1 minute read
Beautiful Butterfl y
from Girligami
36 Girligami Beautiful Butterfly
A pretty, easy butterfl y will make your heart sing! Fold an extra one to make someone else’s heart sing, too!

1Fold paper in half vertically, then horizontally. Unfold. 2 Fold the upper and lower edge of the paper toward the center crease. Your model will look like this.

3Fold the lower edge of the paper upward to match the top edge of the paper. Your model will look like this.
4Make an upward fold where the dashed lines are marked.

5Your model will look like this. Flip over from side to side.
6Insert your fi nger into the side and pull down, revealing the wing. Press the wing fl at. Repeat on the other side. Now your model will look like a butterfl y.

7Make a zigzag with the dotted line folding over the dashed line. 8 Repeat step 7 on left side.

9Use a thin strip of paper (looped then fl attened as shown) or a bit of craft wire for the antenna. Use a bit of tape to affi x the antenna to the back of your butterfl y. Trim the antenna to whatever length you like. That’s it! You’re done! 10 Final result.