The eagle royal dragoons bound books the eagle 1908 compressed

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“ CI? 21332 IE3} IE3] 165. (:3- 124 Iii] ” VOLUME 11, 1908. PAG E 99

Afghan Wars of 1838 and 1878, The Annual Report to Colonel-in-Chief A1t1cle with Extract from “The Pioneer,” An “Ben” B1itish Leade1s of Cavalry “ Chat with the Captain“A Circus Management” C1icket . Crnnean Renfinmcences De Lisle Swo1d Competition Detachment Letter .. Divisional Assault at-Arms EsprhthaCorps “Fair or Foul Catch, A manous Cavalry Leaders FootbaH . Histmical Record Hockey Horse Management1n1n(lia How Cetywayo was Captm ed Hull Dock Strike~1893 “Jemima” Long-(hstance Patrol “mecknow . Mee1ut Polo Week, 'll1e Monthly Notes .


82 1-19 8 , 197 152 . ..

Subsciipmons Received “Th1ough N01the1u Italy in a \loto1 Cal

“VVanted- Copy


Wild Animals and their 111ays



57 57 116 204 7 132 1.

38, 71

145 16‘.) 179 194 .70, 90, 104 114, 138, 1-17 83 . 167, 185 . 80 66 20 49 . 113, 15.9, 175, 191 73, 89, 104, 1‘22, 141 112, 137, 153 97


Naini l‘al Letter .. New Cavalry School, The Old ComIades Dinner Orgh1ofEHflo,The Patroll)utyin India Pig- Sticking in Kheri .... Polo Pok1Tbu1nament, Lucknow “ ‘ Cawnpme Photog1aph, Sergeants’ Mess “RecoHecnons" Regimental Amatem D1amatic Club “ Athletic Spo1ls Regimental Cilcus, The “ (}aaette ,.. “ Military Library, The “ Sports RehefofLmdysnfith Ban Royal D1agoons’ Memorial Home Scheme, The “Scout” H Se1geants AdesslVotes Seivant(2uesmon, The “ Shilmrees we have Met " “Shflnuees audtheh Methods H u.... South African Letters .. .. Sports .... Squadlon Spo1ts .V. H ...


72, '88, 103, 123, 110, 155, 173 20:1

17 11

87 65 30 205 207 191

165 37 15

58, 78, 91,166,. 125, 112,

208 189, 210 19 56 55 3| .. 69 186, 203

' ...... 31, 50 119




....u ' , 79, 98, 117, .,-"~


5m 74, . .

107, 112,


, 200 188 55 210

9 102


. ...—,~*.=.

(the Eagle. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15m, 1908.


MONTHLY NOTES. As stated in ourJast number. the present issue commences our Volume ll, and in send-

ing it forth in the dawning of a new year, we send with it our sincere wishes that all our readers may know much happiness in 1908. We hope that before the year is out, the Eagle will have found its way to the many old Royals who are still apparently in ignorance of its existence. The nine monthly copies, comprising Volume I, are being bound ina strong, neatly designed cover, and will shortly be ready for sale Those desirous of purA chasing volumes should register their names v early. Although, comparatively number of subscribers to few, its range of circulation is to that of many publications

sands of readers.

speaking, the the Eagle are probably equal boasting thou-

Already we send copies to

all parts of lndia, to Tnibet, Ceylon, England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Germany, Norway, and Australia, and now we are in receipt of a request to forward copies to China. The letter comes from an old Royal, who is

Nu. 1

greatest interest. When the list of diners at the Old Comrades‘ Revunion arrived, it was read out in the Sergeants’ Mess, and quite an enthusiastic scene followed, each name as it left the speaker’s lips being greeted with shouts, every one trying to be first to fit a- nick name or regimental number to it. Then followed anecdotes and adventures in which the particular old chum once figured as the hero, and many tales, serious and humorous, were recalled and recounted, and remained the order of the day. The dinner is described by several correspondents, as “the happiest evening of my life.” Captain Parsons assures us he has gone into strict training for the next one ! .Vlr. Finn adds a humorous, yet pathetic touch by

telling us that when the diners were asked if they would listen to a musical programme, or would prefer to talk, they cried as in one voice, “Let’s have old buck!" A full account, for which we are indebted to Captain Hard“7le. will be found in the present issue. in the memories of the oldest soldiers

employed on the British Legation Guard,

among us, no more successful Christmas has


been seen in the Royals, than that of 1907. In the first place, when a regiment is athome, fifty per cent of its memoers go on leave at Christmas. Here, for obvious reasons, they do not. Seciindly, previous years,out here, have






4660.) writes ti say he saw an extract from the Eagle, in the Broad Arrow, and would be glad to become a subscriber, as


connected with the old Corps interests me greatly.” We are sending copies by the next mail, and are glad to know our old comrade is doing well We have to remind our readers at home that. news of them is eagerly looked for out here by all ranks, and letters from them, we are Confidently assured, would be of the

seen us either on, orjust returned from manoeuvres, and so allowing of no arrangements.

Further, the weather during the holidays was gloriously coll. 'l‘here was an abundance of good things edible, and every one seemed

happy 'l‘he men had been to some trouble to decomte their bungalows, and by dint. of

much perseverance succeeded in transform-




THE EAGLE ing usually dismal barrack-rooms into verit-

One other record was established, when on

able fairy palaces; Festoons, flowers, foliage, garlands, greet-

, Friday, December 27th,]907, the Commanding

ings and mottoes met the eyes of the Colonel

Officer, on arrival at Orderly Room, was greeted with,“ No prisoners, Sir !”

and the officers when they visited the dinners

to wish the men the season’s compliments.

The annual Christmas Tree and School Prize distribution took place on the afternoon of December 28th, when the married

In the Sergeants’ Mess all the members and their womenfolk assembled to meet the Colonel who, with several of the officers, came to drink the health of the members In a speech, he briefly reviewed the events of the

people and children of the regiment turned

year, and expressed his pleasure at the high state of efficiency of the regiment, which he hoped would shortly be higher still. Over thirty members sat down to dinner which, we understand, is a record number. The following is a copy of the menu : —

out in full strength on the cricket green. After performances by native jugglers and acrobats, an excellent tea was served in mar. quees. Then followed races, and lastly. the prize-giving in the gymnasium. Mrs. de Lisle, assisted by the officers and ladies who were kept busy stripping the huge Christmas Tree, presented the many fine toys and prizes. It was a very pleasant little function.

BARA DIN. 1907.

The Sergeants held a New Year’s Eve sup— Sada Shorba. Bhdnna Machhli. Hans ka tun, Maida men hanaya

Shutr—Murg Bhuuna. Hans kabab. Gae ka gosht kabab. Angrezi ka kulha. Suwar ka gosht kabab. Bari nai mattar.

Nai alu Wilyati baiggan. Phul kobi. Bara din ka gulgula. Samosa. Panir. Mewa. ” Simpkin.”

Being written in Hindustani, we confess to being alittle puzzled, but are informed that full justice was done to the dishes the above represented

Squadron smoking concerts were held during the evening, and in spite of the thou— sands of miles which separate India and Home,

per in their mess on the 31st, and a punch bowl was served to greet the New Year in the old-fashioned way. On New Year’s night they gave a Quadrille Party. which was largely attended and very successful. The Regimental Athletic Sports were held on 30th and 31st December and 1st January, and. as anticipated, were very popular. A full

account will be found elsewhere in this numher.

Brigadier-General issued a memorandum, congratulating the troops on their smart appearance, and the excellence of their parade movements.

Forty-one non-commiSsioned oflEcers and men— time-expired, and transfers to the Army Reserve—left Lucknow on the 31st ultimo for Bombay. where they embarked on the H, T. “ Plassy," sailing for England. The majority are splendid, seasoned soldiers of between seven and eight years’ service, and their departure means agreat loss to the corps. We wish them good fortune in their new sphere of life. Count Quadt Wykradt [smy, German Consul-General in India, has been appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary for Germany at Teheran. Count Quadt, it was, who presented the silver cup to the regiment, which is now played for annually as an inter-Squadron Foot ball trophy. The Count and Countess will be

dier-General Sir J. R. L. Macdonald, K.C.I.E., C.B., on New Year’s Day, to celebrate the anniversary of the proclamation of H. M. the King as Emperor of lnclia, colonel

Albani, and a small talented company, Which

included William Green, the tenor, and Mr. Hadyn Wood, a clever violinist. The perform-

The article on Polo, published in the present number, is taken from a. pamphlet written by Prince YaverHussain Khau,0f Palanpur. Popuacknowledged to be the grandest game in existence, this brief description of its origin should be of interest to all our readers.

best tenor Lucknow has probably ever heard. We learn with deep regret from the English The violinist, too, came in for repeated ova-

press that General Gordon Graham met with

proved as jolly as could be wished.

past and returned to quarters.

Later, the

ance took place in the Chutter Munzil, United Service Club. Albani herself who, whilst somewhat disappointing to those who heard her years ago at her best, nevertheless retains sufficient power and range of voice, to impress those who had not, was enthusiastically reCeived. William Green in “Sally in our Alley," and “Songs of Araby," was the

a very serious accident as the result of a blast ing explosion which occurred during the blasting of trees on the General's estate at Mosskuowe. Later reports, we are glad to say. assure us he is progressing very favour,ably. We express our sympathy, and sincere wishes for our old Colonel’s speedy recovery.

we hear on all sides that Christmas, 1907,

McNay, formerly Troop Sergeant-Major, and lately landlord of the Crosskeys Hotel, ColChester. The deceased was accorded a military funeral, and the local papers describe the attendance at the ceremony as “one of the largest crowds which ever thronged the cemetery.” Messrs. Hatherall and Wynne, eX-Royals, were among the mourners, whilst floral tributes were sent by Messrs. Parsons, Finn, Bee, Simmons, Bowles, Greenwood, Phillips, Pye. Norton, Weightman and Perry—all old Royals.

they had made many friends.

Major Steele took command of the regiment.

considerably marred by a high wind, and, con— sequently, much dust After the usual few de-joée, and three cheers, the troops marched

The sad news is just to hand of the death

of an old Royal in the person of Mr. E. W.

greatly missed in Simla and Calcutta, where

de Lisle commanded the Cavalry Brigade, and Crowds of people assembled to witness the parade, the spectacular effect of whch was

Sir Ralph Gore has evidently become a motor enthusiast, as we read in the Home papers of a match between another amateur and our late signalling officer, being held at Brooklands, the now famous motor track.

On December 17th, Lucknow was given an unusual musical treat in the shape of a concert by the famous dramatic soprano, Madame

lar both in India and at home, and generally

All troops in garrison paraded under Briga-


tions, and from a layman’s point of view, looks like a coming star. The regiment is at present busy With brigade drills.

For several days we have been

manoeuvring as a cavalry brigade along with

“S " Battery, R. H. A.. under the command of



Colonel de Lisle. Later, there is to be a series

of operations in concert with all troops in the garrison. Several of our ofiicers, too, are allotted commands in a Staff Tour, which is to

be carried out shortly. With a large number of recruits and remounts undergoing training as well, we expect to be fully employed

for the next two months.

day. Mr. Charrington rode Lookout in the Grand Annual, and Mr. Miles’ Senator in

the Trial Chase Plate, but neither succeeded in running into a place. The latter fell at the water jump, but was fortunately unhurt On the last day at Toll gunge Mr. Charrington twice secured third place, in the Suburban Plate on Nell Gwynne. and in the Hunters’ Handicap chase on Bluebell.

HISTORICAL RECORD Of the First or the Royal Reg ment of Dragoons containing an account of its formation in the reign of King Charles the Second, and of its subsequent services to the present time. By General C. P. de Ainslie.

(Continued) In April, 1705, the Royal Dragoons advanc-

The first week in the

meetings, and also of Tollygunge Steeple— chases. In these meetings the regiment was represented by Mr. Miles’ trio—Chassepot, Daphne, and Senator—no other horse, owned in the regiment, started. Unfortunately Mr. Miles experienced extremely bad luck and our sympathies are with him, to

gether with a wish for better luck next time. Chassepot was second on three occasions, and third once out of four starts. In a hurdle race,

by the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Watson, to

proceeded on the 18th of May to St. Ubes,

guards, the regiments of Barrimore, Money,

whom the thanks of all followers of the hunt are due, hounds soon found a jackal, and got away over agood line of country, killing in the open after a fast twenty minutes. Later in the afternoon, another jackal provided an excellent hunt of thirty-five minutes’ tlura. tion, and was eventually marked to gr‘und. Hounds have hunted twice since, but nothing

and thence to Lisbon, there to receive horses

..nd Donegall. and the Prince of Hesse Went on board the Namur. “Wee sailed from Gibraltar up the Straits,

in the way of a run has resulted.

At present

second to Mallard, the best jumper in India,

by a short head.

the going is very trying alike to horse and bound, and we cannot hope for any improvement until a welcome fall of rain. Oddly enough, shortly after above,


sent out from Ireland, and a batch of recruits; the former being distributed thus—120 to Hervey’s Regiment of Horse, now the 2nd Dragoon Guards, of Queen ’5 Bays ; 400 to the

Royal Regiment of Dragoons; 800 to Cunningham’s Dragoons, now the 8th R. I. Hussars ; and 481 to Winterfield’s Dragoons.

we were treated to a violent wind

He was third on the open-

and rain storm, which, commencing unfortu-

nately on the night of the Garrison Bivouac,

race—the Zeerut Plate—at the third extra

miserable night, as most of them were

meeting, but managed to run into third place

out tents, and came in to barracks in the morning looking very bedraggled.


at- the first

meeting, on which occasion she was ridden by her owner. At Tollygunge on the first day she was unplaced in the Pony Steeple-

chase, but ran second in the Handicap chase 0n the last day.

lingered throughout the following day, nearly an inch of





Meanwhile in England, another expedition had been titted out in aid of the cause of Austria,of which the land force was


manded by Lieutenant-General The Earl of Peterborough, arriving at Lisbon at the


ing day at 'l‘ollygunge in the Indian Grand National, being beaten by Mallard again and Kipling. Daphne was unplaced in a hurdle

in the Pony Hurdle

spent a with-

Major Balfour has asked us to publish the Minority Report in connection with the Memorial Cottage Home Scheme. This and the letters he forwards explains at some length the merits of a Memorial Fund as against that

kiss the King’s hand, and promised to sett upfor him. Some of these performed their word soon after." Leaving Altea

Bay, on Sunday, the 9th of

the Royal Dragoons with Cunningham ’s and four regiments of Foot,

anchor above it, and on

were included,


his force the Archduke Charles resolved to On the 28th of July, 1705, embarked at Alcantara, days

the east


side, when

theinfantry began to land on the 22nd, the Royal Dragoons disembarked on the 24th and

accompany in person.

the regiment

the Archduke five

previous, having gone on



encamped near ariver called Bassoz, on the east side of the city and about. a mile from the

walls. The siege of Barcelona was considered a

erelngh, his determination to accompany the troops, being on several accounts by no

romantic enterprise,

means agreeable to Lord Peterborough,

interest in every nation in Christendom. The garrison equalling in strength, the besieging


which could not with propriety he refused.

respondence this month, but we would draw readers‘


copies of which will be found in all institutes.

in great numbers, and where upwards of ten thousand, came on board of the Britnnn a. to

celona, coming in sight of the city on Saturday, and passing on. they came to

Mr. Tomkinson had three mounts at Telly-

Jasper in the Hunters’ chase—~on the first,

kingdom of Valencia, where wee halted for four or five days near a little town called Altis (Altea) where the country people flocked

end of June, the expedition into Catalonia and

gunge and was placed third twice—on War-


along the coast, and came to Altea Bay in the

Valencia was promptly decided on, in which

St. Pierre writes :— “Wee embarked thirty-seven men fl‘om every troop, and all the officers but Captain Killigrow. Lieut. ’I‘opham. and G. M. Doning.

attention to the printed

ments that were to remain there, wee took in

their room all the marines: the battalion of

August, the fleet continued on towards

of the proposed Cottage Home, which latter he, with many others, does not consider workable. We regret we are not able to publish the cor»

/sprite in the Pony Hunters’ Chase and on

evening the fleet in sight at the head of him,

and who lay by all night, thinking the fleet would do the same, wee left the said fleet, and were obliged to come without convoy as far as Gibraltar, in company with another transport, and wee arrived there safely. “ The fleet being all joined there, and having landed Elliott’s and Enfield’s regi-

The regimental hounds had an excellent day’s sport on Christmas Day. Meeting at Kokrail after a sumptuous luncheon provided

at the second extra meeting, he was

and this he followed by running second in the Grand Annual, another hurdle race at the first meeting. Then, finally at Tollygunge, on the last day, he vvas for the third time placed secondin the Tollygunge Plate, beaten

I705, witha fair wind. God grant us good success. “ By the fault of the master who had in the

ed with the army into Spanish it'stramadura, and were present at the capture by storm of Valencia de Alcantara, on the 9th of the month, and of Albuquerque, whence they

New Year saw the

end of the Calcutta Extra and First Race


“ The fleet set sail from Lisbon, July ye ‘28,

which excited a lively

army within about 2,000 men, success, ac. corded to the ordinary rules and chances of war. appeared impossible. The siege, howher, the strong fortress of Montjuick, built on :11e10ftiestot a cluster of heights in the im‘

ever, was commenced on the 14th of Septem



mediate vicinity of the city, which it screened from approach on the inland or western side, was attacked and taken after a resistance of three days, which success, however, cost the life of the Prince of Hesse, of whom St. Pierre

thus speaks :— “The Prince of Hesse dyed within a few

hours of his wounds, mightily lamented by all that knew him, for he had all the good qualities thata man could have to gain the affections of the people—handsome of his person, valorous, generous, and ready always to do good, but especially the Catalans had a singular estime and veneration for him. He

was a younger brother of the House of Hesse Darmstadt. He served first amongst the English, and had an English regiment of Foot given him. He was at the battle of the Boyne with King William. but afterwards the King of Spain having married a sister of the Elector Palatine, a near relation of the prince, he went into Spain and changed his religion : was made General of the Horse, and behaved himself very well during the siege of Barcelona in the year 1692. He made several salyes, in which he did the French a great deal of thischief, and got mighty reputation. After the peace was concluded he was made Viceroy Of Catalonia; and there it was that by his sweet temper and 'just and moderate com. mand. he won the hearts of people in such a manner that after his death every one mourned as if it had been for a father. “ King Charles being dead, and the Duke of Anjon having taken possession of the



to march out, agreeably to the terms of the surrender, a serious insurrection broke out among the inhabitants, who attacked the houses of the French and others known to be

Among the great leaders of Cavalry of the

past, some of the most skilful are least known

and the garrison.

The Earl of Peterborough,

however, marching in at the head of a troop of the Royal Dragoons and a detachment of Grenadiers, restored order and ti'aimuillity, in doing which his lordship very nearly fell a victim to his humanity, for while escorting the Duchess of Popoli, whose husband, a Neapolitan nobleman, was a lieutenant-general in the army, a ball fired by one of the rioters passed through the Earl's periwig. By the conquest of Barcelona, at which, as Dr. E‘reind observes, "all Europe wondered," nearly every town in Catalonia declared

for King Charles III., and St. Pierre says :— “’I‘hetroops expected to have some good



romances, and


of these

soldiers at-

tained a well-deserved reputation as leaders, which, had they lived in Europe, would have entitled them to rank with the best Such a one was Skinner, the man who rais‘

ed and trained the finest body of cavalry, perhaps, ever seen in India, which was the origin

fatigue. Instead of that, they were crowded into several baraques or convents, where they had no beds nor firing, nor any accommoda. tion, notwithstanding the fair promises the gentlemen of ye country had made them to encourage them to go on with the siege. The ofiicers having no quarters allowed, were fain to hire lodgings of the inhabitants, which would not let them under a year’s time, and half of it in hand. Complaints were made of that ill-usage to the King ; but as it was one of the privileges of the inhabitants not to

known as the lst and 3rd Skinner's Horse. Skinner started in life with every possible disadvantage, which makes his ultimate position all the more marvellous. Horn of a


those two




mixed marriage, his mother being a Rajpoot, he was just an ordinary Eurasian whose tighting abilities are now so much despised. At the same time, both his parents came of fighting races, and he himself was a cheery-

lookinglittle fellow, wiry and active, and able to endure the hardest work. His appearance was deceptive until the light of battle flashed

quarter any souldiers, the King dared not

into his face, when his bearing and count en-

gratitude and

ance became transformed. Assiduous practice had made him a master of cavalry

generosity were


in mOdern times. and their achievements have been passed over by historians. This is more especially the case with those soldiers of fortune who served in the rival armies of Indian princes towards the end of the eigh< teenth century. In spite of the obscurity of the times in which they lived, the records of several of these leaders are veritable

quarters and some refreshment after their



IV, Colonel Skinner.

lng even to massacre the Governor Velasco

oblige them to it, and their


BY COL. Hon B. DE LiSLE, 0.8., D.S.O,

in the interest. of the Duke of Anjou, threaten-

crown of Spain, he retired into Germany, whence


not great

Charles, who gave him the title of Vicar-Gener

them to it.

being something cold and

to which he

In the meantime, the weather owed his life on many occasions, resembled

useful man that was come out of Germany with him. " The fall of Montjuick led to that of Barcelona, where the governor capitulated on the

‘9thof October.

On the garrison preparing

lowest straits, and even earned his living for a. time asa coolie in bazaars, carrying merchants’ packs for four annas a day. His state coming to the notice of his godfather, the latter gave him a chance by sending him to Cawupore withaletter to de Boigne, the French adventurer, who then commanded the Mahratta army.


was gazetted en-

sign in a regiment of Fviot commanded by Colonel Sutherland, and soon proved that he pnsessed marked ability, as well as soldierly instincts. At this ti he the territory governed by the East India. Company consisted only of small tracts of land near Calcutta and Madras, and the. Island of Bombay. The remainder of Hindustan was ruled by various Rajsrs, of which the most powerful were Dowlat


the Mahratta chief known as Scindla, and the Peisnwa from the Deccan. Both these princes employed European officers to train and lead their troops, and it was to a regiment of Scindia’s that Skinner was gazetted. In one of his first engagements, Skinner distinguished himself against the troops of the Peishwa, who was then waging war with Sclndia. Left as a rear-guard with two companies and a gun to hold agorge against over~ whelming numbers, his gun broke dowu When he was retiring. Refusing to abandon it, and calling on his men "to die defending it like goodsoldiers," he fired his native tro ms with his own






checked the pnrsuers, who were greeted with a storm of grape and a volley of musketry, but even made a countercharge and captured three stand of colours.

The gun

Was saved

enough to move weapons; his swordsmanship,

a] of Arragon. lt \\ as an extraordinary loss the King had in him. In that juncture of times being certainly the greatest and most




firing sleight of hand,

allowed them, lying upon the bare stones in the galleries of the convents, the men fell

sick, and in a little time wee lost near the third part of our army. Att last it was resolved to send them into the country, which might as well have been done at first.” (To be continued.)

and even with the lance he

surpassed all his own troopers, mest of whom had handled that weapon from childhood. Skinner began life, apprenticed to a printer in Calcutta, but his wild spirit could not

and the retreat made good, and the next day Skinner was honourably mentioned in despatches and received promotion. Later on we hear of Skinner distin— guishing himself in the terrible wars between the

Mahrattas and


Rajpootse—wars in

tolerate such dull work, and he soon ran aWay

which both sides displayed exemplary bravery and determination. Those of us who have seen

to seek his fortune.

the Rajpoots of Centrallndia, than whom there

He was reduced to the




are no better horsemen in the world, may realize the desperate nature of these wars. On one occasionfa brigade of Scindia's 8.000 strong, under a

Frenchman, nu med


naig, was charged by 10,000 Rhattore Rajpoots. The mass of cavalry were seen approaching in the distance, their gallop soon quickened to racing speed. and on they came without being even checked by the cannon of the Mahratta Brigade, which ploughed lanes through their ranks. The Rajpoot Cavalry rode over the brigade like a torrent, and of the

8,000 only 200 escaped ! Skinner, though wounded, was among those who escaped this

charge, and he was commended for his good service that day. In spite of the successful charge of the Rajpoot Cavalry, the battle was in favour of the Mahraitas, and Skinnerap-

pears to

have carried out some


looting on his own account after the fight. The state

of continual

war between the

native princes and the size of the mercenary armies, they were forced to maintain, caused so much universal distress throughout India that the English felt it time to interfere, and sent a force under Lord Lake against Scindia. This was the turning point in Skinner’s career. With the other English oflicers he refused to fight against his own country men. He left the service of the Mahratta chief and reported himself in the camp of Lord Lake. Lake knew Skinner well by report, and was only too anxious to encourage desertions from the Mahrattas. He asked Skinner to take service with the company and to raise a regiment of Horse. Unwillingat first, Skinner was induced to accept the position on account of the number of men who had served under him in Scindia's army deserting to the English in order to serve under their old leader. His

new regiment from that time became known as the “Yellow Boys,” so called from their picturesque ochre-coloured tunics, and were noted under their daring leader for

many a

dashing feat of arms. Their uniform was identical to that now worn by the 1st D. C. O.

Lancers (Skinner‘s Horse) which was so much admired at the Agra Durbar in 1907. During the Mahratta war, Lord Lake kept Skinner‘s Horse constantly employed, and during the retreat of Holkar, this regiment never lost touch. For seven consecutive days they slept in the open, without-any supplies beyond what they could find in the fields. Opposed to superior forces, sometimes they had to change their bivouac twice or thrice in the same night to avoid surprise. For this work Skin~ ner received the highest praise from Lord Lake, who presented


with a splendid

horse with gorgeous trappings. His fame reached his old comrades at Gwalior, Scindia’s capital, and many were'the deserters who rode to his standard. The “Yellow Boys” had no rest, for they were the eyes and ears of Lake’s scattered When Ameer Khan, the wild battalions. Pindaree leader from Bhurtpore, brokeinto Rohilcund with 30,000 Horse, spreading devastation throughout the country, it was Skinner who played the leading part in ‘his discomfiture.

by forced marches. At the same time ten of Skinner’s sowars set fire to some corn stacks and gave chase to some of Ameer Khan’s men pillaging beyond the outposts. The alarm was raised that the Englishmen were advanc-

ing, and the Ameer andhis host fled in panic. The pursuit by the Yellow Boys was resumed and the result was decisive. The Ameer lost his credit and his character, and had to retire from Rohilcund with only 10,000 disheartened men. Skinner stillkept on the tail of these Pindarees, chasing them for 700 miles in the same way as he had chased Holkar for 500 miles, and in his letters he makes the almost incredible statement that, “ to the best of my belief," they were never less than eighteen hours a day in the saddle!

Changes in the GovernorGeneralship and the death of Lord Lake produced changes in Skinner’s prosperity. His regiment mas disbanded, buthe was allowed to retain 300 as the civil guard of the Resident at Delhi. Soon, however, the turbulence of the time brought about more wars, and Skinner was again in the field. His 300 men at once ex»

The Pmdarees travelling light and living on pand ed to 8,000, and from 1814 to 1825 Skinner

the country, were able to evade Lake’s troops, but Skinner and his l,000 sabres, far ahead of the main body, kept on the tail of Ameer Khan. On one occasion, accompanied by a few sowars, he donned the Hindoo dress and boldly entered the enemy's camp, where he

learned all he wished about their plans. On

another occasion,


that his

brother was surrounded in a village by overwhelming hostile numbers, he tried to induce

The Lord Lake to march to the relief. General sympathised, but declined to alter his plans. The resourceful Skinner decid~

ed to act alone.

He wrote a letter to his

The trusted messenger allowed brother. himself to fall into the hands of Ameer Khan The Ameer duly read the letter as planned. addressed to the younger Skinner, in which the latter was told to drag out negotiations for surrender as Lord Lake was advancing

was never without some command of Horse. He served with Ochterlony in the campaign which brought Ameer Khan to unconditional surrender. He took part in the Goorkha war in Nepaul, and was present with Lord Combermere at the siege and capture of Bhurt‘ pore. He was most susceptible regarding his colour, and felt that his services were not adequately rewarded, because he was a halfcas’te. The fact remains that he was reward ed in some form by each successive GovernorGeneral, and in the end was immensely pleased when he received the ribbon of the Bath. Of all soldiers of fortune who served in



THROUGH NORTHERN ITALY IN A MOTOR CAR. By CAPT. HON’BLE A. HAMILTON RUSSELL, To realize the charms of this beautiful country, a visit should be made to it in the spring of the year, and to intensify the enjoyment, a traveller should come straight from the scorched plains of India. Perhaps a brief description of the geography of Italy would not be out of place. Its totallength is about 700 miles, stretching from N.—W. to SE. with an area of 114,000 square miles. It is divided up into sixteen districts, which include the large islands of Sicily and Sardinia. To some extent Italy resembles India geographically India is bounded on the north by the huge range of the Himalaya mountains with passes here and there leading into

Chinese 'l‘urkestan and into Tibet.

Italy is

bounded on the north by the snow-covered alps, and has passes leading into Switzerland; but the requirements of European civilization demand that better communications should exist between Italy, France and Switzerland, and therefore railways have been made, and tunnels have been bored under the Mont Cenis, Mont St. Gothard and Simplon passes. On the west coast of the Indian Peninsular, there are the Ghats mountains. Similarly placed in Italy are the Apennine range of mountains, while the fertile plains of Lombardy are the counterpart of the dusty plains of India. in the north, the inhabitants are intelligent,

happy and pleasant, but in the south, the traveller off the beaten track, without an armed escort, runs great risks. High taxa-

India, few elicited from their native troops, by

tion has had the effect of turning the peasants into brigands, who will rob, or carry off per-

whom he was known as “Sikunder Sahib," such whole-hearted support and self-sacrifice, which is the life and essence of good cavalry. It was this power of inspiring his troops that established the fame of Colonel Skinner, the founder of Skinner’s Horse.

sons and hold them over for ransoms. To proceed with our story : we left Bombay on the 22nd March in Austrian Lloyd steamship “ Semiramis," and arrived at Trieste, April 4th. After a certain amount of trouble



with the customs house officers, we managed to get our 15-H. P. Orleans car disembarked, and motored at once to Venice, about 110 miles distant. ' The scenery is very fine, with the deep blue of the Adriatic on one side and the dazzling white of the Carnic alps on the other, a pleas— ant change after the featureless monotony of sixteen days’ sea voyage. The vines were in bud, and the crops of young corn made a verdant carpet, only intensified by the

blackness of the tall cypresses and the pecu» liar grey foliage of the olive. The fertile aspect of this country of corn, wine and oil, with its smiling, bright—eyed inhabitants, is

apt to make one forget that bread is very dear and taxation heavy. These Italians are ambitious people.

With a

kingdom founded less than a century ago, they have a larger army than Great Britain

a growing navy, and colonial possessions. We left the car at Maestre, about six miles outside Venice, and spent ten days in the city of marble palaces, canals and gondolas

The weather was

miserably cold and wet,

the only compensation to this disappointment.

being that we had more time to spend indoors and admire the wealth of pictures, ceilings and frescoes that Paul Veronese, Tintoretto and Tiepots painted for the light-hearted, colour. loving Venetians three centuries ago. It was to this beautiful city that Napoleon, during the last days of the eighteenth century, brought an army to fulfil his promise to free ltaly from the power of the Austrians How he carried out his promise will be seen,

when we read that he made

Venice pay

From Venice we went to Padua, where Danté lived. and Titian painted; then to Verona,

about ninety-five miles, which is celebrated for its magnificent amphitheatre built in the time of Diocletian,lwliic11 is stillin wonderful repair, and shows how the old Roman builders understood such work. Here also is shown the tomb of Romeo’s Juliet. Verona is a garrison town and the streets were full of soldiers. The most serviceable-looking men are the Vercelli, in green uniforms and small round hats with drooping green cock plumes, like those of the well-known Sakabula we remember in Natal.



After more than one thousand years

the-Emperor (Francis of Austria) by the very general'who had promised to free Italy.





Napoleon had no quarrel with the state of Venetia, he wished to start one, and to carry out his purposes he suborned a vile wretch, Salvatori by name, to issue a proclamation purporting to come from the Venetian authorities, which urged the people everywhere to rise and massacre the French. The Doge (the rulers of Venetia were known as

DogeS) warned his people that it was a base fabrication, but the mischief had been done. On Easter-Monday (April 17th) achance affray in Verona let loose the passions which had been rising for months past, and many French soldiers were massacred. Napoleon now had an excuse for extinguishing


power of

Venetia which he must have hailed with a secret satisfaction.

We left the carat Verona and went by train to Florence, thinking the Apennines might prove a little trying to its hill-climbing Italian



soldiery were quartered in 1797, and though


of’ independence, that city was abandoned to

Vercelli, I understand.

King's Royal Rifles. Verona alsois brought to our notice during the days of Napoleon. It

back to the Austrain Government.

in his “ Life of Napoleon,” says: “The bartering away of Venice awakened profound indig»


are the equivalent of our Rifle Brigade and

for furnishing three battleships, and enriched the museums of Paris by twenty of her paintjugs and 800 manuscripts, and finally sold her

As Rose









lakes where the car again joined We spent three weeks in the neighbour-

hood of Lake Como, which is perhaps one of the

golf and mountaineering; also there are said to be bear and Chamois on the mountain slopes for those who can get permission to shoot. The evenings, too, are delightful: and you can spear fish or glide about listening to the songs of the boatmen, while Customs House officers, in gloomy dark boats, creep up and pass you, on the lookout for smugglers. Doubtless, quantities of tobacco, petrol and salt are smuggled into Italy, in spite of the strictest precautions that the Government may

take; and stories are told

of culverts

under the Swiss Frontier fence being used to bring petroleum inlo Italy without paying duty. At one time a school of small children used to take their daily walk from Switzerland into Italy and back again, until it occurred to the Customs House officer to stop and search them, when it was found that each child was smuggling in half a pound of tobacco. We then went for a tour through Lombardy

stopping at Milan, Brescia, Lake Garde Bergamo, Cremona, Parma where Marie Louise lived after the death of Napoleon, Modena, In all these towns we Bologna and Turin. came across statues, beautiful buildings and pictures showing the skill and taste of the Italian artists and sculptors of the Middle Ages which, thanks to the respect shown to art by Napoleon, were not destroyed by his troops when invading this part of Italy. The car was running so well that we decided to drive over the Mont Cenis pass instead of following the usual Course adopted by molorists of putting the car in the train.

It ran extremely well, and considering there were three passengers and luggage besides the chauffeur, wasa good performance for a The highest small l5-H. P. Orleans car. point of the pass is about 6,200 feet, and the snow had only just melted off the road. The run down on the French side was very pleasant, but great care had to be taken to prevent the car getting any way on, as the

most beautiful lakes in the world.

Thereis turns were very sharp.

more to be done here than in most parts Of We stopped for the night at Lansleburg as

Italy, and one can amuse oneself by rowing,



the French Customs House was closed, and we were not allowed to go on to Modena that night. From Modena we went to Aixles-Bains, Bourg, (where Matthew Arnold wrote his Church of Bron, inspired by the tombs of Marguerite of Austria and Philibert le Beau) thence on to Dijon where we left the car, and so home by train, arrving in London on the l5th June.

THE ORIGIN OF POLO. “ P010 is perhaps games.

the most



When history was still legend, we

find polo flourishing, All the best games, such as Cricket, Golf, Hockey, and the national Irish game of Hurling, are descendants of polo. Asto the origin of polo, it was no doubt in Persia, though the exact period during which it flourished is not definitely known. It was introduced probably in 600 B. 0., and was known as ‘LLhaugan,’ From that country, it spread all over the East and became the most favourite game in India, and Constantinople, in the time of

the Emperor Byzantine.

Itis very difficult to

separate legend from history, as the oldest histories are mostly legendary ; but we come

across one thing in them all w hich is beyond dispute, that from the earliest days down to the eighteenth century, there was always

polo at the Persian court

Every Persian

king either played the game himself or took keen interest in closely watching the game at times while his courtiers were at play, There is not probably any ancient writing on polo especially. Unly a few references, about this game, are found scattered here and there, in the works of poets and historians. It is very interesting to note among them the Persian methods of play, the rules they observed,

as well as how the game either developed or was diversified, during the successive periods, in dilferent countries. In fact, polo in Persia took the form of the national sport and therefore naturally dilfered from that in

other countries.




Q. THE In poetical history or in historical poems, for which the Persian literature is so famous, the heroes are greatly praised for their skill at this national game. The Persians were

well-known for their horsemanship.


youth of rank in Persia was taught to ride

and to ride well.

It is strange that


Greeks and the Romans, who came into con tact with the Persians very often, never tried to introduce this game in their countries. It might be most probably on account of inferiority of horsemanship, the want of suitable ponies, and above all, the need of

stirrups which were not then in use in their countries.

On the other hand, the Persians

had superior horses, because they could get animals, active, light, well-bred, of the Arab

type and 14-2 in height. It is only likely, that they being in possession of the natural gift and also the acquired skill in horseman»

ship, encouraged this game which, as a matter

of fact, much improved not only the riding of the Persians, but also greatly increased the

efiiciency of their cavalry.

It was the belief

of every Persian of the time, that there could be no better school for obtaining a strong,

easy and polo.

reliable seat than

the game of

This is, however, the general description of the game. There have been no less than six varieties of the game during its existence of

at least 2,000 years, the one difi'ering considerablv from the other. The following two forms will best serve to illustrate this difference :—


There was the Indian form known as the ‘ Rol‘ which meant dribbling the ball along the ground. By means of this tactical play, the player always

kept the possession of the ball, making dexterous turns and twists, with a long stick. ('2)

There was the Byzantine form,


was something like Lacrosse on horseback. In ancient and modern polo, one finds that

the horse, the ball and the instrument to hit

the ball, have remained ever unchanged, and so have been constant factors, whereas, with respect to the number of the players, the size

of the ground, the height of the pony, the shape of the stick, and even the material of the ball,—all these have undergone considerable changes, from time to time, since the commencement of the game. When the game made its way to the borders of Thibet, it assumed the name of POLO derived from a Thibetan word, which means willow root, and of this material polo balls are made at present. All polo balls used in ancient times were wooden. In the twelfth century, however, the ball, used in Byzantine polo, was made of leather. The horse used at the time was the ordinary Arab of about 14-2, In some ancient

pictures we see two kinds of ponies : (l) The big Arabs l?)

The small,


very probably hill

ponies used during the period. The polo sticks have also differed very much. At present, too, there is no standard as to the length of the stick, or the shape of its head, and every player may choose any kind that suits his taste, just in the same way, in ancient days, there was also great difference as regards the shape of the head and the

length of the stick

The earliest shape of the

head, of which anything can be known was, that of the spoon, by means of which a player carried the ball very easily, but the statement that this kind of head was specially preferred, is contradicted by the account given in the SIM/La" ama which is clear enough to show, that lofty strokes were more admired than mere carrying the ball. It appears, also, that in the earliest game there was no limit of the ground nor were there any goals. A skilful play, with stick and ball,

was alone admired.

In the

game, the players simply tried to outclass one another, in fancy strokesysnch as hitting the ball in the air and striking or volleying it while flying. The aim and object of the struggle was all for the possessiOn .01”. the ball, and, the



players who exhibited most skill. in the use of the stick and the management of the horses, came out victorious. The establishment of the rules, the division of the players into two equal sides, and the erection of the goals, werelater developed. The more orderly game

players now, were also tried. The goal posts were of stone only. These stone posts must have been really dangerous, as even the wooden posts which were used before the present paper posts caused many accidents On the


skilful, and practised horsemanship of the Oriental type. 'l‘heir ponies were all of eastern bred, and they were accustomed to stop and wheel on their haunches, and were strongly bitted. Besides no Oriental ever let his horse out of hand, and so there was little fear of an accident. The permanent goal posts were twenty-four feet apart and the length of the goal line was the same as that at present. In first class games only, four members played on each side No player was ever allowed to

made improvement in sticks,

the old

stick gave place to the hockey stick first, and then the hammer-headed mallet, such as is used now. In the earliest stage of the game, aball or balls were flung down and many young men had the good luck to display their skill before the king and his court. There were also many peculiar ways of starting the game, and three were most important :


The chief

man among



galloped down, carrying the ball, until he reached the centre of the ground and-threw it upin the air, and then the play commenced The ball was bowled by the chief player, in much the same way as umpires do now, between the players drawn up in two ranks and then the game began.

The ball was placed in the centre of the ground, the players were drawn

upin two ranks, each on its res pective back line. Both the ranks started at once at the signal and raced for the possession of the ball. The first of these, being mest ancient, was preferred always, and has, even up to now, been retained in Manipur. The ground also varied in size. The Persian polo ground sometimes even doubled, in length, the ground of the present day, but in breadth it never went beyond 170 yards.

From this it can be

inferred that the polo must have been a very fast galloping game in those days. The strokes used were much the same as now. That under the pony’s neck to the left front of the player was the most favourite stroke with almost all the players. Long shots at the goal, which are often attempted by the best

other hand, the Persians were extraordinarily

stand ovar the ball, nor was he permitted to

slaciren speed before he ‘zit it A game without a gallop was strongly deprecated It

was also considered quite inferior play if a player were found hanging about outs de the actual game, for the chance of a gallop In Persia, and also in India, it was thought that the game of polo showed the character of the player, and tested his temper, courage, and dispOsition. The Emperor Akbar watched his young nobles at this game, and formed his opinions as regards their fitness for service. The Emperor was very fond of polo, and it is clearly stated in Am, e-Alt'brmi that he was the best player of his time. It will be interesting to know that in

Persia ladies, too,

took an active ptrt in the game, and this unmistakably bears out that the game then had quite Complete hold on the life of the nation It may not be out of place here to sav a few words about the Byzantine polo. The Emperor Manuel always spent his winter at this game. The young men were divided into two parties. The ball used at the time was as big as an apple. It was placed in the middle of the ground, and the players carried sticks of moderate length with a round racquet at the end. The side which, with theracquet,drove


T H E , E1AjG LE

the ball oftenest over the goal line, won the game. The game was very dangerous and falls were many, because the players had to turn their ponies ina short circle to reach the ball. One cannot say with certainty at what particular period polo had developed

THE/EAGLE day by day. A match was then arranged between the above regiments, which resulted in the victory of the former, by 3 goals t i 2, The game, in England, was called ‘ Hockey on

Horseback’ at that time.”

from a mere exercise of horsemanship into a scientific game.

It is, however, certain that


the polo of the tenth century wasa highly SPEARMAN’S CAMP,


game. In another old Persian poem, probably written in the tenth century, mention is made of the “ off-side " rules. of the number of the players as four-a-side, and of a back with well defined duties. From this it can be presumed that the other places might have also been similar to those in the modern game. There were combination and selfish play, too, but the latter was condemned. In the sixteenth century, the game was introduced into Central Asia, Thibet. and lndia. The Emperor Akbar valued the game,

For the past week I have been merely a spec. tator in this terrible game. On arriving here I found a large camp practically deserted, the Royals being represented only by a few dismounted staff men, amongst whom was the armourer-sergeant appropriately engaged in looking after the mail. Shortly after my arrival, an orderly told me I was wanted at the Provostltlarshal’s tent.

as it made riders and chargers quite handy.

and on proceeding thither, I found Vinberg»

The polo height was then from 14 to 15 hands.

a German-Jew who follows the regiment with groceries, etc.,—sitting on the ground, under an armed guard, with a "’ shot-atdaybreak " expression on his face He told me that one of our men had sold him a pony for five pounds, and that on arriving in camp, the animal had

There were two forms of play : the dribbling and the hardhitting, and both were recognis-

ed. The stick was hammer-headed, and the ground was of the same size as at present

meg to political troubles the game died off. in Persia and India. It lingered, however, on the borders of Thibet, and in Manipur, in a mugh and ready form, as described by Colonel A. Durand. From Manipur it returned, about fifty years ago, to India again, and was first introduced among the Indigoplanters, and afterwards in Calcutta, where the first

29th January, 1900.


been recognised as belonging to Thorney croft’s MI, and he was arrested for stealing.

Having identified him, and explained to the P. M. that the horse was found straying, and that there was no intention

to steal, Vinberg


was set at liberty. Being unable to join the regiment, I spent most of my time on the hill by the naval guns, watching the operations. I hear the cavalry turned the Boers’ right on the 18th, and ambuscaded a party of 250 Boers at Acton Homes. where the cavalry stayed until shelled out by the Boer long-range guns.

Both were afterwards introduced. The game then travelled to England in the year 1870. The first, game in England was played at Shornclifie by the 10th Hussars Another

to open fire on the horse-shoe trench at 4 RM. I accordingly took up position by the 4'7 guns. A battery of naval 12-pounders was posted

regiment, which soon took it up, was the m,

lower down in front of the hill, and batteries

Polo Club was started by the late Colonel R. Stewart.

The first match in India was played

between theOalcutt-a Clu b and theBarrackpore Club, on the Calcutta maidan in the year 1868. The ponies used at the time, were only 12-2, There was neither

hustling nor riding


Lancers and the game grew ; more popular of field artillery and 'howitzers nearer Potgieter’s Drift, about 40 guns in all. At 4 RM. the whole opened fire; the air seemed full of shrieking projectiles, and the Boer trench was hidden by the white puffs of smoke from bursting shrapnel, whilst at intervals red flashes and eruptions of black smoke and earth showed where the lyddite shells fell. It seemed impossible that anything could remain alive in that trench. The firing continued for twenty minutes. Spion Kop, the mountain to our left front, was occupied by our troops on the night of the 28rd; the Royals picqueted all the native kraals on line of advance, and fighting went on all day. On the 24th, whilst I was near

the naVal guns, the Ofiicer Commanding received orders to shell the enemy on Spion

Our staple food, the biscuit, is fairly hard and about the size of a Spratt’s Patent dog cake : it is quite palatable, and much superior to the biscuit issued on board the “ Manchester Port.” “ Grub ” is scarcely a romantic theme, per-

haps, but a very practical one, especially on service On ordinary occasions when the regiment is lying near Supply Depots, our menu is as follows :—Breakfast—coffee sans milk (with Tugela water the omission is no noticeable), bacon, cheese or jam. Dinner— fresh beef or mutton. cut in small pieces, and cooked with compressed vegetables. Tea or suppereranything we can get! When fresh meat is notavailable we get “ bully ” (canned beef) while as alast resource, each man carries

the guns said,“ My God i I hope I am not

two emergency rations, one of which will maintain strength for thirty<six hours. They are composed of one small tin of cocoa and one of compressed beef, soldered together ; these, as the name infers, are only to be used

shelling our own men ! ”

in extremity.

Kop. They firr d at 10,000 yards’ range; some of the shells burst on the top, others seemed to go over. The officer in charge of

The position was evacuated on the morning of the 25th. Heard that General Woodgate was wounded, and that our casualties were

very heavy.

The whole army has re-crossed

the river and encamped here ; the ford over which the cavalry crossed is V shaped, and the slightest deviation meant man and horse going down stream. About twenty good swimmers stripped and entered the water, to preventany one being carried away. I hear one of the 13th I-lussars was drowned, and an officer of the same regiment, trying to save him, nearly lost

his life—the strong current carried him on to a rock against which his head struck, rendering him insensible. The ant-hills make splendid fireplaces ; we chop a hole down, the centre, another in the side, put in a handful of wood, apply alight,

One day I heard that all our guns were going and place the messtin on top—and there you are! In standing camps the cooking is done by regimental cooks, but on outpost, patrol and, other detached duties, each man is his own cook. At present we are living very well.

I generally carry a tin of cocoa, being easy to make, and lasting. We find tea, weak and unsweetened, the best thing for thirst.

The regiment is in splendid health, and the men leak in first-class condition. Up to date we have lost only one man by siCKness We have a dog in the guard tent who attached herself to the regiment at Pietermaritzburg, and


Royal Dragoon

considers herself a

We have named her “Scout.” Yours, etc, OL.~OL.

REGIMENTAL ATHLETIC SPORTS. This meeting, the first of its kind in the regiment since 1899. was held on the 30th of December last and the two following days, and was largely attended, and very evidently much appreciated. The cricket green provided the arena, . and the cinder track which encircles it, and is just short of a mile round had been worked up to perfection, leaving :little to he‘desired for flat racing. Monday




was confined to running ofi the Mile Flat and

the heats of some of the big-entry events. On Tuesday the half-mile and the preliminary sprints were got through, leaving a big programme for the final day. Several of our bandsmen having entered for the various events, the band of the Durham Light Infantry kindly provided the music, and played excellent selections during the afternoon. Marquees had been erected on the ground, and officers and sergeants were “at home.“ In most cases the events were keenly contested, and some of the performances were really excellent. It is safe to say that, in View of the undoubted success of this restart, the Athletic Meeting will become again the popularaffairit should be, and every one should

feel grateful to the com mittee for bringing this about. We congratulate them on the excellence of the arrangements and the business— like manner in which everything was carried out. Mrs. de Lisle presented the prizes, The following is the detail of the meeting :— One Mile Flat—Fourteen started. The favourite,Cundy,quick1y took thelead and set the pace, which told on the remainder after the second lap, and left him to finish as he liked. Time—5 mts. 7; secs. Corpl. Pittkin 2nd, and Pte. Robson 3rd. Half Mile—Out of a field often, Corpl Stone made the running, but the pace was too much for him, and Candy, Pittkin, and Edwards overhauled him and finished 1st, 2nd and

3rd, respectively.

Time—2 mts. 18% secs.

Throwing the Cricket Bad—Out of twentythree who threw in the preliminaries, six were left in for the final throw, and of these Pte.

Holmes proved best with 94 yds. 7 ins., second being Pte. Sutton who ran him close with 93 yds. 2 ft., and third, Pte. Ashford whose best distance was 91 yds. 6 ins. Hurdles, 440 Yards over 8 Fliglds.— Quite a

large field turned out for this, which was probably the most difi‘icult race of the meeting. Ashford fell at the first jump, but continued to try. Watson, jumping nicely, led, and won

comfortably in 1 mt. 5} secs. Robson 2nd, Bain 3rd. 220 Yards Flat—A fine performance by Pittkin put him first in 26 sec. ; Ptes. Ashford and Buckley finished 2nd and 3rd, respectively. Long Jump—Watson 1st, 17 ft 5.5- ins. Bain 2nd, 16 ft 2% ins. Hithump.—Watson 1st, 5 ft. ; Corpl. Puddifoot 2nd, 4 ft 11 ins Watson gave an ex—

hibition jump of 5 ft. 5% ins 100 Yards Flat—A good sprint, Ashford breasting the tape first in 11; secs. Watson 2nd, Boyne 3rd. Corporals’ Race.~-Corpl Pittkin was easily first, with Corpl. McDouall and Corp] Parrott 2nd and 8rd, respectively. sergeants” Race.—~—Bandmaster Holt and Ser.

geant Edwards were a dead heat. Rapkin 3rd.


Sack Race.—Twenty-two started, but few

reached the half-way mark.

Pte. Robson lst,

Pte. Bromham 2nd. Tug-of-War.—The semifinal pull, “A ” Squadron ts. “ D” Squadron, was a fine test of endurance, lasting as it did 6 minutes. “A" were eventually successful.

Putting the Shot—Pm. Callaghan lst, 30 ft_ 2!; ins. Pte. Hill End, 27 ft. 4 ins. Half Mile Open—This event was open to the garrison, and proved a line race, being won by Pte. Tatham, Oxford Light Infy., in 2 mts_ 18 secs., who beat Oundy in the sprint. Lee.Corpl. Stead, Durham Light Infy., was 8rd. 440 Yards —Pittkin ist, Oundy 2nd, Buckley 8rd. Winner’s time—58 secs. Veteran’s Race—A handicap for service, one yard start been given for every year of service over 12 years. Bandmaster Holt was an

easy winner.

Corpl. Winter 2nd

Three-Leggedlince. -—This was rendered more

difficult—and amusing—by the course being over 6 flights of hurdles (barrack-room forms). Only a few survived the “jumps.” 1st, Pte. Robson and Corpl. Parrott. 2nd, Bandsmen Lovell and Boyne.

Obstacle [lace—Distance half a mile—fifteen differentobstacles.

Robson 1st, Ashford 2nd,

Meteer 3rd. Dm‘lunnLIght Mfg. Band Race.

lst, Bands-

man Gritchley ; 2nd, Bandsman Mills. In addition to the prizes for each event, a

silver-mounted Doulton Mug was presented by Mr. C. Williams, of Lucknow, to the competitor who gained the highest number of points in the flat races. Corpl. Pittkin was the winner with 10 points. The final for the 'lfug-of-war was not pulled until the 4th, when “ B ” beat “ A” Squadron.

OLD COMRADES’ DINNER. The above was held at the Holborn Restau. rant on Saturday, November 28rd, Major K. R. Balfour presiding, and I may preface these few remarks about the evening by saying that from start to finish the whole thing was an unqualified success. As you are doubtless aware the scheme has

been suggested and talked about for some time past, but nothing ever came of it, until eventually Major Balfour took it up and determined to see it through. Saturday evening was the result of weeks, I may 5.,y months, of labour and organisation on his part, and the obvious success of the evening must, I am sure, have been very gratifying to him, and it was only right and fitting that he should have been the first chairman In arranging



three years ago ; the former having embarked with the regiment, served right through the campaign and returned home with the regiment.

Dinner was timed to begin at 7 P.M., but long before that hour the hall was thronged with men, and the delight with which old friends welcomed one another, at once gave one the idea that the evening was going to be a success. and that the Reunion scheme was both EXCcllelll} and popular. Punctually at 7 RM. we started dinner, and a most ex.

cellent dinner it was. Parties of old friends sat together and exchanged gossip and reminiscences. The officers sat at the chairman’s table which was decorated with festoons of smilax intertwined with the regimental colours. ‘ After dinner the chairman proposed the usual loyal toasts, and Miss Elsa Hope sang “ God save the King," everyone joining in the chorus. 'l‘nen followed an interval during which Messrs Fradelle and Young took apboro. graph by flash light. The cnairman then gave “Our Colonel-inOhief." Ho remarked that the Emperor‘s interestin the regiment never flagged and was as great as ever—-he never omitted to send his greetings on Waterloo Day, and on the occasion of the officers’ annual dinner. Earlier in the evening the following telegram had been despatched :——

all the details, he was ably helped by Captain Parsons. Messrs. Finn, Bradshaw, Deninan,

'l‘o H


.VI. The German: EMPEROR.

Big/10W Castle.

Swan and others, but the idea in its presem l'orm emanated from him,

and consequently

to him is the credit due. lsend alist of those who Many of

the names will be

“ ’l‘ .vo hundred Royal ai





those now serving, but there wns a Very large sprinkling of old friends of the present generation, Of all the old comrades present, none were more heartily welcomed Ihan Messrs. Miller-and Dunkley, both of Whom served with the regiment- in the Crimei, fifty

Oll Comiades’

Dragoons assembled

Uinner, lzlolborn Restau-

rant, to-night, humbly salute their Colonel-inChiel‘ and beg him to accept their loyal greetings." 'l‘he toast was drunk with great enthusiasm. and later in the evening a reply Was

received from the Emperor as follows :— "' 1 thank you and all Royal Dragoons, assembled at dinner to-night, for your tele-

‘ "-'-’-~v~m,~,..




gram of loyal greetings, and join you in Wish

ing all success to my regiment.” WiLLIAM R. & l, Col. inc/def of the Royals. The chairman then announced that he had received a cable from the members of the

Sergeants’ Mess at Lucknow, which he proceeded to read out amid loud cheers. Letters of regret for non-attendance were read from several, amongst others, from Co]. Tomkinsou, and from Capt. Lee, a former R. S. M., and subsequently Adjutant, who wrote to say that his love for the regiment was as great as ever, and he wished he could have been present, but that as he was 87 years of age, he thought the chimney corner was a more suitable place.

Colonel Morton then proposed “ The Regi. ment.” He said that the. gathering that evening took him back a good many years to the day he joined. He was delighted to hear such splendid accounts of the regiment from every one. He had heard that Lord Kitchener had said that it was the bes t regiment in India, and he (the speaker) said

that when he joined it was the best regiment in the service, and so it was now.

In response to repeated and persistent calls, Colonel Macleangot up and received a tremendous ovation. He said that when he accepted the invitation to dine that night, he did so on the distinct understanding that he would not have to make a speech, but on an occasion like this he would have to break his rule. He reminded a great many of those present that they had heard his voice before, on many occasions ! He then told his hearers several amusing anecdotes connected with his service in the regiment, which he said had

extended over a period of more than twentynine years. He concluded by saying that he had always loved the regiment and would continue to do so till he died. He was delight. ed to see so many there that evening and he

wished he could shake every one by the hand.



Major Makins, replying for the regiment, said that although the regiment was some six thousand miles away, he thought that an echo of the enthusiastic cheers with which the toast had been received, must have reached them. He could assure every one there that the great name of the regimenthad never stood higher; that great name which all of them in turn had inherited, had helped to preserve, and

had passed on. It was still the same old regiment that they all knew. it did not matter whether it was in the path of soldier-

ing or in the realms of sport, the regiment excelled in both.

He recollected that just be-

fore he joined, an old general told him that he

considered, that not only were the Royals the finest regiment in the service, but also they were such a happy family : and looking back

and round him that evening he (the speaker) felt the full truth of that remark. He concluded by giving the toast of “old Comrades ” which was drunk with musical honours.

Colonel Mesham replying for the officers, said that he joined the regiment in 1860. He emphasized the fact. that whenever any one j0ined he was taught to consider it the best regiment in the service, and to do nothing

that would in any way injure its good ‘name. He gave an example which came under his notice in 1868 when a man who had done something derogatory to the customs of the

regiment was taken in hand by his comrades and summarily punished, to show that every

individual had the honour of the regiment in his own keeping.

Dir. Finn replyingfor the warrant and noncommissioned officers, traced the events which led up to this evening’s meeting. Mr. Jones, who joined in 1853, replied for the Privates. Captain Parsons proposed the toast of officers past and present and subscribers to

the fund, to which Captain Hardwick replied. Colonel Burn-Murdoch in proposing the health of the chairman said, that every one

owed him a debt of gratitude for the very

pleasant evening which was the result of his efforts. He urged all present to make it known amongst their friends and so ensure a greater gathering next year. Major Balfour in reply said that the number present was a great return for any time and trouble expended. There were over 170 present that night, and he hoped that next year there would be over 270 : it all depended on those present. He paid a high tribute to Mr. Finn, who had been his right hand man all through, and he wished to take the opportunity

to thank the stewards also for their help. On a show of hands it was decided to have the dinner about the same time next year. During the evening Mr. Miller sang two songs. in spite of his years he still has an excellent voice. His first song, " The Boys of the Old Brigade, ” was very well sung, and the fact that he was present on that historic occasion and subsequently took part in the Heavy Brigade charge, lent an additional, and i may

say pathetic interest. The remainder of the evening was passed in renewing old friendship and “swopping yarns,” and it was past eleven o’clock before

the last “good-nights ” were said, and every one went his way having thoroughly enjoyed

bimsel‘t'weacli of us having got something pleasant to look back upon,

namely. the Old

Comrades’ dinner of 1907, and something pleasant to look forward to, namely. the Old Comrades’ Dinner of 1908. The following were present :— Colonels J. F. Burn-Murdoch, OB,

Attoe, Austin, Ayling, Baldock, Baldock, Jr., Barr, Bartley, Barton, Batten, Bee, Beeson, Beeson, Jr., Bentley, Billings, Bindon, Black. stone, Booth, Bound, Bowles, Bradshaw, Bradshaw, Jr ,Brown, Burt, Callan, Casli, Casstine, Clinton, Cobbin, Colehatch, COolr, Cooledge, Cooper, E, Cooper, H. G., Cornwall, Coulter, Child, Cresswell, Crow, Curtis, Den man, Diggory, Eason, Edsall, Edrupt, Edwards, Escrett, Ferguson, Forrest, Francis. Gissing, Glave, Gooch, Gough, Grantham, Greenwood, Greenwood, Jr., Govett, Halford, Hall, Hanrahan, Harling, Harris, Hatherall, Haylock, Hedges, Hodges, Horne, Holt, Hoad, Hewlett, Hughes. lsard, Jackson, Jeffrey, Jones. W., Jones, H. G., Judd. Joslin, Kelly, King, King, G .Kirby,Lambert, Large, Lefevre, Mansfield, May, Melmoth, .Vlillin, Vlills, Milnes,


Montforte, Morris, Murray, Myles, Neate, Neath, Newbold. Nichols, Norley. Norton, Urchin, Orgar, Parker,

Parman, Parmanter,

Peake, Peri-v Phillips, Plume. Pye, Powell, Powers. Pullen, Pitt, Rayner, Reynolds, Richardson, Rooke, Russell, Ryan, Scotcher, Sentance, Shaw,Shirlev, Simpson, Siminondi, Sinton, Slingsby, Smeaton, Smith, J , Smith, W., Smith, T., Sowter. Spring, W., Spring. R, Sutton, Shaw, Wadley, Wagland, Waite, Wales, Wallace, Ward, Watson, West, White, A. J., White, J. W., Williams, VVillmmson, Willie, Winham. Wordsall. Worsley, Wright, Wynes, Theison, Cash, b‘ivnmons and Larinan.

P. E. Haeomok, Captain.

R. H.

Carr-Ellison, A. Maclean, A. Mesham, 0, F. Morton, J. M. Rogers, D. S. O. Majors K. R. Balfour, E. Makins, D. s, 0,, E. G. Troyte-Bullock, J. W. M Wood, M. V. O, Captains Hon. C. H. C. Guest, T. P. Godman,

P. E. Hardwick, B. E. P. Leighton, and C. W, Parsons. Lieutenants C. W. Hall (2nd Life Guards), and W. Weightman. R, S. Ms. Finn, Field, Swan, and Simkins, Messrs. Adams, Allchin, Annal, Anstey,

THE REGIMEH’EAL MILITARY LIBRARY. During the past year, many interesting books have been added to this excellent institution, which was organised in 1906, witha view to providingr all ranks with standard works of a military nature. In addition to

many professional works, useful to officers preparing for Staff College, or promotion examinations, the library contains a variety of







THE EAGLE Lord Roberts’ “FortyOne Years in India.” Sir Evelyn Wood’s “From Midshipman to Field-Marshal,” “The Life of Sir Hope Grant," by C ilonel Knollys, “Story of a. Soldier‘s Life," by Lord VVolseley. in these four inier~ esting volumes will be found graphic accounts of the lighting in and around lnicltnow during the mutiny, and written as they are by soldiers. cannot fail to attach g: eat importance and interest for soldiers. The two latest additions to the library were present— ed quite recently bythe author of "The Life

of Sir Hope Grant"and are entitled respectively, “ The Sepoy War” and War."

“The China.

Inscribed in the author's handwritingr

in the front page of both are the

words "’ [‘o

the Regimental Library of


goons, from



Sir Hope Grant‘s Old A.-D -C..



Colonel SirHenry Knollys is an old artillet‘y officer, who served in many campaigns, and is now Controller of the Household to His Majesty the King of Norway. His brother is

Lord Knollvs. the Private Secretary to the King.

we should eventually return to claim Lucknow. , . , . 'lhe mutineers regarded the Kals er Bagh as their citadel, and to block our approach to this they constructed three lines of defence The first line was along the canal from the river to the Oharbagh, and here they built a formidable rampart of earth, with basti ous all along the northern side, and utili sed thé canal asawet ditch. The second line ran from the river nt the Moti Mahal roun d the Khursheid Munzil to the little Ima m bara opposite the Delhi Bank in the Hazratga ni The third line was along the front of the Kai. ser Bagh, at right angles to the two other lines, 17.6., practically on the line of the road which runs from the Hazratganj to the Resi-

denc gate. Thus they were fully prepared to resis t attack, provided Sir Colin Campbell advanced along the same route as he had used for the relief of the Residency in the previous November. Needless to say he at once saw the weak spot of the. defence. and profited by

their mistake. l‘iiecll:ti'iii of his writing is well known to

all of us who have read his nook, l‘he Life of Sir Hope Grant," which was one of the first works purchased when the library was started, and these

two other books



much appreciated by all ranks. the more so by reason of the



manner of their

We take this opportunity of

expressing our gratitude to the author and donor, on behai of the numerous readers

who will so much enjoy the-nu




the left bank of the river. On March 2nd, 1858, the advance com menc ~

ed. On reaching Outram's camp the force left the main road and struck off to Jellalab ad F‘ort, and from there marched to ljibiapur. Advanced picquets were placed at Dilkusha and the Mahomed Bagh, and the camp was thrown as far back as the nullahs would allow, nume-

ly,on the site 01" our present Regimental Bazaar.

Breastworns were


the guns on the high ground Dilkusha garden, also one close Detention Barracks now stand, at the north-west corner of the


of defence,

could be entiladed and taken in reverse fr 0 II]

up for

north of the to where the and another present Ma-

On his march from the bridge to Ismaclganj

(where he camped the night) the enemy appeared on his left flank.

The cavalry at-

tacked and the enemy lied, hotly pursued by the “Bays " and 9th Lancers, all acress the the villages of Digdie‘a and chiriawan. On the 9th March Outram advanced along the road and attacked and captured the key of the rebel position. the Uhukltur Kothi, which Was the grand stand of the King of Oudh’s race course, and stood somewhere on the ground now occupied by the trans-Gumti Cemetery. As soon as Sir Colin saw from the roof of Dilkusha Palace, that the Ghukkur Kothi was in our hands, he sent Brigader Lugard’s Brigade to capture the Martiniere, the enemy retiring on his approach. On ‘Ihe 10th we took Hank’s House (Government House) and from there we fought our way step by” step along the Hazratganj through the Begum Kothi (present Post Office), and the small lmambara to the China Bazaar and into the Kaiser Bagh. Desperate fighting took place in all these palaces, which were a network of passages, small rooms, and courtyards, and from

which the rebels

had frequently to be expelled by throwing in lighted bags of gunpowder. Through the Kaiser Bngh we. forced them to retreat, and On again until we once more took possession of the Residency, thence to the ruined fort.

of the



from there to

the Great lmambarn. and on into the .lnrnina Musjid. Here it was that whilst destroying some powder, which had been found in one of the outbouses, by throwing it down a. large well, one tin exploded and igniting all the rest

bridge of

blew up two ofticers and forty men of the. Sap:

casks was made and thrown acress the river close to the bend due north of Bibiapur

pers. lThey are buried in the Wilati Bagh.) Outram‘s force had joined in at the Stone

House, about threeouarters of a mile down stream from the Wilati Bagh, and Outram's force crossed here on March 6th.

Bridge, and the pursuit continued right out

homed Bagh cricket

ing the Alum Bagh since the evacmtion ol" the Residency, the rt-bels had not been idle They had in fact been hard at work strengthening their defences, lmirwing full

well that



The final stand was made by the Moulvie of Fyzabad, in a fortified house in the middle of the city. From this they were expelled on March 2lst ; and so ended, after some twenty days’ operations, the siege of Lucknow.

ground we have lately been drilling over, in,

(0071 I'l’udl'd. ) During the time that Out: urn had been hold.


to, through, and some. six miles beyond the Muse Bagh.

REGIMEN 1ft: GAZETTE. Rctiremcnts Capt. C. A. Calvert retires on retired pay to serve in I. Y. London (Meet/c, tinted 13th December. 1.907. Capt. B. E. P. Leighton is seconded for service as Adju tant of I. Y. Supy. Capt. C. A. Calvert(sincc retired). to be Captain vice n. E. l-‘. Leighton Licut U. McL. Lambert to be Captain rice C. A. Calvert rotiztd. London Gazette, dated 17th December, 1907. Bull-Lient. R. Houstonn to be Lieutenant rice H. McL Lambert. Appointments. 3670, Ptn \Yeelts to he Unpaid Leia-Corporal. 554A “ Porter to be Regimental Signaller. 5819 “ Meech do. Moves The following have left for England on transfer to A. R. :A 4755, 4578, 4562, 4582 4035 4038 4508 4589 $38 4643 4|}th 5569 4767 463-1 BOW 4731, 4035. 4696 “.05

Sergt. Cole Lee -Corpl. Stanton Me. Kaine “ Holmes ” Hayward “ Thompson " Bryant ' Fowler " Kirkman ‘ Wright ' Prettyman “ Bulmer ” Perry " \Vhel-ler ‘ Short -Cnrpl. Cherritt Dragu " Jobson ; Beale

473; Pte. Brander 4650 “ Lambert 4657 ' Page 4069 ” Morris 4699 ‘ Leverett 4717 ‘ Stiles J(732 Prior 473+ " Layton 47.34 “ Hatchwell 4777 “ Trotter 4911 Corp]. Smith. 4797 Lce.-Corpl. Hutherill. 4973 “ Scruggs. 4920, Pte. Batt 4943 ‘ Monk 4952 ' Scarle 4967 ‘ Rorke 4779 ‘ Guley 4807 ' Cundy

4715 Stokes 4314 Tarling 47:35) Holt 4930 Ashman .1743 ‘ Williams 4946 Miles 4759 ~ Culiitt 4931 McQueen 4647 Wright 4909 Davis 4035 ~Sansoinc 47rd Bards 4663 Sycamore 49-10 Harrington 4698 ‘~ HOIt 48:33 “'oodley 471:3 Richards 4945 Kimher 4730 Lnnn 4955 Kiddell 1733 " Archer 4970 Elder .730 " Connor 33113, Ptn Snmpstm‘ to England for discharge by purchase



Pensions. 2800. S. Q. M. S. King granted pension 2'? pence per diem for life. Transfers. 8464, Pte. Hopper, from East Surrey Regiment, 1st January. 1908.

5776. Pte. Fordham transferred to A. R. in India. Fu rlough e. 5881, Pte. Murphy proceeds to Nnini Ta] from 1st to loth January, 1908. 5076 “ Dale procee s to Delhi from 11th January, 1005,

to 11th Mar 11,1009


1.0m words. 01- Its; 2-510 per column.

Se) LLLC. 5707, Bandmastcr Holt allowed to continue in the service beyond 21 years. 5268, Lee.-Corpl. Whaits extended to complete 12 years. Births. The wife of S. Q. M. S. Beall, of a daughter, 24th December, 1907. Deaths. 205, Pte. Fitzgerald died at Station Hospital, 2nd January, 1903.

(the Lagle.

Apr. communications intended for publicat ion in The Eagle should he addressed to the Editor. and should be accompanied by the writer‘s name and address. The Editor will not undertake to be responsi ble for any rejected MS” nor to return any contribution unless specially desired to do so. Accepted llllili(‘i‘ will he paid for all. the rate of Rs. 10 per

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SUBSCRIP’ritfis RECEIVED. Major-Gen]. Gordon Graham Major K R. Balfour .. Major J. Lee .. Mr. G. King Mr. Cherritt .. INDIA.



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For six months. quarter page ,. For one mouth, full page For one In nth, linlf page

Sergt.-Instr. Hounsell For one month. quarter page

tion as can be hoped to be reached in this ex« traordinary country, Lucknow has lately been the scene of much gaiety, in consequence of Civil Service Cup week, which has just come to a close. This meeting is probably the most important turf event of Upper India, and attracts thousands of people annually to Lucknow, From all accounts, and from observation, this year has seen a record number of visitors, both civil and military; indeed,

Lucknow appears to have been “at home” to half the European population of India! In addition to the races, balls, dinners,ahorse-

Show, polo, football and boxing tournaments

No. 2

this year’s ball came up for discussion, it occurred to some one that we should be awkwardly placed were we ever to “lay alongside ” the “ Connaughts ” or the “ Dub~ lins,” and it was decided to alter the date. St. George’s Day, coming late in April, was obviously out of the question, so having helped to relieve Ladysmith, that historical event was fixed upon; and for the future the “Relief of Ladysmith ” Ball is to be the annual festivity. Owing to other local engagements, it is not possible to hold the present one on the actual date of the relief; so the nearest

convenientdate is selected, whichis February 19th.

Already over five hundred invitations

have been issued, and the evening promises to be a. successful one.

have followed each other in almost breathless

Roasted and Ground Daily. A Luxury By Post.

succession, and as is usual after such things

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we are experiencing now some difficulty in

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Also Shippers and Agents for Messrs. Marshalls, Keillers, Clarke Nicholls and Coombes, Hunters, Hartleys, Moirs, Southwells, etc.

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Price List Free on application to

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re-assuming our normal conditions.

There is. however, one other social event to many of us to seek the coolness of the hills, or the changein England, namely, the Sergeants’ annual ball. Formerly this was kept up on or about St. Patrick’s Day, and was called St. Patrick’s Ball. Not being an Irish regiment, it has frequently been asked why we did honour to the patron saint of Ireland. The regiment served many years in the green isle,

thereby enlistinganumber of Irish men—not to mention Irish women—and



with the fact that the dancing season at home ends about the middle of March, has been. apparently, our only excuse. It has further been rendered possible, as well as convenient, by our not, of late years, having been quarter:

ed With an Irish unit

When the question of

The Race meetings have provided some excellent sport and a higher class of horse and better racing has rewarded the efforts of the authorities, who have done their ut. most to raise the standard of the races

in Lucknow.

Commencing with an open

Gymkhana Meeting on January 23rd, we have had seven days” racing, including two extra meetings, one before and one after the Civil Service Week, and our Regimental G. R’s. may look back with satisfaction on

their efforts.

In the Gymkhana meeting,

Mr, Tomkinson had two mounts, riding Mr. Houstoun‘s Cossack to victory in the l;mile Pony Plate and gaining second place in another fiat race for Maiden Arabs over thesame distance Mr. Charrington was twice successful and twice unplaced out of four mounts, whilst Mr. Sandbach was second on Wallace in the Chargers’ Plate, and Mr. Miles

third on Cocos, in the same race. The former, carrying top weight, also secured third place on Double Keys in the Pony Hurdles.



The second extra meeting took place on January 30th. In the Pony Hurdles, Mr. Sandbach's Double Keys ran second and in the Horse Hurdles Mr. Miles‘ Senator, ridden by his owner, was second This meeting was followed by the opening day of the Spring Meeting, of which the twosteeple-

chases—the Closed Pony and the Military Handicap—-were the features. The Pony Chase was won by Captain Grant‘s Perquisite, ably ridden



Charrington : and Mr.

Miles’ Daphne also ran, but was unplaced. In the Horse Chase,Mr. Charrington was second on Wales, and Mr. Tomkinson third on Lookout. On Civil Service Cup Day, the second of the meeting, Mr. Tomkinson had the mount on



Mr. Miles’ Dandelion took place, the former giving awaya stone weight over three furlongs, owners up. It was won easily by Mr. Miles, who soon took the lead and kept it until the finish. The figures for the seven days’ racing work out as follows :— Mounts.

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Charrington Tomkinson Miles Sandbach Tidswell

.. ll .. T .. 10 .. 1 ..

Mr. Irwin




0 0

The Lucknow Horse Show was held on the last day of the Civil Service Week, and owing

XVth Hussars and Rifle Brigade; and the tournament all through has been an on qualified success. The Rifle Brigade eventu-

ally proved


winners for the second

to the station being full of visitors and representatives of Polo teams competing in the tournament, entries for the various classes were good, and particularly so in those for Polo ponies, in which some extremely high class ponies were to be seen. The regiment

ferred to the

gained prizes in the English and Colonial

shown by our team, which,

Polo Pony Class, which was won by Major

lighted all spectators



victory on the same mount in the Open Pony Chase on the third day, carrying top weight on both occasions. 111 the Handicap Horse Chase, Messrs. Charrington and Miles b‘oth rode, but were unplaced. Mr. Cosens’ Unint— bee followed upa victory in the previous week

the Rifle Brigade on their win.

He kindly re-

splendid exhibition of polo he said, had de-

at Calcutta, by annexing the Dilkusha Plate,

Makins’ Hopeful, Mr. Miles’ Dandelion being

a handicap for horses over six furlongs.

second. In the Pony Jumping Mr. Sandbach’s Double Keys was easily first, and Captain

In the recent All-India Boxing Tournament held at Lucknow, the regiment was represent.

Grant‘s Charles third.

ed by Corporal Strath, who fought in the light—

, The third

extra meeting was of two days’

In the Light Weight

duration, but the racing was of rather a dis» appointing description. Though the races had filled fairly well, owing to scratching and horses going away, very small fields were the rule, and rarely more than three or four starters faced the gatefl The Handicap Chase for horses provideda field of four, and Mr,

Hunter Class, 2nd prize fell to Mr. Hudson’s Dame Fortune, and Colonel de Lisle’s Firecracker and Mr. Cosens’ Tudor were 2nd and 3rd, respectively, in the Cavalry Charger Class Mr. Hodgson was awarded second for Funny in the Best Turnout Single Harness

Charrington on Refuge Bay ran into second

in the Heavy Weight Hunter Class.


Class and Mr. Miles’ Cocos won second prize

The High Weight Arab Handicap fell

to Captain Grant’s Little Exile, which performance was pleasant evidence of the pony’s return to form.

On the second day of this

meeting very small fields of two and three starters turned out, and nothing occurred worthy of mention. After the last race, a match between Mr. Turner’s Stepma and

Another of. the attractions of the Civil Ser.

Vice Week has been the Polo Tournament for 3, Challenge Cup, presented by'the XVth Hussars, this being the second year in which it

has been comp eted for. Some very fine games were witnessed, particularly



the Royals and the Rifle Brigade, and the

The Regimental Hounds still continue to show good sport, though latterly there have been some bad scouting days chiefly owing to the absence of dew in the early mornings. On this account one or two blank days have been experienced, but to make up for these disappointments there was one excellent meet at the Pontoon Bridge some ten days azro On this occasion hounds ran from the vicinity of Chinhut to Jagaur station, but unfortunately failed to kill their jackal. It was a good hunting run and practically a five—mile point There have been large fields out dn-ing the past week, as many of those staying in Lucknow for the Civil Service Week have put in an appearance.

On Friday, the 7th, a Polo Dinner was given in the Mess to the competing teams. The guests numbcredxl’orty-six, among whom were the Lieutenant Governor, Sir John Hewitt, KC. I. [9,, Lieutenant-General Sir Edward Locke Elliot, K.C.B., D. S 0., and Brigadier-General Sir Ronald Macdonald, KC. LE, C.B. At the end of dinner Sir John Hewitt made a speech congratulating the Lucknow Polo Club on the success of the tournament, and


weight competitions. off his

usual form,

He seemed along way

by insufficient training. brilliant

We publish in this issue some extracts from the report of the Committee appointed to enquire into the desirability of establishing a Cottage Home. They were not- unanimously agreed on the question as to whether this would be the most suitable form of memorial. We give, therefore, in addition, the report of the minority, who disagreed, with their reasons and suggestions. It is hoped that all ranks will carefully consider these reports, so that a. definite decision may he arrived at when all have had an opportunity of judging impartially the respective merits of the two schemes. Ata meeting of past and present officers, held in December, it was decided to

which is accounted for

Meeting Cowpe, of

the Middlesex in the early bouts,


manded the Royals a few years ago, and the father of Lieutenant Tomkinson. The latter having been selected to undergo the six months’ course at the Cavalry School, Nether. avon, which commences on March 2nd, left for England with his father by the P. and 0. mail which sailed from Bombay on 8th instant.

time, and they thoroughly deserved their victory. There were six entries :—The Royal Dragoons, XVth Hussars, Rifle Brigade, Durham Light Infantry, the West Riding Regiment, and the Lucknow Gymkhana. An account of the tournament appears in this number.

Lady Viola and scored a good win in the Pony This he followed

E A (1‘ L E

a not very

exhibition of boxing resulted in the

verdict being aWarded to Strath on points, He fought better in the next stage against Marks, also Middlesex regiment, but was himv self beaten on points. The competitions on the whole produced some good fighting and were greatly appreciated by the large audieuccsm

request the regiment to reconsider the whole scheme; and that is how the. matter stands at present

‘Among the numerous visitors in Lucknow lately was. Mr. Tom kinson, M. P. 'for Crewe‘: the brother of Colonel Tomkinson, who corn-


The following letter has been received from Captain George Clements : “ I was very

~ .»._....s...‘mn....




much interested in the copies of The Eagle which you so kindly sent me, and I wish to become a subscriber. * “ "“ Should

show yet put on. The entertainmentis dealt with in detail elsewhere in these pages.

you have a spare copy of the number which

A limited number of bound copies of Volume Iof The Eagle Will be ready for sale in

contained the account of the services of my dear old friend, Major John Lee, I should be thankful to have it. With best wishes to everybody in the dear old Royals." By last mail we received from M ajor-Geiieral Graham an excellent little article, describing briefly the services of Captain Clements, as well as three other old Royals, one of whom has already been introduced to



We are deeply indebted to

General Graham for his kindness, and would appeal to those of our subscribers who are ilC‘ quainted with similar records to give the

Royals of the present and the immediate past, the enjoyment of

reading of the doings of

those grand old soldiers who upheld the honour and glory of the corps in the strenuous times long since past. The article will be

a few days.

and bound ina smart cover bearing the regi— mental crest in gold, and will be sold for Rupees live, or six shillings and eight pence. Those desirous of purchasing copies should register their names early.

On the 27th of January last, the anniversary of the birth of our Colonel-in-Chief, the German Emperor, the following cablegram was despatched to His Majesty: “ All ranks, Royal Dragoons, send their respectful greetings to their Colonel-in-Chief on the occasion of the anniversary of his birthday." The following reply was received: “I thank my brave Royal Dragoons from my heart for their loyal thoughts of me on my birthday.~

With feelings of profound regret we record

the death of two oldmembers of the regiment, news of which has recently reached us.

Major-General Nixon, Inspector-General of Cavalry in India, is to make his annual inspection of the regiment on the 17th, 18th,

On and 19th, and we are consequently busy with

December Slst last, the death took place, at the age of 64, of Captain M irk Maunsell. He oined the Royals in 1868 and leftin 1877. On January 1st, one of the older generation of Royals passed away in the person of Mr. Edward Pepys. He joined about the year

regimental drills.

ing hard for the regimental mounted sports, which take place just prior to the inspection

and precede the Lucknow Divisional Assaultat-arms.

1852, served all through the Crimea with the regiment, taking part in the Heavy Brigade

Charge, and left in 1857.

He was 73 at the

In addition to this all

squadrons are utilising spare time in practis-

The annual

competition for the

regimental best-man-at-arms is also in progress. Three out of the four tests—Horsemanship, Field Work. and Marksmanship

time of his death. have already been completed, and the remain-

ing one, skill-at-arms, is to be run conjointly The members of the regimental Dramatic

Club gave their second performance of the seasonon Saturday, January 25th, before a crowded and distinguished house. Assisted by the regimental orchestra, under Bandmaster Holt, an excellent programme was got

through, itgbeing unquestionably the best

with the regimental sports. Full accounts of both will be given in our next issue.

King Charles the Second, and of its subsequent services to the present time. By General C. P. de Ainslie.

(Continued) The Royal Regiment of Dragoons moved to Tortosa about the beginning of December, a very ancient town lying upon the river Ebro, near the frontiers of the l«iingdom of Valencia, which had declared for King Charles. The headquarters of the regiment there, according to St. Pierre, consisted “of about two hundred men, very ill-mounted, the best mounted men having been detached, under Captain Jasen to Lerida ” ; and there had been also a detachment left at Barcelona as a body-

guard to the Archduke Charles, who had assumed the title of King Charles III. The relief of the town of St. Matthew, and the subsequent pursuit of the army commanded by the Conde de las Torres, forms one of the most remarkable episodes of the war, and of Lord Peter borough’s marvellous energy, intelligence, and activity, and was commenced from Tortosa on» the 1st of January, 12706, when he marched with three regiments of Foot, making about 1,100 men: 170 of the Royal Dragoons mounted upon horses “that could not have galloped a mile had it been to conquer the kingdom of Spain ’1; 150 Spanish Dragoons newly ‘raised, and Without musquets ; and was joined upon the road by 500 people of Vimaroz, With four pieces of cannon. Upon the approach of the Earl the enemy retired, his rear—guard being pursued by the Royal Dragoons over the mountains to Albocazar, Whence, continuing their retreatt it

was followed up by Lord Peierborough With a force s0 inferior in numbers, that the record of these events appears almost incredible,*


and exhibits the valour, enterprise, and tem-

erity of the English commander in strong contrast with the pusillanimity and credulity of the Spaniards. Lieutenant-Colonel Cunningham of “ Cunningham’s ” Dragoons, having died ofa wound on the 26th of January, 1706, Colonel Robert Killigrew, of the Royal Regiment of Dragoons, was appointed to succeed him in command of

that regiment. The service of the Royal Dragoons at this

period partook rather of the nature of guerrilla warfare, and severely tested the discipline, courage, and intelligence of the men. Divided into small parties, and associated with

bands of armed peasantry, they were continually making night searches among woods and mountains; hovering about the rear and flanks of the. Spaniards, keeping them in

constant alarm, such services being performed in concert with spies; and although under

such circumstances it must have been difficult

to preserve subordination and discipline, yet the regiment performed these duties to the satisfaction of the commander-in-chief. A vast tract of country was thus delivered from the enemy; and not the least peculiar incident of the campaign was, that Peterborough, being deficient in cavalry, procured 800 Spanish horses, and constituted Lord Barrymore‘s regiment of Foot, now the 13th “Prince Albert’s ” Light Infantry, a corps of

dragoons of which he appointed LieutenantColonel Edward Pearce colonel. The regiment was equipped with accoutrements which had been ordered to be left at Vimaroz, and as cavalry it did good service throughout the subsequent campaign in Spain. Lord Peterborough returned to Valencia. on the 4th of February, 1706, where, amidst universal and enthusiastic rejoicings, he re-

. “Standing King Charles has received no reinforce;

ceived a patent from the King constituting

mentyfihvzbb he landed in Catalonia, his liilf‘blfiilrls- and the 51113111 hecn {:0 active that ‘ll‘IIU' under the Earl of Peterborout’h‘ thO and i} ill hing“). be progress looks altogether romantic. Emit believed by “()SIQI‘iLy, The): have not onl; maintained their ponest of the whole principality of Catalonia. but the) lune gained

him Viceroy of that kingdom. The Archduke Charles had made his solemn


We would draw the attention of advertisers both at home and abroad to our Advertisement rates at the end of this number.


'Of the First or the Royal Regiment of Dragoons, containing an account of its formation in the reign of

The volume has been indexed,


found in this number.



a; kiuirdmn of Valencia. and earned their arms as fair as Aliuant : heme Same time they hlockadcd Roses, though the‘tiro RIII'CES

entry into Barcelona on the 28th of the

i-ereinmw four hundred miles one from the other. _1’€hell/l state of Europe, January, 1706.

preceding October, where he had been again



proclaimed King of Spain ; but the unexpect-

Valencia, whence they expected to advance

ed surrender of that city, and the successes in Valencia having roused the Duke of Anjou and his grandfather Louis XIV. to renewed exertions, an attempt was determined upon for the recovery of Barcelona: and an army

with King Charles upon Madrid, where the allied army, commanded by the Marquis das Minus and the Earl of Galway, had arrived towards the end of June. But irresolution, delay, and obstinacy on the part of Charles, the want of union among his generals, and the. return into Spain of the French and Spanish forces after the raising of the siege of Barcelona uniting with the troops under the Duke of llerwick, compelled the allies to abandon the capital, and cause material and unfortunate Changes in their operations.

of upwards of 20,000 men. under Marshal Tesst'n. accompanied by Phillip in person, entered Catalonia on the 8th of h’larch. 1706: while about the same time a blockade was established by sea by a squadron under the Conte de Toulouse. In these circumstances the Earl of Peterborougb with 500 horse, including the Royal Dragoons, and 2,000 foot aided by a body of Miquelets. hastened from Valencia, and with thi. force be carried on an incessant guerrilla warfare, lteei‘ing the French almost besieged within their own lines, which they had taken up in the begin» thing of April. on the 96th of which month they took by assault the fort of Montjuick, Lord Donegal, the commander. liaving been

killed on the 10th previous and the garrison forced to retire into the city. While, however, the French batter es open-

NELTHORPE, SHLIL February, 1900.

were, sitting in a circle having breakfast, on

DEAR M., On the 5th instant we were up at 3 A.M., and moved along the river opposite Vaal Krantz. a range of hills east of Spion Kop. The Royal Engineers threw a bridge across the Tugela in forty-live minutes under fire, and had ten men hill. Two battalions of infantry crossed, attacked and toox a hill in front, whilst a feint attack was made towards

some low hills between tipion Kop and Vaal Krantz, supported by three batteries of artillery. it was a sight that made the blood tingle to watch the guns as they galloped

regiment of Germans, and on the 8th of August they joined the army of Portugal at

into action, unliinbered on the open plain at correct intervals, and opened fire : hardly had

Guadalaxarn. where on the 6th the Archduke Charles and the Earl of Peterborough had

they done so before the first Boer shell raised

the dust fifty yardsin rear.

preceded them with reinforcements, thence

ners soon

marching to Chinchon, a town of Toledo, sixteen miles from Madrid, where they remain-

dropped all round the batteries. in front, behind, and between the guns, and it seemed little short of miraculous how they missed

ed about a month


The Boer gun-

picked up the range,

and shells

One shell fell so close that the gun

At Guadalnxara the Earl of Peterborough, and men serving it were blotted from


no longer on the most confidential or friendly

with reinforcements on board under Lieuten» ant-General Stanhope, appeared vii" the port,

view in a cloud of dust.


terms with the Archduke Charles, and disgusted with the jealousies and vexations he

when the French admiral im mediately raised the blockade and put to sea—an example soon

We held our

found in the conduct of affairs, withdrew from the army with which his services had

followed on shore by Marshal Tesse, who debeen

so brilliant and

so valuable, and


finitely raised the siege on the aflth of May

for an instant, fearing they were wiped out, but cre the dust had gone, the red flash from

the gun returning the compliment relieved our suspense. The guns retired by batteries at a trot under fire with small loSs.

Spain for Italy. and retreated towards Rousillon,

Our orders were to crOss the river by a

leaving he.

The bind his artillery, ammunition, stores and A squadron ‘of‘the sick and wounded‘ men


Dragoons, with some other cavalry,

were. sentin pm'suit of the retiring French and being joined by hundreds of armed peasantry they fell upon their rear-guard several‘ times and took a number of prisoners.

The Spaniards killed every man who fell into their hands, but the prisoners made *by the

English’and Dutch were well treated.





our left, the next seemed so close that I bobbed and looked round to see where it fell, and realized. as the hundredweight or so of scrap iron threw up the earth half a mile in rear, that my bob was somewhat late. Fortunately the shells which fell amongst the troops did not explode. A lucky shot from our naval guns evidently blew up the Boer“ Long Tom’s” ammunition. for after the resultant explosion he did not trouble us again. This sudden hail of shells gave rise to several amusing incidents. On the order “mount” being given, a certain non-commissioned officer seeing one of his troop dismounted and evidently looking for his horse, shouted out ; “Now then, there! Get mounted! Some of

you fellOWs lose your heads when there‘s a few shells flying about!” The trooper addressed. after staring at the non-commis. sinned officer’s mount, walked up and said quietly, “All right, Sergeant, I will, if you will get off my horse!" Certainly, the two horses were very much alike ! Breakfast being ready when the shelling commenced. some of the men brought the coffee with them, on moving off. A mounted man with a three gallon camp kettle of boiling coll‘eeis more dangerous than a Boer shell, judging from the language of those who came in contact with escaping quantities of the liquid: both were decidedly hot On the evening of the 7th instant we retired

make head

drift when the infantry were in possession of

to Spearmans and three days later to Spring-

against the superior numbers of the enemy,

the hills in front, but the one hill taken was

and being also in circumstances of much discouragement, broke up from their cantonments and commenced their retreat from Guadalaxara on the 28th of August, when the Royal Dragoons crossed the ’l‘agus at Fuente Duennas, and continuing their march through the fine champaign country of La

so commanded by others occupied by the enemy that it was abandoned at night and the troops (I believe they were the Durhams)

field. We. and after away, we My horse

retired after asevere pounding. We bit-Quack ed where we were, on a narrow tongue of

and of course I followed suit, and crawled out very Wet; I had a most uncomfortable ride

ground between the river and a steep hill,

before reaching camp that night. The greater part of the army moved on to Colenso, leaving us at Springfield with the 13th Hussars, a. battery of artillery and two battalions of infantry, to hold Springfield bridge. On the 12th one of our squadrons going out


took up their winter


quarters at

jammed up with guns, baggage and trOops of all arms. We saddled up next morning at 3 A,M., and just at daybreak a shell whistled

After the flight of the enemy from before over our heads and exploded in rear ; several

'BarcelOna the Royal Dragoons returned to


Bussars who were just behind us, another plumped right intoa group of infantry who


In July, the Royal Dragoons left Valencia, together with “Penrce's” newlyvformed Dragoons. a. regiment of Castillinn Foot and a

ed, and the general assault was daily expect»

ed to be made on the place, an English F‘leet


{To be. continued.)

more‘followed, one falling amongst the 14th

were rearguard on this march, the troops and baggage had got, went to water before moving Oh“. literally took a header into a pool,




on outpost duty were leading their horses up a steep bill, when they were fired on bya

strong force of Boers.

Our men at once re-

turned the fire, but several were hit with the first volley, and their horses stampeded

with others maddened by wounds. horses were shot, amongst which

Eight was the

trumpeter’s. The officer commanding the squadron took up the boy on his charger. We had one officer wounded, one trooper killed, five wounded and eight taken prisoners. Next morning our patrols found a wounded man who had crawled on his hands and knees a distance of seven miles. After that we made reconnaissances towards Hongers Poort and Spearmans Hill. We heard fighting at Colenso, but saw no Boers south of the river. Marched to Chieveley on 21st instant and to Hlangwane the following day, hivouacking there; crossed the Tugela by pontoon and bivouacked under Fort Wylie. Recrossed river following day, and camped near Colenso village ; heard that Cronje had been

captured with 8,000 Boers. Up to the 27th we moved about a good bit owing to Boers trying to cut the line ; had a fearful wet night at Chieveley. En route

there from Colenso we passed the spot where the guns were lost; the bodies of the poor gun-horses were still lying there with harness on. Yesterday, “Majuba Day," 27th February, we were back at Hlangwane, and witnessed the infantry attack which culminated in a fine

charge on Pieters Hill, the key of the Boer position.

The infantry fully sustained their

The trenches bore ghastly evidence of the effect of our shell fire, and with the killed!

of both sides awaiting burial wrapped in their blankets. brought before us the sad side of active service. The 13th Hussars were shelled this after. noon from Umhulwana mountain between us. and Ladysmith ; but we hear that Dundonald has entered the town with his Colonials. so at last Ladysmith is relieved I

Yours, OL-OL.


This tournament took place during the Civil Service Cup week and brought together six teams, including the Rifle Brigade, who were successful last year. In the first round the Lucknow Gymkhana, for which Captain Lambert and Mr. Turner played, drew the Durham Light Infantry ; and the lbthHussars the Rifle Brigade. The Royal Dragoons and the West Riding Regiment were byes, The Rifle Brigade gained a rather unexpected victory over the 15th Hussars by 6 goals to 8 goals, and they

thoroughly deserved their success having played a magnificent game. Results :——Durham Light Infantry beat Lucknow Gymkhana by 5 goals to 4 goals. Rifle Brigade beat 15th Hussars by6 goals to 3 goals.

reputation as “the finest in the World.” The

In the semi-finals the Durham Light In-

ground north of the river is very difficult, and quite impassable by cavalry, being simply a succession of steep and rocky hills intersected with deep ravines. We crossed the Tugela again this morning, just below the falls which are rather pretty. The Boers

fantry ‘ beat the West Riding Regiment by 7

threw a few shells at the pontoon during our passage : one struck the bank near my troop when waiting to cross, close enough to Smother us with dust and earth. We crossed Pieters Bills this afternoon.

goals to 3 goals and the Royals meeting the Rifle Brigade, were defeated by 5 goals to 4 goals after extra time had been played. This latter was a magnificent game and the display given by Colonel de Lisle will not quickly be forgotten by those who were fortunate

enough to witness it.

Major Makins, owing

to an accident during a practice game in the previous week, was unable to play, and his

place was well filled by Captain McNeile.

EAGLE after.

SEMI—FINAL. The Royal Dragoons vs. The Rifle Brigade. lst chukkermThe Royals started by getting in two shots at the Rifles’ goal, but both went wide. The Rifle Brigade then attacked

in turn, but the ball went behind. After play had continued in mid-field, Colonel de Lisle got away and scored the first gnal of the match with a clean, straight shot. Royals 1, Rifle Brigade 0.

Score :—

2nd Charleen—Play ruled fast up and down the ground, and though the Rifle Brigade attacked and got in a straightshot, a magnificent save by Colonel de Lisle prevented any alteration in the score. The chukker ended with the teams in the same position. 3rd (Jhukicwn——At the commencement of the chukker play continued in front of the Royals‘ goal, until pressure was relieved by a run up the ground by Captain McNeile. The resulting shot unfortunately went wide. The Rifle Brigade then got on to the ball and carrying it down, scored their first goal. Starting again, they at once attacked, and after a save

by Colonel de Lisle hit a second goal. Score:— Rifle Brigade 2 goals, Royals 1 goal. 4th Glimmer—During this chukker play was confined to the Rifle Brigade’s end and the Royals put in three shots, all of Which


Then the Rifles attacked, and after a

struggle in front of goal, retaliated by hitting the ball through, thus making the score four all.

8th Chat/rice: .—Cffside was again given against the Rifles and the Royals kept the ball at their opponents‘ end, until nearly the end of the chukker, when the Rifle Brigade made a'determined attack, but the ball went behind. Score z—F‘our goals all. 96h ()hulclcer.——’l‘he score beinglevel, an» other chukker was necessary, and the goals were widened, The Royals hit off from behind and carried the ball to their opponents’ end. Theyreturnedit,butitwasagain brought down by the Royals. However, the Rifle Brigade then made a determined attack, but their shot went behind near the goal-post.

They then attacked again, and after Colonel de Lisle had twice saved, hit the deciding goal. thus winning by 5 goals to 4 goals after a splendid game. . For the Royals Colonel de Lisle was magmficent, and was well supported by the remainder of the team. For the Rifle Brigade Tod and Bassett were the best.

Umpirr-s :—Capt:iins Barrett andLearmouth. Teams :—Rifle

Brigade —-Mr.



The Royals con.

Captain Bassett 2, Captain Harrison 3, Mr. Tod back. Royal Dragoons—Mr. Miles 1, Captain McNeile 2, Mr. Tomkinson 3, Colonel de Lisle back. The results of the semifinals left in the Rifle Brignde and the Durham Light Infantry for the final, and the former had no difficulty

the tinned on the olfensive up to the end of

in beating the Durhams, thus securing the

went wide


Rifle Brigade then


to work the ball back and were attacking when it went out. No score.

5th. r.‘hukker.——The Royals started attacking, and after one shot had gone wide, the hall was worked up close to goal, from where it was put through by Mr.


Score :—~Royals chukker. Brigade 2 goals.




6th Uhuk/cer.‘The Royals scored almost at once; and then offside was given against the Rifle Brigade. immediately afterwards they .oot on the offensive and scored a goal. Score:— . Royals 3 goals, Rifle Brigade 3 goals. 7th

Ohuklcer —Offside


given against

soon the Rifle Brigade and the Royals scored

Cup for the second year in succession.

THE ROYEEAGOONS' MEMORIAL HOME SCHEME. A committee was appointed at a meeting of

Past and Present Officers of the Regiment on June lbth. 1907, to report on the following

pomts, viz,

" the cost,

management, and

desirability of buying, leasing, or building a. _



house for the purpose of Establishing a Mew. morial Cottage Home. " 1. Thiscommittee has borne in mind that it was the wish of the regiment that the Memorial should take the form of a Cottage Howme Their report and 1ecom1nendations are, therefore based on that fact. 2. Two offers of free sites fo1 the Home have been received, but the committee have ,

come to the conclusion, that neither are suit- . able. .After inspecting plans, buildings, &_c., the committee are of opinion that in #1112 event of suflicient money being raised the freehold known as Wycliffe House, opposite Hounslow Barracks Station, be purchased. ’l‘hey estimate the cost of buying and furnishing as,

follows :—Purchase of freehold, £1,400 ; Fur< nishing, £150 : Total £1,550. For the npkeep rates, taxes, caretaker, light, 8110, a sum of under £100 per annum would be required. 3, The committee understand that there

has been already subscribed or promised £1,500 towards this scheme. They recommend the purchase of the above freehold,

provided a further sum of £1,500 can be raised. .4. The committee point out the following advantages: ——

(a) The Home would benefit some old soldier unable to find employment by


giving him a. home. ((1) It would be aboon to old Royals and

especially Reservists on

arrival in

' England. who would get free lodging. The Hon. Secretary of Managing Committee would be in communica-

tion with employees of labour and V. assist men in getting work.

(c) The Home would be a recruiting agency, for Hounslow being a Cavalry recruiting depot, the care-taker might secure many good recruits for the regiment,

.0” The Home

might become a. privateg

depot for the regiment. (e) 'l‘he.,actual memorial might

take the

form of an obelisk erected in front of the house. » 5. The committee would point out that pecuniaiy assistance for dcse11ing cases would still be obtainable from theTidswell Charitable Fund 6. Shoulld this stheme prove unwmkable owing to lack of funds. the committee suggest the institution of a RoyalDi-agoons“ Memorial Fund. . The committee were not unanimously agreed '. and a minority report was submitted, of which the following are the chief points :— 1. It does not appear likely that a sufg ficient sum of money could be .raised to make the scheme workable. £1,500 is already subseribed or promised, but in the opinion of most of those concerned at least £4,000 is necessa1 y 2. Hounslow has been chosen as the local-

ity; but the regiment has but few associations there, and the argument about recruiting hardly seems applicable to a scheme of a . Memorial character. 3. The “Home” scheme will only benefit



quite recently discharged, then'tbe Home scheme is doubtless the better. But if it is to benefit all, Whether serving or discharged, then surely a Memorial Fund Scheme is more suitable. 8. What would be the value of this “Home" scheme to a man broken down in health who wished to enter a convalescent home to regain his health? Or to a man who wished to emigrate? Of what assistance would it be to a widow who suddenly lost her breadwinner ‘9 9. lfa fund be started, it is suggested that a suitable Memorial be erected in St, Paul’s Cathedral, to be designed by the best archi' tect and well carried out. Permission has been obtained f1om the Dean and Chapter of St Paul‘s 10. A“Home” would requireagreat deal of ‘superviAsion by the Management Committee. Will it not be a difficult matter to obtain the ' necessary members for acommittee which will make so many calls on their time ‘3 1!. In a few years’ time the men who served in South Africa will have passed into .Civilian employment Probably a fund from

a very few, and practically no married people

which they could obtain assistance

would be likely to avail themselves of the accommodation for obvious reasons.

sary) would

4. The wants of such as would bel ikely to make use of the Home are already provided

12. Should a fund be started, i1. would seem desiiable that there should be an office in London as a cent1e fo1 ciganising and d15-

for in the Union Jack Club by three bed— rooms belonging to the regiment. 5. Who is to decide who should and who should not be admitted ? Would there be a

test to ascertain the character of the applicant ? 6. Considerable difficulty would be experienced in getting a suitable couple as caretakers—elected annually and replaceable. Who would care to become caretaker, know-

inothat in a few months’ time he would be]. liable to be turned out for no faultof his, own?

7. If the money subscribed is to .benefit' only, single men serving with the regiment 012.


(if neces

more useful than a Home at



and Present Royals to conside-r‘v‘which’ of these reports should be adopted. ' The voting

of those present and by proxies received showed the following resultz—In fa'Vour of the Majority {Home Scheme) Report :—9, of which?) were only in favour on condition ‘ that a further sum of between £2,000 and 83i500 be raised.

In favour of the Minority Report :—-29. Finally the following resolution was carried by a laige majority, 1:22. ,— ‘ To request the Regiment in India to again reconsider the whole scheme and ascertain whether a fund, to be called a Memorial Fund, would not best serve the purpose of perpetuating the memo-

ry of those who lost their lives in South Africa ”


All who knew Captain John Lee, of the Royal Dragoons, will have read with pleasure the paragiaph in The Eagle by Colonel Mesh-am, recalling his remarkable aptitude for the duties of an Adjutant as well as his populai 1ty with all ranks, and pe1haps it may interest some of your readers if I introduce to them 'hree of -‘ laptain Lee s Ciimean companions.



the regiment



would always



befully repre-

sented on the Management Committee, it being generally understood that the funds are available for all, whether ptst or present Royal


preference being given to

’ lliosewho served in South Africa. If the existence of such a fund weie made known to all whilst servmg, it is p10b Lble that many cases of want and hardship could be relieved

Such were the main' points of the report submitted by those who were not in favour of

the' Home Scheme ; and on December 20th, 1907, there was a General Meeting 11f Past

' In the Cl imea during the winter of 1854a,

fournon-(ommissioned officers occupied the same tent, namely, John Lee, George Clements. George Cruse and Dicky Weaver ; all of them subsequently received Her MajIn several‘ -instances esty‘s commission. during the campaign, regimental paymas. ters went home, and the duties of their office develved upon the senior captain with the two next officers in rank, as a‘board. 1111 some casesthe accounts got int-0 confusion conand the Board of Officers had to pay

siderable sums out of their own money.



Demands were made against the Royal Dragoons, but Paymaster-Sergeant Weaver had


kept his accounts so accurately, that the de~


mands had to be withdrawn, and Weaver was


gazetted a cornet in his regiment

He was

III. The Bhisti.

afterwards transferred to the 5th Lancers as

their Adjutant. George Cruse became Riding Master in the Royal Dragoons.

I think both

these are dead, and the four are now repre— sented by Captain John Lee, and George Clements who lives at Norwich. and is Sec-

retary to the Norfolk Club.

He was always

asmart, handsome soldier and was selected as Orderly Sergeant to Lord Lucan being

present with him at Alma, the 11i’tai1och Kenzie’ 5 Farm, and the capture of the town of Balaklava. He is the only man in the Royal Dragoons holding the clasp for Alma, and, together

he received the

with the other decorations,

long service Medal and the rew-ar d of £50 a year for life, for long and meritorious service

He servedin the Royal Dragoons for nearly thirtyfour years. becoming Quaite1 maste1 in 1870, and retiring on halfpay a3Captain in 1880. During the


gale of the



November, when nearly all the tents were blown away, including the Commissariat Stores, Captain Clements remembers the discomfort for 36 hours of remaining under the remnant of a tent with half a pole for its support, without food or drink,


his thirst

was relieved by Gerry Adams (Sergeant. Maj01 Lee's batman), who either begged. bor-

lowed or stole some green (otfee beans which they managed was always an



laptain Clements

excellent business man.

think I am right in saying that


Captain John

Lee was a ,sailor and enlisted at the'docks in Liverpool when the regiment was embarking ,for Ireland. . J. G. GRAHAM, MOjO‘I" General.

NOW in lmia's sunny cliine. \Vhere I used to spend my [llllt' A-scrving of 'Er Majesty the Queen. Of all them blaclefnceo crew The finest man I knew

Was our regimental hhisti. Conga Din. [fin Ii 11 .11.

Now I am sure that any person that has. lived in india will agree that the bhisti, or water carrier, is unquestionably the finest of

the crew of black-faced rut‘tians that forms the nau/car-Ioa of our empire in the East. Further, I feel almost eiually confident that

0r again, it is not unlikely K. was collecting autographs, and had an idea that the Lieutenant-Governors, who know all these things, would observe the mistake, and write to him about it. Be it as it may, there can be no doubt about the error. I will explain. . In the first place, the bhistz is a Mahommed-

an. No one, I believe, ever saw a bhisti who was not. To support this I draw attention to the fact that the Hindu religion forbids its followers to touch the skin or hide of animals; and everybody knows that the bhisti’s water bag is nothing more or less than a goat-skin. Secondly—and surely the last joined draftwallah, who takes, as a rule, two years to master the intricacies of the language up to “jao,” knows this——“ Gunga ” is another name



It may be necessary to explain that there are two classes of Mahommedans—Sunnis and Shiahs—of whom a Babu once told me: “They are always fighting, sir, , the same as the Catholic peoples and the Church of England peoples. sir." Briefly the difference is that while theSunni is astrict. devout, usually poor Mahommedan, the Shiah—to again quote the Babu:“Sir, he is not so much.” it need hardly be said that the bhisti belongs to the

former class. . Although de tling particularly with the regimental 11mm, there is little or no difference between him and h1s brother who works for the civilian: the description, therefore, may be taken tobe generally applicable , Like poets, bhislis are born, not made.

t- will be unanimously agreed that for all round “fineness" the aforesaid blush" compares favourably with, not only others of the servant class, but also any class of native. high or low, black, brown, or sickly yellow

for “Ganges, " the sacred river of the Hindus.

That is to say, the bhisti’s son almostinvari-

“ Din ” means “faith,”-l1ence we arrive at “Faith of the Ganges.” Now I ask any Anglolndian, Eurasian or gunk/ta Indian, if it is likely that a self-respect-

ably adopts the profeSSion of his father. Indeed, Lhis is necessary, as a cook‘s son, for

throughout the length and breadth of the

ing Mahommedan like the bhisti would submit

Indian Peninsula. So far then we merely echo Kipling. But— and 1 make the statement fully conscious that I am challenging a person whose knowledgeof all things Indian, and not a few AngloIndian, has astonished even Members Of Council—---I submit that Rudyard is guilty of an egregious error when he christens his bullish.

“Gunga Din. Of course it is just possible that when w1it-

ing the ve1se he was stuck for a name, and his bearer appearing at the time to complain that the cook had appropriated a bottle of his master‘s whiskey, and in consequence was

uproariouslv declaiming that the dinne1 could wait tillthe morrow,and Vlr Kiplingalarmed, and annoyed at losing his evening meal. lost his head as well. and wrote in the cooksname unthinkingly Or. it may be, the “ Bald of Atkins”intendedthatthesoldier shouldappear to be telling his story in the village hostelry. and while keeping in the main to facts, was drawing upon his imagination for the details.

to being saddled with a name that is purely Hindu? Most certainly not. From this. I hope, it will be quite evident that Rudyard is decidedly off the mark, although, let it be un-

derstood, I have no desire that it should cause a-decrease in the sale of his books. You see, lam quite sure he is wrong, because I knew a bhisti once—«but that is another story, Etymological research in the case of- the word “Misti ” does not reveal, as many e1». roneously suppose it does, a connection with

“water " or “ well." It is derived from the word “ Bihisht " which means “Heaven” 01


It was, I Understand, and can

readily believe, applied to the bhi'stz' by reason of his devoutly religious nature, and the benefit he confers upon humanity by his life. long task of distributing the precious liquid

among the peoples of the earth. That he deserves this title of “Heavenly One be comes apparent to. any one who cares to in-

quire into his mode of living, , As previously stated, he is a Mahommedan.

instance, mty not become a b/Listi, and were

the heavenly one‘s heir to develope an early preference for something stronger than aqua para, it would in time become mighty unpleasant t'or the people of this country, to Whom water, in various forms certainly, but never.

theless water, is the prime necessity. Let me introduce ,to you Maul-a. Buksh. He is old, probably titty, his grey beard, slow, meditating walk, and grave mien, give him a venerable appearance. His dress consists of the usual simple dhoti and turban, but he has-in addition a long red cloth which he wears round his loins whilst at work, and takes olf when finished. This is the sign Of his order, and go where you will, you will find the bhisti with this loiu»cloth of red. Sus pended from his shoulder by a. strap is a 011» riouslooking leather bag, called a mussel/c,


is simply the haiiless hideof a goat, sewn together, and it retains much of the. shape it had when it did :duty as a garment for a liv-

ing, butting, ‘jnmping bakri. Watch him as he tills his mussak at well or standpipe. The apertule. which, by the way. is where the head was severed from the neck. is secured




‘by means of a piece of string,and the weird, wobbly thing, glittering with the moisture that oozes through its pores. and appearing

like some prehistoric, amphibious monster, is slung over his


and with bent

'form and slightly tottering steps (the ”weight approaches l50 tbs) he proceeds to carry out his duties, which consist of filling baths, washing down verandahs, watering ‘gardens and roads, and, at times, accompany» ing troops on the march to keep them sup— plied with drinking water. B‘or'each of these duties, he has a different method of disgorging the contents of his .mussak. Removing the string, he clutches the monster by the throat with one hand, and by relaxing the grasp of one or more fingers, controls the volume with marvellous

exactitude, obtaining force by squeeaing the bag between elbow and ribs in a manner sug-

gestive of the Scotch man playing his bagpipe. In the garden he is probably seen at his best, when by usingr his disengaged hand as a

spreader, he revolves on his heels, and becomes a veritable spray fountain. The other servants, hawkers going their rounds, ekkadrivers, and wayfarers of whatever caste or breed, stop him a hundred times during the day, and sans ('eremon/e, squat down with their hands joined cup-like together, under the welcome spout, and gulp down the cooling liquid. Maula Buksh, in his character of public benefactor, witholds from none. As a servant he is incomparable. -.thile the bearer is put under stoppages of pay for


IS an exception who can. writ e his own name,

yet he knows by heart many pass ages from the great book, the Koran, and the stringent rules contained therein for the guidance of the true Mohammedan, he carri es out with the utmost regard Prayers five times a day, fasting, almsgiving. Rising at dawn he commences the day by prayer. Thre e times during the day he lays aside his mus-sale, and

retiring to some more or leSs secl uded spot, turns towards Meccr in the West and murmurs his simple and beautiful suppl ications with many genuflections and prost rations. Again, when his daily task is done , and the

voice of the Muezzin is heard calling to pray» er, and the long-drawn—out “Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar!” (God is Great) reaches him in his little mud but, he wends his way to the tiny mosque in the bazar, and assu mes a reverent attitude behind the Hafiz, whil e the latter reminds his brethren that there is but one God, and Mahomet is His Prophet. And with regard to marriage; what, I won der, would the average Westerner say to

being married off willy nilly to a lady he has never seen! The bhistr. ,may marry none but a bhisti’s daughter, and although, as we understand these things, he is the per-

back a buttonless, tattered, war scarred-ban

Her-looking article in place of the new shirt entrusted to him to wash, the bhim: gives no trouble, and the man who would strike or fine Maula Buksh would deserve to perish of thirst in a desert.

ough of him, as he is, to realise that he IS the nearest approach to perfection imagina-

ble. . . __ What would we in India do Without him f “ Flo ! Maula Buksh, pani lao! ” and the perspiring,beetroot-lined, prickly-heat»maddened Tommy dashes from the verandah into the bath-house, where, in pmv‘s naturabll s, he Note the awaits the coming of the deliverer.

light of joyous anticipation which appearsm his eyes,_as hehears the familiar squelch, squelch. and sees the well-known, podgy, four-right. angled shadow fall across the doorway : and as he sits on the stone floor, and receives the

cool, delicious jet full on his spine, the world) becomes a pleasant place to live in. “ Not ’alf What joy, as the water a bad country! ”

the World) at the wedding ceremony!

uncommnnicative in general, he is, in


unable to discover who was the first bhz‘sti; no

one appears to KUOW ‘the origin of the order. Even an educated Mahommedan whom I questioned on the subject of the history or the bhisli, could tell me nothing, and account-

ed for the fact by saying: “ As these people are very poor, sir, no one put it down, so thereis nohistory for them." Such is life!

improvements were noticeable, both in the matter of staging and acting, while the new box scene which came as a surprise to most; of the audience, was much admired as a

smartly executed and enlivening setting. The house was a record one, and included Sir John and Lady Hewitt, Sir Edward and Lady Locke Elliot, with alarge party from Fjad's'tafl: House, Colonel and Mrs. de Lisle, Majcor and






maddening irritation of his skin gives place to a feeling of perfect ecstasy! He turns his

the Hon’ble and Mrs. Hamilton Russell, and most of the bachelor officers of the regiment, besides many other officers and ladies of the garrison The first part, opening with a tuneful selec-

body this way and that. What rapture !. What unutterable bliss! Oh! he simply must Sing:— “ A life on the ocean wave. A life on the#

’lg‘ner up beestie, ole boy. like it— .

Ah! that’s more

A sailor‘s li—ifc for~


I have been

The performance given by the A D. C. on Saturday, January 25th, gave abundant proof of the careful preparation that must have been made to produce such excellent results. and shows that in spite of the club losing [several fine performers, there still is talent in the regiment. Indeed, many


Nowatora on me ’ead Don’t be afraid of it—-

small, demure, wide-eyed Nur Jehan (Light of


crushes over his body, and the abominable,

Tat-rum. Til-rum. Ta—rahA

resppct, extremely reticent.

heels; while the dhobi is. fined for bringing

we know en-

youthful bhisti obtains his first glimpse of the

making away with the sahib's gold collar


came from,

son most concerned, the affair is arranged

stud, which he professes he has not seen, but thoughtfully suggests the dog as a possible delinquent; while the syce is cuffed for failing mean

Still history or no. whatever he was originally anddwherever' he

entirely by the respective parentsyand the

It is not possible to write much of the bhistz’s domestic life, as quiet, dignified, and

to remember that wet heels


THE'EAGLE He has noeducation to speak of ,“ indeed, he

What l_” he shrieks, as the generous flow suddenly ceases. “Empty ! Why, you couldn’t ’ave ’ad anything in it. Here, jow—ore pawnee mongta—bring some more——Jildee ! ” And as the old man turns obediently and goes out, the habitual dignified expression giving way, to a smile as of an indulgent father towards a fractious child, .small wonder that Thomas thinks,as I think, as Kipling’s soldier thought,

as you must think if'you know him, that “ of all them black—faced'crew ’-' the finest is the regimental Misti. ., .» l: .

Major and Mrs. Evelyn Wood, Captain

tion by the

orchestra, consisted of variety

turns, all Of which were excellent and much appreciated, the most noteworthy being per. haps Fitch and Paton‘s humorous ScotchCockney duet, M urkett and Dewar’s Cakewalk, and Paton’s “Nellie McKie.” Of the many playlets or sketches which have been put on in Lucknowby Your regi.

mental company, none have equalled “ Mad as a Hatter, " the really fine farce which formed the second part of the programme Smartly written, and possessing a quite perceptible and possible plot, it was a long way ahead of the class of sketch which has hitherto been

attempted, most of them being characterised by an over-abundance of tumbling and a total absence of anything in the way of motive And if the sketch itself was an

improvement. so much more so was-the manner in which it was performed. All the parts were well sustained, and the little play

. “she‘s...“ a.»


rippled along from start to finish, and gave


MR. CHARLES HA REBRAIN (his Nephew, the uanrtmuztc victim of the theories above mentioned). 5. Q. M. s‘. CRomN. DR. AMENS (the great cmwunder of the theory of Amentia) . CoaronAL ANsrrzy. MR. WYE ZED (F. R. 0. 8., author of treatise on “ Congenital lnibecility") PRIVATE Dawn)“ BOB (author of “ Nothing at all ") “ Pinon.

considerable enjoyment to the large house. As the eccentric Fuzzleton, with his half

nervous, half dominant manner. Corporal Fitch was splendid, and his extraordinary hypnotic passes in the scenes with Charles caused much merriment. Private Carver’s Fanny was a charming creature, and he has established himself as the best "lady" we



have produced.



Price instilled a great amount

of life into his part of

CARVER. Honiis.

Bob, and although

somewhat extravagant, was very amusing, and . should. with more > e maize-a smart experienc comedian


Maria, ll domestic Of the

Musical Hiram, ‘ Pianist

i. Sairey


Mime Manny/er

Ann ” order, was very well done, and Bob 5

is to be congratulated on his maiden effort. K . I

"GODSAVETHE Kma-Empmam."


of the Duiihams. Certainly on resuming, the Royals showed to better advantage, and got going several times, only however, to be

beaten each time by the opposing backs The Durhams made no addition to their score and the game finished 1—0, but on the play they were out and out the best team. The Inter-Squadron Tournament, for the Quadt Cup is well advanced, but progress has been delayed by the present stress of work, A week hence, however, should see a resumption, when it is hoped the remaining games will be got through to allow of the HockeySh‘ield Tournament being proceeded with. The positions of the teams in the Quadt ., . _

(Jup me at piesent asV-follows.._ C dl {0‘ s.

,‘,";;‘.Lf12:71. " :13:



R. D. Orchestra .







f h


SoNe, “ Hallo l who's there ‘2

thato t e


corp" Murkelt30'9‘ WWW?» Pte- atoll

DUET, HUMUROIUSi‘“ In the Hieéltn’s‘”


Mellow. Grafton.

SONG. COMIC, “ DearOld Home H ~- Clifiurdcorp], Austey. ‘ SONg, “ Longing Eor ylouF'j h .. .. .‘vlorseorp‘ ”c on ' doing in,“ ”mm.Sose,cOiiic,“Fathe r keeps ' ' ”6- Price’


lb Slilll. In

. . .



S. Q M S. Cronin. STRING TRio, “ Viscount Nelson ” March Sergt. Martin, Corp]. Fitch Si: Pte. Treble. SONG & CAKEWAi K, “ My gal can walk." Corpl. Murkett 3.: Pte. Dewar.








lg t

kin, h Edis Pte. Neil. b Rankin









3 —_

n antry.







Gellutly. c Neil. b Collison

Corpl. Winter. 0 Edis. b

Rankin. (' Seaton. b Col-

Gellatly .— Pte. Arnold. G S; b Gal' latly ..


lire-Corpl. Viinson. lbw. b Neil.

Serut. Collison. c Holt.



lPt.C 5811:?” k.-Jl‘l c e rs»




.. in



mama. c Underhill. b Bate‘



1‘01’1 touinamen

, th








(jorpl. Pittkin. hBaLeuiau


caused hopes to run high in our breasts, ren-


Pt: TGI'PS‘.



Last yeal

SONG,SCOTCH Conic,‘fNellie McKie fi'zi‘ Skyrai’LrLzngr Pte. Paton. .




evenmg but .tht saw the green




Lt, G.P.L,Cosens. bEshmeade.







when Sewn. Collison- C Esmeadc' Knell PmCooklcwusombgm ii

.. D -..

(rot-pl. VVinl.ei'.bKn€l1





nearly so' good as the preVIous one, While in . . 31R. CRO'I‘CHETTY FUZZLEI’ON (an eccentric old Gentlemen, with. very curious theories mt the suhjeet of moral. controt over mental uberm» lion) ‘ .. CORPORAL FITCH.


the interval came with the score 1—0 in favour


11]: 1'1


B‘nem‘m' b I ‘ her. h Earl Plumb, t_ W1“ K night run out

’Dmez k b D '6‘ ' Terry.c ‘003



Pte. Bateinan. L‘ W.nter. h Collison . Pte, Esnmeade. u & b Sent-on Burs


Wflgfiim Davies


Piethaxgef, c Under I l



Andl‘PWS. 1'11“ 01”.;

PEP » ..



Pm] ColIlliei‘. c “ 1. h airman .. HJ/m .. Total




. .



:33}; Corporal 368T “ _ , 'i l ,

:5??ny mayor;


Pte. Grimms. not out .I Hm.»

Pronmti‘l’l” and Appointments. . V 31,3 Paid lice-Sergt. Collison to ‘be sergeant. : a“ .. 5;. es 339g; Uiipd. _,-Elms .. pdv ‘Lee.-Sergt.

Lilith géfgmlgnmsenfCOrlfi-W‘D‘el‘-bP1”mb



.. ,_

Tom“ ETTE.

Pte. gazellebblpfitfimn”

L Coffififlfifwres. c Pittkin.b


Bray. c Measures,

son. c Eshliléade. b Batcnian .. ‘

a“ k




.. 1; Plumb Lieut. H. A. Tmikin-

. Michaels, not out « gamete swd Welch- A-b , ‘




Pte. I\_uell. bSeamn ..


“meme, c, Tmnkinsonb

regard to our Side, nothing could be more as-

tonishing than he’fall off in the play. Not once during the first half were they dangerous, and

PL‘C',“;el('h' lbw. b Eshinclue

. Underhill. 1; Earl

. .



Pte. Michaels.i'un out— . Pm P, b E [ - “m 3‘10 Sergt.Martiu, 1)0“C011]-_ son


" ls " Sounmmn.


. ' ably d’bsenb' Hal Stand} Mhamlf; me the for ward i’ 'a it .llle made veryv llD o t e n a n try defence,

and from two beautifully-Judged corner [{1ka . ‘ a by the formei,. the last two pomts were added. The Tournament game as a.Whole was not . .


.' Lce.-COTD1.‘V(‘.1L‘IL L' Houstoun.


feature, too, that has formerly been as notice .




thusiastic cricketers Later came a falling off, but it had established a hold, and of late 93011 : takenthe advantage to ut holiday has _b€ e11 W'th mint of“0911:“ the stump-“111' 1 p ’3 ’ “ ' , x- tier l e oucht to be an y number of 5 weathei ‘ matches. The recent games are as follows :—

was the first-rate combination of our side, a Nellie.


Dent R- Housman. b

l’l-e. Arnold. not out

ing harder to bear. , In the first game the most noticeable feature



an in. l. Colii

sou. b Sewn

thlb 33m?

promised to become the game of the regr




ment and there was fOI‘ some time hardly

-y 00 the same ground, under Similar conditions. when after a really excellent game, and a splendid k' ‘ ‘ . . BXulbltIOIl by our men, the Duihams Weie defeated by three oroals to one. The D L I I ‘ D - ' i '

. PttghUnderhill. 1) Sea«b ”a“? k.


1 t th (1 h f . th as on y W0 01‘ ree ays 8 Ole 8 Cup the two teams met in a “ friend] "



Pte.Bm.\'.C Esnmeade. l) Bate-


will be commenced



Etllllu'zlil viiispections


feat; came as a very great surprise, inasmuch

possess a very smart Side, and this result


“‘3‘ come“ ”no“ gym;


will be over, and it is hoped the inter-squadtf






Seaton. c Holt h Edis -Pte. Bray. c Holt. 1) Rankin ..

5‘1“"“5- "NU”



Wlbhln ft few days


dering the defeat in the moreimportant meet-


Cornl. Pittkin. c Ran-




. unfortu-


SELECTION, " All the Winners ”

Stitch, c Arnold. b Seaton -. B.Mastcr Holt. 0 Seaton Lee-(10ml. Pegg. c Colllson Ptc. Edis, h Seaton

J. L.t\\iLnLL. ... .. b Mil n lti.



progi 885, 0111‘ Part: in It IS

nately over, the team havmg been beaten by


pm." purvis,

SONG. “ Dreamland

“ C”


Although the Murray Football Tournament ‘

SONG,“ Johanna”

J: :i 4

3, nd

The full programme is given below: ‘

" B“ SQUADBON. Pte. Earl, b Rankin Lee-Cami. Welc i. c Edis. b Vanson .

Jeffrey. not our.


hands, and the show as a whole was thoroughly

OVEBTURE’ “ hi Coonland ”


PM: rt]. ll'oli. Lost. I/"I'alvll. For jig/st l’ui’lils.



" D ” SQU ADRON vs. " D " SQUADKON. Sex-gt. Sales. 6 & b Seaton

_,_,/, S


The remaining parts were each in capable enjoyed.







4576 - — ~ ‘] "13“" ngll





itatcli e


Allchin :; fil‘hhdmond .. U


. ' amine

." “

p .-Cor l. Proctor “


pMeasures [J‘ver


i. 7

bugd. Lct;;Serzt. Corporal ~ '

.‘ . ‘


“ H

l’ie. Ashlord to be» Regimental Signallur.


.. .....—-—~‘~.u...,.,


TTH'E" EAGLE 3145 lies.


i'ol.owing left



for transfer to Army

(She Eagle.

3793. S. S. Smithson proceeds to England from 7th he i ruary. 1908, to 6th August», 1908. I

Reserve :1‘96. 4973 4941 4920 4943 4952 4967 477.0 4807 4814 4930 4946 49.31 «1969 4'79l 49in 4825 4931‘ 4945

Lee-Corp].Hathorill. “ Scroggs Corp]. Smith. Pte. liatt. " Monk. Searle. “ Roi‘lte. Gruley. ‘ Cnndy. ‘ Tarling. ’ Ashman. ‘ Miles. “ McQueen. ‘ Davis ' Harris. Hurrington. ' Woodley. Wecdon. ' K i in her.


nil-m. The wife of Sergeant Con, 01' a daughter.


VoL. II.


942. Ptc. Tipplc, at Station Hospital. 11th Ii‘ebrnary, 1903. The wife of S. Q. M. S. Real], at Station Hospital. 22nd January. loos.



During the week from the 17th February the regiment was inspected by no less than four Alfred Sir General General Officers.

H on [42.

Gaselce, G. C.I.E., KC. 8., making his farewell

Colonel H0n.IH. W. Munslield)

Major J. W. M. Wood. M. Y. ()1

tour prior to relinquishing the command of

Captain G. Clements Miss Cruse

the Northern Army, visited the stables on the 22nd, accompanied by Lieutenant-Gener-


Commanding the Lucknow Division. MajorGeneral J. Nixon, C.B., Inspector-General of Cavalry in India, made his annual in-

Sergeant liebbington'


Limit. 8. A. Tomkinson to England for course at Cavalry . Schml, Netheravon. 5668. Sergt. Davis to Calcutta as Instructor to Calcutta Light Horse. goof, Corp}. S S. Locliye-rto‘Allahabad to take up appoint.‘ ment in Subordinate Veterinary Department. 5241 Leo -Corpl. Mth-llan to I’atehgarh us Instructor to Mounted Infantry. Pensions.

for life. 5777; Sergt. Cullen granted pension. 18 pence per dieni for

Accepted matter will be paid for at the rate of Rs. 10 per

1.000 words. or Rsffl-H-o per column.

This is only :ldmissiblc to

non-commissioned omcers andmien. SUBSCRIPTIONS.


Subscribers in India. for six months .. Non-commissioned officers and men (present members or ){flnn [Hrpnt

(ax-Royals). for six months


m “1‘


Srl } ‘ Rsi.)- 3_4_0 ‘‘ '28- 9d. ‘ ”Pi

Subscribers at home. for six months



RS. 1-12—0 I

Price per copy to Officers ' .. Price per com. to non-commissioned

754i, Rifleman‘ Elliott from Rifie Brigade. 5730. Sergt. Marsden from Unattached List.

0-8 _ 0

officers and men 0-4 - 0

Enmninutimis. Animal subscriptions pro rnta.

and most

Colonel de Lisle to the best man at-arms. This is the second year of presentation and a keen, closely-contested competition resulted. In addition to the sword, the winner receives a gold medal which he may wear with the regimental ribbon on his right breast. Silver and bronze medals go to the 2nd and 3rd man, respectively. An account of the competition will be found in this numregimental mounted sports. On Monday, March 2nd, a regimental field firing scheme was carried out in the country round Kokrail, just outside Lucknow, with very good results. Opening fire at 1,100 yards and working over very rough country, all

regiment 0n Qist.

The reports of the Brigade and Divisional Commanders have already been received, and as these must prove of great interest to our readers, we publish them herein. Old Royals especially will be gratified to see that those now serving are endeavouring to maintain the high character and standard of

During the past two years much has been encourage



and the result of this has been seen just lately during the regimental and divisional annu.

For one month. full page

al assaults.

“ For on'o month. quarlcr page


For one month. huli page



For six months. quarter page ..


done to


For six months. half page

sounded at 500 yards.

The number of rounds

expended was 8,828, and worked out at 2 per

cent of hits to rounds fired, an increase on

last year’s results of nearly one per cent. The result of the Annual Musketry Course, is also worthy of note. the figure-of-merit working out at 202, or an average of only 18 points short of marksmen

efficiency handed down by Royal Dragoons of many generations. We have been permitted to publish also a. copy of the annual l'eport from the Commanding Officer to H. I. M., our Colonel-in-Chief, which must likewise be of interest.


. .in”- . l ’

For six months. full page

thrlough-s. 317,0, s.Q. M. S. Beall proceeds to England from 20th February. 1908. to 19th August, 1908. 5429, Semi. Scott proceeds to Bombay from 11111 L‘ebruuri-

the regiment on 17th, 18th, and


. the examination at School of Mnsketry, Pachmmiii—Distinguished.

.w o

Lieut. G. P. L. Cosens and Sergt, Collingwood passed

ions. to 26th February. 1909.

most valuable

targets were down when the “ cease fire" ALI. communications intend ed for publication in The Eur/[r slionld‘bc nddresscd to the Editor . and should be accompanied by the writer 5 name und address. I The Editor will not undertake to be respon sible {or any reject. cd’MS” nor to return any contribution unless specially desired to

life. 5435;~Pte. McCormick granted pension, '7 pence per diem for 15 months.


19th ; while Brigadier-General Sir Ronald Macdonald, K.O.I.E., 0.8., R, E , Com mend. ing the Lucknow Brigade, inspected the


do so. 2839, R. S. M. Thompson granted pension, 42 pence perdiem


regimentally, the

ber, as also of the divisional assault and the

al Sir Edward Locke Elliot, K.C.B., D. S, 0.,


5198‘, Pte. Thompson.

" Garnett.

No. 3

coveted is the sword presented annually by

We have just recovered from what has, in allprobability, been the busiest period we have experienced since our arrival in India.

4970 “ Elder. The following have left for England for discharge :— 2871, S. S. F. Reynolds. 3395; S. S. Graham. 5520. S. 5. Martin.




Of the many fine prizes given

The first Annual Ladysmith Ball, which we drew attention to last- month, came off on 19111 February, and, as was anticipated, proved very successful A detailed account is given in this number. Another event was the third performance of the season by the regimental dramatic club. Being asked to repeat the very excellent farce " Mad as a Hatter,” this, with a. complete change of variety turns, was put on

by the club in the regimental theatre on the




27th ultimo. The most noteworthy of the fresh items were Lieutenant lrwin's two songs, “Ottoof Roses” and “ Waltz me round again, Willie," anda very amusing quartette, “Baby on the Shore,” by S. Q. M S. Cronin, Corporals Fisher and Fitch, and Pte. Hobbs. The Pioneer of March 4th, contains the following interesting, if somewhat mislead-

ing, paragraph :—


“An interesting experiment which has hitherto escaped the notice it perhaps deserves, has for some time been carried out in Lucknow, in connection with the training of

the mounted police.

The Royals, who are

at present stationed at Lucknow, boast possession of a certain number of cowboys, among whose many accomplishments is the art of throwing the lasso. ' he bright idea seems to have occurred to some police officer

watching their performances that this particular accomplishment might be


claim any connection with the American cattlemen, having, it is unde rstood, lived in

Mexico for some years.

The greeting card from Lady smith, which we reproduce below, a copy of which has been

sent presumably to all units who took part in either the siege or the relief, reached us re-


To most of us,




“ thank God, we kept the flag flying." SIR GEORGE WHITE, V. C. LA DYSMlTH SIEGE CLUB.






Hearty and Fraternal Greetings from Long Tom's

Royals’colouel, an instructor was arranged for and the mounted police put through a regular course of lassorthrowing. The sowars, it appears, have shown themselves apt pupils, and many, if not mOStof them, can now throw the lasso with precision. Of course in a riot or in the carrying out of any of the ordinary police duties in a town, the lasso might prove more of a hindrance than

ahelp to the mounted


occasions as, say, a dacoit or

But on such criminal


‘drive,’ the lasso would certainly have its adv:;ntage as an instrument of capture." As most of our readers are aware the “cowboys” exist only on the regimental circus programmes. Lasso-throwing formed part of a special equitation training




Avenue. Shall time erase or distance dim The memories of the past ?

To The lst ROYAL DRAGOONS. JOSEPH MILLER, Fell/wary 391/2, 1.908.





Munroe, whois very expert at this useful accomplishment, is the only one who can

little unfortunate, perhaps, that R. S. M Plumb gets his first taste of Indian life at the beginning of the hot weather, although, onothe

at Lucknow. Again. unfortunately our team had to acknowledge defeat, although this

other hand, he will have better opportunities,

ments were provided for the, guests, andv‘a very pleasant day was spent.

owing to the little work done at this season of the year,,of becoming acquainted With his new duties, We extend him a hearty welcome.

Since we left home, we have had no really useful or ornamental animal for this purpOse, and it will seem like old times to have a fine drum horse at the head of the regiment,

sive heat of the summer,

exceeded four shillings, only two shillings and Sixpence was charged, thus enabling many men of limited means to attend We .would suggest subscription lists being put up in the Officers‘, Serge.tnts’ and Corporals Messes, and probably other members of the regiment would like to subscribe. It is as well to realise that, sooner orlater, we all shall have an opportunity of attending this ex. , cellent function.

much useful work impossible, as many as can

of twelve members of

the Sergeants‘ Mess

were the guests of the West Riding Regi-

six or seven months of their stay, , and they are very fortunate in escaping the many disCOmflil‘hS of the summer on’ the plains...

This month sees the beginning (it the leaVe season, when taking advantage cf the exces-

which renders

get away, of all ranks, proceed tothe various

hill stations, shooting districts, . and, in the case of officers, to England. . Already Major and Mrs Evelyn, Wood, Captain Lord Charles Fitzmaurice. and Lieu~ tenant Cosens have left for home. Lord Charles is going up for the Entrance examination for the Cam berley Staff College, which is to be held in London during August. next We wish him success. Major and M rs Steele intend leaving about three months“ leave

to England. Captain McNeile proceeds home also at the end of the present month for seven months.

ment at Sitapur, a small garrison station some

A shooting match

Owing to the heavy work contingent on the

was the object of the visit, and our team were

annual inspection, no great amount of sport has been indulged in by the various teams of the regiment. The only events recorded are two hockey matches played between “ D" Squadron and 79th Battery, R. F. A., on the 27th ultimo and l2th instant, respectively,

fifty miles from Lucknow.

The guests

were en-

tertained right, royally, and speak highly 0f the hosoitality of the West Ridings.

The return match came off on the l2th instant when a large party from the West Ridings’ Sergeants' lvless visited our Sergeants

It is a.

weather season, and will shortly leave Luck. now for this purpose. A large house has been taken to accommodate them during the

the middle of April for

On the 26th and 27th of last month, a party

"’Rewa“ at Karachi on the 11th instant, and reached Lucknow a few days later.

charming summer, resort,

dinner, although the actual cost per dinner


for the band, arrived from England per H.


where our detachment was stationed last year, to play there during the ensuing hot

beaten by 58 points.

Our new Regimental Sergeant-Major, with his wife and family, together with three boys

Other , amuse—

The band of the regiment has been select,ed. by the Band Committee of Naini Tal, the well-known

Colonel de Lisle has obtained a handsome

skewbald horse which, it is intended, Will be trained to carry the regimental drums.

time by a smaller margin.

We are asked by Major Balfour to call attention to the Old Comrades’ Dinner fund, which is greatly in need of subscriptions. This excellent scheme was the means, it Wlll be remembered,of bringing together a few months ago many Old friends of the regiment, and affording them a memorably pleasant evening. To render these reunions successful, it will readily be seen that it is necessary to make the smallest possible charge for tickets of admission. in the case of the first

Subscriptions should be sent to M'dJOI‘ K. R. Balfour, Kingston House, Dorchester


was carried out in the regiment some time back, and was subsequently introduced as an item in

we should say, it

hardly seemslike eight year s ago since we marched ragged and dirty, but hard and fit, through the now famous town. my_fis . ' '"'*‘*~* ., W 7 fmi.\

use to the mounted branch of the force. Accordingly

He is the instructor

referred to above.

when the squadron were successful ion each

’ "‘“‘"—w~...,,,.,,



occasion, by three goals to one.


and Groom put on the points in the first game, while in the second, Cronin, Vanson and Whittingham were responsible for the goals.

The band of the regiment were visited by the band of the King’s Shropshire Light Infantry on the 4th and 5th instants, and in a

series of games the teams came out level with a win each and a draw. Cricket, K S. L. I. won by one run ; Foctball, pointless draw: Hockey. Royals victorious by 4 goals to ml. A brief account of the Meerut week and the

stags were shot, the best measuring 37 inches. During the remaining days, beats

for tiger and leopard were most successful, the Lieutenant-Governor bagging a very fine


The bag up to the time Lord Charles

and Mr. Houstoun left was—2 tiger, 7 leopard, and IG gon stag, since when 3 more tiger have been added to the bag. Lord Charles shot one

gén and M r. Houstoun '2 leopard and 2 gOn. The Regimental hounds during the last month have been able to show some very excellent sport, five jackal being accounted

Inter-Regimental Polo Tournament will be

for on five successive days.

found in the present issue. With the loss of Mr. Tomkinson our team had little hope of Winning, nevertheless they contrived to put up a very fine game against the team that beat them and which in turn met defeat at the hands of the winners of the tournament

considered unusually good in this, at present, very dry, and bad scenting country. The condition of the hounds reflects the greatest credit on the kennel management. Owing to the increasing heat the season will now soon be over, and arrangements have been made for the hounds to spend the hot weather at Naini Tal, where they did so well last year

1n the Subalterns’ Tournament at Ambala our team comprised of Mr. Miles, Mr. Irwin,


Turner and Mr. Charringion,

after a

keen game lost to the 10th Hussars by 6 goals to 2.

Captain Lord Charles Fitamaurice and Mr. Houstoun have just returned from a most enjoyable and successful shoot with the Lieutenant-Governor, Sir John Hewitt, in Pilibhit. The first two days were spent in beating bhurjis for leopard. Several were seen, none of which, however, ofifered the chance of a shot. The next three days were spent after gon (swamp deer) on the north bank of the Sarda river. This gen preserve, belonging to the brothers Mangai and Baby Kha", is the finest in India. In about three square miles of very thick, long, swamp—gm» jungle there are some 500 gm. The shooting is most difficult owing to the grass which stands from 8 ft. to 10 ft. high, and is only penetrable on

elephants Although the Shot-ting is all done ‘from howdahed elephants, still one seldom gets more thana snapshot.

Some very fine

This must be

under the care of Pte, Holmes. On the whole, in spite of the dry season we have had extraordinarily good sport, hardly a day without a run, and many days which may well be marked in “red letters.” Up to the time of writing, which, unfortunately, appears to be practically the end of the season, the bounds have accounted for 25 jackal.




Of the First or the Royal Regiment of Dragoons, containing an account of its formation in the reign of King Charles the Second, and of its subsequent aervices to the present time. By General C. P. de Ainslie.

(Continued )

In the spring of 1907, being ordered to take the field, the regiment was detached on the 9th of April to Denia, and while encamped at Collera, a town at the mouth of the river Xucar, in Valencia, the battle of Almanza was fought on the 2Rth of April, when the allied army, commanded by the Marquis das Minas and the Earlof Galway, was nearly annihilated bv the French and Spaniards under the Duke oi? Berwick. Soon after this disaster the Royal Dragoons joined the wreck of the allies which had been collected by the Earl of Galway andwere engaged for three months in marches and countermurches,

observing the

motions of the enemy and endeavouring to preserve the rich and extensive province of Catalonia from their power. They formed afterwards part of the force assembled for the relief of Lerida, but which was found to beimpracticable, the


of Arragon

and Valencia being occupied by the enemy. Catalonia was now the only portion of Spain

remaining in the hands of Charles.

The Earl

During the Meerut week, the 17th Lancers held a boxng tournament, one of the features of which was a special six-round contest be-

of. Gralway soon after Almanza resigned the command of the British Army in that coun-

tween Corporal Strath of ours and Private

trél‘lhe journal of Lieutenant-Colonel de.St. Pierre does not extend beyond this perlod,

Heathcote of


Scots Fusiliers.


had previously beaten Heathcote, and the present fight had been arranged as the result of a challenge from the latter who was evi~ dently not satisfied with the verdict. Considering the diiference in weight-Heathcote scaling 10st. 4ib to his opponent's 95t. 81h. “Strath is to be congratulated on this

second encounter, which he won on points. Heathcote did most of the leading in the first two rounds, but for the remainder, Strath had matters much to his own liking.

but from it sufficient extracts have been made, it is hoped, to establish its claim both to general and regimental interest. It may alsh in these days be amusing to read the following lists of the effects packed in the

Colonel’s trunks, as showing the field equlpinent of a fieldofiicer of cavalry in 170?. it may be noted that, with respect to uniform, no alteration appears to have been made smce the warrant of 1684 :—

" Ml‘moirc de ce que contient la grand» caisse‘No. 1. Unc vicille courerture de Cheval et canaraison vleux. :5 cmirertures rle cheval nnivesgpour coflres. 8m.

un (-zu'nirnisou neuf.



lino housse de cheval et les tourreaux dc pistolets d escarlato :u'cc galon d'or et {range d‘or, un snrtout dc camelot escarlate, Une veste d'etode noire. ‘ Une rulctte de drap escarlatte avec du galon d urgent. Une veste et culotte de toile irise verdatre. Une robe (1e chambre de Damas pouceaux et vert. L'n neat pacriuet de treilles noir nui contient de quay mire vests, culotte et doublere “rise. Des- boutons et du cordonet pour les habits de livrée. 3 Daircs de bits dc t wile grise Verte.

2 paircs dc fuctrcs de toile El‘lSE. 4 Hamil-s de da'naseé et 16 serviettes 1e tout marqué et numerota 10 12 12 12

caller-ens. Chemises. 1 coitus dc huiet marquees par hombre. mouchoirs savoirsix fines et six moms fines,

6 banners de nuit. dont trois sont de fu taine ragée, et troll autres (1e pinueurs de toile de coton. 2 [wires de has de laiue tout neuf et 4 autres presque tout neut, Un habit de drap gris blanc uue vest er. culotte, bouton. d'argent. . . [In view: surtoiit d‘escarlate double de nou‘. bleu. drap cle Uh \"ieux snrtout

Un habit de drap noir doublé de tadetas avec veste et culotte. . Unc veste d'et )i’fe noire. Uue vieille veste de toile grise avec toile. .

Unc piece de drap de hvrée.


doubleure aussi. do



1e 1m“ e5 Cue mire dc drab de tout neut qui euV‘eloppeur les mcilleurs habits. Uu petlt nacquet un valet nouveau. 4 camisoles (1e toile fine avec des manches, 4 sons manches. ‘ ‘ ' ~ d.~ in came. _ '2 camisoles boutons d or. Une roauelaure d‘escarlatea ‘ ' ~ de leLO' ‘ - lets. ‘2 panes

~' Mémoire lle 06 mm 5' 11 dam; la malle4 grosses chemises de nuit.

., p.1h-es do amps tout neufs marques ct numerotés. 3 lures d‘orfiiller, 4 ('llen1l>CS assez tines,

5 “up“ assez grosses. 4 ‘\ul1’(‘.\ sans vieu :iu DOIE’DEL


u i-uniisolefi de fut-dine. et une autre de futame sans manches. es. 0 camisoles dc toile sans manoh . 2 rulccons neufs et 4 vleux ' . 10 l-oillcs dc nuiet. . \'1€:le. o mouchcirs ncufs ct six . ’ barbe. o vieilles sorriettrs unies p =ur1a avec la) es d or, - 'iix'ates de tnrlaL-ane one assez fines . ate a petites dentellcs. selme close.‘ 4 cravatcs dc nniet dc mous e moussehue. 4 aiures plus estroitc dc mesm

er dont truls avec a, 10 null‘Cs cravates lines dc diderente largu ' -: mzc.

5_ clans la grands caisse No. " Mémoli‘i'dldlo L'C (mil 3' a 8t deux de diaglons. Che grnndc lent»: de coutil neuti es et autre non, 2 wires de bottes a moy 1 dune et une paire de DBDCOuues. i paires dc souliers neuts um et deux autres. Une scllc Lie velour-s a trousseq 7 vleilles housses.




THE EAGLE 4 wires de culottes pour Dragons et une veste. ~2 selles et deux complettes. 3 wires dc nistolets.

the Royal Dragoons were detachedfrom their

Plucieurs semturons cartouches, &r,

on mp on the Begré to meet and esbort him

4 paires de bottes.

to the camp.


I caisse composee de chocolat et livres. Six couteaux 51 manches d‘argent. 6 cuilt‘t‘es et six fourchettes d'argent. I paire de petits flambeaux. uu gobelet d‘argent e! sulii‘ro. Une housse bleue et chaperon : du pussier tous his articles sont

dans la- petite caisse. Dans un des paniers i1 3' a un gros surtout double do noir. Un rustc corps gris double de gris. Une veste de drap noir, Une autre veste de soige noire.

Une culotte de drop bleu Vieille. Une petite bride verte. Une platine de mousouet or crochets pour les armes. "

The latest entry in the journal of the strength of the regiment is of the 17th of May, 1706, when three troops, amou uting to about 135 men, were under the com maud of Lieu t. Colonel de St. Pierre at Cuillera. The Colonel died in the year 1713. On taking the field in 1708 the Royal Dra»

goons were reported to be “ in excellent condition,"* but in the campaign of this year their service was chiefly on outpost duties in Catalonia and Valencia, the allied army being now commanded by Marshal Count Guido de Steremberg. an officer of reputation, who had commanded the Imperial troops in

Hungary. The regiment wintered in Catalonia. In the camping of the following year it was similarly employed in defensive operations, encamping for a considerable time on the banks of the Segre, when, in the month of August, 1709. the towns of Balaguer and Ager were captured, and garrisons placed in them. The campaign of 1710 was illustrated by more important events, the two claimants


i 2186 March, 1900.

Un paire des cordes de fourrage.

After some manoeuvring, LieutenantGeneral (afterwards Earl) Stan hope, who commanded the British troops in Spain. being at the head of the leading colu mn of the allies on the march towards Alfaras, dis iovored, on the morning of the 27th of July, a body of the enemy in front of the village of Almanara, in Catalonia, and obtained perm ission from the Archduke to attack them with the cavalry, of which the Royal Regiment of Dragoons had the honour to form pa rt ilil this memora ble occasion. The sun was going down on the horizo n, and the shades of the evening were deepening over the valleys of Catalonia, when the British commander led forward his warlike hearse— men. Before him appeared twenty-two squadrons of Castilian cavalry. the pride and flower of the Spanish army, with Phillip‘s Life Guards on the right; a second line of the same strength was seen in rear and nine battalions of Infantry supported the cayalry.

Against this force the



advanced at the head of Harvey's Horse, now 2nd Dragoon Guards “Queen‘s Bays.” His front line consisted of sixteen squadrons with a reserve of six


The Spaniards

came on with all the pride of war, when the opposing lines dashing into each other at full speed. the contest was of short duration. The left of the enemy soon gave way; the Life Guards were routed, with the loss of a standard and pair of kettle-drums ; their second line fled in confusion ; the supporting infantry were seized with panic, and


We moved out on the 1st instantto attack Bulwana, or, to give it its full name, [sim‘oul—

majority of the houses being of corrugated iron. The town-hall, one of the few masonry buildings, had evidently suffered the most, part of the clock turret being shot away, and a holein the wall marked the passage of a. big shell, while many of the buildings in “Tin.

Whana. At daybreak, however, our scouts who

Town,” where we were quartered, were liter—

had gone up the mountvtin during the night,

ally riddled with shot holes. In the evening we met old and new friends of the 5th Dragoon Guards. 5th Lancers, and

rep'n'ted it clear, and we rode up Without ad. venture.


Boers had

left their laager

standing, and we. found quantities of rusks, potatoes, mealie meal, coffee and sugar, also

several cases of castor-oil which would appear to be their favourite medicine, if one dis regarded the empty square-shaped bottles which, giving forth a pungent odour of Hollands, we found scattered around. We bivouacked close by, and next day the horses :nd a rest, saddles were cleaned, our wellventilated clothing patched up, and we had

a wash, the first one for a week, except a lick with the corner of a towel damped with a few drops from the water-bottle ‘. We marched through Ladysmith on the 3rd instant. As we approached. those of the garrison in the trenches ran out to meet us, and we gave them our ration of meat and biscuit, andialso all the tobacco we had.

The garrison lined the streets; they had donned their best uniforms and looked pain-

fully clean compared to our ragged army We expected to find them looking bad after living, on 8-07.. mealie meal. a biscuit and a little horse flesh per diem, but were shocked

18th andlgth Hussars, and heard all about

'the attack on Ladysmith by the Boers on January 6th. The attack had commenced before 3 .-\.M. and continued till nearly 8 P M, seine of the intrenchments being taken and retaken no less than three times. The Devons charged with the bayonet in a. heavy rainstorm at dusk and drove the enemy outof a position they had held all day on Wagon Hill. We remained in Ladysmith four days, and were not sorry to leave it for the sweeter atmosphere of the veldt. We reconnoitred towards Elandslaagte, and heard that

the Free State Boers had retired over the Drakensberg, and the Transvaal Boers over the




Nek, where

Kruger had met and turned them back. 0dr patrols saw Boers about the 9th instant and a day later an officer of ours had his horse shot whilst on patrol. We moved near. or the Berg and camped about two miles north-east of Elandslaagte station.

About the 19th instant the Boers had been

were; some of them like shadows, thin, drawn

reinforced on the Biggarsberg, and “A " Squadron came in touch with them near Wessels Nek. We had one. man (Pte. Thomp.

faces, and sunken eyes, hardly strong enough

son) missing, and later a native came in and re-

stand iinfact, some dropped to the ground as we were passing, but still raised a feeble

bulance was sent out with a fatigue party and

to see how attenuated and

weak they really

tothe Spanish throne leading their armies

Stanhope’s brave trooperschased the fugitives

in person. The Duke of Anjou commenced operations by the siege of Balaguer, but on the approach of the allies he retired; and when the Archduke Charles joined his army,

from the field with great slaughter, following them up among the rocks and hills until darkness rendered it no longer possible to distinguish friends from foes

night, each regiment as it came along being

( To be co nl inued.)

of the shelling it had been subjected to for one hundred and nineteen days, owing to the

* The present state of Europe for I708,



The-garrison must have been hoarse that hailed by name followed by volleys of cheers. The town itself did not show many Signs

ported one of our men had beer. shot. The am. Thompson and his horse were found both shot dead A party of thirty Boers held up the am. bulance all night, and speaking of Thompson said he had been shot because he refused to surrender.

Yours, OL-OL.

.. “-“‘""‘~w-x.,«.....





YOUR MAJESTY, l have the

honour to forward for Your

Majesty’s information the following report on the Royal Dragoons for the past year : ~1. Since my last report, dated 12th Feb~ rnary, 1907, Your Majesty’s Regiment has

maintained its

high standard of efficiency

in all branches of Cavalry training. Last week the InSpector-General of Cavalry made his annual inspection, and expressed himself satisfied with all he saw. 2. Personal skill-at-arms has much improved, and at our annual mounted sports ten days ago, the greatest interest was shown in all the competitions, and the various events were closely contested.


Since my last reporta monthly regi-

mental paper has been instituted with a View to recording all events connected with the regiment for the information of friends in Europe, and to teach all ranks how to express themselves clearly when contributing to the paper Old officers have sent war; congratulations to the staff of “The Eagle " as this regimental paper is called, andcthe pgper appears to be very generally appreciat. e . 4, The Cottage Home Scheme has failed to appeal to the committee of old Royals appointed to carry it out, and an alternative scheme has been proposed as a memorial to those of the Royal Dragoons who fell in the war in South Africa. Up to the time Ileft England in November, I felt that the original scheme would be adopted, but there seems

to be a feeling among the old Royals that

members of the


in St.

and to form a fund


jesty’s information.



The signallers of this unit are thoroughly fit for Field service."

Owing to famine in these districts all

R. H. HAMMERSLEY-SZJITH, Lieut, Asst. Inspector of Signalling,

manoeuvres had to be abandoned, and Rrivade training and Staff rides have been substituted. In consequence there has been

no i-ppOi'tnnity of comparing the ficrhti nrr value of the regiment with that oflas : yea; I consider it has improved slightly in every detail, and the Inspector-General's repor t states that it is “a good regiment tit in ever way for active service. ” .V Several changes have taken place amon u

the officers in

the past year:



Makins, D. S. 0., has rejoined from the Staff College; Major 0. G. Morrison, who has been

absent on

Northern Circle, Ji‘.rlrrzcls from fire report by Senior lr’etei’inm‘y officer, 8m (Ll/.(f/I'WUIU) Dz'oiszon. e:-

with the



“ The horses are in very good condition and looking well. The stables and lines are clean and well kept, and the surroundings sanitary. Shoeing Forge and shoeing satisfactory.” H. T. SAWYER, Major, Army Veterinary Corps.

Staff employ for several years

THE MEERUT POLO WEEK. ’ Of all the pleasant gatherings in India, there is, perhaps, no event so enjoyable to cavalry Officers as the Inter~Regimental Polo Tournament. Not only are the polo teams of, usually, eight or nine cavalry regiments collected there to decide the competition, but members of every cavalry regiment in lndia assemble from all parts to meet their friends and witness the interesting struggle. This year the polo has been more interesting than ever. No team appeared to be much better than any other, and the very close matches afforded the spectators the greatest pleasure and excitement. On one day, during

"’ The Regiment is well commanded, and has a good lot. of officers. The personnel is good, and individuality is

bestowed on Your Majesty’s Regiment, and

properly encouraged.

the first round, no fewer than five games stood with even scores when the whistle sounded,

especially for the honour in receivino by the hands of Your Majesty’s RepresenIative on the 18th June, the anniversary of the

The training is on sound practical lines, and standard of. military profia satisfactory ciency has been attained. Scouting and reconnoitring receive special attention. The discipline is very satisfactory. The interior economy is very satisfactory, and special attention is given to sanitation. The horses are in good condition. M nsketry and signalling are satisfactory. The health is good, and the Regiment is in every way tit for active service.”

This surely must be a record. Several teams were unable to put in their full strength, while the Seaforth Highlanders, who play very good polo= were absent on more important business. being actively employed against the Zakka Khols in the Baznr Valley. The 15th Hussars were without one of their best players in the person of Captain LivingstoneLearmonth. who also was on service with the punitive expedition. The Royals were repre-

Battle of Waterloo, a wreath to decorate the

Regimental Standard. All ranks unite with inein feeling it is a high honour to belong to the Royal Dragoons, of which Your Majesty is Colonel-in-Chief. I have the honour to be, Your Majesty’s obedient servant, H. de B. de LISLE, Colonel Commanding the Royal Dragoohs.

Extracts from the report on Annual Signalling Inspection for 1907. ->.-

Lucknow Brigade.

sented by Mr. «Miles, Captain Lambert, Major Makins, and Colonel de Lisle (back).

As will

be seen only one man of last year's team


ons Copy of Annual lie/JUNE of (In), Royal Drago .Hamlin) II. 1:. SirJ. neral by Brigadier»Ge old, II'.C.I.E., 0.135, 13. H, (,Jommanding

Copy of Report (if-Annual Inspection of the Royal Dragoons by LieutenantGeneral Sir

E. Locke Elliot, K; 0.13., D. S. O , Command. ing 8th (Lucknow) Dictation.



balance of the subscription for assisting old

Both in the Field and in Barracks the) duties are carried out in a thoroughly satisfactory manner. The condition of the horses leaves nothing to be desired. The regiment is- well mounted. The general health of all ranks "is satisfactory. The Regiment is fit for service in every'detail; "

has now retired; Captain Hon. 0. H. 0, Guest has gone home to the Staff Colle ge: Captain T. M. S. Pitt and Captain C AY Calvert have retired. I I 2nd-Lieutenant H. Jump and 2nd-Lieute nant E. A. it. Rube have recently joined. I In conclusion, 1 have the honour to thank Your Majesty for the gracious kindness ever


they would prefer a tablet


of the report of the committee for Your M'i-

. “ A most satisfactory inspection and the signallers have maintained their high state 0 f eifiCIency.

‘f The Regiment is now thoroughly season'-


The officers and men know their work.

was playing, the other three being in England;

In spite of this, their game against the Central India‘Horse was so even that when the “halt " sounded, both teams had scored' four goals



As’the ultimate‘“winners;

10th Hussars, only defeated'the Central

. ..._.—-.....Mls.,.‘__

50 THE India Horse by one goal after a very har

d fight, we can, therefore, reasonab ly suppose that with our full team we shou ld have rehdered a very good account. Hav ing no chance of success this year, it was not thought worth whlle to buy new and expensiv e ponies, and some of our best ponies have been playimr

many years.


by “ BRIAN BORU.” IV, The Dhobi. A little water clears us of this deed: How easy is it then 1'



The racing in Meerut provided amu sement on three afternoons of the week . The expressmn “week ” is one that may not be generally

pnderstood, so it is necessary to expl ain that in India ofiicers can obtain ten days’ leave at any time, if they can be spar ed, and the

“week’s" amusement often spreads over eiOh t or nine days. a The evenings were filled up with dinners, dances and theatricals. The Regimental

Dramatic Club of the 17th Lancers put on a. really excellent entertainment “ Ali Baba ,” written in, and for the regiment, adap ted to Indian manners and expressions, and acted with much talent, is a performance very hard to beat, and the 17th Lancers deserve the

highest credit for their amusing entertai n ment. Not the least interesting event of the wee k was the Horse Show. There, most of the best horses and ponies in India compete for the various prizes. As the events are arranged to include hunters, chargers, harness horses,

and polo ponies, the racehorses are nota ble to compete, and the show becomes a comp etition among the various owners. In consequence, the greatest interest is shown in the judging, and the rival merits of various stab les are freely backed. As the Subalterns‘ Tournament began on the following Monday, the Meerut week came to an end punctually on the Saturday without going into the next week, as so frequently

happens It proved the most enjoyable week attended for many years, and we look forward tea similar experience next year when we again become the guests of our friends. the 17th Lancers.




Of all things essential to physical comfort perhaps none is greater than clean clothing? dh1s1s so the wide world over, but probably In no country more than India is its importance so manifest. Now every oneis aware that “clean," “smart,” and “ soldierly ” are, more or less, synonymous terms, which go to show that the soldier is held to be, among other things, a pattern of cleanliness. What, perhaps, is not so generally known is that heis expected to sustain this enviable

reputation, by some miracle or other I take it, on the three shirts and three pairs of socks whicha generous Government issues to him on his joining the service, and forgets ever afterwards to renew. That he contrives

carefully away in their boxes for kit inspection ! But I do contend that when serving in the comparatively cold and equable climate of England, Mr. Atkins has little need to bother his head with washerwomen or laundries. Looking at this broad-mindedly, and entirely without prejudice, it will be seen that it is by no means a defect in our military system ; on the contrary, it accustoms men to the neces-

sity for taking the field untrammelled by the impedimenta which is the result of extensive wardrobes, thereby facilitating mobility, than which, for an army, there is no greater asset. All this, however, must needs undergo a change when we transfer our soldier to the stewy, dusty, grimy plains of india. The substitution of cotton for woollen uniforms. the almost perpetual perspiration, and the dust-storms combine to make frequent changes of linen a dire necessity, and the question cf washing consequently becomes, to the soldier, one of serious moment. Were the change to end here, all would be

to do so may be attributed chiefly to the fact


that during his walks abroad, these garments are not usually visible, for, according to a

about an alteration in his habits, it is respon-

certain very distinguished officer, the wash.

in his temper, his manners, and his morals.

ing of shirts is an altogether fruitless and unnecessary labour. Referring to the regulation grey flannel shirt, more commonly known as “greyback," I have it on good authority that he remarked: “ Pshaw.’ turn ’em inside out—brush ’em, and pipeclay the collars !” Now I do not mean to say that the soldier at home never indulges his shirt in the luxury of a wash, any more than i wish it to be understood that the original supply is never augmented. Many men possess “civvy” shirts in addition to their military issue. Also, I have known men who, highly indignant at being expect-ed to “soldier "‘ for, at least, seven years, on three shirts, procure one or

And the person~for person it is—who does this, who transforms poor Tom my‘s tranquil sea of existence into a perfect tempest of annoyance and vexation is the Indian equivalent of the washerwoman——the dhobi. In most countries, a man is free to adopt what trade or profession he likes, and none may say him nay. Hence, it is possible to find apork-butcher whose sons are, severally, a diamond merchant, a member of parliament, and a shipowner ; whose daughter marries an

even two extra ones, at their own expense

from the Quarter master’s store—and put them

But it does not.

For while bringing

sible also for a. radical change for the worse

Austrian baron, and whose


the descendant 0sz coal-heaver, ekes out a precarious living by presiding behind the counter of a stewed eel shop. In India this kind of thing is unknown. Every class of society is appointed to a certain calling, and there it stays, It would seem thatin the very beginning of things so many families were


allotted their parts to play through the ages with strict injunctions, the disregard of which would bring about the extermination of the clan, to depart not therefrom, This would account for the otherwise apparently inexplicable fact that bhistis are bhistis from generation to generation, and that the dhobi family were dhobis when Julius Caesar was a LanceCorporal. In digressing so far, I am actuated by a motive of pure generosity. It is my wish to show that there is possibly some excuse for this wretched being whose sole aim in life would appear to be that of worrying respectable persons into a premature grave. His only patrimony is his father’s vices. The lady he espouses, being a dhobi’s daughter, is blessed with a similar legacy, and so

each generation succeeds to this awful inheritance. Now if only the stupid caste rules could be relaxed so as to admit of an infusion, say, of honest, gentle bhisti, the dhobi might soon become a possible person, and who knows but what, in the course of time, his defects would be entirely eliminated, and he would develop into a charming and desirable member of the community. But this is a matter for scientists and politicians. I am concerned with him only as he is, and knowing what he is responsible for, I could exhaust

a whole dictionary of abusive terms in his description. Who has not met the peppery, choleric, explosive retired ofiicer, and, on re marking on his exhibitions of fiery temper, been told : “ Yes, he served in India, that's the result of the peculiar Indian climate, you know.” Absurd! That temper was gener~ ated, and has been fostered and developed to its present fearful proportions by the Indian dhobi ! “ Dhobi " comes from the verb dhomi (to wash), and translated literally, means “deer of washing." On first acquaintance one is inclined to think this a misnomer, but after a' while it is discovered the appellation is intended in another sense, for the dhobi is beyond

any possible doubt the greatest “d0er ” of

‘ ‘ “'"anws...



washing imaginable ; thatis to say, the article he undertakes to 'do is so thoroughly and conclusively done, as to be irretrievably done for. His cheek and confidence are little short of colossal. He makes his appearance with .a forged chit, and recklessly contracts to wash for a whole squad ron—in other words, he risks his life by exciting a “ dhobieidal ” passion in the breasts of a hundred and fifty odd stalwart dragoons. But, bless you, he would take on an army corps E The manner of his obtaining employment is not a little instructive. See Debi Din wearing a smart suit which his uncle has but yesterday washed and ironed for the. Cantonment Magistrate‘s khitmatgar. He has dug up from its resting-place in the corner of his

work of gathering the thousand and one arti‘ cles of wear commences. . ; : Now nearly every garment contains the' regimental number of its owner. Many con'—' tain initials, while some have even ranks and names in full. These, however, are not sufi ticient for Debi, who adds his own private “ Dhobi mark", a huge disfiguring hieroglyphic, which by the aid of a stick and some vile, odoriferous pigment he imprints invari— ably on the most conspicuous part of the garment. Tho mystic signs are made up of dots and dashes, and since the custom is very ancient, the probability suggests itself that the famous Mr. Morse got his idea herei'rom. Haviner completed the collecting and mark— ing to his satisfaction, he bundles the washing

to eradicate dirt, and~sp/n,sh—he

hovel a dirty little

equally dirty testimonials. These have been written by persons leaving for home,

into two or three sheets and takes it home. where. until the following morning. it does duty as bedding for his family. He would

and those who have served in India, and know,

not think of commencing work right away.

therefore, the perfect contentment reigning in the heart of the man whose kit is packed ready to catch the next mail for England, will not wonder why they were ever given. Debi

There is plenty of time, he says, and besideshas he not done sufficient for one day in. securing the contract? Lying on his back, he

Din approaches the Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant in whose hands the selection usually

the End Troop bundle, and gazes

faction on his half dozen na ked. dirty children,

do it! A. dozen or so more splashes, a rinse, a hurried w ring. and the poor. ill-used shirt is laid out on the ground to dry. And so the work of destruction goes on. Be it understood the (,l/lflf is quite public. and for a hundred yards or so along the bank the place is alive with “splashers” which include ofiicers‘ (lhobis, troop dhobis. the commissioner's dhohi, and the village dhobi. There is food for thought here. it perhaps

book, containing several

buries his head luxuriously in the softness of with satisi

not at ‘all e’ss-entiat, Standing knee-deep in the water, heseize’s a shirt by its sleeves and plunges it below the surface. For a moment it is held there, then pulling it out, and


PTA-(1" L E



ingit above his head after the manner of the farrier with his sledge hammer, he braces himself, clenches his teeth, and brings it down with a mighty Whack upon the board or rock. “ Ohio ! "’ he says, vith each strokcfi an ejaculation somewhat akin to our “ Fuel for shamei‘flg/luy; “chio I“ Spins/z. At the second stroke a button llies,at the third a seam is rent asunder, and the fourth decorates

the neck-band with an artistic fringe. But what of that 2’ God knows there are any nu mber of tailors in the bazaar. His mission is means to

importantly, returnedto the rightful owners. It is interesting to note the ironing process. It may sound paradoxical, but he uses a brass iron! The handle is iron, so also is the belly into which is placed a shovelful of burn ing coals, but the bottom is a sheet of brass. This huge instrument is pushed and pulled backwards and forwards over the. article of wear until some sort of smoothness is obtained. The first few garments are invariably scorched, while, as the coals quickly burn out, the last one or twr» have

not their wrin-

kles flattened. But Debi Din judges not by results. He has banged those shirts in the manner taught by his father; he has pushed and pulled the islri~as the " iron ” is called —the prescribed number of times. What then? God is witness that he has done his duty 3 Perhaps in lighting his hookah he has dropped a burning ember on a white drill jacket. This doesn't worry him a little bit. it is even possible he regards the hole which has resulted as highly decorative, but he knows the stupid suit/blag are veryfmad about these things. so to obviate any unpleasantness he has recourse to a professional trick. Starch worked into a still paste is plastered

lies. A sop to Cerberus in the shape of a few annas to the sahib‘s bearer, and the remain-

who are engagedii'. the oppOsito corner of the

is consolation to know


over the hole, and the Isl/i is run over it until

hut in a desperate game of pushball with the

der is simplicity itself.


common level somewhere, and Tommy, who is not on Government House list, would most

it liardens, when, if the garment be handled gently and held some little distance away. it appears quite sound. Of course, soon after it is.donned the starch cracks, and the injury becomes apparent—but then may not the sahib have scorched it with his lighted cigar 1’ The work of returning the so-called clean clothes is no very difficult proceeding in the case of an otiicer. The dbobi has been careful to inflict as little disfigurement as possible, and the sahib’s bearer is enabled to identify each article as it is fished out of the

With a llourish of his

chits he explains how his services have


sought after by the best blood in the land. How his father washed for the Rajah of Hate pitpore. How he himself has honoured with his services at one time or another every cavalry regiment in the service He even remembers the names of the squadron oifiCers and the sergeannmajors, and if encouraged will relate many fearful and wonderful stories of his experiences. Should the sergeantmajor hesitate, Debi Din plays his trump card and wins. Of course, he will not charge for the sahib’s washing, which he assures him shall be turned out fit for a Viceroy 5 Having accomplished this necessary preliminary,voii‘ goes Debi, Din to the troop bungalows, and the

of the





morning, however, he is astir before dawn and taking the elder members of his family. to assist him, proceeds to the glint, or


ing place, which may be a river bank, ail/rel or a tank.

If he can afford it, he has a donkey



all find

likely, did he only think of it. hail with secret satisfaction the knowledge that his grey worsted socks and the Lieutonant-Governor's silk pyjamas had bathed together in the sacred waters of the Gauges,

and had after-

—who does not know the dhobi’s donkey, an animal about the size of a greyhound I—to carry the bundles, or, may be, an attenuated

wards reclined against each other on the bank contemplating the glorious blue of the

bullock performs the duty.

humour, had lifted one arm of the jacket and dropped it caressingly and protectingly on a fresh, gaping wound in the heel of the left sock '. But Debi Din has other things to do. The

Arrived at the

git/11,, the clothes are deposited on the ground and work begins. About a foot out from the water’s edge a small, grooved plank is fixed, on two large stones. This is the jig/la or washing board. Often this is dispensed with. and he operates on a large rocl . The use of soap depends upon circumstances, and is

Indian sky,


the breeze,

in Sportive

clothes have to be dried, taken home, ironed,

sorted, folded carefully so as to conceal the frayed and broken parts. and lastly, and most

general heap.

But with the troops it is a

very different matter. Debi takes up a posi— tion in the centre of the bungalow, and de» spite the assistance of one of the menwho reads out names and list of garments from, a book, he contrives in an incredibly short

. ,_._.—.._.‘,,~,.‘,_





space of time to get himself and the washing into such a hopeless muddle, and the troops,

is left of his once serviceable shirt, he too joins in the now general chorus against this

in consequence, into such a boiling rage, that it is a matter for wonder that he ever issues from the barrack-room alive.

exasperating wretch who squats on his haunches perfectly unabashed, apparently as

“Corporal Smith," reads the


little moved by the threatening clamour as was Daniel in the lions’ den. And this with little variation goes on week after week. He is abused, fined, and made to pay for lost and damaged articles, but he comes up smiling every time. The saints

secretary, “ Two shirts, one suit 0’ white, Khaki pants, two pairs 0’ socks." Debi dives his hand into the heap, and produces a. small bundle which he hands over with the remark, “ Accha! Coprail Sahib, chha piece hai,"

protect the man, too. who wears “civies.”

and sits backwith a sigh of relief at having,

Collars he ruins at one wash, and the hair-

as he thinks, successfully disposed. of one

restorer that could raise whiskers as quickly


as Debi Din can—on cufi‘s and shirt~fronts— would realise a fortune for its inventor. He has hisown ideas in the matter of dressing a collar. If he is uncertain as to which side should be outward, he overcomes the difficul-


the Corporal



accept a jacket three sizes too small for him, and obviously not his own. “Here, buddly this, you black son of a sea-cook, this aint mine I" Debi Din looks up, the personification of innocent wonderment. How stupid these

people are, he thinks.

He took away five

pieces, and surely he has returned the same number. Then how positively ridiculous to become angry over nothing! After a somewhat lively duet, made up of unkind remarks on the part of the Corporal, and protestations of innocence from the dhobi, to the accompaniment of the growls of the next man on the list who wants to know “ What about it 1’" and with an expostulatory obligato from the “ secretary" who is anxious to have done with the stupid business. the right jacket is

found, and Debi turns his attention to‘ the other


“ What!



blackingpot ! " yells an infuriated Thomas, “that my shirt—'and I sent a new ’un 2’” with

ty by ironing it out straight and stiff, leaving you to bend it as you please.


feet, and the steam rising and filtering through to the top ” loosens the dirt " ! Remember, not only your clothes, but probably also your bearer’s and the dhobi’s own form part of this pyramid of cloth ! He has the

reputation of being. further,

the heaviest

drinker among the servant class, and by reason of this he is invariably hopelessly in debt. His favourite beverage is darn, a. fiery spiritu~ ous concoction, which he takes, he says, to remove his weariness after his day’s work, evidently quite overlooking the'fact’ that he defeats his own object thereby, in setting up a greater, and less honourable weariness. I had thought tointroduce herein some side lights on the social laws and customs of this

plague among servants, but I refrain, partly because my vocabulary of unpleasant adjec~ tives is limited, though principally out of respect for the feelings of the many helpless

But he is sel

dom in doubt, with the result that one day,

and unfortunate persons who are compelled

having dressed hurriedly, you are asked if you are travelling for a collar-maker, .and your attention is drawn to the maker’s name and address which is gaping over your coat collar on the left shoulder, while somewhere round the back your friends are amused to read “New Military, Four Fold, 1 .5.” This is not all. Ioften find myself wonderingif theladies who hand over their dainty

to employ him. Of course, 1am quite prepared to believe that ignorant, and insular persons will aver that I am animated by some personal spite; but I am safe in the knowledge that if they care to appeal to the opinion of any one of my companions in misfortune~ the Messieurs Atkins—they would find my evidence not merely corroborated, but enlarged upon with a force and colour‘ that would compel their astonishment and admiration I It would, I feel sure, be then seen that, on the contrary, my whole treatment has been

clothing to the tender mercies of Debi


can pOssihly be aware that quite apart from his villainous methods of working, he is notorious as the dirtiest of all the tribes. Even the sweeper whose very name, as we know, it is considered bad form to mention in

which, he hurls a much rent article of apparel across the bungalow at Debi Din. 1t misses,

polite society, is in reality acut above him,

and opening our, sails airily into acorner, flutters momentarily, and collapses like a crippled aeroplane into a water bucket. “Hallo! what's coming off ‘3” demands another man, starting forward as he catches sight of the regimental number on the garment in question, “Why, that’s mine!” And when, on closer inspection he realises that the regimental number is practically all that

and would rather perish of hunger than eat from the same dish as the dhobi. A sweeper— imagine! This is not nice to thin'( about, and I ask forgiveness for bringing to light these points, as well as several others which may give rise to equally discomforting thoughts He has a contrivance called a bhatci, which is simply a boiler over a fire, and this is piled overnight with clothes to the height of several


5 The courts were covered (as is the-

customin this country where stone floors are more common than wood) with tightly— stretched, highly-waxed canvas, and made a splendid floor. Two large shamianas were erected over the dancing and sitting-out spaces, the poles being draped with ribbons of regimental colours, while festoons of simi‘ larhues hung from pole to pole. With en— trance and pathways marked out by pennoned lances, a fine

show of hunting, flowers

and palms, together with the various uniforms of the men and the pretty dresses of the ladies,—the whole scene was one gorgeous colour effect. Dancing commenced shortly after 9-30 P.M., and was continued until =l A.M, Supper was laid in the mess room, and was excellently arranged and served. Colonel and Mrs. de Lisle, Major and Mrs.

Steele, Major and Mrs Wood, Capt. and Mrs. Burch, Lieut. and Mrs. Crowley, a party from Flagstaff House, which included Miss Tom-

kinson, as well as representatives of most of the local stafls, regiments and departments, both officers and non-commissioned oflicers, and a large sprinkling of civilian friends, were present, and these, with the unmarried

officers of the regiment, and the Sergeants’ Mess members and ladies, made up a very

large gathering, and the first part of the evening saw the floor full for every dance. Every one remarked on the excellence of the arrangements, and the event wasa dis-

characterised bya marked generosity towards

tinct success, for which the committeein par.

this incorrigible, unendurable,

ticular, and the mess in general, are to be congratulated


voking villain—the regimental dhobi.

“ RELIEF OF LADYSMITH ” BALL. The. annual ball given by the members of

the Sergeants Mess, and called for the first ‘ , time by the-above title, was‘held'ou February 19th, on the two large tennis courts outside the mess. By this arrangement much larger dancing space was gained, and the night being a very fine one, gave an additional ad-

SQU A DRON SPORTS. These sports which are held annually to decide the best men of each squadronrwho later compete as squadron representatives in the Regimental sports, and the de Lisle Sword competition, took place at various timesduringthe- early part of last month, and provided some very keen competitions.

‘ ' ""'"-~v~w.p.



The winners, shown by squadrons, were as follows .31—


Heads and l‘osls——lst, "liceuCOi‘pl. ’Pitts : 2nd, Lee-Corpl. Rivett

“ A " SQUADRON. -" Heads and Posts—lst, Serge. Raplsin; 2nd, Corpl. Dorling. Sword V. SwordAlst, Pte. Langley: 2nd, . , Pte. Boyles. Spiral. Racc—lst, Sergt. Rapliin :flnd, Pte.



Twit-Pegging (Indz‘w'dunl)'lst, Corp]. Guthbertson ;2nd, Pte. Ashi'ord. Troop Tent-Pegging (Sections)—lst, 2nd (Sergt. Mitchell, Corp]. Harman, S. S. Lane, , and lr‘te. Holmes).

Jumping by N‘ectz’ons—lst, 4th Troop (Sergt. Rapkin, Pte Eshmeade, Pte. Burn, and Pte. Dallas). ’ {bection 1min Omnymririon—Jst, 4th Troop (Sergt. Rapisin. Pte. Eshmeade, l’te. Burn, and Pie. Dallas). “ B “ SQUADRON.

Heads and lasts—1st, Lce.-Corpl. McDonald ;


2nd, Corpl Bean. ..

Sword v Sword—1st, Sergt, Goddard ; 2nd,

Corpl Bean :31‘d. Pte. Pertiins. spiral liacc— lst, Pte. Boyle ; 3nd, Lce.Corpl. Kite. ’l’ent-l’cflgl'na (indz'iri'dual)—1st, Corpl, Winter: 2nd. Sergt. Goddard. Tent-Prgg/ing (.Sectlon)—1st, 8rd Troop. her-hon. .lumpinglfl—lst, 21rd Troop. .\M'(i(i71 1317?: ./,'oni,'iet1(iw1i4—lst, 1st Troop. Heads






Brown: 2nd, Pte. Warnes. " C “ SQUADRON. Heads and Posts—1st, ,Pte. Rowe: 2nd, Sergt, ” Edwards. Sword v. Swordilst, Corpl. Hoff ; 2nd, Pm. 2 Rowe.

.Spiral Racewlst,

Pte. (troom ; 211d, Pte.

Gibson. Tent-Pegginq (/ndz‘vzdiml)—ist, Corpl. Stone; 2nd, Pte. Robson Tent-Penning




(Sergt. Sales, Lce.-Corpl. Hoff, Pte. Groom, and Pte. Rowe). Jumping by ~ectz’onsfilst, 2nd Troop (Sergt, Sales, Pte. Richardson, Pte. Groom, and Pte. . Newton). Section Rifle Omnpelition—lst, 2nd TrooP (Lee.-Corpl. Morris, Pte. Rowe, and Pte. ’ ‘ Maytu'm).

Sword v. ‘YUUI'd—«lsh: Corpl. Jamieson ; 'an, Sergt. Stitch. , spiral Haccfilst, Sergt. Timson ; 2nd, Lee.Corpl. Pitts. Tent-Pegging (liulz‘vz't'luuZ)—lst, Sergt. Sutch ; 2nd, b‘. S. M. Wallis. . Tent-Pegging (Sachem—«Ht, 8rd Troop (S. Q. M. S Clonin, Sergt Timson, Lce.-Corpl. Pitts, and E’te. Sample). Junipz’ng by Sections#lst, 3rd Troop (Sergt. Timson, Lce.~Corpl. Pitts, Pte. Sample, and Pte. Merrick).


‘rjlll'l’lli'lll (Ml nrazors—71st, 3rd Troop, “ l)” b(l‘lfldl‘fm : L’nd. 2nd ’Jh'oop, “ l) "' Squadron; 3rd, ilrtl 'l‘roop, " £5 "’ Squadron. Section Iii/’11), tfought/[(13m.——lat,“(,37' {\1 )Utltll'UU',

2nd, “ l) " Squadron ; drd, “ l5 " Squadron.

DE LISLE SWORD COI‘ iPETiTiON. 'l‘his competition was instituted last (rear by Colonel deluislc, whonnnunlly presents it sword of honour to the best min-zit arms. 'l'he con petitors are composed ot' live selected men from each squadron, and are Chosen during the squadron sports which are held just prc~ viously.

The desire [or the coveted honour

of best man-nt-arms in the regiment. no less

[Bi/l; Competition—«mt. ind Troop than the valuable sword and

(Sergt. Jeffrey, Lee—Corpl. Pegg‘, Lee-Corpl. Foord, and Pte. Butler).

REGIMENTAL SPORTS. A very high standard of‘ skillet-arms was the distinctive feature oi‘ theRegimental sports which were held on Thursday and Friday. the 18th and 14th of last month. The tirst day was taken up in running off the preliminary heats, and the final took place on Friday, commencing at 2 P M,. when a large crowd of spectators assembled on the ground by the circus arena. iVlarqueos had been erected and the officers and

sergeants were


home " to their

friends. and a very pleasant afternoon was spent. Space forbids more than it mention of the various prize—winners, but reference must be made to the section jumping event. A team from each troop undone composed of trumpeters made up a total of seventeen teams, and the competition resulted in as fineadisplay of ridingas one could wish to see. ‘ .. Mrs. de Lislepresented the prizes to the winners, whose names are given below :—

Heads and Posts-else Sergt. Rapuin :‘Jnd, Pte. Rowe; 3rd, Lcc -Oorpl. Dorling. Sword. v. Sword—4st, Sergt. Sutch ; 2nd.

Corpl. Bean ; 8rd, Pte. Boyles. spiral Raceflst, Corpl. Thomas ;2nd, Pte. Groom : 3rd, Sergt. Timson. Tent-[’eggz'n'/ (Inrlz‘m'—1st, Corpl. Stone;

2nd, Pte. .Ash-ford -: 3rd, Corpl. Cuthbertson. ()pen—lst, “D” Te t—l’egging (Section). squadron ;2nd, “ 0,”, squadron; 8rd, “A ” ' ' ' ' squadron.

medals, hive

been the means oi' incrcising the pioiicicncy oi" individuals in horsenianship and the use of arms to a very high degree, and the competition is an excellent one l'iom every point of view. The sword which goes to the winner is of the regulation sabre pattern

with silver

scahbard and handsome silver chased hilt. The blade is inscribed with, on one side the regimental arms, and on the other the words

“Presented by Colonel H de ii. de Lisl


D. S. 0., to the best man ”it-a1 ms, 15k to,”

E A G L E The highest possible points to be obtained are 100, divided under four heads as follows 2e—



Maximum marks, 25.——

Mnrlis awarded for correct position of man and llul'se at all paces; the balance of the horse; crossing difficult Country and


fences; and the al ilily to ride at a full gal— lop in a collected manner. (h) Skill, (If-.lrms, Maximum marks, :5.~ ’.l‘(nt-1ie~giug with a lance; tentpegging with a. sword ;cuts with sword; points with sword ;

sheepcutting. (c) .ilarksniansmp, Maximum marks, 23+ Five rounds at 200, 5w and 600 yards, any position, match targets. Highest score made, ‘25 marlis, one marl: deducted for every point 7 below highest score. (if) Iv‘i-vltl llr’m/c, Maximum marks, 25;.— .\l‘ip-1‘eadltlg; use of compass, and despatch



This ear the competition was very keenly contested, and it is noteworthy that several of the contestants were so evenly placed prior to the final event, sheepcutting, as to render

it impossible to predict the winner. With the great- genernl improvement in

whileapartis scrolled to receive the win-

mounted sports, there should be an even greater interest taken in the next year's

ner's name.

sword competition.

In addition to the sword the winner receives

a gold medal, of war-medal size. engraved with a figure of a mounted tnztn,

by the crest oi" the regiment. with crossed latices, swords and rillcs, whrlo across the “For centreis a scroll bearing,r the words

Sliill.” On the other side are the words ‘i The Royal Dragoons, ll’iUT 05, For b‘lsill-atArms: won by (winner’s name)" enSilver and bronze medals, similarly graved, are presented to the second and third men, respectively. Last vear‘s winners were. :‘Corporal Vanson, swiirdand gold medal.



Pte. l’ttrrott, sil.

vor medal. L’tc, Dale, blOtlét} :iiedal. This year the winners are :-—58ergt tlodStitch, dard. sword and gold medal. Sei'g‘t. ce.»Corpl.. McDonald, bronze silver medal. medal. to skillratThe events are not confined only

a pro— arms in u strict sense, but necessitate Cavalry Lita ropnretuents the ficiency in all in eonse~ seldier, the competition becoming onencc a very open one, as men who u re good at one thing are not PCI‘DGPS EQUZ‘NY ‘50le at . others.

We give below a list of winners of the events Assault-3.5. at the 8th (Lucknow) Divisional Ar :11 s, which tool; place at Lucknow, on March

find, and the following live (lays. Dragoons, it is true,

The Royal

are the only


Cavzilry regiment in the division, but the con; test-ants in the mounted events included representatives of several batteries, among

whom, indeed, was a very fine man-at-arms, a well-known Olympia prize winner. In view of this it is gratifying to note that every event for non commissioned otficers and men, with the exception of the individualjump- his, was won by the Royals. 11.1“,“ and Po ts—lst, Pte. Rowe, R. D.;'2nd, Corpl, Dorling, R. D. ; 3rd, Sergt. Raplsin, , . R. l). Sword v. Sword—lat. Sergt. Raplsin, R. D.; 2nd, Sergt. Culcott, 74th Battery, R. F. A.; 3rd, Bmdr. Romney, “ S ” R. H. A. :[t‘7it-I)(’U(Ili)!{/—iSt, Sergt, Snitch, R. D.; 3nd, Gorpl. Winter, K. II;. 3rd, Corp]. 7 Pitts, » —» it. D.




Individual Jumping—lsl, Sergt. Gibbs, 79th Battery, R. P. A ; 2nd, Corp]. Pitts, R D. :

3rd, Sergt. Goddard, R. D. .‘eilion. Jumping—151:, “ A " Squadion, R. D ; 2nd, “D” Squadron, R. D,: 33rd. “S "


Battery, R. H. A.

iSc. (ION Teizt Pegging—1st, “ C " Squadron, R. D. ; 2nd, “S ’7 Battery, it. H. A ;3rd, 74th Battery, R F. A. A best man-at arms” pi ire of a silver medal

and Rs. 30 was presented to the competitor gaining the highest aggregate of points in the individual events.

This was won by Sergt.

Rapkin, whois to be heartily congi'atulatedou his win. In the Ofiicers' competitions for which there were

big entries, the following were

successful :— Jumping—lst. Major the Hon. A. Haniilt 11 Russell ;:3nd, Lieut. H H. Sandbach. Lieutenant and Riding-Master J. Crowley secured 2in prize in Heads and Posts, and in Fencing Sabre, and 3rd, in Sword v. Sword.

Furlong/t and Lawn.

Captain Lord C. li‘itzuiaurice, 15th March lL T v \ x . Eigl ( A ahdl " .

‘ . ath hmeiLbei, lJUd, pioc ‘ ' eedi ng to1


Lieut. G P. L. Cosens, ch h" .. . l‘ 8 Slst October, 1005, proceeding idliéil iltrlla‘iiody to No. 5030, Lee -Corpl ’l'ubbs, Ttho March 1908, to 6th May. .008, proceedi ng to Lilloah.l

No. 508-1, Bandsman Hewitt, 28th Febr uary 1908

, to Meerut.

Nth March,


proceeding- td D

Trans/hrs. S. S. F. Brash, from Royal Scots Greys. lice) .zi‘t.

L ndon Gazette, (laud 28th January, 190:: Major Colquhoun, G Morrison from 1st (Royal) Dragoons to be Lieutenant-Colonel, halfpay, and to retain his appointment as

D. A. A. G.


Brown to

be Regimental




past officers and men



of the regiment,


from the support we have received from all ranks of those now serving in India, we

RS. M. Plumb, Boy Wood, Boy Greenwoo d and Boy Southwmd. ’

are entitled to believe thatour paper is gener» ally appreciated, and that it has fulfilled the

object of its original institution, namely, “to bring into closer touch past officers and men with those now serving with the



who are striving




its glorious traditions, and 'to maintain the high tone for which it has ever been guishe( .”

Scrgt. Morgan I’to Fordham


EDITORIAf—NOTICES. ALI. communications intemlcilfor publication in The Ed 1,; _ to the li‘d'itor, and should be accompanied ” should . he addressed

by ihc writer 5 name and addr . The Editor will not iind take to be responsible for any l‘OjecL» crl MS. nor to return any contribution unless specially desired to do 50. Accepted 11 Will he paid for at the rate of Rs. 10 per 1.000

words. or Its

per column.

This is only admissible to

it will interest our supporters to hear that our subscribers include H. I. M. The German Emperor, MajorGeneral Godman, BrigadierGeneral Lindsey, Colonels Lord Basing, Tomkinson, O’Shaughnessy, Burn, Mesham,

lluni‘OlllnqulUIletl o ittis and men.

McLean, Mansfield, Carr

Ellison, and many



Lieut. G P. L. Cosens, passed examination

Subscribers :it home. {or six months Subscribers in India. for Six months N( n-commissioned oil'icers and

.. ..


,5, 9,]. I\'5.3~1-0 _

men (present members or ”151111133?

in Persian, Lower Standard. Moves.

No. 5716, S. S. F. Newton to England on transfer to Royal Scots Greys. No. 3059, Sergt.-1*‘arrier Farrant to Australia ori discharge No. 3300, Sergt. Clapcott to Lahore on

appointment as 2nd class Instructor to Punjab Light Horse.

ex-Royals). for Six months


R 9'" 9,11-

3‘ “1-4)


.. 0.5.0

non-commissioned ..

. 0-4 -o

Price per copy to Ofiicers Price per copy to omccrs and men



.112 ILut'll saber/“inflow pro i‘iLLtl. ADVERTISEMENTS For six months. full page For six months. half page


Royals,” while

averages 300 copies.


Irwin and 2nd-Lieut. G. Cosens have gone to England. Captain W. D Grant and 2nd-Lieut. C. W. Turner have gone to Southern India for shooting, while several others propose to go

on leave this month.


The Regiment sent up four representatives to the Kadir this yeareMajor Hon. A. Hamil— ton Russell, Capt. Lambert, Mr. Sandbach and Mr, Miles. Major Russell on “ Bay Middleton," Mr. Sandbach on “Wallace, " and Mr. Miles on “Bobs,” all won their first heats. In the second round Major Russell and Mr. Sandbach each speared tirst in their respec~ tive heats, but both


unlucky, as


could neither show blood. Captain Lambert, Mr. Sandbach and Mr. Miles allcompeted in the Hoghunters’ Cup, but were not placed. In the Pony Hoghunters’, Mr. Sandbach was second on “Double Keys, " out of a field of twelve. It is not often that we have to congratulate our G. R’s on successes in England, but last mail brings us an account of a line performance by Captain Godman :it Lingfield

monthly issue

Steeplechases. On March 18th, Capt. Godman

Though at first we had

won the Gentlemen Riders’ Steeplechase on his owu horse “ Kenilworth, ’7 from a field of three. starting at the long price of ‘3": to 1 against. The Daily Mail. describes it as the most sensational race of the week.

to contend with some financial difficulties, The Ill/191.5 is now self-supporting. At the same time we would like to have a. larger circulation in order to be in a position to reduce the amount of subscriptions.

The drill season closed with the general


For six months. quarter page .. For one month. full page For one in nth. hilt page

" Old PIA)! f1 (u

No 316, Pie. Signaller.

may now be con-

sidered an established monthly paper.


Captain B. E. P. Leigh ton Sergt.-Major A. Hroolis

London Gazelle, dated 7th February, ".903 1st (Royal) DragOons—Captain the Honourable A. Hamilton Russell to be Major rice C. G. Meirison, promoted Lieutenant-Colonel, half-pay, dated 281h January, .008. Gentleman Cadet George D'Arcy Edwardes from the Royal Military College to be 2ndLieutenant in succession to Lieut. H. MeL. Lambert, promoted Sth February, 1908. Appoint/nulls.

We wish to (jail the attention of our readers to the fact that The Eng/m:

No. at

Captain Lord C. FitzMaurice, Lieut. T. S.


this month we commemorate our first anni. versary of the institution of this monthly chronicle of the Royal Dragoons. From the

Pte Ogley joined 10th March, 1008. Servi'ci‘s. No 5697, Sergt Tabuteau perm itted remain in the service beyond 21 years.



first number was printed in April, 1907, and



(the Iagle.

Major E FitzC. M. Wood, D. S. 0.,

15th pgriéfigiiélgd, to lotli October, 1008, proceeding

Since the publication of our last number,

. .



inspections described in our last issue, and

have proeeeded on leave.

we are now devoting our time to individual

Major E. Wood. D. S. 0., Captain D. McNeil,

training and detached duties. An interesting

For one much. quarter page





account of a long-distance patrol. which left


Lucknow for a march of 260 miles, will be found in thisissue.

ness, We are gradually recovering our equilibrium, and have been quite satisfied with one sand-storm for this year : however, Lucknow has the proud distinction of being the only place where rain has not fallen.

On page 65 we give the account of a successful pig-sticking meet in Kheri. Three



we were in total dark-

ofiicers of the regiment took part in this expedition—Colonel de Lisle, Capt. Lambert and Lieut. Sandbach. The sport enjoyed to have been exceptional for that country, and we hear rumours of meet shortly to take place in the same

appears difiicult another district.

We find ourselves obliged to pay respect to the Sun, and stayin our bungalows during the heat of the day, nevertheless the inclemency of the weather has not daunted the spirits of

After many orders and Counter-orders as to the destination of our Hill detachment, it

has been finally settled that our party of two ofiicers and a hundred men are to go into

camp at Manora. 8 miles this side of Naini Tal. NainiTal itself is this year reserved as a eonvalescent deprit for enter-ic- patients. The change in the weather which is always expected and prepared for at this time of

year is upon us earlier than we expected. Before the punkahs were on the swing, the

hot winds had commenced and the sandy dust which invariably accompanies them makes things rather uncomfortable, especially when retiring to rest. one finds one's self in a sandbath, owing to the forgetfulness of your

bearer to shake the bed out. The maximum temperature in the shade has been 109°, which we found was quite sufficient authority for the use of punkahs and thermantidotes.

Many are looking forward to taking leave in England. and furloughs to the hills. To those who have already gone to seek cooler

regions, we extend our heartiest wishes that they may enjoy their leave and return much

benefited. On Sunday evening, April 12th. when most of us were enjoying the evening air, aterrific sand-storm came upon us, and for






teams have been playing regularly in the evenings, and the Hockey ground is not by any means deserted. Several cricket matches have been played, which have afforded welcome changes to the somewhat monotonous Thursdays. “ Shirts' sleeves and dust ” is the order at Riding-School in the early morning, and for the remainder of the day we are clad as lightly as possible.

The Corporals of the 38rd Duke of Welling. ton's West Riding Regiment entertained the Corporals of the Royal Dragoons at Sitapur on the lst and 2nd of April.

Owing, either to the fact that it was the first of the month and the train service had been

altered, or to some misunderstanding, members of our Corporals’ Mess were to leave for Sitapur until the evening, was a disappointment for both parties, theleSs they had the most enjoyable


unable which neverouting

they have had since they came to India. A smoking concert had been arranged for the evening of the let and a successful programme was gone through. The following morning two teams of 8 each had an exciting shooting match which ended inavictory for the hosts. The way in which the Duke of Wellington’s regiment treated their guests was most hospitable, and it is the wish Of

both regiments that the good feeling which already exists may be fostered.

The Rev. J. H. Bateson, General Secretary 01? the R. A. T. A. in India, paid his annual visit to the Regiment on the 24th April. A concert was given in the evening by the “Amateur Dramatic Club" of the Royal Dragoons, when a successful programme was performed. In the interval the medals were very kindly presented, to those entitled to them, by Mrs. de Lisle.

A series of interesting lectures has been given at the Mahonied Bagh Club during the The first subject CllOS('11 was past month. “ Sanitationin the .l‘i‘iold ’ by Capt. Mackenzie, R. A. M. 0., in which he pointed out the causes of contraction of common diseases to which an army on the field is exposed. He dealt brielly with entoric, cholera, and dysentery, and gave a short sketch of the history of each, showing how little progress has been made since Biblical times. The nextlecture on “ Bush-lighting in East and Central Africa” was given by Major Osborne, D. S. 0., Oxfordshire Light infantry, who is. an authority on this subject, having been employed, for the last ten years, by the Colonial Office at this work. He told us how it was that Uganda became a British possession instead of a German colony, and dwelt on the stratogic ii'nportancc of controlling the water» supply of the Nile. The next was a most interesting lecture on “ Cavalry” by Col. de Lisle, 0.15., D. S. 0. lie dealt chiefly with the advantages of “ lire aciion " before “collision,”and of artillery com>

bined with cavalry in the “attack.” Hodiscussed the relative advantages and disadvan times of the llank and central positions for the m "runs. Next he dwelt on the excellent syste in vogue in is which ts, romoun ng 31‘ traini Germany, by which the greatest powers of en» durance and Weightcarrying can be develop od, which are the two chief essentials of a cavalry horse. The last lecture was given by Capt. Scaley. R. F. A , the subject being " Quick-firing of Guns.” He piinted out the use made



artillery by the Russians and Japanese in the late war, particularly noticing the employ" ment of massed and single batteries. Polo in Lucknow, for the last month, has really been no pleasure, either to player or spectator, owing to the very dusty state of the grounds. It can only be looked upon as aforin of exercise, which is so essential in. this country. Without rain these polo grounds can never be really good or able to withstand the severe use to 'which they are put, as

our \vateringarrangements are very poor. handicap tournament was arranged about a month ago in which 8 teams entered, composed of officers of the station. The regiment could only put in one team, owing to most (if the officers being away pig-sticking or playing in the Subalterns’ Tournament. The tournament

was not well-arranged, the duration of play was four chukkers of 7.1.- minutes each and 3 minutes’ interval at half-time. it was necessary forsome teams to score as many as 2) goals before they were eligible to count any winning points, this was practically an impossible task in a l-chukker match. This tournament was eventually won by


the 234th

There is a scheme afoo: for water-

ing our tournament ground by which we hope

to be able to provide a first class polo ground in spite of the vagariOus Indian climate. Captain McKenzie, R. A. M. C., has taken

charge 01' the health of the regiment in place, of Capt. Clarke, D. S. O , C. \l. (‘r , R. A. M. C. End-Lieutenant B. R. Hudstn and twenty» iive non-commissioned officers and men represented the regiment at tho unveiling of

the memorial erected to the late Queen Victoria. The ceremony was most impressive and was performed by the Lieutenant-Governor Sir John Hewett. When the drapings fell from the statue, a royal salute of twcnty~one guns was tired and

.. ...-—.H»..~;‘-i

or) ,n



the Rand of the Oxford Light Infantry. who were furnishing the Guard-ofHonour, played the “National Anthem." The Marble Statue is the work of Mr. Hamo Thornycroft, R. A, and bears the following inscription in English, Nagri and Urdu :— ;. TO

The beloved memory of Queen Victoria, of Great Britain and Ireland, and Ema press of India, who ascended the throne on the 24th May, 1837, and died on the 22nd January, 1901." This statue was erected by her loyal subjects, the inhabitants of Oudh, in humble and grateful commemoration of her pure and spotless life, and of her deep and earnest

affection for her Indian people. Amongst those

of the regiment present

were Colonel and Mrs. de Lisle, Major and Mrs. Makins, Major and Mrs. Steele, Major The Hon’ble and Mrs. Hamilton Russell.

The Sergeants’ Mess are fortunate in having an excellent photograph of those present at the 01d Comrades” Dinner in London, which was kindly sent from home by Colonel Mac-

Lean, late Colonel of The Royal Dragoons, On Thursday morning, April 9th, the regiment paraded under Colonel de Lisle for

inspection by the Commander—inChief, Lord Kitchener. The inspection took a very short time, which was a very lucky thing, as Thurs. day was one of the hottest day we have had this year. After ranking past by sections we returned to barracks, while the officers were presented to Lord Kitchener. This is

probably the last time we

shall have the

honour of being inspected by our present Commander-in-Chief as he is shortly to vacate the Command of the Army in India. In the evening, the massed bands of the

Garrison. conducted

by Bandmaster Holt,

The Royal Dragoons, played during the dinner given to Lord Kitchener at Mahorn med Bagh Club. The detachment left Lucknow on the 13th instant. As none of us know Manora, we hope for an interesting article from one of the detachments when they arrive. The Band left last Tuesday,

when, in the course

of a severe contest, the

ch, for Naini

Tal, where they are engaged for the season.


in clouds andformed a sparkling dome over the opposing hosts, the Archduke Charles and his suite galloped along the line, his presenccinfusing a glowing ardour among the troops. About mid-day Lieutenant-General Stanhope led the Royal Dragoons and other British Horse against their adversaries,


Of the First or the Royal Regiment of Dragoons, containing an account of its formation in the reign of

King Charles the Second, and of its subsequent services to the present time. By General C. P. de Ainslie.

(Uonlinmd) The result of this brilliant action of cavalry disconcerted the projects of Philip, who, calling in his detachments. retired : the allies following up the pursuit for many days and making themselves masters of several towns in Aragon, until, 011 the 18th of August, the Royal Dragoons overtaking the rear-guard, in the Pass of Penalva, a sharp skirmish ensued,

in which LieutenantColonel Colberg, who commanded the regiment, was wounded and taken prisoner. Continuing the pursuit, the Royal Dragoons crossed the Ebro with the leading column under Major-General Carpenter ; and on the evening of the 19th of August, the French and

Spanish forces appeared in order of battle to the right of. Saragossa, a large and rich city

lying on the river Ebro, in a tine country. Preparations were immediately made for an attack on the following day, the Royals forming part of the cavalry of the left wing commanded by Lieutenant-General Stan hope, and

opposed to the right of the enemy

posted on

the brow of a steep hill. Early on the morning of the 20th of August a heavy cannonade commenced : and as the mountains re-echoed the sound. while the smoke, tinged with the rays of tho sun, rose

superior numbers of the French had the advantage; but Stanhope's second line of cavalry repulsed the enemy : and the British Dragoons rallying and returning to the charge, a sanguinary conflict took place at the foot of the hill. Six squadrons of Portuguese Dray goons on the extreme left tied without waiting for the attack of the troops advancing against

them. The battle extended along the front to the banks of the Ebro, and the Imperial, Dutch, and Palatine troops vied with the British in feats of gallantry. The Royals Pepper's (now 8th R. I. Hussars) and Stanhope‘s Dragoons gained some advantage Harvey's Horse also signalised themselves : and four English battalions commanded by



consequence. The Duke of Anjou called to his aid troops from Estramadura : reinforcements reached him from France, the Castilian peasantry took arms in his behalf, and

once more the allies were forced to retire. On the 11th of November the Archduke Charles withdrew from the army, taking with him the Royal Regiment of Dragoons and Starem berg‘s imperialists, and proceeded to CienpozneIOs, and thence to Barcelona, escorted by two squadrons of the Royals. The third squadron remained with the army. and during the retreat it formed part of the rear column commanded by Lieutenant-General Stanhope, which retrograde movement was performed under great difficulties, owing to the hostility of the Castilians, inclement weather, and a scarcity of forage and provismns. On the 6th of December this column arrived at Brihuega, a town of about

one thousand houses, si tuated in the mountains of Castile, near the river Tajuna, where it halted the following day, and while here the place

was suddenly surrounded by the French and


Spanish forces under the Due de Vendome,

cavalry of the left Wing, behaved with re» markable heroism and intrepidity. Throwing off their knapsacks, they sprang up the acclivity and attacked their opponents sword in hand. Finally, the enemy were driven from the field with prodigious slaughter and the loss of 6,000 prisoners, twenty~two pieces

the newly—appointed commander-inchief. The British, though without artillery, with very little ammunition, and invested by a. force of more than ten times their own number, made a vigorous defence : but the enemy forced the gates, battered down part of the walls, and, after two unsuccessful attempts to

MajorGeneral Wade, being mixed with



storm the town, the British were eventually

colours, the ammunition, baggage, and the plate of Philip : and, to complete the tale, the city of Saragossa with its stores, ammunition, provisions and clothing became the prize of the victors in this memorable engagement. The Royal Dragoons passed the night in the fields near the city, and were thanked by Charles for their distinguished gallantry. After the victory the allies again advanced



compelled to surrender, and to the number of more than 2,000 men became prisoners of war. The English troops thus made priSoners at Brihuega on the 9th of December, 1710. were as follows :-

to Madrid, where


Charles made



entry on the 28th of September, but the army 0f Portugal not moving to support this Operation, the most disastrous results were the

Harvey‘s Horse, now find Dragoon Guards.

Royal Dragoons, 1 Squadron.

Pepper's Dragoons, now 8th Hussars. Stanhope's Dragoons. disbanded. Foot Guards. ist Battalion. Harrison's Foot. now the 61:11. Wade’s Foot, now the 33rd.

15 A (l L ii


’1‘ H E Dormer's Foot, disbanded. Bowle’s Foot, disbanded. Gore’s Foot, disbanded. Munden’s Foot. disbanded. Dalzel's Foot, disbanded. Nearly at the same time, the Dutch under Staremberg were defeat-ed at- Villavisioza, and with this unfortunate episode ended virtually

the“ War of Succession" in Spain, throughout whose long and trying campaigns the Royal

Regiment- of Dragoons had never failed sig~ nally and universally to uphold the reputation of the British cavalry.

The officers and men of the Royal Dragoons. taken at Brihuega, were sent to France, and after






England and subsequently to Scotland. The. remainder of the regiment continued to serve in Spain under the Duke of Argyll.

in 1711. the Emperor Jcseph died, the Archduke Charles left Spain for Germany, where he was elected Emperor of the Romans,

blankets on the outside of their tents as a further protection against the rays of the sun, and were trying to sleep in spite of the heat and








were standing



3-30l‘.1\1. we noticed their heads were up, eyes and ears directed. towards the. berg ;looking in that direction we observed huge clouds of dust at the foot of the mountains, about six miles distant, and, in less time than it takes to write—certainly before we realised what we were about to receive~a sudden, violent blast struck the camp, carrying away nearly everything movable. Clicked and blinded with sand and dust, we hung on to the tents, which were struggling like wild horses to be free; darkness fell over the land, thunder rolled above the noise of the gale, and vivid flashes of purple lightning lit up the country and left red streaks in front of our eyes, faster and faster came the discharg

which thereby removed one of the competi-

es of electric fluid, the thunder rolled con~ tinnously, intermingled with heavy reports

tors for the throneof Spain.

and sharp crackling sounds, and then the rain

Aujou made a formal

The Duke Of




came down in sheets of water with a roar that

claim to succeed to the crown of France, and

well nigh drowned the thunder, inside the tents it resembled a Scotch mist mixed with water-spouts. We huddled up our kits and sat on them to keep them as dry as possible. A thin trickle of water appeared under the

ageneralpaciiication of Europe was arrived at by the Peace of Utrecht, on the 11th of April, 1713.

in the. summer of 1712 the officers and men of the Royal


having sold the Spanish


curtain, rapidly grew into a stream and flood-

horses upon which

ed us out. Now and then yells of laughter came from under a collapsed tent, the tightened ropes and canvas having d rawn the pegs. At


they had been mounted, they England dismounted. (To be confound.)


returned to

half-pastiive the storm ended, the thunder

growling in the distance and lightning playSOUTH AFRICAN LETTERS. NIHLICK KOPJE CAMP, Lodz/smith,

30th April, 1in ‘. DEAR M, On the 3rd instant. at Sunday River Camp, we had a typical South African thunderstorm. It had been a scorching hot day, not a breath ”f air stirring ; the men had spread their

ing on the over for the There are tion worked

skyline; the performance was day, and we were very wet. collieries near llllatndslaagte sta» by Hindu coolies. Passing early


seemed strangely out of place in the vicinity of a coal mine, bits of Lancashire and the Orient dumped on the African veldt, truly a strange mixture. We arrived at Ladysmith from. Sunday River Camp on the 8th instant, and camped west of the town with outposts facing Van Reenans Pass. The Boers attacked the camp at Sunday River two days after we left : we turned out and moved rapidly to Modder Spruit about seven miles from Elandslaagte, where we halted, and the enemy having been driven back, we returned to Ladysmith at night. Went with squadron to Blanbank on outpost duty about the 15th instant, and camped about fourteen miles in front of the troops at Ladysmith and twenty-one "from the Boers at Van Reenans Pass, our advanced post being five miles in front and Ladysmith and Van Reenans main road and consisted of a sergeant and six men. At night this postwas withdrawn to a position two miles nearer camp. A party of thirty Boers came up to the former post one morning, but retired on being fired on. One evening native scouts came in with information that the Boers were coming down to attack us. It was avery windy night- : camp was struck, baggage sent back towards Lady— smith, and a position taken up. I left camp at5 RM. with six men and proceeded to the advanced post three miles to the front. A guide with two native scouts came in to my postat 8 P. M. and reported the Boers” moving. The night passed to early morning, but nothing was seen, and nothing heard, except the hundred and one sounds of the African night insects, night—birds, frogs, etc , which puzzle

the sentry depending on his ears, until he Night work

in the morning rm; I‘Uule to Jonopskop on out-

becomes accustomed to them.

post duty, we often saw the miners with safety lamps waiting to descend, the native quarters were quite picturesque, but the brilliant colours of the women's costumes

is more trying to the nerves than operations in the daylight, hidden dangers are magnified judging from the by imagination, but the sentries) the (except men snores of my


average British soldier is not worried by either nerves or imagination. The whole post was on the alert from 3 A.M. to daybreak, but the Boers did not come, or possibly this would not have been written. After a week we were relieved by another squadron and came back here where the headquarters of the regiment are stationed together with the 5th Dragoon Guards and 18th Hussars: these regiments also have squadrons on the outpost line. We can enjoy here the luxury of a swim in the Klip river, and also get some fine fruit, u. wel-

come addition to our menu ; today I bought a bunch of bananas, six oranges and two pine—

apples for half-a-crown from a Dutch farmer ; eggs are four shillings a dozen. It is rumoured that the next advance will be to the Orange Free State riri Van Reenans Pass. also that the Royals and Household Cavalry are first for home—«when the show is over ! Yours,


PIG-STICKIE IN KHERI. On the 13th of March a party of five spears got off the train at a smalljungle station called Palia, just north of the Sarda river. This party was there joined by two rifles and were the guests of Mr. C. S. Faunthorpe, 1.0.8..

Deputy Commissioner of the Kheri District. Our host, who enjoys the reputation of excelling in band-o-bast, as well as in all kinds of sport. had made every possible arrangement for our comfort, and shortly after our arrival

twelve elephants stalked into our grove, marshalled by the Shikari Surjoo, who informed us it was time to commence business. Our first day‘s sport was most encouraging, and consisted of six pig and a good Good stag. speared by Faunthorpe. The remainder of the bag was fairly evenly distributed between the Colonel, Lambert and Sandhach. The following day. while our camp was moving by road to Turcolia, the driving line swept

along from the railway, with its left on the Sarda river. The result of the day's sport


'l‘ H E

showed one panther,which fell to Faunthorpe’s rifle and three pig. One of these, a very heavy boar, with exceptionally fine tushes, fell to Colonel de Lisle and took half an hour to kill, owing to the difficult ground.

We continued our camp and of driving

flank on the river.

E A H L E after a most comfortable and enjoyable meet. the best of sport and pleasant companionship.


plan of sending on the

Since I have been asked by a number of my

upstream with our left.

comrades for an account of the “ scouts’ longdistance patrol ” which lasted from 15th March to 38rd March, 1908, l endeavour to give the experiences in a few lines.

This plan was most suc-

cessful, and Sunday, Ihelfith of March, produced excellent sport. On the evening of that day, the camp at Narosa saw three pig, one

stag. and three panther, laid out under the trees. The Colonel who was riding an elephant

The patrol.con sisting of two oliicers and nine scouts, left Lucknow Barracks at 6450 A.M. on Friday, 15th March, 19%, for Palia Kalan,

One of the pig, a fine boar,

about 180 miles. We had no transport to accompany us, so we had to carry our kit and rations, besides the gear and corn needed for the horses, on pack-horses. There were several ideas as to the best way of carrying the things, and 1 can safely say that if we learned nothing else, we found out the best way to pack the saddles. Some had " gunny” bags (made from corn. sacks) slung over the saddle, but these burst when about two miles on the road, as the sacking used in this country is not as strong as that used in England or America. where I believe the idea originated. Personally, I think, the best way to pack a saddle was as follows :——Instead of carrying a

fell to Hearsey, on whose property we were

numnah ; one horse blanket and one bed blank.

that day had all the luck with the rifle, bagging a very good stag of 35 inches and all three


Two of these panther were very

heavy ones, which had succeeded in evading

many sportsmen for several years. Halting one day at Narosa we beat up to the borders of Pilibhit, but had a poor day of only two pig, owing to the fact that the Deputy Commissioner of. that district, according to local reports, had been amusing himself shooting

pig from elephants Returning the following day to Palia, along our former tracks, we picked up five pig and one stag, the latter being again ridden down by Faunthorpe.


Though riding small pinies against our horses, this well-known sportsman is well able to compete with the best both with rifle and spear. The result of our five days’ hunt amounted to four panther, three stag and nineteen pig, most of which were very fine boar which live in most difficult country and can only be driven out by a. strong line of elephants The success of this meet, which exceeds that of all previous occasions, was entirely due to the excellent arrangements made by Faunthorpe, though perhaps the dry state of many of the depressions and nullahs was all in

favour of the horse and against the pig.


returned to Lucknow on the night of the 17th,

et folded under the saddle was found sufficient and less likely to cause a sore-back, Anumnah is very often neglected on the march, but the blankets being used every night had to be shaken and folded in the morn— ing, so they were sure to be clean and soft. An ordinary sea-kit bag carrying from 20 to 30 lbs of corn. and strapped over the front of the saddle, was found to be the best way of

'1‘ H E As the road ran parallel to the railway for the best part of the way, we were able, by the kindness of our officers, to send by rail a box containing other kit and delicacies to our next camping ground. -I will not weary the readers with too many We averaged about details of the march. about 6 VA.1\I., starting day, a miles thirty-five halting mid-day from 11 til13 P.M., and camp— ing about? P.M., so we were pretty well on

the go all day.

The rate of march was six

miles an hour, trotting two, and leading one. Of course we found it warm work at times and our tempers were fully tried. We reached

Sitapur about 10-30 A.M. the following day,


one could geta goat, sheep or pig from any village for a few annas. l was myself offered a good-sized young pig for one rupee, and we met a shooting party who lived on goat’s flesh, when other food was nnobtainable. Atta (native flour) was bought by some of the party as an experiment, to see which was better for making chuppaties, that or English flour. A satisfactory conclusion was never arrived atgsome dogs eating the lot while we



On the third day, we entered Lakhimpur district, it was here we left the railway, which bends in a semi-circle, to strike across country

to Palia, as by so doing we cut off a good number of miles.

where we were hospitably entertained by the West Riding Regiment. We pushed off again at «l P.M., after loading up with corn from the Supply and Transport DepOt there. As we had twenty-four horses with us, and they were each getting 10 lbs. of food daily, we found that we could not carry more

large famine relief camps we passed on the road ; thousands of natives, mostly women and children, wereemployed at road-making, their ages appeared to range from about one month to 70 years. We saw some little children lying under the trees who were so covered from

than one day’s feed (240 lbs), consequently we

them at all, and any amount of cases of the

had to rely on getting our corn from the villages at which we halted. A wire was often sent to the Police Post

basket of mutti on her head.

we made a. mistake in giving one of them some

at the next halting-place and they would do


their best to procure grass and corn for our

a very short time we were surrounded by a crowd of beggars of every description. We shouted, B/Lagjcio (run away with fear). but they did not seem the least bit afraid and


Several of our party had guns for

the purpose of shooting something for the pot, but we saw nothing until the fourth day. One must not run away with the idea that

The chief thing we noticed this day was the

head to foot with flies, that it was hard to see

mother carrying her Child on her hip and a When we halted,

The news spread like wildfire. and in

begged all the harder.

Personally I

Leaving Lakhimpur we trekked across open.

think it would have been possible for a small

country with young Corn growing on either

patrol like ours to have travelled, without packs, living entirely on the country. Al-

hand as far as the eye could see, and as we had not made up our minds to haltfor the ni ht at any particular place, we kept going until 1 P M We camped in the Open, drawing the water for our horses from the well close at hand. I may mention that with the exception of

we should have



carrying the spare corn. while the feeds for

though we saw nothing to shoot, it does not

the day could be carried in the nose-bags. As regards the men's rations, a kit bag,

prove that there was nothing in the way of game in those districts. 1 account for its absence by the fact that it was the wrong time

(“suleetahs" I believe they are called,) strappod on the seat of the saddle, carried all the provisions, etc, required. Of course the horse carrying the rations would not carry as much corn as the others.


of day for game to be about, too near the road a

and railway, and men too weary at nights, .after their long ride, to look for it Apart from this if nothing was to be found,

pool of

water found at Hargaon all the

watering had to be done in nose-bags, drawing the water requrred from wells—a lengthy process in the dark.

.. ...._.......V.~..a.o~.‘..


T 11 E

We moved off at 5A.M. on the fourth day, and only had to go some twentyfive miles to reach our destination, but we had a big river in front of us called the Sarda, which had to be crossed. We had been told that a party of

officers had been shooting crocodile in this river, so we were not tempted to swim it. The only serviceable boat available, would Only hold five horses and saddles, so itineant five journeys, which took about three hours.

The 1’!( rses were rather nervous as the deck was flush with the sides of the boat and very low in the water: they tried reiniug back from one side and very nearly went over the other. It would not have mattered much if they had, except the trouble of catching them

again, as we had removed their packs in case of accidents. Anyhow, we got safely across and struck a very rough road through some.

of the prettiest, and best shooting country we had seen, it- reminded us of England. Close to the road could be seen herds of Buck and Nilghai contentodly grazing, but we

did not a 7 much attention to them as we wished to reach Palia before dark.

The gclng was very bad, and it was about 7 RN. before we reached camp. The C done-land a party of officers were pigsticking and shooting in this district, and we were to find them and report, but the stationmaste: informed us that the party were ex‘ pected If. on the following day. so we had no difficult; in finding them. As we had now three days‘ rest before us

we moved our camp intoa bagh which was more 531a '7 than the open groundon which

we had ”amped the previous night. Whnr. Loving camp, one of the horses broke away, 11-21 as the girths had been loosened. the stride slipped round, frightening the horse : causing him to run away. He

E A G L E until he reached the river, twenty miles away, which proved to be correct. Two men were sent out to lind the runaway, taking their rations with them, fortunately the horse’s tracks could be seen distinctly and they returned the following night with the horse which they had found quietly grazing by the bank of the river. The horse seemed quite pleased to see the men, so they had no difficulty in catching him. While this was going on, the party in camp had had an exciting time. The Colonel took

them out shooting on elephants and to watch the pig—sticking. We had a varied pet that night: we dined ot‘f pig, bare, and deer, not a bad change in our menu from “Bully Beef." The third rest day, our seventh out from Lucknow, another shooting party went out, this time we hoped for leopard. We went through, what appeared to us, one impassable mass of trees and undergrowth, and 1 had all my work cut out to keep myself from being swept off the back of the elephant. One does not realize the strength of these animals until you are lucky enough to experi, ence a ride on one through the jungle watch-

ing him clearing a path with his trunk and breaking down trees of considerable size. While riding along I noticed a formidable weapon in the shape of a bludgeon with three or four French nails stuck in it, attached to the back of the pad. On my enquiringits use, I was informed that it was used on the elephants "’ croup," when full speed was ordered. 1 determined to try it. as my mount was lagging, somewhat, behind the others. 1 was sorry for it, for although it did not induce him to trot, he walked out, and the motion cannot be described, the Bay of Biscay wasn‘t in it. I had to hang on for dear life, and could not decide whether it was better to sit up or lie down.

’l‘ H E being available, we were able to get across quicker than we did the first time. We passed through large forests of saplings where the Rohllkund and Kumaon Railway get their fuel from (i may mention that wood is the only fuel that appears to be used on this railway). Nothing of note occurred till we. reached (Viola;here one of the scouts was employed chasing dogs: they had run away with nosebags, havresacks, and even mess-tins, which held chuppnlties. They were evidently starv-

ing, as we should have been in the morning, but for the \vakel’ul scout who was the first to notice his havresack disappearing over a low wall. We had not had an accident of any account so far, but at Hargaon one of our horses fell ona peg in the night and badly staked himself, which necessitated him being sent into Lucknow by rail. We reached Sitapur on the 22nd, where again we were the guests of the West Ridings, and here we came on bread

rations again, which was a welcome change from cltuppatties. This was our tenth day out. We started off on the morning of the 23rd at the usual hour, 6 A.M.

This was our long-

est day’s trek, we were about 42 miles from

l‘] A G L E


brief history should be placed on record. Indeed, had the record of this remarkable dog, from the time she made her first appear :ane in the Royals, bee l faithfully kept, her history would have been such as to entitle her t” figure in the very front rank of animal wonders. “ Scout," according to the many regimental dog-fanciers, was an Irish terrier ; whether she was well-bred, I do not pretend to know. but this every one knew, that for stamina and pluck she was the equal of any dog breathing. The manner of her enlistment was as follows :74On the 26th November, 1899, the regiment arrived at Durban, Port Natal, on the S. S. ~‘ Manchester Port," to take part in the Boer war It being toolate in the day to disembark, the baggage only was put ashore, and a party of men told off to look after it. From

what I can gather, it was to this party that “ Scout," then little more than a puppy, first introduced herself, and made friends with the men. On the following morning the regiment disembarked, and entrained at the dock siding for Pietermaritzberg. Our little dog did not relish being parted from her new friends so abruptly, and, boarding the train, she made her first journey with her regiment.

barracks. We reached barracks about 7-80 RM , after eleven days of the happiest and most enjoyable part of a soldier’s life in lndia. The Colonel spoke very well of the fitness

ed on the race course for a week, prior to proceeding up-country, and here it was that


after their long

her most appropriate name from her habit of

journey, and promised that it should not be the last of such outings. to which every scout answered in his mind with “ Roll on the next." . FLEL‘R no Lvs.

accompanying the troops to exercise, and to water, WlJC‘i she would keep some twenty yards ahead of the leading horseman, and make furious onslaughts on every living creature thatcame in her way, from a bulloek


men and horses,

At Pietermaritzberg the Royals were encamp-

the dog came into prominence, and earned

to a. butterfly!

“SCOUT” In illnnorz‘am.

was fully-med by one of the scouts, who re-

We started back to Lucknow the following

Those who remember the regimental dog

turned with the broken saddle which he had found tinee miles down the road. Wesurmi... 1 that the runaway would not stop

morning (the 8th). This time our road lay alongside the railway all the way. we crossed the river higher up and a larger boat

whose name recalls a hundred and one incidents of the late South African war, will surely agree that it is but fitting that her

By the time the regiment reached Frere. the base of the Colenso operations. "Scout ” had become quite a Royal Dragoon. and had

firmly established herself a favourite with all ranks.

She accompanied all patrols, 01' other

parties moving out of camp, and was invari—

. _ ,...-_~H.-...,_‘r_‘v,_




ably on parade with the first one, whatever the time of day or night. She experienced her baptismal tire on the 15th December at

every weary step ; she disdained the offer of a

the now famous battle of Colenso, and evidently divining the state of affairs, assisted in the only manner possible, by barking at the Boer Long Tom gun across the river 1 She was present at Spion Kop, twice crossing the swollen, rushing Tugela, the second occasion nearly ending in her death. The current being very powerful, a dozen or so strong swimmers stripped, and entered the

to chase a flock of sheep.

water to assist any horse

to grief.

or man coming

"' Scout," however, plunged bold-

ly in some little distance down stream, and after swimming vigorously in the direction

of the opposite bank for some few minutes, was evidently astonished to find she was making no headway, but was being slowly, but surely, carried down stream. Fortunately a clump of tall rushes. arrested

her progress to certain death on the rocks below, and the writer being in ‘he water con. trived to reach her and carry her ashore. She took partin the storming of the Tugela Heights, and. led the way over Pieters Hill, eventually forming part of the procession of the relieving force through Ladysmith. After a few weeks“ stay here with visits to Blaubank and Sundays River, came the advance on,

and occupation of Newcastle.

It was about

this time that “ Scout " presented her friends with a iitt r of. various, and wonderfuliooking puppies, but even this important event shedid not allow to interfere with her military duties, and although she was a good mother, every. parade found her “present and correct. " After some time spent in Newcastle and its neighbourhood, the regiment commenced the long, wearisome trek through the East 3m ’l‘ransvaal to Belfast, Krugersdorp, Pretoria, Springfontein, etc, our little pet-

displaying marvellous powers of endurance. Then, later, up into “ De‘ Wet's Country "

and Senekal. Au Finksburg,

“ Scout "‘ marched

lift, and scampered along mile after mile, occasionally darting aside to turn up a hare, or

Of the many

stories told of her, a good one is of an incident which happened not far from Senekal.

“Scout "at this time was again exhibiting signs of approaching maternity. rl‘he regi~

time in quarantine before she rejoined in Shornclil‘fe. Of her many peculiarities, perhaps the most remarkable is that she acknowledged no individual as master ; she was the same to all. Tonight she would sleep at Brown‘s feet ; to-morrow she would share Jones’ dinner : the next day Brown would have the honour of her

ment had bivouacked for the night at Wonder

companionship, and so on,


fully prolific, having given birth to certainly not less than forty assorted specimens of the

At dawn, horses were saddled, out-

posts came in, men shook themselves


only toilet) and the troops moved off. Some four or five miles had been covered, when it was discovered our pet‘ was missing from her accustomed place in front. After making inquiries, and finding she had not been seen that morning, Colonel Lord Basing, who was in command, sent back a party to search for her When nearing the old camping-ground, “Scout ”was seen rushing about in a state of great excitement, and catching sight of the horsemen, she came out to meet them, led them back to a small ant-bear hole, and disclosed to view with very evident maternal pride, a strange-looking pair of blind and.

whining puppies.

The men took them up

carefully, and, mounting their horses, hastened to rejoin the regiment, “Scout”’now quite happy, barking joyously alongside the bearers of her twins.

Following on this came the big “drives,” and during these and the night marches (some of them were record ones 1) our wonder ful dog was ever to the fore, and how she managed to last out will never cease to be a matter for wonder. When peace was declared she came into Bloemfontein with her beloved Royals, and shortly afterwards accompanied them to


Here, owing to some Customs re-

gulation, all were grieved to hear she would not he allowed to go home with them. However, Lord Basing arranged matters with an officer who was staying in Capetown, and she came homelater, being compelled to spend some


one who witnessed her pluck and endurance, her faithfulness and affection, will ever forget '

the little dog that ‘fought’ with them for Queen and King and Country in the greatest war of modern years. “DUNEKA.”

She was wonderv


canine tribe.

She evinced a marked antipa-

thy for Kaffirs, and would furiously resent

the presence in camp of a strange dog. She was very clever at catching and bowling over sheep and pigs, and many men would tell how she helpzd them to get their dinners.

Barrack life in Shorncliffe did not agree with her after the long “treks," and she seemed to welcome the manoiuvres ol' loos on Salisbury Plains. Here she became very attached to Lord Basing, who had some difficulty in preventing her from following him on the ‘column,’ which would. have doubtlessly proved too much for her in her unfit condition. On the 27th January, 1901, she acc<11i1panied the regiment to India, where, in the summer

of1905, she died. Her body was disinterred a day or two after burial and given to a native taxidermist, who, however, made a hideous job of it by lengthening her body and present

ing her with straight, sticlrlike legs, snariing

The keen contest amongst the Squadrons for the “ Quadt Cup,” ended in a victory for “ B ’7 Squadron. It will be remembered that this handsome cup was presented in 1905 by Count von Quadt, representative of our Colonel, [-1. I. M. The German Emperor, in recognition of our Victory in October of that year, at the Durand tournament. The Inter-Squadron tournament was played under the same rules as last year (League Principle), the Band and the four Squadron teams Competing. We congratulate “ B ” Squadron on their record victory and excellent play, not having had a single goal scored against them. In the first match against “ D “ Squadron, the goalkeeper, Pte. Shurmur, played brilliantly in

stopping a penalty.

The defence throughout

the tournament was exceptionally good, The Band having left Lucknow for Naini Talon the 14th inst, scratched with “ D "’ Squadron for the last match. The following show the position of the teams: Goals

teeth and Staring. ferocious eyes

And so, in

the possession of Sergeant Scott, she re. mains. Recently, it was decided to send the skin, along with a photograph taken just prior to her death, to some good. English firm, and endeavour to obtain a faithful presentment of our little dog. It is hoped this may prove successful. Many changes have taken place in the re. giment during the past three or four years, and there are many who did not know our wonderful pet, but it is safe to say that not.


I’lvii/Crl. ll‘on. IAN. Drown.

--n" _, i- D“ “ A "

..Band C .,




a; to 1.7a; LJ


Z‘V’ITALZEA’. Points,








‘J 13

Li i

“ B " Squadron team :—

Goal, Pte. Shurmur: Backs, Corpl. Seaton and Pte. McGibbon : Half-backs, Corpl. Rising, Pte. Smyth, (Capt) Pte. Arnold. Forwards, Pte. Earl, Corpl. Pitkin. Pte. Judge, Pte. Neil, Pte. Duckworth.

» . ._....-.,.,,_, a...

T H 1‘?)

1*} A (1' L E ’I‘ H E


UIL Mun-Ii 26m, 1111,15. l‘te. Underliill, 1‘ Weird], b Neil Sergt. Rapkiu, 1) Neil l’te. Knell, h Neil ” Michai‘ls, b Neil Seret. I-‘isher, e d: b Neil Pte. Butemau, e l’itkin, b Collier “ Taylor, e Richardson, b Neil " Cooke, stpd, \\'eleli. b Arnold Andrews. (1 A” b Arnold “ Terry, b Neil " Lee, not our

22th I"Cn’/TU(U'H, 11105.

“A“ re. ~~ B"SQUADRON. " 11" Soi'iinnox. C01‘pl.1’itl\'in,b Bowman Pte. Earl, b Bateman “ Pryde, b Plumb Corp], Seaton. b Plumb " Weleh, b Plumb l’te. Hook, b Plumb " Protts, l. b. w., b Plumb


“ IJ " SQUADRON ’I'S. “ A ” SQUADIIUN. l’l'OI'IlUli/iilx and. Appolntuicnlx. “ l) " Sot‘AvRON.

.. [.cg—Iii/rx

Arnold, l. b. w.. b Plumb

50713, Corpl. Fisher to bea I’aiil Lance-Sergeant. 7-311, Unpaid Lora-Corpl. )Ieiiellan to be Lanee-Corpl. rirrc Stanton, ist January, 1008. . . Unpaid Leo—Corp]. Morris to Lie Luneei’erpl. wit-c IIatherill, 13th January, 1.01:3. 419.30, l’npaid Leta-Corp]. Wyatt to be Laru'e-Corpi. rir'e Seroggs.1;‘th January, loos. 7.179, Pte. Crawley to be Unpaid Lance-Corp}. ' ii “ Day " “ "

Sergt. Jeffrey. h l’luml. I’te. Edis, b Hateman (Torpl, Vanson. run out. Pte Rankin, b lineman Sergt. Sutch, o Batemau " Richmond. b lintenmu l‘te. Sutton, 1) Hateman Uorpl. Pegg, run out He. Dollar, b I'lumb Lawrent-e, not out illiver, stpd. Uuderhiil, h l‘luinli

Cast lu'J'Ii'uis


Corp]. Winter, b Bateman Total

‘Pte. Collier, b Bateman Neil, not out

.. Burs

Mu. uonos‘ox’s XI rs. BAND.

I‘otzil 1st lsxixes—Jlr. lloncson‘s Xi.

PU‘. L'nderhill, b Seniou “ Knell, b Seatou

Miehacis, b Neal

Mr. Rube. c Winter, b Seatun I’te. Bateman, b Seaton " Terry. D Earl “ Clarke, u Pitkin. I) Seatou ('orpl Measures e Winter, 1) Seatou I’te. Plumb. run out “ \Vakenell, h Seaton " Seruby. not out

' H " S‘ouAiinoN.



" Reeve, b Neil .. Mr. Iiolt, b Seatou .. Tptr. Hastings, b Fisher” 'l-idin. Lovell, c & l) W. Hmlgson .. Lavender. e A" b W. H odeson ..

Neil, b Knoll


' Corpl. S. S. rice Marlaud, Nth

Cast, run out

I-I.i'ruu i/mlioux. I'Iu‘li‘rlx Total


'Jiid-Lieut. T. N. Watson passed an examination in Hindustani Lower Standard, Part I. rind-Lieut. C. W. Turner: and ind—Lient. '1‘. N. Watson passed in subjects “A " and ”B “ for promotion. .7107. Pte. Syms passed in Saddletree-niaking. “ superior degree of proficiency," Furlong/71.5- and Ltuu‘.

“ Me Houstoun Cup.”



Fisher .. Murphev. not out .. lair/ms ..

" ‘Collier. e& b Knoll “ Urey, b Knell



Neil Corpl. Pitkiu, b I-‘isher \Velch, 1) Fisher Pte. Evans, b Butemau “ Iichardson e Knoll, b Itapkin “ Arnold, b Iineli Sergt. Collison, b Rapkin Corpl Winter. not- out Pte. Protts, run out

'I-‘ehruary. 190s. 1wa?" S. S. Lane to be March. 1510*.

('orpl. Measures. not out

251) Ixxn‘as, BAND.

Corp]. Pitliin, stpd. \Velch. b Seaton .. 11‘. Run out Edwards lldm. Manley, h Neil .. S c A". b Neil Tptr. Parry. b Neil .. 4' b Edwards IIdm.l\lasters, e Sales, b


Burnidge Rising " Eshmeade " Horne “ Brown " 31;? ,Corpl. S. S. Marland to Le Sergtsl’arrier rice Newton. 18th March. was. 3709. S. S. Brown to be, Corp], 8. S. Til‘!’ Loekver, 13th

.lu,ter»T/001i JIUL-lccg/ ’l‘om'nnmen/ for

., Lug-byes-

filth March, 1005‘.

Fisher, h lildis Plumb, b Rankin Knoll, b Vanson Bateman. b Vanson Terry, c Stitch, b Edis Taylor. b Yanson


Tot-.1 l

"A " rs.

“ I’te. “ “ “ “

l’te. Seaton, e. Holt, b Manley Sergt Edwards, b Hastings Iiieut. Rube. stpd. Lovell. b MacDonald Corp]. Weleh, l. b. \\'., b Manley Sergt. Rapkiu, b MacDonald Lieut. Houstonnfie Pitkin, h MacDonald Sergt. Wilson, b MacDonald “ .ieii‘rey, e Murphy, b MacDonald " Fisher, 1; S; b MacDonald Pte. Neil, C Reeve, b Mai-Donald Lieut. Hodgson, not out

.“ A “ Sol'Aimox.

“A"Si,»1‘Ai>i:o§. Limit [‘tube, 1', .ioi-l'i'iry, b Edis l’te. Underhiil, b Rankin Sergt Wilson, b Rankin

Plug/Cd .lpril 2nd.

F] A (i L E


2 b Neil

b Edwards Not out

> t

b Neil ,. e, Edwards, b FIShI'I' ' “:.I'll'il-S‘

Burs 'l'otal



Corporals‘ Riile Club had a spoon

sliOot on the 20th March between the Corpo-

2 b Neil £1 b Neil 3 Run out Edwards


ind Troop beat lst troop by 8 goals to nil. "’ A ” Squadron rs. “ C ” Squadron (friendly match Draw.


rals of “ A " and “ I) " Squadrons. Corporal Hughes won 1st spoon with 182 points, owed 3 points, and Corporal Perks. 2nd. with 74 points. 011 i’lst March between Corporals 0i “ B ’ and “C " Squadrons, Corporal Stratli was first with 51 points, and Corporal Workman. 2nd, with 77 points, owed 3. The Musketry Course started at the begin

ning of the month, "' D " Squadron beingr the


first to tire.

t‘:ipr.\\'.I).(irnni.1rom 155 April, ions. to 16th Julv. mo: in India. on private ail'airs. " . Lieut T. S. Irwin, 6 months" leave out oi India on privatiall‘uirs, from {Lll April, mos, to (Nth Oetolur, Jams. l.ieut C. It. ’l‘idswell, leave in India, for .‘1 months. iii! private. aii'airs, 'Jnnl-Lieut. C. W. ’l‘uruer, i'rom 1<t April, 1903‘, to 15th July, 100s. on private zill‘airs. Lieut. A. II. I). Chapinangranied t‘\[l‘li>‘iol] on Medical Certilieate to ~1th September, lililS ‘Jiiil-iiiout. ’1‘. N. Watson, leave in India, for :1 inonths,ou private ail'airs. Lieut. and lid. Mr. .I. Crowley, leave in India, for 1 months on private :iil‘airs. I S,1).1\I. S. Cronin 27th March, 10115. to 3lst May, 101.18. 33:134. I’tes. Bray 15’ Ryder, 512:: Castle and 5.317 Collier. Semis. Lewis, Oxford. Setehell. Corp]. Mart-in. 3.721 I'te. l'ritt-bard, S114 Pte. Aldrich. .1715 Pte. Hunt, Corp].

Thu-kettle, 353:1; Pie. O'Chtrke. ist A; rii. 111m, to:‘.1.<i. .\Ia_v.1€1(l>‘. perm-Corp]. I’oi‘i<s.a1ul .7437 Pte. Hall, lst April, :iiuliMay,1‘.los: S. S. (iiles. lst April. loos, May. 11108241135 I'Le. Plumb, lst April. lLioS. April, 1005 : 513‘? l’ie. llries. lst- April. 101“. . August, 111%.

itit‘x‘, to to 30H. to will in ‘Jist





Sergi. Ratcliti'e, Sth April, 1905, to :22nd April, 1905‘. 1576,C0rpl. Ratcliil'o

5%. <5; sees-sweets ,,

5676, Pte. Searln from 3111 April, 1908. to 41h June, 1th»! 5606, Pie. Gibson, from 11th April. 1903. to 21st April, T331

Gettliti'i- "

15th April.100$,t015thJiina, 1005‘.



13111 April, 1005, to 31st May.1ll(i>‘.




13th April, 1005‘, to 15th illlni‘, 1W“.

{h as



his Strung/tin Wife of Surat. (irfilitllil‘i‘

as m

taken on


MONTHLY NOTES. There is nothing of interest to report about



the weather this month. There have been reports and. rumours of rain, but souiehowit never falls in Lucknow. The temperature is gradually rising every day, and so far the 340th with a maximum of 1110 has been thehighest. We can expect nothing except the heat now, till the monsoons break.

March. 1140s. ’l‘riiiivfttrs. .3125. Cnrpl. Roi-d in Army Rcscrvi'. l'lth Mari-11,191,».

(1% In View of the numerous requests for bound A. copies of “ The Eagle," we hope very shortly to 9"\ have copies of Vol. I ready for sale. In order {N to ensure their receiving copies, will those reIx quiring them inform the


Editor as soon as

possible. Tho \Vlli‘ of S. S. Mi Allen. hi it soii,‘21st March. 1W5. " " Strut. Bush, of :1 daughter. 4th April. 190$.

011 the 6th, however, there was some little

Ilist-Eirirgirx, 3730,301'gt.Marsdivn. after 14 yczii‘s‘ service, 33151 March, 1905. 5:197,1’10.Day.ii'.\'aliilttl,;‘.ili March, 1915.






I am sure that all ranks of past and present Royals will join in congratulating Colonel

accompanied by

Burn‘Murdoch, 0.8., on his appointment to

The Editor will no: \llithI‘Iille‘ to in" rcsponxolc for nn_\‘ refer-L

the Command of the Eistern Division Mounted Brigade of the Territorial Forces.

All COIIIITIIIIIIK'lliIOII\ iiitcndcd for iriildiuziiion .l: should be nddrcsscd to llli‘ Editor. and should llt‘ the writer’s name and address.

Colonel MacLeun

011 MS . nor io return any contribution unlc 's si‘cciiilly desired n.

Captain Hardy

do so.

H. E. Maud, Esq.

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During the last month several officers have left for England or gone up to the hills :--Cnlonel and Mrs. (16 Lisle left for Sinila on the 29th of April, and Mr 'l‘idswell for the Central Provinces on the 15th Major and Mrs. Steele have left for England Major Steele and Mr. Miles are both on three months’ privilege leave. Capt. iurch has just returned from Alinora, and, we are glad to say, he is looking


othcers 11nd 111011

Annual SEICA‘C/‘ll/[Ullls pro rutn. ADVERTISEMENTS

For six months. full page For six months. liiilt page


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T. '1‘imson, E511. INDIA.

Reveille, a thun-

7711' flu/1'1


Major—General Graham

bed before

derstorm broke, and the rain started in large drops. We all pulled our beds undercover, but, its usual, it was a false alarm, for the morning turned out close and muggy.


Colonel Lord Basinsr

When we were enjoying our last

ten minutes in

, Q: In. ass-a €<=€<€s§~€€~€x~é< a


Sergt.~Iiistriict0r W. Behbington

FRIDAY, MAY 151‘“, 1908.

For six months. quarter page .. For one month. full page For i-ue month. half puyc


T. Timson, Esq. For one mnnih. uiiiiricr

much better after his attack 01 fever;



Burch is spending the hot weather at Alinora, Lieut. and Mrs. Crowley are passing the summer months :it Naini 'l‘al. We hear from Capt. Grant and Mr. Turner, that they are enjoying their shootingr expedition in Southern India, and that they are having excellent

On page <88 we publish a very interesting article on the “ Capture of Cetywayo. ” We are greatly indebted to Major-General Graham who procured this article from Captain Aniyatt Burney.

Capt Burney volunteered to go to the Zulu war with the King's Dragoon Guards. He was the ii rst, with Alexander of the Greys, to enter Ceiywayo’s liraal. Amongst other trophies, he procured Cetywayo’s assegais, which are now in the possession of the King at Windsor, and

his pillow, which he presented to the Ofiicers’ Mess. The pillow is a curious Kaffir wooden pillow, with the inscription “ Cetywayo‘s pillow taken out of his kraal . on the 28th of August, 1579. Presented by l, H Amyatt Burney.” Colonel de Lisle writes to The Eagle Simla, that though the Mohmand rising is believed to be wearing itself out, there exists in official circles some anxiety regarding the future. All etforts to ascertain the cause of recent frontier disturbances have met with no results, and our political agents have been totally unable to account for the unrest among the ti ines across our frontier. The fact that armed Afghan troops have taken part in the recent fighting, points to some pulitical scheme on the part of some one in authority at Kabul This supposition is strengthened by the fact thatitis so contrary to the custom of the turbulent trans-frontier tribes to cause tiny disturbance until their

harvests are cut and store-d. It is thought by some that Nast-Ullah Khan, the brother of the Amll‘ and Commander-in Chief of the Afghan Troops, is organising


'r n a

1*] A (1‘ L E

disturbances with the object of causing trouble between the Amir and the British Government. If this be so, he has certainly effected his object, and the Amir will be called upon to explain how it comes that his troops are in arms against us.

haps, as the mare on which Sergeant Sutch performed his ROman riding, vaulting and jockey acts in the circus. Now she is dead, and all that remains of her are, the memory of a faithful friend and the forefeet, which are in the possession of her master.

With such a situation, it is natural that all eyes are directed on Kabul, and are awaiting with interest to see what the development will be. All may blow over without further incident, but, on the other hand, it may be necessary to undertake military operations on a large scale. Our readers will look forward with interest for the precis of the former Afghan campaigns which we are printing next month. In spite of many bright features

We should like to draw the attention of our readers to the excellent work done by the Incorporated Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society. This Society is practically dependent on voluntary contributions. The total number of ex‘soldiers and sailors, dealt with by them, during the past four years. has been 84,447,01‘ whom employment was found for 19,303. Monetary reliefwsuch as grants, loans and pensionsiwas given to 36,246 cases, ata cost of £39,091. The Society‘s workshops, where ex-soldiers and sailors can learn a trade, employed daily 7'2 disabled men, while 5,610 were sent, temporarily, to Convalescent Homes. Within the lastthlue years the Society has given assistance to 115 “Old Royals." They have found employment for 41.1, helped 16 with money and clothing, sent one toa Convalescent Home, and helped 58 in various other ways. Should any of our readers wish to give a subscription, however small, it would be greatly appreciated. The Editor will receive any donation and will forward them to the Society’s office in London

of the fighting in the two former Afghan wars, we must admit that that country has never yet. been conquered by us. Since those days there has been much improvement in the armament of the Afghan army, but we hope that the improvement in the value of the In-

dian army is even more marked. 1 have been asked to write an article on the second pig-sticking expedition at Palia, but I

have refrained from doing so, as the pig-sticking took place over the same ground as the first expedition.

I should like, however, to

mention a few facts about it. The party consisted of seven spears, and in the four days

they got 18 pig, 3 leopard, and a ghond.

'r nit I E A (H. 1+: l. The account ofthe career of “,Scout, “ in our last issue, has awakened memories of another

[regimental pet, whose biography deserves to be recorded—I“Jemima," the old white hen. The Editor hopes that his readers will come forward with accounts of any other real regimental pet, to continue the series already begun by the history of " Scout." We hear from the Band that they have quite settled down to their new routine, and [that they are enjoying the pleasures of Naini Tal. They have up to the present succeeded .in pleasing the musical critics of Naini. The Band have played a hockey match with St. Jeseph’s College, which resulted in a win for the College by 3 goals to 1. Several members of the Band have tried their skill at angling, but as yet they have had, very little success. We hear also that two of the Royals’ ofiicers may be seen daily, in good training, on the 1. , lake.


the colonelcy was conferred upon Richard, sequent services to the present time.

Thedeath of Cl (33, on April the 28th. was re— ceived with deep regret by all ranks of the regiment. She was a black mare, foaled in 1899, and who joined the regiment in 1905. From the first, she was seen to he docile and intelligent, and was easily trained for the

circus, where she distinguished herself. In the field, C. 63 again showed her good points by clever jumping. She is more famous, per-1

On April 15th, the Regimental Lodge of the the Wesleyan Soldiers‘ Home. The concert commenced at 845, in the large hall, which had been kindly lent by the Rev. J. Reed.

The programme, which was a great success, lasted till about 11-80, owing to the keen competition for the two best songs of the evening. The concert was the first of a series

which is to be held during the hot weather. The Lodge meets every Wednesday evening at 7-30 in the Wesleyan Soldiers“ Home, where visitors are cordially invited.

Lord Cobham

At this period, Jacobite principles were By General C. P. de Ainslie.


“Good ’I‘emplars " held their first concert at

shire for the neighbourhood of London (but after the arrival of King George I. from Hanover, they returned to the north, when a reduction of eighty men was made 'in the establishment. By a Royal Warrantyof 3rd of February, 1715, addressed to Colonel William Ker, it was ordered that two troops of the Royal Dragoons, three of the Scots Greys, and :ne newly-raised troop of Dragoons, should be formed into a regiment and reconstructed as "Ker’s " Dragoons, Which had been disband< ed in 1718, retaining its former rank and standing in the army. t was at the same time styled “The Prince of Wales’ Own Royal Regiment” The two junior troops of the Royal Dragoons thus transferred, were commanded by Captains Lewis, Dalton and Peter Renouard, and the regiment thus raised has become the present 7th or Queen's Own Hussars. Colonel the Honourable William Ker, third son of Robert, third Earl of Roxburgh, died a Lieutenant-General in the army on the 7th of January, 1711. The establishment was thus reduced to six troops, and on the 13th of June this year

King Charles the Second, and of its sub-


of the leOpards was speared by Mr. Faunthorpe-a most daring feat, while Major Makins speared the ghond.


Of the First or the Royal Regiment of Dragoons, containing an account of its formation in the reign of


very prevalentin the United Kingdom, and in September, 1715, the Earl of Mar raised the standard of rebellion in Scotland, and

In the reign of Queen Anne scarlet was definitively established as the uniform of the

excited the clans to take arms in favour of

British army.

the Pretender, James Stuart.

After their return to England the regiment was dispersed in various quarters in Yorkshire, and the establishment was fixed at twenty-seven officers, six quartermasters and 3'26 officers and men. 1n the summer of 1713 adetachment proceeded to Dover, there to receive a draft of 200 horses from “ Ker’s ” Dragoons, that corps being.r ordered to Ire-

Dragoons were immediately ordered to the

land dismounted, and there to be disbanded.

Queen Anne died on the lst of August, 1714, when the Royal Dragoons left York-

The Royal

north, and reaching Edinburgh in the early purl, of October, they went, under the orders

of Lieutenant‘G-eneral Carpenter, in


of the rebels. After several marches and countermarches, Carpenter arrived at Jud~ burgh on the 30th of October, where, finding that a division of the rebel army had marched

in the direction of Carlisle, be instantly started in pursuit of them. The rebels, however, reached Preston, in Lancashire, without

.. ....a.-...“-...s .»~w




EAG L 14) '1‘ H E

opposition, where also arrived, on Sunday, the 18th of November, Lieutenant-General Carpenter, with the Royals. Molesworth's and Churchill’s Dragoons, two newlyraised corps, afterwards disbanded, and here they

found the town surrounded by the troops of Major-General Wills. Some sharp fighting had already taken place, but before the arrival of the force from Scotland the town had surrendered. On the same day another division of the rebels under the Earl of Mar was defeated at Sherilfmuir, near Dumblane, by

the Duke of Argyll. On the 32nd of Decem< ber, James Stuart landed at Peter-head with asuite of six officers only, and

found his

affairs in a. condition so hopeless, that on the 4th of February, 1716, he embarked with Mar at Montrose, and returned to France, the

insurrection both in Scotland and England being completely suppressed. In the year 1716, regiments were lirstnum-

bered, having hitherto been


by the names of their colonels. The Royal Dragoons, however, were never otherwise

cover the places ceded by him in the treaty of Utrecht, among other measures contemplated was the placing of the Pretender, James Stuart, on the British Throne, in order that the favourable interest of this country might be thus secured. An expedition was prepared under the Duke of Ormond for a descent

upon the coast of England, but the fleet was dispersed by a storm. Two ships, however, having on board the Marquis of Tullibardine and the Earls Marischal and Sea forth, reached Scotland, where, on the 10th of April, these landed at Kintail, in Ross-shire, with about 300 Spaniards, who were joined by some hundreds of Highlanders. Intelligence of this event reaching London, orders were despatched for the Royal Dragoons to proceed with all possible speed to Scotland, where they arrived in May. On the 10th of June, Major-General Wrightman, with a body of

Foot and three troops of the Scots Greys, at tacked the Spaniards and tho Highlanders at the Pass of Glenshiel, forcing them to retire

with considerable loss, and on the following

designated. After the suppression of the rebellion the regiment was stationed in Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire, whence, in February, 17l7,

day the Highlanders dispersed and the Spaniards surrendered themselves prisoners of war.

they moved to Newcastle-on-Tyne, and came

in July to be quartered in Yorkshire, while a

under the command of Major—General Wills. This change appears to have been occasion. ed by the preparations made by Charles XII,, of Sweden, for supporting renewed preten— sions of James Stuart to the British Crown, but which were rendered useless by the precautions of the Government and by the death of Charles. The journals of this period speak highly of the condition of the British army,

detachment was ordered to Portsmouth, there to embark with an expedition commanded by their Colonel, Viscount Cobham, and intended for an attack upon Corunna. abandoned, but the troops effected a landing on the coast of Spain, and took Vigo, where they captured seven pieces of brass ordnance, with a magazine of muskets and other

particularly of the cavalry, which they repre-


sent as the “' best in the world." lutlic spring of 1718, the regiment went into quarters in Yorkshire and Lancashire, the establishment being reduced to 207 officers and men. who, desiring to re-

troop, who had already covered

The Royal Dragoons returned to England

The design upon that place was, however,

Rondendella and Pont-a-Vedra also were taken,and additional seizures made of mili<

tary stores.

DE WAAn’s FARM, 301/1. May, 1.900. DEAR M, Early in the month we went back to Blanw bank for another spellof outpost duty. We saw Boers frequently on the passes, and at the foot of the berg, where they evidently came for grazing and grass-cutting. One night the sentries close to camp heard several shots and gave the alarm. We grabbed our rifles and rushed out to our posts; patrols went out to the outposts and returned reporting nothing seen or heard. Next morning we discovered a fire on our old camping ground. about a mileaway, still smoulder‘ ing (we had shifted camp a few days previously), and no doubt some dropped cartridges had found their way to the fire with the camp refuse On another occasion our scouts came in with information that 500 Boers with two guns were in sight six miles awry. We struck our tents, moved out, and took up position, but the enemy remained at

a respectful distance and retired up the berg Night alarms were frequent about this time, but although the Boers were active, they confined their operations to recon noitring.

The rumours of an advance vicl Van Reenans again became circulated, about

the middle

of the month, probably due to the fact that all-

surplus baggage was sent back to Ladysmith to be stored.

However, when we did get the

order to march, it was towards the Biggarsberg instead of the Drakensberg.

On the 23rd instant, I had gone out with my

Next day we had a short but rough march up the mountains, bivouacking near a. deserted farm, in the garden of which we found potatoes, a most welcome addition to “bully” and biscuit. We arrived at Dannhauser on the 35th and left next morning for Dundee en route to Zululand, to extricate some of Hethune’s Horse who had been ambushed and were in a tightcorner. However, on arriving at Dundee we found the survivors already there. We left the picturesque but deserted and looted little town on the 27th instant and returned to Dannhauser: this was an awful march of about twenty miles, with a blinding sand-storm

blowing right in our faces, and

next day we marched here to De Waal’s Farm. De Waal is a rebel or commando. We commanded his stock, and so had fresh mutton

inplenty, but no vegetables. itis now bitterly cold at night, and being without tents with

but one blanket and our cloaks, we are very pleased to see the sun rise! Last night some coffee left in a camp kettle was frozen solid, and everything was covered with white frost. We can see Majuba’s dark crest from here, and yesterday some fighting took place at or near Laing’s Nek. We could hear artillery, and see the flash of a Boer big gun on a hill in that direction. Whilst on patrol the other day I saw a horseman approaching, so halted and waited to find out who he was. As he came nearer I recognised the uniform of the Natal Police, and to my surprise discovered the wearer to be an old friend, named

Parry, who left the

had hardly arrived, when a hello flashe d an

Every one appears to be in South Africa these times. Not far from here is the place where the squadron of the 18th Hussars were captured. The Zulus would appear to delight in

order to return at once. On arriving in camp we found all packed up and ready to move. Orders had arrived to rejoin the regiment at

(To [)6 continued.)


troop to the outpost line five miles away. and

The Spanish Court made over~

tures for peace, and in November the expedition returned to England.


however, we arrived just after dark.

in the evening.

The peace of Europe was menaced by Phillip V,, of Spain, in 1719,



Sunday River, where it was

marching with

the cavalry brigade.


march for the




regiment in



puzzling the stranger, for their language con-

specially for my

sists of a collection of positively unpronouncg.

. ,.._-»—.~.~.......:,..

’1‘ H E


able words. '_ Fancy asking the ticket clerk at Charing Cross for a third single to “ Umng-un

gundhlovana,"and what-time. the nest train left for ‘: Umgungundhlovu ”! These are the Zulu .names for ~Greytown and Hetermaritzburg. There is a. kopji above our camp with a name about as long as both these put together, pronounced with three clicks, the first, by Withdrawing the tongue sharply from the front teeth, the second by a similar movement from the palate, while the third is a. sound very akin to the one we use in urging on a horse. If you would like to practise, try unonngatshi (skylark), amatsheketshe (red antt. Certainly there are shorter words as, for instance, Iwi (union), and lkowe (mushroom), but if the mushroom

be small, it ex-

pands into Inkowankowane.

At present my

Zulu is limited ! The Kafiirs, at present, are receiving many

visitors at their kraals—the Boers go for in— formation, our men for eggs and chickens ! I ' Yours,


herself to the Officer Commanding the R. F. A, She knowing the difficulties of procuring fresh eggs on the part of the interned officers, did away with the. difficulty, so far as Major Grould burn, It. B‘. A, was concerned, by laying him a nice large, white egg daily It was during the siege of Ladysmith that she received the wound, the marks of Which she carried with her all her life. ll'er'leg was broken by a chance shot, from a Boer’s rifle, one day when she had forgotten to take cover. Her leg mended, but gave her that peculiar gait, which really made her so at» tractive and irresistibly comic when she took her walks abroad. She was evidently rather proud of the wounded limb and tried to show it off to the best advantage. Jemima left Ladysmith after the siege and followed the fortunes of the gunners as far as RooiPynt. It was at this salubrious spot that she was transferred to the Royals. Her Battery was ordered on trek, and Major Gouldburn, ignorant of Jemima‘s travelling capabilities, gave her, together with three others of her kind, to the Officer Commanding




These others of the party

biography of

were not of much account. They consisted of two hens and a cock, who were named, respec—

=<cout’ in the late number of The Eng/e i~ -ist immediately have turned their thoughts

tively, the “Speckled Ben,” the “Little Brown

All those

81.. .1

E A Gr L E

Th“ E n A o i. E

who read the

t 2 another pet, who followed the fortunes of the regiment during the Boer war. Although not, perhaps, to be com pared with our ‘Scout,‘ yotour ‘Jemima' was next in our affections. :Sut I must first describe her for the benefit of those who never had the pleasure of her acguaintance. She was a fine specimen of a barn-door fowl, without any pretence to high lineage, but a nice, homely, good layer.

She was pure white, except after a South African dust-storm, when she was inclined to get somewhat yellow. She kept her age a dead secret, but she looked like a woman that is fair, fat, and forty. ' "

Jemima joined the army at the beginning of ‘the‘siegef Ladysmith, when she attached

Maid,” and the “ Jolly Roger."

All the time we spent at Root ,Pynt, she Inobly did her duty by supplying the ofiicers -of " C ” Squadron with many fresh‘laid emrq rb‘, which were always laid in her Squadron leader’s tent. Her hen-companions also laid eggs, but they were never as interesting as Jemiina‘s were, and had no style about their laying. They only ran into the tent, dropped an egg in a vulgar hurried manner, and ran outclucking. But Jemima had other modes

and manners.

She would first of allapproach

the tent byaliank march, and just put her head round the corner to see'if all was clear and then run away. She wouldvdo thisa few times till she thought that either nobody was there or that the Squadron leader was

amenable to her presence. Then she would pretend to come right in and suddenly turn round and bolt, evidently relying on the British method of finding out the presence of the enemy on a kopji, an operation of war, which, with her usual intelligence, she had pic/ted up during her active service. At last Jemima would? summon up enough courage and take up her position for her maternal duties, but she never was in a hurry and took her time. It did not matter whether the Squadron leader was impatiently waiting for a new-laid egg for breakfast or not, there she stolidly sat. She would look somewhat rufl'led when a. rude hand would gently remove her to see whether it. was nn fuit accouipli, but that was all.

One morning she did a real big thing. The Speckled Hen ran in, in a great hurry, sat down beside her, dropped an egg and ran away. Jemima looked at it, and immediately appropriatedit, and in due course laid another beside it. She then rose up with dignity, and drew the attention of the Squadron leader, looking as important as a Duchess at the opening of Parliament-,—her white feathers smudged here and there, looking, with a stretch of imagination, like Royal Ermine. The supreme happiness of Jeinima’s life occurred at Newcastle. At this place, owing to a. plentiful supply of fresh rations, she was allowed, as a great treat, to keep one of her own eggs.


excitement as the day of

hatching approached! Atlast came the result, but it \VLS not quite in order. Surely the pure white mother wouid have H. White child; but not a bit of it, as out of the egg appeared a. coal-black Kaifir chick. Jemima appeared somewhat disappointed

at first that her offspring should soevidently have taken after the paternal side oi" the family, but she soon got over that, and walked about proudly with it, sometimes nearly sQuashing it owing to the clumsy gait of her wounded limb. At last the order came for the regiment to leave Natal, and go by rail to Belfast- in tie

Transvaal. Joy at the prospect was universal throughout the regiment, although Jemima was to all appearances unmoved. Six long days and nights on the train brought us to Belfast. from where we were ordered ona three

weeks' trek to the north, to return viii

Roos Senekal to Middleburg. This was the only trek which Jemima. never did with the regiment, and she, together with her ill-fated offspring and companions, was left behind. It was here that the awful massacre took place, and Jemima's life must have hung on it thread. It was not until the regiment returned to Middleburg that news came to hand that Jemima was the sole survivor of the chicken run. What had become of the others, was always wrapped in mystery ; but it was said that the Bandmztster, who was left he ‘ hind, also liked chickens, and it was whispered that he gloated

over the massacre of the

Innocents, as Catherine de Medici did over the Huguenots, but with his joy enhanced by

the thought of gastric joys to come. They were greatly missed, much more it is said. than all the defaulter sheets which were

mysteriously burnt zit Belfast,-—perhaps to light the



roasted the Speckled

Hen. Henceforth Jemima trekked hard with the regiment. She took it all philosophically, butit hadits effect on her physically, as from that time onwards she resolutely refused to lay an egg. The reason of this, she keptto herself,~—it may have been that she

lost heart after the sad death of her only child, or the discomfort of the continual trek '1

with the impossibility of making a. nest, or even perhaps it was anno domini‘ beginning‘ to tell. As regularly as clockwork Jemima was the first article to be lifted otf the Oflicers' Mess wagon, and was always the last t0 get mounted,





stillliked to be chaste as in her youth, es‘ pecially when the officers had rather lingered



over their breakfast and the meSs wagon late. She must, manya time, have carri ed life in her hand when so many hung ry were about, and it is wonderful how

escaped the

was her men she

cookingpots of the lawless

Driscoll’s scouts. But she certainly had a look of toughness, and a kind of ‘bre ak-yourteeth ’air about her, which probably stoo d her

good stead. At Bloemfontein, atthe close of the war, she settled down to a quiet existenc e for a time, but she stubbornly refused to entertain for one moment the idea of laying an egg. At last the regiment was ordered home , and it seemed a matterof course that both ‘Sco ut’ and ‘Jemima’ should accompany it. Jemi ma took to the sea at once, old soldier as she now

was, and took her promenade like anybody else. . But now the supreme tragedy of her life was at hand. She was colonial born, and was about to see the motherland for the first time The shores of England were actually in sight as the transport came steaming up the Channel. All was excitement and expectation on board, and Jemima was up betimes to view the land on the port how. The sailors a 1d deck swabbers were washing down the decks, when, sad to relate, Jemima was caught

by the hose, flapped on to the rails and went over board to a watery grave. It was a cruel and tragic death, when nearlv at the end of her active service, but she still lives in the memories of those who served with her, and she will never be forgotten by the regiment whose fortunes and

vicissitudes she had followed throughout the greater part of the Boar war. E. M. Scene: Pontoon Bridge, an early morning in February Red Patrol: “Hi, you can’t come over

this bridge. I’ve blown it up, ” Khaki Patrol : “ All right, don’t worry. I’ve just mended it. ”



AN ARTICLE WITH EXTRACT FROM 1 “ THE PIONEER.” SHOOTING. There have been many indicati ons of changes to take place this year in the competi-

tions which are managed by the Arm y Rifle Association at Home and in India. The changes are entirely in favour of shooting under approximate service conditions, inst ead of at bull‘s-eyes. Tne wishes of the Army councilseem to have been considered even to the smallest details. The School of Musketry are excluded from the Army Championship and “ Methuen ” Cup, and are given the “ Roupel " and “ Watk in ” competitions instead, as a sort of solace. The “ Watkiu " is a team match for technists, the " Roupel," an individual competit ion;

while both have entrance fees equal to the biggest matches at Bisley.

The contests, as

reconstructed, are all practical, and the art

of rifle shooting, as a pastime in the army , has received a heavy blow. Any attempt by the National Rifle Association to carry out this new system would kill the general interest in rifle shooting. There is no widespread interest in so-called practical rifle shooting; it is all a rush to the

range—get down—~seven rounds as quick as you caanerhaps you hit, perhaps not—get up and go home. After a performance like this, ask yourself how much more you kno w about your rifle, ammunition, sights, wind, light, atmosphere and your answer is ‘3

Who are always first at practical shooting at Hythe? The best bull’s—eye shots are always first. There is no doubt that the Army Rifle Association has been built up by the United

Service Cup at the National Rifle Association meetings. if there had been no Army team to form,we should never have had such officers as Colonels Hopton and Cowan. the Captain of the Army eight, and many others, interested in theannual match and in the development of the rifle. Now the Army eight has to be got

where and how it can.

'l‘hereis one thing

which might be done, that is, to exclude every body from firing more than a certain number of times, within a certain number of years, in any one match. By this means. fresh men would come forward, be trained, and kept in readiness, while five times the number would receive education in practical and technical shooting. Thus the shooting of

the army, even of the nation, would be improved. In America, a. man, who has competed three times in the “ State Teams Match,” is barred from competing again; for this reason the country secures a. great number

of expert rifle shots, but does it get the. best representative team? There IS no restriction placed on individual matches, where the man

pays his entrance fee and takes hls chome. . If it had not been for bull’s-eye competition, we would not now have the experts at Hythe and in the Inspection Departments of Enfield, Birmingham, and Woolwtch: I would like to know what estimating wind allowance, observation of fire, and Judging distance is, if it is not skill with the rifle. For competitive purposes, practical shootmg means linking, and this entails the. loss of really serious interest. Thus the rifle will never be more than adrilling prop in the hands of soldiers, if the

‘bull’s-eye shooting is abolished. Musketry is shockingly neglected, and, like Japan,


HOW CETYWAYO WAS CAPTURED. At 9 A.M., on the 22nd August, 1879, a. squadron of the King’s Dragoons Guards,

with Captains Giblings and Godson, Lieutenant Alexander, ten men of Lonsdale’s Horse, under Lieutenant Werge, Lieutenant Bu rney,

Royal Dragoons, and the whole under command of Major Matter, King‘s Dragoon Guards, left Ulundi on a patrol, the object of

which was generally understood to be the attempted capture of the fugitive kingCetywayo.

Two patrols were already out under Major Barrow and Captain Lord Gifford, V.C., and at the drift on the Black River six companies of the 60th Rifles, with some mounted infantry and natives, underthe command of Brigadier, General Clark, were posted about 7 RM.

On that evening we reached the drift, where we bivouacked for the night. Next morning, accompanied by General Clark, we started off to make a friendly call on Usibels, who had shown some hesitation in giving himself

up. On the 24th we met him on his way in, as he had received information of our intended visit, which he did not seem to appreciate. He was mounted on a strong pony, accompaniv ed by some fifty followers, armed with old rifles, assegais, and shields. They went on to Ulundi, and the squadron returned to the Black Umerloe, which we reached on the morn-

ing of the 26th at 10 RM,

That night a spe-

Germany and America, we must lure on the would-be rifle shot with attractive com— petitions, and whilst holding his personal

cial messenger arrived from Ulundi, and Ma-

interest, teach him service condition work, But, in the desire for betterment, the

structions. At6A.M., on the 26th, the squadron, with twentyfive natives of Barton’s Regiment, left


has lurched to an extreme.

jor Marter received orders to march the first

thing in the.morning with other private in—

Surely well organized Squadron Rifle Clubs, throughout the regiment, would increase our interestiu the fast dying rifle shooting. A system could be adopted, by which the winner of a Sergeants’ or Corporals’ “Spoon Shoot," would carry his penalty in Squadron Club Competitions, whilea. graduated scale

the drift, and following the path through the bush struck ofi in a north-easterly

'of handicapping iiair chance.

large kraal. A slight drizzle fell during the early part of the night and none of the officer.

would give every body a.

direction, directly we'were clear of it; no-

thing occurred of any interest that day. daylight, next


morning, the 27th, we were

again on the move, and that night we halted on the top of a steep range of hills, close to a



E A (+1.14; ,

THE seemed very sanguine except the Major who kept his information, whatever it was, quite

to himself.

We had not been able hitherto

to obtain the slightest hint from the natives as to the whereabouts of the king.

At day—

light, on the 28th, we saddled up justfilling the nose-bags with mealies which-the natives

had supplied with very bad 01 ace


round to the north and describing nearly a horse shoe, we came to a steep descent where every one had to dismount and lead theii horses.

other kraal, about two miles off, situated 011 the top of a plain looking down into the valley of the Nejoine fo1 est The aspecc of the country had now chang ed altogether, hithe1 to it had been very monotonous, nothing but a succession of undulating hills covered with rough grass, a. good deal ’of which had been burnt. Now

the country


green and dotted here

and there with clumps of t1ees the Nejoine fo1est forming the backgiound O11 ou1 ap p1'0aching this kraal, the guides signed to

When half-way down a native came up with a note from Lord Gifford to Captain Maurice;

Major Martei to halt his men clase undei the edge of the forest and then beckoned to him

He handed it to M ajo1 Marter who 1ead it, the contents weie to this effect: ‘Have got on the hack again; hope to take him to night; you might have given me the tip befo1e f01 ‘ Auld

to follow them, and leading the way th1ouch a

Lang Syne ’ "; there was more in the note, but nothing to give the slightest clueto the ob’«

:ject of our search.

At the bottom of this hill

there was a delicious stream where we watered the horses, then let them graze for an hour.

As we were about to move off again, a Zulu apMajor Marter peared coming towards us. entered into conversation with him through the interpreter, and just as he was going, the Zulu said to the interpreter, “Which way is

strip of wood they pointed toa th1cll bush 01e1 hanging the valley about fifty yards on, sign. ing to the Major to go on to it. When he did he perceived a kraal oftWelvehuts surrounded by a wattle fence in the valley below; on his return he ordered all the men to draw their swords and leave their scabbards behind with

the led-horses and mules, This was to prevent the clanking of the swords giving any warning.

He also told our natives to strip so as to ap-

pear as much as possible like Zulus, and

going over that hill in front,” and then the

left a sergeant and eight men to take charge of everything. This done, he told the men that from all he could gather the king was in the terrace below in the valley, and that his

native said, “ I think that you had better go

capture depended on them obeying silently and

'round that way (pointing to the right), as the wind blows from there today: 1 have had my

quickly any order they might receive, they

would have to lead their horses down the side

Say.” He then turned round and walked off.

of the mountain through the forest and when

This hint was promptly taken and every one became very keen, as Major Marter told the

they arrived at the edge of the bush they

dflicers that he thought there was a very ’Tg’ood chance of their taking the king. We then

The right t1oops unde1 command of Captain Godson extended to the left and came up on

worked East round the hill, and after a steep

the left of the kraal.

:the rukos going?” Major Marter said, “Iam

place, there was a drop of some feet off a rock

with a nasty landing ; in fact, to men in cold blood it would have appeared almost impossible to have got horses down at all. Eventual-

ly all reached the bottom of the hill in safety, and though several horses slipped up none were much damaged. The forest extended, to within 400 yards of the kraal; there was a most convenient knoll between it and us, so

that the inhabitants were unable to see any one approaching from our side until we were quite close. Directly every one was clear of the forest, Major Marter gave the word to mount, he then waited for the guides who had crawled through the long grass to see if all was right On their return they appeared greatly excited, signing t0 the Major to go on, he accordingly gave the order to advance at a walk as long as they were hidden by the knoll. On arriving at the top he gave the word to

gallop andled the way himself. The ground between the forest and the kraal was rough and stony, one man came to grief through his

horse putting his foot in a hole and rolling

i-Maj‘o‘v‘r Mar'ter told the guides- 10 show the way, which proved to be a rough one, being

then'told to request His Majesty to step out-

would have to ride about a qua1te1 of a mile




under command of Captain Gatling. while the

halted a little distance off and the Major with l'therin'térpreter rode up to the kraal, which,

natives were Sent lound by a circuitous route

"by the way, belonged to Ummungamane, who

the valley. When these preparations were/completed,

had 's'u'1 rendered some days befo1e. Major Marter asked for two guides, and two young men got up immediately andled the way to an-

We all dismounted

over him. As the cavalry appeared in sight of thevkraal, our natives showed themselves in the very nick of time on the other side. Carrying out Major Marter’s instructions, we rapidly and completely surrounded the kraal. The inhabitants who numbered twenty-three were standing at the very narrow entrance to the enclosure and armed—some with assegais, and some with rilles. Major Marter went inside the enclosure with the interpreter. Unkoosana, an induna of the Uuodwergo Regiment, who had stuck to C e t y w a y 0 throughout his flight from Ulundi, was told by the interpreter to show Major Marter in which but the king was, this he did (it was the third hut to the right of the entrance) and was


climb came to a kraal three miles on.

simply a cattle path.

and advanced by single file, leading our horses down a very steep incline, strewn with rocks and stones, here and there a huge trunk ofa tree barred the path, at another

to the left to cut off all chances of escape down



side and show himself. The king at first 1efused to do so, saying, that he was afraid that, directly he put his head out of the hut, he

would be immediately shot.

When assured

that his life was safe, he coolly asked, “ What rank does the officer hold to whom I am to; surrender ?” Major Marter replied that he. was the representative of the Commander- inChief. Mr. Oftento, themte rpreter, and sonf of the Missionary at Ekome, who had knowri Cetywayo since he was a boy, then spoke to him. Cetywayo immediately recognised his voice and called to him by name, asking if it was safe for him to come out. On being as- , sured in the affirmative, he appeared crawling out of the hut in the usual Kaffir fashion, on

his hands and knees. He wore a Moncha made of skins, and hadaring on his head, the upper part of his body was covered with a large red table-cloth embroidered. with green flowers, fastened at the neck in front and hanging over his shoulders. Directly he stood up, alldoubts as to his being the king were set at rest, as at a glance we.

could see his superiority, both in appearance and carriage, to all other Zulus. He looked round on every one with the greatest scorn and stalked majestically into the middle of the kraal. Six dragoons were dismounted and told off as his guard, with loaded carbines.

Cetywayo was informed that if he tried to escape he would be shot ; he was then marched outside the enclosure, while the huts were searched. Amongst the an ticles found were several Ma1tini Henry rifles, nearly all of which belonged to the lst/ 24th, a battered bugle and a private 3

Glengarry cap, a few

very fine assegais, including two belonging to the king, which were found in his hut and a which central-fire gun, double-barrelled Major Marter kept, to the great disgust of the officer who found it. Three of the king5 orirls we1e in one but wives and three youngg and were told they might accompany the kingif they liked. These women were all young, from twelve to twentyfive years of




age, the wives and two girls were tall and well developed, with pleasant-looking faces, the third girl was quite a child. They were all extremely well dressed in the height of Zulu

Lieutenant Burney, with a note to BrigadierGeneral Clark, who was still in the Black Umerloose Drift, asking for a mule cart and

fashion which is easy of descripton, consist-

Draya Kraal about five miles from the drift. This kraal which was deserted, belonged to

ing, of little more than astring of beads. When all the huts were searched, the king‘s followers were taken out of the kraal and,

two companies of the 60th Rifles to be sent to

the king, and Major Marter said he would endeavour to reach it that night.


with a guard of mounted men on each side of

slowly up the valley we crossed a stream,

them, were told to follow the king whose women carried his blankets and mats on their heads.

then turning in a southerly direction over a range of hills we came up to the kraal, where

Lord Gifford had halted the previous day.

Barton’s natives Were sent on as an advance

Here we made a short halt for breakfast ;

guard, while

Major Marter



the king with a drawn sword between his

leg and the saddle, and a loaded revolver in his hand. The grim features of the aged

during the rest of the day we made but slow progress, until at dusk we came up to a very steep and rocky pass ; we all dismounted and led our horses—it was a difficult task getting

Parade ; he told him to send out flanking parties for 200 yards on each side to prevent any one approaching the king. After waiting half an hour the flankers and an advancedguard were sent out under an officer.

The officer of the King’s Dragoon Guards had the honour of personally guarding the king. This great privilege being denied the other two officers, though they were present

at the capture and were with the patrol from the time that it started. A large concourse of all ranks had turned out to witness Major Marter’s triumphant entry and the flankers had no easy task to keep every one outside


Major Were lit up by a smile of triumph as

the troop horses up.

he gave the word to march that evening, for it was not until 4-30 P. M. that everything was in readiness for the start. We only advanced

confusion made by the horses slipping and struggling about on the rocks; nine men and one woman made their escape, and though

three miles, entirely owing to the reluctance

several shots were fired at them, owing to

Twohours later Cetywayo and all his fol lowers looked for the last time on Ulundi, as

the darkness, it was impossible to see if any

they were taken away in an ambulance drawn

of Cetywayo to move beyond a snail-pace. In fact, after Major Marter had repeatedly

During the noise and

wayo turned to the ninterpreter, and said :—

the Draya Kraal at 7-30 P.M., having been on

“‘ Why does not the officer shoot me. I would

gave rise to the rumour that the king asked to be shot. ‘ About duSk we arrived at a small kraal

the march since daylight. Here we found two companies of the 60th. Just as we came to the kraal another of the king’s followers tried to escape, but was shot by the Farrier-Sergeant of the King’s Dragoon Guards. The king and his followers were safely placed in two huts,

and the headman' was ordered to

and a strong guard posted over them.

have killed a man long ago, if he had not obeyed me better." This speech probably


two huts for the reception of the king and

We were off again at daylight next morn:

his followers. Accordingly the two largest huts were cleaned out, and although the king at first objected to enter the hut until

ing, the king riding in a mule cart though he

his own attendants had cleaned it out, yet

after a halt of three hours again proceeded

when he was once inside he was soon made comfortable. The king and his six women were put into one' but , Umkoorana and the

on our way, still accompanied by two com-

showed at first much disinclination to enter it. We reached the Black Umerloon at 8 A.M.. and

panies of the 60th Rifles.

tunate enough to effect the capture of the king, especially after their having been left behind when Lord Chelm’sford advanced on Ulundi. Major Marter received hearty

congratulations from Sir G. Wolseley and all his staff. Next day the terms of peace were read over to a large number of assembled chiefs, and the Zulu war may be said to have ended with the capture of Cetywayo on the 28th August, 1879.

PATROL DUTY 1N INDIA. It is not often in India one is able to experience long-distance work owing to the

adverse conditions of the'weather.

himself slept across the door of the king’ S, At daylight next morning, every one was on the move, Major Marter sent on‘an officer,

ordering Major Marter to wait outside for a. shorttime, as the troops were on Church

posted round the two huts and Major Marter

Every one was extremely glad

that the King’s Dragoon Guards were for-

That night we

bivouacked nine miles from Ulundi. On the morning of the 31st, we marched soon after daylight and On arriving near the camp received a message from General Colleyes

rest into the other hut; a strong guard was

into the tent prepared for him.

by ten mules.

told him to steplout, but with no effect, Cety<

were hit. As soon as it was found that the king was safe, we pushed on and arrived at

Eagle would be interested to know of my

experience during the time I was away. A patrol had left the regiment a fortnight previous, and as it had returned, the experience they had gained was passed on to us, and of course we made good use of it. The object of the patrol was to find a manoe-

uvre ground south of Sultanpur.

The heat,

asa rule, is too great for men and horses,

while the water is also very bad. Since Iwas lucky enough to take part in

the long-distance patrol this month, I thought some Of the readers of our now popular

The coun-

try was thoroughly reconnoitred, -but it was found to be absolutely unsuitable, for the following reasons. —

(i) In a dry year there is no water-supply. (ii) In a wet year, it would be impossible, owing to the low-lying ground near

Sultanpur which would be under

Two tents had been pitched to the left

front of the headquarter camp and to them Cetywayo was brought. The cavalry halted and the 60th forming two lines on each side of the tents, the king walked between them


water, owing to rice cultivation. The land round Partabgarh is very much cultivated. (iv) There is no grass or forage to be got. (v) No tract of open ground suitable for manoeuvring.


Our orders were to march as light as possible. Each man was to take two horses, one to be ridden, the other to be used to carry enough forage to last us for three days. After this we were to endeavour to live on what we could obtain from the different

villages through which we passed.

The old

idea of a numnah and blanket was discarded,

in its place we had one saddle rug and a sleeping blanket placed under the saddle. we found to be a great success.


On the saddle-horse practically nothing was carried. The led-horse (besides carrying four nose-bags) carried thirty pounds of com. This was put in a sack sewn up at both ends,

with a slit in the centre, which was laced up. This improvised “sea-kit bag” was then strapped across the saddle. We tried a new experiment for carrying our rations and cook ing utensils. Each patrol engaging an ekka for this purpose. We found that even on our longest marches these could keep up with us, and, more often than not, arrived first in

camp. It is not my intention to give a detailed


‘ ....._.....,,.‘_;‘,>



ideou‘nt 'hfl'éach day’s march, as it is tOO wearisome; but I will roughly sketch the march-es“ made. . "The‘batrol, which consisted of two officers and “eight men, started from Lucknow on Monday, 30th March, at 5 A.-M.', and marched to Sulempur, a distance of eighteen miles. The

morning was very hot, and what with the packs Working off and other little annoyances

which are experienced on ' the first day’s march of every journey, our pace was very

slowi’ We arrived at 9-30 A.M. and camped for the “day. marched

We moved off again at 4-30 P.M..

to Haidaghar,



of twelve

miles, and arrived at 6-30 RM. We found that it was impossible to obtain the grass, which we had ordered in advance, as the country was barren from the drought.

On Tuesday we struck camp at 5 AM. The road was good,and, benefiting from the experiences of the day before, we were able to move at a much faster pace. We reached

Jagdispur, a march of twenty miles, by 9-30. Here we made our mid-day halt, moved off

again at 4-30 and marched to Moosafl'akhana, adistance of twelve miles, where we stayed for the night. Itis a very large village, but

the water is very bad, even when boiled. The following morning we marched twenty-four

miles to Sultanpur and arrived there at 830. The road— was in good condition, the weather Lerribly hot, and wind behind us, and altogether it was our most trying march. About three miles before we reached camp, one of the horses fell down, overcome with the heat but after a short rest he washable to march linto

camp. We stayed here until 430 the following evening, when we made a short march to Pipapur, a distance of seven miles. On Friday morning we marched sixteen

half~heartedly. We wired into Lucknow and hada small amount of forage forwarded by rail. This, combined with the forage alread y bought, sufiiccd to form a fairly satisfactory feed. We were unlucky at this camp, for‘

miles, and camped for the day. We moved off again at 4-30‘P.M. and marched toGaurigani, a

MUSKETRY. On Tuesday, the 17th of March, the" annual “best shot" of the Sergeants and of the Rank and File took place. The Sergeants‘ competition was exciting up to the very last shot, when Sergt. Rapkin, last year’s winner, only had to hit the target to win. He scored an outer, theonly’one he made. The competition is, seven shots to count at two, tive,' and six hundred yards The result of the shoot

distance of eight miles,*where we stopped for

was :—

two men reported sick, and had to be sent by train to Lucknow.

On Saturday we started

at 5.30, marched to Amethi, about twenty-two

the night. The next day, Sunday, we made our longest march to Rae-Bareli, a good thirty; one miles, which we completed without halt~ mg, except occasionally to water our horses

and arrived at

9-45 RM.

On Monday, we

made two marches of twenty-one and eiaht miles to Nigohan. The following moruibnO' we broke camp at 5 A.M.and marched straio hbt in to Lucknow, arriving at 8 A.M., a distahce of twenty miles.

The horses

arrlved back in a better condition than they were in when they left Lucknow. V The following points were learnt :-— 1. During the march it is necessary to water horses every ten miles. Water can be had from the small irrigation trenches which surround the fields, or can be drawn from wells, but this is very tedious.

2. During the first two days horses are inclined to be off their feed, so the scale of feed-

ing is necessarily small. As soon as they are used to the work,

they require good feeding to keep them in condition, 161bs. being only just sufficient. 4. The best mode of marching in the warm weather was found to be, trot for six or

miles to Eartabgarh and arrived at 8 o’clock

seven miles, then dismount and lead for one

Here we obtained a small amount of dhooh grass, the first obtainable on our journey. we

mile alternately.

had been feeding the horses for the last two

days on barley and bran, bought at Sultanpur, but it was very poor and the horses only ate it

In conclusion, I should like to say that at this time of year it is really too hot for this sort of work, but in the cold weather it would be enjoyable. ’

. 89 points.

Sergt. Rapkin. 1st R. Q. M S Sykes, 2nd

.. 88

Sergt. Thompson, 3rd

.. 87

Besides winning this competition for the second year in succession, Sergt. Rapkin was well up in the “De Lisle Sword,” and “ Best man-at-arms" at the Divisional Assault-atArms. Let us hope he performs the “hat

trick" next year. Below we publish score of this and last year's : 1907 1908

..5,3.i,‘30. ..—30.

500 2.l,»i.5.3.i.rl—2G. 3,4,‘-2‘J.

1.1. 4.4.:

600 .3—31. 30.


Total 87. Total 89.

In the rank and tile shoot, Corpl. Hughes was first with 81, and Corpl. Ratciii’fe second with 79. On Thursday, the 7th, the Sergeants had a “Spoon Shoot," which resulted in'the lst

Spoon going to Sergt.

chief features of their innings were Marlow’s careful cricket, Sergt. Fisher’s bowling, and Sergt. Jeffrey’s very fine righthanded catch, in the slips, which disposed of Corpl. Seaton. In the Second innings, the “O. and S.”

started badly by los ing2 fir 5, but a useful partnership realised about 60 runs before it was dissolved. . Sergt. Rapkin played Well for

his 39. The innings 'closed at 106 ; this left the “ Rest" 95 to get. Neil bowled steadily and took 4 for 1‘1. The “ Rest” easily accomplished their task, but not, before they had lost 4 wickets.



The patrol was a great success.


,_ ‘89


OFFICERS AND Sanenax'xs. Second Inning/5e.

First Innings.

Sergthlfx-ey run out .. l'J pld on Seaton Lieut. Hodgson L‘ & b 6 c and b Neil Seaton ‘f Rube h Seaton .. If; h Neil Sergt. Rapkin c Seaton 5 0 Arnold Edis Batcman .. Fisher c & 1) Runkin .. 1:? c Arnold Neil ‘3 not out Lieut. Miles b Neil 3 st. Welch Seaton Sergt Richmond b Neil, Licut Boustoun 0 Van1 b Seaton son Bateman .. Sergt. Sales 0 Arnold 17 1) Neil Rankin “ Collison b Ran1 c Eshmade Bateman kin 1,0 and b Seaton Sutch not out i - Extras Ertrns

Richmond, with a

score of 82, and the 2nd to Sergt. Allchin with 81. Set-gt. Mitchell shot well and made 87, but as he owed 9, he was placed third, with 78. CRICKET.

On April, the 15th and l6th, the first of the annual matches took place between the Officers and Sergeants and the Rest of the Regiment, On‘ Wednesday afternoon. the “Rest "’ won the toss and put the “ O. and S. " in to bat first. to They did very badly and only managed 3 took and make 98; Rankin bowled well, went then “Rest” The runs. 2 wickets for in, but the’light was getting very bad, and

they lost 4 for 12, before it failed entirely. On Thursday, play was resUmed at 6.15 when the “Rest ” made 10$ all out. The





’1‘ an Rusr. ‘ 3 b Sutch Pte. Armld b Collison.. 1. not out " Earl b Collison Corpl. Eshmade (1 Col1 b Sutch lison Fisher Collison c l’te. Neil 0 not out Fishvr ., Corpl. Welch l b w Jeifery .. 13 b Collison 51 did not bat Ptc. Marlow b Rapkln.. Corpl.Seaton c Jeffrey O c Miles Fisher Fisher . Edis c Hodgson “ 0 b Houstonm Fisher Ftc. Rankin L' Jeffrey 5 c Rapkin tiodgson Fisher .. 18 0 Fisher Rube Corpl. Vanson b Rankin 6 b Collison l’te. Bateman not out.. 6 Extras . , , Extras


. 10;


H i Siwwl:


. ..,.......,..,~R,,





" A ” AND “ D” rs. " B” AND “ C."

REGIMENTAL GAZETTE. This match took place on Wednesday and Thursday, the 6th and 7th, and resulted in a very exciting finish. In the first Innings of “A” and“ D” Sergt. Fisher bowled well, taking4 wickets for 14. Sergt. Jeffrey played good cricket, making runs when they Were badly needed. But, despite the efforts of Mr. Houstoun and Corp]. Wilson, “A ”


. '


HKlnight K .. _0 mes b nlght.

and “ D ” were unable to make the runs, and lost by 33.

Second Innings.

Galletly .. Bateman b Van-




b R


Turp byKne‘lilp


Lawrence c and lnm b .. Sergt. Sutch c and Bateman . Extras

. . 57


6743 Pte. MnDougall to Allahabad, 30th April, to attend an Armourer’s course at the Allahabad Arsenal.

HOCKEY. " The Houstouii. Cup.” FIRST ROUND.

4 cEshmade Bateman cEdis Esbmade



1st vs. 1st ,, 151: ,, 2nd ,, 2nd ., ‘lrd ,,


not out

2nd, a draw 3rd,3rd won 4th,4th 3rd,2nd 4th,4th 4th, adraw

sick patients. transferred to DurJeellng Station Hospital.

Regimental. Employ.

“ A ” Squadron, Inter-Troop Hockey Tournament for


No score. 3 goals to


n h n 3 goals all.

o *

5820, Pte. Nelson will be employed in the Orderly Room until further orders. Pte. Meredith will take over charge of the Maxim Gun vice Pte. Merrick. 5222, Pte. Halford Will be Orderly to Lieut. E. W. T. Miles from to-day’s date.

0 0

. . 99

and even game “ D ” managed to get the deciding goal, and won by 3 to 2. On Tuesday, the 5th of May, the first of a series of Regimental games took place. A

(3 Earl Fisher


2 b Fisher 0 not out

'Pte. Bateman c Winte 3 6

. . 71—

b Earl



was OH


b Seaton c Winter Earl

H [kiwi-10c ,5

' ' Seaton .. 1 Sergt. Jeflrey not out .. 29 Corpl. Wilson e Sales . Fisher .. 10 Pta'Rankin b Fisher .. 3 Corpl. Vanson c Collison

.J N

Edis c Collison Seaton .. 2 b Earl Lieut. Honstoun c Ratclifie Collison .. 11 c Knight Earl “ Rube pld on .. 4 stmpd Welch Earl Pte. Gulletly lbw


507:1, Sergeant Granthier to 12 years with the Colours datld 26th April. 1908 5494. shoeing smith Sutton “ " 18th Apri‘, 1903‘ 44 “ “ Welsh " ” 18th April, 1908

Married Fur/lilies m the Hit/.8. ‘. Plumb and children . Brown and child , Wallis and children Roberts " Carter " Payne “ . Sykes " Rogers " Farrell . Williams and children . Raven and child Coe "

.. Ranikliet. .. Chaubatila. .. Rauikhet. .. Chaubattia. .. Raiiikhet. .. 'ibauhattia .. Raulkliet. .. Chuubuttia. .. “ .. Ranikhet. .. “

Cc: tificates. All communications intended for publication n The Egg“

After a very fast Nursing certificates have been awarded to 5428 Pt-«< and 5276. Pte. Connett.

very moderate game ensued, which ended in a win for the “Whites” by 4 goals to one for the winners. Lieut. Rube and Sergeant

Jefirey each scored 2 goals, while Corpl.Whittingham scored for the “ Colours.” “ Whites.” 2nd-Lieut. Rube, Sergts. Fisher, Jeffrey, Rapkin, and Sutch, Corpl. Pegg, Ptes. Gatland, Coghlan, Knight, Langley, and Earl.

”Colours.” 2nd-Lieut. Hudson, Sergt. Collison, Corpls. Eshmade, Stone, Vanson, Wittingham, Ptes. Knell, Ogley, Taylor, Richardson, and Groom.


by should be addressed to the Editor. and should be accompanied the writer‘s name and address.

The Editor will not undertake to he responsible for any reject.

Furlough and leave.

ed MS. nor to return any contribution unless specially desired to do 50. Accepted matter will be paid (or at the rate of Rs. 10 per

1.000 words. or Rs. 2-8-0 per column.


.. ..

Extension of Serviw.



On April 23rd, a. friendly match took place between “A ” and “ D.”


‘Sergt. Rankin run out.. 0 hit wicket Seaton

Fisher Extras

‘ 4 . ‘5 . 15 Ii)-


”A ” vs. " D. ”

.. 0 cEdis Rankin .. 17 Extras

Fisher . Eshmade c Seato Collison ..

.. .. .. .. ..

The Wile of 5660, Sergt. 'l‘hearle, of a daughter, 9th April.


, “


Maynard Wiiszlit Leutz Briers Perkins Duckworth O’Brien


Pte. Edis not out



Armourer-Sergt. Roberts Saddler-Sergt Carter 5124. Lce —Uorpl Hughes “ Hawkins “ Ml-Lellan “ Osborne “ Ferguson 6672 “ Lockyer .. 5240 “ Uuthbertsou .. 5039 “ ROSam .. 4236. S. S. Rogers 5805, Pte. Dodds 5872 “ (lonirle 5110 Harvey 5573 Boyles 5318 ‘ Marlow 5604 Wesley 55150






This is only admissible to

non-commissioned officers and men. SUBSCRIPTIONS

Subscribers at home. for six months months Subscribers in India, for Six , at Home Nth—commissioned (zingers-and men (present mem ers o ( in India err-Royals). for Six months

Price 1 er copy to Officers



oned Price per copy to nonvcommissl omcers and men Annual subscriptions pro rata


For six months. full page For six months. halt page

For six months. quarter page For one mouth. full page For one In nth. hulf page For one mon‘h. nunrter mm»

Purl Inn.

Pte. Judge stpd Edis .. “ Puddifoot b Gal. letly .. “ Ogley c Bateman b

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5830, Pte. Scott to be Shoeing Smith vice Brown, promotcd, 16th February. 1908. 6404 “ Sutton to be shoeing Smith vice Graham. dis» charged. 29th February, 1908. 44 “ Welsh to he shoeing Smith vice Burningham, reverted, 12th March, 1908. Seaton to be Unpaid Lance-Corporal. 3131 M arch, 1908.

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”A ”vs. MB"

W Eagle. e MONDAY, JUNE 15TH, 1908.

VoL. II.

MONTHLY NOTES. Readers will have noticed that the notes under this heading have almost invariably opened with remarks—usually growls—about the weather. In case this should be regarded as becoming somewhat monotonous, we offer an explanation. There are some, knowing the delightfully surprising nature of the English climate, who will probably not readily believe that the weather of Indiais a much more important affair than that of England. The difference is that while the English weather has little or no effect upon the people, or the people’s occupations, here in India

the weather is something to be respected. At home it may rain or shine, be freezing or foggy, or snowy (or all these together——by no means uncommon), but the English man goes to business just as usual, and beyond an adjective or two, disregards it. There is no disregarding the Indian weather. It refuses to be ignored. During the monsoons the rain pours down in sheets, and no umbrella or mackintosh could make a journey possible. When the brief “cold weather” Comes round, it does not mean merely that the sun is less hot.

One‘s blood is thin after a summer on the plains, and the severe cold snipthat

ensues, paralyzes the body, so that feeling

weather. Everything speaks of it. Your reeking horse, the greasy cling of your sweatsaturated clothing, darkened rooms, punkahs, tatties, dried-up gum and ink-bottles, curledup books and papers, to say nothing of one or two minor physical discomforts, such as prickly heat, water-blisters, or boils—all keep the question of the weather a matter for daily, hourly discussion. Men meet in the evening, and compare the day’s maximum heat with that of yesterday, becoming so expert as to anticipate the meteorological report within a tenth of a degree! Writing letters, the subject of greatest importance—the weather—is first dealt with. Everything is dependent on it. Drills, meals, working hours, playtimes, all

are subservient to it. This then explains Why we immediately rush to a description of the latest sample of “ weather.”

At present we are being treated to the most trying kind—dust-storms, fierce heat, khaki-coloured skies. The sun remains hidden during the greater part of the day behind immense dust-banks, but is none the less


Gradually increasing,


thermometer has now reached 115D in the shade Unless the rain comes soon and stays such fearful increase, itis not unlikely this will be the last number of The Eagle 1

in the extremities can only be maintained by toasting oneself over a huge tire.

Fires in

the tropics!






In spite of the heat. however, work continues

in much the same manner.

The mornings up

which prevails during the summer be treated

to8 o‘clock are sufficiently cool to allow of

with indiiierence.

riding school and musketry, so the manlan presents a busy picture, calling to mind “ The people of the mist.” Only in this case the mist happens to be dust, although it does not follow, the dust is ‘ mist,’ for we consume quantities of it !

It is not a question of

discomfort, but of positive danger. Go out in the sun without your helmet—it is open to argument whether this or prussic acid is the more certain method ! You cannot get away from the weather, especially the hot





THE It is our sorrowful task to record the death of F. Q. M. Sergeant H. W. Mott, which occurred in the Station Hospital, Lucknow, on 5th instant, as the result of a heat-stroke.

The body was interred in the evening ‘of the same day, a large number beingin attendance at the grave side. He was a widower, his wife having died at Lucknow last year. The tw0

children are at home. “George” Mott joined the Royals on the 29th October, 1888, and consequently would

have completed his 21 years in 1909. He was promoted Farrier-Sergeant in 1893, and Staff Sergeant-Farrier in 1896. He served through the South African war with the regiment, where for a time he olficiated as FarrierMajor, being promoted to that rank in 1902

in the place of F. Q. M. S. Bailey. A senior member of the Sergeants’ Mess, and gifted with much sound common sense, he

School, Netheravon, where, as is well known, he was for a while Riding-Instructor. In.

paper to render the glare as agreeable

speaking of the usefulness of sucha school

possible to the eyes

in India, R. S. M. Plumb but voices a general opiniOn. In point of fact, the authorities have. for some time, had the matter under consider,ation, and we‘ understand it has now been

practically decided to abolish Mounted Infan-

the absence of any better explanation ! As, however, the stock of paper from which our original colour was taken is almost exhausted and no more can be procured, we have decided for the present to retain the green cover. ‘

try schools and start a Cavalry school early 1n the coming year. >

We have recently unearthed an old Royal in

“ The Afghan Wars of 1838 and 1878,” the article which forms part of this month’s Eagle, is of much interest at a time like the

present, when the eyes of the world are turned towards the Indian Frontier, and when only a few weeks ago there was every indication of another Afghan war. Though brief, the article contains all the chief points of the two cam.

paigns and the events which led up to them, and we thank Colonel de Lisle for his contri-

of the Mess.


He was a man of much intelli-

quite common to hear, if a story had to be told:

“Let old George tell it!” Poor “old

George I"

Requz‘escat in pace/

We have just seen a copy of The Flag, a

paper got up by the council of the Union Jack Club with the object of deriving funds from its

sale to provide an additional 150 beds at the club in London, and to establish a source of revenue to enable them to found clubs in

This month will witness two events of some importance. The first is the anniversary of Waterloo Day, June 18th. As our read ers are aware, on this day annually the regi« ment is presented with a wreath by the Emperor William, our Colonel-in-Chief, to com. memorate the famous occasion on which Prussians and English combined to overthrow Na— poleon. No intimation as to who will perform the ceremony in the Emperor’s name has

The admirable

reached us up to the time of writing, but an officer from the Ger man Consulate-General in

cause alone should be sufficient to create a large demand for copies; but, quite apart from this, the paper is an excellent shilling's worth. The most distinguished authors and

India will most likely be sent The other event is the King’s Birthday celebration parade which will be held on the 26th instant.

artists have contributed—moreover, have generously given their work free, as also have

It will have been noticed that the cover of

different parts of the empire.

printers, publishers, advertising agents, etc. The Flag is unique in having been produced entirely free of cost, An article by R. S. M. Plumb will be found in this number dealing with the new Cavalry


This must suffice in

14-2 and under, over 1,400 yards, riding the same owner’s Little Gallant, he was placed first out of a field of twelve, “ making a great race,” as the Pioneer describes it. Mr. Charrington is spending a short‘leave in Simla, as are also Captain Lambert and Mr.


Congratulations to Captain Sandbach and Mr. Cosens.

the person of Charlie Ansell, who is at pres-

represented an integral part of the backbone gence, possessing a bright wit and a genial soul, and was renowned as a raconteur. It was



ent 1st class Staff Sergeant-Major, A. S. C., chief clerk to the General Officer Commanding, Ceylon, and Garrison SergeantMajor, Colombo. Ansell joined the Royals in Longford in .881, and was made Sergeant in 1889, leaving the regiment in April, 1890, from Colchester. to join the office of the newly—established l. G. 0., Great Britain and Ireland, under Lieutenant-General Sir D. C. Drury-Lowe (recently deceased). He joined the corps of military staff clerks, and was transferred to the A. S. 0. He served in the Ashanti campaign in 189506 and in the late South African war with the 2nd Division,

by the Regiment to the remainder of the garrison, was held on Wednesday evening, the 10th instant, at the back of the regimental theatre, the attendance being far in excess of any we have seen at these entertainments before. The evening was not too hot, there was no dust, the programme was good, and went without a bitch, and to judge by the reception accorded to the performers, the whole show was greatly appreciated. Major Makins and all the oflicers of the regiment present in Lucknow attended, as well as a number of officers of other corps. It is to

until it was turned into the Standerton-

be hoped this is but the introduction of a

Subsequently he held Heidelberg District. the following appointments :——Chief Clerk, Casualty Office, Capetown; Chief Clerk, Pretoria District; Chief Clerk, Transvaa1 District; Chief Clerk, lst Division, AlderShot, until December, 1906, when he embark-

series of such excellent hot weather amuse

ed for Ceylon.

He was in, “ l-I ” Troop under T. S. M. For man when he joined, and later served under

to sage-green, and probably many readers wondered thereat. So did we when we saw it. The printer confesses to putting up the green paper, without intention, thinking it was the usual blue I During the hot weather, all

windows are covered with green paint or




, containOf the First or the Royal Regiment of Dragoons ing an account of its formation in the reign of

King Charles the Second, and of its subsequent services to the present time. By General C. P. de Ainslie.

T. S. M. “ Jack” Boon in “B‘ ” Troop. (Continued)

From the Pioneer we learn that at the Simla Horse Show, Colonel de Lisle secured four

prizes with his horses, Prince and Marquis, our paper was last month changed from. blue

A most successful al fresco concert, given

a first and a second prize going to each. from the same source we learn of Mr_ Charrington’s success at the Simla races.

Riding Mr. Chaplain’s (10th Hussars) Tam< ring in the Staff Cup, a hurdle race over ll,

miles, he was first out of a field of four; while in the Minto Cup, a handicap for Arabs,

In February, 1720, his Majesty issued a. regulation fixing the amount of purchasemoney to be paid for regimentalcommissions, and the'following prices were established for the Royal Regiment of Dragoons :— ,. Colonel and Captain



Lieutenant-Colonel and Captain




Major and Captain ..

— --—-—...‘. _w (1..



Captain , .. Captain-Lieutenant

.. ..

1,800 1,000

Lieutenant Cornet

.. ..

800 600

.. ..

e Adjutant .. .. 200 The Lieutenant of the Colonel’s troop was styled Captain-Lieutenant. The Royal Dragoons left Yorkshire in April, 1721, for Nottingham and Derby, and

on the 19th of that month the colonelcy was



into Worcestershire and Gloucestershire. In 1731 it was stationed in Kent with detach. ments on coastduty, and in the month of March of the following year proceeded into Somersetshire, where, in the spring of 1733, it detached several parties to the towns and

villages on the Sufiolk coast, where frequent encounters took place between the military and the smugglers.

conferred upon Sir Charles Hotham, Bart., Viscount Cobham being removed to the 2nd

The various detachments being collected in May, 1734,.and the six troops assembled at Taunton, in Somersetshire, they were re-

Horse, now the 1st or King's Dragoon GuardsDuring the summer of 1722 the regiment

viewed by‘their Colonel, Major-General Gore. One troop was afterwards detached into SuS»

was encamped near Durham, and on the 12th

sex, and in August another troop proceeded to Bath, and furnished a daily guard to the Princess Amelia during the residence of Her Royal Highness in that city. In August,

of January, 1723, the colonelcy, having be-

I come vacant by the death of Sir Charles Ho~ tham, was conferred upon Brigadier-General

Humphrey Gore, from the 10th Dragoons,

1738, the five troops in Somersetshire march‘

the present Hussars.

ed to the north, there to be under the command of Lieutenant~General Wade, com manding the forces in Scotland; butin April, 1737, they returned to England to be quartered in Lancashire, and during the following summer the six troops were. stationed in Essex and Kent with detachments on coast duty. In July, 1739, the Royal Dragoons were ordered to call in their detachments and to

Prince of Wales’s Own Royal

"I‘he regiment was stationed in Nottingham. shire and Derbyshire in 1724, and in the following year it furnished a detachment to assist the revenue officers in their duties on the coast. In October, 1726, it was stationed

in Sussex and Essex.

In this year the Royal

Dragoons were augmented to nine troops of 852 oificers and men, and were selected to form part of the force of 10,000 men to be furnished by England in aid of the States-

General in their war with the Emperor of

take up quarters at Hounslow and its vicinity where, on the 28th of that month, they were reviewed by his Majesty In the beginning

they moved into Worcestershire, and Major-

Germany, but no embarkation was required.

General Gore dying on the 10th of the month,

The demise of King George I. took place on the 10th June, 1727, and a few days previous

his Majesty bestowed

to the coronation of his successor, George II., on the 10th of October, the Royal Dragoons marched into quarters near London, and were reviewed by his Majesty in brigade with Honeywood’s Dragoons, now the 11th 01' Prince Albert’s Hussars, on Hounslow

Heath, on the 17th of the same month.


subsequently moved into Leicestershire and Derbyshire, and in the beginning of 1728 the establishment was again reduced to sixtroops. In the spring of 1730 the regiment moved

the colonelcy of the

regiment upon Charles, second Duke of Marlborough, from the 33rd Foot. In this year, the Spaniards having repeatedly violated the existing treaties in regard to the trade of England with America, King George II. declared war against Spain, and the establishment of the Royal Regiment of

Dragoons was augmented to 438 officers and men. In May, 1740, the colonelcy, vacant by the removal of the Duke of Marlborough to the second troop, now second regiment of Life



Guards, was conferred, on the 12th of that month, upon Major-General Hawley, from the 13th Dragoons, the present 13th Hussars. During the summer the regiment Was en-

of infantry, dashed headlong upon the British Horse, but the Royal Dragoons undauntedly

camped with three other regiments of cavalry

and captured a standard taken by a sergeant

and six of infantry. near Newbury, and afterwards near Devizes, under the orders of General Wade. In October it went into Leicestershire. In November, 1741, the Royal Dragoons moved into Somersetshire, and when, in the summer of 1742, King George II. sent 16,000 men into Flanders under Field-MarShal the Earl of Stair, for the purpose of .assisting Austria against France, Bavaria and Prussia the regiment was selected for this service: and after being reviewed by his Majesty on Hounslow Heath, they embarked in August, and on arrival in Flanders they were quartered in the cavalry barracks at Ghent. Leaving Ghent in February, 1743, the regiment marched into Germany, and in June it encamped with the other forces near Aschaf-

of the right squadron. It was of white satin embroidered with gold and silver; in the

fenburg on the River Maine, where they were joined by the King and the Duke of Camber. land. On the 26th of June the army marched on Hanau, a town of Hesse-Cassel, the Royal Dragoons forming part of the advance column, and while on the march the French army commanded by the Due de Noailles, showed itself in position near the village of DettingenS in Bavaria. His Majesty immediately made his dispositions for attack, the Royal Dra. goons, under Lieutenant-Colonel Naizon, being

met them in mid-career,’ overthrew their squadrons, cut them down with terrible effect,

centrea Sheaf of nine arrows tied witha wreath, with the motto Altering Jovz’s alrera tela. The lance was broken, the standard

stained with blood. and the comet carrying it was killed without falling, being buckled to

his horse, and the standard buckled to him. The regiment was afterwards engaged with

the French Household troops, and although without cuirasses was again victorious over its steel-clad opponents, and received the thanks of his Majesty, himselfa Witness of






French army was overthrown, and fled from the field with great loss. In this battle the Royal Dragoons had six men and thirty-four horses killed and ten wounded, and the regiment has been authorised to bear the word “Dettingen” on its guidon in commemoration of its services on that occasion.

.LTa be continued.) THE NEW CAVALRY SCHOOL. BY R. S. M. PLUMB. Many of the readers of The Eagle are doubt~ lessly unaware that a few years ago, the 01d

Riding Establishment at Canterbury was

near the right of the line, LieutenantGenerai

broken up.

Hawley, colonel of the regiment, in conjunc. tion with Lieutenant-General Cope, commanded the second line of Horse during the battle—London Gazette, 16th July, 1743, The French advancing to attack the left of the allies, the action soon became general, and the English cavalry encountered the cuirassiers with varied success. The mousquetaires noirs, acorps d’mte of French cavalry, separating themselves f:om

organised school has been started.

their line, and passing between two columns

Canterbury style, which had previously found

In its place

a new and wellThis is

the Cavalry school, at Netheravon, a quiet little village on the banks of the River Avon,

in Hampshire. The officers and non-commissioned officers, who are selected to undergo training, receive a great amount of useful and sound instruction in the new system of training the recruit and remount. This new system of instruction

is far in advance of the 01d “ cut-and-dry "


favourfor so many years. ' The mode of training the remount difiers very largely from the methods which were employed in the Canterbury school. 'In training the instructorsa much wider scope is given to the men's intellectual powers, for such subjects as Topography, Military Engineering,athorough knowledge of veterinary work and stable management, all have to be learnt. Besides these, the men have to go through fencing, and a first~class course of skill-atvarms, both of which are very important things. For the past two or three years, a good

many prize-winners at the Royal Military Tournament and at the District Tournament,

were men






by the army in India would amply repay the initial expenditure incurred in the formation of such an establish ment

Besides insuring

that each regiment had the very latest instruction, it would tend to make the drill of the cavalry more uniform and universal which would assist commanders in the ”field to a very great extent. '

SOUTH AFRICAN LETTERS. INGAGANE, NATAL, STU; June, 1900. DEAR M, We crossed the Buifalo

river at daybreak


on the lst and made our first trip into the

through the Cavalry school. It will be seen that this branch of instruction is by no means

Transvaal, reconnoitring the Doornberg and surrounding country. Nothing was seen of the enemy who had, according to the natives, trekked northwards. We retired at nightfall

neglected, while it can be safely said that the .ofiicers'aud

non-commissioned officers will

always render good account of themselves, as regards all the other things they were taught. Though the system of instruction at the Cavalry school is excellent, there is, in my opinion, one thing lacking, that is, they do not seem to make such good instructors of the non-commissioned oflicers as they did at the old Canterbury school, where they had all the Canterbury Depiit recruits to work on. No doubt 'the non-commissioned olficers

have athorough theoretical knowledge of all that is required, but when they are asked 10 put it into practice, a good many of them fail. Theoretical knowledge is an excellent thing, but when it cannot be applied, it is useless, “an ounce of practice is worth a pound of theory.3’ The regiments in India are certainly losing agood deal .by not having tneir men put through a school of this de-



lfit were possible, 1 think that a school, run on the same lines as Netheravon, should be established in India, where both British and Native non-commissioned oflicers could

be trained. I am sure that the benefit reaped

and bivouacked on the Natal side of the river. During a night march, on the 2nd instant, news of the death of Captain Hardman Was quietly passed along the ‘column. He was the officer who saved the trumpeter during the action at Rustenburg, mentioned in a previous letter, and escaped the bullets there,

only to fall a victim to enteric‘fever. His death is a great loss to the regimen t, and is deeply regretted by all ranks] . We arrived here (Ingagane) on the 4th instant, having experienced a fairly rough time

since leaving frosty

Blauwbank : bivouacking in

weather with one blanket is

means a luxury, and a


tinned beef and biscuit washed



course of



muddy water gets monotonous, so our satisfac-

tion at finding a well-stocked canteen—belonging to the Devons who are camped here—can

better be imagined than described. Ingagane being on the railway line, which has been repaired up to this point by temporary bridges, we get supplies of fresh meat, potatoes and bread. We also came into touch with our tents again, so that life here by com— parison is quite luxurious.

You will see by the map that we have the Orange Free State and the Transvaal on our flanks, bounded by the Drakensberg mountains and Buffalo river respectively, each‘ about twenty miles away, and consequently ‘ within striking distance. From one of our outposts, an isolated hill called Impompango, tive miles from camp, a splendid view is obtained of the Drakensbergy Majuba, the Ingogo heights, and the town ‘of Newcastle. About the 20th, 30,000 Boers were reported at Brandon’s Pass (Drakensberg). This has stirred our little garrison up Our force consists of six troops of the ltoyals, four companies Devons, and two guns, about six hun» dred men all told. Of the remainder of the regiment, one squadron is at Rooi Pyn‘t (a hill six miles north), one troop at Dannhauser (ten miles south) and one troopa few miles north-east of this camp. The Boers on the berg must be very cold. We have sharp frosts at night, but the temperature rises to 80° in the shade during the day. Besides the ordinary duties of patrols and outposts, we have been engaged in paying surprise visits to farms in search of rebels. They generally swear they have never left their farms, but they are brought in and sent to Newcastle. The Boer women are given passes to remain on the farms; they either are or pretend to be very wroth with Kruger, and say the Burghers came down and threatened to shoot the men and boys if they refused to go on commando and fight the English. These Dutch farmers are a surly lot, and profess not to understand English. However, “ one touch of nature makes the whole world, kin.” One of our corporals visiting a farm

with a patrol found a soft spot in one “ old Dutch.” After the usual questions and sharp answers, the corporal noticed and admired a pretty child, the daughter of the house, and



and henceforth no patrol visits that farm

without receiving a. smile and a cup‘of coffee ." A commando of Boers have been reported to ’ be at De Jagers Drift, Buffalo river, so now we have them on both sides. Yet our patrols‘ have seen nothing. I wonder if anything of this kind happens: hungry Kaifir arrives at British camp, rolls his eyeballs and, point-‘ ing to sbme remote paint of the compass, tells! of Boers as numerous as blades of grass. gets a good feed, and departs quite pleased with: himself. On his way to his ancestral kraal he meetssome of his blood-relations and tellsthem of “plenty good scoff,” and presently somemore dusky “scouts " arrive at the outposts, rubbing their “drums” with a smile of anticipation. Anyway, patrols are constantly being sent out twenty and thirty miles and return weary, hungry, and thirsty, to report “ nothing seen.” Yours, OLnOL

THE. AFGHAN WA RS OF 1838 AND 1878: By Colonel H. deB. de Lisle, C.B., D. S. 0.

At the present time when the eyes of our

Empire are directed to Kabul, the seat of the Amir’s government in Afghanistan, it may be of interest to review the military opera-

tions which have already been undertaken by us in that country.

The political causes of the first war must be traced back to events which occurred several years before, and which culminated


the ‘ Sikh forces under

Ranjit Singh

seizing Kashmir, Peshawar, and the provino~

es» on the east bank of the Indus.


Muhammad, who was Amir of Afghanistan, was then engaged in civil wars, but as soon as he was free, he invaded the Punjab in order

to wrest Peshawar from the Sikhs.


suffered defeat at the .hands of the Sikhs.

gave her a piece of chocolate; this so pleased

be appealed for. help to the Viceroy of India.

the old girl that she gave ' the patrol coffee.

This assistance not. having been accorded,

100 Dost

THE Muhammad threatened to


apply to

Russia. In order to avert the Russian danger, India entered into an alliance with Ranjit Singh, and declared war against Afghanis-

tan in October, 1838. The campaign was carried out in two lines of advance, the main army of 20,000 men con— centrating at Ferozepore and moving on Kandahar by Shikarpur, the Bolan Pass, Quetta and Chuman. The difficulties of this line of advance, prior to the existence of railways, was enormous, and by the time Kandahar was reached, 20,000 camels had died, and the strength of the fighting force was reduced to 11,000 of allranks. Later on, 5,000 men march-

ed on Kabul aid Ghazni, which was captured after a fight. Dost Muhammad, on hearing of the fall of Ghazni, fled to the north of the Hindu Kush. After some time he began to collect an army and defeated our troops at ParwanDara. A year later, a fearful insurrection broke out at Kabul, and those of our oflicers who were living with their families in Kabul city, were murdered. General Elphinstone,

who was in command, was at the time prostrated by sickness, and the Resident, Mac-

Naghten, seemed quite unable to cope with the situation. Treachery followed treachery on the part of the Afghan rulers, and of the 4,500 troops and 12,000 camp-followers which evacuated Kabu', and were permitted to re-

turn to India on January 18th, 1842, only one, Dr. Bryden, reached .Ielalabad b‘ort on Janu— ary 25th, with theawful neWS of the annihi-


join him there. The arrival of the two forces was simultaneous. Kabul was burnt to the ground, and many ofthe British prisoners were recovered. Among these was the daughter of the aged General Sale. Finally Afghanistan was evacuated after a loss of 30,000 men and 50,000 camels, and an expenditure of £10,000,000.

When ,units had settled down again in their peaceful Indian cantonments, events in the wild country across our borders were soon forgotten, and the Indian Government seemed content with having thrown off the terrible Afghan trouble. There was one

brilliant exception.

That bold, old fighter,

General Nott, alone was not content. He demanded the complete subjugation of Afghanistan which alone would prevent a recur-

rence of similar wars. Subsequent history has proved the wisdom of this fine old warrior. The second Afghan war commenced in November, 1878, when an army of 35,000 men moved towards Afghanistan in three columns: by the Khyber, Kurrum Valley, and Quetta. These columns were under the command of

Lieutenant-General Sir Samuel Browne, Major-General Roberts, and Lieutenant-General Stewart, respectively. The Peshawar column reached Jelalabad on December 9th. General Roberts (now F. M. Earl Roberts)

successfully stormed the Peiwar Kotal on November 30th. After crossing the Khojak Pass, General Stewart (the late F. M. Sir

to Jelalabad Fort, and General Nott had remained in Kandahar, but the Ghazni garrison .laad suffered the same fate as the Kabul

Donald Stewart) entered Kandahar Without much Opposition on January 7th, 1879. Owing to want of transport, our columns practically came to a. standstill until the 5th of March, when, owing to the death of the Amir, all authority passed into the hands of his son



lation of the force.

In the meantime General Sale had held on

apolitical officer who was trusted alike by the Viceroy and by the Amir. The Khyber column, except two brigades, was now withdrawn to Peshawar, and orders were sent for on the the Kandahar column to withdraw which on date lst September, the earliest Pass. Bolan the h throug troops could march the treaty, mak Ganda the of terms the By or us, to ceded Kurrum Valley had been so , control h Britis under rather, plaCed remain in to d ordere was s Robert l Genera his position. ed by On September 4th, India was appall Cavof Kabul the news of the massacre at force e's Brown l Samue Sir agnari’s mission. Stewart had been broken up, and General rum Km the ately was in Kandahar,but fortun

GenField Force was in the Kurrum Valley. hurried Simla, in then was who s, Robert eral to the off to rejoin it, after sending orders and seize to nd comma rary tempo officer in Pass. hold the Shutargardan (camel's neck) of 11,500 This pass, which stands at a height of sixty ce distan a at Kabul oks feet, overlo miles. the The Amir, having been informed by been had s Robert Viceroy that Sir Frederick hing ordered to move on Kabul, did everyt

finally he could to delay the advance, and advance went to meet Roberts liimSelf. The and 1879, mber, Septe 27th the on commenced defeatreached Kabul on October 9th, after on ing the Afghans in the battle of Charasia of takin: the 0f t acctun (The 5th. October is ia Charas of the Peiwar Kotal and the battle his in s Robert Lord by clearly described in India.” interesting book “ Forty-One Years Military This book is in our Regimental

aLibrary, and contains much useful inform tion about Afghanistan.)

latter, undecided what

0f The battle of Charasia decided the fate isha Kabul, and enabled Roberts to establ

Afghanistan, but General Nott totally ignored

policy to adopt, was finally induced to come to Gandamak, and there arrange a treaty of

nications temporary base there, until commu

the command, and, on receiving reinforcements, marched to revenge the Kabul mas~ sacre, ordering General Sir Robert Sale to

peace with us. As the terms of peace were not fully agreed to by the Amir, a mission was sent to Kabul under Sir Louis Oavagnari,

the Khyber were opened with Peshawar via the season, to Owing bad. Jelala Pass and snow, and under was Pass an rgard Shuta the

Anew Viceroy ordered the evacuation of





the Kabul Field Force, as it was now called, was entirely out off from India. Of the many difficulties Roberts had to overcome, not the least, was the presence of the Amir,


Khan, in his camp. Outwardly friendly, in reality he was inciting the Afghans to resist this advance, and sending out information daily regarding the strength and movements of our force. Though the Afghans had been thoroughly defeated at Charasia, they were by no nwmis disheartened, and the fighting round-Kabul necessitated the Kabul Field Force moving into prepared entrenched lines at Sherpur It was not until December on November 1st 24th that Roberts was able to open communi» cation with Peshawar. On that date, hewas joined by General Charles Gough’s Brigade, and the Afghan lash/cars dispersed. During theSe seven weeks there had been much fighting round Kabul, some of which had been in favour of the enemy. The situation on January lst, 1880, was fairThe Kabul force was in ly satisfactory.

direct communication with India by the Khyber Pass Sir Donald Stewart's force at Kandahar was being relieved by a Bombay General Primrose, and Division under Stewart was making preparations to move on Ghazni and Kabul, to release the for ce under Roberts. The latter force was to move north to operate in Kohistan. Sir Donald Stewartleft Kandahar on March 30th and reached Ghazni on April 2lst, after a severe but successful battle at Ahmed Khel,

ten miles south of that place

He reached

Kabul on May 5th. In the meantime Yakub Khan had abdicat— ed from his seat at Kabul, and had been deported to India. The country was therefore in arms against the army of occupation, but without a ruler. Towards the end of July, 1880, it was decided to place Abdur Rahman on the Kabul He wasanephew of Sher Ali and throne

grandson to Dost Muhammad, the renowned



'1‘ H E_ E A G L11) Time will show whether he is able to con-

this ceremony, arrangements were in progress to withdraw from Afghanistan, when news arrived of the utter defeat of General

trol the warlike tribes of his kingdom. Iris to be earnestly hoped that in the event of a 3rd Afghan campaign becoming necessary

Burrows‘ Brigade at Maiwand by Ayub Khan,

it will be the last, and that the country lyinc:P

the brother of Yakub Khan, who had collected an army at Herat. Herat is 880 miles from

on this side of the Helmund river will the:

Kandahar and the strength of Ayn b Khan’s force was prObably about 10,000 men. This march, therefore, was a fine military operation culminating as it did ina signal victory at Maiwand. Of the 2.500 men of Burrows’

Brigade at Maiwand 1,100 were killed.


remnant struggled back to Kandahar, thoroughly disorganised. The only bright feature of this reverse was the magnificent

conduct of the artillery and 66111 Regiment (now the 2nd Royal Berkshire Regiment). After this disaster, Kandahar was in a state of siege, and the political situation in Afghanistan was again upset. Owing to want of t1ansport and paucity of troops at

Quetta, not to mention the inferiority of Bombay troops in those days, there seemed to be

no possibility of relieving Kandahar for some time. At Sir Frederick Roberts' suggestion it was finally decided to send the relieving force from Kabul, and Roberts was appointed to command it. In short, the Government decided to evacuate the country, Sir Donald Steward marching towards Jelalabad, and Sir Frederick Roberts on Ghazni to Kan~ dahar.

Roberts left Kabul on August 11th and reached Kandahar on August 31st. The following day he defeated Ayub Khan in the 13.1.1 tie of Kandahar, and completely dispersed the Afghan army. This was the final act of the 2nd Afghan war. The troops returned to India leaving Abdur Rahman the recognised Amir of the country. Until the day of his death he fulfilled the terms of his treaty with us, in spite of some provocation on more than

one occasion. His son, Habib Ullah Khan, now reigns in Kabul, and is not thought to be as firm a ruler as his father.

be incorporated into the indian Empire for ever. WANTED l—COPY. The Eagle has now been in existence for

over a year, and has so far been an unqualified success : but to make it continue a suc~

cess, it is necessary that we



contributors to its pages. What is wanted is that more non commissioned ofiicers and men should write short articles on any subject

which they fancy and which interests them, whether military, sporting, or personal experiences of any sort. The paper is essen—

tially of and for the Regiment. Some of 11s doubtless are shy at venturing to become authors, but i do not think that should frighten all. Everything must have a beginning, and the greatest indulgence will be shown by all readers to the aspiring efforts of their comrades. The Editor is always available for advice as to any subject and the suitability of any article Articles can always be published anonymously, and the authorship is strictly confidential. There is an idea prevalent among many soldiers that it is invidious to write, and it is said that those soldiers who have turned

authors have been useless in the field.


say, “just look at that old rotter who wrote on ‘Strategy’ Whatafailure he was !" “Look

Egyptians? What about Caesar, probably the greatest geneiai in history? He dashed into p1int, and his classic lemains the standaid wo1k at school, as every schooiooy can testify who has scratched his head 0181 “De Bello Gailico." All through the middle ages few people could Write except the priests, who wrote all the histories. Even up to comparatively recent times, few people could manage more th-tn an illiterate letter ; even the great MariBut borough could not do more than that. on‘s Napole read to only have you since then. Works, Wellington's Despatches, Napier's History of the Peninsular War, etc., and who can say tint soldiers cannot write? So many great soldiers have been men of action all their lives, andowiug to c011tinuai campaigning have not had time to put things down on paper. Take our modern Field-Marshals Wolsey, Roberts, and Evelyn Wood—ail these have written their own most interesting biographies and other well-known These show that they can works as well handle the pen as well as the sword, and bu t for their continuously active lives and want of leisure, might have done more; they all had to waitiiii the close of their careers. General Ian Hamilton also has shown that a soidie1 can write and fight as well. There is an old and well-worn saying, that

The only other requirements are lei-

and a knowledge of English.

CRICKET. REUIMENTAL STAFF 11.x. REST OF THE REGIMENT. 1211301111 ENTAI. STAFF. Lee-Cirpi. Weich, h Rankin 0 “ Seaton. c Rube, 11 Neil 1 Sergt l‘isher. c Rube, l7 Gailetyl .. .. .. '. Lt. W.’1‘Hod1,rsov1 h Eiis hergt.Colliso11 c d, h Neil .. Lt. ii Houstoun. b Gallttiy Pte Earle. b Belteman .. Corpl.Va115011.c Gailetly, n Arnoid Coxpi. Ratciifl'e, cEdwards b Edis 3 Lce. -Cor11i E: hmeade run out 3 Pic Jud1c, not out .. l Ertrus .. E Tot-.11

.. 170

not out did nor. hm, 110111111 1114mm but. 3 c 1% 11 Edwards c Rube. h Galietly . lb w b Edis .. :lpd Rube, 11 Edwards .. b Edis c Galletly. b Edis 11Galletly . Ezlras Total (7 wickets) 67

Rasr OF THE REGIMENT. Sergt. Rapkin, b Eshmeade. 6 Pte. Edis, c Esbmeade, b. Seaton Sergt. Jeffrey, c Eshmeade,b Séatou .. t .. Pte Rankin b Scaton Sergt. Edwards, c Judge, b Seaton Lt. E. All R Rube, b Seaton

b Seaton «1 1: Esbmeade, b Sea.ton . 1 c Welch, b Seaton S c Housto111z.b Coi~ iison .. l4

0 .

b Seaton 13 c Eslhmeede, b Cdi-:


c Earl b Seatnn 0 c Fisher.h(ellisoi11;' 11>1.1io1111 .. ” 1151111111.

1s011111 Corpl. Wilson c Boustonn. Seaton l’te. Arnold, L S b Earl " Gailetiy, not Ont " Hatemnii. h Em Neil, stpd “cich. .. Judge Bath-11s

h .

; 1

.. .. b .. ..






not out

.. ..

2 7

“The pen is mightier than the sword,” but a Total

well-known French author used to say that .1 writer always ought to be a good swordsman, so that readers might “feel the point of the sword behind the pen.” After all it

is imagination that makes an author, and it

also at old ‘Sticuin-the-mud’ who wrote

is certain that without that great quality, no soldier will be above the ordinary. It is not

that book on ‘Tactics’ What 11 muddle he

the dull and

made of things Why he could not practice what he preached!” But a rule cannot be

evolve brilliant strategy, but it is the man

pioved by quoting the exceptions To go back toancient history, was not the

the commonplace, and brings off some great Therefore, roll up with copy for The coup every aspiring Eagle, remembering that soldier must foster the spirit of imagina-

author of The Pentateuch a lecord exponent of the art of rear-guard actions against the


sure which is suppiied by the hot weather,

prosy routine

mind that


with a spirit of imagination who rises above

.. 31}

.1-‘0"sonxs. 115. “ B ” .1; " D " SQDNS‘. "A " .t “C" Sonss. Sergt Fisher, 0 Winter. 1) Seaton .. S‘crgt Rupkin, h Edis .. Lient E. A. R. Rube run out . Lient. W. T. Hodgson. b Edis Pte Ashw orth c Cronin, 11 Seaton .. Sergt. Sales b Seaton Pte C|19.l) Seaton .. Corpi Wilson b Seaton L- Cpl Esi1n1eude,bSenton, Pte. Puddifoot. not out " Clarke, 11 Seaton Ea‘tras . . Tot-.11

0 b Seaton 0 b Seaton 0 1: Arnold, b Earl 0 b Ranking G T 3 0 0 8 9 1

.. E:

c Earl. b Seaton c Winter, b Seatou not out c Jeffrey. b Earl 1: Winter, b Earl b Vanson c Vansou. b Earl Ertms Total


Having concluded


Amir who died in 1862.


'1‘ [IE

,_. ._.







.i B ‘1 &\'3 .. I)" SQDNS. Sergt, .loil’rey, b Cue,

Pte. Earl, b Eshmeade, .. Corpl. Seat-on. run out ‘. Lec.-Corpl. Welch, b Cue.. Corp]. Winter. run out Pte. Edis, b Eshmeade .. Corpl. Vanson, h Cue ..

Pte Arnold, b Eshmeade}. “



6 5 10 66 Ii u 0

Saxons, Ilovars.

c Salesub Puddii‘oot c A" b Fisher did not bat. did not but. c Eshmcade, b Fisher .. did not bat. b Fisher

0 not 0 it

Hodgson, b



Ranking, c Hodgson, b Eshmeade .. i. Bray. rot out .. Erlras .

1-st Innings.

Sergt. Rankin cs; b liultitnde 0 stumped Critchley l; Dew .Ieii‘rey h Bultiiude .. 0 not out ('orke b Bultitude .. 0 Fisher 1 h \v 'l‘rigg .. 13 b Trigg Richmond b Bultitude 4 Salesc Storey b Trigg 10

Collison 5 c Cue. b Clarke

‘2 br Eshmeade is h Puddiioot 12 E.” I‘as

Total .. 144

Artillery, Volunteer or Colonial Corps was the chief musketry event of the past month. The conditions were that it was to be tired for Eight on 23rd Vlay throughout the Empire. shots (7 to count and I “sighter ”) at 200, 500 and 600 yards—Ordinary Bisley targets.

2nd Innings.




Multitude Edwards not out Sutch c and b Trigg Plumbb Bultitude Goddard absent

.. .. ..



h h

The weather was not favourable, and no very

good shooting was registered, that is, as a whole, although Mr. Charrington, Sergeant

Dunk Trigg

Rapkin, and Corporal Newton made good scores.

Total Erlrus



“ H" '35. “ D ” SQUADRON. Total

" B" Sousnaox.

.. 36

Total foriwickets,


The totals at the 3 distances were : ~ . . .. .. 200 yards

500 600

“ “

.. ..

.. ..


.. 1,013 .. 1,078

Lee -Corpl. Welch, stpd Suich, b. Knight...

Pte Collier. b Jefi'rey



“ Earl, run out “ Bray. c Sutch, h Edis Sergt. Hence, c & b Edis Pte. Arnold, c Lawrence, b Vanson “ Cook c Plumb, b Knight

This gameis being fairly generally played at present, and seems to promise a continu.

ance in favour.

Of the more recent games

the following are the chief :—

Corp]. Winter. b Vanson_ Pte. Smyth, c Jeffrey h Knight “ Evans, b Vanson

“ Castle, not out

Royals vs. 0. and R. Railway—Played on .. Ertms

latter’s ground on 2nd instant and resulted in awin for the Royals by 2 goals to love. A good fast game until the interval, after which,


owing to the excessive heat, play fell offa good deal. Mr Houstoun scored both goals.


Sergt. Jeffrey. D Earl Pte. Lawrence, c Winter. b Collier S. Q. M. S. Cronin. run out Corp]. Vanson. lb w b Collier Pte. Knight, c Castle, b Collier “ Edis, c Arnold, b Earl Svrgt. Sutch. run out Plumb, b Evans l'ie. Sutton, b Earl “ Wolfe, not out “ Francis. stpd Welt-h. b Earl

“ D ” Squadron vs. “ S " Battery, R H. A.

——Played on R. A. ground, and resulting in the easy defeat of the gunners by 6 goals to ml. Jeffrey (8), Cronin and Vanson were

responsible for the goals : Sergeants vs. Corporals——A hard game ending in favour of the Corporals by 4 to 2.

Innings declared.

Sales 1st and Sergeant Allchiu End.

The Corporals’ Mess also have held two Spoon shoots, on the 20th and 26th May. “ B " and "" C ” Squadrons respectively. went competing at the former, the Spoons

Several players turned out after a long rest,

to Corporal Parrott lst with of and Corporal


and towards the end of the game their efforts were somewhat feeble, otherwise the game

Hoff find with 81. “A" and “D” took their turn at the second shoot. when the winners were Corporal Rose 65, and Corporal Mace 59, lst and 2nd, respectively. 1


SERGTS.. D. L. l. Surat. Dew Bnltitude Storey Critchley Wickenden Parker Wall hing

scores in the competition, is really not a bad

average for forty men. The Sergeants’ Mess Spoon shoots still continue popular, two having been held since the paper was last published. At the first, held on the lith ult, the winners were S. Q. M S. Lawrence, lst with 85, and Sergeant Allchin, 2nd with 80. A fortnight later witnesseda very keen shoot, three members tying for lst place with scores of 81. The extra rounds resulted in placing Sergeant


SERG'I‘S, ROYALS rs. SERGTS . D. L. I. .1101;

Total .. 3,081. This gives an average score of TT'Ol, which, if it compares unfavourably With the best

Jefl'rey 0 Fisher b Jeffrey b Fisher ‘ c & h Jeffrey ' c Plumb b Corke b Corke (1 Collison b Corke not out Extras Total for 3‘ wickets

was quite good. Cronin and Fisher scored for the Sergeants, while Vanson (2), Whittingham, and Lockyer put on the points for the


WILD ANIMALS AND THEIR WAYS. MUSKETRY. The Empire Cup, presented by Colonel Schumacher, of Johannesburg, for the best team of forty of any Regiment, Brigade of

THE BHALU on BEAR. There are many and varied ideas amongst the uninitiated as to the habits and manners

of the inhabitants of the jungle. In this and subsequent articles, the writer hopes to interest his readers with short accounts and some true stories of wild animals. It is not the intention of the writer to bore readers with long extracts from books. The series wrll commence withafew remarks about “ Bruin” and his family. There are five kinds of Bear found in India, the Brown, the Trbetan,’the Himalayan Black Bear, the Malay, and lastly, the Aswal or Sloth Bear. The one we will discuss is the Sloth, because he is the most common in India He is entirely black, except for a narrow white horse-shoeon his chest and a white

snout, while his coat is long and shagg . Bruin is most often met with in the Terai (the jungle at the foot of the Himalayas) or in the Central Provinces, where his favourite haunts are among the low rocky hills. He is also often found asleep in undergrowth and thick grass, and even under a tree. The young .3 ikari may have some difficulty in tracking a bear on account of the similarity between the footprints ofa Sloth Bear and those ofa man. But if you look at them closely, you will see that there are four where there should be only two prints, while the spoorof the bear is shorter and wider than the printof a human foot. The Sloth Bear is avegetable feeder, and

regards scorpions, white-ants and honey, the latter especially, as great delicacies. He will plunge his head, regardless of the stings, into a nest and lick up the honey and small animals, for his thica coat acts as sort of armour Bruin is not really malicious. He is rather a stupid and heavy sleeper. If he is suddenly awakened and finds a man close to him, he imagines he is being attacked and will go straight for him. I thinkI may safely say thatthe bear getting on his hind legs to

charge, is an exploded theory

The writer

has been charged, by bears on four or five

.. . ...-..._.-..\u.~_.‘ ,,



occasions, and has witnessed their behaviour . quite as many times charging other people ; there was not a single instance observed. where the bear, in his charge, made the

slightest effort to stand upright. Bruin seldom makes up his mind to fight, but when he does, he comes straight at the intruder like a shot from a gun. The impact very easily knocks a man over, and his face is

E A (3r L E

EAGLE Ermnimzlions. Capt. W. D Grant passed in (d) successfully. Promotions. 5. S. F. Dight to be F Q. M. S. C 5217, Pte. Weston promoted Sergeant (Unattached List). Service. 4003, Cowl. S S. Lane reengaged to complete '31 years




All communications intended for publication in The Eagle should be addressed to the Editor. and should be accompanied by the writer‘s name and address. The Editor will not undertake to be responsible for any reject-

4918, He. Thompson.

5871. S. S. I“. ieynolds, 30:]. per diem for life. 1059, Sergt -I”arrier Farrant. 133517.. per diem for life 5520, S. s M irtin, 12/]. per dicm for 12 months.

Mn has.


5237. Pte. Alliottto Calcutta to nnd rgo course in Regimental Accounts.

ed MS. nor to return any contribution unless specially desired to do so. Accepted matter will be paid for at the rate of Rs. 10 per 1.000 words, or Rs. 2—8-0 per column. This is only admissible to non-commissroncd officers and men.

3102.1“.(2. M. S. Mott. at Station HospitaifithJuue.1905. SUBSCRIPTIONS.

It is perhaps

, series of terrifying barks

He seldom main-

tains the charge for more than about fifty yards, although the author was on one occa. siou chased for about three hundred yards. Here are afew hints on bear-shooting which the novice may consider useful. Never fire

at a bear that is above you, on the side of a. hill, for if he is wounded, or even frightened, he will at once roll down to the bottom and take you With him if you are in his way. Do not take a snap in very rugged


for if you only wound him, he is certain to nail you.

He is always out of View when charging

over broken ground or in dense bush, while

you are ata disadvantage for On open and level ground you in any manner you like, but white horse-shoe is immediately

manoeuvring. can meet him ashot on his fatal A maga-

zine rifle I consider is almost essential, while if you get into a tight corner nothing will avail

you except a cool head and the agility ofa monkey!


Price per copy to Officers 3654, 4226, 3479, 4111 5151. 5412 5055 5113?, 4112 51:23 5463 5039 5414 5737 5109 5323,

S. Q. M. S. Fordnm proceeded to Naini Tel. u S. (.2. M. 8. Lawrence do. u Sergt. 'I‘ruste do. “ Payne do Chanbattia. Corp]. Anstey do. Laud. nr. “ Mnrkett do. "‘ Shaw do. Rareilly. Lce~Corpl. Kite do. Landonr. “ Fitch do. " chg do. “ Dorling do. Kasauli. Rosam do. Delhi. “ Parrott do. Bin-a. “ Hoff do. Cawnpore. “’ Clark do. Meernt. Pte. Griifiths do. Landour. n. 415 “ Neil do. 33 “ Cairns do. .5851 “ Gordon do. .. 302 ” McDonald do. 5336 “ Brightwell do. Kasauli. .. 305 “ Shaw do. t5292 " Bateman do. 5764 " Underhill do. 5795 “‘ Warner do. b. Ancell do. Lawrence do. Cawnpore. (lalletly (1:). Landeur. Lewis do. irant do. Naiui Ta]. .. do. Mackie Field do. Kasauli. (1’). Hazel] Landonr. IL Sutherland I. Ilobbs do.



London Gazette. "

The following are. extracts from London Gazettes, data Ll 15th May and 22nd May. respectively :— Lieut. Hugh H. Sandbach to be Captain iiicc T, P. God' man seconded, dated 19th March. 1908

and-Lieutenant Gordon P. l.

Cosensto he Lieutenant

rice H. II. Sandhacli promoted, dated IONS.

10th March,

men (present members or ‘r in India

, Lee-Corp]. Stone Turn Yates Davidson Williamson Ryan Stares Paton

i. Kasauli. Landonr. Bina. Landonr. u


Rs. 1-12-0

ex»Royals). for six months Price





Brigadier-Hen. Hon. J. E. Lindley

0.4 . 0

onlcers and men

Colonel Morton



Annual subscriptions pro rata.

Colonel ’l‘omkinson ADVERTISEMENTS

Sir Ralph (lore Miss Cruse (i. King, Esq. 1‘. A. Graham, Esq. W. Finn, qu. J. B

Cronin, Es].

For For For For For For

six months, full page six months, halt page six months. quarter page ~one mouth. full page one month, half page one month. quarter page


-—.— LUCKNOW——


bear charging, is, that he gives ample warn‘ ing, and rarely begins his charge withouta



43, 9,1, R5, 3.4.0 28_ 9:1. .

Pd 5”

seen in the neighbourhood of Vjungles where bear are found, that the theory may have arisen about, the bear charging on his hind legs. A very remarkable characteristic of a

4249. Sergt. Hepworth to Unattached List. 4753, He. Allenby from 6th Dragoon Guards.

.. Subscribers at home. for six months .. Subscribers in India. for SIX months Ntn-commissioncd otficers and , at Home


due to the disfigured faces of natives often


4. _. cousqu‘lfio

the part invariably attacked



The premier firm for Portraiture, High class, well finished picture can be relied on.

Special Terms to N. C. Officers and Men. Prices Extremely Moderate. ’We are also prepared to take groups at any time and place, and guarantee good pictures.

12 by 10 Groups, Re. 1 each Unmounted, for 30 or more copies.

Since we last wrote a change, most welcome, has taken place in the weather conditions. it is a popular local belief that Lucknow for some obscure reason is the last place in lndia which the monsoon condescends to bless with its revivifying moisture. It is certainly curious that, during last month, we bad news of rain all over the country—Calcutta, Bombay, up into the Central Provinces, and later in the United Provinces, eventually learning that it had rained at places within a few miles of every side of us—bnt no rain came to Luck-

The Lucknow Branch Closes from 15th April to 3lst October.

No. 7

Uhlans, at present officiating German Consul— General in india. After the inspection the regiment formed “three sides of a square," and Baron von Richthofen addressed them". as follows :* “Officers, non-commissioned officers and men of the Royal Dragoons,—I have the honour to he commanded by myEmperor,your Colonelin-Chief, to place this wreath on your standard to commemorate the glorious day of Waterloo.” Then followed the fixing of the wreath to the standard, which was borne by Lieutenant Houstoun, and escorted by Sergeant- Majors Cope and Stuart.

now ! At last, however, when we were enrag-

Naini Tal & Ranikhet Branches Open from lst May to 31st October.

M Anderson Bros., LUCKNOW & NAINI TAL, Tailors and

Breeches Makers

By Specral Appomt-

United Provinces of

ment to

Agra and Oudh. H. H. the Lieutenant-Governor, PRINTED FOR THE EDITOR BY W. S. MEEK, AT THE Ma'rnonisr PUBLISHING HOUSE, LUCKNOW.

ed beyond measure to read of Calcutta and other places being flooded, we had a shower here, but the parched earth did not take long to absorb all the rain that fell, and the heat became even more trying. However, two or three downfalls have since added their portions, with the result that the grass and trees have taken a fresh lease of life, and the thermometer has dropped some several degrees. lt is to be hoped much more rain will fall, and so give Lucknow the opportunity, which it hadn’t last year, of proving beyond doubt that its winter is the finest in India.

The 18th of June last being Waterloo Day, the customary ceremony of the presenta. tion of a wreath by our Colonelin-Chief took place in the early morning on the moi/an behind the Ofiicers’ Mess. Considering the numbers away at hill stations, and elsewhere, there was a remarkably strong turn out, and the men looked cool in their white summer review order. The ceremony was perform—

ed in the name of the German Emperor by Baron von Richthofen, an oflicer of

Major Makins, Commanding the Regiment, made the following reply :— “Baron von Richthofen,—ln the name of every member of this regiment, I have to thank H. I. M. The German Emperor, our Colonel-in-Chief, through you, sir, for thegreat hOnour he confers on his regiment in crown— ing our standard with this emblematic laurel wreath on this great annual occasion. It is in this way that our Colonelin-Ohief delights to honour his English regiment, showing that H. I. M. does not forget us, and at the same time choosing an immortal anniversary in the history of the Royal Dragoons, as well as in the histories of the English and Prussian armies. This 18th of June commemorates one of the most decisive battles of the world, won against the greatest captain of modern times, and which also destroyed one of the greatest military powers ever known, and restored the balance of power in Europe. In this battle English and Prussians fought as allies, and it may be hoped that if ever again agreat military state wantonly abuses the

powers entrusted to it, the English and Prus-




'1‘ H 1+: sian armies will once more find themselves

Teck, K.C.V.O. D. S. 0.; G. F. Steele, K. R,

ranged together on the same side in the cause

of humanity and the common good. I beg you,

Balfour, Evelyn Wood, D S. 0.; J. Towers Clark, T. M. S. Pitt, C. A. Calvert and J. W.

Baron von Richthofen, to convey our respect-

M. Wood, M.V.O : Captains J. W. Burns, H.

ful thanks and devotion to our Colonel-in-

D. McNeile, T. P. Godman, E. G. Hardy, P. E.

rOf the First or the Royal Regiment of Dragoons, containing an account of its formation in the reign of King Charles the Second, and of its sub-

Major Makins then called for three

Hardwick, B. E. P. Leighton, E. York, Mur-

sequent services to the present time.

cheers for our Colonel-in-Chief which was lustily responded to, after which the regiment marched past, and returned to their lines.

phy; Sir Merrick Burrell, Bart.:Sir H. Ripley, Bart; and Messrs. H. A. Tomkinson, T. S. Irwin, W, T. Miles, A. H. D. Chapman, G. P. L. Cosens. G. D’A. Edwardes and Mostyn


On the 26th ultimo, the birthday anniversary of H. M. the King-Emperor was celebrated by a parade of all the troops in garrison This took place in the early morning on the garrison parade-ground, and was witnessed by a large number of sight-seers. The follow. ing troops took part :~ The Royal Dragoons, “S” Battery, R. H. A.; 79th Battery, R. F. A.; 1st Battalion, Oxfordshire Light Infantry, lst Battalion, Durham Light Infantry; lst (D. Y. O) Lancers:

Sth Rajputs, and 24th Punjabis. The batteries being armed with Q.-F. guns there was no salute, but afeu-de-joz‘e was tired by the Infantry, and the usual three cheers were given. Advantage was taken of the occasion by the General Officer Commanding,

MajorGeneral Sir Ronald Macdonald, to present South African General Service medals to a few non commissioned officers and men

of the 24th Punjabis, and the medal for Long Service and Good Conduct to Squadron Sergeant-Major Wallis, Royal Dragoons, the latter being warmly congratulated by the General. The Annual Regimental Dinner was held at the Hotel Cecil on June 10th, and was the usual successful reunion. The following were prescnt 2——

Owen. We learn from home of the acceptance by H. S. H Prince Francis, of ’I‘eck, of the chairmanship of the Royal Automobile Club, rendered vacant by the retirement of Mr. C, D. Rose, M. P. The post is by no means a sinecure, and the association are doubly for-

tunate in securing as well as a valuable figure head a good organiser and hard worker.

The recent Empire Cup rifle competition would appear to have given a fillip to match shooting in the regiment, as this last month has witnessed some half-dozen team matches all of which, curiously enough, have been1 remarkably keenly and closely contested, and have shown a marked improvement in shoot-

ing. An account of the more important of these will be found on a later page. Colonel de Lisle returned from Simla, where he has been staying on leave, on the 10th instant and resumed command of the regiment. Major Makins has been granted 60 days’ privilege leave, and left for England on the 4th instant. The other officers who are taking “ second-leave "are Major Hamilton Russell, Captains Lambert, and Sandbach, and Mr. Houstoun. Captain Grant, returning from leave, relieves Major Russell as U. C. detach-

Major-Ge._eral F. S. Russell, I 1. MG ;Major-

ment. Manora, while Mr. Rube relieves Mr.

General J. B. Dickson, C is, C. M G. ; Colo. nels Lord Basing, 0.8.; P. Browne, C. 8.; CR. Burn, W. H. McLaren, A. Mesham, A. Maclean, the Hon. H. W. Mansfield and C. F. Morton. Majors H. S. H. [’rince Francis of

Jump who returns thence to head-quarters. Captain Burch is granted leave from 15th instant to September 80th and proceeds to Almora. This month should see all first-leave officers back to duty.





the province of Haina ult, and at daybreak on

the 10th of May the allies moved forward, but

By General C. P. de Ainslie.

(Continued) Having passed the night in the fields adjacent to the field of battle, exposed to a heavy storm of rain, the Royal Dragoons on the following days marchedito, and encamped on, the banks of the river Kinzig, remaining there until, in the early part of August, they advanced and having crossed the Rhine above Mentz, they were employed in operations in West Germany. Nothing of importance, however, occurred, and in October they began their march to Mentz, there re’paSsing the Rhine, and continuing through the Duchy of Nassau, the principality of Liege, and the province of Brabant, they entered Flanders, and reaching Ghent on the 10th of November‘ they again occupied part of the cavalry barracks there. ’l‘he campaign of 1744 passed without any general engagement, and the services of the Royal Dragoons were limited to pickets, outguards, and protecting foraging parties from the attacks of the French, and in October they returned once more to Ghent. In April, 1745, the regiment left their winter quarters, and encamped near Brussels. The enemy assembled in force and invested Tournay, the chief town in the province of Hainault, when the Duke of Cumberland, though vastly inferior in numbers,

to attack them.


His Royal Highness advanc~

ed, and on the 10th of May a squadron of the


Dragoons was


with other

troops in driving in the French pickets and outguards.

Their army of 76,000 men, com-

manded by Marshal Saxe, appearedin order of battle, formed on a gentle ascent, and protected by batteries rising gradually from the plains near Fontenoy, a Belgian ‘village in

having much difficult ground to traverse and ascend, the attack did not commence until ten

o’clock. The British and Hanoverian infan— try pressed forward, and throughout the day displayed the greatest valour, but the Dutch showed by no means equal resolution, and their failure occasioned the most disastrous results. It was near the conclusion of the action before the Royal Dragoons were called upon to charge, when they advanced, led by Lieutenant-Colonel Naizon through a hollow way full of obstacles. and were exposed to a destructive fire from two batteries. They charged by alternative squadrons with all the spirit and determination which characterise the attack of British cavalry; but the Duke of Cumberland perceiving that from the failure of the Dutch,

and other causes,

it was im-

possible to retrieve the fortunes of the clay, decided upon a retreat, which was conducted

in perfect order as far as the town of Aeth, near which the army encamped. The loss of the regimentin this engagement was fifteen men and sixty-nine horses killed, Lieutenant-ColonelNaizon, Cornets Hartwell, Desmerct, and Creighton, thirty-one men and forty-seven horses wounded. The allied army afterwards encamped on the plain of the Dender near Lessines, and subsequently near Brussels. Meanwhile events of consequence were taking place at home, where. on the 25th of July, Charles Edward, son of

the Pretender,

James Stuart, landed in Scotland with the determination of making a desperate attempt to seize the crown, and judging the moment favourable owing to the king’s troops being so much employed on the continent. Several regiments were immediately called to England, and among them the Royal Dragoons who in the month of November, marched to Williamstadt, and there embarked ;the sailing

of the ship, however, was delayed some time by contrary winds, and several horses were

lost by the stranding of the transports.




Upon arrival in England the regiment form-

ed part Of the army assembled \near London. for the purpose of repelling a threatened descent of a French force upon the southeastern coast of the kingdom.

embroidered on each corner of the housing, and on the holster caps the King‘s cypher and crown with I D. underneath.

“ Glitters—Distinguished by gold lace; their

suppressed by the victory at Culloden, on the

coats and waistcoats bound with gold embroidery: the button—holes worked with gold, and a crimson silk sash worn across the left

16th of April, 1746, the Royals continued in


The rebellion in

the north



the south at Windsor, Reading and Colmbrook, and had the honour of furnishing travelling escorts for the Royal Family. In July one troop attended Princess Caroline to Bath. On the 26th of December, 1747, the regiment was reviewed by King George l[. on Hounslow Heath, and during the ensuing summer of

1748 it was employed on coast duty in Lincolnshire, and in the suppression of riots among the weavers in Lancashire. After the peace of

Aix-la~0hapelle, in October of this year, the establishment was reduced to 285 officers and

men, and in 1750 the regiment moved to Scot— land. In 1751 a regulation was issued relative to the clothing and standards of the several regiments, from which the following particulars have been extracted relative to the Royal Dragoons :— “ Coats—Scarlet, double-breasted.


lappels, lined with blue ; the button-holes worked with narrow, yellow lace : the buttons of yellow metal, set on two and two ; a long slash pocket in each skirt ; and a yellow worsted aiguillette on the right shoulder. “ Waistcoats and Breeches—Blue.

“ Quarternmsters—To wear a crimson sash round the waist. “Sergeants—To have narrow gold lace on the cuffs, pockets, and shoulder-straps ; gold shoulder-knots or aiguillettes, and yellow and blue worsted sashes tied round the waist. “ Drummers and Haittboys—Clothed in scarlet coats, lined with blue, and ornamented with Royal lace with a blue stripe down the centre: their waistcoats and breeches of blue cloth “Guidons—The first, or King's guidcn to be on crimson silk, embroidered and fringed with gold and silver ; in the centre the rose and thistle conjoined and crown over them,

with the motto Dieu. at mom droit underneath : the

white horse

in a compartment in the

first and fourth corners,


l. D

in gold

characters on a blue ground in a compartment in the second and third corners. The second and third guidons to be of blue silk ; in the

mented with a yellow metal loop, and a black cockade. “ Boots—Of jacked leather. “ C'Zoalcs—Of scarlet cloth with a blue collar, and lined with blue shallon ; the buttons set on

two and two upon yellow frogs or loops with a

(To be continued.)

hive stripe down the centre. “ Horsu Furniture—~Of scarlet


NAINI TAL LETTER. clot-h ; the

holster caps and housings having a border of Royal lace with a blue stripe down the centre : the crest of England within the garter

July 2nd, 1908. DEAR MR. EDITOR, Your readers will doubtless be glad to know how the band is faring at this delightful


summer resort. I am pleased to be able to report that so far eVerything is well with us, and we are eVidently appreciated by the musical critics of Naini, if newspaper reports and deafening applause go for anything. The following is taken from the Lake Zephyr of 22nd April :—

Tournament and beat them by 5 goals to nil,

“ Few Hill Stations are so well served as “ Naini Tal is in the matter of Music, and

to score.

“ that we are to be quite as well off as usual “in this respect, in this year of grace 1908 “ may be taken as a foregone conclusion from “ the fact that our local impressarios have “ secured the very excellent band of the lst “ Royal Dragoons who arrived from Lucknow “ late on Wednesday night. The fame of this “splendid Band has, naturally enough, pre “ceded it, and we may well shake hands with u ourselves in being so fortunate as to have “such atalented body of artists under the “ conductorship of Mr. E. Holt to minister to “our musical wants.” As may be imagined, this highly flavoured

bit of “jam” put us on our mettle. and we determined the “fame " should suffer no setback, if hard work and “ playing the game" could prevent it. So far we have every reason to believe the “ impressarios " are not disappointed.

centre the crest of England within the garter ona crimson ground; the white horse on a scarlet ground in the first and fourth compartments, and I. D within a wreath of roses and thistles upon a scarlet ground in the second and third compartments.” By the above warrant a special arrangement of the loops of lace on the coat in a trefoil pattern was sanctioned for the Royal Regiment of Dragoons, and for no other corps.

“ Hats—Bound with gold lace, and


We are domiciled for the season in Edwinstowe House, alarge bungalow, situated on the hillside. overlooking the lake, at a height of some 350 feet. Our duties consist, of playing two evening programmes weekly on the public sports ground (the Flats), and taking part in any parade requiring more noise than can he made by rifle fire In addition, we are expected to provide bands, large and small. to supply the music at dances and dinner parties, and are frequently employed in this manner With the great amount of practice necessary we are kept fairly busy. but we find time for games of hockey, football and

cricket. We met Philander Smith College “ B ”'team'in the first round of the Hockey

only, however, to be beaten in turn by the

same school’s “A " team in the semi-finals. St. Joseph’s College, the ‘cracks ’ of Naini, beat us in the Rampur Football Tournament, and later defeated our Manora detachment

team, who, however, had bad luck in failing At the Regatta, held on the 29th ultimo, the band played on the floating stand on the lake, and from the applause which greeted each item, the programme was much appre. ciated. Corporal Dyer’s rendering of the cor» net solo, “ 0, Dry Those Tears," was particu-

larly fine, and was loudly encored. At Lady Elliot’s dance, at Hawkesdale, held on the 16th ultimo, the band was congratulated by Lady Elliot, who spoke in glowing terms of the

excellent programmes Naini Tal had been treated to. Not tl”e least remarkable event which has taken place is the Band Dance which was given on the 24th ultimo, being the first band hihOp‘ since Hounslow, 1898. The bungalow was prettily decorated with drums,


and regimental colours, and over forty guests attended. Trumpet-Major Nash made an excellent M 0., being much in evidence among the fair sex. We are holding another dancekthe day after tomorrow. One or two of the Manora Detachment have been to see us, but we do not get many calls, being rather high up in the world, and difficult of approach 3 We hear the Detachment are giving a “ sports and camp fire” next Tuesday.


about it,

Rain is plentiful


probably hear here,




wish we could send some to you all who are

more in need of it.

I hope by the time this

reaches you. the monsoon will have reached

Lucknow. I will write again next month. In the meantime the “ talented body of art» ists “ send their good wishes—Yours truly, “ ALLEGRO VlVACE. "




by COLONEL H. deB. de LISLE, CEL, D S. 0. Introduction.

The difficulties constantly met with in India in the management of horses are so various and so unlike those to which we are accustomed in England, that some experience

is needed before the remount can be properly trained for the ranks. This training does not consist only in breaking the remount to saddle and bridle, but also to accustominO' him to cavalry weapons, and to making hi1:

steady in the ranks at all paces andoverall kinds of country. Such preliminary traini ng can be successfully completed in six month s, or less, but to produce the muscular develo p ment necessary before a horse can carry be— tween fifteen and twenty stone, and cover long distances day after day under this crushing weight, requires considerable knowledge.

experience, and time.

In India, imported

horses are liable to fever and other digest ive troubles if hurried over this training, and un-

less maintained in high condition during their first year of work, they may never recove r from the strain to the heart and lungs, and are liable to suffer in the feet and legs. In consequence it is no unusual thing to find many horses, especially the remounts, in the Stables of a newly-arrived unit in India, want-

ing in that muscular

development which

should be considered a sine qua‘ non befor e the cavalry horse is capable of the endur ance

necessary in the field. It is not an exaggeration to say that the lack of appreciation of these facts was responsible for our want of mobility in the late war in South Afric a Where every mounted unit had, on an aver,-

age, to be remounted entirely every six months !

At the beginning of that campaign,

scarcity of food and impure water was responsible for much wastage, but the chief cause lay in the fact that our cavalry were mounted on untrained horses which had never



acquired habits of endurance. The- conse quences were most serious in that the war

continued for two years longer than it need have done. Had the Commander-in Chief, Lord Roberts, possessed a well-mount ed cavalry, he would have been able to make

use of it, as Napoleon did, before the battle , during the battle, and after the battle. The importance, therefore, of training the Caval ry

horse to acquire powers of endurance shoul d be the first aim of every officer of mount ed troops. Hitherto, in British Cavalry regiments, the training of the remount has been left in the hands of the Riding Master, whose aim has been, too often, to produce, in as short a time as possible, a well-broken horse capab le of being ridden safely in the ranks. Our own text-book encouraged this rapid break ing, and we know from experience that the majority of horses can be broken in six months. In England, the results of this injudicious system are not as noticeable as in India, where all horses require at least one year, and most of them two years’ systematic training before they are fit to undergo the strain of cover ing

long distances carrying eighteen stone.

an average of £45 for horses of five and over, and send the horses to Depots. The horses remain in the Depots for about a year, after which they are issued to units. By the time units reCeive their remounts, they are at least six years of age and have cost the state £160. There are several objections to this system. Before a remount is fit for the ranks, thoroughly trained to the endurance required for strategical reconnaissance, two years’ systematic training is necessary. The remount is therefore eight years of age before

being fully trained. As horses of fifteen years and over are, with few exceptions, unable to stand the strain of continuous work, the working life of our cavalry horse in India is only six years, or ‘75 per cent of the working life of-horses if purchased as “ four year olds.” Moreover, to produce the required muscular development of a cavalry horse, when aged, is far more difficult than to train the same horse at four years, before he is fully grown. With A‘ustralians, this difficulty is intensified by the fact that prior to being sent to India they are unbroken and have never been in muscle. To produce a gymnast or


short, the cavalry horse requires the same

athlete, a youth between the ages of 16 and 20

development of the muscles of the back and

would be selected. No sane man would attempt to train a fully developed man of over 25 who had never exercised his muscles as a boy. The risk of breakdown would be too great, and the result could only be failure. The expense of the British Cavalry remount in India under the present system is enormous compared to the cost of the Native

loins as a trained gymnast wants for his arms and shoulders. Perfect health is the first essential in each case, but perfect health . or what is called high condition in a horse, is not


To maintain a continuous state of

perfect health all the time the muscular training is in progress, is what is meant by horse management. THE REMOUNT. In India, remounts are obtained in two




their own remounts.

Regiments provide

These are usually pur-

chased at the big markets of bombay and Calcutta, and are issued to squadrons for a

sum between £25 and £28. British Mounted Units obtain their remounts from the' Remount Department. Purchasingoflicersgive

Cavalry remount.

This difference has only

been tolerated so long owing to the necessity of maintainingin India a reserve of horses. As, however, horses for Depots require at least a year, and preferably two years. before they are sufficiently developed to join the ranks this reserve is but a fictitious reserve, and if ever relied upon, the same result may be expected as occurred in South Africa, where cavalry, mounted on unfit horses,



were unable to travel as far or as fast as the Boers on undersized ponies. From the above it will be seen that the difficulties which squadron officers encounter on arrival in India are such as require some knowledge of the country, the climate, and the food-supply before they can be overcome. Now that every cavalry regiment contains at least one squadron officer who has qualified at the Cavalry School, where he has learnt the art of training the unbroken :emount, it is to be hoped that the Indian Government will adapt the Continental System of remounting squadrons. This consists, briefly, in buying horses between 3% and 5 years old, sending them direct to squadrons, but making very rigid rules regarding the system of training. in Germany, for example,every squadron obtains l5 remounts annually, regardless of requirements. In a squadron of 150 horses, 15 are first class re-

mounts of over one year’s service with the squadron, and lfiare second class remounts of

under one year’s training. No horse may be drafted into the ranks under two years’ training, and then he undergoes a careful inspection, being tested in all the requirements of a )avalry horse. Unless entirely satisfactory, the remountis put back for a third year’s. training. The Squadron Leader is responsible at all times that he can produce 120 horses for mobilisation, including his second year remounts, and has also a trained firstreserve in his squadron of 10 per cent. and a second reserve of 10 per cent. still untrained. This system is made possible by allowing the Squadron Leader to cast and sell any unsuitable horse, in excess of the 15 average an nual-

ly. The proceeds of all casters sold are placed in Squadron funds, and may be spent

in the purchase of extra remounts if required, or in any way benefiting the horses. There is another point about the continental remount system worthy of notice. No Cavalry horse is purchased unless the back and loins are formed to carry weight. The




,mportance of the weight-carrying conformation of the ribs and loins cannot be exaggerat-


chever well-bred and well-shaped a

horse may be, he should be considered useless for cavalry purposes, unless short in the back, well coupled, and round ribbed. A horse with a back sloping like the roof of a house, flat-sided, or slack loined, may be trained to win a race, to play polo, and even to hunt two days a fortnight; but in the field under 18 stone, he cannot travel thirty miles a day for three days without breaking down from overstrain. I recently met a dealer in the hunting

field who exports remounts to Paris, Berlin, and Brussels. He told me he could never dispose of any horse abroad unless his back and loins showed no sign of weakness. The very horse he was riding at the time, a blood mare with excellent legs, he had taken to Paris .a short time before, but had brought it back unsold, because it was considered two inc/res too long in the back.

In Continental armies, the Remount Agent dare notbuy any horse deficient in weightcarrying powers. N0 Squadron leader would accept such a horse, for he knows such animals require 50 per cent more food to main. tain in good condition, besides being unable to do the work required of them even in peace training. We know from experience how some horses in a squadron always look well ; while others doing the same work and getting more food

are never satisfactory.

These are the horses

which should never have been bought. They are not worth feeding, and are only suitable for draft purposes. As Cavalry horses, it would be far more economical to shoot them all than to feed them, for the pace and length of march of cavalry in the field is not regulated by the endurance of the best horse, but by the staying powers of the worst class of animal. In conclusion, it is far more economical to pay £60 for 3 year olds and obtain a well-bred.

sound, and unexceptionable remount. than to mount cavalry for half the price and to

lt‘AG L E


have 50 per cent of the horses with defective conformation. In the German army the best horses are sent to cavalry, and inferior horses to artillery. Questioned as to this, aGer man

officer explained that even horses which are not too well coupled can drag a gun, but none but the best will carry a cavalry soldier on a strategical patrol. (To be continued.)

“ ESPRIT DE CORPS” If one was suddenly asked to define “esprit de corps,” I think one would find it rather hard to give a satisfactory definition off hand. What is it? It is—well, “esprit de corps,"

very hard to define exactly, somewhat vague when you come to analyse it, but very real and very substantial when you come to know and appreciate it. Broadly speaking, it is the invisible bond which binds every individual in a regiment, ofiicer and man to a regiment and its traditions, and not only binds them together, but links them up with the past and its recollections, and also provides a further link to bind them to future members and possibilities for all time. It is quite sufficient to baa regiment to have "’ esprit de corps,” and all the little things that are identified with one’s own particular regiment, apart from

other regiments, are but small issues really, but they help to make one’s own “ esprit de corps” more comprehensive, more tangible,

more appreciated.

One is proud, and rightly

so, to think that one’s regiment fought at S!) and so, or took part in such and such an action, but at the same time one realises the

fact that other regiments also/took part in

colour or standard, and so


and so on:

small things in themselves may be, not boasted about, but much appreciated. These little distinctions have been earned in the past, possibly as a reward for good work done and as such are cherished. Nearly every

regiment has some little distinction of this sort which they alone possess, and of which they are very proud, and which is honoured by all ranks; and all these tend to increase, demonstrate in a tangible form and foster “esprit dc corps ” It has been established for many generations and long may it continue, for a regiment without “ esprit de corps ” is something invertebrate and not to be accounted of. It is nota thing you can learn; not a thing you can teach: it is a heritage acquired by right, the right of belonging to this or that regiment. Whatever it is, and however one defines it, this fact must not be lost sight of : it is something very essential to the well-being of a regiment,


Oneofour patrols, consisting of an officer and six men, had a narrow escape of being captured last week. They had crossed the Buffalo River. and had gone a few miles on theother side, when a scout who had been left on high ground to watch the drift (a ford orcrossing place), rejoined the patrol with the information that a party of twenty

lmd cut them off at the drift.


Another party

was seen working round their left front, and eventually they had to gallop for it and swim the river.

and has played, and still plays, a very large

On the 11th instant Lieutenant Pilkington was killed at Nitra's Nek. He was a promising

part in making regiments what they are, and

young officer with a personality that won him

the service what it is.

the regard of all ranks and it was with a sense

P. E. HARDWICK, Captn.

of personal loss that we heard of his death.

Staying to tend a wounded brother officer SOUTH AFRICAN LETTERS. INGAGANE, 3135 July 1900. Early in the month we heard that our Army was in touch with Lord Roberts’ forces and that the railway was repaired and held up to Elandsfontein. Having parties of Boers on both sides of us watching for a favourable

opportunity of cutting the lines of communithese history-making episodes. But there are other things to be considered; things which may appear small and trivial to the civilian or casual observer, but which are really of great moment to those concerned, For instance, one regiment may have some distinction in their. dress, something quite different to any other regiment: another may have the privilege of carrying an extra

We had a Corporal reported missing (Gare rard) and subsequently heard he had been taken prisoner. About the 15th instant two mounted men in British uniform were observed coolly sltet. ching the position of our outpost at Tendega mountain. They were spies, and galloped off on the approach of a patrol sent from the

cation, we have been kept busy all the month with reconnaissance, patrols,and outpost duty, On the second instant we went out to Utrecht to locate the number of Boers in that town and vicinity, bivouacked for two nights and returned on the 4th instant. We saw and exchanged a few shots with a party of sixty Boers, who retired to the hills; heard the total number then near Utrecht was 300.

at Rustenburg, he was 59m. to Pretoria.

taken prisoner


Released on the arrival of Lord Roberts' forces, he was attached to the Scots Greys with which corps he was serving when he met a soldier's death, News has reached us too. of the death of another officer, LieutenantJohnstone 0f the lit-h Hussars who was attached to the regiment up to the Relief of Ladysmith. when he left us to take up'the adjutancy of Gough's Mounted Infantry, and was killed at the action at Alleman‘s Nek on June, llth. We had a draft of 150 men of the Reserves join this month to replace losses, men invalided. an, and we are now up to full strength again The country round here is one blackened area, where grass fires have

been. These tires look very fine at night. Last week we beheld a magnificent spectacle, a big




EAGLE much rounder.

grass fire swept along the valley and up the slopes of Impompango untilit reached the top

broken up.

which expressed the pleasure the latter gentleman would have in seeing the Regiment again shortly, as it was returning to England. Hooroo!

We are now in mid~win1er, a perfect clim~ ate if one lived under a roof and turned out about 8 A.M., but a trifle chilly under canvas with several degrees of frost in the early morning. It is quite warm enough in

the day time but the sun does not burn like it does at Christmas. We are daily expecting to hear that DeWet’s force has been captured or broken up, they seem to be short of supplies, and released the Dorbyshire Militia, who came across the Drakensberg to Ladysmith. Ihear the latter, raw Militiamen though they be, put upa jolly good fight, sustainjug nearly a hundred and fifty casualties, in .an exposed position, and it was a case of annihilation or surrender, The Boers oi, the other side of the Buffalo are still active,

our patrols being constantly in touch with them. The other night informatin came from Newcastle that a large commando with a big gun and six waggons were proceeding south towards Inchanga Drift. Iwent out

with a patrol early next morning but saw nothing of them, but a patrol of the Natal Carabiniers were fired on and hat two men wounded atadrift further south (DeJagers). They say the war is practically over, but

fighting may last another six months before

but it is very

Roll on !

when the entire mountain was outlined with fire. Rumours to-day say that troops first for home will not proceed further up country, but will move towards the coast, This is taken for granted to apply to us. I hear the depot is at Shorncliife, but that the regiment will be sent to Dublin. I wonder! Another rumour sends us straight to India, but we consider this disposed of by a letter received by an officer from an officer at the War office,

The print of a. young male is

the commandoes now roving the country are very like that of an old tigress,

Yours etc.. OL-OL. WILD ANIMALS AND THEIR WAYS. THE SHERE OR TIGER. As the Wolf always played a prominent part in the nursery-stories and fairy-tales 01'

our childhood, so the Tiger occupies alike position in the folklore of the children of the East. He is held by people of all ages in the greatest awe and superstition. His whiskers and lucky bones are treated as relics, while

if you have his claws hung round your neck in a circle, or cover yourself with his fat, you

are considered to be safe from all evil ! There are four distinct types of the greatcat in Asia, Firstly, there is the Bengal tiger which is the chief tribe in India, and the one which I hope to tell you about. He is a large, long-limbed, long-bodied, lithe and lanky animal, and his coat is so shaded that it is very difficult to see him as he stalks through

the jungle. Secondly, in Persia and the Caucasus we find the Persian type which is conspicuous by its small size and thick coat. Thirdly, there is the Manchurian tiger, whose home is in the Hills of Korea ; he is characterised by his heavy build and short, thick limbs, and more especially by the length, fineness and thickness of his coat. Lastly there is the Transcaspian tiger, but of him very little is known. The presence ofa tiger in a district can often be discovered by the marks of his claws on the tree trunks, which he makes when he stretches, but the easiest way is by the

“ pug ” marks.

The amateur shikari will

find pugging very difi‘icult at first, but with a little practice he will be able to gather as much from the footprints as the experienced sh‘ikari can. There is a marked difference be tween the pug of the tiger and that of the tigress. The print of an old tiger is very big, and very square in shape, whilst a tigreSs‘ is

much bigger than the pug of a young female. The tiger, speaking generally, is a solitary and exclusive animal, and he is rarely to be seen with the tigress until the cubs are well


It is not known how long the cubs

remain with the tigress, but it is certain that they do until they are capable of killing and providing for themselves. The number of a family is generally about two, but I know of a case, where a tigress and four well-grown two-year old cubs were killed in one heat. The share has a very varied menu, which includes game, cattle and man. The “kill ” of a tiger and a leopard are easily distinguished, the former always com-

mences his meal from the hind~quarters, while the latter invariably starts on the forehand. I think the theory, that the man-eating

tiger is old and‘worn-out, is open to discussion; no doubt some old or wounded tigers become man-eaters, but at any

stage a



become a man-eater. He develops great cunning, and it is only with the greatest difficulty that he can be got. He does not confine himself to human beings alone, but varies his diet with game and cattle. Water

is imperative for the tiger, and during the cold weather rains he becomes a great wan-


In the hot weather he is always in

his “beat ” near the water, and if he should he killed, his place is almost immediately taken by another one. From the number of tigers that have been killed, and from the different ways in which they have met their death, it may be accept. cd that each has a temperament of its own. Some are found to be absolute curs, and to die like sheep, while

others are



wonderfully re-

sourceful, at once assume the attack and die fighting, game to the very last. The actual killing of the tiger can be brought

about in four distinct ways, Shooting him from elephants as the “line ” advances ; drjv. ing him, by natives and elephants, up to the

guns, who are posted in trees or on howdahed elephants : sitting up over a kill, and walking him up on foot ; sitting up in a mac/tan which is generally a charpoi fastened in a tree, is

not very exciting, but it has to be resorted to when it is not possible to get suflicient elephants and natives to beat. The favourite way in big shoots, is to form a long line of elephants, with the flanks well advanced and then to move forward slowly. This method is

mostly used in the Central and Southern parts of India, and always in the Terai and Nepal where sufficient elephants can be easily procured. The best time to “ honk ” is in the heat of the day, when the tiger will probably be sleepy and less inclined to break right in front

of the line

“Walking up" is decidedly the

most dangerous and therefore the most exciting, but should you go to walk up a wounded tiger, give him half an hour‘s start. In that case, if he was badly wounded he will probably have died, and should he have on y been slightly wounded, he will have lost so much blood and become so stiff that his charge will

not be very dangerous.


the swampy

Sunderbands of Lower Bengal, the shere leads an aquatic life, and he may be shot by walking him up on the side of the river or even from a boat. A last word as to the best rifle to take in your'expedition against the tiger ; probably a double-barrelled 400 or '450 will be found the most useful, while a maga< zine rifle, such as a '350 or '375, is very handy in case of accidents.

SHIKAREES WE HAVE MET. In writing this article, I shall endeavour to describe personalities, which you, the reader,

must often have noticed in different people, These traits are more or less noticeable, especially in this country, Where a soldier’s only recreation is “ sport.” We will first take the keen, stay-at-home


whose very atmosphere reeks

of the jungle. He catches you in an unguard. ed moment, and relates thrilling adventures

. _ .,-.—....-_,_,‘,‘ ..




and hair-breadth escapes, which are supposed to make the hair of his listener stand on end. Then as the tales lengthen, his voice grows

hoarser and hoarser, while he looks plaintively at his empty glass, which you eventually refill, more in respect for his imagination, than admiration for his yarns. Next we have the man, who suddenly develops the idea that he is a born Shikarf’é. He recruits one of his chums by alluring tales of record bags and good khubhar. These two go “on the tack," sell some kit, borrow money, and by an instalment and promises. obtain a secondhand gun of antiquated design. Early one morning, after disturbing the whole bungalow, thev trek out to the scene of slaughter. We will not dwell on the agonising day they spend, but only remark that they arrive back tired, thirsty, and fed up ;no game,

no cartridges,




tempers and bruised shoulders for their day's sport. They get what they can for Next their gun and vote shooting a “ bake. we have the shz’km‘ bore, whose gun has always

“ not yet arrived " or is “at the makers “ He will borrow your gun and most of your cartridges, and finally tack himself on to your party, as his has “ just fallen through “ He becomes an absolute nuisance ; he frightens all the game, and your party too, while the whole day is spoilt by having to dodge his gun. You continually find yourself gazing down his barrels, for he holds his gun in every

way except the right one.

Then at the end

of the day, after contributing nothing, he will

claim halfa douen of the best birds, as his share of the bag. It is his first trip with your party, and you take care it is his last. Of course we have all met the party, who have had a splendid day, but give their bag

away, have it stolen, or who have dropped it out of the claim. We listen and sympathisea This but keep our thoughts to ourselves short article would not be complete without

mention of the

Dandy Sportsman.


im maculately-dressed personis always attend-

ed by dozens of servants and all the modern

inventions for comfort. One of his party has a camera, and photographs our hero in every sort of position, very much like the modern (lay actress, Who seems to spend all her time at the photographers. The Dandy always has one special photo, {refer to the Lunch Group. In this the party group themselves artistically round the lunch basketzin the background there are crowds of heaters and elephants, while in the foreground are guns, glasses, knives, and all the paraphernalia. of war. They don’t shoot much, but they look remarkably fine, as all their friends in Eng. land will tell you. Last, but by no means least, there is the

Real Sportsman.

He is

ready to go out

anywhere, at any time, and in any weather. He goes out with one object in view, 219., to kill the game. As long as that is accom» plished he is satisfied; not like the typical Indian sportsman who always has "‘ I " and "self,” in large type, in his mind. Our

true sportsman will take a bad stand and doa bit of beating too, if needs be, and he is just as keen after a real bad day, as he is satisfied after a good one. The caricature sketch which will be found on page 12] has been drawn especially for The Eagle, and depicts the Royal Dragoon of today in the su m mer uniform of india attired for Church Parade. The uniform is of white drill, with helmet of white with brass


wound with a white pugrz'surmounted by a quarter of an inch of black piping. As will be seen the nether garments are built on the same lines as the old serge overalls, though not being elastic, the perfection of fit of these latter cannot be looked for. Wellington boots and spurs are worn, and the short rifle, and the bandolier complete the outfit It may be news to many that in this country, cavalry

carry rifles and ammunition to Church instead of swords, a custom which dates from the time of the Mutiny, when, it is said, the troops were practically un-armed in Church when the revolt at Meerut occurred.


DEAR Eni'roa, In spite of want of good sports ground and in the face of many other difiicuities we con» trived to hold a very successful sports here on the 7th instant. The camp, this year, is pitched in a very out of the way place. And we have no institute touts, indeed if


had them we could’nt erect them for lack of space! But are we down hearted? No! With the aid of picks and shovels and a strenuous effort on the part of all the detachment, to the accompaniment of much growling at the obstinate nature of the ground, we manag ed to remove enough of the Himalayas to produce something approaching a level. All the events were keenly contested and the men appeared to thoroughly enjoy the 0ccasion As is usual, the cocktighting provided much merriment, even to the participants in spite of the scratches and other honourable scars they received. Waterloo could have presented no more awful conflict (m the famous day, than did the vicinity of our camp during—and afterwards err—the Cockade Fights. Sq uadron teams of eight were entered, the four lighter men being mounted upon the shoulders of their heavier comrades At the word “Attack” the "gait


the onlookers by the very serious and determined warriors who slashed and cut for all they were worth. Victor and vanquished alike seemed glad when the battle was done! Owing to aheavy rain storm the Khud Race had to be postponed. The selected course was a supreme test of climbing. The race came ofi“ 4 days later when, after a fine display, the favourites, Corporals Measures and Rising. were beaten. The winners of the different events were as follows :— Su-Oid i}. Sword,

1st Pte. Jarrett, 2nd Sergt. Andrews. 3rd Pte. Bromham. Long Jump,

ist Pte. Cole. 2nd L.-Oorpl. Brown. 3rd Pte. Ashford. High Jump,

lst L.-Oorpl. Brown. 2nd L.-Corpl Puddifoot. 3rd Pie. Bromham. ("0dr Fighting, ist Pte. McKay. 2nd Pte Jarrett. 3rd L -Corpl. Puddifoot. Cr r-Irade Fighting,

'.st “ D” Squadron ; composed of Privates Barclay, Mock, Jarrett, Cole, Dellar, Ryburn, Collier and Corke. (,molls.

lst Ptes. Ashford and Race. 2nd Corpls. Wischhusen and Blakeman. 3rd Sergts. Norton and Andrews. Khud Race,

ant steeds” dashed forward and the fray commenced. Endless amusement was alforded


Present Day Types. Church Parade Order.

lst Pte. Ashford. 2nd Sergt. Andrews 3rd Pte. Blundeil.

~ -v-----—---~..~.-.‘_..





(.fiiin l‘lC)‘ iilnsler‘s Stuff. “ C ’1 it " D " SouAnnons. " A "' Sqiiriflrrm.

will be seen. in some very fair scores :— Orderly Room Staff ”versus Quarter Master‘s Staff. Fired on 22nd ult. and won by Quar—

8.1,). M. S. Cronin Capt. Burch

200 yds Slim/(ls. 11110 yd»: Tot-a. .. ‘37 ill 2‘1 all .. 30 :‘s 26 84

R. (.2. M. s. Sykes


Corpl. Hughes Bunker Sergt. Richmond


ter Master’s Staff by 13 points



H (I; 1:» N4 (o ,1 or, :1- .1 ,3

The following shooting matches have taken place during the past month. resulting. as


Pte. M cGihboii

24 31 ‘33

22 29 2-1 2n 1


‘ i :l


200 girls. ’l‘pr Saunders


300 yds.



Lieut. Bodgson











M itchi'll

Thompson Riynolds

. ..


1:1 :27

19 113

41 hi










:20 14

:15 an



Regimental Stafi’ vs. Rest of Regiment. fired on 4th inst. and won by the “Rest" by a single point.

Corpl Welch







Serizt. Rapkin

Corp]. Wilson Perks

Orderly Rumn 51:111.






300 Mg. 500 ”(1.9. (300 i]<l.¢.’l‘of,al

Lient. Rube



lite. Taylor


“ B “ Nqiunli'm‘i. Sergt. Richmond

Regimental Stop. 300yds. 5003/(154300 yrls. Total

Pte. Nelson

goo 11115.





Cnrpl. Seafon


S. S. M. Allen



Sergt. Hence



Pte. Grey



Corpl. Martin

.. ..

7 14







R. Q M. S. Sykes





S. (.2. M. S. Cronin





Corpl. Hughes







Sergt. Goddard R. Q. N. S. Sykes


lv 4:» .4...

Qua/Her Master‘s Stuff.


:20 Ill


[\L (c.





(o :1

Major Makins

.. .. .. .. .. . ,. ..



SPYgt. AllCliln




1i. Q. M. S. Sykes S. Q. M. S. Cronin Lient. Hodgson Corp]. Hughes Lieut. Churrington Corpl. Bunker Pte. Nelson Corpl. Williams

Sergt Fisher

200 uds. 500 i/ds. lilli) yds thal 31 3'2 24 ST :it) 213 31) so :iii 31 ~32 ~43 30 30 2:; 5:; 34 2’.) 19 33 30 ‘39 IS 77 2:1 17 71) 2:3 '33 if!

18 18






31 2T 2‘.) 23 23 32 21) ‘24

31 26 :38 151 ”f a


223 “A"


Squadron versus “ B "




Under Victoria Cup rules A. R. A. Conditions

as follows :—First distance 300 yards.

H. 8. Sin ll.


Snrgt Goddard

shooting at 3rd Class figure target; Target exposed for 4 seconds; 5 rounds Highest poss1ble 20. Second distance 500 yards, 2nd Class figure target, 2 rounds sighting shots compulsory, then target exposed for 45


seconds rapid fire. rounds unlimited. Third

200 i/rI.s-. .3111) ydx. 6110 i/vls. Total Lieut Bodgson



Sergt Sales



Corpl. Ellis





CRICKET. .. C" & ~- 1') .. SQUADHUNS.

. .

:3 b Arnold 9



.. 1'74

“ C" "a: “ D" SQU‘AnuoN. " C.” Pte. Maytum, h Marlow “ Pine. c Vanson, b



l) Ashworth. lbw, .. Edis 1) Sergt. Sales. r kind .. Marlow l. Asliman h Jetfre h (Eli’ZPl’llddlfOOC. c and .. Marlow Knight b s, Sergt Edwaid

Sergz. Reynolds

distance 600 yards, 7 rounds, target exposed Corpl. Vanson

for 20 seconds for each shot.

Anyone failing

Surat. Jefi‘rey

Pile, Drawing. not out

.. A -- A. “1)." sounnnons ‘ lice-Corpl.

Riding School Stal'ic vs. Quarter Master’s Stafi Fired on 3rd inst. and won by Quar~ ter Master’s Stafic by 21 points.

.. .. .. .. ,. .. .. ..


Ptv. Hill

Sergt, Rankin ., Thompson Lieut. Rube Pm. Taylor Corp]. Martin Newton Sergt Mitchell S. (2. M S. Stuart


Capt. Burch

Pte. McGibbon

. Emli‘ns

SQUADHON. 0 not out

12 c Edis, h Jefi‘rey

200 yds. 50011118. 1100 i/lls. Total

Gorpl. Day



Rest, of Regiiiicnl.

Corpl. Bunker

Corpl, Vunson. c Rube. 1)


lL‘""‘ i; (n


Pte Edls, run out ,. 2 b Earl marlow, stpd. 0 Jeffrey. h Earl 15 .. Wolch. h Bray Serut. Jeffrey. c Rube. h .. :27 b Earl Arnold Sergt. Fisher. 0 Clark, b 4 stpd. Welch, 1) Earl .. Earl ' S. Q. M. S. Cronin, b 0 did not bat. .. Arnold Lieut. and Adjt. W, T. Hodgson, c Wintnr. b .. 80 not out Arnold Sergt. Sales, 1* Rankin. h S b Earl .. Langley Corpl. Angus. b Robson. '23 b Earl 3 1) Earl Pte. Knight, not out Cue, b Arnold .. 2 retired hurt


l] ..



'38, c Cue, b Fisher 1) not our.

her Pte. Robson, l) Fis gson. Sergt. Rapkin. c Hod ll h Edis .. b Edis ll l) l‘ldis Fisher Pte. Earl, lbw, ll Rube, Ziid-Lieut. E. A. K. 21 l) Ellis ‘ h Cronin \Voll 1‘. l} Corp! Winter, c 16 c liodgson. h Cue. ‘ Edis 1 Li Fisher Pte Arnold, ii Cronin l! Bray, c Angus. 4 c Jeffrey, li Fisher k” Cronin ' i! ii. ' ‘ ' ' :3 u chl'i'oy, 1) Fisher Labml-‘lldéiys. L k“ L . .3 h Cup Clark, li Edis 1 n Angus .. Cook, not. out Ei‘l'rirx .» EJ‘U'HN


h lbw, Weeks. .. Knight .. out Cue. run Henderson, 1: and b in m . g




1 c Francis, 1) Edis b Vanson did not bat. _ not out c Sutch. h Edis


run out


_ ' hEdis o



.. 113


“ l) " Sonannox.

5 c and b Fisher 1’19. Marlow. c and b _Cue V '. r .., “e ,c Dewnig. it C One. b I‘lsher .. mti‘clludili‘lhiyt .. , out not 0 .. Pte Knight, in Cue ladis, h Cue . 4 c Ed\vards,'h Dewmg ,, g Dewin b lbw. .. 3f! Crpl Vunson, li Pine ‘ *h. C. One. .\' 1. i4 b liewmg .. 51.5% “L” r 1-ishe b 0 rds. Pte. Riyett 1) Edwa . 'ttin am. e , 1) Dexving. worth Ash c 1 .. COh‘ll‘alytu‘i‘rliyb Pitrzie

s, c Edwards l’te Franci .. Pine

b Buckley. not out .. .. b Edwards ' Plum b, Eurus bergt. 1.


h Dewmg ,, ' c K’Iiue. b 15 iihfir _ Emma ewmg 1 ' Ci aytum.

to fire during that time loses the round. “ B ” Total Total

won by 37 points.












CORI‘IS. Ilirmnu l'imu'r INF] Y



SERGTS. ROYAL DRAG oys Sergt. Fisher, b Trigg .. “ Jelfrey, b Trigg. u


bolas, b Trigg; :. I? c Dew. b THE! Richmondm I‘rigg b rnnout Oxford. run 011%..

l c and b Dew

Martin, run out...

.. ..


b Triggr


Stitch. c Storey, b new ..

run out.

Corke. not out ..

‘ bTrirw



.. ..

Carter, b Dew Eiri‘ras


.. ..

‘ Otdl








Wall. b Fisher_ .. ‘ ,

, ..




if c Venison, h Angus









. \V .



0 b Angus


" Moi-rub ledmfr





Hayes, not out .. [irfrus

; I.

T c Bunker" b \VhiLLiuzhnm, l

.‘ :)




S c Winter, in \Vhittinglium 1::







5 ~,






; lbw. b .Iell’rey


did not ban


do. not out






Pmenbwd. Welch, b com”


. Stalker, Stpd. \Velch, l) Collim‘ _ . North. NOD Out


., Lue. c bymszb Arnold -

.; .El


. l I‘otd.



.. .


Pe"”"”"‘ "

.dHH—al vIr—u-‘WMLLDJ, ;,—:;;i

. l’tv. Garneu. 7 pence per diem for 13 months. —


Mhow. "

—— TIM Eagle

should he addressed to the Editor, and should be accompanied by





The Editor will not undermlre to be responsible for any reiecn-

“ “



£‘(l MS. nor LO return any contribution unless specrally Llesn'cd to

Knight Priest

,. ..

Landour Kasauli



and men,









" ., ..

Mnnmns.‘ Dinning : ' «34. Sergn. Hence “ .lell'rey

' ..

~ ‘ , 571“ U” pl

. . B5CRIP'I . , , IONS 5L



Sutcli S‘Lr'ith ‘

nose. Accepted mower will he paid fOF an the Fate 01’ Rs, 2-8-0 my column. This is only admissible no non-commissioned officeh-


nikhet ’ Calcutta. Laudour “

H‘ubscri‘oers uL home, for s ' ' month months lHubsL-ribers in India, {or N — ’rsioned ofiice d , EnDegODEIT-eyenb members 01. 3,3313%? ex»R0y:i15). for Six months

Naini 'I‘ul. Sunlu. .3 i . Rallilnllé‘ti.





officers and men





Taylor. from Llw l>t Him \Vlltshli‘i' hewrnrnL

,. ..


lluww ' M" ‘ . . 5075, SW“. (ll-anlhlel" appolntnd Permanent Bari-pick


5287. lice—Corp] Morris. 10 Poo '(l to undvrgo wurseof instrurliion in Cookery,


Price per com" to Officers pm-e per copy to non-commissioned -Annual subscriptions pro rut-d.


353.336} ' ‘ ,

06—0 , .- LNG-b


Sergeant. at Allahabad.

For 51‘ monLhS. full page 4‘ , half 11:18 113:: Sb“ 3:52:51: quAn-gei‘p-wc ..

For 0:16 month,‘iull page F For one m inch. halfpuge For one monlh. Quarter page


W l h

Wilson, run out Bunker, b Bevan Jamieson, b Bevan Winter, 0 Hayes, b Blair Ratcli Re, C Dodson, b Dolan Whittingham, c & b Dolan

Naini ’l‘al


. , ' . ' PEP” W' ‘)”dds' M Landour. ”Vb—“8‘

, Embrux


Welcb, b Tilson Angus, c Walsh, b Tilson


ROW?’ b90111“ ~ , ‘ Dewlug, L Evans, 1) Alnold


Corpl. Eshmeade, c Head, b Blair “ Vanson, run out Seaton, not out


z "


PUdd‘rom‘ c Bra)" b Collier

" ..


Asbworth. b Earl

snrucnion in Armoury.

All communicmions intended for publication in


. L

5093 .. H

Fox. to Allahabad to undergo course 01 in-




‘1 t 1 \ " CIi ’ bigUAimox. , A 33' 11m, l: “10 l Weeks. b Arnold

did not but

C]. Sergt. Ellison b Fisher ‘ . . bergt. Blrkln, b ' 1',.Isher,


‘ B" SQUADRON [Versus ‘~ 0 " SQUADRON.

c ‘2" b 1'15”” Fi<_ er




Plumb, to Fyzabao on appointment in tinSupply and Transport Corps.


' S b Angus



‘. Scott . Butcher Callaghan SuLLnn



not out


f. PLe. Williamson, to Cawnpore to undergo uourm of instruction in Shoemaking.

the writer's mum: and address.



l) Eshrneude .. Tllson, u A" l) Sna-

Kasauli n



Bm Lee -Corpl_ -'



14 run out



I ‘ {ichardcon Herbert

U c Angus, l) \Vliittiughnm


~' Lawson cm

U L' Wnluli, b .\u:u,~'

, ton .. Del-«in. L‘ A". h 5021-

b . I e 1'1“roy




b Eshmeade .. \Vhoatman. c



, ‘

Francis. b Jeffrey


. i c RaLclitl‘e. h Vnnson

Angus, b Sou-

Critchley. not out



r ‘


~* Store Ya Fisher Cl..Serat. Dunk, c Mar. : tin, 1) Jeffrey..

Sergt. Parker, b Jefl‘rey


‘. Lulu-Corpll Marlin” . Pte. Robson

did not. bu:

Mann." ..b 1r].]ggt:fc e rey D J fi' 9“: L 9 rey. b

1‘ 15h“





Head. 0 Bunker. ‘

‘1 ,

Bllllltelrtllgggflfiglr . .

Hldll‘. meade

SERGTS.. D. I“ I, ‘

Walsh. h Seamn

homing/h. Nol 5%29, PM). lu‘nnis proceeded






i) not out


Dodswortb, stpd, Wen-h, h rash.


lbw. h Trig:

0 SLpll. \Velcli, l) Angus .

Bevan, c Airgun. b Spawn


S. Q. M. b Cronin: b Dew ii b Trig! Sergt. Collison. c Morey. I) Dew ..

. .



Woli'li l) SniitOll

2 not out .. 14 c Critchley. b Hultiiudv,

A G L E'

I” H H S‘i’UM’“ N‘

. 'eu.c&.b ’ine . Bray, c, Ashwortli, l) Dewing Earl, b Cue Collier, b Pine

..: ._ .. I


. MethOdlSt

. . PUbIIShlng


.. .

Arnold, o Cue. b l’iiddit'oon



(300k, C One. 1) Pine Evans. b l’uddil‘oot Stock, Run Out Syms,1\'ob(lun Burnett, 0. Pine, 1) Puddifoot Brown, c Rowe. b Puddil'ooi

.. .. .. ..



Printers &





I l 1

EJ'trris Total Tonal

PRINTED FOR THl-Z lilll'ron m






N. ON lHLY NOTES. It is safe to say that, since last we wrote, it

has rained every day, It is raining now as these lines are being penned, and looks like continuing, with an occasional pause for breath. so to speak, for another month or so. The latest reports show that the total rainfall from January lst of the present year has reached 27'96 inches,

compared with

tournament held by the Durham Light Infant ry on the evening of the 4th instant, and the two evenings following, The prizes were very good ones, and attracted a large number of entries, contingents from the King’s Royal Rifles, Royal Scots Fusiliers, and the Gameronians coming in in forcefrom their respectWe had no representative, ive stations. owing to several things, chiefly that with the

10 11

inches for the same period in 1907. Last year was an exceptionally, bad one in this respect, but there is every promise of a record fall in l908. The efi‘ect on the country may be imagined Everywhere the eye is met by vivid greens.


band and detachment away, we are not strong at headquarters, while our two best men,

Sergeant Sutch and Corporal Stratb, are at present in the hills on leave, training for the All-lndia Championship tournament which is to be held shortly in Simla. With all the

Trees and hedges have put forth

other units in the station, as well as those we

new shoots, while the open spaces that only a few weeks ago were quite bare, and inches

deep in dust, or split up with huge sun—cracks, are now covered with a luxuriant growth of grass. Further afield. the change is even more noticeable, as well as of much more con-


The present condition

of the

country under cultivation must surely gladden the hearts of the native farmers. Fields that but a short while ago could boast n0thing more than a few Sichlyvloolring stalks,

may now be seen masses of waving, healthy green crops Itis hardly necessary to say that, in spite of the several inconveniences of Wet weather, the change is all.

welcomed by us

The intense heat is no longer felt,

noted from other stations having entrants, it was remarked by our older soldiers present that such a thing could not possibly have happened a few years ago, and was to be deplored. The Durhams are to be congratulated on the success of their tournament

which produced some excellent fights, several being so clOsely contested as to leave opinion divided regarding the decision. Colonel de Lisle, at the request of the officer command ing the Durham Light Infantry, presented the prizes on the final night, and spoke in warm

terms of the splendid fights witnessed, and the generally enjoyable entertainment. We understand several challenges have been


thrown out as the result of the close fights.

temperature rarely rising to 90:, the plentilful rain is a guarantee of a good Winter, foodstuffs will be cheaper,

and manwuvres will

be possible ‘.

There has been little or nothing in the way of amusements in the station during the month, the solitary event, we believe,being the boxing

Apropos of the above, we would suggest, as ameans of reviving the interest in the na» tonal means of defence in the regiment, that a tournament be arranged early in the com— ing winter. With the exception, perhaps, of

one open "courtesy ’7 event, entries could be restricted



of the


'r 11 1+:



arranged for weights which would admit of the greatest number of entrants, without re-

gard to the correct heavy, middle, and lightweights. In this way men would gain confidence, and if they turned out well, as many of them naturally would, there would be no difficulty in arranging for their further tuition and training for outside events, and we should, later, be spared the remarks of our friends in other corps!

At this period of little or no sport much interest has attached to, and much pleasure has been, and is continuing to be, derived by participants, in the game of polo, which,

hitherto the sport of officers

only, as far

as the regiment is concerned, has recentiy, through the, kindness of the Commanding

Officer and Squadron Leaders, come to be indulged in by non-commissioned officer 3 and men. Light-weight troop horses have been selected, and for afort-night or more an hour‘s evening practice was put in The first games wereplayed on Saturday, Sthinsstant consistingof “A" rs. “ B," and C’ "‘D Squad rons, two slow periods each. Much was not expected from the beginner players of a game that admittedly requires more practice than most other games, but a very credit—

able performance was put up. Colonel de Lisle, and Messrs. Miles and Turner assisted as umpires, and coached the teams during the games Apart from the pleasure to


make up the officers' sides when short handed, or give them practice games. A most interesting addition has been made this month to'gthe library of the Oiiicers' Mess. This is a memoir of the late Colonel Frank


which has been presented by his

sister, Miss Rhodes, Colonel Rhodes joined the Royals in 1873 : was promoted Captain in “<84, and in the following year received his majority 011 the retirement of Major Ames. He left the regiment shortly afterwards for service in the Soudan, wherehegained a brevet of Lieutenant-Colonel The book is charmingly written throughout, and cannot fail to interest all who read it. To those who knew Colonel Rhodes it must bring bac'r forcibly the

charm of his personality, while to those less fortunate, the work is full of instruction and interesting anecdote. Few men pass a life so full of adventure as the late Colonel, and few leave so lasting an impression of good fellow. ship and kindly sympathy. As more than one General has remarked,

“ no expedition

could be complete without him," and certain

ly he saw more small wars during his distinguished career than any other officer in the army. In spite of the imperial abilities and world-wide renown of his brother, Cecil Rhodes, Frank Rhodes was by no means overshadowed His own personality was a strongly marked character. Without the personal ambition to


the summit of

players, the fact must not be lost sight of

fame, he nevertheless will be ever remember-

that there is no better

training than polo

for the handing of arms

mounted, while the

ed by his friends and acquaintances as a good and fearless soldier, an upright, honourable gentleman, the best of boon companions, and the staunchost of friends.

gooci done to liorses intellgently ridden, in making them handy and supple, and inc-reas ing their usefulness tenfold, is no less a point

It is to be hoped

In an article descriptive of the Internation'1Horse Show. held at Olympia recently, the

spoiting Yours- of lune ‘27 th contains the following ,’

obvious non-commissioned officers









will never reach a playing standard, but there is no reason why a nu mbe'r of players should not come along, of sufficiently good quality, to

ing to the nearest way, in Mr. H. A. Tomkinson of the 1st Royals, whose uncle, Colonel Henry ’l‘omkiuson, commanded the regiment when it was quartered in York in the good olddays. Mr. Tomkinson sits like arock, and stirrups evidently make no difference to him. He lost one stirrup—for anything we know to the contrary, he lost both at the inand-out jump—but he took no notice, and was as close to his horse as ever when he jumped the bank, a sufficiently formidable Obstar: e.” Mr. ’l‘oinkinson is at present undergoing the course at the Cavalry School, Netheravon.

And there is a worthy representative of

the Tomkinson family, and one who looks likekeeping up the family traditions ofadher-

lence, special interest attaches tothe work in that the author is a friend of the regiment, who, however, prefers to conceal his identity under the iiont-(le-plmne of “Scrap.” The "yarns " are both grave and gay, and so accurately depict



soldier, his

joys and sorrows, and peculiar humour, as to make it apparent to all who read—and know—that the writer did not obtain his information second-hand. Acheap edition of the book, price Re. 1 post-free, may be ob tained from any bookseller. The engagement is announced in the Home

papers of Sir Merrik Burrell to Miss Coralie Our sketch this month shows the Royal in the costume worn during the summer months for mounted drills and riding-school it con sists of cord Jodhpur breeches, khaki drill si1i1 t, shilcar helmet, and ankle-boots and spurs; a very neat, serviceable dress, and what is of greater importance, one that is cooland allows of much freedom of movement. We had intended continuing these sketches, but understand that readers would prefer photographs of present day Royals. What would appear to be of most general interest are photographic groups of officers, sergeants, corporals, the band, and squadrons We would ask, therefore, that a copy of any such group may be sent to us, and as soon as possible it will

be published with a number of the paper. The reproduction of photographs for newspapers is a delicate process, and very expensive, so that we shall probably be unable, until bigger funds adzuit, to publish more than one large group with etch number. 'l‘his, however, should be sufficient to increase the

saleo‘f the paper considerably, and so help towards further additions being made.

the privilege thus extended to the ran r and file will continue Without proper ponies, it is

in favour of the innovation.



“A Cowaids V (3., and other Yarns of a Military Flavour 7’ is a book which has recently become popular among readers who care for faithful descriptions of soldier life at home and abroad. Apart from its excel-

Porter-Porter. in May, 1898,

Sir Merrikjoined the Royals was invalided home from

South Africa during the war, and


his commission in October, 1902. The marriage is due to take place on the 14th instant. The good wishes of all Royal Dragoons are with Sir Merrik and his bride. The following extract from para. 253, Army Regulations, India, Volume II, may not be generally known, and since it affects many non-commissioned




should prove of interest :— “Furlough to England on private affairs “ may, if recommended, be granted to the ”following, provided no expense beyond that. “ ofconveyanceis caused tothe State; that they “have not registered their names for transfer “ to the Home Establishment; that they will “ not have less than two years’ unexpired se,._ “Hoe 011 letnrn from such furlough and that. othoy do not belong to corps about to leave

“india, i11whichcise furlough Will {only be exceptionally granted




“((1) Regimental, waiiant and nonrcommis~‘ sinned officers who have reengaged, and “completed five years’ continuous service in “ indie—for six months.” That is to say, that after January next 2111

those of the rank of Corporal and upwards who came out with the regiment and remained

l {i O


EA H i. la in the country, have re—engaged, and have, at the time of leave being granted, not less than 2“} years’ unexpired servi ce, may obtain six months~ furlough to Engl and, passage free, during the trooping season. It must be borne in mind, however, that only a certain number of berths are allotted to each Divis ion. these being split up proportionate‘y amo ng units, so that it is not improbable, in the case of a large number of applicants that some would have to postpone their leave until the following trooping season.

Major Steele has returned from English leave, and resumed command of “ A " Sq nadron. Lieutenants Atkinson and Miles also are back to duty from leave in England. The following officers have recently rejoined at headquarters from leave in India :—‘LieutenA ants Tidswell, Turner, and Watson, and Lieutenant and Riding-Master Crowley. Mr. Charrington, who has commenced riding at Poona, was placed second on Mr.

CosenS’ “Umutbee " in a horde race over 1% miles. Captain Grant and Mr. Turner, shooting recently in Southern India, secured the fol-

THE ent districts. and transferred to five different stations! M ussoorie folks tell us that the 17th Lancers are pretty certain we exch ange stations with them : they are in Meer ut. From another source we learn that M uttr a is likely to be our next station in relief of the 15th Hussars. Then with regard to mant nuvres. Rae-Bareli has been chosen for this year's camp, by many of our prophets; but the strongest and most probable rumour is that

As the season, which is termed seVel'ally trooping, relief, and drill, approaches, many and wonderful are the rumours set afloat re-

Harcourt drove them out. but not until much damage had been done to the town. On the 51h of April, 175.9, the colonelcy of the 1.eéfimenthaving become vacant by the

Of the First or the Royal Regiment of Dragoon s, contain-

deathof General flawley, was conferred upon

arriving together at the same point, an attack

ing an account of its formation in the reign of King Charles the Second, and of its sub-

Lieutenant-General the Honourable Henry Seymour Conway, from the 4th lrish Horse,

sequent services to the present time.

now the 7th Dragoon Guards; and. in this same year the establishment of the Six heavy

was immediately commenced. After a severe contest the enemy gave way and retired upon War-burg, where he was again attacked





next, and man-

oeuvre thence to Lucknow. In any case, it seems almost certain that mano‘uvres will be held this season some time. somewhere I



By General C. P. de Ainslie.


In 1752 the Royal Dragoons returned to

England, and were stationed at York, whence 1758, into Norfolk

year they moved into Kent. Disputes having arisen between England and France relating to the boundaries of the

British possessions in North America in 1755, an augmentation of 100 men was made to the establishment and alight troop consisting of three officers, one quartermaster, two sergeants, three corporals, two drummers,

andb‘O privates, was raised and added to the regiment on the principle of the light com-

panies to regiments of infantry. War was declared against France in 1756, when the French making preparations for a descent upon the British coast, the Royal

garding possible and probable movements of

Dragoons occupied the maritime towns in the

This year is no excel).

southern counties until, in the summer of 17:37, the] encamped near Salisbury.

units and individuals.

tion to the rule, and already the regiment has been despatched on manoeuvres to three dili'er-

Brittany, destroyed the

vicinity of Warburg, and reconnoitred the French positions there with the intention of attacking them the next day. At daybreak, on the 31st of July, the Royal Dragoons, under LieutenantColonelJohnston, left their camp on the heights of Corbach. and making a detour gained the left flank of the French army, and several other corps

they marched in October,

and 5 feet.

coast of

expedition under General Bligh, when a land-

we march to Barkacha, the artillery practice

and Essex, and in September the following

respectively. Two Black Bear, 8 feet 6 inches,

ing on the

80,000 French tioops, commanded by the Chevalier de Muy. crossed the Diemel, with the intention of cutting off the com mu nioation of the alli<d army with Westphalia. The Royal Dragoons with several other corps were immediately sent forward to Liebenau. under the Orders of the Hereditary Prince Charles of Brunswick, and being followed by

4 inches. tl feet, 8 ft. 2 inches, and 7 feet 8% inches. Six Bison~39, 362%, 31, 33, 32% and 30% inches, respectively. Eleven Cheetal—two be-st measuring 3&1 and 30%: inches. One Sambur. One Fourhorned Antelope.

Mr. Watson, lately returned from a shoot

The military strength of Great Britain having been considerably augmented, His Majesty prepared to act offensively, and in 1758 the light troop of the Royal Dragoons formed part of an expedition commanded by Charles; Duke of: Marlborough, which, land-


shipping and magazines at St. Malo. This troop was afterwards engaged in a second

lowing splendid bag:——Four Tigers—.9 feet

in Baltistan, has the following to his credit:—Four Ibex—43, 40, 89 and 87 inches respectThree Sharpu—Qo, 25 and 21 inches ively


V\\’Vair (ll’licc Establishment linolr.

ing being etfected in the Bale des Marees, Cherbourg was taken and put under con‘ tribution,


a force under

troops was increased to

the Ducd‘

Sixty. privates,


the light troops to eighty-nine, .making a total of 5th officers and men: and in the year following the light troop was further aug. merited to four officers, one Quartermaster, , four sergeants, four corporals, two drummers, and 100 privates. ded in the meantime an army comman


the Marquis of Granby had proceeded to rvmg 111-C0n1u110. Germany, and was there .se Hessuin, land n, with the Hanoveria lion

by Brunswick troops, commanded


the main body, his Highness ad vanced

to the

and driven across the Diemel with great loss, The Royal Dragoons encountered the cavalry corps of the Royal Piedmont, and acquitted themselves with their accustomed gallantry They afterwards charged a corps ofSwiss infantry. the regiment of Plant‘i, with great


broke its ranks,


after killing many of the men, took prisoners twenty officers and ‘300 soldiers: many of the Swiss attempting to escape were drowned in the Diemel Three troops of the regiment followed the Marquis of Granby in pursuit of the enemy across the Diemel and halted for

Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick; and in the

the night on the heights of Wilda;

spring of 1760 the Royal Regiment of Dra

three, havingr sufi'ered severely in the charge of the SwiSs infantry, remained at Warburgm‘ lna generalorder issued on the occasion, Prince Ferdinand declared that “ all the British caval y performed prodigies of valour." The Royal Dragoons lost in this action three

Goons, under Lieutenant-Colonel James John. :ton,em‘33rked for foreign‘service, and land.

ing at Bremen, in Lower .baxony, on the 16th the, army on" and 17th of April, they ]Olne(l nClpahty ‘01 PTi the in , zlar Frit r camped nea Lower Hesse, on the ‘let of the month, On the day following they were reviewed by the Duke of Brunswick, who was pleased to al‘al108' express his approbation of their éppe shing, rmi ng ski vri and After much manten

men and twentyonehorses killed,

the other

and thir.

teen men and thirteen horses wounded. 2- Journal of Lll‘lltelldllt-COlOllt'i Johnston, Royal Dra— goon, M. S.

’l‘ H E


The regiment ubsequently encamped on the banks of the Diemel. and on the 18th of October it was despatched towards the Lower Rhine, forming a sep‘rate corps under the Hereditary Prince Charles, which invested

'1‘ H E

a succe=sion of attacks, repulses, and charges

The allied army, after much mantnuvring, took up a position in Western Westphalia on the rivers Asse and Lippe, the Royal Dragoons encamping on the heights between Illingen and thenover On the 15th of July the French attacked the troops under the Marquis of Granby at Kirchdenkern, when, to relieve them, the Royals crossed the Asse by the bridge at Hans Hohenover, to support the corps engaged. After i sharp action,the enemy was repulsed with less: but the tire of the skirmishers was maintained through the night, and on the following morning the enemy renewed the engagement with great fury. The regiment was posted near Veilinghansen, and when the attacking columns were repulsed, it advanced to charge, but was prevented by the hedges and marshy hollows which intersected the country. It was subsequently employed in

were kept up until nine at night,

operations on the

Wesel, a town situated in


Duchy of

Cleves. The enemy advanced in force to relieve this place, and encamped on the i-lth of October behind the convent of Campen ing of the same day,

On the even-

after dark. the Royal

Dragoons and other corps advanced with the intention of surprising


enemy in


night, butit being found necessary to dislodgea corps which occupied the convent, the firing which this occasioned gave the alarm, and the troops immediately formed in order of battle.

The action commenced on

the following morning before daybreak, and

in which



moving into

the Royal Dragoons took an active part and they are reported to have “behaved extreme-

the Electorate of Hanover, it was engaged in askirmish near Eimbeck, in the early part

ly well."

of November.

Two pieces of cannon and a pair

On the same night, marchinO'


Federal army as well, played an important part. It is true that some European writers are inclined to under-rate the cavalry work in these campaigns on the ground that their aetion partook more of the work of mounted rillemen than of cavalry, as it is understood in European armies. Those who condemn the work of the American Cavalry on accountof the mistakes made on both sides during the earlier phases of the war, due to want of training of all ranks, expose their ignorance of the work performed alike in reconnaissance, screening, and in actual combat. Colonel G. F. Henderson, the abiest of our military historians of this generation, takes quite an opposite view, and considers that we owe to the Americans the present increased value of European cavalry. In his article on cavalry tactics, prepared for the [L‘ncyclt‘pmdzlt Britminica, Colonel Henderson wrote : “ The American Cavalry, in the beginning of the war, was formed on the European model; but before long it became a new type. It could charge home with the In addition, it was so


formed by Stuart in 1863-64; none of a well contested Cavalry battle than that near Brandy Station on 9th June. 1863 ” Of all the cavalry leaders of that war, the one who stands out in ability and daring is J. E. B. Stuart, who commanded the Confederate Cavalry from the death of Ashby to the time of his own death in May, 3865 Educated at the United States Military Academy at West Point which he joined in 1850, James Stuart was a marked character among the other cadets from the first General Fitzhngh Lee speaks of him at this period, thus :— “I recall his distinguished characteristics: astrict attention to his military duties, an erect soldierly bearing, and an immediate and almost thankful acceptance of a chillcige to' tight from any cadet.” Another fellow-student describes Stuart as a “ Bible-class man," but always ready to

defend his own right or his honour, and who gained







endurance when opposed to better men than himself.

of colours were captured : but at length the

through heavy snow to E‘oorwohle, it 6110011110-

sabre or the revolver.

Prince perceived that it was impossible to

equipped that it- could fight on foot as readily

Before the civil war broke out, Stuart had

tered and drove back some French cavalry ; and on the 9th of the month it had another skirmish at Foorwohle, after which it went into quarters in East Friesland. (To be continued.)


already acquired some experience: first, against the Apache Indians, and later against the Cheyenne warriors in 1857. During this

drive the enemy out ofa wood, of which he had possessed himself, and the allied regiments having expended all their ammunition, his Highness ordered a. retreat. In this affair the casualties of the regiment were heavy, comprising eight men and ten horses killed, Lieutenant~Colonel Johnston. three men and four horses wounded; Cap: tain Wilson, and Lieutenant Goldsworthy, Cornet Duffe and twenty-five men taken prisImers. It afterwards repassed the Rhine

on the 18th of October, and was cantoned in the principality of Hesse, where the officers received orders to wear mourning for His Majesty King George 11., w iose demise had occurred on the 28th of that month. In February, 1763, the regiment was engaged in an incursion into the French cantonments, and in several skirmishes With the enemy, and in the spring a remonnt joined from England.



In the terrible civil war waged in America from 1861 to l865, the military genius of several leaders, as well as the gallantry of the troops on both sides, have excited the respect

and admiration of all students of the History of the War of Secession. Throughout this protracted struggle, the cavalry of the Confederate forces, and later on that of the *Journal of






as in the saddle, and it was so armed

trained that when dismounted it was but little inferior to the Infantry. “Great cavalry combats. in which both sides rode at each other, were far more frequent than in any of the European cam» paigns ; and the instances of cavalry charging disinfantry are so numerous as to completely American the that belief prove the common horsemen were merely mounted infantry. true The truth is, the Americans struck the dismounted and shock balance between of action. So brilliant were the achievements that Confederate, the cavalry, Federal and to they have tended, in a certain measure, obscure the work of other arms. in*‘ lt may be said that there is no liner ar my by stance of a pursuit than that of Lee‘s impene‘ Sheridan in l865 : none of a screen,

than that trable even by a vigorous enemy,

period of his life, in the lst Cavalry, he came under the notice of Colonel Robert E Leg7

win a few years later commanded the confederate forces, when the mutual respect of these too famous soldiers was cementedin many hard-fought lights. .11

March. 186:,

when war wasimminent.

Lieutenant Stuart decided he must throw in his lot with his own State of Virginia, and forwarded to the War Department his resig~ nation as an officer of the United States army. He then proceeded to Richmond,

Virginia, to

otter his services in defence of h!s native state

in May, i861, he was ordered to report himself to Colonel l‘. J. Jackson, now better known as “ Stonewall " Jackson : and in July

Officer present with the Army.

EL- 1 ._, ...._,





the same year, he was promoted to Colonel of Cavalry. Two months later he was given command of a Brigade, and within a year he became a Major:General of a l tavalry Division. Such rapid promotion at the hands of men,

like Jackson and Lee, is a standing record of the remarkable ability as a leader of Cavalry of J. E.




was known



troop as “Jeb " Stuart. In a letter to President Davis, General Johnston recommended Stuart for promotion in the following terms: " He is a rare man, wonderfully endowed by nature with the qualities necessary for an officer of Light Oamlry. Oalni, firm, acute, active, and enterprising. }. know of no one more competent than he to estimate occurrences before him at their true value. ” In spite of the numerous

battles and en-

gagements in whichStuart-‘s cavalry were sucCCszul, it is, perhaps, his famous reconnais sauces by which Stuart is best known. The first of these remarkable raids occurred from the lath to the .5th June, 1&62, when Stuart led his brigade, including artillery, round the right of McGlellan’s armythen inv :sting Rich— mond, passing across his communications and returning by his left to Richmond. The object Of this reconnaissance was primarily to gain intelligence of the enemy‘s



to find out if there was “any indication of a movement towards their right (north). Stuart’s force consisted of 1,200 cavalry and two guns." Starting





north in order to create the impression that his force was destined to reinforce Jackson and it was not until the following day that he ,- immunicated


plans to his regimental

commanders. As soon as he turned east, he encountered opposition, but brushing this

he decided that the bold course of pushing on round the Federal camps was the less risky alternative. ln pursuing the latter course he had to cross the River Chickahominy, now swol~ len by recent rains, and the force was delayed some seven hours before the crossing was effected, only just in time to avoid an attack from the Federal troops which had collecte d on the north bank. The ('reatest perils of the expedition were new safely passed, and

cellor’sville, Lee appears to have made his one

mount his cavalry, and upset all the plans of

known as the Wilderness campaign, in which Stuart met his death. The enemy charged and captured his battery, driving back the left portion of his cavalry in disorder Stuart personally rallied about eighty men, and with these he fired into the flank and rear of the Federal squadrons as they passed his position in advancing and when driven back by a counter-charge of the first Virginia cavalry. As they retired, one man, who had lost his horse and was running on foot, turned as he passed the General, and firing his pistol, inflicted the fatal wound. That Stuart’s loss was irreparable to the confederates, was the opinion of all. General Jones, who had been put under arrest and removed from the command of his brigade by Stuart, bears witness to the respect and admiration in which he held his former lead-

its return journey to Richmond. The results \iere iinpot taut. The information obtained in this reconnaissance was most valuable, and Stuart brought in with him to Richmond 105 prisoners, 260 horses, besides having destroy-

the Federal army in Maryland. The results of this second strategical reconnaissance roused President Lincoln to action. He writes to General McClellan, the chief‘of the Federal forces : “ Stuart‘s cavalry outmarched ours, having certainly done more marked service on the Peninsula and everywhere since. " Lincoln at once proceeded to organise the northern cavalry to enable it to compete successfully with Stuart’s, and from this time we see cavalry brigades and even divisions meeting each other in the.

ed much stores, etc, of the enemy. The only

field unsupported by infantry, each striving

the force had only tr avoid hostile camps on

casualty in Stuart's command was one officer From that date until the day of his death MajorGeneral “ Jeb ” Stuart commanded the

to establish its superiority over the other. Early in 1863, many cavalry actions were fought and the best known of which were at Kelly’s Ford and Brandy Station, between

Cavalry Division Of Lee‘s army, and every

'Culpepper Court House and the Rappahanock


report of this latter officer brings to notice

the assistance rendered him by his cavalry under their famous leader, of whom he re— cords “ he never brought me a piece of false information.” in October of the same year, after the Battle of Sharpsburg, Stuart’s cavalry was


a well—earned

period of rest at

Charlestown. On the filth Stuart prepared for another raid, selecting 600 men from each of his three brigades. Again secrecy as to the destination was observed.

paign which culminated in his defeat at GettysburghedirectedStuarttopassroundtherearof the Federal forces with three cavalry brigades, crossing the Potomac between the enemy and Washington. The object of this reconnaissauce was to “ keep Lee properly advised of the enemy’s movements. " Although Stuart carried out his orders, this raid was strategicallya failure, At ltockville he captured a large train of supply wagons intended for Meéde’s army Encumbered by these and nu-


merous prisoners, his march was delayed,

jug at Darksville, this force of18,000 men moved north across the River Potomac to Chambersburg, from there to Gettysburg, and returned to the Virginian bank of the river by White’s Ford near Leesburg. From Chambersburg, Stuart’s march is one of

his despatch riders on several occasions failed to reach theirdestination, and in consequence Stuart’s cavalry did not arrive in time

would have been of incalculable value.

. On the 4th May, 1864, commenced what is


On hearing of his death, Jones turned to

their Assistant Adjutant General and said, “ You know I had little love for Stuart and he loss the army has ever sustained, except the death of Jackson.” Such a testimony from General Jones is of higher value than anything a friend could say. What Jackson was as a leader of a division and an army, Stuart equalled him as a leader of cavalry.

On May 20th, General Lee made the following official announcement of J. E. B Stuart’s heroic death : — “ Among the gallant soldiers who have fallen in this war, General Stuart was second to none in valour, in zeal, and in unflinching devotion to his country. His achievements form a conspicuous part of the history Of this army, with which his name and service will be forever associated. To military

capacity ofa high order and to the nobler

to be of service to Lee at the Battle of Gettys

virtues of the soldier, he added the brighter

burg. In spite of the consternation he caused among the Federal leaders, there is little doubt that on this occasion his cavalry division would have been of greater service in co-Operation with the remainder of Lee’s

graces of a pure life guided and sustained by

the most remarkable on record.

cumbered with artillery and captured horses in twenty-seven home he had marched eighty

army than it

miles, and had forced the passage of the Poto-

sound judgment of Stonewall Jackson, who

mac river under the very eyes OfSUneriOp

had recently been killed at’the Battle of Chan—

Though en-

great error; of the war in not retaining his

cavalryat a time when its. assistance

had just aslittle for me; buttha’t is the greatest

river. In June of this year, when Lee was making preparations for the Maryland cam-

aside he moved on to the Federal line of supply,

Finding italmost impossible to return b/ the same route he had come, owing to a swollen


forties. His only casualty was one man wounded. Besides destroying much public and rail road property and captu ring many important officials, Stuart brought 1,200 horses to re-

destroying wagon trains, railway and tele—

graph lines, as well as stores of supplies.


river and to hostile concentrations in his rear,

was When detached on this

strategical reconnaissance.

Deprived of the

the Christian’s faith and hope. The mysterious hand of an allwise God has removed him from the scene of his usefulness and fame. His grateful countrymen will mourn his loss and cherish his memory. To his comrades-in-arms he has left the proud re-

collections of his deeds and the inspiring influence of his example”




29:}. Au, ust, 1900. DEAR M ,— q , From the- 8th to the 15th of this month I was at Tendega with my troop on outpost duty, quite a pleasant change from the headquarter routine. Quartered in a deserted farm, we found ourselves under a roof for the first time this year. The officer in command had one room, the sergeants occupied another, a third was allotted to the two colonial guides,

while a big room at the back accommodated most of the troopers, the remainder living in “ booby hutches ” in the garden. “ Booby Hutch ”—derivation unknown, so far as I can say—is Tommy’s slang for any sort of hastily-

EAGLE of the building, leaving a gap of smouldering grass, and a crowd of blackened, frizzled, sweating, swearing men, and trembling

horses. . At daybreak the wind increased in violence, and the charred remains of

the acres of

grass flying through the air made things very pleasant! At 11 A.M. the verandah “ went

developed an inclination to go on leave. few hundred-weight





brought pressure to bear on this would-be prodigal ! On the 20th, the Boers crossed the Buffalo, 600 strong, and drove in our outposts. We turned out from camp, came in touch after

surrounding the house. We were awfully proud of our villa. Certainly the windows

Hussars. We had one man killed (Pte. Hancock) and one wounded and taken priv

were innocent of glass or frames, but artistically arranged curtains of corn sacks made a very good substitute. For furniture, our tables were inverted “ bully beef " boxes; chairs we dispensed with. Empty jam and condensed milk tins served for drinking vessels, and bales of compressed forage, a mattress of hay, and a pair of wallets for a pillow made a positively luxurious bed. On the 11th instant, shortly after midnight, the alarm was given, and we tumbled. out, to find, however, that a veldt fire was the cause. The wind was high and gusty, falling at intervals to an almost dead calm, and the long lines of flame came rolling down the hills

soner (Pte. Reynolds). I was with a patrol scouting two miles to the right front of the squadron, when we sighted a party of about thirty mounted men on some rising ground ahead. We were not left long in doubt as to

in front of us, first sweeping Violently along,

force them back, and

then, as a lull came, burning steadily, looking

this period retiring before our main body, Natives at the Whole were driven back. the kraals on the line of retreat, reported

with an occasional charge. Arming ourselves with sacks, blankets, boughs of trees, etc., we

went out and fought it—at least that part of it which threatened our farm. In this we succeeded, the fire sweeping along on both sides

their identity, for before a glass could


levelled, aconple of bullets splashed up the soft earth within a few yards of us, to be followed by a regular hail as we galloped for cover.



we poured ina

hot fire and compelled the enemy to retire

from his position to another some distance away, upon which we raced up to the aban<

doned position—a native kraal. we were under fire.

All the way

Again we managed to

their main body at

five Boers being carried




comrades, either dead- or wounded. Our casualties were two horses wounded, one ridden by Pte. Creek being shot through

-On the 24th, the Boers again crossed the river, driving in the Duckponds post, and attackingTendega post. They opened fire on the latter place at 830 A.M. from a fine commanding

by the board,” and shortly afterwards all hands were hanging on to the roof which had

dences consisted of three rock walls, covered with branches of trees and grain sacks. The horses, too, were picketed within the kraal

for all the world like an advance of infantry

Badh‘a’m’s horse, who got a bullet through its

left ear.

six miles, and drove them back across the river. The Natal papers say that twelve Boers were killed, including the casualties in their attack on an adjoining post held by the 13th

built shelter. In this case these detached resi-

the neck,'the bullet cutting awayaportion of the breastplate, the‘ other being Pte.


2,000 yards distant.


Thehandful of men in the farm behaved splendidly, and contrived to keep off the Boers until the regiment arrived, upon which the enemy, after firing a few belts of pompom shells, excellently aimed, but fortunately doing no damage, hastily retired. On patrol the following day the natives said the Boers told them a great number of Englishmen had been killed, and next day they (the Boers) were returning to exterminate the remainder. So far no orders haVe been issued for funeral parties ! From the fact that posts of the 5th Dragoon Guards and the 13th Hussars were simultaneously attacked, it would appear to have been a general attack on Newcastle. We are much more cheerful now that we are getting some sport ! Yours, etc., OL~OL.

NAINI TAL LETTER. 51/1 Augusl, 1908. DEAR Mr. EDiTOR, l have no great amount of news to impart

this month.

Rain is the chief topic up here

at present, as, not satisfied with establishing

a record by a 22.6 inches fall in one month, it has now rained four days without a break,

showing a fall of 12 inches, or 3 inches per diem ! I hear Lucknow, too, is getting a plentiful supply. Wonders will never cease! The only sport going here is the six-a-side football tournament, which has now reached

the semi-final stage.

Our detachment team

from Manora were beaten by Sherwood “ A ” team by 2—l,vbut the Band “A” team wen

their match, against the Y. M. C. A. after a fierce struggle,





Anglirg is becoming a popular pastime with our men, though why it should, I cannot for

the life of me understand, as, so far, they have caught little else but colds! G

Our third dance of the season was held on 29th ultimo, and was even more successful

than its predecessors. The Indian Daily Tele' ' graph has the following 2— “The Band of the lat Royals are enter“ taining their friends well at their resi“dence, ‘Edwinstowe.’ Their third dance “ this season took place last Monday, and “proved as popular as the former ones, for "the members of the Band make capital “hosts, and their dances are looked forward “ to by all privileged with invitations.” The Naiui Tal, Gazrtte is also kind :— *





" The Band of the 1st Royals are becoming “well known in Naini Tal as entertainers, “and their dances, of which this is the third, We look forward in “are very popular. “pleasant anticipation to another night with “so many jovial hosts as companions.” This Sort of thing fires one's ambitions, which may explain why our next dance is to be held at the Masonic Hall, our own house “Edwinstowe” being small. and unable to take the gradually increasing weight on its floor. By the way, if we develop SWelled heads, you must attribute it chiefly to newspaper reports. Musical Progress contains the following :— “ The 1st Royal Dragoons’ Band, under the “direction of Mr. E. R. Holt, since their ar-

“rival in India, have done very well, indeed, "’ with their musical performances, notwith“standing the difficulties always experienced “after arrival in the country. Some excellent “programmes were given on Empire Day “ during the fete organised on the occasion at “ Naini Tal, and much pleasure was given by “theable performance of the very suitable “music. Cavalry bands are generally popu“ lar at any station ; and the Royals has been “ no exception since their arrival at Naini.” We shall soon begin to think we are clever! A few days ago the band was the recipient of a present from Mr Corbett, of Naini Tal, no less a gift than a baby-panther, then twelve days old. it is too young to lap, so is fed from it is already a a baby’s feeding-bottle. favourite with the men, is very playful, and has made great friends with a kitten, but we shall, I fancy, be feeling anxious about that kitten in afew months‘ time. We are glad to know the rain has made things more With bearable for you all in Lucknow. salaams,









be» taken not to hurry the weak and backward animals. To do so, would be to break

COLONEL H. deB. deLiSLE, 0.8., D. S. O.

them down constitutionally, or produce lamenessin the feet and legs. Although it,

(Continued. )' Training the Remount.

The art of training horses of every description lies in regulating the feeding and

werk in proportion to the constitution and

is desirable to keep a batch of remounts on the same level in their training, it must be remembered that forward horses must be kept back to the more backward To over. work the latter is fatal, and can only result

In other words,

in periodical visits to the

the horse must be maintained in perfect health of body and limb in spite of

sick lines. One point must he insisted upon—a remount leaving the Sick

the unnatural scale of feed—

Lines must on no account

In his na-

take his place among those whose training has been continuous. The folly of such procedure should be obvious, but unless squadronotficers are careful on this subject, remounts will be found doing over~severe work the morning after be-


ing and work.

tural state, a horse main-

tains himself in perfect health




grass, but would soon lose condition, the first visible

sign of loss of health, if put into even mild training


the addition of

muscleforming food. To severely work a young horse off grass, will as certainly break him down, as to suddenly fill him with corn will destroy his powIt is ers of digestion.

ing dismissed from hospital by the veterinary surgeon. It should be an unaltera‘ole rule in every

necessary to understand

the squadron leader by the

this thoroughly in order to regulate the work and feeding according to the strength of every remount individually. With a batch of remounts, it is no un» usual thing to see them all

troop oflicer and his sergeant, and the orders for

squadron,that every horse,

on returning to duty from

hospital, he paraded before

the horse’s work and feedinglbe taken down in writ-


mount, it is wiser to re-




from the very beginning, as if newly joined. The time spent in this preliminary gentle work will be time gained, as the horse

fed alike and all worked alike. Without very competent trainers and remount-riders, it is difiicult

will not be likely to repeat

to arrange a separate scale of work and feeding for every young horse, and hterefore more care must

In the case of a re-

his visit to the sick lines

within a month, as so often happens from injudicious Riding School, Summer Kit


In India, with fe w exceptions, remounts are totally untrained before being shipped. They have never been fed on corn, and have never been in muscle. When taken into Depots,

they are fedon a mild diet, and get a certain amount of





full Depots are quite unable to digest the for standard ration, or to carry a man daily red. over-ti feeling t withou walk a an hour at remounts, The work and feeding of new mildest the of be therefore, must at first . gradual very e increas the and description, and the friend, best t's remoun the is Time trainer’s best assistant. not be a The first object of training should Soft horse. rideable horse, but a healthy with ed combin , lucerne food, green grass, and to this end. walking exercise, are the means

health and Overfeeding or overwork, until

produce strength are established, will soon fever or liver troubles,

and it

may take

before a horse months, and sometimes years,

really recovers from them. covered, and As soon as the remount is well the training coat, carries a clean and healthy n and the duratio The mav be increased.

the capa< nature of the work should be below This will bilities of the horse, never above. and in. health, of state maintain the perfect condition of the heavy and muscle the crease it is preferremount. During the first year given, and is work slow but g able that nothin , remonths at the end of the first twelve prize of ance appear the mounts should have four miles at the recattle, but be able to trot

per hour, without gulation rate of eight miles should be perfect they distress. By this time, exercises, quiet with in all the Riding School

as a hack at slow all weapons,and be as perfect setting-up years first paces. During this of every legs the protect to well training. it is secured , gaiters polo remount with numnah broad. inches five or four with an elastic band

band round these It is usual to have a leather far preferable gaiters. Elastic is obviously brushsplints, the to save the forelegs from

ing, and also from slight sprains which: are inseparable from early training unless guard. . ed against. The second year’s training should be devoted to fast work, jumping, and work in the field. If health and soundness have been scrupulously maintained during .the first year’s training, no anxiety need be felt whengalloping work is commenced. Here again the same principle must be observed: to in-' crease the severity of the training gradually, and never to allow remounts to be distressed, During the first year, horses should never sweat profusely, as the object is to build up In the second year, remounts condition. must be sweated, to

from soft flesh.

produce firm muscle

When horses can drill in

troops at agallop for two miles without sweating or being distressed, and at the. same, time look in hunting condition, they are well trained, and fit for the ranks. When the same horses can carry a man in marching order from six to eight hours a day, and keep it up daily, they are fit for service, and possess the necessary endurance of the cavalry horse. (To be continued.)

SERGEANTS’ MESS NOTES. ing We have to thank the Editor for allott d recor to which under ng us aspecial headi ants’ Serge the of ers memb the of s doing the


We shall.l am sure, always do our

to write best to find something interesting , so to uction introd our being This about. givea ~ to place of speak, it may not be out sur. its and mess our of n brief descriptio are ‘con— we as ally especi more roundings,

appointtinually being told we have the best is a oneed mess in India. The building by 50 feet long feet 150 low, bunga storeyed

round. broad, with deep verandahs all


sting of bar is divided into four sections, consi

. . u.........,..‘w,.‘_,,





while on the west side are. two cemented ten. nis courts, surrounded by a tall hedge, with

grass lawns for chairs, tables, etc. Frequent tennis At Homes are held here, and, weather permitting, the members and their wives and friends assemble nightly to indulge

in this excellent game, many of them playing quite good tennis. The courts were set out at our own expense soon after we arrived here, and much of the present comfort, we have the satisfaction of knowing. is due to our own efforts. The interior of the mess is well

furnished and comfortable, no pains having been spared to make it attractive and homely. Photographs of old colonels and numerous other “old comrades ”adorn the walls, re< minding us that as smart as we consider ourselves at the present day, there have been

others! In addition to tennis, we have a fairly

Single. . Q. M. S. Cronin 30 erszt. Mitchell 27 . M. S. Lawrence” 28 gt. Ratclifi'e 24 ,, Oxford .. 22 ,, Richmond 2-1 .. Goddard ,, Collisou 19

good cricket side, can put a hockey eleven into the field, get much sport out of our shooting club fixtures, and with bridge and billiards manage to fully occupy our leisure. Occa~ sionally, small parties go out game shooting, and now we are becoming expert polo players 1 We have just concluded at




' ‘

E) Total

‘ Nine tired—best eight to count The shooting at the last range caused great excitement and the result was i n the hands of the last two men to fire. The “unappropriated

blessings ”were victorious by a single point The bridge tournament consistedcof seven finished rubbers, the total points 01‘ each rubber going towards the aggregate. The

married side lost by 1,228 points. " The billiard tournament, consisting of games of 150 up, shows the following re—

Sergt. Plumb, b Puddh toot .. 0 b Fisher Pte. Marlow, c & b Fi0 c & b Puddifoot sher . Corpl. Vanson, h Puddifoot .. 3 c Parks, b Cuc “ Pegg, b Puddifoot 1 c Weeks, h Cue Pte. Francis, not out .. 22 b Fisher “ lsaaes, b Fisher 6 0 Weeks. b Fisher “ Gullatly, c K: b Fisher .. 2 1) Fisher “ Ciimmings.cGroom b Edwards .. 0 c Edwards, b Cue “ Turp. b Edwards .. 3 1) Fisher “ Love, c Newton, h Fisher .. 0 not out Corp]. Lochyer, h Fisher 2 run out Extras .. 5 Extras Total

Married. R. Q. M. S. Sykes, 113, 71.3. S. Q. M. S. S. S. M. Wallis, 150 Sergeant S. Sergt. Carter, 113 ‘ .i .Sergt. Harman, 150 u .. S. M. '1‘. impson, 98 i. Arinr.-Sergt. Roberts. 95 .. n i. S. S. M. Greenland. 95




Sing/Io. Cronin. Collison, Jeffrey, Oxford, Richmond, Goddard, Thompson, Allcliin,

150 117 150 110 150 150 150 150

962 1,127 The single players were thus the winners by 165 points.

A spoon shoot was held on the 23rd ultimo on the long—distance range. Distan ces~700, 900, and 1,000 yards. Weather conditions were not favourable. Only ten competed, of which Sergeant Allchin was first, with 48 points.


2ND & 4TH TROOP. Pte. Brown, c Weston, b Cock Corpl. Rickeard, b Collier Pte. Aldrich, c Cook. 13 Collier Corpl. Seaton, b Neil “ Welch, not out Pte. Earl, c Duckworth, b Cook “ Arnold, c Newton, 1) Collier ‘ Bray, b Duckworth Berridge did not but. ” Stock did not bat. Corpi. Vickery did not bat. ..










PRIVATES 0F “ B ” SQUADRON. Non-Comussronan OFFICERS. Sergt. Corpl. Sergt. Corpl. Sergt.

Goddard. c Grilliths, b Arnold Welch, 1) Earl Collison, b Earl Hughman, b Earl Oxford, c & 13 Earl Corpl. Winter, h Arnold S. Sergt Carter, (2 Cook, b Arnold Corpl. Newton, not out S. S. M Allen, c Bray, h Earl Corpl. Buck, b Arnold Sergt. Allcliin, b Arnold

CRICKET. o " SQUADRON ’08. H o “ SQUADRON. .. C ,,

Sergt. Fisher, b Gallatly Married .

R. Q. M. S. Sykes mix-gt. (Joe S. S. M. Allen S. M. T. Simpson Sergt. Sales

.. .. .. .. ..

S. S. M. Greenland


S. S. M. Wallis S. Sergt. Carter

.. ..




‘ i

31 25 :8 25

32 21 1‘.) 18 28




25 23

' ‘.



Edwards. b Marlow .. Maytum. c Gallatly, b Marlow ..

Drawing, n Vanson.. Newton, 1 1) w, b Vanson .. Groom, c Vanson, b Marlow .. Robson, not out Henderson, 0 Pegg. h M arlow .. Cue. c Francis, 1) Marlow .. Ertrrzs Total

23 c Gallatly, b Isaacs 3 h Vanson 23 c & b (lallutly

Bray, b Collison

Evans. 1) Collison

Grilliths, l) Collison 3 did not hat. Castle, b Newton 3 did not hat. 0 did not hat.

Stock, not out

0 not out

Brown, c Proctor, h Newton Getliiie, run out

.. Extras

:2 l) Gallatly






.. 111

Pte. Cook, 0 Stock. b Earl ” Collier, 1) Earl “ Griffiths, c Berridge. h Seaton “ Castle, 0 Rickeard. b Seaton Sergt. Weston. c Vickery, 1) Earl Pte. Evans, 1) Seaton “ Harvey, c Seaton, b Earl Corpl. Newton, (1 & b Seaton Pte. Davis, h Earl “ Duckworth, c Arnold. h Seaton .. “ Neil, not out


to be exercised, this year looks like witnessPRIVATES.

Earl. h Newton Arnold, l) Collison

l) b Isaacs 18 run out


The results, to date, of the annual classification course are very creditable, and unless there is a falling Off With the parties yet

. Collier, c S; b Welch Cook, in Collison

0 b Gallatly



SQUADRON. Pte. Putldiioot, e Plumb, h Gallatly .. ‘ Weeks. c Gallatly, b Marlow ..



Single series of games in which the Bene-

Shooting :—7 rounds at 200, 500, and 600 yards— Bisley targets.



“ SERGEANT.” dicks were hopelessly worsted. The events were shooting, bridge. and billiards, and the results were as follows :—


21m dz 4'“! TROOP, " B ” SQUADRON.

Mr &. 3RD Tnoor.

Suits :-~

210,. M. S. Dight,

151" & 31w TROOP, “ B" SQUADBON.



and abl'ution rooms, mess, dining, and'billiard mom's, runhing’from north to south. On the east side is the cookhouse, and alarge garden,


.. 136

ing our record figure of merit. “D” Squadron were first to fire at the commencement of the musketry year, and their 121 officers, noncommissioned officers and men averaged 206. in C" Squadron, who followed, put through a party numbering 113. Their average was 211. “ B” Squadron next exercised a party, 115 strong. and these finished up with the fine average of 221. ii A” Squadron are now occupying the rangeS, and are doing very well. It is noteworthy that out of 58 who fired the preliminary course, not one failed to qualify. This

in itself constitutes a record.

.. . ...-.—~—..t....u..:u.




There can be no doubt that the shooting of

the regiment has made great strides in the last year or two, and is very evidently still improving. The Corporals’ Mess Rifle Club have held four spoon shoots since We last wrote. The results are here given 2—“C " & “ D” Squadrons

" A " 8: “ B ” Squadrons

" B ” A“. “ C " Squadions

.. lst. Corporal Hughes 79. owes 6. 2nd, Corporal Bunker 72. .. 1st, Corporal Newton 86, owes 4. 2nd, Corporal Martin '75. owes 2. .. 1st, Corporal S. S. Brown Al.

“A” dz“ D” Squadrons

2nd, Corporal Martin 80, owes 4. .. lst, Corporal S. S. flood 81, owes 2. 2nd, Corporal Hughes 88, owes 0.

No. 5825 Lee -Corpl.'Norton proceeded to “



' “

(She ~agle.

Bareilly. Landour.

5m, Pte. McGlbbon

.. '

5788 “ Price 5820 “ Nelson 397 “ Richards 5159, Lee—Corpl. Proctor

Amballa. Naini Tal. Coonoor; Lundour.


5606, Pte. Gibson




3425, S. Q. M. S. Stuart



4921. Corpl. Thomas


5336. 5220. 4S. 5496, 5466. 5744 5759 5775 329 5422 5832,

“ “ Bareilly. Manors. Camp. ~

The present season of the year in Lucknow is regarded by many as the most unpleasant, for the reason that the rains having ceased, the action of the unclouded sun in absorbing the moisture of the earth produces a humid atmosphere that is most trying. indeed, we have already experienced this, for although we are still favoured with an occasional shower of rain the intervening periods have seen a marked rise in the temperature, and a consequent return of that most irritable malady, prickly heat. Still, the fact that we are continuing to get some rain is much to be

Leo-Corpl. Vanson Pte. Isaacs Pte. Johnstone Lee-Corpl. Whittlngham Fto. Reilly " McAllistor “ Ross “ Burt " Gardner “ Castle Corpl. Welch


“Naini Tal.


ward to this relief from the monotony of barrack routine. With the good rough fare, the open-air life, and the added interest attaching to our profession, manoeuvres in lndia is regarded more in the light of an

annual holiday than a period of harder work, and this winter’s outing will be even further appreciated, inasmuch as no camp was held last year. At a time like the present, when the, so-

called, unrest in India is mildly agitating the political circles of half the civilised world, and the English press is making profitable


No. 4506, Lce.-Sergt. Ratclifie, promoted Sergeant.

if the showers remain with us for another month, when the comparatively cold weather

Colonel O’Shaughnessy Major Lee Captain Parsons Captain Godman

No. 5076, Unpaid Lee-Sergt. Fisher. appointed Paid Lee.Sergeant. No. 5832, Unpaid Lce -Corpl. Welch, promoted Corporal

will commence and (to misquote) the summer

of our discontent will be made glorious. Soon then will come the influx of the detachments and the holiday-makers, and life will be made more liveable with drills, manoeuvres, race meetings, and the other hundred and one

INDIA. Sergt.-Instructor Ross

(O R. C.) No. 5394, Rte Judge, appointed Unpaid Lance-Corporal. No. 5500, Pte. Talbot, appointed Provisional Unpaid Lce.-Corporal. N0. 3330, Sergt. Clapcott, appointed lst Class Sergeant-Instructor to the United Provinces Light Horse. Certificates. _No. 5520, Pte. Nelson, awarded Acting Schoolmaster's Certificate. Transfers.

EDITORIAL NOTICES. All communications intended for publication in

The Eagle

should be addressed to the Editor. and should be accompanied by the writer's name and address. The Editor will not undertake to be responsible for any reject_

ed MS. nor to return any contribution unless specially desired to do so.

Capt. W. D. Grant, to Manora Camp, Naini Tal. to take over Command of Detachment. Lind-Lieut. E. A. R. Rube. to Manora Camp, Naini Ta], for duty.

This is only admissible to non-commissioned ofiicers

Rs. 3.4.0

men (present members or % 3:: 51311.11?


ex-Royals), for six months Price per copy to Oillcers


5168. Pte. Ellis 5802 “ Fitzgerald 5589 “ Suminerfield 5538, Lee-Corpl. Burnidge





copy to non-commissioned -onlcers and men A mzual subscriptions pro rata.

For six months. full page For six months, half page For sixhionths. quarter page ..

“ ‘

Naini Tal. Kasauli. Muttra.

- -


~ 0-8-0

Price per

Furlouyh and Leave.

“ "

45, 9,1. ..

Subscribers in India. for Six months , Non-commissioned officers and

For one month, full page For one month, half page For one month. quarter



0-4 - 0

Post f7‘('€


Subscribers at home, for six months


No. 4552, Corporal Rose

social and professional events of the Lucknow


No orders have yet been received regarding

Accepted matter will be paid for at the rate of Rs. 2-8-0

per column, and men.

No. 6751. Pte. Jones, transferred from the 1st Battalion South Lancashire Regiment. No. 4468, Pte. Plumb, transferred to Unattached List. for employment in Supply and TranSport Corps. Moves.

out of the trials of Indian sedition-

thankful for, and we shall be very fortunate

REGIMENTAL GAZETTE. Promotions and. Appointments.

No. 9.

this year’s manmuvres, but it is generally understood that Rae-Bareli is to be the scene of our winter camp which will not probably last longer than one week, or a. fortnight, Raeincluding marches there and back. Bareli lies south of Lucknow, about three or four easy marches’ distant, and is the neigh-

bourhood wherein we operated during our first manoeuvres in India in the winter of 1904-05. Rumour has it that we shall not leave for camp until early in February next, which means that we shall have our Christmas in Lucknow. Every one is looking for-

mongers, it is, perhaps, not altogether sur. prising that our weekly letters from home should be full of anxious enquiries as to the condition of things in our immediate neighbourhood. Affectionate relatives and interested friends have even gone to the length of expressing fears for our well-being! Such enquiries and fears-only argue an inadequate

appreciation of the subject on the part of the anxious ones. To the average resident in the tight little Island of Great Britain, where, so to say, everything in it may be reached by merely extending the arm. it is doubtless somewhat difficult to realise that, apart from the newspaper reports, the only unrest we have any cognizance of, is of a purely personal and physical nature, and is brought about

by prickly heat and mosquitoes 1

We believe

that in some distant parts of this vast peninsula, the police, the magistrates, and the legal profession generally are having a little useful practice afforded them by a certain school-boy-babu section of the native community, whose chief aim would appear to he not patriotism, but personal notoriety. But



the native with whom we come into daily




handsome silver tea set. Webb, who in the Royals, held the rank of Squadron Sergeant Major, Instructor of Fencing and Gymnastics, left the regiment soon after its arrival in India on appointment as Sergeant Instructor

apprehension of what would happen to him

to the local (Oudh) Squadron of the United

were the country to be differently governed.

Provinces Light Horse. We wish him the best of luck in his new appointment.

contact knows little of, and cares less for, the imaginary grievances of his agitator brother,

and did he give expression to his opinion on the

subject, he

Would confess


The field of politics is quite outside the province of The Eagle, and we make the present encroachment only in order to allay all feel~ ings of anxiety in the breasts of our unhappy friends at home 2 In an interesting letter forwarding subscriptions, Mr. W. R. White, our late R.Q.M.S., writes: “I went to camp with the Westminster Dragoons at Eastbourne on July 15th, and with the exception of the first three

days, we had glorious weather. Colonel Rogers, Colonel Mansfield, and Major Pitt were present, looking very fit and well. Ialso saw in Eastbourne No. 4628, Kirkman, who is

doing well in business there, and last but not least, I met ‘old Stack,’ otherwise Stackwood, late Band Sergeant. During the summer I have met several old Lucknow friends of the civil administration, notably Mr. Leach of the Oudh and Rohilkund Railway, who is well known to the membérs of the Sergeants’ Mess. He sails again for India on the 4th September. I was very sorry to read of the

death of poor ‘old George’ Mott, and I think your obituary notice in the June number of The Eagle very fittingly expressed.

I hope

the weather has not ‘ played you up ’ too

The last mail brought news from the Unit-

ed States of America of an old Royal Dragoon

resident at home whose addresses are known to the committee will receive notices intimating the place and date of the dinner, and we draw attention to it herein in the hope that by so doing none will be left in ignorance of the event. Mr. W. Finn is, we presume, again acting as Chief Lieutenant to Major Balfour on the committee, and he should be able to give all particulars to intending diners. His Head Porter's Lodge, Gray’s address is : Inn, London, W. C.

who would seem. since leaving the regiment,

to have had a somewhat eventful career. His name is Pocock (better known as “Bosco”) and his number in the Royals was 3267. In his letter addressed to a present member, he writes as follows :—“ * * * * How is the 01d regiment doing? I suppose sweating and growling as of yore. I wish you would write

and give me some main particulars of the outfit When I finished my time in the service I came to the States, was two years with Buifalo Bill, then quitted that concern and enlisted in the U. S. A. Infantry, where I am still.

During the Boer war I was in the Philippines chasing niggers, and am now back here sol-

diering in one of the finest climates in the world, about four miles from Denver. My pay

We are glad to notice that the regimental signallers, who, by the way, have been work-

ing during the summer months at Manora Camp, are evidently still to the fore in this particular branch of our profession. In the reportof the Army in India, annual signalling inspections of units, it is notified that the system of competition for precedence among units has been abolished, and. afixed standard of merit demanded from every unit in technical efficiency Several units are, however, noted for special mention, and in this list is

the following entry :-v“1st (Royal) Dragoons —commended.” We congratulate the signalling staff.

new pay schedule which passed this session of Congress. When I left the army at home most of the employers of labour wouldn’t look at an army discharge, so I moved where they don't want to see discharges.” Our old comrade has evidently become quite a Yankee.


(“Cob ”)


until lately attached to the United Provinces Light Horse, at Lucknow, has been appointed Sergeant-Major of the Southern Provinces

stand, by the H. T. “ Dongola ” on October 8th. Mr. D‘Arcy Edwardes, recently gazetted to the regiment, comes out in charge. We 11an another new—comer in Mr. Wilson Fitzgerald appointed still more recently to fill the va. cancy created by the promotion of Captain Another


energetic com«

Army. and is to join the 8th Cavalry on re.




turn from leave.

camund, the headquarters of that corps. Evi-

of which appeared in these columns, left

in Simia.

no doubt as to the popularity of the excellent scheme, and this year should witness an even larger attendance. All old Royals

trip to Kashmir.

the former corps is shown in the fact that


mittee of the Old Comrades’ Dinner Fund will doubtless be hard at work, arranging the


Mounted Rifles, and has proceeded to Oota-

they presented him on his departure with a


occur in the regiment, vice Lieutenant Hudson who has been transferred to the Indian

second of these annual reunions. The initial dinner held last year in London, an account

dence of his popularity with the members of

home this

trooping season arrives in Bombay, we under-


By the time the present number of The


Musketry, Pachmarhi.

Mr. Turner has pro-

ceeded to Rawal Pindi to join the Transport Training Class. Mr. Charrington is still at Poona, and has had a few mounts. His best performance to date was his fine riding of Mr. Gred‘s Court Martial on which be secured first place in the Service Plate. On another occasion he rode a dead-heat for second place,

whilst in the Grand Annual, he got second place on Mr. Rube's Cbassepot. He also played for the Buccaneers in the Poona Junior Polo Tournament, which team ran to

second place, being beaten in the final by the Poona Horse after a very keen game and extra time.

Squadrons have commenced their annual training, and are at present doing Riding

School, and troop work,

They are also being

practised at swimming horses, and these

last few days have put in an hour morning and evening at the big La Martiniere lake, making rafts, and trying various experiments in connection with this difficult but interest. ing work.

HISTORICAL RECORD Of the First or the Royal Regiment of Dragoons, contain-

Our first draft of men from as a Corporal is 35 dollars a month on the




leave Colonel de Lisle is spending ten days’

Major Makins is off on a shooting Mr. Atkinson is on leave

Miles in Mussoorie until 15th October. M13 of ol Scho the at se is undergoing the cour

ing an account of its formation in the reign of King Charles the Second, and of its sub. sequent services to the present time.

By General C. P. de Ainslie.

(Continued) Leaving their winter quarters in May, 1762, the Royal Dragoons, on the 18th June, joined the army encamped at Brackel, in the bishopric of Paderborn, whence they marched to the heights of Tissel. The French, commanded

by the Marshals d’Estrees and Soubise, took post at Groebastien, where, on the 24th of June, Prince Ferdinand, resolving to attack them, his army was pushed forward for that purpose in several columns. Leaving their camp at daybreak, the Royal Dragoons crossed the Diemel at Liebenau at about four in the morning and advanced upon

‘ -‘—~~s..~t,...




the enemy’s camp with such address that the troops were in presence of the French before they had the least apprehension of an attack, and being simultaneously assailed in front, flank, and rear, they retired in confusion, leaving all their equipage behind them. The

Royals had advanced against the enemy in front, and they were afterwards employed in surrounding a division of the French army commanded by General Stainville in the woods of Wilhelmstadt, where several corps

were made prisoners.

The pursuit being

continued, the French took refuge under



“ Monsieur, “ Votre treslhumble et tres-devoue serviteur, “CHARLES, PRINCE HEREDITAIRE DE B.

“ A Monsieur le COLONEL JOHNSTON.” Colonel Johnston rose to the rank of General, and was at ditferent periods Colonel of the 9th Light Dragoons, of the 1le Horse on the lrish establishment, the present 4th R. I. Dragoon Guards, and of the 6th lnskil-

ling Dragoons.

He was also Governor of

Quebec, and dying on the 13th of December, 1797, he was interred in Westminster Abbey.

The General wrote a journal oflthe campaign cannon of Cassel, when the regiment, retiring a few miles, encamped near Boltzhausen. During the remainder of ,the campaign the

regiment was employed in operations on the Fulda, the Eder, and the Lahn, which were

of such success thata considerable portion of territory was wrested from the enemy, the allies also taking the city of Cassel. These advantages were followed by a treaty of peace, when the Royal Dragoons went into

quarters in the bishopric of Munster. At this moment Colonel James Johnston, who had commanded the regiment since the

7th of April, 1759, and, during the campaign of 1762, had commanded a brigade composed of the Royals and 2nd Dragoon Guards, Queen’s Bays, received a most flattering tribute of the approbation of the Hereditary Prince of Brunswick, afterwards reigning

Duke, who married the Princess Augusta, sister of George UL. and who died of wounds received at the battle of Jena,

on the 10th of

November, 1806, ii: the shape of a valuable gold snuff-box embellished with military trophies, and accompanied by an autograph letter of whicthhe following is a copy :— “ MUNDEN, la 17th de Novem'mr, 1762.

“ MONSIEUR, “Vous m'obiigerez sensiblement en acceptant 1a babiole que je joins ici, comme une

marque dc l’estimezet de la consideration parfaite que je

vous porte,




souvenir d’un ami qui jamais ne h'nira d’étre,

in Germany in 1760, which was obligingly forwarded to the compiler of the Records of the Royal Regiment of Dragoons by his grandson, Major Johnston, unattached. ' In the course of the winter of 1762, 63 ships

arrived from England to convey the troops home; and the Royal Dragoons, commencing their march in February to Wilhelmstadt, there embarked, the strength of the regiment, according to the official statistics, being 1Aofficers, 3‘29 men, and 428 horses with 24 servants and 38 women. ’ 1 After their return from Germany, the regi. ment was ordered to Scotland; at the same time the light troop was disbanded and the

establishment reduced

to 231 oflicers and

men. Eight men pergtroop were equipped as light dragoons and mounted upon small horses for skirmishing and other light services, the remainder being mounted upon large horses of superior heightand power. in 1761 the regiment moved to England, and an order was received to mount with

long-tailed horses.

On the 9th of May, Lieu-

tenant-General the Honourable N Seymour Conway having for political reasons, resigned all his military appointments, the colonelcy of the Royal Dragoons was bestowed upon Major-General the Earl of Pembroke, who

had recently distinguished himself in Germany. The six drummers on the establishment were, in

1766, ordered to

be replaced by



trumpeters, and on the 4th of May, in the following year, King George III. reviewed the regiment in Hyde Park, and expressed his approval of their appearance and high state of discipline After the review they went to the north of England, and ton the 19th of December, this year, a Royal warrant appeared regulating the clothing, horse furniture, and standards of the regiments of cavalry, which contained similar directions to those of the 18th of July, 1681.


by COLONEL H. deB. de LISLE, 0.3., D. S O.



Feeding. ln lndia, the subject of forage is far more difficult to master than in England; but it is one with which every officer of mounted troops must be intimate, to ensure his horses receiving their full allowance. Every horse is entitled to a standard ration, which, if drawn with judgment, is sufficient for their

stationed in

requirements, but which will not keep them

Scotland; butin the year followingit returned

in condition unless Squadron Leaders understand the best scale of feeding for the different seasons of the year. For example, Australian horses require from lolbs to 181bs. of grain during the manoeuvre season to


l769, the

regiment War}

to England, and after occupying various stations in the southern and western counties during the years 1770—72, it was again reviewed by His Majesty or the 17th of May, 1773, on Finchley Common, when, according to the journals of that period, its excellent condition and correct manoeuvring produced

the approbation of the king. princes, general officers and other spectators. 1n the course of the summer the Royals again proceeded to the north, and making a short stay in Yorkshire, they continued on to Scotland, passing there the summer of 1774 ;

but 1.etul-ning south in the succeeding year, the regiment, on the 21th of May, 1777, was reviewed in Brigade with the Queen’s Bays, on Wimbledon Common, by the king, accompanied by several of the young princes, and attended by aireiinue of noblemen and general officers. In 1778, hostilities having commenced between Great Britain and the colonies in North America, an augmentation was made to thear my when six sergeants, six corporals, and 126 privates were added to the strength of the Royal Dragoons, which,

with several

other corps, were encamped on Coxheath, near Maidstone, and there reviewed. by the king. (To be continued )

enable them to do long and fast work. and to

remain fit. To give this liberal diet, the horses must be mulcted during the months of the hot. weather when a low diet is sufficient.

The standard ration to which every Ans» tralian or English horse is entitled daily, is as follows :— Gram Barley Bran


.. ..

.. ..


. .

. .


Hay .. .. 20lbs. Bedding .. .. Silos. The value of this daily ration varies in every station, and depends on the contract prices An paid by the Station Supply Olficer. account is opened by this officer with every unit, on the 1st April, and the value of the daily ration, multiplied by the number of horses, is placed on the credit side each day. On the debit side is shown the amount of forage actually drawn and its value at contract rate. Units are permitted to draw any kind of forage in lieu 0f the standard ration, but are held responsible that the account is not over-

drawn on the 81st March of the following year. Any balance credit on this date lapses to Government. The questions which the

. _ ....-H.,.,Mwum



Squadron Leader must decide for himself are the nature of the grain ration he proposes to give his horses, the quantity at different seasons of the year, and how to balance his forage account.



balance is made up by remounts and unfit

Although the arithmetical calculation is

horses which are constantly employed for the instruction of recruits. The five pounds increased grain for four months for a hundred horses must be found by making some alteration in the standard ration, and this scale

simple, some experience of India, its variation in climate, and the programme of the annual training are necessary before a forage

enable the Supply Oflicer to provide for the requirements, and to make his contract.

of feeding must be prepared in advance


tion of boiled barley. At first Ylbs. of each is a good allowance, with 21bs. of boiled barley

added to the night feed.

When bellies are

well down and hips are well covered,the ration may be reduced to the normal summer feed ——61bs. oats, 4lbs bran, 11b. boiled barley. In addition as much lucerne and green grass should be given as can be obtained. There is usually considerable difficulty in arranging for a full ration of 801bs. green grass, but when possible, half the hay ration should be exchanged for green grass. The

scheme can be worked out which will give the horses every possible benefit. The first essential is to find out the contract price of each kind of grain in the standard ration, as well as of the grain required for consump-

There is one means of saving money which should always be resorted to when possible. This lies in the bedding. Every horse is allowed 81bs. of bedding daily, and the fixed


weather, horses are quite as comfortable on sand as on straw, and the daily saving in a

grass in most parts of India

squadron of 140 horses is 5340140 by Rs. II, Rupees 14.

therefore get lOlbs.

For example, the price of gram varies

from Rs. 2120

to Rs.

48-0 per 1001bs.,

that of oats from Rs. 2—80 and Rs. 7-80 per lOOlbs. It is better, therefore, to feed on cats in some parts of India, whereas to do so

elsewhere would mean horses.

starvation for the

The price of hay and bedding, which

are supplied by Government Grass Farms, always remains fixed at. Rs. 1-4-0 per 1001bs.

rate is Rs. 1-4-0 per 1001bs.

During the hot


In six months the total saving in bedding alone would be Rs. 2,550, and the cost of sand not more than Rs. 200. This alone would provide an extra Slbs. of grain daily for a hun-

dred horses for four months, provided the rate Having compared the prices of the various kinds of grain, the Squadron Commandermust then consider the requirements of his

horses during the various seasons, having

does not exceed Rs. 380 per 1001bs These calculations are dull reading, but it is essential that every Squadron Officer and

In the

every Troop Sergeant should understand the

Squadron, Regi—

necessity for economy in forage, and also be

mental, and Brigade Training occupy the cold season from November to February inclusive. On the other hand, in Quetta, the train. ing season begins in April. It is evident, therefore, that the scale of feeding requires careful preparation, and is dependent on the training season and the value of each kind

able to calculate the best way of providing

reference to his training programme.

plains of Northern India,

of grain available. During the training season Australian horses will require at least 151bs. of grain daily, and even during the hot wea-

ther they cannot live on less than les. or 101bs. The problem is no simple one, but

for the extra feeding necessary during the training season. Itis not easy to lay down fixed rules as to

how Squadron horses should be fed. The conditions are so dissimilar in various stations, both as regards climate and prices, that what is possible in one may be unsuitable in another. There are, however, certain princi—

ples which may serve as a guide. The smallest ration is required during the hot months when severe work is impossible.

As soon

can be

as the training season closes, it is advisable

First of all it must be realised that only 110 horses in the squadron out of a total

to allow the horses to get into heavy condition, or to use the term of training stables, to “let them down ” For this, the best feeding is

of 140 are required for mobilisation.

half oats and half bran, with a small propor-

with care and some experience it solved




equivalent of the standard ration of 201bs. hay is 301bs. green grass, called “Dhoob”

Horses fed

with half of dry and half of green would hay and 15le. grass.

Towards the end of the summer, horses must be gradually brought on to the higher scale necessary for the training season, when the daily ration may be increased to :— 101bs. oats. 4lbs. bran. 2lbs boiled barley. When actually at manoeuvres an extra ration of 2le. of gram may be added with advantage. Gram in India has the same effect as beans or peas in England. Horses in are very fond of this grain, but if given liver cause to liable is it ies, large qualitit

troubles. To those who have never experienced the difficulty of maintaining Australian horses in India, in hard muscular condition, the details of feeding may appear vexatious. There is, nevertheless,every need that this subject

should be absolutely mastered before a Sq uadron Ofiicer can obtain good results with all his

horses. Horses with the correct weight carrying conformation can be kept fit for service

without trouble, but as quite half of the horses provided for the army in India are such as would be rejected by remount purchasers for continental cavalry, more care must be given to enable them to take the field. When once the Australian horse has his

muscles developed, he compares most favourably with any class of horse in the world. To obtain this development in aged horses requires all the art of a public trainer. That it can be done may be seen in any Cavalry Barracks, but there, too, the many failures are proof that our system of importing aged horses is open to improvement, and also that too much attention cannot be paid by all ranks to horse management in India

“BEN.” There was one pet who has hitherto escaped recognition by tbe biographers, probably because, in the first instance, he was little known outside the Officers’ Mess; and secondly, there is very little to record about him, as his reign, owing to causes over which he had no control, was short. For all that, for a brief space he was a pet, and, as such, amused our leisure hours. In the Adjutant’s notebook I believe I am right in saying that on March 13th, 1900, there stands the entry "' Ben joined. ”

At that time the Regiment was at Sundays River, and the manner of Ben’s enlistment was thuswise. A patrol had been sent out to a neighbouring farm under Lieutenant Johnston who was attached to “ A ” Squadron. On return to camp he produced from his havresack two small pigs. Now I won’t

go so far as to say that these were Kafiir pigs, but they were certainly of the black variety so frequently met with in South Africa.

Out of compliment to the owner of these pigS, for a short time they were called“ Ben” indiscriminately, but as one of the brethren was considerably bigger than the other, he was christened “ Big Ben,” whilst his diminutive brother, the hero of this article, became known as “Little Ben,” which was cur-

tailed to “ Ben," when a few days later “Big Ben" went to swell the great majority, in

this case represented by the Little Mary’s of the Officers.

_ ....».._...—,....,~..“,


'l‘ H it

for good and all, he undoubtedly left a vacancy which his little brother was destined never to fill.

he would leave the mess sadder, but not wiser, as he would do it again directly he saw a chance, Pure friendliness I allow, but Ben could never discriminate between when he was wanted and when not. Going into the mess one afternoon, I found

I admit that a pig is a peculiar pet, but Ben

master Ben thoroughly appreciating a nice

was an exception to the majority of pigs I have known. He used to wear a light blue ribbon round his neck. On first joining he stood about one hand high, and he had a most sunny and cheerful disposition. Even at a 4 A.M. breakfast- he

new cake which had just arrived for some one from Buzzard’s. Oh Ben 1 little did you

There was no real sentiment attached to Big Ben, as he could never have been called

a sociable pig.

Still when he had departed

was just the same, which was more than could be said for some of us. So unfailingly jolly was he, that he soon bored a way into our affections, and the flat went forth that unless we were in emiremis he should not be called upon to assist us at dinner. In fact he was hedged round with the same sort of regulations as an emergency ration. Ithink, however, [am right in stat. ing that there was an amendment carried to the effect that the question might be brought up again at Christmas time. Ben cried a good deal when for the first time he found himself alone with human beings, but being quickwitted he soon realized that he was amongst friends, and from that day forward there was no holding him. Whilst in his puppy days, his method of at. tracting attention was to walk about under the rabie and bite one's heels, but he grew at such an alarming rate, that he soon forsook

this in favour of standing up on his hind legs and grasping one’s thigh firmly between his teeth. I must own that Ben frequently stood in need of correction, but in

fairness I must

add that he usually got it when required. Administered in much the same way and place as with other children. If ever he could catch any one asleep in a chair, he never failed to take the opportunity, and would jump or clamber up and sit on you like an indigestion. But on these oc-

casions Nemesis invariably overtook him, and

know or care, but that was very

nearly ad~

judged a capital offence. Towards the end, Ben became rather a travelled person, and did several treks with us, disputing the best seat on the waggon with Jemima; but travel was his undoing, as one night we lay next to some Light Fingered

Light Horse, and in the morning Ben was reported missing. We never had authentic news of his end, but I fear that, unlike Saul and Jonathan, in his death he was very much divided. [ironiescat in pace.


. B.

SOUTH AFRICAN LETTERS. R001 BYNT, NATAL, 27th September, 19v’l0. DEAR M,— You will observe by the heading that we

have shifted camp.




Rooi Pynt, or Red Point,

is an irregular-shaped hill, four miles south of Newcastle. Our camp is on the northern slope, practically inside the hill, which resembles a hollow tooth with a gap overlooking the plains to the north, where Majuba Hill and the

running in all directions, are found on the African hills. Our scouts entered Utrecht on the 11th and released Pte. Reynolds (whose capture I mentioned in my last letter) and a Corporal of the 5th Dragoon Guards, both of whom were found in the town jail. On the 14th, working in co-operation with General Hilliard who was moving on Vryheid from Utrecht, we crossed into the Transvaal at De Jagers Drift, and came in touch with Hilliard’s troops. We found the enemy in occupation of the town, but they offered little resistance and retired on being shelled. Vryheid being occupied, we returned here losing Corporal Moore on mat": he was in charge of a small pitroi operating on the din k of the regiment, and was shot dead wailst passing through some thick bush. Since the occupttion of Utrecht and Vryheid, the Buffalo district has been quiet, and we have turned our attention to the Drakens~ berg side. We madea reconnaissance last week to Muller’s Pass. The scenery was wild and grand, but as we had to dismount and prac~ tically haul our horses up steep and rough mountain tracks, [doubt if the scenic part of the performance appealed to the trooper struggling up the rocks with a rifle, 200 rounds of ammunition, a full water-bottle, two days’ rations in his haversack, and towing a refractory horse. However, we all agreed that the view from the summit- was splendid. Nothing was seen of the enemy reported to be in this locality, and we retired in the even-

ing, bivouacking at the foot of the pass. Afew days ago we encountered our first

Ingogo heights frown darkly in the back.

a flight of locusts, resembling in the distance

‘ ground. We crossed the Buffalo early in the month and joined the rest of the cavalry, guns, and infantry at Umhana(a hill on the NewcastleUtrecht Road) on the 7th instant, and came in contact with a party of a hundred Boers, who, after a short skirmish, gave way and were chased up to the berg, where they scattered and escaped up the many Kaflir tracks which,

dark cloud, and closer, a heavy snowstorm. The air was full of them and the ground be came quickly covered as they alighted for rest or refreshment. Our fellows were like a pack of schoolboys, yelling with glee, and rushing about, knocking down the pests with caps, towels, jackets, or anything suitable they could lay their hands on. The sport seemed

contagious, and quickly everybody in camp took part, even the officers joined in the mad melee, and it was amusing to see usually grave and dignified officers behaving like a party of Sioux or Apache Indians celebrating a victory over a neighbouring tribe They have very pretty transparent wings (the locusts I mean) which glisten in the sun like silver, and the picture presented by tie swarm which we saw would have caused an artist to rave with pleasurable enthusiasm, though the raving takes the character of the diametrically opposite in the case of the farmer. who only remembers that They come like the rain of a summer shower,

And eat up a harvest in half an hour.

The Natal Volunteers are being disbanded on October 1st, which seems a clear sign that the war is nearly over. Our regiment is somewhat scattered at present, one squadron being at Van Reenan’s Pass, two troops at Muller's Pass, one troop at Dannhauser, one at Tendega and the remainder (four troops with headquarters) here at Rooi Pynt. About ten minutes’ walk from camp, there is a wonderful piece of nature‘s work known The entrance is along as “ the Tiger's Kloof. a valley with steep, rocky sides, and a bottom

The valley thickly strewn with boulders. narrows rapidly as one proceeds, and the sides become higher with overhanging rocks, until the explorer finds himself in a cut (Ze sw: with the rocks towering up in a semi-circle some iundreds of feet. rl‘he place is a veritable beauty spot, and in times of peace is, I understand, much frequented by tourists and picnic

parties. A somewhat perilous climb brings one to the top to level ground. This is said to be the “ Lion's Kloof 7’ of Rider Haggard‘s famous story “ Jess " which, I am told, was written at a farm near camp, known as Rider Haggard's Farm. Yours,

0L. OI...




have you had a good

trip?" “Well, so-so, thank you, but my home ward voyage was not too pleasant, and had some tragic incidents. To begin with, we

had not left Bombay twentyfour hours when a poor devildied from abscess on the


He was at the last gasp when he came on board, but it was hoped that he would just pull round. Then the day before we reached Aden Iwas just going to dress for dinner, when a passenger rushed up to me to say that a second class passenger was walking wildly up and down the second class deck. threatening to commit suicide. I ran off and found the man who appeared in a very excited and mad state of mind. I turned round to ask somebody to go and fetch the ship‘s doctor, and as I looked back again, and before I had time to stop him, the wretched man leaned. over the rail and drawing a revolver from his pocket, pointed it at his head, fired, and

toppled overboard.

I turned the ship about

and lowered a boat, but we never found him,

and I suppose the sharks got him. “ It was very hot in the middle of the Red Sea. and a Lascar stoker came up after his tour of duty and sat aft on the rail. Apparently overcome by the heat, he lost his balance and fell overboard. There was great excitement among the passengers, and field-glasses were turned on the man to watch his struggles. However, luckily he swam like a duck, and having lowered a boat, we eventually picked him up, after twenty minutes’ immersion, more dead than alive, but still alive.

had been appropriated by the lady from Bombay. The Aden lady considered she had a right to half the hook, and so hung some of her things on it also; but this was resented by the lady from Bombay, who tore down the Aden lady’s things and trampled on them. Then the fat was in the fire when the Adenite came back and found her best dresses on the floor. Vituperation followed, and the Adenite

apparently hadagreat command of language, which she used unsparingly on the Bombayite, calling her every name under the sun, and casting aspersion

and parentage.

on her origin, birth.

They both came to me, and

I did my best to pour oil on the troubled waters, and ordered a second hook to be fixed up in the cabin. This more or less settled the dispute, but the looks they exchanged when they passed each other on the deck made it evident that it was only an armed truce

and I doubt if either of them very mucli enjoyed their voyage “As you know, I often have young ladies putunder my Charge to bring out to India, and sometimes they are uncommon handfuls, and I could spin you some very strange yarns

concerning these. But last voyage I brought out a very handsome and striking woman of a certain age, a Miss A -——-~—. She had become engaged some years ago in England, when very young, to a man who had soon after departed to India There had not been enough money to get married on, and the affair had rather lapsed. However, the man was now in a good position and had written to ask her to come out and marry him, On arrival at Bombay l asked her to wait until the passengers had gone ashore and

watched the bride also to follow the look in

her face, and as we approached, I saw her suddenly stiffen, and say quickly, ‘Therehe is’ I looked and saw the sort of man one might describe as ‘a worm,’ and I wondered how my charge could ever have fallen in love with him. He raised his rupee and he looked quitea shrivelled little old man. He wore spectacles, was very bald, and whatever he had been some years before, India had evidently been very unkind to him. I won— dered again what Miss A. could ever have seen in him,anC-. what he had looked

like at the

time of the engagement. The greeting was not such as I had expected. It was distinctly cold, and there were no tender looks, not even a kiss, in fact the whole thing was most com~ monplace. Miss A. only gasped out, ‘How you have altered!’ They were going to lunch at a hotel, and she very kindly pressed me to join them. In most cases it would have been most tactless to accept, but I really felt that she u'ould consider it a great kindness to accompany them. The lunch was stiff and conversationless, except for my extreme After lunch, elforts in the latter direction was paying husband ve prospecti the while the hill, she looked upsuddeuly at me, and said, ‘I cannot do it, I shall go back to England with you ’ l l don't know what the explanations were, but Miss A is really coming back to England in my ship. “ I remember once, some years ago,


bothers with passengers, and it takes all the tact a man can have to smooth over the various


We started off and she was full of

ing out a bride to a young subaltern, but she was accompanied by her prospective father-inlaw and was not- under my charge. The father— in-law evidently admired her very truch and paid her great attention. Every one thought he was very proud to be about to welcome her Butjudge of my sun as his daughtorin law.

petty complaints and disputes.

I took a lady

suppressed excitement as we approached the

prise, and consider the shock we all had, when

on board at Bombay Who had her cabin to herself as far as Aden, where another lady

pier. Iliad got to feel a great interest in the lady during the voyage, and was also looking forward to see what the future husband was like, and looked at every one on the pier to try and spot the lucky individual. I

it was discovered on reaching Bombay that the future bride had changed round, and was about to marry her erstwhile prospective fatlier-in-law. A curious sequel was that the young subaltern acquiesced in the arrange-

“ As you know the captains often have great

came on board and was put into the same cabin.

It appeared that there was only one

book in the cabin to hang clothes on, and this

then I would take her myself in my own



ment, and actually was best man to his father, and also gave away his former fiancee 1 “Well, good-bye 3 By the way, don’t tell any body, out lam going to marry Miss A. myself when we get home!”

NAINI TAL LETTER. 6th September, 1908. DEAR EDITOR, The last two or three weeks here have been very quiet as far as we are concerned, and it is difficult to find something to vritc about. As you will have seen from the papers the Secretariat Cup and the Gymkhana Six-a-Side Football tournaments are concluded. In the former, the Band met St. Joseph’s College in two pointless draws, the third meeting resulting in the defeat of our men by one goal to love. In the six-a-side tournament the

Band team progressed as far as the final round, only to be worsted by their old opponents, the cracks of St. Joseph’s College. The Mini Tal Gazette thus briefly describes the game against the D. B. S. team in the semifinals :— “The semifinal round in the Gymkhana “Six-a-Side Football Tournament has been -" played this week. D. B. 8. meeting the “ Band on Tuesday. The game was very “ well contested, there being no score during

"the first period of ten minutes. In the “second talf, one of the Band forwards “secured the ball from a scrimmage and had “ a successful shot at goal before the oppoSThis was “ing backs could overtake him.

"- the only point scored, the Band thus win“ 11111;; by ifio.

The play of the winning team

“ was/good all round, the two backs, and the

" entre forward, Mr. Holt, being especially “ noticeable.“ In the final game, which was hard and even, no points were scored in the allotted twenty minutes, and extra time had to be played, when the College put on a goal just before the Whistle sounded.

. "WW—ammgm



On Friday, the 4th instant, we held another Band dance, this time in the Masonic Hall here. Everything went swimmingly, and from the large attendance and the generally—



with an interval of 5 minutes at half-time. In case of adraw 5 minutes extra time each way shall be played. If the scores be still equal, play shall be

the regiment, but many of these sportsmen have left us, and those who remain have apparently become too ancient and “ part worn” to indulge in such giddy games, and

expressed pleasure afforded, we can write it

continued in periods of5 minutes each way,

content themselves with the more sober, and

down as eminently successful. The success of the aforementioned six-aside football tournament has filled us with the desire to introduce the game thus modified in the regiment, and to this end we have decided to propose a tournament, held under the rules given below, to be played during the

till a goal is scored, when the game shall end. 9. The off-side rule shall be modified, so that a player shall be on-side as long as two adversaries remain between him and their goal. 10. The game shall be played under the rules of the Football Association. A cup and silver medals to be given to the winning team and bronze medals for runners-

less strenuous games of cards and billiards, varied in some instances with an occasional

coming cold weather.

Troop teams could

enter, as well as teams from the Sergeants’ and Corporals’ messes, and two from the Band. No player would, of course, play for more than one team. An entrance fee of

Rs. 5 would provide silver medals for the

up. The cup to be held for twelve months or won outright by same troop or mess in three

up, in addition to which the Band are prepar-

years. I hope the above will meet with the approbation of the sport lovers of the regiment, as

ed to present a Silver Cup, value about Rs. 200, to the winning team.

here agrees that six-aside football is grand

winners, and bronze medals for the runners-

RULES. 1. The tournament shall be under the management of a committee formed from the Band.


One or

sport. Everything is going smoothly with us, and all are well. We send good wishes.

“ ALLEGRO Vivace."

more teams may enter from

each troop, and one team from each mess. Entrance fee, Rs. 5 per team.


every one who has witnessed the tournament

No player shall be allowed to play for

more than one team. 4. All ties must be played by dates fixed

SERGE ANTS’ MESS NOTES. As will be seen from The Eagle’s “regimental gazette," several new members have

(Any breach of this rule

joined the Mess, and we are now fairly up to full strength. There is every likelihood,

will render the offending team liable to be disqualified.)

however, of quite a number of the senior members leaving the regiment this trooping

by the committee.

5. The competing teams shall mutually arrange for referees, and linesmen, except

season, so

that next summer


see us

in semi-finals and finals when the committee shall appoint these officers. 6. On any point a protest may be lodged

with a comparatively young mess. With this infusion of young blood, we should again come to the fore in matters of sport. During our first year in India, just aftera similar

with the committee.

youthful augmentation had taken place, we

The decision of the

committee on such protest shall be final. 7. The ground shall be 75 yards long by

bowed down

40 yards wide. 8. Play shall last ten minutes each way,

in the garrison at hockey, football, cricket, etc., and hold our own against other teams in



no combination

in things

We could beat every other mess


“family set ” of tennis

We are hopeful,

therefore, of soon regaining our lost superiority. With regard to social events for the past month, the most important is that of a series of games to which we were challenged by the Sergeants of the Oxfordshire Light Infantry, and which came off on the 19th ultimo. The events consisted of shooting, tennis, billiards, and cards, the results of which were satisfactory to all concerned, in that we divided The shooting honours by two wins each commenced at 6 A.M . and teams of ten competed—the best eight scores at ‘300, 500, and 600 yards to count. The scoring was very even at each range, and the match concluded inawin for the Oxfords by 9 points. Tennis commenced at 5 P.M , and consisted of four

sets of doubles. This event we won by ‘31 Following on this came bilgames to 14. liards, at which we were quite outclassed, winning only one game out of six, Sergeant Richmond being the exception. In the cards event, which included Bridge, Whist, Euchre, Twenty-fives, and Cribbage, we secured the

bigger number of points.

An excellent vocal

and instrumental programme brought a really enjoyable day to a close, and_we are grateful to our friends of the Oxfords for the splendid way they entertained us. They are shortly leaving Lucknow on relief, and we shall miss them very much. A very successful Billiard Handicap has just been concluded in the mess, in which nearly every member took part. Games consisted of 250 up, the limit men owing and receiving respectively 75 points. Sergeant Richmond, the favourite, came out winner,

beating S. Q. M. S. Cronin in

the final,


after a good game, by 66 points Richrrond owed 75 points to his opponent’s 55. Sergeant Sales and Sergeant Lewis, the semifinalists, played off for 3rd prize, the victory going to Sales by afew points. The prizes were :—— lst Sergeant Richmond—A one presented by John Roberts. 2nd. S. Q M. “. CruninAA silver cigarette case. 3rd, Sergeant Sales—A cue presented b, Murray & Co. 4th. Sergeant Lewis—A case of razors, A “small and early” practice dance was held in the Mess on Wednesday, 9th instant, when our own ladies and members entertain ed a few guests from the local messes. The R. A. and Royals’ string band supplied the music for the occasion. and a very pleasant evening was spent. The following day our

Sergeants played the

R. A. Sergeants at

cricket and won a very easy victory. Only one spoon shoot has been held since last Iwrote. This took place on the 27th ultimo with the following results :— 1.95. S. Q. M. S Fordom, 87 points. 2nd. Sergeant Richmond, ESQ—(owes 3). P010 is still a popular recreation with those members whose work permits them to indulge, and just now there seems to be a run on swimming—halt the mess members have visited the lake for this purpose on the last two holidays, and there would seem to be every chance of us producing the channel swimmer yet!



CRIEET. SERGEANTS “ ROYALS" rs. SERGEANTS “ ROYAL" ARTILLERY." “ RovALS." Sergt. Jeffrey, c Gomersall. b Bickerton ' Edwards, b Bickertou Ratclrii‘e, b Gomersall -1l‘isher, lb w. h Bickcrton Collison, b Bickerton Martin, not out Plumb, did not but. Renee, did not bat. Jamieson, did not bat. Goddard, run out Bickerton ., Weston, c S llmon, b Bickerton .. Emlms ..

3 25 14

Total .. _13_s

. . .,_.......-~..~.s.,-.




REGIMENTAL GAZETTE. Staff-Sergt. Mackreit, b Fisher Gibbs, run out Fisher

Bicke on, b ColliSon Wells, b Fisher Maj. Salmou,b Fisher Gregory, b Fisher Wilkins, b Fisher . Gomersall 1b Collison Chappell, not out Quarrnan, c & b Fisher

Casbott, b Fisher EItrus Total

2 9 2 7

b b c c

Weston Weston .. Martin. b Jeil'rey Goddard, b Ratcliffe 0 c Janiieson, h Edwards . 0 run out Edwards .. H h Ratclifi'e 0 1) Edwards 5 b Weston

London Gazette.

“ ist (Royal) Dragoons._2nd-Lieutenant Francis William Wilson Fitzgerald, from Unattached List for Auxiliary Forces (University candidate), to be Qild-LICHECIIEDB in succession to Lieutenant H. II Saudba ch, promoted, dated 5th February. 1905, with precedence next below 'I‘. N. \\’atson, but not to carry pay and allowan ces prior to 15th August.”

1 b Edwards 1 Emlrus Total

“ B " SQUADROX 1W " C” SQUADRON. “ C “' SQUAnnoN. . Sergt. Edwards, c Welch. b Neil H Fisher. 1 h w, Neil Li. W. T. Hodgson, c Cook. b Neil ' .. Pte. Pine, c Neil, b Collison.. ‘Pnddifoot, b Col lison Lce.-C0rp?. Weeks, b Neil Major B. Makins. b Collisou

Pie. Parks, not out H


Cue, c Welch, b Neil Newton, b Neil Dewing, l) Collison Extra-s Total

S c. Arnold, b Neil T i) Neil

0 b Neil T b Collisou 1 8 2 5 f) 0 4

c Evans. b Neil not out b Jackson b Collier c Collison rdszollicr Euros



,. .. .. .. .. ..

Jackson. c Makins, b Puddifoot .. Lee. -C0rpl. Judge, 0. Cue, b Pnddifoot .. Pie Collier. c Weeks, '0 Fisher Arnold, c Weeks, b Pud-


4 b Parks 2') b Fisher


Neil, b li‘isher Extras Total

5365, Ptc. Williamson Education.

awarded 3rd Class certificate of

5700, Pte. Dallas. at Station August, 1908.


Naini Tal, 27th


Colonel Carr-Ellison Lieut. E. W. 1‘. Miles proceeded to School of Musketry, Pachniarhi.

Sergeant-Major Brooks Colonel Irwin

Lieut. C. W. Turner proceeded to Transiiort Class, Rawal Pindi.

Mr. W. R. White


Sergt. Oxford proceeded to School of Mnskctry. Pachinarhi.


Lce.-Corpl.-Hawlx'ettprocccded to Transport Class, Rawal Piudi.

Pte. W. H. Short

Lce.-Corpl. Woods proceeded to Transport Class, Rawal Pindi.

Mr. W. Chubb

Lce.—Corpl. \Vilshcr proceeded to Niiiii Tal to take up up» pointmcnt as clerk in Station Staff Office.


Stuil' Sergt. H. T. Gilliug

940, Pie. Andrews proceeded to Naini Tai. 1'13"an indtimis.


Trims/11s Lieut. H. A. ’I‘oinkinson paSsed in (j). “

A. H. G. Chapman

4320, Lce.-(‘orpl. Seaton awarded ' Education.

Class certificate of“

Sergt. (iranthier transferred to Indian Unattached List for employment as Barrack Sergeant in Military Works Services.

5553. Lce.-Corpl. Stone awarded : . Education.

Class certificate of

4468, Pte. Plumb transferred to Indian Unattached List for employment in Supply and Transport Corps. Fltl‘lUlLf/h dud .LCIII‘C.

5270, Pte.Viclicry awarded :3nd Class certificate of Edu cation.

Lieut. \V. II. J, St. L. Atkinson granted for one month.

53.34, Ptc. Morgan awarded thd Class certificate of Education.

R. Q. M. S. Sykes.

R S. M. Plumb

580"), Pte- Lewis iawardecl onrl Class certificate of Education.

S. S. M. Wallis

5521. Pte. Pritchard awarded rind Class certificate of Edu. cation.

Sadd. Sergt. Carter

proceeds to “

leave in

Ranikhet. “

S. Q. M. S. Fordorn

Naini 'I‘al.

(1 not out



Pte. Samways, of a. son.

All communications intended for publication in The Eagle should be addressed to the Editor, and should be accompanied by the writer’s name and address. The Editor will not undertake to be responsible for any reject ed MS, nor to return any contribution unless specially desired to do so. Accepted matter will be paid for at the rate of Rs. 2-8 0 per column. This is only admissible to non-commisstoned officers

'3 c Hodgson, b 0110..

‘ cParks, b Puddifoot

Evans, b Puddifoot Brown, b Fisher Corp]. Welch. not out .. Sergt. Collison. 0 Weeks, b Fisher Sergt. Weston, b Puddifoot.. Pte. Cook, b Fisher

Corporal S. S. Brown, of a daughter.


5394, Lee-Corp]. Judge awarded 2rd Class certificat e of Education.


5445, He. Ashworth awarded 3rd Class certificate of Education.

.. 150



McNeilage to be Regimental Sinnnllcr. 2:2 U 0 T 13

971, Pte. Davis awarded 3rd Class certificate of Education.

The wife of Sergeant Payne, of a son.

5326, Alliott passed Sirocessfully a course of instruction in Regimental Accounts.

. .Allcn to be Corporal Shocing Smith. Weeks to be Unpaid Lem-Corporal Dewing to be Shocina Sniitli. “ Sinythe to be " Reardon to he

12 c Arnold, b Neil

5829, Pte. Paton awarded 3rd Class certificate of Education.


5307, Pte. Robson awarded 3rd Class certificate of Education.

Promotions and Appointments. Led—Serge Fisher to be Orderly-room Sergean t " Elines to be Sergeant. Martin to be Sergeant. Unpaid Lee.-Seigt.Sctchell to be l-‘aid Lee-Ser geant. " “ Allchin to be Paid Lcc.»Scrgeant. Corp]. S. S. Hood to he Sergeant-li‘arrier. " Jarnicson to be I’aid Leo-Sergeant. Rickards to be Unpaid Lce.-Scrccant. Anstcy to be " “ " " Newton to be ' .-Corpl Hughes to bc Corporal.

0 not out


45, He. McKenzie awarded 3rd Class certificate of Ed 11cation.

1 b Parks 4 l b w, Edwards 0 & b Fisher b Fisher b Parks Absent Euros


1876, f’tv‘. Oglrly awarded End Class certificate of Educa‘ tion. 964, l’Lr-. Love awarded :2nd Class certificate of Education.

Armr. Stati-Scrgt. Roberts

awarded 3rd Class


5101. Pte. Race awardcd 3rd Class certificate of tion.


S. S. Welsh

Manora Camp. Rawal Pindi.



and mm


Subscribers at honge. for six months Subscribers in India, for 51x mouths at Home Non-commissioned officersand

in India.

men (present rncnibeis or

vex-Royals), tor SIX months .. Price per copy to Omccrs Price per copy to non-commissioned .. omccrs and men

Annual subscriptions pro rata. ADVERTISEMENTS For six months. full page


For six months. half page


“ For six months, quarter page ..

of 5388



434?, Pte. North

5467 088, Pte. Townsend Education.



5818 5368


For one mouth. full page


For one month, half page

Bra _\'

For one mon Lb. quarter




(the Eagle. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15TH, 1908.


The premier firm for Portraiture, High class, well finished picture can be relied on.

Special Terms to N. C. Officers and Men. Prices Extremely Moderate. We are also prepared to take groups at any time and place, and guarantee good pictures. -

12 by 10 Groups, Re. 1 each Unmounted, for 30 or more copies. The Lucknow Branch Closes from 15th April to 31st October. Naini Tal & Ranikhet Branches Open from lst May to Blst October. EXPRESS"








and delivered ...t the door of address by our well—known



The hot weather is

over, punkahs


ceased swinging, and the dusky pullers have gone their many ways. The sun is no longer scorching, the early mornings are fresh with the sting of an English summer morning air: and all nature seems to smile. The rainfall has been good, and the crops will consequently be successful Everybody seems in good health, work goes with a swing, cricket. hockey, and other games are plentiful, and altogether we are soldiering at present under conditions that admit of but one complaint, and that is, that we have nothing to complain about.


received and shipped by H. M. Transports at low rates for OFFICERS, WARRANT OFFICERS, & N. C. C s Baggage, Bern, Parcels of all Ranks. shipped as cargo cheaply, safely,




specially organised for the Military, and highly appreciated and recommend-

ed by all the British Regiments whose unanimous opinion is “ THE BEST AND CHEAPEST EVER KNOWN.”

There is no limit to Size, Shape,

or Weight, but there is the MAXIMUM of SPEED with MINIMUM of COST or TROUBLE. assistance to BEING AUTHORISED BAGGAGE AGENTS we meet all Transports and render every OFFICERS, WARRANT OFFICERS, and N. C. 0s or their Friends

The detachment which has been quartered during the summer months at Manora Camp, Naini Tal, returned to Lucknow, under the command of Captain Grant,on 1stinstant. The

party included Lieutenant Rube, S. S. M. Cooke, Sergeants Lock and Andrews, and the Signallers. The men look well and fit, and are apparently much benefited by their sojourn among the Himalayas, They all, however, say they are glad to be back at headquarters. We, too, are glad, for it will mean more nights in bed, more grooms, and better-looking parade states.

on being instructed to do so. received and delivered to expected Friends. PARCELS & TELEGRAMS, LETTERS, :~

to Full particulars, Handbooks, Forms, and Labels supplied gratis on application

Agents, H. M. Transports COUTTS & CO., Army Shipping, Passenger, and Authorised Baggage BUNDER ROAD, KARACHI. BOMBAY, HORNBY ROAD. Agents, P. MlCHAEL& Co Rangoon Ld. PICKFORD’S, Messrs. 8L BROS. Southampton Agents, DAWSON Baggage Agents. Oriental Place.

London Agents, SUTTON & CO. Shipping Agents to l[. M. the late Queen, Golden Lane.


No. 10.

Wallis joined the Royals in December, 1889, transferred to the Army Reserve in 1896, and rejoined the Colours in 1899 on

the outbreak of the South African war.


was promoted to the rank of SergeantInstructor of Fencing, and did duty at the Deptt during the regiment’s absence at the front. He now goes to join the North of Ireland Yeomanry on appointment as Sergeant‘Instructor of that corps, and will be stationed in Belfast. He was Orderly to our Colonel-inChief on the obcasion of that monarch’s attendance at the funeral of our late Queen, and for this he received from the Emperor a pair of gold cuff links and the Order of the Red Eagle, 3rd class. Wallis is also in possession of the medal for long service and good conduct. Raven enlisted in 1887, and has served in the regiment without a break until the pres.

ent day. He served throughout the Boer campaign and is in possession of both medals, as well as the medal for long service and

good conduct. He has been a- notable figure in the Sergeants’ Mess for a number of years, and will be greatly missed. Thearle transferred to the Royals from the 7th Dragoon Guards at the close of the late war, and leaves now after eighteen years’ service with the Colours.

He is an instrumental-

The first party,

istof no mean order, and the Band will find it difficult to replace him. Lewis goes home on transfer to the Army Reserve after eight years’ service.

which sails from Bombay on the 16th instant by the H T. “ Dongola,” includes S, S. M. Wallis and family, S. S. Farrier Raven and family, Band-Sergeant Thearle and family and Sergeant Lewis.

No. 2244 Private O’Brien will also leave by the “ Dongola,” and with him we lose our oldest-serving soldier. O’Brien enlisted in the Royals on May 2nd, 1883, when the

With the advent of the trooping season comes the departure of many members of

the regiment for England.


THE 160



regiment was stationed at Island Bridge, Dub-

Saunders and his fellow-bakers quite enjoyed

lin, under the com mand of Colonel Hutton.

that breadmaking ! "


was posted to “B " Troop under the late T. S. M. Hilliard, who will be better remembered as‘Canteen Steward in Hounslow. Most of

O‘Brien’s service has been spent in “ B " Troop and “B” Squadron, and he will be recalled by many of our old comrades. He served all through the late South African campaign, and now leaves to take up his residence in Cork. The best of good fortune attend our departing comrades in their new sphere.

The draft of men from home. which comes out by the same boat that takes the party noted above to England, disembarked at Bom-

bay on the 8th instant, and arrived in Lucknow on the 10th instant.

As we noted last month,

Mr D’Arcy Edwardes came out in charge and joins the regiment for the first time. The party includes also S. Q. M. S. Beall, who is returning from English leave.

We have sent copies of

The Eagle to Mr. Byerley, and hope to include him in our list of subscribers.

ent title, Police Constable Connor—late of“ A” Squadron, differs in his opinion of workin England. In a letter to a friend in the regiment he tells of his good berth in the Metropolitan Police, and dwells on the advantages of life in one’s own country, and of his good pay and prospects of pension, etc. He seems to have met half the ex-Royals resie dent in London, and mentions Sergeant Ricks, “ Bluey" Eason (a publican), “Geese“ Harrison, “ Bumper” Barnes, the brothers Ridley, and many others. “ The Corporals‘ Mess,” he continues, “ will be well represented at the old Comrades’ Dinner this year. Corporals Ridley, Day, and Green are going,

and they have ordered me to attend, so we


Africa. He is anxious for news of “the 01d mob," and a portion of his letter is worth quoting as a warning note to men leaving the regiment. He writes :—" Good berths are distinctly few and far between nowadays, and it is a case of hanging on orce you get in.

Independent Order of Good Templars :—

connection with the Regimental Lodge of the


secured a good one. I occasionally come across old Royals, and never miss the oppor-

At the Annual Grand Lodge Session recently held at Lucknow. the Lodge was re— presented by Bros. Gibson and Macfarlane. also Bro. Summerfield as a Past Representa— tive, whilst a number of members attended as visitors. Bro. Gibson, on recommendation of

tunity of a chat about the good old times.

No. X. District, was appointed District Deputy

‘Ted’ Saunders works. close by my home (Southfields, London,) and is doing well. He

by the Grand Chief Templar.

The Grand

Do. you remember the bread (‘3) be baked for

Lodge Executive appointed Bro. Summerfield “ Grand Guard” for the ensuing year. The “ Waterloo” Lodge meets weekly in the Soldiers’ Home. We had alsoa branch Lodge at Naini Tal with the detachment.

the Squadron ?. There was no yeast, so the officers supplied bottled stout instead, and

We havea library just started, which we hope will prove a great help to the members.

of the days afterwards, with two squadrons

13th Hussars and some mounted infantry. Orders were given to blow up the farm with gun-cotton. When all was ready an infant’s cry was heard, and the baby before mentioned, was discovered and rescued.”

We are permitted to publish the following which, in perfect condition, was recently

Among the entertainments held since last and we wrote, is a very excellent dramatic

variety performance, which the Oxford Light Infantry A. D. C. put on in our regimental the theatre, on the 16th of last month. All

found among a file of old regimental documents 2—-

BERTFORD STREET, MAYFAIR, No. 16——, 28th March, lSlb.

the musical items were well received, and

My DEAR CLIFTON, General Garth went out of town the day

two—act sketch, which concluded the show, was well staged and most ably performed.

after you saw him, and nothing can be ascerretained respecting your memorial till his

turn, which must be soon. Sergeant-Instructor Collingwood, who serv-

ed in South Africa with the 13th Hussars, We are asked to publish the following in

er, and were offered milk and biscuits. Howev g the corporal becoming suspicious on seein tion inspec quick a made litter, fresh horse and galloped his patrol away under a sharp - ' fire from an adjacent ridge. two place the d visite ard Hildy “General

extremely interesting letter, the originaloi

I hope the Pig’s Ear

(whatever that may mean) is good !"

training on board the ‘Manchester Port,’ going to Africa, has stood him in good stead.

ul deeda “ very old Royal.” We are gratef to her not only for her very interesting in reminiscences, but for the splendid spirit many hope we and sent, was e articl her which le. more old Royals will follow her examp is know, rs reade our of Miss Cruse, as most e Georg in Capta late the of ter the daugh

can tell a few of the “ 01d sweats” some tall

Chief among our correspondents of the month is Mr. F. L. Byerley, formerly Corporalin “C" Squadron, who left the regiment shortly after its return from South

is a baker by profession, and doubtless his

We are much indebted to Miss May Cruse " for her excellent article “Recollections, Writr. numbe nt published with the prese ing, as she does, from personal knowledge of occurrences contemporary with the fall of

Sevastopol, we feel with her that she is inPrivate Connor~—or to give him his pres-

yarns about India.

I consider myself very fortunate in having



writing from Bhagalpore, says :——“I was very much interested in the South African Letter in the September number of The Eagle. I

happened to be in command of the first patrol to break through Utrecht on the occasion mentioned. My advanced men came in with information that two Englishmen were shut

up in the prison.

We made a dash for the

place, and seized the jailer ; I took the keys a and found two Kaffirs in the first cell,

croporal of the 5th Dragoon Guards in the second, and a trooper 0f the Royals in the third. “ A few days previous whilst on reconnaist, sauce from Umbana Kop towards Utrech

the left flanking patrol of my troop visited a the large farm underneath the berg, flying red cross flag. They were greeted by three

1 women—Tone of whom had a baby in arms—

I will, let you

know as soon as I can see Garth what he has done in the business, and what you are

to expect. The Strange events which have taken place in France within these few days, will be the commencement most probably of a new war. The Allies promise great thing, h and are very indignant, but after the fooliS ted expec be can part they have acted, little left from them. The king of France has and Lisle, and is gone, some say, to Tournay, others, to Ostend, but bad as things at present look, I have yet great hopes if the allied

powers will act with promptness and spirit. Everything will, in the event of an active campaign, be sent to Flanders, so you may

get your camp equipage in order, for all the cavalry will he wanted that can be got together. London is ina perfect state of fermentation; to-day they killed Bouneparte, and

to-morrow they will kill the king of France;

the reports in circulation are as numerous,




as the persons you



I believe

The following ofiicers, at present on leave,

things are very bad in France; the army decidedly against the Bourbons, yet there are many individuals secretly wishing them well, and if the Allies should be successful, that number might be considerably increas-

are due to return to Lucknow by the dates specified :—-Major Fl. Makins, D. S. 0., 27th instant, Major Hon’ble A. Hamilton Russell, 29th instant, Captain H. McL. Lambert, 29th instant, Captain H. H. Sandbach, 15th instant, Lieut. T, S. Irwin, 80th instant. Lieutenant G. P. L. Cosens, 81stinstant. Lieutenants A.

ed. Nothing has yet been decided upon reA specting the line of conduct we shall adopt in this truly important crisis, though every-

thing seems to breathe nothing but war and vengeance. Believe me, my dear Clifton, Yours sincerely,



Colonel Sir A. B. Clifton commanded the Royals at the Battle of Waterloo. Perhaps some of our readers can tell us something of the writer.

Squadron Training will commence on 15th instant, and “ A ” Squadron are leaving barracks to camp about four or five miles away, where they will remain for about a month and carry out their drills. It is proposed to send out “ B ” Squadron later, and the two squadrons will probably take sides in several tactical


“0” and

The regiment left Scotland in

1784, and,

C. Charrington and StL. Atkinson are already back at headquarters. We shall be minus the services of our Adjutant, Lieutenant W. 'l‘. Hodgson, during the whole of the cold weather, he having been granted nine months' leave err-India. Mr. Hodgson has taken little or no leave for some considerable time, and

establishment was increased by nine men per troop, and in the spring of 1790 the regiment marched to Scotland, returning south

Burch is officiating Adjutant. The engagement is announced of Captain Lord Charles Fitzmaurice to Lady Violet Elliot. As our readers are aware, Lord Charles is the second son of the Marquess of Lansdowne, who was Viceroy of India. from 1888 to 1894. it is a pleasant coincidence that Lady Violet is the youngest daughter of the present Viceroy, the Earl of Minto. We wish them the best of good luck.

of the revolutionary troubles




the year afterwards, and was employed in

the repression of disturbances in Birming‘ ham. A further augmentation was made to the strength of the regiment in 1792, and again in the spring of 1793, when four troops were ordered to be held in immediate readiness for foreign service. The enormities committed by the French Republicans occasioned the war of coalition

against the French Convention, which had in


fact been declared on the 10th of February, 1791, and a British force being sent to assist the Dutch in Holland, on the 10th of June, 1793, the troops of the Royal Regiment of Dragoons which, in the absence of a field ofiicer, seem to have been commanded by Captain William Spencer, embarked for the Netherlands to join the army commanded by H. R. H. the Duke of York, K.G. Landing at Qstend, these four troops marched up the country and made part ofa force

In 1779 the soldiers of the regiment equipp—

which drove a body of French from the Camp

ed as lightdragoons, the light troop of the

de Caesar behind the Scheldt, on the 8th of August. . They were with the covering army


“ D” Squadrons will 0f the First or the Royal Regiment of Dragoons, contain-

doubtless follow in due course. The sergeants of “A ” Squadron under Major Steele and

ing an account of its formation in the reign of

Mr. Tidswell went out for a four days’ camp

sequent services to the present time.

on the lst instant, shifting camp each day, and making sketches and reports of the country over which the Squadron will work. They all carried sporting guns and, by varying work with sport, had a most interesting outing.

By General C. P. de Ainslie.

King Charles the Second, and of its sub-

3rd Dragoon Guards, the 6th and 11th Dra—

during the siege of Dunkirk, and when the

The Band conclude their engagements at

goons, were incorporated into a regiment Which was numbered the 20th Light Dragoons,

Naini Tal, by a performance on the 14th instant, and are expected to arrive in Lucknow

and during the summer: the 3rd Dragoon Guards, the Royals, the 18th, 20th, and the

on the 17th. We shall then be practically ‘r" all present,” and our winter work be in full

21st Light


’ During the, great riots in London in the


beginning of June, 1780, known as the “Gordon Riots,” the Royals were ordered thither, and in the following year they went to Scotland, when, at the termination of the American War in 1783, the establishment was reduced to 288 officers and men. during the ensuing six years, it occupied various quarters in the northern and western counties of England. On the breaking out

we hope he will have a pleasant time on his well-earned holiday. For the present Captain

Royal Regiment of Dragoons,


Dragoons were encamped

Lexden Heath, near Colchester.



attempt on that place was abandoned, they were employed in operations on the frontiers of Flanders, where they had a sharp encoun-

ter with acorps of French‘cavalry‘on the 27th of October. ,

‘ “on ‘thg‘zstha January, 1794,],the colonelcy


of the regiment, vacant by the death of the Earl of Pembroke, was conferred upon MajorGeneral Philip Goldsworthy. In the month of April, the four troops assembled with the army near Cateau, and were engaged in the general attack upon the enemy’s position at Fremont, on the 17th, when Captain-Lieutentant the Honourable Thomas Carlton of the Royals was killed. The siege of Landrecies was immediately commenced, the regiment forming part of the covering army: also on the 24th of April it took part in the afiair at Villiers en Couche, in which the French lost 1,200 men and three pieces of artillery, and when the 15th Light Dragoons, now 15th King’s Hussars, so particularly distinguished themselves. The casualties in the Royal Dragoons were one man and two horses killed : two men and three horses wounded. On the 20th of the month the regiment again distinguished itself at Cateau, where the enemy, having marched out of Cambray, attacked the BritiSh army at daybreak. The Duke of York detached the Royals with seven other regiments of cavalry to turn the left flank of the French, a movement which was attended with the most brilliant results, and the enemy overthrown with great slaughter : the rout became general; cavalry and infantry, mingled in promiscuous crowds. were scattered over the plain and fell beneath the Sabres of the British Dragoons, who captured the French Commander,


Chapny, and thirty-five pieces of cannon. The Duke of York, in his account of the action, observes, “ The behaviour of the British cavalry has been beyond all praise.” The

Royal Dragoons were among the corps which were declared to have “acquired immortal honour.” They lost upon this occasion six men and twelve horses killed, with Lieutenant Froom, two sergeants, eleven men, and four-

teen horses wounded. The fall of Landrecies took place on the ' same day, the 26th of April, when the regiment


Brow-in,‘ in


thouobservesz—“A column of five or six our ds towar rance appea sand men made its

s left, on which account the brigade of guard ready and the British heavy cavalry remained the but d; groun for action on their camp situaus tageo advan our ving French obser ng tion, and dreading the thought of meeti

it moved into barracks at Canterbury. COPY OF RECRUITING BiLL.

the British cavalry a second time in the open ach. plain, thought proper not to appro every at sed repul were enemy Finally the d. ” point, andin the evening they retire ed, and defeat were At length the Austrians

the enemy brought forward such preponderss re— ating numbers that no chance of succe of Duke the maining to the British troops, was which t, retrea a York decided upon rs. followed by the evacuation of Flande of the In the meantime another squadron

Royal Regiment of Dragoons had embarked being in England for foreign service, but relandwas it r, weathe severe by back driven

ed, and in July this part of the regiment in moved from Salisbury to Weymouth, visit to that consequence of His Majesty’s

place ; and in October upon the king’s return ‘to'London,

it marched to Dorchester ban

, racks. d were abroa troops the r winte the During

exposedto privations and hardships which horses. occasioned the death of many men and

severe The weather was unusually


to the Er’en‘ch, Dutch people were favourable

and the British troops,'i'n their retreat thrOugh

“Wanted, Volunteers, for His Majesty’s lst or Royal Regiment of Dragoons, command— ed by


“GOD SAVE THE KING !” (To be continued.)

comrade to death with a knife, and this, you

RECOLLECTIONS. An article, by the Editor, in The Eagle of June 15th, headed “Wanted Copy," has


regiment shall


ng enter into pay and good quarters by applyi of City the in r Office nding Comma to the Exeter, or at Axminster, or at St, Mary,

Newton Bushell, or with a recruiting party stationed at Devizes, Wiltshire, when each

volunteer shall receive His Majesty’s full addi‘ bounty of two guineas and half, with an His Majestion of pay, and a crown to drink

, ty’s health ; also a. good horse, arms, cloaks

and accoutrements, with everything necesn. sary to complete a gentleman dragoo ained as entert be to ng wishi “ Young men

Royal Dragoons must be well made, perfeCtly . sound, and healthy, having no' bodily infirm years, 21 to 16 of age ity whatever, from the

and 5 feet‘Bi inches to 5 feet 11 inches high.

know, is not “ a way we have in the army ” . I suppose it must have been a great rabble that sham bled in; the scene came vividly

and rapidly before my mind's eye as I watch»

somewhat pricked my conscience, and roused me to effort. I know two school magazines.

ed atenth rate German Infantry Regiment

one of which has entirely come to grief owing to this same want of “Copy,” the other still run survives, but, is, almost exclusively, financially by the Editor. ” The sketches of “Scout” and “Jemima cences reminis the that hope to me ge encoura be ofa very “Old Royal," like myself, may monthly your of pages the allowed a space in

shortly after the close of the Franco-PruSsian war. For these paid military guests, Barrack authorities had to provide necessaries, and some few extras. I went 'round the various rooms before their occupation, and, as nearly as I can recollect, each contained the following :~A


“All young men willing to serve in the

awaited events, I remember standing at the Barrack gate, with my nurse, to see the dreaded regiment march in ; dreaded—because a dreadful thing had just happened outside: two men had quarrelled on the road, and one had done his

Itis certainly not within the memory of any Royal Dragoon now serving, and it may possibly be news to many,

march out of the Rhine fortress of Caste],

wooden four-post bed with bedding, a table,

‘ 7:.



of the regiment to enlist none but honest fellows that wish to serve their King and country with honesty and fidelity.


attacked by General Pichegru with a large

ed on one of the plains in Westphalia, and in the ensuing winter embarking for England, the four troops from the continent joined the squadron at Dorchester in January, 1796. In July following, the whole regiment encamped on Barham Downs near Weymouth, brigaded with the Scots Greys and the 3rd King‘s Own Dragoons, under LieutenantGeneral Lord Cathcart, whence in September

not known something of, as it is the intention


e, the 17th of May the regiment was in reserv post after which the army resumed its was before 'I‘ournay, where, on the 22nd, it

and hospitality. The regiment was engaged in no further hostilities. During the summer of 1796 it was encamp»


In the attack upon the French positions on i

the Duchy of Bremen they there found rest

ourselves, near the gate, and had just settled in comfortably, when we were told that the Swise Legion would shortly arrive, and we should be required to take the regulation allowance, and give up the remainder of the rooms to the foreign officers; so we crammed into our two rooms and our kitchen and


during the

two chairs, a washhand—stand with white delf, fender, fireirons and coal scuttle. With this meagre supply of furniture each one made

Crimean War, our poor old country was so

himself content, all but the Major, Who sent

denuded of soldiers, and so unprotected, that

on, before, a small carpet;

the Government had to engage the services vely of foreign mercenaries, called respecti not speak, I Legion. the German and Swiss ce, experien personal from but from hearsay, with for some of the Royals were quartered were they rather or two of these regiments, the quartered upon us. It was just befhre'

I, together with

an admiring crowd of menservants, st00d revereutly and watched its carriage upstairs. Then the oflicers (I forget how many) arriv. ed, and I, a tiny girl of five, at once became

the object of the devoted worship of one and all.

I Was waylaid at every end and turn, and

coaxed with sweets and toys

Two out of

fall of Sevastapol, and my father had come

the number stand out in my memory, one a.

and home to take charge of the recruits Barrack the ury; Canterb at young herses

took'the least notice of me (which is the way.

was pretty well empty, and quarters abounded. We had such adelightful house,; all to

tall, silent man whom I liked just because he Of all children), and another whom I did not,

like at‘all atrfirsthbut who, conquered me ,by

A. .

man and three. horses wounded. His Royal Highness reported that the troops “had on ‘well supported the reputation acquired the 26th of last month.”

“No trampers or vagabonds need apply, nor any seafaring men, and likewise militia' men not having served their time, or any apprentice whoseindentures are not given up; nor will any man be entertained who is

*2“ . MH———~—._ 7.. Wm“. u

but lost only two horses killed, and one

Holland during hard frost and storms of snow and sleet, were treated by the inhabit ants as enemies; but arriving at length in




marched to the vicinity of Tournay, where, (in the 10th of May, they were again in action,








rat n nae-i. a


persistent kindness ; this last I knew as

our maid was making, suffered total destruc-

times, each preved a difficult subject from

Mr. Barlow. I don’t suppose his name was Barlow at all, but this is what our man and

tion ; the maid herself was also covered with

which to extract. money in payment of service rendered. Mrs. EILongley was an excellent judge of the situation, as she was always overhead and ears in debt herself : she Was credited with saying, that she left debts ’behind her in every town, otherwise people would forget there was such a person as Mag On this particular Lorigley in existence.

maid servant made out of it ; and I accepted it without question.

Each officer had his own

manservant, and the downstair part of the house was kept lively from morning till night. One






prominently in my recollection; he was extra

sprightly and vivacious and, in modern parlance, “ Bossed the Show.” None of the party knew many English words, out this little person knew the most, and very soon acquired

more, and what he lacked in language he made up for by action and gesture. He would come to our kitchen and beg for matches. striking his fingers sharply down the wall,

and saying, “Please, ’ittle fire.”

One Fair

Day in Canterbury he knocked at our door and handed ina wax-doll for me, from my Mr. Barlow, making it understood that it was for me by putting his hand a short way from

the ground, with the words “ For ’ittle one so high.” I am bound to say that the ways of our foreign visitors, like those of the Heathen Chinee, were “peculiar.” I have enumerated the articles provided for them by the Government, and with these they made shift ; in consequence the contents of the washhandstand were put to other purposes than those originally intendedfi-we constantly saw them, being carried upstairs, containing boiled rice, and beautifully boiled—my mother, who was

a judge, declared it to be.

Another of their

little ways was a source of much unpleasantness to us ; they placed a large iron coal

box under our kitchen window and filled it to overflowing with refuse and waste. The manner they had of filling it was simple, and saved labour; they merely opened the window up

above, and pitched out ashes or Cinders, or whatever it was, with results that may be

easily imagined. This happened suddenly more than once and before our' window could be closed, and, on one occasion, some pastry,

ash-dust, and much temper prevailed.


climax was reached, when it was rumoured that another Swiss officer was expected, and the only available room was their kitchen. By this time that apartment needed considerable cleaning, and the numerous menservants set to work to clean it. Their procedure was primitive ; it consisted in the bringing of several buckets of water, and swilling the floor from end to end, and then,

with brooms, sweeping the muddy fluid into the rat-holes, things, I need hardly remind you, not infrequently found in Barrack kitchens. Unfortunately all the water did not find its way into the rat-holes, but a goodly inky stream flowed steadily into our kitchen on the opposite side of the passage. We were apprised of the event by the frantic appeals of our own man and maid whose remonstrances had had no effect. Accordingly my mother sallied forth to see what she could do. The offenders all stood and listened most respectfully while she demonstrated and explained, to the best of her ability. how a floor

was washed in the English fashion, with house flannel and frequent wringings. After she had turned her back she heard shouts of laughter and, having the curiosity to return, she found all the good fellows on their knees, endeavouring to carry out her instructions

with their red cotton and silk pocket handkerchiefs.

How could any one stand out long

against such persistent good temper ? It is not to be wondered at that I paid frequent visits to our kitchen, to listen to tales about our foreigners.

Once I found old Mrs. Longley, wife of a private, and mother of our maid, holding forth long and loudly and airing her grievances. She had undertaken to do the washing of some of the Swiss gentlemen, and was evidently surprised that there were points of similarity between the home-made warrior, and the foreign product, inasmuch, as at

occasion her wrath was hot’against my friend,

Mr. Barlow, who owed her for several weeks’ Washing, and at last she gave vent to the’ following: “ l tell you what it is—he is a regular muck l " I did not in the least know what she meant, but I must have felt it was



to quote Miss Fanny Chamberlain, the quite grown-up daughter of our err-Riding Master,

who had just got his Troop. She was by Way o'frbeing musical, and enthused over the innsicianship of the German officers, who Would

hang aroundtheir quarters in another square away from ours, and play the piano and sing and smoke all the evening. This concerned

me not at all, and I continued to pin my faith and allegiance to my Swiss admirers. Dear kindly men. There cannot be many, if any alive now. I wish they could have known what a warm corner they made for themselves in ’ ' the'heart of a little child. MAY Gag-so

opprobrious epithet coined for the occasion,

and though i feared Mr. Barlow, and only half liked him, I knew him for my friend, and, as such, demanding my defence: so I advan‘c ed into the middle of the room and, with 2,11 the vigour and energy of which five years old was capable. l. stamped my foot and exclaimed, “ Mrs. Longley, he is not a muck " 1 should not remember this had I not been so teazed about it for long afterwards. Then, one very wet day, While wandering

around the passages in search of adventure, I suddenly found myself smothered up in a rag 01- shawl, and quickly carried upstairs, kicking



brigand' was the

lively young inanservant, who, when he had my

released me, placed me in the arms of very devoted admirer, M r. Barlow. "l was distinct, n have I but indignant, very shy and

impression that the dear thing was trying to tellme that he had little girls of his own



Then from out the table drawer he

drew a little box ant gave it to me :it contain.

ed an exquisite model of a Swiss Chalet, he nan sent for it on purpose, and in those days it was a rarity. As well as my shyness'permitted, I gathered, ho was explaining that it was like his own home in his beloved fa therland. Shertly after this our friends of the Swiss Legion left Canterbury, to he succeeded by the Germans, “ A much superior body of men,"

HULL DOCK STRlKE --1893. A part of my soldiering to which I always look back with pleasure, is fifty days spent at Hull'in aid of the civil power during the

(lock strikes in the. spring of 15493. The cause of the strike was the usual thing

in Capilal‘rs, Labour wars, the doc't labourers

demardinga higherrate of pay

than the

shipping owners were prepared ”to give Many thousand free labourers were imported, and lodged in temporary quarters inside the

docks. V The strikers

naturally “regarded

these “ bla‘cklegs" as deadly enemies. collisions became Common.

'{o the doeks'we‘re seized


Goods in transit

and burnt in the

p'h'blic streets, and early-in April the situation became so serious, that the civil authorities drafted in eight- hundred extra police, and

applied for troops. i'l‘he' regiment,


a hilartered at York. was ordered to hold the squadron in readiness to turn out, and men of “ D" Squadron rushed down to stables with their marching order kits; this Was in' the days of sheepskins when " marchmg order” was by no means the simple Operation it now is. However. those kits were

on in record time, and their owners arrayed in scarlet mines and white belts; with bread




and cheese in their haversacks, two pints of

the envy of all their less fortunate comrades who were “ not forit.” I was lucky enough to be one of twenty-five non-commissioned

toes smashed and being literally flattened out. After two hours of this luxurious travelling, we arrived at the Paragon station, Hull, detrained, and marched off to billets. I was included in a party of seven at the Golden Cross under Corporal “Joe” Rowe,

officers and men detailed from “ C ” Squad-

the others being “Sal” Penning,

ron to

Cheesman, “ Taffy” Brown, “ Garge” Read, and “Tiger” Tijou. A large crowd collected in front of

“Tadcaster” in their waterbottles and ten

big Martini ball cartridges in their pouches——


“ D ” up to strength.

packed and all ready to turn out,


we went

to’the canteen for a “ beaver” and to discuss

the situation, which brought forth reminiscent anecdotes from the time Corporal Wallace was shot in Ireland to the then late disturbances at Newcastle, when A " Squadron was sent hurriedly north. At a few minutes to one o’clock, our hopes were realized, and we were raised to the tenth pinnacle of happiness by the sound of feur G's followed by the “turn out. ” No one was late on that parade, and by the time the Colonel had walked across from the mess, the

SergeantvMajor—strapped to a big revolver, and looking very fierce—had “ told off " the


Five minutes later we were trot-

ting through the streets of York to the railway station, followed by hundreds of excited citizens to see us entrain.

“ Tiger” Tijou and I shared a truck with five horses, being posted at either end as “ stable guards," acting as collision mats for the horses as they rolled to and fro with the

motion of the train. Our mode of progres' sion' was simply a succession of violent jerks, as if the driver was continually pulling up at imaginary obstacles and starting again before

he stopped, so that we were extremely pleased to arrive at our destination, feeling thank: ful the journey was only forty miles instead

of four hundred.



our billet in the evening, but evidently only attracted by curiosity, were quite goodhumoured. However, the moods ofa mob vary;the next evening we were returning

from stables, situated some hundred yards away, and had to pass through a rather rough, looking crowd who had an inclination to turn nasty. “Joe” Rowe getting wroth over some offensive remarks, rushed into the thick of it, and got somewhat badly handled before we were able to get to his assistance and extricate him from the scrimmage. This

would have been no easy matter. had nota hundred of the Leeds police turned up at an opportune moment and scattered the mob with their batons. According to the local press, the mob felt surprised and hurt at the unceremonious way they were disposed


It appeared, the local police were rather

fatherly in their methods, consequently the crowd were taken aback by the vigorous

tactics of the Leeds men, who had only just arrived and were on their way from the station, when this incident occurred. On the second day we (the troop of “ C” Squadron)

after a morning's picquet duty in the Alexander docks, were turned out at 10-15 p.m., amid much excitement and speculation as to what “we were for.” Arriving at the rear

two unfortunate troopers in with each truck of horses, but what they were expected to do is a question ; personally it was all I could do to“stable guard” myself from having my

dezvous we found the station approaches packed with people, and were told we were .to escort a “ blackleg" crew, coming in from Liverpool, to the Albert docks. A tremendous groan burst from the crowd as the ship’s officers and their men left the station and climbed into the vehicles waiting


outside Amidsta storm of booting, hissing, :gnd groans, we started off at a sharp trot, scattering the crowd, right and left, in the ‘ following order :—A sectionin front, followed

Ngnwensrnn, NATAL, 3lst October, 1900. DEAR M,—

by two cabswith the ship's officers and a. large brake with the men, another section in rear, and the remainder of the troop on the flanks. We had not proceeded far before the yells and curses were supplemented with stones and brickbats, the cab windows smashed, and woodwork splintered. As for the crew, it was of a case “all hands below”; they had to crouch on the floors of the conveyances to avoid the flying missiles. The further we went, the

thicker seemed

the mob ;several of our fellows were hit with stones, my own helmet gettinga whack which dented the crest and knocked the spike “' half

left "

However, it is only fair to say that

I believe most of our hits were accidental, being intended for the occupants of the carriages. About this time several of our horses came down on the slippery stone sets, only afew street lamps were alight, and it began to look like arough night for us. We were now nearing the docks and the pressure from the crowds was increasing, when there came a sudden wild rush, which bmke on the ranks of two hundred police, formed near the dock-gates. We passed over the swingbridge with the battered vehicles, and landed our charge in safety, but somewhat discomforted and bruised. They swore a good deal ina quaint, nautical way, and all seemed to agree that lrlull Should have been speltwith an ‘- e. " We had just dismounted for a short rest, when shouts for assistance came across the deck, “Come on, the cavalry—they're over-

powering the In those days of route marching, cavalry movements by rail were somewhat of a novelty, and it was considered necessary to put


police ! "

sWung over, and we noise like thunder. broke in front of a home to bed ~so did

The bridge


galloped across, with a The mob didn’t wait, but police charge and went we.

(To be nominated.)

On-theday the Natal Volunteers were to have been disbanded, a party, sixty strong, escorting a convoy of twenty-two wagons from Dundee to Vryheid, were attacked by the

Boers six miles from the British post at De Jagers drift on the Buffalo river. . The Colonials sustained forty-eight casualties, and the convoy fell into the bands of'the enemy. We escorted a convoy from Newcastle to Utrecht the following day ; saw nothing of the enemy, and returned without adventureon the 4th instant. A few days later, however, a patrol of the 5th Dragoon Guards was driven back with aloss of two men in the same vicini-

ty. We wentout on receipt of this information, but returned to camp after burning several farms, the Boers having retired to the berg.

After the last incident I spent a fortnight on detachment at Fort Metcalfe, four miles west of Newcastle. where we had two troops encamped on the

terrace of a hill, some hun-

dreds of feet above the plain.

The track lead-

ing up to camp was rough and steep; how

much so, may be judged from the fact that we had to laager our waggons on the plain


At first we anticipated some difficulty

in getting stores up, but after witnessing the astonishing velocity of a barrel of beer being

urged upwards by half-a-dozen

stalwart and

thirsty warriors, our fears were set at rest.

The Fortfla mere wall and ditch—was garrisoned by a. detachment of the Imperial Light Infantry, who celebrated our arrival with a cricket match, which we won by eight wickets, although 1 must confess it was mostly owing to our champion slogger “swiping" the ball off the hill altogether, and running it out for forty-one ! Our duties here consisted of daily patrols, and outpost duty at Muller’s and Donker’s .

* -~-—---...-;‘...


THE~ E; ti: {T} l)

Passes oli'the Daakénsbeig.

Signs of the

approachingwet season became evident about the3th instant Theb lue li1mament we had seen for months withoutavestige of cloud. gave way to stmmy skies, thund‘e1 com» menced to g1owl, and lightning to iiickei 111* the distance,.'giving notice of the iains to -.







’1‘ 7H .E' EKGLE


states that that weare likely to' embark for}2‘ home in a. month's time, and athiid goes to 'r the opposite extreme and sys we are “111”:er to Stay in South Afr icalot thiee ye'ais—Ugh.' l. "

theienemyhad cut. the railway line, and burnt the station at VV’aschbank. An order to saddle up and turn out followed, and we trot-ted off in the darkness to lngagane station, entrained (120 men and horsesl and went on to Dannhauser, reconnoitring the line thence to Glencoe where we bivouacked for. the night. A terrific thunder-storm burst

at 10-30 pm

and lasted until 3a. in. Sleep

was quite out of the question, as we were without shelter and liteially soaked through. We saddled up at 4 p. m, and, after eight hours‘

riding, sighted the Boer raiders, about sixty strong, six miles in front. We chased them until they reached the foothills of the Drakensberg where we lost touch in another tremendous storm, under cover of which they escaped into the Orange River Colony

VV'e aiiived back at (:‘rlenco e, wet and weary, after fourteen hou1s1n the saddle. It rained all night and we had another wetbivouac. A Kafh'r store hard by~kept by a Hindu tiader—sold out its stock of shirts in record time, a dry shirt, even of the kind manufactured for Zulus, being a. luxury not to be despised by a wet man, and much preferable to a wet patrician silk garment, or an equally damp plebeian greyback. Entraining next day we railed to lngagane and reached Rooi Pynt camp at 3 a. 111., return-

ing, as we left. in the dark.

We have lately

shifted camp to the outskirts of Newcastle town. Of the many rumours nowcurrent, one is to the effect that General Buller is going to China with 20,000 men: whilst another

should make allowances.




Vours elsewhere in this- number of The Eagle,



the 26th, information arrived that a party of

until this annual metamorphosis takes place} energetic hil‘l Wallahs, and?” Blighty 7’ Wallahs As the 'Edit01‘4will idoubtlessly


We had rejoined headquarters at Rooi Pynt by the 35th instant, and at 2-80 3.111., on

“the backbone ofthe Britishniunyiw But”

Once again the time has come when the Sergeantiand others, no doubt, but mostly the Sergeant) is compelled to‘ work for his living. (To the lucky individual who has spent


lose several 111emb-ers‘ -0f'th'e Mess this month. The sailon the 13th instant by the “ Dongola," with the exception of Sergeant Coliison, who goes t'o'flombay to await pass-




the‘ 111th



practice dance was held in the Mess and the opportunity was taken of bidding the depait

work is sufficient to bring the beads of per-

ing ones ‘goodbye. S. S M. Wallis was presented b3 the Mess \V ith a silver cigarette case and a silver spi1it flask, and by his brother Skergeanthaiors ahandsome SllVel Half Hunter stOp watch. All were suitably

spiration—if he has any left—to his brow. The hill-wallah, who returns with the 7 birds, is as keen and full of energy as a monkey is

of a silver Hunter watch, and Sergeant Collison received a dressing-case from the

of mischief, but fully half the cold weather is


the summer

months in the hills, there

nothine' fearful in the prospect,


but to the

poor beggar who has “stuck it" on the plains all tl11ougl1 the clog-days, the mere mention of

gone before the plains-wallah has entirely shaken otf the apathy and torpor engendered by the terribly trying heat of the summer. Fortunately for him, although he may not appreciate it at once, the cold weather, with its possibilities of really hard, serious work, comes round in time to rescue him from in. sensibility. As may easily be imagined, his first two or three days‘ work come to him somewhat in the nature of shocus, but generally by the time the Commanding Officer has held his inspection of non-commissioned

officersin the Riding School, over the pigsticking course, or round the “ Rat-pit " jumps, and has informed the apathetic one that his 1iding'1s seVeial classes lowet than that ofthe illustiiousJohn Gil pin, he begins to realise he is waking from his long dream. A few more shakes up will, as a rule, stimulate his liver, start his menta linachinery going again,’ and restore him to his normal condition— the smart cavalry ‘11on- com ’: the tactful mediato1; the indispensable buttm; the goodlooking. good 1iding, good--d1illing Soigeant,



tournament on the 7th and 8th instants, when :1 Se1geant Sutch Was matched against their heavyweight champion, Corpmal Smith. We had greathopes of Sutch, who appearedin fine condition, but he was unlucky in stopping a. nasty punch in the first round, and from then 011 he never had a chance. He fought very gamely, and struggled to his feet time after time, but in his half dazed condition his case was hopeless, and he was easily disposed of about halF- way thiough the second round

A photogIaph of the members of the Mess was takena few days ago, and prior to the departure of those for England. Should it turn out successful, we hope to



Editor to have it reproduced in The Eagle. It should prove of interest to all ex-Royals.


S. S. F. Raven was the recipient

of “ B”, Squadron.

We hope

shortly to hear that our comrades are doing well in the old country. The social and sporting events of the past few weeks include a dance given by the Dur-

hanis Sergeants Mess, a whist drive by the Sergeants of the Oxfords, a hockey match against the S. T. O. Olficers and non-commissioned officers, in which we were placed second

by five goals to two (Fisher and Cronin), and a

SHIKAREES AND THEIR METHODS. It is very amusing to notice the different methods adopted by different “ shikarees ”in their pursuit of game. Each one will tell you of his own system which he believes to be the best. A comrade of mine once gravely informed me that he was in the habit, of an evening, of taking his gun and. shooting the duck out of the trees, when they came to roost, and men. tioned he used to get quite a number '. Alas! l have looked in vain for such trees.

series of games (cricket, tennis, and billiards) against the Lucknow Sports Club, whose yet

How nice it would be, no water to wet your

undefeated champions disposed of us rather cheaply. We are anxiously awaiting the result of the infusion of young blood into the now somewhat impoverished veins of the mess. and a month or two should see us in top-

morning turnout in the bitter cold : just a

hole spo1ting form.

A p211 ty of tiVe guns went to Sanoda, neaily foxty miles fiom Lucknow, on the 11th instant

and although theii bag was only 10 biace, mostly’teal and snipe, they had an excellent daysssport 011 (and 1 1. We hear.) the 1716813 or lakes, there. The Oxford Light Infantry helda boxing

feet, no mud to dirty your clothes, no early chair and comfort under the shady trees, Where, Oh ! where are those trees '2‘

Of course, as boys, we have often enjoyed a happy, if perilous, afternoon, trying to catch the tame duck in the parks at home, with a, piece of bread and string, but never met with much success, and perhaps got caught by the angry park-keeper ourselves, which added to the excitement I

Once I met a man whose favourite method was to shoot duck and geese with a smallbore ritle (at leastthis is what he told me).

* '~---—-~...»..-.‘,..


methods again

until near enough to shoot. Another I watched seemed to favour the method of getting up to the game as quickly as possible and then opening up with a sort

ances: They start out carefully avoiding all water

of “rapid independent” fire, then running

like poison and go miles out of their way to

after the frightened buck, firing as he went. I don‘t think he got much.

save themselves from wet- feet, but on arriv-

ing at the jheel the excitement overcomes

One I used- to knew could always tell you of

into the night, each trying to cap each other’s yarn, till at last we have to desist, as I must DOW.

tournament for the

Cup presented by Colonel de Lisle, has now

the number of shots it used to take to kill his buck. He would go after the wounded animal and shoot it again and again until at last it

started, and up to the time of writing two matches have been played. The green is in excellent condition, and some good cricket is

And then they can be shortly seen dressed

died from loss of blood—or lead-poisoning !

being witnessed.

very neatly in nothing but a helmet and a very short shirt, wading through the weeds like water nymphs with the morning sun

A friend of mine once tried shooting pig from a tree, but the pig seemed to have all the

is as follows :——

glittering on their white limbs and dripping shirts—a veritable sight/for the gods. From the ducks' point of view this method seems hardly ’air, for these sportsmen look more like waterfowls themselves than human beings. Crouching along with the tails of their shirts gracefully floating behind them

and their guns held up like long beaks, .they

ed on, and although he fired round after, round the pig remained unscathed. till at last after two or three hours’ sentry-go, the

pig decided to go home, and left my friend to do the same.


He did not recommend the


Whilst away for a short shooting trip a

resemble huge cranes, until at last akslip,“ and one is under the water, and comes up coughing and spluttering, which frightens all the birds There are plenty of other methods, one of

having purchased a small goat tied it up at a convenient spot and then ensconced him. self in a large tree In the night (he said) he saw a large panther and fired, heard the

my friends seems to make a speciality of

thud of the bullet as it met flesh, and then

friend proposed baiting for a panther, and

Glel atly

The position of the teams Played. Won. Lost. Drawn. Points.

Bi” “ A ” “ D" “ C ” Band

Squadron Squadron Squadron Squadron

.. .. .. .. . .

1 z 1 (l 0

l 1 0 O 0

0 1 1

9-19»: 4 creature

did not bat. retired not out b Gellatly b Marlow

b Rankin


l b w Gellatly b Gellat'y did not but. b Gellatly

did not bat. Eztras


CRICKET. ’l‘he Inter—Squadron


“ Bray.b Vanson “ Jackson, b Vanson.. Sergt. Collison, not out.. Pte. Neil, b Buckley Extras


them, and they walk further and further into the marsh and water, until at last wet through, they have to remove their sopping clothes.

sport, as it charged time after time at the small tree my friend was prccariously perch.

“ B " SQUADRON. Pte Evans hBaukln . Corpl. Welch, l) Gellatly “ Seaton b Buckley Pte. Earl b Gellatly “ Collier bGelIatly. Sergt. Weston, h Rankin Pte. Arnold, G Yates, b


Sergt. Jefirey. c Cue, b .. Ea r Pte. Marlow,l b w Seaton “ Rankin, b Neil “ Edis, b Neil “ Gellatly, b Earl . Corpl, Vanson, o Earl. o Neil . Pte Myall. bEarl Corpl Pegg, run out .. Pte. Buckley stpd Welch b Earl “ Yates, absent. 1 “ Lawrence, not out... 13 Extras

b Neil

C and b Earl not out 0 Arnold, b Seaton

c Seaton, b Earl b Earl 6 Earl, b Seaton 11 Neil

5 4 2

b Earl Pte. lsaacs. not out did not bat. Extras


0 Total 1x

0 0



94 (IBM






“ A" 1.13. “ C" SQUADRON. Pte. Underhlilll o. Collier, " C” Sooaunon. Lieut. W. T. Hodgson, c c Harnetty, b Bateman Bateman,b Barnetty Pte Cue, c Clarke. b b Clarke .. Bateman Ser t Edwards, c Tay‘lnr,b Knell . c Rankin, b Bateman Pte. Parks, b Clarke .. 20 c Harnetty, b Bateman Sergt 1 isher lbw Plumb b Clarke .. Pte Maytum, b Plumb.. not out .. S. S. Dewing, 0 Steele, b Rap kin b Clarke Lleut El Jump, b Clarke. b Bateman Pte Ashworth,‘ b Clarke 0 Plumb, bCIarke *‘ Ravell. not out b Batemun .. “ Prlco. run out .. b Bateman Extras .. Extras Total




28 7 2'2 2 0 9 0 4 0 (2)

7 101

b Seaton N b Nell “ Plumb, bSeaton run out Corpl Dorling. h Seaton, run out Pte. Bateman, b Seatou. Corpl Eshmeade e Sea11 o Welch. b Seaton tou b Earl . Pte. Langley, c Seaton, 23 b Seaton Earl 0 not out Knoll run out .. McCormac c Wes0 Seaton, b Earl 3 ton, b Earl Taylor. 0 Welchh 5 c Collier, b Seaton Seaton 6 b Seaton Clark, not out Harnetty. c & 6 b Earl Seaton Extras 5 Extras

Total— —“



the neck and one through the breast 3 The following seems to be the favourite me~ thod of duck stalking amongst my acquaint-

entirely and from where we started, and come to firmly believe them ourselves, and yarn far



that the best method for buck shooting was to cut a large bush, and carry it before you



"‘ B "118. " D ” SQUADRON.


I met a man once who informed me

prise, it fell, and on examination proved to have been hit with both bullets, one through

yarns (also the bags) grow with telling until as time goes on, we forget the original tale

Price. b Fisher Edwards, b Fisher l: Dewing Ravellg b Edwards :2 1 Extras



How the


not out 0 c b c

In larger game shooting,

of all, telling them, and we all do.

b Cue



religious fervour how, whilst out buck shooting, armed only with rifles, they noticed one large solitary goose winging his homeward way, at a. height of about 200 yards, and how simultaneously they fired, and to their sur»

enormous horns the jackals stole the head in the night. Consequently he only brought the hind quarters into camp, but forgot that there are other means of telling the sex of an animal besides by its horns: Still what matters. “Yarns" as most of them are, we enjoy listening to them and most


Sergt. Rapkin, b Fisher Major G. 1‘ Steele, b Fl sh or Pte. Bateman b Parks Knell bParks “ Clarke. bFisher “ Plumb, notout‘ .. “ Barnetty, b Fisher Extras

c Dewlug, b Parks stpd Edwards, b Cue. b Parks b Fisher c Hodgson, b Parks ..


Two friends of mine once informed me with

after shootinga splendid black buck with

_20 cowm

(intheory), but I never saw any of the duck he shot.

have the luck to purchase some from a native. Another favourite way with a certain class is to attach yourself to a good shot, and take care to fire at the same time and in the same direction as he does. You can (if you have sufficient cheek) always claim all birds that fall, and casually remark it was a good shot on your part.

Pte. Underhill, b Parks “ Taylor c Dewing b Fisher Corpl. Dorllng,bParks


as he always could get as many as he re‘ quired. A very good method I should think

stillness. “That's got him !" he said. It had ! We found he’d shot the goat! Another shikaree in accounting for, the trophies he did not have, used to tell how



enough to drown all report of the rifle. He said he thought it rather tame duck shooting



quietly shoot them, the distance being far

shooting decoys, but this is expensive as he has to pay for them afterwards. Of course you can aIWays tell the tale of a tremendous bag and unfortunately lose them out of the gharri coming home or you may


THE He would gotoaxquietjheel, antimaahout 300 yards range pick out all the fat onesand- ..




' * 'M-«qu...


'r n s E a e. no

‘ .

.. .


Pie. Collier, b

(the Eagle,


Corpl. Weeks, 1) Bateman “ VVelch, l bw Clark

'Pi‘omoiions and Appoiirlmchis:


520$, Led-Sorgt. Sun-hell to be Sergeant. 51m, Unpaid L-ce.~Sorgt. Newton to~be Paid Lance—Sor-

Cor pl. Seaton, run out Pte. Bray, c McCormac, l) Datum-an


4~-f‘&“”"i on , orp. n can t 0 l we Uso lklltl rlance-91 no: 4992 " lr‘iitkin to be (.‘Iorporal. \ ”’7 1m. 503d “ Tnbhs do ‘ 5073 “ Martin do. 5123, Lee-Corpl lr’ogg do. n '3 “ Kit.» to he Corporal. .ytls‘s, Pro. Taylor to be Unpaid Laure-Corporal. oi. Pto. Greveillo to to provisional Lance-Corporal.

“ Earl, b Clark “ Arnold. run out Sergt. Weston, run out Pte. Evans, not out “ Gotlilfe, c Dorling, b Batemau “ Neil, b Eshmeade





Limit. ll. it Tomkiuson passed successfully a course of instruction in Cavalry l’ioneer (illthS at Cavalrv school, betheravon. '

" A " rs. " D “’ SQL‘ADRON. .


Furlong/L and Laws.

Limirtib’and Adjt. W. ’l‘. Hodson to England, £th October

Sorgt. Rankin, c Dollar, b Gellatly ..



Pte. Underhill. b Edis ..


c at b Jeffrey



Mo 11’s. "

Langley, c Vanson, hGollatly .. Bateman. b Gellat‘ ly ..



331:3, S. S. M. Wallis to lreland as luslruw . . ' . ‘f of Ireland Imperial Yeomanry. um 10”” km“ 5836. Pro. O'L‘larke to Cawnporc for course of Saddlery :1630 “ (.l room to ann‘pore for Course of Telegraph);


not bat . Pro. Harnetty, run out.. Corpl.Eshmcade, c Jeffrey. b Gellarly.. Pte. Plumb, b Geiizitly .. “ Clarke, bG-ellatly.. Corpl. Darling, not out.


C Jeffrey. b Dollar

Liout E. A. R. Rube, did "

: ‘

Pte. Knoll, b Jeffrey [irlms

.. ..

4 ll)

’1". tal



c Vanson, b Marlow c Pittkin, b Dollar

M. h. Cronin. Bateman l’te. Marlow, c Rube, Knnlt . Sergt. Jeffrey. I) ‘ ' mead!"

b .. l~ ..




b Batemau

2907, S. S F. Raven to England after :1 years“ service. goon. Sorgt. 'l‘hearle in England after 18, )car. service. 4:3 ’, Corpl. Harman to linnland after 1:: yoar< snrvrcr. “ Pittkiu to England for transfer to Army linserve. ‘ .l.ce.-Corpl. Huggins, ditto. . ,l’Ie. 0' isrion to England after 15‘ years' servirv. A " May to lu‘uuland for transfer to Army iii-SK’I'YL‘. 4:: “ \‘i'yuer. 492m ‘: Hatln-rill. ditto. 4980 " Tuckvl'. 4519'.) " Priest. 5831 “ Snelling to England. Invalidod. .

b Eshmeade

Gellatly, meant:



means Pie. Francis,meado

b lisbmcadv ' '


b Bateman



‘3 run- out

susscmerrods RECEIVED.

"' “

lsaacs. run r at ..y 13 not out Dollar, b Eshmeade, f3 .1 b w, b Knoll

Love, p Eshmeade, " "1", V’ ‘ Cole, not 'ont “ .. . ~E.:'Lrus .. Total




l ions.



c Underhill, h Es},. mende' ‘ . ., : ' b Eshmr'ade ,, : . K‘_'E.rlm.s ..

{0 .3 .‘3

M ajor John lion Mrs. Iiodgson 5.5.1“. Wallis


M r. \V. \Vliatniore





“ B ” Squadron went into camp about three miles from cantonments on the 81st ultimo, and returned on the 12th instant. “A " Squadron returned from their camp at


Khera. on 5th instant, Both squadrons are completing their Squadron Training in bar-




501)]. :‘orgt. Oxford extended to 1') years. 710.»,Corpl..\.lal‘tin ' ' do.‘ 5111, Pro. Rankin do. 5101 " Race (in. 5051 ' “ Gardner do. ' :‘il'ie‘4 " Reading (‘10. 434': North . .do.‘

I 1 . b Eshmeadn

Corplu \‘auson,


NCV' i‘ I've.

b l‘latr-m‘au



40M. Sergt. Bush to l'nattaohod List, illiila.:1>‘ ll]§‘.]‘ui>[qr _ to Punjab Light Huron win, l-‘ie. Vansou from South Laucushiro Regiment.




b Dollar run out stud Marlow ~ .. Pm. \‘i‘akenel‘l. .c Jef— frey b Gellatly .. not out '_ EJ‘tms ..


Cowley do, do. Nelson transferred to Home Establishment. Ryan do. do. Meech (lo. do. Richards do. do.


With the introduction of the winter routine at the beginning of the present month, all signs of summer may be said to have departed. “Reveille” sounds at 6 A.Iv'. instead of .5-30 A.M., parades take place after, instead of, before, breakfast, and afternoon drills, things unknown during the hot weather, are in full swing. The weather has undergone a thorough change, and while the sun is still hot in the middle of the day, the early mornings are quite cold and the evenings only slightly less so. But if there are signs of work, so, too, are there signs of play. This month sees the annual Army Cup Race Meeting, and since our drill ground marches with the Lucknow h‘ace Course, now by far the most important in Upper India, we are daily reminded of the coming of this classic event by the strings of horses, and crowds of owners, trainers, jockeys, and syces which throng the ground in the vicinity of the paddock. Lucknow is invariably crowded during November, and this year there is every likelihood of a record crowd, by reason of the presence of His Excellency the Viceroy, who, with a large party, makes a state visit to our city during the forthcoming Race Week.

racks,and on the departure of the Viceroy INDIA.


from Lucknow, it is expected “ C ” and “D ” will go into camp for a week 01‘ so. We are


now wondering if the extra duties in connection with His Excellency’s visit —guards, escorts, etc.,—willallow us to participate in the gay times arranged for that period. Major Balfour has asked us to publish the following :— "’ The next gathering of the Old Comrades of the Royal Dragoons will be held at the Holborn Restaurant on the 28th of Novem— ber. The last dinner was so well attended, and such confidence was expressed that at the next dinner the attendance would be even larger, that the Venetian Hall,

largest room in the

which is the

restaurant, has been

engaged for the second re-union. Applications for tickets should be made in plenty of time to either Major K. R. Balfour, Naval and

Military Club, Piccadilly, or to Mr. W. Finn, Head Porter’s Lodge, Gray’s Inn, W, C , as it is again hoped to be able to publish a list of those signifying their intention of being present, before the dinner is held.”

ltis unlikely that the present number of The Eagle will reach England before the 28th instant, so that the above will, we regret, not be of much help. However, we drew attention

to the Old Comrades" Dinner in a previous number, and gave Mr. Finn’s address, so that those desirous of attending will surely have acted upon that and made enquiries as to time and place. All serving Royals send their hear-tiest Wishes for a. successful gathering.

as gmte- . Our readers, we are sure, will feel for? his. n inso Tomk nel Colo to ful as are we

splendid article “Tarleton of the Legion.” will which commences in the present, and The our next, number. be concluded in



exploits of eminent cavalry soldiers must always be of particular interest to members of our arm of the service, and in this case additional interest lies in the fact that the Tarleton family and the author’s are related to each other, so that in a measure we may Claim the famous Sir Banastre for our own_ Itisto be hoped that this will by no means he the last contribution from the able pen of our late Colonel. The article which concludes in the present number—“Hull Dock Strike—1893 ”——will doubtless awaken memories for those who participated in the exciting little civil cam— paign. There must be many more such incidents which stand out in the history of the Regiment during recent years, and we ask that old Royals will see to it that these are

placed on record for the benefit of the present and future generations of Royal Dragoons. It is interesting to note that the Hull

Dock Strike affair was the last occasion on which the Martini-Henri carbine was carried in the regiment, it being then superseded by a carbine of smaller bore with Martini action,

namely, the MartiniMetford. Our thanks are due to W. O. S. for his excellent little description. The Band has returned from the hills, and if we are to judge from the eulogistic notices

in the Naini Tal press, their presence in the gay little summer resort has been genuinely appreciated. As a sample, we quote one out of some dozen such paragraphs. The Lake Zephyr of October 14th says z~

“ The Band of the Royals ‘played out’ for the “last time on Saturday, and are now packing “ up for Lucknow. Our best wishes go with “them. As a military Band, we have had

“two a week, guest nights at the Club, and “the Grand and Metropole Hotels, garden “parties and engagements of all kinds, have “kept them busily employed, yet they neve1 “disappointed us in their 1egula1 biWeekly “peiformances on the Flats. l‘hen they “have p1oved themselves such good spo1ts‘,men and on occasions hospitable and com“teous hosts, and we feel sure that many “. will look back in years to come with happy “recollections to the Naini Tal season in “which the Band of the Royal Dragoons were

I11 addition to the good wishes of the residents, the Band have brought back with them something more substantial in the shape of a handsome silver football trophy—the Rufener

Cup—-which they won by defeating their old r1\als St Josephs College in the final of the Rufener Tournament. The two teams had met previously, when they fought three close battles in the final of the Secretariat Cup. In this instance the game was again hard fought and closely contested, the Band winning by the marrow margin of a goal to love through Waters who scored with a fine shot from a pass by Lavender soon after the start. The local press comment highly on the fine

defence of the Band and of Mr. Holt’s play in the forward line A series of social and sporting events were held, during the week ending 7th instant, by the Durham Light Infantry stationed in Lucknow, to commemorate their Centenary as Light Infantry, Prior to 1808 they were known as the 68th Regiment, but in August of that year, they, along with the 85th Regiment

(Shropshires), were created Light Infantry,

“ ample opportunities of confirming what “ most of us had only heard, that is, that it is

“one of the finest in the service

much to theamusement of the troops in gar.

‘they have got through has. been almost' "colossal Dances. on an average of about

in some charmingly rendered Violin solos, and Mrs. Steele, who played the former lady’s piano accompanim ents. Withthe return of officers from home leave», our thoughts naturally turn to our winter amusements of P010 and Hunting, which are the only recreations we can still wedge in between the long squadron training parades. 111 India, we have never yet won a first class Polo tournament, and though, perhaps, we have only ourselves to blame, we have nevertheless had bad luck on several occasions.

class polo. This player'was always a- fine striker, but hitting is of little value, unless every stroke hasan object. Colonel de Lisle, who must now be one of the oldest players in Tournament polo, is still as accurate and

as strong a hitter as ever, and if his game is somewat slower than it was ten years ago, he is still invaluable to coach a team, and to captain it in an uphill game. Among our younger players, Mr. Turner is the most promising. He is well mounted

and has a good eye.

Time and practice should

6‘ up. ’1

and still retain that title. The sports, the dance and the concert given in this connection were each and all well done, and contributed

The work




At the latter we had the pleasure, 'mos t.

of us for the first time, of hearing Mrs. Makinsr

Last year, for. instance, the loss of our best,

bring him to the front, and as No 20f the

Eorward, who went home suddenly to the Cavalry School, spoilt any chance we had, and as Mr. 'I‘omkinson will not arrive till the end of January, it is doubtful if he will be able to prepare himself and some ponies by the end of February. A fortnight’s manoeuvres in February will also prevent the team putting in that practice, without which success can-

Subalterns Team, he should make his mark

not be expected

011 the other hand, fiom the few matches already witnessed, it is evident that we shall have a better team than ever before. MrMiles is a stronger player than last year, and is probably the best mounted No. I in IndiaHis recent purchases of “ Bronze," a big chestnut which played so well for Captain Godfrey Heseltine last March, and ‘1 Dairyman,” which Colonel de Lisle sold to. the Maharajah of Cooch Behar two years ago, have strengthened his stud in a very marked manner. Major Makins, who is playing No. 2, as substitute for Mr. Tomkinison, has a good eye and is ve1y clever with his stick. Having played in only one Indian tournament, and being sh01t of 1st class ponies, he may requiie time to be able to compete against good backs The su1p1iseof the season is certainly N1 Houston who has suddenly, not only developed heisemanship of a high order, but has simultaneously acquired a clea1 insight into the game as playedin first

this season.

Another promising player is

Mr. Rube who is working hard and improving daily.

It is more than probable that he will

win his place in the Junior team, in

spite of

having played so short a time. It will be interesting for our readers to watch the result ofa season’s

play, and see whether these

young players reach the full extent of our expectations During the Poona Racing season, which has just come to an end, the Regimental G. R’s were 1eniesented by M1. Charrington who spent ch1ee months at the lacing headhuarte1s of Western India. We must once mo1e congratulate him on his success, 1id-


as he did, two winners and 1unning

into alplace 011 six occasions. The second of his two winning mounts was Captain Grant's pony Perquisite, who won the Pony Cham-

pion Chase under the welter weight of 11st. 12lbs by a head. In the previous week he was second in the Grand Annual on Mr. Rube’s Chassepot, which failed by alength to beat Seciusion, although in receipt of Yibs ;whilst two other places we1e gained on .Mr. Cosens Umutbee1n hurdle 1aces at the second extra and closed meetings in August. Again this year it cannot be said that

the PrOSRFvQFE of duckshootingareparticii-

. - 1 1.x; :4 a? raw.





THE EAGLE“ larly promising. The drought of last year had dried up the jheels to such an extent, that the normal fall of rains this year has barely suificed to fill them again, and there is a noticeable shortage of water in many

places where excellent sport has been enjoyed in days past. However, there can be no doubt that the duck are coming in their thousands wherever water is sufiicient A party of six guns from “A” and “ B” Squadrons who rode out from their camps accounted for 70 ducks and geese on Sunday,

November lst. So perhaps after all, provided that there are good Christmas rains, we may havea fair season, but nothing out of the com. mon is to be expected with so many jheels nearly dry.

The Regimental pack of hounds returned

on the Electric Tramways at Hampton Court. Elliott, whom I met at Ascot Races, has become quite fat ! I, like Micawber, am waiting for something to turn up. I have received several offers of employment, but, so far,

nothing quite


Of the First or the Royal Regiment ofDrngoon‘s, containing an account of its formation in the reign of

Among the many attractions during Race week, will be a performance by the Regimental Circus, at which Their Excellencies. and party have promised to be present. Little time has been allowed for the working

up of the different items, but the performers are now nightly busy in the arena, and under the direction of Major Steele there is

little doubt that the show will be as good as.

sequent services to the present time.

By General C. P. de Ainslie.

(Continued) The Royal Dragoons marched, in October, 1797, to Exeter and Taunton, whence 1n the following summer they moved to Radipole barracks, Weymouth; and on the 10th of

August the following order was received, in consequence of which the horses’ tails were cut :——

Major-General Thomas Garth, from the 22nd

goon Guards, are to be mounted on nag-tailed

Mr. Chapman whose prolonged absence from

but once the majority of these are gathered, hunting will begin. The pack now consists

the regiment has been due to sickness.

horses of the colours of bay and brown. “The Second, or Royal North British Regiment of Dragoons, are to be mounted on nag-

of 8* couples, and 3% more are expected from home during the month.

come to Mr. Wilson-Fitzgerald also, who arrived in India a few days ago, and joins the regiment on first appointment. He is

tailed grey horses. “ All other regiments of heavy cavalry on

Mr_ Thompson, our late Regimental Sergeant-Major, writing from Southall near London, says :-—-“Many thanks for The

posted to “ 0;” Squadron under Major Evelyn

on nag-tailed horses of the colours of bay,

Wood. Mr. Miles is officiating Adjutant at present, pending the arrival of Mr. Tomkin-

brown. and chesnut. “The custom of mounting trumpeters on


grey horses is to be discontinued, and they

Minto Fancy Fete in Calcutta in January, 1907.

a vast amount of good, for they look fit and well, and thoroughly prepared for the coming season, which, we hope, will be as

Eagle. The news of the good old corps was both cheering and saddening What a number of changes in the Sergeants’ Mess in alittle time! But of course the old must make room for the new. I have not many old Royals since my arrival in England, and

I am glad to say they, 'ni‘ost of them, appear to ‘be doing well.

Gunton is on the advertising

‘s‘tafi of a well-known jou rnal. ‘ Corporal Rapps

With the exception of Captain Lambert whose leave is extended owing to urgent private aifairs, all leave officers are now back

at head-quarters.

wish him better health.


We extend a wel-

the British establishment are to be mounted

arelin future to be mounted on horses of the

A concert given by the Regimental Drama tic Club was held in the theatre on Friday,

colour or colours prescribed for the regiments to which they belong.

ful. 'A detailed account Will appear in our ~ ’ next issue.

“ Adjutant-General,


being placed on half-pay.

In July ttroops

were ordered to Trowbridge to as51st the civil power in the suppression of riots, and in October the regiment moved to Exeter and Taunton, with detached troops on coast duty in Cornwall.

War with France was declared anew on the 10th of March, 1803, and in April the Royal

Dragoons moved to Dorchester, Radipole, and Wareham barracks, whence in July to Arundel and Chichester, the establishment , - , ‘_ ' to ten troops. ,g In April, t804, the regiment Was statloned atlpswichand Woodbridge, thence it ‘prp-

“ HARRY Canvnar, ;

. 2

A treaty of peace with the French Republic having been signed at Amiens, on the 27th of March, 1802, a reduction of two troops was made in the establishment, the officers

being at the same time increased from eight,

13th instant, in aid of the Soldiers’ FurloughHomes, Landour. Landour is situated in the lower Himalayas, and many men of theRegiment annually spend their holidays at. the Homes. The concert was very success-

coast duty in Sussex. On the 7th of January, 1801, His Majesty conferred the colonelcy of the regiment upon Light Dragoons, in succession to LieutenantGeneral Goldsworthy, deceased. Towards the end of May the regiment moved to Canterbury, and furnished numerous detachments on revenue duty in the towns and villages on the coast of Kent, where they assisted in making large seizures 0f smuggled goods, for which they received a reward of £1 per man.

from England, we are glad to welcome back

Naini Ta], where. under the able management of Pte. Holmes, they appear to have done well. Their six months’ rest during the hot weather has evidently done them

and Epsom, with a squadron detached for


enjoyable and successful as the last. At present there are too many standing crops,

that witnessed by the Viceroy at the Lady

1800, an encampment of about 30,000 men was formed on Swinley Common, .near Windsor, where the Royals arrived in July. The troops were frequently exercised in the presence of the Royal Family, and the King re» viewed the several corps previous to their departure. On the 11th of August, the regiment quitted the camp for Croydon barracks

“ The heavy cavalry, with the exception of the two regiments of Life Guards and Royal

Among those returning

their summer quarters at


ed to Salisbury. ' In the course of the summer of the year

King Charles the Second, and of its sub-

Meanwhile I have

come to the conclusion, that nothing beats soldiering. ” And so say we, Mr. Thompson.

In November following, the regiment mov-


Regiment of Horse Guards, are to be mounted on nag-tailed horses. “The First, or King’s Regiment of Dra. goon Guards ; the Firstkor Royal Regiment of Dragoons ; the Third, or King’s Own Regiment of Dragoons, are to be mounted on black ‘ nag-tailed horses. “The Second, or Queen’s Reglment of Dra-

last week


and Pte. Hamilton, late of ‘ B ' Squadron, are

., ,,, _


ceedediin November toerlchester, where it ,_, ,. , passedthe-winten‘ -

. ....-...._».m.~.‘..


T 1112111111111

The Royal Dragoons left Colcheste1 in April, 1805, for Yo1k, Newcastle--On- Ty ne, and Birmingham. In Janua1y, 1806, they returned to Woodbridge, and in March ensuing they once moreproceeded n01 th, and arriving in Scotland the headquarte1s were fixed at

Edinburgh with detached troops at Dunbar, Haddington, and Perth, the regiment having

marched upwards of 600 miles in the preceding months . Embarking from Scotlandin January, 1807, the regiment proceeded to Ireland, from which country it had been absent one hundred and fifteen yea11,s and 011 ar rival the headquar1te1s were stationed at Dundalk,

with detached troops at Belturbet,Lisbu1n, Monaghan, Sligo, Enniskillen, and Londonde1ry. In June, 1808, it marched to Dubl1111, with troops detached to Carl my and Athy. The state of affairs in the Spanish Penin-

sula now induced His Majesty’s Government to send thither a force to the assistance of

the patriots in Portugal and Spain, which two countr1es had been taken possession Of by

Napoleon, since the 18111 of May, 1804, elect ed Emperor Of the F1 ench. This force, under the command of Lieutenant- Gene1al the Honourable Sir Arthui Welllesiey, K. B landed1n Portugal on the 1st of August, 1806, but after the Victories of Rolica and Vimiera,


cantonments with headquaiters


whence, in August following, it once more

marched to 001 k Whele eight troops of eighty men and eighty horses each embarked for P01 tugal unde1 Colonelthe Honourable George deGiey. The transports sailed 011 the 2nd of September and on the 12th and 13th of the month .the regiment landed at Lisbon and occupied the barracks at Belem. The condition of the Royal Dragoons on arrival in the Peninsula will be best under— stood by the following extract from a letter from Lieutenant-General Viscount Wellington, K. B., to Lieutenant-General Payne, commandingthe cavalry :— ,..“ LISBON, October 10111, 1809. “MY DEAR GENERAL,

“1 arriVed here yesterday, and I saw the Royal D1ag00ns in the street, and 1 think that in my life I have never seen a liner regiment They a1eve1y strong the horses in a ve1y good condition, and the legiment appa1ently in ‘high Older.’ ” The British army in Portugal, commanded by Lord Wellington, was at this moment occupying quarters 011 the Mondego. The Royal Dragoons, i-n January-1810, marched a few leagues up the country to Santarem and

those opelations were b1ought to an end by

Torres Novas, in the province of Estremadura,

the unsatisfactory 0.1nvention of Cintra made with Marshal Junot on the 30th of the

Alphalo in the Alemtejo.

month by General Sir Hugh Dal1‘,ymple Ba1,t The British being now commanded by Lieu

tenant-General Sir John Moore, K. B., advanced into Spain to the assistance of the patriots in that country upon whose throne had been placed by Napoleon his brothe r Joseph, and the Royal regiment of Dragoons having been ordered to join that army, arrive d in Cork for embarkation for Lisbon; but the

news of the result of that expedition, and the battle of Corunna on the 16th of January, 1809, occasioned the order to be countermand -e.d The regiment 1n consequence remarried


at Cork until April, when it took up extensive

whencei nFebruary they moved to Nina and


,The enemy having a great superiority of numbeis, the British General was reduced to the necessity of acting on the defensive, but not the less was he 1esolved to maintain as

ing Belmonte on the 9th Of June, proceeded to Villa Velha, whence, on the 1st of July, they marched to Villa de Touro, and towards the end of the month to Alverca. Ciudad Rodrigo fell on the 10th of July, and on the 30th of the month Lieutenant-Colonel Wyndham of the regiment was taken prisoner while visitingthepickets there. Lieutenant-Gener. al Sir Stapleton Cotton, Bart, commanding the cavalry, recommended for the vacancy Major Clifton, of the 8rd Prince of Wales’s Dragoon Guards, which was confirmed with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel on the 22nd of November ensuing. The advanced posts of the British army having removed to E‘rexadas, the French besieged and took Almeida on the 20th of August, and on the day following they attack» ed a squadron of the Royals and one of the 14th Light Dragoons on picket at Frexadas under Major Dorville of the Royals. The enemy brought forward a superior force of

cavalry supported by infantry, but the two squadrons, undaunted by the great numbers, charged the French with signal gallantry and drove them from the field with the loss of many men killed and wounded and eight prisoners. The Royals lost two men and one horse wounded. In a despatch of the 28th August, writing of this affair, Lord Wellington observes :——“ A picket of this regiment (Royals) made a gallant and successful charge on a party of the enemy’s cavalry and infantry, and took some prisoners.”

possible a



was threatened the Royal Dragoons adVanced to Belmonte, in the province of Beira,

where they arrived on the 8th of May/1 The French, commanded by Marshal Massena, Prince of Essling, proved, ‘however, to be so

numerous 11111111111 hope of saving Ciudad Rodrigo was'ab'andoned, and the Royals, leav-

7N0. l. ‘1 TARLETON OF THE LEGION.” One hundred and twenty-seven years ago the curtain fell on the six years of war which had raged between Britain and the revolting American States defying her authority, and with the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown, King George’s dominion over his Western subjects came to an end. Carried on as it had been under enormous difficulties. and, as must be added, for the most part with small strategical skill on the

part of some of the Generals employed 1n it, the war nevertheless was not wantmg 111 many glorious episodes, and on no fields Ofbattle has the dogged bravery Of the British soldier been more conspicuous than in the campaigns between 1776 and 1781. A few ye1rs back there appeared in the Corn/1111 Magazine an article by Atlay under the above heading, and by the kindness of Messrs. Smith and Elder, the Proprietors of the Magazine, permission has been given to make use of his interesting and most stirring narrative in. recalling Tarleton’s explmts in this sketch. Access to letters and papers in connection with the latter now in the possession of the Tarleton family, has also been available, and thus it has been poss1ble

to supplement the details given by Atlay w1th information derived from these.

The incident of the fight with the savage horse appeared in the Times of many years

during the

aoo, at the time when Rarey, the horsetamer,

movement, and particularly in a skirmish at

arid his system were so much in vogue in England. It is an authentic one, and the

the Royal



when, at the end of April, Ciudad Rodrigo



The allied army retiring,

goons were actively long as


Alverca, on the 2nd of September, on the

main road to Almeida, in which a sergeant was wounded. On the 19th of the month they reached Santa Combu Dao, and again, on the 2151;,- they had an affair in which one man Was wounded, and another wounded and taken prisoner. 1 (To-be continued.)

general accuracy of the description may be . . relied upon. . Banastre Tarleton was born in Lancash1re in 1754, his family having resided in that county. since .the thirteenth century.

He proceeded to London, with the. object of reading. for the Bar; beforehe was twenty,



years old, but he quickly decided on a military career, and in

April, 1775,

Cornet in the King’s





Shortly after his appointment to that regiment he volunteered for active service in the

American'War of Independence, and he join-

ed the Army and fought under Howe, Clinton and Cornwallis from 1778 to 1778, becoming,


EAGLE interior. With his Foot and Dragoons 'he made a rapid march on the enemy, came up with then: at nightfall and scattered them by a sudden attack, capturing, in addition to numbers of prisoners, four hundred of their horses. Charleston surrendered to the British on May llth, and with his now restored cavalry

at the age of 23, BrigadeMajor of Cavalry,

Tarleton proceeded by Clinton’s orders in

In the retreat from Philadelphia to New York in June of the latter year he commanded the rear-guard, having throughout the campaign, according to Atlay, “displayed enterprise, extreme rapidity in marching, and a genius in seizing the precise moment for attack,

At this period the Cavalry of our

pursuit of General Burford who was retiring after an ineffectual attempt to relieve Lincoln. Taking only a troop of the 17th and about 250 of his Dragoons and mounted Infantry, with a light gun, Tarleton, in sultry and oppressive weather, covered a distance of over one hundred miles in fifty-five hours and came up with the enemy on May 29th in the Waxhaw county. Men fell out from exhaustion and

Army in America was represented by the

horses died by the way, but Tarleton replaced

16th and 17th Dragoons.

the latter by others taken from the farms in the advance, and arrived on the scene of action with less than two-thirds of his force.

being alsoin the heat of the fray whenever hard riding and


desperate fighting


It was with the

nucleus of one troop of the latter regiment

that, in 1779, the celebrated British Legion was formed, and to the command of this, Tarleton, now a. Brevet-Major of 25, was

appointed as Lieutenant-Colonel. The Legion contained a mixed force of

Dragoons and

Foot soldiers, and itis recorded that the troop of the 17th retained their scarlet jackets, the Legion of Cavalry adopting green clothing and being known as Tarleton’s Green Horse. In December, 1779, General Clinton at New York, hearing of the unsuccessful attack made by b’Estaing on Savannah, which was hcld by the British, embarked a force of 8,000 men'and landed at Tybee in Georgia.

Storms overtook the fleet conveying the troops and many losses were occasioned, including

that of nearly all the horses of Tarleton’s command, which formed a part of the expedition.

The cOmmunications between Charles-

ton, which place was occupied by the Americans under General Lincoln, and the interior, were kept'open by their mOunted troops, and in April, 1780, Tarletou, having to some extent'replaced his lost horses, adVanced with a View of cutting off Charleston ‘from ,the

campaign chiefly of midnight surprises and encoun1615 and daring raids in which Tarleton found a congenial field. He hunted down many of the notorious rebels and carried them off almost single- handed from their homes, he covered

immense distances on

these rides, accompanied only by a guide and afew of the Legion, and would return after an absence of two days with his captive

A messenger despatched from Cornwallis

Heimmediately charged, and with complete success, over one hundred of the Americans being killed and two hundred prisoners taken, Burford himself just escaping on one of the baggage animals. Tarleton's horse was shot under him in the melee, and to this fact he attributed the reprisals of his men, who, imagining their leader to be killed, took a. summary revenge on their opponents for his fall. But of Tarleton himself it was written by an American historian, “He thundered

along the red roads of the Waxhaws and dyed them a deeper red with the blood of the sur, prised Militia." As Atlay says, “ Tarletonwhen his blood was up, was no Bayard, and it is only too probable that the quality of

mercy found scant display in this, as in other of his combats.” »Soon after the affair of the, Waxhaws, General, Clinton left with a part of his army for

to Taileton w hilst awaiting in his camp an 111te1v1ew with the latter had his attention att1acted by the v iolent plungings of a horse, which two grooms, one on either side, were endeavouring to lead to the Colonel’s tent. He describes the scene 01" what followed in these words, ——“The horse was a large and poweiful brute, beautifully fo1 med and black as a crow, with an eye which actually seemed to blaze with rage at the Iflestiaint put upon him.

His prog1ess was one continued bound,

at times swinging the grooms cleai fiom the eaith as lightly as though they were but tassels hung on his huge Spanishbit, so that with difficulty they escaped being trampled undei foot I asked the meaning of the scene, and was infer med that the horse was one that Tarieton had heaid of as being a magnificent and animal, but one altogether un managable,

so delighted was he with the description that

he sent all the way down into M001e County Where his owne1 iesided and puicliised him the extravagant price of one hundred at guineas, and that, moreovei, he was about to


femininely beautiful, Tarieton possessed a form which was a 'pérfect model of man y strength and vigOur. With no particle 'o‘f superfluous flesh, his rounded limbs and full broad chest seemed moulded from iron, at the same time displaying all the elasticity usually accompanying elegance of proportion.

His dress, strange as it may appear, was'a jacket and breeches of white linen, fitted to his fo1m with the utmost exactness. Boots of russet leather half- Way up lhe'leg, the broad tops of which were turned down, the

heels garnished with spurs of immense size and length of rowel. On his headwas a lowcrowned hat, curiouslyformed from the snow white feathers of the swan, and'inhis hands he cairied a heavy scourge, with shot well twist-

ed into its knotted lash.

After looking round

for a moment or two, as though to command

the attention of all, he advanced to the side of the horse and disdaining the use of the stirrup, with one bound threw himself into the saddle, at the same time calling on the grooms to let go. For an instant the animal seemed piialyzed, then, with a perfect yell of 1age, bounded into the air like a~stricken The stiuggle for mastery had comdeer menced, bo1nd succeeded bound with the Every device which rapidity of thought. animalinstinct could tea,ch was resorted to by the maddened brute to shake off its unw,lcomehu1den but in vain. Its ruthless riderprovedirresistible,and, clinginglike fate

itself, applied the scourge and rowel like a

said I. ride him that mmning ‘Ride hiui,’ stieak a back to try well ‘Why, one had as

fiend. The punishment was too severe to be long withstood and at length, after a succes

The mad b1 ute will ce1tainly be

sion of frantic efforts, the tortured animal,

‘Neve1 i'eai foi him,’ the death of him him, his said my companion. ‘Never fear for

with a scream of agony, leaped forth upon the plain’ and flew across it with the speed of an arrow. The ground upon Which' Tarleton


By this time the time is not come yet we were, her se had been brought up to wheie

aside the curtainof the marquee was pushed savage the from d1awn was and attention

had pitched his camp was almost perfectly level and something more than half a mile in circumference Around this, afte1 getting him under way, he continued to urge his

Cornwallis remaining in

rider; steed to 1ivet itself upon his dauntless

command of the British troops in South Caro-

and a pictme of a man he was! Rathei5e-

furious steed, amid the raptures a'nd shouts

These being insufficient for a.,further

LOWthe middle height and with aface almOSt

pfthe admiring soldiery, plying his whip

New York, Lord lina.

advance into the country, the war became a




and spur at every leap until, weary and worn down by its prodigious eiforts, the tired creature discontinued all exertion, save that

to which it was urged by its merciless rider. Finally, exhausted from the conflict, Tarle-

mit of the pass at 3 A.M., after a by no means easy climb in the dark. On these excursions there is always a chance of getting a shower of bullets at dawn from an unseen enemy laying up for you. However, day broke quite

ton drew up before his tent and threw him-

peacefullijith nothing in sight, except a lot

self from the saddle.

and clotted stream; Tarleton himself was pale as death, and, as soon as he was satisfied of his success, retired and threw himself

of land and rocks. We afterwards heard that a Boer post of twenty-five men had been Withdrawn the same night, so we just missed the chance of some fun. On retiring from the berg after completing our reconnaissance, we Were joined by a company of the Devons and two guns, and so we established this post, Fort Kenigsberg, to prevent the enemy com— ing for supplies to the farms in the vicinity. The formidable name might lead you to

on his couch. In a short time I was called into his presence and delivered my des-

earthworks and solid masonry.


I have witnessed many stirring

ever, is not the case; our Fort bears no resem-

scenes, both during the revolution and since,

blance to those on Portsdown hills, and even the magazine fort in the Phoenix Park would scorn relationship with our stronghold, the defences of which consist of a few sangars of piled-up rocks, and some barbed wire. Our camp, however, is outside the perimeter. The name Konigsberg is taken from aGerman Mission station which with its little white church nestles in a grove of trees close by. The flock is still here, but the shepherd, alas !

The horse was com-

pletelysubdued, and,:at the word of command,

followed him round like a dog. The victory was complete. His eye of fire was dim and lustreless, drops of agony fell from his drooping front, while from his labouring and mangled

sides the blood and foam poured in a thick

butI never saw one-half so exciting as the strife between that savage man and savage horse.” (To be continued.)


suppose that we are tucked away


Such, how-

November has been a month of patrollings,

is doing twelve months’ imprisonment for

outpost and convoy duty, the headquarters

one night after darkness had concealed our

assisting the Boers during the siege of Ladysmith. The district round here under the berg is knownas Normandien. There is rather good scenery of the wild, rocky type, with plenty of game, ferns, flowers and snakes. Going out for several days at a time, we visited all the farms in search of rebels, bivouacking at night. The veldt looks nice and green again, quite refreshing to the eye after the burnt-up look

movements from the keen eyes of the Boer

it wears for the better part of the year.

scouts and their Newcastle friends, our party

of fifty men marched to the fOOt of the berg

day out on patrol I came across a mass of bush covered with white roses, evidently

where we halted andgave the horses a feed;

planted byvsome early settler whose house

Resuming bur march we arrived at the sum-

"stood there, but of whiCh n6 trace remains.

of the regiment being at Newcastle—usually consisting of a few dismounted men and sick horses—and the remainder of the regiment

being scattered far and wide on various detached duties. However, I have only to tell

you of the doings of the particular party I am with, which, early in the month, made a reconnaissance of the Drakensberg in the Vicinity of Muller’s Pass. Leavmg Newcastle


Perhaps burnt and the owners killed by the natives in one of the frequent raids that took place in the early history of the colony. It is rumoured that we are going further up country and that another regiment will take our place here. We also hear that Mr. Kruger and his entourage are very disconsolate over the rebuff they received from the German Emperor, who politely but firmly refused to receive them. The Paris Figaro, while commiseratingfwith Mr. Kruger, “rejoices at his departure from France, as this means the disappearance of aninstrument of agitation and annoyance.” Their hopes of European intervention must

men were under canvas. Picquets were posted in each of the docks, and we were reinforced by thirty men of “B " Squadron.

be now finally shattered. General Buller issued the following order, dated November 19th :— “General Sir Redvers Buller desires to express his grateful thanks to all the officers, non-commissioned officers and men of the

became quite expert in dodging anchors, chains, coils of rope, and other lumber on the

Natal Field Force for their unvarying support and constant cooperation, The task set before the Natal U‘ield Force

was no small one, and it has been successfuly accomplished, though with the loss of many

dear fr ends and gallant comrades, by the valour, endurance, and splendid discipline of the troops and the admirable organisation of the Lines of communication. To com mand such a force has been thegreat-

For afortnight or so things went pretty smoothly, and Wilberforce on his perch high above the Land of Green Ginger, looked down on a strange but peaceful mixture in the streets below. The docker in brown fustian, with the inevitable black cutty in his mouth, the fisherman in his thick blue guernsey with his arms thrust to the elbows in his trousers pockets, ships’ firemen with grimy faces, and seamen of all nations, for ships were “ laid up,” and there was no work to do. We soon settled down to dock



and the


We were provided with a lunch of.

bread, cheese and beer by the shippingowners, who also gave us a shilling a day per man for extra messing, and supplied us with mattresses, so we were not particularly anxious for the strike to finish and to go back to York, riding school, and squadron drill! One day, being detained on deck duty, an officer of ours (who, by the way, was very fond of tent-pegging) telephoned to his servant at headquarters for his lunch. Imagine his feelings when some threequa rters of an hour

afterwards his "Handy Andy ” turned up with a lance!

Another sixty men arrved from York

est possible pleasure, and Sir Redvers Bul-

aboutthe middle of April, and a week later we

ler regrets deeply that he has not been able to tell each and all of them how much he has gloried in the honour of being their commander ” Yours,

were out all night at a big timber fire in the Victoria docks. Hull is, of course, the chief port- for the timber of Sweden and Nor way, and the Victoria docks had some acres of stacks which were

0L OL HULL DOCK STRIKE-—1893. ( Concluded. )

One After a few days in billets we were quar. tered at the Volunteer drill hall, Londesboro’ Street, the horses being picketed in the adjoining drill field, where, too, some of our

fired by the strikers.

The mob cut the hose

of the tire engines, and some of our men were struck with stones when ordered to clear the place. As a spectacle it was magnificent and

was reported to have been seen forty miles away across the Humber in Lincolnshire. The Citadel Hotel outside the dock caught fire and was burnt to the ground.


Nothing much occurred after this, until

r """"'"‘~-~~.=‘w


early in May when some oiljmills near the Alexander docks were fired and several horses burnt. Later in the month, on Whit- Monday, we had proceeded to the Alexander docks, and

after posting vedettes were exercising


horses on the riverside, when a vedette galloped up and reperted a row. We raced back through the docks, and through some thousand free labourers who were turning out armed with heavy sticks studded with nails, iron bars, and other fearful and wonderful

looking weapons.

We thought the strikers

had broken into the docks, but found the row was outside, the (lockers having attacked a number of “blacklegs” who were carrying bedding across the open space between the Alexander and Victoria docks. A strong force of police held the gates and received the full benefit of a cross-fire of stones from both par ties. We were drawn up

of Oranges.‘ Sometimes we would stroll over to the Customs House and watch goods and baggage being overhauled, coming to the conclusion that one would have to be pretty smart to be a Successful smuggler nowav days. ‘ One day a large Finland steamer came in

and lay close to our shed.

It so happened on

that day we had a double allowance of beer and bread and cheese, so we invited the Fins to join us. They accepted with alacrity. A bar of “ Sunlight” or a few sheets of sand

paper would have done them no harm, but probably the dirt kept them warm in their cold climate. The Queen’s birthday saw the end of the strike, and the following day we left Hull bV march route, passing through Beverley with its fine old Minster, and several pretty


ages en route to Market Weighton, a sleepy

and expecting an order to clear the streets—a

little town which our advent quite woke up,

magistrate with us preparing to read the Riot Act—when the mounted police appeared on the scene and soon scattered the mob, not, however, without receiving a severe pelting.

it being more than forty years since troops

One day we witnessed a rather neat practical joke played on the police. They rad re. ceived several warnings that attempts would be made to dynamite the dock gates, and shortly after this a small boat containing two men was seen creeping along towards the dock, and was instantly pursued by a palice boat and captured. A suspicious-looking package was


therefrom and carried

gingerly by a constable to the centre of an bpen'space and placed most carefully upon

had passed through.

There were ten of us

billeted at one public-house and

sleeping ac-

commodation was extremely limited, consisting as it did of lialf-a'dozen mattresses on the floor of a small room. We paraded the next morning, honoured by the attendance of ninety-nine per cent of the population, the remainder being at their bed» room windows Four hours on the march brought us back to York, thus bringing to a. close a not unwelcome break in the monotony of barrack life.

W. O. S.

the ground. An Inspector now appr ached, and after waving everyone back to a safe distance, he applied his ear to the mysterious parcel, then began with a delicate touch to remove the


the change in uniform from White to red, and

Banting and “ Buck” Sutton, he turned out

coated members presented a. curiously un:

many smart recruits. Indeed, several of our presentvday mess members had the good fortune to be drilled by him as youngsters, He served all through the South African war in “ C” Squadron under Lord Basing, and later, Major Makins, his troop officer being that gallant little soldier, the late Lieutenant Malcolm Knowles. Coming to India. with the Regiment in,1904, he left in 1906 to take up an appointment as Sergeant-Instructor to

the Northern Bengal Mounted Rifles at Darjeeling, the appointment he held at the time of his death which occurred at Kalchini on the 12th October last. The shock of his death was perhaps made greater by the news received. only afew weeks previously that he intended Visiting the Regiment on a “ re fresher ” course. Dear old “ Donovan;” he was by nature a silent man, and off parade rarely uttered a. word. He was reputed to have made but one speech in his life, and that, on the occasion

of a certain Christmas dinner, consisted of seven words. He had recently received the medal for Long Service and Good Conduct. Stallibr‘ass~—or “ Stally " and “ tubble ” as he was called on accout of



name—joined the Regiment in 1897 at Dundalk, and served all his time in “ A " Squad ron. Royals who left a little prior to that year will remember his brother in the regiment who was employed as Orderly Room Clerk. Like Ross, Stallibrass served through the late campaign, and on the return ofthe regiment to England, he was made Sergeant. For the last year he had been employed as manager of

It is our painful duty to record under this

the Regimental Coffee Shop, and was admitted to hospital on the 15th of last month, .w-here he died on the 25th, from ptomaine

ourselves exploring the vessels by the quays, and theslhe'ds, one of which was full of boxes

bersof the Regiment: for-upwards of eigh~


Cover'after cover was


, .With the coming of the cold weather comes

teen years. He was an excellent rider and drill-instructor, and during the time he was employed in the Riding School under Captain

heading the sad news of the death of two wellknown members of the Mess, namely, Sergeant W. Ross, and Sergeant Percy Stalli» (brass The. former, better known as “ Dono— vvan” Ross,‘Was a familiar pers0nage tomem-

with great care, eventually disclosing-two bricks ! When’on dock duty we used to amuse





for the first few daysvthe sight of scarletfamiliar sight in the Mess.

Then, too, owing,

to the absence of the two squadrons in camp, the Mess-rooms have lately been little occupied. Now, with everybody present, there is a “ full house,” and the hasty coming and going of the members, the hurried meals, and the little Squadron councils with note-booas much in evidence would suggest to the most casual observer that something is going on, No one has a minute to spare; one is for squadron training, another for gymnasium, another for mounted Band practice, and when these daylight performances are over for the time being, parade states for the morrow, circus rehearsals, and such like occupy the attention of most of us during the evening Only the caterer knows the joy of dolce far went». and even his joy is tempered with the half longing to be up and doing with his duty brothers. When any extra work is to be done, it is done, yet not without the accom— paniment of “ grOusing ” which every soldier Strangely enough, deems his prerogative. though, it is during busy times that we are seen at our best Did we but admit it, we are never happier than when hard worked. Our

health is better, and consequently our spirits , and in the rush of life there is no time for brooding, thinking of home, railing at a fate which compels us to exist in an impossible climate, and the dozen other complaints which in our slack time,

makes us bad-tempered,

cynical, or absolute molluscs. The Durhams’ Centenary celebrations gave as several opportunities for frivolling, and a. number of the members were present, both at the ball and the concert,

while the sports,

d ’ which were admirably arranged and carrie nts. Sergea m Durha the of out, saw us guests

He was much esteemed by the

This battilion is shortly leaving Lucknow,

be sadly

and the two messes being on very amicable terms- we shall lose many friends.

members ofthe missed.

Mess and will -

s. . .M_.~..~....m.w.,.



Changes are still occurring in the Mess new members coming in, old members going out, and those that stay, going up in the promotion-roll. Cooke, our Fencing Instructor, IS promoted S. S. M. in “A ” Squadron, his place being filled by Corke, and several other changes have taken place.


has proceeded to Calcutta to take up a temporary appointment in the Remount Department.

In consequence of the stress of i work there have been few sporting events durino: the past month, and although “ A ” Squadro; made an attempt to play off for the Houstoun Cup, and two matches were got throuoh in tically all sports are suspended, and will not

be taken up again until after the Viceroy’s departure. Even then, with Squadron and Regimental drills opportunities for games will be rare, and it will need all


Weston will be remembered as Sergeant in

charge of the scouts during the South African war. He has just been awarded the for Long Service and Good Conduct.


Since the last recorded Spoon Shoot, three others have taken place, the last two being

however, poorly attended owing to press 5% work. The winners of spoons were :— Sept. 2131: klst Spoon, Sergt. >.apkin , it} owns 11 : s3, 2nd “ S.Q..\’l.S.Cronin, SS “ 3 :,~‘) Oct. 28:11.7-151; Spoon, Sergt, Anirews. vs Nov. 12th.—1st " Sergr. Andrews, '77 ones 3 2 74,

the enemy

of the various players and committees bto bring their tournaments to successful con» clusions. This being so, it is hardly likely that we shall see just yet the long-promised start made to reorganise the Regimental football team. Since the fine performance at Simla when the Regiment secured the valuable all: India. trophies, football instead of improvina in class, seems to have declined, and probati-

ly not more than half a dozen games have been played this last six months. What would appear to be required is a keen, playing officer

Only one prize was awarded in the two who would devote his spare time to the delatter meetings, there teing an


have r(cently had some good duck shootinor in the neighbourhood, and during the Kim:

velopment of the available material, which is certainly no inconsiderable quantity. With the coming of the Highland Light Infantry to Lucknow shortly, there should be no lack of practice games, the H. L. I. being well

“A" Squadron was in camp,

we frequently

known in the football world.

had duck on our Mess menu,

and from all

number of competitors for a second spoon. Two or three parties of four and five guns

accounts the Sergeants ol’ the Squadron had

several excellent duck shoots on the j/ieels around Mohanlalganj, a short distance their camp.


The latest catch-phrase in the Mess is “ Did you get a cablegram?” but it is not safe to ask the question of four or five of the members. For the benefit of those not in the know, an explanation will be given in the

’next number of The. Eagle.

Meanwhile we

Wish the four or five the best of luck ! ‘f‘ SERGEANT. ”

Sergt. Jeffrey, c Ratcllfle, b Puddifoot ..

below :—

He will probably rejoin the regiment early in

March and go home by the last

“ D." Squanaou.

The score of the last two matches are given


the de Lisle Cricket Cup Tournament, :iracSergeant Weston Who leaves the regiment in March next after eighteen years’ service,



Corpl. Hoff, 0 Arnold, b Earl .. 3 Ptc. Puddifoot, 0 Arnold, b Earl .. 13 " Pine, stpd Welch, b Earl .. “ Maytnm, 0 Arnold b Earl . Scrgt. Sales, b Collier .. . Edwards, run out “ .. Fisher, b Earl " Corpl. Angus, not out .. ' .. Pto. Parks, b Earl “ Ashworth, '0 Earl .. f .. “ Price, in Earl Extras

b Earl 'o Neil lbw Neil c and b Earl b Earl b Earl lbw Earl c Arnold, h Neil b Neil b Earl not out

The posrtions of the teams in the de Lisle PLayed. Won». Lost. Drawn. Points. 9 0 4 0 0

“ B ” Squadron “ D ” Squadron

. ..

” A ” Squadron




“ (Y ” Squadron








Edis. c Angus, .b Puddifoot .. “ Gellatly, c Angus, b Fisher .. Corpl. Vanson, b Puddifoot .. Lieut. G.D’H. Edwardes, .. c Angus, b Pine Pte. Isaacs, c Ashworth, b Puddiioot .. .. Sergt. Sutcli, n Pine

Pte. Dellar. b Fisher


b Pine not out b Dewing lbw Cue not out did not bat.


(3 Newton, b Fisher


.. “ Knight, not out Corpl. Whittingham, b .. Fisher Extras


did not bat. 0 8

did not bat. Extras







REGIMENTAL GAZETTE. Promotions and Appointments. 3986. S. S. M. I. F. 8: G. Cooke to be Squadron SergeantMajor. 65 G. 4378, Sergeant Corke to be S. S. M. I. F. 5540, Lance-Sergt. Plumb to be Sergeant. 4279, Lance-Sergt. Allchin to be Sergeant. to be Paid Lance3687, Unpd. Lance—Sergt. Richmond Sergeant. to be Paid Lanca5264, Unnd. Lance-Sergt. Rickeard

‘B “ SQUADBON. Corpl. Welch, run out Weeks, c Edwards, b Pnddifoot “ Etc. Bray, b Fisher “ Collier, b Puddiioot loot Corpl. Seaton, 0 Sales, b Pnddi Pte. Earl, b Pine “ Arnold, lbw Fisher Sergt. Weston, b Hofl' Pte. Cook, b Maytum “ Evans. h Maytum “ Neil, not out


Sergeant. Lance-Sergeant. 5169, Corpl. Smallwood to be Unpaid Lance-Sergeant. 286, Corpl. Gldney to he Unpaid be Corporal. 286, Unpd. Lance-Corpl. Gidney to be Corporal. 3875, Lee-Corpl. Cresswell to to be Paid Lea-Corpl. 5850, Unpd. Lea-Corpl. Hughman



Cricket tournament are as follows :—

c Dewing. b Fisher

5 c Fisher. b Ratcliffe ..


. ” D” SQUADRON [7-3. “ C ” SQUADRON

With regard to Hockey, Squadrons and the Band can each put good sides in the field, and careful selection should produce a really sound Regimental team. Few games have been played of late, the last being against 79th Battery, R. F. A., on the 11th instant, when our men were victorious by 4 goals to 2. Holt, Rapkm, Fisher, and Gallatly were re‘ sponsible for the score.


Pte. Marlow, b Pnddifoo

‘* "t. Fisher, b Gellatly

Edlis ..b i’ire‘.’ Puddiioot. bDel ar,


run out

4 blGeliatly

1 . c n' , Angus ' Corpl. d b Gellatly an ‘ ‘ .. S. bEdigewmg‘ C . .. Pte. Wood, b Gellatly utGell b and c , Pine " .. . ly Sergt Ratcliife. c Ed- .. wardcs. b Edis atPte. Ashworth. b Goli . 6 l , b and c " Ravell, 3 .. Jeffrey b " Newton, (3 Jefirr-y .. 210 Gellatly 32 .. out " S Extras .. Cile' not

b Gellatly c Knight, b Marlow b Gellatly

b Marlow b Gellatly bGellatly not out ‘ erellatly run out Emlms




do. Buck Do. do. Whaites Do. do. Lockyer Do. do. Foord Do. Corpl. Bunker to be Cook-Sergeant. Signaller. Pte. Ryburn to be Regimental Signaller. Ptc. Pryde to he Regimental Signaller. Pte. Johnstone to be Regimental Courses. proceeded to Calcutta, 13th Lieut. A. C. Charrington course in Regimental AcOctober, 1908, to undergo ‘ counts work. ber, astic Class. 151h Octo 5132, Corpl. Kite joined Gymn . 1908. , 15th joined Gymnastic Class 5898, Lee-Corpl. Edwards October, 1908. ala, 2 th Veterinary Class. Amb $03, S. S. Gilesjoined October, 1908. . Ambala, joine d Veterinary Class 4676, S. S. Wright 20th October, 1908.

5411 5268 5672 4661 4197, 329, 312, 52,

~~ ”Manda...


iEvAiG' LE “ 829 Pte. Banks

- Transfers

840 849

.5050, Pte. Hellis to 15th Hussnrs.

:Pte.~ Burtfi'fro’m Middlesex Regiment, Certificates.

5257 'Lce.— Corpl. Morris


awarded Provisional Cookery

certificate on passing Cookery Course. Poona. éially recommended.)


.3241 Lee. Corp]. McLeIlan, awarded cei tifieate on passing course of Supply duties Lucknow 30th September 1903.



awarded ccmlicate on passing

course of Supply duties, Lu‘cknow SOLh September, 1908.


‘ Moves.»

5263, Lee-Corp]. \Vliitites to Allahabad as Instructor to


851 906 911 1235 1273

Harris. Blackmail.

” “ “ ”

Pithard. TilleyGrizzell West. Henry. Hydon. Roberts. ’I‘uomey. Dickenson. Brown. Fisher. Murrell May. Wallace Gerrard. Lilley. “ tire-'1. 2.117 I‘IGI‘Pdltll. TIT, Boy Paley. I948 " I’luinoley.

Signalling Class.

EDI/is. 57UI,“-Pte Crey to Naiui Tal as sick transfer.

The wife of S. QM. S. Stuart, of ndaughter, 20tl10ctober 1908. Deaths.

Disc-11mgee. S.Seigt Lewis to England {or transfer to Army h‘Reserve. 5037. Pie. Cné to England for transfer to Army RI-svrre. 5742, Pre, Kidd to England as invalid. 5036, Curpl. 'I‘u'obs to Anny Reserve in India. 5039. Lre Corpi. Ros-din to Army Reserve. in In din. Draft arrivl’dfrom Enquiml pm H. . 8m 001on1 1.9an


Snrgeaut- Instructor Ross. at Kalchini 11-2111 Octobei 11103. 411114 Sornt. Stziliihrnss, at Station Hospital Lucknow

25111 October. 1908-


'Dung/n’u,” Major K. R. Balfour Mr. J. E. Thompson


INDIA. 165. P19. Bonsey. 188 159‘


Hoinville. Tindale. Dawson. *Fuller. , Gidney. Jones. Collins. Chase. Moore. Kitchener. Bowman. Mnrchant. Funnel]. Evans. “ -Whyte. King. aney. , Freestone. Beecroft. Driver». Walden. "Frost.

Sergt.-Instrueto1' Collingwood


Braysher. ' , Surretit. Browning. Addison.


EDITORIAL NOTICES. All communications intended for publication in

The Eli/II.

should be addressed to the Editor. and should be accompanied by the writer‘s mime and address,

The Editor will not undertake to be responsible for any rejetm ed MS. nor to return any contribution unless specially desired to do 50. Accepted matter will be paid [or 111; 'the rate of Rs. 2-8 (1

per column.

This is only admissible to non-commissioned ofilrers

and men"


.. Subscribers at home. for six months bubsei 1be1s n India. for six months Home. M ) and ofllcers Ncn-commi ioned

m(n (piesent members 01' ‘1n Indi-r. ex«Roy 9.15). for six months Price per copy to Officers Plice




45' 911. 113.344) “>11. 91!

Rs~ 1.12%.) . ..


0'8 _ 0



officers and men

.. 0_4 _ 0

Annual subscriptions pro rata. ADVERTISEMENTS

For six months. Iull page For six months. half page For 'six months. quarter page .. For one month, full page

For one in inth hail! pave For one month quarter page


1’05! .n'ir



6..3. 3 ii

Sgt. Rankin. TOP ROW :45“. Reynolds, S. M. T. Simpson, Sgt. Thompson, Sgt. Plumb. Sgt. Jeffrey, Sgt, Elmes, Sgt. Goddard, Sgt. Carter, Sgt. Stalibrass. Sgt. Andrews. Mitchell, Sgt. Anstey, Sgt. Norton. Sgt. Sutch. Sgt. Sgt. Martin. Richmond, Sgt. Edwards. Sgt. Bean. :"Sgt. SECOND ROW Sgt. Allchin, Sgt. Oxford. Sgt. Ratcliffe. THIRD ROW:—Sgt. Jamieaon. 5. S. F. Raven, O. R.Sg‘. Fisher, Sgt. Corke, Sgt. Weston, Sgt. 'I imzon, Sgt. Bence. 5. F. Hood. Sgt. Lock. Sales, Sgt-In lll‘. Malpass. Sgt. Harman, Sgt. Rickard FOURTH ROW:—-Sgt. Setchell, Sgt. Coe, S. F. Marlancl. S. Q. M. S. Fordom. S. Q. M. S. Stuart. S. Q. M. S. Cronin, Sgt. Trustee. Sgt. S. T. M. Sgt. Scott. R. Q. M. S. Sykes. S. S. M. Greenland. SITTING :AS. 5. M. I. F. & G. Cooke. F. 0- M. S. Dight. S. S. M. R. R. Cope. Lt. 8: Rdg. M. J. Crowley, R. S. M. Plumb, Capt. & Q. M. F. Burch, S. S. M. Allen. S. S. M. Wallis. S. Q. M. S. Lawrence.

. 1-7

. <-- - ”ga‘M‘r

VOL. 11.






training. All squadrons head-quarters.

are now

back at ’ "

In the month under review there have been

many noteworthy happenings. The Lucknow Army Cup Week coming as it did, concurrently with the State visit of lzlis Excellency the Viceroy and Governor—General of india. l'ound us unusually busy, both professional— The Regiment provided a ly and socially and a standing TravelEscort, Field Officer’s ling Escort, as well as performing various other similar duties during, and in connection with, Lord Minto’s stay in our famous city, whilst the many functions. entertainments, and sporting events which were squeezed into the " week " gave us ample opportunity for enjoyment, and transformed "the ordinarily sober station into a City of pleasure.

The Inspector-General of Cavalry in india , is, we are informed,

to make his annual in- ,

spection of the Regiment on the 4th and 5th of January next, and itis arranged that the whole Regiment will go into camp 3 few miles north-epst of Lucknow, for the occasion. ‘ We move out on the 28th instant.

u One of the chief attractions of the ” week '. ,

was the Polo Tournament for the Cup prev. sented by the Royal Dragoons. The Narain Singh Cup having been W011 outright by, the Regiment two years ago, and the donor having since died, this new cup was present- ‘

ed to replace the original, the tournament, Perfect weather favoured us throughout, and these conditions Continue to prevail, although the sudden cold snap is probably in no small measure accountable for the many cases of malarial fever which have occurred of late in Lucknow, and in other parts of India. With few exceptions these cases hare been quickly and successfully treated, but the malady is a most distressing one;

The Squadrons are still undergoing their annual training, and “C " and ‘“ D " have had a ten days” camp, the former at [sra Khera, about five miles south of cantonments, and the latter at Mohanlalganj, about three miles further south. Beingin the same neighbourhood these squadrons arranged and brought off two splendid “ battles” against each other, in this way contributing much interest to the

_ . _‘ ,.......-_——————. .ant‘, « -‘4

conditions being similar to those under which the former cup was competed for.

These conditions were that any team might ' enter, provided that not. more than two of its ’ members had played in the InterRegimenta1 or Championship Tournaments. The teams _ that entered this year

were .:



Dragoons, 12th Lancers, 17th Lancers, “ S " '

Battery R. H. A., 60th Rilies, Durham Light , infantry, 9th Hodson’s Horse, and Cawnpore . Gymkhana, Anaccountof our matches ap- ‘ pears subsequently in this issue.

Racing this year was limited to three days. the extra days allotted last year having proved ‘

a failure financially.


Charrington, on '

the leave from Calcutta where he is doing the were Miles Mr. and Paymaster's course, only G. R‘s to represent the Regiment, and as

’1‘ H E THE


usual acquitted themselves creditably: but the regretted absence of Mr. Tomkinson at home at the Cavalry School, has somewhat diminished the number of successes stand ing tothe credit of the Regiment in comparison with last year. On the first day Mr, Charrington was second on Captain Keighley’s Shazada in the Arab Hurdle Race, after running unplaced in the previous race on H. E. The Commander»in-Chief's Madrid. In the Arab Hurdles Mr. Miles was fourth on Mr. Rube's St. Gatien. In the Closed Steeplechase for horses, Mr. Charrington rode a well-judged race on Genl.

Eliott‘s Lookout and ran in to second place. though he had no chance of beating the winner, and repeating his success of last year on the same horse. Mr. Miles had the mount on Baron Athel, but fell half-way through the race, fortunately without injury.

On the second day the chief event was the race for the Army Cup, in which the Regiment had one representative in Captain

Grant's Little Exile, who ran so prominently However, on last year under a big weight this occasion, he was unable to reproduce this form and ran unplaced, the race being won

by an outsider. Mr. Miles rode Captain Watkin “hiliams‘ Khalifa but was unplaced. whilst Mr. Charrington on H. E The (‘om-







Grant's Madeira failed to gain a place


Alam Bagh Plate, a handicap Arab race. was in won by Captain Grant's Little Exile, and Cosens‘ Mr. r meeting. the of race the last a Umutbee started, but failed to runinto place The Army Cup week at Lucknow was fol1owed by a similar festive period at Cawrr


EAGLE pore, during Which the chief attractions were a Polo Tournament for the Cooper Allen Cup, a Horse Show, and two days‘ racing. In the Polo Tournament the Regiment entered a team of snbalterns and a full account of their performances appears in this number. In the Horse Show, Mr. Miles distinguished himself by gaining three prizes, a first with Dairyman in the Waler Pony class and second with Bronze in the same class : also a second with Uncas in the Arab class. During the races Mr. Miles had two mounts, one on Thakur Sripal Singh's Elsie in the hurdle race for ponies in which he ran so cond, and another on Mr. Murray’s Imtyas in an Arab handicap, when he gained third place. The hounds have been meeting regularly during the past fortnight and the se 18011 may be said to have commenced in earnest. Meets are usually in the early morning, when scent is good and dew on the ground. but probably our best hunt so far has been from an afternoon meetin the vicinity of Kokrail. On this occasion hounds were away very quickly and ran for twenty five minutes practically with» out a check. Unluckily they were not rewarded with a kill. as it was getting dark and the “jack ” managed to escape them. Crops are still somewhat of. an obstacle to the hunting, but. a week or two should make a great . difference in this respect.

mandcr-in-Chief’s Madrid was also unplaced On the third and last day Mr Charrington was second on Mr. Borton‘s Wales in the

E A Gr 1. E

A party of six guns from the Regiment spenttwo days’ duck shooting at Sheogarh last week, and accounted for

170 duck and

some various. There werca fair number of birds, but nothing like the amount seen two years ago after a normal rainfall. in three or four successive years. However, the party had a most enjoyable time and are much in-

debted to the local Rajah who put them up and provided entertainment on a lavish Scale in the shape of a native dance or “ nautch " ' and a. display of fireworks.

On Friday, November 20th. the Regiment was honoured by the presence in Mess of H. E. the Viceroy, Lady Minto and Lady Violet




to Lord

Charles Fitzmaurice we announced recently. His Excellency accepted an invitation to dine, thus taking the opportunity of meeting the brother otiiccrs of his daughter's future husband. The party alsoincluded Sir John and Lady Hewett. After dinner, theguests proceeded to the Regimental Circus, where was given the usual excellent performance,

an account of which appears later in this issue.

The following letter explains the amusing little story which will be found in this num' ber :._‘ “ Dear Mr. Editor,——.\t the risk of being thought egotistical, l send you a short anecdote of an incident which amused many of us at the time, and which has often made others exclaim “ What a liar you are ‘. ” However, the tale is true, and you need not insert it in The Eagle unless you like.

Miss May Cruse,

whom I knew as a child, has put into my head to write something after reading her interest— ing article in the October number—I am, dear, Mr. Editor, Yours, ARTHUR M asHAM,

No account has yet reached us of the doings of our old comrades at their reunion last month,






received in reply to a. cable from the


geants Mess members, tells us that if num-

bers go to prove anything, the evening must have been a most successful one : “Sergeants, Royals, Dilkusha, Lucknow—£50 old ’ comrades drink success.”

We are glad to publish a letter from the Director of the Landour Soldiers Furlough Home. Many of our men spend a part of the hot weather at this home, and the institution has proved a boon. Writing to the Com manding Officer, Mr. Taylor says, “ .[ cannot allow the season to close without letting you know of the behaviour of the non-commissioned officers and men of the Royals. This has been one of our best years, and you-r men have played no small part in the success we have had. Their conduct to a man was just wonderful, and I may mention that

the Good Comradeship medal was won by a Royal. I am naming the rooms next year

and placing plates on the doors

May I

have the pleasure of naming one after your Regiment 2‘ [should be glad if you could let your men know how muchi feel they have helped towards the success we have achievA ed “

Colonel i

The following is taken from a. recent issue of The Pioneer :# “The Right Rev. Henry Frank Johnson, "’ Bishop of Colchester, whose death is an» ed at -" nounced, was born in 1884, and educat

‘-’ Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge. He “ was a Cornet in the 1st Royal Dragoons in ‘- 1855—56, and was ordained Deacon in

“ “ “ 3‘


to He was Archdeacon of Essex from 1883 in ster Colche of acon Archde 189-1, and the 1894, at the time of his appointment to Bishopric of Colchester."

A concert in aid of the above Home was held in the Regimental Theatre on the 131i) to ultimo, and a substantial sum was handed g‘s the Director as the result of a good evenin

the indisUnfortunately, entertainment. of the position of Mrs. Steele robbed us ons selecti piano and violin much looked-for to were Makins Mrs. and lady that which have performed. The songs by Pte. Paton and Mr. Ander. of the son Went well as usual, but the hit

evening was the excellently rendered trio

- i.,.......“.“~mh



’1‘ [I it


and dance, by Mr, Irwin, Sergeant-Major Cronin and OrderlyRoom Sergeant Fisher. The band under Mr. Holt contributed to the

7 January. 1909, will see the birth ot’ our third Volume, and we have hopes that this will show a marked improvement on its fore

enjoyment of the evening.

runners. A Merry Christmas and a Bright and Prosperous New Year to all our readers.

The band have proved conclusively that they are masters of the art of entertaining. Since their return from Naini ’l‘al, they have given two “ Small and Eirly" dances in the Gymnasium, both of which were quite de lightful.

The bandsnien make capital hosts,

HISTORICAL RECORD 0f the First or the Royal Regiment of Dragoons, containing an account of its formation in the reign of King Charles the Second, and of its sub-

and nothing is left undone to ensure the coinfort and enjoyment of their guests. It were

sequent services to the present time.



Continuing, in connection with the 11th Light Dragoons. to cover the retreat to the heights of lfiusaco, the regiment was for med in rescrvoduring the action of the 37th of

The Regiment loses a number of excellent soldiers in the party of fifty-nine noncommissioned officers and men which left Lucknow on the 14th instant for Bombay to em» bar}: on the 1-1. '1‘. “ Dongola" for England. All these are. men who have completed (their first term of service with the Colours. and are transferred to :the Ar». y Reserve: We wish them the best of luck in their new life. and hope to hear they are all doing well, I

September. During the continued retrograde movement to the celebrated lines of Torres Yedras, the regiment held its post in rear and on the bth of October near Pombal, the enemy pressing upon the line of march, a picket, led by Lieutenant Garden, charged





wounded, were

The picket, and


notwithslazn'loil" a


With the issue of the present nuznber of The Eagle, we complete our Volume ll. We take this opportunity ot thanking all those who have ass1stedin making our little Clll'Olll‘ cle the success it undoubtedly is. There is still room for much improvement, but without funds we can do nothing The

cavalry officer.

number of copies taken in the

This corps was too much for the squadroh,

The enemy‘s leading corps,

supported by heavy columns, still continuod

to harass the rear, and the temerity of mmcavalry was again checked on the Shh near

Quinta de Torre by a determined charge of a squadron of the Royals, which drove them bac-k with loss behind a corps of infantry.

present is far below the number taken last year, although, on the other hand, the number of our outside subscribers has increased, Since the paper is run for the Regiment by

which, having received a volley,

the Regiment, it surely is only right that each member should purchase a copy, and so

ing day, the liritish entered the fortified lines 01' Torres Vedras, which, after recon-


noitring several times, the Prince of Esslinrr

help towards its nient.



of ed by the immediate advance of the whole taking cavalry the Lord Wellington’s army, the lead. From this date frequent extracts are made from a journal kept in. the regiment from 1811 to 1816, which contains many details of: a nature more intimate and accurate than are to be found in more general accounts and This journal, now in the posdescriptions to session of the regiment, was presented 49th Green, Captain by the officers in 18% to Regiment, whose father had been executor Captain Sigismund

following up his advantage too far, the [lientenant and one


having 10st six horses killed. one sergeant. major and two men wounded. and four men wounded and taken prisoners.


whence they detached parties on picket and outpost duty. Massena, havingcxhausted his resources and wasted the physical strength of his troops, retired from Santarem on the night

gallantly, and drove them back with loss. but

taken prisoners.

degiineni at

St, Christel, and Porto de

follow“ 01' the 3th of March, 1811, a movement

By General C. P. cle Ainslie.

superfluous to say that the music was a distinctly good feature of these dances. band are to be congratulated.

the lithol' November, he retired. The day after a picket of the regiment sent in pursuit made prisoners a sergeant and eight French dragoons. The French now established themselves upon the heights of Santarem, the Royal Dragoons being stationed at Cuzalbiera, Guinta,

0n the follow-

declined to attack, and, during the night or;



E A (i L E

of the Royal

Dragoons, whose nameis frequently mention died who and journal. the of piges the in ed in Paris i i 1852. At the. commencement of this advance of menthe army, the condition of the corps is tioned as follows :—~ t “Previous to the advance, no regimen were than order perfect more in be (:ouid were the {oyals The horses at that time an Windsor had lately joined with all black. eighty horses, excellent remount 01" nearly effective, which rendered each troop vory

m “ As the regiment was tiling over Santare by bridge, Lord Wellington and his stall passed the excel. and were particularly struck with tl.eir coats so jet lent condition of the horses, in fact it is not too much black and shining.

in the t) say, that there were not such grooms days," those in were Royals world as the

On the 7th of March the regiment had a skirmish with the enemy near Pecoloo, where

they took three prisoners, and had one man and a horse wounded, and on the 11th, near Pom bahthey took prisoners two sergeants and twenty-six men. Resuming the pursuiton the following day,

the army came upon a body of French cavalry, artillery, and infantry posted on a high tableland near Redinha, where Lord Wellington ordered the troops to form line of battle, the Royal Dragoons being directed to suppert the attack of the infantry. Three cannon shots from the British centre were the signal to advance, when at once a magnificent scene

of war presented itself.

The woods seemed

alive with troops. and in a few moments 30,000 men, in three lines, were moving across the

plain in a gentle curve, while the cavalry and artillery, springing simultaneously from the centre and left wing, charged in the face of a general volley from the French battalions, which were instantly hidden in smoke, and when that cleared away they were

no longer to he seen,having made a precipitate retreat to Condeixa. Lord Wellington coniinuing his advance. the Royal Dragoons, on the 14th of March. supported a successful attack 1 l' the infantry upon a French force, in




CasalNova, and again on the following day they supported the attack upon the enemy's pOsition at Foz d'Aronce.

()n the 18th, near

Sornadilla. they captured a sergeant, men, and to elvc



on which occasion

they had only one man wounded. On the 26th of the month, still hovering near the French army, a- patrol 01" the regiment, commanded by Lieutenant Foster, with one of the 16th Light Dragoons under

Lieutenant Peisse, attacked a detachment of cavalry near Alverca with conspicuous bravery, killed several and made prisoners an ofi‘lcer and thirty-seven men. On this affair a despatch from Viscount

Wellington of the 27th of March, 1511, says :*


'1‘ H F


E A (i L E

“-1 have received a report of a Gallant action of our patrols yesterdav efeninu under the command of Lieutenant Peisse 3f

the 16th Light Dragoons, and Lieutenant Foster, of the Royals, who attacked a detach ment of the enemy's cavalry between Alverca and Guarda, killed and wounded several of

them, and took the officer and thirty-seven men prisoners ” The regiment had one man wounded in an affair on the 28th of the month. when thev captured an officer's baggage near Ardes ' On the 8rd of April, they were posted in reserve during the action at Sabuaal and

followmg up the retreat of the F‘rentcb athey captured some mules with bagoaoe at Alfa '~ ates. “D a 3 On the 7th the Royals were sent to the relief of a corps of Portuguese militia conimanded by Colonel Trant, which had’ taken

post near Fort Conception, and within half a mile ofa brigade of French infantry, Th destruction of this militia had seemed inevie~ table, when suddenly two cannon shots were heard to the southward ; the French formed squares to retire, when in


few minutes

51): squadrons of British cavalry, with a troop of horse artillery, came sweeping up the plain in their rear, and the Portugdese were saved. The enemy, however, contrived to effect their escape with the loss of about three hundred men killed. wounded and taken prisoners, with part of their baolrave'

the Royals took a drove of bullocks :3“: a horse. The Royal Dragoons were now in excellent quarters at Barquilla, and had much

need of

the advantages they afforded, for since the advance commenced on the 1st of March their splendid condition seems to have con: siderably fallen 01f, of which the chief causes

were: “first, the excessive hardships and fatigues, roads almost impassable ionor marches, cold and wet bivouacs ; and, second:-

ly, the lamentable deficiencies of the Com missary,” which told severely upon both men and


horses. At Barqnilla, liowever. vegetation in the month of April was so for ward, that half the horses were turned out to grass. and as the frontiers ofSpain were as yet nnpillaved b either army, the necessaries of life wergeasili: 3r ' "r Sibé‘eéliind (ififol'iZIi‘ ' thus‘ the month of' April went I The allied. army now blockadind Almeid‘ the Prince of Essling advancedhto relic *ai} that place, and driving in the allied ilC‘li Vie on the 2nd of May, Major-General Sladle‘ ‘ bef

grade-retired behind Nara de Vater :h 1'1: position with the army coverinO‘ the blockafi1 On the 3rd, about it am , the Fee'iment‘beiiie drawn up in position, a l‘SlIlOLllli‘i/Of rift m D and horses was brought up bv Cornety'l‘ 'efl ford from Lisbon, bntduring the severe (j: ‘

test of this day in the village of Fluent: d Onor, the regiment was not engaged O: the morning of the 5th, at lialf-‘pa-fst three heavy tiring began on the right. and at l‘alf, past'four the pickets were driven in with cons1derable loss to the 338th Regiment and the

Portuguese. Dragoons Cornet

The picket of the 16th Licht

was also sharply

Belli wounded and



taken pl‘ls’MIBI‘

The Royals remained for four hours exposed to a heavy cannonade, which fortunatel— however, produced little effect. Several brili liant charges were made during the da‘ i one Of which Cornet Tratford distinoui‘fh Il1 himself, and the French Colonel Latodjr bbeieir knocked off his horse surrendered to Lieutelo ant Cubbins. Two squadrons ot‘ the Rb aluunder LieutenantColonel Clifton, also dad: a most gallant charge upon the chem ’: cavalry, took prisoners a sergeant and twr-ui: 3 four men, and released a party of the 4Foh7t Guards, who had been taken by the French A party of their cavalry made a splendid attack, and captured two guns of Ca tain Bull’s troop of Horse Artillery, wlilen a

squadron of

the Royal Dragoons


forward, retook the guns and brought theii: into the British lines, together with several prisoners.

of the day, It is related that in the course upon his pe esca ow narr most a “ Clarke had l knockshel a old horse ‘Turk,’ inasmuch as , and over ly lete comp e ed bot-h rider and hors ke's Clar ed, Inde ant dist s yard burst a few ." ered suff lly troop was the one that principa in oons Drag l Roya the of 'l‘hc casualties four men were or d'On tes Fuen of le the batt wounded, eighteen killed and thirty-six it was wounded. -twu fifty and d horses kille

after which altogether a very trying day, Villa de and a uill they returned to Barq

Ceirva. t of about Whiiein these quarters a draf es joined hors red eighty men and one hund nt Rose, tena Lieu and s kin Tom with Captain Life the the former by exchange from Guards. eida having The. attempt to relieve Aliii of May the 10th the of t nigh the on d, faile

up the French garrison in that place blew mn out of the works, and rushing in one colu blockading the town, made their way through Villa. upon h marc r thei troops, and directed Royal the e ther ing find but de Ceirva, direction to Dragoons, they changed their nt inc-air chme deta The Barbafldel Puerco. suddenly out ed turn va Ceir de Villa while at French the took in the night, pursued and over column,



brought which they attacked, and

e baggage, off a sergeant, nine men and som affair. The the in d nde wou men two ng havi ow up the foll to d inue 4th and 34th Foot cont their retreat. enemy,who,liowever, made good

emaLord Wellington now went into Estr the with ined rema ls dura, but the Roya , DULLI‘ ugal Port of s tier fron the on left forces d to cover Ciudad Rodrigo, and were statione jo. Espc to a Egu de a the front from Vill (To be continued)


warfare, After some months of desultory Gates, ral Gene r unde an American army, 16th st Augu on and sh, Briti the marched on fought. Cornwas en Camd of e Battl the ort of Lord wallis, who had advanced in supp

a small Rawdon, who held the place with to the Ameriforce, was inferior in numbers cans, but




of the latter were

in retreat, many Militia, and these were soon broke eton Tarl carrying Gates with them. d the lete comp and s force in on the retreating been had train ly Supp sh Briti the. rout, but he and day, captured by Sumter the previous Tarit. of on essi poss in had at once retired ed after it leton was immediately despatch with 350 men, and after a

desperate march,

t they were he came up with the enemy whils Only about day. the of heat the restingin after the able 160 of the pursue-rs were avail rode eton Tarl e thes with trying advance, but and killed and foe ed epar unpr the down s and recapwounded 150, taking 200 prisoner in his des walli ('orn y. turing the convo was too briln actio “the that ared decl spatch eton was receivliant for com ment,” and Tarl ur. Lack of hono y ever with ed by him the following up troops, however, prevented the period of desul, of this success, and zigiin

, a most gal. toi‘y warfare ensued. Ferguson s, was killed lant British leader of Irregular. and his loss il‘llll lilOUll in action on the King's er. A des~ mand com his by felt was severely November 30th perate conflict took place on Sumter. when ral Gene between Tarleton and k with only attac to ed oblig was the former gh at the half of his force, and thou

of The Eagle Bound copies of Volume 11 Orders should will shortly be ready for sale. disappointment. be booked early to avoid . copy per MI.» ([39. Price, Rs. :3

time an

t, the Ameiiundecided action was the resul

er. severely cans retired in the night, Sumt Of g removed with them. wounded,



198 this encounter

Cornwallis says


his de-

spatch, “ It is not easy for Colonel ’I‘arleton to add to the reputation he has acquired in this province, but the defeating of 1.000 men posted on very strong ground and ou—upying loghouses with 190 cavalry and so infanti y, is a proof of that spirit and those talents which must render the most essential services to his country."

The end of the war. however, was approaching.

General Greene,




William Washington, awaited at Cowpens a force detached by Cornwallis under Tarle ton to attack him, and on 17th January, 1781, a sanguinary combat ensued. Tarleton arrived at the scene of action after a long march, but with his customary impetuosity promptly attacked, and, at first, with signal succeSs The British Infantry, however, pursued their apparently beaten enemy too far and Washington, the American Cavalry leader, seeing their disorderly advance, rallied the


landers and checaed them, then rode through the broken

line and compelled a


surrender. ’Parleton in vain called on the Cavalry Legion for a supreme effort, so with


remnant of




and al’ew mounted officers, under 50 sabres in all, he charged desperately on the victorious American cavalry, cutting his way through them, and himself engaging and wounding their commander. Cornwallis wrote of his conduct in the action, “January 17th must be classed among the extraordinary events of war.




positions and conduct of the action were as unexceptionable as his previous manoeuvres in forcing General Morgan to tight, were able.” To Tarleton himself he added, "The total misbehaviour of the troops could alone have deprived you of the glory which was so justly your due." Atlay’s comment on the action is, “Tarleton lest the day because he had metasoldier as skilful as himself and troops more reliable than his own.”

Cornwallis having by this afl'air lost a third

of his army, was no longer able to pursue an offensive war. He fought one more action at Guildt‘ord Court House, and was victorious there over General Greene, 'l‘arleton deciding the dry by a desperate Cavalry charge, in which a sabre cut severed his right hand in half. Though he had passed through iiiiiunierable dangers in the course of his perilous career, this was the only wound he received in his years of warfare. The British army fell back on Wilmington and finally to Yorktown, ’l‘ai'leton commanding the rear-guard and covering its movements. “ One exploit of his relieved the gloom 01' the retreat," says Atlay, when he dashed in on Char~ lottevilleand captured several of the representatives of the General State Assembly, only just missing Thomas Jefferson, the future President of America He was at Yorktown when the place was surrendered by Cornwallis on October 18th, 1781, and the army became prisoners of war, the longdrawn-out strife thus coming to a conclusion. ’l‘arleton was released on parole the l'ollowing year and returned to England. Here the subject of our memoir terminated, at the age of 27, his fighting career. Though he held various and high sabseduent commands, he was never again employed on active service. The King, George III, who, it was said, had been prejudiced against him by the wild doings of. the Legion—and disliked his adherence to the hated Whig party and his friendship t'or the Prince of Wales—refused to be stow any mark of distinction on its Colonel. [t is related how, in an





by His Majesty to the young commander whose achievement-s had been some of the few illuminating features of the last period of the disastrous war, King George thus ad» dressed him, " You have been in a great many

actions and had a great many escapes"— a poor commentary indeed upon the services which had established his reputation as the most brilliant of leaders and rendered him

return a popular hero in England on his had ry Brave s eton' “Tarl from the war of the night black the in star a like shone tor of American Campaigns ” adds the narra sole s king‘ the was this the interview, and red debar gh Thou it. of nt dgme acknowle carnfrom taking his share in subsequent n oi his paigns,*at the supposed instigatio sovereign,—Tarleton's


was far


He threw beingr an idle oruneventful one. energy much as himself into politics with battle, of field the on ayed a: he had displ of Parliament er Memb me beca l790, in and, an unsucv for Liverpool, for which place (after he was seat) the on 1784 cessful atteinptin ts free of ituen const ing admir his by ned retur .years. In expense for nearly twentyitwo to Paris, him took spirit s 1792 his adventurou of the Revodays early the in was he where lution.

Philip Dining one evening there with

any'we‘e Egalllt‘, Duc D‘Orleans, the comp in the mob a by t repas their at interrupted the head of a \ViHD‘Ln street bearing on a pole “ by the. colour of which ltgaliié recognized, as being that of said, ciolly he as the hair,” This gruesome the Princesne de Lamballe. upon to salute, called object the diners were

and as Tarleton “ of all those


present on

grimly wrote,

the occasmn mine

remained was the only head which



. later I owner’s shoulders a year iful beaut of the In an interesting biography

Mary Robinson, “ E’erdita.” published in the present)?“ many pages are given to'he-r with ‘wliom. an intirelations with Tarleton,

latter his .retum many had Commenced soon continued till his mar. ~1'rom the war and which

5 literary lat. riasze in 17%. Mrs Robinson sac material. taininents were considerableand linghhis History lv assisted 'I‘arleton in compi

1151, which he of the Campaigns of 1780 and . ‘ war. to the published subsequent on ibuti contr g estin inter This work forms an ction cpnne in time the of to the literature on Lord Cornwallis with it, but the strictures the best of taste. in not which it contains are


Cornwallis, then in India, wrote strongly condemning what he considered the ungener‘ ous attack on him, and, indeed, ’I‘arleton’s action in decrying the Commander by whom he was so loyally treated and by whom his services were so fully acknowledged, forms an unpleasant feature of the book and much detracts from its merits as a whole. In 1791, ’I‘arleton was promoted to the rank of MajorlGeneral. He was made LieutenantGeneral in 1801, and commanded the Southern district of Ireland for six years from that


He was appointed Governor of Berwick

in 1808, and subseiuently commanded the Severn district. During the progress of the

Peninsular War—participation in which was denied to him—lie was a severe critic in the House of Com mons, ——where he spoke well and frequently,—of the conduct of the various campaigns. To him was assigned by common report the authorship of the title of " Sepoy General,” which was contemptuously applied to Lord Wellington in the early period of the at war. Be this as it may, he would seem the of opinion any rate to have modified his seconded great Commander When, in 1812, he House of the by d accorde Thanks of the Vote on in a Wellingt Commons to the suceessful

the speech full of admirable appreCiation. of his counto him by d rendere services great try.

In 181.2 'l‘arleton

attained the rank of

1816 that, Lllll‘tyrsl-X General, but it was not till

his meteoric. years utter his return from he had honours career in America, the belated him. to d accorde were field earned on many a life On public. in ation particip all In that year, ceased, lie was the part of the King having d With the decorate and created a Baronet,

same time Grand CrOSs ot' the Bath, , ud at the s, Dragoon 8th appointed to the Co1onelcy oi the his he held until now the Eth Bussars, which

hangs at Breakdtidtllite-size picture 0f him que English pictures the x, spears in Middles FarleAlfred Mr. nt, descenda his home of

of the family, ton, late Royal Navy, the head




EAGLE a most enjoyroad, and on the whole we had

It is one of Sir Joshua Reynold’s masterpieces, and displays the leader of the Legion in the dress of that body. Taken when he was

gone out to Vryheid, where they took part in a fight at Scheepers Nek. Three of the Boer leaders were killed and one (Potgieter) se-

twenty-eight years old, he appears in it in the

verely wounded.

full prime and vigour of life, a figure of unusual symmetry and athletic proportions. He stands, in the picture, leaning forward and downward, his right hand brought across the body to adjust his sword-knot. A pair of stan' dards lie at his feet, and in the background an orderly holds the heads of two horses is straining at their bridles. The uniform bonnd Highla of quaint and striking—a species net, brown in colour, and with large brown the and white hackles on the left side forms ng reachi head gear. A short green jacket, front, in open and waist little below the

to him, he shouted “I’m hit,—I’m hit,” and so he was, for a bullet had struck his handolier and forced two cartridges into his chest he died shortly after wards ; on our side there were two killed, both Natal Volunteers. A few. days after our arrival at Newcastle, a temporary bridge near lngogo collapsed and a train fell into the spruit below. Fortunatelv it was a goods train. We went out to cover the working party whilst rebuilding, turning out at 3-30 {1.111. and remaining on the Doom: kop all day. Two days later an attack on Utrecht was expected, and we turned out at

When our fellows came up

slashed and faced with gold and having a black

1 am. and marched to Umbana Kop, arriving

breeches collar and cuffs. surmounts the white

at dawn. The attack, however, did not com: off and we returned to camp in the evenino. The following night I left camp with a dozebn

and deep-topped boots

which complete the


Sir Banastre Tarleton died at Lentwardine for some in Herefordshire, where he had lived He -nine. seventy of age the years, in 1833, at of Duke last the of er (laught the d had marrie leaving and, Ancaster, who long survived him, extinct. no issue, the Baronetcy became follow. the with article his Atlay concludes are not so annals y Militar “Our , passage ing rank that rich in Cavalry Officers of the first Tarleton; re Banast Sir forget to afford can we memory the to honour do to y anxiet nor in our ants, lieuten his and of George Washington

soldiers ought we to be unmindful of the brave a falling for long years were the props of who n field house, and who on many a stricke soldier British the of ion sustained the reputat

names for stubborn valour, and whose very of his-

men to escort a “cow ” gun from a point on the Newcastle defences, called Windsor Castle to Rooi Pynt near lngagane, a distance of twelve miles ; this was to be done at night to conceal the. movement from the Boers on the Berg. It was a dark and stormy night, and lhe rain fell in sheets. The road ran across open country full of holes, trenches, dongas, and other pitfalls for the unwary. Having got the gun “under way," we struck out for Rooi Pynt trying to distinguish road from veldt by the sound of the horse’s hoofs—a difficult thing owing to the wet ground. and the fact that South African roads are un= metalled tracks. After splashing along for an hour and expecting every pace to arrive at

pages are fast disappearing from the tory.”

a drift where the road crossed a spruit. mv horse stopped, snorted, and refused to go on.


I dismounted, struck a match under cover of



DRAKENSBERG Mrs, 3186 December, 1900.

DEAR M ,— into NewOn the 11th instant we went troops having castle, headquarters and four

my cloak, and discovered that we had lost the road and were on the bank of the spruit at a place where we should have stood a splendid gone chance of breaking our necks had we over. Not knowing which side the road lay for the ‘wehad to retrace our steps and feel

our gun into able time, but we managed to get of one of spite in , reak dayb Rooi Pynt before cold rain a and seen, 1’ve ts nigh est the dark driving in our teeth. Konigsberg, Christmas found us back at ly of cold supp good a ived rece we where

and pinebeef, ham, pickles, plum-puddings as

y as far apples, so we did not do so badl day went on the that nd beyo goes, r chee good vigilant at as usual and we had to be extra taken have t migh y enem the night as atan make advantage of the occasion to tack. Utrecht and We hear that the Boers sent into s, and said demanded “ extras ” for Christma wanted. they what take they would come and , and alert the on were son garri However, Ihe y‘s enem the in the attack, which followed was ian) Russ (a r leade cool request, the Boer thunderstorm killed. We had a terrible was charged air the noon, after y yesterda

flashes develheavily with electricity and the heavy explolike h eart the to

oped very close strikes the ground sions of gas. The lightning and here

ting rocks with terrific force, split

and earth, whilst throwing up tons of stones ies it has a curithe thunder which accompan by an ear splitwed ous crackling sound, follo ting report,

decreaswhich repeats itself,

submerged ing in volume until it rolls away evi-

storm was in a fresh peal. Yesterday’s of us were entwo y, heav dently unusually s with two Colonial gaged in a game of card cards down whilst scouts and they put their ht—anything that heig its the storm was at cards must be ing play ial Colon a can stop It would ary. something out of the ordin been for not had it if sight have been a. grand the next flash that ng feeli e tabl an uncomfor as a suitable object might select one’s head n

communicatio through which to establish r was

Artillery office with Mother Eirth. An na hill on the 11th Tala on ning light by killed . instant.



erts has sailed for We hear that Lord Rob

has England. The following Farewell Order been issued :— “Being about to give up the command of the army in South Africa into the able hands ofGeneral Lord Kitchener of Khartoum, I feel that l cannot part with the comrades with whom Ihave been associated for nearly a. year—often under very trying circumstances —without giving expression to my pro found appreciation of the noble work they ry have performed for their Queen and count the in pride my and for me personally, and to results they have achieved by their pluck ion and endurance, their discipline, and devot to duty. I greatly regret that the ties which have d, bound us together are so soon to be severe army the with n for I should like to remai but I until it is completely broken up, as Lord that, sion conclu the to come have take over H. Kitchener has consented to longer no is nce prese the command, my my duty that and , Africa South in required but I shall calls me in another direction. of this men and s officer the never forget als, ReguColoni Navy, Royal they be force, teers ', their lars, Militia, Yeomanry, or Volun to me, and dear very be s alway interests will as long army I shall continue to work for the as I can work at all. n Force The service which the South Africa to think, unique re ventu l is, rmed perfo has as it has been in the annals of war, inasmuch for a whole year, absolutely almost incessant

year. There has in some cases more than a recruit~no going to off been no rest—no days other campaigns in as ers quart into winter

period. For which have extended over a long cold in fierce heat, in biting

months together des—— and in pouring rain, you —my comra

ut a halt and have marched arid fought witho ,

from the elements bivouacked without shelter had to continue have ently frequ and you your marching withyourclothesin

rags and

being of such great boots without soles—time sible for you consequence that it was impos

‘ ""“H-qum

THE 202

to remain long enough in any one place to refit. When not engaged in actual battle, you have been continually shot at from behind kopies by an invisible enemy, to whom every inch of the ground was familiar, and who, from the

peculiar nature of the country, were able to inflict severe punishment while perfectly safe

themselves You have forced your way through dense jungles and over precipitous mountains, through and over which, with infinite manual labour, you have had to drag and haul guns and ox—wagons. You have covered, with

return to your homes and to find those dear to you well and happy, is the earnest hope of your Commander. (8d)

ROBERTS, FIELD-MARSHAL, Johan ncsburc, 29th November, 1900. Headquarters of the Army in South Africa.” Our late Commander, you will allow, is not to be classed with the soldiers who cannot wield pens. As you know, he has suffered personally through the war as much as any

and that often on a very short supply of food, and you have endured the sufferings, inevit~ able in war to sick and wounded men far from the base, without a murmurmeven with

cheerfulneSs You have, in fact, acted up to the highest standard of patriotism, and by your conspicuous kindness and humanity towards your enemies, and your forbearance and good behaviour in the towns we have occupied, you have caused the Army of Great Britain to be as highly respected, as it must henceforth be greatly feared, in South Africa. Is it any wonder that I am intensely proud of the army I have commanded, or that I regard you, my gallant comrades and devoted comrades, with affection as well as admirav tion, and that I feel deeply the parting from Many of you—Colonials as well as you 2’ Britishers—I hope to meet again, but those, I may never see more, will live in my memory and be held in high regard to my life’s end. I have learnt much during the war, and the experience I have gained will greatly help me in the work that lies before me, which is, I conceive, to make the army of the United Kingdom as perfect as it is possible for an army to be. This I shall strive to do


God bless every member of the South African may be all spared to Army, and that you

ment at large. for the benefit of the Regi ng my term of whichI have gathered duri office had to en The difficulties which I have within but counter, have never come from le plain alitt do to from without, and so I wish names, ng ioni ment out with speaking, though ers think that the If, however, any of my read

that there is too much repetition of the same

my full sanction cap will tit them, they have to put it on. to the bottom I have never been able to get nt there has ime Reg of it, but throughout the opposition to of unt amo ain always been a cert . us. the circ n me give ys alwa squadron Leaders h rve dron Squa e som but rt, uppo their most cordials things behind done have rs Majo Sergeant backs which, if I had their Squadron [readers have been well renot d reported them, woul an instance. One S, ceived. Let me give you whole of the circus S. M. took and burnt the cost us some thirty only it y paddock Certainl why do such a thing ‘1’ rupees to replace it, but which the .5. S. Another petty annoyance every performat one e caus M’s invariably duty and to take ance, is to put the men on n they know [we whe their horses for the field know it is the I ough Alth are practising. to detail men and Orderly Sergeants business 3. ms, as Iain S the horses, still [accuse without their en happ not d quite sure it woul that horses is, of this consent. A direct result have no we and te, get lamed at the last minu

This I attribute to the

them, as we only use trained ones to replace

of us. Yours,

0L 0L.

almost incredible speed, enormous distances,

with all my might. And now, farewell !




CIRCUS MANAGEM ENT. It is now exactly three years since I made my first attempt at organising a circus, as November l5th, 1905, saw our budding elforts. We have given performances during the Army and Civil Service weeks each year, and have

had the honour of performing before H. R. H. The Princess of Wales, [-1. H. The Amir of Afghanistan, H. E. The Con]mander-in-Chief, The Lieutenant~Governors of Bengal and of the United Provinces, Generals innumerable, and finally before Their Excellencies The Viceroy and Lady Minto. Under such patronage we have naturally been spurred to do our best, and I think we can claim to have made some advance.

Though what we ourselves feel is,

items year by year.

fact that I personally have been in charge of the circus since its initiation, my ideas therefore have run in one groove, and I frankly admit that I cannot think of any new turns. In consequence of this the performance of November 20th was my last as manager, and I can only hope that my successor will have the same cordial support. from the members of the circus as I have received, as in this case his duties will be as pleasant as mine have been. Before actually knowing who my successor

will be, 1 should like to point out a few facts,

last circus no less as few as possible. At the es were lamed in hors than five of our regular , and this in week last the in the field with

sanction of the spite of the fact that I had the should

e horses Squadron Leaders that thes not be used. dron Sergeant. I fancy that some Squa the impression r unde are Majors and others in the circus have an that the men employed

fortnight precedlnga easy time during the it is assure them that performance, but I can e

they can spar quite the contrary, and if


and see time, I Should advise them to go down cularly parti on, goes What for themselves ng actrcedi gpre days e thre last the ng duri There are only some cus perfor mance. and nearly half of told, all twenty members ot come to help. cann who s eant Serg are these was over, I nce After our last performa commissionnony ever st almO found out that ed for duty warn been had man and r olfice ed we had the when on the following day. This, t a full mean h whic ntle, disma to whole place less to say Need man. y ever for work day’s and I only I cancelled this arrangement, s with ultie diffic petty the quote it to show The last perwhich one has to contend. by the men formance we gave was marred had had they work the from being over-tired one instant to (loan day. I don‘t suppose for led in even that you realize the work entai s, but havplace their into s chair putting the ation for ing to arrange seating accommod that is what we some 2,000 spectators, and s much more mean nce, orma perf had at the last

work than you know of. I think disNow another very serious, and deal of deligraceful, matter is that a great

, in conse. berate fraud takes place at the gates ators, and spect of er numb quence of which the n do not ssio admi for paid have who er the numb h this whic in ways agree. I know of several benefit of those has been done, and for the

this and see who did it, I hope they will read . paper on how their actions look to 3nd and “ Soldiers in uniform half-price went up to orm unif in er soldi A .“ seats 8rd six seats some took the 2nd class box-office and price to full at led retai he these : at half-price swell not did some civilians, but the balance the circus receipts.

ker being The gate-keeper and the money-ta

er for the one in collusion, it is a simple matt other passes the t to take the money, whils t. ticke a out the man in with has been freIt is also quite simple and their tickets ing pass quently practised, men These de. outsi ing wait back to others




examples should sufiice to show that we are quite alive to what goes on, though so far I

have been unable to entirely cope with it. At the last performance I think I am right in saying that more men of the Regiment patronised us than ever before. Now let us just glance at the receipts from Squadrons for tickets sold. "A” Squadron. Rs. 14-0—0 which represents















23 1 19 5

men man men men

or, in other words, 53 men out ofa total of ,

623 in the Regiment.

Of course, some paid

ready money at the door, and also the Sergeants are not reckoned in the above nu mbers. Now why is it that so few men come, it is not because the canteen is Open, as we do not begin till 9-30, nor should it be on the score of its being a bad show, as I am quite sure that it isavery good eight annas” worth. Is it

perhaps that men think it not worth while going to see others doing what they think they could do just as well themselves. (We are always ready to welcome new talent.) Or, is it simply the old original grievance that I will not allow spectators during rehearsals This I had to stop, owing to the fact that big crowds used to come every night and then on the night of the performance, because they were asked to pay eight annas for their seats, they stayed away. After all this is allittle unreasonable. You do not expectit in the case ofaconcert, so

why should you at the circus?

Were I to

retail the flattering remarks I have heard made by generals, by officers of other regiments, by civilians and by managers of pro. fessional circuses, you would perhaps realize that our efforts are not altogether unappreelated by the outside public, and consequent 1y that, instead of standing aloof from our Regimental Circus, you should support it by every means in your power. We now stand in need of some fresh talent, and this is the time for them to make themselves known to S. S. M. Corke and to start working up new

EAGLE turns, for the next performance which will, I suppose, take place during the Civil Service week. They must come forward in good time, as the ordinary fortnight’s practice which

is enough for old members to work up their turns in, is not sufficient for new ones. G. F. STEELE, Major. “A FAIR 0R FOUL CATCH,”

Forty—five years ago, after an enjoyable day at Henley Regatta with my wife, we got into the train at Henley on our way back to Aldershot. Old Royals will recollect the double

compartment carriages on the G. W. Railway before the broad-gauge was replaced by the narrow-gauge, each compartment being se-


four persons each. A lady and gentleman got in and sat, opposite to us, the lady facing me. She was decidedly pretty and very well dressed, and

he was tall and goodlooking and well got up, In those days—the days of my youlh~ I was very fond of cricket, and had the reputation of being a gOod field and asure catch. Well, the lady and gentleman afore— said began to quarrel, for she wanted the blind of the window between the two compartments up, evidently wishing to be able to see some one in the next compartment while the gentleman was determined to hard it down. They became very angry with each, other, and at last, the day being very hottheir wordy warfare sent me, like Uncle Browser, to sleep. My dreams were pleas ant, for I played over again a cricket match at Oxford ofafew years before, when I made a very fine running catch at long~leg which won the match. I made the catch over again, but alas ! my hands came violently against each cheek of the lady’s face Opposite which, in my dream, was the ball. “Oh ! Arthur,"

exclaimed my horrified wife.

But grasping

the situation as well as the lady ’5 face, I was wide awake at Luce, and in a second huri iedly

I may add that

. became very friendly

at the lady and gentleman


the nex

I took off my hat, day, and when she bowed I did the as cheekily as but did not treat her

day before.


parated by a door and windows, and

the lady, after re. explained matters, so that and sudden smack, covering from my severe epted my humble acc was highly amused, and manner. There: ng rmi cha apology in avery after that, and we al was no more bickering I met";3

who May Ihope that the Royals

not therefore think read this little story will Regimental motto: me unworthy of our “ Spectemur age/“doA. M. ‘7

TOURNAMENT. LUCKNOW POLO . ROYAL DiiAGOONs‘.’ CUP played out on alterThis tournament was -

my Cupweck and pro nate days during the Ar notablythose

matches 2, duced some excellent and. Rod son s. H01 5:, nt ime between the Reg t e Semi-final against and the match in the y tor Vic ry. ‘IIn both these Durham Light Infant t, pom one of row margin was gained by the nar n er extra time had bee aft y onl t firs the and in h 17t The

Widened. played and the goals the Cup With some won y all ntu Lancers eve in the final by

iment ease, beating the Reg y they were far and awa but ; ten goals to three on won and on competiti the best team in the all ground played well e Th . its mer ir the e hav dit to those who through, and does cre had charge of it. First Round.


very level and fast, The first chukker was Early on a foul was . but nothing was scored se and they had to Hor ’s son diven against Hod n m between their ow bring the bill out fro fast


mostly The second chukker-was nces Royals missed two cha

and level, but the in were hot onthe attack of scoring when they kker chu rd thi the In their rivals’ ground.

once and scored. Hodson’s Horse attacked at acking in. their att by The Royals retaliated r first

le scored thei turn and Colonel de Lis the rest of the chukFor . shot fine a. h point wit ng. Score—one goal ssi ker theRoyals were pre r play continued in kkc chu rth all In the fou ards the end of the midfield for a time, but tow down and scored a ran period, Hod son’s Horse was uneventful, except Goal. The fifth chukker l de Lisle, which went lfor along shot by Colone r the Royals had the kke wide In the sixth chu Colonel de Lisle manbest of the struggle and a well directed snot. aged to equalise with of the chukker the der During the remain ts at goal, but failed Royals had two more sho Score—two goalsjall. toincrease their total. ened, and the first wid now The goals were . Play ruled fast up extra chukker com menced but the Royals once and down the ground, goal and time came at nce more missed a cha score. In the second withoutalteration in the Horse first attacked, extrachukker Hodson’s e. Then the Royals wid out butthe ball went back, and Major worked the ball gradually n and scored the dow Makins getting on ran s ended in our thu ch mat The deciding goal.

favour by;three goals to two. de Lisle was, as usual,

For us Colonel




noticeable feature of shooting at goal was a earn as a whole. ns : Mr. Miles, 1 ; warrants—Royal Dragoo Houstoun, .Vlajor Makins, 2; Mr. . back e, Lisl 3 ; Colonel de Vigors, Mr. se: Hor ’s son 9th Hod roi’t, Rowc . l ; Mr. Fraser, 2;Capt k. hac on, 3 : Mr. Atkins Mr. A. A. Tod. Umpires.——Capt. Barrett and Second Round. vs. DURHAM LIGHT THE ROYAL DRAGOONS INFANTRY. the Durhams attackAt the commencement ran the ball down and ed ; and then the Royals ’ ground, and about held it in their opponents the second chukker, In midfield until time.

until the Durhams play continued in midfield




attacked and scored a goal. The third chukker was a fast one and full of incident. The Durhams scored a goal at the outset as a result of a hit in by the Royals, who then had two runs to their opponents’ flags without result.

Then just before the period ended,theDur hams scored a third goal.

goals: Royals, O

Score—Durhams, three

In the fourth chukker the

Royals played up splendidiy and were attacking all through. After overcoming stout opposition on each occasion, they put on two goals, thus bringing the score to three goals to two. In the fifth chukker play began in midfield. Then Colonel de Lisle worked the ball up and with a neat shot equalised at three

goals all.

In the sixth chukker the Royals

attacked soon without result, but making a fresh attempt, Miles got on and put up a goal witha clean shot. The Durhams were then aggressive, but time was called without any further alteration in the score. Tue Royals thus won an exciting game by 't' >ur goals to three. Colonel de Lisle played finely at back and the remainder of the tetm all played up well. Tcmns.~Ro,yal Dragoms : as in the first round. Durham Lignt Infanl ry: Capt, Matthews, l ; Mr. Turner, 2: Major Luard, 8; Capt. Wallace, back. Umpires—Messrs. Pollock and A. A, Tim,

The other match





round resulted in a win for the thh Lancers,

who beat the 18th by 7 goals to one. Final,

THE RoYAL DRAGOOSS H" 17rd Limcans. Major Makins having injured his knee in the previous round, his place in the team was filled by Mr. Irwin. Though the 17th

ran upa large score, the game was not so onesided as might at first


fm. the

Royals made a fine fight against their power fa] opponents at- times; and they were always so verely handicapped through allowing the 17th to puton so many goils quickly at the com-



EAGLE mencent before properly settling down to the game themselves. In the first chukker the 17th Lancers were always on the offensive and actually put on four goals in quick sue» cession In the second chukker, the 17th got on immediately and through the elforls ol" Nutting added one more goal to their score. The Royals then attacked and Miles had two unsuccessful runs, both shots going wide. In the third chukker the Lancers added another pointat once ; and on changing ends ran the ball again into the Royals ground, Here out of melee in frontof goal, the Royaisin attempting to save, put the ball through their own goal. making the score against ihem— seven goals to love Before the chukker ended the Lancers added one more goal. Scorefi eight to love. In the fourth chukker Miles had a clear run and scored the first goal for the


Later, the Royals pressed and

Miles had two unsuccessful shots at goal. The Lancers then attacked, but the Royals reScued the ball and ran it down to the

17th Lancers : Mr. Nutting, Capt. Melville , Mr. Turner and Capt. Lockett (back). Ell/[IIIICn-vhliljfll' Luard and Mr. A. A. 'i‘od. CAWNPORE TOURNAMENT. C‘uOI’lCR ALLEN POLO CUP. 'l‘he Regiment sent in a team of suhalteriis to compete for this cup, the tournament being held during the Cawnpore week. Our team consisted of Messrs. Miles, Irwin,


and Rube. They met the Willshire subalterns in the first round and easily defeated them by ‘7 goals to love. ln the next round we suffered defeat at the hands of the filth Hodson‘s Horse by 5 goals to 3. The competition is open to any team, piovided that not more than two players in it have competed in the Inter-Regimental or Championship 'l‘ournament, or more than three players in Infantry or Native Cavalry Tournaments during the last three years.

Fourth C/Lilk/i'm'.—Mlles scored a goalalmost at once, running down from the throw-in. Play continued in our opponents‘ half for the rest of the chukker. Score—Royals, 4; Wilts, U. Fi/‘lh (1/ml:ker,—Play opened in our half, but Houstoun relieved pressure, and the forwards running it down scored a goal. Later, Miles got on and scored again with aclean shot. Scoreflfioyals, 6 ; Wilts, O. Sz'mfh 0/mlrlrer.——Tlie Royals once more attacked at the close of the game and scored one .nore goal.

Score—Royals, T ; Wilts, U.

’l'emnsflRoyals : Messrs. Rube, I: Irwin= ‘2; Miles, 23 ; Iioustoun, bac': Wiltshires: Messrs Carey-Barnards,

l; Cirter,




Grey, back. L'niplrci— .Vlajors Pennington and L .kiz;. bani-Finals.

”terrains SUBALTERNS Us. um Hoosox‘s Hoass,

F14 .5! Round.

1N. 4,.‘ltu/rlmz—A line galloping bout from first tolast. but nothing was scored. Hous-

ROYALS Soizaitranxs us. li‘iL'rsninn

toun had a clear run, but his final shot missed

Lancers end where C rlonel de Lisle, after one

repulse, scored with a fine shot. Score-winncers, eight: Royals, two In the fifth chukker the Lancers added yet another goal, but soon after the Royals retaliated and through

the efforlsof Miles, brought their thiee.



Score—Lancers, nine: ioyals, three.

The sixth chukker was even and hotly contested, till Lockett got on and carried the bull near the goal,where after a slight check it was put through. Play then remained in midfield till the call of time. The 17th Lancers were thus successful by ten goals to three. For the

toyals Colonel de Lisle and Miles were best, but the team once again showed great weakness in shooting at goal, and in stick play were much inferior to their opponents, who bid fair to become one of the best sides in India, and were certainly far and away the best team in this tournament. Tamils—Royals : Messrs. Irwin, MileS, Houstoun, and Colonel de Lisle (back).


Firs! (.‘ltnlclrer.—'l‘lie Wiltshires commenced attacking, but Boustoun relieved pressure; and the Royals then pressed for the remainder of the chukker without result. Swami ()1m/rke)‘.——'l‘ne Royals attacked early, but our opponents got the ball away into our ground, when Milcs‘ pony came down, and the game was stopped. On resumption, the ball was driven up and down, until the Royals at last made good an alt-ick and scored the first goal. The Royals attacked again before the endcftlie chukirer, but the Wiltshires inanaged to save. Score—Royals, 1 goal. Third o/iii/r/rcr,—Play was confined to the Wiltshires‘ end most of the chukker, the

the goal. 2an Uhn/r/reiweE’lay commenced in midfield. until the 9th got a run to the flags. The ball struck the goalposi and rolled back, and the Ro} als carried it to midfield. Here Houstoun got on and, with a very fine run, scored the

firstgoal. Royals, one: rlodson‘s Horse, love. 3rd (J/lIl/C/t‘t’l‘ —I*‘raser for the 9th got on and scored at once, and the-i Bt'l pressing, Atkinson added another p iint.

Later, after an

attmk by the Royals, Atkinson again ran down and Fraser with a back-hander put the ball through. b‘core ~H-idson’s Horse, 3 goals;

Royals, 1 goal.

In this chukker Capt


croft’s pony came down and the rider was hurt His place was taken by Duffatla r Fnttch .Vl ohain iued


making two unsucceSsl’ul shots


lllz ('Iin/r/r-r.—:\lmost at once Ir‘riu scored

goal. Subsequently they sent the ball th rough, and just before time scored again after a lcear run. Score—Royals, 3 : Wilts, 0.

for the Royals after a good run : and then at the end the 9th scored out of a scrimm tee in

front of goal.

Hodsons Horse, 4: Royals, L‘.

A. . ..,.,.—.....~...,,.‘..,.



'1‘ H E


51h (Vwkker—The 9th added another goal through combination between Atkinson and Fraser. The Royals then pressed. but nothing

battalion proceeds to Burmah, and we lose thereby many friends and good fellows.

further was Royals, 2

at a series of games and a smoking concert in the Mess Room, and spent a most enjoyableevening. Our'good wishes go with them. There is little or nothingr else to record at present. Work, hard \Vt‘l‘K. is still the order of the day and in consequence of the coming of the Inspeclor-Generiil of (lav-airy early in



Horse, 5 :

6th (,‘Izulrker.-—Miles was prominent at this time, and soon scored with a fine shot. Later, he had another run, but his shot just missed the goal, the 9th Hodson‘s Horse thus winning by 5 to 3. It was a good. hardhitting. galloping game all through Mr Houstoun played very finely at back, and of the rest 'Mr, Miles was best. Teams wRoyals—fls in first round :— llth Hodson‘s Horse: Mr Tigers. l ; Mr Fraser, 2:Capt Rowcroft, 3; M r. Atkinson, back

(Vanities—Capt. Pollock and M 1‘. Grey. The Cup was ultimately won by the Durham Light Infantry who beat Hodson's Horse

Edwards, ’l‘imson

ladies came. out on the some boat from


land and were met and married immediately on landing. We were very anxious to have the details of the ceremony, but as. owing to the great distance of Karachi from Lucknow, and the reticence in this regard on the part of the participants, we isnow nothing, we can only give play to our imagination. We prophesied endless confusion and mixing up of brides and bridegrooins (they had not seen each other for nearly live yearS). but as each groom swears he has his right ‘oride, we supposeit isall well. it, however, is rumoured that the party had .- o'ne amusing experiences during the long train journey down country from the seaport. Anyway, we extendahearty welcome to the ladies and wish them much happiness in the Regiment. This will explain our reference to the " Cablegram " in last month‘s Eagle, the cableérain being the announcement that the

brides elect had sailed from home. This month saw the departure from Lucknow of the Oxfordshire Light infantry. The








and nouns.

. Sergeant Sutch.

Musical Ride

By Royal Drngoons.

Kins't'al Direclor

Handmuster Holt.

January. our Christmas festivities must necessarily be of the "' cut and inn ” order.


H. $.31. I. F. and (l. t'orl;e.

Ring Master

5. S. ‘J. It. H. L'ope.

It is on the cards that scvernl important changes will shortly take place in the mess. hutniote of this anon. Meanwhile we assure our old friends of our heartlest wishes for a Merry Christmasond a Happy New Ytar, and will, its usual on the 25th, toast “ Our old Comrades.” U’ Si-iiitiicAX'r.”


R. Q


-: .


and l'iatctliti'e led their respective hlusning brides to the altar of 'l‘rinity Church. The

t8. S. M. (‘Ofii{e. S. N. i. F‘. N G lorkc.

iCorpis Faricll and Wyatt. storpouils Lockyer, Cast,

Roman Riding.r

The performance given by the Reeimontal Circus on the itltli of last month was, in spite of many difficulties, 9. IlltiSti"XCGllGlll one, The occasion was rendered all the more important hV the presence of Their l:;_\t’t;'lll‘1‘.CiPS the Viceroy and Lady Minto wlzo were acrohpanr ed by Lady Violet Elliot, and a small party. There were present also Sir John and Lady Hewett. and a. goodly nu in her of residents and visitors, as well. as a large gathering: of iron} 5. A liox had been erected for the Vice regal party, who dined previously with the ofticersand took their seats at tlioconimcncement of the show. The turns, with slight variation, were the same as have been seen on former occasions,

and were splendidly executed, and deservedThe program me was as ly well received.

l-iidingand Driving

. Royal Dragoons Hand. 8. S. .\i. R. R (lope. t S S. M. I. I". .\' (9. t‘tn‘lv'e,

Sword Club

and Torch l


Vaulting Team

Mexican Trick Ridingr and Lariat,'l‘lirowtng. i ~ Att . i Double .locitey

Corpi. Farrell.

l’te. and lt.‘orpl. Wyatt Taylor. Sergeants ‘hitch, Bean,

i ()orpl. Kite. Stone' Altriiellan and Privates Holmes and Collier. :~ l'rivate Munroe. .\Sergezint ,Stitch I poral Kite.




lencies stayed until the end and expressed Itenisolvts delighted with the performance. lvlajor Steele and Screw nnthIajor Corrie are to be congratulated on the result of their eltorts, as are, also, all those who took part and played up so splendidly.


B‘nian I’nrry. h l'liirl o (' Seaton. h I-larl .t Master s. c :‘raton. h Collier .. (l t' St-aton. 1) Earl McDonald, I) Earl 1‘: In W. b Earl Corp]. hicDrniall, h Earl 1‘ b Stanton i’man Hastings. h Sl'll‘ it'll ,. 3!» h Seiiton :‘iiiastcr Holt. \‘ Wurlks. h I‘l-irl .. 11 not out ll'niun IIH‘vtrs, i- Weeks, h Arnrld .. '33 c t\‘ l» Earl Lavender. h Collier .. T h E..rl M :tnloy, not niit.. T hfientnn Allen, 'n Arnold .. u c Arnold, l:l‘1:irl (ihrinnas, run out o c A“ U _\rnold I‘JJ‘ITHN





.. lhi


" A " SQUADRUN is. HASH. BAND. :‘nuin l’arry. h Knoll " llriloiialtl, Iliiv, h (gun-l; .. Corporal Alt-Donal]. c l{lit‘il.i1['ltll'i{.. ll’innstcr liolt. not out .. ll'nian Rot-vial) Kncl‘ .. “ Lavender. run out Manley, l' .\nLill‘WS l: Plum! Master I; l'lninh K‘lll’lblIlll. .‘ “nix“ nt~ll, n llarl liowws. Inn rut... l‘auo, t: Uln



in c Mlgasziri-s. h l'iiiinh o t'}1l('illil3,i) Measures .. 3 I"! 1? '3

c Mil-hols, h \Vuknoll c Lil-ink. h lint-ll notnnt h Knoll

‘3 no‘ out ii . Inn nzs din-'atriul «Slim-ti,





If r! t «is

.. li-H


" I; " SQL‘A DRON 1w. ll.\.\'Il. 'l'tltal “ l: “ fiotnniiox. ‘.'\ " For] I. Wicks. h Manley Pic. Bray-,1) Hastings .. “ (‘ollii-r, h Reovus Livnt. Li.1’. J.. Cost'ns, Mnnlry .. t'orpl. Stiiiton. c Parry. Mrlhn‘ahl .. i’tti. l‘:£ll'i,il)l:\1‘l(’_\' .. " Arnold. c A". h Mclloniihl .. For; I. \Yt-lch. h Manley, Mr. Cook. h Manlvy .. Evans, h Manley Coi‘pl. Ilrown. notout .. l-IJ'II‘HN

and Cor—

M. .5‘ Cronin

Sergeant Stitch's riding, as usual, elicited much admiration, and S. S. M. 0% e. Pte. M 1111103, and the Cowboys were very popular turns. rlhe clowns were always amusing, and Sergeant lx’apkin‘s performance with his dog “ Waxer " and Mr. tribe’s handsome white hill-pony, \Villiam Henry. was distinctly funny. "i he band, under Mr. Holt, worked hard and crntributed, in addition to the incidental music. some line


l-‘toyal Dragoons’ Hand.

’l‘iiple Iloi izontal Rai 5


Lawrence, and Sergeants


Prior to their leaving, we entertained them

in the final by eight goals to two

The mostiinportant event of the month in connection with the Sergeants Moss, is the which came off at quadruple wedding, Karachi on December .ith. when S Q. M. 5.


E A (1} ‘L it)



ii. h \1 t-I.lmialtl 11 b McDonald lll h Manley 11 h filnuhiy \ h McDonald s I h \v )ltiiiloy is t) 11 T T:

h Manley b McDonald not out. l7.\Il‘1)UIIZIiLl v Luvonder, h Donald '.‘ [fir/rus-

.. ion


1'10. L‘Inil‘l'iliii.t'r‘]1llli(‘_\" h McI‘onuld . “Muir‘s. Ii l\'i:‘;.le_v.. \\':iknt-ll. r Mann-y h McDonald .. Plumb. run l or .. Surat. Wilson, c Chrisinns. ll McDoinihL. l’te. )lit'ht‘ls. h McDonald .. Clark. h Manley Corpl Measures, h M--Donald


3 h )Icl‘onalti \ t' A’ I) M" :Joniiid 'I not out' .7 li Manlny u r t\‘* h )[t-Ilonnld til h )It-I) innitl :1 c Mellouall. Donald


, .\lr~ _,


o r Laivvndt-r, Ii ManIov ..

1"I0.Klll'li, r Ilolt, h Mt-llunald .. Sorgt, ltnpkin. notont .. I’te Andrews, I‘ Mnnh‘v, h llolt .. 15.: [ms ..

A :l c lianh-y. Ii McDonald” 11 h Manley _


i ll McDonald 1 [CW MN

.. llti



REGIMENTAL GAZETTE. I’,-'ullln1(nll.~‘ (HUI Applyinlnicnls.

5332, Leo -5.-‘geant .IlllilIUS‘Oll to ho Sergeant. do. Newton “ .mrl do. 413.“. Unpli. Lur‘ ~501‘gczulb “Pull Srrszennt. Farrier ‘ 5,*Co1‘pl.S.S. Young to IL‘ .inE. Sl‘rg but). In" to Wilson Corporal ‘n. \rporal. firnn to be 0 VJ, Lea-Col'pl. . licrpornl lie to clihnson “ Vanson to bu L'ornorzil. II‘J. Stalkor L10. Farrell .Bnrninghnm to be Corporal SIIOI‘iHH-Slnitli. . ”Emily to bo Unpaid Lnncwlkn’porul. do. Re: ding (lo. Wright (In. Brown do. Knighr (lo. Marlow do. Gallotly dill Buckley lIU. Jarrett. do. llitson dz. I'rill'lIili‘I' do. (l0.


EAGLE {Tapper in England lur lruinl‘vr Al‘lil\' Iil"$l‘l‘\'l‘ (Io ( IH' Torry (In. an'iwl I‘Vl‘lllik'lb

lllv. \IU.



'l'zllior Killii Snolling Slitl‘i‘

Lin. ln\':llill. LIU. lib. lliwlnlrm x.

7.71I'3,Svrgt. Mnlni' in Imlln Min 19 rl'uh‘ SK'I'\ 1w. Jlurriul/(s. 1A1X\VI'OIIC(“A\I\\II‘\‘\\'<. At Tiinity l‘llni'l-li. Kurntlii, 01: [Jul-uniber litli. WIN. 8. (j M. Suruvunl ‘.u\\'» lento 10 I‘iiln'ii- Annl‘ A lill rows. lx'urzii-lil. on lM-oin» 'l‘inisnnr Francis: :\t.’l‘rinily l‘l.nruli, in l‘lllela bur Hill. mos. S, grunt I‘ILIIOILL‘II 'l'iiimni lilimbmh Friinc‘ls. oi. Tri: iiy L‘linruli. Kaimclii. latclill‘o , lloopt-r. _\l ITIIIYIII‘I‘II'k1::IIVIIIIU ti Illwmnlior Ulli. 1w .\ Sorucaini Edith IIUOpl‘l‘. Clllll‘vll. Kul‘lll'lii. ()l. Edw:1nls~C«n:plostlnio. A1 Trinily I‘lLIWle‘kIS lo Lily Decoinhm‘ will. llll‘m SL-ruonnt \Villiznn (,‘Liivpll’stl‘uiir.


Str'l‘ iL'l‘.

yours. . M. I I“. .\ Ii, C.n".<o i'c‘onamge (I In '31 ( 2. .K. Lock (In. Itawkin finish l'\L-"lllii‘lI to 1'3 yums. do. .\'.-\\. Lon " (in. 7 Carol. 51mm l'. LI). lllS .‘Illdllu filljfi‘, PLO.


aitbuf Kiln-anion. 13H, Sprgt. I’innll; :nvzri'dml 1%: i-I;Lss cvrtilic (in. l, Luna—Corpl. Sniwr (lo. llrm lIIO " l do. {room curli151, :lu nrpl Milli-r na~sed (Lump I of .Il. L ion (main of I‘lincu ; :nbject Extra ; m3 SI‘I‘LZI I~‘i<l1or[».issv.l in Mun-reading( 1. He. ljror

( o.

Tl'lllL-sil‘l‘x. Illilléxll IfllllIILlCIll'tI List litu'. Svi'gl‘. Imin‘n 11' xn<11uroll 3toul‘ 'l'nc Chill of Smll foreninluynwnt in Div]. Inllinn Unulttil-licll Sow! ln'lingw ioai [i'zinllvrrL-l 1.. in Volnn. .ni‘ l‘llil)IU)'lll::l1l.lL Lorgl-iinirInsirncmr ' Ijliilt' i'll11ILItl'JIlSIQl‘I‘Oj fro]; I!l"Il.lli arched lli~ IIll‘rll,‘ZlUIl< iiun In Lo rd ..~C.nrp!. (innw Null Q; ml ln>l for einpmyinuni is n Mint-try

Serge-ant-lnstrnciur Morg Pie. (1. H. Furnlbum

EDITORIAL NOTICES. imvinlwl for mil‘limiiinxi .11 H, i" All comnuinimiLion-L llL'l‘lMlllilllliwlI m liililor. unll slivlllll lw should he :lLILII'L‘h\\‘tI ll) ilw illIlIl‘C>\. the writer‘s nonn- uml 1lll\' rum-1. ' ilic in ivn inwponsilx‘zu [or ’l‘lw lillltor will not lIIItIL‘I ‘LI Ii \‘llllIl‘lliL llion IIITIl'NS >lll,'L'Il\II_\' |I=‘,\Il'l :im' n rwinr m no:ml MSW fan in; puiil for uL IIll.‘ r4 ,. of 1:» l's Llu>u. Acre-mod nmliur \\1II M I'lliITk‘LiIIllll',~\lUIl"ii HIIlL'lpm: rolumn. This is only :ulinimiblc

anal min,


Linc (mir\Yl'5EOH to Calcutta as mmporui‘y or. scvr in K“ID\)IH]L Do; sick trawler. I‘ll,1"“.MunrvtllxllilTil‘Iu“ Ill-Marv“. England in ernd'ur to Army T) ‘ ,Sl-Ifit mes M iii). Unllisuu .“.li-j lln. I‘,i}~ y, Corpl hliaw (It). I’tc. Aldril‘ii (in. Snapvs " llL). McllEblwn (1". 'I’lli'nllluvwod (in. Clark

thump, for ~ \ lllllllLIl~ ilwl months llll‘l‘~;lllllllIl1\.l< ‘ 1;” llnnw

‘_. ‘. i I I H Sin l\)lllllll\\.(lilkl ulnfi l



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3'33 18-11%.

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Lllldl'ul'tl Crooks

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in W. s. MJCEK, PRINTED Fol: Tlili Horror.

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