CLAA Newsletter Sept - Oct 2014

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ISSUE: 9/10 ~ Sept./Oct. 2014

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, October 28, 2014, 7pm

Meet the Club’s New President - Barbara Perryman.

Here is her artist biography so that you can get to know her a bit better. I began my formal art education in 1971 at Santa Monica College. After taking time out for marriage and family, I continued my studies at El Camino College. After receiving two scholarship awards there, I transferred to Long Beach State University, with an emphasis in drawing and painting. I have participated in many exhibits through out my career, but I am most proud of my recent endeavor: “Project 36” Twelve Artists, Twelve Playwrights - A Theatre Arts West Premiere. This was a very special event for me, in which twelve playwrights, chose twelve art works to write about. The short plays were then acted out by twelve very talented actors. This project was so important, because it brought several areas of the arts together as one. I also participated in Riverside Arts Council’s “Art Scape” Exhibit, which included many very talentedcont’d on page 3

October Demo Artist

Daniel Santos Temecula Art Academy

Daniel Santos is a fine art painter and he will be demonstrating his techniques with still-life painting. He has created the Temecula Art Academy with the idea of offering students an opportunity to advance their creative process. The Academy is committed to engaging students with faculty whose expertise provides student artists an art education that is both traditional and contemporary. There are several areas of curriculum at TVA: Educators Art Program specializing in Educating teachers to teach art! For artists there are the Young Masters Creative Art Programs set up for children from the ages of 5 through 15. Also the Studio Experience Art Program which include courses in drawing and painting, Collage-photography and sculpture. Check out the website for more detailed information: Page 1

Current Board Members & Chairs


President: Refreshments are on a voluntary basis. We Barbara Perryman would like our meetings to start at 7pm sharp, 951-244-3638 thus giving the demo artist plenty of time to Vice- President / Program Director: Marilyn Sarkisian-Latimer 951-246-2435 Secretary: Robin Wayland Sepahdari 949-813-9191 Treasurer: Lori Gundrum 951-244-4800 Publicity Chair Christy Bruce 951-244-2727 Historian & Club Photographer Leann Kluck 951-741-4100 Show Chair Carol Davis 818-522-9920 Membership & Newsletter Editor Rhonda Strickland 951-522-8757 Sponsors Chair Ines Miller 951-639-3300

finish his/her project. (We pay for this). Come as early as you wish, sign in, get your badge, say hello to your buddies, look at the paintings and get a cup of coffee - no later than 6:45 PLEASE !

“Sharing Art”

Our members are welcome to bring in their artwork to share. At each meeting you can bring in as many as you like but only 2 will count each month. If you need anything else let Jennifer know. Her email is:

If you have items for the newsletters you can contact me at or by phone at 951-522-8757. Rhonda Strickland 2013 CLAA Newsletter Editor RestLeSs Designs ~ RestLeSs D Graphics

Current & Past Newsletters are available for download at

“Monday Night Painters”

(sponsored by RestLeSs Designs)

The Monday night ad-hoc painters are still painting. They meet at the Senior Center from 6:30 to 9:00 PM. This is open to anyone who would like to join them. Come on by & enjoy the fun.

“Art at the Lodge”

Hanging art at the lodge is on hold until the construction is complete. We will keep you posted when it will recommence.


Remember to pay your dues for 2014. If you have not paid your membership dues please pay them at the next meeting. Thank you!

Upcoming Demonstrators TBA

CLAA is on Facebook!! You can visit our Facebook page & see current & upcoming events.

You are also welcome to share your art & photos with the club at the Facebook page.

IF YOU HAVE ART HANGING AT THE SENIOR CENTER IT WILL NEED TO BE PICKED UP NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 28th You will need to take it with you after the October Meeting.


NOTICE: Cost of printing & mailing has become too expensive; the $5 additional that has been being paid does not cover the true cost so the June 2014 issue will be. The last printed newsletter. It will be sent out electronically after that. Page 2

Meet Our New President

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artists from the Inland Empire. I have also exhibited at several of the very prestigious, Lake Elsinore Women’s Club annual art exhibits, and most recently taking 1st place in the oil painting category. Other group shows include: The Fallbrook Art Association Membership Show of Fine Art, and the Temecula Visual Expressions Show. My most recent solo exhibit was held at Bella Gallery in Lake Elsinore. My proudest endeavor however, has been my association with Dorland Mountain Arts Colony. My residency there in October, 2011 was truly the high light of my career as an artist, and as an associate artist, I enjoy continued growth and inspiration. I look forward to helping Canyon Lake Art Association grow in the coming year. Barbara Perryman


One of the traditional decorations associated with Dia de los Muertos is the sugar skull. The skulls are decorated with sequins, buttons and icing, see details below. During the month of October Grace will be setting up around town doing sugar skull decorating. (This is not just for kids.....) Locations can be as small as an office or as large as a park. The intent is to promote our upcoming celebration Nov. 1st. Please RSVP if you are interested in having us come to your meeting, office, store or park.

Canyon Lake Art Association plans to do this. We will e-mail you with the time and place. If interested contact: Grace 951-506-3606 Page 3

Canyon Lake Art Association

September Meeting & Demo Artist - Elin Pendleton

In the beginning of the demo Elin tells us her technique of starting with the background of the painting. Elin’s Starting Photograph

Elin’s Starting Painting

Members Taking a Break & Visiting

A Near Complete Original Painting That Started with a Photograph! Thank you Elin for sharing your expertise!

Photos supplied by Pat Keith Photography

Janie & Linda Getting Some One-on-One Instruction from Elin

REMINDER: The CLAA Annual Studio Tour is coming up. The dates of this event are Saturday, November 22nd and Sunday November 23rd. If you plan to participate or want more information please give the show chair a call to sign up. Carol Davis - 818-522-9920 or email her at caroldpisces@ We need to know ASAP so we can get the maps ready. This is always a fun & successful event. Thank you!!! OCTOBER Meeting: Our meeting will be Tuesday, 10/28. If you have art hanging at the Senior Center it will need to be removed after this meeting or before. Remove paintings no later than October 28th. Please don’t forget!! THANK YOU!! Page 4

RECYCLE USED EGG CARTONS Don’t throw away those empty egg cartons. When you’re finished with them bring them to the CLAA meetings for Jennifer Stevens to reuse. She

fills them up with her own fresh eggs which are available for you to purchase. If interested in buying fresh eggs contact Jennifer at

A Gentle Reminder to All Members Regarding Sharing Art at the Meetings: All participating art & paintings can be no older than 2 year since its creation. If your art is older than 2 years you are welcome to bring it to display but it will not be allowed to participate for a ribbon award. Let's keep Painting!

Canyon Lake Art Association ~ Art at the Lake - June 29,2014

A variety of artwork was on display June 29 at the Lodge during the Canyon Lake Art Association’s annual “Art at the Lake” show. Pieces included 3D arts such as ceramics, sculpture, stained and hand-cut glass. The 2D artwork included oils, watercolors, photography and computer arts. Artists demonstrated their creativity by sketching or painting on site; along with the graphic artists showing how they create art with their computers. Guitarist and vocalist Jeffery Guarez provided background music as guests enjoyed the artwork and refreshments. According to event chair Joan Fakhoury, the highlight of the day was the silent auction, where almost every piece was auctioned or purchased.

Photos supplied by Joan Fakhoury and/or Leann Kluck

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Canyon Lake Art Association - (continued) ~ Art at the Lake - June 29, 2014

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MONDAY NIGHT PAINTERS The Monday Ad-hoc Painters are still painting from 6:30 to 9:00 PM at the Canyon Lake Senior Center. You don’t have to be a member, this is open to anyone who would like to join them. It’s a lovely way to relax & connect with other artists while honing your skills.



now delivered via E-Mail. Mailing them has become costly. No more hard copies will be mailed out. Let your newsletter editor, Rhonda know your email address. Send it to: Be sure to put this email address in your safe email list. so it won’t be sent to your junk folder

BOARD MEETING MINUTES September 10, 2014 Meeting called to order by new club President Barbara Perryman New Business Rhonda Strickland proposed that she be excluded from dues based on the amount of work that she does for the association. All agreed. Pay Pal for the use of the association was brought up. Rhonda proposed having the square reader set up for October 1. Purchase of the as domain was discussed $12 per year fee for domain purchase & OK’d 2. Inez Miller of Sponsorship reviewed pros and cons with Rhonda 3. All ideas for sponsorship are to be email to Inez Barbara Perryman proposed ideas to increase sponsorship 1. A Gala event for the sponsors 2. Janie Currie explained the difference between patrons and sponsorship and reviewed the positives for both Programs were brought up; Janie and Carol Davis are program chairs. Hospitality for meetings is Janie and Marilyn Studio tour dates were proposed and the second week of November was suggested Art at the Senior Center was discussed 1. All Paintings must be removed by the October 28th meeting 2. Rhonda will email membership to remind them 3. New art to be hung in November date TBA Janie proposed we be a member of the Chamber of Commerce to increase visibility and patronage. Janie offered to find out what the requirements are to report back at the next Board meeting. Lori gave the treasurers report Repeat Art Summit suggested. Robin to handle that, coordinate with Grace Sandlin of Studio 395. Meeting adjourned - Respectfully submitted Robin Wayland Sepahdari Page 7

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AD RATES: B IZ CARD: $25.00 1/2 PAGE: $50.00 FULL PAG: $100

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Studio 395 is a cooperative project of artists working to provide a united voice for art and artists along and around historic route 395. This group meets in Lake Elsinore but is for all art enthusiasts.

Canyon Lake Art Association 23066-18 Canyon Lake Drive, South Canyon Lake, CA 92587

Advertise Your Business in the CLAA Newsletter!

If you have a business and would like to advertise, Please contact a Board Member for more information. Thank you for Supporting Canyon Lake Art Association. “Supporting education, appreciation, and participation in the arts since 1976�

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