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Foreword Editorial ‘ A ’ Squadron ‘ B ’ Squadron ‘C ’ Squadron H.Q. Squadron The Band L.A.D. .. W.O.s’ and Sergeants’ Mess Corporals’ Mess ‘ Wintleisms ’ . The Regimental Association Some Squadron in Wertach Detmold — Gateway to the Su Operation ‘ Grape-pip ’ Molar Extract ‘ Inside-Looking out’ Waterloo Pageant First pick your Member of the Band Horsemanship Crewmanship Any Candidates? The Tall Ships’ Race The Corresponding Dragoon
Cool Waters ‘ All Change’ Padres Past and Present The Grand Old Duke of York The Household Cavalry Museum Amalgamation—For the Individual Comment Pilots and Islands In the Sun Sports and Pastimes Swimming Rugby Football Sailing Cricket Orienteering Hockey Racing Polo Marriages Births Regimental Gazette
Extra Regimental Employment ‘ The End ’
Editor: MAJOR J. J. F. Scorr Advertising (Germany): LT. E. N. BROOKSBANK 1
. . . events are always warning us that the world is changing fast. I prefer—as I am sure you do—that you should be, yourselves, helping to make these changes instead of resting in the light of the well known and glorious achievements of your Regiments.” HM. The Queen, June 6, 1963, Horse Guard Parade.
THIS is the last issue of The Eagle, and i! is sad. Sad, not because as a Journal it will cease to existiit will continue and be better than ever in conjunction with the Blue —but because of two major losses. The first is the departure of many loyal and efficient soldiers of all ranks who are to be rebadged to other Regiments of the Royal Armoured Corps. Of course they will be well looked after and happy in their new Regiments. but we will miss them. We are grateful for all they have done for the Royal Dragoons. and hope they will treasure the certificate of service which each will receive. The second 1055 is a deeper one and is the real tragedy of the amalgamation. At the height of its professional and musical stature the Band will cease to exist and the Regiment will no longer have its own music with it. It is difficult to express adequately the appreciation and gratitude we all feel for the pleasure and morale uplift our Band has given through the years. Their Record will be on sale when this issue is published. It will be worth hearing and keeping. Despite these regrets it is remarkable now that the first shock of amalgamation is over and the many decisions concerning it complete. what real enthusiasm and will there is to build a happy and efficient new Regiment. We that remain will not rest in the light of three hundred years of achievement. With The Blues we will make a change of which our Colonel-in—Chief and those who have left us will be proud. R.S.M. Clark presenting a Silver Eagle to the Colonel of the Regiment on behalf of the serving members
of the Royal Dragoons, at the Regimental Association Dinner, May, 1968.
EDITORIAL With much fluttering of wings the last Eagle makes its appearance. Originally a monthly journal (produced on a Regimental press) it aimed not only to keep subscribers in England informed of current Regimental activities in India but also by using the Regimental press to give ‘ efficient soldiers of good character a chance to learn a useful trade. thus ensuring certain employment on their return to civil life and a remunerative encouragement to well educated men to write articles.’ Some 173 editions later finds the journal an annual edition (mercifully), printed by a long-suffering English firm for approximately 1.000 subscribers. The articles contributed by 15 well-educated men and two well-educated women for no financial reward and only meagre editorial thanks. No attempt has been made to recap on over 300 years of Regimental history as this was more than adequately achieved in the Tercentenary copy. Instead more space than usual has been given to Regimental notes. articles and reminiscences. with. I hope, interesting results. References to amalgamation naturally appear on many pages but no apology is made for the frequent mention of an event which is much in our minds and which will have a lasting effect upon our Regimental identity. The underlying theme of welcome and challenge is a spontaneous example of the writers’ feelings. As we go to press ‘ our friends the dear old Greys.‘ an invariable reference term of the 19205, alone are left to carry on the traditions of the Heavy Dragoons. In a little known eye—witness account of the Battle of Balaclava written by a Royals‘ N.C.O.. it is clearly stated that the cry. “By God, the Greys are cut off. Charge! Charge!" went up not from their Command— ing Officer but from the Royals’ soldiers who in fact when surging forward to the aid of the 2nd Dragoons took their Colonel with them. This spirit of friendship and respect between the two Regiments is still very real today and every member of the Royals. in spite of two defeats in the Cavalry Cup in the last two years and this time led by their Commanding Officer, wishes the Greys good fortune in the future and earnestly
hope that for many years they will remain Dragoons As far as the Regiment is concerned 1968 might well be called ‘ the year of the Chieftain.‘ The new tank arriving in April dictated our trade training and tactical doctrine at the same time giving both the crewmen and the Regiment alike an increasingly important role in the British Army, Life though has not been entirely re— stricted to training and exercises. proof of which should be readily found in this journal. Three military appointments of considerable Regimental interest have occurred during the year:
The first. the promotion and appointment of Major-General G. T. A. Armitage t0 D.R.A.C.: The second, the arrival of Colonel Richard Vickers who took over command from Colonel Peter Reid in July. It seems too late to welcome someone who gives the impression of having been with us for a great deal longer than ten full months. His knowledge of Regimental affairs. which is already unsurpassed. will undoubtedly stand the Regiment in good stead in the formative months of 1969. To Colonel Reid we say. “ Thank you for the work you did both in the training of the Regiment and helping lay the foundations of the Blues and Royals.” Finally, in late July we welcomed
Colonel of the Regiment on his arrival in Germany to take up his post as C.-in-C. B.A.O.R. In early August he paid a private visit whilst the Regiment was exercising at Soltau, which judging by his remark. “I like being here as it really doesn’t matter who I’m rude to," he must have enjoyed. Details of the Regimental journal of the Blues and Royals (for which readers are invited to send a suggested title) together with cost and method of subscription will be circulating shortly. It is the Editor’s earnest hope that you will continue to subscribe and contribute articles to the future editions with the same fervour that you have displayed this year, thereby permitting future Editors to sleep soundly in the knowledge that the Regimental Magazine is the sound method of communication between Regiments and the outside world it set out to be in 1907.
“A”SQUADRON IT was a cold and stormy night and the wind howled through the canvas. It was early March and we were back in area W, Soltau, for Troop Training. Our annual battle against the elements and our last adventure in the Centurion tank was beginning. About this time we welcomed S.S.M. Mackay, on promotion, from “B” Squadron, and said goodbye to S.S.M. Lloyd, who suddenly became extra keen to slip away to a heated office in Croydon. leaving S.Q,M.S. Heath and Tpr. Callaghan to light a bonfire and unfreeze the water trailer. In spite of this apparent desertion in our hour of need, we will remember his good humour and understanding for a long time to come. Our camp was made as cosy as possible by the judicious installation of paraffin lamps in most tents. However, We were seldom home to enjoy these creature comforts. During the hours of darkness we carried out night training on three occasions, and for the last of these. we were joined by the Padre. When the time came to return him to his spiritual home (the Echelon) it was decided that his path should be well lit and- his slumbering companions suitably alerted to welcome him—Sergeant-Majors. pyjama-clad in the snow, make a very eerie sight at 3 o’clock in the morning! Troop tests this year lasted fully two days. and at the end we discovered that lst Troop. led by Lt. Scott. had just been pushed into second place. despite some inspired man— oeuvring on the final night. Sgt. Cook. who had taken over a Troop from Lt. Mackie only two weeks previously. on the latter’s move to Reece Troop. did extremely well to get 2nd Troop into fourth equal in the overall placings. S/Sgt. Town and the fitters. working on ageing vehicles in really unpleasant conditions, day and night. probably had the worst task of all. However. with great good humour and determination. they did a grand job. which was characteristic of their efforts throughout the whole season.
Crews side. Exercise ‘ Iron Hand.’
Back to Detmold for a quick thaw-out over Easter, and then the incessant highpitched whine as the new Chieftains started rolling through the gates. The Squadron went straight into conversion training to discover their idiosyncrasies and on its completion. on 24th June, all members had successfully achieved at least one Chieftain trade. During this period we took part in Regimental athletics. All races were team relay events and. as a result, it is difficult to nominate any particular stars. Our ‘gold medallists’ were the 100 metres and 200 metres teams (S.S.M., L/Cpl. Gregory, Tprs. Back, Fairs, Garrett and Cfn. Doyle); our long jumpers (Tprs. Back and Smith) and javelin throwers (Cpl. Chamberlain and and Tpr. Fairs). On a very good morning of hard-contested events we ran out, if that’s the expression, second to HQ. 1 and only six points behind, in spite of not scoring in the 400 metres relay. due to the fact that Tpr. O’Donohoe. involved on a pre-para route march. got delayed and was unable to come under starter’s orders. However.
this was his only delay and he went on to get through “ P “ Company with flying colours, and is now a model soldier in the R.A.C. Para Squadron. Z/Lt. Mathews arrived from the debauchery of a Sandhurst Y.O.s’ course. and joined us at this time to be given a pair of running shoes. and, in seconds. proved he is the fastest 400 metres man in the Regiment. Tprs. Fairs was adjudged the best Regimental athlete of the day. Our next foray into the athletic world was the inter-Squadron swimming. held in the pleasantly-heated pool at Lage. Again the events were team relays. followed by indi— vidual events for those who wished to compete. Altogether, a very strenuous morning. but nonetheless successful. The Squadron won the team breaststroke (L/Cpl. Gregory. Tprs. Flude, Scott. Allison) and individual diving (Tpr. Garrett. about whom you can read in 'the swimming notes, showing great promise). The individual breaststroke was won by our captain. trainer and coach. Tpr. Allison. for the seventh consecutive year, and L/Cpl. Schooley. in spite of a ‘misplaced ’ cartilage. won the freestyle. All this carried us well up to the top of the ladder: however. once more HQ. 1 pipped us for first place and we went down by five pointsito a bigger team! As holders of the chain of command race. we were disappointed to lose our title. especially as the Squadron Leader had devised the race. The Squadron Clerk. Tpr. Cronin. fearing that he will once more be required to propel his rubber ring in troubled waters, has beat his retreat to a house in far West Germany. In between these gladiatorial excesses. we got down to some pre-Hohne training. supervised by Capt. Spencer and Sgt. Cox. Cpl. Brown and Cpl. Emery (kindly loaned by “ C” Squadron): and on 8th July. when the first round went down the range. it is to their credit that it did so to some effect. One range period is often much like another. but this year a night battle run without tank movementma bit difficult to explain to the uninitiated — and machine-gun firTng at meteorological balloons. both novelties instituted bv the Commanding Officer, added a certain spice and variety. In the inter-Troop “ urgent target” competition, lst Troop. led by Sgt. Cox and two other gunnery instructors as commanders. just failed by one hit to carry off the victor’s trophy. The per-
formances put up by all loaders were of a very high standard. It was on another day's firing that Sgt. La Roche earned the title of the ‘slowest gun in the West’: however. he has something to say on the subject of his commander’s obtuse fire orders. so we will pass on . . . . The Squadron ran the gymkhana ring in the Rhine Army Horse Show this summer and perhaps inspired by what they saw there. the Squadron contingent. led by Sgt. Smith and consisting of five N.C.O.s and three Troopers, represented more than 50 per cent of the total Regimental contribution to the Mounted SquadrOn in October. ‘Midsummer madness’ struck an unkind blow when the Squadron Club. in spite of its namei‘ The Blue Lagoon ’— proved thoroughly combustible. Tpr. Allison had run it with the efficiency and strong hand of one about to become a Courage’s publi— can. and when it reopens before Christmas he will be difficult to replace. Battle group training found us once more in familiar surroundings. though Soltau was new territory to the 2 RGJ. with whom we worked throughout. Neither organisation. however. bargained for the 14 rain-free, sunblest days and desert-like conditions which conspired to keep the Admin. Troop fully occupied dispensing cold drinks and the drivers busy cleaning their air cleaners. Assisted by fox/rounds, we attacked Point 118 from every conceivable direction. and it was here Tpr. Marshall provided a reallife casualty. No one could have anticipated that within three minutes of his becoming ‘hors de combat,’ a 20 Brigade helicopter would have swooped from the sky to carry him off for a day or two at a quiet resting place. Prior to the final exercise, we sent out three night patrols; one. commanded by Cpl. Thurston. gained a lot of useful information. but it was a pity we didn’t see them again until 18 hours after their ‘time out.’ by which time the enemy disposition had changed somewhat. Afiter a short spell of relaxation. the orienteers girt up their loins and took part in various preliminaries before entering the Brigade Championships. As holders. we were determined to do well. and honour was just about satisfied with a fifth out of 53 on a very fast undulating course. It was the best performance of any Royals team and an excellent effort by Sgt. Burroughs.
L/Cpls. Fairs.
Then the rains came. and it looked as though Noah would be the only participant in the Brigade FTX: in fact we all went outfifor the last time as a complete Royals Squadron. We were attached to our friends from summer training. 2 RGJiwe found they now used our griddle and we were able to practise much closer infantry/tank co-operation. Three days in withdrawal is quite a good warmer-up. but the ‘rain gods’ saw to it that we were to be deprived of Phase II. the promised attack, We were certainly in a mood for it. but sadly. we were not permitted a fitting climax to a long historical record of cavalry panache. Instead. we gave a short firework display and vent our spleen on “C” Squadron. Hostilities were only brought to a close by a midnight exchange of prisoners. curiously enough both named Mackenzie/McKenzie. dressed as nature had intended them to be. When all the fighting (official) was done.
one would have thought a period of peace and quiet would prevail. Not at all~con~ version courses are interfering badly with our recreation and sport—but here we can record an outright win. In the Regimental cross-country race we fielded a team of 20! there are still that number in the Squadron —just~and in what proved to be a real team race. we provided a strong phalanx of middle—placed runners, to win from “ B” Squadron. Much credit is due to Tpr. Bramble, whose enthusiasm carried the Squadron through many dull training periods. Now on to the boxing competition and a clean sweep before the orgy of Christmas festivities and inspections overtake us. Some members of the Squadron will be leaving the Regiment on amalgamation, and we say to them “ thank you and good luck ” —a number will probably need it. To those who remain as Blues and Royals, wherever you may be, enjoy yourselves in 1969; and to all those who have served in “A” Squadron, Royals, may your memories of those days be happy ones.
‘ If you go down in the woods today . . . ’ lst and 2nd Troop N.C.O.s.
Tprs. Flude and Hows take time off from Exercise ‘ Iron Hand ’ to practice for the Mounted Squadron.
res" ,
Sgt. Cox consults the Soldiers’ Training Pamphlet.
The ‘ Cisco Kid ’ disguised as L/Cpl. Head.
T‘HESE notes begin at Troop Training. of fire attached to a Schamully flareAmost ' * Held early in the year, we were pre- spectacular, but little did he realise that he sented with the worst weather conditions would be back there in two months time which even the most hardened ‘Soltau rat’ assisting the Berlin Brigade. could remember. We had ice so thick on The day after we got back we were off to the roads that no tank could move from one Sennelager, where every man completed his area to another. Blinding snow, heavy rain. ten-mile march and classification shooting freezing wind and ice vied for pride of place with satisfactory results. While the Squadeach day. With a really tough programme ron got ready for the Munster Guard and of day and night training, followed by a Brigade Training, the officers were busy with Regimental rally, in which 4th Troop came a big dance at the end of August and a large third and 2nd Troop, led by the ‘Cornet,’ number of TEWTS, minor exercises and polo sixth: we were very conscious that our old tournaments. Centurions had to be brought to CIV The much - heralded Brigade exercise standard within a fortnight of our return proved something of a disappointment. to be handed in and exchanged for Chief- Perpetual rain for weeks before had made tains. the area so soft that an unacceptable amount Conversion training in the primary trades of damage was bound to result from crossfollowed, and the arrival of the now familiar country movement. The first phase of the Chieftains. They were issued just in time exercise was therefore rather restricted, and for Hohne ranges with some gunners still the second phase was called off as the rain finding their way around the turret. Loaders fell without remission throughout the exeralso found the job not so easy. L/Cpl. cise. However, this did not deter Sgt. Taylor even managed to put the bag charge Wallace. who was to be seen commanding in first, followed by the projectile, the re- a tank again after a break of six years, but sult being that the whole lot was pushed unfortunately a slight contra‘temps with a by the force of the vent tube to drop igno- tree renewed his suspicion of the monsters miniously out of the end of the barrel. and he is now back with his Stalwarts again. Sergeant-Major Leese was to be seen by Tpr. Shepherd never quite got used to the night bashing the end on every single round novelty of towing the water trailer and was of .50 and 7.62 fired. to ensure that his certi- continually seen frantically waving it on. ficate that the batch was free of live rounds thinking it was another vehicle on his tail. was a true one. His efforts were justified Throughout the last six months S/Sgt, by the results. but we are still short of a Vokes and his team have worked wonders few fingers and thumbs. keeping our tanks going and pulling one or Back to camp with just a week to get two Troop Leaders out of embarrassing posiready for Regimental Training, held in the tions, but the lawn mower is still in pieces hot. dry weather. with the Soltau sand turned and the Squadron Leader’s lawn is beginning to dust. This included a period of training to resemble a jungle. with 2 RGJ. formerly the 60th. during This really is the last time that “B” which there was a long night march, and Squadron, The Royal Dragoons. will have 2nd Troop nearly disappeared for good in notes in this magazine. Many changes are the only bog for miles. Sgt. Weeks was so due. but if everyone takes them in the same delighted when the training was completed cheerful spirit of give-and-take which has and with the thought that he might never see characterised the last six months’ activities. Soltau again, he sent his map off in a ball then the change will be a happy one.
Infantry-Tank co—operation. Sgt. Wilkins and “A” Company Commander, 2 RG]. “ Who says I burnt the breakfast?” S.S.M. Leese.
2nd Troop in action.
“ Oh God, who wants me now?” Cpl. Mullins.
Vl‘HOSE of you who follow the fortunes of the Squadron and are blessed by reasonable memories, will recollect that the last instalment brought our 307 years of history up to UEl l967~which is a helluva long preparation for UEl. The past year has been a vintage one for departures. Major Boyd, for two seasons our enterprising, energetic and instructive Squadron Leader, left us in March, and Capt. Aylen moved up and in. When last seen. our late leader was burning up his slide rule somewhere on the south coast of the motherland hopefully designing for us a grease-proof. self-washing tank. Other participants of the brain drain were Lt. Hewson who spent the spring with us before becoming A.D.C. to the Colonel of the Regiment as C.—in-C. B.A.O.R.; Lt. Brook who has gone off for a couple of years’ serious sunbathing in Arabia. and Lt. Bucknall. lost for the next three years to Shrivenham where he is reading for a science degree. Not that the drain has been limited to our Troop Leaders. Sgt. Wight dropped in for a bit and then dropped out, straight into the D. & M. Wing; Sgt. Hayward has gone off to tell The Blues about tank gunnery; L/Cpl. Fullick now drives the Commanding Officer’s Land Rover: L/Cpl. Anderson is looking after our recruits at the Household Cavalry indoctrination camp at Pirbright: L/Cpl. Hamilton is submerged in the Quartermaster’s labyrinth: Tpr. Swannell (lately our clerk) and Tpr. Hourigan (now in the polo stables) have gone to “ B ” Squadron: Tprs. Rochford and Lock to “HQ.” Squadron; Tprs, Smith 401 and Pink have transferred to the Royal Tank Regiment: Tprs. Kendall. Price. Davis 711 and Brown are on their way to what will become The Blues and Royals Mounted Squadron: Tpr. Mitchell is helping the Army Air Corps for two years: Tpr. Reid now serves with the R.A.C. Parachute Squadron and L/Cpls. Haynes and Blundell and Tpr. Kaufman have retired to civilian life.
A longish list so far, but even that is not really the end of it because even before amalgamation we shall be saying au revoir to L/Cpl. Butler and goodbye to others who are leaving, Tprs. Docherty, Allen, Overton and Kennard. To them all. our thanks for their work and cheerfulness in the Squadron and our wishes for good luck in their new jobs. But of course it has not all been ebbtide and during the year we have welcomed Capt. Eddison as Second-in-Command, Tpr. Freund (back from the Army Air Corps), Tpr. Standen (back from Reece Troop) and
newcomers Tprs. Hutchinson, Savage, Russell. Webb and Egan. Throughout all these changes we have tried not to disrupt troops more than necessary and it reflects great credit on especially the Troop Leaders, Troop Sergeants and the Squadron Sergeant Major that, contending also with conversion to the Chieftain tank and the inevitable repercussions of imminent amalgamation. the standards of professional skill and cheerful cohesion have remained as high as ever. Looking back through the diary, the B.A.O.R. programme has changed little from earlier years but invariably characteristic events within the Squadron disguised the sameness. Undoubtedly our greatest success of the year was in the Regimental ‘ urgent targets ’ competition held at the end of the first week at Hohne. The Squadron swept the board. winning each event. Best Troop. 4th Troop. commanded by Sgt. Hayward; Best Crew. 34A. commanded by Sgt. Strudwick: runner-up. 32A. commanded by Cpl. Adams: Best Loader. Tpr. Wastling. These results were a fitting tribute to the hard work of preparing the Squadron by Sgt. Hayward and Sgt. Matthew and marked well the start of our life in the new tanks. After Hohne we returned to barracks for a couple of weeks before emerging again for
training at Soltau. This was an immensely busy fortnight, Only crew training had been possible at Staple (a small training area close to Detmold) so the whole gamut of troop. Squadron, combat team and battle group training was squashed into this brief period. The first week was particularly exhausting but once it had been realised that the breaks for maintenance and rest were to be few and short, everybody slotted into place remarkably well and much was learnt. Sgt. Melbourne is particularly to be congratulated on his showing as 2nd Troop’s leader, having been thrown in very much at the deep end. The first week terminated in a very successful demonstration of a Squadron/Company group attack with A " Company 2 R.G.J. for the Corps Commander: lst Troop got left a bit at the start of the final charge but eventually got up to win comfortably by about six lengths. In the long gap between Soltau and Brigade training. half the Squadron (all that was available) went to Bavaria for 10 days. The aims were to have a break from Detmold and to get a bit fitter. Our activities are described in a separate article elsewhere in The Eagle and generally it was an amusing change, the time being absorbed largely by swimming. climbing. canoeing and fishing (which included some rather bare-faced poaching) though not entirely blessed by the sun. It was unfortunate that the Brigade training, Exercise “Iron Hand.” was stopped at the end of the first week because the softness of the ground prompted a forecast of an astronomic damage bill. Even during the week that was. movement was considerably restricted, though 4th Troop under Lt. Couper’s guidance managed to fit in a series of recovery practices in a wide variety of uniquely interesting attitudes. and Sgt. Matthew with 3rd Troop executed an impromptu deception plan which confused the opposition. the umpires and the Squadron Leader most convincingly. But a week’s worth of defence and withdrawal is enough to satisfy most appetites: we had been looking forward to the chance of a gallop and the news of the abbreviation. though for fully understandable reasons, was sadly received. Not that that was the end of field training for all. Lt. Couper and Sgt. Melbourne each took a jumbled Troop with the composite
Squadron from the Regiment to work with the Berlin Brigade at Soltau for ten days. This, by comparison with most exercises, was taken at a fairly leisurely pace in good weather and was thoroughly enjoyed.
Regrettably we have had little luck in inter-Squadron sports. Certainly time for training for the competitions has been very limited but we are not short of talent and perhaps could and should have done better. However we have produced more than our fair share of members of Regimental teams; twenty of the Squadron have represented the Regiment with Sgt. Melbourne, L/Cpls. Butler and Gibbs and Tprs. Kennard and Ward being noticeably active. Otherwise, Wertach continues to flourish and better than half the Squadron got away for ski-ing during the winter or trekking in the summer. A few have now learnt to sail and L/Cpl. Fielding was particularly successful. finishing second in the Brigade regatta in the Mohnesee. Lastly, we congratulate Sgts. Emery and Livingstone, Cpls. Hughes and Tucker and L/Cpl. Wastling on their promotions and thank all members of the Squadron for the year’s hard and successful work.
“ Sir. If you use the LC. it makes it much easier,” Tpr. Henchion.
Gunnery really is a serious business. Hohne, ’68.
Tpr. Thornburrow ‘ bombed up.’
Rennold, Chamberlain, Savage and Standen wondering where to go n
H.Q. SQUADRON R.H.Q. Troop THE past year has been a busy one for the Troop. both in barracks and in the field. In the New Year we welcomed Cpl. Ford, L/Cpls. Carroll, Putland and Fullick and Tprs. Edwards. Murphy and Williams. who now seem quite used to both temperature and altitude; S.Q.M.S. Wood continues to be doyen of the radio wing and secret room. and the Troop Leader. Mr. Lewis. was seen about the place. In March we went to Soltau for Troop Training. the last with Lt.-Col. Reid and R.S.M. Clark; we shall miss the former‘s impressive flair in the field and the outstanding Troop Competitions and the “Where’s the tea, lad?” and the one tent with h. & C. of the latter. Not forgotten will be R.S.M. Clark’s considerable performance. with L/Cpl. Curran. in keeping his radio link open throughout the entire Troop competitron. Later we became involved in the usual spate of CPXs and enjoyed having Major Scott. the Adjutant and Capt. Aylen with us on occasions. About this time it was rumoured that“ C ” Squadron was to deprive us of our beloved bridgelayer tanka.Q.M.S. Wood almost cracked up under the suspense. The fact that it eventually did finish up with “ C ” Squadron was mainly due to the Squadron Leader managing to convince everyone of the absolute sense of it! At the start of Hohne. Mr. Lewis. Cpl. Sibley and Tprs. Edwards and Murphy were away doing guard of honour for the Commander-in—Chief, but we provided our usual telephone. radio, taxis. helicopter ground crew and runner services for those who matter! We took part in rocket-launcher and grenade range practice; and at the Squadron Leader’s insistence. fired our GPMGs. Our Battle Group Training was the new Commanding Officer’s first look at us in the field. We also noted R.S.M. Watorski’s views
hockey; Cpl. Ford at rugby; Tpr. Carrington is proving a good squash player, and Tprs. Mpé‘phy and Edwards shine on the athletics fie . We have said goodbye to Mr. Lewis, our Troop Leader. who has exchanged the elegance of the drawing room for the hearty life of the Canadian bush. We shall miss, if not his constant presence, his influence, good humour, avam‘ garde dress and wit. L/Cpl. David and Tpr. Davis have left us for what they hope will be a profitable existence as civilians and on amalgamation. L/Cpl. Fullick is joining the 3 RTR and Tpr. Heymerdinger the l4/20th Hussars. We wish them all the best of luck. Next year we hope, whether remaining in our present orbit or not, to maintain our present standard and we look forward to the challenge of becoming Blues and Royals.
was no! interfered with. However. I will say again . . . ” During April and May we acquired suntans doing a little strategic guarding at Munster and then enjoyed a short exercise chasing the Division RCT Regiment. When the time came for Regimental firing at Hohne. Mr. Mackie disappeared to Dortmund to be taught to sing rather beautifully in German and some of us volunteered for a guard of honour for the new Commanderin-Chief, B.A.O.R. We were proud to parade before the Colonel of the Regimen-t in his new appointment. Mr. Lewis arrived from R.H.Q. Troop. complete with sword and gloves. and we met Mr. Hewson, who does seem to have quite an important job after allieven so, he still carries his lunch everywhere in a black bag! Later the Troop all met up at Hohne. where Cpl. Woollard demonstrated ammunition handling witth his head: range practice went well, and even the IG seemed impressed with our “ balloon shoot.”
Recce Troop
ii “A soldier’s life is terrible hard,” says L/Cpl. Carrol].
on Pte. Ash’s cooking in the field. and it has registered with L/Cpl. Carroll that “You may wear vot you like so long as you put a black belt oni" This enjoyable time for the Troop ended with an interesting exercise with the Green Jackets. The Brigade exercise. “Iron Hand,” was disappointing; just as we were getting the swing of it. exercise was cancelled. due to bad weather. and to prevent an unacceptable amount of damage We did. however. finish off with an excellent Troop ‘smoker.’ all R.H.Q. officers attending and L/Cpl. Putland, having initially complained of an ulcer. soon recovering after consuming two dozen Mars bars and Kit-Katsl Sport We were runners-up at the Squadron Athletics Meeting: made a splash at the Squadron Swimming Meeting; produced a good team for the Squadron Orienteering and won the Squadron Cross-Country Com— petition. Many members of the Troop have represented the Squadron in Regimental Sports and S.Q.M.S. Wood and Cpl. Sibley represent the Regiment at football and
UR last Eagle notes closed with us about to plunge into the throes of UEI and FFR: the Troop Leader, Mr. Hewson, did don this denims. but rapidly disappeared on what we were told was a course at Bovington. but heard later that he was really galloping about with the “unspeakable” chasing “the uneatable.”
However. he re-
turned to say goodbye before taking up some cushy jobwrailway engine driver‘?7 to some top brass down in Rheindahlen: we thank him for all he did for the Troop. 1968 was quiet until the Troop Sergeant returned from a visit to the Guards Depot. which undoubtedly accounts for his rear link radio being the most powerful in the Regiment. In February. Mr. Mackie arrived from a quiet life in “A” Squadron as our new Troop Leader and just in time to take us on a border patrol. “ Snowball” became the name. as he discovered a scout car provided rather a cold ride in winter. Our next assignment was an overnight leaguer in the open. in freezing rain and snow. on Hohne Ranges. where we went to fire our Brownings. Somehow we all survived. found our allotted range the next morning and firing went well. The foul weather repeated itself during Troop Training at Soltau and. as far as possible. we headed for the communal comfort of barns: perhaps as a result. the following was heard on the radio one day: “64A. say again. you were interfered with . . . over.” “6. I
i mt taut DRAEMNS
Our Troop Sergeant playing statues.
Next we took off to the Koblenz area,
in Southern Germany for our main event of the year. Exercise “July Jaunt.” run by 4 RTR and l K.O.S.B.: 35 Medium Regiment. RA. and 4th Belgian Lancers also taking part. We were delighted with the change of scene and it was most noticeable how specially welcome the British Troops are in the Rhineland. During three weeks we hardly slept. even the odd rest day was taken up with recces and mainten— ance. We learned a lot. and it was certainly a change to be acting as Divisional Troops 15
responsible for eighty miles of frontier (prel962 vintage Royals will understand). The crews and our gallant Cfn. Purdom did well to keep the vehicles going throughout our travels, though it did take 24 hours and three Leylands to get the Troop Sergeant moving on one occasion. Not surprisingly. our mileage this year was about 5,000 miles. This operation delayed our arrival at Soltau in August, where we were used as a Troop. rather than detached sections, which meant Troop HQ. was kept busy and Troop leaguers, etc.. etc., were possible when we were not kept up all night! In October Mr. Mackie again disappeared to England in his little red car and Mr. “ Warlord ” Brooksbank came from “ B ” Squadron to join us for 2nd Division’s exercise, “Keystone” (Cpl. McEvoy’s Exercise “ Mudlark ”) and well done, L/Cpl. ‘ Bluebell’ Reid who may keep all the tow ropes. It was a relief to find that “Warlord’s” ideas on the use of pyrotechnics and gasthouses exactly coincide with our own. Valete The Troop started the year with 14 crews: only six now remain. as we seem to supply people for all the top jobs in the Regiment and around Europe. In the spring we said goodbye to Cpl. Budden (driving the DRAC at Bovington). and then to Cpl. Pearce (running the D. & M. Wing at Catterick). Cpl. Plumb (central heating adviser to Southern England, Cpl. Elmslie (now Q.M.’s accommodation stores king) and Tpr. Notridge (gone to S.H.Q. Troop to prepare for his wedding on Vesting Day. and as the Squadron Leader’s new driver). We look forward to seeing Mr. Mackie on Queen’s Life Guard Duty next April, and are getting in a stock of marbles. Goodbye also to L/Cpl. Williams (about to become an industrialist in Barbados). Tpr._ Cooney (organising the Eire postal servrces), Tpr. Thornhill (just making money), and Tpr. “ Ticker’ Smith (running a contraband service to Spain). On amalgamation, our ‘ continuity man,’ Sgt. Edwards is going ERE at last, to instruct at Arborfield; L /Cpl. Morris is becoming a Sapper; Tpr. Rixon is joming Cpl. Budden at Bovington, and Joyce IS joining the Q.R.I.H. We wish all of them and their families the best of luck. Those of .us who remain look forward to joining up With The Blues next March.
M.T. Troop If 1 had no duties, and no reference to futurity, I would spend my life driving briskly. in a post chaise with a pretty woman. SAMUEL JOHNSON CONTRARY to popular belief since we last went to press the Troop has been extremely busy; we have driven nearly 250,000 miles and kept our accident rate down to only a bump every 25,000 miles. Being increasingly short-handed has meant that to try and cope with the transport demand Sgt. Grinyer’s M.T. office crystal ball has been in constant use, all drivers are becoming used to trying to do three details at the same time and we still hope for assistance for Garrison night duties. Still. better to wear out than rust out!
on the Mess stafl‘. Tpr. Benfield became a civilian, leaving his teeth behind down the M.T. ‘ loo,’ and Tpr. Robinson. who we hope is now in better health, has also left the Army. To try and fill the gaps we welcome Tpr. Baldwin (clerk), Tprs. Grant, Wyatt and Henderson, hoping they’ll take on two or even three vehicles each; we also welcome back Pathfinder Murtagh to the fold in spite of his losing three sets of M.T. office and MT. stores keys. Troop training in March having taken us by surprise—“ We will be prepared for it this time,” said the M.T.O. in June, but preparations for our move to Hohne in July were still a rush, so Sgt Grinyer fled to Hohne with the advance party. some of whom missed the autobahn turn-off and inadvertently went via Hamburg! Much hard work was done moving lines of tents closer together and further apart until the R.S.M. was satisfied—having seen the film ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade,’ things don’t seem to change much. No time this year for Sgt. ‘Slim’ to be caught fishing, and apart from camp fatigues, ammo bashing and 3.5 rocket launcher firing, we also did berry picking fatigues for the M.T.O.—no jam yet! On return. we immediately started to prepare vehicles for summer training and their resultant state of splendour so surprised the M.T.O. that he smartly disappeared to England on a course, or something. At the commencement of Battle Group Training both Al and A2 echelons were leagured in the same wood enabling Tpr. Howard and others to sleep with one echelon to avoid guard duties, and eat with both to get six
orienteering. They did quite well except that Scannell got lost; he still insists he was not in a gasthaus but merely wanted to run further than anyone else! So many arguments were caused by the advent of the Squadron cross-country meeting over 412 miles that the whole Troop lined up and went. Congratulations to L/Cpl. Curran (3rd), Tpr. Baldwin (lOth), and those who
stuck together and were placed between 14th and 40theand, of course, Troop Cpl. Murtagh, who ran last all the way, to make sure no-one was idle! On amalgamation we shall be saying farewell to the M.T.O., returning to the quiet life at F.V.R.D.E., Kirkcudbright; Cpl. Murtagh, going to organise 1 Division transport; and to Tprs. Harvey, Blackwell, Carter, Martin, Henderson, Roberts, Hawes and Pennings on postings to other Regiments or to a wide variety of money-making operations, as civilians. We thank them for their hard work for the Troop and wish them and their families the best of luck; and, finally, we would like to assure all our readers that in spite of hovercraft, spacecraft and even Mrs. Castle, that much maligned but most hardworking Troop, is driving forward in good order and will cope, somehow, with everything and anything that 1969 may bring.
Q.M. Troop qINCE the last publication we have seen k one or two changes of note: R.Q.M.S. Watorski left us in June to take up the duties of R.S.M., and R.Q.M.S. Paul came to fill the breach which he does rather well. His baptism of fire started with the annual shoot at Hohne. and even now, some four months later, he is still wondering how it all happened and still has nightmares with dud vent tubes chasing him round the Hohne ranges (he is not alone in this). We remember wistfully the good old days when ammo came in one bit. As usual the Troop is still supplying the maximum amount of demand with the minimum of supplies, and manages to keep the Regiment supplied with kit and food and all the other things that make life bearable. Our Spanish refugee. L/Cpl. Hamilton, was entrusted, with the assistance of Tpr. Mitchell, with rationing the Regiment. Strange as it may seem they found the DP. both times.
meals a day. We did some useful echelon
training and enjoyed the weather. Fortunately the M.T.O. managed to come out on the last day to lead us back to Detmold with— out losing anybody. We have said goodbye to S.Q.VM.S. Cummings who couldn’t face another UEI and has retired to the plush and calm of Officers’ Mess Troop and we wish him and his family the best of luck in Canada next year. The Putney Tricycle manager, Tpr. Provost left to run a travel bureau in the Orderly Room —you now have to book leave a year in advance; Tpr. Notridge exchanged motor for horse transport in the polo stables and Tpr. Dreckman, expecting to become a member of the Sergeants’ Mess, now finds himself
At sporting activities we continue to surprise everyone in the Squadron. including ourselves. Remarkable things happened at the Squadron athletics meeting. but we congratulate Tpr. Pennings on winning both the one mile and three miles at the Regimental meeting. We ‘had a go’ at the Squadron and Regimental swimming. L/Cpl. Curran and Tpr. Carpenter are shortly to swim under the M.T.O. expert’s eagle eye. After much protest Cpl. Murtagh. L/Cpls. Benn and Curran and Tprs. Pennings. Baldwin and Scannell. performed in the Squadron 17
and bogged down both times, the second time being slightly more entertaining. L.A.D.’s ‘ Land Rescue ’ arrived, promptly joined them in the mire, and to keep the party going were joined by a 3-tonner and Stalwart. Fourteen hours later we managed to eat. During the year we were sorry to say goodbye to Messrs. Owen, Stratford, Pentecost, Falvey and, of course. “Spotty Muldoon.’ To try and make ends meet we welcome L/Cpl. Rankin and Tpr. Hulett. Cpl. Clay of The Blues has also joined the Troop to help in the families’ department. Not much is seen of L/Cpl. Rankin as his time is split between exercises in Bielefeld and playing in our new football league. but we fear he is about to go the same way as Cpl. Hildred and Tpr. Mitchell (we hope that the last named has a wife who can use an iron). ‘ Chippy" Stevens has at last given up trying to learn German, and on our last liaison visit to town he attempted to take on half the Bundeswehr outside ‘ Mammas.’ It should be noted that the rest of the party broke some Olympic records getting away from the scene. Sportwise the Troop still performs on every possible occasion, and performs admirably. although we are sure Cpl. Byrne’s presence will be missed. and we shall all be most sorry to see one of the staunchest members of the Troop go, whose cheerfulness and willingness is an example to all. Cpl. Kinstry still manages to baflie the DWO with AFK 1308s. but that is no difficulty. as he baffles us, too. Yet again. he
is another member who we shall soon wave goodbye to with a large sum in the bank as a goodbye present. Cpl. Hildred decided that he was putting on too much weight in the cookhouse, and is back wielding a brush in the paintshop. Cpl. Jackson ‘slipped ’ something and was given a crutch in the form of L/Cpl. Falvey. but who supported who, is undecided. We are all counting on Sgt. Best to get us all a new No. 2 dress before amalgamation. that’s if he remembered to put in the indent in the face of the tempta» tion which daily passes his office window. Tpr. Farmer is dishing out socks and laces, and in his spare time is learning to swim (voluntarily): to date, he can float, but not to worry. Capt. Fletcher has endless patience. S.Q.M.S. Remfrey is busy at present trying to find homes all over the world for those families who will be leaving us and another set for those coming in. Our family strength is still as great as ever: we thought we had found the answer when we passed the administration of 116 quarters at Elsen to the Gunners. but we inherited 186 from three units at Hakedahl—you can’t win. ‘Nuts and Bolts.’ at the other end of camp have agreed to take over the G1098 equipment: this was greeted with delight by some. but not others. who had visions of winter schemes without the luxury of camp beds and heaters. In conclusion, we would like to record the notable achievements of the year: The R.Q.M.S. going teetotal (we con— vinced him it was affecting OUR health). Sgt. Best going to Padre’s half-hour. S.Q.M.S. Remfrey on helping out at Hohne with the MOB ammo. L/Cpl. Hamilton on two haircuts this year. Captain Ayrton’s financial assistance to the Canadian Army. P.S.ilt is not true that the OM. is buy— ing the car-wash in Detmold on the nevernever (if he was, he would now own it). It can now be confirmed that the Quartermaster is to be elevated to the ‘ hot seat’ at Divisional Headquarters. We are all very sorry to see him go, and wonder how the Regiment will manage without such an indefatigable supporter of all aspects of Regimental life. In his new appointment he has promised that we shall receive nothing from him except bills!
Confrontation: Capt. Bell, R.C.D., concedes a point to the QM.
., a?
The Tech. Q.M. Group find something to smile about.
Q.M. Tech. Troop 1968 has been a year which will be remembered by all members of the Troop as the Conversion Year: from April until July the Regiment were handing in their wellproved Centurions and receiving the new Chieftain tanks. Another conversion followed this autumn when a change in the accounting system for all G1098 equipment took place. During all this time the ‘Lord of the Manor’ spent his time knee deep in paper work, trying to be polite to those demanding the impossible and wondering how he could send 50% of his Troop on P.T. and still keep the stores open. Our singing R.Q.M.S. (surely he must have Welsh blood some— where!) was to be seen dashing about with CBS. millboards and pencils at the ready. until it was all over and he could relax in an armchair. the most popular member of the Sergeants’ Mess, with a muttered “Thank goodness that’s over.” Another noted conver— sion was that of S/Sgt. Louch from a confirmed bachelor to the state of marital bliss: a posting order and promotion have since taken him to Verden. Behind the scenes S/Sgt. Hunt continues as i/c F.A.M.T.O. stores, and is the only man
in the Regiment who can drink a full urn of tea without batting an eyelid, and still order his staff to put the kettle on. In spite of this Cpl. Cooper finds time, when he is not sulfering from ‘indent writer’s oramp,’ to act as ‘humper-in-chief’ while L/Cpl. Bickmore (Disposals) prowls the tank park looking for US tyres. tracks, prop shafts, etc.. which have failed to return to the stores. In the throes of the new accounting system Sgt. Wight (i/c G 1098 equipment), when he is not wondering how to move crates of periscopes in the least fatiguing fashion, continues his daily sorties to the tank park with maximum publicity. to test the humidity of our reserve tanks and catch a nostalgic whiff of diesel: usually ably assisted by Tpr. Haighton. The new system is designed to do away with the nervous breakdowns inherent in the 1958 one and reduce paperwork; even so, Cpl. Brandon—who with Tpr. Coram’s assistance continues as the typist of the year ican frequently be seen dipping his typewriter in a fire bucket to cool down the keys. The conversion from petrol to diesel has fortunately left the ‘Brothers Heal’ quite unmoved: they continue always to produce the 19
goods and spend their days humping jerricans and oil cans, and still have more teabrewing kit than the cookhouse. In spite of all this constant activity (too often unnoticed?) we still sally forth in our neat packet on all Regimental. Brigade and Divisional exercises. driving around at night in most of northern and central Germany, Visiting O.F.P.s and begging and borrowing Chieftain spares in order to keep our customers happy. On the sporting side the Troop involves itself in most sports. The Q.M. Tech., who has taken over the responsibility of Regimental Football Ofiicer, is often to be seen in his track suit—getting fit for his annual ski-ing holiday. We acquitted ourselves well at the Squadron athletics, swimming and orienteering meetings and won the Squadron cross-country running competition. During the year we said goodbye to Tprs. Abbott and Brownless and on amalgamation we shall very reluctantly bid farewell to our ever-cheerful R.Q.M.S. and Mrs. Titmarsh, on his posting to T.A.V.R. Croydon. Five other members of the Troop will be leaving at this time and to all of you we say thank you for being part of our Troop. and
In January the B.A.O.R. Documentation Tcam descended on us yet again to inspect the documents. It is with pride that we can say that the ‘ umbrellas ‘ went back into the store unopened, and that the Documentation Team graded our efforts as good. In July. the complete Troop was offered a free camping holiday in Germany which we eagerly accepted. We were a bit dismayed when we learned that the intended site was Hohne! Still. all went well and new experiences were had by all. For instance. none of us had ever before had a marquee collapse on us in the night during a storm. L/Cpl. Weston has a message for those of you who sat in your tents that night laughing as he tried to stop it from collapsing. But. unfortunately, I don’t think that it would be in good taste to print it! The Troop efforts in the Squadron orienteering meeting were a bit disappointing, due no doubt to a certain Corporal clerk who was last seen 100 yards from the finish being chased by a pack of savage dogs. In the Regimental meeting. the same team did well and finished 5th out of 13 teams. Mention must be made of the ‘Hors de Concours’ team, consisting of the Commanding Officer. Capt. Connell. W.O.I Weaver and Sgt. (24 hours’ notice) Wennell. which finished 7th in the Brigade meeting and lst in the ‘ Hors de Concours ’ section and were the only Royal Dragoons team to be awarded with a prize—a crate of beer! Sgt. Wennell took a week’s holiday in September and volunteered (?) for the Border Patrol. Was it coincidence that the Russians moved into Czechoslovakia just before he left? When asked what he had brought back from his trip he replied “Turret sores ” and “ a sudden hatred of level crossings.” Obviously. the main subject of work in the R.O.R. has been amalgamation. Many tons of paper must surely have been used during this year on this subject! We shall soon be losing several members of the Troop. Cpl. Lee and Tpr. France will be going to R.H.Q. Household Cavalry and Tpr. Carter to 3 RTR. We wish them all the very best in their new positions and thank them for the good work and team spirit shown during their stay here. Question: When is a question not a question? Answer: Before 15.30 hours.
the very best of luck in the future.
ROR Troop DURING the last year the ever-energetic. ready-to-please, clerical staff (or as some have tried to label us — the everparalytic, ready-to-wheeze, hysterical staff) have been keenly awaiting the annual (biannual of late) event of ‘ Watching the O.R.C. g0 grey overnight.’ Yes. dear reader, this is the event in which the ‘sedentary Sergeant ’ excels. In the course of 1968 we have said goodbye to Col. Kirkby and L/Cpl. Swinton who have started afresh in civilian life and L/Cpl. Raven gone to “H0.” Squadron office. Arrivals into our distinguished midst have been Cpl. Sproats, back from his camping holiday in Libya, L/Cpl. Munro, back from his second holiday in Cyprus, and Tpr. Provost who left M.T. to take over the travel bureau. Capt. J. G. Hamilton-Russell took over the chair in January. 1968. from Capt. J. M. Loyd who left us for the Ministry of Defence.
The Regimental Band at Rheindahlen on the occasion of the arrival of the new C.-in-C. in Germany.
Vl‘l-IIS has probably been our most successful season since pre-war. In the six months April to September, we have earned approximately 34.000 DMs. Much work has been put in and many weekends lost. We had reached the stage where we were climbing out of the coach automatically, doing the engagement. coming back to barracks. and wondering where we had been. In fact, a total of [02 public performances were given by the Band in just under six months. Amongst these engagements were some worth mentioning. The season started in the Kiir Park. Bad Salzufi-en. where many of the Kiir guests wrote to the K'Lirdirector asking when we would be coming back. and the Hannoversche Presse wrote as follows: “The Bandmaster. tall as a tree, full hair slightly greying. over a very young face. whose uniform. in contrast to the short jackets of the Band members. was as long as the greatcoats of our forefathers. carried away his Band of twenty-five musicians to excellent performance by attentive. punctilious and high-spirited direction.”
We played at the Gutersloh Schittzenfest for the third year; many friends we have made there being most disappointed when told we cannot play for them next year. Then at the Detmold fest we were, of course, on home ground. and the three-day event was most successful: the Band supplied the beat group and dance band for dances in the evening. in addition to the marching band. The Horn Sc-hiitzenfestt was distinguished by the Band being forced to march around the Town Hall at least six times before the leading column were able to find their way out of the square. At Bad Salzulien Sehiitzenfest we indulged in a real marathon. the marching band and concert band played each evening to an estimated audience of 3.000. At Bad Meinberg we encountered the rain which has never failed to greet us each time we have played there. Four days
at Kokssijde. in Belgium. must not be forgotten. during which we gave various concerts and matching displays and were very well looked after by the Belgian Air Force. our audience particularly enjoying a marchon to ‘Tipperary‘ and ‘Pack up your
Troubles.’ At a concert given to a packed house in Lage, we were complimented when the local choir refused to sing during the second half because they said everyone wanted to go on listening to the Band! We gathered that Colonel and Mrs. Vickers were in the audience at our last concert at Bad Salzuflen. and only hope that they emerged unscathed from the holocaust which enlivened the final minutes of our performance. A highlight of the year was when the Band formed part of the guard of honour for the Colonel of the Regiment on his arrival at H.Q., B.A.O.R.. to take up his appointment as C.-in-C. We were very pleased when General Fitzpatrick came and
spoke to us after the parade and complimented us on our turnout and performance.
No doubt readers will now know that the Band will be disbanded on 27th March, 1969, It was a sad occasion when we were told, especially after all the hard work that has gone into making a name for ourselves and having managed to build up our strength to thirty-four. The Royals have had their own Regimental Band for over 150 years, and except for some short periods. the Band has always been with the Regiment. A number of members will be going to other Cavalry Regiments and we wish them every success and hope that banding will be as enjoyable with these new Regiments as it has been with the Royals. RECORD The Band has made a long-playing record which is now on sale at the P.R.I. Side 1. Regimental Music and Regimental trumpet calls. Side 2. A selection of music which has been heard in the many countries in which the Royals have served. The record cover provides a short history of the Royals and its Band. Copies are limited. Price DM 14.50 or £1 10s. 0d.
Pay Troop BY now the hurdle of devaluation is well ‘ behind us and we are once more in top gear. ready for any challenge with which the Government may confront us in 1969. If the Chief Paymaster gets his way and
tion of being permanent members of the Regimental team, and Cpl. Sale has once again been selected for the boxing. For the record, the Pay Staff Sergeant has taken up P.T. (not voluntarily), but he firmly denies the rumour that after each session it takes him the whole day to recover.
all soldiers have bank accounts, we might
even have time for an occasional holiday. Throughout 1968 the Troop has experienced few changes. though in the middle of September we said farewell to Cpl. Hankinson who, on posting and promotion, goes to that friendly town of Taunton, where, presumably, another Ofiicers’ Mess will find use for his talents at the requisite six-monthly interval. The existing team now go forward to the new Regiment with faith and confidence and their fingers crossed. Sport In the Squadron cross-country race, held in November, Pay Troop went forth valiantly and we are proud to report that all returned safely. Pte. Ashley, Cpl. Hingley and Cpl. Sale all came home in the first thirty, with Pte. Matthews, of the A.C.C.. a recent acquisition to the Troop gallantly bringing up the rear. Rugby enthusiasts Cpl. Hingley and Pte. Ashley are busy training with every inten-
Thanks These being our farewell notes as Pay Troop for The Royal Dragoons, we would like to record a few thanks, specifically for those departing. First, to those who helped to make our job easierfithe mind boggles and goes blank fiprobably it is because there are too many to mention, so thank you, anyway. Second to the soldiers of the Regiment for their patience and tolerance (bloody Pay Office!) and finally, but this time most sincerely, to their long-suffering wives, who, if they didn’t always get the cash, had our sympathy. To the new Regiment w at can we say but simply— Spar-femur Ag ndo.
This School, situated in fine buildings and grounds at Essendon, in Hertfordshire, has endowments enabling the daughters of Servicemen to be taken as boarders at little or no cost to the parents. The academic education is carried out at local day schools. Resident mistresses supervise homework. out-ofschool activities. games and general welfare. The normal age for admission is from 5 to 11 years, but older girls may sometimes be accepted. Further details and an illustrated brochure may be obtained from: Brigadier H. E. Boulter. one. 0.5.0.. Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation. Wellington House. Buckingham Gate. London. S.W.l. Tpr. Mitchell wins the 80 metres hurdles easily with a close finish for second place.
Callsign Cash box counting.
Cooks Troop SINCE the last publication of The Eagle the Troop have had a full and worthwhile programme. We started the year by entering a team for the 4 Division table of honour competition and took the first prize. W.O.II Newbiggin won the indiv.dual competition in 4 Division and went on to the B.A.O.R. competition. which he also won very convincingly. having now two silver cups to prove it. We managed to get the cooks away to Wertach and, although initially there were no volunteers, after a short spell there they were all as keen as mustard to go again; one or two have even gone down in their own time and we are now convinced it is not just for the Bavarian mountain air and scenery. We despatched L/Cpl. McGuire to Libya for six months and he returned in great form and very fit with all sorts of ‘ swinging lamp ’ stories; however, he assures us he is very pleased to be back and has even promised to do some work, for
Regimental rugby team. especially Pte. March who has been appointed food member for the club and organises the usual rumbustious rugby socials after games of note. Pte. Scott still has ambitions of becoming an Olympic swimming hope. and we wish him more power to his arms rather than his elbows as at present. We thought that L/Cpl. Longman‘s excpse that he was training for the marathon when he hiked from Rinteln (25 miles) in the middle of the night was a bit over-stretched. Cpl. Barrett is still enjoying his extended tour (twelve years) with the Officers” Mess and is now on the inventory. We bid a fond farewell to Cpl. McGill who decided civilian life has its attractions after all: it was a great pity that he didn’t inform more people of his impending departure as quite a lot of his ‘friends ’ have been enquiring after him! Now we are getting teed—up for the annual Christmas festivities, not to mention the New Year and amalgamation ‘ shindgs.’ A cook‘s lot is, at times like this. an arduous one. but we seem to thrive on it. We can only hope that we will all be selected to serve the new Regiment as we have so proudly served The Royals in the past.
a change.
On the football pitch scores like 14—2 against Cooks‘ Troop HQ. 20 Brigade are a normal occurrence. and we have high hopes of sweeping the board in the Boucher trophy competition. Lthl. McGuire and Pte. March are at present giving sterling service to the
S.Q.M.S. Thorpe appears undismayed at the size of his breakfast. Hohne, ‘68.
Cpl. Barret, A.C.C. and Hyde Park Hotel trained, doing something funny with the baked beans.
L.A.D. IT is already a fortnight past the closing date for Eagle notes, and it is hoped
these are just in time to squeeze into the last pages of The Journal before it goes to press. As the writer is a new-born ‘ Emelet ’ who. until a month ago knew very little about the Corps and nothing about the Regiment. he hopes the report will be accurate and interesting enough for the critical eyes of the readers. R.E.M.E. senior ranks having always appeared rather fierce. hard-hearted men. two reports have been unearthed to show that the A.S.M. and A.Q.M.S. are not beyond shedding a tear or two occasionally! On Troop Training, in March. the Secondin-Command drove one of the three shiny new Chieftains into the back of a Centurion. The sight of a redesigned front idler brought tears to the A.Q.M.S.’s eyes, and the incident was not helped by the Second-inCommand’s joking request for an assessment of the cost so he could write out a cheque. The second occasion was at a party in a Squadron bar to bid the A.S.M. farewell. Sentiment, and possibly the drink. proved a little too much for the A.S.M., and there was more than the faintest trace of a tear as he said goodbye to his friends. The biggest event of the year was the arrival of the new Chieftain tanks. Getting the old Centurions up to scratch before handing them over. involved a lot of hard work. but with the arrival of the new tanks. everyone hoped for a quieter time—knowing that new tanks don’t go wrong l By annual firing at Hohne. the changeover was complete. and on this exercise the mechanics were. indeed. able to sit back and rest. The ECE’s and gun fitters. how— ever, were very hard pressed. This was a trying time for S/Sg-t. Hitchcock’s men who normally live in the warm. comfortable. ECE empire with nothing to do but drink tea. The gun fitters had so much work that Col. Stone. who is more suited to putting the shot than the 1.500 metres. was seen doubling up the range from one job to another with his tool box on his shoulder. This at least earned him a loud cheer from his Squadron. Regimental training saw the start of the mechanical troubles. perhaps mainly due to lack of experience. All the VM’s worked hard. but particularly ‘C’ Squadron. who
. Cfn.
Reynolds and L/Cpl. Wrigley trying remember how to put it back.
did a greater mileage. On this exercise the VM’s took to carrying fan belts in their pockets, instead of handkerchiefs, as so many were needed. 2/Lt Pascall joined the L.A.D. on this exercise and was taken under the wing of L/Cpl. Musgrove in ‘ B ‘ Squadron. He stayed six weeks with the Squadron before returning to University. The wet climax to the training year was Brigade FTX, Exercise ‘Iron Hand.‘ There was fortunately very little L.A.D. work on this exercise. undoubtedly the result of good preparation. The writer arrived for his first taste of the Regiment just as the exercise was called off. but at least saw the finish of the saga of 33C. This tank had broken down and had been abandoned during the withdrawal and was eventually over 50 miles from the Regiment. Frantic trips to and fro by EME and various very confusing radio messages (from a person who shall remain nameless) eventually resulted in a clande-
stine recovery of the tank and a mystery tour for Sgt. Laing’is ARV . . _ but perhaps the less said about that the better. The final fiing of the year was the sending of a composite Squadron to assist the Berlin Brigade; the author was the guest of S/Sgt. Vokes‘s fitter and lived in luxury for 10 days on a five-star ARV. (The five stars refer to either the luxury of a heater. beds. and Cpl. Pickering‘s delicious cooking. or to the five stars of the crew—Sgt. Hancock. Cpl. Pickering. L/Cpls. Brown and Nuesink and mefisorry. the author). There were few jobs to be done. except recovering Infantry bogged down in the Soltau mud—including. on one occasion. the Gloucester’s own recovery vehicle~a few repair jobs and clearing the roads. The fact that we christened ourselves ‘2 Cars ’ will tell everyone who knows the Royals” slang what we did for 10 hours of the day. The last LAD. notes referred to ‘Mr. Brooker‘s new toy.’ the 434: unfortunately. the gilt has gone olf the gingerbread now. ‘C’ Squadron might have got by without a 434 with A.Q.M.S. Brooker. B.E.M. (which stands for ‘beefy. enormous and muscular,‘ or sometimes something unprintable) to do unaided power-pack lifts. but he has now moved to the A.S.M.’s office, where he is ‘ pushing a pen ’ with a specially strengthened nib. As usual. postings in and out have been far too numerous to mention them all. Capt. Lipsett arrived to take command in January. and we hope he and his wife enjoy their stay in Detmold with the Regiment. A.S.M. Mercer is leaving us for Bordon. where he says he will have a special bracket made on his wheel chair for the clock we presented to him: we wish him and Mrs. Mercer every happiness in England. Some of our postings are only taking people down the road to 4 Armoured Workshop. so we still see them occasionally. Lastly. we must not forget our blonde. long-legged secretary who is leaving us. She will be replaced by another who is reputed to be blonder and even longer legged. Unfortunately. there are no vacancies at present in Cpl, Saul’s clerks’ section! Sgt. Cook has returned successful from his ‘Tifiy’ board. and we hope that Sgt. Thomas. our armourer, will enjoy his. The L.A.D. has been extremely active in the social field. Everyone contributes to all
the ‘ swindles,’ enabling us to have an LAD. social or “stag night’ on alternate months. Our Christmas social is being prepared by S/Sgts. Hitchcock and McDonald. and we hope it will be as successful as previous events. Sports have not been neglected. although no outstanding successes have been recorded. S/Sgt. Town‘s football team were unfortunately knocked out of the Crafts~ man‘s Cup in the preliminary rounds, but we still play inter-Troop and friendly matches. The hockey team were also knocked out of their competition. We are still awaiting more positive results from Sgt. Brantingham‘s .22 shooters who have fired the first of their winter postal shoots. Preparations for another L.A.D. motor rally are almost complete and entries are coming in. In the last rally one competitor stayed out until 3 a.m.—no doubt because he was en‘ joying himself so much and was rather surprised to find everyone gone! On amalgamation. A.S.M. Beers will be arriving from The Blues (or is he an A.C.M?). The new L.A.D. will have a high percentage of ex-Royals. as they are already Chieftain trained. and so we hope whilst serving The Blues and Royals to maintain the same high standards that we achieved in The Royal Dragoons.
The Post Corporal guesses the weight of a parcel.
The Brothers Heal—‘ humping.’
inspects the haircut.
S.S.M. Woods whispers encouragement to H.Q.1 Tug-of—War Team.
Cfn. Carr’s ‘ring of confidence.‘
WOs’ AND SERGEANTS’ MESS VIVWO Editors for the Mess, and still it‘s dangerously near the deadline. As usual. it’s hail and farewell to quite a few of our members (more later).
x \O a
The Christmas draw was a huge successer not too many queries on who won what! The friendship with the local Bundeswehr Panzer Regiment still continues to grow: a party in April and another ‘wein fest’ in October (oh those sore heads). Sad to report that they have won back the shooting trophy. but at the time of going to press we are competing again. If we win this time much credit will be due to the R.S.M.. who has the team practising secretly at very un—
usual hours (and places).
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Waterloo was our annual ‘splash.’ and it was pleasant to welcome again some of the Old Comrades, led by the stalwart Major Lewis. who seems to be as full of energy as ever. June was also the time when we sadly said goodbye to R.S.M. and Mrs. J. S. Clark. who have left us for pastures greener in ‘Civvy Street.’ via Croydon. R.S.M. ‘J. J.’ Clark has spent quite a few years with us, the last five of which as the R.S.M. His farewell dinner and the wining, which went on until his departure some days later. together with his means of transport—on the back of an FSC. powered by mess members‘vrefiected a little how sorry we were to see him go. We wish him and Joyce the very best in their new life. The Mess at Hohne was the best it has ever been. thanks to the hard-working
staff; beer and messing were first class. (We even had the R.Q.M.S.’s D.D. cooled!). August and September were quiet months; many members went on leave and all on the FTX at the end of the month. We celebrated El Alamein with a grand dinner and dance: it must have been good. judging by the moans and groans which accompanied clearing-up the next morning! We congratulate R.S.M. W. L. Watorski on his promotion. ROSMs and Orderly Sergeants now report at the exciting time of 09.45 hours daily: either you emerge with the detail or an extra!
R.Q.M.S. (T) Loucli left us for the A.A.C. He is to be doubly congratulated—on his marriage and promotion, all within a short space of time. R.Q.M.S. please note. It is always difficult to say goodbye to old friends, and none more difficult than to A.S.M. Mercer: he has always been 100 per cent behind the Mess (and in it) and we say farewell with many thanks for all the little and not-so-little jobs he has done for us. and wish him and Joyce all the best, In the sporting field we have been fairly quiet, the officers having won the tennis, the least said about the others the better! We congratulate S.S.l. Bryan on his many diving successes whilst the various Regimental teams still contain a number of the ‘old uns ’ who refuse to admit the passage of time. We said goodbye to the following and wish them all well in their new posts or in civilian life: S.Q.M.S. Thorpe to civilian life and eventually New Zealand; A.Q.M.S. Bumfrey to the flesh-pots of Singapore. We welcome to the Mess: S.S.M. Crabb (heavily married) and S.Q.M.S. Hearn. S/Sgt. Vokes. Sgt. Varley and Sgt. Kesby. At the time of going to press. it is reported that the T. & A.V.R. have finally tamed S.S.M. Lloyd: he is in hospital with appendicitis, and we wish him a speedy recovery. The welcome of new members to the Mess of course includes the following from The Blues: CoH Chapman. CoH Peck, COH Smith. CoH Midwinterithey are the first signs of Spring! To them we extend our usual welcome and hope that their stay with us will be a long and happy one. In conclusion, it is sad to relate that next time we go to press it will be under a new name: but we know that all old Royals, as well as the Old Blues. will be assured of the traditional Blues and Royals welcome wherever we are and whatever we are doing. Stop Press At the time of going to press we were visited by a party of 3rd Regiment of Lancers. our Belgian friends. who spent a day with us. The visit. although very short. proved to have been an unqualified success and we’re looking forward to a return ‘ bout ‘ in the near future.
CORPORALS’ MESS SINCE our notes last went to press the Mess has had a rather quieter than usual period. This is more than likely due to the new equipment stowed away in the tank hangars. and the increasing demands it has made on the time and energy of those learning about it and also those who instruct on it. Even though the social evenings and Saturday dances have been slightly fewer in number than has been the custom in previous years over the same period, the quality and success of those that have been arranged of late has been first class: and thanks be to the various committees and caterers who have made these occasions so enjoyable. The Waterloo and El Alamein celebrations. and the accompanying dances that immediately spring to mind. being held on 22nd June and 10th October respectively. Games -wise. the Mess has recently started. or restarted. its two darts teams in the Garrison League. and we wish the players every success. Also we look forward to a games night with the Sergeants’ Mess on 22nd November and hope to show who should really be the holders of the interSergeants’/Corporals’ Mess darts shield. During the summer the Regiment said goodbye to Lt.-Col. Reid and to R.S.M. J. S. Clark. In fact, the last mess meeting over which R.S.M. Clark presided was on 17th June. and it was with some curiosity and perhaps a little trepidation that two
new signatures were noted in the Mess minutes book on 17th June. Since that date. members have gradually learned more and more of the amalgamation at each successive mess meeting. until on the 1st November the Commanding Oflicer visited one of the aforesaid meetings and told the Mess who would wear what. where he would wear it, and why he would wear it when he was told to wear it: all very enlightening after a great deal of speculation. Also during the last month there have arrived in our midst several N.C.O. members of The Blues; while we are still Royals. we would like to welcome them to a mess separate from that to which they have been accustomed: suffice to let the subject rest there! R.C.M. Cass also paid a visit to the Regiment and to the Mess on 5th November. and we hope he spent a pleasant evening with us. (Several mess colleagues have pointed out the connection between this visit and the fireworks celebrations of the same date!). Finally. a rather sad farewell to our friends in the Band. The mess and the Regiment in general will be very sad to lose some of its treasured musical acquaintances. We can but wish those who have to leave us the very best of luck in any Corporals’ Mess. wherever they may chance to find themselves ‘ blowing ’ or ‘ sup‘ping.’
Wintleisms ‘Assuming one has the honour to be English, the other great gift God can bestow is a sense of humour.’ ‘ A good rule of life is never to be rude to anyone under the rank of full Colonel.’
ignorance . . . and those who. like me. know it through experience.’ ‘Heaven is to be found on the back of a horse or in the arms of one’s beloved. Note that the conjunction is or. not and.’
‘I am never bored when I am present.‘ From The Last EnglishmanJ the autobiography
‘ There are two classes of insular Englishmen ~ those who think no foreigner ]S as good as an Englishman. through sheer
of Lieutenant-Colonel A. D. Wimle, M.C.. The Royal Dragoons. published by Michael 7oseph Ltd. Price 50s.
Regimental Association contingent marching past the saluting base at the Annual Combined Cavalry 01d Comrades’ Parade and Service in Hyde Park on Sunday, 5th May, 1968. (The Times)
This, of course. is a most sad occasion as it will be the last notes of The Royal Dragoons Regimental Association. It is expected that the amalgamation of The Blues and Royals’ Associations will take place as from Vesting Day, i.e. March 29. 1969. The new committee (18 members), found equally from both Regiments, will meet early in 1969 to discuss the rules and these will then be placed before the Annual General Meeting to be held on Saturday, May 3, prior to the Annual Reunion Dinner. The officers of the Association will also be found equally from ex-members of both Regiments. whilst it is expected that the R.C.M. will be an ex officio member and all Warrant Officers and S.Q.M.C.s serving at home will act as co-opted members. Complete details will be forwarded to all members. and we hope once again to have your full support. Now to our past and future activities. We have held several functions at Elverton Street. which included the annual general meeting. the draw for the Grand National sweepstake. and also the anniversaries of the Battles of Waterloo and
El Alamein. The attendance at the Waterloo function was disappointing, but the muster at the El Alamein celebration was extremely good and thoroughly enjoyed. One very pleasing feature was the attendance of the younger members. At the El Alamein party our Chairman. Capt. P. T. Miles. took the opportunity of informing all those present of details of the amalgamation and thanked the committee for all that they had done to make these minor reunions such a success over the years. The annual reunion and dinner at Buckingham Gate was also a great success. and I76 members attended the dinner. with many more attending the reunion afterwards. After the conclusion of the speeches a presentation of a silver eagle was made to the Colonel of the Regiment on behalf of all serving members of the Royals. in appreciation of his hard work on behalf of the Regiment over so many years. not the least was his help and guidance in the amalgamation. The Combined Cavalry Parade on the
following morning was very well attended and a total of 122 members marched with the Regimental contingent commanded by our President. Our Association Banner was carried by Mr. G. A. Johnson and the Regimental wreath by Mr. .1. Edwards. One only needs to look at the photograph to see how smart the contingent was. The Commanding Officer very kindly invited the Regimental Association to send out a party to attend the Waterloo celebrations being held by the serving Regiment in Germany. A total of eight accepted this offer and, as usual. the hospitality extended by the Regiment could not have been excelled. The Regiment staged a most wonder— ful pageant depfcting the history of the Royals since 1661. and this was appreciated by the many members of the Regiment. the Association. families and other guests. Many were quite unashamed when this excellent presentation brought the tears to their eyes. I would like to take this opportunity of thanking everyone for the wonderful visit. For various reasons, the suggested visit to the serving Regiment for the El Alamein function in October was cancelled, but the Commanding Officer very kindly invited the Association members to attend the Farewell Parade being held at Detmold in Germany, on 15th February, 1969. A very strong party of 77 have accepted this invitation and we should like to thank Colonel Vickers very much indeed for g'ving us the opportunity to be present at this memorable but sad occasion. The Field of Remembrance Service was held at Westminster Abbey on 7th November. Due to his duty overseas, our President was unable to be present and the Regimental cross was planted by our Chairman. It is with regret that we report the deaths of the following members since our last issue: Ex-Band Sgt. Cresswell. ex-Cpl. Fairbern. ex-Cpl. May and ex-Tpr. Brown. Before closing our notes, I would like to take this opportunity of thanking the officers and members of the committee of the Regimental Association for all their hard work which has resulted in a very fine membership and an active Association. In particular. our thanks to our Chairman. Capt. P. T. Miles and our Treasurer over the past 21 years, Capt. H. de Pinna Weil. for all their assistance and guidance. Also to the Permanent Stafi of the serving Regiment
attached to the TA. who have assisted us with the preparation of the various venues for our functions. Not many people are aware of the help they have given. and it would have been quite impossible to have held these functions without their help. Though not firm, it is expected that subscriptions for 1969 will be as for 1968. After 1969 the rates of subscription will be adjusted and it is hoped to include life membership in the new Association. As from lst April, 1969. the addreSs of the Hon. Secretary will be: R.H.Q.. Household Cavalry. Horse Guards. Whitehall, London. S.W.l.
Many thanks to you all for your support over the years and all I ask is that you continue to support the new Association to the same extentathis is most important.
Some Squadron in Wertach ‘OMETlME last March. the Squadron Leader suggested that a change of air might be a good idea. Personally. I am quite happy with no air at all. and love Detmold and its atmosphereitrying to keep awake in the mornings and giving up the struggle in the afternoons suits me fine. However. it seemed best to show enthusiasm, so I readily agreed and complimented him on his wisdom inever dreaming anything would come off. Tactical error number one. On 15th September. 1968, live three-tonners. two Land Rovers and two Ferrets and sixty people set sail for Wertach. The journey was not comfortable and took hours. mainly because the three-tonners were so overloaded with beer that they could not go more than 40 mph. (they are not allowed to anyway. the M.T.O. will say. but it was, nevertheless. a nuisance). We set up camp near a large lake called
the Grunter See. “ so that we could go for an early morning swim,” said the Squadron Leader. I had laughed. We were in a lovely valley, the countryside was quite splendid, and the melodious tinkling of cow-bells nearby, coupled with the gentle lapping of the lake, set the scene of tranquillity and peace. I opened my deck chair. put up my feet and let the mood take me. This was a mistake. I had noticed. purely in an aesthetic sort of way. a large. solitary moun— tain. about five miles away. its peak covered in a cloud. looking very bare and rather stupid. “That’s under 2,000 metres high,” said the Leader looking up from his map. “ we will climb it.” And before you could say “ knife.” he had organised the four Sabre Troops and S.H.Q. Troop into teams. S.H.Q., or Mountain Goat team No. 1. set off. with the Squadron Leader in flying boots (typical). the Sergeant-Major with an
COMMON LAW Lord Montagu was his CD. and one even« ing. on guard duty. James Smithies was approached by a lady who said: “Here common man, where is Lord Montagu?" We can imagine the subtle inflexion of the young dragoon’s voice as he replied: “In the barracks. common lady.” Lady Montagu was not amused, and her complaint to an officer resulted in James spending the night in the guard room. The noble Lord had a sense of humour. not to mention justice. and James was released next morning. “It serves her right for speaking to a dragoon in such a manner." was his Lordship’s comment.
MARTIAL LAW His treatment as a prisoner was atrocious. Gone was the French chivalry of the battlefield. Another Middleton man. he does not mention his name. was cut at by a French soldier for not hurrying enough. The blow took off his nose and one half of his face. James recalls that it dropped in the mud. From the ” Life and Recollections of u Peninsular War Veteran and Waterloo Hero," the Memoirs of Tpr. Smithies. H.M.
First Royal Dragoons.
the 0 prove
made it—Sgt. Strudwick Tprs. Savage Henderson Cpl. Adams, Tpr. Peasegood Tpr. y
Cdllaghan and LE. Bucknall. ,
Alpine walking-stick (elegant), Tpr. Fairs, the P.T.I. with the heavy pack (quite as it should be), Lt. Couper with no shoes at all (crazy) and Capt. Eddison with a face like yesterday’s blancmange (resigned). Closely followed by Mountain Goats 2 to 5. Actually we cheated a bit this time and went by lorry for half the‘way. so leaving only the climbing part to do. I may tell those of you that have the sense never to have climbed that two grid squares on the map may not look much. but when you are going up as well as forward it feels more like forty squares and it’s sheer hell. Anyway. all teams reached the top and as there was nothing to see (there never isimountain tops are always covered in cloud) the only sensible thing to do was to come down again.
at a castle (mein Gott). a few went sightseeing. a few went to capture a cow-bell. I opened my deckchair and put up my feet. That evening the Leader (who had been asleep all day) was poring ominously over his map: thought bubbles were pouring out and l was doing my best to prick them. one escaped: “ We will go up a hill called the Roltspitz tomorrow.” he said. “ it‘s only 2.100 metres high. but the approach is somewhat longer. about five miles” walking. We swam. we did P.T.. we climbed and climbed. I thought it would never end. that climb. We entered thick fog half way up and could not see a bloody thing after that. It was freezing cold at the top and through a break in the clouds you could see terra firma below. This enthralled people for some reasonfi“ What a magnificent view.” they all said. Personally the only thing that stopped me from being sick on the spot was that it would make the track so slippery and provide an additional hazard for the other mountain goats follow— ing us. Also. a half digested sausage. if shot over the edge of a sheer clifl (which was what we were standing on) would be travelling at 450 m.p.h. by the time it reached the ground over 6.000ft. below. which is the same speed as a rifle bullet and therefore dangerous! There was then nothing else to do but come down again and that took a perishing long time. The next day the Squadron Leader was even more shattered so we had the day off again (after the initial horrors). Fishing had become increasingly popular and many members of the Squadron had bought rods and reels from Immenstadt. The lake was teeming with carp and the river with grayling. Every device and lure was used from the traditional fly to worms on bent pins. All proved successful. although. personally. I found that a thunderflash thrown in the right place was more effective than any
We arrived back at our base camp as dusk was falling and I was knackered. I can tell you. And THAT was the FIRST day— with ten more to push. However the Admin party had done well and all the tents were up. food ready to serve and a log fire (plus misappropriated coal) blazing. I opened my deck chair and put up my feet. Nice. The Squadron Leader was, quite obviously, also on his chinstrap (though he would not admit it) as he pronounced the next day a “rest day ” and said we could do as we wished. that is after breakfast—he had one or two surprises for us before breakfast. The first one was reveille (at first light. of course) blown by the trumpeter who had come down with us. and just outside my tent which was pretty insolent. I had not heard it before at that time of day and it is a nice tune. The next surprise I find difficult to put into words: we had to bathe
in the lake. The leader bounded in before anyone so there could be no nonsense about
it or any way (that I could see) of avoiding it. It was bitter in there and no more shall be said, it makes me shiver just to think about it: but those brave men who dived in should have it mentioned in their confidential reports and my sex life is not back to normal yet. Then there was P.T., but after that lake if the RT. Instructor had said, “Hands above the headefly to the moonirGO.” I think we would have done it. Then the day was our own and I was determined it should not be ruined further. Many went fishing. Many went into Immenstadt with intent. Some went into Wertach to get drunk, some went elsewhere to look
Fortunately. after the first week the weather broke and it started to rain. It rained all day on Saturday and Sunday: we were soaked. At last the Squadron Leader decided that we had achieved our purpose and we sticked and set forth for Detmold. We arrived back tired and wet, but some-
From: CO. To: Equitation Ofi‘icer On amalgamation we will have 16 black horses in Detmold. As I shall be handing over command shortly I would like you to make all necessary arrangements.
Black Gnat or Brightwell Glory. We took
two canoes down with us and these were in popular demand on the lake. I would recom— mend a speed boat to anyone going again. Our next and final mountain (thank God)
was the ‘ Daumen ’ and is the second highest in Germanyi7.000ft. It was awful. I was already on my second pair of shoes and could have done with a new pair of legs as well. only Russell and Bromley do not make these. We did count that climb as our Battle Efficiency Test and I should think so too.
how in good heart and. I will grudgingly admit, rather fitter than when we went down. Having had my air change I reckon I am good for at least twenty thousand mlles before I require another one. I opened my deck chair and put up my feet.
From: Equitation Oflicer To: QM. It seems we want a stable for 16 horses constructed by March. I am a bit pushed at the moment. and as it clearly comes under the heading of quartering I expect you would like to deal with it yourself. Incidentally. I have found a quantity of blankets surplus to issue in my stores which I Will gladly give you. when the matter 15 settled satisfactorily.
From: Q.M. To: Equitation Ofi‘icer I don’ think you will have much difficulty dealing with this if you read Barrack Synopsis No. and No. #— together with the relevant sections of Queen’s Regulations. I shall be going on leave shortly. The blankets you mentioned have been taken on charge against your Squadron account. Thank you very much. From: Equitation Oficer To: Officer i/c Racing Stable I hear they are thinking of taking over your Racing Stable for the use of 16 black horses. Suggest you move quickly to prevent this by taking over the job of stabltng these horses yourself. Incidentally. there is _ a soldier in my Squadron who might be quite keen to volunteer as a groom in the racmg stable under certain circumstances.
34 35
From: Racing Officer T0: Equitation Officer Get knotted. From: Equitation Officer To: Adjutant Before he left the Colonel mentioned the question of the 16 black horses. Unfortunately he didn‘t really make it clear who was dealing with the matter. I understand Col. R. is very anxious to know what is being done and I expect you would like to brief him
on the progress R.H.Q. has been able to
Front : Scanul-in—Communa’
To: Equitation Officer Don‘t waste paper. just get on with it.
Detmold From: Equitation ()/ju‘cr To: M1). 1 have not been feeling at all well lately. I could well be suffering from nervous ex— haustion. I understand there is an excellent rest and rehabilitation centre in UK, Perhaps you could arrange for a bed to be vacant by late February. 1969? Le Mans
make. From: Adjutant To: Equitation Officer Enclosed is a photostat of the copy of the note addressed to you by the last Commanding Officer. I am retaining the original in my files. I think it is quite clear that you are dealing with the matter.
From: 114.0. To: Equitation Officer Analysis of the specimen you gave reveals an excess of alcohol in the system but I am happy to say there is nothing to indicate the need for any prolonged rest.
From: Equitation Officer To : Second~in-Conunand As you know 16 black horses will be arriving in March. This important aspect of training is one which I feel sure you would like to bring under your personal control
From: Equitation Officer To: Editor. The Eagle I enclose some correspondence which is self-explanatory. Perhaps one of your readers can suggest someone else who might like to take charge of 16 black horses?
DetmoId—Gateway t0 the Sun “ THE rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain "7it would be no exaggeration to say that the rain in the Westphalian Plain falls mainly on Detmold and on the plain
above it (Hobart Airfield). It is the consistent and unrelenting patter of raindrops, the resultant overflowing of the Stadtwerke drains and the flooded cricket pitches which turn one’s thoughts to the great outside and bodies gleaming with ambre solaire. In fact Detmold 7 the plughole of the North 7 nestling cosily in the Teutoburge Hills. has one considerable charm of its own. Situated as it is betwixt the East-West (Berlin-Aachen) and North-South (Hamburg to Basle) autobahns it provides an ideal launch pad for motorists rocketing to those ‘get-away places’ full of sun. fun, sin and romance alluringly depicted in the glossy travel brochures. As those who have served in Germany
know. but which may be of interest to our home-based readers. the Government, as though to atone for its post-war decision to allot the dour North of Germany to the British as their zone, encourages the soldier to get ‘the hell out of the place’ and at least fifty miles across any friendly frontier by subsidising three motor car trips 3 year. As a further inducement to travel petrol is offered to the Serviceman at 1/4 per gallon and currencv restrictions waived. Further— more cross—Channel ferries do not have to enter into the traveller’s calculations. Now. with the aid of a Regimental Pay Office map. let us study the economics of high adventure. Let us assume the prospective holidaymaker owns a 30 mpg. car and a 4;» gallon jerrican (similar to the WD. pattern one) allowing him a radius of action of some 400 miles beyond the border on B2. petrol. providing he remembers to fill up before crossing.
Trier (little harder) 7 Luxembourg (tune in) — Paris (c’est magnifique) — Le Mans (all day thrills). PP 7 £1 8s, 0d. s 7 £5 11 9d. D 7 626 miles. Basle (B) 7 Geneva (observe conventions) 7 Grenoble (new five circle city) 7 Avignon (across the Font and into Spain). PP7 El 143. 4d. s 7 £8 6s. Id. D 7 776 miles. Basle 7 Gt. St. Bernard Pass (watch the breathalyser) — Turin (don‘t go in) 7 Nice (it’s nicer).
PP 7 £1 153. 8d.
5 7 £8 65. 1d.
D 7 805 miles.
Mittenwald 7 Brenner Pass (wave goodbye to gnomes) 7 Venice (streets often flooded) 7 Rimini (sunblest beaches). D7 839 miles. s 7 £9 33. 4d. PP7£l 17s. 4d. Route D
Salzburg (stop at the Opera) — Trieste 7 Zadar (you‘ve not heard of it, so drive on to Split (100 miles). PP 7£1 18 4d. s7£9 9s. 9d. D7863 miles.
l’P7Cost of petrol (single journey)
s — Travel allowance.
D 7 Distance.
In 1968 some 76 holiday-making Royals with their families availed themselves of these facilities, It is the author’s hope that as a result of this article more intrepid travellers will set forth in 1969. 37
OPERATION “ GRAPE-PIP ” or There’s a Bird in my Wine SITUATION: a. Own troops: Sgt. Cooke. L/Cpl, Jones. with Regimental horsebox. b. En: Customs officials, Danny the Red and followers. c. Second-in-Command and that bird.
MISSION: Royals are to fill Mess cellars with cheap French wine. EXECUTION: a.
Gen: Phase I
Attacking troops form advance party on leave. Phase II Own troops make quick sortie to collect prepared load 2.000 bottles wine. Phase III Escape to home base. b. Coord: Instr. i Pay minimum prices. ii Choice of routes. iii Choice of language. iv Avoid provocation of en. ADMIN. & LOG Self-contained for period of exercise. COMMAND & SIG. Telephone numbers to follow Adjt. to Coord. Report on above Operation Day I: Sgt. Cooke and L/Cpl. Jones arrive at the French Chateau of La Philberdiere at dawn. Second-in-Command. taken by surprise, appears at window half asleep in orange pyjamas. withdraws. Two alarmed Chinese servants rush from the back regions. take one look at the vast pantech— nicon and the two tired, dirty. unshaven and hungry British soldiers (authoress’ licence) and retire to kitchen to prepare Oriental breakfast. Due to failure of advanced party to recruit local labour, it is now necessary not only to load the horsebox, but to join forces with three members of the French resistance in order to draw the wine from cask. bottle. cork, label and crate it. This proves a new experience for own troops (and if it can’t be termed a BI trade, it may nevertheless prove a useful asset in civvy street). Team somewhat befuddled at lunchtime by Viticulteur giving them local distilled brandy to sample: afternoon session somewhat riotous, hence many labels stuck on at oblique angles. Language problem proves no bar to bon— homie and further hospitality that evening delays completion Phase 11 until the next morning. Day II: 1.000 bottles of chateau bottled
red wine hoisted into horsebox. A further 1,000 bottles of mousseaux. rose and white wine to be collected from various firms in town, involving a number of tastings and gifts of free samples to take back, plus reems of bumph to assuage the hungry customs. Sgt. Cooke and L/Cpl. Jones set Off towards Saarbrucken, to find La Bréme d’Or——the smallest located customs post. Meanwhile internal situation and strike activity in France become tense and ominous. Public services, garbage collection. telephone communications. money, petrol and undertakers less and less available. De Gaulle speaks to the nation. Civil war is feared. the Army may revolt and seize power. the French are near panic. Rear party (ex advanced party) procure petrol in jerricans and prepare dash to frontier at first light. Adjutant telephones to report disaster at customs post.
Day III: Further contact with Royals reveals horsebox held seventeen hours at French customs post, due lack one bill of sale for red wine. Rear party drive (Le Mans style). reach La Breme d’Or and discover Sgt. Cooke gone. all Customs officials on strike. every building shuttered and barred. Defeat. Day IV: Rear party arrive Detmold. Sgt.
Cooke reports 1.000 bottles red wine confiscated by French and put into bond, despite hours of negotiation and gesticulation. as their final fling before striking. Day IV plus three weeks: French general strike ends. Within 24 hours we revisit La Breme d’Or with vital slip of paper. Endless drawbacks. delays and discussions ensue. At midday general shutdown for two hours while the French eat. drink and sleep. We stew, and wait. Release is finally authorised on condition vast storage fee to warehouse is paid.
We submit, the Customs officer then
explains that had we made a quick “ coup de telephone” to Bonn prior to the shutdown all would have been “ en ordre.” Return to base. Operation ends. CONCLUSION i Operation successful despite delaying tactics by en. Aim achieved. ii It‘s cheaper from the NAAFI but its collection seldom provides a story.
Molar Extract 1\/ ANY tales, some true and others farfetched. have been told of the idiosyncrasies of service within the QM. Department and of the ‘old man” himself. The following. believe it or not. is fact. and highlights the terrorism that prevailed and the power that was wielded within these infamous departments in the dark ages. During the Regiment’s sojourn in the Canal Zone (1951—1954). the Q.M. Troop were obliged to parade each morning outside the office block under the Department Sergeant and then called up for inspection by the QM. This invariably reaped a rich harvest in extra duties. defaulters and demotions. One morning. the department ‘slavedriver.’ as the N.C.O.-in-charge of the sanitary squad was known. because of his squad of native labour was booked as absent. It was common knowledge that he had been on a bender the night before and that the local Arak was not conducive to punctuality. l-lis demotion was a foregone conclusion. and the Q.M.‘s remarks about ‘high jump.’ ‘deportation.’ ‘salt mine.’ etc. on being told the parade state lent to the usual rush of bets as to who should succeed L/Cpl. Leese as Regimental Reis.
39 38
Lo and behold, later in the morning, the delinquent appeared in the Q.M.’s office with a swollen face and minus a tooth, which he clutched in his sweaty palm for the Q.M.’s inspection with the explanation that he had been obliged to report dental sick after a sleepless and painful night. This excuse managed to camouflage the fact that he looked terrible and also. because of the need to hold a handkerchief over his mouth, to stifle the awful fumes emitting from his facial aperture. Naturally, with the extracted tooth in evidence. this excuse had to be accepted and the kind-hearted Quartermaster muttered the usual condolences on the loss of such a fine example of molar growth.
The Department Sergeant. being a bit of a cynic and knowing about L/Cpl. Leese’s debauchery the night before, put two and two together and decided to investigate the matter a little further. He had a quiet word with the dental officer, a very nice, helpful young chap who grudgingly admitted that a certain N.C.O. appeared on his premises and begged him to extract a tooth. On examination of the offending molar. he found there was absolutely no grounds for extraction and that it was perfectly healthy. However. the N.C.O. was adamant that he was in excruciating pain and insisted on having a tooth pulled, and this was done. Needless to say, this information was withheld from the Quartermaster until such time as the N.C.O. had wangled a posting to a Sabre Squadron, where he was considered safe. Oddly enough. the N.C.O. in question later became the Regimental Signals N.C.O_ about the time when nicknames were being devised for staff pers, and it is most odd that Quartermasters now languish under the nickname of ‘ Molar.’
INSIDE ~ LOOKING OUT The snow falls over your windy beat You watch the gate and stamp your feetw Your toes are numb: your hands are blue In fact. my friend. I feel for you. I lie here warm. in my darkened cell
Watching you out in that cold. cold hell. My heating’s on. my blankets pulled tight It’s bad luck. Jack. but I‘m all right!
T1315. KEOGH (Hobart Guardroom ’68)
Waterloo T is 2.30 am. on a cold June night. A staccato order over a microphone booms out from one end of the Officers‘ Mess lawn. At the other end one of the three largest magic lanterns in the world is getting temperamental. Only flies are successfully projected on the vast screen of Quartermaster‘s sheets. Nearby. quarters’ lights are still burning. a tousled figure in a dressing-gown emerges from the darkness to complain to the director that he can’t get to sleep. The director explains it is the one thing he would love to do himself. as he has not had any for a week and blames it all on to the producer—who has invited Generals and Senior Staff Officers to attend on this hallowed ground on the following Saturday. It is the penultimate rehearsal of the Royals’ Waterloo Pageant, a no-expensespared extravaganza which began as a tiny brainchild of the Commanding Officer and has rapidly got out of hand. Moorish forts have sprung up from the green sward. halfa dozen assorted four-legged beasts approxi— mating l6 Dragoon chargers and fifty actors have been signed on and each is to be
Pageant dressed in uniform or costumervsome authentic—the product of the Regimental tailor's shop, the Quartermaster’s ingenuity, the busy hands of wives, and a Dortmund theatrical agency. Of course, we are way behind schedule; script-writers are still. at this moment. burning midnight oil. and a call must go at first light to Mr. Zeiss to come personally and repair his infernal machine. Such was the background. Of course, it poured with rain on the night. And after one short postponment the decision to go ahead was, thank goodness, taken. The spectators. huddled under their dripping umbrellas and sodden Army blan— kets, took their places. The trumpets sounded, the rain stopped and the Band marched on to give a short display of their drill and marching. the ground being kept by N.C.O.s in full dress. The Raising of the Regiment in 1661. drawing tattered recruits from the crowds amid anguished cries from their women folk. was followed by the capture of the Moorish Standard by the earliest troops of the Tangier Horse cantering from their fort and overpowering the enemy. An interlude
ester} f
usew t l
depicting tavern life in England 250 years ago. was followed by the display of a mounted officer in authentic uniform and accoutrements, bearing the Standard of the Black Musketeers. captured at Dettingen. The morning of Waterloo dawned to show the Royals encamped. French infantry on the field of battle and the Union Brigade charging aided by background battle music. The Tricolour and captured Eagle were carried triumphantly before the audience. The next scene portrayed an officer in the uniform of the time of 1839. and then we moved to the Crimea. where Capt. Stocks wrote his memorable letters to his father. and the wounded were carried groaning to the care of Florence Nightingale. We then witnessed the transition from scarlet to khaki at the time of the Boer War. To many of us. the most stirring scene of the evening was that of the Great War. Slides of photographs of the Regiment and their horses. depicting the agonies of that war. were seen to the singing of old marching songs and ‘Valiant Hearts.’ Z/Lt. Dunville’s posthumous citat’on was read. and all the time there stood a living image
First pick your Member of the Band RUSSIAN activity in Czechoslovakia at this time brings back vividly to mind my first days in Germany many years ago when there was a State of Emergency in operation: nothing to do with my arrival. I hasten to add. but due to similar Russian activities in Hungary. As a result of this State of Emergency. one of the first things to confront me was a roneo'd directiveian only too familiar accompaniment to life with the Army—on how to behave in the event of a crisis. Among various useful h‘nts on “ behavioural procedure" it is said that if civilian personnel were evacuated. “wives. accompanied by non-driving members of the Band. I wondered: was one allowed to neutral frontier.” What did one look for in the member of the Band. I wondered. was one allowed to make one‘s own nap selectionriand how?
Were the members of the Band assembled in a circle as in a ‘Paul Jones.’ with driving wives on the outside; were both married men and bachelors eligible: and presuming there was freedom of choice. what qualities did Members of the cast.
of a trooper holding his dejected charger. Light relief came when Sgt. Appleton buried both his saddle and his buckshee saddle. at the time of the mechanisation of the Regiment; then a marvellous mock-up of a Marmon Harrington armoured car emerged from the bushes amid suitable Alamein battle sounds. After the Second World War we saw some aspects of the progressive amours of the Royals throughout the world since 1945, which were abruptly terminated by the arrival of a Chieftain tank bursting through the huge white screen. A line-up of the uniforms worn by the Royals since their inception was followed by the reading of the order to amalgamate the Regiment. The Band marched on and the Guidon was trooped in front of all of us, whilst the Battle Honours were read. The Evening Hymn and Last Post. and the evening was over. Our thanks are due to all those who made a contribution to the many facets of the production. not forgetting the appreciative audience whose enthusiasm made it all worthwhile.
one look for? Resourcefulness. sense of humour. stamina—in case the petrol ran out. potentially small appetite~in case the food supplies ran out, fluency in foreign languages. what? And if the member of the Band was married. did his wife and children accompany one, or were they perhaps catered for on another directive? “ . . . Mobile members of the B.F.E.S. staff will convey the wives and children of Band members . . . . ” At the first parade which I attended. I gazed eagerly at all those glamorous uniformed figures, but really it was difficult to iudge the man behind the instrument. Fortunately my speculations and the conclusions at which I arrived were not put to the test and I can only say that having got to know the members of the Band better. I think I’d be delighted to drive to any frontier with any of them, It seems. however. that this get-away clause no longer exists. and all members of the Band are now. in any case. proud possessors of opulent and duty-free motor cars.
horses as the Mounted Regiment is required to produce a Sovereign‘s Escort and a Mounted Band. while the Opening of Parliament requires the most men: Sovereign's Escort. a Regalia Escort and a Staircase Party for the House of Lords. In 1969. the Regiment is moving to Wales for the Investiture of the Prince of Wales at Caernarvon Castle. where it will find a Sovereign‘s Escort and a Prince of Wales Escort.
. Horsemanship A glimpse of the work of the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment By MAJOR H. O. HUGH SMITH. Royal Horse Guards Vl‘WO completely self-evident facts have got to be remembered while thinking about the life of the Mounted Regiment. The first is that you cannot put a tarpa-ulin over a horse or put him in a hangar and forget about him: he has to be looked after every day of the year. Secondly, the London traffic is so bad that the horses can only be exercised early in the morning. These are the facts which together with our commitments, principally the Queen‘s Life Guard. control our life. At the end of the war it was decided that while the two Regiments of Household Cavalry were to remain organised as armoured car Regiments, each Regiment would have a mounted Squadron in London to carry out the traditional duties of the Household Cavalry. What are these traditional duties? Dismounted Duties The Household Cavalry have always been extremely close to the Sovereign: they are the only troops of the regular army who are entitled to bear their arms inside Royal Palaces. At Investitures and great receptions. the Household Cavalry line the Grand Staircase in Buckingham Palace. The Staircase at the House of Lords, part of the Palace of Westminster. is lined on the occasion of the State Opening of Parliament. The only other dismounted duty which is normally carried out is to line the approaches to St. George’s Chapel for the annual service for the Order of the Garter. Escorts A Sovereign’s Escort is only found on three or four occasions each year. Generally there will be one or two State Visits: these normally take the form of a Sovereign’s Escort from Victoria Station by way of Parliament Square, Whitehall and the Mall to Buckingham Palace and the two annual events of the Queen’s Birthday Parade and the State Opening of Parliament. The Queen’s Birthday Parade requires the most
farriers and their coverers and last of all the Rear Points. The total comes to seven officers. one warrant officer, one trumpeter
before handing over to the Adjutant for the Inspection. The Adjutant awards marks for
and one hundred and seven rank and file.
and the grooming of the horse itself. To the smartest men go the best reliefs.
Each day the Queen’s Life Guard mounts at Horse Guards. The Guard dates back to the time of Charles II when the main Royal residence in London was the Palace of Whitehall. The Guard has been mounted continuously since the seventeenth century. with the exception of a short gap during the second World War. Since the war the Guard has been found on alternate days by The Blues and Life Guards. except when one of the Squadrons is away at camp when the Squadron of the Regiment remaining in London finds all the duties. The Long Guard. that is to say a Guard found while the Queen is in London, con-
The opening of the Hon (The Times)
To give some idea of the size of these Escorts the Sovereign’s normally consists of Advance Points. three men: two divisions each of twenty-four and each commanded by an officer together with a Serrefile Captain whose duty it is to control the pace of the leading divisions. for the pace of an escort is always taken from the carriage being escorted, Then the Royal Carriage with the Field Officer of the Escort and the Second-in-Command (confusingly known as the Escort Commander) riding on either side. with the Standard Party behind. Then come two more divisions followed by two 42
the turnout of each man, the horse furniture
sists of one Ofiicer. one Warrant Officer or S.Q.M.C. who carries the Standard, one Corporal of Horse, one Corporal and twelve Troopers. If the Queen is out of London when the Guard mounts, a Short Guard is found; this is the same except that there is no Olficer, Warrant Officer or trumpeter and the Guard mounts without a Standard. Each day except Sunday. the new Guard arrives at Horse Guards on the stroke of eleven o’clock. For the trooper coming on Guard it has already been a long day. He parades at Reveille Stables at 06.20 hours along with everyone else. Then. while those who are not going on Guard either prepare to go on morning exercise at seven o’clock. or muck out the stables depending on their Troop detail. he takes his horse to the riding school for the half-an-hour Guard exercise. The horses are ridden on blankets and in a snaffle to save spoiling the saddlery which has been cleaned and polished the day before. Having breakfasted he has to groom his horse and turn himself out immaculately in full dress. Needless to say. this requires a certain amount of work the day before. At a quarter past ten the Guard mount and everyone in the Troop swarms around with duster and brush to put the final touches to man and horse. The Guard is paraded by the Orderly Corporal and marched onto the parade ground. where the Regimental Corporal Major takes over and dresses the Guard
Quartering At the moment. the Mounted Regiment is stationed at Wellington Barracks, while our own barracks at Knightsbridge are being rebuilt. The Regiment will move back in 1970. No one can pretend that conditions at Wellington are as good as we would like, but every day one can see the new barracks growing. When they are finished they will be one of the finest and most comfortable barracks in the world. Work in the Mounted Regiment is hard, but there are compensations. Working with horses brings its own satisfaction and there is the satisfaction of a Guard or an Escort well done. and the knowledge that the standards of the Household Cavalry, objects of envy and admiration throughout the world. are being maintained. There are also the annual camps at Pirbright, which many people count as the most enjoyable times of their whole military careers, and many is the time after a long and tiring day’s training in the armoured cars of The Blues that the conversation has turned to days spent in
the Mounted Regiment.
‘ Golliwog,’ the Regimental pony with a prospective member of the Mounted Squadron up, attended by Ann Fletcher.
be possible after a few hours of action to modify the official jargon slightly. This could be effective in the aftermath 0f experience but initially one should stick to the book.
Crewmanship BY MAJOR J. A. DIMOND, M.c. CERTAIN problems are inherent in all armoured training. Improvements in the mobility and firepower of A.F.V.s do not eliminate the need for crews who are mentally and physically fit and thoroughly on top of their jobs. This is an attempt to describe those skills which come by experience only. being too imprecise for the textbooks. The A.F.V. Commander The Commander should have certain minimum qualities. He should be: Able to think clearly and quickly; Superbly fit, able to withstand foul weather, able to do without sleep for 48 hours or so and still operate effectively; Keenly observant; A competent route-finder; Decisive in command; A good man-manager; Conversant with the ‘innards’ of his A.F.V. and the duties of the other crew members. These are the ‘ musts.’ To them can be added: map-reading (as opposed to routefinding). recognition of enemy equipment, knowledge of other arms. In sum. he should possess many of the qualities associated with a strike aircraft pilot or a naval patrol ship commander. and about four times the endurance. The Commander and the Gunner Lesson oneiKnowledge of Fire Orders. Fire ‘orders’ have to be known ‘in one’s sleep.’ Else it will be impossible to convey them to the Gunner under conditions of fear. excitement and noise. At best. a target would get away. At worst. the enemy will get his shot in first. Lesson two—Teamwork. The Commander and Gunner must be in each other’s mind. and in every sense a TEAM. Orders and responses must crack out with no hesitancy. Every second counts. The more the team can get together in peacetime the better. Lesson three—Don’t Experiment. Under conditions of panic one is tempted to substitute one’s own version of fire orders for the official one. This is to be avoided. It may
The Commander and the Operator/Loader The requirement here is ‘awareness.‘ This is acquired by quick interpretation of messages between other stations on the net. plus observation, plus ‘nous.’ It is a case of pricking up one‘s ears rather than of listening slavishly to other people‘s business. The effect of having several cominanders/ signallers with this quality in one's Troop, Squadron or Regiment is: a. Everyone anticipates orders, b. Things and people appear where you expect them to. c. No-one shoots anybody else up. (1. Opportunities are exploited. As loader he has a high and increasing responsibility: his ability, or lack of it, can make or break the gunnery team referred to above. The Commander and the Driver No driver. however ‘ tactical.‘ will go precisely where one’s eye dictates. lnvariably it will be necessary to talk him on to the route/position selected. Apart from this he should be allowed to choose his own going. The driver should be kept in the picture as far as possible. This reduces fatigue, monotony and fear. and welds him into the enthusiasm of the whole crew.
Dual Trades The R.A.C. dual trade system is a secret shared by Record Ofiice and Orderly Room clerks. However. in practice it does mean that one can swop crew members around. with obvious benefits. Against this. one wants the best possible combination for actual combat. The best solution seems to be to use the secondary team for any movement not likely to involve them in all-Out fighting. Morale Soldiering with a good crew is exciting and rewarding. Not only are their operational techniques superb. so also are their systems of maintenance. replenishment, brewing up and drying out. They do not indulge in recriminatory post—mortems, but correct their mistakes by sound briefing for the next encounter. When the momentum of our own forces is generally forward. ie. advance to contact/ attack/pursuit. the enemy is often concealed. It is then rarely possible to make a factual contact report, since location and description are often questionable. When the momentum is rearward. i.e. defence/withdrawal, the A.F.V. crew enjoys many bonuses. e.g. knowledge of ground. good and bad going, short cuts. enemy forced into exposure and recognition. Then the well-knit crew will reap richly. Naturally one hopes that present crews
will never be put to this extreme test, and
herein lies one of the paradoxes of our day ~the harder you train for war the less likely there is to be one. There is no greater cause in the world.
Any Candidates? In 1929 there were no less than five ex-Royals in the House of Commons — Brigadier-General Sir Ernest Makins (Knutsford), Colonel the Hon. Henry Guest (Drake Division of Plymouth), Major Parker Leighton (Oswestry) — who, in a pre-election speech at the Old Comrades’ Dinner in the previous year, pledged that at the first opportunity on entering the House he would press for legislation for the benefit and welfare of Old Royals, e.g. annual holidays by the seaside would be a high priority. Mr. Christopher York (Ripon) and Mr. Austin Hopkinson (Moseley). The last named served in the Great War as a Trooper and later as an Officer. Due to wounds he was invalided out and rejoined as a Trooper; his election to Parliament took place while he was still on the Rhine so he obtained leave and took his seat in the uniform of a Trooper of the Royals. At the time of going to press it is believed there is only one ex-Royal (the Hon.
Member for S. Angus) with a seat in the House.
Neither Crewmen nor M.P.s. The photograph on the left, showing the R.S.M. and four Troop Sergeant-Majors was taken at Scutari in 1856 and is one of the first group photographs taken of the British Army. “ The Royals, terrible old rufiians they were, their language would have shaken the Devil ofi his throne and they drank whisky like water," wrote an officer describing the Regiment at this time.
Commander, Gunner, Operator, Driver.
The Tall Ships Race EVERY two years the Sail Training Association organises an international race for schooners and square riggers. In 1966 the race started at Falmouth and finished at Copenhagen. This year the race was from Gothenburg. in Sweden. round Fair Island. North of Scotland and back to Kristiansand. Norway. The distance was about 1.100 miles and should take about five or six days, dependent on the wind. There were two classes. Class A was for square riggers of over 500 tons. and had three enttries~the Gorch Foch. the German naval training ship of 1.571 tons, and the two Norwegian training ships Christian Radich and Sorlandet. Class B had six entrants, two schooners each from Sweden. France and Great Britain. the last two were the Sir Winston Churchill and the Malcolm Miller, both built by public subscription and manned by young men between 16 and 20 years old. The Malcolm Miller's full complement was 54 and was organised on similar lines to one of our Squadrons. The crew was divided into three watches (Troops). each watch consisted of 13 boys. a watch leader (Troop Sergeant) and a watch Officer. This ship’s permanent crew was the Master, Capt. Glyn Griffiths. the Chief Officer (S.S.M.). the Bosun. Engineer and Cook. For this race there was also a Doctor and Purser. The crew flew out to Gothenburg by charter flight and spent the first two days alongside in dry drills. instruction and settling in. We were all very impressed with the Swedish hospitalityvbesides sightseeing tours and free meals. everyone was given a pass which permitted them free use of all public transport and free entry to sauna baths and the Swedish equivalent of Tivoli Gardens. When the Master was satisfied with our basic training. we put to sea in company with the Sir Winston Churchill to spend three days in the Baltic. During this time every watch set. broke out. and handed every one of the fourteen sails on the ship. and practised the emergency drills. Very few of the trainees had ever sailed or set foot on a deck before. but in a week they had learnt to hoist sails. trim them to the wind.
steer a true course. and react to discipline and danger. The boys came from all walks of lifeimany were sponsored by firms or schools. others had been paid for by their parents or had saved up for the trip themselves. In my watch there was a police cadet. trainee brewer. apprentice plasterer. a sea cadet and some boys from public and grammar schools. A few had never been away from home before. and looked it; a few. after a glance at the ‘half—deck ’ where they were to live for the next three weeks. were taken aback by the lack of privacy which. for a public schoolboy. is a grisly essential of his life already. During the three weeks only the trainees touched the wheel. the watch system gave a boy four hours on the bridge and eight hours off. day and night. for the whole cruise. During the off-watch hours he had to eat. wash. sleep. and take his turn in the galley. scrubbing decks. painting the ship. or working aloft: this left little time for idle hands. On Saturday, 3rd August. a hot. windless day. the ships moved off under engines down the fjord to the start. All sail was set for the benefit of the vast crowds which covered the steep sides of the narrow fjord so densely that the hillsides were invisible. As each ship passed. a ripple of clapping would show the crowd’s appreciation of this wonderful spectacle. The large escort of pleasure craft of all shapes and sizes kept us company to the starting line. two miles 011“ the coast. It was a remarkable sight—over 7.000 yachts and motorboats. many dangerously overloaded. completely hid the water and added considerably to the excitement of manoeuvring for the start. The larger square riggers. unable to avoid the craft. seemed to slice their way through them to the starting line. between two ships of the Swedish Navy. No one heard the starting gun fired due to the noise of hundreds of foghorns. claxons. and shouting of the crowd: however. the German ship crossed the line a minute early and was obliged to turn round and recross the line 77a feat which was executed with typical German precision and efficiency in 21 minutes. For the first three days the winds were
The Sail Training Association’s schooner ‘Malcolm
Miller,’ sailing out to the start of the race.
very light and variable—«nothing is more tiring or frustrating than trying to make a 300-t0n ship do 1-2 knots in the right direction. The two British ships stayed close to— gether. constantly changing position. and with the two French and one of the Swedish ships. worked the Swedish and then Norwegian coastlines. taking advantage of the onshore and offshore breezes at dawn and dusk. One of the Swedish ships. the Gladen, picked up a ‘ private ’ breeze which took him well into the lead. At noon each day the officers would gather in the chart room to listen to each ship report its position on the radio. Every day the Germans gave their exact position to the nearest second; the Swedes would give a fictitious position and the French would forget. The boys were well settled into the ship routine and had time to sunbathe and enjoy themselves ofi duty. The Cook produced 160 wholesome meals a day. and every morning one was greeted with the smell of baking bread. The Cook once rebuffed an impatient trainee by saying “ Your mother waited nine months for you. so you can wait ten minutes for your breakfast.” To which the trainee replied. after the meal: “My mother may have waited nine months for
me. but at least I was warm when I arrived.” By Wednesday, we were in the North Sea, lying second, with the Sir Winston Churchill a speck astern of us. Fishing fleets became a continual hazard, their bobbing lights ahead would cause considerable excitement and several times we would have to alter course to avoid cutting their nets. At dawn on Thursday it started to rain. so We knew we were approaching Scotland, sure enough, at midday. there came the traditional cry from the crow’s nest and Fair Isle appeared ahead out of the gloom. The navigator concealed his surprise and. two hours later. we were pointing straight for Kristiansand on a broad reach. Our best day’s run was 234 miles. an average speed of just under ten knots, and by Friday, the coast of Norway was in View and there was considerable speculation on the time we would finish. At dawn on Saturday. with all fourteen sails set, we slowly crossed the finishing line outside the entrance to Kristiansand harbour. After three cheers for the Master and a considerable amount of self-congratulation. one watch officer asked the Master “Shall we start dismantling it now. sir?” We found the Christian Radich at anchor in the harbour and. beside the quay. the Swedish schooner Gladen. who had beaten us by four hours. Twenty-four hours’ later the two French ships arrived “because the wine ran out.” It was obvious that they hadn’t taken the race very seriously. having rounded Fair Isle. they had gone a considerable distance off the direct course back “as the fishing was better further north.” We were overwhelmed by the Norwegian hospitality. free use of public transport. a dance. sightseeing. and endless informal parties on other ships. On Tuesday there was an inter-ship tug-of—war which. being televised. drew considerable crowds. To everyone’s surprise. the two British ships Were first and second—the Malcolm Miller's team. in very mixed dress. succeeded in pulling the Gorch Foch’s highly—disciplined. immaculately dressed team. which had been selected from their crew of 140 and had practised for it even during the race! It was a most satisfactory ending to a wonderful three weeks.
The Corresponding Dragoon A
PROMINENT figure during the Crimean War was the Military Correspondent of The Times. Russell. whose initiative and example sparked off the great period of British war correspondence which lasted half-a-century through the reign of Queen Victoria and the books of Winston Churchill. Russell, in fact. recruited one of the correspondents himself. Departing on a lecture tour after the war, he visited Edinburgh and there delivered an address which caused a younger son of the manse to decide upon a miltary correspondent’s career. On to the military stage and into The Royal Dragoons for preliminary experience stepped Archibald Forbes, the future war reporter for the Daily News, and the son-in—law-to-be of the United States Quartermaster General. The Regiment at that time did not have quarters. but the regulations allowed the wife of the senior soldier to sleep behind a curtain in the barrack room. Forbes, while describing the hardships of military service. paid tribute to the humanising influence of these rough women. the improvement of the language. the easing of the loneliness of the newly-joined recruit. and the touch of home and care, which these primitive conditions contradictorily made possible. Few concessions were allowed them: in billets on the march they were sometimes hidden for the night in the hay loft above the Regimental horses. But they became. in due course. the housekeeper. letter-writer. and bank of their husbands room. Forbes noticed also that the soldier tended to prefer in marriage the temporary local rather than the original native girl. And the moves of the Regiment were reflected in the successive strata of wives. There were the “clannish lassies from Scotland. grasping and greedy. ‘wearing the breeches’ as regarded their ‘gude men ’ but good wives nevertheless. and excellent mothers: fond of a ‘drappie’ when somebody else paid for it: mostly with a nest-egg in the Regiment saving bank: horribly quarrelsome and scrupulouslv clean.” Following the Scots there was an Irish elementithe Regiment was in Ireland for five years after the Crimean War—who, according to Forbes did not make good Regi-
mental wives. “being too ready to accommodate themselves to circumstances. instead of striving to make circumstances bend to them: too prone to say “sufficient for the day is the evil thereof’ and to be heedless if tomorrow’s pot portends emptiness so long as the pot of today ‘boils fat '1" Forbes‘ life after leaving the Regiment seems to have been, if he is to be believed. one of vast efl‘ort and extreme danger. After various vicissitudes. he had a most dramatic meeting with the Russian Emperor in the middle of one of the many Russian wars with Turkey. Let him recount it himself: “ It was a very bloody day: and on that exposed backbone of bare rock. commanded on either side by Turkish fire. no man‘s life was worth five minutes’ purchase. I was burning to get to the telegraph wire. but it was already fully dark when. having bidden farewell to the friendly General and to my comrade. Villiers. who had determined to remain on the Schipka. I started off on the road to Bucharest. where the nearest telegraph office was: a distance of about 170 miles. All night long I rode hard. having posted relays of horses: and on the morning of the 25th. having neither eaten. drunk nor rested since the morning of the previous day, I rode into the Imperial Headquarters in Gorni Studen. The first man I met was General Ignatiefi. who called out: “Where from. now?" “From the Schipka.” was my reply. “I left there late last night.” “ The devil you did!” exclaimed Ignatietf, “You’ve beaten all our messengers by hours. Yours must be the last news: and you must see the Emperor and tell it to him." Now I was conscious that my asoect was eminently disreputable. I had been wearing clothes. originally white. for over a fort— night. night and day. They were spotted with the blood of poor General Dragomirotf. whom. when wounded. I had helped to carry into a place of comparative safety. But Ignatielf insisted that the Emperor would by no means stand on ceremony.
He went in-
side and awakened his Imperial Majesty. who had been asleep; and he presently ushered me through the Cossack guard into the dingy
alcove which formed the hall of audience. I ventured to suggest that I could make him understand matters much better if 1 had a sheet of paper on which to draw a plan. The Emperor said at once: “ Ignatiefi, go and fetch paper and pencil.” Ignatieff went; and his Majesty and myself were alone together. standing opposite each other, with a little green baize table dividing us. Presently Ignatietf returned with a sheet of foolscap on which I rapidly sketched the poistion, explaining the details as I proceeded. The Emperor caught up the salient points with the quickness of a trained military intelligence.
“Mr. Forbes,” said he: he spoke in English “you have been a soldier?" “Yes, your Majesty.” was my reply. “ In the Artillery or Engineers. doubt— less?” “ No. sir.” said I. “ in the Cavalry of the Line.” The Emperor remarked: “I was not aware that your Cavalry officers were conversant with military draftmans-hip.” “Your Majesty,” I replied. “I served as a private trooper.” Extracts from Memories and Studies
of War and Peace by Archibald Forbes. Cassell & Co. Ltd., 1895.
C001 Waters N India in 1930, “ HQ.“ Squadron. under the command of Capt. A. D. Wintle.
M.C., moved from Trimulgherry for a temporary change of air to Wellington in the Nilgiri Hills.
Capt. Wintle had expressed the opinion that no one could be fully intelligent unless fit to perform almost impossible physical tasks. A keen naturalist and climber. he was forever contriving to give us scope to see and learn about India. One Wednesday morning a notice appeared on the board: At [3.55 hours all Other Ranks including senior N.C.O.s who normally retire to their beds on recreational afternoons will parade on the main square. Dress: Shorts. vests. ammunition boots.
(Sticks may be carried and dogs led), Object: Exercise (physical and mental). A. D. Wintle (Captain). “ What the hell are we in for now?” asked an apprehensive ancient. “He'll turn up with whip, lunging rein and stop-watch.” said Ted Broadbent. “He‘ll lash us round the square until we drop. then he’ll go off to his bungalow and write to the Times of India on human exhaustion.” Across the square at 13.50 hours a monocle glinted in the sunshine. “ Parade . . . FALL IN!”
At his bark. as if by magic. there appeared on the square two lines of soldiers, some leading dogs or carrying sticks. “I shall not inspect you.” said Capt. Wintle. “I might catch rabies from your repulsive-looking dogs. You will be delighted to learn that we are about to climb to Dodabetta. the highest point in the Nilgiris. From the top you will find a view which might improve your filthy minds. Getting to that point will remove fat from your vile bodies.” We moved off at a very brisk pace. Only the dogs were delighted. But ‘Smiler’ Turnbull put on his thinking cap. “ Hey. listen! To get to the top of Dodabetta we have to pass under a waterfall. We can get old Wintle by the short and curlies. We can hide in the water. then scarper back to Wellington. Pass it back!” After an hour of steady climbing. above the thumping of our near-bursting hearts we heard the roar of water. “Nearly there. blokes.” said Smiler, “Thank Christ." grunted ‘ Buck ’ May. Ten yards ahead the full cascaded through great holes in the rocks. Nine wily dragoons smartly side-stepped and held their breath until Sgt. Bill Ducker. the rearguard. stumbled past. Bill had been appointed to 40
keep a sharp look-out for defaulters. This was prOVidential. as he would never look at neat water. The remainder climbed to the summit and, drenched in sweat. panting for exertion in the thin air. prostrated themselves around the observatory. The Captain looked to the fallen. “ When you ill-conditioned warriors have recovered. take a look below you. Enjoy the majesty of this view. Notice particularly how primitive hill farmers conserve their water supplies. Look at their terraced fields and ingenious systems of irrigation.“ We took a long. never-to-be-forgotten look. Far below. mango and tamarind groves made dark. irregular patterns upon the lighter back-cloth of sugar and paddy fields. We saw a giant patchwork of vibrant colours and exotic variety; an Indian carpet indeed. Silently we compared this natural glory with the precise artificiality of our barrack rooms. Our reveries were shattered. “ I am about to call the roll. Answer your names!” Nine names were followed by pregnant silences. Bill Ducker could not account for the lost. “Nobody fell out. I should have seen!” “ You should. you did not. but you will. And you will bring them to Squadron Office tomorrow morning!” The descent began. Apart from dog fights and someone falling down the rocks. nothing untoward occurred. When we reached a lake. which presented a cooling invitation. Capt. Wintle spoke to us again: “If you have no moral or ethical scruples about human nakedness, you may peel off and take a dip. You have twenty minutes.” In seconds the placid surface was violated
by scrufi'y dogs and stark dragoons. Then we climbed down to Wellington. Next morning nine sheepish dragoons appeared before Capt. Wintle. Only Dixon said. “ I‘ve nowt t’say. sir.” Others blamed hearts. feet. lungs. dogs. the rarefied atmosphere and the pace—maker. Dixon received seven days’ CB. The remainder. seven days’ CB. with packdrill. For two hours each day. laden with every item of equipment. they wheeled. reeled and cursed. changing direction every third pace. The last four days they were in greater heart and form. Dixon had approached ‘ Smiler ’ Turnbull. “What d’yer know. Smiler?” Struggling to balance kit—bag across sore shoulders Smiler was in no mood for trifiing and in precise military phraseology he said so. “But it‘s about owd Wintle." chortled Dixon. “ ’E’s proper in t’mire. ’E’s oop on t’mat termorrer. afore t’Brigadier.” “How come?" asked a most interested Smiler. “ Orderly Room clerk shew me a letter.” grinned Dixon. “It were from t’Mother Superior 0’ that owd convent near Dodabetta. She's raisin’ merry ’ell about owd Wintle an’ ’er flocker virgins. Says she can do nowt wi’ ’em since naked sodgers went swimmin’ in t’drinkin’ water.”
Padres Past After twenty minutes of this, the Minister would have a look at his watch: “Dear me, 1 quite forgot. boys; there’s a poor fellow ill in hospital and he’s sinking fast. I‘ll go now and try and keep his spirits up a bit.“ And off he would stump. not to the
hospital. but to the Sergeants’ Mess. which was on the road leading to the hospital. We used to watch him pop in. and as they had some choice spirits there. mostly of the liquid variety. I suppose the spirits there went down instead of up. Then he would come back and tell us the poor fellow couldn’t last much longer. as he was awfully low-spirited. I suppose the Mess spirits got rather low. too. But one day he over-did it and wobbled back and after kneeling down and muttering “ Father. into Thy hands I commend these spirits ”—his usual finale— he collapsed and soon lay snoring blissfully. This was a chance too good to miss. so we unstrapped his cork leg. hid it and then retired. What his feelings on the subject were at the time we don't know, but his sermon the following week ended with the warning: “Boys. be sure your sins will find you out. and you will be cast into the uttermost parts of hell . . . ” But as we were all booked up for twelve years without the option. our version was “Oh hell. where is thy sting?” (The Eagle, 1929).
Hand ’7. you offered tea and a meal to the Padre on Saturday evening: that was the night we discovered the water cart had been contaminated, Next day being the Lord’s, the echelon was paralytic (paralysed) but the Padre was permitted. somehow. to take the Regimental service in between dives for the bushes. You gave the Padre a driver whose occasional bouts of gay abandon in some ways epitomised the Regiment. ‘Lightning’ Lines one afternoon drove the Chaplain to Rinteln Military Hospital. While the visting was being done. ‘Lightning’ managed to clock 50 miles on the car parkr‘he tended to motor fast at times— and when taxed with this privately. he explained that it was simply a day when he was a little ‘jarred—otf’ with the domestic scene and he had to motor to think! Hail and farewell to The Royals and may The Blues and Royals which rises as the Phoenix from your ashes burn as brightly in the years to come.
© C. W. Mays, 1969
Mr. Mays. ex-Trumpeter and Trooper of the Regiment. is a well-known member of the Regimental Association. His first book. ‘Reuben’s Corner,’ is expected to be published in June. his second book. ‘Fall out the Officers.’ an extract from which is printed above. should be on the book-stalls in late 1969. Both books are published by Evre and Spottiswoode. London. Price approximately 35s. net.
ALL CHANGE . . . . . . . We cannot conclude our notes without a word regarding our “G ” Squad. as we call it. under the able direction and leadership of Lt. Fitzpatrick. They have been considerably hampered by the weather of late. having to hike for miles across all sorts of country. for the most parts extremely muddy. Fortunately. the dress is always “rough order.” and many are the u rough ” turnouts we have seen. to the delight of all concerned. From The Eagle.
Padres Present HAIL to the Royals from their Padre. ' 'You have taught him much in the past year. You have trained him to conduct ser~
vices in the field and in the tank hangar. for this is the first assignment he has been given in the Army. Not only have you taught him things spiritual about the Army. you have also been at pains to teach him ski-ing at Wertach and sailing on the Mohne See. You have perched him in the gunner’s seat in the Chieftain and allowed a practise shot. You have impressed him with your trumpet fanfare at 8.30 performed beneath the church windows daily. You have delighted with your pageant and you have aIvVays been given to hospitality. Never to be forgotten was your last exercise. ‘Iron
“Tell you what—the rudder’s inst fallen off.”
The Grand Old Duke of York HAVE you ever paused to think why the Grand Old Duke of York marched 10,000 men up to the top of that hill and down again? It all seems rather time— wasting. and then the conclusions drawn from it are so painfully obvious—but such is the essence of all the best P.R. stunts. and this. along wit-h King Alfred‘s celebrated and equally wasteful cake—burning activities are undoubtedly two of the earliest publicity stunts in our English history. Picture the Duke of York in earnest consultation with his P.R.
man (salary only
£40 pa in those days). Duke: I’m extremely worried about the Stately Home. takings are right down this year and we are not getting the right sort of people either. Something is wrong with our image. Am I no longer being seen in the IN places? Is my house too small? Is my hair too long. too short? Should I change my wig-maker or is my tailor at fault? P.R. man: My Lord. your locks compare very favourably both in length and luxuriance with those of our current leading lyre player. who has just returned from a most successful rave-in in the Outer Hebrides. He was forced to surrender several golden locks to his screaming fans but it was the final number when he smashes his lyre over the head of his harpsichordist which struck just the right note. There is nothing wrong with your personality projection, it is merely that we are lacking a gimmick and the increasing competitiveness in the Stately Homes business has overtaken us. The Duke of X is having great success with his new scheme by which customers can hire arrows at three a penny and loose them off at the oil paintings of his indifferent ancestors—all fakes. of couse—but it gives the lower orders satisfaction. Then Lord R has captured some strange beast. reputed to be extinct. and released it in his park; the fact that no-one has ever actually seen it doesn’t deter them from claiming to have done so and he has paid off several long— standing gambling debts with the proceeds. Unfortunately you flogged your esteemed ancestors last year to pay the hire purchase on those 10.000 boots you thought you were going to make such a killing with when the tax on leather went up. Instead it went down
and the smell of them is still affecting the taste of your best port in the cellars. Duke: Now you are exceeding your duties. your job is to keep me and my home in the public eye, not advise me on how to employ 10.000 pairs of boots. Anyhow. due to your incompetence in attracting the crowds there is very little vintage port or anything else left in my cellars. P.R. man: Sire, it is for this very reason that I would advise you to remove the boots from the cellars, fill them with 10.000 pairs of stout legs and get them marching up and down that pinnacle I see out yonder. So will the boots rapidly be replaced with the very best wine. Duke: Keep talking. I like the trend this conversation is taking. but how do you propose to achieve this miraculous transformation? P.R. man: It’s quite clear that you have not grasped my point. You set the men in motion. marching up and then down. I write a simple ditty to the effect that this event is taking place and given the right backing it will soon be on the lips of the entire country. You will be back. smack in the public eye. your home over-run with visitors. your cellar once more overflowing with the vintage hard stuff, your coffers groaning at the seams. to boot. so to speak. To achieve the maximum effect you will march them to the top of the hill, then they will be upiagreed? You then march them to the bottom and they will be downfiare you still with me? Good, You then march them to the middle of the hill and thev will. by my calculations. be neither up nor down. When this incredible feat is put to music and the country properly informed I can guarantee an immediate increase in profits. If. by any unlikely chance this brilliant scheme should fail. I have an alternative plan, which is that you should march the boots. complete with legs. back to your Stately Home and charge the incumbents to watch you dig your own garden. As the intelligent reader will know, the song was a smash hit and the Duke was never forced to dig his own garden. Of course. after a few months the 10.000 men found their employment rather monotonous and recruiting figures fell, and when
new boots had to be ordered and proved to be the type DMS the whole manoeuvre was brought to a standstill as the men could only proceed halfway up the hill, before being forced down again by blisters, which rather spoilt the effect of the song.
Many years later another P.R. man had a very similar idea, although this only required one girl and one pair of boots, which merely walked all over you. This was also a smash hit, cheaper to produce and far less tiring—for the girl anyway.
The Household Cavalry Museum UST inside the main gate of Combermere Barracks. Windsor, directly opposite the guardroom. stands a low, modern. brick-built building. This is the Household Cavalry Museum, opened on 12th June, 1964, by the Duke of Wellington, which houses a unique collection of uniforms, accoutrements and weapons of the Regiments of Household Cavalry. This collection is kept up to date with modern exthibits from both Regiments of Household Cavalry, so after amalgamation, the new Regiment will be represented in the museum as a matter of course. Of far greater importance to all Royal Dragoons is the news that we have been offered space in the museum to house all our own historical exhibits which have hitherto, with very few exceptions, been stored at Home Headquarters. For this offer we are greatly indebted to the Trustees and Committee of the museum. A description of the museum may be of interest. It is housed in a single-storey building. built-in showcases being used for the display of uniforms. equipment and weapons; one of the finest collections is, as might be expected. of swords, of which there
is almost a complete representation of all patterns used by the Household Cavalry The oldest are two half—basket hilted swords of the Restoration period, one of a Private Gentlemen of The Life Guards, the other that of an officer of The Blues, dated about 1661. Another
Cavalry cuirasses. is probably the best in Britain. One early example, a cuirass of blackened steel, was made by Thomas Carpenter, of London. in about 1678. and bears as a form of ‘proof—mark’ the indentation of the musket ball with which the maker proved that his workmanship was shot proof.
Many Standards are also on display, the oldest being a Blues Squadron (Union) Standard of 1760. Among the more gruesome exhibits is a cast of the skull of Cpl. John Shaw, a Waterloo hero of the 2nd Life Guards, who was killed after slaying a prodigious (and variously specified) number of French cuirassiers before being himself mortally wounded. Shaw was a prize-fighter of national repute and of exceptional physique. Probably the most valuable exhibits are the silver kettledrums of the lst Life Guards, which weigh 1181b. and which were presented by King William IV in 1832. From the same regiment is the field bugle on which Trumpeter John Edwards blew the charge of the Heavy Brigade at Waterloo. Plans for the introduction of Royal Dragoons exhibits are still very much in outline form at this stage, though it is learnt that it is likely that an annexe will be built. We are in great need of further exhibits to ensure added interest to displays and a regular turnover of exhibits, May I therefore end this article with an appeal to anyone prepared to give or loan items of Royal Dragoons history to write with details of their contributions to: Major D. J. S. Wilkinson, Regimental Headquarters,
Household Cavalry, Horse Guards. Whitehall, London, S.W.1. NOTE—For those interested in visiting the Museum, the hours of opening are:— Weekdays, 10 am. to 5 pm; Sundays. 11 am. to 5 pm. Saturdays closed,
Amalgamation—For the Individual V ‘HE word “ amalgamation “ must appear many times throughout this Journal: it is certainly on everyone‘s lips at the present moment. But what exactly this has meant to each individual is perhaps worth a few serious words. At a very early stage it was decided that The Blues and Royals should comprise members of each old Regiment in exact proportion to their cap badge strength: with The Blues having extra commitments. such as the Mounted Squadron, with which the Royals could only slowly be assimilated, this was completely fair. It has resulted in a proportion for the new Regiment world wide of 58 per cent ex-Blue and 42 per cent ex-Royals, with the proviso that the heart. the Armoured Regiment in Germany. should be split exactly fifty-fifty. And, in fact, this is what has happened, except that because of the difficulty of finding enough suitable extra Regimental jobs. here in Detmold there will be a slight preponderance of ex-Royals. The Blues being in 1968 an air portable Regiment in England. with a consequently smaller establishment. has meant that they have had to lose fewer members. Here in the Royals, we set up a board to interview every member of the Regiment serving in Germany. And everyone serving outside B.A.O.R. received a detailed proforma to fill in. The Board spent many a day asking questions of every soldier, to discover what each really wanted. and to make a provisional selection. It was a sad time. with many quiet protestations of loyalty: “ Sir. I know I am a promotion block. but I have only three years to go for my pension: must I clean some other cap badge now?" And many who said: “I will buy myself out if I cannot stay ”iand who have done exactly that. This atmosphere was only ocasionally relieved by the Cockney wit: “Sir. you had better send me somewhere where they don’t know me!” How did we select? Firstly. each Squadron Leader graded some 15 per cent of his Squadron as definitely ‘in’ and some 10 per cent ‘out.’ The remaining 75 per cent were graded as ‘ hope to goodness they will be IN’ and ‘if I must lose him. I must.’
The board changed quite a few of these recommendations in the light of the interviews and personal wishes. When all the notes had been made. and all the proformas returned, a full conference of the Commanding Officer. Squadron Leaders and R.S.M. made a selection to fill our quota of one W.O.I. five W.O.IIs. eight S.Q.M.S.s. 31 Sergeants. 43 Corporals, 41 Lance-Corporals and 188 Troopers. And the Second-in-Command made the first of his trips to R.A.C. Records to agree the future of each Royal Dragoon in or out of the new Regiment. At this point I would like to express, on behalf of every one of us. our sincere thanks to both R.A.C. Records and Household Cavalry Records for their sincerity, patience. and willingness to treat a man as a man and not as a number. Without their understanding help throughout. this diflicult transition would have been even more unhappy. In particular. their stretching of the ‘overborne’ ruling (someone within one year of
the end of his term of service being allowed to remain extra to quotas and establishments) has in certain cases saved a lot of sadness. In early August. every member of the Regiment was told he was ‘in’ or ‘out.' And then began the selection for ERE jobs and individual postings. It is perhaps not remarkable. but someone somewhere might note something: there is a tremendous wish for travel and adventure in far-off places: a longing that can only rarely be satisfied. and. indeed. less and less as our responsibilities overseas shrink. There was a great demand for mounted training. and a careful selection of sixteen N.C.O.s and men was made (I can only hope one of them has stretched himself another half-inch!) and by the time of the amalgamation there will be ex—Royals parading along the Mall—surely a subject for a Thelwell cartoon! For those ‘out.’ there were several who wished to transfer to another Corps rather than change Regiments. Only very few have been allowed to do this. since movement away from the RAC would negate the object
of the amalgamation; but more of this at the end. During all this time, the fate of the Band was still in doubt. But in September, despite all our efiorts, we learnt it was, virtually, to disband itself—~surely the worst blow of all. We have done our best to see each member has gone to the band of his choice and with a reasonable chance of promotion. And we are delighted that twelve will be going to the State Band of The Blues and Royals. despite some of the younger ones not yet having full musical qualifications. Let we now give you some statistics. We have filled the quota figures given above, less 20 Trooper vacancies. which both Regiments had to keep for recruits arriving before amalgamation. So we will have 295 present serving Royals soldiers in The Blues and Royals next March. In addition. we will have, worldwide, some 32 present
Royals serving overborne in the new Regiment. But. and it is a big ‘but,’ 154 are leaving us, or have now left. The breakdown is interesting: four get redundancy terms in March, 1969: 23 are taking their discharge at the end of six. nine, twelve. fifteen or twenty-two years. which they might not have done: six hope to transfer to other Corps; eight get discharges for various reasons, such as health: 70 will be trans-
ferred to other Regiments in the Royal Armoured Corps, and 43 are applying to purchase their discharge. I shall now risk a little comment. surely allowed us after 307 years’ loyal service. The total manpower saved by this amalgamation within the Household Cavalry and R.A.C. is 70 Royals and some 20 Blues. Of course. the saving is in equipment and barracks as well. Our recent average rate of discharge by purchase from the Royals has been about 16 a year. Now it is 43 in nine months! Men are not numbersrwthey do not like being told by ‘Them’ to Change their loyalties. Whether you are ‘in’ or sadly ‘out.’ and wherever you go. we wish you every bit of luck. Just give the new the loyalty you gave the old and they and you will be happy.
COMMENT lSBANDMENT, amalgamation, concen-
tration, loss of identity, the Army is getting used to these impositions. But how do they affect the soldier? In an age when youth is searching for a raison d’étre and hippy escapism is becoming more commonplace another social trait emerges. Those who do not want to search for their Shangrila on the Katmandu trail may well wish to identify themselves with a successful and proven establishment. Humanists cry for freedom of expression and disregard of old values. religion and patriotism are declared “ old hat.” drug-taking and protest marches become the norm, crime and suicide rates rise. Whilst on the other hand there exists a resurgence of interest in the past. Military history and costumes are in vogue, pageants and music arouse nostalgic emotion and the neWHElizabethan round-the-world mariners are lauded. The British soldier looks for a system based on fair play, professionalism and a tradition of service with which to identify himself. The British regimental system is the envy of the world, its family feeling creates powerful loyalties which in any type of warfare are vital and contributes greatly to the success achieved in the world wars and subsequent I.S. activities.
The best of the old must therefore be brought forward with the best of the present and solidly welded to form what can only be an unbeatable foundation on which to build the future of our new Regiment and its soldiers
How odd 0f MOD To fuse The Blues Attributed to a Life Guard. circa 1968
Pte. P. Murphy, D. 393525, Royal Scots Greys, ‘A ’ Squadron. 2nd Troop. Risalpur, N.W.F.P., India. 6/12/1922.
Pilots and
In the Sun
the coast if you feel like breaking the journey. If time allows, it is a thoroughly worthwhile drive, as there are many breathtakingly colourful views flashing past between the trees. A two-hour trip in one of the many glassbottomed boats is great fun, despite infestations of elderly American widows! Coral reefs spread out to about a quarterof—a-mile from the coast all round the island. The myriads of different shapes and colours, and the variety of tiny fish are a most impressive sight. Although the harbour was full of small speed-boats, finding one suitable for water ski-ing proved a problem. A likely boat selected, we disturbed a dozey fisherman from his reverie to discover the whereabouts of the boatman, a search by car eventually producing 6ft. 2in. and the vast bulk of ‘Joe,’ who had abandoned any kind of struggle with life and was asleep at home. It transpired that there was only one mono-ski in the whole of the Fijian Islands; this was unearthed in a lean—to in a backstreet, and so armed, we all enjoyed an excellent afternoon’s ski-ing. The buoyancy of the boat proved remarkable in not only supporting Joe, but doing so at speed. That night at sunset we left with Joe for the fishing ground, about an hour’s motoring away, lured by the prospect, promised by Joe, of catching a shark or barracuda. Three hours and about eight minute fish later, hope had gone and we were all fast asleep when suddenly one of the rods bent dramatically and that longed-for sound of the reel spinning out was heard. When we realised it was not another piece of coral, our lethargy ended and after a brief struggle we gaffed and hoisted aboard an 181b. barracuda. Joe was as surprised as any of us! After returning to Nadi over the hazardous Queen’s Road without incident, except for a punctureathe wheel was changed by the occupants of a passing lorry—we climbed aboard our Cornet and ten hours’ later, some tired, but very contented passengers stepped on to the tarmac at Singapore.
I now take a liberty of writing to you as I am desirous of returning to the Regiment I belong to the lst Royal Dragoons. I would consider it an esteem favour if you would give this application your best attention, my reasons for wishing to return to the Regiment are. I am a Royal and once a Royal always a Royal I wish to be with a Regiment where you get treated like men by your superiours This Regiment dont give a man fair play as my conduct sheets are becoming like the Devils Prayer Book. and it is a crime to enjoy one self in the Regiment if ever a man hated a Regiment I hate this one. I was a L/CPL three weeks was 15 minuets late coming in I got deprived of lance stripe they found out I went to enjoy myself its a crime, another CPL up for refusing to comply with an order and late gets a washout he has always been a Grey not a Royal but thank God the Regiment of lst Royals formed in 1661 will give a man fair play. I am a married man and a tailor by trade and I would honestly thank God Sir if you would kindly endeavour to get me back. Sir I ask you to forgive me for being so outspoken but I know English officers like Men to speak out. Trusting you will approve of this and do all in your power to assist me. I am Sir Obediently your servant Pte. P. Murphy. 393525. One of the Royals NOT a Grey Officers’ Mess Scrap Book 56
IF one was given the choice of going anywhere in the world for a holiday, a tropical island in the Pacific would surely be high on the list of priorities. Through a lot of good luck. we found ourselves on an aeroplane flying from Singapore, down the East Coast to Australia, through New Zealand, and finally to that tropical paradise. the Fijian Islands. On arrival at the airport, life was soon put into its proper perspective. Walking into the immigration building, we had to wake up the various officials and wait for them to get dressed! Soon afterwards we were in our hired Toyota, wondering whether to take the King’s Road to the north
or Queen’s Road to the south. Having telephoned a friend. who warned us it would be nine hours’ driving, with some trepidation and in a cloud of stones and dust, we made tracks down the Queen’s Road. The main Island of Fiji is absolutely circular and is surrounded by a coral shelf. It has a mountainous centre, which produces in the west a very dry climate, and in the east regular equatorial downpours. The capital, Suva, is in the extreme east, and the airport at Nadi in the extreme west. Although the island is only 80 miles across. the two routes by the north and south coasts are both 140 miles to Suva over dirt roads. It is rumoured that during the last war the Americans offered to build a road straight between the two through the mountains. As we careered round the hairpins of the coast road, this was of little consolation. The Fijian has a delightful personality. He is always cheerful and tries very hard to make you welcome. He will grin and wave to you as you pass in a car, knowing that as soon as you have gone by he will be smothered in a cloud of dust; as many of the locals often seem to be returning from ablutions at the village pump. this must require some fortitude! The drive, in fact, takes only three-and-ahalf to four hours, depending on when it last rained and how many cars are parked on the numerous hairpins. Anyway, there are a lot of comfortable places to stay along
Mauritius is about the size of the Isle of Wight and lies 11 hours’ flying-time from Singapore. It is volcanic with sheer rocks rising behind the capital, Port St. Louis, and most of the rest being a lush green plain devoted to the cultivation of sugar cane. The island is encircled by a coral reef and the beaches are of white sand providing marvellous skin-diving, snorkelling, swimming and sunbathing facilities. In 1968 racial differences arose between the Indian, Chinese and Creole groups and the Governor decided to ask for British backing for the local Police Force. ‘ A ’ Company of K.S.L.I. from Malaya, followed by R.H.Q. and another Company arrived to perform cordon and search operations, to capture ringleaders and supplies of arms. The author, as a replacement for a K.S.L.I. pilot, and two more from the Life Guards were attached to form part of this force. A curfew was imposed and snap searches were made at night — during which, helicopters provided invaluable assistance hovering about 400ft. above the ground and using their powerful landing lamps to watch for movement below: for this reason the locals christened them ‘The Eyes of God’ and held them awe. Many curious weapons came to light, a particularly unpleasant one being a half piece of circular saw welded onto an iron bar. A peculiarly unattractive habit was that of skinning people alive in the streets but with the onset of the sugar cutting season the emphasis shifted to the problem of sugar fires. Again helicopters were invaluable for fire-spotting and directing fire-fighting operatrons.
Although unsophisticated by modern standards Mauritius has an unspoilt charm which is reflected on the names of the towns and villages: Pamplemousse, Rosebeue and Plaisance to name three. The gourmet will find oysters at 5/- per 100 and avocado pears almost given away, Your correspondent managed to have a pear for every single meal of a month’s stay and greatly missed them when his enforced visit had to come to an end.
Rugby Football
VIVHE Regimental swimming and water * ' polo teams had mixed success during
VJ‘HE 1968 season opened in September ‘ with some excellent rugby and in the first two matches we equalled last year’s total of wins. The next game played versus 8 R.C.T. was a very hard one in which no quarter was given. but unfortunately we went down 12-5. Then the following week we took on the might of R.A.F. Gutersloh and surprise. surprise, we won 16-12. The third half also provided some excellent entertainment with the Royals just having the edge thanks mainly to a fine spectacle provided by a now broken collarboned player, Tpr. Ward, who on the strength of it is now trying to get a job in some Sleazy night club in the north of Germany. Exercise “Iron Hand” interrupted our play: long hours and compo did not improve our training and on resuming hostilities we looked like characters from Mike Green’s ‘ Art of Coarse Rugby.’ However, with the exercise season now concluded we hope to improve sufficiently to win our first round in the R.A.C. Cup. It is particularly nice to see some of the, for want of a better word. ‘ seasoned ’ members coming back to the fold from a couple of seasons away. “ We never played it like this in the Valleys, Boy Oh!" Sorry Sgt. Cox but the new laws are for the colonies as well. At this point special mention must be given to our other tame Welshman. Bdm. Williams. for his fine hooking. and Capt. Spencer and Cfn. Morrison for their tireless back row work. and Tpr. Ward at scrumhalf. whilst Lt. Wheeler at wing-forward. whose flowing mane imparts an impression of speed and Viking aggression. makes wild forays on our opponent’s base line. One rumour that must be squashed before things become too political. The trainer/ coach was certainly NOT a P.T.I. at Dachau. he is not that old. Finally we would like to welcome The Blues’ players with whom we hope soon to achieve great things.
the season. In the 20 Armoured
L/Cpl. Golding and Tpr. Docherty paddling their
own canoe.
meeting we were placed second to a very strong team of the 17/213t Lancers; the latter we played in the final of the water polo and were soundly beaten. S.S.I. Bryan won the spring board diving. supported by Tpr. Garrett who was placed second. In the 4 Division meeting timings improved but the opposition was too great and the team was placed sixth out of eleven teams; every swimmer put up a good show and did very credittably. The water polo proved very popular. We beat 22nd Signal Regiment in the first round to go on and meet the Q.D.G.s in the semi-finals. beating them by twelve goals to eight after extra time: we then met our old rivals the 17/21st in the final and
and Tpr. Mitchell winter sports holiday.
SPORTS & i 7..
were narrowly beaten. S.S.I. Bryan again won both the five metre and three metre board diving by a very clear margin.
Diving successes From the team S.S.I. Bryan. Cpl. Elmslie and Tpr. Hogan were selected to represent the Army in the B.A.O.R. Individual Championships on July 27. 5.8.1. Bryan retained his B.A.O.R. titles for both spring board diving events and in the B.A.O.R. InterServices competition once again proved he was unbeatable. The Army Championships in England came next and in these S.S.I. Bryan was placed second in both five metre and three metre boards. Finally selected to represent the Army in the Inter-Services match he was placed second in the five metre and third in the three metreva very consistent and creditable performance. Training is to continue in the heated Detmold indoor pool throughout the winter and we hope to produce a much stronger team next year.
Mafgfifié‘MA‘ 7,:
W34” i L/Cpl. Lane enjoying the 15 kms. Langlauf race.
Capt. Coode in action.
Sailing “7HENEVER three or more Royals go afloat, and sometimes when it’s only two. their antics in the face of wind and wave are often as ludicrous as those of Jerome K. Jerome‘s trio. The two officers who convinced the 'boatman of their undoubted sailing ability, and who didn’t realise that a rudder was an essential to their welfare, have sadly left us; one for a sea of a more arid consistency, the other for quiet Sunday punting on the Thames. Thirty Royals have this year learned to sail, mostly on the Regimental dinghy at the Mohne See. As instructor on these week-long courses one learns to anticipate the unexpected, though it was by good chance that no-one was in the vicinity of S.Q.M.S. Cummings and Tpr. Lyons when they performed two figures of eight, whilst filling the boat alternately from one side then the other; the real art in this was that it was all done without hands, for these were desper— ately clutching at the gunwales. Tpr. Coggins had his crew baling most of the time in a blustery wind until eventually there was mutiny and the crew took over. Tpr. Allen,
showing no respect. succeeded in running down his ‘man overboard’ at maximum speed. We did well in the Brigade dinghy regatta. being runners-up to the l7/215t Lancers with L/Cpl. Fielding winning every race. The other members were Lt. Wheeler, R.Q.M.S. Paul and Pte. Ash (helmsmen) and L/Cpl. Trist-Collins, L/Cpl. Mee and Tpr. Coggins (crews). We have not had the opportunity to patronise Kiel quite as much this year, for the B.K.Y.C. only allowed us a boat for one week. Capt. Barne took L/Cpl. Head. Tprs. Smith and Spice and Pte. Ash. They spent a profitable and at times hair-raising week. Capt. Barne more recently skippered the Class I Ocean Racer Griflin III in the Portsmouth-Cherbourg Sail Training race and came first overall, first in Class B, and was the first to finish, in so doing beating Malcolm Miller and Sir Winston Churchill. The only other cruise took place only because ‘the lb/Sth Lancers kindly offered us their boat. Queen Charlotte. The crew, Lt. Mackie (skipper), Major Amery (bosun), we.
Capt. Spencer (navigator), Sgt. Cox (bosun’s mate) and Sgt. Weeks (ship’s cook). Our start was dramatic: it is uncanny how ‘ moments-that-no-one-shou1d-see ’ always happen in front of the club house, and it is exasperating how difficult it is to be unobstrusive when correcting the fault. The main halyard broke soon after casting off and all hands were certainly needed, for the next minute it was boat-hooks to the fore and we were fending off with a vehemence which we might otherwise have reserved for a boarding party. The bosun’s chair was pr0« duced, the bosun ordered the bosun’s mate to ascend. the halyard was replaced and we
tried again. We progressed a bit further. We were in fact so slick with the kedge, rowing out with it on that side of the boat furthest from the club house, that no one may have noticed our temporary halt on a mudbank. We heaved a sigh as we rounded the mole and, of course, out of sight of the boathouse the boat behaved perfectly. We were not favoured with the best of winds, but we did manage to spend each night at a different Danish port. It is much to be hoped that all those who learned to sail will continue to make use of the facilities offered in Germany and others will join them.
Cricket CiRICKET is truly a game for the aristo' cratic and the brave and it was with much trepidation the Royals fielded a team captained by Sgt. Cox and including two clerks and a storeman to do battle upon this so noble field of conflict. Many games were played this season both within the Garrison and with teams from the surrounding area: of the 19 played 8 were won, 9 were lost and 2 were drawn. The undoubted highlight of this season was the Garrison cricket league (aptly named The Cox Cup) from which we have emerged the eventual winners.
Mitchell and L/Cpl. Butler producing a very fine partnership. The second match was the Gentlemen v. the Players. The Gentlemen, including in their ranks one of our colonial cousins. Capt. Bell, R.C.D., who had never taken the noble willow in his hands before, batted first scoring 83. Major Scott and Lt. Lewis both made 3]. The Players, disheartened by having lost their last eight games, started badly by losing two quick wickets; however, Sgt. Cox and Tpr. Heymerdinguer put on 56 to give the Players a welldeserved win. The Players’ innings was finished in the breaks between the rainstorms for which Detmold is so renowned. The Gentlemen, as a sign of defeat, brought refreshments to the Players. We welcome to the team this year two new players. Firstly, Lt.-Col. Vickers arriving late in the season to take one of the best slip catches (in the gully) seen on the ‘playing fields’ of Detmold and worthy of far finer pitches. Secondly, Sgt. Thomas, a former FARELF player, who whilst showing a very mild manner when dismissed lbw for the sixth time in as many innings, proved his worth with some devastating bowling. One must not forget the Old Regulars—Sgts. Cox and Melbourne and Co., who produced some marathon stints of bowling. Space is simply not available to mention everyone by name, but the help given to the Regimental team to make this such as enjoyable season is greatly appreciated. Our particular thanks to the Paymaster, Capt. Brookes, who assisted greatly in the capacity of Umpire. Many thanks.
The final of the Garrison Cup was probably the most enjoyable game of the summer. The Brigadier had been invited along to present the cup to 4 Armoured Workshops who had only to win this match to take the cup, but a surprise was in store for them. 4 Armoured were dismissed for some 56 runs and the Royals. after being 18 for 5. emerged as the eventual winners, the final score being a splendid six scored by Tpr. Mitchell with 55 for 8 showing on the tally. The Brigade Commander retired to his office. 4 Armoured retired to drown their sorrows and the Royals to celebrate. There was though now no clear winner of the league as 4 Armoured. Q.D.G.s and ourselves were equal on points, By mutual consent of the three teams involved the final result was decided on averages and we came out top by some two runs scored per over.
a .,
Perhaps a mention should be made of two other games. The first against 20 O.F.P. who made 52 all out; the Royals then scored 53 without loss of wicket in six overs. Tpr.
Pte. Ash, L/Cpl. Head and Tpr. Spice plot the course to Kiel.
Orienteering Vl‘HlS is very much an ‘in’ game in the Army today and it has almost unlimited possibilities — at the moment we orienteer on our ‘feet’ only. but perhaps the sooner we take to skis, bicycles or even horses. the better. The game is basically a team cross— country rallyfiwith a choice of various check points, as many as possible of which have to be visited in a given time. usually 1% t0 2 hours. Orienteering was rather forced upon us as a ‘good idea.” but having arrived was met with a tremendous wave of enthusiasm. This year each Squadron ran its own inter-Troop competition in preparation for the Regimental and Brigade meetings. The Regimental meeting. very ably run by the Chief Clerk, was rather marred by inclement weather—it poured with rain all day! “B ” Squadron under Mr. Boon were the eventual winners with 415 points; “ C ” Squadron second, closely followed by “ A ” Squadron third: the second highest individual scorer being the Commanding Officer! The Brigade meeting was organised by the 14/20th Hussarsfiand what a long flog it was; a very long cross-country run with a few check points thrown in for luck. The winners. therefore. had to be very fit. but not very skilled in map-reading—which was a
The Brigade Commander shows obvious relief at the safe return of one of his Commanding Officers.
pity. The “ A " Squadron team (the holders) did well to finish fifth out of 53 entries, closely followed by Headquarters Squadron who were sixth. and the Regimental ‘Hors de Concours’ team (the Colonel, Chief Clerk, Capt. Connell. Sgt. Wennell) came seventh overall and were finally adjudged the winners of their section. Next season we look forward to a very successful season with a little less rain perhaps!
Hockey With the start of this season we lost S.S.M. Woods who had previously instilled so much spirit and vigour into the team and built it up into a much respected side. We wish him all the very best in his new job at Verden and trust he is still carrying on the good work; his past efforts made it relatively simple to organise an Inter Squadron Six-aside Competition in August. This was a very spirited affair. HQ. (1) winning. and gave a good insight into the new talent we had in the Regiment. Our team captain. S/Sgt. Hitchcock. R.E.M.E.. with his natural charm and persuasive manner, keeps the team hard at it and we have high hopes of gaining further laurels this year. Of the eight games played so far we have won seven and are therefore well placed in the 4 Division League. Our most memorable game last season was without doubt our 1-0 win against 7th Signal Regiment in the Army Cup. They were an excellent team and it was a very exciting game from start to finish. Unfortunately our next opponents, Queen’s Dragoon Guards. were just that bit better and beat us 1-0. However, we have already had our revenge on them this season in the league. The mainstays of the team are still Sgt. D. Melbourne and Cpl. McEvoy in attack and they are ably supported by no less than five members of the L.A.D. R.E.M.E. and our A.P.T.C. man S.S.I. Bryan. S.S.M. McKay still refuses to ‘ hang up’ his stick and manages to beat most to the ball despite being the oldest member of the team. Last. but not least, a welcome must be given to our latest recruit, but probably most experienced player. the Commanding Oflicer. whose presence seems to make us play just that much better.
Dusseldorf Steeplechase. Take your pick (Capt. Aylen up) L/Cpl. Partridge and Lt. Mackie.
Racing NCE upon a time there were ten little nigger boys . . . well. not nigger boys. actually, but race horses. And in fact there weren’t ten of them. but seven. So, once upon a time there were seven race horses and to cut a long and mostly depressing story short. now there are two. During the winter Prince Amber returned to England to continue racing. and Vigo’s Scroll and Mr. Mackie’s Hephaestus were sold in Germany. In the spring Major Aylen’s Savilla was sent to England as a brood mare. In the summer Gioradono. Mr. Couper’s five-year-old by French Biege, contracted periodic opthalmia which involved his powers of vision varying somewhere between pushed and impossible. an unhappy state for a jumper. ‘ Mrs. Aylen’s Counterfoil broke down in the carly part of the season. was fixed and is now back in light work. However. he doesn’t seem entirely happy with his new legs and we might well feel obliged-t0 give somebody else their chance With him. And lastly. Major Lockhart’s Take Your Pick who. by some strange twist of luck. got to a racecourse on six occasions and salvaged an otherwise blank season with a win and five places. But even he has spent some of
his time on three legs and for far too much of the season the place has looked more like a bloodstock inlirmary than a racing stable. But there must be a good chance of a change of fortune for next season. Capt. Connell is bringing one out, hopefully Gioradono and Counterfoil will be replaced. and The Blues have a number of known performers whom we hope might produce material evidence of their interest. Regrettably our own season’s history reflects the generally poor year of all British military racing interests in Germany. The 10th Hussars sent their remaining few animals to join the llth Hussars in Hohne at the beginning of the season. and now with the llth’s move to England imminent. that combined stable has sold up. a couple of horses going to the l6th/5th Lancers who at the moment look like being our sole companions in racing next season. Lastly. and as ever, our very many thanks to L/Cpl. Patridge and Tpr. MacDonald In spite of the chronicle of almost unrelieved depression, they have remained cheerful and unvaryingly hardworking throughout.
Breaking Covert—Quarter Finals
Full Cry—Semi-Finals
THERE has probably never been a year in the history of polo in the Royals which did not start ofl? with the mean “fings ain’t wot they uster to.” It was no surprise, therefore, to find that part of the high-goal, experienced team we had hoped to field this year was not available. Luckily, Colonel Peter managed to arrange matters so that his posting was delayed until after the first two rounds of the inter-Regimental, so we started off with Scott (1), Boucher (2), Reid (3). Hewson (back), The first round was a dramatic match against the 14th/20th King’s Hussars which we were awarded after a wild scramble with the goals widened in extra time. The 14th/ 20th looked like scoring the winning goal at one time, but luckily Colonel Peter was able to dismount and sit on the ball in the nick of time before our opponents could strike at it, thus making an interesting deciv sion for the umpires.
game thoroughly in spite of some not very good ponies. In the club tournaments we enjoyed our— selves and had our successes. At Dusseldorf
The semi-final put us against the favourites, the Q.D.Gs. We gave them a good run for their money but qualified only for the privilege of playing the 10th Hussars in the losers’ match. Colonel Reid played with great ferocity and dash in this his last match with the Regiment. The Captains and Subalterns were unlucky to meet a very strong team in the first round and were well and truly beaten. Nevertheless, Couper, Aylen, Woodward and Hewson gained valuable experience and enjoyed the
we played with the Q.D.Gs. and won one of the cups, and the same at Munster where Baron von Maltzhahn joined us. Another exciting final chukka here when Reid scored a really dramatic goal from 70 yards and then gave heart to the opposition when he missed a penalty hit from two yards. In this same chukka Golondrina got bored of polo, and Scott gave a fine display of jumping some distance from the ground. The ponies conveniently came up with us to the ranges. so we were able to take part in the Hohne Tournament, and left in proud possession of our speciality — the Losers’ Cup, and a hangover from an overdose of Pimms No. 1. We again fielded a team for Lippspringe where Woodward joined us and played particularly well to help Amery, Boucher and Couper win the Q.D.G. cup. We look forward to next year when we welcome some fine players from The Blues who hope to be bringing some good ponies. Finally. our thanks to the Ofiicers’ Trust which has helped us all to keep the game going and in particular to the old hands. Sgt. Cook. L/Cpl. Jones. Tprs. Ashmore, Painter and Turnbull. and the newcomers, Tprs. Hourigan and Notridge, all of whom have maintained our enviable reputation for turning out our ponies in first class condition right through the season.
MAJOR 0. J. LEWIS Owen Lewis joined us as a bright young Second-Lieutenant from Sandhurst in early 1949. and left us as a weathered Major in 1967. And during all that time he probably made more friends in all walks of Regimental life than others could ever hope for. "One of Owen’s ‘good men ”’ was normally how one referred to a soldier serving in the MT. Troop~or guard roomein the Wesendorf days. Regimental heavyweight boxer, rugger captain, Bentley enthusiast and Arabist. Owen formed and ran the Qatar armed forceSuone troop of armoured cars~for a year or two and delighted in being paid very special rates by both the British Army and the Sultan. He caught goat-fever. Despite this, he passed the medical and was one of the first Cavalry officers to become a pilot. Flying those early machines with considerable skill, he twice made an involuntary descent and stepped happily unharmed out of total wreckage. The younger generation will remember him as a born raconteur, and thanks to him. those wonderful tales of the Maggot’s car Uncle Jinx live on.
Best of luck, Big, and sell plenty of China clay! MAJOR P. W. F. ARKWRIGHT Philip Arkwright was born to be a Cavalry oflicer and happily it was to the Royals he was posted in 1955. Straightway his success on the racecourse testified to his ability as a horseman, whilst in barracks he boxed and played cricket for the Regiment. A copybook career followed, including such appointments as R.S.O., Adjutant. R.A.C. Schools Instructor, Squadron Leader and Editor of The Eagle,
unbounding energy and enthusiasm for all aspects of Regimental activity inspired tremendous loyalty, and life could never be dull when he was around. Playing polo and sitting the Stafl College exam were the only pastimes in which he refused to indulge! No one really believed that one day he would leave, but unhappily, on lst April he proved us wrong. His colourful personality, zest for life and vile expletive directed on his little dog will be sadly missed. We wish him good luck in his business venture and hope still to see plenty of him in the future.
Tpr. Turner to Marion Grusewski, on July 5. 1968, at Detmold, W. Germany. Tpr. Simmons to Carol Ann West, on July 13, 1968. at Rodmell, Sussex.
Marriages Tpr. Berwick to Sylvia Jean Wooldridge, on January 6, 1968, at Horsham. Bdsm. Hagger to Maureen Christine Lovett, on February 3, 1968, at St. Peter’s Cray. Tpr. Barry to Carol Ann Nice, on February 17, 1968, at Wandsworth. S/Sgt. Louch to Margaret Alexandra Homer Francis, on March 20. 1968, at Derby. ‘ L/Cpl. Ayres to Margaret Yvonne Griffin, on March 23, 1968, at Birmingham. L/Cpl. Howell to Dianne Jane Houckman. on March 23, 1968. at Hoo, Kent. Tpr. Westall to Adelheid Elfriede Schwuchow, on May 31. 1968. at Barntrup. W. Germany. Tpr. Norris to Valerie Ann Thomas, on June 1, 1968. at Lancing, Sussex. . Tpr. McGowan to Maureen Christian Figg, on June 1, 1968. at Chatham. Tpr. Savage to Marilyn Irena Adams, on June 8, 1968. at Ovingham, Sussex.
Tpr. (now L/Cpl.) and Mrs. Norris, lst June, 1968.
Tpr. Steel to Kathleen Moya Lodge, on August 17. 1968. at Hornchurch, Essex. Tpr. Williams (643) to Heather Lillian Foreman. on September 7. 1968, at East— wood, Essex. Tpr. Garrett to Shirley Rose Harrod. on September 21. 1968, at Islington. L/Cpl. Raven to Helen Burns, on September 28. 1968. at Woolwieh. Tpr. Grant to Doreen Vera Payne. on September 28. 1968, at London. Tpr. Graves to Patricia Edith Hume, on
October 5. 1968, at Middlesborough. L/‘Cpl. S‘winton to Yvonne Lilian Hobbs, on October 6, 1968. at Hatfield Hyde, Herts. Cpl. Hildred to Gwendoline Margaret Wild. on October 12, 1968, at Hammersmith. Cfn. Stoddart to Helena Van Der Maaden. on April 4. 1968. at Amsterdam. Cfn. Purdom to Cheryn Susan Lewis, on June 1. 1968. at Aylesbury. Cfn. Physick to Simone Josephine Clement, on August 17. 1968. at Camden. Pte. Edmond (A.C.C.) to Gisela Koek, on January 8, 1968. at Aberdeen.
Births L/Cpl. and Mrs. Cooksey. at B.M.H. Rinteln. on November 26. 1967. a daughter. Joanne-Louise. Bdsm. and Mrs. Williams, at B.M.H. Rinteln. on January 12, 1968, a daughter, Jenette. L/Cpl. and Mrs. Gauge. at B.M.H. Rinteln. on January 22. 1968. a daughter, Beverly. Tpr. and Mrs. Smith (780). at B.M.H. Rinteln. on January 25, 1968. a daughter, Lynn Tracy. Tpr. and Mrs. Henchion. at St. Mary‘s Hospital. Paddington. on February 4. 1968. a son. Paul Fitzgerald. Tpr. and Mrs. Bailey. at Guys Hospital. London. on February 16. 1968. a daughter. Sharon. Sgt. and Mrs. Weeks. at Maidstone. on February 24. 1968. a daughter, Rachael. Tpr. and Mrs. Enticknap. at B.M.H. Rin— teln. on March 2, 1968. a son. Mark Anthony. S/Sgt. and Mrs. Remfry. at B.M.H. Rinteln. on March 4. 1968. a son. Antony Martin. Cpl. and Mrs. Chamberlain, at M.R.S. Sennelager. on March 5. 1968. a son. Derek.
Cpl. and Mrs. Gregory. at B.M.H. Rinteln. on February 15. 1968. a daughter. Karen Susan. Cpl. and Mrs. Livingstone. at B.M.H. Rinteln. on April 26. 1968, a daughter. Audrey. Tpr. and Mrs. Hutt, at B.M.H. Rinteln. on May 8. 1968. a son. Julian Anthony. Tpr. and Mrs. Kendon. at B.M.H. Rinteln.
(As a! [at November, [968)
Major S. E. M.
W.O.l and Mrs. Watorski, at Canterbury. on June 6. 1968, a daughter. Michelle Mary Bridget. Tpr. and Mrs. Fairs, at Worthing. on June 8. 1968. a daughter. Lucy Jane. Tpr. and Mrs. Coram. at B.M.H. Rinteln. on July 6, 1968, a son. Stacey Dean. Sgt. and Mrs. Melbourne, at B.M.H. Rinteln. on July 8. 1968, a son. Antony Paul. L/Cpl. and Mrs. Morris, at B.M.H. Rinteln. on July 10, 1968, a son, Andrew David. Cpl. and Mrs. McEvoy. at Detmold Krankenhaus. on July 23. 1968, a daughter, Julie. Cpl. and Mrs. Mullins. at St. Luke’s Hos‘ pital, Kilkenny, Eire. on July 30. 1968, a son. James Brian. Tpr. and Mrs. Mason. at M.R.S. Sennelager. on August 14. 1968, a daughter. Paula Valerie. Cpl. and Mrs. Murphy. at B.M.H. Rinteln. on September 9, 1968, a daughter. Hellen May. Sgt. and Mrs. McDonald, at B.M.H. Rinteln. on December 13, 1967. a daughter. Alison. Sgt. and Mrs. Cook. at M.R.S. Sennelager. on December 21, 1967, a daughter, Anna Marie. Cfn. and Mrs. Carr, at B.M.H. Rinteln. on January 5. 1968. a son. Paul Andrew.
Cpl. and Mrs. Freeman (A.C.C.). at B.M.H. Rinteln. on December 27, 1967. a daughter, Tracy Jane. Capt. and Mrs. Spencer. at B.M.H. Rinteln. on October 16. 1968. a daughter. Camilla Sophie.
Lt.—Col. R. M. H. Capt. J. G. Harfitiltonfi usse
Assistant Adjutant
Lt. J. C. Leech
Training Adjutant
Capt. T. W. P. Connell
W.O.I Watorski
Vickers, M.V.o., M.B.E.
on May 29. 1968, a son. Stephen Robert.
Sgt. and Mrs. Laing, at St. Luke’s Hospital. Guildford, on March 17. 1968. a son. Darren Cunningham. Sgt. and Mrs. Thomas. at B.M.H. Rinteln. on May 27. 1968. a daughter. Nicola Dawn.
S.H.Q. Major J. J. F. Scott Capt. D. H. Spencer S.SM. MacKay S.H.Q. Tnoop
L/Cpl. Gregory
Sgt. La Roche
Tpr. Holmes, 1 RTR
L/Cpl. Emberson
Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr.
L/Cpl. Evcnden Tpr. Bennett Tpr. Coggins Tpr. Haine Tpr. Smith Tpr. Ward Tpr. Wilkinson ADMINISTRATIVE TROOP S.Q.M S. Heath Cpl. Jordan Cpl. Parkes Cpl. Thurston Tpr. Allison Tpr. Back Tpr. Callaghan Tpr. Cronin, 1 RTR Tpr. Fairs Tpr. Hanley
Tpr. O’Connell Tpr. Westall, 4 RTR Tpr. Winn, 5 DG lsr TROOP Sgt. Cox Cpl. Brown (496) L/Cpl. Ayres
Jones Longhurst Marshall Northover Mason
2ND TROOP 2/Lt. 1. Matthews
Sgt. Cook Cpl. Neafsey L/Cpl. Grant, 17/21 L Tpr. Batchelor Tpr. Bramble Tpr. Flude
4m Tnoor
Lt. N. N. Wheeler CoH Chapman, RHG Cpl. Brown (062) L/Cpl. Scammell
Tpr. Blomquist Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr.
French Gardiner Gillard Stickels Reed
Tpr. Garrett Tpr. McCormack, 17/21 L
S/Sgt. Town Sgt. Brantingham
Cpl. Longstaff 3RD TRoor Lt. A. N. D. Bols Sgt. Burroughs Cpl. Chamberlain Cpl. Aucutt, RHG L/Cpl. Schooley, 5 DG Tpr. Barden Tpr. Buckle Tpr. Stainsby Tpr. Saull Tpr. Steel
Cpl. Pickering Cpl. Greenfield Cpl. Russell L/Cpl. Nuesink Cfn Brown
Cfn. Carr Cfn. Doyle Cfn. Harrison
Cfn. Physick Cfn. Saul Cfn. Styles
“ B " SQUADRON S.H.Q. Major W. S. H. Boucher Capt. N. M. B. Roberts S.S.M. Leesc S.H.Q. TROOP
Cpl. Lisney L/Cpl. Calvert L/Cpl. Cooksey L/Cpl. IMec Tpr. O‘Sullivan Tpr. Pennings Tpr. Spice Tpr. Beale
Tpr. Thomson Tpr. Greer Tpr. Parker ADMINISTRATIVE TRooP S.Q.M.S. Heart] Sgt. Wallace Cpl. Craig Cpl. Morley
L/Cpl. Kcarns L/Cpl. Mills Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr.
Buckman King Young Scdgwick Shepherd A’lartin Swanncll, 3 DG
lsr TROOP Lt. E. N. Brooksbank Cpl. Garvey Cpl. Jones, RHG L/Cpl. O’ConnelTpr. Caple (882) Tpr. Patrick Tpr. Williamson Tpr. Allen, 5 DG Tpr. Doubtfire
S/Sgt. Rainger
S/Sgt. Vokes
Cpl. Smithers L/ Cpl. Head L/Cpl. Best Tpr. Caple (628) Tpr. Williams (429)
Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr.
Brodie, 5 DG Kemp Blackley Morley Craig
Z/Lt. P. B. Rogers Sgt. Wilkins Cpl. Mullins Tpr. Kennedy
Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr.
Denning Whyte Goodman Godding Haley Ollin
Tpr. Ford
Sgt. Hancock Major C. B. Amery
Cpl. Springer Cpl. Thomson L/Cpl. Musgrove L/Cpl. Brown L/Cpl. Watt
Cfn. Guare Cfn. Cunnington
Cfn. Meadows Cfn. Tyson Cfn. Billmore
Capt. R. 3. Bell, RCD S.S.M. Crabb S.H.Q. & R. SIGNALS TROOP S.Q.M.S. Brooks
Tpr. Roberts, 3 RTR
Sgt. Coatsworth, R. Sigs. Cpl. Nash, R. Sigs. Cpl. Firth, R. Sigs.
Tpr. Scannell Tpr. Tolhurst Tpr. Voice, QRIH
L/Cpl. Raven
Tpr. Walters
L/Cpl. Dunn
Tpr. Williams (643)
Sig. Norsworthy
Tpr. Wyatt
Tpr. Pennings (707)
Smith, RHG Shaughnessy Wilson Smith, 17/21 L
Cpl. Murphy L/ Cpl. Jones Tpr. Painter, 16/5 L Tpr. Turnbull
Tpr. Perry Tpr. Dennahy, 1 RTR
Tpr. Ashmore Tpr. Hourigan
Tpr. Cooper
Tpr. Notridge
Bdsm. Williams (767)
Bdsm. Willis
S.Q.M.S. Wood
CoH Peck, RHG Cpl. Ford
Cpl. Sibley L/Cpl. Fullick, 3 RTR L/Cpl. Carroll
L/Cpl. Putland
Sgt. Best Cpl. Hildred
S.Q.M.S. Hayes
Cpl. Jackson, 16/5L
Cpl. Petterson
Cpl. Kinstrey Cpl. Byrne
Cpl. Hayes
Cpl. Clay (RHG) L/Cpl. Hamilton L/Cpl. Rankin Tpr. Farmer, 5 DG Tpr. Hullett Tpr. Mitchell (404) Tpr. Stevens
Reece TROOP Lt. J. F. Mackie
Major J. A. Aylen Capt. C. E. T. Eddison
Sgt. Edwards
S.S.M. Tucker
Cpl. Elmslie Cpl. Woolard Cpl. McEvoy
Capt. T. J. Williams R.Q.M.S. Titmarsh S.Q.M.S. Hunt
Sgt. Wight Cpl. Brandon
Tpr. Henchion
Sgt. Strudwick
Tpr. Henson
4TH TROOP Lt. R. N. O. Couper
Tpr. Roberts Tpr. Russell Tpr. Ward
Cpl. Emery Cpl. Davis
L/Cpl. Reid L/Cpl. Morris (968) 5 DG
Cpl. Cooper
L/Cpl. Morris
L/Cpl. Wall
Tpr. Barry
L/Cpl. Norris Tpr. Joyce, Q.R.I.H. Tpr. Lyons Tpr. Notridge (054) Tpr. Pritchard
L/Cpl. Bickmore Tpr. Coram Tpr. Heal, LG Tpr. Knight, l4/20H
Tpr. Faulkner Tpr. Hutchinson Tpr. McGowan
Sgt. Melbourne Cpl. Adams L/Cpl. Cokayne
S.Q.M.S. Poulter Cpl. Black
L/Cpl. Hughes Tpr. Farrell Tpr. Hogan
L/Cpl. Catlin L/Cpl. Fielding L/Cpl. Partridge
Tpr. Kendon Tpr. McKenzie Tpr. Wastling
L/ Cpl. Rose
Tpr. Webb
Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr.
Allen Docherry Holmes MacDonald MacForbes Hendley
Tpr. Overton lsr TROOP Sgt. Straw
3121) TROOP Sgt. Matthew
Cpl. Livingstone Cpl. Coleman L/Col. Gibbs L/Cpl. Golding L/Cpl. Crowley
Cpl. Dixon L/Cpl. Butler L/Cp]. Smith (384)
Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr.
Birch Chamberlain Egan Savage
Tpr. Ford
Tpr. Thornburrow
Tpr. Palmer
L/Cpl. Harman
Tpr. Rixon
Tpr. Rennolds Tpr. Standen Tpr. Van der Bijl
Tpr. Smith (986)
STH TROOP Sgt. Hayward L/Cpl. Tucker L/Cpl. Triggs Tpr. Borcham Tpr. Peasegood Tpr. Turner
Capt. F. Fletcher Sgt. Grinyer Cpl. Howell Cpl. Murtagh
FITTER TROOP Sgt. Varley Cpl. Gordon
Cpl. Stone L/Cpl. Hammett L/Cpl. Shawcross L/Cpl. Smith (109) Cfn. Elliott Cfn. Higson Cfn. Holman Cfn. Love Cfn. Short
L/Cpl. Heal, QDG
L/Cpl. Benn L/Cpl. Curran L/Cpl. Trist—Collins Tpr. Amey Tpr. Baldwin Tpr. Blackwell
Cpl. O’Dwyer Cpl. Birt Tpr. McGinlay Tpr. Smith (780) Tpr. Willson, 5 DG OFFICERs’ MESS TRQOP S.Q.M.S. Cummings L/Cpl. Emmett Tpr. Hagger, l RTR
Tpr. Graves Tpr. Hart Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr.
LOCk, l RTR Parsons Robinson Shell Simmonds, QRIH Wardell, 5 DG Whyte
Tpr. Haighton Tpr. Rochford Tpr. Pyne REGIMENTAL BAND
MT, T 11001)
S.S.I. Bryan, APTC
Cpl. Cain
S.H.Q. TRoor
Tpr. Maskell
Capt. A. S. Ayrton
Tpr. Murphy
Tpr. Kennard Tpr. Murray Tpr. Hennessy
Stephens Tcnderowicz Watts White, RTR
R.Q.M.S. Paul S.Q.M.S. Remfrey
Tpr. Heymerdinguer, 14/20 H
Tpr. Freund
Bdsm. Bdsm. Bdsm. Bdsm.
Tpr. Carrington Tpr. Edwards
L/Cpl. Markwick
Bdsm. Skews, QRIH
STABLES Sgt. Cooke
Bdsm. Keys, 4/7DG Bdsm. Saville
Bdsm.WiCl}liams, (136)
Sig. McMahon
2/Lt. C. H. Boone Sgt. Weeks
Cpl. Tpr. Tpr. Tpr.
Bandmastcr Mackay S.Q.M.S. Fisher, Greys
Sgt. Millett L/Cpl. Byrne Tpr. Dreckman, 14/20H. Tpr. Phillips Tpr. Smith (080) Tpr. Wartanowicz
T/M Shearn
Paovosr TROOP
Sgt. Everson, 14/20H. Sgt. Burgess, 4/7DG Sgt. Watts, 13/18H Cpl. Meikle, Greys L/Cpl. Trachy L/Cpl. Brittain, 14/20H.
Cpl. Sweeney L/Cpl. Hill L/Cpl. Bolton
Sgt. McCormick
Tpr. Roach
L/Cpl. Mexter R.Q.R. TROOP L/Cpl. Nolan, 16/5L.
L/Cpl. Maytum, l7/21L.
W.O.I Weaver, B.E.M. Sgt. Wennell Cpl. Lee Cpl. Freeman
Tpr. Carpenter
Bdsm. Baines
Tpr. Carter (026) Tpr. Fairey
Bdsm. Chatwin Bdsm. Davidson
Tpr. Grant
Bdsm. Doe, QDG Bdsm. Eatch
Cpl. Sproats
Bdsm. Goodwin Bdsm. Griffiths Bdsm. Graver
L/Cpl. Weston
Tpr. Howard Tpr. Harvey
Tpr. Hawes, 3 RTR Tpr. Henderson Tpr. Martin
Bdsm. Harman
L/Cpl. Munro Tpr. Carter, 3 RTR Tpr. France Tpr. Provost
M.R.S. TROOP Capt. R. J. Stewart Tpr. Sambrook, 1 RTR Tpr. Stevenson Tpr. Wilkinson, 15/19H. Cooxs’ 'Iizoor W'.O.H Newbiggin Cpl. Barrett
Sgt. Laing Cpl. Cpl. Cpl. Cpl.
Cpl. Sale
Cpl. Hingley Pte. Ashley PIC. Matthews
Rowley Vaughan
Conncll L/Cpl. Davies L/Cpl. Hopkins L/Cpl. Ward
L/Cpl. Turner Cpl. Barnett
Cfn. Carter Cfn. Cooper Cfn. Dunn
L/Cpl. Freeman L/Cpl. Hastie L/Cpl. Longman
L/Cpl. Joughlin
H.Q. L.A.D. R.E.M.E.
L/Cpl. Maguire
Capt. R. M. Lipsett Z/Lt. J. D. Snodgrass A.S.M. Mercer W'.O.II Brooker
Pte. Ash Pte. Chapman Pte. Pte. Pte. Pte. Pte.
Pte. Pte. Tpr. Callaghan, l RTR
(”litters and Soldiers at Extra Regimental
Cpl. Saul Humble
Capt. E. Brookes S/Sgt. St. John James
Employment MINISTRY OF DEFENCE, LONDON Lt.-Col. P. D. Reid Major B. J. Hodgson Major A. B. T. Davey Capt. P. T. Keightley Capt. J. M. Lloyd Major (Q.M.) E. L. Payne
Cfn. Featonby
Cfn. Gilfillan Cfn. Henderson Cfn. Kelly Cfn. Kerslake Cfn. Large Cfn. Mansbridge
S/Sgt. Fairbairn
S/ Sgt. Hitchcock S/Sgt. McDonald
Cfn. Cfn. Cfn. Cfn. Cfn. Cfn.
Sgt. Arnott Sgt. Kesby Sgt. Cooke
Sgt. Thomas
Regiments to which individuals will be posted are shown where applicable.
McKeen Morrison
Reynolds Stoddart Tucker Wright
J.L.R. R.A.C., BOVINGTON W.O.II Darling. RTR Sgt. Boakes, 3 RTR Sgt. Hales Sgt. Whellans, Greys 3 FLIGHT A.A.C., TIDWORTH Sgt. Clark Sgt. Heller R.A.C. PARA SQUADRON, TIDWORTH Sgt. Corcoran. 1 RTR L/Cpl. Davies L/Cpl. Weaver Tpr. Fuller Tpr. Langton Tpr. O’Donohoe Tpr. Reid (4331 A .A.S. A RBORFIELD
Sgt. Owen F.V.R.D.E.. CHERTSEY
Sgt. Priestman, 16/5 L.
L/Cpl. Aldridge MONS O.C.S.. ALDERSHOT L/Cpl. Blundell Tpr. Gregory Tpr. Huckstepp
H.Q. ARMY AVIATION 3 DIVISION, BULFORD Tpr. Brownless. Q.R.I.H. Tpr. Curtis Tpr. Thomson (387)
Sgt. Sgt. Cpl. Cpl.
R.M.C.S., SHRIVENHAM Capt. B. J. Lockthart Capt. J. W. L. Bucknall Tpr. Goody
R.A.(,‘. RANGES. CASTLEMARTIN. WALES Major J. A. Dimond. M.c. Sgt. Greatrex. Q.R.I.H.
1 o
R.A.(‘. TRAINING REGIMENT, CATTERICK Evans. Q.O.H. Wilkinson Pearce Va11ins
Sgt. Cpl. Cpl. Tpr. Tpr.
R.A.C. GUNNERY SCHOOL. LULWORTH Melia Brown (405) Reeves Ambler. R.C.T. Honeysett. R.C.T.
Tpr. West Tpr. Youngs. 17/21 L.
IIQ. D.R.A.C.. BOVINGTON Cpl. Budden Tpr. B-erwick
7 C.C.F.. MAIDSTONE Sgt. Bayne. 5 DO
R.A.C. CENTRE REGIMENT (H/S) Lt.-Col. C. Banham, M.C. Sgt. Cameron Cpl. Pentecost L/Cpl. David L/Cpl. Falvey Tpr. Moran Tpr. Savage (029) R.A.C. CENTRE REGIMENT, BOVINGTON Major D. S. A. Boyd Capt. C. M. Barne S/Sgt. Bujko
Tpr. Hall (839). Q.R.I.H. HOUSEHOLD CA VALRY REGIMENT. LONDON Sgt. Smith L/Cpl. Fra-mpton
42 W.E.T.C.. PERTHSHIRE W.O.l Clark J.T.R.. RHYL S/Sgt. Webster, 17/21 L.
S.A.F. MUSCAT Capt. P. M. R. Brook
[3 FLIGHT A.A.C., SHAR/AH Cpl. Finch L/Cpl. Taylor (608)
Capt. B. H. Coode
Tpr. Connelly, 14/20 H. Tpr. O’Callaghan
H.Q. UNFICYP, CYPRUS Lt. I. M. D. L. Weston L/Cpl. Thompson Tpr. Lane. 1 RTR
Major D. Miller Capt. D. P. L. Hewson
S.Q.M.S. Weller HQ. 20 ARMOURED BRIGADE, DETMOLD Capt. A. E, Woodward
L/Cpl. Howell
L /Cpl. Lane L/Cpl. Thornton Tpr. Price Tpr. Kendall Tpr. Davis (711) Tpr. Brown (861) Tpr. McBryan Tpr. Collins Tpr. Lees Tpr. Finnie Tvpr. Bridgen
RHEINDAHLEN GARRISON Cpl. Proctor Cpl. Sowerby. l RTR
Sgt. Acton
Cpl. Barrett H.Q. I (BR) CORPS, BIELEFELD Cpl. Gange L/Cpl. Campbell L/ Cpl. Taylor (605) Tpr. Dunn (360), 5 DO. Tpr. Grimes, 5 DO. Tpr. Hudson, 5 DC. Tpr. Nash, 1 RTR Tpr. Peters, 3 RTR Tpr. Salisbury H.Q. B.A.O.R. ARMOURED BRANCH W.O.I Wood
Sgt. Bell
Tpr. Brady
Tpr. Hows Tpr. McKenzie (334)
THE END The Royal Dragoons are proud they say, Proud and loyal in every way; They’ve worked togther as a team And now it’s shattered like a dream.
The big men say they cannot wait. That we must soon amalgamate: They’ve picked The Blues for us to join, Just 50’s to save a measly coin.
So come next March, you’ll see the last 0f men with a proud and famous past: No more will their flag fly in the sky. They know how the Eagle came to die. TPR. BARDEN
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Produced for the Editor, “ The Eagle,” The Journal of The Royal Dragoons, by Combined Service Publications, Ltd., 67-68, Jermvn Street, St James’s, London, S.W.t. Printed in Great Britain by F',J' Parsons, Ltd.. The Adelphr, John Adam Street, London, W.C.2, and Heating and Folkeatonet Advertisement Agents: Servrce Newspapers. Ltd” 67~68, Jermyn Street, SIWJ, (Phone: 01-930 r 108-9).
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first fcrnei hqiy pa '(F‘yal fidrsq CuerTs T. numheT of WLth RQYA S firewall ELLANFS in iherfi NV09 NEE, and
= ~ in *
CflFWfinflri NU
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fps 911 Royals n' 6f fin dual ‘OLI “Fter the
r,r¢<niihq OTT'*'; " Cal F‘M‘U. VICKERS, “f the h ‘ a: i vii Cdiiain A.H,
PARKER—E WLES From t 3 rear pfirty of vehicle? in t‘
Werq re \"@i, t1 refluct ir
and the main
Frdm li‘
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During thi
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arriving. FITZPATHICK, A if City Of Laniony ‘ ’ J senisr ofiicers ihcln éveninj the pfirty in honour ”” and Cmrporrls OfleH ,1 tri r
In the W csckteil W'rreht Of¢icers
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’mon Will be
; ‘Wnl Royals Ling TETMOLD fir the nocwnimnw
p “V at
durinr 3“» DETNOLE‘
Meetinv'will takc
include S‘tflhl‘v'fl r‘r'i nnf"
C013 Stink
A u Citizens of Rerimenfal Athletics filiW‘ *tinn va F:r@*w "ill tmkc pine: and ”ill hf TTk.Gnll Stick"§ tht TrOPPin‘ OF the Regimental finl qflvwnc in TCVim" WTA‘F. Afthf thfi PTTadP the ”n! in th ”9+“FHDTn h; ‘il‘ inshflct the' fir fur? out.
tare Mess iinner.
11:1;nre1cs "111_ be 3mrricks, PIRBRIGHT
In wflfliti“n to 1w held at 1100 hrs an 1
1111 be serving in
Camp nn1. BOVINGTOW C”; the United Kingicn ii
General The Canrel Commanding C11 will be
The pdrnde nt Hancurable Niehiel F the kusehrlfi Divisi“ playeii011
ROYALS) :m " Queen by Lt
the 1V
attuchei to National Anthem ROYALS. The Bari served in the 01' after the psrwlm
VHTY (f“~‘
cess fram Her r M“Jesty The Copy 7f these addresses is the plmving of the me Shes of The BLUES AND Drinks will be *tenl"nce. “ii Junior Ranks Club
The per11e at inspecting Cf1031‘, Armourel Corps anfl tPe will be in attendean
GEE, Director Royal
consist of the U to the Junior Wousehold Cavalry
At PlRURI Guerflsm Treininfi Fin111y the 31_ by The 3TUFS AND BOY After-::: 14th :f A June to Of July Commanfiinq regiment in nerations
well train; physicaIly
g0 te SOLTAU from the .ron “F .hing. from the 23rd of
a.4.1m (1
LeENE ini Tram the 27th
Trdining. icient
The ermourei
to turn out for yrs. commaniers ebeve 111 with boiri in 911 firms
of sport, If
1110 1 fine start.