Greetings Brothers and Supporters of RKL, It is a pleasure on behalf of the Brothers of Rho Kappa Lambda that I bring you greetings. With the commencement of another fraternal year, we have witnessed much movement amidst our ranks. Our Black and Olde Gold sovereign has not been immune to the current economic climate that his besieged our nation and more disproportionately our community. Several RKL stalwarts needed to spread their wings to continue soaring and we only wish them supportive sustaining winds as they hold high the light of Alpha albeit outside of Georgia. Later in this communication, you will have the opportunity to hear from some of these gentlemen but I’d like to take this opportunity to acknowledge my personally dubbed “Fantastic Four” – Bro. Bill Roston(IPP), Bro. Johnail Arrington, Bro. Henry Bradford and Bro. Frank Soares. I thank them for their service to RKL as these Brothers truly imbued the spirit of Brotherhood and their absence has surely been felt. Just as quickly as these Brothers departed, another Alpha train pulled into our Greater Atlanta station and in its shadow we welcomed several reclaimed Brothers prepared to rededicate themselves to our collective mission of service. With that said there are still some empty seats at the table for all men of Alpha interested in working collaboratively for the uplifting of our community. We look forward to your continued support as we execute our programming during our fraternal year. Thanks in advance and we hope you enjoy our Fall 2011 newsletter. S. Andre Neblett President, Rho Kappa Lambda Chapter Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Presidents Message
The Brotherhood
Adopt-a-Roadway Clean-up Brothers opened up the fraternal year by conducting its quarterly road clean-up event in Gwinnett County. The Adopt-a-Roadway Clean-up is in partnership with the Keep Gwinnett Clean Program. The Chapter has maintained this stretch of roadway for some years now. The next quarterly event will take place during the month of January.
Tools For Success: Back To School Drive Rho Kappa Lambda concluded its 2nd annual Tools For Success: Back To School Drive during the month of September. Each year the chapter identifies an entity to donate all items. This year the Chapter chose Youth Villages as the organization to receive collected supplies. Youth Villages is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to helping emotionally and behaviorally troubled children and their families live successfully. Founded in 1986, Youth Villages helps more than 17,000 children and families every year from more than 20 states and Washington, D.C., through a wide array of programs, including intensive in-home services, residential treatment, foster care and adoption, transitional living services, mentoring and crisis services. Youth Villages’ focus on strengthening families consistently produces an 80 percent success rate of children living successfully at home even two years after completing a Youth Villages program.
Atlanta Aids 5K Walk/Run Brothers participated in the annual Atlanta Aids Walk during the month of October for there monthly service project.This was the first year that the chapter p a rt ic ip a t e d in the event in Downtown Atlanta. The event features several other NPHC organizations participating and raising money for this worthy cause that affects our community greatly.
Atlanta Strong Leg 5K Walk/Run In addition to the Atlanta Aids Walk, Brothers participated in the Atlanta Strong Leg 5K Walk/ Run in November. The event benefits Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.
NPHC National Service Project
Brother Mark Robinson was tapped by the NPHC Convention planning committee to provide his expertise during the conventions service project. The purpose of his involvement was to provide physical activity for the kids. Since the theme was health, we wanted to show the benefits of exercise vs a sedentary lifestyle. The exercise that was provided was based on martial arts. The exercise provided consisted of several drills for about 10 minutes.
Brotherhood Night At The Lanes Rho Kappa Lambda understands the need to reach out to Brothers whom may have step away from the House of Alpha for whatever reason and attempt to reclaim those Brothers. During the month of October, RKL held its Brotherhood Night At The Lanes event at Stars and Strikes Bowling Alley. The event was well attended by Brothers as well as Brothers residing in the area. The invitation was also extended to our neighboring chapter Brothers, Eta Iota Lambda of Athens, GA. The event provided for great fellowship amongst the Brotherhood.
Brotherhood Events
Greeting Brothers, I would like to say thank you for all your love and support you have been sending me while I am away on this deployment. I have been busy these past couple of weeks, so I am sorry for any delayed responses. Nevertheless I am doing ok, and everything is going well so far. I am just getting use to the time change here it is 8: hours and 30 mins head of united states, and the weather here is hot during the day and still warm at night. Since we are heading into the winter months over here, they say it will still be hot during the day and cold at night. So far I have been taking it one day at a time, but I am trying to enjoy whatever free time I can when I am not working or giving training sessions out. Some days are really long and others go by quickly. which are the days that I really love the best. I know many have asked for a address to write or send packages, but I have not gotten a permanent address yet. Hopefully I will receive one in the next week or so. Once I receive my address I will pass it onto every one. I currently do not need anything but I will keep everyone posted if something does arise that I am in need of. I cant wait to get home and hang out with the Bruh, friends, and family members. I will keep you posted as much as I can. I will try to send some pictures if I can, they are cracking down on troops taking pictures on base and posting them on the web. But Brothers stay safe and stay cold 06... Thank you, RL CertiPHIed Delivery McCaskill As we celebrated the close of another successful fraternal year, I received word from Bro. Johnail Arrington that he would be departing our company returning home to Virginia. Over the years, he has contributed to the evolution of RKL and in kind I hope we served him as well. Johnail amidst his many personal health challenges remained resolute to the mission of Alpha and that is the testament of an Alpha Man. We have in spirit and in kind supported Brother Arrington when the water afoot weren’t the most calm. Bro. Arrington embodied the true spirit of Brotherhood and served our beloved RKL and Alpha consistently throughout his tenure with us. With an objective voice of reason, many a Brother has been stung by his words but they were usually what needed to be said even though not what one may have wanted to hear. This honesty was actually welcomed and refreshing, as all too many Brothers have become complacent with regard to our charge as Alpha men. He served most of his time with RKL with oversight of some financial component of our operation. This past August the Brothers of Rho Kappa Lambda and his undergraduate chapter Xi Zeta collaborated to ensure the safe passage of our respective native son homeward. Several Brothers of RKL over the course of moving day came together to lend a helping hand to pack and load the truck in preparation for its northern passage. Former chapter brothers Derrick Richard and Shawn Washington of Xi Zeta flew to Atlanta to drive the moving truck and his car to Virginia. The spirit of Brotherhood permeated the air as we made sure our Brother knew “He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother�. Bro. Andre Neblett
Brothers Keeper
This past year the Brothers awarded each Young Pharaoh was given ties celebrated the conclusion of for completing the program. the inaugural Young Pharaohs Mentoring Program in conjunction with the A Worley Brown Boys and Girls Club in Norcross, GA. The program is a school year long program meeting on various Saturdays with middle school students in the Gwinnett School System currently attending middle school. Modules consisted of conflict management, proper decision making, dress for success, time management skills, You can ask any elder and you will be told etc... "If you don't plant seeds in the young, there will be no shade The program concluded with a scholarship luncheon where the RKL Education Foundation awarded annual scholarships to three high school students currently graduating from high school and currently attending there freshman year of college. In addition to scholarships being
when you're old." So Alpha Phi Alpha did something bold And mentored us so we could have a future of gold.
They called our brotherhood 'Young Pharoahs' - like kings And being in the program reinforced some things Honor, respect and love spreads a falcons wings Put them together and unity is what it brings Academics, leadership, sportsmanship, success These are the things that make our good better, and our better BEST As certain as the sun sets in west With their help now we can surpass the rest So if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen Cuz achievement results from work realizing ambition Leadership is action, not just position And we are young men on a YOUNG PHAROAHS' mission. -Mateo L Guerra 12 yrs old
Pharaohs Academy
Bro. Henry B ra d f o rd , a spring 2 0 0 8 initiate of Rho Kappa Lambda, is very excited to join the Cameron College Prep school as a member of the 2011 Nashville Teaching Fellows cohort. He is currently teaching 5th Grade Mathematics for the 2011-2012 academic school year. Mr. Bradford graduated from Morehouse College and The Georgia Institute of Technology in 2007 with degrees in applied physics and mechanical engineering. After approximately 4 years of working as an analyst at a global business and technology consulting firm, Mr. Bradford made the decision to begin a career in education. He is very passionate about seeing all of his students succeed, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, or sexual orientation. Specifically, Mr. Bradford has an interest in developing the mathematical skills of his students so that they will be well prepared to realize their innate potential and achieve high levels of success in their future educational and career pursuits. Mr. Bradford believes that every human being has a unique purpose in life. His purpose is now to challenge, develop, and enable all of his students to achieve success in academics and beyond. He is 100% dedicated to giving each child the best possible education they can receive, and is committed to being a positive role model for them to emulate.
Dear Brothers of RKL, I come to you humbly to let the brotherhood know that I have relocated to the State of Oregon. I currently work at Oregon State University in Corvallis, OR. I hope in the next couple of years to pursue my PhD in Educational Policy and Leadership Studies, where one day could help reform the United States education system which so badly needs it. I would like to thank the chapter for taking me in. Four years ago when I moved to Atlanta, I was moving there with no family or friends. I met Brother Henry Bradford at a function in Atlanta when he told me about the RKL chapter. At that time RKL was the perfect chapter for me to affiliate. I met many good brothers in the chapter, which have molded me both fraternally and personally and I am grateful for that. I would especially like to thank RKL for being my Brother's Keeper when I was admitted to the hospital. Your prayers, words of encouragement, and visits helped me get through one of the hardest times in my short life. Once again I would like to thank each and every RKL brother for your assistance in my endeavors in Atlanta. I hope you the best in all your goals. I know it is not goodbye but see you all as we move ONWARD and UPWARD TOWARDS the LIGHT! Fraternally Yours, Bro. Franklin Soares
Brothers On The Move
Upcoming Events: November: Chapter Meeting 11/12 at 3:30 PM Freedom Christian Ministry
Special Thanks to RKL 2010 - 2011 Supporters: Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce Griffin Technology Consulting
Feed The Homeless 11/24 in conjunction with the Rho Kappa Lambda Education Foundation. Event will take place on Thanksgiving Morning in Downtown Atlanta.
A Worley Brown Boys & Girls Club
Freedom Christian Ministry
Metro Founders Weekend 12/1 - 12/4: Various events are being held around the weekend
Upsilon Alpha Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha
Annual Holiday Party with the Upsilon Alpha Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha. Chapter Meeting 11/12 at 3:30 PM Freedom Christian Missionary Baptist Church Alpha Phi Alpha Georgia District Convention 12/15 - 12/18 in Macon Georgia. Adopt-a-Family 12/21. See Bro. Julian Johnson for more information. January 2012: MLK Celebration 1/16/2012 Black Ice Ski Trip, TBA February 2012: MLK Black History Month Breakfast Chapter Anniversary 2/13
Gwinnett SToPP Glam and Glory Salon LLC
Iota Zeta Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Kappa Iota Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta The Phoenix String Quartet Dinks Carpentry & Cabinetry LLC Lee Consultant Company John John Entertainment Pro-Teks, LLC Rho Kappa Lambda Education Foundation, Inc
Special Thanks to contributors: Bro. Henry Bradford Bro. RL McCaskill Bro. Andre Neblett Bro. Mark Robinson Bro. Franklin Soares Bro. Aaron Ruffin
Upcoming Events
Greetings Brothers, I hope you have all enjoyed reading this issue of The RKL Quarterly. This chapter publication is meant to be informative, enlightening, and supportive of all Brotherhood events and accomplishments. I invite all of you to contribue to the success of this undertaking as we move forward. I would like to thank all of the Brothers who have helped me gather the information to pull this issue into one solid document. This is OUR publication so we all need to take ownership and supply the informative input needed. The chapter newsletter is a longtime coming and we need to do everything in our power to keep it going. I welcome all thoughts and ideas on how we can improve the forthcoming issues and if you would like to contribute please contact me at aaruff3@ Bro. Aaron Ruffin Looking to become active?
If you are an inactive Brother in the Gwinnett/N. Fulton/N. DeKalb area, and you would like to become active in Alpha again, please e-mail Brother Earl Sharpe. His email address is
For more information on the Rho Kappa Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., please visit www.rhokappalambda. org or e-mail:
Rho Kappa Lambda Alumni Chapter PO Box 957714 Duluth, GA 30095 RKL Education Foundation PO Box 1945 Duluth, GA 30096-9998