2 minute read
Starter’s Box
from Ahoy! March 2021
by Koko Mueller
China Sea 200 Dash One Global Tomes Cup Nations’ Cup 13 and 14 March 24 April 25 April
China Sea 200 Dash
The Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club invites entries to the fifth China Sea 200 Dash, a Category 3 offshore race with liferafts using virtual marks to create a course which starts and finishes in Hong Kong waters. The intent is to help boats get tuned-up and their crews ready for night sailing. It is the intent of the race committee that course lengths will differ between divisions to enable the majority of boats to finish around the same time.
Nations’ Cup

Calling all nations, the ever popular Nations’ Cup will be held on Sunday 25 April. Start planning your national costume now and get your entries in for an on-the-water celebration of all things cultural plus the infamous post regatta party. There will be lots of children activities at Kellett Island so all family and friends are welcome!

One Global Tomes Cup
The last of the season’s pursuit race will take place with One Global Tomes Cup on Saturday afternoon on 24 April. Once the results have been calculated we will be announcing the winner of the Top Dog Series 2020-2021 at the Tomes Cup prizegiving on the main lawn.
In the 1960s the late Noel Croucher received a letter from a Mrs Tomes, widow of a member of the Tomes family, late of the old Hong Kong firm of Shewan Tomes & Co., Ltd., (now part of the Hutchison Group). The letter stated that among her late husband’s effects was an old trophy, the Sugar Refiners Cup, which she thought the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club might like. This was gratefully accepted and was given for another staggered all-classes pursuit race. In ignorance of history, many members referred to it as the Taikoo Sugar Cup, quite forgetting that Taikoo Sugar was merely the sole survivor of the various earlier sugar refineries, of which Tomes were one. To keep the record straight, Noel Croucher had the Cup renamed Tomes Cup and it remains to this day. The inscription on the Cup reads “Sugar Refiners Cup won by Naomi April 1st 1880.”