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Robinson High School 6311 S. Lois Ave., Tampa, FL 33616
Volume 59, Issue 1 |October, 2018
What’s Inside
Natalia Mccalla Discusses the word “ghetto”
The Political issue: Read our coverage of the 2018 midterms
pg 2
Read our interview with this year’s homecoming king and queen
Read more about volleyball’s season in our mid-season recap
pg 3
pg 4
pg 6
pg 8
Find out about tampa’s newest attraction: Sparkman Wharf
IB Junior Pinning Ceremony
Oct. 27
ACT Test (BassHollils)
Oct. 31
Report Cards Available
Nov. 3
SAT Test (Bass Hollils)
Nov. 5
Club Day
Nov. 8
Blood Drive
Nov. 12
Non-Student Day
Nov. 19
Fall Break Starts
The State Government keeps cutting funding To Public Education , Robinson is Paying the Price By Alanna Felton Editor-in-Chief
sk any student, teacher, faculty member, or parent at Robinson if they think that their school receives enough funding, and, odds are, they will all respond “no”. The Florida state government has followed a consistent pattern of cutting funds for public education over the past two decades. Per student funding in the state of Florida for the 2018-19 school year is $7,408, well beneath the national average of $11,500. “They tout that we have record-level funding every year but... if you compare the amount of funding that students got this year to what it was ten years ago, it’s really not that different,” Principal Robert Bhoolai said. The lack of school funding in Florida creates problems for almost every aspect of schools- from poorly maintained facilities to overcrowded classes. Robinson is one of many schools to feel the repercussions of an overextended budget. “I believe that what we are seeing right now are the unintended consequences of all the legislation that has been applied in the state of Florida in the last 10 to 15 years,” Bhoolai said. Like many high schools throughout Hillsborough County, Robinson has suffered from malfunctioning air conditioning. The first assemblies and pep rally of the 2017-18 school year were rescheduled because of broken AC in the auditorium and gym. Many classrooms have also had broken AC units. “We also sometimes see that things aren’t painted immediately when they need to be painted... I think one of the biggest issues that we see with that maintenance at Robinson is our antiquated bathrooms,” said Teresa Potter, a Robinson parent, district employee and public school funding advocate. Robinson has an active PTSA and school foundation which take on some expenses that the state doesn’t provide sufficient funding for, such as repairs to the auditorium and bathrooms. But not all schools are lucky enough to have that level of parent involvement. Hillsborough County Public Schools has now reached a point where they are facing at least $2 billion in unmet maintenance expenses on their school campuses. A referendum has been placed on the 2018 Hillsborough County ballot proposing a half cent sales tax increase to raise funds for public schools. While a sales-tax hike would help the district raise money for its capital budget, it still leaves unresolved shortages in the operating budgetmoney that goes towards paying teacher salaries and providing everyday necessities for public schools. Florida is 47th out of 50 states in attracting and retaining teachers, and many Robinson students have felt that impact personally. The school has yet to find a long-term substitute to replace AP Statistics teacher Randall Vincent, who resigned this September. AP physics students were also left without a teacher last year after Sadije Redsovick resigned after the first
photo illustration by Knight Writers Staff
quarter. “For AP Statistics not having a permanent sub has only been okay... But I had AP Physics last year and not having a permanent sub, as well as not having a teacher for a large portion of the year caused us to struggle quite a bit, on tests” Austin Tait (‘19) said. Low teacher pay is a key factor contributing to this problem. Qualifying teachers used to receive a $4,000 salary increase every four years, but that raise was cut from the budget last year when the county could no longer afford it. “If you look at how the salaries are structured across a teacher’s career across Hillsborough County, we do pretty well in the middle… but we don’t do so great for the early years,” said Matthew Ketchum, History teacher and one of Robinson’s Hillsborough Classroom Teachers Association representative. The district eventually settled with teachers, but Florida still has one of the lowest average teacher salaries in the country. It is particularly difficult for newer teachers, who begin with a very low starting salary and are not eligible for raises. Teacher Thomas Dusold agrees that salaries are an important issue, but argues that unmet maintenance on campus is the biggest problem for both teachers and students. “You look around at Robinson, which has, you know, sixty-year-old buildings, and they are wholly inadequate to a 21st century learning environment,” Dusold said. Funding for public education has become an important issue in the current Florida governor’s race. Candidate Andrew Gillum has pledged to invest $1 billion dollars in public schools and raise the starting teacher salary to $50,000 and candidate Ron DeSantis has promised to expand school choice programs and vocational training in the state. Ultimately, budget cuts made by the Florida state government impact Robinson students. Many have stories of teachers who left, air conditioners that broke, bathrooms that are never open, and classes that float. All of this can combined can negatively influence their performance in school. “I think it makes it harder to learn, for some classes, and it definitely makes it harder for teachers to teach too,” Michael Griesemer (‘20) said. While it is widely agreed upon that lack of funding has caused problems at Robinson, little improvement can be made without change at the state level. “I definitely don’t think that the district can solve the problem on their own. I think that the referendum can help… but ultimately, most decisions regarding education, including funding, happen at the state level,” Ketchum said. Managing Editor Morgan Brazier contributed to this article.