ISSUE: 9/10 ~ SEPT‐OCT 2013
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, September 24th, 7pm
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: Hi everyone hope you all had a wonderful summer even with our heat. We have our Studio Tour coming up in a couple of weeks so I hope to see more of you sign up at our mee ng no excuse "I haven't been pain ng in a long me" that just means we haven't seen them in a long me. And you do not have to sell any of them. I am proud of all of you and want to show you off to the community. On a sad note in case any of have not heard our dear Ardis Underwood has passed away. Her services will be held at the Canyon Lake Community Church on Saturday 28, 2013 at 1:30. So with that I will close and see you at the mee ng. Joanie Evarts
SEPTEMBER DEMO ARTIST ~ Gabriele Babar The award‐winning California ar st’s work expresses her passion for pain ng through the use of exci ng, vivid color and drama. Whether working in oil, acrylic, watercolors, or pastel, Baber paints with an eye for drama c color, and expresses herself through her art, pain ng realis cally with an expressionis c flair. The award‐winning California ar st’s work expresses her passion for pain ng through the use of exci ng, vivid color and drama. Whether working in oil, acrylic, watercolors, or pastel, Baber paints with an eye for drama c color, and expresses herself through her art, pain ng realis cally with an expressionis c flair. Join us Tuesday, September 24 at the Canyon Lake Senior Center @ 7pm for a lovely evening of art & refreshments. To learn more about the ar sts visit her website @
Current Board Members & Chairs President: Joanie Evart's 951‐244‐3378 Vice‐ President / Program Director: Marilyn Sarkisian‐Latimer
951‐246‐2435 Secretary: Chris Fagan 951‐245‐5244
Reminders: Refreshments are on a voluntary basis. We would like our meetings to start at 7pm sharp, thus giving our demonstrator plenty of time to finish his/her project. (we pay for this). Come as early as you wish to sign in, get your badge, say hello to your buddies, look at the paintings and get a cup of coffee, but no later than 6:45 PLEASE !
“Sharing Art”
Our members are welcome to bring in their artwork to share. At each meeting you can bring in as many as you like but only 2 will count each month. If you need anything Treasurer: else let Jennifer know. Her email is: Lori Gundrum 951‐244‐4800
Publicity Chair Christy Bruce 951‐244‐2727 net
“Monday Night Painters” The Monday night ad-hoc painters are still painting. They meet at the Senior Center from 6:30 to 9:00 pm. This is open to anyone who would like to join them. Come on by , inspire & be inspired.
Historian & Club Photographer Leann Kluck 951‐741‐4100
Show Chair / Hospitality Joan Fakhoury 951‐347‐7043
“Art at the Lodge” Come and share your work. Meet up with Joan Fakhoury and hang your art in the Canyon Lake Lodge for everyone to see. Dates of each new theme change for the next month will be the Monday after the club meeting at between 10-10:30 am at the Lodge. Themes for the balance of 2013 will be announced at the Sept. meeting.
Membership & Newsletter Editor Rhonda Strickland 951‐522‐8757
Dues Remember, it’s time to pay the 2013-2014. If you have not paid your membership dues please pay them at the next meeting in September. Thank you!
Upcoming Demonstrators (in no particular order)
Pam Benson Dennis & Lanie Galceran Celeste Blair Alan Nowel
URGENT: VOLUNTEER NEEDED: The club is in need of a volunteer to take over the position of Sponsorship Chair. The main duty of this position is to procure & renew sponsorship ads from local businesses in the area.
If you have items for the newsletters you can contact me at or by phone at 951-522-8757. Rhonda Strickland 2013 CLAA Newsletter Editor RestLeSs Designs ~ RestLeSs D Graphics
Current & Past Newsletters are available for download at canyonlakeartassociation.html (sponsored by RestLeSs Designs)
ClAA is on Facebook!! You can visit our Facebook page & see current & upcoming events. canyonlakeartassociation
You are also welcome to share your art with the club at the Facebook page. We would love to see how creative you have been this summer!!
Canyon Lake Art Association Upcoming Events ARTIST OPEN STUDIO TOUR DATES SET
OCTOBER 19th & 20tTH Calling All Ar sts The Canyon Lake Art Associa on is extending an invita on to all ar sts to display their work in the 10th annual Open Studios Tour on October 19 and 20. Studios will be open from 10am to 4pm. Ar sts are encouraged to team up to display their work in homes or at the Senior Center. Refreshments will be served at each place of exhibit, contributed by those who are par cipa ng. There will be an opportunity drawing of artwork donated by members of the CLAA. Maps will be provided a week prior to event. The fee to display artwork is $10 per member and $20 for non‐ members. The fee is per person, not per locale. The deadline to turn in the applica on fee is two weeks prior to the show. Late‐comers will not have a chance to be printed on the maps showing where artwork is to be displayed. For more informa on, contact show coordinator Joan Fakhoury at or leave a message with Lori Gundrum at 244‐ 4800, Joanie Evarts at 244‐3378 or Marilyn Sarkisian 246‐ 2435. Since our next meet is Tuesday, Sept. 24th (just 1 week before the tour) we will need to firm up this event by the end of August. Last year our event was fabulous & we hope this year's Art Open Studios Tour will be even be er!!!
Ardis Underwood, one of Canyon Lake Art Associa on’s founding members, has passed away. Ardis was involved in several areas of Canyon Lake’s growth including being an officer for The Friends of the Canyon Lake Public Library . In 1982 the “Friends of the Canyon Lake Public Library” was formed through fund‐raising events and to sponsor special programs for children and the community at large. Ardis Underwood was a president of this group. Her services will be held at the Canyon Lake Church on September 28 at 1:30pm.
Christy Bruce Honored with “Best of Show” Award Our own Christy Bruce won a “Best of Show” ribbon from the Victoria Gardens Art Show. Her mixed media pain ng ”California Poppies” was selected by the Rancho Cucamonga city counsel and the mayor. This was a judged show at Victoria Gardens in Rancho Cucamonga. There were 380 entries. Christy’s pain ng was the only "special" ribbon given by the city officials. Congratula ons Christy!!!
MEETINGS ARE NOW HELD ON THE 4th TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH @ 7pm at the CANYON LAKE SENIOR CENTER. THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th. Since the Senior center is inside the community members who are not Canyon Lake residents will need to be placed on the CLAA member’s meeting call‐in list. Call one of the board members. Phone numbers of the clubs board are located on page 2 of the newsletter. If you have not already done so, please renew your membership. Mail a check for $20. made out to CLAA to 23066‐18 Canyon Lake Dr., Canyon Lake, CA 92587 PLEASE NOTE MEMBERS/ARTISTS:
If you plan to par cipate in the Open Studios Tour please a end & sign up at this mee ng. The next mee ng will be October 22nd which is a er the studio tour.
You can help save CLAA expenses by receiving your monthly newsletter via email. Let your newsletter editor, Rhonda know your email address. Send it to:
~ IMPORTANT REMINDER ~ The Monday Ad‐hoc Painters are s ll pain ng from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. now at the Canyon Lake Senior Center. This is open to anyone who would like to join them. It’s a lovely way to relax & connect with other ar sts Be sure to put this email address in your safe while honing your skills. email list. CLAA Annual Open Studios Tour October 19th & 20th, 2013 If you are going to par cipate please be sure to come to the a end the club mee ng on Tuesday, Sept. 24th at the Senior Center.
A Gentle Reminder to All Members Regarding Sharing Art at the Meetings: All participating art & paintings can be no older than 2 year since its creation. If your art is older than 2 years you are welcome to bring it to display but it will not be allowed to participate for a ribbon award.
Let's keep Painting!
RECYCLE YOUR USED EGG CARTONS Don’t throw away those empty egg cartons. When you’re finished with them bring them to the CLAA mee ngs for Jennifer Stevens to reuse. She fills them up with her own fresh eggs which are
available for you to purchase. If interested in buying fresh eggs contact Jennifer at Ocean‐
Studio 395 is a coopera ve project of ar sts working to provide a united voice for art and ar sts along and around historic route 395. This group meets in Lake Elsinore and is open to all ar sts. 5
AD RATES: BIZ CARD: $25.00 1/2 PAGE: $50.00 FULL PAG: $100
Canyon Lake Art Association 23066-18 Canyon Lake Drive, South Canyon Lake, CA 92587
Advertise Your Business in the CLAA Newsletter! If you have a business and would like to advertise, Please contact a Board Member for more information. Thank you for Supporting Canyon Lake Art Association.
“Suppor ng educa on, apprecia on, and par cipa on in the arts since 1976”