3 minute read
General Manager’s Message
from Ahoy! November 2020
by Koko Mueller
What a busy October we have just finished and before we know the Christmas and New Year programme will be upon us. Following feedback in previous years and in the spirit of improved sustainability, we’ve decided to do a little bit more for the environment this year and move all of the details online to a new festive season website. There you will find everything you need to make your festive season spectacular! Hurry as bookings are now open and General Manager Mark Bovaird 總經理布馬克 we envisage that with many more members than usual staying in town this year demand is going to be even higher than normal.
Once you’ve made all your festive season arrangements, you can turn back to what is more immediately on the horizon. The first week of November sees Irish Week being celebrated at the Club co-hosted by the Consulate General of Ireland who know a thing or two about having a ‘good craic’. See page 39 for details.
There was something else you may have noticed. Due to social distancing measures, we have taken the decision to move the Regatta Ball to the start of next year in anticipation and hope that we can run it in its full glory by then. However we are not leaving you with the date of 21 November as a void in your social diary! Did you know that the Kellett Island Clubhouse was officially opened in 1940 after our move from North Point? With it being 80 years since then it is a great excuse to celebrate Kellett Island’s 80th birthday on 21 November instead. There will be a 1940s style black tie gala dinner in the Compass Room and having a play on the 80 theme, we’ll have a less formal 80s (1980s that is) themed party on the Main Deck and surrounding areas. There are more details on page 14 and on the Club website.
On 12 November we will be having the Torbreck Wine Dinner in the Compass Room. This wine dinner will feature wines from the Barossa Valley in Australia and which have been named as one of the world’s top 100 wine estates by Robert Parker. The founder of the winery managed to resurrect some old vines which had been abandoned by a previous owner and the rest is history – but let me let the speaker tell you the story whilst you enjoy the Torbreck wines paired with dinner. For lovers of Barossa Valley wines, and Shiraz wines in particular, it really doesn’t get much better.
The F&B team are putting on some more events for you this November to keep you here at the Club, your second home! There’s a Japanese Night on Saturday 14 November and a Hairy Crab Promotion on Thursday 19 November, both of which will be in the Regatta Room. And the Rooftop will have a Monthly Music Quiz Night on Friday 20 November and a Korean BBQ Night on Saturday 28 November!
Last but not least, I’d like to mention the American Thanksgiving Dinner Buffet in the Bistro on Thursday 26 November and an Italian Night at Middle Island on Friday 27 November. The annual fondue promotion will start up again very soon too! Further details can be found within this issue.
Many of you are still not travelling so we hope that our offerings will keep you busy at the Club!
過去的10月可謂一個既忙錄又充實的月份,隨之而來的便是迎接聖誕 節及農曆新年的到來。我們收到大家的意見反應,加上會方積極推行可 持續發展;因此我們今年會為保護環境多做一步,把所有節慶的資訊放 在一個全新的節日網站。在該節日網站,你將獲得所有節慶用品或食品 相關資料,絕對足夠讓你歡渡節日作安排。鑑於大家今年未能外遊的關 係,相信今年都要留港歡渡佳節,倘若要預訂節日用品,記得欲購從速。
當你辦妥一切節慶安排後,大家可以把專注力放在11月的活動上。11月 的首星期將迎來由香港遊艇會及愛爾蘭總領事館合辦的「愛爾蘭週」, 為大家帶來美好時光。有關活動詳細資料可見第39頁。
Regatta Ball」延期至明年初舉辦,期望屆時疫情已受控,「Regatta Ball」可以順利舉行。大家請放心,我們不會打亂大家已計劃好的日程。大 家可知道11月21日是香港遊艇會吉列島會所,從北角遷往吉列島的80週 年慶典嗎?為慶祝這件盛事,我們將在 Compass Room 內舉辦一場 1940年代,以80為主題的「Black Tie」晚宴。當晚,我們更在 Main Deck 及附近位置舉辦一場玩味甚濃的80s主題派對。有關活動詳細資料,可見 於第14頁及本會網站。 在11月12日,我們將在 Compass Room 舉辦「Torbreck」葡萄酒晚宴。 這場美酒晚宴將重點推介澳洲巴羅莎山谷的葡萄酒,這酒莊更被 Robert Parker 評為世界上一百個頂尖酒莊之一。酒莊莊主更成功保存了 一些由前莊主留下的陳年美酒,有關更多酒莊及澳洲巴羅莎山谷的葡萄 酒的歷史,就讓當晚的講者一一為大家介紹。如果你是巴羅莎山谷葡萄 酒及「Shiraz」葡萄酒的愛好者,這場葡萄酒晚宴可萬勿錯過呢!
香港遊艇會在11月將為你有帶來更多活動,讓本會成為你第二個家。 11月14(星期六)將會是「日本夜」,而11月19日將為大家呈獻「大閘 蟹」晚宴。兩個活動將在 Regatta Room 進行。11月20日(星期五)晚上 將在 Rooftop 進行每月的「Music Quiz Night」而11月28 日(星期六)將 舉辦「BBQ夜」呢!
最後順帶一提,我們在11月26日(星期四)於Bistro舉辦美國感恩節的自 助餐晚餐,而11月27日(星期五)則於中途島會所舉辦意大利之夜。我們 很快便會把年度的「芝士火鍋」晚宴帶來與大家見面。更多詳細資料見 於本月月刊內。
我們得悉很多人都未能外遊,希望上述活動可讓大家在會內渡過充實 的假期!