The eagle royal dragoons magazines the eagle 1968

Page 1

N0. 27 [Play 1968

The Journal of




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Amalgamation Report ‘A ’ Squadron

Football Langlauf Ski-ing

"B Squadron


‘C’ d S ‘ X ’ Squadron qua ron

Polo Stables

Rugby Football

HQ. Squadron


Band Warburg 1760 ‘ Manoeuvres and Me ’ ‘ The Pen is Mightier than the Bird ’ Grape Picking in the Mosel Valley ‘An Army Wife’s Lament’ W.O.s’ and Sergeants’ Mess Corporals’ Mess The Regimental Association Hockey Cross—Country Running

Dinghy Sailing Racing Stables Swimming Boxing Orienteering L.A.D. Obituaries Births Marriages Regimental Gazette Extra Regimental Employment


IT would be easy to write here an obituary to The Royal Dragoons. but. apart from allowing myself one brief moment to indulge in an atrocious piece of sentiment (the fruits of which you see at the head of


this column). I shall accept the inevitable

and prepare to do my bit towards amalgama—

Berlin. in August last year, featured as a battlefield in a different sense, but was no less successful: many reputations were won and lost, and The Royals were quick to seize what advantages they could. Exercise ‘Rob Roy.‘ in September, occasioned the witty article entitled ‘ Manoeuvres and Me.’ an account of the discovery of a cigarette with a difference. whilst the announcement on 23rd November of amalgamation with The Blues caused cris de coeur in the form of two anonymous poems. the scansion of whose lines I can only admire! I have included Squadron and sports notes, since they are the best historical record of last year’s proceedings. I hope that all Royals, whether serving with the Regiment or at E.R.E., and Old Comrades will read this edition and will keep it for posterity.



The Royals in Berlin.

These two turn their backs on The Brandenburg Gate.

The presence of The

Wall and the East German patrol makes the notice superfluous.


My new-found interest in The Household Cavalry has not confined itself to reading all three copious volumes of its official history. I now find myself gazing with critical eye at the rusty breastplates of those ‘knights-inarmour ’ which haunt so many dark corners in Germany’s ‘schlosser’; the terms walleye. u-neck and bow-leg have taken on a new piquancy. and I class each soldier. according to his height. either ‘mounted’ or ‘dismounted ‘: above all. perhaps. I look forward to a more exciting and varied life. But this does not help me present this edition of The Eagle to you. You will see from the Commanding OMcer’s article on the amalgamation that The Royal and The Blues both fought at Warburg. The town of Warburg is only thirty miles south of Detmold and I hope that as a result of the account of the battle in this edition. some of you will visit the battlefield.

COVER PHOTOGRAPH Cpl. Murphy is shown here as he appeared at the Edinburgh Tattoo. dressed in the uniform of a Trooper of The Royal Dragoons at the time of the Battle of Waterloo. Old Comrades will shake a knowing head and will tell you that in their day the height restriction in the Royals was 5ft. lOins. Unfortunately. with the prohibitive costs of making new uniforms. it was a matter of ‘tailoring’ a soldier to fit the only uniform we had.

THANK YOU 1 The Editor wishes to thank all those who have contributed notes. articles and photographs in this Journal. Now persuade your friends to help with the next edition.

AMALGAMATION A Progrem report by the Commanding Officer HE official announcement of the amalgamation of The Royal Horse Guards with The Royal Dragoons was made on 23rd November, 1967. You will have heard about this, either by a letter from

The Colonel of the Regiment, or by a letter from the Regiment in Germany, or by the Newsletter sent out by Major ‘ Spud ’ Lewis. My object in writing this is threefold: firstly to tell you something about The Blues; secondly to tell you how preparations for amalgamation are progressing, and lastly to give you some thoughts on the future.

Royals (Royal Horse Guards and lst Dragoons).’ The title that will be generally used is ‘The Blues and, Royals.’ The abbreviated title for staff duties use has yet to be decided. Her Majesty The Queen has graciously accepted the Colonelcy of The Blues and Royals on its formation in March, 1969. The Regiment will be formed as an armoured regiment, equipped with the new Chieftain tank, in Detmold. where The Royals are currently serving. Most of the problems concerning dress

Royal Horse Guards were raised,

have been agreed between the two Regi-

like us, by Royal proclamation in 1661. They were actually raised by Lord Oxford. their first Colonel, and became known as Lord Oxford’s Regiment of Horse. This Regiment wore Lord Oxford’s livery of dark blue as their uniform and very soon became known as ‘The Blues.’ This familiar title is older than our own of ‘ The Royals.’ which dates back to 1683. The Blues were made a regiment of the Household Cavalry in 1820, in recognition of their distinguished conduct at Waterloo. Since their formation, The Blues’ history has paralleled our own.. Until the First World War our battle honours are very similar; we fought together, often in the same brigade, at Dettingen, Warburg. Beaumont, Willems. Penninsular, Waterloo, and in The Boer War. In the First World War. both Regiments saw service on the Western Front, and in the Second World War we both saw service

ments and await ratification by the Ministry of Defence. With the exception of the ceremonial full dress uniform, which remains The Blues’ pattern, all dress matters have been solved on the basis that purely regimental. as opposed to Household Cavalry. details should be equally shared so that the parentage of The Blues and Royals can be seen in its uniform. In this connection. all Royals will be pleased to hear that the Eagle will be worn by all ranks on all forms of dress. At present The Blues have a Sovereign’s Standard. a Regimental Standard and two Squadron Standards. The Blues and Royals will have a Regimental Guidon in place of the Regimental Standard and. until a new


in Syria, North Africa, Italy, France and

Germany. Since the war the two Regiments have often been neighbours in the same theatre. All the many problems which arise from an amalgamation are currently being met, but in our case the amalgamation is complicated by the fact that a line cavalry regiment is joining a household cavalry regiment. and that we change Corps from The Royal Armoured Corps to The Household Division. The name of the new Regiment, which was recently announced is to be ‘The Blues and

Regiment. whether they are at E.R.E. or With us in Detmold, and this is being done now. We are writing to all at E.R.E. to discover their preference and, where possible, they will be interviewed by an officer of the Regiment. Here in Detmold the selection 18 done by a board chaired by Major Bradish-Ellames, and its selection will be confirmed by myself. We aim to be able to tell all serving Royals in July whether. or not, they will be required by The Blues and Royals. In September we hope to be able to tell all Royals who are to serve in The Blues and Royals just where they will actually go; they might stay in Detmold or go to the Mounted Regiment in London; they might go to the Training Squadron at Pirbright or to one of the Parachute Squadrons or to a normal E.R.E. job. Also, in September. we expect to be able to tell all those Royals not needed in The Blues and Royals where they will serve. This selection is one of the hardest things that we have to do for amalgamation. I am very conscious of the fact that many soldiers will be asked to go who have given their best to the Regiment and who are very loyal Royals. Please be assured that we will do our very best to place you in

the position of your choice if you are not selected for the new Regiment. Now, as to the future, The Blues and Royals will serve in Germany, at Detmold, as an armoured regiment, equipped with Chieftains, until some time in 1971. The Regiment will then relieve the Life Guards at .Windsor and become an armoured car regiment for the next three and-a-half years; during this time it will be part of the Strategic Reserve and will have one Squadron abroad. I would like to say that we in Germany have swallowed our sadness at the prospect of the end of The Royal Dragoons after three hundred and eight years of glorious service. Our morale is high, and we intend to maintain the high standards of The Royal Dragoons until the very day of amalgamation. We are glad that, since amalgamation has been ordained, we are to join with The Blues, and we are confident that The Blues and Royals will uphold the fine traditions of both The Royal Horse Guards and The Royal Dragoons. Finally. I would like to say that I am quite convinced that The Blues and Royals will be a very happy and a very strong Regiment. Spectemur Agenda /

Guidon is issued, The Royals’ Guidon will

be kept and used in equal precedence with The Blues’ Regimental Standard. In due course new Standards will also be issued, and these will incorporate The Royals’ battle honours, which will also be embroidered on all full dress shabraques. Royal will also be pleased to hear that our trumpet banners are to be used in the ceremonial life of The Blues and Royals on regimental occasions. The number of serving Blues and Royals needed in the new Regiment has been settled. We are each to provide soldiers in proportion to our existing cap badge quotas and the Armoured Regiment will be manned equally by ex-Blues and ex-Royals. Within The Royals we will be selecting our quota from all serving members of the

THE EAGLE You can get a copy as follows: (1) Anyone by making an annual subscription. Send your correct address to the Editor and you can get your copy direct from the publishers. (2) As a retired other rank by subscribing to the Regimental Association. (3) As a serving soldier through your Squadron. (4) By writing to the Editor enclosing the sum of 5s. The Colonel of the Regiment evidently enjoyed his drive round the tank park in a Chieftain.




75 Years

UR achievements on Troop Training were not fully highlighted in the last Eagle: this was due. in the main, to the Squadron Leader’s inability to cancel his York Races arrangements. However, it would be wrong not to include the fact in some publication that First Troop, showing their normal dash. drive and disregard for damage, were the overall winners in the Troop Tests. and that Second Troop, last year‘s winners. felt their way round the night section to show they hadn‘t completely lost their touch, and were adjudged to be the winners of this. even though Tpr. Bramble decided to break his leg. providing a red line casualty, half-way round the course. One of the best features of Troop Training was the quiescence of the Rain Gods. Indeed, throughout all our summer training they remained happy. and by so doing made life enjoyable. We are prepared to sacrifice almost anyone to keep them in a happy frame of mind until after the 1968 Troop Training, which is to be held in early March. The month of June brought with it a new S.S.M. and S.Q.M.S.. and we said a sad au revoir to Mr. Watorski who left us to count socks and CB. suits in the higher spheres of the Regiment. Over the past few years he has had four very successful ones with the Squadron, and his “Come ’ere you!” resounding down the corridors will be sadly missed. (Tpr. Ward now becomes the longest serving member of the Squadron). We welcome S.S.M. Lloyd in his place and at long last an S.Q.M.S.—S.Q.M.S. Heath. Neither of them had experienced before the devious ways of the Squadron, but they were soon indoctrinated and did an excellent job at our next port of calliHohne Ranges. Here we fired and sunbathed. and from here Capt. Spencer, Lt. Barrie and 2/Lt. Wheeler led

expeditions to the Baltic. Capt. Spencer kept telephoning from remote islands to say that we were to carry on without him and his crew (sailing boat this time) on the Monday morning as their chances of getting back

were fairly negligible: this was due either to lack of wind or to Danish hospitalityfiwe can’t remember which. 2/Lt. Wheeler‘s party‘s aim was to make a (financial) assault upon the Casino at Travemunde, but as most of them spent the night on the beach it need not be mentioned that this particular aim was not fulfilled. Meanwhile, back on the ranges all went well. Conditions were desert-like at times, but Sgt. Cox, who had taught us almost all we knew during our pre-range training, got a “ mention in despatches ” (the Annual Firing Report) for his good shoots on the battle runs (assisted by Loader L/Cpl. Frampton and by Gunner Tpr. Howell) in the ’dozer. Old “A” Squadron members. please note, it actually fired more than one round! From Hohne we went straight to Soltau for Squadron Training. Here. the ’dozer once more decided that it preferred to be static until eventually prevailed upon by S/Sgt. Town and his team. However. the best of us kept moving pretty taste“ All the way with dashing ‘A’” was the cry. We attacked “C” Squadron. drove through HQ. Squadron leaguer and joined up with The RGJ on the last three days. On 22nd July we said goodbye to Soltau for another eight months. left behind a small maintenance party and a half-Squadron of rather tired tanks, and packed our bags for Berlin. A selected party of single soldiers and the S.S.M. formed “A” Squadron’s contribution to “X ” Squadron, the composite Squadron detailed to take over duties from “A” Squadron l R.T.R. for six weeks; but you will find our distractions in the Divided City reported in another article. Suffice it to say that the lessons learnt in night training stood us in good stead for the operations we were expected to carry out up the sharp end. On Exercise “Rob Roy” in September, we were able to spend plenty of time studying the autumnal flora and fauna in various Westphalian woods and forests: we were required to hide and to prepare for a ‘ hap-

Concern_ over the Squadron Leader’s welfare. Neither it nor the tent lasted long. Tpr. Augustine, L/Cpl. Docherty, Capt. Spencer, Major Scott.

“ Sarge!

My B47’s up the creek. I ca ’t

“O.K., we’ll have NAAFI break.”



n ge 12‘

2nd Troop say “ Guess who?”

Exercise “Rob Roy.” 3rd Troop anticipating trouble entertain the police.

it But they didn’t bargain for this!

appears miraculously!

However, 18A

pening ‘ which never in fact happened! Nevertheless. First Troop (it would be!) feeling that one particular Westphalian hamlet, well-known for its beauty, was being spoilt by over-building, decided to take a house away with it. Second Troop, one frantic night, went into the pharmaceutical business; they concocted a mixture of hair cream, hand cream and gun oil in order to deal the death blow to an earwig which had climbed into Tpr. Nettlingham’s ear. After several applications at different temperatures the creature was two hours later pronounced drowned, although some say it was flushed out at the other ear. Third Troop gave a number of good parties, played a lot of draughtts and developed a flourishing rustic furniture industry. Stalwart Troop excelled themselves by over-inflating the Squadron Leader’s tent. although when it burst some hours later with an ear-splitting crack which must have woken them from their innocent slumbers. none were available to rescue the helpless figure struggling beneath mounds of green canvas. November saw three very fine sporting achievements. First 2 / Lt. Wheeler, and L/Cpls. Emberson {just returned from a long holiday in Cyprus and the highest individual scorer of the competition), Mills and Harman, looking like black and white striped drowned rats. won the cup for the best team at the Brigade Orienting Meeting. Next Tpr. Bramble, successfully mended after Troop Training, won the Regimental cross-country

race and the Squadron came second overall, and lastly we had a convincing win in the Novices‘ boxing. The large Squadron team amassed a great number of points and produced five winners in the final. An equally convincing win was achieved the following month when we walked out easy winners of the R.A.C. miniature range competition. A large number of the Squadron went away over Christmasiand came back; some were in time to join the party led by Lt. Scott 0f Bavaria, to conquer the ski slopes of Wertach. They took over the hut from the Regimental langlauf team which included three members of the Squadron, 2/Lt. Wheeler and L/Cpls. Harman and Lane. We take this opportunity of saying goodbye to Lt. Barne. who. when not ski-ing and when recovered from mumps brought on by excitement of promotion, goes as Second-in— Command to “ B ” Squadron. Tpr. Augstine leaves us to take up some important appointment in Barbados, and finally Sgt. Hollis, for so many years a pillar of strength in our Fitter Section, goes to a place where he is unlikely to be troubled by sleepless nights or by desperate calls for 18A. We wish them all good luck as we do to all other members of the Squadron who are enjoying a prosperous civilian life, Next year will be different (new tanks and equipment) and the last for “A” Squadron, The Royal Dragoons, a going concern since 1897: we intend to go out in a blaze of glory.

‘$”SQUADR0N Let Loose on a Black Night THESE notes cover the period from June, 1967, up to January, 1968. The whole of June was spent in preparation for Hohne Ranges and we moved into a very well pre— pared camp on 26th June. The sun shone and the rations must have been unusually good as it was noticed that certain members of the W.O.’s and Sergeants’ Mess had trout for breakfast every day. In between firing on the ranges we managed to complete a ten mile march which the whole Squadron carried out successfully and in good time. Having ensured that we all did the march,

S.S.M. Woods departed for HQ. Squadron. It is appropriate here to pay a tribute to all he has done for the Squadron. His boundless enthusiasm and interest in sports resulted in the Squadron teams always being properly prepared and trained and therefore being the winners of successive athletics, swimming, cross—country and boxing matches. We have also more than held our own in hockey and football. In addition he has completely reorganised the Squadron bar and by his hard work and unfailing interest in individuals, has done much to build up the “B ” Squadron spirit to its present high level. Best wishes to him in HQ. Squadron and we look forward to knocking hell out of any H.Q. Squadron team which he cares to put against us. Squadron and Regimental Training followed directly after the ranges and, in spite of the limited training areas, was interesting and varied. We operated around the clock. and if interest flagged the Colonel was always there with new ideas. During the last week of July and all August, we had half the Squadron in Berlin

Maior Boucher about to hold forth to “B ” Squadron 0 Group.

A.Q.M.S. Bumfrey explains his problems to a concerned S.S.M. Leese. Of course the tanks are


and half the tanks on loan to l R.T.R. Everyone returned in time to get ready for “ Rob Roy”; indeed some people were so keen to get back to Detmold that they returned unexpectedly after only a few days

(and nights) in Berlin. Tpr. Craig took the opportunity whilst in Berlin to study infantry training methods at close quarters. Exercise “ Rob Roy” was carried out in superb weather over what was, before the exercise at any rate, a very attractive part of Germany. We were fortunate to be detached to a different battle group and thereby had more to do than some of the rest of the Regiment. A.Q.M.S. Bumfrey and his team performed the miracles we have almost come to take for granted; their help enabled us to carry out four successive night moves at full strength, and to finish the exercise, by this time back under the command of the Colonel, with a complicated minefield breaching and attack across country on the blackest night that can be imagined. The fitters not only ensured that every tank returned to Detmold fit but also earned the reputation for never failing to answer on the air. Even Sgt. Bell couldn’t think of anything rude to say to them. The U.E.I. and F.F.R. are too recent and too boring for me to waste ink over them. Suffice it to say that a lot of hard work produced the required very high standards for all the inspections. Over the same period we sent a contingent to do the Sennelager guard, gave a demonstration of night fighting equipment and won the Regimental crosscountry and boxing competitions. 1968 promises to be eventful to say the least, with the change to Chieftains and preparation for amalgamation with the Blues. Both these changes are going to make life more varied and more interesting and can only, in the end, make service in the Regiment better for everyone. There are so many in the Squadron who could do the next job up that it is invidious to single out those who have been promoted for special mention. However, congratulations to S.S.M. Leese. Cpls. Craig, Dufton, Smithers


Unsworth, and

to L/Cpls.






Calvert and Smith, all of whom have been promoted since the last issue. . Capt. Lockhart has gone off to be a serentific new-look. switched-on staff officer. and wishes he was back. Lt. Shepherd-Cross is something in the City whilst Lt. Wrigley is battling to keep the foot and mouth from his



fields. Sgt. Wood has left us on promotion and Sgt. Greatrex is now at Castle Martin. L/Cpl. Summerfield has changed his uniform for that of a London policeman; no doubt Tprs. Clarke and Crittenden, also out of the Army, will be trying to keep out of his way. whilst Tpr. Donovan will be trying to prove that postmen do occasionally run.

Smith shows interest as O'Connor gets out the fags. Beale and Greer approve.


Bailey’s smug looks belie the concern shown by L/Cpl. Dufton, Greer and Beale over their geny.

Problems here too?

It must be the radios.

‘@”SQUADR0N A Loquacious Prisoner AM today! The Regiment’s first three Chieftains have arrived and are stabled in the “C” Squadron fitters’ hangar. No sooner had UEI finished than we sent three drivers and three gunners under Cpl. Dixon down to the l7/21st Lancers to learn about the new beast. We already had, of course, A.Q.M.S. Brooker who had done a Chieftain course, and Cpl. Livingstone and L/Cpls. Coleman and Hughes who had done Chieftain trials at Bovington. Crews from all the Squadrons will be shooting on our Chieftains at the end of February and we then take them on troop training in March. Talking of UEI. we were very pleased to be told that the Squadron had got the best results of any Squadron in 20th Armoured Brigade, so all the hard work and midnight oil was well worth it (well done the Night Fighting Troopl). We went to press last time just after troop training. At the end of June we departed for Hohne and Soltau having worked hard to get all the tanks ready. All the guns fired well and by and large the standard of shooting was good: a special mention must be made of the heavy aCk-ack fire produced by 38A. and of c/s 34 which came 3rd in the Regimental urgent target shoot. We also

managed to find a day to take a bus up to Travem'tinde where the local talent was said to be quite something. The Squadron spent the weekend before Soltau on Hohne Training Area; there was considerably more scope for tank tactics here than at Soltau, and a very considerable number of insects too! One 01‘ two Troop leaders, who shall be nameless, seemed to find navigation rather difficult on their way to the beginning of the Wiezendorf Corridor. Meanwhile a rather harassed S.Q.M.S. had been moving our marquees and other baggage from Hohne to Soltau; we owe a lot to S.Q.M.S. Poulter and his team for all the hard work and foraging for extra food—— pork and strawberries, etc! Soltau will be remembered for several thingsinoddy suits and gas masks. the Infantry Platoon that was despatched as demolition guard and wasn’t seen or heard of again. that new road that wasn’t marked on the map, and the inter-squadron night exercises when we massacred “B” Squadron and ran rings around “A” Squadron (or was it the other way round!). One of the most encouraging aspects of Soltau was the way crews looked after and maintained their tanks. thereby achieving a high serviceability rate. Exercise “ Rob Roy ” in October was un-

Abdul, far from the Israeli/Arab war, sees how it’s done with Lt. Brook, Sgt. Howell and A.Q.M.S. Brooker.

Exercise “ Merry Mood.” ‘ No need to look so chuffed!’ Tpr. McGowan bogs at a critical moment.


Bell and S/Sgt. Wood.

Dressed for disaster in case Tpr. Savage’s Stalwart goes to the bottom.



fortunately rather a dull exercise. However, in the end we were loosed and given our chance. and for the first time we were allowed to move tactically at night. Assisted by some excellent patrolling by Cpl. Budden of the Recce Troop and by a highly efficient platoon of 3 Queens. we forced our way through a Canadian minefield and established ourselves before dawn on some high ground in the rear of the Canadians. At first light. having clearly taken the enemy by surprise. we pressed on and captured our bridge by 08.30 hours. i.e. half a day ahead of schedule: we were then reinforced by a helicopter-borne company of 3 Queens and the exercise came to a premature end! Two weeks later saw us on another exer— cise. “ Merry Mood ”1 this time we were under command of HO. R.A.C. and opera— ting with the armoured car Regiments. 10H and 4 RTR. against the 2nd U.S. Armoured Cavalry. a Netherlands APC battalion and a Canadian Recce Squadron. After a slow start this was an interesting and amusing exercise and we were fully employed. We found ourselves being regrouped virtually every 24 hours and were at some time or another under command of 4 RTR. 10H. 3 Queens and H.Q. R.A.C., and had a company of Greenjackets under our command for most of the time! At one stage the Squadron only just managed to get into a blocking position in time and 3rd Troop held up hordes of US. M60 tanks, L/Cpl. Haynes being specially congratulated by Brigadier Howard-Dobson who watched the battle. 4th Troop subsequently made a great execution so that even the US. umpires eventually agreed to our claims. American security indoctrination is obviously good. One night when in close leaguer, the sentries saw an M114 approach, halt and go to ground. The Squadron was alerted and our infantry platoon was despatched to sort the enemy out. Ten minutes later they returned with an American Sergeant as prisoner. “What are you doing?” he was asked? “ 3526 Sgt. C. Roberts Junior,” was the reply. “You realise your M114 has been destroyed?"

“ 3526 Sgt. C. Roberts Junior.” “ How far away is the rest of your unit?" “ 3526 Sgt. C. Roberts Junior.” In the end we let him go! As usual we have been exporting talent in all directions and new material has been joining us. Our greatest loss was to see S.S.M. Simpson depart for Hong Kong, The Squadron owes a very great deal to his hard work and leadership. and to his drive and energy. particularly in the Squadron Club which has gone from strength to strength. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Simpson all the best and a happy tour in Hong Kong (rumour has it that Hong Kong race meetings provide much hard work and binoculars have many uses). In his place we welcome back to the Squadron S.S.M. Tucker. Sgt. Heath has left us to become S.Q.M.S. “A" Squadron and Sgt. Hayes to S.Q.M.S. H.Q. Squadron—congratulations to them both. Lt. Scott elected to resign his commission as soon as he knew he was coming to “ C ” Squadron from Recce Troop; his stay with us was unfortunately all too short but none the less refreshing. Sgt. Evans has departed to Catterick, but not before winning the Regimental rally with Tpr. Faulkner at the wheel of his three-tonner. Sgt. Clark departed to the


The first Chieftain arrives at the back gate.

Oh, those bins! How will beds, gas cookers, etc., fit in?

A.A.C. at Tidworth (and future matrimony!)

and Sgt. Melia has gone to Lulworth. Tpr. Shirley has left us to have a look at ‘ Civvy Street ”—we hope to see him back soon! We have also lost L/Cpls. Styles and Rudge. whilst O’Callaghan has gone off to Bahrein. and Langton to the Para Squadron. Sgt. Byrne has unfortunately been posted, and Sgt. Howells has replaced him. We congratulate Sgt. Strudwick on his promotion, and also Cpl. Ford, now in R.H.Q. Troop. and L/Cpls. Butler, Cokayne. Gibbs and Markwick. We welcome Sgt. Hayward from Lulworth and Cpl. Adams from R.H.Q. We congratulate L/Cpls. Williams and Markwick and Tpr. Thompson on winning their weights in the open boxing, and wish L/Cpls. Willioms and Dutschak good luck in Reece Troop. ‘ C ’ Squadron teams came second and third in the Regimental orienteering meeting—the teams were: Cpl. Melbourne. L/Cpl. Haynes, Tprs. Palmer and Mitchell. and Sgt. Strudwick. L/Cpls. Coleman and Markwick and Tpr. Swannell. Sgt. White points out the short cuts to maintenance. “ Aye, it grrreases itself!”






most were together.

The Kufuxstendamm by night, the Memorial Church in the background.

YOU may have read elsewhere in this Journal about “X" Squadron: this was a composite squadron concocted largely from “A” and “ B ” Squadrons. and whose military task was to crew the tanks in Berlin whilst the rightful owners were away training on Soltau. This is the tale of “ X ” Squadron, the exploits of whose members were more notable by night than by day, were

as long as your arm: every time I tried to memorise this list I was overcome with nausea for I felt I was destined for the Lubljanka gaol. In trepidation I drove towards the Iron Curtain certain that I was committing some heinous deed. when out jumped a man in jackboots and a mauve hat. I was caught. He signalled to me to follow him and he led me to a little concrete block (could only be a cell). In there, there was another ‘mauve hat’ who studied the documents and wrote various heiroglyphs in a black book. Eventually and incredibly I was signalled that I could proceed and. with a murmur of ‘ Spacibo,’ I walked out feeling much better after my first brush with Marx and Lenin. You can therefore imagine my surprise when, having successfully evaded the Communists, I entered West Berlin to find large wooded areas, extensive lakes, a well-planned city with wide streets and parks and above all, seemingly, a carefree atmosphere.

daring without ever being chivalrous, were

fraught by lack of ready money and were nearly always unprintable. Its existence for a period of six weeks was all too short. I expected to find Berlin a congestion of massive concrete buildings tightly encircled by barbed wire and The Wall. the Berliners dying from claustrophobia and secret agents furtively dodging from door to door. My journey from Detmold had done much to strengthen this belief, for at Helmstedt at the head of the one and only autobahn to Berlin and which leads through East Germany, the M.P.s gave me a list of ‘ don’ts ’

cm, W


better effect than others!

14 15

Berlin was, of course, never intended to be a divided city, but after the war the prize was cut up and doled out to the Allies. Russia, having liberated the city and in so doing lost 250,000 men, was given the entire eastern half, fourteen out of the twenty—eight sections; the United States was given eight sections and Britain six, though at a later stage she gave two to France because morale amongst the ‘ Frogs ’ in those days was pretty low and we have always been ones for cementing the ‘Entente.’ So. if a circle is drawn round Berlin. there are Russians in the East, Americans in the South—West. British in the West and French in the NorthWest. This was intended as a temporary measure in 1945 but the City ‘has its problems’ and anyway. it gives the four Generals on the Quadrapartite Liaison Committee ample chance to discuss the relative merits of tea, vodka, chewing-gum and garlic. When they built The Wall, the Communists with their propaganda tried to convince East Berliners that it was to keep Capitalists out. Wreaths at various places along The Wall and the constant patrols of ‘Vo Pos’ (East German Police) reminded us that this was not the reason. I was angry at the complete futility of this situation. Twenty per cent of West Berlin is woodland and six per cent is water. The Grimwald is used by the Berliners for their Sunday afternoon walks, though a surprising number take to their boats on the Havel. Industry in Berlin used to rely on the barges to bring in raw materials. Now the only industry is in light electrical equipment, but the barges still use the canal from Hamburg to bring in goods. These were to cause great havoc amongst “X” Squadron’s large party of canoeists and sailors. whose complete ignorance of the rules of navigation brought not only voluble oaths from the barge masters, but often a capsize in the wake of the barge. The centre of Old Berlin is now in the Eastern sector, and from this centre all the roads (they are the widest I have ever seen) run out fanwise. This idea, originated by Kaiser Wilhelm IV who won over the local council, gives a feeling of spaciousness in Berlin. Originally the trams ran up the centre of the roads leaving three lanes on either side for cars, but now very few trams

run in the City and the middle of the road is used for parking cars. The centre of the Western sector is the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church. Of the original church only the broken spire remains as an impressive tribute to those who died in the blitz on Berlin, but next to it has been built a new church a la mode in an octagonal shape with stained glass at every possible excuse. At night the floodlights pick out the two in clear and effective contrast. Next to the Memorial Church is the Europa Centre; this is a tall, new glass building, with a prominent revolving Mer— cedes sign on top, and inside which is an ice rink. Also in this area is the Berlin 200 which is well stocked with a comprehensive and interesting range of animals and also has an elaborate aquarium. The area of the City is fairly flat but rising out of the Griinwald and visible from all directions is a steep hill over 300 feet high.

This hill (called The Truffelberg) is the highest of seven built out of the rubble of Berlin: it is now grass-covered and planted with trees and supplies ski-ing facilities for the Berliners. Going through The Wall into the Eastern sector is no problem in a military vehicle, but even so I was consciously on my best behaviour just in case some excited Cossack should pinch my ID card and march me off. The only crossing place for the Allies is Checkpoint Charlie where there is always a crowd of onlookers in attendance hoping for an incident. The sector in no way compares in splendour and opulence with the rebuilt city of the West. There are many scarred skeletons of buildings and churches and rubble-strewn areas: little effort has been made to repair buildings whose pock-marked walls are grim reminders of 1944. However. the centre of the old City and many of the large historical buildings still standithe Dome Cathedral (derelict and disused). the

National Gallery. the famous street ‘Unter den Linden ’ and a magnificent street of new blocks of flats to house Party members. After the quiet social life of Detmold. it was quite a change to find people waking up after 6 o’clock in the evening. The night life in Berlin is varied and extensive and limited only by the depth of the pocket, but the pocket needs to be pretty deep. The centre of the city at night is the Kurfurstendamm 16

Royals gloat over Tpr. Shepherd’s predicament; the Alsatian is poised to attack at the slightest excuse.


where very pretty young girls and very smelly bockwurst stands compete for customers. The bockwurst were quite excellent. There is entertainment for every taste from the new Berlin Hilton which will wine. dine and dance you very badly for a great deal of money. to a back-street bar called ‘Stephanies’ (or ‘Stephs‘ to the initiated) where the beer is cheap. the girls cheaper and nobody really minds. An Indonesian

lady. who runs a well known club. did an act with a mink stole that would have made the mink start from its grave! I am sure the National Fur Company are quite unaware of the potential of their products? I rather think it was just as Well we were only in Berlin for six weeks as our own economy would have collapsed had we Stayed any longer. and i think Berlin‘s collapsed when we left.

H.Q. SQUADRON SHQ and Royal Signals TrooP A Jungle in the Squadron Office AMALGAMATIONS being fashionable (l) we decided to combine the two Troops, regardless of cap badges, to provide a Squadron ‘ nerve centre’ both in the field and in barracks. On paper the Royal Signals detachment play the role of ‘ visitors ’ from the Brigade Squadron, but in reality the ‘Swift and Sure’ are still with us and the system works well. Last year Major 0. J. Lewis retired from the Army to be replaced as Squadron Leader by Major C. B. Amery. We thank Major Lewis for all he has done. We understand that his love of the ‘ Jolly Roger ’ has driven him and his boats to the old smugglers haunts in Cornwall, where, we hope, he may pick up more than a Pakistani immigrant or two. We also say goodbye to S.S.M. Paul (now W.O.I.) who has joined UNFICYP in Cyprus; he presided over our ‘ Empire ’ with wisdom and a sense of humour. Sgt. McMahon (Royal Signals) is now at Sandhurst; his legacy is a high reputation in communications. and it is his fault that we continue to be made to assume control on the Brigade Administrative Net when Brigade H.Q. decides to move Major Amery is an enigma (we think)! Cpl. Sproats despairs as the paper work in the ‘in tray ’ grows; the S.S.M. is dismayed about rulings on tentage in the Echelon and the OM. climbs cursing from his bunk with every innumerable Echelon move. But it was with S.S.M. Woods‘ arrival (armed with a

Your Luck by ‘Bagpipes’ PISCES A quiet week with a pleasantly congenial atmosphere especially in the tank hanger. A windfall will come your way on Thursday. Don’t forget your ID card.

AQUARIUS Delay an early start to the month. You will start a journey to Hohne where you Wlll enjoy yourself immensely. Enter into the party spirit.


jungle of plants) that we noticed that hats were worn a little straighter. hair a little shorter and everyone moved about a bit quicker. We welcome Sgt. Coatsworth, L/Cpl. Firth and Sig. McMahon on their introduction to the Cavalry. In the field we have concentrated on making our ‘nerve centre’ more efficient. We’ve certainly had enough practice with all those demands. but it can be done only with

willing “Rob tions. L/Cpl.

co-operation on all sides. Exercise Roy” did not come up to expectabut S.Q.M.S. Brooks, Cpl. Nash, Johns, Sigs. Swinhoe, Norsworthy,

etc.. were all ready to compete with the

Sabre Squadrons. in spite of the new Squadron Leader breaking all rules by leaguering in woods instead of villages. However, we look forward to proving our system this year. as does Tpr. Dunn to disposing of his Landrover with or without LAD assistance.

R.H.Q. Troop A Bird of Prey THE take-over bid in R.H.Q. Troop is now just about complete; S.S.M. Tucker went to “C” Squadron on promotion, but unfortunately the one thing “C” Squadron would have appreciated. and we wouldn’t have missed, he refused to take; the Bridgelayer remains with us! However, the monster has spent more time than usual on the road this year due. we feel, to Tprs. Pearce’s and Glass’ rather special handling; we have admired their steady nerve as they have eased it along narrow village streets, through woods and in darkness and fog. their only reward. a few thousand apples. On exercises we have met with marked success due to Sgt. Wood’s skill and patience. and our capacity to calm irate officers with compo chocolate and cups of tea produced at the psychological moment. Failure can always be measured by the number of microphones dashed to bits on the side of the 432. and this year there was not one. In addition, Cpl. Barrett kept at bay a Fantasian 432 with nothing but a carving knife. and the Second—in-Command caught a glimpse of a greater spotted . . . etc. sparrow winging its way over Hohne ranges: however. his driver swears it was the R.S.M. practising star jumps on the distant horizon with a cup of

tea in his beak. On the sporting side L/Cpl. Sibley won the

Sportsman of the Year award, and we won the inter-Troop football. Lt. Lewis and Sgt. Wood now manage our affairs. but no doubt they will miss the long standing experience of Cpl. Adams. L/Cpls. Bolt and Morris. and Tprs. Pearce. Mowbray. Coggins and King.

Recce Troop

M.T. Troop St. Christopher v. Barbara Castle VEN Mrs. Barbara Castle could do little to mar the morale in M.T. Troop, though quite a coincidence was the advent of the breathalyser and the departure of L/Cpl. Fielding and Tprs. Allison and Hanley! In fact. St. Christopher has been rather more on our side for all the vehicles have done 13.000 Kms., and some 20,000, in the last year with a steady decline in accidents. At Hohne there was again the daily battle

Clay Baked Ferrets? ‘OMPARED with previous years Recce Troop this year has been blissfully for the milk run (Joe won by miles ! ! l) but peaceful. For instance. at Holme we had the unlucky ones lived on tea and wads at only two days on the range; the other twelve the Round House by way of consolation; days were spent spud bashing with the and if not tea. then trout, for the Troop fishSquadron canteen as our administrative ing syndicate. S.Q.M.S. Cummings and Co.. backing. Even on Soltau there was time for put up a brilliant performance once it was leisure. though the hazards of ‘nook’ suits discovered that the transport detail could be were brought home to Tprs. Notridge and run from the bank of the stream, Tpr. Hawes Smith (118). when they found that, when proved that punctuality pays when he re‘sitting‘ in a contaminated area, one coneived a handsome present from the l.G’s. tracted not radiation sickness but extra for good service. guard duties, “Corporal Crocket’ shot Exercise “ Rob Roy gave us another (and ate) most of the small furry wildlife. chance to terrorise the local population with and was not a little displeased when L/Cpl, wagons on urgent errands flying in all McEvoy, on entering Troop Leaguer. drove directions. But we did battle too, for we over his carefully prepared. ‘ backwoods terrified a Ferret crew thereby enabling its style ‘ clay baked squirrel! It was here also capture. and Tpr. Tolhurst gave a lift to that Cpl. Elmslie found time to check his some enemy paratroops at gun point. L/Cpl. fan belts with the engine running, but happily Falvey and Pte. Hill reaped where they did (we are—he isn’t!) he is back with us again not sow to produce some excellent meals. now. and assures us that his left hand is Our motto for U.E.I. was: ‘ If you can’t useful for adding up fractions! move it. clean it, and if you can move it. Apart from a couple of border patrols and paint it.’ Unfortunately, the M.T.O’s. shoe two-day schemes. we then had a long respite moved into line with the spray gun one day. until Exercise “Rob Roy” when we drove which serves him right for Tprs. Winn and off on two weeks of mixed achievement. The Roberts believe he has a lot to learn before Troop Leader discovered that a warm barn, he can put his Cortina on U.E,I. However, a dropside long-bin with strip lighting. in the end we managed. but where would we several small coloured plastic flags and a be without the indefatigable Cpl. Howell and farmhouse with shower, was the ideal situaour L.A.D. stafi? tion for his headquarters. However. it 1n boxing. M.T. Troop produced a record wasn‘t all work! One Section spent several number of entries to show that we can look hours bathing and doing ‘dhobi ’ in a fresh mountain steam, only to find out that the after ourselves. Tprs. Harvey and Scannell stream contained the main sewage outlet showed great coarage. The kind and friendly advice always so from Bad Driburg. Our condolences go to Tpr. Lyons on the freely given by L/Cpl. Williams is greatly sad loss of ‘ Roberta ’; others of note who missed by all the Troop. His tragic death in have gone are Cpl. Budden (to run Boving- a car accident is a loss to us, and we offer ton with the help of D.R.A.C.) and Cpl. Mrs. Williams and her family our sympathy Pearce (to run the other placeiCatterick) and best wishes. Now. after Christmas for which we thank whilst Cpl. Plumb feels that getting married the ‘pads ’ for entertaining so well, we are all is likely to be a full-time job. 20

Copious notes by all!

H.Q. Squadron nerve centre: Cpl. Sproats, Major Amery and S.S.M. Woods.

In hide and all trees still standing! Tprs. Glass and Heymerdinguer and Cpl. Peckett.

going on courses or postings. but we look forward to another few thousand miles in 1968.

The Quartermaster’s Troop 50 Red Flags HE Quartermaster Group moves on in usual manner doing the impossible where humanly possible. During the course of the year we said goodbye to R.Q.M.S. (now Lt.) Leech on his move to the top, Tpr. Swinton to the Orderly Room to grapple with Part II/III Orders. and Stencil Stan. whose stencil finally seized up despite sending him off to Kiel to find the answer: he returned on one leg after having an argument with a bar rail! Sgt. Chambers ‘ conned ’ us by becoming a civvy, smartly de-camping to the Barrack Stores in Lage, complete with Jersey Heavy Wool. Parka Middle with Hood and all necessary accessories. He should be useful on accommodation stores exchange days. We welcome R.Q.M.S. Watorski (the ultimate deterrent) and Tpr. Mitchell. S.Q.M.S. Remfrey is still looking after 300 families. while Sgt. Owen stops the place falling down. Cpls. Byrne and Pentecost handle Accommodation and Clothing respectively in their own nefarious ways, aided on occasions by the odd Board of Survey. A combined Owen/Stratford operation ensures that M.F.O. keeps coming, and. if you’re lucky. sometimes going. Tpr. McBryan after a year of careful training can turn out ‘ a right smart brew ’ and even sign

ARIES You will spend a great deal of time in genial company, A possible visit to the Squadron Oflice is forecast with. perhaps. remand for CO. You might be inside for Soltau. TAURUS More time than usual will be spent indoors, watch out for the number 21. This is not your month. try going sick.

write. while Tpr. Stevens remains in swinging form. turning out ‘M.O.D.’ tables on three dimensional legs. The gladiators are still performing, Cpl. Byrne. L/Cpl. Stratford and Tprs. Mitchell and Stevens turning out for any football team that will have them, while Tpr. McBryan is chasing a cross-country place in the Mexico Olympics. Regimental firing at Hohne was another canvas affair, aided this year by mainly fine weather. It was routine stufl, enlivened by the swimming feats of L/Cpl. Stratford (pushed 0r tripped) and trout mysteriously turning up on the breakfast table whenever Sgt. Owen went near the river. The Squadron move from Hohne to Soltau for Troop Training was in the form of a mystery tour conducted by ‘ Desert Fox’ Owen; his map was upside down and he forgot to stand on his head. Troop Training involved the usual dashing about dispensing Compo packs. Quartermaster’s egg banjos and 6 am. cups of tea. The star turn this year was the miracle of transforming six sheets cotton single into 50 flags red sqns. for the use of. It was a very surprised bunch of S.Q.M.S’s. who came for their flags and found Capt. Ayrton, who had stewed the sheets in red dye, desperately trying to dry them over a roaring log fire in the pouring rain. The tanks looked very nice with their pink flags the following morning. It was decided to break with tradition and rise before lunch and so Tpr. McBryan was sent off to the Round House to purchase an alarm clock (very effective, very expensive) and nearly caused a riot by walking into the N.A.A.F.I. shop waving his shooter in the air crying: “ Give me the time. Baby!”

GEMINI This will be a month to look back on socially. Try to pay your Mess bill by August. the R.S.M. will arrange easy terms. It’s not your fault you are so popular. CANCER This is a good time to indulge in a new job. perhaps a transfer can be arranged (before they find out). Lucky day Sunday— stay in bed all day.

Q.M. Tech. Troop The Unexpected and the Impossible N 1968 we look forward to the arrival of the Chieftains and hope that, being new, they will not require the same amount of spares as our rather old Centurions do. .However, as the lessons in Echelon techniques were learnt last season, we became adept at provisioning for spares; it certainly caused some scratching of heads when, in the midst of battle, urgent requests were sent for ‘five gallons blackboard paint’ (“C” Squadron) and ‘four large packing cases’ (“ B ” Squadron)! Our record of providing the unexpected as well as the impossible remained unimpaired! Our staff is in the main unchanged except that Cpl. Jordan left the F.A.M.T.O. Store for “A” Squadron on promotion; his place has now been taken by L/Cpl. Bickmore whom we congratulate on his promotion. Tpr. Henson returned to “C” Squadron, being replaced by Tpr. Haighton whom we welcome back to the Troop after too long an absence in the Gunnery Wing. In the sporting field the Troop continues to be well represented in all games. Boxing is still our forte and in the inter-Squadron Novices’ competition, four out of our six junior ranks entered the boxing ring to do battle. We congratulate Cpl. Jordan on his success as Squadron boxing manager, and L/Cpl. Bickmore and Tprs. Haighton and Pyne on their performances.

staff and the Pay Staff-Sergeant, and eggs and bacon from the farm; we run the Squadron canteen at Hohne, whilst R.H.Q. come bleating for ear plugs and insect repellent and a CB. suit that must fit the CO, even though he is not there to try it on. On Exercise we try and serve every type of ‘goody’ to everyone, including a freshly ironed copy of ‘The Times ’ to the R.H.Q. breakfast table. A word of warning though! If you request water you may not get it. You see, Tpr. Willson commands the water cart, and, with brain turning over with the rhythmic beat of Brahms and the inevitable wrong turning, the enemy sometimes gets the water instead. On release in February, he said: “I’ll never join a Christmas Club,” but nevertheless, eight months later, the pride of Ireland walked through the gates of Hobart Barracks, and we are delighted to have Cpl. O’Dwyer back. We welcome Tpr. McGinlay from the Sergeants’ Mess and Tpr. Lines. whose knowledge of the parish, counting the collection and tuning the organ surpasses any. With this team we face 1968 with our usual calm.

e 3) Administrative Troop Repellent for All ECOGNITION at last for services too often unseen and unsung by members of the Squadron! Our own Troop! Presided over by S.Q.M.S. Hayes, promoted after 12 years of understudying in “C” Squadron, our numbers include the S.Q.M.S’s. staff, dining room orderlies, farmers, an accountant and the Padre’s driver—a fully varied team. Our job is fully varied too. We try every sort of permutation of the 267 on our ration roll to keep the Q.M. happy; we supply unbreakable chairs to the Orderly Room

57> ROYKLS kaLC‘AH Ar? 1 No.3

We conclude on a sad note. Last December we were sorry to learn of the death of ex-S.S,M. Phillips. father of Tpr. Phillips. To him and Mrs. Phillips go our sincere condolences.

Officers Mess Troop Plans for Hohne IT is extraordinary what hallucinations that tented ‘ schloss ’ at Hohne each year produces amongst the Mess staff. Until 31st December. S.Q.M.S. Thorpe can be heard to be mumbling about breakages. twisted ankles and lamps H.P.P.. and Cpl. Barrett goes into ecstasies over his dining-in night done on one hydro for 50 officers, whilst from New Year onwards the two of them always seem to be in a huddle hatching some plot for the coming season. In the face of this threat to officers’ interests, only Tprs. Parsons and Minns of last year’s staff remain to look after them. We must thank L/Cpl. Thompson and Tprs. Kendall. Mitchell, Stevenson and Mason for their help over the years, whilst welcoming L/Cpl. Gange and Tprs. Hulett. Whyte, Graves. Shell and ‘ Bugsy ’ Wardell, who is hardly the epitome of sartorial elegance, but has a burning ambition to outdo Beau Brummel in the end. ‘ Chuckles ’ (Tpr. Robinson) still drives us mad with his pre-breakfast mirth, and maybe it is he that has driven Cpl. ‘ Fred ’ Collingwood to find employment in Bermondsey. well away from winning darts matches between courses at Guest Nights and the HQ. Squadron football team. We wish him and his family every success.

Pay Oflice Troop “ L.S.D.! We’ll do our Best!” DEVALUATION has been the sore point, with Pay Troop taking the brunt of the storm. Not only has the Troop been the butt of many vicious remarks (apparently we advise the Government on all financial affairs!) but also contusion has reigned in high places as signal after signal has been received, carefully scrutinised and, if possible. applied. The cut in armed forces recently an— nounced, has brought a further flood of enquiries concerning pensions. terminal grants and the ‘Copper Handshake.’ We have done our best. but the only people who know the official answer about these things live at the Army Pensions Office. Stanmore. But we have a team in this office who can give as good as they take!! We welcome S/Sgt. St. John James and L/Cpl. Hingley who replaced S/Sgt. Mongan and Cpl. Ward. We were sorry to see both go. especially Cpl. Ward who had been with us since Tidworth. Cpl. Sale has again done well in the sporting field. but unfortunately the Paymaster, being ill for all too long a period. was unable to produce his usual string of backhand volleys (or is it underhand serves?) Lastly. Cpl. Hankinson has been the saviour of many an oflicer in difficulties with accounts.

Sergeants’ Mess Troop Sam Browne to Silver GT. Bosher still dreams of the large staff he had to run the Mess at Verden, but for all that he and his team of six compete admirably. However. Tpr. Grant has turned a little greyer whilst standing in as Mess caterer and Tpr. Byrne, after a summer holiday in “A” Squadron and now running the bar single-handed. has little chance to pursue nightly revels. L/Cpl. Bocio’s experience is sadly missed, and Tprs. McGinlay and Crimp (having won his wager!) have also gone. But Tpr. Wartanowicz has transferred his affections from the Adjutant’s Sam Browne to our silver, whilst Pte. Hill and Tpr. Smith between them manage to keep the members happy on fish and chips.

We have done well in Sport as well. Pte. Chapman (round ball) and L/Cpls. McGuire and March (elliptical ball) all play for regimental teams. and besides Pte. Christie winmng his weight in the boxing, both Pte. Kapcia and Tpr. Colfer did well. In contrast the Sergeant Major and Pte. Mathews. after one day’s trek in Bavaria’s mountains, decided that discretion was the better part of valour and stayed at home making goodies. We are sorry that Sgt. Reid has left us on promotion: congratulations go to him as well as to Cpl. Barnett and L/Cpls. Hastie, McGuire and March. Lastly we apologise for Cpl. McGill (see photograph)!

Exercise Rob Roy.

Even Recce Troop could find

A a

we have received . . . thank you!

Tpr. Wardell’s answer to Salome’s request. Tpr. Whyte plays St. John the Baptist.

no excuse to bomb around . . .

Cooks Tr00p A Cook’s Lite Begins at 35 THE constant complaints by the PT staff, who are overworked in reducing waistlines. bring us to tears! Nevertheless we are proud of our success in the 4th Division Cookery Competition in which the Sergeant Major took first prize in the ‘table d’honneur’ and all entries received awards. Perhaps the most unique one went to L/Cpl. Brown for

the best effort in the ‘young soldiers ’ competition: he celebrated his 3Sth birthday the next week!


. . . but they did try!



Popular once a week—on Thursdays: the inhabitants of the Pay Ofiice.

THE BAND An Expensive New Noise ‘ XACTLY 1 hour 35 minutes to get my notes in. Hell. my flute fingering never was much help in coping with a typewriter! ’ Our last Band notes took us up to August 1967. That was a quiet month: it included only twelve engagements in sixteen days! The last one, just before Bank Holiday, was at the HQ. AFCENT Oflicers’ Mess in Holland. After an 8-hour journey by Army ’bus nobody could understand why we preferred to play standing! On 9th September we left to take part in the Berlin Tattoo. This must have been one of the largest tattoos ever staged, when no less than 720 musicians took part. The Russian soldiers at Borodino would have been stimulated to greater feats had they heard our dramatic rendering of the 1812 Overture. Bdsm. Chatwin had to go sick on the last night. but fortunately the remaining 719 managed to struggle through. We left Berlin on 25th September by special train to Belgium, where we took part in the British Week Brussels. It was wonderful to have a pint of good old Watneys even though it was 4/; a time. Here we should mention the MESSing and accommodation in the 'Caserne Rolin . . . ; now forget it! Numerous engagements were carried out on our return to Detmold. One of these, the annual torch light procession in Detmold, was memorable. Something seemed to go wrong with the administration for there was not a single torch to be seen! The Band were at one point split up into groups and were seen disappearing down various dark alleyways, but fortunately we all managed to get together at the traffic lights where we marked time until the green came on. About this time saw the arrival of the new AIDA trumpets. These have been specially made by a German firm for the Band at a

cost of DM 4700. (Readers who would like to make a donation should make out cheques to “The Band Fund”) Our Christmas festivities started on 15th December with a concert to 600 school children from the BFES School. and the same evening we played at the Ladies’ Night in the Oflicers’ Mess. On the 18th a very successful concert was given in the AKC Cinema for the Garrison: it was most gratifying to see so many people turn up for it. On the 19th we held our Band Christmas Draw and during the evening a suitably inscribed trumpet was presented to Major Wilkinson who had been our Band President for over two years. The Trumpet-Major very kindly ofiered to give him lessons! On the 20th we played at the children’s Christmas Party and then made a quick dash down to Detmold for a march through the town followed by a carol service in the Stadthalle. The Dance Band played at the All Ranks Dance on the let, and on the 22nd we provided music during the Christmas Dinner. L/Cpl. Jim Meikle has been wiping cranberry sauce off his instrument ever since. The annual Silver Trumpet competition was held in the Sergeants’ Mess (for which we

extend our thanks to the R.S.M.). The results were: 1st Bdsm. Williams (136), 147% points 2nd Bdsm. Davidson. 145 points 3rd Bdsm. Skews, 144 points The engagements have started to roll in for the 1968 season. At present we are booked to give concerts in Bad Meinberg, Bad Salzuflen, Bad Pyrmont, Detmold and Giitersloh, and the word has just reached us that the Band will be doing a KAPE tour from 6th-16th September It is hoped that we will have the opportunity to meet some of our old friends.

The new Aida trumpets on the occasion of the dedication of banners at 1 (BR) Corps.

LEO More opportunity to get out and about. Perhaps you will be picked for the annual firing. Ask the Corporals’ Mess to forgive you. If not ask for promotion.

Tpr. Crittenden requires support at the Waterloo Dance. Bdsm. Baines and Cfn. Gilfillan give it.

The Inspector of Army Bands, Colonel C. A. Morris, C.B.E., and Band wives during the Kneller Hall inspection.


Warburg I 7 6O IDLE hours spent on Exercise “ Roy Roy " and within sight of the Desenberg. that perfectly formed castle topped hill which stands sentinel over the town of Warburg. gave me time to wonder what part it played in the battle of Warburg. I was able to ponder proudly upon the chivalry shown by The Royals. who were later to be accorded the battle honour. I could imagine the horror in the French hearts as The Royals, in perfect array. appeared unsuspected out of the mist on an unguarded left flank. But the story of Warburg began in 1748.

The Battle of Warburg By 29th July, the campaign of 1760 in Westphalia and Hesse had led to a situation in which the main French Army faced the Hanoverian and British Army (among which was The Royals) in front of Kassel. De Broglie. whose forces far outnumbered those of his opponents, had planned to cut oif Ferdinand from Westphalia by taking the crossings over the River Diemel, 20 miles north of Kassel. and at the same time to threaten Kassel with his main army. He had despatched a force of 20.000 men under Lieut.-General le Chevalier du Muy to The Seven Years War Warburg to capture the crossings. Ferdinand. however, saw clearly the imIt was in this year that the Treaty of Aixla-Chapelle brought to conclusion the War portance of the Diemel crossings. At the of the Austrian Succession. but it failed to same time he was 10th to allow the enemy to resolve issues which were to lead to war occupy Kassel. his main base for operations in Hesse. He had accordingly positioned again within eight years. During these years following the Treaty himself at Calden, midway between Kassel an intriguing political struggle for partners and the Diemel. from which he might seize developed. By the autumn of 1756 Prussia any opportunity to attack the enemy. But where was du Muy‘? Ferdinand did and Great Britain were ranged against Austria. France. Russia. Sweden and not know where this large force was bound Saxony. The British concern in Europe was for. The answer came at last. Du Muy had for the safety of the Electorate of Hanover. crossed the Diemel at Marsberg and was in for George II was at the same time Elector full march for Warburg. Appreciating his danger and seeing the of Hanover. In 1756 Frederick the Great of Prussia, chance of combat with du Muy. who was seeing that war was now inevitable. took the now beyond immediate supporting distance initiative and invaded Saxony. thus begin- of de Broglie. Ferdinand sent the Erbprinz ning the Seven Years’ War. George II was (the Hereditary Prince of Brunswick) to forced to honour his treaty with Frederick Khrbecke. north of the Diemel. with a force and he sent British troops to fight alongside of 22 squadrons. 23 battalions and 26 guns. The Royals among them. the Hanoverians. The Royals did not arrive on the ConOn the evening of 301h July. du Muy tinent until April, 1760. In the intervening camped on the ridge running north-west years the war had swung first one way and from Warburg to the village of Ossendorf. then the other across the whole of Central The Erbprinz was at Korbecke with his force Europe: more than a dozen battles had been and Ferdinand started an audacious night fought but none had led to a decisive march with his main army to join him. conclusion. As the sun went down du Muy surveilled In command of the British and the country before him. On his right three Hanoverian forces on the western front was miles away he could see the prominent Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick. Opposing Desenberg with its castle. He knew that him were the French under Marshal le Duc this was held by light enemy forces, as de Broglie. there had been a small skirmish there the

day before. but the walled town of Warburg

was his. He could see a long ridge running back to his left and the small hamlets of Ossendorf and Menne; the Heinberg. another tower capped hill, was to his left rear. The Erbprinz had that day been watching du Muy moving up his forces to the ridge. He had been sitting on the top of the Desenbrerg and there he made his plans for attack the next day. He was going to attack the French left flank. He would move overnight to the area between Ossendorf and Menne and assault at dawn. This enemy flank was weak: it was not based on any major feature and du Muy had not occupied the Heinberg just behind his flank. If the Heinberg could be taken then du Muy would be in trouble. Ferdinand approved the plan but for one point. His main army would not be in position by dawn and he therefore ordered that the attack would not take place until his army was ready. This would probably not be before mid-day. During the night a thick mist arose. Ferdinand arrived in the early hours in advance of his army. It had been further delayed. What was he to do now? Should he wait till the army arrived or should he use the early morning misty conditions to cover the approach of his outflanking troops. At 7.00 a.m. he made his decision. He would send off the Erbprinz and order up the main cavalry, commanded by the Marquis of Granby. and the guns. The Erbprinz set off with his outflanking force divided into two columns. The right hand one was commanded by Lieut.—General von Hardenberg, its objective was Ossendorf and the Heinberg. and it was led by The Royals. The left hand column was com— manded by Lieut.—General von Zastrow and its objective was Menne and then to attack (in Muy’s flank. Meanwhile. the French had not been idle. They had captured the Desenberg at dawn. and du Muy was soon peering through the mist from its summit. As the mist lifted at 9.30 a.m. he saw. to his horror. a large army below him. This was Ferdinand’s main army moving up from the Diemel. Du Muy did not wait. He galloped back to draw up his army on the ridge on which he had camped. He formed them up with the cavalry (31 squadrons) in the centre.

eight battalions 0f infantry on the right resting on Warburg, and 16 battalions on the left with their flank withdrawn. His artillery he drew up on either flank to fire in entilade acrOSS his cavalry. His reserve of four battalions he placed behind the cavalry. He still left the Heinberg unoccupied. The Royals reached Ossendorf as du Muy was giving his orders. Neither they nor any of the outfianking force had been noticed. They had come under cover of the mist but also by routes which cunningly utilised dead ground and the woods. At midday the attack started. Daulhatt’s grenadiers made straight for the Heinberg and they succeeded in placing two guns on it; these opened fire on the French rear. Du Muy was quick to react having now seen his fatal mistake. He launched a strong counter-attack with eight of his left hand battalions. but Daulhatt’s, having now been reinforced by Maxwell’s grenadiers. and despite heavy casualties, rallied round the tower and held on. In front they could see du Muy’s reserve of four battalions approaching. behind they could see their own battalions, two of Hanoverian grenadiers and two of Highlanders. In the clash that followed the simultaneous arrival of these reinforcements, the bitterest fighting of all took place. and it seemed that the

TROOPS AT WARBURG Right Column: Royal Dragoons, 7th Dragoons. 4 Hanoverian squadrons, 4 Hessian squadrons. Artillery Brigade. Daulhatt’s Grenadiers, Maxwell’s Grenadiers, 87th and 88th Highlanders. 8 Hanoverian battalions. Left Column: 10 Hanoverian squadrons. 2 Artillery Brigades. 2 an. Hessian Guards. 3 Brunswick battalions, 4 Hessian battalions. Granby: First line (right to left):iKing’s Dragoon Guards, 3rd Dragoon Guards. 2nd Dragoon Guards, Blues. 7th Dragoon Guards. Carabineers. Second line (right to left):~ Greys. 10th Dragoons. Inniskillings, 11th Dragoons. 29



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French might turn the tide when their own guns at last opened fire on the hard pressed grenadiers. Von Zastrow‘s force now made a timely break from the hamlet of Menne. They swept forward towards the French guns and with only a few hundred yards to go were soon among them. The impetus took them on as far as the left of the French line, now much reduced in strength. Here The Royals saw their chance. They came out of Ossendorf and with magnificent e’lan they charged and completely broke the Royal Piedmont, a cavalry regiment of fine reputation, which had been sent to stiffen the crumbling left. This was too much. The French line disintegrated as The Royals swept on and on along the whole length of the ridge right up to Warburg. While the battle for the Heinberg was in progress, the Marquis of Granby. with the main body of cavalry, had moved fast. As they neared the ridge on which the French cavalry was drawn up. they formed into two extended lines, the first of 14 squadrons and the second of eight. As the French line began to break they charged. Granby led at the head of his own regiment, The Blues. The French made a half-hearted rally, counter-attacked, but were finally put to flight by The Blues. Retreat became a rout. The French streamed back down the steep slope to the Diemel and. as they crossed, the British guns were brought to bear. The main force of Ferdinand’s infantry

arrived too late to take part in the battle. They had marched so far from Calden and were exhausted. but their move in the night when they had slipped away unnoticed by de Broglie. had prevented de Broglie frotn marching to reinforce du Muy. Conclusion Warburg was not a decisive result in terms of the Seven Years War. It prevented the French attacking Hanover that year, but, as a result of it, de Broglie was able to march virtually unopposed into Kassel and all of Hesse was his. However. Westphalia was still safe and Ferdinand's army had not been cut off. It can, however, be classed as one of the great cavalry actions in history. Granby. whose habit of going into battle bald-headed will always be remembered, was an inspired leader. He showed in this action that British cavalry. ably led. did not lack fighting quality: he vindicated completely the action of the cavalry at Minden. But no Regiment did more towards victory at Warburg than The Royals. Now, as you stand on the Heinberg and look towards the ridge on which the French stood. you can proudly imagine The Royals gaining their battle honour as they charged up the road towards Warburg. Books consulted .' His Britannic Majesty's Army in Germany — Lieut.-General Sir Reginald Savoury; History of The Royal Dragoons—C, T. Atkinson.

his helmet behind on the real thing, when he copped one in the eye from Willy the C., who. I gather, never touched drugs and came to England to escape from the hippy scene in France. “ ‘ 0’ Group, sir.” “ Damn!” Why does my CB suit always get back to front? Ah! there‘s my gas mask after all. I’d better put it on for the Squadron Leader. but I wish it was fitted with windscreen wipers so I could see through this rain: the Knights of the Round Table never had this trouble. The armour is a bit hot and heavy.

but the damsels lap it up. They used to lind it a bit uncomfortable. but I’ve discovered how to get out of it now. I wonder what this latest deed of chivalary will be. “ Are there any questions? Right, move off in five minutes.” Where on earth atn I supposed to move to? Follow the Troop Sergeant as usual. I suppose. We’re off at a steady gallop. “Leave her alone, you dirty brute.” I swing a metalled boot in the arrant vagrant‘s direction. I lean down and sweep the wretched girl into my strong arms. This is my third damsel in distress this week: at least I think she was in distress: she certainly seems to be now. “ Hullo 51. Where are you? Over.” Oh

Hell! Where am I? My gas mask is all steamed up as a result of pacifying my distressed damsel, and now I have a distressed Squadron Leader on my hands. I bet King Arthur never asked people where they were. Of course. by the time his carrier pigeon had reached you, you weren’t there anyway. Why can’t we have carrier pigeons? Go back to Bovington on a BIII pigeon course. “Right! On this drop you will notice an elongated object. The colour is white as this is only the training version: the real McCoy is a highly camouflaged grey colour. There is a protrusion at the front which will be known as the beak and is used for refuel— ling. The drain plug is at the opposite end. Underneath you will see there are two more protrusions: these are used in two positions: fixed down for static running. when they will support the object and will therefore be known as ‘Legs’; and extended in flight to

facilitate the transmission of the message. In this condition they will be known as ‘ Elongations. Message Retaining Flexible, Mark I.’ Now the facilities of this bird . . . ” If the facilities of that bird are anything like the facilities of my late damsel, I just don’t want to know. “Hullo 51. I say again. where are you? Over.” “ 51. wait out.”

Manoeuvres and Me GOING ON DEMOB ? YOU don’t need LSD to send you ‘on a trip.’ I find smoking compo tea leaves. laced with celery soup powder. is an excellent substitute. Needless to say I have to have a rather special brand of cigarette paper. but compo rations supply wads of that as well. “Hey! You there! Why is one eye closed?” “I was told to close it. sir; you see the enemy are using longer longbows than our longest longbow and, as I have left my Visor

. "’1/ w: yer-mm ;~\/.Wme\

behind. an umpire told me I have an arrow in my eye for half-an-hour.” In fact an umpire has just thrown a yellow smoke grenade because the Fantasians are using gas and. as I have left my gas mask behind, I am supposed to be dead for half-an-hour. I normally try and leave my gas mask behind on these exercises: being dead for half-an-hour always gives one a chance to get stuck into one of these favourite weeds. I wonder if King Harold was on to the same good idea. but inadvertently left

KEEP IN TOUCH with old friends and old times. Order your “ Eagle ” from : The Secretary, The Royal Dragoons Regimental Association. KEEP IN TOUCH. When you finish your service keep in touch with the Regiment as an Old Comrade. We welcome and need your support. Help by attending reunions and buying “ The Eagle.” DO BOTH through membership of the Association. price £1 ls. 0d.

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The Pen is mightier than the Bird Three hundred years of glory in far and distant lands, Three hundred years of honour, and still the Guidon stands, From Tunis to Peninsular, from Waterloo to France We‘ve watched for the lifted sword as the signal to advance, Red flowed the blood of Royals on hot and arid sands As life aéld limb we gladly gave for our native an ; Our horses shivered in the cold of Russia’s early dawn. Yet ere the sun had set again good comrades did we mourn; We‘ve fought the Bosch on horse and wheel o’er many wartorn field With shot or shell or flashing sword, and still we did not yield. Yet now some Whitehall warrior, armed with a mighty pen. Has struck the Eagle such a blow she‘ll never fly again.

E \

ways. different types of wine could be produced. The grapes are first crushed, then pressed in a large wine press. After this the juice is run off into containers where it is allowed to ferment before being transferred to oak barrels. The ‘nature’ wine is made by allowing this to mature in the barrels. Sweet wine is made exactly the same way only grape chalk is added to reduce the acid and raise the sugar content. Dry wine is made by picking young grapes which are low in sugar content and so give the taste required. The strength of all wines is governed by the length of time they are allowed to mature in the barrel. Wine making is governed by very strict rules and any farmer producing wine below the standard required, stands the chance of




Grape Picking in the Mosel Valley


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“Novend ’67?

A subtle flavour, Sir!”

AT the end of October a party of nine of q ‘ us from the Regiment set off in high spirits to help with the annual grape harvest in the Mosel valley. The farmers in this region are very poor and appreciated the efforts of the volunteers: we were. after all. helping to reap what is their very existence. v , On the first day in the vineyards any illusions about it being an easy holiday were dispelled: it would be, to quote one member, “A hard graft.” We started the day at 7 o’clock with a meagre Continental breakfast of coffee and rolls, and some of us wondered whether we would last out the morning on this. When we arrived at the vineyards we had first to learn, by trial and error, the correct way of picking. We realised that production depended on this.


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At last the time came for us to return to Detmold and we were looking forward to the rest. We all agreed we had enjoyed ourselves although if asked to go back we could only reply that it would take time between harvests to recover.



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One of the highlights of the stay was the visit to our host’s cellars where we tasted all his wines, of which I personally enjoyed his 1959. It was here that we were taught that most of the pleasure of wine drinking is not seeing how much we could consume, but differentiating between strengths and flavours of the different vintages

An Army Wife’s Lament —— Circa 1967 THE

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having all his produce confiscated by the inspectors who visit all the cellars and taste the wine.

The hardest part of the job was carrying the grapes to the tubs in which they would be taken to be pressed. Each person was given a large pannier, about three and a half feet in length. When full, weighing at least 1 cwt.. this was strapped to one’s back and the difficulty arose then of keeping one’s balance when carrying the produce down the very steep slopes. At least one of us had a day when he could not keep his feet; this of course did not please the farmer who imagined not grapes lying there but bottles of his precious wine. After a couple of days we at last mastered the art of picking and accustomed ourselves to the carrying. It wasn’t till then that we started to get satisfaction from the job. The process of wine making is very interesting and we all learnt the art of wine tasting. We were shown how, by different

Ten years of marriage to a soldier brave, Ten years of learning how a wife should behave. Dragoons 7 not Dragoon Guards, heavy — not light. _ Don‘t know too much about it. but must get it right. Pack up your cases, catch a military train, Nowadays its quickereyou fly by aeroplane, With luck you might alight in some sort of home, Be it antiquated, modern or constructed for a gnome. Once you’re installed yOu’ll expect to see your man, _ . But you’re utterly mistaken, for this is not the plan. ‘

Through the endless plate glass windows and nappies in the breeze. When you’re tired of ‘patch’ life, there’s escape from it all In Brunei, Malaysia or far away Nepal. From Germany to Yorkshire to the Southern tip of Spain, And theniit’s unavoidableeto Germany again. I thought I’d done my homework and was getting on all right, But now amalgamation rears its ugly head in sight, And once again its Royal Blues. or Blue Dragoons or BOYLIES'. The last may be undignifiediand only rhymes with doilies.

There are exercises, marches. and sometimes

even fights, . Conspiring to deprive you of all marital delights.

Instead there are the neighbours. the Wives’ Club and the N.A.A.F.l.: The last-named is a mixture of chaos, shop and cafe. . As for the first. you’ll see quite enough of

It’s one more pill to swallow. so take it with the rest, It may mean a golden handshake or to serve the Queen’s behest For another year and twenty (this sentence is for life) But there’ll always be an Army and a . . . ARMY WIFE l ANON



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WO’s AND SERGEANTS’ MESS “ Big fleas have little fleas At the Alamein Ball. held on On their backs to bite ‘em. let October. sortie four hundred-odd Little fleas have lesser fleas guests came along to enjoy the Royals’ hospi And so ‘Ad Intinitum.“‘ tality; again. this was a huge success. even though (One definition of Army life—J.S.C minor problems cropped upee .) would the floor of the ‘ Champers ’ bar bear WITH that piece of wit out of the weight? the way. It did, but the R.S.M.’s finger nails are still the road is clear for more serio us shorH observations. With the annual inspections behi Since the publication of the last nd us. Eagle. we plunged. witho ut worry. into the Christ— we have had a changing year in more re- mas festivities. S.S.M . Lloyd has oflicially spects than one; for instance, from our con- hung up the red robes of Santa with the refirmed bachelor element a number have mark: “There are too many future Royals taken the plunge and are now happily for me to handle: someone else can have a married. The congratulations of the Mess go go next year!” to RQ.M.S. and Mrs. Watorski. S.S.M . and Sports-wise. we are still holding our Mrs. Crabbe, Sgt. and Mrs. Harty. and own Sgt. with four members in the Regimental hockey and Mrs. Haywardi may all their troubles team and four in the Regimental football be little ones. Congratulations also to team; at both games we can field a formidS.Q.M.S, Louch. whom. we believe. is half able team. and all challenges will be way there: it is rumoured that he got him- accepted. self engaged over Christmas. (This leaves “ Cock—fighting " and “Jousting only Messrs. Paul and Warren to pluck " occaup sionally take place on Friday nights and are courage). enjoyed by the few of tis who The comings and goings of Mess memb participate ers still. are far too numerous to name here. The exIn April . the Mess was challenged to ception is L/Cpl. Bocio. who has look a ed after small arms compe tition by 7 Panzer our creature comforts for over four years Battalion; we retained the inter-Mess trophy. and is now dispensing milk (for a change) whilst Sgt. Appleby took the trophy for the in the London area: We think the ‘breath- highest individual score. When time and conalyser‘ had something to do with this. To ditions permit. We will have a return match. those who have gone. we wish you the best We are now into the New Year. and. of luck in your new station. and to those lookwho ing at the forecast of events, it appears to have come. may your stay be a long and be a buSy one. No doub t we will weather happy one. the storm and manage to enjOy Socially. we have spent a very happy ourselves. year come what may. —in between exercises that is! We were all very sad on learning of the The Waterloo celebrations started with a death of our old friend. ex-S. S.M. ‘ Squeegee ’ bang on 17th June with a minor tatto o held Phillips. and extend our condolences to Mrs. on the Oflicers’ Mess lawn: this was given Doreen Phillips and his family. by the Band, who were assisted by a number \, of experts from the rest of the Regi ment. LIBRA This made good entertainment and is well People are talking behind your back. worth carrying on with in future pay years. no attention. it’s probably right. Ask After the tattoo. we returned to our the own Adjutant to let you do some more Mess. where a barbecue/dance was Orderly enjoyed Officers. by all. Early in October the Mess was invit ed to SCORPIO a ‘ Weinfest.’ organised by our old friends, A gay weekend for you. Book a table 7 Panzer Battalion. at Augustdorf; this in also “A” Squadron bar. ask the S.S.M. and all was a very enjoyable occasion. altho ugh the your other friends to join you, don’t forget wine was rather potent. the R.S.M. Watch out for the M.T.O..’

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CORPORALS’ MESS A Regular Saturday Date OOKlNG back over the year we find L Mess—wise we have had a most satis— factory year indeed. _ Socially, the regular Saturday night dances in the Mess have proved to be extremely popular. and old friends from other regiments make a point of joming us for the “Saturday Hop.” . Financially. we are on a very sound basis. with quite a large sum salted away for the proverbial rainy day. . The highlight of the soctal year was the Alamein Ball. held on 28th October:’ we think that by making the dress ‘formal for this occasion, the atmosphere was set in advance and. run by a hard-working committee, the evening really went with-a swmg. Up to press, the darts team are-still Garrison champions; long may 1t reign. Cpls. Ward and Byrne held a hard-fought contest to decide the winner of the Mess singles darts league; Cpl. Byrne emerged the wmner by a narrow margin and is the proud holder of the Home Trophy for one year. in November. we rashly challenged the Sergeants” Mess to a games evening to dec1de who should hold the Inter-Sergeants/Corporals’ Mess darts shield. EXCitement ran high all evening, but after a number of spirited games, our opponents eventually won the shield (for the time being, that is).

December arrived with the usual rush of inspections, winding up with. the FFR Tnspection on the 15th. We believe everything went oll' alright. for at least there have been no loose ‘rockets’ flying about. Christmas festivities quickly followed on, the highlights being the Regimental dance, held in the gym on 22nd December. and our Mess Christmas party for the young ‘Royals’ of the Mess. Both of these functions were made enjoyable by cheerful hardworking committees. The Mess has recently been re-decorated and. with our own silver cabinet, complete with some twelve pieces of silver, setting the tone. it is looking first-class; it is a pity that the building is on the small Side. ‘Comings and goings’ are too numerous to name individually. Cpl. O’Dwyer appears to have had more ‘ goings and comings ’ than anyone else: for the rest we say welcome to those who have joined us and best of luck to those who have gone. With this parting thought from the darts team: “ Harold. please leave Aunty at home on Fridays. we could then concentrate on the game.” we move into the doldrums of the rafter Christmas’ period. We wait hopefully for the training season to open up in the near future: we can then get away from Hobart Barracks for a needed change of

scenery and fresh air.

ARE YOU MARRIED ? THEN READ THIS THE SOLDIERS’ WIDOWS’ FUND. Do you realise that for a monthly premium of only two sléilhvngvzillyozc:51; ensure that in the event of your death whilst servmg, your WI 0 an immediate cash amount of £600. Don’t be foolish and think it can’t tlilappen to youihbggri:lgdtltilele:s‘tfiyle:vl'vsth;ne§ _ . , ' the Re iment died- ey were me ' ' yhilgii sgiiffifirllg from thge fund, did ,not suffer quite the hardship that they might otherwise have done. Be sensible, visit the Paymaster for advice on how to jom. 5

THE REGIMENTAL ASSOCIATION Honorary Secretary: Major C. W. J. Lewis, M.B.E., Home H.Q., The Royal Dragoons, T. & A.V.R. Centre, Mitcham Road, Croydon, Surrey. Telephone: 01 688 0734.


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Pensioner Thirkettle’s 90th Birthday If when you read these notes they appear slightly out-of-date. please accept our apologies. but the Editor informs us that the notes must reach him by the end of January, so you may already have read the latest news in the Association Annual News Letter. Of course. the chief point of interest since our last notes is the announcement of the impending amalgamation of the Regiment with The Royal Horse Guards (The Blues): this is due to take place in March, 1969. It was indeed a very sad day for us all when the announcement was made, and even more so in that we have managed to steer clear of amalgamation for so many years. However, we must accept the inevitable. and there is no doubt that those of us that have had previous contact with The Blues during our service. will support us when we say that a better marriage could not have been made. Up to the time of writing these notes, no decision has been taken about the Association, but having investigated other amalgamations, there is little doubt that successful amalgamation of Regiments means amalgamation of Regimental Associations. Members may rest fully assured that. as soon as any decisions are made, they will be kept informed, but we do ask you to support us fully in every way. no matter what the decision may be. Very shortly after the announcement of the amalgamation it was the 90th birthday of the oldest known living Royal Dragoon, Pensioner G. C. Thirkettle. To celebrate this notable event, General Sir Desmond and Lady Fitzpatrick most kindly invited the Pensioners to a birthday party at their home. together with other old and serving Royals.


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To the great delight of all present. the party was also attended by the Colonel of The Blues, Field-Marshal Sir Gerald Templer, K.G., G.C.B.. G.C.M.G., K.B.E., D.s.o., D.C.L., and the appreciation shown in the faces of the Pensioners was beyond expression. To add to their delight, photographs were taken of the Pensioners with the two Colonels, and from reports received, other Pensioners at The Royal Hospital are now fully aware of the party in every respect. 1f the remainder of the amalgamation goes as well as this particular party. then no one need have any doubts of the success of the venture. It is with the deepest regret that we have to record the death of the following, and we offer our sincere sympathy to their next of kin: Bishop Yoost de Blank (Regimental Padre during a period in the last war). Ex-S.S.M. A. Phillips. Ex—Sgt. (Jimmy) Stirling. Ex-Sgt. (Billy) Morgan. (A Chelsea Pensioner and 87 years of age). We were also very sorry to hear that a total of five serving soldiers have died during the period. mostly from accidents, and again we offer our sincere sympathy to all relatives. During the past year the Association has

‘ ' ’ 0th I) ' rthda celebration given by an d attended ' ' L the Colonel of the Regiment, ' Pensioner Thlrketflebsy 9Field-iVlarshyal Sir Gerald Templer, Colonel of The Blues.

been very active indeed, with various func-

tions. and we would like to thank all those who have supported us, either by attending the functions or by supporting our Grand National sweepstake. You have only to look at the accounts to be well aware of the use to which the profit from the Sweepstake is put. Without your support we should just not be able to arrange these functions. Our thanks in this direction would not be complete without saying how much we appreciate the assistance we receive from the caretaker at Elverton Street. Chris Hookham, an old Carabineer. He has looked after our interests and has done a great deal to make the functions such a success. We look forward to his help during 1968 and 1969.

' ' ' ’ s dernob. The late S.S.M. Phillips ' t —the occasmn of Sgt. Stirling sadSumuglf'tsliii)ve;niaon}lg:lt)pgldplfcri:1iieds: S.S.M. Tucker, ex-S/Sgt. Tait, eX-E/Sgt.b1::lorton, ex—Sgt. and gt. 'llfhorgnton S.S.M. Warren, Sgt. Colyer, err-S.S.M. Blackaller, S.Q.M.S. Ju .



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At the Field of Remembrance Service. held at Westminster Abbey in November, our President. Lieut.-General Sir Desmond Fitzpatrick, K.C.B. D.s.o.. M.B.E.. M.c., again honoured us by planting the Regimental cross: he was ably supported by a good muster from the other members of the Association. H.M. The Queen Mother again remarked on the excellent way the plot was prepared. and our subscription to the British Legion Poppy Fund was the best ever. We owe our thanks to General Sir Des— mond and Lady Fitzpatrick for the great interest and wonderful support they have given us during the year; it has given us the greatest encouragement. We were delighted to hear the news that General Sir Desmond will later this year become Com— mander-in-Chief. British Army of the Rhine, and we take this opportunity of wishing him the best of luck in his new appointment. We should also like to congratulate Major-General Geoffrey Armitage on his promotion and his appointment to the post of Director of the Royal Armoured Corps, and also for the award of the C.B.E. in the New Year’s Honours List. Having dealt with the activities during 1967. no doubt you will want to know what functions have been organised for 1968. On 4th May we hold our Annual Reunion Dinner. followed by a dance at Buckingham Gate. The following morning we shall again take our place as part of the Combined Cavalry Parade in Hyde Park. full details of which are in the News Letter. Last year

the attendance of ex-other ranks was the best ever. and we ask you to make every effort to be present again. After the parade members are invited both to Wellington Barracks and also to Elverton Street. On 22nd June, the Battle of Waterloo will be celebrated, with a function at Elverton Street. when the Band of The Royal Yeomanry Regiment will play the music for dancing. At the same place. on Saturday. 19th October. we shall celebrate the Battle of El Alamein. In addition. we are considering a visit to either the National Stud or the Royal Tournament, or a trip to the coast. Your committee is also thinking ahead to the amalgamation of the Regiment; it is hoped to organise a trip to the serving Regiment in Detmold, either for the ‘ Farewell’ Parade or the ‘Amalgamation’ Parade. We appreciate that some of the older members will not be able to afford this trip, but the committee is determined that every effort will be made to ensure that those members who wish to attend are given the opportunity and, if necessary, their fares will be subsidised from the funds of the Association and Social Club. This is not charity, but what the Association is formed for, to help its members. In conclusion, your committee asks all members to give every support during the next year, and you may be sure that your interests will be well looked after on amalgamation.





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Applause for L/Cpl; Sibley, as Mrs. Reid presents the ‘Athlete of the Year


Hockey SITUATIONS VACANT CARTOONIST. _ If you can draw the funny side of life in The Royals, you could be the official cartoonist for The Eagle. The Editor would be grateful for your help. *

Turkey and plum pudding to help the beer go down? The R.S.M. looks on.

‘UP THE SHARP END.’~The Editor wishes to take on an official photographer. Films will be subsidised. He will be expected to be ‘ up the sharp end ’ with his camera on all exercises, visits, parades and sports fixtures.

and we were very pleased to win, though to be fair to them we must mention that it was their first game of the season. In the first round of the Army Cup we drew our neighbours. 3rd Regiment R.H.A. It took five weeks of arguing to get the game played but in the end the Regiment won by five goals to nil. We now play the Winners of 3 Queens and 7 Signal Regtment. In the 4th Division Leagtie,.we have to date only played one match. Winnmg by 14 goals to nil. though we now have two matches in 48 hours to make up for time lost. We hope that we will again repeat last season’s success.

Another Successful Side HE 1967/68 season opened with the loss T of two very good players, S/Sgt. McMahon and Sgt. Greatrexl'i wehtpank em for their support. especia y in e ping ihe Regiment to win the B.A.O.R. Six—a-Side Trophy, However we are fortunate to have S/Sgt. Hitchcock. an able substitute for S/Sgt. McMahon. _ We have played six matches to date. Winning five of them. The 1 (BR) Corps game,

in which the Royals won 4g2. was Without doubt the best game we have played for many seasons. In the first 10 minutes our opposition showed just what talent they have 41



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Cross Country Running

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Dowan | Skfing A Short Head Christmas and New Year. leave. courses and langlauf all take their toll on the crossoountry running. Only Tpr. McBryan is to run in the Brigade meeting, but, to judge from the enthusiasm shown over the Regimental meeting. The Royals could have had a good team. ‘ Forty-nine soldiers, the Adjutant and his dog started the Regimental run on a bitterly cold day in November: " B " Squadron were the favourites. Four and a half miles of hill and plough later. forty—four soldiers finished led by Tpr. Bramble (“A” Squadron). but by only a short head from Tpr. Pennings (“ B ” Squadron) and a few lengths away L/Cpl. Markw1ck (“ C " Squadron) and Tpr. McBryan (HQ. Squadron 1). It was learned that Archie, the dog. perceiving a hare on the airfield, chose to chase it rather than a lot of Royals, and breasted the tape well down the field.


“ B “ Squadron (H4 points) duly won the Cup. but not by the wide margin expected. A Squadron totalled l37 points and only onefipomt separated H.Q. Squadron 1 from C Squadron in third and fourth places.

youth (but was rather hoping for a second),

A sinister lot.


Lt. Brook. a langlaufer with no known downhill form. and Z/Lt. Couper, a genuine novice. It was decided therefore to limit the objective to the Divisional meeting only. We gathered at Zurs a week before Christmas to be knocked into some sort of shape by Eric Haller. whom we followed in somewhat staccato fashion via precipice (Aylen), The “ B ” Squadron team.

chasm (Brook), drift (Brook) and blizzard

(unavoidable except by staying in bed), for two bruising, chilling, exhausting weeks. In fact. the weather was appalling; there were days when one could not see the man next ahead on the T-bars. In the interests of survival. a position known as the “ Arlberg Frog ” was developed; this is a not—toodistant relative of the “ egg,” but the skis are maintained anything up to about a yard apart. hopefully roughly parallel, and the actual distribution of weight varies upon the approach of impending doom. The only obvious recognition feature of the “ frog ”



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is the position of the more anatomical regions of the anatomy which are suspended some four inches above the backs of the skis. From windage considerations on the piste, this must verge on the ideal; it is only when disaster threatens and one is persuaded to head for deeper snow. that a complete reappraisal of the entire “frog” system is prompted by the chilling effects of the snow. This prompting was accentuated for Captain Aylen, who thrice in a day split his trousers along the line of least resistance, having allowed his skis to diverge unreasonably. After emergency frostbite treatment, he had thawed out sufficiently overnight to join us on the slopes next day. and indeed with a renewed ambition to ski in a less unattractive manner. We moved to Lermoos ten days before the first race of the Divisional ski meeting. Pepe was kind enough (our Zurs reputation of hazardously unguided missiles having preceded us) to undertake our training and through benign, patient persistence managed to produce some very fair imitations of skiers. The races themselves were not a roaring success: on the other hand, neither were they the grave embarrassment which might have been confidently predicted in late December. As a team, we were third in the combined alpine results. and Lt. Barne was third overall as an individual, a thoroughly creditable performance.

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‘ Arlberg Frog ’ HERE was really no chance this year of reproducing the shining form of. the Regimental teams of the past three years. all of which had slid skilfully to victory at the Divisional meeting and then moved on to the B.A.O.R. and Army meetings. From these years. Lt. Barne was the sole surviving exponent. He was joined by Captain Aylen. who had actually skiied for the Regiment many years ago, but was considered to be beyond the bloom of his first

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o.r_ Tpr. Bramble lst,i Tpr. Penmn ' gs 2nd, L/Cpl. Markwi I ck 3rd, Tpr. McBryan 4th.

The Greys Again HE football team. under new management. has so far failed to live up to the standard which has always been shown by Regimental teatns of the past. This is not due to lack of talent; indeed. the team has vast potential. but we require to show more energy and co-ordination to achieve good results. This season we miss the football skills of Cpl. Birt and L/Cpl. Crabbe. but newcomers S.S.l. Bryan, S/Sgt. Town. R.E.M.E..

and Pte. Chapman, A.C.C., are making their presence felt. and we hope they will maintain the fine standard already shown. Others who have represented the team to date are S/Sgt. Wood. Cpl. Livingstone, L/Cpls. Sibley. Gibbs. Stratford. Odey and Butler. Tprs. Beale, Stevens. Holmes and Sharkey. Bdsm. Baines and Sig. Swinhoe. We play the Greys in the first round of the Cavalry Cup on 3rd March. and hope to get our revenge for last season‘s defeat.



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Langlauf Skiing It’s Not a Holiday IT was just before Christmas that, partially fit. we moved from Detmold to Hinte rreute’s answer to The Palace, The Marabu, to start training. We were fortunate to have the servi ces of Pieter Maager, of the German Army , to train us. He soon proved to us how unfit We still

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were, and the exercises he gave us brou ght

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some amusing comments from the local Bavarians. It was tough, and we were further hampered by a lack of snow, so that for quite a time we were force d to go to Unterjoch to ski. Some of the team, not content with Pieter’s exercises, tried to improve their own fitness by night ly walking to Burron Hutte, but their motives were often doubted. The time finally came for the move to Lermoos, and peace once agai n fell on the ‘Burron run ’; L/Cpl. Lane’s cry of ‘ausgang’ was to be taken elsewhere. The team for Lermoos was 2/Lt. Wheeler, L/Cpls. Harman, Lane and Markwick and Tpr. Anderson. The first race, the 4 x 10 km. relay, was run on the Saturday in a temperature of —22°C.; it was not our most successful race; one of L/Cpl. Harman’s skis was unfortunately broken at the mass start by another skier, losing us a lot of time. and

Tpr. Anderson was seen attempti ng to punt himself round with one stick after his elbow, an old injury, had started to give him trouble. Our next race. the 15 km. Individu al, was four days later. but unfortunatel y, during this time 2/Lt. Wheeler, whilst trying to do the ‘other’ sort of ski-ing, coll ided with a German and injured his ankle. Lt. Brook very kindly hung up his ‘ abfarhts ’ and took 2/Lt. Wheeler‘s place. Once agai n we were hampered by broken skis, but L/Cpls. Harman and Markwick both put up good times. Our third and final race was the 20 km. patrol race. 2/Lt. Wheeler, under the effects of a large dose of drugs, limped his way round, whilst L/Cpl, Lane replaced Tpr. Anderson in the team for this race. Our efforts were to little avail: our overall position for the meeting was 13th. and we had failed to qualify for the Arm y meeting at Oberjoch. So on the Satu rday. we returned northwards to Detmold in Tpr. Carpenter’s faithful minibus. On our return to Detmold we were greeted by the usual cries of “Oh! You‘re back from your skiing holiday!” We tried to conv ince everybody of how hard Langlauf ski-ing was: we had, in fact, skied 85 kms. in the last five days.

Rugby Football Postman’s Boots ESPITE the match figures, it has, on

the whole, been a very successful teambuilding season; our sights are set on the 1968/69 Cavalry Cup. All members of the team were extremely pleased to see Major Amery back at the reins again. especially those of us who played under him at Tidworth; we hope our successful time there Wlll be repeated shortly out here. . Our thanks and praise must also go to Cpl. ‘ Scouse’ Freeman who, throughout the season, has served the team so admirably,

not only as a player but as Secretary, Treaa surer and general ‘dogsbody. W1th the amount of running around he has done on the team’s behalf, it is a wonder that the Q.M.’s department hasn’t been flooded W1th worn-out outsize boots. On the playing side, Cpl. Freeman, Bdsm.

'lli' ms and T r. Ward are to be con:ilatulated on theii selection for a D1V1s10nal trial; we can only hope that others of the team will eventually join them among the exalted few. Tpr. Hutt has succeeded in gaining his Grade 1 referee’s badge. The regular team this season has been Sgt. Edwards, Cpl. Neafsey, L/Cpls. March, Schooley, Tucker. Hamilton and Golding,

Tprs. Ward. Back, Hutt and Van der Bilj, Bdsm. Williams, Pte. Magulre and Cfn. Meadows, whilst players who havle filled”?l mirabl in times of injury, eave igurses ale Cpl. Freeman, L/Cpls, Cooksey and Haynes, and Tprs. Hulett, Mitchell and Byrne. The records to date is: Played 15, won 2, lost 13, points for 127, points against 179. The leading scorers are Tpr. Hutt 31 pts., Tpr. Back and Pte. Maguire 18pts.. Bdsm. Williams 12 pts. and Tpr. Ward 11 pts,

Cricket A Short but Successful Season BECAUSE of training commitme nts and poor weather conditions the Regiment only played two games, both of which were won.

The first was against 4 Armoured Work shops on the airfield. The Royals batted first and scored 127 runs. thanks to some good batting by L/‘Cpl. Butler, who hit 62 runs in 48 minutes. After lunch 4 Armo ured Workshops were bowled out for 86 runs, L/Cpl. Sibley taking six for 23. Our second and last match against the

Carabineers ended in a win for the Regiment by three wickets. The Regiment batte d first again and made 81 for seven declared. The Carabineers then went in and their opening batsmen made 40 runs before the partnership was broken. but the rest of their wickets fell quickly, Cpl. Melbourne taking six for 44 and Tpr, Heyermerdinguer three for 14. This is probably the first season that the Regiment has played without any office rs taking part and we are badly in need of batsmen in the class of Major Hodg son. Major Evans and Captain Hanmer, who all did so well at Tidworth.

Royals forwards break fast as 3 R.H.A. get the ball out.


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Polo Stables Fit for a General THE Regiment was strongly repre sented at all the tournaments in Germany and. of course. in the inter-Regimenta l and “ Captains and Subalterns.“ From the point of View of cup; and prizes it was a disappomtmg year. The Regimental team was defeated by The Greys in the first round. though the “ Captains and Subalterns “ fared rather better and reached the semifinals. Most of the tournaments are now comp osed of “mixed up " teams from different regi— ments and The Royals figured promi nenily in all of these, Our grateful thank s go to the committees of the various clubs which organised such splendid entertainment. The Regimental team was: Capta in Woodward (l). Lt. Scott (2). Lt.-Col. We Reid Royals (3). Captain Lockhart (back). v. Greys. Lt . Col . Reid left , it d takes the ball; Capt. Woodward We would like to thank those who helpe galltfiijsnalig.e ’ d out by providing ponies, particular ly Lt. Hewson. who was most generous in helping anyone who needed an extra mount . Major Boucher and Captain Wood ward were lucky enough to get to Berlin for the wonderful tournament organised there by General Nelson and were in the winning team. Sgt. Cook brought up the Regim ental horse box with Tprs. Painter and Turnb ull. who also saw that the pony lent by Lt. Scott to General Nelson was well turned out. It is a sobering thought that this is to be the last year in which the black shirts of the Royal Dragoons will appear on the . s“ ‘3. i ’ polo Royals v. Greys field. Fortunately though, there are . . Capt . Woodward Lt . Scott enough Lt.-Col. and Reid about to break away ,from players and ponies for us to put up a stron a lineout. g team. We have learnt a lot from last year and mean to make 1968 a really succe ssful season. Sgt. Cook, L/Cpl. Jones and their team have continued to run the stables reall y well. Our. ponies have always been looking as fit as, if not better than, anyone else’s, and at the same time the stables’ “housekeepin g” has been economically managed, so that the cost of keeping a pony has not been ruino us. It is to be hoped that more officers will be encouraged by this to take up polo, rathe r than to fall for the doubtful financ ial advantages of the racing stable. whose deplor— a able activities are ungramatically repor ted That basket hangs like a hangman’s noose over the elsewhere by Captain Aylen. .,


Royals Nos. 7, ll, 4 and 6


Basketball “I’m Backing Britain” AT the time of writing these notes, I’m pleased to say that at last we have turned the corner and are now playing better than ever before. The reasons for this are twofold; firstly Sgt. “ Pete” Arnott, a firstclass coach, has joined us, and secondly, the enthusiasm shown by all is beginning to pay dividends.

last seven minutes. In this new found form we feel we are a match for any team in the Brigade. When looking at the score sheets the question often asked is, “Why is it that No. 5 has less personal fouls recorded against him that anyone else in the team ? ” We look forward to playing the Dutch Air Force from Blomberg in a home and away fixture, and we have also been invited to take part in a “ Mini International” oneday tournament with American, Canadian, Dutch, Belgian and French Service teams as opposition. In this tournament we hope to do our bit for the “I’m Backing Britain ” campaign by keeping the Regimental and British flags flying high, I much regret that we decided at the beginning of the season not to enter for the Army Cup: we felt then that we were not of the standard required. However, we will certainly enter next year. I hope that the sports tie will be awarded to a number of the players. I cannot finish these notes without thanking Tpr. Callaghan for his help as scorer. and our loyal supporters, a few of the wives of our players, and S.S.M. Ken Lloyd. We hope this number will increase as the Regiment gets to know that at last The Royals have a basketball team worth watching.

The season began quietly with a number of friendly games against local units within 20 Armoured Brigade and much to our surprise we won most of these. Our team at this time was S.Q.M.S, Heath, S.S.I. Bryan. Sgt. LaRoche, Cpls. Chamberlain, Baker. Melbourne, L/Cpls. Crabbe, Sibley and Tprs. Sharkey. Ward and Palmer. We then entered the 20 Armoured Brigade League and. with this team, played and lost our first three games; two of these were decided in the final seconds by the odd basket, but still it was disappointing. In the past few weeks we have been joined by Sgts. Arnott and Thomas. L/Cpl. Wrigley and Tpr. Barden. Round these players we have shaped a new team and have now won our last two games against the A.A.C. (52-22), and our new neighbours, the Q.D.G.s (36-28). This last game was close all the way, though we went ahead in the

Dinghy Salllng Pirates on the Havel The Regiment is a member of the Mohne See Yacht Club. This means that any soldier can go down to the Club to sail. The Regimental Bosun (N0. 439) has now done two seasons and provides much fun both in racing against the Club Bosuns and in ‘pottering about.’ Our thanks go once again to the Old Comrades who gave us the boat. Whilst in Berlin, with the Havel on our

doorstep, we were able to make very full use of the Pirates lent for our sole use by the Berlin British Yacht Club. Under Cpl. Cooper’s guidance soldiers were out every day and a lot learnt to sail. We finished with a regatta which was won by Tpr. Back, who just beat Cpl. Cooper in a very close race. There are to be further courses at the Mohne See next season and it is hoped that old hands and new will appear on these.

SAGITTARIUS Leave business matters till the end of the month. Never mind the UEI. Take another 3 weeks’ leave. Remember the A.S.M.’s motto: “It will be alright on the day.”

CAPRICORN This is your month, get your socks exchanged, enjoy yourself. The Audit will find you out. Volunteer for the Christmas concert.


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lit iiiwmi/awu/i/ms- .1‘


Racing Stables A Taste of Good and Bad AST season was one of mixed fortunes: on the one hand we produced nine winners, which was encouraging, but on the other we suffered a ghastly three weeks in August when nothing left the stables except on three legs. Savilla got off to a good start by winning convincingly second time out. but was weighted out of a proper chance thereafter and will now, at ten years of age and with three successful German racing seasons behind her, be retired. Hopefully. she will spend the next few years “ churning out ” some fairly sharp little numbers for the future. Take Your Pick, following an exasperating series of second places in four photograph finishes, at long last got his nose in front in yet another tight finish, went on to win pulling up at Bad Harzburg and then regrettably parted company with his jockey next time out when lying a handy second in the Kensitas ’Chase; this proved to be his last run of the season. as he had strained a suspensory. Undoubtedly he is the right sort for ’chasing out here, and given a fairer slice of luck this coming season, he could do well. Counterfoil (1963 Cash and CourageChorus Girl), yet another newcomer out of Captain Forster’s string at Lambourn, came to us in mid-season under Mrs. Aylen’s ownership. won his only race with a bit in

hand (about six lengths, which perhaps, with an eye to his handicap, was ill-judged), and two days later broke down in his box~extraordinarily maddening! But he is only a five-year-old and looks quick enough to provide lots of amusement in the coming seasons. The latest recruit. Mr. Couper’s Giora— dono (I962 French Beige-Geifang Gem). arrived too late to appear last season, but we hope to get off the mark quickly when the new one opens in March. Sadly Hephaestus defied all efforts to

Wins for EGIMENTAL the set-back of (in the game) Lockhart.

make a winner out of him (although he did

pick up a bit here and there) and has now, with due deference to his age, been retired. Although Mr. Mackie is no richer, at least he has learnt something of ’chasing, and we trust that he will come back for more. The other two members of the stable. Prince Amber and Vigo’s Scroll, which belonged to Mrs. Edwards, the wife of a Carabineer, departed when their owner returned to England. So now we have rather a lot of empty boxes, however, there is every chance of filling one or two of them and certainly it would be attractive to have a rousing final season for the Regimental colours. Lastly, our very many thanks to L/Cpl. Partridge, L/Cpl. Catlin and Tpr. MacDonald: they have continued to turn the horses out in a thoroughly creditable manner all through a very busy season.


‘Mr. Universe’ holds the B.A.0.R. diving championship trophy—5.8.1. Bryan.

‘A’ and ‘B’ boxing started off with losing its old, experienced oflicer-in-charge, Capt.

But somehow, with the help of

the R.S.M. and 5.5.1. Bryan, we managed to organise and hold two Regimental competitions: the novices for the Robson Shield, and the open for the Buckley Trophy. The aim of the novices’ competition. was to encourage people with little experience in the ring to ‘have a go.’ The response was good; it took the best part of two days to go through all the preliminary bouts. The winners of the novices were as follows: Bantamweight, Tpr. Lyons; featherweight, Tpr. Barber; lightweight, Tpr._Rochford; light welterweight. Pte. Christie; welterweight. Tpr. Swannell; light middleweight, Tpr. Craig: middleweight. Tpr. Barden: light heavyweight, Tpr. Connelly; heavy— weight. L/Cpl. Emberson. “ A ” Squadron won the Robson Shield on points! The competition for the Buckley Trophy took place shortly afterwards. Again the response was good and we were prov1ded with an entertaining final evening. All the bouts were well matched. and that between L/Cpls. Williams and'Taylor Will be remembered for a long time. “B” Squadron yet again walked off with the trophy. The individual Winners were: Bantamweight. Tpr. Joyce; featherweight. Tpr. Barber: lightweight, Tpr. Markwick: light welterweight (lst string). Pte. Christie; light welterweight (2nd string). Tpr. Baldwm: Welterweight (lst string), L/Cpl. Williams;

A Champion Diver HE Regimental team, although not water fit, put up a good show at the Brigade meeting. The main problem in preparing for this has been the lack of training facilities, but we hope this will improve in 1968, when the Detmold indoor pool opens. The Waterloo Day swimming gala was held in the camp pool and although the water was very cold all swimmers tried hard. The inter-squadron water polo (winners “HQ.” Squadron) and the chain of com-

5/ w: «at mm PfiRVGWmehx\.\éhit-flugx \_ Rw-

mand race (winners “A” Squadron just). proved entertaining, keen rivalry being shown in both events. Individual winners were: Breast stroke. Tpr. Allison; backstroke, Tpr. Hogan; freestyle, L/Cpl. Schooley. S.S.I. Bryan, who joined us this year, is to be congratulated on achieving a notable double by winning both the B.A.O.R. and the Army diving championships for 1967. He also represented the Army in the interServices match.

welterweight (2nd string). Tpr. Thompson; light middleweight. Tpr. Craig: middleweight, Tpr. Barden; light heavyweight, Tpr. Thompson: heavyweight. Tpr. Cooksey. Tpr. Finney won the ‘best loser: award after a very brave elfort against his longarmed opponent Tpr. Bardeii. We held this boxing in the middle of preparation for U.E.l.. and with F.F.R.. Christmas and courses followmg. we decided not to enter further competitions. But there is always next year.


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Youth and Beauty Prevails THE implressive heading of “Orie nteering as never before a ' The .Eagle; there may be somepgflii delliopg that it may never do so again, but generally speaking. this new sport has caugh t on in the Regiment. We like to feel that it is the combination of intelligence. map reading ability and stamina required of the soldier which makes The Royals particularly suited Ito‘it. but we have the sneaking feeli ng that it is the escape from authority as the soldiers are let loose on the countryside. that is the goading factor. But be warned. L/Cp l Schooley and Tpr. Fletcher emerging like rabbits from a thick hedgerow foun d themselves suddenly face to face with a row of Forstmeisters " on their annual shoot . The Regimental meeting was held in November. All Squadrons having held

their own meetings, were able to enter teams With a fair amount of orienteeri ng experience. ‘They had also been brainwas hed into accepting the fact that it was not quite cricket” to hide the check boar ds when they found them. “ A ” Squadron won and all Squadrons entered for the Brig ade meeting the following week. ‘— Even the smallest unit in the Briga de took part in this. The torrential rain and thick mud could not deter the Brig ade Commander, his Staff. Colonels, Adiut ants. old Majors. hoary Sergeant-Majors and younu Troopers—youth and beauty mixe d well With the.old and wise. Youth and beauty won ‘ Just! “A” Squadron. with Lt. Wheeler and L/Cpls. Emberson. Mills and Harman. who had been in strict traininU managed to scrape the necessary points tco~ take first place. This was a good achievement. but all the Regimental team s did well.

L.A.D. 434’s for all I WAS hoping to slip away to my next job in England, but the Editor caught up with me: he even demanded copy from my sick bed. from which I am now writing. Looking all the way back to last summer, the L.A.D. seems to have changed remarkably. Most of the big fish are still in the pool, but a lot of the others have disappeared to be restocked by younger and fitter ones: L/Cpl. Hunter is still with us though. the longest inhabitant of the pool. We supplied two-thirds of the Regimental team on Exercise “ Roadmaster.” which involved us in driving over 1,400 miles


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around Germany with the EM..E L/Cpl. Hunter and Cfn. Purdom in the Landrover, and Cpl. Simnis, L/Cpl. Desautels and Cfn. Pond in the Bedford. As soon as we had finished that, we sent a team to Hohne to compete in the R.E.M.E. B.A.O.R. rifle meeting. Cfn. Carr managed to win a cash prize on the pool bull and Cfn. Purdom was third in the “ young soldiers ” competition, but we brought no pieces of silver back. We hope we will do better this coming season. Annual firing was not a very busy period for us as the guns seemed to be firing well.

round Germany—Capt. Tarsnane, L/Cpl. Hunter and Cfn. Purdom,


n. Ili\lll\. u..k/ .;‘VA1'


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Grim smiles in anticipation of their 1,400-mile trek


'1 .512 w: er m’{L'w’l MR'T/DWMR‘NWTYflXL‘x \. AN»

The new night-firing lights worked quite well except that the green was too bright for the spectators and control officers in the towers. We promise a sophisticated switch arrangement for 1968 so that commanders can close down and keep warm. When we arrived back from the four weeks’ training, we had to supply teams for the Brigade musketry meeting, and then to start organising a road section for the Brigade Exercise “ Highway Patrol.” After these activities, as well as handng over 15 tanks to l R.T.R. on loan, sending a squadron fitter section to Berlin under S/Sgt. Town and preparing for Exercise “Rob Roy” in September we found ourselves quite busy and Shorthanded, but on Exercise “Rob Roy” life was not exactly hectic. A.Q.M.S. Brooker, with envious eyes upon him, took his new toy, a 434, on the Exercise. We now have four of them and everyone is happy building shelters and beds into them. There won’t be any room for spares, that’s for sure! After “ Rob Roy ” it was the time of the “silly season”—U.E.I., F.F.R., C.R.E.M.E.’s technical inspection, etc. It is during this time that we plan our future sporting fixtures for the quiet periods. We entered for the Craftsman Cups in football, hockey and basketball. the McGill Cup in rugby and the Allard Cup in smallbore shooting. We have only been knocked out of the football so far and have high hopes of winning the hockey and basketball. C.R.E.M.E. was very satisfied on his January visit and we are now preparing for the “ new broom ” to arrive, so in two weeks time I can set off towards England and the doubtful pleasures of paying through the nose for cigarettes, drink and petrol. I can look back over my last two years with much pleasure and remember the many friends in The Royals and the L.A.D. We extend a hearty welcome to the new O.C. L.A.D., Captain Lipsett, and hope he has as happy a tour as I had.


- - Lima/1m.



1 ‘B

L/Cpl. Williams joined the Regi ment in The Rt. Rev. Joost de Blank 1953, serving with us in Egypt and Germany. All past and present Royals In October 1955 he left on ERE posti will have ng to been extremely sad to read of the the Middle East and then to the UK, recent rejoin- deat h of the Rt. Rev. Joost de Blan ing the Regiment at the end of k. He 1961 in serv ed as Chaplain to the Regiment duri Malaya. The remainder of his servi ng ce was the war. in North Africa, Italy, Engl spent with the Regiment in Malaya, and and Tidworth West ern Europe, until being extr and Germany. emely seriously wounded in Antwerp in L/Cpl. Williams was a veteran memb 1944. He er of was an outstanding personality, great MT. Troop, and was renowned for ly liked his cheer- and respected by all. After the war ful disposition and willingness to he behelp. He came one of the most dynamic leaders will be remembered with affection in the by all of Anglican Com us in the Regiment. munion in the present century, being held in the greatest respect by all the * ‘k * world for his outspoken oppo sition to apartheid whilst Archbishop of Captetown. L/Cpl. Blazier, during his five years service in the Regiment, was an exam ple to all of an extremely conscientious and capable young soldier and N.C.O. His prowe ss as a crewman and especially as a radio operator, which was shortly to gain him promo tion, was well known to all who worked with him. As a loyal member of his Squadron and Regiment he will be sadly missed. Q ,

itI» E 77



Tpr and Mrs. Robinson, at Brighton, on 13th May. 1967, a son.


L/Cpl. Ody toBBelrg/Il1 Mary Carter, on 12th May, 1967, at

6‘“S.Q.M.S June’ '967’ a 50”

13th May. 1967, at Sheflield.

8thT June) 1967’ d dug ' r. and Mrs. Gregory,

17th June, . 1967, at Liskeard.

. and Mas. thtfrkS’ at Rlnteln, on ’ 1n , on at R1nte

June’ 1967' 3 5°” ”mp Tpr. and Mrs. France, at Rinteln, on

.v. 91.x“ 1.111. m. 11.1.» .IV/ii

\ win 1 Ms eye, 1 «1% may. myrrh”?‘D



L/Cpl. H111 to Ann Fowler, on 24th June 16th

1967, at Harrow.

Roberts Tpr.June, Epping. Ann Alder, on at Carole 1967, to 24th

d, on 0“ 9th 1111),, 1967, a 5011-' 27T11priiuimd119vél7$anslgiiilhlm at Herfor k/C lyand Mrs. Maytum, at Rinteln, on

T r. Wood to El 1een Margaret Slessor, M on 2p2nd July, 1967, at Tottenham. Capt. D. H. Spencer [0 Jlggitlhamary

26th JEI-y 1967’ a son.

Gordon, on 29th July, 1967, at


Tpr. Kendall to Janet Linda Dodson, on

d 3rd August, 1967’ a daughter. Bdsm. and Mrs. Tenderow1cz, at Detmol , on 4th August, 1967, a son. ' t 1n, on 24tsligtASESStM1r367Eiwgafig’htitr. Rm 6 ' ' In , on 24th T r. and Mrs. Penmngs, at Rinte

5th August, 1967, at Strood. Tpr. Reid to Gillian Swatton, on 5th August, 1967, at Hyde. . Lt. J. W. L. Bucknall to Ju11et Anne W001 . 1967 at Clive. , . st,

cott, on 12th . August,

Tpr. Lew1s to Jean M111er on 19th Augu

Tpr and Mrs. Palin, at Rinteln, on 25th

AUgUét’ 1967’ a son.

28tTilpl'Asztltllstl,\/1rs. Ward, at Rinteln, on 3lst ust, 1967. a son.

Tpr. Marlow was a comparatively new soldier when he was involved in a fatal accident. Marlow had a capacity for making friends; he settled down in the Regiment very quickly and gave every indic ation of thoroughly enjoying his Army life before it was cut tragically short. i


L/Cpl. Williams. at Sennelager, on 20th October, 1967. L/Cpl. Blazier, at Sennelager, on 20th October, 1967. Tpr. King, at Sennelager, on 20th Octob er. 1967.


Tpr. Marlow, at Detmold. on 4th Nove m-

All those of us serving with the Regi ment offer our deepest sympathies to the famil ies of L/Cpls. Williams and Blazier and Tprs. King and Marlow.

ber, 1967. Tpr. Hanlon, December. 1967. 52

71/ I) )«T ‘s‘s‘Y \‘Vfl’l AXVOWSNAXAEX \‘ITN‘f-XL.‘







Cpl. Ford to Carole May B11es, on 9th

' ' a son. 1967’ August, on at R1nte1n, Sedgew1ck, Mrs. Tpr. and 1967, a son. A

1967, at Glasgow.


Tpr. and Mrs. Young, at Rlnteln, on 26th



Major and Mrs. Wilkinson, at Rinteln, on

uCg l ‘k


' a son.Lines, at Tunbrldge June, We11 5 and Mrs. Tpr. 1967,


Tpr. King came to the Regiment at the age of 24. From the start he showed he was well suited to the Army and had a prom ising career before him. Tpr. King’s siste r-in-law was already married to a Royal and so he was quick to settle down and to prov e a useful member of his Troop and Squa dron.


Tpr- Hodges to Pamela Joyce Clarke, on ’

August, 1967’ a daughter. ‘1'

ar 1 g.

Cpl. Dougill to Kathlene Janet Boot

L/Cpl. and Mrs. Golding, at Rlnteln’ on


September, 1967, at Poole.


Rose Murre , Kathleen at Southwark. September,to1967, (”11‘ng. Stevenson

. th R.Q-M-S- Watorskl to . Mary h. Watts, on 9 September, 1967, at Hoat Tpr. Kendon to G1se1a Irmgarda 3:231

and Mrs. Carter, at Rinteln, on 5th

Septlember 1967‘ a son. Tpr. and Mrs. Davis, at Rinteln, on 18th

p. chow, on 22nd September, 1967, at ar L/Cpl. McEvoy to Maurbeern lg/Igrgr:

sonat Rinteln , on 2nd 1967’}:vans, September, Sgt. and Mrs.

23rd Septem e, Honefiman. Ware am. on Ilford, on 3rd OCKObel', 371m.a Willams. Tpr. and1967,

Lasenby, Pamela 1 to Christine Merton. 1. Boon 1967, at November, onC53th

51h ~ ' OCtOberi 19 S a son. at Rlnteln 0“ cto r. , Eounrgess. . Osgbeanil92/irsa (w1d0w of L/Cp 1' W1111ams) M . W111121ms A . i . i at Chseadle, on 13th December, 1967, a son.

Ca vert, ' ‘ tine Jane ' to Ch us L C 1. Moms on A/tthp November, 1967, at Blelefeld. Tpr. Rochford to Maureen Dawes, on 2.3rd December, 1967, at Hartlepool.

L/CPL and Mrs. Mills, at Rmtelniagg 12th December, 1967’ twm son

Tpr. Pennings to Ellen Margret Ithgrton. . on 30th December, 1967, at Newca 6th on Tpr. Parker to Patricia Robson. January, 1968. at Sunderland.

daughtei ecem 2lst 2mger,Mrls96S7tr2a. tfcskrfri~. at R1nteln, on L/TDPI.



REGIMENTAL GAZETT E Commanding Officer .. Adjutant

Regimental Sigs. Ofl‘icer.

(As at 29th January, 1968) REGIMENTAL HEADQU ARTERS Lt.-Col. P. D. Reid

Cpl. Dufton Cpl. Unsworth L/Cpl. Taylor



Capt. J. G. HamiltonRussell Lt. J. W. S. Lewis

Major S. E. M Bradish-Ellames

Assistant Adjutant

Lt. J. C. Leech


W.O.I Clark

“A" SQUADRON Capt. D. H. Spencer S.S.M. Lloyd

as .

Tpr. Thornton

Tpr. Smith (535)


Tpr. Moran Tpr. Lewis

L/Cpl. Ayres L/Cpl. Gregory Tpr. Gillett Tpr. Holmes (553) Tpr. Longhurst Tpr. Northover

. m in. D. . k/ ., «m 2. CW: im.ssai.;¢if§I/Lm mtrme HER: mm; iii niw‘niI'Ii P-‘mJI/I/

Tpr. Haine

.nt ‘1‘

Lt. C. M. F. Scott Sgt. Millett Cpl. Brown

Tpr. Howell

Tpr. Ward (462)

Tpr. Wilkinson (140)

L/Cpl. Crabbe L/Cpl. Parkes Tpr. Allison Tpr. Augustine Tpr. Back Tpr. Callaghan Tpr. Cronin

Tpr. O’Connell Tpr. Youngs

Tpr. Coggins Tpr. Fletcher Tpr. Hows Tpr. O‘Donohoe

4TH TROOP Z/Lt. N. N. Wheler Sgt. Smith

Cpl. Neafsey L/Cpl. Lane Tpr. Batchelor Tpr. Fairs Tpr. Flude

Tpr. Bridgen Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr.

Gardiner Gillard Scott Stickels Williams (014) Wraiter

Tpr. Mackenzie (334) Tpr. McCormack


Tpr. Nettlingham Tpr. Saint

S/Sgt. Town Sgt. Hollis Cpl. Greenfield

Cpl. Russell

L/Cpl. Hammett L/Cpl. Hopkins Cfn. Allen

Tpr. Perryl Tpr. Shaughnessy Tpr. Vidor

Sgt. Burroughs Cpl. Cain L/Cpl. Schooley


Tpr. Mee

Cpl. Lisncy L/Cpl. Baker


5/ I) )4" er \‘VCJ ARV-n W°§T<Xku¥\ VNWL \- "

S.H.Q. TROOP Sgt. Strudwick L/Cpl. Coleman L/Cpl. Hughes

L/Cpl. MarkWiCk Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr.

Henchion Kendall Kennard Mitchell (481) Murray Overton

Cpl. Dixon L/Cpl. Butler Tpr. Carolan Tpr. Ford Tpr. Henson Tpr. Lock Tpr. MaeForch Tpr. Roberts (796) Tpr. Ward (544')

4TH T1100?

Cpl. Emery L/Cpl. Blundell

L/Cpl. Morris Tpr. Anderson

Tpr. MCGOWan Tpr. Rennolds

Tpr. Thompson“ Tpr. Van—Der—Bijl 2ND TROOP

Tpr. Palmer

Tpr. Smith (384)

Sgt. Hayward L/Cpl. Tucker

Cfn. Doyle


L/Cpl. Cokayne Tpr. Farell Tpr. Hogan

Tpr. Pink Tpr. Triggs

Cfn. Francis S.Q.M.S. Poulter

Sgt. Wight L/Cpl. Fielding L/Cpl. Golding L/Cpi. Hamilton

5TH Taoor

Tpr. Boreham

Tpr. Kendon Tpr. McKenzie

Tpr. Price Tpr. Wastling


L/Cpl. Catlin L/Cpl. Rose

Tpr. Allen Tpr. Docherty Tpr. Faulkner L/Cpl. Kearns

Tpr. Hendley Tpr. Holmes (339)

Tpr Coram

Tpr. Hourigan

Tpr. Finnie

Tpr. King

Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr.

Tpr. Martin (376) Tpr. Savage


Tpr. Kaufmann

Tpr. Sedgwick Tpr. Young


MacDonald Reid (433) Smith (401) Swannell

J. W. L. Bucknall

Sgt. Straw

L/Cpl. Partridge


Sgt. Matthew Cpl. Adams Cpl. Livingstone


L/Cpl. Gibbs

A.Q.M.S. Brooker

L/Cpl. Haynes Tpr. Barry Tpr. Birch . Tpr. Chamberlain

Cpl. Killen Cpl. Stone

Sgt. Howells

Cfn. Meadows

Tpr. Rochford Tpr. Syme

Cfn. Cfn. Cfn. Cfn.

Tpr. Thornhurrow

Cfn. Love

Tpr. Crowley Tpr. Davis (711)



Z/Lt. R. N. 0. Couper Cpl. Davis

Cpl. Melbourne

Tpr. Jackson ADMINISTRATIVE TROOP S.Q.M.S. Maekay Cpl. Bryant Cpl. Craig

Major D. S. A. Boyd

Lt. P. M. R. Brook Cpl. Fullick

Tpr. O‘Sullivan

Tpr. Parker Tpr. Pennings (490)

Cfn. Elliot Cfn. MusgrOVe Cfn. Taylor

Tpr. Peasegood Tpr. Robinson (256)


Tpr. Morley

Tpr. Williams (079)

Tpr. Wray

L/Cpl. Harrison Cfn. Carr

Cpl. Whiting


Lt. C. E. T. Eddison S.S.M. Leese

Tpr. Marshall

Shepherd Spice Turnbull Whyte (599)

Sgt, Cooke L/Cp]. Jones Tpr. Ashmore Tpr. Enticknap Tpr. Painter

Cpl. James Cpl. Oxenbury

Cpl. Murphy L/Cpl. Smith Tpr. Brooker Tpr. Dennahy

Capt. J. A. Aylen S.S.M. Tucker

Major W. S. H. Boucher Capt. C. M. Barne

Tpr. Allen

Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr.


W.O.l[ Bumfrey Cpl. Brantingham

Sgt. Weeks

Tpr. Blomquist


Tpr. Hastings

Tpr. Kennedy

Tpr. Williamson Tpr. Wilson


Tpr. Bramble


Tpr. Doubtfire

Caple Craig Hull Kemp Thomson Williams (429)


Cfn. Gallagher

Cpl. Garvey L/Cpl. Head

Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr.

Tpr. Thomas

Tpr. Barden

Sgt. Bell

Tpr. Blackley

2ND Tnoov

Tpr. Gregory Tpr. Hanley

Z/Lt. P. B. Rogers Sgt. Raingcr Cpl. Boon Cpl. Smithers L/Cpl. Calvert l./Cpl. Cooksey




Cpl. Thurston L/Cpl. Scammcll Tpr. Bennett

Sgt. Cook

S.Q.M.S. Heath Cpl. Chamberlain Cpl. Jordan


Tpr. Denning Tpr. Godding Tpr. Goodman


L/Cpl. Frampton L/Cpl. Mills Tpr. Evenden

Tpr. Beale Tpr. Greenfield Tpr. Greer

Sgt. Wilkins Cpl. Mullins L/Cpl. Best Tpr. Barber

Major J. J. F. Scott

Sgt. Cox Sgt. LaRoche L/Cpl. Emberson


Tpr. O‘Connor



lsr TROOP Lt. E. N. Bi‘ooksbank

Phillips Searles Shawross Smith


Major C. B. Amery W.O.II Woods

CD]. Sproats Tpr. Dunn R.H.Q. T‘Roop S/Sgt. Wood

HEADQUARTER SQUA DRON L/Cpl. Ody Tpr. Amey Tpr. Bateman Tpr. Bears Tpr. Benfield Tpr. Berwick Tpr. Blackwell Tpr. Carpenter

Cpl. Ford

Tpr. Carter (026)

L/Cpl. Bolt L/Cpl. Carroll

Tpr. Dreckmann

L/Cpl. David L/Cpl. Harman

L/Cpl. Putland L/Cpl. Sibley

Tpr. Curran Tpr. Fairey Tpr. Harvey Tpr. Hawes Tpr. Howard

Tpr. Edwards

Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr.

Tpr. Murphy Tpr. Pearce

Tpr. Provost ' Tpr. Roberts (528)

Tpr. Ayres Tpr. Carrington Tpr. Davis (076)

Tpr. Turner



Tpr. Williams (892) RECCE TROOP

Lt. D. P. L. Hewson Sgt. Edwards Cpl. Plumb

5;. E


Cpl. Elmslie L/Cpl. Brodie L/C‘pl. Grant L/Cpl. McEvoy L/Cpl. Morris

Saunders Scannell Tolhurst Trist-Collins Voice Williams (643) Winn

Tpr. Wood (965)

L/Cpl. Raven Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr.

Baldwin Carter (341) France Swinton Weston


H.Q., L.A.D., R.E.M.E.

f , Ph sic a: “ng",

S/Sgth Bdrooks

Capt. Tarsnane

Cfn. Reynolds

L/Cpl. Maytum L/Cpl. Meikle

Cpl' n ge Tpr. Mason

L/Cpl. Mexter L/Cpl. Nolan L/Cpl. Trachy


W.O.I Mercer S/Sgt. Fairbairn S/Sgt. Hitchcock Sgt. Arnott

Cfn. Turner (7?, $5111ng C n. ar

531- Bryan

Sgt. Cook

Bdsm. Bdsm. Bdsm. Bdsm.

CPI- Bl“

Baines Chatwin Davidson Eatch

Tpr. Notridge (054)

Cpl. Pentecost L/Cpl. Falvey L/Cpl. Stratford Tpr. Farmer


Sgt. McCormick Cpl. Sweeney L/Cpl. Bolton L/Cpl. Hill L/Cpl. Thompson

Tpr. Mitchell (404)

Capt. F. Fletcher

Sgt. Wallace Cpl. Howell

Cpl. Johnson

Tpr. Sambrook Tpr. Stevenson ’Tpr. Wilkinson ‘ ' (8 06 )

Sgt. McDonald

PAY 0mm:

Sgt. Thomas



Cpl. Baker Cpl. Edwards Cpl. Gordon

57%}. St. John James Cpl. Hankinson


E31: Gm‘g.

Cpl. Sale _

Keys Saville Stephens Skews Tenderowicz Watts

' ' barrack—room, ASHTRAYS:—Very decorative in _ ofiice, or living room.



SIDE HATS & STABLE BELTS:—Get yours before the Summer rush.

Henderson Heymerdinguei‘ Keogh MCGinlay Lines

Tpr. Smith (780)

Cpl. Cooper

Tpr. Willson








Tpr. Haighton Tpr. Heal Tpr. Pyne

Tpr. Graves


Tpr. Hulett Tpr. Minns

L/Cpl. Gange

Tpr. Parsons Tpr. Robinson (126) Tpr. Shell


‘POTTED EDITION,’ 1661-1933, 1938-19


be ordered after lune, Due to future commitments, many items WIII not Chance againpurchase or place your order HOW. you may never get the

Orders or Enquiries:



56 57

31/ IA)!" EV \‘Vi’iu A\7anR°m\‘A\aem\\\r-<v+s:. \ x AVG 4/



L/Cpl. Bickmore


Club Type

Cpl. O'Dwyer

Capt. T. J. Williams W.O.ll Titmarsh S/Sgt. Louch Sgt. Hunt Cpl. Brandon



S/Sgt. Hayes

Tpr. Crimp

W.O.I Weaver


gfékES§R%16%iIgSz—Splendids [tearfgsite sletm;g £91; mgr“favou;igzuie$$:. or barracks.” INK 0 or 51 ver :— man u .n

Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr.

L/Cpl. Benn


All Profits go to the Regimental General Account

Bdsm. Willis


Tpr. Abbott


Bdsm. White Bdsm. Williams (136) Bdsm. Williams (767)

Cpl. Pearce Cpl. Petterson

Tpr. Browniess S/Sgt. Cummings Sgt. Grinyer

Bdsm. Bdsm. Bdsm. Bdsm. Bdsm. Bdsm.

Tpr. Stevens

L/Cpl. Heal M.T. TROOP

HEP} Him” L/Cpl' Lon staff L/CPI. Thorgnpson L/Cpl. Wri ley Cin pBrowng

L/Cpl. games

Cfn, Higson gm Egg?“ n. Cfn. MacEwan Cfn_ Mon-18:“

Cpl. Morley

Tpr. McBryan

L/Cpl. Conne

Pte. Ash Tpr. Callaghan Pte. Chapman Pte. Christie Tpr. Colfer

Cfn. Gillfillan

Tpr. Norris

Smith (118) Smith (986) Standen Thornhill Westall

L/Cpl. Maguire L/Cpl. March

Sgt. Bosher TPF- Byrne Tpr. Grant TPR Phillips TPI‘A Smith (080)

Mathews Pte. Scott Pte. Suffolk

Tpr. Jones Tpr. Joyce Tpr. Lyons

Tpr. Rixon


Cfn. COOPer Cfn. Dunn

Bdsm. Hagger

Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr.

. ‘ L/Cpl. Brown“

113i: Elicia Pte.

W.O.ll Watorski S/Sgt. Remfrey Sgt. Chambers Sgt. Owen Cpl. Byrne Cpl. Carter Cpl. Hildred Cpl. Jackson Cpl. Kinstrey

Tpr. Pritchard Tpr. Reid (039)

831‘ Izllglligalglf

L/Cpl. Freeman Hastie

gig. Egéwnd '

Bdsm. Graver

Tpr. Collins


M'I‘ ROOM STAFF Tpr. McDonald

Bdsm. Goodwin

Tpr. Cooney

Cpl. Laing_

L/Cpl. Brown

Tpr.I Whyte (824)

TPI- waflanowmz



L/Cpl. Williams L/Cpl. Wollard

Cpl. McGill

i5? 3:133:68

W.O.I Mackay S/Sgt. Fisher T/M Shearn Sgt. Burgess Sgt. Everson Sgt. Watts Cpl. Atkinson L/Cpl. Brittain L/Cpl. Hobson

caPt. A. S. Ayrton

L/Cp]. Wall

.m a. awning Erik, :ry/i ‘" 7 :v T Tilt}? TakKéwoA l JFK/W121.Hi\‘

. . ‘, . . .

Knight Martin (726) Notridge (685) Pennings (707)

" Sgt. Wennell Cpl. Freeman Cpl. Lee


/; 7


A ELLE/fl’1?


g a 17





£1 E


0liicors and Soldiers at Ex tra Regimental Employment MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Major A. B. T. Davey Capt. P. T. Keightley Capt. J. M. Lloyd

F.V.R.D.E. Capt. T. W. P. Connell Sgt. Cameron L/Cpl. Aldridge Tpr. Curtis

UNITED STATES ARAIOR CEN TRE Lt.-Col. W. R. Wilson~Fitzgerald

LIFE GUARDS Capt. C. N. Haworth—Booth

R.A.C. Major B.J.Hodgson Lt. A. N. D. Bols S/Sgt. Bujko S/Sgt. Hall S/Sgt. Muir Sgt. Heller Sgt. Sarll Cpl. Budden L/Cpl. Offen Tpr. Boyce

CENTRE Tpr. Bull Tpr. Gainey Tpr. Goody Tpr. Harding Tpr. Hall Tpr. Kent Tpr. Lane Tpr. Mellor Tpr. Wasey



ARMY AIR CORPS I4 Flight Lt. B. H. Coode L/Cpl. Dawson

l r nwniit..gcgi.vv,« :‘u 4 .

l Ins on (L1. SVYTE'S





Sat SQuires

CPL Cairney

2 Wing Tpr. Freund

Ccpl Brown

Cpl. Sowerby

3 Wing

Sgt. Briggs

Tpr. Grimes Tpr. Hudson

L/Cpl. Taylor

Tpr. Nash

Tpr. Brooks

Tpr. Peters

Tpr. Campbell

Tpr. Salisbury

Tpr. Dunn HEA

DQUARTERS, BA HREIN GARRISON Tpr. Connelly Tpr. O’Callaghan


3 Flight

Cp .

1 Flight





P. & E. ESTABLISHMENT Tpr. Thomson Tpr. Webb

IMENT Cpl. Barret

13 Flight Cpl. Finch

The Leading Specialists R.A.C. PARACHUTE SQUADRON Lt. G. R. H. Chamberlain Sgt. Corcorcan Tpr. Edwards L/Cpl. Weaver Tpr. Fuller Tpr. Davies Tpr. Langton




Lt. I. M. D. L. Weston HEADQUARTERS, EASTERN COMMAND Major (Q.M.) W. G. Baker


Major D. J. S. Wilkinson


HEADQUARTERS, B.A.O.R. Major D. Miller Cpl. Wifl‘in


W.O.I Wood

9, géyfl azm’c


Offenbacher Leather Ware Sole distributors of World Trademark

T. & A.V.R. CENTRE W.O.Il Crabb Sgt. Acton

R.M.C.S.. SHRIVENHAM Capt. B. J. Lockhart


HEADQUARTERS, 20 ARMOUR ED BRIGADE Capt. A. E. Woodward Cpl. Hayes Tpr. Ingram


in Detmold (near the Post Office)

Detmold Paulinenstr 30. 59

H/ U)? at \‘Vw AR7‘0W9§N%\\33S§C \‘-r.\\\¢\2;;. \ x xxx w


L/Cpl. Rankin L/Cpl. Salter

Sgt. Clark




Tpr. West

Major T. A. K. Watson

é E

Sgt’ Baym’ R'A'C' TRAIN/[£61 Rviilllf”


L/Cpl. Norman



DARTMOUTH Major J. B. Evans


Cpl. Harris




W Cl) S tel


Lt. N. M. B. Roberts

R.A.C. GUNNERY SCHOOL Major P. W. F. Arkwright S/Sgt. Hearn Cpl. Reeves Sgt. Melia Tpr. Ambler Cpl. Brown (405) Tpr. Honeysett Cpl. Newton Tpr. Stapley JUNIOR LEADERS’ REGIMENT, R.A.C. Major J. A. Dimond Sgt. Boakes S/Sgt. Darling Sgt. Hales Sgt. Whellans Tpr. Thorn


S / S“ “l.



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SUPPLEMENT No. 2—PAGE THREE Printed in Great Britain

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establishments, ranging through ’closed' prisons, 'open' prisons, remand centres, borstals and detention centres. Each bring their own variety of duties. In a borstal, for instance, you could be supervising in the workshops, or taking games, or dealing with the personal problems that beset young offenders.

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£3,000 a year.

NOTE: If you don’t want to cut up yourJournal, write to us instead.


SUPPLEMENT No. 2—PAGE FOUR Printed in Greal Brilain

71/ V)~' \EW ‘\’ \‘lCJ K‘tdk /~n\\7l\*M\xn\m\\i \‘lf\\‘)‘*AL‘ \ t /\\x

marvellous spirit of comradeship within the Service. This is helped by plenty of good opportunities for sporting and social activities.

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SUPPLEMENT No. I—PAGE FQUR mehd in Great Evil-in

71/ HM ‘BW -\’ \IHJ A‘idk/uW‘gmmm‘, \‘l.‘\.\‘7\o—" \ a /\ \1\\

(Tm?) 1 .of' reaching tanks Llntlel‘illl terrain conditions mp1s) t. m )liilnziiicupuhle of water speeds exceeding

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Produced for the Editor, ‘ The Eagle.” The Journal of The Royal Dragoons, by Combined Sc1vicc Publications, Ltd. 6763 Jcrmyn Street, St. James 3, London S.W.1 Printed in Great Britain by I J Parsor.1s Ltd The Adelphi John Adam Street [Hondon \Y/Cz and Hastings and Folkcstone. Advertisement Agents: Service Newsprhpcrs Itd 67 68 Jcrmyn Street S\V.1. (Phone: 017930 1108-9).

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