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Yacht Racing Sub Committee (YRSC)
from Ahoy! June 2023
by Koko Mueller
On the 27 April, the YRSC hosted a drinks evening to update members on the workings of this new committee. For those unable to attend, here are the highlights from that event.
The YRSC reports to and is chaired by a member of SailCom. Its responsibilities cover all IRC and HKPN yacht racing for the Club, including inshore, coastal and offshore. Committee members must be approved by GenCom. As we near the end of another committee year, this is the ideal time to express an interest in joining the committee via the form on the Committee Interest area in the RHKYC website Members’ area.
To support the main committee, an Inshore Racing Working Group (IRWG) has been formed to focus on the inshore responsibilities of the YRSC due to its wide ranging scope. The IRWG can co-opt anyone into the group without formal approval and will make recommendations to the YRSC. If you are interested in joining the IRWG please use the email address below to express an interest.
To better communicate with those members interested in IRC/HKPN yacht racing, there are a number of new channels you can use.
• RHKYC All Sailors (IRC/HKPN), WhatsApp group. This is open for all sailors to join to receive and discuss events being run by the YRSC.
• RHKYC Yacht Owners (IRC/HKPN), WhatsApp group. This is a restricted group for yacht owners/skippers. Those seeking to join the group will be reviewed before gaining access. Only YRSC administrators can post to this group and those in the group can only respond to polls. Hence, it is a group mainly to receive information and not for group discussions.
• For those wanting to discuss topics directly with the YRSC, please use our new email yrsc@rhkyc.org.hk. These emails will be received by a committee member and passed onto the person responsible to deal with the topic.
During the April event, we canvassed those attending on a number of topics on how we might improve the events run under this committee. We will be working on this feedback in the new committee year and will be using the above channels to communicate progress.
This is your committee, so please do lend your support and get involved so we can deliver the events you wish to see.