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Kellett Golf Society
from Ahoy! June 2022
by Koko Mueller
he long agonising wait was finally over! On 3 May, the KGS Golf Day was successfully held at the beautiful KSC Golf Club.
The lovely day was sunny and warm with a gentle breeze in the mid-20s. Golfers with rusty bodies and moldy clubs were exciting and thrilled to make their first swing in 2022. Two groups of 10 players were divided to take the challenge in a match play “4BBB” with extra prizes for “Longest Drive” and “Nearest to the Pin”. As always, we made some Pars, many Double Bogeys, lost almost all the golf balls and try to keep a smiling face after shouting “Fore!!!”
Towards the evening, prizes were given to the winning team and everyone had a great party at Shelter Cove Cub House. Thank you KGS and see you again soon!