3 minute read

Commodore’s Message

Commodore Denis Martinet

會長孟憲庭 All is back to normal! We breathe unhindered, we recognise faces and we move as we please!


And I am speaking to you from a beautiful beach in the Philippines where I am welcoming the participants to our blue ribbon event, the Rolex China Sea Race, while sipping on a mildly alcoholic cocktail!

Well “Poisson d’Avril!” or “April Fool’s Day!” I thought using the continental European expression would be more appropriate as it has an obvious aquatic reference!

The reality is that our sailing team has put together a replacement event for our now twice cancelled Rolex China Sea Race. Entry is open to IRC and HKPN and will have for the very first time a dedicated Double Handed division. The 100nm race will start on Saturday 3 April and will take place in Hong Kong waters, and is a Category 3, no life-rafts, race. A great event in perspective then, albeit a cruise to nowhere!

Speaking of cruising, our RHKYC Team Agiplast have been wonderful ambassadors for the Club having recently competed in Gaeta, Italy, where they did well against fierce competition. The event was won by the Dutch Team whilst our girls and boys grabbed a podium third, showing great consistency. Puts them in good stead for the rest of the Liberty Bitcoin Cup.

More youth activity in April, with the Po Toi Challenge, a fun race organised by the Young Members Committee. Should be great fun, enjoyed responsibly!

The last of the season’s pursuit races will take place on Saturday 24 April with the One Global Tomes Cup. Once results have been calculated the winner of the 2020-2021 Top Dog Trophy will be announced. Looks like it could be a mythical Asian animal grabbing the honours!

Nations’ Cup will follow on Sunday 25 April with team’s dressing up in National costumes. There will be plenty for families and friends to enjoy at Kellett Island so come down and support your home country. I myself will be sailing for Switzerland so I call on Swiss members to grab their Alpenhorns and Cow Bells and join me! There may well be Swiss Raclette on offer!

April will also host the fifth edition of the Harbour Regatta, a coastal rowing sprint race taking place in a one on one knockout format. First held in 2017, it has become a popular event on the racing calendar for rowers in Hong Kong and throughout the region and played an important role in bringing the 2019 World Rowing Coastal Championships to our city.

In celebration of this fifth milestone event, a new category of Coastal Single will be added to this year. I would like to wish all of our competing rowers the very best of luck. I also call on all members to come down to Kellett Island on Sunday 11 April, enjoy a glass (or two) of Pimm’s and watch the exciting one on one racing!

Staying with rowing, we’ve received some news from America – our very own Life Absent Member, Nobuhisa Ishizuka has been selected as the new Board Chair and President of USRowing. Congratulations!

A final reminder that the Club’s 2021 Electoral General Meeting will take place on Thursday, 10 June at 1830hrs in the Compass Room. There are eight posts on General Committee for which elections are necessary – including Rear Commodore (Club), Rear Commodore (Sailing), Honorary Treasurer and Rowing Captain. I would like to invite our Life and Full Members to put forward for consideration by the Nominating Committee (of which I am the Chairman) the names of members who they think could be suitable for these positions and who are either Life Members or who have been Full Members for at least two years, and I would be more than happy to receive your nominations before Wednesday, 15 April by email to commodore@rhkyc.org.hk

A final word on the April fish tradition: beyond telling porky pies, one has also to attempt affixing a paper fish to the chosen victim’s back without being noticed. My round if you manage this on me!

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