RHS Knight Writers Vol 63 Back-to-School Issue | Aug 2022

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I have a joke about chemistry... But I don't think it will get a reaction! scan this QR code to submit your favorite dad joke for the next issue Volume 63

Back to School Issue

Knight Writers


Sound the horns. Gather the entourage. theme, so I'm actually really excited about Football season is back, and so is the marching it." band. Like Lara said, the 2022 marching show Back in May, members of the Robinson is much more impressionistic compared to High School Marching Band were surprised recent years. by the announcement of a more artistic show Last year's theme stuck to the traditional theme for the Fall 2022 marching season: medieval aesthetic celebrated in over 60 "The Mad World." years of school tradition. 2020 was more "I'm really excited to see how this theme mellow with mandated performances for turns out overall because we haven't done a COVID-19 concerns and they could only show like this—to my knowledge—ever at put on a few jazz pieces between their stand Robinson," Marching Band Drill Sergeant playing. Before the pandemic, the band put Sarah Blackshear ('23) said. on "Scheherazade," inspired by the fictional narrator of the ancient classic "One Thousand "The Mad World" is a story about a and One Nights." The creativity of this year's person living in a society where madness show sparked optimistic reactions from band reigns supreme. Band Director Christopher members. Revett drew inspiration from the idea of a person's mental state slowly deteriorating as "Part of me was a little concerned as to he goes insane in this mad world. Moreover, how it would be perceived by the students, the theme relates to this world's society but overall I'm happy we are doing a show within the past two years since the beginning that will be unexpected from us," Ronald of the coronavirus pandemic, when many fell "RJ" Sharp ('24) said. apart as they were stuck inside their homes. A new year welcomes new young "Initially when [hearing] about it, I members to the band. Prior to game day, was confused," Band Captain Celeste Lara they must practice and shape up before being ('23) said, "however, I had kind of been put under the spotlights—or rather, stadium campaigning for a more abstract, camp lights—for the big show.

While the band typically gathers at the RHS campus during the summer to prepare for the upcoming year, campus construction inconveniences have forced them to move base for a while. So, picking up their equipment, they marched their way over to Monroe Middle School. Newbies met their upperclassmen and fellow bandmates at summer practices and camps, where they participated in team bonding activities alongside actual playing practice.

"We definitely have some strong new members, and of course, some are weaker than others," Nico DeLise ('23) said, "but over the course of the season, they're all going to develop into a strong foundation for the next few years."

If one is not the biggest fan of sports, there's always this year's marching show to look forward to. However, football game attendees will have to wait until the second game of the season on Aug. 26 to see "The Mad World." "I know the crowd is going to be confused the first time they see the show, but I really hope they find the theme super interesting and continue to support the band as they always do," Lara said.

Thomas Skeen ('23) plays his trumpet on the fifth day of band camp. "I think we got a great show lined up from a music and drill perspective. "Mad World" is all about disorder and chaos and I think the show perfectly embodies this theme," Skeen said. Photo by J. Le

Principal Dave Brown has returned to his alma mater in a more permanent role.


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Optimistic marching band members prepare for their 2022 show, "The Mad World."


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Aug. 5, 2022

Marching Madness

FEATURES: Dave Brown is Robinson's New Principal

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Praveen Prabaharan ('23) (left) and Blackshear practice marching with their instruments at band camp. "We're working hard this year to make sure all members have the best marching and playing technique so we can place at competitions this year," Blackshear said. Photo by J. Le

Lara meeting with the other saxophones at the end of the fifth day of band camp. Photo by J. Le

Armiyah Burns ('25) marching with her trombone during camp. Camp is an opportunity for members to see what they'll be doing for the season. "I feel band camp not only gets you excited for what you're going to be doing in the coming season... [but] also the excitement of meeting new people and forming new relationships throughout the year that can strengthen through music or just fun," Burns said. Photo Courtesy of Matt Moreno

Gavyn Granger-Welch ('23) spins her flag while the band rehearses marching. Photo by J. Le

A&E: Somehow, Minions Have Taken Over the Charts "Minions: The Rise of Gru" was a major success for Universal Studios, but why?




Construction Continues into the School Year The reconstruction of the RHS campus reaches new heights as the school year begins. By VIKRAM SAMBASIVAN, NEWS & FEATURES EDITOR With another school year approaching, Robinson steps into what will be yet another turbulent year. In the final days of 2021, RHS went under construction and many students had classes moved into portable classrooms which covered half of the area formerly known as the Student Parking Lot. The 2022-2023 school year comes with more changes as construction progresses.

Robinson High School under construction heading into the 2022-23 school year. Photo by J. Le

Safer Communities Act Closes Gun Control Loopholes The first federal law addressing guns since 1994 with the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. By ZOE THAXTON, ONLINE MANAGING EDITOR

By August 2, the outer shells of the newly constructed three main buildings will be put up. Over the course of the upcoming year, the inner walls, air conditioning, plumbing, furniture and all other interior necessities will be installed and should be ready by the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year.

couple of rooms that have ‘spot air condi“The original building is gone, but they tioners’ because they’re waiting for some AC are putting it back pretty much the way it units to come in…” Brown said. was… they will just be much newer, cleaner and more efficient...” Brown said. “I mean The cafeteria (which is being complet- I’m not going to paint over…the alma maed this summer) has been going through ter, I’m going to find a way to reincorporate renovations as well. It will be outfitted with the senior seal back into the school so that new AC, a new faculty lounge and expanded when you do have that person who graduatstudent seating. Additional renovations in- ed in 1960-whatever, they can still see those things and identify with the school.”

“...I’m going to find a way to reincorporate the senior seal back into the school so that when you do have that person who graduated in 1960-whatever, they can still still see those things and identify with the school.”

With such a big change, student morale and support for the construction are large factors to take into account. Despite the difficulties and adjustments, students understand the necessity of the rebuild. “I feel like the continued construction of the school is necessary because I think our school as a whole could use a fresh start… but I would have preferred if it was done earlier so I could have experienced high school in an actual school and not through portables,” Sanjna Madabushanam (’24) said.

“The [Ajax Construction Company] wants to make sure the walls are up by August 10 because they have a huge 200-foot crane in the middle of the school which is - Dave Brown why they decided to do it this summer,” Robinson Principal David Brown said. clude the gym and auditorium which will reFacing construction inconveniences At the moment, construction is behind ceive new AC, fresh coats of paint, new duct since the second semester of the 2021-2022 schedule due to supply chain delays causing work and, for the auditorium, a new carpet. school year, many in the student body raise some classrooms to be partially under conRobinson is a school with a rich history the question of when exactly construction struction as the year starts. dating back over half a century with an ac- and renovations will finally be over. “For example, ROTC, they gutted that tive alumni base. With the demolition and “…in August of 2023, when we start whole area and are replacing all the win- reconstruction of the school, the concern of that school year, everything should be done erasing the past is a reality. However, Brown, dows. [However,] the windows are not in by then, completely,” Brown said. and neither are the frames. So... you will see an alumnus himself, is determined to not let a new building change who RHS is. plywood for windows. There may also be a

DeSantis Signs Bright Futures Policy Change “March For Our Lives student protest for gun control” by Fibonacci Blue is licensed under CC BY 2.0. Photo Courtesy of Fibonacci Blue/Creative Commons The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, which is meant to address the current issues of gun violence and mass shootings currently afflicting the nation, was signed into law on June 25, 2022 after passing through the House on June 24 by a vote of 234–193, with bipartisan support. Originally introduced with alternative intentions, the bill shifted focus to gun regulations by way of various amendments tacked onto it following the two deadly mass shootings: he supermarket in Buffalo, NY and Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. Some lawmakers claim this bill attacks the Second Amendment. However, it only closes loopholes in existing gun regulations New gun laws were added, specifically: background checks for those under 21 and the “boyfriend loophole” (preventing those who have been charged with domestic violence in dating relationships from buying any firearms for five years).

efforts to break down barriers faced by school-based health providers in delivering mental health supports and services to students in need. Educators, families, students, and communities should be full partners in the implementation of this bill.” U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona said in a statement. Robinson students aren’t strangers to lockdowns revolving around gun threats. Oct. 2019 and May 2022 found students in lockdowns and lock-ins to protect themselves. Even though no violence occurred during either situation, panic settled in. “I think that it’s impossible to prepare students for a shooting threat. Even with the countless drills I’ve gone through since elementary [school], when we faced a real lockdown I was clueless and scared.” Aniyah Ritch (‘25) said.

This bill provides a start to fixing what is considered a major problem afflicting A big part of this law is school-age teenagers. mental health and keeping “Unlike previous acts, this schools safe. The Department one has a strong emphasis on of Education will provide states mental health. Providing qualwith funds to make safety ity school-based mental health programs, crisis intervention services, it not only nips gun programs and training on suiviolence problems in the bud cide prevention and human for future generations but also trafficking, as well as schools assists children that cannot afwith grants for mental health ford to get that support.” Ritch services. said. “...the Biden-Harris Administration has a head start on

New bill signed into law changes service requirements needed to receive Bright Futures benefits. By VIKRAM SAMBASIVAN, NEWS & FEATURES EDITOR With college coming onto the horizon for many rising seniors, the costs of financing one’s higher education becomes a very real issue for many. In Florida, students have the opportunity to receive money from the Bright Futures Scholarship, providing they meet certain requirements.

Pim Kruthun (‘22) (left) and Trinavy (‘22) at last year’s graduation at the Florida State Fairgrounds. Photo by C. “The change in requirements for the Cheng

work experience.

Bright Futures Scholarship has definitely made it easier to receive benefits from this program…[volunteer] opportunities can sometimes be limited in terms of how many people they can accept or how often they are made publicly available,” Chelsea Rodriguez (’23) said. “I agree with this change in policy because either way the student completing the hours is working for them (the hours), which I feel like is the whole point, students working hard for a chance at a better future.”

Florida Governor, Ronald DeSantis, signed House Bill 461 on June 27, changing the requirements needed for a student to receive the Bright Futures Scholarship. In previous years, a student needed to accumulate a total of 100 hours of community service, amongst other requirements, to receive the full benefits of the academic scholarship. On top of making the scholarship easiHB 461 changed this to be either 100 hours er to attain, being able to count work hours of community services or 100 paid work as volunteer hours has reduced the stress hours. placed upon the shoulders of many students “Florida students should not lose the who juggle both jobs and school responsiopportunity to receive a Bright Futures bilities. Scholarship because they have to work to “This relieves so much stress because help their families make ends meet,” DeSanI am a senior with no service hours, but I tis said. have been working for over a year now,” Tati Such a change in policy seeks to make Zayes (’23), a waitress at Taste of Boston, the scholarship more accessible to students, said. especially to kids who already have jobs and Many believe that this change in policy have dedicated much time to gain real-world

won’t change much in our society as the alleged value of volunteering will not be lost. “If you have the opportunity to work…while you’re helping to support your family and be able to check that box of being able to use those hours towards your college. That’s such a win-win situation for our children. It’s not taking away the opportunity to show our children the importance of volunteering,” Florida House Representative Susan Valdés said. Valdés, who is also the co-sponsor of the bill, is not alone in saying this, in fact, not only was the vote unanimously passed through the Florida House of Representatives, but RHS students somewhat share her sentiment. “…people volunteering are doing it to get something out of it which doesn’t make their actions purely selfless, so I don’t think there will be a significant contrast within our society,” Rodriguez said.

Roe v. Wade Overturned On Friday, June 24, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in a landmark 5-4 decision. By CHARLOTTE STONE, PRINT MANAGING EDITOR On June 24, the US Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade, a ruling which had guaranteed women autonomy over their bodies and the right to make their own decisions involving reproductive health for over 50 years, by upholding a Mississippi state law that banned most abortions after 15 weeks. This landmark decision was a result of the Mississippi case, Dobbs

v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. In 2018, the Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a Mississippi abortion clinic, sued Thomas Dobbs, the state health officer with the Mississippi State Department of Health for allowing... read the rest on rhstoday.com




Coach Joshua Saunders Recognized by the Bucs Coach Saunders receibes yet another award, coming off a seventh state title. By VIKRAM SAMBASIVAN, NEWS & FEATURES EDITOR While Robinson is known for many things, one of its most famous attributes is the legendary girls flag football team. Head Coach Joshua Saunders was named the Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ first ‘High School Girls Flag Football Coach of the Year’ on July 1, 2022. Saunders, having won many awards throughout his seventeen years as coach including seven state championships, finds that being recognized by the Buccaneers has a special place close to his heart.

Having been awarded with so many accolades, Saunders has gained the admiration of many of his players and colleagues. “I think something else that contributes to Saunders being a good coach is how he is open-minded and focuses on always making the team better. At the end of our season he makes a form and one of the questions is something that can improve within the team. This feedback is then implemented and I think this quality as a coach is very important because it shows how much Coach Saunders wants to create an environment that everyone wants to be a part of,” said Varsity girls flag football team captain Manasvi Vijayragavan (’24).

“I’ve been the state ‘Coach of the Year’ probably five times or Coach Joshua Saunders motioning for the sidelines to lower six times, I can’t remember, but this was different. This was the Buctheir voice. Photo by V. Sambasivan caneers. It’s an NFL organization that I grew up going to every game that now values girls flag football as a sport enough to do this. It was The assistant coach, Arnaldo Abreau, also had many kind better players. If you think about whatthat means, our goal is to a really cool kind of geeky moment for me, being such an into-sports have everybody who comes through our program be better people words to say about Saunders’ coaching style. kind of guy,” Saunders said. when they leave it, as human beings. It’s a big deal, it’s really the “His best trait is his unwillingness to compromise on the little biggest deal,” Saunders said. “Our goal is always to create better things. It’s so incredibly important for him that every little detail is Looking towards the future, Saunders believes to have found done right…a large part of the success of the program has been his people, better teammates, better his calling. willingness to stay focused on all those little details and not comproplayers.” mise on any of those things along the way…” Abreau said. “[Flag football] is like one of the only things that I’m good at. I

- Joshua Saunders

Being at the top in such a competitive field can cause an Saunders started out coaching basketball at Robinson, but after over-emphasis on winning and forgets to prioritize the true nature his friend Eric Bairns, former defensive back for the Buccaneers and of not only the sport, but athletics as a whole: the players. Sauna teammate of Saunders in a private flag football league, suggested ders prides himself on always remembering that this is a high school that they start a flag football team in the school, Saunders decided to sport, and keeping his main goal of developing the students not only join the team as an Assistant Coach. Despite the team initially hav- athletically, but also as people. ing suboptimal results, Saunders agreed to take over as head coach “Our goal is always to create better people, better teammates, upon Bairns’ departure.

believe that when you’re good at something, you shouldn’t just give it up. So, yeah, I think I’ll be doing it for a while. I’ll tell everybody: if you’re really passionate about something, if you’re really good at something, don’t stop doing it, no matter what. If that’s the thing that get’s you going. then that’s what you should do. I think I would wish that everybody in their life would have something that they were good at, that they cared about, and then just got to do that,” Saunders said.

Dave Brown Becomes Robinson’s New Principal

Bittersweet Goodbye from Robert Bhoolai

Principal Dave Brown has returned to his alma mater in a more permanant role.

After six years of principalship, Bhoolai bids farewell to RHS as an administrator.



As the 2022-2023 school year approaches, there has been much uncertainty about not only the state of Robinson’s facilities, but also who will lead it. RHS Alumnus and Hillsborough County veteran has been installed as Robinson’s Principal after former Principal Robert Bhoolai announced that he would be leaving to join a professional development firm on May 27, 2022.

As seen in the construction progress over the last eight months, nothing at Robinson High School is permanent. This includes the principal.

Brown, having been Robinson’s interim Principal during the fourth quarter of the 20212022 school year while Bhoolai took a medical leave of absence, will help provide a sense of continuity for the student body during a tumultuous time in RHS history. Robinson students are so far pleased with Brown’s more permanent appointment based on his performance during the end of the last school year. “Mr. Brown did a great job during his term as interim principal; he took upon the tasks that were left to him and did a splendid job completing them,” said Ayan Nallamshetti (’25).

Brown at the Robinson Foundation Casino night event, held at the Tampa Garden Club in April. Photo by J. Le into education?’”

As the upcoming school year approaches, Brown reflects Seeing as Brown is no lonon what it means to become a ger a new face in Hillsborough principal once again. County education, his 33 years in the district and 15 as a prin“...one thing I’ve missed cipal will assist him in leading was being with the kids and Robinson from a managerial seeing their successes…knowing point of view with respect to that I could help those kids who filling all the necessary posi- need the help..and being able tions for the upcoming school to support [the kids who don’t year, summer planning, as well need as much help], so I’m defias pre-planning to get school in nitely excited about being back session. at a school site,” Brown said. A part of Brown’s experience in education was serving as the Supervisor of Social Studies for the county. From this position, Brown has observed classrooms across all 28 high schools in Hillsborough County and believes that he has observed many noteworthy teaching techniques; many of these involve some form of student engagement which he would like to implement at Robinson.

Brown has been a self-proclaimed “Local Boy” throughout his life. A graduate of Robinson, Brown stayed close to his roots and followed his brother in attending the University of South Florida. After finding out that a career in economics Outside of being an edwas not what he truly wanted, ucator, Brown especially likes Brown turned his eye toward spending time with his family. education. One of his favorite vacations is “…[I] just met up with heading up to his property in some education majors at USF the Appalachian Mountains. and had some really great teach- There are very few internet and ers in high school,” Brown said. phone connections, so it just “I just kind of flipped my switch serves as a place to disconnect and said ‘hey why don’t you go and “have a good time.”

Brown storied career has given him multitudes of experience which has taught him to value one thing above all: student engagement. “I just want to make sure that the kids understand that this is truly their school…We want to make it what’s best for you guys. So, what are some things that you want to see happen at this school that will make it more enjoyable for you, or more memorable for you, or going to help you become a bigger part of the school? I want to make sure that the student voice is heard a lot more,” Brown said.

districts around the country and learn how principals are using their authority, their relationships, their power and their autonomy to create better outcomes for kids,” Bhoolai exBack in 2016, Hillsborplained. ough County School Board members unanimously voted When starting at Robinto appoint Bhoolai to replace son, Bhoolai dealt with Robinprevious principal Johnny Bush, son’s reputation from 10 years who had been appointed as the prior to his arrival, something head of the Office of Profes- that kept many military families sional Standards. Working in uncertain in sending their chilthe district since 2017, Bhoolai dren to the school. But after six served as the Assistant Principal years of working with the Wing for Student Affairs at Williams Commanders and their staffs as Middle Magnet School prior to well as continuing to grow the his appointment to Robinson. IB program, more families are at ease, especially those who reBhoolai first left back in cently moved. March of the 2021-2022 school year for a medical emergency “The fact that Robinson leave that required him to trav- offered the IB program was the el frequently. He then went on clincher for us. As a student to announce that he would be from Massachusetts, you were leaving the school district at the already used to a very rigorous beginning of the summer. academic program,” said Walter Murray, the father of an RHS se“I felt like it was time for nior, Rachel Murray, who transme to step away and for someferred to the school at the end one else to step into that role to of her sophomore year, “the IB take us to the next level—the program at Robinson allowed same way, hopefully, I did when you to maintain and even exceed I replaced Mr. Bush,” Bhoolai those high academic standards.” said. Still passionate about improving education for future generations, he’s now a program director with a professional development firm that works with different school districts. Though he no longer works for HCPS, in this new job he’ll be working with Hillsborough County principals and principals of other school districts around the country to provide professional development for principals.

His mission from the start has been to build an environment that students want to learn in. After years of efforts to get approval, the reconstruction of the Robinson HS campus was cleared at the beginning of the 2021-22 school year. But like the school’s campus, change happens for everyone. Currently living in South Tampa, he looks forward to continue observing the construction progress until the final product is revealed and even plans on sending his daughters to Robinson, taking pride in the school he looked over for six years. “I did what I did because I enjoyed helping young people grow into young adults,” Bhoolai added, “and just watching you all over the four years of your high school career—even if we didn’t talk much—I watched every student on that campus and I see how they progress and I see what becomes important to them or who becomes important to them... it’s just a wonderful thing to see.”

Bhoolai (right) with Assistant Principal of Curriculum Christopher Pettit in the golf cart they used to drive around the Jack Peters Field at football games, both of whom became “This was a great oppor- familiar faces spotted every Friday night in the fall. Photo by tunity for me to go into school J. Le




Q&A with Diver Sela Teplin and Swimmer Casey Kemp Seniors Sela Teplin and Casey Kemp give insight about Robinson’s divers and swimmers. By CHARLOTTE STONE, PRINT MANAGING EDITOR As the new school year begins, students are starting to pre- started. pare for the fall sports season starting up again. Among these Q: What’s something you wish students knew about dive/ students are Sela Teplin (‘23) and Casey Kemp (‘23), who are swim? getting ready for the diving and swimming team. ST: I wish that students knew what the atmosphere is like at Q: How long have you been diving/swimming for? diving practice. It is so relaxed and supportive because of our amazing teammates. Also during the morning practices the ST: I have been diving since fall of 2021. I had no prior sunrises are beautiful! experience in diving; however, I have been involved in acrobatic-like training (dance, gymnastics, and cheerleading) CK: I think the early morning practice times can be intimisince I was five. dating to some students, but I’d like everyone to know that they’re not too difficult to get used to, and they free up lots CK: I’ve been swimming since Freshman year. of time in the afternoon. Q: What’s your favorite memory from diving/swimming team? ST: My favorite memory of diving is going to Districts last year with my team. We went out to breakfast beforehand and got to know one another really well. Districts was beyond rewarding to see our hard work pay off. CK: My favorite swim team memory is Districts of my junior year. The hard work that my teammates and I had put in over the course of the season paid off, and every swimmer contributed to Robinson winning our first District title in 30 years. Casey Kemp (‘23) pumping up his fellow swim teammates during a Q: How much experience do students need to join dive/ swim meet. Photo by A. Clement swim? Q: Why did you join dive/swim? ST: I would say not much experience is required for diving. ST: I joined dive because I wanted to get more involved in the school. I felt like it would give me the opportunity to get I think having an acrobatic background definitely helps but it isn’t necessary. I think as long someone is willing and ready to know more people as well as challenge myself. to learn they are good to go! CK: I joined because I wanted to try something new and I thought it would be a great way to meet people before school CK: I joined swim my Freshman year never having swum

competitively before, and our team is so welcoming and willing to help one another that I believe no prior experience is required. Q: Why should Sela Teplin ('23) students join dive/swim? Photo by B. Garcia ST: Students should join diving because it is extremely rewarding. The feeling of getting a dive that you have been working on for a while is so wonderful, and having your teammates’ support during that moment is amazing! Also, it’s a great way to get involved in the school! CK: Students should join swim because it’s like a family; each person on the swim team is equally important to our overall success, and we’ve created an environment of friendly competition and learning that allows swimmers of every level to thrive. Q: How do you think the team will do now that you’ve lost last year’s seniors? ST: Last year we did not have any seniors, so our team dynamic has not changed in that manner. However, we would love to have some new divers on our team! CK: Although we’ve lost some amazing swimmers, I’m more excited than ever for our team to win and find success in the postseason because of the increased depth of our roster and the extra camaraderie produced by summer practices and spirit days.

XC Runs Towards Their New Goals Robinson’s cross-country girls and boys are running the world. By CECILIA CHENG, A&E EDITOR

In the 2021-2022 season, Blake Arons (’25) races across the finish line at the Rogers Park Invitational Meet. Photo by G. Hilton

With the 2022-2023 season starting as soon as the new school year begins, Robinson’s boys’ and girls’ cross country are ready to achieve new goals and face new challenges. Over the summer, while most are still asleep, the cross country Knights have been training for the new season by running at 7:30 a.m. every weekday. It is essential for them to build up their strength and endurance in order to prepare for all the long races ahead of them. “I think the practices are totally worth it since it conditions us for meets that happen almost immediately when school starts,” the girl’s cross country captain, Helena Gagnier (‘23) said. “It also gives the new runners time to build up speed before the season starts.” One of the biggest challenges they are facing, though, is getting more people to join cross country. Currently, there are eight girls and four boys on the team. Not to mention, there are no rising seniors on the boy’s team. “[It’s] really hard getting more kids interested in cross country and committed to training,” head coach, Mark Altimari said. “The girl’s team is very talented and should be very competitive. There are

several new runners to watch out for. The boy’s team has talent but is very low in numbers.” A smaller team also means that they have to rely on each other more. This has allowed them to build trust and grow closer to each other, too. “Having a small team means each of our teammates plays a significant part on the team,” Gagnier added, “If someone gets injured or can’t make a meet, it would have a bigger impact on the team.” With all this hard work in mind, their number one goal is to return to the State Championships in Tallahassee (the girls for the fifth consecutive year, and the boys after a two-year absence). Many of the runners are looking forward to beating individual and school records as well. “Some goals I have for the season would be to make it to states as a team and to break 17 minutes by the end of the season. I’m just looking to run as fast as I can,” one of the boys’ captains, Douglas Yoder (‘24) said. The first meet of the season, the Babe Zaharias Invite, is set to happen on Friday, August 26 at 5:00 p.m. If you are interested in joining the XC team, be sure to email Coach Altimari at markaltimarih@ aol.com

What To Expect From Volleyball This Year The girls’ volleyball team comes together to improve as a whole. By JC THAXTON, SENIOR STAFF WRITER As the fall season approaches, the Robinson volleyball team is starting to get back to work. Last season, they ended with 10-17, and plan to move upward from that. This year's tryouts were on Aug. 4 and Aug. 5, so the girls are now preparing for their first game on Aug. 23 against Riverview for an away game. The girls had a good run when in the playoffs. They won against Brandon in the district finals, followed by a loss to Wesley Chapel in the regional semifinals, 3-2. The team is in for a come-back season with a new mindset: refreshing on the good and improving some struggles. "We can always work together better, whether that is communication or just being more supportive," Abbi Fishman ('23), one of the team's captains, said, "Other than that, I expect us to have a fun and successful season." With the leave of three starting girls, they are planning to expand and work as a team to grow. Some girls are going to be coming up and taking on a big role on the varsity squad.

The team captains, Madison Williams ('23) and Fishman, will help by molding the Knights into a greater team and leading them to victory. Some old and new faces mean a clean start on the court and expanding the team in the best way possible. "I believe people should join volleyball because it is a great team, and I have made some of my best friends by being on this team," Grace Wilson ('23) said.

Scan this QR Code to view the Robinson Calendar and find the dates of all upcoming games and matches!

Abbi Fishman ('23) Photo by B. Garcia

Helena Gagnier ('23) Photo by G. Hilton






AT robinson

Golf Has A Fresh Start Sports illustrations by J. Le

The golf team pushes forward into a new season without their previous seniors. By JADYN GRAYES, FUN COORDINATOR With the fall approaching, the Robinson Golf Team finishes up preparations for their impending competitive season.

ing in eighth at Regionals. With the departure of the last senior class, Issa Allbritton ('23) would serve as captain of the golf team.

As always, with the end of the previous school year, many very experienced seniors were lost from the team. However, while their departure was significant, the Golf Team doesn't feel that they will be held back too much as a result of this loss.

While it is generally helpful to be experienced in the sport, the Golf team is welcome to players of all skill-level.

"Last season went pretty well. Unfortunately, we lost four of our top players because they graduated...[but] we won't let that set us back going into this season," Cade Vanaelst ('23) said. The 2021-22 season concluded with the girls' team coming in fifth place and the boys' com-

"Playing almost every day is a great chance to develop your game and free golf doesn't hurt. By no means do you have to be a professional golfer," Oliver Warner ('23) said. Due to the player deficit currently afflicting the golf team, they're open to anyone who would like to take a shot at golf. "This season might be a little different because of the lack of players we have. That being said,

Team captain Issa Allbritton (‘23) at a golf match last season. Photo by M. Tahiri

whoever wants to come and try out golf, we would love to have you," Allbritton said. Coaches Kevin Mccray and Samuel Brown will be holding tryouts on Aug. 2, with the first match taking place on Aug. 22 against Warton at the Heritage Isles Golf Course.

After a Canceled Season, Cheer is Back With football season starting, a new cheer team emerges. By GRACE HILTON, SPORTS EDITOR In December of 2021, the cheer team was forced to stop competing mid-season due to lack of coaches. (see: Robinson cheer season put to an abrupt halt on RHSToday) The team was forced to stop their competitions and drop everything they had been working for. However, with new coaches for Varsity Emily Acosta ('23) cheers on the sidelines of and JV, their season is looking a lot last year's Plant High School rivalry game. Photo brighter. by J. Le “We are very excited to start this program fresh, and we have faith that the returning cheerleaders will

help guide us as new coaches and be patient as we rebuild. We were previously cheerleaders and both have a big love for the sport,” Varsity Coach Brianna Godfrey said. Varsity team captain, Sara Gainer, (‘23) was a member of the previous team when it ended, so she is glad that the team is back and moving forward. “I am absolutely grateful for having cheer back. These past few years cheering have allowed me to

create bonds with so many people and I’m just so excited to continue that for my senior year.” Gainer said. Gainer is working as a guiding force for the new team. With auditions coming up, new members will make up a big section of the new team. “I’m just looking for people with positive attitudes, someone who is going to stay motivated, determined and committed even if they

mess up,” Gainer said. Auditions to join the team are being held on Aug. 10 at 4 p.m. in the wrestling room for both JV and Varsity for anyone interested. For more information, find them @robinsoncheerleaders on Instagram. “Once a team is selected we are looking to dive right in,” Godfrey said, “I am most looking forward to watching the team grow as cheerleaders.”

Fall Means Football Season At RHS It’s time for the Knights to play football once again, and they are ready. By GRACE HILTON, SPORTS EDITOR

Lakeem Johnson ('24) Photo by A. DeVries

With three wins and seven losses for the 2021-22 season, the football team has been working to be more cohesive as a team. They have practiced all summer to build their teamwork and to try and get an advantage against the other teams. They had some struggles practicing due to the lack of field access and the rainy season that is coming in. However, the team has had plenty of time to improve and hope to make this year one of their best. “Practice has brought the team together and kept us conditioned…my favorite part has been the bonding we get and being able to create new friendships,” defensive end Liam McConnell (‘24) said. They have focused the most on dedicating players to the team by hosting carwashes to raise money for the team. Things like this, along with all the practice, makes the upcoming season very promising. With a rough previous season, the players are looking forward to improving together

and having some more successes to validate all the work they put in. “I’m looking forward to winning some more games,” McConnell said. One thing you will always notice at the each game is the amount of school spirit. No matter the score, the Knights have never let the stand go quiet. In the upcoming year, the stands are looking to be louder than ever with the help of the club, ‘Knightmare.’ “We want to make sure that the crowd is able to have a fun time so that everyone is super hyped and excited for the game,” Knightmare vice president Mina Kuklen (‘24) said. The first game will be at home on Aug. 19 against the Chamberlain Chiefs. Tickets can be purchased online on the Robinson homepage. Be sure not to miss the first game of the season, the expectations are through the roof.

Xavier Difo (‘22) running onto the field holding the Knights’ Sword with his teammates beside him. Photo by G. Hilton

The Knights running onto the field in a group at the start of the game. Photo by J. Le




Ivy Leagues Don’t Deserve the Hype


When thinking about college applications, open your mind to more than just the elite. By JUNO LE, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Too much money. Too far away. Too overhyped and not enough distinguishable qualities. Throughout K-12 education, Ivy League schools continue to be praised as America’s most elite schools. But when the time comes to actually apply to colleges, the decision to apply to an Ivy is much tougher. When thinking of the elite, there are usually indications of wealth attached. This is fair given how high the price of attending these schools is. According to The Balance, the average tuition for an Ivy League school in 2020-21 was $56,746. Rent, food, books and other supplemental utilities must also be taken into account, raising the average estimated cost of

attendance at an Ivy League with fees to $78,417. And before one can even worry about paying off the tuition, there’s also the application fee, which averages at $78 for an Ivy League. For some, it may be a $78 rejection. In choosing not to apply to Ivy Leagues, I see it as an opportunity for me to apply to various other schools with the money I’m saving by not paying over $70 for an application. One Ivy League application is almost the same price as two applications for Florida state schools. For students looking for more affordable options, staying in-state isn’t a bad idea and can achieve near the high standards of the Ivy Leagues. In 2022, the University of

Florida ranked no. 28 in the U.S. News report for best national universities as well as no. 5 in the ranking for best public schools in the U.S., The Haravrd pennant surrounded by cash with an in-state tuition of $6,380. going up in flames. Illustration by J. Le If wanting to go out of state for afford to go to schools with educollege, there are several options cation that’s just as good (maybe that are still just as good, if not bet- even better in some areas), it feels ter, than the Ivy League schools. like a waste of money to worry Johns Hopkins University, Uni- about getting into an elite school. versity of Washington, NortheastSearching for colleges should be ern and several others offer a wide based on one’s own interests and if a range of studies, even if they arschool offers something that stands en’t in an elite athletic conference. out to the applicant, elite status While I can say that my family doesn’t necessarily matter. While it makes more than enough mon- doesn’t hurt to apply to an Ivy, take ey to get by, splurging on an Ivy a moment to consider if it’s worth it League application fee and tuition to you to apply rather than listen to doesn’t match my values. If I can the status quo.

Sound Off | Opinions of Robinson Students

“Of course others should apply [to Ivy League schools] because you never know if you will get accepted. For me, I know I will most likely not get in, but they have really good programs for what I want and I’m always ready to risk it for the biscuit and I think others should too ‘cause you never know what could happen.” Cassidy Chapman (‘23) “I am not applying [to an Ivy League school] because I don’t think I can get in, plus, I don’t like the environment of the Ivys. I think students should apply to any college they would want to go to and if they want to go to an Ivy it can’t hurt to apply.” Austin White (‘23)

Join Journalism

Are Robinson students planning on applying to Ivy League Schools? 35% Yes, they are planning to. No, they don’t plan on it.

Data collected from poll posted on @rhsknightwriters on Instagram.

Newspaper A&E Editor and Yearbook Copy Editor pitch why joining their staffs is a good idea.

Say Yes to Yearbook

Why you should pick newspaper over APs.

A behind-the-scenes taste of Yearbook.

By CECILIA CHENG, A&E EDITOR I’m going to be honest, I you don’t always have to write could have never imagined in newspaper. In fact, there are myself to be in a journalism people on staff before who have class. Nothing on the elective never written a single word. sheet really stood out to me, From podcasts to photography so I decided to give newspato even videography, there are per a chance because a lot of several other options for you. my peers recommended it. As Let’s talk about some perks. cliché as it sounds, that was the First, you get to get into sports best decision of my life. events for free and take photos


For me, the best part about newspaper is the people. Conversations about the oxford comma have allowed me to find my best friends and I’ve never felt a more welcoming environment. Not to mention, Mrs. Webster is also one of the most understanding teachers you will ever have. She is more than just our advisor, she’s our mentor. Although being on staff for only a year, I’ve had so many opportunities to allow me to improve as a writer and even explore this new interest of mine Now I understand that some of you guys might not like writing. Well, good news is that

Every year students do the same thing: get up, go to school, study, and take tests. Though that is the whole reason you are going to school, 10 years down the line, you are not going to look back and reminisce about all the homework, projects and burnout. What you will remember are all the fun times. Hanging out with friends, embarrassing stories, football games, homecoming, etc.

collaborate with others and learn valuable social and technological skills that will help them advance in their careers in the future. In the classroom, you will have the opportunity to find what skill set fits you best through different creative opportunities. You also learn how to design with the Adobe suite, take photos with canon cameras and strengthen your skills as an interviewer and storyteller.

Every year this new book, different from the last, magically appears. Many people don’t think about the all the work behind it. All year a group of students dedicates time both during and after school to keep up with events, latest trends, Looking back, I’m glad I and people around the school. made the decision to join the staff. Newspaper has personally Between writing, designing and helped me grow as a person and photography, the team is always looking for more people to bring if anyone asks me my favorite experience in high school when new perspectives to creating an I’m older, it would definitely be amazing book that people can something that happened inside cherish forever. of Room 250. In yearbook, students get to

Additionally, joining yearbook gives you an opportunity to get involved in the school community, and get premier access to various events around school. The team works in various workshops throughout Florida to strengthen our skills and learn from professionals about how to be better journalists. Whether you are a social butterfly or a shy bookworm, the yearbook can be for anyone, so don’t let nerves get in the way of you trying something, because who knows, you might just love it.

on the sidelines. Also, there are all the field trips you get to go on. My favorite memory from last year was definitely FSPA, since the trip really bonded our staff together. While this class is not a guaranteed A, you get something good from it and hopefully enjoy it as much as I do.

This special Back-to-School Edition of Knight Writers was produced by the Knight Writers Summer Staff at Robinson High School.

News & Features Editor Vikram Sambasivan

Fun Coordinator Jadyn Grayes

Sports Editor Grace Hilton

Social Media Editor Allie Barton

Editor-in-Chief Juno Le

Opinion Editor Keirra McGoldrick

Staff Writers JC Thaxton

Print Managing Editor Charlotte Stone

A&E Editor Cecilia Cheng

Publications Adviser Nancy Webster

Online Managing Editor Zoe Thaxton

Multimedia Editor Ingalls Witte

Principal David Brown

Mission Statement The role and goal of the RHS News is to inform, interpret and entertain their viewers through accurate and factual reports, and be accurate, fair and impartial in its coverage of issues that affect the school community. The staff of RHS News will strive to report all issues in a legal, objective, accurate and ethical manner, according to the Canons of Professional Journalism developed by the Society for Professional Journalists.

In my fourth and final year on staff, I’m excited to continue overseeing the production of both of our publications as the Editor-in-Chief. If you enjoyed reading this issue and would like to join the production team, talk to your guidance counselor or Mrs. Webster in Room 250 about switching to Journalism for newspaper. I’m looking forward to seeing the school spirit again. I highly encourage everyone to attend the first football game on Aug. 19 (which luckily for us is a home game) and get a taste of the Knights’ pride. I can't wait to see everyone at the Chamberlain game!


Newspaper: The Superior Elective

To welcome old and new faces, 11 of us have compiled a mini version of the Knight Writers (rest assured it won’t count as our first quarter issue and you’ll definitely be seeing another one by October). In this special Back-to-School issue, we highlight the best (and to some, worst) moments of the summer as well as take a look at what’s to come in these first few weeks.

Newspaper editors Ingalls Witte (‘23)(left) and Zoe Thaxton (‘23) smile in their Journalism t-shirts. The two work together with the rest of the editorial board to review content produced by the rest of the staff before it published. Photo by J. Le

2021-22 Yearbook Staff with Journalism Adviser Joanie Webster at Spring Zing in St. Petersburg, Fla. for a field trip. Field trips like this one help the staff learn new things and develop new ideas for the book. Photo Courtesy of Robinson Yearbook Staff

Want to voice your opinions?

Policies For more information about the staff policies, follow this link https://rhstoday.com/about/staff-policies/ Publication Memberships

Send us a typed document of your work for a chance to be published on rhstoday.com or on the latest Knight Writers’ print issue as a guest contributor. DM us on our Instagram @rhsknightwriters with any questions.




“Stranger Things” Turned My Mind Upside Down Things only get stranger, but that is not at all a bad thing. By ZOE THAXTON, ONLINE MANAGING EDITOR “Stranger Things” remains one of the of season three, the dynamic shifted from the top shows on Netflix and the reason many more light-hearted mall theme into a dark keep their subscription. Honestly, it’s one of world. the only reasons I have mine. I always loved Now, having such intense plots, I must this show since the second season came out. highlight all the actors for a job well done. Season Four destroyed records for the comThey truly carry the show and I don’t think pany, with “Volume 1” becoming its most they lacked in any department. People comwatched show in English, which is completeplained about Mike (Finn Wolfhard) for not ly understandable. “Stranger Things” season giving anything during intense scenes with 4 was insane — and I mean that in the best Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown), and I disagree. way possible. He plays an awkward teenager who struggles The show reached a level it hadn’t crossed to express himself to his girlfriend. It’s how it before. There were numerous plots, with four is supposed to be played. running simultaneously at one point, across As for the others, Brown continues to different parts of the world: Hawkins, Russia, shine as Eleven tries to adapt to an unwelLenora Hills/The Southeast United States. coming world without her powers for the Due to this, the run time nearly doubled in first time. The audience gets to see backstocomparison to the other seasons, each epries in the lab as she tries to get her powers isode is about an hour or even longer. You back. I loved to see that development and can never go wrong with more content, and I what brought her to this moment. Sadie Sink think it works with this season. should’ve been nominated for an Emmy for This season also didn’t shy away from her acting as Max Mayfield, specifically in horror and gore this time. The kills of the the episode “Dear Billy”. Joseph Quinn as main villain, Vecna, are gruesome. It was Eddie Munson absolutely steals any scene he scary at some points, giving “Nightmare on is a part of. He became my favorite in just his Elm Street” vibes. Compared to the aesthetics first scene. He was an extremely memorable

“The Summer I Turned Pretty” Has Me Wondering Where My Glow Up Went Team Conrad or team Jeremiah? Or team Cam…? By CECILIA CHENG, A&E EDITOR “The Summer I Turned Pretty” is more than just a silly and cringey coming-of-age series. Adapted from Jenny Han’s novels, the long-awaiting series came out on Amazon Prime on June 17, 2022 and is perfect to watch with your friends this summer.

lems, “The Summer I Turned Pretty” also discusses more serious issues like the strain that divorce and cancer can have on families. The show does a brilliant job of conveying the main point that you should cherish everyone in your life. I suggest you have plenty of tissues by your side, especially during the last episode, because one moment, everyone is happily dancing the night away and the next, everyone is balling their eyes out on the couch.

Every summer, the Conklins and Fishers spend their time at the Fisher beach house, but everything is about to change. Isabel “Belly” Conklin (Lola Tung) suddenly had a major glow-up and now is stuck in a love I would recommend anyone to give this triangle between the two brothers, Conrad Fisher (Christopher Briney) and Jeremiah series a chance, even if you aren’t a hopeless romantic like me. I managed to finish Fisher (Gavin Casalegno). the whole show in one sitting— I couldn’t Personally, I was expecting a lot from the stop once I started. “The Summer I Turned series, as I have been a big fan of the novels Pretty” is simple, sweet and short (only sevfor a long time. They did an amazing job en episodes) and has me hungry for more. with the casting (absolutely nailed it). The Currently, the show has been renewed for characters are exactly how I imagined them two more seasons and I don’t have the paand the actors did an excellent job bringing tience to wait any longer. them to life. They also brought their own personalities into the characters, making each of them more authentic and unique. Although it’s not exactly like the books, I loved the changes that they brought to the screen. For instance, the series was based around a debutante ball, which brought a good twist that wasn’t really talked about in the novels. Another big difference I noticed was the representation of the LGBTQ+ community. They went ahead and made Jeremiah’s character bisexual and even included a lesbian couple throughout the whole debbing process, which I found very unique and interesting to watch. Not to mention, the soundtrack is to die for. From Taylor Swift to Tyler the Creator, whoever put together the soundtrack truly deserves a raise. Being the biggest Taylor Swift fan myself, I SCREAMED when I heard “Lover” being played as Conrad sees Belly for the first time. I was not prepared for it at all and after rewatching it, I still am not. Despite all the complicated love prob-

and likable character. Winona Ryder and David Harbour are always amazing as Joyce and Hopper as well. While it is one of my top shows, I still have two complaints: sidelining certain characters and the ending. In the middle of the season, it’s like the California plot disappeared. They paid no attention to the Byers, specifically Will, who is one of the main characters in this show. Like, come on. Will, Jonathan and Mike are great, so use them for something. Also, no spoilers for the season, but the ending felt long and yet rushed at the same time. Hugs, reunions, and a two-day time skip? Seriously? I understand it sets up season five, but it just annoyed me. My complaints are small and far-andfew between. Nothing major. There’s still so much potential for what’s to come in this show and I cannot wait.

Dairy Joy’s New Drive-Thru The local ice cream shop Dairy Joy opens a Drive-Thru. By ALLIE BARTON, SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR If you're craving a hunk-a-hunk ice cream waffle cone and want to avoid other hound dogs, Dairy Joy has a drive-thru as of May 17, 2022... read the rest on rhstoday.com

Somehow, Minions Have Taken Over the Charts “Minions: The Rise of Gru” was a major success for Universal Studios, but why? By GRACE HILTON, SPORTS EDITOR Stuart meet their new leader, Gru, a kid with the goal of becoming the world’s greatest villain. Gru ends up being kidnapped and the minions go out on a mission to save him. I didn’t find the film as good as the first "Minions movie," but it worked well as a sequel and was worth all of the anticipation. It was cool to have some backstory to the other films and a good way to possibly stop making related movies. While many studios will try to branch out to appeal to audiences other than kids in obscure, cheugy ways, Universal Studios did a great job of not becoming embarrassing. Going into the film, I thought it A cut out of the three main minions from “Minions: may be, however, it was so much better than The Rise of Gru” Photo from IMDb I expected. I was entertained the whole time The newest addition to the "Despicable and had some genuine laughs. I would absoMe" movie franchise has brought a lot of lutely recommend this movie to anyone. young viewers back into theaters. "Minions: A movie that is designed for children The Rise of Gru" was a standout film for the ended up being one of the best films I've seen entire year in both sales and social impact. all year. The '70s setting adds a lot of charm The film was an immediate hit, with it to it through the design and the soundtrack. having such heavy social media anticipation. Adults would be able to enjoy this and reflect Viewers would dress up in Minion attire and on it, while younger generations can enjoy formal clothing to watch the film. Many the fun of it. It also helped excuse any of the people would post about their trip to see the things that may not have been funny, making movie, making it a popular choice among the it seem like a reference to the time. younger generation.

According to Universal Studios, the movie produced $125 million during its first week, with $108.5 million being produced in theaters, making it the fifth highest-grossing film of the year. While this isn’t very shocking, there was a surprising amount of teens making up about 30% of the audience, almost three times as much as the first "Minions" movie. The official promotional poster for season one of Amazon Prime’s new show, “The Summer I Turned Pretty." Photo from IMDb

Character poster for Stranger Things 4 Volume 1 combines all the characters and details from their plots. Photo from Netflix

The plot was action-packed and continued the plot of the last movie, while also adding backstory to the "Despicable Me" films. The three main characters Kevin, Bob and

The minions were classic, each with their own unique personality that makes them so humorous. And for such a tame, funny movie, there were times I was almost brought to tears. Overall, I enjoyed every bit of the film. The music, the characters, the style, the plot... it was all up to par. The new "Minions" movie was the perfect way to get people of all ages back out into the theater. It was a humorous experience even for a teen. Bringing people together, rapid success, a popular internet joke and a good movie experience. What more could you ask for?




BACK-TO-SCHOOL A Guide to a New Year at Robinson


A course on how to navigate a new year at Robinson.

1. "Party Monster" by The Weeknd

By KEIRRA McGOLDRICK, OPINION EDITOR Going back to school can you should bring an umbrelbe a very stressful experience la with you or not. It might even if it’s a school you’ve even be a smart idea to keep already been at the school a small, collapsible umbrella for a few years. Everyone in your bag at all times in from Freshmen to Seniors case the weather decides to can experience the stress act up. and anxieties that accomGetting to class on time pany a new school year. can sometimes be a difficult This year will be uncharted task. Say one of your classes territory for most of us due is in the science and math to: the construction, a new hall, and the class after that principal, new teachers, new is all the way in “portacipeople and more. Some ty”. The total amount of guidance on the subject is time to get there would be typically needed, especially around 6-7 minutes with no for those just joining the bathroom breaks and people RHS family. crowding the only pathway

2. "Diet Mountain Dew" by Lana Del Ray

The portables, or “portacity” as some students call it, can be difficult to deal with at times. The unpredictable nature of Floridian weather is quite possibly the worst part of about the portables. First tip would be to check the weather every morning before heading to school so that you can determine if

across campus. My only tip would be to get a bit of pep in your step, and walk fast. Teachers are typically understanding of the distance and time it takes to get from one class to another, but for the select few that aren’t as lenient, walk fast.

Navigating the halls of our

construction ridden school can be quite challenging especially for newcomers. The portables are grouped into sections, just as they were when they were normal classrooms. Social studies such as history, psychology Angelo Alvarado (‘24)(left) and Gomez walk to and culinary are in the far their homeroom, which has moved into a portaleft section, Math is in the ble building. Photo by J. Le middle and English is on the far right. Student affairs, the main office, guidance and the nurses office can all be seen to the left as soon as you walk in the main gate. Honestly, the best way to get to know your way around would be to just ask someone. New experiences can be scary at times, but it’s easy to get used to a new school. It will be stressful and overwhelming sometimes, the best way to get around that would be to stay calm and try not to worry too much.

Back-to-School Fashion A new year means a new wardrobe. By KEIRRA McGOLDRICK, OPINION EDITOR Going back to school can be a stressful experience for many students. Picking some back-to-school outfits, however, can be quite possibly the best part of leaving summer break behind. The whole process of getting new clothes and shoes is exciting. Clothing is a way to express yourself, especially to new people you may have never met before. Even though many people don’t have a plethora of money to spend on all new clothes at fancy stores, there are some wallet-friendly options to shop at and get a few new things. The most highly suggested option for affordable clothing would probably be thrift stores. Thrift shopping gives incredible options for affordable clothes that don’t contribute to fast fashion. If there are no thrift stores you’d want to go to, there are also places like H&M, Papaya, Forever 21 and Cotton On. Those are good places to look for brand new, trendy clothes at affordable prices. Now on to what to look for in said stores. Although we all want to express ourselves through our clothing, it is still school and the majority of people just want to be comfortable.

Some flare leggings are a great way to be cute and comfortable at the same time. Sweatpants or joggers are also perfect for staying comfortable during the school day. Even though staying comfortable is important, jeans are a staple in everyone’s closet. Whether is flare, straight leg or mom-style jeans, they can tie together a whole look. A good t-shirt can also be the key to a good outfit for school, pair a fun t-shirt with simple leggings, jeans or shorts and you’re golden. New shoes are possibly the most fun part of back-to-school fashion. Getting a pair of good reliable shoes that are also in style can be a challenge sometimes. The basic Chuck Taylor high-top Converse, in white or black, go with everything and is perfect for the new school year. High-top Nike Blazers are also a good option because they’re in style and can go with multiple different outfits. A good outfit can inspire some much-needed confidence in those who need it most. For going back to school, choose clothing that you’re most comfortable in and the rest will follow shortly after.

5. "Numb / Encore" by JAY-Z, Linkin Park 6. "Running Up That Hill" by Kate Bush 7. "Head Over Heels" by Tears For Fears 8. "Loverboy" by A-Wall 9. "august" by Taylor Swift 10. "Long Live" by Taylor Swift 11. "Feels Like" by Gracie Abrams 12. "Palace / Curse" by The Internet 13. "15 Step" by Radiohead 14. "SUMMER" by The Carters 15. "Yet to Come" by BTS 16. "Change" by Djo 17. "A Loving Feeling" by Mitski 18. "Campus" by Vampire Weekend 19. "Hit 'Em Up" by 2Pac, Outlawz 20. "Without Me" by Eminem

Maya Roush (‘23) jots down commentary presented by her classmates from their reading of “King Lear.” About half of her classes last year were moved to portables. Photo by J. Le Infographic by J.Le

Friday Night Lights Fever with Senior Class President Sara Gainer A Q&A with this year’s Senior Class President to get you ready for all of those upcoming football games. By JUNO LE, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Now that everyone’s getting back into school, the long-awaited football season returns with the rest of the fall sports. Robinson’s first three games of the season this year are home games, starting on Aug. 19 against Chamberlain. Football games, especially home games, are the most popularly attended sports games at the school. Senior Class President Sara Gainer (‘23) joined us to discuss the importance of Robinson football games. Q: Why should one attend an RHS football game? SG: Personally, I think one should go to an RHS football game because it’s lame not to go—football games are so super fun and exciting. Going to a football game is just really amazing and it’s so cool to see everyone dressed up for the theme. Even though for the last two years I’ve cheered at football games, I still think it’s a fun experience. Football games give you an opportunity to show your school spirit and get hype for your school. Q: Are there any planned themes we should look out for? SG: Yes definitely! We already have our theme for the RHS vs. Plant game. The theme is GoodKnight Panthers [and] we also have a shirt that’s ready to be sold to students for the game. It’ll be super fun because everyone will get to wear their PJs to school!

SG: Honestly, I think all of the games are important to go to but if not the away games then definitely all of the home games, and if not that then definitely this first game, the Plant game, homecoming game, Senior night and the last game.

An oversized t-shirt from Burlington and some matching biker shorts from Target make the perfect comfy outfit. Photo by K. McGoldrick

4. "The Real Slim Shady" by Eminem

Open Spotify and scan this code to listen with us:

Q: What are the most important games to go to this year?

Thrifted graphic t-shirt with a car paired with a madras plaid button up and some cargo pants from target. The outfit would pair nice with converse. Photo by J. Le

3. "Call It What You Want" by Taylor Swift

Sara Gainer (‘23) on the sidelines with the rest of the cheer team at last year’s Plant game. Not only does she sport the traditionl team uniform, but she and everyone else on the team also wore “R” tattoos in spirit of the rivalry. Photo by J. Le

Q: Do you think we will beat Plant this year? SG: I’m going to choose to be optimistic and say... yes! We will beat Plant this year. I think our football team is going to surprise us all this season. I think part of it will come from the student body and how much we support our team. Q: What is your favorite memory from a football game? SG: I don’t remember exactly who we played but it was one game where we almost lost but our team was able to pull out a win. I love those moments at the end of the game where you just see everyone cheering and just having fun supporting the football players. Q: Do you have any advice for the incoming freshmen who are planning on attending their first high school football games?

Q: If I’m not interested in football, should I still go to a football game?

SG: Yes for sure! Some advice I have would be to dress up for the theme, no matter what it is. As a freshman, you won’t want to be the only person not wearing a cool outfit. Another thing would be to always sit in the student section and leave the rest of the bleachers to parents and non-high schoolers.

SG: If you’re not interested in football, I think it would still be fun to go to at least one game. It’s also a great chance to hang out with your friends, meet new people and just to get out of your house on a Friday night.

To buy tickets for football games online, visit https://www.hillsboroughschools.org/robinsonhs and click the Athletics tab to find athletic ticket sales for not only football games but all fall sports.

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