3 minute read
Commodore’s Message
from Ahoy! November 2020
by Koko Mueller
Commodore Denis Martinet
會長孟憲庭 “…I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race..” Our Vice Patron Li Fook Hing, OBE sadly passed away in early October. And “Uncle Li”, as he was affectionately known, did participate and win quite a few races over the near 50 years he was a member of our Club, proudly helming his boats, some of which he even built himself! Whilst our thoughts go to his wife June and his family, we take the time in this issue of Ahoy! to remember fondly this multifaceted and inspirational man.
Stepping back in time, it was on 26 October 1940 that over 500 people gathered on Kellett Island, as it was really an island then, for the official opening of the new Clubhouse by Acting Governor, Lieutenant-General Sir E.F. Norton. This was to become and still is our 4th main location in the history of our Club. More fascinating details on this event can be found on page 14. Right now I can let you know that we will be celebrating this anniversary ourselves on 21 November. With the Regatta Ball shifted to we hope a more manageable period, we shall instead have a 1940s themed black-tie dinner in the Compass Room. It promises to be a memorable event. Be sure to be there.
Our return to big boat racing at Middle Island could not have been better. China Coast Race Week was held in fantastic sailing conditions in the waters east of Lamma. Our heartfelt congratulations to everyone involved from race management and volunteers, to competitors and to the sailing office. A full report will be forthcoming, but while you wait there are excellent footage and pictures available on our social media pages.
Our long awaited blue ribbon event will be upon us on 8 November, the Around the Island Race. A truly iconic race, it is one of the few occasions in our racing calendar where all boats big and small, young and old, congregate to take part together, making it a unique and festive occasion. On the same day, I will be representing the Club at the Remembrance Day service at the Cenotaph. I shall see you back at Kellett Island in the afternoon. Till then wear your poppy with pride, and give generously. Rowers and paddlers will have their very own Around the Island Race, which is also for many, the main and iconic event in their calendar. This year marks the 15th anniversary of the inclusion of outrigger canoes and although it unfortunately won’t be the grand celebration that was being prepared due to the situation we are in, I hope our fellow members will join me in wishing all competitors the very best of luck and enjoyment. Would you like $80,000 worth of F&B credit? Read on! The General Committee has agreed to release for sale three Individual Debenture Memberships at a unit selling price of $1,950,000 (valid from 1 October until 31 December) on a first come first serve basis. To mark the 80th anniversary of our Kellett Island Clubhouse, the Committee also decided to extend a special offer first introduced last year, whereby any member successfully proposing a new Individual Debenture Member and the new Individual Debenture Member, will each qualify for a F&B credit worth $80,000 to be used within 18 months of the new member being admitted. Now surely that’s worth your attention. Referral details can be passed on to our team at the Membership Office on 2239 0372 or email: membership@rhkyc.org.hk In closing, I would like to thank you for the overwhelming messages of appreciation and support for our video. We shall take your comments on board and aim to provide you with fun and informative content. Meanwhile be sure to circulate it far and wide, and support our Club by subscribing to our YouTube channel RHKYC. Going forward into the new normal, can I ask for your continued support in wearing your masks (we have greats Club ones now!) and help management in abiding by the prevailing social distancing requirements in place. These are important habits to ensure we can continue to enjoy our Club and activities.
Stay safe, sail well and paddle hard!
我已打了一場勝仗,順利完成賽事了。」我們的副贊助人李福慶OBE在十 月上旬與世長辭了。和藹可親的「Uncle Li」一向為人熟識,作為香港遊艇 會會員的他在近50年曾親自掌舵,參與過數場比賽並奪魁,載譽而歸。此 時此刻大家難免會記掛著「Uncle Li」的遺孀June及其家人,就讓我們一 起借今期Ahoy!月刊去懷念這位既多元化又深具啟發性的一代偉人吧!
回眸過去,在1940年10月26日當時有愈500人聚集於當年仍是一個島嶼的 吉列島,為的便是參與由時任署理總督 Lieutenant-General Sir E.F. Norton 為新會所主持的開幕典禮。自此以後,吉列島便成為本會史上第四個主要 據點,有關更詳細的資料,可見於本刊第14頁。我們更會在11月21日慶祝這 個週年紀念的盛事。隨著 Regatta Ball 的延期,我們將在 Compass Room 舉行「Black-tie 晚宴」,這將會是一場令人難忘的活動,大家萬物錯過!
我們早前在中途島舉辦的大帆船級別賽事可謂精彩絕倫。「中國海岸帆船 賽周」在絕佳的航海條件下,於南丫島以東海域進行。在此,我們向賽事管 理團隊、義工、參賽者及賽事部同事衷心致謝。稍後將提供賽後報告,欲先 睹為快及重溫一下賽事精華及片段,大家可到香港遊艇會的社交平台瀏覽。
大家期待已久的香港環島大賽將於11月8日上演。屆時,所有型號及不同 級別的帆船將傾巢而出,尤如一場「海上嘉年華」。同日,我將代表香港 遊艇會出席和平紀念日悼念儀式,並於下午回到吉列島。大家如欲佩戴 虞美人花,緊記慷慨解囊呢! 賽艇及划槳運動員將會分別舉行賽艇及懸浮獨木舟的環島大賽。今年, 本會引入懸浮獨木舟項目已踏入第15年了,可惜鑑於疫情關係,我們未能 舉行大型慶祝活動。在此,希望大家與我一起,祝願各位比賽順利。
港幣8萬元的餐飲信用額是否非常吸引呢?香港遊艇會理事會已通過 議案,發放三個「可轉讓個人會籍」,每個新「可轉讓個人會籍」為港幣 $1,950,000。為慶祝香港遊艇會吉列島會所成立80週年,理事會繼上一 年推出的優惠,今年再推出一項新優惠。現凡任何一位會員成功推介一位 新「可轉讓個人會籍」會員加入本會,二人均可獲得港幣8萬元的餐飲信用 額;而該餐飲信用額可於新會員成功加入本會後的18個月內享用,推廣期 為10月1日至12月31日,以先到先得形式接受申請。有關推介新會員事宜 及詳情,可與本會會籍部同事聯絡,電話為 2239 0372,電郵地址則為 membership@rhkyc.org.hk。
最後,多謝大家對「會長視頻」的支持及鼓勵。你們的意見反饋將推動 我們做得更好。大家緊記把「會長視頻」廣傳開去,訂閱香港遊艇會的 Youtube 頻道 RHKYC 以示支持呢!
在「新常態」下,勞煩大家繼續保持個人衛生,在本會內時常佩戴口罩, 並遵守社交距離措施。此舉均能確保大家繼續在會內安心享用各項設 施及活動。