Rhine Chan
Brand Identity & Interior design

公司名暫不公開 室內設計業 1~30人
室內設計/裝潢人員 高雄市新興區
負責接案,溝通,丈量,估算報價,簽約,PPT製作,開會,安排工程時間,進場,現場監工,驗收 台
珠寶設計師 台北市高級珠寶訂製設計 專門設計相關業 1~30人
美術設計 台北市信義區
創作故事,與客戶開會討論需求,拍攝珠寶作品及上架銷售,手繪及電繪畫作,包裝寄送 台
室內設計師助理 台北市室內設計公司 室內設計業 1~30人 室內設計/裝潢人員 台北市文山區
澳洲打工度假 旅遊服務業 1~30人
飯店工作人員 澳洲
體驗國外生活,觀察國外裝修設計,餐廳飯店的設計及動線安排,房務職務 上
上海聯合建築師事務所 建築設計業 室內設計/裝潢人員 上海市

武東實業股份有限公司 專門設計相關業 100~500人
織品設計 台南市仁德區
雷絲圖騰設計, 熟悉機台操作,製圖,布料染色 公司合作廠商:黛安芬,曼黛瑪璉等公司,每月自行創作新商品開發

R. R.
Graphic design
R. R.

R. R.

R. R.
Graphic design


We were not meant to be but you are my soulmate, my best friend, and the love of my life.

The Beautiful Life

But the beautiful life doesnʼt mean luxurious life it means relaxed , family , centric lifestyle.

The Beautiful Life

But the beautiful life doesnʼt mean luxurious life it means relaxed , family , centric lifestyle.

10 smart restauras Design Tips
Restaurant Design Tips That You Should Implement Right Away in Your Restaurant.

Your restaurant must be so designed that it would hypnotize your customers to your restaurants. The various restaurant layout ideas that you can bring into force are:
1. Have An Eye Turner Entrance
Make sure the entrance to your restaurant is designed exquisitely. Only when people know about your restaurant, they will come to your restaurant. Make it catch and unique, with the restaurant name bold and can enough to be read and understood from afar.

antiques, like architecture,are unwritten documents of history
10 smart restauras Design Tips
Design your restaurant entrance according to the theme of your restaurant. A restaurant selling seafood can have a shell-shaped or an aquarium entrance, while a jungle-themed restaurant can have a cave as an entrance.

2. Focus On Target Clients
While planning your restaurant design make sure that it is in tune with the customers you are planning to target. For instance, if you are targeting the young crowd, then you can experiment with your interiors.

You can use bold and bright colors, funky furniture, eye-catchy wall art, put up intriguing posters, have a trendy bar corner and bring in other innovations. On the contrary, if you are targeting corporate crowd, then you must try and keep it as simple and chic as possible.
Use base color, and keep the furniture edgy and the interiors clean, that will appeal to the corporate crowd who would visit your restaurant for corporate meetings. Your restaurant layout idea should keep your target customers in mind.

10 smart
restauras Design Tips
3. Light It Right
Lights are more vital that you might think of it as. Proper lighting can enhance the furniture, hide flaws, in short, it can increase your appeal to your customers. Adequate and appropriate lighting actually can change the entire face of the restaurant.

A tabletop filled with a pool of light in a semi-dark room can do wonders if you want to create an intimate space. On the contrary, if you’ re going to keep it funky, then use neon lights.
By Rhine Chan Designer/PORFOLIO
10 smart restauras Design Tips
4. Color It Wisely
According to psychologists, color has a significant impact on the brain of a person and also impacts the decision-making process of customers. Tacky colors or the ones that hurt the eyes will not be much appreciated. On the contrary, using proper color can help your restaurant look spacious; similarly, a wrong choice of color can shrink your restaurant space to a great extent.
While family restaurants look good in the pastel color, pubs and restro-bars should have vibrant colors. The colour you use must be in accordance with the theme of the restaurant and the clientele you are planning to target. Hence, it is fundamentally crucial for you to consult some professionals while selecting the color of your restaurant interiors.

R. R.

10 smart restauras Design Tips
5. Use A Variety Of Tables
Analyze your target customers to determine the right blend of tables. Mix up the two, four, and six top tables according to the type of restaurant. A perfect restaurant design should pay heed to the needs,

demands, and privacy of every customer, and make arrangements of the tables accordingly. Make sure your restaurant layout allows free movement of your customers without having to struggle while passing from one place to another.
By Rhine Chan Designer/PORFOLIO6. Have a Clear Layout
You need to plan the layout of the restaurant, creating a visual path for the customers. You must have a proper design to ensure that your plot is most effectively distributed amongst the various sections. For example, your washroom and kitchen size cannot and must not be the same. Hence, while deciding on the layout of the restaurant, consult in engaging with more than one professional and then finalizing on a single plan.

7. Play Good Music
Music is an essential component of your restaurant design. Music not only appeals to your ears, but it also appeals to all your senses. While deciding the type of music that needs to be played in your restaurant, you must take into account the theme of the restaurant. Your music must compliment your restaurant. You must indulge in comprehensive research about the different types of music and what effect it has on the customer behavior. For example, rock music tends to increase the appetite of the customers and makes them chew faster. On the other hand, classical music prompts the stomach for calm and refined food.
By Rhine Chan Designer/PORFOLIO8. Pay Attention to the Restrooms
This is often the most neglected section while planning a restaurant layout. However, it is one of the most critical areas that reflects the image of your restaurant. It is often seen, that while the restaurant owner spends bulks of money behind the restaurant design, they refuse to spend even a penny on the proper construction and maintenance of the washrooms. If your customers are required to walk over a puddle of pee to reach the toilet seat, if your washroom smells like that of a public toilet, it will certainly not leave a perfect impression on your customers, and in all probability, they will not return.

10 smart restauras Design Tips
9. Kitchen
The kitchen is where your menu comes to life. Hence, try and be as innovative as possible. Since open kitchens are now all the rage, you can have a big glass door. Customers find it quite fascinating to watch how the dishes are prepared. Invest in a unique shelf, if you are planning to have an open kitchen. Keep the kitchen well lighted with proper ventilation.
10. Heating and Ventilation
If your restaurant does not have adequate ventilation and all the smoke that is generated from the kitchen, instead of leaving the restaurant, stay back, and creates an uncomfortable atmosphere for your customers. To avoid any such situations, while designing your restaurant, you must install proper ventilation that will guide all the unnecessary smoke out of your restaurant, giving your customers a beautiful environment.

Restauras in the city
10 smart restauras Design Tips
We hope that after reading this, you have gained a comprehensive knowledge about how you need to venture into deciding your restaurant design. Bring in innovations and be keep to ponder into every detail of your restaurant design since it has the ability to make or break your restaurant.