Royals by 5 goals (Fisher 3, Cronin and Page) to ML

The Royals 08.241311 Punjabis—«played on our ground on 4th instant. An excellent, even game; fast, clean play all round ; no score. “ C ” Squadron vs. “A ” Squadron—played on 7th instant and resulted in the defeat of the former by 4 goals (Moore 2, Rapkin and Langley) to one (Stone). The Royals I. O. G. T. us. Oxfords I. O.

G. T.~—p1ayed on 9th instant.


Bisley mark-

Weather good.

This game, played on our ground on 12th instant resulted in a win for the Durhams by 3 goals to 2. The Durhams are a much prac-

The hockey ground having-been “ Chealed” and levelled, is now in good condition, and none too soon, evidently,

The cricket-green having been closed for repairs, no games have taken place thereon since last we wrote. The grass, which con-

sequent on the heavy rains, grew rapidly to

as the game pro—

mises to become again a popular one, the number of events being gradually on the in-


It was decided some time ago to

Some few matches have been played by squadrOns and troops on natural grounds,

postpone the inter-squadron tournament until the return of the detachment and of furlough non-commissioned officers and men. As they will soon be with us now, it would seem desirable for the hockey committee to get together and devise some scheme whereby the tournament can be conducted on sound lines, and so do away with the objections and dissatisfaction which hitherto have characterised this tourna-

but have not been productive of very good


cricket, which is not surprising. “ B ” Squadron met the Gunners last week in a. one-innings match, and defeated them by 74 runs. Seaton took 5 wickets for 25 runs.

the committee, and strictly adhered to, the team failing to appear to forfeit their points.

a height of nearly two feet, has now been cut, and the ground cleanedand rolled until the pitch looks almost as good as the Oval. If these preparations continue, we should have a very line ground by the time the Inter-

Squadron Cricket Tournament begins.

a really class team.

Here again systematic and sound organisation are the things the committee will require to study. REGIMENTAL GAZETTE. Appointments. Lieutenant H. Jump, from Cambridge University HilliCorps, the SulfulkIReglment (University Candidate). to be 2nd»Lieutenant in succession to Lieutenant C. F. M. Pike. deceased, with precedence next below C. W. Turner, dated 29th August, 1906. but not to carry pay or allowances previous to 3rd August, 1907. — London Gazette.

erlough and Leave.

tised tournament side, so that their narrow



serious start has yet been made in this branch of sport. Owing to the team being very broken up—some at Naini Tal, others on leave—the regiment is not being represented in the Durand Tournament, but there are high hopes of putting in a strong side for the Murray Cup, which will not be played for until February next. With the new men from Naini T31, and probably a good man or two from the drafts which join us shortly, we ought to raise

Easy win for

one. The Royals rs. Durham Light Infantry. Ertrax



Royals by 4g0als (Stone 3 and Langley) to


94—owes 14. 79—owes


The scores~

Dates of matches should be fixed by

victory should not leave us despairing. Play opened very evenly, and for some

time our men worked hard and easily held their own.

The middle of the game, how-

ever, found them somewhat done up; then the better play and condition of their opponents asserted themselves, till frequently our men became mere lockers on. Towards the-end, though, they improved wonderfully, .and several times looked like scoring. All things considered, our side have no reason to be ashamed of their performance. We have a strong defence, and practice should develop it into a very useful one. The forwards are fast and fairly clever, but as yet they lack decision. Corporals Fisher and Vanson scored the goals. . FOOTBALL.

A copy‘of the latest hockey ' rules should be

A consignment of footballs and football

procured and circulated among players and

, clothing has arrived from home, but so far no

S. S. M. Greenland



Armr.»Sergt. Roberts



S. S. 1“, Newton Sergt. Carter Sere t. Fordom Corp]. Sutch Lcc -Corpl. Huggins Lee-Corp‘. Ferguson Lee —Corpl. Foster Pte. Gibson Pm. Perry Pte. Hammett Pte. Connor Bandsman Parsons Pte. McFarlane 13m. Anoell Pte. Summertield Pte, Lunn Pte. Fordham Pte. Norton Pte. Maddams

.. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Landon)“. Ranikhet. Naini Tal. Naini Tal. Meerut. Meerut. Kasauli Mhow. Naini Tal. Meernt. Naini Ta]. Sialknt. Agra. Agra, Agra. Agra. Allahabad. Landour. Landour

Moves. Sergeant Collinuwood to Pachmarhi to attend Musketry Class. Pte. Bird to Naini Tal. Pte. Smith to Darjeeling Hospital. Pte. Rawlinson to Darjeeling Hospital.

Pte. McCormick to Divisional Offices, Naini Tal.


Sergeant. Tomlin to Punjab Light Horse, Lahore. Sergeant Collins to 2nd Dragoons. Private Webster, Unattached List, to 1st Royal Dra~ goons, from 3rd Hussars.

Births. The The The The

wife wife wife wife

of of of oi

R. Q. M. S. Sykes, of a daughter. Corpl. Williams, of a daughter. S. S. Rogers, of a daughter. Pte. Pugh, of a daughter.


:n a 3i 3: :1 :1 7.

Lieutenant W. H. J. St. L, Atkinson, passed Musketry Class, Pachmarhi (Distinguished). Sergeant Bush passed Musketry Class, Pachmnrhi. 1” Lce.—Corpl. Todd passed Entrance Examination to Roorkee College.

El 0M E.

Colonel FitzG. O’Shaughnossy Colonel Hon. H. \V. Manslicld Colonel A. Mncleun Colonel Lord Basing, C.H. Sir Ralph Gore, Burt. .. Captniu I“. G. Hardy .. MajorGonr-ral F. S. Russell, (EMA; Major .1. W. hi. Wood, M.\' 0. W. R. White, Esq. .. Brigr.-(icncral Hon. J. 14]. Lindloy .. .l. B. Cronin. Esq. (‘olounl H. ’l‘omkinson ( olonol C. 1'}. Burn ’1‘. Timson, Esq.




of mankind.

Discharges. 5045, Pte. Chubb, discharged by purchaSr in India. 4074 ,, Frith,discharged by purchase in India.


EDITORIAL NOTiCES. Looking through my old South African note-book a few days ago, I came across the following which may be of interest to some of your readers :— Result of the Roos Senekal trek from 16th April to :.'nd May, 1901. Boers killed Do.



v.4 1134

ago, is at present 101°.

now, it will be too late to save the crops in

The Editor will not undcrtnkc to be responsible for any ri-jmt ed MS. nor to return any contribution unless sin-chilly dcsiri-d 1i) d0 so. Accepted matter will he puid for at tho rule of Rs. lo poil.ll1l(i\\‘()i'd\', or R>.'2-S-il per column. This is only ndinissihlo l0 nxui-commissioned ol‘iicvrs nnd men.

hold off till the end of the year, matters will become serious indeed.








Ammunition. rounds





Pom-pom shells





Subscribers at home. for six months Subscribers in India. for 1x months

.. ..

1... or]. lls. 3-H)






Ncii»i-oriiniission0il oiiicors and home mun (present members or J in India

. 5M. I“ '2.‘14,,”






Cape carts





















vaRoynls). for six months Price: per copy to Officers Price, per copy to non-commissioned oilircrs and men , --




0-K - o


0-4,— I)

\» g


, ; '

many parts of the country, while, should it

Our team playing in the Naini Tal Polo Tournament were beaten in the lst round (11 goals to 4) by the Civil Service, “A "' Team, a strong combination. It was a good, fast game, and not such an easy win as the score indicates. The tournament was eventually .won by the 4th Cavalry, to Whom the Durham

Annual .mlmcriplionx pro l'ilLil.











Women and. children




Yours truly,

“UL-()L. '


Light Infantry were compelled to scratch owing to the illness of a Durham player. Our officers at Poona appear to be doing

For For ‘ For For For For

six months. full page six months, half page six months, quarter page one mouth. full page one month. hulf page one month. riuni‘tcr page

Colonel de Lisle, accompanied by Lieutenant Charrington, visited Berlin early in Septemv her in order to make his report to His Majesty, the German Emperor. We hear that our Colonel-in-Chief, Who ever takes the greatest interest in his regiment, received them graciously, and asked several questions about the Royals. . At the inspection of His Majesty’s Imperial Guard on September 2nd, the visitors, who were attached to His Majesty’s suite, were all much impressed by the magnificence of the display, the Prussian cavalry especially in— teresting the British officers. Some notes in connection with his visit has been kindly sent us by Colonel de Lisle. These will be found on another page.

Even if rain comes

ALI. communications intended for pnhlicniion in TM lain/Iv should he addressed to the Editor. and should h:- uccompnnicd hy thi- writer‘s. name and address.



taken prisoners


In many districts the crops

have failed for want of water, and dread famine is already threatening. The native ryot, or farmer, his fliecls (ponds), and even wells dry, stands helplessly watching his acres of once firm, green stalks droop and wither in the pitiless sunlight, whilst his family cry in vain for their daily food. The shade temperature, down to 90°a month

Sorgt.-lnstructor G. Webb J. Buckley. Esq. Sorgt.-Instructor W. Ross .. Sewn-Instructor S. W. Bobbington.. PIP. W. H. Short

’ Pte. Taylor, at Station Hospital. 311 23rd ultimo.

No. 7.

by Captain McNeile and Lieutenant Tomkin— son, who represented Eton.

Last month we had occasion to remark on the sub-normal rainfall. The weather then, however, was pleasant, and we waited for, and expected more rain. But no more rain has fallen, and not only has the temperature gone up, and our old enemy, the hot winds of May and June, returned to worry us again, butthe continued dryness is causing considerably more mischief than the mere discomfiture

H "a z; — st 2111;! m





The first party for home leaves Lucknow today, and will sail from Bombay on the 18th instant per H. T. “ Dongola.” In this party the regiment loses some fine, seasoned soldiers. We take this opportunity of Wishing our departing comrades bon voyage. May good health and good luck attend them in the old country.

Lieutenant E. A. R. Rube, R Q. M. s. Mott (the latter returning from furlough), andadraft of fifty privates. arrived by the “ Dongola ” on the 10th instant, and marched into barracks late on Saturday night last Captain and Quartermaster, and Mrs.

Burch also arrived by this boat


At the

All married families who have been sum»

Annual Racquets Tournament, the open singles were won by Lieutenant Tomkinson,

'mering in the hills at Chaubattia and Rani—

things other than racing and polo.

while the Public Schools Doubles were won

khet are now back again in Lucknow, looking very fit and well.



Captain Godman sailed‘for England on the 12th instant, for six months' leave, to enjoy a season’s hunting. Lieutenant Atkinson sails on 18th instant by the Transport “ Dongola " for six months’ leave on medical certificate.

All ofi‘icers who have been spending their



A reader has very kindly given us permis sion to publish some of his South African letters.

These letters, written to friends at

home during the late campaign, should prove of the greatest interest. Time has eiiaced the memories of many of the incidents of the

leave at home will return to duty in the course of the month. except Lieutenant Chapman Whose health, we regret to hear, has not pro— fited by his stay at home, in consequence of which he is recommended for an extension of leave by a medical board.

war, and these will serve to recall them.

The following intresting letter comes from ourfirst lady subscriber :—“ I wish to become a subscriber to the ‘Eagle,’ to which I hope

of the regiment in South Africa, is published herein: one or more, as space permits. will

The opinions and impressions of the writer who chronicled them as they occurred, were no doubt those of the majority, and dealing as he does not only with the fighting part 01' the war, but also with the daily life of the regiment, his letters should make enjoyable reading.

The first one. describing the arrival

be reproduced each month while they last.

every success. Please send me Nos. 1, 2, 3 and

4, as I am interested in General Ainslie‘s ‘His torical Record of the Royals.‘ No. 4 was sent me by Major Lee, an old Royal, and this I must return. Perhaps you will be interested to know that I 'am a daughter of an old Royal Dragoon, Captain George Cruse, who left the regiment in the year 1871. My mother, who is nearly eighty, is greatly interested in the paper. We both know many of the officers mentioned as being present at the Regimental Dinner,—In all good comradeship. May

‘to'yLondon on the return of his Majesty from Holland. The war with France, commenced in 1689, had been continued with varied success, and

in the spring of 1094 the Royal Regiment of Dragoons being ordered on foreign service, they embarked in May, joined the army en— camped near Tirlemontju South Brabant on the 2lst of June, and were reviewed by King William on the following day. On arriving at the camp they were posted in front of the village of Camtich, which quarter being much exposed, they were reinforced by two regiments of Dutch infantry. The army marched from Tirlemont on the 13th of July and en-

camped on Mont St. Andre and Ramillies, where the regiment was brigaded with the Royal Scots and Fairfax’s Dragoons, now the


Scots Greys, and the 3rd King's Own Hussars, under Brigadier~General Mathews, whose brigade was encamped on the left of the line. The French lay encamped near Buy, with their left upon the Mehaine. On the 17th of Julyaforaging party of the allies crossed that river, and meeting with several French squadrons, a skirmish ensuedin which the Royal Dragoons lost eight horses and had three men wounded. On the 231‘d another party encountered a detachment of the - enemy, when the regiment had two men and several horses killed. The allied army was


again in motion on the 3rd of August, when

scriptions for the ‘Eagle,' a copy of which 1


have just seen. Having a son in the regiment,


much manoeuvring and some skirmishing took place, but no general engagement. On the 29th the Royal Dragoons were stationed .at Wacken, situated at the junction of the Mandel and the Scheldt, whence in October

Cruse.” No less interesting is the following from Major-General

Godman:—“ I enclose sub-

and for old acquaintance sake, I have always taken much interest in the Royals. My regiment and the Royals were comrades in ad» versity on the plains of Bulgaria, in the bad cholera times, being encamped near each other, before any man now serving in them was born. Again, throughout the terrible winter of 1854-55 we were together in the Crimea—only a low bank separating our lines ; therefore we knew each other intimately“ alas ! nearly all gone now. “

A Committee Meeting to discuss the details of the Regimental Cottage Homes Scheme will, we understand, he held in London on

October 8th.

The date has been so arranged

to allow of the attendance of Colonel deLisle. We may hope shortly to hear that something definite has been decided.


(Continued) In January, 16%‘2, the Royal Dragoons re—

they moved into cantonments in the villages

turned to England and wentinto dispersed

between Ghent and Sans-van-Ghent. In the spring of 1695 the Royal Dragoons marched to Dixmude, forming part of a division of the army commanded by Major—General Ellenherg, and where brigaded with

cantonments in Leicestershire, a detachment during part of the summer being in garrison. at Portsmouth.

The regiment was subse-

quently employed on revenue duty in the maritime towns on the south coast, and in the

autumn of 1693 it had the honour of furnishing escorts to attend King William from Margate-

Lloyd’s Dragoons, now the 3rd King’s Own .Hussars, and a regiment of Danish cavalry. - 0n the 7th of June the Duke of Wirtemberg



took command of this division, and attacked the French forts at Kenoque as a diversion, to conceal King William’s design upon the important and almost impregnable fortress of Namur, which was invested shortly afterwards. The Royal Dragoons joined the covering army towards the end of June, butin July they were detached to Bruges, whence they were recalled to the camp between Genappe and Waterloo, proceeding thence to the vicin— ity of Namur. After the surrender of that place by Marshal Bouffiers, on the 5th of September, they went into cantonmeuts behind Ghent.

ln the spring of 1696, the French threatening an attack upon the allied quarters in Flanders, the regiment was suddenly called from their cantonments to encamp upon the ban ks of the canal between Ghent and Bruges, where, on the 29th of May, they were review~

ed by King William.

They served the cam-

paign of this year with the army of Flanders. commanded by the Prince of Vandemont, and were brigaded with the




Royal Irish Dragoons, the present Scots Greys, and the 5th Royal Irish Lancers, under BrigadierGeneral Mathews. The object Of this army was the protection of Ghent Bruges, and the maritime towns of Flanders? No general action occurred, but a party 0f the



with one of Langston’s

Horse, now the 4th Royal



Guards, surprised one of the French pickets on the night of the 20th of September, and took thirty prisoners. This appears to have been the only occasion on which the regiment was engaged during the campaign of this year ; and on the 6th of October it went into quarters in the village behind the canal of Bruges. Throughout the campaign of 1697 the regi-

ment served under King William in the army of Brabant, and was brigaded with the Royal Scots and Eppinger's Dragoons, a foreign corps in British pay. On the 28th of May

Brigadier-General Mathews died, and on the



30th his Majesty conferred the colonelcy of the Royal Regiment of Dragoons upon Thomas,


hostilities terminating on the 80th of Septem»

that excellent oliicer, BrigadienGeneral Ross. and was employed as a guard to the English train of artillery. The formal declaration of that war, which is knownin history as the “ War of Succession in Spain," and which more or less embroiled the whole of Europe for nine years, was made on the 18th of May, 1702, in London, Vienna, and the Hague. The. league against France and the Duke of Anjou, and in favour of the

her by the treaty of Ryswick, the regiment

Archduke Charles of Austria,

embarked from the Netherlands, and landing

England, Holland, Savoy, Austria, Prussia, and Portugal, while Spain and Bavaria supported the cause of Philip. The war was to be carried on upon four separate theatres—Belgium, the valleys of

Lord Raby, afterwards Earl of Stafford. The enemy, having great superiority of numbers, besieged and captured Aeth, and afterwards threatened Brussels, but were frustrated in their designs by King William. The Royal Dragoons encamped before Brus» sels in June, and subsequently at Wavre ; and

at the Red House in Southwark 011 the 21st of November, at the end of the month, it moved into Yorkshire, when the establishment,

which during the war had been eight troops, amounting to 590 officers and men, was reduc‘ ed to six troops of 294 officers and men. During the two succeeding years the regiment occupied quarters in Lancashire and Leicestershire. In June, 1700, it was reviewed on Hounslow Heath by King William III., who was pleased to express his approbation of their appearance and discipline, and in the month following it moved into Yorkshire and Cumberland, with one troop at Carlisle and another at Hull.

King Charles II. of Spain, dying on the lst of November, 1700, Louis XIV. of France,

regardless of former treaties, put forward the claims of his grandson Philip, Duke of Anjou, to the vacant throne, and in view to hostilities the Royal Dragoons, augmented to eight troops of 582 officers and men, embarked for Holland in the beginning of March, 1702. Before the transport sailed, however, William III. died on the 8th of the month,

and the regiment was disembarked and placed in cantonments in the immediate vicinity of London. In a few days afterwards, Her Majesty Queen Anne resolving to pursue the foreign policy of her great predecessor, the regiment was .l‘egembarked, and, landing at Williamstadt, Awent into quarters at Breda,

where it was .again'brrigaded with the Royal Scots andthe' Royal Irish Dragoons, under


E A (l L E

ed with 4,000 Horse and Dragoons, when Lieutenant Benson, with the advanced—guard of thirty men of the Royal Dragoons, charged and overthrew a picket of forty French Horse, and chased them to the barriers of their entrenchments, thus giving his Grace an oppor-

tunity of approaching within musket shot of the lines which he was desirous of attacking,

ran in one long line from Dilkusha Palace to what was then the southern corner of the Mahomed Bagh, i.e., at the cross roads between the headquarter offices and the polo grounds. You must remember that in those days Dilkusha had a large deer park round it, the wall of which ran from the WilatiBagh on

but was prevented by the timidity and perti nacity of the Dutch generals and field deputies. At the siege of Huy, which was invested on the thh of August, the Royal Dragoons were encam ped on the river Maese, in order to

the river, southwards to the Sultanpur road,

secure the bridge and the communication, and


were subsequently employed at the siege of

eastwards for about six hundred yards, and

the Middle Rhine and the Upper Danube, the

Limburg, which was invested on the 10th of

then the wall ran straight back through the

Sierras and the coast of Spain, and the north of Italy.

September, acity upon a pleasant eminence

among the woods near the banks of the

A powerful French army was in the field

little river Wesdet, which surrendered on

present Martiniere Park to the Wilati Bagh. I just mention this to give you an idea of how our immediate surroundings were in those days. What I really had in my mind's eye when Istarted, was to give you a few tours which can be ridden on Thursdays, and which combine acertaiu amount of interest with exercise, and at the same time will bring you in touch with the stirring events of 1857 and 1858. Just now I mentioned the old cantonments, so why shouldn't we go and see where they were. I am afraid you will not see much even


threatening the frontiers of Holland. The Duke of Marlborough assembled his forces

towards the end of June, and in July the Royal Dragoons joined them with the artillery. They were then employed in covering the sieges of Venloo, Ruremonde, and Stevenswaert, and took part in the capture of the city of Liege, afterwards returning to Holland to be quartered at Arnheim, the capital of the province of Guelderland, where, in April, 1703, 'they were reviewed by their colonel, Lord 'Raby, who was passing through Holland on his way to Prussia as envoy extraordinary to that court. At the commencement of the campaign of 1703 the regiment was engaged in covering the siege of Bonn. Thence, on joining the army 4 near Maestricht, with six battalions of infant» ry commanded by the Prince of Hesse, it was brigaded with the same corps asin the precede

ing year. On the


of the


of Marl-

borough ’s army the French retired, and took post behind their fortified lines between Camphont and Westdown, towards which, on the 27th of July, the British Commander proceed

the 27th of the month.

Spanish Guelderland

being now delivered from the power of France, and the Dutch freed from the dread of invasion, the Royal Dragoons returned to Holland, while in the meantime circumstances had occurred which occasioned their removal from the army of the Duke of Marlborough to

another theatre of action. (To be continued.)

The boundary


the canal

when you get there, still it is an excuse for a


BY MAJOR G. F. STEELE. It is now getting on for four years since I the Regiment arrived in Lucknow, yet have doubt if there are many of the men who from taken the trouble to look at the place it is which to view of point the interesting d. entitle tedly undoub me How many of you, for instance, could tell the at meuts canton y militar the site of the of you outbreak of the mutiny, or how many Colin Sir 1857, know that on the 10th March, the on ally practic ed, Campbellwas encamp preto-day, occupy lines our as ground same retaking paratory to his final advance and

oiILucknow 2’ Yet such is the case.

close to the Regimental Bazaar, then west through our No. 1 bungalow to the Colonels bungalow, thence northwest for halfa mile along the Mahomed Bagh wall, and on to the canal near Government

His camp

ride, so let us take the shortest way to the Residency, i.e., down Cantonment road, which will lead us to the Iron Bridge, and three

miles beyond that we come to the village of M ariaon, where what was called the old cantonment was situated. The new canton ment was a mile further on at the village of Mudki~ pur All the native Regular troops, together with one Light Horse Battery of European artillery, and two batteries of the Oudh Irregular Artillery were in these cantonments, the of.

‘ficers living in thatched bungalows between The ‘Zud Regiment. of Oudh the two villages located on the site now were I Irregular cavalry




occupied by the Upper India Couper (Paper)

old Stone Bridge, which is now only used for

Mills, opposite the Lunatic Asylum. The 4th and 7th Regiments of Oudh Irregular Infantry were stationed at the Musa Bagh, which is about four miles up stream from the Residen<

foot trafiic Immediately facing this bridge you will find a turn to the left with an old gateway about fifty yards up it. This was the entrance to the Machhi Bhawan, which, in the old days, was a fort with high walls, the side facing the river having the appearance ofa castle. The great lmambara was within the precincts of the fort, which gives you some idea of its former size. Sir Henry Lawrence had originally intended to hold the Macnhi Bhawan as well as the Residency, but owing to the losses incurred at Chinhut he decided to abandon it, and accordingly on the night of the 2nd July, it was blown up after the garrison had been removed to the Residency. The removal was made without the loss of a single man, though there were some exciting episodes connected with it. On their arrival at the Water Gate of the Residency soon after midnight, they shouted, “Open the gate! ” which words were taken by the artillerymen on duty to be “Open with grape ! ” and they were about to do so, when an olficer explained the situation. On the muster-roll being called before

cy on the right bank of the river Gumti, and the 3rd Regiment of Military Police, who furnished all the guards in Lucknow, had their lines in the present Horticultural Gardens, close to the Kadam Rasul, the old tomb which you still see there on the mound, and which at that time was converted into a pow-

der magazine. The 32nd Regiment, the only British infantry in Lucknow, occupied the Chau per Stables. so called as they were built in the form of across; they are now known as Lawrence Terrace, the building occupied by the Union Club. Their ofiicers were scattered about the station and used the Khursheid Manzil (the Martiniere girls’ school of today) as their messhouse. This should give you an idea of how the troops were located at the commencement of the mutiny, and will show you what a wide area they were scattered over, roughly speaking, on a triangle of which the base from the

Musa Bagh to the Paper Mills was about six

leaving the Machhi Bhawan, one man could

miles, and the two shorter sides about four miles The first outbreak of mutiny in Lucknow, occurred on the 3rd of May at the Musa Bagh amongst the 7th Oudh Irregular 1nfantry, but this was so promptly dealt with

not be found. It afterwards transpired that he had been drunk and had gone to sleep in some out-oflthe-way corner. He had a rude awakening as he was blown up with the fort, but came down again unhurt and continued his sleep among the debris. The following morning he woke up and was surprised to find himself the sole occupant ofa pile of ruins, so he walked over to the Residency through the native city drivingapair of buliocks in an ammunition cart. Curiously enough he arrived safely and announced his arrival thus, “ Arrah! by Jasus, open your gates ! ”We will not spend any more time here as naturally after being blown up, then fort played no fur-

by Sir Henry Lawrence, that any general rising amongst the native troops was effectually checked for the time, though they

finally mutinied on the 30th May.

Bur the

intervening time had been well spent in the preparations necessary to withstand a siege

at the Residency. I have already explained where the Musa Bagh lies, and the shortestway to it is again down Cantonment road, but when you reach the Iron Bridge you turn to the left, and about a mile down this road you will see the

ther part during the mutiny. We next pass the Hoseinabad and on the right, just behind the Clock Tower, is the

thulatkhana, where were the headquarters of Brigadier Gray, who commanded the Oudh irregular Force. Close to the tank you will see an unfinished structure called the Sat Khanda or seven-storeyed tower. It has nothing to do with the mutiny, but as it attracts the eye, 1 will just mention in passing that it was built by Muhammad Ali Shah as a watch tower.

Owing, however, to the king’s death

it never rose above the fourth storey. Immediately after passing the Hoseinabad garden you find a kacha road leading to the right just under the Sat Khanda which will take you to the Musa Bagh in just over two miles, or else right straighton through the bazaar leaving the Hoseinabad lmambara and the Juma Musjid on your left. A quarter of

a mile further on, the road turns to the right and goes due north for another quarter of a mile, where it joins the other road from the Sat Khanda; turn to the left and you willfind

the Musa Bagh in a mile and a half. Besides witnessing the opening of the mutiny, the Musa Bagh also took its part in the closing scene, as it formed the last stronghold of the mutineers, from which, on March 19th, they were expelled, and pursued for some miles into the country where they scattered in the nullahs though a great many were killed. Captain Wala, the commander of the pursuing force, was killed just after he had given the order for the pursuit to cease. He was buried in the Musa Bagh under a mango tree Chinhut is probably known to most of you chiefly as a favourite rendezvous for field days, and you are accustomed to go to it via the Pontoon Bridge, but on June 30th, 1857, Sir

Henry Lawrence advanced on it along the main

road from the lion Bridge with his

whole available troops, all of which,except the


.1 193

the mutineers, reported at about 4,500 with six or seven guns, who were known to have

arrived at Chinhut from F‘yzabad, and also to test the temper and fidelity of the native troops who were still with us. Unfortunately their numbers turned out to be nearer 16,000 men, with thirty-six guns, and against this we had only 539 Infantry, 136 Cavalry and eleven guns. East of the Kokrail Nullah the road at that time consisted of a raised embankment of loose sand, so one can easily imagine the trial it must have been to men who had already marched out from the Residency without any breakfast on the last day of June. On nearing Ismaelganj, the enemy were found to be holding the village, though at the beginning of the fight they were not there in strength. A few minutes later their whole force was seen drawn up in front of the village of Chinhut. In those days the country was practically clear of trees, but now you cannot see across those two miles on account of them. The result of the fight was disas~ trous to us, and ended in our having to retire

to the Residency, not only fighting astern rear-guard action all the way, but also having to force our way through the mutineers who had got round our flanks and were waiting for us beyond and to the left of Kokrail Bridge. Here it was that Captain Radcliffe with his

thirty—six volunteers

charged and routed

five hundred of the enemy’s cavalry and two guns. It was also at the bridge that our gunners stood over their empty guns with lighted portfires and thus held the enemy in check whilst the straggling column went by. Our native gunners played

us false


overturned their guns down the embankment and the native cavalry deserted. Altogether the day had cost us 118 Euro-

gunners of the Horse Battery, thirty-Six men

peans killed, 182 natives killed or missing,

of volunteer cavalry under Captain Radcliffe, and three hundred men of the 82nd Regiment, were natives. The object of this advance was to attack

and 54 Europeans and 1) natives wounded, but who reached the Residency.

On‘the 6th and 10th of March, 1858, the village of Ismaelganj and the ground round




Kokrail Bridge saw a very different sight, as on those dates Sir James Outram camped

there with a strong force preparatory to the flank movement with which he assisted Sir Colin Campbell’s final retaking of Lucknow. Coming back down the Hazratganj we pass

the General Post Office and are reminded that this was formerly the Begum Kothi. It took two hours’ hard fighting to clear this

of rebels on the lltli March, 1858, and per haps the saddest memory attached to that day is that here Hodson of Hodson’s Horse received his death-wound. He died the next day and was buried the same evening at the Martiniere ; you can see his grave there now standing close to the road. It is very sad to think that such a brilliant and daring soldier should have owed his death entirely to his own rashness. He insisted on trying to enter a room in the Begum Kothi in which some rebels were cornered, but was shot in the doorway. (To be continued.)



To anyone unaccustomed to travel abroad, the impression produced by the first visit to a foreign capitaI must always be of interest. Berlin itself shows marked evidence of the

Prussian character.

It is orderly, clean, with

wide straight streets, of magnificent architecture and most artistic statuary. Statues in white marble of all the kings of Prussia would be no unusual ornament to expect, but to see these arranged on both sides of a beautiful drive, each statue on a semicircular marble platform, attended by smaller statues or busts of the principal statesmen of the time gives a deep impression of art, organisation, method

and magnificence. Again, the monuments erected to bygone Kaisers, soldiers and

statesmen, all bear the stamp of realistic art, so different from that seen elsewhere. In Berlin, a statesman of perhaps quiet 0r seden-

tary habits is not handed down to posterity riding a fiery stallion, but statues there are marble likenesses of historic personages. For example, the great von Moltke is shown in undress and without a sword, leaning against a wall with his legs crossed, and might'be an


service is but two years, and a large proporTHE SERVANT QUESTION.

tion serve for only one year.

The results

attained are even more remarkable, and prove

by “ BRAIN Boat.”

still remember him affirm that the likeness of the famous chief of the Prussian General Staff is striking. To me the pathos of its simplicity amidst so much magnificence is only equalled by the epitaph on the tomb of Henry Lawrence, the Saviour of India, at Lucknow. “Here lies Henry Lawrence who tried to do his duty. " An Englishman cannot fail to be astonished at the ceremony among all classes. Every officer salutes every other he meets. rl‘he men not only salute all officers as we do, but when meeting their in] mediate superiors, they

not only that the system is perfect, but also thatjthe officers and non-commissioned officers area very efiicient body of instructors. To say that the troops are superior to our own would be to make too sweeping an assertion, and convey a false impression. The cavalry certainlyappear to be better trained as regards their horses, more evenly mounted on a good wellibred class of horse, and very steady in the ranks. The uniforms are very effective and most practical. In full dress, we do not see the general effect spoilt, as with us, by some incongruous article of apparel like our infantry helmet. The deepest impression of all is certainly that caused by the wonderful personality of


our Colonel—in-Chief.

emblem.—“ Deep meditation.”







even if

quite young lads, bow to each other, removing their hats as to ladies, and the friendly greeting with a nod or the wave of the hand even to intimate friends, would be considered

a breach of etiquette.

In regimental messes

ceremonial etiquette is carried to even further lengths When a senior officer drinks wine with ajunior, the latter rises, bows, drinks, bows again, and sits down. A junior officer seated near his colonel. wishing to return the compliment, could not turn to him and ask permission to drink his health. He must send fora waiter and request him to inform the colonel he would like to have the honour of drinking his health. Having gone through all this ceremony, he then proceeds with the rising, bowing, etc. Again, a subaltern would never dare address his captain without giving him his full title, and the custom of using nicknames between officers of different ranks is unknown. The Guard’s Corps, numbering 85,000 men, is permanently quartered at Berlin, Potsdam, or in their vicinity, and a stranger cannot fail

to be deeply impressed by the eiiiciency of this force, when he realises that the term of

1/, The Sgce. Is there one among us, I wonder, soldiering away out here in this at once glorious and disgusting country, this land of sand and sunshine, of frets and fevers, of baksheesh and

“ chits,” who does not daily heave a sigh, and fervently ejaculate that time—honou red sol-

dier’s expression “ Roll on! ”

Is there one

who does not think back to the time when, stationed in some gay, little English garrison town, he performed the none too arduous duties required of hi m, duties only sufficient to keep him in excellent health, and enjoyed life— his life, the life he knewand loved—to the full ’3’

The Emperor, with all

If there be such an one, then either the sun

the State departments with which he must be in constant touch, finds time not only to review his troops, to attend manoeuvres in several districts, but also to take part himself as a commander of one side, or as the A practical leader of a cavalry division scheme is sometimes set him by his InspectorGeneral of Cavalry, and he proves to the satisfaction of the highest military critics that he is a soldier of very great ability. Should Germany find herself at war, it will be His Majesty who will assume supreme command. With such a system and such aleader, it is not surprising that Berlin from a military

has made too close an acquaintance with him, and has destroyed his mental balance, or with the guilty consciousness of some fell deed committed prior to his departure, he realises that he would return to England only to serve His Most Gracious Majesty in some other and less honourable capacity. Not that he sueli‘ers hardships in India: on the contrary, he has less work to do, and

standpoint creates an impression, more profound and more lasting even than that produced by its beauty and artistic architecture

consequently more freedom.

“ Ay, there’s

the rub,” what to do with that freedom? He would be much happier, eventually, were he made to work all day, although 1 fear that, so pronounced is his lassitude become as the resultof his long immunity from work. he would at the mere mention of the word, rapidly develop sy mptoms of ague. Search-

ing among the elements or influences which The following extract is taken from Aldcrshot News of August 18th, 189-1 2-“ The health of the Emperor was proposed by the


In response, the Emperor said that

it was agreat pleasure to him to dine With so distinguished a corps as the “Greys,” of Whom he had heard before. Their motto “ Second to none ” was perfectly true, always excepting, he added, “my own regiment, the Royal Dragoons ”

have tended to the production of this result, and setting aside

the peculiar,


climate, probably the mostimportant factor

stands revealed in the person of The Syce. At home our young dragoon, after an hour’s hard drill in the biting, healthgiving morning air of some heath or moorland, returns and eats a hearty breakfast, after which he turns



down to stables, where for a couple of hours he rubs and scrubs away at his still sweating

horse, cleans and polishes the steel and leath~ erwork of his

saddle, and


it up glit—

tering and resplendent on its peg. If he is what is known asa “good soldier,“ he has, by dinner time, done a fair day‘s work, and in the evening he issues forth in all the glory of his yellow and red, and swaggers otf to some place of amusement—healthy, happy. devil-may-care. See him in India. His drill he performs in a listless, indifferent fashion. He returns to stables and hands his horse ovortoa syce who fastens the animal in its mudhoored, mud-walled stall, and feeds it. while our dragoon leans against'the wall and looks on—

and only this, because a wise Commanding Officer has ordained that all feeding should be supervised by an European, Troop

and a stern

Sergeant, in turn, enforces it.

soldier again returning after breakfast, finds


wearily to stables,

his saddle has


peared. The syce has taken it round to the saddle room to clean it, and our friend Thomas has but to groom his horse.



TH E E A e L E

of many castes, or orders, Khoda Bux, theMahommedan, is no better than Badal, the‘ Hindu. They are a poor, wretched lot. In civilian life, ;the syce, in addition to being ahorsekeeper, has neceSSarily to be a fleet footed, longvdistance runner, as his work is only commencing when he has seen his master safely mounted. His arr/Li?) may have a long ride, and may, too, be in a hurry, but Heaven protect that syce if he. has not by some miraculous means contrived to cover the distance in less time, and been ready at his master's destination to take charge of the steaming ani nal! The regimental syce, it is perhaps needless to say, is

not required

to do this.

He grooms " spare“ horses and cleans their saddles, carries forage keeps the stables clean, and performs the dozen other menial duties necessary; that is to say, he will do these things if he is watched. Every soldier is responsible for the clean— liness of his own saddle, buthe does not clean it himself. Instead he pays Badal eight annas per week to do it for him. There being fewer syces than horses, Bridal may have as, many as four saddles under this arrangement, and

task he sets about as if the brush and comb weighed each a hundredweight. while as often as not he anathematizes the syce for having neglected to perform even this work for him while our languid hero ate his morning meal, He cannot help this feeling of utter weariness ; it has grown upon him gradually from

however, that, by hook or by crook, he

having for so longatime done little or no

realise every one of those eiglitvannapayments,

stable work.

he resorts to many ex pedients.

All the pride he once took in

his burnished steel buckles : all the care he

once bestowed on the mane and tail of his horse, have departed. It is enough that he rides his horse—for the rest there’s the syce. And who or what is this personage 2’ The ._

Urdu dictionary gives : “ Soisor ghorawa/[ah~ a groom ; a horsekeeper ; A IIQIIC<;~—S'yce,” There are, of course, all sorts and conditions

of syces, but taking them as a whole,”tl‘ey

occupy therlowest rung of the social ladder, and although their ranks include creatures

probably two more for which he receives no pay beyond the seven rupees per nmzsem which a generous Government gives him. With his many other duties, it is clear that he cannot find sufficient time to keep six sad. dles as they should be kept. Determined. will

The Sergeant,

walking the stables suddenly miSses


whom he ordered a few minutes previously to

groom a Spare horse. “" (:one to drink water, Sahib.” says a brother syce: but go round to the saddle-room and there you tind the absentee. His several saddles are lying

about on the ground, and 'he is giving vehement instructions to his son‘and heir, aged 5, W110 squatting near is ‘feebly erdeavouring to remove the dust-stains from agirth. His two daughters also are occupied with portions of" '

saddlery, and to these he is careful to explain

how unnecessary it is to touch those parts of the saddle which have not become soiled. The headgear he has despatched to his wife with strict injunctions to her to clean it at once. A showy, exterior effect he can understand and appreciate, but thorough cleanliness is altogether beyond his comprehension. Thus he will polish the outside portions of the buckles, but never the backs of them, nor will he waste his time cleaning any part of the saddle Vi hich. when on the horse, is not prominent. Occasionally he loses saddlery, but this fact will rarely be discovered, while there are other saddles in the store. Should there be a saddle inspection, when all saddles have to be shownsimultaneously, then even he is ‘not found wanting, He can borrow a stirrup iron or surcinglc from :1 ohm? (caste


in another squadron, and return it when the “excitement "’ is over. . In justice to him, it must be said that he

knows how to groom a horse; although he seldom displays his knowledge, unless it is with some ulterior motive. The “spare" horse he will, unless watched, gently wipe over with a cloth, taking care not to disturb the dust under the hair; a wet brush lightly over mane, tail, and hoofs, and if the day


hot and the Sergeant tired, the animal passes muster. Asa Sergeant-Major’s syce, he is seen at his best. The jemadm' (head syce) excuses him many “ fatigues ” in return for his silence with regard to various trifling The native but questionable transactions. whose duty it is to mix the feeds, takes care to give the Sergeant-Major’s horse an extra share. and so the syce has but to keep his horse clean. He is a strong believer in the massage treatment. He will stand at the side of his horse, and raising his arms above his head, bring them down with a re-

sounding whack upon the animal’s ribs, and, maintaining a pressure, carry them 'smartly

along towards the hind quarters, finishing off with a gay little flourish. This he repeats,


emitting with each whack, a short, breathless . grunt. He says, and very rightly too, that it puts






though the victim, the horse itself, appears to doubt this. With regard to the social and domestic side of the syce, there is little to tell. His place of abode is one of a collection of mud-huts, situated behind the stables, and here he spends his life, neglecting his family, drinking the native own]: to some extent, smoking his “hubblebubble,” abusingfi his wife, and storing up a marvellous collection of broken brushes, combs, bits of saddlery, horse blankets, headropes, (it has germs omne. When a native feast~day comes round, he sends in a petition to the Commanding Officer for permission to hold a famashrn in his quarters. It is written by a mimshi (native teacher), and is a curious mixture of official phraseology and native simplicity. It usually reads somewhat as follows :—“Honoured Sir,—We the syces of your bonour's Squadron, do humbly petition that your highness will having seen into our hearts grant us the favour that to morrow we do praying to our gods, and therefore it is required that we may make small music. Hopping that your honour will grant this humble request, we shall, as in duty bound, ever pray—We remain, Your honour’s obedient servants, The Syces of X Squadron.“ If the permission is granted, he celebrates

the occasion by indulgingin a bath. He is probably the only creature who does this— voluntarily, that is—without first divesting himself of his garments: since, however. the

ceremony is

performed in

perhaps, is just as well.

the open, this,

In place of the

western “tub " of huge dimensions, he uses

a latch, a brass bowl with a holding capacity of some two pints. Standing by a well, or a standpipe, on a small flat stone he loosens his dhoti (waistclothl, and, body erect, pours two or three bowls of water on his head, the while,- an ecstatic smilelights up his features. Then,



using his hands as scrapers, he takes oif the water from his body, picks up a clean, sometimes new dhoti, and puts it on over the soiled one, and with a vigorous shake, casts the latter free of his limbs, and gazes around him, smiling, happy, at peace with the uni verse. The wet zihoti is dried in the sun, and probably put by until the next feast-day

comes round, when it issues forth again to replace its own successor : of this, however, I am not certain. Such is Badal. Altogether he possesses few good traits. He is dirty. unpicturesque, avaricious, and a thoroughly abandoned rob~ her. It is not pleasant to have to say such things of one's black brother, but after long and patient study of him, 1 am reluctantly compelled to place on record the fact that

I find no one redeeming feature in the regi< mental syce. SOUTH AFRICAN LETTERS.

PIE] ERM ARITZBURG, SUI/z November, 1899.

DEAR M.,—When day broke on the 22nd instant, one of the watch came below and shouted: “ We are just off Cape Town!“ Tumbling out of hammocks, we rushed on deck eager to gaze with curious eyes on fields

and pastures new. but to our somewhat freely expressed disgust, we were enveloped in an atmosphere reminiscent of Woolwich. Not, however, for long: the fog lifted suddenly, and Table Mountain, with Cape Town at its base,

burst into View: the magnificent panorama held us spell-bound till someone said, “Say, Bill, that’s a bit (if all right, aint it 2’” and we turned down to stow hammocks, or “amicks,” as the troop-deck sergeant designated them. That non-commissioned ofiicer, “oldamicks,” as the troops dubbed him, did not belong to the Royals. but was an infantryman

on transport service. We were packed up and ready to disembark when our boat came alongside the quay, but after waiting two hours, the order came for us to go on to


when the news went round that the regiment was to form part of a force to relie ve Lady-

smith, that town being hemmed in by the enemy.



We were very pleased, especially"

All ranks were in high spirits at the

prospect of soon being in the thick of it.


received a parcel of London papers, and the mail of November 4th : also some copie s of the (In/I . Times. The news soon dispelled the prevailing fear—that we should be too late, and arrive to find the war over. One individual expressed the sentiments of the crowd when he said, on hearing of the loss of two batta lions of infantry and a mountain battery, “Goo d Iron! We shall have a rub at them yet I ” We arrived at Durban on Saturday night, 26th instant: kept close in all the way from Cape Town, along a wild rocky coast, on which we could see the white surf breaking; a heavy swell made the vessel roll a great deal, one re— sult beingthat the port messes were assaulted by the entire equipment of their starboard comrades, followed by a rapid retreat and

pursuit to starboard by the portside pots and pans. We had a good View of Port Elizabeth and East London. I leaned over the side, gazing at the land, trying to realize that this was the country where I was going to shoot at men and be shot at. Although I knew it to be a solid fact, yet it seemed unreal and impossible ;however, no doubt, a bullet whistl—

ing by one’s head would effectually convince one. We disembarked on Sunday morning, 27th November, and entrained; before mov~ ing Off. we took a tip and followed the lead of our Colonel, an old campaigner, in having our hair cut short i, [a Wormwood Scrubs. I

fancy some of our gallant troopers repented their haste in parting with their cherished “quiffs ” when during the journey up-country, the carriages were besieged by pretty girls hunting for souvenirs in the shape 0f cap and collar badges, buttons, etc. The scenery along the line was pretty, and the railway itself, to any one accustomed to . the easy gradients of English tracks, was .

little short of marvellous, up-and‘down hills and round curves where it would seem almost possible for the guard to get a light for his pipe from the engine‘driver. All along the route we had quite a reception, both at the stations and along the line, flowers and fruit, pacuets of sandwiches and other provisions were thrown through the windows. One

A Depot boat-race formed one of the items of the, programme of a regatta held on the 28th September. Our team consisted of


Ridley, Reynolds and Scroggs,

and Privates Layton and Wood. Aftera hard pull, the race resulted in a win for our team by two lengths.


patriotic but misguided individual nearly finished my career with a huge pine-apple. which

came hurtling

through the



like a 15-poundcr shell. On arriving at Pietermaritzburg we detrained and marched

Six months have elapsed since I last wrote on the above subject, but they have been sufficient to bring me round to the same

to the r ice-course and encamped.~—Yours, etc. way of thinking as the men, i.8., that the Club

OL-OL. has been a failure. DETACHMENT LETTER.

NAINI TAL, in October, 1907. DEAR EDIToR,eSince my last letter, the majority of the Cup competitions have been completed. A team callingitself “ Y. M. O, A.“ entered for and eventually won the Rampur Football Cup.


representatives in


team were Corporal Pittkin, and Privates Wood, Ashford, and Johnston~all of whom

played well.


I am,

of Course, quite

prepared to hear that in the meanwhile the men also have changed their opinions, and now think the club a success. However, the fact remains that it is not possible to go on running at a loss, and consequently, on October Slst of this year, the present club will cease to exist. By that time i shall be able to square up the accounts, so that the winding up will not leave a debt. At the present time we have some fifty pounds worth of stock in hand, a portion of which will be sold in order to clear off the existing



the remainder divided

Those men of the reglment who have lost their dogs at Naini Tal, will be glad to

amongst squadrons in proportion to the nu m-

hear that one of our prowling visitors (a leopr

ber of members in each.

:er) was killed a few days ago in the Depot.

ltis due to the members of the club to {\xplalll why this action is being taken, so for

As an evidence of his guilt, an undigested portion ofa dog was found in his stomach. We are in hopes of avenging the loss of a few more of our canine friends before rejoining headquarters. A Signalling station has been established on a hill about ten miles from the Depot, for (-ommunication with




long distance scheme starts on or about the 15th October, when a. station will be estnh lished on Cheena Point, one of the highest , ' . . . peaks in the vicinity. Our Regimental Sandow IS in strict training, and bids fair to eclipse his former performances at our next circus.

the benefit of those who did not attend the

general meeting held on the llth instant, I publish the following :—


The wear and tear has not been fair,

No care whatever is taken of the Club proper.

{y by the men, who seem to take a delight in breaking everything up, chiefly I think so that they may get what they call “their money‘s worth." They quite forget that under the sluadron clubs when they broke things up, they had to go Without for the rest of the month. 2, In my last letter I pointed out the diniculty 0f gauging beforehand what the


'l‘ H .E

. public taste in games was going to be. This has been exemplified during the hot weather, when, for some unknown reason, cricket became the rage. During the preceding three ’ years in this country, cricket has been looked upon as only possible in the winter months, and has rarely been played even then, but as for cricket in the summer, anyone suggesting it would have been looked upon as a madman. Now that the weather has become cooler, the

pendulum has swung once more, and cricket is never mentioned. In the meanwhile an en-

thusiastic hot weather cricketer went to Eng— land and ordered a further consignment of bats which are now at Bombay, and which, of

E A (i L it


the Regiment wishes to be represented, it can hardly ask the team to bear its own expenses. Abolishing, the Regimental Club will raise this question of how the expenses of teams or individuals competing in tournaments are to be defrayed, but it is a subject which I shall leave to others. However, without going into the matter, I can add that at the meeting held on the


liEl, 110, lili, 103.

Scrgt. Oxford .. l‘. S. M. Thompson . Sergt.-'l‘rnmptr. Nash llasler ..

10.1, 88, 5:3, Sl,


The men bership of the Club can hardly

be looked on as satisfactory, as since January

lst of this year the average strength and the average memberships (monthly) by squadrons have been approximately—“ A " Squadron


Strength. 173

Members/zip. i317

H B K“cu “ D“

. .. ..

170 i624 166

I35 mi To

" H “

Needless to say, “ D " Squadron expect to be allowed the use of just as much plant as the other squadrons, though they have only half the number of members.

This proves what I said in my last letter, 1,9,, it is impossible to run the Club fairly. unless every one belongs.

11th instant, there seemed to be a

ed, and the number oi musical items were

dividuals representing the Regiment in the different tournaments. Some consider that the Club should be responsible. whilst others take the exact opposite view. Certainly it seems unfair that, practically, the whole year’s income should be absorbed in one football tournament Theexpenses of the team, going to Simla and Bombay, amounted to Rs. 900 and Rs. 750, respectively. On the other hand, if




Points. 2s








.9. " l) " Squadrons

Cup to be held by winners for one year. Silver spoons to each member of winning team. Poul .‘lmutllzg.


Parties of casuals are still busy on the ranges, but another month should see the annual course completed. The chief musketry event of the month is the Sergeants” first annual meeting which took place on the 3rd instant. Shooting commenced at6.\.M and “cease fire" sounded at 6 RM. The



a great success,


practically the whole of the members were present. Breakfast and tifiin were served inalarge marquee, and other tents were erected for light refreshments, and for shelter between competitions, the latter a necessity in a sun-heat of 165°! The programme consisted of——(I) A grand handicap shoot at 200, 500, and 600 yards,

Another cause of discontent has been

the payment of the expenses of teams or in

1st i’i'izu, iil‘i ivgliissos. 2nd “ CHSI‘ Fish knives. 3rd " Silver spoon. 4th " DU. do.

at each range. ([1) Team shoot for [nteiu Squadron Cup (falling plates). (III) t’ool shooting all day. Rusuu‘s. llmulz’ca'p Shoot. CLASS 1. Scary. ‘ Q. M. S. Heall Q. M. S. King: crgt Granthier .S. M. Wallis

.. .. ..

140, 1st Prize, pair iiield-glas-.~ 136, 2nd " Silver niiig. 127, 3rd “ Do. spoon. 1:23, 4th " Do. do.

A concert was held in the Sergeants” Mess on Saturday evening last, when all the mem» bors present in Lucknow, and most of the ladies assembled to bid farewell to S. Q. M. S. and Mrs. King who leave the regiment for Englan l, sailing by the “ Dongola" on the 18th instant. A good programme had been arrang—

Inlrr-Nt/iuidron. r'iip. “ .\ “

7 rounds independent, and 5 rounds rapid 4

lst Prize, iirld~ghi<sws L‘nd “ Casi-oi i“l‘llit knives. 3rd " Siivt-i‘ spoon. 4th “ lib. do.

(Yi..-\ss ll i.

course, will remain on the hands of the Club, as some other game (probably hockey) will be holding sway by the time they arrive.


CLASS ll. SPI‘L’L. (ioddn rd Weston Carter Norton

general feeling in favour of every man in the Regiment being made to pay a certain sum (annas ‘2 was suggested) to a Regimental Club which would be responsible for Regimental matches only—G; F. STEELE, M ajor, President, .i‘li/elir' Club.


Ar. tho rlose oi" day ‘-’ l5 oil‘s-eyes" were paid at the rate of Rs. ll each. A v incort was held in the Mess Room in the evening, and thus brought to a close one

of the “lost (\i‘ijoyablo days spent in Lucknow. The entertainment was opened by a short SPUt‘i'il and presentation of prizes by it. S. i]. 'l‘lioiiipson, followed by a vote oi" thanks to Sergeant Bush and the con’iiiiittee for the excellent way in which the arrangements of

the meeting were carried out. Programme .

l‘hiphoniiim Solo - Sir-in, " Navnhon“ . a “ Whistling lliil‘iis‘ . Song. "' Father i i'll‘lyn'Y Sprig. “ Ki'iinv lby‘s t‘niishliiing " .. Song, “ Faded Leaves " Song, “ Egypt “ .. S inn, “ The lilluil‘l‘ " .. The i‘lr-ri'iitrir NillSi' iiil:l5


Si‘i‘gt-l‘i‘iiinmr Nash. Corpl. Fisher. Sergt. lJavis. Sci’gtxHaioi' May.

his service in “ A ” Troop—now “ A " Squadron. lie leaves with the best of best wishes of all his comrades. CRICKET.

Only three matches have been played, so far as we are aware, since the last “Eagle " was published, and it seems safe to assume that those are the final efforts. The growth of the cricket craze was too mushroom-like togive promise of permanency, and unless the cup which is promised by our Commanding Oti-irzer» has the effect of reviving an interest in this

particular branch of sport, there does not S. S. l”. luvon. Si-rgt Mitz‘hwll. Si-rgt. iii'zinihiI-r Sergt. Sales.

seem any likelihood of cricket becoming popu~ lar _ . The scores of the matches in question are given below.

Sei‘gls. Niii‘ioii iiiid 'l‘heztl'ie " ii " SQUAllllF/N 2‘s. " D " SQL';\|)RO.\'.

Song.“Uiii"l‘hi'oi-pciiiiy liop‘y . S. S. M. Wallis. Song. “The liritish

Navv ”

tl’ioroughiy enjoyed. During the evening, R S. M. Thompson, on behalf of the members of the Mess, presented to S. M. King a handsome silver rose bowl suitably inscribed, andto Mrs. King, alady's companion. King is a good Old soldier, with a fine service record, and he will be greatly missed in the regiment He was further the recipient of a case of pipes from the Staff Sergeants and Sergeants of “ A " Squadron. It is interesting to note that S. Q. M. S. King has put in the whole of

.. SL-i'gt. llai'niun,

Cake )Valk . SUPER (h'iiiithivi'. (‘liorus :-—“ Sailing Home to dear (lid England.“ " 'l‘iii-. KiNU-l‘ibll‘iillt‘ril‘i." At. a spoon shoot held on Lill! ltith September, the fol, w“). lowing were the winners ; Luwixs :; Tomi ., ‘J. 1st. Sergeant i'mwis " “ i lilll'mull .. llo. ‘Eiid

"1)" Souanuox.

l‘io. I‘ldis.

h Sciiioii

" Marlow. LL'L’. ‘orpl \':iiisiin l’li‘. ( ll' li‘\'. Run

" ‘ 'N


Corpl. Mnriin,

not out

c Earl.


Lulu-Cm-nl. Pegs. h l’iL'. 14|\\'1’(‘UCL‘. c “'clt‘ll- '1 \Vol ITL’. ’l‘ownsliond.

b b


" . lac/r418 Tomi




'l‘ I] ll} 'EAGrLE


“B " Sousnnox.

FOOTBALL. Pro. Davis. " Brown, Collier.

Cook. Seaton. " .arl. -Corpl. \Vclch. " Jeffrey. Ptc. Bray.


0 Lawrence, b Edi~ run out is Rankin

This sport is being now l'recly indulged in, and from what can be gathered, there is every hope of the regiment producing a strong

c Townshund. li Rankin

c Edis. h Rankin lbw. b Vanson

c Marlow. b Gnllzitlci'

senior combination this season.

c 'l‘ownshend. b \‘nnsoi:


(3 Townshcnd. l) Gallaili'y


c Gallntley. b Viinmn 'I‘oiul

SERGTS.. ” R OYALS “ rs. SERH'I‘S.. " S(‘l.\IICRL\‘Ii'I‘S."

1) Cole 1) “

b Edwurds run out b Cole




Church, Sims. Hinton. Snell.

1) Edwards (3 Edwards. ii i‘nln


not out

Wilson. Gibbons.

1i Cole


(- Romain. l» i‘oliisnn

h Collison


'l‘oiul ‘


1) Church 1) Maddox " Edwards. not out Bdm. Holt. 0 Dighr. b Maddox Semi. Sales. Church " Collison. not out

Semi. “’eston, " Rankins.

fly/111.9 ’J‘olail

" B “ SQUADHON I‘a'. " l' " SQUADIIUN.

“ B “ SQUADRHN. S. Q. M. S. Beull. Pie. Cook. Brown.

st. Dewixw. 1i (,‘iie c Nelson. ii Hair-liu'ell


Scaton. " Earl Lee-Corn]. Welch Poe. Davis.





~Corpl. Richmond.

Scum Sales. Ptc. Pine. " Puddiioot. ‘ Nelsen.

Infantry. This game started well, both sides playing good football, but towards the finish the players slowed down, owing doubtless to the heat, which was intense. The result was a draw of one point each. li’tlt October.—R0yals rs. Oxford Light In-

Lce.-Corpl. Hoff.

not out

Pie. Hawhwell. " Groom Dewinx

(3 Euri. l) Seniou

such games

3.111.} nm nan. It’d-NW.» 'J'o' :ii

Regiment. The Rest won by 3 goals (Fisher,

Vanson and Page) to ml

“ C " Squadron 77w. 1.0 G. T. “A " Sqmdron

“A " successful by 3 goals (Wheeler 2

and Burnidge) to 2 (Maytumi. REGIMENTAL GAZETTE. Furl/mull [UN] Lcuw'

Draft from [royal Scofs Greys arrived per H. T. “ Bongo/a ” on lOl/z instant. Pte. Andrews. E. “ Lee. T. \V. “ 'l‘ipple. S. ’I‘. “ rergeant. T. S. “ Ai’lziins T. “ Johnson, H. L. “ Harnetty. E. “ llrondbeut, G. “ Plutt. H. “ Watson, G, “ Edwards. i‘v‘. “ Sci'uhy E “ Cowley. J. “ Mir-.lniels J. " Russell. J “ Flanders, A. “ ’l‘i'ler. S. “ Kelsey. J. 195 Pm. Euimins. El. ii RuLcllfi. I‘l. Parks. J. Ravell. B. Henderson, W. R Price, J, Warren, P

He. “ “ “

Nelson to he provisional Lat-Corporal Field 0. do. Hall'ord do. do. Knight do. do.



editor, or if not themselves they could depute others to do so. (“l-e mention of any performance in the regimental paper makes the record apermanent one, and it is often in-

il’l(l'l")'l(tg€. AI

Ainhala. 5th October, Sergant-Miister Frank Simpson to Jessie Williamson

Ermmzwtions. Pt? “ “ “ “ “


Sergeant Husler. at Lucknow. 5th October. 19.3“. 540;, He. Davis do. it. do.



Sergeant Bonnet granted 21 pence a day for life.

5313, 5314 303 5676 5411 5846

Protis. S. Ricliaidson, A. Levett. A. {iisIIT‘L A Hamilton. J. Love. A. Veal, S. Mulllss. P. Mock, P. Turner, E. Barber. W. Meiilpy. E. llelleia ’1" Jarrett. H. Coll er, H. ’l‘owiisnend. R. Mann. 311..




and sending in results to the

“ “ “ “ “ “ “ ” “

Iirown, W. Sollitt, C. Bl‘thilm. A. Maynard. J .l.


5820. 5122 5222 4218


Pte. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “

oorie. on 11th instant. the wife of S. Q. M. S. uart. of a daughter.

.11 pmu’ni‘mmds

no record is kept. Squadron sport secre~ taries should make a pointof attending all


S S M. Elliott. 2800 .Q M S King. 3 iii ,S. Q. ill. S Abbott. 4.i.i1, Corpl. Ridley. 4019 llay. 41.63 “ Green. 40.38 “ Simpson. 4477, Pte. Gibbs 4450 him [1 u 4497 Williams. n 44198 Miles. H 4304 Poole. .s 47.115 {awliusoir 4631 Hammett. 5869 Greer.

HOCKEY. present, most of the matches are hurriedly arranged. squadron and troop games, of which

it Beall. i) Seulon 1) Winter 1) Davis

Corporal Vansivn scored

Scrilicu. Sergt. Bush rn-cugiigrd for 31 yours. 5467. Pto. Syins ext-‘udod to 1:) you . 309 “ Miller, extended to 5 years. 5871 “ Fox. extended to s years. 5872 “ Comrie, extended to 8 years. Moncs. LCB.‘C01‘pl. Prortor, to Nuiui ’l‘al. as Assistant. Schoolwaster 5467. Pte. Syins. to Cnivnpoi'n. for :1 course as Saddle-tree Maker. Corp]. Plumb. to Fatehgurh. as Instructor to Mounted [in family Lee-Corp] Ashman do, do " Clark do do. " Fi-rgusi-n do do “ Knight do do “ Fli‘lil (lo. do “ H lford do do. " Burk do do.

Although hockey is being much played at " U " SQEA LDHUN.

result~ 3 goals each.

all three. Corpls., Royals v9. Corpls., “0” Battery R. H. A, “O ” Buttery. Elgoals. Royals. 2goals (Fisher and Vanson). Regimenial Lodge I O. G. ’l‘, 17.9 Rest of

lOL/z October.——Royalsvs. Shropshire Light

'J‘iunl for 2 wickets

retired hurl b Seamn run out

played games of which

Capt. T. P. Godman. to England. for 6 months. Liunt W. H. .I. St L. Atkinson. to England. for 6 months 2ud«l_iieut 'l‘. N \Vaisoii. to liliim T21] Corporal Reed. to Engliind. for a months.

If. r/1'/1.\'

SerEL Cole.

The few recently

there is any record. are as follows :— Royals v.9. lanning College. Even game;

Infantry. Our men played a sterling game and beat their opponents by Sgoals to 71/]. (Moore 2, and Corporal Fisher.)

View. Fast and clever, both sides maintained their pace throughout, and the match ended in a pointless draw.

7 did not luii.

3523 .

to discuss details.

men. 261}; September.—Royals v.9. Somerset Light

fantry. An excellent game from every point of


'Corpl. W’inter Pie. Hook

pares with the present headquarter side. Space does not permit of a lengthy description of each game played being given, but the matches of the last few weeks, with their results, are noted briefly below :— IOIh SeptembeneRoyals v.9. R. A Brigade. An even game. Our side weak (as ever) in goal-getting. Score,l—l. 17th September—Royals ’L‘S. Durhams. Hard, fast play. resulting in a win for the infantry»

“ Soniieusnrs. " 'Sergt. Maddox. " Giggins.

team, which consists almost entirely of new blood, will shortly be back from NainiTal, and it will be interesting to see how it com-

4946 Pm. Miles awarded 3rd class certificate of Education. 534o Troke 0. 5810 ii Evans do 5863 ii M urshall do 3‘ 5<59 Sutherland do. 5533 ii Whyte do

a success, it is lime the committee assembled

not out



The Depot

teresting to study the “form " of a. certain side or individual Allnon-commissioned officers and men will shortly be back at headquarters, so that if the Inter—Squadron Hocuey Tournament is to be

Belcher awarded 3rd 01a .9 uel‘lllluilbl‘ of Education. l4‘itzwzilter do. Mitchell Seiirle Huck Moteei'

Miss M. Cruse Major-General Godman ..

W Finn. Esq Colonel T. A. Irwin Captain P

E. Hardwick INDIA.

Lieutenant R von Bri‘ining W. Whatinore. Esq.


itawa, El aw & Unis nit intuit.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH, 1907. Mennen’s “Borated

Mennen S

TaICum Toilet GPOWder.


’Dr. GQAVE'S .World-famed)

Excellent @owder for adults. unscented. highly recommended for all Toilet purposes.


As. 12 per Tin.

Tooth @owder. The


Mennen’s Violet TaICum GPowder.







Tooth Powder possible

to buy and is excellent

for the teeth :il is high- ‘ ‘1)elicalely Violet perfumed, a delightful 6Powder for the Nursery.


As.12 per






the leading dentists.





Garbolic Tooth

The Powder, Wearever

AS. 8 Lg}? As. It).

By the time these lines appear in print we will have fairly launched upon our winter season. The excessive heat has departed and given place to cold mornings and evenings, and a maximum shade temperature of 900. The annual exodus from summer stations has taken place, and Lucknow is filling rapidly. Serge clothing has been taken into wear during the evenings, and shortly the hotweather white duck clothing will be discarded altogether and packed away until next April. Unfortunately, no rain has fallen, and the lines and surroundings. are inches deep with dust, which, disturbed frequently by the comings and goings of the troops, rises in great clouds, and renders seeing and breath»

Dragoons Circus. “ At Home” the Royals. 23rd. Saturday, Afternoon, Races, Band the Durhams. “At Home” the Durhams, Staff and Departments, Mahomed Bagh Club. 35th. Monday, Afternoon, Polo, Band the

Owing to the scarcity of water and

forage in the districts, it has been finally

Hot water


In spite, however, of the difficulties 0f fodder-supply, arecord number of horses has been sent here for the Army Cup Meeting, which takes place this month. In this connection we are promised a splendid round of amusement as the following


“At Home" R. A. M. C, and

Mahomed Bagh Club. 28th. Thursday, Afternoon, Races, Band 21th Punjabis. “ At Home” the Royals, and Mahomed Bugh Club.


In place of the cup for the Narain Singh

shows :—

12th. Tuesday, Afternoon. Gymkhana, Band 24th Punjabis. “At Home ” the Durhams, and Mahomed Bagh Club. 14th. ThurSday, Afternoon, Gymkhana, Band 8th Rajputs. “At Home” the Oxfords, and Mahomed Bagh Club.

-18th. Monday, Rajputs

Royals. “At Home” R .A., and Mahom-

ed Bagh Club. 26th Tuesday, Afternoon. Races, Band 8th

decided to abandon the manoeuvres,

Roger {‘9 Gallet’s @oudre de @iz,

and R. A. M. C.

22nd. Friday, Afternoon, Polo, Band the Oxfords “At Home” the Royals, and Mahomed Bagh Club. , 22nd. Friday, Evening, 9-30 P M. The Royal

ing a difficult and unpleasant task. Worse still is the effect the absence of rain is having on the crops, and reports from all quarters show the agricultural outlook to be gloomy indeed.


19th. Tuesday, Afternoon, Races, Band the Oxfords. “At Home” the Oxfords, 8th Rajputs, and Mahomed Bagh Club. 20th. Wednesday. Afternoon, Polo, Band 24th Punjabis. “ At Home.” the 24th Pun! jabis and Mahomed Bagh Club. 20th. Wednesday. Evening, Army Cup Ball, Band Durhams and Oxfords. 21st. Thursday, Afternoon, Races “Cup Day ” Band the Royals. “At Home” the Royals, R. A., Oxfords, 24th Punjabis,




“At Home ” the Durhams, and

Mahomed Bagh Club.

Polo Tournament, which we have now won outright, the regiment is presentinga cup to be competed for during the Army Cup week. This is open to any team, provided that there are not more than two players who have played in the Inter-Regimental, or

Championship tournaments. Ponies are limited to sixteen per team. The following have entered for the Royal Dragoons Polo



Tournament :— Royal Dragoons




Durham Light Infantry, Royal Artillery, XV Bussars, XII Lancers, [I Lancers, Somerset Light Infantry, and 60th Rifles. The Regimental hounds had their first meet of the season at the Pontoon Bridge, on Thursday, November 7th. At present there are too many standing crops. so that there is but little chance of a good run ; but later on,

good sport should result from the efforts of the pack. On Thursday, hounds soon found on the Martiniére side of the railway, but the jackal at once crossed over the line, and,

They are relieved here by “S " Battery,

taining water.

A moderate season is there-

take this opportunity of welcoming the new arrivals in Lucknow. Lieutenant H. Jump joining the regiment for the first time, arrived in India by the “ Plassy," and reached Lucknow on the 28thof last month. A party of six men proceeding home on transfer to the Army Reserve, and three invalids, sailed by the “ Plassy” on the 1st November.


Naini Tal detachment re-

joined in two parties on the 30th ultimo and

thick cover.

4thinstant, and now with the exception of one or two officers still on leave, the regiment is “ all present. ”

The pack at present consists of ten couple of fox-hounds, but three more couple are ex pected out from home soon.

Colonel deLisle, on the eve of his departure from England, was detained by command of

after a short hunt, was lost in

the King until the 21st of this month, We must congratulate Mr. Tom kinson on his success at Poona. He had twenty-six mounts, rode five winners, and was placed on twelve other occasions. In the big meetings in September the only two steeplechases were

won by the regiment—the Grand National by Captain Grant’s “ Madeira," and the Pony Champion Chase by Mr. Miles’ “Daphne.” At the same meeting “ Madeira." ran second in the Grand Annual. and Mr. Cosens’ “Umutbee ” second in the ldar Plate, ahurdle race for a stake



Sir Pertab

Singh. Captain McNeile experienced bad luck, as his horse, “White Heather," ran five times, and, though not successful, was placed on each occasion. The shooting season was opened on Octoher 27th by a party of twelve guns from the regiment, who, shooting at Hardoi, obtained 283 duck and 29 snipe. Owing to the failure of the monsoon, all the smaller jliee/s will be dry and the duck will be concentrated on the larger expanses of water. This natural restriction of shooting grounds will result in the

R. H. A., who arrived earlyin the month. We

fore to be expected.


order to be in attendance on His Majesty the German Emperor, during the latter’s visit to Windsor. The Emperor arrived at Porte-

mouth on November 11th and is staying at; Windsor Castle until the 18th. We losea number of good old friends in “O ” Battery, R. H. A., who left here on 3lst ultimo, moving in relief to Bangalore. This fine battery was formed in l813, as the “2nd Rocket Troop," and as such took part in the battle of Leipsic, where it greatly

distinguished itself. After the battle of Waterloo, in which it figured conspicuously.

Colonel deLisle writes that he paid a visit to the Union Jack Club and was delighted with everything he saw. The club which was erected at the cost of £100,000, and presented by the nation to its serving soldiers and sailors, is situated opposite the entrance to Waterloo Station. It is provided with every possible comfort, and contains 200 beds, each in a cubicle eight feet square. The doors of these cubicles are furnished with brass plates showing the name of the donor, and in whose memory it was given. Those belonging to the Royal Dragoons are numbered 141, 112 and 143, and are in memory of the late Lieutenant

Knowles. The Club is a magnificent present to our troops, but being totally unendowed, must be made self—supporting by the small charges for rooms, and the profit on the table; 9d a day is charged for a room. and the prices of meals range fro n 3d to (id. Needless to say,

served all through the campaign in the Crimea, and rendered excellent service in the late South African war. Our acquaintance with many of its present members began ten years ago in woolwich where our “ A ” Squadron was then stationed._ We met again in South Africa, and since’our arrival in Lucknow,‘ nearly four years agO,

we. have continued close friends.

Our best,

birds soon becoming hopelessly wild, from

wishes are with “ O ” Battery wherever they‘

being so often shot "at on-the few places con-

may go.

- 4

' i

., ~ ‘

and deLisie attended for the first time.


siderable doubt had existed as to the possibility of providing a Cottage Home in a suitable

locality for the money available.

We are glad

to be able to state that this difficulty seems likely to be overcome Lord Basing and Colonel deLisle were de—

puted to make enquiries at Hounslow, and the results appear to be quite satisfactory. We hope to be able to give more definite particulars in our next issue, but must congratulate the committee on the place chosen. Hounslow is not only a very healthy district, but its easy communication with London makes it excellent as the site for our Home. The first annual dinner of the “Old Royals ” is to be held on the 23rd"of this month in London. Major Balfour, who is the secretary as well as the originator, is assisted by a. committee composed of Captain Hardwick, Captain Parsns, Mr Finn,

Mr. Bradshaw, and

Sergt.«Majm‘ Swan. This yearly gathering together of old comrades will be an institution much appreciated by all, and we wish the

initial re-union hearty success. We hope to be able to give an account of it in a later issue.

the club is much patronised, and. from Friday

to Monday, the numbers accommodated average over 200, the surplus being bedded ina large room originally intended for another purpose, and even in a neighbouring Town Hall.

it returned home, and was amalgamated with

the 1st Rocket Troop, thereafter for 30 years being known as “The Rocket Troop. " It


The Secretary, Major Gascoigne, late Grena-

dier Guards, is a weltknown and capable Staff Officer, who is now one of the mosthard-worked

,ciub secretaries in London.

Colo: el.



writes .‘—“ I


been exceedingly interested in The Eagle and

am very glad it is likely to be such a succesg It is very pleasant to feel in touch with the dear old regiment, and to read of all its doings. 1 wish we had started The Eagle many years ago —b‘101‘eat."’

With this able

officer in charge. there can be very little doubt that the comfort of the visitors will be attended to, as well as the financial success of the splendid institution being assured. The

The following are some of the letters received since last issue :—

committee of the regimental South

African Memorial met in London on October

78th, when Colonels 'l‘oniliinson, Lord Basing,

.l/njm‘ John Lap. writesr—“Enclosed is a Pestal Order for The Eagle up to December next. Please correct me if me if 1 am mis. laken.

[ am eightysix years old, and in bad

health. and am untble to understand anymmg requiring thought; I received the Co— piesiif Tm lawn/r you forwarded to me, and sent one copy to Miss Cruse, our late Riding



Master’s daughter, and another to Ernest Cooper, son of Sergeant James Cooper, former Mess Man of the regiment: also a copy to Captain Corbet Smith, and hope they will subscribe. I was thirty years in the Royals, and served fifteen years as Adjutant. “ A brief but extremely interesting history Of this gallant old soldier has been forward

ed to us by Colonel Mesham

We publish

it with the greatest pleasure in our present number. Our thanks are due to Colonel Mesham for his kindness. ~ Transport Sergeant Plumb, writing from

"1' HF “ EA! (it. E


It was now determined .by the Britis h Government to send a force to Portu mii in

Chumbi, Tibet, tells us, “I am sorry I can

support of the claims of the Archduke OChar —

give you nothing for publication: everything is quiet in this out~of-the-way place—-

les in the Spanish Peninsula; and the Royal Dragoons being included in the force, they

only a little shooting occasionally. The eracuation of the Chumbi Valley takes place,l think, on December 81st, but if the. passes are as bad as they were last year, it will be im possible for the regiment (62nd Punjabis) to move

to India, in which case they will be compelled to remain until the roads open. There is every indicationof an early winter, and we have already had several falls of snow. I am sending copies of the. paper to my brother at Netheravon (S. M. Plumb). as I think he

would become a subscriber, if he knew. " It is gratifying to notice that an attempt is being made to revive: the old revimental Dramatic



the club could

gave up their horses to the number of 897


the British regiments remaining in Holla nd on the 6th of October. 1703, and on the 10th

theyembarked, dismounted, at Williamstadt in the vessels that were to take them to Lisbon, the strength of the regiment being 408 of all ranks Atthis period there was serving in the Royal Regiment of Dragoons as Capta in, and afterwards as Major and Rrevct Lieutenant -

Colonel, a French ofiicer, Lieutentanttlolonel de St. Pierre, whose Journal,

commencing in

the month of October, 1703, and continued to theendof 1706, has been discovered, and published by Major-General E. Renouard James, late






borough, to the Archduke Charles of Austria,

one of the rival claimants, and to Lord Galway; and who, in 1707, purchasing the Majority of Brown‘sregiment of Horse, of which he became Lieutenant-Colonel in 1732, retired from

the service in 1743, having served twelve catnpaigns abroad and one in 1718 in Scotland. Lieutenant-Colonel Renouard died in Dublin

in 1761', at about eighty-two years of age. Both he and de St. Pierre were descendants of Huguenot refugees after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1625: and it may be added that they were both equally ancestors collaterally of the General James by whose publication of the Journalin question the records of the Royal Regiment of Dragoons will now so greatly benefit. [lieutenant-Colonel de St. Pierre thus prefaces his Jom'nal :— “ [triples one doit oineruer un. historian :—l)c(tuneupd‘ordrre : tut style net, court, simple, sans salts




Ie blajme (les dizi'érrn'es I)CI?‘H€«‘:, soit [he pol tique, soit (Zr: 'I'r'll-‘C/(IOIA. "

Having therefore embarked at Williamstadt on the illth oEUctober, St. Pierre goes on to sax that:— “ Heine,“ unable to put to sea in consequence of contrary winds, there came on in the meantime one of the most terrible storms ever known, in which sixteen men-Of-war were

the last few drafts from England, others, who could take their places. Lieutenant Irwin

Colonel de St. Pierre was a collateral descend-

ger of being lost." And further on :— “Little care was taken of the forces that

ant of that Eustache fie St. Pierre so memor-

were aboutHelvoet Sluice, no shipping nor

able as the defender of Calais when besieged and taken by King Edward III. in 1847. He h 01 also in the regiment a brother~in-law, Lieutenant Peter Renouard, who was aide-decamp to General Windham in Holland, and,

shift being made for those that wanted it, Sir George Rooke sayled away for England wind, with the“ King Of Spain and a fair January, 4th the ou'LFriday, from ye Brill,

of the regimental band, we can all surely look

forward to another series of excellent entertainments. ' ‘

subsequently in Spain to the Earl of Peter-“7

of the Royal Regiment of Dragoons, dyed at Breda after a long sicknessphe came into the

Regiment Cornet in ye. year 1635 : was made a Captain in 1689, Major in the year 1697, had a brevet as Lieut Colonel in ye year 1703, in May. ' “ About that time we bad news from England that St. Pierre was made-Major of the RoSsiter,


0'!‘(‘L’I)ii‘t.s : ’lL’ILC grand sobriétr’ dams l‘c’loge e! clans

may be interesting to learn that

has been elected President, and is working to place the club on a sound footing. With plenty of rehearsals, and with the assistance


“October ye (Stir—Richard Ressiter, Major

Killigrew had the said Rossiter's troop, and

most talented of our- men are leaving the


Bredn. Colonel tt<>ssite1‘,a circumstance thus

noted in the Journal :—


regiment, but thereshould be found among

given by visiting companies, both amateur and professional. Unfortunately some of the

“ Stewart’s regiment was the only one that went entire, and the Royal Dragoons the only one that remained here entire." “After the storm many men of the regiment fell sick. Most of them were putt in a church or a vestry :ttt a place called ()ld Bone. and for all the care that was taken of them several dyed .[t is remarkable that the regiment had but one man sick when we embarked.” On the 5th of September, 170:3, died at

regiment in the room of (Inhalation,

contains many details little known both as regards the regiment and the “ ‘y’ar of Succession in Spain,” of which the. Memoirs of Captain Carleton, published in 1728‘, and reissued in 1808, and the History of Lord Mahon, in 1832, are the only standard accounts. It

put on a fresh show monthly, and it was generally agreed that each of these was a distinct improvement on any performance


Captain John Wyvill bought Captain Young’s troop for £7, 000. Sheldon sold his place of Capt.~Lieut to Sam. Jason: Lieutenant Richardson soid his place of Lieutenant and

John F.1l'llll‘llll succeeded him in Croft’s troop. Rest nought Cornet in his room: Char— les Harris


made Lieutenant to Colonel

K-liigrew ;.lohn Pulford was InadeCornet in Captain liiiligrew‘s troop; Cornelius ’l‘ylbury


made Cornet in Wyvill‘s troop: and

lost with all on board, and, in one of these, The three trans— jeaumont. Rear-Admiral port in which were embarked the Royal Dradangoons ran all ashore, and were in great

’l‘nttersh ill sold

the ships from

without great danger of losing the ships by reason of the ice ” The troops embarked, suffered greatly from the cold: and St Pierre tells us that on 2 ' “ Tuesday ye 18th of January,‘_1704, great application had been made ‘byr‘Mauion St.









his Quarter-Master's

to John ’l‘ophain.”


The continued severity of the weather and

the disasters caused by the storm prevented “judged

putting to sea.


and it

by the pilotes

men of-war and of the Brill to put


was the-

to sea



9ierre to my LOrd, Gutts in case they were frozen in, to gett quarters for the men: and

he had sent’ Cornet Renouard on purpose to the Hague with the application made to my


“ Came to an anchor at Spithead, Tuesday ye 26 February.” “The King of Spain sayled from Spithead Sunday ye 23d, and with him Captain Killi-

Lord Cutts, and by him to the States; but -one Sadler that was employed about the trans-


port, telling the said Lord Cutts that wee

men, recruits of the regiment.” “ Tuesday, March ye MIL—Sett

were going to sail, he left off the sollicitation upon the supposition wee were gone. We remained in a distressed condition: no money, not above three days” provisions, the rivers frozen, and a great many men sick. Some boats from Rotterdam came and brought 'us


The States sent three Commis-

sioners of their body to the Brill, who sent for all the Commanding Officers at Helvoet Sluice to come there at the Brill, which they

Lieutenant Farnham, Cornet


Cornet Tyboury, GL-Mr. Lightfoot and 113 sail


St. Helen‘s with a very fair wind under the convoy of ten men of—war, Dutch and English commanded by Vice~Admiral Sir John Lake, six of ye men-of-war parted with us off the Burlinges, and went some to ye East and some to ye West Indies, " “Monday, ye 132th of March ”Oat—Came to an anchor before the Castle of Lisbon, where the King of Spain with the squadron under

They offered us, in

Sir George Rooke‘s Command was come live

the name of the States, shipping, provisions, quarters, money, and whatever we wanted. We tookalittle money, £620, forye Regiment: and the frost being gone and the weather My Lord Duke opened, we refused quarters. of Marlborough landed the next day at Helvoet Sluice. He saw some of the men there, and found them shrunk much. Some time

or six days before with the army on board, of which none were yet landed, and began only to land aboutye16 or 18. " The allied force sent to Lisbon was compOSed of 4,000 Dutch under General Fagel and 6,000 English under the Duke of Schomherv. The Archduke Charles had been receivejd with great honour on his arrival there on the 6th of March, but no preparations had been made for the approaching campaign. The

did the 26th of January.

after application was made to him by M. St. Pierre to desire the men should he putt to full allowance, upon which my Lord writt to Captain Atkinson to do it, if it was possible without any prejudice to ye service,

being very much as he thought for her Ma» jesty’s Service, anda means to recover the sick and strengthen the rest.

Captain Atkin-

son agreeing with the reasonableness of the thing, answered my Lord by letter, and prom~ ised that we should be putt at full allowance if we sayled soon with a fair wind. He gave good words to my Lord Duke, and to us, and did nothing." “The John and William being gott off from the bankside and refitted, it was given again

to the

regiment; St.

Pierre and Wyvill

put two troops on board of her, and wee sayl— ed for England with a fair wind Saturday

ye 23 of February.”

army of Portugal was thoroughly inefficie nt ;

the fortresses were in a dilapidated condition great difficulty was experienced in mounting;

the English cavalry, which had been guaranteed by the Portuguese Government, and all difficulties were increased by Fag-91 being (,1, bad terms with Schomberg. On the other hand, the state of affairs in Spain was very different, where the Duke of Berwick, a

nephew of the

Duke of


borough, and a man of great military talent, was in Chief Command. In addition to the Spanish tr00ps, his force was



12,000 Auxiliary French, the numbers of all amounting to 35,000 men with reserves.


lip of Anjou, the rival of Charles, accompanied the army iu person, and the most careful preparations had been made. 3


BY MAJOR G. F. STEELE. (Continued) The various stages connected with the relief of Lucknow require a little explanation, as one frequently hears the first, second, and sometimes the third relief spoken of, so in

case some of my readers are confused by this, I must point out that the Siege of Lucknow began on June 30th. After several attempts, Sir Henry Havelock and Sir James Outram forced their way into the Residency, but were too weak to get the garrison away, and consequently the siege went on until, on November

17th, Sir Colin Campbell fought his way in and removed the whole garrison. Then in March of the following year, 1858, Sir Colin Campbell returned with a strong force and re-took

Lucknow, which had been left entirely in the hands of the. rebels, with the exception

of the Alum Bagh which had been held by Sir James Outram, since the relief. In order to appreciate the difficulties with which the relieving force had to contend, I propose now to give you the route followed

by Sir Henry Havelock. With this end in view let us first of all make our way to the Alum Bagh. Straight down the Outram Road, leaving the Hospital and the Brigade parade-ground on our left, we find the

Cawnpore Road crossing our front.

There is

no mistaking it as our own road stops where the two join. Turn to the left and we reach the Alum Bagh in two miles. Just before

reaching the Cawnpore Road we pass the


A fine house stood in the centre and can still be seen there. From the roof of this house communication was established with the Residency by semaphore, but now you cannot see the one from the other owing to the trees which have grown up between them. Close to the house you will find the grave of Sir Henry Havelock, who died at Dilkusha just after the relief on the 24th November. At ‘2 RM. on the 23rd September, Have-» lock’s advanced troops found the enemy in position with his left resting on the Alum Bagh, and extending about two miles to some mounds on the right. The country at the time was under water, and the rain was coming down in torrents, which did not make the attackers’ task any easier. But led by such men as Havelock, Outram, Neill and Olpherts, I verily believe that nothing could have stood against them, especially when we remember that the force was composed of men who had the massacre of Cawnpore fresh in their minds, they having arrived only just too late to save their countrywomen The result was that the 5th and 78th stormed the walls and cleared the enclosure, and a vigorous pursuit was conducted by the few horsemen under Barrow and Outram almostup to the Yellow House, where they found fresh troops strongly inirenched. As darkness had already set in, Outram withdrew to the Alum Bagh, and on his way he received a despatch saying that Delhi had fallen. One canimagine how welcome this news must have been and to what further efforts it must have spurred them, especially those-

()ctroi post, and opposite to it on the righthand side you will see a small praying-place where formerly stood a Mosque which adjoined the Yellow House, nolonger standing, but to which I shall refer later. The Alum Bagh, like so many other gardens round Lucknow. was built by a king of Oudh

of us who remember how, when seatedon Pieter’s Hill, we heard the news of Cronje’s

for a favourite wife. The garden was, and still

as well, before entering meknow, so, that. it, was not ti118 A.M. on the 25th September that theystarted. From the moment they passed

is, abOut five hundred yards square, enclosed by astrong wall with turrets at each angle.

surrender on the 27th February, 1900, and the Way that determined us to relieve Ladysmith.

Greatly to the chagrin

of the troops,

Havelock wisely decided to make them rest

that'night, and the following day and night





their own advanced picqu‘ets, they were sub

stead of making for-the Sikander Bagh, they

jected to a most murderous fire, which unfortunately the advanced guard had to stand still and face in order to allow the rear of column to close up.

turned to the left down the Hazratganj, which was in those days a narrow street with high

As soon as the order to advance was given,

they cleared the Yellow House and the Char Bagh (a large garden on the site of the present- Railway Station), but on the bridge over the Haidar Canal, they met with determined opposition. Nothing, however, could detain our men for long and they rushed the bridge which was defended by six guns in a breastwork. The 78th were then told ofi" to hold the bridge and occupy the houses round it until the whole column had passed, and then to form the rear guard. As soon as they were over the bridge, the column turned sharp to the right and followed the canal round to Banks’ House (the pres.

ent Government House, named after Major Banks who was Commissioner of Lucknow

and lived there

before the mutiny), thence

they bore to the left. down what is now k r own asOutram ioad. leaving the 32nd Barracks on their left, until they reached the Sikander

Bagh gate

Here they turned sharp to the left down the present Havelock road and fol— lowed it until they reached the Moti Mnhal~ the building you can now see on the river side with a

blue wall round it, facing the

houses on each side. They forced their way down it until they suddenly found themselves in a wide open space, with a battery just in front of them which was firing at the main body in the narrow passage by the Moti Mahal. This battery they at once stormed and then rejoined the others at the engine house by Bruce’s bridge, which of course had not then been built. Only some 500 yards now separated them from their goal and night was falling. Havelock insisted on pushing on at once, against Outram’s advice who wanted to wait for the arrival of the heavy guns, and this cost us dearly. Amongst others the gallant Neill was shot through gthe head—you can see the memorial on the spot where he fell, a. small brick pillar close to the archway from which he was shot. Looking at the distance be tween the two places, only some twenty or thirty yards, one wonders whether it was absolute contempt for the shooting of the mutineers, or whether it was simply callous mess to death, which prompted people to

expose themselves as they did.


Neill was actually sitting still on his horse when he was shot. After going through this gateway, which, by the way, was the gate of Dooly Square where

Martiniere Girls' School. The route followed, which from the Char Hagh bridge to Banks' House had been along narrow, sandy

our wounded were massacred, a sharp turn to the right brought them to the Clock Tower

lanes, and from thereto the Sikander Bagh

gate facing the Baillie Guard gate of the Re-

across open country, was quite unexpected

sidency, which they reached and entered by moonlight.

by the mutineers, and practically no opposition was met with until reaching the Moti Mahal, but here they came under a heavy tire from a battery posted at the Kaiser Bagh gate on their left front, and from musketry from the Khursheid Manzil on their left. In the meanwhile the rear guard had been

havinga deal of fighting at the Char Bagh bridge. and after finally leaving there to follow mhe column, they mistook the way, and in-

between Estcourt and Oolenso. We can hear the guns at Ladysmith distinctly, and send messages in cypher at night by a powerful searchlight thrown upin the sky. We (the cavalry and artillery) made a reconnaissance in front of Colenso on December 6th, halting on

some rising ground between Chieveley station and the Tugela river, the guns were unlimbered, we dismounted, and all the glasses in the

force were turned on the hills and ridges across the river. I heard an officer say, “Those hills are swarming with Boers"; probably they were, butour friend, the enemy, might have been a thousand miles away for

all we saw or heard of him.

among trees—the village of Colenso.

FRERE CAMP, Natal, 206/2 December, 1899.

DEAR M.,——We left Pietermaritzburg on Sunday, 3rd instant; came up to Estcourt by rail, camped for the night, and marched here next day. This camp is roughly half-way


ever, if the Boers were not visible, it was evident, from the condition of the farms, they had recently Visited the vicinity. Everything from pianos to flower-pots had been completely and wantonly destroyed. Our life in camp at. this time was not particularly exciting, we stood to arms daily an hour before day. break, and did a little drill, with the usual guards and outpost duties, until December 14th, when we marched and encamped near Chieveley. Rumours of an impending battle on the morrow were rife, and in the evening

they were confirmed by orders. I was detailed to take charge of six ammunition ponies, each carrying two boxes, and started off at S

A.M. to find the 2nd Infantry Division; eventually did so, after falling into a few holes, and a donga (ravine). Received orders to halt by a mound, on which were


Personally I

nearly got cross-eyed staring through my binoculars at rocks and scraggy bushes, a blown-up railway bridge, and a few tin roofs


small shells in quick succession. I watch ed them d rep in a line at a couple of paces‘ interv al amongst the colonials, who were on the right. The Boers also dropped a couple of shells close to some ambulance wagons, but probably not intentionally. Wounded men began to pass to the rear, where there was a field hospital: a good many were hitin the hand or arm and walked up to be dressed. The day wore on; it- was very hot, and we didn’t seem to gain much ground, the rattle of rifles and boom of guns continued, and a steady stream of wound ed men passed, some in ambulances, other s walking, and supporting one another. One artilleryman told me, “they are fairly murdering our men down there ”; and a Bombardier said all his battery’s horses were shot, and most of the officers and men down. Soon after that the troops commenced to retire ; it appeared the enemy’s position was too stron g to be taken without severe loss. I believ e the killed and wounded on our side amoun ted to 1,095. The Boers’ loss not known, but probably less, as they were entrenched, whilst our troops were in the open. We returned to our

camping ground of the previous night, but when darkness spread o’er the land, we folded our tents and silently departed, or rather it

was supposed to be done silently—as a matter of fact, the Zulu transport drivers made the night hideous with their fiendish yells and cracking of long whips, urging on their teams of sixteen oxen. 1 hada picquet on ourleft flank and acted as a right flanking patrol on the march back to Frere camp. We are now waiting for the next :move, but in the meantimebusy with patrols, reconnaissances, etc.

two 4'7 guns,


and to go on when the bridge was clear.


Unfortunately the bridge remained in the enemy’s hands all day. and my command sat

“at ease.” Our guns opened about 4-45 A.M. The enemy made no reply untilour infantry were well advanced ; then suddenly opened with both gun and rifle fire; they also used an

automatic gun that fired a dozen or more of


A FEW HINTS. The first thing necessary in map-reading

is a knowledge of how to "set ” the map. Setting a map means laying it out so that itis in exactly the same position as the ground




it illustrates; i.e., the North and South sides must be exactly North and South. This is done so that the person using the map may be able to tell the exact direction of any point

shown on the map. A map is generally set by the aid of a magnetic compass. This is done by ascertaining the magnetic north on the map,


are inan Ordnance map the side margins variably drawn

North and South, and the

names of places are printed from East to West. In setting a map the magnetic variation must be taken into consideration, this, in Lucknow, is about 3" East of true North, so it will be seen that to properly set the map

(if no magnetic variation is shown) a line must be drawn at that angle to one of the marginal lines in order to set the map exacton ly. Having drawn this line, put the map line the 0n ss compa the place the ground and indicating the magnetic North and South. This

must be done very carefully, so that

the North and South line is exactly under the centre of the compass. Having done this, turn the whole map gently

without moving the compass, until the ss card, needle, or north point of the compa and North corresponds exactly with the South line on the map. When it does so the mapis set, and, if the observer knows his own position, he can, by reference to the map, ascertain the direction to any place marked to prothereon, and to which he may wish



A map may also be set Without the aid Of a I give, compass in several ways, two of which

Some clearly defined and easily


map and able point must be identified on both ground, and the observer's own position must be known.


lS placed acl‘oss both A straightedge ruler the map is turnthese points on the map, and ed on the direct IS ed round until the ruler will be “set.” [map the when distant point, may be used Any straight stick, penml, etc,

instead of a ruler.


THE EAGLE If no ruler or pencil ~is obtainable, a good plan is to hold the map with one thumb-nail

on the position of the observer and the other on the position of the distant point. The map is then turned round until the thumb-nail

and point are in line, when the map will be “ set." It may become necessary to find your exact position, when there are no objects near enough to enable you to do so with exactitude. Supposing you are able to identify two distant points, the best way of finding your position is this : Set the map by the compass, then, laying your ruler on the map and pivoting it on one of the points, aim it at the corresponding point on the ground and draw a line through the

point towards yourself.

Repeat the operation

with the other point. The junction of the two lines will be your position. If you happen to be on a road, or the bank of a river or canal, it is very easy to find your position by the aid of one point only. In

this case the ruler is pivoted on the point on the map and aimed at the point on the ground as before. Your position will be where the rulercuts the road or other clearly defined line you may happen to be on. To properly use a map the scale it is drawn to must be known. The scale is generally shown by a fraction, e._(/., 7‘7“ being the frac-

tion of a “oneAinch map” and %‘ that ofa “ 3-inch map." Ranges are often found by the aid of maps, and on some maps scales of yards are shown. In a one—inch map ,% of an inch equals roughly 100 yards. When advancing through fresh country, all roads, bridges, railroads, and other landmarks should be noted and identified on the map you carry. The map should be roughly “set” by holding it with the road drawn on

the map aligned on the road along which you are marching. In this way you will often be able to identify distant villages, hills, etc. Some men get greatly worried over the variation of the compass, but the following

method of finding the variation is very simple, and given agood map, the variation of any spot in the world may be learned. Go to some place that can be easily identified on the map, (2.0., Dilkusha Tower, and select adistant conspicuous object on the ground, (3.9., the Martiniere monument, or the Water-Works, and set the map very carefully without the compass. Now lay your compiss on the map,

and when the


comes to rest, mark the North and South ends.

This should be done on the margin

and the variation can be measured off with a protractor.” “Macxnio.” MAJOR JOHN LEE.

There are many Royals still living who will recollect their old comrade, Johnny Lee, and will be glad perhaps to recall the memory of a fine soldier who is still alive, though, as he pathetically tells the writer “on his last march.” Present Royals, too, may be interested in this brief record. of one who was for upwards of twenty-nine years a credit to his regiment and to the British Army, and who is still as proud as ever of his old corps. Born at sea on December 26th, 1821, on board the troopship Ocean. which was conveying the Bead‘Quarters of the 33rd Regiment, in which his father was serving, to Jamaica, he began life by being shipwrecked on a coral reef at Antigua on January 23rd, 1822, and as he informs me “ was baptized by

Major, as well as Quartermaster for ashort time. He got a commission as Cornet on November 5th,, 1854, and became Adjutant on April 24th, 1855, when the regiment was in the Crimea, apostwhich he held till May, 1871. He became Lieutenant in February, 1856, retiring as a Captain on half-pay on May 10th, 1871. In June, 1871, he became Adjutant of the Worcestershire Yeomanry, retiring in lune, 1881, with the rank of Hon. Major, and the thanks of H. R. H. the Duke of Cambridge, the Field-Marshal Commanding‘in. Chief, for his services. He has the Crimean and Turkish medals with Clasps for Balaklava, lnkermun, and Sebastopol. When I first knew Johnny Lee in 1860, he was perhaps in his prime, a tall, lean, wiry dragoon. How proud he was to take out the regiment for Adjutant's drill with the Subalterns commanding squadrons and troops. General Parlby used often to come out and watch us, and say he would like a gallop—

“ Faster I


Faster !~Beautiful 1

Beautiful! Beautiful I ” he would exclaimcre

scendo till his voice was drowned by our overwhelming him in our headlong career. Once Colonel Oakes was drilling the 12th Lancers on the Curragh, and we were out not far off under Lee, who ordered us to charge, pursue, and then rally.

Charge and pursue we

did right through the intervals of the 12th Lancers, and as Lee rode past Colonel Oakes, the latter exclaimed, “" The Royals are going to h—lll ” and Lee replied, “I really believe they are, sir." But we learnt much from

the Captain during the noise of soldiers pre-

Johnny Lee, and the whole regiment loved

paring to land,” and as “ he was born at sea,

him. He was once asked by someone what he would like best if he had time and money. “ Well, I should like to have a big yacht that would hold a squadron of the Royals; then we would cruise about, and when I saw a nice place to land, we would have alittle drill, then we would sail on again to another place and have another little drill, and so on.” Several old Royals will recollect many such stories of our old comrade, and if he ever reads these

his father wished his name to be John Ocean, but the Captain begged so hard to call him after his ship, that his mother consented, and he was christened John Ocean Ocean, as he was born in the Ocean and on the Ocean.”

When he enlisted in the Royal Dragoons, he gave the name of John Lee only. John Lee served in the ranks for nearly

thirteen years, and became Regimental Sergt.-



lines, the old soldier and his wife now living near Droitwich will feel that “The Prince of good Adjutants, honest John Lee,” as he was styled, is not forgotten. ARTHUR M ESHAM, October, 1907. R. S. M. THOMPSON. Regimental Sergeant- Major Thompson, with his wife and three children, sailed for England by the “ Plassy’fon the lst instant. Mr. Thompson is retiring after nearly twenty-four years" service. Aconcert to bid him farewell was held on the 25th ultimo, and the occasion was taken advantage of to say good-bye to the members of the Sergeants’ Mess, “ 0" Battery, who had been invited for the pur-

pose. With practically the whole of the members of the two messes and their wives, quite the largest gathering yet seen in the Mess room, was present when R. S. M. Thompson, taking the chair for the last time, announced the

opening item of along and interesting programme. Later in the evening, Mr. Thompson, after a brief speech in which he referred to the excellent terms of good-fellowship which had for so long existed between the members of the “Rocket Troop” and the Royals, leda musical toast to the Gunner guests This was responded to by Battery Sergeant-Major Herring. R. Q. M. S. Sykes then assumed the chair, and on behalf of the members of the Mess, presented Mr. Thompson witha silver cup mounted on an ebony and silver plinth, hearing an inscription showing the occasion of

E A Gr-L E


B. S. M. Herring. Trombone Solo : Sergeant Thearle. Irish Reels: Mrs. Raven and R S. M. Thompson, and Mrs. Dight an S. Q. M. S. Cronin. Mr. Thompson left for Bombay on the 28th ultimo, and along procession of vehicles, containing many of the Mess members and friends, was headed by the Band, which, marching part of the way to the station, played “Sailing Home to dear old England,” and the customary “ Auld Lang Syne.” Quite a large number of friends were present on the platform to wish goodbye and good luck to Mr. Thompson and his family. MUSKETRY.

There is little to write of under this heading at present. The remaining casuals of all squadrons are just finishing their classification course, and only the field-firing will then remain. It was proposed to carry out a field-firing scheme a few days ago, but the

few crops standing on the ground over which the troops would move, have not yet been harvested, and for this reason the scheme is postponed.




Shoots ”


become very popular, and are so well attend-

ed that it is quite impossible for the number to get off their rounds in one afternoon, so that now the corporals of two squadrons only turn out at a time.

The prize-winners of the two shoots held» during the lows :—

month of October, are

as fol

On the 23:11, Corporate of “ A and D ” Squadrons. lst Spoon 211d do.

.. ..

.. Corporal Shaw. .. Corporal Thomas.

0n the 30111, (Jorporuls of “ [I and C“ Squadrons.

the presentation.


down yet to serious football. The most important matter of deciding who are to represent the senior eleven should not be delayed, if we are to have a strong, combined, well trained team to put in for the Murray Cup Tournament. As was suggested in a previous number of the The Eagle, no better method of selection than that of pitting the new against the old blood, can he adopted. In this way, each new player can be judged on the ability he displays against good opponents,

whereas in Troop and Squadron matches, quite mediocre players frequently show to advantage, by being opposed to very poor performers, It is generally thought that with the best oi'ourold team completed with the best of the men recently





exceptionally good side could be put in the field. Let us hope this will be done soon, and so give the men time to get fit and learn each others’play, before the first rounds of the

lst Spoon :Ind do.

The programme was contributed to by the following :——Songs : Mrs. Holt, Mrs Herring, Mrs. Matthews, Mrs. Reynolds, and Mrs. Dight; S. Q. M. S. Cronin, S. S. E‘. Raven, Sergeants Davis, Mitchell, Sales, and Coley;

and Privates Bards and Price.


.. ..

ioyals vs. Vi Brigade. R. l“. A. won by our side by a goal to nil. The shooting of our forwards was. as usual. the only fault. " C" Squadron vs. I. 0. G. T. “ C,” through Corporal Sutch, scored the only goal of the game. “ B” Squadron vs. “C" Squadron. A very fast game resulting in a win for " C" by 3goals to nil, Corporal Sutch, Whitefield and Stiles. “C” Squadron us. " D" Squadron. “ I)” won by 3 goalsufarlow, Leslie, and McLellan) to 2 (Hart). “ A ” Squadron rs. “ C "' Squadron. “C“ victorious by a goal (Whitefield) to all. Royals us. Oxfords. The Oxfords started well, and making most of the game in the first half led at the interval by 1 - 0. Our men played up well in the second half and Marlow brought the score level. The gum. thus ended in a draw of one all.


Although quite a number (f matches, both

Inter-Squadron and Regimental,are now being played, our men do not appear to have settled.

Eshmeade, Tptr.

Hastings, Moore and Rob-


3rd Troop—Knell:

Wakenell and Thumb-

wood ; Rose, Hepper and Hards; S. S.


Langley, Lieutenant Houstoun, Holland, and ()0er. Yeats. For the losers Houstoun scored all three goals and played a tine, vigorous game. Ltngley and Holland also performed well. For the 4th Troop, Hastings Moore and Rapkin in the attack, and Bird, Dallas, Drage and Taylor in the defence were mostconspicu» ous,

The games played since last month are as follows :—

.. Corporal Jeffrey. .. Corporal Wyatt.


Troop was considered a foregone conclusion, and indeed the huge goal average they had compiled rendered their position practically safe, they had no easy task against the 3rd Troop in the final game, the latter only losing by a goal. Score, 4—3. The teams were as follows :— 4th Troop—Underhill: Drage and Taylor ;. Helliwell, Dallas and Bird; Sergt. Rapkin,

M urray Tournament are announced.

Mrs. Thompson was pre.

sented with a gold brooch


“ A” Squadron Inter-troop tournament for a Cup presented by Lieutenant Houstoun was concluded this month, and resulted in a win for the 4th Troop, this being their second win. Although the victory of the 4th


The following is taken from The Lakeva/zyr, a paper published in Naini Tal, and shows the results of the sports held there

prior to the breaking up of the summer deth 2-—

YILIozoinr/ Cricket Bait—1 Pte. Holmes, R. D., 101 yds. lft. 7 in. ; z Pte. Ashford, R D., 97 yds. 1ft. ‘2 in. :8 Pte Plumb, R. D, 96 yds. 0ft. 8 in. 100 Yards, Privates—1 Pte. Ashford, R. D. ; 2’ Pte. Jackson, R. D. 1 3 Pte. Hart, R D.

Ail/{06220 Yards —1 Lae-Corpl. Stead, Durham Lt Infy. ;2 Corpl. Pittkin.

R. D ; 3

Lee -Corpl. Wake, Oxford Lt. Infy. Tiller-Legged Race—1 Pte. Smytb, Pte. Cook, R D. ;2 Ptc. Stokes, Pte. Coles, Oxford Lt. Infy. 2 3 Pte. Salter, Pte. Swinford, Oxford Lt. [ufy

-} iii/e [Men—i Lee-Corpl, Stead, Durham Lt.

Infy.; 2 Corpl. Pittkiu, R. D. ; 3 Pte, His» ing, R. D.



THE 148


«Sack Race—1 Pte. Jackson, R. D.; 2 Pte. Ashford, R. D.; 3 Dr. Willis, Oxford Lt. Infy. Boot Race.~1 Pte. Wright, R. D. ; 2 Pte. Neale, Oxford Lt. Infy. ; 8 Pte. Kennard, Oxford Lt. Infy. Putting the Shot (about 22 lbs.).—1 Pie. Callagan, R. D.; 24 ft. Tin. :2 Pte Monk, R. D., 2-1 ft. Oz’gin. :3 Lee.-Corpl Grace, Oxford Lt. lnfy , 21 ft. 4 in. Consolation Race—J Pte. Guley, R. D. 2

Pte. Bayles, R. D. :8 Pte. Brown. R. D Lake Tour.—Crews of five.



EAGLE OXFORD LIGHT INFANTRY. Lee -Corpl. Water, Pte. Turner, Pte. Read, Pte. Blencome, Pte. Shepherd. Time—~20 min. 8|}, sec. Uorpl Collins, Lee Corpl Hudson, Lee.-

for the Royals Our men were entertained at a smoking concert in the evening, and the followinrr day the two teams met at cricket, when the Royals weie victorious by an innings and 25 runs. Less than an hour after the conclusion of the crticke,the teams turned out again for hocKey, and in spite of the hard work already

C-orpl. Pinder,

Bugler Willis, Pte Ches-

hire. Time—2O min. short.)

10 see.

(One man

SMOKING CONCERT, The corpornls of the regiment held a smoking concert 1.. their mess room on the eveninfjr of the (itI1Novon1hr-r. to welcome their brother N.-O. O's of "‘ S " pattery, It. 11. A, who have

performed, quite an excellent game was witnessed Fast and even throughout, no score was 1egistered at half- time though the Shropshhes in the second half put on two points from individual elfor ts Result, Shropshires 2, Royals (I.

.‘ll ores. 1707, Lug—y Corp]. Yeats to Cawnpore for course of Tele-

gm 1 7.13.4 Pte. Carroll

do. Examinations.

411:2, Lee. 0019]. Fitch, Lower Standard Pusbtu. .‘1 ”I21. Nelson 7.. .17. Roll. :2nd Class certificate ofOEdtueation. 512 l’lo. Johnston . “ McCabc do. McIntyre do. Pryde do. Woods do. Lonwan do. Edwards do. Sharla-I] do. Norton do. Births.


liAnnwth-—the wife of Capt. P. E Hardwick. of a son. Hi.‘r.\'—~tl1c wife of Richard h‘itzGerald Glyn, of a son.


autiful Girls" 1. ('111'11l.\nst(1\. C l)iv"e1 .. " l’lunnntitll... in \our on n 11.“va 11rd“ " l isher. 11,: t‘1111 s 11:111' .. " ll '1.ill " '1‘ w111'lit' ." Jone " ’I‘he Pines 1111 utlmow ' .. lloinhdr. Smith (I{.. .

Lee-Corp]. Jobson, Pte. Holmes, Pte Bird, Pte. Monk, Pte. Beales, 8rd Prize. Time ~18 min. 21?, see. Pte. Hart, Pte. Kidd, Pte. Walker, Pte. Viney, Pte. Dodds, 4th Prize. Time—18 min. 33‘; sec. OXFORD LIGHT I XFAN TRY. Sergt. Dancey, Lee-Corpl. Jarvis, Lce' Corpl. Grace, Lee ACorpl. Maguire, Lee.-

Corpl. King.

Time—17S min. 86; sec. ROYALS.

Lce.~Corp1. Scroggs, Lee-Corpl. \Vhaites, Pte. Layton, Pte. Rising, Pte. Blundell. Time—18 min. 503 sec.

OXFORD LIGHT INFANTRY. Lee. -Corpl Miles, Pte Perkins Pte. Yeoman, Pte West, Pte Swinf01d. Time— 19 min. 12% see. ROYALS.

Pte. Meech, Pte. McNeilage, Pte. Ryburn, Pte. McKay, Pte. Johnson. Time—19 min. 251 sec

Lce.- Corpl. Wisehuson, Pte. Snapes, Pte. Porter, Pte. Brome, Pte. Johnson. Time -—20 min.

"11.111111 l\10\\'.. (‘<11'111.S. S. Young. “ 1. (r\111 " " . lround the lxouscs' ' " licnmion Pnr”k

.. .. ..

" " "

Fisher. Kite. Kit-hearth.

“Lady Lo\e ‘




" Loom Do“ 11 ' .. l’to. llards. MANDOLINE Sula) "Los1(“‘l'101d . (orpl \I111111 Snxt; “If \on 1L((‘l\ 11 an imitation ' Winter.


"Hcaits 0101111 '


Mooiefll. A.)

During the evening the chairman, Corporal Suteh, welcomed the corporals of "’ S ” Battery, and hoped the meeting would be but the introduction of a series of pleasant soc1al funetlons between the two messes. Corporal S. S. Thomas responded for the R. A. The usual toasts were given. ROYALS BAND '08. K. S. L. I. BAND.

The band visiting Fyzabad on the 6th and 7th instants, played aseries of games against

the band of the Shropshire Light Infantry, with the following results :#


Collonel A Mesham Major .1. Lre 11.1). Maud Esq. W Sw 1111s, Esq H. A.Jefl'(1ry,Esq.

INDIA. Surat-Instructor May Sorgt. (i. Lamb


Appointments. ., Pto. lluckloy appointed Clerk in Adjutant-ltenet'al’s Division and posted Sergeant to Unattached List Sergt. Hush appointcd Instructor to Calcutta Light Horse Volunteers. Surat. (Ilnhcntt appointed Instructor to Punjab Light Horse Volunteers.

Discharges. R 1 .l\l Thompson. '31'47, I t t1 -(.‘orpl. Foster. 8 P10. Stinton. 4.1111 " Kemp 1.1.91 .1 NuIs‘on I “ IIIt'Ixt‘IlSOIl. “ Woolford. " liishniu. “ McCormick. " '10 rats. " M mphy S. M. Kendon. \t'lgl. Cullen. _ Transfers.

.\1.1. communications intended for publication in lee Eur/{e should he addressed to the Editor. and should be accompanied b.\‘ the write ' ' name and address. The Jditor will not undertake to be responsible for any rejeetr 11d MS. nor to return any contribution unless specially desired to do so. Accepted matter will he paid for 111; the. rate of Rs 111 hey 1111111 words. or Rs. 2-H) per column. This is only admissible t0 1111n-t’0111111issiollctl ollleers and men. SUBSCRIPTIONS. Suhs‘t'ri'nois .11 home. f111'>i\ months in 1111111. to \ months .\t11—'toi111111\~;ioned ott'n'tis 111d I

.. ..

1111111 (urns-11111

[’1'111' 1191' 111111 to non-o1111111~~1ontd otiicers and men .. .[mzuul subscriptions 111'0 rat-.1.

ders best break— —29). Bandsman Littlehales, K. S. L I. 150, Bondsman Gardiner l16 (Littlehales best break—~19). A fast game of football resulted in a win

for the Shropshires by 2—1 .

Hastings scored

Sezvice. «1.1717, Le(1.-Corpl. Rose extended to completel : years. 11.10.1119. Bandy do.

For For For For For

‘7 1.

n1e1nlu'1s 01' ‘ it; £1551“

1\l{11\.11s). tor si.\ months l‘rit'v [11"1 L111m111011ue1s


13‘2 Leo.--Cot pl. Seawaid tr'ausfened to 3rd [lass-tits 4741.1 I’.te Ashworth do 4,159 1' Shea 11111 Taylor tr ansferrt'd from Sherwood Foresters.

~18. 91/ 1 Rs. 3—1—0


Billiards, games of 150 up—Sergt Willie, K.S.L.I. 150, Bandsman Iddenden 129 (Id— denden best break—34). Bandsman Newton, K. S. L. I. 150, Bandsman Saunders 130 (Saun-


the principal items of an excellent. progaam-'.--Corpl Wilson to be Sngeant Cool Ptc lmord to he Unpaid LanceComolal. ' (luthheitson do. " Viekta'y do. “ Spieer do. “ Payne (Io. ” Buck (10 Rivett do. Hobbs do. Shackcll llawkins ' \Vhittingham Stone Ilawkett McDonald Bullion Mathors (lrevilln M cCormit'k


the e1:111inn.and the following 2110 so 1111 01

111180, 111111 732113 5:270 5301 5407 Trill 71443 F1454 5-1134 5481 ' 1'


The combined amateu1 string; I1:1nds of the R A and the Royals played selections during?

you? scoot-‘81

Lee-Corpl. Pittkin,Pte. Alder, Pte Ashford, Pte. Guley, Pie. Wood, 1st. Prie. Time—l7 min. 7; sec. Pte. Smyth, Pte. Macfarlane, Pte. Cairns, Pte. Aiken, Pte. Shaw. 2nd Prize. Time —17 523?, see

recently come to Lucknow



six months. full page ix months. half page six months. quarter page one month. full page .. one month. half page ..

For one mon tn, quarter page

'2 SW Rs. 1-1‘2-UII ..

0.5_ n



The Lightness, Delicacy~ and Purity of

Elie Eagle

Club No. I, walks VOL.

makes it an ideal beverage for the hot weather—it not only cools but exhilarates, and either with plain or aerated water forms


a perfect thirst-quenching drink—————~ Soothing yet Stimulating.


Per dozen bottles,


Per gallon,


Murray & Co, Ltd., Lucknow. SICK ROOM GOODS Enemas, Douches, Bulb Syringes, Hypodermics, Glycerine Enemas, Bed Pans,




London, on the 28rd November, the sergeants

With the issue of this, our ninth number, we close the first volume, and will commence Volume II with our January issue. That the paper is a success, is proved by the way in which numbers of old Royals have come forward as subscribers, and by the continued demand for copies by present members. There must still be, however, many ex-members of the regiment who have no knowledge of the existence of 1116 Eagle, and who surely would be glad to be informed. We would there fore ask those of our readers who are acquainted with the whereabouts of any such, to be kind enough to send us the names and addresses, in order that we may com— municate with them.

of the regiment cabled as follows :— “Members, Sergeants’ Mess, Royals, send greetings to old comrades. God bless you. " A reply was received the next day, which read—“ Two hundred old comrades drink your health.” We are looking forward with

Apart from the dust, which after all is a minor discomfort, no more ideal weather could be wished for than is at present obtaining in Lucknow. The mornings are quite cold, with sometimes a. keen, invigorating breeze, and the sun at mid-day is but pleasant-

Trusses, Medicine Chests, (kc. As is usual at the beginning of the

cold weather, many of us have been laid up with colds, but these, luckily, do not last long. Preparations for the Christmas dinners and

VVe are

Head-quarters for all Sick

halers, Throat and Nasal Sprays, VVaterproof Sheeting, Oil Silk, Safety Pins,

Room Necessities. It‘ you need any of the above goods come to us. Anything

Medicine Glasses, Bath and Clinical 'J‘herinonieters, Ice Caps, Invalid Air Beds1

purchased at our Establishment can he relied. upon as being of the very llest

Air Cushions, Bronchitis Kettles,

quality only.



ly warm.

Feeding Cups, Spittoons, Breast ltelievers, Hot \Vatei Bottles, Bandages, Absorbent Cottons, Lints, Antiseptic Dressings, In-



pleasurable anticipations to the list of names of those two hundred old comrades. Farrier Quartermaster-Sergeant H. Mott was the recipient of the medal for Long Service and Good Conduct, on Sunday, 10th ultimo. The regiment was drawn up at the conclusion of Church service, and Lieut.-General Sir E. Locke Elliot, K.C.B., D. S. 0., Commanding Lucknow Division, presented the medal, and addressed a few words to the Farrier-Major. Captain ’1‘. M. .Pitt has retired on retired pay, and is appointed Major to serve in the 1mperial Yeomanry, Westminster Dragoons. Captain Pitt joined the Royals in 1894, and served with the regiment in South Africa. He has just completed a tenure of appointment as Adjutant of the Westminster Dragoons, of which corps Lieut.-Colonel J. M. Rogers, D. S. 0., is Commandant.

festivities are much in evidence, and the forage sheds attached to each squadron stables are turned pm (cm into poultry yards. This will be the first Christmas spent in barracks for some time, and should bea merry one. We take this opportunity of wishing our readers the compliments of the season.

Captain Hon. H C, Guest is nominated for

admission to the Cam berley Staff College, for the course which commences there in January. Major Makinsis, we hear, due to embark on the H. T. “ Rewa," sailing from home on the 18th instant and arriving at Karachi on

January 8th. On the occasion of the old comrades dinner \rhich was held at the Holborn Restaurant,

The regimental athletic sports have been arranged to take place on the 31st instant

152 and lst prox.




The cinder track on the green

has undergonea thorough repair, and looks excellent. Many of the men are in hard training, and it is evident the sports will

Colonel and Mrs. deLisle arrived in Lucknow on Sunday, the 8th instant, from England. Colonel deLisle, whose privilege leave expired

on October 25th, was, as we stated previous‘

bea popular event. Already some of them have proved themselves no mean athletes, as witness the Naini 'Pal sports, the results of which we published in our last nu mber, and more recently Pte. Bandy won

ly, detained in England to be in attendance on our Colonel-in-Chief, H l. M. the German Emperor. His Majesty, Whose kindly interest in the welfare of his regiment is so much appreciated by all ranks, desired to be informed

the Open Mile at the: West

Riding Regt.

when the Committee in England have come to

sports at Sitapur, while at the Supply and Transport sports held here a few days ago, Pte. Robson and Pte. Buckley were second and third, respectively, in the Open Quarter

a decision, regarding the Cottage Homes’ Scheme, and asked that the particulars of the site, and plans of the house selected should be sent to him.

Mile. During His Majesty’s recent visit to Wind.

sor, he personally decorated our Colonel with Both the circus performance and the concert given by the Regimental Dramatic Club, which have taken place since we last went to

press, turned out complete successes. Both were similar in that they were hastily arranged, and but little time was given for rehear~ sal. In the case of the concert, too, several of

the performers were new and untried, and it reflects great credit on the Club that they were able in the circumstances to put on what was spoken of as “a surprisingly good show. ” There is promise of another concert soon

after Christmas.

Detailed accounts of circus

and concert will be found elsewhere in this issue.

the order of the Red Eagle (second class), and also sent a fourth class of the same order to Lieutenant Charrington, who, it will be remembered, accompanied the Colonel as Orderly Officer, when the latter, in September,

reported to our Colonel-in-Chief in Berlin.

Next month we expect to welcome Rough Riding Sergeant-Major Plumb, who is under orders to embark for India to take up the appointment of Regimental Sergeant-Major of the regiment, whirh post is rendered vacant by the retirement of RS. M. Thompson. SM. Plumb left the regiment in 1903 to join the Riding Masters’ training class at Canterbury, and was next on the list for his commission

Lisle delivered a lecture to all officers on his experiences during the Kaiser manoeuvres in Germany, and expressed himself much im— pressed by the wonderful organization and training of the army commanded by the Emperor. The appearance, training, and mobil— ity of the cavalry excited the most enthusiCavalry that can

gallopforty miles, andinfantry thatcan march

our readers.

and in each one the Regiment provided the winning jockey.

Mr. Charrington rode three

winners, Mr. Tomkinson two, and Mr. Irwin


bach were also placed in three of the races. On the second day, all the winnersexcept one were ridden by members of the Regiment, Mr. Tomkinson and Mr. Charrington riding two each, Messrs. Miles and Irwin

When in England, Colonel deLisle obtained sanction for a sergeant of the regiment to be quartered at St. George’s Barracks, London, to recruit specially for the Royal Dragoons,

These recruits will in future be attached to the Scots Greys, but will wear the Royals’ uniform. By this means, the character of the English Dragoon Regiment will be maintained, instead of becoming a Scotch regi~ ment as was threatened by the present system of drafts from the Greys.

carried out by a whole division of cavalry, and by acertain infantry regiment carrying packs

weighing 31 lbs.

The Polo Tournament for a cup presented by the Regiment proved a great success during the Army Cup Week, and provided some excellent games. It was eventually

the barracks in question had been but recently

ness in sending us the notes, and would be grateful for similar help from any other of

Our Regimental G. R’s are to be congratu— lated on their performances during the race meetings, of which we have indeed had our fill during the latter half of last month. The first was the open Gymkhana Meeting, on November 12th and 14th. On the first day Of this, six races were set down for decision

Masters for cavalry. But for the War Office recognising this hardship, the post of R S. M. of the Royals would have been filled by a supernumerary warrant officer of another regiment.

over thirty-seven miles before coming into action at manoeuvres, are certainly troops to

be proud of, and this wonderful mobility was

We thank Colonel Carr-Ellison for his kind-


an excellent attendance each day and the seemed to be thoroughly appreciated by An account of the matches appears in issue.

when the order was issued abolishing Riding

the opportunity, during the winter of 1905-06,


bad as might have been expected. was polo all. this

Capt. Grant, Messrs. Miles and Sand-


mobility of the infantry.

of being shown over the barracks of an Austrian cavalry regiment, and seeing the men at work. It should, perhaps, be explained that


On Wednesday, December 11th. Colonel de

astic admiration, as also did the discipline and The article “ Austrian Cavalry ” which we publish in the present nu mber, is written from notes made by Colonel Carr-Ellison, who had

We would draw the attention of our readers among the serving members to the advertisement at the end of this number setting forth the advantages of the “Soldier’s Express ” Service. Messrs. Coutts and Co. area wellknown firm, and their system is to be recommended.


It can only be a subject of pride in the regi-

won'by a team of the 15th

Hussars from

ment to be associated, through our Colonel-inChief, with such fine troops, the more so as the

Muttra, who beat the 12th Lancers in the final. aft-er a. most exciting game. The ground was in splendid order, considering the

Emperor himself is certainly one of the greatest soldiers of the age.

drought this season, and the dust was not as

‘lfhe open Gymkhana was followed by the Autumn Meeting of three days‘ duration, and provided some excellent racing, which may be said to have been of a distinctly higher class than that seen at Lucknow up to the


On the first day there were eight

races, and this made the programme rather too long, with the result that thelast race was run almost in the dark. In the Pony Hurdle Race Mr. Miles‘ Daphne ably ridden by his owner, ran second carrying top weight, and in the Closed Chase Mr. Charrington rode a

well-judged race on Lookout, winning by two lengths from M 1‘. Miles. Third place was filled by Mr. Tomkinson riding his own horse Craig. The latter had also obtained third place in the previous race, the Arab Hurdles, on Secunder, so that we may claim to have been ably represented in securing one win‘ uer and four places in the first three events.




0n the second day the Army Cup first claims our attention, and we must take this opportunity of congratulating Mr. 'l‘omliin-

son on a brilliant performance in riding

For the seven days the following figures :-—-

are the

room enough for Mr.Charrington “ Tomkinson

Mounts. .. 22 .. 14

Wins. 9 i3

Placed. '7 .1


Uiipiuceri. ti

Wordie Major. the winner of the Army Cup

of 1907.

This is the first time for eleven years

that an amateur has won, and it is gratifying to see the long list of professional jockeys‘ successes broken at last ina race which, though professionals are allowed under certain conditions, is essentially a military one. Capt. Grant’s Little Exile was second and looked a winner until Mr. Tomkinson came out with a rush, and riding a magnifi—

cent finish, won by half a length. The winner belongs to Messrs. Wood and Badger, of the 12th Lancers, who have now won the race for the last three years in succession. The race

was instituted in 1892, and under present conditions is for maiden Arab ponies, 14-1 and under, the property of British officers in the Army on full pay ;weight for inches, distance 7 furlongs. In the remaining races on

Cup day there is nothing of importance to mention. On the last day eight races were again down on the card, but by

' u





Irwin ” Sandbach Capt. Grant Mr. ‘l‘idswell


6 l

.. 4 *1




During the past month the regimental hounds have been meeting regularly twice a

week, and have already accounted for 34; couple of “Jack." There is still a great deal of thick cover, which precludes the possibility of agood run, but in spite of this some ex~ cellent sport has resulted from the eiforts of the pack. There would appear to be fewer

jackal than usual this year, which in one way is a thing to be thankful for, since it will prevent the frequent changes during a hunt, when

for during the whole of last season, the pack may be congratulated on their efforts





White Heather ridden


by Mr.

last race of the day, an Arab race over 5 fur.

longs. On the second day Mr_ Charrington was twice successful, Mr. Sandbuch Was second in the chase on his own horse Wallncin, and Mr. Miles got second, place in a Han. dicap Arab Race.




would not allow the said regiment to choose horses equally with his own, because they were Dragoons, though they were told by the General before the said B. they were to charge as horse, and to pay the same price for the horses as they did. The B. interest

{ind there was room but for one, if he would

kinson. riding his own horse, Craig,


“ Other disputes arrose with

B. Hervey about choosing of the horses.

carried it against the good right of the said



Miles, was second, and Mr. Charrington obtained third place. Thus ended the Autumn Meeting, which was followed in the ensuing week by two days‘ racing of the first Extra Meetincr. On the first day White Heather ridden by Mr. Miles, won the Horse Handicap and Mr. Charringtcn rode the winner of the

iicers of the said Royal regiments complained highly of such partial proceeding, but all in vain; they oifered them an empty monastery, called Mestera de Rates, which had been a good place, indeed, if the best and greatest part of it had not been appointed for a general hospital for the English. Indeed, at that time, there had been room enough for both, but the officers did not care to putt their well men among the sick Inen of the army.

regiment; and he had an order from the Duke to choose the horses of his regiment before the Royals; be disputed all amounts with the said regiment, and went so farre, the one siion being asked him, if the two reaiments were to quarter in the same place,




The of-




cap over5 furlongs was won

both regiments.

“ Jack” are afoot at once. As up to date they have killed nearly as many as were accounted


making an earlier

start. the authorities were enabled to get them run ed in good ti me. The Horse Handi-

had been well divided, there had been near

BY GENERAL 0. P. deAINSLIE. (Continued)

take all the stables and quarters and order

us to encamp.


He landed his about ye 18th, and put


of the officers: who would not have thought that there had been good quarters provided for troops thathad been so long at sea and suffered so many storms? Who would have thought that our generals Would have suffered them to he landed and to encamp them and to pin up the basket for near a fortnight ’ it proved to be extraordinary rainy weather; men fell sick every day. Bad weather, scarceness of victuals and plenty of wine were the chief causes of it. It was at first landing towards the end of Lent, for that reason, or for not being used to it, the Portuguese brought little or nothing inio the camp. and what they brought was extraordinary dear and butt very indifferent.” On the 8th of





were ordered into the Castle of Lisbon. and

the mounting of the regiment promised by the Portuguese Government, but very illperformed, was now commenced by Major de St. Pierre, who writes :— “In the meantime I was employed to choose horses with Baron Winterfield, Colonel of a. Walloon Regiment of Dragoons.

In four or

five days’ time wee choose 169, which we divided between the two regiments Vcl‘Y amicably, and amongst them together with fifteen that had been chosen for the officers. They were divided in the manner following :—

with he never would allow us to draw or roll

My Lord’s Troop

produced his regiment, notwithstanding wee

Colonel Killigrcw’s Troop ..

an order given by King Charles ye Second, which giveth post to ye Dragoons of all these

“ St. l’icrrc's Captain (lraves‘s “ Croft's

raised after them, specrally to our regiment. ” “ il'III'I'CIL we 24th,——No quarters being to be

.. 11 H “ .. 2 “ Captain Pcake‘s one home for his Lieutenant and one for his Quartermastor. .. 3 Ollict‘l‘s’ horses, 10 men’s, Captain Wyvill’s Troop one being for his Lieutenant.

had, The circumstances attending the arrival of the Royal Dragoons at Lisbon are thus related by Lieut.-Colonel de St. Pierre z~ “ Brigadier Hervey, as Brigadier, pretended to command both regiments, and promised to take as much care as possible could be of

He said he would ; and that


notwithstanding all our soll1c1tations,

the regiment was ordered to land, and encamped about Belle ISle, four miles from enough Lisbon, cold and bad refreshment

for people that had been near five months. on shipho-ird, specially the Weather provmg rainy, stormy and cold enough for the Coun-

t‘ry they wei e in.

“ i.

1 ‘3

. 3 . 3 ., 2

Oiiicer‘s horse. 10 men’s. Oih’cers‘ horses “ “

11 10

“ “



“ April. ye i2th.—I received from England a Bi'evett of Lieut.»Colonel, dated ist day Of the year i704, and that same day I drew out

for the first time about 80 men that had been mounted or the horses Ihud clicsen, which

' 'came to exercise much better than I expect-

them in the barracks at Alcantra, and left us to shift for ourselves: if these barracks

is NO ti‘OOPSi I believe, Were eoer more neg, lected, notwithstanding the daily clamours

ed. "



This mounted detachment proceeded under Captain Peake to the frontiers of Portugal, and encamped on a pleasant plain near Estremos, and while there it accompanied an expedition into the Spanish territory, which

under Dom Joan de Lancaster penetrated as far as Olivenea and Barcarola, where they ordered the proclamation of Charles as King

of Spain in the church and marketplace. The remainder of the regiment meanwhile proceeded. in June, dismounted, to Abrantes, there to await the arrival of horses, and on the way, at Piquette, Lieut. Farnham going to bathe, was unfortunately drowned. On the 7th of July the regiment went into quarters at Abrantes ; on the 23rd of which month Gibraltar was taken by the combined

fleets of Sir George Rooke and Sir Cloudesley Shovel, and 2,000 marines commanded by the

Prince of Hesse Darnstadt.

On the 7th of August St. Pierre tells us that,

“ 116 extraordinary bad horses were given by the King, for which we were told the Queen, not we, were to pay. Fourteen were



lamented by every one that knew him, and was buryed on Friday ye 18th in the castle, with small ceremony. Eighty dragoons, with their arms in the funeral posture, were led by two quartermasters. The men marched four and four, and just before the last rank, that was composed of corporals, marched four drums, their cases covered with black, next

to them the corporals, and afterwards two cornetts carrying the standards, in a funera] posture, with black to each standard; then two lieuts., then the captain that commanded the party, after him the hotbois playing a dolefu1 tune, which were followed by the surgeon and

the chaplain and the corpse, which was attended by the colonel and a great many other officers. As usual, three volleys were given. “Tuesday, February ye 22nd.—Colonel Kil. ligrew marched with the mounted men of the Regiment upon a pressing order from My Lord Galloway to join the army with all expedition, and left me here with the men on foot, the number being as follows, each troop one sergeant, two corporals, one drum :— My Lord’s Tr00p " Lieutenant-0011’s


given to each troop, and six to ye hotbois and



Captain Peake fell sick as soon

captain " “ "

kettledru m.

as he came into the town with the party from the Alantejo of afever and bloody flux.


that time we heard that the Duke of Schomberg was recalled, and that my Lord Galleway was coming to command in his place, which caused a universal joy to the whole of the army by the just opinion they have of their new General, who landed with a. small attendance at Lisbon on Tuesday, August ye 10.

“Captain Peake's sickness continued, and at last he dyed,

August ye


He was a

young gentleman of twenty-two years,


dowed with a great many good qualities, handsome in body and of very clear understanding, which had been much improved by his being bred in the university. He applyed


Greaves’s Croft’s Pelle’s Killigrew’s Wyvill’s

“ “ “ “ “

20 men 9n “ I?

20 )8 19 19 20

had lived he would have made as good an

He dyed

Cam bell of Captain Graves his troop, was accused of having offered to draw his sword against Sergeant Carr. The court left him to be punished according to the discretion of -“ Advice being taken of the officers, I had him whipt and turned out of the Regiment. He went into Stewart’s regiment and soon after was hanged for robbery and murther. ” On Friday, the 22nd of November, the dismounted men, under Lieutenant-Colonel de St. Pierre, quitted Abrantes, and the whole regiment went into winter quarters in the villages in the Alantejo.* The state of the Royal Dragoons at this time, from Colonel de St. Pierre’s notes, was as follows :— “ Thursday, ye 11th of Xbe, l704.—I went to

visit the several troops of the regiment, and had the articles of warr read to them. I found—


‘38 men.

to the canton ments having been built over it, but, roughly speaking, it was north-east through the Roman Catholic Church and over our Ofiicers’ Mess to Dilkusha Palace. They entered Dilkusha througha hole in the wall and soon drove the mutineers out of

Cant Graves’s ’l‘roop, sick and well


men 36 Co]. Croft’s Troop, sick and well men 32 Capt Bensen’s Troop, sick and well


it was that Sir Jrhn Watson earned the V. C. for his daring exploit of charging into the rebel cavalry entirely alone and slaying their leader, a native ofiicer of the 15th Irregulars,


in single combat.



Assuming the troop not seen as of average strength, and making due allowance for NonCommissioned Ofiicers not here included, the Regiment would seem to have numbered about 300 men. We know there were very few horses with it "—E. R. T. Editor‘s Note.



* London Gaze/fies, Pl'eseittSlate of Europe, Memoires

Greaves’s Croft’s Pelle’s Killigrew’s

“ ” " “

lR 16 19 21

“ “ H ~-

de Ferwick, Amzalso/ Quern Anne, and Official Recordiin the War Office.





cannot follow the actual line of advance owing




reached the nullah close to the junction of the Mall and Hope road. From this point you

My own Troops, sick and well men 38.


Bagh, he struck due east across

country, going just north of the village of Kistonagar, (which occupied the present site of the Central Jail,)and crossing the Brigade Paradeground of to-day behind the butts, he

it into the Mai'tiniere Park, where the caval-

Lieutenant-0011‘s Captain “ “ “

the Char

ry had a good gallop after them through the mango woods right down to the Canal. Here

Colonel Killigrew’s [did not see.

Sergeants and Corporals compleat.

well and sick. TI'OOP

Sir Colin Campbell’s advance commenced from the Alum Bagh on November 14th, but instead of following Havelock’s route through

men 35.

Remained in Abrantes, l sergeant, l corporal, l drum of each troop, and private men My Lord’s


Private men, 4], no drums

My Lord’s, Troop, sick and well

men 22.




the commanding oflicer.

Capt. Killigrew’s Troop, sick and well, men 37 .. Capt Wyvill’s Troop. sick and well


and delighted much in souldering, and if he officer as any in the kingdom.


" At a courtmartial held at A brantes, Saturday, ye 22st of fire, Coll. Allen, President,

Done in water-colour by an old soldier, a gallery of regimental caricatures was a novel feature at the sale of work of the Soldiers and Sailors’ Help Society, which the Duke of Con naught opened recently The Duke purchased a “ Royal Dragoon" as a present for the Kaiser.

After which he was beset

by six troopers, and was engaged with them when Probyn came to his rescue with two squadrons. From Dilkusha the advance was close to the river, leaving the Martiniere buildings

on the left. through the village of Jiamow, and across the canal at its junction with the river, thence to the village of Sultanganj, in the middle of which a sudden turn to the left showed them the Sikandar Bagh on their right front. They had to cross the eastern face under a storm of shot, and it was at the southeastern corner that the breach was (A tablet let into the wall eventually made marks the breach.) We also gained an entrance through the main gate way (stillstanding) in the southern face, thanks to the brav-




THE ery of a Mahomedan soldier, by name Mukurrab Khan, who just as the heavy gates were being shut by the rebels thrust his left arm in and so prevented their closing. Directly that his left hand had been badly wounded, he withdrew it and thrust in his other arm, only, however, to have his right hand all but severed at the wrist. A fearful struggle took place inside, and mutineers to the number of 2,000 were killed. From the Sikandar Bagh the route ran across the open to the Moti Malia]. but the Shah Najaf which had been strongly fortified,

6th March, 1858. Outram heldf the Alum Bagh with less than 4,000 men against a force of more than 120,000, the greater part of which was composed of trained soldiers. It was a wonderful performance, particularly so when we consider that he had to safeguard his own convoys once a fortnight to and from Cawnpore.

lt is rather difiicult to explain a position

the Shah Najaf (the tomb of the first King of

without drawing a plan of it, but as you all have access to the one inch Ordnance map, I will refer you to that. In square 0. l0 you will see the village of Kanausi. This formed the left front picket, and from there the advanced line ran eastwards to the Alum Bagh. Jallalabad Fort (Q. 12) was the most eastern picket, and was

Oudh), butafter dark the rebels evacuated it.

connected with the Alum Bagh by the right

lay on our right screened by a thick fringe of jungle.

The remainder of the day was oc-

cupied with ineffectual attempts to get into

The outposts that night were in a circle from the Kuddum Rassool on the to the barracks at the Chauper Stables left. On November 17th the Mess

semiright, on the House

(Martiniere Girls’ School) and Tarawali Kothi on the Observatory (the present Bank of Bengal) were captured, and then the relievers and the relieved met at the Moti Malia]. The actual spot where the famous meeting of the three generals—Colin Campbell, Havelock and Outram—took place is marked by a small brick pillar just inside the entrance gate of the Martiniere Girls’ School. At midnight, on November 22nd, the Resi-

dency was evacuated by its brave defenders, and the whole force moved beat: to Dilkusha by the same route, and thence to the Alum Bagh. On November 24th, Sir Henry Havelock died at Dilknsha, and was buried at the Alum Bagh, where you can see his grave and the

memorial, which has since been put up to one of England’s finest soldiers. When the relief of Lucknow had been safely accomplished, Sir James Outram, as I men-

tioned before, was left at the Alum Bagh to maintain our footing in Oudh until such time as Sir Colin Campbell was ready to return and recapture the city from the rebels 0 Thus from the 23rd November, 1857, till the


NATAL, 18th January, 1900 DEAR ”L, Long before this reaches you, you will have heard of the loss of the guns, the death of Lord Roberts’ son and other incidents of the battle of Colenso, so I will not repeat them.

We spent Christmas at lt‘rere, celebrating the



stem of a clay pipe ! ”

The top was covered

with long grass concealing more rocks; we stumbled along for half a mile, then commenced the descent which was even worse than the ascent, and arrived back in camp at dusk. I hear the object of the reconnaissance was to make the enemy believe we were looking for a road round their left flank. We saw only small parties of Boers, several miles away, probably patrols. A week later we struck camp and marched to Pretorius’ farm near Springfield, on the little Tugela. Some of our troops were holding a position across this river, lately occupied by astrong force of Boers who were reported to have moved to-

occasion with a feed of “bully beef ” and outpost duty ;there were actually plum-puddings on the way Lip-country, sent, I understand, by Lyons’, but they were shunted aside in favour of other Christmas gifts, i.e., lyddite shells; however, the puddings arrived early in the new year and the boys voted them "just like

wards “ Weenen.”

mother makes.”

Our naval guns at the camp

far away as their patrols could be seen from our outposts. One day going out on patrol 1 met four Boer prisoners under escort, and

The camp was

near Frere, generally threw a couple of shells into the Boer entrenchments every morning at daybreak; we used to say,“ there goes the “doppers’ coffee.” One night the guns opened at ll RM. and fired several rounds in quick succession ; opinion was divided as to the rea-

astride the Cawnpore road with its right at the village of Bargawan (P. 11) with head-

attack, others, that the blue-jackets were hav-

front picket, a quarter mile north-east of the village of Mardari(Q.11). The southern or rear picket was at a mosque on the Oawnpore road, level with the village of Bisha (R. 10), and the left or Western face ran parallel with the road on the far side of the Meet back

our starting point Kanausi.

quarters on the road.


The whole circum-

ference of the defence was about eleven miles, and with a picket here, a battery there, and trenches and «battle scattered about, it did not look as though it were possible to defend it against any serious attack. ldo not propose to give any detailed account of the defence, but having the actual ground so close at hand, I recommend your riding out there and looking for yourselves at the magnitude of the task carried out by Sir James Outram, and to remember that determined attacks were made on his position from all directions on December 22nd, January 12th. January 16th, February 15th, February 16th, February2lst and February

25th On the last date they attacked at9 A.M., were driven off and had vanished by l P.M., and then moved out again atal PM. only, however,


be once



finally, repulsed. (To be continued.)



sons for this; some were in favour of a night

ing a little “loose play.”

In the morning we

heard that some of the enemy had been in the

habit of leaving the trenches at night and sleeping in a house within range of the 47 guns ; this becoming known, the guns were trained on it before nightfall; the Burghers must, at least, have been rudely awakened! On New Year’s day, we made a reconnaissance towards Weenen, on the left flank of the

enemy’s position. It was a very rough bit of country, and we frequently had to dismount and lead our horses up and down the hills,

which were covered with loose boulders. One hill, in particular, seemed impossible for cavalry to negotiate ; the horses could only scramble for a few yards at'a time, whilst we, armed to the teeth and weighed down with water, food and ammunition, puffed, pulled and struggled to thetop, arriving there quite

However, they were not

hadagood look at them; they were young men, dressed in ordinary civilian clothes, wearing slouch hats, decorated with a ribbon of the Transvaal colours, nothing much to look at from a “ Pimlico " point of View, but behind a gun and a rock they are people to be respected. This was a much better camping ground than Frere, not so many flies about. The following Field order by the General

Officer Commanding was read on


yesterday :—

“The Field force is now advancing to the relief of Ladysmith, where, surroundedby superior forces, our comrades have gallantly defended themselves for the last ten weeks.

The General Commanding knows that every one in the force feels as he does. We must

be successful

We shall be stoutly opposed

by a clever and unscrupulous enemy.


no man allow himself to be deceived by them. If a white flag is displayed, it means nothing, unless the force displaying it halt, throw down their arms, and throw. up their hands at the ,same time. If they get a chance the enemy

will try and mislead us by false words of com-

blown ; one trooper said, he felt as if anyone could have pushed him down again “ with the

mand, and false bugle sounds.

Every One



must guard against being deceived by such conduct; above all, if any are ever surprised

by a sudden volley at close quarters, let there be no hesitation, do not turn from it, but rush at it ; this is the road to victory and safety, a retreat is fatal; the one thing, the enemy cannot stand, is, our being at close

quarters with them.

We are fighting for the

health and safety of our comrades ; we are fighting for the defence of our flag against

of the situation, finally decided to “blow ’em to blazes.” Having posted a sentry we knocked out our pipes and went to sleep. The sentry probably listening in envy to our snores, staring at the dim outline of the hills in front and the bright stars of the southern cross above him, perhaps thinking of his best girl, was suddenly brought back to the present by the figure of a mounted man crossing his


He woke me up and pointing to the

an enemy who has forced war upon us for the worst and lowest motives, by treachery, conv spiracy and deceit. Let us bear ourselves as our cause deserves.” On the 14th January we struck camp at

horseman said, “Here they come l” As we watched, two more figures came out of the shadow of the hilIS, and our men, now on the alert, wanted to fire. This, of course, could not be allowed until we were sure they were

11 P.M., and moved, under cover of darkness, to Springfield, fording the Little Tugela and camping not far from the junction of the two rivers. The next night the regiment marched again, leaving the camp standing, and fires burning A trumpeter was left behind with

enemies, so Iwent out to reconnoitre.

the dismounted party, to sound the usual trumpet calls and after the “last post,” tents were struck and packed, and the party moved off with the baggage, leaving six men and myself in charge of some stores that had to be left behind for lack of transport. The situation was not exactly a pleasant one ; there we were,

Imagine my surprise to find within half a mile of our bivouac, a party of about a hundred horsemen lying about in groups, their horses saddled and standing by them. Obviously the first thing to do was to find out who they were, so calling to mind Fenimore Cooper, I started to wriggle forward in the most approved Redskin fashion, and incidentally found it a very laborious method of travelling. The nearest group were sitting, and evidently talking, so I made for them with the object of getting within hearing dis

without horses, isolated with a heap of boxes


in the middle of the veldt and the night, doubtful when and where we should rejoin, and in our excited imagination seeing the

a case where our strategy was at fault. Having approached as near as my hump of caution allowed, I lay still, and listening, and was

Royals cutting sixes and sevens through mil-

much relieved to hear our mother-tongue. I got up and walked over, and found them to

lions of Boers, and riding into Ladysmith covered with glory and dust, whilst we, for-

gotten and forlorn, kicked our heels on sacks of corn, miles away amongst the ant-hills. However, it occurred to us that if the Boers discovered the camp gone, it was extremely probable that some of them would come down from the hills close by to see what they could find. Our drooping spirits revived thereat, and we sat round the dying embers of our

bivouac tire discussing coffee and a plan of campaign. The “council of war,” after deli~ berating profoundly on the strategical aspect



It struck me en route that this was

be a squadron of colonial troops, who had been detached from the main body. Next day some

waggons turned up, and we loaded the stores and came on here, but found that the regiment had gone on, having crossed the Tugela under cover of four naval guns and some field


The former are posted on a hilljust

above the camp. From this hill there’s a fine view of the Boer position—a mountain on the left front called Spion Kop, with a big horseshoevshaped trench, connecting with a

long line of kopjes running towards Colenso.


Fighting is going on over an extended front, and no doubt there will be plenty of rough work before getting into Ladysmith. You no doubt will hear all about that from the papers before this reaches you. Yours, OL-OL. INDIAN POLO.

The-following review on Colonel de Lisle’s new book “Polo in India” is taken froma recent number of the “ Times of India,” and will doubtless prove of interest to many of our readers :— “ It is not often wise to deal in superlatives, but it may be confidently stated that no man has achieved greater success in polo or won a higher reputation as a trainer and organiser ofa team than Colonel de Lisle. For some thirty years polo has been played throughout the length and breadth of India, and the game has greatly altered of late years. Until well on in the ‘ eighties,’ a team usually de. pended for victory on brilliant individual play; little attention was paid to keeping

places, and combination, in the sense in which it is nowadays employed, was never even

thought of.

The credit of first organising a

system of combined play is, it is believed, due to the 9th Lancers. Each member of the team had his place and specific duties laid down for him, the greatest stress was laid on riding off an opponent in possession of the ball and the importance of playing together was thoroughly instilled. The advantage of organisation was speedily demonstrated. The 9th Lancers carried everything before them and the day of unsupported individual play, no matter how brilliant, was doomed.


combination used by the best Hockey and Association Football Teams. It is now so long since Colonel de Lisle, then a Captain in the Durham Light Infantry, first produced his famous team that only veteran players can recollect the general astonishment when it was known that the finest British Cavalry regiments had had their colours lowered by an Infantry regiment, comparatively unknown in the polo-playing world. For fourteen consecutive polotournaments, the Durham Light Infantry were undefeated, thus showing unmistakably what scientific knowledge properly applied can do for the game. But though the new combination was mainly responsible for this extraordinary run of success, it would have been useless had it not been joined to many other qualifications. Men and ponies were trained to a degree that had probably never been reached before; drill and discipline were practically perfect, and, in short, the brain of the organiser was apparent in every detail. As everyone knows, Colonel de Lisle was responsible for the whole system. He had bought the ponies, trained them, drilled the officers, and laid down rules for thoroughly effective stable management.

Fortunately he has been induced to publish his experiences, and polo players, especially young ones, will find no more valuable book of reference than Colonel de Lisle’s ‘ P010 in India.’ Its primary object is to instruct be. ginners, but there are few players who will not benefit by studying its pages. Indeed, we might add that horse-owners generally will find many most useful hints in the book.

The opening chapter is devoted to giving

detailed explanation ; suffice to say, that the

the sporting youngster, new to the country, some very sound advice :— ‘My advice, and I emphasize it strongly, is never to buy untrained ponies in Bombay or elsewhere, unless you have had the experience to purchase the raw material and also to make him into a. polo pony. . . . Later on, when vacancies have to be filled up, and after

idea was taken from the particular form of

experience has been gained in all the many

Then, play was practically from front to rear, and this plan was universally adopted by all polo-playing teams. It remained for Colonel de Lisle to introduce an entirely different system.

It is too well known now to require




THE EAGLE details connected with Indian Polo,


from the stables can be made a most profit-_ able investment; but I most strongly recommend the new arrival to reach his destination unencumbered by any purchases of ponies in

Bombay. These are remarks that the new arrival may well take to heart. The most modest of boys who has ever ridden at all believes in his heart that he has an, intuitive eye for a horse, and the temptation to astonish his future associates with a ‘ Flyer ’ is hard to

resist, but he Will be wise if he accepts the Colonel's warning. Chapters on ‘ How to learn the Game ’ and ‘Preparation of Polo Ponies ’follow, and then comes ‘Stable Management.’ This includes practically everything connected with the care of a horse when in the stable that an owner requires to know, and from the general point of view is one of the most interesting portions of the book. Grooming, feeding, bedding are discussed in every detail and a complete list given of all the necessary stable gear. Nor does the writer forget to call attention to the

syce’s little idiosyncracies, such as using the currycomb on the horse, neglecting to air the

bedding and washing the horse’s



many stables at home, this last practice is not

objected to, but we entirely agree with the author that in this country—probably because the legs and feet are not properly dried after-

wards—it leads to deplorable results, seedytoes, sandcracks and other ills. When Captain Horace Hayes visited India a little more than twenty years ago, the writer of this article had an opportunity of witnessing his horse-breaking experiments. Among the

methods employed were ‘mouthing’ young horses by driving with long reins, and subduing the refractory by tying their heads to their tails and letting them circle round and

round until they, were ready to drop.


observe that Colonel de Lisle employs the first

method when schooling ponies and the principle of the other to cure an animal of rearing. He writes in regard to drivmg ponies :———

‘ The more I see of driving, the more cer— tain I am that this is far the best way of mouthing ponies and making them perfect. Moreover, a man with indifferent hands can give a pony a perfect mouth if he has only patience and perseverance. Driving at firstis no small test of endurance. Later on, when ponies know what is required of them, the physical exertion is reduced to a minimum. When ponies are very full of themselves, as they are after having been thrown up, or when taken off the race course, they are inclined to ‘take hold ' uncomfortably with a man in the saddle. This habit of taking hold is so opposed to the first requirements of a polo pony, that it must be eradicated from the first, and there is no better way than driving with long reins. The driver on foot. assisted by long

are given for holding them.

This latter part

of the book is addressed to advanced players and especially to those who have organisation of polo in their hands. It includes the formation of regimental polo clubs, tournament training veterinary notes and other important matters. His views on the management of clubs are especially interesting and many will be glad to learn how the pockets of playing members were affected in a regiment where polo was encouraged to the greatest extent. Diagrams and illustrations abound and greatly simplify the explanations, It is probable that for many years to come ‘P010

in India’ will be regarded as the standard work on the subject.” POLO.

reins, has so much control over the pony that

he finds it impossible to throw up the head and jump into his bridle. Finding himself beaten, the pony gives in, and is soon disciplined to obedience.’ And in regard to circling :— ‘ If a horse rears in order to get the rider off, or in order to avoid going a road he does not approve of, he can only be cured by judicious punishment. As soon as the horse intends to get up, his head should be pulled round to one side, forcing him to walk round

ina small circle until he is giddy.

Then he

should be driven in the required direction with the assistance of voice and whip. After a. few victories—and remember that it must be a victory every time—the horse will realise that rearing means punishment and is not to be attempted lightly. I have seen many rearers cured like this, and I have never found a horse to resist the method ’

Several chapters are devoted to the polo education of the player and the pony and then

the game itself is elaborately discussed with

THE ROYAL DRAGOONS CUP. Having won the Narain Singh Cup outright last year, the Regiment presented a Challenge

Cup to be played for in place of it.

This Cup

was open to any team for competition, provided that not more than two members of the team had participated in the Inter-Regiment-

al or Championship tournaments. The following - entered for the tournament z—Royal Dragoons Subalterns, 15th Hussars, 12th Lancers, 2nd Lancers, Royal Artillery, Durham Lt Infantry, Somerset Lt. Infantry, 60th Rifles.

FIRST ROUND. In the first round the Royals Subalterns

played the Royal Artillery, and after a fast game won by six goals to one. The subalterns were better mounted and surer on the ball and had the advantage all through, though the artillery played a defensive, game with some success in the 3rd and 4th chukkars.

is: ' 0huk7car.—The




the ball to their opponent’s end, where a foul was given against the Royals. However, this was cleared successfully, and the subalterns carried the ball up the field and scored another goal. Score——Royals, 3 goals; Artillery, 1 goal. 3rd Uliuklcar.—-Play was centred round the artillery goal at first, but soon an attack was made on the Royals goal. They successfully defended and then carried the ball to the op ponent‘s end, getting in a shot which went wide. No score. 4th Ixhulclcar.~—’I‘lie gunners shot a goal, but this was disallowed on account of “ offside.” At the end of the period the subalterns got in a shot which went wide. 5m (JhllkkaT.—Afiiel‘ some fast play, Mr. Miles scored for the Royals with a very fine shot from the right of the flags. The Royal s continued to press. Score—Royals, 4 goals ; Artillery, 1 goal. 62h (Multan—«The subalterns scored off a long shot early in the elm/clear, and keeping possession of the ball, soon after hit anoth er

goal, thus winning by 6 goals to 1 goal. Teams—Royal Dragoons Subalterns : 1, Mr. W. T. Miles; 2, Mr. T. S. Irwin ; 3, Mr. B. A. Tomkinson ; back, Mr. H. M. Lambert. Royal Artillery: l, Capt. Mackenzie; 2, Mr. Webber; 3, Capt. Tudor; back,er. Sanderson. Umpires—Major Clifton Brown 2. ud Hon. D. Bingham.

In the three other matches of the first round, the following were the results :—

15th Hussars beat the Durham Light Infantry by 5 goals to nil.

12th Lancers beat the 60th Rifles by 3 goals to 1 goal. Somerset Light Infantry beat 2nd

the Lancers by 5 goals to 4 goals

all the duties of the various members of a team. Many controversial matters are touch~ ed on, butthose who disagree with the opinions expressed will find that strong reasons

scoring and the subalterns retaliated almost

immediately. Score—one goal all. 2nd Chukkazr.—.—The subalterns scored a goal early, but thelgunners-immediately after took

_ SEMI-FINALS. The first match in the semi-final was be. tween the 12th- L‘aucers and the SomersetLight




THE Infantry, and resulted in a hollow victory for the 12th by 11 goals to 2 goals. The second match was fought out between the Royals Subalterns and the 15th Hussars. The latter were an older team and beat the subalterns after a good match by six goals to one. 188 Chukkar.*Play was fast, the Royals having much the best of the opening exchanges. They got in two shots at goal, but both unfortunately went wide. No score.

2nd Chukkm.—The subalterns put in yet another shot, which also went wide. A penalty was then given against the Hussars from which the Royals shot a goal. The Hussars

then rushed the ball down and hit a goal just on the point of time. Score—Royals 1, Bussars L 3rd Ohukkavr. —The Hussars now found their game, and playing better together, hit two goals, after a stubborn defence by the Royals.

Score—Hussars 3 goals, Royals 1 goal, 4th Chukkar.—The 15th were attacking nearly all the time and increased their score by one goal. Score—Hussars 4, Royals 1. 5th Chukkar.-—'l‘he Hussars, playing well together, added two more goals, keeping 1308session of the ball continually.


sars 6 goals, Royals 1 goal. Gth Chukkar —Nothing further was scored,

and the 15th were left victorious by 6 goals to one.

This was decided between the 15th Hussars and 12th Lancers on November 25th, and resulted in a win for the former by 3 goals to 2 goals after an excellent game, in which extra time had to be played beforea decision could be arrived at. The i5th Hussars thus won the Cup presented by the Regiment. AUSTRIAN CAVALRY.

The notes from which this article is


piled, were made during the winter of 190506, so that the reader must not accept the system described as that obtaining at the present time, although it may be safely assumed the essentials are little altered.

The Austrian cavalry man is, generally speaking, a good horseman He sits naturally, and rides with long stirrups, a straight seat, hands well back, and long reins. The ofiicers and N. 0. OS are good horsemen, and impart their instruction in a simple and convincing

manner. Great pains are taken with recruits, who receive much individual attention and instruction of a quiet and practical nature. They are first taught balance-riding, without stirrups, on specially selected horses, which are led quietly about the school, while the riders, without holding the reins, throw up and catch balls. When a certain amount of grip has been obtained, the horses are turned loose,

few recommended for retention as suitable for N. C. 0’s, and last joined recruits. Horses are not clipped, but they carry much finer coats than the German horses or our own, and as they are well groomed and get plenty of “ wisping, ” keep excellent coats. The saddle is lighter than ours, and has fixed pannels of wood resting on a thick, soft, all-wool blanket, folded generally in six, which is much superior to our hard cotton blanket The cantle of the saddle is far too high, but the flaps are good, deep and wide. The bits carry tixed ports, but are too thin and light. The stirrups are good and roomy, and are provided with felt coverings for Winter use.

The pannels used to be hinged across the centre, but they were discarded as being im. practicabl *, being easily broken, causing the saddle to shift, and giving a feeling of in. security toarider on a troublesome horse, The seat and flaps are in one, pannels and frame-work slipping into it by a very simple arrangement. Numnah pannels are not used. The Austrians claim excellent results from their saddle, which seems to sit closely and easily, without being too near the horse, but it is narrow and ridged in the seat, in this

respect much resembling the saddle used in our service some thirty years ago. The sword carried by the rank and fileis very heavy, and somewhat overweighted at

but had some of the Royals shots early in the game gone through, a good lead might have been established, which possibly would have

given some difliculty to our opponents to wipe

and the men continue until they

dence, and feel quite happy as to balance and

grip. This practice gives a strong, easy and pliable seat. The Austrian cavalry horse, is of a lighter

15th Hussars: Mr. R.Bany, 1; Major L. Kennard, 2; Hon. D. Bingham, 3 ; Major B. D. Bramwell, back. Umpires.— Col. Forbes and Major Luard.

head and good shoulders, bred chiefly out of

placed so that their Riding- School—of which there is one to each two squadrons—is built, across the end of them. These riding-schools are nearly twice the size of ours, with floors laid in clay and covered with tan. The cooking is done in alarge squadron kitchen with scullery and provision store rooms attached. No small dishes are allowed, the food being cooked for the whole squadron in large cauldrons. There are squadron workshops for tailors, boot-makers, saddlers, etc. Boots are made for each man as required. The riding boots differ from ours in that they have seams down the inside and the outside, instead of behind. In this way itis much easier to fit the calf. School and lecture rooms, and a gymnasium,

form part of the squadron barrack, as do also mobilization stores which are kept up to date with full equipment for men joining on mobilization, as well as saddlery for horses on increase of strength. There isa regimental Pay Office in charge

ofa paymaster holding the rank of 1st Lieutenant, who is assisted by a pay clerk from each squadron. The Squadron Commander is thus relieved of all personal responsibility,

Hungarian mares by English thorough-breds. Remounts are received untrained at 5 years old, and are passed to the ranks after one year’s training by N. C. 0’s and selected men. All - officers below the rank of Squadron Leader have to ride and train a

weapon, and would stand a lot of rough usage. The barracks are compactly built, with lofty well-ventilated rooms, to hold sixteen to twenty


and the men eat and sleep in the same rooms,

At 16 horses are cast, except a

though the squadron non-commissioned officers have a separate dining-room. Recruits are putinto rooms by themselves for the first year! The stables consist of one building for each squadron, with a long central passage, passing through eight divisions, each of which contains fifteen to twenty horses—half a troop. The stables of two squadrons are

It is curved, and essentially a cut-

gain confi-

stamp than the German with a well put on off. Teams —R0yals : Messrs. T S. Irwin, 1.; W, T. MileS, 2; H. A. ’l‘omkinson, 3; H. M. Lambert, back.


ting weapon. A new pattern sword, however, is being tried ;it is lighter, straighter and slightly longer, with a grip for the little finger. The carbine has a heavy Single pull-off. It is clumsy in comparison with our own, and not well-balanced, having a very short stock.

the point. Their combination was better all through,



beyond satisfying himself as to the interests of his men. [n this way the officers are able to devote the whole of their time to the training of their men and horses.

It appears, however, to be a good serviceable

men. Arm-racks are in the corridors outside,


As mentioned in our last number, one of the attractions for the Army Cup Week was aperformance by the regimental circus. Only a fortnight’s notice was given for rehearsal, and it was expected that, considering nothing of




the kind had been done since February last, an indiflerent show would be the result. Contrary to expectations, however, the per. formance which took place on 22nd ultimo

proved to be excellent from every point of view, and was voted by many to be the best yet given. There was a marked absence of

“stickiness ” about the proceeding, the performers displayed none of the amteurish efforts which have formerly characterised

them, the clowns sported in approved circus fashion, and the whole show went swing from start to finish.

with a

A large and appreciative audience included Lady Hewett, General Sir Edward and Lady Locke Elliot, Miss Hewett, Miss Cookson, Mrs. and Miss du Cane Smithe, Br.-Genera1 Sir Ronald Macdonald, Mr. and Mrs. Saunders, Mr. and Mrs. Butler, Colonel, Mrs and Miss Mackenzie, Colonel Cowans, Major and Mrs. Clifton Browne, 12th Lancers, Major and the Hon. Mrs. Bramwell, 15th Hussarsa

Major and Mrs. Hugh Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. R B. Wood, 12th Lancers, Major Gordon, Capt. Hon. W. Cadogan, 10th Hussars, Capt. D. Percy Smith, Capt. Chadwick, 9th Lancers, Capt. Reynolds, 12th Lancers, and most of our own officers and ladies.

The programme was as follows :— PART I. Ovea'rnlm . CownoY DISPLAY

-- Royal Dragoous‘ Band. .. Corpl. Lockyer. Ptes. Cast. Dre and





.. Sergt. Corke.Corn1s. Farrell. Kim and Wyatt. .. Pte. Monk.

. .

DOUBLE JOCKEY ACT -. Corpls. Sutch and KimMEXICAN TRICK RIDING, Pte. Munroe.


PART II. SELECTION _ Royal Dragoons' Band. . TRIPLE HORIZONTAL S. S. M. I. F. 8t G. Cooke. Sergt. “’yatt. and Farrell Corke, Corpls. BARB. I .. Corpls. Sutch. Beau. McLellan. . VAULTING TEAM Kite and Tubbs. and Pres. Groom and Cue. . Sworn). CLUB AND Toacn Sergt. Corke and Ptc. Taylor. . SWINGING. .. Corpl. Sutch. 4. ROMAN leNo Munroe. Pte. NG TEROWI 5. LARIAT

— Baudmaster Holt.

MUsICAL Drnac'ron

-. S. S. M. R. R‘. Cope.



.. S. Q. M. S. Cronin. ) ‘ - . Sci-gt. Corke. .. Sergts. Norton anleapkin. l hes. Bards. Price and Towndrow.

With such brilliantly executed turns .it would be difficult, if desirable, to say ’which was the best, but mention must be made of Corporal Sutch's Roman Riding, which was generally agreed to be equal to any professional turn of its kind, Pte. Monk’s weight-lifting, and Pte. Munroe’s lariat-throwing, too, were very fine, and came in for much applause. The clowns were all very happy in their parts, and filled in the gaps with some excellent humorous items, causing great. merriment. Theoflicerswere“athome”toalarge number of friends, and Major Steele was congratulated on all sides on the splendid performance. The next show, it is supposed, will be given during Civil Service Race Week, which takes

place early in the coming year. expect even greater things

We shall

from our


mental circus. REGIMENTAL DRAMATIC CLUB. The outcome of the reorganisation of the regimental dramatic club was a musical and dramatic entertainment of a very high order, held on Wednesday, the 4th instant, in the regimental theatre, before a crowded house, which included Major and Mrs. Steele, and all the officers and ladies of the regiment now present. The regimental orchestra, under the direction of Bandmaster Holt, opened with an overture promptly at 9-30 P.M., and the various turns followed in quick succession

throughout the evening. Indeed, the absence of waits was a notable and agreeable feature of the whole performance.

The programme in detail was as follows :~ OVERTURE. " Moonlight in the Forest " SONG. " I’m coming back to Dublin " SONG. “ My Japaneses‘ Girl" Dne'r AND DANCE. " I wish I were you “

.. .. .. ..

R. D. Orchestra Cornl. Fitch. Pte. Purvis. Corp]. Murkcu & Pte. Dewar.

SONG. COMIC. “ Lady Bird “ SONG. “Pierrot" SONG. Como. " That's enough i“ SONG. “ Dinah Jones " IRISH Dux'r .5.- DAN Cli. " Mister Reilly ”

.. Corp]. Anstey. ... Fisher. .. Pte. Hards. .. ,. Murphy. .. Ptos. McFarline. Short and

oNG. Como. EONG 8: CHORUS.

.. Pte.Gatland. .. ., Dewar.

“Winner“ .. "Saturday Marvin Om


I/zléi‘wrl of Tm Minutes.


“ Leslie Stuart‘s Songs " " Starlight ” “ They uan‘t diddlc me 1”

-. R. D. Orchestra. .. Corp). Murkctt. .. Pto. Price.

SONG. SCOTCH Comm," 1 wish I had someone to ,. love me.“ .. .. Paton. SELECTION. “ PODDlGS ” .. R. D. Orchestra.

51:1 N311.

" 7716’ .ilodrl Husband. "


" The model husband " .. Ptc. Hnrds.

Sampson SHANREY.

" His brother "

Fulton} i I t 1' ,. v [0N l\ l1‘ Il/mAmm. Jon. " His Tiger“ Mus. SHANKEY, " Simon's Wife "

Mus. MANNlNG’l‘oN.

" Her Mother "


well. Altogether the sketch was much appreciated, and all are looking forw ard to the

Dramatic Olu b’s next show, which, it is under.— stood, is to take place early in Janu ary. Pte. Weeden was the accompanist, and played excellently throughout.

_ Corpl. Fitch. Anstcy,

DEAR El)lTOR,—I am fully aware you are

Pie, Murphy. .- Corpl. Kite.

not anxious to decorate our Eagle with any funny efforts, but in view of the appr oaching gay and festive season, the followmg remarks on the recent circus performance may not be out of place :—— The management of a circus is (like Parlia-


.. Pic. Dewar.

The most popular items were Murkett and Dewar’s coon duet and dance, and Hards ’ policeman song. Price also in his eccentric number, “"hey can't diddle me, ” was very successful, and the remaining turns were all admirably rendered. and well received With regard to the sketch, one has little

hesitation in pronouncing it the best thing yet put on bya regimental company. Well staged, excellently played, no pausing, or audible prompting, “The Model Husband“ was a distinct success. Hards,as Simon Shankey, was one of the fun-

niest characters imaginable, and his sayings and-mannerisms kept t‘ie audience in roars of laughter. He was ably supported by Corpl. Fitch, who played the part of the irate Devonshir-e farmer to perfection. lorpl. Kite, aided by wig, and powder and paint, to say

ment) largely dependent on the whip.


have a good one, CORK(E) handled, and STEEL(E) lined, sufficient to COPE with


Of course, it is well-known that

too many cooks spoil the broth, but with SU(T)CH a COOK(E) as ours, there is sure to bea BEANfeast.

In many of


turns, it

was evident the performers did not care a

RAPlKIN) for danger, or how FAR(R)EL (L) evated they were on the bars. And What PRICE falling off one of those bars? For-

tunately, however, the clown had been well padded

by the



had he


NORTON, he might have sustained a HAR D

(S)MAC(K), but he took his CUE correctly and came down as airily as a MONK(EY) on 2;,

nothing of most fashionable feminine fripperies, made a mostfascinating Mrs. Shankey,


and if his voice was rather low at times, he had the good sense to err on the right side, as anything approaching a “parade ” voice, would have proved the ruin of his most difficult part. Corpl. Anstey played well, and without overdoing it, gave a good representation of the barber who posed as an upAto-date man about town. The mother-in-law, gaunt and disapproving, and continually on the verge of hysterics, was capably impersonated by Pte.

ask you at what did MUNROE throw his

Dewar, who was

unfortunate in having a

cold. Pte. Murphy looked very “ horsey ” as

the_“tiger,” and carried off his small part

If you feel inclined for conundru ms. let me lariat?

I shall answer, W(H)YAT(T) acow—.

boy to be sure!

lwould like to continue this, now I amjn the humour, but 1 can hear you say,

“ If

you are (H)OB(B) Stinate, and won’t stay your nonse nse, I’ll

get HOLT of you and

> LOCKYER up for WEEKS. ” So the DYE is CAST, and under these GIRCU(m)Stances, I am just leavin(G) ROOM to remark on the CRO(w)NIN(g) performa nce

of the megaphone artist, and lwill RING down.

I Your Bosnian.







The important


Musketry event

of the

month is the Steele Cup Competition, the last stage of which was fired a few days ago, and resulted in a win for “ D" Squadron. This cup was presented by Major G. F. Steele, as an Inter-Squadron trophy in 1904, and has been competed for annually since, “B” Squadron having been successful on each previous occasion. The conditions, which are framed each year to keep pace with the alterations in the official Musketry course, were this year con-

fined solely to rapid fire, the teams being allowed to get off as many rounds as possible in agiven time, their score being taken by the number of direct


tance—500 and 600 yards.



This branch of. sport, it is agreeable to notice, has still some adherents, and the last few Thursdays have witnessed some good matches. The following are the more recent games :— " B " SQUADRON rs. ROYAL ARTILLERY. “15" SQUADRON. Pte. Earl,

not out

Corpl. Winter,

c Eagan. b Edwards

Pte. Brown, “ Seaton.

c Eugen, b Hillier b Edwards

Corpl. Jeffrey.

b Hillier

Pitkin, Pte. Davis. ‘ Col\lier

c Fagan. b Hillier not out



Shurmer Extras







In the first day’s

Bmdr. Bradford. h Seaton





Hillier. not out


lead which eventually won them the competition, as “ C " Squadron registered the greater number of hits on the two succeeding days, finishing up only two points behind the win-

Righy, run out



Edwards, ‘0 ‘Vinter



Gnr. Tucker. c S: 1) Arnold

1 l

" Emile. run out " Padgham. not out ” Eagan. c W'intcr. b


Arnold .. McMarnard. 1: Davies Bmdr. Howell. c “'iuter.

Bmdr, Edwards, 0 Jeffrey, b Seaton .. Gnr. Eagan. b JeITi-ey .-

ners. The aggregate scores are given below :— 8quctdron.

Rounds fired.

Direct hits.











“1;" “A”

.. ..

575 547

3'26 3rd. 305 4th.

' “

McMarnard,b Seaton .. Price. 1) Seaton ..

Bmdr. Howell. stud. Welch. b Seaton



Gnr. Rigby.

Gnr. Padgham. 0 Arnold. 1) JetYrey



Emile, b Scaton Extras

-. --



0 Jeffrey,

Davies 0

Bmdr, Eugen.



Arnold Extras

The names of the winning team are as fol-

lows :—-— S. S. M. Wallis,

S. Q. M. S. Stuart,


.. Wood, b Seaton

for,-the“Steele Cup.

The four



werezr Rounds fired, Sergt. Golllngwood .. ' 44 Wallis .. 31 . .5 Sykes .. 34 39 , -‘ “Allen, S. . Dista' c’e‘ ‘200, 500 and 600 yards.

Direct hits.


28 27 23 2'3

Parks, In Seaton Puddifoot. b Seaton Newton. 1) Seaton Pine. not out



.. -.

‘ ’

Cue. (3 Earl. b Seatou


Davies . Maytum. c Tomkinson. 'Seaton .. Total

knowing little or nothing of each others’ play, and lacking, therefore, that most essential element to success asa side, namely, combination. Again we would point out that the number of games of which any account is notified to the Editor, is a very small percentage of the actual games played, and we would appeal to Squadron Secretaries to arrange that the results of all matches, whether troop or squadron, be sent in. The following are the games, of which we

have any record, played since the lastissue :— ROYALS vs. VI RRIGA DE, R.F.A.—played


on our ground on November 17th, the game

Pte. Earl, c Ashworth, Parks

-. ..

Weeks, stud, Welcli, Davies .. Ashworth, b Seaton .

(Jorpl, Stitch. c S; b Seaton Pte. Emmins. c Cosens.

sityof arranging as many fixtures as possible during the next few weeks, in order to give players plenty of practice, and to enable the Regimental Selection Committee to choose the best eleven to represent the corps in the forthcoming Murray Cup Tournament. From what we have seen of the available material, no regiment standsa better chance of securing this trophy, than do the Royals, but unless the men get plenty of games and consequently opportunities of displaying their real respective merits, it will be impossible to select the very best team, and so we may find ourselves repre-


opened slowly, and continued uninteresting

Arnold, c Weeks, Puddifoot

Corpl. Pittkin. b Pine

satisfactory. The. Sergeanls' Mess Rifle Club held a spoon shoot on 28th ultimo, when, as a variation to the usual “slow” bull’s-eye shooting,

the competition was conducted under practically:..t~he same conditions as those laid down


” C“ SQUAnnox.

Collingwood, Sergt Reynolds, Corporals McLellan and Jamieson, and Privates Burt

and Mackie, All squadrons have now completed their field-firing practices, the results being very



Pte. Seaton. Pine

0 Parks.

for the whole of . 1) ..

Lt, H, A. Tomkinson. did not bat. Corp]. Welch. 9 Newton, b Puddifoot


first half, neither side

obtaining a point. On resuming, however, the Royals settled down to work, and the gunners responding, some good, fast football was the result Just before time our men

Lt. G. P. L. Cosens, c Newton. in Puddifoot Corp], Winter, c Parks, 1) Maytum .

" .lcti'refv’, not out Pm. Cook. did not but. Ertrns Total




R. F. A., played on the R. A. ground on 2nd instant. Both teams put upan excellent game, and an hour’s hard, fast play produced no

score. “ B" SQUADRON vs, “C” SQUADRON. This took place on the .5th instant and result ed in a win for “ B, " after a rather poor game, by 2—0. Pittkin and Bromham were responsible for the g0 LlS


The Inter-Squadron Shield Competition has re-commenced, and up to the time of writing three matches have taken place. “A” and “ 8” met in the opening game, and after a fairly even game shared the points, having scored3goals each. Mr. Houstoun,



and Corpl. Fisher put on the points for “ A,” Whilst Bray scored all three for “ B” Squad-

ron " l)" and “C" meeting a few days later, a very one-sided game left the former team with no less than eleven goals to their credit, “ C ” being unable to register a point. Mr. Hudson, Cronin, Vanson, Whittingham, Francis and Leigh were the scorers. Forlthe losers Gibson, Richardson and Stone worked hard, but the defence generally was powerless against the attacks of the opposing forwards. The last game was decided only a few days ago, and proved a victory for the Band, who beat “ A” Siuadron by 4 goals to ml. The Band are favourites for the Shield, but on recent form, there is every likelihood of “ D” Squadron giving them a hard fight for

it scored, and the game ended,


and obtained two points. The game thus reSulted in a win for “ C ”by 4—2.

Squadron Football Committees to the neces-

sented by a hastily-arranged, untried eleven,

Hillier, c Senton b Winter

Gnr. Tucker. run out

attention of

Bmdr. Bradford, 1) Winter.

shoot, “ D ” were easily first, and it was this “

We are asked to draw the


Royals l,

R. A.


“C" SQUADRON vs. “S " BATPERY, played November 27th. “C ”Squadron made

REGIMENTAL GAZETTE. London Guzettc, dated lst November, 1907. ‘

.. 199 —.

the running throughout the first half and, through Newton, secured 4 goals. The Battery played up better in the second period,

Capt. Hon. C. B. 0. Guest nominated for admission to Staff

College, Cnmberley.


Capt. T. M. S. Pitt retires on retired pay, to serve in I. Y


E A G L B;

Promotions and Appointments.


3654, Sergt. Fordom promoted Squadron QuartermasterSergeant.

8526S.S M. All11n11>1wa1ded lstelass cmtiiicuceof education, do, 4127, S Q. N S Cronin



4:541 Sergt. 1.5m?“

5088, Lee.—Sergt. Lewis promoted Sergeant. 51115 1‘ Coe do.

“11' 3mm} 5206 C‘O‘pl' Pie. Day :3115 “ Brown


5001 “ Oxford Goddard “ 5278 4762. Corpl. Jeffrey

do. d). do.

_ 4132 33 4764 1501,3

do. do. do. do

Andrews Reynolds Hence x Subch



5208 71541!

‘91 education. L, '1 [‘CB‘C‘IFPIKI‘IWW Corpl. Grev1lle 1 3‘ P111 B11111 1 ‘ Jaiiett “ Mellongall 5” Neil .1“ Cowley

Martin promoted Lce.~Se1'gea111.







" 11

do. . :o0. Anslev piomo‘ccd 0011101111“:


4631 45:37 4921 4941_ 5033 5169

1. “ “ “ 1.


Bean Rose Thomas Smith ‘ Shaw Smallwood

do. 110. do. (in.


Kinnaird aw111dod 1rd class ” 1111161110 0101111011.


1 “



MO} 11nn



Uswieir. awarded eornilicate of

4506 Lee. —(‘01pl. lxatclifie



(10' (1 0 5556, Lee.—Corpl.1¥1mhe15 ~11wa1ded 2nd class cei tiiica111-

(10' elliL-iency


nursmg. Furlour/h. , 111111101th protuds to 11111111131111 110111 11; 120w Lo LS‘L1 December 1111).. , Lees-(‘011>l.1{11tclifie do. ' 71' Lee——Co1pl. Martin do


do. do.


5210 5405



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50:51, P1110119 pioeeedjsngolf’nra bDistrinE 11mm 21434)? to

5412 4105

Murkett Thirkvnnle

do. do.

5129, Pte. Lonion 52. “ Blukeman

5030,1111pd. Lee-Cpl. Tubhspmmoted Paid Lee.--Corpl.



‘ 11



114.311 4575 5110

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Fem: Wisehhusen Edwards

do. do. do.

, . :03]ng


Puddifoot Workman



Todd .








Twigs Aldrich 81811111111111] '

(31111111 to



Jin ifroin" -12- .

1 3 ~1. 0 “’J1 0


L e--Co1 l. I a elifl‘e, ext-ended to

1 l:

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3119‘), S S. B1own re Engaged to (emplete 21 yuais

do. -

11 T311111






The wile of Sadd S1rg1.()arter 01 a. daughter



The wife 1); Lee. ~001pl. Wilshe1, of a daughter.

. do,

3‘7”” Death-s. 5349, He. Sanderson, died as Station Hospital, 23-11-07, .

Moves. Sergt. Whiteto England for discharge. Sergt. Munns do.




Lce_-Corpl. Davis to England on transfer to Home Establishment. Pensions.

.1 1 . .. . 1819, S. S. M. Williams. gigtnl'iefg peosmn 313 pence per them, S. S. M. Kendou


con 11 ‘te ry””


Pte. lddenden





d .

4062,1411; Wells appointed Unpaid Lana-Corporal. do. “ Rosam 5039





(03111 G

11110 \Vriuhn LORMhUlVi 113111 18-11-07 to 15 12-~07.

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Lo :(lJLh Decembe111907

310) 1


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N. 1111115


r ted ’ grin- lifépension‘n,pence per dlem’ ‘ Transfers.

Pte. Cox from Sherwood Foresters, 151 December, 1907.

Mrs. Bryann Capt. Parsons

.. ..

.. ..

.. . .



Mr W. Phillips Mr C B Perry

Mr .1 W.Ha11

5' 9 2

2 2

2 9

Accounts of the Old Comrades’ Dinnei, the Editor mgrebs, were received 1100 ]ate for publication in the present. number. They will appear in the January


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