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Volunteers – We Thank You
from Ahoy! September 2021
by Koko Mueller
Over the 2020/21 sailing season, 375 volunteers generously served 462 days on race and protest committees, on safety teams, as mark layers and umpires, and delivered race management training to fellow Club members and the wider HK sailing community. We thank you for your flexibility which ensured that the RHKYC racing programme could take place in this COVID-19 challenged year. The Sailing Calendar had to be amended so many times throughout the season and yet our volunteers always stepped up to fill our rosters and teams.


Barry Truhol Inge Strompf-Jepsen Ian Fleming

Niclas Rydin Steve Wordsworth Bonnie Cheng
Many new volunteers joined our experienced race management teams during the season – thank you and we hope to see you next season. The Club supported our volunteers by providing a variety of race management and protest committee training during the year, and plans to add mark laying and safety training next season. Volunteers were given F&B vouchers to use on race day, a packed lunch on full day duties, and even rewarded with a cream tea after the largest regattas run from Kellett Island.
We would like to recognise the outstanding contributions of some of our volunteers in 2020/21: Barry Truhol – 12 days volunteered for race management and training Inge Strompf-Jepsen – 10 days volunteered for race management Ian Fleming – 10 days volunteered for race management and protest committees Niclas Rydin – 9 days volunteered for safety/media teams Steve Wordsworth – 8 days volunteers for race management and safety teams Bonnie Cheng – 7 days volunteered for race management