2 minute read
Special Interviews
from Ahoy May 2022
by Koko Mueller
Inge Strompf-Jepsen, Past Commodore
An utterly fantastic interview with RHKYC Vice Patron Lowell Chang covering everything from how he started sailing in San Francisco, meeting Phyllis and moving to Hong Kong... reminisces about all manner of exciting events and incredible people, how he helped get the Around the Island Race to actually go around the island... keeping the Club at Kellett Island... and of course the ‘Royal’ debate.
Lowell Chang joined the Club in 1972 and became a Life Member in 2013. As a keen Dragon class sailor, he was the Dragon Class Sailing Captain and Crew Co-ordinator from 2001 to 2002, the Dragon Class Results Officer from 2002 to 2016, and most importantly he was a co-founder of Prince Henrik Silver Trophy in 1988. He has also spent tremendous amount of time and energy in serving numerous committees since 1986. The committees he has served include House, Middle Island, Strategic Planning, Sailing and the General Committee; and he was also a member of the Kellett Island Reprovisioning Working Group and the Private Recreational Lease Response Working Group. Being Rear Commodore Club from 1989 to 1991; Vice Commodore from 1996 to 1998 and then Commodore from 1998 to 2000, his commitment to the sport, and to the Club, is unquestionable. Lowell was appointed Vice Patron in 2021.
YouTube link https://youtu.be/WMpHe8ft7bU or scan the QR code

In this brilliant interview, Inge shares how she met her husband Rick on the Star Ferry and that led to joining the Club and travelling the world competing in many races and regattas. Inge also tells us about the I COYC, her involvement in race management duties and of course she's the interior designer of pretty much everything you see in the three Clubhouses!
Inge Strompf-Jepsen joined the Club in 1986, became a Full Member in 1994 and a Life Member in 2022 and her list of committee work is really impressive!
Club Committees / Other involvement: Commodore 2004-2006 Vice Commodore 2002-2004 Rear Commodore (Club) 1999-2002 General Committee 1995-2006 Club Committee 1999-2002 (Chairwoman 1999-2002) Projects/Facilities Committee 1995-2002 (Chairwoman 1997-1999) Strategic Planning Committee 2000-2004, 2008-2012, 2019-2021 (Chairwoman 2002-2004) Steering Committee 1998-2002 Shelter Cove Committee 1996-2000, 2010-2011 (Chairwoman 1996-1998) China Coast Cup Committee 1995, 2001-2002, 2015-2018 (Chairwoman 1995) ICOYC Commodores' Forum Working Group 2006, 2013 Kellett Island Development Working Group 2011-2013 Kl Reprovisioning Working Group 2002-2008 (Chairwoman 2004-2005) Nominating Committee 2007-2010, 2017, 2022 Public Affairs Working Group 2007-2008 Race Management Sub-Committee 2016-2022 Race Officer 1995-2018, all major Club events HKSF Council Member 2009-2016 ICOYC Board of Directors 2006-2018