The Edge of Chaos Directed by Sam Uhlemann (IRL) The Maltese Connection Directed by Danny Patrick (UK) Give Them Wings Directed by Seán Cronin (UK) About Mother Directed By Melanie Subono, Reza Nangin (Indonesia) Save Me From Everything Directed by Ryan Lacen, Anthony Baldino (USA) Once Upon A Time in Ireland Directed by Conor Slattery (IRL) The Last Roll
Directed By Dáire
With Kind Permission Salvatore Conte All rights reserved.
McNab (IRL)
It Started on the Streets Directed by Shane Serrano (IRL) Eye Of The River Directed by Shane Serrano (IRL) Nothing to Declare Directed by Garret Daly (IRL) Kilkee; The Documentary Directed by Billy Allen (IRL)
Converted Directed by Suzie Keegan (IRL) Spray Directed by Vidda Roshinns (IRL) A Haiku to My Mind via Limerick Sit Down & Shut Up
Directed by Jonny
Directed by
Farrelly (IRL)
Cian O’Connor (IRL)
This Is Easy Directed by Rachel Gregan (IRL) TransSiberia Directed by Ciaran O’Conell
Turf Directed by Ara Devine The Essay Directed by Alba Fernandez Imbas Forosnai Directed by Shane Serrano Inherent Directed by Anthony Moriarty Gloaming Directed by Seán Clancy The Cure Directed by Gordon Hickey Before His Eyes Directed by Paul Boyle On the Iron Shelf Directed by Johan Worrall The First Fear Directed by Martha Fitzgerald Transmission Directed by Carleton Rodgers
Strength in Faith Directed by Róisín Bentley (IRL)
The Time Machine Directed by max F. D’Eramo (IRL) The Bins Directed by Ben Spillane (IRL) Guys & Gals Directed by Sophie Brassil (IRL)
Best Foot Forward Directed by Seán Hart (IRL) A Haunting In Coolock Directed by Sadhbh Hughes, George Sharpson The Winner Directed by Anna Moloney (IRL) Good Grief Directed by Peter Young (IRL) Little Moments
Directed by Óisín
McKeogh (IRL)
Another Day Directed by Daniel Topic (UK) High and Dry Directed by Benedict Goddard (IRL) Brother Directed by Louis Maxwell (IRL) Otava Directed by Lana Bregar (Slovenia) Tears to the Sea Directed by Luciana Webber Baseggio, Emma Smith (Brazil) Sisters
Directed by Étáin
Nash (IRL)
One For The Road Directed by Eileen Tracey (UK) Rosie Directed by Mark Shaba (Aus) The Least I Can Do Directed by Seán Treacy (IRL) A Good Deed Directed by Kevin Scott (IRL)
Calla Lilies Directed by Aidan Hamell (USA)
Turtle Bird Directed by Daniel Houghton (USA) Between & Almost Directed by Kimberley Harvey, Mark Fitzgerald (UK) Departure Directed by Stephen Hall (IRL) Broken: A Lockdown Story Directed by TJ O’Grady Peyton Barry Directed by John Robert Brown (IRL) One for the Ditch Directed by David Gilna, Louis Maxwell
Tatiana Directed by Marta di Giovanni (IRL) In the Room Directed by Jonathan Hughes (IRL) 180 Degrees Directed by Jenn McGuirk (IRL) Happy Birthday Directed by Tracy Martin (IRL) But Then Directed by Frank W. Kelly (IRL) Every Limerence Helps
Directed by
Beibhinn Naughton (IRL)
A Real Genuine Guy Directed by Jamie Sykes (IRL)
Signal Directed by Diarmjid donohoe (IRL) Locked In Directed by Leah Margaret Rossiter (IRL) HUM Directed by Maureen O’Connell (IRL) Contrition Directed By Darrenn Kelleher (IRL) Red Rider Directed by Emma Fisher-Owen, Ivan Fisher-Owen (IRL) Terrible Things Directed by Ciarán Hickey (IRL) Therteen Directed by Cathriona Slammon (IRL)
Kathleen Was Here Directed by Eva Birdthistle (IRL) Triple Shot Directed by Colin Peppard (IRL) The Lock Up Directed by Charleigh Bailey (IRL) Ascending Grace Directed by Claire Byrne (IRL) ISS_Overs Directed by Luka Vukos (UK) I got your letter, John Bauer Directed by Noel Brady (IRL) To All My Darlings Directed by Lia Campbell (IRL)
Sentinel Directed by TJ O’Grady Peyton (IRL)
We Don’t Choose How Directed by Natasha Waugh (IRL) Wanna Hang Out Directed by Andrew Keogh (IRL) Safe Inside Directed by Peter Young (IRL) Ruthless Directed by Matthew McGuigan (IRL) Jellybabies Directed by Sophia Cadogan (IRL) On The Iron Shelf Directed by John Worrall (IRL) Good Thanks, You? Directed by Molly Manning Walker (UK)
The Cure Directed by Gordon Hickey (IRL) Rough Directed by Declan Lawn, Adam Patterson (IRL) The Sands of Time Directed by James Hughes (UK) I’ll Wait Here Directed by Tamryn Reinecke (IRL) Hoodwinkers Directed by Michael Keane (IRL) Bugaloo Directed by Peter McCarthy (IRL) Turf Directed by Ara Devine (IRL)
Silence Directed by TJ O’Grady Peyton (UK) Scrap Directed by Jamie O’Rourke (IRL) Qu’est-ce Que c’est Directed by Ian Brew (IRL) Chicken Out Directed by Richard Keane (IRL) A Short Horror Film Directed by Sau Dachi (IRL) Shifting Sands Directed by Liam Halligan (IRL) Ship of Souls Directed by Jean Pasley (IRL)
Witness Directed by Ali Asgari (Iran) Woman of Valour Directed by Dominic Davey (UK) The Lucky Man Directed by Laoisa Sexton (IRL) The Last Day of the Patriarchy Directed by Olmo Omerzu Flips Directed by Luke Corcoran (IRL) The Right Words Directed By Adrian Moyse Dullin (Fr)
Dọlápọ̀ is Fine Directed by Ethosheia Hylton (UK) Sleep Directed by Luke De Brún (IRL) Harvest Directed by Tristan Heanue (IRL)
August Sky Directed by Jasmin Tenucci (Brazil) Acheron Directed by Tommy Creagh (IRL) Re:Live Directed by Mark G Lawther (UK) Ninety Seconds Directed by Kevin J. McCorry (IRL) Xenos Directed by Miriam Kelleher, Carmel Kelleher (IRL) Wild Hunger Directed by Conor McCormick (IRL) Let’s Talk About George Directed by Nick Nevern (UK)
Wormhole In The Washer Directed by Paireac Keane (IRL) Shine Directed by Declan Curran (IRL) Debutante Directed by Kamila Dydyna (IRL) Standing On Your Grave Directed by Adam Howe (IRL) Chokablok Directed by Cameron Carver (UK) POPS Directed by Lewis Rose (UK) Rian Directed by Keith O’Grady (IRL)
Shear Directed by Riyadh Haque (UK) The Ephemeral Directed by Jorge Muriel (Spain) Flicker Directed by Nathan Fagan, Luke Daly (IRL) The Invisible Boy Directed By James Fitzgerald (IRL) Lead Belly Directed by Sean Glynn (UK) Sins of A Werewolf Directed by David Prenderville (IRL) Can’t Cry Directed by Seán Mullan (UK)
The Black River of Herself Directed by Patrick Hough (IRL)
© Photo by Harry Borden
As an IFTA Affiliated Festival all Films officially selected for #RHIFF2020 are eligible to apply for consideration for The Irish Film & Television Academy Awards in 2021**
**To check your eligibility for IFTA Awards please see the IFTA Website