November Issue 2015

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Staff Editorial There are some common misconceptions of eating disorders. Some people say it’s a choice, that eating disorders are not serious, that ‘dieting is a normal part of life,’ or that most common eating disorders only affect teenage girls, but none of these are true. All of these misconceptions are a result of ’reality’ television and misinterpreted media; but that is all the more reason we think it’s an important topic on which to speak.

What are eating disorders? An eating disorder is any of a range of psychological disorders characterized by abnormal or disturbed eating habits. Meaning it is not a choice, or a scenario when you just wake up and just say, “oh yeah, well this is what I am going to do now.” That doesn’t make sense. Who would choose to do something like that? For all of the people out there who believe that it is a choice, the only way it could be a choice is if you campare it to the way that people respond to bad news or insults. You could go on for the rest of your life with people telling you that you aren’t good enough, and respond by doing something that seems like the only thing that will help. You might think that it would make you ‘pretty,’ or ‘cute,’ or “handsome,” or “sexy,” but if it starts to hurt your body or soul to get those results it is a problem. We want you to realize if you do suffer from an eating disorder you are not alone and you can find help. It starts with you. There are people who love you, whether they are friends or family. For more information, call the National Eating Disorders Hotline at 1-800-931-2237

PEPPER BOX STAFF Adviser: Ron Steinschriber Content Manager: Sean Baker Design Editor: Morgan Diamond News Editor: Allison Baker Opinion Editor: Sidney Lee Online Editor: Carcea Carr Sports Editor: Ryan Tiefenbruch Spotlight Editor: Leia Boyd Staff Members: Shaquan Brown, Cheynne Harris, Will Qualls, Bri’Asia Mays, Royalty Knight, Sarah Barbeau, Makayla Smith, Alicia Watson

Editorial Policy: The Pepper Box is designed and created by memebers of the newspaper staff of Ritenour High School. The purpose of the newspaper is to provide a forum for the students to focus on issues, give opinions, and share information with the Ritenour High School community. The opinions expressed in this paper do not reflect opinions of our faculty or administration. Letters to the editor are welcome and accepted, but they may not contain profanity, obscenity, or anything innappropriate to school. They may be e-mailed to Ron Steinschriber at, or dropped off in room 240. The staff reserves the right to edit these letters.

Buy your yearbook before it is too late. 35% of all yearbooks ordered have already been purchased. For more information come to room 240. Senior Ad space is still available.

Censorship is hurting society Censoring anything, even something small, could end up harming society and stunting the growth of children

The King’s Speech By: Shaquan Brown In our society we are prone to deny the aspects of life that are not acceptable to our perceptions and customs. We ignore and delete anything that could cause upset within our stability, whether it is a moral or social dilemma, society will innately find fault within the equation of normalcy. We move closer and closer into the ideal society fostered within Aldous Huxley’s Brave New world, a systematic society of cultural regulation and denial. Censorship has become a major issue within our society. Things that are perceived as obscene or elicit are explicitly censored in order to desensitize the freedoms of liberal media and enforce restrictions upon the outlet of social commentary within almost every aspect of our life. This is leading us into a spiral of false rationale. We are starting to accept a perception of our society that is re-rendered in order to classify our societal status as coarse and mediocre. We remain unable to obtain

the sense of culture that is accepted by the rest of the world, so our culture remains elementary and discrepant. The censoring of certain words or phrases demeans the value of the intent of the artist, losing sight of the original condition with which the finished product desired to surmount. When the art loses its value it either becomes a mediocre rendition of its former glory or a shadow of its former self. Simple bleeps and other forms of censorship might seem simple in the moment, yet in retrospect even the most insignificant censorship can have a phenomenal impact on the perception of the youth. Those who hold the power of censorship within the media and other aspects of a child’s life hold the authority over their perception and understanding of the world around them. We submit ourselves into a blind sensation; we ignore the things that we should expose ourselves to for the comfort and security that rest within being oblivious and unaware of the society unfolding around us. It has become an issue of need within our society, is there truly a need for us to be exposed to the reality of the world at an earlier age than necessary? Should everyone who

engages in any form of media be “forced” to grow up with the unedited and uncensored images that according to society and its norms should only be viewed by adults and those who are able to handle and comprehend such images? This is something that can only be answered by the changing values and perceptions within the ever progressing society that we continue to innovate and recreate for our own growth as a post-modern society. If we continue to censor the things that are brought to our younger generations, we will continue along the path of an oblivious mindset and a seemingly unknowing blinded perception that will detain our society’s capacity for a wider more brilliant perspective.

Drawing by: Cheynne Harris


Madness ensued during the fall play Moon Over Buffalo The fall play was a huge success, and was filled with plot twists and drama that led to a lot of laughs

and becomes the center of casting of the play represented the attention in everyone in the culture of Ritenour and added an play’s life. element of modernism. Filled with a lot of The plot twist at the end sarcastic humor, “Moon Over of the play made it more enjoyable Buffalo” will keep you laughing and humorous. Eileen (portrayed by throughout the whole play. Taylor Miller) and Howard (portrayed Each actor/actress played by J’von Halbert), who were once their role extremely well, as if in relationships with George and they were the actual person Rosalind, conclude the play with in everyday life. All of them their own new relationship. Rosalind projected clear voices, which and her former ex-boyfriend, Paul made it very easy to hear and (portrayed by Jackson Pearia) end up understand each scene and getting back together, while Charlotte part. sees her fling with Richard (taken on Sophomore Emma Norman explains to her grandmother, Senior Cheynne Harris, that she no longer I cannot think of by Austin Kaiser) come to an end. wants to be an actress. Photo by: Sean Baker any complaints that I had The amount of flings and throughout my night when things occurred in the play were too watching “Moon over Buffalo”. many to count, but they all came to an By: Sarah Barbeau Even with the intermission, the play equilibrium. The play was definitely Staff Reporter was easily transformed back to the worth a viewing, and I would give it After seeing Ritenour’s version previous scenes. The scenery, including a rating of 9 out of 10 on creativity, lights and sound, along with the humor, love, and unity. Director and of the play, “Moon over Buffalo,” I left costume choice were also worthy of a drama teacher, Greg Jones, did a great with a large grin. thumbs up. job of putting the play together and I “Moon over Buffalo” is a play The amount of diversity seen cannot wait to see his other pieces in about a family whose lives revolve in the roles was creative and made for upcoming years. around show business, and who a great encounter crazy events in one single show. It Junior Jackson Pearia holds back senior Dana Rue from her husband in the day. Located in Buffalo, NY, George play, junior Rance Drexler. Harris and Norman watch as the scene unfolds. did not Hay (portrayed by junior Rance Photo by: Sean Baker make Drexler) is a married father, dedicated any one to acting. His wife, Charlotte Hay person (portrayed by senior Dana Rue) is stand out also in love with the life of theatre. Crazy enough, their daughter Rosalind from one another. Hay (portrayed by sophomore Emma In a play Norman) is different from them, and that is more interested in living a “normal” was not life than a life on the stage. After becoming stressed about written with going in debt, the Hays’ are victims of diversity outrageously funny and continuous events throughout the night in Buffalo. in mind, the George gets dangerously drunk


Ritenour gains some STEAM The high school played host to a STEAM expo, where students, staff, and professionals all showed off Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math educational possibilities By: William Qualls Staff Reporter Ritenour recently hosted a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) expo on Tuesday, November 3 in the auditorium. STEAM holds different genres of classes and projects. Many things were there that showed off the variety of learning in the field, including a Boeing flight simulator and a BJC medical robot. The robot itself is useful in the medical field in cardiac surgery that involves tiny micro sized instruments. Art teacher Kristi Ponder was a presence at the event, and had two volunteers along with her to help show off the work that the art department has added to STEAM. “STEAM is a group of different subjects in school that will help the students get jobs in the future,” Ponder said. “The creative problem solving in those subjects is used in all jobs.” One of the volunteers that Ponder brought with her to the event was junior Katie Fox, who was working with senior Ana Arellano on eco-prints for all the subjects STEAM covers. “STEAM is all the subjects of school working together for one united purpose,” Fox said. Arellano was presenting a leaf project at the event. She explained the steps it took to make the leaf project, which included first dipping the project in vinegar, alum water, soy milk, and controlled variables. Then, once she rolled it up, she put it in a

steaming pot and waited a day to see what her results were. Ana’s results were the opposite of what she expected. She expected a complete failure, but it turned out and got leaf prints on the paper, which meant her results were of what she wanted. Junior Jeremy Smith participated in the science section Students and their families attend the STEAM expo at and said he had Ritenour High School on November 3. The event drew both the time of his professionals, as well as students and teachers who presented life. Smith talked on topics related to the STEAM field. Photo courtesy: Emma about the flight Carriker simulators there. One of the flight Junior Daniel Carroll also simulators there was Boeing’s and they attended the conference as a presenter used that to train pilots. The second for Systems Thinking. Carroll not only flight simulator was Aerospace’s. taught that subject, but also attended Smith went into more detail as a member of the Social Justice Club. talking about his science exhibit Carroll believes that the work being he presented to everyone. He said done in Social Justice Club is similar to many people went to his table to look that being done by STEAM students because there were a lot of bright lights and staff. that attracted them over. Jeremy’s “Social Justice is similar to exhibit was called Chameleon Colors, STEAM because Social Justice is about so what he presented was a chemical awareness and to teach people what’s that constantly changed colors. going on in the world, and STEAM’s “I wanted to really share goal is to teach young kids about new awesome experiments, and the room things that may interest them,” Carroll was packed, so there were plenty of said. potential viewers,” Smith said.


Two Ritenour teachers come to the rescue Teachers Yancey Temple and Jake Kim unexpectedly came together to help a woman in a time of need

Teachers Yancey Temple and Jake Kim pose with Ritenour Principal Gary Spiller. Temple and Kim were recognized after helping to save a woman who had been in a car accident. Photo courtesy: Ritenour School District

By: Makayla Smith Staff Reporter Two Ritenour teachers inadvertantly ran into each other at a frantic accident scene, and through their leadership, they were able to help save a woman who was trapped under a car. On Tuesday October 27, math teacher Yancey Temple and e2020 teacher Jake Kim were handling personal business when they approached the intersection of Hanley and Manchester Roads. At that point, they either had the option of fight or flight. They both arrived at a scene where a car was flipped, and one of the passengers inside was trapped


underneath. Initially, they noticed a bus that was pulled over and thought that something had gone wrong with the bus. “I didn’t even know there was a wreck and immediately thought there was a fight on the bus that was blocking traffic,” Kim said. While some people would just continue driving, or maybe call 911 and wait for professionals to arrive, Temple and Kim instead got out of their car to help flip it. “When I see someone in need I try and do what I can for them,” Temple said. It was a coincidence that the two teachers would end up at the same intersection about nine miles away from the school, and the two said they

were surprised to see each other when they got out of their cars. When Temple approached the accident, he wondered if he should get out of the car to help because it might cause more of a traffic jam. “I wanted to get out and help and then I thought of the people blocked in behind me but I just went to over to see how bad it could have been,” Temple said. Since the event, the two have been called heroes, but they do not consider themselves that way. “I am certainly not a hero, I just want to help which I would think everyone would do,” Temple said. Sophomore Olivia Hilliard not only has Temple as a math teacher, but also as her basketball coach. She has gotten a chance to observe Temple in both places, and was not surprised that he would risk his own well-being to save someone else. “He should be shown more respect, because not everyone would risk their own well-being for someone else,” Hilliard said. “He seems like the type of man who would put his own life in front of others.” Temple and Kim have been recognized on both announcements inside the school and on the Ritenour website, but both of them just keep stressing that they did something that they believe anybody would have done. “I was not a hero for helping. We are all good people. We just have to allow that goodness to come out and become an act,” Kim said.

PLTW students get to EXPLORE Nine Ritenour students have been accepted into an engineering program that will help get them professional connections

The students who are members of of the EXPLORE Energy program. Photo by: Sean Baker

By: Sean Baker Content Editor in Chief Nine Ritenour High School students were accepted into the Ameren EXPLORE Energy program. The EXPLORE Energy program engages youth in multiple careers in the public utility industry, each are essentially important to energy services that Ameren offer to the region. Ameren brings students into their facilities and shows them what the different jobs in Ameren are all about, and through this many students learn what career path they want to go into. Abigail Paredes, Adela Rico, Asha Amerson, Hope Houston, Jennifer Rivera, Kailyn Ware, Marco Urbina, Miriam Hernandez, and Tai Huynh are the students who have been accepted into the program. Ameren is working with the diversity awareness group to reach

out to minorities and open up further opportunities in the STEM job field. Ameren knows that St. Louis area high school students are the answer to efficient energy in the future, and this is the reason they are reaching out and opening opportunities. This will be the fourth year that Ritenour has had students attend this partnership with Ameren. It began with former Ritenour teacher Ashley Gregory, who led the students in the program for the past three years. “I think the biggest thing students receive from participating in this program is just exposure to other fields of engineering and workplace environments that they might not otherwise see,” Gregory said. Junior Cydnei Anderson attended the program last year and has gained many friends and connections that will last forever through the program. “Ameren helps you with networking, so if you do want to

get into these programs they can connect you with someone in that field at Ameren and they can help you potentially get a job,” Anderson said. Gregory has also gained a lot from this partnership. From the experience of learning more about engineering she is able to help her students get through any problems that arise. “I have definitely gained connections. Ameren is a huge supporter of the PLTW program at Ritenour and a primary reason for that is because we have worked so closely together through this program and others,” Gregory said. Ameren also tries to expand the learning inside of schools by bringing together students from other schools, sharing learning techniques, and even teaching students new ways to learn so they can bring them back to their separate schools. While they are learning these different techniques and experiencing different jobs fields, Ameren feeds and entertains the students. “It was fun and we had really good food,” Anderson said. Ameren does provide the students with catered breakfast and lunch in all four of the sessions that they have, along with an inspirational speaker with a story about how they got to be where they were today. “I definitely think Ameren is smart to reach out to current high school students. Some of them will be our future engineers working on energy projects,” Gregory said.


Ritenour Students Are Hungry For Sucess Ritenour students share their desire to succeed, and how it has positively affected them throughout the school year

Success is something achieved by everybody at some point in life. For some people, achieving success can take an hour, and for others it might take a whole lifetime. The opposite of success is failure, but to be successful, you might have to fail first. Success is often how you come back from failure. Success means something different for everybody. For some, success could be a s simple as getting a pickle jar open, for others it could be graduating from law school. Success isn’t always easy or handed over. People must put in the work and effort to be successful. Being hungry for success is a way many people would describe themselves; striving to succeed no matter what the cost. Being hungry for success is what it takes to achieve your highest goals. Ritenour staff and students are a good representation of being hungry for success. The outcome of success is a surreal, great feeling to students and staff. At some point we have felt or will feel success. Deep down everyone is hungry for success.

“I am hungry for success. Success means setting a goal and accomplishing it. When I tried out for volleyball this year and made varsity I felt like I really succeeded. It feels really good when I succeed.”

Sophomore Jayda Steele

Freshman Coralis Bobe

Senior Allison Alanis

Junior Daniel Carroll

“Success to me means getting the most out of anything I’m offered by others and by things given to me. In art, I got a scholarship from UMSL for all my hard work. It feels good to succeed. You are being rewarded for all your work and doing things that make not only you proud, but also your family.” “I describe myself as hungry for success because I do whatever it takes to succeed. It doesn’t matter if I have to sacrifice sleep or food. Success means to me that you achieve your goals throughout all the hardships you have to deal with. I felt like I really succeeded when I was working really hard to make this plane fly and it did, it actually flew the farthest in the class.

Junior Jeremy Smith

“I am hungry for success. Success means getting your work done and that your grades are good and you aim for goals. I succeeded when I studied for this test for the longest time and I got a great grade on it. It feels good when I succeed, it makes me feel like I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing. “I would most definitely describe myself as hungry for success. Success means setting goals for yourself and then working hard to accomplish them. I felt like I succeeded when my robotics team made it to state last year in the FTC competition. It feels like the best feeling ever when I succeed.” “I would describe myself as hungry for success. Success to me means to be educated and achieving goals that you set for yourself. I felt like I really succeeded when I got my first 4.0 my sophomore year. It feels amazing when I succeed, I feel alive.”

Senior Michael Savage Spread by: Leia Boyd

Keys to avoid overeating The holidays are a time when many people inadvertently overeat, but there are some tricks to staying healthy

them. “Typically when you think about the holidays, you think of it being a time that you’re going to spend with friends and family and there’s a lot more get-togethers and things like that,” Family and Consumer Science teacher Pamela Capp said. “People are making cookies and different things, so they are more likely to be together One of the reasons that people overeat during the holidays is accessiblity to food. One trick to not reaching out for unwanted and eat together,: The saying, food is to eat before any holiday party. Photo by: Morgan “Stressed spelled Diamond backwards is ‘desserts’” actually By: Cheynne Harris has some science behind it. The Staff Reporter University of Konstanz, in Germany, did a study that resulted in patients Overeating during the having a tendency to reach for food holidays is a common thing, for the when stressed and under great sheer reason that there is more food pressure. to consume, more events, and the After becoming relaxed and pressure of being around more people. calmed they no longer continued to Stress can eat away at the joy reach for more, even though the same of the holiday. Stress levels can make foods were provided and they were people crave fatty, sugary foods. Stress given the same amount of access to the also weakens people’s ability to make foods. good choices regarding food, even “Even if you’re not super though eating more had never come hungry, if there’s food around, you across that person’s mind, according want to celebrate,” Capp said. to Dr. Susan Albers, a clinical Over indulgence is something psychologist who specializes in eating that can take many victims over the disorders. holidays. The unconscious eating may “If it’s out there in front of you, be a result of the fact that everywhere you tend to want to serve seconds and people look, there is a delicious holiday take thirds,” Family and Consumer dessert or tasty snack staring back at Science teacher Janet Knese said.


Gaining weight is another common holiday “treat”. Holidays can bring a five to twenty pound weight gain. Because of people being sedentary during the holidays, they do not burn off the extra fats and calories they consume. A goal for a lot of people after the eating feast is to lose the weight they have gained. “The holidays give me a break from sports, so I eat, and eat, and eat. Then when I come back I lose the weight,” senior Alex Peterson said. There are several ways to avoid holiday overeating. “The key is to continue with original exercise or workout schedule during the holidays and incorporate strategies that with help us not get caught in the cycle of feeling guilty because we ate too much,” Health teacher Robert Mitchell says. Another way for people to avoid overeating is to eat before the holiday party/meal, to ensure that they are not going to parties with an empty stomach and just reaching for anything that is around them. People also need to find a distraction from food. There are usually many opportunities to stay occupied at an event, like interacting with children or pets, playing games, and talking to people. By participating and being very active in conversations, there are ways to help keep people distracted from food and high emotions about being around a lot of people. Plan for people who are going to try to give out seconds and thirds, food-pushers. “Get out and move, even if you’re at home, stay off the couch, Just enjoy an active family time,” Knese said.

New Ritenour club is sign of the times The American Sign Language Club is formed with the help of one student and teacher, and the group wants to help educate the school of a foreign language to people around the school. It will help them to communicate with the deaf and hard of hearing,” Tolley said. Blake’s relationship with Tolley was not the only reason he chose to become involved as the sponsor of the club. He believes that any time new clubs like this can form at the school, the entire school can become a better place. “I think anytime awareness happens, there is improvement. And I think as Interpreter Lynn Matthews signs for one of her students in Kevin Daniels’ math class. Matthews more students become aware of their surroundings and the is happy to see the Sign Language Club form. Photo by: Sean Baker differences that we have here at Ritenour, I think that they’ll By: Alicia Watson find an understanding that perhaps Staff Reporter there’s a need out there to start learning sign language so that they A new club has recently joined can communicate with all the students Ritenour’s student life, and every here,” Blake said. Wednesday after school, students who The club can even help those are interested gather to discuss the who plan on having a career in being matter of sign language. an aid to those who are deaf or hard The American Sign Language at hearing. Interpreter Lynn Matthews Club has been introduced to Ritenour discovered her desire for this career by teacher Patrick Blake, who was path in an interesting way. inspired by one of his former students. “Sarah Tolley was the inspiration for the club. Since I became interested in it, she approached me and asked if I would be the sponsor for that club,” Blake said. The club is for students who are interested in learning how to communicate with those who are hearing impaired. “It will improve people learning about sign language. It is part

“My girlfriend’s parents were deaf growing up, so I knew a little bit of sign language, and her husband was deaf. It was not hard because I enjoyed it. The reason I wanted to be an interpreter was because I did not like my girlfriend having to interpret everything I said to everybody. I wanted to be able to talk to them myself,” Matthews said. While the number of students who have gotten involved in this club are not at the levels that the group ultimately hopes for, Blake sees a positive future for this club as it continues to grow. “I would like to see it much larger, we only have a few participants right now, but I would like to see that it goes beyond just being a club, and possibly being a class that can be offered here at Ritenour,” Blake said.

Pepper Box staff members show off the letters A, B, and C in American Sign Language. Photos by: Sean Baker


Cheerleaders finish 6th at State The cheerleaders finish a successful competitive campaign with a 6th place finish at the State competition in Columbia, MO The team Ritenour’s final position in also showed the State competition changed this off the routine year. The varsity cheerleaders moved to their fans at up three spots from 9th position to Ritenour as a 6th place. That is the highest rank a final tune up Ritenour cheer team has made. before they “I am proud of us because went to the that is the best a Ritenour team has competition. ever gotten. I wanted to make top 5, They performed but I am happy with our position. I at 6:30 p.m. on was nervous because it was my last November 4 for year and I wanted to make a good any fans who impression,” senior Alyssa Johnson wanted to see said. the routine. After the performance, Amaral “Practices was named as an All-State cheerleader. The competitive cheer team had one final practice on November 4 to are different This honor gave her recognition for tune up for the State competition. Photo by: Sidney Lee than state being one of the best cheerleaders in By: Sidney Lee practices. the state of Missouri. Online Editor Regular practices are learning what we “To be able to make the Allneed to learn for the year. For State, State team, when there were so many Ritenour’s competitive we have to get it choreographed. It’s teams there is amazing. I was the only cheerleading team qualified for the different each time, and we have to get on Ritenour who made it, and hearing state competition and went to the it down,” senior Ariel Hayes said. my name it felt really cool,” Amaral University of Missouri on November Hayes has participated in said. “I was expecting to hear one of 7th, 2015, where they took 6th place in State competition in the past, and my teammates’ names, and then they the competition. understood the importance of their said Lindsay, and I was just shocked.” Although they ultimately finish this year compared to previous secured a high finish, the team was teams. nervous before their routine began. “I’ve been cheering for nine “I was sitting in the football years, so I felt tunnel waiting for our turn on the mat pretty good going The cheer team poses for a team photo during their time in and I heard the other team’s music. into State. I love Columbia, MO. Photo courtesy: Danielle Swallow I was just imagining how good they performing. I do were doing, and it was just more nerve get nervous a little racking,” senior Lindsay Amaral said. bit right before, The cheerleaders who but once I hear the participate in the State Competition music start I am did a lot of preparation to get ready for fine,” Hayes said. this event. The cheerleaders gave up “I am shocked we more time of their summer vacation actually got 6th in and after school time during the the competition. fall to practice on the routine. Long We got 9th all the hours and more effort are put into the other years.” routine for the State Competition.


The demographics of sports Ritenour athletes demonstrate a national trend that sees students of similar backgrounds choosing specific sports Allison Baker News Editor Ritenour is well known throughout St. Louis County for its diversity, but many athletic teams do not necessarily reflect that. Sports like basketball and football have rosters filled with a majority of black players, while sports like girls soccer, softball, and baseball mostly have white players on varsity teams. While it may be unintentional, these facts show that Ritenour students are potentially self-segregating in terms of athletics. Assistant basketball coach George Lee thinks that players choose sports based on culture, and that might steer students to certain sports and away from others. “I feel like your culture determines what kind of sports you play. I don’t think there is a reason why they don’t go out, but I think they’re interested,” Lee said. While athletes at Ritenour do demonstrate these differences in playing different sports, they are just demonstrating a national trend that seems to be occurring at the professional level. In the NFL, 31% of the athletes are white and 63% of them are black. There are even racial breakdowns in the league by position. 84% of all wide receivers are black, but 82% of the quarterbacks are White. In Major League Baseball, 64% of the players are white, 27% are Latino and only 8% are black. The league has actually put programs in place to recruit more black players after seeing a steep decline in recent years. In the NBA, 78% of the players are black and 17% are white.

While these statistics show that athletes of certain races gravitate towards specific sports, there might be more to the story. Drew Schwartz of Gateway2Change was instrumental in bringing the Race Summit to the St. Louis area the last two years, including two held at Ritenour in late October. He has been speaking to students about issues involving race, and believes there are other factors at play when students choose sports. “I believe that access and awareness play a role. I had the good fortune to coach Freshman baseball at McCluer High School about 10 years ago and we had a number of extremely talented athletes who had never picked up a baseball before high school. If they were afforded the opportunity to cultivate their talents at a younger age, many of these young men would have thrived even more,” Schwarz said. Schwartz also believes that stereotypes within sports may limit athletes from trying a different athletic pursuit. “I think that these stereotypes can potentially close doors for young, talented student athletes who might want to try other sports as well,” Schwartz said. “Sports have the potential to teach young women and men a lot about life.” Ritenour athletes cited a variety of reasons for playing specific sports, and many of them did not think that race was a factor. Junior Madison Stiebel plays on three varsity teams that all have different racial breakdowns. Stiebel runs Cross Country in the fall, on a team that is racially diverse. She then plays basketball in the winter, where she is one of two white players in the program, and finally plays soccer in the spring on a team that consists of

mostly white athletes. “It’s the same being on a team no matter what races are playing, I mean, I make connections with people, so it does not feel any different. I feel like I am part of the team,” Stiebel said. Sophomore Maurice Lewis plays on the boys soccer team, which is racially diverse, but he does believe that he acts differently around the soccer team than when he played other sports growing up. “I act differently towards the basketball team than I do with my soccer team. I can’t really explain it, but I do,” Lewis said. Senior Gibran Torres also plays on the soccer team. Since soccer is more recognized as a global game, he believes that the sports and activities people engage in have something to do with cultural background. “Playing a sport or joining any activity probably has a lot to do with the people you grew up around and the area you grew up in,” Torres said. The Gateway2Change initiative is focused on empowering students to know that the world is theirs to create, and to afford students with the opportunity to interact with, learn from and befriend students of different backgrounds throughout the region. While athletic stereotypes do exist, and racial demographics change over time within sports, that message can be applied to athletic fields as much as in the classroom. “As a community, I believe that we all ‘win’ when our young men and women are provided with constructive outlets to play together, learn together and thrive together on and off the field of play,” Schwartz said.


Powder Puff reaches third date of the school year After being postponed twice due to weather conditions, the game will be played on November 30 and won against show up ready to work,” said Keys. the seniors for the The original date of the first time in the game was November 11, but it had past four years. to be postponed because of potential “We are tornadic activity. It then got pushed definitely going to November 16, but the consistent to win because drizzle and periodic downpour of rain we have more rendered the field unplayable. experience and Coaches are expecting the best of course because for their teams and some were even we’re seniors!” refusing to comment regarding their senior Kyonna team’s strength; afraid that they would Coleman said. reveal too much. Both teams “I honestly think we will win, have some secret because we have more athleticism and The class of 2016 is looking for their second consecutive victory weapons under my girls are more experienced, and after beating the seniors last year. This was their celebration last their belt to during practice they continue to learn year. Photo courtesy: Kayla Hurd help them win and work,” junior Powder Puff coach this year’s game. Robyion Hughes said. By: Bri Mays Although the seniors are oozing with Assuming the weather holds Staff Editor confidence, the juniors are packing up, the annual Powderpuff game will some key skills that might help beat take place on Monday, November The annual student-run the seniors. 30. It costs $2 for students and $4 for Powder Puff Game is just days “We have a lot of strong and adults. The money from the event will away, and the players, coaches, and fast people, so our defensive line is be used in a fundraiser for the junior cheerleaders are excited to see its very nice.” junior Haliee Keys said. class. outcome. Practice for the two teams has According to a few of the not just been all fun and male cheerleaders, the halftime show games, the players come is something that fans will not want to ready to work as soon as miss. practice starts. Since the “I’m excited about halftime, game has already been we have a lot in store, you won’t want postponed twice, there to miss it,” senior Darryl Burkes said. have been even more The two male cheerleading practices than players teams have practiced their routine for have in the past. the halftime show, which will feature “We are well a dance and a cheer only available for organized and we get a the seniors. lot of stuff done, we’re Coming into the Powder Puff really committed, even season the seniors are confident and at the weekend practices planning to win again. Last year, the we have a lot of girls The junior class wore their uniforms to school on one of then juniors broke their losing streak


the dates when the game was supposed to happen. It has been postponed twice due to weather, and will be played on November 30. Photo courtesy: Victoria Radazo

Winter Sports Previews WRESTLING Head Coach: Conye Ausar Last Year’s Record: 5-9 in dual meets Season Expectations-Win Big XII Conference, Win 80% of our dual meets, Place in the top five in all tournaments we enter, Take six wrestlers to Columbia, Missouri, for the Missouri Wrestling Championships, and have three or more wrestlers medal. Key Returning Wrestlers: Austin Cornell 10th, Brian Chrun 11th, Alex Peterson 12th, Ryan Howerton 10th, Jordan Hardie 12th, Brendan McCauley 12th, Daniel Carroll 11th, and Robert Carter 12th Key Newcomers: RJ Sagum will be starting at varsity 106 as a freshman. Carlos Sophomore Ryan Howerton wrestles in a Pacheco, Nathanael Mendez, Nick Huston, and Divine Adelman meet last season. Photo courtesy: Jacquie Parker-Gleghorn



Head Coach: Mike Nelke Last Year’s Record: 16-10 Season Expectations: We would like to see if we can compete for a conference championship, we would like to improve on our 16 win season last year. Key Returning Players: SR Fermin Jeff, JR Robyion Hughes, JR Carl Garmon Senior Fermin Jeff surveys the floor Key Newcomers: SO Nicolas against Summit last year. Photo Williams, SO Kobe Smith, SO Senior Jordyne Frost courtesy: Brittany Mixon Jonathan Bishop drives against Hazelwood Central last year. Photo courtesy: Kelsey Hunn

GIRLS SWIMMING Head Coach: Andrea Rivera Last Year’s Record: 4-11 Season Expectations: Right now we are a small team in a tough conference. Our goal for the year is “Make your best, better.” Personal bests are always encouraged, but when opponent’s numbers are twice as big, it makes it even more of a focus. Key Returning Swimmers: Alejandra Romer, Lauren Jacobsen, Emma Steibel, Samantha Pullen, Grace Biesterfeld, Izzy Clark Senior Alejandra Romer competes in a Key Newcomers: Caroline West, Lexy Alanis, and swim meet last season. Photo courteLeanna Morales sy: Ashley Meyer

Head Coach: Ron Steinschriber Last Year’s Record: 7-17 Expectations: We should show improvement from last season. We had a great offseason and saw growth from players at all levels. Varsity returns 3 starters from last year, and although we are still fairly young, we return a lot of varsity experience. Key Returning Players: SR Leslie Brooks, SR Belle Foreman, SR Jordyne Frost, SO Dannie Millett, SO Alexis Ramey Key Newcomers: JR Atihrra Finerson, SO Rosalind Johnston, SO Michaela Reed, JR Maddie Stiebel, JR Ashley Wright


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