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Persistence Prevails! Po Toi Challenge 2021

Po Toi Challenge 2021



he Young Members Committee (YMC) organised a fantastic day out on the water racing to Po Toi on Sunday 18 April. We were blessed with 20 to 25kts on the day with mostly dry and sunny weather – not so easy for newbies but welcomed by sailors. A much safer race course was planned for a more pleasant and safe experience for crews and guests with limited experience.

In light of the Covid-19 situation, this annual YMC signature event was cancelled 2020 and was subject to rescheduling a couple of times earlier in 2021. The YMC is very grateful for boat owners’ active participation and for the enormous support from Club’s Sailing Office and race management team – without which the Po Toi Challenge could not have happened. We had a very encouraging turnout this year with a lot of positive feedback and marked some new milestones for ourselves: • Greatest number of participants – 72 • Greatest number of rowers participating in this event – 12 • Highest number of boats participating – 15 • Added in Line Honours as a category • A follow-up trial practice on smaller keelboats (thank you Impala Fleet!)

Apart from our usual focus of encouraging non-members to join we also focused on bringing sailors and rowers together at one event. The table below highlights some interesting facts and perspectives from sailors, rowers and paddlers:


Po Toi Challenge Event



With a more balanced composition of members of the YMC this year, rowers have been actively approached and encouraged to join whilst in the past they thought the event was for sailors only Too windy to row in 20+kts wind, not a safe condition for a row

Getting wet Do not mind it as it sometimes happens Mentality Naturally competitive in nature – appreciated the teamwork and coordination within the boat, quite similar to the expectations in a rowing competition Sea sickness Not typical to get sea sickness on a rowing boat, and was trying very hard not to be seasick during the Po Toi Challenge, was told by sailors that not throwing up is an achievement


Have never interacted with so many rowers before. Pretty cool to mingle and discuss the other core sport in RHKYC

Perfect sailing weather for big cruisers – sunny and periodically overcast, windy, but no rain Prefer to stay dry / avoid at all cost Teamwork and coordination are key but communication plays an important role

As long as you find a way to survive (and stay on the boat), help yourself to a rum and coke to calm your nerves

Above: New hands

With YMC’s core mission in mind – “One Club, One Young Community”, we continually look to provide various platforms and opportunities for young members and friends to experience sailing and rowing as well as building a sense of belonging to our Club. We hope to bring people together through our fun events and activities so as to enable a closer community among our core sports for a better RHKYC!

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