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General Manager’s Message

We are pleased to announce the up to you if you want to dig out an appropriate costume! (I know that at appointment of Randal Linhart as least some of you can put your Nations’ Cup outfits to good use.) On the new Club Operations Manager. 18 June we have two great events, so you may be torn as to which one He will join the Club on 23 June. to attend! The first is the Bourgogne and Beaujolais Wine Dinner in the Randal brings with him over 30 Compass Room, celebrating some of the best wines from France and years’ experience working in 5-star the other is our South East Asia Party at Middle Island, when we will hotels, resorts and clubs all over bring you some of the best food from across that region. the world. Born in Canada, Randal We are holding a Father’s Day workshop on 19 June for the little ones studied Hospitality Administration to get creative in designing a Father’s Day gift which they can give the in Vancouver. After graduating very next day – they could even do it at the Father’s Day Set Lunch with honours he began his career in the Compass Room or at the special Sunday Family Brunch in the working in Europe and then quickly Bistro. And of course for that special Father’s Day celebration we have moved up to senior management a fabulous selection of Champagnes from Perrier-Jouët. positions in various prestigious General Manager Mark Bovaird 總經理布馬克 hotels and clubs in Asia and in particular working for 18 years in I’d like to end with a gentle reminder. As per Government directives, all of our F&B facilities must currently be closed and vacated by the Shangri-la Group holding senior positions in food and beverage 2159hrs each day. Members and guests may not stay behind at any operations and in their Corporate Office. He has also worked at Wharf F&B facility nor can they consume any food and beverage anywhere Hotels, Rosewood Hotels and the Hong Kong Football Club. With on Club property beyond 2200hrs. Please do take great care to adhere his extensive experience in food and beverage operations, project to these rules and cooperate with the staff who will remind you when management, renovations, housekeeping and engineering, Randal is it’s time to go. We will continue to push hard to achieve the levels of ideally suited to lead the operations teams and continue to evolve our vaccination of staff and members that will allow the club to implement operations to meet and exceed member expectations still further. the government’s easing of restrictions as quickly as we can. And now to our F&B offerings in the month ahead. With travel and holidays restrictions still ongoing, we continue our programme of bringing cuisines from around the world to the Club. We kick off with a And don’t forget that the 12-week St. James’s Place Sunset Series which starts on Friday 4 June and makes the perfect excuse for a sundowner at the Club while watching the sailing in front of the Clubhouse. Viking BBQ and Wine Dinner by the Poolside on 4 June. It’s completely Looking forward to seeing you at the Club.

我們欣然向大家宣佈委任 Randal Linhart 成為新任香港遊艇會的會所 運作經理,他將於6月23日履新。Randal 擁有愈30年於全球多間5星級 酒店、渡假勝地及會所的工作經驗。出生於加拿大,Randal 於溫哥華主修 款待行政專業,在取得其榮譽學位後,他便於歐洲展開工作,及後 在亞洲地區的酒店工作時更在短時間內晉升至高級管理層。Randal 更 於香格里拉集團的餐飲運作及總部出任高級管理層長達18年之久。除此 之外,Randal 更於香港九龍倉集團、瑰麗酒店及香港足球會擔任要職。 憑籍 Randal 多年於餐飲運作、項目管理、酒店復修、總務及工程相關工 作經驗,Randal 絕對能帶領本會的會所運作團隊精益求精,為會員提供 超卓服務。


在外遊限制仍然生效下,我們繼續為大家帶來各國美食。6月4日我們先 以「維京燒烤」及美酒晚宴為本月的美酒佳餚活動揭開序幕。我們絕對 歡迎大家以奇妝異服打扮出席這個活動(或許你們可以民族盃賽當日的 打扮出席上述活動的)。6月18日我們將舉行兩大活動,這或許會令你因 選擇出席哪一個活動而感到兩難呢!第一個是在 Compass Room 舉行 的「Bourgogne and Beaujolais」葡萄酒晚宴,當晚可讓大家品嚐來自法 國的美酒,另一個則是在中途島舉行的「東南亞派對」,當晚定必為大家 帶來當地美食。

在6月19日我們將舉行父親節工作坊,小孩可透過工作坊為父親設計 一份父親節禮物,翌日再親手為父親送上。父親節當天,他們更可選擇 在 Compass Room 享用「Father’s Day Set Lunch」或在 Bistro 享用

Sunday Family Brunch」。當然,為慶祝父親節,「Perrier-Jouët」有一 系列的香檳供大家選擇。

在此,我溫馨提示大家,根據香港政府現行法例,所有餐飲業務須於晚 上9時59分清空及停止營運。會員及其賓客不能於晚上10時或之後逗留 在本會任何餐飲處所及在本會任何物業設施內進行飲食。當職員前來提 醒大家時間已到時,請大家與職員合作。我們將繼續努力鼓勵職員及會 員盡快接種疫苗,從而讓本會能盡快回復正常運作。

最後,不要忘記為期12周的「St. James’s Place 黃昏系列帆船賽」將於 6月4日展開,是大家邊欣賞日落及在會所前欣賞帆船比賽的好時機呢!


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