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Marine | Boatyard

Marine | Boatyard


Sun Hung Kai & Co. Around The Island Race One Global Lipton Trophy YMC Alma Mater Race 14 November 20 November 19 December


Sun Hung Kai & Co. Around the Island Race

Hong Kong’s biggest sailing event Around the Island Race will take place Sunday 14 November this year. The Notice of Race and online entry are on the club’s website. Mooring and hardstanding space is limited at Kellett Island and will be allocated on a first come first served basis upon entry into the race, please contact our Marine Department to reserve your space.


One Global Lipton Trophy

Saturday 20 November will see the second pursuit race of the Top dog Trophy Series so save the date, Notice of Race and online entry are available from the club’s website. The format is a pursuit race in the harbour with staggered start times with the aim of all boats finishing around the same time.

YMC Alma Mater Race

The Young Members Committee are organizing the YMC Alma Mater Race on Sunday 19 December following a similar format to the Nations Cup, Notice of Race and entry are available from the website.

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