The Brandenburg

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Welcome to the 2012 Brandenburg Spring Choral Festival – bigger and even more exciting than last year! At the geographical, artistic and spiritual heart of the Festival stands St Martin-in-theFields where we will be presenting nine major concerts featuring the standard masterpieces of the choral repertoire including Mozart, Brahms and Fauré Requiems, Haydn Nelson Mass, Handel Messiah, Vivaldi Gloria and Monteverdi Vespers. These will be supplemented by an afternoon concert from “The Choir” and a series of late-night concerts including Rachmaninov Vespers, Spem in Alium sung from the Gallery, Allegri Miserere and Barber Adagio – Agnus Dei. Not forgetting a foray into the Jazz series in the Café-in-the-Crypt. Interspersed between these concerts will be an expanded series of more varied “satellite” concerts including Jazz Ensembles, Barbershop, Gospel and Afro-Cuban Choirs, as well some superb chamber choirs presenting a broad range of the more standard a cappella repertoire. These concerts will take place in a number of varied and interesting venues including the National Portrait Gallery, Kings College Chapel, Lincoln’s Inn Chapel, the Queen’s Chapel of the Savoy and for the first time in the Festival, St Clement Danes and St John’s Waterloo. The three chapels each have a particular historical and architectural interest, and the Festival will offer an opportunity to hear performances rarely permitted in these special, spiritual spaces. Additionally for the concert in the Chapel of Lincoln’s Inn, we will offer a limited number of places on a pre-concert tour of Lincolns Inn outlining its historical and architectural features. The considerable expansion of the Festival this year has brought on board a group of top quality conductors to consolidate the high levels established last year. Most football managers could only dream of a subs bench of this quality! There is a strong influence this year from the Jazz community. A welcome development to diversify the stylistic range as the Festival continues to develop. What is now the traditional Festival Opening Concert of the Messiah will take place on January 2nd. With well over forty choirs participating in the Festival, the audience will undoubtedly contain large numbers of experienced choristers so the Hallelujah Chorus and the closing Amen will produce their special Brandenburg Spring Choral Festival spine-tingling moments. I am sure that, whatever your musical tastes, you will find something here for you - I look forward to seeing you at some of our exciting concerts. Bob Porter - Artistic Director Brandenburg Choral Festival 2012

In association with the Josephine Baker Trust BRANDENBURG SPRING CHORAL FESTIVAL - LONDON 2012

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List of Concerts Venue abbreviations KCC King’s College Chapel LIC Lincoln’s Inn Chapel NPG National Portrait Gallery QCOTS Queen’s Chapel of the Savoy


St Clement Danes St John’s, Waterloo St Martin-in-the-Fields St George’s Bloomsbury Temple Church

Mon 2 Jan

7.00 SMITF Messiah


Fri 6 Jan

7.30 SMITF


Fri 6 Jan

9.30 SMITF

Tue 10 Jan

7.30 SMITF

Fri 13 Jan

6.30 NPG

Fri 20 Jan

7.30 KCC

Thurs 26 Jan 7.30 SMITF Thurs 26 Jan 9.30 SMITF Fri 27 Jan

6.00 SJW

Fri 27 Jan

8.00 SJW

Wed 1 Feb

8.00 SMITF

Thurs 2 Feb 2.00 SGB Thurs 2 Feb 7.30 SGB Fri 3 Feb

7.30 SCD

Sat 4 Feb

7.30 SJW

Weds 8 Feb 4.00 LIC Fri 10 Feb

7.30 SMITF

Fri 10 Feb

9.30 SMITF

Thurs 16 Feb 7.30 KCC

Thurs 23 Feb 7.30 SGB

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Surrey Voices Malcolm Hicks Mozart Requiem Vivace Chorus Robert Porter Allegri Miserere Purcell Singers Mark Ford Classic Jazz Harmonies Guildhall Jazz Singers Scott Stromann The English Choral Fourte Tradition The Radiance of Eternity Billingshurst Choral Society George Jones Brahms Requiem Twickenham Choral Society Christopher Herrick Bach Motets Choir of Royal Holloway Rupert Gough Simple Pictures University of London Chamber Choir Colin Durrant Rutter Requiem Tiffin Boys Choir Simon Toyne Jazz Night Royal Academy of Music in the Café in the Crypt Jazz Singers Pete Churchill In Honour of St Cecilia Trinity Laban Chamber Choir Stephen Jackson Nelson Mass Kings College Chapel Choir David Trendell The Armed Man Angmering Chorale Karl Jenkins George Jones Choral IKONS Choir of Royal Holloway Rupert Gough English Choral Tradition St Martin-in-the-Fields Choral Scholars Andrew Earis Vivaldi Gloria English Baroque Choir & Four Seasons Jeremy Jackman Rachmaninov Vespers Cardiff Polyphonic Choir Neil Ferris Ladies Barbershop Capital Connection & London meets Afro Cuban Lucumi Choir Debi Cox /Daniela Rosselson A Garland for the QueenVivamus Rufus Frowde

p10 p11 p11 p12 p13 p13 p14

p14 p15

p15 p17 p17 p19 p19 p20 p20 p21


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List of Concerts Fri 24 Feb 6.30 NPG Close Harmony Tues 28 Feb 7.30 SMITF Fauré Requiem

p22 p22

Fri 2 Mar

6.30 NPG


Fri 9 Mar

7.30 SMITF

Fri 9 Mar

9.30 SMITF

Sat 10 Mar 4.00 SCD Sat 10 Mar 7.30 SCD Thur 15 Mar 7.30 KCC Fri 16 Mar

6.00 SJW

Fri 16 Mar

8.00 SJW

Thurs 22 Mar 7.45 SMITF Thurs 22 Mar 9.30 SMITF Fri 30 Mar

2.00 TC

Fri 30 Mar

7.30 TC

Fri 6 Apr

6.30 NPG

Sat 14 Apr

7.30 SJW

Sat 21 Apr

7.30 SCD

Thur 26 Apr 7.30 QCOTS Fri 27 April 2.30 SCD Fri 27 Apr

7.30 SCD

Sat 28 April 2.30 SMITF Sat 28 April 7.00 SMITF Sat 28 April 9.30 SMITF

Tiffinians Wimbledon Choral Society Neil Ferris Musical Tales Papagena Sarah Tenant-Flowers/Suzzie Vango Mozart Requiem Whitehall Choir Paul Spicer Rachmaninov Vespers Eclectic Voices Scott Stroman Madrigals Concordia Singers and Part Songs Ian Assersohn Haydn Theresienmesse London Welsh Chorale Edward-Rhys Harry Bruckner Mass in E minor Trinity Laban Chamber Choir Stephen Jackson Gospel Jazz Groove London Vocal Project Collective Pete Churchill Weather Report Addison Singers David Wordsworth Nelson Mass Medici Choir John Baird Spem in Alium Borough Chamber Choir Robert Hanson Pergolesi Magnificat Grove Singers Brian Newman Crucifixus Tredici Chamber Choir Richard Thomas Cool Vocal Jazz Royal Academy of Music Jazz Singers Pete Churchill Barbershoppers v Jazzers Addison Jazz & Capital Chorus Jill Jarman/Matthew Hough/ Aidan Brand Rachmaninov Vespers English Arts Chorale Leslie Olive Queen & Country Oriana Singers Caroline Johnson White Waves Cantatrice Voices Zoë Peate Duke Ellington Surrey Youth Choir Sacred Music Rufus Frowde/John Whelan The Choir South Oxhey Choir Simon Wookey Monteverdi Vespers Cambridge Chorale Julian Wilkins Barber Adagio-Agnus Dei New London Chamber Choir Andrew Griffiths


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St Martin-in-the-Fields Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 4JJ Tel: 020 7766 1100 St Martin’s, overlooking Trafalgar Square, lies at the geographical, spiritual and artistic centre of the Brandenburg Spring Choral Festival. The Brandenburg orchestras have enjoyed performing many concerts in its superb acoustic over the years here and the recent refurbishment has transformed it into a wonderful venue for concerts.

The Queen’s Chapel of the Savoy Savoy Hill, Strand, London WC2R 0DA The Chapel belongs to Her Majesty The Queen in Her Right as Duke of Lancaster. It is a 'free' chapel or 'peculiar' not falling within any bishop's jurisdiction, but remaining firmly within the Church of England. It is the last surviving building of a hospital founded by Henry VII for homeless people in 1512. It is a beautiful, intimate space for a concert with a fine acoustic and a splendid Walker organ.

St John's, Waterloo St John’s, Waterloo, Waterloo Road, London SE1 8TY Tel: 020 7633 9819 St John's Waterloo was designed by Francis Octavius Bedford and built in 1824 to celebrate the victory of the Napoleonic Wars. The church was firebombed in 1940 and much of the interior was destroyed. It was restored and reopened in 1951, serving as the parish church for the Festival of Britain on the South Bank nearby.

The Chapel of King’s College London The College Chapel, King's College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS The College Chapel at the Strand is seen by many as the spiritual heart of the College. It is a focus for Christian worship at the Strand as well as a place of peace in the busy college. Situated in the heart of the Strand campus directly above the Great Hall, the College Chapel is a Grade I listed building designed by the eminent Victorian architect, George Gilbert Scott Page 6

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The Chapel of Lincoln’s Inn Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3TL " ... never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." The Chapel bell, which tolls whenever a bencher dies, has been immortalized in the words of John Donne, the seventeenth century poet and priest who was Preacher of Lincoln's Inn before he became Dean of St Paul's. The Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn is one of four Inns of Court in London to which barristers of England and Wales belong and where they are called to the Bar. The first mention of a Chapel in Lincoln's Inn comes from 1428. The current Chapel was built between 1620 and 1623 by Inigo Jones. A limited number of places are available for a guided tour of Lincoln’s Inn on 8th February 2.30 - 3.30pm at the additional cost of £10

St Clement Danes St Clement Danes, Strand, London WC2R 1DH Tel: 020 7242 8282 St Clement Danes is situated outside the Royal Courts of Justice on the Strand. It is known as one of the two 'Island Churches', the other being St Mary-le-Strand The current building was completed in 1682 by Sir Christopher Wren although it was almost destroyed in a bombing raid during the London Blitz of 10 May 1941. The outer walls, the tower and Gibbs's steeple, survived the bombing, but the interior was gutted by fire. Following an appeal for funds by the Royal Air Force, the church was completely restored and was re-consecrated on 19 October 1958 to become the Central Church of the Royal Air Force. The church is sometimes claimed to be the one featured in the nursery rhyme Oranges and Lemons and the bells do indeed play that tune.

National Portrait Gallery St Martin’s Place, London WC2H 0HE Founded in 1856, the National Portrait Gallery, just off Trafalgar Square, houses the world’s largest collection of personalities and faces, from the late Middle Ages to the present day. Visitors can come face to face with the people who have shaped British history and culture from kings and queens to musicians and film stars. Every Friday at 18.30 the Gallery hosts a wide variety of free live music performances, ranging from chamber and folk music to jazz and brand new compositions.

NB - all events and venues - for your comfort and enjoyment Smoking and consumption of food and drink are not allowed in the venue. Patrons are kindly requested to switch off mobile phones and alarms on digital watches. Flash photography, audio and video recording are not permitted. Please try to restrain from coughing; A handkerchief placed over the mouth whilst coughing assists greatly in limiting the noise. Thank you.


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St. George’s Bloomsbury St George's Bloomsbury, Bloomsbury Way, London WC1A 2SD St George's Bloomsbury is the sixth and final London church designed by the leading architect of the English Baroque, Nicholas Hawksmoor. The Commissioners for the Fifty New Churches Act of 1711 realised that, due to rapid development in the Bloomsbury area during the latter part of the 17th and early part of the 18th centuries, the area (then part of the parish of St Giles in the Fields) needed to be split off and given a parish church of its own. They appointed Nicholas Hawksmoor, a pupil and former assistant of Sir Christopher Wren, to design and build this church, which he then did between 1716 and 1731. This was the sixth and last, of his London churches. St George's was consecrated on 28 January 1730 by Edmund Gibson, Bishop of London. attended a controversial requiem for the dead of the Abyssinian war in 1937. It was until 2006 the subject of major conservation work led by the World Monuments Fund and closed to visitors, with the congregation continuing as normal in its parish life, holding services in a nearby chapel. The building reopened fully from October 2006, including a new exhibition on the church, Hawksmoor and Bloomsbury housed in its undercroft.

The Temple Church, London Temple Church, Temple, London EC4Y 7BB The Temple Church is a late-12th-century church in London located between Fleet Street and the River Thames, built for and by the Knights Templar as their English headquarters. In modern times, two Inns of Court (Inner Temple and Middle Temple) both use the church. It is famous for its effigy tombs and for being a round church. It was heavily damaged during the Second World War but has been largely restored. The area around the Temple Church is known as the Temple and nearby is Temple Bar and Temple tube station. Among other purposes, the structure was originally used for Templar initiation ceremonies. In England, the ceremony involved new recruits entering the Temple via the western door at dawn. The initiates would enter the circular nave, and then take monastic vows of piety, chastity, poverty and obedience. The details of initiation at the time were a closely guarded secret, though this secrecy later caused trouble as gossip and rumours spread about possible Templar blasphemy. These suspicions were manipulated and expanded by the Order's enemies, such as King Philip IV of France. The church was featured in the controversial popular novel The Da Vinci Code by American author Dan Brown and was also used as a location in The Da Vinci Code film. The release of doves in the round church in the film relate to Ernest Lough's (the most famous boy soprano to come from Temple Church) recording of "O for the wings of a dove". BRANDENBURG SPRING CHORAL FESTIVAL - LONDON 2012

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THE BRANDENBURG SINFONIA THE BRANDENBURG SINFONIA is one of the most dynamically versatile musical organisations in the country. It is renowned for its special quality of sound and poised vivacity in performance. The Orchestra performs regularly in the majority of the major venues across the country and in London at the Barbican Halls, Royal Albert Hall, Queen Elizabeth Hall, Fairfield Hall and St John’s Smith Square. THE BRANDENBURG SINFONIA is also in great demand abroad and has, in recent years visited France, USA, Bermuda, the Channel Islands, Barbados, Cyprus, Malta and St Petersburg. The varied range of activities undertaken by the orchestra include a major concert series at St Martin-in-the- Fields and a major Classical Music cruise on the QE2. One of the recent highlights was an International Opera Gala conducted by Richard Bonynge in the presence of HRH Prince Charles. A large number of artists of international standing have worked with the orchestra including Richard Bonynge, Yvonne Kenny, Emmanuel Hurwitz, Lesley Garrett, John Georgiadis, John Wallace, Emma Kirkby, James Bowman and Gordon Hunt. Its repertoire ranges from Bach to Lloyd Webber and its members give over one hundred performances of orchestral, chamber choral and operatic music during the year. The orchestras for a number of touring companies are formed from members of THE BRANDENBURG SINFONIA including Central Festival Opera, First Act Opera, London City Opera, and English Pocket Opera. ——————————— “What made it actually rather enjoyable was the playing of the chamber orchestra which was consistently well shaded and nuanced” THE TELEGRAPH “Some of the most stylish Mozart playing for some time” THE TIMES “An ensemble of distinguished players…” THE INDEPENDENT ON SUNDAY “Played with a verve and sparkle” THE TIMES The Crypt, the Gallery and other spaces are available to hire for private functions.

Phone: 020 7766 1165

Box Office All concert tickets are available from: St Martin’s Box Office: 020 7766 1100

For all double concerts a combination ticket is available directly from the St Martin’s Box Office at a reduced price. Page 8

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Monday 2nd Januar y at 7.00pm

St Martin-in-the-Fields

The traditional opening concert of our 2012 Festival

Handel Messiah by candlelight

With guests tonight from around fifty participating choirs, the massed singing of the Hallelujah Chorus is bound to produce a rousing and spine-tingling start to the Festival. a period performance

Alice Privett Ailsa Mainwaring Iain Milne Adam Marsden

Soprano Mezzo-Soprano Tenor Bass

Surrey Voices Brandenburg Baroque Soloists Conductor - Malcolm Hicks

Tickets: £30 £26 £22 £18 £12 £8 Box Office: 020 7766 1100 BRANDENBURG SPRING CHORAL FESTIVAL - LONDON 2012 Page 9

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Friday 6th Januar y at 7.30pm

St Martin-in-the-Fields

Mozart Requiem by candlelight Mozart Salzburg Symphony no2 Mozart Marriage of Figaro Divertimento Mozart Requiem

ined Comb availg’s ts are ticke is evenin th r fo s able 2 concert 00 1 1 7766 020 please call

Sara Lian Owen Anna Harvey Oliver Johnston David Shipley

Soprano Mezzo-Soprano Tenor Bass

Vivace Chorus Brandenburg Sinfonia Conductor -

Robert Porter

Tickets £30 £25 £22 £18 £12 £8 Box Office: 020 7766 1100

Friday 6th Januar y at 9.30pm

St Martin-in-the-Fields

Allegri Miserere by candlelight

Join The Purcell Singers for an hour of a capella candle-lit contemplation. Opening with Allegri's iconic Miserere, and featuring works by other masters of Early Music, Purcell, Victoria, Byrd, Tallis and Parsons. Concert lasts approximately one hour without an interval ined Comb availg’s ts are ticke is evenin th r fo s able 2 concert 00 1 1 7766 020 please call

Purcell Singers Conductor -

Tickets £14 (unreserved)

Box Office: 020 7766 1100 Page 10

Mark Ford

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Tuesday 10th Januar y at 7.30pm

St Martin-in-the-Fields

Classic Jazz Harmonies by candlelight

A Tribute to Gene Puerling the Greatest Jazz Vocal Arranger

Guildhall Jazz Singers Scott Stroman

Director -

Tickets £18 £15 £10 Box Office: 020 7766 1100

Friday 13th Januar y at 6.30pm

National Portrait Gallery

The English Choral Tradition From Byrd to Britten: A selection of four-part English song through the ages Performance lasts approximately one hour without an interval

Fourte There is no charge for admission to this event BRANDENBURG SPRING CHORAL FESTIVAL - LONDON 2012

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National Portrait Gallery St Martin’s Place, London WC2H 0HE Founded in 1856, the National Portrait Gallery, just off Trafalgar Square, houses the world’s largest collection of personalities and faces, from the late Middle Ages to the present day. Visitors can come face to face with the people who have shaped British history and culture from kings and queens to musicians and film stars.

Friday 20th Januar y at 7.30pm

The College Chapel, Kings College London, Strand

The Radiance of Eternity Howard Goodall Eternal Light Bach Sleep Well (St John Passion) Vivaldi Gloria In Excelsis Deo, Et In Terra Pax Hominibus (Gloria) Morten Lauridsen Lux Aeterna

Billingshurst Choral Society Conductor -

George Jones

Tickets £18 (unreserved) Box office: 020 7766 1100 Page 12

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Thursday 26th Januar y at 7.30pm

St Martin-in-the Fields

Brahms Requiem by candlelight

Mahler Adagietto Brahms Requiem ined Comb availg’s ts are ticke is evenin th r fo s able 2 concert 1100 7766 020 please call

(Baird Transcription)

Sonia Grané Alistair Ollerenshaw

Soprano Baritone

Concert lasts approximately 85 minutes without an interval

Twickenham Choral Society Brandenburg Sinfonia Conductor - Christopher Herrick Tickets £27 £22 £18 £14 £10 £8 Box office: 020 7766 1100

Thursday 26th Januar y at 9.30pm

St Martin-in-the Fields

Bach by candlelight

ined Comb availg’s ts are ticke is evenin th r fo s able 2 concert 1100 7766 020 please call

Komm, Jesu, komm Suite no 1 for cello – Prelude - Allemande O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde gross O Jesu Christ, mein Lebens Licht Suite no 1 for cello - Courante - Sarabande - Minuets - Gigue Lobet denn Hernn, alle Heiden Concert lasts approximately one hour without an interval a period performance

The Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London Baroque Cello - Graham Walker Conductor - Rupert Gough Tickets £14 (unreserved) Box office: 020 7766 1100 BRANDENBURG SPRING CHORAL FESTIVAL - LONDON 2012 Page 13

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Friday 27th Januar y at 6.00pm

St John's, Waterloo

Simple Pictures A selection of sacred and secular music from the 16th-21st century

ined Comb availg’s ts are ticke is evenin th for s able 2 concert 00

11 7766 020 please call

Bob Chilcott Simple Pictures of Tomorrow Eric Whitacre Leonardo Dreams of his Flying Machine Concert lasts approximately one hour without an interval

University of London Chamber Choir Conductor -

Colin Durrant

Tickets £13 (unreserved) Box office: 020 7766 1100

Friday 27th Januar y at 8.00pm

St John's, Waterloo

Rutter Requiem The combined poise and enthusiasm of this Rolls-Royce of choirs is certain to light up this programme of two of America and England’s favourite composers.

ined Comb availg’s ts are ticke is evenin th r fo s able 2 concert 1100 7766 020 please call

Bernstein Chichester Psalms Rutter Requiem

Tiffin Boys Choir London Road Ensemble Conductor - Simon Toyne Tickets £18 (unreserved)

Box office: 020 7766 1100 Page 14

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Wednesday 1st Februar y at 8.00pm

Café in the Crypt, St Martin-in-the-Fields

Jazz Night in the Café in the Crypt

Royal Academy of Music Jazz Singers Director -

Pete Churchill

Tickets £9 (reserved) £5.50 (unreserved) Box office: 020 7766 1100

Thursday 2nd Februar y at 2.00 pm

St. George’s Bloomsbury

In Honour of Saint Cecilia Britten Howells Peter Philips Bernard Rose Elgar Richard Rodney Bennett

Hymn to St. Cecilia A Hymn to St. Cecilia Cecilia virgo Feast Song for St. Cecilia There is sweet music Verses on St. Cecilia's Day

During the interval there will be a short, informative address about the provenance of this unique chapel given by the Reverend Professor Peter Galloway OBE.

Trinity Laban Chamber Choir Tyrone Whiting Organ Conductor - Stephen Jackson

Tickets £18 (unreserved) Box office: 020 7766 1100 BRANDENBURG SPRING CHORAL FESTIVAL - LONDON 2012 Page 15

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The Queen’s Chapel of the Savoy Savoy Hill, Strand, WC2R 0DA

The Chapel belongs to Her Majesty The Queen in Her Right as Duke of Lancaster. It is a 'free' chapel or 'peculiar' not falling within any bishop's jurisdiction, but remaining firmly within the Church of England. It is the last surviving building of a hospital founded by Henry VII for homeless people in 1512. It has a splendid Walker organ.

St Clement Danes Strand, London WC2R 1DH - tel: 020 7242 8282 St Clement Danes is situated outside the Royal Courts of Justice on the Strand. It is known as one of the two 'Island Churches', the other being St Mary-le-Strand. The current building was completed in 1682 by Sir Christopher Wren although it was almost destroyed in a bombing raid during the London Blitz of 10 May 1941. The outer walls, the tower and Gibbs's steeple, survived the bombing, but the interior was gutted by fire. Following an appeal for funds by the Royal Air Force, the church was completely restored and was re-consecrated on 19 October 1958 to become the Central Church of the Royal Air Force. The church is sometimes claimed to be the one featured in the nursery rhyme Oranges and Lemons and the bells do indeed play that tune. Page 16

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Thursday 2nd Februar y at 7.30 pm

St. George’s Bloomsbury

Haydn Nelson Mass Kings College Chapel Choir Conductor -

David Trendell

Tickets £18 (unreserved) Box office: 020 7766 1100

Friday 3rd Februar y at 7.30pm

St Clement Danes, Strand

The Armed Man Karl Jenkins Bob Chilcott Sir Walford Davies Vaughan Williams Eric Coates

The Armed Man A Little Jazz Mass RAF March Old Hundredth God is our Strength and Refuge (Dam Busters March) Sir Hubert Parry Jerusalem

Angmering Chorale Conductor - George Jones Tickets £18 (unreserved) Box office: 020 7766 1100 BRANDENBURG SPRING CHORAL FESTIVAL - LONDON 2012 Page 17

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St John's Waterloo Waterloo Road, London SE1 8TY - tel: 020 7633 9819 St John's Waterloo was designed by Francis Octavius Bedford and built in 1824 to celebrate the victory of the Napoleonic Wars. The church was firebombed in 1940 and much of the interior was destroyed. It was restored and reopened in 1951, serving as the parish church for the Festival of Britain on the South Bank nearby.

The Chapel of Lincoln’s Inn Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3TL " ... never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." The Chapel bell, which tolls whenever a bencher dies, has been immortalized in the words of John Donne, the seventeenth century poet and priest who was Preacher of Lincoln's Inn before he became Dean of St Paul's. The Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn is one of four Inns of Court in London to which barristers of England and Wales belong and where they are called to the Bar. The first mention of a Chapel in Lincoln's Inn comes from 1428. The current Chapel was built between 1620 and 1623 by Inigo Jones. A limited number of places are available for a guided tour of Lincoln’s Inn on 8th February 2.30 - 3.30pm at the additional cost of £10

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S aturday 4th Februar y at 7.30pm

St John’s, Waterloo

Choral IKONS supported by Gerontius

The Choir of Royal Holloway has received wide critical praise for its recordings of music from the Baltic region. Here they present a programme of some of the most uplifting and beautiful sacred and secular pieces by Eastern European composers and John Tavener.

Tavener Górecki Pärt Rihards Dubra

Song for Athene Totus tuus Magnificat Ave Maria

The Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London Conductor - Rupert Gough Tickets £18 (unreserved) Box office: 020 7766 1100

Wednesday 8th Februar y at 4.00pm

Lincoln’s Inn Chapel, Lincoln’s Inn Fields

The English Choral Tradition In association with NADFAS

Byrd Tallis Stanford Vaughan Williams Britten

Mass for Four Voices If ye love me Three Motets Five English Folk Songs A Hymn to the Virgin

For details of the pre-concert tour of Lincoln’s Inn – see adjacent page.

The Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields Director - Andrew Earis Tickets £18 (unreserved) Tour Ticket £10 Box office: 020 7766 1100 BRANDENBURG SPRING CHORAL FESTIVAL - LONDON 2012 Page 19

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Friday 10th Februar y at 7.30pm

St Martin-in-the Fields

Vivaldi Gloria and Four Seasons by candlelight

ined Comb availg’s ts are ticke is evenin th r fo s able 2 concert 00 1 1 7766 020 please call

Aoife Miskelly Katie Bray Persephone Gibbs

Soprano Mezzo-Soprano Violin

a period performance

English Baroque Choir Brandenburg Baroque Soloists Conductor -

Jeremy Jackman

Tickets £30 £25 £22 £18 £12 £8 Box office: 020 7766 1100

Friday 10th Februar y at 9.30pm

St Martin-in-the Fields

Rachmaninov Vespers by candlelight Haunting, moving and evocative in the unique atmosphere of St Martin’s by candlelight. The “Polys” traditional Welsh power will bring an extra dimension to the thrilling Vespers. ined Comb availg’s ts are ticke is evenin th r fo s able 2 concert 00 1 1 7766 020 please call

Concert lasts approximately one hour without an interval

Cardiff Polyphonic Choir Conductor - Neil Ferris Tickets £14 (unreserved)

Box office: 020 7766 1100 Page 20

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Thursday 16th Februar y at 7.30pm

The College Chapel, Kings College, Strand

Ladies Barbershop meets Afro-Cuban A chef would call this programme “fusion” Two very contrasting styles of celebrating the power of the voice.

Capital Connection Director - Debi Cox

London Lucumi Choir Director - Daniela Rosselson

Tickets: £18 (unreserved) Box office: 020 7766 1100

Thursday 23rd Februar y at 7.30pm

St. George’s, Bloomsbury

A Garland for the Queen To celebrate the 400th anniversary of the founding of the Great Hospital in 1612.

Byrd - Mass for Five Voices Cornysh – Magnificat with works selected from the Royal collections for Elizabeth I (The Triumphs of Oriana) and Elizabeth II (A Garland for the Queen)

Vivamus Conductor - Rufus Frowde Tickets: £18 (unreserved) Box office: 020 7766 1100 BRANDENBURG SPRING CHORAL FESTIVAL - LONDON 2012 Page 21

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Friday 24th Februar y at 6.30pm

National Portrait Gallery

Close Harmony Hear the singers of the next generation with acclaimed close harmony group The Tiffinians, the 10-piece offshoot of the Tiffin Boys' Choir. Performance lasts approximately one hour without an interval

The Tiffinians There is no charge for admission to this event

Tuesday 28th Februar y at 7.30pm

St Martin-in-the Fields

Fauré Requiem by candlelight Sonia Grané Soprano Alistair Ollerenshaw Baritone Michael Higgins Organ

Wimbledon Choral Society Conductor - Neil Ferris Tickets £24 £20 £15 £10 Box office: 020 7766 1100 Page 22

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Friday 2nd March at 6.30 pm

National Portrait Gallery

Papagena Sparkling new female voice ensemble weaves musical tales inspired by the portraits around them with an eclectic mix of medieval, folk and contemporary songs. Performance lasts approximately one hour without an interval

Directors -

Sarah Tenant-Flowers and Suzzie Vango

There is no charge for admission to this event

The Chapel of King’s College London Strand, London WC2R 2LS The College Chapel at the Strand is seen by many as the spiritual heart of the College. It is a focus for Christian worship at the Strand as well as a place of peace in the busy college. Situated in the heart of the Strand campus directly above the Great Hall, the College Chapel is a Grade I listed building designed by the eminent Victorian architect, George Gilbert Scott

picture courtesy Alfredo Falvo


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Friday 9th March at 7.30 pm

St Martin-in-the Fields

Mozart Requiem by candlelight ined Comb availg’s ts are ticke is evenin th r fo s able 2 concert 00 1 1 7766 020 please call

Mozart Salzburg Symphony no 3 Mozart Marriage of Figaro Divertimento Mozart Requiem Rhiannon Llewellyn Sarah Shorter Richard Dowling Andri Bjorn Robertsson

Soprano Mezzo-Soprano Tenor Bass

Whitehall Choir Brandenburg Sinfonia Conductor - Paul Spicer Tickets £30 £25 £22 £18 £12 £8 Box office: 020 7766 1100

Friday 9th March at 9.30pm

St Martin-in-the Fields

Rachmaninov Vespers

ined Comb availg’s ts are ticke is evenin for th s able 2 concert 1100 7766 020 please call

by candlelight

This superb choir is jack of many trades and master of all. Jazz, Gospel, Folk, Classical and Modern – they shine in every genre. Expect something special. Concert lasts approximately one hour without an interval

Eclectic Voices Conductor - Scott Stroman Tickets £14 (unreserved) Box office: 020 7766 1100 Page 24

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S aturday 10th March at 4.00 pm

St Clement Danes, Strand

Madrigals and Part Songs Based on the great Madrigal tradition that exemplifies the very essence of English music, but with a modern twist. Barber Finzi Gibbons Stanford Thompson Vaughan Williams Whitacre

Sure on this shining night My spirit sang all day Now is the month of maying The Blue Bird Alleluia ined Comb availg’s ts are Linden Lea ticke is evenin th r fo s able 2 concert Lux Aurumque 1100 7766 020 please call

Concordia Singers Conductor - Ian Assersohn Tickets: £18 (unreserved) Box office: 020 7766 1100

S aturday 10th March at 7.30 pm

St Clement Danes, Strand


Theresienmesse Purcell Schubert Haydn Rhiannon Llewellyn Katherine Walker Richard Dowling Ed Ballard

Come ye Sons of Art Mass No4. in C Theresienmesse Soprano Mezzo-Soprano Tenor Bass

London Welsh Chorale Brandenburg Sinfonia

ined Comb availg’s ts are ticke is evenin th r fo s able 2 concert 1100 7766 020 please call

Conductor - Edward-Rhys Harry

Tickets £18 (unreserved) Box office: 020 7766 1100 BRANDENBURG SPRING CHORAL FESTIVAL - LONDON 2012 Page 25

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Thursday 15th March at 7.30pm

The College Chapel, Kings College, Strand In association with the Music Club of London

Bruckner Mass in E minor

Trinity Laban Chamber Choir Trinity Laban Wind Ensemble Conductor - Stephen Jackson Tickets: ÂŁ18 (unreserved) Box office: 020 7766 1100

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Friday 16th March at 6.00pm

St John’s, Waterloo

London Vocal Project “Rooted in the gospel tradition, this is an outfit with exceptional potential – the hushed harmonizing was a delight …more please!” ******Clive Davis “The Times” From a solid foundation in Gospel and groove music, the London Vocal Project has developed into an impressively versatile ensemble. Since its creation in January 2008 it has rapidly become recognised as the leading jazz-vocal ensemble in the country. Arriving here at St John's after their sell-out appearance at Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club, they are certain to delight! Concert lasts approximately one hour without an interval

Director -

ined Comb availg’s ts are ticke is evenin for th s able 2 concert 1100 7766 020 please call

Pete Churchill

Tickets: £13 (unreserved) Box office: 020 7766 1100

Friday 16th March at 8.00pm

St John’s, Waterloo

Weather Report The subject that the British never fail to moan about underpins this programme! Lauridsen Nocturnes Parry Never, weather-beaten sail from 'Songs of Farewell' Weelkes Thule, the period of cosmography Trad arr. Timothy Salter Blow the wind southerly: Cold blows the wind Campion Never, weather-beaten sail Bob Chilcott Weather Report Cecilia McDowall Shipping Forecast (London premiere)

Addison Singers Matthew Hough Conductor - David Wordsworth Piano -

ined Comb availg’s ts are ticke is evenin th for s able 2 concert 00 1 1 7766 020 please call

Tickets: £18 (unreserved) Box office: 020 7766 1100 BRANDENBURG SPRING CHORAL FESTIVAL - LONDON 2012 Page 27

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Thursday 22nd March at 7.45pm

St Martin-in-the Fields

Haydn Nelson Mass ined Comb availg’s ts are ticke is evenin th for s able 2 concert 00

11 7766 020 please call

by candlelight Britten Fanfare for St Edmondsbury Allegri Miserere Baird Gethsemane (first performance) Haydn Nelson Mass Sonia Grané Soprano Anna Harvey Mezzo Sam Furness Tenor Lance Nomura Bass Concert lasts approximately 75 minutes without an interval

Medici Choir Trumpets of Junior Guildhall Brandenburg Sinfonia Conductor - John Baird Tickets £26 £22 £18 £14 £10 £8 Box office: 020 7766 1100

Thursday 22nd March at 9.30pm

St Martin-in-the Fields

Spem in Alium by candlelight

Tallis’ monumental 40 part motet sung from the gallery of St Martin’s cannot fail to produce a nerve-tingling atmosphere. ined Comb availg’s ts are ticke is evenin for th s able 2 concert 1100 7766 020 please call

Tallis Trad arr. Hanson Alonso Lobo Hanson

Spem in Alium Four British Folksongs Versa est in Luctum And There Shall Be No Night There

Concert lasts approximately one hour without an interval

Borough Chamber Choir Brandenburg Brass Conductor - Robert Hanson Tickets £14 (unreserved) Box office: 020 7766 1100 Page 28

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Friday 30th March at 2.00pm

Temple Church, The Strand, London EC4Y 7BB

Pergolesi Magnificat In association with NADFAS Saint-Saens Tollite Hostias Duruflé Ubi Caritas ined Kodaly Stabat Mater Comb availg’s ts are Bruckner Pange Lingua ticke is evenin for th s able 2 concert Tavener The Lamb 1 1 00 7766 020 please call Tavener Funeral Ikos Trant Deep River Roberton Steal away Fauré Cantique de Jean Racine Pergolesi Magnificat During the interval there will be a short, informative address about the provenance of this unique chapel given by the Reverend Professor Peter Galloway OBE.

Grove Singers Brian Newman

Conductor -

Tickets: £18 (unreserved) Box office: 020 7766 1100

Friday 30th March at 7.30pm

Temple Church, The Strand, London EC4Y 7BB

Crucifixus Wood Palestrina Fauré Sheppard Byrd Caldara Brahms Tallis Purcell Lotti Wilberg arr. Short Pärt Harris

Hail Gladdening Light Missa Assumpta est Maria Cantique de Jean Racine Libera nos Laudibus in Sanctis Crucifixus à 16 Geistliches Lied Miserere Nostri I Was Glad Crucifixus à 8 The Dying Soldier The Beatitudes Bring Us O Lord God

ined Comb availg’s ts are ticke is evenin for th s able 2 concert 0

110 7766 020 please call

Tredici Chamber Choir Organ - Jonathan Wikeley Conductor - Richard Thomas

Tickets: £18 (unreserved) Box office: 020 7766 1100 BRANDENBURG SPRING CHORAL FESTIVAL - LONDON 2012 Page 29

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Friday 6th April at 6.30pm

National Portrait Gallery

Royal Academy of Music Jazz Singers Performance lasts approximately one hour without an interval

Director -

Pete Churchill

There is no charge for admission to this event

S aturday 14th April at 7.30pm

St John’s, Waterloo

Barbershoppers v Jazzers (with the Jill Jarman Jazz Trio) Two contrasting genres – one passion - the communication and emotional power of the human voice. Program to include: Birdland Good morning heartache Feeling good God bless the child Hallelujah (Cohen) Cloudburst My baby just cares for me Aint no sunshine Get happy I got life Steal away Caravan Chocholoza All that jazz

Addison Singers, Jazz choir and jazz ensemble Conductor - Jill Jarman Conductor - Matthew Hough

Capital Chorus

Music Director - Aidan Brand

Tickets: £18 (unreserved) Box office: 020 7766 1100 Page 30

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S aturday 21st April at 7.30pm

St Clement Danes, Strand

Rachmaninov Vespers The Rachmaninov All Night Vigil (“Vespers”) lies at the heart of the English Arts Chorale’s repertoire, and showcases perfectly the unique focus and quality of sound of this first-class ensemble. Pärt Lauridsen Howells Rachmaninov

7 Magnificat Antiphons O magnum mysterium Requiem Vespers

English Arts Chorale Conductor - Leslie Olive

Tickets: £18 (unreserved) Box office: 020 7766 1100

Thursday 26th April at 7.30pm

Queen’s Chapel of the Savoy, Strand

Queen & Country Coronation Day - Music from Coronation Services Handel, Gibbons, Parry, Vaughan Williams, Wesley Four Nations: One Kingdom - Traditional National songs Chilcott, Jacob, Latham, Vaughan Williams Celebrate! - Popular songs. Bennet, Lazell, Rutter, Sherwin/Johnson Six Decades of music Goodall, Howells, Redman, Rutter, Shephard, Webster, Whitbourn Parry's Jerusalem (with audience participation).

Oriana Singers Conductor - Caroline Johnson Tickets: £18 (unreserved) Box office: 020 7766 1100 BRANDENBURG SPRING CHORAL FESTIVAL - LONDON 2012 Page 31

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Friday 27th April at 2.30pm

St Clement Danes, Strand

White Waves Michael Neaum Trad arr Mark Hayes Trad arr Robert Latham Trad arr Jay Althouse Bob Chilcott ed in b m Co avail ’s g ts are Trad arr Kirby Shaw ticke is evenin th r fo s able 2 concert Michael Head 1100 7766 020 please call Jeffery Biegel Eric Whitacre Herb Brown arr Mark Hayes Trad arr Mark Hayes

Didn’t it rain The Water is Wide Bobby Shaftoe Skye Boat Song White Waves Down by the Riverside Ships of Arcady Hey ho the wind and the rain Seal Lullaby Singing in the rain Wade in the Water

Concert lasts approximately one hour without an interval

Cantatrice Voices Zoë Peate

Conductor -

Tickets: £13 (unreserved) Box office: 020 7766 1100

Friday 27th April at 7.30pm

St Clement Danes, Strand

Duke Ellington Sacred Music Duke Ellington brings the Cotton Club into Church. The two strongest strands in the BSCF of Christian liturgical music and jazz combine head on here.

Surrey Youth Choir and Jazz Orchestra ined Comb availg’s ts are ticke is evenin th r fo s able 2 concert 00 1 1 7766 020 please call

Rufus Frowde Orchestra Director - John Whelan Conductor -

Tickets: £18 (unreserved)

Box office: 020 7766 1100 Page 32

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S aturday 28th April at 2.30pm

St Martin-in-the Fields

The Choir An exciting mixed programme from the UK’s favourite community choir whose creation was witnessed by the whole nation on BBC television. Concert lasts approximately one hour without an interval

South Oxhey Choir Musical Director - Simon Wookey

ined Comb availts are ticke r today’s fo able ncerts 3 co 1100 7766 020 please call

Tickets: £14 Box office: 020 7766 1100

S aturday 28th April at 7.00pm

St Martin-in-the Fields

Monteverdi Vespers of 1610 by candlelight Monumental – extraordinary – this is the first large scale choral work that started the whole choral development over 400 years. What better way to complete (almost) the Brandenburg Spring Choral Festival?

Cambridge Chorale Brandenburg Baroque Soloists Conductor -

ined Comb availts are ticke r today’s fo able ncerts 3 co 1100 7766 020 please call

Julian Wilkins

Tickets: £32 £28 £24 £20 £14 £8 Box office: 020 7766 1100 BRANDENBURG SPRING CHORAL FESTIVAL - LONDON 2012 Page 33

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S aturday 28th April at 9.30pm

St Martin-in-the Fields

The Final Event in our 2012 Festival

Barber AdagioAgnus Dei Romantics Transcribed: NLCC a cappella The fearless New London Chamber Choir brings the festival to a close with a typically adventurous programme, singing the beautiful Barber 'Agnus Dei', transcribed from his Adagio for Strings, alongside virtuosic 16-part arrangements of German Romantic and French Impressionist masterpieces, and modern classics by Lachenmann and Saariaho. Nystedt Mahler (arr Gottwald) Debussy (arr Gottwald) Saariaho Wagner (arr Gottwald) Barber Lachenmann Ravel (arr Gottwald) Mahler (arr Gottwald)

Immortal Bach Die zwei blauen Augen Angelus Nuits, Adieux Im Treibhaus Agnus Dei Consolation II Soupirs Ich bin die Welt

ined Comb availts are ticke r today’s fo able ncerts 3 co 1100 7766 020 please call

New London Chamber Choir Conductor - Andrew Griffiths Tickets: ÂŁ14 (unreserved) Box office: 020 7766 1100 Page 34


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