3 minute read
Marine | Boatyard
from Ahoy! November 2021
by Koko Mueller
We have mentioned in previous articles how fires can start and how rapidly fibreglass burns. If members are unfortunate enough to have a fire on board their boat what can they do? Fibreglass fires spread very rapidly and give off toxic smoke. This does not leave much time to fight a fire or to escape from a cabin if the fire has already taken hold. Obviously if the fire is small then it can be tackled with the boats own fire fighting equipment. A fire blanket should be used for fires on the galley stove. A fire extinguisher for other fires. And in desperation a bucket, or many, with sea water. Which leads to the questions?
ow easy is it to get to your extinguisher? Or is it in the bottom of a locker? The location of a fire extinguisher can have a big impact on the outcome of a boat fire.
Has it been tested yearly?
Do you know how to use it?
Are your crew and guests aware of where the fire fighting equipment is kept?
Do you think that the extinguisher you have is suitable in size? Just because the Marine Department say that you should have two 2.5 kg dry powder extinguishers on board, will that be enough? A small extinguisher will only operate for 10 to 20 seconds!
You are supposed to have a fire bucket on board. Does it have a lanyard that will allow it to reach the sea? Is it easy to get to? Often there is not much that can be done due to the smoke except get off the boat. Are the lifejackets and grab bag easy to get to?
If the fire has taken hold and you are inside with the fire between you and the hatch or companionway what can you do?
Its easier said than done but you should try and get a wet cloth to place around your head and over your mouth and nose. Might not sound hygienic but you can always get water from the head if the water system if off. Get your head and body right down on the cabin sole, as the smoke will not be quite so bad there and there will be more oxygen, and get out as quick as you can. Again easier said than done but it may help to save your life.
What happens next is wholly dependant on where the boat is. Unless you are out at sea the first thing to do it to raise the alarm by calling 999. If in a marina then set off the fire alarm as well, rouse anyone on neighbouring boats and alert the marina staff or guard if possible. Disconnect the shore power if it is plugged in. Move boats that are berthed alongside the boat on fire as the fire will spread rapidly and get out of control. If there is firefighting equipment on the dock you could try to fight the fire but this is really better to be left to the Fire Services. Cooking gas cylinders and petrol on board, whether in a can or inside an outboard engine, are a particular danger on a burning boat. If the fire has taken control then you should clear the area in case these explode. There are so many scenarios that it is not possible to go into each one.
If at anchor or at sea then you must be prepared to abandon ship. This is something that everyone should have planed for and so we will not go into further details.
There are a few other precautions that can be taken on board. Fit a smoke detector so that you can sleep easy when at anchor and no one is on watch. Install a remote shut off for the cooking gas and have a gas and CO2 detector on board. This will detect leaking cooking gas in the bilge, where it will gather, and CO2 from a leaking exhaust system.
Members may also wish to check their Insurance Policy to understand what is and what is not covered in the event of a fire.