1 minute read
Foxy Pumps
from Girligami
Now you can brag to all your girlfriends that you found a pair of stiletto heels that never hurt your feet. They don’t have to know these shoes are made from a pretty piece of paper—you can keep that part a secret.
1Fold in half. Unfold. 2 Fold the top point down, using the pattern as a guide. Unfold.
3Flip over from side to side. 4 Fold the sides in, using the pattern as a guide. They should meet at the center crease.

5Stick your fi nger inside the pocket, and bring the point indicated by the circle down to the arrow on each side. This will cause the sides to open out. Then fold the top tip down, squashing it fl at as you go.
6Flip over from side to side. 7 Fold the top end down, using the pattern as a guide. Let toe of shoe pop out as you fold.
8Flip over from side to side. 9 Fold the sides in, using the pattern as a guide. 10 Fold the bottom edges in to meet at the center crease.

11 Flip over from side to side. Rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise. 12 Form the feel by folding behind, using the pattern as a guide.

13 Fold the shoe in half along the sole and the heel, and bring the heel down to complete. 14 Final result.