The eagle royal dragoons magazines the eagle 1958

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Tile Regimental Journal of











POLO, 1957













41 43























SERGEANTS’ MESS FAMILY NOTES Thix photograph was taken by L/Cpl. Macpherson and won the “ Eagle "‘







State Trumpet

Visit of the Old Comrades t0 the Regiment

Banners The Regiment has at the moment four silver State Trumpets which were presented by past commanding officers. On ceremonial parades we fly a trumpet banner from each of the State Trumpets. These banners were bought by the Band and their design is based on the old troop guidons. These troop guidons were first issued to the Regiment on its return from Tangier and on its becoming a Regiment of Dragoons in 1684. At that time six guidons only were issued, these being the Colonel’s Troop, the Lt.—Colonel’s Troop and four others. The troop guidons themselves were of scarlet cloth with a device in the centre. Here the Regiment has a great distinction over other Regiments of Horse and Dragoons: being a Royal Regiment, all our troop guidons had a royal badge as the central device, whereas other regiments simply had a device on their Colonel’s and Lt.—Colonel’s guidons or standards, the remainder being plain.

EDITORIA L My task has been eased by your help. Contributors to The Eagle from all ranks of the Regiment have this year sent in some excellent “ copy ” and an abundance of first—class photographs from which it has been difficult to pick the best—thank you! I should also like to register a vote of thanks on behalf of us all to Gen. Sir Ernest Makins and Col. Fitz Gerald for their unique accounts of Regimental life in days gone by—Those were the Days! I am afraid that in an effort to “ balance the budget,” I have reduced the number of photographs in this issue. Most subscribers, I believe enjoy them, but they are expensive items. I hope, at least, that you will not consider that the quality has deteriorated. The plain facts are that the P.R.I. runs of necessity a smaller business in our present location than in Wesendorf, and is now in a position to make only a limited subsidy.

The Regiment can look back with many proud memories on the past year. On the Waterloo Day Parade a higher standard of turnout and foot—drill was achieved than on any parade since the war, and we were delighted that the Chairman of the Old Comrades’ Association and so many other Old Royals were there to witness it. Our sporting activities are reported elsewhere. Special mention is, however, due to outstanding performances by the football team under the direction of Major Lewis and the cross—country team under the leadership of Sgt. Naseby. We shall all miss Major and Mrs. Greaves. “ Teddy ” has retired after 14 years with the Regiment, during most of which time he has been a Sabre Squadron Leader. We also say a sad farewell to Major and Mrs. Reid-Felstead. S.S.M. Finch and Sgt. Cole—Evans have also left the Army after long and distinguished service in the Regiment. May our loss be the Old Comrades’ gain!

The guidons were at that time as follows: The Colonel’s Troop had embroidered on it the King’s Cypher and Crown; the Lt.-Colonel’s “ The rays of the sun, rising out of a cloud, proper ” (a badge used by the Black Prince); The lst Captain’s had “ The top of a beacon crowned, or, with flames of fire, proper” (a badge of Henry V); the 2nd Captain’s had “Two ostrich feathers crowned, argent” (a badge of Henry VI), the 3rd Captain’s “A rose and pomegranate impaled, leaves and stalk,

vert” (a badge of Henry VII); and the 4th Captain’s “A Phoenix, proper” (a badge of Queen Elizabeth I). In 1687 the Regiment’s establishment was increased by two troops and so a further two troop guidons were issued: one, “ an escarbuncle crowned, or,” and the other, “ A leopard passant regardant, proper, on a field vert” (both of these being badges of Tudor Kings). Later still, the background colour of troop guidons was changed to crimson. The trumpet banners that we have now are on crimson cloth, edged with gold lace, with the original badges from the Lt.Colonel’s, the 1st, 4th and 6th Captain’s guidons embroidered in the centre.

Thanks to the kindness of the Regiment ten Old Comrades, some with their wives, spent six days at Wesendorf last June. The average age of the Old Comrades was 56, the weather was very hot and the generosity of the hospitality was equalled only by the terrific vitality of Regimental life. Small wonder therefore that when a thunderflash was let off with shattering effect on the stillness of the morning at 8 a.m. on the day following the Waterloo Ball, a venerable Old Comrade warily poking his head out of the window to reassure himself and calm his nerves was just in time to hear a passing Trooper remark laconically to his companion, “ There goes another Old Comrade, Bert!” For economy’s sake the party travelled via the military route, i.e. Harwich, Hook of

Holland, Arnhem, the Ruhr and Hanover, but in spite of being eleven to a cabin on the boat, the comfortable train journey with its interesting associations made a happy beginning to the trip. Twenty-four hours to the minute after leaving Liverpool Street Station we pulled into Han-

over, where we were lhlospitably met by the Q.M. and the R.S.M., and shortly afterwards arrived by coach at Wesendorf. Every kind of diversion and experience, always instructive and enjoyable though sometimes nostalgic, had been arranged for us, and during the next few days we Old Comrades were fortunate in being entertained to a buffet luncheon in the Officers’ Mess and to a dinner with the Sergeants. Here the Mess Silver, which many Old Comrades had never before seen, filled us with admiration as had previously the fine oil portraits hanging in the dining room of the Officers’ Mess. We were oflered horses to ride from the Regimental Stable, and at least one Old Comrade completed (to his own satis— faction anyway, and accompanied, if not pre— ceded by his wife!) the Regimental Hunter ‘ Trials Course. Others went to Hamburg Races, where on this internationally famous and lovely course the Regiment has won many events over the last few years against some of the best jockeys and finest horses in Europe, thereby “ Showing the Flag ” to some real purpose and doing a great deal to foster respect and promote good relations with the people of Western Germany. We were lucky also to be able to watch the Regimental polo team who were in the final of the B.A.O.R. Polo Tournament practising for



their critical match against the l7/let Lancers at Bad Lippspringe, and on another occasion we witnessed the Cavalry Bowl swimming competition at Hohne; whilst for purely sightseeing relaxation we were shown “ Industry at the Volkswagen works near Wolfsberg,” “ Geopolitics ” in the form of the Iron Curtain at Helmstedt, and landscape gardening at its most impressive and beautiful around Bad Harzburg. But of course the great event was Waterloo Day, when we were privileged to attend the Trooping of the Guidon and witnessed what all Old Com— rades present were unanimous in pronouncing as the finest parade they had ever seen, Brigade of Guards not excepted. It seemed incredible, in view of the very high and obligatory technical standards demanded today of all ranks, that in addition, foot—drill and turn-out could be so immaculate and the whole performance so perfectly regulated and set off by the Regimental Band. Maj.-Gen. Hackett, can, D.S.0., M.C., G.O.C. Seventh Armoured Division, inspected the parade and afterwards spoke to each Old Comrade for a few minutes. That night saw the Waterloo Ball which, true to modern tradition, continued till well after the dawn. Given by the Sergeants’ Mess and held in the gymnasium, this magnificent function had much to recommend it over the original counterpart given by the Duchess of Rutland 143 years ago in Brussels, but principally it gained through the absence of “ Flap ” and “ Flag-up ” when at its height half-way through! And so ended another memorable Visit to the Regiment. Old friends revisited, old memories renewed, and as we journeyed back to home again we carried with us one overall and abiding impression. This was of the tremendous strength and vitality of the Regiment, sometimes dis— played, sometimes latent, but always there and always ready and competent to punch holes with the latest technical precision (that is always changing), and the oldest Cavalry Dash (which never goes out of fashion) through the lines of any formations misguided enough to qualify as

the Queen’s enemies. Our especial thanks are due to Lt.-Col. G. T. A. Armitage, M.B.E., for so royally welcoming us, and to Major C. W. J. Lewis, M.B.E., Capt. R. C. Bucknall and R.S.M. 1'. Edwards for their preparations and great kindness in looking after us and making our visit so enjoyable and worth while.



“ Party of Old Comrades lately attached The Royal Dragoons send heartfelt thanks for traditionally kind and much-prized opportunity of taking part in life of Regiment. Old Comrades desire with respect to offer their congratulations on immaculate ceremonial parade and to express their pride in being associated with serving Regiment.”

War Office Investigation RD /Misuse——Damage Any puzzled S.S.M. who has ever worried over the remarkably high consumption of paper clips in the Squadron, may be enlightened by the result of a statistical survey carried out by the War Office. A Herford Committee is reported to have been assembled in order to investigate the fate of 100,000 paper clips (received in the last “A” Squadron stationary indent) and to have discovered that only one— fifth, 20,000, of the aforesaid clips were used for their original purpose. The varying fortunes and metamorphoses of the remaining 80,000 is set out in the following statisticsz— — 3,196 were used for pipe cleaners by M.T. Troop Corporal. 5,308 were used as nail cleaners by the LAD attached personnel after vehicle maintenance. 5,434 became tooth—picks or ear-scratchers on Squadron-Leaders half-hour. 4,163 were broken or twisted out of all recognition by agitated oflicers during SquadromLmders “ O ” Groups. 9,413 were used by Aslt. Troop for stakes during poker sessions on Ex Spring Sales. 7,200 ended their office careers to become makeshift hooks on Jungle Greens and Long Johns. The remainder dropped on the floor were unscrupulously swept up by Squadron runners.

* Support your Regimental Journal It keeps you in touch with Old Friends and Old Times.

The following telegram was received from Old Comrades:

No. l Guard Marches Past.

'Mrwvm‘u “.l ,

OFFICERS OF THE No. 1 GUARD Capt. J. W. E. Hanmer, 2,r"Lt. B. J. Lockhart, Capt. P. E. de M. Jarvis (Royal Canadian Dragoons)

General ankctt meets Mr. Plumb Presentation of Long Service and Good Conduct Medals to S.S.M. Bradley and Sgt. Thornton


THOSE WERE THE DAYS—(1893-97) I call the four years (1893—97), which we spent in Ireland, “ Those were The Days,” when all the local and world conditions were so different to what they are today; at that time Ireland was still, in spite of its troublesome natives, a fine sporting and horse-breeding country, before the South was permitted to break away from the U.K. and become a petty republic. Dublin was the pick of all home Cavalry stations as it catered for all tastes—hunting, racing, polo, could be enjoyed at most economical rates—there were great gatherings for events such as the Horse Show and Punchestown—there were all the gaieties of the Viceregal Court for those who were socially inclined. At that time the horse reigned supreme, as the combustion engine was not in being. The British Empire was at its zenith—there had been peace ever since the Crimean War, except for minor campaigns on the Indian Frontier and Egypt—the days of devastating taxation were undreamed of—to a young subaltern in “ The Royals ” everything seemed to be for the best in the best of worlds. Dublin We disembarked at North Wall and went to the Island Bridge Barracks where we spent three years, with one squadron at Portobello Barracks on the South Circular Road. All the barracks in Dublin, with the exception of the new Marlborough Barracks and the Ofi’icers’ Mess at Island Bridge were a disgrace to the Army—typhoid fever was common, owing to their insanjtary conditions, and Lt. Harry Chap— man died of that complaint soon after our arrival. The Subaltern’s quarters were on the bank of the River Lifley (commonly called “ The Sniffey ” from the stench that arose from it), and they should have been condemned as uninhabitable many a decade before. I made myself very unpopular with the Colonel by demanding a vacant slip of a room in the Mess, which he wanted to keep for a casual guest. General (later RM.) The Viscount Wolseley was C.—in—C. with his official residence at the Royal Hospital, Kilmainham, just up the road from our barracks; known as Sir Garnet Wolseley in his earlier days, he had proved himself a very successful commander in our con—

temporary small wars, such as those in West

WATCHING THE PARADE Mrs. Millett. Mrs. Remfry and Mrs. Thorpe

Africa and Egypt, and was a most able organiser and administrator. The common saying in those days, if everything was absolutely in order, was “it’s all Sir Garnet,” which meant the same as

“ according to Cocker,” or to the Indian’s “Teke and Atcha,” or the modern “ O.K.”

He remained in Ireland till 1895 when he became C.-in—C. of the Army in succession to the Duke of Cambridge, and General Lord Roberts took his place in Ireland. Roberts had made his name on the Indian Frontier and both he and Wolseley had their followers and admirers— perhaps the former was the most popular, and was affectionately known as “ Bobs.” No doubt Wolseley envied (his rivaI’s nickname—once when he met our adiutant, Capt. F. Y. McMahon, he told him how lucky he was to have one. “ The Marshal,” for such was McMahon’s nickname, was taken from his namesake the French Commander at Sedan and Second President of the 3rd French Republic. He was one of four brothers—sons of General Sir Henry McMahon, I.G. Cavalry—and they created a record by being adjutants of their respective regiments at the same time—Grenadier Guards, Welsh Fusiliers, “ The Royals ” and the Royal Fusiliers. Wolseley was rather self~opinionated and liked laying down the law; Col. Tomkinson was dining with him on one occasion, when the conversation turned on the 1870 War and the conditions in Paris during the siege. On our Colonel venturing to criticise some of the great man’s statements, he was asked somewhat cur-fly, what he knew about it, when Tomkinson replied, that he was himself in Paris at the time, having failed to get away before the capital was surrounded. Lord Houghton—later raised to the Earldom of Crewe—was Lord Lieutenant \when we arrived. This appointment was made by the Government of the day and the Gladstone-Irish policy was so bitterly resented by the AngloIrish element that they ostracised the Viceregal Court—~tthe result of this state of affairs was that those in official positions and belonging to the garrison had to attend in greater numbers and make up for what would have otherwise been a thin attendance. The social duties fell some— what heavily on us subalterns during the Court’s residence during the season at the Castle and we got told off to attend all the big functions and to call on various distinguished people, on whom we had to leave cards—however, we managed to get through a good many in an afternoon by tipping the butler half a crown to say that they were “not at home.” Things became easier when Lord Cadogan succeeded Houghton in 1895.


Luckily Ireland remained quiet during this period of our service across the Channel, unlike the previous one, when, on 20th May, 1882, Lord Frederick Cavendish, who has just arrived on that morning to take up the appointment of Chief Secretary, was murdered on the main road in the Phoenix Park in front of the Vice— regal Lodge together with Mr. Thomas Burke, the Permanent Under-Secretary who was the man they were really after. There was a cross dug in the grass alongside the footpath at the exact spot which was always kept there until after the Great War, 1914-19, when Southern Ireland got its independence. An officer of the Regiment—Capt. F. Greatrex—got very unfairly blamed in the enquiry over the murder. He happened to be taking his dog for a run in the Park, when, from a few hundred yards away he had noticed a scuffle going on and a jaunting car driven off; but as this sort of thing was quite a commonplace event among the quarrelsome Irish, he did not take much notice of it. Afterwards, when the enquiry was held, he was asked to describe in great detail what he had seen, it was thought rather extraordinary that he could not say what was the colour of the jaunting car in which the murderers had escaped. It had happened at 7.20 pm. and the evening was said to have been very hazy. Two pedal cyclists had actually ridden along the road while the murder was taking place, and rode on, apparently thinking it was only a scrimmage. The office of Chief Secretary was not a very safe appointment while there were “ troubles ” going on. I remember a friend telling me that he was lunching with Mr. A. J. Balfour at the Chief Secretary’s Lodge one day when the latter held that oflice from 1887-91, and asked him if he did not feel the risk he ran. Balfour said that he took the precaution of always carrying a revolver with him, accompanying this remark by producing his weapon from his pocket and laying it on the table beside him, when to my friend’s horror he saw that it was not only loaded in all six chambers, but was at full cock. He, knowing Balfour’s casual absentmindedness, felt that it was much more dangerous to himself than any possible assassin. It was in the year 1882, when a troop of “ The Royals ” had been detailed for police duties, that Cpl. Wallace was murdered near Gort, together with a land agent called Burke, whom he was escorting: They were both shot down by masked men from behind a wall. “ Old Man ” Webb used to keep Wallace’s bloodstained tunic as an “ exhibit ” in his Q.M. Stores, and I often wonder what became eventually of this grim relic. An unique event in the history of the Regi—

ment, in fact one might say in the history of the British Army, took place towards the beginning of 1894, which was the appointment by Queen Victoria of the German Emperor to be Colonel— in-Chief of The Royals. The Prince of Wales had pressed for this after he had been appointed by his nephew to the lst (V.R.I.) Dragoons of The Guard in Berlin. There had been some opposition to this on the part of the Queen her— self and also by Lord Rosebery (who had just become P.M. in succession to Mr. Gladstone), on the grounds that it would create a precedent, which indeed it very soon did. The Emperor was gazetted on 5th May, and in the following December the Czar of Russia was given a similar distinction in the Scots Greys—and in March of the next year the Emperor of Austria was gazetted to the K.D.G.’s—later on we find Kings of Portugal, Belgium, Norway, Denmark and the Crown Prince being given Regiments and the Japanese Emperor Hirohito being created an Hon. Field Marshal. The Kaiser was very pleased with his new honour and until the 1914 war he kept in constant touch with the Regiment. He fitted himself out with a complete uniform, and a deputation consisting of the Colonel (Tomkinson), the Adjutant ( McMahon), and H.S.H. Prince Francis of Teck went over to Berlin on a visit and were all given German decorations. The Kaiser came over to England in August and attended a review at Aldershot where H.R.H. The Duke of Connaught was G.O.C. Queen Victoria decided that a squadron of “The Royals” should be sent over from Dublin to do escort to him at Aldershot. We understood at the time that the War Office had objected to this on account of the expense and that the Queen had insisted on it and paid for us out of her Privy Purse. The squadron was a picked one, with a troop from each squadron with Capts Carr Ellison and Robertson-Aikrnan, Makins, Wombwell and Steele. The Kaiser himself led us past the saluting base at the walk—past. The following year, on 18th June, 1895, the Kaiser sent a gilded ilaurel wreath to be attached to the Regimental Guidon on our Waterloo Day parade—commemorating the fact that the British and Germans then fought side by side. The ceremony took place on the 15 acres in the Phoenix Park, Lt.—Genera1 Sir F. Marshall, C.M.G., Hon. Colonel of the Regiment was present, and Count Hermann Hatzfeldt of the German Embassy was specially entrusted with the duty of presenting the wreath. The following year, in 1896, when the Regiment was on the Curragh, Baron Von Eckhardstein, Charge d’Afiaires in the German Embassy, was selected


for the ceremony—an enormous man, dressed in the white uniform of the Garde de Corps and married to Sir Blundell Maple’s only child. Col. McLaren had selected my first charger for him to ride, as being the best trained, and best looking one in the Regiment. In consequence of this, and as it happened to be Ascot Week, I was given leave to England, while the other officers had to remain till after the parade. I happened to meet Col. McLaren in the Royal Enclosure on the following day, when he told me of the catastrophe which had taken place, and how the Baron had fallen off while affixing the wreath to the Guidon, and how the luscious green grass of the Curragh had spoilt his white uniform. The Orderly Oflicer, Lt. T. M. S. Pitt, detailed to escort him, told me that he had never seen a worse horseman, that my charger had only take a step backward when the long streamers had blown in its face, and the Baron had just fallen over its right shoulder like a sack of potatoes. The Kaiser never forgot this incident and always referred to it whenever I, or anyone else, met him afterwards. He took the precaution of sending the best rider in the German Army, Capt. Von Oppel, the following year. On each Waterloo Day afterwards, except for the three years of the South African War and until the first Great War in 1914, His Majesty made a similar presentation, both in India (generally the hottest day in the year) and in South Africa. The Regiment was in fine form in those days, splendidly tall men—mostly 6 ft. in height—it made one proud to see them in walking-out dress outside the barracks, immaculately turned out in their stable jackets, forage caps, overalls, Wellington boots and spurs. We were very smart on parade, though some critics might have said that the training rather emphasised the ceremonial side, and not sufficiently on some future war. Yet when the time came for that we were not found wanting. As subalterns we were content to be able to command our troops without being word perfect in all the drill book “ cautions.” We left all that to the specialised drill sergeant. However, in 1895 an officer called General Sir George Luck, who had been I.G. of Cavalry in India, received the same appointment of the Cavalry at home. This man was nothing more or less than a glorified drill sergeant and expected all subalterns to be word perfect in the drill book—so willy nilly, we had to get down to the job. He assembled every cavalry formation or independent Cavalry Regiment in England and Ireland on Salisbury Plain in 1898—s0me ten regiments or more—bringing the Curragh Brigade across the Irish Channel


to take part in the ilargest concentration of Cavalry that had ever been assembled in England. It was a magnificent sight, all these regiments drilling as a Cavalry Division on the Plain and finally charging in line, with intervals and distances as correct as training could make them. Anyone looking at an Army List at this time would have been struck by seeing the names of two Princes next to each other among the senior suibaltems of the Regiment. The “Old Man,” as Webb our Q.M. was called, used to say: “ When I enlisted in The Royals, I never thought I should one day be ’obnobbin’ with a couple of Princes.” The senior of these was Prince Victor Albert Jay Duleep Singh—nicknamed “ Tulip ”5 he was the grandson of the great Ranjit Singh, the founder of the Sikh Kingdom, and known as “ The Lion of the Punjaub,” and as a firm ally of the British. Ranjit died in 1839, when his widow was appointed Regent during the minority of his son Duleep, and she was very inimical to the British. The two Sikh Wars—1843146 and 1848-49—were the result, the Sikhs were in— corporated into British India and Duleep was deposed. He was given, £40,000 (pa, bought Elveden, Suffolk, and married a Miss Muller

having five children—two boys and three girls. He quarrelled with the British afterwards and died in Paris. Queen Victoria gave his son, also named Duleep, a commission in The Royals. “ Tulip ” was not cut out for a cavalry officer, and although he was one of the best shots in England and excellent company, he could not learn to ride , the LG. of Cavalry told him that as a special concession in his case he would dismiss him from Riding School if he could get round three times without stirrups; he managed to get round twice, but fell off at a corner in the third round. His name remained on the books till 1898, but he became a gentleman-at-large, coming to visit us occasionally. He married the youngest daughter of the Earl of Coventry. His brother Freddie joined the Norfolk Yeomanry. The other Prince was H.S.H. Prince Francis of Teck. His grandfather had been the Duke of Wurtenburg, whose eldest son could not succeed, as he had married the Countess du Rhedry, who was not of Royal birth. His son was made the Duke of Teck later and married H.R.H. Princess Mary of Cambridge; he had three sons (the second of which was Prince Francis) and one daughter, Mary, who became the wife of our future King George V. (It was not till the Great War that the title of Teck was dropped and the eldest son became the Marquis of Cam-



bridge.) Prince Francis, or just “ The Prince,” as he was called by everyone in Ireland, was a fine, good—looking man, very popular with all classes; he was very fond of hunting and went well to hounds. He enjoyed going racing, too, and unfortunately it was through this pastime that his life with the Regiment in Ireland came to rather an abrupt termination. This owed its origin to a three~day meeting on The Curragh at the end of June 1895. On Tuesday the 25th, a two-year—old, “ Bellevin,” won the Waterford Testimonial Stakes in a canter. On Wednesday, the two-year-old “ Winkfields Pride ” started favourite at five to four in the Nursery Plate, but was easily beaten into 3rd place by ten lengths. On Thursday, “ Bellevin ” and “ Winkfields Pride ” met in the Stewards’ Plate, when it was considered to be practically a walk-over for “ Bellevin,” who started at ten to one on, with “ Winkfields Pride” ten to one against—four runners. Prince Francis had been rather out of luck recently and was persuaded by his friends to back “ Bellevin ” in thousands and get square. In an evil hour he did this and lost ,C 10,000 on the race, as the favourite was comfortably beaten by 1:: lengths ‘by “ Winkfields Pride.” This bet, and the loss of it, naturally created quite a sensation as soon as it became known. The form was distinctly suspect and the running of the horses was considered by many to be a ramp. The Ring were inclined to call the bet off, but as was pointed out, the brother of the future Queen of England could not be let off a‘debt of honour in this way. The Teck family was not well off, but it was said that “ The Prince” had been left some money by his grandmother, the old Duchess of Cambridge, and that Queen Victoria herself came to his assistance. However, the immediate upshot of this whole business was that he left Ireland and was appointed A.D.C. to Major-General Galbraith, G.O.C. Quetta District on the Indian Frontier. He joined the Egyptian Cavalry in 1897 and saw service there at the Atbara and Omdurman, winning the D.S.O. He joined the Remount establishment in Dublin in 1899 and went with that branch of the service to South Africa. He returned to England in 1900, but went out again in 1902 and joined the Regiment for a few days only; he went home for the Coronation and then sent in his papers, much to everyone’s regret. He died young in 1910. I took rather an interest in the horse “ Bellevin” because he had two little horns on his forehead. When I joined I had said in the Mess that when I had visited a Government Haras in Normandy, I had seen two stallions with these

horns; I was accused of romancing, but now I was acquitted owing to concrete evidence. Anyone who might be still sceptical has only to go to the Natural History Museum, South Ken— sington, and ask to see the two skulls there, with the same excrescences. We spent three wonderful years in Dublin, hunting during the winter with the Meath and Ki‘ldare with an occasional gallop with the Ward Union Staghounds. We were allowed to go out with the Ward for a short day even when we were acting as Orderly Officer, our theory being that a really good regiment shoudd be able to carry on by itself for a while under the R.S.M. We played polo on the 15 acres and the nine acres in the Phoenix Park, and we collected and trained some very good ponies. My pony “ Syren,” which I had bought from a man who brought it into barracks as a raw four-year—old, turned out absolutely first class. Mrs. E. D. Miller, the widow of Ted Miller, to whom I sold the pony later, wrote to me through a mutual friend that her husband always said that “ Syren ” was the best pony he ever rode, which probably means that it was the best pony that ever existed, as he only bought the very best for Capt. Walter Jones, giving up to £750 for them. I was away from Dublin for a great deal of the winter 1893—94, as I went for a trip to India for my long leave from 6th December to the end of February, but that forms a story in itself, apart from my regimental reminiscences. Suflice it to say here that I had a most enjoyable and interesting time. After spending Christmas with a married ‘sister at Neemuch, I went on to stay with H.H. Sir Pertab Singh at Johdpore for some wonderful pig-sticking. On to Peshawar to go through the Khyber Pass up to Landi Kotal—then back right across North India, via Lahore, Delhi, Agra, Lucknow, Benares to Ca1cutta. From there I went up to Darjeeling to see the grandest View in the world of the dawn breaking over the Himalayas, with Kinchinjunga in the immediate foreground and the peak of Everest in the distance. Then home via Bombay, where the Governor and his wife, Lord and Lady Harris, put me up and mounted me for a couple of good days with the Bombay Hounds. C01. Frank Rhodes of The Royals had been Military Secretary to Lord Harris, but had just left him to join the expedition to Uganda, led by Sir Gerald Portal, with his brother Raymond and Major Roddy Owen (a well known G.R. and winner of the Grand National). Few people realise that the Owen Falls on the Upper Nile are named after him.

School, which was very cold in winter with its carpet of damp tan. One Sunday a young

Dundalk Owing to an outbreak of enteric fever in our insanitary barracks of Island Bridge, the Regiment left Dublin in February 1896, and went to the Curragh where we lived in the old wooden huts with the horses in the sheds in Donelly’s Hollow. After the training season we marched to Dundalk, via Dublin and Drogheda—with “ C ” Squadron at Belfast. Dundalk was a typical dirty uninteresting town on the Dunleer-Newry road—with a long branch road leading eastwards to the Barracks—— with the Bay of Dundalk a little way beyond. The Barracks were typically Irish—old and tumbledown. The feature of the station was the bay, where the tide went out a long way and on which we drilled and trained polo ponies; it formed a safe background for the ranges on which we did our musketry. Part of the shore provided us with sport, and we used to go at early dawn and in the evening to shoot at flighting duck. We got to know a great deal about sea birds, as almost every known species seemed to frequent the bay at some time or another. I shot a bird on a bog nearby which, when I took it back to the Mess, our ornithologist, Major Rogers, seized from me to send to the taxidermist in Dame Street, Dublin, to be stuffed, as it was a spotted crake—a somewhat rare species. We hunted with the Louth, whose old Master was McCartney Filgate, but always tried to get two days a week with the MeaL‘h under John Watson, in their North Country. We also had our own pack of Harriers—so called as the hare was the proper quarry, but many a Louth fox was hunted as well, and towards the end of the season we borrowed a couple of deer from the County Down Staghounds. Capt. A. Hamilton Russell was M.H., with

Lord Charles



maurice and Lt. A. C. Calvert as whips. We made a very good polo ground in Lord Roden’s demesne and had some first-class ponies. I took our team, consisting of Capt. Hamilton— Russell, Lts. York, Leighton and myself round the North of Ireland, and played Belfast, whom we defeated ; then Londonderry, who defeated us, though we had our revenge later on our own ground. We then played Enniskillen and defeated a strong team consisting of Jack Porter, Anthony Maude, Edward Archdale and D’Arcy Irvine, but we were better mounted. There was an incident on a Sunday morning which I have never forgotten. There was no church near at hand, so we used the Riding

parson, I do not think he was a C.F., came to take the service, and, believe it or not, he took his text from St. Luke vii, 14: “And he came and touched the bier.” Now these two monosylflabic words bier and beer, though absolutely assonant, have very different meanings, and can only be distinguished by the context. To the many old soldiers, especially the habitués of the Wet Canteen, the spoken word had only one meaning, which described the great national drink. The parson, as so many of that fraternity do, kept repeating the text in his discourse, saying: “ And he came and touched the bier. Now I ask you, Why did he touch the bier? ” We feared at one time that some old warrior might answer that it was because it was a hot and thirsty day. Luckily they kept silent, though there were many curious sounds, which one hoped might be taken for coughs but were really suppressed guffaws. But the spirit of discipline with, no doubt, the feeling that it was a church service, just, but only just, managed to save the situation. Everyone was greatly relieved to hear his closing words, but apparently the simple young man never tumbled to the ribald construction that a lot of old soldiers—and the average age of whom was far more than it is to-day—might put upon his text. At one period we used to occupy ourselves on a Sunday afternoon with chasing a badger which I had bought from a local Irishman, who had brought it into Barracks. I kept it in the old unused racquet court. We let it loose just outside barracks, and after a while laid on a couple of spaniels which one of the officers owned. Luckily there were no holes for it to get into, and it nearly always went about two miles before lying up in a hedge; then after a good breather it went for another mile or so, when we put it into a bag and took it home. Eventually it escaped out of the racquet court—I suspected some playboy let it out—and it was never seen again. There were several holes dug by it in barracks, but I hope it got clear away somehow into the open country; anyhow, it solved the difficulty of what to do with it when we did not want it any longer. Our year at Dundalk passed very swiftly— and we left Ireland after only four years instead of the usual six. We went back to England to take part in the Diamond Jubilee celebration of Queen Victoria, and were quartered at Hounslow, with a squadron at Hampton Court, where we remained till we went off to the South African War.



OLD COMRADES’ ASSOCIATION Membership, Funds and Activities of the Old Comrades’ Association The Old Comrades’ Association has not increased its annual subscription for the last 30 years. This is a proud record and it is hoped that we can continue to peg our dues as in the past, but this can only be done if all Old Royals become members and support our activities. We are fortunate in counting amongst our members a number of serving oflicers and the entire Sergeants’ Mess of the serving Regiment and we cannot emphasise too strongly how grateful we are for their generous support, but we must also stress how narrow is the margin by which we return a solvent balance sheet each year. To all intents and purposes we are entirely dependent upon subscriptions for our annual income, Le. Officers {1 1s. 0d. (not including The Eagle); other ranks 55. (including The Eagle). We have about 85 oflicer subscribers in all and a hard core Of other rank members numbering some 250. In addition we receive perhaps another 150 annual subscriptions each year, but these are not regular or recurring members and it is anticipated that with the ending of National Service we may lose a large proportion of this number. At best, therefore, our current membership is around 500 and at worst it could drop to 350. How do we spend our income ? To start with every other rank member receives a copy of The Eagle, which costs us 45. 6d. (including postage), and in addition all members receive our annual News Letter which last year ran to 20 pages. Thirdly, there is the annual reunion and dinner which this year is costing 16s. 6d. per head, but for which other ranks only paid 108. (the balance being found out Of the O.C.A. Funds). But that is by no means all. Each year it is our sad duty to send wreaths for the funerals of those of our members who pass away (members of the committee always attending at their own expense) and we also subscribe generously towards the Cavalry Memorial Fund and for the wreath that is laid during the course of the annual Cavalry Memorial Service and Parade in Hyde Park. In addition there is the Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey. Furthermore, once or twice each year it is essential to circularise our members in connection with such things as visits to the Regiment, the annual reunion, other social functions

and matters of general interest and importance such as recruiting, etc., and of course we have frequently to remind many Old Comrades that their subscriptions are overdue I All this costs money—£6 to be exact in postage alone each time we circularise our members and we must also pay for stationery and printing. No charge is debited to the accounts for office accommodation, light, heat, telephone Or travelling expenses, these items being donated free by members of the Committee and indeed, if it was not for the immense amount of voluntary work put in by these Committee members and in particular by the Hon. Secretary and his assistant (both Of whom receive entirely inadequate and nominal honorariums) it would be out of the question to carry on at the present rates. However, the fact remains that we do succeed in just breaking even each year and, provided that can can gradually increase our membership, we shall be able to carry on." All newcomers will be very warmly welcomed to the Association, whose target is 750 fully paid-up members by the time the Regiment’s tercentenary anniversary arrives in 1961, which means that we are relying on all Of our present subscribers who read this notice to seek out and bring in new members right away. Tnis is very important, so if members know any old Royals who do not belong, please bring our existence and activities to their notice and enroll their support for this good cause by persuading them to join the Old Comrades’ Association. For the convenience of officers a Bankers’ Order Form will be found on a later page.




The Royal Dragoons Aid Society

received to the effect that due to the Suez Crisis there was a decided decrease in the number of ex—Servicemen registering with the organisation.

FINANCE The Committee of the Royal Dragoons Aid Society have pleasure in presenting their Report for the year ended 3lst March, 1957.

The thanks of the Committee are extended to Brigadier R. Peake, the Office Visitor, for his work on behalf of the Society during the past year. .

FINANCE Subscriptions and Donations came to £152 15., to which must be added income tax recovered on Deeds of Covenant amounting to £46 93. 1d. Receipts from Trust and General Fund Inve st— ments came to £367 2s. 5d., giving a total

income of £565 12s. 6d. Grants amounted to £192 11s. 11d., and after allowing for other outgoings shown in the accounts, income has exceeded expenditure by {147 14s. 7d. This is a very satifactory result, which has not been achieved by any parsimony over the amounts given to worthy applicants.

No report would be complete without any expression of thanks to the voluntary workers of S.S.A.F.A. and Forces Help Society, as without their advice and assistance it would be extremely diflicult to assess the degree and amount of assistance required. The Committee also wish to thank the Royal Armoured Corps Benevolent Fund for their generous co-operation. (Signed) A. H. PEPYS Brigadier. 11thj‘uly, 1957.


One new subscription to charity was made during the year: £5 Os. 0d. to the Royal School for Officers’ Daughters. The balance of the Comforts Fund stands at

£655 78. 10d. CASES. Twenty-seven applications for asststance were received, of which four were refused, one other— wise assisted and one withdrawn. The refusals were: 1. Applicant could not produce service details.

The JOURNAL All contributions to The Eagle are most welcome.

Indeed, without your support there

could be no Eagle published. A11 contributors are asked to co-operate with the Editor by paying attention to the following points :

2. Loan required for business purposes. Please correct proofs carefully before sub3. National Serviceman. mitting them. 4. Deserter. The above all received careful investigation.

Please submit copy by the end of March for the June annual edition.

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION During the year the National Association for the Employment of ex-Regulars placed 23 exRoyals. This figure shows a decrease of 13 on the previous year’s, but information has been

If copy is typed, it should be :doublespaced. Please send in more contributions I


MAKINS SHIELD Results, 1957/58

“ C ” Squadron “H.Q.” Squadron “A” Squadron “B” Squadron

244 points 224 ,, 214i ,, 212i ,,


In the sporting world, hockey has become the main activity as we have a pitch in the camp. We were runners—up in the Inter-Squadron competition, being beaten by “ B ” Squadron in the last match (the loss of Major Greaves was probably responsible for this). We have provided players for all the Regimental teams: Major Greaves, Z/Lt. Farmer and Tpr. Plumridge at cricket; L/Cpl. Bown, L/Cpl. Bonser, Tpr. Howe and Tpr. Fleming for the football team. The former two have played regularly; L/Cpl. Haig, the Regimental goalkeeper, was released before the end of the season; we wish him all the best in his games with Nairn Thistle.

L/Cpl. Robertson was a member of the very successful cross-country running team.

“A ” Squadron Notes As these notes are being published the Squadron is starting another training year. This begins shortly with Exercise “ Spring Sales,” ten days of Troop training in the area of Kassel, to work the Squadron up to the standard required for Regimental and formation exercises in the

summer. Major Greaves has just left on his retirement from the Army after 18 years’ service. Of his 14 years in the Regiment he has spent four of them commanding “A” Squadron. We were very sorry to see him go and send our best wishes to him and Mrs. Greaves in their new life. We welcome Capt. Evans as our new Squadron Leader. He has returned to the Regiment after a year at the Staff College. The Squadron is comfortably settled in the new barracks, but only after a great deal of hard work. Three-quarters of the block had to be re— decorated by the Squadron to make it habitable and to bring it up to the standard that we are used to. Feelings about our new station are very mixed and there is a strong body of opinion that prefers our old location. At least we save a good deal of footwear by reason of the compactness of the camp, but gone are the nice wooded walks to the L.A.D. during maintenance parade. We are very proud of “ Danny’s Dive,” a Squadron night club in the cellars. The idea was produced by Major Greaves and S.S.M. Bradley, and with great speed and skill the work was done by L/Cpls. Haig, Bown, Thornton, Lathan and Lidbetter. It is proving extremely popular for release parties, Troop smokers and celebrations after Squadron successes. The band who live in our block some— times borrow it. The Squadron wives spent a pleasant evening in “Danny’s Dive” on 3rd

March, where a farewell drink and presentation to Mrs. Greaves had been arranged. One of the greater shortcomings of the barracks is the lack of a football pitch. Squadron and Troop football cannot at present be played, and there is no— where for kicking a ball about in the off-duty hours. The Squadron has done well in the last year at work and at play. \Ve produced the best results in last year’s C.I.V. Inspection and are even now struggling to get our vehicles ready again. We were third in the Makins Shield competition, with very few points between us and the winners. The Squadron went out four times during the year on Troop training. The weather tried its hardest to make “ Winter Sales ” in January unbearable, but the exercise was of the greatest value and the whole Squadron fired its personal arms as well as carrying out Troop training. We were lucky enough in the summer to have an exercise co—operating with some helicopters provided by Capt. O. J. Lewis. This was a very constructive and interesting exercise. A large number of people were able to go up and see the Squadron from a new angle ; we hope and expect to do more of this training in the future. Quite recently we were visited by the D.R.A.C., Major-Gen. Foote, V.C., who watched the Squadron receiving morse and gunnery instruction. Public Relations did us proud as a result of their visit and later spent an hour photographing people in the hangars for insertion of “local boy” articles in local papers at home. This seemed a popular pastime, judging by the number of volunteers. In the coming year we have as much time on exercises as we have in camp. We are eagerly awaiting our new equipment and shall have a lot of work to do to get to know and use it properly. '

Z/Lt. Hadlee and Sgt. Shone worked very hard to train the Squadron boxing team in just three weeks. They were so successful that in the first round of the Inter-Squadron competition they beat the much—vaunted “ C ” Squadron who had been training for two months; This was an excellent evening’s boxing and the result was decided on the last fight. The team in this round was: Sgt. Shone, L/Cpls. Ballantyne and Kelly, Tprs. Matthew, Held, Barclay, Smith (030), Hunter, Baxter, Barr, Yates, Mattimore, Hughes and Hart. In the final (against “ H.Q.” Squadron) the Squadron was narrowly beaten. Changes in the team included the following new boxers: Cpl. Underwood and Tpr. Hines.

“B” SQUADRON Since we last went to press there have been the inevitable changes in Squadron personalities; however, we have been luckier than most, having had only one officer change and three changes among the sergeants ; we wish good luck to 2/Lt. Pitt—Rivers on his farm and welcome to to 2/Lts. Sinker and Spencer—Nairn. Sgt. Routley left us for the Yeomanry and Sgt. Lynd decided to have a try at the civilian way of life. S.Q.M.S. Ransom has returned to the fold to take the place of S.Q.M.S. Brown who went to “ H.Q.” Squadron, and we welcome three newcomers to the Squadron: Sgts. Blackallar and Wight, and Cpl. Best. This last year we have again had an energetic training season. The Squadron going to the “ wars ” with a will and having their fair share of success. The weather, with the exception of an exercise in mid-summer, was on the whole fairly kind to us, though S /Sgt. Morton and his half-track crew had their usual yearly quota of calls for “ 12 ” to help some poor car that was bogged down.

The Squadron produced a lively revue in February called “ Slow Boat Show.” Sgt. Smith, fresh back from Bovington, was the producer of this lively concert, which, unlike the usual run, delibarately avoided any reference to mili— tary life. Among those who took part were a skiffle group led by L/Cpl. Jamfrey, Cfn. Collins and Tpr. Matthew as Marilyn Monroe’s sisters, Cpl. Cox and Tpr. McCaiferty on their har— monicas, Cpl. Rooke as a comedian, and Sgt. Smith compering and doing two short acts himself. Tpr. Howe ably impersonated Billy Daniels, and, as ever, Tpr. Lessels sang a song without accompaniment. Tpr. Hunter, a newcomer to the Squadron, also sang well.

We tried two experiments this last summer. One was to try a six recce troop organisation. This was a great success and the newly formed 6th Troop set to with a will and soon won its spurs. The other experiment was vastly different, the Squadron being used in an S.A.S. role behind the enemy lines. To do this we left our armoured cars behind and equipped each troop with three scout cars only ; S.H.Q. was reduced to two champs and trailers. This was greeted with great enthusiasm by all, but especially by Sgt. Baguley and his “wireless wizards,” who had a number of novel wireless problems to overcome. However, the administrative diffi— culties soon became more than the Squadron could cope with g and when it was realised that in most cases we would have to leave our vehicles behind and walk back to safety, the Squadron rapidly and with a sigh of relief collected its armoured cars again.

Finally, before we close, Alpha spirit is as high as ever it has been and we look forward to another successful year. These years would be so much improved if only more of our members would stay on—life with a Regular Army would have none of the shortcomings of to—day, including the monotony of repeated annual training. So we urge those of our readers who are about to leave, to reconsider their decision and stay on to help form a Regular Alpha.

the Squadron has again had some successes; we were first in the drill competition and were runners-up in the F.M.R. Gunnery competition. We won the Katyal Cup for cross—country running, thanks largely to the efforts of L/Cpls. Whitfield and Butler and Tprs. Payne, Coleman and Bingham, all of whom went on to run for the Regiment in a string of successes that you can read about elsewhere. We also won the

In the competitive world, since our last Notes



“ C ” SQUADRON After a close race, “ C ” Squadron (having been declared lOO-l outsiders by some of the know—alls in other Squadrons) were named winners Of the Makins Shield, 1956/57. The shield was presented to the Squadron Leader by the Colonel of the Regiment in October. All ranks of the Squadron contributed to this success. We feel justified in opening Our notes by making these remarks about the Makins Shield, for the competition during the past year was a particularly close one and the intersquadron rivalry as usual, and particularly during the closing stages, was very intense. Now for the details of some of our teams:

A “B” Squadron group at All Ranks Dance: Tpr. Carrington, Major P. D. Reid, Tpr. Halliwell, Tpr.

CRICKET The cricket team, which was unbeaten in all its matches, consisted of: Cpl. Ogden (captain), Lt. Arkwright, Cpls. Eltham and Heath, L/Cpls. Hogg, Smith, Uglow and Griffiths, Tprs. Bonas, Card, Marlow, Pickering and Skellern, Cfn. Brooke. Umpires: Sgt. Brooks and L/Cpl. Crossling.

McNulty, Tpr. Walsh, Tpr. Brown.

Cavalry Depot Bowl, mainly due to the efforts

of Sgt. Clarke during training. The event that stands out during the year was the move from Wesendorf to Herford. A greater contrast between the two stations could hardly be devised. Wesendorf being a large sprawling camp in the middle of the country, While Herford is a minute camp on the edge of a fair-sized town. Opinions differ sharply on the merits of the respective camps, but now that we are properly settled in at Herford and are all beginning to make use of the amenities it offers, opinion in favour of HerfOrd grows daily. We are again about to start the summer training season, and this year it promises to be

even busier than the last. We go out on Exercise “ Spring Sales ” just after Easter, this being our annual shake—down cruise when we hope to make young soldiers into Old soldiers and teach them the various tricks of our trade. Again we are lucky in having a good proportion of old hands to help teach the new entry. We have had a very long and rather cold winter and everyone is just a little fed up with barrack life. However, the Squadron is in very good heart and is straining at the bit to go to the summer wars. We also have the Saladin (our new armoured car) to look forward to, as well as a completely new type of wireless set, so morale is high and we face the future with a great deal of confidence and interest.

Appeal by the Editor All contributions to

The Eagle are most

* Please correct proofs carefully before submitting them.

welcome, indeed without your support for your

ever, all contributors are asked to co—operate

Please submit copy promptly, the latest date is usually mid—March for the June annual edition.

with the Editor by paying careful attention to

Please send in more contributions !

journal there could be no Eagle published. How-

the following points :— If copy is typed, please use double spacing.

Ogden, Pickering and Brooke were the out— standing players, and we congratulate these three on being awarded their Regimental Caps. FOOTBALL The football team, although runners-up to “H.Q.” Squadron, won 4 and lost 2 of its matches in the Inter—Squadron League. Team: Sgt. Brooks (captain), Cpl. Ogden, L/Cpls. Smith and Hogg, Tprs. Armstrong, Bonas, Bowen-Ball, Hawkes and Wallhead, Cfn. Cooper. Reserves: Trps. Jones, Marlow and Park, Cfn. Brooke, L/Cpl. Smith, Tprs. Bonas and Bowen. Wallhead and Cooper are to be congratulated on gaining Regimental Caps. Cpl. Elthatn and Tpr. Ball are in training for the Regimental team this year. ATHLETICS Our team was runner-up to “ H.Q.” Squadron in the Inter-Squadron athletics meeting. Team: 2/Lt. Clogg (captain), 2/Lt. Reid, L/Cpls. Smith, Harvey, Uglow and Yates, Trps. Hawkes, Wallhead, Bonas, Gray, Park, Squair, Marsh, Nelson, Williams, Dempster, Milligan and Jones, Cfn. Lowson and Brooke. BOXING The Squadron won the Inter—Squadron team boxing in March 1957. After defeating “A”


Squadron, the team fought “ H.Q.” Squadron in the final. Team: Tpr. Mitchell, L/Cpl. Jones, L/Cpl. Venables, Tpr. Armstrong, L/Cpl. Clarke, Lt. Arkwright, Tpr. Ewing, L/Cpl. Barker, Tprs. Wayman and May. RIFLE MEETING, lOTH/llTH MAY Winners of the Steele Cup: S.S.M. Fletcher, Sgts. Weston and Bosher, L/Cpl. Jones, Tprs. Sibley and Jackson. Runner—up, Pistol: Sgt. Brooks. Winners of the Bren pairs: Cpl. Woodcock, Tpr. Wayman. Champion Man—at—Arms: 3rd, Tpr. Sibley; 4th, S.S.M. Fletcher; 5th, L/Cpl. Jones. O’Shaughnessy Vase: 3rd, S.S.M. Fletcher; 5th, Sgt. Bosher; 6Uh, equal, Sgt. Weston. 'Phe Squadron team gained 49 points towards the Makins Shield in this Rifle Meeting. Special mention must be made of the efforts made by S.S.M. Fletcher and Sgt. Weston to select and‘ train the Squadron team, and of their success in achieving this very creditable result. CONCERT The Squadron concert was held on 25th February, 1957. It was organised by Sgt. Jubb, and judging by the applause, it was well received. SKI-ING 2 /Lt. Clogg, Tprs. Matthews and Park attended a course at Goslar to train for the Regimental

team. We have to record with the greatest sorrow and regret the deaths of 2/Lt. Clogg and Tpr. Withers. 2/Lt. Clogg was a capable and energetic young officer and Troop Leader of the 5th Troop. He was a fine athlete, and captained the Athletics team, as well as leading the Squadron team to victory in the Assault Troop competition. Tpr. Withers was a well-liked member of the 4th Troop. We send our deepest sympathy to their relatives. We welcome Major J. A. Dimond, M.C., on his taking over command of the Squadron from Capt. R. C. T. Sivewright, M.C. Capt. Sivewright takes with him the best wishes of All Ranks on his posting to be Training



Officer of our affiliated T.A. Regiment, the Fife and Forfar Yeomanry.‘Scottish Horse. We have also lost Capt. D. J. S. Wilkinson, who has been Second-in—Command for over two years, but he has not moved so far away. We do not know whether to sympathise with him, or to con— gratulate him on his appointment as P.R.I. Others deserving of mention in these notes are: S ,r'Sgt. Dawes and Sgt. Weston, who are to be congratulated on the award of the Long Service and Good Conduct Medals; Tpr. Gray, for obtaining the best Squadron grading on his vehicle on the CIV; Sgt. Paul on joining the Squadron on his return from Aden; S.S.M. Fletcher for, apart from his other abilities, being the best player of the poker—dice game “Babies” 5 2/Lt. Hanbury-Tracy on brewing up the Squadron Leader’s tent on Exercise “ Winter Sales ”, Sgt. Weston, on passing his draft off the Square—at last 5 Tpr. Hands on being S.H.Q. driver of 1 Saracen and 3 D.S.C.’s on Com— manding Officer’s pre—CIV inspection, and for obtaining the only laugh heard on that day— from the R.S.M.; Tpr. Riddell, on being the Squadron barber par excellence; and Tpr. Colley, on being the Commanding Officer’s Stick Orderly on so many occasions.

H.Q. Squadron The Squadron is now settled in its new sur— roundings, which are very cramped compared with Wesendorf. Consequently, the Squadron has shed some of its groups, who have accepted the hospitality of the Sabre Squadrons: the Band with “A” Squadron, M.T. Troop with “B” Squadron, and the L.A.D. with “C” Squadron. An important administrative change has been the setting up of a Central Pay Office, with one Regimental Imprest Account, much to the joy of Squadron Seconds-in-Command. A great deal has been achieved towards this end by Sgt. Naseby, the Pay Sergeant (who succeeded Sgt. Manwaring). The arrival of Capt. Burnside in November (an ex-Royal) as Paymaster, has now completed the team. Squadron Pay Clerks have been finally convinced that there is only one officer to deal with instead of four, and that the paper work could be got rid of as fast as it

could be produced. The Stables Troop have now returned to the Squadron again after following previous Equitation Officers through “A” and “ C ” Squadrons. They fortunately returned in time to help us win the Squadron boxing.

On the sporting side, the Squadron claims fame in the following activities: CROSS-COUNTRY RUNNING We were just beaten by “A” Squadron into second place, and were unlucky not to win as our individual placings were: lst, Sgt. Tucker (the winner for the third year running), and 2nd, Sgt. Naseby. ATHLETICS—THE SCISSORS CUP

“H.Q.” Squadron were the winners.


star performers were: Sgt. MacKay, who won the 100 metres, the 200 metres and the long jump; Sgt. Tucker, who won the 5,000 metres, with Sgt. Naseby 2nd; L/Cpl. ShephardBarron, who won the 800 metres. In the discus we filled the first two places with L/Cpl. Fisher, R.E.M.E., lst, and 8.8.1. Sheedy, P.T.I., 2nd. The hammer was won by Sgt. Stone. INTER-TROOP FOOTBALL This was won again for the Squadron by the Q.M.’s Group—one wonders how he does it? OPEN BOXING—ROBSON SHIELD Won by “ H.Q.” Squadron after some excel— lent fights. Tpr. Sargeant deserves special mention for putting up a remarkably plucky fight against Sgt. Shone, his superior in weight and experience, for which he well deserved the best losers’ prize. Both took several days to

recover. REGIMENTAL RIFLE MEETING As usual the Squadron made its presence felt individually, but we were split into two for this alphabetically and could not get all the talent together. We were 2nd to “ C ” Squadron in the Miles Cup and won the wooden spoon, after a great effort by S.S.M. Phillips. However, the following were selected to represent the Regiment at the B.A.O.R. Rifle Meeting: R.S.M. Edwards, Sgt. Cole-Evans, L/Cpls. Clay and Taylor. AMUSEMENTS “H.Q.” Squadron were At Home to the Regiment in the Gymnasium on 12th March. We provided a variety Show which was a great success and owed much to Capt. Burnside, its producer, and the Skifile Group by kind permission of the L.A.D. Amongst others who took part were S.S.M. Phillips, Sgts. Wain and Thompson. Sgt. Davis excelled himself again by taking the leading role in more than one sketch. Another form of amusement was discovered

VISIT OF D.R.A.C (MARCH, 1958) Major-General H. R. B. Foote, V.C., C.B., D.S.O., visits the cookhouse and speaks to Cpl. Drury.

on Sunday afternoon when no one was looking! The R.H.Q. Saracens were lined up on the air-strip at Wesendorf in order to test the speed and driving ability of those notorious members of the troop, Messrs. Hembling, Piper and Badley, who have, sad to relate, all returned to civil life. The result must be kept secret to avoid compromising the official vehicle performance figures!

R.H.Q. TROOP Looking back over the past year we have seen many changes. Lt. Hart Dyke, who came to us from “ B ” Squadron, was last seen ski-ing down the Harz Mountains, desperately trying to net his 88 set. He has not been seen since, and we hear he is destined'for the wilds of Bovington. His successor is Capt. Boyd, whom some of the old soldiers will remember as M.T.O. not so very long ago. Continuity is maintained by our able “ ham,” Sgt. Leese, who always seems to be in contact with every country in the world and, sometimes, even with all four Squadrons as well! We welcome quite a number of newcomers to our exclusive ranks! Tpr. Sargeant from “ B ”

Squadron, complete with guitar (which he can play, too), Tpr. Byers from “ C ” Squadron, both potential “ Golden Voice ” candidates, and Tprs. Ruddick, Coventry, Peers and Mereweather, who arrived slap in the middle of preparation for the annual stocktaking and the C.I.V. There was a certain leaving party, after which it was rumoured that the “ empties” took toll of two Squadron Leaders’ inspections and three broken 3-tonner springs before being finally disposed of! Other arrivals in the troop are Tpr. Jackson, who drives a brand new dingo with great dash, and Tpr. McIntosh, who has left Civvy Street for the second time in the last four years, to take on that overloaded beast of burden, A.C.V. 111. Our sporting record has been as good as ever this year—we reached the quarter—finals in the Inter-Troop football, whilst Tpr. Stannard (light-welter) and Tpr. Ades (heavy) each won their weights in the Inter-Squadron boxing. Tpr. Sargeant—who has also become a very dashing ski—ier—«was runner-up to Sgt. Shone, of “Alpha” Squadron, in the bloodiest battle we have seen for a long time, and they were best loser and best boxer respectively. Fun always starts when the R.S.M. takes



Cpl. Hildred was presented with the General Service Medal with Palestine Clasp. Congratulations to them both. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate S.Q.M.S. Weller on the birth of a daughter, and also L/Cpl. Wood on the birth of a son. Also Sgt. Webster, who has taken the plunge and got himself married. At the same time we would like to congratulate S.Q.M.S. Weller and Sgt. Hall on having passed their

lst Class education and to L/Cpl. Burrows on his promotion. Although no longer with us, we would like to congratulate Sgt. Tucker on his promotion and we wish him all the best in his present Squadron.

110 YOU KNOW? that the “NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR EMPLOYMENT OF REGULAR SAILORS, SOLDIERS AND AIRMEN” (Regular Forces Employment Association) exists for the sole purpose of assisting ex—Regular members of the Forces of good character to re—settle themselves in civil life ? *

No fees are charged nor payment accepted. ‘k

Regimental Orderly Room




COMMANDER ARMOURED CAR REGIMENTS VISITS R.H.Q. Capt. 0. J. Lewis, Commanding Ofiicer, Brigadier G. R. D. Fitzpatrick, D.S.O., M.B.E., M.C., RS.M. Edwards, and Capt. R. C. Bucknall.

over command of the troop on exercises—as Tpr. Palser found out when he went to the wrong thunder box——he is now working in the

Officers’ Mess!

Q.M. GROUP Since the last publication of The Eagle many changes have taken place, foremost being our move, and although we are now situated in a town, there are still many things to be said for our old location. However, our days of living in luxury have now passed and we must now continue in our efforts to get our camp up to the high standard to which we are accustomed. Great credit must be given to the rear party for all the hard work put in which ensured that a first-class hand-over was effected. As far as the advance party was concerned, the hardest thing to control seemed to be the endless stream of lO—tonners arriving with various items of stores and equipment with nowhere to store them 5 however, all these barriers were eventually

overcome. The farewell party given to the civil labour turned out to be a great success and many tears were shed at our departure. However, we all

appreciate the great help they gave us during our stay at Wesendorf. We imagine that by this time S.Q.M.S. Weller must be the greatest of all diplomats in satisfying the endless whims of the wives, and also must hold the record for the number of return trips made from Wesendorf to Herford. Once again the Group excelled themselves on the football field and kept the Inter-Troop Trophy in its proper place. We have now been in the final for the last seven years and this makes it the fourth occasion on which we have won it (keep it up, lads!). Congratulations to L/Cpls. Wood and Watson, and Tprs. Evans, Lindsey and MacCabe for their regular appearance in the Regimental team, and L/Cpl. Watson and Tpr. MacCabe for their being selected for the B.A.O.R. eleven. In the athletic world, the Group won the Squadron athletics and Sgt. Tucker excelled himself by winning the Cross—Country for the third year in succession. L/Cpl. Watson and Tprs. Dix and Farrell represented the Squadron at boxing, so that taking sport all round, we can be very proud of our performance. Waterloo Day Parade was a great success, during which Sgt. Thornton was presented with his Long Service and Good Conduct Medal and

The house of the “ pen-men ” have had another year of turning out the “ bumph,” which never really changes. The one main diversion being our move from Wesendorf to Herford. Deiving into the stationery cellars holding the

enormous amount of secrets, spare copies and obsolete forms was quite an eye—opener on how much rubbish one can accumulate in three years! With gay abandon the staff, dressed in denims( I), put the lot to fire! This now has made a famous answer- “ Sorry, Sarge, I can’t find it—it must be burnt.” * We have formed our “ Kremlin” in Harewood Barracks and are now firmly established to repel all intruders. However, the barrackroom lawyers and prophets still manage to keep ‘ the air alive with news which is still to reach! the Orderly Room. We have said good-bye to Cpl. Connett and Tpr. Longley, and will shortly be losing L/Cpl. Nunn and Tpr. Swains, all who have done a very fine job during their service. Their replacements will do well to equal their predecessors. I close to prepare for the great influx of would-be volunteers as a result of the new pay terms! CHIEF CLERK.

The address of the branch looking after your home area can be obtained from your Resettlement Officer or any Employment Exchange or any large Post Office. *

The National Association has at its disposal in its 52 branches a great variety of employment. It may not always be possible to find within reasonable daily travelling distance, the special job a man may have in mind. But the Regular who calls at the branch office covering his home area will have at his disposal the detailed local knowledge of the Job-finder who will gladly use it to find him the best job available consistent with his qualifications and wishes. \


The Armed Forces now face a reduction in numbers under the terms of the Defence White Paper. The National Association claims that you can find better employment through its agency than through any other, better even than you can find for yourself. *

If you are in any doubt, even before you are due to leave the Services, write to : Regular Forces Employment Association, 62 Victoria Street, London, S.W.1.


M.T. Notes With constant change of its members and the move to Herford, the year for M.T. has been one of trial and error. In August, Lt. Farmer left for “A” Squadron and Lt. Davey took over. With Sgt. Thorpe away as an instructor, Sgt. Howley and the older members of the troop carried on.

heard to suggest, someone let the monkeys out of the Zoo ? Tailpz‘ece.—Tpr. Elkin, the C.O.’s driver, together with L/Cpl. Williams, while preparing the Staff car for the CIV, showed form by taking the vehicle to the Opel agents for servicing, cleaning, and a general check, to ensure that there were no “A” jobs on the inspection. A sign of things to come P

In the sporting world, LijL Clemens vigorously led the football team and Tprs. Barwick, Barker and McLaren boxed for the

Squadron. We were sorry to say good-bye to the German drivers, at the end of August, whose services, some for as long as ten years, had been extremely valuable. In November the Administrative Inspection and the move to Herford provided some variation. Half the troop were paying constant visits to Herford, moving the stores of the Regiment, a task which would have been beyond even M.T. had it not been for the help of the R.A.S.C. with their 10-tonners. The other half of the troop were preparing themselves and their vehicles for the inspection. Now members of the troop began to disappear quickly: Tpr. Chandler with a final wave at the guard room; Tpr. Cumo, whose motor cycling none will forget; Lg'Cpl. Jackson, L,’Cpl. Knight, Tpr. MacLaren and Tpr. Ireland, who has left behind him the unsolved mystery of what he did with his Tech Stores. Luckily Cpl. Bull has managed to find an answer, which, if it not true, has at least satisfied the critics. At about this time, too, the Command Secretary woke up with a start to find some rather odd’work tickets on his desk from the Royal Dragoons. He has since been living on the proceeds. Those who imagine that the move to Herford was a simple matter of motoring will have to explain why the Command half-track leading the Squadron and lodging the Paymaster with his money bags was to be seen overtaking the rest of the Squadron on the Autobahn. We are now realising more than ever, that in Herford, besides providing a Squadron Head~ quarters and an inter~communications troop, we are also a bus company, a taxi service, and, by appointment, the Garrison haulage contractors. One question remains unsolved, as we go to press, from the last Mob Alarm Exercise. Was it indeed M.T. Troop swinging happily from its cross-straps round the Regimental Square, or had, in fact, as the Adjutant was

LAD NOTES In the field of sport our basketball team has carried off the Regimental Championship, and we have contributed members to the Regimental football, cricket, hockey and rugby teams. In August the EHME and Cpl. Pickworth went to Hohne to compete in the B.A.O.R. two—day motor—cycle trial. Cpl. Pickworth did well to finish in the 203, despite trouble with his machine and the E.M.E., to use his own words, “enjoyed myself.” Of course, this year we again had all the usual inspections, but because of the move, the agony was more prolonged than usual. However, “ all’s well that ends well,” and those who survived had the satisfaction of knowing that all the hard work was appreciated. Again, as last year, the Scammell crews have had a busy time, not with— out incident; one recalls their eflorts to produce a short wheel—base Scammell, and even the Wives’ Club had cause to ask for their services one dark night. The training season was as varied and busy as ever and mention of Hohne flies, Bremen mud and Sennelager snow will bring back memories to those who endured them. The year was one of experiment, both intentional and otherwise, and saw the introduction of the l—ton armoured truck, complete with fittings which, it was rumoured, were for attaching a horse in case of breakdown. Its stay was unfortunately cut short before it could be tested to destruction, much to the annoyance of S/Sgt. Sager. Other new acquisitions included four shiny new stores lorries, which one misguided soul described as mobile pigeon lofts, and two petrol Scammells which were greeted with mixed feelings by the Recovery mechanics, possibly due to their possessing 200 grease nipples apiece. The highlight of the year, however, was the l-tonner with removable back, a brave effort but not fully appreciated. No survey of the year would be complete

Civil Labour Party: Presentation to “Alphonse”

without mention of “ the move,” for in Novemher we swept out of our palatial accommodation at Wesendorf, fed the fish for the last time and said good-bye to our German staff. All, that is, except Herr Goedde, who is still with us, as he has been in fact since the days of Wolfen— buttel. Our new home came as a bit of a shock, despite the sterling efforts of Sgt. Davis and his advance party to prepare it for our arrival. The vast expanse of windows (cleanable) caused many a Worried look, but this was compensated partly by the absence of lawns (mowable) and gardens (digable).

You Can

Helpby... .

Christmas came and went, and the newly formed Skiflie Group entertained us at the Regimental Concert and at a less formal party in the L.A.D. A Wesendorf Christmas tree appeared in the L.A.D., complete with coloured lights to mark the festive season. And so to the present day, when we stand on the threshold of another training season in the knowledge that the hard work done during the winter will set us off on the right foot.

If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, maybe you just don’t understand the situation.

Obtaining new Subscribers

Sending the Editor news articles, photographs and cartoons for publication


BAND NOTES It is only fully appreciated how short one year is when asked by the Editor of an annual magazine for some further notes. Let it be said at the outset that we are still able to play within the realms of music and have not been impregnated with that persistent bug, called skiffle. However, to recap. over the affairs of this last Eagle year, we find that the routine has been much the same with the exception of Waterloo Day. The Guidon was trooped at Wesendorf and the Band was commended on its contribution to a wonderful parade. This also marked the occasion of the Band being turned out in overalls, boots and spurs for the first time in post-war years. The idea of overalls and spurs was started some considerable time before, but it was only just in the nick of time that everything was ready. The spectacle was well worth the efiort. Soon after Waterloo Day the Band left for England for the usual summer trip. We were very well looked after at Woolwich depot, where the Band tasted some of the excellent food which has been commented upon in the daily press. During our stay in England we performed at Brighton Western Bandstand, where we met up again with some of the Old Comrades, who were delighted to listen to their Regimental

The most recent event in the Band calendar was a broadcast on B.F.N. which was preceded by a talk given by the Commanding Officer, who spoke about the history and traditions of the Regiment.

Band again. ‘

A sporting and social occasion was spent with the 9th Lancers at Detmold which was most successful, and a return date is in the offing. Our other Band neighbours are the Carabiniers, l7/let Lancers and the Royal Hampshires.

After a spot of leave we assembled again at Woolwich in preparation for the White City Tattoo. The rehearsals for this were held at Aldershot. We have been asked to perform at the White City Tattoo again in 1958. Activities were continued in England at the Southport Flower Show. On return to Germany the usual routine followed, and we settled very quickly into our remote home at Wesendorf. This wasn’t to last for long. The move to Herford was long awaited and the “ explorers ” wasted little time in finding out all the places of interest at Herford. We have quickly settled into the Garrison and the Dance Band has been in great demand in the messes round about. We anticipate a full

musical life at Herford. The Regimental Christmas Concert was hurriedly whipped into shape, under austere conditions, with a much improvised stage and props that really took a lot of organising and erecting. The result in the end was enjoyed by all those present, and the Christmas spirit was fully captured.

Although now departed, we congratulate Bdsm. Eaglesham on winning the C.O.’s Trumpet Competition, and being presented with the Silver Trumpet. In addition to this and the money prize, the C.O.’s Trumpeter also becomes an honorary member of the Corporals’ Mess. The Welfare Club of the Band continues to flourish and a profit—making smoker was held in the practice room, which was both enjoyable and lucrative. It was from the Club funds that the Band football team purchased a set of football shirts. Talking about football, our enthu— siastic manager/trainer (the Trumpet—Major) took a leaf out of the Quartermaster’s book and has had the Band team out on early morning training. Such was the enthusiasm that the Trumpet—Major threw out a challenge to the Q.M. Group and actually laid a wager that the Band team would defeat Q.M. Group. The result of this is not known at the time of going to press, but it is felt that pretty soon the Trumpet—Major will have to pay up.

We are pleased to report the following additions to the fold since the last publication. The Craft brothers (clarinet and comet), Shearn (trombone), Watts (cornet), Fisher (trombone), Oliver (flute), Charlton (cornet) and Slade (clarinet). Many readers will be pleased to note that Bdsm. Slade is the son of the one-time B.S.M. Norman Slade. Returned from Kneller Hall after their pupils’ course are Bdsm_ Craghil‘l, Thorn, Burgess and Briggs. They have settled in well and we are feeling the benefit of their course. At Kneller Hall at present is L/Cpl. Fisher, who, I am glad to report, is progressing very well. In conclusion, we would like to offer congratulations to Bdsm. Storrie on his recent marriage, and we wish him every happiness. Also congratulations to L/Cpl. and Mrs. Syms on the birth of a daughter. “ALLEGRO.”




In November of last year, the vast expanses of the Wesendorf wilderness were exchanged for the congested clamour of industrial Herford, and the Regiment, after three years of isolation, found itself in the heart of a garrison town.

Waterloo Ball. 1957

Our last months in Wesendorf were not wasted. Waterloo Day was, as usual, a great success, both as a Regimental and a social occasion. The Guidon was trooped by R.S.M. Edwards, R.Q.M.S. Jones, T.Q.M.S. Ayrton and S.S.M. Bradley, and many of the Old Comrades were present at the parade. Among the Old Comrades present were Major Balfour, Mr. and Mrs. Stacey, Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. “Tug” Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Jorgenson of Denmark, Mr. Benson, Mr. Collerton, Mr. Hutchinson, Mr. Locke, Mr. Plumb and Mr. Stares, and we take this opportunity of sending our best wishes to all Old Comrades. The Waterloo Ball, organised by the Sergeant’s Mess, was held in the evening. In October, Brigadier Pepys visited the Mess, and presented a handsome picture of the late King George VI, which now hangs in our new Mess at Herford.

The high standing of the Mess in the eyes of the inhabitants of “the Dorf ” was illustrated by the presentation of a silver plate by Herr Schnabel, the Burgermeister, and an attractive clock, by Herr Glanwick, the dentist. The latter removed any excuse married members may have had for arriving late home from the Mess. Other increases in the silver family have been the Sgt. Benson Trophy, the Sgt. Collerton Trophy and the Sgt. Lynd Trophy—all most valued additions.

To the dismay of the pure in heart, and the delight of the more adventurous, Christmas found us in a new location and in a “ wicked ” city. Our new Mess is spacious and comfortable and admits of lavish entertainment. Already, the Messes of the 5th Inniskilling Dragoons, the 4th Hussars, the 8th Hussars and the Bedford— shire and Hertfordshire Regiment have been our guests. All have gone away with favourable impressions, if to wake with sore heads. Shortly before Christmas, an opening night was held when all the Sergeants’ Messes in the Garrison were invited to meet the Royals. No expense was spared and our only difficulty was ensuring that all our guests left before reveille. R.S.M. “ Paddy ” Mooney of the R.M.P. will no doubt remember the evening for long to come. “The Chairman” speaks on behalf of all visiting Old Comrades

S.S.M. T. P. Finch

Christmas was celebrated in the traditional manner. The single members’ dinner was a notable success. Sgt. Thompson, our Mess caterer, is to be congratulated on the presentation of a sumptuous dinner. R.S.M. Edwards and his wife attended and the singing of carols and rousing choruses went on far into the night.

No Christmas would be complete without an Officers’ 1;. Sergeants’ soccer match. With the aid of a little skill and much brutality, the Sergeants won a convincing victory, even though the Oificers were ably supported by the ZIC’s dog. Skip Edwards was to be observed steadily reducing the number of sound limbs and heads on the opposing side.

to Several members of the Mess went along Iserlohn to support the cross—country team which was running in the B.A.O.R. finals. Whilst there, they paid a memorable visit to the Mess an of our affiliated Regiment, the Canadi Dragoons. A riotous time was had by all. The the inevitable boat race was drawn but, in his jousting, the R.S.M. of the Canadians and ” partner suffered badly at the hands of “ Skip



Edwards and Ernie Vowles. One can rest assured that the good name of the Regiment was upheld. In the field of sport, Sgt. Nase‘by, R.A.P.C., has distinguished himself, whilst Bandmaster Evans and Sgt. Wain, R.A.E.C., have furiously indulged in the noble art of Rugby. The Mess is still without a representative in the Regimental football team, but “ Doc ” Evans and “ Spanky ” Davies have put in much hard work as trainers and “ magic sponge ” holders. Since June 1957 the Mess has lost many staunch members. These include “ Taffy ” Evans, Adrian Lynd, Stan Courage, Stan Cummings, “Taffy” Davies and “Wee Wooly” Plumbly. Out best wishes go to all of them. To soften this blow, several old members have returned. These are A.S.M. Jeff Churcher, “ Paddy ” Paul, “ Chalky ” Wight, “ Smudger ” Smith and “ Mamy ” Blackallar (of early morning fame). Two new members are welcomed to the Mess, namely, Sgt. Wain, R.A.E.C. (Royal Army Eating Corps) and Bill Tucker, whom we congratulate on his promotion. Tom Howley is now out of hospital and we all trust he is on the way to a speedy recovery. The Sergeants’ Mess can look back over the past year with pride. It has been active in all spheres of Regimental and social activity and is well—settled and well—liked in its new home.

FAMILY NOTES Since the move to Herford, all of us at some time or other will no doubt look back over the good times spent at Wesendorf. The most amusing memory being, of course, the night the Wives’ Club organised an outing to the cinema in Celle. All went well and according to plan, until the return journey resulted in disaster, when the bus broke down in what proved to be the loneliest and most desolate spot of the Celle road. After a rather long and cold wait, a Scammel duly arrived (only to run out of water on reaching us) and we were eventually towed back to camp at the unearthly hour of 2.30 a.m., a fact which was widely discussed and criticised by all husbands concerned. One can imagine the varying accounts which were forthcoming

as regards our venture. The trip to Goslar was another memorable occasion. After a very delayed start owing to the non-arrival of the German bus which had in error been booked for the following week, we set off on a pleasant but rather bumpy ride in the Regimental bus. Mrs. Armitage brought up the rear in her car, which proved to be very useful for the transportation of the prams, etc.

Lunch was laid on in the Church of Scotland canteen in Goslar, where many of the “ older ” wives renewed old acquaintances with Jean ? who served with the Church of Scotland while the Regiment was in Wolfenbuttel. After lunch, the majority of the wives went to see the Oker Dam. How the old “ bone-shaker ” ever overcame the steep hills will always remain a mystery. At one point the driver was heard to remark: “ We’ll be in Heaven when we reach the top.” After seeing the Dam, which is a very impressive sight, we travelled on to Bad Harzburg and then back to Goslar, where we had tea, and returned home, a hoarse but happy party despite the rain. The move to Herford went very quickly and smoothly, with few “ ticks,” and the Wives’ Club is once more in circulation after an interval of nearly three months. We have the use of the dining room above the Sergeants’ Mess, which has proved to be ideal. At the moment the Club is being run in Squadron rotation, but this is only experimental. The school here is on a much bigger scale than at Wesendorf, having in the region of ten teachers. On the whole the children have settled down well. ' The Self-service NAAFI here has proved to be a much quicker way of shopping, but gener— ally thought not to be money saving! At this point we would like to say “ Hail ” to all families who have recently joined the Regiment, and “ Farewell” to those who have left. A special good—bye to Major and Mrs. Greaves who have left us for Civvy Street. “A” Squadron Wives gave Mrs. Greaves a farewell party in one of “A” Squadron cellars which is now commonly known as “ Danny’s Dive.” Mrs. Greaves was presented with a wall clock. In. conclusion, we hope that some of the families who have left us will read this and join with us in our reminiscences.

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supplied with each copy of the journal

Regimental History Quiz Do you know your Regimental History? Test yourself by answering the questions below. Answers are on page 48. correct answer:

Over 40 30 to 39 15 to 29 Under 15

. . . .

. . . .


Where has the Regiment seen service south of the equator?


What were the dates of the First World War ?


Who won the only Victoria Cross awarded to a member of the Regiment?

Score one for each

Very good indeed. Not bad. Not good! You don’t know it.

23a, 17. Give any two battle honours awarded to

the Regiment in the First World War. . In what month and year was the Regiment formed ? . What was its strength at that time? Where did the first parade take place. . What is the Regiment’s earliest battle honour ? . What other Regiment holds this battle honour ? . Name any two places at which enemy standards were captured by the Regiment. . Who was the first Colonel of The Royals ? . By what title was he later known? What existing Regiment was formed by taking two troops of Royals and three of the Greys ? 7.

In 1775 a Light Troop was formed. What was it famous for? 8. What famous battle took place in 1760? 9a. The Regiment holds the battle honour PENINSULA. Where is this? b. What dates does this battle honour cover? . Who was ruling France at this time? Give the date of the Battle of Waterloo. Who commanded the British Forces at Waterloo ? . What other Regiments were brigaded with The Royals at Waterloo. ? . What was the name of that Brigade? Who captured the Eagle for The Royals? What reward did subaltern officers and soldiers receive for having fought at Water— loo, in addition to silver medals? 15. In what years did the Crimean War take place ? 16. What Regiments were in the Heavy Brigade at Balaclava ? 17. Who commanded the Heavy Brigade at Balaclava ? 18. When was the Regiment authorised to wear the Eagle as a cap badge? 19a. Who was the first Colonel in Chief of the Regiment ? b. How long did he keep this appointment?


When did the Regiment first go to Egypt, and for how long?


Who was Coronet?


Which were the first two Cavalry Regiments to mechanise?


Where was the Regiment on the outbreak of World War II ?


The Royal Armoured Corps was founded in April 1939. Which Cavalry of the Line Regiments were at first excluded from it? One battle honour of the Regiment in World War II is North Africa. What years are covered? At what famous battle were “A” and “ C ” Squadrons passed through the enemy lines ? In what North African countries did the Regiment fight during that campaign? On what island did a squadron land, and fight, during World War II ? How long did The Royals England during the war?



At which rivers in Germany did the Regiment act as Bank Control? Where did the Regiment spend the first six months after the war? When were The Royals last inspected by the Colonel—in—Chief, and where? Who presented the present guidon? How often is a new guidon presented? Where is the last guidon laid up? How many battle honours from World War II will be emblazoned on the present guidon? How long has the Regiment been allied with the Royal Canadian Dragoons? When did the Regiment first serve outside Europe ?

(The answer: to this Quiz will be found on page 48)




REGIMENTAL MEMORIES PART III—l9l9—35 The autumn of 1919, about a year after the Armistice, saw the return of the Regiment to England. The main body proceeded to Houns— low, whilst all the horses, with a party to look after them under my command, went to Luton, as a quarantine measure. IRELAND Our stay in England was short—lived, as in the spring of 1920 we were ordered to Ireland under “ Mouse ” Tomkinson’s command, who had succeeded Col. Wormald under whom we had served during the latter years of war. Our job, an unpleasant one, was to support the Irish Constabulary in their efforts to maintain law and order against the menace of I.R.A. and other gunmen. We were billeted at Ballinasloe with detachments at Athenry and Athlone in County Gal— way, H.Q. being at Garbally, the seat of Lord Clancarty. Troops were billeted in barns and farms whilst one squadron was located in the Workhouse at Ballinasloe. Although our relations with the local people were friendly and happy, our duties, in support of the Police were unpleasant, and no help in this respect was obtainable from the populace, who were terrified of reprisals from the gunmen, whose system of intelligence was extremely good. One could not help admiring the Police, who had a rotten job to do and against whom the rebels committed every form of atrocity. The isolated Police barracks were constantly being raided and troops were rushed to their support, usually too late to take an effective part. No form of duty could be more unpleasant as, in a country supposed to be friendly, we were always liable to be ambushed or held up. Nevertheless, the County of Galway had much to commend it and, in spite of the troubles, we enjoyed excellent hunting with the Blazers, East Galway and Westmeath Hounds who carried on throughout, though those of us who hunted were supposed to carry a loaded revolver in our pockets. There are few better countries to ride over, well placed gorse coverts provided plenty of foxes, and the Galway stone walls, though

hosts, mostly wearing caps and carrying ash plants and ready to ride you down at any obstacle. The bogs around Ballinasloe were full of snipe and duck, and in spite of the menace of gunmen we were welcome to shoot wherever we liked. Meanwhile the political scene got no better 5 we continued to patrol police barracks and large drives were carried out to search for suspects, rather like the operations carried out in Palestine 20 years later, whilst the Government of the day introduced the notorious “ Black and Tans ” to compete with the gunmen at their own game. One of the biggest drives was in progress, when the Government reversed its policy and decided to come to terms with the rebels, with the result that the country was partitioned and the South granted independence. In spite of murder and arson, we left Galway with regret; a county where we had made many friends amid the mountains and bogs. Whilst the Regiment moved back to Hounslow and later to Aldershot, I was appointed an instructor at the Cavalry School at Netheravon, which later combined with the Gunners and was transferred to Weedon. WEEDON AND ALDERSHOT Today there is no cavalry school and those Cavalry officers who wish to study the art of riding visit academies presided over by the R.A.S.C. or the Veterinary Service, abetted, I am glad to note, by the War Office, which still appreciates the “ cavalry spirit ” which can best be acquired on the back of our noble friend the horse. In the 1920’s, however, the horse, in spite of the advent of the tank on the battlefields of the First World War, was still regarded by the Cavalry and Horse Artillery as their primary weapon, and it was the ambition of every Cavalry subaltern to attend this school of

taught to handle and train horses in every stage, from the raw remount to the highly trained charger, and to use the cavalry weapon, the sword, which was still considered the final answer in mobile warfare. We aimed at the perfectly trained horse and man acting in unison. Today the term combined training and “ dressage ” are the names given. The rolling downs of Netheravon were a wonderful setting for the work we had to do and the move to Weedon was not regarded with unqualified approval. There were, however, no regrets when we were settled down in the

“ Mecca ” of English hunting, and the enthusiasm for riding to hounds which all acquired at Weedon proved the climax of the spirit which it was intended to instil. All students were encouraged to join the chase inspired by such experts as Malise Graham and Geoffrey Brooke, who were not only in the forefront in international competitions at Olympia and elsewhere, but were also acknowledged as magnificent riders to hounds. The Pytchley, Warwickshire and Grafton were the packs which bordered on Weedon and it is hard to find a more glorious country to ride over, whilst we were lucky to enjoy the skill of Frank Freeman—one of the greatest experts who has ever carried the horn. For those who know the country, one great hunt with the Pytchley is worth recording. “ Going away from Dodford Holt, over the railway and London road, crossing the Newnham and Ever‘ don brooks, where many got in. Fast to Stowe Wood and on to Upper Stowe, right-handed along the brook, over Watling Street, leaving Pattishall osiers on the left, over rough fences past Eastcott and Tiflield, skirting Easton Neston Park, through Stoke Park and killed our

fox in Stoke Bruern Wood.

A point of 12%

miles, first 4 miles very fast. Horses very tired.” When my tour of duty at Weedon was completed, I rejoined the Regiment at Aldershot and took command of “A” Squadron, the other Squadron Leaders being “ Ginger ” Houstoun and “ Puggy ” Howes, the latter having trans— ferred from 21st Lancers and well known to us

equitation, where the highest form of training

as a member of the Staff of 6th Cavalry Brigade

of the horse was combined with tactical instruction in the art of Cavalry leadership. No doubt we were wrong in ignoring the potential

- in the war. Amongst other new entries was “ Babe ” Moseley, who found dry land preferable to the rough butfetings which he had experienced in the Navy; A. Wintle, who had

somewhat monotonous, were obstacles not to be

possibilities of the tank in mobile warfare and

trifled with. The Westmeath country, near Athlone, was fenced with banks and we had good sport with this pack, but had to be careful of bogs, which were treacherous and could not always be avoided. A great day was when the Kildare followers attended an invitation meet, the visitors being all out to “ cut down ” their

tended to exaggerate its defects whilst depreciating its preponderance in the war of the future, but 1 am convinced that the emphasis on the Cavalry spirit was not wasted but paid dividends in the training of those leaders who were to win the armoured battles of the future. At Netheravon and Weedon students were

transferred from 18th Hussars and at a later date was to gain notoriety for escapades which landed him in the Tower. Bill Scott served only a short period before leaving to become a Master of Hounds, an appointment which he still holds. Recruits

about the same period were Roger Peake, who later became Adjutant, and Tony Pepys, who is now Colonel of the Regiment. Aldershot was then the biggest military centre of the British Army, and embraced two Infantry Divisions as well as a Cavalry Brigade com— manded by Cavendish of the 9th Lancers. Sir Philip Chetwode, who had been a brilliant commander in war was C.—in-C. and an enthusiastic Cavalry Leader. Needless to say, our military training under Walter Hodgson, who was now in command, was extremely strenuous and the efficiency of the Regiment was high. In 1925, H.M. George V as our Colonel-in-Chief presented a new Guidon. Annual ceremonial parades, the last of their kind, took place on Laffan’s Plain, when the Cavalry Brigade, headed by the R.H.A., would gallop past His Majesty, who was in residence at the Pavilion. Although some experiments had been made with mechanised transport, the Cavalry training still put all the emphasis on‘ the sword and horse, and there was little difference in our training from the days before the First World War. Like all peace-time periods, establishments were reduced and men were so short that troops had often to be represented on manoeuvres by flags. At the end of 1926 we had moved to Hounslow, which was then recognised as the stepping stone for foreign service. Whilst Headquarters remained at Hounslow, my squadron was detached and quartered in the Royal Stables at Hampton Court. In September 1927 we commenced another period of foreign service which was to remain almost unbroken up to the present time. CAIRO Under command of Billy Miles, we moved into the old barracks at Abbassia, which were infested with lice and bugs, and in spite of unceasing efforts remained a source of trouble throughout our stay. These pests were common throughout Egypt, and I can well remember a night in a Dak bungalow when we were compelled to quit our beds and spend the remainder of our time on the floor. The Resident in Cairo at that time was George Lloyd, who believed in maintaining the prestige of the British Empire, and those Egyptian politicians who became obstreperous were promptly brought to book. The country was rightly regarded as the key to our com— munications with the East, and we had treaty rights to maintain there a military force to protect them.



Egypt has always been regarded as a popular military station and our stay there was a happy one. The desert was a fine training ground and extensive manoeuvres were carried out. There were ample facilities for sport and during the winter most officers attended a weekly duck shoot, either at Tel—el-Kebir or in the Delta. These organised shoots were the greatest fun. Duck of all kind were numerous, and frequently one’s gun got so hot that it could hardly be handled. Our expeditions to the Delta were chiefly in quest of snipe, which were numerous, but walking through irrigated fields which were being reclaimed from salt could hardly have been more strenuous, as every pace was like pulling a cork out of a bottle. The Egyptian climate in winter and spring is glorious with its bright sun and sparkling air, whilst sunrise and sunset provided marvellous light effects. July, August and September were, however, most unpleasant months when the Nile was rising and the air was charged with humidity which seldom resulted in rain. Dust and flies were the prevailing pests of Cairo, and from this cause half the inhabitants suffered from partial blindness. The daily resort of the officers, after work was finished, was the Island of Gezireh on the left bank of the river where all forms of sport could be indulged in. Here we played polo, golf, tennis and cricket and could have a swim. When we left England for Egypt we tried the experiment of purchasing a batch of untrained polo ponies from the Argentine, and these, which cost about £50 apiece, proved good value when they were trained. Although we played a lot of polo, the grounds which were turfed with Nagil grass were difficult to keep in order and required constant flooding. The existence of Egypt, of course, depends upon the River Nile, which rises in Central Africa and traverses the whole of the Sudan and Egypt to reach the Mediterranean Sea, and the life of the country depends upon irrigations which bring down a wonderful deposit of mud, growing marvellous crops and flowers within the narrow confines of its influence, whilst the rest of the country is completely barren and unable to support life. A trip to Luxor on a Nile steamer was an unforgettable experience. Nothing could be more peaceful and luxurious than to watch the changing scene and lights from the deck, and it was a great experience to visit the great temples wonderfufly preserved for thousands of years. Cyril Swire, with “ Babe ” Moseley and Tony Pepys went further afield and had a wonderful

shooting trip in the Southern Sudan, marred, however, by malaria which put them all out of

action from time to time.

The end of their

leave found the Nile blocked in the Sudd for 40 miles, making passage by boat impossible; a telegram from the Regiment, suggesting that they should walk, was not well received. It would have meant 1,500 miles, including 300 miles of impossible bog. Finally, the trip was completed by travelling south through the Congo, and thence via Mombasa and back by sea. Our light—weight jockeys, Kidd, Moseley and Cooper had considerable success at the races, Heliopolis and Gezireh, mostly on Arabs whose habit was often to stop dead, as the winning post was approached, with the somewhat frequent award of a dead heat and the subsequent sacking of the judge for failing to separate the runners. On the cricket ground at Gezireh, Ronnie Joy and Peter Wilson were our great exponents and on one occasion the latter scored 150 in the hour. INDIA SECUNDERABAD

The autumn of 1929 saw another move to India, leaving behind with regret our friends the 10th Hussars and 12th Lancers, the latter of whom had been selected for mechanisation. This was my second visit to India, where I had last served 19 years before, but instead of going to the northern plains, this time we were to relieve the 9th Lancers at Secunderabad in the Deccan. The voyage in the troopship Somerset— :hz're was uneventful, hot in the Red Sea but pleasant over the Indian Ocean with porpoises and flying fishes to break the monotony. At Secunderabad we formed part of a large garrison, which was stationed in the territory of His Exalted Highness the Nizam, our oldest ally in India, whose forebear had helped Clive to overcome the French and Mahrattas. Social life in Hyderabad centred on the Nowabs, the traditional nobles of the country, who still lived in an early Victorian atmosphere and maintained an almost feudal state. The Nizam him— self, though a miser, was reputed to be the richest man in the world and possessed hordes of jewels and gold. The vast territory of the Nizam was poorly cultivated and typical scenery was of large boulders often the size of houses, strewn about the countryside, as if from an

earthquake and interspersed with every form of thorn bush. In the more cultivated plots there would be date palms and the tax on toddy or “ arak ”—the local drink—was the principal source of royal revenue. On the whole, there was a scarcity of water

and the land was supplied by reservoirs known as Tanks, which were artificial lakes. At Secunderabad itself there were several large Tanks and on one we used to indulge in sailing, a dangerous pursuit as squalls were frequent, and on one occasion all the craft capsized and the crew of one was drowned. In the Deccan were many mediaeval forts, . such as Golconda, which had been the scene of fierce fighting before the advent of British settlers, and Bidar, which was full of rough— haired “ langour ” monkeys. The British repre— sentative in Hyderabad was Sir Terence Keyes, a most charming personality, with whose help we were able to see a great deal of the country. On one such journey to the caves of Ajunta, when we accompanied the Resident, the roads were lined by police for some ten miles; such expenditure of manpower is hard to visualise in this modern age. The garrison consisted of an Infantry Division and a Cavalry Brigade comprising two Indian regiments, as well as ourselves under Brigadier Campbell Ross. Our Brigadier was a survival of the old Indian “ Silladar ” system when the Cavalry had purchased or grown all their own forage and horses, rather similar to the system in force in England at the beginning of the 18th century. Campbell Ross was a fine polo player and a first-class shot, but very jealous. Although he knew every good spot for snipe in the area, he took care never to pass on his information to anyone else and would frequently

collect 50 to 100 birds to his own gun. When he left Secunderabad, he owed so much money to the local “ bunyas ” that he had to disappear in the middle of the night. His wife was a charming woman, who kept a lion cub in her bungalow ; rather embarrassing to callers, as “ Sheba” was about the size of a young bullock and apt to jump up at you. Eventually, when he became too obstreperous, he was sent to the Oxford Zoo. The climate of Secunderabad was tolerable, never very hot and never cold, but monotonous. Most of the year we slept outside, under a mosquito net. One of the plagues of the place were flying ants, which appeared in the dark and would crowd round any form of light and make life almost unbearable. A popular pastime for the oflicers took the form of moonlight picnics: we would go out with our guns before dark, shoot snipe, etc., then build a large bonfire, on which the game were cooked, and this washed down with rum punch would provide a very jolly feast. Our hill station was in the Nilgiris, some 300 miles to the south, via Madras and Bangalore.


Here a detachment of married families and others would spend the hot weather. The country around Ootacamund was quite delightful, rather like the South Downs broken up by wooded “ sholas.” Here we could ride for miles and enjoy great fun with the local hounds ,' added excitement was the fact that you

might quite easily disturb a tiger, and one day a lady had quite a shock when her horse deposited her within a few feet of a tiger, who was equally surprised. The hills were surrounded by dense jungle, infested by every form of game, including elephant, who used to amuse themselves by rooting up the milestones, which were painted black to discourage the attentions of these monsters.

Nearby was the Indian State of Mysore, perhaps the most enlightened principality in India, where the Maharaja held an Annual Durbar which included a magnificent procession on elephants, all trapped in cloth of gold, studded with jewels. Our Commander—in-Chief at this time was Field Marshal Lord Birdwood, who had commanded the Anzak Corps in Gallipoli and was a very fine soldier of the Indian Army. We were lucky enough to receive a visit from him whilst at Secunderabad and were highly impressed by his amazing memory for faces. It was his custom, when on inspection to speak personally to a large proportion of Indian officers and N.C.O.s, and his habit of asking about their families and villages made him extremely popular. At the conclusion of his tour he was entertained in the Garrison Club, and it was quite astounding, how in a circle of several hundred officers and their wives, most of whom he had never seen before, he never made a mistake in their identity. Secunderabad was a fine military training ground, and with the Regiment up to strength, we made full use of our opportunities. When we had to move it was with regret; we left behind many friends, especially the excellent retainers who had ministered to our comfort. On relief by l7th,"21st Lancers, we left our horses behind, and after a three-day journey in the train took over from our old friends the 10th Hussars at Meerut, then commanded by Willoughby Norrie, who has recently returned from a long term as Governor, first of Australia and latterly of New Zealand. MEERUT After the somewhat enervating climate of Hyderabad, Meerut in the cold weather was a real tonic, brilliant sun by day in a crisp atmo— sphere, whilst the nights were cold and called



for plenty of blankets and fires. We formed part of the 3rd Cavalry Brigade under Brigadier Dorman (lately 4 D.G.s) and were a very happy family, with The Black Watch, whose pipers often regaled us, 19th Lancers and 3rd Cavalry, and later the C.I.H. I had succeeded Billy Miles in command of the Regiment and Roger Peake had become Adjutant in succession to Humphrey LLoyd. As R.S.M., H. Morton, who had once been a Royal Marine, carried on the high traditions of R.S.M. Mander. The country (part of the United Provinces) was a big contrast to the rocky barren hills of the Deccan—one of the richest parts of India, intensely irrigated by the Ganges and its contributary canals, it was heavily cultivated, grow— ing wheat, barley, grain and sugar cane in abundance. Each village community had its own irrigation scheme, which was controlled by the local Talukdar and involved the transference of water from one plot to another as required. Needless to say, the result was a flat uninteresting plain, uninspiring from the point of view of military training. In spite of political agitation which was being organised by Gandhi and the Congress, our relations with the inhabitants were of the happiest, and we always received a warm welcome whether involved in training or sport. We were lucky to have two extremely efficient members of the I.C.S. in Marsh, the Commissioner, a famous pigsticker, and Edie as our Collector. In the first instalment of these notes I had occasion to comment on the fact that a Cavalry Regiment was much the same as it had been before the First World War. At Meerut this was particularly true; the emphasis was still entirely on the horse and sword, and although we heard rumours of tanks and mechanisation on Salisbury Plain, such events left us cold and our efforts were still confined to purely cavalry training, stimulated by the directives of our new Commander—in-Chief, Sir Philip Chetwode, himself a distinguished Cavalry leader of the First World War. We would not have had it otherwise, and it would have been a shock had we realised that in ten years time the horse in war would have become as extinct as the dodo and that the Regiment would be fighting in armoured cars, and commands, instead of by signal and whistle, would be conveyed by wireless. Although the aeroplane was increasingly being used for reconnaissance, Cavalry were still regard as the “ eyes ” of the Army for close reconnaissance and the principal source of information. At Secunderabad we had enjoyed a lot of shooting, both small and big game, and in some

ways Meerut was inferior in this respect. No longer could we wait for leopard over a goat or beat for tiger in dense jungle, tanks had given place to jheels, which were usually marshes surrounded by reeds and sugar cane. Neverthe— less we had a lot of fun, especially after snipe, which were numerous on the edge of the Kadir country near the Ganges, and many good duck shoots were enjoyed on Miss Jackson’s jheel. Pigsticking at Meerut, which had always been run by the Gunners and was now in the hands of Friar Tuck, who twice won the Kadir, was strongly supported by the Regiment, and there is no sport which can beat it. Although primarily carried out in the hot weather, it can be enjoyed all the year round, except in the rains. At Meerut, most of the meets took place along the banks of the Ganges, known as the Kadir country, the cover consisting of jhow,which grows from 3 to 8 ft. in height, and high grass with occasional patches of sugar cane. The procedure was much the same as that which I have previously described at Muttra, the line of beaters controlled by a shikaree on elephant or camel, and heats of riders interspersed along the line. Compared to Muttra, the country was rather more rideable, as crops and thorn jungle were not so common and the sandy ground encouraged a faster hunt. During the hot weather camps took place for three or four days once a fortnight, and it was a great relief to get away from the stuffy atmosphere of cantonments and find oneself in the fresher climate of the Ganges. The day’s sport would start at dawn and would generally end about midday, when one would return with relief to the shade of a “ bagh,” where men and horses could rest from the broiling heat of the sun. Those who have not experienced it can hardly realise what a wonderful thirst was achieved after six or more hours chasing pig in a temperature of 130° or more, to be quenched in mango fool and iced beer. The afternoon would be spent trying to sleep under a mosquito net, though till the sun sank this was no easy task. The great event of the year was the Kadir Cup, when sportsmen from all over India would assemble in camp to compete with their best horses in this thrilling competition. There were generally twenty or more heats in the opening round, usually with four riders in each. A line would be formed in the usual way, with a large number of beaters and many elephants on which the spectators would ride, and from which an excellent View of the proceedings could be obtained. Three heats would be on the line simul-

taneously, each controlled by a mounted umpire whose duty it was to loose the heat when a rideable pig was seen, and to indicate the quarry. The signal “ride” started off the heat, who would gallop all out to try and obtain the “ first spear.” The trophy invariably went to one who must be “ one of the best,” but there was a lot of luck, as often the rider who had cut out all the work might fail to contact the pig, which would “ jink ” back and be speared by a rider who might have been further behind. The first spear was claimed by the rider holding his spear in the air and had to show blood to the satis— faction of the umpire. The heat would finish off the pig. Many were the falls and great the grief, but broken collar—bones and concussion were all accepted as part of the day’s work. Whilst we were at Meerut the cup was won by Jack Hamilton-Russell, who thoroughly deserved his triumph on that good horse “ Lindy Loo.” Although racing was keenly supported by our jockeys, Bobbie Kidd, Roger Peake, “Babe” Moseley and others, it was polo which formed the consuming pastime at Meerut, the home of the Inter—Regimental. Although we failed to win the Inter-Regimental, we were successful in many other tournaments at Calcutta, Delhi and Meerut. By this time we had collected a really good lot of ponies—English, Walers, Argentine, the latter proving some of the best. Each Christmas we sent teams to Calcutta and were successful in winning the Ezra Cup three years in succession. The I.P.A. Championship was a bit above our form, but nevertheless, we had thrilling games against some brilliant Indian players, and it was a real pleasure to play against these fine performers. The Maharaja of Jaipur (still playing in England) gave us a week’s hospitality at Jaipur.


Practice against Abbey Sing, Hanut, and the Maharajah on those perfect grounds was an unforgettable experience. Play was of the fastest, but as our opponents never missed a goal shot at under 80 yards, it is not surprising that we

never won a game. In 1934 our Subalterns, Cooper, Russell, Scott and Calvert won the Subaltern’s Cup, and later in the year we carried off the Connaught Cup at Delhi for the second year in succession. The match against Kashmir in the final was quite a thrill, played on a very fast ground. We entered a low handicap team, rated at 8, whilst the Maharaja’s team was valued at 18, and receiving 5 goals start, beat them by 10 goals to 5. Nowadays it is hard to realise the amount of time which was devoted to polo in those days. Ponies were schooled almost daily, and hours were spent in trying to achieve good stick work. It is not surprising that today, when play is confined to weekend tournaments, young players fail to improve their form. 1935 was our last year in India, and we now know that service in that country is permanently at an end. Those who served there will never forget the experiences gained in that vast country, from the Himalayas to the Deccan and from Calcutta to Bombay—life in the jungle, the deep shade of the bunyan and peepel tree, the vast rivers of the plains and the rushing torrents in the hills—the smell of ghee and wailing music in the villages. Our last year at Meerut was marred by the death of Anthony Gilliatt, who was killed by a tiger when shooting in the Central Provinces. In the autumn we were relieved by l7th/213t

Lancers and sailed for home via Egypt, where we were disembarked, to hold the balance whilst Mussolini was massacring the unfortunate Abyssinians.


THE FIFE AND FORFAR YEOMANRY/SCOTTISH HORSE The Regiment has settled down remarkably well in its new role of a Divisional Reconnaissance Regiment, complete with new name, badges and titles. Annual camp last summer was held at Proteus Camp, near Nottingham, and though the weather was not very kind, all ranks enjoyed the fortnight. The Nottinghamshire Civil Defence spent a day in camp with their equipment, and gave highly instructional lectures and demonstrations to all ranks. Church Parade on the middle Sunday was attended by the whole Regiment, who marched past the Commanding Officer after the service _ accompanied by the two Bands—Nlilitary and Pipe. Major D. N. Macdonald, M.C., has gone to N.A.T.O. in Paris, after a strenuous period as Training Officer. He had the unenviable task of ensuring a smooth amalgamation of the two Regiments, and the result certainly proves what a success he made of it. We wish him and Mrs. Macdonald all success and happiness in their new job. We were also very sorry to say farewell to Sgts. Blackallar (Royals) and Weldon) 4/7th R.D.G.), who have returned to their respective units. They both did a grand job of work and were very popular with all ranks of their Squadrons. We welcome S.S.M. Finch, Sgts. Routley and Plumbly (Royals) and Sgts. Wragg and Morrison (4/7th R.D.G.), and hope that their stay will be a happy one.

We had a very welcome visit from Capt. W. Baker during his inter—tour leave from Cyprus. He stayed with the Quartermaster and undoubtedly they indulged in long sessions of “ Do you remember ”1 We have just had our annual Part II In— spection, and though it is too early to have received any report, the Deputy Commander and his Staff Officer (Capt. C. E. W. Ferrand) seemed reasonably satisfied with all they saw. In the autumn we had a most welcome visit from Lt.-Col. I. G. Gill, M.B.E., M.C., Commanding Officer of the 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards, who spent a few days touring the whole of our “parish.” He seemed impressed by all he saw and took notes of the snags confronting the RS. of such a widely spread unit. This summer is going to be a very busy one— being the T.A. Jubilee year—we are supplying a contingent of 27 with D.S.C.s for the parade at Edinburgh in July. This party will be wearing N0. 1 Dress. There are also parades and celebrations in all detachment areas. Annual camp is to be held at Dundonald, near Troon in Ayrshire. It is a hutted camp and should be enjoyed by all. Lastly, we welcome Major R. C. T. Sivewright, M.C., who has arrived and taken over the duties of Training Officer. He has quickly settled down, and it is hoped that he and Mrs. Sivewright will enjoy their stay with us.

DENMARK HORSE SHOW MAY 1957 It was perhaps with a sense of pleasurable

anticipation that we decided to enter for the “ Sydsjaellands rideklub’s abne staeune ” in Naestbed on 3rd-5th May. It was not until we were there that we discovered it was the second largest show in Denmark! Seven horses were sent up by rail under the care of 2,’Lt. Yates and three grooms, L;’Cpl. Cooke, Tprs. Cooke and Perry. These were “ Nelson,” “ Penny,” “Jock,” “ Hansel,” “ Falstaff,” “Jane ” and “ Crazy Bid.” The rest of the party motored up on 2nd May: in less than

no time we felt completely at home with our extremely kind hosts, the Danish Gardehusars (Household Cavalry). The first day of the show included the “ Skoleridning” (dressage) part of the threeday event, after which we were taken around the that roads and tracks, and cross-country course we were to cover the next day. This looked pretty formidable, all the obstacles being solid. of The cross-country consisted of 7,920 metres in a tracks to be covered at 220 metres/min. total time of 36 min., and then 3,780 metres

Mrs. Sivewright on Hansel

across wooded and hilly countryside to be covered in 9 min. at 420 metres/"min. In the latter part came 11 obstacles of various types: namely, first, a dry ditch 4 ft. wide, with a post and rails on the far bank just over 3 ft. 6 in. high; then a double over 3 ft. 10 in, wide and 3 ft. 4 in. high, with a drop on the landing side, an immediate right turn, and an uphill over a pole 3 ft. 6 in. high 20 yds. away; next, an awkward-looking paling in the wood. Obstacle No. 5 was a steep descent, over a post and rails on to a track, and a sharp right turn; then on through pinewoods to another double oxer, wider than the first; the course then crossed a main road into fir trees; over a pile of logs 3 ft. 6 in. high and 3 ft. broad, and up to an open space, a left turn and down a 30-ft. slide with a 2 ft. 6 in. post and rails at the top. Then an obstacle which at first sight appeared simple and consisted of a post and rails 3 ft. 3 in. high, followed by a dry ditch 10 ft. wide, built as a combination. It was not until riding round that we discovered the horse could not see the ditch until right on top of the post and rails, and many came to grief here through refusals, 2,’Lt. Yates being one of them. The last two obstacles were a garden seat, garnished with copies of “ Vogue ” and cushions, and with a vast golf umbrella at one end; and lastly, rails 4 ft. 6 in.

wide and 3 ft. 6 in. high. It was with mixed feelings that we heard that Major Fabling on his “ Crazy Bid,” and Miss D’Aubuz on “ Jane ” (a substitute for the lame “ Marco ”) had been eliminated in the dressage for not getting sufficient marks. This left “Jock” (Mrs. Sivewright), “Falstaff” (2/Lt. Yates) and “ Penny” (2/Lt. Reid) to face the music on Saturday. Needless to say, there was no chance of an early night. On the Saturday morning the endurance test started, horses going at five-minute intervals in a high wind and hail showers. By lunch-time everyone had finished and both “Jock” and “ Penny ” had completed the course within the time limit and without falls or refusals, although “ Penny ” had been on his knees at the slide! After lunch the “ Ridebanespringning” L.a. (Jumping) took place, followed by the M.a. class. In the former we had three entrants— “Jock ” (Mrs. Sivewright) (to let him see the open water!), two refusals (at the water!); “ Nelson ” (2/Lt. Reid), four faults (feet in water); and “ Jane ” (Miss D’Aubuz) eliminated on three refusals 5 none of which were among the prize-winners. “ Nelson ” (2,’Lt. Yates) was the only entry we had in M.a. This course was considerably larger than a British class “ M,” some of the fences being too high for “ Nelson ”


to see over, and it says a lot for the courage and skill of both horse and rider that they got round the 18 jumps with as few as 16 faults. After this we watched some extremely highclass dressage for the St. George’s Medal. We all got a great thrill out of seeing such perfect obedience and balance, as was shown by nearly all competitors. Saturday, 4th May, was the 12th anniversary of the Liberation Of Denmark and Oberstlojtant Jorck-Jorkston officially welcomed us back to Denmark as representatives of the Regiment. Major Fabling replied, saying how glad we were to be back. Sunday, the last day of the show, brought us success. This was in the L.b. jumping, in which “ Hansel” (Mrs. Sivewright) beat “Penny” (2/Lt. Reid) by one-tenth of a second in a jumpoff for first place. This was “ Hansel’s ” first Show ever, and his Win was popular not only with us but, from the applause, also with the Danes. Other events in which we had entries included the final stage of the three-day event (the show jumping). “Jock” and “Penny” both had clear rounds and came 8th and 10th respectively in the final placings out of 24, no mean feat for horses both over 22 years old. “ Nelson ” had eight faults in the M.b. jumping,

and he and “ Hansel” came, 8th and 12th respectively in the La. dressage. This most enjoyable show was brought to an end by the S.b. jumping at which we were admiring spectators! It was with considerable pride that we woke each morning to see the Regimental Flag flying between the Danish Flag and the Union Jack. We were the only English competitors, and Major Fabling, Capt. Sivewright, 2/Lt. Yates and Reid were made Honorary Members Of the Danish Gardehusars, the first “ outsiders” to have this honour bestowed on them. Finally, we would like to extend our warmest thanks and best wishes to all the friends we made, and especially to those very kind families who put us up, C01. and Mme. Leschly, Oblt. and Mme. Jorck-Jorckston, Ritemr. and Mme. Clausen—Kaas, First Lt. and Mme. HojlandChristensen, and last, but by no means least, our guide and philosopher, Nick Suenson.

Equitation Notes The 1957 season has been full of interest, variety, and quite a reasonable measure of success. The Colonel has taken a polo—ride in the

morning, and Mrs. Sivewright has instructed a “mixed” ride ranging from potential instructors and Show—jumping experts, to those just as keen, but not quite so expert! In February, Lt. Yates took his young horse, “ Falstaff,” and “ Nelson ” who is now a Regi— mental Show-jumper, to Soltau, for training on the course run by Lt.-Col. J. A. Talbot-Ponsonby, and Lt. Lockhart took “ Penny ” and “Jane ” to Major Joe Lynch’s General Equitation Course. Both courses were excellent. Our first Horse Show entries in 1957 were at the 8th Hussars in Luneburg, where a one—day meeting was held in their Indoor School. We had a great thrill when 2/Lt. Welton rode two clear rounds on “ Nelson ” to win the Class “L” Jumping. Next came our trip up to Denmark, which is recorded separately. There followed German shows at Celle, Ebstorf, and Wittingen. We enjoyed a considerable success at these German shows, much more than in previous years. The cross—country phase of their Three-Day Event is between 4 and 7 miles of interesting country with 15 to 20 varied, natural—and unnaturall—obstacles, which have to be negotiated at a fair hunting pace, with time in hand to trot on the tracks. Occasionally, as at Ebstorf, the fences are half— fast, with the rails secured in motor—tyre sec— tions; more often the fences are solid, and there is a timed-stretch in the middle Of the course.

Mrs. Sivewright and her young horse “Hansel,” and 23Lt. Reid on “Penny,” both completed a clear round in the Cross-country Section at Celle but were not quite fast enough in the timed stretch—through a fast-flowing river—to be in the money.

Whereas at Celle, and again at Wittingen, the sun blazed down mercilessly, and the horses were jumping in temperatures rising to the 1005, Ebstorf was held in pouring rain, and conse— quently on very slippery going. Ebstorf results: Jumping, Class A: 1st, “Jock ” (Capt. Sivewright) and “ Penny” (Z/Lt. Reid) tied, 8th, “ Hansel.” Class L: lst, “ Nelson ” (2/Lt. Welton). In the “ Speed ” Class, “ Jock ” and “ Hansel” (Mrs. Sivewright) were placed. In the final placings of the Three-Day Event, out of the 70-odd starters, “ Hansel ” was 2nd.

At Wittingen, the following week, “ Hansel ” (Mrs. Sivewright) and “Penny ” (2/Lt. Reid) tied for first place in the Cross—country, and one of the high-lights of the season for us was


when 2th. Welton rode “ Nelson ” most brilliantly to complete two clear rounds over a very stiff course in the Class “ M ” Jumping. BRITISH SHow AT HOHNE This fixture was run at the same time as our Polo weekend. Consequently, some very blearyeyed officers took part. In the first event, the “A” Class restricted, “Penny” (2/Lt. Reid) was 2nd. Due to the pouring rain the ground was very slippery, and in this event “Jock” made one of his very rare slip-ups. He failed entirely to take off at one jump and gave 2/Lt. Hart a nasty fall. In the team jumping, which we had won the year before with the same horses but different riders, we were 3rd. The Class “A” was won by 2/Lt. Reid on “ Penny.” Both the weather and the going and the courses were quite perfect for the Luneburg Garrison Show. 2/Lt. Yates on his young horse “ Falstaff” did a very fast clear round to win the Individual Novice Hunter Trial, and “ Hansel” (Mrs. Sivewright) was 6th, with the same time, but one fence down. The Rhine Army Hunter Trial Championships were held again at Dorfmark, over a 212»mile course which had been reversed, revised, and immeasurably improved—this latter, perhaps, particularly from the spectators’ point of view. The fixture commenced with an oflicial B.H.S. One-Day Event, for which we had two entries, “ Hansel” (Mrs. Sivewright) and “Jock,” now in his 26th year! At the end of the Dressage phase, “Hansel” led. He had been jumping very cleanly and boldly so our hopes were high, but disaster befell us in the second, Show—jumping, phase; In the Crosscountry phase, both “Jock” and “Hansel” went magnificently, with clear, fast rounds. In the final placings “ Hansel” was 7th and “Jock ” (2/Lt. Hart) 11th. After we had walked the Hunter Trial Course our knees felt far' from strong, especially when we remembered the drop-fence, over which it was impossible to see, and once they had negotiated it horse and rider disappeared com— pletely from view!——and the water, 16 ft. of it, with its all—revealing 18—in. rail in front. In the Individual, “ Hansel ” (Mrs. Sive— wright), “ Jock ” (2,”Lt. Hart) and “ Penny ” (Z/Lt. Yates) were the first to go. Unfortunately one of our main hopes, “ Penny,” took the fourth fence, a solid wall of sleepers, by the roots, and came down hard, giving 2,.‘Lt. Yates a very bad fall. The Regimental Team this year was “ Nelson ” (2/Lt. Welton), “ Penny ” (2"Lt. Hart), and “ Hansel ” (Mrs. Sivewright).

2/Lt. Welton on Nelson and Lt. Yates on Falstalf

This ended our Show-jumping activities for 1957, but soon came our move to Herford. There were virtually no stables as such at Herford for the Show—jumpers and Polo ponies; however, thanks to the efforts of Lt. Yates (recuperating from his hospital sentence) some splendid boxes were built adjoining the indoor riding school. Capt. Sivewright (Equitation Officer), able aided by 2,1Lt. Hart, organised the “ send-off ” from Wahrenhorst station Of horses, ponies, show-jumps, saddle-brackets, in fact, “ all the kit ”1 We have two new horses added to the Showjumpers: “ Finnisterre,” a fine upstanding black Hannoverian, rising four, approximately 17 hands, which Lt. Yates bought in July; and “ Scala,” a black mare which 2,."Lt. BarringtonBrowne brought Out from England. “ Falstaff ” has been “posted” by his owner (Lt. Yates) to England, where he has already made a name for himself, hunting with the Ashford Valley hounds and Mid—Kent Stag-hounds. 8TH HUSSARS INDOOR HORSE SHOW, MARCH 1958 Four excited horses, “ Nelson,” “ Jock, “ Penny ” and “ Scala,” accompanied by two rather apprehensive grooms (Tprs. Bolshaw and


Smith), were loaded on to a railway horse-box, en route for Luneburg. The jockeys, Capt. Boyd, Lt. Yates, and 2/Lts. Hadlee, Barrington~ Browne and Hart, set off in two cars after lunch on Friday. The first competition on Saturday was a

Class “A,” time and faults: 2/Lt. Hart on “Jock” came 2nd and 2/Lt. Barrington—Browne on “ Scala ” had a couple of fences down. “Penny” unfortunately went lame five seconds before

entering the ring. In the Class “ L ” (time and points), Capt. Boyd on “Nelson” came 3rd. Our Class “A” pair, 2th. Hadlee (whose first show it was) went clear on “Jock” and 2,v’Lt. Barrington—Browne on “ Scala ” hit one fence. This was a good performance, as 2/Lt. Hadlee had not previously ridden “ Jock” and 2/Lt. Barrington—Browne had never show jumped before. 2/Lt. Hart did well to come 2nd in the fourbar jumping. After a very good party in the 8th Hussars’ Mess, it was not surprising that a large number of people lost their way in the first class on Sunday morning, a Class “ L.” However, Capt. Boyd and ‘ Nelson ” managed to grope their way round without knocking any fences down and came 3rd after touching one fence in the jump—off. For the team competition our team was “Jock” (2 /Lt. Hart), “ Scala ” (Lt. Yates) and “ Nelson ” (Capt. Boyd), riding in that order. Amid tre— mendous excitement, all three got clear rounds, as did the 8th Hussar team and the Colonel’s team (Cols. Kennard, Huth and Butler). The jump-ofi‘ was on time: our three again jumped clear, in 23 seconds, 25 seconds and 20 seconds respectively. The last horse of all to go was “ Faruk” (Col. Huth). He had to do a clear round in 19 seconds to beat us. He went like the wind, and amid tremendous applause did just that—a magnificent performance. The results were: lst, 8th Hussars (66 seconds in jump-on"); 2nd, the Colonels (67 seconds; and 3rd, Royals (68 seconds).

P010 1957 We started playing at Wesendorf early in April 1957, and had a full and successful season. The ground was in particularly good order for the first few weeks, but a long hot dry spell in May and June baked it hard and retarded growth. When more typical German summer weather

came it tended to cut up, and required a good

deal of nursing. A second ground was brought into use for club chukkers during the second half of the season. The ponies had wintered well, and a daily polo ride throughout the winter had brought on some of the beginners who had only started playing the year before. The 12th Lancers had kept half the ponies over the winter, and these returned to Wesendorf in April. They had also acquired a number of private ponies, and gave the Wesendorf club great support throughout the season. Later on, various regiments training nearby brought their ponies to Wesendorf, notably the 3rd Hussars, who played with us for some weeks in July and August, and the 14th/20th. Without doubt our polo was on the whole slower than elsewhere in B.A.O.R. Shortage of ponies, hard grounds and the presence of a number of young players all contributed to this. It was brought home to the Regimental team when we played l4th/20th at Lippspringe in June. We had a bye in the first round and so had no real match experience as a team before the game. They had faster ponies than most of ours, and were always dangerous in attack. They drew ahead 3——2 in the second chukker, when our marking was rather sketchy. In the third chukker, however, we got going properly as a team and scored twice; one goal from a long run by Fabling on “Jonathan,” the other a good near—side shot by Reid. We managed to keep our lead in the last chukker, and in fact missed one or two easy scoring chances. It was a good fast game, and a thoroughly enjoyable one.




Major P. B. Fielden. M.C.. Lt.-Col. G. T. A. Armitage. M.B.E.. Major R. H. D. Fabling. Major P. D. Reid.

In the final, ten days, later we met the holders, 17th/21st Lancers, and were soundly beaten 4—0. It was a disappointingly scrappy game. Had they been playing as well as they can, the score might have been much higher. We had better ponies than in the previous match, but were on the whole outpaced. We had few scoring chances. The Regimental team was Major Fielden (back), Lt.-Col. Armitage (3), Major Fabling (2), Major Reid (1). At the end of July we ran a four-team tournament at Wesendorf. In spite of some treacherous weather there were some good close matches. Teams came from 3rd Hussars, 9th Lancers and Royal Horse Artillery, while the 12th and ourselves made up the fourth. In the first match the young 9th Lancers, some of whom had played for only one season, decisively beat a 3rd Hussar team who had far more experience. The R.H.A. team beat Wesendorf after an

Number One gets worsted by Lt.-Col. Coaker (final of Inter-Regimental)


exciting match, and went on to beat the 9th in the final. The 9th were not able to produce such startling form two days running. Wesendorf drew with the 3rd in the other match. We were not able to raise a good enough subaltern’s side, so regrettably did not take part in the B.A.O.R. Subalterns’ Cup. It is hoped that we shall do better in this line this year.


At Herford we are about three-quarters of an hour from the Lippspringe club and will be playing there this season. The ponies will be stabled near the ground. We have twelve Regimental and private ponies and hope to have them all up to match standard by May. Polo continues to flourish out here, and we should have a really good season.


B.A.O.R. GRAND MILITARY STEEPLECHASE Right to left: Lt. Trouton on Rodolfo, Lt. Arkwright on Urban, Lt.-C0l. Blacker on Tillside, Lt. Powell on Adolar. Lt. Upton on Full Sail.

During the past year the Regiment has done little boxing, due chiefly to the move from Wesendorf. We did find time, however, to fight for the Buckley Trophy during the visit of the Colonel of the Regiment, who presented the medals to the winners, “ C ” Squadron. This competition produced some spirited, and not altogether un— skilled contests, and what is far more important, no really bad fights, which are usually common— place in novices’ boxing. The winning team was: Cpls. Eltham and Cooper, L/Cpls. Morris and Jones, Tprs. Milligan, Quinn, Griffiths, Hounsome, Armstrong, Bratt, Milton, Moore, Fraser, Mitchell, Horrocks, Marlow, Gray and Biggs. We then had to fight our match in the Divisional Competition, and were at a great disadvantage as we had not previously held our Regimental Open Competition, so the task of picking a team was made doubly hard. Lt. Lockhart and 8.1. Simmons, however, produced

It is worth your while to read the advertisements

a very adequate team to fight, for the second year running, the let Field Engineer Regiment, always a hard nut to crack. The evening started badly, and the Regiment had to wait until the last fight before the interval before winning a fight, although many earlier ones were very close. L/Cpl. Gibbons produced a magnificent right-hand punch to dispose of his opponent and give Royals supporters something to talk about during the interval. After the interval we had three more winners in Lt. Lockhart, Cpl. Eltham and L/Cpl. Lessels. Eltham and Lessels showed considerable skill and fitness—Lockhart showed considerable skill. All in all, it was an enjoyable evening, and it was no disgrace to be beaten by this clever and well-trained team. The following represented the Regiment: Lt. Lockhart, Cpl. Eltham, L/Cpls. Gibbons and Lessels, Tprs. Travis, McCulloch, Stannard, Mitchell, Curley and Dix.


in this magazine Also, ofcourse, many Serving Ofiicers’ Wives


Please mention the Journal of The “-Royal Dragoons” when purchasing from firms who advertise in these pages

0 Our work is vital to their interests, but many have not heard of us, and others have not bothered to Complete an Application Form

ENROL A NEW MEMBER NOW ! ! ! o For further information apply :

OFFICERS‘ PENSION SOCIETY LIMITED 171 VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W.l Cpls. Cooke with (left to right) Nelson, Falstaff, Penny, Jock and Hansel.


RACING NOTES Age in I957 6

1957 Record of Races

Name Sid Jump




Lobengoolu Delfini







o 3 3 0 (sold to Denmark)






o 0 (purchased in August, 1957—since gelded)


0 (purchased in November, 1957—since gelded)


o o 0 o o (from U.K., August, 1957)


(purchased December, 1957) Lt. Arkwright on Urban heals German's champion amateur jockey by a short head at Ncuss (November,


From 106 starts (of which amateurs rode in 47) the Racing Stable won 15 races and in stakes more than twice the 1956 aggregate. In B.A.O.R. racing, the Regiment were leading owners from the 4th Hussars, 12th Lancers and 9th Lancers. “ Urban ” won more stake money than any other British-owned horse under B.A.O.R. rules and “Adolar ” won more than any other British-ownedrhorse under German rules. In German racing, the Regiment were leading British owners from the 9th Lancers, 12th Lancers and 4th Hussars. In German steeplechasing we were sixth in the list of winning owners for the whole of Germany. It is not easy to pick out the highlights of a season, the successes of which will probably remain unsurpassed as far as the British Army of the Rhine is concerned. But let us try ! The Grand Military Meeting at Hanover had been in 1955 and 1956 barren of success, so that three winners at this meeting added to the spice of what in any case was a notable occasion. The B.A.O.R. Grand Military

Steeplechase had never been won by the Regiment and this year three went to the post wearing the blue and red stripes out of a field of

eight, all of whom had won good races.


Arkwright was the winner (at 10 to I) on his

“Urban” and we were delighted that his mother and step-father were present to see a really first-class race. Major Fielden won two

hurdle races on the same day on “ Ski Jump” and “ Solaxii.” The earlier part of the season (in fact until July) was particularly dry and for the first time we had to construct a sand track at Wesendorf where usually the going is excellent throughout the summer. German rules demand a starter declaration on the Thursday prior to a Sunday race day; for many consecutive weeks cloudy Thursdays made false promise of week—end rain. As a result horses often had to run on quite unsuitable going and we were lucky to get as few casualties as we did. Nevertheless “ Solani,” “Lobengoolu” and “Delfini” all had to be blistered before August. This was not a promising start and things appeared definitely frustrating when “ Urban ” (ridden by Capt. Michael Lumsden, as Lt. Arkwright was on leave) and “ Ski Jump ” were both beaten by short heads at the Hamburg German Derby Meeting. However, Bad Harzburg (7th—l4th July) came to our rescue soon afterwards when “ Ski Jump ” won two hurdle races and Villano scored. After the Grand Military (28th July) there was relative quiet until 18th August when we had a runner at Horst Emscher, four fancied at Hanover

THE JOURNAL or THE ROYAL DRAGOONS (three of which were third) and “Adolar ” declared to run at Frankfurt. The Preis der Stadt Frankfurt (am £850 Steeplechase for amateurs) had attracted a number of good entries including a handful from France. However, when it was rumoured that the Frankfurt Race Club were interested to know whether “Adolar ” was a probable starter, it did occur that some valuable place money might be going cheap to a good jumper. In the event, only four started—the favourite completed a circuit of the course riderless before the start of the race—and “Adolar ” (ridden by Lt. Johnny Powell of the 4th Hussars) ran out an easy winner. Luck was certainly being a lady I “Adolar ” repeated this unexpected triumph for Lt. Powell in September at Castrop Rauxel, beating amongst others “ Friedenspfeife,” an exceptionally brilliant mare. “ Sindbad ” (rid— den by Lt. Pat Upton of the 9th Lancers) also won at this meeting, to our consternation ! —on going and over a course thought to be quite unsuitable for him. A grand little horse this— he was gelded and fired on the near fore fetlock in November, 1956 ; in May, 1957, he developed a really big splint on the off fore and we got him for under {100, after which he was blistered and ran twelve times, winning two races and being placed four times (a winner of over £300 in stakes). At the end of September we went to the two— day amateur meeting at Neuss—which had never been a lucky one for us. The stable were pretty confident of winning the handicap chase with either “ Ski Jump ” or “ Urban.” The former fell at the first fence—the latter went mysteriously lame before being saddled and was a non—starter. Lt. Arkwright, however, got his own back when he took “Urban” back to Neuss on 6th November and beat the German champion amateur jockey by a short head at 9 to l. A feature of the season has been Lt. Arkweight’s greatly improved riding. Lt. Trouton shows promise and is a useful weight ; unfortunately his partnership with “ Rodolfo ” was interrupted in mid-season by a U.K. course. Lts. Scott and Lockhart had their first rides in B.A.O.R. at the Verden meeting in November. The Regiment have not organised any really successful coups this season—nothing anyway to compare with the 9th Lancers” highly organised victories of “ CDB ” and “ Gay Tor.” In fact the only wager worth mention was a very small outlay on a forecast (“Rodolfo ”—“ Ski


Jump ”) which came up at the enviable price of 439 to l ! It will be no surprise to established readers of Racing Notes to hear that Cpl. Beeforth is still master of his trade (he has now refrained from going on leave for over three years !). His boys are Tprs. Jackson (from Rimmell’s stable), Murphy (22-year Regular weighing 9 st. IO lb.), Upstone (Bicester), McLean, Farmer and Gray, who have also put their hand to looking after five of the polo ponies.

Regimental Rifle Meeting

10th-11th May, 1957 For the second year running the Regimental Shoot was held in perfect sunny weather— some pundits even complained of “ heat haze.” Although there was much less practice time this year, the standard of shooting on the rifle and Stem was improved; the results, however, achieved on the Bren and pistol were far from satisfactory. An effective way of firing the Bren from a “ Dingo ” has yet to be discovered. As usual, the Inter-Squadron competitions were fired off on the Friday and proved to be a triumph for “ C ” Squadron, who won both the Steele Cup (Rifle) and the Miles Cup (Bren). “A” and “ B ” Squadrons won the Burmeister Cup (Sten) and the Moti Ram Cup (Pistol) respectively. “ B ” Squadron’s success was largely due to L/Cpl. Hay’s fine score of 73, which made him the individual winner, beating such stalwarts as the R.S.M. and Provost Sgt.

“ H.Q.” Squadron was “ handicapped ” this year by being split into two halves: they fired as two half-squadrons, the average of both results being taken. Saturday was “ B ” Squadron’s day. We started with the individual rifle (O’Shaugnessy Vase), which was won by Sgt. Remfrey of “ B ” Squadron for the second year running with a score of 107. He was closely followed, one point behind, by Tpr. Hanson, “A” Squadron, a most creditable performance. The Champion—at-Arms Competition, which incorporates all four weapons, was won by “ B ” Squardon Leader, Major Reid, with Sgt. Remfrey very close behind, runner-up. The Sergeants’ Mess Wooden Spoon took a great deal of winning this year—after a very low scoring tussle, S.S.M. Phillips “ beat ”

Sgt. Stone. In the Officers and Sergeants Falling Plates match, the Sergeants had their revenge and finished two crates of beer to the good.



B.A.O.R. Rifle Meeting May 1957 It is always amusing to see the amount of respect The Royal Dragoons command from the many Infantry Regiments who assemble for the Rhine Army Rifle Meeting, simply by virtue of the fact that we do not aspire to boots and gaiters. In 1956 the Regiment played a trump card in producing medical certificates excusing all oflicers’ boots on account of complaints ranging from gout to athlete’s foot. However, in 1957 everybody rallied, delved deeply into their uniform cases and produced something akin to what was required. This year it was decided to go in for the Rifle competitions only. The amount of time needed to train teams in Bren, Sten and Pistol did not merit their inclusion; we arrived there— fore at Sennelager with four Rifle teams, namely the Officers, W.O.s and Sergeants, Old Soldiers and Young Soldiers. After a day of “practising,” the Officers kicked off and had the unique distinction of beating 17 Mobile Bath and Laundry Unit, R.A.O.C.—somehow or other the 35 other teams seemed to have better scores than us. Major Reid did well to secore 112 out of 150, but a night with the “ Skins” told its tale when Lt. Arkwright came up with the remarkable score of 65, almost breaking the record for an all-time low. However, he did a valuable job for the rest of the week, feeding the Musketry Officer with sandwiches from a brown paper bag. The next team to perform was the Young Soldiers, who fired well above form to come 19th out of 35—the stars of this performance were Tpr. Hanson (108) and Tpr. Solomon (96). The Old Soldiers followed, and fired very well indeed to come 12th in their class—this was really much better than we had hoped for and was due to L/Cpl. Clay (115), L,“Cpl. Taylor (114), Cpl. Bosher (now Sgt.) (96), and LICpl. Jones (94). . Our big moment (we thought) was to be the W.O.s’ and Sergeants’ match. The Musketry Officer—~misguided1y perhaps—had been going round saying, “ Of course we aren’t very good, but our W.O.s and Sergeants WILL take some beating,” etc., etc., and the R.S.M. seemed quietly confident. After all, everybody, including Sgt. Evans, had been tucked up in bed by

2100 hrs. the night before, with no beer, and anyway, “It’s just a question of lights up, sights up, sir!” However, when it came to



it, nothing seemed to go right. Despite the most righteous indignation, Sgt. Evans had his snap score scratched because he fired three shots instead of two, and tried to get away with it. The R.S.M. was the only one to do any good and he notched 113, S.Q.M,S. Brown just missed with 99. The final result was that they came 20th out of 35. Four individuals went on to try their luck in the B.A.O.R. Hundred: the R.S.M., L/Cpl. Clay, Lg’Cpl. Taylor and Tpr. Hanson. The two Corporals fell by the wayside in the 600 yds. application, but all credit to R.S.M. Edwards and Tpr. Hanson who made the 100 and came 6lst and 98th respectively, a very good effort. The only thing left for us was the Falling Plates. A lot of fierce discussion went into this, but despite everything, we were beaten in a close fight by the H.L.I. Although we won no “ laurels,” our overall standard of shooting was higher, and who knows, in 1958, if the W.O.s and Sergeants . . .!!I

Prize Essay Competitions George Knight Clowes Memorial Prize Essay Competition, 1959. Prizes: First Prize, £35; second prize, £15. Closing date:

7th April, 1959. Subject: The British Regular Army is to be reduced by approximately 50% by 1962—the Infantry of the Line to 49 battalions. With this reduction it will not be possible to keep overseas garrisons at, or even near, every trouble spot. Our ability to deal quickly, and firmly, with situations similar to those which arose recently in Aden and Oman will depend on the speed with which troops can be moved to the area, and concentrated at the actual place of likely action. ’ This raises many problems such as the composition and strength, normal location, degree of readiness, equipment, training and means of movement, of forces earmarked for this purpose. Discuss these problems.

General conditions for this essay competition will be the same as for 1957 and are contained in ACI 36131957. (Continued on page 51).

FOOTBALL NOTES Another season has passed and again we have been so near and yet so far from gaining top honours.

However, let us first deal with the

Regimental competitions. In the Inter-Troop Cup, the Q.M. Group were again successful and in making their seventh consecutive appearance in the final, they won this trophy for the fourth time. Well done I H.Q. Squadron were successful in winning the Inter-Squadron Cup, but the result was in doubt until almost the last match. Due to the number of entries, the 7th Armoured Division Major Units league was divided into two sections and the Regiment took part in the 7th Armoured Brigade section of ten teams. We won all our games in the league with the exception of that against the 4/7th Dragoon Guards who once again upset our calculations. In the final we should have played the winners of the 10th Infantry Brigade Group (H.L.I.): this match did not take place. ARMY/B.A.O.R. CUP In the first round we were drawn away against 40th Field Regiment (RA) and we beat this side very comfortably by 8 goals to 1. Actually the score is not a fair comment on the game as the Gunners fought hard for the whole of the game and never gave up trying. After the first round the Regiment moved and we now found that we were drawn against the 9th Queen’s Royal Lancers at Detmold. They had a good reputation but on a very muddy ground we completely overran the opposition (15 goals to nil). In the third round, we met our old friends and rivals the 5th Inniskillings. Earlier in the season we had visited the “ Skins ” at Sennelager to play them in a friendly on Balaklava Day when they beat us by four goals to two. We knew only too well that to beat the “ Skins ” we should have to pull out the best and it certainly was a wonderful game. With memories still fresh from our victory in the semi-final of the Cavalry Cup last season, when we emerged victors after extra time by 11 goals to 7, we all wondered what would be the score

in this game. Before a large gathering of spectators this game was one of the best of the season: included in the “ Skins ” side was McVittie of Celtic and Hulston of Bristol City, but after a really typical Inter«Cavalry game we again beat them by 8 goals to 5, Luck was with us in the fourth round as we were drawn at home against the Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment who included three

young professionals in their side, Collier, a goalkeeper with Luton Town, Hawkes, an inside-forward also with Luton, and Beddington, on the books of Watford. Without any doubt this was the best game of football that we have had this season and although we beat our opponents by 3 goals to nil, there is no doubt that it was a treat to see and as the B.F.N. reporter said later when he gave his version of the match, “ People pay a lot of money to see English league teams play, but here was football at its best.” All credit to our lads for the wonderful display and also to our opponents for such a splendid game. Now to the semi-final against the H.L.I., who were favourites to win this competition. The game was played at Hanover, and will be talked about and remembered for years to come, in more ways than one. Again our opponents included three professionals which is the limit that a team may play in this competition and we had our usual one. Very quickly off the mark, the H.L.I. had an early success when Docherty, their inside—left (a professional with the Scottish Club, Stirling), hit a ball from well outside the penalty area to give them the lead. Later their centre—forward, Jackson, scored an opportunist goal when Lindsay (our centre-half) made his only mistake of the game in failing to clear a high ball which had been kicked into our penalty area. At half-time, the Regiment were 2 goals down. Back came the players for the second half and the play was of a ding—dong nature until about 20 minutes before time when the H.L.I. centre-half handled a ball inside the penalty area and the referee awarded a penalty kick, from which Watson made no mistake. This put real life into the game and about seven minutes from time a free kick was awarded for obstruction just outside the penalty area and a flick from Watson to MacCabe and the ball was in the net for the equaliser. Full time came up with the teams level. Extra time was ordered and, although we knew that our lads were fit, we also knew that most infantry units do extremely well in extra time. However, within a very few minutes of the restart, our outside-right MacCabe wandered across the field, and sent a well-spaced pass to our outside~left Smith, who made no mistake and placed the ball well and truly in the top right hand corner of the net. A few minutes later there was a melee in the H.L.I. goal and O’Brien cracked home the fourth. The H.L.I. were now thoroughly disorganised

As we started, so we finish, with the remark that we were so near and yet so far, and that elusive Cavalry Cup is still without the name of the Regiment inscribed on it. Better luck

next season.

L/Cpl. Bown. Sgt. Davis (Trainer)

CAVALRY CUP In the first round we were drawn at home against the 4/7th Dragoon Guards, who had already beaten us in the league. On a snow— covered ground both teams played well, but this time the 4/7th (without their star player Weare of Airdrie), were no match for us and we beat them by 7 goals to 1. Next we had to play the 8th Hussars, again at home, and this match came only four days after the hectic game in the semi-final of the B.A.O.R. Cup against the H.L.I. No doubt our fellows were feeling the effects, and although we won by 2 goals to 1, it could have been either side’s game, and it was obvious from the entertainment that took place after the game that it had been well enjoyed. The draw for the third round was again fortunate for us, as we were “ home ” against the 12th Royal Lancers, who had disposed of the “ Skins ” on their own ground in the previous round. This was a good thing for our team as they realised that they had to pull something out of the bag if they were going to win and after a most excellent game we got through to the final of the B.A.O.R. Section by 5 goals to 1. In fairness to the 12th, it must be stated that they were without their star player Jones (a Sunderland boy). It was agreed that the final of the B.A.O.R. Section of the Cavalry Cup should be on a neutral ground, and we had to play our old

We cannot close these notes without a few remarks on the players who have done so well for us during the season. Early in the season Tpr. Jones, our goalkeeper, left us and we found it difficult to find a replacement: although Bown and Wyatt did well, they were not really of Regimental standard. Cpl. Eltham at right back and Cfn. Hudson at left back could always be relied upon to play well, and great credit is due to the sterling work they did for the side. At right—half Cpl. Wood, who also did Captain, is a good solid player but must learn to move quicker to the ball, and when he passes must do so more accurately. At centre-half Tpr. Lindsay was a tower of strength and improved with every game, and without doubt approached B.A.O.R. XI standard when the season ended. At left—half Lyv’Cpl. Bonser did well, but was again on the slow side, and this was most notice— able when our opponents were on the attack. In Cpl. Watson at centre-forward and Tpr. MacCabe at outside-right we had two players who were considered by most football experts to be of the highest possible standard, and they did more for the team than any two players have done for years. They were a menace in the attack, and in front of goal they were the terror of most goalkeepers. Tpr. MacCabe is a young professional with Chesterfield and a good future is forecast for him, whilst Watson has gone on trial with Tottenham Hotspur. At the beginning of the season we had two strong inside forwards in Bloomfield and Cooper, and when these two left, we found their replacements (Tprs. O’Brien and Ball) were not quite of the same standard. Our outside-left, Pte. Smith (A.C.C.), has done well, and if he continues to improve he should have no difficulty in making a name for himself next season.

Front row (seated) : L/Cpl. Bonser, Cpl. Eltham, Lt.-Col. Armitage, Cpl. Wood (Capt), Major Lewis (Manager), L/Cpl. Watson. Tpr. MacCabe

their Win.

friends, the 4th Hussars. This game was far from good, and we were well and truly beaten by three goals to nil. Territorially we had more of the play than our opponents, but they were quicker on the ball, and when in front of goal they took their chances well. Good luck to the 4th Hussars, and may they win the Cavalry Cup when they play the U.K. winners in England.


as a team and in the end the Regiment emerged victors by 6 goals to 3. The final was played on neutral ground at Bad Lippspringe and our opponents were the 23rd Field Engineer Regiment, which included three Goring brothers (another brother is the Arsenal player). The weather was bitterly cold and conditions underfoot were far from good. Again our team was slow starting and at halftime we were trailing by 2 goals to nil. How— ever, eight minutes after the interval, we were level wichgoals scored by NiacCabe and O’Brien. Full time arrived with the score still level: in extra time we were very soon in the lead with a well— taken goal by MacCabe, but the Engineers playing the more methodical football soon equalised and later scored their fourth and final goal of the match to win by the odd goal in 7. It was a thrilling final and there is no doubt that on the play that day the Engineers deserved

Back row (standing): Tpr. Anderson, 5.]. Kcrkhof (A.P.T.C.). Tpr. O’Brien, Tpr. Wyatt, Cfn. Hudson. Pie. Smith, A.C.C., L/Cpl. Ball. Tpr. Lindsay,



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Foreground : L/Cpl. Butler, Tpr.Coleman

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Officer, Capt. N. H. Mntterson. Tpr. Milton.


Seated : Tpr. Park, Sgt. Naseby (Captain), Commanding


At the time of writing these notes, the football team have reached the semi-final of the Cavalry Cup and the final of the B.A.O.R. Champion— ships, so I hesitate to nominate the activities of the Cross-Country team as the outstanding performance of the year. I fear no contradiction, however, when I say that their record has been one of the most unexpected and remarkable stories of success since the Regiment have been in B.A.O.R. It was due to the Regiment’s move that the team were able to complete what I imagine is a unique accomplishment—the winning of two Divisional Championships in


7TH ARMOURED DIVISION FINAL (4th December) We had finished an inglorious last in this Divisional race last year, so it was only those who had closely studied 1957 form that had an inkling that a cavalry regiment might put the “footsloggers” to shame. Serious opposition was anticipated from the Devons who had been runners-up in the previous B.A.O.R. Championships, but on the day our team won a splendid

Victory. Royals

. .

. .

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. .




. .

. .


90 points

Bedfs. & Herts





South Staffs










one season. 7 Armd. Div. R.E.M.E. After a successful athletic season in which our middle distance men proved to be our strongest asset, it was only natural that, with the coming of the winter season, an interest should be taken in the sport of cross—country running. The Inter—Troop and Inter-Squadron cross—country races were run in October, so that an early start could be made in the selection and training of the Regimental team. In the Regimental com— petition, “ B ” Squadron pulled off a surprise victory over the fancied “ H.Q.” Squadron team in a very close race. Individual winner for the third year in succession was Sgt. Tucker, followed home closely by team—mate Sgt. Naseby (both of “ H.Q.” Squadron), after they had

“ fixed ” L/Cpl. Whitfield (“ B ”), who finished third. Friendly competitions were arranged with local units by Capt. Matterson on the pretext that “ competition was the best form of training,” and this indeed turned out to be very true. 7TH ARMOURED DIVISION PRELIMINARY (15th November) The Regiment was grouped with H.Q. R.A. for the 7th Armoured Division preliminary race. This took place at Nienburg and was won very easily.






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35 Corps Engr. Regt.

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R.A.S.C. Coln





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36 Corp Engr. Regt.

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7 Armd. Div. R.E.M.E.

. . . .

42 points a)

a: * * ' 4TH DIVISION FINAL (17th January) This was staged at Osmabruck and the team had the satisfaction of giving a sound thrashing to no less than three Infantry teams. Royals

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D.C.L.I. . .






East Yorks

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7.R. Tks.






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35 Corp Engr. Regt. Royals


4TH DIVISION PRELIMINARY (3rd January) We were grouped with 1 Corps Troops for this and we were able not only to qualify for the 4th Division finals but also to win the l Corps Troops Group Championship, for which a fine shield was presented.

67 points

74 points 181

7Armd.Div.R.E. 35 L.A.A.Regt.R.A.

.. ..

.. 196 .. 210

Would subscribers please notify changes

24 Med. Regt. R.A.

. .

. .


of address to the Editor so that records

R.A.S.C. 7 Armd. Div. . .



can be kept up to date

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7 Armd. Div. Sigs.





B.A.O.R. FINALS (29th January) This race was held at Iserlohn and the course was over good hilly country but was ice-bound in parts, and it was this hazard that proved to be the undoing of our team. Just after the start three members of the team hit and fell on an ice bank and hurt their legs. They managed to finish, but several places were lost. The team was placed third, 20 points behind the winners and 4 points behind the runners-up, with the fourth team trailing some 100 points behind. R.I.F. . R.N.F. . Royals . D.C.L.I. . R. Hamps. Devons . East Yorks Borders . 5 D.G. .

. . . . . . .

. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . 131 points .. 153 ,, . . 157 ,, . . 269 ,, . . 303 ,, . . 345 ,, . . 394 ,, . . 480 ,, . . Disqualified

This ended the season from the Regiment’s point of view, though four of the team have been

selected to train for the B.A.O.R. team. It is estimated that team members covered in training and racing during three months over 800 miles. A photograph of the team is on another page. It remains to congratulate all members of the Regiment who ran for the team, and particularly Sgt. Naseby, R.A.P.C. (attached to the Regiment) who was responsible for their training. Sgt. Naseby built up a team of outstanding morale and fitness and led them on a victorious campaign which has greatly enhanced the Regiment’s reputation in the field of sport.

Cricket Notes Until the beginning of August we thought we had the best side in B.A.O.R., and it was disappointing when we lost the semi-final of the Divisional Cup to 4 R.H.A., whom we had already beaten by 8 wickets. Once again we had an extremely enjoyable season, playing what must be a record number of matches, 26 in all, culminating in another memorable week in Denmark. On its day, the side could be very good indeed, and we were much helped by the return of Major Greaves as captain, a job he also did for the B.A.O.R. XI. As batsman, bowler, and not least a fielder, he will be much missed, and one suspects he will long for the green grass of Wesendorf cricket field when sweltering in his London office on a Wednesday afternoon! 2th. Hadlee, who bowled leg-breaks very cleverly, as well as

making a lot of runs for the Regiment, also played for the B.A.O.R. XI. The strength of the Regimental side really lay in its bowling. We had no real speed merchants, but Tpr. Pickering bowled a very steady medium pace. To share the opening bowling we had Tpr. Pears (“ B ” Squadron), left-arm medium, who started the season by taking 7 for 25 against 4 R.H.A. To back those two up we had Major Greaves and 2/Lt. Hadlee. The batting, on its day, could also be very good, but was inclined to flap when faced with a crisis. It was rare for both Lt. Farmer and LJ'Cpl. Plumridge to fail on the same day, and so we usually made a pretty good start to an innings. Major Greaves, as usual, was a tower of strength, and to back these three we had Cpl. Ogden (“ C” Squadron) and Tpr. Dale (“ B ” Squadron), and also 2,’Lt. Hadlee, who was most successful with his forehand drive past cover—point! Lt. Trouton was the stonewalling expert, but the rest of the team were more chancy hitters. We started the season in tremendous form by getting 4 R.H.A. out for 56, and passing that total for the loss of only two wickets. We did even better against the 4th Hussars in the next match, dismissing them for 45, and making 109 for 2 ourselves. We then played our first cup match, which gave us a fright and, as it rained, an enjoyable twenty-four hours in Schleswig Holstein. We scored 187 for 3 wickets in our allotted time, and the 35 L.A.A. Regiment made 179 for 7 before their time ran out. Another old rival, the 4/‘7th D.G., came next, and we beat them too, making 145 for 6 declared and getting them out for 76. A stonewalling act by Lt. Trouton, who scored 9 in an hour, gave us a draw against the R.A.F. Celle, and we then beat Celle Garrison, the 3 H.E.C. from Hohne and Celle Minors. We played 94 Loc. Regiment, R.A., in the second round of the cup, and L/Cpl. Plum— ridge made a beautiful 72 not out in a total of 148. We got them out for 131, and after a moral victory against the 12th Lancers—the scores were level when stumps were drawn and we still had 6 wickets to fall—we easily beat l3,‘l8th Hussars in the third round of the cup 3 we got ’em out for 88. Lt. Farmer (46) and L/Cpl. Plumridge (44) put on 80 for the first wicket, and that was victory by 8 wickets. With a weakened side we lost against Celle Minors in a return match, but against the 4 R.T.R., Major Greaves made 103 in a total of 182 for 7 declared, and we beat them by 71 runs. Victory against Celle Garrison and another moral victory against the Devons (scores level at stumps)

followed, and we then renewed the battle with the 4th Hussars in a two—day match which we won by two wickets after 'being 33 runs behind on first innings. On 6th August we played 4 R.H.A. again in the semi-final of the Divisional Cup. Aided by indifferent fielding, they very quickly put on 75 for the first wicket, but we eventually got them out for 151, 2.’Lt. Hadlee taking 4 for 40 and Tpr. Pickering 3 for 23. We started off safely but too slowly, and in the effort to score quickly some very foolish shots were attempted and we were soon 75 for 6 wickets. 2/Lt. Hadlee stopped the rot and scored 29, and our hopes were raised by Tprs. Dale and Pickering who hit splendidly and put on 45 in 20 minutes, but we were all out for 125, still going for runs. Our disappointment at losing this match was alleviated by a week in Denmark. To the surprise of many Royals, who reckoned that the cricket side in Denmark drank far too much and indulged the night life riotously in that happy hunting ground of the male sex, we won one match easily and lost the other by only 5 runs. Our first match, against Odense, was reduced to one day by rain but, rather to our surprise, we got the Danes out for 87 on a kind of tarmac wicket. Forty minutes later we were 24 for 5, but 2,"Lt. Lockhart, who made 17, and Lt. Trouton, stopped the rot, but we were all out for 82. Mention must be made of the Danish fielding, which really was first class. The next morning we departed for Copenhagen~Lt. Farmer’s car still mobile I—where we met many friends from the year before. The K.B. Club put us in and we made 185 for 6 declared. 2,9Lt. Hadlee (50) and Tpr. Dale (61) were largely responsible for this, putting on 119 for the 6th wicket. We got them out for 115. The following morning, after a further late night—it obviously agreed with us this year I—we made 174 for 2, again largely due to two people (Lg'Cpl. Plumridge, 74 not out, and Cpl. Ogden, 65 not out). In a very exciting finish we got them out for 168 with the first ball of the last over. Denmark may forget the Royals’ cricket

Rugby Notes The Regimental team has had at the time of writing a reasonably successful season. There has been marked improvement generally in tackling, as opponents have realised early in

every match, and the back division has found a consistency and understanding not seen for several seasons. The Team Cpl. Kelly of “A” Squadron succeeded Bandmaster Evans at full—back, the latter having since refereed many friendly matches and generally encouraged the side. Cpl. Kelly is a fearless tackler, has a strong kick, but is at times slow off the mark and wrongly positioned. 2,!‘Lt. Hadlee (captain and left wing) handles well, is a strong runner, and controls the line effectively. L/Cpl. Morris is an adaptable centre, powerful in attack, and covers the full-back ably in defence. Sgt. Wain, R.A.E.C., is a fast, thrustful centre, who has scored twice from opportunist drop kicks. Tpr. Jamfrey—a speedy winger with a de— ceptive swerve ; top scorer. L/Cpl. Brooke—fly half. Opens up the game at every opportunity. Has had to work with three scrum halves in succession. Handles well. Cfn. Pots (released)———a useful scrum half now replaced by Tpr. Mitchell or Capt. Boyd, both of whom go hard. L/Cpl_ Ross—leader of the pack, goes flat out until the final whistle. Four officer players have served well in the scrum: Capt. Burnside (Paymaster), Capt. Wild (Doctor), Lt. Farmer (who hooked on one occasion and is a useful place kicker), 2/Lt. Sinker, who has improved at wing forward.

forget Denmark, and we shall always remember their great hospitality and the four Bs of Copenhagen—beer, blondes, breasts and bicycles!

Armstrong replaced Dix (released) as regular hooker and is picking it up well. Lprls. McMillan, Jackson and Travis have played consistently for the side. OWen has come in for the more recent games and is always up with the play. An accident prevented 2;Lt. Phillips, the best wing forward for seasons, from playing since Christmas.

The final results were: 15 matches won, 5 drawn, and 6 lost. Our thanks are due to Major Dimond who umpired, and Tpr. Hilson (“ A” Squadron) who scored so patiently; also, to the car owners who provided transport all season. Without them Denmark would not have been possible.

Weaknesses Individualism among the backs has spoiled one or two chances. At half—back the necessarily frequent changes precluded complete understanding. The Regiment frequently loses the ball in the line—out; perhaps because we have


but those who played there will never



no tall men, but more often through bad marking. The pack is still not binding correctly, the front row tends to pack too high, and the ball gets held up in the second row. Over—eagerness on the part of wing forwards has caused several ofi—side penalties. Strength The team is playing a much more open game, with forwards going for the line whenever possible. The handling of all players has im— proved and there is always the urge to turn defence to attack. Results Royals, 14; 12th Royal Lancers, 3. Won. Royals, 115 lst Battalion East Surreys, 23. Lost. 12th Royal Lancers, 12; Royals, 8. Lost. Royals, 16; 157 Loc. Bty. R.A., 6. Won (First round Army Cup.) Royals, 3; 94 Loc. Regt. R.A., 21. Lost. 4/7th Royal Dragoon Guards, 0 ; Royals, 12. Won. 26 Aslt. Sqn. R.E., 30 ; Royals, 0. Lost. (Second round Army Cup.) 4th Queen’s Own Hussars, 12 ; Royals 9. Lost. 4th Royal Tank Regt., 9 ; Royals, 3. Lost. Royals, 12; 6th Armd. Div. Sig. Regt., 3. Won. Royals, 9 5 1st Bn. Hampshire Regt., O. Won. Royals, 26; 4th Inf. Div. H.Q., 5. Won, Points for: 123. Points against: 124.

King Edward Vll’s Hospital for Officers From Sir Jameson Adams, K.C.Y.0. Will you allow me, through your journal, to call attention to King Edward VII’s Hospital for Officers (Sister Agnes’), Beaumont House, Beaumont Street, W.l. The Samaritan Fund, which we started in 1952, has again proved its usefulness and was encroached upon to the extent of nearly £2,000 during last year. As is known, this hospital has been disclaimed by the Minister of Health and is therefore entirely dependent on voluntary support. Subscribers, who are entitled to special rates, are asked to pay {1 yearly by banker’s order, which can be obtained from the Hon. Appeal Secretary, 15 Ormond Yard, Duke of York Street, S.W.1, who will also be pleased to receive very much needed donations. All officers, serving and retired, permanent and temporary, are eligible for admission. Yours very truly, JAMESON ADAMS.


From Bad to Worse During nearly two years in R.H.Q., I had noted with interest a large and varied number of unofficial forms of address on incoming mail, but it was not until the end of March, 1958, that I heard of a most unofficial title for the Regiment which made me decide to record some of these inaccuracies for all time. Whilst I could accept “ 1 RD.” as being the hurried and inaccurate stafl duties of a harassed staff officer at Corps, I found myself unable to disregard “ 1st Battalion The Royal Dragoon Guards ” without comment. The B.F.N.s “ lst Battalion Royals ” could be allowed to pass on the grounds that they had referred to us as “ Armoured Cars of the Worcester Regiment ” in 1948, and were obviously therefore improving. R.A.C. Record’s “ 1st The Royal Dragoon Guards ” was inexcusable and drew acid comment from me in my reply to “ to their letter under ref.” I was mildly surprised at the War Office’s (M.S.) “ 1st Battalion The Royal Dragoons,” and concluded that H.Q. B,A.O.R. (Pay branch) must have caught the disease also when they used an identical form of address. Alarm and despondency overcame me however, when I received a letter to “ H.Q. SQN. 1st Royal Dragoon Guards ” from the Command Paymaster, which was anyway intended for our old friends 4,!7th Dragoon Guards ! When the depot addressed us as “ 1st Royal Dragoon Guards,” I felt that haphazard ink slinging of this standard was beneath my contempt !

I was able to excuse the R.T.O. at Bad Oeynhausen, when he addressed us as “ O.C. 1st Battalion The Royal Dragoons.” After all he probably does not write letters very often to

anyone. Waves of nausea swept over me when in early 1958, I received two Collectors items from the A.C.C. depot addressed to “ II Royals” and “ O.C. Royal Regt.” ! I was reeling back to sanity and felt that at last people were reading and studying Stafi? Duties, and had become aware of the correct way to address us, when a stunning blow was dealt by a surgeon writing from a hospital in England: the outer envelope bore the vitriolic words which I now reveal: “ O.C. B SQN. 1st WORLD

GOONS.” What can I do now ? R.C.B.

A LETTER FROM “LITTLE CANADA” I hardly expected to be writing this year’s letter so close to home! And with the R.C.D. in Germany, my main task in life appears to be giving advice on where (not) to go in London when on leave. I might add that after an R.C.D. has spent twenty—four hours in London he knows a damn sight more about it than I do! Besides saying that we have all settled down extremely well here in Germany, I won’t mention B.A.O.R.—some people see too much of it! Last June the whole Regiment took part in the yearly Divisional concentration in Eastern Canada, a spot called Gagetown, a name which holds much the same horror for soldiers as Sennelager or Catterick. There it rains quite as much as here, and all concerned live in a certain amount of misery under canvas. Soldiering is much the same the world over, but two points might be mentioned: armoured cars are different from tanks ; I distinguished myself by one night getting a tank bogged down lower than any other has been, and the next night raising it to a record height on an enormous tree stump. Each time the dawn found me looking more than bewildered! Secondly, anyone considering emigration should forget the Gagetown area; the affluent Canadian Army dropped enough pretence atom bombs during that two months to blot out New Brunswick for the next fifty years!

katchewan, by having to attend a special police court; this time the fine was only $16 (with costs). Much cheaper! However, after completing 2,100 miles in two days we reached Calgary, memorable for wonderful hospitality, delicious steaks (necessarily accompanied by wine hidden under the table, Calgary being only “fairly dry”!), meeting Martin Findlay and Peter Clowes, earning their keep during the Cambridge vacations. From Calgary to Banff and the Rockies, and unbelievable splendour; inside the car two even more beautiful items, greatly addicted to feeding bears and then running like mad. On to Van~ couver and Victoria, a veritable little England, and populated by retired British officers. A little salmon fishing before a lovely drive down the Pacific Coast to San Francisco; the Golden Gate Bridge is in fact a rather grubby red, but worth all that has been said about it. On to fabulous Las Vegas and the roar of the one— armed bandits (300 to a room); slightly richer, believe it or not, we then spent a glorious three days deep—sea fishing off the West Coast of Mexico, and managed to enjoy the grace and excitement of a bull-fight, despite the parts not shown on Hollywood films. It was now time to return: a rush through Texas where everything is the biggest and best, a call at Little Rock to see if they needed any help (they didn’t!), Washington and the Senate, New York and the Stork Club, Camp Petawawa, and ten days to catch the ship. I feel we did our duty as Englishmen by wearing appalling coloured shirts and unslinging

Whilst there I was royally entertained oncea week by Arthur and Betty Trythall. They send all their best wishes to the Regiment. A highlight was the evening we pored over the 1957 Eagle together, drinking Betty’s excellent homebrewed beer 5 Fredericton is rather “ dry ”!

cameras on every occasxon, so getting our own

I was given a most generous amount of leave to compensate for the early return to Germany, and so I might as well make you jealous of my good fortune. Among other items during 15,000 miles in 50 days: fresh lobsters and oysters at every roadside stop in New England ; the clock on the border crossing into Canada Niagara Falls chiming “ Gozl Save the Queen” every hour; the best rocket ever received—~from a State Trooper in Minnesota for speeding—it cost ~,335 to jump bail and avoid prison! This

back on the ubiquitous American tourist in Europe! We of course were oddities, and everywhere met with marvellous hospitality and friendship. With these thoughts of a splendid holiday I ill finish. We here in the R.C.D. are looking orward to much closer contact with The Royals han has so far been possible. Any Royal anywhere near here is under obligation to try out ur hospitality, and I know I speak for all :he R.C.D.

was followed the next day, in Regina,





Regimental History Quiz

Ofiicers’ Widows’

Regimental Drum Horse (1922-34).

Cpl. H. Lock, a daughter, Christine Mary, on 6th August, 1957, at B.M.H.

11th Hussars and 12th Lancers.


ANSWERS (see page 23)

We have previously published short articles giving information about the aims and activities of the Oflicers’ Pensions Society. It may not be generally known that the Society does much work on behalf of the widows of retired officers whom they consider to be amongst the hardest hit and most neglected members of the community in this age of inflation. It is realised that many officers’ widows have no idea of their eligibility for a pension nor do they know how to set about making a claim for one when their husbands die. The Council of the Society decided some time ago that when a member died his widow should immediately be offered a year’s free membership and all assistance she might need in making application for her pension. When a member’s death is reported, therefore, a letter is sent to his widow at once, offering the sympathy of the Society in her loss and explaining exactly how and to whom she should make application for her pension according to the branch of the Service in which her husband had served.

. October 1661. . One troop (of three officers and 100 men). St. George’s Fields, Southwark, London. . TANGIER, 1662-80. . The Queen’s. TANGIER (twice); DETTINGEN, 1743: WATERLoo. . John, Lord Churchill (1683—85). . Duke of Marlborough.


L/Cpl. D. R. Syms, a daughter, Eileen Leslie, on 16th January, 1958, at Porthcawl.

Palestine. Royals and Greys. (The Royals asked to 10m and to be mechanised, at the end

of 1940.) 1941-43. El Alamein. Egypt, Libya, Tunisia. Sicily (“A” Squadron, July and August

1943). 6% months (4th January to 26th July, 1944). Rhine and Elbe.

L/Cpl. E. Corcoran, a son, Glen Steven Edward, on 10th November, 1957, at B.M.H. L/Cpl. H. Cairney, twin sons, Alfred and Gordon, on 16th May, 1955, at Irvine, Scotland. Lprl. N. L. P. Wood, a son, Michael Neville, on 18th February, 1958, at Verden. L/Cpl. G. R. Acton, a daughter, Joan Janice Ann, on 5th March, 1958, at B.M.H. Cfn. K. Harrison, a son, Brian Keith, on 26th December, 1957, at St. Helies Hospital, Carshalton, Surrey.

Denmark. 7th Hussars (January 1715). December 1950, at Chester. It took part in three Commando raids on the French coast at ST. MALO and CHERBOURG (1758).

Field Marshal Sir John Harding (April 1954).

Marriages (now


Every 25 years. WARBURG. 9a. Spain and Portugal. b. 1809-1814. c. Napoleon Bonaparte.

In the Chapel of the Royal Academy, Sandhurst.




June 18th, 1815.

Since 1929 (29 years).


Duke of Wellington.

January 1662 (landed in Tangier).

Lt. A. B. T. Davey to Susan Bannister, on 6th July, 1957, at The Parish Church, Ickburgh. Lt. J. G. Trouton to Henrietta Mary Brierley, on 3rd December, 1957, at The Parish Church of Rotherfield. Sgt. D. A. Webster to Iris Stella Hartley, on 8th February, 1958, at Wallaton Church, Nottingham. Cpl. T. Stonehouse to Amy Long, on 29th July, 1957, at the Registry Office, Liverpool.

Although, on the Society’s representations, widows’ pensions were practically doubled in 1953 and the Means Test was then abolished, they are still pitifully small, and many widows without other means cannot hope even to exist on their pensions alone without finding some form of employment. This, of course, is extremely difficult for an elderly lady who has led a comparatively sheltered life and had no training for earning her own living.

12a. The Greys and the Inniskillen Dragoons (now 5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards). 1). Union Brigade. 13.

Martha Marie Muller, on 18th October, 1957,

Capt. Clark and Cpl. Styles.

Capt. R. C. Bucknall, a daughter, Kathryn Lucinda Corfield, on 20th July, 1957, at B.M.H.

The day’s fighting counted as two years’ service towards increase of pay and pension.

Capt. J. W. E. Harmer, a son, Edward Hugh, on 12th July, 1957, at B.M.H.


S.Q.M.S. E. H. Weller, a daughter, Judith Louisa, on 24th May, 1957, at B.M.H.

at Standesamt Gifhorn. L/Cpl. D. R. Syms to Nita Kathleen Coleman, on 4th December, 1957, at Bridgend Registry Office. L/Cpl. N. L. P. Wood to Maria Wittek, on 23rd November, 1957, at Standesamt Verden/ Aller. Tpr. A. Gentile to Mary Winifred Russell, on 14th August, 1957, at St. Frances’s Church, Chester. Tpr. E. B. Roberts to Jane Burns, on 7th September, 1957, at Adian’s Church, Carlisle. Tpr. G. Williams to Linda Burgess, on 7th September, 1957, at St. Mark’s, Londonderry. Tpr. J. B. C. Edmondson to Yvonne Midgley, on 14th December, 1957, at Wesleyan Chapel, Barnoldswick, Yorks. Tpr. C. A. Carrington to Margaret Hart Walsh, on 20th August, 1957, at Kirkcaldy Registry Office, Kirkcaldy. Tpr. P. G. Coates to Diana Mable Brockbank, on 5th August, 1957, at Kirby Lonsdale Paris Church. Tpr. J. Storrie to Janet Black, on 4th January, 1958, at The Old Parish Church, East Lothian.

Royals, Greys, Inniskillen Dragoons, 4th and 5th Dragoon Guards.

pensions bear a more reasonable relationship to


It is a matter of importance for every officer who retires to add his weight by joining the Society, and to this end all those who are not yet members are urged to write to the Assistant General Secretary, The Officers’ Pensions Society, 171 Victoria Street, London, S.W.1, who will be pleased to forward particulars and an application form.

Brigadier—General Scarlett.

19a. The German Emperor (Kaiser Wilhelm II). b. Twenty years (1894—1914).

20. South Africa (1899—1902 and 1911—14). 21. 1914—18. 22. 21:. Dunville (June 1917). 23a, 17. Ypres 1914, 1915; Frezenburg; Loos; Arras 1917; Somme 1918; Amiens; Hindenburg Line; Cambrai 1918; Pursuit to Mons; France and Flanders (1914—18). 24.

Major P. B. Fielden, M.C., a daughter, Nicola,

L/Cpl. S. T. Ragg to Vera Pemberton, on 4th July, 1957, at the Registry Office, Ealing. Ly’Cpl. G. R. Acton to Helgard Gertrud

on 13th November, 1957, at B.M.H.

Members of the Society will know that a memorandum has recently been submitted to the Minister of Defence asking for a complete review of officers’ retired pay and giving high priority to the question of making widows’ their late husbands’ retired pay. It is believed that this matter is now receiving sympathetic consideration by the Minister, and it is hoped that improvements may be made during the lifetime of the present Government.


1927, for two years.

S.Q.M.S. J. S. Clark, a son, Andrew Smith, on 29th January, 1958, at M.R.S., Hammersmith Barracks. Sgt. R. H. Clarke, a daughter, Kathryn, on 19th August, 1957, at B.M.H. Sgt. J. Jubb, a daughter, Susan Anne, on 1st February, 1958, at B.M.H. Sgt. F. S. Brooks, a daughter, Alexandra Jane, on 18th August, 1957, at B.M.H. Sgt. G. R. Plumbly, a daughter, Mary Valerie, on 12th September, 1957, at Eastern General Hospital, Leith. Sgt. B. R. Foster, a son, Leslie George, on lst June, 1957, at B.M.H. Cpl. J. MacKay, a son, Stuart James, on 21$t July, 1957, at Westerholz.



Tpr. W. Elkin to Brenda Margaret Haley, on 18th January, 1958, at Bell Green Full Gospel Assembly. Cfn. W. B. Broomfield to Dorothy Emery, on 26th May, 1956, at Sunderland, Co. Durham. Cfn. K. Harrison to Gladys Graves, on 14th June, 1957, at Morden Registry Office, Morden.


Deaths 2/Lt. M. D. S. Clogg, on 28th August, 1957, in Germany. Tpr. G. Hill, on 29th August, Germany.

1957, in

Cfn. M. Phoenix to Shiela Collighan, on let September, 1957, at Thorntree Estate Methodist Church, Middlesbrough.

Tpr. J. F. Small, on 22nd September, 1957, in Germany.

OBITUARY BRIGADIER WALTER THORNTON HODGSON, D.S.O., M.C. It is with deep regret that we record the death of Brigadier Walter Hodgson, a former Com— manding Officer of The Royal Dragoons. Born on 2nd. April, 1880, and educated at Eton, he had a varied and distinguished career. Being in Ceylon when the South African War started, he went off to the Cape as a Trooper in The Ceylon M.I., subsequently gaining a commission in The Middlesex Regiment, from which he exchanged, as a Lieutenant, in August, 1902, into The Royal Dragoons. He accompanied the Regiment to India in 1904, and was given the Adjutancy in 1905: on the conclusion of this appointment he left India to become Adjutant of The Surrey Yeomanry, When the Great War began, he was commanding a squadron in the Regiment, and then served on the Staff, successively as a Staff Captain, Brigade Major

and G.S.O. II, finishing the War as G.S.O.I. to the 5th Cavalry Division. He got command of the Regiment in 1923—of the lst Cavalry Brigade at Aldershot in 1928 and retired with the rank of Brigadier in 1934. Recalled for duty in 1939, first at Southampton, then with Western Command, and after that with Civil Defence, he retired for good in June, 1942. He won the M.C., a Brevet of Lieutenant-Colonel, and the D.S.O. in the Great War. In November, 1912, he married Miss Barbara Tomkinson, the sister of “ The Mouse” and niece of Col. Henry Tomkinson, who commanded the Regiment 1891-965 they had two sons, the younger of whom is now a Major in “ The Royals ” and having just finished a Staff College course is on the Staff at Shorncliffe. Walter Hodgson was devoted to the Regiment,

and will be very much missed at all our Regimental gatherings, and by his many friends. We extend our sincere sympathy to his widow and family.

Born in 1873 and educated at Eton, he joined the Regiment by way of the Militia in December 1894 at Island Bridge Barracks, Dublin. He served with it during the South African War, and getting his Captaincy in April 1901, he became Adjutant of the East Riding of York— shire Yeomanry after the Regiment returned to England. During the Boer War, he had had an attack of dysentery, and being advised against serving in India, he left the Regiment in 1906 and joined the Surrey Yeomanry, which he commanded during the Second World War, when he was awarded the D.S.O. His eldest son followed him into the Regiment in August 1929, leaving after the Second World War with the rank of Major. Col. Calvert went by the nickname of “ Trilby ” amongst his contemporaries—he was a keen follower of the chase, and went very well to hounds, in spite of his height and weight.

2/Lt. M. D. S. CLOGG LT.-COL. THE HON. C. H. C. GUEST The older generation of Royals were very sorry to hear of the death of Lt.-Col. the Hon. Henry Guest on 9th October last. He was the second son of the first Lord Wimborne: born in 1874, he was educated at Eton. He was gazetted to the Regiment on 12th December, 1894, the same date as Lts. Edward York and C. A. Calvert— three very tall subalterns, measuring 19 ft. between them. Serving in the South African War, he went with the Regiment to India, and in 1910 he was seconded from the Army to become a Member of Parliament. He was elected that year for East Dorset, then represented Pembroke and Haverfordwest from 1910—18, Bristol 1922-23, and finally Plymouth (Drake Division) 1937-45. He served on the Staff during the Great War, and retired with the rank of Lt.-Colonel in March 1919. He married a daughter (died 1918) of the 8th Viscount Cobham in 1911, and leaves one son, who resides in the United States. Henry Guest joined his family business of Guest, Keen & Nettlefolds, when he left the Regiment. He was always welcome at the Ofiicers’ Regimental Dinner, which he frequently attended.

Michael Douglas Sherwell Clogg joined the Regiment in December, 1956, as a National Service officer and commanded 5th Troop of “ C ” Squadron. From the first this officer displayed the required qualities of an armoured car troop leader—quick thinking, determination and ability to master the many details of that trade. He established for himself a reputation in the field of athletics in which he excelled as a leader, organiser, and performer; he represented the Regiment in track events at several formation and Rhine Army athletics meetings. His death occurred as the result of a road accident when leading his troop in an interRegimental exercise in North Germany on 28th August, 1957. Michael had been one of the most outstanding National Service troop leaders that have served with the Regiment; his sincerity, modesty and charm had won him many friends and admirers in the Regiment during the short time that he was with us. The Regiment will remember him with pride and

present, with all of whom he was well known,

having until recently run the Oflicers’ Annual Regimental Dinner.

It is with deep regret that we have to announce the death of Tpr. I. F. Small, of “ HQ.” Squadron, as the result of an accident. The Regiment extends its sympathy to his family in their loss.

PRIZE ESSAY COMPETITIONS Continued from page 40 Gold Medal and Trench Gascoigne Prize Essay Competition, 1958. Prize: Thirty guineas and Gold Medal. Closing date: 15th November, 1958. Subject: 1. In a few years’ time the fear of retaliation may inhibit both East and West from contemplating the use of nuclear weapons against each other. This state of affairs may tempt the Communist parties to increase their efforts to gain limited military and diplomatic objectives by “ nibbling ” tactics. Discuss this possibility and the ways and means by which the free world can avoid being “ nibbled to death ” in an age of nuclear stalemate.

OR 2. The thermo-nuclear deterrent is the Western Nations method of preventing global war. Discuss how the Regular Forces might be organised and disposed in order to win the present Cold War in the next ten years. General conditions for this essay competition are contained in AC1 116/1958.



sorrow. We offer our deepest sympathy to Dr. and Mrs. Clogg in their tragic loss.

LT.-COL. C. A. CALVERT, D.S.O. The death of Lt.—Col. C. A. Calvert, on let of December, 1956, was a source of deep regret to members of The Royals, both past and


We invite the attention of TPR. G. HILL It is with deep regret that we have to announce the death of Tpr. G. Hill, of “ B ” Squadron, as the result of an accident. The Regiment extends its sympathy to his family in their loss.

our readers to the order

forms in this journal




You may obtain a copy of The Eagle in any of the following ways :—


(1) You may make an annual subscription of 12k to The Eagle fund (see Banker’s Order below). In this case you should ensure that the Editor (The Royal Dragoons, B.F.P.O. 15) knows your current address. You will then get a copy direct from the publishers. The most suitable date for the subscription to be paid is lst January (this enables the Editor to check up that you have paid your subscription before you get The Eagle 1). (2) As a retired Other Rank member you may subscribe to O.C.A., in which case the Secretary, O.C.A., will send you your copy and refund the Editor.

Lt.-Col. G. T. A. Armitage, M.B.E.. . Major P. B. Fielden, M.C. Capt. R. C. Bucknall. . Capt. D. J. S. Wilkinson Capt. D. S. A. Boyd .. Lt. D. M. Jacobs R. S. M. J. Edwards Sgt. J. MacKay

Commanding Officer Second-in-Command Adjutant P.R.I. Signals Officer Intelligence Oflicer Regimental Sergeant—Major Police Sergeant Quartermaster Quartermaster (Tech) Medical Officer Chief Clerk

Major (QM) c. w. J: Lewis, M..”. 14- (Q...M)E L. Payne

(3) As a serving soldier, your Squadron will retail you a copy for 336 (Sergeants 6H).

Capt. R. E. Wild, R..AM.C.” Sgt. J. C. Leech

(4) You may always get a copy of The Eagle by writing to the Editor, The Royal Dragoons, B.F.P.O. 15, and enclosing 12,“-. “H.Q.” SQ UADRON Major. R. H. D. Fabling Capt. N. H. Matterson Lt. A. B. T. Davey R.Q.M.S. Jones, W T.Q.M.S. Ayrton, A. S. S.S.M. Phillips, A

Sgt. Sgt. Sgt. Sgt. Cpl.

S.Q.M.S. Weller, E

Cpl. Cooke, E. Cpl. Dent, N.

S.Q.M.S. Brown, G. Sgt. Colyer, P. Sgt. Hall, B. Sgt. Ireland, F. W. Sgt. Kimble, F. H. Sgt. Leech, J. C. Sgt. Leese, D. Sgt. Mackay, J. Sgt. Thompson, F. D. Sgt. Thompson, H. S.

BANKERS’ ORDER To: The Manager,

Thornton, D. R. Thorpe, N. Titmarsh, C. Webster, D. A. Beeforth, D.

Cpl. Bull, R.

Cpl. Hildred, S. Cpl. Morley, K. Cpl. Robson, S. Cpl. Wardrop, S. Cpl. Wood, N. L/Cpl. Brandon, S. L/Cpl. Broadhurst, J. L/Cpl. Burrows, J. L/‘Cpl. Clark, C.

Llel. LJ’Cpl. L/Cpl. L/Cpl. L/Cpl. L,"Cpl. L/Cpl. L/Cpl. /Cpl. L/Cpl. L/Cpl. L/Cpl. L/Cpl. L/Cpl. L/Cpl. L/Cpl. L/Cpl.

Clemens, R. Crossling, M Drummond, G. Evans, A. Gibbins, A Hoiles, R. Howard, D. Kerr, M. MacPherson, J. Rainger, P. Roberts, J. Smith, P. R. Taylor, C. Taylor, D. Theme, D. Venables, A Williams, R.

.................. 1958. ROYAL SIGNALS

Please pay to The Eagle Fund, The Royal Dragoons, c,‘o Lloyds Bank Ltd., Cox’s and King’s Branch, Gds. and Cavalry Section, 6, Pall Mall, London, S.W.l, the sum £0 12s. 0d. ( ............ shillings) on lst January, 1959, and annually thereafter on the same date.

l 2d.

S tamp

........ (Signature)

S/Sgt. McPhail, D, R.E.M.

L/Cpl. Hiles, G. S.

L/Cpl. Burnett, A.

R.E.M.E. Capt. G. E. Farrier A.S.M. Churcher, C. G. Sgt. Davis, F. G. Sgt. Foster, B.

Sgt. Sgt. Cpl. Cpl.

Happs, J. Murphy, C. Asquith, B. Baker, J.

Cpl. Pickworth, I. L/Cpl. Harrison, K. L/Cpl. Hughes, C. L/Cpl. Wilson, J.


Name in Block Capitals ............................................................ Address

Capt. L. R. Burnside

Sgt. Naseby, M. E.

R.A.E.C. Sgt. Wain, B A.P.T.C. S.I. Kerkhof, M.

Llel. Taylor, D. J. D.


A.C.C. “C” SQUADRON Cpl. Barrett, R. Cpl. Phillips, S.

Sgt. Faulkner, S.

Cpl. Drury, R.

BAND B/M. Evans, G., A.R.C.M. S/Sg‘t. Tait, R. Cpl. Scott, D.

T/M. Darling, R. W. Sgt. Stone, H. G. Cpl. Whellans, M. Lijl. Syms, D.

Sgt. Williamson, T. Cpl. Everson, P. LICpl. Fisher, J.

“A” S Q UADRON Major J. B. Evans Capt. J. W. E. Hanmer Lt. T. C. Farmer Lt. T. P. Hart Dyke

Lt. D. M. R. Guthrie 2/Lt. R. B. Hadlee

2/Lt. M. P. T. de Lisle Bush 2/Lt. J. M. Wingfield Digby 2/Lt. E. C. York S.S.M. Bradley, J. D. S.Q.M.S. Brennan, D. Sgt. Acres, D. H. Sgt. Shone, E.

Sarll, R. F. T. . Smith, G. H. . Woods, P. C. . Bayne, D. . Corcoran, E. . Hastie, P. . Ingham, J. . Peach, D. H. . Rooke, G. . Underwood, K. . Wallace, T. L/Cpl. Ballantyne, P. W. L/Cpl. Bonser, K. W.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Bown, R. A. Chesson, T. J. Coan, T. Franklin, A. W. Hanson, E. Hooper, P. J. Jamfrey, R. A. Kelly, J. Leitch, E. Louch, J. MacMillan, R. A. Thornton, J. B. Smith, B.

Major J. A. Dimond, M.C. Lt. P. W. F. Arkwright Lt. J. G. Trouton Lt. W. H. Yates 2/Lt. D. S. Barrington Browne 2/Lt. W. M. Hallaran 2/Lt. C. W. J. Hanbury Tracy 2/Lt. T. D. Philips S.S.M. Fletcher, F. S.Q.M.S. Clark, J. S. Sgt. Brooks, F. J. Sgt. Bosher, J.

Sgt. Sgt. Sgt. Sgt. Sgt. Cpl. Cpl.

Jubb, J. Paul, J. A. Stirling, J. Tucker, T. W. Weston, J. J. Auty, C. Cooper, C. D. N.

Cpl. Woodcock, G. F. L/Cpl . Acton, G. R. L/Cpl. Alexander, K. T. L/Cpl . Ball, F. L/Cpl. Cairney, H. L/Cpl. Colley, A. W. L/Cpl. Falvey, D. L/Cpl . Hogg, D. C. L/Cpl . Morris, T. F. L/Cpl. Thompson, J. L/Cpl. Worton, B.

Cpl. Eltham, K. J. Cpl. Heath, J. M. Cpl. Millett, J. Cpl. Rowlands, C. L. Cpl. Wiffin, R.

R.E.M.E. S/Sgt. Dawes, N.E.

L/Cpl. Brooke, D. D. R.A.P.C.

Cpl. Aldham, D.


R.E.M.E. Major J. C. Parkhouse Sj‘Sgt. Sager, K. W. G.

Cpl. Gorman, D.

Major A. Graham, M.C.

. Tidey, D. A.

S.H.A.P.E. R.A.P.C. Lt.Col. D. N. MacDonald, M.C. Cpl. Cox, 0.

H.Q. B.A.O.R. W.O.II (R.Q.M.S.) Wood, W. R.

“B” SQUADRON Major P. D. Reid Lt. P. E. de M. Jarvis (Royal Canadian Dragoons) Lt. B. J. Lockhart Lt. J. J. F. Scott

2/Lt. W. M. G. Black 2,/Lt. C. N. Hart ZiLt. D. T. Sinker 2/Lt. Spencer Nairn S.S.M. Vowles, E. G. G. S.Q.M.S. Ranson, P. Sgt. Baguley, E. Sgt. Blackallar, H.

‘ Sgt. Sgt. Sgt. Sgt.

Clarke, R. Remfry, D. Simpson, F. Wight, E.

Cpl. Best, A. Cpl. Boakes, A. Cpl. Hatch, M. Cpl. Ilott, E.

Cpl. Stanley, Z. Cpl. Stonehouse, T. L/Cpl. Allen, H. L/Cpl. Betting, G. K. R. L/Cpl. Butler, L. J.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Christie, W. B. Collett, A. Colvin, C. Dorman, K. Douglas, J. Ingram, T. McAndrew, A. Murtagh, M. Pears, W. Ross, C. Swift, G. Travis, J.


W.O.I Rapkin, R. Cpl. Dunlop, D. J.

H.Q. 6 ARMD. DIV. Lt. (Q.M.) B. W. Crockett

H.Q. 44 INF. DIV. (T.A.) Major B. J. Hodgson



Capt. W. R. Wilson-FitzGerald

L/Cpl. McCulloch, J.

S/Sgt. Morton, D.


R.A.P.C. Cpl. Banks, J.

L/Cpl. Brown, A. D. L/Cpl. Brannan, J. A.

Major K. F. Timbrell, M.C.

L/Cpl. Pemblington, E. R.

L/Cpl. Hilton, G.D. L/Cpl. Owen, B.


11 Sgt. Dawson, C.


Cpl. Hayes, B. W. G. /. 5


Capt. C. E. W. Ferrand

M 0 d e r 11




I V e 1"




Sgt. Routley, A. Cpl. Price, P. H. Cpl. Lornie, C.

Cpl. McCormick, W. L/Cpl. Bailie, T. L/Cpl. Jones, F. T.

R.A.C. CENTRE S/Sgt. Taylor, L.

Sgt. Cummings, A. Cpl. Rochford

S,JSgt. Warren, R.

ROYAL CANADIAN DRAGOONS Capt. S. E. M. Bradish-Ellames



EAST AFRICA Major C. E. Winstanley


Sgt. Whitbread, F. G. S.

Sgt. Wickenden, P. R.

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THE ARMY QUARTERLY AND DEFENCE JOURNAL HE ARMY QUARTERLY, first published in 1920, has up to now been devoted to Army T and allied matters. With the increasing trend towards closer co-operation between the Fighting Services, those connected with the journal feel that the time has come to extend its scope to a wider field.

Commencing with the January 1958 number the title will be changed to “THE ARM Y OUARTERLY and Defence journal,” and regular articles on Naval and Air Force matters, and frequent articles on Civil Defence, will be included. As in the past most articles will deal with current military problems, but there will also be many of historical interest. Contributions of value


to officers studying for the Staff Colleges and Promotion examinations will be given spectal emphasis. “THE ARMY QUARTERLY and Defence journal” is not an official publication, and is not

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