2 minute read
RHKYC Charity Foundation
from Ahoy! October 2021
by Koko Mueller
Yes we are still in midst of the pandemic. There are lots of uncertainties as to when our lives can be back to normal as before. It seems that the clock has stopped for 20+ months. But if we called that a frustration, imagine those less privileged, especially those deprived children unable to go to school. They seriously need help! Your RHKYC Charity Foundation, after balancing all considerations, decided to re-launch the English Book Reading Programme for 12 disadvantaged children this summer. Only two days afterwards recruitment began, the Programme was already three times oversubscribed. A solid proof of the childrens’ needs!

Session One Session Two

Session Three Session Four

Session Seven
The Programme consisted of 7 sessions held over Saturday mornings from 10 July to 28 August. We also adopted a one-on-one approach this year to accelerate the children’s learning English through all kinds of activities. 40 volunteers, both members and staff, were involved. If you were there, spot yourself in the photos and thank you so much.
The last session of the Programme was enormously touching as we all witnessed the difference we have made for the children. We saw the joy and more importantly, their confidence on reading, writing, listening and speaking English. Their parents are shocked by their improvement, in only 7 x two-hour sessions. This could never happen even in their normal academic school life.
Yes there are uncertainties in the future. But one thing we are certain, the English Book Reading Programme will continue next year as long as the law allows. Our mandate to help has to continue!
Living Legends
We had lunch in the Compass Room on Saturday 4 September 2021 with Mark and Sara Houghton to celebrate 47 years in Hong Kong. In 1974, Mark literally met me off the plane at Kai Tak and took me straight to the Main Bar at Kellett Island – even before I checked in the hotel! I had my own 505 waiting in the west side boat park which was set up by the then Commodore Reg Maynard, who was from the same village as me in North Wales. I had had his address and although I had never actually met him before, I wrote to tell him I was coming to Hong Kong and mentioned that I was secretary of the sailing club in Porthmadoc where Reg was also a member. So there I was in 1974, a member with a boat the day I arrived in Hong Kong and have never looked back since (except at those boats behind me when I cross a race finish line...).