November 2014 Pepper Box

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Staff Editorial Students achieve more when they know that their parents are more involved. Parents that are involved with their students’ school show how much they care about their students’ future and school. Throughout their lives some students do not have very involved parents. A way parents can because more involved parents are giving their students high expectations. Giving students high expectations will help them become a better student. Stated on, high school students whose parents are highly involved and have high expectations for them are more likely to enroll in an academic program and complete core courses. Students may seem like they cannot stand the fact that their parents expect highly from them, but in the end they appreciate that they care so much about their future, parents want to see their students succeed in the future and want them to achieve the impossible. Parent involvement does not just affect a student’s life in just high school; parents involvements have been affecting their students life throughout elementary school and middle school. On it states that parents who are highly involved in their education during elementary school are more likely to have students who graduate from high school, complete high-school requirements, or complete a higher grade in high school. Having parents be involved in everything you have been a part of or just your academics can really be helpful. Parent involvement really helps show students that their parents want to be involved with their life. When it comes to parent involvement, many parent volunteers at different events they help for or they are the room parent and host all of the holiday parties. On it states that children whose fathers are involved in their education have greater academic achievement. For students it’s great to know that your father is ready to take part of your education and become a very involved parent. If you want to get your parents more involved you can invite them to be a part of the PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) and they help organize different events to support our school. You can also tell them about the different school events that will need volunteers. You can even have your parents go to your parent/teacher conferences and you games for the sports you are involved in. Parent involvement can influence students’ achievements in academics and different school activities. Just knowing that you have very supportive parents that you can count on is great feeling. Everyone should be proud to have a parent who likes being a part of you school activities. Front and back covers illustrated by Kristen Teoli. Front Cover, clockwise from top left: senior Joy Battle, senior Karina Hernandez, sophomore Ransome Drexler, junior Kayla Whiteside, senior Jack O’Leary, sophomore Diana Castellanos, junior Trevor Hicks, freshman Tiffany Dinh. Back Cover, left to right: Principal Gary Spiller, secretary Debbie Brennan, Assistant Principal Chris Isaacs, counselor Latanya Weaver, and Officer Elliott Miller


Advisor: Ron Steinschriber Content Manager: Aeriel Morrow Design Manager: Kristen Teoli Production Manager: Missy Griffith Business Manager:Saydee Esparza News Editor: Brittany Mixon Opinion Editor: Kaylee Houston Online Editor: Ariella Smith Sports Editor: Daedra Wallace Spotlight Editor: Ashley Meyer Staff Members: Allison Baker, Kaylee Barks, Carcea Carr, Charles Daniels, Sara Declue, Erin Dennison, Morgan Diamond, Deidre Dinkins, Morgan Sweeney, Ryan Tiefenbruch Editorial Policy: The Pepper Box is designed and created by memebers of the newspaper staff of Ritenour High School. The purpose of the newspaper is to provide a forum for the students to focus on issues, give opinions, and share information with the Ritenour High School community. The opinions expressed in this paper do not reflect opinions of our faculty or administration. Letters to the editor are welcome and accepted, but they may not contain profanity, obscenity, or anything innappropriate to school. They may be e-mailed to Ron Steinschriber at steinschriberr@, or dropped off in room 240. The staff reserves the right to edit these letters.

Stop playing the blame game Students need to start taking accountability for their successes and their failures

Mixon it up Written by: Brittany Mixon News Editor Stop blaming other people or things for your mistakes. It is about time for everyone to take responsibility for their mistakes. 99% of the time it is the fault of the person trying to pass blame, not who or what they are trying to blame. If someone fails a test, it is not the teacher’s fault, as many students try to say, it is likely the fault of that student. Instead of saying “oh my gosh these teachers cannot teach, I hate school,” you should say “I need to try harder,” or “I should have gotten more help.” Everyone is highly capable of passing tests and assignments. Before blaming, think about the prerequisites to prepare for the test. Did you study for the test? Did you get help from the teacher? Did you ask anybody else besides the teacher for help?


That type of blame is similar to me hitting the volleyball into the net, or shooting a free-throw and missing every time. The question I should be asking myself is am I changing my form in hitting or shooting. If I am not, but merely doing the same thing, there is the answer to my problems. I cannot just blame my coaches for my bad form if I choose to ignore their coaching. I should have taken more time to practice and fix my constant mistakes. If I would have done that, then I would not be causing my team problems and trying to think of someone to blame for my mistakes. People need to learn life is trial and error. If life was perfect then it would be no fun.

Illustration courtesy of Ma’isah McMillan

What would be the point of a life? A utopian world does not exist, and everyone’s perfect world is different, so it would be impossible to create. Mistakes happen to everyone because nobody is perfect; just take responsibility for them when they are made. In the words of Hannah Montana “Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days. Nobody’s perfect, I gotta work it. Again and again, ‘Til I get it right. Nobody’s perfect, you live and you learn it. And if I mess it up sometimes. Nobody’s perfect.” If someone makes a mistake he or she is still perfect in somebody else’s eyes, so embrace the chance to make a change after a mistake, instead of finding someone else to blame.

Veterans need more than a day We need to make an effort to give thanks to our veterans every single day

Miss understood Written by: Missy Griffith Production Manager There are some holidays that people view as important and ones that people remember. Veterans Day is not one of those days, but it really should be. Veterans are a vital part of our lives. If it were not for them, we would not live in the world that we do today. Veterans fought and contributed to the military, so that we could have the rights and freedom that we have today. People celebrate and thank our veterans on Veterans Day; other than that, people do not really care about them. Now when I say that, I do not mean that “Oh people don’t care, it isn’t important,” I mean that people do not really think about it. People just use their privileges with no thought about their sacrifices. Most people do not consider what these people have gone through so that we can have freedom. “I can remember a time where you could go to a movie theater and they would have


military discounts available,” science teacher and veteran Rick Rodgers said. “Everyone deserves recognition, though military veterans make a different sacrifice, so they deserve a different kind of recognition.” Rodgers believes that our community is doing a great job of showing our respect toward military veterans. We showed Cory Remsburg that we are thankful for what he has done, and what he has gone through to get where he is today. We showed that we can come together as a community and get along. It was great to honor a Ritenour alumnus, especially one who has served with distinction in the military. Although, I also think that happened because Remsburg has become a public face for veterans after his introduction to the American public at the State of the Union Address last January. Some citizens do help

Illustration courtesy of Amanda Stief

veterans. They make donations of food, clothing and medications. People also donate money to help wounded veterans integrate back into society and cope with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) if necessary. So, yes, there are some good people who do help, although there could definitely be more people providing for others Today’s society is so narcissistic that they do not think to thank the people that made it the way it is unless they are told to do so. We are like little kids; we do not think to do something kind and selfless unless we are told to do it. Show some respect and thank a veteran. Even if it is not Veterans Day, thank them. I do not know firsthand, but I bet you can make an individual veteran’s day by just saying thank you and telling him or her that you appreciate what he or she has contributed to this country.

A new beginning Family dynamics can change with adoption Written by: Carcea Carr Staff Writer Among the many diverse categories at Ritenour High School, a group of students share the fact that they are not living with their biological parents. According to the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI), adopted children make-up roughly 2% of the total child population under the age of 18. It is estimated that about 1 million children in the United States live with adoptive parents. The loss of a birth family can potentially be a traumatic effect on children. “Anytime there is an adoption there is always grief and loss involved from losing their birth family that can affect students in all aspects of life,” Ritenour’s social worker, Karen Coughlin said. “If adopted at an older age it could affect education due to the change in schools and environments frequently.” Senior David Scott was adopted by a family in the Ritenour district when he was 11 months old. He was originally born in China, and was brought to America because of the adoption. “By the time I was three, I knew I was different. I was the only one with black hair while my adoptive parents were blonde and brown haired,” Scott said. “The fact that I am adopted changes nothing. Between being adopted and having biological parents, I get the same treatment as my brother in the household.”


David’s mother, Kathy Scott, noted that she was always amazed by how other children were interested in their family dynamic. “We would be out and about with David and kids would ask us, ‘is he your kid?’” Kathy Scott said. “David knew he was adopted from the beginning and he would answer them The adoption triad symbol was illustrated by Jordan right off that he was Chapman adopted.” According to in my life,” Chandley said. americanadoptions. In a study of American com, over 90 percent of adopted adolescents on, 72 children ages 5 and older have percent of adopted adolescents positive feelings about their adopwanted to know why they were tion, and most adopted children adopted, 65 percent wanted to are raised in happy homes by lovmeet their birth parents, and 94 ing adoptive parents. percent wanted to know which Senior Emmalyn Chandbirth parent they looked like. ley was adopted at the age of In addition to adoptions from oth2. She was originally born in the er countries, some adoptions take Philippines, but came to America place within family structures. because of the adoption by her Junior Rylee Kopplin was family. adopted by her biological grand “If I had the chance to mother at the age of nine. meet my biological parents I “I still have contact with would take it. I have always my biological parents, but I have wondered why they put me up for grown more attached to my adoption. Although that question grandmother,” Kopplin said. “I goes through my mind often, I am was relieved when I found out very grateful for what my adopthat someone cared for me and tive parents have given me, and wanted to make a difference in also thankful for someone stepping up to the plate to participate my life.”

Never too far from home Students share both the joys and struggles of having a sibling at school By: Morgan Diamond Staff Writer

Siblings at Ritenour make up a noticeable portion of the population. Having a sibling at school can mean that students either have a friend on which they can rely, or a student with whom they may not want to associate with. Freshman Briaunna Immekus joined her older sister, junior Gabby Immekus, at Ritenour this school year and the two are happy to be sharing their high school experience. “I like going to school with Gabby because we are close,” Briaunna Immekus said. Both Immekus sisters agreed that they do not act

Senior Destini Clark and junior Dawan Clark both attend Ritenour High School. The two transferred from Hazelwood East High School at the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year.


differently whether they are at school or at home. “There really is not a reason to act different at school and at home,” Gabrielle Immekus said. The sisters try not to take any disagreements at home into their school environment “Even when we have arguments we get over it pretty fast, she is my sister and my best friend. I love her,” Briaunna Immekus said. Senior Destini Clark goes to school with her younger brother, junior Dawan Clark. Most of the time, they do not really associate with each other at school, unless it is just a quick greeting in the halls. “It is pretty nice I guess. It is nice seeing him in the halls and at home as well,” Destini Clark said. On the other hand, when some siblings are upset with each other, they simply do not talk to one another, like junior James Woolfolk and senior John Woolfolk. “When we are mad at each other we are petty, and basically ignore each other completely,” James

Woolfolk said. One issue that siblings who attend school together have is getting along with each other’s friends. However, when siblings are close in age, and hang out with each other, they tend to get along with each other’s friends, and even share friends. At first John Woolfolk was nervous about going to school with James because he thought he would be more distant and not want to talk to him. “I did not want to go to school with James at first because I did not want to ruin our relationship, but it made our relationship stronger. We even share some friends,” John Woolfolk said. The Woolfolks also agreed that they feel protected, knowing that one would stand up for the other if anything happened. The two have a different relationship at home and at school. They squabble more at home, because they feel more comfortable at home. “We have to change what we do at school, and are more comfortable at home, also I would protect John over anybody because he is my little brother and I love him,” James Woolfolk said.

Buy your yearbook, before it is too late. 35% of all yearbooks ordered have already been purchased. For more information come to room 240. Senior Ad space is still available.

Parents share class with their children Many children of Ritenour teachers attend school with their parents Written by: Deidre Dinkins Staff Writer Every morning, Ritenour students get dropped off near the front entrance of the school, but a few students do not have their parental interactions end at the car door. Band teacher Hadley Haux has two daughters, senior Olivia and freshman Ruth, who are both currently enrolled at Ritenour. Olivia spends three classes each day with her father. She and Ruth enjoy getting to see him every day and believe that their dad being at school with them is both helpful and stressful. “[With my dad] Being a band teacher, music in the family is serious, so I think he expects a lot out of me,” Olivia Haux said. She believes that there can be a lot more pressure on them since their father is with them at school now.


“I feel like the teachers are watching me more, and the know more.” Ruth agrees that her father can keep a closer eye on them, but does not feel like her father being at the school puts additional pressure on her. She says that she knows what she is supposed to be doing and that his presence does not affect her behavior. ”If my sister or I did something bad enough, my dad would write us up or give us a detention,” Ruth Haux said. “He is still a teacher, and he has still got to give punishments.” Secretary Dionne Gleckler and her son Jonah Gleckler both spend their days together at Ritenour, as well. “I was a little nervous at first, a little worried Jonah might get teased, but he seems to be doing just fine. It’s really nice being on the same schedule,” Gleckler said.

Gleckler enjoys the advantage of easy communication with her son’s teachers. “Jonah is not a needy kid so he pretty much acts just as any student would and doesn’t ask me for any special treatment,” Dionne Gleckler said. Copy clerk Kimberly Baldwin has a daughter, Koryn Baldwin, who is a student here. Baldwin says that working at the school that her daughter attends makes it is easier to track and celebrate Koryn’s grades as soon as she sees them. She enjoys being more active with Koryn during the day. Baldwin says that she does not believe she has a problem treating Koryn as she does the other students at Ritenour, and if anything, she is harder on her. “I am probably tougher on Koryn than other students because I have very high expectations for her,” Baldwin said.

Involvement is key

Parent involvement has had a positive impact on Ritenour student’s high school careers

Ritenour School District Board Member Penny Degardin poses with students in the Ritenour Music Department during their trip to Branson in the 2013-2014 school year. Degardin’s granddaughter, senior Kelsey Degardin, is to her right in the group shot. Photo courtesy Penny Degardin.

Written by: Ashley Meyer Spotlight Editor

Many Ritenour students have had their high school experience enhanced because of the support of their parents, but some families actually show support on campus as well. Parent involvement is widely recognized in athletics due to many parents showing up to support their children at their games. Jordyne Frost’s mom, Kelly Frost keeps the official scorebook of the varsity softball team and is president of the Athletic Boosters Club. Jordyne’s dad, George Frost, has also been actively involved in all of her years in school. “I like to get to know people and know first hand what is going on with the school. I feel that if parents do not help out then the kids will eventually suffer,” Kelly Frost said. The softball team is known for its large

parent involvement throughout their season and during practices. Senior Kiersten Billington’s mom, Tracy Ringling, helps with softball and is in charge of the concession stand for many different sporting events. Due to her mother’s involvement, Kiersten has been able to have more opportunities to see her fellow peers play. A parent’s involvement in a student’s life can make an incredibly large impact on them. For example, senior Jessica Poelker’s mom, Amy Poelker, is involved in the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) as well as being in charge of concession stands for volleyball. Amy has been involved in her daughter’s life through elementary, middle, and now all four years of high school. “By being active in the school, you get to know what is going on and actually take part in making a difference in not only your child’s life at school, but the lives of all the kids,” Amy Poelker said. Many parents enjoy being more involved

Junior Alyssa Green poses with her mother, Stephanie Green before Homecoming. Stephanie Green is a member of the Athletic Booster Club. Photo courtesy Stephanie Green.

Above: Senior Jessica Poelker receives her rewards on senior night with her parents, Amy and Chris Poelker. Amy Poelker is in charge of volleyball concession stands, and actively involved in the community. Photo courtesy Amy Poelker. Right: Senior Bergen Garland poses with her mother Grace Garland. Grace is a supporter of all athletics and is often seen at Ritenour events. Photo courtesy Grace Garland

in order to ensure their children get the most out of their education. The parents also noted that it allows their children to get more actively involved in the school. Aside from supporting sporting events, parents are also involved in academic pursuits. Kelsey Degardin’s grandmother, Penny Degardin, is a member of the Ritenour School District Board of Education. “To have someone there for me who is looking out for me is priceless,” Kelsey Degardin said. These students all seem to agree that they have gotten more opportunities and experiences because of their family’s participation in the school. “Community service is one of the most rewarding jobs in which to be involved. Being involved helps me learn about, and understand what is going in our schools and allows me the opportunity

to make positive choices for the betterment of all my granddaughters, as well as every student in our district,” Penny Degardin said. All of these parents and grandparents acknowledged that they helped because their children and grandchildren approve of their involvement, and have mentioned that it shows them that they care about their education and how to make things better. Showing support is a key thing to students and they appreciate their parent’s being able to show it. “We have gotten so many opportunities to go different places for volleyball with the money raised from the concession stand. Without her [Amy Poelker] doing it, I am not sure who else would,” Jessica Poelker said.

Ritenour welcomes new Winter coaches Two new head coaches and five new assistant coaches will be pacing the sideline at Winter sports Written by: Deidre Dinkins Staff Writer Ritenour High School has brought in seven new coaches for various teams and sports this season. New varsity girls basketball head coach Ron Steinschriber has been coaching basketball since he was 15 years old. He says that he fell in love with the strategy and attention to detail that it takes to be a great coach. Steinschriber was a student manager for the University California Los Angeles (UCLA) basketball team in college, a graduate assistant at Fresno State, and has been coaching high school girls basketball since 2003. Steinschriber came to Ritenour in 2009, and has been coaching in the girls basketball program for five years. He has also coached at a variety of basketball camps around the country. “I first started playing when I was five years old. I love watching it and learning new aspects about the game, and when I coach, I get to employ those new tactics,” Steinschriber said. He believes that there are numerous skills that can be taught through basketball, and that coaching it in high school is an amazing opportunity for him. “I think Coach Scheidler did an amazing job in moving the program forward, so I’m mostly looking to just continue that progress. I’m bringing in some plays that I have used effectively with


other teams, and we have different strengths than we’ve had in the past, so we will probably be playing a little more up tempo in spots,” Steinschriber said. Steinschriber believes that it is important to always expect the unexpected during games. “You can prepare and practice non-stop, but something new will always pop up and it is important to stay calm under pressure,” Steinschriber said. “It is my experience that players emulate the attitude of their coach in games, so I try to stay calm and positive and emanate confidence at all times.” The new head coach for the Rythmettes is Nikki Krbec. She previously coached the Ritenour freshman cheerleading squad for three years, and is now switching to the dance team. Krbec says that she has a true love for dance, and that the Ritenour Rhythmettes seemed like a great fit for her. “The ladies on the team have a passion for dance and the heart to be the very best they can be,” Krbec said. Krbec has been dancing since the age of two, and did not stop until she graduated college. “My goals are to continue to work on technique, and to move this team to the next level,” Krbec said. She believes that coaches should be strong leaders with good relationship building skills and should be able to build and develop the skills of their athletes

New varsity girls basketball coach Ron Steinschriber speaks to junior Jordyne Frost last year, when we has an assistant coach. Photo courtesy Emily Waters

while keeping control and positivity. “Everyone is not always going to like the choices and decisions you make, however, it is very important to keep in mind that if those decisions are the best decisions for the team, that is most important,” Krbec said.

New assistant coaches Tevin Bell – Assistant wrestling coach Emily Castello Assistant Rhythmettes coach Jamel McCaine – Freshman boys basketball coach Alayna Niederkorn – JV cheerleading coach Marsha Rozelle – Asst. varsity girls basketball coach

FALL sports capsules GIRLS VOLLEYBALL Coach-Ellen Kim Final Season Record- 17-15-1 Standout Players-Hannah Baker, Jessica Poelker


Coach-Hoyt Gregory Final Season Record-3-6 (1-4 in conf.) Standout Players-Carl Garmon, Ricky McCoy, Tre Hollins-White

Senior Jessica Poelker serves in a home game.

BOYS SOCCER Coach - Mike Murray Final Season Record - 4-17-2 Standout Players - Kody Nicks, Zaine Yardley

Junior Bryan Medina clears the ball upfield.

CROSS COUNTRY Coach-Mike Wheeler Standout Players - Vicky Rico

GIRLS GOLF Coach-Jack Heeter Final Season Record - 0-7 Standout Players- Jayda Taylor, Rebekah Jimenez, Aurora McCandless Sophomore Aurora McCandless works on her swing.


The boys cross country team starts a race this season.


The softball team won the district championship for the first time since 1980.

The football team lines up for a play against Rockwood Summit.

Coach-Beth Seibold Final Season Record-0-8

Coach - Denise Harper Final Season Record - 13-9 Best moment – Winning Districts for the first time since 1980 Standout Players - Jordyne Frost, Alyssa Noble. Kaleigh Robinson For more information on the District title, see the story on

Junior Aleynika Taylor returns a backhand to her opponent. Photos courtesy of RHS Athletics, Kiersten Billington, McKinzy Lewis, Ashley Meyer, and Emily Waters

BOYS SWIMMING Coach - Jennifer Wakefield Final Season Record - 7-11 Best moment - On the last day of conference, the team won the 200 freestyle relay and broke the Junior Nick Klingermann dives in during a 400 meter relay. school record

Winter Sports Previews BOYS BASKETBALL Head Coach: David Watkins Last Year’s Record: 13-11 Expectations: Win everything, go for state championship Returning players: Carlton Stevenson, Robyion Hughes, Carlton Blanton, Carl Garmon, Jhanyle Hamiliton, Fermin Jeff Newcomers: Darrell Griffin Jhanyle Hamilton defends in a game from last season.

GIRLS BASKETBALL Junior Jordyne Frost goes up for a layup against St. Josephs in district play last year.

WRESTLING Senior Will Dalton executed a single leg move in a meet last year.

Head Coach: Conye’ Ausar Last Year’s Record: 4-4 Expectations: win 10 duals, place in every tournament as a team, and ultimately place in the top 10 as a team at state and bring home 3 medals. Returning Players: Tyler Hearns, Alex Peterson, Tyrek Montgomery, and William Dalton. Newcomeres: Austin Cornell, Ryan Howerton, and Dontrell Walker

Head Coach: Ron Steinschriber Last Year’s Record: 15-9 Expectations: “We have a lot of new players on varsity, and we have players with different skill sets than we have had in the past. We will focus on getting better every day and building a solid program from the freshman team all the way through varsity.” Returning players: Daedra Wallace, Jasmin Woods, Lachai Allen, Brittany Mixon, Jordyne Frost Newcomers: Leslie Brooks, Ahriel Foreman, Alexis Ramey, Dannie Millett, Ashley Wright, Maddie Stiebel, Racquel Addison, and Alyssa Green

GIRLS SWIMMING Head Coach: Andrea Rivera Last Year’s Record: Fiinished fifth in conference Expectations: We have a strong veteran force stepping up and really leading our new swimmers. Returning players: Kelsey Inman has been strong for us in butterfly and backstroke. Hannah Baker, Jessica Burkett and Sarah Mason Senior Imani Ray performs the will be strong in the freestyle sprints. Imani Ray and Kailynn LeFlore butterfly stroke in a meet last are looking to step up for us in freestyle distance events and Jordan season. Chapman was injured last year, but glad to have her back. Junior Alejandra Romer is our best swimmer in backstroke. Newcomers: We have about 12 new athletes who will be adding depth to our lineup.


Ritenour crowns new champions The Junior class of 2016 breaks the five year winning streak made by the senior classes

Seniors Carlton Stevenson and Antonio Lewis dance with each other during half time of the Powder Puff game as their teammates look on. Photo by: Aeriel Morrow

Written by; Aeriel Morrow Content Manager History was made at Ritenour High School’s annual Powder Puff game as the junior class of 2016 took the championship title after a 5-year winning streak by the senior class. Since the senior class of 2010, the seniors had won every Powder Puff competition. The class of 2016 broke the senior’s winning streak with an 8-6 victory over the class of 2015. “It feels good to win, we upset the seniors so that was a plus, and it was good to see all our hard work pay off,” junior coach Trevor Hicks said. Players on the team said that the win required much training and dedication to playing, and that the knowledge


and help of coaches, Ricky McCoy and Trevor Hicks, paved the way to victory. “Our junior coaches were great. Ricky [McCoy] is the quarterback, but it helped that he knew how to play every position. Trevor [Hicks] plays defense so he helped in that area,” junior Leslie Brooks said. Ultimately, the junior class players said that there was not a grand scheme to winning the game, but only to stay focused on their goals although it became tough sometimes. “We did not have a strategy, we just ran our plays and hoped for the best,” Hicks said. “I just liked being able to use what I know and help other people know what I know. I did not like the stress getting to me when things did not go the

way they were supposed to go. I cared to push through, however. ” On the other hand, the class of 2015 learned much through their defeat. “Our offensive plays should have been better. If I was calling the offensive plays we would have won,” senior coach De’Drion Thomas said. The loss of the game also sparked a bit of inspiration in the class of 2015 coaches with hopes for the future. “I love the sport. I may grow up to be a coach one day, so why not get the feel of it now,” senior coach John Minner said. While the seniors may have lost, the game created a sense of unity throughout the class of 2015 for some and many memories for others. “I feel bad because we broke the streak, I feel like I let the school down. I could have done some things differently, but it was really fun, it was nice working with them,” senior Kendra McDowell said. “I am proud to say I am walking the stage with them. I am proud to say that these are the people I am graduating with. I could not have picked a better group of people to share that moment with.”

Family matters

At Ritenour High School there are many teachers who also have family members that teach in the same building. These teachers have a variety of stories about how they got into the field of education, but they are all happy that they ended up working in the same field, and same school district. Denise Harper is a Physical Education (PE) teacher at Hoech middle school. Harper has been working as a PE teacher for 18 years. Denise’s daughter, Mandi Little, is also a PE teacher, but at Ritenour High School. “I am not sure if she [Little] went into teaching because of me. She [Little] knows I love my job and after all these years I still love my job teaching and coaching,” Harper said. Harper knew that both she and her daughter Mandi loved coaching and playing sports, but she did not encourage or discourage her into the teaching profession. “I told her [Little] to find a profession that she would love. I thought it was pretty neat that she chose the same profession as me, and that we get to coach softball together,” Harper said. Hoech Middle School PE teacher Denise Harper When Little was younger, she wanted to be an and Ritenour High School PE Teacher Mandi Little. elementary school teacher, but then decided that she Photo courtesy Mandi Little wanted to be a PE teacher because she loves fitness and sports. She also said she was influenced by her mom being a teacher. “My mom loved her job and I was around it my whole life, so it just felt easy,” Little said.


Zach Buxman, who teaches 10th grade social studies, also has a younger brother, Timothy Buxman who substitute teaches at the high school as well. When Zach Buxman was little, he had his mind set on being a major league baseball player, but as he got older, he did not think that was a realistic goal. “If I could not be a major league baseball player, I was going to be a teacher,” Zach Buxman said. Zach Buxman also added that while growing up, he and his younger brother did everything together. Zach says that he was always trying to teach Timothy the things that he was doing, whether it was sports, video games or staying out of trouble. “We have always done everything together. He is my little brother,” Zach Buxman said.

Ritenour substitute Timothy Buxman and Social Studies teacher Zach Buxman. Photo courtesy Zach Buxoman

Brothers Brett and Dan Mueller are both Special School District (SSD) teachers at Ritenour High School. When Brett Mueller was younger, he was not sure what he wanted to be, but had a few ideas. By the end of high school, he decided that he wanted to be a teacher. “I wanted to be an astronaut at one point, then an engineer. I guess I just went through a phase where I wanted to be several different things,” Brett Mueller said. Dan Mueller, on the other hand, went into the field for biotechnology after high school. After deciding that he did not want to do that anymore, he knew that he wanted to do something different with his life, which he would actually enjoy. “I really wanted something different than just the same thing over and over again every day, and teaching is definitely different every day,” Dan Mueller said. Growing up the siblings did not fight much. They got along fairly well, and liked being around each other, therefore working together was not a problem. “We used to share a classroom. He was teaching freshmen social studies and I taught sophomore social studies. That was just how the schedule worked,” Dan Mueller said.

Science teacher Tracey Weber and Copy Clerk Kim Baldwin. Photo courtesy Kim Baldwin


SSD teacher Dan Mueller, sister Katy Mueller, and SSD teacher Brett Mueller celebrate Katy’s senior night at Fontbonne softball. Photo courtesy Dan Mueller

Sisters Kimberly Baldwin and Tracy Weber both work at Ritenour High School. Baldwin works in the copy room, and Weber is a science teacher. While growing up, the sisters say they did not get along very well, but as they got older they started getting along better. “We get along good now, but not when we were in school. We would always get in fights,” Baldwin said. Previously, both sisters worked at Southwest Airlines together. Baldwin worked there for over ten years and Weber worked there for approximately five years. The sisters did not originally plan on going into the teaching profession together. In fact, Weber had one potential career path that she realized she could not pursue. “I wanted to go in the medical field, but I was kind of squeamish, so I would get sick if I saw anything gross,” Weber said.

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