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Technology Advancements
14 l 100 Years Edition l The Pepper Box Technology marches forward in Ritenour
The students use the new Caliphone which is equipped with earphones for private study. Soon they will record their voices with the tape recorder. Social studies, English, and Science classes have been using the movie projectors to illustrate their courses for some time.
With its approval of the computer assisted instruction program, the board made a purchase of 64 new terminals in two parts or phases. Phase one involved putting 12 terminals at Hoech Junior High and 8 at each Kratz, Wyland, and Iveland schools. Phase two involves the installation of 4 terminals at Ritenour Senior and 8 at each Buder, Marvin, and Marion schools. Expansion costs amounted to $185,000.
By: Skylar Powers

It took students three hours to set up the hardware for a 24 minute multiscreen slide-sound presentation when the school was being audited for accreditation.

Students who entered the computer science class this year quickly discovered that the computers could not “do everything.” As a matter of a fact, accomplishing a relatively simple task was hard work.

Ritenour school district purchased over one hundred computers for RHS. They are spread throughout the building in the library, math lab, and publications office. The estimated cost of the computers is two hundred thousand dollars, but the district wanted to help the students better their grades and further their knowledge, and felt this was a worthwhile expense.

A new cellphone and electronic device policy has come to RHS this school year. This policy states that students attending RHS can use their 5 minutes of passing time. This new policy amazed most when the word got out.

All students are issued chromebooks for learning usage. Cell phones are no longer allowed in our classrooms. They are only allowed to be used during lunch along with before/after the school hours. However, many classes use cellphones to enhance the learning. For classes like Newspaper and Radio, cellphones are used to help students learn more in these courses. Along with the media classes, the music classes may use their cellphones as tuners for their instruments. In some instances, in math courses, the calculator app may be used. There is video equipment, 3D printing and more in the school now.
KRHS TV has a professional studio set up with cameras and green screens.
Photos by Layla Fouche
All students at Ritenour High School are given a chromebook when they enroll and most classes do a majority of their work online.